Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act
QueenslandQueenslandCivilandAdministrativeTribunalAct2009Current as at [Not
applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates allproposed
amendments to the Act included in the Queensland Civil andAdministrative Tribunal and Other Legislation
Amendment Bill 2018. Thisindicativereprinthasbeenpreparedforinformationonly—it is
not anauthorised reprint of the Act.The point-in-time date for this
indicative reprint is the introduction date forthe Queensland
Civil and Administrative Tribunal and Other LegislationAmendment Bill 2018—15 November 2018.DetailedinformationaboutindicativereprintsisavailableontheInformationpage of the
Queensland legislation website.
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 1]Queensland Civil and Administrative
TribunalAct 2009AnActtoestablishtheQueenslandCivilandAdministrativeTribunal, to
provide for the making and reviewing of particulardecisions by the tribunal, and for other
matters relating to thetribunalChapter 1Preliminary1Short
titleThisActmaybecitedastheQueenslandCivilandAdministrative Tribunal Act
Act, other than section 277A, commences on a day to befixed by proclamation.(2)Section 277AcommencesonthedayofassentoftheStatePenalties
Enforcement and Other Legislation Amendment Act2009.3ObjectsThe
objects of this Act are—(a)toestablishanindependenttribunaltodealwiththematters it is empowered to deal with
under this Act or anenabling Act; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 15
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 4](b)to have the tribunal deal with matters
in a way that isaccessible,fair,just,economical,informalandquick;and(c)topromotethequalityandconsistencyoftribunaldecisions;
and(d)toenhancethequalityandconsistencyofdecisionsmade by
decision-makers; and(e)toenhancetheopennessandaccountabilityofpublicadministration.4Tribunal’s functions relating to the
objectsTo achieve the objects of this Act, the
tribunal must—(a)facilitate access to its services
throughout Queensland;and(b)encouragetheearlyandeconomicalresolutionofdisputesbeforethetribunal,including,ifappropriate,through
alternative dispute resolution processes; and(c)ensureproceedingsareconductedinaninformalwaythatminimisescoststoparties,andisasquickasisconsistent with
achieving justice; and(d)ensure like
cases are treated alike; and(e)ensurethetribunalisaccessibleandresponsivetothediverse needs of persons who use the
tribunal; and(f)maintain specialist knowledge,
expertise and experienceof members and adjudicators;
and(g)ensure the appropriate use of the
knowledge, expertiseand experience of members and
adjudicators; and(h)encourage members and adjudicators to
act in a way thatpromotes the collegiate nature of the
tribunal; and(i)maintain a cohesive organisational
structure.Page 16Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 5]5Act binds all personsThis
Act binds all persons, including the State and, as far asthelegislativepoweroftheParliamentpermits,theCommonwealth and the other
States.6Relationship between this Act and
enabling Actsgenerally(1)ThisActprovidesforthetribunal’sjurisdictionandrelatedfunctions,andthepracticesandproceduresforproceedingsbefore the
Actis—(a)an Act, other
than this Act, that confers original, reviewor appeal
jurisdiction on the tribunal; or(b)subordinatelegislation,otherthansubordinatelegislationunderthisAct,thatconfersreviewjurisdiction on
the tribunal.(3)AnenablingActconferringoriginaljurisdictiononthetribunalwillgenerallystatethetribunal’sfunctionsinthejurisdiction,whichmayaddto,otherwisevary,orexcludefunctions stated
in this Act.(4)An enabling Act that is an Act
conferring review jurisdictiononthetribunalmaystatethetribunal’sfunctionsinthejurisdiction,whichmayaddto,otherwisevary,orexcludefunctions stated
in this Act.(5)An enabling Act conferring review
jurisdiction on the tribunalmay also confer
jurisdiction on the tribunal to stay a decisionmadeundertheenablingActwhilethedecisionisbeingreviewed under
the enabling Act by an entity other than thetribunal.(6)An enabling Act conferring appeal
jurisdiction on the tribunalmaystatethetribunal’sfunctionsinthejurisdiction,whichmay
add to, otherwise vary, or exclude functions stated in thisAct.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 17
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 6](7)An enabling Act that is an Act may
also include provisionsaboutthefollowingmatters,whichmayaddto,otherwisevary, or exclude provisions of this Act
about the matters—(a)requirements about applications,
referrals or appeals forjurisdiction conferred by the enabling
period within which an application, referral or appealmust
be made•documents required to accompany an
application, referral orappeal(b)the
conduct of proceedings for jurisdiction conferred bytheenablingAct,includingpracticesandprocedures,and the
tribunal’s powers, for the proceedings;Examples—•the availability or non-availability
of stays of the operationof a decision the subject of a
proceeding•persons who must be notified of a
proceeding, a hearing of aproceeding or the tribunal’s decision
in a proceeding•additional persons who are a party to
a proceeding•persons who may be represented in a
proceeding withoutthe tribunal’s leave•hearings that must be held in private(c)theenforcementofthetribunal’sdecisionsinaproceedingforjurisdictionconferredbytheenablingAct.(8)ThissectiondoesnotlimitanotherprovisionofthisActauthorising an enabling Act to provide for a
particular matter.(9)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that an enabling Act that issubordinate
a decision, on the tribunal; and(b)cannotaddto,otherwisevary,orexcludeanythingprovided in this Act or an enabling Act that
is an Act.Page 18Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Act 2009Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 7]7Application of Act if modifying
provision in enabling Act(1)ThissectionappliesifaprovisionofanenablingAct(themodifying
provision) provides for—(a)the
tribunal’s functions in jurisdiction conferred by theenabling Act; or(b)a
matter mentioned in section 6(7).(2)The
modifying provision prevails over the provisions of thisAct,
to the extent of any inconsistency between them.(3)This Act must be read, with any
necessary changes, as if themodifying
provision were a part of this Act.(4)Without limiting subsection (3)—(a)in a provision of this Act relating to
a person starting aproceeding, a reference to the person doing
somethingunder this Act is taken to be a reference to
the persondoing the thing under this Act or a
modifying provision;and(b)inaprovisionofthisActrelatingtothetribunalconductingaproceeding,areferencetothetribunaldoingsomethingunderthisActistakentobeareference to the
tribunal doing the thing under this Actor a modifying
provision.(5)This section does not prevent an
enabling Act from expresslystatinghowthisActappliesinrelationtothemodifyingprovision,including,forexample,bystatingthatstatedprovisions of
this Act do not apply, or apply subject to statedvariations.(6)In
this section—enabling Actmeans an
enabling Act that is an Act.8DefinitionsThe dictionary
in schedule 3 defines particular words used inthis Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
9]Chapter 2Jurisdiction and
procedureNotauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 1Jurisdiction of
tribunalDivision 1Preliminary9Jurisdiction generally(1)Thetribunalhasjurisdictiontodealwithmattersitisempowered to deal with under this Act
or an enabling Act.(2)Jurisdiction conferred on the tribunal
is—(a)original jurisdiction; or(b)review jurisdiction; or(c)appeal jurisdiction.(3)WithoutlimitingtheActsInterpretationAct1954,section 49A,anenablingActconfersjurisdictiononthetribunal to deal with a matter if the
enabling Act provides foran application, referral or appeal to
be made to the tribunal inrelation to the matter.(4)Thetribunalmaydoallthingsnecessaryorconvenientforexercising its jurisdiction.Division 2Original
tribunal’s original jurisdiction is—(a)the
jurisdiction conferred on the tribunal by section 11;and(b)thejurisdictionconferredonthetribunalunderanenabling Act to decide a matter in the first
instance.Page 20Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
11](2)Thetribunal’soriginaljurisdictionundersubsection (1)(b)includesjurisdictionconferredonthetribunalunderanenabling Act to review a decision of the
tribunal made underthe enabling Act.Note—See,forexample,theGuardianshipandAdministrationAct2000,chapter 3, part 3, division 2.11Jurisdiction for minor civil
disputesThe tribunal has jurisdiction to hear and
decide a minor civildispute.12When
jurisdiction for minor civil dispute exercised(1)Thetribunalmayexerciseitsjurisdictionforaminorcivildispute if a relevant person has, under this
Act, applied to thetribunal to deal with the dispute.(2)Arelevantpersonmay,asprovidedforinsubsection (3),agree to limit
the person’s claim to the prescribed amount inorder to bring
the claim within the tribunal’s jurisdiction for aminor civil dispute.(3)A
relevant person limits the person’s claim to the prescribedamount by applying to the tribunal to deal
with the claim as aminor civil dispute.(4)In
this section—relevant personmeans—(a)foraclaimtorecoveradebtorliquidateddemandofmoney—a person to whom the debt is
owed or money ispayable; or(b)subject to paragraphs (c) to (f), for a
claim arising outofacontractbetweenaconsumerandatrader—theconsumer;
or(c)for a claim arising out of a contract
between 2 or moretraders—any of the traders; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
13](d)foraclaimforpaymentofanamountfordamagetopropertycausedby,orarisingoutoftheuseof,avehicle—a person incurring loss because of
the damage;or(e)foratenancymatter—apersonwho,undertheResidentialTenanciesandRoomingAccommodationAct2008,mayapplytothetribunalforadecisioninrelation to the matter; or(f)foraclaimthatisthesubjectofadisputeundertheNeighbourhoodDisputes(DividingFencesandTrees)Act 2011—a
party to the dispute; or(g)for a matter
under theBuilding Act 1975, chapter 8,
part2A—apersonwho,undertheBuildingAct1975,chapter8,part2Amayapplytothetribunalforadecision in relation to the
matter.13Deciding minor civil dispute
orders that it considers fair and equitable to the partiesto
the proceeding in order to resolve the dispute but may, if
thetribunal considers it appropriate, make an
order dismissing theapplication.(2)For
subsection (1), the tribunal may make only the followingfinal decisions to resolve the
dispute—(a)foraclaimmentionedinschedule 3,definitionminorcivil dispute, paragraph 1(a), (b) or
(c)—(i)an order requiring a party to the
proceeding to paya stated amount to a stated person;
or(ii)an order that a
stated amount is not due or owingby the applicant
to a stated person, or by any partyto the
proceeding to the applicant; or(iii)an
order requiring a party to the proceeding, otherthantheapplicant,toperformworktorectifyadefectingoodsorservicestowhichtheclaimrelates;
orPage 22Current as at
[Not applicable]
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13](iv)anorderrequiringapartytotheproceedingtoreturn goods that relate to the claim and
are in theparty’s possession or control to a stated
person; or(v)an order combining 2 or more orders
mentioned insubparagraphs (i) to (iv);(b)for a tenancy matter—a decision the
tribunal may makein relation to the matter under theResidential Tenanciesand Rooming
Accommodation Act 2008;(c)foraclaimthatisthesubjectofadisputeundertheNeighbourhoodDisputes(DividingFencesandTrees)Act 2011—a
decision or order the tribunal may make inrelation to the
matter under theNeighbourhood Disputes(Dividing Fences
and Trees) Act 2011;(d)foraclaimthatisthesubjectofadisputeundertheBuildingAct1975,chapter8,part2A—adecisionororderthetribunalmaymakeinrelationtothematterunder theBuilding Act 1975, chapter 8,
part 2A.(3)However, the tribunal can not make an
order or decision undersubsection (2) that—(a)purports to require payment of an
amount, performanceof work or return of goods of a value of
more than theprescribed amount; or(b)purportstograntreliefofavalueofmorethantheprescribed amount from the payment of
an amount; or(c)combines2ormoreordersmentionedinsubsection (2)(a)(i)to(iv)andpurportstoawardordeclare entitlements or benefits (or both)
of a total valueof more than the prescribed amount.(4)Subsection (3) does not apply to a
claim that is the subject of adispute under
the Building Act 1975, chapter 8, part 2A.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 23
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Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
14]14Awarding interest for minor civil
dispute(1)Thissectionappliesinrelationtoaminorcivildisputeinvolving a
claim to recover a debt or liquidated demand ofmoney.(2)However, this section does not apply
in relation to a minorcivil dispute involving a claim to
recover a debt or liquidateddemandofmoneyonwhichinterestispayableasofrightwhether because
of an agreement or otherwise.(3)The
tribunal may order that there be included in the amountpayableunderthetribunal’sorderundersection
13forthedispute interest
at the rate the tribunal considers appropriate—(a)for
all or part of the amount; and(b)for
all or part of the period between the date when thedisputearoseandthedatethetribunalmadeitsorderunder section
jurisdiction conferred by enabling Act exercisedThe
tribunal may exercise its original jurisdiction conferredby
an enabling Act if—(a)a person has, under this Act, applied
to the tribunal toexercise its original jurisdiction;
or(b)apersonhas,underthisAct,referredamattertothetribunal to exercise its original
jurisdiction.16Functions for jurisdiction conferred
by enabling ActIn exercising its original jurisdiction
conferred by an enablingAct, the tribunal may perform the
functions conferred on thetribunal by this Act or the enabling
Act.Page 24Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 3Queensland Civil
and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 2
Jurisdiction and procedure[s 17]Review
tribunal’s review jurisdiction is the jurisdiction conferredon
the tribunal by an enabling Act to review a decision madeor
taken to have been made by another entity under that Act.(2)ForthisAct,adecisionmentionedinsubsection (1)isareviewabledecisionandtheentitythatmadeoristakentohavemadethedecisionisthedecision-makerforthereviewable decision.18When review jurisdiction
exercised(1)The tribunal may exercise its review
jurisdiction if a personhas,underthisAct,appliedtothetribunaltoexerciseitsreview jurisdiction for a reviewable
decision.(2)Apersonmayapplytothetribunaltoexerciseitsreviewjurisdictionforareviewabledecision,andthetribunalmaydealwiththeapplication,evenifthedecisionisalsothesubjectofacomplaint,preliminaryinquiryorinvestigationunder theOmbudsman Act 2001.19Exercising review jurisdiction
generallyIn exercising its review jurisdiction, the
tribunal—(a)must decide the review in accordance
with this Act andtheenablingActunderwhich thereviewabledecisionbeing reviewed was made; and(b)may perform the functions conferred on
the tribunal bythis Act or the enabling Act under which the
reviewabledecision being reviewed was made; and(c)hasallthefunctionsofthedecision-makerforthereviewable decision being
reviewed.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
20]20Review involves fresh hearing(1)Thepurposeofthereviewofareviewabledecisionistoproduce the
correct and preferable decision.(2)The
tribunal must hear and decide a review of a reviewabledecision by way of a fresh hearing on the
must help tribunal(1)In a proceeding for the review of a
reviewable decision, thedecision-maker for the reviewable
decision must use his or herbestendeavourstohelpthetribunalsothatitcanmakeitsdecision on the review.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),thedecision-makermustprovidethefollowingtothetribunalwithinareasonableperiod of not
more than 28 days after the decision-maker isgivenacopyoftheapplicationforthereviewundersection 37—(a)a
written statement of the reasons for the decision;(b)anydocumentorthinginthedecision-maker’spossessionorcontrolthatmayberelevanttothetribunal’s
review of the decision.(3)Ifthetribunalconsidersthereareadditionaldocumentsorthings in the decision-maker’s
possession or control that maybe relevant to
the tribunal’s review of the reviewable decision,the
tribunal may, by written notice, require the decision-makerto
provide the documents or things.(4)If
the tribunal considers the statement of reasons given undersubsection (2)(a) is not adequate, the
tribunal may, by writtennotice,requirethedecision-makertogivethetribunalanadditional statement containing stated
further particulars.(5)The
decision-maker must comply with a notice given undersubsection (3) or (4) within the period
stated in the notice.(6)A requirement
under this section that the decision-maker givethe tribunal
information or a document or other thing appliesdespite any provision in an Act prohibiting
or restricting thePage 26Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
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22]disclosure of the information or the
information contained inthe document or thing.Notes—1Under section 66, the tribunal may make an
order prohibiting thepublication of the information, or the
information contained in thedocument or
thing, other than in the way and to the persons statedin
the order.2Under section 90(2), the tribunal may
direct a hearing, or a part ofa hearing, in
which the information, or information contained inthe
document or thing, is disclosed to be held in private.22Effect of review on reviewable
decision(1)Thestartofaproceedingforthereviewofareviewabledecision under
this Act does not affect the operationofthedecision or prevent the implementation
of the decision.(2)However, subsection (1) does not
apply—(a)if an enabling Act that is an Act
provides otherwise; or(b)totheextenttheoperationofallorpartofthereviewable
decision is stayed by an order of the tribunalunder this
section that is still in effect.(3)Thetribunalmay,onapplicationofapartyoronitsowninitiative, make an order staying the
operation of all or part ofareviewabledecisionifaproceedingforthereviewofthedecision has started under this
Act.(4)The tribunal may make an order under
subsection (3) only if itconsiderstheorderisdesirableafterhavingregardtothefollowing—(a)theinterestsofanypersonwhoseinterestsmaybeaffectedbythemakingoftheorderortheordernotbeing made;(b)anysubmissionmadetothetribunalbythedecision-maker
for the reviewable decision;(c)the
public interest.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
23](5)Subsection (4)(a) does not require the
tribunal to give a personwhose interests may be affected by the
making of the order, orthe order not being made, an
opportunity to make submissionsforthetribunal’sconsiderationifitissatisfieditisnotpracticable because of the urgency of the
case or for anotherreason.(6)In
making an order under subsection (3), the tribunal—(a)may require an undertaking, including
an undertaking asto costs or damages, it considers
appropriate; or(b)mayimposeconditionsontheorderitconsidersappropriate;
occur.(7)The tribunal may assess damages for
subsection (6)(a).(8)The tribunal’s power to assess damages
under subsection (7)is exercisable only by a legally
qualified member.23Inviting decision-maker to reconsider
decision(1)At any stage of a proceeding for the
review of a reviewabledecision,thetribunalmayinvitethedecision-makerforthedecision to reconsider the
decision.(2)If the decision-maker for a reviewable
decision is invited toreconsiderthedecisionundersubsection (1),thedecision-maker—(a)has
28 days to reconsider the decision; and(b)may—(i)confirm the decision; or(ii)amend the decision; or(iii)setasidethedecisionandsubstituteanewdecision.(3)If,
under subsection (2), the decision-maker for a reviewabledecision confirms the decision, the
proceeding for the reviewof the decision must continue.Page
28Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
24](4)If, under subsection (2), the
decision-maker for a reviewabledecision(firstdecision)amendsthedecisionorsetsthedecision aside and substitutes another
decision for it—(a)the first decision as amended or the
decision substitutedforthefirstdecisionistakentobethereviewabledecision for
this Act and the enabling Act; and(b)thereviewmustcontinueforthereviewabledecisionunlesstheapplicantforthereviewwithdrawstheapplication for review; and(c)ifapersonotherthantheapplicantappliestothetribunal to
review the reviewable decision—the tribunalmay hear and
decide each application for the review ofthe reviewable
decision.24Functions for review
jurisdiction(1)Inaproceedingforareviewofareviewabledecision,thetribunal may—(a)confirm or amend the decision; or(b)set aside the decision and substitute
its own decision; or(c)setasidethedecisionandreturnthematterforreconsideration to the decision-maker for
the decision,with the directions the tribunal considers
(1)(a)or(b)forareviewable decision—(a)is taken to be a decision of the
decision-maker for thereviewabledecisionexceptforthetribunal’sreviewjurisdiction or an appeal under part 8;
and(b)subject to any contrary order of the
tribunal, has effectfrom when the reviewable decision
takes or took effect.(3)The tribunal may
make, to the chief executive of the entity inwhichthereviewabledecisionwasmade,writtenrecommendations about the policies,
practices and proceduresapplying to reviewable decisions of
the same kind.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
25](4)Ifthetribunalmakeswrittenrecommendationsundersubsection (3)andthechiefexecutiveisnotthedecision-maker for the reviewable decision,
the tribunal mustgive a copy of the recommendations to the
decision-maker.(5)In this section—chief
executiveincludes chief executive officer.Division 4Appeal
jurisdiction25GenerallyThe tribunal’s
appeal jurisdiction is—(a)the jurisdiction
conferred on the tribunal by section 26;and(b)the jurisdiction conferred on the
tribunal by an enablingAct to hear and decide an appeal
against a decision ofanother entity under that Act.26Jurisdiction for decisions of the
tribunalThetribunalhasjurisdictiontohearanddecideanappealagainstadecisionofthetribunalinthecircumstancesmentioned in
section 142.27When appeal jurisdiction
exercisedThe tribunal may exercise its appeal
jurisdiction if a personhas, under this Act or an enabling
Act, appealed to the tribunalagainst a
decision for which it has appeal jurisdiction.Note—Part
8, division 1 provides for how an appeal is made under this Act
andhow the tribunal’s appeal jurisdiction is
exercised.Page 30Current as at
[Not applicable]
2Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
28]Practices and proceduresNotauthorised—indicativeonly28Conducting proceedings
generally(1)Theprocedureforaproceedingisatthediscretionofthetribunal, subject to this Act, an
enabling Act and the rules.(2)In
all proceedings, the tribunal must act fairly and accordingto
the substantial merits of the case.(3)In
conducting a proceeding, the tribunal—(a)must
observe the rules of natural justice; and(b)is
not bound by the rules of evidence, or any practices orproceduresapplyingtocourtsofrecord,otherthantotheextentthetribunaladoptstherules,practicesorprocedures; and(c)may
inform itself in any way it considers appropriate;and(d)mustactwithaslittleformalityandtechnicalityandwith
as much speed as the requirements of this Act, anenabling Act or the rules and a proper
consideration ofthe matters before the tribunal permit;
and(e)mustensure,sofarasispracticable,thatallrelevantmaterial is
disclosed to the tribunal to enable it to decidethe
proceeding with all the relevant facts.(4)Withoutlimitingsubsection (3)(b),thetribunalmayadmitintoevidencethecontentsofanydocumentdespitethenoncompliance with any time limit or
other requirement underthis Act, an enabling Act or the rules
relating to the documentor the service of it.29Ensuring proper understanding and
regard(1)The tribunal must take all reasonable
steps to—(a)ensure each party to a proceeding
understands—(i)the practices and procedures of the
tribunal; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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30](ii)the nature of
assertions made in the proceeding andthe legal
implications of the assertions; and(iii)anydecisionofthetribunalrelatingtotheproceeding;
and(b)understand the actions, expressed
views and assertionsof a party to or witness in the
proceeding, having regardtotheparty’sorwitness’sage,anydisability,andcultural, religious and socioeconomic
background; and(c)ensureproceedingsareconductedinawaythatrecognises and is responsive to—(i)culturaldiversity,AboriginaltraditionandIslandcustom,
including the needs of a party to or witnessin the
proceeding who is from another culture orlinguistic
background or is an Aboriginal person orTorres Strait
Islander; and(ii)theneedsofapartyto,orwitnessin,theproceedingwhoisachildorapersonwithimpaired
capacity or a physical disability.(2)The
steps that can be taken for ensuring a person understandssomethingmentionedinsubsection (1)(a)include,forexample—(a)explaining the matters to the person;
or(b)havinganinterpreterorotherpersonabletocommunicateeffectivelywiththepersongivetheexplanation; or(c)supplyinganexplanatorynoteinEnglishoranotherlanguage.30Principal registrar to help parties
and potential partiesThe principal registrar must give
parties and potential partiesreasonable help
to ensure their understanding of the tribunal’spractices and
procedures, including, for example, reasonablehelp to complete
forms required under this Act or the rules.Page 32Current as at [Not applicable]
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31]31Related criminal or disciplinary
action(1)This section applies if matters
arising in a proceeding involvethe
contravention, or the alleged contravention, of an Act by aperson.(2)Unless an enabling Act that is an Act
provides otherwise, thetribunal may make its final decision
in the proceeding whetheror not the person—(a)has
been charged with, convicted of or sentenced for anoffence arising out of the contravention;
or(b)maybe,is,orhasbeen,subjecttodisciplinaryaction(including a proceeding before the tribunal)
relating tothe contravention under an Act.32Proceeding by remote conferencing or
on the papers(1)Thetribunalmay,ifappropriate,conductallorapartofaproceeding by remote
conferencing.(2)Thetribunalmay,ifappropriate,conductallorapartofaproceedingentirelyonthebasisofdocuments,withouttheparties,theirrepresentativesorwitnessesappearingatahearing.(3)If the tribunal conducts a proceeding
under subsection (1) or(2),thetribunalmustensurethepublichasaccessto,orisprecluded from
access to, matters disclosed in the proceedingto the same
extent as if the proceeding had been heard beforethetribunalwiththeattendanceinpersonofallpersonsinvolved.(4)ProvisionsofthisActapplyingtoahearingapplywithnecessary
changes in relation to a proceeding conducted undersubsection (1) or (2).Examples—1If a hearing is conducted under
subsection (1), section 90 continuesto apply to the
proceeding as if the participants in the hearing werepresent before the tribunal.2If a hearing is conducted under
subsection (2), section 92 will haveno
application.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
33](5)In this section—remote
conferencingmeans—(a)teleconferencing; or(b)videoconferencing; or(c)anotherformofcommunicationthatallowspersonstakingpartintheproceedingtohearandtakepartindiscussions as they happen.Part
3Starting proceeding33Making an application(1)This
section applies if this Act or an enabling Act providesthat
a person may apply to the tribunal to deal with a matter.(2)The application must—(a)be in a form substantially complying
with the rules; and(b)state the reasons for the application;
and(c)be filed in the registry.(3)If the application is for the review
of a reviewable decision,theapplicationmustbemade,byfilingitintheregistry,within 28 days after the relevant
day.Notes—1Under section 6(7), an enabling Act that is
an Act may provide fora different period within which a
person must make an application.2Under section 61, the tribunal may extend
the period within whicha person must make an
application.(4)In this section—relevant
day, for an application for the review of a
reviewabledecision, means—(a)the
day the applicant is notified of the decision; orPage
34Current as at [Not applicable]
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34](b)if the applicant has applied to the
decision-maker for awrittenstatementofreasonsforthedecisionundersection 158—the earlier of the following
day by which the written statement is requiredto be given to
the applicant under that section; or(c)if
the applicant has applied to the tribunal for an orderunder section 159—(i)if
the tribunal makes the order—the earlier of thefollowing
days—(A)the day the written statement of
reasons thesubject of the order is given to the
applicant;(B)thedaybywhichthewrittenstatementofreasons the subject of the order is
required tobe given to the applicant under the order;
applicant is notified of the tribunal’s decision tonot
make the order.34Referring matter(1)ThissectionappliesifanenablingActprovidesforthereferral of a matter to the
tribunal.(2)The referral must be made—(a)within the period provided for under
the enabling Act;and(b)in a way
complying with the rules.35Acceptance or
rejection of application or referral(1)This
section applies if a person makes an application, or refersa
matter, to the tribunal.(2)The principal
registrar may—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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35](a)accept the application or referral
without imposing anyconditions; or(b)accept the application or referral on
conditions stated inthe rules; or(c)reject the application or referral on a
ground mentionedin subsection (3); or(d)refertheapplicationorreferraltothetribunaliftheprincipalregistrarbelievesthereisagroundforrejecting the application or referral
under subsection (3).(3)The principal
registrar may reject an application or referral onany
of the following grounds—(a)the application
or referral is made by a person who isnot authorised
to make it;(b)the application or referral is made
after the expiry of theperiod within which it is required to
be made under thisAct;(c)theapplicationorreferraldoesnototherwisecomplywith
this Act, an enabling Act or the rules.(4)If
the principal registrar rejects an application or referral,
oraccepts an application or referral on
conditions—(a)the principal registrar must notify
the applicant that theapplicant may request the principal
registrar to refer thedecision to the tribunal for review;
and(b)if the applicant makes the request,
the principal registrarmust refer the decision to the
tribunal for review.(5)Nofeeispayableforarequestforareferralundersubsection
(4).(6)Ifthequestionofwhetherornotanapplicationorreferralshouldberejectedisreferredtothetribunalundersubsection (2)(d)or(4)(b),thetribunalmustdirecttheprincipal registrar—(a)to
reject the application or referral; orPage 36Current as at [Not applicable]
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36](b)to accept the application or referral
on stated conditionsor no conditions.(7)Ifthequestionofwhetherornotanapplicationorreferralshouldbeacceptedonstatedconditionsisreferredtothetribunal under subsection (4)(b), the
tribunal must direct theprincipal registrar—(a)to accept the application or referral
on no conditions; or(b)toaccepttheapplicationorreferralonthestatedconditions or
different conditions; or(c)to reject the
application or referral.(8)Thetribunalmaydirecttheprincipalregistrartorejectanapplicationorreferralonlyifagroundforrejectingtheapplication or referral under subsection (3)
exists.Note—A decision of
the tribunal under subsection (6) or (7) is not subject toappeal under part 8. See sections 142(2) and
149(4).36When proceeding startsAproceedingstartswhentheprincipalregistraracceptsanapplication or referral, whether or not on
conditions.Note—However, under
section 38, the tribunal must not take any action on theapplication or referral until the prescribed
fee, if any, for the applicationor referral is
section applies if a proceeding is started under section 36for
an application or referral.(2)The
applicant for the application or referral must, within theperiodstatedintherules,giveacopyoftheapplicationorreferral to—(a)each
party to the proceeding; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 37
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38](b)eachotherpersontowhomnoticeoftheproceedingmust be given
under an enabling Act or the rules; and(c)any
person the tribunal directs to be given notice of theproceeding.Note—See
the rules for provisions about how the copy must, or may, be
givenand provisions about responding to an
application.(3)Subsection (2) does not require the
applicant to give a copy ofthe application
or referral to another person if—(a)the
principal registrar has given or undertaken to givethe
copy to the person; or(b)undersubsection (4),thetribunalmakesanorderthatthe
copy is not required to be given to the person; or(c)the rules exempt the applicant from
the requirement togive the copy to the person.(4)The tribunal may make an order
exempting the applicant fromgiving a copy of
the application or referral to a person if thetribunal is
satisfied—(a)the applicant has made all reasonable
attempts to givethe copy to the person but has been
unsuccessful; or(b)themakinganddecidingof theapplicationorreferralwithout notice
to the person will not cause injustice.(5)The
tribunal may act under subsection (4) on the applicationof
the applicant or on the tribunal’s own initiative.(6)The tribunal’s power to act under
subsection (4) is exercisableonly by a
legally qualified member or an adjudicator.38Prescribed fees(1)Anapplicantforanapplicationorreferralmustpaytheprescribed fee,
if any, for the application or referral.(2)Thetribunalmustnottakeanyactiononanapplicationorreferral until the fee is paid.Page
38Current as at [Not applicable]
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39](3)Subsection (2)doesnotpreventthetribunaldirectingtheprincipal registrar to accept or
reject an application or referralunder section
4Parties to a proceeding39Parties to original jurisdictionA
person is a party to a proceeding in the tribunal’s originaljurisdiction if the person is—(a)the applicant; or(b)a
person in relation to whom a decision of the tribunal issought by the applicant; or(c)intervening in the proceeding under
section 41; or(d)joined as a party to the proceeding
under section 42; or(e)someoneelseanenablingActstatesisapartytotheproceeding.40Parties to review jurisdiction(1)A person is a party to a proceeding in
the tribunal’s reviewjurisdiction if the person is—(a)the applicant; or(b)thedecision-makerforthereviewabledecisionthesubject matter of the proceeding;
or(c)intervening in the proceeding under
section 41; or(d)joined as a party to the proceeding
under section 42; or(e)someoneelseanenablingActstatesisapartytotheproceeding.(2)In a
proceeding in the tribunal’s review jurisdiction, so far asispracticable,theofficialdescriptionofthedecision-makermustbeusedastheparty’snameinsteadofthedecision-maker’s name.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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41]41Intervention(1)TheAttorney-Generalmay,fortheState,interveneinaproceeding at any time.(2)Thetribunalmay,atanytime,giveleaveforapersontointerveneinaproceeding,subjecttotheconditionsthetribunal considers appropriate.42Joining and removing parties(1)The tribunal may make an order joining
a person as a party toa proceeding if the tribunal considers
that—(a)the person should be bound by or have
the benefit of adecision of the tribunal in the proceeding;
or(b)the person’s interests may be affected
by the proceeding;or(c)foranotherreason,itisdesirablethatthepersonbejoined as a party to the proceeding.(2)Thetribunalmayorderthatapartyberemovedfromaproceeding if the tribunal considers
that—(a)the party’s interests are not, or are
no longer, affected bythe proceeding; or(b)thepartyisnotaproperornecessarypartytotheproceeding,
whether or not the party was one originally.(3)The
tribunal may make an order under subsection (1) or (2)on
the application of a person or on its own initiative.43Representation(1)The
main purpose of this section is to have parties representthemselves unless the interests of justice
require otherwise.(2)In a proceeding, a party—(a)may appear without representation;
or(b)may be represented by someone else
if—Page 40Current as at
[Not applicable]
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43]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(i)thepartyisachildorapersonwithimpairedcapacity; or(ii)the
proceeding relates to taking disciplinary action,orreviewingadecision abouttakingdisciplinaryaction, against
a person; or(iii)an enabling Act
that is an Act, or the rules, statesthe person may
be represented; or(iv)the party has
been given leave by the tribunal to berepresented.(3)In
deciding whether to give a party leave to be represented in
aproceeding,thetribunalmayconsiderthefollowingascircumstances supporting the giving of the
leave—(a)the party is a State agency;(b)the proceeding is likely to involve
complex questions offact or law;(c)anotherpartytotheproceedingisrepresentedintheproceeding;(d)allofthepartieshaveagreedtothepartybeingrepresented in the proceeding.(4)A party can not be represented in a
proceeding by a person—(a)who,underrulesmadeundersection 224(3),isdisqualified from being a representative of
a party to aproceeding; or(b)whoisnotanAustralianlegalpractitionerorgovernment legal officer, unless the
tribunal is satisfiedthepersonisanappropriatepersontorepresenttheparty.(5)ApersonwhoisnotanAustralianlegalpractitionerorgovernmentlegalofficerandwhoisseekingtorepresentaparty in a proceeding must give the tribunal
a certificate ofauthority from the party for the
representation if—(a)the party is a corporation; or(b)the tribunal has asked for the
certificate.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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44](6)Thetribunalmayappointapersontorepresentanunrepresented party.(7)In
this section—AustralianlegalpractitionerseetheLegalProfessionAct2007.government legal officersee theLegal Profession Act 2007.44Use of
