Judicial Remuneration Act 2007 No. 55

Judicial Remuneration Act 2007 No. 55

date of assent 09 November 2007

ss 1–2, pt 5 divs 4–5, sch 1 amdt 1 (to the extent it amds the Industrial Relations Act 1999), sch 1 (to the extent it amds the Industrial Relations Act and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2007), sch 1 (to the extent it amds the Magistrates Courts Act 1921) commenced on date of assent (see s 2 (1))

sch 1 amdt 3 (to the extent it amds the Industrial Relations Act 1999), sch 1 amdts 1–3, 6–9, 12–13 (to the extent it amds the Judges (Pensions and Long Leave) Act 1957), sch 1 amdt 2 (to the extent it amds the Land Court Act 2000), sch 1 amdts 1–3 (to the extent it amds the Magistrates Act 1991) commenced 30 November 2007 (2007 SL No. 294)

sch 1 amdts 4–5 (to the extent it amds the Supreme Court of Queensland Act 1991) commenced 1 January 2008 (see s 2 (2))

remaining provisions commenced 14 March 2008 (2008 SL No. 62)

Supreme Court of Queensland Act 1991 No. 68 s 122 sch 1C (this Act is amended, see amending legislation below)

date of assent 24 October 1991

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 14 December 1991 (1991 SL No. 173)

Amending legislation

Civil Proceedings Act 2011 No. 45 ss 1–2, 207, 209 (amends 1991 No. 68 above)

date of assent 06 December 2011

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 September 2012 (2012 SL No. 146)

Industrial Relations (Transparency and Accountability of Industrial Organisations) and Other Acts Amendment Act 2013 No. 29 ss 1–2(1)(a), pt 2F

date of assent 20 June 2013

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2013 (2013 SL No. 132)

Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013 No. 35 s 1, pt 21

date of assent 29 August 2013

commenced on date of assent

Industrial Relations Act 2016 No. 63

date of assent 09 December 2016

ch 1 pt 1 hdgs, ss 35, pts 2–3, chs 2–18, ch 19 pts 1–7, ss 11181124, 1126–1128, 1151, 1152 (to the extent it ins new s 289), ch 19 pts 9–10, schs 1–6 comm 1 March 2017 (2017 SL No. 24)

Respect at Work and Other Matters Amendment Act 2024 No. 47

date of assent 19 September 2024

pt 6A comm on date of assent

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Judicial Remuneration Act 2007