Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2024

Queensland Crest

Part 1 Preliminary

1Short title

This regulation may be cited as the Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2024.


This regulation commences on 1 September 2024.

3Regulation amended

This part amends the Environmental Offsets Regulation 2014.

4Amendment of s 6 (Environmental offsets policy—Act, s 12)

Section 6, ‘(version 1.15)’—
omit, insert—

(version 1.16)

5Insertion of new pt 4

After part 3

Part 4 Declaration of environmental offset protection area

10Prescribed land—Act, s 30

For section 30(8) of the Act, definition person with an interest in land, paragraph (c), a forest consent area under the Forestry Act 1959 is prescribed.

6Amendment of sch 3 (Dictionary)

Schedule 3, definition person with an interest in the land, paragraph (c), after ‘if the land is a’—

forest consent area,

Part 3 Amendment of Fisheries Declaration 2019

7Declaration amended

This part amends the Fisheries Declaration 2019.


See also the amendment in schedule 1.

8Amendment of sch 2 (Regulated fish declarations)

Schedule 2, part 2, entry beginning with banded rainbowfish, column 1, ‘Cairns rainbowfish,’—

9Regulation amended

This part amends the Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019.


See also the amendments in schedule 1.

10Insertion of new s 4A

After section 4

4AAnimals prescribed not to be fish—Act, s 5

(1)For section 5(3)(b) of the Act, a relevant protected animal is prescribed not to be a fish.
(2)In this section—
relevant protected animal means an animal that is protected wildlife under the Nature Conservation Act 1992, other than each of the following animals—
(a)Australian lungfish;
(b)Mary River cod;
(d)scalloped hammerhead;
(e)silver perch.

11Amendment of ch 6, pt 4, div 1, hdg (Fees for resource allocation authority and fish movement exemption notice)

Chapter 6, part 4, division 1, heading, from ‘authority’—
omit, insert—


12Amendment of s 137 (Assessment fees)

(1)Section 137(1)—
omit, insert—
(1)Schedule 5 states the fees payable for a resource allocation authority.
(2)Section 137(2), from ‘parts 1 and 2’ to ‘fish movement exemption notice’—
omit, insert—

an application for a resource allocation authority

13Amendment of s 143 (Chief executive may waive or refund a fee)

Section 143(1), ‘, part 1’—

14Amendment of sch 5 (Fees for resource allocation authorities and fish movement exemption notices)

(1)Schedule 5, heading, from ‘and fish’—
(2)Schedule 5, part 1, heading—
(3)Schedule 5, part 2—

15Amendment of sch 7 (References relating to particular fish)

(1)Schedule 7, part 4, entry for Cairns rainbowfish—
(2)Schedule 7, part 4, entry for Mary River cod, column 2, ‘peelii’—
(3)Schedule 7, part 6—


Centroberyx affinis

scalloped hammerhead

Sphyrna lewini

16Regulation amended

This part amends the Nature Conservation (Animals) Regulation 2020.


See also the amendments in schedule 1.

17Amendment of s 30 (Emergency service officers dealing with dead protected animals)

Section 30(2), definition emergency service, paragraph (d)—
omit, insert—
(d)the Queensland Ambulance Service;

18Replacement of s 66 (Keeping and using particular fish for non-commercial purposes)

Section 66
omit, insert—

66Dealing with particular fish for non-commercial purposes

(1)This section applies in relation to a fish of a relevant species that has, at all times, been lawfully obtained and kept, other than under an animal authority.
(2)A person may carry out any of the following activities in relation to the fish for a purpose other than a commercial purpose—
(a)keep the fish;
(b)buy, accept or receive the fish;
(c)sell or give away the fish;
(d)if the fish is sold or given away—move the fish from the place where the fish was kept before the fish was sold or given away to the place where the person who bought, accepted or received the fish intends to keep it.
(3)In this section—
relevant species means each of the following species of fish—
(a)Daintree rainbowfish (Cairnsichthys bitaeniatus);
(b)Elizabeth Springs goby (Chlamydogobius micropterus);
(c)Flinders Ranges mogurnda (Mogurnda clivicola);
(d)Oxleyan pygmy perch (Nannoperca oxleyana).