interpreters and other persons(1)Unless the tribunal directs otherwise, a
party to a proceedingor a witness may be helped in a
proceeding by—(a)an interpreter; or(b)anotherpersonnecessaryordesirabletomaketheproceedingintelligibletothepartyorwitness,including,forexample,apersonwithappropriatecultural or
social knowledge and experience.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the
tribunal may arrange foran interpreter or another person to
help a party or witness.(3)In this
section—interpreterincludesapersonwhointerpretssignsmadeorother things done by a person who can not
speak or can notspeak clearly enough to take part in a
proceeding.45General obligation of partiesEach
party to a proceeding mustact quickly in any dealingrelevant to the proceeding.Note—Forpossibleconsequencesforacontraventionofthissection,seesections 48(Dismissing,strikingoutordecidingifpartycausingdisadvantage) and 102 (Costs against party
in interests of justice).Page 42Current as at
[Not applicable]
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46]Preliminary dealings withproceedingDivision 1Early end to proceeding46Withdrawal of application or referral(1)An applicant may, in the way stated in
the rules, withdraw theapplicant’sapplicationorreferralforamatterbeforethematter is heard and decided by the
tribunal.(2)However, if the application or
referral is made under any ofthe following,
the applicant may withdraw the application orreferral only
with the leave of the tribunal—(a)theChild Protection Act 1999;(b)theDisability Services Act 2006,
section 178(9);(c)theGuardianship and
Administration Act 2000;(d)thePowers of Attorney Act 1998.(3)Ifanapplicantwithdrawsanapplicationorreferral,theapplicantcannotmakeafurtherapplicationorreferral,orrequest, require or otherwise seek a further
referral, relating tothe same facts or circumstances
without leave of the tribunal.47Dismissing, striking out or deciding if
unjustifiedproceeding or part(1)This
section applies if the tribunal considers a proceeding or apart
of a proceeding is—(a)frivolous, vexatious or misconceived;
or(b)lacking in substance; or(c)otherwise an abuse of process.(2)The tribunal may—Current as at
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48](a)if the party who brought the
proceeding or part beforethe tribunal is the applicant for the
proceeding, order theproceeding or part be dismissed or
struck out; or(b)for a part of a proceeding brought
before the tribunal bya party other than the applicant for
the proceeding—(i)makeitsfinaldecisionintheproceedingintheapplicant’s favour; or(ii)order that the
party who brought the part before thetribunal be
removed from the proceeding; or(c)makeacostsorderagainstthepartywhobroughttheproceedingorpartbeforethetribunaltocompensateanother party
for any reasonable costs, expenses, loss,inconvenienceandembarrassmentresultingfromtheproceeding or part.Note—See
section 108 for the tribunal’s power to order that the costs
bepaid before it continues with the
proceeding.(3)The tribunal may act under subsection
(2) on the applicationof a party to the proceeding or on the
tribunal’s own initiative.(4)The tribunal’s
power to act under subsection (2) is exercisableonly
by—(a)the tribunal as constituted for the
proceeding; or(b)ifthetribunalhasnotbeenconstitutedfortheproceeding—alegallyqualifiedmemberoranadjudicator.48Dismissing, striking out or deciding if
party causingdisadvantage(1)Thissectionappliesifthetribunalconsidersapartytoaproceeding is acting in a way that
unnecessarily disadvantagesanother party to
the proceeding, including by—(a)not
complying with a tribunal order or direction withoutreasonable excuse; orPage 44Current as at [Not applicable]
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48](b)notcomplyingwiththisAct,anenablingActortherules; or(c)askingforanadjournmentasaresultofconductmentioned in
paragraph (a) or (b); or(d)causing an
adjournment; or(e)attempting to deceive another party or
the tribunal; or(f)vexatiously conducting the proceeding;
or(g)failing to attend conciliation,
mediation or the hearingof the proceeding without reasonable
excuse.(2)The tribunal may—(a)if
the party causing the disadvantage is the applicant fortheproceeding,ordertheproceedingbedismissedorstruck out; or(b)if
the party causing the disadvantage is not the applicantfor
the proceeding—(i)makeitsfinaldecisionintheproceedingintheapplicant’s favour; or(ii)orderthatthepartycausingthedisadvantageberemoved from the proceeding; or(c)makeanorderundersection 102,againstthepartycausing the
disadvantage, to compensate another partyfor any
reasonable costs incurred unnecessarily.Note—See
section 108 for the tribunal’s power to order that the costs
bepaid before it continues with the
proceeding.(3)In acting under subsection (2), the
tribunal must have regardto the following—(a)the
extent to which the party causing the disadvantage isfamiliar with the tribunal’s practices and
procedures;(b)thecapacityofthepartycausingthedisadvantagetounderstand,andacton,thetribunal’sordersanddirections;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 45
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tribunal may act under subsection (2) on the applicationof a
party to the proceeding or on the tribunal’s own initiative.(5)The tribunal’s power to act under
subsection (2) is exercisableonly by—(a)the tribunal as constituted for the
proceeding; or(b)ifthetribunalhasnotbeenconstitutedfortheproceeding—alegallyqualifiedmemberoranadjudicator.49Reinstatement of proceeding and restriction
on newapplication or referral(1)This
section applies if the tribunal has ordered—(a)a
proceeding or a part of a proceeding be dismissed orstruck out under section 47; or(b)aproceedingbedismissedorstruckoutundersection
48.(2)Another proceeding or a part of a
proceeding of the same kindrelatingtothesamemattercannotbestartedbeforethetribunal without the leave of the president
or deputy president.(3)The president or
deputy president may give the leave if thepresident or
deputy president considers the interests of justicerequires it to be given.(4)Ingivingleavetostartanotherproceedingorpartofaproceeding, the president or deputy
president may extend anytime limit for starting the proceeding
or part.(5)If the tribunal considers a proceeding
has been dismissed orstruck out in error, the tribunal may
order that the proceedingbe reinstated.(6)The
tribunal may act under subsection (5) on the applicationof a
party to the proceeding or on the tribunal’s own initiative.Page
46Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 2Queensland Civil
and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 2
Jurisdiction and procedure[s 50]Decision by
defaultNotauthorised—indicativeonly50Decision by default for debt or
liquidated demand ofmoney(1)This
section applies if—(a)a person has applied to the tribunal
to recover a debt orliquidateddemandofmoneyfromaperson(therespondent); and(b)an enabling Act that is an Act or the
rules state that therespondentmustrespondtotheapplicationwithinastated period; and(c)therespondenthasnotrespondedtotheapplicationwithin the
stated period.(2)The applicant may, in the way stated
in the rules, apply to thetribunal for a decision by default for
an amount limited to—(a)theamountclaimedintheapplicationstartingtheproceeding; and(b)interest on the amount claimed at the rate
the tribunalconsiders appropriate; and(c)either—(i)for
an application for a minor civil dispute—costsstated in the
rules as costs that may be awarded forminor civil
disputes under section 102; or(ii)foranapplicationotherthanforaminorcivildispute—(A)the
fee paid for the application; and(B)legalcostsbasedonascalestatedintherules.(3)Iftheapplicantappliesforadecisionbydefaultunderthissection the
principal registrar may make the decision.(4)A
decision by default given under subsection (3) is taken to
bea final decision of the tribunal in the
proceeding.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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50A](5)Theapplicantmustprovetherespondenthasbeengivenacopy of the application before a
decision by default may bemade under this section.Notauthorised—indicativeonly50ADecision by
default for unliquidated damages(1)This
section applies if—(a)a person has applied to the tribunal
to recover an amountconsisting of, or including,
unliquidated damages from aperson
(therespondent); and(b)an enabling Act that is an Act, or the
rules, states thatthe respondent must respond to the
application within astated period; and(c)therespondenthasnotrespondedtotheapplicationwithin the
stated period.(2)The applicant may, in the way stated
in the rules, apply to thetribunalforadecisionbydefaultconditionalontheassessment by the tribunal of the
unliquidated damages.(3)The application
may also include a claim for—(a)anyliquidatedamountclaimedintheapplicationstarting the
proceeding; and(b)interest on the liquidated amount
claimed at the rate thetribunal considers appropriate;
and(c)the fee paid for the application;
and(d)legal costs based on a scale stated in
the rules.(4)The principal registrar may decide the
application.(5)If a decision by default is given
under subsection (4)—(a)the decision is
taken to be a final decision of the tribunalin the
proceeding; and(b)the tribunal must assess the
unliquidated damages.(6)Theapplicantmustprovetherespondenthasbeengivenacopy of the application before a
decision by default may bemade under this section.Page
48Current as at [Not applicable]
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51]51Setting aside decision by
defaultThe tribunal, on application by the
respondent, may set asideoramendadecisionbydefaultonterms,includingtermsabout costs and
the giving of security, the tribunal considersappropriate.51AEffect of application under s 51 on decision
by default(1)Anapplicationundersection51tosetasideoramendadecisionbydefaultdoesnotaffecttheoperationofthedecisionorpreventthetakingofactiontoimplementthedecision.(2)However,thetribunalmaymakeanorderstayingtheoperation of the decision by default
until the application to setaside or amend
the decision is finally decided.(3)The
tribunal may act under subsection (2) on the applicationof a
party to the decision by default or on its own initiative.Division 3Transfer52Transfer to more appropriate
forum(1)If the tribunal considers the subject
matter of a proceeding ora part of a proceeding would be more
appropriately dealt withby another tribunal, a court or
another entity, the tribunal may,by order,
transfer the matter to which the proceeding or partrelates to the other tribunal, the court or
the other entity.(2)If the tribunal considers it does not
have jurisdiction to hear allmatters in a
proceeding, the tribunal may, by order, transferthe
matter or matters for which it does not have jurisdictionto—(a)a court of
competent jurisdiction; or(b)another tribunal
or entity having jurisdiction to deal withthe matter or
matters.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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53](3)The tribunal may make an order under
subsection (2)(a) eventhough the proceeding has previously
been transferred from acourt to the tribunal under section
53.(4)If the tribunal transfers a matter to
another tribunal, a court oranother entity
(therelevant entity) under this
section—(a)a proceeding for the matter is taken
to have been startedbefore the relevant entity when it was
started before thetribunal; and(b)the
tribunal may make the orders or give the directions itconsiders appropriate to facilitate the
transfer, includingan order that a party is taken to have
complied with therequirementsunderanActorotherlawforstartingaproceeding before the relevant
entity.(5)An order under subsection (4)(b) has
effect despite any otherAct or law.(6)The
tribunal may act under this section on the application of aparty to the proceeding or on its own
initiative.(7)The tribunal’s power to act under this
section is exercisableonly by a legally qualified
member.(8)In this section—proceedingincludesaprocessfortheconsiderationofamatter.53Transfer from a court(1)If a
proceeding is started in a court and the subject matter ofthe
proceeding could be heard by the tribunal under this Act,thecourtmay,byorder,transfertheproceedingtothetribunal.(2)Ifacourttransfersaproceedingtothetribunalundersubsection (1)—(a)the
proceeding is taken to have been started before thetribunal when it was started in the court;
andPage 50Current as at
[Not applicable]
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54](b)the court may make the orders and give
the directions itconsiders appropriate to facilitate the
transfer, includingan order that a party is taken to have
complied with therequirements under this Act, an enabling Act
or the rulesfor starting a proceeding before the
(2)(b)haseffectdespiteanyprovision of this Act, an enabling Act
or the rules.(4)Acourtmayactunderthissectionontheapplicationofaparty to the proceeding or on its own
initiative.Division 4Consolidation or
sequencedirections54Consolidation(1)Thetribunalmaydirectthat2ormoreproceedingsconcerningthesameorrelatedfactsandcircumstancesbeconsolidated into 1 proceeding.(2)The tribunal’s power to give a
direction under subsection (1)isexercisableonlybyalegallyqualifiedmemberoranadjudicator.(3)If2ormoreproceedings(eachapre-consolidationproceeding) are
consolidated under subsection (1),evidencegiven in a pre-consolidation proceeding may
also be given intheconsolidatedproceedinginrelationtoeachoftheotherpre-consolidation proceedings.55Sequence(1)Thetribunalmaydirectthat2ormoreproceedingsconcerning the
same or related facts and circumstances—(a)remain as separate proceedings but be heard
and decidedtogether; or(b)be
heard in a particular sequence.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 51
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56](2)The tribunal’s power to give a
direction under subsection (1)isexercisableonlybyalegallyqualifiedmemberoranadjudicator.Notauthorised—indicativeonly56Variation of
direction(1)Before or during the hearing of a
consolidated proceeding orof proceedings directed to be heard
together or in a particularsequence,thetribunalmaydirectthattheproceedingsbeseparated or heard in another
sequence.(2)The tribunal’s power to act under
subsection (1) is exercisableonly by—(a)thetribunalasconstitutedfortheproceedingorproceedings; or(b)ifthetribunalhasnotbeenconstitutedfortheproceeding or proceedings—a legally
qualified memberor an adjudicator.Part 6Other provisions about aproceedingDivision 1Procedural powers57General powers(1)The
tribunal may—(a)take evidence on oath; or(b)actintheabsenceofapartywhohashadreasonablenotice of a
proceeding; or(c)adjourn a proceeding.(2)The tribunal—(a)mayrequireapersonappearingbeforethetribunaltogive
evidence on oath; andPage 52Current as at
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58](b)may administer an oath to the
verified, if the tribunal directs, by oath.58Interim orders(1)Before making a final decision in a
proceeding, the tribunalmaymakeaninterimorderitconsidersappropriateintheinterests of justice, including, for
or(b)to require or permit something to be
done to secure theeffectiveness of the exercise of the
tribunal’s jurisdictionfor the proceeding.Note—See also section
22(3) for the tribunal’s power to stay the operation of areviewable decision while it is being
reviewed by the tribunal.(2)The tribunal may
make an interim order on the application ofa party to the
proceeding or on its own initiative.(3)In
making an interim order, the tribunal—(a)may
require an undertaking, including an undertaking asto
costs or damages, it considers appropriate; or(b)mayprovidefortheliftingoftheorderifstatedconditions are
met.(4)The tribunal may assess damages for
subsection (3)(a).(5)The tribunal’s power to assess damages
under subsection (4)is exercisable only by a legally
qualified member.(6)In this section—interim
ordermeans an order that has effect for the
durationof a proceeding or a shorter period.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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tribunal may, by order, grant an injunction, including aninterim injunction, in a proceeding if it is
just and convenientto do so.(2)Thetribunalmaymakeanordergrantinganinteriminjunctionwhetherornotithasgivenanypersonwhoseinterestsmaybeaffectedby theorderanopportunitytobeheard.(3)The
tribunal may act under subsection (1) on the applicationof a
party to the proceeding or on its own initiative.(4)The tribunal’s power to act under
subsection (1) is exercisableonly by a
legally qualified member.(5)Thetribunal’spowerundersubsection
(1)isinadditionto,anddoesnotlimit,anypowerofthetribunalunderanenabling Act to make an order in the
nature of an injunction.(6)In making an
order under subsection (1), the tribunal—(a)may
require an undertaking, including an undertaking asto
costs or damages, it considers appropriate; or(b)mayprovidefortheliftingoftheorderifstatedconditions are
met.(7)The tribunal may assess damages for
subsection (6)(a).(8)The tribunal’s power to assess damages
under subsection (7)is exercisable only by a legally
qualified member.(9)In this section—interim
injunctionmeans an injunction that has effect for
theduration of a proceeding or a shorter
period.60Declarations(1)Thetribunalmaymakeadeclarationaboutamatterinaproceeding—(a)insteadofmakinganorderitcouldmakeaboutthematter; orPage 54Current as at [Not applicable]
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61](b)in addition to an order it could make
about the matter.(2)Thetribunalmaymakeanorderitconsidersnecessaryordesirable to give effect to a
declaration under subsection (1).(3)A
declaration under subsection (1) is binding on the parties
tothe proceeding mentioned in the
(1)isinadditionto,anddoesnotlimit,anypowerofthetribunalunderanenabling Act to make a
declaration.(5)Thetribunal’spowertoactundersubsection (1)or(2)isexercisable only
by a legally qualified member.61Relief from procedural requirements(1)The tribunal may, by order—(a)extend a time limit fixed for the
start of a proceeding bythis Act or an enabling Act; or(b)extendorshortenatimelimitfixedbythisAct,anenabling Act or the rules; or(c)waive compliance with another
procedural requirementunder this Act, an enabling Act or the
rules.(2)Anextensionorwaivermaybegivenundersubsection (1)even if the time
for complying with the relevant requirementhas
passed.(3)The tribunal can not extend or shorten
a time limit or waivecompliance with another procedural
requirement if to do sowould cause prejudice or detriment,
not able to be remediedbyanappropriateorderforcostsordamages,toapartyorpotential party to a proceeding.(4)The tribunal may act under subsection
(1) on the applicationof a party or potential party to the
proceeding or on its owninitiative.(5)The
tribunal’s power to act under subsection (1) is exercisableonly
by—(a)the tribunal as constituted for the
proceeding; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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62](b)alegallyqualifiedmember,anadjudicatorortheprincipal registrar.62Directions(1)The
tribunal may give a direction at any time in a proceedingand
do whatever is necessary for the speedy and fair conductof
the proceeding.(2)Thetribunalmayholdadirectionshearingforgivingthedirection before any other hearing is held
for the proceeding.(3)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),thetribunalmaygiveadirection under this section requiring a
party to the proceedingtoproduceadocumentoranotherthing,orprovideinformation
to—(a)the tribunal; or(b)another party to the proceeding.(4)A party must comply with a direction
given under this sectionwithin—(a)the
period stated in the direction; or(b)if
the tribunal has extended the period within which thedirection must be complied with—the extended
(4)doesnotapplytoadocumentorthing, a part of a document or thing, or
information for whichthere is a valid claim to privilege
from disclosure.(6)The tribunal may act under this
section on the application of aparty to a
proceeding or on the tribunal’s own initiative.(7)The
tribunal’s power to act under this section is exercisableonly
by—(a)the tribunal as constituted for the
proceeding; or(b)alegallyqualifiedmember,anadjudicatorortheprincipal registrar.Page
56Current as at [Not applicable]
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63]63Obtaining a document or thing from
third parties(1)The tribunal may make an order
requiring a person who is nota party to a
proceeding but who has, or is likely to have, in theperson’spossessionorcontroladocumentorotherthingrelevant to the proceeding to produce the
document or thingto—(a)the tribunal;
or(b)a party to the proceeding.(2)Thepersoninrelationtowhomtheorderismademustcomply with the order within the period
stated in the order.(3)However,subsection (2)doesnotapplytoadocumentorthing, or a part of a document or thing, for
which there is avalid claim to privilege from
disclosure.(4)In making an order on the application
of a party, the tribunalmustconsiderwhetheritisappropriatetomakeanorderrequiring the
party to pay the costs of producing the documentor
thing to which the order relates.(5)The
tribunal may act under this section on the application of aparty or on the tribunal’s own
initiative.(6)The tribunal’s power to act under this
section is exercisableonly by—(a)the
tribunal as constituted for the proceeding; or(b)alegallyqualifiedmember,anadjudicatorortheprincipal registrar.64Amending particular documents(1)The tribunal may, at any time in a
proceeding, make an orderrequiring that a relevant document be
amended.(2)Thetribunalmaymaketheorderontheapplicationoftheparty who filed the document or on its
own initiative.(3)The tribunal’s power to make an order
under subsection (1) isexercisable only by—(a)the tribunal as constituted for the
proceeding; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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65](b)ifthetribunalhasnotbeenconstitutedfortheproceeding—a legally qualified member,
an adjudicatoror the principal registrar.(4)In this section—relevant
application or referral; or(b)a
document responding to an application or referral.65Dealing with documents and other
things(1)This section applies if a document or
other thing is producedto the tribunal in a
proceeding.(2)The tribunal may inspect the document
or thing.(3)The tribunal may—(a)keep
the document or thing for a reasonable period; and(b)make copies of or take extracts from
the document, ortake photographs of the thing.(4)If the tribunal keeps a document or
other thing, the tribunalmust permit a person otherwise
entitled to possession of thedocument or
thing—(a)for a document—to inspect, make a copy
of or take anextractfromthedocumentatareasonabletimeandplace the tribunal decides; or(b)for another thing—to inspect or
photograph the thing ata reasonable time and place the
tribunal decides.(5)Ifthetribunalhasmadeacopyofadocumentundersubsection (3)(b) and the principal
registrar certifies the copyas a true copy
of the original document, the certified copy isadmissibleinevidencebeforeanycourt,tribunalorpersonacting
judicially as if it were the original document.Page 58Current as at [Not applicable]
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66]66Non-publication orders(1)The tribunal may make an order
prohibiting the publication ofthe following
other than in the way and to the persons statedin the
order—(a)the contents of a document or other
thing produced tothe tribunal;(b)evidence given before the tribunal;(c)information that may enable a person
who has appearedbefore the tribunal, or is affected by a
proceeding, to beidentified.(2)The
tribunal may make an order under subsection (1) only ifthe
tribunal considers the order is necessary—(a)toavoidinterferingwiththeproperadministrationofjustice; or(b)toavoidendangeringthephysicalormentalhealthorsafety of a person; or(c)to avoid offending public decency or
morality; or(d)to avoid the publication of
confidential information orinformation
whose publication would be contrary to thepublic interest;
or(e)for any other reason in the interests
of justice.(3)The tribunal may act under subsection
(1) on the applicationof a party to the proceeding or on its
own initiative.(4)The tribunal’s power to act under
subsection (1) is exercisableonly by—(a)the tribunal as constituted for the
proceeding; or(b)ifthetribunalhasnotbeenconstitutedfortheproceeding—alegallyqualifiedmemberoranadjudicator.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 59
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66A]Division 1AConciliationNotauthorised—indicativeonly66AReferral by
tribunal or principal registrar(1)The
tribunal or the principal registrar may refer the parties toa
proceeding to attend conciliation.(2)A
referral under subsection (1) may be made with or withoutthe
consent of the parties to the proceeding.(3)The
principal registrar must give each party to the proceedingwritten notice of the referral for
conciliation as stated in therules.66BPersonal or representative
attendance(1)Therelevantentitymaydirectapartytoaproceedingtoattendaconciliationinpersonortoberepresentedbyaperson who has authority to settle the
dispute the subject ofthe proceeding for the party.(2)In this section—relevant
parties to attend conciliation; or(b)from
the start of the conciliation—the conciliator.66CPurposeThe purpose of
conciliation for a proceeding is to promote thesettlement of
the dispute the subject of the proceeding.66DFunction of conciliatorThe function of
a conciliator under this division is to promotethe settlement
of the dispute the subject of the proceeding by—(a)identifying and clarifying—(i)the issues in dispute in the
proceeding; andPage 60Current as at
[Not applicable]
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66E](ii)how the law
applies to the issues; and(b)arrangingnegotiationsbetweenthepartiestotheproceedingandassistingintheconductofthenegotiations; and(c)promotingtheopenexchangeofinformationbetweenthe
parties to the proceeding; and(d)giving parties to the proceeding information
about howthisAct,enablingActsandtherulesapplytotheproceeding.66EProcedure(1)Conciliationmustbeheldinprivateunlesstheconciliatordirects
which must be a way complying with the rules.66FWho
may be a conciliator(1)Apersonmaybeaconciliatorforaproceedingonlyiftheperson
is—(a)a member; or(b)an
adjudicator; or(c)the principal registrar; or(d)apersonapprovedbytheprincipalregistrarasaconciliator for
the tribunal.(2)The principal registrar may approve a
person as a conciliatorforthetribunalonlyiftheprincipalregistrarissatisfied,having regard to
the person’s qualifications and experience,the person is a
suitable person to conduct conciliation.66GDisclosure of interests(1)Thissectionappliesifaconciliatorwhoistoconductconciliationhasoracquiresaninterest,financialorCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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conciliator’s functions in the conciliation.(2)The
conciliator must—(a)disclose the nature of the interest to
the president; and(b)not take part in the conciliation or
exercise powers forit, unless all parties to the proceeding and
the presidentagree otherwise.66HMember or adjudicator conducting
conciliation(1)This section applies if the person
conducting conciliation fora proceeding is
a member or adjudicator.(2)The person must
not constitute the tribunal for the proceedingunless all the
parties to the proceeding agree otherwise.66INotification of outcome(1)This
section applies in relation to conciliation conducted by aconciliator other than the principal
registrar.(2)If the parties to a proceeding agree
to settle the proceeding ora part of the
proceeding at conciliation, the conciliator mustnotify the principal registrar that the
parties have agreed tosettle the dispute the subject of the
proceeding or part.(3)Ifaconciliatorhasattemptedunsuccessfullytosettleaproceedingbyconciliation,theconciliatormustnotifytheprincipal registrar that the conciliation
was unsuccessful.66JInadmissibility of particular
evidence(1)Evidenceofanythingsaidordone during conciliation for aproceeding is not admissible—(a)at any stage of the proceeding;
or(b)inanothercivilproceedingbeforeacourtoranothertribunal.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply
to—Page 62Current as at
[Not applicable]
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67](a)evidence that all parties to the
proceeding have agreedmay be admitted into evidence;
or(b)evidenceofanordermadeordirectiongivenatconciliation or the reasons for the
order or direction; or(c)evidence of
anything said or done that is relevant to aproceeding—(i)foranoffencerelatingtothegivingoffalseormisleading information; or(ii)for
contempt.Division 2Compulsory
conferences67Direction by tribunal or principal
registrar(1)The tribunal or the principal
registrar may direct the parties toa proceeding to
attend 1 or more compulsory conferences.(2)The
principal registrar must give each party to the proceedingwritten notice of the compulsory conference,
as stated in therules.68Personal or representative attendance(1)Therelevantentitymaydirectapartytoaproceedingtoattend a compulsory conference in person or
to be representedby a person who has authority to settle the
dispute the subjectof the proceeding for the party.(2)In this section—relevant
entitymeans—(a)before the compulsory conference
starts—(i)theentitythatdirectedthepartiestoattendtheconference; or(ii)the
person who is to preside over the conference;orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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69](b)fromthestartofthecompulsoryconference—theperson presiding
over the conference.Notauthorised—indicativeonly69PurposesThe
purposes of a compulsory conference for a proceeding areas
promote a settlement of the dispute the subject of theproceeding;(c)to
identify the questions of fact and law to be decided bythe
tribunal;(d)if the proceeding is not settled, to
make orders and givedirections about the conduct of the
proceeding;(e)to make orders and give directions the
person presidingover the conference considers appropriate to
resolve thedispute the subject of the
proceeding.70Procedure generally(1)A compulsory conference must be heard
by 1 of the followingpersons chosen by the
president—(a)a member;(b)an
adjudicator;(c)the principal registrar.Note—Seesection 169(formembersandadjudicators)or212(fortheprincipal registrar) for the requirement to
disclose interests that mayconflict with
the performance of functions in a compulsory conference.(2)A compulsory conference must be held
in private unless theperson presiding over the conference
directs otherwise.(3)Acompulsoryconferencemaybeconductedinthewaydecided by the
person presiding over the conference, whichPage 64Current as at [Not applicable]
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71]must be a way complying with this Act, an
enabling Act andthe rules.(4)Sections 28, 29 and 32(1) apply to a
compulsory conferenceas if—(a)the
compulsory conference were a proceeding before thetribunal; and(b)subject to paragraph (c), a reference in the
sections tothe tribunal included a reference to the
person presidingover the compulsory conference; and(c)areferencetothepracticesandproceduresofthetribunal in section 29(1)(a)(i)
included a reference to thepractices and
procedures for the compulsory conference.71Orders and directions generally(1)This section applies if the person
presiding over a compulsoryconferenceisapersonwhomayexerciseapowerofthetribunal to make an order or give a
direction under section 61,62, 63 or
64.(2)The person may exercise a power
mentioned in section 61, 62,63or64tomakeanorderorgiveadirectionintheconference.(3)An
order or direction made under subsection (2) is taken to beanorderordirectionmadeintheproceedingtowhichtheconference relates.72Party
fails to attend(1)Ifapartytoaproceedingdoesnotattendacompulsoryconference—(a)the
conference may proceed in the party’s absence; and(b)if the person presiding is a member or
an adjudicator,and all the parties present agree, the
person may—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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73](i)makeadecisionadversetotheabsentpartyandmakeanyappropriateorders,includingordersabout costs; or(ii)orderthattheabsentpartyberemovedfromtheproceeding,andpayanotherparty’scostsreasonably
incurred by the other party as a result ofthe absent
party’s involvement in the proceeding.(2)Subsection (1)appliesonlyifthepersonpresidingoverthecompulsory conference is satisfied the
absent party has beengiven notice of the conference under
section 67(2).(3)If a decision or order is made under
subsection (1)(b), this Actapplies to the
decision or order as if—(a)the compulsory
conference were a proceeding before thetribunal;
and(b)the decision or order were a decision
or order made bythe tribunal constituted for the
proceeding.(4)Apersonthesubjectofanorderundersubsection (1)(b)(ii)mayapplytothetribunaltobereinstatedasapartytotheproceeding.(5)Thetribunalmayreinstatethepersonasapartytotheproceeding if satisfied the person had
a reasonable excuse fornot attending the compulsory
conference.73Member or adjudicator presiding(1)This section applies if the person
presiding at a compulsoryconference for a proceeding is a
member or an adjudicator.(2)At the end of
the compulsory conference, the person presidingmustadvisethepartiestotheproceedingoftheirrightstoobjecttothepersonconstitutingthetribunalfortheproceeding.(3)A
party may object to the person constituting the tribunal forthe
(2),mustbefiledintheregistry—Page 66Current as at [Not applicable]
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74](a)within 2 business days after the
compulsory conferenceends; or(b)if
the hearing of the proceeding is to start before the endof
the period mentioned in paragraph (a), before the startof
the hearing.(5)The person presiding—(a)may disqualify himself or herself from
constituting thetribunal for the proceeding, whether or not
an objectionis filed; and(b)must
not constitute the tribunal for the proceeding if aparty objects to the person constituting the
tribunal forthe proceeding.74Inadmissibility of particular
evidence(1)Evidenceofanythingsaidordoneduringacompulsoryconference for a
proceeding is not admissible at any stage inthe
proceeding.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply
to—(a)evidence that all parties to the
proceeding have agreedmay be admitted into evidence;
conference or the reasons for the order ordirection;
or(c)evidence of anything said or done that
is relevant to aproceeding—(i)foranoffencerelatingtothegivingoffalseormisleading information; or(ii)for contempt;
or(iii)relating to an
order made under section 72(1)(b).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 67
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75]Division 3Mediation75Referral by tribunal or principal
registrar(1)Thetribunalortheprincipalregistrarmayreferthesubjectmatter,orapartofthesubjectmatter,ofaproceedingformediation by a mediator appointed by the
tribunal or principalregistrar.(2)A
referral under subsection (1) may be made with or withoutthe
consent of the parties to the proceeding.(3)The
principal registrar must give each party to the proceedingwrittennoticeofthereferralformediationasstatedintherules.(4)If
the tribunal or principal registrar decides to refer the
subjectmatter or part for mediation by a mediator
under theDisputeResolution
Centres Act 1990, it is sufficient if the tribunal orprincipal registrar appoints the director of
a specified disputeresolution centre as mediator.76Personal or representative
attendance(1)Therelevantentitymaydirectapartytoaproceedingtoattend mediation in person or to be
represented by a personwhohasauthoritytosettlethedisputethesubjectoftheproceeding for the party.(2)In this section—relevant
entitymeans—(a)before the mediation starts—(i)the entity that referred the subject
matter, or a partofthesubjectmatter,oftheproceedingformediation; or(ii)the
mediator who is to conduct the mediation; or(b)fromthestartofthemediation—themediatorconducting the mediation.Page
68Current as at [Not applicable]
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77]77PurposeThe purpose of
mediation for a proceeding is to promote thesettlement of
the dispute the subject of the proceeding.Notauthorised—indicativeonly78Procedure generally(1)Unless the entity that referred a
matter, or a part of a matter,for mediation
directs otherwise, the mediation must be held inprivate.(2)Mediationmaybeconductedinthewaydecidedbythemediator, which
must be a way complying with the rules.79Who
may be a mediator(1)Apersonmaybeamediatorforaproceedingonlyiftheperson
is—(a)a member; or(b)an
adjudicator; or(c)the principal registrar; or(d)amediatorundertheDisputeResolutionCentresAct1990; or(e)a person, including, for example, a
registrar or registrystaff member, approved by the
principal registrar as amediator for the tribunal.(2)The principal registrar may approve a
person as a mediator forthe tribunal only if the principal
registrar is satisfied, havingregardtotheperson’squalificationsandexperience,theperson is a suitable person to conduct
mediation.80Disclosure of interests(1)This section applies if a mediator who
is to conduct mediationhas or acquires an interest, financial
or otherwise, that mayconflictwiththeproperperformanceofthemediator’sfunctions in the
mediation.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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81](2)The mediator must—(a)disclose the nature of the interest to the
president; and(b)not take part in the mediation or
exercise powers for it,unlessallpartiestotheproceedingandthepresidentagree
otherwise.81Member or adjudicator conducting
mediation(1)This section applies if the person
conducting mediation for aproceeding is a member or
adjudicator.(2)The person must not constitute the
tribunal for the proceedingunless all the
parties to the proceeding agree otherwise.82Notification of outcome(1)This
section applies in relation to mediation conducted by amediator other than the principal
registrar.(2)If the parties to a proceeding agree
