Prisoners (Interstate Transfer) Regulation 1993

Queensland Crest
Prisoners (Interstate Transfer) Regulation 1993

1Short title

This regulation may be cited as the Prisoners (Interstate Transfer) Regulation 1993.

2Corresponding courts

For the Act, section 2, definition corresponding court of Queensland
(a)the Supreme Court is a corresponding court to the Supreme Court of a participating State; and
(b)the District Court is a corresponding court to—
(i)for New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia—a District Court; or
(ii)for Victoria—a County Court; and
(c)a Magistrates Court is a corresponding court to—
(i)for New South Wales—a Local Court; or
(ii)for the Northern Territory—a court of summary jurisdiction; or
(iii)for another participating State—a Magistrates Court.

s 2 prev s 2 renum as s 41998 SL No. 4s 3

pres s 2 ins 1998 SL No. 4s 4

3Interstate laws

Each of the following is an interstate law for the Act, section 2, definition interstate law
(a)the Prisoners (Interstate Transfer) Act 1982 (NSW);
(b)the Prisoners (Interstate Transfer) Act 1982 (SA);
(c)the Prisoners (Interstate Transfer) Act 1982 (Tas);
(d)the Prisoners (Interstate Transfer) Act 1983 (Vic);
(e)the Prisoners (Interstate Transfer) Act 1983 (WA);
(f)the Prisoners (Interstate Transfer) Act 1983 (NT);
(g)the Crimes (Sentence Administration) Act 2005 (ACT).

s 3 ins 1998 SL No. 4 s 4

amd 2011 SL No. 9 s 3

4Prescribed officer

For the purposes of section 12(2) of the Act, the chief executive of the department is a prescribed officer.

s 4 (prev s 2) renum 1998 SL No. 4s 3