QueenslandWeaponsAct1990Current as at [Not
applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates allproposed
amendments to the Act included in the Queensland CommunitySafety
Bill 2024. This indicative reprint has been prepared for
informationonly—it is not an authorised reprint of the
Act.SomeenactedbutuncommencedamendmentsincludedinthePublicRecordsAct2023No. 33 have also
been incorporated in this indicativereprint.The
point-in-time date for this indicative reprint is the introduction
date forthe Queensland Community Safety Bill 2024—1
May 2024.DetailedinformationaboutindicativereprintsisavailableontheInformationpage of this
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Weapons Act
1990Part 1 Preliminary[s 1]AnActtoconsolidateandamendthelawsregulatingorprohibiting the purchase, possession, use,
carrying and sale ofcertain weapons and articles and to provide
for the preventionof the misuse of weapons and for related
purposesPart 1PreliminaryDivision 1Introduction1Short
titleThis Act may be cited as theWeapons Act 1990.2Application of Act(1)This
Act does not apply to a person—(a)who
is—(i)amemberofthearmedforcesoftheCommonwealth as prescribed by
theDefenceAct1903(Cwlth) in
respect of that person’s possessionor use of a
weapon as part of performance of dutyas such member;
or(ii)a member of the
armed forces of any governmentassociatedwiththearmedforcesoftheCommonwealthinrespectofthatperson’spossessionoruseofaweaponaspartofperformance of duty as such member;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 1
Preliminary[s 2]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage
14(iii)a member in a
cadet force under theCadet ForcesRegulations(Cwlth)inrelationtothemember’spossession and
use of a weapon when participatingintheactivitiesofthecadetforceinwhichtheperson is a member; orEditor’s
notes—1Cadet Forces Regulations 1977(Cwlth), section 2—cadetforcemeanstheAustralianNavyCadets,theAustralian Army Cadets or the Australian Air
Force Cadets.membermeans an
officer, instructor or cadet in a cadetforce.2TheCadet Forces
Regulations 1977are in force under theDefenceAct1903(Cwlth),theNavalDefenceAct1910(Cwlth) and
theAir Force Act 1923(Cwlth).(b)who is a member of the federal police
as prescribed bytheAustralianFederalPoliceAct1979(Cwlth)ormemberofthepoliceserviceofanyotherStateorTerritory in respect of that person’s
possession or use ofaweaponaspartofperformanceofdutyassuchmemberorwhenperformingafunctionfortheQueenslandPoliceServiceattherequestofthecommissioner of the Queensland Police
Service; or(c)who is an officer of Customs in the
Australian BorderForce in relation to the person’s possession
or use of aweapon when performing the duties of an
officer; or(d)whoisanofficeroftheAustralianProtectiveServiceundertheAustralianProtectiveServiceAct1987(Cwlth) in
relation to the person’s possession or use of aweapon when
performing the duties of an officer; or(e)whoisapoliceofficer,specialconstableortraineemember of the
Queensland police service, or any othermember of the
Queensland police service authorised bythe
commissioner—(i)inrespectoftheperson’spossessionoruseofaweapon as part of the performance of the
person’sfunctionsasamemberoftheQueenslandpoliceservice; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 1
Preliminary[s 2]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(ii)while the person
is not on duty as a member of theQueenslandpoliceserviceinrelationtotheperson’spossessionoruseofaweapon,iftheperson is acting in accordance with
the directionsofthecommissionerinrelationtotheoff-dutypossession and
use of weapons; or(g)whoisundergoinganapprovedtrainingcourseinrespect of the person’s possession or use of
a weapon aspart of the training course; or(h)whilst actually engaged in the
manufacture, assembly orhandlingofanyweaponfororonbehalfoftheGovernmentoftheCommonwealthoranyStateorTerritory; or(i)whilst engaged in scientific or experimental
work withany weapon under an authority in that behalf
granted bythe Minister; or(k)being a person over the prescribed age who
is the owner,lessee, hirer or licensee of any boat, ship,
or aircraft inrespectofpossessiononboardorinconnectionwith,that
boat, ship or aircraft of a recognised safety device,signallingapparatusorammunitionthereofaspartofand
solely for the use as part of the safety equipment ofthat
boat, ship or aircraft; or(l)who is actually
engaged in the warehousing or transportunder
consignment of merchandise for or on behalf of—(i)a
licensed dealer; or(ii)the armed forces
of the Commonwealth; or(iii)any authority of
the Commonwealth or State;inrespectofpossessionofmerchandiseconsignedthereto or therefrom; or(m)to
whom the commissioner of the police service in theprescribed manner has granted an exemption
from theapplicationofthoseprovisionsofthisActspecifiedtherein in
respect of the application of those provisions.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 15
Weapons Act 1990Part 1
Preliminary[s 2]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(2)This Act does not apply to a
government service entity or anemployeeofagovernmentserviceentityinrelationtotheentity’soremployee’sacquisition,possessionoruseofaweapon as part of the performance of—(a)the functions of the entity or
employee; or(b)if the functions of the entity or
employee are prescribedunderaregulation—thosefunctionsoftheentityoremployee that are prescribed.(3)Subsection (2) does not exempt a
government service entity oran employee of a
government service entity from—(a)theapplicationofsection 60orprovisionsofaregulation dealing with the safe
handling and storage ofweapons; or(b)the
application of the remaining provisions of this Act tothe
possession or use of a weapon unless the entity oremployeecomplieswiththeconditionsstatedinsubsection (4).(4)The
conditions are—(a)for a government service
entity—(i)theentitynotifiesthecommissioner,intheapprovedform,oftheacquisitionorsaleofaweaponwithin14daysafteracquiringorsellingthe weapon;
and(ii)the entity
keeps, on a register in a form approvedby the
commissioner and kept for the purpose, thefollowing
details—(A)where the weapon is stored;(B)thenameofeachemployeetowhomaweapon is issued and the date and time
whentheweaponisissuedtotheemployeeandreturned by the employee; and(iii)at least 14 days
before the entity issues the weaponto a particular
employee for the first time, it givesthecommissionertheinformationaboutthePage 16Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Preliminary[s 2]employee the
commissioner reasonably needs to besatisfied the
employee is a fit and proper person topossess the
weapon; and(iv)the entity
issues the weapon to an employee only ifit is
satisfied—(A)the performance of the employee’s
functionsnecessarilyrequirestheemployeetohavepossession of
the weapon; and(B)the employee holds a firearms licence;
and(C)the employee is properly trained in
the use ofthe weapon; and(b)foranemployeeofagovernmentserviceentity—theemployee holds a
firearms licence.(5)An employee mentioned in subsection
(4)(a)(iv) may possessany category of weapon in the
performance of the employee’sfunctions even
though the employee is not licensed to possessthe category of
weapon.(6)The condition mentioned in subsection
(4)(a)(iv)(B) does notapply to a prescribed service
entity.(7)The condition mentioned in subsection
(4)(b) does not applyto an employee of a prescribed service
entity.(8)The operation of this section is
subject to theDomestic andFamily Violence
Protection Act 2012, section 83.(9)In
this section—Australian Border Forcesee theAustralian Border Force Act2015(Cwlth), section
4(1).government service entitymeans—(a)a
department of Government of the State; or(b)a
museum under the control of the Government of theState or the Commonwealth; or(c)another entity prescribed under a
regulation that—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 1
Preliminary[s 3](i)isestablishedunderanActorunderStateauthorisation for a public or State purpose;
or(ii)is engaged by
the State or an entity mentioned insubparagraph (i)
to provide a service for the Stateor
entity;but does not include the Queensland Police
Service.officerofCustomsseetheCustomsAct1901(Cwlth),section 4(1).prescribed
service entitymeans an entity prescribed for thedefinitiongovernment
service entity, paragraph (c).3Principles and object of Act(1)The principles underlying this Act are
as follows—(a)weapon possession and use are
subordinate to the needto ensure public and individual
object of this Act is to prevent the misuse of weapons.4How object is to be achieved for
firearmsThe object of this Act is to be achieved for
firearms by—(a)prohibiting the possession and use of
all automatic andself-loadingriflesandautomaticandself-loadingshotguns except
in special circumstances; and(b)establishinganintegratedlicensingandregistrationscheme for all
firearms; and(c)requiring each person who wishes to
possess a firearmunderalicencetodemonstrateagenuinereasonforpossessing the firearm; andPage
18Current as at [Not applicable]
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Preliminary[s 5](d)providingstrictrequirementsthatmustbesatisfiedfor—(i)licences authorising possession of
firearms; and(ii)the acquisition
and sale of firearms; and(e)ensuringthatfirearmsare
storedandcarried inasafeand secure
way.Division 2Interpretation5DefinitionsThe dictionary
in schedule 2 defines particular words used inthis Act.5AMeaning ofclass A serious
offence(1)Aclass A serious
offenceis—(a)an offence
against any of the following provisions of theCriminal
Code—(i)section 302;(ii)section 303;(iii)section 320;(iv)section 323;(v)section 409, if—(A)the
offender is or pretends to be armed withanydangerousoroffensiveweaponorinstrument; or(B)atorimmediatelybeforeorimmediatelyafterthetimeoftherobbery,theoffenderwounds or uses
any other personal violenceto any person;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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Preliminary[s 5B](b)an
offence under a law of another jurisdiction that, if ithadbeencommittedinQueensland,wouldhaveconstituted an
offence mentioned in paragraph (a).(2)AnoffenceagainstaprovisionoftheCriminalCodementionedinsubsection (1)(a)isaclassAseriousoffenceregardless of whether the provision has been
amended fromtime to time or numbered differently.5BMeaning ofclass B serious
offence(1)Aclass B serious
offenceis—(a)an offence
against a provision of an Act mentioned inschedule
1AAsubjecttoanycircumstance,statedforthe offence in the schedule, that
applies to the offence;or(b)an
offence under a law of another jurisdiction that, if ithadbeencommittedinQueensland,wouldhaveconstituted an
offence mentioned in paragraph (a).(2)AnoffenceagainstaprovisionofanActmentionedinschedule 1AAisaclassBseriousoffenceregardlessofwhether the provision has been amended from
time to time ornumbered differently.5CMeaning ofclass C serious
offence(1)AclassCseriousoffenceisanoffenceunderalawofQueensland or
another jurisdiction that—(a)relates to the
misuse of drugs; or(b)involves the use or threatened use of
violence; or(c)involves the carriage, discharge,
possession or use of aweapon.(2)However, an offence is not aclass C serious offenceif it is
aclass A serious offence or a class B serious
offence.Page 20Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Preliminary[s 5D]5DMeaning ofdisqualified
personis a person who—(a)isareportableoffenderundertheChildProtection(OffenderReportingandOffenderProhibitionOrder)Act
2004; or(b)isorhasbeensubjecttoafirearmprohibitionordermade
under section 141H; or(c)is or has been
subject to an order made under a law ofanotherjurisdictionthatcorrespondstoafirearmprohibition
order; or(d)isorhasbeensubjecttoadivision
3orderundertheDangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders)
Act 2003; or(e)has
been convicted of a serious violent offence under thePenalties and Sentences Act 1992,
section 161A.(2)However—(a)apersonwhoisorhasbeensubjecttoanordermentionedinsubsection (1)(b)or(c)isnotadisqualifiedpersonif,whentheorderwasmade,theperson was a child; and(b)a
person who has been subject to an order mentioned insubsection (1)(b), (c) or (d) is not
adisqualified personifthedecisiontomaketheorderwasrevokedorsetaside on review or appeal.6Meaning ofheirloom
firearmAnheirloomfirearmisafirearm,otherthanacategoryRweapon,ownershipofwhichhaspassedtoapersonbytestamentary disposition or the laws of
succession.6AWhat is areplica(1)Areplica of a
weaponis—(a)a reasonable
facsimile or copy of a weapon, even if it isnot capable of
discharging a projectile or substance; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 21
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Preliminary[s 6B](b)acategoryA,BorCweaponthathasbeenrenderedpermanently inoperable; or(c)a hand grenade that is inert.(2)Areplica—(a)ofaparticularweapon—meansareasonablefacsimileorcopyoftheweapon,evenifitisnotcapableofdischarging a projectile or substance;
or(b)ofaspeargun,longboworcrossbow—meansareasonable facsimile or copy of a spear gun,
longbow orcrossbowevenifitisnotcapableofdischargingaprojectile; or(c)ofathingprescribedunderaregulation—meansanything
prescribed under a regulation to be a replica ofthe
thing.6BMeaning ofsecurity
guardis a person who patrols, protects,
watchesoverorguards(protects)theperson’spropertyorotherpersons or other
person’s property—(a)in the course of carrying on a
business; or(b)in the course of employment.Example—A jeweller
transporting jewellery in the course of carrying on a
businesswho does not engage someone else to guard
the jewellery while it isbeing transported is a ‘security
guard’.Note—Section 123
provides that a person must not, in performing duties as asecurity guard, physically possess a weapon
unless the person holds asecurity licence (guard).(2)However, the following persons are not
security guards—(a)apersonwhoprotectspropertyiftheprotectioniscarried out in the course of primary
production;(b)aperson,otherthanasecurityorganisation,whoengages someone else to protect property for
the person.Page 22Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Preliminary[s 6C]6CMeaning ofpublic
monumentis a thing that is—(a)mentioned in theWeapons
Categories Regulation 1997,section 8(1)(a),
(c), (i) or (j); and(b)permanently
incapable of being discharged; and(c)permanently and lawfully displayed in a
public place formemorial or commemorative purposes.Examples—•permanently deactivated WWI artillery
permanently displayed inthe foyer or grounds, open to the
public, of an RSL club•a permanently
deactivated Bofors anti-aircraft gun mounted on aconcrete platform in a public park(2)For subsection (1)(c), a thing is
permanently displayed only ifthe thing is
displayed in a way that prevents its removal by anunauthorised person.(3)In
this section—public placeincludes a place
that can be seen from a publicplace.7How a firearm is madepermanently inoperable(1)Afirearmismadepermanentlyinoperableifthefirearmismodified in the way prescribed under a
regulation to make itincapable of being discharged.(2)However, a firearm is not taken to be
permanently inoperableunlessalicensedarmourerorapersonapprovedbythecommissionerforthissubsectioncertifies,intheapprovedform, the
firearm as being incapable of being discharged.(3)Thecommissionermayapproveapersonforsubsection (2)onlyifthecommissionerissatisfiedthepersonhasthenecessary expertise or experience to
certify that a firearm isincapable of being discharged.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 8]8How a firearm is
madetemporarily inoperableA firearm is
made temporarily inoperable—(a)forafirearmdesignedtoallowitsbolt,breechblock,firing pin or
other integral part of the firing mechanismtoberemoved—ifthepartisremovedandsecurelystored
separately from the firearm; and(b)for
another firearm—if the firearm’s trigger is securedby a
trigger lock and the lock’s key is securely storedseparately from the firearm.8ANotes in textA note in the
text of this Act is part of the Act.Part 2Licences9Issue, renewal, endorsement and alteration
of licencesA licence may be issued, renewed, endorsed
or altered only byan authorised officer.10Limitations on issue of licence(1)A licence may be issued only
to—(a)an individual under subsection (2);
or(b)a body under subsection (3).(2)A licence may be issued to an
individual only if the person—(a)is—(i)foralicenceotherthanaminor’slicence—anadult; or(ii)foraminor’slicence—atleast11yearsandotherwise within the age group prescribed
under aregulation for the licence; andPage
24Current as at [Not applicable]
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Licences[s 10](b)has,undersection 10A,anadequateknowledgeofsafety practices for the use, storage
and maintenance oftheweaponorcategoryofweaponthepossessionofwhich is to be authorised by the licence;
and(c)has access to secure storage
facilities for the weapon orcategoryofweaponpossessionofwhichistobeauthorised by
the licence; and(d)is not prevented under this or another
Act or by an orderof a Magistrates Court or another court from
holding thelicence; and(e)is a
fit and proper person to hold a licence; andNote—See
also sections 10B and 10C.(f)hasareasonmentionedinsection 11topossesstheweapon or category of weapon; and(g)resides only in Queensland.(2A)Subsection
(2)(g) does not apply to a person who—(a)forapersonwhoresidesinaStateadjoiningQueensland—(i)satisfies the authorised officer that the
person has agenuine reason for possessing a weapon for
whicha licence is required under this Act;
and(ii)is not
disqualified from obtaining a similar licencein the adjoining
State; or(b)forapersonwhoresidesinaStateotherthananadjoiningStatebutwhosemainplaceofresidenceisQueensland—isnotdisqualifiedfromobtainingasimilar licence in the other State.(2B)Also, subsection
(2)(g) does not apply to a person who—(a)residesoutsideQueenslandandintendsvisitingQueensland to engage in an activity that is
a reason forpossession of a weapon under section 11;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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Licences[s 10](b)isentitledbylaw(whetherornotunderalicence)topossess and use a firearm or type of firearm
in the Stateor country where the person usually resides;
and(c)applies for a licence prescribed under
section 12(k) forvisitors to Queensland.(3)A
licence may be issued to a body, whether incorporated orunincorporated, only if—(a)for
a licence to be issued to an approved shooting club—(i)it is endorsed with the name of an
individual, whoisamemberoftheclub’sgoverningbodyandsatisfiestherequirementsofsubsection (2)(a)to(e),
as the club’s representative in the conduct of itsbusiness or affairs; and(ii)it
is endorsed with the names and addresses of theindividualswhoareresponsibleforthesafekeepingoftheweaponsorcategoryofweapons possession of which is to be
authorised bythelicencewhennotinusebymembersofthatclub; or(b)for a licence to be issued to another
body, only if—(i)the body has a reason mentioned in
section 11 topossess a weapon; and(ii)it
is endorsed with the name of an individual, whosatisfiestherequirementsofsubsection (2)(a)to(e),
as the body’s representative in the conduct ofits business or
affairs.(4)A licence enabling the licensee to
carry on a business may beissuedonlyifitisendorsedwiththeplaceatwhichthebusiness is to be carried on.(5)Ifthebusinessistobecarriedonatmorethan1place,aseparateapplicationforeachplacemustbemadeandaseparate licence for each place
issued.(6)In this section—Page 26Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 10A]similar
licence, for a weapon in an adjoining or other
State,means a licence, permit or authority issued
under the law oftheotherStateentitlingthepersontopossessionoftheweapon.10AAdequate knowledge of weapon(1)For section 10(2)(b), a person has an
adequate knowledge ofsafetypracticesfortheuse,storageandmaintenanceofaweapon, or category of weapon, the
possession of which is tobeauthorisedbyalicence(thenewlicence)ifthepersoncomplies with subsection (2), (3) or
(4).(2)Thepersoncomplieswiththissubsectionifthepersonsatisfiesthecommissionerthatthepersonhascompleted,within 1 year
before the day the person applies for the issue ofthe
new licence—(a)if the new licence is a security
licence (guard)—(i)anapprovedsafetytrainingcourse(securityguard); or(ii)a
course in safety training for weapons conductedin another State
that the commissioner is satisfiedis at least
equivalent to an approved safety trainingcourse (security
guard); or(b)if the new licence is not a security
licence (guard)—(i)an approved safety training course
(general); or(ii)a course in
safety training for weapons conductedin another State
that the commissioner is satisfiedis at least
equivalent to an approved safety trainingcourse
(general).(3)The person complies with this
subsection if—(a)within1yearimmediatelybeforethedaythepersonmade the
application for the new licence, the person wasa licensee;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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Licences[s 10AA](b)the
licence (theprevious licence) held by the
person as alicensee was no longer in force when the
person madethe application for the new licence;
and(c)itwasnotareasonforthepreviouslicencebeingnolonger in force that the licence had
been suspended orrevoked under this Act; and(d)the previous licence was a licence of
1 of the followingclasses—(i)collector’s licence (heirloom) or
firearms licence;(iii)firearms
licence.(4)The person complies with this
subsection if the person is theholderofacurrentlicence,equivalenttothenewlicence,issued under the law of another State or
country.10AAApproval of training courses(1)The commissioner may approve a course
as a safety trainingcourse (general) if the commissioner
is satisfied the course—(a)isaboutthesafeuse,storageandmaintenanceofaweaponthatisauthorisedtobepossessedunderalicence other than a security licence
(guard); and(b)complieswiththerequirementsprescribedunderaregulation.(2)The
commissioner may approve a course as a safety trainingcourse(securityguard)ifthecommissionerissatisfiedthecourse—(a)is
about the safe use, storage and maintenance of eitheror
both of the following—(i)a weapon that is
authorised to be possessed under asecurity licence
(guard);(ii)a restricted
item; andPage 28Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Licences[s 10B](b)complieswiththerequirementsprescribedunderaregulation.(3)The
commissioner must notify the approval of a course undersubsection (1) or (2) on the QPS
website.(4)Failuretocomplywithsubsection (3)doesnotaffectthevalidity of the approval.10BFit and proper person—licensees(1)In deciding or considering, for the
issue, renewal, suspensionor revocation of a licence, whether a
person is, or is no longer,a fit and proper
person to hold a licence, an authorised officermust consider,
among other things—(a)the mental and physical fitness of the
person; and(b)whetheradomesticviolenceorderhasbeenmade,policeprotectionnoticeissuedorreleaseconditionsimposed against
the person; and(c)whetherthepersonhasstatedanythinginorinconnectionwithanapplicationforalicence,oranapplicationfortherenewalofalicence,thepersonknows is false
or misleading in a material particular; and(ca)whetherthereisanycriminalintelligenceorotherinformation to
which the authorised officer has accessthat
indicates—(i)the person is a risk to public safety;
or(ii)thatauthorisingthepersontopossessaweaponwould be
contrary to the public interest; and(d)the
public interest.(2)Subsections (3) to (5) apply in
relation to the issue, renewal orrevocation of a
licence.(3)A person is not a fit and proper
person to hold or continue tohold the licence
if the person—(a)is a disqualified person; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 10B]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)ispreventedbyanorderofacourt,otherthanatemporary protection order, from holding or
obtaining alicence or possessing a weapon.(4)A person is not a fit and proper
person to hold or continue tohold the licence
if, within 10 years before the relevant day, theperson—(a)hasbeenconvictedofaclassAseriousoffenceoraclass B serious
offence; or(b)has been released from lawful custody
in relation to aconvictionforaclassAseriousoffenceoraclassBserious offence; or(c)has been subject to a supervision
order in relation to aconvictionforaclassAseriousoffenceoraclassBserious offence.(5)A
person is not a fit and proper person to hold or continue tohold
the licence if, within 5 years before the relevant day—(a)the person—(i)has
been convicted of a class C serious offence; or(ii)has
been released from lawful custody in relationto a conviction
for a class C serious offence; or(iii)has
been subject to a supervision order in relationto a conviction
for a class C serious offence; or(b)adomesticviolenceorder,otherthanatemporaryprotection
order, has been made against the person.(6)Also,fortheissue,renewal,suspensionorrevocationofadealer’slicence,apersonisnot,orisnolonger,afitandproper person to hold or continue to hold
the licence unlesseach associate of the person is a fit and
proper person to be anassociate of a licensed dealer under
section 10C.(7)For subsections (4) and (5), it is
irrelevant whether or not theconvictionisaspentconviction,providedtheconvictionisrecorded.(8)In
this section—Page 30Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Licences[s 10C]courtmeans—(a)the
Magistrates Court or another Queensland court; or(b)a court of another
jurisdiction.relevant daymeans—(a)in relation to the issue or renewal of
a licence—the daythe application for the issue or renewal of
the licence ismade; or(b)in
relation to the revocation of a licence—the day thelicensee is given a revocation notice under
section 29 forthe revocation.10CFit
and proper person—licensed dealer’s associate(1)In
deciding or considering, for the issue, renewal, suspensionor
revocation of a dealer’s licence, whether an associate of anapplicant for a dealer’s licence or a
licensed dealer is, or is nolonger, a fit
and proper person to be an associate of a licenseddealer,anauthorisedofficermayconsideranycriminalintelligenceorotherinformationtowhichtheauthorisedofficer has
access that indicates—(a)the associate is
a risk to public safety; or(b)anyrelationshipinvolvingweaponsbetweentheassociate and the applicant or
licensed dealer would becontrary to the public
interest.(2)A person is not a fit and proper
person to be an associate of alicensed dealer
if—(a)the person is a disqualified person;
or(b)within 10 years before the relevant
day, the person—(i)has been convicted of a class A
serious offence or aclass B serious offence; or(ii)has been
released from lawful custody in relationto a conviction
for a class A serious offence or aclass B serious
offence; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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Licences[s 11](iii)has
been subject to a supervision order in relationto a conviction
for a class A serious offence or aclass B serious
offence.(3)Also, a person is not a fit and proper
person to be an associateof a licensed dealer if an authorised
officer is satisfied that anyrelationshipinvolvingweaponsbetweenthepersonandtheapplicant or licensed dealer would be
contrary to the publicinterest because—(a)within 5 years before the relevant day, the
person—(i)has been convicted of a class C
serious offence; or(ii)has been
released from lawful custody in relationto a conviction
for a class C serious offence; or(iii)has
been subject to a supervision order in relationto a conviction
for a class C serious offence; or(b)adomesticviolenceorder,otherthanatemporaryprotection
order, has been made against the person.(4)For
subsections (2) and (3)(a), it is irrelevant whether or notthe
conviction is a spent conviction, provided the conviction isrecorded.(5)In
this section—relevant daymeans—(a)inrelationtotheissueorrenewalofadealer’slicence—the day
an application for the issue or renewalof the licence
is made; or(b)in relation to the suspension of a
dealer’s licence—thedaythelicenseeisgivenasuspensionnoticeundersection 28 for
the suspension; or(c)in relation to the revocation of a
dealer’s licence—thedaythelicenseeisgivenarevocationnoticeundersection 29 for
the revocation.11Genuine reasons for possession of a
weaponThe following are reasons for possession of
a weapon—Page 32Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 12](a)sports or target shooting;(b)recreational shooting;(c)an occupational requirement, including
an occupationalrequirement for rural purposes;(d)the collection, preservation or study
of weapons;(e)another reason prescribed under a
regulation.12LicencesLicences are of
the following classes—(a)armourer’s
licence;(b)blank-fire firearms licence;(c)collector’s licence (heirloom) or
(weapons);(d)concealable firearms licence;(e)dealer’s licence;(f)firearms licence;(g)firearms licence (instructor);(h)minor’s licence;(i)security licence (organisation) or
(guard);(j)theatrical ordnance supplier’s
licence;(k)another licence prescribed under a
regulation.13Application for licence(1)An application for a licence must
be—(a)madeintheapprovedformandstatetheapplicant’sreasonforwishingtopossessaweapon(thereason);and(b)madepersonally,inthewayprescribedunderaregulation, by—(i)if
the licence is for an individual—the person; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 33
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 13](ii)if
the licence is for a body, whether incorporated orunincorporated—anindividualnominatedbythebody for
endorsement on the licence as the body’srepresentativeintheconductofitsbusinessoraffairs; and(c)accompanied by—(i)the
fee prescribed under a regulation; and(ii)proof of identity to the satisfaction of an
authorisedofficer; and(iii)other particulars prescribed under a
regulation; and(iv)the other
relevant particulars the person to whomthe application
is made reasonably requires.(2)If
the reason is sports or target shooting, the applicant mustprovideprooftheapplicantisacurrentmemberofanapproved
shooting club.(3)Ifthereasonisrecreationalshooting,theapplicantmustproduce—(a)writtenpermissionfromalandownerauthorisingtheapplicant to shoot on the landowner’s rural
land; or(b)proof of current membership of a body
prescribed undera regulation for this subsection.(4)A body may be prescribed for
subsection (3)(b) only if—(a)it is a
landowner of rural land; or(b)itholdswrittenpermissionfromalandownerauthorisingmembersofthebodytoshootonthelandowner’s rural land.(5)Ifthereasonisanoccupationalrequirement,theapplicantmuststatewhypossessionofaweaponisnecessaryintheconduct of the applicant’s business or
employment.Page 34Current as at
[Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 14]Notauthorised—indicativeonly14Inquiries into application(1)Beforetheapplicationisdecided,anofficerinchargeofpolice or authorised officer with whom an
application for alicence is lodged may—(a)make
an inquiry or investigation about the applicant orthe
application; and(b)requiretheapplicanttogivetheofficerfurtherinformation the officer reasonably needs to
be satisfiedabouttheapplicant’sidentityorphysicalormentalhealth
including—(i)inrelationtotheapplicant’sphysicalhealth—areport from a
doctor about the applicant’s physicalhealth;
and(ii)inrelationtotheapplicant’smentalhealth—areportfromadoctororpsychologistabouttheapplicant’s mental health; and(c)inspectthesecurestoragefacilitiesfortheweaponorcategoryofweaponpossessionofwhichistobeauthorised by
the licence; and(d)supply,forthissection,informationoradocumentrelevanttotheapplicant’sidentitytoanofficerormemberofaStateorCommonwealthpoliceservice;and(e)require the applicant to display an
adequate knowledgeofthesafetypracticesfortheuse,storageandmaintenance of the weapon or category
of weapons thepossessionofwhichistobeauthorisedunderthelicence; and(f)make
a report about the applicant or the application; and(g)maketherecommendationabouttheapplicationtheofficer thinks appropriate.(2)If an authorised officer suspects, on
reasonable grounds, thatthe applicant’s stated identity is
false, the authorised officermay require the
applicant to provide an identifying particularto verify the
applicant’s identity.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 14](3)The
applicant is taken to have withdrawn the application if,within a stated reasonable time, the
applicant—(a)refuses to provide the information
reasonably requiredunder subsection (1)(b); or(b)refuses to allow the inspection under
subsection (1)(c);or(c)fails to comply
with a requirement under subsection (2).(4)If
information about the applicant’s mental health given undersubsection (1)(b) is provided in a doctor’s
or psychologist’sreport, an authorised officer may—(a)make information in the officer’s
possession available tothe doctor or psychologist; and(b)askthedoctororpsychologisttoprovideafurtherreport.(5)Theauthorisedofficermaymaketheinformationavailableonly
if the officer considers, on reasonable grounds—(a)thedoctororpsychologistwasnotawareoftheinformation; and(b)theinformationmayinfluencethedoctor’sorpsychologist’sopinionabouttheapplicant’smentalhealth.(6)The
authorised officer must also advise the applicant of theinformation being supplied to the doctor or
psychologist.(7)Theauthorisedofficermaymaketheinformationavailableunder subsection (4) despite the provisions
of any other Act.(8)Unlesstheauthorisedofficerconsidersthatitiscurrentlyrequiredfortheinvestigationofanoffence,theauthorisedofficer must,
after deciding the application—(a)returntotheapplicantanyidentifyingparticularobtained in the
course of inquiries into the application;and(b)destroy any record or copy of the
identifying particular.Page 36Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Licences[s 15](9)Information required to be supplied under
this section may beusedonlytodecidetheapplicationortoinvestigateorprosecute an offence and must not be
disclosed for any otherpurpose.(10)In
this section—applicantincludes, for a
body, an individual nominated by thebodyforendorsementonthelicenceasthebody’srepresentative
in the conduct of its business or affairs.15Authorised officer decides
application(1)An authorised officer must decide an
application for a licence(other than renewal of a licence) as
soon as practicable aftertheendoftheperiodprescribedforthissectionunderaregulation.(2)However,theauthorisedofficermaydecidetheapplicationwithin the
prescribed period if the applicant is the holder of anexisting licence of another class.(3)Indecidingtheapplication,theauthorisedofficermayconsider anything at the officer’s
requirements are prescribed for particular applications
undersection 18A, 18B or 18C.(4)The
authorised officer must—(a)approve the
application and issue the licence subject toanyconditionstheauthorisedofficermaydecide,including, but
not limited to—(i)conditionslimitingtheuseorpossessionofaweapon; or(ii)conditionsprescribedunderaregulationandapplying to the weapon; or(iii)for a licence
authorising possession of a categoryMcrossbow—conditionsrequiringthelicenseewithin7daystopermanentlymarkontheCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 37
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 16]crossbow an
identifying serial number fixed by theauthorised
officer for the crossbow; or(iv)anyotherconditionstheauthorisedofficerconsidersappropriateintheparticularcircumstances;
or(b)reject the application.(5)However,iftheauthorisedofficerisactingonthebasisofcriminalintelligenceorotherinformationofthekindmentionedinsection 10B(1)(ca)or10C(1),theauthorisedofficer may
reject the application because the person is not afitandproperpersononlyifthecommissionerordeputycommissioner,
acting personally, approves that the applicationbe
rejected on that basis.(6)A person whose
application is rejected because the person isnot a fit and
proper person to hold a licence is not entitled toreapply for a licence—(a)iftheperson’sapplicationwasrejectedbecausethepersonwasnotafitandproperpersonundersection
10B(3),(4)or(5)—untilthedaythesectionstops having the
effect that the person is not a fit andproper person
under that subsection; or(b)otherwise—untiltheday3yearsafterthedaytheapplication was
rejected.16Issue of licence(1)A
licence must be—(a)in the approved form; and(b)endorsed with—(i)the
weapon or category of weapon the possessionof which is
authorised by the licence; and(ii)anyconditionsdecidedbyanauthorisedofficer;andPage 38Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 18](iii)ifthelicenceisanarmourer’s,collector’sordealer’slicenceorasecuritylicence(organisation)—the place approved for the
securestorageoftheweaponorcategoryofweaponpossession of
which is authorised by the licence.(2)Aconditionoranyotherinformationtobeendorsedonalicence may be endorsed on the licence
or a certificate issuedfor the licence.(3)The
condition or information may be endorsed on the licenceorcertificatebyawordthatisgivenameaningbyacodeprescribed under
a regulation.(4)A regulation may prescribe things that
must be provided foron the approved form of
licence.18Renewal of licences(1)A licensee may apply for the renewal
of the licensee’s licence.(1A)Thelicenseemustmaketheapplicationforrenewalofthelicence on or before the day the
licence expires.(2)An application for renewal of a
licence must be—(a)made in the approved form; and(b)madepersonally,inthewayprescribedunderaregulation, by—(i)for
a licence issued to an individual—the licensee;or(ii)foralicenceissuedtoabody,whetherincorporatedorunincorporated—anindividualnominatedbythebodyforendorsementonthelicence as the body’s representative
in the conductof its business or affairs; and(c)accompanied by the fee prescribed
under a regulation.(3)If an officer in charge of police
receives the application, theofficer must
refer the application to an authorised officer.(4)An
authorised officer must ensure the application is decided—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 18AA](a)as
soon as practicable after the application is made; and(b)if the application is not decided on
or before the day thelicence expires—within 42 days after
the day the licenceexpires.(5)Indecidingtheapplication,theauthorisedofficermayconsider anything at the officer’s
disposal.(6)The authorised officer must—(a)approve the application and renew the
licence subject toany conditions the authorised officer may
decide; or(b)reject the application.(7)However,iftheauthorisedofficerisactingonthebasisofcriminalintelligenceorotherinformationofthekindmentionedinsection 10B(1)(ca)or10C(1),theauthorisedofficer may
reject the application because the person is not afitandproperpersononlyifthecommissionerordeputycommissioner,
acting personally, approves that the applicationbe
rejected on that basis.(8)A licence may be
renewed by—(a)endorsing the existing licence;
or(b)cancellingthelicenceandissuingafreshlicenceendorsed with any condition decided by an
authorisedofficer or other information.(9)Section 10(1), (2)(a), (2)(c) to (g)
and (2A) to (3) applies tothe renewal of a licence.(10)For applying the
provisions mentioned in subsection (9) to therenewal of a
licence, a reference to the issue of the licence istaken to be a reference to the renewal of
the licence.18AAAlternative provision for renewal
application if licensee isan individual(1)This
section applies if a licensee is an individual.Page 40Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 18AB](2)However, this section applies to a licensee
only if, when thelicensee is required to apply for the
renewal of a licence, thelicensee—(a)istemporarilyabsentfromAustraliaforagenuineoccupational reason; or(b)is
temporarily a patient in a hospital.(3)Also, this section applies despite section
18(2)(b)(i).(4)Ifthelicenseeauthorisesanattorneyunderapowerofattorney to make the application for the
licensee, the attorneymay make the application for renewal
of the licensee’s licencefor the licensee.(5)However, the attorney may make the
application—(a)only on a single occasion; and(b)onlyiftheattorneygivestheauthorisedofficerastatutorydeclarationstatingthattheattorneyisnotentitledtoanyfeeorotherbenefitformakingtheapplication.(6)The
