This regulation may be cited as the Nature Conservation (Protected Areas Management) (Communications and Electrical Distribution Facilities) Amendment Regulation 2021.
This regulation amends the Nature Conservation (Protected Areas Management) Regulation 2017.
3Amendment of sch 3 (Permitted uses in national parks)
(1)Schedule 3, part 1—
Pioneer Peaks National Park—the part identified as ‘Authority Area A’ within lot 150 on NPW854, shown on QPWSAP000058, containing an area of 1.38ha
a communications use
(2)Schedule 3, part 1, entry for Magnetic Island National Park—
(d) the part identified as ‘Authority Area’ covering part of lot 456 on AP22485, shown on QPWSAP000177, containing an area of 620.2m2a communications use
(3)Schedule 3, part 1, entry for Wooroonooran National Park—
(f) the parts identified as ‘Authority Area A’ to ‘Authority Area P’ over parts of lot 19 on NPW970, shown on QPWSAP000149, containing a total area of 19.82hathe following uses—
• a communications use• an electricity distribution use
4Amendment of sch 4 (Permitted uses in national parks under former Act)
Schedule 4, entry for Pioneer Peaks National Park—