Appeal Costs Fund Act 1973

Queensland Crest
Appeal Costs Fund Act 1973

An Act to make provision with respect to liability for the costs of certain litigation, to establish a fund to meet that liability and for purposes connected therewith

Part 1 Preliminary

1Short title

This Act may be cited as the Appeal Costs Fund Act 1973 .

2Commencement of Act

This Act shall commence on a date appointed by proclamation.


s 3 om R1 (see RA s 36)


In this Act—
appeal includes an order to review, a case stated for the opinion or determination of a superior court on a question of law, a question of law reserved in the form of a special case for the opinion of a superior court, a motion for a new trial and any other proceeding in the nature of an appeal.
appellant includes the next friend of an infant or person under disability or the guardian ad litem of any person.
approved form means a form approved under section 25A.

def approved form ins 2010 No. 42 s 8

assessed, in relation to costs, includes taxed.

def assessed ins 2002 No. 34 s 74 sch 6

board means the Appeal Costs Board constituted under this Act.
costs, in relation to an appeal, include the costs of an application for an indemnity certificate in respect of an appeal but do not include costs incurred in a court of first instance except where otherwise expressly provided.
court includes any board, other body or person from whose decision there is an appeal to a superior court on a question of law or which may state a case for the opinion or determination of a superior court on a question of law or reserve any question of law in the form of a special case for the opinion of a superior court.
fund means the Appeal Costs Fund established under this Act.
guideline proceeding see the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 , section 15AA.

def guideline proceeding ins 2011 No. 7 s 13

indemnity certificate means an indemnity certificate granted under this Act.
proper officer, used in relation to a court, means—
(a)in the case of the Supreme Court or the District Court—the registrar;
(b)in the case of a Magistrates Court—the clerk of the court.

def proper officer amd 1999 No. 19 s 3 sch

respondent includes the next friend of an infant or person under disability or the guardian ad litem of any person.
sequence of appeals means a sequence of appeals in which each appeal that follows next after another appeal in the sequence is an appeal against the decision in that other appeal.

s 4 amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 6; 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1; 2002 No. 34 s 74 sch 6

Part 2 Appeal Costs Fund and board

5Appeal Costs Fund

(1)The Appeal Costs Fund is continued in existence.
(1A)Accounts for the fund must be kept as part of the departmental accounts of the department.
(1B)Amounts received for the fund must be deposited in a departmental financial-institution account of the department but may be deposited in an account used for depositing other amounts of the department.
(2)The amounts referred to in section 13 shall constitute the fund.
(3)The amounts referred to in subsections (7) and (8) of this section, sections 6 (6) and (8), 9, 16, 18, 20C, 20E, 22, 23 and 24, the costs of the staff employed under section 9 and the administration of this Act shall be paid out of the fund.
(4)Interest on the moneys in the fund, calculated on the minimum monthly balance of the fund at the short term deposit bank interest rate as approved for the time being by the Reserve Bank of Australia, shall from time to time be paid by the Treasurer into the fund.
(5)Where the fund is insufficient to meet a payment required by this Act to be made out of the fund and the board certifies accordingly, that payment shall be made out of the consolidated fund and a payment so made shall be deemed to be an advance to the fund and shall remain a charge thereon and shall be recouped out of the fund immediately sufficient moneys become available therein.
(6)During the months of April and October of each year, the board shall calculate the amount of the total liability of the fund on all applications held by it on 31 March and 30 September respectively last preceding.
(7)Where the moneys in the fund, excluding the amount calculated under subsection (6), on any occasion exceed $100000 the board shall issue its certificate for payment from the fund to the consolidated fund of so much of the moneys in the fund, excluding the amount calculated under subsection (6), as exceed $l00000 and payment shall be made in accordance with that certificate.
(8)In addition to any amount expressed by this Act to be payable out of the fund in any case, the board may allow such amount as it thinks fit to a party to any proceedings for the party’s costs of making application to the board under this Act and where the board allows those costs it shall include the amount thereof in any certificate referred to in section 14.
(9)In this section—
departmental accounts, of a department, means the accounts of the department under the Financial Accountability Act 2009 , section 69.
departmental financial-institution account, of a department, means an account of the department kept under the Financial Accountability Act 2009 , section 83.
other amounts, of a department, means amounts received by the department other than amounts received for the fund.

