This regulation may be cited as the Major Events (Motor Racing Events) (Townsville 400) Amendment Regulation 2018.
This regulation amends the Major Events (Motor Racing Events) Regulation 2015.
3Amendment of s 3 (Townsville 400 is a major event)
Section 3, ‘2017’—
omit, insert—2018
4Amendment of s 6 (Major event period for Townsville 400)
Section 6, from ‘6 July’ to ‘10 July 2017’—
omit, insert—5 July 2018 and midday on Monday 9 July 2018
5Amendment of s 7 (Carrying out temporary works for Townsville 400)
Section 7(a) and (b)—
omit, insert—(a)between 28 May 2018 and midday on 5 July 2018;(b)between midday on 9 July 2018 and 28 July 2018.
6Amendment of s 8 (Declaration of official title for Townsville 400)
Section 8, ‘title ‘Townsville 400’ is’—
omit, insert—title ‘2018 Watpac Townsville 400’ is