Minister: Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
Agency: Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 2003 No. 31

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 2003 No. 31

date of assent 23 May 2003

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 February 2004 (2003 SL No. 360)

rep 24 June 2024 (see 2023 Act No. 17 s 132)

Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2003 No. 77 ss 1, 2(3), pt 7

date of assent 06 November 2003

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 February 2004 (2003 SL No. 359)

Child Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2004 No. 13 ss 1–2(1), pt 2

date of assent 24 June 2004

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 August 2004 (2004 SL No. 141)

Child Safety Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 2004 No. 36 ss 1–2(1), pt 2

date of assent 27 October 2004

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced on date of assent (see s 2 (1))

Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2004 No. 43 pts 1, 3 s 3 sch

date of assent 18 November 2004

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 3 December 2004 (2004 SL No. 263)

Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2005 No. 70 s 1, pt 6

date of assent 08 December 2005

commenced on date of assent

Health Quality and Complaints Commission Act 2006 No. 25 ss 1–2(1), 241(1) sch 3

date of assent 29 May 2006

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2006 (see s 2 (1))

Corrective Services Act 2006 No. 29 ss 1, 2(2), 518 sch 3

date of assent 01 June 2006

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 28 August 2006 (2006 SL No. 213)

Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2007 No. 37 pts 1, 5, s 19 sch (this Act is amended, see amending legislation below)

date of assent 29 August 2007

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

s 21 never proclaimed into force and om 2008 No. 59 s 61

ss 22, 27 (to the extent it ins s 60) commenced 15 August 2008 (2008 SL No. 260)

remaining provisions commenced 28 September 2007 (2007 SL No. 241)

Amending legislation

Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2008 No. 59 s 1, pt 16 (amends 2007 No. 37 above)

date of assent 25 November 2008

commenced on date of assent

Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Jurisdiction Provisions) Amendment Act 2009 No. 24 ss 1–2, ch 9 pt 4

date of assent 26 June 2009

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 December 2009 (2009 SL No. 252)

Coroners and Other Acts Amendment Act 2009 No. 32 pts 1, 3

date of assent 26 August 2009

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 2 November 2009 (2009 SL No. 210)

Adoption Act 2009 No. 29 ss 1–2, pt 17 div 2

date of assent 26 August 2009

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 February 2010 (2009 SL No. 217)

Surrogacy Act 2010 No. 2 ss 1–2, ch 6 pt 3, s 68 sch 1

date of assent 16 February 2010

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 June 2010 (2010 SL No. 86)

Criminal History Screening Legislation Amendment Act 2010 No. 5 pt 1, s 248 sch 3

date of assent 04 March 2010

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 April 2010 (2010 SL No. 53)

Health Legislation (Health Practitioner Regulation National Law) Amendment Act 2010 No. 14 ss 1, 124 sch

date of assent 21 April 2010

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2010 (see s 2)

Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2010 No. 34 pts 1, 4

date of assent 08 September 2010

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 December 2010 (2010 SL No. 329)

Child Protection (Offender Reporting) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2011 No. 10 pts 1, 3

date of assent 14 April 2011

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2011 (2011 SL No. 72)

Family Responsibilities Commission and Other Acts Amendment Act 2011 No. 35 pts 1, 4

date of assent 04 November 2011

commenced on date of assent

Civil Partnerships Act 2011 No. 46 ss 1–2, pt 6 div 4

date of assent 06 December 2011

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

s 45 (to the extent it ins s 25B (3)–(4)) commenced 2 April 2012 (2012 SL No. 15)

remaining provisions commenced 23 February 2012 (2012 SL No. 15)

Civil Proceedings Act 2011 No. 45 ss 1–2, pt 32 div 2

date of assent 06 December 2011

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 7 December 2012 (automatic commenced under AIA s 15DA)

Civil Partnerships and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2012 No. 12 pts 1, 4

date of assent 27 June 2012

commenced on date of assent

Health Ombudsman Act 2013 No. 36 ss 1–2, 331 sch 1

date of assent 29 August 2013

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2014 (2014 SL No. 15)

Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013 No. 35 s 1, pt 7

date of assent 29 August 2013

commenced on date of assent

Treasury and Trade and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013 No. 39 ss 1, 109 sch 2

date of assent 23 September 2013

commenced on date of assent

Crime and Misconduct and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014 No. 21 ss 1, 2(2), 94(2) sch 2

date of assent 21 May 2014

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2014 (2014 SL No. 107)

Family and Child Commission Act 2014 No. 27 ss 1–2, 52 sch 1 pt 2

date of assent 28 May 2014

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2014 (see s 2)

Relationships (Civil Partnerships) and Other Acts Amendment Act 2015 No. 33

date of assent 17 December 2015

ss 1–2 comm on date of assent

pt 3 comm 22 March 2016 (2016 SL No. 14)

