This regulation may be cited as the Nature Conservation (Protected Areas) Regulation 1994.
(1)Schedule 1 sets out the national parks (scientific) under the Act.(2)The schedule includes areas of State land that are taken to be national parks (scientific) under section 207 of the Act.(3)An area of State land set out in schedule 1 that is not a national park (scientific) mentioned in subsection (2) is—(a)dedicated as a national park (scientific); and(b)assigned the name set out opposite the national park (scientific).
4Dedication and naming of national parks
Each of the areas of State land described in schedule 2, column 2 is—(a)dedicated as a national park; and(b)assigned the name set out opposite it in the schedule, column 1.
(1)Schedule 3 sets out the conservation parks under the Act.(2)The schedule includes areas of State land that are taken to be conservation parks under section 208 of the Act.(3)An area of State land set out in schedule 3 that is not a conservation park mentioned in subsection (2) is—(a)dedicated as a conservation park; and(b)assigned the name set out opposite the conservation park.
(1)Schedule 3A sets out the resources reserves under the Act.(2)The schedule includes areas of State land that are taken to be resources reserves under section 209 of the Act.(3)An area of State land set out in schedule 3A that is not a resources reserve mentioned in subsection (2) is—(a)dedicated as a resources reserve; and(b)assigned the name set out opposite the resources reserve.
6AADedication and naming of national parks (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal land)
Each of the areas of land described in schedule 4, column 2 is—(a)dedicated as a national park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal land); and(b)assigned the name set out opposite it in the schedule, column 1.
6ADeclaration and naming of indigenous joint management areas
Each of the areas of land described in schedule 4A, column 2 is—(a)declared to be an indigenous joint management area; and(b)assigned the name set out opposite it in the schedule, column 1.
6BDeclaration and naming of special wildlife reserves
Each of the areas of land described in schedule 4B is—(a)declared as a special wildlife reserve; and(b)assigned the name set out opposite the special wildlife reserve.Copies of the conservation agreement and approved management program for each special wildlife reserve may be inspected, free of charge, during office hours at the department’s head office.
7Declaration and naming of nature refuges
Each of the areas of land described in schedule 5, column 2 is—(a)declared as a nature refuge; and(b)assigned the name set out opposite it in the schedule, column 1.Each of the areas of land described in schedule 5 is the subject of a conservation agreement.
(1)For each nature refuge—(a)the significant cultural and natural resources and values of the nature refuge are stated in the conservation agreement for the refuge; and(b)the proposed management intent for, and use of, the refuge are to do the following only in accordance with the conservation agreement for the refuge—(i)manage and conserve the significant cultural and natural values of the refuge;(ii)permit or restrict, or require to be conducted, particular activities in or in relation to the refuge;(iii)permit or restrict the use of the land in the refuge for a particular purpose;(iv)permit or restrict access to the land in the refuge by particular persons or animals.(2)A copy of the conservation agreement for each nature refuge may be inspected, free of charge, during office hours at the department’s office.
The duration of the declaration of a nature refuge is the duration of the conservation agreement for the refuge.
10Declaration and naming of coordinated conservation areas
Each of the areas of land described in schedule 6 is—(a)declared a coordinated conservation area; and(b)assigned the name specified in the schedule.
(1)The interim management intent for a coordinated conservation area is stated in schedule 6.(2)Subsection (1) has effect subject to sections 17 and 23 of the Act.
The duration of the declaration of a coordinated conservation area is stated in schedule 6.
In the description of an area in a schedule, a reference to a plan, the number of which uses—(a)the prefix NPW or PA—is a reference to a plan held by and available for inspection in the department; and(b)the prefix FTY—is a reference to a plan held by and available for inspection in the department that deals with matters arising under the Forestry Act 1959; and(c)any other prefix—is a reference to a plan held by and available for inspection in the department that deals with matters arising under the Land Act 1994.
Division 1 Transitional provision for Nature Conservation (Protected Areas) Amendment Regulation (No. 3) 2018
14References to particular protected areas
(1)A reference in a document to the Malaan National Park may, if the context permits, be taken to be a reference to the Maalan National Park.(2)A reference in a document to the Mount Jim Crow National Park may, if the context permits, be taken to be a reference to the Baga National Park.(3)A reference in a document to the Gaia Nature Refuge (as it relates to the part of lot 11 on plan S312691 shown on plan PA1057) may, if the context permits, be taken to be a reference to the Green Catbird Nature Refuge.
Division 2 Transitional provision for Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2019
15References to Girramay National Park
A reference in a document to Girramay National Park (as it relates to lot 72 on AP22492) may, if the context permits, be taken to be a reference to Gulngay National Park.
Division 3 Transitional provision for Nature Conservation (Protected Areas) Amendment Regulation 2021
16References to particular protected areas
(1)A reference in a document to Camooweal Caves National Park may, if the context permits, be taken to be a reference to Wiliyan-ngurru National Park.(2)A reference in a document to Moreton Island National Park may, if the context permits, be taken to be a reference to Gheebulum Coonungai (Moreton Island) National Park.See also section 17.
Division 4 Transitional provision for Forestry and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2021
17References to particular national parks
A reference in a document to Moreton Island National Park or Gheebulum Coonungai (Moreton Island) National Park may, if the context permits, be taken to be a reference to Gheebulum Kunungai (Moreton Island) National Park.
Name | Description |
Capricornia Cays National Park (scientific) | Lot 439 on plan NPW599, containing an area of about 43.7ha |
Dipperu National Park (scientific) | Lot 42 on plan NPW668, containing an area of about 11,100ha |
Epping Forest National Park (scientific) | Lot 169 on SP104491, containing an area of about 2,750ha |
Keppel Bay Islands National Park (scientific) | Lot 440 on plan NPW549, containing an area of about 104ha |
Mount Abbot National Park (scientific) | Lot 14 on plan NPW1151, containing an area of 1,378ha |
Mount Bauple National Park (scientific) | Lot 119 on plan NPW579, containing an area of about 547ha |
Palmgrove National Park (scientific) | Lot 64 on plan NPW417, containing an area of about 25,600ha |
Raine Island National Park (scientific) | Lot 4 on SP171836 and lots 1 and 2 on plan JD3, containing an area of about 40ha |
Taunton National Park (scientific) | Lot 25 on plan HT655, containing an area of 11,626ha |
Name | Description |
Albinia National Park | Lot 1 on AP22482, containing an area of about 7,368.7728ha |
Alton National Park | Lot 131 on plan NPW669 situated in the County of Belmore, containing an area of about 558ha |
Amamoor National Park | Lot 202 on plan NPW719 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of about 38ha |
Annan River (Yuku Baja-Muliku) National Park | Lot 12 on AP14378 and lot 10 on AP14384 situated in the County of Banks, containing an area of about 8,830ha |
Astrebla Downs National Park | Lot 12 on plan NPW633 situated in the counties of Diamantina, Malwa, Monkira and Nyama, containing an area of about 176,000ha |
Auburn River National Park | Lot 132 on plan NPW670 situated in the County of Newcastle, containing an area of about 405ha |
Baga National Park | Lot 893 on plan NPW29, containing an area of about 144ha |
Ban Ban National Park | Lot 185 on plan NPW723 situated in the County of Mackenzie, containing an area of 1,958.6ha |
Bania National Park | Lot 70 on plan NPW724 Sh 1 and lot 473 on plan NPW724 Sh 2 situated in the counties of Bowen and Yarrol, containing an area of about 33,121ha |
Barnard Island Group National Park | Lot 421 on plan NPW614 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 30.8ha |
Barron Gorge National Park | Lot 880 on plan NPW459 and lot 406 on plan NR8027 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 2,824.82ha |
Basilisk Range National Park | Lot 177 on plan NPW790 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 2,210ha |
Beeron National Park | Lot 234 on plan NPW793 situated in the County of Boondooma, containing an area of 7,003ha |
Bellthorpe National Park | Lots 177 and 832 on plan NPW728, lot 1 on AP19214 and lots 1 and 2 on AP19215, containing an area of about 7,593.5ha |
Benarkin National Park | Lot 189 on plan NPW730 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of about 218ha |
Bendidee National Park (formerly National Park 227, County of Marsh) | Lot 227 on plan NPW89 situated in the County of Marsh, containing an area of about 931ha |
Beninbi National Park | Lot 186 on plan NPW731 situated in the County of Mackenzie, containing an area of 2,586.346ha |
Bingera National Park | Lot 182 on plan NPW732, other than lots 1 and 2 on AP14640, situated in the County of Cook, containing an area of about 5,407ha |
Binya National Park | Lot 4 on plan KU40 situated in the County of Kungie, containing an area of 13,710.7496ha |
Blackbraes National Park | Lot 38 on AP22501, containing an area of about 51,359.24ha |
Blackdown Tableland National Park | Lot 49 on plan NPW733 situated in the counties of Humboldt and Wooroona, containing an area of about 47,950ha |
Black Mountain National Park | Lot 1 on SP309118, containing an area of 2.977ha |
Blackwood National Park (formerly National Park 7, County of Albany) | Lot 7 on plan NPW199 situated in the County of Albany, containing an area of 1,648ha |
Bladensburg National Park (formerly National Park 88, counties of Ayrshire and Fermoy) | Lot 88 on plan NPW477 situated in the counties of Ayrshire and Fermoy, containing an area of about 84,900ha |
Bluff Hill National Park | Lot 228 on plan NPW946 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 1,806ha |
Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) National Park | Lot 17 on plan NPW627 situated in the counties of Gregory, Mueller and Morstone, containing an area of about 282,000ha |
Bowling Green Bay National Park | Lots 1 to 5 on AP9205 and lot 1 on plan USL38600, containing an area of about 57,378.072ha |
Brampton Islands National Park | Lot 431 on plan NPW624 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 1,010ha |
Bribie Island National Park | Lots 1 to 4, 10, 49, 65, 105 and 120 on AP22462 and lot 171 on SP320700, containing an area of about 8,605.366ha |
Broad Sound Islands National Park | Lot 406 on plan NPW690 situated in the counties of Murchison and Palmerston, containing an area of about 2,760ha |
Brook Islands National Park | Lot 434 on plan NPW697 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 63.9ha |
Bulburin National Park | Lot 53 on plan NPW737 and lot 1 on AP19295 situated in the counties of Clinton, Flinders and Yarrol, containing an area of about 34,355ha |
Bulleringa National Park (formerly National Park 13, County of Bolwarra) | Lot 4620 on plan PH1283 situated in the County of Bolwarra, containing an area of about 54,400ha |
Bunya Mountains National Park | Lot 48 on plan NPW873 Sh 1, lot 162 on plan NPW873 Sh 2 and lot 1 on plan RP49081, containing an area of about 19,545.404ha |
Burleigh Head National Park (formerly National Park 41, County of Ward) | Lot 41 on plan NPW429 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 27.6ha |
Burrum Coast National Park | Lot 25 on plan NPW642, lot 5 on plan USL36705, lot 42 on plan CK2583, lot 89 on plan CK3698 and lot 94 on plan C37672 situated in the County of Cook, containing an area of about 26,055ha |
Byfield National Park | Lot 130 on AP23645, containing an area of about 16,857.957ha |
Cania Gorge National Park (formerly National Park 233, County of Rawbelle) | Lot 233 on plan NPW397 situated in the County of Rawbelle, containing an area of about 3,000ha |
Cape Hillsborough National Park | Lots 1 to 4, 51, 60, 420 and 507 on AP19384, containing an area of about 1,074.85ha |
Cape Palmerston National Park | Lot 801 on plan NPW8 and the area shown and described on plan RA4204 as area to be added to lot 801 on plan NPW8, situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 7,200ha |
Cape Upstart National Park | Lots 1 to 3 on AP23638, containing an area of about 8,555.76ha |
Capricorn Coast National Park | Lot 641 on plan NPW433 and lot 500 on SP179511 situated in the County of Livingstone, containing an area of about 175ha |
Capricornia Cays National Park | Lot 402 on plan NPW805, containing an area of about 180ha |
Carnarvon National Park (formerly National Park 236 counties of Buckland, Claude, Consuelo, Denison, Tingarra, Warrong and Westgrove and Environmental Park 87, County of Westgrove) | Lot 236 on plan NPW490 and lot 9 on plan WT321, situated in the counties of Buckland, Claude, Consuelo, Denison, Tingarra, Warrong and Westgrove, containing an area of about 298,000ha |
Castle Tower National Park | Lot 167 on plan NPW817 (other than lot 2 on SP278327) and lot 1 on SP220890, containing an area of about 8,322ha |
Cherbourg National Park | Lot 190 on plan NPW742 Sh 1 situated in the County of Fitzroy, containing an area of about 995ha |
Chesterton Range National Park | Lot 183 on plan NPW523 situated in the counties of Dublin and Munga, containing an area of about 31,200ha |
Chillagoe-Mungana Caves National Park | Lot 233 on plan NPW800 situated in the County of Lynd, containing an area of about 3,575ha |
Claremont Isles National Park | Lots 41 to 43 on SP224318 situated in the County of Sidmouth, containing an area of about 63ha |
Clump Mountain National Park | Lot 115 on plan NPW502, lot 555 on plan NR6448 and lot 22 on SP212553 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 312.4055ha |
Coalstoun Lakes National Park (formerly National Park 94, County of Mackenzie) | Lot 188 on plan MZ644 situated in the County of Mackenzie, containing an area of 26.3046ha |
Conondale National Park | Lots 1, 3 to 6, and 8 on AP23628 and lots 2, 4 and 7 on AP23765, containing an area of about 35,834.9197ha |
Conway National Park | Lot 43 on plan NPW1144, lot 1 on plan NPW1145 and lot 322 on SP137724, containing an area of about 32,726.57ha |
Cordalba National Park | Lot 161 on plan NPW749 situated in the County of Cook, containing an area of about 2,473ha |
Crater Lakes National Park | Lots 202 and 398 on AP22464, containing an area of about 963.68ha |
Crows Nest National Park | Lot 198 on plan NPW815 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of about 1,800ha |
Cudmore (Limited Depth) National Park | Lot 28 on plan NPW828 Sh 1 situated in the County of Beaufort, containing an area of about 21,188ha and to a depth of 50m below the surface of the land |
Culgoa Floodplain National Park | Lot 45 on plan NPW711 and lot 1034 on plan PH1036 situated in the counties of Belmore and Nebine, containing an area of about 61,900ha |
Currawinya National Park | Lot 23 on plan NPW450, lot 1 on SP207172, lot 2 on SP271973 and lots 1 to 9 on AP19376, containing an area of about 344,331.695ha |
Curtain Fig National Park | Lots 1 to 4 on SP280086 and lot 176 on SP280087, containing an area of about 203.5074ha |
Curtis Island National Park | Lot 128 on plan NPW700 Sh 1 and lot 7 on SP239340 situated in the County of Deas Thompson, containing an area of about 10,552.16ha |
D’Aguilar National Park | Lots 1 and 2 on AP14645, lots 1 and 2 on AP14646, lots 1 to 3 on AP14647, lots 1 and 2 on AP14648, lots 104 and 2680 and the parts of lots 309, 809, 893 and 1355 on plan NPW751, lot 494 on plan NPW776, lot 41 on plan S312261, lot 184 on plan SL599, lot 205 on plan SL949, lot 1 on SP247478, lot 1 on SP247479, lot 1 on SP247480 and lot 1 on SP247481, containing an area of about 39,111.6996ha |
Daintree National Park | Lot 406 on SP296955, lot 8 on SP296956, lot 10 on SP296958, lots 21, 155, 198, 220 and 900 on SP296959, lot 14 on SP296960, lot 17 on SP309100, lot 82 on SP309103, lot 95 on SP309104, lots 24 and 44 on SP309105 and lots 91 to 95 on plan W3451, containing an area of 30.6129ha |
Dalrymple National Park | Lot 125 on AP23573, containing an area of about 1,755.049ha |
Danbulla National Park | Lot 172 on AP19368 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 11,427ha |
Dan Dan National Park | Lot 170 on plan NPW753 situated in the County of Clinton, containing an area of about 1,645ha |
Davies Creek National Park | Lot 134 on plan NPW671 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 486ha |
Dawes National Park | Lot 164 on plan NPW1137 and lot 165 on plan NPW754 situated in the counties of Clinton, Rawbelle and Yarrol, containing an area of about 8,910ha |
Deepwater National Park | Lot 153 on plan NPW866 and lots 1, 2 and 4 on SP143250, containing an area of about 4,858.252ha |
Deer Reserve National Park | Lot 207 on plan NPW756 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 3,228ha |
Diamantina National Park | Lot 6 on plan NPW560 situated in the counties of Binburie and Diamantina, containing an area of about 507,000ha |
Dinden National Park | Lot 62 on plan NPW920 Sh 1 and lot 488 on plan NPW920 Sh 2 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 20,656ha |
Djiru National Park | Lot 173 on plan NPW960 and lots 1 and 2 on SP241481 situated in the counties of Cardwell and Nares, containing an area of about 4,141.4ha |
Dryander National Park | Lots 1 to 4 and 24 on AP19346 and lot 293 on plan HR176, containing an area of about 13,326.529ha |
Dularcha National Park | Lots 291, 453 and 454 on plan NPW1114 and lot 1 on AP19210 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 471ha |
Ella Bay National Park (formerly National Park 1024, County of Nares) | Lot 1024 on plan NPW151 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 3,710ha |
Endeavour River National Park | Lot 206 on plan NPW530, lots 6 and 7 on SP148840 and lot 17 on SP152471 situated in the County of Banks, containing an area of about 2,199ha |
Erringibba National Park (formerly National Park 218, County of Rogers) | Lot 23 on plan RG699 situated in the County of Rogers, containing an area of 877.2937ha |
Esk National Park | Lot 203 on plan NPW760 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of about 377ha |
Eubenangee Swamp National Park | Lot 157 on plan NPW880 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 1,900ha |
Eudlo Creek National Park | Lot 111 on plan NPW552 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 42.6ha |
Eungella National Park | Lots 1 to 5 on AP23761, containing an area of about 62,193.01ha |
Eurimbula National Park | Lot 35 on plan NPW916 situated in the County of Flinders, containing an area of about 23,670ha |
Expedition (Limited Depth) National Park | Lot 27 on plan NPW826 situated in the counties of Aberdeen, Tingarra and Westgrove, containing an area of about 109,945ha and to a depth of 250m below the surface of the land |
Expedition National Park | Lots 1 and 6 on SP275178 and lot 1 on SP313789, containing an area of about 22,430ha |
Fairlies Knob National Park | Lots 57 and 1508 on plan L37932 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of about 299.4676ha |
Family Islands National Park | Lot 422 on plan NPW615, containing an area of about 663ha |
Ferntree Creek National Park | Lot 135 on plan NPW672 (other than lot 136 on SP197068) and lot 137 on SP197064, containing an area of about 72.7283ha |
Finucane Island National Park | Lot 442 on plan NPW906 situated in the County of Porchester, containing an area of about 7,670ha |
Fitzroy Island National Park | Lot 437 on plan NPW716 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 290ha |
Forest Den National Park (formerly National Park 9, County of Walker) | Lot 9 on plan NPW432 situated in the County of Walker, containing an area of 5,890ha |
Fort Lytton National Park | Lot 116 on plan NPW564 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 12.6188ha |
Forty Mile Scrub National Park | Lot 33 on plan NPW573 situated in the counties of Gunnawarra and Tate, containing an area of about 6,330ha |
Frankland Group National Park | Lot 420 on plan NPW613 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 94.2ha |
Freshwater National Park | Lots 26 and 136 on plan NPW720 and lot 982 on plan SL12165, containing an area of about 161.7ha |
Gadgarra National Park | Lot 181 on plan NPW894 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 8,270ha |
Gatton National Park | Lot 192 on plan NPW765 situated in the County of Churchill, containing an area of about 426ha |
Geham National Park | Lot 200 on plan NPW766 situated in the County of Aubigny, containing an area of about 22ha |
Gheebulum Kunungai (Moreton Island) National Park | Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 36 and 37 on AP23572, lot 1 on SP277808, lot 117 on SP302008, lot 3 on SP304084 and lot 2 on SP304085, containing an area of about 17,050.2182ha |
