Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Amendment Regulation 2024

Queensland Crest

1Short title

This regulation may be cited as the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Amendment Regulation 2024.


This regulation commences on 1 November 2024.

3Regulation amended

This regulation amends the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation.

4Amendment of s 3 (Definitions)

Section 3, in alphabetical order—
Euro VI vehicle (complying steer axle)
(a)means a heavy motor vehicle with a single steer axle that—
(i)has an engine complying with the requirements about emission control contained in ADR 80/04 or a later version of ADR 80; and
(ii)has a front underrun protection device that complies with UN ECE Regulation No. 93 or ADR 84; and
(iii)has a cabin that complies with UN ECE Regulation No. 29; and
(iv)has appropriately rated tyres, axle and suspension to permit 7.0t on the steer axle; and
(v)is fitted with tyres with section widths of at least 315mm; and
(vi)has a GVM of 15t or more; but
(b)does not include—
(i)a bus; or
(ii)a heavy motor vehicle forming part of a road train.
Euro VI vehicle mass transfer allowance means the mass transfer allowance stated in section 1 of Schedule 5B.
Euro VI vehicle (single steer axle)
(a)means a heavy motor vehicle with a single steer axle, other than a complying steer axle vehicle, that—
(i)has an engine complying with the requirements about emission control contained in ADR 80/04 or a later version of ADR 80; and
(ii)has appropriately rated tyres, axle and suspension to permit 6.5t on the steer axle; but
(b)does not include—
(i)a bus; or
(ii)a heavy motor vehicle forming part of a road train.
Euro VI vehicle (twinsteer)
(a)means a heavy motor vehicle with a twinsteer axle group that—
(i)has an engine complying with the requirements about emission control contained in ADR 80/04 or a later version of ADR 80; and
(ii)has a load-sharing suspension system for the axle group; and
(iii)has appropriately rated tyres, axles and suspension to permit 11.5t on the axle group; and
(iv)is fitted with tyres with section widths of at least 275mm; but
(b)does not include—
(i)a bus; or
(ii)a heavy motor vehicle forming part of a road train.

5Amendment of s 6 (Prescribed mass requirements)

Section 6(1) and (3), ‘5A’—
omit, insert—


6Amendment of s 7 (Mass exceptions)

(1)Section 7(1)(d), ‘allowance.’—
omit, insert—


(2)Section 7(1), after paragraph (d)—
(e)the Euro VI vehicle mass transfer allowance.
(3)Section 7(1), note, ‘5A’—
omit, insert—


7Amendment of Sch 1, s 2 (Mass limits for a single vehicle or combination)

Schedule 1, section 2(1)(a), after subparagraph (iv)—

(iva)for a Euro VI vehicle (complying steer axle) that is not a B-double—43.5t;
(ivb)for a Euro VI vehicle (single steer axle) that is not a B-double—43t;
(ivc)for a Euro VI vehicle (twinsteer) that is a prime mover with a twinsteer axle group towing a tri-axle semitrailer—47t;

8Amendment of Sch 1, s 5 (Mass limits relating to axle spacing generally)

(1)Schedule 1, section 5(1)(a) and (b)—
omit, insert—
(a)for a complying steer axle vehicle, or Euro VI vehicle (single steer axle), for which the steer axle is used to calculate the axle spacing—the table 2 limit increased by 0.5t; or
(b)for a Euro VI vehicle (twinsteer) for which the twinsteer axle group is used to calculate the axle spacing—the table 2 limit increased by 0.5t; or
(c)for a Euro VI vehicle (complying steer axle) for which the steer axle is used to calculate the axle spacing—the table 2 limit increased by 1.0t; or
(d)otherwise—the table 2 limit.
(2)Schedule 1, section 5(2)(a) and (b)—
omit, insert—
(a)for a complying steer axle vehicle, or Euro VI vehicle (single steer axle), for which the steer axle is used to calculate the axle spacing—the table 3 limit increased by 0.5t; or
(b)for a Euro VI vehicle (twinsteer) for which the twinsteer axle group is used to calculate the axle spacing—the table 3 limit increased by 0.5t; or
(c)for a B-double that is a Euro VI vehicle (complying steer axle) for which the steer axle is used to calculate the axle spacing—the table 3 limit increased by1.0t; or
(d)otherwise—the table 3 limit.
(3)Schedule 1, section 5(3), from ‘mass limit’ to ‘spacing’—
omit, insert—

table 4 limit

(4)Schedule 1, section 5(7), in alphabetical order—
table 2 limit, in relation to an axle spacing, means the mass limit stated in Table 2 of Part 2 in relation to the axle spacing.
table 3 limit, in relation to an axle spacing, means the mass limit stated in Table 3 of Part 2 in relation to the axle spacing.
table 4 limit, in relation to an axle spacing, means the mass limit stated in Table 4 of Part 2 in relation to the axle spacing.