Domestic and Family Violence Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2016 No. 51

date of assent 20 October 2016

pt 2 div 3, ss 71(1), (2) (to the extent it ins defs interstate domestic violence order and police protection notice), 72(1), (2) (to the extent it ins defs interstate domestic violence order and police protection notice), 73 sch 1 (entries for Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 2003, Explosives Act 1999 and Tow Truck Act 1973) comm 25 November 2017 (2017 SL No. 184)

Child Protection (Offender Reporting) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2017 No. 14

date of assent 19 May 2017

pts 2–4, s 50 sch 1 comm 1 July 2017 (see s 2)

Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2017 No. 32

date of assent 13 September 2017

ss 4 (2), (4), (6)–(7), 5–7, 13–15, 27, 30 (2)–(3), 31, 40–42, 44–49, 51, 52 (to the extent it ins ss 320, 322–323), 53–54, 57 (1)–(3), 78 (2), pts 4–5, sch 1 comm 1 December 2018 (2018 SL No. 175) (proposed commencement 14 September 2019 (automatic commencement under AIA s 15DA (2)(2018 SL No. 129))

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Act 2018 No. 11

date of assent 18 June 2018

comm on date of assent

Health and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2019 No. 13

date of assent 11 April 2019

pts 1–5, 7 divs 1–2, 9–10 comm on date of assent

Meriba Omasker Kaziw Kazipa (Torres Strait Islander Traditional Child Rearing Practice) Act 2020 No. 33

date of assent 14 September 2020

pt 13 div 3 comm 1 July 2021 (2021 SL No. 25 item 2)

Public Sector Act 2022 No. 34

date of assent 12 December 2022

s 365 sch 3 comm 1 March 2023 (see s 2)

Public Records Act 2023 No. 33

date of assent 04 December 2023

s 107 sch 4 not yet proclaimed into force (see s 2)

This is a consolidated list of all history notes in this reprint. Show or hide the list by using the Turn history notes on/off button at the top of the page. The complete list can be printed (Ctrl-P) from the screen when the history notes are turned on.

s 3 amd 2009 No. 29 s 353; 2010 No. 2 s 69; 2020 No. 33 s 118

s 5 amd 2015 No. 33 s 30

s 8 amd 2007 No. 37 s 20

s 10 amd 2010 No. 2 s 68 sch 1

s 10A ins 2010 No. 2 s 70

amd 2020 No. 33 s 119

s 11 amd 2009 No. 24 s 1369

s 12 amd 2003 No. 77 s 30

s 13 amd 2003 No. 77 s 31; 2004 No. 43 s 10; 2010 No. 2 s 71

s 14 amd 2009 No. 29 s 354; 2010 No. 2 s 72; 2020 No. 33 s 120

s 15 amd 2004 No. 43 s 11; 2010 No. 2 s 73; 2020 No. 33 s 121

s 16 amd 2003 No. 77 s 32; 2004 No. 43 s 12

s 17 amd 2003 No. 77 s 33; 2004 No. 43 s 13; 2010 No. 2 s 74

s 19 amd 2004 No. 43 s 14; 2005 No. 70 s 39; 2010 No. 2 s 75

s 20 amd 2003 No. 77 s 34; 2004 No. 43 s 15; 2010 No. 2 s 76

s 21 amd 2004 No. 43 s 16; 2007 No. 37 s 22

s 22 amd 2018 No. 11 s 3

s 23 amd 2010 No. 14 s 124 sch

s 25 amd 2007 No. 37 s 23

pt 5A hdg ins 2011 No. 46 s 45

sub 2012 No. 12 s 33; 2015 No. 33 s 31

s 25A ins 2011 No. 46 s 45

amd 2012 No. 12 s 34; 2015 No. 33 s 32

s 25B ins 2011 No. 46 s 45

amd 2012 No. 12 s 35; 2015 No. 33 s 33

s 25C ins 2011 No. 46 s 45

amd 2012 No. 12 s 36; 2015 No. 33 s 34

s 27 amd 2005 No. 70 s 40

s 28 amd 2015 No. 33 s 35

s 29 amd 2015 No. 33 s 36

s 30 amd 2010 No. 14 s 124 sch

s 31 amd 2009 No. 24 s 1370

s 32 amd 2011 No. 45 s 225; 2015 No. 33 s 37; 2019 No. 13 s 4

s 34 amd 2013 No. 35 s 23; 2022 No. 34 s 365 sch 3

s 35 amd 2013 No. 35 s 24; 2022 No. 34 s 365 sch 3

s 37 amd 2003 No. 77 s 35

s 41 amd 2004 No. 43 s 17; 2009 No. 29 s 355; 2010 No. 2 s 77; 2020 No. 33 s 122

s 41A ins 2009 No. 29 s 356

amd 2011 No. 35 s 30

s 41B amd 2009 No. 29 s 356

s 41C amd 2009 No. 29 s 356

s 41D ins 2010 No. 2 s 78

s 41DA ins 2020 No. 33 s 123

s 41DB ins 2020 No. 33 s 123

s 41E ins 2010 No. 2 s 78

s 42 amd 2006 No. 29 s 518 sch 3; 2009 No. 32 s 62; 2009 No. 24 s 1371; 2010 No. 34 s 47; 2011 No. 10 s 28; 2017 No. 14 s 50 sch 1