s 5 amd 1999 No. 29 s 50 sch; 2002 No. 34 s 74 sch 6; 2003 No. 77 s 24; 2009 No. 9 s 136 sch 1; 2011 No. 7 s 14; 2013 No. 35 s 16

6Appeal Costs Board

(1)For the purposes of this Act there shall be constituted a board to be called the Appeal Costs Board.
(2)The board shall consist of 3 members who shall be appointed by the Minister, namely—
(a)a chairperson; and
(b)a member representative of and nominated in writing by the Bar Association of Queensland; and
(c)a member representative of and nominated in writing by the Queensland Law Society Incorporated.
(3)If either body entitled under subsection (2) to nominate a person to be a member of the board fails within 28 days after a request in writing in that behalf by the Minister to submit a nomination, the Minister may without that nomination appoint a person who is in the opinion of the Minister a suitable person, as a member of the board to represent the interests of the body concerned, and the person so appointed shall be deemed to be duly appointed for all purposes.
(4)The Minister may at any time remove a member of the board from office and appoint another member in the member’s stead.
(5)Members of the board shall hold office for such term not exceeding 3 years as the Minister determines and are eligible for reappointment.
(6)A member of the board is to be paid the fees and allowances prescribed under a regulation.
(7)For the purposes of an inquiry under this Act, the board shall have and may exercise all the powers, authorities, protection and jurisdiction of a Commission of Inquiry under the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1950 and the chairperson or member presiding at any such inquiry shall have the powers and authorities, protection and jurisdiction of a chairperson of a Commission under that Act save such as are reserved to a chairperson who is a judge of the Supreme Court, and the provisions of that Act shall apply accordingly and in addition shall apply to any witness or person summoned by or appearing before the board in any such inquiry.
(8)The expenses of a witness before the board or a person required to produce documents to the board shall be paid out of the fund.

s 6 amd 1996 No. 37 s 147 sch 2; 2002 No. 34 s 74 sch 6; 2003 No. 77 s 25; 2013 No. 35 s 17

7Meetings of board

(1)The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the board at which chairperson is present.
(2)Two members of the board shall form a quorum but subject to there being a quorum the board may act notwithstanding any vacancy in its membership.
(3)The decision upon any matter of the majority of members at a meeting shall be the decision of the board.
(4)If at a meeting of the board at which 2 members only are present the members differ in opinion upon any matter, the decision on that matter shall be deferred to a meeting of the board at which all 3 members are present.
(5)Subject to this Act, the board may regulate its own proceedings.

8Functions of board

The functions of the board are—
(a)to exercise and discharge the powers, authorities, duties, functions and obligations conferred or imposed on it by or under this Act;
(b)to advise the Minister upon any matter submitted by the Minister to it relating to the operation of this Act.

9Secretary and staff

(1)There may be a secretary, and staff, of the board.
(2)The secretary and staff are to assist the board to perform the board’s functions.
(3)The secretary and staff of the board are employed under the Public Service Act 2008 .

s 9 amd 1996 No. 37 s 147 sch 2

sub 2013 No. 35 s 18

Part 3 Finance

10Additional fees on documents

In addition to any fee payable under any Act or the rules of any court upon a writ, summons, complaint or other document commencing a legal proceeding there shall be paid to the proper officer of the appropriate court—
(a)upon the issue of a writ, summons or other document whereby a cause or matter is commenced in the Supreme Court;
(b)upon the issue of a plaint, summons or other document whereby a proceeding is commenced in the District Court;
(c)upon the issue of a complaint, summons or other document whereby a proceeding is commenced in a Magistrates Court;
the prescribed fee.

s 10 amd 1999 No. 19 s 3 sch

11Cases where additional fee not payable

The provisions of section 10 shall not apply in respect of a writ, plaint, summons, complaint or other document upon the issue of which no fee is payable under any Act or rule of court for the time being in force.

