QueenslandEvidenceAct1977Current as at [Not
applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates allproposed
amendments to the Act included in the Termination of
PregnancyBill 2018. This indicative reprint has been
prepared for information only—itis not
an authorised reprint of the Act.The
point-in-time date for this indicative reprint is the introduction
date forthe Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2018—22
August 2018.DetailedinformationaboutindicativereprintsisavailableontheInformationpage of the
Queensland legislation website.
Evidence Act 1977Evidence Act
1977Part 1 Preliminary[s 1]An Act
to consolidate, amend and reform the law of evidenceand
for related purposesNotauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
titleThis Act may be cited as theEvidence Act 1977.2Act binds CrownThisActbindstheCrownnotonlyinrightoftheStateofQueenslandbutalso,sofarasthelegislativepowerofParliament permits, the Crown in all
its other capacities.2ANotes in
textA note in the text of this Act is part of
the Act.3DefinitionsThe dictionary
in schedule 3 defines particular words used inthis Act.4Meaning ofcopyof
document etc.In this Act, any reference to a copy of a
document includes—(a)in the case of a document falling
within paragraph (e)butnotparagraph(f)ofthedefinitiondocumentinCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 1
Preliminary[s 5]schedule
3—atranscriptofthesoundsorotherdataembodied therein; and(b)in
the case of a document falling within paragraph (f)but
not paragraph (e) of that definition—a reproductionor
still reproduction of the image or images embodiedtherein, whether enlarged or not; and(c)inthecaseofadocumentfallingwithinboththoseparagraphs—suchatranscripttogetherwithsuchareproduction or still reproduction;
and(d)inthecaseofadocumentnotfallingwithinthesaidparagraph (f) of
which a visual image is embodied in adocument falling
within that paragraph—a reproductionor still
reproduction of that image, whether enlarged ornot;and
any reference to a copy of the material part of a documentshall be construed accordingly.5Meaning of document purporting to be
of certaincharacter etc.ForthepurposesofthisActadocument,includinganyinstrument or part of an instrument,
purports—(a)to be of a certain character;
or(b)to have been produced or authenticated
at a certain time,in a certain manner, by a certain person or
body, or by apersonhavingacertainqualificationoroccupyingacertain office; or(c)any
other matter whatever;if the document expressly or impliedly
represents that matteroracourtcanassumethatmatterfromthecontentsofthedocument or otherwise.Page
14Current as at [Not applicable]
2WitnessesEvidence Act
1977Part 2 Witnesses[s 6]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Who may
testify6Witnesses interested or convicted of
offenceNopersonshallbeexcludedfromgivingevidenceinanyproceeding on
the ground—(a)that the person has or may have an
interest in the matterin question, or in the result of the
proceeding; or(b)thatthepersonhaspreviouslybeenconvictedofanyoffence.7Parties, their wives and husbands as
witnesses(1)Eachofthepartiestoaproceeding(notbeingacriminalproceeding) and
a person on whose behalf such a proceedingis brought or
defended is competent and compellable to giveevidenceonbehalfofeitheroranyofthepartiestotheproceeding.(2)The
husband or wife of a party to a proceeding (not being acriminal proceeding) and the husband or wife
of a person onwhosebehalfsuchaproceedingisbroughtordefendediscompetentandcompellabletogiveevidenceonbehalfofeither or any of the parties to the
proceeding.(3)To remove any doubt, it is declared
for subsections (1) and (2)thatapartytoaproceedingincludesapersonwhoisthesubject of an
inquiry, reference or examination.8Witnesses in a criminal proceeding(1)In a criminal proceeding, each person
charged is competent togive evidence on behalf of the defence
(whether that person ischargedsolelyorjointlywithanyotherperson)butisnotcompellable to do so.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 15
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 9](2)Thehusbandorwifeofanaccusedpersoninacriminalproceeding is competent and compellable to
give evidence inthe proceeding in any court, either for the
prosecution or forthe defence, and without the consent of the
accused.(3)In a criminal proceeding, a husband or
wife is competent andcompellabletodisclosecommunicationsmadebetweenthehusband and the wife during the
marriage.Division 1ACompetency of
witnesses andcapacity to be sworn9Presumption as to competency(1)Every person, including a child, is
presumed to be—(a)competent to give evidence in a
proceeding; and(b)competent to give evidence in a
proceeding on oath.(2)Subsection (1) is subject to this
division.9ACompetency to give evidence(1)This section applies if, in a
particular case, an issue is raised,byapartytotheproceedingorthecourt,aboutthecompetency of a person called as a
witness in the proceedingto give evidence.(2)The
person is competent to give evidence in the proceeding if,in
the court’s opinion, the person is able to give an
intelligibleaccountofeventswhichheorshehasobservedorexperienced.(3)Subsection (2) applies even though the
evidence is not givenon oath.9BCompetency to give sworn evidence(1)This section applies if, in a
particular case, an issue is raised,byapartytotheproceedingorthecourt,aboutthePage 16Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 9C]competency of a
person called as a witness in the proceedingto give evidence
on oath.(2)The person is competent to give
evidence in the proceeding onoath if, in the
court’s opinion, the person understands that—(a)the
giving of evidence is a serious matter; and(b)in
giving evidence, he or she has an obligation to tell thetruth that is over and above the ordinary
duty to tell thetruth.(3)If
the person is competent to give evidence in the proceedingbut
is not competent to give the evidence on oath, the courtmust
explain to the person the duty of speaking the truth.Note—TheOaths Act 1867, section 17,
makes provision for a person called asa witness to
make his or her solemn affirmation instead of being sworn.9CExpert evidence about witness’s
ability to give evidence(1)This section
applies to a proceeding if—(a)under section 9A, the court is deciding
whether a personis able to give an intelligible account of
events which heor she has observed or experienced;
or(b)under section 9B, the court is
deciding whether a personunderstandsthemattersmentionedinsection 9B(2)(a)and (b);
or(c)the evidence of a child under 12 years
is admitted.(2)Expertevidenceisadmissibleintheproceedingabouttheperson’s or child’s level of
intelligence, including the person’sor child’s
powers of perception, memory and expression, oranother matter
relevant to the person’s or child’s competencetogiveevidence,competencetogiveevidenceonoath,orability to give reliable evidence.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 9D]9DEvidence admitted under s 9A(1)Evidence admitted under section 9A
that is written down as adeposition is taken to be a deposition
for all purposes.(2)If evidence is admitted under section
9A—(a)the probative value of the evidence is
not decreased onlybecause the evidence is not given on oath;
and(b)a person charged with an offence may
be convicted onthe evidence; and(c)the
person giving the evidence is liable to be convictedof
perjury to the same extent as if the person had giventhe
evidence on oath.Division 1BSpecial
provisions for childwitnesses9EPrinciples for dealing with a child
witness(1)Becauseachildtendstobevulnerableindealingswithaperson in authority, it is the
Parliament’s intention that a childwho is a witness
in a proceeding should be given the benefit ofspecial measures
when giving the child’s evidence.(2)The
following general principles apply when dealing with achild witness in a proceeding—(a)thechildistobetreatedwithdignity,respectandcompassion;(b)measuresshouldbetakentolimit,tothegreatestpractical
extent, the distress or trauma suffered by thechild when
giving evidence;(c)thechildshouldnotbeintimidatedincross-examination;(d)theproceedingshouldberesolvedasquicklyaspossible.(3)In
this section—Page 18Current as at
[Not applicable]
childmeans a child
under 16 years.Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 10]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Privileges and
obligations ofwitnesses10Privilege against self-incrimination(1)NothinginthisActshallrenderanypersoncompellabletoanswer any question tending to criminate the
person.(2)However,inacriminalproceedingwhereapersonchargedgivesevidence,theperson’sliabilitytoansweranysuchquestion shall
be governed by section 15.12Admissibility of
evidence as to access by husband orwifeNotwithstanding anything contained in any
Act or any rule oflaw,neithertheevidenceofanypersonnoranystatementmade out of
court by any person shall be inadmissible in anyproceeding whatever by reason of the fact
that it is tenderedwith the object of proving, or that it
proves or tends to prove,that marital intercourse did or did
not take place at any time orduring any
period between that person and a person who is orwas
the person’s wife or husband or that any child is or was,or
is not or was not, their legitimate child.13Compellability of parties and witnesses as
to evidence ofadulteryNotwithstanding
anything in any Act or any rule of law, in anyproceeding
whatever—(a)apartyshallnotbeentitledtorefusetoansweranyinterrogatory or to give discovery of
documents;(b)a witness, whether a party or not,
shall not be entitled torefuse to answer any question, whether
relevant to anyissue or relating to credit merely;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 14]on the ground
solely that such answer or discovery would ormightrelateto,orwouldtendormighttendtoestablish,adultery by that
party or that witness, or by any other personwith that party
or that witness, as the case may be.14Abolition of certain privileges(1)Thefollowingrulesoflawareherebyabrogatedexceptinrelation to criminal proceedings, that
is to say—(a)the rule whereby, in any proceeding, a
person can not becompelledtoansweranyquestionorproduceanydocument or thing if to do so would tend to
expose theperson to a forfeiture;(b)the
rule whereby, in any proceeding, a person other thanapartytotheproceedingcannotbecompelledtoproduceanydeedorotherdocumentrelatingtotheperson’s title to any land.(2)The rule of law whereby, in any civil
proceeding, a party totheproceedingcannotbecompelledtoproduceanydocumentrelatingsolelytotheparty’sowncaseandinnoway tending to
impeach that case or support the case of anyopposing party
is hereby abrogated.Division 2ASexual assault
counselling privilegeSubdivision 1Preliminary14AMeaning ofprotected
counselling communication(1)Aprotected counselling communicationis
an oral or writtencommunication made in confidence—(a)by a counselled person to a
counsellor; or(b)byacounsellortooraboutacounselledpersontofurther the counselling process;
orPage 20Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 14B](c)aboutacounselledpersonbyaparent,carerorothersupportpersonwhoispresenttofacilitatecommunicationbetweenthecounselledpersonandacounsellorortootherwisefurtherthecounsellingprocess.(2)However, a communication made to or by
a health practitioneraboutaphysicalexaminationofthecounselledpersonconductedinthecourseofaninvestigationintoanallegedsexualassaultoffenceisnotaprotectedcounsellingcommunication.(3)Forsubsection(1)itdoesnotmatterwhetherthecommunication was made—(a)beforeoraftertheactoromissionconstitutingthesexualassaultoffencecommittedorallegedlycommitted
against the counselled person occurred; or(b)inconnectionwiththesexualassaultoffence,oraconditionarisingfromthesexualassaultoffence,committedorallegedlycommittedagainstthecounselled person.(4)Areferenceinthisdivisiontoaprotectedcounsellingcommunication
includes a reference to—(a)adocumenttotheextentitcontainsaprotectedcounselling
communication; or(b)evidencetotheextentitdisclosesaprotectedcounselling
communication.(5)In this section—healthpractitionermeansapersonregisteredundertheHealthPractitionerRegulationNationalLawtopractiseahealth profession.14BOther
definitions for divisionIn this division—counsela
person means—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 14B](a)tolistentoandgiveverbalorothersupport,helporencouragement to the person, whether
one-on-one or ina group; or(b)to
advise, give therapy to or treat the person, whetherone-on-one or in a group.counselled personmeans a person
who—(a)isbeing,orhasatanytimebeen,counselledbyacounsellor; and(b)is,
or has at any time been, a victim or alleged victim ofa
sexual assault offence.counsellormeans a person
who—(a)has undertaken training or study, or
has experience, thatis relevant to the process of
counselling other persons;and(b)inthecourseoftheperson’spaidorvoluntaryemployment,otherthanasareligiousrepresentative,counsels another
person.essentialperson,foraproceeding,meansanyofthefollowing persons—(a)a
Crown law officer or a person authorised by a Crownlaw
officer;(b)the prosecutor;(c)a
witness giving evidence;(d)apersonwhoawitnessisentitledtohavepresentincourt under section 21A(2)(d) or 21AV
or theCriminalLaw (Sexual
Offences) Act 1978, section 5(1)(f);(e)apersonwhosepresenceis,inthecourt’sopinion,necessaryordesirablefortheproperconductoftheproceeding;(f)apersonwhoappliestothecourttobepresentandwhose presence, in the court’s
opinion—(i)would serve a proper interest of the
person; andPage 22Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 14C](ii)would not be prejudicial to a counselled
representativemeans a person who—(a)is a
member of—(i)an organised religion; or(ii)a religious
group, even if the group is not part of,ordoesnotconsideritselftobepartof,anorganised
religion; and(b)holds a position in the religion or
group that allows theperson to hold himself or herself out
as a representativeof the religion or group.sexual assault offencemeans—(a)an offence of a sexual nature,
including, for example—(i)anoffenceagainstaprovisionoftheCriminalCode, chapter
32; and(ii)anoffenceagainstaprovisionoftheCriminalCode, chapter
22; or(b)anactoromissionthatwouldconstituteanoffencementionedinparagraph(a) iftheactoromissionhadoccurred—(i)in
Queensland; or(ii)after the
offence provision commenced; or(c)an
alleged offence mentioned in paragraph (a).Subdivision
2Committal and bail proceedings14CApplication of subdivisionThis
subdivision applies to—(a)a committal
proceeding; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 14D](b)a
proceeding under theBail Act 1980relating to bail
foranoffence,includingaproceedingrelatingtotheremand of a
person in custody.Notauthorised—indicativeonly14DSexual assault
counselling privilegeA person can not do any of the
following things in connectionwith the
proceeding—(a)compel,whetherbysubpoenaorotherwise,anotherpersontoproduceaprotectedcounsellingcommunication to
a court;(b)produce to a court, adduce evidence of
or otherwise use,a protected counselling
communication.Subdivision 3Other
proceedings14EApplication of subdivisionThis
subdivision applies to a proceeding—(a)forthetrialorsentencingofapersonforanoffence,other than a
proceeding to which subdivision 2 applies;or(b)relating to a domestic violence order
under theDomesticand Family
Violence Protection Act 2012.14FSexual assault counselling
privilegeA person can not do any of the following
things in connectionwiththeproceeding,otherthanwiththeleaveofthecourthearing the
proceeding—(a)compel,whetherbysubpoenaorotherwise,anotherpersontoproduceaprotectedcounsellingcommunication to
a court;Page 24Current as at
[Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 14G](b)produce to a court, adduce evidence of or
otherwise use,a protected counselling
communication.Notauthorised—indicativeonly14GApplication for leave(1)A party to theproceeding may
apply for leave of the courtunder this
subdivision.(2)Assoonasreasonablypracticableaftertheapplicationismade, the applicant must give the following
persons a noticecomplying with subsection (3)—(a)each other party to the
proceeding;(b)ifthecounsellortowhomtheprotectedcounsellingcommunicationrelatesisnotapartytotheproceeding—the counsellor.(3)For subsection (2), the notice is a
written notice stating—(a)an application
for leave under this subdivision has beenmadeinrelationtoaprotectedcounsellingcommunication;
and(b)adescriptionofthenatureandparticularsoftheprotectedcounsellingcommunication(otherthanparticularsdisclosingthecontentofthecommunication); and(c)ifthecounsellororcounselledpersontowhomthecommunicationrelatesisnotapartytotheproceeding—thatthecounsellororcounselledpersonmay
appear in the proceeding under section 14L.(4)Ifthecounselledpersonto
whomtheprotectedcounsellingcommunicationrelatesisnotapartytotheproceeding,theprosecutor must, as soon as practicable
after a notice is givenunder subsection (2), give the
counselled person a copy of thenotice.(5)The court can not decide the
application until at least 14 daysafter subsection
(2) is complied with.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 14H](6)However, the court may waive the requirement
to comply withsubsection (2) if, in relation to the
proceeding—(a)notice has been given of a previous
application for leaveunderthissubdivisionrelatingtothesameprotectedcounselling
communication; or(b)thecounselledpersontowhomtheprotectedcounselling
communication relates has consented to thewaiver of the
requirement; or(c)the court is satisfied—(i)exceptionalcircumstancesexistthatrequirethewaiver of the requirement; and(ii)it is in the
public interest to waive the requirement.(7)For
subsection (6)(b), the consent must be given—(a)in
writing; or(b)ifthecounselledpersoncannotgivewrittenconsentbecause of a disability—orally.14HDeciding whether to grant leave(1)Thecourtcannotgrantanapplicationforleaveunderthissubdivision
unless the court is satisfied that—(a)the
protected counselling communication the subject ofthe
application will, by itself or having regard to otherdocumentsorevidenceproducedoradducedbytheapplicant, have substantial probative
value; and(b)other documents or evidence concerning
the matters towhich the communication relates are not
available; and(c)the public interest in admitting the
communication intoevidence substantially outweighs the public
interest in—(i)preservingtheconfidentialityofthecommunication; and(ii)protecting the counselled person from
harm.Page 26Current as at
[Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 14H]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(2)Indecidingthemattermentionedinsubsection(1)(c),thecourt must have regard to the
following matters—(a)the need to encourage victims of
sexual assault offencesto seek counselling;(b)thattheeffectivenessofcounsellingislikelytobedependentonmaintainingtheconfidentialityofthecounselling relationship;(c)the public interest in ensuring
victims of sexual assaultoffences receive effective
counselling;(d)thatdisclosureoftheprotectedcounsellingcommunicationislikelytodamagetherelationshipbetween the
counsellor and the counselled person;(e)whether disclosure of the communication is
sought onthe basis of a discriminatory belief or
bias;(f)thatthedisclosureofthecommunicationislikelytoinfringe a reasonable expectation of
privacy;(g)the extent to which the communication
is necessary toenable the accused person to make a full
defence;(h)any other matter the court considers
relevant.(3)For deciding the application, the
court may consider a writtenor oral
statement made to the court by the counselled personoutliningtheharmthepersonislikelytosufferiftheapplication is granted.(4)If an oral statement is made by the
counselled person undersubsection(3),whilethestatementisbeingmadethecourtmust exclude
from the room in which the court is sitting—(a)anyone who is not an essential person;
and(b)an essential person, if—(i)the counselled person asks that the
essential personbe excluded; and(ii)the
court considers excluding the essential personwouldserveaproperinterestofthecounselledperson.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 14I](5)The
court must not disclose, or make available to a party totheproceeding,astatementmadetothecourtundersubsection
(3).(6)Thecourtmuststateitsreasonsforgrantingorrefusingtogrant the application.(7)If
the proceeding is a trial by jury, the court must hear anddecide the application in the absence of the
jury.(8)In this section—harmincludesphysical,emotionalorpsychologicalharm,financial loss, stress or shock, and damage
to reputation.Subdivision 4Waiver or loss
of privilege14IWaiver of privilege by counselled
person(1)Thissectionapplies,inrelationtoaproceedingtowhichsubdivision2or3applies,ifadocumentorevidenceisaprotected counselling
communication.(2)This division does not prevent the
document being produced,ortheevidencebeingadduced,ifthecounselledpersontowhom the protected counselling
communication relates—(a)is 16 years or
more; and(b)consents to the production of the
document or adducingof the evidence; and(c)is not a person with an impaired
capacity for giving theconsent.(3)For
subsection (2)(b), the consent must—(a)expressly state the counselled
person—(i)consents to the production of a stated
document, orthe adducing of stated evidence, that is a
protectedcounselling communication relating to the
person;andPage 28Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 14J](ii)has
had an opportunity to seek legal advice aboutgiving the
consent; and(b)be given—(i)in
writing; or(ii)ifthecounselledpersoncannotgivewrittenconsent because
of a disability—orally.(4)To remove any
doubt, it is declared that subsection (3)(b) doesnot
require the office of the director of public prosecutions togive
the counselled person legal advice.(5)In
this section—impaired capacitysee theGuardianshipandAdministrationAct 2000,
schedule 4.14JLoss of privilege if communication
made in commissionof offenceThis division
does not apply to a document or evidence that isa
protected counselling communication if the communicationwas
made in the commission of an offence.Subdivision
5General provisions14KCourt
to inform of rights(1)Thissectionappliesinrelationtoaproceedingtowhichsubdivision 2 or
3 applies if it appears to the court a personmay have grounds
for—(a)applying for leave under subdivision
3; or(b)objectingtotheproductionofadocument,ortheadducingofevidence,thatisaprotectedcounsellingcommunication.(2)The
court must satisfy itself the person is aware of the
relevantprovisions of this division and has had an
opportunity to seeklegal advice.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 29
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 14L](3)If
the proceeding is a trial by jury, the court must satisfy
itselfof the matter under subsection (2) in the
absence of the jury.(4)To remove any
doubt, it is declared that subsection (2) doesnot require the
office of the director of public prosecutions togive
the person legal advice.Notauthorised—indicativeonly14LStanding of counsellor and counselled
person(1)This section applies if—(a)acounselledpersonorcounsellorisnotapartytoaproceeding to
which subdivision 2 or 3 applies; and(b)thecourtisdecidingwhetheradocumentorevidencerelatingtothecounselledpersonorcounsellorisaprotected counselling
communication.(2)Thecounselledpersonorcounsellormayappearintheproceeding, including any
appeal.14MDeciding whether document or evidence
is protectedcounselling communication(1)This section applies if a question
arises under this division inrelation to a
proceeding to which subdivision 2 or 3 applies.(2)Thecourtmayconsideradocumentorevidencetodecidewhether it is a
protected counselling communication.(3)While the court is considering the document
or evidence, thecourt must exclude from the room in which it
is sitting—(a)anyone who is not an essential person;
and(b)an essential person, if—(i)thecounselledpersontowhomthedocumentorevidencerelatesasksthattheessentialpersonbeexcluded; and(ii)the
court considers excluding the essential personwouldserveaproperinterestofthecounselledperson.Page
30Current as at [Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 14N](4)The
court may make any other order it thinks fit to facilitateits
consideration of the document or evidence.(5)This
section applies despite sections 14D and 14F.Notauthorised—indicativeonly14NAncillary orders(1)A
court may make any order it considers appropriate to limitthe
extent of the harm likely to be caused to the counselledperson by the production of a document, or
the adducing ofevidence,thatisaprotectedcounsellingcommunicationrelating to the
person.Example—an order that
all or part of the evidence be heard, or the documentproduced, in camera(2)In
this section—harmsee section
14H.14OApplication of division despite
Justices Act 1886To the extent of an inconsistency, this
division applies despitea provision of theJustices Act
1886.14PApplication of
privilege in civil proceedings(1)This
section applies if, in a proceeding to which subdivision 2or3applies,aprotectedcounsellingcommunicationisprivileged under this division.Note—A protected
counselling communication is not privileged under thisdivision if—(a) leave is
granted under subdivision 3 in relation to it; or(b)
the privilege is waived or lost under subdivision 4.(2)A person can not produce a document
containing, or adduceevidenceof,theprotectedcounsellingcommunicationinacivil proceeding arising from the act
or omission to which theproceeding mentioned in subsection (1)
relates.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 15]Division 3Examination and cross-examinationof
witnesses15Questioning a person charged in a
criminal proceeding(1)Whereinacriminalproceedingapersonchargedgivesevidence, the
person shall not be entitled to refuse to answer aquestion or produce a document or thing on
the ground that todo so would tend to prove the commission by
the person ofthe offence with which the person is there
charged.(2)Whereinacriminalproceedingapersonchargedgivesevidence, the
person shall not be asked, and if asked shall notbe
required to answer, any question tending to show that theperson has committed or been convicted of or
been chargedwith any offence other than that with which
the person is therecharged, or is of bad character,
unless—(a)the question is directed to showing a
matter of which theproof is admissible evidence to show that
the person isguiltyoftheoffencewithwhichthepersonistherecharged;(b)the question is directed to showing a
matter of which theproofisadmissibleevidencetoshowthatanyotherperson charged
in that criminal proceeding is not guiltyoftheoffencewithwhichthatotherpersonistherecharged;(c)the person has personally or by
counsel asked questionsof any witness with a view to
establishing the person’sowngoodcharacter,orhasgivenevidenceoftheperson’s good
character, or the nature or conduct of thedefenceissuchastoinvolveimputationsonthecharacteroftheprosecutororofanywitnessfortheprosecutionorofanyotherpersonchargedinthatcriminal
proceeding;(d)the person has given evidence against
any other personcharged in that criminal proceeding.Page
32Current as at [Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 15A](3)A
question of a kind mentioned in subsection (2)(a), (b) or
(c)may be asked only with the court’s
permission.(4)Iftheproceedingisatrialbyjury,anapplicationforthecourt’s permission under subsection
(3) must be made in theabsence of the jury.Notauthorised—indicativeonly15AQuestioning of witness as to certain
convictionsAwitnessinanycriminalorcivilproceedingshallnotbeaskedandifaskedshallnotberequiredtoansweranyquestion tending to show that the witness
has committed orbeen convicted of or been charged with any
offence if, wherethe witness has been convicted of the
offence—(a)the conviction is one in relation to
which a rehabilitationperiodiscapableofrunningpursuanttotheCriminalLaw
(Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986; and(b)inrelationtotheconvictiontherehabilitationperiodwithin the meaning of that Act is not
running at the timeof the criminal or civil proceeding;unless the permission of the court to ask
the question has firstbeen obtained, such permission to be
applied for in a trial byjury in the absence of the
jury.16Witness may be questioned as to
previous convictionSubject to this Act, a witness may be
questioned as to whetherthewitnesshasbeenconvictedofanyindictableorotheroffenceanduponbeingsoquestioned,ifthewitnesseitherdenies the fact or refuses to answer, it
shall be lawful for theparty so questioning to prove such
conviction.17How far a party may discredit the
party’s own witness(1)A party producing a witness shall not
be allowed to impeachthe credit of the witness by general
evidence of bad characterbut may contradict the witness by
other evidence, or (in casethe witness in
the opinion of the court proves adverse) may byCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 33
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Witnesses[s 18]leaveofthecourtprovethatthewitnesshasmadeatothertimes a
statement inconsistent with the present testimony ofthe
witness.(2)However, before such last mentioned
proof can be given, thecircumstancesofthesupposedstatementsufficienttodesignatetheparticularoccasionmustbementionedtothewitnessandthewitnessmustbeaskedwhetherornotthewitness has made such statement.18Proof of previous inconsistent
statement of witness(1)If a witness
upon cross-examination as to a former statementmadebythewitnessrelativetothesubjectmatteroftheproceeding and
inconsistent with the present testimony of thewitness does not
distinctly admit that the witness has madesuch statement,
proof may be given that the witness did in factmake it.(2)However, before such proof can be
given, the circumstancesof the supposed statement sufficient
to designate the particularoccasionmustbementionedtothewitnessandthewitnessmustbeaskedwhetherornotthewitnesshasmadesuchstatement.19Witness may be cross-examined as to written
statementwithout being shown it(1)A
witness may be cross-examined as to a previous statementmade
by the witness in writing or reduced into writing relativeto
the subject matter of the proceeding without such writingbeing shown to the witness.(1A)However,ifitisintendedtocontradictthewitnessbythewritingtheattentionofthewitnessmust,beforesuchcontradictory proof can be given, be called
to those parts ofthewritingwhicharetobeusedforthepurposeofsocontradicting the witness.(2)A court may at any time during the
hearing of a proceedingdirectthatthewritingcontainingastatementreferredtoinsubsection
34Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 20]make such use in
the proceeding of the writing as the courtthinks
fit.20Cross-examination as to credit(1)The court may disallow a question as
to credit put to a witnessin cross-examination, or inform the
witness the question neednot be answered, if the court
considers an admission of thequestion’s truth
would not materially impair confidence in thereliability of
the witness’s evidence.(2)In this
section—question as to credit, for a witness,
means a question that isnot relevant to the proceeding except
that an admission of thequestion’s truth may affect the
witness’s credit by injuring thewitness’s
character.21Improper questions(1)Thecourtmaydisallowaquestionputtoawitnessincross-examination or inform a witness
a question need not beanswered, if the court considers the
question is an improperquestion.(2)In
deciding whether a question is an improper question, thecourt must take into account—(a)anymental,intellectualorphysicalimpairmentthewitness has or appears to have; and(b)any other matter about the witness the
court considersrelevant, including, for example, age,
education, level ofunderstanding,culturalbackgroundorrelationshiptoany
party to the proceeding.(3)Subsection (2)
does not limit the matters the court may takeintoaccountindecidingwhetheraquestionisanimproperquestion.(4)In this section—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 35
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21A]improper
questionmeans a question that uses
offensive, oppressive or repetitive.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 4Evidence of
special witnesses21AEvidence of special witnesses(1)In this section—criminalorganisationseethePenaltiesandSentencesAct1992, section
161O.domesticviolenceseetheDomesticandFamilyViolenceProtection Act 2012, section
8.participant, in a criminal
organisation, see thePenalties andSentences Act
1992, section 161P.partyincludesapersonwhoispresentincourtandisamember, a
representative (other than a legal representative) ora
nominee of an organisation that is a party to the
proceeding.relevantmatter,foraperson,meanstheperson’sage,education,levelofunderstanding,culturalbackgroundorrelationship to any party to the proceeding,
the nature of thesubjectmatteroftheevidence,oranothermatterthecourtconsiders
relevant.serious criminal offencemeans—(a)anindictableoffencepunishablebyatleast7yearsimprisonment,
including anoffence against a repealedprovision of an Act; or(b)a
prescribed offence as defined under thePenalties
andSentences Act 1992, section 161N,
other than an offencementionedinparagraph(a),chargedwithacircumstance of aggravation stated in
section 161Q ofthat Act.sexual
offencemeans an offence of a sexual nature,
including,for example—Page 36Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21A](a)anoffenceagainstaprovisionoftheCriminalCode,chapter 32; and(b)anoffenceagainstaprovisionoftheCriminalCode,chapter 22.special
child under 16 years; or(b)a person who, in
the court’s opinion—(i)would,asaresultofamental,intellectualorphysical impairment or a relevant matter, be
likelyto be disadvantaged as a witness; or(ii)would be likely
to suffer severe emotional trauma;or(iii)wouldbelikelytobesointimidatedastobedisadvantaged as
a witness;if required to give evidence in accordance
with the usualrules and practice of the court; or(c)a person who is to give evidence about
the commissionof a serious criminal offence committed by a
criminalorganisation or a participant in a criminal
organisation;or(d)a person—(i)againstwhomdomesticviolencehasbeenorisalleged to have been committed by
another person;and(ii)who is to give
evidence about the commission ofan offence by
the other person; or(e)a person—(i)againstwhomasexualoffencehasbeen,orisallegedtohavebeen,committedbyanotherperson;
and(ii)who is to give
evidence about the commission ofan offence by
the other person.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21A]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(1A)This section
does not apply to a child to the extent division 4Aapplies to the child.(1B)Apartytoaproceedingor,inacriminalproceeding,theperson charged may be a special
witness.(2)Where a special witness is to give or
is giving evidence in anyproceeding,thecourtmay,ofitsownmotionoruponapplication made
by a party to the proceeding, make or give 1or more of the
following orders or directions—(a)inthecaseofacriminalproceeding—thatthepersonchargedorotherpartytotheproceedingbeexcludedfromtheroominwhichthecourtissittingorbeobscured from the view of the special
witness while thespecialwitnessisgivingevidenceorisrequiredtoappear in court for any other
purpose;(b)that,whilethespecialwitnessisgivingevidence,allpersonsotherthanthosespecifiedbythecourtbeexcluded from the room in which it is
sitting;(c)that the special witness give evidence
in a room—(i)other than that in which the court is
sitting; and(ii)from which all
persons other than those specifiedby the court are
excluded;(d)that a person approved by the court be
present while thespecialwitnessisgivingevidenceorisrequiredtoappear in court for any other purpose
in order to provideemotional support to the special