to settle the proceeding orapartoftheproceedingatmediation,themediatormustnotifytheprincipalregistrarthatthepartieshaveagreedtosettle the dispute the subject of the
proceeding or part.(3)Ifamediatorhasattemptedunsuccessfullytosettleaproceedingbymediation,themediatormustnotifytheprincipal registrar that the mediation was
unsuccessful.83Inadmissibility of particular
evidence(1)Evidenceofanythingsaidordoneduringmediationforaproceeding is not admissible at any
stage of the proceeding.(2)Subsection (1)
does not apply to—(a)evidence that all parties to the
proceeding have agreedmay be admitted into evidence;
or(b)evidence of anything said or done that
is relevant to aproceeding—Page 70Current as at [Not applicable]
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84](i)foranoffencerelatingtothegivingoffalseormisleading information; or(ii)for
contempt.Division 4Settlement and
accepted offers tosettle84Settlement in compulsory conference(1)This section applies if a settlement
is reached in a compulsoryconference by the parties to a
proceeding.(2)The person presiding at the compulsory
conference may—(a)record the terms of the settlement in
writing; and(b)maketheordersnecessarytogiveeffecttothesettlement.(3)This
Act applies to an order made under subsection (2) as if—(a)the compulsory conference were a
proceeding before thetribunal; and(b)the
order were an order made by the tribunal constitutedfor
the proceeding.85Settlement at conciliation or
mediation(1)This section applies if a settlement
is reached by the parties toa proceeding at
conciliation or mediation.(2)If the
conciliator or mediator is a member, an adjudicator orthe
principal registrar, the conciliator or mediator may recordthetermsofthesettlementinwritingandmaketheordersnecessary to
give effect to the settlement.(3)This
Act applies to an order made under subsection (2) as if—(a)the conciliation or mediation were a
proceeding beforethe tribunal; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 71
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86](b)the order were an order made by the
tribunal constitutedfor the proceeding.(4)If the conciliator or mediator is not
a member, an adjudicatoror the principal registrar, the
conciliator or mediator may—(a)record the terms of the settlement in
writing and havethe parties sign the written terms;
and(b)file the signed written terms in the
registry.(5)Ifsignedwrittentermsofthesettlementarefiledintheregistryundersubsection (4),thetribunalmaymaketheorders necessary to give effect to the
settlement.86Settlement other than in compulsory
conference or atconciliation or mediation(1)This section applies if a settlement
is reached by the parties toaproceedingotherthaninacompulsoryconferenceoratconciliation or mediation.(2)The parties may—(a)record the terms of the settlement in
writing and sign thewritten terms; and(b)file
the signed written terms in the registry.(3)If
no party to the proceeding notifies the tribunal of the
party’sintention to withdraw from the settlement
within 7 days afterthewrittentermsarefiledintheregistry,thetribunalmaymake
the orders necessary to give effect to the settlement.(4)The tribunal’s power to make an order
under subsection (3) isexercisableonlybyalegallyqualifiedmemberoranadjudicator.87Limitation on making order giving effect to
settlementAn order under this division giving effect
to a settlement for aproceeding may be made only if the
entity making the order issatisfied the tribunal could make a
decision in the terms of thesettlement or in
terms consistent with the settlement.Page 72Current as at [Not applicable]
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88]88Effect of order giving effect to
settlement(1)An order under this division giving
effect to a settlement for aproceeding has
the same effect as if it were an order made bythe tribunal
after deciding the proceeding.(2)The
parties to the proceeding may apply to the tribunal for anamendmentoftheorderiftheorderdoesnotreflecttheintention of the parties in the
settlement.(3)An application under subsection (2)
must be made jointly byall the parties to the
proceeding.(4)The tribunal may, on the application
of the parties under thissection,amendthetermsoftheorderifthetribunalissatisfied—(a)the
amendment reflects the intention of the parties; and(b)the tribunal could make a decision in
the terms of thesettlement after the amendment, or
consistent with theterms of the settlement after the
amendment.89Consequences if accepted offer to
settle is not compliedwith(1)This
section applies if an offer to settle the dispute the
subjectof a proceeding is accepted, but the party
who made the offerdoes not comply with its terms.(2)The tribunal, on the application of
the party who accepted theoffer (therelevant
party), may—(a)make
an order giving effect to the terms of the offer; or(b)if the party making the offer was the
applicant—(i)dismiss the proceeding; or(ii)iftherelevantpartyrespondedtotheapplicationfortheproceedingbeforetheofferwasmade,make an order
awarding the relevant party any orall of the
things asked for in the response; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 73
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90](c)iftherelevantpartyistheapplicant,makeanorderawarding the
relevant party any or all of the things askedfor in the
proceeding.Division 5Hearings90Public hearing(1)Unless an enabling Act that is an Act
provides otherwise, ahearing of a proceeding must be held
in public.(2)However,thetribunalmaydirectahearingorapartofahearingbeheldinprivateifthetribunalconsidersitisnecessary—(a)toavoidinterferingwiththeproperadministrationofjustice; or(b)toavoidendangeringthephysicalormentalhealthorsafety of a person; or(c)to avoid offending public decency or
morality; or(d)to avoid the publication of
confidential information orinformation
whose publication would be contrary to thepublic interest;
or(e)for another reason in the interests of
justice.(3)The tribunal may make directions about
the persons who mayattend a hearing or a part of a hearing to
be held in private.(4)The tribunal may make a direction
under this section on theapplicationofapartytotheproceedingoronitsowninitiative.91Support person may be allowed in private
hearing(1)This section applies if a hearing of a
proceeding is to be heldin private.(2)The
tribunal must—Page 74Current as at
[Not applicable]
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92](a)ask each party to the proceeding
whether the party needsthe support of someone else for the
hearing; and(b)ask each witness whether the witness
needs the supportof someone else for giving evidence at the
hearing.(3)If a party or witness tells the
tribunal that the party or witnessneeds the
support of someone else (thesupport
person), thetribunal must
allow the support person to attend the hearingwith the party
or witness.(4)Ifthesupportpersonistobeawitnessatthehearing,thetribunal may direct the times the support
person may attendthe hearing under subsection (3).(5)The support person—(a)must not be a party to the proceeding;
and(b)must not represent the party or
witness at the hearing oraddress the tribunal.92NoticeThe principal
registrar must give notice, as stated in the rules,of
the time and place for the hearing of a proceeding to—(a)each party to the proceeding;
and(b)each other person to whom notice of
the hearing must begiven under an enabling Act or the rules;
and(c)any other person the tribunal directs
to be given noticeof the hearing.93Deciding in absence of person(1)This section applies if—(a)a person has not attended a hearing
and the tribunal issatisfied the person has been given notice
of the hearingunder section 92; or(b)the
tribunal is satisfied a person can not be found afterreasonable inquiries have been made.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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94](2)The tribunal may hear and decide the
matter in the person’sabsence.(3)This
section applies even if the absent person is a party to theproceeding.Notauthorised—indicativeonly94Expedited
hearing(1)The tribunal may conduct an expedited
hearing for—(a)a minor civil dispute; or(b)a matter an enabling Act that is an
Act states is a matterfor which an expedited hearing may be
conducted.(2)The expedited hearing must be
conducted in the way stated inthe
tribunal must allow a party to a proceeding a reasonableopportunity to—(a)call
or give evidence; and(b)examine,
cross-examine and re-examine witnesses; and(c)make
submissions to the tribunal.(2)Despite subsection (1)—(a)the
tribunal may refuse to allow a party to a proceedingtocallevidenceonamatterifthetribunalconsidersthereisalreadysufficientevidenceaboutthematterbefore the
tribunal; and(b)the tribunal may refuse to allow a
party to a proceedingto cross-examine a witness about a
matter if the tribunalconsiders—(i)there is sufficient evidence about the
matter beforethe tribunal; and(ii)theevidencehasbeensufficientlytestedbycross-examination; andPage
76Current as at [Not applicable]
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94,cross-examination or re-examination of
witnesses is atthe discretion of the tribunal, subject to
the rules.(3)Also,thetribunalmayplacetimelimitsonthegivingofevidenceandontheexamination,cross-examinationandre-examination of witnesses.(4)Evidence in a hearing—(a)may be given orally or in writing;
and(b)ifthetribunalrequires,mustbegivenonoathorbyaffidavit.(5)Amemberoradjudicatormayadministerorcausetobeadministered an oath for the purpose
of taking evidence at ahearing.(6)A
child can not be compelled to take an oath.96Authorising taking of evidence(1)The tribunal may authorise, in
writing, a person (whether ornot a member or
adjudicator) to take evidence on behalf of thetribunal for a
proceeding.(2)Thetribunal’spowertogiveanauthorisationundersubsection (1)isexercisableonlybyalegallyqualifiedmember or an
adjudicator.(3)Apersonmaybeauthorisedtotakeevidenceunderthissection outside Queensland.(4)The tribunal may give directions about
the taking of evidenceunder this section.(5)If a person other than a member or
adjudicator is authorised totake evidence
under this section, the person has all the powersof a
member for taking the evidence.(6)Evidence taken under this section—(a)is taken to be evidence given to the
tribunal; and(b)for evidence taken outside Queensland,
is taken to havebeen given in Queensland.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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97]97Requiring witness to attend or produce
document orthing(1)The
tribunal or the principal registrar may, by written notice,require a person to—(a)attendatastatedhearingofaproceedingtogiveevidence;
or(b)produce a stated document or other
thing to the tribunal.Note—See section 214
for consequences of failing to comply with a noticeunder this subsection.(2)Thetribunalmaygiveanoticeundersubsection (1)ontheapplication of a party to a proceeding
or on its own initiative.(3)The principal
registrar may give a notice under subsection (1)on
the application of a party to a proceeding.(4)A
person who is given a notice under subsection (1) is
and allowances decided by the tribunal.(5)Fees
and allowances payable to a person under subsection (4)must
be paid—(a)if the person was given the notice on
the application of aparty to the proceeding—by the party;
or(b)otherwise—byallofthepartiesintheproportionsdecided by the
tribunal.(6)The fees and allowances must be paid
at the time prescribedunder a regulation.98Powers relating to witnesses(1)In a hearing of a proceeding, the
tribunal may—(a)on its own initiative call any person
to give evidence; or(b)examine a
witness on oath or require a witness to giveevidence by
affidavit; orPage 78Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
99](c)examineorcross-examineawitnesstotheextentthetribunalconsidersappropriatetoobtaininformationrelevant to
performing its functions in the proceeding; or(d)compelawitnesstoanswerquestionsthetribunalconsiders
relevant to the proceeding.(2)Subsection (1) does not allow the tribunal
to compel a witnessto answer a question if the witness has a
reasonable excuse forrefusing to answer the
question.(3)Without limiting subsection (2), it is
a reasonable excuse for awitnesstorefusetoansweraquestionifansweringthequestion might tend to incriminate the
person.99Dealing with special witnesses(1)Thissectionappliesinrelationtoaspecialwitnessgivingevidence at a
hearing of a proceeding.(2)The tribunal may
make any of the following orders—(a)thatonlyparticularpersonsmaybepresentwhenthespecial witness gives evidence;(b)thatonlyparticularpersonsmayaskquestionsofthespecial
witness;(c)thatthequestioningofthespecialwitnessmustberestricted to a stated time limit;(d)that a particular person must be
obscured from the viewof the special witness while the
special witness is givingevidence;(e)that
a particular person must be excluded from the placewherethehearingisheldwhilethespecialwitnessisgiving evidence;(f)that
the special witness must give evidence in a placeother than where the hearing is held and in
the presenceofonlystatedpersonsorwithstatedpersonsbeingexcluded from the room;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 79
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99](g)that a person, including, for example,
a support personundersection
91,mustbepresentwhilethespecialwitness is
giving evidence to give emotional support tothe special
witness;(h)that an audiovisual record of the
evidence given by thespecial witness be made and that the
record be viewedand heard at the hearing instead of the
special witnessgiving direct testimony at the
hearing.(3)The tribunal may make an order under
subsection (2) on theapplicationofapartytotheproceedingoronitsowninitiative.(4)In
this section—relevant matter, for a person,
means—(a)theperson’sage,education,levelofunderstandingorcultural background; or(b)the
person’s relationship to a party to the proceeding; or(c)the nature of the subject matter of
the evidence; or(d)another matter the tribunal considers
relevant.special witnessmeans a witness
who is—(a)a child; or(b)anotherpersonwhothetribunalconsiderswouldbelikely,ifthepersonwererequiredtogiveevidenceaccordingtothetribunal’susualpracticesandprocedures, to—(i)bedisadvantagedasawitnessbecauseoftheperson’smental,intellectualorphysicalimpairment or a
relevant matter; or(ii)suffer severe
emotional trauma; or(iii)besointimidatedastobedisadvantagedasawitness.Page 80Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 6Queensland Civil
and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 2
Jurisdiction and procedure[s 100]CostsNotauthorised—indicativeonly100Each party usually bears own
costsOther than as provided under this Act or an
enabling Act, eachparty to a proceeding must bear the party’s
own costs for theproceeding.101Limitation for children(1)The
tribunal must not award costs against a child.(2)Subsection (1) does not prevent the tribunal
from making anorder under section 103 against a
representative of a child.102Costs against
party in interests of justice(1)Thetribunalmaymakeanorderrequiringapartytoaproceeding to pay all or a stated part
of the costs of anotherparty to the proceeding if the
tribunal considers the interestsof justice
require it to make the order.(2)However,theonlycoststhetribunalmayawardundersubsection (1) against a party to a
proceeding for a minor civildispute are the
costs stated in the rules as costs that may beawarded for
minor civil disputes under this section.(3)In
deciding whether to award costs under subsection (1) or (2)the
tribunal may have regard to the following—(a)whether a party to a proceeding is acting in
a way thatunnecessarilydisadvantagesanotherpartytotheproceeding, including as mentioned in
section 48(1)(a)to (g);(b)the
nature and complexity of the dispute the subject ofthe
proceeding;(c)the relative strengths of the claims
made by each of theparties to the proceeding;(d)foraproceedingforthereviewofareviewabledecision—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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103](i)whether the applicant was afforded
natural justiceby the decision-maker for the decision;
and(ii)whethertheapplicantgenuinelyattemptedtoenableandhelpthedecision-makertomakethedecision on the merits;(e)thefinancialcircumstancesofthepartiestotheproceeding;(f)anything else the tribunal considers
relevant.103Costs against representative in
interests of justice(1)Ifthetribunalconsidersarepresentativeofapartytoaproceeding,ratherthantheparty,isresponsibleforunnecessarily disadvantaging another party
to the proceedingasmentionedinsection 102(3)(a),thetribunalmaymakeacosts order requiring the representative to
pay a stated amountto the other party as compensation for the
unnecessary costs.(2)Before making a costs order under
subsection (1), the tribunalmustgivetherepresentativeareasonableopportunitytobeheard in relation to making the
order.104Costs against intervening
parties(1)IftheAttorney-GeneralintervenesinaproceedingfortheState, the tribunal may make a costs
order requiring the Statetopayastatedamounttoapartytotheproceedingascompensation for all or a part of the costs
reasonably incurredby the party as a result of the
intervention.(2)Ifthetribunalgivesleavetoapersontointerveneinaproceeding, the tribunal may make a
costs order requiring theperson to pay a stated amount to a
party to the proceeding ascompensation for all or a part of the
costs reasonably incurredby the party as a result of the
intervention.Page 82Current as at
[Not applicable]
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105]105Other power to award costsThe
rules may authorise the tribunal to award costs in othercircumstances, including, for example, the
payment of costs ina proceeding if an offer to settle the
dispute the subject of theproceeding has been made but not
accepted.106Costs awarded at any stageIf
the tribunal may award costs under this Act or an enablingAct,
the costs may be awarded at any stage of a proceeding orafter the proceeding has ended.107Fixing or assessing costs(1)IfthetribunalmakesacostsorderunderthisActoranenabling Act, the tribunal must fix the
costs if possible.(2)If it is not possible to fix the costs
having regard to the natureof the
proceeding, the tribunal may make an order requiringthat
the costs be assessed under the rules.(3)Therulesmayprovidethatcostsmustbeassessedbyreference to a scale under the rules
applying to a court.108Staying proceeding(1)Subsection (2)appliesifthetribunalmakesacostsorderunder this Act or an enabling Act before a
proceeding ends.(2)The tribunal may make an order
requiring that the costs bepaid before it
continues with the proceeding.(3)Subsection (4) applies if a party has been
ordered to pay thecosts of another party under this Act or an
enabling Act, andthe party, before paying the costs, starts
another proceedingbefore the tribunal against the other
party.(4)The tribunal may make an order staying
the other proceedinguntil the costs are paid.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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section applies if, under this Act or an enabling Act, thetribunal may award a party’s costs for a
proceeding.(2)Ontheapplicationofaparty(applicantparty)totheproceeding against whom a claim is made or
an outcome ordecisionsoughtinaproceeding,thetribunalmaymakeanorder—(a)requiringanotherpartytotheproceedingtogivesecurity for the
applicant party’s costs within the periodstated in the
order; and(b)stayingtheproceeding,orthepartoftheproceedingagainst the
applicant party, until the security is given.(3)Ifthesecurityisnotgivenwithintheperiodstatedintheorder,thetribunalmaymakeanorderdismissingtheproceeding, or the part of the proceeding
against the applicantparty.(4)Indecidingwhethertomakeanorderundersubsection (1),the tribunal may
have regard to any of the following matters—(a)thefinancialcircumstancesofthepartiestotheproceeding;(b)the
prospects of success or merits of the proceeding orthe
part of the proceeding against the applicant party;(c)thegenuinenessoftheproceedingorthepartoftheproceeding against the applicant
party;(d)anything else the tribunal considers
relevant.Division 7Assessors110Appointment(1)The
president may appoint a person with relevant knowledge,expertise and experience to help the
tribunal in relation to aproceeding.Page 84Current as at [Not applicable]
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111](2)AssessorsareappointedunderthisActandnotunderthePublic Service Act 2008.(3)An appointment
of an assessor must be made in writing.(4)Anassessorisentitledtobepaidtheremunerationandallowancesdecidedbythepresidentandstatedintheassessor’s instrument of
appointment.111Helping the tribunal(1)The tribunal may—(a)ask
an assessor to give expert evidence in a proceeding;or(b)engage an
assessor to help the tribunal in a proceeding,including, for
example—(i)to help the tribunal comply with
section 29; or(ii)to sit with the
tribunal for giving advice about theproceeding;
or(c)referaquestionoffactarisinginaproceedingtoanassessor for the assessor to decide
the question and givethe tribunal a written report stating
the decision and thereasons for it; or(d)ask
an assessor to give advice to the tribunal.(2)In
asking an assessor to give advice under subsection (1)(d),thetribunalmayasktheassessortoconductaninquiryorinvestigationintoamatterandgiveawrittenreportoftheassessor’s
findings in the inquiry or investigation.(3)Ifanassessorgivesthetribunalawrittenreportoftheassessor’s
decision under subsection (1)(c), or the assessor’sfindingsinaninquiryorinvestigationundersubsection (2),the
tribunal—(a)must give a copy of the report
to—(i)each party to the proceeding;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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112](ii)each other
person to whom a copy of the report isrequired to be
given under an enabling Act or therules;
and(b)must give each party to the proceeding
an opportunity tomake written submissions about the report;
and(c)afterconsideringanysubmissionsmadeunderparagraph (b),
may either—(i)adopt the assessor’s decision or
findings, in wholeor in part; or(ii)reject the decision or findings.112Costs for assessor(1)Thetribunalmaymakeanorderrequiringapartytoaproceeding,otherthanachild,topayorcontributetothetribunal’s costs of obtaining an
assessor’s help.(2)However, subsection (1) applies in
relation to a party only if—(a)before obtaining the help the tribunal
advised the partyof—(i)the tribunal’s
intention of obtaining the help; and(ii)the
likely costs of obtaining the help; and(iii)thelikelyamountoftheparty’spaymentorcontribution; and(b)the
tribunal gave the party an opportunity to be heard onthe
matter of obtaining the help.113Disclosure of interests(1)This
section applies if an assessor who is to help the tribunalin a
particular proceeding has or acquires an interest, financialor
otherwise, that may conflict with the proper performance ofthe
assessor’s functions.(2)The assessor
must—(a)disclose the nature of the interest to
the president; andPage 86Current as at
[Not applicable]
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114](b)not take part in the proceeding or
exercise powers for it,unlessallpartiestotheproceedingandthepresidentagree
otherwise.Part 7Decisions and
enforcementDivision 1Making
decision114Conditions and ancillary orders and
directionsThe tribunal’s power to make a decision in a
proceeding (theprimary power) includes a
power—(a)to impose conditions on the decision;
andExample of a condition—thatsomethingrequiredtobedonebythedecisionbedonewithin a stated
period(b)tomakeanancillaryorderordirectionthetribunalconsidersappropriateforachievingthepurposeforwhich the tribunal may exercise the primary
power.Examples of ancillary orders or
directions—•an order adjourning the
proceeding•an order or direction that a person
give an undertaking to thetribunal115More
than 1 member constitutes tribunal(1)Ifthetribunalforaparticularmatterisconstitutedby2membersandthedecisionsofthemembersdiffer,thetribunal’s decision is the decision of
the presiding member.(2)Ifthetribunalforaparticularmatterisconstitutedby3membersandthedecisionsofthemembersdiffer,thetribunal’s decision is the decision of
the majority.(3)This section is subject to section
116.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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116]116Deciding question of law(1)This section applies for deciding a
question of law arising in aproceeding.(2)If
the presiding member is a legally qualified member or anadjudicator,thetribunal’sdecisiononthequestionisthedecision of the
presiding member.(3)If the presiding member is not a
legally qualified member oranadjudicatorandthetribunalasconstitutedfortheproceeding includes 1 legally
qualified member, the tribunal’sdecision on the
question is the decision of the legally qualifiedmember.(4)If
the presiding member is not a legally qualified member oran
adjudicator and the tribunal as constituted for a proceedingincludes 2 legally qualified members, the
tribunal’s decisionon the question is the decision of the
legally qualified membernominated by the president to decide
questions of law arisingin the proceeding.(5)If
the presiding member is not a legally qualified member oran
adjudicator and the tribunal as constituted for a proceedingdoes
not include a legally qualified member—(a)the
tribunal’s decision on the question is the decision ofa
legally qualified member nominated by the president;and(b)for that purpose
only, the tribunal is taken to have beenreconstituted to
include the legally qualified member.117Referring question of law to
president(1)The presiding member may refer a
question of law before thetribunal to the president.(2)Subsection (1) applies whether or not
the question has beendecided by the tribunal under section
116.(3)Ifthepresidentdecidesaquestionoflawreferredtothepresident under subsection (1), the
decision of the president isthe tribunal’s
decision on the question.Page 88Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
118]118Referring question of law to Court of
Appeal(1)Thepresidentmayreferaquestionoflawinaproceedingbefore the
tribunal to the Court of Appeal.Note—See
also section 155 (Particular documents to be given to Court
ofAppeal).(2)Thepresident,ortheappealtribunalwiththepresident’sconsent, may
refer a question of law in a proceeding beforethe appeal
tribunal to the Court of Appeal.(3)Areferralundersubsection (1)or(2)maybemadeontheapplication of a party to the
proceeding or on the president’sor appeal
tribunal’s own initiative.(4)If a question of
law is referred to the Court of Appeal undersubsection (1)
or (2)—(a)the Court of Appeal may decide the
question and makeconsequential or ancillary orders and
directions; and(b)the tribunal or appeal tribunal must
not make a decisionaboutthematterforwhichthequestionaroseorisrelevant until
it receives the Court of Appeal’s decisionon the question;
and(c)thetribunalorappealtribunalmustnotproceedinaway,ormakeadecision,thatisinconsistentwiththeCourt of Appeal’s decision on the
question.(5)If the Court of Appeal decides a
question of law referred to itunder subsection
(1) or (2), the tribunal’s or appeal tribunal’sdecisiononthequestionisthedecisionoftheCourtofAppeal.119Decision to be given within a reasonable
timeThe tribunal must give its decision in a
proceeding, includingits final decision, within a
reasonable time.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
120]Division 2Giving decision
etc.Notauthorised—indicativeonly120Giving decision
or notice to particular persons(1)This
section applies if—(a)thetribunalgivesawrittendecisionornoticetoaperson; and(b)the
tribunal is aware that the person—(i)is
blind or apparently illiterate in English; or(ii)is a
child or person with impaired capacity.(2)Thetribunalmustdoeverythingreasonablypracticabletocommunicate the information in the decision
or notice to theperson.121Giving final decision other than in an
appeal(1)Thetribunalmustgiveitsfinaldecisioninaproceedinginwriting to—(a)each
party to the proceeding; and(b)eachotherpersontowhomnoticeofthedecisionisrequired to be given under an enabling
Act or the rules;and(c)for a proceeding
for a review of a reviewable decision—the chief
executive of the entity in which the reviewabledecision was
made (if the chief executive is not a partyto the
proceeding); and(d)anyotherpersonthetribunalreasonablyconsidersnotice of the decision should be
eachpartytotheproceedingawritten notice stating—(a)part
8 provides for appeals against particular decisionsof
the tribunal; and(b)a brief summary of the application of
part 8; andPage 90Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
122](c)if the final decision given under
subsection (1) does notinclude the tribunal’s reasons for the
decision—the partymay request that the tribunal give written
reasons for thefinal decision under section 122.(3)Thetribunalcomplieswithsubsection (1)(b),(c)or(d)inrelationtoapersonifthetribunalordersapartytotheproceeding to give a copy of the final
decision to the person.(4)Without limiting
section 122, the tribunal must give reasonsfor its final
decision in a proceeding either orally or in writing.(5)Thissectiondoesnotapplytoanappealbeforetheappealtribunal.Note—See section 148
for how the appeal tribunal is to give its final decisionin
an appeal.(6)In this section—chief
executiveincludes chief executive officer.122Request for written reasons(1)Thissectionappliesifthetribunalmakesadecisioninaproceeding,includingitsfinaldecision,anddoesnotgivewritten reasons
for the decision.(2)Apartytotheproceedingmay,within14daysafterthedecisiontakeseffectundersection 127,requestthatthetribunal give written reasons for the
decision.(3)The tribunal must comply with a
request under subsection (2)within 45 days
after the request is made or, if the presidentextends the
period, the extended period.(4)However, the tribunal is not required to
comply with a requestforwrittenreasonsforadecisionmadeundersection
51,54(1),55(1),56(1),57,61(1),62(1)or(3),63(1)or(4)or64(1).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 91
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123]123Transcript or audio recording is
sufficient(1)Thissectionappliesifthetribunalisrequiredtogiveinwritingadecisioninaproceeding,orthereasonsforadecision in a proceeding, to a
person.(2)Itisenoughforthetribunaltogivethepersonawrittentranscript, or
an audio recording, of the part of the proceedingin
which the decision is, or the reasons are, given orally.124ConfidentialityIn giving its
decision or reasons, whether orally or in writing,the
tribunal must ensure the decision or reasons do not includesomething the subject of a non-publication
order if includingthethinginthedecisionorreasonswouldcontravenetheorder.125Publication(1)The
tribunal may publish its final decision in a proceeding,withorwithoutthereasonsforthedecision,inanywayitconsiders appropriate.(2)However, the tribunal must ensure the
publication of its finaldecision, or the reasons for its final
decision, do not includesomething the subject of a
non-publication order if includingthe thing in the
publication would contravene the order.Division 3Effect of decision and its validity126Effect of decision(1)A
decision of the tribunal in a proceeding is binding on allparties to the proceeding.(2)Themaking,bythetribunal,ofafinaldecisioninaproceeding for a minor civil dispute
does not prevent a courtoranothertribunalmakingadecisionaboutanissueconsidered(whetherornotdecided)bythetribunalinthePage 92Current as at [Not applicable]
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Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
127]proceeding if the issue is relevant to a
proceeding for anothermatter before the court or other
tribunal.127When decision takes effectA
decision of the tribunal in a proceeding takes effect—(a)when it is made; or(b)ifthedecisionstatesalaterdateortimewhenthedecision is to take effect—the later
date or time.Example—If a party to
the proceeding is not present before the tribunal when thedecision is made, a decision may state it
takes effect from a future dateor when a future
event happens.Note—If, under part
8, a party to a proceeding appeals against a decision in theproceeding,theoperationofthedecisionmaybestayedundersection 145 or 152.128Procedural defects etc.(1)Afailureofthetribunaltocomplywitharequirementofdivision 2 for a decision or notice does not
affect the validityof the decision or notice.(2)A decision of the tribunal is not
invalid only because—(a)of a vacancy in
the office of a member or adjudicator; or(b)of a
defect or irregularity in, or in connection with, theappointment of—(i)a
member or acting member; or(ii)an
adjudicator or acting adjudicator; or(iii)the
principal registrar; or(iv)a registry staff
member or Magistrates Court staffmemberperformingafunctionoftheprincipalregistrardelegatedtothememberundersection 210(2); orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 93
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129](v)aregistrarperformingafunctionoftheprincipalregistrar under
section 211(1); or(c)in relation to a person appointed to
act as the presidentor deputy president, the occasion for
the person to act asthe president or deputy president had
not arisen or hadceased.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 4Enforcing final
decision129Definition for div 4In
this division—final decision, of the
tribunal in a proceeding, includes—(a)an
interim order under section 58; and(b)an
injunction under section 59; and(c)amonetarydecisionmadeotherthanaspartofthetribunal’s final decision in the
proceeding.130Application of Limitation of Actions
Act 1974TheLimitation of Actions Act 1974,
section 10(4) applies inrelation to a final decision of the
tribunal in a proceeding as ifthe decision
were a judgment becoming enforceable when thedecision takes
effect under this Act.131Monetary
decisions(1)Thissectionappliestoafinaldecisionofthetribunalinaproceedingthatisamonetarydecision,totheextentthedecision requires payment of an amount to a
person.(2)A person may enforce the final
decision by filing a copy of thedecision in the
registry of a court of competent jurisdiction.(3)On
filing a copy of the final decision under subsection (2),
thedecision is taken to be a money order of the
court in which itis filed and may be enforced
accordingly.Page 94Current as at
[Not applicable]
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132]Note—See theUniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999,
chapter 19.Notauthorised—indicativeonly132Non-monetary decisions(1)Thissectionappliestoafinaldecisionofthetribunalinaproceeding
that—(a)is not a monetary decision; or(b)is a monetary decision, to the extent
the decision doesnot require payment of an amount to a
person.(2)A person may enforce the final
decision by filing a copy of thedecision in the
registry of the relevant court.(3)On
filing a copy of the final decision under subsection (2),
thedecision is taken to be a non-money order of
the relevant courtin which it is filed and may be enforced
accordingly.Note—See theUniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999,
chapter 20.(4)TheSupremeCourtmaytransfertoalowercourtaproceeding for the enforcement of a
non-money order pendingin the Supreme Court if—(a)the order is of a kind that may be
made by the lowercourt; or(b)the
order is otherwise capable of being enforced in thelower court.(5)Ifaproceedingistransferredtoalowercourtundersubsection
(4)—(a)the order is taken to be an order of
the lower court andmay be enforced accordingly; and(b)the proceeding for the enforcement of
the order is takento have been started before the lower court
when it wasstarted in the Supreme Court.(6)In this section—lower
courtmeans the District Court or a Magistrates
Court.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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133]relevant courtmeans—(a)forafinaldecisionofthetribunalrelatingtoaminorcivil dispute—a
Magistrates Court; or(b)for another
final decision of the tribunal—the SupremeCourt.Division 5Renewal of final
decision133Application for renewal(1)This section applies if—(a)itisnotpossibleforthetribunal’sfinaldecisioninaproceeding to be complied with;
or(b)thereareproblemswithinterpreting,implementingorenforcing the tribunal’s final decision in a
proceeding.(2)Apartytotheproceedingmayapplytothetribunalforarenewal of the final decision.(3)The application must—(a)be in a form substantially complying
with rules; and(b)state the reason for the application;
and(c)be made—(i)within the period stated in the rules;
and(ii)by filing it in
the registry.(4)The party must give a copy of the
application to—(a)each other party to the proceeding;
and(b)each other person to whom notice of
the application orreferral for the proceeding was given under
section 37;and(c)any person the
tribunal directs to be given notice of theapplication.Page 96Current as at [Not applicable]
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134](5)Subsection (4) does not require the
party to give a copy of theapplication to a
person if the principal registrar has given orundertaken to
give the copy to the person.(6)Apartycannotmakeanapplicationunderthissectioninrelationtoafinaldecisionthesubjectofanappeal,oranapplication for leave to appeal, under
part 8.(7)Subsection (6)applieswhetherornottheappealorapplication has been decided.134Renewed final decision(1)This section applies if, under section
133, a person applies fora renewal of the tribunal’s final
decision in a proceeding.(2)The tribunal may
make—(a)thesamefinaldecisionitmadewhentheproceedingwas originally
decided; or(b)anyotherappropriatefinaldecisionthatitcouldhavemade,underthisActoranenablingAct,whentheproceeding was originally
decided.(3)ForthisActoranenablingAct,thefinaldecisionofthetribunal under
subsection (2) is the tribunal’s final decision inthe
proceeding.(4)The tribunal’s final decision can not
be renewed again underthis division.Division 6Correcting mistakes135Tribunal may correct mistake(1)The tribunal may correct a decision
made by it in a proceedingif the decision contains—(a)a clerical mistake; or(b)an error arising from an accidental
slip or omission; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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136](c)amaterialmiscalculationoffiguresoramaterialmistake in the