66ADealing with particular fish regulated under Fisheries Act 1994

(1)A person may carry out any of the following activities in relation to a fish of a regulated species to the extent the person is authorised under the Fisheries Act 1994 to carry out the activity—
(a)take the fish;
(b)keep the fish;
(c)use the fish;
(d)release the fish into the wild.
(2)In this section—
regulated species means each of the following species of fish—
(a)Australian lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri);
(b)Mary River cod (Maccullochella mariensis);
(c)redfish (Centroberyx affinis);
(d)scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini);
(e)silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus).

19Amendment of s 283 (Meaning of prescribed distance for prohibited vessel or aircraft)

Section 283(5)(a) and (c), ‘remotely piloted aircraft’—
omit, insert—


20Amendment of s 333 (Feeding native animals in the wild)

Section 333(3), penalty—
omit, insert—

Maximum penalty—

(a)if the animal is a dingo and the offence is committed on K’gari—165 penalty units; or
(b)if the animal is an estuarine crocodile—165 penalty units; or
(c)otherwise—40 penalty units.

21Insertion of new s 333A

After section 333

333A Keeping food away from dingoes on K’gari

(1)A person on K’gari must, unless the person has a reasonable excuse, ensure food in the person’s possession or under the person’s control is kept in a way that prevents a dingo from gaining access to the food.

Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.

(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a person if the person is—
(a)consuming or preparing food for human consumption; or
(b)disposing of food lawfully; or
(c)giving food to an animal lawfully brought on K’gari.


See, however, section 10 in relation to the application of this regulation to animals in a protected area.

22Amendment of s 334 (Disturbing particular native animals in the wild)

Section 334(1), penalty—
omit, insert—

Maximum penalty—

(a)if the animal is a dingo and the offence is committed on K’gari—165 penalty units; or
(b)if the animal is an estuarine crocodile—165 penalty units; or
(c)otherwise—40 penalty units.

23Amendment of sch 1, s 7 (Birds)

Schedule 1, section 7, entry for Psephotus pulcherrimus, ‘Psephotus’—
omit, insert—


24Amendment of sch 1, s 13 (Birds)

(1)Schedule 1, section 13, entry for Calidris tenuirostris
(2)Schedule 1, section 13

Numenius madagascariensis

eastern curlew

Pezoporus occidentalis

night parrot

25Amendment of sch 1, s 13A (Fish)

Schedule 1, section 13A

Cairnsichthys bitaeniatus

Daintree rainbowfish

Centroberyx affinis


Chlamydogobius squamigenus

Edgbaston goby

26Amendment of sch 1, s 14 (Invertebrates)

Schedule 1, section 14

Euastacus yigara

Cardwell hairy crayfish

27Amendment of sch 1, s 14A (Mammals)

Schedule 1, section 14A, entry for Hemibelideus lemuroides

28Amendment of sch 1, s 15 (Reptiles)

Schedule 1, section 15

Elusor macrurus

Mary River turtle

29Amendment of sch 1, s 20 (Birds)

(1)Schedule 1, section 20, entries for Calidris canutus, Lophochroa leadbeateri leadbeateri, Numenius madagascariensis and Pezoporus occidentalis
(2)Schedule 1, section 20

Cacatua leadbeateri leadbeateri

Major Mitchell’s cockatoo (eastern)

Limosa lapponica baueri

Western Alaskan bar-tailed godwit

Limosa limosa

black-tailed godwit

Tringa nebularia

common greenshank

(3)Schedule 1, section 20, entry for Psephotus chrysopterygius, ‘Psephotus’—
omit, insert—


30Amendment of sch 1, s 21 (Fish)

