QueenslandMotorDealersandChattelAuctioneersAct2014Current as at [Not
applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates allproposed
amendments to the Act included in the Queensland Civil andAdministrative Tribunal and Other Legislation
Amendment Bill 2018. Thisindicativereprinthasbeenpreparedforinformationonly—it is
not anauthorised reprint of the Act.The point-in-time date for this
indicative reprint is the introduction date forthe Queensland
Civil and Administrative Tribunal and Other LegislationAmendment Bill 2018—15 November 2018.DetailedinformationaboutindicativereprintsisavailableontheInformationpage of the
Queensland legislation website.
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 1
Preliminary[s 1]Motor Dealers and
Chattel Auctioneers Act2014AnActtoprovidecomprehensivelyfortheregulationoftheactivities, licensing and conduct of
motor dealers and chattelauctioneersandtheiremployeesandtoprotectconsumersagainst particular
undesirable practicesPart 1PreliminaryDivision 1Introduction1Short
titleThisActmaybecitedastheMotorDealersandChattelAuctioneers Act
2014.2CommencementThis Act
commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation.3Act
binds all persons(1)This Act binds all persons, including
the State, and, so far asthelegislativepowerofParliamentpermits,theCommonwealth and the other
States.(2)Nothing in this Act makes the State,
the Commonwealth orany other State liable to be prosecuted for
an offence.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 1 Preliminary[s 4]4Relationship with Fair Trading
Inspectors Act 2014(1)TheFairTradingInspectorsAct2014(theFTI
Act) enactscommonprovisionsforthisActandparticularotherActsabout fair
trading.(2)Unless this Act otherwise provides in
relation to the FTI Act,the powers that an inspector has under
that Act are in additionto and do not limit any powers the
inspector may have underthis Act.Division 2Exemptions5Financial institutions and trustee
companies(1)Part3doesnotapplytoafinancialinstitutionortrusteecompany.(2)In this section—trustee
companymeans—(a)atrusteecompanyundertheTrusteeCompaniesAct1968; or(b)the public trustee when the public
trustee is—(i)performing the activities that may be
performed bya trustee company; or(ii)exercising the powers that may be exercised
by atrustee company; or(iii)holdinganofficethatmaybeheldbyatrusteecompany.6Particular auctionsPart 4 does not
apply to—(a)asalemadeunderarule,order,orjudgmentoftheSupreme Court or District Court;
orPage 14Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 1
Preliminary[s 6](b)asalemadebyapersonobeyinganorderof,oraprocessissuedby,acourt,judgeorjustice,ortheregistrar of the State Penalties
Enforcement Registry forthe recovery of a fine, penalty or
award; or(c)a sale of an animal lawfully seized
and sold under theAnimalCareandProtectionAct2001oranotherlawabout seizing or impounding animals;
or(d)a sale of goods distrained for rent or
arrears of rent; or(e)a sale by postal bids of stamps or
coins; or(f)a sale conducted for a charity, a
religious denomination,oranorganisationformedforacommunitypurpose,withinthemeaningoftheCollectionsAct1966(arelevant entity) if—(i)thepersonconductingthesaledoesnotreceivefrom the
relevant entity a reward for the person’sservices;
and(ii)amounts received
from the sale are paid directly toan officer or
employee of the relevant entity who isauthorised by
the relevant entity to receive and dealwith the
amounts; or(g)asaleconductedbyorforMagicMillionsSalesPtyLimited ACN 078 396 317 as part of the
event known astheGoldCoastHorsesinTrainingSaleifthesaleisconducted by a person approved by the
chief executivebefore the sale as a suitable person to
conduct the sale;or(h)a sale of goods
directly connected with a sale by auctionof a place of
residence or land performed by a propertyagentappointedunderthePropertyOccupationsAct2014, part 4;
or(i)anauctionheldbyanofficerundertheForestryAct1959for that
Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 1
Preliminary[s 7]Notauthorised—indicativeonly7Administrators etc.(1)Thissectionappliestothefollowingpersons(eachanappointee)—(a)apersonappointedundertheCorporationsActasanadministrator of
a corporation that is or was authorisedunder a licence
or former licence to perform an activity;(b)apersonappointedundertheCorporationsActasanadministrator of
a deed of company arrangement for acorporation that
is or was authorised under a licence orformer licence
to perform an activity;(c)apersonappointedundertheCorporationsActasaliquidator, or
controller of property, of a corporation thatis or was
authorised under a licence or former licence toperform an
activity;(d)apersonappointedundertheAdministrationActasareceiver of an
entity that is or was authorised under alicence or
former licence to perform an activity;(e)apersonappointedundertheBankruptcyAct1966(Cwlth)asthetrusteeinbankruptcy,ortheOfficialReceiver,foranindividualwhoisorwasauthorisedunder a licence
or former licence to perform an activity.(2)Theappointeeisexemptfromtheprovisionsmentionedinsubsection (3)whileperformingtheactivityinrelationtoabusiness that is or was authorised to
be carried on under—(a)for a licence
that is in force—the licence; or(b)foraformerlicence—theformerlicenceimmediatelybefore it
stopped being in force.(3)For subsection
(2) the provisions are the following—•section 70•section 71•section 72•section 79•section 80Page 16Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 1
Preliminary[s 8]•part
3, division 3•section 119•section 124•part
4, division 3•section 148•section 149.(4)In
this section—former licencemeans—(a)a licence that was previously in
force; or(b)amotordealer’slicenceorformerauctioneerslicenceunder PAMDA.personappointedasthetrusteeinbankruptcy,foranindividual,
includes the Official Trustee in Bankruptcy underBankruptcyAct1966(Cwlth)iftheOfficialTrusteeisthetrustee in bankruptcy for the
individual.Division 3Object of
Act8Main object(1)ThemainobjectofthisActistoprovideasystemforlicensing and regulating persons as motor
dealers and chattelauctioneersandforregisteringandregulatingpersonsasmotorsalespersonsthatachievesanappropriatebalancebetween—(a)the
need to regulate for the protection of consumers; and(b)the need to promote freedom of
enterprise in the marketplace.(2)The
object is to be achieved mainly by—(a)ensuring—(i)onlysuitablepersonswithappropriatequalifications
are licensed or registered; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 17
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 1 Preliminary[s 9](ii)persons who
carry on business or are in charge of alicensee’s
business at a place under the authority ofa motor dealer
licence or chattel auctioneer licencemaintain close
personal supervision of the way thebusiness is
carried on; and(b)providing—(i)protectionforconsumersintheirdealingswithlicensees and
their employees; and(ii)alegislativeframeworkwithinwhichpersonsperformingactivitiesforlicenseesmaylawfullyoperate;
and(c)regulating fees and commissions that
can be charged forparticular transactions; and(d)providing increased flexibility in
enforcement measuresthrough injunctions and undertakings;
and(e)promoting administrative efficiency by
providing that—(i)responsibilityforlicensingrestswiththechiefexecutive;
for reviewing particular decisions ofthe chief
executive rests with QCAT; and(iii)responsibilityfordisciplinarymattersrestswithQCAT.Division 4Interpretation9DefinitionsThe dictionary
in schedule 3 defines particular words used inthis Act.Page
18Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 1
Preliminary[s 10]Notauthorised—indicativeonly10Meaning ofbeneficial
interest(1)For this Act, other than section
19(2)(a) or (4)(b)(i), a licenseeis taken to have
abeneficial interestin property, for
example,if—(a)the purchase of
the property is made for the licensee oran associate of
the licensee; or(b)anoptiontopurchasethepropertyisheldbythelicensee or an associate of the
licensee; or(c)the purchase of the property is made
for a corporation(havingnotmorethan100members)ofwhichthelicensee or an associate of the licensee is
a member; or(d)anoptiontopurchasethepropertyisheldbyacorporation(havingnotmorethan100members)ofwhich the licensee or an associate of the
licensee is amember; or(e)the
purchase of the property is made for a corporation ofwhich the licensee or an associate of the
licensee is anexecutive officer; or(f)anoptiontopurchasethepropertyisheldbyacorporation of which the licensee or
an associate of thelicensee is an executive officer; or(g)for a licensee that is a
corporation—(i)thepurchaseofthepropertyismadeforanexecutive officer of the licensee or
an associate ofthe executive officer; or(ii)anoptiontopurchasethepropertyisheldbyanexecutive officer of the licensee or
an associate ofthe executive officer; or(h)the purchase of the property is made
for a member of afirm or partnership of which the licensee or
an associateof the licensee is also a member; or(i)thepurchaseofthepropertyismadeforapersoncarrying on a
business for profit or gain and the licenseeor an associate
of the licensee has, directly or indirectly,Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 19
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 1
Preliminary[s 10]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyarighttoparticipateintheincomeorprofitsoftheperson’s business or the purchase of
the property.(2)For this Act, other than section
19(2)(a) or (4)(b)(i), a motorsalesperson is
taken to have abeneficial interestin
property,for example, if—(a)thepurchaseofthepropertyismadeforthemotorsalesperson or
an associate of the salesperson; or(b)the
motor salesperson or an associate of the salespersonhas
an option to purchase the property; or(c)the
purchase of the property is made for a corporation(having not more than 100 members) of which
the motorsalespersonoranassociateofthesalespersonisamember; or(d)anoptiontopurchasethepropertyisheldbyacorporation(havingnotmorethan100members)ofwhichthemotorsalespersonoranassociateofthesalesperson is a member; or(e)the purchase of the property is made
for a corporation ofwhichthemotorsalespersonoranassociateofthesalesperson is an executive officer;
or(f)anoptiontopurchasethepropertyisheldbyacorporationofwhichthemotorsalespersonoranassociate of the salesperson is an
executive officer; or(g)thepurchaseofthepropertyismadeforanexecutiveofficer of a
corporation of which the motor salespersonor an associate
of the salesperson is an executive officer;or(h)anoptiontopurchasethepropertyisheldbyanexecutiveofficerofacorporationofwhichthemotorsalespersonoranassociateofthesalespersonisanexecutive officer; or(i)the purchase of the property is made
for a member of afirm or partnership of which the motor
salesperson or anassociate of the salesperson is also a
member; orPage 20Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 1
Preliminary[s 11](j)thepurchaseofthepropertyismadeforapersoncarrying on a
business for profit or gain and the motorsalespersonoranassociateofthesalespersonhas,directly or indirectly, a right to
participate in the incomeor profits of the person’s business or
the purchase of theproperty.11Meaning ofin charge(1)A person isin chargeof a
licensee’s business at a place wherethe licensee
carries on business only if the person personallysupervises, manages or controls the conduct
of the licensee’sbusiness at the place.(2)In
this section—licensee’s businessmeans the
licensee’s business carried onunder the
authority of the licensee’s licence.12Meaning ofmotor
vehiclemeans—(a)avehiclethatmovesonwheelsandispropelledbyamotor that forms part of the vehicle,
whether or not thevehicle is capable of being operated or used
in a normalway; or(b)a
hovercraft;(b)a motorised golf buggy;(c)a motorised scooter;(d)a motorised wheelchair;(e)a trailer, other than a
caravan;(f)a tractor or farm machinery;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 1 Preliminary[s 13](g)avehicledesignedforuseexclusivelyintheminingindustry;(h)a vehicle designed for use exclusively
on a railway ortramway.(3)In
this section—motorised golf buggymeans a
motorised golf buggy under theTransport
Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995.motorisedscooterseetheTransportOperations(RoadUseManagement) Act 1995,
schedule 4.motorisedwheelchairmeansamotorisedwheelchairundertheTransport Operations (Road Use
Management) Act 1995.13Meaning ofsale by
auction(1)Generally, asale by
auctionof a used motor vehicle or othergoods under this Act means the sale of the
vehicle or goods inany way commonly known and understood to be
by auction.(2)However, the sale of a used motor
vehicle or other goods byauction is not a sale by auction under
this Act if—(a)the person selling the vehicle or
goods by auction (theseller) owns the
vehicle or goods and is not selling thevehicle or goods
for someone else; and(b)theauctionisconducted,whetherbytheselleroranotherentity,whollyby1ormoreelectroniccommunications.(3)In
this section—conducting,anauction,includesfacilitatingtheconductofthe
auction.Example of facilitating the conduct of an
auction—operatinganonlinemarketplaceauctionfacility(forexample,thefacility known as eBay) that is available
for a person to use to sell aused motor
vehicle or other goods by auctionelectroniccommunicationseetheElectronicTransactions(Queensland) Act
2001, schedule 2.Page 22Current as at [Not applicable]
2Motor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act
2014Part 2 Licensing[s 14]LicensingDivision 1Categories of licence14Categories of licenceThechiefexecutivemayissuethefollowingcategoriesoflicence under this Act—(a)a
motor dealer licence;(b)a chattel
auctioneer licence.Division 2Limited motor
dealer licence15Limited motor dealer licence(1)Thechiefexecutivemayissueamotordealerlicence(alimited motor dealer licence)
prescribed under a regulation,thatlimitstheactivitiesthatmayotherwisebeperformedunder a motor
dealer licence.(2)To be eligible for a limited motor
dealer licence, an applicantforthelicencemusthavetheeducationalqualificationsapproved by the
chief executive for obtaining the licence.Editor’s
note—The qualifications are stated on the
department’s website.Division 3How to obtain a
licence16Steps involved in obtaining a
licence(1)A person who wishes to obtain a
licence must be a suitableperson to hold a licence under
division 5.(2)The person must apply for the licence
by—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 17](a)givingthechiefexecutiveanapplicationshowing,amongotherthings,thepersoniseligibleforthelicence; and(b)paying—(i)the
fees prescribed under a regulation; and(ii)if,beforeorwhentheapplicationismade,acriminal history costs requirement is made
of theapplicant—the amount of the costs required
to bepaid; and(c)giving the chief executive the other
information requiredunder section 18.(3)Indecidingtheapplication,thechiefexecutivemusthaveregard, among other things, to—(a)the person’s suitability to hold a
licence under this Act;and(b)the
person’s eligibility for the licence.Division 4Applications for licence17Application for licence(1)An
applicant for a licence must—(a)apply to the chief executive in the approved
form; and(b)state the category of licence being
applied for; and(c)state the term of the licence being
applied for; and(d)establishtheapplicant’seligibilityforthecategoryoflicence being applied for; and(e)state the names and addresses of the
applicant’s businessassociates; and(f)provide any information the chief executive
reasonablyrequirestodecidewhethertheapplicantisasuitableperson to hold a
licence.Page 24Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 18](2)The
application must be accompanied by—(a)the
application fee prescribed under a regulation; and(b)the licence issue fee prescribed under
a regulation; and(c)if,beforeorwhentheapplicationismade,acriminalhistory costs
requirement is made of the applicant—theamount of the
costs required to be paid.18Applicant must
state business address(1)The applicant
must also state in the applicant’s application—(a)if
the applicant intends carrying on business under thelicence immediately after the issue of the
licence—theplaceorplacesinQueenslandwheretheapplicantproposes to
carry on business under the licence; or(b)iftheapplicantdoesnotintendcarryingonbusinessunderthelicenceimmediatelyaftertheissueofthelicence—(i)thecapacityinwhichtheapplicantintendsperformingactivitiesunderthelicenceandtheaddresswheretheactivitiesaretobeperformed(business address); and(ii)if the applicant
intends to be a person in charge of alicensee’sbusinessataplaceofbusiness—thename of the
applicant’s employer and the addressof the place of
business where the applicant is to bein charge (also
abusiness address).Examples of capacity in which activities may
be performed—•person in charge of a corporation’s
business•licensed employee of a licenseeExample of business address of an employed
licensee—the address of the person’s employer’s place
of business wherethe person generally reports for work(2)If the applicant intends to carry on
business under the licenceatmorethan1place,theapplicantmuststateintheCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 19]applicationtheplacetheapplicantintendstobetheapplicant’s principal place of
business.(3)A place of business or an address
under this section must be aplace where a
document can be served personally.(4)A
place of business or an address must not be a post officebox.19Particular
persons can not make application(1)Apersonwhoisadisqualifiedpersoncannotmakeanapplicationforalicenceduringtheperiodforwhichtheperson is disqualified.(2)Acorporationthatwastheholderofalicencethatwascancelled can not make an application for a
licence unless thecorporationsatisfiesthechiefexecutivethat,becauseofagenuine
sale—(a)no person who was a shareholder of, or
held a beneficialinterestin,thecorporationwhenthelicencewascancelledisashareholderof,orholdsabeneficialinterest in, the
applicant corporation; and(b)no person who
was in a position to control or influencetheaffairsofthecorporationwhenthelicencewascancelledisinapositiontocontrolorinfluencetheaffairs of the applicant corporation.(3)Ifapersonappliesforalicenceandthechiefexecutivedecides to
refuse to issue the licence, the person can not makeanother application for a licence of that
type—(a)for 3 months after the day the chief
executive gives theperson the information notice about the
decision; or(b)if the person applies to QCAT to
review the decision andthe decision is confirmed—for 3 months
after the daythe decision is confirmed.(4)Subsection (3) does not apply
if—(a)the person is a corporation;
andPage 26Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 20](b)the
person satisfies the chief executive that, because of agenuine sale—(i)nopersonwhowasashareholderof,orheldabeneficialinterestin,thecorporationwhentherefused application was made is a
shareholder of,orholdsabeneficialinterestin,thecorporation;and(ii)nopersonwhowasinapositiontocontrolorinfluencetheaffairsofthecorporationwhentherefusedapplicationwasmadeisinapositiontocontrol or influence the affairs of
the corporation.(5)In this section—disqualified
personmeans a person who is—(a)disqualified from holding a licence as a
consequence ofan order made by QCAT under section 199 or
by a courtunder section 229; or(b)subject to a relevant control order.20Requirement to give information or
material aboutapplication or request(1)This
section applies to any of the following—(a)an
applicant for a licence;(b)an applicant for
renewal of a licence;(c)an applicant for
restoration of a licence;(d)anapplicantfortheappointmentorextensionoftheappointmentofanominatedpersonmentionedinsection 51(3)or52(4)astheapplicant’ssubstitutelicensee;(e)alicenseewhohasaskedthechiefexecutivetoreactivate the licensee’s
licence.(2)Thechiefexecutivemay,bywrittennoticegiventotheapplicant or licensee, require the
applicant or licensee to givethechiefexecutivewithinastatedreasonableperiodCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 21]informationormaterialthechiefexecutivereasonablyconsiders is
needed to consider the application or request.Example of
information or material—informationormaterialthechiefexecutivereasonablyconsidersisneededtoestablishtheapplicant’sorlicensee’ssuitabilityforthelicence(3)Theapplicantorlicenseeistakentohavewithdrawntheapplication or request if, within the
stated reasonable period,theapplicantorlicenseefailstocomplywiththechiefexecutive’s
requirement.Division 5Suitability of
applicants andlicensees21Suitability of applicants and
licensees—individuals(1)An individual is
not a suitable person to hold a licence if theindividual—(a)is
an insolvent under administration; or(b)has
been convicted, in Queensland or elsewhere, withinthe
preceding 5 years of a serious offence; or(c)iscurrentlydisqualifiedfromholdingalicenceorregistration certificate; or(d)is a person the chief executive
decides under section 23is not a suitable person to hold a
licence; or(e)is subject to a relevant control
order.(2)Anindividualwhoisnotasuitablepersoncannotholdalicence.22Suitability of applicants and
licensees—corporations(1)A corporation is
not a suitable person to hold a licence if thecorporation—Page 28Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 23](a)has
been convicted, in Queensland or elsewhere, withinthe
preceding 5 years of a serious offence; or(b)is
currently disqualified from holding a licence; or(c)is a person the chief executive
decides under section 23is not a suitable person to hold a
licence; or(d)is subject to a relevant control
order.(2)A corporation is not a suitable person
to hold a licence if anyofthefollowingappliestoanexecutiveofficerofthecorporation—(a)theexecutiveofficerisaninsolventunderadministration;(b)the
executive officer has been convicted, in Queenslandor
elsewhere, within the preceding 5 years of a seriousoffence;(c)theexecutiveofficeriscurrentlydisqualifiedfromholding a licence or registration
executive must consider suitability of applicantsand
licensees(1)The chief executive must, when
deciding whether a person is asuitable person
to hold a licence, consider all of the followingthings—(a)the
character of the person;(b)the character of
the person’s business associates;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 29
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 23]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 30(c)whetherthepersonheldalicenceorregistrationcertificate
under a relevant Act that was suspended orcancelled under
the relevant Act;(d)whether an amount has been paid from
the fund becausethepersondid,oromittedtodo,somethingthatgaverise to the
claim against the fund;(e)whetherthepersonhasbeendisqualifiedunderarelevantActfrombeingtheholderofalicenceorregistrationcertificatewithinthemeaningoftherelevant Act;(f)whether the person has been disqualified
from managingcorporations under the Corporations
Act;(g)whether,withinthepreceding5years,QCAT,theformer tribunal or the District Court
has made an orderunder this Act or PAMDA adverse to the
person;(h)for an individual—(i)the
individual’s criminal history; and(ii)whether the individual has been an insolvent
underadministration; and(iii)whethertheindividualhasbeenconvictedofanoffenceagainstarelevantActortheAdministration
Act; and(iv)whethertheindividualissubjecttoarelevantcontrol order;
and(v)whether the individual is capable of
satisfactorilyperforming the activities of a licensee;
under the Corporations Act;Note—See
the Corporations Act, section 1274AA (Register ofdisqualified company directors and other
officers).(i)for a corporation—Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 24](i)whetherthecorporationhasbeenplacedinreceivership or liquidation;
and(ii)whether the
corporation, or an executive officer ofthecorporation,issubjecttoarelevantcontrolorder; and(iii)whether an executive officer of the
corporation hasbeen an insolvent under administration;
and(iv)whether an
executive officer of the corporation hasbeen convicted
of an offence against a relevant Actor the
Administration Act; and(v)whether each
executive officer of the corporation isa suitable
person to hold a licence;(j)anotherthingthechiefexecutivemayconsiderunderthis
Act.(2)However, the chief executive, when
deciding whether a personis a suitable person to hold a
licence, may not have regard tocriminal
intelligence given by the commissioner to the chiefexecutive under section 230A.(3)If the chief executive decides a
person is not a suitable personto hold a
licence, the chief executive must give the person aninformationnoticeaboutthedecisionwithin14daysaftermaking the decision.(4)In
this section—fundincludes the
claim funds under PAMDA and the repealedAuctioneers and
Agents Act 1971.relevantActmeansthisAct,anAgentsAct,PAMDAoracorresponding law.24Public trustee is a suitable personThe
corporation sole called The Public Trustee of Queenslandis
taken to be a suitable person to hold a licence.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 25]25Chief
executive of department is a suitable personThe chief
executive of a department is taken to be a suitableperson to hold a licence.Notauthorised—indicativeonly26Investigations
about suitability of applicants, nominatedpersons and
licensees(1)Thechiefexecutivemaymakeinvestigationsaboutthefollowing persons to help the chief
executive decide whetheran applicant or nominated person
mentioned in section 20(1)or licensee is a suitable person to
hold a licence—(a)the applicant, nominated person or
licensee;(b)iftheapplicant,nominatedpersonorlicenseeintendscarrying on, or carries on, business in
partnership or inconjunctionwithothers—eachmemberofthepartnershiporeachpersonwithwhomtheapplicant,nominatedpersonorlicenseeintendscarryingon,orcarries on, business in partnership or
in conjunction;(c)iftheapplicantorlicenseeisacorporation—eachexecutive
officer of the corporation;(d)a
business associate of the applicant, nominated personor
licensee.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the
chief executive may askthe commissioner for a criminal
history report about any ofthe
persons.(3)The commissioner must give the report
to the chief executive.(4)However,thereportisrequiredtocontainonlycriminalhistoryinthecommissioner’spossessionortowhichthecommissioner has access.(5)If
the person’s criminal history includes a conviction recordedagainst the person, the report must be
written.(6)Ifthepersonis,orhasbeen,subjecttoacontrolorderorregistered corresponding control
order, the report must—(a)state the
details of the order; orPage 32Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 27](b)be
accompanied by a copy of the order.Notauthorised—indicativeonly27Notice of change in criminal
history(1)This section applies if the
commissioner reasonably suspectsthecriminalhistoryofeitherofthefollowingpersonshaschanged—(a)a
person who is the holder of a licence;(b)apersonwhoisanominatedpersonmentionedinsection 51(3)or52(4)andappointedasasubstitutelicensee.(2)Thecommissionermaynotifythechiefexecutivethattheperson’s criminal history has
changed.(3)The notice must—(a)state the following details—(i)theperson’snameandanyothernamethecommissioner believes the person may
use or mayhave used;(ii)the
person’s date and place of birth;(iii)abriefdescriptionofthenatureoftheoffencegiving rise to
the conviction or charge to which thechange relates;
and(b)if the change includes the person
becoming subject to acontrolorderorregisteredcorrespondingcontrolorder—(i)state the details of the order; or(ii)be accompanied
by a copy of the order.(4)Thechiefexecutivemayconfirmthecommissioner’ssuspicions under
subsection (1).(5)For a person who does not have a
criminal history, there istakentobeachangeintheperson’scriminalhistoryiftheperson acquires
a criminal history.(6)In this section—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 33
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 28]criminal history, in relation to
a person, includes a charge ofan offence laid
against the person that has not been dismissed.offenceincludes an alleged offence.28Costs of criminal history
report(1)Thechiefexecutivemayrequireanapplicantmentionedinsection 20(1) or a licensee to pay the
reasonable, but no morethan actual, costs of obtaining a
criminal history report undersection 26
about—(a)the applicant or licensee; or(b)a nominated person mentioned in
section 51(3) or 52(4)as the applicant’s substitute
licensee; or(c)a person to whom section 26(1)(b), (c)
or (d) applies fordecidingwhethertheapplicant,licenseeornominatedperson is a
suitable person to hold a licence.(2)The
requirement is acriminal history costs requirement.(3)The chief
executive may notify the applicant or licensee of therequirement to pay a criminal history costs
requirement—(a)in an approved form; or(b)on the department’s website; or(c)in a written notice given by the chief
executive to theapplicant or licensee.(4)If
the criminal history costs requirement is made in a writtennoticegivenbythechiefexecutivetotheapplicantorlicensee, the notice must include a
requirement for the costs tobe paid within a
stated reasonable period.(5)Theapplicantorlicenseeistakentohavewithdrawntheapplicationforwhichthecriminalhistoryreportwasrequested if the applicant or licensee fails
to comply with thecriminal history costs requirement.(6)The chief executive must refund to an
applicant or licensee anamount paid under the requirement
if—Page 34Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 29](a)thechiefexecutiverefusestheapplicationwithoutasking for the report; or(b)theapplicantorlicenseewithdrawstheapplicationbefore the chief
executive asks for the report.(7)In
this section—applicantincludes
proposed applicant.29Use of information obtained under s 26
or s 27(1)This section applies to the chief
executive in considering—(a)informationobtainedundersection
26or27aboutanapplicantornominatedpersonmentionedinsection 20(1) or a licensee (each arelevant person); or(b)informationobtainedundersection
26aboutanassociate of a relevant person.(2)Information about the following may be
used only for makinga decision about whether a relevant
person is, or continues tobe, a suitable person to hold a
licence—(a)a conviction of the relevant person or
an associate of therelevant person;(b)iftherelevantperson,oranassociateoftherelevantperson,issubjecttoacontrolorderorregisteredcorresponding
control order—the control order.(3)Information about a charge against a
relevant person may notbe relied on as a basis for making a
decision as to whether thepersonis,orcontinuestobe,asuitablepersontoholdalicence.(4)In
this section—associate,ofarelevantperson,meansapersontowhomsection
26(1)(b),(c)or(d)appliesfordecidingwhethertherelevant person is a suitable person
to hold a licence.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 32]Division 6Eligibility for
licenceSubdivision 1Motor dealer
licence32Eligibility for motor dealer
licence(1)An individual is eligible to obtain a
motor dealer licence onlyif the individual—(a)is
at least 18 years; and(b)has the
educational or other qualifications approved bythe chief
executive for a motor dealer licence.Editor’s
note—The qualifications are stated on the
department’s website.(2)Anindividualistobetakentosatisfytherequirementmentionedinsubsection (1)(b)ifthechiefexecutiveissatisfied the individual—(a)hascomparablequalificationstothequalificationsmentioned in
subsection (1)(b); or(b)within2yearsbeforethedaytheindividual’sapplication for
a motor dealer licence is received by thechief
executive—(i)has been licensed as a motor dealer;
or(ii)hasbeentheholderofamotordealer’slicencegranted under
PAMDA.(3)A corporation is eligible to obtain a
motor dealer licence onlyif a person in charge of the
corporation’s business is a motordealer.Page
36Current as at [Not applicable]
Subdivision 2Motor Dealers and
Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 33]Chattel
auctioneer licenceNotauthorised—indicativeonly33Eligibility for chattel auctioneer
licence(1)An individual is eligible to obtain a
chattel auctioneer licenceonly if the individual—(a)is at least 18 years; and(b)has the educational or other
qualifications for a chattelauctioneer
licence approved by the chief executive.Editor’s
note—The qualifications are stated on the
department’s website.(2)Anindividualistobetakentosatisfytherequirementmentionedinsubsection (1)(b)ifthechiefexecutiveissatisfied the individual—(a)hasaqualificationcomparabletothequalificationmentioned in
subsection (1)(b); or(b)within2yearsbeforethedaytheindividual’sapplicationforachattelauctioneerlicenceisreceivedby the chief
executive—(i)has been licensed as a chattel
auctioneer; or(ii)hasbeentheholderofanauctioneer’slicencegranted under PAMDA.(3)A
corporation is eligible to obtain a chattel auctioneer
licenceonly if a person in charge of the
corporation’s business is achattel
auctioneer.Subdivision 3Chief executives
and corporationsole34Public trustee is
eligible for licenceThe corporation sole called The Public
Trustee of Queenslandis taken to be eligible for a
licence.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 35]35Chief
executive of department is eligible for licenceThe chief
executive of a department is taken to be eligible fora
licence.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 7Issue of
licences36Chief executive may issue or refuse to
issue licence(1)The chief executive may decide to
issue or refuse to issue alicence to an applicant.(2)Thechiefexecutivemaydecidetoissuealicencetoanapplicant only if the chief executive
is satisfied that—(a)the applicant is a suitable person to
hold a licence and—(i)iftheapplicantintendscarryingonbusinessinpartnershiporinconjunctionwithothers—eachmemberofthepartnershiporeachpersonwithwhom the
applicant intends carrying on business inconjunction is a
suitable person to hold a licence;and(ii)iftheapplicantisacorporation—eachexecutiveofficerofthecorporationisasuitablepersontohold a licence; and(b)the applicant is eligible for a
licence of the category oflicence being applied for; and(c)the application complies with sections
17 and 18.(3)If the chief executive decides to
refuse to issue the licence, thechief executive
must give the applicant an information noticeabout the
decision within 14 days after making the decision.37Licence—public trustee(1)The chief executive may issue a
licence to the public trustee inthe public
trustee’s capacity as a corporation sole in the name‘The
Public Trustee of Queensland’.Page 38Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 38](2)A
licence issued to the public trustee authorises an officer
oremployeeofthepublictrusteetoperformanyactivityauthorisedbythepublictrusteethatthepublictrusteemayperform under the licence.(3)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatanofficeroremployeeperforminganactivityauthorisedbythepublictrustee is not
required to be licensed or registered under thisAct
to perform the activity.38Licence—chief
executive of department(1)The chief
executive may issue a licence to the chief executiveofadepartmentinthename‘TheChiefExecutiveofthe(name of
department)’.(2)The licence is taken to be issued to
the chief executive for thetime being of
the department.(3)The chief executive of a department,
as licensee, is taken torepresent the State.(4)Alicenceissuedtothechiefexecutiveofadepartmentauthorisesanofficeroremployeeofthedepartmenttoperform any activity authorised by the chief
executive that thechief executive may perform under the
licence.(5)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatanofficeroremployeeperforminganactivityauthorisedbythechiefexecutive is not
required to be licensed or registered under thisAct
to perform the activity.39Licence—conditions(1)Thechiefexecutivemaydecidetoissuealicenceontheconditionsthechiefexecutiveconsidersnecessaryordesirablefortheproperperformanceoftheactivitiesauthorised by
the licence.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), a
condition may—(a)limitorprohibittheperformanceofanactivityauthorised under
this Act or the Administration Act; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 39
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 40](b)require a licensee to hold insurance of a
kind and in anamount prescribed under a regulation.(3)If the chief executive decides to
issue a licence on condition,thechiefexecutivemustgivetheapplicantaninformationnoticeaboutthedecisionwithin14daysaftermakingthedecision.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 8Restrictions on
performingactivities under licences40Restriction—corporations(1)Acorporationthatholdsalicencemayperformanactivityunderitslicenceataplaceonlyiftheactivitymaybeperformed
by—(a)a licensed person who is in charge of
the corporation’sbusiness at the place; or(b)aliquidatororcontrollerappointedundertheCorporations Act of property of the
corporation; or(c)an administrator of the corporation
appointed under theCorporations Act; or(d)an
administrator of a deed of company arrangement forthe
corporation appointed under the Corporations Act;or(e)areceiverappointedundertheAdministrationActforproperty of the corporation.(2)However, subsection (1) does not
prevent a corporation thatholds a motor dealer licence selling a
used motor vehicle byauction if the auction is conducted by
a chattel auctioneer whois an employed licensee of the
corporation.(3)Acorporationthatisaformerlicenseemayperformanactivity authorised under the former licence
if the activity isperformed by a person mentioned in
subsection (1)(b), (c), (d)or (e).Page
40Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 41](4)If a
corporation that holds a licence or is a former licenseeperforms an activity it is not authorised to
perform, it is takento be a person who acts as a licensee
without a licence for theperformance of the activity.(5)In this section—former
licensee under a licence that was previously in force;or(b)alicenseeunderamotordealer’slicenceunderPAMDA.41Restriction—individuals(1)An
individual who is an employed licensee may perform anactivity authorised under the individual’s
licence only if theactivity may also be performed by the
individual’s employerunder the employer’s licence.Example—E is a licensed
employee of P, a licensed motor dealer. E’s licence is notsubject to a condition. However, P’s licence
is subject to a conditionthat P deal only in motorcycles.