description of a matter, person or thingmentioned in the
decision; or(d)a defect of form.(2)The
tribunal may act under subsection (1) on the applicationof a
party to the proceeding or on its own initiative.(3)An application under subsection (2)
must be made within theperiod, and in the way, stated in the
rules.(4)A party can not make an application
under subsection (2) inrelationtoadecisionthesubjectofanappeal,oranapplication for leave to appeal, under
part 8.(5)Subsection (4)applieswhetherornottheappealorapplication has been decided.Division 7Reopening136Application of div 7Thisdivisionappliestoaproceeding,otherthananappealunder part 8,
division 1, that has been heard and decided bythe
tribunal.137Definition for div 7In
this division—hearing, of a
proceeding, includes a compulsory conferencefor a proceeding
if the person presiding over the conferencedecides the
proceeding under section 72(1)(b).138Application to reopen(1)Apartytoaproceedingmayapplytothetribunalfortheproceeding to be reopened if the party
considers a reopeningground exists for the party.(2)The application must—Page
98Current as at [Not applicable]
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Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
138A](a)state the reopening ground on which it
is made; and(b)be made within the period and in the
way stated in therules; and(c)be
accompanied by the prescribed fee (if any).(3)The
party must give a copy of the application to—(a)each
other party to the proceeding; and(b)each
other person to whom notice of the application isrequired to be given under an enabling Act
or the rules;and(c)any person the
tribunal directs to be given notice of theapplication.(4)Subsection (3) does not require the party to
give a copy of theapplication to a person if the principal
registrar has given orundertaken to give a copy of the
application to the person.(5)Apartycannotmakeanapplicationunderthissectioninrelationtoadecisionthesubjectofanappeal,oranapplication for leave to appeal, under
part 8.(6)Subsection (5)applieswhetherornottheappealorapplication has been decided.138AEffect of application under s 138 on
decision inproceeding(1)An
application under section 138 to reopen a proceeding doesnot
affect the operation of a decision made by the tribunal intheproceedingorpreventthe taking of
action to implementthe decision.(2)However,thetribunalmaymakeanorderstayingtheoperationofthedecisionmadebythetribunalintheproceeding until
the application to reopen the proceeding isfinally
decided.(3)The tribunal may act under subsection
(2) on the applicationof a party to the decision to reopen
the proceeding or on itsown initiative.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 99
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139]139Deciding whether to reopen(1)Thissectionappliesifaparty(theapplicantparty)toaproceedingmakesanapplicationundersection 138foraproceeding to be reopened.(2)Each party to the proceeding must be
given an opportunity tomake,withintheperiodstatedintherules,writtensubmissions
about the application.(3)The
tribunal—(a)mustconsideranywrittensubmissionsmadeundersubsection (2)
about the application; and(b)maydecidewhetherornottoreopentheproceedingentirely on the
basis of documents, without a hearing ormeeting of any
reopening ground exists for the applicant party; and(b)thegroundcouldbeeffectivelyorconvenientlydealtwithbyreopeningtheproceedingunderthisdivision,whetherornotanappealunderpart8relatingtotheground may also be started.(5)The tribunal’s decision on the
application is final and can notbe challenged,
appealed against, reviewed, set aside, or calledinquestioninanotherway,undertheJudicialReviewAct1991or
otherwise.140Effect of decision to reopen(1)If, under section 139, the tribunal
decides a proceeding shouldbereopened,thetribunalmustdecidetheissuesintheproceeding that must be heard and
decided again.(2)Theissuesmustbeheardanddecidedbywayofafreshhearing on the
merits, and subsection (1) does not prevent thetribunal from
hearing and deciding other related issues in theproceeding.Page 100Current as at [Not applicable]
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Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
141](3)The hearing and deciding of the issues
and any related issuesare taken to be a part of the original
proceeding.(4)The tribunal may—(a)confirm or amend the tribunal’s previous
final decisionin the proceeding; or(b)setasidethetribunal’spreviousfinaldecisionintheproceeding and
substitute a new decision.(5)For this Act or
an enabling Act, the decision of the tribunal asconfirmed, amended or substituted under
subsection (4) is thetribunal’s final decision in the
proceeding.(6)The proceeding can not be reopened
again under this division.141No appeal until
application finally dealt with(1)This
section applies if a party to a proceeding has made anapplicationundersection 138aboutthetribunal’sfinaldecision in the proceeding.(2)An appeal, or an application for leave
to appeal, against thefinaldecisioncannotbemadeuntiltheapplicationundersection 138 is finally dealt with under this
division.Part 8Appeals
etc.Division 1Appeals to
appeal tribunal142Party may appeal(1)Apartytoaproceedingmayappealtotheappealtribunalagainst a decision of the tribunal in the
proceeding if a judicialmember did not constitute the tribunal
in the proceeding.Note—See section 149
for appeals against decisions of the tribunal if a judicialmember constituted the tribunal.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
143](2)However, a party to a proceeding can
not appeal to the appealtribunal against the following
decisions of the tribunal—(a)a decision under
section 35;(b)adecisiontosetasideadecisionbydefaultundersection 51;(c)a
cost-amount decision.Note—See section 149
for appeals against cost-amount decisions.(3)Also—(a)anappealundersubsection (1)againstanyofthefollowing decisions of the tribunal may be
made only ifthepartyhasobtainedtheappealtribunal’sleavetoappeal—(i)a
decision in a proceeding for a minor civil dispute;(ii)a decision that
is not the tribunal’s final decision ina
proceeding;(iii)a costs order;
and(b)an appeal under subsection (1) on a
question of fact, or aquestion of mixed law and fact, may be
made only if theparty has obtained the appeal tribunal’s
leave to appeal.Note—An enabling Act
that is an Act may confer appeal jurisdiction on thetribunalfordecisionsofotherentities.See,forexample,theBodyCorporate and
Community Management Act 1997.143Appealing or applying for leave to
appeal(1)This section applies to—(a)an application for the appeal
tribunal’s leave to appeal tothe appeal
tribunal against a decision of the tribunal or adecision of another entity under an enabling
Act; or(b)an appeal to the appeal tribunal
against—(i)a decision of the tribunal; orPage
102Current as at [Not applicable]
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Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
143](ii)a decision of
another entity under an enabling Act.(2)The
application or appeal must—(a)be
in a form substantially complying with the rules; and(b)state the reasons for the application
or appeal; and(c)be accompanied by the prescribed fee
(if any).(3)An application for the appeal
tribunal’s leave to appeal mustbe filed in the
registry within 28 days after the relevant day.(4)An
appeal must be filed in the registry within—(a)if
the appeal tribunal’s leave is required for the appeal—21
days after the leave is given; or(b)otherwise—28 days after the relevant
day.Notes—1Under section 6(7), an enabling Act that is
an Act may provide fora different period for applying for
the appeal tribunal’s leave toappeal or for
making an appeal.2Under section 61, the tribunal may
extend the period within whicha person may
apply for the appeal tribunal’s leave to appeal ormake
an appeal.(5)In this section—relevant
day, for an application or appeal,
means—(a)if a person makes an application under
part 7, division 5,6 or 7 about the decision being appealed
against within28 days after the person is given written
reasons for thedecision—the day that application is finally
dealt withunder that division; or(b)if
written reasons have not been given for the decisionbeingappealedagainstandreasonshavenotbeenrequestedundersection
122orarenotrequiredtobegiven—thedaythepersonreceivednoticeofthedecision; or(c)thedaythepersonisgivenwrittenreasonsforthedecision being appealed
against.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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143A]143AReferring matter to tribunal to
consider reopening(1)This section applies if—(a)an application or appeal is filed
under section 143; and(b)the appeal
tribunal considers—(i)thereasonsfortheapplicationorappealmayconstitute a reopening ground for the
applicant orappellantintheproceedingtowhichtheapplication or appeal relates; and(ii)the application
or appeal could be more effectivelyor conveniently
dealt with if it were taken to be anapplicationunderpart7,division7foraproceeding to be
reopened.(2)Theappealtribunalmayreferthemattertothetribunaltodecide whether the proceeding should be
reopened.(3)If the appeal tribunal refers the
matter—(a)the applicant or appellant is
taken—(i)to have made an application for the
proceeding tobe reopened under section 138; and(ii)nottohavemadeanapplicationorappealundersection 143; and(b)the
appeal tribunal must give notice of the referral to—(i)each party to the proceeding;
and(ii)any other person
the tribunal reasonably considersshould be given
notice of the referral.144Transfer to Court
of Appeal(1)This section applies if the president
considers that—(a)an appeal made to the appeal tribunal
under this divisioncould be more effectively or conveniently
dealt with bythe Court of Appeal; and(b)it
would be appropriate for the appeal to be transferredto
the Court of Appeal.Page 104Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Act 2009Chapter 2 Jurisdiction and procedure[s
145](2)The president may transfer the appeal
to the Court of Appealwith the court’s leave.(3)IfthepresidenttransferstheappealtotheCourtofAppealunder subsection
(2)—(a)the appeal is taken to have been
started before the Courtof Appeal when it was started before
the tribunal; and(b)the president may make the orders or
give the directionsthepresidentconsidersappropriatetofacilitatethetransfer, including an order that a party is
taken to havecomplied with the requirements under an Act
or otherlaw for starting an appeal before the Court
of Appeal.(4)An order under subsection
(3)(b)—(a)is taken to be an order of the
tribunal; and(b)has effect despite any other Act or
law.145Effect of appeal on decision(1)The start of an appeal under this
division against a decisiondoesnotaffecttheoperationofthedecisionorpreventthetaking of action to implement the
decision.(2)However,thetribunalmaymakeanorderstayingtheoperationofthedecisionbeingappealedagainstuntiltheappeal is finally decided.(3)The tribunal may act under subsection
(2) on the applicationof the appellant or on its own
initiative.(4)The tribunal’s power to act under
subsection (2) is exercisableonly by—(a)the tribunal constituted for the
appeal; or(b)if the tribunal has not been
constituted for the appeal—ajudicial
member.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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146]146Deciding appeal on question of law
onlyIn deciding an appeal against a decision on
a question of lawonly, the appeal tribunal may—(a)confirm or amend the decision;
or(b)set aside the decision and substitute
its own decision; or(c)setasidethedecisionandreturnthemattertothetribunalorotherentitywhomadethedecisionforreconsideration—(i)with
or without the hearing of additional evidenceas directed by
the appeal tribunal; and(ii)withtheotherdirectionstheappealtribunalconsiders appropriate; or(d)make any other order it considers
appropriate, whetherornotincombinationwithanordermadeunderparagraph (a),
(b) or (c).147Deciding appeal on question of fact or
mixed law and fact(1)Thissectionappliestoanappealbeforetheappealtribunalagainst a decision on a question of fact
only or a question ofmixed law and fact.(2)Theappealmustbedecidedbywayofrehearing,withorwithout the hearing of additional
evidence as decided by theappeal tribunal.(3)In
deciding the appeal, the appeal tribunal may—(a)confirm or amend the decision; or(b)set aside the decision and substitute
its own decision; or(c)setasidethedecisionandreturnthemattertothetribunalorotherentitywhomadethedecisionforreconsideration.Page 106Current as at [Not applicable]
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148]148Giving final decision in an
appealThe appeal tribunal must give its final
decision in an appeal,and the reasons for the decision, in
writing, to—(a)each party to the appeal; and(b)eachotherpersontowhomnoticeofthedecisionisrequired to be given under an enabling
Act or the rules;and(c)anyotherpersontheappealtribunalreasonablyconsiders should
be given notice of the decision.Division 2Appeals to Court of Appeal149Party may appeal—decisions of
tribunal(1)A party to a proceeding (other than an
appeal under division1) may appeal to the Court of Appeal
against a cost-amountdecision of the tribunal in the
proceeding, whether or not ajudicial member
constituted the tribunal in the proceeding.(2)A
party to a proceeding (other than an appeal under division1)
may appeal to the Court of Appeal against another decisionofthetribunalintheproceedingifajudicialmemberconstituted the tribunal in the
appeal under subsection (1) may be made only on aquestion of law and only if the party has
obtained thecourt’s leave to appeal; and(b)an appeal under subsection (2) on a
question of fact, or aquestion of mixed law and fact, may be
made only if theparty has obtained the court’s leave to
appeal.(4)Also, a party to a proceeding can not
appeal to the Court ofAppeal against a decision of the
tribunal under section 35.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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150]Note—An enabling Act
may provide for appeals to the Court of Appeal againstdecisions of the tribunal in different
circumstances. See, for example,theLegal Profession Act 2007,
section 468.150Party may appeal—decisions of appeal
tribunal(1)A person may appeal to the Court of
Appeal against a decisionoftheappealtribunaltorefuseanapplicationforleavetoappeal to the appeal tribunal.(2)A party to an appeal under division 1
may appeal to the CourtofAppealagainstthefollowingdecisionsoftheappealtribunal in the appeal—(a)a
cost-amount decision;(b)the final
decision.(3)However,anappealundersubsection (1)or(2)maybemade—(a)only
on a question of law; and(b)only if the
party has obtained the court’s leave to appeal.151Appealing or applying for leave to
appeal(1)This section applies to—(a)an application for the Court of
Appeal’s leave to appealtothecourtagainstadecisionofthetribunal,madeunder this Act or an enabling Act; or(b)an appeal to the Court of Appeal
against a decision ofthe tribunal, under this Act or an
enabling Act.(2)The application or appeal must be
made—(a)under theUniform Civil
Procedure Rules 1999; and(b)within 28 days after the relevant day unless
the Court ofAppeal orders otherwise.(3)In
this section—Page 108Current as at
[Not applicable]
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152]relevantday,foranapplicationorappealbyaperson,means—(a)if a person makes an application under
part 7, division 5,6 or 7 about the decision being appealed
against within28 days after the person is given written
reasons for thedecision—the day that application is finally
dealt withunder that division; or(b)if
written reasons have not been given for the decisionbeingappealedagainstandreasonshavenotbeenrequestedundersection
122orarenotrequiredtobegiven—thedaythepersonreceivednoticeofthedecision; or(c)thedaythepersonisgivenwrittenreasonsforthedecision being appealed
against.152Effect of appeal on decision(1)The start of an appeal, under this
division or an enabling Act,against a
decision of the tribunal does not affect the operationof
the decision or prevent the taking of action to implementthe
decision.(2)However, the Court of Appeal, or the
tribunal as constitutedwhen the decision was made, may make
an order staying theoperation of the decision until the
appeal is finally decided.(3)An order made by
the Court of Appeal may be subject to theconditions the
court considers appropriate.Note—Under section 114, an order made by the
tribunal under this sectionmay also be
subject to conditions.(4)The Court of
Appeal or the tribunal may make an order undersubsection (2)
on the application of the appellant or on its owninitiative.(5)If
the tribunal makes an order under subsection (2), the Courtof
Appeal may amend or revoke the order as if the order hadbeen
made by the Court of Appeal.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 109
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153]153Deciding appeal on question of law
only(1)This section applies to an appeal
before the Court of Appealagainst a decision of the tribunal on
a question of law only.(2)In deciding the
appeal, the Court of Appeal may—(a)confirm or amend the decision; or(b)set aside the decision and substitute
its own decision; or(c)setasidethedecisionandreturnthemattertothetribunal for reconsideration—(i)with or without the hearing of
additional evidenceas directed by the court; and(ii)withtheotherdirectionsthecourtconsidersappropriate; or(d)make
any other order it considers appropriate, whetherornotincombinationwithanordermadeunderparagraph (a),
(b) or (c).(3)If the Court of Appeal returns the
matter to the tribunal forreconsideration, the court must give
directions about whetherornotthetribunalreconsideringthemattermustbeconstituted by the same persons who
constituted the tribunalwhen the decision was made.154Deciding appeal on question of fact or
mixed law and fact(1)This section applies to an appeal
before the Court of Appealagainst a decision of the tribunal on
a question of fact only ora question of mixed law and
fact.(2)Theappealmustbedecidedbywayofrehearing,withorwithout the hearing of additional
evidence as decided by theCourt of Appeal.(3)In
deciding the appeal, the Court of Appeal may—(a)confirm or amend the decision; or(b)set aside the decision and substitute
its own decision.Page 110Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 3Queensland Civil
and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 2
Jurisdiction and procedure[s 155]Miscellaneous155Particular documents to be given to Court of
Appeal(1)This section applies if—(a)aquestionoflawisreferredtotheCourtofAppealunder section
118; or(b)anappealistransferredtotheCourtofAppealundersection 144; or(c)a
party to a proceeding appeals to the Court of Appealunder division 2, or an enabling Act,
against a decisionof the tribunal.(2)The
principal registrar must give the Court of Appeal—(a)alldocumentsandotherthingsthatwerebeforethetribunal in connection with the proceeding
to which thereferral or appeal relates; and(b)all other documents or things in the
tribunal’s possessionthat the tribunal is required
byUniform Civil ProcedureRules
1999to give to the court.(3)TheCourtofAppealmustreturnthedocumentsandotherthingstothetribunalwhentheproceedingbeforethecourtends.156Application of Judicial Review Act
1991TheJudicial Review Act 1991,
parts 3 to 5 do not apply to adecision or to
the conduct of the tribunal in a proceeding otherthantotheextentthedecisionorconductisaffectedbyjurisdictional error.Note—TheJudicial Review Act 1991,
part 3 deals with statutory orders ofreview, part 4
deals with reasons for decisions and part 5 deals withprerogative orders and injunctions.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 3 Reasons to be given for reviewable
decisions[s 157]Chapter 3Reasons to be given forreviewable
decisions157Information notice to be given(1)Thedecision-makerforareviewabledecisionmustgivewritten notice of the decision to each
person who may applyto the tribunal for a review of the
decision.(2)The notice must state the
following—(a)the decision;(b)the
reasons for the decision;Note—See theActs
Interpretation Act 1954, section 27B (Content ofstatement of reasons for decision).(c)the person has a right to have the
decision reviewed bythe tribunal;(d)how,
and the period within which, the person may applyfor
the review;(e)anyrightthepersonhastohavetheoperationofthedecision stayed under section
22.(3)Itissufficientcompliancewiththissectionforthedecision-makertogivetheperson,asrequiredundertheenabling Act, a written notice stating
the matters mentioned insubsection (2)(a) to (e).(4)Afailuretocomplywiththissectiondoesnotaffectthevalidity of the reviewable decision.158Obtaining statement of reasons(1)This section applies if a person who
may apply to the tribunalforareviewofareviewabledecisionhasnotbeengivenawritten statement of the reasons for the
decision.Page 112Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Act 2009Chapter 3 Reasons to be given for reviewable
decisions[s 159](2)Thepersonmayaskthedecision-makerforthereviewabledecision to give
the person a written statement of the reasonsfor the
decision.(3)The request must be—(a)in writing, whether by letter,
facsimile or email; and(b)made within 14
days after the person—(i)was notified of
the decision; or(ii)is, under an
enabling Act, taken to have been givennoticeofthedecisionbypublicationofthedecision in the gazette, a newspaper
or in anotherway; or(iii)if
subparagraph (i) or (ii) does not apply—the daythe person
became aware of the decision.(4)The
decision-maker must give the person the statement withina
reasonable period of not more than 28 days after the requestis
made.Note—See theActs
Interpretation Act 1954, section 27B (Content of
statementof reasons for decision).(5)The person is entitled to receive a
written statement of reasonsfor the
reviewable decision whether or not the provision of theenabling Act under which the decision is
made requires thatthepersonbegivenawrittenstatementofreasonsforthedecision.159Tribunal order requiring statement of
reasons be given(1)This section applies if—(a)undersection
158,apersonhasaskedthedecision-maker for a reviewable decision for
a writtenstatement of the reasons for the decision;
and(b)thedecision-makerhasnotgiventhepersonthestatement.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 113
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Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 160](2)Thepersonmayapplytothetribunalforanorderthatthedecision-maker give the person the
the tribunal is satisfied the person is entitled to receive
thestatement,thetribunalmaymakeanorderrequiringthedecision-makertogivethepersonthestatementwithintheperiod of not more than 28 days stated
in the order.160Further statement(1)This
section applies if, under this division, the decision-makerfor
a reviewable decision gives a written statement of reasonsfor
the decision to a person.(2)The person may
apply to the tribunal for an order under thissection against
the decision-maker.(3)Ifthetribunalconsidersthestatementdoesnotcontainadequateparticularsofthereasonsforthedecision,thetribunal may make an order requiring the
decision-maker togive the person, within a stated period, an
additional statementcontaining further and better
particulars about stated matters.Chapter 4Establishment andadministrationPart 1Establishment of tribunal161Queensland Civil and Administrative
TribunalTheQueenslandCivilandAdministrativeTribunalisestablished.Page 114Current as at [Not applicable]
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 162]162IndependenceIn exercising
its jurisdiction, the tribunal—(a)must
act independently; and(b)isnotsubjecttodirectionorcontrolbyanyentity,including any
Minister.Notauthorised—indicativeonly163Operating throughout Queensland(1)The tribunal may be constituted at any
place in Queensland.(2)More than 1
tribunal may sit at the same time.(3)When
more than 1 tribunal is sitting at the same time, eachtribunalmayexercisethejurisdictionandpowersofthetribunal.164Tribunal is a court of record(1)The tribunal is a court of
record.(2)The tribunal must have a seal.(3)Thesealmustbekeptunderthedirectionoftheprincipalregistrar.Part 2Constitution of tribunal165Constitution generally(1)Thepresidentmustchoose1,2or3members,oranadjudicator, to constitute the
tribunal for a particular matter.(2)Thepersonorpersonschosenbythepresidentundersubsection (1)
constitute, and may exercise all the jurisdictionand
powers of, the tribunal in relation to the matter.(3)For an appeal, or a proceeding
relating to an application forleave to appeal
to the appeal tribunal, a reference in this Act tothetribunalincludesareferencetotheappealtribunalconstituted, or to be constituted, for the
appeal or proceeding.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 166](4)Subsection (3) does not limit another
reference in this Act tothe tribunal being taken to include a
reference to the tribunalas constituted by the appeal tribunal,
if the context requires orpermits.166Constitution of appeal tribunal(1)Thetribunalistobeconstitutedforanappealoranapplicationforleavetoappeal,underchapter2,part8,division 1, by 1, 2 or 3 judicial
members.(2)If the president considers it
appropriate for a particular appealor application
for leave to appeal, the president may choose 1,2 or
3 suitably qualified members to constitute the tribunal forthe
appeal or application, whether or not in combination witha
judicial member.(3)Subsection (2) does not apply in
relation to an appeal or anapplicationforleavetoappealiftheappealorapplicationrelatestoadecisionofthetribunalasconstitutedbyamagistrate.167Choosing persons(1)In
choosing the persons who are to constitute the tribunal for
nature, importance and complexity of the matter;(b)theneedforthetribunalhearingthemattertohavespecialknowledge,expertiseorexperiencerelatingtothe matter;(c)any
provision of this Act, an enabling Act or the rulesthat
may be relevant;(d)any other matter the president
considers relevant.Page 116Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 168]Notes—1Seesections
171(8)and192(6)forarrangementsprovidingforlimitationsonmagistrateswhoareordinarymembers,andsupplementary members, performing
their functions as members.2Undersection
195,anadjudicatorcanhearanddecideonlyparticular matters.3A
judicial registrar who is an adjudicator under section 198A
canhear and decide only minor civil
disputes.(2)However, the president must not choose
a person to constitutethetribunalforareviewofareviewabledecisioniftheperson—(a)isanemployeeorofficeroftheentityinwhichthereviewable decision was made; or(b)was,whenthereviewabledecisionwasmade,anemployee or officer of the entity in which
the reviewabledecision was made.(3)Also, the president must not choose a person
to constitute thetribunal for an appeal against a decision of
the tribunal if thepersonconstitutedthetribunalthatmadethedecisionappealed
against.(4)Further,ifanenablingActthatisanActprovidesthatthetribunalistobeconstitutedforaparticularmatterinaparticularway,thepresidentmustensurethetribunalisconstituted in that way.168Reconstitution(1)The
president may change who is to constitute the tribunal fora
matter, including a change from 1, 2 or 3 members to anadjudicatorandachangefromanadjudicatorto1,2or3members.Examplesofcircumstanceswhenthepresidentmaychangewhoistoconstitute the
tribunal—•a member constituting the tribunal
becomes unavailable•amemberconstitutingthetribunalhasoracquiresaninterest,financialorotherwise,thatmayconflictwiththeproperperformance of
the member’s functionsCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 169]•oneofthepartiestotheproceedingobjectstoamemberconstituting the tribunal•an adjudicator refers a matter to the
president under section 197(2)The
tribunal as reconstituted must continue to hear the matterand
decide it and, for that purpose, may have regard to thedecisionsandanyrecordsofproceedingsofthetribunalaspreviously constituted, including any record
of evidence.169Disclosure of interests(1)Thissectionappliesifamember,oranadjudicator,whoconstitutesthetribunal,istoconstitutethetribunaloristocarryoutanotherfunctionforamatterhasoracquiresaninterest,financialorotherwise,thatmayconflictwiththeproper performance of the person’s
functions in relation to thematter.(2)The member or adjudicator—(a)mustnottakepartinaproceedingforthematterorexercisepowersforit,unlessallpartiestotheproceeding agree otherwise; and(b)foramember,otherthanthepresident,oranadjudicator—must disclose the nature
of the interest tothe president.(3)In
this section—proceedingincludes a
compulsory conference.170Presiding
member(1)If the tribunal is constituted by a
single member, that memberis the presiding member.(2)If the tribunal is constituted by 2 or
3 members, the presidingmember is the member nominated by the
president.(3)Foramatterforwhichthetribunalisconstitutedbyanadjudicator, a reference in this Act
to the presiding member istaken to be a reference to the
adjudicator.Page 118Current as at
[Not applicable]
3Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 171]Members of
tribunalDivision 1General171The members(1)The
members of the tribunal are—(a)the
president; and(b)the deputy president; and(c)the senior members; and(d)the ordinary members; and(e)the supplementary members.(2)Everymagistrate,whilethemagistrateholdstheofficeofmagistrate, is an ordinary member of the
tribunal for minorcivil disputes.(3)The
other members of the tribunal, other than supplementarymembers, are to be appointed by the Governor
in Council.(4)Supplementary members are to be
appointed by the Minister.(5)The members of
the tribunal are appointed under this Act andnot under
thePublic Service Act 2008.(6)Anappointmentofamemberofthetribunalundersubsection (3) or (4) must be made in
writing.(7)Divisions3and4donotapplytoamagistratewhoisanordinary member
under subsection (2).(8)However, section
192(4)(c), (5)(b) and (c), (6) and (9) to (11)applytoamagistratewhoisanordinarymemberundersubsection (2) as if a reference in the
section to a magistrateappointed as a supplementary member
included a reference toa magistrate who is an ordinary member
under subsection (2).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 172]Division 2The
president and deputy presidentNotauthorised—indicativeonly172President’s
functions generally(1)Thepresidenthasthefunctionsconferredonthepresidentunder this Act
or an enabling Act that is an Act.(2)The
functions of the president include—(a)managingthebusinessofthetribunaltoensureitoperates efficiently; and(b)giving directions about the practices
and procedures tobe followed by the tribunal; and(c)managing the members of the tribunal
and adjudicatorsincluding—(i)developingacodeofconductformembersandadjudicators; and(ii)ensuringthemembersandadjudicatorsareadequately and appropriately trained to
enable thetribunaltoperformitsfunctionseffectivelyandefficiently; and(iii)undertakingperformancemanagementformembers and adjudicators; and(iv)decidingselectioncriteriaforappointmentofmembersandadjudicators,andoverseeingtheselection process; and(d)adjudicating in the tribunal; and(e)advisingtheMinisterabouttheappointmentofmembersofthetribunalandadjudicators,andthesuspensionandremovalofthemembersandadjudicators from office; and(f)developingapositivecohesiveculturethroughoutthetribunal’s organisation.(3)ItisalsoafunctionofthepresidenttoadvisetheMinisterabout—Page
120Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 173](a)how
the tribunal could improve the carrying out of itsfunctions to ensure the way it deals with
matters is fair,just, economical, informal and quick;
and(b)how this Act or an enabling Act could
be made moreeffective.(4)The
president may do all things necessary or convenient to bedone
for the performance of the president’s functions.(5)In performing the president’s
functions, the president is notsubject to
direction or control by the Minister.173Directions for president’s function about
training(1)The president may direct all members
or adjudicators, a classofmembersoradjudicators,oraparticularmemberoradjudicator, to participate in—(a)particular professional development;
or(b)particular continuing education or
training activity.(2)The direction must be in
writing.(3)A person to whom a direction is given
under subsection (1)mustcomplywiththedirectionunlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse.Notes—1Under section 188, a senior or
ordinary member may be removedfrom office if
the member contravenes this subsection.2Under section 203, an adjudicator may be
removed from office ifthe adjudicator contravenes this
subsection.174Deputy president’s functions(1)Thedeputypresidenthasthefunctionsconferredonthedeputy president
under this Act or an enabling Act that is anAct.(2)The functions of the deputy president
include the following—(a)assisting the
president in managing the business of thetribunal to
ensure it operates efficiently;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 121
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 175](b)assisting the president in managing the
members of thetribunalandadjudicators,includingthetrainingofmembers and overseeing their
activities;(c)adjudicating in the tribunal.(3)Thedeputypresidentissubjecttothedirectionofthepresidentinperformingthedeputypresident’sfunctions,other than
adjudicating in the tribunal.(4)Thedeputypresidentmaydoallthingsnecessaryorconvenienttobedonefortheperformanceofthedeputypresident’s
functions.175Appointment of the president(1)ThepresidentmustbeaSupremeCourtjudgewhoisrecommendedforappointmentbytheMinisterafterconsultation with the Chief Justice.(2)Subject to this Act, the president
holds office for the period, ofatleast3yearsbutnotmorethan5years,statedinthepresident’s
instrument of appointment.(3)Apersonappointedaspresidentmaybeappointedaspresident for a further period if—(a)the term of the appointment is at
least 3 years, but notmore than 5 years, and does not
immediately follow theperson’s previous appointment as
president; or(b)theappointmentiscontinuouson1ormoreoftheperson’spreviousappointmentsaspresidentandthetotal period of the continuous
appointments is not morethan 5 years.(4)The
appointment of a Supreme Court judge as president doesnot
affect any of the following—(a)the
judge’s tenure of office or status as a judge;(b)thepaymentofthejudge’ssalaryorallowancesasajudge;(c)any
other right or privilege the judge has as a judge.Page
122Current as at [Not applicable]
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 176](5)Service in the office of president is taken,
for all purposes, tobe service as a Supreme Court
judge.(6)Nothing in this Act prevents a person
who holds office as thepresident from doing anything in the
person’s capacity as aSupreme Court judge.Notauthorised—indicativeonly176Appointment of the deputy
president(1)The deputy president must be a
District Court judge who isrecommendedforappointmentbytheMinisterafterconsultation with the Chief Judge.(2)Subject to this Act, the deputy
president holds office for theperiod, of at
least 3 years but not more than 5 years, stated inthe
deputy president’s instrument of appointment.(3)A
person appointed as deputy president may be appointed asdeputy president for a further period
if—(a)the term of the appointment is at
least 3 years, but notmore than 5 years, and does not
immediately follow theperson’s previous appointment as
deputy president; or(b)theappointmentiscontinuouson1ormoreoftheperson’s
previous appointments as deputy president andthetotalperiodofthecontinuousappointmentsisnotmore than 5 years.(4)The
appointment of a District Court judge as deputy presidentdoes
not affect any of the following—(a)the
judge’s tenure of office or status as a judge;(b)thepaymentofthejudge’ssalaryorallowancesasajudge;(c)any
other right or privilege the judge has as a judge.(5)Serviceintheofficeofdeputypresidentistaken,forallpurposes, to be service as a District
Court judge.(6)NothinginthisActpreventsapersonwhoholdsofficeasdeputy president from doing anything
in the person’s capacityas a District Court judge.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 177]177Conditions of appointmentThepresidentordeputypresidentholdsofficeonthefollowing
conditions—(a)the conditions stated in this
division;(b)the conditions decided by the Governor
in Council andstated in the president’s or deputy
president’s instrumentofappointment,totheextenttheconditionsarenotinconsistent with this
division.178Vacancy of officeTheofficeofthepresidentordeputypresidentbecomesvacant
if—(a)the member ceases to be—(i)for the president—a Supreme Court
judge; or(ii)for the deputy
president—a District Court judge; or(b)the
member resigns under section 179.179Resignation(1)The
president or deputy president may resign the president’sor
deputy president’s office by giving the Minister a signedletter of resignation.(2)TheresignationtakeseffectwhentheMinisterreceivestheresignationor,ifalaterdayisstatedintheletterofresignation, the later day stated in
the letter.180Acting president(1)If
there is a vacancy in the office of president or the
presidentisabsentorforanyotherreasonisunabletoperformthefunctions of the office, the Minister may
appoint a person toact as president for a period of not more
than 6 months.(2)An appointment under this section must
be made in writing.Page 124Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 180](3)TheMinistermayappointonlythedeputypresidentoraSupreme Court
judge to act as president.(4)However,despitesection
181(5)(b),theMinistercannotappoint a senior member acting as the
deputy president to actas president.(5)The
Minister must consult the Chief Justice before appointinga
Supreme Court judge to act as president.(6)A
person appointed to act as president—(a)has
all the functions of the president; and(b)is
taken to be the president for all purposes relating tothis
Act or an enabling Act.(7)Without limiting
subsection (6)—(a)section 175(4) to (6) applies to a
Supreme Court judgeactingaspresidentasifthejudgewerethepresident;and(b)sections 178and179applytoapersonactingaspresident as if the person were the
president.(8)If the deputy president is appointed
to act as president, for theperiod of the
acting the deputy president is entitled to be paidthe
