Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000
Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act
QueenslandWorkingwithChildren(RiskManagementandScreening)Act2000Current as at [Not applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates allproposed amendment
to the Act included in the Working with Children (RiskManagement and Screening) and Other
Legislation Amendment Bill 2018,as passed by the
Parliament. This version of the indicative reprint includesamendments passed during
consideration-in-detail but has not otherwisebeen updated with
amendments since 13 November 2018. This indicativereprint has been prepared for information
only—it is not an authorisedreprint of the
Act.The point-in-time date for this
indicative reprint is the 3rd reading date forthe Working with
Children (Risk Management and Screening) and OtherLegislation Amendment Bill 2018—16 May
2019.DetailedinformationaboutindicativereprintsisavailableontheInformationpage of this
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 1]Working with Children (Risk Management
andScreening) Act 2000An Act to
establish a scheme requiring the development andimplementationofriskmanagementstrategies,andthescreeningofpersonsemployedinparticularemploymentorcarrying on particular businesses, to
promote and protect therights, interests and wellbeing of
children in QueenslandChapter 1PreliminaryPart 1Introduction1Short
titleThisActmaybecitedastheWorkingwithChildren(RiskManagement and
Screening) Act 2000.2CommencementThis Act
commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation.4Act
binds all persons(1)This Act binds all persons including
the State and, as far asthelegislativepoweroftheParliamentpermits,theCommonwealth and all the other
States.(2)Subsection (1) does not make the
State, the Commonwealth oranother State liable for an
offence.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 1 Preliminary[s
5]5Object of ActTheobjectofthisActisto promoteandprotecttherights,interestsandwellbeingofchildrenandyoungpeopleinQueensland through a scheme
strategies; and(b)thescreeningofpersonsemployedinparticularemployment or
carrying on particular businesses.6Principles for administering this ActThisActistobeadministeredunderthefollowingprinciples—(a)the
welfare and best interests of a child are paramount;(b)everychildisentitledtobecaredforinawaythatprotects the
child from harm and promotes the child’swellbeing.7Act
applies despite the Criminal Law (Rehabilitation ofOffenders) Act 1986This Act applies
to a person despite anything in the CriminalLaw
(Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986.8Chief
executive’s main functionsThe chief executive’s main functions
under this Act are—(a)toadministertheschemeunderchapter 8forscreening—(i)persons employed, or proposed to be
employed, incertain child-related employment; and(ii)personscarryingon,orproposingtocarryon,certain child-related businesses; and(b)to audit or monitor compliance with
that chapter; andPage 22Current as at
[Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 9](c)to establish a register of regulated
persons who providehome-based care services to children.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
2Interpretation9DictionaryThe dictionary
in schedule 7 defines particular words used inthis Act.10What is employment(1)For
this Act, a person is employing another person if the firstperson has an agreement with the other
person for the otherperson to carry out work.(2)It is immaterial for this
section—(a)whether the agreement is written or
unwritten; and(b)whethertheworkiscarriedoutvoluntarilyorforfinancial reward; and(c)what a person’s motivation is for
carrying out the work;and(d)the
time for which the person is engaged to carry out thework; and(e)whether the agreement provides for the other
person tocarry out work on 1 occasion or on an
ongoing basis,whether regularly or irregularly.(3)Also, for this section, the nature of
the work is immaterial.(4)This section is
subject to section 11.Examples of employment—1Apersonisengagedbyaschoolasacleanerunderawrittencontract of
employment.2A person orally agrees with the
manager of a club to coach achildren’s
sporting team during a season.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 23
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 11]3The manager of a counselling
organisation agrees with an adultstudent that the
student attend the organisation’s office each dayduring a semester and carry out various
duties.4A tour operator arranges with the
parents of a family to provide achildaccommodationserviceintheirhometoaninternationalstudent.Notauthorised—indicativeonly11What is
employment when education provider arrangestrainee student
to carry out work for someone else(1)This
section applies if—(a)the first person mentioned in section
10 is an educationprovider; and(b)theotherpersonmentionedinsection 10isatraineestudent of the
education provider; and(c)the work to be
carried out is part of the course that thetraineestudentisundertakingwiththeeducationprovider;
and(d)the work is to be carried out for
someone else.(2)For section 10, the person for whom
the trainee student is tocarry out work, or carries out work,
is employing the traineestudent.(3)Subsection (2) applies even if there is no
express agreementbetweenthepersonandthetraineestudentforthetraineestudent to carry out the work.12Matters about particular regulated
employment relatingto care of children(1)This
section applies if a person is engaged, or proposes to beengaged, in regulated employment mentioned
in schedule 1,section 14(1) or (2).(2)For
this Act, and for no other purpose, the State is taken to beemploying,orproposingtoemploy,thepersonintheregulated employment.(3)For this Act—Page 24Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 13](a)thechiefexecutive(childsafety)maycarryoutafunction of the State relating to the
person; and(b)if the person must disclose
information to the person’semployer,ornotifytheemployeraboutamatter—theperson must
disclose the information to, or notify, thechief executive
(child safety).Note—This declaration
arises out of the volunteer or non-employee status ofpersons engaged in regulated employment
mentioned in schedule 1,section 14(1) or (2).13Who is a volunteer(1)Avolunteeris a person who
is employed by another personanddoesnotcarryoutanyworkfortheotherpersonforafinancial
reward.(2)In this section—financial
rewarddoes not include—(a)apaymentthatisareimbursementforout-of-pocketexpenses;
or(b)for a person who is an approved
carer—an allowance orotheramountpaidtothepersonundertheChildProtection Act
1999, section 159.14Executive officers of a corporation carrying
on aregulated business(1)This
section applies in relation to a corporation that carries
on,or proposes to carry on, a regulated
business.(2)ForthisActotherthansection 172,apersonistakentobecarrying on, or proposing to carry on,
the regulated businessbybeing,orproposingtobe,anexecutiveofficerofthecorporation.(3)Subsection (2) applies only if the person’s
principal place ofresidence is in Australia.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 1 Preliminary[s
15]15What is a serious offence(1)Aserious
offenceis—(a)an offence
against a provision of an Act mentioned inschedule 2 or 3,
column 1, subject to any qualificationrelating to the
provision mentioned opposite in column3; or(b)an offence of counselling or procuring
the commissionof an offence of a kind mentioned in
paragraph (a); or(c)an offence of attempting, or of
conspiring, to commit anoffence of a kind mentioned in
paragraph (a); or(d)anoffencethathas,asanelement,anintentiontocommit an offence of a kind mentioned in
paragraph (a);or(e)anoffencethat,atthetimeitwascommitted,wasanoffence of a kind mentioned in
paragraph (a); or(f)anotheroffencethatisareportableoffenceundertheOffender Reporting Act that is not otherwise
a seriousoffence under this Act; or(g)an offence under a law of another
jurisdiction that, if ithadbeencommittedinQueensland,wouldhaveconstituted an
offence mentioned in paragraph (a) to (f).Note—Column 2 in schedules 2 and 3 is included
for information purposesonly and states a section heading for
the provision mentioned oppositein column
1.(2)For this section, it is immaterial if
a provision mentioned inschedule 2 or 3, column 1, for an Act
has been amended fromtime to time or that the provision was
previously numberedwith a different number.16What
is a disqualifying offence(1)Adisqualifying offenceis—(a)an offence against a provision of an
Act mentioned inschedule 4 or 5, column 1, subject to any
qualificationPage 26Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 17]relating to the provision mentioned opposite
in column3; or(b)an
offence of counselling or procuring the commissionof
an offence of a kind mentioned in paragraph (a); or(c)an offence of attempting, or of
conspiring, to commit anoffence of a kind mentioned in
paragraph (a); or(d)an offence that has, as an element,
intention to commitan offence of a kind mentioned in paragraph
(a); or(e)anoffencethat,atthetimeitwascommittedwasanoffence of a kind mentioned in
paragraph (a); or(f)an offence under a law of another
jurisdiction that, if ithadbeencommittedinQueensland,wouldhaveconstituted an
offence mentioned in paragraph (a) to (e).Note—Column 2 in schedules 4 and 5 is included
for information purposesonly and states a section heading for
the provision mentioned oppositein column
1.(2)For this section, it is immaterial if
a provision mentioned inschedule 4 or 5, column 1, for an Act
has been amended fromtime to time or that the provision was
previously numberedwith a different number.17Who
is a disqualified person(1)A person is
adisqualified personif the
person—(a)has been or is convicted of a
disqualifying offence; or(b)is subject
to—(i)offender reporting obligations;
or(ii)an offender
prohibition order; or(iii)a
disqualification order; or(iv)a sexual
offender order; or(c)istherespondenttoanapplicationforanoffenderprohibition
order under the Offender Reporting Act.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 27
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 7 Regulated employment and
regulated businesses[s 18](2)However,apersontowhomsubsection
(1)(a)appliesandsubsection (1)(b)and(c)donotapplyisnotadisqualifiedperson if an
eligibility declaration is in force for the person.Note—Seechapter 8,part 1,division 2forprovisionsaboutobtaininganeligibility declaration, when an eligibility
declaration is taken to beissued and when an eligibility
declaration ends.18Who is a relevant disqualified
personA person is arelevant
disqualified personif the person—(a)has
been or is convicted of a disqualifying offence forwhich an imprisonment order was or is
imposed; or(b)is subject to—(i)offender reporting obligations; or(ii)an offender
prohibition order; or(iii)a
disqualification order; or(iv)a sexual
offender order; or(c)istherespondenttoanapplicationforanoffenderprohibition
order under the Offender Reporting Act.Chapter 7Regulated employment andregulated
businessesPart 1Preliminary156Regulated employment(1)Employment isregulated
employmentif it is employment of atype that is
stated to be regulated employment in schedule 1,part
1.Page 28Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 7 Regulated employment and regulated
businesses[s 157](2)However, employment is not regulated
employment if—(a)itisofatypeofemploymentthatschedule 1,part 1states is not regulated employment;
or(b)schedule 1, part 3 states that this
chapter does not applyto the employment.(3)Also,theunpaidemploymentofachildisnotregulatedemploymentunlessthechildisatraineestudentofaneducation
provider and the employment is part of the courseundertaken by the trainee student with the
education provider.(4)Further,theemploymentofapersonisnotregulatedemployment if
the person is employed to work, and works, inthe employment
for not more than 7 days in a calendar year.157Regulated businesses(1)A
business is aregulated businessif it is a type
of businessthat is stated to be a regulated business in
schedule 1, part 2.(2)However, a business is not a regulated
business if schedule 1,part 3 states that this chapter does
not apply to the carryingon of the business.158Declaration relating to exemption to
category ofregulated employment(1)This
section applies if, under a section of schedule 1, part 1,the
employment of a person is regulated employment.(2)The
employment is regulated employment even if—(a)another section of schedule 1, part 1
expressly providesthatemploymentofthepersonisnotregulatedemployment;
or(b)a section of schedule 1, part 2
expressly provides that abusinesscarriedonbythepersonisnotaregulatedbusiness.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 29
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 7 Regulated employment and
regulated businesses[s 159]159Declaration relating to exemption to
category ofregulated business(1)This
section applies if, under a section of schedule 1, part 2, abusiness carried on by a person is a
regulated business.(2)The business is a regulated business
even if—(a)another section of schedule 1, part 2
expressly providesthatabusinesscarriedonbythepersonisnotaregulated
business; or(b)asectionofschedule 1,part 1expresslyprovidesthatemployment of
the person is not regulated employment.Example—Ifapersoncarriesonabusinessthatincludesprivatetutoringofchildren at a school, the person is carrying
on a regulated businessunder schedule 1, section 17 even if
employment of the person is notregulated
employment under schedule 1, section 3 because the person isan
approved teacher.Part 3Risk management
strategies171Risk management strategies about
persons employed inregulated employment(1)A
person who employs someone else in employment that isregulatedemploymentmust,foreachyear,developandimplement a written strategy about the
person’s employees inregulated employment that—(a)implementsemploymentpracticesandprocedurestopromotethewellbeingofachildaffectedbytheregulatedemploymentandtoprotectthechildfromharm; and(b)includes the matters prescribed under a
regulation.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.(2)In this section—Page 30Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 7 Regulated employment and regulated
businesses[s 172]employeesinregulatedemployment,foraperson,includeseach of the
following whom the person employs in regulatedemployment—(a)personswhomadeaworkingwithchildrencheck(exemption) application;(b)persons who hold a working with children
authority;(c)personswhoarenotrequiredtoholdaworkingwithchildren authority;(d)personsaboutwhomthepersonisnotifiedundersection 339.172Risk
management strategies about regulated businessesA
person who carries on a regulated business must, for eachyear,developandimplementawrittenstrategyabouttheregulated business that—(a)implementsemploymentpracticesandprocedurestopromotethewellbeingofachildaffectedbytheregulated
business and to protect the child from harm;and(b)includes the matters prescribed under
a regulation.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.Part
4Screening requirementsDivision 1Preliminary173Requirements for employer giving notice
aboutemploying person(1)Beforegivinganoticementionedinsection 175(1)(b)or176C(1)(b) about the employment or proposed
employment ofa person, an employer must take reasonable
steps to verify theperson’s identity.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 31
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 7 Regulated employment and
regulated businesses[s 174]Examples of
reasonable steps—•the employer views the person’s
working with children card thatincludes the
person’s photograph•the employer views the person’s driver
licence that includes theperson’s photograph(2)The employer must give the notice in
the approved form and inan approved way.Division 2Requirement for working withchildren clearance174Application of divisionThis division
does not apply in relation to the employment of aperson, or the carrying on of a business by
a person, who is apolice officer or registered teacher.175Clearance required to employ person in
unless—(a)the employee holds a working with
children clearance;and(b)theemployerhasgiventhechiefexecutiveanotice,undersection 173,aboutemployingtheemployeeinregulated employment.Maximum
penalty—(a)if an aggravating circumstance applies
to the offence—200 penalty units or 2 years imprisonment;
or(b)otherwise—100 penalty units.(2)Itisanaggravatingcircumstanceforanoffenceagainstsubsection (1) if—Page 32Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 7 Regulated employment and regulated
businesses[s 176](a)the
employee holds a negative notice and the employerknows, or ought reasonably to know, the
employee holdsthe negative notice; or(b)thechiefexecutivehasgiventheemployeranoticeunderchapter 8,part 5Athatstatestheemployee’sworking with
children authority has been cancelled; or(c)the
chief executive has given the employer a withdrawalnoticeforaworkingwithchildrencheckapplicationmade by the
employee because section 199 applies.176Employing person with suspended clearance
prohibitedA person (theemployer)
must not employ another person (theemployee) to
start in regulated employment if—(a)theemployeeholdsaworkingwithchildrenclearancethat
is suspended; and(b)the employer knows, or ought
reasonably to know, theemployee’s clearance is
suspended.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.176APerson prohibited from regulated employment
person must not start or continue in regulated employmentunless the person holds a working with
children clearance.Maximum penalty—(a)if
an aggravating circumstance applies to the offence—500
penalty units or 5 years imprisonment; or(b)otherwise—100 penalty units.(2)Itisanaggravatingcircumstanceforanoffenceagainstsubsection (1) if the person—(a)holds a negative notice; or(b)is a disqualified person; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 7 Regulated employment and
regulated businesses[s 176B](c)heldaworkingwithchildrenauthoritythatwascancelledontheperson’srequestunderchapter
8,part 5A, division 4; or(d)made
a working with children check application and theapplication was withdrawn because section
199 applies.(3)However, if the person’s working with
children clearance wascancelled under chapter 8, part 5A, a
court may not find theperson contravened subsection (1)
unless the court is satisfiedthe person was
given written notice about the cancellation.176BClearance required to carry on regulated
businessApersonmustnotcarryonaregulatedbusinessunlesstheperson holds a working with children
clearance.Maximumpenalty—500penaltyunitsor5yearsimprisonment.Note—Under section 14, particular executive
officers of a corporation thatcarries on a
regulated business are taken to carry on the regulatedbusiness.Division 3Requirement for working withchildren exemption for policeofficers and registered teachers176CExemption required to employ police
officer or registeredteacher in regulated employment(1)Aperson(theemployer)mustnotemploy,orcontinuetoemploy, a police officer or registered
teacher (theemployee)in
regulated employment unless—(a)either—(i)theemployeeholdsaworkingwithchildrenauthority;
orPage 34Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 7 Regulated employment and regulated
businesses[s 176D](ii)theemployeehasmadeaworkingwithchildrencheck
(exemption) application and the applicationhas not been
decided or withdrawn; and(b)theemployerhasgiventhechiefexecutiveanotice,undersection 173,aboutemployingtheemployeeinregulated employment.Maximum
penalty—(a)if an aggravating circumstance applies