Girramay National Park | Lots 1 to 5 and 72 on AP22468, containing an area of about 29,010.9949ha |
Girraween National Park | Lot 29 on plan NPW638 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of about 11,800ha |
Girringun National Park | Lots 1, 11, 18 to 21, 43 and 78 on AP22472, lot 3 on SP126731, lot 1 on SP301977, lot 6 on SP315884 and lot 9 on plan USL38632, containing an area of about 300,702.68ha |
Glass House Mountains National Park | Lots 127, 311, 561 and 589 on plan NPW725 and lots 1 to 3 on AP19221 situated in the Country of Canning, containing an area of about 3,040.76ha |
Glastonbury National Park | Lot 211 on plan NPW1132 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of about 531.1ha |
Glenbar National Park | Lot 193 on plan NPW770 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of about 2,970ha |
Gloucester Island National Park | Lot 255 on plan NPW520 situated in the County of Herbert, containing an area of about 2,960ha |
Goneaway National Park (formerly Environmental Park 2, County of Mayne) | Lot 1 on plan MY4 situated in the County of Mayne, containing an area of about 24,800ha |
Goodedulla National Park | Lot 16 on plan NPW598 situated in the County of Leura, containing an area of about 25,500ha |
Good Night Scrub National Park | Lot 110 on plan NPW883 and lot 110 on SP149048 situated in the County of Bowen, containing an area of about 6,680ha |
Goold Island National Park | Lot 435 on plan NPW697 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 823ha |
Goomboorian National Park | Lot 214 on plan NPW771 Sh 1 and lot 475 on plan NPW771 Sh 2 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 1,833ha |
Great Basalt Wall National Park (formerly National Park 11, County of Dalrymple) | Lot 11 on plan NPW348 situated in the County of Dalrymple, containing an area of about 35,200ha |
Great Sandy National Park | Lot 21 on plan NPW1150 (other than lot 2 on SP265488), lot 30 on RP25570, lot 12 on SP148801, lot 1 on SP265487 and lot 2 on SP317276, containing an area of about 221,494.8104ha |
Green Island National Park | Lot 419 on plan NPW612 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 7.93ha |
Grey Peaks National Park | Lots 785 and 1391 on AP19382 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 3,342.594ha |
Grongah National Park | Lot 52 on plan NPW773 situated in the counties of Lennox and Mackenzie, containing an area of about 22,900ha |
Gulngay National Park | Lot 72 on AP22492, containing an area of about 4,751.06ha |
Gympie National Park | Lot 205 on plan NPW774 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 1,768ha |
Halifax Bay Wetlands National Park | Lot 1 on AP23655, containing an area of about 4,946.61ha |
Hampton National Park | Lot 201 on plan NPW775 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of 3.882ha |
Hann Tableland National Park | Lot 56 on plan NPW767 situated in the counties of Dagmar and Hodgkinson, containing an area of about 10,820ha |
Hasties Swamp National Park (formerly National Park 1694, County of Nares) | Lot 1694 on plan NPW184 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 56.6ha |
Hell Hole Gorge National Park (formerly National Park 8, County of Coorajah) | Lot 8 on plan NPW442 situated in the County of Coorajah, containing an area of about 12,700ha |
Herberton Range National Park | Lot 179 on plan NPW922 Sh 1 and lot 483 on plan NPW922 Sh 3 situated in the counties of Cardwell and Nares, containing an area of about 6,547ha |
Hinchinbrook Island National Park | Lot 436 on plan NPW697 and lot 1 on SP316341, containing an area of about 40,404.16ha |
Holbourne Island National Park | Lot 425 on plan NPW618 situated in the County of Herbert, containing an area of about 33.9ha |
Homevale National Park | Lot 1 on AP23633, containing an area of about 42,039.396ha |
Hull River National Park | Lot 113 on plan NPW876 and lot 514 on plan CWL1267 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 3,695ha |
Humboldt National Park | Lot 194 on plan NPW722 situated in the County of Wooroona, containing an area of about 7,660ha |
Idalia National Park | Lot 14 on plan NPW586 situated in the counties of Gowan and Mitchell, containing an area of about 144,000ha |
Isla Gorge National Park (formerly National Park 30, County of Labouchere) | Lot 30 on plan NPW493 situated in the County of Labouchere, containing an area of about 7,850ha |
Japoon National Park | Lot 55 on plan NPW896, lot 1 on plan USL37289 and lot 109 on plan USL42304 situated in the counties of Cardwell and Nares, containing an area of about 24,799.4ha |
Jardine River National Park | Lot 1 on SP161893 and lots 1 to 4 on SP189913, containing an area of 117.5606ha |
Junee National Park | Lot 23 on SP100966 situated in the County of Roper, containing an area of about 5,400ha |
Kelvin National Park | Lot 5 on AP19344, lot 7 on RP741163, lot 10 on RP741164, lot 14 on RP741166 and lot 1 on SP260087, containing an area of about 2,634.2516ha |
Keppel Bay Islands National Park | Lot 403 on plan NPW915, containing an area of about 827ha |
Kinrara National Park | Lot 159 on plan NPW886 situated in the County of Gunnawarra, containing an area of about 7,580ha |
Kirrama National Park | Lot 67 on plan NPW1148 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 17,630ha |
Kondalilla National Park | Lot 1 on AP23629, containing an area of about 1,569.827ha |
Koombooloomba National Park | Lot 68 on plan NPW929 Sh 1 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 29,258ha |
Kroombit Tops National Park | Lot 51 on plan NPW783 situated in the counties of Clinton, Pelham, Raglan and Rawbelle, containing an area of about 43,260ha |
Kuranda National Park | Lots 10, 17, 18, 20, 25 and 63 on AP19345, containing an area of about 27,396.7ha |
Kurrimine Beach National Park (formerly National Park 1608 County of Nares) | Lot 1608 on plan NPW23 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 910ha |
Lake Bindegolly National Park | Lot 15 on plan NPW591 situated in the County of Wellington, containing an area of about 12,500ha |
Lamington National Park | Lots 54, 496 and 617 on AP22466 and lot 125 on plan W311608, containing an area of about 21,387.7036ha |
Lindeman Islands National Park | Lot 429 on plan NPW622 situated in the County of Herbert, containing an area of about 2,890ha |
Littabella National Park | Lot 212 on plan NPW784 situated in the counties of Bowen, Cook and Flinders, containing an area of about 8,340ha |
Little Mulgrave National Park | Lot 65 on plan NPW898 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 10,900ha |
Littleton National Park | Lot 3 on AP19375 situated in the County of Lang, containing an area of about 79,444.78ha |
Lizard Island National Park | Lot 416 on plan NPW609 situated in the County of Banks, containing an area of about 991ha |
Lochern National Park | Lot 8 on AP22465, containing an area of about 24,852.6176ha |
Lockyer National Park | Lot 1 on AP22506, lot 13 on plan CSH156 and lot 63 on plan CSH416, containing an area of about 11,260.0527ha |
Maalan National Park | Lots 1 and 175 on plan AP22495, containing an area of about 2,473ha |
Macalister Range National Park | Lot 174 on plan NPW930 situated in the counties of Nares and Solander, containing an area of about 5,563ha |
Magnetic Island National Park | Lots 1 and 456 on AP22485, containing an area of about 3,940.6453ha |
Main Range National Park | Lots 1 to 9 on AP23636, lot 84 on plan CC935, lot 97 on plan CC836182, lot 105 on plan CH312522, lot 2151 on plan M34846 and lot 101 on plan ML321, containing an area of about 38,263.3523ha |
Maleny National Park | Lots 728 and 736 on plan NPW787 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 1,880ha |
Mapleton Falls National Park | Lot 137 on plan NPW674 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 25.9ha |
Mapleton National Park | Lots 1 to 3 and 1239 on plan NPW1105 and lot 1239 on plan NPW1106 situated in the counties of Canning and March, containing an area of about 10,064ha |
Maria Creek National Park | Lot 1445 on plan NPW191, other than lot 1 on SP239450, situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 745.973ha |
Mariala National Park (formerly National Park 41, County of McKinlay) | Lot 41 on plan NPW456 situated in the County of McKinlay, containing an area of about 27,300ha |
Mazeppa National Park | Lot 138 on plan NPW675 situated in the County of Bell, containing an area of about 4,130ha |
Michaelmas and Upolu Cays National Park | Lot 433 on plan NPW676 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 3ha |
Millstream Falls National Park | Lot 1 on AP22494, containing an area of about 362.7ha |
Minerva Hills National Park (formerly National Park 335 and Environmental Park 229, County of Denison) | Lot 74 on plan DSN789 and lot 335 on plan NPW441 situated in the County of Denison, containing an area of about 2,790ha |
Molle Islands National Park | Lot 426 on plan NPW619 situated in the County of Herbert, containing an area of about 1,770ha |
Moogerah Peaks National Park | Lot 140 on plan NPW678 situated in the counties of Churchill and Ward, containing an area of about 927ha |
Mooloolah River National Park | Lots 2 to 4, 112 and 561 on AP22458, containing an area of about 1,670.558ha |
Moorrinya National Park | Lot 13 on plan NPW468 situated in the County of Uanda, containing an area of 32,607.08ha |
Moresby Range National Park | Lot 114 on plan NPW795, lot 3 on plan NR7888, lot 4 on SP252502 and lot 14 on SP212551, containing an area of about 631.928ha |
Mount Aberdeen National Park | Lot 141 on plan NPW1152 situated in the counties of Herbert and Salisbury, containing an area of about 2,980ha |
Mount Archer National Park | Lot 298 on plan LN369 and lot 126 on plan NPW651, containing an area of about 4,257.28ha |
Mount Barney National Park | Lots 1 to 7 on AP19334, containing an area of about 18,264.981ha |
Mount Binga National Park | Lot 213 on plan NPW934 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of about 1,066.7ha |
Mount Chinghee National Park (formerly National Park 1139 and Environmental Park 1429, County of Ward) | Lot 307 on plan WD4771 and lot 1139 on plan NPW424 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 1,260ha |
Mount Colosseum National Park (formerly National Park 281, County of Flinders) | Lot 281 on plan NPW38 situated in the County of Flinders, containing an area of about 840ha |
Mount Cook National Park (formerly National Park 142, County of Banks) | Lot 142 on plan NPW406 situated in the County of Banks, containing an area of about 502ha |
Mount Coolum National Park | Lot 154 on plan NPW867, other than lots 1 and 2 on SP305582, containing an area of about 359.637ha |
Mount Etna Caves National Park | Lot 117 on plan NPW821 (other than lots 5 to 7 on SP325486), lot 1 on RP605039, lot 124 on SP208183 and lot 84 on SP220786, containing an area of about 581.3606ha |
Mount Hypipamee National Park | Lot 145 on plan NPW684 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 364ha |
Mount Lewis National Park | Lot 58 on plan NPW1159 situated in the counties of Dagmar and Solander, containing an area of about 27,860ha |
Mount Mackay National Park | Lot 171 on plan NPW902 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 3,680ha |
Mount Martin National Park | Lot 148 on plan NPW944 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 2,173ha |
Mount O’Connell National Park (formerly National Park 801, County of Liebig) | Lot 801 on plan NPW358 situated in the County of Liebig, containing an area of about 757ha |
Mount Ossa National Park | Lot 129 on plan NPW664 and lot 397 on plan CI2206 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 871ha |
Mount Pinbarren National Park | Lot 155 on plan NPW845 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 22.7ha |
Mount Spurgeon National Park | Lot 197 on plan NPW904 situated in the County of Dagmar, containing an area of about 1,194ha |
Mount Walsh National Park | Lot 218 on plan CK445, lot 217 on plan CK529, lot 216 on plan CK550, lots 47, 187 and 188 on plan LX591, lot 190 on plan LX598, lot 119 on plan MZ305, lots 117 and 118 on plan MZ420, lot 50 on plan NPW734 and lot 411 on plan OL283, containing an area of about 14,119.9295ha |
Mount Windsor National Park | Lot 1 on AP23110, lot 57 on plan NPW905 Sh 1 and lot 493 on plan NPW905 Sh 2, containing an area of about 48,190ha |
Mowbray National Park | Lot 9 on plan N157371, lot 122 on plan NPW911 Sh 1, lot 492 on plan NPW911 Sh 2, lot 59 on SP138572 and lot 1 on plan USL8615 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 8,731.466ha |
Mudlo National Park | Lot 168 on plan NPW764 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of about 2,192ha |
Munga-Thirri National Park | Lot 1 on plan NPW423 situated in the counties of Eyre, Sturt and Weramo, containing an area of about 1,012,000ha |
Nairana National Park | Lot 47 on plan NPW868 Sh 1 and lot 490 on plan NPW868 Sh 2 situated in the County of Bell, containing an area of about 19,400ha |
Nangur National Park | Lot 183 on plan NPW803 situated in the County of Mackenzie, containing an area of 1,813.39ha |
Naree Budjong Djara National Park | Lots 1 and 2 on plan NPW1121 Sh 1 and lot 3 and lot 72 on plan NPW1121 Sh 2 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 13,217.63ha |
Narkoola National Park | Lot 3 on plan NPW1108 and lot 3 on plan NPW1109 situated in the County of Mungallala, containing an area of about 14,048ha |
Narrien Range National Park | Lot 133 on plan NPW637 situated in the County of Rutledge, containing an area of about 7,460ha |
Nerang National Park | Lot 224 on plan NPW804 and lot 1 on AP14652 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 1,659ha |
Newry Islands National Park | Lot 401 on plan NPW539 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 464ha |
Ngalba Bulal National Park | Lots 4 and 21 on SP154458 and lot 11 on SP320133, containing an area of 8.1479ha |
Nicoll Scrub National Park | Lot 1903 on plan NPW190, lot 382 on plan WD4389 (other than lot 51 on SP261072) and lot 50 on SP261073, containing an area of 26.8561ha |
Noosa National Park | Lot 2 on SP161941, lot 2 on SP177651, lot 7 on SP104252 and lot 147 on plan NPW889, other than lot 11 on SP161940 as area to be excised from lot 147 on plan NPW889, situated in the counties of Canning and March, containing an area of about 2,883ha |
Northumberland Islands National Park | Lot 404 on plan NPW689 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 1,720ha |
Nour Nour National Park | Lot 216 on plan NPW808 situated in the County of Yarrol, containing an area of about 5,054ha |
Nuga Nuga National Park (formerly National Park 56, County of Tingarra) | Lot 56 on plan NPW476 situated in the County of Tingarra, containing an area of about 2,860ha |
Oakview National Park | Lots 216 to 219 on AP23760, containing an area of about 4,345.75ha |
Orpheus Island National Park | Lot 424 on plan NPW617 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 1,300ha |
Palmerston Rocks National Park (formerly National Park 1302, County of Nares) | Lot 1302 on plan NPW27 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of 9.521ha |
Paluma Range National Park | Lots 1 and 2 on AP19230, lot 59 on NPW935, lot 113 on SP186112 and lot 2 on SP327478, containing an area of about 78,961ha |
Peak Range National Park (formerly National Parks 108 and 202, County of Cairns, National Park 189, County of Clermont and National Park 15, County of Dickson) | Lots 15 and 189 on plan NPW152, lot 108 on plan NPW154 and lot 202 on plan NPW394 situated in the counties of Cairns, Dickson and Clermont, containing an area of about 2,500ha |
Percy Isles National Park | Lot 432 on plan NPW1112 situated in the County of Palmerston, containing an area of about 3,518ha |
Pidna National Park | Lot 204 on plan NPW816 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of about 160ha |
Pinnacles National Park | Lot 29 on SP305926, lot 2 on SP313076, lot 2 on plan USL38376 and lot 19 on plan USL38415, containing an area of about 5,707ha |
Pioneer Peaks National Park | Lot 150 on plan NPW854 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 1,890ha |
Pipeclay National Park | Lot 142 on plan NPW680 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 14.6ha |
Poona National Park | Lot 118 on plan NPW567, lot 4 on plan M37508, lot 5 on plan M37508, lot 26 on plan M371139 and lot 64 on plan MCH3504 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 5,368ha |
Porcupine Gorge National Park | Lot 2 on AP23649, containing an area of about 5,221.59ha |
Possession Island National Park | Lot 409 on plan NPW602 situated in the County of Somerset, containing an area of about 508ha |
Precipice National Park | Lot 40 on plan NPW578 situated in the County of Labouchere, containing an area of about 10,400ha |
Pumicestone National Park | Lots 2, 9, 14, 24 to 26, 28, 105, 128 and 611 on AP22476, containing an area of about 1,013.2587ha |
Ravensbourne National Park | Lots 120 and 575 on plan NPW933 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of 686.7996ha |
Reliance Creek National Park | Lot 219 on plan NPW779 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 30ha |
Repulse Islands National Park | Lot 427 on plan NPW620 situated in the County of Herbert, containing an area of about 142ha |
Rundle Range National Park (formerly National Park 176, County of Deas Thompson) | Lot 176 on plan NPW214 situated in the County of Deas Thompson, containing an area of about 2,170ha |
Rungulla National Park | Lots 1, 4 to 6 and 9 on SP275179 and lot 315 on plan VR840983, containing an area of about 120,063ha |
Russell River National Park | Lot 109 on plan NPW903 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 5,420ha |
Sandbanks National Park | Lots 27 and 28 on SP224293 situated in the County of Sidmouth, containing an area of about 8.4ha |
Sarabah National Park | Lot 143 on plan NPW681 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of 1.416ha |
Smith Islands National Park | Lot 430 on plan NPW623 situated in the counties of Carlisle and Herbert, containing an area of about 1,190ha |
Snake Range National Park | Lot 121 on plan NPW587 situated in the County of Plantagenet, containing an area of 2,687.695ha |
South Cumberland Islands National Park | Lot 407 on plan NPW855 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 3,160ha |
Southern Moreton Bay Islands National Park | Lot 408 on plan NPW645, lot 1 on AP7164 and lot 21 on plan W31475 situated in the counties of Stanley and Ward, containing an area of about 1,646ha |
Southwood National Park | Lot 144 on plan NPW682 situated in the County of Pring, containing an area of about 7,120ha |
Springbrook National Park | Lots 1 to 8 on AP19371, lot 15 on RP889011 and lot 1 on SP264960, containing an area of about 6,554.079ha |
Staaten River National Park (formerly National Park 2, counties of Gould, Maramie and Marga) | Lot 2 on plan NPW123 situated in the counties of Gould, Maramie and Marga, containing an area of about 470,000ha |
St Helena Island National Park (formerly National Park 3004, County of Stanley) | Lot 3004 on plan NPW95 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 75.1ha |
Sundown National Park | Lot 54 on AP19362, containing an area of about 12,647ha |
Swain Reefs National Park | Lot 400 on plan NPW799 situated in the County of Palmerston, containing an area of about 58.15ha |
Tamborine National Park | Lot 1 on AP14644, lot 441 and the part of lot 326 on plan NPW909 (other than lot 1 on SP149501 and the area shown and described on SP149051 as road to be opened) and lot 1 on plan WD2745, containing an area of about 2,094.4712ha |
Tarong National Park | Lot 100 on plan NPW851 situated in the County of Fitzroy, containing an area of about 1,520ha |
Teerk Roo Ra National Park | Lot 445 on plan NPW834 Sh 1 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 460ha |
Tewantin National Park | Lot 2 on AP22502, lots 9, 10 and 12 on AP22503, lots 1 to 3 on AP23630, lots 5 to 10 on AP23639, lots 1 to 4 and 13 on AP23640, lots 1 to 3 on AP23653, lot 1 on AP23654 and lots 13 and 14 on SP230058, containing an area of about 4,178.5049ha |
The Palms National Park | Lot 221 on plan NPW840 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of about 73ha |
Three Islands Group National Park | Lot 417 on plan NPW610 situated in the County of Banks, containing an area of about 75.4ha |
Thrushton National Park (formerly National Park 22, counties of Maranoa and Tomoo) | Lot 22 on plan NPW395 situated in the counties of Maranoa and Tomoo, containing an area of 25,652.233ha |
Topaz Road National Park (formerly National Park 1421, County of Nares) | Lot 1421 on plan NPW396 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 37.8ha |
Tregole National Park | Lot 239 on plan NPW507 situated in the counties of Orrery and Ross, containing an area of 7,579.207ha |
Triunia National Park | Lots 2995 and 12 on plan NPW907 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of 33.99ha |
Tuchekoi National Park | Lot 210 on plan NPW833 and lot 1 on AP19201, other than lot 3 on SP325683, containing an area of about 382.777ha |
Tully Falls National Park | Lot 60 on plan NPW928 Sh 1 and lot 486 on plan NPW928 Sh 2 situated in the Counties of Cardwell and Nares, containing an area of about 17,076ha |
Tully Gorge National Park | Lot 66 on plan NPW890 Sh 1 and lot 484 on plan NPW890 Sh 2 situated in the Counties of Cardwell and Nares, containing an area of about 60,235ha |
Tumoulin National Park | Lot 1 on AP19292, containing an area of about 1,877ha |
