Trading (Allowable Hours) Act 1990 No. 34
Table of Reprints
List of Legislation
Trading (Allowable Hours) Act 1990 No. 34 (prev Trading Hours Act 1990)
date of assent 15 June 1990
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
remaining provisions commenced 23 June 1990 (proc pubd ind gaz 23 June 1990 p 324)
Amending legislation
Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment Act 1994 No. 23 pts 1–2, s 3 sch
date of assent 10 May 1994
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
remaining provisions commenced 16 May 1994 (1994 SL No. 149)
Wine Industry Act 1994 No. 80 ss 1–2, 67 sch 1
date of assent 01 December 1994
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
remaining provisions commenced 31 March 1995 (1995 SL No. 70)
Anzac Day Act 1995 No. 4 s 1, 33 sch
date of assent 03 March 1995
commenced on date of assent
Statute Law Revision Act 1995 No. 57 ss 1–2, 4 sch 1
date of assent 28 November 1995
commenced on date of assent
Workplace Relations Act 1997 No. 1 ss 1–2, 495 sch 4
date of assent 14 February 1997
commenced on date of assent (see s 2 (2))
Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment Act 1998 No. 45
date of assent 27 November 1998
commenced on date of assent
Industrial Relations Act 1999 No. 33 ss 1, 2(2), 747 sch 3
date of assent 18 June 1999
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
remaining provisions commenced 1 July 1999 (1999 SL No. 159)
Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment Act 1999 No. 83
date of assent 14 December 1999
commenced on date of assent
Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 No. 5 ss 1–2(1)–(2), 373 sch 2
date of assent 23 March 2000
commenced on date of assent (see s 2 (1)–(2))
Corrective Services Act 2000 No. 63 ss 1, 2(2), 276 sch 2
date of assent 24 November 2000
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2001 (2001 SL No. 88)
Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Act 2001 No. 45 ss 1–2, 29 sch 3
date of assent 28 June 2001
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
sch 3 commenced 15 July 2001 (see s 2 (2) of Act 2001 No. 45 (Qld) and Corporations Act 2001 No. 50 (Cwlth) and proc pubd Cwlth of Australia gaz 13 July 2001, No. S285)
remaining provision commenced immediately before 15 July 2001 (see s 2 (1) of Act 2001 No. 45 (Qld) and Corporations Act 2001 No. 50 (Cwlth) and proc pubd Cwlth of Australia gaz 13 July 2001, No. S285)
Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment Act 2002 No. 3
date of assent 11 March 2002
ss 1–2, 7 commenced on date of assent (see s 2 (1))
s 9 commenced 1 August 2002 (2002 SL No. 187)
remaining provisions commenced 1 August 2002 (see s 2 (3))
Private Employment Agencies and Other Acts Amendment Act 2002 No. 9 ss 1–2(1), pt 4
date of assent 19 April 2002
commenced on date of assent
Racing Act 2002 No. 58 ss 1–2(1), 398(1) sch 2 pt 1
date of assent 14 November 2002
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2003 (2003 SL No. 141)
Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Acts Amendment Act 2004 No. 45 s 1, pt 7
date of assent 18 November 2004
commenced on date of assent
Industrial Relations and Other Acts Amendment Act 2005 No. 11 pts 1, 3
date of assent 01 April 2005
commenced on date of assent
Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2009 No. 38 ss 1, 2(2), pt 14
