This regulation may be cited as the Work Health and Safety Amendment Regulation 2022.
(1)Part 2 commences on 1 January 2023.(2)Part 3 commences on 1 July 2023.
This regulation amends the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011.
4Amendment of s 183 (Duties of person conducting business or undertaking)
Section 183, ‘AS/NZS 2299.1 (Occupational diving operations Part 1: Standard operational practice)’—
omit, insert—AS/NZS 2299.1:2015 (Occupational diving operations Part 1: Standard operational practice)
5Amendment of s 184 (Duty of worker—competence)
Section 184, ‘AS/NZS 2299.1 (Occupational diving operations Part 1: Standard operational practice)’—
omit, insert—AS/NZS 2299.1:2015 (Occupational diving operations Part 1: Standard operational practice)
Section 223(6), ‘AS 2397 Safe Use of Lasers in the Building and Construction Industry’—
omit, insert—AS 2397:2015—Safe use of lasers in the building and construction industry
7Amendment of s 338 (Supplier labelling hazardous chemicals)
Section 338—
insert—(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a hazardous chemical manufactured or imported before 1 January 2023 that was, at the time it was manufactured or imported, labelled in accordance with GHS 3.
8Amendment of s 341 (Labelling hazardous chemicals—general requirement)
Section 341(2)—
omit, insert—(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a hazardous chemical if—(a)the chemical was supplied to the workplace before 1 January 2017 and was, at the time it was supplied, labelled in accordance with the national labelling code; or(b)the chemical was supplied to the workplace before 1 January 2023 and was, at the time it was supplied, labelled in accordance with GHS 3; or(c)the chemical was manufactured or imported before 1 January 2023 and was, at the time it was manufactured or imported, labelled in accordance with GHS 3.See section 338 for provisions about labelling of hazardous chemicals supplied to another workplace.
9Amendment of s 342 (Labelling hazardous chemicals—containers)
(1)Section 342(1A)—
omit, insert—(1A)Subsection (1) does not apply to a hazardous chemical if—(a)the chemical—(i)was manufactured, or transferred or decanted from its original container, before 1 January 2017 and was, at the time it was manufactured, transferred or decanted, labelled in accordance with the national labelling code; or(ii)was manufactured or imported before 1 January 2023 and was, at the time it was manufactured or imported, labelled in accordance with GHS 3; and(b)the chemical is not supplied to another workplace.See section 338 for provisions about labelling of hazardous chemicals supplied to another workplace.(2)Section 342(2A)—
omit, insert—(2A)Subsection (2) does not apply if—(a)the container was—(i)supplied to the workplace before 1 January 2017; and(ii)at the time the container was supplied, labelled in accordance with the national labelling code; or(b)the container was—(i)supplied to the workplace before 1 January 2023; and(ii)at the time the container was supplied, labelled in accordance with GHS 3; or(c)the container was—(i)manufactured or imported before 1 January 2023; and(ii)at the time the container was manufactured or imported, labelled in accordance with GHS 3.
10Amendment of sch 6 (Classification of mixtures)
(1)Schedule 6, table 6.1, note—
omit, insert—Table 6.1 replaces table 3.4.5 in—(a)the GHS, p. 159; and(b)GHS 3, p. 151.(2)Schedule 6, table 6.2, note 2—
omit, insert—2Table 6.2 replaces table 3.6.1 in—(a)the GHS, p. 174; and(b)GHS 3, p. 166.(3)Schedule 6, table 6.3, note 2—
omit, insert—2Table 6.3 replaces table 3.7.1 in—(a)the GHS, p. 187; and(b)GHS 3, p. 180.(4)Schedule 6, table 6.4, note 2—
omit, insert—2Table 6.4 replaces table 3.8.2 in—(a)the GHS, p. 197; and(b)GHS 3, p. 192.(5)Schedule 6, table 6.5, note 2—
omit, insert—2Table 6.5 replaces table 3.9.3 in—(a)the GHS, p. 207; and(b)GHS 3, p. 203.