Because of the condition, E is onlyauthorisedtodealinmotorcyclesunderE’slicenceduringE’semployment with P and while P is
subject to the condition.(2)However,
subsection (1) does not prevent an individual whoholds a chattel auctioneer licence selling
goods by auction forthe individual’s licensed
employer.(3)If the employed licensee performs an
activity the employedlicenseeisnotauthorisedtoperformbecauseofsubsection (1), the employed licensee
is taken to be a personwho acts as a licensee without a
licence for the performanceof the
activity.42Restriction—conditions(1)Thissectionappliestoalicenseewhoperformsanactivityunder the
licensee’s licence that the licensee is not authorisedto
perform because of a condition on the licensee’s licence.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 43](2)The
licensee is taken to be a person who acts as a licenseewithout a licence for the performance of the
activity.Note—For some of the
consequences of a licensee performing an activity thatthe
licensee is not authorised to perform because of a condition on
thelicensee’s licence, see sections 88, 119,
132 and 149.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 9Renewal and
restoration of licencesSubdivision 1Renewal43Application for renewal(1)Alicenseemayonlyapplyforrenewalofthelicensee’slicence before
the licence expires.(2)The application
must—(a)be made to the chief executive in the
approved form; and(b)state the term of the licence being
applied for; and(c)state the names and addresses of the
licensee’s businessassociates; and(d)be
accompanied by—(i)the application fee prescribed under a
regulation;and(ii)thelicencerenewalfeeprescribedunderaregulation; and(iii)ifthelicenseeisrequiredasaconditionofthelicensee’slicencetoholdinsurance,proofofthecurrency of the
insurance; and(iv)if,beforeorwhentheapplicationismade,acriminal history costs requirement is made
of thelicensee—theamountofthecostsrequiredtobepaid.(3)The
application must also be accompanied by—Page 42Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 44](a)an
audit report for all trust accounts kept by the licenseeduring the relevant audit period; or(b)a statutory declaration by the
licensee that the licenseedid not operate a trust account during
the relevant auditperiod.(4)In
this section—relevant audit period, for a
licensee’s licence, means the auditperiod ending
immediately before the licence’s expiry date.44Chief
executive may renew or refuse to renew licence(1)The
chief executive must consider the renewal application anddecide to renew or refuse to renew the
licence.(2)The chief executive may decide to
renew the licence only ifthe chief executive is
satisfied—(a)the licensee is a suitable person to
hold a licence and—(i)if the licensee carries on business in
partnership orinconjunctionwithothers—eachmemberofthepartnership or
each person with whom the licenseecarriesonbusinessinconjunctionisasuitableperson to hold a
licence; and(ii)ifthelicenseeisacorporation—eachexecutiveofficerofthecorporationisasuitablepersontohold a licence; and(b)the application is made under section
43; and(c)thelicenseemeetstheeligibilityrequirements,otherthaneligibilityrequirementsofaneducationalnature,for
the licence.(3)If the chief executive decides to
refuse to renew the licence,thechiefexecutivemustgivetheapplicantaninformationnoticeaboutthedecisionwithin14daysaftermakingthedecision.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 43
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 45]45Licence taken to be in force while
application for renewalis consideredIfanapplicationismadeundersection 43,thelicensee’slicenceistakentocontinueinforcefromthedaythatitwould,apartfromthissection,haveexpireduntilthelicensee’s application for renewal
is—(a)decided under section 44; or(b)withdrawn by the licensee; or(c)taken to have been withdrawn under
section 20(3).Subdivision 2Restoration46Application for restoration(1)Ifaperson’slicenceexpires,thepersonmayapplyforrestoration of the licence.(2)The application must—(a)be made to the chief executive in the
approved form; and(b)be made within 3 months after the
expiry; and(c)state the term of the licence being
applied for; and(d)state the names and addresses of the
person’s businessassociates; and(e)be
accompanied by—(i)the application fee prescribed under a
regulation;and(ii)thelicencerenewalfeeprescribedunderaregulation; and(iii)thelicencerestorationfeeprescribedunderaregulation; and(iv)ifthepersonwasrequiredasaconditionoftheperson’slicencetoholdinsurance—proofofthecurrency of the insurance; andPage
44Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 47](v)if,beforeorwhentheapplicationismade,acriminal history costs requirement is made
of theperson—theamountofthecostsrequiredtobepaid.(3)The
application must also be accompanied by—(a)anauditreportaboutalltrustaccountsmaintainedbythe
person during the relevant audit period; or(b)a
statutory declaration by the person that the person didnotoperateatrustaccountduringtherelevantauditperiod.(4)In
this section—relevant audit period, for a person’s
licence, means the auditperiod ending immediately before the
licence expired.47Licence taken to be in force while
application forrestoration is consideredIfanapplicationismadeundersection 46,theperson’slicence is taken
to have continued in force from the day that itwould,apartfromthissection,haveexpireduntiltheapplication is—(a)decided under section 48; or(b)withdrawn by the person; or(c)taken to have been withdrawn under
section 20(3).48Chief executive may restore or refuse
to restore licence(1)Thechiefexecutivemustconsidertheapplicationforrestoration and may decide to restore or
refuse to restore thelicence.(2)The
chief executive may decide to restore the licence only ifthe
chief executive is satisfied—(a)the
person is a suitable person to hold a licence and—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 48](i)ifthepersoncarrieson,orintendstocarryon,businessinpartnershiporinconjunctionwithothers—eachmemberofthepartnershiporeachperson with whom
the person carries on, or intendstocarryon,businessinconjunctionisasuitableperson to hold a
licence; and(ii)ifthepersonisacorporation—eachexecutiveofficerofthecorporationisasuitablepersontohold a licence; and(b)the application is made under section
46; and(c)the person meets the eligibility
requirements, other thaneligibility requirements of an
educational nature, for thelicence.(3)If the chief executive decides to
refuse to restore the licence,the chief
executive must give the person an information noticeaboutthedecisionwithin14daysafterthemakingthedecision.(4)If
the chief executive decides to restore the licence—(a)the licence is taken to have been
renewed on the day itwould, apart from section 47, have
expired (theinitialexpiry
date); and(b)toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatathingdoneduring the period starting on the initial
expiry date andendingonthedaythedecisionismadeunderthissection is taken
to have been as validly done as it wouldhave been if the
licence had been renewed immediatelybefore the
initial expiry date.Page 46Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 10Motor Dealers and
Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 49]Dealings with
licencesSubdivision 1Transfer of
licence49Transfer of licence prohibitedA
licence may not be transferred.50Offence to sell, lend or borrow
licence(1)A licensee must not—(a)sell, lend or hire out the licensee’s
licence to someoneelse; or(b)notifyoradvertisethatalicenceisavailableforsale,loan or hire to
someone else, whether licensed or not; or(c)permit or allow someone else to hold out
that the personis the holder of the licensee’s
person must not buy, borrow or hire a licensee’s licence.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(3)If a
person who is not the holder of an appropriate licence orthelicensee’ssubstitutehastheeffectiveorapparentmanagement or
control of a licensee’s business, the licensee istaken to have lent, and the person is taken
to have borrowed,the licensee’s licence.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 47
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 51]Subdivision 2Substitute
licences51Appointment of substitute
licensee—principal licensee—individual(1)Aprincipallicenseemayappointanadultasthelicensee’ssubstitute
licensee for a period of not more than 30 days onlyif—(a)the licensee
will be absent from the licensee’s registeredoffice for the
period; and(b)the adult consents to the appointment;
and(c)if the licensee is required as a
condition of the licensee’slicencetoholdinsurance,theadultiscoveredbytheinsuranceorholdsinsurancethatcomplieswiththerequirements of the condition.(2)The principal licensee must
ensure—(a)an appointment under subsection (1)
and the substitutelicensee’s consent to the appointment are in
writing andstate the period of appointment; and(b)the appointment, consent and evidence
of any insurancethe substitute licensee is required to have
are—(i)kept at the licensee’s registered
office; and(ii)madeavailableforimmediateinspectionbyaninspector who asks to see them.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)A principal licensee who will be
absent from the licensee’sregistered office for a period of more
than 30 days must applytothechiefexecutiveintheapprovedformfortheappointment or the extension of the
appointment of an adult(thenominated
person) as the licensee’s substitute
licensee.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(4)If the principal licensee is a person
for whom an administratorhasbeenappointedundertheGuardianshipandPage
48Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 51]AdministrationAct2000orisdeceased,thelicensee’srepresentative
may make the application under subsection (3).(5)The
application must be accompanied by—(a)thenominatedperson’ssignedconsenttotheappointment;
and(b)enoughinformationaboutthenominatedpersontoenablethechiefexecutivetodecidewhethertheperson—(i)is a
suitable person to hold a licence; and(ii)issufficientlyqualifiedtoperformthelicensee’sactivities
during the period; and(iii)ifthelicenseeisrequiredasaconditionofthelicensee’s licence to hold
insurance—is covered bythe insurance or holds insurance that
complies withthe requirements of the condition;
and(c)the application fee prescribed under a
regulation; and(d)if,beforeorwhentheapplicationismade,acriminalhistorycostsrequirementismadeoftheprincipallicensee—the
amount of the costs required to be paid.(6)In
this section—principal licenseeincludes—(a)foralicenseeforwhomanadministratorhasbeenappointedundertheGuardianshipandAdministrationAct 2000—the
licensee’s administrator; and(b)foradeceasedlicensee—thelicensee’spersonalrepresentative.representative, of a principal
licensee, means—(a)foralicenseeforwhomanadministratorhasbeenappointedundertheGuardianshipandAdministrationAct 2000—the
licensee’s administrator; or(b)foradeceasedlicensee—thelicensee’spersonalrepresentative.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 49
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 52]52Appointment of substitute
licensee—employed licenseein charge of a licensee’s business at
a place(1)This section applies if an employed
licensee who is in chargeofaprincipallicensee’sbusinessataplacewillbeabsentfromtheplaceforanyreason,otherthantheemployedlicensee’s
resignation or termination of employment.(2)If
the employed licensee will be absent from the place for aperiod of not more than 30 days, the
principal licensee mayappoint an adult as the employed
licensee’s substitute licenseefor the period
if the adult consents to the appointment.(3)Theprincipallicenseemustensureanappointmentundersubsection (2)andtheperson’sconsenttotheappointmentare—(a)in writing and state the period of
appointment; and(b)kept at the licensee’s registered
office; and(c)made available for immediate
inspection by an inspectorwho asks to see them.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(4)If the employed licensee will be
absent from the place for aperiodofmorethan30days,theprincipallicenseewhoemploystheemployedlicenseemustapplytothechiefexecutiveintheapprovedformfortheappointmentortheextension of the appointment of an
adult (also thenominatedperson) as
the licensee’s substitute licensee.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(5)The application
must be accompanied by—(a)thenominatedperson’ssignedconsenttotheappointment;
and(b)enoughinformationaboutthenominatedpersontoenable the chief executive to decide
whether the personis—(i)a suitable
person to hold a licence; andPage 50Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 53](ii)sufficientlyqualifiedtoperformtheemployedlicensee’s
activities during the period; and(c)the
application fee prescribed under a regulation; and(d)if,beforeorwhentheapplicationismade,acriminalhistorycostsrequirementismadeoftheprincipallicensee—the
amount of the costs required to be paid.(6)In
this section—principal licenseeincludes—(a)foralicenseeforwhomanadministratorhasbeenappointedundertheGuardianshipandAdministrationAct 2000—the
licensee’s administrator; and(b)foradeceasedlicensee—thelicensee’spersonalrepresentative.53Chief
executive may appoint or refuse to appointsubstitute
licensee(1)The chief executive may decide to
appoint or refuse to appointa nominated
person mentioned in section 51(3) or 52(4) as alicensee’s
substitute licensee.(2)The chief
executive may appoint the nominated person only ifthe
chief executive is satisfied that the person—(a)is,
under division 5, a suitable person to hold a licence;and(b)issufficientlyqualifiedtoperformthelicensee’sactivitiesduringtheperiodofthelicensee’sabsence;and(c)if the licensee
is required as a condition of the licensee’slicence to hold
insurance—is covered by the insuranceor holds
insurance that complies with the requirementsof the
condition.(3)An appointment under this section may
be made subject to theconditions the chief executive
considers appropriate.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 54](4)Thechiefexecutivemustgivewrittennoticeoftheappointment to the licensee and the
substitute licensee.(5)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidestorefusetoappointthenominated person or impose conditions on the
appointment,thechiefexecutivemustgivethelicenseeaninformationnoticeaboutthedecisionwithin14daysaftermakingthedecision.54Substitute licensee(1)On
appointment, a substitute licensee—(a)mustactassubstituteforthelicenseeforwhomthesubstitute is appointed; and(b)istakentobethelicenseeduringtheperiodoftheappointment.(2)A
licensee for whom a substitute has been appointed must notactundertheauthorityofthelicensee’slicencewhiletheappointment of the substitute licensee
continues.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(3)The appointment of the substitute
licensee ends if—(a)the period of the appointment ends;
or(b)theprincipallicenseegiveswrittennoticetoendtheappointment from a date stated in the
notice—(i)forasubstitutelicenseeappointedundersection 51(1) or 52(2)—to the substitute
licensee;or(ii)forasubstitutelicenseeappointedundersection 53—tothechiefexecutiveandthesubstitute
licensee; or(c)thesubstitutelicenseegiveswrittennoticetoendtheappointment from
a date stated in the notice—(i)forasubstitutelicenseeappointedundersection 51(1)or52(2)—totheprincipallicenseewho
made the appointment; orPage 52Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 55](ii)forasubstitutelicenseeappointedundersection 53—tothechiefexecutiveandtheprincipallicenseewhoappliedfortheappointment; or(d)thechiefexecutiverevokesthesubstitutelicensee’sappointment;
or(e)the licensee’s licence is suspended or
cancelled; or(f)if the licensee is a principal
licensee—the licensee stopscarrying on
business as a licensee.55Limitation on
period of substitution(1)A principal
licensee may not appoint a substitute licensee forhimself or herself for more than 12 weeks in
any period of 12months.(2)A
principal licensee may not appoint a substitute licensee foran
employed licensee for more than 12 weeks in any period of12
months.(3)The chief executive may not appoint a
substitute licensee for alicensee for more than 26 weeks in any
period of 12 months.Subdivision 3General56Amendment of licence conditions(1)The chief executive may amend the
conditions of a licence—(a)on the
licensee’s application; or(b)on the order of
QCAT after a disciplinary hearing; or(c)on
the chief executive’s own initiative.Note—QCATmaydealwiththeconditionsofaperson’slicenceundersection
199.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 56](2)An application under subsection (1)(a)
must be made in theapprovedformandbeaccompaniedbytheapplicationfeeprescribed under a regulation.(3)Beforedecidingtomakeanamendmentundersubsection (1)(a),thechiefexecutivemustbesatisfiedthelicensee meets the requirements the chief
executive considersthe licensee must meet to be eligible for
the amendment.(4)Beforedecidingtomakeanamendmentundersubsection (1)(c), the chief executive
must—(a)give written notice to the
licensee—(i)of the particulars of the proposed
amendment; and(ii)that the
licensee may make written submissions tothe chief
executive about the proposed amendmentbefore a stated
day, not later than 14 days after thenotice is given
to the licensee; and(b)have regard to
submissions made to the chief executiveby the licensee
before the stated day.(5)Subsection (4)
does not apply if the chief executive decidesthat the
amendment must be made urgently—(a)to
avoid potential claims against the fund; or(b)toensurecompliancewiththisActortheAdministration
Act.(6)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidestoamendtheconditionsofalicence under subsection (1)(c), the
chief executive must givethe licensee an information notice
about the decision within14 days after making the
decision.(7)The amendment takes effect—(a)on the day the written notice of the
amendment is givento the licensee; or(b)if a
later day is stated in the notice, on the stated day.(8)If the chief executive decides to
refuse to make an amendmentrequestedundersubsection
(1)(a),thechiefexecutivemustPage 54Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 57]givetheapplicantaninformationnoticeaboutthedecisionwithin 14 days
after making the decision.57Return of licence
for amendment or replacement(1)Thechiefexecutivemayrequirealicenseetoproducethelicensee’slicenceforamendmentorreplacementwithinastated period of not less than 14 days
if the chief executiveintends to—(a)amend the conditions of the licence under
section 56; or(b)replace the licence under section
67(5).(2)Thelicenseemustcomplywiththerequirementunlesstheperson has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.58Return of licence for suspension or
cancellation(1)Apersonwhoselicencehasbeensuspendedorcancelledunder section
229(1) or an order made by QCAT must returnthelicencetothechiefexecutivewithin14daysafterthesuspension or cancellation unless the
person has a reasonableexcuse.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Subsection
(1)doesnotapplyifsection61(6)or62(2)applies.59Surrender of licence(1)Alicenseemaysurrenderthelicensee’slicencebygivingwritten notice
to the chief executive and returning the licence.(2)A licence surrendered under this
section stops having effecton the day it is
surrendered.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 60]60Licence may be deactivated(1)Alicenseemayaskthechiefexecutivetodeactivatethelicensee’s licence.(2)A
request under subsection (1) must be made in the approvedform
and be accompanied by the licensee’s licence and the feeprescribed under a regulation.(3)The licence is taken to be deactivated
when the request, thelicenceandtheprescribedfeearereceivedbythechiefexecutive under
subsection (2).(4)A licence that is deactivated does not
authorise the licensee toperform an activity under the
authority of the licence.(5)The deactivation
of a licence under this section does not—(a)affect the term of the licence; or(b)entitle the licensee to a refund of
fees for the licence forthe balance of the licence’s
term.(6)Theholderofadeactivatedlicencemayapplytohavethelicence renewed under section 43 or restored
under section 46as a deactivated licence at a reduced fee
prescribed under aregulation.(7)Alicenseemayaskthechiefexecutivetoreactivatethelicence.(8)However, if the licence has been deactivated
for 5 years ormore,thelicencemaybereactivatedonlyifthelicenseesatisfies any educational or other
requirements applying underthisActtoanapplicantforalicenceofthetypetobereactivated.(9)A
request under subsection (7) must be made in the approvedformandbeaccompaniedbythefeeprescribedunderaregulation.Page 56Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 11Motor Dealers and
Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 61]Suspension and
cancellation oflicencesNotauthorised—indicativeonly61Immediate suspension(1)This section applies if—(a)the chief executive reasonably
considers that a licensee’slicence was
obtained, or renewed or restored, because ofmaterially
incorrect or misleading information; or(b)thechiefexecutivereasonablyconsidersthatanirregularityordeficiencyexistsinalicensee’strustaccount; or(c)the
chief executive is satisfied a licensee has failed tofile
an audit report as required under the AdministrationAct,
section 35(2)(b); or(d)areceiverisappointedundertheAdministrationAct,section 47 over property—(i)held by a licensee; or(ii)held by another
person for a licensee; or(iii)recoverable by a
licensee; or(e)thechiefexecutivereasonablyconsidersthatalicensee—(i)has
contravened or is contravening this Act or theAdministration
Act; or(ii)has contravened
PAMDA; or(iii)islikelyorproposingtoengageinconductthatwouldcontravenethisActortheAdministrationAct.(2)Thechiefexecutivemay,whetherornotdisciplinaryproceedings have
been started under this Act—(a)suspend the licensee’s licence; or(b)withoutlimitingparagraph(a),forsubsection (1)(b),suspend a
licence held by an employee of the licensee ifCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 57
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 62]thechiefexecutiveconsiders,onreasonablegrounds,theemployeeisresponsibleinanywayfortheirregularity or deficiency in the
licensee’s trust account.(3)Ifthechiefexecutivesuspendsalicenceforareasonmentioned in
subsection (1)(a), (b), (d) or (e), the licence maybe
suspended for the period, of not more than 28 days, and onthe
conditions the chief executive decides.(4)Ifthechiefexecutivesuspendsalicenceforthereasonmentioned in
subsection (1)(c), the licence is suspended untilwhichever of the following happens
first—(a)the licensee files the required audit
report;(b)anapplicationtoQCATforthecancellationofthelicence is heard and decided.(5)Thechiefexecutivemustgivethelicenseeaninformationnoticeaboutthedecisiontosuspendthelicensee’slicencewithin 14 days after the suspension.(6)Thelicenseemustreturnthelicencetothechiefexecutivewithin 14 days after the licensee receives
the notice, unless theperson has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty for subsection (6)—100
penalty units.62Immediate cancellation(1)A licensee’s licence is cancelled on
the happening of any ofthe following events—(a)the licensee is convicted of a serious
offence;(b)ifthelicenseeisanindividual,thelicenseeisaninsolvent under administration;(c)ifthelicenseeisacorporation,thelicenseehasbeenwound up or
deregistered under the Corporations Act;(d)1 or
more of the following persons becoming subject toa
relevant control order—(i)the
licensee;Page 58Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 64](ii)ifthelicenseeisacorporation—anexecutiveofficer of the corporation.(2)Thelicenseemustreturnthelicencetothechiefexecutivewithin 14 days after the happening of an
event mentioned insubsection (1), unless the licensee has a
reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty for subsection (2)—100
penalty units.Division 12General
provisions about licences64Form of
licence(1)A licence must be in the approved
form.(2)However, the chief executive may
approve—(a)a form of licence for office display
purposes; andExample—a licence in the
form of a certificate that may be framed anddisplayed in an
office(b)a form of licence for personal
identification purposes.(3)Thechiefexecutivemayalsoissueaformoflicenceforacorporation endorsed with the
categories of licence issued inthe
corporation’s name.(4)The licence must contain the following
particulars—(a)the name of the licensee;(b)the date of issue of the
licence;(c)the expiry date of the licence;(d)other particulars prescribed under a
regulation.65Requirement to keep copy of licence
available forinspection(1)Alicenseethatisacorporationmustkeepacopyofthelicensee’slicenceavailableforinspectionateachplaceofbusiness of the licensee.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 66]Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Aprincipallicenseemustkeepacopyoftheprincipallicensee’slicenceavailableforinspectionateachplaceofbusiness of the principal
licensee.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)A licensee employed by a principal
licensee must keep a copyof the licensee’s licence available
for inspection at each placeof business
where the licensee is employed by the principallicensee as an
employed licensee.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.66Term of licence(1)A
licence may be issued for a 1-year or 3-year term.(2)However, a regulation may prescribe
the circumstances underwhich a licence may be issued or
renewed for a shorter term.Example—A
licence may be issued for a shorter term to ensure multiple
licencesheld by the same person expire on the same
day.67Replacement licences(1)Alicenseemayapplytothechiefexecutiveforthereplacement of a
lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged licence.(2)The
application must be made in the approved form and beaccompanied by the fee prescribed under a
regulation.(3)Thechiefexecutivemustgranttheapplicationifthechiefexecutiveissatisfiedthelicencehasbeenlost,stolenordestroyed, or damaged in a way to require
its replacement.(4)Ifthechiefexecutivegrantstheapplication,thechiefexecutivemustissueanotherlicencetotheapplicanttoreplace the original licence.(5)The chief executive may also replace a
licence if—(a)either—Page 60Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 68](i)thelicenseehasgivenwrittennoticetothechiefexecutive of a