date of assent 22 September 2009
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
remaining provisions commenced 26 October 2009 (2009 SL No. 233)
Holidays and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2011 No. 44 pts 1, 6
date of assent 06 December 2011
commenced on date of assent
Industrial Relations (Transparency and Accountability of Industrial Organisations) and Other Acts Amendment Act 2013 No. 29 ss 1–2(1)(a), pt 3B
date of assent 20 June 2013
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2013 (2013 SL No. 132)
Directors’ Liability Reform Amendment Act 2013 No. 51 ss 1–2(1), pt 70
date of assent 29 October 2013
ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent
remaining provisions commenced 1 November 2013 (see s 2 (1))
G20 (Safety and Security) Act 2013 No. 56 s 1, pt 15 div 5
date of assent 07 November 2013
commenced on date of assent
Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2015 No. 13
date of assent 27 November 2013
commenced on date of assent
Industrial Relations (Fair Work Act Harmonisation No. 2) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013 No. 61 pts 1, 2 div 3
date of assent 27 November 2013
commenced on date of assent
Racing Integrity Act 2016 No. 12
date of assent 27 April 2016
sch 2 pt 2 commences 1 July 2016 (2016 SL No. 95)
Industrial Relations Act 2016 No. 63
date of assent 09 December 2016
Liquor and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2017 No. 5
date of assent 09 March 2017
pt 1 pt 2 div 3, pts 4–5 comm on date of assent
Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment Act 2017 No. 26
date of assent 31 August 2017
comm on date of assent
Education (Overseas Students) Act 2018 No. 1
Trading (Allowable Hours) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2022 No. 17
date of assent 29 August 2022
pt 4, sch 1 comm on date of assent
Table of renumbered provisions
under the Reprints Act 1992 s 43 as required by the Trading (Allowable Hours) Act 1990 s 1.4
Previous |
Renumbered as |
1.1 |
1 |
1.2 |
2 |
1.3 |
3 |
2.1 |
4 |
2.2 |
5 |
2.2(2)(sa) |
5(2)(t) |
2.2(2)(t) |
5(2)(u) |
2.2(2)(u) |
5(2)(v) |
2.2(2)(v) |
5(2)(w) |
2.2(2)(w) |
5(2)(x) |
2.2(2)(x) |
5(2)(y) |
2.2(2)(y) |
5(2)(z) |
2.2(2)(z) |
5(2)(za) |
2.2(2)(za) |
5(2)(zb) |
2.2(2)(zb) |
5(2)(zc) |
2.2(2)(zc) |
5(2)(zd) |
2.2(2)(zd) |
5(2)(ze) |
2.2(2)(ze) |
5(2)(zf) |
2.2(2)(zf) |
5(2)(zg) |
2.2(2)(zg) |
5(2)(zh) |
2.2(2)(zh) |
5(2)(zi) |
2.2(2)(zi) |
5(2)(zj) |
2.2(2)(zj) |
5(2)(zk) |
2.3 |
6 |
3.2 |
7 |
3.3 |
8 |
3.4 |
9 |
3.5 |
10 |
3.6 |
11 |
3.7 |
12 |
3.8 |
13 |
3.9 |
14 |
4.1 |
15 |
4.2 |
16 |
4.3 |
17 |
4.4 |
18 |
4.5 |
19 |
4.6 |
20 |
4.6(1A) |
20(2) |
4.6(2) |
20(3) |
4.6(3) |
20(4) |
5.1 |
21 |
5.2 |
22 |
5.3 |
23 |
5.3(3A) |
23(4) |
5.3(4) |
23(5) |
5.3A |
24 |
5.4 |
25 |
5.4(1A) |
25(2) |
5.4(2) |
25(3) |
5.5 |
26 |
5.6 |
27 |
5.7 |
28 |
5.8 |
29 |
5.9 |
30 |
5.10 |
31 |
5.10(2A) |
31(3) |
5.10(3) |
31(4) |
6.1 |
32 |
6.2 |
33 |
6.2A |
34 |
6.3 |
35 |
6.4 |
36 |
7.1 |
37 |
7.2 |
38 |
7.3 |
39 |
7.4 |
40 |
7.5 |
41 |
7.6 |
42 |
7.7 |
43 |
7.7(1A) |
43(2) |
7.7(2) |
43(3) |
7.7(3) |
43(4) |
7.7(4) |
43(5) |
7.8 |
44 |
7.9 |
45 |
7.9(2A) |
45(3) |
7.9(3) |
45(4) |
7.10 |
46 |
7.11 |
47 |
8.1 |
48 |
8.2 |
49 |
History notes
Trading Hours Act 1990
Government Bill | |
Assent: 15 June 1990 | ![]()