remuneration and allowances payable to a Supreme Courtjudge.(9)A
person appointed to act as president may be appointed to actas
president for a further period—(a)by
the Minister, if the appointment is continuous on 1 ormoreoftheperson’spreviousappointmentsasactingpresidentandthetotalperiodofcontinuousappointments is
not more than 6 months; or(b)by the Governor
in Council in other circumstances.(10)TheGovernorinCouncilmayatanytimecanceltheappointment of a person to act as
president.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 181]Notauthorised—indicativeonly181Acting deputy
president(1)If there is a vacancy in the office of
deputy president or thedeputy president is absent or for any
other reason is unable toperform the functions of the office,
the Minister may appoint aperson to act as deputy president for
a period of not more than6 months.(2)An
appointment under this section must be made in writing.(3)TheMinistermayappointonlyaDistrictCourtjudge,orasenior member who is an Australian
lawyer of at least 8 yearsstanding, to act as deputy
president.(4)The Minister must consult the Chief
Judge before appointinga District Court judge to act as
deputy president.(5)A person appointed to act as deputy
president—(a)has all the functions of the deputy
president; and(b)istakentobethedeputypresidentforallpurposesrelating to this Act or an enabling
Act.(6)Without limiting subsection
(5)—(a)section 176(4)to(6)appliestoaDistrictCourtjudgeactingasdeputypresidentasifthejudgewerethedeputy president; and(b)sections 178 and 179 apply to a person
acting as deputypresident as if the person were the deputy
president.(7)If a senior member is appointed to act
as deputy president, forthe period of the acting the senior
member is entitled to bepaid the salary, but not the
allowances, payable to a DistrictCourt judge
under theJudicial Remuneration Act 2007.(8)Apersonappointedtoactasdeputypresidentmaybeappointed to act
as deputy president for a further period—(a)by
the Minister, if the appointment is continuous on 1 ormoreoftheperson’spreviousappointmentsasactingdeputy president
and the total period of the continuousappointments is
not more than 6 months; or(b)by the Governor
in Council in other circumstances.Page 126Current as at [Not applicable]
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 182](9)TheGovernorinCouncilmayatanytimecanceltheappointment of a person to act as deputy
president may delegate a function of the president underthis
Act or an enabling Act to a member, adjudicator or theprincipal registrar.(2)The
deputy president may delegate a function of the deputypresidentunderthisActoranenablingActtoamember,adjudicator or
the principal registrar.(3)Subsection
(1)or(2)doesnotapplytothepresident’sordeputy president’s function of adjudicating
in the tribunal.(4)Also,thepresidentordeputypresidentmaydelegateafunctionundersubsection (1)or(2)onlytoapersonthepresidentordeputypresidentissatisfiedisappropriatelyqualified to
perform the function.(5)In this
section—appropriatelyqualified,forafunction,includeshavingthequalifications, experience or standing
appropriate to performthe function.Division 3Senior members and ordinarymembers183Appointment of senior members and ordinary
senior member or ordinary member must be recommendedforappointmentbytheMinisterafterconsultationwiththepresident.(3)Subjecttosubsection (8),forselectingapersonforrecommendationforappointmentasaseniormemberorCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 183]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyordinary member, the Minister must
advertise for applicationsfromappropriatelyqualifiedpersonstobeconsideredforselection.(4)A
person is eligible for appointment as a senior member onlyif
the person—(a)is an Australian lawyer of at least 8
years standing; or(b)has,intheMinister’sopinion,extensiveknowledge,expertise or
experience relating to a class of matter forwhich functions
may be exercised by the tribunal.(5)A
person is eligible for appointment as an ordinary memberonly
if the person—(a)is an Australian lawyer of at least 6
years standing; or(b)has,intheMinister’sopinion,specialknowledge,expertise or
experience relating to a class of matter forwhich functions
may be exercised by the tribunal.(6)Inrecommendingpersonsforappointmentasmembers,theMinister must have regard to the
following—(a)theneedforbalancedgenderrepresentationinthemembership of the tribunal;(b)theneedformembershipofthetribunaltoincludeAboriginal
people and Torres Strait Islanders;(c)the
need for the membership of the tribunal to reflect thesocial and cultural diversity of the general
community;(d)therangeofknowledge,expertiseandexperienceofmembers of the tribunal.(7)Aseniormemberorordinarymemberholdsofficefortheperiod, of at
least 3 years but not more than 5 years, stated inthe
member’s instrument of appointment.(8)A
person appointed as a senior member or ordinary membermaybereappointed,whetherornotthevacancyinthemember’s office has been
advertised.(9)A senior member or ordinary member may
be appointed on afull-time or part-time basis or on a
sessional basis.Page 128Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 184]184Criminal history checks(1)This
section applies in relation to the following persons—(a)a senior member or ordinary
member;(b)a person who is being considered for
appointment as aseniormemberorordinarymember(aprospectivemember).(2)The Minister may
ask the commissioner of the police servicefor—(a)a written report about the person’s
criminal history; and(b)a brief
description of the circumstances of a convictionor
charge mentioned in the person’s criminal history.(3)However, if the request relates to a
prospective member, theMinister may make the request only if
the person has giventhe Minister written consent for the
request.(4)The commissioner of the police service
must comply with therequest.(5)However,subsection
(4)appliesonlytoinformationinthecommissioner’s possession or to which
the commissioner hasaccess.(6)Beforeusinginformationobtainedundersubsection
(2)todecidewhetherapersonshouldcontinuetobeaseniormember or ordinary member or be nominated
for appointmentas a senior member or ordinary member, the
Minister must—(a)disclose the information to the
person; and(b)allowthepersonareasonableopportunitytomakerepresentations
to the Minister about the information.(7)The
Minister must ensure a report given under this section isdestroyed as soon as practicable after it is
no longer neededfor the purpose for which it was
requested.185Disclosure of changes in criminal
history(1)If there is a change in the criminal
history of a senior memberor ordinary member, the member must,
unless the member hasCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 186]a reasonable
excuse, immediately disclose the change to theMinister.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)For a senior member or ordinary member
who does not have acriminal history, there is taken to be a
change in the member’scriminal history if the member
acquires a criminal history.(3)To
comply with subsection (1), the information disclosed bythe
senior member or ordinary member about a conviction foran
offence in the member’s criminal history must include thefollowing—(a)the
existence of the conviction;(b)when
the offence was committed;(c)details adequate
to identify the offence;(d)whether or not a
conviction was recorded;(e)the sentence
imposed on the member.186Conditions of
conditions—(a)the conditions stated in this
division;(b)the conditions decided by the Governor
in Council andstated in the member’s instrument of
appointment, to theextenttheconditionsarenotinconsistentwiththisdivision.(2)A senior member or ordinary member is
entitled to be paid theremunerationandallowancesdecidedbytheGovernorinCouncilandstatedinthemember’sinstrumentofappointment.(3)However, it is a condition of appointment of
a senior memberor ordinary member that if the member is
removed from officeundersection
188,thememberisnotentitledtoanyremuneration or allowances from the
date of the removal.Page 130Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 187](4)It
is also a condition of appointment of a senior member orordinary member who is appointed on a
full-time basis thatthe member must not, without the
president’s consent, engagein the practice
of any profession or in any paid employment(whether within
or outside Queensland) outside the duties ofthe member’s
office.187Resignation(1)Aseniormemberorordinarymembermayresignthemember’sofficebygivingtheMinisterasignedletterofresignation.(2)TheresignationtakeseffectwhentheMinisterreceivestheresignationor,ifalaterdayisstatedintheletterofresignation, the later day stated in
the letter.188Removal from office(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmay,ontheMinister’srecommendation,removeaseniormemberorordinarymember from the
member’s office if—(a)the member—(i)is
mentally or physically incapable of satisfactorilyperforming the member’s functions; or(ii)hasperformedthemember’sdutiescarelessly,incompetentlyorinefficiently,includingbycontraveningaconditionofthemember’sappointment or
section 173(3); or(iii)hasengagedinconductthatwouldwarrantdismissalfromthepublicserviceifthememberwere
a public service officer; or(b)the
member has been convicted of an indictable offence,whether dealt with on indictment or
summarily; or(c)the member becomes an insolvent under
administrationas defined under the Corporations Act;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 189](d)the
member ceases to be eligible to be a senior memberor
ordinary member.(2)Ifthememberhasbeensuspendedundersection
189,theMinistermaymakearecommendationundersubsection (1)onlyifthememberhasbeengivenanopportunitytomakeoral and written
submissions to—(a)thepersonconductingtheinvestigationinrelationtowhich the member has been suspended;
and(b)either the president or deputy
president.(3)Also, the Minister must consult the
president before making arecommendation under subsection
president, with the Minister’s approval, may suspend asenior member or ordinary member from the
member’s officeif the president believes there may be
grounds for the removalof the member from the member’s
office.(2)If a senior member or ordinary member
who is appointed on afull-time or part-time basis is
suspended under subsection (1),thememberremainsentitledtothemember’susualremuneration and allowances during the
suspension.190Investigation of suspended
member(1)As soon as practicable after
suspending a senior member orordinarymemberfromthemember’sofficeundersection
189(1),thepresidentmustappointaperson(theinvestigator) to undertake
an investigation into the conduct orcircumstances
that led to the suspension.(2)The
investigator must—(a)investigate the conduct or
circumstances leading to thesuspension;
and(b)report to the Minister on the
investigation; andPage 132Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 191](c)giveacopyofthereporttothememberandthepresident.(3)The
investigator’s report under subsection (2) may include arecommendation that the member be removed
from office ona ground mentioned in section 188(1).(4)TheMinistermayuseareportgiventotheMinisterundersubsection
(2)(b) about a senior member or ordinary membertodecidewhetherornottomakearecommendationundersection 188 about the member.(5)If the Minister decides not to make a
recommendation undersection 188 about a senior member or
ordinary member, theMinistermustnotifythepresidentandthememberofthedecision as soon as
practicable.(6)Ifthepresidentisnotifiedundersubsection (5)thattheMinisterhasdecidednottomakearecommendationundersection 188 about a senior member or
ordinary member, thepresident must immediately cancel the
member’s suspension.191Acting senior
members(1)The Minister must establish a pool of
persons to act as seniormembers (thesenior members
pool).(2)The Minister may
approve a person as a member of the seniormembers pool
only if the person is eligible to be appointed tothe
office of senior member under section 183(4).(3)The
Minister may—(a)approveapersonasamemberoftheseniormemberspool
for a specified time; and(b)canceltheapprovalofapersonasamemberofthesenior members pool at any
time.(4)The Minister may approve a person as a
member of the seniormembers pool only after consultation
with the president.(5)If there is a vacancy in the office of
a senior member or themember is absent or for any other
reason is unable to performthe functions of
the office, the president may appoint a personCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 133
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 191A]from the senior
members pool to act as the senior member fora period of not
more than 6 months.(6)A person appointed to act as a senior
member—(a)has the functions of the member’s
office; and(b)is taken to be a senior member for all
purposes relatingto this Act or an enabling Act.(7)Withoutlimitingsubsection(6),section187appliestoaperson acting as senior member as if
the person were a seniormember.(8)Apersonappointedtoactasaseniormembermaybeappointedbythepresidenttoactasaseniormemberforafurther period
if—(a)the term of the appointment does not
immediately followtheperson’spreviousappointmentasactingseniormember; or(b)theappointmentiscontinuouson1ormoreoftheperson’spreviousappointmentsasactingseniormemberandthetotalperiodofthecontinuousappointments is
not more than 6 months.(9)Thepresidentmayatanytimecanceltheappointmentofaperson to act as a senior
member.191AActing ordinary members(1)If there is a vacancy in the office of
an ordinary member or themember is absent or for any other
reason is unable to performthe functions of
the office, the Minister may appoint a personto act as the
member for a period of not more than 6 months.(2)The
Minister may appoint only a person who is eligible to beappointed to the office under section
183(5).(3)TheMinistermayappointapersontoactasanordinarymember only
after consultation with the president.(4)A
person appointed to act as an ordinary member—(a)has
the functions of the member’s office; andPage 134Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 192](b)istakentobeanordinarymemberforallpurposesrelating to this
Act or an enabling Act.(5)Withoutlimitingsubsection(4),section187appliestoapersonactingasordinarymemberasifthepersonwereanordinary member.(6)Apersonappointedtoactasanordinarymembermaybeappointed by the
Minister to act as an ordinary member for afurther period
if—(a)the term of the appointment does not
immediately followtheperson’spreviousappointmentasactingordinarymember; or(b)theappointmentiscontinuouson1ormoreoftheperson’spreviousappointmentsasactingordinarymemberandthetotalperiodofthecontinuousappointments is
not more than 6 months.(7)TheMinistermayatanytimecanceltheappointmentofaperson to act as an ordinary
member.Division 4Supplementary
members192Appointment of supplementary
members(1)If the president considers it
necessary for the functioning ofthe tribunal,
the president may request the Minister to appointa
person to be a supplementary member for a stated period.(2)OnlyaSupremecourtjudge,DistrictCourtjudgeormagistrate can be appointed as a
supplementary member.(3)Before
appointing a person as a supplementary member, theMinister must consult—(a)forappointingaSupremeCourtjudge—theChiefJustice; or(b)for
appointing a District Court judge—the Chief Judge;or(c)for appointing a
magistrate—the Chief Magistrate.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 135
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 192](4)The
president may enter into an arrangement—(a)withtheChiefJusticeaboutusingSupremeCourtjudges appointed as supplementary members to
performtheir functions under this Act; or(b)with the Chief Judge about using
District Court judgesappointedassupplementarymemberstoperformtheirfunctions under this Act; or(c)withtheChiefMagistrateaboutusingmagistratesappointedassupplementarymemberstoperformtheirfunctions under this Act.(5)Anarrangementundersubsection (4)mayprovideforthefollowingforajudgeormagistratethesubjectofthearrangement—(a)the
matters the judge or magistrate may hear and decide;(b)thetimethejudgeormagistratemayallocatetoperforming functions as a supplementary
member;(c)theplacesatwhichthejudgeormagistratemayconstitute the tribunal.(6)If
an arrangement under subsection (4) applies to a SupremeCourt judge, District Court judge or
magistrate, the judge ormagistratemayperformafunctionasasupplementarymember only as
authorised, and in the way provided, underthe
arrangement.(7)Section 175(4)to(6)appliestoaSupremeCourtjudgeappointed as a
supplementary member as if the judge were thepresident.(8)Section 176(4)to(6)appliestoaDistrictCourtjudgeappointed as a
supplementary member as if the judge were thedeputy
president.(9)The appointment of a magistrate as a
supplementary memberdoes not affect any of the
following—(a)themagistrate’stenureofofficeorstatusasamagistrate;Page 136Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 193](b)the
payment of the magistrate’s salary or allowances as amagistrate;(c)anyotherrightorprivilegethemagistratehasasamagistrate.(10)Servicebyamagistrateintheofficeofsupplementarymemberistaken,forallpurposes,tobeserviceasamagistrate.(11)Nothing in this Act prevents a person who
holds office as asupplementary member from doing anything in
the person’scapacity as a magistrate.193Vacancy of officeThe office of a
supplementary member becomes vacant if—(a)the
member ceases to be—(i)forasupplementarymemberwhoisaSupremeCourt judge—a
Supreme Court judge; or(ii)forasupplementarymemberwhoisaDistrictCourt judge—a
District Court judge; or(iii)for a
supplementary member who is a magistrate—a magistrate;
or(b)the supplementary member resigns under
section 194.194Resignation(1)A
supplementary member may resign the member’s office bygiving the Minister a signed letter of
resignation.(2)A resignation does not have effect
unless it is accepted by theMinister.(3)TheresignationtakeseffectwhentheMinisteracceptstheresignationor,ifalaterdayisstatedintheletterofresignation, the later day stated in
the letter.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 194A]Division 5MiscellaneousNotauthorised—indicativeonly194APeriod of office
ends—finishing proceedings(1)This section
applies if the period of office for a member endsand
the member is not appointed for a further period.(2)If the member starts the hearing of a
proceeding before theperiod of office ends, the member is
taken to be a memberaftertheperiodofofficeforthepurposesoffinishingtheproceeding.194BMember resigns—finishing proceedings(1)This section applies if a member
resigns under this part.(2)If the member
starts the hearing of a proceeding before themember resigns,
the member is taken to be a member after theresignation for
the purposes of finishing the proceeding.Part 4Adjudicators195Functions generallyAnadjudicatormayhearanddecideanyofthefollowingmatters if chosen by the president to
constitute the tribunal forthe
matter—(a)a minor civil dispute;(b)a matter stated in this Act, the
rules, or an enabling Actthat is an Act, as a matter an
adjudicator may hear anddecide;(c)anothermatterthepresidentconsiderscanbeappropriatelyheardanddecidedbyanadjudicatorhaving regard
to—(i)thenature,importanceandcomplexityofthematter; and(ii)any
special circumstances relating to the matter.Page 138Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 196]196Independence(1)An
adjudicator when constituting the tribunal is not subject todirection or control, other than as provided
under this Act.(2)However,anadjudicatormustcomplywiththeproceduraldirections given
by the president.Note—Under section
203, an adjudicator may be removed from office if theadjudicator contravenes this
subsection.197Referring matters to president(1)This section applies if—(a)amatterisbeforeanadjudicatorconstitutingthetribunal; and(b)the
adjudicator considers it would be more appropriateforthemattertobedecidedbythetribunalasconstituted by 1, 2 or 3
members.(2)The adjudicator must refer the matter
to the president.198Appointment of adjudicators(1)Asmanyadjudicatorsasarerequiredfortheproperfunctioning of
the tribunal must be appointed.(2)An
adjudicator must be appointed by the Governor in Councilon
recommendation from the Minister after consultation withthe
president.(3)An adjudicator is appointed under this
Act and not under thePublic Service Act 2008.(4)An appointment
of an adjudicator must be made in writing.(5)Subjecttosubsection (8),forselectingapersonforrecommendationforappointmentasanadjudicator,theMinistermustadvertiseforapplicationsfromappropriatelyqualified
persons to be considered for selection.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 139
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 198A](6)A
person is eligible for appointment as an adjudicator only ifthe
person is an Australian lawyer of at least 5 years standing.(7)An adjudicator holds office for the
period, of at least 3 but notmorethan5years,statedin
theadjudicator’sinstrumentofappointment.(8)Apersonappointedasanadjudicatormaybereappointed,whether or not
the vacancy in the adjudicator’s office has beenadvertised.(9)An
adjudicator may be appointed on a full-time or part-timebasis.198AJudicial registrars are adjudicators for
minor civildisputes(1)Every judicial registrar, while the judicial
registrar holds theofficeofjudicialregistrar,isanadjudicatorforminorcivildisputes.(2)The
president may enter into an arrangement with the ChiefMagistrate about using judicial registrars
as adjudicators.(3)Anarrangementundersubsection (2)mayprovideforthefollowingforajudicialregistrarthesubjectofthearrangement—(a)thetimethejudicialregistrarmayallocatetohearingand deciding
minor civil disputes;(b)the places at
which the judicial registrar may hear anddecide minor
civil disputes.(4)Ifanarrangementundersubsection (2)appliestoajudicialregistrar, the judicial registrar may
perform a function as anadjudicator for a minor civil dispute
only as authorised, and inthe way provided, under the
arrangement.(5)This part, other than sections 195(a),
196 and 197, does notapplytoajudicialregistrarwhoisanadjudicatorundersubsection (1).(6)The
appointment of a judicial registrar as an adjudicator doesnot
affect any of the following—Page 140Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 199](a)thejudicialregistrar’stenureofofficeorstatusasajudicial registrar;(b)thepaymentofthejudicialregistrar’ssalaryorallowances as a judicial
registrar;(c)any other right or privilege the
judicial registrar has as ajudicial
registrar.(7)Service by a judicial registrar in the
office of an adjudicator istaken, for all
purposes, to be service as a judicial registrar.(8)NothinginthisActpreventsajudicialregistrarwhoholdsoffice as an
adjudicator from doing anything in the judicialregistrar’s
capacity as a judicial registrar.199Criminal history checks(1)This
section applies in relation to the following persons—(a)an adjudicator;(b)a
person who is being considered for appointment as anadjudicator (aprospective
adjudicator).(2)The Minister may
ask the commissioner of the police servicefor—(a)a written report about the person’s
criminal history; and(b)a brief
description of the circumstances of a convictionor
charge mentioned in the person’s criminal history.(3)However, if the request relates to a
prospective adjudicator,theMinistermaymaketherequestonlyifthepersonhasgiven the Minister written consent for
the request.(4)The commissioner of the police service
must comply with therequest.(5)However,subsection
(4)appliesonlytoinformationinthecommissioner’s possession or to which
the commissioner hasaccess.(6)Beforeusinginformationobtainedundersubsection
(2)todecide whether a person should
continue to be an adjudicatorCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 141
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 200]orbenominatedforappointmentasanadjudicatortheMinister must—(a)disclose the information to the person;
to the Minister about the information.(7)The
Minister must ensure a report given under this section isdestroyed as soon as practicable after it is
no longer neededfor the purpose for which it was
requested.200Disclosure of changes in criminal
history(1)If there is a change in the criminal
history of an adjudicator,the adjudicator must, unless the
adjudicator has a reasonableexcuse,
immediately disclose the change to the Minister.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)For an adjudicator who does not have a
criminal history, thereis taken to be a change in the
adjudicator’s criminal history ifthe adjudicator
acquires a criminal history.(3)To
comply with subsection (1), the information disclosed byanadjudicatoraboutaconvictionforanoffenceintheadjudicator’s criminal history must
include the following—(a)the existence of
the conviction;(b)when the offence was committed;(c)details adequate to identify the
offence;(d)whether or not a conviction was
recorded;(e)the sentence imposed on the
adjudicator.201Conditions of appointment(1)An adjudicator holds office on the
following conditions—(a)the conditions
stated in this part;(b)the conditions
decided by the Governor in Council andstated in the
adjudicator’s instrument of appointment, toPage 142Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 202]the extent the
conditions are not inconsistent with thispart.(2)Anadjudicatorisentitledtobepaidtheremunerationandallowances decided by the Governor in
Council and stated inthe adjudicator’s instrument of
appointment.(3)However, it is a condition of
appointment of an adjudicatorthatiftheadjudicatorisremovedfromofficeundersection 203,theadjudicatorisnotentitledtoanyremuneration or allowances from the
date of the removal.(4)Itisaconditionofappointmentofanadjudicatorwhoisappointed on a full-time basis that
the adjudicator must not,without the president’s consent,
engage in the practice of anyprofessionorinanypaidemployment(whetherwithinoroutsideQueensland)outsidethedutiesoftheadjudicator’soffice.202Resignation(1)An
adjudicator may resign the adjudicator’s office by givingthe
Minister a signed letter of resignation.(2)TheresignationtakeseffectwhentheMinisterreceivestheresignationor,ifalaterdayisstatedintheletterofresignation, the later day stated in
the letter.203Removal from office(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmay,ontheMinister’srecommendation,removeanadjudicatorfromtheadjudicator’s office if—(a)the adjudicator—(i)is
mentally or physically incapable of satisfactorilyperforming the adjudicator’s functions;
or(ii)has performed
the adjudicator’s duties carelessly,incompetentlyorinefficiently,includingbycontraveningaconditionoftheadjudicator’sappointment or
section 173(3) or 196(2); orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 143
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 204](iii)hasengagedinconductthatwouldwarrantdismissal from the public service if the
adjudicatorwere a public service officer; or(b)theadjudicatorhasbeenconvictedofanindictableoffence, whether
dealt with on indictment or summarily;or(c)theadjudicatorbecomesaninsolventunderadministration as defined under the
Corporations Act; or(d)the adjudicator
ceases to be eligible to be an adjudicator.(2)If
the adjudicator has been suspended under section 204, theMinistermaymakearecommendationundersubsection (1)only if the
adjudicator has been given an opportunity to makeoral
and written submissions to—(a)thepersonconductingtheinvestigationinrelationtowhich the adjudicator has been suspended;
and(b)either the president or deputy
president.(3)Also, the Minister must consult the
president before making arecommendation under subsection
president, with the Minister’s approval, may suspend anadjudicatorfromtheadjudicator’sofficeifthepresidentbelievestheremaybegroundsfortheremovaloftheadjudicator from
the adjudicator’s office.(2)Ifanadjudicatorissuspendedundersubsection (1),theadjudicatorremainsentitledtotheadjudicator’susualremuneration and allowances during the
suspension.205Investigation of suspended
adjudicator(1)As soon as practicable after
suspending an adjudicator fromthe
adjudicator’s office under section 204, the president mustappointaperson(theinvestigator)toundertakeaninvestigation into the conduct or
circumstances that led to thesuspension.Page 144Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206](2)The
investigator must—(a)investigate the conduct or
circumstances leading to thesuspension;
and(b)report to the Minister on the
investigation; and(c)giveacopyofthereporttotheadjudicatorandthepresident.(3)The
investigator’s report under subsection (2) may include arecommendation that the adjudicator be
removed from officeon a ground mentioned in section
(2)(b)aboutanadjudicatortodecidewhetherornottomakearecommendationundersection 203abouttheadjudicator.(5)If
the Minister decides not to make a recommendation undersection 203 about an adjudicator, the
Minister must notify thepresidentandtheadjudicatorofthedecisionassoonaspracticable.(6)Ifthepresidentisnotifiedundersubsection (5)thattheMinisterhasdecidednottomakearecommendationundersection 203aboutanadjudicator,thepresidentmustimmediately cancel the adjudicator’s
suspension.206Acting adjudicators(1)Ifthereisavacancyintheofficeofanadjudicatorortheadjudicatorisabsentorforanyotherreasonisunabletoperform the functions of the office, the
Minister may appoint aperson to act as the adjudicator for a
period of not more than 6months.(2)The
Minister may appoint only a person who is eligible to beappointed to the office under section
198(6).(3)The Minister may appoint a person to
act as an adjudicatoronly after consultation with the
president.(4)A person appointed to act as an
adjudicator—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206AA](a)has
all the functions of the adjudicator’s office; and(b)is taken to be an adjudicator for all
purposes relating tothis Act or an enabling Act.(5)Withoutlimitingsubsection (4),section
person appointed to act as adjudicator may be appointed bythe
Minister to act as adjudicator for a further period if—(a)thetermoftheappointmentdoesnotimmediatelyfollowtheperson’spreviousappointmentasactingadjudicator;
or(b)the term of the appointment is
continuous on 1 or moreoftheperson’spreviousappointmentsasactingadjudicatorandthetotalperiodofthecontinuousappointments is
not more than 6 months.(7)TheMinistermayatanytimecanceltheappointmentofaperson to act as an
adjudicator.206AA Application of ss 194A and 194BSections 194A and 194B apply in relation to
an adjudicatorand the hearing of a proceeding before an
adjudicator as if areference in the sections to a member
included a reference toan adjudicator.Part 4ADual
appointments206ADual appointment(1)A
person may hold appointment as an ordinary member andan
adjudicator.(2)The appointment mentioned in
subsection (1) may be made inthe same
instrument or separate instruments.Page 146Current as at [Not applicable]
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206B](3)Any
thing done under this Act for removing or suspending aperson from office as an ordinary member or
adjudicator maybe expressed to be done for the person
holding another officeunder this Act.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
4BQCAT justices of the peaceDivision 1Preliminary206BPurpose of pt 4BThe purpose of
this part is to provide for matters about thehearingofparticularminorcivildisputesbyjusticesofthepeace.206CDefinitions for pt 4BIn this
part—excludedminorcivildisputemeansanyofthefollowingminor civil disputes—(a)aclaimtorecoveradebtorliquidateddemandofmoney, with or without interest, of
more than $5,000;(b)aclaimarisingoutofacontractbetweenaconsumerand trader, or a
contract between 2 or more traders, thatis—(i)forpaymentofmoneyofavalueofmorethan$5,000; or(ii)forrelieffrompaymentofmoneyofavalueofmore
than $5,000; or(iii)for performance
of work of a value of more than$5,000torectifyadefectingoodssuppliedorservices provided; or(iv)for return of
goods of a value of more than $5,000;orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206C]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 148(v)foracombinationofany2ormoreclaimsmentionedinsubparagraphs(i)to(iv)wherethetotalvalueofthecombinedclaimismorethan$5,000;(c)a
claim for an amount of more than $5,000 for damagetopropertycausedby,orarisingoutoftheuseof,avehicle;(d)a
tenancy matter that is—(i)anurgentapplicationundertheResidentialTenancies and
Rooming Accommodation Act 2008,section 415; or(ii)anotherapplicationundertheResidentialTenancies and
Rooming Accommodation Act 2008for a claim for
more than $5,000;(e)aclaimthatisthesubjectofadisputeundertheNeighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act
2011, chapter 2and is for an
amount more than $5,000;(f)a matter in
relation to which a person may, under theBuildingAct1975,chapter8,part2Aapplytothetribunal for an order requiring any of
the following—(i)the performance of work of a value of
more than$5,000;(ii)thepaymentofacontributionofanamountofmore
than $5,000 for fencing work;(iii)thepaymentofanamountofcompensationofmore
than $5,000.JPCDActmeanstheJusticesofthePeaceandCommissioners for Declarations Act
1991.legally qualified QCAT justice of the
peacemeans a QCATjustice of the
peace who is an Australian lawyer.presiding QCAT
justice of the peacesee section 206G.QCAT justice of
the peacemeans a person appointed undersection 206O as a QCAT justice of the
peace.Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206D]206DRelationship with other provisions of
ActFor a matter for which the tribunal is
constituted by 2 QCATjustices of the peace, if there is an
inconsistency between aprovision of this part and another
provision of this Act, theprovisionofthispartprevailstotheextentoftheinconsistency.Division 2Constitution of tribunal by QCATjustices of the peace206ETribunal may be constituted by QCAT justices
of thepeace(1)Despitesection
a matter the QCAT justices of the peace may hearand
decide under section 206L; and(b)at a
location prescribed under a regulation.(2)Thepersonschosenbythepresidentundersubsection
(1)constitute, and may exercise all the
jurisdiction and powers of,the tribunal in
relation to the matter.206FReconstitution(1)The
president may change who is to constitute the tribunal fora
matter 2 QCAT justices of the peace may hear and decide,including a change from—(a)1, 2
or 3 members to 2 QCAT justices of the peace; or(b)2 QCAT justices of the peace to 1, 2
or 3 members; or(c)an adjudicator to 2 QCAT justices of
the peace; or(d)2 QCAT justices of the peace to an
adjudicator.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206G]Examples of
circumstances in which the president may change whois
to constitute the tribunal—•aQCATjusticeofthepeaceconstitutingthetribunalbecomes
unavailable•a QCAT justice of the peace
constituting the tribunal has oracquires an
interest, financial or otherwise, that may conflictwith
the proper performance of his or her functions•oneof the parties to the proceeding
objects toa QCATjustice of the
peace constituting the tribunal•the
presiding QCAT justice of the peace refers a matter tothe
president under section 206N.(2)The
tribunal as reconstituted must continue to hear the matterand
decide it and, for that purpose, may have regard to thedecisionsandanyrecordofproceedingsofthetribunalaspreviously constituted, including any record
of evidence.206GPresiding QCAT justice of the
peaceFor a matter for which the tribunal is
constituted by 2 QCATjustices of the peace, the presiding
QCAT justice of the peaceis—(a)if
only 1 of the 2 QCAT justices of the peace is a legallyqualifiedQCATjusticeofthepeace—thelegallyqualified QCAT justice of the peace;
or(b)otherwise—the QCAT justice of the
peace nominated bythe president.Division 3Decisions of QCAT justices of thepeace206HDiffering decisions of QCAT justices of the
peaceIf the tribunal for a particular matter is
constituted by 2 QCATjustices of the peace and the
decisions of the QCAT justices ofthe peace
differ, the tribunal’s decision is the decision of thepresiding QCAT justice of the peace.Page
150Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206I]206IDeciding question of lawIfaquestionoflawarisesinaproceedingforamatterforwhich the tribunal is constituted by 2 QCAT
justices of thepeace, the tribunal’s decision on the
question is the decision ofthe presiding
QCAT justice of the peace.206JReferring
question of law to president(1)For
a matter for which the tribunal is constituted by 2 QCATjustices of the peace, the presiding QCAT
justice of the peacemayreferaquestionoflawbeforethetribunaltothepresident.(2)Subsection (1) applies whether or not the
question has beendecided by the tribunal under section
206I.(3)Ifthepresidentdecidesaquestionoflawreferredtothepresident under subsection (1), the
decision of the president isthe tribunal’s
decision on the question.206KGiving
decisionAdocumentsettingoutthedecisioninaproceedingofthetribunal constituted by 2 QCAT
justices of the peace may besigned
by—(a)if the rules provide for the document
to be signed by thepresiding member—the presiding QCAT justice
of thepeace; and(b)if
the rules provide for the document to be signed by amemberofthetribunal—aQCATjusticeofpeaceconstituting the
tribunal.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206L]Division 4General matters about tribunalconstituted by QCAT justices of thepeaceNotauthorised—indicativeonly206LFunctions
generally(1)Two QCAT justices of the peace may
hear and decide a matterthatisaminorcivildispute,otherthananexcludedminorcivildispute,ifchosenbythepresidenttoconstitutethetribunal for the matter.(2)If
the tribunal is constituted for a matter by 2 QCAT justicesof
the peace, the tribunal can not make an order or decisionunder section 13(2) that—(a)purports to require payment of an
amount, performanceofworkorreturnofgoodsofavalueofmorethan$5,000; or(b)purports to grant relief of a value of more
than $5,000from the payment of an amount; or(c)combines2ormoreordersmentionedinsection 13(2)(a)(i)to(iv)andpurportstoawardordeclare entitlements or benefits (or both)
of a total valueof more than $5,000.(3)ThissectionhaseffectdespitetheJPCDAct,section 29(3)and (4).206MIndependence(1)In
constituting the tribunal, QCAT justices of the peace are
notsubject to direction or control, other than
as provided underthis Act.(2)However, a QCAT justice of the peace must
comply with theprocedural directions given by the
president.Note—Under section