(1)Schedule 1, section 21, entry for Chlamydogobius squamigenus
(2)Schedule 1, section 21

Bidyanus bidyanus

silver perch

Cairnsichthys rhombosomoides

Cairns rainbowfish

Maccullochella mariensis

Mary River cod

Mogurnda clivicola

Flinders Ranges mogurnda

Sphyrna lewini

scalloped hammerhead

Stiphodon surrufus

emerald cling goby

31Amendment of sch 1, s 22 (Invertebrates)

Schedule 1, section 22

Adclarkia cameroni

brigalow woodland snail

Euastacus balanensis

Balan spiny crayfish

Euastacus fleckeri

Flecker’s crayfish

Euastacus urospinosus

Maleny crayfish

32Amendment of sch 1, s 23 (Mammals)

(1)Schedule 1, section 23, entries for Petauroides volans (southern and central populations), Petaurus australis unnamed subsp., Rhinolophus philippinensis and Sminthopsis douglasi
(2)Schedule 1, section 23

Hemibelideus lemuroides

lemuroid ringtail possum

Petauroides volans volans

southern greater glider

Petaurus australis brevirostrum

northern yellow-bellied glider

Petrogale coenensis

Cape York rock-wallaby

33Amendment of sch 1, s 24 (Reptiles)

(1)Schedule 1, section 24, entry for Elusor macrurus
(2)Schedule 1, section 24

Ctenotus rawlinsoni

Cape heath ctenotus

Saltuarius wyberba

granite leaf-tailed gecko

34Amendment of sch 1, s 29 (Birds)

(1)Schedule 1, section 29, entries for Eclectus roratus macgillivrayi and Limosa lapponica baueri
(2)Schedule 1, section 29

Arenaria interpres

ruddy turnstone

Calidris acuminata

sharp-tailed sandpiper

Calidris canutus

red knot

Calidris tenuirostris

great knot

Eclectus polychloros macgillivrayi

eclectus parrot (Cape York Peninsula)

Gallinago hardwickii

Latham’s snipe

Limnodromus semipalmatus

Asian dowitcher

Pluvialis squatarola

grey plover

Xenus cinereus

terek sandpiper

35Amendment of sch 1, s 30 (Fish)

(1)Schedule 1, section 30, entry for Stiphodon surrufus
(2)Schedule 1, section 30

Neoceratodus forsteri

Australian lungfish

36Amendment of sch 1, s 31 (Invertebrates)

(1)Schedule 1, section 31, entry for Adclarkia cameroni
(2)Schedule 1, section 31

Euoplos grandis

Darling Downs giant trapdoor spider

37Amendment of sch 1, s 32 (Mammals)

(1)Schedule 1, section 32, entry for Petrogale coenensis
(2)Schedule 1, section 32

Rhinolophus robertsi

greater large-eared horseshoe bat

Sminthopsis douglasi

Julia Creek dunnart

(3)Schedule 1, section 32, entry for Petauroides minor, after ‘Petauroides’—


38Amendment of sch 1, s 33 (Reptiles)

(1)Schedule 1, section 33, entries for Ctenotus rawlinsoni, Elseya oneiros, Emoia atrocostata australis and Lygisaurus tanneri
(2)Schedule 1, section 33

Elseya lavarackorum

Gulf snapping turtle

39Amendment of sch 1, s 41 (Reptiles)

Schedule 1, section 41

Lygisaurus tanneri

Endeavour River litter-skink

40Amendment of sch 3, s 1A (Fish)

Schedule 3, section 1A

Cairnsichthys rhombosomoides

Cairns rainbowfish

41Amendment of sch 3, s 6 (Amphibians)

Schedule 3, section 6, ‘Animal’—
omit, insert—


42Amendment of sch 4 (Marine mammals)

Schedule 4, part 2, item 1, column 3, paragraphs (b) and (c), ‘remotely piloted aircraft’—
omit, insert—


43Insertion of new sch 5, pt 7

Schedule 5

Part 7 Processed products registered by State museums

1A product made or derived from a dead protected animal if—
(a)the animal was lawfully taken, kept and used by a State museum; and
(b)the product was catalogued and registered by a State museum under the museum’s registration process.

