(1)This zoning plan may be cited as the Marine Parks (Great Sandy) Zoning Plan 2024.(2)This zoning plan may also be cited as the Great Sandy Marine Park Zoning Plan.
This plan commences on 21 May 2024.
This plan applies to the Great Sandy Marine Park.The application of this plan to native title holders under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth) may be affected by section 211 of that Act.
(1)The dictionary in schedule 6 defines particular words used in this plan.(2)Subject to subsection (1), and unless this plan provides otherwise, terms used in this plan have the meaning given under the Marine Parks Regulation 2017.
5Meaning of anchor a vessel or aircraft
(1)Anchor, a vessel or an aircraft, includes—(a)secure the vessel or aircraft, in any way, to a thing, other than an approved mooring or lawful structure; and(b)ground the vessel or aircraft; and(c)use an anchor and anchor chain or rope in a way that, if attached to the vessel or aircraft, will limit the movement of the vessel or aircraft.(2)In this section—approved mooring means—(a)a mooring installed by the State or with a permission; or(b)a buoy mooring established under the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994.lawful structure means a structure, other than a mooring, built in compliance with the requirements, under any Act, relating to the structure.
6Period for which vessel or aircraft taken to be anchored
(1)This section applies if—(a)a person is authorised under this plan to enter or use a zone to anchor a vessel or an aircraft at a place in the zone for a period; and(b)the person anchors the vessel or aircraft at the place.(2)The person is taken to continue to anchor the vessel or aircraft at the place until the vessel or aircraft is moved and anchored at least 1 nautical mile from the place.
7Measurement of position under plan
(1)In this plan, position is defined by reference to GDA2020.(2)In this section—GDA2020 means the Reference Frame under the National Measurement (Recognized-Value Standard of Measurement of Position) Determination 2017 (Cwlth) as in force on 1 July 2020.
A reference to a particular zone by name is a reference to the zone of that name established under section 12(1) and each area described in schedule 1, any of parts 1 to 4, for the zone.
9References to designated areas by name
A reference to a particular designated area by name is a reference to the designated area of that name established under section 25(1) and each area described in schedule 2, any of parts 1 to 11, for the designated area.
10References to fish habitat areas by name
A reference to a fish habitat area by name is a reference to the declared fish habitat area of that name, under the Fisheries Act 1994, as in effect on the commencement.The declared fish habitat areas are mentioned in the Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019, schedule 3. See schedule 3 of that regulation as it was in force on the commencement.
11Relationship with pts 4 and 6
(1)This section applies if an authorisation or restriction applying to a person under this part is inconsistent with an authorisation or restriction applying to the person under part 4 or 6.(2)The authorisation or restriction under part 4 or 6 prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.
(1)Each of the following zones is established for the marine park—(a)the general use zone;(b)the habitat protection zone;(c)the conservation park zone;(d)the marine national park zone.(2)The zones are listed in subsection (1) in ascending order of the level of protection given to them under this plan.(3)The parts of the marine park comprising each zone are described in schedule 1.(4)If 2 or more zones overlap, the area of the overlap is taken to be in the zone with the highest level of protection under this plan.1To help users of this plan, an indicative map showing all of the zones is available for inspection on the department’s website.2The indicative map is not applied, adopted or incorporated by this plan.
13Objects for general use zone
The objects to be achieved for the general use zone are the objects stated in the Marine Parks Regulation 2017, schedule 1, section 1.
14Entry or use of general use zone without permission
A person may enter or use the general use zone without a permission for any of the following purposes—(a)to carry out a low impact activity not involving fishing or collecting;(b)to carry out any of the following activities relating to fishing or collecting—(i)bait gathering;(ii)crabbing;(iii)limited collecting;(iv)limited spearfishing;(v)line fishing;(vi)netting, including bait netting;(vii)trawling;(viii)trolling;(c)to carry out fishing or collecting for a relevant accredited harvest fishery in compliance with any requirements applying to the accreditation of the fishery;(d)to carry out a traditional use of marine resources that—(i)includes another activity mentioned in this section; or(ii)is carried out under an accredited traditional use of marine resources agreement;(e)to carry out a limited media activity;(f)to carry out limited impact research (extractive) or limited impact research (non-extractive);(g)to conduct a limited educational program;(h)to anchor a vessel or aircraft at a place in the zone for not more than—(i)14 consecutive days; or(ii)30 days in any period of 60 days;See section 6 (Period for which vessel or aircraft taken to be anchored).(i)to navigate a vessel, other than a managed vessel, or an aircraft, if equipment normally used for an activity relating to fishing or collecting is stowed or secured when the vessel or aircraft is in a part of the zone in which the use of the equipment is not authorised under the Act.
15Entry or use of general use zone with permission
(1)A person may enter or use the general use zone with a permission for any of the following purposes—(a)to carry out an activity relating to fishing or collecting, other than an activity mentioned in section 14(b), for—(i)a harvest fishery, other than a relevant accredited harvest fishery; or(ii)a developmental fishery program; or(iii)the collecting of an animal, plant or other marine resource, other than limited collecting;(b)to carry out a traditional use of marine resources, other than a traditional use of marine resources mentioned in section 14(d);(c)to conduct an aquaculture operation, other than an aquaculture operation involving the addition of feed;(d)to conduct a tourism program;(e)to carry out a media activity, other than a limited media activity;(f)to carry out research, other than research mentioned in section 14(f);(g)to conduct an educational program, other than a limited educational program;(h)to conduct a vessel or aircraft charter operation;(i)to anchor a vessel or aircraft at a place in the zone for more than—(i)14 consecutive days; or(ii)30 days in any period of 60 days;See section 6 (Period for which vessel or aircraft taken to be anchored).(j)to navigate a managed vessel;(k)to operate a facility for a purpose that is consistent with the objects to be achieved for the zone;(l)to carry out works consistent with the objects to be achieved for the zone;(m)to carry out a program for taking a plant or animal that poses a threat to—(i)human life or safety; or(ii)a marine ecosystem in the marine park; or(iii)the use or amenity of an area in, or adjacent to, the marine park;(n)to explore for or mine for minerals, if the person is the holder of a lease, licence, permit or other authority under the Mineral Resources Act 1989 that authorises the exploration or mining;(o)to explore for or produce petroleum, if the person—(i)is the holder of a lease, licence or other authority under the Petroleum Act 1923 or the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 that authorises the exploration or production; or(ii)is the holder of a 1923 Act petroleum tenure under the Petroleum Act 1923 that authorises the exploration or production;(p)to carry out geothermal exploration, if the person is the holder of a permit under the Geothermal Energy Act 2010 that authorises the exploration;(q)another purpose, other than a purpose mentioned in section 14, that is consistent with the objects to be achieved for the zone.(2)Subsection (1)(k) does not apply to operating a facility that is a vessel for a purpose mentioned in section 14.
16Objects for habitat protection zone
The objects to be achieved for the habitat protection zone are the objects stated in the Marine Parks Regulation 2017, schedule 1, section 2.
17Entry or use of habitat protection zone without permission
A person may enter or use the habitat protection zone without a permission for any of the following purposes—(a)to carry out a low impact activity not involving fishing or collecting;(b)to carry out any of the following activities relating to fishing or collecting—(i)bait gathering;(ii)crabbing;(iii)limited collecting;(iv)limited spearfishing;(v)line fishing;(vi)netting, including bait netting;(vii)trolling;(c)to carry out fishing or collecting for a relevant accredited harvest fishery in compliance with any requirements applying to the accreditation of the fishery;(d)to carry out a traditional use of marine resources that—(i)includes another activity mentioned in this section; or(ii)is carried out under an accredited traditional use of marine resources agreement;(e)to carry out a limited media activity;(f)to carry out limited impact research (extractive) or limited impact research (non-extractive);(g)to conduct a limited educational program;(h)to anchor a vessel or aircraft at a place in the zone for not more than—(i)14 consecutive days; or(ii)30 days in any period of 60 days;See section 6 (Period for which vessel or aircraft taken to be anchored).(i)to navigate a vessel, other than a ship or managed vessel, or an aircraft, if equipment normally used for an activity relating to fishing or collecting is stowed or secured when the vessel or aircraft is in a part of the zone in which the use of the equipment is not authorised under the Act.
18Entry or use of habitat protection zone with permission
(1)A person may enter or use the habitat protection zone with a permission for any of the following purposes—(a)to carry out an activity relating to fishing or collecting, other than an activity mentioned in section 17(b), for—(i)a harvest fishery, other than a relevant accredited harvest fishery; or(ii)a developmental fishery program; or(iii)the collecting of an animal, plant or other marine resource, other than limited collecting;(b)to carry out a traditional use of marine resources, other than a traditional use of marine resources mentioned in section 17(d);(c)to conduct an aquaculture operation, other than an aquaculture operation involving the addition of feed:(d)to conduct a tourism program;(e)to carry out a media activity, other than a limited media activity;(f)to carry out research, other than research mentioned in section 17(f);(g)to conduct an educational program, other than a limited educational program;(h)to conduct a vessel or aircraft charter operation;(i)to anchor a vessel or aircraft at a place in the zone for more than—(i)14 consecutive days; or(ii)30 days in any period of 60 days;See section 6 (Period for which vessel or aircraft taken to be anchored).(j)to navigate a ship or managed vessel;(k)to operate a facility for a purpose that is consistent with the objects to be achieved for the zone;(l)to carry out works consistent with the objects to be achieved for the zone;(m)to carry out a program for taking a plant or animal that poses a threat to—(i)human life or safety; or(ii)a marine ecosystem in the marine park; or(iii)the use or amenity of an area in, or adjacent to, the marine park;(n)to explore for or mine for minerals, if the person is the holder of a lease, licence, permit or other authority under the Mineral Resources Act 1989 that authorises the exploration or mining;(o)to explore for or produce petroleum, if the person—(i)is the holder of a lease, licence or other authority under the Petroleum Act 1923 or the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 that authorises the exploration or production; or(ii)is the holder of a 1923 Act petroleum tenure under the Petroleum Act 1923 that authorises the exploration or production;(p)to carry out geothermal exploration, if the person is the holder of a permit under the Geothermal Energy Act 2010 that authorises the exploration;(q)another purpose, other than a purpose mentioned in section 17, that is consistent with the objects to be achieved for the zone.(2)Subsection (1)(k) does not apply to operating a facility that is a vessel for a purpose mentioned in section 17.
19Objects for conservation park zone
The objects to be achieved for the conservation park zone are the objects stated in the Marine Parks Regulation 2017, schedule 1, section 4.
20Entry or use of conservation park zone without permission
(1)A person may enter or use the conservation park zone without a permission for any of the following purposes—(a)to carry out a low impact activity not involving fishing or collecting;(b)to carry out any of the following activities relating to fishing or collecting—(i)bait gathering;(ii)bait netting;(iii)limited collecting;(iv)limited crabbing;(v)limited line fishing;(vi)limited spearfishing;(vii)limited trolling;(c)to carry out fishing or collecting for the aquarium fish fishery or the beachworm fishery in compliance with any requirements applying to the accreditation of the fishery as a relevant accredited harvest fishery;(d)to carry out a traditional use of marine resources that—(i)includes another activity mentioned in this section; or(ii)is carried out under an accredited traditional use of marine resources agreement;(e)to carry out a limited media activity;(f)to carry out limited impact research (extractive) or limited impact research (non-extractive);(g)to conduct a limited educational program;(h)to anchor a vessel or aircraft at a place in the zone for not more than—(i)14 consecutive days; or(ii)30 days in any period of 60 days;See section 6 (Period for which vessel or aircraft taken to be anchored).(i)to navigate a vessel, other than a ship or managed vessel, or an aircraft, if equipment normally used for an activity relating to fishing or collecting is stowed or secured when the vessel or aircraft is in a part of the zone in which the use of the equipment is not authorised under the Act.(2)In this section—limited crabbing means crabbing that is carried out using no more than 4 crab pots, dillies or collapsible traps alone or in combination.limited line fishing means fishing using no more than 2 hand-held fishing rods or handlines for each person, with no more than 2 hooks in total for each person.limited trolling means fishing with a line or lines trailed from a vessel that is underway, using no more than 2 lines for each person on the vessel, with no more than 2 hooks in total for each person.
21Entry or use of conservation park zone with permission
(1)A person may enter or use the conservation park zone with a permission for any of the following purposes—(a)to carry out an activity relating to fishing or collecting in the aquarium fish fishery or the beachworm fishery, other than an activity mentioned in section 20(1)(b);(b)to carry out a traditional use of marine resources, other than a traditional use of marine resources mentioned in section 20(1)(d);(c)to conduct an aquaculture operation, other than an aquaculture operation involving the addition of feed:(d)to conduct a tourism program;(e)to carry out a media activity, other than a limited media activity;(f)to carry out research, other than research mentioned in section 20(1)(f);(g)to conduct an educational program, other than a limited education program;(h)to conduct a vessel or aircraft charter operation;(i)to anchor a vessel or aircraft at a place in the zone for more than—(i)14 consecutive days; or(ii)30 days in any period of 60 days;See section 6 (Period for which vessel or aircraft taken to be anchored).(j)to navigate a ship or managed vessel;(k)to operate a facility for a purpose that is consistent with the objects to be achieved for the zone;(l)to carry out works consistent with the objects to be achieved for the zone;(m)to carry out a program for taking a plant or animal that poses a threat to—(i)human life or safety; or(ii)a marine ecosystem in the marine park; or(iii)the use or amenity of an area in, or adjacent to, the marine park;(n)another purpose, other than a purpose mentioned in section 20, that is consistent with the objects to be achieved for the zone.(2)Subsection (1)(k) does not apply to operating a facility that is a vessel for a purpose mentioned in section 20.
22Objects for marine national park zone
The objects to be achieved for the marine national park zone are the objects stated in the Marine Parks Regulation 2017, schedule 1, section 7.
23Entry or use of marine national park zone without permission
A person may enter or use the marine national park zone without a permission for any of the following purposes—(a)to carry out a low impact activity not involving fishing or collecting;(b)to carry out a traditional use of marine resources that—(i)includes another activity mentioned in this section; or(ii)is carried out under an accredited traditional use of marine resources agreement;(c)to carry out a limited media activity;(d)to carry out limited impact research (non-extractive);(e)to conduct a limited educational program;(f)to anchor a vessel or aircraft at a place in the zone for not more than—(i)14 consecutive days; or(ii)30 days in any period of 60 days;See section 6 (Period for which vessel or aircraft taken to be anchored).(g)to navigate a vessel, other than a ship or managed vessel, or aircraft, if equipment normally used for an activity relating to fishing or collecting is stowed or secured when the vessel or aircraft is in a part of the zone in which the use of the equipment is not authorised under the Act.
24Entry or use of marine national park zone with permission
(1)A person may enter or use the marine national park zone with a permission for any of the following purposes—(a)to carry out a traditional use of marine resources, other than a traditional use of marine resources mentioned in section 23(b);(b)to conduct a tourism program;(c)to carry out a media activity, other than a limited media activity;(d)to carry out research, other than research mentioned in section 23(d), that the chief executive considers—(i)is relevant to, and a priority for, the management of the marine park; or(ii)can not reasonably be carried out elsewhere;(e)to conduct a vessel or aircraft charter operation;(f)to anchor a vessel or aircraft at a place in the zone for more than—(i)14 consecutive days; or(ii)30 days in any period of 60 days;See section 6 (Period for which vessel or aircraft taken to be anchored).(g)to navigate a ship or managed vessel;(h)to operate a facility for a purpose that is consistent with the objects to be achieved for the zone;(i)to carry out works consistent with the objects to be achieved for the zone;(j)to carry out a program for taking a plant or animal that poses a threat to—(i)human life or safety; or(ii)a marine ecosystem in the marine park; or(iii)the use or amenity of an area in, or adjacent to, the marine park;(k)another purpose, other than a purpose mentioned in section 23, that is consistent with the objects to be achieved for the zone.(2)Subsection (1)(h) does not apply to operating a facility that is a vessel for a purpose mentioned in section 23.
25Establishment of designated areas
(1)Each of the following areas of the marine park is established as a designated area for special management—(a)ex-HMAS Tobruk area;(b)fish trap area;(c)go slow area for natural and cultural resources;(d)go slow area for turtles and dugongs;(e)grey nurse shark area;(f)Mon Repos area;(g)no-anchoring area;(h)no-motorised vessel area;(i)Platypus Bay area;(j)seasonal shorebird closure area;(k)turtle protection area.(2)The parts of the marine park comprising each designated area are described in schedule 2.(3)A designated area may be in 1 or more zones.1To help users of this plan, an indicative map showing the designated areas is available for inspection on the department’s website.2The indicative map is not applied, adopted or incorporated by this plan.
26Relationship between restrictions for designated areas and restrictions for zones
A restriction under this part for entering or using a designated area in a zone applies in addition to any restrictions under this plan for entering or using the zone.
27Granting permission to enter or use zone in which designated area is situated
(1)This section applies if—(a)a person applies for a permission to enter or use a zone; and(b)a designated area or a part of a designated area is in the zone.(2)If the entry or use would be inconsistent with the objects to be achieved for the designated area, the chief executive must not grant the permission for that part of the zone in which the designated area or a part of a designated area is situated.See generally the Marine Parks Regulation 2017, part 3 for matters the chief executive must and may have regard to in considering an application for a permission.(3)This section applies in relation to a designated area mentioned in any of divisions 3 to 12 subject to any requirements for entering or using the designated area under the relevant division.
28Consultation with chief executive about entering or using designated area
A public entity exercising statutory powers in a designated area must consult with the chief executive about any proposal or action relating to entering or using the area that may not be consistent with the objects to be achieved for the area mentioned in this part.
29Objects for ex-HMAS Tobruk area
The objects to be achieved for the ex-HMAS Tobruk area are—(a)to manage and maintain the wreck of the ex-HMAS Tobruk; and(b)to provide safe opportunities to appreciate, understand and enjoy the area; and(c)to minimise damage, disturbance or any other interference to the wreck of the ex-HMAS Tobruk; and(d)to minimise harm or distress caused directly or indirectly to living organisms in the area by human activities; and(e)to minimise disturbance to natural resources and cultural resources in the area.
30Authorisation to enter or use zone in which ex-HMAS Tobruk area is situated
(1)This section applies in relation to that part of a zone in which the ex-HMAS Tobruk area is situated if a person applies under the Marine Parks Regulation 2017 for—(a)a permission to enter or use the zone; or(b)a commercial activity agreement to conduct a commercial activity in the zone.(2)The chief executive may grant the permission only for—(a)carrying out research the chief executive considers—(i)is relevant to, and is a priority for, the management of the ex-HMAS Tobruk area; and(ii)can not reasonably be conducted elsewhere; or(b)carrying out diving or snorkelling or a related activity; or(c)carrying out another activity the chief executive considers would be beneficial to the natural resources and cultural resources of the ex-HMAS Tobruk area.(3)The chief executive may negotiate the signing of the commercial activity agreement only if the commercial activity relates to an activity mentioned in subsection (2)(b) or (c).
31Entry or use of ex-HMAS Tobruk area
(1)A person must not, without an authorisation under a commercial activity agreement or a permission, enter or use the ex-HMAS Tobruk area, unless the person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—80 penalty units.
(2)A person must not interfere with the wreck of the ex-HMAS Tobruk unless—(a)a permission has been granted for carrying out research mentioned in section 30(2)(a) and the interference is authorised under the permission; or(b)the person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(3)In this section—interfere with, a wreck, includes expose, disturb, deface, damage, move, remove and destroy, the wreck or a part of the wreck.
(1)The objects to be achieved for the fish trap area are—(a)to protect cultural resources from damage caused by anchoring; and(b)to protect cultural resources and inert marine resources in the area from damage or modification, including, for example, damage or modification caused by excavation; and(c)to prevent the removal of cultural resources and inert marine resources from the area.(2)In this section—inert marine resources means marine resources other than plants or animals.
33Restrictions on using fish trap area
(1)A person must not, without a permission do any of the following in the fish trap area—(a)anchor a vessel or aircraft;(b)damage, excavate or modify cultural resources or inert marine resources in the fish trap area;(c)remove cultural resources or inert marine resources from the fish trap area.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a traditional owner for the fish trap area.(3)In this section—inert marine resources see section 32(2).
The chief executive may publish a map (a transit lane map) on the department’s website showing the location and boundary of an area (a transit lane) in which a vessel may be navigated in a designated area mentioned in this division.
35Objects for go slow area for natural and cultural resources
The objects to be achieved for the go slow area for natural and cultural resources are—(a)to help protect the natural resources and cultural resources of the area from damage, including, for example, damage caused by the navigation of vessels; and(b)to provide opportunities to appreciate, and create awareness and understanding of, the natural resources and cultural resources of the area.
36Navigating vessel in go slow area for natural and cultural resources
(1)A person must not do any of the following in the go slow area for natural and cultural resources—(a)navigate a vessel in a planing or non-displacement mode;(b)navigate a vessel for a motorised water sport;(c)navigate a vessel at a speed greater than 6 knots.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(2)However, subsection (1) does not apply in relation to navigating a vessel in a navigation channel or transit lane in the designated area.
37Objects for go slow area for turtles and dugongs
The objects to be achieved for the go slow area for turtles and dugongs are—(a)to protect turtles and dugong; and(b)to protect the habitat of turtles and dugong; and(c)to minimise the harm or distress to, and the number of deaths of, turtles and dugong caused, directly or indirectly, by human activity, including, for example, the navigating of vessels.
38Navigating vessel in go slow area for turtles and dugongs
(1)A person must not do any of the following in the go slow area for turtles and dugongs—(a)navigate a vessel in a planing or non-displacement mode;(b)navigate a vessel for a motorised water sport;(c)navigate a vessel at a speed greater than 6 knots.Maximum penalty—120 penalty units.
(2)However, subsection (1) does not apply in relation to navigating a vessel in—(a)a navigation channel or transit lane in the designated area; or(b)the GSA02–Woongarra area from 1 May to 14 October.(3)Also, subsection (1) does not apply to a person navigating a vessel under a permission authorising activities related to surf lifesaving in the GSA02–Woongarra area from 15 October of a year to 30 April of the next year.(4)In this section—GSA02–Woongarra area means the area described in schedule 2, section 6.
In this division—dive club means an entity that organises or facilitates diving activities for members, guests or visitors.diver, associated with a dive club, means a member, guest or visitor of the club.
40Meaning of area restrictions for grey nurse shark area
The area restrictions for the grey nurse shark area are—(a)the restrictions on diving activities applying in the area under any of the following—(i)this division;(ii)a restricted access area notice;(iii)a prohibited area notice; and(b)the restriction mentioned in section 23(a).
41Objects for grey nurse shark area
The objects to be achieved for the grey nurse shark area are—(a)to protect grey nurse sharks; and(b)to protect the habitat of grey nurse sharks; and(c)to minimise harm or distress to grey nurse sharks caused, directly or indirectly, by human activities, including, for example, diving; and(d)to allow research that is relevant to, and a priority for, the area.
42Authorising diving activities at night
(1)This section applies in relation to that part of a zone in which the grey nurse shark area is situated if a person applies under the Marine Parks Regulation 2017 for a permission to enter or use the zone for conducting diving activities between 6p.m. and 6a.m.(2)The chief executive may grant the permission only if the chief executive considers—(a)the diving activities are necessary to carry out research that is relevant to, and a priority for, the management of the grey nurse shark area; and(b)the research can not reasonably be conducted elsewhere.