prescribed change; or(ii)thechiefexecutivereasonablybelievesaprescribedchangeforthelicenseehashappened;and(b)thechiefexecutiveissatisfiedtheprescribedchangerequires a replacement of the
licence.(6)If the chief executive replaces a
licence under this section—(a)thelicencecontinuestobesubjecttothesameconditionsandtermtowhichthelicencewassubjectbefore being
replaced; and(b)thelicenseemustpaythechiefexecutivethefeeprescribed under
a regulation.(7)In this section—prescribedchangemeansaprescribedchangeundersection
69.68Register of licences(1)Thechiefexecutivemustkeeparegisteroflicencesandapplications for licences (thelicence register).(2)The licence register must contain the
following particulars—(a)for each
applicant for a licence—(i)the applicant’s
name; and(ii)if the applicant
intends to carry on business underthe licence—the
place where the applicant intendsto carry on
business; and(iii)the category of
licence applied for; and(iv)the date of the
application; and(v)the application number;(b)for each licensee—(i)the
licensee’s name; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 68](ii)the licensee’s
registered office; and(iii)the category of
the licensee’s licence; and(iv)thedatesofissueandexpiryofthelicensee’scurrent licence;
and(v)any conditions imposed on the licence;
and(vi)ifthelicenseeisacorporation—thenameoftheindividualinchargeofthelicensee’sbusinessatthe licensee’s registered office;
and(vii) ifthelicenseeisadirectorofalicensedcorporation—the
name of the licensed corporation;and(viii) if the licensee is an employee of
another licensee—the name of the licensee’s employer;
and(ix)the licensee’s
licence number; and(x)particularsofanysurrender,suspensionorcancellation of the licensee’s
licence.(3)Apersonmay,onpaymentofthefeeprescribedunderaregulation, inspect or get a copy of
details in the part of theregistercontainingtheparticularsmentionedinsubsection (2)—(a)at a
place or places decided by the chief executive; or(b)by using a computer.(4)A person may pay the fee, in advance
or in arrears, under anarrangement approved by the chief
executive.(5)Theregistermaybekeptinanywaythechiefexecutiveconsiders appropriate.(6)In
this section—containincludes record
and store.Page 62Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 13Motor Dealers and
Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 69]General
provisions about licensees69Licensees to
notify chief executive of changes incircumstances(1)Alicenseemustgivenoticetothechiefexecutiveofaprescribed change in the licensee’s
circumstances within 14days after the change.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)In this section—prescribedchangemeansachangeprescribedunderaregulation.70Registered officeA
licensee’sregistered officeis—(a)for a principal licensee—(i)theplacethelicenseestatesinthelicensee’sapplication for
a licence as the licensee’s principalplace of
business; or(ii)another place
notified to the chief executive by thelicenseeintheapprovedformasthelicensee’sprincipal place
of business; and(b)for an employed licensee—(i)theplacethelicenseestatesinthelicensee’sapplication for
a licence as the licensee’s businessaddress;
or(ii)another place
notified to the chief executive by thelicenseeintheapprovedformasthelicensee’sbusiness
address.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 2 Licensing[s 71]71Licensee must notify chief executive
of change in placeof business etc.(1)Aprincipallicenseemustnotifythechiefexecutiveintheapproved form
of—(a)any change in the licensee’s principal
place of businesswithin 14 days after the change; and(b)the closure of any place where the
licensee carries onbusiness within 14 days after the closure;
and(c)the opening of any place where the
licensee carries onbusiness within 14 days after the
opening.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(2)An employed licensee must notify the
chief executive in theapprovedformofanychangeinthelicensee’sbusinessaddress within 14 days after the
change.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.72AdvertisingA licensee must
not publish, or permit to be published, in anewspaperorelsewhereanadvertisementforthelicensee’sbusiness without
stating in the advertisement the particularsprescribed under
a regulation.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.73Licensee to obtain statement from
seller of vehicle(1)A licensee must, when buying a motor
vehicle or accepting amotorvehicleforsaleonconsignmentfromaperson(theseller)inthecourseofcarryingonthelicensee’sbusiness,obtain from the seller a statement, signed
by the seller, statingtheparticularsaboutthesellerandthevehicleprescribedunder a
regulation.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(2)Thelicenseemustkeepacopyofthestatementatthelicensee’s place of business.Page
64Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 2
Licensing[s 74]Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(3)This section
does not apply if the seller is—(a)a
financier of the business of the licensee; or(b)another licensee.74Licensee to give statement to buyer of
vehicle(1)A licensee must, immediately after
selling a motor vehicle toa person (thebuyer) in
the course of carrying on the licensee’sbusiness, give
the buyer a statement, signed by the licensee,stating the
particulars prescribed under a regulation about—(a)the vehicle; and(b)the
vehicle’s owner immediately before the sale.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(2)Thelicenseemustkeepacopyofthestatementatthelicensee’s place of business.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(3)Nothing in this section prevents the
statement being containedin the contract for sale of the
vehicle.75Production of licenceA
licensee must, if asked by a person with whom the licenseeis
dealing, produce the licensee’s licence for inspection by
penalty—100 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 3 Motor dealers[s 76]Part
3Motor dealersDivision 1Motor dealers’ authorisation andresponsibilities76What
a motor dealer licence authorises(1)Amotordealerlicenceauthorisestheholderofthelicence(motordealer)toperformthefollowingactivitiesinthecarrying on of a business of motor
dealing—(a)to acquire, primarily for resale, used
motor vehicles;(b)to sell used motor vehicles;(c)to sell used motor vehicles on
consignment as an agentfor others for reward;(d)tosellaleasedmotorvehicletothelesseeundertheterms of the lease;(e)toacquireusedmotorvehicles,whetherornotascomplete units, to break up for sale as
parts;(f)to sell used motor vehicles mentioned
in paragraph (e)as parts;(g)tonegotiate,underaconsultancyarrangement,foraperson who is not a motor dealer or
chattel auctioneerfor the purchase or sale of a used motor
vehicle for theperson.(2)A
motor dealer may perform the activities—(a)inthecarryingonofabusiness,eitheraloneorwithothers;
or(b)asanemployeeofamotordealerwhocarriesonthebusiness of motor dealing.(3)Despitesubsection
(1),amotordealerlicencedoesnotauthorise the holder to sell a used
motor vehicle by auction.Page 66Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 77](4)However,subsection
(3)doesnotpreventamotordealerselling a used motor vehicle by auction by
employing a chattelauctioneer to sell the vehicle by auction
for the motor dealer.(5)In this
section—business of motor dealingdoes
not include the business of afinancier.consultancy
arrangement, for the purchase or sale of a usedmotor vehicle, means an arrangement under
which a personadvises someone else—(a)where or from whom the other person can buy
a usedmotor vehicle; or(b)where or to whom the other person can sell a
used motorvehicle.77Responsibility for acts and omissions of
motorsalespersons(1)Amotordealerwhoisaprincipallicenseemusttakereasonable steps to ensure each motor
salesperson employedbythedealerisproperlysupervisedandcomplieswiththisAct.(2)A motor dealer who is an employed
licensee in charge of alicensee’s business at a place of
business must take reasonablesteps to ensure
each motor salesperson employed at the placeis properly
supervised and complies with this Act.(3)A
motor dealer who fails to comply with subsection (1) or (2)is
liable to disciplinary action under part 7, division 2.Division 2Carrying on
business78Carrying on of business under motor
dealer licenceAn individual who carries on the business of
a motor dealerwith others is not required to hold a motor
dealer licence if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 79](a)atleast1ofthepersonswithwhomtheindividualcarries on
business is a motor dealer; and(b)the
individual does not perform the activities of a motordealer; and(c)the
individual is a suitable person to hold a licence.Notauthorised—indicativeonly79Licensee to be in
charge of motor dealer’s business at aplace(1)A motor dealer who is an individual
and a principal licenseemust—(a)beinchargeofthemotordealer’sbusinessatthedealer’s
registered office; and(b)if the motor
dealer has more than 1 place of business—ensurethatateachotherplaceofbusinessamotordealer who is an
individual is in charge of the dealer’sbusiness at the
place.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(2)A motor dealer that is a corporation
and a principal licensee(corporate
dealer) must ensure that—(a)theindividualinchargeofthecorporatedealer’sbusiness at its registered office is a motor
dealer; and(b)ifthecorporatedealerhasmorethan1placeofbusiness—at each other place of business an
individualwhoisamotordealerisinchargeofthecorporatedealer’s business at the place.Maximum penalty—(a)foranindividualguiltyundertheCriminalCode,chapter 2 of an offence—200 penalty units;
or(b)for a corporation—1000 penalty
units.(3)Anindividualmustnotbeinchargeofamotordealer’sbusiness at more than 1 place.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.Page
68Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 80](4)It
is not an offence against this section for a motor dealer
on which the other place of business is located.(5)For subsection (4), land iscontiguouswith other land
only iftheparcelsoflandhaveacommonboundarythatisnotseparated by a public road.80Motor dealer dealing in motor
vehicles(1)A motor dealer who is performing an
activity the motor dealeris authorised to perform in relation
to a used motor vehicleunder the motor dealer’s licence is
taken to be performing theactivities of a motor dealer whether
or not—(a)themotordealeristheregisteredoperator,asdefinedundertheTransportOperations(RoadUseManagement) Act 1995, of
the motor vehicle; or(b)the motor dealer
or the motor dealer’s associate used themotor vehicle
for private purposes.(2)The motor dealer
must disclose to a potential buyer or sellerof a vehicle
that the motor dealer is a licensed motor dealer.Maximum penalty—400 penalty units.(3)Also, if a person agrees to purchase a
motor vehicle from, orsell a motor vehicle to, the motor
dealer, the person must signa written
acknowledgement stating the motor dealer disclosedto
the person that the motor dealer is a licensed motor dealer.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 81]Division 3AppointmentNotauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 1Requirements81Appointment—sale on consignment(1)A motor dealer must not act as a motor
dealer for a person (aclient)toselltheclient’smotorvehicleonconsignmentunless—(a)the client first appoints the motor
dealer in writing underthis subdivision (amotor dealer appointment); or(b)a previous motor dealer appointment is
assigned to themotordealerunderthetermsoftheappointmentorunder section 85 and the appointment is in
force.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(2)A motor dealer appointment may be for
the performance of—(a)aparticularservicewithinastatedperiod(asingleappointment); or(b)anumberofservicesfromtimetotimewhiletheappointmentcontinuesinforce(acontinuingappointment).82Content of appointment(1)A motor dealer appointment must
state—(a)the relevant service to be performed
by the motor dealerand how it is to be performed; and(b)forasingleappointment—theperiodoftheappointment;
and(c)foracontinuingappointment—thetimeswhen,circumstancesinwhich,oroccasionsonwhichtherelevant service is to be performed;
service; andPage 70Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 83](e)the
expenses the motor dealer is authorised to incur inconnection with the performance of the
relevant service;and(f)thesourceandtheestimatedamountorvalueofanyrebate, discount, commission or
benefit that the motordealer may receive for any expenses
the motor dealer isauthorised to incur in connection with the
performanceof the relevant service; and(g)anyconditions,limitationsorrestrictionsontheperformance of the relevant service;
and(h)whenthefees,chargesandanycommissionfortherelevant service become payable;
and(i)thattheappointmentmayberevokedbyeitherpartygiving the other party at least 30 days
written notice ofthe revocation, unless the parties agree, in
writing, to anearlier day for the appointment to
end.(2)In this section—expensesincludes—(a)advertising expenses; and(b)the cost of preparing a motor vehicle
for sale.relevant servicemeans—(a)for a single appointment—the service
to be performedunder the appointment; or(b)for a continuing appointment—each of
the services orcategories of services to be performed at
stated times, instatedcircumstancesoronstatedoccasionswhiletheappointment is in force.83Form
of appointment(1)A motor dealer appointment must be in
the approved form.(2)The approved form must include a
prominent statement thatthe client should seek independent
legal advice before signingthe
appointment.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 3 Motor dealers[s 84](3)An appointment that does not comply
with subsection (1) isineffective from the time it is
made.84Giving signed appointment to
client(1)A motor dealer appointment must be
signed and dated by theclientandthemotordealerorsomeoneauthorisedorapparently authorised to sign for the
dealer.(2)The motor dealer must give a copy of
the signed appointmentto the client immediately after it is
signed.Maximum penalty for subsection (2)—200
penalty units.Subdivision 2Assignment85Proposal for assignment of
appointment(1)Thissectionappliesifamotordealerwhoholdsamotordealerappointmentfromaclientproposestoassigntheappointment to another motor dealer
(theproposed assignee)without changing the terms of the
appointment.(2)However, this section does not apply
to the assignment of amotor dealer appointment if—(a)the terms of the appointment authorise
the assignmentof the appointment; and(b)theassignmentismadeunderthetermsoftheappointment.(3)Atleast14daysbeforethemotordealerassignstheappointment,themotordealermustgivetheclientwrittennotice of the proposed assignment.(4)The notice must state the
following—(a)the proposed assignee’s name;(b)that the appointment is to be assigned
without changingits terms;Page 72Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 86](c)the
client may agree or refuse to agree to the proposedassignment;(d)when
the proposed assignment is to take effect.(5)Iftheclientagreestotheassignmentandthemotordealerassigns the appointment under this section,
the appointment istaken, for section 81, to be an appointment
by the client of theproposed assignee and to continue to
have effect according toits terms.Division 4Particular conduct provisionsSubdivision 1Consignment
motor dealer must not accept a trade-in from the buyer of amotor vehicle being sold on
consignment.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor1year’simprisonment.(2)However, the motor dealer does not
contravene subsection (1)if the dealer purchases the motor
vehicle offered as a trade-inas part of a
separate transaction between the dealer and thebuyer.Subdivision 2Recovery of
reward or expense87Commission may be claimed only for
actual amounts(1)Thissectionappliestoamotordealerwhosellsamotorvehicle on
consignment for the payment of a commission.(2)The
motor dealer must not claim commission worked out onanamountthatismorethantheactualsalepriceofthevehicle.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 3 Motor dealers[s 88]88Restriction on remedy for reward or
expense(1)A person is not entitled to sue for,
or recover or keep, a rewardorexpensefortheperformanceofanactivityasamotordealerunless,atthetimetheactivitywasperformed,theperson—(a)held
a motor dealer licence; and(b)was
authorised under the person’s licence to sell motorvehicles on consignment; and(c)hadbeenproperlyappointedunderdivision3bytheperson to be charged with the reward or
expense.(2)Apersonwhosuesfor,orrecoversorkeeps,arewardorexpense for performance of an activity as a
motor dealer otherthan as provided by subsection (1) commits
an offence.Maximum penalty for subsection (2)—200
penalty units.89Excess commission etc. to be
repaid(1)This section applies if—(a)a person is convicted of an offence
against section 87(2)or 88(2); and(b)thecourtconvictingthepersonissatisfiedonthebalanceofprobabilitiesthattheperson,inconnectionwiththeoffence,hasrecoveredorretainedfromsomeone(client)forwhomthepersonperformedanactivity an amount to which the person
was not entitled.(2)Thecourtmustorderthepersontopaytheamounttotheclient.(3)Theordermustbemadewhetherornotanypenaltyisimposed on the conviction.(4)The client may file the order in a
court having jurisdiction forthe recovery of
a debt of an equal amount and the order maybe enforced as
if it were a judgment of that court.Page 74Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 3Motor Dealers and
Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 90]Interests in
motor vehicles90Definition for sdiv 3In
this subdivision—obtainincludes being
in any way concerned in obtaining.91Beneficial interest—options(1)A motor dealer commits an offence if
the dealer obtains fromthe owner of a used motor vehicle,
other than another motordealer, an option to purchase the
vehicle in which the dealerhas a beneficial
interest.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor3yearsimprisonment.(2)Amotorsalespersoncommitsanoffenceifthesalespersonobtains from the
owner of a used motor vehicle, other than amotor dealer, an
option to purchase the vehicle in which thesalesperson has
a beneficial interest.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor3yearsimprisonment.(3)Amotordealermustnotsellamotorvehicleifthemotordealerhasa
beneficialinterest in an option to purchase thevehicle,otherthananoptiontopurchasegivenbyanothermotor
person may make a claim, under the Administration Act, against
thefund if the person suffers financial loss
because of a contravention ofthis
section.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 92]Notauthorised—indicativeonly92Beneficial
interest—other than options(1)Thissectionappliestoamotorvehicleplacedbyaperson(client) with a motor
dealer for sale on consignment, but doesnot apply if
section 91 applies.(2)Themotordealercommitsanoffenceifthemotordealerobtains a beneficial interest in the
motor salesperson employed by the motor dealer commitsan
offence if the salesperson obtains a beneficial interest in
person does not contravene subsection (2) or (3) if—(a)the person—(i)before a contract for the sale of the motor
vehicle isenteredinto,obtainstheclient’swrittenacknowledgementintheapprovedformthattheclient—(A)isawarethatthepersonisinterestedinobtainingabeneficialinterestinthemotorvehicle; and(B)consents to the person obtaining the
interest;and(ii)acts fairly and
honestly in relation to the sale; and(b)no
commission or other reward is payable for the sale;and(c)theclientisinsubstantiallyasgoodapositionastheclientwouldbeifthemotorvehicleweresoldatfairmarket
value.Note—A person may
make a claim, under the Administration Act, against thefund
if the person suffers financial loss because of a contravention
ofthis section.Page 76Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 93]93Return of beneficial interest if in form of
commission(1)This section applies if—(a)a person is convicted of an offence
against section 92(2)or (3); and(b)thecourtconvictingthepersonissatisfiedonthebalanceofprobabilitiesthattheperson,inconnectionwiththeoffence,hasrecoveredorretainedfromsomeone(client)forwhomthepersonperformedanactivity an amount of commission to
which the personwas not entitled.(2)Thecourtmustorderthepersontopaytheamounttotheclient.(3)Theordermustbemadewhetherornotanypenaltyisimposed on the conviction.(4)The client may file the order in a
court having jurisdiction forthe recovery of
a debt of an equal amount and the order maybe enforced as
if it were a judgment of that court.Subdivision
4Prescribed conduct provisions94Prescribed conduct provisions(1)Aregulationmayprovideforconductstandardsformotordealers and
motor salespersons in carrying on motor dealingpractice.(2)Aprovisionmentionedinsubsection (1)isaprescribedconduct
provision.Note—Acontraventionofaprescribedconductprovisionisgroundsforstarting disciplinary proceedings. See
section 194(1)(b)(ii).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 95]Subdivision
5Sales of used motor vehicles thatare
written-off vehiclesNotauthorised—indicativeonly95Notice to be
given about used motor vehicle—written-offvehicle(1)Thissectionappliesifausedmotorvehiclethatisanunregisteredwritten-offvehicleistobesoldbyamotordealer,otherthanbyauction,toaprospectivebuyer(thebuyer).(2)Beforethemotordealersellsthevehicletothebuyer,themotordealermusttellthebuyerthatthevehicleisawritten-off vehicle and state—(a)if the vehicle is a repairable
write-off—that the vehicleisarepairablewrite-offandmustpassawritten-offvehicleinspectionunderaregulationundertheTransportOperations(RoadUseManagement)Act1995before it can be
registered; or(b)if the vehicle is a statutory
write-off—that the vehiclecan not be registered.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(3)Themotordealermustalsoaskthebuyertosignanacknowledgement, printed in type no smaller
than 12 point,that—(a)identifiestheusedmotorvehicleasawritten-offvehicle;
and(b)states whether the vehicle is a
repairable write-off or astatutory write-off.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(4)The motor dealer must—(a)give the original of the
acknowledgement to the buyer;and(b)keep a copy of the
acknowledgement.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.Page
78Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 5Motor Dealers and
Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 96]Sale of motor
vehicles by motordealer96Obligation to give clear title(1)This section applies if a used motor
vehicle is to be sold by orforamotordealer(thesellingagent)tosomeoneelse(thebuyer),
other than by auction.Note—For a sale by
auction, see section 142.(2)The following
person (theresponsible licensee) must
ensurethebuyerhascleartitletothemotorvehicleatthetimeproperty in the
vehicle passes to the buyer—(a)ifthesellingagentownsthemotorvehicleorisappointedtosellthevehicleonconsignmentforsomeoneotherthananothermotordealerorchattelauctioneer—the
selling agent;(b)ifthesellingagentissellingthemotorvehicleforanothermotordealerorchattelauctioneer—theothermotor dealer or chattel auctioneer for whom
the sellingagent is selling the vehicle.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.Note—A person may
make a claim, under the Administration Act, against thefund
if the person suffers financial loss because of a contravention
ofthis subsection.(3)In a
proceeding for an offence against subsection (2), it is adefence for the defendant to prove that the
defendant took allreasonable steps to ensure subsection (2)
was complied with.(4)A proceeding against a motor dealer or
chattel auctioneer foranoffenceagainstthissectiondoesnotaffectanycivilliability of any
person, including the motor dealer or chattelauctioneer,arisingoutofthesamefactsthatconstitutetheoffence.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 79
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 3 Motor dealers[s 97](5)Subsection (2)doesnotapplytotheextentthatasecurityinterest in the
motor vehicle is registered under thePersonalProperty Securities Act 2009(Cwlth).Note—ThePersonalPropertySecuritiesAct2009(Cwlth)providesforcircumstances in which a buyer of a motor
vehicle takes the vehicle freeof a security
interest under that Act.(6)In this
section—soldincludes sold on
consignment.97Contract must contain statement of
guarantee of cleartitle(1)A
contract for the sale of a used motor vehicle by a sellingagent must state that the responsible
licensee guarantees thatthe buyer will have clear title to the
vehicle when property inthe vehicle passes to the
buyer.(2)If the contract does not comply with
subsection (1), the buyerbywrittennoticegiventothesellingagentmayavoidthecontract.(3)The
notice must be given to the selling agent within 7 daysafter the day property in the vehicle passes
to the buyer.Division 6Cooling-off
period98Definitions for div 6In
this division—business day, for a motor
dealer, means a day, other than aSunday or public
holiday, when the motor dealer’s place ofbusiness is open
for business.cooling-off periodsee section
99.non-refundable depositsee sections
106(1) and 107(1).used motor vehicledoes not
include—Page 80Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 99](a)an
unregistered motor vehicle—(i)that
is incapable of being registered in Queenslandbecause of its
design; or(ii)intended to be
used for wrecking or dismantling; or(b)a
commercial vehicle; or(c)a
caravan.99Meaning ofcooling-off
period(1)Thecooling-offperiodforthepurchaseofausedmotorvehicle from a
motor dealer starts on the day a contract for thepurchaseofthevehicleisenforceableagainstthemotordealer.(2)Thecooling-offperiodforthepurchaseofausedmotorvehicle
ends—(a)ifthemotordealer’sactualcloseofbusinessonthemotordealer’snextbusinessdayis5p.m.orlater—atthe time of the
motor dealer’s actual close of business onthat business
day; orExamples—1AssumethecontractisenteredintoonFridayandisimmediatelyenforceable.Assumealsothecooling-offperiod is not
affected by public holidays and that, on eachday the motor
dealer is open for business, the motor dealer’sactual close of
business is not before 5p.m. The cooling-offperiod ends at
the time of the motor dealer’s actual close ofbusiness on the
following Saturday.2Assume the contract is entered into on
Friday afternoon, butis conditional on a prior contract to
purchase the vehicle notbeing proceeded with by 5p.m.