11Amendment of sch 7 (Safety data sheets)
(1)Schedule 7, section 1(2)(a), ‘: Product identifier and chemical identity’—
omit.(2)Schedule 7, section 1(2)(g), ‘, including how the chemical may be safely used’—
12Amendment of sch 8 (Disclosure of ingredients in safety data sheet)
(1)Schedule 8, section 2(2), table 8.1, item 13, column 3, ‘Category 2A’—
omit, insert—Category 2
(2)Schedule 8, section 3(2), table 8.2, item 3, ‘(category 2A)’—
omit, insert—(category 2)
13Amendment of sch 11 (Placard and manifest quantities)
Schedule 11, table 11.1 and notes—
omit, insert—Table 11.1
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
Column 5
Description of hazardous chemical
Placard quantity
Manifest quantity
Flammable gases
Category 1A, category 1B or any combination of categories 1A and 1B
Gases under pressure
With acute toxicity, categories 1, 2, 3 or 4
With skin corrosion, categories 1A, 1B or 1C
Aerosols category 1, category 2, category 3 or any combination of categories 1, 2 and 3
Not stated elsewhere in this table
Flammable liquids
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Any combination of chemicals from items 6 to 8 where none of the items exceeds the quantities in columns 4 or 5 on their own
Category 4
Self-reactive substances
Type A
5kg or 5L
50kg or 50L
Type B
50kg or 50L
500kg or 500L
Type C to F
250kg or 250L
2,500kg or 2,500L
Flammable solids
Category 1
Category 2
Any combination of chemicals from items 12 to 15 where none of the items exceeds the quantities in columns 4 or 5 on their own
1,000kg or 1,000L
10,000kg or 10,000L
Pyrophoric liquids and pyrophoric solids
Category 1
50kg or 50L
500kg or 500L
Self-heating substances and mixtures
Category 1
250kg or 250L
2,500kg or 2,500L
Category 2
1,000kg or 1,000L
10,000kg or 10,000L
Any combination of chemicals from items 17 to 19 where none of the items exceeds the quantities in columns 4 or 5 on their own
1,000kg or 1,000L
10,000kg or 10,000L
Substances which in contact with water emit flammable gas
Category 1
50kg or 50L
500kg or 500L
Category 2
250kg or 250L
2,500kg or 2,500L
Category 3
1,000kg or 1,000L
10,000kg or 10,000L
Any combination of chemicals from items 21 to 23 where none of the items exceeds the quantities in columns 4 or 5 on their own
1,000kg or 1,000L
10,000kg or 10,000L
Oxidising liquids and oxidising solids
Category 1
50kg or 50L
500kg or 500L
Category 2
250kg or 250L
2,500kg or 2,500L
Category 3
1,000kg or 1,000L
10,000kg or 10,000L
Any combination of chemicals from items 25 to 27 where none of the items exceeds the quantities in columns 4 or 5 on their own
1,000kg or 1,000L
10,000kg or 10,000L
Organic peroxides
Type A
5kg or 5L
50kg or 50L
Type B
50kg or 50L
500kg or 500L
Type C to F
250kg or 250L
2,500kg or 2,500L
Any combination of chemicals from items 30 and 31 where none of the items exceeds the quantities in columns 4 or 5 on their own
250kg or 250L
2,500kg or 2,500L
Acute toxicity
Category 1
50kg or 50L
500kg or 500L
Category 2
250kg or 250L
2,500kg or 2,500L
Category 3
1,000kg or 1,000L
10,000kg or 10,000L
Any combination of chemicals from items 33 to 35 where none of the items exceeds the quantities in columns 4 or 5 on their own
1,000kg or 1,000L
10,000kg or 10,000L
Skin corrosion
Category 1A
50kg or 50L
500kg or 500L
Category 1B
250kg or 250L
2,500kg or 2,500L
Category 1C
1,000kg or 1,000L
10,000kg or 10,000L
Corrosive to metals
Category 1
1,000kg or 1,000L
10,000kg or 10,000L
Any combination of chemicals from items 37 to 40 where none of the items exceeds the quantities in columns 4 or 5 on their own
1,000kg or 1,000L
10,000kg or 10,000L
Unstable explosives
5kg or 5L
50kg or 50L
Unstable chemicals
Any combination of chemicals from items 11, 29 and 42 where none of the items exceeds the quantities in columns 4 or 5 on their own
5kg or 5L
50kg or 50L
1In item 2, Gases under pressure with acute toxicity, category 4 only applies up to a LC50 of 5,000 ppmV. This is equivalent to dangerous goods of Division 2.3.2Item 4 includes flammable aerosols.