43General restrictions on entering or using grey nurse shark area
(1)A person must not dive between 6p.m. and 6a.m. in the grey nurse shark area unless—(a)the person is authorised to dive in the area during that period under a permission mentioned in section 42; or(b)the person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(2)A person must not carry out any of the following activities in the grey nurse shark area, unless the person has a reasonable excuse—(a)touching or feeding a grey nurse shark;(b)trapping, or attempting to trap, a grey nurse shark;(c)chasing or harassing a grey nurse shark;(d)interrupting a grey nurse shark’s swimming pattern;(e)blocking a cave entrance or gutter;(f)using electro–acoustic or mechanical apparatus in the water.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(3)Subsection (2) does not apply if the person is authorised under a permission to carry out the activity for the purpose of research.(4)In this section—electro–acoustic or mechanical apparatus—(a)includes an underwater scooter, a horn or a shark repelling device; but(b)does not include the following—(i)equipment commonly used for diving;Examples of equipment for subparagraph (i)—
•scuba equipment•equipment required for diving under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011(ii)equipment required for carrying out defence activities to prevent or reduce the risk of personal injury or property damage;Example of equipment for subparagraph (ii)—
equipment for detecting mines(iii)equipment commonly used for navigation;Examples of equipment for subparagraph (iii)—
•vessel depth sounder•fish finder(iv)equipment commonly used for research.Examples of equipment for subparagraph (iv)—
•hydrophones•acoustic release receivers•acoustic transmitters
44Restrictions on divers using grey nurse shark area
(1)This section applies to a person in control of a vessel if divers are taking part in diving activities from the vessel in the grey nurse shark area.(2)However, this section does not apply in relation to—(a)a person participating in a tourism program if the person is diving under the instruction of the person conducting the program; or(b)a diver associated with a dive club if the diver is participating in dive activities with the club.(3)Before a diver enters the water, the person must ensure that each diver is given a summary of the area restrictions for the grey nurse shark area.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.
(4)Also, the person must ensure that no more than 10 divers are in the water at the same time.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
This subdivision applies to a person (the operator) conducting a tourism program involving diving in the grey nurse shark area.
46Information about area restrictions must be given
The operator must ensure that each person participating in the tourism program is given a summary of the area restrictions for the grey nurse shark area before the person enters the water.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.
47Restriction on number of persons diving
(1)This section applies if a group of divers is participating in the tourism program in the grey nurse shark area.(2)The operator of the tourism program must ensure—(a)no more than 12 persons in the group are in the water at the same time; and(b)for a group made up of more than 10 persons—each person in the group in excess of 10 is either a dive instructor or certified assistant.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(3)Subsection (2) does not apply if the operator has the chief executive’s written authority for more than 10 persons in the group, who are neither dive instructors nor certified assistants, to be in the water at the same time.(4)The chief executive may give an authority mentioned in subsection (3) only if satisfied the proposed entry into, or use of, the grey nurse shark area under the operator’s tourism program is consistent with the objects mentioned in section 41.(5)In this section—certified assistant means a person who holds a current qualification from a recreational dive training organisation, designed to qualify the person to assist a dive instructor.dive instructor means a person who holds a current qualification from a recreational dive training organisation, designed to qualify the person as a scuba instructor.recreational dive training organisation see the Safety in Recreational Water Activities Regulation 2024, schedule.
48Restrictions on dive clubs using grey nurse shark area
(1)This section applies to a responsible entity for a dive club in relation to conducting diving activities in the grey nurse shark area if divers associated with the club are participating in the activities.(2)Before a diver enters the water, the responsible entity must ensure the diver is given a summary of the area restrictions for the grey nurse shark area.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.
(3)Also, the responsible entity must ensure that no more than 10 divers associated with the dive club are in the water at the same time.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(4)In this section—responsible entity—(a)for a dive club that is an incorporated entity—means the entity; or(b)for a dive club that is not an incorporated entity—means a person involved in directing the diving activities of the club.
49Making prohibited area notice
(1)This section applies if the chief executive considers urgent action is needed to deal with a threat to a grey nurse shark in the grey nurse shark area.(2)The chief executive may make a notice (a prohibited area notice) prohibiting—(a)entry into the grey nurse shark area, or a stated part of the area (the prohibited area); or(b)entry into the water in the grey nurse shark area, or a stated part of the area (also the prohibited area).(3)A prohibited area notice must state—(a)the location and boundaries of the prohibited area; and(b)the day from which the notice takes effect (the start day); and(c)the period, of no more than 90 days after the start day, for which the notice has effect (the notice period).(4)The chief executive—(a)must publish the prohibited area notice on the department’s website; and(b)may publish the prohibited area notice in other ways the chief executive considers appropriate.(5)Before the notice period has ended, the chief executive may, by a further notice published on the department’s website, extend the notice period by a period, of no more than 90 days, stated in the further notice.
50Duration of prohibited area notice
(1)A prohibited area notice takes effect on the day stated in the notice.(2)A prohibited area notice continues in effect until—(a)the notice period ends; or(b)if the notice period is extended under section 49(5)—the extended period ends; or(c)the chief executive sooner revokes the notice.
51Compliance with prohibited area notice
A person must comply with a prohibited area notice, unless the person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
52Relationship with other provisions in plan
If a prohibited area notice is inconsistent with a provision of this plan, other than section 66, the notice prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.See also section 151 of the Act under which, if a regulation is inconsistent with a zoning plan, the zoning plan generally prevails to the extent of the inconsistency, subject to the exceptions mentioned in the section.
The objects to be achieved for the Mon Repos area are—(a)to protect turtles; and(b)to protect the habitat of turtles; and(c)to minimise the harm or distress to, and the number of deaths of, turtles caused, directly or indirectly, by human activity, including, for example, the operation of vehicles or bringing or allowing domestic animals into the area; and(d)to promote education and research about turtles.
54Restrictions on entering and using Mon Repos area
(1)A person must not, without a permission or a reasonable excuse, enter the Mon Repos area—(a)between 12a.m. and 6a.m. on 15 October; or(b)between 6p.m. and 12a.m. on 31 May; or(c)otherwise, between 6p.m. and 6a.m. during the regulated season.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(2)A person who is in the Mon Repos area between 6p.m. and 6a.m. during the regulated season must not, without a permission—(a)use more than 1 artificial light; or(b)use 1 artificial light of more than 100 lumens.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(3)A person must not, without a permission, use a vehicle in the Mon Repos area during the regulated season, other than for monitoring or managing turtles.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(4)A person must not do either of the following during the regulated season—(a)bring a domestic animal into the Mon Repos area;(b)allow a domestic animal under the person’s care or control to enter the Mon Repos area.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(5)In this section—regulated season means the period from 15 October of a year to 31 May of the next year.
55Object for no-anchoring area
The object to be achieved for the no-anchoring area is to protect natural resources and cultural resources that—(a)have been, or are being, degraded, including, for example, because of the anchoring of vessels or aircraft; or(b)are susceptible to being damaged by human activities, including, for example, the anchoring of vessels or aircraft.
56Restriction on use of no-anchoring area
(1)A person must not anchor a vessel or aircraft in the no-anchoring area, unless the person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who is fishing or collecting for the aquarium fish fishery in the following areas—(a)NAA02–Gatakers Bay described in schedule 2, section17;(b)NAA03–Gables Point described in schedule 2, section18.
57Objects for no-motorised vessel area
The objects to be achieved for the no-motorised vessel area are—(a)to protect the natural resources and cultural resources of the area; and(b)to minimise disturbance in the area caused, directly or indirectly, by human activity, including, for example, the navigation of motorised vessels.
58Restriction on navigating motorised vessel in no-motorised vessel area
(1)A person must not navigate a motorised vessel in the no-motorised vessel area, unless the person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to—(a)a traditional owner for the no-motorised vessel area; or(b)a person navigating a motorised vessel for transporting a traditional owner for the no-motorised vessel area.
59Objects for Platypus Bay area
The objects to be achieved for the Platypus Bay area are—(a)to protect the natural integrity and use and non-use values of relatively undisturbed areas in the marine park; and(b)to provide opportunities to appreciate, and create awareness and understanding of, the natural integrity and use and non-use values of the marine park; and(c)to minimise the harm or distress to animals of a protected species.
60Restrictions on using Platypus Bay area
(1)A person must not do either of the following in the Platypus Bay area, unless the person has a reasonable excuse—(a)navigate a vessel for a motorised water sport;(b)take off, or land, in an aircraft.Maximum penalty—80 penalty units.
(2)Subsection (1)(a) does not apply to a commercial fisher taking fish for trade or commerce.
61Objects for seasonal shorebird closure area
The objects to be achieved for the seasonal shorebird closure area are—(a)to protect areas used by shorebirds, including, for example, migratory shorebirds, that are critical to roosting; and(b)to minimise the harm or distress to shorebirds caused, directly or indirectly, by human activity, including, for example, allowing domestic animals into the area.
62Restrictions on entering or using seasonal shorebird closure area
(1)A person must not enter or use the seasonal shorebird closure area during a closure period, unless the person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(2)Subsection (1) does not apply if—(a)the person enters or uses the seasonal shorebird closure area during a closure period with a permission—(i)to carry out an activity the chief executive considers is relevant to, and a priority for, the management of the area; or(ii)to carry out an activity under section 18(1)(m) or 21(1)(m); or(b)the person is a traditional owner for the seasonal shorebird closure area.(3)A person must not allow a domestic animal under the person’s care or control to enter the seasonal shorebird closure area during a closure period, unless the person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(4)A person must not operate a remotely piloted aircraft in the seasonal shorebird closure area during a closure period, unless—(a)the person is operating the aircraft under a permission; or(b)the person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(5)In this section—closure period means—(a)the period from 1 March to 30 April; or(b)the period from 1 September to 31 October.
63Objects for turtle protection area
The objects to be achieved for the turtle protection area are—(a)to protect turtles; and(b)to protect the habitat of turtles; and(c)to minimise the harm or distress to turtles caused, directly or indirectly, by human activity, including, for example, trawling.
64Trawling in turtle protection area
A person must not trawl in the turtle protection area from 1 November of a year to 31 January of the next year.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
65Relationship with pt 3
(1)This section applies if an authorisation or restriction applying to a person under this part is inconsistent with an authorisation or restriction applying to the person under part 3.(2)Unless otherwise provided, the authorisation or restriction under part 3 prevails to the extent of any inconsistency.
66Entry or use without permission or notice–emergency related use
(1)A person may enter or use an area in the marine park without a permission and without notice to the chief executive, for any of the following purposes—(a)to investigate and respond to an emergency alert;(b)to save human life or avoid risk of injury to a person;(c)to deal with a threat of pollution to the marine environment under a law of the Commonwealth or an emergency response arrangement in which the chief executive participates;(d)to locate or secure a vessel, aircraft or structure that is, or may be, endangered because of weather or a navigational or operational hazard;(e)to remove or salvage a vessel, aircraft or structure, or a part of a vessel, aircraft or structure, that is abandoned, stranded, sunk or wrecked and poses a threat to the marine environment or human safety;(f)to enforce a provision of an Act of the Commonwealth or the State if the person is authorised to enforce that Act;(g)to carry out reconnaissance or surveillance for the Commonwealth or the State.(2)If an authorisation or restriction applying to a person under this section is inconsistent with an authorisation or restriction applying to the person under part 3, the authorisation or restriction under this section prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.
67Entry or use without permission or notice–other use
A person may enter or use an area in the marine park without a permission and without notice to the chief executive, for any of the following purposes—(a)to construct, install, operate, relocate, remove or maintain a navigational aid, or buildings or works ancillary to the aid, authorised under a law of the Commonwealth or the State;(b)to install, relocate or remove a sign under the Fisheries Act 1994;(c)to carry out geodetic, bathymetric or similar surveys if the surveys are conducted by the Commonwealth or the State;(d)if the person is a traditional owner for the area and the activity does not involve fishing or collecting—to carry out an activity for Aboriginal tradition or Island custom.
68Entry or use without permission or notice–non-conforming use
A person may enter or use an area in the marine park mentioned in schedule 3, column 1, without a permission and without notice to the chief executive, to carry out an activity (a non-conforming use) mentioned opposite the area in column 2 of the schedule in compliance with the conditions mentioned opposite the area in column 3 of the schedule.
69Entry or use without permission on notice
(1)A person may enter or use an area in the marine park without a permission for a purpose mentioned in subsection (2) (each an authorised purpose) if the person gives the chief executive a notice for the entry or use in the notice period.(2)For subsection (1), each of the following purposes is an authorised purpose—(a)to carry out maintenance dredging for navigation;(b)to carry out urgent maintenance on infrastructure for an essential public service provided by the Commonwealth, the State or a local government;Examples of an essential public service—
communications, power, sewerage, water(c)to carry out defence activities that would otherwise require a permission under this plan;(d)to carry out a program for management of toxic cyanobacteria or algae by the Commonwealth, the State, or a local government;(e)to remove or salvage, other than in an emergency, a vessel or aircraft, or a part of a vessel or aircraft, or other unprotected wreck, that is abandoned, stranded, sunk or wrecked;(f)to use sand or another marine resource from the marine park to restore—(i)that part of an eroded public access track within the marine park; or(ii)that part of an eroded public access track on land adjoining the marine park to the extent reasonably necessary for carrying out the restoration but no further than 200m from the boundary of the park.(3)The notice must state—(a)the authorised purpose for the entry or use of the area; and(b)the location and boundaries of the area proposed to be entered or used; and(c)the period during which the area is proposed to be entered or used, including when the period starts and ends.(4)If a person gives a notice under this section for entering or using an area, the chief executive may, by notice to the person, impose conditions on the entry or use.See section 45 of the Act and the Marine Parks Regulation 2017, section 138 for offences relating to the entry or use of a marine park for a purpose for which a notice must be given to the chief executive.(5)In this section—maintenance dredging means dredging to ensure a dredged berth, channel or works involving construction are maintained at the dimensions authorised under an Act.notice period means—(a)for an entry or use for the authorised purpose mentioned in subsection (2)(a)—at least 20 business days before the entry; or(b)for an entry or use for another authorised purpose—at any time before the entry.public access track means a track maintained by a public entity and used by members of the public for accessing the marine park from adjoining land.unprotected wreck means a wreck that is not protected underwater cultural heritage under the Underwater Cultural Heritage Act 2018 (Cwlth).
70Entry or use with permission for non-conforming use
(1)A person may enter or use an area in the marine park mentioned in schedule 4, column 1, with a permission to carry out an activity (a non-conforming use) mentioned opposite the area in column 2 of the schedule in compliance with the conditions mentioned opposite the area in column 3 of the schedule.(2)The requirement under subsection (1) to carry out the non-conforming use in compliance with the conditions does not limit the conditions the chief executive may impose on the permission.
This part provides for the chief executive to accredit a traditional use of marine resources agreement and for dealing with the accreditation.
72What is a traditional use of marine resources agreement
(1)A traditional use of marine resources agreement is an agreement—(a)prepared by a traditional owner group for an area of the marine park; and(b)that provides for the traditional use of marine resources in the area; and(c)includes the matters for the agreement mentioned in subsection (2).(2)For subsection (1)(c), the matters for the agreement are—(a)a general description of the area of the marine park covered by the agreement; and(b)the name, or other identification, of each person covered by the agreement; and(c)the name and address of a person to whom correspondence may be sent on behalf of the traditional owner group; and(d)a detailed description of the area of the marine park and traditional use of marine resources covered by the agreement, including a description of the activities proposed to be carried out at stated locations in the area; and(e)the species of animals or plants proposed to be harvested and, if the species include 1 or more protected species, how many animals or plants of each protected species are proposed to be harvested; and(f)the management arrangements proposed by the traditional owner group for implementing the agreement, including the proposed role of the traditional owner group in ensuring compliance with the provisions of the agreement; and(g)the way the traditional use of marine resources is to be monitored and reported under the agreement, including the recording and reporting of information about the taking of animals and plants of a protected species; and(h)a statement about the process used to develop the agreement by the traditional owner group, including, for example, any consultation with government authorities or interested persons; and(i)any other information the chief executive reasonably requires by notice given to the traditional owner group.(3)However, an agreement is not invalidated as a traditional use of marine resources agreement only because it does not include a matter mentioned in subsection (2).
73Giving notice under this part
(1)This section applies if the chief executive is required to give a notice under this part to—(a)the applicant for accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement; or(b)the holders of an accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement.(2)The chief executive complies with the requirement if the chief executive gives the notice to the nominee for the traditional owner group mentioned in section 74(3)(b)(ii).
74Application for grant of accreditation
(1)This section applies if a traditional owner group for an area of the marine park prepares a traditional use of marine resources agreement for the area.(2)A person may, on behalf of the traditional owner group, apply to the chief executive for accreditation of the traditional use of marine resources agreement.(3)The application must—(a)be in writing; and(b)state the following information—(i)the names of all the members of the traditional owner group in whose name the application is made;(ii)the name and address of the person nominated by the traditional owner group to whom correspondence may be sent on behalf of the group; and(c)be accompanied by—(i)a copy of the traditional use of marine resources agreement; and(ii)written confirmation, by the relevant representative Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander body for the area, that each member of the traditional owner group in whose name the application is made is a traditional owner for the area in the marine park to which the agreement relates.(4)If the chief executive agrees, the applicant may amend the application before the chief executive decides the application.(5)In this section—representative Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander body has the meaning given by the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth).
75Additional information for deciding application
(1)The chief executive may, by notice, ask the applicant to give the chief executive, within the reasonable period stated in the notice, further information or documents the chief executive reasonably requires to decide the application.(2)The chief executive may refuse the application if the applicant does not, without reasonable excuse, give the chief executive the further information or documents within the period stated in the notice.
(1)The chief executive must—(a)if the application for accreditation of the traditional use of marine resources agreement is a properly made application—consider the application; and(b)decide to—(i)grant the application with or without imposing a condition on the accreditation of the agreement; or(ii)refuse to grant the application.(2)If the chief executive decides to grant the application, the chief executive must also decide when the accreditation for the traditional use of marine resources agreement is to have effect and when it is to cease to have effect.(3)In this section—properly made application means an application—(a)that complies with section 74(3); and(b)for which any requests for information made under section 75 have been complied with.
77Matters to be considered in deciding application
The chief executive must consider the application having regard to each of the following matters—(a)the terms of the traditional use of marine resources agreement;(b)the objects to be achieved for each zone or designated area in which the traditional use of marine resources provided for under the agreement is proposed to be carried out;(c)the likely effect of the accreditation of the agreement on future options for management of the marine park;(d)the nature and scale of the proposed traditional use of marine resources under the agreement;(e)the conservation of the natural resources of the marine park, including—(i)the need to conserve protected species in the marine park; and(ii)the capability of the population of animals of a protected species to sustain harvesting;(f)any other requirements for ensuring the orderly and proper management of the marine park;(g)the need to protect the cultural resources held in relation to the marine park by traditional owners and other people;(h)the possible effects of—(i)the proposed traditional use of marine resources under the agreement on the environment; and(ii)the adequacy of safeguards for the environment under the agreement;(i)the likely effects of the proposed traditional use of marine resources under the agreement on the areas adjacent to each zone or designated area mentioned in paragraph (b);(j)any existing agreements or arrangements between the chief executive and the traditional owner group that prepared the agreement;(k)any law or policy relevant to the proposed traditional use of marine resources under the agreement;(l)any other relevant matters, including, for example, any action necessary to avoid, remedy or minimise an unacceptable environmental impact on the marine park.
(1)This section applies if the chief executive decides to grant the application.(2)The chief executive must accredit the traditional use of marine resources agreement by giving the applicant—(a)a certificate (the accreditation certificate) stating—(i)that the agreement is accredited under this section; and(ii)the period for which the agreement is accredited, including the day the accreditation starts and the day it ends (the accreditation period); and(iii)any conditions imposed on the accreditation of the agreement under section 79; and(b)a copy of the accredited agreement.(3)The chief executive must also publish a notice on the department’s website stating the agreement is an accredited traditional use of marine resources agreement for this plan.
79Imposing condition on accreditation of agreement
(1)The chief executive may impose a condition on the accreditation of the traditional use of marine resources agreement.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), a condition imposed under subsection (1) may include a condition of the following type—(a)a condition allowing the holders of the accreditation to authorise other persons to carry out activities under the agreement and stating the maximum number of persons the holders may authorise;(b)a condition that is appropriate for achieving the main purpose of the Act, including, for example, a condition requiring a stated person to give the chief executive a written undertaking for activities carried out under the agreement.
If the chief executive decides to refuse the application, the chief executive must, within 14 days after making the decision, give the applicant an information notice about the decision.
The accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement remains in force for the accreditation period for the agreement, unless the accreditation is sooner ended under section 82 or suspended or cancelled under division 5.
82Ending of accreditation by holders
(1)The holders of the accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement may end the accreditation by giving notice to the chief executive before the end of the accreditation period for the agreement.(2)The accreditation ceases to have effect on—(a)the day the chief executive receives the notice; or(b)if the notice states a later day that is before the end of the accreditation period—the later day.
This division applies if—
(a)the accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement is subject to a condition stating that the holders of the accreditation may authorise another person to carry out, for a stated period, an activity that may be carried out under the agreement; and(b)the holders of the accreditation authorise a person (an appointed person) to carry out the activity under the condition.
(1)The appointed person may carry out the activity under subsection (2).(2)For carrying out the activity—(a)the appointed person is taken to be a member of the traditional owner group in whose name the application for the accreditation of the agreement was made; and(b)the following conditions apply to the appointed person—(i)the conditions imposed on the accreditation of the agreement;(ii)any conditions stated in the agreement that are relevant for carrying out the activity.(3)To remove any doubt, it is declared that the holders of the accreditation are not prevented from carrying out an activity under the agreement only because they have authorised the appointed person to carry out the activity or a similar activity under the condition.
The holders of the accreditation must make a record stating—
(a)the name of the appointed person; and(b)the day the authorisation to carry out the activity was given; and(c)the nature of the activity.
(1)The chief executive may amend the accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement if—(a)the holders of the accreditation have given written consent to the amendment; or(b)the chief executive reasonably believes the amendment is necessary or desirable for the conservation of the marine park; or(c)any 1 or more of the holders of the accreditation has failed to comply with a condition of the accreditation or another condition of the agreement.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the chief executive may amend the accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement by imposing an additional condition on the accreditation.
The chief executive may suspend the accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement if—(a)the chief executive reasonably believes the suspension is necessary or desirable for the conservation of the marine park; or(b)any 1 or more of the holders of the accreditation—(i)has failed to comply with a condition of the accreditation or the agreement; or(ii)has committed, or is committing, an offence against the Act.
The chief executive may cancel the accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement if—(a)the chief executive reasonably believes the accreditation was granted in error or because of a materially false or fraudulent document, statement or representation; or(b)any 1 or more of the holders of the accreditation—(i)has failed to comply with a condition of the accreditation or the agreement; or(ii)has committed, or is committing, an offence against the Act.