44Amendment of sch 7 (Dictionary)

(1)Schedule 7, definition remotely piloted aircraft
(2)Schedule 7
drone means a device capable of flight—
(a)that is able to be remotely piloted or programmed to autonomously fly a particular route; but
(b)that is not capable of transporting a person.

45Plan amended

This part amends the Nature Conservation (Estuarine Crocodile) Conservation Plan 2018.

46Insertion of new pt 4A

After part 4

Part 4A Offences to prevent interactions with crocodiles

51AProximity to estuarine crocodiles in the wild

(1)This section applies in relation to an estuarine crocodile in the wild.
(2)A person must not, without a reasonable excuse, operate a boat or drive a vehicle within 10m of an estuarine crocodile.

Example of a reasonable excuse—

a person operating a boat is passing an estuarine crocodile in a river and the distance between the crocodile and each bank of the river is less than 10m

Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.

(3)A person on land must not, without a reasonable excuse, remain within 10m of an estuarine crocodile that is on or partly on land.

Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.

(4)Subsections (2) and (3) do not apply to—
(a)a person operating a boat or vehicle within 10m of an estuarine crocodile while conducting a crocodile viewing commercial activity in a way that complies with the commercial crocodile viewing code; or
(b)a person operating a boat or driving a vehicle to take estuarine crocodile eggs, or inspect an estuarine crocodile nest for taking estuarine crocodile eggs, under a harvesting licence for estuarine crocodile eggs.
(5)In this section—
commercial crocodile viewing code means the document called ‘Code of practice—commercial crocodile viewing’, approved by the chief executive under section 174A of the Act.
crocodile viewing commercial activity means an activity—
(a)that involves carrying people in a boat or vehicle to watch estuarine crocodiles in the wild; and
(b)that is conducted for a commercial purpose.

51BPower to direct person to move away from estuarine crocodile

(1)This section prescribes, for section 154(1)(e) of the Act, a power a conservation officer may exercise in relation to an estuarine crocodile.
(2)The conservation officer may give a person a direction to move away from the estuarine crocodile if the officer considers that the direction is necessary to protect or otherwise deal with the crocodile.
(3)The conservation officer must tell the person the reason for giving the direction.
(4)A person given a direction under subsection (2) must comply with the direction unless the person has a reasonable excuse for not complying with it.

Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.

51CDiscarding animals that may attract or feed estuarine crocodiles

(1)A person must not, without a reasonable excuse, discard an animal, or part of an animal, at a relevant public place in a way that may attract or provide food for an estuarine crocodile.

Example of a way of discarding part of an animal that may attract or provide food for an estuarine crocodile—

dropping fish carcasses into a river from a boat ramp that has a sign warning of the presence of estuarine crocodiles

Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.

(2)In this section—
relevant public place means a public place that—
(a)is a boat ramp, jetty, pontoon, or camping area or park adjacent to water; and
(b)has a sign at the place warning of the presence of estuarine crocodiles at or in the vicinity of the place.

47Omission of s 53 (Proximity to estuarine crocodiles)

Section 53

48Amendment of s 54 (Interfering with crocodile traps)

Section 54(1), penalty, ‘120 penalty units’—
omit, insert—

165 penalty units

49Amendment of sch 1 (Dictionary)

Schedule 1, definition Australian Crocodile Code
omit, insert—

Australian Crocodile Code means the document called ‘Code of practice on the humane treatment of wild and farmed Australian crocodiles’, published by the Commonwealth Government and approved by the chief executive under section 174A of the Act.

50Regulation amended

This part amends the Nature Conservation (Plants) Regulation 2020.


See also the amendments in schedule 1.