12Statement to Minister

On or before the fourth day of each month in every year, the proper officer of a court shall cause to be prepared and sent to the Minister a statement in the approved form signed by the proper officer—
(a)setting forth the total amount paid to the proper officer during the last preceding month by way of fees pursuant to section 10, as appearing from the records in the proper officer’s custody or under the proper officer’s control; and
(b)containing such other information as is prescribed;
and shall with the statement transmit to the Minister the amount referred to in paragraph (a).

s 12 amd 1999 No. 29 s 50 sch; 2010 No. 42 s 9

13Payments by Minister to fund

The Minister shall cause to be paid into the fund all amounts transmitted to the Minister pursuant to section 12.

s 13 amd 1999 No. 29 s 50 sch

14Payments out of fund

(1)Payments shall not be made out of the fund except upon and in accordance with a certificate of the board.
(2)The board shall not issue a certificate pursuant to subsection (1) unless it is satisfied that the payment is authorised by this Act to be made from the fund and that the provisions of this Act in relation to a claim for the payment have been complied with.

Part 4 Indemnity certificates

Division 1 Generally

div hdg ins 2011 No. 7 s 15

15Grant of indemnity certificate

(1)Where an appeal against the decision of a court—
(a)to the Supreme Court;
(b)to the High Court of Australia from a decision of the Supreme Court;
on a question of law succeeds, the Supreme Court may, upon application made in that behalf, grant to any respondent to the appeal an indemnity certificate in respect of the appeal.
(2)Where an appeal against the decision of a court to the District Court on a question of law succeeds, the District Court may, upon application made in that behalf, grant to any respondent to the appeal an indemnity certificate in respect of the appeal.

s 15 amd 1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1; 1999 No. 19 s 3 sch; 2002 No. 34 s 74 sch 6

16Effect of indemnity certificate under s 15

(1)Subject to this Act, where a respondent to an appeal has been granted an indemnity certificate under section 15, the certificate shall entitle the respondent to be paid from the fund—
(a)where the respondent has been ordered to pay the appellant’s costs an amount equal to the appellant’s costs (if any)—
(i)of the appeal in respect of which the certificate was granted; and
(ii)of a new trial had in consequence of an order made upon an appeal for a new trial; and
(iii)where that appeal is an appeal in a sequence of appeals, of any appeal in the sequence that preceded the appeal in respect of which the certificate was granted;
as assessed or agreed upon by—
(iv)the board; and
(v)the respondent or the respondent’s solicitor; and
(vi)the appellant or the appellant’s solicitor;
and actually paid by or on behalf of the respondent; and
(b)an amount equal to the respondent’s costs—
(i)of the appeal in respect of which the certificate was granted; and
(ii)of a new trial had in consequence of an order made upon an appeal for a new trial; and
(iii)where that appeal is an appeal in a sequence of appeals, of any appeal in the sequence that preceded the appeal in respect of which the certificate was granted;
as assessed or agreed upon by the board and the respondent or the respondent’s solicitor and not ordered to be paid by any other party; and
(c)where the costs referred to in paragraph (b) are assessed at the instance of the respondent, an amount equal to the costs incurred by the respondent or on the respondent’s behalf in having those costs assessed.
(2)Where an indemnity certificate has been granted under section 15 and the board is satisfied that the respondent unreasonably refuses or neglects or is unable through lack of means to pay to the appellant the costs referred to in subsection (1) (a) or any part thereof or that payment of those costs or part would cause the respondent undue hardship, the board may direct that an amount equal to those costs or to the part thereof not already paid by or on behalf of the respondent be paid from the fund for and on behalf of the respondent to the appellant, and thereupon the appellant shall be entitled to payment from the fund in accordance with the direction of the board and the fund shall be discharged from liability to the respondent in respect of those costs to the extent of the amount paid in accordance with the direction.
(3)Despite subsections (1) and (2), the amount payable from the fund to any 1 respondent under any 1 indemnity certificate must not be more than the amount prescribed under a regulation.

s 16 amd 1981 No. 25 s 2; 2002 No. 34 s 74 sch 6; 2005 No. 70 s 29

17Grant of indemnity certificate to successful appellant

(a)there is an appeal against the decision of a Magistrates Court to the Supreme Court or the District Court on a question of law; and
(b)the respondent to the appeal did not appear in the proceedings before the Magistrates Court and does not appear on the appeal; and
(c)the appeal succeeds but the Supreme Court or the District Court, as the case may be, refuses to order the respondent to pay the appellant’s costs of the appeal;
the Supreme Court or the District Court may upon application made in that behalf, grant to any appellant in the appeal an indemnity certificate in respect of the appeal.