(1)This section applies if the chief executive proposes to amend the accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement under section 86(a).(2)The chief executive may amend the accreditation by giving the holders of the accreditation—(a)notice of the amendment; or(b)a new accreditation certificate reflecting the amendment.
90Show cause notice for other amendments, suspension or cancellation
(1)This section applies if the chief executive reasonably believes a ground exists to—(a)amend the accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement under section 86(1)(b) or (c); or(b)suspend the accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement under section 87; or(c)cancel the accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement under section 88.(2)The chief executive must give the holders of the accreditation a notice (a show cause notice) inviting the holders to show why the accreditation should not be amended, suspended or cancelled (the proposed action).(3)The show cause notice must state each of the following—(a)the proposed action;(b)the grounds for the proposed action;(c)the facts and circumstances forming the basis for the grounds;(d)if the proposed action is to amend the accreditation— the proposed amendment;(e)if the proposed action is to suspend the accreditation— the proposed period of the suspension;(f)that representations may be made about the notice;(g)how the representations may be made;(h)where the representations may be made or sent;(i)the period within which the representations must be made (the show cause period).(4)The show cause period must end at least 28 days after the show cause notice is given.
91Amendment, suspension or cancellation by chief executive
(1)This section applies if—(a)no representations are made about the show cause notice within the show cause period; or(b)after considering the representations about the show cause notice made within the show cause period, the chief executive—(i)still believes a ground exists to amend, suspend or cancel the accreditation of the traditional use of marine resources agreement; and(ii)believes the amendment, suspension or cancellation of the accreditation is warranted.(2)The chief executive may, by notice given to the holders of the accreditation—(a)if the proposed action is to amend the accreditation—amend the accreditation to take effect from a stated day that is at least 28 days after the notice is given; or(b)if the proposed action is to suspend the accreditation—suspend the accreditation for a stated period no longer than the period proposed in the show cause notice; or(c)if the proposed action is to cancel the accreditation—cancel the accreditation or suspend it for a stated period.(3)If the chief executive decides to take action under subsection (2), the chief executive must also give the holders of the accreditation an information notice about the decision.(4)If the chief executive amends the accreditation under subsection (2)(a), the chief executive may give the holders a new accreditation certificate reflecting the amendment.
92Effect of amendment, suspension or cancellation
(1)This section applies if the chief executive amends, suspends or cancels the accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement by notice given under section 91(2).(2)If the accreditation is amended, the amendment takes effect from the day stated in the notice.(3)If the accreditation is suspended, the accreditation ceases to have effect—(a)from—(i)the day the notice is given; or(ii)if a later day is stated in the notice—the stated day; and(b)until the end of the period of suspension stated in the notice.(4)If the accreditation is cancelled, the accreditation ceases to have effect from—(a)the day the notice is given; or(b)if a later day is stated in the notice—the stated day.
93Relationship with pt 3
(1)This section applies if an authorisation or restriction applying to a person under this part is inconsistent with an authorisation or restriction applying to the person under part 3.(2)The authorisation or restriction under part 3 prevails to the extent of any inconsistency.
(1)This section applies to a person in relation to using the marine park for carrying out bait netting.(2)If the person is a recreational fisher, the person may carry out bait netting in the marine park using only a cast net, scoop net or seine net complying with the Fisheries Declaration 2019, chapter 4, part 4.(3)If the person is a commercial fisher, the person may carry out bait netting in the marine park using only a cast net, scoop net or mesh net complying with the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 4, part 7.(4)If a person is a commercial fisher and is carrying out bait netting in the conservation park zone, the person must not—(a)take a relevant fish; or(b)possess a relevant fish taken in contravention of paragraph (a).(5)For subsection (4)(a), a person does not take a relevant fish if—(a)the fish is taken unintentionally; and(b)the person does not allow the net containing the fish to be out of the water other than to immediately remove the fish from the net; and(c)the person immediately releases the fish into water deep enough to allow the fish to escape.(6)In this section—relevant fish means any of the following—(a)bream of the genus Acanthopagrus or Rhabdosargus;(b)flathead of the genus Platycephalus;(c)whiting of the genus Sillago.
(1)This section applies in relation to each of the following areas in the habitat protection zone—(a)HPZ13–Cherwell and Upper Burrum Rivers;(b)HPZ17–Dayman Spit.(2)A commercial fisher must not carry out netting, other than bait netting, in the area.
(1)This section applies to a person in relation to using the marine park to take crabs.(2)The person may take crabs in the marine park using only the following apparatus—(a)a collapsible trap;(b)a crab pot;(c)a dilly.(3)If the person is a recreational fisher, the person must use the apparatus in compliance with the Fisheries Declaration 2019, section 157.(4)If the person is a commercial fisher, the person must use the apparatus in compliance with the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 7.(5)In this section—dilly see the Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019, schedule 11.
(1)This section applies to a person in relation to using the marine park for fishing or collecting.(2)The person must not in the marine park—(a)take or possess, other than under section 102, an animal or plant of a protected species; or(b)take or possess, other than with a permission, more than 2 specimens of the same species, or a total of more than 5 specimens, of—(i)a fish of a species mentioned in schedule 5, part 2; or(ii)a marine invertebrate longer than 5mm, other than a marine invertebrate mentioned in schedule 5, part 3.
98Limited impact research (extractive)
(1)This section applies to a person in relation to using the marine park for installing or operating minor research aids for limited impact research (extractive) for a research project.(2)The person must ensure that a research aid of a type mentioned in subsection (3) or (4) is installed and used in compliance with this section.(3)The person must ensure—(a)no more than 10 stakes may be used for the research project; and(b)no stake protrudes by 300mm or more from the substrate.(4)The person must ensure—(a)no more than 20 subsurface marker buoys are used at each location to which the research project relates; and(b)no more than 10 surface marker buoys are used at each location to which the research project relates; and—(c)each subsurface marker buoy or surface marker buoy that is used is attached by lines to—(i)concrete nails driven into consolidated substrate; or(ii)inverted U-shaped metal rods less than 6mm in diameter driven into unconsolidated substrate; and(d)if a surface marker buoy is used—a researcher associated with the research project is present while the research is being carried out at the location where the buoy is used.(5)In this section—location means—(a)a discrete identified reef; or(b)a continuous non-reef area of up to 10km2.
99Limited impact research (non-extractive)
(1)This section applies to a person in relation to using the marine park for carrying out limited impact research (non-extractive) for a research project.(2)If the research involves monitoring, the person may carry out the research using only hand-held equipment.(3)If the research involves carrying out an aerial survey, the person may carry out the survey only at an altitude of more than 152m.(4)If the research involves carrying out a visual survey, the person must ensure a person associated with the research stays with any equipment being used for carrying out the visual survey while the research is carried out.(5)If the research involves a visual survey of an animal, the person must not disturb the animal.(6)In this section—disturb an animal, includes—(a)harass, harm, lure, pursue or tease the animal; and(b)interrupt the animal’s swimming pattern; and(c)attempt to do a thing mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b).diver propulsion vehicle means a device used to tow a person through the water.Examples of types of diver propulsion vehicle——
a manta board, a scooterequipment includes a camera, diver propulsion vehicle, non-fixed transect tape, non-fixed quadrat, sound recording equipment and a video recording device.quadrat means a frame or grid of a predetermined size used to delineate an area of substrate being studied.transect tape means a line, rope or tape used to identify an area of substrate being studied.
(1)This section applies to a person in relation to using the marine park to carry out limited research sampling for a research project relating to limited impact research (extractive).(2)The person may take samples of animals, plants or other marine resources only—(a)by hand; or(b)by using a hand-held implement that is not motorised or pneumatically or hydraulically operated; or(c)by using a minor research aid, other than a minor research aid that emits sounds or frequencies that may disturb cetaceans or dugongs.(3)The person must not—(a)use explosives or chemicals; or(b)take or possess a specimen of an animal or plant of a protected species; or(c)take or possess more than 2 specimens of the same species, or a total of more than 5 specimens, of—(i)a fish of a species mentioned in schedule 5, part 2; or(ii)a marine invertebrate longer than 5mm, other than a marine invertebrate mentioned in schedule 5, part 3; or(d)take more than the following for the research project in a year—(i)20L of a particular marine resource, other than an animal or seawater;(ii)500L of seawater.(4)In this section—explosive see the Explosives Act 1999, schedule 2.
(1)This section applies to a person in relation to using the marine park to carry out limited spearfishing.(2)The person must not use any of the following items for carrying out the limited spearfishing in the marine park—(a)a firearm;(b)a light;(c)a powerhead;(d)an item of underwater breathing apparatus, other than a snorkel.(3)In this section—explosive see the Explosives Act 1999, schedule 2.powerhead means a device that—(a)contains an explosive charge; and(b)may be attached to a spear or spear gun.
A person must not enter or use the marine park for taking an animal or plant of a protected species unless—(a)the entry and use is authorised under a permission; or(b)the use is authorised under an accredited traditional use of marine resources agreement.
103Taking or possessing particular pipefish
(1)This section applies to a commercial fisher in relation to using the marine park for trawling.(2)The commercial fisher may take or possess pipefish of the species Solegnathus hardwickii or S. dunckeri only in compliance with—(a)a regulated fish declaration under the Fisheries Declaration 2019, chapter 3; and(b)the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 2.
(1)A public entity exercising statutory powers in relation to the marine park must consult with the chief executive about any proposal or action by the entity that may affect the marine park’s environment or use and non-use values in a way that adversely affects shorebirds.(2)A person must not in the marine park—(a)navigate a vessel through a group of shorebirds; or(b)drive a vehicle through a group of shorebirds; or(c)operate a remotely piloted aircraft in a way that causes the aircraft to fly through, or hover above, a group of shorebirds; or(d)navigate an aircraft, other than a remotely piloted aircraft, through or above, a group of shorebirds; or(e)walk or run through a group of shorebirds; or(f)allow a domestic animal under the person’s care or control to—(i)chase or harass a shorebird; or(ii)walk or run through a group of shorebirds.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(3)However, subsection (2)(a) does not apply if the person is navigating the vessel in—(a)a navigation channel; or(b)a transit lane in the go slow area for natural and cultural resources or the go slow area for turtles and dugongs.(4)For subsection (2)(d), navigate an aircraft includes, for example, use the aircraft to take off, hover or land.
The Marine Parks (Great Sandy) Zoning Plan 2017, SL No. 155 is repealed.
In this division—former marine park means the Great Sandy Marine Park described in the Marine Parks (Declaration) Regulation 2006, schedule 3, as in force immediately before the commencement.former plan provision see section 107(1)(a).repealed plan means the repealed Marine Parks (Great Sandy) Zoning Plan 2017.
107Existing authorised activities
(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement, a person was authorised under a provision of the repealed plan (a former plan provision) to carry out an activity in a part of the former marine park without a permission; and(b)on the commencement, other than for this section, a permission would be required under this plan to—(i)enter the corresponding part of the new marine park to carry out the activity; or(ii)carry out the activity in the corresponding part of the new marine park.(2)The former plan provision continues to apply to the person in relation to entering the corresponding part of the new marine park or carrying out the activity in that part of the park without a permission as if—(a)the Marine Parks (Declaration) Regulation 2006, schedule 3, as in force immediately before the commencement, had not been repealed; and(b)the repealed plan had not been repealed and this plan, other than this section, had not been approved.(3)Subject to section 108, the person may continue to enter the corresponding part of the new marine park or carry out the activity in that part of the park under the former plan provision as applied under subsection (2) until the end of 120 days after the commencement.(4)In this section—corresponding part, of the new marine park, means the part of the new marine park corresponding to the part of the former marine park mentioned in subsection (1)(a).new marine park means the marine park to which this plan applies.
108Continuation of existing authorised entry or activity pending application decision
(1)This section applies if—(a)from the commencement, a person, from time to time, enters a part of the marine park or carries out an activity in a part of the park under a former plan provision as applied under section 107(2); and(b)within 120 days after the commencement, the person applies under the Marine Parks Regulation 2017, section 8 for the grant of a permission to enter the part of the marine park or carry out the activity in the part of the park; and(c)the application is not withdrawn.(2)The person may continue to enter the part of the marine park or carry out the activity in the part of the park under the former plan provision as applied under section 107 until the chief executive decides the application under the Marine Parks Regulation 2017, section 16.
109Existing transit lane notices
(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement, the chief executive published, in the gazette, a transit lane notice for an area (the relevant area) in a former go slow area under the repealed plan, section 27(4); and(b)immediately before the commencement, the transit lane notice was still in effect.(2)From the commencement—(a)the transit lane notice continues in effect for the part of the new designated area corresponding to the relevant area; and(b)a map to which the transit lane notice relates is taken to be a transit lane map.(3)In this section—former go slow area means a go slow area mentioned in the repealed plan, section 20(1)(c).new designated area means either of the following designated areas under this plan—(a)the go slow area for natural and cultural resources;(b)the go slow area for turtles and dugongs.
110Existing prohibited area notice
(1)This section applies if, immediately before the commencement, a prohibited area notice made under section 38 of the repealed plan applied in relation to a part of the former marine park.(2)From the commencement, the prohibited area notice continues to apply in relation to the corresponding part of the new marine park until the period of effect stated in the notice ends.(3)The prohibited area notice continues to apply under subsection (2) as if—(a)the Marine Parks (Declaration) Regulation 2006, schedule 3, as in force immediately before the commencement, had not been repealed; and(b)the repealed plan had not been repealed and this plan, other than this section, had not been approved.(4)In this section—corresponding part, of the new marine park, means the part of the new marine park corresponding to the part of the former marine park mentioned in subsection (1).
111Existing accredited traditional use of marine resources agreements
(1)This section applies to an accredited traditional use of marine resources agreement under the repealed plan that was in effect immediately before the commencement.(2)From the commencement, the accredited traditional use of marine resources agreement—(a)is subject to the conditions to which it was subject immediately before the commencement; and(b)continues in effect as an accredited traditional use of marine resources agreement under this plan until—(i)the end of the term for which the accreditation was granted under the repealed plan; or(ii)it is sooner suspended or cancelled under this plan.(3)Subsection (2) applies subject to subsections (4) and (5).(4)Subsection (5) applies if—(a)before the commencement, the traditional use of marine resources agreement was suspended under the repealed plan; and(b)the period of the suspension had not ended before the commencement.(5)From the commencement, the traditional use of marine resources agreement continues to be suspended until the end of the period of the suspension.
112Application for accreditation of traditional use of marine resources agreement
(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement, a person applied for a traditional use of marine resources agreement under the repealed plan, section 55; and(b)immediately before the commencement, the application had not been decided.(2)The application is taken to be an application for accreditation of the traditional use of marine resources agreement made under section 74(2).
113Continuation of procedure for amending, suspending or cancelling accreditation of agreement
(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement, the chief executive gave the holders of an accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement under the repealed plan a notice under section 66 of that plan inviting the holders to show why the proposed action under that section should not be taken; and(b)immediately before the commencement—(i)the period for making representations about the notice had not ended; or(ii)the chief executive had not decided whether to take the proposed action; or(iii)the chief executive had decided to take the proposed action but had not taken the action.(2)Sections 86, 87, 88 and 92 apply for amending, suspending or cancelling the accreditation of the traditional use of marine resources agreement as if—(a)the accreditation were an accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement under this plan; and(b)the notice were a show cause notice given under section 90.
section 12(3)
The sequence of the letters ‘GUZ’ and the number preceding the name of each area described in this part is the unique identifier used to identify the area.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the outer marine park boundary and H.A.T. on the mainland north of Baffle Creek (at or about the point of 24°29.899' south, 152°02.560' east) then running progressively—(a)easterly along the outer marine park boundary to its intersection with the limit of Coastal Waters (at or about the point of 24°29.899' south, 152°06.874' east); and(b)generally south-easterly along the limit of Coastal Waters to its intersection with the western boundary of the Port of Bundaberg (at or about the point of 24°40.739' south, 152°22.000' east); and(c)southerly along the western boundary of the Port of Bundaberg and a prolongation of this boundary to its intersection with H.A.T. on the mainland (at or about the point of 24°44.212' south, 152°22.000' east); and(d)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°36.217' south (at or about the point of 24°36.217' south, 152°07.634' east); and(e)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°36.045' south, 152°07.864' east; and(f)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.315' south, 152°04.237' east; and(g)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°30.455' south, 152°03.763' east; and(h)west along the parallel of latitude 24°30.455' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 24°30.455' south, 152°03.035' east); and(i)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°30.989' south, 151°58.638' east then running progressively—(a)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.003' south, 151°58.689' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.029' south, 151°58.721' east; and(c)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.039' south, 151°58.720' east; and(d)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.053' south, 151°58.756' east; and(e)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.056' south, 151°58.795' east; and(f)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.019' south, 151°58.821' east; and(g)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.012' south, 151°58.851' east; and(h)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.016' south, 151°58.940' east; and(i)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.023' south, 151°58.961' east; and(j)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.004' south, 151°58.981' east; and(k)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°30.968' south, 151°59.066' east; and(l)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°30.966' south, 151°59.100' east; and(m)southerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek intersects a prolongation of the eastern boundary of lot 3 on plan RP619751 (at or about the point of 24°30.984' south, 151°59.097' east); and(n)generally westerly along the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek to its intersection with a prolongation of the western boundary of lot 3 on plan RP619751 (at or about the point of 24°31.005' south, 151°58.635' east); and(o)northerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek and a prolongation of the southern boundary of lot 55 on plan RP853048 (at or about the point of 24°31.260' south, 152°01.128' east) then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to the most western point of the Baffle Creek Fish Habitat Area along a prolongation of the southern boundary of lot 55 on plan RP853048 (at or about the point of 24°31.258' south, 152°01.134' east); and(b)generally south-easterly along the southern boundary of the Baffle Creek Fish Habitat Area to the most western point of the Baffle Creek Fish Habitat Area along a prolongation of the northern boundary of lot 4 on plan SP292186 (at or about the point of 24°31.473' south, 152°01.241' east); and(c)westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek intersects a prolongation of the northern boundary of lot 4 on plan SP292186 (at or about the point of 24°31.473' south, 152°01.240' east); and(d)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°31.799' south, 152°02.948' east then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.769' south, 152°02.979' east; and(b)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.758' south, 152°02.989' east; and(c)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.730' south, 152°03.007' east; and(d)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.687' south, 152°03.020' east; and(e)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.660' south, 152°03.035' east; and(f)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.648' south, 152°03.055' east; and(g)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.646' south, 152°03.074' east; and(h)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.654' south, 152°03.103' east; and(i)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.681' south, 152°03.135' east; and(j)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.697' south, 152°03.167' east; and(k)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.702' south, 152°03.192' east; and(l)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.729' south, 152°03.257' east; and(m)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.735' south, 152°03.286' east; and(n)south along the meridian of longitude 152°03.286' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek (at or about the point of 24°31.743' south, 152°03.286' east); and(o)generally westerly along the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek to the north-western corner of lot 2 on plan RP847137 (at or about the point of 24°31.810' south, 152°02.946' east); and(p)northerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek and the meridian of longitude 152°01.531' east (at or about the point of 24°31.827' south, 152°01.531' east) then running progressively—(a)northerly along a geodesic to the most southern point of the Baffle Creek Fish Habitat Area along a prolongation of the north-western boundary of lot 3 on plan RP618482 (at or about the point of 24°31.820' south, 152°01.531' east); and(b)generally south-easterly along the southern boundary of the Baffle Creek Fish Habitat Area to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek (at or about the point of 24°31.950' south, 152°01.672' east); and(c)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari and the parallel of latitude 24°42.000' south (at or about the point of 24°42.000' south, 153°16.259' east) then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°39.000' south, 153°18.000' east; and(b)north along the meridian of longitude 153°18.000' east to its intersection with the outer marine park boundary (at or about the point of 24°37.530' south, 153°18.000' east); and(c)generally southerly along the outer marine park boundary to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°04.395' south (at or about the point of 25°04.395' south, 153°23.416' east); and(d)west along the parallel of latitude 25°04.395' south to its intersection with the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 25°04.395' south, 153°20.063' east); and(e)generally northerly along the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari to the point of commencement.
