Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2020
List of Legislation
Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2020 No. 3
date of assent 13 February 2020
pts 1, 2 divs 1, 2 (other than ss 7, 13–14), pt 3 divs 1, 2 (other than ss 20–21), pts 4 (other than s 40), 5 (other than ss 46, 49, 66), 6 (other than ss 68–70, 72–73), 7 (other than s 76), 8 (other than ss 78–79, 83), 9, 10 (other than div 3), 11–15, 16 (other than ss 128A–128B), 19–20, sch 1 (other than to the extent it amends the Criminal Law (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986, the Education (Work Experience) Act 1996, the Industrial Relations Regulation 2018, the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010, the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994, the Public Sector Ethics Regulation 2010, the Public Service Regulation 2018, the Statutory Bodies Financial Arrangements Regulation 2019, the Superannuation (State Public Sector) Notice 2010) comm on date of assent
ss 128A–128B, sch 1 (to the extent it amends the Criminal Law (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986, the Education (Work Experience) Act 1996, the Industrial Relations Regulation 2018, the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010, the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994, the Public Sector Ethics Regulation 2010, the Public Service Regulation 2018, the Statutory Bodies Financial Arrangements Regulation 2019, the Superannuation (State Public Sector) Notice 2010) comm 29 February 2020 at the end of the day (see s 2(1AA))
ss 7, 13–14, 20–21, 40, 46, 49, 66, 68–70, 72–73, 76, 78–79, 83, pts 17, 18 comm 1 March 2020 (see s 2(1AB))
pt 2 div 3, pt 3 div 3 comm 1 July 2020 (see s 2(1))
pt 10 div 3 comm 1 May 2020 (2020 SL No. 54)