to the offence—200 penalty units or 2 years imprisonment;
or(b)otherwise—100 penalty units.(2)Itisanaggravatingcircumstanceforanoffenceagainstsubsection (1) if—(a)the
employee holds a negative notice and the employerknows, or ought reasonably to know, the
employee holdsthe negative notice; or(b)thechiefexecutivehasgiventheemployeranoticeunderchapter 8,part 5Athatstatestheemployee’sworking with
children authority has been cancelled; or(c)the
chief executive has given the employer a withdrawalnoticeforaworkingwithchildrencheckapplicationmade by the
person because section 199 applies.176DEmploying police officer or registered
teacher withsuspended authority prohibitedA
person (theemployer) must not
employ a police officer orregisteredteacher(theemployee)tostartinregulatedemployment
is suspended; and(b)the employer knows, or ought
reasonably to know, theemployee’s authority is
suspended.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 35
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 7 Regulated employment and
regulated businesses[s 176E]176EPolice officer or registered teacher
prohibited fromregulated employment without
exemption(1)A person who is a police officer or
registered teacher must notstart or
continue in regulated employment unless—(a)the
person holds a working with children authority; or(b)thepersonhasmadeaworkingwithchildrencheck(exemption)applicationandtheapplicationhasnotbeen decided or withdrawn.Maximum penalty—(a)if
an aggravating circumstance applies to the offence—500
penalty units or 5 years imprisonment; or(b)otherwise—100 penalty units.(2)Itisanaggravatingcircumstanceforanoffenceagainstsubsection (1) if the person—(a)holds a negative notice; or(b)forapersonmentionedinsubsection (1)(b)—isadisqualified person; or(c)heldaworkingwithchildrenauthoritythatwascancelledontheperson’srequestunderchapter
8,part 5A, division 4; or(d)madeaworkingwithchildrencheckapplicationthatwas
withdrawn because section 199 applies.(3)However, if the person’s working with
children authority wascancelled under chapter 8, part 5A, a
court may not find theperson contravened subsection (1)
unless the court is satisfiedthe person was
given written notice about the cancellation.176FExemption required for regulated employment
if previousapplication withdrawn(1)Thissectionappliesifapersonwhoisapoliceofficerorregisteredteachermakesaworkingwithchildrencheck(exemption)applicationthatiswithdrawnbecausesection 196 or 199 applies.Page
36Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 7 Regulated employment and regulated
businesses[s 176G](2)Thepersonmustnotstartorcontinueinregulatedemployment
unless the person holds a working with childrenauthority.Maximum
penalty—(a)ifthewithdrawalnoticeisgivenbecausesection 199applies—500
penalty units or 5 years imprisonment; or(b)otherwise—100 penalty units or 1 year’s
176E,subsection (2)appliesevenifthepersonmakesanotherworkingwithchildrencheck(exemption)
application.176GExemption required for police officer
or registeredteacher to carry on regulated
businessA person who is a police officer or
registered teacher must notcarry on a
regulated business unless—(a)the person holds
a working with children authority; or(b)thepersonhasmadeaworkingwithchildrencheck(exemption)applicationandtheapplicationhasnotbeen decided or withdrawn.Maximumpenalty—500penaltyunitsor5yearsimprisonment.Note—Under section 14, particular executive
officers of a corporation thatcarries on a
regulated business are taken to carry on the regulatedbusiness.Division 4Restricted persons prohibited fromrestricted employment176HDefinitions for divisionIn this
division—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 7 Regulated employment and
regulated businesses[s 176I]restrictedemploymentmeansemploymentthatisnotregulated
employment under—(a)section 156(3) or (4); or(b)schedule 1,part 1,section 3(2)(b),4(4),4A(2),5(2),6(3)(c)(i) or 11(2)(b).restricted
personmeans a person who—(a)holds a negative notice; or(b)holdsaworkingwithchildrenauthoritythatissuspended; or(c)isadisqualifiedpersonanddoesnotholdaworkingwith children
authority; orNote—See chapter 8,
part 1, division 2 and sections 223 and 285 forcircumstances in
which a disqualified person may be issued aworking with
children authority.(d)hasbeenchargedwithadisqualifyingoffencetheproceeding for which has not
ended.176IEmploying restricted person in
restricted employmentprohibitedAperson(theemployer)mustnotemploy,orcontinuetoemploy,anotherperson(theemployee)inrestrictedemployment
if—(a)the employee is a restricted person;
and(b)the employer knows, or ought
reasonably to know, theemployee is a restricted
person.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.176JRestricted person prohibited from starting
or continuingin restricted employment(1)Arestrictedpersonmustnotstartorcontinueinrestrictedemployment.Page 38Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 176K]Maximumpenalty—500penaltyunitsor5yearsimprisonment.(2)However—(a)if
the person is a restricted person because the personholds a negative notice that was issued
under chapter 8,part 5Awhentheperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthoritywascancelled—acourtmaynotfindthepersoncontravenedsubsection
(1)unlessthecourtissatisfied the person was given written
notice about theissue of the negative notice; and(b)if the person is a restricted person
because the person’sworkingwithchildrenauthorityissuspendedunderchapter 8,part 5A—acourtmaynotfindthepersoncontravened
subsection (1) unless the court is satisfiedthepersonwasgivenwrittennoticeaboutthesuspension.Chapter 8Working with childrenchecks and
authoritiesPart 1Restrictions on
makingworking with children checkapplicationsDivision 1Prohibited applications176KApplication by disqualified person
prohibitedA disqualified person must not make a
working with childrencheck application.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 39
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 176L]Maximumpenalty—500penaltyunitsor5yearsimprisonment.176LApplication by negative notice holder
prohibited(1)Apersonwhoholdsanegativenoticemustnotmakeaworking with children check
5Awhentheperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthoritywas cancelled, a
court may not find the person contravenedsubsection
(1)unlessthecourtissatisfiedthepersonwasgiven written notice about the issue of the
negative notice.Division 2Eligibility
declaration177Purpose of div 2The purpose of
this division is to allow a person who may be adisqualifiedpersontoapplytothechiefexecutiveforadeclaration(eligibility declaration)thatthepersonisnotadisqualifiedpersonandiseligibletomakeaworkingwithchildren check application.178Application for an eligibility
declaration(1)A person may make an application
(eligibility application) tothe
chief executive for an eligibility declaration.(2)The
person can not make an eligibility application less than 2years after making a previous eligibility
application that hasbeen refused, unless—(a)the decision to refuse the previous
eligibility applicationwas based on wrong or incomplete
information; orPage 40Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 179](b)the
previous eligibility application was refused becausethepersonwasarelevantdisqualifiedpersonandtheperson is no
longer a relevant disqualified person.(3)The
eligibility application must be—(a)made
in the approved form and in an approved way; and(b)signed by the applicant; and(c)accompanied by the prescribed
fee.(4)The approved form must provide for the
application to provideproof of the applicant’s
identity.179Notice of change of name and contact
details in eligibilityapplication(1)Thissectionappliesif,afterapersonmakesaneligibilityapplication, the
person’s name or contact details, as stated inthe application,
change before the chief executive decides theapplication.(2)Within 14 days after the change happens, the
person must givenotice of it, in the approved form, to the
chief executive.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.180Chief executive’s decision on
eligibility application(1)The chief
executive may issue an eligibility declaration to aperson only if the person—(a)has been convicted of a disqualifying
offence; and(b)is not a relevant disqualified
person.(2)The chief executive must decide the
eligibility application as ifitwereadecisionaboutaworkingwithchildrencheckapplication and, for that purpose—(a)if the person is a police officer or
registered teacher—part 5, division 8 applies; or(b)otherwise—part 4, division 9
applies.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 180](3)The
division mentioned in subsection (2) applies as if—(a)areferenceinthedivisiontoaworkingwithchildrencheckapplicationwereareferencetoaneligibilityapplication;
and(b)areferenceinthedivisiontoissuingaworkingwithchildrenauthoritywereareferencetoissuinganeligibility declaration; and(c)a reference in the division to issuing
a negative noticewere a reference to refusing the eligibility
issue the eligibility declaration to the person.(5)Iftheeligibilityapplicationisrefused,thechiefexecutivemust
give the person a written notice stating—(a)the
reasons for the refusal; and(b)if
the reasons include investigative information—(i)that, within 28 days after the person is
given thenotice,thepersonmayappealtoaMagistratesCourtaboutthepolicecommissioner’sdecisionthattheinformationisinvestigativeinformation;and(ii)howthepersonmayappealtotheMagistratesCourt.(6)Ifthechiefexecutiveconsidersthepersonhasnotbeenconvicted of a
disqualifying offence, the chief executive mustgive written
notice to the person stating the following—(a)thechiefexecutivemayonlyissueaneligibilitydeclarationifthepersonhasbeenconvictedofadisqualifying
convicted of a disqualifying offence and, for thatreason, the chief executive cannot
issue an eligibilitydeclaration to the person;Page
42Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 181](c)that,ifthepersonisnotadisqualifiedpersonforanotherreason,thepersonmaymakeaworkingwithchildren check application;(d)that the eligibility application will
not be further dealtwith by the chief executive.(7)There is no review or appeal under
this Act in relation to adecision of the chief executive under
this section to refuse aneligibility application.181Eligibility declaration taken to have
been issuedThechiefexecutiveistakentohaveissuedaneligibilitydeclaration to a
disqualified person if the chief executive—(a)issues a working with children authority to
the person;or(b)cancels a
negative notice issued to the person; or(c)decides not to cancel the person’s working
with childrenauthority under section 300.182Chief executive may request further
give the applicant a notice asking the applicant to givethe
chief executive, within a reasonable stated time—(a)statedinformationthatthechiefexecutivereasonablyneeds to
establish the applicant’s identity; or(b)statedinformation,includingbywayofasubmission,about a stated
matter that the chief executive reasonablybelieves is
relevant to the application.(2)A
request under subsection (1) must state that, if the
applicantdoesnotcomplywiththerequestwithinthestatedtime,theapplicant’s application will be
withdrawn.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 185]185When
eligibility declaration ends(1)An
eligibility declaration issued to a person remains in forceuntil it ends under subsection (2).(2)An eligibility declaration issued to a
person ends if, after it isissued—(a)the person—(i)is
charged with a disqualifying offence; or(ii)is
convicted of a serious offence; or(iii)becomes a relevant disqualified person;
or(b)a negative notice is issued to the
person; or(c)a working with children authority held
by the person iscancelled.186Reversal of decision refusing an eligibility
declaration(1)Thechiefexecutivemayrevokeadecisiontorefuseaneligibility application and issue an
eligibility declaration if thechief executive
is satisfied—(a)the decision on the application was
based on wrong orincomplete information; and(b)based on the correct or complete
information, the chiefexecutivedecidesundersection
180thatthechiefexecutive may
issue the eligibility declaration.(2)Thechiefexecutivemayexercisethepowerundersubsection (1)onthechiefexecutive’sowninitiativeoronapplicationbythepersonwhoseeligibilityapplicationwasrefused.Page 44Current as at [Not applicable]
2Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 187]Working with
children checkapplicationsNotauthorised—indicativeonly187Who may apply(1)A
person (anapplicant) may apply to
the chief executive for aworking with children check.(2)A police officer or registered teacher
(also anapplicant) mayapply to the chief executive for a working
with children checkfor an exemption.188Form
of application(1)An application under this part must
be—(a)in the approved form; and(b)made in an approved way; and(c)signed by the applicant.(2)A working with children check
(general) application must beaccompanied by
the prescribed fee for the application, unlesssection 189
applies to the applicant.(3)The approved
form must provide for the applicant—(a)to
provide proof of the applicant’s identity; and(b)to
consent to employment screening under this chapter;and(c)iftheapplicationisaworkingwithchildrencheck(exemption)application—todeclarethattheapplicantis a police
officer or a registered teacher.(4)Also, the approved form must state—(a)itisanoffenceforadisqualifiedpersontomakeaworking with children check application;
a working with children check application.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 45
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 189]189No
application fee for volunteers(1)Thissectionappliesifthechiefexecutiveissatisfiedtheapplicant—(a)has
an agreement with another person (theemployer)
tobe employed in regulated employment as a
volunteer bythe employer; or(b)proposestocarryon,ortocontinuecarryingon,aregulated business other than for
reward.(2)The applicant is not required to pay
the prescribed fee for theapplication.190Chief executive may request further
information(1)Onreceivinganapplicationunderthispart,thechiefexecutive may
give the applicant a notice asking the applicantto
give the chief executive, within a reasonable stated time—(a)statedinformationthatthechiefexecutivereasonablyneeds to
establish the applicant’s identity; or(b)statedinformation,includingbywayofasubmission,about a stated
matter that the chief executive reasonablybelieves is
relevant to the application.(2)A
request under subsection (1) must state that, if the
applicantdoesnotcomplywiththerequestwithinthestatedtime,theapplicant’s application will be
withdrawn.191Working with children authority
continues in forcepending decision(1)Thissectionappliesifanapplicantholdsaworkingwithchildren authority (thecurrent
authority).(2)Despitesections 231(1)and289(1),thecurrentauthorityremains in force from the day it would
otherwise end until theearliest of the following things
happens—(a)the application is decided or
withdrawn;(b)the current authority is
cancelled;Page 46Current as at
[Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 192](c)iftheapplicationisaworkingwithchildrencheck(exemption)application—theapplicantstopsbeingapolice officer or registered
teacher.Notauthorised—indicativeonly192Effect of application by disqualified
person(1)This section applies if the applicant
is a disqualified person.(2)The application
has no effect.(3)The chief executive must give a notice
that states the followingmatterstotheapplicantandeachnotifiablepersonfortheapplicant—(a)thechiefexecutiveissatisfiedtheapplicantisadisqualified person;(b)the application has no effect because
the applicant is adisqualified person;(c)itisanoffencefortheapplicantto,ortoallowtheapplicant to, start or continue in
regulated employment,or restricted employment, or for the
applicant to carryon a regulated business.193Effect of application by negative notice
holder(1)This section applies if the applicant
holds a negative notice.(2)The application
has no effect.(3)The chief executive must give a notice
that states the followingmatterstotheapplicantandeachnotifiablepersonfortheapplicant—(a)the
application has no effect because the applicant holdsa
negative notice;(b)the day the negative notice was
issued.(4)If the negative notice was issued to
the applicant because theapplicant is a relevant disqualified
person, a notice given tothechiefexecutive(childsafety)undersubsection (3)mustalso
state the provision of the Act under which the negativenotice was issued.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 47
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 194]Part 3Withdrawal of application194Application of partThis
part applies to—(a)a working with children check
application; and(b)an eligibility application.195Notice of withdrawal(1)Thechiefexecutivewithdrawsanapplicationbygivingtheapplicantanotice(awithdrawalnotice)thatstatestheapplication is withdrawn.(2)Thechiefexecutivemustgiveawithdrawalnoticetotheapplicant if,
before the application is decided—(a)theapplicantwithdrawstheapplicationundersection 196; or(b)the
chief executive is permitted or required, under thispart, to withdraw the application.(3)Iftheapplicationisaworkingwithchildrencheckapplication, the chief executive must also
give a withdrawalnotice to each notifiable person for the
applicant.(4)A withdrawal notice must state the
reason for the withdrawal.196Withdrawal by
applicant(1)The applicant may withdraw an
application at any time beforeit is
decided.(2)Theapplicantwithdrawstheapplicationbygivingthechiefexecutive notice
about the withdrawal.(3)The notice may
be given orally or in writing.Page 48Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 197]197Deemed withdrawal—identity can not be
establishedThe chief executive must withdraw an
application if—(a)thechiefexecutivegivestheapplicantanoticeundersection 182(1)(a)or190(1)(a)askingtheapplicanttoprovide information to establish the
applicant’s identitywithin a stated time; and(b)thenoticeincludesthewarningmentionedinsection 182(2) or 190(2); and(c)the applicant does not comply with the
request; and(d)thechiefexecutivecannotestablishtheapplicant’sidentity with
certainty.198Deemed withdrawal—failure to comply
with particularrequestsThe chief
executive may withdraw an application if—(a)the
chief executive gives the applicant—(i)anoticeundersection 182(1)(b)or190(1)(b)asking the
applicant to provide stated information;or(ii)anoticeundersection 330,332,333,337or338asking the
applicant to give the consent, or take theother action,
stated in the notice; and(b)the notice
includes a warning that, if the applicant doesnotcomplywiththenotice,theapplicationwillbewithdrawn; and(c)the
person does not comply with the notice.199Deemed withdrawal—applicant charged with
seriousoffence or disqualifying offence etc.(1)Thechiefexecutivemustwithdrawaworkingwithchildrencheckapplicationiftheapplicantischargedwithaseriousoffence or
disqualifying offence.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 200](2)Awithdrawalnoticegivenundersection 195becausethissection applies
must state that—(a)for a notice given to the applicant—it
is an offence fortheapplicanttostartorcontinueinrestrictedemployment;
or(b)foranoticegiventoanotifiablepersonfortheapplicant—itisanoffencetoemploy,orcontinuetoemploy, the applicant in restricted
employment.200Deemed withdrawal—applicant no longer
police officer orregistered teacher(1)Thechiefexecutivemustwithdrawaworkingwithchildrencheck
(exemption) application made by a police officer if theapplicant or the police commissioner gives
