This regulation may be cited as the Water (Desired Level of Service Objectives for SEQ Region) Amendment Regulation 2022.
This regulation amends the Water Regulation 2016.
3Amendment of s 78 (Desired level of service objectives—Act, s 344)
Section 78, from ‘the desired level of service objectives’—
omit, insert—this subdivision prescribes the desired level of service objectives for water security for the SEQ region.
4Amendment of s 80 (Bulk water drought supply)
(1)Section 80(3)—
omit, insert—(3)The bulk water supply system is to be able to supply enough water so that medium level water restrictions or more severe water restrictions last no longer than 5% of the modelled time.(2)Section 80(4)—
insert—modelled time means the total time simulated in the stochastic model.more severe water restrictions means water restrictions imposed on residential and non-residential water use in response to drought, when the level in the bulk water supply system is below the safe minimum storage level.stochastic model means the model known as the Regional Stochastic Model used by the bulk water supply authority to model long-term water security.