Maintenance Regulations 1967

Effective Date Publication Date Amendments Included Notes
01 January 1979 01 September 2022 reg pubd gaz 16 December 1978 p 1858

Maintenance Regulations 1967

pubd gaz 07 October 1967 pp 399–440

exempted from application of Regulatory Reform Act 1986 by o in c pubd gaz 4 June 1988 p 899

exp 30 June 2027 (see SIA s 56 and SIR s 4 sch 2)

[orig exp 30 June 2022 (see SIA s 56(2) and SIR s 4 sch 2 pt 1)]

instruments published gazette (pre SL Series)

24 June 1978 p 998

commenced 17 July 1978

16 December 1978 p 1858

commenced 1 January 1979

This is a consolidated list of all history notes in this reprint. Show or hide the list by using the Turn history notes on/off button at the top of the page. The complete list can be printed (Ctrl-P) from the screen when the history notes are turned on.

s 13 amd reg pubd gaz 16 December 1978 p 1858

s 14 amd reg pubd gaz 16 December 1978 p 1858

s 16 amd reg pubd gaz 16 December 1978 p 1858

s 23 om reg pubd gaz 24 June 1978 p 998

s 24 om reg pubd gaz 24 June 1978 p 998

s 25 om reg pubd gaz 24 June 1978 p 998

s 27 om reg pubd gaz 24 June 1978 p 998

Form 1 amd reg pubd gaz 16 December 1978 p 1858

Form 7 amd reg pubd gaz 16 December 1978 p 1858

Form 9 amd reg pubd gaz 16 December 1978 p 1858

Form 10 amd reg pubd gaz 16 December 1978 p 1858

Form 11 amd reg pubd gaz 16 December 1978 p 1858

Form 16 amd reg pubd gaz 16 December 1978 p 1858

Form 18 om reg pubd gaz 24 June 1978 p 998

Form 19 om reg pubd gaz 24 June 1978 p 998

Form 20 om reg pubd gaz 24 June 1978 p 998

Form 22 om reg pubd gaz 24 June 1978 p 998

Form 31 amd reg pubd gaz 24 June 1978 p 998

Form 34 amd reg pubd gaz 24 June 1978 p 998

Form 51 amd reg pubd gaz 24 June 1978 p 998

Form 53 amd reg pubd gaz 24 June 1978 p 998