51Amendment of sch 1, s 5 (Plants)

Schedule 1, section 5, entries for Corchorus thozetii, Embelia flueckigeri, Goodenia arenicola and Ptilotus senarius

52Amendment of sch 1, s 9 (Plants)

(1)Schedule 1, section 9, entries for Amblovenatum tildeniae and Amomum queenslandicum
(2)Schedule 1, section 9

Allocasuarina rigida subsp. exsul

Asplenium normale

Austromuellera valida

Backhousia hughesii

Bergera crenulata

Bulbophyllum windsorense

Bulbophyllum wolfei

Cassia sp. (Como P.Grimshaw+ G507)

Ceratopetalum corymbosum

Cinnamomum propinquum

Corchorus thozetii

Crudia papuana

Diospyros areolifolia

Elaeocarpus carbinensis

Embelia flueckigeri

Flindersia oppositifolia

Gastrodia crebriflora

Goodenia arenicola

Gossia lewisensis

Gossia punctata

Kunzea sericothrix

Lenwebbia lasioclada

Lenwebbia sp. (Blackall Range P.R.Sharpe 5387)

Lychnothamnus barbatus

Musa jackeyi

Olearia hygrophila

Parapolystichum grayi

Ptilotus extenuatus

Ptilotus senarius

Rhodamnia glabrescens

Rhodamnia pauciovulata

Rhodamnia spongiosa

Ristantia pachysperma

Ristantia waterhousei

Scleromitrion gibsonii

Styphelia malayana subsp. novoguineensis

Wetria australiensis

Xylosma craynii

53Amendment of sch 1, s 13 (Plants)

(1)Schedule 1, section 13
omit the following entries—
Acacia saxicola
Bulbophyllum maxillare
Crepidium lawleri
Kunzea sericothrix
Lenwebbia sp. (Blackall Range P.R.Sharpe 5387)
Micromyrtus patula
Murraya crenulata
Musa jackeyi
Olearia hygrophila
Pluchea alata
Pneumatopteris pennigera
Ptilotus extenuatus
Scleromitrion gibsonii
Styphelia sp. (Coolmunda D.Halford Q1635)
(2)Schedule 1, section 13

Acacia pubifolia

Allocasuarina filidens

Amomum queenslandicum

Berrya rotundifolia

Bursaria reevesii

Citrus inodora

Croton magneticus

Dienia lawleri

Dissiliaria tuckeri

Dracophyllum sayeri

Elaeocarpus thelmae

Globba marantina

Helicia grayi

Helicia lewisensis

Hymenophyllum digitatum

Ipomoea saintronanensis

Kayea larnachiana

Lepisanthes senegalensis

Litsea granitica

Livistona drudei

Pakau pennigera

Philotheca sporadica

Sarcolobus vittatus

Solanum stenopterum

54Amendment of sch 1, s 17 (Plants)

(1)Schedule 1, section 17
omit the following entries—
Acacia pubifolia
Allocasuarina filidens
Allocasuarina rigida subsp. exsul
Asplenium normale
Austromuellera valida
Berrya rotundifolia
Bulbophyllum windsorense
Bulbophyllum wolfei
Bursaria reevesii
Ceratopetalum corymbosum
Cinnamomum propinquum
Citrus inodora
Corymbia leptoloma
Corymbia petalophylla
Crepidium fimbriatum
Crepidium flavovirens
Croton magneticus
Crudia papuana
Dendrobium malbrownii
Diospyros areolifolia
Dissiliaria tuckeri
Dracophyllum sayeri
Ehretia microphylla
Eidothea zoexylocarya
Elaeocarpus thelmae
Flindersia oppositifolia
Gastrodia crebriflora
Globba marantina
Grastidium tozerense
Helicia grayi
Helicia lewisensis
Hymenophyllum digitatum
Ipomoea saintronanensis
Jedda multicaulis
Kayea larnachiana
Lepisanthes senegalensis
Litsea granitica
Livistona drudei
Lychnothamnus barbatus
Panicum chillagoanum
Parapolystichum grayi
Psydrax reticulata
Ristantia waterhousei
Sarcolobus vittatus
Solanum stenopterum
Styphelia malayana subsp. novoguineensis
Tetramolopium sp. (Mt Bowen D.G.Fell+ DGF1224)
Wetria australiensis
Wodyetia bifurcata
Xylosma craynii
(2)Schedule 1, section 17

