Rural and Regional Adjustment (Variation of Wheelchair Accessible Taxi Grants Scheme) Amendment Regulation 2024

Queensland Crest

1Short title

This regulation may be cited as the Rural and Regional Adjustment (Variation of Wheelchair Accessible Taxi Grants Scheme) Amendment Regulation 2024.

2Regulation amended

This regulation amends the Rural and Regional Adjustment Regulation 2011.

3Insertion of new pt 4, div 21

Part 4—


Division 21 Transitional provision for Rural and Regional Adjustment (Variation of Wheelchair Accessible Taxi Grants Scheme) Amendment Regulation 2024

31Existing applications for assistance

(1)This section applies to an application for assistance under the scheme set out in schedule 15 made, but not decided, before the commencement.
(2)Schedule 15, as amended by the Rural and Regional Adjustment (Variation of Wheelchair Accessible Taxi Grants Scheme) Amendment Regulation 2024, applies in relation to the application.

4Amendment of sch 15, s 1 (Objectives of scheme)

Schedule 15, section 1(2), from ‘replacing’—
omit, insert—

acquiring new wheelchair accessible taxis.

5Amendment of sch 15, s 5 (Meaning of eligible replaceable taxi)

(1)Schedule 15, section 5(2)—
omit, insert—
(2)A conventional taxi is an eligible replaceable taxi if—
(a)the taxi is the motor vehicle stated in a taxi service licence for an eligible taxi service area; and
(b)the holder or lessee of the licence has asked, or intends to ask, the chief executive (transport) to—
(i)change the vehicle stated in the licence to be a new wheelchair accessible taxi acquired by the holder or lessee; and
(ii)add a wheelchair accessible taxi condition for the licence.
(2)Schedule 15, section 5(4)—
conventional taxi means a taxi that is not a wheelchair accessible taxi.

6Omission of sch 15, s 7 (Scheme may operate in rounds)

Schedule 15, section 7—

7Amendment of sch 15, s 9 (Eligibility criteria—assistance to acquire new wheelchair accessible taxi)

Schedule 15, section 9(2)(b), ‘replacement’—
omit, insert—


8Amendment of sch 15, s 10 (Amount and payment of assistance)

Schedule 15, section 10(1)(b), ‘$45,000’—
omit, insert—


9Amendment of sch 15, s 12 (Additional conditions of purchase assistance)

Schedule 15, section 12(5)(c)—
omit, insert—
(c)the licence continues to state, or has been amended to add, a wheelchair accessible taxi condition.

10Amendment of sch 15, s 13 (Applications)

(1)Schedule 15, section 13(1)(a)—
omit, insert—
(a)given to the authority no later than 30 June 2025; and
(2)Schedule 15, section 13(2)—
(3)Schedule 15, section 13(3)—
renumber as schedule 15, section 13(2).

11Omission of sch 15, s 15 (Priority of consideration of applications)

Schedule 15, section 15—