Telecommunications Interception Act 2009 No. 10

Effective Date Publication Date Amendments Included Notes
18 June 2009
01 July 2014 23 June 2016 2014 Act No. 21

RA s 44A

05 May 2016 12 July 2016 2016 Act No. 19
30 March 2017 30 January 2020 2017 Act No. 6
28 February 2023 07 March 2023 2023 Act No. 1
01 February 2024 01 February 2024 2023 Act No. 23
30 August 2024 02 September 2024 2024 Act No. 41

Telecommunications Interception Act 2009 No. 10

date of assent 28 May 2009

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 18 June 2009 (2009 SL No. 86)

Crime and Misconduct and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014 No. 21 ss 1, 2(2), 94(2) sch 2

date of assent 21 May 2014

ss 1–2 commenced on date of assent

remaining provisions commenced 1 July 2014 (2014 SL No. 107)

Crime and Corruption Amendment Act 2016 No. 19

date of assent 05 May 2016

comm on date of assent

Criminal Law Amendment Act 2017 No. 6

date of assent 30 March 2017

comm on date of assent

Domestic and Family Violence Protection (Combating Coercive Control) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2023 No. 1

date of assent 28 February 2023

pt 8 and sch 1 pt 1 comm on date of assent

Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2023 No. 23

date of assent 20 September 2023

s 247 sch 1 s 3 comm 1 February 2024 (2024 SL No. 1)

Public Records Act 2023 No. 33

date of assent 04 December 2023

s 107 sch 5 not yet proclaimed into force (see s 2)

Crime and Corruption and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024 No. 41

date of assent 30 August 2024

pt 6 comm on date of assent

Respect at Work and Other Matters Amendment Act 2024 No. 47

date of assent 19 September 2024

s 78 sch 2 comm 14 October 2024, immediately after the commencement of the Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024 (Cwlth), section 8 (see s 2(3))

This is a consolidated list of all history notes in this reprint. Show or hide the list by using the Turn history notes on/off button at the top of the page. The complete list can be printed (Ctrl-P) from the screen when the history notes are turned on.

Long title amd 2014 No. 21 s 94 (2) sch 2

s 5 amd 2014 No. 21 s 94 (2) sch 2

s 6 sub 2023 No. 1 s 83

s 7 amd 2023 No. 1 s 84

s 8 amd 2023 No. 1 s 85

s 9 sub 2023 No. 1 s 86

s 10 amd 2023 No. 1 s 87

s 11 amd 2023 No. 1 s 88

s 12 amd 2014 No. 21 s 94 (2) sch 2; 2023 No. 1 s 89

s 13 amd 2014 No. 21 s 94 (2) sch 2

pt 3 hdg amd 2023 No. 1 s 90

s 14 amd 2017 No. 6 s 74; 2023 No. 1 s 97 sch 1 pt 1

s 15 amd 2023 No. 1 s 97 sch 1 pt 1

s 16 amd 2023 No. 1 s 97 sch 1 pt 1

s 20 amd 2023 No. 1 s 97 sch 1 pt 1

pt 4 hdg amd 2023 No. 1 s 91

s 22 amd 2023 No. 1 s 97 sch 1 pt 1

s 23 amd 2023 No. 1 s 97 sch 1 pt 1

s 24 amd 2014 No. 21 s 94 (2) sch 2; 2023 No. 1 s 97 sch 1 pt 1

s 25 amd 2023 No. 1 s 97 sch 1 pt 1; 2024 No. 41 s 60

s 26 amd 2023 No. 1 s 97 sch 1 pt 1

s 27 amd 2023 No. 1 s 97 sch 1 pt 1

s 28 amd 2023 No. 1 s 97 sch 1 pt 1

s 29 amd 2023 No. 1 s 97 sch 1 pt 1; 2024 No. 41 s 61

s 32 amd 2014 No. 21 s 94 (2) sch 2

s 34 amd 2023 No. 1 s 92

pt 6 hdg ins 2023 No. 1 s 93

s 41 ins 2023 No. 1 s 93

sch def CCC ins 2014 No. 21 s 94(2) sch 2

sch def chief officer amd 2014 No. 21 s 94(2) sch 2; 2016 No. 19 s 46 sch 1

sch def CMC om 2014 No. 21 s 94(2) sch 2

sch def deputy PIM amd 2014 No. 21 s 94(2) sch 2

sch def eligible authority amd 2014 No. 21 s 94(2) sch 2

sch def inspecting entity amd 2014 No. 21 s 94(2) sch 2

sch def international production order ins 2023 No. 1 s 94

sch def IPO (investigative) application ins 2023 No. 1 s 94

sch def IPO (supervisory) application ins 2023 No. 1 s 94

sch def officer amd 2014 No. 21 s 94(2) sch 2

sch def parliamentary commissioner amd 2014 No. 21 s 94(2) sch 2

sch def parliamentary committee sub 2014 No. 21 s 94(2) sch 2

sch def part 2-5 warrant application ins 2023 No. 1 s 94

sch def part 2-5 warrant record ins 2023 No. 1 s 94

sch def police commissioner om 2023 No. 23 s 247 sch 1 s 3

sch def public interest monitor amd 2014 No. 21 s 94(2) sch 2

Telecommunications Interception Act 2009

Government Bill
Introduced: 22 April 2009 PDF icon Bill (Introduction)

HTML icon Bill (Introduction)

PDF icon Explanatory Note

HTML icon Explanatory Note

Assent: 28 May 2009 PDF icon Act 2009, No. 10

HTML icon Act 2009, No. 10