the chief executivea written notice that states the applicant
is no longer a policeofficer.(2)Thechiefexecutivemustwithdrawaworkingwithchildrencheck
(exemption) application made by a registered teacher iftheapplicantorthecollegeofteachersgivesthechiefexecutiveawrittennoticethatstatestheapplicantisnolonger a registered teacher.Part
4Working with childrenclearancesDivision 9Deciding application219Application of divisionThis division
applies if a person made a working with childrencheck (general) application and the
application has not beenwithdrawn.Page 50Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 220]220Deciding application—generally(1)Thechiefexecutivemustdecidetoapproveorrefusetheapplication under this division.(2)Ifthechiefexecutiveapprovestheapplication,thechiefexecutivemustissueawrittennoticethatstatestheapplication is approved (aworking with children clearance)to the person.(3)Ifthechiefexecutiverefusestheapplication,thechiefexecutivemustissueawrittennoticethatstatestheapplication is refused (anegative notice) to the
person.221Deciding application—no conviction or
conviction etc. fornon-serious offence(1)Subjecttosubsection (2),thechiefexecutivemustissueaworking with children clearance to the
person if—(a)thechiefexecutiveisnotawareofanypoliceinformationordisciplinaryinformationabouttheperson; or(b)the
chief executive is not aware of a conviction of thepersonforanyoffencebutisawarethatthereis1ormore of the
following about the person—(i)investigative information;(ii)disciplinary
information;(iii)a charge for an
offence other than a disqualifyingoffence;(iv)a charge for a
disqualifying offence that has beendealt with other
than by a conviction; orNote for subparagraph (iv)—For
charges for disqualifying offences that have not beendealtwith,seechapter 7,part 4,division 4andsections 199, 295(1) and 296.(c)the chief executive is aware of a
conviction of the personfor an offence other than a serious
offence.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 222](2)If
subsection (1)(b) or (c) applies to the person and the chiefexecutiveissatisfieditisanexceptionalcaseinwhichitwouldnotbeinthebestinterestsofchildrenforthechiefexecutive to
issue a working with children clearance, the chiefexecutive must issue a negative notice to
the person.Notauthorised—indicativeonly222Deciding
application—previous holder of working withchildren
exemption(1)Subjecttosubsection (2),thechiefexecutivemustissueaworking with children clearance to the
person if—(a)thepersonwastheholderofaworkingwithchildrenexemptionthatwascancelledbecausethepersonresigned or
retired from being a police officer, and therehas not been a
change in police information about theperson since the
resignation or retirement; or(b)thepersonwastheholderofaworkingwithchildrenexemptionthatwascancelledbecausethepersonsurrenderedtheperson’sregistrationundertheEducation (Queensland College of
Teachers) Act 2005,and there has not been a change in police
informationabout the person since the surrender.(2)If subsection (1)(a) or (b) applies to
the person and the chiefexecutiveissatisfieditisanexceptionalcaseinwhichitwouldnotbeinthebestinterestsofchildrenforthechiefexecutive to
issue a working with children clearance, the chiefexecutive must issue a negative notice to
the person.223Deciding application—negative notice
cancelled orholder of eligibility declaration(1)This section applies if—(a)the chief executive has, under section
304I, cancelled anegative notice issued to the person;
or(b)an eligibility declaration is in force
for the person.(2)If the chief executive is not aware of
any police information ordisciplinaryinformationabouttheperson,otherthanPage 52Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 224]information
known to the chief executive at the time of takingtheactionmentionedinsubsection (1)(a)or(b),thechiefexecutive must
issue a working with children clearance to theperson.(3)Subjecttosubsection (4),ifthechiefexecutiveisawareofpoliceinformationordisciplinaryinformationabouttheperson, other than information known
to the chief executive atthe time of taking the action
mentioned in subsection (1)(a) or(b),thechiefexecutivemustissueanegativenoticetotheperson.(4)If subsection (3) applies to the
person and the chief executiveis satisfied it
is an exceptional case in which it would not harmthe
best interests of children for the chief executive to issue
aworkingwithchildrenclearance,thechiefexecutivemustissue a working
with children clearance to the person.224Issuing notice to relevant disqualified
personThe chief executive must issue a negative
notice to the personifthechiefexecutiveisawarethepersonisarelevantdisqualified
person.225Deciding application—person no longer
relevantdisqualified person or convicted of serious
offence(1)Subject to section 223 and subsection
(2), the chief executivemustissueanegativenoticetothepersonifthechiefexecutive is aware the person—(a)has been a relevant disqualified
person at any time but isnolongerarelevantdisqualifiedperson(otherthanaperson who was a relevant disqualified
person by reasonof a conviction, sentence or order that was
set aside onappeal); or(b)has
been convicted of a serious offence.(2)If
subsection (1)(a) or (b) applies to the person and the chiefexecutiveissatisfieditisanexceptionalcaseinwhichitwouldnotharmthebestinterestsofchildrenforthechiefCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 53
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 226]executive to
issue a working with children clearance, the chiefexecutive must issue a working with children
clearance to theperson.226Deciding exceptional case if conviction or
charge(1)This section applies if the chief
executive—(a)is deciding whether or not there is an
exceptional casefor the person; and(b)isawarethatthepersonhasbeenconvictedof,orcharged with, an
offence.(2)The chief executive must have regard
to the following—(a)in relation to the commission, or
alleged commission, ofan offence by the person—(i)whether it is a conviction or a
charge; and(ii)whether the
offence is a serious offence and, if it is,whether it is a
disqualifying offence; and(iii)when the offence
was committed or is alleged tohave been
committed; and(iv)thenatureoftheoffenceanditsrelevancetoemployment,orcarryingonabusiness,thatinvolves or may involve children; and(v)in the case of a conviction—the
penalty imposedby the court and, if the court decided not
to imposeanimprisonmentorderfortheoffenceornottomakeadisqualificationorderundersection
357,the court’s reasons for its decision;(b)anyinformationaboutthepersongiventothechiefexecutive under section 318 or 319;(c)any report about the person’s mental
health given to thechief executive under section 335;(d)anyinformationaboutthepersongiventothechiefexecutive under section 337 or 338;Page
54Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 227](e)anythingelserelatingtothecommission,orallegedcommission,oftheoffencethatthechiefexecutivereasonably considers to be relevant to the
assessment ofthe person.Notauthorised—indicativeonly227Deciding exceptional case if
investigative informationexists(1)This
section applies if the chief executive—(a)is
deciding whether or not there is an exceptional casefor
the person; and(b)is aware of investigative information
about the person.(2)The chief executive must have regard
to the following—(a)whentheactsoromissionsconstitutingtheallegedoffencetowhichtheinvestigativeinformationrelateswere
committed;(b)anything else relating to the
commission of the acts oromissions that the chief executive
reasonably considersrelevant to the assessment of the
person.228Deciding exceptional case if
disciplinary informationexists(1)This
section applies if the chief executive—(a)is
deciding whether or not there is an exceptional casefor
the person; and(b)is aware of disciplinary information
about the person.(2)The chief executive must have regard
to the following—(a)the decision or order of the
decision-maker relating tothedisciplinaryinformationandthereasonsforthedecision or order;(b)any
decision or order of an entity hearing and deciding areviewof,orappealagainst,adecisionorordermentionedinparagraph (a),andthereasonsforthedecision or order;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 55
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 229](c)therelevanceofthedisciplinaryinformationtoemployment, or carrying on a business, that
involves ormay involve children;(d)anythingelserelatingtothedisciplinaryinformationthatthechiefexecutivereasonablyconsiderstoberelevant to the
assessment of the person.229Chief executive
to invite submissions from person aboutparticular
information(1)This section applies if the chief
executive—(a)must decide whether or not there is an
exceptional casefor the person; and(b)is
proposing to decide the working with children check(general) application by issuing a negative
notice to theperson.(2)The
chief executive must give the person a written notice—(a)stating the following—(i)thepoliceinformationaboutthepersonthatthechief executive is aware of;(ii)any disciplinary
information about the person thatthe chief
executive is aware of; and(b)inviting the
person to give the chief executive, within astated time, a
submission about—(i)whether or not there is an exceptional
case for theperson; or(ii)whythechiefexecutiveshouldissueaworkingwithchildrenclearance,orshouldnotissueanegative notice, because of an exceptional
case forthe person.(3)The
stated time must be reasonable and, in any case, at least 7days
after the chief executive gives the notice to the person.Page
56Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 230](4)Beforedecidingtheapplication,thechiefexecutivemustconsider any
submission received from the person within thestated
time.(5)Asubmissionmentionedinsubsection (2)(b)maybemadeorallyorinalanguageotherthanEnglishifthechiefexecutive considers a submission in that
form is reasonable inthe circumstances.230Chief executive to be notified of change in
section applies if, before the chief executive decides theperson’sapplication,anyofthefollowingthingshappen(each arelevant
change)—(a)theperson’snameorcontactdetailsasstatedintheapplication change;(b)theperson’semployment,orproposedemployment,asstated in the application changes;(c)thepersonstopscarryingonabusinessstatedintheapplication;(d)thepersonnolongerintendstocarryonaproposedbusiness stated
in the application.(2)The person must give a notice, in the
approved form and in anapproved way, about the relevant
change to the chief executivewithin 7 days
after the change happens.Maximum penalty—10 penalty
units.231Term of clearance and negative
notice(1)Aworkingwithchildrenclearancehasatermof3years,unless it is
cancelled earlier under part 5A.(2)A
negative notice remains in force until it is cancelled underpart
5A.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 232]Division
10Steps after application decided232Application of divisionThis
division applies if the chief executive decides a person’sworking with children check (general)
application.232AIssuing working with children
cardIfthechiefexecutiveissuesthepersonaworkingwithchildren clearance, the chief executive must
issue a workingwith children card for the clearance to the
person.233Additional information to be given if
negative noticeissuedIf the chief
executive issues a negative notice to the person,the
negative notice must be accompanied by a written noticestating the following—(a)the
reasons for the chief executive’s decision to issue anegative notice to the person;(b)the relevant review and appeal
information;(c)that it is an offence for a person who
holds a negativenotice to—(i)makeaworkingwithchildrencheckapplication;or(ii)startorcontinueinregulatedemploymentorrestricted employment; or(iii) carry on a regulated business.234Persons to be notified of
decision(1)The chief executive must give
eachnotifiablepersonfortheperson a written
notice stating whether the person was issueda working with
children clearance or a negative notice.Page 58Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 235](2)If
the person is issued with a negative notice on the basis theperson is or was a relevant disqualified
person and a noticeabout the person is given to the chief
executive (child safety)under subsection (1), the notice must
also state the provisionof this part under which the negative
notice was issued.Note—See sections 224
and 225 for circumstances in which a negative noticeisissuedtoapersononthebasisthepersonisorwasarelevantdisqualified
person.(3)The chief executive may also give a
potential employer for theperson a notice mentioned in
subsection (1).235Department to be given particular
advice(1)This section applies if—(a)thechiefexecutiveissuesaworkingwithchildrenclearance to a
person; and(b)thechiefexecutiveofanotherdepartment(theotherexecutive)proposestostartemploying,orcontinueemploying, the
person in regulated employment; and(c)the
other executive asks the chief executive for adviceunder this section.(2)The
chief executive may advise the other executive that theother executive may need to undertake a
further assessment ofthepersonunderthePublicServiceAct2008,chapter 5,part 6,division 3Atodecidewhetherornottheotherdepartment
should engage the person.Note—ThePublic Service Act 2008, chapter 5,
part 6, division 3A does notapplyinrelationtotheengagementofparticularpersonsbyadepartment. See
section 164 of that Act.(3)However, the
chief executive may give the advice mentionedin subsection
(2) only if the chief executive is aware that theperson has a criminal history.(4)If the chief executive gives advice
under subsection (2), theadvice must be accompanied by a
written notice stating thatCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 59
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 247]noadverseinferenceabouttheperson’scriminalhistoryorsuitability for engagement, or continued
engagement, by theotherdepartmentmaybedrawnbythefacttheadvicewasgiven.Division
13Persons who are police officers orregistered teachers247Clearances held by police officers and
section applies if—(a)a person holds a working with children
clearance; and(b)the person is or becomes a police
officer or registeredteacher.(2)Theperson’sworkingwithchildrenclearancecontinuesineffect subject to section 231.(3)Thischaptercontinuestoapplyinrelationtotheperson’sworking with
children clearance while it is in force.(4)If
the chief executive is aware the person is a police officer
orregistered teacher and, under part 5A or
part 7, division 1, thechiefexecutiveisrequiredorpermittedtoissueaworkingwith children
clearance to the person, the chief executive mustinstead issue a working with children
exemption to the person.Page 60Current as at
[Not applicable]
5Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 281]Working with
childrenexemptionsNotauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 8Deciding
application281Application of divisionThis
division applies if a person made a working with childrencheck(exemption)applicationandtheapplicationhasnotbeen withdrawn.282Deciding application—generally(1)Thechiefexecutivemustdecidetoapproveorrefusetheapplication under this division.(2)Ifthechiefexecutiveapprovestheapplication,thechiefexecutivemustissueawrittennoticethatstatestheapplication is approved (aworking with children exemption)to the person.(3)Ifthechiefexecutiverefusestheapplication,thechiefexecutivemustissueawrittennoticethatstatestheapplication is refused (anegative notice) to the
person.283Deciding application—police officer if
further screeningnot requiredIf the person is
a police officer, the chief executive must issue aworking with children exemption to the
person if—(a)thechiefexecutiveisnotawareofanypoliceinformation
about the person; and(b)the chief
executive—(i)has,undersection 286,beenadvisedthattheperson is a police officer; and(ii)hasnot,undersection 286,beenadvisedthatthechiefexecutivemayneedtoundertakefurtherCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 284]employmentscreeningofthepersonunderthischapter.284Deciding application—registered teacher if
furtherscreening not requiredIf the person is
a registered teacher, the chief executive mustissue a working
with children exemption to the person if—(a)thechiefexecutiveisnotawareofanypoliceinformationordisciplinaryinformationabouttheperson; and(b)the
chief executive—(i)has,undersection 287,beenadvisedthattheperson is a registered teacher;
and(ii)hasnot,undersection 287,beenadvisedthatthechiefexecutivemayneedtoundertakefurtheremploymentscreeningofthepersonunderthischapter.285Deciding application if ss 283 and 284 do
not apply(1)This section applies if neither
section 283 nor 284 applies tothe
person.(2)The chief executive must decide the
application as if the chiefexecutiveweredecidingaworkingwithchildrencheck(general) application under part 4, division
9.(3)For subsection (2), sections 221 to
229 apply for making thedecision as if—(a)a
reference to issuing a working with children clearancewereareferencetoissuingaworkingwithchildrenexemption;
and(b)a reference to a working with children
check (general)application were a reference to a working
with childrencheck (exemption) application.Page
62Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 286]286Obtaining advice from police
commissioner(1)Thissectionappliesiftheworkingwithchildrencheck(exemption) application is about a person
who claims to be apolice officer.(2)For
deciding the application, the chief executive may ask thepolice commissioner to advise the chief
executive—(a)whether or not the person is a police
officer; and(b)ifthepersonisapoliceofficer—whetherthechiefexecutivemayneedtoundertakefurtheremploymentscreening of the
person under this chapter.(3)For subsection
(2), the chief executive’s request may includethe following
believes the person may use or may have used;(b)the
person’s gender and date and place of birth;(c)the
person’s address;(d)anynumber,dateorotherinformationgivenbytheperson about the
person’s status as a police officer.Example for
paragraph (d)—a number identifying the person as a police
officer(4)The police commissioner must comply
with the request.(5)However—(a)thepolicecommissionermaygiveadviceundersubsection
person has been charged with an offence; and(ii)the
charge has not been finally dealt with; and(b)ifparagraph (a)applies,theadvicemustbethatthechiefexecutivemayneedtoundertakefurtheremployment screening of the person under
this chapter.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 287]287Obtaining advice from college of
teachers(1)Thissectionappliesiftheworkingwithchildrencheck(exemption) application is about a person
who claims to be aregistered teacher.(2)For
deciding the application, the chief executive may ask thecollege of teachers to advise the chief
executive—(a)whether or not the person is a
registered teacher; and(b)if the person is
a registered teacher—whether the chiefexecutivemayneedtoundertakefurtheremploymentscreening of the
person under this chapter.(3)For subsection
(2), the chief executive’s request may includethe following
believes the person may use or may have used;(b)the
person’s gender and date and place of birth;(c)the
person’s address;(d)anynumber,dateorotherinformationgivenbytheperson about the
person’s status as a registered teacher.Example for
paragraph (d)—the person’s identification number for the
person’s registrationunder theEducation
(Queensland College of Teachers) Act 2005(4)The
college of teachers must comply with the request.(5)However—(a)thecollegemaygiveadviceundersubsection
(2)(b)onlyifthecollegeisawareofanypoliceinformationabout the