14Amendment of sch 19 (Dictionary)
(1)Schedule 19, definitions ADG code, hazardous chemical and turbine—
omit.(2)Schedule 19—
insert—ADG code means the code called the ‘Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail’, seventh edition, published by the National Transport Commission, as amended from time to time.A copy of the ADG code is available on the website of the National Transport Commission.GHS 3 means the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, Third revised edition, published by the United Nations as modified under schedule 6.The schedule 6 tables replace some tables in GHS 3.hazardous chemical means a substance, mixture or article that satisfies the criteria for any one or more hazard classes in the GHS (including a classification referred to in schedule 6), unless the only hazard class or classes for which the substance, mixture or article satisfies the criteria are any one or more of the following—(a)acute toxicity—oral—category 5;(b)acute toxicity—dermal—category 5;(c)acute toxicity—inhalation—category 5;(d)skin corrosion/irritation—category 3;(e)aspiration hazard—category 2;(f)flammable gas—category 2;(g)acute hazard to the aquatic environment—category 1, 2 or 3;(h)chronic hazard to the aquatic environment—category 1, 2, 3 or 4;(i)hazardous to the ozone layer.The schedule 6 tables replace some tables in the GHS.steam turbine means equipment that is driven by steam acting on a turbine or rotor to cause a rotary motion.(3)Schedule 19, definition fitness criteria, ‘AS/NZS 2299.1 (Occupational diving operations Part 1: Standard operational practice)’—
omit, insert—AS/NZS 2299.1:2015 (Occupational diving operations Part 1: Standard operational practice)
(4)Schedule 19, definition GHS, ‘Third revised edition’—
omit, insert—Seventh revised edition
15Amendment of s 394 (Meaning of lead risk work)
(1)Section 394(a), ‘10μg/dL (0.48µmol/L)’—
omit, insert—5µg/dL (0.24µmol/L)
(2)Section 394(b), ‘30µg/dL (1.45µmol/L)’—
omit, insert—20µg/dL (0.97µmol/L)
16Amendment of s 407 (Frequency of biological monitoring)
(1)Section 407(1)(a), ‘30µg/dL (1.45µmol/L)’—
omit, insert—10µg/dL (0.48µmol/L)
(2)Section 407(1)(a), ‘40µg/dL (1.93µmol/L)’—
omit, insert—20µg/dL (0.97µmol/L)
(3)Section 407(1)(b)(i), ‘10µg/dL (0.48µmol/L)’—
omit, insert—5µg/dL (0.24µmol/L)
(4)Section 407(1)(b)(ii), ‘10µg/dL (0.48µmol/L) or more’—
omit, insert—5µg/dL (0.24µmol/L) or more but less than 10µg/dL (0.48µmol/L)
17Amendment of s 415 (Removal of worker from lead risk work)
(1)Section 415(1)(a)(i), ‘50µg/dL (2.42µmol/L)’—
omit, insert—30µg/dL (1.45µmol/L)
(2)Section 415(1)(a)(ii), ‘20µg/dL (0.97µmol/L); or’—
omit, insert—10µg/dL (0.48µmol/L).
(3)Section 415(1)(a)(iii)—
18Amendment of s 417 (Return to lead risk work after removal)
(1)Section 417(3)(a)(i), ‘40µg/dL (1.93µmol/L)’—
omit, insert—20µg/dL (0.97µmol/L)
(2)Section 417(3)(a)(ii), ‘10µg/dL (0.48µmol/L)’—
omit, insert—5µg/dL (0.24µmol/L)
19Amendment of sch 5 (Registration of plant and plant designs)
(1)Schedule 5, section 1, entry 1.1, ‘AS 4343:2005 (Pressure equipment—hazard levels)’—
omit, insert—AS 4343:2014 (Pressure equipment—Hazard levels)
(2)Schedule 5, section 2(1)(e)—
omit, insert—(e)any pressure equipment (other than a gas cylinder) excluded from the scope of AS/NZS 1200:2015 (Pressure equipment); orSee paragraph A3 of Appendix A to AS/NZS 1200:2015.(3)Schedule 5, section 3, entries 3.1 and 3.2, ‘AS 4343:2005 (Pressure equipment—Hazard levels)’—
omit, insert—AS 4343:2014 (Pressure equipment—Hazard levels)
(4)Schedule 5, section 4(1)(a)—
omit, insert—(a)any pressure equipment (other than a gas cylinder) excluded from the scope of AS/NZS 1200:2015 (Pressure equipment); orSee paragraph A3 of Appendix A to AS/NZS 1200:2015.