Turtle Group National Park | Lot 415 on plan NPW608 situated in the County of Banks, containing an area of about 105ha |
Undara Volcanic National Park | Lots 26 and 51 on AP19380, containing an area of about 68,313ha |
Venman Bushland National Park | Lot 106 on plan NPW538 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 415.0129ha |
Warro National Park | Lot 187 on plan NPW835 situated in the counties of Bowen and Flinders, containing an area of about 6,032ha |
Welford National Park | Lot 41 on plan NPW438 and lot 3 on plan CV5 situated in the counties of Cheviot and Wolseley, containing an area of about 124,033ha |
West Hill National Park | Lot 156 on plan NPW878 situated in the County of Murchison, containing an area of about 1,080ha |
White Mountains National Park | Lot 9 on plan NPW422 and lot 2 on SP102700 situated in the counties of Griffith, Wongalee and Woura, containing an area of about 112,200ha |
Whitsunday Islands National Park | Lot 428 on plan NPW621 situated in the County of Herbert, containing an area of about 17,000ha |
Wickham National Park | Lot 293 on plan NPW837 and lot 1 on AP19209 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 145ha |
Wietalaba National Park | Lot 166 on plan NPW838 situated in the County of Clinton, containing an area of about 1,829ha |
Wild Cattle Island National Park (formerly National Park 697, County of Clinton) | Lot 697 on plan NPW443 situated in the County of Clinton, containing an area of about 580ha |
Wiliyan-ngurru National Park | Lot 39 on AP23642, containing an area of about 13,775.4ha |
Wondul Range National Park | Lot 267 on plan NPW466, lots 43, 44, 46 and 48 on plan MH295 and lot 3147 on plan PH1511 situated in the counties of Derby and Marsh, containing an area of about 14,694.527ha |
Wongi National Park | Lot 69 on plan NPW841, lot 150 on plan LX655 and lot 22 on plan CK720 situated in the counties of Cook and Lennox, containing an area of about 10,906.24ha |
Woocoo National Park | Lot 188 on plan NPW842 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of about 243ha |
Woondum National Park | Lot 209 on plan NPW843 and lots 1 to 3 on AP19217 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 4,047ha |
Wooroonooran National Park | Lot 19 on plan NPW970 (other than lots 2 to 4 on SP261140), lot 1 on AP14607, lot 5 on SP244397 and lot 99 on SP230858, containing an area of about 114,921.9894ha |
Woowoonga National Park | Lot 169 on plan NPW846 situated in the County of Cook, containing an area of about 2,650ha |
Woroon National Park | Lot 191 on plan NPW847 situated in the County of Mackenzie, containing an area of 552.9ha |
Wrattens National Park | Lot 55 on plan LX1044, lot 42 on plan LX2577 and lot 1 on plan NPW1142, containing an area of about 22,487.774ha |
Yungaburra National Park (formerly National Park 1035, County of Nares) | Lot 443 on plan NR3314 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 5.4481ha |
Yuwi Paree Toolkoon National Park | Lot 405 on plan NPW1133 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 34.1ha |
Name | Description |
Abbot Bay Conservation Park | Lot 28 on plan SB653, containing an area of about 151ha |
Albinia Conservation Park | Lot 2 on AP22483, containing an area of about 313.7ha |
Anderson Street Conservation Park | Lot 754 on plan NR6132, containing an area of 1.235ha |
Andromache Conservation Park | Lot 1 on SP112425, containing an area of about 647ha |
Archer Point Conservation Park | Lot 6 on plan BS140, containing an area of 5.251ha |
Baddow Island Conservation Park | Lot 172 on plan MCH4744, containing an area of about 4.09ha |
Baffle Creek Conservation Park | Lot 1 on CP844235, containing an area of about 19ha |
Bakers Creek Conservation Park | Lots 1 and 2 on AP23759, containing an area of about 448.7ha |
Bare Hill Conservation Park | Lot 553 on plan NPW818, containing an area of about 1,150ha |
Barubbra Island Conservation Park | Lot 115 on plan CK2634, containing an area of about 238ha |
Bayview Conservation Park | Lot 536 on plan NPW717, containing an area of about 157.886ha |
Baywulla Creek Conservation Park | Lot 20 on plan YL944, containing an area of about 60.7ha |
Beachmere Conservation Park | Lot 106 on plan CG4354, containing an area of about 16.3ha |
Beelbi Creek Conservation Park | Lot 91 on plan CK2690, containing an area of about 7.99ha |
Bell Creek Conservation Park | Lot 175 on plan RN1469, containing an area of about 93.3ha |
Bellthorpe Conservation Park | Lot 832 on plan NPW1104 and lot 3 on AP19215, containing an area of about 59ha |
Belmah Conservation Park | Lot 6 on plan DSN808887, containing an area of 2,046.007ha |
Bingera Conservation Park 1 | Lot 1 on AP14640, containing an area of about 37ha |
Bingera Conservation Park 2 | Lot 2 on AP14640, containing an area of about 1ha |
Bird Island Conservation Park | Lot 161 on plan SL7650, containing an area of about 0.215ha |
Blackwater Conservation Park | Lot 47 on plan HT307, containing an area of 35.106ha |
Bloomfield River Conservation Park | Lots 1 and 2 on plan SR890, containing an area of 6.897ha |
Bloomsbury Conservation Park | Lot 82 on plan CI3666 and lot 20 on RP891651, containing an area of 3.0271ha |
Boat Mountain Conservation Park 1 | Lot 516 on plan NPW875, containing an area of 49.8639ha |
Boat Mountain Conservation Park 2 | Lot 517 on plan NPW590, containing an area of 29.8051ha |
Bolger Bay Conservation Park | Lot 547 on plan NPW786, containing an area of 16.177ha |
Bottle Creek Conservation Park | Lot 187 on plan FD1013, containing an area of about 85.6ha |
Bouldercombe Gorge Conservation Park | Lot 2 on SP255309 and lot 1 on SP263942, containing an area of 389.58ha |
Bowling Green Bay Conservation Park | Lots 1 to 4 on AP9206, containing an area of about 3,443.3752ha |
Boyne Island Conservation Park | Lot 4 on plan CTN2183, containing an area of about 43.9ha |
Broad Sound Islands Conservation Park | Lot 14 on plan CP887447, containing an area of 118ha |
Broadwater Conservation Park | Lot 108 on plan FD993 and lot 12 on plan FD837593, containing an area of about 469ha |
Buccan Conservation Park | Lot 22 on plan WD654, containing an area of 115.798ha |
Buckleys Hole Conservation Park | Lot 5 on plan CG837191, containing an area of about 87.7ha |
Bukkulla Conservation Park | Lot 1 on RP897983, containing an area of 1,813ha |
Bullock Creek Conservation Park | Lot 3 on RP132579, containing an area of 54.4345ha |
Bullyard Conservation Park | Lot 153 on plan BON1573, containing an area of about 192.8ha |
Bunya Mountains Conservation Park | Lot 14 on RP907456, containing an area of 17.67ha |
Bunyaville Conservation Park | Lot 69 on plan NPW937, containing an area of about 630ha |
Burleigh Knoll Conservation Park | Lot 161 on plan WD4040, containing an area of 4.149ha |
Bustard Head Conservation Park | Lot 525 on plan NPW658, containing an area of about 3.14ha |
Byfield Conservation Park | Lot 545 on AP23645, containing an area of about 89.85ha |
Byron Creek Conservation Park | Lot 262 on plan SL44, containing an area of 72.135ha |
Cabbage Tree Point Conservation Park | Lot 15 on CP861652, containing an area of 17.48ha |
Calliope Conservation Park | Lot 541 on AP22498, containing an area of about 700.374ha |
Caloundra Conservation Park | Lot 199 on SP181240, containing an area of 63.6ha |
Canungra Conservation Park | Lot 551 on plan NPW741, containing an area of about 31ha |
Cape Capricorn Conservation Park | Lot 524 on plan NPW656, containing an area of about 1.52ha |
Cape Moreton Conservation Park | Lots 3, 6, 528 and 529 on AP23572, containing an area of about 3.3283ha |
Cape Pallarenda Conservation Park | Lot 633 on plan EP1908, containing an area of 44.1592ha |
Carbrook Wetlands Conservation Park 1 | Lot 515 on plan NPW869, containing an area of about 185ha |
Carbrook Wetlands Conservation Park 2 | Lot 219 on SP115966, containing an area of 122.117ha |
Carello Palm Swamp Conservation Park | Lot 299 on plan NR6765, containing an area of 8.863ha |
Carraba Conservation Park | Lot 35 on plan FT923, containing an area of about 44.5ha |
Causeway Lake Conservation Park | Lots 39 and 40 on plan LN1103, containing an area of about 63.5ha |
Charon Point Conservation Park | Lot 512 on plan NPW574, containing an area of about 542ha |
Cherbourg Conservation Park | Lot 549 on plan NPW742 Sh 2, containing an area of about 578ha |
Clear Mountain Conservation Park | Lots 1662 and 1663 on plan NPW744, containing an area of about 531ha |
Combo Conservation Park 1 | Lot 12 on RP887443, containing an area of 26.18ha |
Combo Conservation Park 2 | Lot 10 on CP892841, containing an area of 22.76ha |
Conondale Conservation Park | Lot 571 on AP23628, containing an area of about 1.24ha |
Conway Conservation Park | Lot 1 on CP913508, containing an area of about 146ha |
Conway West Conservation Park | Lot 1 on plan NPW1146, containing an area of about 26ha |
Coolmunda Conservation Park | Lot 7 on RP800273, containing an area of 89.2606ha |
Cooloothin Conservation Park | Lot 1 on plan MCH843845, containing an area of about 11.3ha |
Coolum Creek Conservation Park | Lot 3 on RP43727, lot 3 on RP48355 and lot 5 on RP148079, containing an area of 342.41ha |
Coombabah Lake Conservation Park | Lot 6 on CP868569, containing an area of 68.083ha |
Cooroibah Conservation Park | Lot 121 on RP100974, lot 2 on RP111976, lot 4 on RP136234 and lot 2 on RP165434, containing an area of about 163.036ha |
Cressbrook Conservation Park | Lot 192 on plan CG3472, containing an area of 298.2533ha |
Crohamhurst Conservation Park | Lot 184 on plan NPW750, containing an area of about 63ha |
Currimundi Lake (Kathleen McArthur) Conservation Park | Lot 493 on plan CG3027, containing an area of about 51ha |
Currumbin Hill Conservation Park | Lot 299 on plan WD4480, containing an area of about 4.22ha |
Curtis Island Conservation Park | Lot 532 on plan NPW700 Sh 2, lot 1 on SP224898, lot 6 on SP239340, lot 4 on SP179902 and lots 297 and 298 on plan DT4023, containing an area of about 9,544.947ha |
Daisy Hill Conservation Park | Lot 552 on plan NPW752, lot 28 on RP173044 and lot 501 on SP217936, containing an area of about 570.8154ha |
David Fleay Conservation Park | Lot 504 on plan WD5992, lot 503 on plan NPW533 and lot 175 on plan WD5346, containing an area of about 25.9248ha |
Dawson River Conservation Park | Lot 20 on plan BH47 and lot 26 on plan FN204, containing an area of about 53.8ha |
Deception Bay Conservation Park | Lot 95 on SP208906 and lots 1 and 53 on plan USL26534, containing an area of about 178.17ha |
Denmark Hill Conservation Park | Lot 23 on plan I16262, containing an area of 11.17ha |
Dinden Conservation Park | Lot 14 on plan SP253554, containing an area of 67.7427ha |
Djilgarin Conservation Park | Lot 132 on RP746789, containing an area of 88.74ha |
Double Island Point Conservation Park | Lot 527 on plan NPW661, containing an area of about 4.03ha |
Duggan Conservation Park | Lot 2 on SP314659, containing an area of 6.27ha |
Dwyers Scrub Conservation Park | Lot 21 on plan CC28, containing an area of 258.733ha |
Earl Hill Conservation Park | Lot 202 on SP178664 and lot 165 on SP319555, containing an area of 55.6475ha |
Elizabeth Springs Conservation Park | Lot 1 on SP120220, containing an area of about 101.2ha |
Etty Bay Road Conservation Park | Lot 500 on CP862643, containing an area of about 125ha |
Eudlo Creek Conservation Park | Lot 361 on plan CG4295 and lot 428 on plan C31740, containing an area of about 99.6ha |
Eumundi Conservation Park | Lots 351 and 689 on plan NPW791 (other than lots 1 to 3 on SP278635), containing an area of about 494.3786ha |
Evelyn Creek Conservation Park | Lot 521 on plan NPW641, containing an area of about 620ha |
Ex-HMAS Brisbane Conservation Park | Lot 1 on AP13767, containing an area of about 35.3ha |
Flagstone Creek Conservation Park | Lot 85 on plan CC179, containing an area of 115.437ha |
Flinders Peak Conservation Park | Lot 166 on plan CC3584, containing an area of about 105ha |
Futter Creek Conservation Park | Lots 61 and 62 on plan CTN2048, containing an area of about 36.9ha |
Garden Island Conservation Park | Lot 8 on plan DS540, containing an area of about 7.2ha |
Ghungalu Conservation Park | Lot 563 on plan NPW819, containing an area of about 70ha |
Girringun Conservation Park | Lot 1 on AP22496, containing an area of about 6,892ha |
Glass House Mountains Conservation Park | Lot 589 on plan NPW729, containing an area of about 678.44ha |
Goat Island Conservation Park | Lot 160 on plan SL7650, containing an area of about 2.2ha |
Goat Island (Noosa River) Conservation Park | Lot 35 on plan MCH4795, containing an area of about 20.3ha |
Granville Conservation Park | Lot 54 on plan MCH3827, containing an area of 16.17ha |
Great Sandy Conservation Park | Lot 506 on plan NPW555, containing an area of about 658ha |
Gurgeena Conservation Park | Lot 91 on plan YL836027, containing an area of 219.7ha |
Hallorans Hill Conservation Park | Lot 833 on plan NR7754, containing an area of about 25.4ha |
Harry Spring Conservation Park | Lot 2 on plan MCH5233, containing an area of 85.454ha |
Hays Inlet Conservation Park 1 | Lots 1 to 6 on plan SL839183, containing an area of about 155.5ha |
Hays Inlet Conservation Park 2 | Lots 7 to 10 on plan SL839184 and lot 11 on SP285607, containing an area of about 130.3431ha |
Herberton Range Conservation Park | Lot 554 on plan NPW922 Sh 2, containing an area of about 1,160ha |
Highworth Bend Conservation Park | Lot 5 on plan BH65, containing an area of 51.597ha |
Homevale Conservation Park | Lot 3 on AP23633, containing an area of about 18.019ha |
Horseshoe Bay Lagoon Conservation Park | Lot 133 on plan EP808121, containing an area of about 4.47ha |
Horseshoe Lagoon Conservation Park | Lot 72 on plan GS818, containing an area of about 76.3ha |
Indooroopilly Island Conservation Park | Lot 502 on plan NPW542, containing an area of about 6.34ha |
Ipswich Pteropus Conservation Park | Lot 2 on CP885800, containing an area of 1.792ha |
Irongate Conservation Park | Lot 105 on plan AG3488, containing an area of 29.035ha |
Jack Smith Scrub Conservation Park | Lot 130 on plan FY2622, containing an area of 7.825ha |
Jalum Conservation Park | Lot 513 on plan NPW580, containing an area of 227.091ha |
Joseph Banks (Round Hill Head) Conservation Park | Lot 508 on plan NPW556 and lot 1 on SP193722, containing an area of about 124.57ha |
Jumrum Creek Conservation Park | Lots 136 and 767 on plan NR5961, containing an area of about 19.6ha |
Kamerunga Conservation Park | Lots 254 and 734 on plan NR7826 and lot 772 on plan C157302, containing an area of about 53.5ha |
Keatings Lagoon Conservation Park | Lot 97 on CP896130, containing an area of about 46.7ha |
Keppel Sands Conservation Park | Lots 19 and 20 on plan LN1961 and lot 3 on SP283391, containing an area of about 98.41ha |
Keyser Island Conservation Park | Lots 143 to 148 on plan MCH4796, containing an area of 20.17ha |
King Conservation Park | Lot 557 on plan NPW782, containing an area of about 1,168ha |
King Island Conservation Park | Lot 245 on plan SL7649, containing an area of about 0.99ha |
Knapp Creek Conservation Park | Lot 142 on plan WD4697, containing an area of 123ha |
Koombooloomba Conservation Park | Lot 555 on plan NPW929 Sh 2, containing an area of about 37ha |
Kurrimine Beach Conservation Park | Lot 553 on plan NR6079, containing an area of about 5.7ha |
Lake Broadwater Conservation Park | Lot 68 on SP139357, containing an area of about 1,212ha |
Lake Murphy Conservation Park | Lot 12 on plan LE295, containing an area of about 550.589ha |
Lark Quarry Conservation Park | Lot 1 on SP136873 and lot 3 on SP204936, containing an area of about 1,400ha |
Limestone Creek Conservation Park | Lot 102 on plan LN2378, containing an area of 19.828ha |
Littabella Conservation Park | Lot 550 on plan NPW801, containing an area of about 2,947ha |
Long Island Bend Conservation Park | Lots 147 and 148 on plan LN1946, containing an area of 25.68ha |
MacKenzie Island Conservation Park | Lot 535 on plan NPW714, containing an area of about 579ha |
Magnetic Island Conservation Park 1 | Lot 1 on AP22486, containing an area of about 64.098ha |
Magnetic Island Conservation Park 2 | Lot 1 on AP22487, containing an area of about 13.773ha |
Main Beach Conservation Park | Lot 1 on plan NPW1123, containing an area of about 124ha |
Main Range Conservation Park | Lot 123 on plan CC390, lot 149 on plan CC496, lot 9 on plan CC2304, lot 10 on plan CH31292, lot 23 on plan CH311139, lot 30 on plan CH311898 and lot 96 on plan CH312503, containing an area of about 2,891.226ha |
Malanda Falls Conservation Park | Lot 301 on plan NR6075 and lot 320 on plan NR7755, containing an area of about 19.12ha |
Malbon Thompson Conservation Park | Lots 11, 208, 576, 577, 801 and 802 on plan NPW1160, containing an area of 7.4723ha |
Mapleton Conservation Park | Lot 368 on plan NPW1111, containing an area of about 361.62ha |
Maroochy River Conservation Park | Lot 509 on plan NPW594 and lot 2 on SP221270, containing an area of about 186.669ha |
Maroochy Wetlands Conservation Park | Lot 539 on plan NPW863, containing an area of about 65.6ha |
Meingan Creek Conservation Park | Lot 50 on plan NR3438, containing an area of 82.859ha |
Meridan Plains Conservation Park | Lot 14 on SP216882, containing an area of 39.93ha |
Middle Percy Island Conservation Park | Lot 3907 on plan NPW1113, containing an area of about 316ha |
Millstream Conservation Park | Lot 298 on plan CWL2671, containing an area of about 30ha |
Moggill Conservation Park | Lot 571 on plan NPW796, containing an area of about 488ha |
Mon Repos Conservation Park | Lots 2 and 222 on SP149060 and lot 1 on SP318637, containing an area of about 87.45ha |
Mooloolah (Marie Higgs) Conservation Park | Lot 6 on plan CG6139, containing an area of about 2.47ha |
Morgan Park Conservation Park | Lot 152 on CP910005, containing an area of about 284.5ha |
Morven Conservation Park | Lot 28 on plan OR34, containing an area of 255.9991ha |
Mount Beau Brummell Conservation Park | Lot 53 on plan CC445, containing an area of 156.583ha |
Mount Blandy Conservation Park | Lot 83 on plan BON310, containing an area of 360.929ha |
Mount Blarney Conservation Park | Lot 1667 on plan CI2300, containing an area of about 72.8ha |
Mount Cooroy Conservation Park | Lot 277 on SP170309 and lots 4 and 5 on SP223759, containing an area of 47.2012ha |
Mount Dumaresq Conservation Park | Lots 1 and 64 on AP22489, containing an area of about 506.6389ha |
Mount Eerwah Conservation Park | Lot 994 on plan CG6102, containing an area of about 64.5ha |
Mount Hector Conservation Park | Lot 148 on plan CI3272, containing an area of about 14.6ha |
Mount Hopeful Conservation Park | Lot 5 on plan RN47, containing an area of 554.442ha |
Mount Kinchant Conservation Park | Lot 125 on plan CI840176, lot 18 on plan C124599 and lot 9 on SP179906, containing an area of about 290.6597ha |
Mount Leura Conservation Park | Lot 21 on plan CLM528, containing an area of 196.5ha |
Mount Perry Conservation Park | Lot 71 on plan SL10728, containing an area of about 175ha |
Mount Peter Conservation Park | Lot 570 on plan NPW955, containing an area of about 13ha |
Mount Scoria Conservation Park | Lot 107 on plan PM403, containing an area of about 21.7ha |
Mount Whitfield Conservation Park | Lot 514 on plan NPW581, containing an area of about 329ha |
Mouth of Baffle Creek Conservation Park 1 | Lot 154 on plan FD752, containing an area of 125ha |
Mouth of Baffle Creek Conservation Park 2 | Lot 511 on plan NPW571 and lot 1 on SP143241, containing an area of about 322.4ha |
Mouth of Kolan River Conservation Park | Lot 49 on CP844223 and lot 66 on plan CK2294, containing an area of about 784ha |
Mowbray Conservation Park | Lot 98 on plan C153107 and lot 125 on plan SR361, containing an area of about 23.47ha |
Mud Island Conservation Park | Lot 534 on plan NPW709, containing an area of about 450ha |
Mutton Hole Wetlands Conservation Park | Lot 546 on plan NPW727, containing an area of about 7,860ha |
Myora Conservation Park | Lot 147 on plan NPW1122, containing an area of about 10.43ha |
Naree Budjong Djara Conservation Park | Lot 90 on plan NPW1124, containing an area of about 3.491ha |
Nerang Conservation Park | Lot 568 on plan NPW743, containing an area of about 113ha |
Neurum Creek Conservation Park | Lot 517 on CP880835, containing an area of 9.8ha |
Newport Conservation Park | Lot 110 on plan MC629, containing an area of about 118ha |
Ningi Creek Conservation Park | Lot 153 on plan C311492, containing an area of 62.726ha |
Noosa Conservation Park | Lot 900 on plan SP239513, containing an area of 34.79ha |
North Pointer Conservation Park | Lot 1 on CP886777, containing an area of about 240ha |
O’Regan Creek Conservation Park | Lot 7 on plan MCH811112, containing an area of about 59.7ha |
Palmview Conservation Park | Lot 441 on SP284502, containing an area of 104.4ha |
Parklands Conservation Park | Lot 559 on plan NPW814, containing an area of about 642.6ha |
Pimpama Conservation Park | Lot 40 on plan WD1436, containing an area of 13.987ha |
Pine Ridge Conservation Park | Lot 1 on plan WD6725, lot 2 on CP862915 and lot 225 on plan WD5386, containing an area of about 112ha |
Plunkett Conservation Park | Lot 530 on plan NPW687 and lot 203 on plan WD4310, containing an area of about 584.015ha |
Police Paddock Conservation Park | Lot 128 on CP892765, containing an area of 63.4421ha |
Princhester Conservation Park | Lot 22 on plan LI67, containing an area of 721.7568ha |
Reinke Scrub Conservation Park | Lot 4 on RP853093, containing an area of 49.63ha |
Rosins Lookout Conservation Park | Lot 510 on plan NPW569, containing an area of 61.483ha |
