This regulation may be cited as the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Legislation Amendment Regulation 2024.
This regulation commences on 4 April 2024.
Part 2 Amendment of Petroleum and Gas (General Provisions) Regulation 2017
This part amends the Petroleum and Gas (General Provisions) Regulation 2017.
4Replacement of s 6 (Substances that are fuel gas)
Section 6—
omit, insert—(1)For the 2004 Act, section 11(2)(d), the following substances are prescribed—(a)biogas;(b)biomethane;(c)synthetic methane;(d)a substance that is a mixture of LPG and air, known as ‘synthetic natural gas’.(2)In this section—synthetic methane means a substance—(a)that is in a gaseous state at standard temperature and pressure; and(b)the principal constituent of which is methane; and(c)that is produced by the methanation of carbon dioxide; and(d)that is suitable for consumption.6ASubstances that are regulated hydrogen
For the 2004 Act, section 11A(c), the following substances are prescribed—(a)ammonia;(b)dimethyl-ether;(c)methanol;(d)methyl-cyclohexane (MCH);(e)toluene.
5Amendment of s 59 (Other requirements for accuracy of meter—100TJ to 1PJ)
Section 59(5)—
6Amendment of sch 5 (Dictionary)
(1)Schedule 5, definitions biogas and biomethane—
omit.(2)Schedule 5—
insert—biogas means a gas derived or recovered from organic matter other than fossilised organic matter.biomethane means a substance—(a)that is in a gaseous state at standard temperature and pressure; and(b)the principal constituent of which is methane; and(c)that is produced by refining biogas; and(d)that is suitable for consumption.standard temperature and pressure see the 2004 Act, section 11(4).
Part 3 Amendment of Petroleum and Gas (Safety) Regulation 2018
This part amends the Petroleum and Gas (Safety) Regulation 2018.
8Amendment of sch 7 (Dictionary)
(1)Schedule 7, definitions biogas and biomethane—
omit.(2)Schedule 7—
insert—biogas means a gas derived or recovered from organic matter other than fossilised organic matter.biomethane means a substance—(a)that is in a gaseous state at standard temperature and pressure; and(b)the principal constituent of which is methane; and(c)that is produced by refining biogas; and(d)that is suitable for consumption.standard temperature and pressure see the 2004 Act, section 11(4).