206T a QCAT justice of the peace may be removed fromoffice for contravening this
subsection.Page 152Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206N]206NReferring matters to president(1)This section applies if—(a)amatterisbefore2QCATjusticesofthepeaceconstituting the tribunal; and(b)the tribunal considers it would be
more appropriate forthe matter to be decided by the
tribunal as constitutedby—(i)1, 2
or 3 members; or(ii)an
adjudicator.(2)The presiding QCAT justice of the
peace must refer the matterto the
many QCAT justices of the peace as are required for theproper functioning of the tribunal must be
consultation with the president.(3)A
QCAT justice of the peace is appointed under this Act andnot
under thePublic Service Act 2008.(4)An appointment of a QCAT justice of
the peace must be madein writing.(5)Subjecttosubsection (8),forselectingapersonforrecommendationforappointmentunderthissection,theMinistermustadvertiseforapplicationsfromappropriatelyqualified
persons to be considered for selection.(6)A
person is eligible for appointment as a QCAT justice of thepeace if the person is—(a)a
justice of the peace (qualified); or(b)a
justice of the peace (magistrates court); or(c)ajusticeofthepeaceundertheJPCDAct,section 19(1A); orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 153
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206P](d)a
lawyer who is a justice of the peace under the JPCDAct,
section 41(a).(7)ApersonappointedasaQCATjusticeofthepeaceholdsoffice for the
period, of at least 3 years but not more than 5years, stated in
the person’s instrument of appointment.(8)A
person appointed as a QCAT justice of the peace may bereappointed, whether or not the vacancy in
the office of theQCAT justice of the peace has been
basis.(10)In this
section—justiceofthepeace(magistratescourt)meansapersonappointed under
the JPCD Act, section 15 to the category ofjustice of the
peace (magistrates court).justiceofthepeace(qualified)meansapersonappointedunder the JPCD Act, section 15 to the
category of justice ofthe peace (qualified).206PCriminal history checks(1)This section applies in relation to
the following persons—(a)a QCAT justice
of the peace;(b)a person who is being considered for
appointment as aQCAT justice of the peace (aprospective QCAT justiceof the
peace).(2)The Minister may
ask the commissioner of the police servicefor—(a)a written report about the person’s
criminal history; and(b)a brief
description of the circumstances of a convictionor
charge mentioned in the person’s criminal history.(3)However, if the request relates to a
prospective QCAT justiceof the peace, the Minister may make
the request only if theperson has given the Minister written
consent for the request.Page 154Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206Q](4)The
commissioner of the police service must comply with therequest.(5)However,subsection
(4)appliesonlytoinformationinthecommissioner’s possession or to which
the commissioner hasaccess.(6)Beforeusinginformationobtainedundersubsection
(2)todecide whether a person should
continue to be a QCAT justiceofthepeace,orbenominatedforappointmentasaQCATjustice of the
peace, the Minister must—(a)disclose the
information to the person; and(b)allowthepersonareasonableopportunitytomakerepresentations
to the Minister about the information.(7)The
Minister must ensure a report given under this section isdestroyed as soon as practicable after it is
no longer neededfor the purpose for which it was
requested.206QDisclosure of changes in criminal
history(1)If there is a change in the criminal
history of a person who is aQCAT justice of
the peace, the person must, unless the personhas a reasonable
excuse, immediately disclose the change tothe
Minister.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)For a QCAT justice of the peace who
does not have a criminalhistory, there is taken to be a change
in the person’s criminalhistory if the person acquires a
criminal history.(3)To comply with subsection (1), the
information disclosed bythe person about a conviction for an
offence in the person’scriminal history must include the
following—(a)the existence of the
conviction;(b)when the offence was committed;(c)details adequate to identify the
offence;(d)whether or not a conviction was
recorded;(e)the sentence imposed on the
person.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206R]206RConditions of appointment(1)A QCAT justice of the peace holds
office on the followingconditions—(a)the
conditions stated in this part;(b)the
conditions decided by the Governor in Council andstatedintheinstrumentofappointmentoftheQCATjustice of the
peace, to the extent the conditions are notinconsistent
with this part.(2)A QCAT justice of the peace is
entitled to be paid the dailysitting fee
prescribed under a regulation.(3)Subsection (2) has effect despite the JPCD
Act, section 35(1).206SResignation(1)A
QCAT justice of the peace may resign from office by givingthe
Minister a signed letter of resignation.(2)TheresignationtakeseffectwhentheMinisterreceivestheresignationor,ifalaterdayisstatedintheletterofresignation, the later day stated in
the letter.206TRemoval from office(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmay,ontheMinister’srecommendation,
remove a person who is a QCAT justice ofthe peace from
office if—(a)the person—(i)is
mentally or physically incapable of satisfactorilyperforming the person’s functions; or(ii)hasperformedtheperson’sfunctionscarelessly,incompetentlyorinefficiently,includingbycontraveningaconditionoftheperson’sappointment,section
173(3)(asappliedundersection 206Z) or section 206M; orPage
156Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206U](iii)hasengagedinconductthatwouldwarrantdismissalfromthepublicserviceifthepersonwere
a public service officer; or(b)the
person has been convicted of an indictable offence,whether dealt with on indictment or
summarily; or(c)the person becomes an insolvent under
administration asdefined under the Corporations Act;
or(d)thepersonceasestobeeligibleforappointmentasaQCAT justice of the peace.(2)Ifthepersonhasbeensuspendedundersection
206U,theMinistermaymakearecommendationundersubsection (1)only if the
person has been given an opportunity to make oraland
written submissions to—(a)thepersonconductingtheinvestigationinrelationtowhich the person has been suspended;
and(b)either the president or deputy
president.(3)Also, the Minister must consult the
president before making arecommendation under subsection
(1).206USuspensionThe president,
with the Minister’s approval, may suspend aQCAT justice of
the peace from office if the president believesthere may be
grounds for the removal of the QCAT justice ofthe peace from
office.206VInvestigation about suspension(1)As soon as practicable after
suspending a QCAT justice of thepeaceundersection
206U,thepresidentmustappointaperson (theinvestigator) to undertake
an investigation into theconduct or circumstances that led to
the suspension.(2)The investigator must—(a)investigate the conduct or
circumstances leading to thesuspension;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206W](b)report to the Minister on the investigation;
and(c)giveacopyofthereporttotheQCATjusticeofthepeace and the
president.(3)The investigator’s report under
subsection (2) may include arecommendationthattheQCATjusticeofthepeaceberemovedfromofficeonagroundmentionedinsection 206T(1).(4)TheMinistermayuseareportgiventotheMinisterundersubsection (2)(b) about a QCAT justice of
the peace to decidewhetherornottomakearecommendationundersection 206T(1) about the QCAT justice of
the peace.(5)If the Minister decides not to make a
recommendation undersection 206T(1)aboutaQCATjusticeofthepeace,theMinister must notify the president and
the QCAT justice of thepeace of the decision as soon as
practicable.(6)Ifthepresidentisnotifiedundersubsection (5)thattheMinisterhasdecidednottomakearecommendationundersection 206T(1)aboutaQCATjusticeofthepeace,thepresidentmustimmediatelycancelthesuspensionoftheQCAT justice of the peace.206WActing QCAT justices of the
peace(1)If there is a vacancy in the office of
a QCAT justice of thepeace or the QCAT justice of the peace
is absent or for anyother reason is unable to perform the
functions of the office,the Minister may appoint a person to
act as the QCAT justiceof the peace for a period of not more
than 6 months.(2)The Minister may appoint only a person
who is eligible to beappointed under section 206O.(3)The Minister may appoint a person to
act as a QCAT justice ofthe peace only after consultation with
the president.(4)A person appointed to act as a QCAT
justice of the peace—(a)has all the
functions of the office to which the person isappointed;
andPage 158Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206X](b)istakentobeaQCATjusticeofthepeaceforallpurposes relating to this Act or an
enabling Act.(5)Withoutlimitingsubsection (4),section
206Sappliestoaperson acting as a QCAT justice of the
peace as if the personwere a QCAT justice of the
peace.(6)A person appointed to act as a QCAT
justice of the peace maybe appointed by the Minister to act as
a QCAT justice of thepeace for a further period if—(a)thetermoftheappointmentdoesnotimmediatelyfollowtheperson’spreviousappointmentasactingQCAT justice of
the peace; or(b)theappointmentiscontinuouson1ormoreoftheperson’s
previous appointments as acting QCAT justiceofthepeaceandthetotalperiodofthecontinuousappointments is
not more than 6 months.(7)TheMinistermayatanytimecanceltheappointmentofaperson to act as a QCAT justice of the
peace.Division 5Application of
particular provisionsfor pt 4B206XPurpose of div 5ThisdivisionprovidesforhowparticularprovisionsofthisAct
apply—(a)inrelationtothetribunalasconstitutedby2QCATjustices of the
peace; and(b)to ensure the effective operation of
this part.206YApplication of chs 1 and 2
provisions(1)Section 4 applies as if a reference in
section 4(f), (g) and (h)to adjudicators included a reference
to QCAT justices of thepeace.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 159
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206Z](2)Sections61,62,63and86applyasifareferenceinsections 61(5)(b),62(7)(b),63(6)(b)and86(4)toalegallyqualified member
included a reference to a legally qualifiedQCAT justice of
the peace.(3)Section 95appliesasifthereferenceinsection 95(5)toamember included a reference to a QCAT
justice of the peace.(4)Section 96
applies as if—(a)areferenceinsection 96(1)and(5)toanadjudicatorincluded a
reference to a QCAT justice of the peace; and(b)thereferenceinsection 96(2)toalegallyqualifiedmemberincludedareferencetoalegallyqualifiedQCAT
justice of the peace.(5)Section 128
applies as if—(a)thereferenceinsection 128(2)(a)totheofficeofamember included a reference to the
office of a QCATjustice of the peace; and(b)section 128(2)(b)includedareferencetoadefectorirregularity in, or in connection with, the
appointment ofa QCAT justice of the peace or acting QCAT
justice ofthe peace.206ZApplication of ch 4 provisions(1)Section 169 applies as if—(a)areferenceinsection 169(1)and(2)toamemberincluded a
reference to a QCAT justice of the peace; and(b)thedefinitionproceedinginsection 169(3)didnotinclude a compulsory
conference.(2)Sections172,173and174applyasifthereferencesinsections 172(2),173(1)and174(2)(b)tomembersincludedreferences to QCAT justices of the
peace.(3)Sections173,182and194Aapplyasifthereferencesinsections 173(1),182(1)and(2)and194Atoamemberincluded a
reference to a QCAT justice of the peace.Page 160Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 206ZA](4)Section 194B applies as if the reference in
section 194B(1) toa member resigning under chapter 4, part 3
were a referenceto a QCAT justice of the peace resigning
under section 206S.206ZA Application of ch 5 provisions(1)Sections 216, 218, 235 and 236 apply
as if a reference in thesections to an official included a
reference to a QCAT justiceof the
peace.(2)Section 217appliesasifareferenceinthesectiontoamember included a reference to a QCAT
justice of the peace.(3)Section 219
applies as if the reference in section 219(6) and(7)tothepresidingmemberincludedareferencetothepresiding QCAT justice of the
peace.(4)Section 228appliesasifareferenceinthesectiontoanadjudicatorincludedareferencetoaQCATjusticeofthepeace.(5)Sections 233 and 234 apply as if the
reference in the sectionsto a prescribed person included a
reference to a QCAT justiceof the
peace.(6)Section 237appliesasifareferenceinsection 237(1)toamember included a reference to a QCAT
justice of the peace.Division 6Other
provision206ZB Hearing of matter after location stops
being prescribedlocation(1)This
section applies if—(a)the tribunal, as constituted by 2 QCAT
justices of thepeace under division 2, is hearing a matter;
and(b)thelocationatwhichthetribunalisconstitutedstopsbeing a prescribed location.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 207](2)Forthepurposesofthetribunalhearinganddecidingthematter, the location is taken to be a
prescribed location untilthe matter is finally dealt with under
this Act.(3)In this section—prescribed
locationmeans a location prescribed by
regulationfor section 206E.Part 5The
Queensland Civil andAdministrative TribunalRegistry207Registry established(1)The
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Registry(theregistry) is
established.(2)Theregistryconsistsoftheprincipalregistrarandtheregistrars and
other administrative staff of the registry.(3)The
registry is the registry for the tribunal.208Appointment of officers and staff(1)Theprincipalregistrar,andtheregistrarsandotheradministrative
staff of the registry are to be appointed underthePublic Service Act 2008.(2)A person is eligible for appointment
as the principal registraronly if the person is appropriately
after consultation with the president.(4)In
this section—appropriatelyqualifiedincludeshavingthequalifications,experience or
standing appropriate to perform the functions ofthe
principal registrar under this Act.Page 162Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 209]209Role
of chief executive(1)The chief executive’s functions
include—(a)managing the administrative support
services relating tothe tribunal; and(b)appointing,undersection 208,theprincipalregistrarandregistrarsandotheradministrativestaffoftheregistrytohelpthepresidenttomanage thetribunal’sbusiness.(2)The chief executive may do all things
necessary or convenienttobedonefortheperformanceofthechiefexecutive’sfunctions under
subsection (1).210Principal registrar’s functions and
power to delegate(1)Theprincipalregistrarhasthefunctionsconferredontheprincipal
registrar under this Act or an enabling Act that is anAct.(2)The
principal registrar may delegate a function mentioned insubsection (1) to—(a)a
registry staff member; or(b)a Magistrates
Court staff member.(3)However, the principal registrar may
delegate a function undersubsection (2)onlytoapersontheprincipalregistrarissatisfied is appropriately qualified
to perform the function.(4)Also,theprincipalregistrarcannotdelegateafunctiondelegated to the
principal registrar by the president or deputypresident under
section 182.(5)A person performing a function
mentioned in subsection (1)is, in
performing the function, subject to the direction of thepresident.(6)A
person performing a function mentioned in subsection (1)may
do all things necessary or convenient to be done for theperformance of the function.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 4 Establishment and
administration[s 211](7)A
function delegated to the clerk of a Magistrates Court undersubsection (2)(b)isadutyoftheclerkfortheJusticesAct1886, section
23.(8)In this section—appropriatelyqualified,forafunction,includeshavingthequalifications, experience or standing
appropriate to performthe function.211Registrar’s functions(1)Aregistrarmayperformthefunctionsoftheprincipalregistrarsubjecttothedirectionofthepresidentandtheprincipal registrar.(2)The registrar may do all things
necessary or convenient to bedone for the
performance of the registrar’s functions.212Principal registrar must disclose
interests(1)This section applies if the principal
registrar who is to performa function under
this Act in relation to a particular proceedinghas or acquires
an interest, financial or otherwise, that mayconflict with
the proper performance of the function.(2)The
principal registrar must—(a)disclose the
nature of the interest to the president; and(b)nottakepartintheproceedingorexercisepowersinrelation to it, unless all parties to
the proceeding agreeotherwise.(3)In
this section—principal registrarincludes—(a)aregistrystaffmemberorMagistratesCourtstaffmember
performing a function of the principal registrardelegated to the member under section
210(2); and(b)aregistrarperformingafunctionoftheprincipalregistrar under
section 211(1).Page 164Current as at
[Not applicable]
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 213]proceedingincludes a
compulsory conference.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyChapter 5GeneralPart
1Offences and contempt213Contravening decision(1)A
person must not, without reasonable excuse, contravene adecision of the tribunal.Note—See also section
218 (Contempt of tribunal).Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Subsection
(1)doesnotapplyifortotheextentthatthedecision is a monetary
decision.214Offences by witnesses(1)Apersongivenanoticeundersection 97mustnotfail,without
reasonable excuse—(a)to attend as required by the notice;
or(b)tocontinuetoattendasrequiredbythetribunaluntilexcused from further attendance.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)A person appearing as a witness at a
hearing of a proceedingmust not—(a)fail
to take an oath when required by the tribunal; or(b)fail, without reasonable excuse, to
answer a question theperson is required to answer by the
tribunal; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 215](c)fail, without reasonable excuse, to
produce a documentorotherthingthepersonisrequiredtoproducebyanotice under section 97.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)It is a reasonable excuse for an
individual to refuse to answera question or
produce a document or other thing if the answerortheproductionofthedocumentorthingmighttendtoincriminate the person.Note—See
also section 237(9) (Immunity of participants etc.).215Warrant may be issued if witness does
not attend(1)Ifthetribunalgivesapersonanoticeundersection 97requiringthepersontoattendatastatedhearingofaproceeding and
the person does not attend as required by thenotice, the
tribunal may—(a)issue a warrant directed to a police
officer to bring theperson at the time, and to the place,
stated in the warrantto give evidence at a proceeding
before the tribunal; andNote—Forparticular police powersunder awarrant, see thePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000,sections 21(Generalpower to enter to arrest or detain someone
or enforce warrant)and 615 (Power to use force against
individuals).(b)adjourn the hearing to the time and
place mentioned inparagraph (a) on terms as to costs the
tribunal considersappropriate.(2)A
warrant issued under subsection (1) is sufficient authorityfor
a police officer to execute it according to its terms.216False or misleading information(1)Apersonmustnotstatetoanofficialanythingthepersonknows is false
or misleading in a material particular.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Page 166Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 217](2)Apersonmustnotgiveanofficialadocumentcontaininginformationthepersonknowsisfalseormisleadinginamaterial particular.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)Subsection (2) does not apply to a
person if the person, whengiving the document—(a)tells the official, to the best of the
person’s ability, how itis false or misleading; and(b)if the person has, or can reasonably
obtain, the correctinformation—gives the correct
information.(4)In this section—official—(a)includes—(i)a registry staff member; and(ii)aMagistratesCourtstaffmemberperformingafunction of the principal registrar
delegated to themember under section 210(2); and(b)does not include a conciliator or
mediator.217Influencing participantsApersonmustnotimproperlyinfluence,orattempttoimproperlyinfluence,apersoninrelationtotheperson’sparticipationinaproceeding,whetherasamember,adjudicator, a party or a witness, to act
other than in the courseof the person’s duty in relation to
the proceeding.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.218Contempt of tribunal(1)The circumstances in which a person
may be in contempt ofthe tribunal include if the
person—(a)insults an official while the official
is—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 218]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(i)sitting on or
with the tribunal in a proceeding; or(ii)attending a proceeding; or(iii)entering or
leaving the place where the tribunal issitting;
or(b)obstructs or assaults a person
attending a proceeding,compulsory conference, conciliation or
mediation; or(c)obstructsorhindersapersonfromcomplyingwithadecision of the tribunal, or a notice
given by the tribunalor the principal registrar under
section 97; orEditor’s note—Section 97
(Requiring witness to attend or produce document orthing)(d)unreasonablyinterruptsaproceeding,compulsoryconference,conciliationormediation,orotherwisemisbehavesataproceeding,compulsoryconference,conciliation or
mediation; or(e)creates or continues, or joins in
creating or continuing, adisturbanceinornearaplacewherethetribunalissitting; or(f)contravenes an undertaking the person has
given to thetribunal; or(g)commits an offence against this part.Note—Seealsosection
non-publication order).(2)A child is not
in contempt under subsection (1) if the thingthat would
otherwise constitute contempt is done by the childinthecourseof,orrelatesinanywayto,areviewofareviewable
decision about the child.(3)In this
section—officialmeans—(a)a member; or(b)an
adjudicator; orPage 168Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 219](c)an assessor; or(d)the
principal registrar; or(e)a registrar;
or(f)a registry staff member; or(g)a Magistrates Court staff
member.219Punishment of contempt(1)Thetribunalhas,foritself,alltheprotection,powers,jurisdictionandauthoritytheSupremeCourthas,forthatcourt, in
relation to contempt.(2)The tribunal
must comply with theUniform Civil ProcedureRules1999relatingtocontempt,withnecessarychanges,including changes prescribed under the
rules.(3)The principal registrar may apply to
the tribunal for an orderthatapersonbecommittedtoprisonforcontemptofthetribunal.(4)The
tribunal’s jurisdiction and powers to punish a contempt ofthe
tribunal may be exercised on the application of a person oron
its own initiative.(5)The tribunal’s jurisdiction and powers
to punish a contempt ofthe tribunal may be exercised only by
a judicial member.(6)If contempt is committed in the face
of the tribunal and thetribunal is not constituted by a
judicial member, the presidingmember of the
tribunal may certify the contempt in writing tothe
president.(7)For subsection (6), it is enough for
the presiding member to besatisfied there is evidence of
contempt.(8)The tribunal has jurisdiction to
punish an act or omission as acontempt of the
tribunal even though a penalty is prescribedfor the act or
omission.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 220]220Tribunal may exclude person(1)The tribunal may make an order—(a)excluding a disruptive person from the
place the tribunalis sitting; and(b)authorising1ormoreprescribedpersonstoremoveadisruptive person from the place the
tribunal is sitting.(2)If the tribunal
makes an order under subsection (1), the orderis taken to be
an authorising law for the purposes of thePolicePowers and Responsibilities Act 2000,
section 16.Note—ThePolice Powers and Responsibilities Act
2000, section 16 providesfor a police
officer, if a public official asks, to help the public
officialperform the public official’s functions
under an authorising law.(3)Ifthetribunalmakesanorderundersubsection (1)(b),itislawful for the prescribed persons, and
any person helping theprescribed persons, to remove the
disruptive person from theplacethetribunalissitting,usingnecessaryandreasonableforce for the
purpose.(4)In this section—prescribed
principal registrar; or(b)a registrar;
or(c)a registry staff member; or(d)a Magistrates Court staff member
performing a functionof the principal registrar delegated
to the member undersection 210(2).221Person not to be punished twice for same
conduct(1)If conduct of a person is bothcontempt of the tribunal andcontempt of a court, the person may be
proceeded against forthe contempt of the tribunal or for
the contempt of the court,but the person is not liable to be
punished twice for the sameconduct.Page
170Current as at [Not applicable]
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 222](2)If conduct of a person is both
contempt of the tribunal or acourt and an
offence, the person may be proceeded against forthe
contempt or for the offence, but the person is not liable tobe
punished twice for the same conduct.Notauthorised—indicativeonly222Court’s powers relating to person
contraveningnon-publication order(1)This
section applies if—(a)the tribunal makes a non-publication
order prohibitingor restricting the publication or disclosure
of a matter;and(b)a court is
hearing—(i)a prosecution for an offence against
section 213 oran enabling Act relating to a contravention
of theorder; or(ii)anappealaboutaprosecutionforanoffenceagainst section
213 or an enabling Act relating to acontravention of
the order; and(c)the court considers that, in the
circumstances, the courtshould prohibit or restrict the
publication or disclosureof the matter.(2)Thecourtmaymakeanorderprohibitingorrestrictingthepublication or disclosure of the
(2)iscontempt of the court.(4)In this section—matterincludes—(a)a
document or other thing; and(b)a
part of, or the contents of, a document or other thing;and(c)evidence;
and(d)information.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 171
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 223]Part
2Rules committee, rules andpractice directionsNotauthorised—indicativeonly223The rules
committee(1)The president must establish a rules
committee consisting ofthe following members—(a)the president;(b)the
deputy president;(c)a senior member or ordinary member who
is appointedon a full-time basis;(d)a
member who is not an Australian lawyer;(e)othermembersoradjudicatorsthepresidentconsidersappropriate.(2)The
president is the chairperson of the rules committee.(3)The functions of the rules committee
include—(a)developing and reviewing the rules
under this Act; and(b)approving forms for use under this
Act; and(c)theotherfunctionsconferredontherulescommitteeunder this Act
or an enabling Act that is an Act.(4)Therulescommitteemayconductitsbusinessandproceedings at meetings in the way it
decides.(5)However, the chairperson has a
deliberative vote and, in theevent of an
equality of votes, a casting vote.224Rule-making power(1)The
Governor in Council may make rules under this Act for—(a)thepracticesandproceduresofthetribunaloritsregistry,includingpracticesandproceduresforjurisdictionconferredonthetribunalbyanenablingAct;
orPage 172Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 225](b)a matter mentioned in schedule
however, section 277 (Initial rules).(3)The
rules may provide that a person is disqualified from beinga
representative of a party to a proceeding if the person hasbeen—(a)the
subject of a stated disciplinary proceeding under anAct,
a law of the Commonwealth or another State, or therulesofaprofessionaloroccupationalassociationorother body; and(b)foundguiltyintheproceedingofastatedtypeofprofessional misconduct (however
called) or a breach ofanother stated professional or
occupational standard.225Rules are exempt
from automatic expiryTheStatutory
Instruments Act 1992, part 7 does not apply tothe
rules.Editor’s note—StatutoryInstrumentsAct1992, part 7 (Staged
automatic expiry ofsubordinate legislation)226Practice directions(1)The
president may make practice directions for the tribunalaboutthepracticesandproceduresofthetribunalnotprovided for, or not sufficiently provided
for, in this Act, anenabling Act or the rules.(2)A practice direction must not be
inconsistent with this Act, anenabling Act or
the rules.(3)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that a practice direction isnot subordinate
legislation.(4)In this section—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 173
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 227]enabling Actmeans an
enabling Act that is an Act.Part 3Miscellaneous provisionsDivision 1Operation of tribunal227Arrangements with ombudsman(1)Thetribunalmayenterintoanarrangementwiththeombudsman providing for—(a)theapplicationsorreferralsunderthisActthatthetribunal should refer to the ombudsman
because they—(i)relate to administrative actions;
and(ii)wouldbemoreappropriatelydealtwithbytheombudsman under theOmbudsman Act 2001; or(b)the complaints under theOmbudsman Act 2001that theombudsman should refer to the tribunal
because they—(i)relatetodecisionsor otheractionsforwhichthetribunal has jurisdiction; and(ii)wouldbemoreappropriatelydealtwithbythetribunal under this Act; or(c)howtodealwithanadministrativeactionthatisthesubjectofacomplaint,preliminaryinquiryorinvestigationundertheOmbudsmanAct2001andanapplication or referral under this
Act; or(d)thecooperativeperformancebythetribunalandtheombudsmanoftheirrespectivefunctionsrelatingtoadministrative actions.(2)If
an arrangement entered into under subsection (1) providesforreferralsasmentionedinsubsection (1)(a)or(b),thearrangement must also provide for how the
referral is to bemade.Page 174Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 228](3)The tribunal and the ombudsman are
empowered to performtheir functions in accordance with any
relevant arrangemententered into under this
section.(4)In this section—administrativeactionhasthemeaninggivenbytheOmbudsman Act 2001, section
7.228Oath of office(1)This
section applies to a person who, under this Act, holds anyof
the following offices or who is appointed to act in any ofthe
following offices—(a)president;(b)deputy president;(c)senior member;(d)ordinary member, other than the office of an
ordinarymember held by a magistrate under section
171(2);(e)supplementary member;(f)adjudicator.(2)Beforethepersonperformsanyfunctionoftheoffice,thepersonmusttakeormaketheoathprescribedunderaregulation before the following
person—(a)for a person appointed as president,
deputy president ora supplementary member, or to act in the
office of thepresident or deputy president—the Chief
Justice;(b)forapersonappointedasaseniormember,ordinarymember or adjudicator, or to act in the
office of a seniormember, ordinary member or an
adjudicator—(i)ifthepersonisanAustralianlawyer—theChiefJusticeor,iftheChiefJusticenominatesthepresident to hear the oath, the
president; or(ii)otherwise—the
president.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 229]229Register of proceedings(1)Theprincipalregistrarmustkeeparegisterofproceedings(theregister) containing the
matters stated in the rules.(2)The
principal registrar must ensure the register is available
forinspectionbythepublicatthemainofficeoftheregistryduring office hours on business days.(3)A party to a proceeding may inspect
the part of the registerrelating to the proceeding without
charge.(4)Anotherpersonmay,onpaymentoftheprescribedfee(ifany)—(a)inspect the register; or(b)obtain a copy of a part of the
register.(5)This section does not authorise,
entitle or permit a person toaccessapartoftheregistercontaininganythingwhosepublicationordisclosuretothepersonisprohibitedbyanon-publication order.230Record for proceeding(1)Theprincipalregistrarmust,foreachproceeding,keeparecord containing all documents filed
in the registry for theproceeding.(2)Apartytoaproceedingmay,withoutcharge,inspecttherecord kept for the proceeding under
subsection (1).(3)Anotherpersonmay,onpaymentoftheprescribedfee(ifany)—(a)inspect a record kept under subsection (1);
(1).(4)This section does not authorise,
entitle or permit a person toaccessapartofarecordcontaininganythingwhosepublication or
disclosure to the person is prohibited under anon-publication
order.Page 176Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 231]231Trust account(1)The
tribunal must maintain a trust account to receive and holdamounts ordered by the tribunal to be paid
to the trust accountfor a proceeding.(2)Thetribunalmustpayamountsfromthetrustaccountasordered by the tribunal.(3)Interestonthetrustaccountistobeappliedtothecostofkeeping the account and administering the
tribunal.232Annual report(1)As
soon as practicable after each financial year, but not laterthan30September,thepresidentmustgivetheMinisterareport containing—(a)areviewoftheoperationofthetribunalduringthepreceding financial year; and(b)detailsofthenumber,natureandoutcomeofmattersthatcamebeforethetribunalduringtheprecedingfinancial year;
and(c)details of the number and nature of
matters before thetribunalthatwereoutstandingattheendofthepreceding financial year; and(d)details of any trends or special
problems that emergedduring the preceding financial year;
and(e)forecasts of the workload of the
tribunal in the presentfinancial year; and(f)proposals for improving the operation
of the tribunal inthe present financial year; and(g)proposals for improving the quality of
decision-makingacross government.(2)The
Minister must table a copy of the report in the LegislativeAssembly within 14 sitting days after
receiving the report.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 233]Division 2Confidentiality233Confidentiality generally(1)Thissectionappliestoaprescribedpersonwhohas,inthecourse of administering this Act or
because of an opportunityprovided by involvement in
administering this Act—(a)acquired
information about someone else; or(b)gained access to a document about someone
else.(2)The prescribed person must not do
either of the following—(a)disclose to
anyone else—(i)the information; or(ii)thecontentsoforinformationcontainedinthedocument;(b)give access to the document to anyone
else.Maximumpenalty—100penaltyunitsor1year’simprisonment.(3)Subsection (2) does not apply to the
disclosure of information,or the giving of access to a document,
about a person—(a)with the person’s consent; or(b)in connection with the performance of
a function underthis Act or an enabling Act; or(c)to a police officer for reporting a
suspected offence orassisting in the investigation of a
suspected offence, ifthepresidentconsentstothedisclosureorgivingofaccess; or(d)ifthedisclosureoraccessisnecessarytopreventor,minimisetheriskof,harmtoachildorinjurytoaperson; or(e)to a
person approved by the Minister if the disclosure orgiving of access is of statistical or other
information thatcouldnotreasonablybeexpectedtoresultinthePage 178Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 234]identificationofthepersontowhomtheinformationrelates;
or(f)as required or authorised under an Act
or law.(4)Also,subsection
(2)doesnotapplytothedisclosureofinformation, or the giving of access to a
document, about aperson if the information disclosed or
accessed is only—(a)somethingthatwassaidorotherwisedisclosedatahearing of a
proceeding that was held in public; or(b)a
decision, or reasons for the decision, of the tribunal.(5)In this section—prescribedpersonmeansapersonwhoisorhasbeeninvolved in the
administration of this Act, including a personwho is or has
been any of the following—(a)an
official;(b)a registry staff member;(c)a person acting under the authority or
direction of thetribunal or the chief executive;(d)a Magistrates Court staff member
performing a functionof the principal registrar delegated
to the member undersection 210(2).234Further limitation on disclosure to a court
etc.(1)A court can not compel a prescribed
person to do either of thefollowing other than for the purpose
of administering this Actor an enabling Act—(a)produce to the court a document
that—(i)has come into the prescribed person’s
possession inthe course of administering this Act or
because ofanopportunityprovidedbyinvolvementinadministering this Act; and(ii)is or contains a
protected item;(b)disclose to the court information
that—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 234](i)has come to the person’s knowledge in
the courseofadministeringthisActorbecauseofanopportunityprovidedbyinvolvementinadministering this Act; and(ii)is or is a part
of a protected item.(2)In this
section—courtincludesatribunalandanyotherentitythathasthepower to require a prescribed person
to produce a documentor answer a question.prescribedpersonmeansapersonwhoisorhasbeeninvolved in the
administration of this Act, including a personwho is or has
been any of the following—(a)an
official;(b)a registry staff member;(c)a person acting under the authority or
direction of thetribunal or chief executive;(d)a Magistrates Court staff member
performing a functionof the principal registrar delegated
to the member undersection 210(2).protected
itemmeans—(a)information,evidence,oradocumentorotherthingobtained by the tribunal in a proceeding
that was held inprivate; or(b)something the subject of a non-publication
order, if theproduction or disclosure of the thing to the
court wouldcontravene the order.Page 180Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 3Queensland Civil
and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 5
General[s 235]Evidentiary
provisionsNotauthorised—indicativeonly235Appointment and authority(1)ForaproceedingunderanAct,thefollowingmustbepresumedunlessapartytotheproceeding,byprescribednotice, requires
proof of it—(a)the appointment of an official;(b)the authority of an official to do
anything under this Act.(2)In this
section—prescribednotice,foraproceedingunderanAct,meansnotice at least 14 days before the day a
court starts to hear theproceeding.236Signatures and documents(1)Asignaturepurportingtobethesignatureofanofficialisevidence of the signature it purports
to be.(2)A certificate purporting to be signed
by the principal registrarstatingeitherofthefollowingis,onitsproductioninanycriminal, civil or other proceeding,
evidence of the matter—(a)thatastateddocumentisadecision,oracopyofadecision, of the