witness;(e)thatavideorecordingoftheevidenceofthespecialwitnessoranyportionofitbemadeundersuchconditionsasarespecifiedintheorderandthatthevideorecordedevidencebeviewedandheardintheproceeding instead of the direct
testimony of the specialwitness;(f)anotherorderordirectionthecourtconsidersappropriate about the giving of evidence by
the specialwitness, including, for example, any of the
following—Page 38Current as at
[Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21A]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(i)adirectionaboutrestbreaksforthespecialwitness;(ii)a direction that
questions for the special witness bekept
simple;(iii)a direction that
questions for the special witness belimited by
time;(iv)adirectionthatthenumberofquestionsforaspecial witness on a particular issue
be limited.(4)Subject to any order made pursuant to
subsection (5), in anycriminal proceeding an order shall not
be made pursuant tosubsection (2)(a),(b)or(c)excludingthepersonchargedfrom
the room in which a special witness is giving evidenceunless provision is made, by means of an
electronic device orotherwise, for that person to see and
hear the special witnesswhile the special witness is giving
evidence.(5)Where the making of a videorecording
of the evidence of aspecialwitnessisorderedpursuanttosubsection (2)(e),thecourtmayfurtherorderthatallpersonsotherthanthosespecified by the court be excluded from the
room in which thespecial witness is giving that
evidence.(5A)However, any
person entitled in the proceeding to examine orcross-examine
the special witness shall be given reasonableopportunity to
view any portion of the videorecording of theevidencerelevanttotheconductofthatexaminationorcross-examination.(6)A
videorecording made under this section of evidence givenbyaspecialwitness,oralawfullyeditedcopyofthevideorecording—(a)is
as admissible as if the evidence were given orally inthe
proceeding in accordance with the usual rules andpractice of the court; and(b)is, unless the relevant court
otherwise orders, admissiblein—(i)anyrehearingorretrialof,orappealfrom,theproceeding; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 39
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21A](ii)inthecaseofevidencegivenforacriminalproceeding—(A)another proceeding in the same court for
therelevant charge or for another charge
arisingoutofthesame,orthesamesetof,circumstances; or(B)acivilproceedingarisingfromthecommission of the offence.(6A)A reference in
subsection (6) to a videorecording made underthissectionincludesareferencetoacopyofthevideorecording on a separate data
storage medium if—(a)the videorecording is a digital
recording; and(b)thecopyofthevideorecordingontheseparatedatastorage medium has been made by—(i)the principal registrar of a court;
or(ii)a person
authorised by the principal registrar of acourt to copy
the videorecording onto the separatedata storage
medium.(7)The room in which a special witness
gives evidence pursuantto an order made pursuant to
subsection (2)(c) or (e) shall bedeemedtobepartofthecourtinwhichtheproceedingisbeing held.(8)Ifevidenceisgiven,ortobegiven,inaproceedingonindictmentunderanorderordirectionmentionedinsubsection (2)(a) to (e), the judge
presiding at the proceedingmust instruct
the jury that—(a)they should not draw any inference as
to the defendant’sguilt from the order or direction;
and(b)the probative value of the evidence is
not increased ordecreased because of the order or direction;
and(c)theevidenceisnottobegivenanygreaterorlesserweight because
of the order or direction.Page 40Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AAA]21AAA Exclusion of
particular persons while videorecording orusable soundtrack
being presented(1)Thissectionappliesiftheevidenceofaspecialwitnesscontainedineitherofthefollowingistobepresentedataproceeding—(a)a
videorecording made under section 21A, or a lawfullyedited copy of the videorecording;(b)the usable soundtrack of a
videorecording, or a lawfullyeditedcopyofavideorecording,mentionedinparagraph(a),oralawfullyeditedcopyoftheusablesoundtrack.Note—See
part 2, division 4AA in relation to the use of soundtracksfrom
particular recordings.(2)The court may,
on its own initiative or on an application madeby a party to
the proceeding, order that, while the evidence isbeing presented at the proceeding, all
persons other than thosespecified by the court be excluded
from the room in which itis sitting.(3)However,iftheevidenceistobepresentedatacriminalproceeding, the court may not, under
subsection (2), excludethe person charged.Notes—1See
section 21A(2)(a) and (b), (4) and (5) in relation to the
court’spowertoexcludeparticularpersonswhileaspecialwitnessisgiving evidence under that
section.2See theChild Protection
Act 1999, section 193 for restrictions ondisclosing identifying information about a
special witness who is achild.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 41
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AA]Division
4AEvidence of affected childrenNotauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 1Preliminary21AAPurposes of div 4AThe purposes of
this division are—(a)topreserve,tothegreatestextentpracticable,theintegrity of an affected child’s evidence;
and(b)to require, wherever practicable, that
an affected child’sevidence be taken in an environment that
limits, to thegreatest extent practicable, the distress
and trauma thatmightotherwisebeexperiencedbythechildwhengiving evidence.21ABHow
purposes are to be achievedToachievethepurposesofthisdivision,thedivisionprescribes the
following measures for an affected child whengiving evidence
for a relevant proceeding—(a)for a criminal
proceeding—(i)thechild’sevidenceistobeprerecordedinthepresence of a judicial officer, but in
advance of theproceeding;(ii)if
the measure in subparagraph (i) can not be giveneffect,thechild’sevidenceistobegivenattheproceeding, but with the use of an
audio visual linkor with the benefit of a screen;(iii)for a committal
proceeding, the child’s evidence-inchiefistobegivenonlyasastatementand,ordinarily, the
child is not to be called as a witnessfor
cross-examination;(b)for a civil proceeding, the child’s
evidence is to be givenat the proceeding with the use of an
audio visual link orwith the benefit of a screen.Page
42Current as at [Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AC]Notauthorised—indicativeonly21ACDefinitions for div 4AIn
this division—affected childmeans a child
who is a witness in a relevantproceeding and
who is not a defendant in the proceeding.childsee
section 21AD.civil proceeding arising from the commission
of a relevantoffencedoes not include
a proceeding for a domestic violenceorder under
theDomestic and Family Violence Protection
solicitor.defendantmeans—(a)inacriminalproceeding—apersonchargedwithanoffence; or(b)in a
civil proceeding arising from the commission of arelevantoffence—apersonwhoseactoromissioniscomplained of.offence
involving violencemeans an offence against any ofthe
following provisions of the Criminal Code—•a
provision of chapter 28 or 28A•a
provision of chapter 29 other than section 317A, 318,319,
319A, 321, 321A, 327, 329, 330, 333 or 334•sections 335, 339, 340, 354, 354A and
355•a provision of chapter 33A•sections 363, 363A and 364.offence of a sexual naturemeans an offence against any ofthe
following provisions of the Criminal Code—•a
provision of chapter 22•a provision of
chapter 32.parentageorderrelationshipmeansarelationshiparisingbecause of—(a)a
parentage order under theSurrogacy Act 2010; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AC]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 44(b)anorderofanotherAustralianjurisdictionthatcorresponds to a parentage order made under
that Act.preliminary hearingmeans a hearing
under section 21AK.prescribed relationship, between a
child who is a witness in aproceeding and a
defendant in the proceeding, means any ofthe
following—(a)arelationship,regardlessofwhetheritisahalf,adoptive, step or parentage order
relationship, where thedefendant is—(i)a
parent of the child; or(ii)a grandparent of
the child; or(iii)a brother or
sister of the child; or(iv)anuncle,aunt,nephew,nieceorcousinofthechild;(b)a
relationship arising because, at the time of the allegedoffencewithwhichthedefendantischarged,thedefendant lived in the same household as the
child;(c)a relationship arising because the
defendant had the careof, or exercised authority over, the
child in a householdon a regular basis.proceedingmeans any civil
or criminal proceeding, includinga preliminary
hearing.relevant offence, in relation to
a proceeding, means—(a)an offence of a
sexual nature; or(b)anoffenceinvolvingviolence,ifthereisaprescribedrelationshipbetweenachildwhoisawitnessintheproceeding and a
defendant in the proceeding.relevant
criminal proceeding for a relevant offence, whether ornot
the proceeding also relates to other offences; or(b)acivilproceedingarisingfromthecommissionofarelevant offence.Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AD]steprelationshipincludesarelationshipcorrespondingtoastep relationship arising because of
cohabitation in a de factorelationshiporbecauseofafosterrelationshiporalegalarrangement.21ADMeaning ofchild(1)For the purposes of a proceeding for
this division, achildis—(a)if the proceeding is a criminal
proceeding—(i)an individual who is under 16 years
when the firstof the following happens—(A)the defendant in the proceeding is
arrested;(B)acomplaintismadeundertheJusticesAct1886, section 42 in
relation to the defendantin the proceeding;(C)a
notice to appear is served on the defendantintheproceedingunderthePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000,section 382;or(ii)an individual
who is 16 or 17 years when the firstofthemattersmentionedinsubparagraph(i)happens and who is a special witness;
or(b)if the proceeding is a civil
proceeding arising from thecommission of a
relevant offence—(i)anindividualwhoisunder16yearswhentheproceeding starts; or(ii)anindividualwhois16or17yearswhentheproceeding starts and who is a special
witness.(2)Anindividualremainsachildforthepurposesofgivingevidence for a
proceeding if the child gives evidence for theproceeding at
any time before the child turns 18 years.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 45
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AE]Subdivision
2Committal proceedingNotauthorised—indicativeonly21AEApplication of
sdiv 2This subdivision applies to the taking of an
affected child’sevidence for a committal proceeding for a
relevant offence,whether or not the committal proceeding also
relates to otheroffences.21AFEvidence-in-chief(1)Theaffectedchild’sevidence-in-chiefmustbegivenasastatement without the child being
called as a witness.(2)For this
section, theJustices Act 1886, section 110A
applieswith all necessary changes and as though a
reference in thatsectiontoawrittenstatementincludedareferencetoastatementcontainedinadocumentasdefinedunderschedule 3.(3)Also,forthepurposesofapplyingtheJusticesAct1886,section 110A,thatsectionistobereadwiththefollowingchanges—(a)ifthechild’sstatementisawrittenstatement—subsections (4),
(5), (6), (6B), (8) and (9) of that sectionwere
omitted;(b)if the child’s statement is not a
written statement—(i)subsections (4), (5), (6), (6B), (6C),
(8) and (9) ofthat section were omitted; and(ii)in subsection
(13)—(A)thewords‘readasevidence’wereomittedandthewords‘receivedasevidence’wereinserted in their place; and(B)paragraph (a) were omitted.(4)Further, for the purposes of applying
theJusticesAct1886,section 111,thatsectionapplieswithallnecessarychangesandistobereadasthough,insubsections (1)and(2),thePage
46Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AG]words‘readasevidence’wereomittedandthewords‘received as
evidence’ were inserted in their place.(5)Inaddition,forthepurposesofapplyingtheCriminalLawAmendment Act 1892, section 4,
that section applies with allnecessary
changes and is to be read as though—(a)areferencetoadepositionincludedareferencetoastatement contained in a document;
and(b)a reference to the reading of a
deposition that is not awritten statement included a reference
to the showing ofa statement contained in a document.(6)In this section—statementmeans—(a)a
written statement; or(b)a statement
contained in a document.21AGCross-examination(1)The
affected child may be cross-examined only if, under thissection,amagistraterequiresapartytocallthechildasawitness for that purpose.(2)The requirement may be made, on an
application, by—(a)a magistrate at a direction hearing
under theJustices Act1886,
section 83A; or(b)the magistrate presiding at the
committal proceeding.(3)A magistrate at
a direction hearing must not require the childtobecalledasawitnessforcross-examinationunlessthemagistrate is satisfied that—(a)the party seeking to cross-examine the
child has—(i)identifiedanissuetowhichtheproposedquestioning
relates; and(ii)provided a
reason why the evidence of the child isrelevant to the
issue; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AG]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(iii)explainedwhytheevidencedisclosedbytheprosecution does not address the
issue; and(iv)identified to
the magistrate the purpose and generalnatureofthequestionstobeputtothechildtoaddress the issue; and(b)the interests of justice can not
adequately be satisfied byleaving cross-examination of the child
about the issue tothe trial.(4)Themagistratepresidingatthecommittalproceedingmustnotrequirethechildtobecalledasawitnessforcross-examination unless the magistrate is
satisfied that—(a)theevidencebeforethecourtatthecommittalhasidentifiedanissuetowhichtheproposedquestioningrelates that
could not reasonably have been anticipatedbefore the
committal; and(b)the party making the application
has—(i)provided a reason why the evidence of
the child isrelevant to the issue; and(ii)explained why
the evidence before the court doesnot address the
issue; and(iii)identified to
the magistrate the purpose and generalnatureofthequestionstobeputtothechildtoaddress the issue; and(c)the interests of justice can not
adequately be satisfied byleaving cross-examination of the child
about the issue tothe trial.(5)Without limiting the matters to which the
magistrate may haveregard for subsection (3)(b) or (4)(c), the
magistrate—(a)must consider whether—(i)the prosecution case is adequately
disclosed; and(ii)the charge is
adequately particularised; and(b)musthaveregardtothevulnerabilityofchildren,thegeneralprinciplesstatedinsection 9EandthePage 48Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AG]undesirabilityofcallingachildasawitnessforacommittal proceeding.(6)The magistrate must give reasons for
the magistrate’s decisionon the application.(7)If, under this section, the magistrate
requires a party to call thechild as a
witness for cross-examination—(a)the
child’s evidence must be taken under subdivision 3or
4; and(b)whenthemagistratedecidestheapplication,themagistrate must decide whether the child’s
evidence isto be taken under subdivision 3 or under
subdivision 4,andhowitistobetaken,andgiveadirectionaccordingly.(8)In
deciding whether the child’s evidence is to be taken undersubdivision 3 or 4, and how it is to be
taken, the magistratemust have regard to the
following—(a)the distress or trauma likely to be
suffered by the childwhengivingevidenceandtheneedtominimisethechild’s distress or trauma;(b)whether a local court has an audio
visual link and, if not,theavailabilityofanotherappropriateplacewithappropriateequipmentandfacilitiesfortakingorvideorecording the child’s evidence under
subdivision 3or 4;(c)whetherthepartieswouldbesubstantiallyinconvenienced
if the proceeding were to be adjournedto another place
mentioned in paragraph (b) that is notwithin the same
locality as the court;(d)theneedforcommittalproceedingstobeconductedexpeditiously.(9)In
this section—local courtmeans—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AH](a)in
relation to a magistrate at a direction hearing—a courtat
which the committal proceeding would ordinarily beheld; or(b)in
relation to the magistrate presiding at the committalproceeding—thecourtinwhichthecommittalproceedingisbeingheldoranothercourtwithinthecourt precincts.magistrate,presidingatacommittalproceeding,includesjustices presiding at the proceeding.21AHLimitation on cross-examination(1)If the affected child is to be
cross-examined, the party callingthe child may
first ask the child questions for identifying thechildandestablishingthatthechildmadethestatementmentionedinsection 21AFandthetruthfulnessofthestatement.(2)The
presiding magistrate or justices must not allow the childto
be cross-examined about an issue other than the issue inrelation to which the child was required to
be called unless themagistrateorjusticesaresatisfiedasmentionedinsection 21AG(3)(a)and(b)orsection
21AG(4)(a)to(c),whichever is
relevant, in relation to the issue.(3)Also, the presiding magistrate or
justices—(a)mustnotallowcross-examinationtocontinuetotheextent it—(i)doesnotappearrelevanttoanissueforwhichitmay
be conducted; or(ii)consists of
exploratory questions asked in the hopeofreceivinganyanswerofanyassistancetothepartyconductingthecross-examination,commonly known
as a ‘fishing expedition’; and(b)must
disallow a question that may be disallowed undersection 20 or 21.(4)The
child may be re-examined by the party calling the child.Page
50Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 3Evidence Act
1977Part 2 Witnesses[s 21AI]Prerecording of affected child’sevidence21AIApplication of sdiv 3(1)Thissubdivisionappliestotakinganaffectedchild’sevidence—(a)for
a summary trial for a relevant offence; and(b)for
a trial on indictment for a relevant offence; and(c)for a committal proceeding for a
relevant offence, if amagistrate or justices give a
direction as mentioned insection 21AG(7)(b)thatthechild’sevidenceistobetaken under this subdivision.(2)However, this subdivision does not
apply to an affected childwho is a witness for the
defence.(3)Subsection (1)appliestoaproceedingwhetherornottheproceedingalsorelatestooffencesotherthantherelevantoffence.21AJPresentation of indictmentIf
the affected child’s evidence is to be taken for a trial onindictment,theindictmentmustbepresentedbeforetheevidence can be taken under this
subdivision.21AKVideorecording of affected child’s
evidence(1)Theaffectedchild’sevidencemustbetakenandvideorecorded at a hearing under this
section (apreliminaryhearing)
presided over by a judicial officer.Note—See
section 21AO for when a court may order that an affected
child’sevidence not be taken and videorecorded
under this subdivision.(2)The
videorecording must be presented—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 51
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AK]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)if taken for a
committal proceeding—to the court at thecommittal
proceeding; or(b)if taken for a trial—to the court at
the trial.(3)To facilitate the operation of this
section for the taking of thechild’s evidence
in a proceeding, the judicial officer may orderthatthepreliminaryhearingbeconductedbyaudiovisuallink.(4)The
provisions of part 3A relating to the use of an audio visuallink
in criminal proceedings apply for, and are not limited by,subsection (3).(5)To
facilitate the operation of this section for a trial, the
judicialofficer must, if it is not practicable at
the place of the trial totake and videorecord the child’s
evidence—(a)adjourn the trial to an appropriately
equipped place toallow the evidence to be taken and
videorecorded; or(b)makeanotherorderthejudicialofficerconsidersappropriateincluding,forexample,anorderthatthepreliminary hearing be conducted by
audio visual link.(6)Ifthetakingandvideorecordingofthechild’sevidenceisdone at a place that is not a
courtroom, the place is taken to bea courtroom for
all purposes for the preliminary hearing.(7)It
does not matter whether or not the judicial officer
presidingand the counsel appearing at the preliminary
hearing are thesamejudicialofficerpresidingandcounselappearingatanadjourned
preliminary hearing or at the proceeding in whichthe
videorecording is presented to the court.(8)Also, it does not matter if, while the
preliminary hearing isconducted, the judicial officer,
counsel, parties and witnessesare at different
places.Example—Tofacilitatethetakingandvideorecordingoftheaffectedchild’sevidence, the judicial officer directs that
the child give the evidence byaudiovisuallink.Thepreliminaryhearingisconductedwhilethejudicial officer, counsel and
defendant are in a courtroom in a particularcityandthechildisinaroominanothercityconnectedtothecourtroom through the audio visual
link.Page 52Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AL](9)In
this section—appropriatelyequippedplace,forthetakingandvideorecording of an affected child’s
evidence, means a court,or another place that is not a court,
that—(a)is equipped to take and videorecord
the child’s evidence;and(b)allows the defendant to see and hear the
child while thechild is giving evidence, for example,
through an audiovisual link.evidencemeansevidence-in-chieforevidencegivenincross-examination or
re-examination.21ALCourt to give directions for taking an
affected child’sevidence(1)The
judicial officer presiding at the preliminary hearing maymake
any order the judicial officer considers appropriate inrelationtotakingandvideorecordingtheaffectedchild’sevidence.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the
judicial officer may givedirections, with or without
conditions, as to the conduct of thepreliminary
hearing, including directions as to—(a)whether the child is to be in the courtroom
or a separateroom when the child’s evidence is being
taken; and(b)the persons who may be present in the
same room as thechild when the child’s evidence is being
taken.(3)Subsection (2)(b) is subject to
section 21AU.Note—Section 21AU
makes provision about the exclusion of persons while anaffectedchildwitnessisgivingevidenceinrelationtoarelevantoffence.(4)At the preliminary hearing—(a)the defendant—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 53
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AM](i)must
not be in the same room as the child when thechild’s evidence
is being taken; but(ii)mustbecapableofseeingandhearingthechildwhile the child
is giving evidence; and(b)subjecttothejudicialofficer’scontrol,thechildistogive his or her evidence-in-chief and
be cross-examinedand re-examined; and(c)except as provided by this subdivision, the
usual rules ofevidence apply.(5)The
judicial officer may adjourn the hearing from time to timeuntil the taking and videorecording of the
child’s evidence iscomplete.21AMUse
of prerecorded evidence(1)The affected
child’s evidence contained in a videorecordingmade under this
subdivision for a proceeding, or in a lawfullyedited copy of
the videorecording—(a)is as admissible as if the evidence
were given orally inthe proceeding in accordance with the
usual rules andpractice of the court; and(b)is, unless the relevant court
otherwise orders, admissiblein—(i)anyrehearingorretrialof,orappealfrom,theproceeding; or(ii)anotherproceedinginthesamecourtfortherelevant charge
or for another charge arising out ofthe same, or the
same set of, circumstances; or(iii)a
civil proceeding arising from the commission ofthe relevant
offence.(2)Theadmissibilityoftheevidenceforaproceedingisnotaffected only because the child turns
18 before the evidence ispresented at the proceeding.Page
54Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AN](3)A
reference in subsection (1) to a videorecording made underthissubdivisionforaproceedingincludesareferencetoacopy of the videorecording on a
separate data storage mediumif—(a)the videorecording is a digital
recording; and(b)thecopyofthevideorecordingontheseparatedatastorage medium has been made by—(i)the principal registrar of a court;
or(ii)a person
authorised by the principal registrar of acourt to copy
the videorecording onto the separatedata storage
medium.21ANGiving of further evidence(1)This section applies if the affected
child has given evidenceunder this subdivision for a
proceeding and has been excusedfrom further
attendance as a witness at the proceeding.(2)A
party may apply to the court for an order that the child—(a)give further evidence under this
subdivision at anotherpreliminary hearing; or(b)attend at the proceeding to give
further evidence.(3)The court must not make the order
unless satisfied that—(a)if the child
were giving evidence before a court in theordinary way,
the child could be recalled to give furtherevidence;
and(b)it would be in the interests of
justice to make the order.(4)The court must
not make an order that the child attend at theproceeding to
give further evidence unless satisfied it is notpossibleornotpracticalforthechildtogivethefurtherevidence at
another preliminary hearing.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 55
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AO]21AOCourt
order that evidence not to be taken and recordedunder
this sdiv(1)This section applies if an affected
child is to give evidence in acriminal
proceeding, other than a committal proceeding, for arelevant offence.(2)A
party may apply to the court for an order that the child’sevidencenotbetakenandvideorecordedunderthissubdivision.(3)The
court may make the order for good reason, having regardto
the child’s wishes and the purposes of this division.Example—If a courtroom
or other place with facilities to take and videorecord theaffectedchild’sevidenceisnotlikelytobeavailablewithinareasonable time, the court may decide
the child’s interests are betterserved by
dealing with the proceeding quickly rather than waiting for
4Taking of affected child’s evidenceusing audio visual link or screen21APApplication of sdiv 4(1)Thissubdivisionappliestotakinganaffectedchild’sevidence—(a)forasummarytrialforarelevantoffence,iftheevidence is not
taken under subdivision 3; or(b)foratrialonindictmentforarelevantoffence,iftheevidence is not
taken under subdivision 3; or(c)for
a committal proceeding for a relevant offence, if amagistrate or justices give a direction as
mentioned insection 21AG(7)(b)thatthechild’sevidenceistobetaken under this subdivision; or(d)forsummarytrial,trialonindictmentorcommittalproceeding for a
relevant offence, if the child is orderedPage 56Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AQ]under section
21AN to attend at the proceeding to givefurther
evidence; or(e)for a civil proceeding arising from
the commission of arelevant offence.(2)Subsection (1)appliestoaproceedingwhetherornottheproceedingalsorelatestooffencesotherthantherelevantoffence.21AQAudio visual links or screening
arrangements must beused(1)This
section—(a)applies subject to any order under
section 21AR; and(b)has effect despite the Criminal Code,
section 617.(2)If there is an audio visual link
within the court precincts, thejudicial officer
presiding at the proceeding for the giving ofevidence by the
affected child must direct that—(a)the
child give evidence outside the courtroom and theevidence be transmitted to the courtroom by
means ofthe audio visual link; or(b)while the child is giving evidence,
the defendant be heldin a room apart from the courtroom and
the evidence betransmitted to that room by means of the
audio visuallink.(3)Itisnotnecessarythattheplaceoutsidethecourtroomatwhichthechildgivesevidenceundersubsection (2)(a)bewithin the court precincts.(4)If a direction is given under
subsection (2)(a) or (b) and theaudio visual
link enables videorecording, the child’s evidencemust
be videorecorded.(5)If a direction can not be given under
subsection (2)(a) or (b), ascreen,one-wayglassorotherthingmustbesoplacedinrelation to the child while he or she is
giving evidence that thechild can not see the
defendant.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AR](6)Avideorecordingofthechild’sevidencemadeunderthissection, or a
lawfully edited copy of the videorecording, is,unless the
relevant court otherwise orders, admissible in—(a)anyrehearingorretrialof,orappealfrom,theproceeding; or(b)anotherproceedinginthesamecourtfortherelevantcharge or for another charge arising out of
the same, orthe same set of, circumstances; or(c)a civil proceeding arising from the
commission of therelevant offence.(7)A
reference in subsection (6) to a videorecording made underthissectionincludesareferencetoacopyofthevideorecording on a separate data
storage medium if—(a)the videorecording is a digital
recording; and(b)thecopyofthevideorecordingontheseparatedatastorage medium has been made by—(i)the principal registrar of a court;
or(ii)a person
authorised by the principal registrar of acourt to copy
the videorecording onto the separatedata storage
medium.21ARCourt may order that s 21AQ does not
apply(1)This section applies if—(a)a relevant proceeding has been started
in a court; and(b)an affected child is to give evidence
in the proceeding.(2)The party who is to call the child as
a witness may apply tothe presiding judicial officer for an
order that section 21AQ isnot to apply to the child.(3)Thejudicialofficermaygranttheapplicationonlyifthejudicial officer
is satisfied the child is able and wishes to giveevidence in the defendant’s presence without
using an audiovisual link or a screen.Page 58Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 5GeneralEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AS]21ASProsecutor or applicant to advise that an
affected child isto give evidence(1)Theprosecutororapplicantinarelevantproceedingmustinform the court, before the proceeding
starts, that an affectedchild may give evidence in the
proceeding.(2)For a trial on indictment, the
prosecutor must inform the courtat the time the
indictment is presented.(3)Afailuretocomplywithsubsection (1)or(2)doesnotpreventanaffectedchild’sevidencebeingtakenorvideorecorded under this division or affect
the admissibility ofthe evidence.21ATIdentification of persons or things by
affected child(1)This section applies if an affected
child is required to identifya person,
including the defendant, or thing when the child isgiving evidence.(2)Thecourtmaymaketheordersitconsidersappropriatetoensure that the identification is carried
out in a way that limitsthe distress or trauma that might be
suffered by the child whenmaking the identification.Note—See section 9E
for the general principles to be applied when dealingwith
a child witness.(3)The court must also decide at what
point during the giving ofthe child’s evidence the
identification is to be made.(4)Ifanaffectedchildisrequiredtobeinthedefendant’spresence for the
purposes of identification, the child shouldnotberequiredtobeinthedefendant’spresencefortheidentification
for any longer than is necessary.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 59
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AU]Notauthorised—indicativeonly21AUExclusion of
public(1)This section applies if—(a)an affected child is to give evidence
under subdivision 3or 4 in a relevant proceeding; or(b)the evidence of an affected child
contained in either ofthefollowingistobepresentedatarelevantproceeding—(i)a
videorecording made under subdivision 3 or 4, ora
lawfully edited copy of the videorecording;(ii)theusablesoundtrackofavideorecording,oralawfullyeditedcopyofavideorecording,mentioned in
subparagraph (i), or a lawfully editedcopy of the
usable soundtrack.Note—Seepart2,division4AAinrelationtotheuseofsoundtracks from particular
recordings.(2)Thecourtmustmakeanorderexcludingfromtheroominwhichitissittingallpersons,otherthanessentialpersons,while—(a)the child is giving the evidence
mentioned in subsection(1)(a); or(b)theevidencementionedinsubsection(1)(b)isbeingpresented.(3)However, subsection (2) does not apply
if—(a)the evidence to be given by the child,
or presented at theproceeding, is other than in relation to an
offence of asexual nature; and(b)the
court is satisfied that the interests of justice requirethe
evidence to be heard in open court.Note—SeetheChildProtectionAct1999,section193forrestrictionsondisclosing identifying information about the
affected child.(4)In this section—Page 60Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AV]essentialperson,foraproceeding,meansanyofthefollowing persons—(a)a
party to the proceeding and the party’s counsel;(b)a Crown law officer or a person
authorised by a Crownlaw officer;(c)the
support person for the child under section 21AV;(f)apersonwhoappliestothecourttobepresentandwhose presence, in the court’s
opinion—(i)would serve a proper interest of the
person; and(ii)would not be
prejudicial to the child’s interests.21AVAffected child entitled to support(1)Anaffectedchild,whileheorsheisgivingevidenceinarelevant
proceeding, is entitled to have near to him or her apersonwhomayprovidethechildwithsupport(asupportperson).(2)A person may be
the child’s support person only if the personis approved by
the court on application by the party proposingto call the
child.(3)The support person must be permitted
to be in close proximitytothechild,andwithinthechild’ssight,whilethechildisgiving evidence.(4)An
affected child may, with the agreement of the court, waivethe
entitlement to a support person under subsection (1).(5)The court must not agree to the waiver
if the court considersthe waiver is not in the child’s best
interests.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AW]21AWInstructions to be given to jury(1)This section applies to a proceeding
on indictment if any ofthe following measures is
taken—(a)an affected child’s evidence is taken
in a way providedfor under subdivision 3 or 4;(b)apersonisexcludedundersection 21AUwhileanaffectedchildgivesevidenceoravideorecording,orusablesoundtrackofavideorecording,containingtheevidence of an affected child is
presented;(c)anaffectedchildhasasupportpersonundersection 21AV
while the child gives evidence.(2)The
judicial officer presiding at the proceeding must instructthe
jury that—(a)the measure is a routine practice of
the court and thatthey should not draw any inference as to the
defendant’sguilt from it; and(b)the
probative value of the evidence is not increased ordecreased because of the measure; and(c)theevidenceisnottobegivenanygreaterorlesserweight because
of the measure.21AXOrders, directions and rulings
concerning affected childwitnesses(1)Thecourtmaymakeanyordersorgiveanydirectionsorrulings it considers appropriate for this
division on the court’sowninitiativeoronanapplicationmadetothecourtbyaparty to the
proceeding.(2)Subsection (1)doesnotlimittheCriminalCode,section 590AA or theJustices Act
1886, section 83A.Page 62Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 4AAEvidence Act
1977Part 2 Witnesses[s 21AXA]Use
of soundtracks from particularvideorecordingsNotauthorised—indicativeonly21AXA
Definition for divisionIn this division—relevant
witnesssee section 21AXC(1)(a).21AXB Meaning
ofusable soundtrackAvideorecordinghasausablesoundtrackifsoundcanbeproducedfromtheaccompanyingsoundtrackofthevideorecording, even if moving images
can not be producedfrom the videorecording.21AXC Court may
make order for presentation of usablesoundtrack(1)This section applies if—(a)a videorecording has been made—(i)undersection21Aoftheevidenceofaspecialwitness
(arelevant witness); or(ii)underdivision4A,subdivision3or4oftheevidenceofanaffectedchild(alsoarelevantwitness);
and(b)theevidenceoftherelevantwitnesscontainedinthevideorecordingisadmissibleinaproceedingasmentioned in section 21A(6), 21AM or
21AQ(6); and(c)movingimagescannotbeproducedfromthevideorecordingoralawfullyeditedcopyofthevideorecording; and(d)thevideorecording,oralawfullyeditedcopyofthevideorecording, has a usable
soundtrack.(2)Thecourtmayorderthattheusablesoundtrackofthevideorecording of the evidence of the
relevant witness, or ofCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AXD]thelawfullyeditedcopyofthevideorecording,maybepresented at the proceeding.(3)The court may make an order under