attorney must make the application by—(a)personally giving to a police officer at a
police station orpoliceestablishmentarenewalapplicationcompletedand
signed by the licensee; and(b)producingtothepoliceofficertheinformationmentioned in
section 18AB (required information).18ABWhat isrequired
informationfor s 18AA(1)The
required information for section 18AA is as follows—(a)photographic evidence of the
attorney’s identity;(b)theoriginaloftheinstrumentconferringthepowerofattorney,oracopyoftheinstrumentcertifiedbyajusticeofthepeace,commissionerfordeclarations,lawyer or notary
public as a true copy of the instrument;(c)astatutorydeclarationcomplyingwithsubsection
(2),(3) or (4), as appropriate.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 18A](2)If
the attorney makes the application because the licensee istemporarily absent from Australia for a
genuine occupationalreason,thestatutorydeclarationmustbesignedbythelicensee and state the
following—(a)the licensee is temporarily absent
from Australia for agenuine occupational reason;(b)thegenuineoccupationalreasonforthelicensee’sabsence;(c)how long the licensee will be
absent.(3)If the attorney makes the application
because the licensee istemporarilyapatientinahospital,thestatutorydeclarationmust be signed
by the licensee and state the following—(a)the
licensee is temporarily a patient in a stated hospitalbecause of a genuine medical
condition;(b)the nature of the medical
condition;(c)when the licensee became a patient in
the hospital.(4)If the attorney makes the application
because the licensee istemporarily a patient in a hospital
and the licensee is unable tomake the
declaration because of a genuine medical reason, thestatutory declaration must be signed by the
attorney and statethe following—(a)the
licensee is temporarily a patient in a stated hospitalbecause of a genuine medical
condition;(b)the nature of the medical
condition;(c)when the licensee became a patient in
the hospital;(d)the licensee is unable to make the
application.18AAdditional application requirements
for collector’slicence (weapons) for category H
weapon(1)If the application is for a
collector’s licence (weapons) or therenewalofacollector’slicence(weapons)andthelicenseeintendstopossessatemporarilyinoperablecategoryHweapon,theapplicationmustincludeacurrentdeclarationPage 42Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 18B]signedbyanapprovedhistoricalsociety’srepresentativestating—(a)theapplicantholdscurrentmembershipwiththeapproved historical society;
and(b)therepresentativeissatisfiedthattheapplicantisagenuine collector of weapons.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply if the
applicant is an approvedhistorical society.(3)Adeclarationmentionedinsubsection (1)iscurrentfor28days after the day it is signed by the
representative.18BAdditional application requirements
for concealablefirearms licence(1)If
the application is for a concealable firearms licence and
theapplicant’sreasonforpossessionofaweaponunderthatlicenceissportsortargetshooting,theapplicationmustincludeacurrentdeclarationbytherepresentativeofanapproved pistol club stating
that—(a)the applicant holds current membership
with the pistolclub; and(b)the
applicant has been a member of the pistol club forthe
6 month period immediately before the declarationis
made; and(c)theapplicanthasparticipatedinatleast3handgunshooting
competitions during that 6 month period.(2)Subsection (3)appliesifanapplicantforaconcealablefirearms
licence—(a)holds a licence or other authority
under a law of anotherStatethatcorrespondswiththisActauthorisingtheapplicant to possess a category H weapon for
sports ortarget shooting; or(b)was,
within the period prescribed under a regulation forthis
section, a resident of another country and at the timeof
the application resides only in Queensland.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 43
Weapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 18B]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(3)The declaration
included in the application need not addressthemattersmentionedinsubsection (1)(b)or(c)iftheapplication is accompanied by
evidence—(a)for subsection (2)(a), that the
applicant—(i)has been a member of a shooting club
in the otherStateforthe6monthperiodimmediatelybeforethe
declaration is made; and(ii)holds a licence
or other authority under a law of theotherStatethatcorrespondswiththisActauthorising the applicant to possess a
category Hweapon for sports or target shooting;
and(iii)hasheldtheauthoritymentionedinsubparagraph (ii) for at least 12
months; and(iv)has, in the
other State, participated in not less thanthenumberofhandgunshootingcompetitionsnecessarytocomplywiththelawoftheotherState; or(b)for subsection (2)(b), that the
applicant—(i)was permitted or authorised under the
law of theother country to possess a category H weapon
forsports or target shooting; and(ii)has, within the
2 year period immediately beforethe declaration
is made, consistently participated ata national or
international level in internationallyrecognised
shooting competitions for a category Hweapon.Examplesofinternationallyrecognisedshootingcompetitions—•shooting competitions in the Olympic
Games•shooting competitions in the
Commonwealth Games•metallic silhouette world
championship(4)If the application is for the renewal
of a concealable firearmslicence and the applicant’s reason for
possession of a weaponis sports or target shooting, the
application must include—Page 44Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 18C](a)acurrentdeclarationbytherepresentativeofanapproved shooting club stating that
the applicant holdscurrent membership with the shooting club;
and(b)acopyoftheapplicant’sparticipationrecordfortheperiod of the
applicant’s current licence.(5)A
declaration under this section is current for 28 days after
theday it is signed by the
representative.18CAdditional application requirements
for dealer’s licenceIf the application is for a dealer’s
licence or the renewal of adealer’s
licence, the approved form must require the applicantto
disclose—(a)the full name, occupation and
residential address of eachpersonwhoisanassociateoftheapplicantforthedealer’s licence or the licensed
dealer; and(b)details of the relevant interest,
relevant power or relevantpositioneachassociateholdsorwillholdormaybeentitled to exercise.18DDelegation by representative(1)Arepresentativeofabodyorclubmaydelegatetherepresentative’spowertomakeadeclarationundersection 18A or 18B to an appropriate
person.(2)An authorised officer may, by written
notice given to the bodyorclub,revokethedelegationiftheauthorisedofficerreasonably suspects the person to whom power
is delegatedundersubsection
(1)isnot,orisnolonger,anappropriateperson.(3)The revocation of a delegation under
subsection (2) does notaffect the validity of a licence
issued or renewed before thedelegation was
revoked.(4)In this section—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 45
Weapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 19]appropriate
person, to whom a power may be delegated by
arepresentativeofabodyorclub,meansapersonwhoisamember of the
governing body of the body or club.Notauthorised—indicativeonly19Notice of
rejection of application to issue or renewlicence(1)If an authorised officer rejects an
application for a licence orrenewalofalicence,theauthorisedofficermustgivetheapplicant a notice of rejection in the
approved form stating thespecific reasons for the
rejection.(2)Ifareasonanauthorisedofficerrejectsanapplicationiscriminal intelligence or other information
that is not publiclyavailable,itisenoughthatthenoticeundersubsection (1)statesthespecificreasonforrejectionas‘confidentialinformation’.(3)The
notice may be given to the applicant by sending it to theapplicantbysecuritypostattheaddressshownontheapplication.20Term
of licence(1)A licence, other than a replacement
licence, remains in forceforthetermstatedonthelicencewhichmustnotbemorethan—(a)ifthelicenceisforacategoryAorBweapon—10years; or(b)if
the licence is for a weapon other than a category A orB
weapon—5 years.(2)Despitesubsection
(1)butsubjecttoanydirectionbythecommissioner,anauthorisedofficermay,bywrittennoticegiventoalicensee,extendthetermthelicensee’slicenceremainsinforcetoadaythatcoincideswith thelicensee’snext
birthday.(3)Nofeeispayablefortheextensionofatermundersubsection (2).Page 46Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 20A](4)A
replacement licence remains in force for the unexpired termof
the licence which it replaces.(5)Anexistinglicencestopsbeinginforceifareplacementlicence is
issued instead of the licence.(6)Also, a licence, including a replacement
licence, stops beingin force if—(a)it
is suspended, cancelled, revoked or surrendered; or(b)thelicenseediesorisdisqualifiedfromholdingthelicence; or(c)for
a minor’s licence—the licensee turns 18.20AContinuation of licence until renewal
application dealtwith(1)This
section applies if—(a)a licensee applies under section 18
for the renewal of alicence; and(b)the
application is not decided on or before the day thelicence expires.(2)Thelicence,asinforceimmediatelybeforeitsexpiry,continues in
force, as if it had not expired, until the first of thefollowing happens—(a)the
authorised officer deciding the application approvesthe
application and renews the licence;(b)theauthorisedofficerdecidingtheapplicationrejectstheapplicationandgivestheapplicantthenoticeofrejection under section 19(1);(c)42 days elapse after the licence’s
expiry.21Certain licences transferable(1)A licence is transferable only in the
circumstances mentionedin this section.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 47
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Licences[s 22](2)Thefollowinglicencesmaybetransferredonasaleofabusiness—•armourer’s licence•dealer’s licence•security licence (organisation)•theatrical ordnance supplier’s
licence.(3)Theproposedpurchaserofthebusinessmustapplyfortheappropriate licence under section
13.(4)If an authorised officer is satisfied
the proposed purchaser isotherwise entitled to be issued with
the licence, the authorisedofficer may
approve the transfer of the licence subject to thesale
of a business being finalised.(5)If
an authorised officer approves the transfer, the purchaser
istaken to be the holder of the licence from
the time the sale isfinaliseduntilthelicenceisformallytransferredorafreshlicence is
issued in the purchaser’s name for the balance of theoriginal licence’s term.22Reporting loss, destruction or theft of
licenceAlicenseemustreporttheloss,destructionortheftofthelicence to an officer in charge of
police immediately after thelicensee becomes
aware of the loss, destruction or theft.Maximum
penalty—10 penalty units.23Replacement
licence(1)This section applies if an authorised
officer is satisfied—(a)a licence is
lost, destroyed or stolen; or(b)any
writing or endorsement on a licence is illegible andthelicenceissurrenderedtoanofficerinchargeofpolice.(2)The
authorised officer may issue to the licensee a licence (thereplacement licence) instead of the
existing licence on—Page 48Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 24](a)application by the licensee in the approved
form; and(b)payment of the fee prescribed under a
regulation.24Change in licensee’s
circumstances(1)It is a condition of each licence that
a licensee must, within 14days of the happening of an event
mentioned in subsection (2)(thechange),adviseanofficerinchargeofpoliceofthechange and the particulars of the
change the officer reasonablyrequires.(2)The events are—(a)any
of the following events—(i)achangeofaddressforthelicenseeorthelicensee’s representative;(ii)achangeinthementalorphysicalfitnessofthelicensee or the
licensee’s representative;(iii)thelicenseeorthelicensee’srepresentativeischarged with, or convicted of, a serious
offence;(iv)adomesticviolenceorderismadeagainstthelicensee or the licensee’s
representative;(v)thelicenseeorthelicensee’srepresentativebecomes a
disqualified person; or(b)a change in the
licensee’s—(i)reason or need for possessing or using
a weapon;or(ii)access to secure
storage facilities for the licensee’sweapon;
name; or(d)a change in the place entered in the
firearms register astheplacewhereafirearmisgenerallykeptifthelicensee is the
registered owner of the firearm; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 49
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Licences[s 24](e)ifthelicenseeisalicenseddealer,achangeinthelicensee’s associates; or(f)the revocation of the licensee’s
permission to shoot on alandowner’s rural land; or(g)another event prescribed under a
regulation.(2A)Subject to
subsection (3), the advice must be given in a wayprescribed by regulation.(3)Ifadviceofachangeinthelicensee’sassociatesisgivenundersubsection (2)(e),theadvicemustbegivenintheapproved form and include—(a)the full name, occupation and
residential address of eachof the
licensee’s associates; and(b)detailsoftheassociate’srelevantfinancialinterest,relevantpowerorrelevantpositioninthelicensee’sbusiness.(4)The officer in charge must advise an
authorised officer of thechange.(5)The
authorised officer must—(a)ifthechangeistoaparticularonthelicenceandtheauthorised officer is satisfied of the
correctness of thechange—endorse the licence with the change;
or(b)otherwise—take the appropriate action
in relation to thelicence.(6)In
this section—representativeofalicenseemeansapersonwhoisendorsed—(a)on
the licensee’s licence as the licensee’s representative;or(b)onapermittoacquireissuedtothelicenseeasthelicensee’s
representative.Page 50Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 25]25Authorised officer may amend licence
the licensee’s application; or(b)on
the authorised officer’s own initiative.(2)Beforemakinganamendmentundersubsection (1)(b),theauthorised officer must—(a)give
written notice to the licensee—(i)of
the details of the proposed amendment; and(ii)that
the licensee may make written submissions totheauthorisedofficerabouttheproposedamendment before
a stated day, not earlier than 21days after the
notice is given to the licensee; and(b)haveregardtosubmissionsmadetotheauthorisedofficer by the
licensee before the stated day.(3)If
an authorised officer decides to amend the conditions of alicence, the authorised officer must give
written notice of theamendment to the licensee.(4)The amendment takes effect—(a)on the day the written notice of the
amendment is givento the licensee; or(b)if a
later day is stated in the notice—on the stated day.(5)Anauthorisedofficermayrefusetomakeanamendmentunder subsection
(1)(a) by written notice given to the licenseestating the
reasons for the refusal.(6)In this
officer under section 15(4)(a).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 51
Weapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 25A]Notauthorised—indicativeonly25AAuthorised
officer may require information aboutlicensed dealer’s
associates(1)Anauthorisedofficermay,bywrittennotice,requirealicensed dealer to give a declaration to the
authorised officerin the approved form—(a)ifthedealerdidnotpreviouslyhaveanassociateandnowhasanassociateorthedealer’sassociateshavechanged,advisingthenameandaddressofeachassociateofthedealeranddetailsoftheassociate’srelevantfinancialinterest,relevantpowerorrelevantposition in the
dealer’s business; or(b)if paragraph (a)
does not apply, advising the associatesof the dealer
have not changed since the dealer—(i)mostrecentlyappliedforthedealer’slicenceorrenewal of the licence; or(ii)advised an
officer, and delivered the licence to theofficer, as
required under section 24(1); or(iii)gaveadeclarationunderthissectiontotheauthorised
officer.(2)Thelicenseddealermustgivethedeclarationasrequiredunder subsection
(1) within 7 days after the written notice isgiven to the
dealer, unless the dealer has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)A licensed dealer who is required to
give a declaration to anauthorised officer under subsection
(1) and gives a declarationunder the
subsection with information about—(a)the
dealer’s associates; or(b)details of the
dealer’s associates; or(c)a change in the
dealer’s associates;can not be prosecuted for a failure to
disclose that informationbefore the authorised officer made
that requirement.(4)It is not a reasonable excuse for
subsection (2) that giving thedeclarationasmentionedinthesubsectionmayincriminatePage 52Current as at [Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 26]thepersonforanoffenceforwhichthepersoncannotbeprosecuted under
subsection (3).Notauthorised—indicativeonly26Change of approved place(1)Thissectionappliestoanapprovedplaceendorsedonalicence under section
16(1)(b)(iii).(2)Onapplicationbythelicensee,anauthorisedofficermaychange the approved place to another
place if the authorisedofficer is satisfied the other place
fulfils the requirements ofthis Act.(3)Theauthorisedofficermayendorsethelicencewiththechange.27Surrender of licence(1)A
licensee may surrender the licence by—(a)giving written notice of surrender;
and(b)surrendering the licence.(2)The notice must be given and the
licence surrendered to anauthorised officer or officer in
charge of police.27AEffect of temporary protection order,
police protectionnotice or release conditions on
licence(1)If a person is a licensee and is named
as the respondent in atemporary protection order, police
protection notice or releaseconditions, the
licence is suspended while the order, notice orconditions are
in force.(2)Ifapersonisabody’srepresentativeandisnamedastherespondent in a temporary protection
order, police protectionnotice or release conditions—(a)anyauthoritytherespondenthastopossessaweaponbecausetherespondentisthebody’srepresentativeisineffective while the order, notice or
conditions are inforce; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 53
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Licences[s 27B](b)the
body’s licence is suspended 7 days after the licenseeisgiventheorder,noticeorconditionsunless,inthatperiod, another
individual is endorsed on the licence asthebody’srepresentativeinsubstitutionfortherespondent.(3)Subsections (1) and (2)(a) take
effect—(a)if the respondent is present in court
when the temporaryprotection order is made—from the time of
the order; or(b)otherwise—whentherespondentisgiventheorder,notice or
conditions.(4)Asuspensionundersubsection (2)(b)endsontheearlierofthe following—(a)whenanotherindividualisendorsedonthelicenceasthebody’srepresentativeinsubstitutionfortherespondent;(b)the
order, notice or conditions are no longer in force.(5)Subsections (1) and (2)(a) stop having
effect when the order,notice or conditions are no longer in
force.(6)If the licensee of a licence suspended
under subsection (1) or(2)(b) holds a permit to acquire, the
permit is also suspendedwhile the licence is suspended.(7)Despite a suspension under this
section, an authorised officermay suspend the
licence under section 28.27BNotice of
intention to revoke because dealer’s associateis not fit and
proper(1)This section applies if an authorised
officer is satisfied that anassociate of a
licensed dealer is not a fit and proper person tobe
an associate of a licensed dealer.Note—See
also sections 10B and 10C.(2)Before revoking
the licensed dealer’s licence, the authorisedofficer must
give the dealer a notice stating that the authorisedofficer—Page 54Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 28](a)is
satisfied that a named associate of the dealer is not afitandproperpersontobeanassociateofalicenseddealer; and(b)intendstogivethedealerarevocationnoticeundersection
29unlessthedealerdiscontinuesthedealer’sassociation with
the associate within a stated reasonabletime.(3)In deciding what is a reasonable time,
regard is to be had tothe following—(a)the
extent of the associate’s relevant financial interest inthe
dealer’s business;(b)anyrelevantpowertheassociatemayexerciseinthedealer’s business;(c)any
relevant position the associate holds in the dealer’sbusiness;(d)the
public interest.28Suspension of licence by giving
suspension notice(1)An authorised officer may, by a
suspension notice given to alicensee,
suspend the licence if the authorised officer—(a)is
satisfied that the licensee—(i)has
been charged with a serious offence; or(ii)is
temporarily unable to comply with a condition ofthe
licence; or(b)considers, on reasonable grounds, that
the licensee mayno longer be a fit and proper person to hold
a licence.Note—See also
sections 10B and 10C.(2)The licence is
suspended until—(a)if subsection (1)(a)(i)
applies—(i)the proceeding for the charge ends;
or(ii)the suspension
is lifted by an authorised officer; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 55
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Licences[s 28A](b)if
subsection (1)(a)(ii) applies—the authorised officer issatisfiedthelicenseeisabletocomplywiththecondition and lifts the suspension;
or(c)if subsection (1)(b) applies—the
earlier of the followingdays—(i)the
day the authorised officer is satisfied the personis a
fit and proper person to hold a licence and liftsthe
suspension;(ii)the day 90 days
after the licence is suspended.(3)Ifalicenseewhoselicenceissuspendedunderthissectionholds a permit to acquire, the permit is
also suspended.(4)However,iftheauthorisedofficerisactingonthebasisofcriminalintelligenceorotherinformationofthekindmentionedinsection 10B(1)(ca)or10C(1),theauthorisedofficer may
suspend the licence because the licensee is not afitandproperpersononlyifthecommissionerordeputycommissioner,actingpersonally,approvesthelicencebesuspended on that basis.28ARevocation or suspension of licence and
related mattersafter protection order is made(1)If a person is a licensee and is named
as the respondent in aprotection order, the licence is
revoked.(2)Ifapersonisabody’srepresentativeandisnamedastherespondent in a protection
order—(a)anyauthoritytherespondenthastopossessaweaponbecausetherespondentisthebody’srepresentativeisineffective; and(b)the
body’s licence is suspended 7 days after the day thelicenseeisgiventheprotectionorderunless,inthatperiod, another
individual is endorsed on the licence asthebody’srepresentativeinsubstitutionfortherespondent.(3)Subsections (1) and (2)(a) take
effect—Page 56Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 29](a)if
the respondent is present in court when the protectionorder is made—on the making of the order;
or(b)otherwise—when the respondent is given
the protectionorder.(4)Asuspensionundersubsection (2)(b)endsontheearlierofthe following—(a)whenanotherindividualisendorsedonthelicenceasthebody’srepresentativeinsubstitutionfortherespondent;(b)the
protection order is no longer in force.(5)Ifthelicenseeofalicencerevokedundersubsection (1)orsuspended under subsection (2)(b) holds a
permit to acquire,thepermitisrevokedorsuspendedwhilethelicenceisrevoked or suspended.(6)Despiteasuspensionundersubsection (2)(b),anauthorisedofficer may
suspend the licence under section 28.29Revocation of licence by giving revocation
notice(1)An authorised officer may, by a
revocation notice given to alicensee, revoke
the licensee’s licence if the authorised officeris
satisfied of any of the following things—(a)thelicencehasbeenobtainedthroughfraudordeception;(b)thelicenseehasbeenconvictedofanoffenceagainstany law in force
in Queensland or elsewhere involvingthe use,
carriage, discharge or possession of a weapon;(c)thelicenseehascontravened a condition,
participationcondition or special condition of the
licence;(d)the licensee is no longer a fit and
proper person to hold alicence;Note—See
sections 10B and 10C.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 29]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(e)thelicenseenolongerhasareasonmentionedinsection 11 to possess a weapon;(f)for an armourer’s licence, dealer’s
licence or theatricalordnance supplier’s licence—(i)the licensed armourer, licensed dealer
or licensedtheatrical ordnance supplier is not in
charge of thepremises stated in the licence; or(ii)thepremisesstatedinthelicencearenolongersatisfactory for carrying out the
business;(g)for a collector’s licence—(i)thelicensedcollectorisnolongeragenuinecollector or is
not in charge of the premises wherethe collector’s
weapons are usually kept; or(ii)thepremiseswherethe
collectionisusuallykeptarenolongersatisfactoryforthesafekeepingofweapons.(2)Also, if a licensee reports or states to a
police officer that aweaponor1ormoreweaponsofwhichthelicenseeistheregisteredownerwerelostorstolen,anauthorisedofficermay,
by a revocation notice given to the licensee, revoke thelicensee’s licence if—(a)the
licensee fails to satisfy the authorised officer that thelicensee took reasonable precautions to
prevent the lossor theft; or(b)theauthorisedofficerreasonablybelievesthatthelicensee has unlawfully disposed of the
weapon.(3)Iftheauthorisedofficerisactingonthebasisofcriminalintelligenceorotherinformationofthekindmentionedinsection 10B(1)(ca)or10C(1),theauthorisedofficermayrevoke the licence because the person
is not a fit and properpersononlyifthecommissionerordeputycommissioner,actingpersonally,approvesthelicenceberevokedonthatbasis.(4)If a licensee whose licence is revoked
under this section holdsa permit to acquire, the permit is
also revoked.Page 58Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 29A](5)This
section does not prevent an authorised officer reinstatinga
licence that is revoked by the authorised officer because of
amistake of fact.Examples for
subsection (5)—1J was charged with an offence and
although no conviction wasrecorded for the offence, police
records indicated a conviction hadbeen
recorded.2A was required to be a member of a
pistol club but the club failedto tell the
commissioner that A had joined the club before therevocation happened.(6)A
licence reinstated under subsection (5) is taken not to havebeen
revoked.(7)The licence may be reinstated
by—(a)returning the licence; or(b)issuing a fresh licence.(8)The authorised officer must also
ensure any entry made in thefirearms
register because of the revocation is corrected.29AAction by court if respondent has
access to weaponsthrough employment(1)This
section applies if—(a)a person is the respondent in a
domestic violence order,police protection notice or release
conditions; and(b)undersection
27Aor28A,therespondent’slicenceissuspendedorrevoked,ortherespondentisarepresentative of a body and the
authority to possess aweapon as the body’s representative is
ineffective; and(c)anauthorisedofficerreasonablyconsiderstherespondenthasaccesstoaweaponaspartoftherespondent’s employment.(2)The authorised officer must—(a)consider the circumstances of the
employment; and(b)consider the respondent’s access to
the weapon; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 29A](c)considertheemploymentarrangementsandwhetherthereisaneffectiveindividualwithintheemployingentitytowhomtogiveacopyoftheorder,noticeorconditions to ensure the respondent
does not possess aweapon as part of the respondent’s
employment; and(d)if the authorised officer considers
there is an effectiveindividual within the employing
entity—give a copy ofthe order, notice or conditions to the
effective individual.(3)The effective
individual may disclose information about theorder,noticeorconditionstoanotherpersonwithintheemployingentitytotheextentnecessarytoensuretherespondentdoesnotpossessaweaponaspartoftherespondent’s employment.(4)However,theeffectiveindividualmustnotdiscloseinformationabouttheorder,noticeorconditionstoanyoneelse, other than
as permitted under subsection (3) or expresslypermittedbyacourtormagistrateundertheDomesticandFamily Violence Protection Act 2012,
section 159.Maximumpenalty—40penaltyunitsor1year’simprisonment.(5)In
this section—effective individual within the employing
entity, relating to arespondent,
means any 1 of the following who is in a positionto
ensure the respondent does not possess weapons as part ofthe
respondent’s employment—(a)the employer if
the employer is an individual;(b)another partner in a partnership in which
the respondentis a partner;(c)anindividualwithintheentitythatemploystherespondent.employment,ofarespondent,includesemploymentbyapartnership in which the respondent is
a partner.Page 60Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 29B]29BArrangements for surrender of suspended or
revokedlicences and weapons(1)This
section applies to a person whose licence is suspendedunder section 27A or revoked under section
28A, because thepersonisnamedastherespondentinadomesticviolenceorder, police protection notice or release
conditions.(2)Subsection (3) applies—(a)if the respondent is present—(i)in court when the court makes the
order; or(ii)whenapoliceofficerissuesandexplainsthenotice; or(b)whenapoliceofficergivestheorderornoticetotherespondent at a place other than the
respondent’s placeof residence; or(c)whenapoliceofficergivestheconditionstotherespondent.(3)The
respondent must immediately do the following—(a)iftherespondent’slicenceisintherespondent’spossession—give
the licence to a police officer;(b)iftherespondent’slicenceisnotintherespondent’spossession—arrangewithapoliceofficertogivethelicence to a police officer no later than 1
day after—(i)for subsection (2)(a)—the order is
made or noticeis issued;(ii)otherwise—theorder,noticeorconditionsaregiven to the respondent;(c)arrange with a police officer to give to a
police officeranyweapontherespondentpossesses,ortootherwisesurrendertheweapon,assoonaspracticable,butnolater than 1 day, after—(i)for subsection (2)(a)—the order is
made or noticeis issued;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 61
Weapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 29B]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(ii)otherwise—theorder,noticeorconditionsaregiven to the respondent.Maximum
penalty—10 penalty units.(4)If a police
officer personally serves the order or notice on therespondentattherespondent’splaceofresidence,therespondentmustimmediatelygivetheweaponslicenceandanyweaponintherespondent’spossessiontothepoliceofficer unless
the respondent has a reasonable excuse for notdoing so.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.(5)Also,arespondentmustimmediatelygivetheweaponslicenceoranyweaponintherespondent’spossessiontoapolice officer (thesurrender officer) if—(a)a police officer made arrangements
under subsection (3)with the respondent about the weapons
licence or anyweapon in the respondent’s possession;
and(b)thesurrenderofficerbelievestherespondenthasnotcomplied with the arrangements;
possession.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.(6)If a weapon is given to a police
officer under this section and,within3monthsoftheweaponbeinggiventothepoliceofficer,therespondentwantstootherwisesurrenderit,therespondent may
make arrangements with a police officer for alicenseddealerorlicensedarmourer,incompanywiththerespondent, to collect the
weapon.(7)ThePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000alsoprovides for the role of police officers,
and for offences byrespondents, after a domestic violence
order, police protectionnotice or release conditions are
made.(8)In this section—madeincludes issued or imposed.Page
62Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 30]otherwisesurrender,foraweapon,meanstherespondentdeals with the
weapon in the following way—(a)the
respondent consigns the weapon to a licensed dealeror
licensed armourer—(i)for sale; or(ii)for
storage for a period that does not end before theperiod of the domestic violence
order;(b)therespondentobtainsacopyofthetransactionnotificationfortheweapon’sconsignmentfromthelicensed dealer or licensed armourer
and, if the weaponisconsignedforstorage,thetransactionnotificationstatestherespondentacknowledgesthecostofthestorage is the responsibility of the
respondent;(c)therespondentgivesthecopyofthetransactionnotification to
a police officer—(i)immediately; or(ii)withinthetimeallowedunderthissectionforgiving the weapon to a police
officer.30Suspension or revocation notice(1)A suspension or revocation notice
must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)statethespecificreasonsforthesuspensionorrevocation of the licence; and(c)direct the licensee to
surrender—(i)the licence and any relevant permit to
acquire to astated police officer at a stated reasonable
time andplace; and(ii)the
weapon held by the licensee under the licencein a way
prescribed under subsection (4) or (5) at,or by, a stated
reasonable time.(1A)If a reason an
authorised officer suspends or revokes a licenceiscriminalintelligenceorotherinformationthatisnotCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 63
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Licences[s 31]publiclyavailable,itisenoughthatthenoticestatesthespecific reason as ‘confidential
information’.(2)Asuspensionorrevocationnoticemayhaveeffectimmediately only if it, or a copy of it, is
given personally tothelicenseeorapersonendorsedonthelicenceasrepresenting the licensee.(3)A person who is given a suspension or
revocation notice mustcomply with the directions in the
weapon to be surrendered under a suspension or revocationnoticemaybesurrenderedbydeliveringittoanypoliceofficer.(5)A
weapon may also be surrendered by—(a)deliveringittoalicenseddealerorotherpersonauthorised under this Act to possess the
weapon; and(b)obtainingfromthepersontowhomtheweaponisdelivered a receipt in the approved form for
the weapon;and(c)giving the
receipt, within the time stated in the notice forthesurrenderoftheweapon,tothepoliceofficermentioned in subsection (1)(c)(i).(6)Anauthorisedofficermayextendthetimeforcompliancewith a
suspension or revocation notice (thecompliance
time)ifthepersontowhomthenoticeisgivenappliestotheauthorisedofficerforanextensionbeforetheendofthecompliance time.31Licensee’s representative(1)This section applies to—(a)a licensee who holds a licence to
enable the licensee tocarry on business; andPage
64Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 32](b)an
applicant for a licence to enable the applicant to carryon
business.(2)Thelicenseeorapplicantmayapplyforthelicencetobeendorsed with the name of a fit and
proper individual as thelicensee’s or applicant’s
representative in the conduct of itsbusiness or
affairs at the place stated in the application.(3)A
licensee may apply for the licence to be endorsed with thename
of a fit and proper individual instead of another personalready endorsed as the licensee’s
representative under this oranother
section.(4)An application under subsection (2) or
(3) must be made inthe approved form in the way prescribed
under a regulation.(5)In this section—fitandproperindividualmeansanindividualwho,iftheperson applied
for a licence, would be a fit and proper personunder section
10B.32Temporary recognition of interstate
licences forparticular purposes(1)This
section applies if a person who holds a licence, permit orauthority issued under the law of another
State entitling theperson to possession of a weapon visits
Queensland—(a)to participate in a shooting
competition conducted by anapprovedshootingcluborapprovedbythecommissioner; or(b)for
another purpose specified under a regulation for thissection.(2)The
person’s licence, permit or authority is taken to authorisepossessionanduseoftheweaponinaccordancewiththisAct—(a)for the purpose of participating in
the competition; or(b)for the other purpose specified under
the regulation—ifthe person complies with any conditions
specified in theregulation for the purpose.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 2
Licences[s 33]Notauthorised—indicativeonly33Interstate
residents moving to Queensland(1)This
section applies if a resident of another State who is theholder of a licence under the law of the
other State authorisingpossession of a category A, B, C, D or
H weapon or a categoryM crossbow gives written notice to the
commissioner of theperson’s intention to reside permanently in
Queensland.(2)The person’s licence is taken to be
the corresponding licenceunderthisActinforcefortheperiodmentionedinsubsection (3) or until the day the person’s
application for alicence under this Act is approved or
rejected, whichever isthe earlier.(3)The
period is—(a)for a licence authorising possession
of a category A or Bweapon or a category M crossbow—3
months; and(b)for a licence authorising possession
of a category C, Dor H weapon—7 days.(4)The
period mentioned in subsection (3) starts on the day theperson notifies the commissioner of the
person’s intention toreside permanently in
Queensland.(5)If the holder of a licence authorising
possession of a categoryC,DorHweaponnotifiesthecommissionerandmakesapplicationforalicenceunderthisActwithinthetimeallowedundersubsection
(3)(b),thepersondoesnotcontravene section 50 while the
person’s application is beingdecided merely
because the 7 day period has passed.(6)In
this section—correspondinglicence,toalicenceheldunderthelawofanother State,
means—(a)a licence under this Act declared
under a regulation tobe a corresponding licence; or(b)ifnoregulationismadeunderparagraph (a)ortheregulationmakesinsufficientprovision—alicenceunder this Act that most closely corresponds
to the otherlicence.Page 66Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 3
Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 34]34Contravention of licence
condition(1)A licensee must not contravene a
condition of the licence.Maximumpenalty—60penaltyunitsor1year’simprisonment.(2)The
penalty under subsection (1) may be imposed in additionto
revocation of a licence or seizure of a weapon because ofthe
contravention.34AAEffect of an appeal against a domestic
violence order(1)This section applies if—(a)a domestic violence order is made
against a person asthe respondent; and(b)thepersonappealsagainstthedecisiontomakethedomestic violence order under theDomestic and FamilyViolence
Protection Act 2012, section 164; and(c)thedomesticviolenceorderisdischargedundertheDomesticandFamilyViolenceProtectionAct2012,section 169.(2)For
this Act, the domestic violence order is taken not to havebeen
made.Part 3Acquisition,
sale and disposalof weaponsDivision 1Preliminary34ADefinitions for pt 3In this
part—firearmdoes not include
a barrel, breechbolt or top slide of afirearm.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 3
Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 35]weapondoes not include
a barrel, breechbolt or top slide of afirearm.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Acquisition,
sale and disposal ofweapons35Acquisition of weapons(1)A
person may acquire a weapon only if—(a)the
person is a licensed dealer; or(b)thepersonistheholderofapermittoacquiretheweapon and acquires the weapon—(i)from or through a licensed dealer;
or(ii)throughapoliceofficerincircumstancesprescribed under
a regulation; or(c)thepersonacquirestheweaponunderotherlawfulauthority, justification or excuse.Maximum penalty—(a)for
a category D, H or R weapon—100 penalty units or2
years imprisonment; and(b)foracategoryCorEweapon—60penaltyunitsor1year’s
imprisonment; and(c)for a category A, B or M weapon—20
penalty units or 6months imprisonment.Example
1—J wishes to sell J’s weapon to S. S holds an
appropriate licence and apermit to acquire the weapon. J and S
agree on the sale price, but thesalemayonlybecompletedthroughalicenseddealerwhomustprovidecertaininformationabouttheacquisitiontoanauthorisedofficer under
subsection (2) and is entitled to a brokerage fee undersubsection (3).Example
2—J wishes to give J’s weapon to S. S holds an
appropriate licence and apermit to acquire the weapon. The gift
of the weapon may only be madePage 68Current as at [Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 3
Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 35]Notauthorised—indicativeonlythrough a licensed dealer who must provide
certain information abouttheacquisitiontoanauthorisedofficerundersubsection
(2)andisentitled to a
brokerage fee under subsection (3).Example
3—J sells J’s weapon to G, a licensed dealer.
