Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland Regulation 2010

Queensland Crest
Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland Regulation 2010

1Short title

This regulation may be cited as the Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland Regulation 2010 .

2Prescribed land—Act, s 17D

For the Act, section 17D, the following land is prescribed—
(a)lot 102 on SP277762 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 0.2174ha;
(c)lot 702 on SP219237 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 0.7513ha;
(d)lot 703 on SP238193 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 6.974ha;
(e)lot 704 on SP219239 situated in the County of Stanley, containing an area of 4.065ha;
(g)lot 708 on SP238200 situated in the County of Stanley containing an area of 1.208ha;
(h)lot 709 on SP238200 situated in the County of Stanley containing an area of 0.6273ha.

s 2 amd 2012 SL No. 213 s 3; 2014 SL No. 159 s 3; 2014 SL No. 275 s 3; 2016 SL No. 1 s 3