subsection (2)—(a)on the court’s own initiative or on
the application of aparty to the proceeding; and(b)only if the court is satisfied it
would be in the interests ofjustice to make
the order.21AXD Use of usable soundtrack(1)This section applies if the court
makes an order under section21AXC(2)thattheusablesoundtrackofeitherofthefollowing may be presented at a
proceeding—(a)a videorecording of the evidence of a
relevant witnessmade under section 21A or division 4A,
subdivision 3 or4;(b)a lawfully
edited copy of a videorecording mentioned inparagraph
(a).(2)Iftherelevantwitnessisaspecialwitness,section21A(6)appliesasifthereferenceinthesubsectiontoavideorecordingmadeunderthatsection were a reference tothe
usable soundtrack of the videorecording or of the lawfullyedited copy of the videorecording.(3)If the relevant witness is an affected
child whose evidence hasbeen taken under division 4A,
subdivision 3, section 21AMappliesasifthereferenceinsection21AM(1)toavideorecording
made under division 4A, subdivision 3 were areference to the
usable soundtrack of the videorecording or ofthe lawfully
edited copy of the videorecording.(4)If
the relevant witness is an affected child whose evidence hasbeen
taken under division 4A, subdivision 4, section 21AQ(6)appliesasifthereferenceinthesubsectiontoavideorecordingofthechild’sevidencemadeunderthatsectionwereareferencetotheusablesoundtrackofthevideorecordingorofthelawfullyeditedcopyofthevideorecording.Page 64Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 4BEvidence Act
1977Part 2 Witnesses[s 21AY]Dealings with, and destruction of,recordingsSubdivision
1Preliminary21AYDefinitions for div 4BIn this
division—authorised destruction daysee
section 21AZF(1).minimum retention periodsee section
judicial officer presiding at—(a)the
proceeding in which the recording is made; or(b)the
proceeding in which the recording is presented or tobe
presented; or(c)ahearingforgivingadirectionorrulingundertheCriminal Code, section 590AA;
or(d)adirectionhearingundertheJusticesAct1886,section 83A.recordingmeans—(a)a
videorecording of a special witness’s evidence madeunder section 21A; or(b)a
videorecording of an affected child’s evidence madeunder division 4A, subdivision 3 or 4;
or(c)a copy of a videorecording mentioned
in paragraph (a)or (b); or(d)the
usable soundtrack of a videorecording mentioned inparagraph (a), (b) or (c).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AZ]Subdivision
2Dealings with recordingsNotauthorised—indicativeonly21AZApproval to edit
or otherwise change a recording(1)Anoriginalrecordingmustnotbeeditedorotherwisechanged in any
way.(2)Thepresidingjudicialofficermay,onapplication,giveapproval for a copy of an original recording
to be edited orchanged in a stated way.Example—Thepresidingjudicialofficermaygiveapprovalforacopyofanoriginal
recording to be edited to omit certain inadmissible
material.21AZA Court to give directions about the use
or safekeeping ofa recording(1)The
presiding judicial officer may make any order the judicialofficer considers appropriate about the use
or safekeeping of arecording.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the
presiding judicial officermay give directions, with or without
conditions, as to—(a)the persons, or classes of persons,
who are authorised tohave possession of a recording;
and(b)the giving up of possession of a
need for counsel involved in the proceeding to haveaccess to the recording;(b)theneedtoensurethatpersonsauthorisedtohavepossession of
the recording are able to take appropriatemeasurestoensurethereisnounauthorisedaccesstothe recording.(4)In
this section—Page 66Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AZB]use, of
a recording, includes copying of the recording.21AZB Unauthorised
possession of, or dealing with, recording(1)A
person commits an offence who, without authority—(a)has a recording in his or her
possession; or(b)supplies, or offers to supply, a
recording to any person;or(c)plays, copies or erases a recording or
permits a person toplay, copy or erase a recording.Maximum penalty—(a)foranindividual—100penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment;
or(b)for a corporation—1,000 penalty
units.(2)A person has authority for subsection
(1) only if the personhasthepossessionordoesthethingmentionedinsubsection (1)—(a)in
the case of a public official—for a purpose connectedwith
the proceeding for which the recording was madeoranyrehearingorretrialof,orappealfrom,theproceeding, or civil proceeding in
which the recordingmay be presented in evidence; or(b)inthecaseoftheprincipalregistrarofacourt—asauthorised under a practice direction made
under section21AZE or section 21AZG; or(c)inanycase—asauthorisedbyajudicialofficerundersection
21AZA.(3)In this section—eraseincludes destroy.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 67
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AZC]21AZC Publishing a
recording prohibited(1)A person must
not publish all or part of a recording other thanwith
the approval of the relevant court and in accordance withany
condition attached to the court’s approval.Maximum
or(b)for a corporation—1,000 penalty
(1)maybegivenonlyinexceptional circumstances.(3)In subsection (1)—publishmeans disseminate to the public by radio or
televisionor otherwise by the transmission of light or
sound.relevant courtmeans the court
presiding at the proceeding orpreliminaryhearingatwhichtherecordingismadeorthecourt of trial or appeal at which the
recording is presented.Subdivision 3Destruction of
recordings21AZD Relationship with other ActsThis
subdivision applies despite the provisions of any otherAct
to the contrary.21AZE Making of practice directions
authorising destruction(1)The Chief
Justice may make a practice direction authorisingtheprincipalregistraroftheSupremeCourttodestroyarecording held by or for the Supreme
Court.(2)TheChiefJudgemaymakeapracticedirectionauthorisingtheprincipalregistraroftheDistrictCourttodestroyarecording held by or for the District
Court.Page 68Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AZF](3)TheChiefMagistratemaymakeapracticedirectionauthorisingtheprincipalregistrarofMagistratesCourtstodestroy a recording held by or for a
Magistrates Court.(4)A practice direction made under
subsection (1), (2) or (3)—(a)muststatethe
period(theminimumretentionperiod)during which a recording or class of
recordings may notbe destroyed under the practice direction;
and(b)mayauthorisetheprincipalregistrarofthecourttodestroy a recording only after—(i)theminimumretentionperiodstatedfortherecording has ended; and(ii)if an order
under section 21AZF has been made inrelationtotherecording—theauthoriseddestruction day
stated in the order has passed.21AZF Court may
make order about destruction(1)Thepresidingjudicialofficermaymakeanorderthatarecordingmustnotbedestroyedbeforeastatedday(theauthorised
destruction day).(2)The authorised
destruction day must be after the end of theminimum
retention period for the recording.21AZG Destruction
of particular digital recordings(1)The
principal registrar of a court may destroy a recording heldby
the court if the recording—(a)is a
digital recording; and(b)has been copied
onto a separate data storage medium.(2)Subsection (1) applies—(a)even
if a practice direction made under section 21AZEdoes
not authorise the destruction of the recording; and(b)despite any order made under section
21AZF in relationto the recording.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 69
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21AZH]21AZH Delegation
by principal registrar(1)Theprincipalregistrarofacourtmaydelegatetoanappropriately qualified public service
employee the principalregistrar’s function under—(a)a practice direction made under
section 21AZE; or(b)section 21AZG.(2)In
this section—functionincludes
power.Division 5Witness identity
protectionSubdivision 1Preliminary21BPurposes of div 5The purposes of
this division are—(a)tofacilitate,forlawenforcementpurposes,investigations in relation to criminal
activity, includinginvestigations extending beyond Queensland,
by—(i)providingfortheprotectionoftheidentityofoperatives; and(ii)facilitatingtherecognitionofwitnessidentityprotectioncertificatesundercorrespondinglaws;and(b)tofacilitateinvestigationsbytheCCCinrelationtocorruption by providing for the protection
of the identityof operatives.21CDefinitions for div 5In this
division—assumed name, of an
operative, see section 21G(1)(a)(i).Page 70Current as at [Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21C]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCCCmeans the Crime and Corruption
the CCC—the chairperson of the CCC; or(b)for
the police service—the commissioner of the policeservice.conductincludes any act or omission.convictedmeansfoundguilty,orhavingapleaofguiltyaccepted by a
court, whether or not a conviction is recorded.corresponding
lawmeans a law of another jurisdiction that
isdeclared under a regulation to correspond to
this division.corresponding witness identity protection
certificatemeans acertificate
given under a corresponding law that correspondsto
section 21F.corruptionseetheCrimeandCorruptionAct2001,schedule 2.courtname,foranoperativeinrelationtoaproceeding,means a name,
other than the operative’s real name, or codeused to identify
the operative in the proceeding.criminal
activitymeans conduct that involves the
commissionof an offence by 1 or more persons.investigationmeans an
investigation in relation to—(a)criminalactivity,includinganinvestigationextendingbeyond Queensland; or(b)corruption.jurisdictionmeanstheCommonwealthoraStateoftheCommonwealth.law enforcement
CCC; or(b)the police service.operativemeans a person
who is or was—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21D](a)a
covert operative under theCrime and Corruption Act2001, chapter 3,
part 6A; or(b)a participant in an authorised
operation under thePolicePowers and
Responsibilities Act 2000, chapter 11; or(c)anauthorisedpersonunderthePolicePowersandResponsibilities Act 2000,
chapter 12.party, to a
proceeding, means—(a)foracriminalproceeding—theprosecutorandeachaccused person;
or(b)for a civil proceeding—each person who
is a party to theproceeding; or(c)foranotherproceeding—eachpersonwhohasbeengiven leave to appear in the
or which the proceeding is held or taken.witnessidentityprotectioncertificatemeansacertificategiven under
section 21F.21DApplication of div 5 to lawyer of
party to a proceedingFor this division—(a)anything permitted to be done by a party to
a proceedingmay be done by the party’s lawyer;
and(b)any requirement to give something to,
or notify, a partytoaproceedingissatisfiedbygivingthethingto,ornotifying, the party’s lawyer.Page
72Current as at [Not applicable]
Subdivision 2Evidence Act
1977Part 2 Witnesses[s 21E]Witness identity protectioncertificates for operativesNotauthorised—indicativeonly21EApplication of sdiv 2(1)This subdivision applies to a
proceeding in which an operativeis,ormaybe,requiredtogiveevidenceobtainedasanoperative.(2)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that this subdivision doesnot
affect the operation of the common law in relation to theprotection of the identity of a person who
is not an operativewho gives or intends to give evidence in a
proceeding.21FGiving witness identity protection
certificate(1)The chief executive officer of a law
enforcement agency maygive a witness identity protection
certificate for an operativeof the agency in
relation to a proceeding if—(a)the
operative is, or may be required, to give evidence inthe
proceeding; and(b)thechiefexecutiveofficerissatisfiedonreasonablegroundsthatthedisclosureintheproceedingoftheoperative’s identity or where the
operative lives is likelyto—(i)endangerthesafetyoftheoperativeorsomeoneelse; or(ii)prejudice an
investigation.(2)The chief executive officer must make
all reasonable enquiriesto enable him or her to find out the
information required to beincludedinthewitnessidentityprotectioncertificateundersection 21G.(3)A
decision to give a witness identity protection certificate—(a)is final; and(b)can
not be impeached for informality or want of form;andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21G](c)cannotbeappealedagainst,reviewed,calledintoquestion,
quashed or invalidated in any court.(4)Subsection (3) does not prevent a decision
to give a witnessidentityprotectioncertificatebeingcalledintoquestionduring a
proceeding of a disciplinary nature against the personwho
made the decision.21GForm of witness identity protection
certificate(1)A witness identity protection
certificate for an operative of alaw enforcement
agency in relation to a proceeding must be inthe approved
form and state all of the following—(a)if
the operative—(i)is known to a party to the proceeding
or a party’slawyerbyanameotherthanthe
operative’srealname—that name
(theassumed name); or(ii)is not known to
any party to the proceeding or anyparty’slawyerbyaname—theoperative’scourtname
for the proceeding;(b)theperiodtheoperativewasinvolvedintheinvestigation to which the proceeding
relates;(c)the name of the agency;(d)the date of the certificate;(e)ageneraldescriptionofthereasonsforgivingthecertificate;(f)whether the operative has been convicted of
an offence,inQueenslandorelsewhere,and,ifso,particularsofeach
offence;(g)whether a charge against the operative
for an offence isoutstanding,inQueenslandorelsewhere,and,ifso,particulars of
each charge;(h)if the operative is, or was, a law
enforcement officer—Page 74Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21G](i)whethertheoperativehasbeenfoundguiltyofprofessionalmisconductand,ifso,particularsofeach
finding; and(ii)whether any
allegation of professional misconductagainsttheoperativeisoutstandingand,ifso,particulars of
each allegation;(i)whether,totheknowledgeofthepersongivingthecertificate, a court has made any
adverse comment aboutthe operative’s credibility and, if
so, particulars of thecomment;(j)whether,totheknowledgeofthepersongivingthecertificate, the operative has made a
false representationwhen the truth was required and, if
so, particulars of therepresentation;(k)if
there is anything else known to the person giving thecertificatethatmayberelevanttotheoperative’scredibility—particulars of the thing.(2)A witness identity protection
certificate for an operative mustnotcontaininformationthatmayallowtheoperative’sidentity, or
where the operative lives, to be revealed.(3)For
this section—(a)a charge against a person for an
offence isoutstandinguntilthechargeisfinallydealtwithinanyofthefollowing ways—(i)the
charge is withdrawn;(ii)the charge is
dismissed by a court;(iii)the person is
discharged by a court;(iv)the person is
acquitted or convicted of the offenceby a court;
and(b)anallegationofprofessionalmisconductagainstapersonisoutstandingiftheallegationhasnotbeenfinally dealt
with.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21G]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(4)TheCriminalLaw(RehabilitationofOffenders)Act1986doesnotapplytothedisclosureofinformationundersubsection (1)(f) or (g).(5)In this section—charge,
for an offence, means a charge in any form, including,for
example, the following—(a)a charge on an
arrest;(b)a notice to appear served under
thePolice Powers andResponsibilities
Act 2000, section 382;(c)a
complaint under theJustices Act 1886;(d)achargebyacourtundertheJusticesAct1886,section 42(1A), or another provision of an
Act;(e)an indictment.false
representationdoes not include a representation
madeunder—(a)anauthority,oracorrespondingauthority,underthePolice Powers and Responsibilities Act
2000, chapter 11or 12; or(b)an approval under theCrime and Corruption Act 2001,chapter 3, part 6A.law
enforcement officermeans—(a)a
commission officer under theCrimeandCorruptionAct 2001;
or(b)a police officer.professional
misconductmeans—(a)corruption under theCrime and
Corruption Act 2001; or(b)misconduct or a breach of discipline
under—(i)thePolice Service
Administration Act 1990; or(ii)a
law of another jurisdiction, or a foreign country,thatcorrespondstothePoliceServiceAdministration Act 1990.Page
76Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21H]21HFiling and notification(1)Ifthechiefexecutiveofficerofalawenforcementagencygives a witness identity protection
certificate for an operativein relation to a
proceeding, the agency must—(a)filethecertificatewiththerelevantcourtfortheproceedingbeforetheoperativegivesevidenceintheproceeding; and(b)iftheagencyisthepoliceservice—givetothechairpersonoftheCCCacopyofthecertificateandnotice of the date it was filed.(2)Also,thelawenforcementagencymustgiveacopyofthewitnessidentityprotectioncertificatetoeachpartytotheproceeding at
least 14 days, or the shorter period agreed to bya
party, before the day the operative is to give evidence.(3)The relevant court may order the law
enforcement agency togiveacopyofthewitnessidentityprotectioncertificatetosomeone else stated in the order.21IEffect of witness identity protection
certificate(1)This section applies if—(a)a witness identity protection
certificate for an operativeinrelationtoaproceedingisfiledundersection 21H(1)(a); and(b)either—(i)acopyofthecertificateisgiventoeachpartyundersection
or(ii)the relevant
court for the proceeding gives leave forthissectiontoapplydespitenoncompliancewithsection 21H(2) or (3).(2)If
this section applies—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21I](a)the
operative may give evidence in the proceeding undertheassumedname,orcourtname,statedinthecertificate; and(b)subject to section 21K—(i)aquestionmustnotbeaskedofawitness,includingtheoperative,thatmayleadtothedisclosure of the operative’s identity
or where theoperative lives; and(ii)awitness,includingtheoperative,cannotberequired to, and
must not, answer a question, giveevidence or
provide information that discloses, ormayleadtothedisclosureof,theoperative’sidentity or
where the operative lives; and(iii)a
person involved in the proceeding must not makeastatementthatdiscloses,ormayleadtothedisclosure of, the operative’s
identity or where theoperative lives.(3)For
this section, a person involved in a proceeding includesthe
following—(a)the relevant court;(b)a party to the proceeding;(c)a person given leave to be heard or
make submissions inthe proceeding;(d)a
lawyer representing a person mentioned in paragraph(b)or(c)oralawyerassistingthecourtintheproceeding;(e)anyotherofficerofthecourtorpersonassistingthecourt in the proceeding;(f)a person acting in the execution of
any process or theenforcement of any order in the
proceeding.Page 78Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21J]21JOrders to protect operative’s identity
etc.(1)The court with which a witness
identity protection certificateisfiledmaymakeanyorderitconsidersnecessaryordesirable—(a)toprotecttheidentityoftheoperativeforwhomthecertificate is given; or(b)to
prevent the disclosure of where the operative lives.Examples of orders—•an
order prohibiting sketching of the operative•an
order that the operative give evidence in the absence of thepublic(2)A
person commits an offence if—(a)the
person knows that, or is reckless as to whether, anorder has been made under subsection (1);
and(b)thepersonintentionally,knowinglyorrecklesslycontravenes the
order.Maximum penalty—2 years imprisonment.(3)Subsection (2) does not limit the
court’s power to punish forcontempt.21KDisclosure of operative’s identity
etc. despite certificate(1)This section
applies if a witness identity protection certificateforanoperativeinrelationtoaproceedingisfiledwithacourt.(2)A
party to the proceeding, or a lawyer assisting the court inthe
proceeding, may apply to the court—(a)for
leave—(i)toaskaquestionofawitness,includingtheoperative,thatmayleadtothedisclosureoftheoperative’s identity or where the
operative lives; or(ii)for a person
involved in the proceeding to make astatementthatdiscloses,ormayleadtotheCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21K]disclosure of,
the operative’s identity or where theoperative lives;
or(b)for an order requiring a witness,
including the operative,toansweraquestion,giveevidenceorprovideinformation that
discloses, or may lead to the disclosureof, the
operative’s identity or where the operative lives.(3)The court may—(a)giveleaveforthepartyorlawyertodoanythingmentioned in
subsection (2)(a); or(b)makeanorderrequiringawitnesstodoanythingmentioned in
subsection (2)(b).(4)However,thecourtmustnotgiveleaveormakeanorderunless satisfied
about each of the following—(a)there is evidence that, if accepted, would
substantiallycall into question the operative’s
credibility;(b)it would be impractical to test
properly the credibility ofthe operative
without allowing the risk of disclosure of,ordisclosing,theoperative’sidentityorwheretheoperative lives;(c)itisintheinterestsofjusticefortheoperative’scredibility to
be able to be tested.(5)If there is a
jury in the proceeding, the application must beheard in the
absence of the jury.(6)Unless the court
considers that the interests of justice requireotherwise, the
court must be closed when—(a)the application
is made; and(b)ifleaveisgiven oran orderismade—thequestionisaskedandanswered,theevidenceisgiven,theinformation is provided or the statement is
made.(7)The court must make an order
suppressing the publication ofanything said
when—(a)the application is made; andPage
80Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21KA](b)ifleaveisgiven oran orderismade—thequestionisaskedandanswered,theevidenceisgiven,theinformation is provided or the statement is
made.(8)Nothing in subsection (7) prevents the
taking of a transcript ofcourt proceedings, but the court may
make an order for howthetranscriptistobedealtwith,includinganordersuppressing its
publication.(9)The court may make any other order it
considers appropriateto protect the operative’s identity or
to prevent the disclosureof where the operative lives.(10)A person commits
an offence if—(a)the person knows that, or is reckless
as to whether, anorderhasbeenmadeundersubsection
(7),(8)or(9);and(b)thepersonintentionally,knowinglyorrecklesslycontravenes the
order.Maximum penalty—2 years imprisonment.(11)Subsection (10)
does not limit the court’s power to punish forcontempt.21KADirections to jury(1)This
section applies if—(a)a witness identity protection
certificate for an operativein relation to a
proceeding is filed with a court; and(b)there is a jury in the proceeding;
and(c)the operative gives evidence.(2)The court must, unless it considers it
inappropriate, direct thejurynottogivetheoperative’sevidenceanymoreorlessweight, or draw
any adverse inferences against the defendantor another party
to the proceeding, because—(a)there is a witness identity protection
certificate for theoperative; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 81
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21KB](b)thecourthasmadeanorderundersection 21Jorsection 21K(7), (8) or (9).Notauthorised—indicativeonly21KBWitness identity
protection certificate—cancellation(1)Thissectionappliesifthechiefexecutiveofficerofalawenforcementagencygivesawitnessidentityprotectioncertificateforanoperativeoftheagencyinrelationtoaproceeding.(2)The
chief executive officer must cancel the witness identityprotection certificate if the chief
executive officer considersthatitisnolongernecessaryorappropriatetopreventthedisclosure of the operative’s identity or
where the operativelives.(3)If
the chief executive officer cancels the certificate after it
hasbeenfiledwithacourt,thechiefexecutiveofficermustimmediatelygivewrittennoticeofthecancellationtothecourt and each party to the
proceeding.21KCPermission to give information
disclosing operative’sidentity etc.(1)Thissectionappliesifthechiefexecutiveofficerofalawenforcementagencygivesawitnessidentityprotectioncertificateforanoperativeoftheagencyinrelationtoaproceeding.(2)The
chief executive officer may, in writing, permit a person togiveinformation,otherwisethanintheproceeding,thatdiscloses,ormayleadtothedisclosureof,theoperative’sidentityorwheretheoperativelivesifthechiefexecutiveofficerconsidersitnecessaryorappropriatefortheinformation to be given.(3)The permission must state—(a)the name of the person who may give
the information;and(b)the name of the
person to whom the information may begiven;
andPage 82Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21KD](c)the
information that may be given.(4)The
permission also may state how the information may begiven.21KDDisclosure offences(1)A
person commits an offence if—(a)a
witness identity protection certificate for an operativein
relation to a proceeding has been given; and(b)the
person knows that, or is reckless as to whether, thecertificate has been given; and(c)thepersonintentionally,knowinglyorrecklesslydoessomething(thedisclosureaction)thatdiscloses,orislikely to lead to the disclosure of,
the operative’s identityor where the operative lives;
and(d)the person knows that, or is reckless
as to whether, thecertificatehadnotbeencancelledundersection
21KBbefore the person does the disclosure
action; and(e)the person knows that, or is reckless
as to whether, thedisclosure action is not—(i)authorised by leave or an order under
section 21K;or(ii)permitted under
section 21KC.Maximum penalty—2 years imprisonment.(2)A person commits a crime if the person
commits an offenceagainst subsection (1) in circumstances in
which the person—(a)intends to endanger the health or
safety of any person orprejudice the effective conduct of an
investigation; or(b)knows that, or is reckless as to
whether, the disclosureaction—(i)endangers or will endanger the health or
safety ofany person; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 83
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21KE](ii)prejudices or will prejudice the effective
conductof an investigation.Maximum
penalty—10 years imprisonment.21KEReview of giving of witness identity
protection certificateby police service(1)This
section applies to a witness identity protection certificatefiled with a court by the police
service.(2)Assoonaspracticableaftertheendoftheproceedinginwhich the witness identity protection
certificate is filed by thepoliceservice,thecommissionerofthepoliceservicemustgivethechairpersonoftheCCCnoticeofthedatetheproceeding to which the certificate
relates ended.(3)The chairperson of the CCC
must—(a)reviewthegivingofthewitnessidentityprotectioncertificateassoonaspracticableaftertheendoftheproceeding to which the certificate
relates and, in anyevent, within 3 months after the end of the
year in whichthe certificate is filed; and(b)considerwhether,inthecircumstances,itwasappropriate to give the certificate;
and(c)if the chairperson considers it was
inappropriate to givethecertificate,notifywhicheverofthefollowingisrelevant of that fact as soon as
practicable—(i)each party to the proceeding;(ii)a lawyer
assisting the court.(4)Thecommissionerofthepoliceservice,ifaskedbythechairperson of the CCC, must give the
chairperson—(a)all the information the police service
used for decidingto give the witness identity protection
certificate; and(b)particulars relating to each person to
whom a copy ofthe certificate was given under section
21H(2) or (3).Page 84Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21KF](5)The
chairperson of the CCC must give a copy of any report onthe
review to the commissioner of the police service as soonas
practicable after the report is completed.21KFGiving information about witness identity
soon as practicable after the end of each financial year,
thechiefexecutiveofficerofalawenforcementagency,otherthantheCCC,mustgivetothechairpersonoftheCCCawritten report containing all of the
following information forthe financial year—(a)thenumberofwitnessidentityprotectioncertificatesgiven by the
chief executive officer;(b)thebasisonwhichthechiefexecutiveofficerwassatisfiedaboutthemattersmentionedinsection 21F(1)(b) for each
certificate;(c)if leave was given or an order made
under section 21Kin a proceeding in which a witness identity
protectioncertificateforanoperativeoftheagencywasfiled—details of the
proceeding that relate to the leave or order;(d)if a
witness identity protection certificate was cancelledunder section 21KB—the reasons for the
cancellation;(e)ifapermissionwasgivenundersection 21KC—thereasons for
giving the permission;(f)anyotherinformationrelatingtowitnessidentityprotectioncertificatesandtheadministrationofthisdivisionthatthechairpersonoftheCCCconsidersappropriate.(2)The
report must not include information that discloses, or maylead
to the disclosure of, an operative’s identity, or where theoperativelives,unlessthewitnessidentityprotectioncertificate for
the operative has been cancelled.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 85
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21KG]21KGReport about witness identity protection
certificates(1)The CCC must include in its annual
report for a financial yearthefollowinginformationaboutwitnessidentityprotectioncertificates
given under this division in the financial year—(a)thenumberofwitnessidentityprotectioncertificatesgiven by each
chief executive officer;(b)thebasisonwhichthechiefexecutiveofficerwassatisfiedaboutthemattersmentionedinsection 21F(1)(b) for each
certificate;(c)if leave was given or an order made
under section 21Kin a proceeding in which a witness identity
protectioncertificatewasfiled—detailsoftheproceedingthatrelate to the leave or order;(d)if a witness identity protection
certificate was cancelledunder section 21KB—the reasons for the
cancellation;(e)ifapermissionwasgivenundersection 21KC—thereasons for
giving the permission;(f)anyotherinformationrelatingtowitnessidentityprotectioncertificatesandtheadministrationofthisdivisionthatthechairpersonoftheCCCconsidersappropriate.(2)The
annual report must not include information that discloses,ormayleadtothedisclosureof,anoperative’sidentity,orwheretheoperativelives,unlessthewitnessidentityprotection certificate for the operative has
been cancelled.(3)In this section—annualreport,oftheCCC,meansthereportgivenbytheCCC under
theFinancial Accountability Act 2009,
section 63.21KHRecognition of witness identity
protection certificatesunder corresponding lawsSections21Hto21KAandsection 21KDapply,withanynecessarychanges,toacorrespondingwitnessidentityPage 86Current as at [Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21KI]protection
certificate as if it were a witness identity protectioncertificate given under section 21F.Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 3General21KIDelegation(1)Other than as provided by this section, and
despite any otherActorlawtothecontrary,thepowersofachiefexecutiveofficer under this division may not be
delegated to any otherperson.(2)A
chief executive officer of a law enforcement agency maydelegate any of the chief executive
officer’s powers under thisdivision,otherthanthispowerofdelegation,toaseniorofficer of the
agency.(3)In this section—senior
officer, of a law enforcement agency, means—(a)forthepoliceservice—adeputycommissionerofthepolice service; or(b)for
the CCC—a senior executive officer under theCrimeand
Corruption Act 2001.Division 6Cross-examination of protectedwitnesses21LApplication of division 6This
division applies only to criminal proceedings, other thansummary proceedings under theJustices Act 1886.21MMeaning ofprotected
witness(1)For this division, each of the
following persons is aprotectedwitness—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21M](a)a
witness under 16 years;(b)awitnesswhoisapersonwithanimpairmentofthemind;(c)foraproceedingforaprescribedspecialoffence,analleged victim of the offence;(d)foraproceedingforaprescribedoffence,anallegedvictim of the
offence who the court considers would belikelytobedisadvantagedasawitness,ortosuffersevereemotionaltrauma, unless
treated as a protectedwitness.(2)Itdoesnotmatterwhethertheproceedingmentionedinsubsection (1)(c) or (d) relates also
to another offence that isnot a prescribed special offence or a
prescribed offence.(3)In this section—alleged
victimof an offence means a person, other than
theperson charged, who is—(a)alleged to be a person in relation to whom
the offencewas committed; or(b)alleged to have been subject to violence in
relation to theoffence.prescribed
offencemeans an offence defined in the
75,122,127,206,308,309,319A,323,335,338A,339,340,346,354,354A,355,359,413,414,415,417A or
419.prescribedspecialoffencemeansanoffencedefinedintheCriminalCode,section210,213,215,216,217,218,219,221,222,227,229B,306,313,315,315A,316,317,320,320A, 322, 323A, 323B, 359E, 363, 363A, 364,
409 or 412 orchapter 32.violencemeans—(a)an
assault on, or injury to, a person; or(b)a
threat of an assault on, or an injury to, a person.Page
88Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21N]21NNo
cross-examination of protected witness by personchargedA person charged
may not cross-examine a protected witnessin
person.21OProcedure for cross-examination of
protected witness ifperson charged has no legal
representative(1)This section applies if—(a)a person charged does not have a legal
representative fora proceeding; and(b)the
court rules that a person is a protected witness forthe
proceeding.(2)The court must advise the person
charged present before thecourt that—(a)the
person charged may not cross-examine the protectedwitness in person; and(b)the
court will arrange for the person charged to be givenfreelegalassistancebyLegalAidforthecross-examination unless the person
charged—(i)arranges for legal representation;
court must also require the person charged to advise thecourtbyaparticulardateortimethecourtconsidersreasonable if the person charged—(a)hasarrangedforalegalrepresentativetoactfortheperson charged for the proceeding; or(b)hasarrangedforalegalrepresentativetoactforthepersonchargedforcross-examinationoftheprotectedwitness;
or(c)doesnotwanttheprotectedwitnesstobecross-examined.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 89
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 2
Witnesses[s 21P](4)If,
by the particular date or time, the court has not receivedadvice from the person charged under
subsection (3) that theperson charged has arranged for a
legal representative or doesnot want the
protected witness cross-examined, the court mustmakeanorderthatthepersonchargedbegivenfreelegalassistancebyLegalAidforthecross-examinationoftheprotected witness by a lawyer.21PLegal assistance for cross-examination
of protectedwitnessIfapersonchargedisgivenlegalassistancebyLegalAidbecauseofanorderundersection 21O(4),thelawyerwhocross-examines the protected witness for the
person charged isthe person’s legal representative for the
purposes only of thecross-examination.21QSatisfaction of Criminal Code, section
616(1)This section applies if a person
charged who does not have alegal
representative for the cross-examination of a protectedwitness refuses legal assistance, available
because of an orderunder section 21O(4), to cross-examine the
witness.(2)The Criminal Code, section 616 is
taken to have been satisfiedfor the person
charged in relation to cross-examination of thewitnessdespitethepersonchargedbeingunabletocross-examine the witness because of
section 21N.21RJury direction(1)This
section applies if there is a jury and a person charged—(a)does not have a legal representative
other than for thecross-examination of a protected witness;
or(b)doesnothavealegalrepresentativeforthecross-examination of a protected
witness.(2)The court must give the jury any
warning the court considersnecessary to
ensure the person charged is not prejudiced byPage 90Current as at [Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 3 Means of
obtaining evidence[s 21S]any inference