Saturday. Assume that theprior contract is avoided at 4p.m.
Saturday. Assume also thecooling-off period is not affected by
public holidays andthat, on each day the motor dealer is open
for business, themotor dealer’s actual close of business is
not before 5p.m.The cooling-off period ends at the time of
the motor dealer’sactual close of business on the following
Monday.(b)ifthemotordealer’sactualcloseofbusinessonthemotor dealer’s next business day is
earlier than 5p.m.—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 3 Motor dealers[s 100]at
the time of the motor dealer’s usual close of businessonthebusinessdayimmediatelyfollowingthenextbusiness day;
orExample—Assume the
contract is entered into on Tuesday and the motordealer closes for business on Wednesday at
1p.m. Assume alsothe cooling-off period is not affected by
public holidays and thatthe contract is immediately
enforceable. The cooling-off periodends at the time
of the motor dealer’s usual close of business onthe
following Thursday.(c)atanyearliertimethepersoncontractingforthepurchase of the vehicle takes physical
possession of thevehicle for a purpose other than—(i)a vehicle inspection; or(ii)a test
drive.100Application of div 6(1)This division applies to sales of used
motor vehicles by motordealers.(2)However, this division does not apply to any
of the followingsales of used motor vehicles by a motor
dealer—(a)a sale by auction;(b)a
sale on consignment, unless the owner of the vehicle isa
motor dealer or chattel auctioneer;(c)a
sale to another motor dealer;(d)a
sale to a person holding a licence, however described,underacorrespondinglawthatissimilartoamotordealer
licence.101Particular vehicles for sale on
consignment to beidentified as not being subject to
cooling-off period(1)A motor dealer must not advertise or
display for sale a motorvehicleforsaleonconsignmentunlessitisadvertisedorPage
82Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 102]displayedforsaleasavehiclethatisnotsubjecttoacooling-off
period in the way provided under a regulation.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Subsection (1)
does not apply to a sale on consignment of amotor vehicle
owned by a motor dealer or chattel auctioneer.(3)Also, to remove any doubt, it is declared
that subsection (1) isnot limited by section
100(2)(b).102Notice to be given about used motor
vehicle—no priorcontract(1)This
section applies if a used motor vehicle is not subject toany
prior contract with a prospective buyer for its sale.(2)Amotordealermustgivetotheprospectivebuyerofthevehicle a
written statement in the approved form under thissection.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(3)The statement
must include the following—(a)themotorvehicle,clearlyidentified,towhichthestatement relates;(b)thenamesandaddressesofthemotordealerandprospective buyer;(c)a
clear statement that the prospective buyer may avoidanycontractforthepurchaseofthevehiclefromthemotor dealer during the cooling-off
period;(d)the day and time when the statement is
given;(e)the day and time the cooling-off
period ends;(f)theamountofnon-refundabledepositforfeitedbytheprospective buyer if the buyer avoids
the contract.(4)The statement must be signed and dated
by the prospectivebuyerandthemotordealerorsomeoneauthorisedorapparently authorised to sign for the motor
dealer.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 3 Motor dealers[s 103](5)The motor dealer or authorised person
must give the originalof the statement to the prospective
buyer immediately beforethe buyer signs any contract for the
purchase of the vehicle.Maximum penalty—200 penalty
units.(6)The motor dealer must keep a copy of
the statement.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.103Option to purchase during cooling-off
period(1)Thissectionappliesifausedmotorvehicleissubjecttoaprior contract with a prospective
buyer that is not immediatelyenforceable.(2)Themotordealermaygivenotmorethan1otherperson(option holder) an option to
purchase the vehicle even thoughthe vehicle is
subject to a prior contract.(3)Ifthemotordealergivesanoptiontopurchasethemotorvehicle to
someone else while an option to purchase is stillcurrent, the dealer commits an
offence.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(4)Themotordealermustgivetheoptionholderawrittenstatement under
this section.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(5)The statement must include the
following—(a)themotorvehicle,clearlyidentified,towhichthestatement relates;(b)the
names and addresses of the motor dealer and optionholder;(c)the
option to purchase is conditional on a prior contractfor
the sale of the vehicle being avoided by the buyerunder the prior contract;(d)the option holder has no legally
enforceable rights undertheoptiontopurchasethevehicle,unlessthepriorcontract is
avoided;Page 84Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 104](e)when
the option holder may exercise the holder’s rightsunder the option;(f)the
day and time when the statement is given;(g)theamountofnon-refundabledepositforfeitedbytheoptionholderiftheholderdeclinestoenterintoacontract for the purchase of the
vehicle for any reasonother than because the prior contract
was not avoided;(h)any other thing prescribed under a
regulation.(6)The statement must be signed and dated
by the option holderandthemotordealerorsomeoneauthorisedorapparentlyauthorised to
sign for the motor dealer.(7)The motor dealer
or authorised person must give the statementtotheoptionholderimmediatelybeforetheoptionholdersigns the option to purchase the
vehicle.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(8)The motor dealer must keep a copy of
the statement.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.104Buyer’s rights if notice not given or
materially defective(1)This section
applies if a person (buyer) has purchased
a usedmotor vehicle and—(a)thebuyerhasnotbeengiventhestatementundersection 102; or(b)thestatementhasbeengiventothebuyer,butthestatement is
defective in a material particular.(2)The
buyer, by written notice given to the motor dealer, mayavoid the contract for the sale of the used
motor vehicle.(3)The notice must be given to the motor
dealer within 7 daysafter the day property in the vehicle
passes to the buyer.(4)Ifthecontractisavoidedunderthissection,themotordealer—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 3 Motor dealers[s 105](a)must do everything in the motor
dealer’s power to returnthebuyertothepositionthebuyerwasinbeforethevehicle was purchased; or(b)ifthebuyercannotbereturnedtothatposition—isliableforanyfinanciallosssufferedbythebuyerbecause the buyer can not be returned to
that position.Note—A person may
make a claim, under the Administration Act, against thefund
if the person suffers financial loss because of a contravention
ofthis subsection.105Contract must contain cooling-off
ausedmotorvehiclebyamotordealer must
contain a clause clearly headed ‘COOLING-OFFPERIOD’ stating
the following—(a)the day and time the cooling-off
period starts;(b)the day and time the cooling-off
period ends;(c)property in the motor vehicle does not
pass to the buyeruntil the end of the cooling-off period,
unless the buyertakesphysicalpossessionof thevehicleforapurposeother
than—(i)a vehicle inspection; or(ii)a test
drive;(d)the buyer or the buyer’s agent may
possess the vehicleduringthecooling-offperiod,butonlytohavethevehicleindependentlyinspectedortotestdrivethevehicle;(e)the
buyer may avoid the contract at any time during thecooling-off period by giving written notice
to that effectto the dealer in accordance with this
Act;(f)the amount of any non-refundable
deposit paid by thebuyer if the contract is avoided during the
cooling-offperiod;Page 86Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 106](g)if
the contract is avoided during the cooling-off period,the
motor dealer must return to the buyer—(i)any
trade-in vehicle offered by the buyer that themotor dealer has
taken possession of; and(ii)any deposit paid
by the buyer, less the amount ofnon-refundable
deposit.(2)If the contract does not comply with
subsection (1), the buyer,bywrittennoticegiventothemotordealer,mayavoidthecontract for the sale of the used motor
vehicle.(3)The notice must be given to the motor
dealer within 7 daysafter the day property in the vehicle
passes to the buyer.106Consideration for cooling-off
period(1)The consideration payable for the
cooling-off period for thepurchaseofausedmotorvehicle(thenon-refundabledeposit)istheamountprescribedorworkedoutunderaregulation.(2)The
non-refundable deposit may be paid as the deposit or partof
the deposit for the vehicle.(3)If
the contract is not avoided during the cooling-off period,
thenon-refundable deposit must be deducted from
the purchaseprice of the vehicle.(4)If a
deposit is paid for the vehicle—(a)if
the amount of the deposit is more than the amount ofthenon-refundabledeposit—thedepositistakentoinclude the non-refundable deposit;
or(b)if the amount of the deposit is equal
to or less than theamountofthenon-refundabledeposit—thedepositistaken to be the non-refundable
deposit.(5)If no deposit is paid for the vehicle,
the motor dealer is takento have waived the payment of the
non-refundable deposit.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 3 Motor dealers[s 107]107Consideration for option(1)The consideration payable for an
option for the purchase of ausedmotorvehicleundersection
103(alsothenon-refundable deposit) is the amount
prescribed or workedout under a regulation.(2)If the option holder declines to enter
into a contract for thepurchase of the vehicle for any reason
other than because theprior contract was not avoided, the
amount of non-refundabledeposit is forfeited by the option
holder.(3)If the option holder enters into a
contract for the purchase ofthe vehicle, the
amount of non-refundable deposit paid for theoptionistakentobethenon-refundabledepositforthecooling-off
period.(4)If no consideration is paid for the
option—(a)the motor dealer is taken to have
waived the payment ofthe non-refundable deposit for the
option; and(b)theoptionisenforceablebytheoptionholderagainstthe motor dealer
despite the absence of consideration.108Harassment or coercionA motor dealer
or other person must not harass or coerce aperson for the
purpose of dissuading or preventing the personfromexercisingarightconferredonthepersonbythisdivision.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.109Property does not pass during cooling-off
period(1)Propertyinausedmotorvehiclesubjecttoacooling-offperiod does not
pass to the buyer of the vehicle until the endof the
cooling-off period.(2)Property in a motor vehicle offered to
the motor dealer as atrade-indoesnotpasstothedealeruntiltheendofthecooling-off period.Page
88Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 110](3)Adeposit,otherthananon-refundabledeposit,giventoamotordealerbyabuyerofausedmotorvehiclefromthedealer remains the property of the buyer
until the end of thecooling-off period.110Buyer may avoid contract during
cooling-off periodThe buyer of a used motor vehicle may avoid
the contract topurchase the vehicle during the cooling-off
period.111Procedure for avoidance(1)Abuyerofausedmotorvehiclewhowishestoavoidthecontract to purchase the vehicle must give
the motor dealer ora person apparently working for the motor
dealer at the motordealer’s place of business a written notice
indicating that thebuyer terminates the contract.(2)The notice must be given before the
cooling-off period ends.(3)Subsection (1)
does not limit theActs Interpretation Act 1954,part 10.112What
happens when contract avoided(1)Notice given under section 111 brings the
contract, and anyrelated contract, to an end.(2)Ifthemotordealertowhomnoticeisgivenhasgivenanoption to purchase the motor vehicle to an
option holder undersection 103,themotordealermustimmediatelyadvisetheoption holder that—(a)the prior contract has been avoided;
and(b)a contract to purchase the vehicle
must be entered intobefore the end of the motor dealer’s
next business day orany non-refundable deposit is
forfeited.(3)In this section—related
contractincludes—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 89
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 3 Motor dealers[s 113](a)a contract about the provision of
finance to purchase thevehicle; and(b)a
contract of insurance for the vehicle.113Consideration for used motor vehicle during
motor dealer may accept a trade-in or other considerationfrom
a buyer of a used motor vehicle before the end of thecooling-off period.(2)However,themotordealermustnotdealinthetrade-inorother consideration during the cooling-off
period.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor1year’simprisonment.(3)Themotordealermustreturnthetrade-inorotherconsiderationimmediatelytothebuyer,atnocosttothebuyer, if the buyer avoids the
contract under section 111.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor1year’simprisonment.(4)Subsection (3) does not require the return
to the buyer of anynon-refundabledepositpaidasconsiderationforthecooling-off period.Note—A person may
make a claim, under the Administration Act, against thefund
if the person suffers financial loss because of a contravention
ofthis section.Division 7Dealing with warranted andunwarranted vehicles114Definition for div 7In this
division—Page 90Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 115]motor
dealer, for the sale of used motor vehicles,
includes aperson carrying on the business of a motor
dealer without alicence.Notauthorised—indicativeonly115Statutory warranty for warranted
vehiclesSchedule 1providesforastatutorywarrantyforwarrantedvehicles sold by
a motor dealer in particular circumstances.116Unwarranted and restorable vehicles to be
identifiedwhen offered for sale(1)Amotordealermayadvertiseordisplayforsaleanunwarranted vehicle only if it is advertised
or displayed forsale, in the way provided under a
regulation, as a vehicle thatdoes not have a
statutory warranty.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)A motor dealer may advertise or
display for sale a restorablevehicle only if
it is advertised or displayed for sale in the wayprovided under a regulation.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)This section does not apply to an
unwarranted vehicle that is acaravan, a
commercial vehicle or a motorcycle.116AWaiver of statutory warranty for restorable
vehicles(1)A motor dealer must, before a proposed
buyer enters into acontractforthepurchaseofarestorablevehicle,givethebuyerawrittennoticestatingthatthebuyermaywaivethestatutory warranty for the vehicle.(2)Iftheproposedbuyeragreestopurchasetherestorablevehicle,thebuyermaywaivethestatutorywarrantyforthevehiclebysigningthenoticebeforethebuyerentersintoacontract for the sale of the vehicle.(3)Thenoticemustclearlyidentifytherestorablevehicletowhich it relates.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 91
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 117](4)On
the signing of the notice, the proposed buyer is taken towaive the statutory warranty for the
restorable vehicle whenthe contract for its purchase is
entered into.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 8General117Motor dealer to keep transactions
register(1)Amotordealermustkeep,ateachplacethemotordealercarriesonbusiness,aregisteroftransactions(transactionsregister).Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor1year’simprisonment.(2)Themotordealermustenter,andkeepentered,inthetransactionsregistertheparticularsprescribedunderaregulation for each transaction
entered into in the course ofbusiness within
24 hours after the transaction is completed.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor1year’simprisonment.(3)The
form of the register may be prescribed under a regulation.(4)If the register is kept in electronic
form, the motor dealer istakentocomplywithsubsection (1)ifinformationintheregister can be accessed
electronically and as hard copy fromthe place of
business.(5)In this section—motor
dealer—(a)means a motor
dealer who is a principal licensee or aperson in charge
of a licensee’s business at a place; but(b)doesnotincludeamotordealerwhoselicenceisconditionedtoallowthedealertoperformonlytheactivityofnegotiating,underaconsultancyarrangement, for
a person who is not a motor dealer orchattel
auctioneer for the purchase of a motor vehicle forthe
person.Page 92Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 3 Motor
dealers[s 118]transactionmeans any of the
following—(a)a sale;(b)a
purchase;(c)accepting a deposit;(d)giving an option to purchase;(e)accepting a trade-in;(f)accepting a motor vehicle for sale on
consignment;(g)a transfer of a motor vehicle from 1
place of business toanother place of business.118Contract of sale(1)A
motor dealer must ensure that a contract for the sale of amotor vehicle by the motor dealer—(a)is in writing; and(b)contains the particulars prescribed under a
regulation inthe way prescribed under the
regulation.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(2)Themotordealermustgive1copyofthecontracttoeachotherpersonsigningthecontractimmediatelyafteritissigned.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(3)A contract for the sale of a motor
vehicle by a motor dealerthat is not in writing is not
enforceable against the buyer of themotor
vehicle.Division 9Particular
offences119Acting as motor dealer(1)Apersonmustnotcarryonthebusinessofamotordealerunless—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 93
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 3 Motor dealers[s 120](a)the person holds a motor dealer
licence; and(b)the activities performed in the
carrying on of business asa motor dealer are authorised under
the person’s licence.Maximumpenalty—400penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)Without limiting the ways a person may carry
on the businessofamotordealer, a personcarriesonbusinessasamotordealer if the
person—(a)advertises,notifiesorstatesthatthepersoncarriesonthe business of motor dealing, either
generally or for asingle transaction; or(b)inanywayholdsoutasbeingreadytocarryonthebusinessofmotordealing,eithergenerallyorforasingle transaction.(3)Thissectiondoesnotapplytoapersonwhocarriesonabusinessthatisprimarilyconcernedwiththehiringoutorleasing of motor vehicles.120Motor dealer must not act for more
than 1 party(1)Amotordealermustnotactformorethan1partytoatransaction.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(2)If the motor
dealer acts for more than 1 party to a transaction,anappointmenttoactforapartytothetransactionisineffective from the time it is made.121Employment of persons in motor dealer
business(1)A motor dealer must not employ, as a
motor salesperson, aperson the motor dealer knows, or
ought to know, does nothold a registration certificate as a
motor salesperson.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(2)A principal licensee who is an
individual and carries on thebusinessofamotordealermustnotemploy,asamotorPage 94Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 4 Chattel
auctioneers[s 122]salespersonforthebusiness,himselforherselforanotherindividualwithwhomtheprincipallicenseecarriesonbusiness as a motor dealer.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(3)Aprincipallicenseethatisacorporationandcarriesonbusinessasamotordealermustnotemployanexecutiveofficerofthecorporationasamotorsalespersonforthebusiness.Maximum
penalty—(a)foranindividualguiltyundertheCriminalCode,chapter 2 of an offence—200 penalty units;
or(b)for a corporation—1000 penalty
units.Part 4Chattel
auctioneersDivision 1Chattel
auctioneers’ authorisation122What a chattel
auctioneer licence authorises(1)Achattelauctioneerlicenceauthorisestheholderofthelicence(achattelauctioneer)toperformtheactivityofselling goods by auction.(2)Achattelauctioneerlicencealsoauthorisesthechattelauctioneer to
sell the goods by any means during the auctionperiod.(3)A chattel auctioneer may perform the
or(b)as an employee of—(i)a
chattel auctioneer; or(ii)a motor
dealer.(4)In this section—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 95
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 4 Chattel auctioneers[s 123]auction period, for a chattel
auctioneer for the sale of goods,means a period
for which the chattel auctioneer is appointedunderachattelauctioneerappointmentorotherwiseauthorised or
permitted under this or another Act to sell thegoods.Division 2Carrying on
business123Carrying on of business under chattel
auctioneer licenceAnindividualwhocarriesonthebusinessofachattelauctioneerwithothersisnotrequiredtoholdachattelauctioneer
licence if—(a)atleast1ofthepersonswithwhomtheindividualcarries on
business is a chattel auctioneer; and(b)the
individual does not perform the activity of a chattelauctioneer; and(c)the
individual is a suitable person to hold a licence.124Licensee to be in charge of chattel
auctioneer’s businessat a place(1)Achattelauctioneerwhoisanindividualandaprincipallicensee
must—(a)be in charge of the chattel
auctioneer’s business at thechattel
auctioneer’s registered office; and(b)ifthechattelauctioneerhasmorethan1placeofbusiness, ensure that at each other place of
business anindividual who is a chattel auctioneer is in
charge of thechattel auctioneer’s business at the
place.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(2)Achattelauctioneerthatisacorporationandaprincipallicensee
(corporate chattel auctioneer)
must ensure that—Page 96Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 4 Chattel
auctioneers[s 125](a)theindividualinchargeofthecorporatechattelauctioneer’s business at its registered
office is a chattelauctioneer; and(b)if
the corporate chattel auctioneer has more than 1 placeof
business, at each other place of business an individualwho
is a chattel auctioneer is in charge of the corporatechattel auctioneer’s business at the
place.Maximum penalty—(a)foranindividualguiltyundertheCriminalCode,chapter 2 of an offence—200 penalty units;
or(b)for a corporation—1000 penalty
units.(3)An individual must not be in charge of
a chattel auctioneer’sbusiness at more than 1 place of
business.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(4)It is not an offence against this
section for a chattel auctioneerwho is an
individual to be in charge of more than 1 place ofbusinessifeachplaceofbusinessisonlandcontiguoustoland
on which the other place of business is located.(5)For subsection (4), land iscontiguouswith other land
only iftheparcelsoflandhaveacommonboundarythatisnotseparated by a public road.Division 3AppointmentSubdivision
1Requirements125Appointment of chattel auctioneer(1)Achattelauctioneerwhoisaskedbyaperson(client)toperform an activity authorised under
the chattel auctioneer’slicence must not act for the client
unless—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 4 Chattel auctioneers[s 126](a)the client first appoints the chattel
auctioneer in writingunderthissubdivision(chattelauctioneerappointment); or(b)a previous chattel auctioneer
appointment by the clientis assigned to the chattel auctioneer
under the terms oftheappointmentorundersection
129andtheappointment is
in force.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(2)However, subsection (1) does not apply
if the activity to beperformed is—(a)the
sale of livestock; or(b)authorised under
a motor dealer appointment.(3)A
chattel auctioneer appointment may be for the performanceof—(a)thesaleofparticulargoodsbyauctionandanyotherserviceassociatedwiththeauction(singleappointment); or(b)anumberofservicesfromtimetotimewhiletheappointmentcontinuesinforce(continuingappointment).126Content of appointment(1)A chattel auctioneer appointment must
state—(a)therelevantservicetobeperformedbythechattelauctioneer and
how it is to be performed; and(b)forasingleappointment—thedaysetfortheauction;and(c)foracontinuingappointment—thetimeswhen,circumstancesinwhich,oroccasionsonwhichtherelevant service is to be performed;
service; andPage 98Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 4 Chattel
auctioneers[s 127](e)the
expenses the chattel auctioneer is authorised to incurinconnectionwiththeperformanceoftherelevantservice;
and(f)thesourceandtheestimatedamountorvalueofanyrebate, discount, commission or
benefit that the chattelauctioneermayreceiveforanyexpensesthechattelauctioneer is
authorised to incur in connection with theperformance of
the relevant service; and(g)anyconditions,limitationsorrestrictionsontheperformance of the relevant service;
and(h)whenthefees,chargesandanycommissionfortherelevant service become payable;
and(i)thattheappointmentmayberevokedbyeitherpartygiving the other party at least 30 days
written notice ofthe revocation, unless the parties agree, in
writing, to anearlier day for the appointment to
end.(2)If the relevant service includes the
sale of goods for which thecommissionpayableisexpressedasapercentageofanestimatedsaleprice,theappointmentmuststatethatthecommission is worked out only on the
actual sale price.(3)In this section—expensesincludesadvertising,marketingandtravellingexpenses.relevant servicemeans—(a)for a single appointment—the services
to be performedunder the appointment; or(b)for a continuing appointment—each of
the services orcategories of services to be performed at
stated times, instatedcircumstancesoronstatedoccasionswhiletheappointment is in force.127Form
of appointment(1)Achattelauctioneerappointmentmustbeintheapprovedform.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 4 Chattel
auctioneers[s 128](2)The
approved form must include a prominent statement thatthe
client should seek independent legal advice before signingthe
appointment.(3)An appointment that does not comply
with subsection (1) isineffective from the time it is
made.Notauthorised—indicativeonly128Giving signed
appointment to client(1)A chattel
auctioneer appointment must be signed and dated bythe
client and the chattel auctioneer or someone authorised orapparently authorised to sign for the
chattel auctioneer.(2)Thechattelauctioneermustgiveacopyofthesignedappointment to
the client immediately after it is signed.Maximum penalty
for subsection (2)—200 penalty units.Subdivision
2Assignment129Proposal for assignment of
appointments(1)This section applies if a chattel
auctioneer who holds a chattelauctioneer
appointment from a client proposes to assign theappointmenttoanotherchattelauctioneer(proposedassignee)
without changing the terms of the appointment.(2)However, this section does not apply to the
assignment of achattel auctioneer appointment if—(a)the terms of the appointment authorise
the assignmentof the appointment; and(b)theassignmentismadeunderthetermsoftheappointment.(3)Atleast14daysbeforethechattelauctioneerassignstheappointment,thechattelauctioneermustgivetheclientwritten notice
of the proposed assignment.(4)The
notice must state the following—(a)the
proposed assignee’s name;Page 100Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 4 Chattel
auctioneers[s 130](b)that
the appointment is to be assigned without changingits
terms;(c)the client may agree or refuse to
agree to the proposedassignment;(d)when
the proposed assignment is to take effect.(5)Iftheclientagreestotheassignmentandthechattelauctioneerassignstheappointmentunderthissection,theappointment is taken, for section 125,
to be an appointment bytheclientoftheproposedassigneeandtocontinuetohaveeffect according
to its terms.Division 4Particular
conduct provisionsSubdivision 1Auctions of
goods130Buyer’s premium(1)This
section applies to an auction of goods.(2)Achattelauctioneermustnotchargethebuyerofgoodsabuyer’s premium unless—(a)the
chattel auctioneer—(i)before the auction, obtains the
written consent ofthe owner of the goods; and(ii)discloses, in
the way prescribed under a regulation,that a buyer’s
premium is payable on the purchaseof the goods;
and(b)the premium is not more than the
amount prescribed orworked out under a regulation.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(3)The chattel auctioneer does not act
for the buyer of the goodsonly because the chattel auctioneer
accepts a buyer’s premiumfrom the buyer.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 101
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 4 Chattel auctioneers[s 131](4)In this section—buyer’spremiummeansanamountpayabletothechattelauctioneer by a buyer on the purchase of
goods.owner, of goods,
includes a person who is lawfully entitled tosell the
goods.Subdivision 2Recovery of
reward or expense131Commission may be claimed only for
actual amounts(1)This section applies to a chattel
auctioneer who performs, forthe payment of a
commission, a service of selling goods.(2)The
chattel auctioneer must not claim commission worked outonanamountthatismorethantheactualsalepriceofthegoods.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.132Restriction on
remedy for reward or expense(1)A
person is not entitled to sue for, or recover or keep, a
unless, at the time the activity was performed, theperson—(a)held
a chattel auctioneer licence; and(b)was
authorised under the person’s licence to perform theactivity; and(c)hadbeenproperlyappointedunderdivision3bytheperson to be
charged with the reward or expense.(2)Apersonwhosuesfor,orrecoversorkeeps,arewardorexpensefortheperformanceofanactivityasachattelauctioneer other
than as provided by subsection (1) commitsan
offence.Maximum penalty for subsection (2)—200
penalty units.Page 102Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 4 Chattel
auctioneers[s 133]Notauthorised—indicativeonly133Restriction on recovery of reward or
expense aboveamount allowed(1)A
person is not entitled to sue for, or recover or keep, a
rewardfor the performance of an activity as a
chattel auctioneer thatismorethantheamountoftherewardstatedintheappointment
given under section 125.(2)However, if the
reward for the performance of the activity islimited under a
regulation, the person is not entitled to sue for,or
recover or keep, a reward more than the amount allowedunder the regulation.(3)Apersonisnotentitledtosuefor,orrecoverorkeep,expensesfortheperformanceofanactivityasachattelauctioneerthataremorethantheamountoftheexpensesstatedintheappointmentgiventothepersonundersection 125 and
actually expended.(4)However, if the amount of expenses
that may be incurred forthe performance of the activity is