G later sells the weapon to Swho holds an
appropriate licence and a permit to acquire the weapon. Gmuststillprovidecertaininformationabouttheacquisitiontoanauthorised officer under subsection
(2), but in this case is not entitled toa brokerage
fee.Example 4—J pays a deposit
on a firearm J is buying from G, a licensed dealer. J hasapplied for a permit to acquire, but the
application has not been finallydecided. If J
takes possession of the firearm before the permit to acquireisissued,Jacquirestheweaponandcommitsanoffenceagainstsubsection (1).(2)Iftheweaponisacquiredfromalicenseddealerortheacquisitionhappensthroughalicenseddealerorpoliceofficer—(a)the acquirer must give the dealer or
police officer a copyof the permit to acquire; and(b)the dealer must give to an authorised
officer the copy ofthepermittoacquireandtheinformationprescribedunderaregulationwithinthetimeandinthewayprescribed under the regulation.Maximumpenalty—20penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.(3)If
the acquisition happens through a licensed dealer, the
dealeris entitled to a brokerage fee from the
acquirer in the amountprescribed under a regulation.(4)The dealer is not entitled to any
other payment for brokeringthe
acquisition.(5)Iftheacquisitionhappensunderotherlawfulauthority,justification or
excuse, the acquirer must, unless the acquirerhas a reasonable
excuse, take immediate action—(a)to
comply with this Act; or(b)to surrender the
weapon under section 30(4) or (5).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 69
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Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 36]Maximum penalty for subsection (5)—20
penalty units or 6months imprisonment.(6)This
section does not apply to the acquisition of a weapon, ifthe
acquisition consists only of a person taking possession ofthe
weapon—(a)to repair it; or(b)tostoreit,ifthepersonisanarmourerstoringitforsomeone else; or(c)onatemporarybasisfornotmorethan6monthswithoutgivingconsiderationfortheacquisitionorforthe weapon; or(d)in
performing duties as a security guard under a securitylicence (guard); or(e)under section 52, 53, 54(2), 55 or
55A.(7)In this section—acquire,aweapon,meanspurchase,acceptorreceiveorotherwise take possession of the
weapon.36Sale or disposal of weapons(1)Apersonmustnotsellorotherwisedisposeofaweaponunless—(a)the
person sells or otherwise disposes of the weapon to alicensed dealer; or(b)the
person sells or otherwise disposes of the weapon toanother person who is the holder of a permit
to acquirethe weapon and the sale or disposal
happens—(i)through a licensed dealer; or(ii)throughapoliceofficerincircumstancesprescribed under
a regulation; or(c)thepersonsellsorotherwisedisposesoftheweaponunder other lawful authority, justification
or excuse.Maximum penalty—Page 70Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 3
Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 37](a)for a category D, H or R weapon—100
penalty units or2 years imprisonment; and(b)foracategoryCorEweapon—60penaltyunitsor1year’s
imprisonment; and(c)foracategoryAorBweaponoracategoryMcrossbow—20 penalty units or 6 months
(1)(c),thepersonmustgivetoanauthorisedofficertheinformationprescribed under
a regulation in the way and within the timeprescribed under
the regulation.Maximumpenalty—60penaltyunitsor1year’simprisonment.(3)This
section does not apply to the disposal of a weapon to aperson, if the disposal consists only of a
disposal—(a)for repair; or(b)to
an armourer for storage by the armourer; or(c)onatemporarybasisfornotmorethan6monthswithout
receiving consideration for the disposal or forthe weapon;
or(d)to a person performing duties as a
security guard under asecurity licence (guard); or(e)authorised under section 52, 53,
54(2), 55 or 55A.37Advertising sale of firearmsIfapersonadvertisesthesaleoftheperson’sfirearm,thepersonmuststateintheadvertisementthefirearm’sserialnumber, if any.Maximum
penalty—10 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 3
Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 38]Division 3Permits to
acquireNotauthorised—indicativeonly38Issue etc. of
permits to acquire(1)Aperson,otherthananauthorisedofficer,mustnotissue,endorse or alter
a permit to acquire.Maximumpenalty—100penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)In
this section—issue,endorseoralterapermittoacquireincludespurporting to issue, endorse or alter a
permit to acquire.39Limitations on issue of permits to
acquire(1)A permit to acquire a weapon may be
issued only to—(a)an individual under subsection (2);
or(b)a body under subsection (3).(2)A permit to acquire a weapon may be
issued to an individualonly if—(a)thepersonisauthorisedtopossesstheweaponorcategory of weapon under a licence;
and(b)the person is an adult; and(c)for a category B, C, D, H or M
weapon—the person hasa need to possess the weapon;
and(d)if the weapon is an heirloom
firearm—the person is theownerofthefirearmbecauseofatestamentarydisposition or
the laws of succession; and(e)ifthepersonintendstopossesstheweapon undertheauthorityofacollector’slicence(weapons)andtheweapon is a temporarily inoperable
modern handgun—(i)thepersonsatisfiesanauthorisedofficerthattheperson has a prolonged and genuine interest
in thestudy, preservation or collection of
firearms; andPage 72Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 3
Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 40](ii)the person is a
member of an approved historicalsociety.Note—Seesection 131(Limitationonnumberofconcealablefirearmsparticularlicenseesmayacquire)forlimitationsonthenumberofcategory H weapons an individual who is the
holder of a concealablefirearms licence can possess during
the first year after the holder is firstlicensed.(3)Apermittoacquireaweaponmaybeissuedtoabody,whether
incorporated or unincorporated—(a)forapermittoacquiretobeissuedtoanapprovedshooting
club—only if it is endorsed with the name ofan individual
member of the club’s governing body, whosatisfies the
requirements of subsection (2)(a) to (c), asthe club’s
representative in the conduct of its business oraffairs; and(b)forapermittoacquiretobeissuedtoanotherbody—only
if—(i)thebodyhasaneedtopossesstheweaponforwhich the permit to acquire is sought;
and(ii)it is endorsed
with the name of an individual, whosatisfiestherequirementsofsubsection (2)(a)to(c),
as the body’s representative in the conduct ofits business or
affairs.(4)A permit to acquire must—(a)be issued in the approved form for a
single weapon; and(b)state the name of the person from whom
the weapon isto be acquired.40Application for permit to acquire(1)An application for a permit to acquire
must be—(a)made in the approved form; and(b)made, in the way prescribed under a
regulation, by—(i)if the permit is for an individual—the
person; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 3
Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 41](ii)if the permit is
for a body, whether incorporated orunincorporated—theindividualendorsedonthebody’s licence
as the body’s representative; and(c)accompanied by—(i)any
fee that may be prescribed under a regulation;and(ii)proof of
identity to the satisfaction of an authorisedofficer;
particulars prescribed under a regulation; and(iv)the
other relevant particulars the person to whomthe application
is made reasonably requires.(2)If
the application is for a permit to acquire a category B, C,
Dor H weapon, the applicant must state why
the applicant needsthe weapon and why the need can not be
satisfied in anotherway.(3)Iftheapplicationisforapermittoacquireanheirloomfirearm, the
application must also be accompanied by proof,to the
satisfaction of an authorised officer, that the applicant isthe
owner of the firearm because of a testamentary dispositionor
the laws of succession.(4)Iftheapplicationisforapermittoacquireatemporarilyinoperablemodernhandgunthattheapplicantintendstopossess under the authority of a
collector’s licence (weapons),theapplicationmustincludeadeclarationsignedbyanapprovedhistoricalsociety’srepresentativestatingthattherepresentative is satisfied that the weapon
is of obvious andsignificant commemorative, historic,
thematic or investmentvalue.41Inquiries into application(1)Beforetheapplicationisdecided,anofficerinchargeofpolice or authorised officer with whom an
application for apermit to acquire is lodged may—Page
74Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 3
Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 41](a)make an inquiry or investigation about
the applicant orthe application; and(b)requiretheapplicanttogivetheofficerfurtherinformation the officer reasonably needs to
be satisfiedabouttheapplicant’sidentityorphysicalormentalhealth
including—(i)inrelationtotheapplicant’sphysicalhealth—areport from a
doctor about the applicant’s physicalhealth;
and(ii)inrelationtotheapplicant’smentalhealth—areportfromadoctororpsychologistabouttheapplicant’s mental health; and(c)inspect the secure storage facilities
for the weapon forwhich the permit to acquire is to be issued;
and(d)supply,forthissection,informationoradocumentrelevanttotheapplicant’sidentitytoanofficerormemberofaStateorCommonwealthpoliceservice;and(e)make a report about the applicant or
the application; and(f)maketherecommendationabouttheapplicationtheofficer thinks appropriate.(2)If the authorised officer suspects, on
reasonable grounds, thatthe applicant’s stated identity is
false, the authorised officermay require the
applicant to provide an identifying particularto verify the
applicant’s identity.(3)The applicant is
taken to have withdrawn the application if,within a stated
reasonable time, the applicant—(a)refuses to provide the information
reasonably requiredunder subsection (1)(b); or(b)refuses to allow the inspection under
subsection (1)(c);or(c)fails to comply
with a requirement under subsection (2).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 75
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 3
Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 41](4)If information about the applicant’s
mental health given undersubsection (1)(b) is provided in a
doctor’s or psychologist’sreport, an authorised officer
may—(a)make information in the officer’s
possession available tothe doctor or psychologist; and(b)askthedoctororpsychologisttoprovideafurtherreport.(5)Theauthorisedofficermaymaketheinformationavailableonly
if the officer considers, on reasonable grounds—(a)thedoctororpsychologistwasnotawareoftheinformation; and(b)theinformationmayinfluencethedoctor’sorpsychologist’sopinionabouttheapplicant’smentalhealth.(6)The
authorised officer must also advise the applicant of theinformation being supplied to the doctor or
psychologist.(7)Theauthorisedofficermaymaketheinformationavailableunder subsection (4) despite the provisions
of any other Act.(8)Unlesstheauthorisedofficerconsidersthatitiscurrentlyrequiredfortheinvestigationofanoffence,theauthorisedofficer must,
after deciding the application—(a)returntotheapplicantanyidentifyingparticularobtained in the
course of inquiries into the application;and(b)destroy any record or copy of the
identifying particular.(9)Information
required to be supplied under this section may beusedonlytodecidetheapplicationortoinvestigateorprosecute an offence and must not be
disclosed for any otherpurpose.(10)For
this section—applicantincludes, for a
body, the individual endorsed on thebody’s licence
as the body’s representative.Page 76Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 3
Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 42]42Authorised officer decides
application(1)An authorised officer must decide an
application for a permitto acquire a weapon as soon as
practicable after the end of anyperiodthatmaybeprescribedforthissectionunderaregulation.(2)Indecidingtheapplication,theauthorisedofficermayconsider anything at the officer’s
deciding whether the applicant has a need to possess theweapon—(a)whether the applicant’s requirements can be
adequatelymet in a way not involving the use of a
weapon or byusing a weapon of another category or
type;(b)whether the applicant possesses other
weapons, and inparticular other weapons of that category or
type;(c)another thing prescribed under a
regulation.(4)Toremoveanydoubt,acollectormayhaveaneedforaparticular weapon even though the
collector already possessesa weapon of the
same category or type.(5)The authorised
officer must—(a)approve the application and issue the
permit to acquiresubjecttoanyconditionstheauthorisedofficermaydecide; or(b)reject the application.43Issue
of permit to acquireA permit to acquire must be issued in
the approved form.44Notice of rejection of application for
permit to acquire(1)If an authorised officer rejects an
application for a permit toacquire, the
authorised officer must give the applicant a noticeof
rejection in the approved form stating the specific reasonsfor
the rejection.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 3
Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 45](2)The notice may be given to the
applicant by sending it to theapplicantbysecuritypostattheaddressshownontheapplication.Notauthorised—indicativeonly45Term of permit to
acquire(1)A permit to acquire remains in force
for the term, not morethan 6 months, stated on the
permit.(2)A permit to acquire stops being in
force if—(a)it is suspended, cancelled, revoked or
surrendered; or(b)the holder of the permit dies.46Reporting loss, destruction or theft
of permit to acquireA licensee must report the loss,
destruction or theft of a permitto acquire to an
officer in charge of police immediately afterthe licensee
becomes aware of the loss, destruction or theft.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.47Replacement permit to acquire(1)This section applies if an authorised
officer is satisfied—(a)a permit to
acquire is lost, destroyed or stolen; or(b)anywritingorendorsementonapermittoacquireisillegible and the permit to acquire is
surrendered to anofficer in charge of police.(2)The authorised officer may issue to
the licensee a replacementpermit to acquire instead of the
permit to acquire on—(a)application by
the licensee in the approved form; and(b)payment of the fee prescribed under a
regulation.48Surrender of permit to acquire(1)A licensee may surrender a permit to
acquire by—Page 78Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 3
Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 48A](a)giving written notice of surrender;
and(b)surrendering the permit to
3AMarking serial numbers onunmarked firearms48AMarking serial numbers on unmarked
firearms(1)This section applies to a firearm
included or to be included inthefirearmsregisterifthefirearmdoesnothaveaserialnumber marked on
it.(2)The authorised officer may—(a)give a serial number to the firearm;
and(b)require the registered owner of the
firearm to mark theserial number on the firearm.(3)No compensation is payable because of
the requirement.(4)Before deciding whether to require the
registered owner of afirearm that is an antique handgun to
mark the serial numberon the handgun, the authorised officer
must have regard to—(a)theimpactmarkingtheserialnumberonthehandgunwill
have on the handgun’s value; and(b)waysofminimisingtheimpactmarkingtheserialnumberonthehandgunmayhaveonthehandgun’svalue.(5)Iftheauthorisedofficerrequiresaregisteredownerofthefirearmtomarktheserialnumberonthefirearm,theauthorisedofficermustgivetheregisteredownerawrittennotice
stating—(a)the serial number; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 3
Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 48B](b)that the registered owner must mark
the serial numberon the firearm in the way stated in the
notice—(i)within 28 days after being given the
notice; or(ii)ifthe28daysperiodisextendedundersubsection (7), within the period as
extended; and(c)thattheregisteredownermayapplytotheauthorisedofficer within
the 28 days for approval to mark the serialnumberonthefirearminanotherwaystatedintheapplication.(6)Thepersonmustcomplywiththerequirementunlesstheperson applies under subsection
(5)(c).Maximum penalty for subsection (6)—20
penalty units.(7)The authorised officer may extend the
period for compliancewithsubsection
(5)(thecompliancetime)iftheregisteredowner applies to
the authorised officer for an extension beforethe compliance
time ends.48BApproval of alternative way of marking
serial number(1)This section applies if a registered
owner of a firearm appliestotheauthorisedofficertomarktheserialnumberonthefirearm in
another way.(2)The authorised officer may approve or
refuse to approve theapplication.(3)Iftheauthorisedofficerapprovestheapplication,theauthorisedofficermustgivetheregisteredownerawrittennoticerequiringtheregisteredownertomarktheserialnumber on the
firearm in the way stated in the approval within28
days after being given notice of the approval.(4)The
person must comply with the requirement.Maximum penalty
for subsection (4)—20 penalty units.(5)On
the giving of notice under subsection (3), the notice undersection 48A(5) in relation to the firearm
stops having effect.Page 80Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 3
Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 49](6)If the authorised officer refuses to
approve the application, theauthorised
officer—(a)must give the registered owner notice
of the refusal; and(b)may, whether or not the registered
owner applied for anextension of the compliance time under
section 48A, bywritten notice, extend the compliance time
for a period,of not more than 21 days, stated in the
notice.(7)Thepersonmustcomplywiththerequirementwithinthecompliance time as extended under
subsection (6)(b).Maximum penalty for subsection (7)—20
penalty units.Division 4Firearms
register49Commissioner to maintain firearms
register(1)The commissioner must establish and
maintain a record (thefirearms register) of all
firearms in Queensland.(2)The following
information for each firearm must be entered inthe firearms
register—(a)the name and address of the firearm’s
owner and detailsofthedocumentsreliedontoestablishtheowner’sidentity and
address;(b)forafirearmotherthanacategoryMcrossbow—thetype, make,
calibre, action, magazine capacity and anyserial number of
the firearm;(c)detailsofthelicenceauthorisingpossessionofthefirearm;(d)forfirearmsacquiredafterthecommencementoftheWeapons Amendment Act 1996—(i)detailsofanypermittoacquireauthorisingacquisition of
the firearm; and(ii)the name and
address of the person from whom thefirearm was
acquired and the date it was acquired;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 81
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 3
Acquisition, sale and disposal of weapons[s 49](e)the place where the firearm is
generally kept;(f)thereasongivenforpossessionofthefirearmand,ifappropriate, the reason why the
particular firearm wasneeded;(g)foracategoryMcrossbow—theidentifyingserialnumber of the crossbow;(h)other information prescribed under a
regulation.(3)Also,thefollowinginformationforeachantiquehandgunmust be entered
in the firearms register—(a)thenameandaddressofthehandgun’sowneranddetailsofthedocumentsreliedontoestablishtheowner’s identity and address;(b)the type, make, calibre, action,
magazine capacity andany serial number of the
firearm;(c)the place where the firearm is
generally kept;(d)other information prescribed under a
regulation.(4)Thecommissionermaymakeinformationintheregisteravailable to
another entity, within or outside the State, only ifthecommissionerissatisfiedtodosowouldassistinachieving the object of this Act.(5)A regulation may limit the information
the commissioner maymake available under subsection
(4).(6)In this section—firearmincludes—(a)acategoryHweaponthatispermanentlyinoperable;and(b)a category M crossbow.owner,ofafirearm,includesapersonwhohaslawfullyacquired the
firearm under a permit to acquire.Page 82Current as at [Not applicable]
4Weapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 49A]Possession and
use ofweaponsDivision 1General49AAuthority given by licence(1)A licence authorises a licensee to
possess and use a weapon orcategoryofweaponendorsedonthelicenceforanylawfulpurpose.(2)However,theauthoritytopossessoruseaweapon,oracategory of
weapon, under a licence is subject to a regulation,condition or participation condition,
whether imposed by anauthorised officer or prescribed under
a regulation.(3)If a condition is prescribed under a
regulation for a categoryof weapon—(a)theconditionappliestoallweaponsofthecategory,whetherlicensedbeforeorafterthe daytheconditionhas effect;
and(b)the licence is taken to have been
amended to include thecondition.(4)If
use of a firearm is authorised under another Act, a licenseedoes
not contravene this Act only because the licensee usesthe
firearm in the way authorised under the other Act.50Possession of weapons(1)A person must not unlawfully possess a
weapon.Maximum penalty—(a)if
the person unlawfully possesses 10 or more weaponsatleast5ofwhicharecategoryD,E,HorRweapons—13 years imprisonment;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 50]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 84(b)ifparagraph (a)doesnotapplyandthepersonunlawfully
possesses 10 or more weapons—500 penaltyunits or 10
years imprisonment; or(c)if paragraphs
(a) and (b) do not apply—(i)foracategoryD,HorRweapon—300penaltyunits or 7 years imprisonment; or(ii)for a category C
or E weapon—200 penalty unitsor 4 years
imprisonment; or(iii)foracategoryA,BorMweapon—100penaltyunits or 2 years imprisonment.Minimum penalty—(d)foranoffence,committedbyanadult,towhichparagraph (a),
(b), (c)(i) or (c)(ii) applies—(i)ifthepersonunlawfullypossessesafirearmandusesthefirearmtocommitanindictableoffence—18
months imprisonment served whollyin a corrective
services facility; or(ii)if the person
unlawfully possesses a firearm for thepurposeofcommittingorfacilitatingthecommissionofanindictableoffence—1year’simprisonmentservedwhollyinacorrectiveservices
facility; or(iii)if the person
unlawfully possesses a short firearmin a public
place without a reasonable excuse—1year’s
imprisonment served wholly in a correctiveservices
facility; or(e)foranoffence,committedbyanadult,towhichparagraph
(c)(iii) applies—(i)ifthepersonunlawfullypossessesafirearmandusesthefirearmtocommitanindictableoffence—9 months
imprisonment served wholly ina corrective
services facility; or(ii)if the person
unlawfully possesses a firearm for thepurposeofcommittingorfacilitatingtheCurrent as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 50]commissionofanindictableoffence—6monthsimprisonmentservedwhollyinacorrectiveservices
subsection (1) does not apply if—(a)the
weapon is a firearm within the meaning of part 5A;and(b)the person is
subject to a firearm prohibition order.Note—See
section 141Y for offences relating to the possession of a firearm
bya person subject to a firearm prohibition
order.(1A)For the purpose
of subsection (1), penalty, paragraph (d)(iii),but without
limiting that provision, it is a reasonable excuse tounlawfully possess the short firearm in the
public place if—(a)a licence was in force within the 12
months immediatelybefore the day the person committed the
offence but isno longer in force at the time of the
offence; and(b)the person would have been authorised
under this Act topossess the short firearm in the public
place at the timeoftheoffenceifthelicencewasstillinforceatthattime; and(c)itwasnotareasonforthelicencebeingnolongerinforce that the licence had been surrendered,
suspendedor revoked under this Act.(1B)Itisnotareasonableexcuseforsubsection (1),penalty,paragraph (d)(iii)tounlawfullypossesstheshortfirearminthe public place for the purpose of
self-defence.(2)Acourt,insentencingapersonfoundguiltyofanoffenceagainstsubsection (1),maytakeintoconsiderationwhetherthe
person stored the weapon in the way prescribed under aregulation for the weapon.(3)In this section—publicplaceincludesanyvehiclethatisinoronapublicplace.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 85
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 50A]50APossession of unregistered firearms(1)A licensee must not possess an
unregistered firearm.Maximum penalty—120 penalty
units.(2)A licensed dealer or licensed armourer
does not contravenesubsection (1)iftheunregisteredfirearmisenteredinthedealer’s or armourer’s weapons
register under section 71.(3)In this
section—firearmdoes not include
a barrel, breechbolt or top slide of afirearm.unregistered firearmmeans a firearm
for which informationis not entered in the firearms
register.50BUnlawful supply of weapons(1)Apersonmustnotunlawfullysupplyaweapontoanotherperson.Maximum penalty—(a)if
the person unlawfully supplies 5 or more weapons atleast 1 of which is a category D, E, H or R
weapon—13years imprisonment; or(b)ifparagraph (a)doesnotapplyandthepersonunlawfullysupplies5ormoreweapons—500penaltyunits or 10 years imprisonment; or(c)if paragraphs (a) and (b) do not
apply—(i)foracategoryD,HorRweapon—500penaltyunits or 10 years imprisonment; or(ii)for a category C
or E weapon—300 penalty unitsor 7 years
imprisonment; or(iii)foracategoryA,B,orMweapon—200penaltyunits or 4 years imprisonment.Minimum penalty—(d)foranoffence,committedbyanadult,towhichparagraph
86Current as at [Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 50B]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyunlawfullysuppliedisashortfirearmandthepersondoesnothaveareasonableexcuseforunlawfullysupplyingtheweapons—3yearsimprisonmentservedwholly in a corrective services facility;
or(e)foranoffence,committedbyanadult,towhichparagraph (c)(i)
applies, if the weapon is a short firearmandthepersondoesnothaveareasonableexcuseforunlawfullysupplyingtheweapon—21/2yearsimprisonmentservedwhollyinacorrectiveservicesfacility.(1A)Forthepurposeofsubsection (1),penalty,paragraph (d)or(e),
but without limiting those provisions, it is a reasonableexcuse to unlawfully supply the weapon
if—(a)a licence was in force within the 12
months immediatelybefore the day the person committed the
offence but isno longer in force at the time of the
offence; and(b)the person would have been authorised
under this Act tosupplytheweaponatthetimeoftheoffenceifthelicence was still in force at that
time; and(c)itwasnotareasonforthelicencebeingnolongerinforce that the licence had been surrendered,
suspendedor revoked under this Act.(2)A person does not contravene
subsection (1) if the person towhom the weapon
is supplied—(a)is authorised under a licence to
possess weapons of thesame category as the weapon supplied;
or(b)isauthorisedtopossesstheweaponundersection 52,53, 54(2), 55,
55A, 70 or 116.Note—If subsection
(1) does not apply because subsection (2)(a) applies, theperson disposing of the weapon may
contravene section 36 (Sale ordisposal of
weapons).(3)ThePenaltiesandSentencesAct1992,section 161Qalsostatesacircumstanceofaggravationforanoffenceagainstthis
section.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 51](4)An
indictment charging an offence against this section withthecircumstanceofaggravationstatedinthePenaltiesandSentencesAct1992,section 161Qmaynotbepresentedwithout the consent of a Crown Law
Officer.Notauthorised—indicativeonly51Possession of a
knife in a public place or a school(1)A
person must not physically possess a knife in a public placeor a
school, unless the person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—(a)forafirstoffence—50penaltyunitsor18monthsimprisonment;
or(b)forasecondorlateroffence—100penaltyunitsor2years imprisonment.(2)If the offender publishes material on
a social media platformor an online social network to—(a)advertise the offender’s involvement
in the offence; or(b)advertise the act or omission
constituting the offence;the offender is liable to a maximum
penalty of—(c)forafirstoffence—100penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment;
or(d)for a second or later offence—150
penalty units or 30months imprisonment.(3)Itisareasonableexcuseforsubsection (1)tophysicallypossess a
knife—(a)to perform a lawful activity, duty or
employment; or(b)toparticipateinalawfulentertainment,recreationorsport; or(c)for
lawfully exhibiting the knife; or(d)for
use for a lawful purpose.Example for paragraph (a)—1A person may carry a knife on his or
her belt for performing workin primary
production.Page 88Current as at
[Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 51]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyExamples for paragraph (b)—1A scout may carry a knife on his or
her belt as part of the scoutuniform.2A person may carry a knife as an
accessory while playing in a pipeband.3A fisher may carry a knife for use
while fishing.Example for paragraph (c)—1A person who collects knives may
exhibit them at a fete or anotherpublic
gathering.Examples for paragraph (d)—1A person may use a knife to prepare or
cut food at a restaurant in apublic place or
when having a picnic in a park.2A
person may carry a pen knife or swiss army knife for use for
itsnormal utility purposes.(4)However, it is not a reasonable excuse to
physically possess aknife in a public place or a school
for self-defence purposes.(5)Also, it is a
reasonable excuse for subsection (1), to the extentthe
subsection relates to a public place, to physically possess
aknife for genuine religious purposes.Example—A Sikh may
possess, in a public place, a knife known as a kirpan tocomply with the person’s religious
faith.(6)However, it is not a reasonable excuse
to physically possess aknife in a school for genuine
religious purposes.(7)Indecidingwhatisareasonableexcuseforsubsection (1),regard may be
had, among other things, to whether the waythe knife is
held in possession, or when and where it is held inpossession, would cause a reasonable person
concern that heor she, or someone else in the vicinity, may
be threatened orharmed.(8)In
this section—advertisemeans attract
the notice and attention of the publicor a limited
section of the public.knifeincludes a thing
with a sharpened point or blade that isreasonably
capable of—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 52](a)being held in 1 or both hands; and(b)being used to wound or threaten to
wound anyone whenheld in 1 or both hands.materialincludes an electronic document.public placeincludes a
vehicle that is in or on a public place.schoolmeans any part of the premises of—(a)aStateeducationalinstitutionundertheEducation(General
Provisions) Act 2006; or(b)a
non-State school under theEducation(Accreditationof Non-State
Schools) Act 2017.52Physical
possession and use of weapon sometimesallowed for the
purpose of training a minor(1)Aminorwhoisatleast11yearsmayhavephysicalpossession of and use a category A or B
weapon or a categoryM crossbow in a place where it is
lawful to physically possessand use a
category A or B weapon or a category M crossbowif—(a)the minor is under the direct and
immediate supervisionof a parent, guardian or another
person who is acting inthe place of a parent or guardian;
and(b)theparent,guardianorotherpersonislicensedtopossess the weapon.(2)Aminorwhoisatleast11yearsmayhavephysicalpossession of and use a category A or B
weapon or a categoryMcrossbowatanapprovedrangeforcategoryAorBweaponsorcategoryMcrossbowsiftheminorissupervised—(a)directly and immediately by a range officer;
or(b)as prescribed by regulation.Page
90Current as at [Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 53]Notauthorised—indicativeonly53An unlicensed person may use a weapon
at an approvedrange(1)This
section applies to a person—(a)who
is not a licensee; or(b)whoisalicenseebutisnotauthorisedtopossesstheweapon the person proposes to physically
possess anduse under this section.(2)The
person may physically possess and use a weapon at anapprovedrangeforthecategoryofweaponif,immediatelybefore
possessing and using the weapon, the person—(a)producesfortheinspectionofarangeofficerattherange
photographic identification identifying the person;andExamples of photographic
identification—•weapons licence•driver licence(b)completesandsignsanapprovedformstatingthefollowing and gives the form to the range
officer—(i)the person’s name, residential address
and date ofbirth;(ii)that
the person is a licensee or is not an excludedperson;(iii)the date and
time the declaration is completed.(3)Beforeallowingthepersontophysicallypossessanduseaweapon at the approved range, the range
officer must sign theapproved form declaring that the range
officer—(a)inspected the person’s photographic
identification; and(b)if the person states in the approved
form that the personis a licensee, inspected the person’s
licence; and(c)was satisfied—(i)the
person signing the approved form appeared tobethepersonshowninthephotographicidentification;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 53](ii)after inspecting the completed approved
form—(A)that information in the completed
approvedform agreed with information shown on
thephotographic identification; and(B)thatthepersonisalicenseeor,ontheinformation
contained in the approved form,is not an
excluded person.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.(4)It is a condition of the approved
shooting club’s shooting clubpermit that the
club must keep the approved form for 3 yearsafter the
approved form is signed.(5)The range
officer must ensure the person is supervised by therangeofficeroranotherrangeofficeratall
timeswhentheperson is in physical possession of the
weapon.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.(6)For subsection (5), if the person is
in physical possession of acategory H
weapon, the supervision of the person by a rangeofficer must be direct, personal and
exclusive supervision bythe range officer at all times when
that person is in physicalpossession of the weapon.(7)For subsection (8), definitionexcluded person, paragraphs
(b),(c) and (d), it is irrelevant whether or not
the conviction is aspent conviction, provided the conviction is
recorded.(8)In this section—excluded
personmeans a person—(a)who
is a disqualified person; or(b)who
has a conviction for a class A serious offence; or(c)who, within 10 years before the day
the person signs theapproved form under this
section—(i)has been convicted of a class B
serious offence; or(ii)has been
released from lawful custody in relationto a conviction
for a class B serious offence; orPage 92Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 53](iii)has
been subject to a supervision order in relationto a conviction
for a class B serious offence; or(d)who,
within 5 years before the day the person signs theapproved form under this section—(i)has been convicted of a class C
serious offence; or(ii)has been
released from lawful custody in relationto a conviction
for a class C serious offence; or(iii)has
been subject to a supervision order in relationto a conviction
for a class C serious offence; or(e)who,
within 5 years before the day the person signs theapproved form under this section, has been
subject to adomesticviolenceorder,otherthanatemporaryprotection
order; or(f)who is subject to a temporary
protection order, policeprotection notice or release
conditions; or(g)who is prevented by another order of a
Queensland courtoranothercourtoutsideQueenslandfromholdingalicence or possessing a weapon unless the
order permitsthepersontopossessoruseaweaponundersupervision;
or(h)who, within 5 years before the day the
person signs theapproved form under this section, has been
subject to aninvoluntary assessment order under
theMentalHealthAct2016or a similar
order under the repealedMentalHealth Act
2000, or a similar order in another State;
or(i)whohasbeenrefusedalicence,orwhoselicencehasbeen revoked, within 5 years before
the day the personsigns the approved form under this section
because theperson is not, or is no longer, a fit and
proper person tohold a licence; or(j)whose licence is suspended.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 54]54Possession or use of weapon by unlicensed
person inprimary production sometimes allowed(1)In this section—primary
producermeans a person who—(a)has
a licence; and(b)usuallycarriesoutprimaryproductiononland(theprimary producer’s land), even if only
as an agent oremployee of another person.weaponmeans a weapon
that a primary producer possessesunder the
authority of a licence.(2)Apersonwhoisanagent,employeeormemberoftheimmediate family of the primary
producer may possess or usea weapon on the
primary producer’s land, even if the persondoesnotholdalicenceforthatcategoryofweapon,iftheperson—(a)assists the primary producer with primary
production onthe land; and(b)is
eligible to obtain a licence to possess a weapon; and(c)onlyusestheweaponwiththeexpressconsentoftheprimary
producer; and(d)onlyusestheweaponin
outprimary production on the land.55Use of weapons by particular
unlicensed persons atshooting gallery allowed(1)A person (customer)
using a shooting gallery may physicallypossessanduseaweaponallowedundertheconditionsofapproval of the shooting gallery, even if
the person is not theholder of a licence for the category
of weapon.(2)However,apersonconductingashootinggallerymustnotallow the customer to physically possess and
use the weaponunless the customer—Page 94Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 55A](a)forashootinggallerybeingusedforpaint-pelletsports—is at
least 15 years; or(b)forashootinggallerynotbeingusedforpaint-pelletsports—is at
least 11 years.Maximum penalty for subsection (2)—20
penalty units.55APossession of weapons supplied by
theatrical ordnancesupplierA person may
have physical possession of and use a weaponsupplied to the
person by a theatrical ordnance supplier undersection
118foruseinatheatrical,filmortelevisionproduction if
the use is personally supervised by the supplier.56Discharge of weapon on private land
without owner’sconsent prohibited(1)In
this section—ownerof private land
includes the occupier of the land.private
landmeans land that is not a public
place.weaponincludes an
antique firearm, spear gun, longbow andslingshot.(2)Apersonmustnot,withoutreasonableexcuse,dischargeaweapon on or across private land without the
express consentof the owner.Maximumpenalty—40penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.(3)A
person must not carry a weapon on private land without theexpress consent of the owner unless—(a)the person has a reasonable excuse;
or(b)theweaponisunloaded,brokenorforanotherreasoncan not be
readily discharged.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 57]57Particular conduct involving a weapon in a
public placeprohibited(1)In
this section—public placeincludes a
vehicle that is in or on a public place.weaponincludes—(a)an
antique firearm, spear gun, longbow or sword; and(b)a replica of a weapon; and(c)a replica of a thing mentioned in
paragraph (a); and(d)a slingshot or shanghai.(2)A person must not, without reasonable
excuse, carry a weaponexposed to view in a public
place.Maximumpenalty—40penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.(3)Apersonmustnot,withoutreasonableexcuse,carryinapublic place a loaded firearm or a
weapon capable of beingdischarged.Maximumpenalty—120penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(4)Apersonmustnot,withoutreasonableexcuse,dischargeaweapon in, into, towards, over or through a
public place.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor4yearsimprisonment.(5)It
is a reasonable excuse for subsection (2) to carry a swordexposed to view in a public place—(a)to perform a lawful activity, duty or
employment; or(b)toparticipateinalawfulentertainment,recreationorsport; or(c)to