tribunal;(b)that a stated document is a record or
document, a copyof a record or document, or an extract from
a record ordocument, kept under this Act.Division 4Protection from
liability237Immunity of participants etc.(1)A member has, in the performance of
the member’s functionsas a member, the same protection and
immunity as a SupremeCourt judge has in the performance of
a judge’s functions.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 237]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(2)Anadjudicatorhas,intheperformanceoftheadjudicator’sfunctions as an
adjudicator, the same protection and immunityas a Supreme
Court judge has in the performance of a judge’sfunctions.(3)Aconciliatorormediatorhas,intheperformanceoftheconciliator’sormediator’sfunctionsasaconciliatorormediator,thesameprotectionandimmunityasaSupremeCourt judge has
in the performance of a judge’s functions.(4)A
person who on behalf of the tribunal takes evidence undersection 96 has, in taking the evidence, the
same protection andimmunity as a Supreme Court judge has in the
performance ofa judge’s functions.(5)An
assessor, in the performance of the assessor’s functions asan
assessor under this Act or an enabling Act, has the sameprotection and immunity as a Supreme Court
judge has in theperformance of a judge’s functions.(6)Theprincipalregistrarhas,intheperformanceofthefollowing functions, the same
protection and immunity as aSupremeCourtjudgehasintheperformanceofajudge’sfunctions—(a)a
function of the tribunal permitted to be performed bythe
principal registrar by this Act or an enabling Act thatis
an Act;(b)a function under chapter 2, part 6,
division 2.(7)A person representing a party in a
proceeding has the sameprotection and immunity as a legal
practitioner appearing for aparty in a
proceeding before the Supreme Court.(8)A
party to a proceeding has the same protection and immunityas a
party to a proceeding before the Supreme Court.(9)A
person appearing before the tribunal as a witness has thesame
protection and immunity as a witness in a proceedingbefore the Supreme Court.(10)Adocumentproducedat,orusedfor,ahearingbeforethetribunal has the same protection as a
document produced at, orused for, a hearing before the Supreme
Court.Page 182Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 238](11)In this
section—assessorincludes a
person appointed by the tribunal to assesscosts under the
rules.principal registrarincludes—(a)aregistrystaffmemberorMagistratesCourtstaffmember
performing a function of the principal registrardelegated to the member under section
210(2); and(b)aregistrarperformingafunctionoftheprincipalregistrar under
section 211(1).238Protection from civil liability(1)An official is not civilly liable for
an act done, or omissionmade, honestly and without negligence
under this Act or anenabling Act.(2)If
subsection (1) prevents civil liability attaching to an
official,the liability attaches instead to the
State.(3)This section is subject to section 237
to the extent it relates tothe civil
liability of the principal registrar or a registrar.(4)In this section—officialmeans—(a)the
chief executive; or(b)theprincipalregistrar,aregistraroraregistrystaffmember; or(c)a
person acting under the authority or direction of thetribunal or chief executive; or(d)a Magistrates Court staff member
performing a functionof the principal registrar delegated
to the member undersection 210(2).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 183
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 5 General[s 239]Division 5Other
provisionsNotauthorised—indicativeonly239Contracting out
prohibited(1)A contract or agreement is void to the
extent to which it—(a)is contrary to this Act; or(b)purports to annul, exclude, restrict
or otherwise changethe effect of a provision of this
Act.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to an
agreement that a disputebe referred to arbitration if the
agreement is entered into afterthe dispute
arises.(3)Nothinginthissectionpreventsthepartiestoacontractoragreementfromincludinginthecontractoragreementprovisions that
impose greater or more onerous obligations onan entity than
are imposed under this Act.(4)This
section applies to contracts or agreements entered intobefore or after the commencement of this
Act.240Review of Act(1)The
Minister must review this Act—(a)within 3 years after the commencement of
this section;and(b)at further
intervals of 5 years.(2)The objects of
the review include—(a)deciding whether the objects of this
Act remain valid;and(b)deciding whether
this Act is meeting its objects; and(c)decidingwhethertheprovisionsofthisActareappropriate for meeting its objects;
and(d)investigatinganyspecificissuerecommendedbytheMinisterorthepresident,including,forexample,whetheranyprovisionofanenablingActaffectstheeffective operation of the tribunal.Page
184Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 6 Repeal provision[s
241](3)TheMinistermust,assoonaspracticableafterfinishingareview under subsection (1), table a report
about the outcomeof the review in the Legislative
Assembly.241Approved formsTherulescommitteemayapproveformsforuseunderthisAct.242Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), a
regulation made under thisAct may—(a)prescribe fees payable under this Act;
or(b)providefortheformofanoathandhowitistobeadministered.Chapter 6Repeal provision243RepealsThe following
Acts are repealed—•the Children Services Tribunal Act
2000, No. 59•the Commercial and Consumer Tribunal
Act 2003, No.30•the Misconduct
Tribunals Act 1997, No. 59•the Small Claims
Tribunals Act 1973, No. 23.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 185
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 244]Chapter 7Transitional provisions forAct
No. 23 of 2009Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 1Preliminary244Definitions for ch 7In this
chapter—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.continuing
court; or(b)a Minister administering an enabling
Act; or(c)the Queensland Gaming Commission under
theGamingMachine Act
1991.decision, of a former
tribunal or court, includes an order madeor direction
given by the former tribunal or court.decision, of
QCAT, does not include a decision made in anappeal under
chapter 2, part 8.Note—See also
schedule 3, definitiondecisionin relation to
the tribunal.enabling Actmeans an Act or
subordinate legislation that isan enabling Act
at the commencement.existing court proceedingmeans a proceeding that—(a)wasstartedinacourtunderaformerActbeforethecommencement; and(b)atthecommencement,hasnotbeenwithdrawn,ordismissed,struckoutorotherwisedisposedofbythecourt;
and(c)relates to a QCAT matter.existing proceedingmeans—(a)an existing court proceeding;
orPage 186Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 244](b)an
existing tribunal proceeding.existing
tribunal proceedingmeans a proceeding that—(a)was
started before a former tribunal under a former Actbefore the commencement; and(b)atthecommencement,hasnotbeenwithdrawn,dismissed,
struck out or otherwise disposed of under theformer
Act.final decision, of a former
tribunal or a court in a proceeding,meanstheformertribunal’sorcourt’sdecisionthatfinallydecides the matters the subject of the
decision, of the tribunal in a proceeding, is
defined in schedule 3.formerActmeansanyofthefollowingActs,asinforcebefore the
commencement—(a)the repealedChildren
Services Tribunal Act 2000;(b)therepealedCommercialandConsumerTribunalAct2003;(c)the repealedMisconduct
Tribunals Act 1997;(d)the
repealedSmall Claims Tribunals Act 1973;(e)an enabling
Act.former entity, for part 4,
see section 270.former tribunalmeans an entity
mentioned in schedule 1.member, of a former
tribunal, includes a person who under aformerActmayconstitutetheformertribunalformatters,even though the
person is not called a member.Example—a
referee under the repealedSmall Claims Tribunals Act 1973pending proceedingsee section
245.proceedingincludes—(a)an action before a former tribunal or
continuing entitywithout an application or referral being
made; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 245](b)a
process under a former Act for the consideration of amatter, including, for example, a review of
a decision,by a former tribunal or continuing
entity.QCATmeans the
tribunal.QCATAmendmentActmeanstheQueenslandCivilandAdministrative Tribunal (Jurisdiction
Provisions) AmendmentAct 2009.QCATmattermeansamatterforwhichthisActoranenablingActconfersjurisdictiononQCATatthecommencement.245What
is apending proceedingAnexistingproceedinginacourtorformertribunalisapendingproceedingif,atthecommencement,thecourtorformer tribunal—(a)hasnotstartedtohearamatterthesubjectoftheproceeding; or(b)has
started to hear a matter the subject of the proceedingbut
has not started to consider evidence for the purposeof
making its final decision in the proceeding.246Acts
Interpretation Act 1954, s 20 not limitedSubject to
sections 255(7) and 267(7), this chapter does notlimit theActs
Interpretation Act 1954, section 20.Page 188Current as at [Not applicable]
2Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 247]Transitional
provisions aboutformer tribunalsNotauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Abolition and
related matters247Abolition of former tribunals(1)At the commencement—(a)each former tribunal is abolished;
and(b)the members of the former tribunal
stop being membersof the former tribunal.Note—Particularmembersofparticularformertribunalsbecomeordinarymembers of QCAT
under section 263 for 2 years.(2)Subsection (1) does not affect the member’s
appointment inany other office.248QCAT
is legal successor(1)QCAT is the successor in law of each
former tribunal.(2)Subsection (1)isnotlimitedbyanotherprovisionofthisdivision.249Assets and liabilities etc. of a
former tribunal(1)At the commencement—(a)theassetsandliabilitiesofaformertribunalimmediatelybeforethecommencementbecomeassetsand liabilities
of QCAT; and(b)anycontracts,undertakingsorotherarrangementstowhich a former tribunal is a party, in force
immediatelybefore the commencement—(i)are
taken to have been entered into by QCAT; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 189
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 250](ii)may
be enforced against or by QCAT; and(c)anypropertythat,immediatelybeforethecommencement,washeldontrustorsubjecttoacondition, by a former tribunal
continues to be held onthesametrust,orsubjecttothesamecondition,byQCAT.(2)The
registrar of titles or other person responsible for keeping
aregisterfordealingsinpropertymust,ifaskedbyQCAT,record the
vesting of property under this section in QCAT.250Proceeding not yet started by or against a
former tribunal(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement, a proceeding could have
been started by oragainstaformertribunalwithinaparticularperiod(theprescribed
period).(2)The proceeding
may be started by or against QCAT within theprescribed
period.(3)In this section—proceedingincludes a
proceeding under section 264.251Proceeding to which a former tribunal was a
party(1)This section applies to a proceeding
that, immediately beforethecommencement,hadnotendedandtowhichaformertribunal was a
party.(2)Atthecommencement,QCATbecomesapartytotheproceeding in place of the former
tribunal.(3)In this section—proceedingincludes a
proceeding under section 264.252Existing final decisions of a former
tribunal(1)Afinaldecisionofaformertribunalinaproceedingmadebefore the commencement—Page 190Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 253](a)is
taken to be a final decision of QCAT; and(b)this
Act, and any relevant enabling Act, applies to thedecision as if it were a final decision of
QCAT.Note—Section 271
provides for decisions of former tribunals made in relationto a
matter that has not been heard and decided at the
commencement.(2)However, subsection (1)(b) does not
authorise QCAT to dealwith a final decision of the former
tribunal in a way that isinconsistent with the former Act under
which the decision wasmade.(3)If,underaformerAct,apersonhasappliedtoaformertribunal to deal
with a final decision of the former tribunal andthe
application has not been heard at the commencement—(a)theapplicationistakentobeanapplicationmadetoQCAT under this Act; and(b)in hearing the application, QCAT has,
and only has, thefunctions of the former tribunal under the
former Act.(4)Without limiting subsection (1), (2)
or (3), a reference in anAct to a final decision of QCAT is
taken to include a referencetoafinaldecisionofaformertribunaltakentobeafinaldecision of QCAT
under subsection (1).(5)In this
section—deal with, a final
decision, includes—(a)amend or correct the decision;
and(b)revoke the decision.253Records of former tribunalsAll
records of a former tribunal are records of QCAT underthis
Act.254References to former tribunals
etc.(1)In an Act or document—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 255](a)a
reference to a former tribunal is taken, if the contextpermits, to be a reference to QCAT;
and(b)a reference to a former president is
taken, if the contextpermits, to be a reference to the
president; and(c)a reference to a former member is
taken, if the contextpermits, to be a reference to a member
of QCAT; and(d)a reference to a former registrar is
taken, if the contextpermits, to be a reference to the
principal registrar; and(e)a reference to a
former registry is taken, if the contextpermits, to be a
reference to the registry; and(f)a
reference to a referee under the repealedSmall
ClaimsTribunals Act 1973is taken, if the
context permits, to bea reference to QCAT as constituted
under this Act.(2)In this section—former
membermeans a member of a former tribunal under
aformer Act.former
presidentmeans a former member who has
functionssimilar to the president’s functions under
this Act, whether theperson’s office is called president,
chairperson, senior memberor something else.formerregistrarmeansapersonappointedunderaformerAct to carry out
functions similar to the principal registrar or aregistrar under this Act, whether the
person’s office is calledregistrar, director or something
else.former registrymeans a registry
for a former tribunal under aformer
Act.Division 2Proceeding not
yet started beforeformer tribunal255QCAT
may deal with proceeding(1)This section
applies if—Page 192Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 256](a)immediately before the commencement, a
person couldhave started a proceeding for a matter
before a formertribunalwithinaparticularperiod(theprescribedperiod);
has jurisdiction to deal with the matter under this Act.(3)A proceeding for the matter may be
started under this Act—(a)within the
prescribed period; and(b)in the way the
proceeding could be started if the matterhad arisen after
the commencement.(4)If a proceeding for the matter is
started under this Act, QCATmust deal with
the matter under this Act and has, and onlyhas, functions
under this Act or an enabling Act in relation tothe
matter.(5)If the matter is an appeal against a
decision that could havebeenstartedasmentionedinsubsection (1)(a),thedecisionthat could have
been appealed against is a reviewable decisionfor applying
this Act to the proceeding under subsections (3)and
(4).(6)This section does not apply to an
examination under theSmallClaims Tribunals
Act 1973, section 23A.(7)Subsections (4) and (6) apply despite
theActs InterpretationAct 1954,
section 20.Division 3Proceeding
started before formertribunal256Pending proceeding(1)This
section applies to an existing tribunal proceeding that is apending proceeding.(2)Atthecommencement,theproceedingistakentobeaproceeding
before QCAT.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 257](3)QCAT
has jurisdiction to deal with the matter the subject ofthe
proceeding under this Act.Note—See part 4 for
how QCAT is to conduct the proceeding.Notauthorised—indicativeonly257Other
proceeding(1)This section applies to an existing
tribunal proceeding that isnot a pending
before QCAT.(3)QCAT has jurisdiction to deal with the
matter the subject ofthe proceeding under this Act.(4)QCAT must be constituted by the
persons who constituted theformer tribunal
immediately before the commencement and,for that
purpose, any of the persons who are not members ofQCAT
(or have not become members under section 263) aretakentobemembersofQCATforthedurationoftheproceeding.(5)A
person taken to be a member of QCAT under subsection (4)isentitledtobepaidtheremunerationandallowancestheperson was entitled to under the former Act
under which theformertribunalwasconstitutedforthedurationoftheproceeding.(6)If,foranyreason,apersonwhoconstitutedtheformertribunal is
unable to perform functions in the proceeding, thepresidentmustreconstituteQCATbyreplacingthepersonwith another
member.Example of when a person may be unable to
perform functions intheproceeding—if the person is
ill or otherwise becomes unavailable(7)Chapter 2, part 8 does not apply to a
decision of QCAT in theproceeding, including a decision of
the former tribunal takentobeadecisionofQCATintheproceedingundersection 271(4).Page 194Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 258](8)However, a person may appeal to a court
against the decisionif, under the former Act, the person
could have appealed to thecourt against the decision if it had
been made by the formertribunal.(9)Anappealundersubsection (8)mustbemadewithintheperiodandinthewaytheappealwasrequiredtobemadeunder the former
Act.Division 4Appeal against
decision of a formertribunal258Appeal yet to be started(1)This
section applies if—(a)immediately before the commencement, a
person could,under a former Act, have appealed to a court
against adecision of a former tribunal within a
particular period(theappeal
period); and(b)atthecommencement,thepersonhasnotstartedtheappeal.(2)The
person may, within the appeal period, appeal to the courtagainst the decision, and the court must
hear and decide theappeal, under the former Act as if it were
still in force.259Appeal started(1)This
section applies if, before the commencement, a personhas,
under a former Act, appealed to a court against a decisionof a
former tribunal and the appeal has not been finally dealtwith
at the commencement.(2)Thecourtmusthear,orcontinuetohear,anddecidetheappeal under the former Act as if it were
still in force.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 260]260Effect of court’s decision in appeal(1)This section applies to an appeal to
which section 258 or 259applies.(2)The
court’s decision in the appeal must be dealt with in theway
the court’s decision would have been dealt with under theformer Act if it were still in force.(3)If the court’s decision in the appeal
is to remit the matter to theformer tribunal,
with or without directions—(a)the
court must remit the matter to QCAT; and(b)QCAT
must deal with the matter under the former Actas if it were
still in force.(4)For subsection (3)—(a)QCAThas,andonlyhas,thefunctionsoftheformertribunal;
and(b)QCAT can, and can only, make a
decision the formertribunal could have made in relation to the
matter underthe former Act.(5)For
subsections (2) to (4), the former Act, and other relevantlaws, continue to have effect as if they
were still in force.Division 5Other
matters261Particular request of former Children
Services Tribunal(1)Subsection (2) applies if—(a)thepresidentundertherepealedChildrenServicesTribunal Act
2000has made a request under section 128of
that Act; and(b)the period for complying with the
request has not passedat the commencement.(2)Atthecommencement,therequestistakentobearequestmade
by QCAT under theChild Protection Act 1999,
sectionPage 196Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 262]99ZI and that
Act applies in relation to the request as if it werea
request made by QCAT under that section.Editor’s
note—Child Protection Act 1999,
section 99ZI (Requests to chief executive)(3)Subsection (4) applies if—(a)thepresidentundertherepealedChildrenServicesTribunalAct2000hasreceivedaresponsefromthechiefexecutiveofagovernmententitygivenundersection 128 of that Act; and(b)at the commencement, the president has
not dealt withthe response under that Act.(4)QCAT may deal with the response under
theChild ProtectionAct 1999as
if the response had been given to a request madebyQCATundersection99ZIofthatActinrelationtoadecision of QCAT.262Annual reports for former tribunals(1)As soon as practicable after the start
of the financial year inwhichcommencementhappens,butnotlaterthanthefollowing 30 September, the president must
give the Ministerthe following—(a)areportfortheformerChildrenServicesTribunalcontainingthemattersmentionedintherepealedChildren Services Tribunal Act 2000,
section 146(2) asin force immediately before the
commencement;(b)areportfortheformerConsumerandCommercialTribunalcontainingthemattersmentionedintherepealedCommercial and Consumer Tribunal Act
report for the former Guardianship and AdministrationTribunalcontainingthemattersmentionedintheGuardianshipandAdministrationAct2000,section98(1)asinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 197
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 263](d)a
report for a former misconduct tribunal containing thematters mentioned in the repealedMisconduct TribunalsAct 1997,
section 39(1) as in force immediately beforethe
commencement;(e)areportfortheformerRacingAppealsTribunalcontainingthemattersmentionedintheRacingAct2002, section 192(1)
as in force immediately before thecommencement.(2)TheMinistermusttableacopyofeachreportintheLegislativeAssemblywithin14sittingdaysafterreceivingthe
report.263Transferring membership of particular
members(1)At the commencement, each person who,
immediately beforethecommencement,wasasessionalmemberbecomesanordinary member of QCAT.(2)Subsection (1)appliesonlyifthepersonconsentstobecominganordinarymemberofQCATbygivingwrittennotice of the consent to the
Minister.(3)The person holds the appointment as an
ordinary member—(a)for 2 years after the commencement;
and(b)subjecttothisActandtheconditionsdecidedbytheGovernor in
Council.(4)TheMinistermust,assoonaspracticableafterthecommencement, give the person a
written notice stating theconditions decided by the Governor in
Council.(5)Subsection (1)doesnotapplyif,immediatelyafterthecommencement,thepersonisappointedasamemberoradjudicator.(6)Also,thepersonceasestoholdtheappointmentundersubsection (1)ifthepersonisappointedasamemberoradjudicator.(7)In
this section—Page 198Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 264]former
tribunaldoes not include the following—(a)an appeal tribunal formed under
theLocal GovernmentAct1993,section942,asinforcebeforethecommencement;(b)the
Health Practitioners Tribunal established under theHealth Practitioners (Professional
Standards) Act 1999,section 26, as in force before the
commencement;(c)the Legal Practice Tribunal continued
in existence undertheLegal Profession Act 2007,
section 599, as in forcebefore the commencement;(d)the Nursing Tribunal as continued
under theNursing Act1992,
section 84, as in force before the commencement;(e)asmallclaimstribunalconstitutedundertherepealedSmall Claims
Tribunals Act 1973, section 11;(f)asurveyorsdisciplinarycommitteeestablishedundertheSurveyorsAct2003, section 94, as
in force beforethe commencement;(g)acommitteeappointedundertheValuersRegistrationAct1992,section50,asinforcebeforethecommencement.sessional
membermeans—(a)amemberofaformertribunalotherthanamemberappointed as a
member on a full-time basis; or(b)theindependentassessorundertheProstitutionAct1999, as in force
before the commencement.264Particular
offences continue(1)This section applies if—(a)underaprovisionofanAct,asinforcebeforethecommencement(relevantAct),apersonwhodidoromitted to do an act in relation to a former
tribunal, orsomethingrequiredtobedone,ordone,byaformertribunal,
committed an offence; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 265](b)the
provision is—(i)amended by the QCAT Amendment Act so
that itno longer applies in relation to the former
tribunal,or something required to be done, or done,
by theformer tribunal; or(ii)repealed by this Act or the QCAT Amendment
Act.(2)A proceeding for the offence may be
continued or started, andtheprovisionsoftherelevantActthatarenecessaryorconvenient to be used in relation to the
proceeding continue toapply, as if the QCAT Amendment Act
and this Act had notcommenced.(3)For
subsection (2), theActs Interpretation Act 1954,
section20 applies, but does not limit the
subsection.(4)Subsection (2) applies despite the
Criminal Code, section 11.265Confidentiality(1)Eachconfidentialityprovisioncontinuestoapply,andacontraventionofaconfidentialityprovisionmaybeprosecuted,
despite the repeal of the provision by this Act.(2)Subsection (1) applies to a
contravention of a confidentialityprovisionwhetherithappenedbeforeorafterthecommencement.(3)In
this section—confidentiality provisionmeans—(a)therepealedChildrenServicesTribunalAct2000,section76(7),88or142,asinforcebeforethecommencement; or(b)therepealedCommercialandConsumerTribunalAct2003,section120,asinforcebeforethecommencement; or(c)the
repealedMisconduct Tribunals Act 1997,
section 44,as in force before the commencement.Page
200Current as at [Not applicable]
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 266]266Particular penalties payable to particular
entitiesThe repealedCommercial and
Consumer Tribunal Act 2003,section 148, as
in force before the commencement, continuestohaveeffectinrelationtopenaltiestowhichthesectionapplied that are
recovered after the commencement as if thatAct had not been
3Transitional provisions aboutcontinuing entities267Proceeding not yet started(1)This section applies if—(a)immediately before the commencement, a
person could,under an enabling Act or another Act as in
force beforethe commencement, have started a proceeding
before acontinuing entity for a QCAT matter within a
particularperiod (theprescribed
period); and(b)atthecommencement,thepersonhasnotstartedtheproceeding.(2)QCAT
has jurisdiction to deal with the matter under this Act.(3)A proceeding before the continuing
entity for the matter cannotbestartedafterthecommencementunless,underanenablingActoranotherAct,thecontinuingentityhasjurisdiction to deal with the matter
after the commencement.(4)However, a
proceeding for the matter may be started beforeQCAT under this
Act—(a)within the prescribed period;
and(b)in the way the proceeding could be
started if the matterarose after the commencement.(5)If a proceeding for the matter is
started before QCAT, QCATmust deal with the matter under this
Act and has, and onlyhas, functions under this Act or an
enabling Act in relation tothe
matter.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 268](6)If
the matter is an appeal against a decision that could havebeenstartedasmentionedinsubsection (1)(a),thedecisionthat could have
been appealed against is a reviewable decisionfor applying
this Act to the proceeding under subsections (4)and
(5).(7)This section applies despite
theActs Interpretation Act 1954,section 20.268Proceeding started(1)This
section applies if, before the commencement, a personhas,
under an enabling Act or another Act as in force beforethecommencement(theformerAct),startedaproceedingbefore a
continuing entity for a QCAT matter.(2)Thecontinuingentitymusthear,orcontinuetohear,anddecide the matter under the former Act, and
the former Actand other relevant laws apply as if the QCAT
Amendment Acthad not been enacted.(3)The
continuing entity’s decision in the proceeding has effect,ormustbegiveneffect,inthewaythecontinuingentity’sdecision would have had effect, or been
given effect, under theformerActiftheQCATAmendmentActhadnotbeenenacted.(4)However, for a proceeding before a court, if
the proceeding isapendingproceedingandthecourtdecidesitwouldbepracticable for QCAT to hear and decide the
matter, the courtmay, by order, transfer the proceeding to
QCAT.(5)IfacourttransferstheproceedingtoQCATundersubsection (4)—(a)theproceedingistakentohavebeenstartedbeforeQCAT; and(b)the
court may make the orders and give the directions itconsiders appropriate to facilitate the
transfer, includingan order that a party is taken to have
complied with therequirements under this Act, an enabling Act
or the rulesfor starting a proceeding before
QCAT.Page 202Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 269]Note—See
part 4 for how QCAT is to conduct the proceeding.(6)Anorderundersubsection
(5)(b)haseffectdespiteanyprovision of this Act, an enabling Act
or the rules.(7)Subjecttosubsection (8),thecontinuingentity’sfinaldecision in the
proceeding has effect under this Act, and anyrelevant
enabling Act, as if it were a final decision of QCAT.(8)Chapter2,part8doesnotapplytoafinaldecisionofthecontinuingentitytakentobeadecisionofQCATundersubsection (7).(9)However,apersonmayappealtoacourtagainstthefinaldecisionif,undertheformerAct,thepersoncouldhaveappealed to the
court against the decision if it had been madeby the
continuing entity.(10)Anappealundersubsection (9)mustbemadewithintheperiodandinthewaytheappealwasrequiredtobemadeunder the former
Act.Part 4Conducting
proceeding fromformer tribunal or continuingentity269Application of pt 4This part
applies in relation to—(a)anexistingtribunalproceedingtakenunderpart2,division 3, to be a proceeding before
QCAT; and(b)an existing court proceeding
transferred to QCAT undersection 268(4).270Definition for pt 4In this
part—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 271]former
entity, for a proceeding in relation to which this
partapplies, means the former tribunal or the
court the proceedingwas before immediately before the
commencement.271Conduct of proceeding generally(1)QCAT must deal with the matter the
subject of the existingproceeding under this Act or an
enabling Act.(2)However, in relation to the
matter—(a)QCAT has, and only has, the functions
that the formerentity had in relation to the matter under
the former Act;and(b)QCAT can, and
can only, make a decision the formerentity could
have made in relation to the matter underthe former
Act.(3)Ifthematterisanappealagainstadecision,thedecisionappealed against
is a reviewable decision for applying this Actto the
proceeding under this section.(4)Anythingdoneorexistinginrelationtotheexistingproceeding
continues and is taken to be done or existing inrelation to the proceeding under this
Act.(5)Without limiting subsection (4), a
prescribed interim decisionof a former
entity is taken to be a decision of QCAT and maybe
enforced—(a)under chapter 2, part 7, division 4 as
if it were a finaldecision mentioned in that division;
or(b)iftheformerActunderwhichtheprescribedinterimdecision was made provides for enforcing the
decisioninadifferentway—inthewaythedecisionwasenforceable under the former
Act.Note—Section 252
provides for final decisions of former tribunals.(6)Also,withoutlimitingsubsection
(4)andsubjecttoanyfurther decision by QCAT—Page
204Current as at [Not applicable]
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 271]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)a notice given by the former entity to
attend at a statedhearing of the proceeding is taken to be a
notice givenby QCAT under section 97(1)(a) to attend at
a hearing atthe same time and place before QCAT;
and(b)a notice given by the former entity to
produce a stateddocumentorotherthingtotheentityistakentobeanotice given by
QCAT under section 97(1)(b) to producethe document or
thing to QCAT.Notes—1See
section 97(3) and (4) for fees and allowances payable to aperson who attends a hearing in compliance
with a notice undersection 97(1)(a).2See
sections 214 and 215 for consequences of failing to complywith
a notice under section 97.(7)Further,withoutlimitingsubsection(4),awarrantissuedunder the repealedCommercialandConsumerTribunalAct2003,section79thathasnotbeenexecutedatthecommencement
continues to have effect according to its termsas if—(a)aprovisionofthisActauthorisedQCATtoissuethewarrant and a police officer to execute it;
and(b)QCAT issued the warrant under that
provision.(8)Without limiting subsection (4), (5),
(6) or (7), a reference inanActtoadecision,actoromissionofQCATistakentoinclude a reference to a decision, act or
omission of a formertribunal taken to be a decision, act
or omission of QCAT undersubsection (4).(9)This
section is subject to sections 272, 273 and 274.(10)In this
section—prescribed interim decision, of
a former entity, means—(a)an order or
injunction of the former entity that has effectfor the duration
of the proceeding or a shorter period; or(b)a
decision of the former entity requiring a person to payan
amount to someone else that is made before the endof
the proceeding.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 272]272Time
limits(1)IfaformerActfixesaperiodforsomethingtobedoneinrelation to the existing proceeding, at the
commencement thefixed period continues to apply to the doing
of the thing inrelation to the proceeding under this
Act.(2)Subsection (1)applieswhetherornotthisAct,anenablingAct or the rules
state a shorter or longer period for the doingof the thing in
relation to a proceeding of the same kind underthis Act.(3)However,QCATmay,ontheapplicationofapartytotheproceedingoronitsowninitiative,extendorshortentheperiod fixed by the former Act to the extent
the period couldhave been extended or shortened under the
former Act by theformer entity.273Withdrawal of existing proceeding(1)IfaformerActprovidesforthewithdrawalofanexistingproceeding, from
the commencement the withdrawal may bemade—(a)by filing a notice of withdrawal in
the registry; but(b)iftheformerActlimitsthecircumstancesorperiodwithin which the
existing proceeding could have beenwithdrawnundertheformerAct—onlyifthewithdrawaliswithinthelimitationsundertheformerAct.(2)IfaformerActdoesnotprovideforthewithdrawalofanexistingproceeding,theexistingproceedingmaybewithdrawn by withdrawing the
application or referral for theexistingproceedinginthewaystatedintherulesforsection 46(1) if—(a)QCAT
gives leave for the withdrawal; and(b)the
withdrawal is made before the matter the subject ofthe
proceeding is heard and decided by QCAT.Page 206Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 274](3)If a
person withdraws an existing proceeding, the person cannot
make a further application or referral, or request, requireor
otherwise seek a further referral, relating to the same
factsor circumstances without leave of
QCAT.(4)In this section—withdrawal, of an existing
proceeding, includes withdrawal ofan application
or referral for the existing proceeding.274Related proceedings(1)If a
related proceeding for the existing proceeding has beenstarted under a former Act—(a)therelatedproceedingmustbecontinuedundertheformer Act until it is finished;
and(b)the person who was conducting the
related proceedingunder the former Act may continue to conduct
it until itis finished; and(c)theformerActcontinuestoapplyinrelationtotherelated proceeding and the person
conducting the relatedproceeding as if—(i)foraformerActthathasbeenrepealed—theformer Act were
still in force; or(ii)foranotherformerAct—theQCATAmendmentAct had not been
enacted.(2)When the related proceeding is
finished—(a)it is taken to have been conducted
under this Act as ifthis Act authorised or permitted the
related proceedingto be conducted; and(b)QCATmustdealwiththeresultoftherelatedproceedinginthewaytheformerentitywouldhavebeen
required to deal with the result under the formerAct
if that Act were still in force.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 207
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 275](3)QCATmaymaketheordersordirectionsnecessaryorconvenient to facilitate dealing with
the result of the relatedproceeding under subsection
(2)(b).(4)In this section—related
proceedingmeans a proceeding or other action
takenin relation to an existing proceeding, and
includes—(a)mediation; and(b)a
pre-hearing conference (however named); and(c)another alternative dispute resolution
process; and(d)an inquiry, examination or
investigation.Examples of inquiries or
investigations—•anindependentinquiryundertherepealedChildrenServices Tribunal Act 2000,
part 5•a medical examination under the
repealedChildren ServicesTribunal Act
2000, sections 106 and 107•an
investigation under the repealedMisconduct
TribunalsAct 1997, section
27275Inconsistencies and other
difficulties(1)If a provision of this Act or an
enabling Act is inconsistentwith QCAT’s
ability to perform a function under a former Actin
relation to the proceeding, for the purpose of performingthefunctiontothefullestextentpracticableQCATmaydisregard the inconsistent
provision.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), to
the extent that this Act oran enabling Act
does not provide or sufficiently provide forthetransitionfromtheapplicationoftheformerActtotheapplicationofthisActtotheproceeding,QCAThasallnecessary or
convenient powers to provide for the transition,includingbymakinganorderorgivingadirectionaboutQCAT’spractices,proceduresorpowersinrelationtotheproceeding.(3)In
making an order or giving a direction under subsection (2),QCATmust,sofarasispracticable,ensuretheorderorPage
208Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 276]direction does
not cause prejudice or detriment to a party andcauses the least
inconvenience to QCAT and the parties.(4)An
order under subsection (2) has effect despite any Act orlaw.(5)QCATmaymakeanorderorgiveadirectionundersubsection (2) on the application of a party
to the proceedingor on its own initiative.(6)QCAT’s powers under subsection (2) are
exercisable only by ajudicial member.Part 5Other transitional provisions276Information notices(1)This section applies in relation to a
reviewable decision madebefore the commencement if—(a)immediately before the commencement, a
person could,underaformerAct,haveappliedforareviewofthedecision by, or
appeal against the decision to, a formertribunal or
continuing entity; and(b)at the
commencement—(i)the person has not made the
application or appeal;and(ii)the
period within which the application or appealcouldhavebeenmadeundertheformerActhasnot passed.(2)The
person who made the decision (thedecision-maker) mustgivethepersonmentionedinsubsection (1)(a)awrittennotice stating
the following—(a)the decision;(b)the
reasons for the decision;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 7 Transitional provisions for Act No.
