Work Health and Safety (Codes of Practice) (Stone Benchtop Industry and Coal-fired Power Stations) Amendment Notice 2020

Queensland Crest

1Short title

This notice may be cited as the Work Health and Safety (Codes of Practice) (Stone Benchtop Industry and Coal-fired Power Stations) Amendment Notice 2020.

2Notice amended

This notice amends the Work Health and Safety (Codes of Practice) Notice 2011.

3Amendment of sch 1 (Codes of practice)

(1)Schedule 1, entry 20, column 2, after dot point—

•  varied by MI 2020 No. 1 on 1 July 2020

(2)Schedule 1, entry 21, column 2, after dot point—

•  varied by MI 2020 No. 1 on 1 July 2020

4Amendment of sch 3 (Dictionary)

Schedule 3—
MI 2020 No. 1 means the ministerial instrument titled ‘Work Health and Safety Variation of Codes of Practice (No. 1) 2020’.