exhibit the sword; or(d)for use for a
lawful purpose.Page 96Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 58]Example for
paragraph (a)—Apersonmaycarryaswordforceremonialpurposesatanofficial
function attended by the Governor.Example for
paragraph (b)—A person may carry a sword as an accessory
while playing in apipe band.Example for
paragraph (c)—A person who collects swords may exhibit
them at a fete oranother public gathering.Example for paragraph (d)—A
person may carry a sword as part of an official uniform theperson is entitled to wear.(6)It is not a reasonable excuse for
subsection (2) or (3) to carry aweapon in a
public place for self-defence purposes.(7)In
deciding what is a reasonable excuse for subsection (2) or(3),
regard may be had, among other things, to whether theway
the weapon is carried, or when and where it is carried,would cause a reasonable person concern that
he or she, orsomeone else in the vicinity, may be
threatened or harmed.58Dangerous conduct
with weapon prohibited generally(1)In
this section—weaponincludes—(a)an antique firearm, explosive tool,
captive bolt humanekiller, spear gun, longbow or sword;
and(b)a replica of a weapon; and(c)a replica of a thing mentioned in
paragraph (a); and(d)an explosive; and(e)a
slingshot or shanghai; and(f)a laser
pointer.(2)A person must not—(a)without reasonable excuse; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 59](b)by
the physical possession or use of a weapon;engage in
conduct, alone or with another, likely to cause—(c)death or injury to a person; or(d)unlawful destruction or damage to
property; or(e)alarm to another person.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor4yearsimprisonment.59Possession or use of weapon under the
influence ofliquor or a drug prohibited(1)In this section—weaponincludes—(a)an
antique firearm, spear gun, longbow or sword; and(b)a replica of a thing mentioned in
paragraph (a); and(c)a slingshot or shanghai; and(d)an explosive.(2)Apersonmustnothavephysicalpossessionoforuseaweapon if the person is under the influence
of liquor or a drug.Maximum penalty—40 penalty
units.60Secure storage of weapons(1)A licensee who has control of a weapon
at a place must keeptheweaponinsecurestoragefacilitiesattheplacewhenaperson is not in physical possession
of the weapon.Maximumpenalty—100penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)Theregisteredownerofafirearmmustensurethatsecurestoragefacilitiesforthefirearmareavailableattheplaceshown in the
firearms register as the place where the firearm isgenerally kept.Page 98Current as at [Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 60A]Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Notauthorised—indicativeonly60ALost or stolen weaponsA
person who owns or possesses a weapon that, while in theperson’s ownership or possession, is, or
apparently is, lost orstolenmustreportthelossorstealingtoapoliceofficerimmediately the person becomes aware of the
loss or stealing.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.61Shortening firearmsA
person must not, without reasonable excuse—(a)shorten a firearm; or(b)possess a firearm that has been shortened;
or(c)acquire or sell a firearm that has
been shortened.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor4yearsimprisonment.62Modifying construction or action of
firearms(1)A person must not, without reasonable
excuse—(a)modify the construction or action of a
firearm; or(b)possess a firearm the construction or
action of which hasbeen modified; or(c)acquireorsellafirearmtheconstructionoractionofwhich has been modified.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor4yearsimprisonment.(2)A
person must not, without reasonable excuse, make operableafirearmthatisrequiredtobe,andhasbeen,madepermanently inoperable under this
Act.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor4yearsimprisonment.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 99
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 63]63Altering identification marks of
weaponsA person must not, without reasonable
excuse—(a)deface or alter any identifying serial
number or mark ona weapon; or(b)possess a weapon the identifying serial
number or markof which has been defaced or altered;
or(c)acquire or sell a weapon the
identifying serial number ormark of which
has been defaced or altered.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor4yearsimprisonment.64Obtaining weapons by deceitA
person is not to obtain or gain possession of a weapon or anexplosive by any deceitful or fraudulent
means.Maximumpenalty—60penaltyunitsor1year’simprisonment.65Unlawful trafficking in weapons(1)A person who unlawfully carries on the
business of traffickingin weapons or explosives commits a
crime.Maximum penalty—(a)if
the offence relates to a category H or R weapon—20years imprisonment; or(b)iftheoffencerelatestoacategoryA,B,C,DorEweapon,acategoryMcrossboworexplosives—15years
imprisonment.Minimum penalty—(c)foranoffence,committedbyanadult,towhichparagraph (a)
applies, if at least 1 of the weapons thatthe offence
relates to is a firearm and the person doesnot have a
reasonable excuse for unlawfully carrying onPage 100Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 66]the business—5
years imprisonment served wholly in acorrective
services facility; or(d)foranoffence,committedbyanadult,towhichparagraph (b)
applies, if at least 1 of the weapons thatthe offence
relates to is a firearm and the person doesnot have a
reasonable excuse for unlawfully carrying onthe
business—31/2years imprisonment served wholly ina
corrective services facility.(2)Forthepurposeofsubsection (1),penalty,paragraph (c)or(d),
but without limiting those provisions, it is a reasonableexcuse to unlawfully carry on the business
of trafficking inweapons or explosives if—(a)adealer’slicencewasinforcewithinthe12monthsimmediatelybeforethedaythepersoncommittedtheoffencebutisnolongerinforceatthetimeoftheoffence; and(b)the
person would have been authorised under this Act tocarry on the business at the time of the
offence if thelicence was still in force at that time;
and(c)itwasnotareasonforthelicencebeingnolongerinforce that the licence had been surrendered,
suspendedor revoked under this Act.(3)ThePenaltiesandSentencesAct1992,section 161Qalsostatesacircumstanceofaggravationforanoffenceagainstthis
section.(4)An indictment charging an offence
against this section withthecircumstanceofaggravationstatedinthePenaltiesandSentencesAct1992,section 161Qmaynotbepresentedwithout the consent of a Crown Law
Officer.66Dispatch of weaponsA
person may dispatch a weapon only in the way prescribedunder a regulation.Maximumpenalty—60penaltyunitsor1year’simprisonment.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 101
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 67]67Possessing and acquiring restricted
items(1)Apersonmustnot,withoutreasonableexcuse,possessoracquire a restricted item.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.(2)However, subsection (1) does not apply
if—(a)the restricted item is a replica of a
firearm; and(b)the person is subject to a firearm
prohibition order.Note—See section 141Y
for offences relating to the acquisition or possessionof a
firearm by a person subject to a firearm prohibition order.(3)For subsection (1), it is not a
reasonable excuse to possess oracquire a
restricted item for crowd or traffic control.(4)It
is a reasonable excuse for a person to possess or acquire alaser pointer if—(a)each
of the following apply—(i)thepersonisamemberofarecognisedastronomicalorganisationorapersonbeingpersonally supervised by a member of a
recognisedastronomical organisation;(ii)the person’s
reason for possession or acquisition ofthelaserpointeristotakepartinactivitiesassociated with
astronomy;(iii)the laser
pointer has a power output of less than 20milliwatts;
or(b)both of the following apply—(i)the person’s reason for possession or
acquisition ofthelaserpointeristotakepartinactivitiesassociated with
a recognised occupation;(ii)the laser
pointer has a power output of less than 20milliwatts;
or(c)both of the following apply—Page
102Current as at [Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 67]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(i)thepersonholdsalicencethatauthorisespossessionofafirearminrelationtowhichthelaser pointer may be used;(ii)the laser
pointer has a power output of less than 10milliwatts.(5)It
is a reasonable excuse for a person to possess or acquire arestricted item that is a replica of a
firearm if—(a)both of the following apply—(i)the person is a member of an
association, whetherornotincorporated,thatprovidesrecreationalactivitiesinvolvingreplicasoffirearmsandtheactivities are conducted other than
in, and in a waynot reasonably able to be seen from, a
public place;(ii)the person’s
reason for possession or acquisition ofthereplicaofafirearmistoparticipateintherecreational activities; or(b)both of the following apply—(i)the person is the holder of a
collector’s licence;(ii)the person’s
reason for possession or acquisition ofthe replica of
the firearm is for it to be part of theholder’s
collection of weapons.(6)It is a
reasonable excuse for a person to possess or acquire aweaponthatispermanentlyinoperableandwouldbe,ifitwerenotpermanentlyinoperable,acategoryA,BorCweapon if—(a)the
person is the holder of a collector’s licence; and(b)the person’s reason for possession or
acquisition of theweapon is for it to be part of the holder’s
collection ofweapons.(7)Subsections (4) to (6) do not limit what may
be a reasonableexcuse for subsection (1).(8)Forsubsection
(9),definitionsrecognisedastronomicalorganisationandrecognised occupation—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 103
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 68](a)an
astronomical organisation or an occupation may onlybe
published on the QPS website once and for not morethan
6 months; and(b)any publication of an organisation or
occupation on theQPSwebsitehasnoeffecttotheextentitdoesnotcomply with paragraph (a).(9)In this section—associationsee theAssociations Incorporation Act 1981.recognisedastronomicalorganisationmeansanastronomical organisation—(a)prescribed under a regulation;
or(b)published on the QPS website for this
paragraph.recognised occupationmeans an
occupation—(a)prescribed under a regulation;
or(b)published on the QPS website for this
paragraph.restricted itemmeans an item
prescribed as a restricted itemunder theWeapons Categories Regulation 1997.Division 2Dealers,
armourers and employees68Dealers to be
licensed(1)A person must not deal in weapons in
the course of business,unless the person is a licensed
dealer.Maximum penalty—(a)for
a category D, H or R weapon—100 penalty units or2
years imprisonment; or(b)foracategoryCorEweapon—60penaltyunitsor1year’s
imprisonment; or(c)foracategoryAorBweaponoracategoryMcrossbow—20 penalty units or 6 months
imprisonment.Page 104Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 69](2)Subsection (1)doesnotapplytoaperson,whoisnotdisqualified
from holding a dealer’s licence, whilst acting asan
agent or employee of a licensed dealer.69Armourers to be licensed(1)Unless a person is a licensed dealer or
licensed armourer or isotherwiseauthorisedunderthisAct,thatpersonisnottorepair or store weapons in the course of
business.Maximum penalty—(a)for
a category D, H or R weapon—100 penalty units or2
years imprisonment; or(b)foracategoryCorEweapon—60penaltyunitsor1year’s
imprisonment; or(c)foracategoryAorBweaponoracategoryMcrossbow—20 penalty units or 6 months
imprisonment.(1A)Apersonwhoisnotalicensedarmourermustnotmanufacture a weapon.Maximum
penalty—(a)for a category D, H or R weapon—500
penalty units or10 years imprisonment; or(b)for a category C or E weapon—300
penalty units or 7years imprisonment; or(c)for
a category A, B or M weapon—200 penalty units or4
years imprisonment.(2)Subsection (1)doesnotapplytoaperson,whoisnotdisqualified
from holding a dealer’s licence or an armourer’slicence, whilst acting as an agent or
employee of a licensedarmourer.(3)A
licensed armourer, or the agent or employee of the licensedarmourer to whom subsection (2) refers, may
carry, discharge,possess, repair and store weapons on the
premises specified inthe licence.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 105
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 70]70Employees of dealers and armourers(1)A licensed dealer or armourer must not
employ a person who,in the course of the person’s
employment, will have access toweapons unless
the person is a qualified weapons employee.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(2)For subsection
(1), a person is aqualified weapons employeeonly
if the person—(a)is at least 18 years; and(b)holds a licence.(3)Inthecourseofemploymentasaqualifiedweaponsemployee, a person may possess any category
of weapon hisor her employer is authorised to
possess.(4)Subsection (3) has effect even if the
employee is not licensedto possess the category of
weapon.(5)In this section—employa
person includes engage the person as an agent.70AObligations of armourers when modifying
firearm tobecome different category of weapon(1)This section applies if a person asks
a licensed armourer tomodifyafirearmsothatthefirearmbecomesadifferentcategory of
weapon (thenew weapons category).(2)Before modifying the firearm, the
licensed armourer must besatisfied the person holds a licence
authorising the person topossess a firearm in the new weapons
category.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.71Licensed dealers and armourers to keep
register(1)Alicenseddealerorlicensedarmourermustkeepatthepremises stated
on the licence a weapons register.Maximumpenalty—20penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.Page 106Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 71](2)Alicenseddealerorlicensedarmourermust,foreachtransactioninvolvingaweapon,enterimmediatelyintheweapons register the particulars
prescribed by regulation.Maximumpenalty—20penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.(3)Alicenseddealerorlicensedarmourermustnotifyanauthorisedofficerintheapprovedformofeachtransactioninvolvingaweaponwithin14daysafterthetransactionhappens.Maximumpenalty—20penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.(4)A
licensed armourer must, for each modification of a firearmunder section 70A, enter immediately in the
weapons registerthe particulars prescribed by
licensed armourer must notify an authorised officer in theapprovedformofeachmodificationofafirearmundersection 70A within 14 days after the
modification happens.Maximumpenalty—20penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.(6)Apersonmustnotremoveapartoftheweaponsregister,unless the person has a reasonable
excuse.Maximumpenalty—20penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.(7)Subsection (6) does not prevent the
correction of the weaponsregister in a way specified by
regulation.(8)In this section—removeincludesmakeillegibleorunintelligible,eraseordisguise.transactionmeans receipt,
acquisition, sale or transfer.weapons
registermeans—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 107
Weapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 72](a)abookintheapprovedform,boundinawaysatisfactory to
an authorised officer; or(b)a computer
register approved by the commissioner.Notauthorised—indicativeonly72Annual returns by
licensed dealers(1)Each year, a licensed dealer must,
within the time determinedunder subsection (2), give an
authorised officer particulars, intheapprovedform,ofallweaponsheldinstockbythelicensed dealer as at the beginning of
the anniversary day forthe licensed dealer’s licence.Maximum penalty—60 penalty units.(2)The licensed dealer must give the
particulars to an authorisedofficerwithin2monthsaftertheanniversarydayoranyextended time
allowed under subsection (3).(3)An
authorised officer may extend the time within which thelicenseddealerisrequiredtogivetheparticularsforaparticular year if—(a)thelicenseddealeraskstheauthorisedofficer,inwriting,foranextensionwithin2monthsaftertheanniversary day for the licensed
dealer’s licence; and(b)theauthorisedofficerissatisfiedtherearereasonablegrounds for the
request.73Dealer etc. to require
informationA person who is a licensed dealer, a
licensed armourer or anagent, employee or representative of
the dealer or armourer(eachofwhomisatrader)mustnotpurchasefrom,tradewith, sell to or
deal in any weapon with a person unless—(a)thepersonprovidesthetraderwiththeparticularsprescribed under
a regulation; and(b)the trader records the particulars in
the weapons registermaintained by the dealer or
armourer.Maximum penalty—60 penalty units.Page
108Current as at [Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 74]74Licensed dealer or armourer taken to be in
unlawfulpossessionAlicenseddealerorlicensedarmourerwho,withoutreasonableexcuse,possessesaweapontheprescribedparticularsofwhichhavenotbeenenteredintheweaponsregister under section 71 is taken to
contravene section 50.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 3Collectors75Collector to be licensedApersonmustnotcollectweaponsunlessthatpersonisalicensed collector for the category of
weapons being collected.Maximum penalty—60 penalty
units.76Collector’s licence (heirloom)Itisaconditionofacollector’slicence(heirloom)thatthelicensee may possess an heirloom
firearm only if it is madepermanently inoperable.77Collector’s licence (weapons)(1)Itisaconditionofacollector’slicence(weapons)thatthelicensee may possess—(a)category D, M or R weapons only
if—(i)forweaponsthatarefirearms—theweaponsaremade permanently inoperable; or(ii)for other
weapons—the weapons are inert; or(b)category A, B or C weapons that are
collectable firearmsmanufacturedonorafter1January1901onlyiftheweapons are made temporarily
inoperable; or(c)category H weapons only if—(i)they are manufactured before 1 January
1947 andare temporarily inoperable, collectable
firearms; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 78](ii)they
are manufactured on or after 1 January 1947andaretemporarilyinoperable,collectablefirearms and the
licensee’s licence is endorsed toallowpossessionofcollectablefirearmsmanufactured on or after 1 January 1947;
are permanently inoperable.(2)In
this section—collectablefirearmmeansafirearmthatisofobviousandsignificant commemorative, historic,
thematic or investmentvalue.78Weapons not to be discharged or
operatedA collector must not discharge or operate or
cause or permit tobe discharged or operated any weapon held or
proposed to beheldunderacollector’slicenceunlessauthorisedtodosounder a
licence.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.79Approval of arms fair(1)SubjecttothisAct,apersonorbodyofpersonsmustnotconduct an arms fair unless the
conduct of the arms fair hasbeen approved by
an authorised officer.Maximum penalty—60 penalty
units.(2)Anauthorisedofficermayapprovetheconductofanarmsfair, either
unconditionally or subject to such conditions as theauthorisedofficermaydetermine,inortotheeffectoftheapproved form or may refuse an
application for approval.(3)Anauthorisedofficermayatanytimerevokeanapprovalgiven under
subsection (2).(4)Where approval is refused or revoked,
the authorised officer isto issue a notice of refusal or
revocation in or to the effect ofthe approved
form stating the specific reasons for the refusalor
revocation and forward the notice to the applicant or personPage
110Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 80]to whom approval
had been given by registered post to theaddress shown in
the application.80Application for approval(1)An application for approval to conduct
an arms fair—(a)may be made by a licensed collector or
an organisationrepresenting licensed collectors; and(b)is to be made at least 28 days prior
to the proposed datefor the fair; and(c)is
to be in or to the effect of the approved form; and(d)is to be accompanied—(i)by the prescribed fee; and(ii)such other
information as may be required by anauthorised
officer.(2)The authorised officer may make or
cause to be made suchinquiriesinrespectoftheapplicationforapprovalastheofficer considers necessary and may
approve the applicationin the prescribed manner as the
officer may determine or mayrefuse the
application.81Collectors to keep register(1)A licensed collector must keep at the
premises stated in thelicence a collection register.Maximumpenalty—20penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.(2)A
licensed collector must, for each transaction for the
receipt,acquisition, sale or transfer of a weapon,
enter immediately inthecollectionregistertheparticularsprescribedunderaregulation.Maximumpenalty—20penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 111
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 82](3)A
person must not remove a part of the collections register,unless the person has a reasonable
excuse.Maximumpenalty—20penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.(4)Subsection (3)doesnotpreventthecorrectionofthecollections register in a way
specified under a regulation.(5)In
this section—collection registermeans a book in
the approved form boundto the satisfaction of an authorised
officer.removeincludesmakeillegibleorunintelligible,eraseordisguise.82Removal of register and weapons(1)Exceptasprovidedinsubsections (2)to(4),alicensedcollector must
not, without a reasonable excuse, remove anyweapon or the
collection register from the premises specifiedin the
licence.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(2)Whereanarmsfairhasbeenapprovedbyanauthorisedofficerundersection
80,alicensedcollectormayremoveweaponsfromthepremisesspecifiedinthelicenceforthepurpose of
display or sale for the duration of the fair.(3)At
the conclusion of the fair, the licensed collector must
returnthe weapons that have not been sold or
disposed of to anotherlicensedcollectortogetherwithanyadditionalweaponsacquired by the licensed collector, to the
premises specified inthe licence.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(4)Alicensedcollectorwhodisplaysweaponsatanarmsfairapproved by an
authorised officer, must have possession at thefair of the
collection register.Maximum penalty—40 penalty
units.Page 112Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 83]83Licensed collector leaving Queensland(1)AlicensedcollectorwhoisabouttoleaveQueenslandtoresideelsewheremust,beforeleaving,adviseanauthorisedofficer in
writing of—(a)the date of departure; and(b)the proposed residence; and(c)what is proposed to be done regarding
the collection.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.(2)Alicensedcollectormustnotmoveweaponstowhichthelicence relates from the premises specified
in the licence to aplaceoutsideQueenslandunlessanauthorisedofficerissatisfied that the manner of
transporting the weapons ensurestheir
safekeeping whilst in Queensland.Maximum
penalty—20 penalty units.84Licensed
collector taken to be in unlawful possessionAlicensedcollectorwho,withoutreasonableexcuse,possesses a weapon the prescribed
particulars of which havenot been entered in the collection
register under section 81 istaken to
contravene section 50.Division 4Approved
shooting clubs85Only an approved shooting club may
conduct targetshootingA person must
not conduct a shooting club for the sport oftargetshootingunlesstheshootingclubisanapprovedshooting club.Maximum
penalty—20 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 86]86Application for shooting club permit(1)Application may be made to an
authorised officer to grant ashooting club
permit to a shooting club.(2)The shooting
club permit may only be granted to a shootingclub whose
primary purpose is to conduct the sport of targetshooting.(3)The
application must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)providethefurtherparticularsreasonablyrequiredbythe authorised officer; and(c)be accompanied by the fee prescribed
by regulation.87Authorised officer may grant or refuse
shooting clubpermitThe authorised
officer may grant the shooting club permit ifthe authorised
officer is satisfied—(a)the primary
purpose of the shooting club is to conductthe sport of
target shooting; and(b)thelocation,constructionandequipmentofeachshootingrange,andproposedshootingrange,oftheshooting club is appropriate having
regard to the need toprotect persons from death or injury
and property fromunlawful destruction or damage; and(c)the application complies with section
86; and(d)eachindividualmemberofthegoverningbodyoftheshooting club is an appropriate
person; and(e)section 90hasbeencompliedwithandthepersonnominated under
section 90(1) is an appropriate person.Page 114Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 88]88Authorised officer to give reasons for
refusing to grantpermitThe authorised
officer may refuse to grant the shooting clubpermitbywrittennoticegiventotheapplicantstatingthereasons for the refusal.89Conditions to apply to permit(1)Ifanauthorisedofficergrantsashootingclubpermittoanapproved club, the authorised officer
may impose conditionsthat apply to the permit.(2)The authorised officer may impose
conditions about—(a)the location, construction, equipment
and maintenanceof shooting ranges; and(b)theuse,control,administrationandmanagementofshooting ranges; and(c)matters prescribed by regulation.(3)Inimposingconditions,theauthorisedofficermusthaveregard to the need to protect persons from
death or injury andproperty from unlawful destruction or
damage.(4)The conditions must be specified in
the permit or by writtennotice given to the applicant.90Representative required for
application(1)An application for a shooting club
permit must nominate anadult individual to be the shooting
club’s representative.(2)The nominated
person must hold the position in the shootingclub in which
the person is charged with responsibility for theconduct of the activities of the shooting
club relating to thesport of target shooting (theresponsible position).(3)Ifashootingclubpermitisgrantedontheapplication,thenominatedpersonistakentobetheshootingclub’srepresentativeforthepurposeofthepermit(theCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 91]representative),untilceasingtobetherepresentativeundersection 92.(4)Theshootingclubmustensurethat,atalltimeswhilethepermit is in effect, it maintains an
appropriate person in theresponsible position.Maximum penalty for subsection (4)—20
penalty units.91Duty of representativeThe
representative must exercise all reasonable diligence toensure the shooting club, its members and
all persons using arangeconductedbyitcomplywiththisdivisionanddivision 5.Maximum
penalty—20 penalty units.92Change of
representative(1)Apersonstopsbeingtherepresentativeofanapprovedshooting club if
the person stops holding the shooting club’sresponsible
written notice to an authorised officer within 28 days.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.(3)Thepersonwhooccupiesanapprovedshootingclub’sresponsiblepositionafteranotherpersonstopsbeingtherepresentativemustgivewrittennotice(therepresentativenotice) to
an authorised officer within 28 days after occupyingthe
responsible position.Maximum penalty—20 penalty
units.(4)If the authorised officer accepts a
representative notice from aperson—(a)the person becomes the representative;
and(b)theauthorisedofficermustgivewrittennoticeoftheacceptance to
the representative.Page 116Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 93](5)The
authorised officer may refuse to accept the representativenotice on the ground that the authorised
person is not satisfiedthe person who gave the representative
notice—(a)occupies the shooting club’s
responsible position; or(b)is an
appropriate person.(6)The refusal must be by written notice
to the person who gavethe representative notice stating
reasons for the refusal.93How to decide
whether an individual is an appropriateperson(1)In determining whether an individual
is an appropriate personforthepurposeofthisdivision,anauthorisedofficermayhave regard only to—(a)whethertheindividualdemonstratesknowledgeandunderstandingoftheobligationsofanapprovedshootingclubandtheindividual’sproposedpositionunder this Act;
and(b)whether the individual is a person of
good repute; and(c)whether the individual is the holder
of a licence.(2)The authorised officer may
obtain—(a)areportfromthecommissioneraboutthecriminalhistory of the
person; or(b)if the person holds or previously held
in another State arelevant licence, permit, authority or
position—a reportfrom the appropriate authority in the other
State.(3)In this section—criminalhistory,ofaperson,meanstheperson’scriminalhistorywithinthemeaningoftheCriminalLaw(RehabilitationofOffenders)Act1986,otherthanaspentconviction.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 117
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 94]94Authorised officer may amend permit
conditions(1)An authorised officer may amend the
conditions applying to ashooting club permit of an approved
shooting club—(a)on the application of the shooting
club; or(b)on the initiative of the authorised
officer.(2)In making an amendment under
subsection (1), the authorisedofficer must
have regard to the need to protect persons fromdeathorinjuryandpropertyfromunlawfuldestructionordamage.(3)Beforemakinganamendmentundersubsection (1)(b),theauthorised officer must—(a)give
written notice to the club informing it—(i)of
the proposed amendment; and(ii)thatitmaymakewrittensubmissionstotheauthorised officer about the proposed
amendmentbeforeaspecifiedday(notearlierthan21daysafter the notice
is given to the shooting club); and(b)haveregardtosubmissionsmadetotheauthorisedofficer by the
shooting club before the specified day.(4)If
an authorised officer amends the conditions applying to ashooting club permit, the authorised officer
must give writtennotice of the amendment to the shooting
club.(5)The amendment takes effect—(a)on the day the written notice of the
amendment is givento the shooting club; or(b)if a
later day is specified in the notice—on the specifiedday.(6)Anauthorisedofficermayrefusetomakeanamendmentunder subsection
(1)(a) by written notice given to the shootingclub stating the
reasons for the refusal.Page 118Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 95]95Authorised officer may make temporary
amendment ofconditions(1)An
authorised officer may make a temporary amendment oftheconditionsapplyingtoashootingclubpermitiftheauthorised
officer considers, on reasonable grounds, that it isnecessary to make the amendment to protect a
person fromdeathorinjuryorpropertyfromunlawfuldestructionordamage.(2)Anauthorisedofficermaymakeanamendmentundersubsection (1)bywrittennoticegiventotheshootingclubstating the reasons for the
amendment.(3)The amendment takes effect on the day
the written notice ofthe temporary amendment is given to
the shooting club or, if alater day is specified in the notice,
the specified day.(4)The amendment has effect for 28 days
unless—(a)the notice specifies a shorter period;
or(b)theauthorisedofficerextendstheamendmentforasingle further specified period (not
longer than 28 days).(5)Anauthorisedofficermayextendanamendmentundersubsection (4)(b) by written notice given to
the shooting clubstating the reasons for the
extension.96Revoking or suspending permit(1)An authorised officer may revoke or
suspend a shooting clubpermit if—(a)the
shooting club contravenes this Act; or(b)theshootingclubcontravenesaconditionapplyingtothe permit; or(c)the
authorised officer reasonably believes it is likely amemberoftheshootingcluborthepublicwillsufferinjury or loss if the permit is not revoked
or suspended.(2)Theauthorisedofficermustgivewrittennoticeoftherevocation or
suspension to the shooting club.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 119
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 97](3)The
notice must specify—(a)ifthepermithasbeensuspended—thedaythesuspension is lifted; and(b)the reasons for the revocation or
suspension.(4)Therevocationorsuspensiontakeseffectonthedaythenoticeisgiventotheshootingclubor,ifalaterdayisspecified in the notice, the specified
day.(5)A shooting club permit that is
suspended stops having effectuntil the
suspension is lifted.97Club must keep
range use register books(1)It is a
condition of an approved shooting club’s shooting clubpermit that the club must keep a range use
register and ensurethe register is available at all times when
the range is beingconducted by the shooting club.(2)Beforeapersonusesarangeconductedbyanapprovedshooting club to discharge a weapon, the
person must—(a)if the person is a licensee, produce
the person’s licenceto a range officer at the range;
and(b)enter in the range use register the
details provided forunder subsection (3).Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.Note—If the person
proposing to use the range is not a licensee, the personmustproducetheidentificationandcompletetheapprovedformrequired under section 53.(3)Theregistermustincludeprovisionforthefollowingdetails—(a)the person’s identity;(b)the category of weapon the person will
use on the range;(c)other details prescribed under a
regulation.Page 120Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 98](4)It
is a condition of an approved shooting club’s shooting clubpermitthattheclubensurethatarangeofficeroftheclubmust
inspect the entry made by the person in the register andendorse the entry as correct before allowing
the person to usethe range.(5)An
endorsement under this section must clearly identify theperson making the endorsement.(6)Subsections (2)(a) and (4) do not
apply in relation to a rangeofficer of the
approved range using the range to discharge aweapon.98Service of notice on approved shooting
club(1)A notice required or permitted by this
division to be served onanapprovedshootingclubmaybeservedontheshootingclub’s representative.(2)Subsection (1) does not affect the operation
of any other lawthat authorises the service of the document
in another way.98ALimitation on organised target
shootingUnlessotherwiseauthorisedbythisAct,apersonmayconduct organised target shooting only on an
approved range.Maximumpenalty—20penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.98BMembership of approved pistol clubs(1)Itisaconditionofanapprovedpistolclub’sshootingclubpermit that the
club must not accept a person for membershipoftheclubunlessthepersonsubmitswiththeperson’sapplication for
membership—(a)if the person is not a licensee, a
current statement in theapproved form signed by an authorised
officer that theperson is a fit and proper person to hold a
licence; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 99](b)2characterreferencesfrompersonsthepersonhasknown for at least 2 years; and(c)adeclarationthatthepersonisacurrentmemberofother named approved shooting clubs or
that the personis not a current member of any other
approved shootingclub.(2)Astatementmentionedinsubsection (1)(a)iscurrentfor3months after the day it is signed by
the authorised officer.Division 5Approved
ranges99Application for range approval(1)Application may be made to an
authorised officer to approve arange for
weapons target shooting.(2)The application
must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)providethefurtherparticularsreasonablyrequiredbythe authorised officer; and(c)be accompanied by the fee prescribed
by regulation.100Limits on approvalsA
range may be approved only if the range is conducted by—(a)an approved shooting club; or(b)an incorporated association; or(c)an entity conducting an approved
training course.101Authorised officer may grant or refuse
range approval(1)Theauthorisedofficermaygranttheapprovaliftheauthorised officer is
satisfied—(a)the range will be used for—Page
122Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 102](i)conducting an approved training course;
or(ii)the sport of
target shooting; and(b)the location,
construction and equipment of the range isappropriate
having regard to the need to protect personsfromdeathorinjuryandpropertyfromunlawfuldestruction or
damage; and(c)the application complies with section
99.(2)An approval must be given in the
approved form.102Authorised officer to give reasons for
refusing to grantapprovalTheauthorisedofficermayrefusetogranttheapprovalbywritten notice given to the applicant
stating the reasons for therefusal.103Conditions to apply to approval(1)Ifanauthorisedofficergrantstheapproval,theauthorisedofficer may
impose conditions applying to the approval.(2)The
authorised officer may impose conditions about—(a)the
location, construction, equipment and maintenanceof
the range; and(b)matters prescribed by
regulation.(3)Inimposingconditions,theauthorisedofficermusthaveregard to the need to protect persons from
death or injury andproperty from unlawful destruction or
damage.(4)The conditions must be specified in
the approval or by writtennotice given to the applicant.104Authorised officer may amend approval
conditions(1)An authorised officer may amend the
conditions applying toan approval—(a)on
the application of the range operator; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 123
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 105](b)on
the initiative of the authorised officer.(2)In
making an amendment under subsection (1), the authorisedofficer must have regard to the need to
protect persons fromdeathorinjuryandpropertyfromunlawfuldestructionordamage.(3)Beforemakinganamendmentundersubsection (1)(b),theauthorised officer must—(a)give
written notice to the range operator—(i)of
the details of the proposed amendment; and(ii)thattherangeoperatormaymakewrittensubmissionstotheauthorisedofficerabouttheproposedamendmentbeforeaspecifiedday(notearlier than 21
days after the notice is given to therange operator);
and(b)haveregardtosubmissionsmadetotheauthorisedofficer by the
range operator before the specified day.(4)If
an authorised officer amends the conditions applying to anapproval, the authorised officer must give
written notice of theamendment to the range
operator.(5)The amendment takes effect—(a)on the day the written notice of the
amendment is givento the range operator; or(b)if a later day is specified in the
notice—on the specifiedday.(6)Anauthorisedofficermayrefusetomakeanamendmentunder subsection
(1)(a) by written notice given to the rangeoperator stating
the reasons for the refusal.105Authorised officer may make temporary
amendment ofconditions(1)An
authorised officer may make a temporary amendment ofthe
conditions applying to an approval if the authorised officerconsiders, on reasonable grounds, that it is
necessary to makePage 124Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 106]theamendmenttoprotectapersonfromdeathorinjuryorproperty from unlawful destruction or
damage.(2)Anauthorisedofficermaymakeanamendmentundersubsection (1)bywrittennotice
giventotherangeoperatorstating the
reasons for the amendment.(3)The amendment
takes effect—(a)on the day the written notice of the
amendment is givento the range operator; or(b)if a later day is specified in the
notice—on the specifiedday.(4)The
amendment has effect for 28 days unless—(a)the
notice specifies a shorter period; or(b)theauthorisedofficerextendstheamendmentforasingle further specified period (not
longer than 28 days).(5)Anauthorisedofficermayextendanamendmentundersubsection (4)(b) by written notice given to
the range operatorstating the reasons for the
extension.106Suspending or revoking approval(1)An authorised officer may suspend or
revoke an approval if—(a)a range operator
or a range officer contravenes this Act;or(b)the authorised officer believes, on