The area of the marine park within Hervey Bay that is not in another zone and not in another area described in this part.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°55.067' south, 152°28.170' east then running progressively—(a)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.148' south, 152°28.250' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.173' south, 152°28.310' east; and(c)southerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary meets the north-eastern corner of lot 102 on plan CK495 (at or about the point of 24°55.201' south, 152°28.305' east); and(d)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary to its intersection with a prolongation of the western boundary of lot 102 on plan CK495 (at or about the point of 24°55.102' south, 152°28.163' east); and(e)northerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing where the marine park boundary on the western side of Elliott River meets the south-eastern corner of lot 2 on plan RP163926 (at or about the point of 24°55.526' south, 152°28.490' east) then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.450' south, 152°28.638' east; and(b)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.406' south, 152°28.803' east; and(c)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.300' south, 152°28.864' east; and(d)north-easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the northern side of Elliott River intersects the meridian of longitude 152°29.009' east (at or about the point of 24°55.114' south, 152°29.009' east); and(e)generally easterly along the marine park boundary on the northern side of Elliott River to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°55.174' south (at or about the point of 24°55.174' south, 152°29.194' east); and(f)west along the parallel of latitude 24°55.174' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°29.007' east; and(g)south-westerly along a geodesic, and following deviations along the marine park boundary following H.A.T. in the Elliott River, to the point of 24°55.404' south, 152°28.862' east; and(h)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.452' south, 152°28.811' east; and(i)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.481' south, 152°28.651' east; and(j)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the western boundary of the Elliott River Fish Habitat Area intersects the parallel of latitude 24°55.526' south (at or about the point of 24°55.526' south, 152°28.591' east); and(k)generally southerly along the western boundary of the Elliott River Fish Habitat Area to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the northern side of the boat ramp at Riverview (at or about the point of 24°55.772' south, 152°28.502' east); and(l)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Elliott River to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing where the marine park boundary on the western side of Elliott River intersects the north-eastern boundary of lot 1 on plan SP164519 (at or about the point of 24°55.937' south, 152°28.172' east) then running progressively—(a)generally north-easterly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Elliott River to its intersection with the western boundary of the Elliott River Fish Habitat Area, on the southern side of the boat ramp at Riverview (at or about the point of 24°55.799' south, 152°28.459' east); and(b)generally south-westerly along the western boundary of the Elliott River Fish Habitat Area on the western side of Elliott River to the most southern point of the Elliott River Fish Habitat Area along a prolongation of the north-eastern boundary of lot 1 on plan SP164519 (at or about the point of 24°55.968' south, 152°28.196' east); and(c)generally north-westerly along the western boundary of the Elliott River Fish Habitat Area on the western side of Elliott River to the most northern point of the Elliott River Fish Habitat Area along a prolongation of the north-eastern boundary of lot 1 on plan SP164519 (at or about the point of 24°55.938' south, 152°28.173' east); and(d)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°10.202' south, 152°34.964' east then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the northern side of Burrum River intersects the parallel of latitude 25°10.164' south (at or about the point of 25°10.164' south, 152°35.020' east); and(b)generally easterly along the marine park boundary on the northern side of Burrum River to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°35.594' east (at or about the point of 25°10.217' south, 152°35.594' east); and(c)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.269' south, 152°35.610' east; and(d)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.327' south, 152°35.400' east; and(e)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.336' south, 152°35.309' east; and(f)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.307' south, 152°35.101' east; and(g)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.280' south, 152°35.021' east; and(h)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Burrum River and the parallel of latitude 25°11.667' south (at or about the point of 25°11.667' south, 152°32.451' east) then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°11.631' south, 152°32.482' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°11.673' south, 152°32.560' east; and(c)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°11.897' south, 152°32.750' east; and(d)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°12.081' south, 152°32.827' east; and(e)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the western side of Burrum River intersects the parallel of latitude 25°12.103' south (at or about the point of 25°12.103' south, 152°32.777' east); and(f)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Burrum River to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari and the parallel of latitude 25°14.278' south (at or about the point of 25°14.278' south, 153°15.426' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°14.278' south to its intersection with the outer marine park boundary (at or about the point of 25°14.278' south, 153°18.769' east); and(b)generally southerly along the outer marine park boundary to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°56.917' south (at or about the point of 25°56.917' south, 153°14.733' east); and(c)west along the outer marine park boundary following the parallel of latitude 25°56.917' south to its intersection with the mainland south of Double Island Point (at or about the point of 25°56.917' south, 153°10.837' east); and(d)generally north-easterly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°56.455' south (at or about the point of 25°56.455' south, 153°11.077' east); and(e)east along the parallel of latitude 25°56.455' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°11.838' east; and(f)north along the meridian of longitude 153°11.838' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°55.846' south; and(g)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.353' south, 153°13.000' east; and(h)north along the meridian of longitude 153°13.000' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°53.166' south; and(i)west along the parallel of latitude 25°53.166' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°10.600' east; and(j)south along the meridian of longitude 153°10.600' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°56.209' south; and(k)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.569' south, 153°10.367' east; and(l)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.747' south, 153°09.780' east; and(m)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.541' south, 153°08.634' east; and(n)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.921' south, 153°07.550' east; and(o)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.273' south, 153°06.815' east; and(p)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°53.524' south, 153°05.551' east; and(q)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°51.490' south, 153°04.922' east; and(r)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°49.438' south, 153°04.703' east; and(s)west along the parallel of latitude 25°49.438' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 25°49.438' south, 153°04.401' east); and(t)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°49.417' south (at or about the point of 25°49.417' south, 153°04.403' east); and(u)northerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the eastern side of K'gari intersects the parallel of latitude 25°47.497' south (at or about the point of 25°47.497' south, 153°04.702' east); and(v)generally north-easterly along the marine park boundary on the eastern side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°47.446' south (at or about the point of 25°47.446' south, 153°04.729' east); and(w)east along the parallel of latitude 25°47.446' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°06.960' east; and(x)north along the meridian of longitude 153°06.960' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°37.200' south; and(y)west along the parallel of latitude 25°37.200' south to its intersection with the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 25°37.200' south, 153°05.639' east); and(z)generally north-easterly along the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland and the parallel of latitude 25°16.498' south (at or about the point of 25°16.498' south, 152°49.988' east) then running progressively—(a)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.917' south, 152°51.158' east; and(b)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.979' south, 152°51.600' east; and(c)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.949' south, 152°52.124' east; and(d)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.892' south, 152°52.714' east; and(e)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.800' south, 152°53.219' east; and(f)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.770' south, 152°53.647' east; and(g)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.780' south, 152°53.853' east; and(h)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.809' south, 152°54.010' east; and(i)south-easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the northern side of Urangan Pier intersects the parallel of latitude 25°16.911' south (at or about the point of 25°16.911' south, 152°54.238' east); and(j)generally westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the southern side of Urangan Pier and the parallel of latitude 25°16.934' south (at or about the point of 25°16.934' south, 152°54.267' east) then running progressively—(a)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°17.083' south, 152°54.415' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°17.150' south, 152°54.465' east; and(c)south-easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the northern side of lot 178 on plan MCH4420 intersects the meridian of longitude 152°54.553' east (at or about the point of 25°17.266' south, 152°54.553' east); and(d)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the southern side of lot 178 on plan MCH4420 and the meridian of longitude 152°54.553' east (at or about the point of 25°17.267' south, 152°54.553' east) then running progressively—(a)south along the meridian of longitude 152°54.553' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the northern side of Urangan boat harbour (at or about the point of 25°17.308' south, 152°54.553' east); and(b)generally westerly, north-easterly and easterly along the marine park boundary to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet near Teewah Point and the parallel of latitude 25°56.127' south (at or about the point of 25°56.127' south, 153°01.686' east) then running progressively—(a)easterly along a geodesic to the point on the western boundary of the Tin Can Inlet Fish Habitat Area shown as 'coordinate H' on plan FHA-064 (at or about the point of 25°56.278' south, 153°02.068' east); and(b)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.340' south, 153°02.220' east; and(c)south-easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet intersects the parallel of latitude 25°56.350' south (at or about the point of 25°56.350' south, 153°02.239' east); and(d)generally south-westerly along the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°56.497' south (at or about the point of 25°56.497' south, 153°02.164' east); and(e)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.443' south, 153°02.032' east; and(f)westerly along a geodesic to the point on the western boundary of the Tin Can Inlet Fish Habitat Area shown as 'coordinate I' on plan FHA-064 (at or about the point of 25°56.413' south, 153°01.956' east); and(g)westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet intersects the parallel of latitude 25°56.297' south (at or about the point of 25°56.297' south, 153°01.661' east); and(h)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet to the point of commencement.
The general use zone does not include a part of the marine park described in part 2, 3 or 4 of this schedule. See section 12(4) of this plan.
The sequence of the letters 'HPZ' and the number preceding the name of each area described in this part is the unique identifier used to identify the area.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the northern side of Baffle Creek and the meridian of longitude 152°01.277' east (at or about the point of 24°30.653' south, 152°01.277' east) then running progressively—(a)generally south-easterly along the marine park boundary on the northern side of Baffle Creek to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°01.326' east (at or about the point of 24°30.674' south, 152°01.326' east); and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°01.326' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°30.708' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°30.708' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°01.277' east; and(d)north along the meridian of longitude 152°01.277' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°45.400' south, 153°03.450' east then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to where the outer marine park boundary north of K'gari intersects the meridian of longitude 153°11.300' east (at or about the point of 24°39.115' south, 153°11.300' east); and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 153°11.300' east to its intersection with the coastal 500m line on the northern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°43.696' south, 153°11.300' east); and(c)generally south-easterly along the coastal 500m line on the northern and eastern sides of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°53.777' south (at or about the point of 24°53.777' south, 153°16.627' east); and(d)west along the parallel of latitude 24°53.777' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the eastern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°53.777' south, 153°16.278' east); and(e)generally northerly and westerly along the marine park boundary on the eastern and northern sides of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°48.501' south (at or about the point of 24°48.501' south, 153°07.264' east); and(f)west along the parallel of latitude 24°48.501' south to its intersection with the coastal 500m line on the northern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°48.501' south, 153°06.930' east); and(g)generally north-easterly along the coastal 500m line on the northern side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°44.200' south (at or about the point of 24°44.200' south, 153°10.640' east); and(h)west along the parallel of latitude 24°44.200' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°06.726' east; and(i)south along the meridian of longitude 153°06.726' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°45.400' south; and(j)west along the parallel of latitude 24°45.400' south to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°47.000' south, 153°03.450' east then running progressively—(a)south-easterly along a geodesic to where the coastal 500m line on the northern side of K'gari intersects the parallel of latitude 24°48.501' south (at or about the point of 24°48.501' south, 153°06.930' east); and(b)generally south-easterly along the coastal 500m line on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°51.696' south (at or about the point of 24°51.696' south, 153°11.295' east); and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°51.696' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°06.670' east; and(d)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°47.777' south, 152°27.046' east then running progressively—(a)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°47.961' south, 152°27.557' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.477' south, 152°27.962' east; and(c)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.604' south, 152°27.889' east; and(d)west along the parallel of latitude 24°48.604' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°27.767' east; and(e)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.736' south, 152°27.829' east; and(f)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.754' south, 152°27.893' east; and(g)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.832' south, 152°27.988' east; and(h)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.899' south, 152°28.125' east; and(i)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.969' south, 152°28.157' east; and(j)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.088' south, 152°28.147' east; and(k)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.294' south, 152°27.994' east; and(l)south along the meridian of longitude 152°27.994' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°49.394' south; and(m)east along the parallel of latitude 24°49.394' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°28.271' east; and(n)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.573' south, 152°28.313' east; and(o)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.765' south, 152°28.490' east; and(p)west along the parallel of latitude 24°49.765' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°28.092' east; and(q)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.829' south, 152°28.139' east; and(r)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.911' south, 152°28.241' east; and(s)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.968' south, 152°28.321' east; and(t)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°50.048' south, 152°28.368' east; and(u)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°50.076' south, 152°28.360' east; and(v)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°50.219' south, 152°28.443' east; and(w)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°50.261' south, 152°28.511' east; and(x)west along the parallel of latitude 24°50.261' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 24°50.261' south, 152°28.476' east); and(y)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°27.046' east (at or about the point of 24°48.061' south, 152°27.046' east); and(z)north along the meridian of longitude 152°27.046' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary, on the southern side of the boat ramp at Innes Park, and the meridian of longitude 152°28.986' east (at or about the point of 24°52.235' south, 152°28.986' east) then running progressively—(a)south along the meridian of longitude 152°28.986' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°52.271' south; and(b)east along the parallel of latitude 24°52.271' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°29.012' east; and(c)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.345' south, 152°29.056' east; and(d)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.403' south, 152°29.087' east; and(e)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.439' south, 152°29.077' east; and(f)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.574' south, 152°29.132' east; and(g)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.681' south, 152°29.169' east; and(h)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.803' south, 152°29.249' east; and(i)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.922' south, 152°29.273' east; and(j)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.959' south, 152°29.318' east; and(k)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.942' south, 152°29.343' east; and(l)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.970' south, 152°29.386' east; and(m)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°53.202' south, 152°29.260' east; and(n)west along the parallel of latitude 24°53.202' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 24°53.202' south, 152°29.242' east); and(o)generally northerly along the mainland and via Palmer Creek to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°54.270' south, 153°06.670' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°54.270' south to its intersection with the coastal 500m line on the western side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°54.270' south, 153°12.927' east); and(b)generally southerly along the coastal 500m line on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°59.875' south (at or about the point of 24°59.875' south, 153°12.930' east); and(c)east along the parallel of latitude 24°59.875' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°59.875' south, 153°13.261' east); and(d)generally south-westerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°04.054' south (at or about the point of 25°04.054' south, 153°10.411' east); and(e)west along the parallel of latitude 25°04.054' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°10.048' east; and(f)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°01.594' south, 153°11.884' east; and(g)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°57.000' south, 153°08.501' east; and(h)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland near Elliott Heads and the parallel of latitude 24°55.150' south (at or about the point of 24°55.150' south, 152°29.552' east) then running progressively—(a)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.199' south, 152°29.874' east; and(b)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.347' south, 152°29.830' east; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°55.347' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 24°55.347' south, 152°29.494' east); and(d)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland and the parallel of latitude 24°56.044' south (at or about the point of 24°56.044' south, 152°29.278' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°56.044' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°29.540' east; and(b)southerly along a geodesic to where the northern boundary of the Kinkuna Fish Habitat Area intersects the meridian of longitude 152°29.607' east (at or about the point of 24°57.942' south, 152°29.607' east); and(c)generally westerly along the northern boundary of the Kinkuna Fish Habitat Area to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 24°57.960' south, 152°29.311' east); and(d)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to the point of commencement.
26HPZ09—Southwestern Hervey Bay
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland and the parallel of latitude 24°58.310' south (at or about the point of 24°58.310' south, 152°29.310' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°58.310' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°31.316' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°31.316' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°00.834' south; and(c)east along the parallel of latitude 25°00.834' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°34.389' east; and(d)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°02.806' south, 152°37.998' east; and(e)south along the meridian of longitude 152°37.998' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°07.500' south; and(f)east along the parallel of latitude 25°07.500' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°42.000' east; and(g)south along the meridian of longitude 152°42.000' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°13.760' south; and(h)east along the parallel of latitude 25°13.760' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°48.000' east; and(i)south along the meridian of longitude 152°48.000' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 25°15.906' south, 152°48.000' east); and(j)generally westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°43.904' east (at or about the point of 25°16.014' south, 152°43.904' east); and(k)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.962' south, 152°43.920' east; and(l)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.951' south, 152°43.819' east; and(m)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.962' south, 152°43.647' east; and(n)westerly along a geodesic to where the south-eastern boundary of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area intersects the parallel of latitude 25°15.929' south (at or about the point of 25°15.929' south, 152°43.420' east); and(o)southerly along the south-eastern boundary of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area to the south-eastern corner of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area (at or about the point of 25°15.982' south, 152°43.407' east); and(p)southerly along a prolongation of the eastern boundary of lot 3 on plan RP125505 to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 25°15.988' south, 152°43.406' east); and(q)generally westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°40.048' east (at or about the point of 25°14.799' south, 152°40.048' east); and(r)north along the meridian of longitude 152°40.048' east to the point on the northern boundary of the 'Management B' area of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area shown as 'coordinate A' on plan FHA-030 (at or about the point of 25°14.740' south, 152°40.048' east); and(s)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point on the northern boundary of the 'Management B' area of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area shown as 'coordinate B' on plan FHA-030 (at or about the point of 25°14.646' south, 152°40.127' east); and(t)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°13.746' south, 152°39.266' east; and(u)north-easterly along a geodesic to where the eastern boundary of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area intersects the meridian of longitude 152°39.567' east (at or about the point of 25°13.473' south, 152°39.567' east); and(v)generally north-westerly along the eastern boundary of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area to the north-eastern corner of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area (at or about the point of 25°12.723' south, 152°38.917' east); and(w)generally south-westerly along the northern boundary of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area to the north-western corner, on the foreshore of Hervey Bay, of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area (at or about the point of 25°13.028' south, 152°38.412' east); and(x)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the mainland intersects the parallel of latitude 25°13.032' south (at or about the point of 25°13.032' south, 152°38.406' east); and(y)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to where it meets the north-eastern corner of lot 11 on plan SP295518 (at or about the point of 25°10.982' south, 152°36.472' east); and(z)generally easterly along the northern boundary of the offshore 'Management B' area of the Burrum Fish Habitat Area to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°36.886' east (at or about the point of 25°10.933' south, 152°36.886' east); and(za)north along the meridian of longitude 152°36.886' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the northern side of Burrum River (at or about the point of 25°10.425' south, 152°36.886' east); and(zb)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°32.720' east (at or about the point of 25°04.457' south, 152°32.720' east); and(zc)north along the meridian of longitude 152°32.720' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the northern side of Theodolite Creek (at or about the point of 25°04.128' south, 152°32.720' east); and(zd)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°04.481' south, 153°09.741' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°04.481' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari (at or about the point of 25°04.481' south, 153°10.092' east); and(b)generally south-westerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°10.138' south (at or about the point of 25°10.138' south, 153°03.010' east); and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°10.138' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°02.325' east; and(d)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°09.291' south, 153°04.002' east; and(e)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°06.264' south, 153°07.868' east; and(f)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°04.833' south, 152°52.000' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°04.833' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°56.000' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°56.000' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°07.000' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°07.000' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°52.000' east; and(d)north along the meridian of longitude 152°52.000' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°13.760' south, 152°50.023' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°13.760' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°53.200' east; and(b)north along the meridian of longitude 152°53.200' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°13.000' south; and(c)east along the parallel of latitude 25°13.000' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°56.000' east; and(d)north along the meridian of longitude 152°56.000' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°11.000' south; and(e)east along the parallel of latitude 25°11.000' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°01.011' east; and(f)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°11.365' south, 153°00.736' east; and(g)east along the parallel of latitude 25°11.365' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari (at or about the point of 25°11.365' south, 153°01.122' east); and(h)generally south-westerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°13.760' south (at or about the point of 25°13.760' south, 152°59.592' east); and(i)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.348' south, 152°57.558' east; and(j)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°13.760' south, 152°56.000' east; and(k)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.607' south, 152°51.758' east; and(l)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
30HPZ13—Cherwell and Upper Burrum Rivers
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Burrum River and a prolongation of the northern boundary of the 'Management B' area of the Burrum Fish Habitat Area in the Burrum River (at or about the point of 25°13.401' south, 152°32.336' east) then running progressively—(a)generally easterly along a prolongation of and along the northern boundary of the 'Management B' area of the Burrum Fish Habitat Area to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Burrum River (at or about the point of 25°13.402' south, 152°32.634' east); and(b)generally southerly and northerly and then south-westerly and north-easterly along the marine park boundary in Burrum River and Cherwell River to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°14.516' south, 152°48.633' east then running progressively—(a)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.505' south, 152°48.667' east; and(b)southerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the northern side of Point Vernon intersects the meridian of longitude 152°48.736' east (at or about the point of 25°14.691' south, 152°48.736' east); and(c)generally westerly along the marine park boundary on the northern side of Point Vernon to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°48.700' east (at or about the point of 25°14.702' south, 152°48.700' east); and(d)northerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the southern side of Beelbi Creek and the parallel of latitude 25°14.706' south (at or about the point of 25°14.706' south, 152°39.684' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°14.706' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°39.713' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.725' south, 152°39.722' east; and(c)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.757' south, 152°39.747' east; and(d)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.770' south, 152°39.765' east; and(e)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.790' south, 152°39.782' east; and(f)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.816' south, 152°39.832' east; and(g)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.828' south, 152°39.878' east; and(h)easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary, on the western side of the boat ramp at Toogoom, intersects the parallel of latitude 25°14.825' south (at or about the point of 25°14.825' south, 152°39.922' east); and(i)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the southern side of Beelbi Creek to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°14.910' south, 152°48.260' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°14.910' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Point Vernon (at or about the point of 25°14.910' south, 152°48.297' east); and(b)generally south-easterly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Point Vernon to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°15.154' south (at or about the point of 25°15.154' south, 152°48.531' east); and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°15.154' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°48.490' east; and(d)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°15.539' south, 152°53.453' east then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.439' south, 152°53.580' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.900' south, 152°54.038' east; and(c)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.570' south, 152°54.516' east; and(d)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°17.070' south, 152°54.619' east; and(e)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°17.150' south, 152°54.465' east; and(f)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°17.083' south, 152°54.415' east; and(g)north-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the southern side of Urangan Pier intersects the parallel of latitude 25°16.934' south (at or about the point of 25°16.934' south, 152°54.267' east); and(h)generally north-easterly and south-westerly along the marine park boundary around Urangan Pier to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°16.790' south (at or about the point of 25°16.790' south, 152°54.323' east); and(i)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.000' south, 152°53.878' east; and(j)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°26.434' south, 152°59.041' east then running progressively—(a)south-easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari intersects the parallel of latitude 25°26.654' south (at or about the point of 25°26.654' south, 152°59.357' east); and(b)generally south-westerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°26.851' south (at or about the point of 25°26.851' south, 152°59.251' east); and(c)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°26.618' south, 152°58.913' east; and(d)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°36.633' south (at or about the point of 25°36.633' south, 152°52.536' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°36.633' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°52.586' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°52.586' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°36.765' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°36.765' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait (at or about the point of 25°36.765' south, 152°52.556' east); and(d)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari and the parallel of latitude 25°37.200' south (at or about the point of 25°37.200' south, 153°05.639' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°37.200' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°06.960' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 153°06.960' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°47.446' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°47.446' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the eastern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 25°47.446' south, 153°04.729' east); and(d)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the eastern side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°42.700' south (at or about the point of 25°42.700' south, 153°04.741' east); and(e)east along the parallel of latitude 25°42.700' south to its intersection with the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 25°42.700' south, 153°05.042' east); and(f)generally northerly along the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait, adjacent to the boat ramp at Boonooroo, and the parallel of latitude 25°39.764' south (at or about the point of 25°39.764' south, 152°54.239' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°39.764' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°54.247' east; and(b)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°39.842' south, 152°54.231' east; and(c)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°39.939' south, 152°54.283' east; and(d)west along the parallel of latitude 25°39.939' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait (at or about the point of 25°39.939' south, 152°54.253' east); and(e)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait and the parallel of latitude 25°40.733' south (at or about the point of 25°40.733' south, 152°52.717' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°40.733' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°52.749' east; and(b)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°40.972' south, 152°52.733' east; and(c)southerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary, on the northern side of the boat ramp at Tuan, intersects the parallel of latitude 25°41.132' south (at or about the point of 25°41.132' south, 152°52.702' east); and(d)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait and the parallel of latitude 25°42.685' south (at or about the point of 25°42.685' south, 152°55.353' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°42.685' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°55.388' east; and(b)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°43.202' south, 152°55.050' east; and(c)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°43.373' south, 152°54.859' east; and(d)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°43.455' south, 152°54.961' east; and(e)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°43.480' south, 152°54.942' east; and(f)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°43.399' south, 152°54.830' east; and(g)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°43.426' south, 152°54.800' east; and(h)north-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait intersects the meridian of longitude 152°54.765' east (at or about the point of 25°43.389' south, 152°54.765' east); and(i)generally north-easterly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°45.460' south, 152°57.111' east then running progressively—(a)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°45.419' south, 152°57.240' east; and(b)east along the parallel of latitude 25°45.419' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°57.420' east; and(c)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°45.454' south, 152°57.550' east; and(d)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°45.525' south, 152°57.745' east; and(e)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°45.567' south, 152°57.823' east; and(f)south along the meridian of longitude 152°57.823' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait (at or about the point of 25°45.609' south, 152°57.823' east); and(g)generally westerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°57.111' east (at or about the point of 25°45.506' south, 152°57.111' east); and(h)north along the meridian of longitude 152°57.111' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland, south of Inskip Point, and the parallel of latitude 25°49.438' south (at or about the point of 25°49.438' south, 153°04.401' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°49.438' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°04.703' east; and(b)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°51.490' south, 153°04.922' east; and(c)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°53.524' south, 153°05.551' east; and(d)westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the mainland intersects the parallel of latitude 25°53.623' south (at or about the point of 25°53.623' south, 153°05.272' east); and(e)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland, near Rainbow Beach, and the parallel of latitude 25°53.938' south (at or about the point of 25°53.938' south, 153°05.454' east) then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°53.895' south, 153°05.506' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°54.188' south, 153°05.756' east; and(c)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the mainland intersects the parallel of latitude 25°54.232' south (at or about the point of 25°54.232' south, 153°05.707' east); and(d)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet and the parallel of latitude 25°54.362' south (at or about the point of 25°54.362' south, 153°00.631' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°54.362' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°00.662' east; and(b)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°54.477' south, 153°00.602' east; and(c)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°54.595' south, 153°00.525' east; and(d)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°54.728' south, 153°00.567' east; and(e)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°54.860' south, 153°00.498' east; and(f)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.040' south, 153°00.470' east; and(g)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.142' south, 153°00.469' east; and(h)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.188' south, 153°00.481' east; and(i)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.240' south, 153°00.489' east; and(j)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.245' south, 153°00.547' east; and(k)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.414' south, 153°00.725' east; and(l)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.585' south, 153°00.777' east; and(m)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.732' south, 153°00.884' east; and(n)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.830' south, 153°00.988' east; and(o)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.887' south, 153°00.978' east; and(p)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.912' south, 153°00.870' east; and(q)north along the meridian of longitude 153°00.870' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the northern side of Teewah Creek (at or about the point of 25°55.882' south, 153°00.870' east); and(r)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland, south of Rainbow Beach, and the parallel of latitude 25°55.440' south (at or about the point of 25°55.440' south, 153°06.584' east) then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.273' south, 153°06.815' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.921' south, 153°07.550' east; and(c)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.541' south, 153°08.634' east; and(d)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.747' south, 153°09.780' east; and(e)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.569' south, 153°10.367' east; and(f)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.209' south, 153°10.600' east; and(g)east along the parallel of latitude 25°56.209' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Double Island Point (at or about the point of 25°56.209' south, 153°10.899' east); and(h)generally westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to the point of commencement.