person; and(b)ifparagraph
(a)applies,theadvicemustbethatthechiefexecutivemayneedtoundertakefurtheremployment screening of the person under
this chapter.(6)If the college of teachers gives
advice under subsection (2)(b),the advice must
be accompanied by a written notice statingthat—Page
64Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 288](a)noadverseinferenceabouttheperson’spoliceinformationmaybedrawnbythefacttheadvicewasgiven; and(b)no
inference that a negative notice may be issued to theperson under this chapter may be drawn by
the fact theadvice was given.(7)In
this section—police informationmeans police
information as defined undertheEducation (Queensland College of Teachers)
Act 2005.288Chief executive
to be notified of change in particularinformation(1)This
section applies if, before the chief executive decides theperson’sapplication,anyofthefollowingthingshappen(each arelevant
change)—(a)theperson’snameorcontactdetailsasstatedintheapplication change;(b)theperson’semployment,orproposedemployment,asstated in the application changes;(c)thepersonstopscarryingonabusinessstatedintheapplication;(d)thepersonnolongerintendstocarryonaproposedbusiness stated
in the application.(2)The person must give a notice, in the
approved form and in anapproved way, about the relevant
change to the chief executivewithin 7 days
after the change happens.Maximum penalty—10 penalty
units.289Term of exemption and negative
notice(1)Aworkingwithchildrenexemptionhasatermof3years,unless any of
the following things happens earlier—(a)iftheholderoftheexemptionisapoliceofficer—theholder stops
being a police officer;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 290](b)if
the holder of the exemption is a registered teacher—the
holder stops being a registered teacher;(c)the
exemption is cancelled under part 5A.(2)A
negative notice remains in force until it is cancelled underpart
5A.Division 9Steps after
application decided290Application of divisionThis
division applies if the chief executive decides a person’sworking with children check (exemption)
application.290AIssuing working with children card for
exemptionIf the chief executive issues a working with
children exemptiontotheperson,thechiefmustissueaworkingwithchildrencard for the
exemption to the person.291Additional
information to be given if negative noticeissuedIf
the chief executive issues a negative notice to the person,
thenegativenoticemustbeaccompaniedbyawrittennoticestating the following—(a)the
reasons for the chief executive’s decision to issue anegative notice to the person;(b)the relevant review and appeal
information;(c)that it is an offence for a person who
holds a negativenotice to—(i)makeaworkingwithchildrencheckapplication;or(ii)startorcontinueinregulatedemploymentorrestricted employment; orPage
66Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 292](iii) carry on a
regulated business.Notauthorised—indicativeonly292Notifiable person to be notified of
decision(1)The chief executive must give
eachnotifiablepersonforthepersonawrittennoticethatstateswhetherthepersonwasissued a working with children exemption or
a negative notice.(2)If the person is issued with a
negative notice on the basis theperson is or was
a relevant disqualified person and a noticeabout the person
is given to the chief executive (child safety)under subsection
(1), the notice must also state the provisionof this chapter
under which the negative notice was issued.Note—See
sections 224 and 225 (as applied to working with children
check(exemption) applications under section 285)
for circumstances in whicha negative notice may be issued to a
person on the basis the person is orwas a relevant
disqualified person.293Department to be given particular
advice(1)This section applies if—(a)thechiefexecutiveissuesaworkingwithchildrenexemption to a
person; and(b)thechiefexecutiveofanotherdepartment(theotherexecutive)proposestostartemploying,orcontinueemploying, the
person in regulated employment; and(c)the
other executive asks the chief executive for adviceunder this section.(2)The
chief executive may advise the other executive that theother executive may need to undertake a
further assessment ofthepersonunderthePublicServiceAct2008,chapter 5,part 6,division 3Atodecidewhetherornottheotherdepartment
should engage the person.Note—ThePublic Service Act 2008, chapter 5,
part 6, division 3A does notapplyinrelationtotheengagementofparticularpersonsbyadepartment. See
section 164 of that Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 294](3)However, the chief executive may give the
advice mentionedin subsection (2) only if the chief
executive is aware that theperson has a
criminal history.(4)If the chief executive gives advice
under subsection (2), theadvice must be accompanied by a
written notice stating thatnoadverseinferenceabouttheperson’scriminalhistoryorsuitability for engagement, or continued
engagement, by theotherdepartmentmaybedrawnbythefacttheadvicewasgiven.Part 5ASuspension or cancellation ofworking with children authorityDivision 1Preliminary294Chief executive’s decisions under this
part(1)Thissectionappliesifaprovisionofthispartrequiresthechief executive to decide—(a)whethertocancelaperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthority or negative notice; or(b)whetheritisappropriatetoissueaworkingwithchildren authority or negative notice to a
person.(2)Thechiefexecutivemustdecidethematterasifitwereadecision about a working with children
check application and,for that purpose—(a)if
the person is a police officer or registered teacher—part
5, division 8 applies; or(b)otherwise—part
4, division 9 applies.(3)The division
mentioned in subsection (2) applies to the matteras
if—Page 68Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 295](a)areferenceinthedivisiontoissuingaworkingwithchildren clearance or working with children
exemptionwere a reference to deciding—(i)it is appropriate to issue a working
with childrenauthority to a person; or(ii)it is not
appropriate to issue a negative notice to aperson;
or(iii)nottocancelaperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthority; or(iv)to
cancel a person’s negative notice; and(b)a
reference in the division to issuing a negative noticewere
a reference to deciding—(i)itisappropriatetoissueanegativenoticetoaperson;
or(ii)itisnotappropriatetoissueaworkingwithchildren authority to a person; or(iii)not to cancel a
person’s negative notice; or(iv)tocancelaperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthority.Division 2Suspension of working withchildren authority295Application of division(1)Thisdivisionappliesifapersonwhoholdsaworkingwithchildrenauthorityischargedwithaseriousoffenceordisqualifying offence.(2)Also,thisdivisionappliesifaregisteredteacherholdsaworkingwithchildrenclearanceandtheteacher’steacherregistrationissuspendedundertheEducation(QueenslandCollege of
Teachers) Act 2005, section 49.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 69
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 296]296Chief executive must suspend
authority(1)The chief executive must suspend the
person’s working withchildrenauthoritybygivingthepersonawrittennotice(asuspension notice) about the
suspension.(2)The suspension notice must
state—(a)theperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthorityissuspended; and(b)the
reason for the suspension; and(c)how
long the suspension will continue; and(d)the
effect of the suspension; and(e)thepersonmustreturntheperson’sworkingwithchildren card to
the chief executive immediately after thenoticeisgiven,unlessthepersonhasareasonableexcuse;
andNote—Seesection 304Ofortherequirementforapersonwhoseworkingwithchildrenauthorityissuspendedtoreturntheperson’s working with children card to the
chief executive.(f)the relevant review and appeal
information.297Notifiable persons and potential
employers notified aboutsuspension(1)The
chief executive must give eachnotifiablepersonfortheperson a written
notice that states—(a)theperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthorityissuspended; and(b)how
long the suspension will continue; and(c)the
effect of the suspension; and(d)it
is an offence to allow the person to perform work thatis
regulated employment or restricted employment whilethe
authority is suspended; andPage 70Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 298](e)the
person’s employer must not terminate the person’semploymentsolelyormainlybecausetheauthorityissuspended.Note—See
also sections 342, 343 and 344 for the chief executive’s
obligationto notify other persons about the suspension
of a person’s working withchildren authority.(2)Also,thechiefexecutivemaygiveanoticementionedinsubsection (1) to a potential employer
of the person.298Effect of suspension of working with
children authority(1)This section applies while the
person’s working with childrenauthority is
suspended.Note—See also chapter
7, part 4, division 4 for the effect of the suspension ofaperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthorityinrelationtorestrictedemployment.(2)The
person must not—(a)start employment in regulated
employment; or(b)ifthepersonisemployedinregulatedemployment—perform work
that is regulated employment; or(c)start or continue to carry on a regulated
business.Maximumpenalty—500penaltyunitsor5yearsimprisonment.(3)Apersongivenanoticeaboutthesuspensionundersection 297, 342 or 344 must not allow the
person to performwork that is regulated employment.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(4)Aperson’semployerwhoisgivenanoticeaboutthesuspension under section 297 must not
terminate the person’semploymentsolelyormainlybecausetheperson’sworkingwith
children authority is suspended.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 71
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 299]Note—See
also section 356(4).(5)The working with
children authority remains in force even if itwould otherwise
expire under section 231(1) or 289(1).Notauthorised—indicativeonly299When suspension
of authority endsThesuspensionoftheperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthority ends if—(a)the
chief executive decides to cancel the authority undersection 300; or(b)the
suspension ends under section 302; or(c)the
authority is otherwise cancelled under this part.300Chief executive’s decision about
suspended notice(1)The chief executive may decide whether
to cancel the person’sworking with children
authority—(a)on the chief executive’s own
initiative; or(b)on the person’s application.Note—Seesection 294forhowthechiefexecutiveisrequiredtodecidewhether to
cancel a person’s working with children authority.(2)However,thechiefexecutiveisnotrequiredtodecideaperson’s application mentioned in subsection
(1)(b)—(a)whileachargeforaseriousoffenceordisqualifyingoffence is
pending against the person; or(b)if
the person has been convicted of a serious offence ordisqualifying offence and either—(i)theperiodallowedforanappealrelatingtotheperson’s
conviction or sentence has not ended; or(ii)anappealrelatingtotheconvictionorsentencehas started but
has not been decided; orPage 72Current as at
[Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 301](c)if
the person is a registered teacher—while the person’steacherregistrationissuspendedundertheEducation(Queensland
College of Teachers) Act 2005, section 49.Notauthorised—indicativeonly301Chief executive decides to cancel
suspended notice(1)If the chief executive decides to
cancel the person’s workingwith children
authority under section 300, the chief executivemust—(a)cancel the authority; and(b)issue a negative notice to the person;
and(c)give the person a written notice that
states—(i)the decision and reasons for the
decision; and(ii)if the person
has not returned the person’s workingwithchildrencardtothechiefexecutive—theperson must
return the person’s card to the chiefexecutiveimmediately,unlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse; andNote—See section 304P
for the requirement for a person whoseworking with
children authority is cancelled to return theperson’s working
with children card to the chief executive.(iii)the
relevant review and appeal information; and(iv)unless the person is a relevant disqualified
person,the circumstances in which the person may
304Gforthenegativenoticetobecancelled; and(d)giveeachnotifiablepersonforthepersonawrittennotice that
states—(i)the person’s authority has been
cancelled; and(ii)the person has
been issued a negative notice; and(iii)it
is an offence to employ or continue to employ thepersoninregulatedemploymentorrestrictedemployment.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 73
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 302]Note—See
sections 342, 343 and 344 for the chief executive’s obligation
tonotify other persons about the cancellation
of a person’s working withchildren authority.(2)Also,thechiefexecutivemaygiveanoticementionedinsubsection (1)(d) to a potential
employer of the person.302Chief executive
decides not to cancel suspendedauthority(1)This section applies if the chief
executive decides not to canceltheperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthorityundersection 300.(2)Thesuspensionoftheperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthority ends.(3)The
chief executive must—(a)giveawrittennoticethatstatesthesuspensionoftheperson’s authority has ended
to—(i)the person; and(ii)each
notifiable person for the person; and(iii)eachpotentialemployerforthepersonwhowasgivenanoticeaboutthesuspensionundersection 297; and(b)ifthechiefexecutivehastheperson’sworkingwithchildren card
and the person’s authority did not expirewhile the
authority was suspended—return the person’sworking with
children card to the person; and(c)ifsection 235appliedinrelationtotheperson’sworkingwithchildrenapplication—givetheadvicementioned in
that section to the other executive.Note—See
also sections 342, 343 and 344 for the chief executive’s
obligationto notify other persons when the suspension
of a person’s working withchildren authority ends.Page
74Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 3Working with
Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 303]Cancelling
working with childrenauthority without suspensionNotauthorised—indicativeonly303Cancelling authority if relevant
disqualified person(1)This section applies—(a)if a person who holds a working with
children authoritybecomes a relevant disqualified person;
and(b)whetherornottheperson’sauthorityissuspendedunder section
296.(2)Thechiefexecutivemustcanceltheworkingwithchildrenauthority.304Cancelling authority issued because of wrong
orincomplete informationThechiefexecutivemaycancelaperson’sworkingwithchildren
authority if the chief executive is satisfied—(a)the
decision to issue the authority was based on wrongor
incomplete information; and(b)having considered the correct or complete
information,it is appropriate to issue a negative notice
to the person.Note—See section 294
for how the chief executive is required to decidewhether it is appropriate to issue a
negative notice to the person.304ACancelling authority because of subsequent
information(1)Thissectionappliesif,afterthechiefexecutivedecidestoissue a working with children authority to a
person, the chiefexecutivebecomesawareofinformation(furtherinformation) that
is—(a)disciplinary information, or
information received underpart 6, division 2, 3 or 4, about the
person that was notknowntothechiefexecutivewhenthedecisionwasmade; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 75
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 304B](b)a
decision about the person made by a court or tribunalafter the authority was issued, including
the reasons forthe decision.(2)However, this section does not apply if the
chief executive isrequiredtosuspendtheperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthorityundersection 296becauseofthefurtherinformation.(3)Thechiefexecutivemaycanceltheperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthorityif,afterconsideringthefurtherinformation, the
chief executive is satisfied it is appropriate toissue a negative notice to the
person.Note—Seesection 294forhowthechiefexecutiveisrequiredtodecidewhether it is
appropriate to issue a negative notice to the person.304BAction after decision(1)Ifthechiefexecutiveisrequired,ordecides,tocancelaperson’s working with children authority
under this division,the chief executive must—(a)cancel the person’s authority;
and(b)issue a negative notice to the person;
and(c)give the person a written notice that
states—(i)the decision to cancelthe
authority and issue thenegativenoticeandthereasonsforthedecision;and(ii)the person must
return the person’s working withchildrencardtothechiefexecutiveimmediately,unless the
person has a reasonable excuse; andNote—See
section 304P for the requirement for a person whoseworking with children authority is cancelled
to return theperson’s working with children card to the
chief executive.(iii)the relevant
review and appeal information; andPage 76Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 304C](iv)unless the person is a relevant disqualified
person,the circumstances in which the person may
the chief executive’s decision under section 304 or 304A isnottocanceltheperson’sauthority,theperson’sauthoritycontinues in force, subject to section
231(1) or 289(1).304CNotifiable persons and potential
employers notified aboutcancellation(1)If
the chief executive cancels a person’s working with childrenauthorityunderthisdivision,thechiefexecutivemustgiveeachnotifiablepersonforthepersonawrittennoticethatstates—(a)the person’s authority has been
cancelled; and(b)the person has been issued a negative
notice; and(c)itisanoffencetoemployorcontinuetoemploythepersoninregulatedemploymentorrestrictedemployment.Note—See
sections 342, 343 and 344 for the chief executive’s obligation
tonotify other persons about the cancellation
of a person’s working withchildren authority.(2)If the person’s working with children
authority was cancelledunder section 303, a notice given to
the chief executive (childsafety)undersubsection (1)muststatethattheperson’sauthority was
cancelled, and a negative notice was issued tothe person,
under that section.(3)Also,thechiefexecutivemaygiveanoticementionedinsubsection (1) to a potential employer
of the person.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 304D]Division 4Cancelling working with childrenauthority on holder’s request304DRequest to cancel working with
children authority(1)A person may ask the chief executive
to cancel the person’sworking with children
authority.(2)The person may make the request even
if the person’s workingwith children authority is suspended
under section 296.(3)The request must be written.304ECancellation of working with children
authorityAfter receiving the request, the chief
executive must—(a)canceltheperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthority;and(b)give the person a written notice that
states—(i)the authority has been cancelled;
and(ii)the person must
return the person’s working withchildrencardtothechiefexecutiveimmediately,unless the
person has a reasonable excuse; andNote—See
section 304P for the requirement for a person whoseworking with children authority is cancelled
to return theperson’s working with children card to the
chief executive.(iii)it is an offence
for the person to perform work thatisregulatedemployment,otherthanasallowedunder section