s 17 amd 1999 No. 19 s 3 sch

18Effect of indemnity certificate under s 17

(1)Subject to this Act, where an appellant in an appeal has been granted an indemnity certificate under section 17, the certificate shall entitle the appellant to be paid from the fund—
(a)an amount equal to the appellant’s costs of the appeal in respect of which the certificate was granted as assessed or agreed upon by the board and the appellant or the appellant’s solicitor; and
(b)where the costs referred to in paragraph (a) are assessed—an amount equal to the costs incurred by the appellant in having those costs assessed.
(2)Notwithstanding subsection (1), the amount payable from the fund to any 1 appellant pursuant to an indemnity certificate under section 17 shall not in any case exceed the sum of $200 or such other amount as is prescribed from time to time.

s 18 amd 2002 No. 34 s 74 sch 6

19Vacation of indemnity certificate

An indemnity certificate granted to a party in respect of an appeal, being an appeal in a sequence of appeals, is vacated if in a later appeal in the sequence the successful party is the one to whom the indemnity certificate is granted.

20Where indemnity certificate of no force or effect

(1)An indemnity certificate granted to a respondent in respect of an appeal has no force or effect—
(a)where a time is limited for appealing against the decision in the appeal—during the time limited for appealing against that decision; and
(b)where an appeal lies against the decision in the appeal but no time is limited—until an application for leave to appeal against the decision in the appeal is determined and where leave is granted, the appeal is instituted, or until the respondent lodges with the board an undertaking in writing by the respondent that he or she will not seek leave to appeal or appeal against the decision in the appeal, whichever first happens; and
(c)notwithstanding this subsection where the decision in the appeal is the subject of an appeal—during the pendency of the last mentioned appeal.
(2)An indemnity certificate granted to an appellant in respect of an appeal has no force or effect—
(a)where a time is limited for appealing against a decision in the appeal—during the time limited for appealing against that decision; and
(b)where an appeal lies against the decision in the appeal but no time is limited—until an application for leave to appeal against the decision in the appeal is determined, and where leave is granted, the appeal is instituted, or until the expiration of 3 months from the determination of the appeal, whichever first happens; and
(c)notwithstanding this subsection where the decision in the appeal is the subject of an appeal—during the pendency of the last mentioned appeal.
(3)Where the appeal and any later appeal form a sequence of appeals and the indemnity certificate has not been vacated under section 19, a reference in this section to the decision in the appeal shall be construed as including a reference to the decision in any later appeal, and a reference to the pendency of the appeal shall be construed as including a reference to the pendency of any later appeal.
(4)Where an undertaking has been given by a respondent under this section and thereafter the respondent seeks leave to appeal or appeals against the decision to which the undertaking relates, the respondent shall, upon demand made by the board, pay to the board any amount paid to the respondent, or on the respondent’s behalf, under the indemnity certificate and in default of payment the amount concerned may be recovered by the board from the respondent as a debt by action in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(5)Where any money is paid to an appellant, or on the appellant’s behalf, by the board in respect of an appeal and thereafter the appellant is a party in a successful appeal against that decision the appellant shall, upon demand made by the board, pay to the board any amount paid to the appellant, or on the appellant’s behalf, under the indemnity certificate and in default of payment the amount concerned may be recovered by the board from the appellant as a debt by action in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(6)Any amount paid to or recovered by the board under subsections (4) and (5) shall be paid into the fund.
(7)Nothing in this section affects the operation of section 19.

Division 2 Guideline proceeding

div hdg ins 2011 No. 7 s 16

20ADefinitions for div 2

In this division—
court means the Court of Appeal.
guideline judgment see the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 , section 15AA.

s 20A ins 2011 No. 7 s 16

20BGrant of indemnity certificate to person on appeal after conviction

(1)This section applies if on an appeal after a person is convicted—
(a)the person applies to the court for review of a guideline judgment under the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 , section 15AE (3); and
(b)if the person made the appeal—the appeal succeeds.
(2)The court may, on application by the person, grant to the person an indemnity certificate in respect of that part of the appeal relating to the review of the guideline judgment.
(3)The court may grant the certificate despite no order as to costs being made or allowed.

