This regulation may be cited as the Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2022.
Part 2 Amendment of Environmental Offsets Regulation 2014
This part amends the Environmental Offsets Regulation 2014.
3Amendment of s 6 (Environmental offsets policy—Act, s 12)
Section 6, ‘version 1.12’—
omit, insert—version 1.13
This part amends the Nature Conservation (Animals) Regulation 2020.
5Amendment of s 83 (Selling, giving away and moving dependent animals)
(1)Section 83(2)(b)(iii), ‘mother’—
omit, insert—egg
(2)Section 83(2)(b)—
insert—(iv)the movement is to another person, who holds an animal authority for the animal’s mother, for keeping the animal with its mother.(3)Section 83(3), definition dependent animal—
omit, insert—dependent animal means any of the following animals—(a)a bird egg or a bird that is too young to fly;(b)a mammal that has not been weaned;(c)an animal that can not feed itself or has visible signs of illness or injury.
6Amendment of s 224 (Restriction on grant)
(1)Section 224(a), ‘the creation and sale of works of art’—
omit, insert—a commercial art purpose
(2)Section 224—
insert—(2)In this section—commercial art purpose—(a)means creating a work of art for the purpose of selling it; but(b)does not include creating a work of art by processing an animal, or part of an animal, to show the animal’s original physical form or structure.creating an articulated skeleton or a taxidermy mount
7Amendment of s 239 (Suitability based on other matters)
(1)Section 239(2)(b) and (c)(i), ‘a relevant authority’—
omit, insert—an animal authority
(2)Section 239(3)—
8Amendment of s 240 (Accumulation of demerit points)
(1)Section 240(1)—
omit, insert—(1)This section applies to a person who is given an infringement notice under the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999 for an offence against the Act if the person—(a)is convicted of the offence; or(b)pays the fine stated in the infringement notice for the offence; or(c)applies under the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999, section 23 to pay the fine stated in the infringement notice for the offence by instalments; or(d)fails to pay the fine stated in the infringement notice for the offence, resulting in a default certificate being given to SPER for the infringement notice.(2)Section 240(2), ‘The person’—
omit, insert—For section 239(2)(a) and (b), the person
(3)Section 240(3)—
omit, insert—(3)The person accumulates the demerit points for the offence on the day that subsection (1) applies to the person.(4)However, if the day mentioned in subsection (3) is within the period in which a court proceeding for the offence has started but not ended, subsection (3) does not apply to the person until the day the period ends.(5)Subsections (3) and (4) apply subject to the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999, section 31.(6)In this section—default certificate see the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999, section 33(1).SPER means the State Penalties Enforcement Registry established under the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999, section 7.
9Amendment of s 336 (Releasing animals)
Section 336(2)(b) and (c)—
omit, insert—(b)for an animal other than a dingo—the chief executive gives the person a written approval authorising the release of the animal and the person releases the animal in accordance with the approval; or(c)the person is otherwise authorised under the Act to release the animal and releases the animal in accordance with the authorisation; or
10Insertion of new ch 12, pt 6
Chapter 12—
insert—Part 6 Transitional provision for Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2022
425Existing demerit points continue
(1)If, before the commencement, a person accumulated 1 or more demerit points under former section 240—(a)the demerit points are not affected by the commencement of the Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2022, section 8; and(b)the demerit points may be considered for applying section 239(2)(a).(2)In this section—former section 240 means section 240 as in force from time to time before the commencement.
11Amendment of sch 1, s 13 (Birds)
Schedule 1, section 13—
Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni
Coxen’s fig-parrot
Turnix olivii
buff-breasted button-quail
12Insertion of new sch 1, s 13A
Schedule 1—
Scientific name
Common name
Melanotaenia sp. nov. ‘Malanda’
Malanda rainbowfish
Melanotaenia sp. nov. ‘Running River’
Running River rainbowfish
13Amendment of sch 1, s 14 (Invertebrates)
Schedule 1, section 14—
Euastacus dalagarbe
mud gully crayfish
14Amendment of sch 1, s 14A (Mammals)
Schedule 1, section 14A—
Hemibelideus lemuroides
lemuroid ringtail possum
15Amendment of sch 1, s 15 (Reptiles)
Schedule 1, section 15—
Tiliqua scincoides intermedia
northern blue-tongued lizard
Varanus mitchelli
Mitchell’s water monitor
16Amendment of sch 1, s 20 (Birds)
(1)Schedule 1, section 20, entries for Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni and Turnix olivii—
omit.(2)Schedule 1, section 20—
Lophochroa leadbeateri leadbeateri
Major Mitchell’s cockatoo (eastern)
Melanodryas cucullata cucullata
hooded robin (south-eastern)
17Amendment of sch 1, s 21 (Fish)
Schedule 1, section 21—
Pseudomugil mellis
honey blue eye
18Amendment of sch 1, s 24 (Reptiles)
Schedule 1, section 24—
Lerista colliveri
nubbined fine-lined slider
Lerista rochfordensis
Rochford slider
Lerista vittata
Mount Cooper slider
Varanus mertensi
Mertens’ water monitor
19Amendment of sch 1, s 29 (Birds)
(1)Schedule 1, section 29, entry for Lophochroa leadbeateri—
omit.(2)Schedule 1, section 29—
Aphelocephala leucopsis
southern whiteface
Ardenna grisea
sooty shearwater
Climacteris picumnus victoriae
brown treecreeper (south-eastern)
Neophema chrysostoma
blue-winged parrot
Stagonopleura guttata
diamond firetail
20Amendment of sch 1, s 30 (Fish)
Schedule 1, section 30, entry for Pseudomugil mellis—
21Amendment of sch 1, s 32 (Mammals)
Schedule 1, section 32, entry for Sminthopsis leucopus, after ‘leucopus’—
22Amendment of sch 1, s 33 (Reptiles)
Schedule 1, section 33, entries for Lerista ameles, Lerista storri and Lerista vittata—
23Amendment of sch 1, s 41 (Reptiles)
Schedule 1, section 41—
Lerista ameles
limbless fine-lined slider
Lerista hobsoni
Hobson’s fine-lined slider
24Amendment of sch 1, s 47 (Invertebrates)
Schedule 1, section 47—
insert—(4)A native crayfish of the species Euastacus sulcatus with the common name ‘Lamington spiny crayfish’.