The habitat protection zone does not include a part of the marine park described in part 3 or 4 of this schedule. See section 12(4) of this plan.
The sequence of the letters 'CPZ' and the number preceding the name of each area described in this part is the unique identifier used to identify the area.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland and the parallel of latitude 24°30.455' south (at or about the point of 24°30.455' south, 152°03.035' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°30.455' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°03.763' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.315' south, 152°04.237' east; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°31.315' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 24°31.315' south, 152°03.913' east); and(d)generally northerly and south-westerly along the marine park boundary to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°03.286' east (at or about the point of 24°31.743' south, 152°03.286' east); and(e)north along the meridian of longitude 152°03.286' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°31.735' south; and(f)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.729' south, 152°03.257' east; and(g)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.702' south, 152°03.192' east; and(h)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.697' south, 152°03.167' east; and(i)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.681' south, 152°03.135' east; and(j)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.654' south, 152°03.103' east; and(k)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.646' south, 152°03.074' east; and(l)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.648' south, 152°03.055' east; and(m)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.660' south, 152°03.035' east; and(n)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.687' south, 152°03.020' east; and(o)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.730' south, 152°03.007' east; and(p)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.758' south, 152°02.989' east; and(q)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.769' south, 152°02.979' east; and(r)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.799' south, 152°02.948' east; and(s)southerly along a geodesic to the north-western corner of lot 2 on plan RP847137 (at or about the point of 24°31.810' south, 152°02.946' east); and(t)generally westerly along the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek to where it meets the north-eastern corner of lot 2 on plan RP618543 (at or about the point of 24°31.950' south, 152°01.672' east); and(u)generally north-westerly along the southern boundary of the Baffle Creek Fish Habitat Area to the most southern point of the Baffle Creek Fish Habitat Area along a prolongation of the north-western boundary of lot 3 on plan RP618482 (at or about the point of 24°31.820' south, 152°01.531' east); and(v)southerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek intersects the meridian of longitude 152°01.531' east (at or about the point of 24°31.827' south, 152°01.531' east); and(w)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek to its intersection with a prolongation of the northern boundary of lot 4 on plan SP292186 (at or about the point of 24°31.473' south, 152°01.240' east); and(x)easterly along a geodesic to the most western point of the Baffle Creek Fish Habitat Area along a prolongation of the northern boundary of lot 4 of plan SP292186 (at or about the point of 24°31.473' south, 152°01.241' east); and(y)generally north-westerly along the southern boundary of the Baffle Creek Fish Habitat Area to the most western point of the Baffle Creek Fish Habitat Area along a prolongation of the southern boundary of lot 55 of plan RP853048 (at or about the point of 24°31.258' south, 152°01.134' east); and(z)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek intersects a prolongation of the southern boundary of lot 55 on plan RP853048 (at or about the point of 24°31.260' south, 152°01.128' east); and(za)generally westerly along the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek to its intersection with a prolongation of the eastern boundary of lot 3 on plan RP619751 (at or about the point of 24°30.984' south, 151°59.097' east); and(zb)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°30.966' south, 151°59.100' east; and(zc)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°30.968' south, 151°59.066' east; and(zd)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.004' south, 151°58.981' east; and(ze)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.023' south, 151°58.961' east; and(zf)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.016' south, 151°58.940' east; and(zg)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.012' south, 151°58.851' east; and(zh)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.019' south, 151°58.821' east; and(zi)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.056' south, 151°58.795' east; and(zj)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.053' south, 151°58.756' east; and(zk)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.039' south, 151°58.720' east; and(zl)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.029' south, 151°58.721' east; and(zm)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°31.003' south, 151°58.689' east; and(zn)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°30.989' south, 151°58.638' east; and(zo)southerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the southern side of Baffle Creek intersects a prolongation of the western boundary of lot 3 on plan RP619751 (at or about the point of 24°31.005' south, 151°58.635' east); and(zp)generally westerly and then easterly along the marine park boundary on the southern and northern sides of Baffle Creek to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°01.277' east (at or about the point of 24°30.653' south, 152°01.277' east); and(zq)south along the meridian of longitude 152°01.277' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°30.708' south; and(zr)east along the parallel of latitude 24°30.708' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°01.326' east; and(zs)north along the meridian of longitude 152°01.326' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the northern side of Baffle Creek (at or about the point of 24°30.674' south, 152°01.326' east); and(zt)generally easterly along the marine park boundary to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing where the marine park boundary on the mainland meets H.A.T. on the most northern bank at the mouth of Littabella Creek (at or about the point of 24°34.709' south, 152°06.249' east) then running progressively—(a)south-easterly along a geodesic (across the mouth of Littabella Creek) to where it meets H.A.T. on the most southern bank at the mouth of Littabella Creek (at or about the point of 24°35.752' south, 152°07.207' east); and(b)generally southerly and then northerly along the marine park boundary in Littabella Creek to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°44.357' south, 152°47.958' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°44.357' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°49.146' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°49.146' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°45.441' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°45.441' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°47.958' east; and(d)north along the meridian of longitude 152°47.958' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the southern side of the Port of Bundaberg and the meridian of longitude 152°25.221' east (at or about the point of 24°45.599' south, 152°25.221' east) then running progressively—(a)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°46.321' south, 152°25.489' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°46.525' south, 152°25.866' east; and(c)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°46.895' south, 152°26.300' east; and(d)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°47.107' south, 152°26.495' east; and(e)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°47.200' south, 152°26.545' east; and(f)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°47.736' south, 152°26.834' east; and(g)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°47.777' south, 152°27.046' east; and(h)south along the meridian of longitude 152°27.046' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 24°48.061' south, 152°27.046' east); and(i)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to its intersection with a prolongation of the southern boundary of the Port of Bundaberg (at or about the point of 24°45.599' south, 152°24.825' east); and(j)easterly along the marine park boundary to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the coastal 500m line on the northern side of K'gari and the parallel of latitude 24°48.501' south (at or about the point of 24°48.501' south, 153°06.930' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°48.501' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the northern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°48.501' south, 153°07.264' east); and(b)generally south-easterly along the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°59.875' south (at or about the point of 24°59.875' south, 153°13.261' east); and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°59.875' south to its intersection with the coastal 500m line on the western side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°59.875' south, 153°12.930' east); and(d)generally northerly along the coastal 500m line on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°54.270' south (at or about the point of 24°54.270' south, 153°12.927' east); and(e)west along the parallel of latitude 24°54.270' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°06.670' east; and(f)north along the meridian of longitude 153°06.670' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°51.696' south; and(g)east along the parallel of latitude 24°51.696' south to its intersection with the coastal 500m line on the western side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°51.696' south, 153°11.295' east); and(h)generally north-westerly along the coastal 500m line on the western side of K'gari to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland and the parallel of latitude 24°50.261' south (at or about the point of 24°50.261' south, 152°28.476' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°50.261' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°28.964' east; and(b)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°50.400' south, 152°29.018' east; and(c)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°50.860' south, 152°29.055' east; and(d)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°51.434' south, 152°29.293' east; and(e)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.271' south, 152°29.330' east; and(f)west along the parallel of latitude 24°52.271' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°28.986' east; and(g)north along the meridian of longitude 152°28.986' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 24°52.235' south, 152°28.986' east); and(h)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland and the parallel of latitude 24°53.202' south (at or about the point of 24°53.202' south, 152°29.242' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°53.202' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°29.574' east; and(b)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°54.084' south, 152°29.687' east; and(c)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°54.809' south, 152°29.904' east; and(d)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.009' south, 152°29.951' east; and(e)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.199' south, 152°29.874' east; and(f)westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the mainland intersects the parallel of latitude 24°55.150' south (at or about the point of 24°55.150' south, 152°29.552' east); and(g)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the eastern side of K'gari and the parallel of latitude 24°53.777' south (at or about the point of 24°53.777' south, 153°16.278' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°53.777' south to its intersection with the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°53.777' south, 153°16.627' east); and(b)generally south-easterly along the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°58.840' south (at or about the point of 24°58.840' south, 153°21.370' east); and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°58.840' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the eastern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°58.840' south, 153°21.033' east); and(d)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the eastern side of K'gari to the point of commencement.
54CPZ09—Twenty-Five Fathom Hole
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°54.456' south, 152°47.000' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°54.456' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°48.600' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°48.600' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°56.605' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°56.605' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°47.000' east; and(d)north along the meridian of longitude 152°47.000' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the northern side of Elliott River to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°29.009' east (at or about the point of 24°55.114' south, 152°29.009' east) then running progressively—(a)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.300' south, 152°28.864' east; and(b)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.406' south, 152°28.803' east; and(c)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.450' south, 152°28.638' east; and(d)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the western side of Elliott River meets the south-eastern corner of lot 2 on plan RP163926 (at or about the point of 24°55.526' south, 152°28.490' east); and(e)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Elliott River to where it meets the north-eastern corner of lot 102 on plan CK495 (at or about the point of 24°55.201' south, 152°28.305' east); and(f)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.173' south, 152°28.310' east; and(g)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.148' south, 152°28.250' east; and(h)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.067' south, 152°28.170' east; and(i)southerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary intersects with a prolongation of the western boundary of lot 102 on plan CK495 (at or about the point of 24°55.102' south, 152°28.163' east); and(j)generally westerly and then easterly along the marine park boundary on the northern side of Elliott River to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland at Elliott Heads and the parallel of latitude 24°55.347' south (at or about the point of 24°55.347' south, 152°29.494' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°55.347' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°29.830' east; and(b)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°56.044' south, 152°29.540' east; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°56.044' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 24°56.044' south, 152°29.278' east); and(d)generally south-westerly and then north-easterly along the marine park boundary in Elliott River to where it intersects the north-eastern boundary of lot 1 on plan SP164519 (at or about the point of 24°55.937' south, 152°28.172' east); and(e)south-easterly along a geodesic to the most northern point of the Elliott River Fish Habitat Area along a prolongation of the north eastern boundary of lot 1 on plan SP164519 (at or about the point of 24°55.938' south, 152°28.173' east); and(f)generally north-easterly along the western boundary of the Elliott River Fish Habitat Area to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°55.526' south (at or about the point of 24°55.526' south, 152°28.591' east); and(g)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.481' south, 152°28.651' east; and(h)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.452' south, 152°28.811' east; and(i)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.404' south, 152°28.862' east; and(j)north-easterly along a geodesic, and following deviations along the marine park boundary following H.A.T. in the Elliott River, to the point of 24°55.174' south, 152°29.007' east; and(k)east along the parallel of latitude 24°55.174' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the northern side of Elliott River (at or about the point of 24°55.174' south, 152°29.194' east); and(l)generally south-easterly along the marine park boundary on the northern side of Elliott River to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°57.065' south, 153°10.797' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°57.065' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°12.162' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 153°12.162' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°58.678' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°58.678' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°10.797' east; and(d)north along the meridian of longitude 153°10.797' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland and the northern boundary of the Kinkuna Fish Habitat Area (at or about the point of 24°57.960' south, 152°29.311' east) then running progressively—(a)generally easterly along the northern boundary of the Kinkuna Fish Habitat Area to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°29.607' east (at or about the point of 24°57.942' south, 152°29.607' east); and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°29.607' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°58.310' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°58.310' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 24°58.310' south, 152°29.310' east); and(d)generally south-westerly, northerly and then south-easterly along the marine park boundary in Coonarr Creek to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°58.310' south, 152°31.316' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°58.310' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°34.389' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°34.389' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°00.834' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°00.834' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°31.316' east; and(d)north along the meridian of longitude 152°31.316' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the eastern side of K'gari and the parallel of latitude 24°59.436' south (at or about the point of 24°59.436' south, 153°21.084' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°59.436' south to its intersection with the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°59.436' south, 153°21.420' east); and(b)generally southerly along the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°42.700' south (at or about the point of 25°42.700' south, 153°05.042' east); and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°42.700' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the eastern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 25°42.700' south, 153°04.741' east); and(d)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the eastern side of K'gari to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°04.054' south, 153°10.048' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°04.054' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari (at or about the point of 25°04.054' south, 153°10.411' east); and(b)generally south-westerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°04.481' south (at or about the point of 25°04.481' south, 153°10.092' east); and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°04.481' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°09.741' east; and(d)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the northern side of Theodolite Creek and the meridian of longitude 152°32.720' east (at or about the point of 25°04.128' south, 152°32.720' east) then running progressively—(a)south along the meridian of longitude 152°32.720' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the southern side of Theodolite Creek (at or about the point of 25°04.457' south, 152°32.720' east); and(b)generally westerly and then easterly along the marine park boundary in Theodolite Creek to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°05.000' south, 152°33.169' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°05.000' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°34.270' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°06.269' south, 152°34.900' east; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°06.269' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°33.863' east; and(d)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°05.723' south, 152°33.451' east; and(e)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°05.230' south, 152°33.236' east; and(f)northerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the northern side of Burrum River and the meridian of longitude 152°36.886' east (at or about the point of 25°10.425' south, 152°36.886' east) then running progressively—(a)south along the meridian of longitude 152°36.886' east to where it intersects the southern boundary of the 'Management A' area of the Burrum Fish Habitat Area in Burrum River (at or about the point of 25°10.933' south, 152°36.886' east); and(b)generally westerly along the southern boundary of the 'Management A' area of the Burrum Fish Habitat Area in Burrum River to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the southern side of Burrum River (at or about the point of 25°10.982' south, 152°36.472' east); and(c)generally westerly and southerly along the marine park boundary in Burrum River to its intersection with the northern boundary of the 'Management B' area of the Burrum Fish Habitat Area in the Burrum River (at or about the point of 25°13.402' south, 152°32.634' east); and(d)westerly along the northern boundary of the 'Management B' area of the Burrum Fish Habitat Area in the Burrum River and along a prolongation of this boundary to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Burrum River (at or about the point of 25°13.401' south, 152°32.336' east); and(e)generally northerly and westerly along the marine park boundary in the Burrum River and Isis River to its intersection with the western boundary of the Burrum Fish Habitat Area in the Isis River (at or about the point of 25°13.029' south, 152°28.436' east); and(f)northerly along the western boundary of the Burrum Fish Habitat Area in the Isis River to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the northern side of Isis River (at or about the point of 25°12.980' south, 152°28.445' east); and(g)generally easterly along the marine park boundary in the Isis River and Burrum River to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°12.103' south (at or about the point of 25°12.103' south, 152°32.777' east); and(h)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°12.081' south, 152°32.827' east; and(i)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°11.897' south, 152°32.750' east; and(j)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°11.673' south, 152°32.560' east; and(k)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°11.631' south, 152°32.482' east; and(l)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the western side of Burrum River intersects the parallel of latitude 25°11.667' south (at or about the point of 25°11.667' south, 152°32.451' east); and(m)generally northerly, westerly and then easterly along the marine park boundary (via Burrum River and Gregory River) to its intersection, near Walkers Point, with the parallel of latitude 25°10.164' south (at or about the point of 25°10.164' south, 152°35.020' east); and(n)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.202' south, 152°34.964' east; and(o)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.280' south, 152°35.021' east; and(p)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.307' south, 152°35.101' east; and(q)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.336' south, 152°35.309' east; and(r)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.327' south, 152°35.400' east; and(s)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.269' south, 152°35.610' east; and(t)northerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the northern side of Burrum River intersects the meridian of longitude 152°35.594' east (at or about the point of 25°10.217' south, 152°35.594' east); and(u)generally easterly along the marine park boundary on the northern side of Burrum River to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°10.138' south, 153°02.325' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°10.138' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari (at or about the point of 25°10.138' south, 153°03.010' east); and(b)generally south-westerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°11.365' south (at or about the point of 25°11.365' south, 153°01.122' east); and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°11.365' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°00.736' east; and(d)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°11.000' south, 153°01.011' east; and(e)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.900' south, 153°01.100' east; and(f)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.406' south, 153°01.730' east; and(g)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°13.760' south, 152°48.000' east then running progressively—(aa)east along the parallel of latitude 25°13.760' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°50.023' east; and(ab)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.607' south, 152°51.758' east; and(ac)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°13.760' south, 152°56.000' east; and(ad)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.348' south, 152°57.558' east; and(ae)easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari intersects the parallel of latitude 25°13.760' south (at or about the point of 25°13.760' south, 152°59.592' east); and(af)generally south-easterly along the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°18.893' south (at or about the point of 25°18.893' south, 153°02.898' east); and(ag)westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Little Woody Island intersects the parallel of latitude 25°19.348' south (at or about the point of 25°19.348' south, 153°01.484' east); and(ah)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the northern side and around the northern tip of Little Woody Island to its intersection, on the southern side of Little Woody Island, with the meridian of longitude 153°00.990' east (at or about the point of 25°18.832' south, 153°00.990' east); and(ai)south along the meridian of longitude 153°00.990' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°21.483' south; and(aj)east along the parallel of latitude 25°21.483' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari (at or about the point of 25°21.483' south, 153°02.921' east); and(ak)generally south-westerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°26.654' south (at or about the point of 25°26.654' south, 152°59.357' east); and(al)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°26.434' south, 152°59.041' east; and(am)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°26.618' south, 152°58.913' east; and(an)south-easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari intersects the parallel of latitude 25°26.851' south (at or about the point of 25°26.851' south, 152°59.251' east); and(ao)generally southerly and easterly along the marine park boundary on the western and southern sides of K'gari to its intersection, on the eastern side of K'gari, with the parallel of latitude 25°47.497' south (at or about the point of 25°47.497' south, 153°04.702' east); and(ap)southerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary, on the eastern side of the mainland south of Inskip Point, intersects the parallel of latitude 25°49.417' south (at or about the point of 25°49.417' south, 153°04.403' east); and(aq)generally westerly and southerly along the marine park boundary to its intersection on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet, near the most western point of lot 4 on plan AP9699, with the parallel of latitude 25°50.970' south (at or about the point of 25°50.970' south, 153°02.812' east); and(ar)west along the parallel of latitude 25°50.970' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°02.200' east; and(as)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°51.798' south, 153°02.514' east; and(at)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°52.032' south, 153°02.565' east; and(au)east along the parallel of latitude 25°52.032' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet (at or about the point of 25°52.032' south, 153°03.130' east); and(av)generally southerly along the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet to its intersection, between Judd Point and Cameron Creek, with the meridian of longitude 153°02.220' east (at or about the point of 25°55.599' south, 153°02.220' east); and(aw)south along the meridian of longitude 153°02.220' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°56.340' south; and(ax)westerly along a geodesic to the point on the western boundary of the Tin Can Inlet Fish Habitat Area shown as 'coordinate H' on plan FHA-064 (at or about the point of 25°56.278' south, 153°02.068' east); and(ay)westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet intersects the parallel of latitude 25°56.127' south (at or about the point of 25°56.127' south, 153°01.686' east); and(az)generally westerly and then easterly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet (via Teewah Creek) to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°00.870' east (at or about the point of 25°55.882' south, 153°00.870' east); and(ba)south along the meridian of longitude 153°00.870' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°55.912' south; and(bb)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.887' south, 153°00.978' east; and(bc)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.830' south, 153°00.988' east; and(bd)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.732' south, 153°00.884' east; and(be)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.585' south, 153°00.777' east; and(bf)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.414' south, 153°00.725' east; and(bg)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.245' south, 153°00.547' east; and(bh)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.240' south, 153°00.489' east; and(bi)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.188' south, 153°00.481' east; and(bj)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.142' south, 153°00.469' east; and(bk)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.040' south, 153°00.470' east; and(bl)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°54.860' south, 153°00.498' east; and(bm)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°54.728' south, 153°00.567' east; and(bn)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°54.595' south, 153°00.525' east; and(bo)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°54.477' south, 153°00.602' east; and(bp)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°54.362' south, 153°00.662' east; and(bq)west along the parallel of latitude 25°54.362' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet (at or about the point of 25°54.362' south, 153°00.631' east); and(br)generally northerly and westerly along the marine park boundary, on the western side of Tin Can Inlet and the southern side of Kauri Creek, to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°55.455' east (at or about the point of 25°48.920' south, 152°55.455' east); and(bs)north along the meridian of longitude 152°55.455' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the northern side of Kauri Creek (at or about the point of 25°48.663' south, 152°55.455' east); and(bt)generally easterly along the marine park boundary on the northern side of Kauri Creek to where it meets the most southern corner of the part of lot 506 on plan NPW555 adjacent to Cowra Point (at or about the point of 25°48.069' south, 152°57.872' east); and(bu)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°48.272' south, 152°57.870' east; and(bv)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°47.803' south, 152°58.355' east; and(bw)east along the parallel of latitude 25°47.803' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°58.604' east; and(bx)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°47.082' south, 152°59.983' east; and(by)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°46.330' south, 152°59.614' east; and(bz)west along the parallel of latitude 25°46.330' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary following H.A.T. on the eastern side of lot 26 on plan MCH5091 (at or about the point of 25°46.330' south, 152°59.076' east); and(ca)generally westerly and southerly along the marine park boundary following H.A.T. on lot 26 on plan MCH5091 to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°46.690' south (at or about the point of 25°46.690' south, 152°58.957' east); andThe intersection is on the western side of the marine park boundary within lot 26 on plan MCH5091.