Major Sports Facilities Regulation 2014

Queensland Crest
Major Sports Facilities Regulation 2014

1Short title

This regulation may be cited as the Major Sports Facilities Regulation 2014.


This regulation commences on 31 July 2014.

3Declaration of major sports facility—Act, s 4

For section 4 of the Act, the facilities mentioned in column 1 of schedule 1 are facilities declared to be major sports facilities.

4Minimum crowd size prescribed for major sport events—Act, s 30AL

For section 30AL of the Act, definition major sport event, the number prescribed is 45,000.

s 4 amd 2024 SL No. 170 s 3

5Prescribed special events

(1)This section applies to special events at the major sports facility called Brisbane Stadium (Lang Park).
(2)For section 30A(1) of the Act, a special event that is a major concert is prescribed if—
(a)the event is only up to the twelfth major concert, and no more, for a calendar year; and
(b)the event is not a sporting event; and
(c)the event is approved by the Minister.
(3)For section 30A(1) of the Act, a special event that is a religious event is prescribed if—
(a)the event is the only religious event in a calendar year; and
(b)the event is not a sporting event; and
(c)the event is approved by the Minister.
(4)For section 30A(3) of the Act, the conditions stated in schedule 2 apply to the use of the facility for the special event.

s 5 amd 2015 SL No. 126 s 4; 2017 SL No. 50 s 3; 2022 SL No. 189 s 3; 2024 SL No. 170 s 4

5APrescribed events—Act, s 30D

For section 30D of the Act, definition prescribed event, a prescribed event is a major sports facility event—
(a)for which entry tickets are issued; and
(b)that is organised, scheduled or endorsed by a national or international body stated in schedule 3, column 1; and
(c)that is held at a major sports facility stated opposite the body in schedule 3, column 2.

s 5A ins 2017 SL No. 50 s 4


The Major Sports Facilities Regulation 2002, SL No. 130 is repealed.

Schedule 1 Major sports facilities

section 3

Column 1

Column 2

Brisbane Cricket Ground

828 Stanley Street, Woolloongabba 4102

Brisbane Entertainment Centre

222 Stanworth Road, Boondall 4034

Brisbane Stadium (Lang Park)

40 Castlemaine Street, Milton 4064

Carrara Stadium

338 Nerang-Broadbeach Road, Carrara 4211

North Queensland Stadium

2 Pride Close, Railway Estate 4810

Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre

590 Mains Road, Nathan 4111

Queensland Tennis Centre

190 King Arthur Terrace, Tennyson 4105

Robina Stadium

22 Stadium Drive, Robina 4226

Sleeman Sports Complex

1699 Old Cleveland Road, Chandler 4155

sch 1 amd 2017 SL No. 50 s 5; 2019 SL No. 253 s 4; 2022 SL No. 156 s 3

sub 2024 SL No. 170 s 5

Schedule 2 Conditions for special events at Brisbane Stadium (Lang Park)

section 5(4)


In this schedule—
operator means the person who manages the facility for the Authority.

2Transport management plan

(1)Before the event begins, the Authority must ensure that the operator has prepared, and given to the chief executive, a transport management plan that states the operational transport management actions required for the event.
(2)The transport management plan must include the following—
(a)a car parking scheme to prevent intrusion by event-generated car parking in the area around the facility;
(b)a communications strategy;
(c)details of road and street closures;
(d)details of train, bus, and coach services;
(e)coach, taxi, limousine and private vehicle parking and set-down areas;
(f)pedestrian and traffic controls;
(g)emergency services;
(h)access, parking, loading and unloading of trucks and semitrailers;
(i)parking arrangements for the set-up of the event;
(j)promotion, including, if relevant, a combined ticketing system for public transport and event entry;
(k)access for disabled persons.
(3)The operator must give a copy of the proposed transport management plan for comment to—
(a)the transport coordination group for the facility; and
(b)the stadium management advisory committee for the facility.
(4)The operator must arrange for the regulation of the traffic area around the facility to be carried out by the Brisbane City Council under its relevant local law.

3Operational management plan

(1)Before the event begins, the Authority must ensure that the operator has prepared, and given to the chief executive, an operational management plan.
(2)The operational management plan must—
(a)identify potential adverse impacts of the use of the facility for the event and detail the measures to be adopted to mitigate and manage the identified potential adverse impacts; and
(b)state how the operator intends to address the following—
(i)noise controls, and management measures to be implemented to reduce noise impacts, including crowd noise, noise from public address systems, noise from speakers and amplifiers, building works noise and the starting of long distance coach motors;
(ii)monitoring and reporting background and event noise levels at the locations stated in section 8(1);
(iii)location of police presence on and around the facility;
(iv)emergency and evacuation procedures;
(v)public complaint response and resolution system and procedures; and
(c)state the strategies and actions to appropriately minimise potential adverse impacts from—
(i)rehearsals, sound and light testing, and other ancillary activities; and
(ii)building work, including construction of a stage and any structure for lighting, sound or other equipment associated with the event; and
(iii)entertainment activities associated with the event, including, for example, fireworks, helicopters, blimps and public address systems; and
(d)state the strategies and actions to appropriately manage and control—
(i)crowd behaviour before, during and after the event including, for example, a code of behaviour, evictions and arrests policy, closed circuit television surveillance and a strategy for the sale and use of alcohol; and
(ii)crowd behaviour after the event to ensure it does not adversely affect the amenity of surrounding residential areas or cause a public nuisance; and
(iii)pedestrian and vehicular movements before and after the event; and
(iv)pedestrian use of pedestrian walkways, rather than surrounding residential areas, and public transport; and
(e)state the strategies and actions to appropriately minimise potential adverse impacts on the operation of Christ Church and Rectory and Castlemaine Drain.
(3)A copy of the proposed operational management plan must be given to the stadium management advisory committee for comment.


