Minister: Minister for the Environment and Tourism and Minister for Science and Innovation
Agency: Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation

Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 No. 31

Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 No. 31

date of assent 28 October 2011

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

ch 3 pts 3–4, 7, ss 63, 65, chs 5–8, ch 15 pt 1, ss 300–301, ch 16 pts 1–3 commenced 1 December 2011 (see s 2 (1))

ch 16 pts 4 (other than s 317), 5–6 commenced 29 October 2012 (automatic commencement under AIA s 15DA (2))

s 317, ch 16 pt 7 commenced 29 October 2013 (automatic commencement under AIA s 15DA (2)) (2012 SL No. 183)

remaining provisions commenced on date of assent

Water and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2011 No. 40 pts 1, 3A

date of assent 24 November 2011

commenced on date of assent

Environmental Protection (Greentape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2012 No. 16 pt 1, s 78 sch (this Act is amended, see amending legislation below)

date of assent 14 August 2012

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

s 78 sch amdts 1, 8 commenced 31 March 2013 (2013 SL No. 24) (amdts could not be given effect)

s 78 sch amdt 3 never proclaimed into force and om 2013 No. 6 s 50 sch amdt 30

remaining provisions commenced 31 March 2013 (2013 SL No. 24)

Waste Reduction and Recycling and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013 No. 6 pts 1, 5, s 50 sch

date of assent 14 March 2013

ss 1–1A commenced on date of assent

s 28 commenced 20 September 2013 (2013 SL No. 181)

remaining provisions commenced on date of assent

Treasury and Trade and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013 No. 39 ss 1, 110(1) sch 3 pt 1

date of assent 23 September 2013

commenced on date of assent

Directors’ Liability Reform Amendment Act 2013 No. 51 ss 1–2(1), pt 77, s 229 sch 1

date of assent 29 October 2013

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 November 2013 (see s 2 (1))

Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014 No. 59 ss 1–2, pt 7

date of assent 07 November 2014

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

pt 7 div 3 comm 8 November 2016 (automatic commencement under AIA s 15DA(2))

remaining provisions commenced on date of assent

State Penalties Enforcement Amendment Act 2017 No. 13

date of assent 19 May 2017

pts 2–3, ss 11, 12, 14–16, 18–19, 20(2), 22–23, 25 (as amd 2018 No. 27 s 77), 26(1)–(2) (as amd 2018 No. 27 s 78), 27, 29(1)–(2), 30 (to the extent it om s 42), 31–33, 35–41, 43, 44(3), 49–51, 55(1), 64, 65 (as amd 2018 No. 27 s 79), 69–70, 75, 78–79, 81(2)–(3), 82(1), 83(2), (4), 88 (to the extent it ins ss 188, 189, 190, 191, 192), 89(2) (to the extent it oms defs civil enforcement fee, default certificate, enforcement debtor, instalment payment notice, registration fee, threshold amount), (4) (to the extent it ins defs court debt payment notice, decision maker, early referral, early referral notice, enforceable amount (example), enforcement debtor, enforcement fee, infringement notice default, payment plan, relevant offence, unpaid court debt), 90 sch 1 (other than amdts of the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992, items 3 and 4, amdts of the Victims of Crime Assistance Act 2009, items 2 and 3) (as amd 2017 No. 18 s 37 sch 1) not yet proclaimed into force (proposed commencement 20 May 2019 (automatic commencement under AIA s 15DA(2) (2018 SL No. 51 s 2)) (AIA s 15DA does not apply to the provisions of this Act that commence on a day to be fixed by proclamation (see s 2(2) (amd 2019 No. 16 s 64))

Waste Reduction and Recycling Amendment Act 2017 No. 31

date of assent 13 September 2017

pt 1, pt 2 hdg, ss 3, 4 (to the extent it ins pt 3A hdg, ss 99A99C, 99F–99G, pt 3B div 1, div 2 hdg, ss 99Q99R, div 3 hdg, sdiv 3 hdg, ss 99Z99ZA, 99ZC–99ZD, div 4 hdg, ss 99ZE99ZG, 99ZI–99ZL, div 6) 5–33, 34 (to the extent it ins pt 2 hdg, s 308) 35, pts 3–4 comm on date of assent

s 4 (to the extent it ins ss 99D and 99E) comm 1 July 2018 (see s 2(1))

ss 4 (to the extent it ins ch 4 pt 3B div 5), 34 (to the extent it ins s 307) 14 September 2018 (automatic commencement under AIA s 15DA (2))

s 4 (to the extent it ins s 99P, ch 4 pt 3B div 3 sdivs 1–2, ss 99ZB and 99ZH) comm 1 November 2018 (see s 2(1A))

Amending legislation

Heavy Vehicle National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2018 No. 10

date of assent 18 June 2018

pts 1, 10 comm on date of assent

Waste Reduction and Recycling (Waste Levy) Amendment Act 2019 No. 2

date of assent 21 February 2019

ss 3, 19 (to the extent it inserts new ch 16 pt 3 hdg, ss 323, 324) comm 1 June 2019 (see s 2 (1))

pt 2 (other than ss 3, 19 (to the extent it ins new ch 16 pt 3 hdg, ss 323, 324)) comm 1 July 2019 (see s 2 (2))

Waste Reduction and Recycling (Plastic Items) Amendment Act 2021 No. 5

date of assent 15 March 2021

ss 1–2, 7(1), (3) comm on date of assent

ss 3–6, 7(2) comm 1 September 2021 (2021 SL No. 132)

Transport Legislation (Road Safety and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2022 No. 19

date of assent 07 September 2022

s 54 sch 1 comm on date of assent

Public Sector Act 2022 No. 34

date of assent 12 December 2022

s 365 sch 3 comm 1 March 2023 (see s 2)

Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2023 No. 6

date of assent 05 April 2023

pt 4, s 145 sch 1 comm on date of assent

Waste Reduction and Recycling and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2023 No. 15

date of assent 02 June 2023

pt 3 div 2 comm on date of assent

pt 3 div 3 comm 1 July 2023 (see s 2(1)(a))

pt 3 div 4 comm 1 September 2023 (see s 2(2))

Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2023 No. 23

date of assent 20 September 2023

s 247 sch 1 ss 1, 2 (2), 4 comm 1 February 2024 (2024 SL No. 1)

Tobacco and Other Smoking Products (Vaping) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024 No. 51

date of assent 19 September 2024

pt 3 comm on date of assent

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Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011