Acacia anadenia

Acacia saxicola

Blakella leptoloma

Blakella petalophylla

Dienia fimbriata

Dienia flavovirens

Euodia hylandii

Micromyrtus patula

Tetramolopium ornans

55Amendment of sch 1, s 21 (Plants)

(1)Schedule 1, section 21
omit the following entries—
Corymbia scabrida
Euodia hylandii
Helicia recurva
Philotheca sporadica
Pneumatopteris costata
Rhodamnia glabrescens
(2)Schedule 1, section 21

Acacia grandifolia

Blakella scabrida

Bulbophyllum maxillare

Dendrobium malbrownii

Ehretia microphylla

Eidothea zoexylocarya

Grastidium tozerense

Helicia lewisensis

Jedda multicaulis

Pluchea alata

Reholttumia costata

Wodyetia bifurcata

56Regulation amended

This part amends the Nature Conservation (Protected Areas Management) Regulation 2017.

57Amendment of s 128 (Unauthorised feeding of animals)

(1)Section 128(1), penalty—
omit, insert—

Maximum penalty—

(a)if the animal is a dingo and the offence is committed on K’gari—165 penalty units; or
(b)if the animal is an estuarine crocodile—165 penalty units; or
(c)otherwise—40 penalty units.

(2)Section 128(2), penalty—
omit, insert—

Maximum penalty—

(a)if the animal is a dingo and the offence is committed on K’gari—165 penalty units; or
(b)if the animal is an estuarine crocodile—165 penalty units; or
(c)otherwise—40 penalty units.

(3)Section 128
(4A)Also, for sections 9 and 9A, subsection (1) applies in relation to a nature refuge or private land in a coordinated conservation area.
(4)Section 128(4A) and (5)—
renumber as section 128(5) and (6).

58Amendment of s 130 (Unauthorised disturbance of animals)

(1)Section 130(1), penalty—
omit, insert—

Maximum penalty—

(a)if the animal is a dingo and the offence is committed on K’gari—165 penalty units; or
(b)if the animal is an estuarine crocodile—165 penalty units; or
(c)otherwise—40 penalty units.

(2)Section 130
(2A)For sections 9 and 9A, subsection (1)(a) applies in relation to a special wildlife reserve, nature refuge or private land in a coordinated conservation area.
(3)Section 130(2A) and (3)—
renumber as section 130(3) and (4).

59Amendment of s 148 (Conduct in parts of protected area where estuarine crocodiles are or may be present)

Section 148(5)—

60Amendment of sch 8 (Dictionary)

Schedule 8
dingo means an animal of the species Canis familiaris (dingo).
estuarine crocodile means an animal of the species Crocodylus porosus.

61Regulation amended

This part amends the State Penalties Enforcement Regulation 2014.

62Amendment of sch 1 (Infringement notice offences and fines for nominated laws)

(1)Schedule 1

Environmental Offsets Act 2014

Column 1

Infringement notice offence

Column 2

Infringement notice fine (penalty units)




s 37

in the circumstances in paragraph (a) of the penalty



s 37

in the circumstances in paragraph (b) of the penalty



s 51




Authorised person for service of infringement notices—an enforcement officer appointed under the Environmental Offsets Act 2014, section 45

(2)Schedule 1, entry for Nature Conservation (Animals) Regulation 2020, second entry for section 333(3)—
omit, insert—

s 333(3)

in the circumstances in paragraph (b) of the penalty



s 333(3)

in the circumstances in paragraph (c) of the penalty



s 333A(1)