reasonable grounds,that it is necessary to suspend or revoke
the approval toprotect a person from death or injury, or
property fromunlawful destruction or damage.(2)Theauthorisedofficermustgivewrittennoticeofthesuspension or
revocation to the range operator.(3)The
notice must specify—(a)iftheapprovalhasbeensuspended—theperiodofsuspension; and(b)the
reasons for the suspension or revocation.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 125
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 107](4)The
suspension or revocation takes effect—(a)on
the day the notice is given to the range operator; or(b)if a later day is specified in the
notice—on the specifiedday.(5)A
range approval that is suspended stops having effect untilthe
suspension is lifted.107Range can be
dealt with in conjunction with shootingclub
permitAn application, grant of approval or notice
under this divisionmay be included in an application, issue of
permit or noticerespectively under division 4.108Responsibilities of range
operator(1)In this section—rangeoperatormeansthepersonconductinganapprovedrange for an
approved shooting club under the approval givenunderthisdivisionand,iftheapprovalisissuedtoanunincorporated body or association of
persons, includes eachmember of the body’s or association’s
governing body.(2)Arangeoperatormustensureeverypersonwhophysicallypossesses or
uses a weapon at the approved range is properlysupervised by an
adult (arange officer) who—(a)holds a firearms licence under this
Act; or(b)is a range officer, however called,
under a law of anotherState that corresponds with this
Act.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.(3)A range operator must ensure the name
of each range officersupervising persons using the approved
range is prominentlydisplayedattherangeatanytimewhenaweaponisdischarged.Maximum
penalty—20 penalty units.Page 126Current as at
[Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 109](4)A
range operator must take all reasonable steps to ensure aperson attending the approved range does not
contravene thisAct.Maximum
penalty—20 penalty units.Notauthorised—indicativeonly109Responsibilities of range
officerA range officer supervising an approved
shooting range musttakeallreasonablestepstoensureapersonattendingtherange does not contravene this
Act.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.110Responsibilities of person attending
an approved range(1)A person attending an approved range
must not possess or usea weapon at the range unless the
possession or use—(a)is authorised under—(i)a licence issued to the person;
or(ii)section 52;
or(iii)section 53;
and(b)is permitted by the range officer;
and(c)complieswiththeconditionsonwhichtherangewasapproved, including, for example, that it is
a weapon ofa category for which the range was
approved.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(2)A person attending an approved range
must not use a weaponat the range in a way that is likely
to cause death or injury to aperson or
unlawful destruction of, or damage to, property.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(3)Apersonattendinganapprovedrangemustcomplywithadirectionbyarangeofficerfortherangegivenforthepurposes of this Act or safety
reasons, unless the person has areasonable
excuse.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 111]Maximum penalty
for subsection (3)—20 penalty units.Division 6Shooting galleries111Approval of shooting galleries(1)Apersonmustnotconductashootinggalleryatanytimewithout the approval of an authorised
officer to conduct thatgallery.Maximum
penalty—60 penalty units.(2)Anauthorisedofficermustnotgrantapprovaltoconductashooting gallery unless—(a)theapplicantforapprovalhasattainedtheageof18years; and(b)the
officer is satisfied that the applicant has an adequateknowledge of safety practices relating to
the use of thefirearms to be used at the gallery;
and(c)in the opinion of the authorised
officer—(i)the applicant is a fit and proper
person to conductthe gallery; and(ii)theprescribedconditionsandanyconditionsimposed by the
authorised officer will be compliedwith.(3)Anauthorisedofficermaygrantapprovaltoconductashootinggallerysubjecttotheprescribedconditionsandtosuch other conditions as the officer
thinks fit.(4)An authorised officer may refuse to
grant approval to conductashootinggallerybygivingtheapplicantforapprovalanoticeinortotheeffectoftheapprovedformstatingthespecific reasons for the refusal and
forwarding the notice tothe applicant by registered post to
the address shown on theapplication.Page 128Current as at [Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 112](5)Anauthorisedofficermayrevokeanapprovalgivenundersubsection (3)
by written notice, given to the person grantedthe approval,
that sets out the reasons for the revocation.Notauthorised—indicativeonly112Conditions of approval(1)Approval to conduct a shooting gallery
is to be subject to thefollowing conditions—(a)theseveralpartsoftheshootinggalleryaretobedesigned, constructed and maintained to the
satisfactionof an authorised officer;(b)where live ammunition is to be
used—(i)theareabetweentheplacewherethefirearmismounted and the target is to be so
constructed as toprevent projectile penetration or ricochet;
and(ii)the firearm is
to be so mounted that its barrel mustremainwithintheconfinesofthegalleryatalltimes;(c)at
least 1 natural person specified in the approval is to—(i)bephysicallypresentatthegalleryatalltimeswhen
it is open to the public; and(ii)personallysupervisetheuseofeveryfirearmbyeach person resorting to the gallery;
such directions as are necessary to any personto prevent
danger during the use of any firearm atthe
gallery.(2)Subsection (1)(b) does not apply to
the use of a paint-pelletgun at a shooting gallery used solely
for paint-pellet sports.113Representative of
holder of approval(1)Theholderoforanapplicantforanapprovaltoconductashooting gallery may apply in or to the
effect of the approvedform(whichmaybeincorporatedaspartoftheformofCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 113A]application for
the approval) for the approval to be endorsedin accordance
with this Act with the name of a fit and propernatural person
who satisfies the requirements of section 111astherepresentativeoftheholderoftheapprovalatthepremises or location specified in the
application.(2)Onapplicationbytheholderofanapprovaltoconductashooting gallery in or to the effect of the
approved form, theapproval may be endorsed with the name of a
fit and properperson who satisfies the requirements of
section 111 in placeof the name of another person endorsed
as representative ofthe holder under this section.(3)An application under subsection (1) or
(2) may be made to anofficer in charge of police.113AAuthorised officer may amend approval
conditions(1)An authorised officer may amend the
conditions applying toan approval to conduct a shooting
gallery—(a)ontheapplicationofthepersongrantedtheapproval(gallery operator); or(b)on the initiative of the authorised
officer.(2)In making the amendment, the
authorised officer must haveregard to the
need to protect persons from death or injury andproperty from unlawful destruction or
damage.(3)Beforemakinganamendmentundersubsection (1)(b),theauthorised officer must—(a)give
written notice to the gallery operator stating—(i)the
details of the proposed amendment; and(ii)that
the person may make written submissions totheauthorisedofficerabouttheproposedamendment before
a stated day, not earlier than 21days after the
notice is given to the person; and(b)haveregardtosubmissionsmadetotheauthorisedofficer by the
person before the stated day.Page 130Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 113B](4)If
the authorised officer amends the conditions applying to anapproval, the authorised officer must give
written notice of theamendment to the gallery
operator.(5)The amendment takes effect—(a)on the day the written notice of the
amendment is givento the person; or(b)if a
later day is stated in the notice—on the stated day.(6)Anauthorisedofficermayrefusetomakeanamendmentunder subsection
(1)(a) by written notice given to the galleryoperator stating
the reasons for the refusal.113BAuthorised officer may make temporary
amendment ofconditions(1)An
authorised officer may make a temporary amendment ofthe
conditions applying to an approval if the authorised officerconsiders, on reasonable grounds, it is
necessary to make theamendmenttoprotectapersonfromdeathorinjuryorproperty from unlawful destruction or
damage.(2)Anauthorisedofficermaymakeanamendmentundersubsection (1) by written notice given to
the gallery operatorstating the reasons for the
amendment.(3)The amendment takes effect—(a)on the day the written notice of the
amendment is givento the gallery operator; or(b)if a later day is stated in the
notice—on the stated day.(4)The amendment
has effect for 28 days unless—(a)the
notice states a shorter period; or(b)theauthorisedofficerextendstheamendmentforasingle further stated period, not
longer than 28 days.(5)Anauthorisedofficermayextendanamendmentundersubsection (4)(b)bywrittennoticegiventothegalleryoperator stating
the reasons for the extension.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 131
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 113C]113CSuspending or revoking approval(1)An authorised officer may suspend or
revoke an approval if—(a)the gallery
operator contravenes this Act; or(b)the
authorised officer believes, on reasonable grounds, itis
necessary to suspend or revoke the approval to protecta
person from death or injury, or property from unlawfuldestruction or damage.(2)Theauthorisedofficermustgivewrittennoticeofthesuspension or
revocation to the gallery operator.(3)The
notice must specify—(a)iftheapprovalhasbeensuspended—theperiodofsuspension; and(b)the
reasons for the suspension or revocation.(4)The
suspension or revocation takes effect—(a)on
the day the notice is given to the gallery operator; or(b)if a later day is stated in the
notice—on the stated day.(5)Ashootinggalleryapprovalthatissuspendedstopshavingeffect until the
suspension is lifted.114Conduct of
persons resorting to shooting galleries(1)A
person resorting to or making use of a shooting gallery mustnot—(a)pointafirearmotherwisethaninthedirectionofthetarget area in the shooting gallery;
or(b)take away a firearm from the shooting
gallery; or(c)interfere with—(i)any
other person resorting to or using the shootinggallery;
or(ii)afirearmatashootinggalleryotherwisethanasdirected by any person conducting that
gallery orthe servant of that person; orPage
132Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 115](iii)any
part or equipment of the shooting gallery; or(d)disobeyadirectiongiventothatpersonpursuanttosection 112(1)(c)(iii).Maximum
penalty—60 penalty units.(2)Subsection
(1)(a), (b), (c)(i) and (ii) do not apply to the use ofapaint-pelletgunatashootinggalleryusedsolelyforpaint-pellet sports.Division 7Theatrical ordnance suppliers andother associated matters115Theatrical ordnance suppliers to be
supplier’s licence.Maximum penalty—120 penalty units.(2)Subsection (1)doesnotapplytoapersonnotdisqualifiedfromholdingatheatricalordnancesupplier’slicencewhilstactingasanagentoremployeeofalicensedtheatricalordnance
supplier.116Employees of theatrical ordnance
suppliers(1)A theatrical ordnance supplier must
not employ a person who,in the course of the person’s
employment, will have access toweapons unless
the person is a qualified weapons employee.Maximum
penalty—20 penalty units.(2)For subsection
(1), a person is aqualified weapons employeeonly
if the person—(a)is at least 18 years; and(b)holds a licence.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 133
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 117](3)Inthecourseofemploymentasaqualifiedweaponsemployee, a person may possess any category
of weapon hisor her employer is authorised to
possess.(4)Subsection (3) has effect even if the
employee is not licensedto possess the category of
weapon.(5)In this section—employa
person includes engage the person as an agent.117Theatrical ordnance supplier to keep
register(1)Alicensedtheatricalordnancesuppliermustkeepatthepremises stated in the licence an
ordnance register.Maximumpenalty—20penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.(2)Alicensedtheatricalordnancesuppliermust,foreachtransaction for
the acquisition, sale, supply, rental or transferof a
weapon, enter immediately in the ordnance register theparticulars prescribed under a
regulation.Maximumpenalty—20penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.(3)Apersonmustnotremoveapartoftheordnanceregister,unless the person has a reasonable
excuse.Maximumpenalty—20penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.(4)Subsection (3) does not prevent the
correction of the ordnanceregister in a way specified under a
regulation.(5)In this section—ordnance
registermeans a book in the approved form
boundto the satisfaction of an authorised
officer.removeincludesmakeillegibleorunintelligible,eraseordisguise.Page 134Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 118]118Weapons may be supplied for theatre, film
and televisionproductions(1)Theholderofatheatricalordnancesupplier’slicencemaysupply a weapon under the licence to a
person only for thepurpose of the person using the weapon in a
theatrical, film ortelevision production.(2)Ifthelicenceheldbyatheatricalordnancesupplieronlyallows the licensee to supply a weapon to a
specified person,or type of person, the licensee may supply a
weapon only tothe specified person or type of
person.119Supervision of use of weapons in
theatre, film andtelevision productions(1)In
this section—licenseemeansapersonwhoholdsatheatricalordnancesupplier’s licence.personal
supervisionby a licensee means—(a)personal supervision by the licensee;
or(b)personalsupervisionbyanemployeeofthelicenseewho is eligible
to obtain a theatrical ordnance supplier’slicence.(2)Alicenseemust,bypersonalsupervision,ensurethataweapon supplied by the licensee to another
person under thelicence is properly used.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.(3)If a licensee considers that a weapon
supplied by the licenseeunder the licence is being improperly
used, the licensee mustimmediately take all appropriate
steps—(a)to ensure the weapon is properly used;
or(b)to recover the weapon.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.(4)For the purpose of this section, a
weapon is properly used ifit—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 135
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 120](a)isusedonlyforthetheatre,filmandtelevisionproduction for
which it was supplied; and(b)is not used in
an unlawful way; and(c)is not used in a
way that may cause death of, or injuryto, any person
or the unlawful destruction of, or damageto,
property.120Removal of register and weapons(1)A licensed theatrical ordnance
supplier must not remove anyweapon or the
ordnance register from the premises specifiedin the licence
except in the course of business as a theatricalordnance supplier.Maximum
penalty—60 penalty units.(2)A licensed
theatrical ordnance supplier who has possession ofweapons at a place other than thepremisesspecifiedinthelicence must
keep a record of the disposition of ordnance inthe approved
form.Maximum penalty—60 penalty units.121Annual returns by licensed theatrical
ordnance supplier(1)Each year, a licensed theatrical
ordnance supplier must, withinthe time
determined under subsection (2), give an authorisedofficer particulars, in the approved form,
of all weapons heldin stock by the licensed theatrical ordnance
supplier as at thebeginningoftheanniversarydayforthelicensedtheatricalordnance
supplier’s licence.Maximum penalty—60 penalty units.(2)Thelicensedtheatricalordnancesuppliermustgivetheparticulars to an authorised officer within
2 months after theanniversarydayoranyextendedtimeallowedundersubsection
(3).(3)An authorised officer may extend the
time within which thelicensedtheatricalordnancesupplierisrequiredtogivetheparticulars for a particular year if—Page
136Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 122](a)thelicensedtheatricalordnancesupplieraskstheauthorised officer, in writing, for an
extension within 2monthsaftertheanniversarydayforthelicensedtheatrical ordnance supplier’s licence;
and(b)theauthorisedofficerissatisfiedtherearereasonablegrounds for the
request.122Licensed theatrical ordnance supplier
taken to be inunlawful possessionAlicensedtheatricalordnancesupplierwho,withoutreasonableexcuse,possessesaweapontheprescribedparticularsofwhichhavenotbeenenteredintheordnanceregister under section 117 is taken to
contravene section 50.Division 8Security guards
and securityorganisations123Armed
security guard must be licensedA person must
not, in performing duties as a security guard,physicallypossessaweaponunlessthepersonholdsasecurity licence (guard).Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.124Training courses for security
guards(1)A person may be issued with a security
licence (guard) only ifthe person has completed an approved
safety training course(security guard).(2)Ifapersonwhoholdsasecuritylicence(guard)intendstorenewthelicence,thepersonmustcompleteanapprovedsafetytrainingcourse(securityguard)withintheperiodprescribed by
regulation.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 125]125Control of possession and use of weapons by
of weapons by persons performing the duties of a securityguard.Notauthorised—indicativeonly126Employed security
guard must record prescribedinformation(1)Apersonwhopossessesorusesaweaponinperformingduties as an
employed security guard must, as prescribed byregulation,
record information about the possession or use inthe
security organisation register kept by the security guard’ssecurity organisation.Maximum
penalty—10 penalty units.(2)A regulation may
specify the type of information that must berecorded and the
time it must be recorded.(3)In this
section—employedsecurity guard
means a person who is employed asa security guard
by a security organisation.126AObligation of
security guard carrying on business to keepregister(1)An individual who carries on business
on the individual’s ownaccount as a security guard
must—(a)keep a register in the approved form
(security guard’sregister);
and(b)recordinthesecurityguard’sregister,asprescribedunderaregulation,informationabouttheindividual’spossession or
use of weapons.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.(2)Apersonmustnotmakeanentryinthesecurityguard’sregister that is false or misleading.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.Page
138Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 127](3)A
regulation may prescribe—(a)thetypeofinformationthatmustberecordedinthesecurity guard’s register; and(b)the time when the information must be
recorded.127Obligations of security organisation
in relation to thepossession or use of a weapon(1)In this section—employeeof a
security organisation includes a person engagedin any way by
the security organisation to perform duties forit.(2)A security organisation must
not—(a)possess a weapon; or(b)allowanemployeetohavephysicalpossessionofaweapon while performing duties for the
organisation;unlessthesecurityorganisationhasbeenissuedwithasecurity licence (organisation).Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(3)A security organisation may only
possess or use a weapon asprescribed by regulation.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(4)Asecurityorganisationmustensureanemployeeofthesecurityorganisationonlyphysicallypossessesorusesaweapon as prescribed by regulation.Maximum penalty for subsection (4)—200
penalty units.128Obligations of security organisation
in relation to register(1)A security
organisation must—(a)keepasecurityorganisationregisterintheapprovedform; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 139
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 4 Possession
and use of weapons[s 129](b)record in the security organisation
register, as prescribedby regulation, information about its,
and its employees’,possession or use of weapons.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.(2)A person must not make an entry in the
security organisationregister that is false or
misleading.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.(3)A regulation may prescribe—(a)thetypeofinformationthatmustberecordedinthesecurity organisation register;
and(b)the time when the information must be
recorded; and(c)whomustrecordtheinformationonbehalfofthesecurity organisation; and(d)procedures the security organisation
must undertake toverify an entry in the security organisation
register.129Obligation of members of governing
body of securityorganisationEach member of
the governing body of a security organisationmustensurethesecurityorganisationcomplieswiththisdivision.Maximum
penalty—20 penalty units.Page 140Current as at
[Not applicable]
5Weapons Act 1990Part 5 Additional
requirements in relation to category H weapons[s 130]Additional requirements inrelation to category H weaponsNotauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Requirements for
holders ofconcealable firearms licence130Application of div 1Thisdivisionappliestoaholderofaconcealablefirearmslicence (licensee)
whose genuine reason for possession of aweapon is sports
or target shooting.131Limitation on number of concealable
firearms particularlicensees may acquire(1)An
individual licensee must not, during the first year after
theindividual is first issued with a
concealable firearms licence,acquire for
sports or target shooting under that licence morethan—(a)1
air pistol; and(b)1 of the following—(i)a rim-fire pistol;(ii)a
centre-fire pistol;(iii)a black-powder
pistol.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply
to—(a)a person who—(i)holds a licence or other authority under a
law ofanotherStatethatcorrespondswiththisActauthorising the applicant to possess a
category Hweaponforsportsortargetshooting(relevantauthority);
and(ii)hasheldtherelevantauthorityforatleast12months; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 141
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5 Additional
requirements in relation to category H weapons[s 132](iii)has, in the
other State, participated in not less thanthe number of
handgun shooting competitions fortheweaponnecessarytocomplywith thelawofthe other State;
or(b)a person who—(i)waspermittedorauthorisedunderthelawofanothercountrytopossessacategoryHweaponfor sports or
target shooting; and(ii)has, within the
2 year period immediately beforethe application
is made, consistently participated ata national or
international level in internationallyrecognised
shooting competitions for a category Hweapon.Examplesofinternationallyrecognisedshootingcompetitions—•shooting competitions in the Olympic
Games•shooting competitions in the
Commonwealth Games•metallic silhouette world
championship132Conditions for concealable firearms
weapon that has a calibre of more than .38 inch;(b)a weapon that is semi-automatic and
has a barrel lengthof less than 120mm unless it has an overall
length of atleast 250mm measured parallel to the
barrel;(c)aweaponthatisnotsemi-automaticandhasabarrellength of less than 100mm unless it has an
overall lengthof at least 250mm measured parallel to the
barrel;(d)aweaponwithamagazinecapacityofmorethan10rounds.Page 142Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5 Additional
requirements in relation to category H weapons[s 133](2)Despite subsection (1)(a), an
authorised officer may authorisethe licensee, by
condition endorsed on the licence, to possessacategoryHweaponthatthelicenseeisnotauthorisedtopossessundersubsection (1)iftheauthorisedofficerissatisfied that the licensee is to
possess the weapon for use inan accredited
event.Note—Subsection (1)
does not interfere with a person’s ability to hold theweapons under another appropriate
licence.(3)Itisaconditionofaconcealablefirearmslicencethatthelicensee must be a member of an
approved pistol club.(4)In this
section—category H weapondoes not include
a black-powder pistol.133Participation
conditions for concealable firearms licence(1)If a
licensee is the registered owner of 1 or more category Hweapons in a single class, the licensee’s
licence is subject tothe condition that the licensee use a
weapon from that class innot less than 6 handgun shooting
competitions conducted ondifferent days in each financial
year.(2)For subsection (1), if a category H
weapon to be used is a highcalibre weapon,
the handgun shooting competitions at whichthe weapon must
be used must be accredited events.(3)If
the licensee is the registered owner of at least 1 category
Hweapon in each of 2 or more classes, the
licensee’s licence issubject to the condition that the
licensee use a weapon fromeach class in not less than 4 club
organised shoots for the classin each
financial year.(4)For subsection (3)—(a)at least 6 of the club organised
shoots must be handgunshooting competitions; and(b)if 1 of the classes is a class for
high calibre weapons, atleast 4 of the club organised shoots
for a weapon fromthe class must be accredited events;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 5 Additional
requirements in relation to category H weapons[s 133]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(c)eachcluborganisedshootfortheclassesmustbeconducted on different days.Example for paragraph (c)—If a
licensee uses category H weapons from 2 classes in cluborganised shoots conducted on a single day,
only 1 of the shootsis to be taken into account for the
licensee’s participation recordbecause the
shoots are not conducted on different days.Note—Under section 134, the licensee must keep a
participation record. Thelicensee’s participation in club
organised shoots must be entered in therecord and
endorsed by a range officer of the shooting club conductingthe
shoot.(5)If the licensee is the registered
owner of a single category Hweaponinaparticularclassforlessthan12monthsinaparticular financial year, the
relevant participation conditionfor use of a
weapon from that class applies proportionately,based on whole
calendar months, for that financial year, afterrounding down to
the nearest whole number of competitions.Examples for
subsection (5)—1If the licensee has 1 category H
weapon for 6 months during aparticular
financial year, the licensee must participate in 3 cluborganisedshootstosatisfytheparticipationconditionforthatweapon in that
financial year.2If the licensee has 1 category H
weapon for 5 months during aparticular
financial year, the licensee must participate in 2 cluborganisedshootstosatisfytheparticipationconditionforthatweapon in that
financial year.(6)However, if the licensee is the
registered owner of a singlecategory H
weapon in a particular class for less than 3 monthsinaparticularfinancialyear,therelevantparticipationcondition for
use of a weapon from that class does not applyfor that
financial year.(7)Also, if in a particular financial
year the licensee satisfies anauthorisedofficerthatthelicenseeis,orwas,unabletocomply with a relevant participation
condition for the year forreasons outside the licensee’s
control, the authorised officermay decide the
number of times, if any, that the licensee mustuse,orwasrequiredtouse,aweaponinacluborganisedPage
144Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5 Additional
requirements in relation to category H weapons[s 134]shootfortheparticularyeartosatisfytheparticipationcondition.(8)Adecisionundersubsection (7)mustbemadeonaproportionate basis, based on whole
calendar months, havingregard to the period that the
authorised officer is satisfied thelicenseeis,orwas,unabletocomplywitharelevantparticipationconditionforreasonsoutsidethelicensee’scontrol.(9)In this section—high calibre
weaponmeans a category H weapon, other thana
black-powder pistol, having a calibre of more than .38 inchbut
not more than .45 inch.134Licensees to keep
participation record(1)If a licensee is
the registered owner of a category H weapon, itisaspecialconditionofthelicensee’slicencethatthelicensee—(a)advise each approved pistol club of which
the licensee isamemberoftheparticipationconditions,andanychangetotheparticipationconditions,towhichthemember’s licence is subject; and(b)keep a record of the licensee’s
participation in handgunshooting competitions (participation record).(2)The advice under subsection (1)(a)
must be given in writingwithin 28 days after the happening of
any of the following—(a)the start of a
financial year;(b)the licensee becoming a member of an
approved pistolclub;(c)achangetotheparticipationconditionstowhichthelicensee’s licence is subject.(3)Theparticipationrecordmustcontaintheinformationprescribed under
a regulation.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5 Additional
requirements in relation to category H weapons[s 135](4)Thelicenseemustentertheprescribedinformationimmediatelyafterthelicensee’sparticipationinacluborganised shoot
has ended.(5)Thelicenseemusthavetheentryendorsed,inthewayprescribed under a regulation, as correct by
a range officer ofthe approved pistol club conducting the club
organised shooton the day of the shoot before the shoot
ends.(6)If the club organised shoot is a
handgun shooting competitionconductedoutsideQueensland,thelicenseemayhavetheentry endorsed, in the way prescribed under
a regulation, ascorrect by an official supervising the
competition.(7)Anendorsementundersubsection (5)or(6)mustclearlyidentify the person making the
endorsement.(8)An entry properly endorsed under this
section is evidence ofthe licensee’s participation in the
club organised shoot.(9)In this
section—registered owner, of a category
H weapon, means the personentered in the firearms register as
the owner of the weapon.135Show cause
notice(1)If an authorised officer reasonably
suspects that a licensee hasfailed to comply
with a participation condition, the authorisedofficermaygivethelicenseeawrittennotice(showcausenotice).(2)The show cause notice must state the
following—(a)thatthelicenseemayberequiredtodisposeofaparticularcategoryHweaponorclassofcategoryHweapon (theproposed
action);(b)the ground for
the proposed action;(c)anoutlineofthefactsandcircumstancesformingthebasis for the grounds;Page
146Current as at [Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 5 Additional
requirements in relation to category H weapons[s 136](d)aninvitationtothelicenseetoshow,withinastatedperiod(theshowcauseperiod),whytheproposedaction should
not be taken.(3)The show cause period must be a period
ending at least 28daysafterthedaytheshowcausenoticeisgiventothelicensee.Notauthorised—indicativeonly136Consideration of
representations(1)Thelicenseemaymakewrittenrepresentationsabouttheshow cause notice to the authorised
officer in the show causeperiod.(2)Theauthorisedofficermustconsiderallwrittenrepresentations(theacceptedrepresentations)madeundersubsection (1).137Notice to dispose(1)If,afterconsideringtheacceptedrepresentations,theauthorisedofficerisnotsatisfiedthatthelicenseehascomplied with a participation condition, the
authorised officermay,bywrittennotice(noticetodispose)giventothelicensee,requirethelicenseetodisposeofaparticularcategory H
weapon or class of category H weapon within 3months after the
date of the notice.Note—If the
authorised officer is satisfied that the licensee’s failure to
complywith a participation condition was for
reasons outside the licensee’scontrol, the
authorised officer may, under section 133(7), decide thenumber of times the licensee was required to
use the weapon to satisfythe participation condition.(2)Thelicenseemustdisposeoftheweaponwithin3monthsafter the date
of the notice to dispose—(a)toapersonlawfullyacquiringtheweaponunderapermit to acquire; or(b)by delivering the weapon to a licensed
dealer; or(c)by delivering the weapon to a licensed
armourer; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5 Additional
requirements in relation to category H weapons[s 138](d)bysurrenderingtheweapontoapoliceofficerunderarrangements
made for the surrender.(3)Thelicenseemayacquireaweapondeliveredtoalicenseddealerorlicensedarmourerunderthissectiononlyifthelicenseehasacurrentpermittoacquiretheweaponissuedafter the weapon was delivered to the dealer
or armourer.Maximumpenalty—100penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(4)Thelicenseemustprovideevidenceofthedisposaltoanauthorised
officer within 4 months after the date of the noticeto
dispose.Maximum penalty—60 penalty units.(5)Ifaweaponissurrenderedtoapoliceofficerunderthissection—(a)on
the surrender, the weapon is State property; and(b)no compensation is payable for the
weapon.Division 2Requirements for
collectors138Condition for collector’s licence
(weapons)(1)Itisaconditionofacollector’slicence(weapons)thatthelicensee must not possess temporarily
inoperable category Hweaponsunlessthelicenseeisamemberofanapprovedhistorical
(2),anauthorisedofficermayauthorisethelicenseetopossesstemporarilyinoperablemodernhandguns if the authorised officer is
satisfied that the licenseehas a prolonged
and genuine interest in the study, preservationor collection of
firearms.Page 148Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5 Additional
requirements in relation to category H weapons[s 139](4)Iftheauthorisedofficerauthorisesthelicenseetopossesstemporarilyinoperablemodernhandguns,theauthorisedofficer must
endorse the licensee’s licence accordingly.Division 3Requirements for approved pistolclubs139Endorsement of participation record(1)This section applies if an approved
pistol club is conducting aclub organised
shoot.(2)If asked by a licensee participating
in the club organised shootafter the
licensee’s participation in the shoot has ended, butbefore the shoot ends, a range officer of
the pistol club must—(a)inspectthelicensee’sentryinthelicensee’sparticipation
record; and(b)if satisfied the entry is correct,
endorse the entry in theway prescribed under a
regulation.140Approved pistol club to give report
about members(1)Anauthorisedofficermay,bywrittennoticegiventotherepresentativeofanapprovedpistolclub,requiretherepresentative to give the authorised
officer a report under thissection.(2)The representative must comply with
the requirement within28 days after receiving the
notice.(3)The report must advise the authorised
officer—(a)about each member of the pistol club
who, according tothe pistol club’s records, failed to satisfy
a participationconditiontowhichthemember’slicencewassubjectduring the
immediately preceding financial year; or(b)that, according to the pistol club’s
records, each memberof the pistol club satisfied the
participation conditions toCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 149
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5 Additional
requirements in relation to category H weapons[s 141]whichthemember’slicencewassubjectduringtheimmediately preceding financial
year.141Show cause notice(1)If a
representative of an approved pistol club fails to complywith
a requirement under section 140, the authorised officermaygivetheapprovedpistolclubawrittennotice(showcause
notice).(2)The show cause
notice must state the following—(a)thattheauthorisedofficermayrevoketheapprovedpistol club’s
shooting club permit (theproposed action);(b)the ground for the proposed
action;(c)anoutlineofthefactsandcircumstancesformingthebasis for the grounds;(d)an invitation to the approved pistol
club to show, withinastatedperiod(theshowcauseperiod),whytheproposed action
should not be taken.(3)The show cause
period must be a period ending at least 28daysafterthedaytheshowcausenoticeisgiventotheapproved pistol club.141AConsideration of
representations(1)Theapprovedpistolclubmaymakewrittenrepresentationsabout the show
cause notice to the authorised officer in theshow cause
period.(2)Theauthorisedofficermustconsiderallwrittenrepresentations(theacceptedrepresentations)madeundersubsection (1).Note—An
authorised officer is empowered to suspend or revoke a
shootingclub permit under section 96.Page
150Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 4Weapons Act
1990Part 5A Firearm prohibition orders[s
141B]Disclosure requirements forapproved pistol clubs and approvedhistorical societiesNotauthorised—indicativeonly141BDisclosure requirements(1)It is a condition of a relevant
entity’s shooting club permit orapproval that
the representative of the entity must advise thecommissioner in writing as required under
subsection (2)—(a)when a member of the entity stops
being a member of anentity; or(b)when
a member of the entity is expelled from the entityand
the reason for the expulsion.(2)Therepresentativemustadvisethecommissionerwithin14days after the member stops being a
member or is expelled.(3)This section
applies despite any duty of confidentiality owedby
the representative or entity to the member.(4)Thegivingofinformationbyarepresentativeunderthissection does not
give rise to any criminal or civil action orremedy against
the representative or the entity.(5)In
this section—relevant entitymeans—(a)an approved pistol club; or(b)an approved historical society.Part
5AFirearm prohibition ordersDivision 1Preliminary141CPurpose of partThepurposeofthispartistoprovideforthemakingoffirearm prohibition orders in order
to—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141D](a)promote public safety and security;
and(b)disruptanddeterfirearmrelatedcrime,includingreducingtheriskoffirearmsbeingusedinthecommission of offences.141DDefinitions for partIn
this part—courtmeans—(a)in relation to a firearm prohibition
order in relation to achild—theChildrensCourtconstitutedbyaChildrensCourt
magistrate; or(b)otherwise—the Magistrates
Court.criminalhistory,ofaperson,meanstheconvictions,including spent
convictions, whether or not recorded, againstthe person for
offences in Queensland or elsewhere.firearmincludes an antique firearm and a replica of
a firearm.firearm prohibition ordermeans a firearm prohibition orderunder section 141G or 141H.firearm related itemmeans—(a)ammunition; or(b)a
magazine for a firearm; or(c)asilenceroranotherdeviceorthingthatismadeorused, is capable of being used or is
intended to be usedfor reducing the sound caused by discharging
a firearm;or(d)anotherthingprescribedbyregulationtobeafirearmrelated item.Page 152Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 2Weapons Act
1990Part 5A Firearm prohibition orders[s
141E]Making firearm prohibition ordersNotauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 1Considerations
for making firearmprohibition orders141EMatters to consider for making firearm
prohibitionorders—adults(1)Thissectionappliesifthecommissionerorthecourtisconsideringwhetheritisinthepublicinteresttomakeafirearm prohibition order in relation to an
individual’s criminal history;(b)theindividual’sdomesticviolencehistory,includingwhether the
individual—(i)is or has been subject to a domestic
violence order;or(ii)isorhasbeennamedasarespondentinanapplication for a domestic violence
order;(c)whether the individual is or has been
a participant in—(i)a criminal organisation; or(ii)a terrorist
organisation;(d)whethertheindividualisanassociateofarecognisedoffender;(e)whethertheindividualhascommunicatedinapublicforum, or to
another person, that the individual intendsor wishes to
commit a serious offence;Examples of public forums—social media sites, online forums(f)whethertheindividualisorhasbeensubjecttoarelevantordermadebyacourtandthecircumstancessurrounding the
