Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Regulation 2020

Queensland Crest
Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Regulation 2020

Part 1 Preliminary

1Short title

This regulation may be cited as the Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Regulation 2020.


This regulation commences on 1 January 2021.

Part 2 Returns and classification level

3Information for return—Act, s 65

For section 65(3)(d) of the Act, the following information is prescribed—
(a)for a registered worker—the registration number entered for the worker in the register of workers;
(b)for a worker other than a registered worker—
(i)the worker’s name, date of birth, and residential address; and
(ii)the worker’s email address and mobile phone number, if any; and
(iii)the type of community service work performed by the worker for the entity giving the return.

4Classification level—Act, s 71

For section 71 of the Act, definition classification level, paragraph (b), the classification level prescribed for a worker who is not engaged under an industrial instrument is ‘Social and community services employee level 4—pay point 4’ under the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010, made under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth).

5Return period—Act, sch 2

For schedule 2 of the Act, definition return period, each of the following periods is prescribed to be a return period—
(a)1 January to 31 March of each year;
(b)1 April to 30 June of each year;
(c)1 July to 30 September of each year;
(d)1 October to 31 December of each year.

Part 3 Levies

6Amount of levy—Act, s 85

For section 85 of the Act, the percentage prescribed is 1.35%.

7Interest rate—Act, s 88

For section 88(1) of the Act, the rate equal to the rate prescribed for unpaid tax interest under the Taxation Administration Act 2001 is prescribed.


See the Taxation Administration Regulation 2022, section 6(1).

s 7 sub 2024 SL No. 162 s 28