(3)Schedule 1, entry for Nature Conservation (Animals) Regulation 2020, second entry for section 334(1)—
omit, insert—

s 334(1)

in the circumstances in paragraph (b) of the penalty



s 334(1)

in the circumstances in paragraph (c) of the penalty



(4)Schedule 1, entry for Nature Conservation (Estuarine Crocodile) Conservation Plan 2018, entries for sections 53(1) and 54(1)—
(5)Schedule 1, entry for Nature Conservation (Estuarine Crocodile) Conservation Plan 2018

s 51A(2)


s 51A(3)


s 51B(4)


s 51C(1)


s 54(1)


(6)Schedule 1, entry for Nature Conservation (Protected Areas Management) Regulation 2017, second entry for section 128(1)—
omit, insert—

s 128(1)

in the circumstances in paragraph (b) of the penalty


s 128(1)

in the circumstances in paragraph (c) of the penalty


(7)Schedule 1, entry for Nature Conservation (Protected Areas Management) Regulation 2017, second entry for section 128(2)—
omit, insert—

s 128(2)

in the circumstances in paragraph  (b) of the penalty


s 128(2)

in the circumstances in paragraph (c) of the penalty


(8)Schedule 1, entry for Nature Conservation (Protected Areas Management) Regulation 2017, second entry for section 130(1)—
omit, insert—

s 130(1)

in the circumstances in paragraph (b) of the penalty


s 130(1)

in the circumstances in paragraph (c) of the penalty


Part 10 Other amendments

63Legislation amended

Schedule 1 amends the legislation it mentions.

Schedule 1 Other amendments

section 63

1Section 137(2), ‘Aboriginal person or Torres Strait Islander’—

omit, insert—

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person

1Amendment of various provisions

Each provision mentioned in column 1 is amended by omitting the words in column 2 and inserting the words in column 3—

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3


Words omitted

Words inserted

section 6(2)(b)


Aboriginal person

section 6(2)(c)

Torres Strait Islander

Torres Strait Islander person

section 6(2)(c)

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

chapter 1, part 4, heading

Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders

Aboriginal people or Torres Strait Islander people

1Amendment of various provisions

Each provision mentioned in column 1 is amended by omitting the words in column 2 and inserting the words in column 3—

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3


Words omitted

Words inserted

chapter 3, part 3, heading

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 32, heading

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 32(1)(a)

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 33(1)(a)

traditional owner

Traditional Owner

section 33(2)

Aboriginal people or Torres Strait Islanders

Aboriginal peoples or Torres Strait Islander peoples

section 33(3), definition traditional owner

traditional owner

Traditional Owner

section 33(3), definition traditional owner

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent

Aboriginal descent or Torres Strait Islander descent

section 33(3), definition traditional owner

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community

Aboriginal community or Torres Strait Islander community

section 285, definition relevant purpose, paragraph (c)

Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders

Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples

section 287(1)(a)(vi)

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 294(1)(a)(iii)

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

schedule 7, definition parent, paragraph (c)

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

1Amendment of various provisions

Each provision mentioned in column 1 is amended by omitting the words in column 2 and inserting the words in column 3—

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3


Words omitted

Words inserted

section 5(a)

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 91(1)

Aboriginal people

Aboriginal peoples

chapter 4, part 7, heading

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 93

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 94(1)

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 94(1)

Torres Strait Islanders

Torres Strait Islander peoples

section 94(2)

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 94(3)

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 95

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 95(a)

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 104(1)(m)

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 111(1)(k)

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 111(3)

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 115(2)(b)(iii)

Island custom

Ailan Kastom

section 180(1)(e)

traditional owner

Traditional Owner

section 180(3), definition traditional owner activity

traditional owner activity

Traditional Owner activity

section 180(3), definition traditional owner activity, paragraph (b)

Torres Strait Islander

Torres Strait Islander person

section 180(3), definition traditional owner activity, paragraph (b)

Island custom

Ailan Kastom