that might be drawn from the fact the personchargedhasbeenpreventedfromcross-examiningtheprotected witness in person.Notauthorised—indicativeonly21SOrders, directions and rulings
concerning protectedwitnessesThecourtmaymakeanyordersorgiveanydirectionsorrulingsitconsidersappropriateforthepurposesofthisdivisiononthecourt’sowninitiativeoronanapplicationmade to the
court by a party to the proceeding.Part 3Means of obtaining evidenceDivision 1Commissions,
requests and ordersto examine witnesses22Commission, request or order to examine
witnesses(1)The Supreme Court or a judge thereof,
on application madeunder the Rules of the Supreme Court, shall
have the samepowerstoissueacommission,requestorordertoexaminewitnessesforthepurposeofcivilproceedingsinanycourtother than the
Supreme Court as it or the judge has for thepurpose of civil
proceedings in the Supreme Court.(2)The
Rules of the Supreme Court, with such adaptations as thecircumstancesmayrequire,shallapplyandextendtoacommission, request or order to
examine witnesses issued byauthorityofsubsection (1)andtoallproceedingstakenthereunder as if the commission, request or
order were issuedby authority of those rules.(3)Subject to all just exceptions, the
depositions taken upon theexamination of a witness before an
examiner by virtue of thissectioncertifiedunderthehandoftheexaminerareadmissible in evidence, without proof of the
signature to suchcertificate, unless it is proved that the
witness is at the time ofCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3 Means of
obtaining evidence[s 23]the hearing at
which the depositions are offered in evidencewithin a
convenient distance of the place of the hearing andable
to attend.(4)The costs of proceedings taken by
virtue of this section shallbe costs in the
cause, unless otherwise directed either by thejudge issuing
the commission, request or order or by the courtforthepurposeofwhoseproceedingstheexaminationisconducted.23Commission or order in criminal cases(1)Inanycriminalproceeding,ifanywitnessisoutofthejurisdiction of the Supreme Court or more
than 400km fromthe intended place of trial or is from age
or infirmity unable toattend the trial or if the testimony
of any witness is in dangerof being lost by
reason of the age or infirmity of the witness orbyreasonofthewitnessbeingabouttodepartoutofthejurisdictionortosomeplacebeyondthesaiddistanceof400km,theSupremeCourtorajudgethereofmay,ontheapplication or
with the consent of the Attorney-General or theCrownprosecutoraswellasthepersoncharged,butnototherwise,
order—(a)thatanysuchwitnesswithinthejurisdictionoftheSupreme Court be examined on oath,
either viva voce oruponinterrogatoriesorotherwise,beforeaspecifiedofficer of the
court or other specified person; or(b)thatacommissionissuefortheexaminationofsuchwitness on oath,
either viva voce or upon interrogatoriesor otherwise, at
any place in or out of the jurisdiction.(2)The
Supreme Court or a judge thereof may, at the same timeorsubsequently,giveallsuchdirectionstouchingthetime,placeandmannerofsuchexamination,aswellwithinthejurisdictionaswithout,andallothermattersandcircumstancesconnectedwithsuchexaminationasappearreasonable and
just.(3)Subject to all just exceptions, the
depositions taken upon theexamination of a witness before an
examiner by virtue of thisPage 92Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3 Means of
obtaining evidence[s 24]sectioncertifiedunderthehandoftheexaminerareadmissible in evidence, without proof of the
signature to suchcertificate, unless it is proved that the
witness is at the time ofthe hearing at which the depositions
are offered in evidencewithin a convenient distance of the
place of the hearing andable to attend.(4)Any
person authorised by any order or commission under thissection to take the examination of any
witness shall take suchexaminationupontheoathofsuchwitnessandmayadminister the
necessary oaths to such witness.24Power
of person appointed by foreign authority to takeevidence and administer oaths(1)Subject to subsections (2) to (4),
where an authority desires totakeorreceiveevidenceinQueensland,thatauthoritymayappoint a person to take or receive evidence
in Queenslandandapersonsoappointedhaspowertotakeorreceiveevidence in
Queensland for that authority and for that purposeto
administer an oath.(2)Wheretheauthorityisnotacourtorjudge,apersonsoappointedhasnopowertotakeorreceiveevidence,ortoadminister an
oath, in Queensland unless the person has firstobtained the
consent of the Attorney-General.(3)Thissectiondoesnotauthorisethetakingorreceivingofevidence by a person so appointed in or for
use in criminalproceedings.(4)In
this section—authoritymeansanycourt,judge,orpersonwho,orbodywhich,isauthorisedunderthelawofaplaceoutsideQueensland to take or receive evidence on
oath or under anyother sanction authorised by law in that
place.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Evidence Act 1977Part 3 Means of
obtaining evidence[s 25]Division 2Summary procedure to obtainevidence for Queensland or otherjurisdictionsNotauthorised—indicativeonly25Definitions for
div 2In this division—corresponding
court—(a)inrelationtoacourtorpersonactingjudiciallyinaprescribedcountry—meansthecourtorpersonactingjudicially in Queensland declared by
regulation to be thecourt or person in Queensland that
corresponds to thatcourt or person in the prescribed country;
and(b)inrelationtoacourtorpersonactingjudiciallyinQueensland—meansthecourtorpersonactingjudicially in a prescribed country declared
by regulationtobethecourtorpersoninaprescribedcountrythatcorresponds to
that court or person in Queensland.examinermeans a judge, magistrate, clerk of a
MagistratesCourt or any duly qualified legal
practitioner.prescribedcountrymeansanyStateorTerritoryoftheCommonwealth, New Zealand and any
other State, Territoryorcountrythatisdeclaredbyregulationtobeaprescribedcountry for the
purposes of this division.26Power of
Queensland court to request correspondingcourt in a
prescribed country to take evidence for use inQueensland
court(1)WhereacourtorpersonactingjudiciallyinQueenslandisauthorised by or under any Act or law to
authorise or orderevidence to be taken otherwise than at the
hearing of the legalproceedings in respect of which the
evidence is required, thatcourtorpersonmayontheapplicationofapersonwhodesires to lead evidence, if it or the
person is satisfied that it isnecessary in the
interests of justice, request a correspondingcourt to order
the examination of a witness or the productionPage 94Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3 Means of
obtaining evidence[s 27]ofdocumentsbyapersonorbothsuchexaminationandproduction.(2)Anydepositionreceivedfromacorrespondingcourtwhichpurportstohavebeensignedbythedeponentandtheexaminer or to have been certified as
a correct record by theexaminermay,subjecttoalljustexceptions,beputinasevidenceatthehearingofthelegalproceedingsandanydocuments received from a
corresponding court may, subjectto all just
exceptions, be put in at the hearing as if produced atthehearingbythepersonwhoproducedthedocumentspursuant to the
order of the corresponding court.(3)A
court or person acting judicially shall take judicial notice
ofthe seal of a corresponding court and of the
signature of anyexaminer appointed by a corresponding
court.27Power to take evidence on request from
correspondingcourt of a prescribed country(1)WherebyorunderanyActorlawofaprescribedcountryprovisionismadefortheevidenceofanypersonthatisrequired in connection with any legal
proceedings to be takenotherwise than at the hearing of those
proceedings by a courtor person acting judicially, a court
or person acting judiciallyinQueenslandthatisacorrespondingcourttoacourtorpersonactingjudiciallyintheprescribedcountrybeforewhich or whom
legal proceedings are being held may, uponreceipt of a
request in writing from that court or person in theprescribedcountry,makeanorderfortheexaminationofawitness and the production of
documents by a person or bothfor such
examination or production before an examiner namedin
the order at a time and place specified in the order.(2)The order shall require reasonable
notice to be given by postto each party to the legal proceedings
at the party’s address asshown in the request of the time when
and place where theexaminationistotakeplaceorthedocumentsaretobeproduced.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 95
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3 Means of
obtaining evidence[s 28]28Summons of witnessesUpon service on
a person of an order requiring the person toattend for
examination or to produce documents, together withthe
payment or tender of a reasonable sum for expenses, theperson shall attend at the time and place
appointed and shallhave and be subject to the same rights and
liabilities as if theperson were summoned before the court
or person by whichor whom the order was made.29Examination(1)Subjecttoanydirectionscontainedintheorderforexamination—(a)apersonorderedtobeexaminedbeforetheexaminermay be
cross-examined and re-examined; and(b)the
examination, cross-examination and re-examinationofpersonsbeforetheexaminershallbeconductedinlike
manner as they would have been conducted beforethe court or
person acting judicially who made the orderfor the
examination.(2)Theexaminermayputanyquestiontoapersonexaminedbefore the examiner as to the meaning of any
answer made bythatpersonorastoanymatterarisinginthecourseoftheexamination.(3)An
examiner shall have and may exercise such of the powersof
the court or person acting judicially by whom the examinerwas
appointed as are necessary for the proper exercise of theexaminer’s functions under this division and
may administeroaths and adjourn the examination from time
to time as theexaminer thinks fit.30Objections(1)Ifapersonbeingexaminedbeforeanexaminerobjectstoanswering any question put to the
person, or if objection istaken to any such question that
question, the ground for theobjectionandtheanswertoanysuchquestiontowhichPage 96Current as at [Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 3 Means of
obtaining evidence[s 31]objectionistakenshallbesetoutinthedepositionofthatperson or any
statement annexed thereto.(2)The validity of
the ground for objecting to answer any suchquestionorforobjectingtosuchquestionshallnotbedetermined by the examiner but by the
corresponding court atwhose request the examination is being
conducted.Notauthorised—indicativeonly31Depositions to be signed(1)Where pursuant to an order for
examination—(a)awitnesshasgivenevidencetotheexaminer,thedepositions of the witness shall be
signed by the witnessand by the examiner or where the
witness refuses to signor requires alterations that the
examiner considers to beunjustifiedthedepositionsshallbesignedbytheexaminerwhoshallcertifythatthedepositionsareacorrect record and the reasons for
them not being signedby the witness;(b)documentshavebeenproducedtotheexaminerbyaperson not
giving evidence, the examiner shall attach tosuchdocumentsacertificatesignedbytheexaminerstating the name of that person.(2)Alldepositionsanddocumentstakenbeforeorproducedtothe
examiner pursuant to any such order shall be delivered bytheexaminertothecourtor personbywhichorwhomtheorder was made for transmission to the
corresponding court.32Power of Queensland court to transmit
requests to otherplacesWhereacourtorpersonactingjudiciallyinQueenslandreceivesarequestfromacorrespondingcourtfortheexamination of a
witness or the production of documents by aperson and it
appears to the court or person acting judiciallythatthewitnessorpersonisnotinQueenslandandisnotproceeding to
Queensland but is in or proceeding to anothercountrythatisaprescribedcountryunderthelawofthecountry of the corresponding court the
court—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3 Means of
obtaining evidence[s 33](a)may
transmit the request to a corresponding court in thatother prescribed country together with such
informationas it or the person possesses concerning the
whereaboutsand intended movements of the person;(b)shall give notice to the corresponding
court from whichit received the request that the documents
have been sotransmitted.33Saving as to personal attendanceNothing in this division limits or abridges
the power of a courtor a person acting judicially to
require a witness to attend inperson before
the court or person.Division 3General
procedure to obtainevidence for other jurisdictions35Definitions for div 3In
this division—civilproceedings,inrelationtoarequestingcourt,meansproceedings in
any civil or commercial matter.overseascountrymeansacountry,orpartofacountry,outside the
Commonwealth.requestincludesanycommission,orderorotherprocessissued by or on behalf of a requesting
court.requesting courthas the meaning
given to it in section 36.35AApplication of
division to CrownNothinginthisdivisionshallbeconstruedasenablinganycourt to make an order that is binding on
the Crown or on anyperson in the person’s capacity as an
officer or servant of theCrown.Page 98Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3 Means of
obtaining evidence[s 36]36Application to Supreme Court to obtain
evidence for civilproceedings in another jurisdictionWhere an application by way of originating
summons is madetotheSupremeCourtorajudgethereofforanorderforevidence to be obtained in the State,
and the court or judge issatisfied—(a)thattheapplicationismadeinpursuanceofarequestissuedbyoronbehalfofacourtortribunal(therequestingcourt)exercisingjurisdictioninaStateorTerritory of the Commonwealth other than
Queenslandor in an overseas country; and(b)that the evidence to which the
application relates is to beobtainedforthepurposesofcivilproceedingswhicheither have been instituted before the
requesting court orwhose institution before that court is
provisions of this division.37Power
of Supreme Court to give effect to application toobtain evidence(1)The
Supreme Court or a judge thereof on an application undersection 36 shall have power by order to make
such provisionforobtainingevidenceintheStateasmayappeartobeappropriate for
the purpose of giving effect to the request inpursuanceofwhichtheapplicationismade,andanysuchorder may
require a person specified therein to take such stepsasthecourtorjudgemayconsiderappropriateforthatpurpose.(2)Without prejudice to the generality of
subsection (1), an orderunder this section may make
provision—(a)fortheexaminationofwitnesses,eitherorallyorinwriting; and(b)for
the production of documents; and(c)for
the inspection, photographing, preservation, custodyor
detention of any property; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 99
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3 Means of
obtaining evidence[s 38](d)forthetakingofsamplesofanypropertyandthecarrying out of any experiments on or
with any property;and(e)for the medical
examination of any person.(3)Anorderunderthissectionshallnotrequireanyparticularsteps to be
taken unless they are steps which can be requiredto
be taken by way of obtaining evidence for the purposes ofcivilproceedingsintheSupremeCourt(whetherornotproceedingsofthesamedescriptionasthosetowhichtheapplication for the order relates), but this
subsection shall notprecludethemakingofanorderrequiringapersontogivetestimony
(either orally or in writing) otherwise than on oathwhere this is asked for by the requesting
court.(4)An order under this section shall not
require a person—(a)to state what documents relevant to
the proceedings towhich the application for the order relates
are or havebeen in the person’s possession or power;
or(b)toproduceanydocumentsotherthanparticulardocumentsspecifiedintheorderasbeingdocumentsappearing to the court making the order to
be, or to belikely to be, in the person’s possession or
power.(5)Apersonwho,byvirtueofanorderunderthissection,isrequiredtoattendatanyplaceshallbeentitledtothelikeconduct money
and payment for expenses and loss of time asonattendanceasawitnessincivilproceedingsbeforetheSupreme Court.(6)Anorderunderthissectionmaybeenforcedinthesamemanner as if it were an order made by the
Supreme Court or ajudge thereof in proceedings pending in the
Supreme Court orbefore the judge.38Privilege of witnesses(1)A
person shall not be compelled by virtue of an order undersection 37 to give any evidence which the
person could not becompelled to give—Page 100Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3 Means of
obtaining evidence[s 39](a)in
civil proceedings in the State; or(b)subjecttosubsection (2),incivilproceedingsintheState or Territory of the Commonwealth
or the overseascountryinwhichtherequestingcourtexercisesjurisdiction.(2)Subsection (1)(b)shallnotapplyunlesstheclaimoftheperson in question to be exempt from
giving the evidence iseither—(a)supportedbyastatementcontainedintherequest(whether it is so supported unconditionally
or subject toconditions that are fulfilled); or(b)conceded by the applicant for the
order;and where such a claim made by any person is
not supportedor conceded as aforesaid the person may
(subject to the otherprovisions of this section) be
required to give the evidence towhichtheclaimrelatesbutthatevidenceshallnotbetransmitted to the requesting court if
that court, on the matterbeing referred to it, upholds the
claim.(3)Inthissection,referencestogivingevidenceincludereferencestoansweringanyquestionandtoproducinganydocumentandthereferenceinsubsection (2)tothetransmission of evidence given by a
person shall be construedaccordingly.39Judicial proceedings for the purposes of the
wherein a person gives or is required to give anytestimony(eitherorallyorinwriting)pursuanttoanorderundersection
37shallbeajudicialproceedingforthepurposes of the Criminal Code, chapter
16 whether or not thetestimony is given or required to be
given on oath or under anyother sanction authorised by
law.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3A Audio
visual links and audio links[s 39A]Part
3AAudio visual links and audiolinksDivision 1Preliminary39APurposes of pt 3AThe purposes of
this part are—(a)toprovideforQueenslandtoparticipateinasubstantially uniform interstate
scheme for the taking orreceiving of evidence, and the making
or receiving ofsubmissions, from or in participating
States; and(b)to facilitate the giving and receiving
of evidence, and themakingandreceivingofsubmissions,inQueenslandcourt
proceedings, by audio visual link or audio link.39BApplication of pt 3A(1)This part applies to a proceeding
whether commenced beforeor after the commencement of this
for—(a)the use of audio visual links or audio
links; or(b)the taking of evidence, or the making
of submissions, inor outside the State for the purpose of a
proceeding inthe State.(3)Inparticular,thispartdoesnotaffectaprohibitionunderanotherActonthemakingofanorderabouttheuseofanaudiovisuallinkoraudiolinkwithouttheconsentofallparties to a proceeding.(4)ThispartdoesnotauthoriseadefendantinacriminalproceedingbeforeaQueenslandcourttoappearbefore,orgiveevidenceormakeasubmissiontothecourtbyaudioPage 102Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3A Audio
visual links and audio links[s 39C]visual link or audio link unless expressly
authorised by any ofthe following—(a)the
Criminal Code, section 597C(4);(b)theDistrictCourtofQueenslandAct1967,section 110C;(c)theJustices Act 1886, section
178C;(d)thePenalties and
Sentences Act 1992, section 15A;(e)theSupreme Court of Queensland Act
1991, section 80;(f)theYouth Justice Act 1992,
section 53 or 159.39CDefinitions for pt 3AIn
this part—audio linkmeans
facilities, including telephone, that enablereasonablycontemporaneousandcontinuousaudiocommunication between persons at different
places.before, a court,
includes in a court.court locationmeans the
courtroom, or other place, where thecourt is
sitting.external location, for a court,
means the location, external tothe court
location—(a)inoroutsideQueenslandorAustraliafromwhichevidence or a
submission is being, is to be, or has beentaken or made by
audio visual link or audio link underthis part;
or(b)for the application of this part under
the Criminal Code,section 597C—at which an accused person is
being, isto be, or has been arraigned; or(c)for the application of this part under
theYouth JusticeAct 1992,
section 159 or thePenalties and Sentences Act1992, section 15A—at
which an offender or a child isbeing, is to be,
or has been sentenced.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3A Audio
visual links and audio links[s 39D]participating Statemeans another
State in which provisionsof an Act of that State in terms that
substantially correspond todivisions 2 and
3 are in force.Queensland courtmeans—(a)the Supreme Court, the District Court
or a MagistratesCourt; or(b)the
Coroners Court; or(c)another court established under an
Act; or(d)another tribunal declared under a
regulation to be a courtfor this part.recognised
courtmeans a court or tribunal of a
participatingStatethatisauthorisedbytheprovisionsofanActofthatState in terms
substantially corresponding to divisions 2 and 3to
direct that evidence be taken or submissions be made byaudio visual link or audio link from
Queensland.tribunalmeans a body or
person that may take evidence onoath.Division 2Use of
interstate audio visual linksor audio links
in proceedings beforeQueensland courts39DApplication of div 2This division
applies to any proceeding, including a criminalproceeding,
before a Queensland court.39EState courts may
take evidence and submissions fromoutside
State(1)Thecourtmay,onthecourt’sowninitiativeorontheapplication of a
party to a proceeding before the court, directthatevidencebetakenorsubmissionsbemadebyaudiovisual link or
audio link from a participating State.Page 104Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3A Audio
visual links and audio links[s 39F]Note—See division 3A
in relation to expert witnesses giving evidence by audiovisual link or audio link.(2)ThecourtmayexerciseintheparticipatingState,inconnection with taking evidence or
receiving submissions byaudio visual link or audio link, any
of its powers that the courtmay be
permitted, under the law of the participating State, toexercise in the participating State.39FLegal practitioners entitled to
practiseA person who is entitled to practise as a
legal practitioner in aparticipatingStateisentitledtopractiseasabarristerorsolicitor or both in relation to the
following—(a)theexamination-in-chief,cross-examinationorre-examinationofawitnessintheparticipatingStatewhose evidence is being given by audio
visual link oraudio link in a proceeding before the
court;(b)makingofsubmissionsbyaudiovisuallinkoraudiolink from the
participating State in a proceeding beforethe
court.Division 3Use of
interstate audio visual linksor audio links
in proceedings inparticipating States39GApplication of div 3This division
applies to any proceeding, including a criminalproceeding,
before a recognised court.39HRecognised courts
may take evidence or receivesubmissions from
persons in QueenslandThe court may, for a proceeding before
it, take evidence orreceive submissions, by audio visual
link or audio link, from aperson in Queensland.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3A Audio
visual links and audio links[s 39I]39IPowers of recognised courts(1)The court may, for the proceeding,
exercise in Queensland, inconnection with taking evidence or
receiving submissions byaudio visual link or audio link, any
of its powers other than itspowers—(a)to punish for contempt; and(b)to enforce or execute its judgments or
process.(2)The laws of the participating State,
including rules of court,thatapplytotheproceedinginthatStatealsoapplytothepracticeandprocedureofthecourtintakingevidenceorreceiving submissions by audio visual
link or audio link froma person in Queensland.(3)ForthepurposesofthecourtexercisingitspowersinQueensland, the external location in
Queensland is taken to bepart of the court location.39JOrders made by recognised courtWithout limiting section 39I, the court may,
by order—(a)direct that the proceeding, or a part
of the proceeding, beconductedinprivateattheexternallocationinQueensland; and(b)requireapersontoleavetheexternallocationinQueensland; and(c)prohibit or restrict the publication of
evidence given inthe proceeding or the name of a party to, or
a witness in,the proceeding.39KEnforcement of order(1)An
order under section 39J must be complied with.(2)SubjecttorulesofcourtmadeundertheSupremeCourtofQueenslandAct1991,theordermaybeenforcedbytheSupreme Court as if the order were an
order of that court.Page 106Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3A Audio
visual links and audio links[s 39L](3)Without limiting subsection (2), a
person who contravenes theorder—(a)is
taken to be in contempt of the Supreme Court; and(b)is punishable accordingly;unless the person establishes that the
contravention should beexcused.39LPrivileges, protection and immunity of
participants inproceedings before recognised court(1)A judge or other person presiding at
or otherwise taking partin a judicial capacity in the
proceeding before the court has, inconnectionwithevidencebeingtakenorsubmissionsbeingreceived by audio visual link or audio link
from the externallocationinQueensland,thesameprivileges,protectionandimmunity as a Supreme Court judge.(2)A person appearing as a legal
practitioner in the proceedingbefore the court
has, in connection with evidence being takenor submissions
being received by audio visual link or audiolinkfromtheexternallocationinQueensland,thesameprotection and
immunity as a barrister appearing before theSupreme
Court.(3)A person at the external location in
Queensland appearing as awitness in the proceeding before the
court by audio visual linkoraudiolinkhasthesameprotectionandimmunityasawitness in a proceeding before the
Supreme Court.39MRecognised court may administer oath
in the State(1)The court may administer an oath or
affirmation in accordancewith its practice and procedure for
the purpose of obtainingthe testimony of a person in
Queensland by audio visual linkor audio link in
the proceeding.(2)Evidence given on the oath or
affirmation is taken to be giveninaQueenslandjudicialproceedingforthepurposesofQueensland law.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 107
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3A Audio
visual links and audio links[s 39N]39NAssistance to recognised courtAnofficerofaQueenslandcourtmay,ifaskedbytherecognisedcourt,doanyofthefollowingthingsfortheproceeding—(a)attend at the external location in
Queensland;(b)take the action the recognised court
directs to facilitatethe proceeding;(c)administer an oath or affirmation.39OContempt of recognised courtApersonmustnot,inconnectionwithevidenceorasubmission that is to be, is being, or
has been given or made atthe external location in Queensland in
the proceeding beforethe court, do any of the following
things—(a)assault, in Queensland—(i)a witness in the proceeding; or(ii)apersonappearingintheproceedingasalegalpractitioner;
or(iii)an officer of a
Queensland court giving assistanceunder section
39N;(b)deliberately interrupt or obstruct the
court;(c)create or continue, or join in
creating or continuing, adisturbance at the external location
in Queensland;(d)attempttoinfluenceimproperlyanyoneinconnectionwith the
proceeding;(e)deliberately and without lawful
excuse, disobey an orderordirectiongivenbythecourttoregulateconducthappeningwhileevidenceisbeinggivenorasubmission is
being made by audio visual link or audiolink;(f)doanythinginconnectionwiththeproceedingthatwouldbeacontemptofcourtifthethingdonewerePage 108Current as at [Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 3A Audio
visual links and audio links[s 39P]donein,orinrelationto,aQueenslandjudicialproceeding.Maximum
penalty—imprisonment for 3 months.Notauthorised—indicativeonly39PDouble jeopardy(1)This
section applies to a person who does an act or makes anomission that is an offence both—(a)under this part; and(b)under a law of a participating
State.(2)The person must not be prosecuted or
punished under this partfor the offence if the person has been
prosecuted or punishedunder the law of the participating
State for the offence.Division 3AUse of audio
visual links or audiolinks for expert witnesses39PAApplication of div 3AThis
division applies to any proceeding, including a criminalproceeding, before a Queensland
court.39PBExpert witnesses to give evidence by
audio visual link oraudio link(1)This
section applies if a person is called to give evidence as anexpert witness in the proceeding.(2)Subject to subsection (3) and any
rules of the court, the personistogivetheevidencetothecourtbyaudiovisuallinkoraudio link.(3)The
court may, on its own initiative or on the application of aparty to the proceeding, direct that the
person is to give oralevidence to the court other than by
audio visual link or audiolink if the court is satisfied it is
in the interests of justice togive the
direction.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3A Audio
visual links and audio links[s 39PC](4)In deciding whether it is in the
interests of justice to give adirection under
subsection (3), the court may have regard tothe following
matters—(a)thenatureandscopeoftheevidencethepersonistogive in the proceedings;(b)whethertheuseofaudiolinkoraudiovisuallinkislikely to affect the court’s or a jury’s
ability to assess thecredibilityorreliabilityofthepersonortheperson’sevidence;(c)theavailabilityofappropriateaudiooraudiovisualfacilitiesinthecourttowhichthepersonistogiveevidence;(d)any submission made to the court by
the person or anypartytotheproceedingsaboutthewayinwhichtheperson should give evidence.(5)Subsection (4) does not limit the
matters the court may haveregard to in deciding whether it is in
the interests of justice tomake a direction
under subsection (3).(6)The court may,
at any time, vary or revoke a direction madeunder this
section on its own initiative or on the application ofa
party to the proceeding.(7)The court must
not give the person’s evidence any more orless weight, or
draw any adverse inferences against a party tothe proceeding,
only because the person gave the evidence byaudio visual
link or audio link.39PCDirection to jury if expert witness
gives evidence byaudio visual link or audio link(1)This section applies if—(a)a person gives evidence in the
proceeding as an expertwitness; and(b)the
evidence is given by audio visual link or audio linkunder section 39PB; and(c)there is a jury in the proceeding.Page
110Current as at [Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 3A Audio
visual links and audio links[s 39Q](2)Thecourtmustdirectthejurynottogivetheperson’sevidenceanymoreorlessweight,ordrawanyadverseinferences
against a party to the proceeding, only because theperson gave the evidence by audio visual
link or audio link.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 4General
provisions about the use ofaudio visual
links or audio links39QApplication of div 4(1)This division applies to any
proceeding, including a criminalproceeding,
before a Queensland court.(2)This division
does not limit, and is not limited by, division 2, 3or
3A.39RQueensland courts may take evidence
and submissionsfrom external location(1)Subjecttoanyrulesofthecourt,thecourtmay,ontheapplicationofapartytotheproceedingbeforethecourt,direct that a
person appear before, or give evidence or make asubmissionto,thecourtbyaudiovisuallinkoraudiolinkfromalocationinsideoroutsideQueensland,includingalocation outside Australia.(2)The court may, at any time, vary or
revoke a direction madeunder this section on its own
initiative or on the application ofa party to the
proceeding.Note—See division 3A
in relation to expert witnesses giving evidence by audiovisual link or audio link.39SFailure of the linkIf
an audio visual link or audio link fails in the proceeding,
thecourtmayadjourntheproceeding,ormakeanotherappropriateorder,asifapersonpresentattheexternallocation were at the court location.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 3A Audio
visual links and audio links[s 39T]39TExpensesThe court may
make the orders it considers just for paymentofexpensesincurredinconnectionwithtakingevidenceormaking submissions by audio visual
link or audio link.39UExternal location to be considered
part of Queenslandcourt location(1)Anexternallocationintheproceedingbeforethecourtistaken to be part of the court location in
the proceeding for allpurposes relating to a Queensland law
for the administrationof justice.(2)In
this section—a law for the administration of
justiceincludes a law aboutany of the
following—(a)compulsory attendance at court;(b)punishment for failing to attend at
court;(c)the presence of a person at
court;(d)evidence, including compellability to
give evidence;(e)perjury,contempt,procedure,privileges,protectionorimmunities.lawincludes any written or unwritten law, and a
rule, practiceor procedure of the court.39VWitness outside Queensland—when
compellableIf the external location from which a
witness giving evidenceby audio visual link or audio link in
the proceeding is outsideQueensland, the witness is compellable
to give evidence onlyto the extent the witness—(a)would be compellable to give the
evidence if present inQueensland; andPage 112Current as at [Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 3A Audio
visual links and audio links[s 39W](b)wouldbecompellabletogivetheevidenceincourtproceedings
under the law of the place from which theevidence is
given.Notauthorised—indicativeonly39WAdministration of oaths and
affirmationsAn oath or affirmation may be sworn for
giving testimony byaudio visual link or audio link—(a)over the link in a way that is as near
as practicable to theway the witness could be sworn at the
court location; or(b)by a person at the external location
in accordance withthe court’s direction.39XTestimony from outside Australia other than
on oath(1)Thissectionappliesiftheexternallocationisinacountryother than
Australia and an oath is not allowed under the lawof
the country.(2)The evidence may be given otherwise
than on oath under acaution or admonition that would be
accepted by a court inthat country for the purpose of giving
evidence in the court.(3)Theprobativevalueoftheevidencegivenundersubsection (2) is not diminished merely
because the evidenceis not given on oath.(4)A person giving the evidence under
subsection (2) is liable tobe convicted of
perjury as if the evidence were given on oath.39YPutting documents to a person at an external
location(1)If in the course of examination of a
person by audio visuallinkoraudiolinkitisnecessarytoputadocumenttotheperson, the court may permit the
document to be put to theperson—(a)if
the document is at the court location—by sending acopy
of it to the external location in any way and thecopy
then put to the person; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Evidence Act 1977Part 4 Judicial
notice of seals, signatures and legislative enactments[s
39Z](b)if the document is at the external
location—by putting itto the person and then sending it to
the court location inany way.(2)A
document put to a person under subsection (1) is admissibleas
evidence without proof that the transmitted copy is a truecopy
of the relevant document.Notauthorised—indicativeonly39ZExtension of rule-making powerIf
there is a power under another Act to make rules for thecourt,thepowerincludesapowertomakerules,notinconsistent with this part, that are
necessary or convenient forcarrying out or
giving effect to this part.Part 4Judicial notice of seals,signatures and legislativeenactments41Public Seal of the StateAll courts shall
take judicial notice of the impression of thePublic Seal of
the State without evidence of such seal havingbeen impressed
or any other evidence relating thereto.42Signatures of holders of public offices etc.