25Amendment of sch 3, s 1 (Birds)
(1)Schedule 3, section 1, entries for Chalcophaps indica, Coturnix ypsilophora, Excalfactoria chinensis, Glossopsitta porphyrocephala, Northiella naretha and Trichoglossus haematodus rubritorquatus—
omit.(2)Schedule 3, section 1—
Chalcophaps longirostris
emerald dove
Northiella haematogaster
blue bonnet
Parvipsitta porphyrocephala
purple-crowned lorikeet
Synoicus chinensis
king quail
Synoicus ypsilophorus
brown quail
Trichoglossus rubritorquis
red-collared lorikeet
26Amendment of sch 3, s 2 (Amphibians)
(1)Schedule 3, section 2, entry for Neobatrachus centralis—
omit.(2)Schedule 3, section 2—
Litoria balatus
slender bleating treefrog
Neobatrachus pictus
painted burrowing frog
27Amendment of sch 3, s 3 (Birds)
(1)Schedule 3, section 3, entries for Northiella haematogaster naretha and Tadorna radjah—
omit.(2)Schedule 3, section 3—
Northiella narethae
Naretha blue bonnet
Radjah radjah
radjah shelduck
28Amendment of sch 3, s 5 (Reptiles)
(1)Schedule 3, section 5, entries for Amphibolurus gilberti and Parasuta dwyeri—
omit.(2)Schedule 3, section 5—
Lophognathus gilberti
Gilbert’s dragon
Lophognathus horneri
Horner’s dragon
Suta dwyeri
Dwyer’s snake
29Amendment of sch 3, s 7 (Birds)
(1)Schedule 3, section 7, entries for Charadrius australis, Cracticus tibicen, Nectarinia jugularis and Todiramphus pyrrhopygia—
omit.(2)Schedule 3, section 7—
Cinnyris jugularis
olive-backed sunbird
Gymnorhina tibicen
Australian magpie
Peltohyas australis
inland dotterel
Todiramphus pyrrhopygius
red-backed kingfisher
30Amendment of sch 3, s 8 (Reptiles)
(1)Schedule 3, section 8, entry for Lucasium stenodactylum—
omit.(2)Schedule 3, section 8—
Lucasium microplax
southern sandplain gecko
Lucasium stenodactylum
northern sandplain gecko
Part 4 Amendment of Nature Conservation (Plants) Regulation 2020
This part amends the Nature Conservation (Plants) Regulation 2020.
32Amendment of s 74 (Taking of plant during harvest period)
Section 74(3) —
omit, insert—(3)However, subsection (2) does not apply if—(a)the authorised plant taken is a whole restricted plant; and(b)the holder or relevant person takes the authorised plant under the licence by way of operational salvage.
33Amendment of s 78 (Restrictions on grant)
(1)Section 78(4)—
omit.(2)Section 78—
insert—(7)However, subsections (3) and (5) do not apply to the grant of a protected plant harvesting licence to the extent the licence is for taking a whole restricted plant by way of contingent salvage.(3)Section 78(5) to (7)—
renumber as section 78(4) to (6).
34Amendment of s 82 (Taking of plant during harvest period)
(1)Section 82(1)(a), ‘, other than by way of contingent salvage’—
omit.(2)Section 82(3) —
omit, insert—(3)However, subsection (2) does not apply if—(a)the authorised plant taken is a whole restricted plant; and(b)the holder or relevant person takes the authorised plant under the licence by way of contingent salvage.
35Amendment of s 83 (Compliance with sustainable harvest plan)
Section 83, ‘activities under the licence’—
omit, insert—an activity under the licence to which the plan applies
36Amendment of s 97 (Requirements for application)
Section 97—
insert—(3)However, subsection (2)(f) does not apply to an application for a protected plant harvesting licence to the extent the licence is for taking a whole restricted plant by way of contingent salvage.