Round Island Conservation Park | Lot 518 on plan NPW601, containing an area of about 16.69ha |
Roundstone Conservation Park | Lot 15 on plan BH238, containing an area of about 198ha |
Saltwater Creek Conservation Park | Lot 116 on plan WD2623, containing an area of about 1.8ha |
Samford Conservation Park | Lot 1376 on plan NPW820, containing an area of about 624ha |
Sandringham Bay Conservation Park | Lot 540 on plan NPW885 and lot 104 on plan CI1611, containing an area of about 591ha |
Sandy Cape Conservation Park | Lot 526 on plan NPW660, containing an area of about 3.34ha |
Sheep Island Conservation Park | Lot 307 on plan MCH4551, containing an area of about 6.48ha |
Sheep Station Creek Conservation Park | Lot 144 on plan SL8113, containing an area of about 231ha |
Shoalwater Bay Conservation Park | Lot 501 on plan NPW699, containing an area of about 1,650ha |
Six Mile Creek Conservation Park | Lot 348 on plan MCH974, containing an area of about 14.2ha |
Skull Knob Conservation Park | Lot 239 on plan NPW1110, containing an area of about 302.8ha |
Smithfield Conservation Park | Lot 2 on RP846883, lot 3 on RP846886, lot 4 on RP846888, lot 32 on SP101077, lot 998 on SP201274 and lot 5 on SP201275, containing an area of 278.9625ha |
Southend Conservation Park | Lot 8 on SP160574, containing an area of about 290ha |
South Stradbroke Island Conservation Park | Lot 529 on plan NPW1117 and lot 19 on plan WD1474, containing an area of about 1,493.928ha |
Speewah Conservation Park | Lot 544 on plan NPW763, containing an area of about 15.179ha |
Spicers Gap Road Conservation Park | Lot 20 on SP106338, containing an area of about 6.5ha |
Springbrook Conservation Park | Lot 569 on plan NPW917, containing an area of about 37.5ha |
Springwood Conservation Park | Lots 166, 169, 220, 283 and 284 on plan SL11951, containing an area of about 29.4ha |
St Helens Gap Conservation Park | Lots 82, 83, 132 and 133 on plan CI1149, containing an area of 8.428ha |
Tallebudgera Creek Conservation Park | Lot 94 on plan WD6256, lot 248 on plan WD4976, lot 1 on plan WD804791 and lot 7 on RP201055, containing an area of about 22.2075ha |
Teerk Roo Ra Conservation Park | Lot 566 on plan NPW834 Sh 2, containing an area of about 59ha |
Tenthill Conservation Park | Lot 241 on plan CC2881, containing an area of about 147ha |
Tinana Creek Conservation Park | Lot 207 on plan MCH4260, containing an area of about 21ha |
Tinana Island Conservation Park | Lot 137 on plan MCH4136, containing an area of about 1.03ha |
Tingalpa Creek Conservation Park | Lot 12 on RP80674, containing an area of 11.586ha |
Tolderodden Conservation Park | Lot 136 on plan YL1029, containing an area of about 114ha |
Tomewin Conservation Park | Lot 533 on plan NPW706 and lot 127 on CP892730, containing an area of 51.153ha |
Toohey Forest Conservation Park | Lot 507 on plan NPW551, containing an area of 34.2831ha |
Tooloombah Creek Conservation Park | Lot 1 on plan MC813349, containing an area of 260.6ha |
Toorbul Conservation Park | Lot 117 on plan CG1255, containing an area of 4.925ha |
Townsville Town Common Conservation Park | Lots 58 and 102 on plan EP328, lot 131 on plan EP367 and lot 505 on plan NPW643, containing an area of about 3,301.2141ha |
Tuchekoi Conservation Park | Lot 2 on plan MCH5101, containing an area of 23.42ha |
Vandyke Creek Conservation Park | Lot 12 on plan BU53, containing an area of 215.8ha |
Vernon Conservation Park | Lot 172 on plan MCH5561, containing an area of about 684ha |
Walter Hill Range Conservation Park | Lots 1 and 112 on AP22491, containing an area of about 111.576ha |
Wararba Creek Conservation Park | Lot 59 on plan CG260, containing an area of 88.019ha |
Warrina Conservation Park | Lots 349 and 351 on plan NR7394, lots 346 and 347 on plan NR7395 and lot 337 on SP318397, containing an area of about 14.584ha |
Warrubullen Conservation Park | Lot 205 on plan NR2759 and lots 219 to 221 on plan NR3214, containing an area of about 28ha |
Weyba Creek Conservation Park | Lots 167, 168 and 169 on CP849516, containing an area of about 21.75ha |
White Blow Conservation Park | Lot 19 on plan GS1001, containing an area of 1.96ha |
White Rock Conservation Park | Lots 245, 246 and 251 on plan NPW781, containing an area of about 190ha |
Wilandspey Conservation Park | Lot 3 on plan AY23, containing an area of about 5,200ha |
Wongaloo Conservation Park | Lots 1 to 5 on AP9207, lot 2 on SP252518 and lot 4 on plan USL44296, containing an area of about 1,746.7634ha |
Woondum Conservation Park | Lot 1683 on plan NPW939, containing an area of about 2.5ha |
Woongoolba Conservation Park | Lot 378 on plan WD5822, containing an area of 16.85ha |
Wrattens Conservation Park | Lot 58 on plan LX799 and lot 565 on plan NPW850, containing an area of about 583.229ha |
Zamia Creek Conservation Park | Lot 17 on plan BH255, containing an area of 38.85ha |
Name | Description |
Albinia Resources Reserve | Lot 3 on AP22484, containing an area of about 41.4ha |
Annan River (Yuku Baja-Muliku) Resources Reserve | Lots 14 to 16 on AP14378 and lot 11 on AP14384, containing an area of about 2,281.92ha |
Bouldercombe Gorge Resources Reserve | Lot 1011 on plan NPW710, lot 15 on plan USL34945, lots 2 and 49 on plan USL34953 and lot 51 on plan DT40143, containing an area of about 3,970.75ha |
Canyon Resources Reserve | Lots 1, 3 and 4 on SP275171, containing an area of about 48,622.6ha |
Conondale Resources Reserve | Lots 9 to 35 on AP23628 and lots 3, 5 and 6 on AP23765, containing an area of about 66.252ha |
Cooloola (Noosa River) Resources Reserve | Lots 34 and 35 on plan MCH5214, containing an area of about 117ha |
Cudmore Resources Reserve | Lot 1007 on plan NPW828 Sh 2, containing an area of about 6,308ha |
Endeavour River Resources Reserve | Lots 2 and 3 on CP867124, containing an area of 39.759ha |
Eurimbula Resources Reserve | Lot 2536 on plan PH455, containing an area of about 3,240ha |
Expedition Resources Reserve | Lot 5 on plan TR839674 and lots 5 and 7 on SP275178, containing an area of about 3,059.9ha |
Flat Top Range Resources Reserve | Lot 1009 on plan NPW715 and lot 100 on SP143245, containing an area of about 3,272ha |
Girringun Resources Reserve | Lots 1 to 3 on AP22497, containing an area of about 328ha |
Great Sandy Resources Reserve | Lot 1010 on plan NPW686, containing an area of about 58.4ha |
Heathlands Resources Reserve | Lots 4 and 5 on SP296927, containing an area of about 9.205ha |
Homevale Resources Reserve | Lot 2 on AP23633, containing an area of about 7,629.393ha |
Kennedy Road Gravel Resources Reserve | Lots 1 to 4 on AP22501, containing an area of about 124.58ha |
KULLA (McIlwraith Range) Resources Reserve | Lots 5 to 9 on SP189952, containing an area of about 1,333.59ha |
Lake Broadwater Resources Reserve | Lot 69 on plan DY1009, containing an area of about 575ha |
Lawn Hill (Arthur Creek) Resources Reserve | Lot 6 on CP850717, containing an area of about 26,500ha |
Lawn Hill (Creek) Resources Reserve | Lot 9 on CP850717, containing an area of about 160ha |
Lawn Hill (Gorge Mouth) Resources Reserve | Lot 8 on CP850717, containing an area of about 680ha |
Lawn Hill (Gregory) Resources Reserve | Lot 2 on plan GY805051, containing an area of about 2,550ha |
Lawn Hill (Gregory River Base) Resources Reserve | Lot 13 on CP899004, containing an area of 93.46ha |
Lawn Hill (Lilydale) Resources Reserve | Lot 3 on plan GY805051, containing an area of about 2,550ha |
Lawn Hill (Littles Range) Resources Reserve | Lot 9 on CP854027, containing an area of about 14,000ha |
Lawn Hill (Stockyard Creek) Resources Reserve | Lot 7 on CP850699, containing an area of about 30,400ha |
Lawn Hill (Widdallion) Resources Reserve | Lot 5 on CP850717, containing an area of about 19,400ha |
Littleton Resources Reserve | Lots 1, 2 and 4 to 19 on AP19375, containing an area of about 155.22ha |
Lockyer Resources Reserve | Lot 1018 on plan NPW785 Sh 3, containing an area of about 612ha |
Moonstone Hill Resources Reserve | Lot 5 on AP22501, containing an area of about 135.74ha |
Moresby Range Resources Reserve | Lot 1008 on plan NPW644 Sh 2, containing an area of about 4.9ha |
Mount Perry Resources Reserve | Lot 1017 on plan NPW809, containing an area of about 1,970ha |
Mount Rosey Resources Reserve | Lot 3 on CP852261, containing an area of about 6,090ha |
Noosa Resources Reserve | Lot 1015 on plan NPW888, containing an area of about 0.22ha |
Olkola (Kurrumbila) Resources Reserve 2 | Lots 1 to 5, 8, 9, 12 to 15 and 17 on SP241432, containing an area of 90.331ha |
Oyala Thumotang Resources Reserve | Lots 25 and 26 on SP241398, containing an area of 53.61ha |
Palmer Goldfield Resources Reserve | Lot 1 on CP907719, containing an area of about 16,200ha |
Rinyirru (Lakefield) Resources Reserve | Lots 15, 20, 25 and 40 on SP208286, containing an area of 88.289ha |
Rundle Range Resources Reserve | Lot 21 on plan DS717, containing an area of about 706ha |
Rungulla Resources Reserve | Lots 3, 8 and 10 to 13 on SP275179, containing an area of about 9,444.45ha |
Stones Country Resources Reserve | Lot 62 on plan FT1018, containing an area of about 259.7ha |
Sundown Resources Reserve | Lot 44 on AP19362, containing an area of 2,628.2ha |
White Mountains Resources Reserve | Lot 5 on plan GF193 and lots 2 and 3 on plan GF841842, containing an area of about 12,056ha |
Womalah Resources Reserve | Lot 3 on AP14624, containing an area of about 4.3ha |
Wrattens Resources Reserve | Lot 1020 on plan NPW1143, containing an area of about 3,156ha |
Name | Description |
Alwal National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 36 on SP215745 situated in the County of Warner, containing an area of 42,510ha |
Apudthama National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 2 on SP161893, lot 26 on SP189913, lots 3, 5, 6 and 9 to 13 on SP269684 and lot 1 on SP320131, containing an area of 319,231.0086ha |
Batavia National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lots 4, 5 and 22 on SP241405 situated in the counties of Dulhunty, Shelburne and York, containing an area of 56,037ha |
Biniirr National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 55 on SP273793 containing an area of 29,310ha |
Bromley (Ampulin) National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 152 on SP288864, containing an area of 40,350ha |
Bromley (Kungkaychi) National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 154 on SP288864, containing an area of 10,680ha |
Cape Melville National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 4 on SP252501 situated in the County of Melville, containing an area of 170,000ha |
Daarrba National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 203 on SP252496 situated in the County of Banks, containing an area of 415.3ha |
Daintree National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 107 on RP737399, lot 4 on SP288855, lots 1 to 4 on SP296954, lots 4 to 6 on SP296955, lot 7 on SP296956, lots 8 and 9 on SP296958, lots 20 and 96 on SP296959, lots 10 to 13 and 15 on SP296960, lot 16 on SP296966, lot 1 on SP304069, lots 2 and 3 on SP304070, lots 15, 16 and 18 to 20 on SP309100, lots 52 to 55 on SP309102, lot 81 on SP309103, lots 92 to 94 on SP309104, lot 18 on SP309105, lots 24 and 25 on SP309114 and lot 48 on SP309121, containing an area of 116,613.151ha |
Errk Oykangand National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 5 on SP215744 situated in the County of Koolatah, containing an area of 38,170ha |
Flinders Group National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lots 1 to 9 on SP220299 situated in the County of Melville, containing an area of 2,819ha |
Hope Islands National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 41 on SP309122, lot 8 on SP309123 and lots 17 and 18 on SP309124, containing an area of 61.707ha |
Howick Group National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lots 1 to 9 on SP220300 situated in the County of Melville, containing an area of 85.27ha |
Juunju Daarrba Nhirrpan National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 215 on SP252509 situated in the County of Banks, containing an area of 8,039ha |
Kalkajaka National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 166 on SP309118, containing an area of 894.9ha |
KULLA (McIlwraith Range) National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lots 4 and 10 on SP189952, lot 16 on SP121904 and lot 451 on SP204109 situated in the counties of Coen, Sidmouth and Weymouth, containing an area of about 158,358.4ha |
Kutini-Payamu (Iron Range) National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 46 on SP241418 and lot 2 on SP241427 situated in the County of Weymouth, containing an area of 53,161.526ha |
Lama Lama National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 6 on SP189946 situated in the County of Hann, containing an area of 35,560ha |
Ma'alpiku Island National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lots 41 and 42 on SP241424 situated in the County of Weymouth, containing an area of 26.062ha |
Marpa National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lots 15 to 17 on SP224292 situated in the County of Hann, containing an area of about 37.8ha |
Melsonby (Gaarraay) National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 2 on SP252508 situated in the County of Banks, containing an area of 8,632ha |
Mitirinchi Island National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 5 on SP241426 situated in the County of Shelburne, containing an area of 1.176ha |
Muundhi (Jack River) National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 8 on SP252507 situated in the Counties of Banks, Melville and Mosman, containing an area of 164,800ha |
Ngalba-bulal National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lots 1 to 3, 22 and 212 on SP154458, containing an area of 42,538.4719ha |
Ngaynggarr National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 3 on SP288847, containing an area of 16,490ha |
Olkola National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lots 7, 20 and 21 on SP241432 and lot 16 on SP262570, containing an area of 373,230ha |
Oyala Thumotang National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 1 on SP241397 and lot 23 on SP241398 situated in the counties of Archer, Coen and Sidmouth, containing an area of 381,560ha |
Piper Islands National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lots 1 to 5 on SP241425 situated in the County of Shelburne, containing an area of 6.287ha |
Rinyirru (Lakefield) National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 10 on SP208286 situated in the counties of Banks, Hann, Mosman and Warner, containing an area of 544,000ha |
Wuthara Island National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lots 1 to 3 on SP241417 situated in the County of Shelburne, containing an area of 109.8ha |
Wuthathi (Saunders Islands) National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lots 1 to 13 on SP224294, containing an area of about 61.327ha |
Wuthathi (Shelburne Bay) National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 17 on SP189951, containing an area of 37,270ha |
Wuthathi (Sir Charles Hardy Group) National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lots 12 to 14 on SP224291, containing an area of about 131.63ha |
Yamarrinh Wachangan Islands (Denham Group) National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land) | Lot 7 on SP241439, lot 14 on SP241441 and lots 1 to 7 on SP269702, containing an area of 69.8967ha |
Name | Description |
Cangen-Yangan Indigenous Joint Management Area | Lots 36, 37, 528 and 529 on AP23572, lot 1 on SP277808, lot 117 on SP302008 and lot 3 on SP304084, containing an area of about 17,038.5751ha |
North Stradbroke Island Region Indigenous Joint Management AreaNote The North Stradbroke Island Region Indigenous Joint Management Area comprises the following protected areas— • Naree Budjong Djara National Park • Teerk Roo Ra National Park • Main Beach Conservation Park • Myora Conservation Park • Naree Budjong Djara Conservation Park • Teerk Roo Ra Conservation Park | Lot 445 on plan NPW834 Sh 1, lot 566 on plan NPW834 Sh 2, lots 1 and 2 on plan NPW1121 Sh 1, lot 3 on plan NPW1121 Sh 2, lot 147 on plan NPW1122, lot 1 on plan NPW1123 and lot 90 on plan NPW1124 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 13,874.751ha |
Name | Description |
Pullen Pullen Special Wildlife Reserve | The part of lot 2 on SP277388, shown on plan PA10001, containing an area of about 56,391.61ha |
Name | Description |
3 Moons Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on RP234297, containing an area of about 39ha, shown on plan PA1118 |
A & T Koala Billabong Nature Refuge | The part of lot 7 on RP160563 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 2ha, shown on plan PA614 |
Aberdeen Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4192 on plan PH1188 situated in the County of Herbert, containing an area of about 1,361ha, shown on plan PA86A |
Acaciavale Nature Refuge | The part of lot 201 on SP105921 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 0.3ha, shown on plan PA29 |
Adjinbilly Nature Refuge | The part of lot 10 on crown plan M341082 situated in the County of Merivale, containing an area of 30.554ha, shown on plan PA440 |
Alectura Nature Refuge | Lot 6 on RP903529 situated in the County of Livingstone, containing an area of about 83.5ha, shown on plan PA108 |
Alice Creek Nature Refuge | Lot 51 on plan CSH141, lot 70 on plan CSH578 and lot 78 on plan CA311317 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of 309.949ha, shown on plan PA656 |
Allanton Hill Nature Refuge | The part of lot 147 on crown plan C157223 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 11ha, shown on plan PA278 |
Alyxia Nature Refuge | Lot 10 on RP865221 situated in the County of March, containing an area of 23.767ha, shown on plan PA458 |
Angel Place Nature Refuge | The part of lot 134 on plan CC3617 situated in the County of Churchill, containing an area of about 84ha, shown on plan PA584 |
AN.KI.DA Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on RP185308 and the part of lot 2 on RP868833 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 202ha, shown on plan PA173 |
Annan River Area B Nature Refuge | The part of lot 14 on SP189921 and the part of lot 34 on SP105905 situated in the County of Banks, containing an area of about 319.6ha, shown on plan PA345 |
Annan River Nature Refuge | Lot 10 on SP171856 and the part of lot 4 on SP171859 situated in the County of Banks, containing an area of about 159.8ha, shown on plan PA308 |
Ant Plant East Nature Refuge | Lot 29 on SP190500, containing an area of 78.85ha, shown on plan PA1077 |
Ant Plant West Nature Refuge | Lot 70 on plan CWL2669, containing an area of 138.377ha, shown on plan PA1076 |
Arborlee Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP224135 situated in the County of Merivale, containing an area of about 42ha, shown on plan PA373 |
Archontophoenix Grove Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on RP604432 situated in the County of Livingstone, containing an area of about 7.03ha, shown on plan PA15 |
Ardgour Station Nature Refuge | The part of lot 9 on plan BAN7, containing an area of about 8,285.98ha, shown on plan PA1122 |
Artemis Antbed Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4365 on plan PH1824 situated in the County of Hann, containing an area of 2,115.75ha, shown on plan PA14 |
Arthur Harrold Nature Refuge | Lots 3 to 7 on RP135678 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 324.77ha, shown on plan PA298 |
Australian Prawn Farms Nature Refuge | The part of lot 46 on plan MC376 situated in the County of Murchison, containing an area of about 227ha, shown on plan PA566 |
Avocet Nature Refuge | The part of lot 31 on plan DSN964, containing an area of about 1,110ha, shown on plan PA28A |
Avoid Island Nature Refuge | Lot 11 on SP228228 situated in the County of Murchison, containing an area of about 82.9ha, shown on plan PA459 |
Balclutha Creek Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on SP161903 situated in the County of Hann, containing an area of about 2,066.7ha, shown on plan PA427 |
Balclutha (Lava Hill) Nature Refuge | The part of lot 15 on SP121904 situated in the County of Sidmouth, containing an area of about 976.3ha, shown on plan PA310 |
Balgowlah Nature Refuge | The part of lot 164 on crown plan L371473 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of about 24ha, shown on plan PA372 |
Ballantyne Nature Refuge | Lots 236 and 239 to 242 and the parts of lots 237 and 238 on RP169028 and part of lot 235 on RP170898 situated in the County of Cook, containing an area of about 20.8ha, shown on plan PA163 |
Ballara Nature Refuge | The parts of lot 427 on plan SW805054 and lot 2547 on SP255326 situated in the County of Selwyn, containing an area of about 174,916ha, shown on plan PA613 |
Ballara Park Nature Refuge | The part of lot 16 on crown plan LY219 situated in the County of Lytton, containing an area of about 58ha, shown on plan PA359 |
Ballow View Nature Refuge | Lot 58 on SP165745 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 51.86ha, shown on plan PA343 |
Bally Mountain Conservation Area Nature Refuge | Lot 78 on plan WD627 and lot 1 on RP74871 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of 367.683ha, shown on plan PA565 |
Bally’s Plus Five Nature Refuge | Lot 243 on RP169028 situated in the County of Cook, containing an area of about 2.128ha, shown on plan PA421 |
Baralba Corridor Nature Refuge | Lots 75 and 103 on RP737399, lots 82, 83, 90 and 97 on RP738146 and lot 117 on RP738161, containing an area of 7.0471ha |
