Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Amendment Regulation 2024

Queensland Crest

1Short title

This regulation may be cited as the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Amendment Regulation 2024.

2Regulation amended

This regulation amends the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Regulation 2018.

3Amendment of s 268A (Appointment)

Section 268A(a) and (b)—
omit, insert—
(a)an employee of an operator who is the holder of a service contract;
(b)a contractor for an operator who is the holder of a service contract or an employee of the contractor.

4Amendment of s 268B (Powers)

Section 268B(4)—
omit, insert—
(4)The powers of an authorised person for a service contract may be exercised only in relation to—
(a)a public passenger service that is required to be provided under a service contract; or
(b)public transport infrastructure used to provide a public passenger service that is required to be provided under a service contract.
(5)However, an authorised person for a service contract may exercise the person’s powers in relation to a service contract only if and to the extent—
(a)the authorised person is an employee of the operator who is the holder of the service contract; or
(b)the authorised person is a contractor of the operator who is the holder of the service contract or an employee of the contractor; or
(c)the following entities have agreed that the authorised person may exercise powers in relation to the service contract—
(i)the operator who is the holder of the service contract;
(ii)the operator who is the authorised person’s employer or who engages the person or the person’s employer as a contractor;
(iii)the chief executive.

5Amendment of s 284 (Continued use of substitute vehicles during peak patronage periods)

Section 284(1), ‘30 September 2024’—
omit, insert—

30 September 2026