9Amendment of Sch 1, Pt 2 (Axle Tables)

(1)Schedule 1, Part 2, Table 1, Single axles and single axle groups, provision starting ‘Steer axles on—’, after paragraph (bb)—

(bc)  Euro VI vehicle (complying steer axle)


(bd)  Euro VI vehicle (single steer axle)


(2)Schedule 1, Part 2, Table 1, Twinsteer axle groups, after entry for ‘Twinsteer axle group with a load-sharing suspension system’—

Euro VI vehicle (twinsteer)


10Amendment of Sch 2, s 2 (Concessional mass limits)

Schedule 2, section 2, after subsection (7)—


(7A)This section has effect subject to section 3.

11Insertion of new Sch 2, s 3

Schedule 2, after section 2—

3Concessional mass limits increased for particular vehicles

(1)This section applies if—
(a)the heavy vehicle is a vehicle to which the Euro VI vehicle mass transfer allowance applies; and
(b)the mass on the drive axle of the vehicle is increased under section 1 of Schedule 5B.
(2)The concessional mass limits applying to the vehicle’s drive axle under section 2 are increased by an amount, of up to 0.5t, that corresponds to the increase in the mass on the vehicle’s drive axle under section 1 of Schedule 5B.

12Amendment of Sch 5, s 2 (Higher mass limits)

Schedule 5, section 2, after subsection (5)—

(6)This section has effect subject to section 3.

13Insertion of new Sch 5, s 3

Schedule 5, after section 2—

3Higher mass limits increased for particular vehicles

(1)This section applies if—
(a)the heavy vehicle is a vehicle to which the Euro VI vehicle mass transfer allowance applies; and
(b)the mass on the drive axle of the vehicle is increased under section 1 of Schedule 5B.
(2)The higher mass limits applying to the vehicle’s drive axle under section 2 are increased by an amount, of up to 0.5t, that corresponds to the increase in the mass on the vehicle’s drive axle under section 1 of Schedule 5B.

14Insertion of new Sch 5B

After Schedule 5A—

Schedule 5B Euro VI vehicle mass transfer allowance

section 6(3)

1Euro VI vehicle mass transfer allowance

(1)The Euro VI vehicle mass transfer allowance applies to a heavy motor vehicle if the vehicle is one of the following (each an eligible vehicle)—
(a)a Euro VI vehicle (complying steer axle);
(b)a Euro VI vehicle (single steer axle);
(c)a Euro VI vehicle (twinsteer).
(2)The Euro VI vehicle mass transfer allowance applies as an exception to the general mass limits for an eligible vehicle as stated in subsections (4) and (5).
(3)The Euro VI vehicle mass transfer allowance applies to an eligible vehicle in addition to any concessional mass limits or higher mass limits that apply to the vehicle.


See also section 3 of Schedule 2 and section 3 of Schedule 5.
(4)The mass on the drive axle of an eligible vehicle may be increased by up to 0.5t if there is a corresponding decrease in the mass on—
(a)for a Euro VI vehicle (complying steer axle) or Euro VI vehicle (single steer axle)—the vehicle’s steer axle; or
(b)for a Euro VI vehicle (twinsteer)—the vehicle’s twinsteer axle group.
(5)However, the Euro VI vehicle mass transfer allowance does not apply to an eligible vehicle if the transfer of mass between the vehicle’s steer axle, or twinsteer axle group, and drive axle under subsection (4) results in—
(a)the sum of the steer axle, or twinsteer axle group, and drive axle being more than—
(i)if the concessional mass limits apply to the vehicle’s axles—the sum of the concessional mass limits for the axles; or
(ii)if the higher mass limits apply to the vehicle’s axles—the sum of the higher mass limits for the axles; or
(iii)otherwise—the sum of the general mass limits for the axles; or
(b)an increase in the mass on the drive axle that is more than 0.5t; or
(c)a decrease in the mass on the steer axle, or twinsteer axle group, that does not correspond to the increase in mass on the drive axle; or
(d)the mass of the vehicle being more than—
(i)if the concessional mass limits apply to the vehicle—the mass limit that applies to the vehicle under section 2 of Schedule 2; or
(ii)if the higher mass limits apply to the vehicle—the mass limit that applies to the vehicle under section 2 of Schedule 5; or
(iii)otherwise—the general mass limits that apply to the vehicle under section 2 of Schedule 1.
(6)This section has effect subject to section 2.

2Axle spacing

(1)This section applies if—
(a)the mass of the drive axle within a particular axle spacing on the eligible vehicle is permitted by the Euro VI vehicle mass transfer allowance to be increased by up to 0.5t; and
(b)the increase would otherwise result in a breach of the mass limits for the axle groups and any single axles within the axle spacing.
(2)Subject to subsection (3), the mass for any single axles and axle groups within the axle spacing is permitted to be increased but must not be more than the mass otherwise permitted for the axle spacing increased by the same amount.
(3)However, the increased mass must be offset by adjusting the masses on the steer axle or twinsteer axle group, whether within the same axle spacing or different axle spacings.


Requirements about the mass of a heavy vehicle relating to an axle spacing of a heavy vehicle are referred to in section 5 of Schedule 1.