s 20B ins 2011 No. 7 s 16

20CEffect of indemnity certificate under s 20B

(1)If a person is granted an indemnity certificate under section 20B in respect of that part of an appeal relating to a review of a guideline judgement, the certificate entitles the person to be paid from the fund—
(a)an amount equal to the additional costs incurred by the person on the appeal for which the certificate was granted, as assessed or agreed on by—
(i)the board; and
(ii)the respondent or the respondent’s solicitor; and
(iii)the appellant or the appellant’s solicitor; and
(b)if the costs referred to in paragraph (a) are assessed—an amount equal to the costs incurred by the person, or on the person’s behalf, in having those costs assessed.
(2)Despite subsection (1), the amount payable from the fund to any 1 person under any 1 indemnity certificate must not be more than the amount prescribed under a regulation.
(3)In this section—
additional costs, incurred by a person on an appeal, means the costs beyond what the person would otherwise have incurred had the appeal not included a review of a guideline judgment.

s 20C ins 2011 No. 7 s 16

20DGrant of indemnity certificate to convicted person

(1)This section applies if a convicted person appears in a guideline proceeding relevant to an appeal before the court against the sentence of the convicted person under the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 , section 15AF (2).
(2)The court may, on application by the convicted person, grant to the convicted person an indemnity certificate in respect of that part of the appeal relating to the guideline proceeding.
(3)The court may grant the certificate despite no order as to costs being made or allowed.

s 20D ins 2011 No. 7 s 16

20EEffect of indemnity certificate under s 20D

(1)If a convicted person is granted an indemnity certificate under section 20D in respect of that part of an appeal relating to a guideline proceeding, the certificate entitles the convicted person to be paid from the fund—
(a)an amount equal to the additional costs incurred by the convicted person on the appeal for which the certificate was granted, as assessed or agreed on by—
(i)the board; and
(ii)the respondent or the respondent’s solicitor; and
(iii)the appellant or the appellant’s solicitor; and
(b)if the costs referred to in paragraph (a) are assessed—an amount equal to the costs incurred by the convicted person, or on the convicted person’s behalf, in having those costs assessed.
(2)Despite subsection (1), the amount payable from the fund to any 1 person under any 1 indemnity certificate must not be more than the amount prescribed under a regulation.
(3)In this section—
additional costs, incurred by a convicted person on an appeal, means the costs beyond what the convicted person would otherwise have incurred had the appeal not included a guideline proceeding.

s 20E ins 2011 No. 7 s 16

Division 3 Discretion

div hdg ins 2011 No. 7 s 16

21Discretion as to indemnity certificate

(1)The grant or refusal of an indemnity certificate lies in the discretion of the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court or the District Court, as the case may be, and no appeal lies against any such grant or refusal.
(2)An indemnity certificate shall not be granted in respect of any appeal from proceedings begun in a court of first instance before the commencement of this Act.
(3)An indemnity certificate shall not be granted in favour of the Crown.

s 21 amd 1999 No. 19 s 3 sch; 2011 No. 7 s 17

Part 5 Miscellaneous provisions

22Abortive proceedings and new trials after proceedings discontinued

(1A)This section does not apply to a guideline proceeding.
(1)Where after the commencement of this Act—
(a)any civil or criminal proceedings are rendered abortive by the death or illness of the judge, master, magistrate or justice before whom the proceedings were had or in the case of proceedings had before the Industrial Court on appeal, of any member of that court or by disagreement on the part of the jury where the proceedings are with a jury; or
(b)an appeal on a question of law against the conviction of a person (the appellant) convicted on indictment is upheld and a new trial is ordered; or
(c)the hearing of any civil or criminal proceeding is discontinued and a new trial ordered by the presiding judge, magistrate or justice for a reason not attributable in any way to the act, neglect or default, in the case of civil proceedings, of any of the parties thereto or their legal representatives, or, in the case of criminal proceedings, of the accused or the accused’s legal representatives, and the presiding judge, magistrate or justice grants a certificate (which certificate the presiding judge, magistrate or justice is hereby authorised to grant)—
(i)in the case of civil proceedings—to any party thereto stating the reason why the proceedings were discontinued and a new trial ordered and that the reason was not attributable in any way to the act, neglect or default of any of the parties to the proceedings or their legal representatives; or
(ii)in the case of criminal proceedings—to the accused stating the reason why the proceedings were discontinued and a new trial ordered and that the reason was not attributable in any way to the act, neglect or default of the accused or the accused’s legal representatives;
any party to the civil proceedings or the accused in the criminal proceedings or the appellant, as the case may be, who pays or is ordered to pay additional costs or on whose behalf additional costs are paid or ordered to be paid by reason of the new trial shall be entitled to be paid from the fund such costs as the board considers have been reasonably incurred by the person or on the person’s behalf in the proceedings before they were rendered abortive or the conviction was quashed or the hearing of the proceedings was discontinued, as the case may be.
(2)No amount shall be paid from the fund under this section to the Crown.
(3)For the purposes of this section, where in criminal proceedings a presiding judge, magistrate or justice directs that the proceedings being heard be discontinued with a view to other criminal proceedings based on the facts alleged against the accused being instituted, it shall be deemed that a new trial is ordered.