limited under a regulation,thepersonisnotentitledtosuefor,orrecoverorkeep,anamount more than the amount allowed under
the regulation.(5)Subsection (2)doesnotpreventthepersonsuingfor,recoveringorkeeping,inadditiontotheamountallowedunder a regulation for the reward, an amount
for GST payablefor a supply.(6)Apersonwhosuesfor,orrecoversorkeeps,arewardorexpensefortheperformanceofanactivityasachattelauctioneer other
than as provided by this section commits anoffence.Maximum penalty for subsection (6)—200
penalty units.(7)In this section—actually
expended, for expenses, means the amount
actuallyexpended after deducting—(a)theamountofanybenefit,receivedorreceivable,directly or
indirectly, in connection with the expenses bythepersonseekingtosuefor,recoverorkeeptheexpenses; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 103
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 4 Chattel
auctioneers[s 134](b)if
the benefit has no fixed amount—the market value ofthe
benefit.Notauthorised—indicativeonly134Excess commission
etc. to be repaid(1)This section applies if—(a)apersonisconvictedofanoffenceagainstsection 131(2), 132(2) or 133(6); and(b)thecourtconvictingthepersonissatisfiedonthebalanceofprobabilitiesthattheperson,inconnectionwiththeoffence,hasrecoveredorretainedfromsomeone(client)forwhomthepersonperformedanactivity an amount to which the person
was not entitled.(2)Thecourtmustorderthepersontopaytheamounttotheclient.(3)Theordermustbemadewhetherornotanypenaltyisimposed on the conviction.(4)The client may file the order in a
court having jurisdiction forthe recovery of
a debt of an equal amount and the order maybe enforced as
if it were a judgment of that court.Subdivision
3Interests in goods135Definition for sdiv 3In this
subdivision—obtainincludes being
in any way concerned in obtaining.136Beneficial interest—options(1)This section applies to goods placed
by a person (client) witha
chattel auctioneer for sale.(2)Thechattelauctioneercommitsanoffenceifthechattelauctioneer
obtains from the client an option to purchase thegoods in which the chattel auctioneer has a
beneficial interest.Page 104Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 4 Chattel
auctioneers[s 137]Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor3yearsimprisonment.(3)Achattelauctioneermustnotsellgoodsifthechattelauctioneerobtainsabeneficialinterestinanoptiontopurchase the goods.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor3yearsimprisonment.Note—A
person may make a claim, under the Administration Act, against
thefund if the person suffers financial loss
because of a contravention ofthis
section.137Beneficial interest—other than
options(1)This section applies to goods placed
by a person (client) witha
chattel auctioneer for sale, but does not apply if section
obtains a beneficial interest in the goods.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor3yearsimprisonment.(3)A
person does not contravene subsection (2) if—(a)the
person—(i)before the earlier of the auction of
the goods or acontract for the sale of the goods is
entered into,obtainstheclient’swrittenacknowledgementinthe
approved form that the client—(A)isawarethatthepersonisinterestedinobtaining a beneficial interest in the
goods;and(B)consents to the
person obtaining the interest;and(ii)acts fairly and
honestly in relation to the sale; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 105
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 4 Chattel auctioneers[s 138](b)no commission or other reward is
payable for the sale;and(c)theclientisinsubstantiallyasgoodapositionastheclientwouldbeifthegoodsweresoldatfairmarketvalue.(4)Ifthechattelauctioneerhasnotobtainedtheacknowledgementmentionedinsubsection (3)(a)(i)andknows,oroughttoknow,thatanassociateofthechattelauctioneerintendsbiddingattheauction,thechattelauctioneer must,
immediately before the auction—(a)identify the associate to those present at
the auction; and(b)announce to those present that the
person is an associateofthechattelauctioneerandintendsbiddingattheauction.(5)Ifthechattelauctioneercomplieswithsubsection
(4),thechattelauctioneeristakentohavesatisfiedsubsection (3)(a)(i).Note—A
person may make a claim, under the Administration Act, against
thefund if the person suffers financial loss
because of a contravention ofthis
section.138Return of beneficial interest if in
form of commission(1)This section applies if—(a)apersonisconvictedofanoffenceagainstsection 137(2); and(b)thecourtconvictingthepersonissatisfiedonthebalanceofprobabilitiesthattheperson,inconnectionwiththeoffence,hasrecoveredorretainedfromsomeone(client)forwhomthepersonperformedanactivity an amount of commission to
which the personwas not entitled.(2)Thecourtmustorderthepersontopaytheamounttotheclient.Page
106Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 4 Chattel
auctioneers[s 139](3)Theordermustbemadewhetherornotanypenaltyisimposed on the conviction.(4)The client may file the order in a
court having jurisdiction forthe recovery of
a debt of an equal amount and the order maybe enforced as
if it were a judgment of that court.139Non-application of s 137 for particular
livestock salesSection 137doesnotapplytolivestocksalesifthechattelauctioneer obtains the client’s written
acknowledgement thatthe client—(a)isawarethatthechattelauctioneerisinterestedinobtaining a beneficial interest in the
livestock; and(b)consents to the chattel auctioneer
obtaining the interest.Subdivision 4Prescribed
conduct provisions140Prescribed conduct provisions(1)Aregulationmayprovideforconductstandardsforchattelauctioneers in
carrying on chattel auctioneering practice.(2)Aprovisionmentionedinsubsection (1)isaprescribedconduct
provision.Note—Acontraventionofaprescribedconductprovisionisgroundsforstarting disciplinary proceedings. See
section 194(1)(b)(ii).Subdivision 5Sales of
written-off vehicles141Announcements before
auction—written-off vehicle(1)A
chattel auctioneer must announce, immediately before theauction of a motor vehicle that is an
unregistered written-offvehicle, that the vehicle is a
written-off vehicle and state—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 107
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 4 Chattel auctioneers[s 142](a)if the vehicle is a repairable
write-off—that the vehicleisarepairablewrite-offandmustpassawritten-offvehicleinspectionunderaregulationundertheTransportOperations(RoadUseManagement)Act1995before it can be
registered; or(b)if the vehicle is a statutory
write-off—that the vehiclecan not be registered.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)A chattel auctioneer does not
contravene subsection (1) if—(a)2ormorewritten-offvehiclesthatarerepairablewrite-offs are
to be auctioned in consecutive lots; and(b)immediately before the first vehicle is to
be auctioned,the chattel auctioneer—(i)identifies the vehicles; and(ii)announcesthattheidentifiedvehiclesarerepairablewrite-offsandmustpassawritten-offvehicleinspectionunderaregulationundertheTransport Operations (Road Use
Management) Act1995before they can
be registered.Division 5Sale of motor
vehicles by auction142Obligation to give clear title(1)This section applies if a used motor
vehicle is to be sold by achattel auctioneer (theselling agent) at auction to
someoneelse (thebuyer).(2)The following
person (theresponsible licensee) must
ensurethebuyerhascleartitletothemotorvehicleatthetimeproperty in the
vehicle passes to the buyer—(a)if
the selling agent owns the vehicle or is auctioning thevehicle for someone other than a motor
dealer or anotherchattel auctioneer—the selling agent;Page
108Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 4 Chattel
auctioneers[s 143](b)if
the selling agent is auctioning the vehicle for a motordealeroranotherchattelauctioneer—themotordealeror other chattel
auctioneer for whom the selling agent isauctioning the
vehicle.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.Note—A person may
make a claim, under the Administration Act, against thefund
if the person suffers financial loss because of a contravention
ofthis subsection.(3)In a
proceeding for an offence against subsection (2), it is adefence for the defendant to prove that the
defendant took allreasonable steps to ensure subsection (2)
was complied with.(4)A proceeding against a chattel
auctioneer or motor dealer foranoffenceagainstthissectiondoesnotaffectanycivilliabilityofanyperson,includingthechattelauctioneerordealer, arising out of the same facts that
constitute the offence.(5)Subsection
(2)doesnotapplytotheextentthatasecurityinterest in the
motor vehicle is registered under thePersonalProperty Securities Act 2009(Cwlth).Note—ThePersonalPropertySecuritiesAct2009(Cwlth)providesforcircumstances in which a buyer of a motor
vehicle takes the vehicle freeof a security
interest under that Act.143Contract must
contain statement of guarantee of cleartitle(1)A contract for the sale of a used
motor vehicle by a sellingagent must state that the responsible
licensee guarantees thatthe buyer will have clear title to the
vehicle when property inthe vehicle passes to the
buyer.(2)If the contract does not comply with
subsection (1), the buyer,bywrittennoticegiventothesellingagentmayavoidthecontract.(3)The
notice must be given to the selling agent within 7 daysafter the day property in the vehicle passes
to the buyer.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 4 Chattel
auctioneers[s 144]Division 6Dealing with warranted andunwarranted vehiclesNotauthorised—indicativeonly144Definition for
div 6In this division—chattel
auctioneerincludes a person performing the
activitiesof a chattel auctioneer without a
licence.145Statutory warranty for warranted
vehiclesSchedule 1providesforastatutorywarrantyforwarrantedvehiclessoldbyachattelauctioneerinparticularcircumstances.146Unwarranted and restorable vehicles to be
identifiedwhen offered for sale(1)Achattelauctioneermayadvertiseordisplayforsaleanunwarranted vehicle only if it is advertised
or displayed forsale, in the way provided under a
regulation, as a vehicle thatdoes not have a
statutory warranty.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Achattelauctioneermayadvertiseordisplayforsalearestorable vehicle only if it is advertised
or displayed for salein the way provided under a
regulation.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)This section does not apply to an
unwarranted vehicle that is acaravan, a
commercial vehicle or a motorcycle.146ABidders to register for auction of
restorable vehicles(1)Beforearestorablevehicleisofferedforsale,achattelauctioneer must
invite persons intending to bid for the vehiclewhen it is
offered for sale to register as a bidder (aregisteredbidder)
for the sale.Page 110Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 4 Chattel
auctioneers[s 147](2)Thechattelauctioneermustalsoinformthepersonsthatbyregisteringasabidder,thepersonagreestopurchasetherestorable vehicle on the condition that the
person is taken towaive the vehicle’s statutory warranty when
the contract forthe vehicle’s purchase is entered
into.Notauthorised—indicativeonly147Announcements before auction(1)A chattel auctioneer must announce,
immediately before theauction of any unwarranted vehicle,
that the vehicle does nothave a statutory warranty.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)A chattel auctioneer does not
contravene subsection (1) if—(a)2 or
more vehicles that do not have a statutory warrantyare
to be auctioned in consecutive lots; and(b)immediately before the first vehicle is to
be auctioned,thechattelauctioneeridentifiesthevehiclesandannouncesthattheidentifiedvehiclesdonothaveastatutory warranty.Example—Lots 10 to 25
are vehicles that do not have a statutory warranty.Thechattelauctioneerdoesnotcontravenesubsection
(1)if,immediately before the auction of lot
10, the chattel auctioneerannounces lots 10 to 25 are vehicles
that do not have a statutorywarranty.(3)Also, a chattel auctioneer must
announce, immediately beforethe auction of
any restorable vehicle that—(a)thevehicleisarestorablevehiclebecauseitismorethan 20 years
old and is for sale for restoration; and(b)it
is a condition of the sale of a restorable vehicle that ifthe
vehicle is sold, the registered bidder to whomit issoldistakentowaivethestatutorywarrantyforthevehiclewhenthecontractforitspurchaseisenteredinto; and(c)the chattel auctioneer will not accept
bids from a personwho is not a registered bidder.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 4 Chattel auctioneers[s 147A]Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(4)A chattel auctioneer does not
contravene subsection (3) if—(a)2ormorerestorablevehiclesaretobeauctionedinconsecutive lots; and(b)immediatelybeforethefirstofthevehiclesintheconsecutivelotsistobeauctioned,thechattelauctioneer—(i)identifies the vehicles; and(ii)fortheidentifiedvehicles,announcesthemattersmentioned in
subsection (3)(a), (b) and (c).147AEffect of sale of restorable vehicle to
registered bidderIf a restorable vehicle is sold to a
registered bidder at auction,the statutory
warranty for the vehicle stops having effect whenthe
contract for the vehicle’s purchase is entered into and thevehicle is taken to be an unwarranted
vehicle.Division 7General148Licensee’s disclosures to persons
taking part in auctionA chattel auctioneer who conducts an
auction must disclosethefollowinginformation,inthewayandfortheperiodprescribedunderaregulation,topersonstakingpartintheauction—(a)the
chattel auctioneer’s name;(b)any other
particulars prescribed under a regulation.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Page 112Current as at
[Not applicable]
Division 8Motor Dealers and
Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 4 Chattel
auctioneers[s 149]Particular
offencesNotauthorised—indicativeonly149Acting as chattel auctioneer(1)A person must not perform an activity
that may be done undertheauthorityofachattelauctioneerlicenceunlesstheperson—(a)holds a chattel auctioneer licence and the
performanceof the activity is authorised under the
person’s licence;or(b)isotherwisepermittedunderthisoranotherActtoperform the activity.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)A
person must not act as a chattel auctioneer unless—(a)the person holds a chattel auctioneer
licence and the actis done under the authority of the person’s
licence; or(b)the act is otherwise permitted under
this or another Act.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(3)Withoutlimitingthewaysapersonmayactasachattelauctioneer,apersonactsasachattelauctioneeriftheperson—(a)performs an auction for the sale of goods;
or(b)advertises,notifiesorstatesthatthepersonperformsauctions or is willing to perform auctions
for the sale ofgoods; or(c)in
any way holds out as being ready to perform auctionsfor
the sale of goods.150Chattel auctioneer must not act for
more than 1 party(1)A chattel auctioneer must not act for
more than 1 party to atransaction.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 113
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 5 Registration of motor
salespersons[s 151]Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(2)Ifachattelauctioneeractsformorethan1partytoatransaction,anappointmenttoactforapartytothetransaction is ineffective from the
time it is made.(3)If the transaction is a livestock
sale—(a)a chattel auctioneer does not
contravene subsection (1);and(b)subsection (2) does not apply.Part
5Registration of motorsalespersonsDivision 1Categories of registration151Categories of registration
certificate(1)Thechiefexecutivemayissuethefollowingcategoriesofregistration certificate under this
Act—(a)aregistrationcertificate(generalregistrationcertificate)thatauthorisestheperformanceofalltheactivities that
may be performed under section 152 bythe holder of
the registration certificate;(b)aregistrationcertificate(limitedregistrationcertificate), prescribed
under a regulation, that limits theactivitiesthatmayotherwisebeperformedunderageneral registration
certificate.(2)Tobeeligibleforalimitedregistrationcertificate,anapplicant for the certificate must have the
educational or otherqualifications approved by the chief
executive for obtainingthe certificate.Editor’s
note—The qualifications are stated on the
department’s website.Page 114Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Motor Dealers and
Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 5
Registration of motor salespersons[s 152]Motor salespersons’ authorisation152What a registration certificate
authorises(1)Aregistrationcertificateheldbyamotorsalespersonauthorises the
motor salesperson to perform any activity thatmaybeperformedbythemotordealerwhoemploysthemotor salesperson.(2)However,aregistrationcertificatedoesnotauthorisetheholder to perform an activity that the
holder is not authorisedto perform because of a condition to
which the certificate issubject.Division 3How
to obtain registration153Steps involved in
obtaining registration(1)Apersonwhowishestoobtainregistrationasamotorsalespersonmustbeasuitablepersontoholdregistrationunder division
5.(2)The person must apply for registration
and(b)paying the prescribed fees.(3)Indecidingtheapplication,thechiefexecutivemusthaveregard, among other things, to—(a)the person’s suitability to hold a
registration certificate;and(b)theperson’seligibilitytoholdtheregistrationcertificate.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 115
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 5
Registration of motor salespersons[s 154]Division 4Applications for
registrationNotauthorised—indicativeonly154Application for
registration(1)An applicant for registration as a
motor salesperson must—(a)be an
individual; and(b)apply to the chief executive in the
approved form; and(c)state the category of the registration
being applied for;and(d)state the term
of the registration being applied for; and(e)establishtheapplicant’ssuitabilityandeligibilityforregistration as a motor salesperson;
and(f)provide any information the chief
executive reasonablyrequires to decide whether the
applicant is suitable andeligible to be a motor
salesperson.(2)The application must be accompanied
by—(a)the application fee prescribed under a
regulation; and(b)the registration issue fee prescribed
under a regulation;and(c)if,beforeorwhentheapplicationismade,acriminalhistory costs
requirement is made of the applicant—theamount of the
costs required to be paid.155Particular
persons can not make application(1)Apersonwhoisadisqualifiedpersoncannotmakeanapplication for a registration
certificate during the period forwhich the person
is disqualified.(2)If a person applies for a registration
certificate and the chiefexecutive decides to refuse to issue
the registration certificate,the person can
not make another application for a registrationcertificate—(a)for
3 months after the day the chief executive gives theperson the information notice about the
decision; orPage 116Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 5
Registration of motor salespersons[s 156](b)if the person applies to QCAT to
review the decision andthe decision is confirmed—for 3 months
after the daythe decision is confirmed.(3)In this section—disqualified
personmeans a person who is—(a)disqualified from holding a registration
certificate as aconsequence of an order made by QCAT under
section199 or by a court under section 229;
or(b)subject to a relevant control
order.156Requirement to give chief executive
information ormaterial about application(1)This section applies to an applicant
for—(a)a registration certificate; or(b)renewal of a registration certificate;
or(c)restoration of a registration
certificate.(2)Thechiefexecutivemay,bywrittennoticegiventotheapplicant,requiretheapplicanttogivethechiefexecutivewithin a stated reasonable period
information or material thechief executive
reasonably considers is needed to consider theapplication.Example of
information or material—informationormaterialthechiefexecutivereasonablyconsidersisneededtoestablishtheapplicant’ssuitabilityfortheregistrationcertificate(3)The
applicant is taken to have withdrawn the application if,withinthestatedreasonableperiod,theapplicantfailstocomply with the chief executive’s
requirement.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 5 Registration of motor
salespersons[s 157]Division 5Suitability of applicants157Suitability of applicants(1)Apersonisnotasuitablepersontoholdaregistrationcertificate if
the person is—(a)apersonwhohasbeenconvicted,inQueenslandorelsewhere,withinthepreceding5yearsofaseriousoffence;
or(b)currentlydisqualifiedfromholdingalicenceorregistration certificate; or(c)a person the chief executive decides
under section 158 isnot a suitable person to hold a
registration certificate; or(d)subject to a relevant control order.(2)Anindividualwhoisnotasuitablepersoncannotobtainregistration as a motor salesperson.158Chief executive must consider
suitability of applicants(1)The chief
executive must, when deciding whether a person is asuitable person to hold a registration
certificate, consider eachof the following things—(a)the person’s character;(b)whetherthepersonheldalicenceorregistrationcertificate
under a relevant Act that was suspended orcancelled under
the relevant Act;(c)whether an amount has been paid from
the fund becausethepersondid,oromittedtodo,somethingthatgaverise to the
claim against the fund;(d)whetherthepersonhasbeendisqualifiedunderarelevantActfrombeingtheholderofalicenceorregistrationcertificatewithinthemeaningoftherelevant Act;Page 118Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 5
Registration of motor salespersons[s 158]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(e)whether, within the previous 5 years,
QCAT, the formertribunal or the District Court has made an
order underthis Act or PAMDA adverse to the
person;(f)the person’s criminal history;(g)if the person is an insolvent under
administration—(i)the circumstances giving rise to the
person beingan insolvent under administration;
and(ii)whetherthepersontookallreasonablestepstoavoidthecomingintoexistenceofthecircumstances that resulted in the
person being aninsolvent under administration; and(iii)whetherthepersonisinapositiontoinfluencesignificantly
the management of a motor dealer’sbusiness;(h)whetherthepersonhasbeenconvictedofanoffenceagainst a relevant Act or the Administration
Act;(i)whether the person is subject to a
relevant control order;(j)whetherthepersoniscapableofsatisfactorilyperforming the
activities of a motor salesperson;(k)whethertheperson’snameappearsintheregisterofpersons disqualified from managing
corporations underthe Corporations Act;Note—SeetheCorporationsAct,section 1274AA(Registerofdisqualified company directors and
other officers).(l)anotherthingthechiefexecutivemayconsiderunderthis
Act.(2)However, the chief executive, when
deciding whether a personis a suitable person to hold a
registration certificate, may nothaveregardtocriminalintelligencegivenbythecommissioner to
the chief executive under section 230A.(3)If
the chief executive decides a person is not a suitable
personto hold a registration certificate, the
chief executive must giveCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 5 Registration of motor
salespersons[s 159]the person an
information notice about the decision within 14days after
making the decision.(4)In this
section—fundincludes the
claim fund under PAMDA.relevantActmeansthisAct,anAgentsAct,PAMDAoracorresponding law.159Investigations about suitability of
applicants(1)Thechiefexecutivemaymakeinvestigationsaboutanapplicant mentioned in section 156(1)
or a motor salespersontohelpthechiefexecutivedecidewhethertheapplicantormotor salesperson is a suitable person to
hold a registrationcertificate.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the chief
executive may askthecommissionerforacriminalhistoryreportabouttheapplicant or motor salesperson.(3)The commissioner must give the report
to the chief executive.(4)However,thereportisrequiredtocontainonlycriminalhistoryinthecommissioner’spossessionortowhichthecommissioner has access.(5)If
the person’s criminal history includes a conviction recordedagainst the person, the report must be
written.(6)Ifthepersonis,orhasbeen,subjecttoacontrolorderorregistered corresponding control
order, the report must—(a)state the
details of the order; or(b)be accompanied
by a copy of the order.160Notice of change
in criminal history(1)This section applies if the
commissioner reasonably suspectsthe criminal
history of the holder of a registration certificatehas
changed.Page 120Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 5
Registration of motor salespersons[s 161](2)The commissioner may notify the chief
executive the person’scriminal history has changed.(3)The notice must—(a)state the following details—(i)theperson’snameandanyothernamethecommissioner believes the person may
use or mayhave used;(ii)the
person’s date and place of birth;(iii)abriefdescriptionofthenatureoftheoffencegiving rise to
the conviction or charge to which thechange relates;
and(b)if the change includes the person
becoming subject to acontrolorderorregisteredcorrespondingcontrolorder—(i)state the details of the order; or(ii)be accompanied
by a copy of the order.(4)Thechiefexecutivemayconfirmthecommissioner’ssuspicions under
subsection (1).(5)For a person who does not have a
criminal history, there istakentobeachangeintheperson’scriminalhistoryiftheperson acquires
a criminal history.(6)In this section—criminal
history, in relation to a person, includes a charge
ofan offence laid against the person that has
not been dismissed.offenceincludes an
alleged offence.161Costs of criminal history
report(1)Thechiefexecutivemayrequireanapplicantmentionedinsection 156(1) or a motor salesperson
to pay the reasonable,but no more than actual, costs of
obtaining a criminal historyreportundersection
159fortheapplicantormotorsalesperson.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 121
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 5 Registration of motor
salespersons[s 162](2)The
requirement is acriminal history costs requirement.(3)Thechiefexecutivemaynotifytheapplicantormotorsalesperson of
the requirement to pay a criminal history costsrequirement—(a)in
the approved form; or(b)on the
department’s website; or(c)in a written
notice given by the chief executive to theapplicant or
motor salesperson.(4)If the criminal history costs
requirement is made in a writtennotice given by
the chief executive to the applicant or motorsalesperson,thenoticemustincludearequirementforthecosts to be paid within a stated
reasonable period.(5)The applicant or motor salesperson is
taken to have withdrawntheapplicationforwhichthecriminalhistoryreportwasrequested if, within the stated reasonable
period, the applicantor motor salesperson fails to comply
with the chief executive’srequirement to pay the criminal
history costs requirement.(6)The chief
executive must refund to the applicant an amountpaid
under the requirement if—(a)thechiefexecutiverefusestheapplicationwithoutasking for the report; or(b)theapplicantormotorsalespersonwithdrawstheapplicationbeforethechiefexecutiveasksforthereport.(7)In
this section—applicantincludes
proposed applicant.162Use of information obtained under s
159 or s 160(1)Subsection (2)appliestothechiefexecutiveinconsideringinformation
about a person obtained under section 159 or 160.(2)Information about the following may be
used only for makinga decision about whether an applicant
or motor salesperson is,Page 122Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 5
Registration of motor salespersons[s 165]orcontinuestobe,asuitablepersontoholdaregistrationcertificate—(a)a
conviction of the person;(b)if the person is
subject to a control order or registeredcorresponding
control order—the control order.(3)Subsection (4)appliestothechiefexecutiveinconsideringinformation
about a person obtained under section 160.(4)Informationaboutachargeagainstthepersonmaynotberelied on as a
basis for making a decision as to whether thepersonis,orcontinuestobe,asuitablepersontoholdaregistration certificate.Division 6Eligibility for
registration165Eligibility for registration as motor
salesperson(1)Anindividualiseligibleforregistrationasamotorsalesperson only
if the individual—(a)is at least 18 years; and(b)has the educational or other
qualifications approved bythechiefexecutivefortherelevantcategoryofregistration.Editor’s
note—The qualifications are stated on the
department’s website.(2)Anindividualistobetakentosatisfytherequirementmentionedinsubsection (1)(b)ifthechiefexecutiveissatisfied—(a)theindividualhasacomparablequalificationtothequalifications mentioned in subsection
(1)(b); or(b)within2yearsbeforethedaytheindividual’sapplicationforregistrationisreceivedbythechiefexecutive, the
individual held—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 5 Registration of motor
salespersons[s 166](i)aregistrationcertificateauthorisingtheperformance of activities at least
equivalent to theactivitiesthatcouldbeperformedundertheregistration certificate being applied
for, if it wereissued; or(ii)aregistrationcertificateasamotorsalespersongranted under
PAMDA.Division 7Issue of
registration certificate166Chief executive
may issue or refuse to issue registrationcertificate(1)The
chief executive may decide to issue or refuse to issue aregistration certificate to an
applicant.(2)Thechiefexecutivemaydecidetoissueacertificatetoanapplicant only if the chief executive
is satisfied—(a)the applicant is a suitable person to
obtain registration;and(b)the
applicant is eligible to obtain registration; and(c)the application is made under section
154; and(d)any further information or material
required by the chiefexecutive under section 156 has been
given within thereasonable period stated in the notice given
under thatsection.(3)If
the chief executive decides to refuse to issue the
registrationcertificate,thechiefexecutivemustgivetheapplicantaninformationnoticeaboutthedecisionwithin14daysaftermaking the decision.167Registration certificate—conditions(1)Thechiefexecutivemaydecidetoissuearegistrationcertificateontheconditionsthechiefexecutiveconsidersnecessary or
desirable—Page 124Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 5
Registration of motor salespersons[s 168](a)for the proper performance of the