(cb)west along the parallel of latitude 25°46.690' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait (at or about the point of 25°46.690' south, 152°58.515' east); and(cc)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°57.823' east (at or about the point of 25°45.609' south, 152°57.823' east); and(cd)north along the meridian of longitude 152°57.823' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°45.567' south; and(ce)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°45.525' south, 152°57.745' east; and(cf)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°45.454' south, 152°57.550' east; and(cg)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°45.419' south, 152°57.420' east; and(ch)west along the parallel of latitude 25°45.419' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°57.240' east; and(ci)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°45.460' south, 152°57.111' east; and(cj)south along the meridian of longitude 152°57.111' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait (at or about the point of 25°45.506' south, 152°57.111' east); and(ck)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait (via Buttha Creek and Poona Creek) to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°54.765' east (at or about the point of 25°43.389' south, 152°54.765' east); and(cl)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°43.426' south, 152°54.800' east; and(cm)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°43.399' south, 152°54.830' east; and(cn)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°43.480' south, 152°54.942' east; and(co)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°43.455' south, 152°54.961' east; and(cp)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°43.373' south, 152°54.859' east; and(cq)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°43.202' south, 152°55.050' east; and(cr)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°42.685' south, 152°55.388' east; and(cs)west along the parallel of latitude 25°42.685' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait (at or about the point of 25°42.685' south, 152°55.353' east); and(ct)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait (via Big Tuan Creek) to its intersection, on the northern side of the boat ramp at Tuan, with the parallel of latitude 25°41.132' south (at or about the point of 25°41.132' south, 152°52.702' east); and(cu)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°40.972' south, 152°52.733' east; and(cv)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°40.733' south, 152°52.749' east; and(cw)west along the parallel of latitude 25°40.733' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait (at or about the point of 25°40.733' south, 152°52.717' east); and(cx)generally north-easterly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°39.939' south (at or about the point of 25°39.939' south, 152°54.253' east); and(cy)east along the parallel of latitude 25°39.939' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°54.283' east; and(cz)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°39.842' south, 152°54.231' east; and(da)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°39.764' south, 152°54.247' east; and(db)west along the parallel of latitude 25°39.764' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait (at or about the point of 25°39.764' south, 152°54.239' east); and(dc)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to its intersection, on the eastern side of the boat ramp at Maaroom, with the parallel of latitude 25°36.765' south (at or about the point of 25°36.765' south, 152°52.556' east); and(dd)east along the parallel of latitude 25°36.765' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°52.586' east; and(de)north along the meridian of longitude 152°52.586' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°36.633' south; and(df)west along the parallel of latitude 25°36.633' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait (at or about the point of 25°36.633' south, 152°52.536' east); and(dg)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to where the eastern boundary of lot 1224 on plan M37569 intersects the imaginary line that is 10m inside the mangrove forest from the mangrove line on the northern bank of Bunya Creek (at or about the point of 25°24.411' south, 152°51.478' east); and(dh)generally south-easterly along the imaginary line that is 10m inside the mangrove forest from the mangrove line on the northern banks of Bunya Creek and Susan River to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°52.257' east (at or about the point of 25°24.926' south, 152°52.257' east); and(di)north along the meridian of longitude 152°52.257' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary near the south-western corner of lot 62 on plan M371195 (at or about the point of 25°24.871' south, 152°52.257' east); and(dj)generally easterly and northerly along the marine park boundary on the southern side of lot 62 on plan M371195 and the southern and eastern sides of lot 17 on plan MCH826 to its intersection, near the most northern point of lot 17 on plan MCH826, with the meridian of longitude 152°53.062' east (at or about the point of 25°24.315' south, 152°53.062' east); and(dk)north along the meridian of longitude 152°53.062' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary (at or about the point of 25°24.101' south, 152°53.062' east); and(dl)generally south-easterly and northerly along the marine park boundary around North Head to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°24.000' south (at or about the point of 25°24.000' south, 152°54.796' east); and(dm)east along the parallel of latitude 25°24.000' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°55.751' east; and(dn)north along the meridian of longitude 152°55.751' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°21.864' south; and(do)west along the parallel of latitude 25°21.864' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait (at or about the point of 25°21.864' south, 152°55.061' east); and(dp)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to its intersection, north of Urangan boat harbour, with the meridian of longitude 152°54.553' east (at or about the point of 25°17.308' south, 152°54.553' east); and(dq)north along the meridian of longitude 152°54.553' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the southern side of lot 178 on plan MCH4420 (at or about the point of 25°17.267' south, 152°54.553' east); and(dr)generally north-easterly and then south-westerly along the marine park boundary following lot 178 on plan MCH4420 to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°54.553' east (at or about the point of 25°17.266' south, 152°54.553' east); and(ds)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°17.150' south, 152°54.465' east; and(dt)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°17.070' south, 152°54.619' east; and(du)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.570' south, 152°54.516' east; and(dv)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.900' south, 152°54.038' east; and(dw)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.439' south, 152°53.580' east; and(dx)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.539' south, 152°53.453' east; and(dy)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.000' south, 152°53.878' east; and(dz)south-easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the northern side of Urangan Pier intersects the parallel of latitude 25°16.790' south (at or about the point of 25°16.790' south, 152°54.323' east); and(ea)generally south-westerly along the marine park boundary on the northern side of Urangan Pier to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°16.911' south (at or about the point of 25°16.911' south, 152°54.238' east); and(eb)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.809' south, 152°54.010' east; and(ec)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.780' south, 152°53.853' east; and(ed)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.770' south, 152°53.647' east; and(ee)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.800' south, 152°53.219' east; and(ef)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.892' south, 152°52.714' east; and(eg)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.949' south, 152°52.124' east; and(eh)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.979' south, 152°51.600' east; and(ei)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.917' south, 152°51.158' east; and(ej)westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the mainland intersects the parallel of latitude 25°16.498' south (at or about the point of 25°16.498' south, 152°49.988' east); and(ek)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary around Point Vernon to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°48.736' east (at or about the point of 25°14.691' south, 152°48.736' east); and(el)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.505' south, 152°48.667' east; and(em)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.516' south, 152°48.633' east; and(en)southerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the northern side of Point Vernon intersects the parallel of latitude 25°14.702' south (at or about the point of 25°14.702' south, 152°48.700' east); and(eo)generally south-westerly along the marine park boundary around Point Vernon to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°14.910' south (at or about the point of 25°14.910' south, 152°48.297' east); and(ep)west along the parallel of latitude 25°14.910' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°48.260' east; and(eq)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.154' south, 152°48.490' east; and(er)east along the parallel of latitude 25°15.154' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Point Vernon (at or about the point of 25°15.154' south, 152°48.531' east); and(es)generally south-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°48.000' east (at or about the point of 25°15.906' south, 152°48.000' east); and(et)north along the meridian of longitude 152°48.000' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland south of Marsh Creek and the parallel of latitude 25°13.862' south (at or about the point of 25°13.862' south, 152°39.140' east) then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°13.746' south, 152°39.266' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point on the northern boundary of the 'Management B' area of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area shown as 'coordinate B' on plan FHA-030 (at or about the point of 25°14.646' south, 152°40.127' east); and(c)south-westerly along the northern boundary of the 'Management B' area of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area to the point shown as 'coordinate A' on plan FHA-030 (at or about the point of 25°14.740' south, 152°40.048' east); and(d)south along the meridian of longitude 152°40.048' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the southern side of Beelbi Creek (at or about the point of 25°14.799' south, 152°40.048' east); and(e)generally westerly along the marine park boundary to its intersection, on the western side of the boat ramp at Toogoom, with the parallel of latitude 25°14.825' south (at or about the point of 25°14.825' south, 152°39.922' east); and(f)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.828' south, 152°39.878' east; and(g)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.816' south, 152°39.832' east; and(h)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.790' south, 152°39.782' east; and(i)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.770' south, 152°39.765' east; and(j)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.757' south, 152°39.747' east; and(k)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.725' south, 152°39.722' east; and(l)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.706' south, 152°39.713' east; and(m)west along the parallel of latitude 25°14.706' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the southern side of Beelbi Creek (at or about the point of 25°14.706' south, 152°39.684' east); and(n)generally southerly and then northerly along the marine park boundary in Beelbi Creek and on the mainland to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the south-eastern boundary of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area and the parallel of latitude 25°15.929' south (at or about the point of 25°15.929' south, 152°43.420' east) then running progressively—(a)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.962' south, 152°43.647' east; and(b)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.951' south, 152°43.819' east; and(c)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.962' south, 152°43.920' east; and(d)southerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the mainland intersects the meridian of longitude 152°43.904' east (at or about the point of 25°16.014' south, 152°43.904' east); and(e)generally westerly and then easterly along the marine park boundary (via O'Regan Creek) to its intersection on the mainland with a prolongation of the eastern boundary of lot 3 on plan RP125505 (at or about the point of 25°15.988' south, 152°43.406' east); and(f)northerly along a geodesic to the south-eastern corner of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area (at or about the point of 25°15.982' south, 152°43.407' east); and(g)northerly along the south-eastern boundary of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland, near Rainbow Beach, and the parallel of latitude 25°53.623' south (at or about the point of 25°53.623' south, 153°05.272' east) then running progressively—(a)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°53.524' south, 153°05.551' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.273' south, 153°06.815' east; and(c)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the mainland intersects the parallel of latitude 25°55.440' south (at or about the point of 25°55.440' south, 153°06.584' east); and(d)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°54.232' south (at or about the point of 25°54.232' south, 153°05.707' east); and(e)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°54.188' south, 153°05.756' east; and(f)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°53.895' south, 153°05.506' east; and(g)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the mainland intersects the parallel of latitude 25°53.938' south (at or about the point of 25°53.938' south, 153°05.454' east); and(h)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the northern side of Snapper Creek and the meridian of longitude 153°00.130' east (at or about the point of 25°54.215' south, 153°00.130' east) then running progressively—(a)easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary meets the north-western corner of lot 1 on plan SP297681 (at or about the point of 25°54.262' south, 153°00.244' east); and(b)generally westerly and then north-easterly along the marine park boundary in Snapper Creek to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°55.353' south, 153°10.600' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°55.353' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°11.277' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 153°11.277' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the northern side of Double Island Point (at or about the point of 25°55.730' south, 153°11.277' east); and(c)generally south-westerly along the marine park boundary around Double Island Point to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°56.209' south (at or about the point of 25°56.209' south, 153°10.899' east); and(d)west along the parallel of latitude 25°56.209' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°10.600' east; and(e)north along the meridian of longitude 153°10.600' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Double Island Point and the parallel of latitude 25°56.000' south (at or about the point of 25°56.000' south, 153°11.523' east) then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.846' south, 153°11.838' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 153°11.838' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°56.455' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°56.455' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland south of Double Island Point (at or about the point of 25°56.455' south, 153°11.077' east); and(d)generally north-easterly along the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Double Island Point to the point of commencement.
73CPZ28—Southern Tin Can Inlet
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet and the parallel of latitude 25°56.297' south (at or about the point of 25°56.297' south, 153°01.661' east) then running progressively—(a)easterly along a geodesic to the point on the western boundary of the Tin Can Inlet Fish Habitat Area shown as 'coordinate I' on plan FHA-064 (at or about the point of 25°56.413' south, 153°01.956' east); and(b)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.443' south, 153°02.032' east; and(c)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.581' south, 153°01.913' east; and(d)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.746' south, 153°01.628' east; and(e)south along the meridian of longitude 153°01.628' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet (at or about the point of 25°57.310' south, 153°01.628' east); and(f)generally southerly along the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°57.983' south (at or about the point of 25°57.983' south, 153°01.487' east); and(g)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet intersects the parallel of latitude 25°58.510' south (at or about the point of 25°58.510' south, 153°00.519' east); and(h)generally north-easterly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet to the point of commencement.
The conservation park zone does not include a part of the marine park described in part 4 of this schedule. See section 12(4) of this plan.
The sequence of the letters 'MNP' and the number preceding the name of each area described in this part is the unique identifier used to identify the area.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland and the parallel of latitude 24°31.315' south (at or about the point of 24°31.315' south, 152°03.913' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°31.315' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°04.237' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°36.045' south, 152°07.864' east; and(c)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the mainland intersects the parallel of latitude 24°36.217' south (at or about the point of 24°36.217' south, 152°07.634' east); and(d)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to where it meets H.A.T. on the most southern bank at the mouth of Littabella Creek (at or about the point of 24°35.752' south, 152°07.207' east); and(e)north-westerly along a geodesic (across the mouth of Littabella Creek) to where it meets H.A.T. on the most northern bank at the mouth of Littabella Creek (at or about the point of 24°34.709' south, 152°06.249' east); and(f)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the outer marine park boundary north of K'gari and the meridian of longitude 153°11.300' east (at or about the point of 24°39.115' south, 153°11.300' east) then running progressively—(a)generally easterly along the outer marine park boundary to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°18.000' east (at or about the point of 24°37.530' south, 153°18.000' east); and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 153°18.000' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°39.000' south; and(c)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari intersects the parallel of latitude 24°42.000' south (at or about the point of 24°42.000' south, 153°16.259' east); and(d)generally westerly along the coastal 500m line on the northern side of K'gari to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°11.300' east (at or about the point of 24°43.696' south, 153°11.300' east); and(e)north along the meridian of longitude 153°11.300' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°45.400' south, 153°03.450' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°45.400' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°06.726' east; and(b)north along the meridian of longitude 153°06.726' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°44.200' south; and(c)east along the parallel of latitude 24°44.200' south to its intersection with the coastal 500m line on the northern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°44.200' south, 153°10.640' east); and(d)generally south-westerly along the coastal 500m line on the northern side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°48.501' south (at or about the point of 24°48.501' south, 153°06.930' east); and(e)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°47.000' south, 153°03.450' east; and(f)north along the meridian of longitude 153°03.450' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°47.770' south, 152°43.700' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°47.770' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°53.350' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°53.350' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°56.605' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°56.605' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°48.600' east; and(d)north along the meridian of longitude 152°48.600' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°54.456' south; and(e)west along the parallel of latitude 24°54.456' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°47.000' east; and(f)south along the meridian of longitude 152°47.000' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°56.605' south; and(g)west along the parallel of latitude 24°56.605' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°43.700' east; and(h)north along the meridian of longitude 152°43.700' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°48.604' south, 152°27.767' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°48.604' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°27.889' east; and(b)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.477' south, 152°27.962' east; and(c)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°47.938' south, 152°28.274' east; and(d)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.304' south, 152°28.771' east; and(e)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.058' south, 152°28.400' east; and(f)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.320' south, 152°28.271' east; and(g)south along the meridian of longitude 152°28.271' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°49.394' south; and(h)west along the parallel of latitude 24°49.394' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°27.994' east; and(i)north along the meridian of longitude 152°27.994' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°49.294' south; and(j)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.088' south, 152°28.147' east; and(k)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.969' south, 152°28.157' east; and(l)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.899' south, 152°28.125' east; and(m)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.832' south, 152°27.988' east; and(n)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.754' south, 152°27.893' east; and(o)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.736' south, 152°27.829' east; and(p)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°49.765' south, 152°28.092' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°49.765' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°28.490' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°50.261' south, 152°28.964' east; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°50.261' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°28.511' east; and(d)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°50.219' south, 152°28.443' east; and(e)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°50.076' south, 152°28.360' east; and(f)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°50.048' south, 152°28.368' east; and(g)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.968' south, 152°28.321' east; and(h)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.911' south, 152°28.241' east; and(i)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.829' south, 152°28.139' east; and(j)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°52.271' south, 152°29.012' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°52.271' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°29.330' east; and(b)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.746' south, 152°29.524' east; and(c)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.867' south, 152°29.633' east; and(d)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°53.023' south, 152°29.655' east; and(e)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°53.202' south, 152°29.574' east; and(f)west along the parallel of latitude 24°53.202' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°29.260' east; and(g)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.970' south, 152°29.386' east; and(h)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.942' south, 152°29.343' east; and(i)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.959' south, 152°29.318' east; and(j)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.922' south, 152°29.273' east; and(k)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.803' south, 152°29.249' east; and(l)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.681' south, 152°29.169' east; and(m)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.574' south, 152°29.132' east; and(n)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.439' south, 152°29.077' east; and(o)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.403' south, 152°29.087' east; and(p)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.345' south, 152°29.056' east; and(q)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the eastern side of K'gari and the parallel of latitude 24°58.840' south (at or about the point of 24°58.840' south, 153°21.033' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°58.840' south to its intersection with the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°58.840' south, 153°21.370' east); and(b)generally southerly along the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°59.436' south (at or about the point of 24°59.436' south, 153°21.420' east); and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°59.436' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the eastern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°59.436' south, 153°21.084' east); and(d)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the eastern side of K'gari to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°59.000' south, 152°52.000' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°59.000' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°56.000' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°56.000' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°04.833' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°04.833' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°52.000' east; and(d)north along the meridian of longitude 152°52.000' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°59.094' south, 152°32.830' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°59.094' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°33.645' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°33.645' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°59.854' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°59.854' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°32.830' east; and(d)north along the meridian of longitude 152°32.830' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°02.806' south, 152°37.998' east then running progressively—(a)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°04.999' south, 152°42.000' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°42.000' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°07.500' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°07.500' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°37.998' east; and(d)north along the meridian of longitude 152°37.998' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari and the parallel of latitude 25°04.395' south (at or about the point of 25°04.395' south, 153°20.063' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°04.395' south to its intersection with the outer marine park boundary (at or about the point of 25°04.395' south, 153°23.416' east); and(b)generally south-westerly along the outer marine park boundary to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°14.278' south (at or about the point of 25°14.278' south, 153°18.769' east); and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°14.278' south to its intersection with the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 25°14.278' south, 153°15.426' east); and(d)generally north-easterly along the coastal 500m line on the eastern side of K'gari to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°07.000' south, 152°52.000' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°07.000' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°56.000' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°56.000' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°13.000' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°13.000' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°53.200' east; and(d)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°09.480' south, 152°52.000' east; and(e)north along the meridian of longitude 152°52.000' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the north-eastern corner of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area (at or about the point of 25°12.723' south, 152°38.917' east) then running progressively—(a)generally south-easterly along the eastern boundary of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°39.567' east (at or about the point of 25°13.473' south, 152°39.567' east); and(b)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°13.746' south, 152°39.266' east; and(c)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the mainland intersects the parallel of latitude 25°13.862' south (at or about the point of 25°13.862' south, 152°39.140' east); and(d)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°13.032' south (at or about the point of 25°13.032' south, 152°38.406' east); and(e)north-easterly along a geodesic to the north-western corner, on the foreshore of Hervey Bay, of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area (at or about the point of 25°13.028' south, 152°38.412' east); and(f)generally north-easterly along the northern boundary of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the northern side of Isis River and the western boundary of the Burrum Fish Habitat Area (at or about the point of 25°12.980' south, 152°28.445' east) then running progressively—(a)generally southerly along the western boundary of the Burrum Fish Habitat Area to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the southern side of Isis River (at or about the point of 25°13.029' south, 152°28.436' east); and(b)generally south-westerly along the marine park boundary on the southern side of Isis River to the upstream limit of the marine park in the Isis River (at or about the point of 25°13.686' south, 152°27.135' east); and(c)north along the upstream limit of the marine park in the Isis River to the marine park boundary on the northern side of Isis River (at or about the point of 25°13.653' south, 152°27.135' east); and(d)generally north-easterly along the marine park boundary on the northern side of Isis River to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°16.000' south, 152°55.500' east then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.685' south, 152°56.240' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.682' south, 152°57.477' east; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°16.682' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Big Woody Island (at or about the point of 25°16.682' south, 152°57.196' east); and(d)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Big Woody Island to the most northern point on Big Woody Island (at or about the point of 25°16.361' south, 152°56.596' east); and(e)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.360' south, 152°56.390' east; and(f)south along the meridian of longitude 152°56.390' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°16.682' south; and(g)west along the parallel of latitude 25°16.682' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°55.500' east; and(h)north along the meridian of longitude 152°55.500' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°16.136' south, 152°50.385' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°16.136' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°50.932' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°50.932' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°16.668' south; and(c)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.413' south, 152°50.385' east; and(d)north along the meridian of longitude 152°50.385' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Little Woody Island and the parallel of latitude 25°19.348' south (at or about the point of 25°19.348' south, 153°01.484' east) then running progressively—(a)easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari intersects the parallel of latitude 25°18.893' south (at or about the point of 25°18.893' south, 153°02.898' east); and(b)generally southerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°21.483' south (at or about the point of 25°21.483' south, 153°02.921' east); and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°21.483' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°00.990' east; and(d)north along the meridian of longitude 153°00.990' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the southern side of Little Woody Island (at or about the point of 25°18.832' south, 153°00.990' east); and(e)generally south-easterly along the marine park boundary on the southern side, around the southern tip and along the eastern side of Little Woody Island to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°21.147' south, 153°00.217' east then running progressively—(a)south-easterly along a geodesic to the most northern point on Duck Island (at or about the point of 25°21.191' south, 153°00.256' east); and(b)generally south-easterly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Duck Island to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°00.414' east (at or about the point of 25°21.425' south, 153°00.414' east); and(c)south along the meridian of longitude 153°00.414' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°21.446' south; and(d)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°21.627' south, 152°59.875' east; and(e)north along the meridian of longitude 152°59.875' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°21.499' south; and(f)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait and the parallel of latitude 25°21.864' south (at or about the point of 25°21.864' south, 152°55.061' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°21.864' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°55.751' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°55.751' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°24.000' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°24.000' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait (at or about the point of 25°24.000' south, 152°54.796' east); and(d)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the northern side of Bunya Creek and the imaginary line that is 10m inside the mangrove forest from the mangrove line on the northern bank of Bunya Creek, adjacent to lot 1224 on plan M37569 (at or about the point of 25°24.411' south, 152°51.478' east) then running progressively—(a)generally northerly and south-easterly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°53.062' east (at or about the point of 25°24.101' south, 152°53.062' east); and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°53.062' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary following H.A.T. on the southern side of an unnamed tributary of the Susan River, near the most northern point of lot 17 on plan MCH826 (at or about the point of 25°24.315' south, 152°53.062' east); and(c)generally south-westerly along the marine park boundary following H.A.T. to its intersection, near the south-western corner of lot 62 on plan M371195, with the meridian of longitude 152°52.257' east (at or about the point of 25°24.871' south, 152°52.257' east); and(d)south along the meridian of longitude 152°52.257' east to where it intersects the imaginary line that is 10m inside the mangrove forest from the mangrove line on the northern bank of the Susan River (at or about the point of 25°24.926' south, 152°52.257' east); and(e)generally north-westerly along the imaginary line that is 10m inside the mangrove forest from the mangrove line on the northern banks of Susan River and Bunya Creek to the point of commencement.