s 22 amd 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1; 1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1; 2011 No. 7 s 18

22AEntitlement where point of law referred under s 669A (2) of Code

Where pursuant to section 669A (2) (b) of the Criminal Code a point of law is referred to the Court of Appeal for its consideration and opinion thereon, the accused in the trial at which the point of law arose shall be entitled to be paid from the fund such costs as the board considers have been reasonably incurred by the accused or on the accused’s behalf by reason of—
(a)the proceedings before the Court of Appeal; and
(b)where a new trial is had as a consequence of the opinion given by the Court of Appeal on the point of law—the trial at which the point of law arose.

s 22A ins 1989 No. 17 s 72

amd 1991 No. 68 s 111 sch 2

23Entitlement on order for new trial on certain grounds

(1)Where after the commencement of this Act a new trial is ordered in an action on the ground that the verdict of the jury was against the evidence or the weight of the evidence or that the damages awarded in the action were excessive or inadequate, the respondent to the motion for the new trial shall be entitled to be paid from the fund—
(a)an amount equal to the costs (if any) of the appellant in the motion for and upon the new trial ordered to be paid and actually paid by or on behalf of the respondent; and
(b)an amount equal to the respondent’s costs of the motion for and upon the new trial, as assessed or agreed upon by the board and the respondent or the respondent’s solicitor and not ordered to be paid by any other party; and
(c)where the costs referred to in paragraph (b) are assessed at the instance of the respondent—an amount equal to the costs incurred by the respondent or on the respondent’s behalf in having those costs assessed.
(2)Notwithstanding subsection (1)—
(a)where the board is satisfied that the respondent unreasonably refuses or neglects or is unable through lack of means to pay the whole of the costs referred to in subsection (1) (a) or any part thereof or that payment of those costs or part would cause the respondent undue hardship—the board may direct in writing that an amount equal to those costs or the part thereof not already paid by or on behalf of the respondent be paid from the fund on behalf of the respondent to the appellant, and thereupon the appellant shall be entitled to payment from the fund in accordance with the direction and the fund shall be discharged from liability to the respondent in respect of those costs to the extent of the amount paid in accordance with the direction;
(b)where the respondent has been ordered to pay the appellant’s costs in the motion for and upon the new trial—the aggregate of the amounts payable from the fund pursuant to subsection (1) (b) and (c) shall not exceed the amount payable from the fund pursuant to subsection (1) (a);
(c)the amount payable from the fund to any 1 respondent in respect of the motion for and upon a new trial shall not in any case exceed $4000 or such other amount as is prescribed from time to time.
(3)Where upon any appeal heard after the commencement of this Act a new trial of a cause or matter is ordered upon any ground whatsoever, and upon the new trial the party who was the appellant in the appeal proceedings is ordered to pay the respondent’s costs of the new trial, the appellant shall be entitled to be paid from the fund, subject to the limitations contained in subsection (2), the amounts referred to in subsection (1) (a) to (c) which shall for the purposes of this subsection be read and construed as if a reference in those paragraphs to the respondent were a reference to the appellant and a reference to the appellant were a reference to the respondent.
(4)This section does not apply where the respondent to the motion for the new trial is the Crown.