Bariya Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on RP800162 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 9.07ha, shown on plan PA337 |
Barne’s Pikle Nature Refuge | The part of lot 28 on plan NR426 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 63ha, shown on plan PA27 |
Barrine Park Nature Refuge | The part of lot 69 on plan NR4733, containing an area of about 4.95ha, shown on plan PA432 |
Bartopia Nature Refuge | The part of lot 89 on plan W312549 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 105.4ha, shown on plan PA141 |
Basilisk Nature Refuge | Lot 78 on plan NR1571 and the part of lot 100 on plan NR6274, containing an area of about 249.49ha, shown on plan PA1102 |
Batavia Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on SP241405 situated in the counties of Dulhunty, Shelburne and York, containing an area of about 79,157ha, shown on plan PA545 |
Beach Road Nature Refuge | Lot 900 on SP186169, containing an area of about 28.02ha |
Beau Vallon Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP226372, containing an area of about 26.32ha, shown on plan PA1105 |
Behana Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 101 on SP114737 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of 3.35ha, shown on plan PA49 |
Belgamba Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on SP263942 situated in the County of Raglan, containing an area of about 90ha, shown on plan PA143A |
Bellbird Nature Refuge | The part of lot 143 on crown plan M341087 situated in the County of Merivale, containing an area of about 127ha, shown on plan PA375 |
Bellbird Stud Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on SP216099 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 68ha, shown on plan PA557 |
Bellfield Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2418 on plan PH919, situated in the County of Woolgar, containing an area of about 28,149ha, shown on plan PA501 |
Benaiah Nature Refuge | Lot 182 on SP105122, containing an area of about 32ha, shown on plan PA26 |
Berlin Scrub Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP67404 situated in the County of Churchill, containing an area of about 41.9ha, shown on plan PA1 |
Berrinba Wetlands Nature Refuge | Lots 101 and 102 on SP193960, the part of lot 15 on SP163460 and part of lots 900 and 901 on SP111505 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 39ha, shown on plan PA549 |
Big Fig Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP59819, containing an area of about 35.47ha, shown on plan PA1070 |
Bill Huxley Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on RP137369 and lots 26 and 27 on RP25570 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 175.3ha, shown on plan PA415 |
Bimblebox Nature Refuge | Lot 4 on plan BF22 situated in the County of Beaufort, containing an area of about 7,912ha, shown on plan PA81 |
Birthday Trail Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on RP159449, containing an area of about 31.81ha, shown on plan PA1069 |
Blackjack Mountain Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on crown plan DK230, containing an area of about 203.33ha, shown on plan PA1010 |
Black Snake Nature Refuge | The part of lot 22 on SP203464 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 26.39ha, shown on plan PA437 |
Bloodwood Creek Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 18 and 19 on RP200411 and part of lot 20 on RP200410 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 39.3ha, shown on plan PA89 |
Bloodwood Nature Refuge | The part of lot 70 on plan ML417, containing an area of about 162.59ha, shown on plan PA1106 |
Blue Bush Channels Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on crown plan FM17 situated in the County of Fermoy, containing an area of about 936ha, shown on plan PA409 |
Blue Fig Creek Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on RP102359 and lots 2 and 3 on RP218808 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of 24.966ha, shown on plan PA376A |
Bluegrass Nature Refuge | The part of lot 33 on SP215145 situated in the County of Clermont, containing an area of about 120ha, shown on plan PA477 |
Blunder Creek Reserve Nature Refuge | Lot 3 on RP92133 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 20.8ha, shown on plan PA604 |
Bobbie Sattler Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on SP147553 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of 40.04ha |
Boggomoss Nature Refuge | Lot 17 on plan LE279 situated in the County of Labouchere, containing an area of about 100ha, shown on plan PA132 |
Bolger Bay Nature Refuge | Lots 1 and 3 on RP804289, lot 4 on RP743779 and lot 46 on plan EP191 situated in the County of Elphinstone, containing an area of about 32.5ha, shown on plan PA39 |
Boom-ber-pee Nature Refuge | The part of lot 9 on RP186559, situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 18ha, shown on plan PA514 |
Boonjie Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP738262, containing an area of about 10ha, shown on plan PA1017 |
Boreen Nature Refuge | Lot 3 on RP186809, containing an area of 51.53ha, shown on plan PA1133 |
Bosel’s Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5229 on plan HR2004, containing an area of about 201ha, shown on plan PA1026 |
Bowman Park Koala Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP152112 situated in the County of Churchill, containing an area of about 10ha, shown on plan PA504A |
Bowra Wildlife Sanctuary Nature Refuge | The part of lot 10 on RP893565 (other than the area of easement P WN173), lot 5 on plan WELL5379 and lot 6 on RP891588, situated in the County of Wellington, containing an area of about 13,900ha, shown on plan PA599 |
Boyles Ridge Nature Refuge | The part of lot 25 on RP836580 situated in the County of Livingstone, containing an area of about 114.8ha, shown on plan PA261 |
Boyneside Nature Refuge | The part of lot 73 on SP191481 situated in the County of Boondooma, containing an area of about 254.5ha, shown on plan PA292 |
Braehead Nature Refuge | Lot 11 on SP188180, containing an area of about 100.6104ha, shown on plan PA1008 |
Brian Burke Reserve Nature Refuge | The lots and parts of lots, situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 268ha, shown on plan PA620 |
Brigooda Nature Refuge | The part of lot 23 on plan BO119 situated in the County of Boondooma, containing an area of about 12ha, shown on plan PA25A |
Bromley Yuuka Nature Refuge | The part of lot 153 on SP288864, containing an area of about 10,920ha, shown on plan PA1033 |
Brooklyn Nature Refuge | The part of lot 13 on SP127335 and lot 3 on plan DA293 situated in the County of Dagmar, containing an area of about 58,400ha, shown on plan PA284A |
Brooks Beach Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP745188 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 17.2ha, shown on plan PA17 |
Brovinia Nature Refuge | The part of lot 10 on crown plan NT136 situated in the County of Newcastle, containing an area of about 362ha, shown on plan PA421 |
Bryn Glas Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP133190 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 5ha, shown on plan PA675 |
Buderim Forest Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on RP28142, lot 2 on RP133113, lot 8 on SP220426, lots 1 and 2 on RP208126 and the part of lot 4 on SP220426, situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 17ha, shown on plan PA396 |
Buderim Forest Park Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP169053, the part of lot 3 on RP211081, lot 4 on RP217121, lot 9 on RP212167, lot 7 on RP211615 and lot 17 on RP211616 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 28ha, shown on plan PA555 |
Bulimbah Nature Refuge | The part of lot 86 on plan W312527, containing an area of about 98.62ha, shown on plan PA1027 |
Bullen Bullen Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on crown plan LS18 situated in the County of Landsborough, containing an area of about 10,239.56ha, shown on plan PA353 |
Bulloo Downs Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1673 on SP289790, containing an area of about 246,746ha, shown on plan PA1018 |
Buluba Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on plan NR3515 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 83.76ha, shown on plan PA490 |
Bulurru Nature Refuge | The part of lot 325 on plan NR1415 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 44ha, shown on plan PA44 |
Bunderra Nature Refuge | The part of lot 293 on crown plan FY828 situated in the County of Fitzroy, containing an area of about 26.5ha, shown on plan PA234 |
Bungawarrah Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on RP171986 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of 169.8ha, shown on plan PA403 |
Burnamup Nature Refuge | Lot 59 on RP893127, containing an area of 20.53ha, shown on plan PA1068 |
Burrawingee Nature Refuge | The part of lot 8 on RP838791 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 8.78ha, shown on plan PA144 |
Burwood Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on plan MC141 and part of lot 13 on plan MC97 situated in the County of Murchison, containing an area of about 4,446ha, shown on plan PA56 |
Butterfly Bog Nature Refuge | Lot 6 on RP212700, situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of 7.311ha, shown on plan PA515 |
Buyu Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on plan NR3515 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 51.45ha, shown on plan PA491 |
Bygana Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on SP177201 situated in the County of Drury, containing an area of about 331ha, shown on plan PA242 |
Bygana West Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on SP164918 situated in the County of Drury, containing an area of about 1,487ha, shown on plan PA188 |
Cainbable Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on RP113392 and lot 1 on RP123306 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of 111.121ha, shown on plan PA481 |
Calingunee Nature Refuge | The part of lot 13 on crown plan 902845 situated in the County of Pring, containing an area of about 143.37ha, shown on plan PA285 |
Caloola Nature Refuge | The part of lot 634 on SP158825, containing an area of about 18,072.5ha, shown on plan PA1085 |
Carabeen Nature Refuge | The part of lot 9 on plan ML1667, the part of lot 21 on plan M341103 and the part of Spring Creek Road commencing from the southern boundary of lot 9 on plan ML1667 extending to a point about 0.4km north of the northern boundary of lot 9 on plan ML1667, containing an area of about 69.02ha, shown on plans PA34 and PA34MOU |
Carnarvon Station Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5023 on crown plan PH2 situated in the County of Chesterton, containing an area of about 59,018ha, shown on plan PA283 |
Caroa Island Paddock Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on SP135554 situated in the County of Clermont, containing an area of about 753ha, shown on plan PA67 |
Caroline Green Carawatha Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP37019 situated in the County of Fitzroy, containing an area of about 6.64ha, shown on plan PA161 |
Cassowary Connection Nature Refuge | The part of lot 66 on SP164474, containing an area of about 22.4ha, shown on plan PA1029 |
Cassowary Corner Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP747749 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 4ha, shown on plan PA33 |
Cassowary Corridor Nature Refuge | The part of lot 46 on RP851444 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 63ha, shown on plan PA665 |
Cassowary Crossing Nature Refuge | The part of lot 308 on plan NR1035, containing an area of about 78ha, shown on plan PA1047 |
Cassowary Forest Nature Refuge | The part of lot 783 on plan N157406 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 61ha, shown on plan PA663 |
Castlevale Nature Refuge | The parts of lot 11 on crown plan CLD24 and lot 814 on crown plan PH1995 situated in the County of Claude, lot 6 on crown plan WYR42 and lot 1144 on crown plan PH765 situated in the County of Windeyer and lot 1163 on crown plan PH2012 situated in the County of Tambo, containing an area of about 200,994ha, shown on plan PA455 |
Chakoro Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP881721 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 11.6ha, shown on plan PA158 |
Charlie Moorhead Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on SP215603 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 24.0878ha, shown on plan PA399 |
Cherry Nature Refuge | The part of lot 16 on SP220703, containing an area of about 110ha, shown on plan PA442A |
Chidna Nature Refuge | Part of lot 1 on plan KI7 situated in the County of Kamileroi, containing an area of about 8,307ha, shown on plan PA626 |
Chinchilla Rifle Range Nature Refuge | Lot 238 on SP129489 situated in the County of Lytton, containing an area of about 140ha, shown on plan PA393 |
Cloudland Nature Refuge | Lot 29 on crown plan NR426 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 80ha, shown on plan PA247 |
Cluster Fig Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on RP737058, containing an area of 8.237ha, shown on plan PA1050 |
Cobbold Gorge Nature Refuge | Lot 4 on SP242983 and the part of lot 3 on SP242983, containing an area of about 4,836.74ha, shown on plan PA1049 |
Cobbrum Lake Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on crown plan C5318 situated in the County of Cassillis, containing an area of about 1,231.30ha, shown on plan PA349 |
Cockatoo’s Corner Nature Refuge | The part of lot 88 on RP892014, containing an area of about 114.82ha, shown on plan PA1095 |
Cometside Nature Refuge | The part of lot 8 on crown plan CUE38 situated in the County of Consuelo, containing an area of about 324ha, shown on plan PA190 |
Coolibah Nature Refuge | The part of lot 9 on plan CNS42 situated in the County of Cairns, containing an area of about 119ha, shown on plan PA43 |
Coolnwynpin Creek Corridor Koala Nature Refuge (A) | The part of lot 1 on SP231112 and part of lot 14 on RP215814, situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 11ha, shown on plan PA538 |
Coolnwynpin Creek Corridor Koala Nature Refuge (B) | Lot 703 on SP160859, situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 3ha, shown on plan PA538 |
Coolnwynpin Nature Refuge | Lot 4 on RP891128 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 16.14ha |
Cooloothin Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 25 on SP104706, containing an area of about 101ha, shown on plan PA1063 |
Coolum Creek Nature Refuge | Lots 3 and 4 on RP27017, containing an area of 36.421ha, shown on plan PA1012 |
Coonoona Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP218351 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 6ha, shown on plan PA460 |
Cooroibah Environmental Reserve Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on RP136234 situated in the County of March, containing an area of 32.78ha |
Cornubia Forest Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59 and 61 on RP86516 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 173ha, shown on plan PA124A |
Corrick Plains Nature Refuge | Lot 3 on crown plan GS4, lot 4 on crown plan GS565 and lot 49 on crown plan GS523 situated in the County of Gladstone, containing an area of about 2,863.734ha, shown on plan PA447 |
Craig’s Pocket Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5038 on plan PH261 situated in the County of Gunnawarra, containing an area of about 3,582ha, shown on plan PA377A |
Cravens Peak Nature Refuge | Lot 5358 on crown plan PH1855 situated in the County of Sturt, containing an area of about 230,000ha, shown on plan PA320 |
Creek Retreat Nature Refuge | The part of lot 16 on RP703623 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 2.52ha, shown on plan PA169 |
CR ‘George’ Telford Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 3 and 4 on crown plan PG217 situated in the County of Pring, containing an area of about 1,152.69ha, shown on plan PA286 |
Crystalvale Nature Refuge | Part of lot 1 on SP177772 situated in the Counties of Coen and Kalkah, containing an area of about 25,972ha, shown on plan PA623 |
Curramore Farm Forest Nature Refuge | The part of lot 87 on plan M37981, containing an area of about 37.67ha, shown on plan PA1066 |
Curramore Sanctuary Nature Refuge | Lot 238 on crown plan MCH990 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 170.765ha, shown on plan PA378 |
Curtis Island Nature Refuge | Lot 11 and the part of lot 8 on CP860464 situated in the County of Deas Thompson, containing an area of about 517ha, shown on plan PA164 |
Cycadelic Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on RP800224, situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 4ha, shown on plan PA510 |
Dahmongah Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP132598 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 15ha, shown on plan PA318A |
Daintree Rainforest Nature Refuge | The part of lot 52 on plan SR537 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 55ha, shown on plan PA64A |
Dangerbridge A Nature Refuge | Lot 3 on SP216047 situated in the County of March, containing an area of 152.7ha, shown on plan PA661 |
Dangerbridge Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on RP221223, the part of lot 11 on RP858522 and lot 12 on SP216047 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 127ha, shown on plan PA138A |
Danggaja Nature Refuge | The part of lot 299 on RP808442 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 38ha, shown on plan PA240 |
Danroben Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP907960 situated in the County of Churchill, containing an area of about 4ha, shown on plan PA615 |
Dawson Road Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on SP228345 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 4.805ha |
Dead Sea Springs Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 3 and 4 on crown plan WN12 situated in the County of Wellington, containing an area of about 1,330ha, shown on plan PA334 |
Dendrophilia Nature Refuge | The part of lot 7 on RP884809, containing an area of about 14ha, shown on plan PA1074 |
Develin Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on SP214946, containing an area of about 608ha, shown on plan PA210A |
Dilkusha Nature Refuge | The part of lot 0 on plan GTP2679, containing an area of about 25.2ha, shown on plan PA1064 |
Dilladerri Nature Refuge | Lot 17 on plan CVE409, situated in the County of Clive, containing an area of 1,847.289ha, shown on plan PA530 |
Dinah Island Nature Refuge | Lot 746 on plan OL298 situated in the County of Yagoonya, containing an area of 5,180ha |
Dirran Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 74 on SP179209 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 13.18ha, shown on plan PA229 |
Dirran’s End Nature Refuge | The part of lot 103 on plan NR840, containing an area of about 61.7ha, shown on plan PA1039 |
Donaghys Corridor Nature Refuge | The part of lot 64 on plan NR876 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 8ha, shown on plan PA32 |
Doonan Wetlands Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on SP242443 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 44ha, shown on plan PA560 |
Doonella Wetlands Nature Refuge | Lot 299 on plan MCH1042 and lot 6 on RP202272 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 11.71ha, shown on plan PA300 |
Doongella Nature Refuge | The part of lot 9 on RP899759 situated in the County of Hillalong, containing an area of about 14.9ha, shown on plan PA223 |
Doongmabulla Mound Springs Nature Refuge | The part of lot 633 on plan PH1478 situated in the County of Drury, containing an area of about 280ha, shown on plan PA51 |
Doug Clague Nature Refuge | The part of lot 590 on crown plan NR6659 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 46.45ha, shown on plan PA355 |
Dovecot Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on plan LN729 situated in the County of Livingstone, containing an area of about 296.53ha, shown on plan PA422 |
Dragonweyr Nature Refuge | The part of lot 7 on RP206440 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of about 40.4ha, shown on plan PA181 |
Dryander Creek Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 75 and 76 on plan HR368 situated in the County of Herbert, containing an area of about 59.1ha, shown on plan PA23 |
Dungi Yandi Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP99664, containing an area of about 26.5ha, shown on plan PA1071 |
Eaglefield Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on plan DC93 situated in the County of Dickson, containing an area of about 93.0ha, shown on plan PA129 |
Eagle’s Nest Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP890777 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 26.7ha, shown on plan PA323 |
Eagle’s View Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on plan PY835471, situated in the County of Percy, containing an area of about 3,528ha, shown on plan PA500 |
East Mount Mellum Nature Refuge | The part of lot 21 on SP265555 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 38ha, shown on plan PA196A |
East Top Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on SP177201 situated in the County of Drury, containing an area of about 875ha, shown on plan PA189 |
Echidna Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on SP107841 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 2.15ha, shown on plan PA178 |
