Retirement Villages Regulation 2018

Effective Date Publication Date Amendments Included Notes
01 February 2019 31 January 2019
01 July 2019 10 July 2019 2019 SL No. 123
13 December 2019 19 December 2019 2019 SL No. 255

RA s 44

01 July 2020 29 July 2020 2020 SL No. 119
01 July 2021 05 July 2021 2021 SL No. 87
27 May 2022 30 May 2022 2022 SL No. 59
01 July 2022 04 July 2022 2022 SL No. 66
08 December 2023 11 December 2023 2023 SL No. 180
14 June 2024 14 June 2024 2024 SL No. 71

Retirement Villages Regulation 2018 SL No. 207

notfd 30 November 2018

ss 1–2 comm on date of notification

pts 1 (other than ss 1–2), 2–6, schs 1–7 comm 1 February 2019 (see s 2)

exp 1 September 2029 (see SIA s 54)

Note—The expiry date may have changed since this reprint was published. See the latest reprint of the SIR for any change.

Housing and Public Works Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2019 SL No. 123

notfd 28 June 2019

pts 2–5, 6 (other than s 12), 7–11 comm 1 July 2019 (see s 2(1))

s 12 comm 1 July 2019 immediately after the commencement of the Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2019, schedule 8 (see s 2(2))

Retirement Villages (Closure, Transition and Redevelopment Plans and Other Matters) Amendment Regulation 2019 SL No. 255

notfd 13 December 2019

comm on date of notification

Housing and Public Works Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2020 SL No. 119

notfd 01 July 2020

pt 11 comm on date of notification

Housing Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2021 SL No. 87

notfd 30 June 2021

pt 5 comm 1 July 2021 (see s 2)

Retirement Villages (Exempt Schemes) Amendment Regulation 2022 SL No. 59

notfd 27 May 2022

comm on date of notification

Housing Legislation (Fee Unit Conversion) Amendment Regulation 2022 SL No. 66

notfd 10 June 2022

pt 4 comm 1 July 2022 (see s 2)

Retirement Villages (Exempt Schemes) and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2023 SL No. 180

notfd 08 December 2023

pt 3 comm on date of notification

Retirement Villages (Financial Documents) Amendment Regulation 2024 SL No. 71

notfd 14 June 2024

comm on date of notification

This is a consolidated list of all history notes in this reprint. Show or hide the list by using the Turn history notes on/off button at the top of the page. The complete list can be printed (Ctrl-P) from the screen when the history notes are turned on.

s 4A ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 3

s 4B ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 3

s 8A ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 4

pt 4A (prev pt 4AA) ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 3

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 5

s 16A (prev s 16AA) ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 3

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 6

s 16B (prev s 16AB) ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 3

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 6

s 16C (prev s 16AC) ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 3

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 6

s 16D (prev s 16AD) ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 3

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 6

s 16E (prev s 16AE) ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 3

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 6

s 16F (prev s 16AF) ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 3

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 6

s 16G (prev s 16AG) ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 3

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 6

s 16H (prev s 16AH) ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 3

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 6

pt 4B hdg (prev pt 4A hdg) ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 5

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 5

s 16I (prev s 16A) ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 5

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 6

s 16J (prev s 16B) ins 2022 SL No. 59 s 3

amd 2024 SL No. 71 s 4

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 6

pt 6 hdg sub 2024 SL No. 71 s 7

pt 6 div 1 hdg ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 7

pt 6 div 2 hdg ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 8

s 19 ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 8

s 20 ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 8

s 21 ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 8

s 22 ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 8

s 23 ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 8

s 24 ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 8

sch 1 amd 2019 SL No. 255 s 6

sch 1A ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 7

sch 1B ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 7

sch 2 amd 2019 SL No. 255 s 8

sch 3 amd 2019 SL No. 255 s 9

sch 4A ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 10

sch 5 amd 2019 SL No. 255 s 11; 2024 SL No. 71 s 9

sch 5A (prev sch 5AA) ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 10

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 11

sch 5B (prev sch 5AB) ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 10

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 11

sch 5C (prev sch 5AC) ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 10

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 11

sch 5D (prev sch 5A) ins 2022 SL No. 59 s 4

amd 2023 SL No. 180 s 7

renum 2024 SL No. 71 s 11

sch 6 sub 2019 SL No. 123 s 22; 2020 SL No. 119 s 22; 2021 SL No. 87 s 10

amd 2022 SL No. 66 s 8

sch 7 def Australian Accounting Standards ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 12

sch 7 def capital replacement quantity surveyor report ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 12

sch 7 def declaration date ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 12(2)

sch 7 def existing scheme operator ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 12(2)

sch 7 def expected ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 12

sch 7 def financially-interested former resident ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 12(2)

sch 7 def fund budget ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 12

sch 7 def general services charge budget ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 12(2)

sch 7 def general services charges budget om 2019 SL No. 255 s 12(1)

sch 7 def lot ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 12(2)

sch 7 def maintenance and repair quantity surveyor report ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 12

sch 7 def material ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 12

sch 7 def new scheme operator ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 12(2)

sch 7 def redevelopment sub 2019 SL No. 255 s 12

sch 7 def registered ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 12(2)

sch 7 def reinstatement work ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 12(2)

sch 7 def relevant period ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 12

sch 7 def section 107 expenditure ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 12

sch 7 def shared expense ins 2024 SL No. 71 s 12

sch 7 def support design feature ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 12(2)

sch 7 def transfer day ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 12(2)

sch 7 def village fund ins 2019 SL No. 255 s 12(2)

Retirement Villages Regulation 2018

Notification: 30 November 2018 PDF icon 2018 SL No. 207

HTML icon 2018 SL No. 207

PDF icon Explanatory Note

HTML icon Explanatory Note

Tabled: 12 February 2019