Minister: Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
Agency: Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Sale of Goods Act 1896 No. 6

Effective Date Publication Date Amendments Included Notes
15 December 1972 18 July 1994 1972 Act No. 12

correction notice issued

29 August 2007 19 November 2024 2007 Act No. 36

RA ss 27, 43

Sale of Goods Act 1896 No. 6 60 Vic No. 6

date of assent 07 September 1896

commenced 1 January 1897 (see s 2)

Statute Law Revision Act 1908 No. 18 8 Edw 7 No. 18 s 2 sch 1

date of assent 23 December 1908

commenced on date of assent

Statute of Frauds Act 1972 No. 12 s 3 sch

date of assent 15 December 1972

commenced on date of assent

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2007 No. 36

date of assent 29 August 2007

commenced on date of assent

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s 3 amd 2007 No. 36s 2 sch

s 7 om 1972 No. 12s 3 sch

s 60 om 1908 8 Edw 7 No. 18 s 2sch 1

sch om 1908 8 Edw 7 No. 18 s 2 sch 1