Private Health Facilities (Standards) Notice 2000

Queensland Crest
Private Health Facilities (Standards) Notice 2000

1Short title

This notice may be cited as the Private Health Facilities (Standards) Notice 2000.

2Making standards

The documents mentioned in the schedule have been made as standards under section 12 of the Act.


s 3 om 2001 SL No. 220s 3

4Where copies of standards etc. are available for inspection

Copies of the standards and the provisions of any document applied, adopted or incorporated by the standards are available for inspection, without charge, during normal business hours at the office of the chief health officer.

Schedule Standards

section 2

1Continuous quality improvement standard (version 2)
2Credentials and clinical privileges standard (version 3)
3Ethics standard
4Infection control standard (version 2)
5Information management standard (version 3)
6Management and staffing standard (version 5)
7Minimum patient throughput standard (version 4)
8Patient care standard (version 4)
9Physical environment standard (version 4)
10Specialty health services standard (version 4)

sch amd 2001 SL No. 220 s 4

sub 2003 SL No. 36 s 3

amd 2004 SL No. 226 s 3; 2006 SL No. 273 s 3; 2010 SL No. 275 s 3; 2014 SL No. 84 s 3; 2015 SL No. 38 s 3