activities authorisedby the certificate; or(b)for another purpose consistent with
the achievement ofthe objects of this Act or the
Administration Act.Example—If the chief
executive decides to issue a registration certificate to aperson who is or has been an insolvent under
administration, the chiefexecutive may issue the certificate
subject to a condition that the personnot receive,
bank or otherwise be responsible for dealing with trustaccount moneys.(2)Aconditionmaylimitorprohibittheperformanceofanactivity authorised under this Act or
the Administration Act.(3)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidestoissuethecertificateoncondition,thechiefexecutivemustgivetheapplicantaninformationnoticeaboutthedecisionwithin14daysaftermaking the decision.Division 8Renewal and restoration ofregistration certificatesSubdivision 1Renewal168Application for renewal(1)A motor salesperson may only apply for
renewal of the motorsalesperson’sregistrationcertificatebeforethecertificateexpires.(2)The application must—(a)be made to the chief executive in the
approved form; and(b)state the term of the registration
being applied for; and(c)be accompanied
by—(i)the application fee prescribed under a
regulation;andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 5
Registration of motor salespersons[s 169](ii)theregistrationcertificaterenewalfeeprescribedunder a
regulation; and(iii)if,beforeorwhentheapplicationismade,acriminal history costs requirement is made
of themotorsalesperson—theamountofthecostsrequired to be paid.Notauthorised—indicativeonly169Chief executive
may renew or refuse to renew registrationcertificate(1)The
chief executive must consider the renewal application anddecide to renew or refuse to renew the
registration certificate.(2)The chief
executive may decide to renew the certificate only ifthe
chief executive is satisfied—(a)the
motor salesperson is a suitable person to obtain theregistration; and(b)the
application is made under section 168(2); and(c)the
motor salesperson meets the eligibility requirements,otherthaneligibilityrequirementsofaneducationalnature, for the
certificate.(3)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidestorefusetorenewtheregistrationcertificate,thechiefexecutivemustgivetheemployee an information notice about
the decision within 14days after making the decision.170Registration certificate taken to be
in force whileapplication for renewal is consideredIfanapplicationismadeundersection 168,themotorsalesperson’sregistrationcertificateistakentocontinueinforce from the day that it would, apart from
this section, haveexpired until the salesperson’s application
for renewal is—(a)decided under section 169; or(b)withdrawn by the salesperson;
or(c)taken to have been withdrawn under
section 156(3).Page 126Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 2Motor Dealers and
Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 5
Registration of motor salespersons[s 171]Restoration171Application for restoration(1)If a person’s registration certificate
expires, the person mayapply for restoration of the
certificate.(2)The application must—(a)be made to the chief executive in the
approved form; and(b)be made within 3 months after the
expiry; and(c)state the term of the registration
being applied for; and(d)be accompanied
by—(i)the application fee prescribed under a
regulation;and(ii)theregistrationrenewalfeeprescribedunderaregulation; and(iii)the
registration restoration fee prescribed under aregulation;
and(iv)if,beforeorwhentheapplicationismade,acriminal history costs requirement is made
of theperson—theamountofthecostsrequiredtobepaid.172Chief
executive may restore or refuse to restoreregistration
certificate(1)Thechiefexecutivemustconsidertheapplicationforrestorationanddecidetorestoreorrefusetorestoretheregistration certificate.(2)The chief executive may decide to
restore the certificate onlyif the chief
executive is satisfied—(a)the person is a
suitable person to obtain registration; and(b)the
application is made under section 171(2); andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 127
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 5 Registration of motor
salespersons[s 173](c)the
person meets the eligibility requirements, other thaneligibility requirements of an educational
nature, for thecertificate.(3)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidestorefusetorestoretheregistrationcertificate,thechiefexecutivemustgivethepersonaninformationnoticeaboutthedecisionwithin14days after making the decision.(4)If the chief executive decides to
restore the certificate—(a)the certificate
is taken to have been renewed on the dayitwould,apartfromsection
170,haveexpired(theinitial expiry
date); and(b)toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatathingdoneduring the period starting on the initial
expiry date andending on the day the certificate is
restored under thissection is taken to have been as validly
done as it wouldhavebeenifthecertificatehadbeenrenewedimmediately before the initial expiry
date.173Registration certificate taken to be
in force whileapplication for restoration is
consideredIfanapplicationismadeundersection 171,theperson’sregistration
certificate is taken to continue in force from theday
that it would, apart from this section, have expired untilthe
application for restoration is—(a)decided under section 172; or(b)withdrawn by the person; or(c)taken to have been withdrawn under
section 156(3).Page 128Current as at
[Not applicable]
Division 9Motor Dealers and
Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 5
Registration of motor salespersons[s 174]Dealings with registrationcertificatesNotauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 1Transfer of
registration certificate174Transfer of
registration certificate prohibitedA registration
certificate may not be transferred.175Offence to sell, lend or borrow registration
certificate(1)A motor salesperson must not—(a)sell,lendorhireoutthesalesperson’sregistrationcertificate to
someone else; or(b)notifyoradvertisethataregistrationcertificateisavailableforsale,loanorhiretoanotherperson,whether or not the other person is
registered as a motorsalesperson; or(c)permit or allow someone else to hold out
that the personistheholderofthemotorsalesperson’sregistrationcertificate.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)A
person must not buy, borrow or hire a motor salesperson’sregistration certificate.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.Subdivision
2General176Amendment of registration certificate
registration certificate—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 5
Registration of motor salespersons[s 176]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)on the motor
salesperson’s application; or(b)on
the order of QCAT after a disciplinary hearing; or(c)on the chief executive’s own
initiative.Note—QCAT may deal
with the conditions of a person’s registration certificateunder section 199.(2)An
application under subsection (1)(a) must be made to thechief executive in the approved form and be
accompanied bythe application fee prescribed under a
regulation.(3)Beforemakinganamendmentundersubsection (1)(a),thechief executive must be satisfied the motor
salesperson meetstheeligibilityrequirementsthechiefexecutiveconsidersrelevant to the
amendment of the condition.(4)Beforemakinganamendmentundersubsection (1)(c),thechief executive must—(a)give
written notice to the motor salesperson—(i)of
the particulars of the proposed amendment; and(ii)thatthemotorsalespersonmaymakewrittensubmissionstothechiefexecutiveabouttheproposed amendment before a stated day not
laterthan 14 days after the notice is given to
the motorsalesperson; and(b)have
regard to submissions made to the chief executiveby
the motor salesperson before the stated day.(5)Subsection (4) does not apply if the chief
executive decidesthattheamendmentmustbemadeurgentlytoensurecompliance with
this Act or the Administration Act.(6)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidestoamendtheconditionsofaregistrationcertificateundersubsection (1)(c),thechiefexecutivemustgivethemotorsalespersonaninformationnoticeaboutthedecisionwithin14daysaftermakingthedecision.(7)The
amendment takes effect—Page 130Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 5
Registration of motor salespersons[s 177](a)on the day the written notice of the
amendment is givento the motor salesperson; or(b)if a later day is stated in the
notice—on the stated day.(8)If the chief
executive decides to refuse to make an amendmentrequestedundersubsection (1)(a),thechiefexecutivemustgivethemotorsalespersonaninformationnoticeaboutthedecision within 14 days after making the
decision.177Return of registration certificate for
amendment orreplacement(1)Thechiefexecutivemayrequireamotorsalespersontoproducethesalesperson’sregistrationcertificateforamendment or replacement within a stated
period of not lessthan 14 days if the chief executive intends
to—(a)amendtheconditionsofthecertificateundersection 176; or(b)replace the certificate under section
186(5).(2)Themotorsalespersonmustcomplywiththerequirement,unless the
person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty
for subsection (2)—100 penalty units.178Return of registration certificate for
suspension orcancellation(1)A
person whose registration certificate has been suspended orcancelledundersection 229(1)oranordermadebyQCATmustreturnthecertificatetothechiefexecutivewithin14days
after the suspension or cancellation unless the person hasa
reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Subsection (1)doesnotapplyifsection180(5)or181(2)applies.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 5 Registration of motor
salespersons[s 179]179Surrender of registration certificate(1)A motor salesperson may surrender the
motor salesperson’sregistrationcertificatebygivingwrittennoticetothechiefexecutive and
returning the certificate.(2)A registration
certificate surrendered under this section stopshaving effect on the day it is
surrendered.Division 10Suspension and
cancellation ofregistration certificates180Immediate suspension(1)Thissectionappliesifthechiefexecutivebelieves,onreasonable grounds, that—(a)amotorsalesperson’sregistrationcertificate,orarenewal or restoration of the
registration certificate, wasobtained because
of materially incorrect or misleadinginformation;
or(b)both—(i)anirregularityordeficiencyexistsinamotordealer’s trust account; and(ii)a motor
salesperson employed by the motor dealermayberesponsiblefortheirregularityordeficiency; or(c)a
motor salesperson—(i)has contravened or is contravening
this Act or theAdministration Act; or(ii)has
contravened PAMDA; or(iii)islikelyorproposingtoengageinconductthatwouldcontravenethisActortheAdministrationAct.Page
132Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 5
Registration of motor salespersons[s 181](2)Thechiefexecutivemaysuspendthemotorsalesperson’sregistrationcertificate,whetherornotdisciplinaryproceedings have
been started under this Act.(3)The
certificate may be suspended for the period, of not morethan28days,andontheconditionsthechiefexecutivedecides.(4)Thechiefexecutivemustgivethemotorsalespersonaninformationnoticeaboutthedecisiontosuspendthemotorsalesperson’s
registration within 14 days after the suspension.(5)The motor salesperson must return the
certificate to the chiefexecutive within 14 days after the
motor salesperson receivesthenotice,unlessthemotorsalespersonhasareasonableexcuse.Maximum penalty for subsection (5)—100
penalty units.181Immediate cancellation(1)Amotorsalesperson’sregistrationcertificateiscancelledifthe
salesperson—(a)is convicted of a serious offence;
or(b)becomes subject to a relevant control
order.(2)The motor salesperson must return the
registration certificateto the chief executive within 14 days
after the happening of anevent mentioned in subsection (1),
unless the salesperson hasa reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty for subsection (2)—100
penalty units.Division 11General
provisions about employeeregistration183Form
of registration certificate(1)A
registration certificate must be in the approved form.(2)However, the chief executive may
approve—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 5 Registration of motor
salespersons[s 184](a)a
form of certificate for office display purposes; andExample—a form of a
certificate that may be framed and displayed in anoffice(b)a
form of certificate for personal identification purposes.(3)The certificate must contain the
following particulars—(a)the name of the
motor salesperson;(b)the date of issue of the
certificate;(c)the expiry date of the
certificate;(d)other particulars prescribed under a
regulation.184Requirement to keep copy of
registration certificateavailable for inspectionA
motor salesperson must keep a copy of the salesperson’sregistration certificate available for
inspection at each place ofbusinesswherethesalespersonisemployedasamotorsalesperson.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.185Term of
registration certificateA registration certificate may be
issued for a 1 year or 3 yearterm.186Replacement certificates(1)A motor salesperson may apply to the
chief executive for thereplacementofalost,stolen,destroyedordamagedregistration
certificate.(2)The application must be made in the
approved form and beaccompanied by the fee prescribed
under a regulation.(3)Thechiefexecutivemustgranttheapplicationifthechiefexecutiveissatisfiedtheoriginalcertificatehasbeenlost,Page
134Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 5
Registration of motor salespersons[s 187]stolenordestroyed,ordamagedinawaytorequireitsreplacement.(4)Ifthechiefexecutivegrantstheapplicationmadeundersubsection
certificate to the applicant to replace the originalcertificate.(5)The
chief executive may also replace a registration certificateif—(a)either—(i)the holder of the certificate has
given written noticeto the chief executive of a prescribed
change; or(ii)thechiefexecutivereasonablybelievesaprescribed change for the holder of
the certificatehas happened; and(b)thechiefexecutiveissatisfiedtheprescribedchangerequires a replacement of the
certificate.(6)If the chief executive replaces a
registration certificate underthis
section—(a)thecertificatecontinuestobesubjecttothesameconditionsandtermthatthecertificatewassubjecttobefore being replaced; and(b)the holder of the certificate must pay
the chief executivethe fee prescribed under a
regulation.(7)In this section—prescribedchangemeansaprescribedchangeundersection
188.187Register of registration
certificates(1)Thechiefexecutivemustkeeparegisterofregistrationcertificatesandapplicationsforregistrationcertificates(theregistration certificate register).(2)Theregistrationcertificateregistermayformpartofthelicence
register.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 5
Registration of motor salespersons[s 187]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(3)The registration
certificate register must contain the followingparticulars—(a)for
each applicant for a registration certificate—(i)the
applicant’s name; and(ii)the date of the
application; and(iii)the application
number; and(iv)thecategoryoftheregistrationcertificatebeingapplied for;(b)for
each motor salesperson—(i)the motor
salesperson’s name; and(ii)thedatesofissueandexpiryofthemotorsalesperson’s
current registration certificate; and(iii)the
category of the registration certificate; and(iv)any
conditions imposed on the certificate; and(v)themotorsalesperson’sregistrationcertificatenumber;
and(vi)particularsofanysurrender,suspensionorcancellation of the motor salesperson’s
registrationcertificate.(4)Apersonmay,onpaymentofthefeeprescribedunderaregulation, inspect or get a copy of
details in the part of theregistercontainingtheparticularsmentionedinsubsection (3)—(a)at a
place or places decided by the chief executive; or(b)by using a computer.(5)A person may pay the fee, in advance
or in arrears, under anarrangement approved by the chief
executive.(6)Theregistermaybekeptinanywaythechiefexecutiveconsiders appropriate.(7)In
this section—containincludes record
and store.Page 136Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 6 Trust
accounts[s 188]188Motor
salespersons to notify chief executive of changesin
circumstances(1)A motor salesperson must give notice
to the chief executive ofa prescribed change in the motor
salesperson’s circumstanceswithin 14 days
after the change.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)In this section—prescribedchangemeansachangeprescribedunderaregulation.189Production of registration
certificateA motor salesperson must, if asked by a
person with whomthesalespersonisdealing,producethesalesperson’sregistration
certificate for inspection by the person.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.190Pretending to be
motor salesperson(1)Apersonmustnotactasamotorsalespersonunlesstheperson holds a registration
certificate as a motor salesperson.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(2)In this
section—act as a motor salesperson,
for a person, includes hold outthat the person
is a motor salesperson.Part 6Trust
accounts191Keeping trust accounts(1)AprincipallicenseemustkeepatrustaccountundertheAdministration Act if an amount is likely to
be received by thelicensee for a transaction, or with written
direction for its use,Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 7 Proceedings[s 192]whenperformingtheactivitiesofamotordealerorchattelauctioneer.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)However, subsection (1) does not apply to a
del credere agentfor selling livestock under a del credere
agreement while theagreement is in force.(3)In
this section—amount, likely to be
received by a licensee for a transaction orwith written
direction for its use—(a)includes deposit
and purchase monies for a transaction;but(b)does not include an amount payable to
the licensee for atransactioninrefundofanexpensethelicenseewasauthorisedtoincuranddidincurandforwhichthelicensee holds a receipt.del
credere agreementmeans a written agreement between adel
credere agent and a livestock seller under which the agentagreestosellthelivestockforthesellerandguaranteespayment of the
purchase price of the livestock to the seller.Part 7ProceedingsDivision 1Preliminary192Definitions for partIn this
part—licenseeincludes a
person who held a licence under this Act atany time within
3 years before a proceeding under this part isstarted
involving the person.Page 138Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 7
Proceedings[s 193]motorsalespersonincludesapersonwhowasamotorsalespersonatanytimewithin1yearbeforeaproceedingunder this part
is started involving the person.193JurisdictionFor this Act,
QCAT has the following jurisdiction—(a)tohearanddecidedisciplinarymattersinvolvingalicensee or a motor salesperson;(b)toreviewdecisionsofthechiefexecutiverelatingtolicensing and registration.Division 2Disciplinary
proceedings194Grounds for starting disciplinary
against a licensee or motor salesperson—(a)thelicenseeorsalespersonhasbeenconvictedofanindictable
offence or an offence against this Act or theAdministration
Act; or(ii)a prescribed
conduct provision; or(iii)the
Administration Act; or(iv)an undertaking
given under part 8, division 2; or(v)a
corresponding law;(c)thelicenseeorsalespersonhasbeendisqualifiedfromholdinganauthorisation,similartoalicenceorregistration certificate, under a
corresponding law;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 7 Proceedings[s 194](d)anamounthasbeenpaidfromthefundbecausethelicensee or salesperson did, or
omitted to do, somethingthat gave rise to a claim against the
fund;(e)thelicenseeorsalespersonfraudulentlyorimproperlyobtained,orhelpedsomeoneelsetofraudulentlyorimproperly obtain, a licence or registration
certificate;(f)the licensee or salesperson has failed
to comply with anorder made by a court, the former tribunal
or QCAT;(g)for a licensee—(i)thelicenseeisnotasuitablepersontoholdalicence; or(ii)thelicenseehascarriedon,oriscarryingon,business under a licence with someone
who is not asuitable person to hold a licence; or(iii)thelicenseehas,incarryingonabusinessorperforming an activity, been incompetent or
actedin an unprofessional way; or(iv)the licensee has
failed to ensure that the licensee’semployedlicenseesormotorsalespersons,oremployees under the licensee’s
supervision—(A)areproperlysupervisedintheperformanceof their duties;
or(B)comply with this Act; or(v)the licensee has failed to comply with
a conditionof the licensee’s licence; or(vi)the licensee is
an executive officer of a corporationagainstwhomQCATfindsgroundsexisttotakedisciplinary
action under section 199; or(vii) if the
licensee is a corporation—(A)an executive
officer of the corporation is nota suitable
person to be an executive officer ofa corporation;
orPage 140Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 7
Proceedings[s 195](B)anexecutiveofficerofthecorporationisdisqualifiedunderthisActfrombeinganexecutive officer of a
corporation;(h)for a motor salesperson—(i)the salesperson is not eligible to be
employed as amotor salesperson; or(ii)the
salesperson has, in performing an activity of alicensee,beenincompetentoractedinanunprofessional way.(2)The chief executive must not start a
disciplinary proceedingagainst an executive officer under
subsection (1)(g)(vi) if thechief executive
is satisfied—(a)theactoromissionrelevanttotheproceedingagainstthe
corporation was done or made without the executiveofficer’s knowledge; and(b)theexecutiveofficercouldnot,withreasonablediligence,havepreventedthedoingoftheactorthemaking of the omission.195Starting disciplinary
proceedingsThechiefexecutivemayapplytoQCATtoconductaproceeding to decide whether grounds exist
under section 194fortakingdisciplinaryactionagainstalicenseeormotorsalesperson.Division 3Review proceedings196Person dissatisfied with chief executive’s
decision mayseek reviewApersonwhoisdissatisfiedwithadecisionofthechiefexecutivemadeunderaprovisionmentionedinschedule 2may apply to
QCAT to have the decision reviewed.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 141
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 7 Proceedings[s 197]197Stay of operation of decisions(1)A decision of the chief executive,
other than a decision madeundersection
61or180,beingreviewedisstayedforthepurpose of securing the effectiveness
of the review.(2)However, the period of a stay does not
extend past the timewhen QCAT decides the
application.198QCAT may extend time(1)QCAT may extend the time within which
to seek review of adecision of the chief executive if it is
satisfied—(a)the application is made within 42 days
after the personreceives notice of the decision to be
reviewed; and(b)it is appropriate to extend time
having regard to—(i)the application generally; and(ii)the justice of
the matter generally.(2)No appeal lies
against QCAT’s decision under this section.Division 4QCAT’s orders199Orders QCAT may make on disciplinary
hearing(1)QCAT may make 1 or more of the
following orders against aperson in relation to whom QCAT finds
grounds exist to takedisciplinary action under this
Act—(a)an order reprimanding the
person;(b)anorderthatthepersonpaytotheState,withintheperiod stated in the order, a fine of not
more than—(i)for an individual—200 penalty units;
or(ii)for a
corporation—1000 penalty units;(c)an
order that the person pay compensation (inclusive ofany
commission to which the person is not entitled) toPage
142Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 7
Proceedings[s 199]Notauthorised—indicativeonlysomeone else who has suffered loss or damage
becauseof the act or omission that resulted in the
finding;(d)anorderthattheperson’slicenceorregistrationcertificatebesuspendedfortheperiodstatedintheorder;(e)an order—(i)ifthepersonistheholderofalicenceorregistrationcertificatewhentheorderismade—thatthelicenceorregistrationcertificatebecancelled; or(ii)whether or not the person is the holder of a
licenceor registration certificate when the order
is made—that the person be disqualified permanently,
or fortheperiodstatedintheorder,fromholdingalicence or registration
certificate;(f)anorderimposingconditionson,oramendingorrevokingtheconditionsof,theperson’slicenceorregistration certificate;(g)another order QCAT considers
appropriate to ensure theperson complies with this Act.(2)QCATmaynotmakeanorderundersubsection (1)(e)(ii)disqualifying
the person from holding a licence or registrationcertificate if QCAT is satisfied that a
court has, in relation tothe matter giving rise to the
disciplinary proceeding—(a)been asked to
make an order under section 229(1) or (4)disqualifyingthepersonfromholdingalicenceorregistration certificate; and(b)declined to do so.(3)If
QCAT makes an order under subsection (1)(e)(i) in relationtoanindividualthatalicenceorregistrationcertificatebecancelled,QCATmustalsoorderthatthepersonbedisqualified, for the period stated in the
order, from holding alicence of the type to which the order
relates or a registrationcertificate.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 143
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 7 Proceedings[s 200](4)The chief executive may recover a
fine, ordered by QCAT tobe paid by the person to the chief
executive, as a debt owing tothe chief
executive in a court with jurisdiction to recover debtsup
to the amount of the fine.200Stopping
contraventions(1)This section applies if QCAT is
satisfied, on application by thechiefexecutive,thatapersonisdoingorisabouttodosomething in contravention of this
Act.(2)QCAT may, by order, prohibit the
person who is doing or isabout to do the thing (theprohibited person) from starting
orcontinuing to do the thing.(3)QCATmaymakeanorderunderthissectiononthechiefexecutive’s application made without notice
to the prohibitedpersonbut,inthatcase,QCATmustallowtheprohibitedperson a
reasonable opportunity to show cause why the ordershould not be confirmed.(4)QCAT
must rescind the order if it is not satisfied the ordershould continue in force, after
person must not contravene an order under this section.Maximum penalty—540 penalty units.(6)An order under this section has effect
on the giving of a copyof the order to the prohibited
person.Page 144Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 5Motor Dealers and
Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 8
Injunctions and undertakings[s 201]Chief executive’s right of appeal201Appeal(1)The
chief executive may appeal to the appeal tribunal againstany
decision of QCAT under this Act, but only on the groundof
error of law.(2)In this section—appeal
tribunalmeans QCAT as constituted under the
QCATAct, section 166 for the purposes of an
appeal.Part 8Injunctions and
undertakingsDivision 1Injunctions204Grounds for injunctionThe District
Court may grant an injunction against a person ifthecourtissatisfiedthattheperson(arespondent)hasengaged, or is proposing to engage, in
conduct that constitutesor would constitute—(a)acontraventionofthisActoraprescribedconductprovision; or(b)attemptingtocontravenethisActoraprescribedconduct
provision; or(c)aiding,abetting,counsellingorprocuringapersontocontravene this Act or a prescribed conduct
provision;or(d)inducingorattemptingtoinduce,whetherbythreats,promises or
otherwise, a person to contravene this Actor a prescribed
conduct provision; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 8 Injunctions
and undertakings[s 205](e)beinginanyway,directlyorindirectly,knowinglyconcerned in, or party to, the contravention
by a personof this Act or a prescribed conduct
provision; or(f)conspiringwithotherstocontravenethisActoraprescribed conduct provision.Notauthorised—indicativeonly205Who may apply for
injunctionThe following persons may apply to the
District Court for aninjunction—(a)the
chief executive;(b)a person aggrieved by the respondent’s
conduct.206When injunction may be grantedAninjunctionunderthisdivisionmaybegrantedbytheDistrict Court
against the respondent at any time.207Court’s powers for injunctions(1)ThepoweroftheDistrictCourttograntaninjunctionrestrainingapersonfromengaginginconductmaybeexercised—(a)whetherornotitappearstothecourtthatthepersonintendstoengageagain,ortocontinuetoengage,inconduct of that kind; and(b)whetherornotthepersonhaspreviouslyengagedinconduct of that kind.(2)Thepowerofthecourttograntaninjunctionrequiringaperson to do an act or thing may be
exercised—(a)whetherornotitappearstothecourtthatthepersonintends to fail
again, or to continue to fail, to do the actor thing;
and(b)whether or not the person has
previously failed to do theact or
thing.Page 146Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 8
Injunctions and undertakings[s 208](3)An interim injunction may be granted
under this part until theapplication is finally decided.(4)The District Court may rescind or vary
an injunction at anytime.208Terms
of injunction(1)The District Court may grant an
injunction in the terms thecourt considers
(1),aninjunction may be granted restraining
a person from carryingonabusinessasalicensee(whetherornotthepersonislicensed or the business is carried on as
part of, or incidentalto, the carrying on of another
business)—(a)for a stated period; or(b)except on stated terms and
conditions.(3)Also, the court may grant an
injunction requiring a person totake stated
action, including action to disclose information orpublish advertisements, to remedy any
adverse consequencesoftheperson’scontraventionofthisActoraprescribedconduct
provision.209Undertakings as to costsIfthechiefexecutiveappliesforaninjunctionunderthisdivision,noundertakingastodamagesorcostsmayberequired or made.Division 2Undertakings210Chief
executive may seek undertaking aftercontravention(1)If
the chief executive believes on reasonable grounds a personhas
contravened or been involved in a contravention of thisCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 8 Injunctions and undertakings[s
211]Act or a prescribed conduct provision, the
chief executive mayby written notice given to the
person—(a)state the act or omission the chief
executive believes isthe contravention; and(b)askthepersontogivethechiefexecutiveawrittenundertaking the
person will not continue or repeat theact or
omission.(2)Thechiefexecutivecannotstartanoffenceproceedingagainst the