to be judiciallynoticed(1)Judicial notice must be taken of—(a)the signature of a person who is or
has been the holderof a public office; and(b)the
fact that the person holds or has held the office.(2)For subsection (1), the following
offices are public offices—(a)the
office of Governor;(b)the office of a Minister;Page
114Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 4 Judicial
notice of seals, signatures and legislative enactments[s
42A](c)the office of a judge, magistrate or
warden;(d)the office of an official of a
court;(e)the office of a justice of the peace
or commissioner fordeclarations;(f)anotherofficeofapublicnatureestablishedunderanAct;(g)an
office prescribed under an Act for this section.(3)Schedule 1providesexamplesofofficesofapublicnatureestablished under an Act.(4)This section is in addition to, and
does not limit, the commonlaw, another provision of this Act or
a provision of anotherAct.42ACertain seals to be judicially noticed
etc.(1)Judicial notice must be taken of the
imprint of any seal of anoffice or entity established under an
Act, and a document onwhichtheimprintappearsmustbepresumedtohavebeenproperly sealed unless the contrary is
established.(2)This section is in addition to, and
does not limit, the commonlaw, another provision of this Act or
a provision of anotherAct.43Acts
and statutory instruments to be judicially noticedJudicial notice must be taken of the
following—(a)every Act;(b)every statutory instrument;(c)thetimewheneveryActorstatutoryinstrumentcommenced,andeveryprovisionofeveryActorstatutory instrument commenced;(d)when every Act was assented to;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 43A](e)whenandbywhomeveryitemofsubordinatelegislation was
made, approved, confirmed or otherwiseconsented
to;(f)when and how every item of subordinate
legislation wasnotified;(g)wheneveryitemofsubordinatelegislationwaslaidbefore the
Legislative Assembly;(h)every official
copy of Queensland legislation.43AAdministrative arrangements to be judicially
noticedJudicialnoticemustbetakenoftheadministrativearrangements set
out in an order published in the gazette andpurportedly made
under theConstitution of Queensland 2001,section 44.Part 5Proof of documents and othermattersDivision 1Proof of official and judicialdocuments and matters44Proof
by purported certificate, document etc.Where by a law
in force in Queensland—(a)a certificate;
or(b)an official or public document;
or(c)a document of a corporation; or(d)a copy of, or extract from, a
document;isadmissibleinevidenceforanypurpose,adocumentpurportingtobethecertificate,document,copyorextractshall, unless
the contrary intention appears, be admissible inevidencetothesameextentandforthesamepurposePage
116Current as at [Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 45]provided that it purports to be
authenticated in the manner (ifany) directed by
that law.Notauthorised—indicativeonly45Proof of gazetteTheproductionofadocumentpurportingtobethegazetteshallbeevidencethatthedocumentisthegazetteandwaspublished on the day on which it bears
date.46Proof regarding government printer,
parliamentarycounsel and Legislative Assembly(1)The production of a document
purporting to be printed by thegovernment
printer or by the authority of the Government oftheStateisevidencethedocumentwasprintedbythegovernment printer or by that
authority.(2)The production of a document
purporting to be authorised bythe
parliamentary counsel is evidence that the document wasauthorised by the parliamentary
counsel.(3)Theproductionofadocumentpurportingtobepublishedunder the
authority of the Legislative Assembly is evidencethe
document was published under that authority.46APresumption of accuracy of official copy of
official copy of Queensland legislation is, in the absenceof
evidence to the contrary, taken to correctly show—(a)forQueenslandlegislationotherthanareprint—thelegislation as
at the relevant date; or(b)for a
reprint—the law in force included in the reprint asat
the relevant date.(2)The date of assent appearing in an
official copy of an Act or areprint of an
Act is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary,evidence of the date of assent.(3)A statement of any of the following
matters appearing in anofficialcopyofsubordinatelegislationorareprintofCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Evidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 46A]Notauthorised—indicativeonlysubordinatelegislationis,intheabsenceofevidencetothecontrary, evidence of the
and how the subordinate legislation was notified;(c)whenthesubordinatelegislationwaslaidbeforetheLegislative Assembly;(d)that the subordinate legislation was
disallowed and thedate of the disallowance.(4)A document purporting to be a copy of,
or extract from, anofficial copy of Queensland legislation is,
in the absence ofevidencetothecontrary,takentobeacorrectcopyof,orextract from,
the official copy.(5)ForanofficialcopyofareprintauthorisedundertheLegislative Standards Act 1992,
section 10A,extractfrom thecopy, for subsection (4), includes a
document containing—(a)1 or more pages
of the copy; and(b)apageofthecopycontainingthenotementionedinsection 10A(2) of that Act.(6)In this section—made,forsubordinatelegislation,meansmade,approved,confirmed or otherwise consented to.relevant date, for an
official copy of Queensland legislation,means—(a)foranActaspassed,oranagreementorotherinstrumentinorattachedtothe
Act—thedaythe Actwas assented to;
or(b)for subordinate legislation as made,
or an agreement orotherinstrumentinorattachedtothesubordinatelegislation—thedaythesubordinatelegislationwasmade; or(c)for
an agreement or other instrument not mentioned inparagraph (a) or (b) that has not been
amended—the dayPage 118Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 46B]the
agreement or other instrument came into the sameforce of law as an Act or subordinate
legislation; or(d)forareprint—thedayordays,howeverdescribedoridentified in the official copy, for which
the law includedin the copy is or was the law in
force.46BCourt or tribunal may inform itself
about Act or statutoryinstrument(1)A
court or tribunal may inform itself about an Act or
statutoryinstrument in any way it considers
appropriate.Examples of ways that may be
appropriate—1using an electronic version of an Act
as available on the internet oron a CD–ROM
other than a reprint of the Act authorised under theLegislative Standards Act 1992,
section 10A2using a printed copy of an Act in a
publication other than a reprintof the Act
authorised under theLegislative Standards Act 1992,section 10A(2)However,thecourtortribunalmustconsiderwhetherthedocumentorsourceitintendstoconsultappearstobeareliable source of information.(3)Subsection (1) does not limit any law
providing for a way inwhich a court or tribunal may be
informed about an Act orstatutory instrument, including any
other provision of this Actor theReprints Act 1992.47Proof of Legislative Assembly’s
proceedings orlegislative material(1)A
document purporting to be a copy of an official record ofproceedingsintheLegislativeAssemblyprintedbythegovernmentprinterorpublishedundertheauthorityoftheLegislativeAssemblyis,onitsproduction,evidenceoftherecord.Note—See also
theParliament of Queensland Act 2001,
section 57.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 48](2)Adocumentpurportingtobeacopyoflegislativematerialprintedbythegovernmentprinter,authorisedbytheparliamentary counsel or published
under the authority of theLegislativeAssemblyis,onitsproduction,evidenceofthelegislative
material.(3)In this section—legislative
Bill, an amendment of a Bill or an explanatory note fora
Bill, introduced into, moved in, tabled in, or circulatedto
members of, the Legislative Assembly; or(b)an
explanatory note or regulatory impact statement forsubordinate legislation.regulatoryimpactstatementmeansaregulatoryimpactstatement prepared under—(a)theStatutoryInstrumentsAct1992,part5asinforcefrom
time to time before its repeal by theFiscal
RepairAmendment Act 2012; or(b)guidelines,foraregulatoryimpactstatementsystem,approved by the Treasurer.48Proof of particular instruments(1)This section applies to an instrument
made—(a)by the Governor or Governor in
Council; or(b)byorundertheauthorityofaMinisterorofapublicentity.(2)Evidence of the instrument may be given by
producing any ofthe following documents—(a)the
gazette purporting to contain it;(b)a
document purporting to be a copy of it and purportingtobeprintedbyorundertheauthorityofthegovernment printer;(c)for an instrument made by the Governor
or Governor inCouncil—a copy or extract purporting to be
certified asPage 120Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 49]atruecopyorextractbytheclerkoftheExecutiveCouncil;(d)for an instrument made by or under the
authority of aMinister—a copy or extract purporting to be
certified asa true copy or extract by a Minister.(3)If the document states any of the
following matters about theinstrument, the
document is evidence of the matter—(a)who
made it, or under whose authority it was made;(b)when
it was made;(c)howit,ornoticeofitsmaking,waspublished,andwhen;(d)when
it was tabled in the Legislative Assembly.(4)In
this section—mademeansmade,approved,confirmedorotherwiseconsented
instrumentality, office, or other entity, establishedunder an Act or under State authorisation
for a public or Statepurpose.49Proof
of standard rules, codes and specificationsIf an Act or
statutory instrument adopts by way of reference,whollyorinpart,anyofthestandardrules,codesorspecificationsofthebodiesknownastheStandardsAssociationofAustralia,StandardsAustralia,theBritishStandardsInstitutionorotherbodyexpresslyorimpliedlyidentified in
the Act, evidence of any such standard rule, codeor
specification may be given—(a)by
the production of a document purporting to be a copyof
it and purporting to be published by or on behalf oftheStandardsAssociationofAustralia,StandardsAustralia, the British Standards Institution
or other bodyconcerned; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 121
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 50](b)by the production of a document
purporting to be a copyofitandpurportingtobeprintedbythegovernmentprinterorbytheauthorityoftheGovernmentoftheState.50Proof
of act done by Governor or MinisterWhere by any law
at any time in force the Governor or theGovernor in
Council or a Minister is authorised or empoweredto
do any act, production of the gazette purporting to contain
acopy or notification of any such act shall
be evidence of suchact having been duly done.51Proof of public documentsWhereadocumentisofsuchapublicnatureastobeadmissibleinevidenceonitsmereproductionfrompropercustody,acopyoforextractfromthedocumentshallbeadmissible in evidence if—(a)it is proved to be an examined copy or
extract; or(b)it purports to be certified as a true
copy or extract underthe hand of a person described in the
certificate as theperson to whose custody the original is
entrusted.52Proof of registers of British vessels
etc.(1)Every register of a vessel kept under
any of the Acts relatingtotheregistryofBritishvesselsmaybeprovedbytheproduction
of—(a)the original; or(b)an
examined copy of the original; or(c)a
copy purporting to be certified as a true copy under thehand
of the person having the charge of the original.(2)A person having the charge of the
original of such register isrequired to
furnish such certified copy to any person applyingPage
122Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 53]at a
reasonable time for the same upon payment of such fee (ifany)
as is prescribed by law.(3)Every—(a)such register or such copy of a
register; and(b)certificate of registry granted under
any of the said Actsrelating to the registry of British
vessels and purportingto be signed as required by
law;shall be admissible in evidence of—(c)all the matters contained or recited
in such register whenthe register or such copy of the
register is produced; and(d)all the matters
contained recited in or endorsed on suchcertificateofregistrywhenthesaidcertificateisproduced.53Proof
of judicial proceedings(1)Where it is
sought to prove any of the following matters—(a)a
judgment, decree, rule, conviction, acquittal, sentenceor
other order, process, act or decision of any court;(b)an affidavit, pleading, will, codicil,
indictment or otherlegaldocumentfiled,depositedorpresentedinanycourt;(c)the
pendency or existence at any time before any courtof
any proceeding;evidenceofsuchmatterand,asthecasemaybe,ofanyparticularsrelatingtheretomaybegivenbytheproductionof—(d)theoriginaloftheorder,process,act,decisionordocument; or(e)a
document proved to be an examined copy of the order,process, act, decision or document;
or(f)adocumentpurportingtobeacopyoftheorder,process, act, decision or document and to be
sealed withthe seal of the court; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 54](g)acertificateshowingsuchmatterandsuchparticularsand purporting
to be under the hand of—(i)a registrar of
the court; or(ii)apersonhavingthecustodyoftherecordsordocuments of the court; or(iii)any other proper
officer of the court; or(iv)a deputy of such
registrar, person or officer.(2)In
this section—courtmeans any court
of Queensland, of the Commonwealthor of any other
State or Territory.54Proof of identity of a person
convicted(1)Ifaperson(theallegedoffender)isallegedtohavebeenconvicted in Queensland, the Commonwealth or
another StateorTerritoryofanoffence,anaffidavitthatcomplieswithsubsection (2)isproof,unlessthecontraryisproved,thealleged offender—(a)has
been convicted of an offence stated in the affidavitunder subsection (2)(c)(iii); and(b)is the person who is referred to as
having been convictedinacertificateofconvictionexhibitedtotheaffidavitunder subsection (2)(b).(2)The
affidavit must—(a)purport to be made by an expert;
and(b)exhibitacertificateofconvictionfortheoffencetheallegedoffenderisallegedtohavebeenconvictedof;and(c)state the
following—(i)the expert’s field of
expertise;(ii)theprocessandevidenceusedbytheexperttodeterminetheidentityoftheallegedoffenderbased on available identifying
records;Page 124Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 54](iii)anyoffencethat,basedontheresultsoftheexpert’s determination mentioned in
subparagraph(ii), a police record states the alleged
offender hasbeen convicted of;(iv)that,basedontheresultsoftheexpert’sdetermination mentioned in subparagraph
(ii), andthe police record mentioned in subparagraph
(iii),the expert believes that the alleged
offender is theperson who is referred to as having been
convictedinthecertificateofconvictionexhibitedtotheaffidavit under
subsection (2)(b).(3)If a party to a proceeding intends to
rely on the affidavit (therelying party), the party
must give a copy of the affidavit toeach other party
to the proceeding—(a)at least 10 business days before the
hearing day; or(b)if, in the particular circumstances,
the court considers itjust to shorten the period mentioned
in paragraph (a)—by a later date allowed by the court.(4)Ifapartytotheproceeding,otherthantherelyingparty,intends to challenge a matter stated in the
affidavit, the partymust give the relying party notice in
writing of the matter tobe challenged—(a)at
least 3 business days before the hearing day; or(b)ifsubsection
the court considers it just to shorten theperiodmentionedinparagraph(a)—byalaterdateallowed by the court.(5)Ifapartytotheproceeding(thenotifyingparty)givestherelyingpartyanoticeundersubsection (4),then,unlessthenotifyingpartyotherwiseagrees,therelyingpartymustensurethattheexpertisavailableatthehearingoftheproceeding for cross-examination on
the affidavit.(6)In this section—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 125
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 54]certificate of conviction,
for an offence, means a documentpurportingtobethecertificateofconviction,oracertifiedcopy of the
certificate of conviction, for the offence.corresponding
law, in relation to a provision of a
Queenslandlaw, means a law of the Commonwealth or
another State orTerritory corresponding, or substantially
corresponding, to theprovision.DNA
samplesee thePolice Powers
and Responsibilities Act2000, schedule
6.expertmeansapersonwhoisqualifiedtogiveopinionevidence as an expert witness in relation to
the identity of aperson based on the type of identifying
records used by theexpert to determine the identity of the
alleged offender undersubsection (2)(c)(ii).hearing daymeans the day
fixed for the start of the hearing ofthe
proceeding.identifyingparticularsseethePolicePowersandResponsibilities Act 2000,
schedule 6.identifying records, of a person,
means—(a)any identifying particulars of the
person taken under thePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000,chapter17, part 4 or a
corresponding law; or(b)theresultsofaDNAanalysisperformed,underthePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000,chapter17,part5oracorrespondinglaw,onaDNAsampletaken from the
person under that part or a correspondinglaw; or(c)a DNA sample taken from the person
under thePolicePowers and
Responsibilities Act 2000, chapter 17, part 5or a
corresponding law.party, to a
proceeding, means—(a)foracriminalproceeding—theprosecutorandeachaccused person;
orPage 126Current as at
[Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 55](b)for a civil proceeding—each person who
is a party to theproceeding; or(c)foranotherproceeding—eachpersonwhohasbeengiven leave to appear in the
proceeding.Notauthorised—indicativeonly55Proof of incorporation or registration
of company inQueensland(1)Evidenceoftheincorporationorregistrationofacompanywithin the
meaning of the Corporations Act that is taken to beregistered in Queensland may be given by the
production of—(a)acertificateoftheincorporationorregistrationofthecompanythatpurportstobegivenbytheAustralianSecuritiesandInvestmentsCommission(thecommission),thecommission’sdelegateoracommission
officer; or(b)an affidavit or statutory declaration
of an officer of thecompany (company
verification) made under theOathsAct
1867.(2)Thedateofincorporationorregistrationmentionedinthecertificate or
company verification is evidence of the date onwhich the
company was incorporated or registered.(2A)Evidence that a company is not incorporated
or registered, ornolongerincorporatedorregistered,maybegivenbytheproductionofacertificatethatpurportstobegivenbythecommission,thecommission’sdelegateoracommissionofficer.(2B)The date a
company ceased being incorporated or registeredmentioned in the
certificate is evidence of the date on whichthe company
ceased being incorporated or registered.(3)A
document that purports to be—(a)acopyof,orextractfrom,adocumentkeptandregistered in the office of the
commission; and(b)certified by the commission or the
delegate or an officerof the commission;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 127
Evidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 55]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyisadmissibleinevidenceinallcasesinwhichtheoriginaldocument is
admissible and for the same purposes and to thesame
extent.(4)If the prosecution in a criminal
proceeding intends to rely on acompany
verification, the prosecutor must serve a copy of iton
the defendant or the defendant’s legal representative—(a)for a summary trial or committal
proceeding—(i)when the summons is served on the
defendant; or(ii)notlaterthan14daysafterthedefendantfirstappears in court for the alleged offence;
or(b)for a trial on indictment—not later
than 14 days after theindictment against the defendant is
under subsection (4) must give the prosecution awritten notice stating whether the defendant
intends to contestafollowingmatteraboutthecompany’sincorporationorregistration mentioned in the company
verification—(a)the fact of its incorporation or
registration;(b)the date of its incorporation or
defendant must give the notice by not later than—(a)10daysbeforethedaythetrialoftheproceedingstowhich the notice relates starts; or(b)theendofalaterperiodallowedbythecourt,ifthecourtconsidersitjusttoextendtheperiodintheparticular circumstances.(7)If, in a proceeding before it, a court
considers the defendant orthedefendant’slawyerhasunnecessarilycausedtheprosecutiontoprovetheincorporationorregistrationofacompany,thecourtmayorderthedefendanttopaytheprosecution’scostsofprovingtheincorporationorregistration.Page 128Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 55A](8)For this section, a defendant is taken
to be served with a copyofacompanyverificationifthecopyisservedonthedefendant’s lawyer.55AProof of disaster situation under
Disaster ManagementAct 2003(1)Anyofthefollowingisevidenceofthedeclarationofadisaster situation—(a)a copy of a declaration (arelevant declaration) for thedisaster situation made under theDisaster ManagementAct 2003,
section 64(1) or 69;(b)the gazette
purporting to contain notice of the relevantdeclaration;(c)foranoraldeclaration—astatementfromtheresponsible person for the oral declaration
that the oraldeclaration was made under theDisasterManagementAct 2003.(2)In this
section—disastersituationmeansadisastersituationwithinthemeaning of theDisaster
Management Act 2003.oraldeclarationmeansadeclarationofadisastersituationmadeorallyundertheDisasterManagementAct2003,section 65(5) or 70(5), that, at the time of
the hearing, has notbeenrecordedundertheDisasterManagementAct2003,section 65(7) or 70(7).responsible
person, for an oral declaration, means the
personwhomadetheoraldeclarationundertheDisasterManagement Act
2003, section 65(5) or 70(5).56Proof of unallocated State land
grantsUpon its production in any proceeding
wherein it is sought toproveanygrantfromtheCrownoflandwithintheStateadocument that purports—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 129
Evidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 57](a)to be a copy of the instrument of
grant or of an entry ofsuch instrument; and(b)to be certified under the hand of the
registrar of titles;shallbeevidenceand,intheabsenceofevidencetothecontrary, conclusive evidence of the
matters contained therein.Notauthorised—indicativeonly57Proof of lease or licence(1)This section applies to an instrument
of lease or licence issuedorcontinuedinforceandheldunderanyofthefollowingActs—•Housing Act 2003•Land
Act 1994•Mineral Resources Act 1989.(2)Aninstrumentmaybeprovedbytheproductionofadocument purporting to be a copy of
the instrument certifiedby the chief executive of the issuing
department.(3)In this section—issuing
department, for an instrument of a lease or
licence,meansthedepartmentdealingwithmattersabouttheprovisionsoftheActunderwhichtheleaseorlicencewasissued or continued in force and
held.58Proof of letters patent(1)Thechiefexecutive(premiers)ortheStatearchivistmaycertifyacopyofanyletterspatentissuedbytheCrowninrelation to the State, or in relation to any
matter that concernsthe State, to be a true copy of the
letters patent.(2)The chief executive (premiers) may
delegate the power undersubsection (1)toanappropriatelyqualifiedofficerofthatchief
executive’s department.(3)The State
archivist may delegate the power under subsection(1)
to an appropriately qualified officer of the State archives.Page
130Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 58A](4)The copy of the letters patent
certified by the chief executive(premiers)ortheStatearchivistis,onproductioninanyproceeding in which it is sought to
prove the letters patent,evidence of the matters contained in
the copy.(5)In this section—chief executive
(premiers)means the chief executive of thedepartmentdealingwithmattersundertheConstitutionofQueensland 2001.StatearchivesmeanstheQueenslandStateArchivesestablished
under thePublic Records Act 2002, section
21(2).StatearchivistmeanstheStateArchivistunderthePublicRecords Act
2002, section 21(1).58AProof
of document under Royal Sign ManualEvidence of a
document under the signature or royal hand oftheSovereigninrelationtotheStateorinrelationtoanymatterconcerningtheState(theRoyalSignManualdocument)maybegivenbytheproductionofadocumentpurporting to be
a copy of the Royal Sign Manual documentcertified by the
chief executive of the department dealing withmatters under
theConstitution of Queensland 2001.Division 2Proof of certain
miscellaneousdocuments and matters59Comparison of disputed writing(1)Comparison of a disputed writing with
any writing proved tothe satisfaction of the judge to be
genuine shall be permittedto be made by witnesses and such
writings and the evidence ofwitnesses
respecting the same may be submitted as evidenceof
the genuineness or otherwise of the writing in dispute.(2)A court may compare a disputed writing
with any writing thatisgenuineandactuponitsownconclusionsinrelationthereto.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Evidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 60]60Proof of instrument to validity of
which attestation is notnecessaryIt shall not be
necessary to prove by the attesting witness anyinstrument to
the validity of which attestation is not requisite,and
such instrument may be proved by admission or otherwiseas
if there had been no attesting witness thereto.Notauthorised—indicativeonly61Proof of
instrument to validity of which attestation isnecessary(1)Any instrument to the validity of
which attestation is requisitemay,insteadofbeingprovedbyanattestingwitness,beprovedinthemannerinwhichitmightbeprovedifnoattesting witness were alive.(2)Nothinginthissectionshallapplytotheproofofwillsorother testamentary documents.62Presumption as to documents 20 years
oldWhere any document is proved or purports to
be not less than20yearsold,thereshallbemadeanypresumptionwhichimmediatelybeforethedateofthepassingoftheEvidenceActs Amendment
Act 1962would have been made in the caseof a
document of like character proved or purporting to be notless
than 30 years old.63Wills, deeds etc. may be verified by
declaration(1)Any attesting witness to the execution
of any will or codicil,deed,orinstrumentinwriting,andanyothercompetentperson, may verify and prove the signing,
sealing, publication,ordeliveryofanysuchwill,codicil,deedorinstrumentinwriting by declaration in writing made under
theOathsAct1867.(2)Apartywhointendstoadduceinevidenceasproofoftheexecution of a will, codicil, deed or
instrument in writing adeclaration made in accordance with
subsection (1) shall givePage 132Current as at
[Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 64]such
notice of the party’s intention to do so as may be requiredby
rules of court.(3)Themethodofproofprescribedbythissectionshallbeinadditiontoandnotinderogationofanyothermethodofproving the due execution of a will or
codicil prescribed byrules of court.Notauthorised—indicativeonly64Evidentiary effect of probate
etc.(1)The probate of a will or letters of
administration with a willannexed are evidence of the due
execution of the will.(2)Thecopyofawillannexedtoaprobateortolettersofadministration is evidence of the
contents of the will.(3)The probate of a
will is evidence of the death of the testatorand, if the
probate states the date of death of the testator, ofthe
date of the testator’s death.(4)Letters of administration of the estate of a
deceased person areevidenceofthedeathofthepersonand,ifthelettersofadministration state the date of death
of the person, of the dateof the person’s death.(5)In this section—(a)areferencetoprobateshallbereadasareferencetoprobate, and to an exemplification of
probate, whethergranted within or outside the State;
and(b)a reference to letters of
administration shall be read as areferencetolettersofadministration,toanexemplificationoflettersofadministration,whethergrantedwithinoroutsidetheStateandtoanordertoadminister the estate of a deceased
person granted to thepublic trustee.65Maps,
charts etc.(1)Where in a proceeding there is a
question as to the territoriallimits or
situation of an area or place, or the distance between2
places, a court may admit in evidence—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 133
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 66](a)a published book, map, chart or
document that appearstothecourttobeareliablesourceofinformationinrelation to the question; or(b)acertificatepurportingtobegivenbythechiefexecutive
(surveys), or the holder of another office that,in
the court’s opinion, qualifies the person to express anopinion about the question.(2)In any proceeding a map, chart or plan
purporting to be issuedorpublishedbyanydepartmentoftheGovernmentoftheStateoroftheCommonwealthorbyanofficerthereofindischarge of the officer’s functions shall,
upon its production,besufficientevidenceofthemattersstatedordelineatedthereon until
the contrary is proved.66Astronomical
phenomena(1)Where in a proceeding there is a
question as to the time orduration of any astronomical
phenomenon that has occurredorshalloccurinrelationtoaplace,acourtmayadmitinevidenceacertificateaboutthequestiongivenbythechiefexecutive (surveys).(2)The
certificate may include an explanation of the terms usedtherein, a statement of their recognised
practical application,andthebasisforcalculatingthetimeordurationoftheastronomical phenomenon.(3)In this section—astronomicalphenomenonincludestherisingorsettingofthe
sun or moon, the position of the sun or moon, the phase ofthe
moon and the degree of twilight.Division 3Proof of certain Australian andoverseas documents and matters67Definitions for div 3In
this division—Page 134Current as at
[Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 68]overseas countrymeans a country
or part of a country outsidetheCommonwealthandincludesanyinternationalorganisationofwhichtheCommonwealthoranoverseascountry is a
member.statuteincludes any
instrument of a legislative nature made,granted or
issued under a statute.Notauthorised—indicativeonly68Proof of certain Australian and
overseas written laws etc.Evidence of—(a)astatute,proclamationoractofstateofaStateorTerritory other than Queensland;
or(b)astatute,proclamation,treatyoractofstateofanoverseas country;may be given by
the production of—(c)a copy proved to be an examined copy
thereof; or(d)a copy purporting to be sealed with
the seal of that State,Territory or country; or(e)a book or pamphlet purporting to be
published by theauthority of the government of that State,
Territory orcountry or by the government or official
printer of thatState,Territoryorcountrycontainingthestatute,proclamation,
treaty or act of state; or(f)a book or
publication that appears to the court to be areliablesourceofinformationcontainingthestatute,proclamation,
treaty or act of state; or(g)a book or
pamphlet that is proved to the satisfaction ofthecourttobeadmissibleinthecourtsinthatState,Territoryorcountryasevidenceofthestatutes,proclamations,treatiesoractsofstateofthatState,Territory or country contained in that book
or pamphlet.69Proof of judicial proceedings of an
overseas countryEvidence of—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 135
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 70](a)a judgment, decree, rule, conviction,
acquittal, sentenceor other order, process, act or decision of
any court in anoverseas country; or(b)an
affidavit, pleading, will, codicil, indictment or otherlegal document filed, deposited or presented
in any suchcourt;may be given by
the production of a copy thereof—(c)proved to be an examined copy thereof;
be sealed with the seal of such court; or(ii)tobesignedbyajudgeofsuchcourtwithastatementinwritingattachedbythejudgetothejudge’s
signature that such court has no seal andwithout proof of
the judge’s judicial character or ofthe truth of
such statement.70Proof of certain documents admissible