making of the order;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141E]Examples of
relevant court orders—•a control order
under the Criminal Code (Cwlth)•an
order made by a court under theDangerous
Prisoners(Sexual Offenders) Act 2003(g)theindividual’sbehaviour,particularlyviolentoraggressive behaviour or behaviour
involving the use of aweapon;(h)the
risk the individual poses to public safety or security,and
the extent to which making the firearm prohibitionorder will reduce the risk;(i)any other matter or information that
indicates possessionofafirearmorfirearmrelateditembytheindividualwouldbelikelytoposearisktopublicsafetyorsecurity.(3)Inconsideringamatterundersubsection (2),thecommissionerorthecourtmayhaveregardtocriminalintelligence.(4)For
this section, an individual is an associate of a recognisedoffender if the individual—(a)has a romantic or familial
relationship with the offender;or(b)associateswiththeoffenderinawaythatinvolvesseekingoutoracceptingtheoffender’scompany,whether the association happens in person or
in anotherway, including, for example,
electronically.(5)In this section—criminalorganisationseethePenaltiesandSentencesAct1992, section
161O.recognised offendersee the Criminal
Code, section 77.terroristorganisationseetheCriminalCode(Cwlth),section
102.1(1).Page 154Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141F]141FMatters to consider for making firearm
prohibitionorders—children(1)Thissectionappliesifthecommissionerorthecourtisconsideringwhetheritisinthepublicinteresttomakeafirearm prohibition order in relation to a
matters—(a)thedesirabilityofstrengtheningandpreservingtherelationshipbetweenthechildandtheirparentsandfamily;(b)thedesirabilityofnotinterruptingordisturbingthechild’slivingarrangements,education,trainingoremployment;(c)thedesirabilityofminimisingadverseeffectsonthechild’sreputationthatmayarisefrommakingthefirearm prohibition order;(d)the age and maturity of the
child.(3)Also, the commissioner or the court
may have regard to thefollowing—(a)the
child’s criminal history;(b)the child’s
behaviour, particularly violent or aggressivebehaviour,behaviourthatconstitutesdomesticandfamilyviolenceorbehaviourinvolvingtheuseofaweapon;(c)the
risk the child poses to public safety or security, andthe
extent to which making the firearm prohibition orderwill
reduce the risk;(d)any other matter or information that
indicates possessionof a firearm or firearm related item
by the child wouldbe likely to pose a risk to public safety or
security.(4)Inconsideringamatterundersubsection (3),thecommissionerorthecourtmayhaveregardtocriminalintelligence.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 155
Weapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141G]Subdivision
2Making of firearm prohibition ordersNotauthorised—indicativeonly141GCommissioner may
make firearm prohibition orders(1)Thecommissionermaymakeafirearmprohibitionorderprohibiting an individual from acquiring,
possessing or using,or attempting to acquire, possess or
use, a firearm or firearmrelated item.(2)However, the commissioner may make the
firearm prohibitionorder only if satisfied it is in the public
interest to do so.(3)Also,thecommissionermaymakethefirearmprohibitionorder only if
the individual is 14 years or older.(4)The
firearm prohibition order has effect for the period, of notmore
than 60 days, stated in the order.Note—For
when a firearm prohibition order takes effect, see section
by the commissioner at any time.141HCourt
may make firearm prohibition orders(1)The
court may make a firearm prohibition order prohibitinganindividualfromacquiring,possessingorusing,orattemptingtoacquire,possessoruse,afirearmorfirearmrelated
item.(2)The court may make the firearm
prohibition order—(a)on the court’s own initiative;
orExample for paragraph (a)—on
the court’s own initiative on the conviction of the
individualfor an offence(b)onapplicationbythecommissionerundersection 141M.(3)However, the court may make the firearm
prohibition orderonly if satisfied it is in the public
interest to do so.Page 156Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141I](4)Also, the court may make the firearm
prohibition order only ifthe individual is 14 years or
older.(5)The firearm prohibition order has
effect for the period of—(a)if the
individual is an adult—10 years; or(b)if
the individual is a child—5 years.Note—For
when a firearm prohibition order takes effect, see section
141J.(6)However,thefirearmprohibitionordermaystatethattheorder has effect for a shorter period
if the court is satisfied theshorterperiodisappropriateinthecircumstances,havingregardtotherisktheindividualposestopublicsafetyorsecurity.(7)The
court may revoke a firearm prohibition order made by thecourt only if—(a)the
commissioner applies for the revocation; or(b)the
order is in relation to a child and has been reviewedunder division 5.141IContent of firearm prohibition ordersA
firearm prohibition order must state the following—(a)information identifying the individual
the subject of theorder;(b)the
day the order is made;(c)the period the
order has effect;(d)theeffectofdivision 3,includingthatapersonmaycommit an offence and be subject to a
penalty under thatdivision;(e)that
police may conduct searches under division 4;(f)thattheindividualmayappealagainstthedecisiontomake
the order;(g)how, and the period within which, the
individual mayappeal.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 157
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141J]141JWhen
firearm prohibition orders take effectA firearm
prohibition order in relation to an individual takeseffect—(a)if
the order is made by the court and the individual ispresentincourtwhentheorderismade—whentheorder is made; or(b)otherwise—when a police officer serves the
order or acopy of the order on the individual under
section 141P.141KParent and particular chief executives
to be notified oforders in relation to children(1)This section applies if a firearm
prohibition order takes effectin relation to a
child.(2)Apoliceofficermust,assoonasreasonablypracticable,notify the
following persons of the order—(a)a
parent of the child, unless no parent of the child can becontacted after making all reasonable
inquiries;(b)thechiefexecutive(communities)oraperson,nominated by
that chief executive for the purpose, whoholdsanofficewithinthedepartmentforwhichthechief executive has responsibility;(c)ifthechiefexecutive(childsafety)hascustodyorguardianship of the child under theChild Protection Act1999,
that chief executive or a person, nominated by thatchief executive for the purpose, who holds
an office inthedepartmentforwhichthechiefexecutivehasresponsibility.(3)Ifnoparentofthechildcanbecontactedaftermakingallreasonable inquiries, a police officer
must make a record ofthe inquiries made.(4)In this section—chief executive
(child safety)means the chief executive of thedepartmentinwhichtheChildProtectionAct1999isadministered.Page 158Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141L]chief executive
(communities)means the chief executive ofthedepartmentinwhichtheYouthJusticeAct1992isadministered.parent—(a)means a parent
within the meaning of theYouth JusticeAct 1992,
schedule 4; and(b)includes a person who is apparently a
parent of a child.141LFurther firearm prohibition orders may
be made(1)Theexpiryofafirearmprohibitionorderinrelationtoanindividualdoesnotpreventthecommissionerorthecourtfrom making a
further firearm prohibition order in relation tothe
individual.(2)Subsection (3) applies if an
individual has been subject to afirearmprohibitionordermadebythecommissionerwithinthe
previous 12 months.(3)Despitesubsection
(1),thecommissionermaynotmakeafurther firearm prohibition order in
relation to the individualunless the commissioner reasonably
believes an application tothecourtforafirearmprohibitionorderinrelationtotheindividualundersection 141Mmaynotbedecidedsufficientlyquicklybythecourttoensurepublicsafetyorsecurity.(4)Thecommissionermustapplytothecourtforafirearmprohibitionorderinrelationtotheindividualundersection 141M within 3 business days after
the day the furtherfirearm prohibition order is made under
subsection (3).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141M]Subdivision
3Applications to court for firearmprohibition ordersNotauthorised—indicativeonly141MApplications to
court by commissioner(1)Thecommissionermayapplytothecourtforafirearmprohibition
order to be made in relation to an individual.(2)The
application must state the following—(a)information identifying the
individual;(b)the reasons why the commissioner
considers it is in thepublicinteresttomakethefirearmprohibitionorder,including the facts and circumstances in
support of thereasons;(c)that
the individual may respond to the application undersection 141N;(d)the
commissioner’s address for service of any responseto
the application;(e)that if the individual does not appear
at the hearing ofthe application, a firearm prohibition order
may be madein the individual’s absence;(f)if the individual is subject to a
firearm prohibition ordermadebythecommissioner—that,unlessthecourtorders
otherwise, the order remains in effect until—(i)a
firearm prohibition order made by the court takeseffect; or(ii)ifnofirearmprohibitionorderismadebythecourt—the application is finally
determined by thecourt or is withdrawn.(3)Theapplicationmustbeaccompaniedbyanyaffidavitthecommissionerintendstorelyonatthehearingoftheapplication.(4)Thecommissionermustgivetheindividualacopyoftheapplicationandanyaccompanyingaffidavitassoonasreasonably practicable after the application
is made.Page 160Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141N]141NResponses to applications(1)Theindividualmayrespondtotheapplicationbyfilingaresponse with the court.(2)The
response must—(a)state the nature of the response;
and(b)statethefactsandcircumstancesreliedonbytheindividual in responding to the application;
and(c)be accompanied by any affidavit the
individual intendsto rely on at the hearing of the
application.(3)The individual must, as soon as
practicable after the responseis filed, give
the commissioner a copy of the response and anyaccompanyingaffidavitbyleavingthedocumentsat,orsendingthemto,theaddressforservicestatedintheapplication.141OContinuation of firearm prohibition orders
if applicationmade to court(1)Thissectionappliesif,whentheapplicationismade,theindividual is subject to a firearm
prohibition order made bythe commissioner.(2)Unlessthecourtordersotherwise,thefirearmprohibitionorder made by
the commissioner continues in effect until—(a)afirearmprohibitionordermadebythecourttakeseffect; or(b)if
no firearm prohibition order is made by the court—theapplicationisfinallydeterminedbythecourtoriswithdrawn.(3)Subsection (2) applies despite section
141G(4).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141P]Subdivision
4Service of firearm prohibitionorders and directions relating toserviceNotauthorised—indicativeonly141PPersonal service
of firearm prohibition orders(1)This
section applies if a firearm prohibition order is made inrelation to an individual—(a)by the commissioner; or(b)by the court and the individual is not
present in courtwhen the order is made.(2)A
police officer must—(a)servethefirearmprohibitionorder,oracopyoftheorder,personallyontheindividualthesubjectoftheorder; and(b)tell
the individual on whom the order or copy is servedthat
the order is a firearm prohibition order.(3)However,iftheindividualdoesnotacceptthefirearmprohibition
order, the police officer may serve the order on theindividual by—(a)putting the order, or a copy of the order,
down in theindividual’s presence; and(b)tellingtheindividualthattheorderisafirearmprohibition
order.(4)Ifpracticable,serviceunderthissectionmustbeelectronically recorded by a police
officer.(5)In this section—electronicallyrecordedseethePolicePowersandResponsibilities Act 2000,
schedule 6.141QPower to give directions to facilitate
personal service offirearm prohibition orders(1)This section applies if—Page
162Current as at [Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141Q]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)afirearmprohibitionorderismadebythecourtinrelation to an individual and the individual
is not presentin court when the order is made; and(b)a police officer reasonably suspects
an individual is theindividual the subject of the
order.(2)Apoliceofficermay,forthepurposeofenablingapoliceofficertoservethefirearmprohibitionorderundersection 141P, do
any of the following—(a)ifitisnecessarytoconfirmtheidentityoftheindividual—direct the
individual—(i)to state the individual’s name and
address; and(ii)to give evidence
of the stated name and address if,inthecircumstances,itwouldbereasonabletoexpecttheindividualtobeinpossessionoftheevidence;(b)directtheindividualtoremainatastatedappropriateplace at or near
the individual’s current location for astated
period;(c)directtheindividualtoattendastatedpolicestationimmediately or
within a stated period;(d)direct the
individual to accompany a police officer to thenearest police
station or another stated place.(3)Ingivingthedirection,thepoliceofficermusttelltheindividual the following
matters—(a)why the individual is being given the
direction;(b)ifthedirectionistoaccompanyapoliceofficertoaplace—(i)where the place is; and(ii)howtheindividualistomovetotheplace,includingwhetherapoliceofficerwillremaininthe presence of the individual;
and(iii)that the
individual may be searched before beingtransported to
the place by a police officer; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 163
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141R](iv)that
the individual may be directed to leave, at theindividual’s
current location, anything found in thesearchthatmaybeusedtocauseharmtotheindividual or
another person; and(v)that anything found in the search may
be seized if apoliceofficerreasonablysuspectsthethingisevidence of the commission of an
offence;(c)that the individual is not under
arrest or in custody whilecomplying with the direction.141RLimits on directions(1)For a direction given under section
141Q(2)(b), the period anindividual may be directed to remain
at a place is—(a)1 hour; or(b)a
longer period, of not more than 2 hours, if the longerperiod is reasonably necessary in the
circumstances forenablingserviceofafirearmprohibitionorderontheindividual
current location, having regard to the particularcircumstances.141SPowers relating to particular
directions(1)This section applies if—(a)apoliceofficerdirectsanindividualundersection 141Q(2)(d)toaccompanyapoliceofficertoaplace;
and(b)the individual is to be transported by
a police officer tothe place.(2)Beforetheindividualistransportedtotheplace,apoliceofficer
may—Page 164Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141T](a)searchtheindividualforanythingintheindividual’spossessionthatmaybeusedtocauseharmtotheindividual or
another person; andNote—See thePolice Powers and Responsibilities Act
2000, chapter 20,part 3 for
safeguards that apply to a search under this paragraph.(b)direct the individual to leave at the
individual’s currentlocation a thing found in the search
that may be used tocause harm to the individual or another
person; and(c)seize a thing found in the search that
the police officerreasonably suspects is evidence of the
commission of anoffence.(3)Athingseizedundersubsection
(2)(c)is,forthePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000, section 622,
taken tohave been seized under that Act.141TOffence warning(1)Apoliceofficergivingadirectiontoanindividualundersection 141Q(2) or 141S(2)(b) must warn the
individual—(a)it is an offence not to comply with
the direction unlessthe individual has a reasonable
excuse; and(b)the individual may be arrested for the
offence.(2)Thepoliceofficermustgivetheindividualareasonableopportunity to
comply with the direction.(3)If the
individual fails to comply with the direction, a policeofficer must, if practicable—(a)repeat the warning mentioned in
subsection (1); and(b)give the individual a further
reasonable opportunity tocomply with the direction.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141U]141UOffence to contravene direction(1)Anindividualmustcomplywithadirectiongiventotheindividualundersection 141Q(2)or141S(2)(b)unlesstheindividual has a reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(2)However, an individual does not commit
an offence againstsubsection (1) unless—(a)the
individual is the individual the subject of the firearmprohibition order to which the direction
relates and theorderhasnotbeenservedontheindividualundersection 141P; and(b)theindividualhasbeengivenawarningundersection 141T(1) in relation to the
direction.Division 3Effect of
firearm prohibition ordersand offences141VLicenses, permits and approvals
automatically revoked iffirearm prohibition order made(1)This section applies if a firearm
prohibition order is made inrelation to an
individual.(2)Alicence,permitorapprovalheldbytheindividualisautomatically revoked.(3)Alicence,permitorapprovalheldbyabody,whetherincorporatedorunincorporated,isautomaticallyrevokedifthe individual is the body’s
representative.(4)The revocation takes effect—(a)if the firearm prohibition order is
made by the court andtheindividualispresentincourtwhentheorderismade—on the making of the order; or(b)otherwise—when a police officer serves
the order or acopy of the order on the individual under
section 141P.Page 166Current as at
[Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141W](5)In
this section—approvalmeans an
approval granted by an authorised officerunder this Act
and in force at the material time.permitmeans a permit issued under this Act and in
force atthe material time.Notauthorised—indicativeonly141WSurrender of authorities, firearms and
firearm relateditems(1)This
section applies to an individual the subject of a firearmprohibition order.(2)When
the firearm prohibition order takes effect, the individualmust
immediately give to a police officer a relevant authorityheldbytheindividualthatisintheindividual’sphysicalpossession.Maximumpenalty—50penaltyunitsor12monthsimprisonment.(3)When
the firearm prohibition order takes effect, the individualmust
also immediately give to a police officer any firearm orfirearm related item the individual
physically possesses.Notes—1See
section 141Y(1) and (2) for offences relating to the
possessionof a firearm or firearm related item by an
individual subject to afirearm prohibition order.2See also section 141Y(3) and
(4).(4)If the individual can not immediately
give a police officer arelevantauthorityheldbytheindividualorafirearmorfirearmrelateditemintheindividual’spossession,apoliceofficer may
direct the individual—(a)to give the
authority, firearm or firearm related item to apoliceofficerinastatedwayandwithinastatedreasonableperiodofnotmorethan24hoursafterthedirection is given; or(b)to give information about the location
of the authority,firearmorfirearmrelateditemandanyotherCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 167
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141W]information
necessary to enable a police officer to locateand seize it;
or(c)toaccompanyapoliceofficertothelocationoftheauthority,firearmorfirearmrelateditemsoitcanbegiven to or seized by the police
officer.Example of when a firearm can not be
immediately given—A police officer serves a firearm
prohibition order on an individual at aplace that is
not the individual’s home and a firearm the individualpossesses is stored at the individual’s
home.(5)Theindividualmustcomplywithadirectiongiventotheindividual under
subsection (4).Maximumpenalty—50penaltyunitsor12monthsimprisonment.(6)In
this section, a reference to a relevant authority held by
theindividual includes—(a)areferencetoarelevantauthorityheldbyabody,whetherincorporatedorunincorporated,iftheindividual is the body’s
representative; and(b)a reference to a relevant authority,
including a relevantauthority to which paragraph (a)
applies, that has beenautomatically revoked under section
141V.(7)In this section—approvalmeans an approval granted by an authorised
officerunder this Act and in force at the material
time.permitmeans a permit
issued under this Act and in force atthe material
time.relevant authoritymeans—(a)a licence, permit or approval;
or(b)anauthorityundertheExplosivesAct1999whichauthorises a person to purchase small arms
ammunitionunder that Act.Page 168Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141X]141XCollection of firearms in particular
circumstances(1)This section applies if an
individual—(a)gives a firearm to a police officer
under section 141W(3)or (4)(a); or(b)complies with a direction under section
141W(4)(b) or(c) in relation to a firearm.(2)The individual may, within 3 months
after the day the firearmis given to or seized by a police
officer, make arrangementswith a police officer for a licensed
dealer or licensed armourerto collect the
firearm if the individual—(a)hasconsignedthefirearmtothelicenseddealerorlicensed armourer for sale; and(b)hasgiventhepoliceofficeracopyofthetransactionnotification for
the consignment.141YAcquiring, possessing and using
firearms and firearmrelated items(1)Anindividualwhoissubjecttoafirearmprohibitionordermust
not—(a)acquire, possess or use a firearm;
or(b)attempt to acquire, possess or use a
not—(a)acquire, possess or use a firearm
related item; or(b)attempt to acquire, possess or use a
firearm related item.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor5yearsimprisonment.(3)However, an individual does not contravene
subsection (1)(a)or (2)(a) in relation to a firearm or
firearm related item if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141Z](a)the
firearm or firearm related item is in the individual’spossessionwhenthefirearmprohibitionordertakeseffect;
individual gives the firearm or firearm relateditem to a police
officer under section 141W(3) or(4)(a);
or(ii)theindividualcomplieswithadirectionundersection 141W(4)(b) or (c), enabling a police
item.(4)For this section, an individual is
taken to possess a firearm orfirearm related
item if there is proof that, at the material time,thefirearmorfirearmrelateditemwasinoronaplaceatwhich the individual resided or of which the
individual wasthe owner or the occupier or concerned in
the management orcontrol.(5)However, it is a defence to an offence
against subsection (1)or (2) for the individual to prove the
individual did not knowand did not have reason to suspect
that the firearm or firearmrelated item was
in or on a place mentioned in subsection (4).(6)In
this section—resided, in relation to
a place, includes slept at the place on aregular or
frequent basis.141ZSupply of firearms and firearm related
itemsA person must not supply a firearm or
firearm related item toanindividualsubjecttoafirearmprohibitionorderiftheperson knows the
individual is subject to the order.Maximum
or(b)for a firearm related item—200 penalty
units or 5 yearsimprisonment.Page 170Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141ZA]141ZA Attending
particular premises and events(1)Anindividualwhoissubjecttoafirearmprohibitionordermust
not attend—(a)a place endorsed on a dealer’s licence
or an armourer’slicence under section 16(1)(b)(iii);
or(b)an arms fair approved under section
79(2); or(c)aneventormeetingheldbyanapprovedhistoricalsociety;
or(d)an approved range; or(e)a shooting gallery approved under
section 111; or(f)a shooting range; or(g)an event or meeting held by a shooting
club; or(h)premises or an event prescribed by
subsection (1)(h), a regulation may prescribe premises oraneventonlyifthecommissionerissatisfiedafirearmorfirearmrelateditemislikelytobestoredorpresentonthepremises, or on the premises at which
the event is held.141ZB Notifying commissioner of change of
addressAn individual subject to a firearm
prohibition order must givethecommissionerwrittennoticeofachangetotheindividual’s residential address
within 24 hours of the changeoccurring.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141ZC]Division 4Powers relating to firearmprohibition ordersNotauthorised—indicativeonly141ZC Definition for divisionIn
this division—vehiclemeans—(a)avehicleundertheTransportOperations(RoadUseManagement) Act 1995;
or(b)an aircraft; or(c)a
train; or(d)a tram; or(e)a
vessel.141ZD When powers may be exercised(1)A police officer may, without a
warrant or consent, exercise apowerunderthisdivisioniftheexerciseofthepowerisreasonablyrequiredtodeterminewhetheranindividualsubject to a
firearm prohibition order is committing an offenceunder section 141Y(1) or (2).(2)The police officer may exercise the
power with the assistanceof another police officer.141ZE
Power to search individualsApoliceofficermaydothefollowinginrelationtoanindividual subject to a firearm
prohibition order—(a)stop and detain the individual;(b)searchtheindividualandanythingintheindividual’spossession for a
firearm or firearm related item.Note—See
thePolice Powers and Responsibilities Act
2000, chapter 20, part 3for safeguards
that apply to a search under this section.Page 172Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141ZF]141ZF Power to
search vehicles(1)This section applies in relation to a
vehicle if an individualwho is subject to a firearm
prohibition order—(a)is the registered operator of the
vehicle; or(b)is driving or riding the vehicle, or
is in charge or controlof the vehicle; or(c)is a
passenger in or on the vehicle; or(d)ordinarily has access to, or use of, the
the vehicle;(b)detain the vehicle and anyone in or on
the vehicle;(c)search the vehicle and anything in or
on the vehicle for afirearm or firearm related
item.(3)In this section—registeredoperator,ofavehicle,seetheTransportOperations (Road
Use Management) Act 1995, schedule 4.141ZG Power to
search premises(1)A police officer may enter and search
relevant premises for afirearm or firearm related
item.(2)In this section—relevant
premisesmeans—(a)premises owned or occupied by, or in the
care or underthe control or management of, an individual
subject to afirearm prohibition order; or(b)premisesatwhichanindividualsubjecttoafirearmprohibition order resides; or(c)a vehicle on premises mentioned in
paragraph (a) or (b).resides, in relation to
premises, includes sleeps at the premiseson a regular or
frequent basis.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141ZH]141ZH Power to
seize items(1)A police officer may seize a firearm
or firearm related itemfound during a search under this
division.(2)A thing seized under this section is,
for thePolice Powers andResponsibilitiesAct2000,section 622,takentohavebeenseized under that Act.Division 5Annual review of firearm prohibitionorders in relation to children141ZIApplication of divisionThis
division applies if—(a)achildissubjecttoafirearmprohibitionordermadeunder section
141H; and(b)either—(i)the
order has been in effect for more than 1 year; or(ii)the order has
been in effect for more than 1 yearsince it was
last reviewed under this division.141ZJApplications for review by
commissioner(1)The commissioner must apply to the
court for a review of thefirearm prohibition order.(2)The application must be made not later
order took effect; or(b)ifsection 141ZI(b)(ii)applies—thedaythatis1yearafter the day
the last review was finalised.(3)Thecommissionermustgivethechildacopyoftheapplication as soon as reasonably
practicable after it is made.Page 174Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141ZK]141ZK Content of
applicationsThe application must—(a)includeanyinformationaboutthechildthecommissioner considers is relevant to the
review; and(b)includeanassessmentofwhetherthefirearmprohibition
order should remain in effect, or whether itwould be more
appropriate to revoke the order; and(c)state that the child may respond to the
application undersection 141ZL; and(d)statethecommissioner’saddressforserviceofanyresponse to the application.141ZL
Responses to applications(1)The child may
respond to the application by filing a responsewiththecourtwithin14daysafterthedayacopyoftheapplication is given to the child
under section 141ZJ(3).(2)The child must,
within the period stated in subsection (1), givethecommissioneracopyoftheresponsebyleavingthedocument at, or sending it to, the address
for service stated inthe application.(3)The
child’s response may—(a)respondtotheassessmentmentionedinsection 141ZK(b); and(b)includeanyinformationreliedonbythechildfortheresponse.Example of
information—evidence that the child has completed a
rehabilitation programsince the firearm prohibition order
was made141ZM Conduct of reviews(1)In
conducting the review of the firearm prohibition order, thecourt must decide whether it remains in the
public interest forthe order to remain in effect or whether it
is more appropriateCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141ZN]to revoke the
order, having regard to the risk the child poses topublic safety or security.(2)Thecourtmaydecideitismoreappropriatetorevoketheorder only if the child’s circumstances have
changed since thefirearm prohibition order was made.(3)Thecourtmayconductthereviewonthepapersunlesssatisfied it is in the interests of justice
to conduct a hearing.Division 6Appeals141ZN
Definition for divisionIn this division—appellate
court, in relation to an appeal under this
division,meansthecourttowhichtheappealismadeundersection 141ZO.141ZO Who may
appeal(1)Anindividualsubjecttoafirearmprohibitionordermayappeal against the decision to make
the order to—(a)iftheorderwasmadeundersection 141Gandtheindividual is a child—the Childrens
Court constituted bya Childrens Court magistrate;
or(b)iftheorderwasmadeundersection 141Gandtheindividual is an adult—the Magistrates
Court; or(c)iftheorderwasmadeundersection 141Handtheindividual is a child—the Childrens
Court constituted bya Childrens Court judge; or(d)iftheorderwasmadeundersection 141Handtheindividual is an adult—the District
Court.(2)Subsection (3) applies if—Page
176Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141ZP](a)thecommissionerappliestothecourtundersection 141M for
a firearm prohibition order to be madein relation to
an individual; and(b)the court decides not to make the
order.(3)Thecommissionermayappealagainstthedecisionnottomake the firearm prohibition order
to—(a)iftheindividualisachild—theChildrensCourtconstituted by a
Childrens Court judge; or(b)if the
individual is an adult—the District Court.141ZP How to start
appeals(1)Theappealisstartedbyfilingwrittennoticeoftheappealwith the
registrar of the appellate court.(2)The
notice of appeal must be filed within 28 days after—(a)foranappealundersection 141ZO(1)—thedaythefirearm prohibition order took effect;
or(b)foranappealundersection 141ZO(3)—thedaythedecision being appealed against was
made.(3)The appellant must—(a)for an appeal under section 141ZO(1)—
serve a copy ofthe notice of appeal on the commissioner;
or(b)for an appeal under section
141ZO(3)—(i)serveacopyofthenoticeofappealontheindividualtowhomthedecisionbeingappealedagainst relates;
and(ii)file a copy of
the notice of appeal in the court thatmade the
decision.(4)The appellate court may, at any time,
extend the period forfiling the notice of appeal.(5)The notice of appeal must state fully
the grounds of the appealand the facts relied on.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141ZQ]141ZQ Effect of
firearm prohibition orders not stayed by appeal(1)The
start of an appeal does not—(a)affect the operation of a firearm
prohibition order; or(b)preventthetakingofactioninrelationtoafirearmprohibition
order.(2)However, the appellate court may order
the suspension of theoperationofthefirearmprohibitionorderorstayanyproceeding under the order if satisfied it
would be appropriateto do so having regard to—(a)thelikelyimpactofthesuspensionorstayontheprotection of public safety or
security; and(b)any other matter the appellate court
considers relevant.141ZR Hearing procedures(1)Anappealundersection 141ZO(1)againstthemakingofafirearm prohibition order must be
decided—(a)forafirearmprohibitionordermadeundersection 141G—ontheevidencebeforethecommissioner when making the order;
or(b)forafirearmprohibitionordermadeundersection 141H—on the evidence and proceedings
beforethe court that made the order.(2)An appeal under section 141ZO(3)
against a decision not tomakeafirearmprohibitionordermustbedecidedontheevidenceandproceedingsbeforethecourtthatmadethedecision.(3)However,theappellatecourtmayorderthattheappealbeheard afresh, in whole or part.141ZS
Powers of appellate court(1)In deciding an
appeal against a decision, the appellate courtmay—Page
178Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141ZT](a)confirm the decision; or(b)vary
the decision; or(c)set aside the decision and substitute
another decision; or(d)ifthedecisionwasmadebyacourt—setasidethedecision and remit the matter to the
court that made thedecision.(2)The
decision of the appellate court upon an appeal is final andconclusive.Division 7Miscellaneous141ZT
Confidentiality of criminal intelligence(1)This
section applies in relation to the following proceedingsbefore a court—(a)anapplicationforafirearmprohibitionorderunderdivision 2,
subdivision 3;(b)a review of a firearm prohibition
order under division 5;(c)an appeal under
division 6;(d)areviewundertheJudicialReviewAct1991ofadecisionmadeinrelationtothemakingofafirearmprohibitionorderunderdivision
prohibition order under division 5.(2)The
court must, on the application of the commissioner, takesteps to maintain the confidentiality of
information classifiedby the commissioner as criminal
intelligence, including stepsto receive
evidence and hear argument about the informationin
the absence of—(a)the parties to the proceedings and
their representatives;and(b)the
public.(3)Also, the court may, as it considers
appropriate to protect theconfidentialityofcriminalintelligence,receiveevidenceCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 179
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141ZT]consistingoforrelatingtoinformationclassifiedbythecommissioner as criminal intelligence
by way of affidavit of apolice officer of or above the rank of
superintendent.(4)Ifthecourtconsidersinformationhasbeenincorrectlyclassifiedbythecommissionerascriminalintelligence,thecommissionermaywithdrawtheinformationfromconsideration by the court.(5)Informationthatiswithdrawnbythecommissionerundersubsection (4) must not be—(a)disclosed to any person; or(b)taken into consideration by the
court.(6)If a decision is made by the court on
the basis of informationthat is classified by the commissioner
as criminal intelligence,the only reason required to be given
is that the decision wasmade in the public interest.(7)ThePublic Records
Act 2023does not apply to activities of,or
records made or kept by, the court to the extent that Actwould otherwise enable criminal intelligence
to be disclosed.(8)In this section—criminal
intelligencemeans criminal intelligence that
could,if disclosed, reasonably be expected—(a)to prejudice a criminal investigation;
or(b)toenabletheexistenceoridentityofaconfidentialsource of
information to be ascertained; or(c)to
endanger a person’s life or physical safety; or(d)toprejudicetheeffectivenessofalawfulmethodorprocedureforpreventing,detecting,investigatingordealing with a contravention or possible
contraventionof an Act; or(e)to
prejudice the maintenance or enforcement of a lawfulmethodorprocedureforprotectingpublicsafetyorsecurity.Page 180Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 5A Firearm
prohibition orders[s 141ZU]141ZU Records to
be kept(1)Thecommissionermustkeeparegisteraboutfirearmprohibition
orders made under this part.(2)The
register must state the following matters for each calendaryear—(a)thenumberoffirearmprohibitionordersmadebythecommissioner in the year;(b)thenumberoffirearmprohibitionordersmadebythecourt in the year;(c)thenumberoffirearmprohibitionordersmadeinrelation to children in the year;(d)the number of firearm prohibition
orders revoked in theyear.(3)Theregistermustalsoincludethefollowingparticularsforeach
firearm prohibition order made in a calendar year—(a)the day the order was made;(b)details of the individual subject to
the order;(c)the period the order is in
effect;(d)whetherthedecisiontomaketheorderwasappealedagainst and, if
so, the outcome of the appeal;(e)details of any items given to or seized by a
police officerunder section 141W;(f)details of any actions taken by a police
officer in relationtotheorderunderdivision
4,includinganynoncompliance with the division by a police
officer intaking the action;(g)details of any firearms or firearm related
items seized bya police officer in exercising powers in
relation to theorder under division 4;(h)details of any charges made against the
individual underthis Act;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 181
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 6 Rights of
review and other appeals[s 141ZV](i)details of any charges made against the
individual underanother Act arising from a search under
division 4.(4)The commissioner must ensure the
public interest monitor hasaccesstotheregisterforthepurposeofperformingthemonitor’sfunctionsunderthePolicePowersandResponsibilities Act 2000,
chapter 21, part 5.(5)In this section—publicinterestmonitormeansthepublicinterestmonitorappointed under
thePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000, section
740.141ZV Limitations on particular
delegations(1)DespitethePoliceServiceAdministrationAct1990,section 4.10(1),thecommissionermaydelegatethecommissioner’s powers under section 141G to
a police officerof at least the rank of superintendent
only.Note—Under thePolice Service Administration Act1990, section 4.10,
thecommissioner has the power to delegate the
commissioner’s powers.(2)DespitethePoliceServiceAdministrationAct1990,section 4.10(3),adelegationofthecommissioner’spowersunder section 141G may not permit the
subdelegation of thepower to another person.Part
6Rights of review and otherappeals142Right
to apply for review of decisions(1)This
section applies to the following decisions—(a)a
decision refusing an application for a licence, permit,approval or other authority under this
Act;(aa)a decision
refusing to renew a licence under this Act;Page 182Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 6 Rights of
review and other appeals[s 142AA](b)a
decision refusing to accept the nomination of a personby
an applicant for a shooting club permit;(c)adecisionrefusingtoacceptarepresentativenoticeunder section 92;(d)a
decision imposing or amending a condition applyingto a
licence, permit, approval or other authority underthis
Act;(e)adecisionrevokingorsuspendingalicence,permit,approval or other authority under this
Act;(f)a decision, under section 18D(2),
revoking a delegation.(2)A person
aggrieved by the decision may apply, as providedunder the QCAT Act, to QCAT for a review of
the decision.Note—For appeal
rights in relation to firearm prohibition orders, see part
5A,division 6.142AA Notices must
be QCAT information notices(1)Thissectionappliestoanoticerequiredtobegiventoaperson in
relation to a decision mentioned in section 142(1).(2)ThenoticemustbeaQCATinformationnoticeforthedecision.142AConfidentiality of criminal
intelligence(1)This section applies to—(a)a review, under the QCAT Act, of a
relevant decision; or(b)areview,undertheJudicialReviewAct1991,ofarelevant
decision; or(c)an appeal, under the QCAT Act, in
relation to a relevantdecision.(2)Thecourtortribunaldecidingtheappealorreviewingthedecision—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 183