The operator must ensure that the technical parameters, design, installation, operation and maintenance of field, event and outdoor lighting, for example, strobe lighting, comply with AS 4282-1997 Control of the Obtrusive Effects of Outdoor Lighting.

5Building works

The operator must ensure that—
(a)all building work for the event complies with the Building Regulation 2021; and
(b)there is a stage and seating plan providing for access for an emergency—
(i)that is given to the chief executive; and
(ii)that is complied with at all times.

sch 2 s 5 amd 2021 SL No. 126 s 108

6Operating hours

(1)The operator must ensure that the part of the event that is a rehearsal or a sound test—
(a)only happens between 10:00a.m. and 8:00p.m.; and
(b)if audible beyond the facility—is kept to an absolute minimum, and is not more than 3 hours in total on any day.
(2)The operator must ensure that—
(a)the part of the event other than a rehearsal or a sound test only happens between 10:00a.m. and 10:30p.m.; and
(b)the stadium is closed to the public by 11:30p.m.


(1)The Authority must take all reasonable and practical measures to ensure that occupiers of land who are likely to be significantly impacted by the event, including occupiers of land in the Lang Park Traffic Area, are given at least 20 business days written notice of the event, including for when sound tests and rehearsals are carried out.
(2)The notice must be given by letterbox drop and must state—
(a)the nature of the event; and
(b)the hours of operation for the event; and
(c)the relevant phone number for complaints; and
(d)the transport and parking arrangements for the event.


(1)During the event, including rehearsals and sound tests, the operator must ensure that noise levels from the event are continuously monitored by a suitably qualified acoustical consultant at, or as near as practicable to, the following locations—
(a)8.5 Petrie Terrace, City;
(b)15 Plunkett Street, Paddington;
(c)36 Judge Street, City;
(d)26 Princess Street, City;
(e)31 Isaac Street, Milton.
(2)The operator must ensure the noise level from the event, including rehearsals and sound tests, is equal to or less than at least 1 of the following—
(a)100dB(A) Leq, measured at 15-minute periods, measured at a point 50m directly in front of the front edge of the performance stage;
(b)70dB(A) Leq, measured at 15-minute periods, measured at the locations mentioned in subsection (1).
(3)To remove any doubt, it is declared that the operator complies with subsection (2) even if the level measured is greater than 1 of the levels stated in the subsection.
(4)The operator must ensure the taking of the noise measurements complies with the Queensland Government’s Noise Measurement Manual.

Editor’s note—

The manual is available through .
(5)During the event, including rehearsals and sound tests, the Authority must ensure that 1 of its employees or its agent—
(a)is present at the sound mixing desk for the event and is able to exercise ultimate control on the noise levels from the sound amplification equipment; and
(b)can contact and communicate with all of the acoustical consultants conducting the monitoring of the noise levels from the event.
(6)In this section—
Leq, for a particular period, means the time average A-weighted sound pressure level, within the meaning given by AS 1055, for the period.


(1)The operator must, within 20 business days after the event, give the chief executive a report giving—
(a)details about the event the chief executive reasonably requires; and
(b)a summary of the number, location and type of any complaints received; and
(c)details of any action taken by the Authority regarding any complaints; and
(d)details of any remedial action proposed at future events.
(2)The operator must also, within 20 business days after the event, give the chief executive a report by an accredited acoustical consultant containing the following—
(a)the starting and finishing time of any part of the event, including rehearsals and sound tests;
(b)details of noise measurements taken for the event;
(c)the times and locations, shown on a plan, at which the noise measurements were taken;
(d)details of the equipment and methods used to take the measurements;
(e)other information relevant to the consideration of the noise impact from the event on residents.

sch 2 hdg amd 2017 SL No. 50 s 6

Schedule 3 Prescribed events

section 5A

Column 1
National or international body

Column 2
Major sports facility

Athletics Australia ACN 006 447 294

Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre

Australian Football League ACN 004 155 211

Brisbane Cricket Ground
Carrara Stadium

Australian Rugby League Commission Limited ACN 003 107 293

Brisbane Stadium (Lang Park)
North Queensland Stadium
Robina Stadium

Australian Rugby Union Limited ACN 002 898 544

Brisbane Stadium (Lang Park)
North Queensland Stadium
Robina Stadium

BMX Australia Limited ACN 602 637 472

Sleeman Sports Complex

Cricket Australia ACN 006 089 130

Brisbane Cricket Ground
Carrara Stadium

Cycling Australia Ltd ACN 600 984 576

Sleeman Sports Complex

Football Federation Australia Limited ACN 106 478 068

Brisbane Stadium (Lang Park)
North Queensland Stadium
Robina Stadium

Tennis Australia Limited ACN 006 281 125

Queensland Tennis Centre

sch 3 ins 2017 SL No. 50 s 7

amd 2019 SL No. 101 s 3; 2020 SL No. 23 s 3; 2022 SL No. 156 s 4