176A or 176E; and(iv)itisanoffenceforthepersontocarryonaregulatedbusiness,otherthanasallowedundersection 176B or 176G.Page 78Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 304F]304FNotifiable persons and potential employers
notified aboutcancellation(1)Thechiefexecutivemustgiveawrittennoticetoeachnotifiable
person for the person that states—(a)theperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthorityhasbeencancelled on the
person’s request; and(b)itisanoffencetoemploy,orcontinuetoemploy,theperson in regulated employment other than as
allowedunder section 175 or 176C.Note—See sections
342, 343 and 344 for the chief executive’s obligation tonotify other persons about the cancellation
of a person’s working withchildren authority.(2)Also, the chief executive may give a
potential employer for theperson a notice mentioned in
subsection (1).Division 5Cancelling
negative notice onholder’s request304GApplication to cancel negative notice(1)This section applies to a person
who—(a)holds a negative notice; and(b)is not a relevant disqualified
person.(2)Thepersonmayapplytothechiefexecutivetocancelthenegative notice if—(a)the
application is made more than 2 years after—(i)the
notice was issued; and(ii)ifthepersonpreviouslyappliedtocancelthenotice under this section—the previous
applicationwas made; or(b)the
decision to issue the notice was based on wrong orincomplete information; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 304H](c)the
negative notice was issued because the person was arelevant disqualified person and the person
is no longera relevant disqualified person.Notauthorised—indicativeonly304HForm of
application(1)The application must be—(a)in the approved form; and(b)made in an approved way; and(c)signed by the person; and(d)ifthepersonisnotapoliceofficerorregisteredteacher—accompaniedbytheprescribedfeefortheapplication.(2)Thepersonmaystateanythingintheapplicationthattheperson considers is relevant to the
chief executive’s decision,including,forexample,achangeintheperson’scircumstances
since the negative notice was issued.304IDeciding application(1)If
the chief executive decides to cancel the person’s negativenotice, the chief executive must—(a)cancel the negative notice; and(b)give the person a notice about the
cancellation.Note—See section 294
for how the chief executive is required to decide anapplication to cancel a person’s negative
notice.(2)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidesnottocanceltheperson’snegativenotice,thechiefexecutivemustgivethepersonawritten notice that states—(a)theapplicationhasbeenrefusedandtheperson’snegative notice continues in effect subject
289(2); orPage 80Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 304J](ii)otherwise—section 231(2); and(b)the reasons for the chief executive’s
decision to refusethe application; and(c)the
relevant review and appeal information.Division 6Other cancellation of negativenotice304JChief executive may act on own initiative or
applicationThe chief executive may decide to—(a)actunderthisdivisiononthechiefexecutive’sowninitiative; or(b)if a
person applies to cancel the person’s negative noticeundersection
304Kor304Linstead of
cancelling the person’s negative notice undersection
304G.304KNo longer relevant disqualified
person(1)The chief executive may cancel a
person’s negative notice ifthe chief
executive is satisfied—(a)the negative
notice was issued because the person was arelevant
disqualified person; and(b)the person is no
longer a relevant disqualified person.(2)If
the chief executive decides to cancel the person’s negativenotice, the chief executive may decide to
substitute a workingwith children authority if the chief
executive is satisfied it isappropriate to
issue the authority to the person.Note—Seesection 294forhowthechiefexecutiveisrequiredtodecidewhether it is
appropriate to issue a working with children authority to aperson.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 81
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 304L]304LNegative notice issued because of wrong or
incompleteinformationThe chief
executive may cancel a person’s negative notice andsubstituteaworkingwithchildrenauthorityifthechiefexecutive is satisfied—(a)the
decision to issue the negative notice was based onwrong or incomplete information; and(b)having considered the correct or
complete information,itisappropriatetoissueaworkingwithchildrenauthority to the
person.Note—See section 294
for how the chief executive is required to decidewhetheritisappropriatetoissueaworkingwithchildrenauthority to a
person.304MSubsequent informationThe
chief executive may cancel a person’s negative notice andsubstitute a working with children authority
not known to the chief executive when the decisionto
issue the notice was made; and(b)afterconsideringthefurtherinformation,thechiefexecutive is
satisfied it is appropriate to issue a workingwith children
authority to the person.Note—See section 294
for how the chief executive is required to decidewhetheritisappropriatetoissueaworkingwithchildrenauthority to a
person.304NAction after making decision(1)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidestocancelaperson’snegativenotice under this division, the chief
executive must cancel thenotice.Page 82Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 304O](2)If
the chief executive decides under this division to substitute
aworkingwithchildrenauthorityforaperson’scancellednegative notice,
the chief executive must issue to the person—(a)if
the person is a police officer or registered teacher—aworking with children exemption; or(b)otherwise—a working with children
clearance.(3)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidestorefuseanapplicationmentionedinsection 304J(b),thechiefexecutivemustgivethe
person a written notice that states—(a)theapplicationhasbeenrefusedandtheperson’snegative notice continues in effect subject
289(2); or(ii)otherwise—section 231(2); and(b)the reasons for the chief executive’s
decision to refusethe application; and(c)the
relevant review and appeal information.Division 7Return of working with childrencard304ORequirement to return suspended card(1)This section applies to a person if
the chief executive gives theperson a written
notice that states the person’s working withchildren
authority is suspended.(2)Thepersonmustreturntheperson’sworkingwithchildrencard
for the authority to the chief executive immediately afterthenoticeisgiventotheperson,unlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 304P]304PRequirement to return cancelled card(1)This section applies to a person if
the chief executive gives theperson a written
notice that states the person’s working withchildren
authority is cancelled.(2)The person must
give the person’s working with children cardfor the
authority to the chief executive immediately after thechiefexecutivegivesthenotice,unlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Part 6Provisions about
obtaining ordealing with informationDivision 1Investigative information305Police commissioner may decide that
information about aperson is investigative information(1)The police commissioner may decide
under this section thatinformationaboutaperson(theinvestigatedperson)isinvestigative
informationif—(a)there is or was
evidence of acts or omissions that, at thetime of the acts
or omissions, constituted a schedule 6 or6Aoffence(theallegedoffence)bytheinvestigatedperson against a
person (thecomplainant); and(b)thepoliceinvestigatedtheallegedoffenceandtheinvestigatedpersonwasformallynotifiedabouttheinvestigation, including—(i)by participating in an interview, or
by being askedtoparticipateinaninterview,abouttheallegedoffence;
or(ii)by otherwise
being given an opportunity to answerallegations
about the alleged offence; andPage 84Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 305](c)there was sufficient evidence available that
was capableof establishing each element of the alleged
offence but adecision was made not to charge the
investigated personbecause—(i)thecomplainantdiedbeforethechargewasbrought; or(ii)either or both of the following
applied—(A)the complainant was unwilling to
proceed;(B)anadultwho,attherelevanttime,wasthecomplainant’sparentorguardiandecidedthat, in the interests of the complainant,
thematter should not proceed.(2)Evidenceofactsoromissionsincludesinformationfromathird party if the complainant did not
make a formal complaintat or about the time of the
investigation.(3)For this section, aschedule 6 or 6A offenceis—(a)an offence against a provision of an
Act mentioned inschedule 6 or 6A, column 1, subject to any
qualificationrelating to the provision mentioned opposite
in column3; or(b)an
offence of counselling or procuring the commissionof
an offence of a kind mentioned in paragraph (a); or(c)an offence of attempting, or of
conspiring, to commit anoffence of a kind mentioned in
paragraph (a); or(d)an offence that has, as an element,
intention to commitan offence of a kind mentioned in paragraph
(a); or(e)anoffencethat,atthetimeitwascommittedwasanoffence of a kind mentioned in
paragraph (a); or(f)an offence under a law of another
jurisdiction that, if ithadbeencommittedinQueensland,wouldhaveconstituted an
offence mentioned in paragraph (a), (b),(c), (d) or
(e).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 306]Note—Column 2 in schedules 6 and 6A is included
for information purposesonly and states a section heading for
the provision mentioned oppositein column
1.(4)For subsection (3), it is immaterial
if a provision mentioned inschedule
6or6A,column1,foranActhasbeenamendedfromtimetotimeorthattheprovisionwaspreviouslynumbered with a
different number.306Police commissioner not to delegate
power under s 305DespitethePoliceServiceAdministrationAct1990,section 4.10,thepolicecommissionermaynotdelegatethepolice commissioner’s powers under section
305 other than toa police officer of at least the rank of
superintendent.307Appeal against police commissioner’s
decision thatinformation is investigative
information(1)This section applies if—(a)the police commissioner decides that
information abouta person is investigative information;
and(b)the investigative information is
given, under division 2,to the chief executive; and(c)after the investigative information is
given to the chiefexecutive—(i)the
person is issued a negative notice, whether ornotthenegativenoticewasissuedbecauseaworking with children authority held
by the personwas cancelled; or(ii)aneligibilityapplicationmadebythepersonisrefused.(2)ThepersonmayappealtoaMagistratesCourtaboutthepolice commissioner’s decision mentioned in
subsection (1).(3)However, an appeal under subsection
(2) may only be madewithin 28 days after the person is
given written notice aboutPage 86Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 308]theissueofthenegativenoticeorrefusaloftheeligibilityapplication.(4)The
chief executive and police commissioner must be given acopy
of the notice of appeal.(5)QCAT does not
have jurisdiction to review a decision of thepolicecommissionerthatinformationaboutapersonisinvestigativeinformationorthatinformationthatisinvestigative information may be given
to the chief executive.308Court to decide
matters afresh(1)A Magistrates Court hearing an appeal
under section 307 is todecide afresh whether information
given to the chief executiveasinvestigativeinformationaboutapersonisinvestigativeinformation.(2)A
person who is the relevant complainant under section 305mustnotbeaskedorcalledonbytheinvestigatedpersonunder that section to give evidence in
person before the court.(3)Subsection (2)
does not prevent documentary evidence beingtendered and
received in evidence by the court.(4)Afterhearinganappealundersection 307,thecourtmayconfirm or set aside the decision and the
court must give theappellant notice of the decision.(5)For subsection (4), the court must
have regard to the mattersthe police commissioner was required
to have regard to underthis Act when the police commissioner
made the decision.309Consequence of decision on
appeal(1)This section applies if a Magistrates
Court hears and decidesanappealagainstthepolicecommissioner’sdecisionundersection 305 that
information given to the chief executive abouta person is
investigative information.(2)Ifthecourtsetsasidethedecisionappealedagainst,theperson may—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 87
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 310](a)if
the person was issued a negative notice because of theinformation—apply under section 304G for the
negativenoticetobecancelledonthegroundsthedecisiontoissue the notice was based on wrong
information; or(b)ifaneligibilityapplicationmadebythepersonwasrefusedbecauseoftheinformation—applyundersection 186 for revocation of the refusal on
the groundsit was based on wrong information.(3)If the court confirms the decision
appealed against—(a)the person who appealed the decision
may apply, within28 days after receiving the notice under
section 308(4)andasotherwiseprovidedundertheQCATAct,toQCAT for a review of a decision of the
chief executiveif—(i)the person is
not a disqualified person; and(ii)the
decision is a chapter 8 reviewable decision; and(b)the notice under section 308(4) must
state how, and theperiodwithinwhich,thepersonmayapplyforthereview.(4)If a
person applies under subsection (3)(a) to have a decisionreviewed, QCAT may not—(a)stay
the operation of the decision; or(b)grant an injunction in the proceeding for
the review.Division 2Obtaining
information from policecommissioner310Application of divisionThis division
applies to a person if—(a)the person holds
a working with children authority; or(b)thepersonhasmadeaworkingwithchildrencheckapplication that has not been decided or
withdrawn; orPage 88Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 311](c)all
of the following apply—(i)the person has
purported to make a working withchildren check
application;(ii)theapplicationhasnotbeenproperlymade,including,forexample,becausetheapplicationwas not
accompanied by the prescribed fee for theapplication;(iii)theapplication,asmade,containssufficientinformation for
the chief executive to establish theperson’s
identity with certainty; or(d)the
person has applied, under section 300, to the chiefexecutive to decide whether or not to cancel
the person’sworkingwithchildrenauthoritythatissuspendedandthe
application has not been decided; or(e)the
person has applied, under section 304G, to the chiefexecutive to cancel the person’s negative
notice; or(f)the person has made an eligibility
application that hasnot been decided or withdrawn;
or(g)an eligibility declaration for the
person is in force; or(h)for a person who
holds a negative notice—(i)thepersonhasmadeanapplicationundersection 309(3) or 354 that has not been
decided; or(ii)an appeal to an
entity has been made in relation toan application
under section 309(3) or 354 and theappeal has not
been decided.311Chief executive may ask police
commissioner forinformation(1)Thechiefexecutivemayaskthepolicecommissionerforinformation,orforaccesstothepolicecommissioner’srecords,toenablethechiefexecutivetolearnwhat,ifany,police
information exists in relation to the person.(2)For
subsection (1), the chief executive’s request may includethe
following information—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 312](a)theperson’snameandanyothernamethatthechiefexecutive
believes the person may use or may have used;(b)the
person’s gender and date and place of birth;(c)the
person’s address;(d)if the person holds a working with
children clearance—any number or date related to the person’s
clearance orworking with children card;(e)if the person holds a working with
children exemption—any number or date related to the person’s
exemption orworking with children card;(f)if the request relates to a person
employed in regulatedemployment—whether or not the person
carries out thework as a volunteer;(g)thebasisonwhichthechiefexecutivemayrequestinformation
about the person, including, for example, byreferencing the
relevant provision of section 310.(3)Ifthereispoliceinformationabouttheperson,thechiefexecutive may
ask the police commissioner for—(a)a
brief description of the circumstances of a conviction,chargeorinvestigativeinformationmentionedinthepolice
information; or(b)asection
93Atranscriptrelatingtoanoffencementioned in the police information.(4)If the chief executive decides that
information requested undersubsection (1)
or (3) about the person is no longer required,the chief
executive must tell the police commissioner not toprovide the information.312Police commissioner to comply with
request(1)The police commissioner must comply
with a request undersection 311(1) or (3) unless the
police commissioner is, undersection 311(4),
told not to provide the information.Page 90Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 313](2)However,thedutyimposedonthepolicecommissionertocomplywiththerequestappliesonlytoinformationinthepolicecommissioner’spossessionortowhichthepolicecommissioner has
about a person to the chief executive under thisdivision if the police commissioner is
reasonably satisfied thatgiving the information may do any of
the following—(a)prejudice the investigation of a
contravention or possiblecontravention of the law in a
particular case;(b)enable the existence or identity of a
confidential sourceofinformation,inrelationtotheenforcementoradministration of the law, to be
ascertained;(c)prejudicetheeffectivenessofalawfulmethodorprocedureforpreventing,detecting,investigatingordealing with a contravention or possible
contraventionof the law;(d)endanger a person’s life or physical
9,thepolicecommissionermaydiscloseinformationtowhichthatpartappliestothechiefexecutive for complying with a request under
section 311(1)or (3).313Information to be given about relevant
disqualifiedpersonIfthepolicecommissionergivesthechiefexecutiveinformation under section 312 about a person
who is or hasbeenarelevantdisqualifiedperson,theinformationmustinclude the following information about the
person—(a)thatthepersonisorhasbeenarelevantdisqualifiedperson;(b)if the person is or has been subject
to a disqualificationorder—thedurationanddetailsofthedisqualificationorder;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 314](c)ifthepersonisorhasbeensubjecttoanoffenderprohibition order—(i)a
brief description of the conduct that gave rise tothe
order; and(ii)thedurationanddetailsoftheorder,includingwhetheritisorwasatemporaryoffenderprohibitionorderorafinaloffenderprohibitionorder.314Information to be given about person
subject ofapplication for disqualification order or
offenderprohibition orderIfthepolicecommissionergivesthechiefexecutiveinformation under section 312 about a person
who is or hasbeen the subject of an application for a
disqualification order,or named as the respondent for an
application for an offenderprohibition
order, and the order was not made, the informationmust
include the following information about the person—(a)thatthepersonisorhasbeenthesubjectofanapplication for a disqualification
order or named as therespondent for an application for an
offender prohibitionorder and the order was not
made;(b)the reasons why the application was
made;(c)the reasons why the order was not
made;(d)if the application was for an offender
prohibition orderandthemagistrateorcourthearingtheapplicationdecidednottomakeanoffenderprohibitiondisqualification
order for the person—the reasons whythe offender
prohibition disqualification order was notmade.315Police commissioner to notify person
about investigativeinformation given about the personIfthepolicecommissionergivesinvestigativeinformationabout a person
