Drugs Misuse Regulation 1987
Table of Reprints
List of Legislation
Drugs Misuse Regulation 1987
Made by the Administrator of the Government on 29 October 1987
pubd gaz 31 October 1987 pp 836–47
commenced 31 October 1987 (see s 2)
SIA pt 7 does not apply (see SIA s 57(2) and sch 2A)
(1)This regulation contains provisions relocated from the Drugs Misuse Act 1986.
(2)A list of legislation for the relocated provisions of the Drugs Misuse Act 1986 appears below.
Amending legislation
Drugs Misuse Act 1986 No. 36 schs 1–6 (this Act is amended, see amending legislation below)
date of assent 05 September 1986
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
remaining provisions commenced 27 October 1986 (proc pubd gaz 25 October 1986 p 1242)
Amending legislation
Drugs Misuse Act Amendment Act 1987 No. 53 (amends 1986 No. 36 above)
date of assent 01 October 1987
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
s 10 (a) (iii) commenced 6 May 1989 (proc pubd gaz 6 May 1989 p 213)
remaining provisions commenced 31 October 1987 (proc pubd gaz 31 October 1987 p 819)
Drugs Misuse Act Amendment Act 1989 No. 34 (amends 1986 No. 36 above)
date of assent 28 April 1989
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
remaining provisions commenced 6 May 1989 (proc pubd gaz 6 May 1989 p 213)
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1990 No. 88 s 3 sch (amends 1986 No. 36 above)
date of assent 06 December 1990
commenced on date of assent
Drugs Misuse Amendment Act 1995 No. 18 (amends 1986 No. 36 above)
date of assent 11 April 1995
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
s 6 commenced 8 December 1995 (1995 SL No. 358)
remaining provisions commenced 12 April 1996 (automatic commencement under AIA s 15DA (2))
Drugs Misuse Amendment Act 1996 No. 49 ss 1, 15–21 (amends 1986 No. 36 above)
date of assent 15 November 1996
commenced on date of assent
Note— List of legislation to Drugs Misuse Regulation 1987—after relocation of Drugs Misuse Act 1986 No. 36 schs 1–6
instruments published gazette (pre SL Series)
17 December 1988 p 2214–15
commenced on date of publication
06 May 1989 p 230–1
commenced 6 May 1989 (see s 2)
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 1996 SL No. 309
notfd gaz 08 November 1996 pp 959–61
ss 1–2 commenced on date of notification
remaining provisions commenced 8 November 1996 (see s 2)
Note— List of legislation to Drugs Misuse Act 1986 No. 36
schs 1–6—before relocation to Drugs Misuse Regulation 1987 as schs
1–6 (see 1996 No. 49 s 21)—
Original relocated Act
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 1997 SL No. 303
notfd gaz 19 September 1997 pp 262–3
commenced on date of notification
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 1997 SL No. 459
notfd gaz 19 December 1997 pp 1770–7
commenced on date of notification
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 1998 SL No. 348
notfd gaz 18 December 1998 pp 1551–7
commenced on date of notification
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 1999 SL No. 41
notfd gaz 26 March 1999 pp 1450–3
commenced on date of notification
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 1999 SL No. 235
notfd gaz 22 October 1999 pp 710–11
commenced on date of notification
Drugs Misuse Amendment Act 2000 No. 28 pt 1 s 26 sch
date of assent 27 July 2000
commenced on date of assent
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2000 SL No. 234
notfd gaz 08 September 2000 pp 134–5
commenced on date of notification
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2001 SL No. 52
notfd gaz 25 May 2001 pp 334–6
commenced on date of notification
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2001 SL No. 174
notfd gaz 21 September 2001 pp 230–1
commenced on date of notification
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 3) 2001 SL No. 249
notfd gaz 07 December 2001 pp 1270–1
commenced on date of notification
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2002 SL No. 255
notfd gaz 27 September 2002 pp 340–4
commenced on date of notification
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2002 SL No. 368
notfd gaz 20 December 2002 pp 1359–63
commenced on date of notification
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2003 SL No. 374
notfd gaz 19 December 2003 pp 1307–13
commenced on date of notification
Primary Industries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2004 SL No. 231 pts 1, 7
notfd gaz 29 October 2004 pp 734–7
ss 1–2 commenced on date of notification
remaining provisions commenced 29 November 2004 (see s 2)
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2005 SL No. 7
notfd gaz 11 February 2005 pp 515–16
commenced on date of notification
Primary Industries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2005 SL No. 268 pts 1, 7
notfd gaz 11 November 2005 pp 955–7
ss 1–2 commenced on date of notification
remaining provisions commenced 11 December 2005 (see s 2)
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2006 SL No. 71
notfd gaz 21 April 2006 pp 1544–5
ss 1–2 commenced on date of notification
remaining provisions commenced 27 April 2006 (see s 2)
Primary Industries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2006 SL No. 267 pts 1, 7
notfd gaz 03 November 2006 pp 1103–4
ss 1–2 commenced on date of notification
remaining provisions commenced 4 December 2006 (see s 2)
Primary Industries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2007 SL No. 232 ss 1–2(1), pt 7
notfd gaz 21 September 2007 pp 447–9