Edgbaston Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on plan GH7 situated in the County of Gayundah, containing an area of 8,075.965ha, shown on plan PA666 |
Edward Corbould Reserve and Retreat Nature Refuge | The land, containing an area of about 485.3409ha, consisting of— (a) lot 69 on RP865173; and (b) lot 258 on plan WD943 and lot 495 on plan W311031, shown on plan PA5; and (c) lot 2 on RP59849; and (d) lot 3 on RP866822 and lot 511 on plan CC1866, shown on plan PA6; and (e) lots 2, 3, 5 and 6 on RP59942, lot 1 on RP83001, lot 2 on RP114185 and lot 4 on plan WD3209, shown on plan PA7 |
Edward Said Nature Refuge | The part of lot 42 on SP134203 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 35ha, shown on plan PA172 |
Egernia Nature Refuge | Lot 11 on RP218121 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of 56.67ha, shown on plan PA308 |
Egerton Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 1 and 2 on RP211096 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 30.6ha, shown on plan PA221 |
Ellangowan Nature Refuge | The unformed part of the Toowoomba–Karara road and stock route, situated in the County of Merivale, containing an area of about 11.8ha, shown on plan PA35 |
Endeavour Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP746874 situated in the County of Elphinstone, containing an area of about 3.69ha, shown on plan PA176A |
Esk River Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on SP175432 situated in the County of Banks, containing an area of about 126ha, shown on plan PA215 |
Esmeralda Nature Refuge | The part of lot 75 on SP273198, containing an area of about 23,279ha, shown on plan PA1055 |
Ethabuka Nature Refuge | Lot 5321 on crown plan PH1731 situated in the County of Sturt, containing an area of about 213,985ha, shown on plan PA321 |
Eversfield Station Nature Refuge | Lot 5 on crown plan KE65 situated in the County of Kennedy, containing an area of about 17,985.038ha, shown on plan PA361 |
Fair Hills Nature Refuge | The part of lot 259 on crown plan AG149 situated in the County of Aubigny, containing an area of about 48.55ha, shown on plan PA293 |
Feathertail Nature Refuge | The part of lot 8 on GTP103494, containing an area of about 7.7263ha, shown on plan PA1073 |
Fern Tree Nature Refuge | Lot 537 on plan OL147 situated in the County of Newcastle, containing an area of about 2,557.7ha |
Fiona’s Retreat Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on plan NCL373 situated in the County of Boondooma, containing an area of about 497ha, shown on plan PA419 |
Five Acre Rock Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP201314 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of about 53ha, shown on plan PA622 |
Flagstone Nature Refuge | Lot 28 on crown plan DK251 situated in the County of Drake, containing an area of about 5,650ha, shown on plan PA469 |
Fletcher’s Nature Refuge | The part of lot 24 on plan BO119 situated in the County of Boondooma, containing an area of about 9ha, shown on plan PA588 |
Foggy Block Nature Refuge | The part of lot 11 on RP612464 situated in the County of Wodehouse, containing an area of about 3.85ha, shown in plan PA199 |
Forest Park Nature Refuge | The part of lot 6 on SP113391 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 18.8ha, shown on plan PA147 |
Freemans Forest Nature Refuge | The part of lot 87 on RP743593, containing an area of about 10ha, shown on plan PA1031 |
Frizzos Nature Refuge | Lot 101 on SP136910 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of 20ha |
Gaia Nature Refuge | Lot 53 on plan S313002, containing an area of 459.2170ha |
Galaji Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on RP747263, containing an area of about 27.42ha, shown on plan PA1132 |
Garanyali Nature Refuge | The part of lot 245 on plan MCH1705 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 38ha, shown on plan PA671 |
Garriya Nature Refuge | Lot 320 on SP104591 and lot 184 on SP1777767 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 143.67ha, shown on plan PA260 |
Gattonview Nature Refuge | The part of lot 48 on crown plan CSH140 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of about 60.5ha, shown on plan PA205 |
GeoGlen Nature Refuge | The part of lot 17 on RP618276 situated in the County of Flinders, containing an area of about 5.94ha, shown on plan PA201 |
German Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on SP150500 situated in the County of Talbot, containing an area of about 326ha, shown on plan PA213 |
Gerygone Gully Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on RP224784 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 3.84ha, shown on plan PA333 |
Gilberton Nature Refuge | The part of lot 277 on plan OL431, the part of lot 329 on plan OL158 and lot 330 on plan OL159, containing an area of about 34,217ha, shown on plan PA1040 |
Gil’la Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on SP221358, containing an area of about 5.9562ha, shown on plan PA1053 |
Gillies Ridge Nature Refuge | The part of lot 141 on plan WD416, containing an area of about 18.77ha, shown on plan PA1116 |
Gilmore Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1681 on crown plan PH2002 situated in the County of Gowan, containing an area of about 74,332.7ha, shown on plan PA360 |
Girraween Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on RP146310, the part of lot 1 on RP216837 and the part of lot 1 on SP239726, containing an area of about 110.12ha, shown on plan PA1089 |
Glen Eagle Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on plan GU30 and the part of lot 2 on plan GU31 situated in the County of Gunnawarra, containing an area of about 13,688ha, shown on plan PA664 |
Glenerne Nature Refuge | The part of lot 9 on SP296367, containing an area of about 205.66ha, shown on plan PA1072 |
Glen-Ewin Nature Refuge | Lot 4 and part of lot 1 on RP59914 situated in the County of Fitzroy, containing an area of about 23.67ha, shown on plan PA401 |
Glen Idle Nature Refuge | The part of lot 14 on plan NR6649 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 63.7ha, shown on plan PA78 |
Glenlofty Nature Refuge | The part of lot 461 on SP136304 situated in the County of Gunnawarra, containing an area of about 2,231ha, shown on plan PA381 |
Glider Gully Nature Refuge | The part of lot 46 on RP617509 situated in the County of Flinders, containing an area of about 92.7ha, shown on plan PA219 |
Glider’s Glade Nature Refuge | The part of lot 89 on RP892014, containing an area of about 112.29ha, shown on plan PA1093 |
Goanna Spring Nature Refuge | The part of lot 50 on SP143226 situated in the County of Copperfield, containing an area of about 3,885ha, shown on plan PA63 |
Golden Gully Nature Refuge | Lot 288 on crown plan MCH3862 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 14.26ha, shown on plan PA351 |
Goomburra Forest Retreat Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on SP158094 situated in the County of Merivale, containing an area of about 44ha, shown on plan PA382 |
Goonderoo Nature Refuge | Lot 36 on plan DSN890 and the part of lot 23 on plan DSN48, situated in the County of Denison, containing an area of about 581ha, shown on plan PA83 |
Gooungalba Nature Refuge | The part of lot 9 on SP156809, containing an area of about 13ha, shown on plan PA669 |
Granite Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4661 on plan PH1280 situated in the County of Victor, containing an area of about 944ha, shown on plan PA583 |
Granitica Nature Refuge | The part of lot 12 on SP157088 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of 26.6ha, shown on plan PA236 |
Green Catbird Nature Refuge | The part of lot 11 on plan S312691, containing an area of about 48ha, shown on plan PA1057 |
Greene Dale Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP50806 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of about 136.48ha, shown on plan PA301 |
Greenhood Ridge Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on MPH32927 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of about 9.6ha, shown on plan PA426 |
Griffiths Nature Refuge | The part of lot 7 on RP31985 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 3.76ha, shown on plan PA125 |
Gudjela Nature Refuge | The part of lot 6 on RP838717 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of about 5.93ha, shown on plan PA238 |
Gumnut Nature Refuge | The part of lot 11 on RP197833, situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 2ha, shown on plan PA505 |
Gumnut Park Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP219909, containing an area of about 16.32ha, shown on plan PA1100 |
Gum Tips Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 21 and 25 on crown plan CC3472 situated in the County of Churchill, containing an area of about 32.55ha, shown on plan PA192 |
Gurrbum Nature Refuge | The part of lot 264 on plan NR1535, containing an area of about 15.52ha, shown on plan PA1115 |
Gurrubay Nature Refuge | The part of lot 336 on SP152479 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 101.3ha, shown on plan PA297 |
Gyetvay Park Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on RP173061 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 80.93ha, shown on plan PA245A |
Haggerstone Island Nature Refuge | Lot 4 on CP866939 situated in the County of Shelburne, containing an area of about 48.5ha, shown on plan PA676 |
Hanging Rock Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 452 on plan LX709 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of about 143.6ha, shown on plan PA59 |
Harkness Nature Refuge | Lot 473 on SP206203 situated in the County of Balurga, containing an area of 137,000ha, shown on plan PA479 |
Harper Creek Guala Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on SP127749 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 6ha, shown on plan PA594 |
Haven Nature Refuge | Lot 3 on RP197497 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 8.024ha, shown on plan PA362 |
Hawkesbury Road Nature Refuge | Lot 369 on plan S311645 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 39.457ha, shown on plan PA607 |
Headwaters Nature Refuge | The part of lot 22 on SP186816 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 24.89ha, shown on plan PA328 |
Helios Hills Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on RP615011 situated in the County of Palmerston, containing an area of about 28.4ha, shown on plan PA222 |
Hells Gate Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on RP744441 situated in the County of Sellheim, containing an area of about 547ha, shown on plan PA470 |
Henderson Reserve Nature Refuge | Lot 152 on RP150430 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of 45.47ha |
Hermitage Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on RP845555 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 7.66ha, shown on plan PA220 |
Hillview Nature Refuge | The part of lot 87 on crown plan BNT620 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of about 467ha, shown on plan PA350 |
Hinze Dam Numinbah Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on RP51846, lot 1 on SP236287 and lot 3 on SP236289 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 264.0973ha |
Hogback Nature Refuge | The part of lot 87 on plan BON381, situated in the County of Bowen, containing an area of about 807ha, shown on plan PA541 |
Hollow Log Nature Refuge | Lot 114 on plan S311920 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 63.579ha, shown on plan PA678 |
Holroyd Nature Refuge | The part of lot 652 on SP177999, containing an area of about 281,655ha, shown on plan PA454A |
Homehaven Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP746631 situated in the County of Herbert, containing an area of about 181ha, shown on plan PA107 |
Hoop Pine Valley Nature Refuge | The part of lot 14 on RP149613 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 5ha, shown on plan PA593 |
Horan’s Gorge Nature Refuge | The part of lot 143 on crown plan BNT404 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of about 191ha, shown on plan PA425 |
Hornet Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on crown plan MZ997 situated in the County of Mackenzie, containing an area of about 174.647ha, shown on plan PA420 |
Horseshoe Bay Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on RP746874, containing an area of 4.838ha, shown on plan PA1121 |
Hughes Nature Refuge | Lot 127 on plan LX575 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of 112.8719ha |
Hypsi Forest Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP839156 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 47.85ha, shown on plan PA175 |
Illallangi Nature Refuge | The part of lot 11 on SP183670 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 11.30ha, shown on plan PA404 |
Illmargani Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on plan MGL4 situated in the County of Mungallala, containing an area of about 475ha, shown on plan PA46 |
Incanto Nature Refuge | The part of lot 18 on RP902092 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 42.02ha, shown on plan PA121 |
JAL Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 6, 7 and 8 on RP883336 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of about 49ha, shown on plan PA2 |
Jamba Dhandan Duringala Nature Refuge | The part of lot 10 on crown plan CS46 and part of lot 4 on crown plan CS47 situated in the counties of Cassillis and Mungallala, containing an area of about 22,720ha, shown on plan PA313 |
Jamduh Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on SP208962 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 3ha, shown on plan PA592 |
Janbal Nature Refuge | The part of lot 52 on RP836114 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 6.63ha, shown on plan PA90 |
Jill Chamberlain Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on RP882510 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of 31.458ha |
Jilumbar Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on SP130318, situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 13ha, shown on plan PA326B |
Jingeri (A) Nature Refuge | The parts of lot 1 on plan WD6693 and the part of lot 102 on plan W312169 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 184ha, shown on plan PA644 |
Jingeri (B) Nature Refuge | The parts of lot 11 on plan WD6485 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 29ha, shown on plan PA645 |
Jirralulu Nature Refuge | The part of lot 88 on SP217949, containing an area of about 77.8ha, shown on plan PA1065 |
Johns Landing Nature Refuge | The part of lot 115 on SP173075, containing an area of about 34.6ha, shown on plan PA1062 |
Johnstone River Nature Refuge | The parts of lot 200 on SP195706, situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 27ha, shown on plan PA252B |
June’s Land Nature Refuge | The part of lot 70 on RP720821 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 5.6ha, shown on plan PA406 |
Kaba-kada Nature Refuge | Lot 391 on RP739004 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 0.9ha, shown on plan PA36 |
Kahana Nature Refuge | The part of lot 41 on RP835634 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 2.19ha, shown on plan PA235 |
Kalisha Nature Refuge | The part of lot 20 on SP101702 situated in the County of Churchill, containing an area of about 26.3ha, shown on plan PA314 |
Kalpowar Nature Refuge | The part of lot 7 on SP156403 and part of lot 6 on SP171857 situated in the County of Melville, containing an area of about 28,855ha, shown on plan PA255 Sh 1 to 5 |
Kenilworth Bluff Nature Refuge | Lot 13 on RP913004 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of 59.5ha |
Kenmare Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on SP162568 situated in the County of Humboldt, containing an area of about 777.3ha, shown on plan PA120 |
Keurong Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on RP165036, situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 2ha, shown on plan PA513 |
Keysii Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on RP803972, containing an area of about 35.30ha, shown on plan PA1134 |
Kijokaby Nature Refuge | Lot 248 on RP738595 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 1.839ha |
Kildey’s Dangerbridge Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on RP887052 situated in the County of March, containing an area of 4.011ha, shown on plan PA657 |
King George Falls Nature Refuge | The part of lot 213 on SP188105 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 47ha, shown on plan PA265A |
Kingsgate Drive Nature Refuge | Lot 75 on RP200340 situated in the County of March, containing an area of 1.892ha |
Kings Plains–Alkoomie Nature Refuge | Lot 239 on plan BK15729, lot 161 on plan BK15764, lot 1 on plan BK15784, lot 1980 on plan BS296, lots 25 to 30 on plan C1578, lot 10 on plan C153108, lot 108 on plan C157111, lot 4623 on SP108024 and lot 2009 on SP195694, containing an area of about 86,295.632ha, shown on plan PA1000 |
Koala Crossing Nature Refuge | The part of lot 86 on RP892014, containing an area of about 63.66ha, shown on plan PA1094 |
Koala Walk Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on RP221230 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 2.5ha, shown on plan PA591 |
Koallaby Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on SP110212 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 10ha, shown on plan PA598 |
Koolena Nature Refuge | The part of lot 28 on RP131839 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 5ha, shown on plan PA616 |
Koolewong Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on RP800224 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 43ha, shown on plan PA601 |
Koolkuna Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on RP617114 situated in the County of Flinders, containing an area of about 19ha, shown on plan PA139 |
kulki anga Nature Refuge | Lot 22 on RP733182 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 2.12ha, shown on plan PA314 |
Kuraby Nature Refuge | Lot 50 on SP163829 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 24.77ha, shown on plan PA606 |
Kurrajong Place Nature Refuge | The part of lot 52 on plan BNT517, situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of about 91ha, shown on plan PA550 |
Kurranji Bubu Nature Refuge | Lot 46 on RP745468, containing an area of 27.63ha, shown on plan PA1101 |
Kurwongbah Park Nature Refuge | Lot 171 on SP110666, part of lot 173 on RP151622, part of lot 873 on CP863378 and part of lot 992 on CP863377 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 12ha, shown on plan PA621 |
Kuta Koala Nature Refuge | Lot 17 on RP846721 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 4.001ha, shown on plan PA506 |
Kuuku Ya’u Nature Refuge | Lot 9 on SP215753, lot 12 on SP241411, the part of lot 47 on SP241408 and part of lot 20 on SP241413, situated in the County of Weymouth, containing an area of about 1,661ha, shown on plan PA543 |
Kyerrwanhdha Nature Refuge | The part of lot 37 on SP215745 situated in the County of Warner, containing an area of about 2,680ha, shown on plan PA489 |
Lacebark Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP57709 and the parts of lots 1 to 9 on RP44572 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 63ha, shown on plan PA400 |
Lake Barrine to Lake Eacham Rainforest Corridor Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on SP168620 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 35.57ha, shown on plan PA431 |
Lake Dartmouth Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on crown plan LO74 situated in the County of Langlo, containing an area of about 7,279.323ha, shown on plan PA412 |
Lemuroid Leap Nature Refuge | The part of lot 21 on SP186130 and part of lot 22 on SP186130, containing an area of about 39.8ha, shown on plan PA1043 |
Leslie Harrison Dam Nature Refuge | The lots and parts of lots situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 308ha, shown on plan PA540 |
Leslie Parade Nature Refuge | Lot 38 on SP103653 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 5.5868ha |
Lex Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 18 on plan HLN50 situated in the County of Hillalong, containing an area of about 56.2ha, shown on plan PA119 |
Liefway Nature Refuge | Lot 16 on crown plan WU5 situated in the County of Wairuna, containing an area of about 82.2ha, shown on plan PA226 |
Lilyvale Nature Refuge | The part of lot 7 on SP189946 situated in the County of Hann, containing an area of about 6,710ha, shown on plan PA363 |
Litoria Springs Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on SP181642 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 12.1ha, shown on plan PA254 |
Little Bella Nature Refuge | The part of lot 17 on RP815512 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of about 48ha, shown on plan PA369 |
Long Grass Nature Refuge | Lot 38 on plan CC233, lot 56 on SP142633 and lot 29 on SP142634, containing an area of 414.8231ha, shown on plan PA1079 |
Lords Table Mountain Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on crown plan C4010 situated in the County of Cairns, containing an area of about 480ha, shown on plan PA346 |
Lower Dinner Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 6 on plan WBN811968, situated in the County of Warbreccan, containing an area of about 3,866ha, shown on plan PA524 |
Lyola Nature Refuge | The part of lot 14 on SP248808 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 17ha, shown on plan PA589 |