to the chief executive under this division, thePage 92Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 316]police
commissioner must give notice, in the approved form,to
the person that—(a)thepolicecommissionerhasdecidedthatinformationabout the person
is investigative information; and(b)investigativeinformationhasbeengiventothechiefexecutive.316Use
of information given to police commissioner(1)Informationgiventothepolicecommissionerunderthisdivisionmustnotbeaccessedordisclosedforanypurposeexcept for a
purpose under this chapter or any other purposerelevant to law
enforcement.(2)Informationgiventothepolicecommissionerunderthisdivision must
not be used for any purpose except if—(a)forinformationotherthaninformationaboutawithdrawal—the use is for a purpose
under this chapteror for any other purpose relating to child
protection; or(b)forinformationaboutawithdrawal—theuseisforapurpose under this chapter.(3)However, subsections (1) and (2) do
not apply to informationthe police commissioner obtained
before the chief executivegavetheinformationtothepolicecommissionerunderthissection.(4)In this section—withdrawalmeans withdrawal
of any of the following—(a)a working with
children check application;(b)an
eligibility application.317Notice of change
in police information about a person(1)This
section applies if, for a person in relation to whom any ofthefollowinghappens(therelevantevent),thepolicecommissionerreasonablysuspectsthepersonisapersonmentioned in
section 310—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 317](a)the
person’s criminal history changes;(b)the
police commissioner decides, under section 305, thatinformationaboutthepersonisinvestigativeinformation(regardlessofwhentheactoromissionrelevant to the investigative information
happened or isalleged to have happened);(c)thepersonbecomes,orisnolonger,arelevantdisqualified
person;(d)the person is named as the respondent
for an applicationfor an offender prohibition order.(2)For a relevant event mentioned in
subsection (1)(a) or (b), thepolicecommissionermaynotifythechiefexecutiveofthefollowing—(a)that
the relevant event has happened;(b)if
subsection (1)(a) applies because the person has beencharged with or convicted of an
offence—(i)theoffencethepersonhasbeenchargedwithorconvicted of; and(ii)the
particulars of the offence; and(iii)the
date of the charge or conviction.(3)For
a relevant event mentioned in subsection (1)(c) or (d), thepolicecommissionermustnotifythechiefexecutiveofthefollowing—(a)that
the relevant event has happened;(b)ifsubsection (1)(c)appliesbecausethepersonhasbecome a relevant disqualified person—the
informationmentioned in section 313;(c)if subsection (1)(d) applies—the
information mentionedinsection
314inrelationtotheoffenderprohibitionorder.(4)Anoticegivenundersubsection (2)or(3)muststatethefollowing—Page 94Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 318](a)the
person’s name and any other name that the policecommissioner believes the person may use or
may haveused;(b)the
person’s gender and date and place of birth.(5)The
chief executive may confirm the police commissioner’ssuspicions under subsection (1).(6)However,thedutyimposedonthepolicecommissionertoprovide information to the chief executive
under this sectionappliesonlytoinformationinthepolicecommissioner’spossession or to
which the police commissioner has access.(7)If
the person is a person mentioned in section 323(1), the
chiefexecutive, on receiving notice under
subsection (2) or (3), maywritetothepersontoinformthepersonabouttheperson’sobligations
under section 323(2).Note—Section
entities of changes in police information.(8)For
a person who does not have a criminal history, there istakentobeachangeintheperson’scriminalhistoryiftheperson acquires
a criminal history.(9)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthat,despitetheYouthJusticeAct1992,part
9,thepolicecommissionermaydiscloseinformationtowhichthatpartappliestothechiefexecutive under this section.Division 3Obtaining police
information fromother State entities318Obtaining information from director of
section applies to a person mentioned in section 310.(2)If the chief executive becomes aware
that the person has beencharged with or convicted of an
offence, the chief executiveCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 95
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 318]may, by written
notice, ask the director of public prosecutionsfor the
following—(a)a written statement briefly describing
the circumstancesof a charge or conviction for the
offence;(b)a copy or written summary of
evidentiary material aboutthe offence;(c)if a
charge for the offence was not proceeded with—awritten summary
of the reasons why the charge was notproceeded
believes the person may use or have used;(b)the
person’s gender and date and place of birth.(4)Thedirectorofpublicprosecutionsmaycomplywitharequestundersubsection (2)ifthedirectorreasonablybelieves the
statement, copy or summary may help the chiefexecutive in
making an employment-screening decision aboutthe
person.(5)However, the director of public
prosecutions must not give thechiefexecutiveacopyorwrittensummaryofevidentiarymaterial about
the offence that relates only to a person otherthan the person
about whom the request is made.Example of
evidentiary material for subsection (5)—a report by an
expert about a person other than the person about whomthe
request is made.(6)The director of public prosecutions
must not give information,or a document containing information,
to the chief executiveunder this section if the director is
reasonably satisfied thatgiving the information may do any of
the following—(a)prejudice the investigation of a
contravention or possiblecontravention of the law in a
particular case;Page 96Current as at
[Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 318]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)enable the existence or identity of a
confidential sourceofinformation,inrelationtotheenforcementoradministration of the law, to be
ascertained;(c)prejudicetheeffectivenessofalawfulmethodorprocedureforpreventing,detecting,investigatingordealing with a contravention or possible
contraventionof the law;(d)prejudice a prosecution or another matter
before a court;(e)endanger a person’s life or physical
about the information.Note—See sections 384
and 385 for restrictions on disclosing or giving accessto
information or documents obtained under this Act.(8)Withoutlimitingsubsection (7),thissectionappliesdespitetheDirector of Public Prosecutions Act
1984, section 24A.(9)In
this section—evidentiarymaterial,aboutanoffence,meansmaterialcompiled in the
course of the investigation or prosecution ofthe offence,
including, for example, the following—(a)a
summary of the circumstances of the alleged offenceprepared by a police officer;Examples—bench charge
sheet, QP9(b)a witness statement;(c)an indictment;(d)a
record of an interview or a transcript of a record of aninterview, including a section 93A
transcript;(e)a report by an expert about the person
alleged to havecommitted the offence.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 97
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 319]319Obtaining information from chief executive
chief executive (corrective services) must give the chiefexecutivewrittennoticeofeachpersonwhoisorbecomessubject to a
sexual offender order.(2)The written
notice must state the following—(a)the
person’s name;(b)that the person is subject to a sexual
offender order;(c)anyotherinformationthechiefexecutive(correctiveservices)
reasonably considers is necessary for the chiefexecutivetoperformafunctionorexerciseapowerunder this
chapter.(3)Thechiefexecutive(correctiveservices)andthechiefexecutivemayenterintoawrittenarrangementbywhichwritten notices
are given under subsection (1).(4)Without limiting subsection (3), the
arrangement may providefor the written notices to be given
(1)aretobegiven electronically and, under an Act,
there is a limitation onwho may access the information
mentioned in the notices orthepurposesforwhichthatinformationmaybeused,thearrangement must provide for the
limitation.(6)Thedisclosureofinformationbythechiefexecutive(corrective services) under this section is
authoriseddespiteany other Act or
law, including a law imposing an obligationto maintain
confidentiality about the information.Note—See
sections 384 and 385 for restrictions on disclosing or giving
accessto information or documents obtained under
this Act.(7)In this section—chiefexecutive(correctiveservices)meansthechiefexecutive of the
department in which theCorrective ServicesAct
2006is administered.Page 98Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 4Working with
Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 320]Obtaining
information frominterstate police commissionerNotauthorised—indicativeonly320Requesting further information about
interstateconvictions and charges(1)Thissectionappliesifpoliceinformationaboutapersonobtained under
division 2 includes—(a)aconvictionofthepersonforanoffenceinanotherState,includinganinterstatespentconvictionoftheperson; or(b)an
interstate charge against the person.(2)Thechiefexecutivemayaskaninterstatepolicecommissioner for a brief description of the
circumstances ofthe conviction or charge.(3)Thechiefexecutive’srequestmayincludethefollowinginformation—(a)theperson’snameandanyothernamethechiefexecutive
believes the person may use or have used;(b)the
person’s gender and date and place of birth.(4)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that this section applies
inrelation to—(a)aconvictionofapersonwhethertheconvictionhappenedbeforeorafterthecommencementofthissection;
and(b)an interstate charge against a person
whether the offenceto which the charge relates was committed or
alleged tohave been committed before or after the
commencementof this section.(5)In
this section—interstatecharge,madeagainstaperson,meansachargeagainstthepersonforanoffenceallegedtohavebeencommitted by the person against a law of
another State or theCommonwealth.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 99
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 321]interstate
police commissionermeans the commissioner of apolice force or service of another State or
the Commonwealth.interstaterehabilitationlawmeansalawapplying,orthatapplied, in
another State or the Commonwealth, that provides,orprovided,forthesamematterastheCriminalLaw(Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act
1986.interstate spent conviction, of
a person, means a convictionforanoffencecommittedbythepersonagainstalawofanotherStateortheCommonwealththatthepersonisnotrequiredtodiscloseunderaninterstaterehabilitationlawbecause—(a)a
rehabilitation period prescribed under that law for theconviction has expired; and(b)the conviction has not been revived
under that law.Division 5Changes in
information or status321Acquiring police
informationFor a person in relation to whom police
information does notexist,thereistakentobeachangeintheperson’spoliceinformation if
the person acquires police information.322Effect of conviction for serious
offence(1)Thissectionappliestoapersonwhoholdsaworkingwithchildrenauthorityifthepersonisconvictedofaseriousoffence.Note—See sections 303
and 304A for the chief executive’s power to cancel aworkingwithchildrenauthorityiftheholderoftheauthorityisconvicted of an offence.(2)Thepersonmustimmediatelyreturntheperson’sworkingwithchildrencardtothechiefexecutive,unlessthepersonhas a reasonable
excuse.Page 100Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 323]Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(3)Until and unless
a prescribed event happens for the person, thefollowing
applies—(a)if the person is employed in regulated
employment, thepersonmustnotperformworkthatisregulatedemployment;(b)if
the person is not employed in regulated employment,the
person must not start regulated employment;(c)thepersonmustnotstartorcontinuecarryingoutaregulated
subsection (3), aprescribedeventhappens for a personif—(a)the person gives the person’s working
with children cardto the chief executive under subsection (2)
and the chiefexecutive returns the card to the person;
or(b)thepersonisissuedanewworkingwithchildrenauthority.323Notice of change in police
information(1)This section applies—(a)to a person who—(i)holds a working with children authority;
or(ii)hasmadeaworkingwithchildrencheckapplication; and(b)if
the person becomes aware that the police informationabout the person has changed.(2)The person must immediately give a
notice that complies withsubsection (3) about the change to the
chief executive.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 326](3)Thenoticegiventothechiefexecutiveundersubsection (2)must—(a)be given in the approved form and in
an approved way;and(b)ifthepersonisemployedinregulatedemployment—include
information about the employment.326Police commissioner to advise chief
executive if personceases to be police officer(1)This section applies if—(a)the police commissioner is aware
that—(i)the person has made a working with
children check(exemption) application; or(ii)thepersonholdsaworkingwithchildrenexemption;
and(b)the person has ceased to be a police
officer.(2)The police commissioner must notify
the chief executive thatthe person is no longer a police
officer.327Effect of person ceasing to be police
officer(1)Thissectionappliestoapersonwhoisapoliceofficeremployed in
regulated employment if the person ceases to bea police
officer.(2)The person must immediately notify the
person’s employer inrelation to the regulated employment
of the person ceasing tobe a police officer.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.Note—See chapter 7,
part 4, division 2 for offences about the employment of aperson who is not a police officer or
registered teacher in regulatedemployment.(3)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that—Page 102Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 328](a)it
is not a requirement of subsection (2) that the persongivetheperson’semployeranyinformationaboutthecircumstancesofthepersonceasingtobeapoliceofficer other
than that it has happened; and(b)unless otherwise required under this
chapter, it is not arequirementthattheemployerstopemployingtheperson on receiving the notification.328Effect of person ceasing to be
registered teacher(1)This section applies to a person who
is a registered teacheremployed in regulated employment if
the person surrenderstheperson’sregistrationundertheEducation(QueenslandCollege of
Teachers) Act 2005, section 59.(2)The
person must immediately notify the person’s employer inrelation to the regulated employment of the
surrender.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.Note—See chapter 7,
part 4, division 2 for offences about the employment of aperson who is not a police officer or
registered teacher in regulatedemployment.(3)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that—(a)it
is not a requirement of subsection (2) that the persongivetheperson’semployeranyinformationaboutthesurrender other than that it has
happened; and(b)unless otherwise required under this
chapter, it is not arequirementthattheemployerstopemployingtheperson on receiving the notification.Division 6Obtaining report
about person’smental health329Application of div 6(1)This
division applies if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 330](a)the
chief executive is deciding whether or not there is anexceptional case for a person who has
been—(i)charged with or convicted of a serious
offence; or(ii)charged with or
convicted of an offence, other thana serious
offence, relating to or involving a child;and(b)the chief executive reasonably
believes it is necessary toconsiderareportabouttheperson’smentalhealthprepared under
this division for deciding whether or notthere is an
exceptional case for the person.(2)Forsubsection (1)(b),thechiefexecutivemayformthereasonable belief only if—(a)inrelationtothechargeorconvictionmentionedinsubsection (1)(a)—(i)the
matter of the person’s mental state relating tothe offence has
been or was referred to the MentalHealthCourtoranentityofanotherStatewithsimilar
functions to that court; or(ii)acourthasorderedthepersontoundertaketreatment of a
psychiatric nature; or(iii)a court has been
given a report about the person’smentalhealthpreparedbyaregisteredhealthpractitioner; or(b)the
chief executive has, under this chapter, been given areportabouttheperson’smentalhealthpreparedbyaregistered
health practitioner.330Chief executive may request person to
undergoexamination by registered health
practitioner etc.(1)The chief executive may, by written
notice, ask the person—(a)toundergoanexaminationbyaregisteredhealthpractitioner nominated by the chief
executive, and anyfurther examination required by the health
practitioner,Page 104Current as at
[Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 330]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyso
that a report about the person’s mental health can begiven to the chief executive under this
division; and(b)togivethechiefexecutiveconsenttoobtainareportabouttheperson’smentalhealthfromtheregisteredhealth
practitioner who conducts the examination.(2)Thenoticegivenundersubsection
reasons for the chief executive’s request;(b)thenameandqualificationsoftheregisteredhealthpractitioner nominated by the chief
executive to conductthe examination;(c)when
and where the examination is to be conducted;(d)thatthehealthpractitionermayrequirethepersontoundergo further examinations so that a
report about theperson’s mental health can be
prepared;(e)that,undersection 226,thechiefexecutivemusthaveregardtothereportabouttheperson’smentalhealthprepared under
this division in deciding whether or notthere is an
exceptional case for the person;(f)that
the person may withdraw the person’s working withchildren check application or eligibility
application;(g)that, if the person fails to undergo
the examination, andanyfurtherexaminationrequiredbytheregisteredhealth
practitioner, or to give the consent mentioned insubsection (1)(b), either—(i)thechiefexecutivemaywithdrawtheperson’sworkingwithchildrencheckapplicationoreligibility application;(ii)thechiefexecutivemaydecidewhetherornotthere is an
exceptional case for the person in theabsenceofareportabouttheperson’smentalhealth.(3)Ifthepersondoesnotcomplywiththechiefexecutive’srequest under
subsection (1), the chief executive may decideCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 105
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 331]whether or not
there is an exceptional case for the person inthe absence of a
report about the person’s mental health.Note—See
also part 3 about the withdrawal of working with children
checkapplications and eligibility
registered health practitioner to conductexaminationThechiefexecutivemaynominatearegisteredhealthpractitionertoconductanexaminationunderthisdivisiononly
if the chief executive is reasonably satisfied the healthpractitionerhasthenecessaryqualifications,expertiseorexperience to conduct the
examination.332Registered health practitioner
obtaining information fromMental Health Court(1)This section applies if—(a)the person (charged
person) has been charged with, butnot
convicted of—(i)a serious offence; or(ii)an offence,
other than a serious offence, relating toor involving a
child; and(b)the matter of the charged person’s
mental state relatingtotheoffencehasbeenreferredtotheMentalHealthCourt;
and(c)the chief executive is reasonably
satisfied that it may benecessary or desirable for a