s 43 amd 2004 No. 43 s 18

s 44 amd 2003 No. 77 s 36; 2004 No. 43 s 3 sch; 2007 No. 37 s 25; 2009 No. 29 s 357; 2010 No. 2 s 79; 2014 No. 21 s 94 (2) sch 2; 2015 No. 33 s 38; 2016 No. 51 s 73 sch 1; 2020 No. 33 s 124

s 44A ins 2010 No. 2 s 80

s 45 amd 2007 No. 37 s 26

s 48A ins 2004 No. 13 s 4

amd 2004 No. 36 s 4; 2005 No. 70 s 41; 2010 No. 2 s 68 sch 1; 2014 No. 27 s 52 sch 1 pt 2

s 48B ins 2004 No. 13 s 4

amd 2010 No. 5 s 248 sch 3; 2014 No. 27 s 52 sch 1 pt 2; 2015 No. 33 s 39

s 48C ins 2006 No. 25 s 241 (1) sch 3

sub 2013 No. 36 s 331 sch 1

amd 2015 No. 33 s 40

s 48D ins 2009 No. 29 s 358

s 49 sub 2009 No. 24 s 1372

s 50 amd 2010 No. 2 s 68 sch 1

s 54A ins 2015 No. 33 s 41

pt 9 div 1 hdg ins 2007 No. 37 s 19 sch

amd 2009 No. 24 s 1373 (1)

s 57 amd 2003 No. 77 s 37

sub 2007 No. 37 s 19 sch

pt 9 div 2 hdg ins 2007 No. 37 s 19 sch

sub 2009 No. 24 s 1373 (2)

s 57A ins 2003 No. 77 s 38

amd 2007 No. 37 s 19 sch

s 57B ins 2009 No. 29 s 359

pt 9 div 3 hdg ins 2007 No. 37 s 27

sub 2009 No. 24 s 1373 (3)

s 58 def amending Act ins 2007 No. 37 s 27

s 58 sub 2007 No. 37 s 27

s 59 ins 2007 No. 37 s 27

s 60 ins 2007 No. 37 s 27

s 61 ins 2007 No. 37 s 27

pt 9 div 4 hdg ins 2009 No. 24 s 1374

s 62 ins 2009 No. 24 s 1374

pt 9 div 5 hdg ins 2010 No. 2 s 81

s 63 ins 2010 No. 2 s 81

s 64 ins 2010 No. 2 s 81

om 2013 No. 39 s 109 sch 2

pt 9 div 6 hdg ins 2012 No. 12 s 37

s 65 ins 2012 No. 12 s 37

pt 9 div 7 hdg ins 2013 No. 35 s 25

s 66 ins 2013 No. 35 s 25

pt 9 div 8 hdg ins 2018 No. 11 s 4

s 67 ins 2018 No. 11 s 4

pt 10 hdg amd 2004 No. 43 s 3 sch

om 2007 No. 37 s 27

sch 2 def adoption entry ins 2009 No. 29 s 360 (2)

sch 2 def amending Act ins 2007 No. 37 s 28

sch 2 def approved form ins 2015 No. 33 s 42

sch 2 def birth entry ins 2009 No. 29 s 360 (2)

sch 2 def commissioner ins 2004 No. 13 s 5

om 2014 No. 27 s 52 sch 1 pt 2

sch 2 def cultural recognition order ins 2020 No. 33 s 125(1)

sch 2 def discharge order ins 2010 No. 2 s 82 (1)

sch 2 def disposal ins 2015 No. 33 s 42

sch 2 def family and child commissioner ins 2014 No. 27 s 52 sch 1 pt 2

sch 2 def funeral director ins 2015 No. 33 s 42

sch 2 def midwife sub 2010 No. 14 s 124 sch

amd 2017 No. 32 s 87 (2) sch 1 pt 2

sch 2 def parentage order ins 2010 No. 2 s 82 (1)

sch 2 def register, used as a noun, sub 2009 No. 29 s 360 (1)–(2)

sch 2 def registrable event amd 2009 No. 29 s 360 (3); 2010 No. 2 s 82 (2)–(3); 2020 No. 33 s 125(2)

sch 2 def relevant child register ins 2010 No. 2 s 82 (1)

amd 2020 No. 33 s 125(3)

sch 2 def source document ins 2015 No. 33 s 42

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 2003

Government Bill
Introduced: 29 April 2003 PDF icon Bill (Introduction)

HTML icon Bill (Introduction)

PDF icon Explanatory Note

HTML icon Explanatory Note

Assent: 23 May 2003 PDF icon Act 2003, No. 31

HTML icon Act 2003, No. 31