Fisheries Quota Declaration 2019

Queensland Crest
Fisheries Quota Declaration 2019

1Short title

This declaration may be cited as the Fisheries Quota Declaration 2019.


This declaration commences on 28 May 2019.

3Application of declaration

(1)This declaration declares total quota entitlements for particular fisheries, or particular parts of a fishery, for section 37 of the Act.
(2)Unless this declaration provides otherwise, terms used in it have the meaning given under the Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019.
(3)Subsection (2) is not limited to a term defined under the Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019 but also applies to a provision of the regulation that aids the interpretation of a term mentioned in the regulation.


See, for example, section 11 of that regulation in relation to references to quota authorities by name.

s 3 amd 2019 SL No. 179 s 152 sch 12

4Commercial trawl fishery (fin fish)

The total quota entitlement for the commercial trawl fishery (fin fish) for each calendar year for fish mentioned in column 1 is the amount stated in column 2—









prescribed whiting




yellowtail scad



s 4 amd 2019 SL No. 179 s 152 sch 12

5Reef line commercial fishery

The total quota entitlement for the reef line commercial fishery for each line year (as defined in the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 11) for fish mentioned in column 1, taken under all line units of the type mentioned in column 2, is the amount stated in column 3—



Line unit




regulated coral trout


CT line unit




redthroat emperor


RTE line unit




regulated coral reef fin fish other than the fish mentioned in the above entries


OS line unit



s 5 amd 2019 SL No. 179 s 152 sch 12

6Commercial spanner crab fishery (managed area A)

The total quota entitlement for the commercial spanner crab fishery (managed area A) for each ITQ year (as defined in the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, schedule 11) for spanner crabs is 847t.

s 6 amd 2019 SL No. 179 s 152 sch 12

7Spanish mackerel fishery

The total quota entitlement for the spanish mackerel fishery for each SM year (as defined in the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019, section 83) for spanish mackerel is 578.013t.

s 7 ins 2019 SL No. 178 s 124