person for the contravention if—(a)the
person gives the undertaking; and(b)for
a contravention that is conduct consisting of a seriesof
acts or omissions, the person stops the conduct; and(c)the person does not repeat the act or
omission; and(d)the chief executive accepts the
undertaking.(3)Subsection (2) does not apply if the
chief executive withdrawsthe undertaking under section
212.211Undertaking about other matterWithout limiting section 210, the chief
executive may acceptan undertaking given by a person about
anything for which thechief executive or an inspector has a
function or power.Example of type of undertaking for this
section—an undertaking to publish corrective
advertising212Variation and withdrawal of
undertakings(1)If the chief executive accepts the
undertaking, it may be variedor withdrawn at
any time by—(a)the person who gave it, but only if
the chief executiveagrees to the variation or withdrawal;
or(b)thechiefexecutive,ifthechiefexecutivebelievesonreasonable grounds that—Page 148Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 8
Injunctions and undertakings[s 213](i)beforeitwasaccepted,thepersonwhogaveitcontravenedthisActorPAMDA,inawayunknown to the chief executive; and(ii)hadthechiefexecutiveknownaboutthecontravention, the chief executive
would not haveacceptedtheundertakingorwouldnothaveaccepted it
unless its terms were changed.(2)The
chief executive may also withdraw the undertaking if thechief executive believes, on reasonable
grounds, it is no longernecessary.(3)Ifthechiefexecutivevariesorwithdraws,oragreestothevariationorwithdrawalof,theundertaking,thechiefexecutive must
give the person who gave it written notice ofits variation or
withdrawal.(4)The variation or withdrawal takes
effect when written noticeof the variation or withdrawal is
received by the person.213Enforcement of
undertakings(1)If the chief executive believes on
reasonable grounds a personwhogaveanundertakinghascontravenedatermoftheundertaking,thechiefexecutivemayapplytotheDistrictCourt for an
order under this section.(2)If the District
Court is satisfied the person has contravened theterm, the court may make 1 or more of the
following orders—(a)an order directing the person to
comply with the term;(b)anorderdirectingthepersontopaytotheStateanamountthatisnotmorethanthedirectorindirectfinancialbenefitobtainedbythepersonfrom,andreasonably attributable to, the
contravention;(c)anorderdirectingthepersontopaycompensationtosomeone else who has suffered loss or damage
becauseof the contravention;(d)an
order directing the person to give a security bond tothe
State for a stated period;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 8 Injunctions and undertakings[s
214](e)another order the court considers
appropriate.(3)The District Court may order the
forfeiture to the State of allorpartofasecuritybondgivenbyapersonundersubsection (2)(d) if—(a)the
chief executive applies to the court for the order; and(b)thecourtissatisfiedthatthepersoncontravenedtheundertaking during the period for which the
bond wasgiven.214Register of undertakings(1)Thechiefexecutivemustkeeparegisterofundertakingsunder this
division.(2)The register must contain a copy of
each undertaking.(3)The chief executive may publish
information contained in theregister on the
department’s website.(4)Apersonmay,onpaymentofthefeeprescribedunderaregulation, inspect or get a copy of
details in the register—(a)at a place or
places decided by the chief executive; or(b)by
using a computer.(5)A person may pay the fee, in advance
or in arrears, under anarrangement approved by the chief
executive.(6)Theregistermaybekeptinthewaythechiefexecutiveconsiders appropriate.Page 150Current as at [Not applicable]
9Motor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act
2014Part 9 General contraventions and evidentiary
matters[s 215]General
contraventions andevidentiary mattersNotauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1General
contraventions215Wrongful conversion and false
accounts(1)This section applies if a licensee, in
the performance of theactivitiesofalicensee,oramotorsalesperson,intheperformance of the activities of a
motor salesperson—(a)receives an amount belonging to
someone else; or(b)falsely accounts for money.(2)A licensee or motor salesperson
who—(a)dishonestlyconvertstheamounttothelicensee’sorsalesperson’s own or someone else’s use;
or(b)dishonestly renders an account of the
amount knowing itto be false in a material particular;commits a crime.Maximumpenalty—1000penaltyunitsor5yearsimprisonment.(3)For
a prosecution under subsection (2)(a), it is enough for theprosecutiontoprovethatthelicenseeormotorsalespersondishonestly
converted an amount belonging to someone elseto the
licensee’s or salesperson’s own use or someone else’susewithouthavingtoprovethattheamountbelongedtoaparticular
person.(4)Ifconductallegedtoconstituteanoffenceundersubsection (2) is recurrent so that, apart
from this subsection,eachinstanceoftheconductwouldallegedlyconstituteaseparate offence, 2 or more instances of the
conduct are to betakentoconstitute1allegedoffencecommittedovertheperiod stated in the complaint or
indictment in relation to theconduct,andmaybechargedandproceededagainston1charge.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 9 General contraventions and evidentiary
matters[s 216](5)Alicenseeormotorsalespersonintheperformanceoftheactivitiesofalicenseeormotorsalespersonmustnot,including by the
rendering of an account, represent that thelicensee or
salesperson has received an amount from someoneelse when the
licensee or salesperson had not in fact receivedthe
amount.Maximum penalty—540 penalty units.(6)In this section—former
licenseemeans a person who held—(a)a
licence under this Act; or(b)amotordealer’slicenceorformerauctioneerslicenceunder PAMDA.licenseeincludes a former licensee and a person who
is notlicensed, but who acts as a licensee.Note—A person may
make a claim, under the Administration Act, against thefund
if the person suffers financial loss because of a contravention
ofthis section.216False
representations about goods(1)A
licensee or motor salesperson must not represent in any wayto
someone else anything that is false or misleading about thesale
or auction of goods.Maximum penalty—540 penalty
units.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), a
representation is taken, forthe subsection,
to be false or misleading if it would reasonablytend
to lead to a belief in the existence of a state of affairs
thatdoesnotinfactexist,whetherornottherepresentationindicates that
state of affairs does exist.(3)Also, if a person makes a representation
about a matter andthe person does not have reasonable grounds
for making therepresentation, the representation is taken
to be misleading.(4)Theonusofestablishingthatthepersonhadreasonablegrounds for
making the representation is on the person.Page 152Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 9 General
contraventions and evidentiary matters[s 217](5)Itisnotadefenceinaproceedingforacontraventionofsubsection (1)forthedefendanttoprovethatanagreementwith the person
was terminated or that the person did not enterinto an
agreement because of the representation.(6)This
section does not limit another Act or law about false ormisleading representations.Note—See, for
example, the Australian Consumer Law, section 29.(7)In this section—false or
misleading, in relation to a representation,
includesthe wilful concealment of a material fact in
the representation.Note—A person may
make a claim, under the Administration Act, against thefund
if the person suffers financial loss because of a contravention
ofthis section.217Chief
executive’s power to ask for substantiation ofrepresentations(1)Thissectionappliesifthechiefexecutivebelieves,onreasonable grounds, that a licensee or motor
salesperson hasmade a representation in contravention of
section 216(1).(2)The chief executive may, by written
notice, ask the person togivetothechiefexecutivewrittenproofthatsupportstherepresentation.(3)The
notice must—(a)state a day, at least 14 days after
the day the notice isgiven to the person, by which the
person must give theproof to the chief executive;
and(b)warn the person it is an offence to
fail to comply withthenoticebythestatedday,unlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse for the failure to
comply.(4)Thepersonmustrespondtothenoticebythestatedday,unless the
person has a reasonable excuse for the failure tocomply.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 153
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 9 General
contraventions and evidentiary matters[s 218]Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(5)It is a reasonable excuse for an
individual to fail to complywithsubsection (4)ifcomplyingwiththesubsectionwouldtend
to incriminate the individual.Notauthorised—indicativeonly218False
representations about mileageA person must
not wilfully represent in any way to someoneelseanythingthatisfalseormisleadingaboutthetotaldistance
travelled by a motor vehicle.Maximum
penalty—540 penalty units.219Tampering with
odometers(1)A person must not tamper with or
replace a motor vehicle’sodometer with intent to falsely
represent that, at a particulartime, the
vehicle—(a)has travelled a distance less than a
specified distance; or(b)has travelled a
distance more than a specified distance.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)Ifacourtfindsapersonguiltyofanoffenceagainstsubsection (1),
the court may, on its own initiative or on theapplication of
the prosecution or a person who has sufferedloss,orderthepersonwhocommittedtheoffencetocompensatethepersonwhosufferedlossforlossresultingfrom
the commission of the offence.(3)Inanyproceeding,thedistanceshownatanytimeontheodometertamperedwithorreplacedisevidenceofafalserepresentation
by the person who tampered with or replacedthe odometer
that the vehicle—(a)hastravelledadistancelessthanaspecifieddistanceshown on the odometer; or(b)has travelled a distance more than a
specified distanceshown on the odometer.Page 154Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 9 General
contraventions and evidentiary matters[s 220](4)Subsection (2)doesnotlimitacourt’spowersunderthePenalties and Sentences Act 1992or
any other law.220Offence to charge fee for providing
documents etc.(1)A licensee or a motor salesperson must
not charge a fee forthe provision, preparation or
completion of a document that isauthorised or
required to be provided, prepared or completedunder the
Act.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor1year’simprisonment.(2)Subsection (1) does not limit theLegal Profession Act 2007,section 24 or 25.221False
or misleading statementsA person must not, for this Act, state
anything to an officialthepersonknowsisfalseormisleadinginamaterialparticular.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.222False
or misleading documents(1)A person must
not, for this Act, give an official a documentcontaininginformationthepersonknowsisfalseormisleading in a material particular.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a person if
the person, whengiving the document—(a)informs the official, to the best of the
person’s ability,how it is false or misleading; and(b)if the person has, or can reasonably
obtain, the correctinformation—gives the correct
information.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 9 General
contraventions and evidentiary matters[s 223](3)A person must not make an entry in a
document required orpermitted to be made or kept under
this Act knowing the entryto be false or misleading in a
material particular.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Evidentiary
matters223Evidence of tampering by a motor
dealer or chattelauctioneer(1)Evidence that a motor vehicle’s odometer
reading when thevehiclewasinthepossessionofamotordealerorchattelauctioneer was
less than its reading when the dealer or chattelauctioneer took possession of the vehicle is
evidence that—(a)themotorvehicle’sodometerwastamperedwithorreplaced; and(b)thedealerorchattelauctioneercontravenedsection
219(1)(a).(2)Evidence that a motor vehicle’s
odometer was tampered withor replaced to increase the distance
shown on the odometerwhenthevehiclewasinamotordealer’sorchattelauctioneer’s
possession is evidence that the dealer or chattelauctioneer contravened section
219(1)(b).(3)In this section—possession, of a motor
vehicle, includes custody and controlof the
vehicle.224Continuing false
representation—tampered withodometer(1)This section applies, in any
proceeding, if there is evidence(relevant evidence) that a person
intentionally tampered withor replaced the
odometer of a motor vehicle so that it showedthat the vehicle
at that time—Page 156Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 9 General
contraventions and evidentiary matters[s 225](a)hadnottravelledthedistanceshownontheodometerbefore it was tampered with; or(b)hadtravelledmorethanthedistanceshownontheodometer before
it was tampered with.(2)The distance
shown at any time afterwards on the odometer isevidence of a
false representation by a person at that later timethat—(a)if
the relevant evidence relates to subsection (1)(a)—thevehicle had not travelled more than the
distance shownon the odometer; or(b)if
the relevant evidence relates to subsection (1)(b)—thevehicle had travelled more than the distance
shown onthe odometer.225Evidentiary provisions(1)This
section applies to a proceeding under this Act.(2)The
appointment or power of an inspector must be presumedunless a party, by reasonable notice,
requires proof of—(a)the appointment; or(b)the power to do anything under this
Act.(3)Asignaturepurportingtobethesignatureofthechiefexecutive is evidence of the signature it
purports to be.(4)A certificate purporting to be signed
by the chief executive, amember of QCAT or the registrar
stating any of the followingmatters is
evidence of the matter—(a)a stated
document is—(i)anorder,direction,requirementordecision,oracopyofanorder,direction,requirementordecision, given or made under this Act;
or(iii)a record, or a
copy of a record, kept under this Act;orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 9 General contraventions and evidentiary
matters[s 226](iv)a
document, or a copy of a document, kept underthis Act;(b)on a stated day, a stated
person—(i)was, or was not, the holder of a
stated licence orregistration certificate under this Act;
or(ii)wasgivenastatednotice,order,requirementordirection under this Act.(5)In this section—registrarmeans the principal registrar under the QCAT
Act.226Entries in licensee’s documentsAn
entry in a document kept by or belonging to a licensee orfound in the licensee’s premises is evidence
that the entry hasbeen made by or with the authority of the
licensee.Division 3Proceedings227Proceedings for an offence(1)Subject to subsection (2), a
proceeding for an offence againstthis Act must be
taken in a summary way under theJusticesAct
1886within the later of the following—(a)1 year after the offence is
committed;(b)6 months after the commission of the
offence comes tothecomplainant’sknowledge, but
within 2 years afterthe commission of the offence.(2)A proceeding for an indictable offence
may be taken, at theprosecution’s election—(a)by way of summary proceedings under
theJustices Act1886;
or(b)on indictment.Page 158Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 9 General
contraventions and evidentiary matters[s 227]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(3)A proceeding against a person for an
indictable offence mustbe before a magistrate if it is a
proceeding—(a)for the summary conviction of the
person; or(b)for an examination of witnesses in
relation to the charge.(4)If a proceeding
for an indictable offence is brought before ajustice who is
not a magistrate, jurisdiction is limited to takingor
making a procedural action or order within the meaning oftheJustices of the Peace and
Commissioners for DeclarationsAct 1991.(5)If—(a)a person charged with an indictable
offence asks at thestart of a summary proceeding for the
offence that thecharge be prosecuted on indictment;
or(b)the magistrate hearing a charge of an
indictable offenceconsidersthechargeshouldbeprosecutedonindictment;the
magistrate—(c)must not decide the charge as a
summary offence; and(d)must proceed by
way of a committal proceeding.(6)If a
magistrate acts under subsection (5)—(a)any
plea of the person charged, made at the start of theproceeding, must be disregarded; and(b)anyevidencebroughtintheproceedingbeforethemagistrate decided to act under
subsection (5) is takento be evidence in the proceeding for
the committal of theperson for trial or sentence;
and(c)before committing the person for trial
or sentence, themagistrate must make a statement to the
person undertheJustices Act 1886, section
104(2)(b).(7)Themaximumpenaltythatmaybeimposedonasummaryconviction of an indictable offence is 200
penalty units or 1year’s imprisonment.(8)In
this section—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 9 General
contraventions and evidentiary matters[s 228]indictableoffencemeansanoffenceagainstthisActforwhich the maximum penalty of
imprisonment is more than 2years.Notauthorised—indicativeonly228Responsibility
for acts or omissions of representatives(1)This
section applies in a proceeding for an offence against thisAct.(2)Ifitisrelevanttoproveaperson’sstateofmindaboutaparticular act or omission, it is
enough to show—(a)theactwasdoneoromittedtobedonebyarepresentativeofthepersonwithinthescopeoftherepresentative’s actual or apparent
authority; and(b)the representative had the state of
mind.(3)Anactdoneoromittedtobedoneforapersonbyarepresentativeofthepersonwithinthescopeoftherepresentative’s actual or apparent
authority is taken to havebeen done or omitted to be done also
by the person unless thepersonprovesthepersoncouldnot,bytheexerciseofreasonable diligence, have prevented the act
or omission.(4)In this section—offenceincludesacontraventionofthisActforwhichanamount may be ordered by the District Court
or QCAT to bepaid as a money penalty.representativemeans—(a)ofacorporation—anexecutiveofficer,employeeoragent of the corporation; or(b)ofanindividual—anemployeeoragentoftheindividual.state of
mind, of a person, includes—(a)theperson’sknowledge,intention,opinion,belieforpurpose; and(b)the
person’s reasons for the intention, opinion, belief orpurpose.Page 160Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 9 General
contraventions and evidentiary matters[s 229]229Power of court(1)A
court may, in addition to any other penalty it may impose,orderthatalicensee’slicenceoramotorsalesperson’sregistrationcertificatebesuspendedforastatedperiodorcancelledifthelicenseeormotorsalespersonhasbeenconvicted of an
offence against this Act.(2)Subsection (3)
applies if—(a)thecourtordersthatalicensee’slicencebecancelledand the licensee
is an individual; or(b)thecourtordersamotorsalesperson’sregistrationcertificate be
cancelled.(3)Thecourtmustalsoorderthatthelicenseeormotorsalesperson be
disqualified for a stated period or permanentlyfrom holding a
licence or registration certificate.(4)The
court may also order that a person convicted of an offenceagainstthisActbedisqualifiedfromholdingalicenceorregistrationcertificateunderthisActforastatedperiodorpermanently.(5)The
court may make an order under subsection (1) or (4)—(a)on the chief executive’s application;
or(b)on its own initiative.(6)If an order is made by a court under
this section on the court’sown initiative,
the court must cause a copy of the order to begiven to the
chief executive.230Allegations of false or misleading
representations orstatements etc.In any
proceeding for an offence against this Act involving afalse or misleading statement,
representation or entry, or falseor misleading
information, it is enough for a charge to statethatthestatement,representation,entryorinformationwas‘false or misleading’.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 161
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 10
General[s 230A]Part 10GeneralNotauthorised—indicativeonly230AExchange of
the purposes of sharing or exchanging information—(a)held by the chief executive or the
relevant agency; or(b)to which the chief executive or the
relevant agency hasaccess.(2)Aninformation-sharingarrangementmayrelateonlytoinformation that assists—(a)thechiefexecutiveperformthechiefexecutive’sfunctions under
this Act; or(b)the relevant agency perform its
functions.(3)Underaninformation-sharingarrangement,thechiefexecutive and
the relevant agency are, despite another Act orlaw, authorised
to—(a)ask for and receive information held
by the other partytothearrangementortowhichtheotherpartyhasaccess; and(b)disclose information to the other
party.(4)Thechiefexecutivemayusecriminalintelligence,giventothechiefexecutivebythecommissionerunderaninformation-sharingarrangement,onlyformonitoringcompliance with
this Act.(5)In this section—informationdoes not include
information given to the chiefexecutive or a
relevant agency, or to which the chief executiveorrelevantagencyhasaccess,undertheCrimeandCorruption Act 2001.relevant agencymeans the
following—(a)the commissioner;Page 162Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 10
General[s 230B](b)the
chief executive of a department;(c)a
local government;(d)a person prescribed by
section applies if a person gains confidential informationthrough involvement in the administration of
this Act.(2)Thepersonmustnotmakearecordoftheinformationordisclose the information to another person,
other than undersubsection (4).Maximum
penalty—35 penalty units.(3)Withoutlimitingsubsection(1),apersongainsconfidentialinformation
through involvement in the administration of thisAct
if the person gains the information because of being, or anopportunity given by being—(a)the chief executive; or(b)a public service employee employed in
the department;or(c)a person engaged
by the chief executive for this Act.(4)A
person may make a record of confidential information ordisclose it to another person—(a)for this Act; or(b)to
discharge a function under another law; or(c)for
a proceeding in a court or QCAT; or(d)ifauthorisedbyacourtorQCATintheinterestsofjustice; or(e)if
required or permitted by law; or(f)for
information other than criminal intelligence—if theperson is authorised in writing by the
person to whomthe information relates.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 163
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 10 General[s 231](5)Thechiefexecutivemustdestroythefollowingassoonaspracticableafteritisnolongerneededforthepurposeforwhich it was requested or
given—(a)a criminal history report about a
person;(b)acopyofacontrolorderorregisteredcorrespondingcontrolorderaccompanyingacriminalhistoryreportabout a
person;(c)anoticegivenundersection27(2)or160(2)aboutaperson.(6)ThePublic Records Act 2002does
not apply to the documentsmentioned in subsection (5).(7)In this section—confidential
information about a person’s affairs; but(b)doesnotincludestatisticalorotherinformationthatcouldnotreasonablybeexpectedtoresultintheidentificationofthepersontowhomtheinformationrelates.231Public warning statements(1)The Minister or chief executive may
make or issue a publicstatementidentifyingandgivingwarningsorinformationabout any of the
following—(a)contraventionsofaprescribedconductprovisionthathaveresultedindisciplinaryactionandpersonswhocommit the contraventions;(b)businesspracticesregulatedunderthisActthatareunfair and persons who engage in the unfair
practices;(c)the commission of offences against
this Act and personswho commit the offences.(2)Thestatementmayidentifyparticularcontraventions,business
practices, offences and persons.Page 164Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 10
General[s 232](3)TheMinisterorchiefexecutivemustnotmakeorissueastatement under this section unless
satisfied that it is in thepublic interest
to do so.Notauthorised—indicativeonly232Civil remedies not affectedNothing in this Act affects or limits any
civil remedy that aperson may have against a licensee or
another person for anymatter.233Criminal Proceeds Confiscation Act 2002 not
limitedNothing in this Act limits theCriminal Proceeds ConfiscationAct
executiveThechiefexecutivemaydelegatethechiefexecutive’spowers,otherthanpowerundersection 231,toanappropriately qualified public service
employee.235Approved formsThe chief
executive may approve forms for use under this Act.236Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),aregulationmaybemadeabout the
following—(a)matters relating to the conduct
of—(i)motor dealing practice by a motor
dealer or motorsalesperson; or(ii)chattelauctioneeringpracticebyachattelauctioneer;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 165
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 11 Transitional provisions[s
237](b)fees, including the refunding of fees
payable under thisActandthediscountsforpersonsapplyingformorethan 1 licence
under this Act, the Agents Acts, or both;(c)the
amounts of fees that may be charged for transactionsby
licensees;(d)imposing penalties for contraventions
of regulations ofnot more than 20 penalty units;(e)the keeping or destruction of motor
vehicle identifiers;(f)the display at a
motor dealer’s registered office of themotor dealer’s
usual hours of business;(g)imposing time
limits within which a del credere agentmustpaythepurchasepriceoflivestocktheagentisauthorised to sell to the seller of the
credere agents;(i)imposinglimitsonout-of-pocketexpensesincurredinthe
performance of activities under licences;(j)the
keeping of records, including the form in which arecord is kept;(k)the
keeping of receipts and evidence of expenditure;(l)theperiodforwhichdocumentsrequiredtobekeptunder this Act
are to be kept.Part 11Transitional
provisionsDivision 1Transitional
provisions for repeal ofPAMDA237Transitional provisions for repeal of
PAMDA(1)This section is included for
information purposes only.Page 166Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 11
Transitional provisions[s 237](2)ThePropertyOccupationsAct2014,part14includesprovisions of a
saving or transitional nature about particularmattersarisingfromtherepealofPAMDA,including,forexample, provisions providing for the
following—(a)continuation of motor dealer’s
licences under PAMDAas motor dealer licences under this
under PAMDA as registration certificatesunder this
under PAMDA as chattel auctioneer licencesunder this
Act;(d)dealing with undecided applications
for motor dealer’slicences under PAMDA as applications for
motor dealerlicences under this Act;(e)dealingwithundecidedapplicationsforregistrationcertificatesasmotorsalespersonsunderPAMDAasapplications for registration as motor
salespersons underthis Act;(f)dealingwithundecidedapplicationsforparticularlicencesorregistrationcertificatesunderPAMDAasapplicationsforchattelauctioneerlicencesunderthisAct;(g)dealingwithundecidedapplicationsforparticularexpiredlicencesorexpiredregistrationcertificatesunder
PAMDA;(h)continuation of reviews of decisions
under PAMDA;(i)dealingwithaperson’sconductbeforethecommencement of a kind regulated by this
Act;(j)continuationofstatutorywarrantiesforusedmotorvehicles under PAMDA.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 167
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Part 11 Transitional provisions[s
238]Division 2Transitional
provisions for Seriousand Organised Crime LegislationAmendment Act 2016238Definitions for divisionIn this
division—repealed,inrelationtoaprovisionofthisAct,meanstheprovision as in force immediately before the
commencement.239Applications not finally
decided(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement, the chief executive had
not finally decided anapplication for—(a)theissue,renewalorrestorationofalicenceorregistration certificate; or(b)the appointment, or the extension of
the appointment, ofan adult as the licensee’s substitute
licensee.(2)The chief executive must decide the
application under this Actas in force after the
commencement.240Proceedings not finally decided(1)This section applies if immediately
before the commencementthefollowingproceedingshadbeenstartedbutnotfinallydealt with—(a)adisciplinaryproceedingundersection195againstalicensee or motor salesperson;(b)a proceeding before QCAT for a review
of a decisionmentioned in repealed section 202(1);(c)a proceeding before the Supreme Court
about a decisionmentioned in repealed section 202(1).Page
168Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 11
Transitional provisions[s 241](2)For
a proceeding mentioned in subsection (1)(a), QCAT mustdecidetheproceedingunderthisActasinforceafterthecommencement.(3)For
a proceeding mentioned in subsection (1)(b) or (c)—(a)the proceeding is discontinued;
and(b)the matter is remitted to the chief
executive for the chiefexecutive to decide again under this
Act as in force afterthe commencement.(4)QCAT
or the Supreme Court must return to the commissionerany
criminal intelligence relating to the proceeding in QCAT’sor
the Supreme Court’s possession or control.(5)Forsubsection(1),aproceedinghadnotbeenfinallydealtwith if—(a)QCAT or the Supreme Court had not made
a decision;or(b)QCAT or the
Supreme Court had made a decision butthe appeal
period for the decision had not ended; or(c)QCAT
or the Supreme Court had made a decision andan appeal
against the decision had started but not ended.(6)In
this section—criminal intelligencemeans criminal
intelligence within themeaning of repealed section
202(6).241Reapplying for licences and
registration certificates(1)Subsection (2)
applies if, before the commencement, 1 of thefollowing
decisions was made only because of advice givenbythecommissionertothechiefexecutiveunderrepealedsection 30(3) or 163(2)—(a)a
decision to refuse to issue a licence;(b)a
decision to refuse to issue a registration certificate.(2)The decision is taken not to be a
decision to refuse to issue thelicence or
registration certificate for section 19(3) or 155(2).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Part 11
Transitional provisions[s 241](3)Subsection (4) applies if a licence held by
a corporation was,before the commencement, cancelled only
because of advicegivenbythecommissionertothechiefexecutiveunderrepealed section