95MNP22—Turkey, Bookar, Walsh Islands
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°28.410' south, 152°57.000' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°28.410' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°58.818' east; and(b)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°29.333' south, 152°58.983' east; and(c)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°29.932' south, 152°58.952' east; and(d)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.237' south, 152°58.821' east; and(e)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.738' south, 152°58.447' east; and(f)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°31.003' south, 152°56.955' east; and(g)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°31.024' south, 152°56.330' east; and(h)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°31.000' south, 152°56.289' east; and(i)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.980' south, 152°56.209' east; and(j)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.962' south, 152°56.173' east; and(k)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.937' south, 152°56.148' east; and(l)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.883' south, 152°56.116' east; and(m)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.838' south, 152°56.078' east; and(n)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.810' south, 152°56.025' east; and(o)westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.811' south, 152°55.982' east; and(p)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.788' south, 152°55.975' east; and(q)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.680' south, 152°56.015' east; and(r)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.596' south, 152°56.040' east; and(s)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.535' south, 152°56.055' east; and(t)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.400' south, 152°56.073' east; and(u)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.208' south, 152°56.084' east; and(v)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.102' south, 152°56.125' east; and(w)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°30.040' south, 152°56.126' east; and(x)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°29.962' south, 152°56.059' east; and(y)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°29.860' south, 152°56.036' east; and(z)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°29.730' south, 152°56.057' east; and(za)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°29.642' south, 152°56.082' east; and(zb)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°29.524' south, 152°56.075' east; and(zc)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°29.478' south, 152°56.080' east; and(zd)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°29.387' south, 152°56.055' east; and(ze)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°29.288' south, 152°56.011' east; and(zf)north along the meridian of longitude 152°56.011' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°29.232' south; and(zg)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°28.938' south, 152°56.146' east; and(zh)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°28.672' south, 152°56.348' east; and(zi)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area enclosed within the mangrove line of the unnamed island east of Stewart Island.The unnamed island is located between Stewart Island and K'gari, centroid 25°37.524' south, 152°58.052' east.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait and the parallel of latitude 25°46.690' south (at or about the point of 25°46.690' south, 152°58.515' east) then running progressively—The intersection is on the eastern boundary of lot 506 on plan NPW555.(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°46.690' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary following H.A.T. on the western side of lot 26 on plan MCH5091 (at or about the point of 25°46.690' south, 152°58.957' east); and(b)generally easterly and northerly along the marine park boundary following H.A.T. on lot 26 on plan MCH5091 to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°46.330' south (at or about the point of 25°46.330' south, 152°59.076' east); andThe intersection is on the eastern side of the marine park boundary within lot 26 on plan MCH5091.(c)east along the parallel of latitude 25°46.330' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°59.614' east; and(d)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°47.082' south, 152°59.983' east; and(e)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°47.803' south, 152°58.604' east; and(f)west along the parallel of latitude 25°47.803' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°58.355' east; and(g)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°48.272' south, 152°57.870' east; and(h)northerly along a geodesic to the most southern corner of the part of lot 506 on plan NPW555 adjacent to Cowra Point (at or about the point of 25°48.069' south, 152°57.872' east); and(i)generally north-easterly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the northern side of Kauri Creek and the meridian of longitude 152°55.455' east (at or about the point of 25°48.663' south, 152°55.455' east) then running progressively—The intersection is downstream of the confluence of Kauri Creek and Mosquito Creek.(a)south along the meridian of longitude 152°55.455' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the southern side of Kauri Creek (at or about the point of 25°48.920' south, 152°55.455' east); and(b)generally southerly, northerly, westerly and then easterly along the marine park boundary in Kauri Creek and Mosquito Creek to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°50.970' south, 153°02.200' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°50.970' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet (at or about the point of 25°50.970' south, 153°02.812' east); and(b)generally southerly along the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°52.032' south (at or about the point of 25°52.032' south, 153°03.130' east); and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°52.032' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°02.565' east; and(d)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°51.798' south, 153°02.514' east; and(e)northerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°53.166' south, 153°10.600' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°53.166' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°13.000' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 153°13.000' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°55.353' south; and(c)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.846' south, 153°11.838' east; and(d)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Double Island Point intersects the parallel of latitude 25°56.000' south (at or about the point of 25°56.000' south, 153°11.523' east); and(e)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the northern side of Double Island Point to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°11.277' east (at or about the point of 25°55.730' south, 153°11.277' east); and(f)north along the meridian of longitude 153°11.277' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°55.353' south; and(g)west along the parallel of latitude 25°55.353' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°10.600' east; and(h)north along the meridian of longitude 153°10.600' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the northern side of Snapper Creek and the meridian of longitude 153°00.130' east (at or about the point of 25°54.215' south, 153°00.130' east) then running progressively—(a)generally northerly, south-easterly and westerly along the marine park boundary in Griffen Creek and Snapper Creek to where it meets the north-western corner of lot 1 on plan SP297681 (at or about the point of 25°54.262' south, 153°00.244' east); and(b)westerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet, between Judd Point and Cameron Creek, and the meridian of longitude 153°02.220' east (at or about the point of 25°55.599' south, 153°02.220' east) then running progressively—(a)generally easterly, southerly and westerly along the marine park boundary in Cameron Creek and Searys Creek to its intersection on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet with the parallel of latitude 25°56.350' south (at or about the point of 25°56.350' south, 153°02.239' east); and(b)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.340' south, 153°02.220' east; and(c)north along the meridian of longitude 153°02.220' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°56.746' south, 153°01.628' east then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.581' south, 153°01.913' east; and(b)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.443' south, 153°02.032' east; and(c)easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet intersects the parallel of latitude 25°56.497' south (at or about the point of 25°56.497' south, 153°02.164' east); and(d)generally southerly and then north-westerly along the marine park boundary in Cooloola Creek to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°01.628' east (at or about the point of 25°57.310' south, 153°01.628' east); and(e)north along the meridian of longitude 153°01.628' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet and the parallel of latitude 25°58.510' south (at or about the point of 25°58.510' south, 153°00.519' east) then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet intersects the parallel of latitude 25°57.983' south (at or about the point of 25°57.983' south, 153°01.487' east); and(b)generally southerly and then northerly along the marine park boundary in Carland Creek to the point of commencement.
section 25(2)
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°52.680' south, 152°47.700' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°52.680' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°48.420' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°48.420' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°53.280' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°53.280' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°47.700' east; and(d)north along the meridian of longitude 152°47.700' east to the point of commencement.'TOB01' is the unique identifier used to identify the ex-HMAS Tobruk area.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait and the parallel of latitude 25°20.617' south (at or about the point of 25°20.617' south, 152°54.470' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°20.617' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°54.693' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°20.772' south, 152°54.850' east; and(c)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°21.032' south, 152°54.935' east; and(d)south along the meridian of longitude 152°54.935' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°21.319' south; and(e)west along the parallel of latitude 25°21.319' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait (at or about the point of 25°21.319' south, 152°54.732' east); and(f)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to the point of commencement.'FTA01' is the unique identifier used to identify the fish trap area.
The sequence of the letters 'GSN' and the number preceding the name of each area described in this part is the unique identifier used to identify the area.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Wathumba Creek and the parallel of latitude 24°58.222' south (at or about the point of 24°58.222' south, 153°13.707' east) then running progressively—(a)generally northerly and then southerly along the marine park boundary in Wathumba Creek to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°58.222' south (at or about the point of 24°58.222' south, 153°14.134' east); and(b)west along the parallel of latitude 24°58.222' south to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet and the parallel of latitude 25°58.510' south (at or about the point of 25°58.510' south, 153°00.519' east) then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet intersects the parallel of latitude 25°57.983' south (at or about the point of 25°57.983' south, 153°01.487' east); and(b)generally southerly and then northerly along the marine park boundary in Carland Creek to the point of commencement.
The sequence of the letters 'GSA' and the number preceding the name of each area described in this part is the unique identifier used to identify the area.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the coastal 500m line on the northern side of K'gari and the meridian of longitude 153°15.360' east (at or about the point of 24°41.586' south, 153°15.360' east) then running progressively—(a)south along the meridian of longitude 153°15.360' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the northern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°41.863' south, 153°15.360' east); and(b)generally south-westerly along the marine park boundary on the northern side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°48.940' south (at or about the point of 24°48.940' south, 153°07.045' east); and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°48.940' south to its intersection with the coastal 500m line on the northern side of K'gari (at or about the point of 24°48.940' south, 153°06.747' east); and(d)generally north-easterly along the coastal 500m line on the northern side of K'gari to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the southern side of the Port of Bundaberg and the meridian of longitude 152°25.221' east (at or about the point of 24°45.599' south, 152°25.221' east) then running progressively—(a)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°46.321' south, 152°25.489' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°46.525' south, 152°25.866' east; and(c)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°46.895' south, 152°26.300' east; and(d)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°47.107' south, 152°26.495' east; and(e)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°47.200' south, 152°26.545' east; and(f)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°47.736' south, 152°26.834' east; and(g)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°47.777' south, 152°27.046' east; and(h)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°47.961' south, 152°27.557' east; and(i)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.477' south, 152°27.962' east; and(j)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.842' south, 152°28.345' east; and(k)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.058' south, 152°28.400' east; and(l)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.320' south, 152°28.271' east; and(m)south along the meridian of longitude 152°28.271' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°49.394' south; and(n)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.573' south, 152°28.313' east; and(o)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°49.765' south, 152°28.490' east; and(p)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°50.261' south, 152°28.964' east; and(q)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°50.400' south, 152°29.018' east; and(r)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°50.860' south, 152°29.055' east; and(s)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°51.434' south, 152°29.293' east; and(t)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.271' south, 152°29.330' east; and(u)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.746' south, 152°29.524' east; and(v)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°52.867' south, 152°29.633' east; and(w)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°53.023' south, 152°29.655' east; and(x)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°53.202' south, 152°29.574' east; and(y)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°54.084' south, 152°29.687' east; and(z)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°54.809' south, 152°29.904' east; and(za)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.009' south, 152°29.951' east; and(zb)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.199' south, 152°29.874' east; and(zc)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 24°55.347' south, 152°29.830' east; and(zd)west along the parallel of latitude 24°55.347' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 24°55.347' south, 152°29.494' east); and(ze)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to its intersection with a prolongation of the southern boundary of the Port of Bundaberg (at or about the point of 24°45.599' south, 152°24.825' east); and(zf)generally easterly along the marine park boundary to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the mainland and the parallel of latitude 25°11.003' south (at or about the point of 25°11.003' south, 152°36.906' east) then running progressively—(a)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.945' south, 152°37.278' east; and(b)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.913' south, 152°37.816' east; and(c)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.812' south, 152°38.316' east; and(d)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°10.146' south, 152°39.366' east; and(e)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°12.174' south, 152°40.994' east; and(f)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the eastern boundary of the Beelbi Fish Habitat Area intersects the meridian of longitude 152°39.567' east (at or about the point of 25°13.473' south, 152°39.567' east); and(g)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°13.746' south, 152°39.266' east; and(h)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the mainland intersects the parallel of latitude 25°13.862' south (at or about the point of 25°13.862' south, 152°39.140' east); and(i)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine boundary on the western side of K'gari, on the southern side of Moon Point, and the meridian of longitude 152°59.692' east (at or about the point of 25°13.809' south, 152°59.692' east) then running progressively—(a)generally southerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°21.809' south (at or about the point of 25°21.809' south, 153°02.667' east); and(b)west along the parallel of latitude 25°21.809' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°02.256' east; and(c)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°20.420' south, 153°02.446' east; and(d)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°19.016' south, 153°02.531' east; and(e)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°18.390' south, 153°02.389' east; and(f)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°17.129' south, 153°01.670' east; and(g)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°16.527' south, 153°01.333' east; and(h)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°15.344' south, 153°00.248' east; and(i)northerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Urangan boat harbour and the parallel of latitude 25°17.915' south (at or about the point of 25°17.915' south, 152°55.052' east) then running progressively—(a)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°20.758' south, 152°59.913' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the most northern point on Picnic Island (at or about the point of 25°20.768' south, 152°59.925' east); and(c)generally south-easterly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Picnic Island to the most southern point on Picnic Island (at or about the point of 25°20.855' south, 152°59.976' east); and(d)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°21.147' south, 153°00.217' east; and(e)south-easterly along a geodesic to the most northern point on Duck Island (at or about the point of 25°21.191' south, 153°00.256' east); and(f)generally south-easterly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Duck Island to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°00.414' east (at or about the point of 25°21.425' south, 153°00.414' east); and(g)south along the meridian of longitude 153°00.414' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°21.457' south; and(h)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°25.739' south, 152°55.511' east; and(i)west along the parallel of latitude 25°25.739' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 25°25.739' south, 152°55.403' east); and(j)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°18.778' south (at or about the point of 25°18.778' south, 152°53.937' east); and(k)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°18.709' south, 152°54.433' east; and(l)north-easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the southern side of Urangan boat harbour intersects the meridian of longitude 152°54.873' east (at or about the point of 25°18.155' south, 152°54.873' east); and(m)generally north-easterly along the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Urangan boat harbour to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°32.654' south, 152°55.487' east then running progressively—(a)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°32.501' south, 152°56.399' east; and(b)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°31.771' south, 152°56.710' east; and(c)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°31.213' south, 152°57.673' east; and(d)easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari intersects the parallel of latitude 25°30.981' south (at or about the point of 25°30.981' south, 152°58.749' east); and(e)generally southerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°36.763' south (at or about the point of 25°36.763' south, 152°57.735' east); and(f)west along the parallel of latitude 25°36.763' south and following deviations along the marine park boundary following H.A.T. on Dream Island, to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°57.112' east; and(g)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°35.801' south, 152°57.033' east; and(h)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°35.341' south, 152°56.516' east; and(i)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°34.588' south, 152°56.167' east; and(j)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°33.876' south, 152°55.601' east; and(k)northerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°38.558' south, 152°57.264' east then running progressively—(a)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°39.294' south, 152°58.158' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°39.609' south, 152°58.326' east; and(c)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°40.334' south, 152°58.540' east; and(d)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°42.273' south, 152°58.441' east; and(e)west along the parallel of latitude 25°42.273' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°57.953' east; and(f)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°40.105' south, 152°56.937' east; and(g)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°39.091' south, 152°56.790' east; and(h)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°38.620' south, 152°57.032' east; and(i)easterly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
12GSA08—Boonooroo to Kauri Creek
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait and the parallel of latitude 25°39.776' south (at or about the point of 25°39.776' south, 152°54.215' east) then running progressively—(a)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°45.046' south, 152°57.545' east; and(b)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°45.190' south, 152°58.909' east; and(c)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°45.754' south, 152°59.333' east; and(d)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°46.330' south, 152°59.614' east; and(e)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°47.082' south, 152°59.983' east; and(f)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°47.491' south, 153°00.180' east; and(g)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°48.300' south, 153°01.500' east; and(h)south along the meridian of longitude 153°01.500' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°49.680' south; and(i)west along the parallel of latitude 25°49.680' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet (at or about the point of 25°49.680' south, 153°01.136' east); and(j)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet and western side of Great Sandy Strait to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°55.353' south, 153°10.931' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°55.353' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°11.277' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.846' south, 153°11.838' east; and(c)south along the meridian of longitude 153°11.838' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°56.200' south; and(d)west along the parallel of latitude 25°56.200' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Double Island Point (at or about the point of 25°56.200' south, 153°11.481' east); and(e)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary around Double Island Point to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°55.696' south (at or about the point of 25°55.696' south, 153°10.942' east); and(f)west along the parallel of latitude 25°55.696' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°10.931' east; and(g)north along the meridian of longitude 153°10.931' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°53.166' south, 153°10.600' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°53.166' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°13.000' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 153°13.000' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°55.353' south; and(c)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°55.846' south, 153°11.838' east; and(d)south-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Double Island Point intersects the parallel of latitude 25°56.000' south (at or about the point of 25°56.000' south, 153°11.523' east); and(e)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the northern side of Double Island Point to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°11.277' east (at or about the point of 25°55.730' south, 153°11.277' east); and(f)north along the meridian of longitude 153°11.277' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°55.353' south; and(g)west along the parallel of latitude 25°55.353' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°10.600' east; and(h)north along the meridian of longitude 153°10.600' east to the point of commencement.'GNS01' is the unique identifier used to identify the grey nurse shark area.
The area bounded by a line commencing where the marine park boundary on the mainland meets the most northern point of lot 222 on plan SP149060 (at or about the point of 24°47.200' south, 152°26.125' east) then running progressively—(a)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°47.200' south, 152°26.545' east; and(b)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°47.736' south, 152°26.834' east; and(c)easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°47.777' south, 152°27.046' east; and(d)south along the meridian of longitude 152°27.046' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 24°48.061' south, 152°27.046' east); and(e)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to the point of commencement.'MRA01' is the unique identifier used to identify the Mon Repos area.
The sequence of the letters 'NAA' and the number preceding the name of each area described in this part is the unique identifier used to identify the area.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 24°56.472' south, 153°08.501' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 24°56.472' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°09.000' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 153°09.000' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°57.000' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 24°57.000' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°08.501' east; and(d)north along the meridian of longitude 153°08.501' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°14.338' south, 152°48.242' east then running progressively—(a)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°14.720' south, 152°48.590' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°48.590' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the northern side of Point Vernon (at or about the point of 25°14.776' south, 152°48.590' east); and(c)generally westerly along the marine park boundary around Point Vernon to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°14.880' south (at or about the point of 25°14.880' south, 152°48.281' east); and(d)west along the parallel of latitude 25°14.880' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°47.768' east; and(e)north along the meridian of longitude 152°47.768' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°14.631' south; and(f)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°14.453' south, 152°49.325' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°14.453' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°49.904' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°49.904' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°14.916' south; and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°14.916' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Point Vernon (at or about the point of 25°14.916' south, 152°49.683' east); and(d)generally westerly along the marine park boundary around Point Vernon to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°49.325' east (at or about the point of 25°14.803' south, 152°49.325' east); and(e)north along the meridian of longitude 152°49.325' east to the point of commencement.
The sequence of the letters 'NMV' and the number preceding the name of each area described in this part is the unique identifier used to identify the area.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet, between Judd Point and Cameron Creek, and the meridian of longitude 153°02.220' east (at or about the point of 25°55.599' south, 153°02.220' east) then running progressively—(a)generally easterly, southerly and westerly along the marine park boundary in Cameron Creek and Searys Creek to its intersection on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet with the parallel of latitude 25°56.350' south (at or about the point of 25°56.350' south, 153°02.239' east); and(b)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.340' south, 153°02.220' east; and(c)north along the meridian of longitude 153°02.220' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°56.746' south, 153°01.628' east then running progressively—(a)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.581' south, 153°01.913' east; and(b)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°56.443' south, 153°02.032' east; and(c)easterly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the eastern side of Tin Can Inlet intersects the parallel of latitude 25°56.497' south (at or about the point of 25°56.497' south, 153°02.164' east); and(d)generally southerly and then north-westerly along the marine park boundary in Cooloola Creek to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°01.628' east (at or about the point of 25°57.310' south, 153°01.628' east); and(e)north along the meridian of longitude 153°01.628' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari, just south of Rooney Point, and the meridian of longitude 153°07.393' east (at or about the point of 24°49.017' south, 153°07.393' east) then running progressively—(a)generally south-easterly along the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24°56.100' south (at or about the point of 24°56.100' south, 153°14.034' east); and(b)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.'PBA01' is the unique identifier used to identify the Platypus Bay area.
The sequence of the letters 'SSC' and the number preceding the name of each area described in this part is the unique identifier used to identify the area.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°12.851' south, 152°59.751' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°12.851' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari (at or about the point of 25°12.851' south, 152°59.815' east); and(b)generally southerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of K'gari to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°13.366' south (at or about the point of 25°13.366' south, 152°59.608' east); and(c)west along the parallel of latitude 25°13.366' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°59.470' east; and(d)northerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°13.267' south, 152°59.503' east; and(e)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°13.038' south, 152°59.631' east; and(f)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 25°12.939' south, 152°59.698' east; and(g)north-easterly along a geodesic to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait and the parallel of latitude 25°36.090' south (at or about the point of 25°36.090' south, 152°52.577' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°36.090' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°52.603' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 152°52.603' east to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°36.560' south; and(c)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°36.609' south, 152°52.584' east; and(d)west along the parallel of latitude 25°36.609' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°52.524' east; and(e)north-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°36.553' south, 152°52.407' east; and(f)northerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait intersects the meridian of longitude 152°52.400' east (at or about the point of 25°36.459' south, 152°52.400' east); and(g)generally north-easterly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the point of 25°40.127' south, 152°54.232' east then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°40.127' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°54.415' east; and(b)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°40.322' south, 152°54.472' east; and(c)southerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°40.421' south, 152°54.433' east; and(d)south-westerly along a geodesic to the point of 25°40.601' south, 152°54.320' east; and(e)north-westerly along a geodesic to where the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait intersects the meridian of longitude 152°54.226' east (at or about the point of 25°40.488' south, 152°54.226' east); and(f)generally northerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Great Sandy Strait to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 25°40.250' south (at or about the point of 25°40.250' south, 152°54.219' east); and(g)east along the parallel of latitude 25°40.250' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 152°54.232' east; and(h)north along the meridian of longitude 152°54.232' east to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet and the parallel of latitude 25°57.187' south (at or about the point of 25°57.187' south, 153°00.186' east) then running progressively—(a)east along the parallel of latitude 25°57.187' south to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 153°00.510' east; and(b)south along the meridian of longitude 153°00.510' east to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet (at or about the point of 25°57.472' south, 153°00.510' east); and(c)generally westerly and northerly along the marine park boundary on the western side of Tin Can Inlet to the point of commencement.
The area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the marine park boundary on the southern side of the Port of Bundaberg and the meridian of longitude 152°27.800' east (at or about the point of 24°45.599' south, 152°27.800' east) then running progressively—(a)south-easterly along a geodesic to the point of 24°48.903' south, 152°30.920' east; and(b)west along the parallel of latitude 24°48.903' south to its intersection with the marine park boundary on the mainland (at or about the point of 24°48.903' south, 152°27.952' east); and(c)generally north-westerly along the marine park boundary on the mainland to its intersection with a prolongation of the southern boundary of the Port of Bundaberg (at or about the point of 24°45.599' south, 152°24.825' east); and(d)generally easterly along the marine park boundary to the point of commencement.'TPA01' is the unique identifier used to identify the turtle protection area.
