Cross River Rail Delivery Authority Regulation 2019

Queensland Crest
Cross River Rail Delivery Authority Regulation 2019

1Short title

This regulation may be cited as the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority Regulation 2019.


In this regulation—
Building Queensland means Building Queensland established under the repealed Building Queensland Act 2015.

s 2 def Building Queensland amd 2021 Act No. 12 s 158 sch 4

European train control system cross river rail project means the project known as the European Train Control System Level 2 (ETCS L2) project that—
(a)involves providing a signalling and train protection system for the cross river rail project; and
(b)is described in the document called the ‘Cross River Rail Business Case’ prepared by Building Queensland and dated August 2017.
European train control system inner city project means the project known as the European Train Control System (ETCS)—Inner City Project that—
(a)involves providing a signalling and train protection system for the passenger railway network in Brisbane generally; and
(b)is described in the document called ‘ETCS–Inner City Project Business Case Cost Benefit Analysis Summary’ prepared by Building Queensland and dated May 2016.
Fairfield to Salisbury upgrade project means the project (also known as the F2S upgrade project) that involves providing or improving rail transport infrastructure—
(a)at Fairfield station and Salisbury station and particular railway stations between those stations, including, for example, providing additional platforms at the stations; and
(b)in locations, other than at railway stations, that are between Fairfield station and Salisbury station, between Dutton Park station and Fairfield station, and between Salisbury station and Coopers Plains station, including, for example, upgrading tracks and signalling equipment; and
(c)in an area adjacent to Moorooka station, including, for example, providing or improving train stabling facilities.
rail transport infrastructure see the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994, schedule 6.

3Transport-related projects—Act, s 7

For section 7(1) of the Act, the following projects are transport-related projects—
(a)the European train control system cross river rail project;
(b)the European train control system inner city project;
(c)the Fairfield to Salisbury upgrade project.

4Transport-related projects for which land may be taken—Act, s 20

For section 20(1)(b) of the Act, the following transport-related projects are prescribed—
(a)the European train control system cross river rail project;
(b)the European train control system inner city project;
(c)the Fairfield to Salisbury upgrade project.