37Amendment of s 102 (Suitability based on other matters)
(1)Section 102(2)(b) and (c)(i), ‘relevant authority’—
omit, insert—plant authority
(2)Section 102(3)—
38Amendment of s 103 (Accumulation of demerit points)
(1)Section 103(1)—
omit, insert—(1)This section applies to a person who is given an infringement notice under the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999 for an offence against the Act if the person—(a)is convicted of the offence; or(b)pays the fine stated in the infringement notice for the offence; or(c)applies under the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999, section 23 to pay the fine stated in the infringement notice for the offence by instalments; or(d)fails to pay the fine stated in the infringement notice for the offence, resulting in a default certificate being given to SPER for the infringement notice.(2)Section 103(2), ‘The person’—
omit, insert—For section 102(2)(a) and (b), the person
(3)Section 103(3)—
omit, insert—(3)The person accumulates the demerit points for the offence on the day that subsection (1) applies to the person.(4)However, if the day mentioned in subsection (3) is within the period in which a court proceeding for the offence has started but not ended, subsection (3) does not apply to the person until the day the period ends.(5)Subsections (3) and (4) apply subject to the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999, section 31.(6)In this section—default certificate see the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999, section 33(1).SPER means the State Penalties Enforcement Registry established under the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999, section 7.
39Amendment of s 106 (Approval of sustainable harvest plan)
Section 106—
insert—(2)However, subsection (1) does not apply in relation to an application for a protected plant licence to the extent the licence is for taking a whole restricted plant by way of contingent salvage.
40Insertion of new ch 12, pt 3
Chapter 12—
insert—Part 3 Transitional provision for Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2022
228Existing demerit points continue
(1)If, before the commencement, a person accumulated 1 or more demerit points under former section 103—(a)the demerit points are not affected by the commencement of the Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2022, section 38; and(b)the demerit points may be considered for applying section 102(2)(a).(2)In this section—former section 103 means section 103 as in force from time to time before the commencement.
41Amendment of sch 1, s 9 (Plants)
(1)Schedule 1, section 9, entries for Acacia castorum, Coleus minutus, Homoranthus vagans and Kunzea calida—
omit.(2)Schedule 1, section 9—
Digitaria basaltica
Digitaria veldkampiana
42Amendment of sch 1, s 13 (Plants)
(1)Schedule 1, section 13, entries for Dolichocarpa spathulata, Leionema elatius subsp. beckleri and Myriophyllum artesium—
omit.(2)Schedule 1, section 13—
Diuris curta
Leionema beckleri
43Amendment of sch 1, s 17 (Plants)
(1)Schedule 1, section 17, entries for Eremophila tetraptera, Mesua larnachiana and Rhaponticum australe—
omit.(2)Schedule 1, section 17—
Acacia castorum
Dolichocarpa spathulata
Homoranthus vagans
Kayea larnachiana
Kunzea calida
Leuzea australis
Philotheca obovatifolia
44Amendment of sch 1, s 21 (Plants)
Schedule 1, section 21—
Coleus minutus
Eremophila tetraptera
Part 5 Amendment of Nature Conservation (Protected Areas Management) Regulation 2017
This part amends the Nature Conservation (Protected Areas Management) Regulation 2017.
46Amendment of s 71AH (Suitability based on other matters)
(1)Section 71AH(2)(b) and (c)(i), ‘relevant authority’—
omit, insert—protected area authority
(2)Section 71AH(3)—
47Amendment of s 71AI (Accumulation of demerit points)
(1)Section 71AI(1)—
omit, insert—(1)This section applies to a person who is given an infringement notice under the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999 for an offence against the Act if the person—(a)is convicted of the offence; or(b)pays the fine stated in the infringement notice for the offence; or(c)applies under the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999, section 23 to pay the fine stated in the infringement notice for the offence by instalments; or(d)fails to pay the fine stated in the infringement notice for the offence, resulting in a default certificate being given to SPER for the infringement notice.(2)Section 71AI(2), ‘The person’—
omit, insert—For section 71AH(2)(a) and (b), the person
(3)Section 71AI(3)—
omit, insert—(3)The person accumulates the demerit points for the offence on the day that subsection (1) applies to the person.(4)However, if the day mentioned in subsection (3) is within the period in which a court proceeding for the offence has started but not ended, subsection (3) does not apply to the person until the day the period ends.(5)Subsections (3) and (4) apply subject to the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999, section 31.(6)In this section—default certificate see the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999, section 33(1).SPER means the State Penalties Enforcement Registry established under the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999, section 7.
After chapter 11—
insert—Chapter 12 Transitional provision for Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2022
188Existing demerit points continue
(1)If, before the commencement, a person accumulated 1 or more demerit points under former section 71AI—(a)the demerit points are not affected by the commencement of the Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2022, section 47; and(b)the demerit points may be considered for applying section 71AH(2)(a).(2)In this section—former section 71AI means section 71AI as in force from time to time before the commencement.