Maiden Springs Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on crown plan CHL11 situated in the County of Chudleigh, containing an area of about 173.02ha, shown on plan PA384 |
Manani Nature Refuge | The part of lot 155 on RP738590 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 7.98ha, shown on plan PA160 |
Mandala Nature Refuge | Lot 50 on plan ML1854, situated in the County of Merivale, containing an area of about 111ha, shown on plan PA546 |
Manduka Cooperative Nature Refuge | The part of lot 6 on RP213267 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 35ha, shown on plan PA233 |
Mareeba Tropical Savanna and Wetland Reserve Nature Refuge | Lot 142 on CP903068 situated in the County of Dagmar, containing an area of 1,930ha, shown on plan PA468 |
Maria Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on RP800379, containing an area of about 56ha, shown on plan PA1028 |
Marist Brothers Nature Refuge | Lot 6 on RP177009 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of 20.16ha |
Markwells Road Nature Refuge | The part of lot 13 on crown plan NT353 situated in the County of Newcastle, containing an area of about 37.82ha, shown on plan PA303 |
Maroobi Park Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP737969 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 10.4ha, shown on plan PA322 |
Melaleuca Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP739200 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 1.54ha, shown on plan PA9 |
Melomys Nature Refuge | Lot 7 on RP903529 situated in the County of Livingstone, containing an area of about 40.3ha, shown on plan PA109 |
Melsonby (Gaarraay) Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on SP189914 situated in the County of Banks, containing an area of about 3,610ha, shown on plan PA317 |
Merala Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on RP31980, containing an area of 29.9850ha, shown on plan PA1078 |
Messmate Nature Refuge | The part of lot 153 on SP104507 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 565ha, shown on plan PA567 |
Michingun Nature Refuge | The part of lot 153 on SP288864, containing an area of about 32,744ha, shown on plan PA1032 |
Milky Pine Nature Refuge | Lots 7 and 9 on RP739106 and lot 16 on RP740684, containing an area of 3.1531ha |
Mimosa Park Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on crown plan KM218 situated in the County of Kimberley, containing an area of about 7,620ha, shown on plan PA392 |
Misty Mountain Nature Refuge | The part of lot 47 on SP287171, containing an area of about 90.36ha, shown on plan PA1099 |
Mooloolah River Nature Refuge | Lot 9 on SP163512, containing an area of 12.7984ha, shown on plan PA257 |
Moonoomoo Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5158 on plan PH991, containing an area of about 9,568.12ha, shown on plan PA1119 |
Moon View Nature Refuge | The part of lot 22 on SP103975 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 135ha, shown on plan PA38 |
Moorabinda Nature Refuge | The part of lot 8 on AB227 situated in the County of Aberdeen, containing an area of about 24ha, shown on plan PA251 |
Moreton Bay Boys College Nature Refuge | The part of lot 56 on SP161282, situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 5.71ha, shown on plan PA277A |
Mountain Creek Conservation Area Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on SP107434 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 84ha, shown on plan PA556 |
Mount Armour Nature Refuge | The part of lot 6 on plan BDR70 situated in the County of Bundara, containing an area of about 1,520ha, shown on plan PA76 |
Mount Croll Nature Refuge | The part of lot 7 on SP171860 situated in the County of Sidmouth, containing an area of about 5,131.8ha, shown on plan PA307 |
Mount Crosby Weir Nature Refuge | The lots and parts of lots, situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 1,368ha, shown on plan PA539 |
Mount Elliott Nature Refuge | Lot 40 on plan S311973 and lot 75 on plan S312120, containing an area of 80.9371ha, shown on plan PA1091 |
Mount Emerald Wind Farm Nature Refuge | Lot 22 on SP210202, containing an area of 434.9ha |
Mount Gibson Nature Refuge | The part of lot 646 on SP113647, containing an area of about 34,206.07ha, shown on plan PA1136 |
Mount Hallen Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 71 and 72 on RP184974 situated in the County of Churchill, containing an area of about 40.3ha, shown on plan PA84 |
Mount Jukes Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on SP172408 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 14.8ha, shown on plan PA227 |
Mount Kanigan Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP82886 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 23.48ha, shown on plan PA443 |
Mount Mellum Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on plan CG6006, containing an area of about 50.32ha, shown on plan PA1124 |
Mount Mellum West Nature Refuge | The part of lot 11 on SP186812, containing an area of about 39.34ha, shown on plan PA1034 |
Mount Molangul Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on plan YL292 situated in the County of Yarrol, containing an area of 1,096.293ha, shown on plan PA563 |
Mount Monty Rainforest Nature Refuge | The part of lot 11 on RP40618 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of about 13.5ha, shown on plan PA136 |
Mount Murchison Nature Refuge | The part of lot 8 on plan RN518, part of lot 2 on RP616171, part of lot 50 on RP843057 and part of lot 7 on plan RN1519 situated in the County of Raglan, containing an area of about 479.21ha, shown on plan PA342 |
Mount Ninderry Nature Refuge | Lot 367 on plan CG286, containing an area of 60.2678ha, shown on plan PA1013 |
Mount Petrie Road Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 20, 21, 22 and 31 on RP69666 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 36ha, shown on plan PA605 |
Mount Pleasant Nature Refuge | The part of lot 37 on plan HR1352 and part of lot 38 on RP908340 situated in the County of Herbert, containing an area of about 1,253ha, shown on plan PA118a |
Mount Proserpine Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP737330 situated in the County of Herbert, containing an area of about 88ha, shown on plan PA37A |
Mount Quincan Crater Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP726102 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 8ha, shown on plan PA394 |
Mount Quincan Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 1 and 2 on RP733956 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 43ha, shown on plan PA435 |
Mount Rose Nature Refuge | Lot 18 on plan LE279 situated in the County of Labouchere, containing an area of about 105ha, shown on plan PA131 |
Mount Samson Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on plan SL787 and lot 17 on plan SL844, containing an area of 211.195ha |
Mount Stradbroke Nature Refuge | Lot 7 on RP32351 situated in the County of Churchill, containing an area of 28.874ha, shown on plan PA66A |
Mount Tully Cottage Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP849280 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of about 13ha, shown on plan PA248 |
Mount Windsor Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on crown plan BB8 and part of lot 1 on SP193805, containing an area of about 493,811ha, shown on plan PA1030 |
Mount Zero–Taravale Nature Refuge | The part of lot 17 on SP137276 and part of lot 16 on SP159392 situated in the County of Wilkie Gray, containing an area of about 60,308ha, shown on plan PA170 |
Mud Springs Nature Refuge | The part of lot 15 on crown plan WN60 situated in the County of Wellington, containing an area of about 133ha, shown on plan PA449 |
Mulligan River Nature Refuge | The part of lot 364 on crown plan AM840884 and part of lot 3 on crown plan AM805052 situated in the County of Amaroo, containing an area of about 215,454ha, shown on plan PA193 |
Mungumby Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 60 on SP149829 situated in the County of Banks, containing an area of about 96.6ha, shown on plan PA106 |
Murray’s Environmental Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on SP103649 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 3ha, shown on plan PA553 |
Murray Upper Wetlands Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on RP904395, part of lot 7 on RP904396, parts of lots 8 and 9 on RP904393, parts of lots 10 and 11 on RP904391, part of lot 12 on RP904390 and part of lot 118 on RP845160 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 413ha, shown on plan PA11 |
Myall Park Nature Refuge | The part of lot 15 on RP36475 and part of lot 43 on crown plan A342501 situated in the County of Aubigny, containing an area of about 10.34ha, shown on plan PA295 |
Myola Palm Nature Refuge | The part of lot 207 on crown plan NR5425 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 0.915ha, shown on plan PA253 |
Nangari Nature Refuge | The part of lot 7 on RP838717 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of about 28ha, shown on plan PA331 |
Nara Spring Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on crown plan WLR10 situated in the County of Woolgar, containing an area of about 261ha, shown on plan PA385 |
Nasser’s Nature Refuge | The part of lot 10 on SP300480, containing an area of about 32ha, shown on plan PA1054 |
Natural Bridge Nature Refuge | The part of lot 182 on plan WD773, containing an area of about 60.03ha, shown on plan PA1117 |
Neil Holloway Reesville Nature Refuge | Lot 15 on SP209375, situated in the County of March, containing an area of 15.24ha |
Newcastle Range-The Oaks Nature Refuge | The parts of lot 6 on SP142700 situated in the County of Percy, containing an area of about 3,256ha, shown on plan PA561 |
New Glenrock Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on SP186128 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 15.2ha, shown on plan PA263 |
Newlands Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on crown plan DK264 situated in the County of Drake, containing an area of about 4,362.58ha, shown on plan PA338 |
Noosa North Shore Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on RP807546 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 3.99ha, shown on plan PA364A |
Noo’s Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 289 on plan BK15778, containing an area of about 82.25ha, shown on plan PA1125 |
Norman Nature Refuge | The part of lot 7 on RP866375 and part of lot 57 on crown plan H124177 situated in the County of Herbert, containing an area of about 34.04ha, shown on plan PA341 |
North Head Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2573 on crown plan PH2065 situated in the County of Victor, containing an area of about 18,573ha, shown on plan PA439 |
North Pine Dam Nature Refuge | The lots and parts of lots, situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 2,686ha, shown on plan PA542 |
Norwich Park Nature Refuge | The part of lot 9 on plan CNS139 and part of lot 2 on SP214733 situated in the County of Cairns, containing an area of about 1,087ha, shown on plan PA488 |
Numala Community Nature Refuge | The part of lot 0 on SP183670, containing an area of 35.5309ha, shown on plan PA249 |
Numinbah Conservation Area Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP800209, the part of lot 120 on plan WD869, the part of lot 122 on plan WD456, the part of lot 126 on plan WD3515 and the part of lot 127 on plan WD3516 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 73ha, shown on plan PA636 |
Nungabana Nature Refuge | The part of lot 31 on plan NR426 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 5ha, shown on plan PA495 |
Nunkeri Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on SP183670 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 1.6ha, shown on plan PA402 |
Nyalar Mirungan-ah Nature Refuge | The part of lot 131 on crown plan ML416 situated in the County of Merivale, containing an area of about 194ha, shown on plan PA416 |
Oakey Scrub Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on plan BK157115, containing an area of about 64.7497ha, shown on plan PA1138 |
Oakview Wildlife Nature Refuge | The part of lot 321 on SP162707 situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of about 94ha, shown on plan PA405 |
Old Hidden Vale Nature Refuge | Lot 56 on plan CH31520, lot 67 on plan CH31795, lots 73 and 74 on plan CH31189, lot 87 on plan CH311063, lot 134 on plan CH31576, lot 155 on plan CH31822, lot 240 on plan CH31656, lots 265 and 266 on plan CH312228, lot 85 and the parts of lots 1 and 2 on SP107980, lot 1 on RP28311, lot 2 on RP28312, the part of lot 2 on RP127801 and lot 3 on RP105631, containing an area of about 3,106.72ha, shown on plan PA1056 |
Olkola Nature Refuge | The parts of lot 10 on SP261207 and lot 6 on SP262570 situated in the counties of Balurga, Kalkah and Warner, containing an area of about 48,090ha, shown on plan PA662 |
Orkadilla Nature Refuge | The part of lot 7 on crown plan MNG2 situated in the County of Munga, containing an area of about 1,661.15ha, shown on plan PA434 |
Oxtrack Nature Refuge | The part of lot 21 on crown plan DW534 situated in the County of Dawson, containing an area of about 914ha, shown on plan PA211 |
Padaminka Nature Refuge | The part of lot 11 on RP744316 and part of lot 12 on SP138988 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 72ha, shown on plan PA92 |
Paddy’s Lagoon Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on crown plan LN801101 situated in the County of Livingstone, containing an area of about 163ha, shown on plan PA407 |
Pademelon Haven Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP724522 situated in the County of Dagmar, containing an area of about 1.69ha, shown on plan PA12 |
Palmerston Rocks Corridor Nature Refuge | The part of lot 334 on crown plan NR6951 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 48ha, shown on plan PA356 |
Palm Valley Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on RP704527 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 27ha, shown on plan PA122A |
Pattens Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on SP158328 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of 4.507ha |
Payrrape Nature Refuge | The parts of lot 4579 on SP252529 situated in the County of Warner, containing an area of about 8,550ha, shown on plan PA625 |
Pelham Springs Nature Refuge | The parts of lot 2047 on SP211011 situated in the County of Savannah, containing an area of about 22ha, shown on Plan PA628 |
Pellings Scrub Nature Refuge | The part of lot 14 on SP200277 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 18ha, shown on plan PA485 |
Pember’s Scrub Nature Refuge | Lot 3 on crown plan NR426 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 63.948ha, shown on plan PA244 |
Penda Scrub Nature Refuge | Lot 12 on RP908915 situated in the County of March, containing an area of 7.96ha, shown on plan PA302 |
Phiara Downs Nature Refuge | The part of lot 6 on plan CUE86, containing an area of about 1,706ha, shown on plan PA368A |
Piccaninny Plains Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on SP140870 situated in the County of York, containing an area of about 169,000ha, shown on plan PA624 |
Pindari Nature Refuge | The part of lot 181 on crown plan DS631 situated in the County of Deas Thompson, containing an area of about 82.12ha, shown on plan PA367 |
Pine Cliffs Nature Refuge | Lot 19 on plan CA31827 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of 517.9ha, shown on plan PA24 |
Policeman Spur Nature Refuge | Lot 8 on RP889585 situated in the County of March, containing an area of 40ha |
Pooh Corner Nature Refuge | Lots 1 and 3 on RP29737, lot 403 on RP69640, lot 1 on RP29738, lot 3 on RP29740, the part of lot 151 on RP69639, the part of lot 2 on RP91957 and the part of lot 5 on RP179460 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 104ha, shown on plan PA603 |
Possum Lane Nature Refuge | The part of lot 285 on SP264203, containing an area of about 26.7ha, shown on plan PA1107 |
Rachel Hill Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP135215 and part of lot 20 on plan C371029 situated in the County of Cook, containing an area of about 49ha, shown on plan PA21 |
Rainbow Mountain Nature Refuge | Lot 82 on plan LN198, lots 195 and 1425 on plan LIV401153, lot 243 on plan LIV401143, the part of lot 3 on plan LN729 and part of lot 437 on plan LIV4066 situated in the County of Livingstone, containing an area of about 1,130ha, shown on plan PA18 |
Rainbow Nature Refuge | The part of lot 9 on plan CUE53, containing an area of about 1,518.34ha, shown on plan PA1097 |
Rainforest Rescue Nature Refuge | Lots 13 and 15 on RP738429, lots 7 to 9 on RP738430 and lots 16 to 18 on RP738466, containing an area of 15.118ha |
Rainforest Ridge Nature Refuge | Lot 86 on crown plan MCH4574 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 60.89ha, shown on plan PA475 |
Rainmore Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on plan DM22 situated in the County of Drummond, containing an area of about 5,760ha, shown on plan PA62 |
Rainy Mountain Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP734820, containing an area of about 38.05ha, shown on plan PA1108 |
Ramaz Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP207373, situated in the County of Lennox, containing an area of about 6.6ha, shown on plan PA232 |
Range View Nature Refuge | The part of lot 23 on plan CWL504 and the part of lot 2 on plan CWL3626 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 1,183ha, shown on plan PA182 |
Rathburnie Estate Nature Refuge | Lots 1 and 2 on RP211744, lot 2 on RP144325, lot 6 on crown plan CSH2307, lot 108 on crown plan CSH719 and lots 16 and 17 on RP49614 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of about 692.68ha, shown on plan PA329 |
Rattlesnake Point Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on RP727569 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 100.9ha, shown on plan PA466 |
Ravensbourne Nature Refuge | Lot 3 on RP59920 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of 301.385ha |
Rayner Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 180 to 182 on SP177767 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 96.3ha, shown on plan PA200 |
Redgen Nature Refuge | The part of lot 235 on crown plan FTZ37437 situated in the County of Fitzroy, containing an area of about 3.74ha, shown on plan PA184 |
Reedy Creek Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on SP150900 situated in the County of Flinders, containing an area of about 467.2ha, shown on plan PA156 |
Resolute Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on RP838600 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of about 297.02ha, shown on plan PA347 |
Rhondan Valley Nature Refuge | The part of lot 88 on plan HR278 situated in the County of Herbert, containing an area of about 28ha, shown on plan PA31A |
Richard Underwood Nature Refuge | The part of lot 8 on plan COG13 situated in the County of Cogoon, containing an area of about 105.8ha, shown on plan PA436 |
Rifle Range Nature Refuge | The part of lot 41 on SP135563 situated in the County of Denison, containing an area of about 79ha, shown on plan PA410 |
Rindoparr Area B Nature Refuge | Lot 17 on SP171831 situated in the County of Hann, containing an area of about 70.16ha |
Ringtail Crossing Nature Refuge | The part of lot 71 on RP895992 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 52.2ha, shown on plan PA296 |
Rivendell Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on RP817384 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 24ha, shown on plan PA617A |
Rivercal Nature Refuge | The part of lot 133 on plan RN352 and part of lot 138 on plan RN1396 situated in the County of Raglan, containing an area of about 40.9ha, shown on plan PA305 |
Rockhampton Pistol Club Nature Refuge | The part of lot 107 on plan LN852 situated in the County of Livingstone, containing an area of about 12ha, shown on plan PA30 |
Rock of Ages Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on RP849497, containing an area of about 11.26ha, shown on plan PA1090 |
Rock Rose Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP201314 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of about 5ha, shown on plan PA581 |
Rose Gums Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 1 and 46 on RP909320 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 85ha, shown on plan PA311 |
Rosevale Nature Refuge | Lot 5 on plan P534, lots 6 and 7 on plan P535 and lot 8 on plan PR149 situated in the County of Palmer, containing an area of 32,473.643ha |
Roxy Nature Refuge | Lot 72 on plan CI426 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 56.2ha, shown on plan PA596 |
Running Creek Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on SP161903 situated in the County of Hann, containing an area of about 38,570ha, shown on plan PA309 |
Rutland Plains Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1796 on SP271701, containing an area of about 220,905ha, shown on plan PA1056 |
Sacred Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on RP887052, containing an area of about 75.524ha, shown on plan PA1113 |
Samara Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 20 and 21 on SP136199 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 62ha, shown on plan PA72 |
Sandy Falls Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4611 on SP270181, containing an area of about 4,899ha, shown on plan PA1021 |
Scotney Nature Refuge | Lot 7 on SP232596 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of 42.1537ha, shown on plan PA492 |
