This rule may be cited as the Criminal Practice Amendment Rule (No. 2) 2023.
This rule amends the Criminal Practice Rules 1999.
3Amendment of sch 2 (Forms for indictments and informations—formal parts)
Schedule 2, forms 1 to 3, ‘The Queen’—
omit, insert—The King
4Amendment of sch 3 (Forms for indictments, informations and complaints—statement of offences under the Code)
(1)Schedule 3, form 240, heading, ‘with damage)’—
omit, insert—with particular publication of material, in the night, with actual violence, while armed (or pretending to be armed), in company, with property damage)
(2)Schedule 3, form 240, items 1 and 2, third and fourth paragraphs—
omit, insert—And AB published material on a social media platform (or online social network) to advertise AB’s involvement in the offence (or to advertise the act or omission constituting the offence).And AB committed the offence in the night.And AB used (or threatened to use) actual violence.And AB was (or pretended to be) armed with a dangerous (or offensive) weapon (or instrument) (or noxious substance), namely, [describe it].And AB was in company with another person (or other persons).And AB damaged (or threatened or attempted to damage) property, namely, [describe it].