s 23 amd 2002 No. 34 s 74 sch 6

24Entitlement on refusal of court to sanction compromise

(1)Where a court having jurisdiction in that behalf refuses to sanction the compromise of an action brought by an infant plaintiff and on the trial of the action the amount of the judgment obtained by the plaintiff is an amount that is not greater than the amount that the defendant had agreed to pay under the compromise and the infant plaintiff or the infant plaintiff’s next friend is ordered to pay the whole or part of the defendant’s costs of the action on any ground including the payment of money into court by the defendant, the infant plaintiff or the infant plaintiff’s next friend, as the case requires, shall be entitled to be paid from the fund—
(a)an amount equal to the costs ordered to be paid by the infant plaintiff to the defendant and actually paid by or on behalf of the infant plaintiff or the infant plaintiff’s next friend; and
(b)an amount equal to the infant plaintiff’s costs of the action incurred after the date on which the court refused to sanction the compromise, as assessed or agreed upon by the board and the infant plaintiff or his or her next friend or the infant plaintiff’s solicitors and not ordered to be paid by any other party; and
(c)where the costs referred to paragraph (b) are assessed at the instance of the infant plaintiff or the infant plaintiff’s next friend—an amount equal to the costs incurred by the infant plaintiff or on the infant plaintiff’s behalf in having those costs assessed.
(2)Notwithstanding subsection (1)—
(a)where the board is satisfied that the infant plaintiff or the infant plaintiff’s next friend unreasonably refuses or neglects or is unable through lack of means to pay the whole of the costs referred to in subsection (1) (a) or any part thereof or that payment of those costs or part would cause the infant plaintiff or the infant plaintiff’s next friend undue hardship—the board may direct in writing that an amount equal to those costs or to the part of those costs not already paid by or on behalf of the infant plaintiff or the infant plaintiff’s next friend be paid from the fund for and on behalf of the infant plaintiff or the infant plaintiff’s next friend to the defendant, and thereupon the defendant shall be entitled to payment from the fund in accordance with the direction and the fund shall be discharged from liability to the infant plaintiff or the infant plaintiff’s next friend in respect of those costs to the extent of the amount paid in accordance with the direction;
(b)the aggregate of the amounts payable from the fund pursuant to subsection (1) (b) and (c) shall not exceed the amount payable from the fund pursuant to subsection (1) (a);
(c)the amount payable from the fund to any 1 infant plaintiff or the infant plaintiff’s next friend shall not in any case exceed $4000 or such other amount as is prescribed from time to time.

s 24 amd 2002 No. 34 s 74 sch 6

25Payment to solicitor

Any amount payable to a person from the fund may, if the board thinks fit, be paid to the person’s solicitor and on payment to the person’s solicitor the fund shall be discharged from liability to that person in respect of that amount.

25AApproval of forms

The chief executive may approve forms for use under this Act.

s 25A ins 2010 No. 42 s 10

26Regulation-making power

(1)The Governor in Council may make regulations under this Act.
(2)A regulation may be made about—
(a)the making of payments out of the fund and the fixing of maximum payments out of the fund in a particular case;
(b)the assessment of costs for the purposes of this Act in circumstances not provided for under the rules of the appropriate court or where a party to an appeal refuses or neglects to tax the party’s costs;
(c)officers by whom bills of costs may be assessed for the purposes of this Act in different courts or in different jurisdictions of a court;
(d)the preparation and service of bills of costs proposed to be assessed for the purposes of this Act;
(e)the fees and allowances payable under this Act and the purposes for which those fees and allowances are payable;
(f)records to be kept by the proper officer, for the purposes of this Act and the keeping of those records.

s 26 amd 1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1; 2002 No. 34 s 74 sch 6

Part 6 Transitional provisions

pt hdg ins 2010 No. 42 s 11


s 27 ins 2010 No. 42 s 11

om 2013 No. 39 s 109 sch 2

28Approved forms

(1)This section applies if, immediately before the commencement of this section, a form was approved for a purpose under section 13 of the regulation as in force before its repeal by the Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2010 .
(2)The form is taken to have been approved under section 25A for the purpose.

s 28 ins 2010 No. 42 s 11


s 29 ins 2011 No. 7 s 19

om 2013 No. 39 s 109 sch 2

30Amendment of regulation—Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013

The amendment of the Appeal Costs Fund Regulation 2010 by the Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013 does not affect the power of the Governor in Council to further amend the regulation or to repeal it.

s 30 ins 2013 No. 35 s 19