elsewhere inAustraliaAny document
which by a law at any time in force in a Stateor Territory
other than Queensland is admissible in evidencefor any purpose
in a court of that State or Territory withoutproof of—(a)the seal or stamp or signature
authenticating the same;or(b)the
judicial or official character of the person appearingto
have signed the same, shall be admissible in evidenceto
the same extent and for the same purpose in all courtsin
Queensland without such proof.71Royal
proclamations, orders of the Privy Council etc.(1)Evidence of any royal proclamation, order of
Her Majesty’sPrivyCouncil,order,regulation,dispatch,oranyotherinstrumentmadeorissuedbyHerMajestyorbyHerMajesty’s Privy
Council, or by or under the authority of any ofPage 136Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 72]Her
Majesty’s Secretaries of State, or of any department ofHer
Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom, may begiven—(a)by
the production of a document purporting to be a copyoftheLondongazetteorofthegovernmentgazettepurportingtocontainareprintofsuchproclamation,order of the
Privy Council, order, regulation, dispatch orother
instrument; or(b)by the production in the case of any
such proclamationofacopypurportingtobeprintedbythegovernmentprinter.(2)Inthissection(butwithoutaffectingthegeneralityoftheexpression when used
elsewhere)—Her Majestyincludes any
predecessors of Her Majesty.72Proof
of certain Australian and overseas publicdocumentsWhereadocumentofaStateorTerritoryoftheCommonwealthotherthanQueenslandorofanoverseascountry is of such a public nature that it
would if it were aQueenslanddocumentbeadmissibleinevidenceinQueenslandonitsmereproductionfrompropercustody,acopy of or extract from the document
shall be admissible inevidence if—(a)it
is proved to be an examined copy or extract; or(b)it
purports to be certified as a true copy or extract underthe
hand of a person described in the certificate as theperson to whose custody the original is
entrusted.73Proof of incorporation or registration
of certainAustralian and overseas companiesEvidenceoftheincorporationorregistrationofacompanywithin the
meaning of the Corporations Act that is taken to beregistered in a State or Territory of the
Commonwealth otherthan Queensland or in an overseas country
may be given byCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 74]theproductionofacertificateoftheincorporationorregistration of that company which purports
to be signed orissuedbytheAustralianSecuritiesandInvestmentsCommission or
the proper officer or body in that country, andthedateofincorporationorregistrationmentionedinsuchcertificate
shall be evidence of the date on which the companywas
incorporated or registered.74Proof of birth,
adoption, death or marriageA document
purporting to be either the original or a certifiedcopy
of a certificate, entry or record of a birth, adoption,
deathor marriage alleged to have taken place
whether in Australiaorelsewhereisevidenceinaproceedingofthematterscontained
therein.Division 4Proof of
telegraphic messages75Notice of intention to adduce
telegraphic message inevidence(1)Inanyproceeding(notbeingacriminalproceeding),anyparty may at any time after the commencement
thereof givenotice to any other party that the party
proposes to adduce inevidence at the trial or hearing any
telegraphic message thathasbeensentbytelegraphfromanyplaceintheCommonwealth to any other place in the
Commonwealth.(1A)However—(a)the time between the giving of such
notice and the dayon which such evidence shall be tendered
shall not inany case be less than 2 days; and(b)every such notice shall specify the
names of the senderand receiver of the message, the subject
matter thereof,and the date as nearly as may be.(2)Any such notice may be served and the
service thereof provedin the same manner as notices to
produce may now be servedand proved.Page 138Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 76]76Proof of messageWhereanoticeundersection 75hasbeengiven,theproduction of a telegraphic message
described in the noticeand purporting to have been sent by
any person, together withevidencethatthesamewasdulyreceivedfromatelegraphoffice, shall be
evidence that such message was sent by theperson so
purporting to be the sender thereof to the person towhom
the same is addressed.77Proof of sending
a messageWhereanoticeundersection 75hasbeengiven,theproductionofatelegraphicmessage,oracopythereofverifiedonoath,togetherwithevidencethatsuchmessagewas sent to or
delivered at a telegraph office and that the fees(if
any) for the transmission thereof were duly paid shall beevidence that such message was duly
delivered to the personnamedthereinasthepersontowhomthesamewastobetransmitted.Division 5Admissibility of convictions in civilproceedings78Definitions for div 5In this
division—convictiondoes not
include—(a)a conviction that has been set aside
or quashed; or(b)wherethepersonconvictedofanoffencehasbeengrantedapardoninrespectofthatoffence,suchaconviction;and the
termconvictedhas a
corresponding meaning.courtmeans any court
of Queensland, of the Commonwealthor of any other
State or Territory but does not include a courtmartial.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 79]79Convictions as evidence in civil
proceedings(1)In this section—civil
proceedingdoes not include an action for
defamation.convictedmeans a finding
of guilt for an offence, on a plea ofguiltyorotherwise,andwhetherornotaconvictionwasrecorded.(2)Inanycivilproceedingthefactthatapersonhasbeenconvicted by a
court of an offence is admissible in evidencefor the purpose
of proving, where to do so is relevant to anyissueinthatproceeding,thatthepersoncommittedthatoffence.(3)In any civil proceeding in which by
virtue of this section apersonisprovedtohavebeenconvictedbyacourtofanoffencethepersonshall,unlessthecontraryisproved,betaken to have committed the acts and to have
possessed thestate of mind (if any) which at law
constitute that offence.(4)This section
applies—(a)whether or not a person was convicted
upon a plea ofguilty; and(b)whether or not the person convicted is a
party to the civilproceeding.80Convictions as evidence in actions for
defamationIn an action for defamation in which the
question whether aperson did or did not commit a criminal
offence is relevant toan issue arising in the action, proof
that at the time when theissue falls to be determined that
person stands convicted by acourtofthatoffenceisconclusiveevidencethatthepersoncommitted that
offence.81Evidence identifying the particulars
of a convictionWithout prejudice to the reception of any
other evidence forthe purpose of identifying the particulars
of a conviction—Page 140Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 82](a)thecontentsofanydocumentwhichisadmissibleasevidence of the conviction; and(b)thecontentsofanydocumentwhichisadmissibleasevidenceofthecomplaint,information,indictmentorcharge on which the person in question was
convicted;shallbeadmissibleforthatpurposewherebyvirtueofsection 79 or 80 evidence of the conviction
may be given.82Operation of other laws not
affectedNothing in this division derogates from the
operation of anyotherlawunderwhichaconvictionorfindingoffactinacriminalproceedingis,forthepurposesofanyproceeding,made evidence or
conclusive evidence of any fact.Division 6Books of account83Definitions for div 6In this
division—book of accountincludes any
document used in the ordinarycourse of any
undertaking to record the financial transactionsof
the undertaking or to record anything acquired or otherwisedealt with by, produced in, held for or on
behalf of, or taken orlost from the undertaking and any
particulars relating to anysuch
thing.courtmeans—(a)in relation to any proceeding in the
Supreme Court—theSupreme Court or a judge thereof; and(b)in relation to any proceeding in the
District Court—theDistrict Court or a judge thereof;
and(c)in relation to any proceeding in a
Magistrates Court orbefore justices—the Magistrates Court,
a magistrate or ajustice; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 141
Evidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 84](d)in relation to any other
proceeding—the Supreme Courtor a judge
thereof.Notauthorised—indicativeonly84Entries in book
of account to be evidenceSubject to this division, in all
proceedings—(a)an entry in a book of account shall be
evidence of thematters, transactions and accounts therein
recorded; and(b)a copy of an entry in a book of
account shall be evidenceoftheentryandofthematters,transactionsandaccounts therein recorded.85Proof that book is a book of
account(1)An entry or a copy of an entry in a
book of account shall notbe admissible in evidence under this
division unless it is firstprovedthatthebookwasatthetimeofthemakingoftheentry 1 of the
ordinary books of account of the undertaking towhich it
purports to relate and that the entry was made in theusual and ordinary course of that
undertaking.(2)Suchproofmaybegivenbyaresponsiblepersonfamiliarwiththebooksofaccountoftheundertakingandmaybegiven orally or
by an affidavit sworn or by a declaration madebefore a
commissioner or person authorised to take affidavitsor
statutory declarations.86Verification of
copy(1)Acopyofanentryinabookofaccountshallnotbeadmissible in
evidence under this division unless it is furtherprovedthatthecopyhasbeenexaminedwiththeoriginalentry and is
correct.(2)Such proof may be given by some person
who has examinedthe copy with the original entry and may be
given either orallyorbyanaffidavitswornorbyadeclarationmadebeforeacommissionerorpersonauthorisedtotakeaffidavitsorstatutory declarations.Page 142Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 87]87Matters which may be proved under this
divisionordinarily to be so provedA
person engaged in any undertaking or an employee of thatperson shall not in any proceeding to which
the person is not apartybecompellabletoproduceanybookofaccountthecontentsofwhichcanbeprovedunderthisdivisionortoappearasawitnesstoprovethematters,transactionsandaccounts therein recorded unless by order of
a court.88Court may order books of account or
copies to be madeavailable(1)On
the application of any party to a proceeding, a court mayorder that such party be at liberty to
inspect and take copies oforextractsfromanyentriesinabookofaccountofanyundertaking for any of the purposes of
such proceeding.(2)Anorderunderthissectionmaybemadeeitherwithorwithout summoning the person engaged in the
undertaking orany other party and shall be served on the
person engaged inthe undertaking 3 clear days before the same
is to be obeyedunless the court otherwise directs.(3)Anorderunderthissectionmaydirectthatthepersonengaged in the
undertaking shall, on payment of such fee as isspecified in the
order, prepare and deliver to the party whoobtained that
order a duly verified copy of such entries as maybe
required for evidence in the proceeding.(4)For
the purposes of subsection (2), Saturday, Sunday, and anyday
which is a public holiday throughout the State or in thatpart
of the State in which the order is to be obeyed shall beexcluded from the computation of
time.(5)Whereapersonengagedinanyundertakingisapartytoaproceeding, the other party or parties
thereto shall be at libertytoinspectandmakecopiesoforextractsfromtheoriginalentries and the
accounts of which such entries form a part andthe documents in
respect of which such entries were made asthough this
division had not been enacted.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 143
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 5 Proof of
documents and other matters[s 89]89Proof that a person has no
account(1)Where it is sought to prove for the
purposes of a proceedingthat a person did not at a given time
have an account with anundertaking or with any branch
thereof, evidence of the factmay be given by
a responsible person familiar with the booksof account of
the undertaking or, as the case may be, of thebranch
thereof.(2)Such evidence may be given by such
person orally or by anaffidavitswornorbyadeclarationmadebeforeacommissionerorpersonauthorisedtotakeaffidavitsorstatutory declarations.90Costs(1)Thecostsofanyapplicationtoacourtunderorforthepurposes of this division and the costs of
anything done or tobedoneunderanorderofacourtmadeunderorforthepurposes of this
division shall be in the discretion of the court,who
may order the same or any part thereof to be paid to anypartybythepersonengagedintheundertakingconcernedwhere the same have been occasioned by any
default or delayon the part of that person.(2)Any such order against a person
engaged in an undertakingmaybeenforcedasifthepersonwereapartytotheproceeding.91Application of ss 84–86 and 89Sections84to86and89shallapplytoandinrelationtobooks of account and persons engaged in
undertakings in anyState or Territory.Page 144Current as at [Not applicable]
6Evidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 92]Admissibility of statements andrepresentationsNotauthorised—indicativeonly92Admissibility of documentary evidence
as to facts inissue(1)Inanyproceeding(notbeingacriminalproceeding)wheredirectoralevidenceofafactwouldbeadmissible,anystatementcontainedinadocumentandtendingtoestablishthat fact shall,
subject to this part, be admissible as evidenceof that fact
if—(a)the maker of the statement had
personal knowledge ofthe matters dealt with by the
statement, and is called as awitness in the
proceeding; or(b)the document is or forms part of a
record relating to anyundertaking and made in the course of
that undertakingfrominformationsupplied(whetherdirectlyorindirectly) by persons who had, or may
reasonably besupposedtohavehad,personalknowledgeofthematters dealt
with in the information they supplied, andthe person who
supplied the information recorded in thestatementinquestioniscalledasawitnessintheproceeding.(2)Theconditioninsubsection (1)thatthemakerofthestatement or the person who supplied
the information, as thecasemaybe,becalledasawitnessneednotbesatisfiedwhere—(a)themakerorsupplierisdead,orunfitbyreasonofbodily or mental condition to attend as a
witness; or(b)themakerorsupplierisoutoftheStateanditisnotreasonablypracticabletosecuretheattendanceofthemaker or supplier; or(c)the maker or supplier can not with
reasonable diligencebe found or identified; or(d)it can not reasonably be supposed
(having regard to thetimewhichhaselapsedsincethemakerorsupplierCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 145
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 93]made
the statement, or supplied the information, and toall
the circumstances) that the maker or supplier wouldhaveanyrecollectionofthemattersdealtwithbythestatementthemakermadeorintheinformationthesupplier supplied; or(e)no
party to the proceeding who would have the right tocross-examine the maker or supplier requires
the makeror supplier being called as a witness;
or(f)atanystageoftheproceedingitappearstothecourtthat, having
regard to all the circumstances of the case,undue delay or
expense would be caused by calling themaker or
supplier as a witness.(3)Thecourtmayactonhearsayevidenceforthepurposeofdecidinganyofthemattersmentionedinsubsection (2)(a),(b), (c), (d) or
(f).(4)Forthepurposesofthispart,astatementcontainedinadocument is made
by a person if—(a)it was written, made, dictated or
otherwise produced bythe person; or(b)it
was recorded with the person’s knowledge; or(c)itwasrecordedinthecourseofandancillarytoaproceeding;
or(d)itwasrecognisedbythepersonastheperson’sstatement by
signing, initialling or otherwise in writing.93Admissibility of documentary evidence as to
facts inissue in criminal proceedings(1)Inanycriminalproceedingwheredirectoralevidenceofafactwouldbeadmissible,anystatementcontainedinadocument and
tending to establish that fact shall, subject tothis
part, be admissible as evidence of that fact if—(a)the document is or forms part of a
record relating to anytrade or business and made in the
course of that trade orbusiness from information supplied
(whether directly orPage 146Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 93A]indirectly) by persons who had, or may
reasonably besupposedtohavehad,personalknowledgeofthematters dealt
with in the information they supplied; and(b)the
person who supplied the information recorded in thestatement in question—(i)is
dead, or unfit by reason of the person’s bodily ormental condition to attend as a witness;
or(ii)isoutoftheStateanditisnotreasonablypracticable to
secure the person’s attendance; or(iii)cannotwithreasonablediligencebefoundoridentified; or(iv)can
not reasonably be supposed (having regard tothetimewhichhaslapsedsincethepersonsuppliedtheinformationandtoallthecircumstances)tohaveanyrecollectionofthemattersdealtwithintheinformationthepersonsupplied.(2)In this section—businessincludesanypublictransport,publicutilityorsimilar undertaking carried on in Queensland
or elsewhere bythe Crown (in right of the State of
Queensland or any otherright) or a statutory body.93AStatement made before proceeding by
child or personwith an impairment of the mind(1)In any proceeding where direct oral
evidence of a fact wouldbeadmissible,anystatementtendingtoestablishthatfact,containedinadocument,shall,subjecttothispart,beadmissible as evidence of that fact
if—(a)the maker of the statement was a child
or a person withanimpairmentofthemindatthetimeofmakingthestatementandhadpersonalknowledgeofthemattersdealt with by the statement; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 93A](b)the maker of the statement is
available to give evidencein the proceeding.(2)Ifastatementmentionedinsubsection (1)(themainstatement)isadmissible,arelatedstatementisalsoadmissible as
evidence if the maker of the related statement isavailable to give evidence in the
proceeding.(2A)Arelated statementis a
statement—(a)made by someone to the maker of the
main statement, inresponse to which the main statement was
made; and(b)containedinthedocumentcontainingthemainstatement.(2B)Subsection (2) is subject to this
part.(3)Where the statement of a person is
admitted as evidence inanyproceedingpursuanttosubsection (1)or(2),thepartytendering the
statement shall, if required to do so by any otherpartytotheproceeding,callasawitnessthepersonwhosestatementissoadmittedandthepersonwhorecordedthestatement.(3A)Foracommittalproceedingforarelevantoffence,subsections (1)(b)and(3)donotapplytothepersonwhomade
the statement if the person is an affected child.Note—Forthetakingofanaffectedchild’sevidenceforacommittalproceeding for a
relevant offence, see part 2, division 4A, subdivision 2.(4)In the application of subsection (3)
to a criminal proceeding—partymeanstheprosecutionorthepersonchargedintheproceeding.(5)In
this section—affected childsee section
21AC.child,inrelationtoapersonwhomadeastatementundersubsection (1), means—Page 148Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 93AA](a)apersonwhowasunder16yearswhenthestatementwas made,
whether or not the person is under 16 years atthe time of the
proceeding; or(b)apersonwhowas16or17yearswhenthestatementwas made and
who, at the time of the proceeding, is aspecial
witness.relevant offencesee section
21AC.93AAUnauthorised possession of, or dealing
in, s 93A criminalstatements(1)A
person commits an offence who, without authority—(a)hasasection 93Acriminalstatementintheperson’spossession;
or(b)supplies,orofferstosupply,asection 93Acriminalstatement to any person; or(c)copies,orpermitsapersontocopy,asection 93Acriminal
statement.Maximum penalty—(a)foranindividual—100penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment;
or(b)for a corporation—1,000 penalty
units.(2)A person has authority for subsection
(1) if the person has thepossession or does the thing mentioned
in subsection (1) for alegitimate purpose connected with the
proceeding for whichthe section 93A statement was made or
another proceeding.(2A)Also, the
commissioner of the police service or the director ofpublicprosecutionshasauthorityforsubsection (1)ifthecommissioner or director has the
possession or does the thingmentioned in the
subsection for the purpose of—(a)preparingatranscriptofasection 93Acriminalstatement so that it can be given to the
chief executive(employment screening) as mentioned in
paragraph (b);orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 93AA](b)giving,undertheWorkingwithChildrenAct,asection 93A transcript, or a summary
of a section 93Atranscript,tothechiefexecutive(employmentscreening).(2B)Apersondoesnotcommitanoffenceagainstsubsection (1)(a) by possessing a section
93A transcript, or asummaryofasection 93Atranscript,ifthetranscriptorsummary—(a)was,
under the Working with Children Act, given to theformer CCYPCG commissioner or the chief
executive(employmentscreening)bythecommissionerofthepolice service or the director of
public prosecutions; and(b)is in the
person’s possession, at the relevant time, for thepurpose of making an employment-screening
decision.(2C)Apersondoesnotcommitanoffenceagainstsubsection (1)(b) if the person supplies, or
offers to supply, awrittensummaryofasection
93Atranscriptthatisintheperson’s possession under subsection
(2B)—(a)to a WWC applicant; and(b)for a legitimate purpose directly
related to the making ofan employment-screening
decision.(2D)Apersondoesnotcommitanoffenceagainstsubsection (1)(c) if—(a)thepersoncopies,orpermitsapersontocopy,asection 93A transcript, or a summary of a
section 93Atranscript,thatisintheperson’spossessionundersubsection (2B); and(b)thecopyingisdoneforthepurposeofmakinganemployment-screening decision.(2E)A WWC
applicant—(a)does not commit an offence against
subsection (1)(a) bypossessingawrittensummaryofasection
93Atranscript, if the summary—Page
150Current as at [Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 93AA]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(i)was given to the applicant under
subsection (2C);and(ii)isintheapplicant’spossession,attherelevanttime, for a
legitimate purpose directly related to themaking of an
employment-screening decision; and(b)does
not commit an offence against subsection (1)(b) iftheapplicantsupplies,orofferstosupply,awrittensummaryofasection
93Atranscriptthatisintheapplicant’s possession under paragraph (a),
or a copy ofthe summary—(i)to
an Australian lawyer; and(ii)for the purpose
of obtaining legal advice directlyrelated to the
making of an employment-screeningdecision;
and(c)doesnotcommitanoffenceagainstsubsection (1)(c)if—(i)the applicant copies, or permits a
person to copy, awritten summary of a section 93A transcript
that isin the applicant’s possession under
paragraph (a);and(ii)the copying is
done so that a copy of the summarycanbegiventoanAustralianlawyerforthepurpose of
obtaining legal advice directly relatedtothemakingofanemployment-screeningdecision.(2F)AnAustralianlawyerdoesnotcommitanoffenceagainstsubsection (1)(a)bypossessingawrittensummaryofasection 93A
transcript, or a copy of a written summary of asection 93A
transcript, if the summary or copy—(a)wasgiventothelawyerundersubsection (2E)byaWWC applicant; and(b)is
in the lawyer’s possession, at the relevant time, for thepurpose of providing legal advice directly
related to themaking of an employment-screening decision
about theapplicant.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 151
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 93AA](3)In this section—AustralianlawyerhasthemeaninggivenbytheLegalProfession Act
2007.chiefexecutive(employmentscreening)meansthechiefexecutiveofthedepartmentinwhichtheWorkingwithChildren Act is administered.employment-screeningdecisionmeansanemployment-screeningdecisionundertheWorkingwithChildren Act.former CCYPCG
commissionermeans the Commissioner forChildrenandYoungPeopleandChildGuardianbeforethecommencement of this definition.section 93A criminal statementmeans a statement—(a)made
to a person investigating an alleged offence; and(b)givenin,orinanticipationof,acriminalproceedingabout the
alleged offence; and(c)that is
potentially admissible under section 93A.section
93Atranscriptmeansatranscriptofasection 93Acriminal
statement.Working with Children Actmeans theWorking with
Children(Risk Management and Screening) Act
2000.WWCapplicant,forasection 93Atranscript,meansaperson—(a)who
allegedly committed the alleged offence to whichthe
transcript relates; and(b)about whom the
former CCYPCG commissioner or thechiefexecutive(employmentscreening)hasmade,orthe
chief executive (employment screening) is about tomake, an employment-screening
decision.Page 152Current as at
[Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 93B]Notauthorised—indicativeonly93BAdmissibility of representation in
prescribed criminalproceedings if person who made it is
unavailable(1)This section applies in a prescribed
criminal proceeding if aperson with personal knowledge of an
asserted fact—(a)made a representation about the
asserted fact; and(b)is unavailable to give evidence about
the asserted factbecausethepersonisdeadormentallyorphysicallyincapable of
giving the evidence.(2)Thehearsayruledoesnotapplytoevidenceoftherepresentation given by a person who
saw, heard or otherwiseperceived the representation, if the
representation was—(a)made when or shortly after the
asserted fact happenedandincircumstancesmakingitunlikelytherepresentation is a fabrication; or(b)madeincircumstancesmakingithighlyprobabletherepresentation is reliable; or(c)atthetimeitwasmade,againsttheinterestsoftheperson who made it.(3)Ifevidencegivenbyapersonofarepresentationaboutamatterhasbeenadducedbyapartyandhasbeenadmittedundersubsection (2),thehearsay rule does not apply to thefollowingevidenceadducedbyanotherpartytotheproceeding—(a)evidence of the representation given by
another personwhosaw,heardorotherwiseperceivedtherepresentation;(b)evidenceofanotherrepresentationaboutthemattergivenbyapersonwhosaw,heardorotherwiseperceived the
other representation.(4)To avoid any
doubt, it is declared that subsections (2) and (3)onlyprovideexceptionstothehearsayruleforparticularevidence and do
not otherwise affect the admissibility of theevidence.(5)In this section—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 153
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 93C]prescribed criminal proceedingmeans a criminal proceedingagainst a person for an offence defined in
the Criminal Code,chapters 28 to 32.representationincludes—(a)anexpressorimpliedrepresentation,whetheroralorwritten; and(b)a
representation to be inferred from conduct; and(c)a
representation not intended by the person making it tobe
communicated to or seen by another person; and(d)arepresentationthatforanyreasonisnotcommunicated.93CWarning and information for jury about
hearsay evidence(1)This section applies if evidence is
admitted under section 93B(hearsay
evidence) and there is a jury.(2)On
request by a party, the court must, unless there are goodreasons for not doing so—(a)warn the jury the hearsay evidence may
be unreliable;and(b)inform the jury
of matters that may cause the hearsayevidence to be
unreliable; and(c)warnthejuryoftheneedforcautionindecidingwhether to
accept the hearsay evidence and the weightto be given to
it.(3)It is not necessary for a particular
form of words to be used ingiving the
warning or information.(4)This section
does not affect another power of the court to givea
warning to, or to inform, the jury.Page 154Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 94]94Admissibility of evidence concerning
credibility ofpersons responsible for statement(1)Where in any proceeding a statement is
given in evidence byvirtue of section 84, 92, 93 or 93A
and a person who made thestatementorsuppliedtheinformationrecordedinitisnotcalled as a witness in the
proceeding—(a)any evidence which, if that person had
been so called,wouldbeadmissibleforthepurposeofdestroyingorsupporting the person’s credibility as a
witness shall beadmissible for that purpose in that
proceeding;(b)any evidence tending to prove that,
whether before orafterthepersonmadethatstatementorsuppliedthatinformation,thepersonmadeanotherstatementorsuppliedotherinformation(whetherorallyorinadocument or
otherwise) inconsistent therewith shall beadmissible for
the purpose of showing that the personhas contradicted
himself or herself;but nothing in paragraph (a) or (b) shall
enable evidence to begiven of any matter of which, if the
person in question hadbeencalledasawitnessandhaddeniedthatmatterincross-examination, evidence could not
have been adduced bythe cross-examining party.(2)Where in any proceeding a statement is
given in evidence byvirtue of section 84, 92, 93 or 93A
and a person who made thestatementorsuppliedtheinformationrecordedinitisnotcalledasawitnessintheproceedinganyevidenceprovingthatthatpersonhasbeenguiltyofanyindictableorotheroffence shall,
with the leave of the court, be admissible in theproceeding to the same extent as if that
person had been socalled and on being questioned as to whether
the person hadbeen convicted of an indictable or other
offence had deniedthe fact or refused to answer the
question.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Evidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 95]Notauthorised—indicativeonly95Admissibility of
statements in documents or thingsproduced by
processes or devices(1)In a proceeding
where direct oral evidence of a fact would beadmissible,astatementcontainedinadocumentorthingproduced wholly
or partly by a device or process and tendingtoestablishthatfactis,subjecttothispart,admissibleasevidence of that fact.(2)Acourtmaypresumetheprocessordeviceproducedthedocumentorthingcontainingthestatementifthecourtconsidersaninferencecanreasonablybemadethattheprocess or device, if properly used,
produces a document orthing of that kind.(3)Inaproceeding,acertificatepurportingtobesignedbyaresponsible person for the process or
device and stating any ofthe following matters is evidence of
the matter for the purposeof subsection (2)—(a)thatthedocumentorthingwasproducedwhollyorpartly by the process or
device;(b)thatthedocumentorthingwasproducedwhollyorpartly in a particular way by the
process or device;(c)that,ifproperlyused,theprocessordeviceproducesdocuments or things of a particular
kind;(d)anyparticularsrelevanttoamattermentionedinparagraph (a), (b) or (c).(4)A person who signs a certificate
mentioned in subsection (3)commits an
offence if—(a)a matter is stated in the certificate
that the person knowsis false or ought reasonably to know
is false; and(b)the statement of the matter is
material in the proceeding.Maximumpenalty—20penaltyunitsor1year’simprisonment.(5)If a
party (therelying party) to a
proceeding intends to rely onthe certificate,
the party must give a copy of the certificate toeach
other party to the proceeding—Page 156Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 95A](a)at least 10 business days before the
hearing day; or(b)if, in the particular circumstances,
the court considers itjust to shorten the period mentioned
in paragraph (a)—by a later date allowed by the court.(6)Ifapartytotheproceeding,otherthantherelyingparty,intends to challenge a matter stated in the
certificate, the partymust give the relying party notice in
writing of the matter tobe challenged—(a)at
least 3 business days before the hearing day; or(b)if, in the particular circumstances,
the court considers itjust to shorten the period mentioned
in paragraph (a)—by a later date allowed by the court.(7)In this section—hearing
daymeans the day fixed for the start of the
hearing ofthe proceeding.responsible
person, for a process or device that produced
adocument or thing, means a person