registered health practitionerconducting an
examination of the charged person underthis division to
have regard to information mentioned insubsection (2)
for preparing a report about the person’smental
health.(2)The chief executive may, by written
notice, ask the chargedperson to give the Mental Health Court
consent to give theregistered health practitioner the following
information—Page 106Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 332](a)the
court’s decision in relation to the reference;(b)the
court’s reasons for its decision;(c)a
copy or written summary of any expert’s report aboutthe
person received in evidence by the court, including,forexample,amedicalreport,psychiatrist’sreportorexpert report that accompanied the
reference;(d)transcripts of a hearing conducted for
the reference thatthecourthasdirectedmaybegiventoapartytothehearing or another person.(3)The written notice must state the
following—(a)the reasons for the chief executive’s
request;(b)that,ifthepersonfailstogivetheconsent,thechiefexecutivemaywithdrawtheperson’sworkingwithchildren check
application or eligibility application.(4)Ifthechargedpersongivestheconsent,theMentalHealthCourt may give the information mentioned in
subsection (2)tothechiefexecutiveforgivingittotheregisteredhealthpractitioner.(5)However, information or documents given
under this sectionmust not include—(a)anyrecordofmaterialgiventothecourtundertheMentalHealthAct2016,section 163,orofhowthematerial was taken into account; or(b)theMentalHealthCourt’sreasonsfortakingmaterialmentionedinparagraph (a)intoaccountornottakingthe material
into account; or(c)the content of an expert report about
a person other thanthe charged person; or(d)informationaboutapersonotherthanthechargedperson the
Mental Health Court reasonably considers isnotrelevanttotheregisteredhealthpractitionerpreparingareportaboutthechargedperson’smentalhealth.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 332](6)Also, the Mental Health Court must not give
information, or adocumentcontaininginformation,underthissectionifthecourt is
reasonably satisfied that giving the information maydo
any of the following—(a)prejudice an
investigation or a matter before the court;(b)prejudice the investigation of a
contravention or possiblecontravention of the law in a
particular case;(c)enable the existence or identity of a
confidential sourceofinformation,inrelationtotheenforcementoradministration of the law, to be
ascertained;(d)prejudicetheeffectivenessofalawfulmethodorprocedureforpreventing,detecting,investigatingordealing with a contravention or possible
contraventionof the law;(e)prejudice a prosecution or another matter
before anothercourt;(f)endanger a person’s life or physical
safety;(g)adversely affect a person’s mental
health.(7)If the chief executive is given
information under this section togive to the
registered health practitioner, the chief executive—(a)mustgivetheinformationtotheregisteredhealthpractitioner as soon as possible; and(b)must not use the information for any
purpose other thangiving it to the registered health
practitioner.(8)Thegivingofinformation underthissectionbytheMentalHealthCourtisauthoriseddespiteanyotherActorlaw,includingalawimposinganobligationtomaintainconfidentiality
about the information.Note—See sections
334, 384 and 385 for restrictions on disclosing or givingaccess to information or documents obtained
under this section.(9)Without limiting subsection
(8)—Page 108Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 333](a)information may be given under this section
even if theinformation can not be disclosed to the
charged personunderaconfidentialityorderundertheMentalHealthAct
2016, section 696; and(b)thissectionappliesinrelationtoanexpert’sreportdespite theMental Health
Act 2016, section 160.(10)A
decision of the Mental Health Court not to give an expertreport about the charged person under this
section does notprevent the chief executive applying under
theMental HealthAct2016,section 160(2)forleaveofthecourttogivethereport to the registered health
practitioner.333Registered health practitioner
obtaining information fromMental Health Review Tribunal(1)This section applies if—(a)the person (charged
person) has been charged with, butnot
convicted of—(i)a serious offence; or(ii)an offence,
other than a serious offence, relating toor involving a
child; and(b)theMentalHealthReviewTribunalhasreviewedaforensicordertowhichthepersonissubject,ortheperson’s fitness for trial, under
theMentalHealthAct2016, chapter 12,
part 3, 4 or 6; and(c)the chief executive is reasonably
satisfied that it may benecessaryordesirablefortheregisteredhealthpractitionerconductinganexaminationofthechargedperson under
this division to have regard to informationmentioned in
subsection (2) for preparing a report aboutthe person’s
mental health.(2)The chief executive may, by written
notice, ask the chargedperson to give the Mental Health
Review Tribunal consent togivetheregisteredhealthpractitionerthefollowinginformation—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 109
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 333](a)the
tribunal’s decision on the review;(b)the
tribunal’s reasons for the decision;(c)a
copy or written summary of any expert’s report aboutthechargedpersonreceivedbythetribunalintheproceedingforthereview,including,forexample,areportaboutanexaminationofthepersonbyapsychiatristorotherpersonmentionedintheMentalHealth Act
2016, section 454;(d)transcripts of a hearing conducted for the
review that thetribunalhasdirectedmaybegiventoapartytothehearing or another person.(3)The written notice must state the
following—(a)the reasons for the chief executive’s
request;(b)that,ifthepersonfailstogivetheconsent,thechiefexecutivemaywithdrawtheperson’sworkingwithchildren check
application or eligibility application.(4)Ifthepersongivestheconsent,theMentalHealthReviewTribunalmaygivetheinformationmentionedinsubsection (2)tothechiefexecutiveforgivingittotheregistered
health practitioner.(5)However,
information or documents given under this sectionmust
not include—(a)anyrecordofmaterialgiventothetribunalundertheMental Health Act 2016, section 155 or
742, or of howthe material was taken into account;
or(b)the Mental Health Review Tribunal’s
reasons for takingmaterial mentioned in paragraph (a) into
account or nottaking the material into account; or(c)the content of an expert report about
a person other thanthe charged person; or(d)informationaboutapersonotherthanthechargedperson the
Mental Health Review Tribunal reasonablyconsidersisnotrelevanttotheregisteredhealthPage
110Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 333]practitionerpreparingareportaboutthechargedperson’s mental
health.(6)Also,theMentalHealthReviewTribunalmustnotgiveinformation, or
a document containing information, under thissection if the
tribunal is reasonably satisfied that giving theinformation may do any of the
following—(a)prejudice a matter before the
tribunal;(b)prejudice the investigation of a
contravention or possiblecontravention of the law in a
particular case;(c)enable the existence or identity of a
confidential sourceofinformation,inrelationtotheenforcementoradministration of the law, to be
ascertained;(d)prejudicetheeffectivenessofalawfulmethodorprocedureforpreventing,detecting,investigatingordealing with a contravention or possible
contraventionof the law;(e)prejudice a prosecution or another matter
before a court;(f)endanger a person’s life or physical
safety;(g)adversely affect a person’s mental
health.(7)If the chief executive is given
information under this section togive to a
registered health practitioner, the chief executive—(a)mustgivetheinformationtotheregisteredhealthpractitioner as soon as possible; and(b)must not use the information for any
purpose other thangiving it to the registered health
practitioner.(8)Thegivingofinformation underthissectionbytheMentalHealth Review
Tribunal is authorised despite any other Act orlaw,includingalawimposinganobligationtomaintainconfidentiality
about the information.Note—See sections
334, 384 and 385 for restrictions on disclosing or givingaccess to information or documents obtained
under this section.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 334](9)Withoutlimitingsubsection (8),informationmaybegivenunder this
section even if the information can not be disclosedto
the charged person under a confidentiality order under theMental Health Act 2016, section
722.334Use of information obtained from
Mental Health Court orMental Health Review Tribunal(1)This section applies if the chief
executive gives a registeredhealth
practitioner information or a document about a persongiven to the chief executive—(a)by the Mental Health Court under
section 332; or(b)bytheMentalHealthReviewTribunalundersection
333.(2)The registered health practitioner
must not—(a)make a record of the information or
information in thedocument; or(b)disclose the information or information in
the documentto anyone; or(c)give
anyone access to the document; or(d)include any details of the information, or
information inthedocument,inthereportabouttheperson’smentalhealth prepared under this division.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.335Chief executive may obtain report
about person’s mentalhealth from registered health
practitioner(1)Thissectionappliesifapersongivesthechiefexecutiveconsentasmentionedinsection 330(1)(b)inrelationtoanexamination of the person conducted
under this division.(2)The chief
executive may ask the registered health practitionerwhoconductstheexaminationtogiveareportabouttheperson’smentalhealthtothechiefexecutive,andthePage 112Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 336]registered
health practitioner may give the report to the chiefexecutive.(3)The
giving of a report under this section by a registered healthpractitionerisauthoriseddespiteanyotherActorlaw,includingalawimposinganobligationtomaintainconfidentiality
about the examination.Note—See sections 384
and 385 for restrictions on disclosing or giving accessto
information or documents obtained under this Act.336Chief executive to bear medical
costs(1)The chief executive must bear the
medical costs for obtainingareportfromaregisteredhealthpractitionerunderthisdivision.(2)In this section—medical
costs, for obtaining a report from a registered
health practitioner to—(a)conduct an
examination for preparing the report; or(b)prepare the report.Division 7Obtaining other information aboutperson’s mental health337Chief
executive may obtain particular information fromMental Health Court(1)This
section applies if—(a)the chief executive is deciding
whether or not there is anexceptional case for a person (charged person) who hasbeen
charged with, but not convicted of—(i)a
serious offence; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 337]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(ii)an offence,
other than a serious offence, relating toor involving a
child; and(b)the matter of the charged person’s
mental state relatingtotheoffencehasbeenreferredtotheMentalHealthCourt;
and(c)the chief executive has the charged
person’s consent toobtaininformationaboutthepersonfromtheMentalHealth Court
under this section.(2)The chief executive may ask the Mental
Health Court for thefollowing (requested
information)—(a)the court’s
decision in relation to the reference;(b)the
court’s reasons for its decision;(c)a
copy or written summary of any expert’s report aboutthechargedpersonreceivedinevidencebythecourt,including, for
example, a medical report, psychiatrist’sreport or expert
report that accompanied the reference;(d)transcripts of a hearing conducted for the
reference thatthecourthasdirectedmaybegiventoapartytothehearing or another person.(3)The Mental Health Court may comply
with the request if thecourtreasonablyconsiderstherequestedinformationmayhelp
the chief executive in deciding whether or not there is anexceptional case for the charged
person.(4)However,theinformationordocumentsgiventothechiefexecutive for complying with the request
must not include—(a)anyrecordofmaterialgiventothecourtundertheMentalHealthAct2016,section 163,orofhowthematerial was taken into account; or(b)theMentalHealthCourt’sreasonsfortakingmaterialmentionedinparagraph (a)intoaccountornottakingthe material
into account; or(c)informationthatcannotbedisclosedtothechargedpersonunderaconfidentialityorderundertheMentalHealth Act
2016, section 696; orPage 114Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 337](d)the
content of an expert report about a person other thanthe
charged person; or(e)informationaboutapersonotherthanthechargedpersonthattheMentalHealthCourtreasonablyconsiders is not
relevant to the chief executive decidingwhetherornotthereisanexceptionalcaseforthecharged
person.(5)Also, the Mental Health Court must not
give information, or adocument containing information, to
the chief executive underthis section if the court is
reasonably satisfied that giving theinformation may
do any of the following—(a)prejudice an
investigation or a matter before the court;(b)prejudice the investigation of a
contravention or possiblecontravention of the law in a
particular case;(c)enable the existence or identity of a
confidential sourceofinformation,inrelationtotheenforcementoradministration of the law, to be
ascertained;(d)prejudicetheeffectivenessofalawfulmethodorprocedureforpreventing,detecting,investigatingordealing with a contravention or possible
contraventionof the law;(e)prejudice a prosecution or another matter
before anothercourt;(f)endanger a person’s life or physical
safety;(g)adversely affect a person’s mental
health.(6)Thegivingofinformation underthissectionbytheMentalHealthCourtisauthoriseddespiteanyotherActorlaw,includingalawimposinganobligationtomaintainconfidentiality
about the information.Note—See sections 384
and 385 for restrictions on disclosing or giving accessto
information or documents obtained under this chapter.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 338](7)Without limiting subsection (6), this
section applies in relationtoanexpert’sreportdespitetheMentalHealthAct2016,section 160.(8)A
decision of the Mental Health Court not to give the chiefexecutive an expert report about the charged
person under thissection does not prevent the chief executive
applying undertheMentalHealthAct2016, section 160(2)
for leave of thecourt to give the report to the chief
executive.338Chief executive may obtain particular
information fromMental Health Review Tribunal(1)This section applies if—(a)the chief executive is deciding
whether or not there is anexceptional case for a person (charged person) who hasbeen
charged with, but not convicted of—(i)a
serious offence; or(ii)an offence,
other than a serious offence, relating toor involving a
child; and(b)theMentalHealthReviewTribunalhasreviewedaforensicordertowhichthepersonissubject,ortheperson’s fitness for trial, under
theMentalHealthAct2016, chapter 12,
part 3, 4 or 6; and(c)the chief executive has the charged
person’s consent toobtaininformationaboutthepersonfromtheMentalHealth Review
Tribunal under this section.(2)ThechiefexecutivemayasktheMentalHealthReviewTribunal for the
following (therequested information)—(a)the tribunal’s decision on the
review;(b)the tribunal’s reasons for the
decision;(c)a copy or written summary of any
expert’s report aboutthechargedpersonreceivedbythetribunalintheproceedingforthereview,including,forexample,areportaboutanexaminationofthepersonbyaPage 116Current as at
[Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 338]Notauthorised—indicativeonlypsychiatristorotherpersonmentionedintheMentalHealth Act
2016, section 454;(d)transcripts of a hearing conducted for the
review that thetribunalhasdirectedmaybegiventoapartytothehearing or another person.(3)TheMentalHealthReviewTribunalmaycomplywiththerequestifthetribunalreasonablyconsiderstherequestedinformation may
help the chief executive in deciding whetheror not there is
an exceptional case for the charged person.(4)However,theinformationordocumentsgiventothechiefexecutive for complying with the request
must not include—(a)anyrecordofmaterialgiventothetribunalundertheMental Health Act 2016, section 155 or
742, or of howthe material was taken into account;
or(b)the tribunal’s reasons for taking
material mentioned inparagraph (a) into account or not
taking the material intoaccount; or(c)informationthatcannotbedisclosedtothechargedpersonunderaconfidentialityorderundertheMentalHealth Act
2016, section 722; or(d)the
content of an expert report about a person other thanthe
charged person; or(e)informationaboutapersonotherthanthechargedpersonthattheMentalHealthReviewTribunalreasonablyconsidersisnotrelevanttothechiefexecutivedecidingwhetherornotthereisanexceptional case for the charged
person.(5)Also,theMentalHealthReviewTribunalmustnotgiveinformation,oradocumentcontaininginformation,tothechief executive under this section if
the tribunal is reasonablysatisfiedthatgivingtheinformationmaydoanyofthefollowing—(a)prejudice a matter before the
tribunal;(b)prejudice the investigation of a
contravention or possiblecontravention of the law in a
particular case;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 339](c)enable the existence or identity of a
confidential sourceofinformation,inrelationtotheenforcementoradministration of the law, to be
ascertained;(d)prejudicetheeffectivenessofalawfulmethodorprocedureforpreventing,detecting,investigatingordealing with a contravention or possible
contraventionof the law;(e)prejudice a prosecution or another matter
before a court;(f)endanger a person’s life or physical
safety;(g)adversely affect a person’s mental
health.(6)Thegivingofinformation underthissectionbytheMentalHealth Review
Tribunal is authorised despite any other Act orlaw,includingalawimposinganobligationtomaintainconfidentiality
about the information.Note—See sections 384
and 385 for restrictions on disclosing or giving accessto
information or documents obtained under this chapter.Division 8Dealing with
information339Chief executive to give notice to
particular entities abouta change in police information(1)This section applies if the chief
executive becomes aware thatpolice
information about a relevant person has changed.(2)However, this section does not apply
if—(a)the change is that the relevant person
has been chargedwith or convicted of a disqualifying
offence; or(b)thechangeisthattherelevantpersonhasbecomearelevant disqualified person.(3)Ifthechiefexecutiveconsidersthechangeinpoliceinformation may
be relevant to child-related employment, thechief executive
must give each notifiable person for the persona written notice
stating the following—Page 118Current as at
[Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 339]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)the relevant person’s name and
identifying details;(b)that the chief
executive has received police informationabouttherelevantpersonthatthechiefexecutiveconsiders relevant to child-related
4, division 9 or part 5, division 8 about the relevantperson;(d)a
reminder of the risk management requirements undersections 171 and 172;(e)an
employer may not dismiss the relevant person solelyor
mainly because the employer is given a notice underthis
section;(f)ifthechangeinpoliceinformationisachangeincriminal history, whether it is a charge or
conviction andwhether or not the charge or conviction is
for a seriousoffence;(g)if
the change in police information is a conviction for aserious offence, it is an offence for an
