Fisheries (Commercial Trawl Fishery—Fin Fish) Quota Declaration 2015

Queensland Crest
Fisheries (Commercial Trawl Fishery—Fin Fish) Quota Declaration 2015

1Short title

This quota declaration may be cited as the Fisheries (Commercial Trawl Fishery—Fin Fish) Quota Declaration 2015 .


This quota declaration commences on 1 January 2016.

3Total annual quota for commercial trawl fishery (fin fish)—Act, s 44

(1)The quota for the commercial trawl fishery (fin fish), for each calendar year, is—
(a)for goatfish—100t; or
(b)for prescribed whiting—1090t; or
(c)for yellowtail scad—100t.
(2)In this section—
commercial trawl fishery (fin fish) see the Fisheries Regulation 2008 , section 609.
prescribed whiting see the Fisheries Regulation 2008 , section 609A.