Column 1 Area of marine park | Column 2 Non-conforming use | Column 3 Conditions |
the following areas in the conservation park zone— • CPZ01—Baffle Creek • CPZ10—Riverview • CPZ11—Elliott River • CPZ19—Burrum River • crab and marine yabby non-conforming use area of CPZ21—Great Sandy Strait • CPZ25—Snapper Creek • CPZ28—Southern Tin Can Inlet | taking crabs, other than spanner crabs, for trade or commerce | the crabs mentioned in column 2 may be taken only— (a) by a person who holds, or is acting under, an authority under the Fisheries Act 1994; and (b) in the commercial crab fishery in compliance with the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 7, part 1 |
the following areas in the conservation park zone— • CPZ01—Baffle Creek • CPZ10—Riverview • CPZ11—Elliott River • CPZ19—Burrum River • crab and marine yabby non-conforming use area of CPZ21—Great Sandy Strait • CPZ25—Snapper Creek • CPZ28—Southern Tin Can Inlet | taking marine yabbies for trade or commerce | the marine yabbies may be taken only— (a) by a person who holds, or is acting under, the primary commercial fishing licence number 1435 or 3464; and (b) in the marine yabby fishery in compliance with the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 7A, part 15 |
• the parts of the CPZ21—Great Sandy Strait within the net fishery (east coast no. 4) fishery area | using a tunnel net | a tunnel net may be used only— (a) by a person who holds, or is acting under, an authority under the Fisheries Act 1994; and (b) in the net fishery (east coast no. 4) in compliance with the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 4, part 5 |
• that part of CPZ21—Great Sandy Strait within the set pocket net waters | using a set pocket net | a set pocket net may be used only— (a) by a person who holds, or is acting under, an authority under the Fisheries Act 1994; and (b) in the set pocket net waters in compliance with the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 4, part 9A |
• that part of CPZ21—Great Sandy Strait within the net fishery (general netting and ocean beach—area 8) fishery area | taking fish for trade or commerce to which the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 4, part 1, division 9, section 25 applies | the fish mentioned in column 2 may be taken only— (a) by a person who holds, or is acting under, an authority under the Fisheries Act 1994; and (b) in the net fishery (general netting and ocean beach—area 8) in compliance with the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 4, part 1, divisions 8 and 9 |
section 70(1)
Column 1 Area of marine park | Column 2 Non-conforming use | Column 3 Conditions |
the following area in the marine national park zone— • MNP18—Little Woody Island | taking fish for trade or commerce to which the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 7A, section 5 applies | the fish mentioned in column 2 may be taken only— (a) by a person who holds, or is acting under, a primary commercial fishing licence under the Fisheries Act 1994 if—(i) fish were taken from the area under the licence after 31 July 2006; and(ii) the take was recorded as required under the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019; and (b) in the aquarium fish fishery in compliance with the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 7A, part 1 |
that part of MNP16—Big Woody Island and CPZ21—Great Sandy Strait bounded by the following coordinates— • the northern tip of Big Woody Island at or near 25°16.363' south, 152°56.581' east • 25°16.240' south, 152°56.224' east • 25°16.099' south, 152°56.401' east • 25°16.011' south, 152°55.701' east • 25°15.669' south, 152°56.266' east • the northern tip of Big Woody Island at or near 25°16.363' south, 152°56.581' east | taking coral for trade or commerce | the coral may be taken only— (a) by a person who holds, or is acting under, the primary commercial fishing licence number 1484 or 1470 under the Fisheries Act 1994; and (b) in the coral fishery in compliance with the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 7A, part 3; and (c) to supply coral to the Trustee for Wolff Family Trust ABN 70 549 677 690 trading as Neptune Reef World for display at the premises known as Reefworld-Hervey Bay |
section 97(2)(b), section 100(3)(c) and schedule 6, definition protected species, paragraph (d)
A Invertebrates
Class | Species | Common name |
Anthozoa | all | anemone |
corallimorpharian | ||
coral (hard, soft and black) | ||
seafan | ||
Hydrozoa | all | fire coral |
hydroid |
B Reptiles, birds and mammals
all species of reptiles, birds and mammals |
C Sharks
Family | Genus | Species | Common name |
Heterodontidae | Heterodontus | galeatus | crested Port Jackson shark |
Family | Genus | Species | Common name |
Acanthuridae | all | all | surgeonfish unicornfish |
Anomalopidae | all | all | |
Antennariidae | all | all | |
Aploactinidae | all | all | |
Apogonidae | all | all | |
Aulostomidae | all | all | |
Balistidae | all | all | |
Batrachoididae | Batrachomoeus | all | |
Batrachoididae | Haplophryne | all | |
Blenniidae | all | all | |
Callionymidae | all | all | |
Centriscidae | all | all | snipefish shrimpfish |
Chaetodontidae | all | all | |
Cirrhitidae | Cirrhitichthys | all | |
Cirrhitidae | Paracirrhites | all | |
Clinidae | all | all | clinids |
Diodontidae | all | all | |
Eleotrididae | all | all | |
Ephippidae | all | all | spadefish batfish scat |
Epinephelidae | Epinephelus | tauvina | greasy cod greasy grouper estuary cod |
Fistulariidae | all | all | cornetfish |
Gobiidae | all | all | |
Grammistidae | Grammistes | all | |
Holocentridae | all | all | |
Labridae | All genera, other than the following— | ||
Achoerodus (all species) | |||
Bodianus frenchii | fox fish | ||
Bodianus perditio | gold spot wrasse | ||
Bodianus unimaculatus | pigfish | ||
Cheilinus chlorourus | floral maori wrasse | ||
Choerodon (all species) | |||
Epibulus insidiator | sling jaw wrasse | ||
Hemigymnus (all species) | thick lipped wrasse | ||
Hologymnosus (all species) | |||
Pseudolabrus (all species) | |||
Liopropomatidae | Diploprion | all | |
Malacanthidae | all | all | sand tilefish |
Microdesmidae | Ptereleotris | all | dartfish |
wormfish | |||
Monacanthidae | Pervagor | all | filefish |
Monacanthidae | Chaetodermis | penicilligerus | prickly leatherjacket |
Monacanthidae | Oxymonacanthus | longirostris | filefish |
Monocentridae | Cleidopus | gloriamaris | pineapple fish |
Muraenidae | Gymnothorax | all | moray eel |
Muraenidae | Echidna | all | moray eel |
Muraenidae | Siderea | all | moray eel |
Ophichthidae | all | all | snake eel |
Ostraciidae | Ostracion | all | box fish |
Ostraciidae | Lactoria | all | box fish |
Ostraciontidae | all | all | box fish cowfish turretfish |
Oxudercidae | all | all | mudskipper |
Pataecidae | Pataecus | fronto | red Indian fish |
Pegasidae | all | all | dragonfish |
Plesiopidae | all | all | roundhead blue devil hulafish prettyfins |
Pomacanthidae | all | all | angelfish |
Pomacentridae | all | all | anemone fish |
damselfish | |||
puller | |||
sergeant-major | |||
Priacanthidae | all | all | bigeye |
Pseudochromidae | all | all | cichlop |
dottyback | |||
Scorpaenidae | all genera, other than the following— | ||
Pterois volitans | butterfly cod lionfish red firefish | ||
Neosebastes (all species) | gunard perch | ||
Scorpaenidae | Dendrochirus | all | dwarf lionfish |
Siganidae | Siganus | vulpinus | fox-face |
Synanceiidae | all | all | stonefish |
Tetraodontidae | Arothron | all | fat puffer |
Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster | all | sharpnosed puffer |
Tripterygiidae | all | triplefin blennies | |
Zanclidae | Zanclus | cornutus | moorish idol |
Family Nereidae (bait worms) |
Family Eunicidae (bait worms) |
Family Panuliridae, other than Stenopus hispidus (crayfish and shrimps) |
Family Penaeidae (prawns) |
Family Scyllaridae (Moreton Bay bugs) |
Family Portunidae (mud crabs and sand crabs) |
Family Raninidae (spanner crabs) |
Family Grapsidae (rock crabs) |
Family Xanthidae (rock crabs) |
Family Diogenidae and Paguridae (hermit crabs) |
Family Callianassidae, species Trypaea australiensis (marine yabbies) |
Family Ocypodidae (ghost crabs) |
Family Mictyridae (soldier crabs) |
Family Alpheidae (snapping shrimps) |
Class Stomatopoda (mantis shrimps) |
Family Ostreidae (oysters) |
Family Donacidae, species Latona deltoides(eugaries or pippies) |
Family Mytilidae (mussels) |
Family Arcidae (ark clams) |
Family Onuphidae (polychaete worms) |
Family Phyllodocidae (polychaete worms) |
section 4(1)
accreditation means accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement under section 78(2).
accreditation certificate, for an accredited traditional use of marine resources agreement, see section 78(2)(a).
accreditation period, for an accredited traditional use of marine resources agreement, see section 78(2)(a)(ii).
accredited traditional use of marine resources agreement means a traditional use of marine resources agreement accredited by the chief executive under section 78(2).
airboat means a vessel designed to be propelled by an aircraft-type propeller.
anchor, a vessel or aircraft, see section 5.
animal means any member of the animal kingdom (other than a human), whether alive or dead, and includes—
(a)any—(i)amphibian; or(ii)bird; or(iii)coral; or(iv)fish; or(v)invertebrate; or(vi)mammal; or(vii)reptile; and
(b)the whole or any part of—(i)the progeny, larvae, pupae, eggs or genetic or reproductive material of an animal; and(ii)the carcass or another part of an animal.
appointed person, for part 5, division 4, see section 83(b).
aquaculture operation—
1An aquaculture operation is an operation for propagating, rearing, keeping, growing or breeding an aquatic plant or animal, including a fish, crustacean, reptile or mollusc, or other marine resource.
2An aquaculture operation includes the construction, operation, maintenance, modification, demolition or removal of any structure associated with an activity mentioned in paragraph 1.
aquarium fish fishery means the aquarium fish fishery described in the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 7A, part 1.
area restrictions, for the grey nurse shark area, see section 40.
bait gathering means taking, in compliance with the Fisheries Declaration 2019 or the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, a crab, eugary, worm or yabby by hand or by a hand-held implement, other than taking as part of a harvest fishery.
bait netting means using a net mentioned in section 94 in compliance with that section.
beachworm fishery means the beachworm fishery described in the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 7A, part 13.
coastal 500m line around an island or the mainland is the line every point of which is 500m seaward from the marine park boundary from the island or mainland.
collapsible trap see the Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019, schedule 11.
commercial crab fishery means the commercial crab fishery described in the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 7, part 1.
commercial fisher means a person who holds a commercial fishing licence issued under the Fisheries Act 1994.
commercial fishery see the Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019, schedule 11.
coral includes a species of coral within the class Anthozoa or Hydrozoa, whether living or dead.
Examples of species of coral within the class Anthozoa or Hydrozoa—
anemones, corallimorpharians, fire corals, hydroids, sea fans, zoanthids
coral fishery means the coral fishery described in the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 7A, part 3.
crab and marine yabby non-conforming use area of CPZ21—Great Sandy Strait means that part of CPZ21—Great Sandy Strait that is south of a line defined by the parallel of latitude 25° 17.56' south that connects Urangan Boat Harbour and Big Woody Island, then continuing south-easterly along the western side and around the southern tip of Big Woody Island and then continuing along the meridian of longitude 152° 59.58' east that connects Big Woody Island and K'gari (adjacent to Moon Point).
crabbing means taking crabs in compliance with section 96.
crab pot see the Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019, schedule 11.
defence activities means activities for defence purposes—
(a)conducted by the Australian Defence Force; or
(b)conducted by a defence force of another country that is in Australia with the approval of the Commonwealth; or
(c)conducted or authorised by the Commonwealth Department of Defence.
developmental fishery program means a program of fishing or collecting, other than a program of collecting coral, that—
(a)uses equipment or techniques not previously used in a commercial fishery in the marine park; or
(b)targets, either wholly or in part, a species for which there is no commercial fishery in the marine park.
diver, for part 3, division 6, subdivision 1, see section 39.
dive club, for part 3, division 6, subdivision 1, see section 39.
educational program means the provision, whether as a single act or a series of acts, of transport, accommodation or other services for a group of 6 or more persons, none of whom is a tourist, principally to systematically educate those persons.
ex-HMAS Tobruk area means the designated area described in schedule 2, part 1.
facility includes—
(a)a building, structure or vessel; and
(b)equipment, goods or services.
fishing includes fishing that involves releasing a fish after capture.
fishing or collecting means the taking, or attempted taking, of an animal, plant or other marine resource.
fish trap area means the designated area described in schedule 2, part 2.
geodesic means a line between 2 points that follows the curvature of the earth.
go slow area for natural and cultural resources means the designated area described in schedule 2, part 3.
go slow area for turtles and dugongs means the designated area described in schedule 2, part 4.
Great Sandy Marine Park means the area mentioned in the Marine Parks (Declaration) Regulation 2006, section 10 and described in schedule 3 of that regulation.
grey nurse shark area means the designated area described in schedule 2, part 5.
harvest fishery means a harvest fishery under the Marine Parks Regulation 2017, other than the coral fishery.
H.A.T. means highest astronomical tide.
highest astronomical tide means the highest level of the tides that can be predicted to occur under average meteorological conditions and under any combination of astronomical conditions.
holders, of an accreditation of a traditional use of marine resources agreement, means the members of the traditional owner group in whose name the application for the accreditation was made.
hook means—
(a)a single-shanked hook; or
(b)a single-shanked double or treble hook; or
(c)a lure that is an artificial bait with no more than 3 hooks attached to it; or
(d)an artificial fly; or
(e)a jig for taking squid; or
(f)a ganged hook set, consisting of no more than 6 hooks, each of which is in contact with at least 1 of the other hooks in the set; or
(g)a bait jig that is a hook, or a group of hooks consisting of no more than 6 hooks, if the hook, or each of the group of hooks, is of a size between number 1 and number 12 inclusively or an equivalent size.
length overall, for a vessel, has the meaning given by the Transport Operations (Marine Pollution) Act 1995, section 7A.
limited collecting means collecting an animal or plant by hand or a hand-held implement that is not motorised or pneumatically or hydraulically operated.
limited educational program means an educational program not involving fishing or collecting.
limited impact research (extractive)—
1Limited impact research (extractive) is research that is a component of—(a)an educational program; or(b)a research project.
2Research involving either or both of the following is also limited impact research (extractive)—(a)limited research sampling;(b)the installation or operation of minor research aids that do not pose a threat to safety or navigation.
limited impact research (non-extractive)—
1Limited impact research (non-extractive) is research not involving fishing or collecting.
2Subject to paragraph 1, limited impact research (non-extractive) includes the following—(a)visual surveys;(b)research not involving an activity that would, if it were not part of a research activity, require a permission;(c)research not involving the conduct of archaeological excavations.
limited media activity means a media activity that has, or is likely to have, negligible impact on the marine park or persons using the marine park.
limited research sampling means taking or possessing samples of animals, plants or marine resources only for the purposes of research.
limited spearfishing—
1Limited spearfishing is fishing with a spear or spear gun carried out under section 101.
2A person is not carrying out limited spearfishing—(a)only because the person has a loaded spear gun for fishing in the person’s possession out of the water; or(b)if the person is engaging in spearfishing in any part of the marine park to which the Fisheries Declaration 2019, section 50 applies.
limit of Coastal Waters means the extent of coastal waters of the State of Queensland under the Coastal Waters (State Powers) Act 1980 (Cwlth).
line fishing means fishing by a person using no more than 3 hand-held fishing rods or handlines, with a total of no more than 6 hooks attached to the lines.
low impact activity means an activity that is likely to have a negligible impact on the marine park.
managed vessel means any of the following—
(a)an airboat;
(b)a hovercraft;
(c)a motorised hydrofoil, other than a motorised hydrofoil board;
(d)a wing in ground effect craft.
mangrove forest means a community of mangroves in which the leaves and branches of the mangroves in the community touch or overlap.
mangrove line see the Marine Parks (Declaration) Regulation 2006, schedule 4.
marine yabby fishery means the marine yabby fishery described in the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 7A, part 15.
media activity means the recording of images or sounds, including, for example, by filming, photographing or sound recording.
minor research aid means any of the following—
(a)apparatus or equipment authorised under fisheries legislation for recreational use;
(b)a fish tag;
(c)a stake less than 12mm in diameter;
(d)a data logger for attachment to a marker buoy, bolt or dive weight;
(e)a non-fixed plankton net;
(f)a water sampling device or sediment sampling device, if the device is not motorised or pneumatically or hydraulically operated;
(g)a subsurface marker buoy less than 100mm in diameter;
(h)a surface marker buoy less than 200mm in diameter;
(i)a bolt or dive weight for attachment to a data logger.
Mon Repos area means the designated area described in schedule 2, part 6.
(a)means a thing used, or intended to be used, in an area, for mooring a vessel, consisting of—(i)a device attached to, or sitting on, the land in, or underlying, the area; and(ii)a system involving cables, chains, ropes or other things attached to the device; and(iii)a buoy, or other float on the surface of the water, attached to the system, that marks the location of the device and system; but
(b)does not include equipment that is part of a vessel.
motorised hydrofoil board means a device similar to a surfboard that is fitted with a hydrofoil and motor.
motorised vessel includes—
(a)a vessel that is being propelled by an electric motor that forms part of the vessel; and
(b)any vessel, including, for example, a sailing vessel, while it is being propelled by a motor that forms part of the vessel, even though the vessel can be propelled without a motor at other times.
motorised water sport—
(a)means an activity involving any of the following—(i)driving a motorised vessel—(A)in a circular pattern; or(B)by weaving or diverting the vessel; or(C)by surfing down, or jumping over or across, any wave, swell or wash, other than for a necessary turn or diversion;(ii)towing a person behind a motorised vessel, including, for example, waterskiing or parasailing;(iii)using a personal water craft; but
(b)does not include—(i)driving a personal water craft for transport by the most direct and reasonable route between 2 places; or(ii)driving another vessel on waters between 2 places—(A)in a straight line; or(B)by the most direct and reasonable route having regard to the weather and the condition of the waters.
navigate, a vessel or aircraft, includes—
(a)operate the vessel or aircraft; and
(b)moor, anchor or secure the vessel or aircraft to an object, other than a jetty, pontoon or wharf, in the course of navigation.
navigation channel means a marine channel marked by aids to navigation within the meaning of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 and placed in the marine park under that Act.
net fishery (east coast no. 4) fishery area means the area stated as the fishery area of the net fishery (east coast no. 4) under the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 4, section 89.
net fishery (general netting and ocean beach—area 8) fishery area means the area stated as the fishery area of the net fishery (general netting and ocean beach—area 8) under the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 4, section 24.
netting means using a net in compliance with—
(a)the Fisheries Declaration 2019; and
(b)the Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019; and
(c)the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019.
no-anchoring area means the designated area described in schedule 2, part 7.
no-motorised vessel area means the designated area described in schedule 2, part 8.
non-conforming use—
(a)for section 68 and schedule 3—see section 68; or
(b)for section 70 and schedule 4—see section 70(1).
notice period, for part 3, division 6, subdivision 7, see section 49(3)(c).
operate, a facility, includes assemble, build, fix in position, maintain and demolish the facility.
operator, for part 3, division 6, subdivision 5, see section 45.
outer boundary—
1The outer boundary of a mangrove forest is the boundary formed by an imaginary line that connects the trunks of the outermost mangroves in the forest.
2For paragraph 1, prop roots that extend further out from the trunk of any of the mangroves are not taken to be part of the trunk.
planing or non-displacement mode, for navigating a vessel, means navigating the vessel in a way and at a speed that allows the vessel’s hull to travel over the top of, rather than through, water.
(a)means a member of the plant or fungus kingdom, whether alive or dead; and
(b)includes—(i)algae; and(ii)seeds.
Platypus Bay area means the designated area described in schedule 2, part 9.
Port of Bundaberg means the area described as the Port of Bundaberg in the Transport Infrastructure (Ports) Regulation 2016, schedule 2, section 3.
possess, an animal, plant or other thing, means—
(a)to have custody or control of the animal, plant or thing; or
(b)to have an ability or right to readily obtain custody or control of the animal, plant or thing.
primary commercial fishing licence means a primary commercial fishing licence issued under the Fisheries Act 1994.
prohibited area notice, for part 3, division 6, subdivision 7, see section 49.
proposed action, for part 5, division 5, see section 90(2).
protected species means—
(a)a listed marine species, listed migratory species or listed threatened species within the meaning of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cwlth); or
(b)a species of animal prescribed as protected wildlife under the Nature Conservation Act 1992; or
(c)an animal of the genus Epinephelus, other than E. tukula or E. lanceolatus, if the animal is more than 1.2m long; or
(d)another species listed in schedule 5, part 1.
public entity means—
(a)a public sector entity under the Public Sector Act 2022; or
(b)a local government or other entity established by an Act.
recreational fisher see the Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019, schedule 11.
relevant accredited harvest fishery means an accredited harvest fishery under the Marine Parks Regulation 2017, but does not include the coral fishery.
remotely piloted aircraft means an RPA under the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (Cwlth).
research means a diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject, to discover facts or principles, that has its own objectives, sampling design and outcomes.
research project means a project carried out for the purposes of research.
restriction includes prohibition.
seasonal shorebird closure area means the designated area described in schedule 2, part 10.
set pocket net see the Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019, schedule 10.
set pocket net waters means the waters mentioned in the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 4, section 153O.
1A ship is a vessel that—(a)is 50m or more in length overall; or(b)is an oil tanker, within the meaning given by the Protocol of 1978 relating to the ‘International convention for the prevention of pollution from ships, 1973’, regardless of the ship’s length; or(c)is a chemical carrier, or liquefied gas carrier, regardless of the ship’s length; or(d)is a ship to which the ‘International code for the safe carriage of packaged irradiated nuclear fuel, plutonium and high-level radioactive wastes on board ships’ (commonly known as the ‘INF code’) applies, regardless of the ship’s length; or(e)is adapted to carry oil or chemicals in bulk in cargo spaces; or(f)is engaged in towing or pushing another vessel if the other vessel is a ship mentioned in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e), or, if the vessel is towing the other vessel, the total length of the tow, from the stern of the towing vessel to the after end of the tow, is greater than 150m.
2However, a ship does not include—(a)a vessel of the Australian Defence Force; or(b)a vessel of the armed service of another country, if the vessel is in Australian waters with the consent of Australia; or(c)a vessel more than 50m in length overall used for private recreational activities.
shorebird means a bird of a species within the order Charadriiformes.
show cause notice, for part 5, division 5, see section 90(2).
show cause period, for part 5, division 5, see section 90(3)(i).
stowed or secured, for equipment used for fishing or collecting—
(a)generally—means that the equipment is rendered inoperative and stored inboard a vessel so that the equipment can not immediately be used for fishing or collecting; orExamples of equipment that is inoperative—
•equipment that is not baited•equipment that is not being held by a person•equipment that is not in water•equipment that is unloaded
(b)if the equipment is trawl fishing apparatus, means—(i)that the nets are out of the water or that the fore ends of the nets are drawn up to the booms; and(ii)that the net’s lazy lines are through the blocks; and(iii)that the net’s cod ends are open; and(iv)for an otter trawl, that the otter boards are drawn up to the trawl blocks on the booms or are inboard a vessel.
the marine park see section 3.
this plan means this zoning plan.
tourism program means an activity, whether consisting of a single act or a series of acts, that—
(a)is conducted in the course of carrying on business; and
(b)is, or includes, the provision of transport, accommodation or other services for tourists or for persons who include tourists.
tourist means a person who is in the marine park mainly for recreation, including, for example, fishing or collecting for recreation.
traditional owner, for an area of the marine park, means a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent who—
(a)is recognised in the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community generally, or by a representative body for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander persons, for the area—(i)as having spiritual or cultural affiliations with the area; or(ii)as holding native title in relation to the area; and
(b)is entitled to carry out activities under Aboriginal tradition or Island custom in the area.
traditional owner group, for an area of the marine park, means a group of traditional owners for the area who, under Aboriginal tradition or Island custom, speak for the area.
traditional use of marine resources means the carrying out of activities in an area of the marine park, under Aboriginal tradition or Island custom, to satisfy the personal, domestic or communal needs of a traditional owner for the area.
traditional use of marine resources agreement see section 72.
transit lane see section 34.
transit lane map see section 34.
trawling means fishing mentioned in the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 2, section 1 or schedule 8, section 17.
trolling means fishing with a line or lines trailed from a vessel that is underway using no more than 3 lines for each person on the vessel, with no more than 6 hooks in total for each person.
tunnel net see the Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019, schedule 10.
turtle means a species of turtle within the family Cheloniidae or the family Dermochelyidae, and includes an egg or hatchling of a turtle.
turtle protection area means the designated area described in schedule 2, part 11.
underway, in relation to a vessel, means the vessel is being propelled through the water, whether by engine, sail or human power, and is not adrift.
vessel or aircraft charter operation means an activity, whether consisting of a single act or a series of acts, involving a vessel or aircraft that—
(a)is available for charter or hire; and
(b)is being used in the course of carrying on a business that is, or includes, the provision of accommodation, transport or services for a purpose other than an educational program or tourism program; and
(c)travels within or into the marine park; and
(d)is not merely transiting through the marine park by the most direct and reasonable route to a place outside the marine park.
wing in ground effect craft means a vessel constructed to move above the surface of the water using ground effect to lift off, land and maintain a limited altitude.
wreck includes derelict, flotsam and jetsam, lagan, and things of any kind that belonged to, came from, or were part of, a vessel or aircraft wrecked, stranded, sunk or abandoned, or in distress.
zone means a zone established under part 2.