ss 1–2 commenced on date of notification
remaining provisions commenced 29 October 2007 (see s 2 (1))
Drugs Misuse Amendment Act 2008 No. 4 pts 1, 3
date of assent 20 February 2008
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
remaining provisions commenced 1 June 2008 (2008 SL No. 143)
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2008 SL No. 144
notfd gaz 30 May 2008 pp 674–6
ss 1–2 commenced on date of notification
remaining provisions commenced 1 June 2008 (see s 2)
Primary Industries and Fisheries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2008 SL No. 314 s 1, pt 7
notfd gaz 19 September 2008 pp 407–9
commenced on date of notification
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2009 SL No. 99
notfd gaz 19 June 2009 pp 707–11
commenced on date of notification
Primary Industries and Fisheries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2009 SL No. 176 pts 1, 7
notfd gaz 28 August 2009 pp 1491–6
commenced on date of notification
Primary Industries and Fisheries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2010 SL No. 268 pts 1, 4
notfd gaz 01 October 2010 pp 294–7
commenced on date of notification
Employment, Economic Development and Innovation Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2011 SL No. 110 pts 1, 7
notfd gaz 24 June 2011 pp 534–8
ss 1–2 commenced on date of notification
remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2011 (see s 2)
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2011 SL No. 168
notfd gaz 09 September 2011 pp 100–3
commenced on date of notification
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2011 SL No. 222
notfd gaz 11 November 2011 pp 495–6
commenced on date of notification
Agriculture and Fisheries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2012 SL No. 92 pts 1, 8
notfd gaz 29 June 2012 pp 704–10
ss 1–2 commenced on date of notification
remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2012 (see s 2)
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2013 SL No. 41
notfd gaz 05 April 2013 pp 490–1
commenced on date of notification
Criminal Law (Child Exploitation and Dangerous Drugs) Amendment Act 2013 No. 14 pts 1, 6
date of assent 29 April 2013
commenced on date of assent
Agriculture and Fisheries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2013 SL No. 102 pts 1, 8
notfd gaz 21 June 2013 pp 503–7
ss 1–2 commenced on date of notification
remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2013 (see s 2)
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2013 SL No. 266
notfd 06 December 2013
commenced on date of notification
Agriculture and Fisheries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2014 SL No. 113 ss 1–2(1), pt 8
notfd 20 June 2014
ss 1–2 commenced on date of notification
remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2014 (see s 2 (1))
Safe Night Out Legislation Amendment Act 2014 No. 42 ss 1, 2(2), pt 6
date of assent 05 September 2014
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
remaining provisions commenced on date of assent (see s 2 (2))
Agriculture and Fisheries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2015 SL No. 57 ss 1, 2(2), pt 8
notfd 26 June 2015
ss 1–2 commenced on date of notification
remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2015 (see s 2 (2))
Biosecurity Regulation 2016 SL No. 75
notfd 17 June 2016
ss 1–2 comm on date of notification
s 129 sch 12 comm 1 July 2016 immediately after the commencement of the Natural Resources and Mines Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2016, pt 11 (see s 2)
Agriculture and Fisheries Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2016 SL No. 99
notfd 24 June 2016
ss 1–2 comm on date of notification
pt 7 comm 1 July 2016 (see s 2(1))
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2017 SL No. 41
notfd 31 March 2017
comm on date of notification
Agriculture and Fisheries Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2017 SL No. 111
notfd 30 June 2017
pts 2–9, 11 comm 1 July 2017 (see s 2(1))
Hospital Foundations Act 2018 No. 5
date of assent 29 March 2018
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation 2018 SL No. 50
notfd 04 May 2018
comm on date of notification
Agriculture and Fisheries Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2018 SL No. 98
notfd 29 June 2018
pts 2–11 comm 1 July 2018 (see s 2)
Drugs Misuse Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2018 SL No. 169
notfd 02 November 2018
ss 3–7 comm 1 December 2018 (see s 2)
Agriculture and Fisheries Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2019 SL No. 127
notfd 28 June 2019
pts 2–11 comm 1 July 2019 (see s 2)
Agriculture and Fisheries Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2020 SL No. 152
notfd 14 August 2020
pt 8 comm on date of notification
Agriculture and Fisheries Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2021 SL No. 85
notfd 30 June 2021
pt 8 comm 1 July 2021 (see s 2)
Medicines and Poisons (Poisons and Prohibited Substances) Regulation 2021 SL No. 141
notfd 17 September 2021
s 93 sch 8 comm 27 September 2021 (see s 2)
Drugs Misuse (Fees for Commercial Production of Industrial Cannabis) Amendment Regulation 2022 SL No. 6
notfd 11 February 2022
comm on date of notification
Agriculture and Fisheries Legislation (Fee Unit Conversion) Amendment Regulation 2022 SL No. 52
notfd 06 May 2022
pt 8 comm 8 May 2022 (see s 2)
Drugs Misuse (Dangerous Drugs) Amendment Regulation 2024 SL No. 163
notfd 23 August 2024
comm on date of notification