Minister: Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
Agency: Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Limitation of Actions Act 1974 No. 75

Limitation of Actions Act 1974 No. 75

date of assent 01 November 1974

commenced 1 July 1975 (see s 2)

Public Trustee Act 1978 No. 73 s 5(5) sch 1 pt E

date of assent 08 December 1978

commenced 1 January 1979 (proc pubd gaz 23 December 1978 p 1970)

Common Law Practice and Limitation of Actions Acts Amendment Act 1981 No. 87 pt 3

date of assent 13 November 1981

commenced on date of assent (see s 2 (2))

Limitation of Actions Amendment Act 1993 No. 64

date of assent 23 November 1993

commenced on date of assent

Choice of Law (Limitations Periods) Act 1996 No. 5 ss 1–2, 8 sch

date of assent 09 May 1996

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 November 1996 (1996 SL No. 280)

Mental Health Act 2000 No. 16 ss 1–2, 590 sch 1 pt 2

date of assent 08 June 2000

ss 1–2, 590 commenced on date of assent (see s 2 (1))

remaining provisions commenced 28 February 2002 (2002 SL No. 27)

Justice and Other Legislation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2002 No. 34 ss 1, 74 sch 6

date of assent 16 August 2002

commenced on date of assent

Civil Liability (Dust Diseases) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2005 No. 43 pts 1–2 div 2

date of assent 14 October 2005

commenced on date of assent

Defamation Act 2005 No. 55 ss 1–2, 48 sch 4

date of assent 18 November 2005

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 January 2006 (see s 2)

Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2007 No. 37 ss 1, 162 sch

date of assent 29 August 2007

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 28 September 2007 (2007 SL No. 241)

Corrective Services and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2008 No. 53 pts 1, 6

date of assent 23 October 2008

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 7 November 2008 (2008 SL No. 363)

Civil Liability and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2010 No. 9 s 1, pt 5

date of assent 17 March 2010

commenced on date of assent

Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2010 No. 42 ss 1, 214 sch

date of assent 14 October 2010

commenced on date of assent

Forensic Disability Act 2011 No. 13 ch 1 pt 1, ch 14 pt 10

date of assent 19 May 2011

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2011 (2011 SL No. 121 item 1)

Mental Health Act 2016 No. 5

date of assent 04 March 2016

ch 1 pt 1 hdgs, ss 3—4, pts 2–4, chs 2—21 schs 1—4 comm 5 March 2017 (automatic commencement under AIA s 15DA(2))

Limitation of Actions (Child Sexual Abuse) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2016 No. 59

date of assent 11 November 2016

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

pt 2, pt 3, divs 1, 3, 4 comm 1 March 2017 (2017 SL No. 19)

Civil Liability and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2019 No. 34

date of assent 30 October 2019

pts 2, 4–5 comm 2 March 2020 (2020 SL No. 2)

Defamation (Model Provisions) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2021 No. 13

date of assent 24 June 2021

pt 4 comm 1 July 2021 (see s 2)

Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2023 No. 23

date of assent 20 September 2023

pt 18 comm on date of assent

Property Law Act 2023 No. 27

date of assent 02 November 2023

pt 19 div 5 comm 1 August 2025 (2024 SL No. 209) (proposed commencement 3 November 2025 (automatic commencement under AIA s 15DA(2) (2024 SL No. 149))

Trusts Bill 2025

This is a consolidated list of all history notes in this reprint. Show or hide the list by using the Turn history notes on/off button at the top of the page. The complete list can be printed (Ctrl-P) from the screen when the history notes are turned on.

s 3 om 23 November 1993 RA s 36

s 5 def personal estate sub 1996 No. 5 s 8 sch

s 5 def personal property sub 1996 No. 5 s 8 sch

s 5 def trust sub 1996 No. 5 s 8 sch

s 5 def trustee sub 1996 No. 5 s 8 sch

s 5 amd 1978 No. 73 s 5(5)(a) sch 1 pt E; 2000 No. 16 s 590 sch 1 pt 2; 2008 No. 53 s 18; 2010 No. 42 s 214 sch; 2011 No. 13 s 210; 2016 No. 5 s 923 sch 4

s 6 amd 2010 No. 42 s 214 sch

s 7 amd 1996 No. 5 s 8 sch; 2010 No. 9 s 24

s 8 amd 2010 No. 42 s 214 sch

s 10 amd 2005 No. 55 s 48 sch 4; 2010 No. 42 s 214 sch

s 10AA ins 2005 No. 55 s 48 sch 4

amd 2021 No. 13 s 29

s 10AB ins 2021 No. 13 s 30

s 10A ins 1993 No. 64 s 3

amd 1996 No. 5 s 8 sch

s 11 amd 1981 No. 87 s 9; 2010 No. 9 s 25

s 11A ins 2016 No. 59 s 4

amd 2019 No. 34 s 11

s 18 amd 2023 No. 23 s 123

s 24 amd 2010 No. 42 s 214 sch

s 26 amd 2010 No. 42 s 214 sch

s 29 amd 1981 No. 87 s 10; 2010 No. 42 s 214 sch

s 30 amd 1996 No. 5 s 8 sch

s 30A ins 2005 No. 43 s 6

om 2010 No. 9 s 26

s 31 amd 1981 No. 87 s 11

s 32 amd 1981 No. 87 s 12; 2010 No. 42 s 214 sch

s 32A ins 2005 No. 55 s 48 sch 4

amd 2021 No. 13 s 31

s 40 amd 2002 No. 34 s 74 sch 6

s 41 amd 2010 No. 42 s 214 sch

s 41A ins 2021 No. 13 s 32

s 43A ins 1996 No. 5 s 8 sch

pt 5 hdg prev pt 5 hdg ins 1993 No. 64 s 4

exp 23 November 1994 (see s 45)

pres pt 5 hdg ins 2005 No. 43 s 7

amd 2010 No. 9 s 27

s 44 prev s 44 ins 1993 No. 64 s 4

exp 23 November 1994 (see s 45)

pres s 44 ins 2005 No. 43 s 7

s 45 prev s 45 ins 1993 No. 64 s 4

exp 23 November 1994 (see s 45)

pres s 45 (prev s 44) ins 2005 No. 55 s 48 sch 4

renum 2007 No. 37 s 162 sch

s 46 ins 2008 No. 53 s 19

s 47 ins 2010 No. 9 s 30

s 48 ins 2016 No. 59 s 5

s 49 ins 2019 No. 34 s 12

s 50 ins 2021 No. 13 s 33

pt 6 hdg (prev pt 5 hdg) ins 2005 No. 55 s 48 sch 4

renum 2007 No. 37 s 162 sch

om 2010 No. 9 s 28

pt 7 hdg ins 2008 No. 53 s 19

om 2010 No. 9 s 29

Limitation of Actions Act 1974

Government Bill
Assent: 01 November 1974 PDF icon Act 1974, No. 75

HTML icon Act 1974, No. 75