responsible, at or about thetime the process
or device produced the document or thing,for—(a)the operation of the process or
device; or(b)the management of activities for which
the document orthing was produced by the process or
device.95ADNA evidentiary certificate(1)This section applies to a criminal
proceeding.(2)However, subsections (4), (5), (8) and
(9) do not apply to acriminalproceedingiftheproceedingisanexaminationofwitnesses in relation to an indictable
offence.(3)A certificate, in the approved form,
purporting to be signed byaDNAanalystandstatinganyofthefollowingmattersisevidence of the matter—(a)that
a stated thing was received at a stated laboratory ona
stated day;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Evidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 95A]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)that the thing
was tested at the laboratory on a stated dayor between
stated days;(c)thatastatedDNAprofilehasbeenobtainedfromthething;(d)that
the DNA analyst—(i)examinedthelaboratory’srecordsrelatingtothereceipt, storage and testing of the
thing, includingany test process that was done by someone
otherthan the DNA analyst; and(ii)confirmsthattherecords indicatethatallqualityassuranceproceduresforthereceipt,storageandtestingofthethingthatwereinplaceinthelaboratoryatthetimeofthetestwerecompliedwith.(4)If a party (therelying
party) intends to rely on the certificate,therelyingpartymust,atleast10businessdaysbeforethehearing day, give a copy of the certificate
to each other party.(5)If,atleast5businessdaysbeforethehearingday,apartyotherthantherelyingpartygivesawrittennoticetoeachother party that
it requires the DNA analyst to give evidence,the relying
party must call the DNA analyst to give evidenceat
the hearing.(6)If the responsible person for the
laboratory receives a writtenrequestfromapartyforacopyofthelaboratory’srecordsrelatingtothereceipt,storageandtestingofthething,theresponsible person must give the party a
copy of the recordswithin 7 business days after receiving the
request.(7)If a party intends to challenge a
matter stated in the certificate,the party must,
at least 5 business days before the hearing day,give
the responsible person and each other party notice, in theapproved form, of the matter to be
challenged.(8)A party challenging a matter stated in
the certificate may, withtheleaveofthecourt,requirethepartyrelyingonthecertificate to
call any person involved in the receipt, storage ortesting of the thing to give evidence at the
hearing.Page 158Current as at
[Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 95A]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(9)The court may give leave only if the
court is satisfied that—(a)anirregularitymayexistinrelationtothereceipt,storage or
testing of the thing about which the person tobe called is
able to give evidence; or(b)it is in the
interests of justice that the person be called togive
evidence.(10)Any equipment
used in testing the thing at the laboratory is tobetakentohavegivenaccurateresultsintheabsenceofevidence to the contrary.(11)The court may at
any time, on application by a party, make anordershorteningorextendingaperiodmentionedinthissection.(12)Withoutlimitingsubsection(11),thecourtmaywaivetherequirementforapartyotherthantherelyingpartytogivenotice under
subsection (5) that it requires the DNA analyst togive
evidence.(13)If the court
makes an order under subsection (12), the relyingpartymustcalltheDNAanalysttogiveevidenceatthehearing.(14)In this
section—DNA analystmeans a person
who holds an appointment as aDNA analyst
under section 133A.DNA profilemeans the result
from DNA analysis.hearing daymeans the day
fixed for the start of the hearing ofthe
person, for a laboratory, means—(a)ifthecommissionerofthepoliceservicehasenteredinto a DNA
arrangement with the laboratory under thePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000,section 488B(1)—thechiefexecutiveofficer,howeverdescribed, of
the laboratory; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 96](b)otherwise—the chief executive of the
department withinwhichtheHospitalandHealthBoardsAct2011isadministered.96Inferences concerning admissibility(1)Forthepurposeofdecidingwhetherornotastatementisadmissible in evidence by virtue of this
part, the court maydraw any reasonable inference from the form
or contents ofthe document in which the statement is
contained, or from anyother circumstances.(2)Forthepurposeofdecidingwhetherornotastatementisadmissible in evidence by virtue of section
92 or 93, the courtmay, in deciding whether or not a person is
fit to attend as awitness, act on a certificate purporting to
be a certificate of alegally qualified medical
practitioner.97AuthenticationWhere in any
proceeding a statement contained in a documentis proposed to
be given in evidence by virtue of this part, itmaybeprovedbytheproductionofthatdocumentor(whetherornotthatdocumentisstillinexistence)bytheproduction of a copy of that document,
or the material partthereof,authenticatedinsuchmannerasthecourtmayapprove.98Rejection of evidence(1)Thecourtmayinitsdiscretionrejectanystatementorrepresentationnotwithstandingthattherequirementsofthispartaresatisfiedwithrespectthereto,ifforanyreasonitappears to it to be inexpedient in the
interests of justice thatthe statement should be
admitted.(2)This section does not affect the
admissibility of any evidenceotherwise than
by virtue of this part.Page 160Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 99]99Withholding statement from jury
roomWhere in a proceeding there is a jury, and a
statement in adocumentisadmittedinevidenceunderthispart,anditappears to the
court that if the jury were to have the documentwiththemduringtheirdeliberationstheymightgivethestatementundueweight,thecourtmaydirectthatthedocumentbewithheldfromthejuryduringtheirdeliberations.100CorroborationForthepurposeofanyruleoflaworpracticerequiringevidence to be
corroborated or regulating the manner in whichuncorroborated
evidence is to be treated, a statement renderedadmissibleasevidencebythispartshallnotbetreatedascorroboration of evidence given by the maker
of the statementor the person who supplied the information
from which therecord containing the statement was
made.101Witness’s previous statement, if
proved, to be evidenceof facts stated(1)Where in any proceeding—(a)a
previous inconsistent or contradictory statement madebyapersoncalledasawitnessinthatproceedingisproved by virtue of section 17, 18 or 19;
or(b)apreviousstatementmadebyapersoncalledasaforesaidisprovedforthepurposeofrebuttingasuggestionthattheperson’sevidencehasbeenfabricated;thatstatementshallbeadmissibleasevidenceofanyfactstatedthereinofwhichdirectoralevidencebythepersonwould be admissible.(2)Subsection (1)shallapplytoanystatementorinformationproved by virtue
of section 94(1)(b) as it applies to a previousinconsistentorcontradictorystatementmadebyapersonCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 161
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 6
Admissibility of statements and representations[s 102]calledasawitnesswhichisprovedasmentionedinsubsection (1)(a).(3)Nothing in this part shall affect any of the
rules of law relatingtothecircumstancesinwhich,whereapersoncalledasawitness in any
proceeding is cross-examined on a documentusedbythepersontorefreshtheperson’smemory,thatdocumentmaybemadeevidenceinthatproceeding,andwhere a document or any part of a document
is received inevidence in any such proceeding by virtue of
any such rule oflaw,anystatementmadeinthatdocumentorpartbythepersonusingthedocumenttorefreshtheperson’smemoryshall by virtue of this subsection be
admissible as evidence ofany fact stated therein ofwhich direct oral evidence by theperson would be admissible.102Weight to be attached to
evidenceIn estimating the weight (if any) to be
attached to a statementrendered admissible as evidence by
this part, regard shall behadtoallthecircumstancesfromwhichaninferencecanreasonably be drawn as to the accuracy or
otherwise of thestatement, including—(a)the
question whether or not the statement was made, ortheinformationrecordedinitwassupplied,contemporaneously with the occurrence or
existence ofthe facts to which the statement or
information relates;and(b)the
question whether or not the maker of the statement,or
the supplier of the information recorded in it, had anyincentive to conceal or misrepresent the
facts.103Provisions of part are
alternativeSections 92 to 95 and 101 shall be construed
as in aid of andas alternative to one another, any other
provision in any otherpart, and any other law practice or
usage with respect to theadmissibility in evidence of
statements.Page 162Current as at
[Not applicable]
7Evidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 104]Reproductions of
documentsDivision 1Preliminary104Definitions for partIn this
statutory declarations.businessincludes any
undertaking.machine copy, in relation to
a document, means a copy of thedocument made by
a machine performing a process—(a)involvingtheproductionofalatentimageofthedocument(notbeingalatentimageonphotosensitivematerial on a
transparent base) and the development ofthat image by
chemical means or otherwise; or(b)that,withouttheuseofphotosensitivematerial,produces a copy of the document
simultaneously withthe making of the document.original documentmeans—(a)when referred to in connection with
the production of adocument in answer to legal process issued
by a court,thedocumentthatwould,ifthisparthadnotbeenenacted,berequiredtobeproducedinanswertothatprocess;
or(b)when referred to in connection with
the admissibility ofa document in evidence in a
proceeding—(i)adocumentthatwould,ifthisparthadnotbeenenacted,beadmissibleinevidenceinthatproceedinginlieuofanotherdocumentwhereaparty to the proceeding failed to produce
that otherdocument in response to notice to do so
given tothe party by another such party; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 105](ii)any
other document that would, if this part had notbeenenacted,beadmissibleinevidenceinthatproceeding.reproductionin relation to a
document means a machine copyof the document
or a print made from a transparency of thedocument
andreproduceand any
derivatives thereof have acorresponding meaning.transparency, in relation to
a document, means—(a)adevelopednegativeorpositivephotographofthatdocument(anoriginalphotograph)madeonatransparentbasebymeansoflightreflectedfrom,ortransmitted through, the document; or(b)acopyofanoriginalphotographmadebytheuseofphotosensitivematerial(beingphotosensitivematerialon a
transparent base) placed in surface contact with theoriginal photograph; or(c)any
1 of a series of copies of an original photograph, thefirstoftheseriesbeingmadebytheuseofphotosensitivematerial(beingphotosensitivematerialon a
transparent base) placed in surface contact with acopy
referred to in paragraph (b) of this definition, andeach
succeeding copy in the series being made, in thesame
manner, from any preceding copy in the series.Division 2Reproduction of official documents105Certified reproductions of certain
official documents etc.to be admissible without further
proof(1)In this section—approved
person the Minister declares by gazette notice to be anapproved person; or(b)where an original document to which this
section relatesis a document filed in a court or the
official record of aPage 164Current as at
[Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 105]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyproceeding, the registrar or other proper
officer of thecourt in which the document was filed or
before whichthe proceeding took place.(2)A person shall not fail or cease to be
an approved person byreason only of a misdescription or an
abbreviated descriptionof a designated office by virtue of
which the person would, butforthemisdescriptionorabbreviateddescription,beanapprovedperson,wherethemisdescriptionorabbreviationdoes not
materially affect identification of that person.(3)Adocumentthatpurportstobeacopyofanoriginaldocumentshall,withoutfurtherproof,beadmissibleinevidence in a proceeding as if it were the
original document ofwhich it purports to be a copy, if it
bears or is accompanied bya certificate, purporting to have been
signed by an approvedperson, that it is a reproduction of a
document that was in thecustodyorcontrolofthatpersonintheperson’sofficialcapacity—(a)where the reproduction is a machine
copy, at the timethe machine copy was made; or(b)wherethereproductionisaprintmadefromatransparency,atthetimewhenthetransparencywasmade.(4)Whereanapprovedpersonisservedwithlegalprocesstoproduce a document to a court it shall
be a sufficient answer tosuch process if the person to whom the
process is addressedsendsbypost,orcausestobedelivered,totheregistrarorproperofficerofthecourtrequiringtheproductionofthedocument a reproduction, certified as
provided by this section,ofthedocumentand,wheremorethan1documentisspecified howsoever in the legal process,
further certifies, that,tothebestoftheperson’sknowledgeandbelief,thereproductionssosentorcausedtobedeliveredarereproductions of the whole of the documents
in question.(5)For the purposes of this section and
without prejudice to anyformofcustodyorcontrol,anapprovedpersonshallbedeemed to have custody or control of a
document at the timethe transparency of the document was
made if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 106](a)the
person has custody or control of the transparency;and(b)the
transparency—(i)incorporatesatransparencyofacertificatepurportingtohavebeensignedbyanapprovedperson to the
effect that the transparency was madeas a permanent
record of a document in the custodyor under the
control of the person who signed thecertificate;
or(ii)is 1 of a series
of transparencies that incorporates,aspartoftheseries,atransparencyofsuchacertificaterelatingtothetransparenciesintheseries.(6)Division3ofthispartshallnotapplytoorinrespectofareproduction of
a document referred to in this division.Division 3Reproduction of businessdocuments106Admissibility of reproductions of
business documentsdestroyed, lost or unavailable(1)Subject to this part, a document that
purports to be a copy ofan original document made or used in
the course of a businessshall, upon proof that it is a
reproduction made in good faithandthattheoriginaldocumenthasbeendestroyedorlost,whetherwhollyorinpart,orthatitisnotreasonablypracticable to
produce the original document or to secure itsproduction, be
admissible in evidence in any proceeding to theextenttowhichthecontentsoftheoriginaldocumentofwhich it purports to be a copy would
have been admissibleanditshall,subjecttoproofofthesamematters,beasufficient
answer to legal process issued by a court, requiringproduction of a document to the court, for
the person requiredby that process to produce the document to
produce such areproduction of the document.Page
166Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 107](2)Withoutprejudicetoanyothermodeofproofanaffidavitpurporting to
have been made by a person at or about the timethepersonmadeamachinecopyoforphotographedadocument—(a)stating the person’s full name, address and
occupation;and(b)identifyingordescribingthedocumentandindicatingwhether the
document is itself a reproduction; and(c)stating the day upon which the person made
the machinecopyorphotograph,theconditionofthedocumentatthat
time with respect to legibility and the extent of anydamage thereto; and(d)describing the machine or process by which
the personmade the machine copy or photograph;
and(e)statingthatthemakingofthemachinecopyorphotographwasproperlycarriedoutbytheuseofapparatus or
materials in good working condition withthe object of
making a machine copy or, as the case maybe, a
transparency of the document; and(f)statingthatthemachinecopyorphotographisamachine copy or photograph made in
good faith;shall be evidence, whether or not such
person is available tobe called as a witness, that the
machine copy or, as the casemaybe,atransparencyofthedocumentreferredtointheaffidavit is a machine copy or transparency
made in good faithand,inthecaseofamachinecopyis,orinthecaseofatransparencycanbeusedtoproduce,areproductionofthedocument.107Use
of photographing machines(1)Forthispart,aregulationmaydeclareamachinetobeanapproved
machine.(2)Subject to this part, but in addition
to and without derogatingfromtheprovisionsofsection 106(1),aprintmadefromatransparencyofanoriginaldocument(beingadocumentCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 167
Evidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 107]Notauthorised—indicativeonlymade or used in the course of
business) shall be admissible inevidence in a
proceeding to the extent to which the contents ofthe
original document would have been admissible, whetherthe
document is still in existence or not, upon proof that thetransparency was made in good faith by using
a machine that,atthetimethetransparencywasmade,wasanapprovedmachineandthattheprintisaprintoftheimageonthetransparency.(3)Withoutprejudicetoanyothermodeofproofanaffidavitpurporting to
have been made by a person at or about the timethepersonphotographedadocumentbymeansofanapproved machine—(a)stating the person’s full name, address and
occupationand the person’s functions or duties (if
any) in relation tocopying documents; and(b)identifyingordescribingthedocumentandindicatingwhether the
document is itself a reproduction; and(c)statingthedayuponwhichthedocumentwasphotographed,theconditionofthedocumentatthattimewithrespecttolegibilityandtheextentofanydamage to the document; and(d)statingthepersonfromwhosecustodyorcontrolthedocument was produced for photographing or
on whosebehalf or in the course of whose business
the documentwas photographed; and(e)identifyingtheapprovedmachineandstatingthatthephotographing was properly carried out
in the ordinarycourse of business by the use of apparatus
and materialsin good working order and condition and in
accordancewith the conditions (if any) attaching to
the approval ofsuch machine as so notified; and(f)statingthatthedocumentwasphotographedingoodfaith;shallbeevidence,whethersuchpersonisavailabletobecalled as a witness or not, that a
transparency of the documentPage 168Current as at [Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 108]referred to in
the affidavit was made in good faith by using anapproved machine and bears an image of the
document.Notauthorised—indicativeonly108Affidavit of maker of print from
transparency to beevidenceWithoutprejudicetoanyothermodeofproofanaffidavitpurporting to
have been made by a person at or about the timethe person made
a print from a transparency of a document—(a)stating the person’s full name, address and
occupation;and(b)identifying the
transparency; and(c)statingthedayuponwhichtheprintwasmade,theconditionofthetransparencyandtheextentofanydamage thereto; and(d)describingtheprocessbywhichthepersonmadetheprint; and(e)stating that the printing was properly
carried out by theuseofapparatusandmaterialsingoodworkingorderand condition
with the object of reproducing the wholeof the image on
the transparency; and(f)stating that the
print was made in good faith;shallbeevidence,whethersuchpersonisavailabletobecalledasawitnessornot,thatthe
print was made in goodfaithandreproducesthewholeoftheimageonthetransparency.109Proof
where document processed by independentprocessorWhereapersonhavingthecustodyorcontrolofadocument—(a)deliversthedocument,orcausesittobedeliveredtoanotherperson(theprocessor)whosebusinessisorincludesthereproductionorphotographingofdocuments for other persons; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 110](b)receives from the processor—(i)amachinecopyortransparencyofadocument;and(ii)an affidavit by
the processor under section 106 or107;an
affidavit made by the person at or about that time givingparticulars of the person’s custody or
control of the document,its delivery to the processor and the
person’s receipt from theprocessor,ofthedocumentandthemachinecopyortransparency shall, whether the person
who had the custody orcontrol of the document is available
to be called as a witnessor not, be admissible in a proceeding
as evidence of the factsstated therein.110Reproduction not to be admitted as evidence
unlesstransparency in existence(1)Save as provided in subsection (2) a
reproduction made froma transparency shall not be admitted
as evidence pursuant tothis division in any proceeding unless
the court is satisfied—(a)that the
transparency is in existence at the time of theproceeding;
and(b)that the document reproduced
was—(i)in existence for a period of at least
12 months afterthe document was made; or(ii)deliveredorsentbythepartytenderingthereproductiontotheotherpartyor1oftheotherparties to the
proceeding.(2)The provisions of subsection (1)(b) do
not apply with respecttoaprintmadefromatransparencymadebyusinganapproved machine where, at the time the
print was made, thetransparency was in the custody or control
of—(a)a Minister of the Crown in right of
the Commonwealthor of the State of Queensland or of any
other State orPage 170Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 111]anyofficerinanygovernmentdepartmentunderthedirect control of any such Minister;
or(b)anycouncil,board,commission,trustorotherbodyestablishedorconstitutedbyorunderthelawoftheCommonwealth or of the State of Queensland
or of anyother State or Territory for any public
purpose; or(c)a financial institution; or(d)anycorporationthatisregisteredundertheLifeInsuranceAct1995(Cwlth)wherethedocumentreproduced
relates to the life insurance business of thatcorporation.111Transparency etc. may be preserved in lieu
of documentWhere any Act passed before or after the
commencement ofthis Act requires a document to which this
division applies tobe preserved for any purpose for a longer
period of time than3yearsitshallbeasufficientcompliancewithsucharequirement to preserve, in lieu of any such
document morethan3yearsold,atransparencythereofmadebyusinganapprovedmachinetogetherwithanaffidavitrelatingtothetransparency
being a transparency and an affidavit to whichsection 115
applies.112Proof of destruction of documents
etc.Astatementbyanypersoninanaffidavitmadeforthepurposes of this
division—(a)that the person destroyed or caused
the destruction of adocument; or(b)that
after due search and inquiry a document can not befound; or(c)that,forthereasonsspecifiedtherein,itisnotreasonably
practicable to produce a document or secureits production;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 113](d)that
a transparency of a document is in the custody orcontrol of a person, corporation or body
referred to insection 110(2); or(e)that
a document was made or was used in the course ofthe
person’s or the person’s employer’s business; or(f)thatthepersonhasmade
transparenciesofaseriesofdocumentsincludingtheaffidavitbyphotographingthem in their
proper order;shallbeevidenceofthefactorfactsstated,whetherthatperson is available to be called as a
witness or not.113One affidavit sufficient in certain
circumstances(1)This section applies to and in respect
of transparencies, madebyusinganapprovedmachine,ofaseriesofdocumentsthat—(a)bear or have been given serial numbers
in arithmeticalorder; or(b)bearorhavebeenmarkedwiththesamedistinctiveidentification
mark; or(c)purport from their contents to relate
to the same subjectmatter,tothesamepersonorpersonsortoamatterbetween persons;where the
documents are photographed in their proper orderon a
continuous length of film or, where the documents aremarked in accordance with paragraph (a) or
(b), on separatefilms.(2)An
affidavit made pursuant to this division shall be deemed tobe
an affidavit in respect of all or any of the transparencies
ofaseriesofdocumentstowhichthissectionappliesifitisphotographed as part of the series and in
lieu of identifying ordescribing each individual document
photographed, it statesthe general nature of the documents in
the series and—(a)the serial numbers of the first and
last document in theseries; orPage 172Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 114](b)the
distinctive identification mark; or(c)the
person or persons, or the matter between persons, towhich the documents refer;as
the case may require.(3)Notwithstandinganythingcontained in this division, a printthat
purports to be made from a transparency of an affidavitreferred to in subsection (2) shall be
admissible in evidence inaproceedingasifitweretheaffidavitfromwhichthetransparency was made, if—(a)itisproducedortenderedwithaprintmadefromatransparency of a document in the series to
which theaffidavit relates; and(b)an
affidavit under section 108 relating to both prints isalso
produced or tendered.114Certification
required when affidavit etc. not contained inlength or series
of filmWhereanyaffidavitrelatingtothereproductionofadocument is not an affidavit referred
to in section 113(2), acopy thereof duly certified to be a
true copy—(a)inthecaseofanaffidavitinthecustodyofabodycorporate—by the
chairperson, secretary or by a directoror manager
thereof; or(b)in any other case—by a justice of the
peace;shall,unlessthecourtotherwiseorders,beadmissibleinevidence in a proceeding as if it were the
affidavit of which itis certified to be a true copy.115Discovery, inspection and production
where documentdestroyed or lost(1)In
this section—affidavitincludes—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Evidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 115]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)a transparency,
made as provided in section 113, of anaffidavit;
and(b)acopy,certifiedasprovidedinsection 114,ofanaffidavit.(2)This
section applies to—(a)a transparency of a destroyed or lost
document, where aprintmadefromthetransparencywould,subjecttocompliance with the conditions prescribed by
this partforthepurpose,beadmissibleinevidenceinaproceeding; and(b)anaffidavitthatwouldbeevidenceor,wheretheaffidavit is itself in the form of a
transparency, that couldbethemeansofprovidingevidence,pursuanttothispart,ofcompliancewiththoseconditionsinsofarastheyrelatetothemakingofthetransparencyandthedestruction or loss of the
document.(3)Where any person has the custody or
control of a transparencyand an affidavit to which this section
applies and, but for thedestructionorlossofthedocumentfromwhichthetransparency was made would be required by
any law, order ofcourt, practice or usage—(a)to give discovery of the document;
or(b)to produce the document for
inspection; or(c)to permit the making of a copy of the
document or thetaking of extracts therefrom; or(d)to supply a copy of the
document;the law, order, practice or usage shall,
subject to this section,be deemed to extend to the
transparency and affidavit.(4)For
the purposes of this section—(a)theobligationimposedbythissectioninrespectofarequirementreferredtoinsubsection
(3)(b)shallbedeemed to include an obligation—(i)to provide proper facilities for
reading the imageonthetransparencyand,wheretheaffidavitisPage
174Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 116]itself in the
form of a transparency, the image onthe transparency
of the affidavit; or(ii)toproduceforinspectionaprintmadefromthetransparency and, where the affidavit is
itself in theformofatransparency,aprintmadefromthetransparency of the affidavit, together in
each case,with an affidavit that would under section
108, beevidence that the print was made in good
faith andreproduces the image on the transparency;
(3)(d)shallbedeemed not to include an obligation to
supply a copy ofanytransparencybuttoinclude,inlieuthereof,anobligation to supply the print and
affidavit or, as the casemayrequire,theprintsandaffidavits,referredtoinparagraph
(a)(ii).(5)Where any person has the custody or
control of a transparencyand an affidavit to which this section
applies and is requiredby legal process issued by a court to
produce to the court thedocument from which the transparency
was made, that legalprocessshallbedeemedtorequiretheproductionbytheperson of—(a)a
print, made in good faith, that reproduces the image onthe
transparency; and(b)the affidavit or, where the affidavit
is itself in the form ofatransparency,aprint,madeingoodfaith,thatreproducestheimageonthetransparencyoftheaffidavit.Division 4General116Copies to be evidenceNotwithstandinganyotherprovisionofthispart,whereadocumenthasbeencopiedbymeansofaphotographicorothermachinewhichproducesafacsimilecopyoftheCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 175
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 117]document, the
copy is, upon proof to the satisfaction of thecourtthatthecopywastakenormadefromtheoriginaldocument by
means of the machine, admissible in evidence tothe same extent
as the original document would be admissiblein evidence
and(b)noticetoproducetheoriginaldocumenthavingbeengiven.117Further reproduction may be ordered by
court(1)Subjecttothissection,whereaprintmadefromatransparencyis,inaproceeding,tenderedinevidencepursuant to the
provisions of this part and—(a)the
court is not satisfied that the print is a legible copy ofthe
original document; or(b)a party to the
proceeding questions the authenticity ofthe print and
applies for an order under this section;the court may
reject the print tendered and order that a furtherprint be made from a transparency of the
original document.(2)A further print made in compliance
with an order made underthis section shall be made—(a)where the order is made under
subsection (1)(a), at thecost of the party who tendered the
rejected print; or(b)where the order is made under
subsection (1)(b), in thepresenceofapersonappointedbythecourtforthepurpose and at
the cost of the party who applied for theorder.(3)Whereaprinttowhichdivision2ofthispartrelatesisrejected under this section, a print
made in compliance withan order under this section shall be
made in the same premisesastherejectedprintor,wherethisisnotpracticable,inaccordance with directions given by the
court.Page 176Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 118]118Colours and tones of reproductions(1)For the purposes of this part, the
production of a reproductionof a document to
a court in answer to a legal process, or theadmission of
such a reproduction in evidence in a proceeding,shall not be precluded on the ground that it
is not a copy of anoriginal document or, where the reproduction
is a print madefrom a transparency, on the ground that the
transparency doesnot bear an image of an original document,
if the reproductionis not such a copy, or the transparency does
not bear such animage, by reason only of the fact—(a)that,intheprocessbywhichthereproductionortransparency was made, the colours or tones
appearingin the original document were altered or
reversed in thereproduction or transparency; or(b)that any number or mark of
identification added for thepurposes of
section 113 appears in the reproduction ortransparency.(2)A
document may be certified under division 2 of this part tobeareproductionofanoriginaldocumentnotwithstandingthat—(a)any writing or representation
describing or identifyingcoloursintheoriginaldocumentappearsinthereproduction; or(b)anycoloursappearinginthereproductionwereaddedafter it was
made and before certification.119Notice to produce not requiredWhere a reproduction of a document is
admissible in evidencepursuant to this part, it shall be so
admissible whether or notnotice to produce the document of
which it is a reproductionhas been given.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 177
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 120]120Proof
of comparisons not requiredWhere a