Weapons Act 1990Part 6 Rights of
review and other appeals[s 142A]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)mustensurethatitdoesnot,inthereasonsforitsdecisionorotherwise,disclosethecontentofanycriminal intelligence on which the
decision is based; and(b)inordertopreventthedisclosureofthecriminalintelligence
must receive evidence and hear argument inthe absence of
the public, the appellant or applicant forreviewandtheappellant’sorapplicant’slawyerorrepresentative; and(c)may,asitconsidersappropriatetoprotecttheconfidentialityofcriminalintelligence,takeevidenceconsisting of
criminal intelligence by way of affidavit ofa police officer
of at least the rank of superintendent.(2A)If
the court or tribunal considers information categorised ascriminalintelligencebythecommissionerhasbeenincorrectlycategorisedascriminalintelligence,thecommissionermaywithdrawtheinformationfromconsideration by the court or
tribunal.(2B)Informationthatiswithdrawnbythecommissionerundersubsection (2A) must not be—(a)disclosed to any person; or(b)taken into consideration by the court
or tribunal.(2C)ThePublic Records Act 2023does not apply
to activities of,or records made or kept by, the court or
tribunal to the extentthatActwouldotherwiseenablecriminalintelligencetobedisclosed.Editor’s
note—Section 142A(2C)incorporatesanuncommencedamendment—see2023 Act No. 33
s 107 sch 4.(3)In this section—criminalintelligencemeanscriminalintelligenceorotherinformationofthekindmentionedinsection 10B(1)(ca)or10C(1) that could, if disclosed, reasonably
be expected—(a)toprejudicetheinvestigationofacontraventionorpossible contravention of this Act;
orPage 184Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 145](b)toenabletheexistenceoridentityofaconfidentialsource of
information, in relation to the enforcement oradministration
of this Act, to be ascertained; or(c)to
endanger a person’s life or physical safety; or(d)toprejudicetheeffectivenessofalawfulmethodorprocedureforpreventing,detecting,investigatingordealing with a contravention or possible
contraventionof this Act; or(e)to
prejudice the maintenance or enforcement of a lawfulmethod or procedure for protecting public
safety.relevant decisionmeans any of the
following decisions—(a)adecisionrefusinganapplicationforalicenceortorenew a licence;(b)a
decision suspending or revoking a licence.145Applicant may carry on business pending
reviewA person who applies for the review
of—(a)therefusaltorenewadealer’slicence,armourer’slicence or
theatrical ordnance supplier’s licence; or(b)the
revocation of a dealer’s licence, armourer’s licenceor
theatrical ordnance supplier’s licence;is entitled,
until the review is decided, to carry on business asif
the licence had been renewed or had not been revoked.Part
7Miscellaneous150Advisory council(1)The
Minister may constitute an advisory council to advise theMinister in the administration of this
Act.(2)The advisory council is to consist of
the members appointedto the council by the Minister.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 151]151Disclosure by professional carer of certain
information(1)Ifaprofessionalcarerisoftheopinionthatapersonisanunsuitablepersontopossessafirearmforeitherofthefollowingreasons,theprofessionalcarermayinformthecommissioner of the opinion and give the
commissioner anyrelevant information about the person
including the person’sidentity—(a)because of the person’s mental or physical
condition;(b)because the person may be a danger to
himself, herselfor someone else.(2)Thegivingofanopinionorinformationbyaprofessionalcarer under
subsection (1) does not give rise to any criminal orcivil action or remedy against the
professional carer.(3)This section applies despite any duty
of confidentiality owedby the professional carer to the
person.(4)In this section—health
servicesmeans services prescribed under a
regulationfor maintaining, improving and restoring
people’s health andwellbeing.professional
doctor; or(b)apersonregisteredundertheHealthPractitionerRegulation
National Law to practise in the psychologyprofession,
other than as a student; or(c)apersonregisteredundertheHealthPractitionerRegulationNationalLawtopractiseinthenursingprofession, other than as a student;
or(d)a person prescribed under a regulation
who is engagedin providing health services.Page
186Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 151A]151ADisclosure by approved shooting clubs and
approvedhistorical societies of particular
information(1)Subsection (2) applies if a majority
of the governing body of arelevant entity reasonably believes
that a member of the entityis an unsuitable
person to possess a firearm—(a)because of the member’s mental or physical
condition;or(b)because the
member may be a danger to himself, herselfor someone
giving of an opinion or information by an entity underthis
section does not give rise to any criminal or civil action
orremedy against the entity.(4)This section applies despite any duty
of confidentiality owedby the entity to the member.(5)In this section—relevant
approved shooting club; or(b)an approved
historical society.151BProtection of informers(1)IfaninformersuppliesinformationtoapoliceofficerinrelationtothecommissionofanindictableoffenceagainstthisAct,theinformer’sidentitymust,atalltimes,bekeptconfidential.(2)A
person must not disclose the name of an informer or anyother particular that may be likely to lead
to the informer’sidentification.Maximum
penalty—2 years imprisonment.(3)However, a person does not contravene
subsection (2) if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 151C](a)theinformerconsentstotheinformationbeingdisclosed; or(b)the
disclosure was made in good faith for the protectionof
the informer’s interests; or(c)a
court orders the disclosure after being satisfied that—(i)disclosingtheinformationisnotlikelytojeopardise the informer’s safety; and(ii)the disclosure
is in the public interest.151CSource of
information not to be disclosed(1)This
section applies to a proceeding under this Act or anotherAct
if an informer has supplied information to a police officerin
relation to the commission of an indictable offence againstthis
Act.(2)If the prosecutor or a prescribed
witness in the proceeding isaskedtodiscloseanyofthefollowing,theprosecutororprescribed witness can not be compelled to
disclose—(a)the name of an informer, or any other
particular that maybe likely to lead to the informer’s
identification; or(b)the fact that, in relation to the
offence, the prosecutor orwitness—(i)received information from an informer;
information to an informer or the natureof the
information.(3)A police officer appearing as a
prosecutor or witness in theproceeding must
not be compelled—(a)to produce a report or document, made
or received bythe police officer in the police officer’s
official capacityorcontaininginformationgivenbytheinformerinrelation to the offence; or(b)to make a statement in relation to the
report or documentor information contained in the report or
document.Page 188Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 151D](4)However the prosecutor, prescribed witness
or police officerin the proceeding may be compelled to
disclose information,or a report or document, to the
extent—(a)the informer consents to the
particular information, orall or a particular part of the report
or document, beingdisclosed; or(b)acourtordersthatparticularinformation,oralloraparticular part of the report or document,
be disclosedafter being satisfied that the disclosure is
not likely tojeopardisetheinformer’ssafetyandisinthepublicinterest.(5)In this section—prescribed
person appearing as a witness for the prosecution; or(b)a police officer appearing as a
witness for the defence.151DPower to prohibit
publication of proceedings(1)In a proceeding
arising out of a charge of having committedan indictable
offence against this Act, the presiding judicialofficer may make an order prohibiting the
publication of all orany part of the proceeding and the
name and address of anywitness.(2)An
application for an order under subsection (1) may be madeinclosedcourtinthepresenceofanypersonthepresidingjudicial officer
permits and no other person.(3)On
the hearing of the application, the presiding judicial
officermay receive and act on any information the
presiding judicialofficer considers appropriate.(4)When considering an application to
prohibit publication, thepresiding judicial officer must have
regard to—(a)the safety of any person; and(b)the extent to which the detection of
offences of a likenature may be affected; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 152](c)the
need to guarantee the confidentiality of informationgiven by an informer.(5)Apersonwhocontravenesanordermadebyapresidingjudicial officer under subsection (1)
commits an offence.Maximum penalty—(a)iftheorderismadebyamagistrate—2yearsimprisonment; or(b)if
the order is made by a judge—5 years imprisonment.(6)This section is in addition to and not
in substitution for theChildProtectionAct1999,sections 192and193andtheYouth Justice Act 1992.(7)In this section—presiding
judicial officer, for a proceeding, means—(a)themagistratehearinganddecidingthemattersummarily or
conducting the examination of witnesses;or(b)the judge presiding over the court to
which a person hasbeen committed for trial or sentence.152Approved officers(1)Thecommissionermayappointapoliceofficerorapublicservice officer as an approved officer for
this Act.(2)However, a police officer or a public
service officer may beappointedasanapprovedofficeronlyif,inthecommissioner’sopinion,thepersonhasthenecessaryexpertise or
experience to be an approved officer.153Authorised officers(1)For
this Act, the following officers are authorised officers—(a)the commissioner, an executive officer
or commissionedofficer;Page 190Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 154](b)a
police officer appointed as an authorised officer by thecommissioner.(2)However, a police officer may be appointed
as an authorisedofficer only if, in the commissioner’s
opinion, the officer hasthenecessaryexpertiseorexperiencetobeanauthorisedofficer.(3)Anauthorisedofficermentionedinsubsection (1)(a)maydelegate the authorised officer’s powers
under part 2 or part 3,division 3 to the following—(a)a police officer;(b)astaffmemberofthepoliceserviceunderthePoliceService
Administration Act 1990.(4)However, a power may be delegated under
subsection (3) onlyif, in the authorised officer’s opinion, the
police officer or staffmember has the necessary expertise or
experience to exercisethe power.154Authorised officers may approve particular
weapons tobe of particular types(1)Anauthorisedofficer,speciallyauthorisedbythecommissioner for this section,
a thing mentioned in paragraph (a), (b)(i), (c) or (d)ofthedefinitionfirearmandmanufacturedbefore1January 1901; or(b)approve a firearm to be a pre-percussion
handgun if theauthorised officer reasonably believes the
firearm—(i)is an antique firearm less than 75cm
in length; and(ii)does not use
percussion as a means of igniting acharge;
and(iii)does not accept
cartridge ammunition.(2)Thecommissionermayspeciallyauthoriseanauthorisedofficer under
this section if the commissioner is satisfied thatCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 155]the officer has
the necessary qualifications or experience to bespecially authorised for this
section.155Disqualification by a court(1)Where a person is convicted of an
offence or is the subject ofanyorderagainstthelawoftheState,thecourtmay,inaddition to any other penalty imposed
by that law, do any 1 ormore of the following—(a)declare any licence, permit to acquire
or approval heldby the person convicted to be
revoked;(b)disqualifythepersonfromholdingorobtainingalicence or approval or from being a
representative of alicensee or holder of approval under this
Act for a periodspecified by the court;(c)orderthatanyweapon,ammunition,antiquefirearm,explosivetool,captivebolthumanekiller,speargun,longbow or
crossbow owned or in the possession of thatperson is
forfeited to the Crown.(2)A declaration
under subsection (1)(a) has effect to revoke thelicence or permit to acquire specified in
the declaration.(3)A disqualification under subsection
(1)(b) has effect to revokeany licence,
approval or permit to acquire held by the person.157Fraud and unlawful possession of
licence etc.(1)A person must not—(a)without reasonable excuse, have possession
of—(i)a licence; or(ii)anything resembling a licence; or(iii)anydocumentwhichwasformerlyalicencebutwhichissuspended,cancelled,revokedorsurrendered; orPage 192Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 158](b)without reasonable excuse, lend, or permit
or allow to beusedanylicenceissuedinthatperson’snamebyanyother person; or(c)unless authorised by or under this Act, make
or attempttomakeorcause,permitorallowtobemadeanyendorsementonoradditionoralterationtoorerasurefrom a licence
or any approval under this Act.Maximumpenalty—100penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)Alicenceorapprovalobtainedbyanyfalsestatementormisrepresentation is void.158False or misleading statements(1)A person must not state anything in a
document required to bekept, given or made under this Act
that the person knows isfalse or misleading in a material
(1)tostatethestatementmadewas‘falseormisleading’totheperson’sknowledge,withoutspecifyingwhich.(3)In this section—stateincludes disclose, declare, advise and
give.159Criminal Code to be read with
ActThe Criminal Code, with allnecessary adaptations, is to beread
and construed with this Act.161Proceedings for an offence(1)Subject to subsections (2) and (3), a
proceeding for an offenceagainst this Act must be taken in a
summary way under theJustices Act 1886within the later
of the following—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 161]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)1 year after the
offence is committed;(b)1 year after the
commission of the offence comes to thecomplainant’s
knowledge, but within 2 years after thecommission of
the offence.(2)Aproceedingforanindictableoffencepunishablebymorethan 10 years
imprisonment may only be taken on indictment.(3)Aproceedingforanindictableoffence,otherthananindictableoffencepunishablebymorethan10yearsimprisonment,may,attheelectionoftheprosecution,betaken—(a)by
way of summary proceedings under subsection (1);or(b)on
indictment.(3A)However, an
offence against section 50B or 65 may not be bywayofsummaryproceedingsundersubsection (1)ifthepersonisallegedtohavecommittedtheoffencewiththecircumstanceofaggravationstatedinthePenaltiesandSentences Act 1992, section
161Q.(4)A proceeding against a person for an
indictable offence mustbe before a magistrate if it is a
proceeding—(a)for the summary conviction of the
person; or(b)for an examination of witnesses in
relation to the charge.(5)If a proceeding
for an indictable offence is brought before ajustice who is
not a magistrate, jurisdiction is limited to takingor
making a procedural action or order as defined under theJustices of the Peace and Commissioners for
Declarations Act1991.(6)Ifthemagistratehearingachargeofanindictableoffenceconsiders the charge should be prosecuted on
indictment, themagistrate—(a)must
not decide the charge as a summary offence; and(b)must
proceed by way of a committal proceeding.(7)If a
magistrate acts under subsection (6)—Page 194Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 161A](a)any
plea of the person charged, made at the start of theproceeding, must be disregarded; and(b)anyevidencebroughtintheproceedingbeforethemagistrate decided to act under
subsection (6) is takento be evidence in the proceeding for
the committal of theperson for trial or sentence;
and(c)before committing the person for trial
or sentence, themagistrate must make a statement to the
person undertheJustices Act 1886, section
104(2)(b).(8)Themaximumpenaltythatmaybeimposedonasummaryconviction of an indictable offence is 150
penalty units or 3years imprisonment.(9)In
this section—indictableoffencemeansanoffenceagainstthisActforwhich the maximum penalty of
imprisonment is more than 2years.161AIndictable offences(1)AnoffenceagainstthisActpunishablebyatleast7yearsimprisonment is
a crime.(2)An offence against this Act punishable
by more than 2 yearsimprisonmentbutlessthan7yearsimprisonmentisamisdemeanour.161BCircumstances in which particular charges
may be joined(1)Charges that a person contravened
section 50B(1) on specifiedoccasions over a
specified period may be joined in the samecomplaint or
69(1A)onspecified occasions over a specified
period may be joined inthe same complaint or
71(2)onspecifiedoccasionsoveraspecified period may be joined in the same
complaint.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 163](4)Charges that a person contravened section
117(2) on specifiedoccasions over a specified period may be
joined in the samecomplaint.(5)Charges that a person contravened section
126(1) on specifiedoccasions over a specified period may be
joined in the samecomplaint.(6)Charges that an individual contravened
section 126A(1)(b) onspecified occasions over a specified
period may be joined inthe same complaint.(7)Chargesthatasecurityorganisationcontravenedsection
128(1)(b)onspecifiedoccasionsoveraspecifiedperiod may be
joined in the same complaint.163Evidentiary provisions(1)In a
proceeding for the purposes of this Act—(a)itisnotnecessarytoprovetheappointmentoftheMinister,thecommissioner,anauthorisedofficer,acommissioned officer or any other
police officer to doany act or take any proceedings;
and(b)asignaturepurportingtobethatoftheMinister,thecommissioner,authorisedofficeroranyotherpoliceofficer is to be
taken to be the signature it purports to beuntil the
contrary is proved; and(c)a statement in a
complaint under theJustices Act 1886ofanyofthefollowingmattersisevidenceofthematter—(i)a
place is or is not an approved range;(ii)a
club or an organisation is or is not an approvedshooting club;(iii)a
person is or is not of a particular age;(iv)a
person was, or was not, the holder of a specifiedlicence, permit, approval or other authority
issuedor granted under this Act at or during a
specifiedtime; andPage 196Current as at [Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 163]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(ca)acertificatepurportingtobesignedbythecommissionerordeputycommissionerthatthecommissionerordeputycommissioner,actingpersonallyundersection 15(5)or18(7),approvedtherejection of an application for a
licence or the renewal ofalicencebecauseapersonwasnotafitandproperperson is
evidence of the matter; and(cb)acertificatepurportingtobesignedbythecommissionerordeputycommissionerthatthecommissionerordeputycommissioner,actingpersonallyundersection 28(4)or29(3),approvedthesuspension or revocation of a licence
because a personwas not a fit and proper person is evidence
of the matter;and(d)acertificatepurportingtobesignedbyanauthorisedofficer stating
any of the following matters is evidenceof the
matter—(i)aspecifieddocumentisalicence,permitorapprovalorotherdocumentissuedorgrantedunder this Act
or a copy of the document;(ii)at or during a
specified time, in relation to a place,person, club or
organisation there was or was not aspecifiedlicence,permit,approvalorotherauthority issued
or granted under this Act;(iii)alicence,permit,approvalorotherauthoritygranted or issued under this Act was subject
to theterms,conditionsorrestrictionsstatedinthedocument;
and(e)a document purporting to contain
information extractedfrom the firearms register and signed
by an authorisedofficer is evidence that the information is
recorded in thefirearms register; and(f)every entry in any book or register kept by
or belongingto any person pursuant to this Act or found
on premisesofthatpersonaretobetaken,unlessthecontraryisshown, to have been made by or with the
authority ofthat person; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 197
Weapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 163]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(g)proof of any
exemption from any provision of this Act isupon the person
who relies thereon; and(h)where the age of
any person is material, the court maydecide, upon its
own view and judgment, whether anypersonchargedorpresentbeforeithasorhasnotattained any
prescribed age but the age of that personmay be proved by
other means.(2)Where, in respect of a proceeding for
an offence against thisAct, a copy of a document purporting
to be signed by a policeofficer or a public service officer
stating—(a)the qualifications and experience of
that officer; and(b)that the officer has been appointed by
the commissioneras an approved officer; and(c)thatataspecifiedtimeanyarticle,weaponorotherthing—(i)didordidnotbearanyidentificationmarkornumber; or(ii)has
had altered, defaced or removed therefrom anyidentification
mark or number; or(iii)was or was not a
weapon of a particular type; or(iv)was
a weapon or other thing that had or had notbeen rendered
inoperable;is served upon the person charged with the
offence at least 14cleardaysbeforethehearingofthecomplaintthenthedocument,acopyofwhichhasbeensoserved,onitsproduction in the proceeding is
sufficient evidence of the factsstatedthereinunlessthepersonchargedgivesnoticeinwritinginortotheeffectoftheapprovedformtothecomplainantatleast3cleardaysbeforethehearingofthecomplaintrequiringthecallingofthepoliceofficerorthepublic service
officer as a witness.(3)Notwithstandingthatapersonchargedwithanoffencehasfailed to give the notice as prescribed in
subsection (2), thecourt may, in the interest of justice, order
the police officer orPage 198Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 164]thepublicserviceofficertobecalledandmaygrantanynecessary adjournment accordingly.(3A)In relation to a
charge involving the unlawful possession of afirearm under
section 50, the person charged is to be taken tohave
been in possession of the firearm if there is proof that thefirearm was, at the material time, in or on
a place of which theperson was the occupier or concerned
in the management orcontrol unless the person
shows—(a)thatthefirearmwasbroughttotheplacebysomeonewho was
authorised to have possession of the firearm; or(b)that the person neither knew nor had
reason to suspectthat the firearm was in or on the place;
or(c)thatsomeoneotherthanthepersonhadresponsibilityfor the
weapon.(4)Unlessthetribunaloffactconsiderstheinterestsofjusticerequirethatopinionevidencebegiven,thetribunaloffactmay decide
whether a thing produced to it, and examined byit,is1ofthefollowingwithouttheassistanceofopinionevidence—(a)a weapon;(b)a
particular type of weapon;(c)a power head,
explosive tool, captive bolt humane killer,spear gun,
longbow or crossbow;(d)a replica of a
weapon;(e)a firearm;(f)a
thing mentioned in section 67.(5)In
this section—approvedofficermeansapoliceofficerorapublicserviceofficer
appointed as an approved officer under section 152.164Service of notice, orders etc.(1)Any order, notice or other document
issued pursuant to thisAct, other than a firearm prohibition
order, is properly givenCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 164]uponthepersontowhomitisdirectedifitisservedinaccordance with this section, that is
to say—(a)by delivering a copy thereof to the
person personally; or(b)if the person
can not reasonably be found—by leaving acopythereofwithsomepersonforthepersonatthatperson’s usual
place of business or residence or at theplace of
business or residence last known to the personwho serves the
order or document; or(c)by posting by
registered post a copy thereof addressed tothe person at
that person’s place of business or residencelast known to
the person who issued the order at least 14days before the
date on which the notice or document isto take
effect.(2)When an order, notice or document is
served, the person whoserves it may attend before a justice
and depose on oath and inwriting endorse on a copy of the
order, notice or document tothemannerofservicethereofshowingthereinthedateofpersonal delivery, leaving or posting, as
the case may be, ofthe order, notice or document.(3)Everysuchdepositionis,uponproductioninanycourt,evidence of the
matters contained therein and sufficient proofof the service
of the order, notice or document on the personto whom it was
directed.(4)Service of any order, notice or
document issued pursuant tothisActuponanyunincorporatedbodyorassociationofpersons is properly served if it is served
in accordance withthissectionuponthepersonwhoisforthetimebeingthesecretary or president (by whatever
name such office is called)of that club or
association.(5)Subsection (4)appliestotheserviceofanoticeonarangeoperatorthatisanunincorporatedbodyorassociationofpersons.Page 200Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 165]165Liability for tort generally(1)The Crown is liable for a tort
committed by any police officeracting,orpurportingtoact,intheexecutionofdutyasapolice officer under this Act in like
manner as an employer isliablefortortcommittedbytheemployer’sservantinthecourse of
employment.(2)The Crown is to be treated for all
purposes as a joint tortfeasorwith the police
officer who committed the tort.(3)In
no case does the Crown’s liability for a tort committed byany
police officer extend to a liability to pay damages in thenature of punitive damages.(4)InproceedingsuponaclaimbytheCrownfordamagesinrespect of a tort, actions done or omissions
made by an officeracting,orpurportingtoact,intheexecutionofdutyasapolice officer under this Act may be
relied on by the Crown asconstitutingcontributorynegligence,iftheactionsoromissions could have been so relied on if
they had been doneormadebyaservantoftheCrowninthecourseofemployment.(5)For
the purposes of this section, an action done or omissionmade
by a police officer acting, or purporting to act, in thecapacity of a constable is taken to have
been done or made bythe officer acting, or purporting to
act, in the execution of dutyas an
officer.(6)If a police officer incurs liability
in law for a tort committedbythepoliceofficerinthecourseofrenderingassistance,directlyorindirectly,toapersonsuffering,orapparentlysuffering,fromillnessorinjuryincircumstancesthattheofficer reasonably considers to
constitute an emergency, and iftheofficeractedthereiningoodfaithandwithoutgrossnegligence, the Crown is to indemnify and
keep indemnifiedthe officer in respect of that
liability.166Payment and recovery of damages(1)The Crown may pay—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 201
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 167](a)the
whole or part of damages, other than damages in thenature of punitive damages, and costs
awarded againstany police officer in proceedings with
respect to a tortcommitted by the police officer acting, or
purporting toact, in the execution of duty under this
Act; and(b)the whole or part of costs incurred,
and not recovered,by the police officer in the
proceedings.(2)If any police officer is liable to pay
a sum under a settlementof a claim that has, or might have,
given rise to proceedingssuch as are referred to in subsection
(1), the Crown may paythe whole or part of the sum.(3)Except as provided by section 165(6),
if the Crown has paidmoneysbywayofdamagesorcostsinrespectofatortcommitted by any
police officer or has paid moneys under asettlementreferredtoinsubsection
(2),theCrownmayrecover,inacourtofcompetentjurisdiction,contributionfrom the police
officer in respect of that payment.(4)Inproceedingsforcontributionundersubsection (3)theamount of contribution recoverable is such
amount as is foundby the court to be just and equitable in the
circumstances.167Provision of legal
representation(1)The commissioner may provide legal
representation on behalfofanypoliceofficeragainstwhomanyaction,claimordemand or proceeding in respect of an
offence is brought ormade otherwise than by or on behalf of
the Crown in any of itscapacities on account of any action
done or omission made bythe police officer acting, or
purporting to act, in the executionof duty under
this Act.(2)Ifitisfound,orconceded,inrelationtoanysuchaction,claim, demand or proceeding that the police
officer was notacting in the execution of duty in doing the
action or makingtheomissiononwhichtheaction,claim,demandorproceeding is based, the commissioner may
recover from thepolice officer the amount of costs and
expenses incurred bythecommissionerinprovidinglegalrepresentationunderPage
202Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 168]subsection (1)
in any court of competent jurisdiction as a debtdue
and payable by the police officer to the commissioner andunpaid.168Landowner incurs no liability merely because
permissiongivenA landowner does
not incur any liability merely because thelandowner
provides a person with written permission to shooton
the landowner’s land.168AParticular
landowners to keep permit register(1)Thissectionappliestoalandownerwho,afterthecommencement of this section, provides
written permission toshoot on the landowner’s rural
land—(a)to a person or body for a fee or
reward; or(b)to more than 50 persons or
name and address of the person or body to whompermission was
given; and(b)the date permission was given;
and(c)ifthepermissionwaslimitedbytime—thedaythepermission ends.Maximum
penalty—10 penalty units.(3)The landowner
must keep the permit register while—(a)a
permission under subsection (1)(a) remains current; or(b)morethan50permissionsundersubsection (1)(b)remain
current.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.(4)Forsubsection
(1),permissiongiventoabodyallowingitsmembers or members of another body
affiliated with the bodyCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 168B]to shoot on the
landowner’s rural land is taken to be a singlepermission.Notauthorised—indicativeonly168BAmnesty for
firearms and prescribed things in particularcircumstances(1)A
person who unlawfully possesses a firearm or a prescribedthing can not be prosecuted for an offence
against this Act forpossession of the firearm or
prescribed thing if—(a)thepersonistakingthefirearmorprescribedthingdirectly to, or has the firearm or
prescribed thing at—(i)an approved
licensed dealer for the purpose of thedealer disposing
of or otherwise dealing with it; or(ii)a
police station for the purpose of surrendering it toa
police officer; and(b)the person complies with any
conditions prescribed byregulationforthetakingofthefirearmorprescribedthing to the
approved licensed dealer or police station.(2)Subsections (3) to (5) apply if the
person—(a)takesthefirearmorprescribedthingtoanapprovedlicensed dealer under subsection (1)(a)(i);
and(b)does not provide the approved licensed
dealer with theparticulars as required under section
73(a).(3)Section 73 does not apply to the
approved licensed dealer.(4)Unless the
approved licensed dealer has a reasonable excuse,the
dealer must surrender the firearm or prescribed thing to apoliceofficerifthedealerdoesnothaveanauthorisation,mentionedinsection 168D(2),forthefirearmorprescribedthing.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.(5)Without limiting subsection (4), it is
a reasonable excuse forthe approved licensed dealer not to
surrender the firearm orprescribedthingifthedealerisseekinganauthorisation,mentionedinsection 168D(2),forthefirearmorprescribedthing.Page
204Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 168C](6)Thecommissionermayapprovealicenseddealerforthissection.(7)Thecommissionermustpublishthenamesoftheapprovedlicensed dealers
on the QPS website.(8)In this section—approved
licensed dealermeans a licensed dealer approvedby
the commissioner under subsection (6).prescribed
magazine for a weapon; or(b)a category R
weapon that is not a firearm; or(c)another thing prescribed by
regulation.168CDealing with surrendered firearm or
prescribed thing(1)Thissectionappliesifapersonsurrendersafirearmorprescribed thing under section
168B(1)(a)(ii) or (4).(2)Onthesurrenderofthefirearmorprescribedthing,thefirearm or prescribed thing—(a)becomes the property of the State;
and(b)is taken, for thePolice Powers
and Responsibilities Act2000,chapter 21,part 3,division 7tohavebeenforfeited to the State.(3)In
this section—prescribed thingsee section
168B(8).168DAuthorisation to deal with surrendered
firearm orprescribed thing(1)This
section applies if an approved licensed dealer acquires afirearm, or a prescribed thing, under
section 168B(1)(a)(i).(2)An authorised
officer may, in writing, authorise the approvedlicenseddealertodisposeof,orotherwisedealwith,thefirearm or prescribed thing.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 168E](3)On
the giving of the authorisation, the firearm or prescribedthing—(a)becomes the property of the approved
licensed dealer;and(b)may be dealt
with by the approved licensed dealer in away that
is—(i)stated in the authorisation;
and(ii)requiredorpermittedunderthisActoranotherAct.(4)In this section—approved
licensed dealersee section 168B(8).prescribed
thingsee section 168B(8).168EReview of pt 5A(1)The
Minister must arrange an independent interim review oftheoperationandeffectivenessofpart
5Aassoonaspracticable after the day that is 2 years
after the day the partcommences.(2)Also, the Minister must arrange a further
independent reviewoftheoperationandeffectivenessofpart
5Aassoonaspracticable after the day that is 5 years
after the day the partcommences.(3)Thetermsofreferenceforeachreviewmustincludereviewing—(a)the
effectiveness of part 5A in achieving the purpose ofthepartandinpreventingtheacquisition,possessionand use of
firearms and firearm related items by personssubject to
firearm prohibition orders; and(b)theeffectivenessandappropriatenessofpart
5Acompared to firearm prohibition order
schemes in otherjurisdictions; and(c)the
effectiveness and appropriateness of the exercise ofpowers under part 5A, division 4.Page
206Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 7
Miscellaneous[s 169](4)Assoonaspracticableaftereachreviewisfinished,theMinister must table in the Legislative
Assembly a copy of thereview.169Fees
and penaltiesAll fees paid and all penalties recovered
and costs incurred inrelation to proceedings under this Act
are to be paid and arehereby payable as prescribed by the
Minister may delegate the Minister’s powers under thisAct
to an appropriately qualified authorised officer.(2)In this section—anappropriatelyqualifiedauthorisedofficer,towhomapowerunderthissectionmaybedelegated,meansanauthorisedofficerwhohasthenecessaryexpertiseorexperience to exercise the
power.171Approval of formsThe commissioner
may approve forms for use under this Act.172Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsforthepurposes of this Act.(2)The Governor in Council may make
regulations with respectto the matters mentioned in schedule
1.(3)Aregulationmayprovideforanoffencepunishablebyamaximum penalty of 20 penalty
units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 8
Transitional and validation provisions[s 173]Part
8Transitional and validationprovisionsDivision 1Transitional provision for PolicePowers and Responsibilities andAnother Act Amendment Act 2001173Transitional provision for Police
Powers andResponsibilities and Another Act Amendment
Act 2001(1)This section applies to a person who,
immediately before thecommencementofthissection,possessesacategoryHweapon that is permanently
inoperable.(2)The person may continue to possess the
category H weaponwithoutalicenceuntilwhicheverofthefollowinghappensfirst—(a)the
person obtains a collector’s licence for the weapon;(b)theendof3monthsafterthecommencementofthissection.Division 2Transitional
provisions for Weapons(Handguns and Trafficking)Amendment Act 2003174Definitions for div 2In this
division—amnestyperiodmeanstheperioddeclaredundersection 168B as
the amnesty period for this division.part of a
prohibited handgunmeans a thing prescribed undera
regulation that relates to a prohibited handgun.Page
208Current as at [Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Part 8
Transitional and validation provisions[s 175]prohibitedhandgunmeansacategoryHweaponthattheholderofaconcealablefirearmslicencemustnotpossessunder section
132.Notauthorised—indicativeonly175Compensation—prohibited handguns and
parts ofprohibited handguns(1)Compensationforprohibitedhandguns,andpartsofprohibited handguns, surrendered to the
commissioner duringthe amnesty period is payable only to the
following persons—(a)a licensed dealer or licensed
armourer;(b)a holder of a concealable firearms
licence whose reasonfor possessing a prohibited handgun is
sports or targetshooting.(2)However,compensationispayableonlyforprohibitedhandgunsandpartsofprohibitedhandgunsforwhichtheState may receive reimbursement under an
agreement with theCommonwealth providing for compensation for
the purposesof this division.(3)Compensation is payable for a prohibited
handgun, or part ofa prohibited handgun, only if it is—(a)manufactured on or before 20 December
2002; and(b)surrenderedbeforeoronthelastdayoftheamnestyperiod.(4)Compensation for a surrendered prohibited
handgun or part ofa prohibited handgun—(a)ispayableinanamountandinthewayprovidedforunder a regulation; and(b)is
not payable other than under this section.(5)Ifaregulationdoesnotprovidefortheamountofcompensation payable for a particular
prohibited handgun orpart of a prohibited handgun, the
regulation may provide forthe way in which a dispute about its
value is to be decided.(6)The commissioner
may refuse to compensate a person for partofaprohibitedhandgunthatissurrenderediftheCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 8
Transitional and validation provisions[s 176]commissionerreasonablybelievesthatthepersonhasmanufacturedorimportedthepartforthepurpose,orpredominantly for the purpose, of applying
for compensationunder this section and not for genuine
commercial sale.(7)Forsubsection
(6),thefollowingarerelevantmattersinforming the belief—(a)the commercial demand for the
part;(b)the quality of the part;(c)the number of parts
surrendered;(d)when the part was manufactured or
imported.(8)Aregulationmayprovidethatcompensationunderthissection is
payable only if conditions provided for under theregulation are complied with.(9)A thing surrendered under this section
is State property whencompensation for the thing is paid
under this section.176Compensation—other handguns and
related matters(1)A regulation may provide for
compensation for the surrenderduring the
amnesty period of category H weapons, other thanprohibited handguns for which compensation
is payable undersection 175, and other things or matters
related to category Hweapons.(2)Aregulationmayprovidethatcompensationundersubsection (1) is payable only if conditions
provided for underthe regulation are complied with.(3)A thing surrendered under this section
is State property whencompensation for the thing is paid
under this section.177Possession of prohibited handguns
during amnestyperiod(1)A
person who, immediately before the commencement of thissection,wasinlawfulpossessionofaprohibitedhandgundoes
not contravene the condition mentioned in section 132(1)Page
210Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 8
Transitional and validation provisions[s 178]if
the person is in possession of the prohibited handgun duringthe
amnesty period.(2)A person in lawful possession of a
prohibited handgun underanexistinglicencemustnotusetheweaponafterthecommencement of this section
unless—(a)thepersonisauthorisedtopossesstheweaponundersection 132(2); or(b)the
person’s genuine reason for possessing the weaponincludes an occupational requirement for