23 of 2009[s 277]Note—See
theActs Interpretation Act 1954,
section 27B (Content ofstatement of reasons for
decision).(c)from the commencement, the person has
a right to havethe decision reviewed by QCAT under this
chapter;(d)how, and the period within which, the
person may applyfor the review;(e)anyrightthepersonhastohavetheoperationofthedecision stayed under this
(2)if,beforethecommencement,thedecision-makergavethepersonawrittennoticestatingthematters mentioned in subsection (2)(a) to
(e).(4)Subsection (3) applies whether or not
the written notice wascombined with a written notice given
under the former Actstating the person’s right, before the
commencement, to havethe decision reviewed by, or to appeal
against the decision to,a former tribunal or continuing
entity.(5)Afailuretocomplywithsubsection (2)doesnotaffectthevalidity of the reviewable decision.(6)In this section—reviewable
decisionmeans a decision of a kind that, if it
weremadeafterthecommencement,wouldbeareviewabledecision to
which section 157 applies.277Initial
rulesSection 224(2) does not apply to the rules
made under this Actcommencing at the commencement.277AThe chief executive may approve forms
for limited period(1)Thechiefexecutivemay,duringtheprescribedperiod,approve forms for use under this Act.(2)This section is not limited by section
241.Page 210Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 8 Validating provision for particular
decisions by default[s 280](3)In
this section—prescribed periodmeans the
period—(a)starting on the day this section
commences; and(b)ending 3 months after the day section
241 commences.Chapter 8Validating
provision forparticular decisions bydefault280Declaration and validation concerning
particulardecisions by default(1)Section 50, as amended by the amending Act,
is taken alwaysto have applied during the transitional
period in relation to anon-legal costs decision by
default.(2)In this section—amendingActmeanstheCivilandCriminalJurisdictionReform and
Modernisation Amendment Act 2010.non-legalcostsdecisionbydefaultmeansadecisionbydefault, relating to a minor civil dispute,
that does not includean amount for legal costs.transitional periodmeans the period
starting at the beginningof 1 December 2009 and ending at the
end of the day beforethe commencement of this
section.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 9 Transitional and validation
provisions for Justice and Other LegislationAmendment Act
2010[s 282]Chapter 9Transitional and validationprovisions for Justice andOther
LegislationAmendment Act 2010282Validation relating to dual
appointments(1)This section applies to the purported
appointment, at any timebefore the commencement of this
section, of a person as anordinary member and an
adjudicator.(2)The purported appointment is taken to
be, and to have alwaysbeen, as valid as if section 206A had
been in force at the timeof the appointment.(3)Every decision, order or declaration
made or direction givenby the person is taken to be, and to
have always been, as validas if section 206A had been in force
at the time the decision,order or declaration was made or the
direction was given.Chapter 10Other
transitionalprovisionsPart 1Transitional provision for CivilProceedings Act 2011284Application of Civil Proceedings Act
2011TheCivilProceedingsAct2011, section 239
applies, and istaken on and from 30 November 2011 to have
applied, to thehearingofaproceedingthatwasstartedbutnotfinishedbefore 30
November 2011.Page 212Current as at
[Not applicable]
2Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 10 Other transitional
provisions[s 285]Transitional
provisions forQueensland Civil andAdministrative
Tribunal andOther Legislation AmendmentAct
2018285Definitions for partIn
this part—motor vehiclesee the Motor
Dealers and Chattel AuctioneersAct 2014,
section 12.motor vehicle mattermeans—(a)anactionunderaprovisionmentionedintheFairTradingAct1989,section50relatingtoamotorvehicle;
or(b)a claim for repair of a defect in a
motor vehicle undertheMotorDealersandChattelAuctioneersAct2014,schedule 1,
section 13 or 14.relevant Actmeans—(a)foranactionunderaprovisionmentionedintheFairTradingAct1989,section50—theFairTradingAct1989; or(b)foraclaimforrepairofadefectinamotorvehicleundertheMotorDealersandChattelAuctioneersAct2014, schedule 1, section 13 or 14—the Motor
Dealersand Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014.286Existing motor vehicle matters before
the tribunal(1)This section applies in relation
to—(a)amotorvehiclematterthat,onthecommencement,isthesubjectofaproceedingbeforethetribunalexercising its
original jurisdiction; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 10 Other transitional
provisions[s 287](b)a
motor vehicle matter that is the subject of a decision ofthetribunalexercisingitsoriginaljurisdictionmadebefore the commencement, if, on the
commencement—(i)an appeal against the decision has
started before arelevant appeal entity but has not been
finally dealtwith; or(ii)theperiodwithinwhichanappealagainstthedecisionmaybestartedbeforearelevantappealentity has not passed.(2)ThisActandtherelevantAct,asunamended,continuetoapply in relation to the matter as if
the Queensland Civil andAdministrativeTribunalandOtherLegislationAmendmentAct
2018 had not been enacted.(3)Without limiting
subsection (2), the tribunal and the relevantappeal
entity—(a)must deal with the matter under this
Act as unamended;and(b)have,andonlyhave,functionsunderthisActortherelevant Act, as
unamended, in relation to the matter.(4)In
this section—relevant appeal entitymeans the appeal
tribunal or the Courtof Appeal.unamended, in
relation to this Act or a relevant Act, means asin
force before the commencement.287Existing motor vehicle matters if proceeding
not started(1)This section applies if—(a)immediately before the commencement, a
person couldhave started a proceeding before the
tribunal exercisingitsoriginaljurisdictionforamotorvehiclematterwithin a
particular period (theprescribed period); and(b)onthecommencement,thepersonhasnotstartedaproceeding before the tribunal for the
matter.Page 214Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 10 Other transitional
provisions[s 288](2)A
proceeding for the matter may be started under this Act, asamended—(a)within the prescribed period; and(b)in the way the proceeding could be
started if the matterhad arisen after the
commencement.(3)If a proceeding for the matter is
started under this Act—(a)thisActandtherelevantAct,asamended,applyinrelation to the matter; and(b)the tribunal must deal with the matter
under this Act, asamended,andhas,andonlyhas,functionsunderthisAct or the
relevant Act, as amended, in relation to thematter.(4)This section applies despite the Acts
Interpretation Act 1954,section 20.(5)In
this section—amended, in relation to
this Act or a relevant Act, means as inforce on the
commencement.288Additional jurisdiction for existing
motor vehicle mattersif proceeding not started(1)This section applies to a motor
vehicle matter arising beforethe commencement
if—(a)the tribunal did not have jurisdiction
to hear and decidethe matter immediately before the
commencement; and(b)the tribunal would have jurisdiction
to hear and decidethematterifthematterhadarisenafterthecommencement; and(c)immediately before the commencement, a
person couldhave started a proceeding before a court for
the matterwithin a particular period (theprescribed period); and(d)onthecommencement,thepersonhasnotstartedtheproceeding.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 215
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Chapter 10 Other transitional
provisions[s 289](2)The
tribunal has jurisdiction to deal with the matter under thisAct.(3)A
proceeding for the matter may be started under this Act—(a)within the prescribed period;
and(b)in the way the proceeding could be
started if the matterhad arisen after the
commencement.(4)IfaproceedingforthematterisstartedunderthisAct,thetribunal must deal with the matter
under this Act and has, andonlyhas,functionsunderthisActortherelevantActinrelation to the matter.(5)This section applies despite the Acts
Interpretation Act 1954,section 20.289Transfer of particular tenancy
matters(1)This section applies in relation to a
relevant tenancy matterthe subject of a proceeding before the
tribunal exercising itsoriginaljurisdictionif,onthecommencement,thetribunalhas not made its
final decision in the proceeding.(2)Therelevanttenancymatteristransferredtotherelevantcourt.(3)Theproceedingforthematteristakentohavebeenstartedbefore the court
when it was started before the tribunal.(4)Thetribunalmaymaketheordersorgivethedirectionsitconsiders appropriate to facilitate the
transfer, including anorderthatapartyistakentohavecompliedwiththerequirementsunderanActorotherlawforstartingaproceeding before the court.(5)An order under subsection (4) has
effect despite any other Actor law.(6)In this section—relevantcourtmeansthecourthavingthelowestmonetarylimittoitsjurisdictionthatisnotlessthantheamountorother relief sought.Page 216Current as at [Not applicable]
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Chapter 10 Other transitional
provisions[s 289]relevant tenancy
mattermeans a tenancy matter for which apersonseeksthepaymentofanamountorotherreliefofavalue greater
than the prescribed amount.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Schedule 1Schedule 1Former tribunalsNotauthorised—indicativeonlysection 244, definitionformer tribunal1theAnti-DiscriminationTribunalestablishedundertheAnti-Discrimination Act 1991,
section 247, as in force beforethe commencement
of this schedule2the Children Services Tribunal
established under the repealedChildren
Services Tribunal Act 2000, section 83the
Commercial and Consumer Tribunal established under therepealedCommercialandConsumerTribunalAct2003,section 64theTeachersDisciplinaryCommitteeestablishedundertheEducation(QueenslandCollegeofTeachers)Act2005,section 124,asinforcebeforethecommencementofthisschedule5apanelofrefereesconvenedundertheFireandRescueServiceAct1990,section 104SC,asinforcebeforethecommencement of this schedule6theFisheriesTribunalestablishedundertheFisheriesAct1994,section 185,asinforce beforethecommencementofthis
schedule7theGuardianshipandAdministrationTribunalestablishedundertheGuardianshipandAdministrationTribunalAct2000, section 81, as
in force before the commencement of thisschedule8the Health Practitioners Tribunal
established under theHealthPractitioners(ProfessionalStandards)Act1999, section
26,as in force before the commencement of this
schedule9the Legal Practice Tribunal continued
in existence under theLegal Profession Act 2007,
section 599, as in force before thecommencement of
this schedule10anappealtribunalformedundertheLocalGovernmentAct1993,section 942,asinforce beforethecommencementofthis
schedulePage 218Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Schedule 111amisconducttribunalestablishedundertherepealedMisconduct
Tribunals Act 1997, section 1112theNursingTribunalascontinuedundertheNursingAct1992, section 84, as
in force before the commencement of thisschedule13the Racing Appeals Tribunal
established under theRacing Act2002,section 150,asinforce beforethecommencementofthis
schedule14a retail shop lease tribunal appointed
under theRetailShopLeasesAct1994,section 66Aor90,asinforcebeforethecommencement of this schedule15a small claims tribunal constituted
under the repealedSmallClaims Tribunals
Act 1973, section 1116asurveyorsdisciplinarycommitteeestablishedundertheSurveyorsAct2003,section 94,asinforcebeforethecommencement of this schedule17acommitteeappointedundertheValuersRegistrationAct1992, section 50, as
in force before the commencement of thisschedule18the Veterinary Tribunal of Queensland
constituted under theVeterinary Surgeons Act 1936,
section 15A, as in force beforethe commencement
of this scheduleCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Schedule 2Schedule 2Subject matter for rulesNotauthorised—indicativeonlysection 2241Functions of principal registrar and
registrarsThe functions of the principal registrar and
registrars.2Divisions and lists of the
tribunal(1)Establishingdivisionsofthetribunalandlistswithinthedivisions.(2)Operational and procedural matters about the
lists within thedivisions of the tribunal.3Constitution of the tribunal(1)Constitution of the tribunal for
particular classes of matters.(2)The
hearing and deciding of matters by an adjudicator.4Starting proceedings(1)Applicationsorreferralstothetribunal,including,forexample—(a)the
form of the application or referral; and(b)thewayapplicationsorreferralsbygroupsofindividuals or businesses are to be
made.(2)Bringingproceedingsagainstapersonwhocarriesonabusinessunderanameotherthantheperson’sownname,whether or not
the name is—(a)registeredontheregisterestablishedandmaintainedundertheBusinessNamesRegistrationAct2011(Cwlth), section
22; or(b)heldundertheBusinessNamesRegistrationAct2011(Cwlth), section
54; orPage 220Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Schedule 2(c)heldundertheBusinessNamesRegistration(TransitionalandConsequentialProvisions)Act2011(Cwlth),
schedule 1, item 5.(3)The conditions that may be imposed on
the acceptance of anapplication or referral under chapter
2, part 3, including, forexample—(a)requiringthatnoticeoftheapplicationorreferralbegiven to a stated person in a stated way;
and(b)requiring that the application or
referral be amended in astated way and the amended application
or referral befiled in the registry within a stated
period.5Transfers of matters and
appealsMatters to be taken into account for, and
the regulation of—(a)thetransferofamatterfromthetribunaltoanothertribunal, a
court or another entity under section 52; or(b)the
transfer of an appeal from the appeal tribunal to theCourt of Appeal under section 144.6Representation(1)How
a party that is not an individual may appear before thetribunal.(2)Partieswhomayberepresentedbysomeoneelseinaproceeding.(3)Persons who are disqualified from
representing a party to aproceeding.Note—See
section 224(3) for who may be disqualified from representing
aparty to a proceeding.7Service of notices or other documents(1)Additionalpersonswhomustbegivenanoticeorotherdocument under
this Act or an enabling Act.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 221
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Schedule 2(2)The
period within which a notice or document must be given.(3)Thewayanoticeordocumentmustormaybegiven,including
substituted service.(4)Exemptionfromtherequirementtogiveacopyofanapplication or referral to a
particular person.Notauthorised—indicativeonly8Responses to
applicationsResponsestoanapplicationorreferraltothetribunal,including—(a)restrictionsonthemakingofresponsesforparticularclasses of
matters; and(b)thewayaresponsemustbemade,including,forexample,thewayaresponsetoaproceedingbroughtagainst a person under a name other than the
person’sown name must be made; and(c)the period within which a response
must be made.9Ending proceedings early(1)Ending a proceeding or a part of a
proceeding early, including,for example, the
following—(a)withdrawal of an application or
referral;(b)withdrawal of a response to an
application or referral;(c)dismissal or
striking out of a proceeding or a part of aproceeding, or
deciding of a proceeding early, includinghowanapplicationforthedismissal,strikingoutordecision must be
made;(d)decisions by default, including how an
application for adecision by default must be made;(e)agreementstosettlearisingoutofacompulsoryconference or
mediation;(f)offers to settle and acceptance of
offers to settle.(2)Rulesundersubsection (1)(a)mayprovideforthefollowing—Page 222Current as at [Not applicable]
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Schedule 2(a)the
applicant giving written notice of the withdrawal toother parties to the proceeding;(b)tribunalordersrequiringtheapplicanttopayall,orapart of, the costs of other parties to
the proceeding;(c)refunding fees for the application or
referral.Notauthorised—indicativeonly10Documents or evidence to be filed or
produced(1)Documentsrequiredtobefiledintheregistrybeforeacompulsoryconference,mediationorahearingofaproceeding.(2)Documentsorevidencerequiredtobeproducedatacompulsoryconference,mediationorahearingofaproceeding.11DisclosureDisclosurebypartiesandnon-parties,includingdisclosureand inspection
of documents.12EvidenceThe taking of
evidence, including—(a)thewayevidencemaybegiven(includingtheuseoftechnology);
and(b)notices to attend and produce
documents; and(c)statements and the use of
correspondence; and(d)alternative ways the tribunal may
inform itself; and(e)calling witnesses.13Compulsory conferencesCompulsory
conferences generally, including—(a)thewayacompulsoryconferencemustbeconducted;andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Schedule 2(b)confidentiality agreements.Notauthorised—indicativeonly14MediationMediation generally, including—(a)thepersonswhoareappropriatetobeamediatorbyreference to qualifications and
experience; and(b)the way mediation must be conducted;
and(c)confidentiality agreements.14AConciliationConciliation
generally, including—(a)the persons who
are appropriate to be a conciliator byreference to
qualifications and experience; and(b)the
way conciliation must be conducted; and(c)confidentiality agreements.15Reserved decisionsThe period for
which the tribunal may reserve its decision in aproceeding.16Hearings(1)The
way an expedited hearing must be conducted.(2)The
form or content of notices of a hearing.17CostsCosts generally,
and(b)the way costs are to be assessed,
including by referenceto a scale of costs; andPage
224Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Schedule 2(c)the
way security for a party’s costs must be given andthe
way the security must be dealt with if the tribunalmakes an order requiring the party to pay
all or a part ofthe costs of another party.18Renewing final decisionPracticesandprocedureforrenewingthetribunal’sfinaldecision in a proceeding under chapter 2,
part 7, division 5,including, the period within which, and the
way, a party to aproceeding may apply to the tribunal for a
renewal of the finaldecision.19Correcting mistakesCorrecting
mistakes under section 135, including the way, andthe
period within which, a party may apply to the tribunal tomake
the correction.20Reopening proceedingsPractices and procedure for hearing and
deciding a proceedingthathasbeenreopenedunderchapter2,part7,division7,including—(a)theperiodwithinwhich,andtheway,apartytoaproceeding may apply to the tribunal
for the proceedingto be reopened; and(b)theperiodwithinwhichapartytoaproceedingmaymake
written submissions in response to an applicationof
another party for the proceeding to be reopened.21Appeals(1)Giving of leave to appeal.(2)Appeals generally, including the way
they must be heard.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Schedule 222Applying court rules about contemptThe
application of theUniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999tothetribunalpunishingacontemptundersection 219,including
changes to the rules to apply them to the tribunal.23Register of proceedingsTheregisterofproceedingskeptundersection
form and content of the register; and(b)proceduresforinspectingtheregisterorobtainingcopies of a part
of the register.24Electronic transmissions etc.Filing, receipt, service, issue or
transmission electronically ofapproved forms
and other documents and material for use in,orinconnectionwith,proceedings,includingelectronicrepresentations
or equivalents of seals, stamps and signaturesand their
validity.Page 226Current as at
[Not applicable]
Schedule 3Queensland Civil
and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009Schedule 3DictionaryNotauthorised—indicativeonlysection 8adjudicatormeans—(a)a person appointed as an adjudicator
under section 198;or(b)a person who is
an adjudicator under section 198A.appealtribunalmeansthetribunalconstituted,ortobeconstituted,
under section 165 for the purpose of—(a)hearing and deciding an appeal
against—(i)a decision of the tribunal; or(ii)a decision of
another entity under an enabling ActforwhichtheenablingActconfersappealjurisdiction on the tribunal; or(b)decidinganapplicationforleavetoappealagainstadecision mentioned in paragraph (a)(i)
or (ii).applicantmeans—(a)foranapplicationoraproceedingtobestartedonapplication—the person who makes the
application; or(b)for a referral or a proceeding to be
started on referral—(i)the person who
makes the referral; or(ii)iftheenablingActunderwhichthereferralismade
states another person is the applicant for thereferralorproceeding—thepersonstatedintheenabling Act.applicationmeansanapplicationtothetribunalunderthisAct or an
enabling Act.assessormeans an
assessor appointed under section 110.AustralianlawyerhasthemeaninggivenbytheLegalProfession Act
2007.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Schedule 3childmeans an individual under 18 years.commencement, for chapter 7,
see section 244.compulsoryconferencemeansacompulsoryconferenceunder chapter 2,
part 6, division 2.conciliatormeans a person
who conducts conciliation underthis Act.constitute, the
tribunal—(a)inrelationtoamember—meanstoconstitutethetribunalwhetherbysittingaloneorwithothermembers; or(b)inrelationtoanadjudicator—meanstoconstitutethetribunal by sitting alone.consumermeans an
individual—(a)who buys or hires goods other
than—(i)for resale or letting on hire;
or(ii)in a trade or
business carried on by the individual;or(iii)as a member of a
business partnership; or(b)for whom
services are supplied for fee or reward otherthan—(i)in a trade or business carried on by
the individual;or(ii)as a member of a
business partnership; or(c)who is or was
the tenant of premises let to the individualas a dwelling
other than for—(i)assigningorsublettingthepremisestosomeoneelse; or(ii)a trade or
business carried on by the individual.continuing
entity, for chapter 7, see section 244.contractincludes all
agreements, whether written or oral.Page 228Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Schedule 3cost-amount
decisionmeans a decision of the tribunal
aboutthe amount of costs fixed or assessed by it
under section 107.costs ordermeans an order
awarding costs.criminalhistory,ofaperson,meanstheperson’scriminalhistorywithinthemeaningoftheCriminalLaw(Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act
1986and—(a)despite section 6 of that Act, includes a
conviction of theperson to which the section applies;
and(b)despitesection 5ofthatAct,includesachargemadeagainst the person for an offence.deal
with, a matter, includes hear and decide the
matter.decision, of the
order made or direction given by the tribunal; or(ii)the tribunal’s
final decision in a proceeding; and(b)for
chapter 7—see section 244.decision by default, in
relation to an application made undersection 50(2) or
50A(2) claiming a debt, liquidated demand ofmoney or
unliquidated damages, means an order in favour ofthe
applicant for the debt, liquidated demand or unliquidateddamages claimed.decision-maker, for a
reviewable decision, see section 17(2).deputy
presidentmeans the deputy president of the
tribunal.enabling Act—(a)generally—see section 6(2); or(b)for chapter 7—see section 244.existing court proceeding,
for chapter 7, see section 244.existing
proceeding, for chapter 7, see section 244.existing tribunal proceeding,
for chapter 7, see section 244.final
decision, of a former tribunal or a court in a
proceeding,for chapter 7, see section 244.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Schedule 3Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 230final
decision, of the tribunal in a proceeding—(a)meansthetribunal’sdecisionthatfinallydecidesthematters the subject of the proceeding;
and(b)for chapter 2, part 7, division 4—see
section 129.former Act, for chapter 7,
see section 244.former entity, for chapter 7,
part 4, see section 270.former judgemeans—(a)a former Supreme Court judge or
District Court judge;or(b)aformerjudgeofacourtoftheCommonwealthoranotherState,otherthanamagistratescourtoftheCommonwealth or
another State.former tribunal, for chapter 7,
see section 244.functionincludes
power.goodsincludeseverythingthatisthesubjectoftradeormanufacture or merchandise.hearing, for chapter 2,
part 7, division 7, see section 137.impaired
capacityhas the meaning under theGuardianshipand
Administration Act 2000.judicial
member—(a)means—(i)the president; or(ii)the
deputy president; or(iii)a supplementary
member who is a Supreme Courtjudge or
District Court judge; and(b)for the exercise
of a power of the tribunal to make anorder or give a
direction—includes a senior member orordinarymemberwhoisaformerjudgeandisnominated by the president to exercise
the power; and(c)includes a senior member or ordinary
member who is aformerjudgeandisnominatedbythepresidenttoconstitute the tribunal for a matter
or class of matters.Current as at [Not
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Schedule 3judicial
registrarmeans a person who is a judicial
registrarunder theMagistrates Act
1991.legally qualified membermeans—(a)a
judicial member; or(b)an ordinary member or supplementary
member who is amagistrate; or(c)aseniormemberorordinarymemberwhoisanAustralian lawyer of at least 6 years
standing.Magistrates Court staff membermeans—(a)the
clerk of a Magistrates Court; or(b)apersonemployedintheregistryofaMagistratesCourt.mediatormeans a person
who conducts mediation under thisAct.member—(a)generally—meansamemberofthetribunalundersection 171; or(b)for
chapter 7—see section 244.minor civil dispute—1Minor civil
claim to recover a debt or liquidated demand ofmoney,withorwithoutinterest,ofuptotheprescribed amount; or(b)aclaimarisingoutofacontractbetweenaconsumerandtrader,oracontractbetween2ormore traders,
that is—(i)for payment of money of a value not
morethan the prescribed amount; or(ii)for relief from
payment of money of a valuenot more than
the prescribed amount; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Schedule 3Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 232(iii)for
performance of work of a value not morethan the
prescribed amount to rectify a defectin goods
supplied or services provided; or(iv)for
return of goods of a value not more thanthe prescribed
amount; or(v)foracombinationofany2ormoreclaimsmentioned in subparagraphs (i) to (iv)
wherethe total value of the combined claim is
notmore than the prescribed amount; or(c)aclaimforanamountofnotmorethantheprescribed amount for damage to property
causedby, or arising out of the use of, a vehicle;
or(d)a tenancy matter; or(e)a claim that is the subject of a
dispute under theNeighbourhoodDisputes(DividingFencesandTrees) Act 2011, chapter 2 and
is for an amount notmore than the prescribed amount;
or(f)a matter in relation to which a person
may, undertheBuilding Act 1975, chapter 8,
part 2A apply tothe tribunal for an order.Note—A matter
mentioned in paragraph (f) would relate to partofabarrierforaswimmingpoolalongacommonboundary.2However, if an enabling Act confers
jurisdiction on thetribunal to deal with a claim (however
called) within themeaning of paragraph 1(a), the claim is not
a minor civildispute unless the enabling Act expressly
states it is aminor civil dispute.3A
claim mentioned in paragraph 1(b) does not include aclaiminaproceedingtowhichtheFairTradingAct1989, section 50A applies.monetarydecisionmeansadecisionofthetribunalinaproceeding requiring a person to pay
an amount to someoneelse,whetherornotthedecisionis,orisapartof,thetribunal’s final decision in the
proceeding.Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Schedule 3non-publication
order under section 66; or(b)a
confidentiality order under the repealed Adoption ofChildren Act 1964, section 36M(1); or(c)aconfidentialityorderundertheAdoptionAct2009,section 307N(1);
or(d)aconfidentialityorderundertheChildProtectionAct1999, section
99ZD(1); or(e)anon-publicationorderorconfidentialityorderundertheGuardianship and Administration Act
2000; or(f)anorderundertheLegalProfessionAct2007,section 656D(1) or (4).officialmeans—(a)a
member; or(b)an adjudicator; or(c)a
conciliator; or(d)a mediator; or(e)an
assessor; or(f)the chief executive; or(g)the principal registrar; or(h)a registrar.ordinary
membermeans an ordinary member of the
tribunal.outside Queenslandincludes in a
foreign country.pending proceeding, for chapter 7,
see section 245.performa function
includes exercise a power.prescribed amountmeans
$25000.prescribed feemeans a fee
prescribed under a regulation.presidentmeans the president of the tribunal.presiding membersee section
170.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Schedule 3principalregistrarmeanstheprincipalregistraroftheregistry.proceeding—(a)generally—meansaproceedingbeforethetribunal,includinganappealbeforetheappealtribunalandaproceeding
relating to an application for leave to appealto the appeal
tribunal; or(b)for chapter 7—see section 244.QCAT, for chapter 7,
see section 244.QCAT Amendment Act, for chapter 7,
see section 244.QCAT matter, for chapter 7,
see section 244.referralmeans a referral
of a matter to the tribunal under thisAct or an
enabling Act.registrysee section
207.registry staff membermeans a member
of the administrativestaffoftheregistryotherthantheprincipalregistraroraregistrar.reopening
ground, for a party to a proceeding, means—(a)the party did not appear at the
hearing of the proceedingandhadareasonableexcusefornotattendingthehearing; or(b)thepartywouldsufferasubstantialinjusticeiftheproceedingwasnotreopenedbecausesignificantnewevidencehasarisenandthatevidencewasnotreasonablyavailablewhentheproceedingwasfirstheard and
decided.reviewable decisionsee section
17(2).rulesmeans rules made
under section 224.rules committeemeans the rules
committee established undersection
223.senior membermeans a senior
member of the tribunal.State agencymeans—Page
234Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2009Schedule 3(a)the
State, a Minister or a person representing the State;or(b)agovernmententitywithinthemeaningoftheGovernment Owned Corporations Act
1993or the chiefexecutive of a
government entity; or(c)a local
government or a chief executive officer of a localgovernment; or(d)a
statutory authority or another entity established underan
Act or the holder of a statutory office.supplementarymembermeansasupplementarymemberofthe tribunal.tenancy
mattermeans a matter in relation to which a
Act 2008, apply to the tribunal for a
decision.the tribunalmeans the
Queensland Civil and AdministrativeTribunal
established under section 161.Note—See
also section 165.trader—1Atrader—(a)means a person
who in trade or commerce—(i)carries on a
business of supplying goods orproviding
services; or(ii)regularly holds
himself, herself or itself outasreadytosupplygoodsortoprovideservices of a similar nature; and(b)includesapersonwhoisorwasthelandlordofpremiseslettoatenantasadwellingotherthanfor—(i)assigningorsublettingthedwellingtosomeone else; or(ii)a
trade or business carried on by the tenant.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 235
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyQueensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2009Schedule 32However, a person is not a trader in
relation to goods orservicesifinsupplyingthegoodsorprovidingtheservices—(a)the
person acts in the exercise of a discipline that isnot
ordinarily regarded as within the field of tradeor
commerce; or(b)thepersonisgivingeffecttotheinstructionsofsomeoneelsewhoinprovidingtheinstructionsactsintheexerciseofadisciplinethatisnotordinarily
regarded as within the field of trade orcommerce, and
the goods supplied or the servicesprovided are in
all respects in accordance with theinstructions.Page 236Current as at [Not applicable]