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Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel

Weekly update for Queensland legislation

Bill information, notification of subordinate legislation and other legislative events

Week starting 10 June 2024

(Last updated 17 June 2024 at 08:36)

1 Bills

Bills introduced


Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2024

Appropriation Bill 2024

Child Safe Organisations Bill 2024

Disability Services (Restrictive Practices) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

Respect at Work and Other Matters Amendment Bill 2024

Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

Tobacco and Other Smoking Products (Vaping) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

Private Member


Bills passed

Bills passed without amendment

Environmental Protection (Powers and Penalties) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

Help to Buy (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2024

Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

State Financial Institutions and Metway Merger Amendment Bill 2024

Bills amended during passage

Economic Development and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

Mineral and Energy Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

Resources Safety and Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

Bills failed


Bills withdrawn


Bills lapsed


2 Acts

Acts assented to


Proclamations commencing Acts made


Acts repealed


3 Subordinate legislation

Subordinate legislation notified

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Regulation 2024

Childrens Court Amendment Rule 2024

Corrective Services Amendment Regulation 2024

Fisheries Quota (Spanner Crab Fishery) Amendment Declaration 2024

Local Government Legislation (Superannuation) Amendment Regulation 2024

Retirement Villages (Financial Documents) Amendment Regulation 2024

Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Amendment Regulation 2024

Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation (QOTE) Notice 2024

Subordinate legislation tabled

Corrective Services (Emerging Technologies and Security) and Other Legislation Amendment (Postponement) Regulation 2024

Criminal Practice (Interpreters) and Other Rules Amendment Rule 2024

Criminal Practice Amendment Rule 2024

Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Regulation 2024

Justice Legislation (Allowances and Other Matters) Amendment Regulation 2024

Major Events (Motor Racing Events) (Townsville 500) Amendment Regulation 2024

Petroleum and Gas (General Provisions) (Annual Fee) Amendment Regulation 2024

Proclamation No. 1—Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Act 2024 (commencing certain provisions)

Proclamation No. 2—Information Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2023 (commencing certain provisions)

Proclamation No. 2—Integrity and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024 (commencing remaining provisions)

Proclamation—Disaster Management and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024 (commencing remaining provisions)

Proclamation—Emergency Services Reform Amendment Act 2024 (commencing remaining provisions)

Proclamation—Forensic Science Queensland Act 2024 (commencing remaining provisions)

Proclamation—Marine Rescue Queensland Act 2024 (commencing remaining provisions)

Proclamation—State Emergency Service Act 2024 (commencing remaining provisions)

Rural and Regional Adjustment (Fisheries Structural Adjustment Scheme—Stage 3 and Other Matters) Amendment Regulation 2024

Transport Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2024

Subordinate legislation disallowed


Subordinate legislation repealed


Subordinate legislation expired