reproduction of a document is tendered as evidencepursuanttothispart,noproofshallberequiredthatthereproduction was compared with the
original document.121Presumptions as to ancient
documentsAny presumption that may be made in respect
of a documentover20yearsoldmaybemadewithrespecttoanyreproduction of
that document admitted in evidence under thispart in all
respects as if the reproduction were the document.122Reproductions made in other
StatesWhere a reproduction is made of a document
in another StateorinaTerritoryandwouldbeadmissibleinevidenceinaproceeding in that State or Territory
under a law of that Stateor Territory corresponding with this
part, or a law of that Stateor Territory
that a regulation declares to correspond with thispart,thereproductionshallbeadmissibleinevidenceinaproceeding in Queensland in the same
circumstances, to thesame extent and for the like purpose
as it would be admissiblein evidence in a proceeding in that
State or Territory under thelaw of that
State or Territory.123Judicial noticeWhere any Act or
law requires a court to take judicial noticeof the seal or
signature of any court, person or body corporateappearing on a document and a reproduction
of that documentis, pursuant to this part, admitted in
evidence in a proceeding,the court shall take judicial notice
of the image of the seal orsignature on the
reproduction to the same extent as it would berequired to take
judicial notice of the seal or signature on thedocument.Page
178Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 7
Reproductions of documents[s 124]124A
court may reject reproductionNotwithstanding
anything contained in this part, a court mayrefuse to admit
in evidence a reproduction tendered pursuanttothispartifitconsidersitinexpedientintheinterestsofjustice to do so as a result of any
reasonable inference drawnby the court from the nature of the
reproduction, the machineorprocessbywhichitor,inthecaseofaprintfromatransparency, by which the
transparency was made, and anyother
circumstances.125Weight of evidenceIn estimating
the weight to be attached to a reproduction of adocument admitted in evidence pursuant to
this part, regardshall be had to the fact that, if the person
making an affidavitpursuant to this part is not called as a
witness, there has beennoopportunitytocross-examinetheperson,andtoallthecircumstances from which any inference may
reasonably bedrawn as to—(a)the
necessity for making the reproduction or, in the caseof a
print from a transparency, the transparency or fordestroying or parting with the document
reproduced; or(b)the accuracy or otherwise of the
reproduction; or(c)anyincentivetotamperwiththedocumentortomisrepresent the reproduction.126Provisions of part are
alternativeThe provisions of this part shall be
construed as in aid of andas alternative to any provision of any
other part, any other lawor any practice or usage with respect
to the production to acourtortheadmissibilityinevidenceinaproceedingofreproductions of documents.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 8
Miscellaneous[s 128]128Regulation may exclude application of
provisionsA regulation may declare that this part, or
a provision of thispart, does not apply to a document.129Public Records Act 2002 not
affectedThis part does not affect thePublic Records Act 2002.Part
that evidence may be given in a different way(1)Thissectionappliesinaproceedingthatisnotacriminalproceeding if
either—(a)the fact in issue is any of the
following—(i)the proof of handwriting;(ii)the proof of
documents;(iii)the proof of the
identity of parties;(iv)the proof of
authority; or(b)a court considers—(i)a
fact in issue is not seriously in dispute; or(ii)strictproofofafactinissuemightcauseunnecessaryorunreasonableexpense,delayorinconvenience in a proceeding.(2)The court may order that evidence of
the fact may be given atthe trial, or any other stage of the
proceeding, in any way thecourt directs.(3)Withoutlimitingsubsection (2),thecourtmayorderthatevidence of a fact be given by—(a)a statement on oath of information and
belief; or(b)the production of documents or entries
in records; orPage 180Current as at
[Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 8
Miscellaneous[s 129B](c)theproductionofcopiesofdocumentsorcopiesofentries in records.(4)The
court may at any time vary or revoke an order made underthis
section.Notauthorised—indicativeonly129BPerson may be examined without
subpoena or otherprocess(1)A
court may order a person who is present at the hearing of aproceedingandcompellabletogiveevidenceintheproceeding to
give evidence or to produce a document or thingeven if a
subpoena or other process requiring the person toattend for that purpose has not been duly
served on the person.(2)If ordered to
give evidence or to produce a document or thing,the
person is subject to the same penalties and liabilities as
ifthepersonhadbeendulyservedwithasubpoenaorotherprocess.130Rejection of evidence in criminal
proceedingsNothing in this Act derogates from the power
of the court in acriminalproceedingtoexcludeevidenceifthecourtissatisfied that it would be unfair to
the person charged to admitthat
evidence.131Witnesses for defence to be
sworn(1)In a criminal proceeding, any person
who gives evidence onbehalf of the defence shall first take
an oath in such manner asthe person would by law be obliged to
do if the person were awitness for the prosecution.(2)Subsection (1) is subject to part 2,
division 1A.131ACourt may order interpreter to be
providedInacriminalproceeding,acourtmayordertheStatetoprovide an interpreter for a complainant,
defendant or witness,if the court is satisfied that the
interests of justice so require.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 181
Evidence Act 1977Part 8
Miscellaneous[s 132]132Actions for breach of promise of
marriageThe plaintiff in an action for breach of
promise of marriageshall not recover a verdict unless the
plaintiff’s testimony iscorroborated by some other material
evidence in support ofsuch promise.Notauthorised—indicativeonly132AAdmissibility of
similar fact evidenceIn a criminal proceeding, similar fact
evidence, the probativevalueofwhichoutweighsitspotentiallyprejudicialeffect,must
not be ruled inadmissible on the ground that it may bethe
result of collusion or suggestion, and the weight of thatevidence is a question for the jury, if
any.132BEvidence of domestic violence(1)This section applies to a criminal
proceeding against a personfor an offence
defined in the Criminal Code, chapters 28 to30.(2)Relevant evidence of the history of
the domestic relationshipbetweenthedefendantandthepersonagainstwhomtheoffencewascommittedisadmissibleinevidenceintheproceeding.(3)In
this section—domestic relationshipmeans a relevant
relationship under theDomesticandFamilyViolenceProtectionAct2012,section 13.Note—UndertheDomesticandFamilyViolenceProtectionAct2012,section 13,arelevantrelationshipmeansanintimatepersonalrelationship, a family relationship or an
informal care relationship, asdefined under
that Act.132CFact finding on sentencing(1)This section applies to any sentencing
procedure in a criminalproceeding.Page 182Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 8
Miscellaneous[s 133](2)The
sentencing judge or magistrate may act on an allegationof
fact that is admitted or not challenged.(3)If
an allegation of fact is not admitted or is challenged, thesentencing judge or magistrate may act on
the allegation if thejudge or magistrate is satisfied on
the balance of probabilitiesthat the
allegation is true.(4)For subsection (3), the degree of
satisfaction required variesaccordingtotheconsequences,adversetothepersonbeingsentenced, of
finding the allegation to be true.(5)In
this section—allegation of factincludes the
following—(a)information under thePenalties and Sentences Act 1992,section 15 or evidence given at a
hearing in relation toan order under part 3A of that
Act;(b)informationundertheYouthJusticeAct1992,section 150(3)orinapre-sentencereportundersection 151 of
that Act;(c)information given to the court under
thePenalties andSentences Act
1992, section 179K;(d)other information or evidence.133Impounding documentsWhereadocumenthasbeentenderedorproducedbeforeacourt, the court may, whether or not
the document is admittedin evidence, direct that the document
shall be impounded andkeptinthecustodyofanofficerofthecourtorofanotherperson for such
period and subject to such conditions as thecourt thinks
fit.133ADNA analysts(1)ThechiefexecutiveofthedepartmentwithinwhichtheHospitalandHealthBoardsAct2011isadministered,ifsatisfiedtheofficerhasthenecessaryqualificationsandCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 8
Miscellaneous[s 134]experiencetobeaDNAanalyst,mayappointasaDNAanalyst—(a)a public service officer employed in
the department; or(b)a health service employee employed in
the departmentunder theHospital and
Health Boards Act 2011.(2)The
appointment takes effect on the day it is notified in thegazette.(3)Subsection (4)appliesifthecommissionerofthepoliceservice has
entered into a DNA arrangement with a laboratoryunderthePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000,section 488B(1).(4)Thechiefexecutiveofficer,howeverdescribed,ofthelaboratory may, by written notice,
appoint an employee of thelaboratory as a DNA analyst if
satisfied the employee has thenecessary
qualifications and experience to be a DNA analyst.(5)The appointment takes effect—(a)on the day the notice is given to the
employee; or(b)if a later day is stated in the
notice, the later day.134Power to appoint
a government printerThe Governor in Council may appoint a
government printerfor the State.134AProduction of documents by agencies in
relation to civilproceedings(1)Apersonwhoisapartytoacivilproceedingmaymakewrittenapplicationtotheprincipalofficerofanagencytoproduce for inspection a document
that—(a)isinthepossessionof,orunderthepowerof,theagency; and(b)is
relevant to an issue in the proceeding;Page 184Current as at [Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 8
Miscellaneous[s 134A]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyiftheagency,
theprincipalofficer,oramember,officeroremployee of the agency, could be ordered, on
the applicationof the person, to produce the document in
the proceeding.(2)The principal officer may permit the
person, on payment ofthe prescribed fee, to inspect the
document, and take a copyof,oranextractfrom,thedocument,atatimeandplacenominated by the
principal officer.(3)If the principal officer permits the
person to inspect and take acopyof,oranextractfrom,thedocument,theprincipalofficer,andallpersonsactingonbehalfoftheprincipalofficer, are
entitled to the same protection as they would havehad
if the acts concerned had been carried out in obedience toa
process of the Supreme Court.(4)The
principal officer is not required to notify another party tothe
proceeding of—(a)the making of the application;
or(b)any action taken in relation to the
application.(4A)Theprincipalofficermaydelegatehisorherpowersunderthis section to
an officer or employee of the principal officer’sagency.(4B)Also, the principal officer of a public
safety entity under thePublicSafetyBusinessAgencyAct2014maydelegatetheofficer’spowersunderthissectiontoanappropriatelyqualified person
in the Public Safety Business Agency.(5)Subject to subsection (6), this section does
not affect—(a)theoperationofanylawrelatingtothedisclosureornondisclosure of information; or(b)theoperationofanotherlawthatauthorisestheinspection or copying of a document
otherwise than asprovided in this section; or(c)thepowerofacourttoordertheinspectionorproduction of a document.(6)If a document mentioned in subsection
(1) is a document thatcontainsinformationtowhichtheHospitalandHealthCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 185
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 8
Miscellaneous[s 134B]Boards Act
2011, section 142(1) applies, the document is,
forthepurposesofsection 143ofthatAct,informationthatisrequired or permitted to be given
under this Act.(7)In this section—agencymeans—(a)a
department; or(b)a public authority, other than a
prescribed entity, withinthemeaningoftheRighttoInformationAct2009,section 16; or(c)a
person or body declared by regulation to be an agency;but
does not include a person or body declared by regulationnot
to be an agency.principal officermeans—(a)in relation to a department—the chief
executive of thedepartment; or(b)in
relation to an agency for which a regulation declaresan
officer to be the principal officer—the holder of theoffice; or(c)in
relation to another agency—(i)if
it is an incorporated body that has no members—the person who
manages the body’s affairs; or(ii)if
it is a body (whether or not incorporated) that isconstituted by 1 person—the person;
or(iii)if it is a body
(whether or not incorporated) that isconstituted by 2
or more persons—the person whoisentitledtopresideatameetingofthebodyatwhich the person is present.134BApproval of forms(1)The
chief executive may approve forms for—(a)anythingforwhichthisActrequiresorpermitsanapproved form to be used; orPage
186Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 9
Transitional and declaratory provisions[s 135](b)another use under this Act.(2)Subsection (1)(b)doesnotapplytoformsforcourtproceedings.135Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.(2)A regulation may be made about—(a)fees to be charged under this Act;
or(b)thepaymentoffeesandexpensesfor,orincurredin,taking evidence under part 3, division
2.Part 9Transitional and
declaratoryprovisionsDivision 1Evidence Amendment Act 2000136Transitional—Evidence Amendment Act
2000(1)Section 132C applies to a sentencing
procedure regardless ofwhether the offence or the conviction
for the offence givingrise to the sentencing procedure
happened before or after thecommencement of
this section.(2)In this section—convictionmeansafindingofguilt,ortheacceptanceofaplea of guilty, by a court.sentencing proceduremeans a
sentencing procedure startedafter the
commencement of this section.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 187
Evidence Act 1977Part 9
Transitional and declaratory provisions[s 136A]Division 1AJustice and
Other LegislationAmendment Act 2003Notauthorised—indicativeonly136ADeclaratory
provision for Justice and Other LegislationAmendment Act
2003To remove any doubt, it is declared that the
chief executive(premiers)hasalwayshadthepowersmentionedinsection 58(1) and (2).Division 2Evidence
(Protection of Children)Amendment Act 2003137Definitions for div 2In this
division—amending Actmeans theEvidence(ProtectionofChildren)Amendment Act
2003.commencement daymeans—(a)for section 138—the day the amending
Act, section 56commences; or(b)for
section 139—the day the amending Act, section 57commences; or(c)forsections 140,141and142—thedaytheamendingAct, section 60
commences.originating step, for a
proceeding, means—(a)the arrest of the defendant in the
proceeding; or(b)the making of a complaint under
theJustices Act 1886,section 42 in relation to the defendant in
the proceeding;or(c)the serving of a
notice to appear on the defendant in theproceeding under
thePolice Powers and ResponsibilitiesAct
2000, section 382.Page 188Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 9
Transitional and declaratory provisions[s 138]138Communications between a husband and
wifeSection 8(3) applies to communications
whether made beforeor after the commencement day.139Evidence admitted under repealed s
9(1)Section 9Dappliestoevidenceadmittedbeforethecommencementdayunderrepealedsection 9asiftheevidence had
been admitted under section 9A.(2)In
this section—repealedsection 9meanssection 9asinforcebeforethecommencement day.140Committal proceedingPart2,division4A,subdivision2appliestoacommittalproceedingonlyifanoriginatingstepfortheproceedingistaken on or after the commencement
day.141Prerecording of evidence for a summary
trialPart 2, division 4A, subdivision 3 applies
to a summary trialforarelevantoffenceonlyifanoriginatingstepfortheproceeding is
taken on or after the commencement day.142Prerecording of evidence for a trial on
indictmentPart2,division4A,subdivision3appliestoatrialonindictmentforarelevantoffenceonlyiftheindictmentispresented on or after the commencement
day.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 9
Transitional and declaratory provisions[s 143]Division 3Cross-Border Law
EnforcementLegislation Amendment Act 2005143Witness anonymity certificates(1)This section applies to a witness
anonymity certificate givenunder section
21D of the pre-amended Act.(2)TheprescribedsectionscontinuetoapplyinrelationtothewitnessanonymitycertificateasiftheCross-BorderLawEnforcement Legislation Amendment Act
2005, part 3 had notcommenced.(3)In
this section—pre-amendedActmeansthisActasinforcebeforethecommencementoftheCross-BorderLawEnforcementLegislation
Amendment Act 2005, part 3.prescribedsectionsmeanssections
21Bto21Jofthepre-amended Act.Division 4Justice and Other LegislationAmendment Act 2005144Statement made before proceeding by child or
personwith an impairment of the mind(1)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that amended section 93Aapplies to a proceeding that starts
after the commencement ofthis section, regardless of when the
conduct giving rise to theproceeding happened.(2)A statement admitted into evidence in
a proceeding before thecommencement of this section that
would be admissible underthe amended section 93A if tendered in
a proceeding after thecommencement is taken to have always
been admissible undersection 93A.(3)In
this section—Page 190Current as at
[Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 9
Transitional and declaratory provisions[s 145]amended section 93Ameans section
93A as amended by theJustice and Other Legislation
Amendment Act 2005.proceedingincludesacommittal,apreliminaryhearing,atrial and any rehearing or retrial
arising out of, or any appealfrom, an earlier
proceeding.Notauthorised—indicativeonly145Definitionchief executive
(surveys)Itisdeclaredthattheamendmentofthedefinitionchiefexecutive(surveys)bytheSurveyorsAct2003is,andhasalwaysbeen,aseffectiveasitwouldhavebeenifthedefinition had been located in
schedule 3 rather than section 3when the
amendment commenced.Division 5Criminal Code
and Other ActsAmendment Act 2008146References to particular Criminal Code
offences(1)Thedefinitionoffenceinvolvingviolenceinsection 21ACappliesasifitincludedareferencetotheCriminalCode,sections 319A,331and332asinforceatanytimebeforetheir repeal by the amending Act.(2)The definitionprescribed
offencein section 21M(3) applies asif
it included a reference to the Criminal Code, section 338 asin
force at any time before its repeal by the amending Act.(3)The definitionprescribed
offencein section 21M(3) applies asif
the reference to the Criminal Code, section 415 included areference to the Criminal Code, sections
415, 416 and 417 asin force at any time before their repeal by
the amending Act.(4)Thedefinitionprescribedspecialoffenceinsection 21M(3)applies as if
the reference to the Criminal Code, section 208included a
reference to the Criminal Code, section 209 as inforce at any time before its repeal by the
amending Act.(5)In this section—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 191
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 9
Transitional and declaratory provisions[s 147]amendingActmeanstheCriminalCodeandOtherActsAmendment Act 2008.Division 6Health and Other
LegislationAmendment Act 2016147Prescribed special offencetaken
to include references toCriminal Code, ss 208 and 209The
definitionprescribedspecialoffencein section
21M(3)applies as if it included a reference
to—(a)the Criminal Code, section 208 as in
force at any timebeforeitsrepealbytheHealthandOtherLegislationAmendment Act
2016; and(b)the
Criminal Code, section 209 as in force at any timebefore its repeal by theCriminal Code
and Other ActsAmendment Act 2008.Division 7Serious and
Organised CrimeLegislation Amendment Act 2016148Special witnessesAn order or
direction made or given under section 21A beforethecommencementcontinuestohaveeffectasanorderordirection made or given under the
section as amended by theSeriousandOrganisedCrimeLegislationAmendmentAct2016.Division 8Criminal Law
Amendment Act 2017149Definition for divisionIn
this division—Page 192Current as at
[Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Part 9
Transitional and declaratory provisions[s 150]amendmentActmeanstheCriminalLawAmendmentAct2017.Notauthorised—indicativeonly150Admissibility of particular copies of
videorecordingsmade before commencementSections21A,21AMand21AQ,asamendedbytheamendment Act, apply, and are taken
always to have applied,toacopyofavideorecordingonaseparatedatastoragemedium that was
made before the commencement.151Destruction of recordings made before
commencementPart2,division4B,subdivision3,asinsertedbytheamendment Act, applies in relation to
a recording whether therecording was made before or after the
commencement.152Application of DNA evidentiary
certificate provision toproceedings started before
commencementSection 95A, as amended by the amendment
Act, applies to acriminalproceedingwhethertheproceedingwasstartedbefore or after
the commencement.Division 9Victims of Crime
Assistance andOther Legislation Amendment Act2017153Sexual assault
counselling privilege(1)Part 2, division
2A applies to a proceeding for an offence, or adomestic
violence proceeding, only if an originating step forthe
proceeding is taken on or after the commencement.(2)Subsection (1) applies—(a)for an offence—whether the act or
omission constitutingtheoffencehappenedbeforeorafterthecommencement; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 193
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Part 9
Transitional and declaratory provisions[s 153](b)foradomesticviolenceproceeding—whetherthegroundformakingthedomesticviolenceorderthesubjectoftheproceedingarosebeforeorafterthecommencement.(3)In
this section—domestic violence proceedingmeans a proceeding relating toadomesticviolenceorderundertheDomesticandFamilyViolence
Protection Act 2012.originating step, for a
proceeding for an offence or a domesticviolence
proceeding, means—(a)the arrest of the defendant in the
proceeding; or(b)the making of a complaint under
theJustices Act 1886,section 42 in relation to the defendant in
the proceeding;or(c)the serving of a
notice to appear on the defendant in theproceeding under
thePolice Powers and ResponsibilitiesAct
2000, section 382; or(d)themakingofanapplicationfor,orthemakingofadecision by a
court to make, the domestic violence orderthe subject of
the proceeding.Page 194Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySchedule 1Evidence Act
1977Schedule 1Examples of
offices of a publicnature established under anActsection 421Auditor-general2Chairperson of the CCC3Chief executive of a department4Chief executive officer of a local
government5Clerk of the Parliament6Commissioner of the police
service7Director of public prosecutions8Electoral commissioner9Information commissioner10Mayor of a local government11Parliamentary counsel12Public trustee13Ombudsman14Registrar-general15Registrar of titles16Solicitor-generalCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 195
Evidence Act 1977Schedule 3Schedule 3DictionaryNotauthorised—indicativeonlysection 3affected
child, for part 2, division 4A, see section
21AC.affidavit, for part 7,
see section 104.approved formsee section
134B.assumed name, for part 2,
division 5, see section 21C.audio
link, for part 3A, see section 39C.audiovisuallinkmeansfacilities,includingclosed-circuittelevision,thatenablereasonablycontemporaneousandcontinuous audio and visual communication
between personsat different places.authoriseddestructionday,forpart2,division4B,seesection 21AZF(1).before,
for part 3A, see section 39C.book of
account, for part 5, division 6, see section
83.business, for part 7,
see section 104.CCC, for part 2, division 5, see section
21C.chief executive officer, for part 2,
division 5, see section 21C.chiefexecutive(surveys)meansthechiefexecutiveofthedepartment in
which theSurveyors Act 2003is
administered.child, for part 2,
division 4A, see section 21AD.civil
proceedings, for part 3, division 3, see section
35.conduct, for part 2,
division 5, see section 21C.convicted,
for part 2, division 5, see section 21C.conviction, for part 5,
division 5, see section 78.copy, of
a document, see section 4.corresponding court,
for part 3, division 2, see section 25.Page 196Current as at [Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Schedule 3Notauthorised—indicativeonlycorresponding law, for part 2,
division 5, see section 21C.corresponding
witness identity protection certificate, for
part2, division 5, see section 21C.corruption, for part 2,
division 5, see section 21C.counsel, a
person for part 2, division 2A, see section 14B.counsel, for part 2,
division 4A, see section 21AC.counselled
person, for part 2, division 2A, see section
14B.counsellor, for part 2,
division 2A, see section 14B.court—(a)for part 5,
division 5—see section 78; or(b)for
part 5, division 6—see section 83; or(c)otherwise—meansthecourt,tribunal,judge,justice,arbitrator,bodyorpersonbeforewhomorwhichaproceeding is held or taken.court location, for part 3A,
see section 39C.court name, for part 2,
division 5, see section 21C.criminal
activity, for part 2, division 5, see section
21C.criminal proceedingincludes a
proceeding wherein a personischargedwithasimpleoffence,andanexaminationofwitnesses in relation to an indictable
offence.defendant, for part 2,
division 4A, see section 21AC.documentincludes, in addition to a document in
writing—(a)anypartofadocumentinwritingorofanyotherdocument as defined herein; and(b)any book, map, plan, graph or drawing;
and(c)any photograph; and(d)any label, marking or other writing
which identifies ordescribes anything of which it forms part,
or to which itis attached by any means whatever;
and(e)anydisc,tape,soundtrackorotherdeviceinwhichsoundsorotherdata(notbeingvisualimages)areCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Evidence Act 1977Schedule 3Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 198embodied so as
to be capable (with or without the aid ofsome other
equipment) of being reproduced therefrom;and(f)any film, negative, tape or other
device in which 1 ormorevisualimagesareembodiedsoastobecapable(withorwithouttheaidofsomeotherequipment)ofbeing reproduced therefrom; and(g)any other record of information
whatever.essential person, for a
proceeding for part 2, division 2A, seesection
14B.examiner, for part 3,
division 2, see section 25.external
location, for part 3A, see section 39C.filmincludes a
microfilm.gazetteincludes any
gazette, or part of a gazette, published bythe government
Government Gazetteinvestigation, for part 2,
division 5, see section 21C.judgemeans the member or members of a
court.judicial officermeans a judge,
magistrate or justices.lawenforcementagency,forpart2,division5,seesection 21C.lawfully edited
copy—(a)ofavideorecordingofevidencegivenbyaspecialwitnessoranaffectedchild—meansacopyofthevideorecordingthathasbeeneditedorotherwisechanged under an
approval given under section 21AZ;or(b)ofausablesoundtrackofavideorecordingcontainingthe evidence of
a special witness or an affected child—meansacopyoftheusablesoundtrackofthevideorecordingthathasbeeneditedorotherwisechanged under an
approval given under section 21AZ.Current as at
[Not applicable]
Evidence Act 1977Schedule 3Notauthorised—indicativeonlymachine copy, for part 7,
see section 104.minimum retention period, for part 2,
division 4B, see section21AZE(4)(a).offenceinvolvingviolence,forpart2,division4A,seesection 21AC.offenceofasexualnature,forpart2,division4A,seesection 21AC.operative,
for part 2, division 5, see section 21C.original
document, for part 7, see section 104.overseas country—(a)for part 3, division 3—see section 35;
or(b)for part 5, division 3—see section
67.participating State, for part 3A,
see section 39C.party, for part 2,
division 5, see section 21C.person with an
impairment of the mindmeans a person witha
disability that—(a)is attributable to an intellectual,
psychiatric, cognitive orneurological impairment or a
combination of these; and(b)results
in—(i)a substantial reduction of the
person’s capacity forcommunication, social interaction or
learning; and(ii)the person
needing support.police servicemeans the
Queensland Police Service.preliminaryhearing,forpart2,division4A,seesection 21AC.prescribed
country, for part 3, division 2, see section
25.presidingjudicialofficer,forpart2,division4B,seesection 21AY.principal
registrar, of a court, means—(a)foraMagistratesCourt—thepersonholdingappointmentastheprincipalregistrarofMagistratesCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 199
Evidence Act 1977Schedule 3Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 200Courts mentioned
in theMagistrates Courts Act 1921,section 3A(2); or(b)fortheDistrictCourt—thepersonappointedastheprincipalregistrarundertheDistrictCourtofQueensland Act 1967,
section 36(1); or(c)fortheSupremeCourt—thepersonappointedastheprincipalregistrarundertheSupremeCourtofQueensland Act 1991,
section 69(1).proceeding—(a)for part 2, division 4A—see section
21AC; or(b)otherwise—meansanycivil,criminalorotherproceedingorinquiry,referenceorexaminationinwhich by law or by consent of parties
evidence is or maybe given, and includes an
arbitration.protectedcounsellingcommunication,forpart2,division2A, see section
14A.protected witness, for part 2,
division 6, see section 21M.Queensland
court, for part 3A, see section 39C.recognised court, for part 3A,
see section 39C.recording, for part 2,
division 4B, see section 21AY.relevant
court, for part 2, division 5, see section
21C.relevant offence, for part 2,
division 4A, see section 21AC.relevantproceeding,forpart2,division4A,seesection 21AC.relevantwitness,forpart2,division4AA,seesection21AXC(1)(a).religious
representative, for part 2, division 2A, see
for part 7, see section 104.reproduction, for part 7,
see section 104.request, for part 3,
division 3, see section 35.requesting
court, for part 3, division 3, see section
36.Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEvidence Act 1977Schedule 3sexualassaultoffence,forpart2,division2A,seesection14B.special witnesssee section
21A.statementincludes any
representation of fact, whether madeinwordsorotherwiseandwhethermadebyaperson,computer or otherwise.statute,
for part 5, division 3, see section 67.telegraphmeansasystemoftelecommunicationoperatedunder Commonwealth law.telegraphicmessagemeansanymessageorothercommunicationtransmittedorintendedfortransmissionorpurporting to have been transmitted by
telegraph.telegraph officemeans an office
or place established or usedfor receiving or
transmitting telegraphic messages.transparency, for part 7,
see section 104.tribunal, for part 3A,
see section 39C.undertakingincludes public
administration and any business,profession,
occupation, calling, trade or undertaking whetherengaged in or carried on—(a)by the Crown (in right of the State of
Queensland or anyotherright),orbyastatutorybody,orbyanyotherperson;
or(b)for profit or not; or(c)in Queensland or elsewhere.usable soundtrack, of a
videorecording, see section 21AXB.videorecordedmeans recorded
as a videorecording.videorecordingmeansarecording,includingtheaccompanyingsoundtrack,onanymediumfromwhichamoving image may be produced by any
means.witness identity protection
certificate, for part 2, division 5,see
section 21C.Current as at [Not applicable]Page