rural purposes.Maximum penalty for subsection (2)—20
penalty units.178Licensed collectors(1)This section applies to a person
who—(a)immediately before the commencement of
this section,is the holder of a collector’s licence
(weapons); and(b)lawfullypossesses1ormoretemporarilyinoperablemodern handguns
under that licence.(2)The person does not contravene the
condition mentioned insection 138(2) only because the person
is in possession of atemporarily inoperable modern handgun
during the amnestyperiod.(3)Howeverbeforetheendoftheamnestyperiod,thepersonmust—(a)lawfullydisposeofalltemporarilyinoperablemodernhandguns that the person possesses;
or(b)applyforanendorsementonthelicenceofthetypementioned in
section 138(4); or(c)otherwiseapplyforalicence,otherthanacollector’slicence
(weapons) that, if granted, would authorise thepersontopossessthetemporarilyinoperablemodernhandguns; or(d)makethetemporarilyinoperablemodernhandgunspermanently
inoperable.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 8
Transitional and validation provisions[s 179](4)At the end of the amnesty period,
neither this section nor theperson’s licence
authorises the person to possess a temporarilyinoperable
modern handgun if—(a)the person has not complied with
subsection (3) beforethe end of the amnesty period;
or(b)the person applied for an endorsement
on the licence ofthe type mentioned in section 138(4), or for
another typeof licence, but the application was
refused.(5)If the person applied for an
endorsement on the licence of thetypementionedinsection 138(4),orforanothertypeoflicence, and the application was not
granted or refused beforethe end of the amnesty period, the
person does not contravenethe condition mentioned in section
138(2) if—(a)the person is in possession of a
temporarily inoperablemodern handgun until 7 days after the
person is givennotice that the application is refused;
and(b)before the end of the 7 days mentioned
in paragraph (a),the person lawfully disposes of the modern
handgun.179Participation records for s 18BTherequirementtoproduceaparticipationrecordundersection
18B(4)(b) does not apply to an application for renewalof a
concealable firearms licence made before 1 January 2004.180Joinder of chargesSection
161Bappliesonlyinrelationtocontraventionsoccurring after
the commencement of the section.Page 212Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 3Weapons Act
1990Part 8 Transitional and validation
provisions[s 183]Transitional
provisions for PolicePowers and Responsibilities andOther Legislation Amendment Act2003183Transitional
provision about authorised officers powersIt is declared
that an authorised officer has, and always hashad, power to
impose a condition on a licence issued underthisActthatrestricts,orhastheeffectofrestricting,thepossessionoruseofaweapontoaregisteredweaponofaparticular
category.185Declaration relating to s
33(3)(a)It is declared that, on the commencement of
thePolice PowersandResponsibilitiesandOtherLegislationAmendmentAct2003, section 67,
section 33(3)(a) of this Act, as in force fromthat
commencement to the commencement of this section, istaken to be, and during that period to have
always been, in thesame terms as it is after the commencement
of this section.186Transitional provision about category
M crossbows(1)A person who applies for a licence for
a category M crossbowintheperson’slawfulpossessionimmediatelybeforethecrossbowcommencementdayistakentohaveadequateknowledgeofsafetypracticesfortheuse,storageandmaintenance of the weapon.(2)In subsection (1)—crossbowcommencementdaymeansthedaythePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesandOtherLegislationAmendment Act
2003, part 13, division 3 commences.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Part 8
Transitional and validation provisions[s 187]Division 4Transitional
provisions for WeaponsAmendment Act 2011Notauthorised—indicativeonly187Definition for
div 4In this division—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.188Declaration concerning Serco during interim
period(1)During the interim period—(a)Serco is taken to have been a
government service entityand a prescribed service entity under
section 2(9); and(b)for section 2(2), the functions of
Serco are taken to havebeen the functions that Serco is
authorised, by the chiefexecutive(correctiveservices),toperformundertheCorrective Services Act 2006,
section 272; and(c)for section 2(2), the functions of a
Serco employee aretaken to have been the functions of a
corrective servicesofficerthattheemployeeperformsforSercowhenSercoisperformingthefunctionsmentionedinparagraph (b).(2)In
this section—interim periodmeans the period
starting on 1 January 2008and ending on the commencement.Sercomeans Serco
Australia Pty Ltd ABN 44 003 677 352.189Declaration concerning GEO during interim
period(1)During the interim period—(a)GEO is taken to have been a government
service entityand a prescribed service entity under
section 2(9); and(b)for section 2(2), the functions of GEO
are taken to havebeen—Page 214Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 8
Transitional and validation provisions[s 190](i)toconductthepartoftheoperationsoftheQueensland Corrective Services
Commission thatGEO is engaged to conduct under theCorrectiveServices(Administration)Act1988,section 19(2)(f); or(ii)the
functions that GEO is authorised, by the chiefexecutive(correctiveservices),toperformundertheCorrective Services Act 2006,
section 272; and(c)for section 2(2), the functions of a
GEO employee aretaken to have been—(i)the
functions of a custodial correctional officer theemployeeperformsforGEOwhenGEOisperforming the
prescribed functions mentioned inparagraph
(b)(i); or(ii)thefunctionsofacorrectiveservicesofficerthattheemployeeperformsforGEOwhenGEOisperforming the
prescribed functions mentioned inparagraph
(b)(ii).(2)In this section—GEOmeans GEO Group Australia Pty Ltd ABN 24 051
periodmeans the period starting on 15 January
2004and ending on the commencement.190Training courses(1)If,
immediately before the commencement, an approval of atraining course was in force under former
section 10A(2)(b),the approval continues in force as if it had
been made undersection 10AA(1).(2)If,
immediately before the commencement, an approval of atrainingcoursewasinforceunderformersection 124,theapprovalcontinuesinforceasifithadbeenmadeundersection
10AA(2).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 8
Transitional and validation provisions[s 192](3)Assoonaspracticableafterthecommencement,thecommissionermustnotifyeachcourseapprovedunderthissection on the QPS website.(4)Anapprovalunderthissectionmaybeendedbythecommissioner under section
10AA.(5)In this section—formermeans as in force before the
commencement.Division 6Transitional
provision forCounter-Terrorism and OtherLegislation Amendment Act 2015192Declaration about officers of Customs
during interimperiod(1)ThissectionappliestoapersonwhowasanofficerofCustomsintheAustralianBorderForceduringtheinterimperiod or a part
of the interim period.(2)This Act is
taken not to have applied to the person in relationtotheperson’spossessionoruseofaweaponwhenperforming the duties of an officer during
the interim periodor the part of the interim period.(3)In this section—Australian
Border Forcesee theAustralian
Border Force Act2015(Cwlth), section
4(1).interim periodmeans the period
starting on 1 July 2015 andending on the
commencement.officerofCustomsseetheCustomsAct1901(Cwlth),section 4(1).Page 216Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 7Weapons Act
1990Part 8 Transitional and validation
provisions[s 193]Transitional
provisions for Seriousand Organised Crime LegislationAmendment Act 2016193Applications not finally decided(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement, an authorised officer
had not finally decidedan application for the grant or
renewal of an authority.(2)The authorised
officer must decide the application under thisAct as in force
after the commencement.(3)In this
section—authoritymeans—(a)a licence; or(b)a
permit to acquire; or(c)a shooting club
permit; or(d)an approval to conduct an arms fair
under section 79(2);or(e)an
approval of a range under section 101(1); or(f)an
approval of a shooting gallery under section 111; or(g)any other type of approval, licence or
permit granted orrenewed by an authorised officer under this
Act.194Proceedings not finally decided(1)This section applies if immediately
before the commencementthefollowingproceedingshadbeenstartedbutnotfinallydealt with—(a)a
proceeding before QCAT for a review of a decisionmentioned in repealed section 143(1);(b)a proceeding before the Supreme Court
about a decisionmentioned in repealed section 143(1).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 8
Transitional and validation provisions[s 195](2)The proceeding is discontinued and the
matter is remitted toan authorised officer for the
authorised officer to decide againunder this Act
as in force after the commencement.(3)QCAT
or the Supreme Court must return to the commissionerany
criminal intelligence relating to the proceeding in QCAT’sor
the Supreme Court’s possession or control.(4)Forsubsection (1),aproceedinghadnotbeenfinallydealtwith if—(a)QCAT or the Supreme Court had not made
a decision;or(b)QCAT or the
Supreme Court had made a decision butthe appeal
period for the decision had not ended; or(c)QCAT
or the Supreme Court had made a decision andan appeal
against the decision had started but not ended.(5)In
this section—criminal intelligencemeans criminal
intelligence within themeaning of repealed 143(6).repealed,inrelationtoaprovisionofthisAct,meanstheprovision as in force immediately before the
commencement.Division 8Validation
provision for PoliceService Administration and
OtherLegislation Amendment Act 2023195Validation of particular decisions
under pt 2 or pt 3, div 3(1)Thissectionappliesinrelationtoarelevantapprovalpurportedtohavebeengivenbyapersonbeforethecommencement if, when the approval was
given, the person—(a)was a police officer or staff member
of the police serviceunder thePolice Service
Administration Act 1990; and(b)was
not an authorised officer.Page 218Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 8
Transitional and validation provisions[s 196](2)Thelicenceorpermittoacquiretowhichtherelevantapproval relates
is not invalid merely because the person wasnot an
authorised officer when the approval was given.(3)In
this section—relevant approvalmeans an
approval of an application for alicence, renewal
of a licence or permit to acquire given undersection 15, 18
or 42.Division 9Transitional
provisions forQueensland Community Safety Act2024196Definition for
divisionIn this division—new,foraprovisionofthisAct,meanstheprovisionasinforce from the commencement.197Existing applications relating to
licences(1)This section applies to an application
made, but not decided,under former part 2 before the
commencement.(2)The application is taken to be an
application under new part 2.(3)AnythingdoneinrelationtotheapplicationundertheActbeforethecommencementistakentohavebeendoneinrelation to the application under the Act as
in force from thecommencement.(4)In
this section—formerpart 2meanspart 2asinforcefromtimetotimebefore the
commencement.198Existing reviews of decisions(1)This section applies if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 8
Transitional and validation provisions[s 199](a)before the commencement, a person
applied for a reviewofadecisioninrelationtoalicenceundersection 142(1)(a), (aa) or (e); and(b)immediately before the commencement,
the review hadnot been decided.(2)In
hearing or deciding the review, or any proceeding relatingto
the review, this Act as in force from the commencementapplies.199Advising of particular events happening
before the commencement if—(a)onthecommencement,thelicenseeorthelicensee’srepresentative
is a disqualified person; or(b)within 10 years before the day this section
commences,the licensee or the licensee’s
representative—(i)has been convicted of a class A
serious offence or aclass B serious offence; or(ii)has been
released from lawful custody in relationto a conviction
for a class A serious offence or aclass B serious
offence; or(iii)has been subject
to a supervision order in relationto a conviction
for a class A serious offence or aclass B serious
offence; or(c)before the commencement, the licensee
or the licensee’srepresentative was charged with a serious
offence andthe charge has not been dealt with.(2)New section 24 applies in relation to
the licensee as if—(a)thelicenseeorthelicensee’srepresentativebeingadisqualifiedperson,orthehappeningofaneventmentionedinsubsection (1)(b)or(c),wereachangeunder new
section 24; andPage 220Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Part 8
Transitional and validation provisions[s 199](b)a reference in new section 24(1) to
within 14 days of thehappening of an event mentioned in
section 24(2) were areferencetowithin90daysafterthedaythissectioncommences.Note—See
section 34 for the offence of contravening of a licence
(1),itisirrelevantwhetherornottheconvictionisaspentconviction,providedtheconvictionisrecorded.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 221
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Schedule 1Schedule 1Subject matter
for regulationssection 1721Eligibility requirements for licencesEligibility requirements for a
licence.2Authorising things under a
licenceProviding for things a licensee may or may
not do under theauthority of a licence.2ACategorising weaponsDeclaringweaponsascategoryA,B,C,D,E,H,MorRweapons.3Limiting or prohibiting licensing of
particular weaponsLimitingorprohibitinglicensingofparticularweaponsorparticular categories of
weapons.4Limiting or prohibiting acquisition,
possession or use ofweapons and magazinesLimitingorprohibitingacquisition,possessionoruseofparticularweaponsormagazinesorparticularcategoriesofweapons or magazines.5Secure storage facilities for weaponsRequirements for secure storage facilities
for weapons.Page 222Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Schedule 16Functions, powers and dutiesThe
discharge of any function, the exercise of any power andthe
performance of any duty by any person appointed underthis
Act.7InstrumentsTheformsrequiredorauthorisedinrespectofanymatterunder this
Act.8Fees etc.The fees or
other amounts payable in respect of any matterunder this
Act.9Qualifications and appointmentsThequalificationsrequiredbeforeapersonisappointedorapproved under this Act.10FundsThe funds to
which fees and other amounts are payable underthis Act and the
purposes in respect of which those funds maybe
expended.11Terms of approvals, permits and
exemptions.12Approved historical societiesProviding for the approval, conditions of
approval, revocationof approval and obligations, of
approved historical societiesand their
representatives.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Schedule 113Record-keepingProviding for
the keeping of records.14Production of
weaponsProvidingfortheproductionofacategoryHweapontoestablish its barrel length or
calibre.15Disclosing licence information to
approved shootingclubs and approved historical
attaching to licences, and eligibility for licences ofmembers of approved shooting clubs to the
approved shootingclubsormembersofapprovedhistoricalsocietiestotheapproved
historical societies.16Registration of
antique handgunsProviding for the registration of antique
handguns.17Providing for approved shooting
rangesProviding for matters relating to persons
using an approvedrange and the conduct of an approved
range.18Amnesty for firearms and prescribed
thingsProvidingforthingsforwhich,andtheconditionsunderwhich, an amnesty under section 168B may be
given.Page 224Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Schedule
1AASchedule 1AAClass B serious
offencessection 5BThis ActSectionSection
headingCircumstance50(1)Possession of weaponsifparagraph (a),(b)or(c)(i)or(ii)ofthepenaltyappliestotheoffence50B(1)Unlawful supply
of weapons61Shortening firearms63Alteringidentificationmarksofweapons65(1)Unlawful trafficking in weaponsCorrective Services Act 2006SectionSection
headingCircumstance122(2)Unlawful assembly, riot and mutinyCriminal CodeSectionSection heading61Riot69Going armed so as to cause fear75Threatening violence76Recruiting person to becomeparticipant in criminal organisationCircumstanceCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 225
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Schedule
consorting withrecognised offendersCrime of
piracyRetaliation against or intimidation
ofjudicial officer, juror, witness etc.Escape by persons in lawful custodyIndecent treatment of children under16Owner etc. permitting abuse ofchildren on premisesEngaging in
penile intercourse withchild under 16if the person
whocommitted the offencewas an adult
when theoffence was committedAbuse of persons
with an impairmentof the mindProcuring young
person etc. forpenile intercourseProcuring sexual
acts by coercionetc.Using internet
etc. to procurechildren under 16Grooming child
under 16 years orparent or carer of child under 16yearsTaking child for
immoral purposesConspiracy to defileIncestPage
226Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Schedule
1AASection228A228B228C228D228DA228DB228DC228I228J229B306307308309313314A315315ASection headingCircumstanceInvolving child
in making childexploitation materialMaking child
exploitation materialDistributing child exploitationmaterialPossessing child
child exploitationmaterial websiteEncouraging use
of child exploitationmaterial websiteDistributing
information aboutavoiding detectionProducing or
supplying child abuseobjectPossessing child
abuse objectRepeated sexual conduct with a childAttempt to murderAccessory after
the fact to murderThreats to murder in documentConspiring to murderKilling unborn
childUnlawful striking causing deathDisabling in order to commitindictable offenceChoking,
suffocation or strangulationin a domestic
settingCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Schedule
headingCircumstance316Stupefying in order to commitindictable offence317Acts
intended to cause grievousbodily harm and other malicious
acts317A(1)Carrying or
sending dangerous goodsin a vehicle318Obstructing rescue or escape fromunsafe premises319Endangering the safety of a person ina
vehicle with intent320ATorture321Attempting to injure by explosive ornoxious substances321ABomb
hoaxes322Administering poison with intent
toharm324Failure to supply necessaries326Endangering life of children byexposure328ADangerous operation of a vehicleif
the Criminal Code,section 328A(2), (3) or(4) applies to
theoffence339Assaults occasioning bodily harmif
the Criminal Code,section 339(3) appliesto the offence
or theoffence is a domesticviolence offence
underthe Criminal Code,section 1340Serious assaultsPage 228Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Schedule
headingRapeAttempt to
commit rapeAssault with intent to commit rapeSexual assaultsKidnappingKidnapping for
ransomPunishment of unlawful stalking,intimidation, harassment or abuseChild-stealingAbduction of
child under 16Cruelty to children under 16Punishment of stealingPunishment of
robberyAttempted robberyAssault with
intent to stealDemanding property with menaceswith
intent to stealExtortionTaking control
of aircraftBurglaryCircumstanceif the Criminal
Code,section 398,punishment in
specialcases, item 14 or 15applies to the
offenceif the offence is not aclass A serious
offenceif the Criminal Code,section 419(3)
or (5)applies to the offenceCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 229
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Schedule
1AASection433461469A470470ASection headingReceiving
tainted propertyArsonSabotage and
threatening sabotageAttempts to destroy property byexplosivesUnlawful dealing
with explosive ornoxious substancesCircumstanceif the Criminal
Code,section 433(1), penalty,paragraph (b)
applies tothe offenceDomestic and
Family Violence Protection Act 2012SectionSection headingCircumstance177(2)Contraventionofdomesticviolenceifparagraph (a)oftheorderpenaltyappliestotheoffenceDrugs Misuse Act
headingCircumstance5(1)Trafficking in dangerous drugs6(1)Supplying dangerous drugs7(1)
or (2)Receiving or possessing propertyobtained from trafficking orsupplying8(1)Producing dangerous drugs8APublishing or possessing
instructionsfor producing dangerous drugsPage
230Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySection9(1)Section headingPossessing
dangerous drugs10B(1)11(1)Possession of a prohibitedcombination of itemsPermitting use
of placeWeapons Act 1990Schedule
1AACircumstanceif paragraph
(a), (b) or(c) of the penaltyapplies to the
offenceSummary Offences Act 2005SectionSection headingCircumstance10C(1) orWearing or carrying prohibited item(2)in a public placeCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 231
Weapons Act 1990Schedule 2Schedule 2DictionaryNotauthorised—indicativeonlysection 5Page 232accreditedeventmeansahandgunshootingcompetitionprescribed under
a regulation to be an accredited event.acquire, a
weapon, see section 35.ammunitionsee theExplosives Act 1999, schedule
2.amnesty period, for part 8,
division 2, see section 174.anniversary
day, for a licence, means the date in each
yearthat is the anniversary of the issue of the
licence.antique firearmmeans a thing,
mentioned in paragraph (a),(b)(i), (c) or
(d) of the definitionfirearmand
manufacturedbefore 1 January 1901, that is one of the
following—(a)a muzzle loading firearm;(b)a cap and ball firearm;(c)afirearminrelationtowhichanauthorisedofficerdecidesundersection 154thatammunitionisnotcommercially available.antiquehandgunmeansanantiquefirearm,otherthanapre–percussion handgun, that is less
than 75cm in length.appellate court, for part 5A,
division 6, see section 141ZN.approved
formsee section 171.approvedhistoricalsocietymeansabody,whetherincorporated or unincorporated, of a kind
prescribed under aregulationthatisgrantedapprovalbyanauthorisedofficerunder a regulation as an approved historical
society.approvedpistolclubmeansanapprovedshootingclubthathas,asapurposeendorsedontheshootingclub’sshootingclubpermit,theconductofsportsortargetshootingusingcategory H
weapons.approved rangemeans—Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Schedule 2(a)a place approved under part 4,
division 5; or(b)a place approved under a Commonwealth
Act for use inthe sport of target shooting.approvedsafetytrainingcourse(general)meansacourseapproved under
section 10AA(1).approvedsafetytrainingcourse(securityguard)meansacourse approved under section
10AA(2).approved shooting clubmeans a shooting
club that holds ashooting club permit.approved
training coursemeans—(a)an
approved safety training course (general); or(b)an
approved safety training course (security guard).armourermeans a person
who stores, manufactures, modifiesor repairs
weapons in the course of the person’s business.associate, of
a licensed dealer or an applicant for a dealer’slicence,meansaperson,otherthanafinancialinstitution,who—(a)holdsorwillholdarelevantfinancialinterestinthebusiness or proposed business of the
licensed dealer orapplicant; or(b)isormaybeentitledtoexercisearelevantpower,whether in the person’s own right or for
someone else,inthebusinessorproposedbusinessofthelicenseddealer or applicant; or(c)holdsorwillholdarelevantposition,whetherintheperson’s own right or for someone
else, in the businessor proposed business of the licensed
dealer or applicant.authorised officersee section
firearmmeans a firearm, or a replica of a
firearm,that is incapable of discharging a
projectile.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 234businessmeans the business carried on under the
authority ofa licence.category, of
weapon, means a category prescribed under theWeapons
Categories Regulation 1997.category
Aweapon see theWeaponsCategoriesRegulation1997,
section 2.category Bweapon see
section 3.category Cweapon see
section 4.category Dweapon see
section 5.category Eweapon see
section 6.category Hweapon see
theWeapons Categories Regulation1997, section
7.category Mweapon see
theWeapons Categories Regulation1997, section
7A.category M crossbowmeans a crossbow
that is a category MweaponundertheWeaponsCategoriesRegulation1997,section 7A(n).category
Rweapon see theWeaponsCategoriesRegulation1997,
section 8.class,inrelationtoacategoryHweapon,meansaclassprescribed under
a regulation for the weapon.class A serious
offencesee section 5A.class B serious
offencesee section 5B.class C serious
offencesee section 5C.club organised
practice shoot organised by an approved pistol club; or(b)a handgun shooting competition.collection registersee section
81.Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Schedule 2collectormeans a person
who collects or holds out as beingready to
collect, whether on behalf of the collector or anotherperson, a weapon or weapons.commissioned officersee thePoliceServiceAdministrationAct 1990,
schedule 2.Editor’s note—Police Service
Administration Act 1990, schedule 2—commissionedofficermeansapersonwhoholdsapositioninthepolice service as a commissioned
officer.commissionermeans the
commissioner of the police serviceunder thePolice Service Administration Act
1990.convictedmeansfoundguilty,orhavingapleaofguiltyaccepted, by a
court.correctiveservicesfacilityseetheCorrectiveServicesAct2006, schedule
4.court—(a)for part 5A—see section 141D;
or(b)otherwise—means the Magistrates
Court.criminal history, of a person,
for part 5A, see section 141D.criminalintelligence,inrelationtoaperson,meansanyinformationabouttheperson’sconnectionwithorinvolvement in criminal
activity.dealermeans a person,
other than an armourer or theatricalordnance
supplier, who—(a)carriesonthebusiness,whetherornotforrewardorbenefit, of acquiring, selling or otherwise
disposing ofweapons in any way; or(b)fortradeorbusiness,displaysaweaponforsaleorpossesses a weapon for sale.deputycommissionermeansdeputycommissionerofthepoliceserviceunderthePoliceServiceAdministrationAct1990.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 236detachablemagazine,inrelationtoaweapon,meansareceptacle for holding ammunition, that can
be detached fromtheweapon,fromwhichammunitionisloadedintothechamber of the weapon.disqualified personsee section
5D.domesticviolenceordermeansadomesticviolenceorderunder theDomestic and Family Violence Protection Act
2012,and includes an interstate domestic
violence order.executiveofficerseethePoliceServiceAdministrationAct1990, schedule
2.Editor’s note—Police Service
Administration Act 1990, schedule 2—executive
officermeans a person who holds a position in the
policeservice as an executive officer.explosivesee theExplosives Act 1999, schedule
or(b)athingordinarilydescribedasaweaponthat,ifusedinthewayforwhichitwasdesignedoradapted, is capable of being aimed at a
target andcausing death or injury by
discharging—(i)a projectile; or(ii)noxious, corrosive or irritant liquid,
powder,gas, chemical or other substance; or(c)athingthatwouldbeafirearmmentionedinparagraph (a)or(b)ifitwerenottemporarilyinoperable or
incomplete; or(d)a major component part of a
firearm.2However, the term does not
include—(a)anantiquefirearm,explosivetool,captivebolthumane killer,
spear gun, longbow or crossbow; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Schedule 2(b)a replica of a spear gun, longbow or
crossbow; or(c)a slingshot, shanghai or sword;
or(d)a public monument.3For
part 5A, see also section 141D.firearm
prohibition ordersee section 141D.firearm related
itemsee section 141D.firearms
registersee section 49.genuine
reason, for possession of a weapon, see section
11.handgun shooting competitionmeans a shooting competitionthat
includes using a category H weapon at a place where theweapon may lawfully be used.Note—Particular
handgun shooting competitions may be prescribed under aregulation to be accredited events. See the
definitionaccredited event.heirloom firearmsee section
6.identifying particular, of a person,
means a fingerprint, palmprint or footprint of the
person.integralmagazine,inrelationtoaweapon,meansareceptacleforholdingammunition,thatcannotbeeasilyremoved from the
weapon, from which ammunition is loadedinto the chamber
of the weapon.interstate domestic violence ordermeans an interstate orderorregisteredforeignorderundertheDomesticandFamilyViolence
Protection Act 2012, part 6, whether or not the orderis a
recognised interstate order under that Act.landownermeans—(a)the
owner or occupier of rural land; or(b)a
person authorised by the owner or occupier to act ontheowner’soroccupier’sbehalfinthegeneralmanagement or control of the land.laser pointermeans a
hand-held battery-operated device, witha power output
of more than 1 milliwatt, that is designed toCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 237
Weapons Act 1990Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 238emit a laser
beam and may be used for aiming, pointing ortargeting.licencemeans a licence continued, issued or renewed
underthisActandinforceatthematerialtime,andincludesacertificate under section 16(2).licensedarmourermeansthepersoninwhosenameanarmourer’slicence,inforceatthematerialtime,hasbeenissued.licensedcollectormeansthepersoninwhosenameacollector’slicence,inforceatthematerialtime,hasbeenissued.licensed dealermeans the person
in whose name a dealer’slicence, in force at the material
time, has been issued.licensedtheatricalordnancesuppliermeansthepersoninwhose name a theatrical ordnance supplier’s
licence, in forceat a material time, has been issued.licenseemeans a person
in whose name a licence, in force atthe material
time, has been issued.magazine, in relation to
a weapon, means—(a)a detachable magazine; or(b)an integral magazine.magazinecapacity,ofaweapon,meansthemaximumnumber of rounds
of ammunition of a particular calibre thatare designed to
be held in—(a)iftheweaponhasanintegralmagazine—theintegralmagazine; and(b)iftheweaponhasadetachablemagazine—thedetachable
magazine.major component partof a firearm
includes a part such as thereceiver, body,
barrel, breechbolt, frame or top slide withoutwhichthefirearmwouldbeconsideredinoperativeorincomplete.modern
handgunmeans a category H weapon
manufacturedon or after 1 January 1947.Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Schedule 2occupier,ofruralland,meansthepersonentitledtopossession of the land.officerinchargeofpoliceincludesapoliceofficerofwhatever rank or grade who is for the
time being in charge ofa police establishment.ordnance registersee section
117.paint-pellet gunmeans a weapon
that discharges paint-pelletprojectiles.paint-pelletsportsmeansgamesinwhichpersonsusepaint-pellet guns to discharge
paint-pellet projectiles at otherpersons or
things.participationconditionmeansaconditionstatedinsection 133(1) or (3).participation recordsee section
134.partofaprohibitedhandgun,forpart 8,division 2,seesection 174.permanently
inoperablesee section 7.permit to
acquiremeans a permit to acquire a weapon
underthis Act and in force at the material
time.physically possess, a weapon,
means physically hold or havean immediate
ability to physically hold the weapon.placeincludes any vehicle.policeestablishmentmeansapoliceestablishmentforthepurposes of thePolice Service
Administration Act 1990.policeprotectionnoticemeansapoliceprotectionnoticeunder theDomestic and
Family Violence Protection Act 2012,and
includes an interstate domestic violence order issued by apolice officer.possessionincludes in
relation to any thing—(a)having the thing
in one’s custody; and(b)havingthethingunderone’scontrolinanyplace,whether or not another has custody of the
thing; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 240(c)having an ability to obtain custody of the
thing at will;and(d)havingaclaimtocustodyofthethingwhichtheclaimanthascommittedtothecustodyofanother,notwithstanding
that the thing is temporarily not in thecontrol of the
person having such claim.pre–percussion handgunmeans—(a)anantiquefirearmlessthan75cminlengththatisamuzzle loading
firearm activated by a fuse, matchlock,wheel lock,
snaphaunce, flintlock or miquelet lock; or(b)an
antique firearm less than 75cm in length approved asanantiquepre-percussionfirearmbyanauthorisedofficer under
section 154.primaryproducermeansaperson(notbeingapersonengaged in
primary production as an employee on wages orpiecework rates)
primarily engaged in the occupation of—(a)dairy farmer; or(b)wheat, maize, or cereal grower; or(c)cane grower; or(d)fruit grower; or(e)grazier; or(f)farmer, whether engaged in general or mixed
farming,cotton, potato, or vegetable growing, or
poultry or pigraising;and includes a
person prescribed by regulation.prohibited
handgun, for part 8, division 2, see section
174.protection ordermeans a
protection order under theDomesticandFamilyViolenceProtectionAct2012,andincludesaninterstatedomesticviolenceordercorrespondingtoaprotection order.psychologistmeansapersonregisteredundertheHealthPractitionerRegulationNationalLawtopractiseinthepsychology
profession, other than as a student.Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Schedule 2public monumentsee section
6C.public placemeans any place
that the public is entitled to use,isopentothepublic,orusedbythepublic,whetheronpayment or otherwise.purchasemeans obtain
under a sale.QCAT information noticemeans a notice
complying with theQCAT Act, section 157(2).QPS
websitemeans the website used by the commissioner
toprovide public access to information about
matters relating tothis Act.Editor’s
note—The QPS website is at
www.police.qld.gov.au.range officerof an approved
range means a person who is arangeofficeroftherangewithinthemeaningofsection 108(2).rangeoperatorofanapprovedrangemeanstherangeoperator of the
range within the meaning of section 108(1).range use
registersee section 97.reasonably
believesmeans believes on reasonable grounds.reasonablysuspectsmeanssuspectsongroundsthatarereasonable in the
circumstances.refuse, an
application, includes reject the application.registered
owner, of a firearm, means the owner of the
firearmas entered in the firearms register.reject, an
application, includes refuse an application.releaseconditionsseetheDomesticandFamilyViolenceProtection Act 2012.relevant financial interest, in
relation to a business, means—(a)any
interest in the capital or assets of the business; or(b)any entitlement to receive any income
derived from thebusiness, whether the entitlement arises at
law, in equityor otherwise.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 241
Weapons Act 1990Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 242relevantposition,inrelationtothebusinessorproposedbusinessofalicenseddealeroranapplicantforadealer’slicence,meansapositionthatentitlestheholderofthepositiontoparticipateinthemanagementofthebusinesswhetherasdirector,manager,secretaryorinanyothercapacity.relevantpower,inrelationtothebusinessorproposedbusinessofalicenseddealeroranapplicantforadealer’slicence,meansapower,whetherexercisablebyvotingorotherwiseandwhetherexercisablealoneorinassociationwith
others—(a)to participate in any managerial or
executive decision ofthe business or proposed business;
or(b)to elect or appoint a person to a
relevant position in thebusiness or proposed business.replacement licencemeans a licence
issued in replacement ofan existing licence under section
23.replicasee section
6A.representative, of a body, for
sections 27A, 28A and 140 andpart 5A, means
the representative of a licensee that is a body,whether incorporated or unincorporated, who
is endorsed—(a)on the licensee’s licence as the
licensee’s representative;or(b)onapermittoacquireissuedtothelicenseeasthelicensee’s
representative.respondentmeansapersonnamedinadomesticviolenceorder as the
respondent.restricted itemsee section
67(9).rural landincludes land
other than land situated in any city ortown or, in the
case of a shire, in any township in the shire.security
guardsee section 6B.security guard’s
registersee section 126A.security
organisationmeans an entity that provides
securityguards and the services of security
guards.Current as at [Not applicable]
Weapons Act 1990Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonlysecurity organisation registersee
section 128(1)(a).sellincludes—(a)sell by wholesale, retail or auction;
arrangement; and(c)agree to sell; and(d)cause or permit to be sold.seriousoffencemeansaclassAseriousoffence,classBserious offence or class C serious
offence.shanghaimeans a Y-shaped
device that—(a)has something with elastic properties
fixed to it; and(b)is capable of being used to propel a
projectile.shootingclubmeansacluborotherorganisationthatconducts the sport of target shooting,
whether or not involvingthe use of a category M
crossbow.shootingclubpermitmeansashootingclubpermitissuedunder section 87.shooting
galleryincludes a place used for paint-pellet
sports.short firearmmeans—(a)a category H weapon that is a firearm;
or(b)acategoryC,DorRweaponthatisafirearmunder75cm in
length.slingshotmeansadevicedesignedforusewith,oracomponent of
which is, a brace that fits or rests on a person’sforearm or another part of the person’s body
to support theperson’s wrist against the tension of
elastic material used topropel a projectile.Example—a Saunders
‘Falcon’ Hunting Slingspecialconditionmeansaspecialconditionundersection
Territory.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Weapons Act 1990Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 244supervision
order—(a)means an order
made under an Act or a law of anotherjurisdiction,ormadebyanAustraliancourt,thatsubjectsapersontosupervision,including,forexample—(i)a
community based order under thePenalties
andSentences Act 1992; or(ii)acommunitybasedorderorsupervisedreleaseorder under theYouth Justice
Act 1992; or(iii)aparoleorderundertheCorrectiveServicesAct2006; but(b)does not include a division 3 order
under theDangerousPrisoners
(Sexual Offenders) Act 2003.supplyincludes—(a)give, distribute, sell, administer or
transport; and(b)offer to supply; and(c)do an act preparatory to, or to
further, or for the purposeof,
supply.swordmeans a thing
consisting of a long, straight or curvedblade, fixed in
a hilt or handle, the blade of which is either—(a)pointed; or(b)sharp-edged on one or both sides.Examples—•a
rapier•a broadswordtemporarily
inoperablesee section 8.temporaryprotectionordermeansatemporaryprotectionorder under
theDomestic and Family Violence Protection
Act2012,andincludesaninterstatedomesticviolenceordercorresponding to a temporary protection
order.theatrical ordnance suppliermeans a person who, wholly orpartly, carries on the business, whether or
not for reward orbenefit, of supplying on a temporary basis
weapons for use inCurrent as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWeapons Act 1990Schedule 2theatrical, film or television productions
where the supplyinginvolves no change in the ownership of the
71(3).unlawfulmeans without
lawful justification or excuse.unloadedfirearm, means the firearm contains no
ammunitionin its breech, chamber, magazine or
muzzle.vehicle—(a)for part 5A, division 4—see section
141ZC; or(b)otherwise—includes any aircraft or
firearm; or(ii)another thing
prescribed under a regulation to be aweapon or within
a category of weapon; or(iii)athingthatwouldbeaweaponmentionedinsubparagraph (i) or (ii), if it were
not temporarilyinoperable or incomplete; and(b)does not include a public
monument.weapons registersee section
71(1).Current as at [Not applicable]Page