Domestic and Family Violence Protection Regulation 2012 No. 158

Effective Date Publication Date Amendments Included Notes
17 September 2012 09 February 2017
25 November 2017 21 July 2023 2017 SL No. 1852017 SL No. 227

Domestic and Family Violence Protection Regulation 2012 SL No. 158

Made by the Governor in Council on 13 September 2012

notfd gaz 14 September 2012 pp 65–6

ss 1–2 commenced on date of notification

remaining provisions commenced 17 September 2012 (see s 2)

rep 21 July 2023 (2023 SL No. 87 s 6)

[prev exp 1 September 2023 (see SIA s 54)]

Domestic and Family Violence Protection (Interstate and Foreign Orders) Amendment Regulation 2017 SL No. 185

notfd 08 September 2017

ss 34 comm 25 November 2017 (see s 2)

Domestic and Family Violence Protection (Interstate and Foreign Orders) Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2017 SL No. 227

notfd 17 November 2017

ss 3–5 comm 25 November 2017 immediately after the commencement of the Domestic and Family Violence Protection (Interstate and Foreign Orders) Amendment Regulation 2017

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s 4 sub 2017 SL No. 185 s 4

amd 2017 SL No. 227 s 4

s 5 sub 2017 SL No. 185 s 4

amd 2017 SL No. 227 s 5

s 6 ins 2017 SL No. 185 s 4

Domestic and Family Violence Protection Regulation 2012