30(3).(4)Despitesection19(2),thecorporationmaymakeanapplication for a licence.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 170Current as at
[Not applicable]
Schedule 1Motor Dealers and
Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Schedule 1Statutory warranty provisionsNotauthorised—indicativeonlysections 115 and 145Part 1Preliminary1Definitions for sch 1In this
schedule—built datesee section
3C(1).class A warranted vehiclesee
section 3A.class B warranted vehiclesee
section 3B.defectsee section
2.defect noticesee section
9(1).licenseeincludesapersonperformingtheactivitiesofalicensee without a licence.repair periodsee section
12(2).statutory warrantymeans the
warranty under section 7.time of taking possession, of
a vehicle, means when the buyerof the vehicle
takes possession of the vehicle under a contractfor
its purchase.warranted vehiclesee section
3.warrantor,ofawarrantedvehicle,meansthelicenseewhoownsthevehicleimmediatelybeforethetimeoftakingpossession.Examples—1A, a motor dealer, sells a warranted
vehicle owned by A at auction.A is the
warrantor of the vehicle.2A, a chattel
auctioneer, sells a warranted vehicle owned by D, amotor dealer, at auction. D is the warrantor
of the vehicle.warranty advicesee section
11(2).warranty periodsee section
4.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Schedule 12Meaning ofdefectA
warranted vehicle has adefectfor this
schedule if—(a)apartofthevehicledoesnotperformitsintendedfunction;
or(b)a part of the vehicle has deteriorated
to an extent whereit can not reasonably be relied on to
perform its intendedfunction.3Meaning of warranted vehicleAwarranted vehicleis a used motor
vehicle other than—(a)an unregistered motor vehicle that
is—(i)incapableofbeingregisteredinQueenslandbecause of its
design; or(ii)a written-off
vehicle; or(b)a motor vehicle sold on consignment,
unless the ownerof the vehicle is a licensee; or(c)a commercial vehicle; or(d)a caravan; or(e)a
motorcycle.3AMeaning of class A warranted
vehicleAclass A warranted vehicleis a
warranted vehicle that—(a)on the day of
its sale, has an odometer reading of lessthan 160,000km;
and(b)has a built date of no more than 10
years before the dayof its sale.3BMeaning of class B warranted vehicleAclass B warranted vehicleis a
warranted vehicle that—(a)onthedayofitssale,hasanodometerreadingof160,000km or more; orPage
172Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Schedule 1(b)has a built date of more than 10 years
before the day ofits sale.3CMeaning of built date(1)Subjecttosubsection(2),forsections3A(b)and3B(b),thebuilt dateof a warranted
vehicle is—(a)if the date the vehicle was
manufactured is shown on thevehicle—that
date; or(b)ifparagraph(a)doesnotapply—thedatestampedorprinted on the vehicle’s identification
plate.(2)For a date under subsection (1)(a) or
(b) that refers only to amonth in a particular year, the date
for the paragraph is takento be the first day of the next
month.(3)In this section—identificationplatehasthemeaninggivenbytheMotorVehicle
Standards Act 1989 (Cwlth).shown, on
a vehicle, means—(a)stamped on—(i)a
metal component of the vehicle; or(ii)a
plate, other than an identification plate, affixedto
the vehicle; or(b)printedonalabel,otherthananidentificationplate,affixed to the vehicle.4Meaning ofwarranty
period(1)Subjecttosubsection(3),thewarrantyperiodofaclassAwarranted vehicle starts at the time
of taking possession andends when the first of the following
happens or is reached—(a)thevehicletravels5000kmsincethetimeoftakingpossession;(b)5p.m. on—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 173
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Schedule 1(i)theday3monthsafterthetimeoftakingpossession
if—(A)that day is not a Sunday or public
holiday;and(B)on that day the
warrantor’s place of businessis open for
business; or(ii)the first day,
after the day 3 months after the timeof taking
possession, that—(A)is not a Sunday or public holiday;
and(B)the warrantor’s place of business is
open forbusiness.(2)Subjecttosubsection(3),thewarrantyperiodofaclassBwarranted vehicle starts at the time
of taking possession andends when the first of the following
happens or is reached—(a)thevehicletravels1,000kmsincethetimeoftakingpossession;(b)5p.m. on—(i)the
day 1 month after the time of taking possessionif—(A)thatdayisnotaSundayorpublicholiday;and(B)on that day the
warrantor’s place of businessis open for
business; or(ii)the first day,
after the day 1 month after the time oftaking
possession, that—(A)is not a Sunday or public holiday;
and(B)the warrantor’s place of business is
open forbusiness.(3)The
warranty period under subsection (1) or (2) is extendedby 1
day for each day or part of a day the warranted vehicle isnot
in the possession of the buyer of the vehicle if—(a)the buyer has complied with section
9(1); andPage 174Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Schedule 1(b)adefectinthevehicleisbeingrepairedby,oratthedirectionof,thewarrantorofthevehicleunderthestatutory warranty.Notauthorised—indicativeonly5Application of sch 1(1)Thisscheduleappliestoeachwarrantedvehiclesoldbyalicensee—(a)as the owner of the vehicle; or(b)on consignment for another
licensee.(2)However, this schedule does not apply
to the sale of a motorvehicle by a licensee to—(a)another licensee; or(b)a person holding a licence, however
described, under acorresponding law that is similar to a
licence under thisAct.Part 2Provisions about statutorywarrantyDivision 1General6Licensee must give buyer notice about
licensee who sells a warranted vehicle must give the buyerof
the vehicle a notice in the approved form—(a)if
the vehicle is sold by auction—immediately after thecontract for its purchase is entered into;
or(b)otherwise—before a contract for its
purchase is enteredinto.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(2)The buyer must
acknowledge receipt of the notice by signinga copy of
it.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Schedule 1(3)Areferenceinsubsection (1)tothebuyerofawarrantedvehicle that is
sold other than by auction includes a referenceto the buyer as
the proposed buyer of the vehicle before it issold.Notauthorised—indicativeonly7Statutory
warranty(1)The warrantor of a warranted vehicle
warrants that—(a)thevehicleisfreefromdefectsatthetimeoftakingpossession and
for the warranty period; and(b)defectsinthevehiclereportedduringthewarrantyperiod will be
repaired by the warrantor free of charge.(2)In
this section—defectsdoes not include
defects not covered by the statutorywarranty.8Defects not covered by statutory
warrantyThe following defects in a warranted vehicle
are not coveredby the statutory warranty—(a)adefectinthevehicle’spaintworkorupholsterythatshould have been apparent on any reasonable
inspectionof the vehicle before the time of taking
possession;(b)a defect after the time of taking
possession—(i)arising from or incidental to any
accidental damageto the vehicle; or(ii)arising from the buyer’s misuse or
negligence; or(iii)inanaccessorytothevehiclenotfittedtothevehicle when sold to the buyer;(c)a defect in something else prescribed
by regulation.9Buyer’s obligations under statutory
warranty(1)If the buyer of a warranted vehicle
believes the vehicle has adefect the warrantor of the vehicle is
obliged to repair underPage 176Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Schedule 1Notauthorised—indicativeonlythis
part, the buyer must give the warrantor written notice ofthedefect(defectnotice)beforetheendofthewarrantyperiod
and—(a)ifthewarrantedvehicleis200kmorlessfromthewarrantor’s place of business when the
defect notice isgiven—deliver the vehicle to—(i)the warrantor to repair the defect;
or(ii)a qualified
repairer nominated by the warrantor, bysigned writing
given to the buyer of the vehicle, torepair the
defect; or(b)if the warranted vehicle is more than
200km from thewarrantor’s place of business when the
defect notice isgiven—(i)deliverthewarrantedvehicletothequalifiedrepairernominatedbythewarrantorbysignedwritinggiventothebuyerofthevehicleandnearest to the vehicle to repair the defect;
or(ii)deliver, at the
warrantor’s expense, the warrantedvehicle to
another qualified repairer nominated bythe warrantor by
signed writing given to the buyerof the vehicle
to repair the defect.(2)The buyer is
taken to deliver the vehicle and the warrantor istakentohavepossessionofthevehicleifthebuyermakesreasonable efforts to deliver the vehicle
under this section butisunabletodosobecausethewarrantor,orthequalifiedrepairernominatedbythewarrantor,refusestoacceptdelivery of the
vehicle.(3)The place of delivery under subsection
(1)(a)(ii) must not bemorethan20kmfromthewarrantor’splaceofbusiness,unless the
warrantor and the buyer otherwise agree.(4)In
this section—qualifiedrepairer,forawarrantedvehiclethesubjectofadefectnotice,meansapersonwhois,orholdsthequalifications necessary to be
appointed under theTransportOperations (Road
Use Management) Act 1995, section 21 toCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 177
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Schedule 1be, an
accredited person to perform vehicle safety inspectionsfor
the vehicle.warrantorincludessomeoneapparentlyworkingforthewarrantor at the
warrantor’s place of business.10Warrantor to record particulars of extension
of warrantyperiodThewarrantormustkeeparecord,inthewayprescribedunderaregulation,ofthedaythewarrantedvehicleisdeliveredtothewarrantorornominatedqualifiedrepairerundersection 9andthedaythevehicleisreturnedtothebuyer.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.11Warrantor to
advise whether defect covered by statutorywarranty(1)This section applies if a defect
notice is given, and the vehicleis delivered,
under section 9.(2)Thewarrantormustadvisethebuyerinwriting(warrantyadvice)
whether the warrantor accepts or refuses to accept thatthe
defect is covered by the statutory warranty.(3)Ifthewarrantorfailstogivethewarrantyadvicewithin5business days after receiving the defect
notice and delivery ofthe vehicle, the warrantor is taken to
have given a warrantyadviceacceptingthatthedefectiscoveredbythestatutorywarranty.(4)In this section—businessday,forthegivingofawarrantyadvicebyawarrantor, means
a day, other than Sunday or a public holiday,when the
warrantor’s place of business is open for business.Page
178Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Schedule 112Warrantor’s obligation to repair
defects(1)Ifthewarrantoracceptsthatthedefectinthevehicleiscovered by the statutory warranty, the
warrantor must repairthe defect at the warrantor’s
expense.(2)The warrantor must ensure that the
defect is repaired within14 days after the warrantor accepts
that the defect is coveredby the statutory warranty (repair period), unless the
warrantorhas a reasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(3)The
warrantor—(a)must, if the warrantor stops carrying
on the business, orperformingtheactivities,ofalicensee,nominatesomeone else to repair the defect;
the warrantor nominates a person to repair the defect undersubsection (3),thewarrantormustadvisethebuyeroftheperson’snameandtheaddresswherethevehicleistoberepaired.(5)The warrantor is taken to have
repaired the defect if the part ofthe vehicle
affected by the defect is repaired so that it can bereasonably relied on to perform its intended
function.(6)Thewarrantor’sobligationtorepairthedefectunderthissectioncontinueseventhoughthewarrantorisnolongercarryingonthebusiness,orperformingtheactivities,ofalicensee.Division 2Warrantor’s failure to repair13Application of divisionThis
division applies if the warrantor has by warranty adviceor
otherwise—(a)refusedtoacceptthatthedefectiscoveredbythestatutory warranty; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Schedule 1(b)acceptedthatthedefectiscoveredbythestatutorywarranty
but—(i)failed to repair the defect within the
repair period;or(ii)failed to repair
the defect so that the defective partcan be
reasonably relied on to perform its intendedfunction.14Jurisdiction of QCATThebuyermayapply,asprovidedundertheQCATAct,toQCAT for an order under section 15 if
the amount or value ofother relief sought is no more than
$100,000.15Orders QCAT may make(1)In a proceeding under section 14, QCAT
may make only thefollowing orders—(a)an
order that the defect is or is not a defect covered bythe
statutory warranty;(b)anorderextendingthewarrantyperiodforthewarranted
vehicle to a specified date;(c)an
order declaring the warranted vehicle is covered bythe
statutory warranty until a specified date;(d)anorderrequiringapartytotheproceedingtopayastated amount to
a stated person;(e)an order that a stated amount is not
due or owing by theapplicanttoastatedperson,orbyanypartytotheproceeding to the applicant;(f)an order requiring a party to the
proceeding, other thanthe applicant, to perform work to
rectify a defect in thewarranted vehicle;(g)an
order requiring a party to the proceeding to returnthe
warranted vehicle if it is in the party’s possession orcontrol to a stated person;Page
180Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Schedule 1(h)anordercombining2ormoreordersmentionedinparagraphs (a) to (g).(2)Without limiting subsection (1)(d), QCAT may
make an orderthatthewarrantorpaytothebuyerastatedamountQCATdecides is the
reasonable cost of having a defect repaired if—(a)thewarrantorhas,bywarrantyadviceorotherwise,refusedtoacceptthatthedefectiscoveredbythestatutory warranty; and(b)the buyer has had the defect repaired
by another person;and(c)QCATdecidesthatthedefectwasonetowhichthestatutory warranty applied.(3)However, QCAT can not make an order
under subsection (1)that—(a)purports to require payment of an amount,
performanceof work or return of the warranted vehicle
of a value ofmore than $100,000; or(b)purports to grant relief of a value of more
than $100,000from the payment of an amount; or(c)combines 2 or more orders mentioned in
subsection (1)andpurportstoawardordeclareentitlementsorbenefits(orboth)ofatotalvalueofmorethan$100,000.(4)Also, QCAT may make an order under
subsection (1)(b) or (c)only if it is satisfied—(a)the vehicle was not able to be used by
the buyer for aperiod during the warranty period;
and(b)the period from which the order is to
be effective to thedatethewarrantyperiodistoend,andtheperiodduringwhichthevehiclewasabletobeusedbythebuyer, taken together, are not more
than 3 months.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Schedule 116Contravention of QCAT order(1)IfQCATmakesanorderundersection15inthebuyer’sfavourandthewarrantorcontravenestheorder,thecontraventionisagroundforstartingdisciplinaryproceedings
under section 194.(2)Subsection (1) does not limit any
right the buyer may have toenforce the
order.17Expedited hearingAn expedited
hearing under the QCAT Act, section 94, may beconducted for a
proceeding under section 14 if—(a)theamountorvalueofotherreliefsoughtintheproceeding is not more than $25,000;
or(b)the president of QCAT considers it
appropriate havingregard to—(i)the
nature and complexity of the proceeding; and(ii)the
views of the parties to the proceeding; and(iii)anything else the president considers
relevant.18CostsQCAT may make an
order under section 102(1) of the QCATAct against a
party to a proceeding under section 14—(a)onlyifthepartyisarespondentagainstwhomQCAThas
made a final decision; and(b)onlytoorderthepartytopaytotheapplicanttheamount of any prescribed fee paid by the
applicant onfiling the application for the
proceeding.19Constitution of QCATFor
section 195(b) of the QCAT Act, an adjudicator may hearand
decide a proceeding under section 14 if either or both ofthe
following apply—Page 182Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Schedule 1(a)theamountorvalueofotherreliefsoughtintheproceeding is not more than
$25,000;(b)anexpeditedhearingistobeconductedfortheproceeding.20Applications for more than QCAT’s
jurisdictional limit(1)This section
applies if—(a)a provision of this division provides
that an applicationmay be made to QCAT about a matter;
and(b)a person seeks the payment of an
amount or other reliefofavaluegreaterthan$100,000inrelationtothematter.(2)A
provision of this division about the matter applies—(a)as if a reference to QCAT were a
reference to the courthavingjurisdictionfortherecoveryofadebtequaltothe amount or value of relief sought;
and(b)withallothernecessarychangestogiveeffecttoparagraph (a).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 183
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Schedule 2Schedule 2Decisions
subject to reviewsection 196Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 184section
23(3)section 36(1)section
39(1)section 44(1)section
48(1)section 53(1)section
56(1)section 61(2)section
158(3)section 166(1)section
167(1)section 169(1)section
172(1)section 176(1)section
180(2)(Chief executive must consider
suitabilityof applicants and licensees)(Chief executive may issue or refuse
toissue licence)(Licence—conditions)(Chief executive
may renew or refuse torenew licence)(Chief executive
may restore or refuse torestore licence)(Chief executive
may appoint or refuse toappoint substitute licensee)(Amendment of licence conditions)(Immediate suspension)(Chief executive
must consider suitabilityof applicants)(Chief executive
may issue or refuse toissue registration certificate)(Registration certificate—conditions)(Chief executive may renew or refuse
torenew registration certificate)(Chief executive may restore or refuse
torestore registration certificate)(Amendment of registration
suspension)Current as at [Not applicable]
Schedule 3Motor Dealers and
Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Schedule 3DictionaryNotauthorised—indicativeonlysection 9AdministrationActmeanstheAgentsFinancialAdministration Act 2014.Agents Actmeans—(a)theDebtCollectors(FieldAgentsandCollectionAgents) Act
2014; or(b)theProperty Occupations Act 2014.approved formmeans a form
approved under section 235.arrangementincludesagreement,promise,scheme,transaction(withorwithoutconsideration),understandingand undertaking
(whether express or implied).associate, of
a person, other than for section 29, means—(a)a
spouse, parent, brother, sister or child of the person; orNote—Areferencetoaspouseincludesadefactopartner.Fordefinitionsofspouseanddefactopartner,seetheActsInterpretation
Act 1954, section 32DA and schedule 1.(b)a child of the person’s spouse.audit periodsee the
Administration Act, section 33.audit
reportsee the Administration Act, section
33.beneficial interestsee section
10.built date, for schedule
1, see schedule 1, section 3C(1).business
address, of a licensee, see 18(1)(b).business associate, of an
applicant for a licence or a licensee,means a person
with whom the applicant or licensee carrieson, or intends
carrying on, business under a licence.business
day, for part 3, division 6, see section
98.buyer—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Schedule 3(a)for
part 3, division 5—see section 96(1); or(b)for
part 4, division 5—see section 142(1).caravanmeans a trailer fitted, equipped, or used
principally—(a)for camping; or(b)as a
dwelling; or(c)for carrying on any trade or
business.chattel auctioneer—(a)generally, see section 122(1);
or(b)for part 4, division 6, see also
section 144.chattel auctioneer appointmentsee
section 125(1)(a).chattel auctioneer licencemeans a chattel auctioneer licenceissued under this Act.classAwarrantedvehicle,forschedule1,seeschedule1,section 3A.classBwarrantedvehicle,forschedule1,seeschedule1,section 3B.client—(a)for part 3,
division 3, see section 81(1); or(b)for
part 4, division 3, see section 125(1).commercial
vehiclemeans a motor vehicle—(a)built mainly for carrying or hauling goods;
or(b)designed to carry more than 9
persons;butdoesnotincludeautilitywithanominalloadcarryingcapacity of 1t
or less.commissionermeans the
commissioner of the police service.computermeans a mechanical, electronic or other
device forthe processing of data.consignment,forthesaleofamotorvehicle,meansthedelivering of the motor vehicle by a
person into the possessionof a motor dealer or chattel
auctioneer and the appointing ofPage 186Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Schedule 3the
motor dealer or chattel auctioneer as an agent to sell thevehicle for the vehicle’s owner.continuing appointment—(a)for part 3, division 3, see section
81(2)(b); or(b)for part 4, division 3, see section
125(3)(b).controlorderseethePenaltiesandSentencesAct1992,section 161N.convictionincludes a plea
of guilty or a finding of guilt by acourt, but does
not include a plea of guilty or a finding of guiltby a
court if no conviction is recorded by the court.cooling-off period, for part 3,
division 6, see section 99.correspondinglawmeansalawofanotherStateorNewZealandthatprovidesforthesamematterasthisActoraprovision of
this Act.criminalhistory,ofaperson,meanstheperson’scriminalhistory as defined under theCriminal Law (Rehabilitation ofOffenders) Act 1986, other than for
a conviction—(a)towhichtherehabilitationperiodundertheCriminalLaw
(Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986has
expiredunder that Act; and(b)thatisnotrevivedasprescribedbysection 11ofthatAct.criminal history costs requirement—(a)generallyforanapplicantorlicensee—seesection 28(2);
or(b)for an applicant for, or for the
renewal or restoration of,registration as a motor
salesperson—see section 161(2).criminalhistoryreportmeansareportaboutthecriminalhistory of a
person.criminal intelligencesee the Criminal
Code, section 86(3).defect, for schedule
1, see schedule 1, section 2.defect
notice, for schedule 1, see schedule 1, section
9(1).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Schedule 3del credere
agentmeans a chattel auctioneer who—(a)isauthorisedunderthechattelauctioneer’slicencetosell livestock; and(b)guarantees the payment of the
livestock’s purchase pricetothesellerofthelivestock,evenifthebuyerofthelivestock
defaults in paying the purchase price.employincludesengageonacontractforservicesorcommissionandusetheservicesof,whetherornotforreward.employedlicenseemeansalicenseewhoperformstheactivities of a licensee as the employee of
someone else.executiveofficer,ofacorporation,meansanyperson,bywhatevernamecalledandwhetherornotthepersonisadirector of the
corporation, who is concerned, or takes part, inthe
management of the corporation.financiermeans a corporation—(a)whoseordinarybusiness(whetherornotitcarriesonanyotherbusiness)isprovidingcreditformotorvehicles;
and(b)that does not carry on the business of
dealing with motorvehiclesotherthanfor1ormoreofthefollowingpurposes—(i)selling motor vehicles on instalment
terms;(ii)hiringoutmotorvehiclesunderhirepurchaseagreements;(iii)putting in place or enforcing securities
over motorvehicles;(iv)hiring out or leasing motor vehicles, if the
hiringout or leasing of a motor vehicle does not
include aright to purchase the motor vehicle;(v)disposingofmotorvehiclesacquiredbyitinconnectionwithapurposementionedinsubparagraphs (i) to (iv).Page
188Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Schedule 3Notauthorised—indicativeonlyformerauctioneerslicencemeansanyofthefollowinglicences under PAMDA—(a)an
auctioneer’s licence;(b)a pastoral house
auctioneer’s licence;(c)a pastoral house
director’s licence;(d)a pastoral house licence.formertribunalmeansthetribunalundertherepealedCommercial and
Consumer Tribunal Act 2003.fundmeanstheclaimfundestablishedundertheAdministration Act, section 78.goodsmeans personal
property that is tangible property andincludes, for
example, livestock and used motor vehicles.holder—(a)ofalicence,meansthepersoninwhosenamethelicence is issued; or(b)of a registration certificate, means
the person in whosename the certificate is issued.in
chargesee section 11.information
noticemeans a notice complying with the
QCATAct, section 157(2).insolventunderadministrationmeansapersonwhoisinsolventunderadministrationundertheCorporationsAct,section 9.inspectormeansapersonwhoholdsofficeundertheFairTrading
Inspectors Act 2014as an inspector for this Act.licencemeans a motor
dealer licence or a chattel auctioneerlicence.licence registersee section
68(1).licensed, for a person,
means licensed under this Act.licensee—(a)generally, means
the holder of a motor dealer or chattelauctioneer
licence that is in force; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 189
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Schedule 3Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)for part 7, see
section 192; or(c)for schedule 1, see schedule 1,
section 1.livestockmeans cattle,
horses, sheep or swine.misleadingincludes
deceptive.motor dealer—(a)generally, see section 76(1);
or(b)for part 3, division 7, see section
114.motor dealer appointmentsee section
81(1)(a).motordealerlicencemeansamotordealerlicenceissuedunder this Act.motor
salesperson—(a)generally,meansapersonwhoholdsaregistrationcertificate as a
motor salesperson; or(b)for part 7, see
also section 192.motor vehiclesee section
12.non-refundabledeposit,forpart3,division6,seesections 106(1) and 107(1).obtain—(a)for part 3, division 4, subdivision 3,
see section 90; or(b)for part 4, division 4, subdivision 3,
see section 135.officialmeans—(a)the chief executive; or(b)a public service employee.optiontopurchaseincludesarightgrantedorpurportedlygranted, but not
immediately exercisable, to purchase or to begiven an option
to purchase.PAMDAmeanstherepealedPropertyAgentsandMotorDealers Act
2000.prescribed conduct provision—(a)for motor
dealing practice—see section 94; orPage 190Current as at [Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Schedule 3(b)for chattel auctioneering practice—see
section 140.principal licenseemeans a licensee
who carries on businessunder the licensee’s licence on the
licensee’s own behalf.registered biddersee section
146A(1).registered corresponding control
ordersee thePenalties
andSentences Act 1992, section
161N.registered office, of a licensee,
see section 70.registration certificatemeans a
certificate of registration as amotor
salesperson issued under section 166.registration
certificate registersee section 187(1).relevant control order, in relation to
a licence or registrationcertificate, means a control order or
registered correspondingcontrolorderthatrestrictsthepersontowhomtheorderappliesfromcarryingonabusiness,engaginginanoccupation or performing an activity
that requires the licenceor registration certificate.repairablewrite-offmeansamotorvehiclerecordedonaTORUM register as a repairable
write-off.repair period, for schedule
1, see schedule 1, section 12(2).repealed code of
code of conduct under the repealedProperty
AgentsandMotorDealers(MotorDealingPracticeCodeofConduct) Regulation 2001;
or(b)the code of conduct under the
repealedProperty AgentsandMotorDealers(AuctioneeringPracticeCodeofConduct) Regulation 2001.representationincludes a
statement, promise, publication andother
representation made in any way.respondent, for part 8,
see section 204.responsible licensee—(a)for part 3, division 5—see section
96(2); or(b)for part 4, division 5—see section
142(2).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Schedule 3restorablevehiclemeansawarrantedvehiclethatismorethan 20 years
old and is for sale for restoration.rewardincludesremunerationofanykind,including,forexample, any fee, commission or gain.sale
by auction, of a used motor vehicle or other goods,
seesection 13.sellincludesagreetosell,advertiseordisplayforsale,attempt to sell,
have for sale, negotiate for a sale, and in anyway be concerned
in selling.selling agent—(a)for part 3, division 5—see section
96(1); or(b)for part 4, division 5—see section
142(1).serious offencemeans—(a)any of the following offences
punishable by 3 or moreyears imprisonment—(i)an offence involving fraud or
dishonesty;(ii)an offence
involving the trafficking of drugs;(iii)an
offence involving the use or threatened use ofviolence;(iv)an offence of a
sexual nature;(v)extortion;(vi)arson;(vii) unlawful
stalking; or(b)an offence against the Criminal Code,
section 76; or(c)anoffencementionedintheCriminalCode,part2,chapter 9A; or(d)an
offence that is—(i)aprescribedoffencewithinthemeaningofthePenaltiesandSentencesAct1992, section
161N;andPage 192Current as at
[Not applicable]
Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014Schedule 3Notauthorised—indicativeonly(ii)committedwithaseriousorganisedcrimecircumstance of
aggravation within the meaning ofthePenaltiesandSentencesAct1992,section161Q.single appointment—(a)for part 3, division 3, see section
81(2)(a); or(b)for part 4, division 3, see section
125(3)(a).statutory warrantysee schedule 1,
section 1.statutorywrite-offmeansamotorvehiclerecordedonaTORUM register as a statutory
write-off.timeoftakingpossession,forschedule 1,seeschedule 1,section
1.TORUMregistermeansaregisterkeptunderaregulationunder theTransport Operations (Road Use Management)
account, means a trust account required to be kept
undersection 191.unwarrantedvehiclemeansausedmotorvehiclethatdoesnot have a
statutory warranty.used imported vehiclemeans a motor
vehicle that—(a)hasbeenimportedintoAustraliaundertheMotorVehicle
Standards Act 1989(Cwlth); and(b)is
intended to be used in transport in Australia within themeaning of that Act;but does not
include a motor vehicle that has been supplied tothe
market in full volume in Australia within the meaning ofthat
Act and theMotor Vehicle Standards Regulations
1989(Cwlth).used motor
means—(i)a motor vehicle that has, at any time,
been licensedor registered, whether under a law of this
State oranother State; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 193
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMotor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers
Act 2014Schedule 3(ii)a
motor vehicle that, had it not been registered asmentionedinsubparagraph(i)forusefordemonstrationorsalespromotion,wouldhavebeen a new motor
vehicle; or(iii)a used imported
vehicle; or(b)for part 3, division 6, see section
98.warranted vehiclesee schedule 1,
section 3.warrantor, for schedule
1, see schedule 1, section 1.warrantyadvice,forschedule 1,seeschedule 1,section
11(2).warranty period, for schedule
1, see schedule 1, section 4.written-offvehiclemeansamotorvehiclerecordedonaTORUM register as—(a)a
repairable write-off; or(b)a statutory
write-off.Page 194Current as at
[Not applicable]