Bishopsbourne Estate and See Endowment Trusts Act 1898
Table of Reprints
Effective Date | Publication Date | Amendments Included | Notes |
22 December 1898 | 27 January 2021 |
List of Legislation
Bishopsbourne Estate and See Endowment Trusts Act 1898 No. beseta 62 Vic
date of assent 22 December 1898
commenced on date of assent
Table of renumbered provisions
under the Reprints Act 1992 s 43 [Reprint No. 1]
Previous |
Renumbered as |
Preamble |
1st unnum sentence from ‘WHEREAS by a’ to ‘trustees of the same’ |
1 |
1st unnum para from ‘AND by the Schedule’ to ‘that is to say:—’ |
2 |
2nd unnum sentence from ‘In perpetual trust’ to ‘and his successors’ |
2(a) |
3rd unnum sentence from ‘And in furtherance’ to ‘to be Bishop of Brisbane’ |
2(b) |
4th unnum sentence from ‘And from and after’ to ‘succeeding Bishop of Brisbane’ |
2(c) |
5th unnum sentence from ‘And from and after’ to ‘to be Bishop of Brisbane’ |
2(d) |
6th unnum sentence from ‘And in like manner’ to ‘to be Bishop of Brisbane’ |
2(e) |
2nd unnum para from ‘And in like manner’ to ‘next succeeding Bishop’ |
2(f) |
3rd unnum para from ‘And whereas since’ to ‘for the time being’ |
3 |
7th unnum sentence from ‘And whereas by’ to ‘time to time direct’ |
4 |
4th unnum para from ‘And it was thereby’ to ‘annual produce thereof’ |
5 |
5th unnum para from ‘And whereas by’ to ‘payable half-yearly’ |
6 |
6th unnum para from ‘And whereas the’ to ‘for the time being’ |
7 |
7th unnum para from ‘And whereas there’ to ‘or thereabouts’ |
8 |
8th unnum sentence from ‘And whereas by’ to ‘such vesting as aforesaid’ |
9 |
9th unnum sentence from ‘And that all’ to ‘take effect accordingly’ |
10 |
8th unnum para from ‘And whereas the’ to ‘Estate as aforesaid’ |
11 |
9th unnum para from ‘And whereas the’ to ‘for that purpose’ |
12 |
10th unnum para from ‘And it is desirable’ to ‘conferred upon them’ |
13 |
2, 1st sentence |
2(1) |
2(1) |
2(1)(a) |
2(2) |
2(1)(b) |
2(3) |
2(1)(c) |
2(4) |
2(1)(d) |
2, proviso |
2(2) |