Seafarm Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on SP125429 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 48.5ha, shown on plan PA55 |
Serpentine Nature Refuge | Lot 118 on plan EP532, lot 37 on plan E124198 and lots 48 and 119 on plan EP143, situated in the County of Elphinstone, containing an area of about 930ha, shown on plan PA50 |
Shankeen Nature Refuge | Lot 4031 on SP212959, containing an area of about 7,890ha, shown on plan PA187A |
Shingle Hut Creek Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on SP192406 and the part of lot 1 on SP227471, situated in the County of Churchill, containing an area of about 892ha, shown on plan PA487 |
Shylo Nature Refuge | Lot 61 on plan CI1552 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 206ha, shown on plan PA597 |
Smith’s Rainforest Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on plan SL12073 and part of lot 2 on plan SL3235 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 7.5ha, shown on plan PA70 |
Somerset-Wivenhoe Dams Nature Refuge | The lots and parts of lots, situated in the Counties of Canning, Cavendish and Stanley, containing an area of about 5,260ha, shown on plan PA551A |
South Endeavour Nature Refuge | Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 on SP182921 and part of lot 101 on SP182921 situated in the County of Banks, containing an area of about 6,528ha, shown on plan PA112A |
South Head Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5250 on SP242983 situated in the County of Victor, containing an area of about 14,554ha, shown on plan PA630 |
Spicers Peak Nature Refuge | Lot 11 on plan ML1566, lot 49 on plan ML218, lots 40, 41 and 42 on plan ML14, lot 1583 on plan M34618, lots 1 and 2 on RP21769, lot 1116 on plan M34498 and the part of lot 1 on SP154845 situated in the County of Merivale, containing an area of about 2,080.16ha, shown on plan PA335 |
Springvale Station Nature Refuge | Lot 242 on SP154003, containing an area of about 56,000ha, shown on plan PA1020 |
Stanbridge Forest Nature Refuge | The part of lot 284 on plan CAR124238 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 59.58ha, shown on plan PA280 |
Stanwell Power Station Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP886592 and part of lot 177 on plan LN2465 situated in the County of Livingstone, containing an area of about 634ha, shown on plan PA4 |
Steve Irwin Wildlife Reserve Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on SP222990 situated in the County of Dulhunty, containing an area of about 125,904ha, shown on plan PA429 |
Stewartdale Nature Refuge | The lots and parts of lots, situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 969ha, shown on plan PA634A |
Sticky Gully Nature Refuge | The part of lot 201 on plan CC3519 situated in the County of Churchill, containing an area of about 131ha, shown on plan PA547 |
Stoney Edge Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP171233 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 10ha, shown on plan PA618 |
Strathtay Nature Refuge | Part of lot 4968 on plan PH688 situated in the County of Wongalee, containing an area of about 37,422ha, shown on plan PA629 |
Stuart Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 13 on SP158862 situated in the County of Elphinstone, containing an area of about 21.7ha, shown on plan PA123 |
Stuarts Spring Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4328 on plan PH1217 situated in the County of Victor, containing an area of about 3,420ha, shown on plan PA456A |
Sweetwater Valley Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on SP179209 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 23.2ha, shown on plan PA209 |
Symplocos Nature Refuge | Lot 4 on SP151417 situated in the County of March, containing an area of 37.6ha |
Tainsh’s Nature Refuge | The part of lot 0 on SP190375, situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 16ha, shown on plan PA503 |
Talaroo Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2909 on crown plan PH1368, containing an area of about 28,688.79ha, shown on plan PA1025 |
Tanawha Tall Gums Nature Refuge | The part of lot 20 on SP156668 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 28ha, shown on plan PA568 |
Tandoon Nature Refuge | The part of lot 6 on RP867463, containing an area of about 41ha, shown on plan PA191A |
Tandora Nature Refuge | The part of lot 86 on crown plan MCH4613 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 423.5ha, shown on plan PA101A |
Tandora Wetland Nature Refuge | The part lot 1314 on crown plan M37590 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 43.2ha, shown on plan PA324 |
Taylor’s Hill Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP742007 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 23.3ha, shown on plan PA85 |
Tea Trees Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on SP201340 situated in the County of Churchill, containing an area of about 25.265ha, shown on plan PA395 |
Teemburra Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on CP899741, lot 3 on CP899742 and the part of lot 4 on CP899743, containing an area of about 1999.8ha, shown on plan PA1038 |
Telemark Nature Refuge | The part of lot 6 on crown plan RW323 situated in the County of Rawbelle, containing an area of about 2,897ha, shown on plan PA483 |
Tepon-Wondecla Nature Refuge | The part of lot 227 on SP136212 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 21ha, shown on plan PA465 |
The 1959 Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on plan WS30 and part of lot 3 on plan WS30 situated in the County of Wolseley, containing an area of about 7,141ha, shown on plan PA627 |
The Bush Block Nature Refuge | Lot 1 on RP59092, containing an area of 200.9391ha, shown on plan PA1051 |
The Dods Place Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP713556, containing an area of about 27.491ha, shown on plan PA1110 |
The Glen Nature Refuge | Lot 81 on plan W312533, containing an area of about 195.4632ha, shown on plan PA1067 |
The Gullies Nature Refuge | The part of lot 48 on plan CSH48, containing an area of about 38.20ha, shown on plan PA1088 |
The Iggies’ Nature Refuge | The part of lot 416 on plan NR940, containing an area of about 62.263ha, shown on plan PA1009 |
The Pinch Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP171423, containing an area of about 20.2833ha, shown on plan PA1084 |
The Point Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 7 and 8 on RP174293 situated in the County of Cook, containing an area of about 8.28ha, shown on plan PA166 |
The Rapids Nature Refuge | Lot 93 and the part of lot 97 on crown plan C371030, situated in the County of Cook, containing an area of about 53.5ha, shown on plan PA194 |
Theresa Hut Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on crown plan CLM565 situated in the County of Clermont, containing an area of about 11,600ha, shown on plan PA82 |
The Sanctuary Nature Refuge | The part of lot 97 on crown plan BNT323 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of about 44ha, shown on plan PA463 |
The Swamp Forest Nature Refuge | The part of lot 40 on RP740682 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 15.8ha, shown on plan PA417 |
Thiaki Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on plan NR426 and the part of lots 1 and 10 on RP846915 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 130ha, shown on plan PA391 |
Thompson’s Bush Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP812643 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 17.2ha, shown on plan PA100 |
Thompson’s Nature Refuge | The part of lot 24 on plan CVE231, containing an area of about 180ha, shown on plan PA564 |
Thornton View Nature Refuge | Lot 126 on plan CC446, lot 54 on plan CC792 and the part of lot 148 on plan CH312013, containing an area of about 353.8823ha, shown on plan PA1023 |
Thylogale Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP724249 situated in the County of Dagmar, containing an area of about 2.34ha, shown on plan PA10 |
Tinkerbell Nature Refuge | Lot 6 on SP232596 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of 42.17ha, shown on plan PA523 |
Tir Na Crann Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on plan CP893662 situated in the County of Churchill, containing an area of about 8ha, shown on plan PA518a |
Tokatakiya Nature Refuge | The part of lot 31 on crown plan DL175 and parts of lots 32, 38 and 54 on crown plan DL361, situated in the County of Dublin, containing an area of about 269ha, shown on plan PA114 |
Toko Range Nature Refuge | The part of lot 364 on crown plan AM840884 situated in the counties of Amaroo, Georgina, Sturt and Toko, containing an area of about 160,094ha, shown on plan PA414 |
Toomba Nature Refuge | Lot 5369 on plan PH1899, lot 1 on plan DP52 and the part of lot 2 on plan DP60 situated in the County of Dalrymple, containing an area of about 47,136ha, shown on plan PA91 |
Topaz Rainforest Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP747263 and parts of lots 1 and 2 on RP742280 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 101ha, shown on plan PA8 |
Topton Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP189351, situated in the County of Merivale, containing an area of about 77ha, shown on plan PA476 |
Torwood Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4665 on plan PH1417, situated in the County of Byerley, containing an area of about 45,605ha, shown on plan PA497 |
Towalla Park Nature Refuge | The part of lot 211 on SP188105 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 31.71ha, shown on plan PA264 |
Trigona Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on RP903529 situated in the County of Livingstone, containing an area of about 65.1ha, shown on plan PA110 |
Tuan Environmental Reserve Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on SP261658 situated in the County of March, containing an area of 27.21ha |
Tumbledown Nature Refuge | The part of lot 8 on RP206440 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of about 37.73ha, shown on plan PA180 |
Two Hills Nature Refuge | The part of lot 6 on SP116506 situated in the County of Carlisle, containing an area of about 9.92ha, shown on plan PA186 |
Ukikuna Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on RP883322, containing an area of about 86.36ha, shown on plan PA1092 |
Ulcanbah Nature Refuge | The part of lot 686 on SP227322, containing an area of about 3,489ha, shown on plan PA1045 |
Una Corbould Nature Refuge | Lots 2 to 4 on plan M37916 and lot 6 on plan M37928 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 481.2ha |
Undullah Nature Refuge | The part of lot 76 on plan S312821, containing an area of about 265.49ha, shown on plan PA1086 |
Upper Austinville Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP102595 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 57.1ha, shown on plan PA230 |
Upper Mooloolah Nature Refuge | Lot 5 on SP114816 and lot 101 on SP165479 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 43.6ha, shown on plan PA195 |
Upper Sleeper Log Creek Nature Refuge | Lot 20 on SP151988 situated in the County of Elphinstone, containing an area of about 1,602.91ha, shown on plan PA387 |
Van der Loos Nature Refuge | Lot 26 on plan WD3697 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of 4.849ha, shown on plan PA512A |
Verrierdale Rise Nature Refuge | Lots 8 and 11 on SP142405 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of 24.14ha |
Viridis Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP131330 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 3.2ha, shown on plan PA204 |
Von Keyserlingk Woodlands Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP715768 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 65.2ha, shown on plan PA88 |
Wacol Bushlands Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on SP197729 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 40ha, shown on plan PA608 |
Wairambar Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 29 on SP101792 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 30ha, shown on plan PA390 |
Wait-a-While Nature Refuge | Lot 4 on RP726799 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 46.3ha, shown on plan PA237 |
Walker’s Wilderness Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on RP157925 and part of lot 4 on RP856550 and situated in the County of Churchill, containing an area of about 15.7ha, shown on plan PA315 |
Wallabies Knoll Nature Refuge | The part of lot 87 on RP892014, containing an area of about 77.3ha, shown on plan PA1096 |
Wallaby Lane Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on crown plan HT551 situated in the County of Humboldt, containing an area of about 315ha, shown on plan PA413 |
Waluma Nature Refuge | The part of lot 10 on RP804545 situated in the County of Cook, containing an area of about 4.68ha, shown on plan PA61 |
Wamuran Nature Refuge | The part of lot 18 on RP131170 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of 10.04ha, shown on plan PA397 |
Wattle Gully Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on RP839783 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of about 15.04ha, shown on plan PA332 |
Waverley Nature Refuge | Lot 10 on SP296367, containing an area of 133.3ha, shown on plan PA1075 |
Werrington Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on crown plan PY26 situated in the County of Percy, containing an area of about 2,455ha, shown on plan PA453 |
Weyba Nature Refuge | The part of lot 77 on SP298776, containing an area of about 247.53ha, shown on plan PA1130 |
Whilalloo Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on plan CVE262, containing an area of about 924.72ha, shown on plan PA1004 |
Whipbird Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on RP163494 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 12.7ha, shown on plan PA217 |
Whiteside Road Park Koala Nature Refuge | Lot 34 on plan SL12333 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 3.556ha |
Wild Mountains Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP207386 and part of lot 2 on RP856275 situated in the County of Ward, containing an area of about 70.9ha, shown on plan PA77 |
Wild Wings and Swampy Things Nature Refuge | The part of lot 366 on plan SR744, part of lot 365 on plan SR744 and part of lot 2 on RP708056 situated in the County of Solander, containing an area of about 38.6ha, shown on plan PA289 |
Wilga Park Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on plan CVE282 situated in the County of Clive, containing an area of about 3,120ha, shown on plan PA635 |
Willawa Nature Refuge | The parts of lot 13 on CP849905 and the parts of lot 1 on SP241815 situated in the County of Dawson, containing an area of about 405ha, shown on plan PA167A |
Witta Nature Refuge | Lot 7 on SP147222, situated in the County of March, containing an area of 7.33ha, shown on plan PA536 |
Wompoo Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on RP894631 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 9ha, shown on plan PA660 |
Wong’ai Nature Refuge | The part of lot 6 on SP221358 situated in the County of March, containing an area of about 15.72ha, shown on plan PA311 |
Woodine Nature Refuge | Lot 4051 on crown plan PH2185 situated in the County of Labouchere, containing an area of about 2,425ha, shown on plan PA358 |
Woolshed Nature Refuge | The parts of lot 214 on plan CH312073 situated in the County of Churchill, containing an area of about 27ha, shown on plan PA638 |
Woodside Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on crown plan FL40140 situated in the County of Flinders, containing an area of about 4.97ha, shown on plan PA171 |
Wooroonooran Nature Refuge | Lot 2 on RP738262 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 54.2ha, shown on plan PA111 |
Wootha Valley Nature Refuge | The part of lot 7 on RP158202 situated in the County of Canning, containing an area of about 9.48ha, shown on plan PA208 |
W.R. and D.M.J. Carter Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2 on plan NT362, containing an area of about 2,007ha, shown on plan PA287A |
Wundajilla Forest Nature Refuge | The part of lot 4 on RP846916 situated in the County of Nares, containing an area of about 53ha, shown on plan PA246 |
Wurraglen Nature Refuge | The part of lot 47 on RP7033 situated in the County on Lennox, containing an area of about 14.07ha, shown on plan PA348 |
Wylah Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 2 and 3 on RP196402 situated in the County of Bentinck, containing an area of about 27.3ha, shown on plan PA256 |
Wyndham Sandy Creek Nature Refuge | The part of lot 220 on CP903610 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 1,258ha, shown on plan PA433 |
Xanthorrhoea Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP215068 situated in the County of Cavendish, containing an area of about 97.9ha, shown on plan PA155 |
Yabullum Nature Refuge | The parts of lots 1 and 2 on RP734391 situated in the County of Cardwell, containing an area of about 31ha, shown on plan PA41 |
Yanigubam Nature Refuge | The part of lot 3 on RP213994, situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of about 2ha, shown on plan PA520 |
Yarraden Nature Refuge | The part of lot 10 on SP113659, containing an area of about 117,303ha, shown on plan PA1002 |
Yarrai Nature Refuge | The part of lot 5 on crown plan BU16 and the part of lot 6 on RP817459 situated in the County of Buckland, containing an area of about 2,454.28ha, shown on plan PA370 |
Yourka Reserve Nature Refuge | The part of lot 2944 on SP272859, containing an area of about 43,382.97ha, shown on plan PA1103 |
Yurol Nature Refuge | The part of lot 1 on RP35069, containing an area of about 57.10ha, shown on plan PA1135 |
Yuukingga Nature Refuge | Lots 4 and 5 and the part of lot 22 on SP241397 situated in the counties of Archer and York, containing an area of about 32,200ha, shown on plan PA542 |
sections 10, 11 and 12
Koala Bushland Coordinated Conservation Area.
The land situated in the County of Stanley, Parish of Redland—(a)containing an area of about 1,170ha, shown on plan PA3; and(b)extending to a height of 1,067.5m above the surface of the land.
3Significant cultural and natural resources and values
The coordinated conservation area contains—(a)open forests and woodlands, including the following tree species—(i)tallowwood (Eucalyptus microcorys);(ii)Queensland blue gum (Eucalyptus tereticornis);(iii)red mahogany (Eucalyptus resinifera);(iv)grey gum (Eucalyptus propinqua);(v)Queensland white stringy-bark (Eucalyptus nigra); and(b)a significant koala habitat that supports several hundred koalas; and(c)streams that support native wildlife, including the following—(i)platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus);(ii)3 species of crustacean;(iii)5 fish species, including the ornate rainbowfish (Rhadinocentrus ornatus).
4Interim management intent and use
(1)The coordinated conservation area comprises—(a)3 areas, each of which is the subject of a separate conservation agreement; and(b)Venman Bushland National Park.(2)The coordinated conservation area will be managed to—(a)conserve the area’s koala population and habitat; and(b)conserve the area’s habitat for aquatic native animals; and(c)allow for a range of recreational activities, including horseriding; and(d)allow for educational activities; and(e)allow quarrying and commercial beekeeping on parts of the area; and(f)control the landing of aircraft; and(g)maintain the interests of the landholders who are parties to the agreements.
The duration of the declaration of the coordinated conservation area is—(a)for an area the subject of a conservation agreement—the duration of the agreement; and(b)for the national park—the duration of the dedication of the national park.
Rindoparr Coordinated Conservation Area.
The part of lot 17 on SP148785 situated in the County of Hann, containing an area of about 951ha, shown on plan CCA2.
8Significant cultural and natural resources and values
(1)The coordinated conservation area supports—(a)a distinctive chenier ridge, a significant geological feature; and(b)evergreen notophyll vine forest on beach ridges on the east coast, described as the of concern regional ecosystem 3.2.13; and(c)known habitat for the endangered star finch (eastern subspecies) (Neochmia ruficauda ruficauda); and(d)significant indigenous cultural heritage values and areas of indigenous cultural heritage interest; and(e)the cultural and natural values of the adjacent Rinyirru (Lakefield) National Park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land).(2)In this section—of concern regional ecosystem see the Vegetation Management Act 1999, schedule.
9Interim management intent and use
(1)The coordinated conservation area consists of the area that is the subject of the conservation agreement for the area.(2)The coordinated conservation area will be managed to—(a)conserve the following in the area—(i)the area’s distinctive chenier ridge;(ii)the area’s evergreen notophyll vine forest;(iii)habitat for the endangered star finch and other near threatened and threatened species;(iv)significant indigenous cultural heritage values and areas of indigenous cultural heritage interest; and(b)allow for—(i)controlled cattle grazing that is not on a commercial basis; and(ii)domestic living areas and associated infrastructure; and(iii)tourist facilities and activities, including campgrounds and guiding services, that have a low environmental impact.
The duration of the declaration of the coordinated conservation area is the duration of the conservation agreement for the area.