employer to allowtherelevantpersontoperformworkthatisregulatedemploymentunlessanduntilaprescribedeventundersection 322
happens for the person.(4)If the relevant
person is the director of a school’s governingbody,thechiefexecutivemustgivewrittennoticeasmentioned in subsection (3) to the
accreditation board.(5)An employer to
whom a notice is given under subsection (3)or(4)thatstatesthatthechangeinpoliceinformationisaconvictionforaseriousoffencemustnotallowtherelevantperson to
perform work that is regulated employment unlessanduntilaprescribedeventundersection
employer may not dismiss the relevant person solely ormainlybecausetheemployerisgivenanoticeundersubsection (3) or (4).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 119
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 340](7)In
this section—employermeans a person
who employs a relevant person.relevant
person who holds a working with children authority,otherthananauthoritythatissuspendedundersection 296; or(b)a
person who has made a working with children checkapplication that has not been decided or
withdrawn.340Chief executive must give police
commissioner aperson’s current address(1)The
chief executive must, on written application of the policecommissioner,givethepolicecommissionerinformationabout an address
for a person if—(a)the chief executive has an address for
the person that isdifferenttotheaddressstatedbythepolicecommissioner in the application; and(b)either of the following
applies—(i)thepolicecommissioneris,underthischapter,required to give
a notice to the person;(ii)the chief
executive reasonably believes the givingoftheinformationwillhelpthepolicecommissionertoverifytheperson’sidentityforgivingpoliceinformationtothechiefexecutiveunder this chapter.(2)Despitesection
316,informationgiventothepolicecommissioner under this section must not be
used, disclosedor accessed for any purpose other than a
purpose mentioned insubsection (1)(b).341Giving other information to police
information about a person if the chief executivePage
120Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 342]reasonably
believes the giving of the information is necessaryfor
the effective administration of any of the following—(a)this chapter;(c)the
Offender Reporting Act;(d)thePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000,section 789A.(2)Section 316 applies to information given
under this section.(3)This section does not limit section
340 or 385.342Chief executive must give information
about particularpersons to accreditation board(1)Thechiefexecutivemust,ifaskedinwritingbythechairperson of the accreditation
board, give the accreditationboard the
following information about a prescribed person—(a)whetherthepersonholdsaworkingwithchildrenauthority or a
negative notice;(b)whetherthepersonhasmadeaworkingwithchildrencheck
application.(2)For subsection (1), the chairperson’s
request must include thefollowing information—(a)the prescribed person’s name and any
other name thatthecollegebelievesthepersonmayuseormayhaveused;(b)theprescribedperson’sgenderanddateandplaceofbirth;(c)the
prescribed person’s address;(d)anynumberordategivenbytheprescribedpersonaboutaworkingwithchildrenauthoritythepersonholds or claims
to hold;(e)iftheprescribedpersonisadirectorofaschool’sgoverningbody—thenameoftheschool’sgoverningbody
of which the person is a director.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 121
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 343](3)The
chief executive must give the accreditation board a noticeabout each of the following events that
happen—(a)a prescribed person is issued a
negative notice;(b)a prescribed person’s working with
children authority—(i)is suspended under section 296;
or(ii)is cancelled
under section 301 or 304E;(c)thesuspensionofaprescribedperson’sworkingwithchildren authority ends under section
302;(d)the term of a prescribed person’s
working with childrenauthority ends;(e)aprescribedperson’sworkingwithchildrencheckapplication is withdrawn.(4)Also,ifaprescribedpersonwhoholdsanegativenoticemakesaworkingwithchildrencheckapplication,thechiefexecutivemustgivetheaccreditationboardanoticethatstates that the application has no
effect.Note—See section
193.(5)In this section—chairpersonseetheEducation(AccreditationofNon-StateSchools) Act
2017, schedule 1.prescribed
director of a school’s governing body; or(b)an
authorised person under theEducation
(Accreditationof Non-State Schools) Act 2017.343Chief executive
must give information about particularpersons to
college of teachers(1)This section applies if the chief
executive—(a)has,undertheEducation(QueenslandCollegeofTeachers) Act 2005, section 15D,
advised the college ofteachers that an applicant for
registration or permissionPage 122Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 344]toteachunderthatActholdsaworkingwithchildrenauthority;
and(b)the chief executive reasonably
believes the person is stillan applicant for
registration or permission to teach underthat Act.(2)The chief executive must give the
college a notice about eachof the following
events that happen—(a)the person’s working with children
authority—(i)is suspended under section 296;
or(ii)is cancelled
under section 301 or 304E;(b)thesuspensionoftheperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthority ends under section 302;(c)the term of the person’s working with
children authorityends;(d)the
person is issued a negative notice.(3)If
the chief executive becomes aware that police informationabout the person has changed, other than in
a way mentionedin section 339(2), the chief executive must
give the college awritten notice stating the college may need
to have regard tothe matters mentioned in theEducation (Queensland Collegeof
Teachers) Act 2005, section 11(1) for deciding whether
theapplicant is suitable to teach.344Chief executive must give information
about particularholders to chief executive (disability
services)(1)This section applies if—(a)thechiefexecutive(disabilityservices)requestedinformation
about a person under theDisability ServicesAct
2006, section 62; and(b)thepersonistheholderof,orapplicantfor,anexemptionnoticeundertheDisabilityServicesAct2006.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 344A](2)Thechiefexecutivemustgivethechiefexecutive(disabilityservices)anoticeabouteachofthefollowingeventsthathappen—(a)the person’s working with children
authority—(i)is suspended under section 296;
or(ii)is cancelled
under section 301 or 304E;(b)thesuspensionoftheperson’sworkingwithchildrenauthority ends under section 302;(c)the term of the person’s working with
children authorityends;(d)the
person is issued a negative notice.(3)If
the chief executive becomes aware that police informationabout the person has changed, other than in
a way mentionedinsection 339(2),thechiefexecutivemustgivethechiefexecutive
(disability services) a written notice complying withsection 339(3) about the change.344AChief executive may give authorised
entities particularinformation(1)Each
of the following is anauthorised entityfor a
person—(a)another person (the person’semployer) if—(i)the employer has notified the chief
executive underthis Act that the employer employs, or
proposes toemploy, the person; and(ii)neithertheemployernorthepersonhasnotifiedthe chief
executive otherwise;(b)anotherpersonthechiefexecutiveacceptsasanauthorised representative of the
person’s employer;(c)anotherpersonwhoisanotifiablepersonfortheperson;(d)an entity to whom the chief executive
is required to, ormay,giveaworkingwithchildrennoticeabouttheperson under this Act.Page 124Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 344B](2)The
chief executive may give the authorised entity informationabout—(a)a
working with children check application made by theperson; or(b)aworkingwithchildrenauthorityornegativenoticeheld
by the person; or(c)a working with children notice about
the person given,or required to be given, to the authorised
entity underthis Act.(3)Thechiefexecutivemaygivetheinformationundersubsection (2) by allowing the authorised
entity to access theinformation electronically.(4)In this section—working with
children notice, about a person, means a noticethat
relates to—(a)a working with children check
application made by theperson; or(b)aworkingwithchildrenauthorityornegativenoticeheld
by the person.344BUse of information obtained under s
344A about a person(1)Thissectionappliestoapersonwhoisgiven,oraccesses,information
about a person under section 344A.(2)The
person must not use the information, or disclose or giveaccesstotheinformationtoanyoneelse,unlesstheuse,disclosure or
giving of access is allowed under subsection (3).Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)Thepersonmayusetheinformation,ordiscloseorgiveaccesstotheinformationtoanotherperson,iftheuse,disclosure or giving of access—(a)is to identify, assess or monitor a
risk, or potential risk,tothesafetyorwelfareofachildinrelationtotheCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 345]regulatedemploymentofthepersontowhomtheinformation relates; or(b)istoestablishwhetherornotthepersontowhomtheinformation relates—(i)hasmadeaworkingwithchildrencheckapplication; or(ii)holdsaworkingwithchildrenauthorityoranegative notice;
or(c)is to comply with an obligation under
this Act; or(d)happenswiththeconsentofthepersontowhomtheinformation relates; or(e)is
required to lessen or prevent a serious threat to thelife,health,safetyorwelfareofanindividual,orthehealth, safety or welfare of the
public; or(f)isrequiredbyalawenforcementagencytoprevent,detect,
investigate, prosecute or punish an offence; or(g)is
required for a proceeding in a court or a tribunal; or(h)is authorised under a regulation or
another law.(4)In this section—law enforcement
agencymeans—(a)anentitymentionedintheInformationPrivacyAct2009,schedule5,definitionlawenforcementagency,paragraph (b); or(b)an
enforcement body within the meaning of the PrivacyAct
1988 (Cwlth).345Use of information obtained under this
chapter about apersonThe chief
executive must not use information obtained underthis
chapter about a person, other than for the purposes of thischapter or a report under section
395.Page 126Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 346]346Guidelines for dealing with
information(1)The chief executive must make
guidelines, consistent with thisAct,fordealingwithinformationobtainedbythechiefexecutive under this chapter.(2)The purpose of the guidelines is to
ensure—(a)natural justice is afforded to the
persons about whom theinformation is obtained; and(b)onlyrelevantinformationisusedinmakingemployment-screening decisions; and(c)employment-screeningdecisions,basedontheinformation, are
made consistently.(3)The chief executive must give a copy
of the guidelines to aperson on request.Part 7Miscellaneous provisionsDivision 1Replacement card347Replacement of lost or stolen card(1)If a person’s working with children
card is lost or stolen (thelost or stolen
card), the person must, within 14 days after
theloss or theft—(a)give
the chief executive a notice about the loss or theft inthe
approved form and in an approved way; and(b)either—(i)apply for a replacement card; or(ii)askthechiefexecutiveundersection
penalty—10 penalty units.(2)An application
under subsection (1)(b)(i) must be—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 127
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 348](a)made
in the approved form and in an approved way; and(b)accompanied by the prescribed fee for
the application.(3)The chief executive must—(a)cancel the lost or stolen card;
(1)(b)(i)—issue a replacement working withchildren card to
the person.(4)The chief executive must give written
notice about the loss ortheft of the lost or stolen card to
the police commissioner.Note—See section 348A
for the person’s obligation to return the replaced cardto
the chief executive.348Replacement card
for change of name or contact details(1)This
section applies to—(a)a person who holds a working with
children authority;or(b)a person who
holds a negative notice if the person hasappliedforthenoticetobecancelledandtheapplication has
not been decided or withdrawn.(2)Ifthepersondoesanyofthefollowing(eacharelevantchange),
the person must give the chief executive a notice, inthe
approved form and in an approved way, about the relevantchange within 14 days after it
happens—(a)changes a name the person has
previously given to thechief executive;(b)starts to use a different name to the name
or names theperson has given to the chief
penalty—10 penalty units.Page 128Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 348A](3)If
the chief executive considers it is appropriate to do so,
thechief executive may issue a replacement
working with childrencard to the person.(4)Ifthechiefexecutiveissuesareplacementworkingwithchildrencardtotheperson,thechiefexecutivemustcancelthe
person’s previously held card.348ARequirement to return replaced card(1)Thissectionappliestoapersonwhoholdsaworkingwithchildren card (thereplaced
card) if the chief executive issuesthe
person a further working with children card.(2)The
person must give the replaced card to the chief executivewithin 7 days after the further working with
children card isissued, unless the person has a reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.Division 1AChange in
regulated employment orregulated business349Holder must notify change of regulated
employment orregulated business(1)Thissectionappliesifapersonwhoholdsaworkingwithchildrenauthoritythatisnotsuspendedmakesanyofthefollowing changes—(a)thepersonendsregulatedemploymentorchangestheperson’semploymentandthenewemploymentisregulated employment;(b)the
person stops carrying on a regulated business;(c)the
person starts carrying on another regulated businessotherthantheregulatedbusinessthepersonwascarryingon,orproposingtocarryon,whentheauthority was issued.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 129
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 350](2)Thepersonmustgivethechiefexecutiveanoticeaboutthechange, in the approved form and in an
approved way, within14 days after the change
happens.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.Notauthorised—indicativeonly350Holder must
notify change and pay prescribedapplication
fee—volunteer or business carried on otherthan for
financial reward(1)This section applies if—(a)a person holds a working with children
clearance that isnot suspended; and(b)during the term of the clearance, the person
is or was—(i)employedinregulatedemploymentonlyasavolunteer;
or(ii)carrying on a
regulated business on a not-for-profitbasisandnototherwisecarryingonaregulatedbusiness;
and(c)either of the following changes
happens—(i)thepersonbecomesemployedinregulatedemployment other
than as a volunteer;(ii)the person
starts carrying on a regulated businessfor financial
reward.(2)The person must, within 14 days after
the change happens—(a)give the chief executive a notice, in
the approved formand in an approved way, about the change;
(3)—paytheprescribed application fee to the
chief executive.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.(3)Thepersonmustpaytheprescribedapplicationfeeiftheworking with
children check (general) application in relationto
which the working with children clearance was issued wasmade
on the basis that the person was—Page 130Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 350](a)employed, or to be employed, in regulated
employmentas a volunteer; or(b)carryingon,orproposingtocarryon,aregulatedbusiness on a
not-for-profit basis.(4)If the chief
executive considers it is appropriate to do so, thechief executive may issue a replacement
working with childrencard to the person.(5)Ifthechiefexecutiveissuesareplacementworkingwithchildren card,
the chief executive must cancel the previouslyheld
card.Note—See section 348A
for the person’s obligation to return the replaced cardto
the chief executive.(6)In this
section—not-for-profitbasis,forcarryingonaregulatedbusiness,meansthebusinessiscarriedonotherthanforfinancialreward.prescribedapplicationfeemeanstheprescribedfeeforaworking with
children check (general) application made by aperson
for—(a)for a person who gives a notice under
subsection (2) forachangementionedinsubsection (1)(c)(i)—employmentinregulatedemploymentotherthanasavolunteer; or(b)for
a person who gives a notice under subsection (2) forachangementionedinsubsection (1)(c)(ii)—carryingon a
regulated business for financial reward.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 131
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 350A]Division
1BHolder of working with childrenexemption stops being policeofficer or registered teacher350AHolder and notifiable persons notified
about expiry ofworking with children exemption(1)Thissectionappliesifapersonwhoholdsaworkingwithchildren exemption—(a)ifthepersonwasapoliceofficerwhentheexemptionwas issued—stops
being a police officer; or(b)ifthepersonwasaregisteredteacherwhentheexemption was issued—stops being a
registered teacher,including because the person’s registration
is suspendedunder the Education (Queensland College of
Teachers)Act 2005, section 48 or 49.(2)The chief executive must give the
person a written notice thatstates—(a)thetermoftheperson’sworkingwithchildrenexemption has
ended under section 289(1); and(b)thepersonmustimmediatelyreturntheperson’sworking with
children card to the chief executive; and(c)thepersonmaymakeaworkingwithchildrencheck(general) application, unless the person is
a disqualifiedperson.(3)The
person must give the person’s working with children cardtothechiefexecutiveimmediatelyafterthechiefexecutivegives the notice, unless the person has a
reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.(4)The chief executive must give
eachnotifiablepersonforthepersonawrittennoticethatstatesthetermoftheperson’sworkingwithchildrenexemptionhasendedbecausetheperson is no longer a police officer
or registered teacher.Page 132Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 350B]350BEffect of negative notice if holder no
longer police officeror registered teacher(1)This section applies if a person who
holds a negative notice—(a)ifthepersonwasapoliceofficerwhenthenegativenotice was
issued—stops being a police officer; or(b)if
the person was a registered teacher when the negativenoticewasissued—stopsbeingaregisteredteacher,including because the person’s registration
is suspendedunder the Education (Queensland College of
Teachers)Act 2005, section 48 or 49.(2)The person’s negative notice continues
in effect as if it were anotice issued under section
220(3).Division 2Offences
relating to false ormisleading information351False or misleading disclosureApersonmustnotstateanythingtothechiefexecutiveforchapter 7orthischapterthatthepersonknowsisfalseormisleading in a material particular.Maximumpenalty—100penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.352False
or misleading documents(1)Apersonmustnotgivethechiefexecutiveadocumentforchapter 7orthischaptercontaininginformationthepersonknows is false
or misleading in a material particular.Maximumpenalty—100penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a person if
the person, whengiving the document—(a)tellsthechiefexecutive,tothebestoftheperson’sability, how it
is false or misleading; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 133
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 353](b)if
the person has, or can reasonably obtain, the correctinformation—gives the correct
information.Division 3Review and
appeal353Definitions for div 3In
this division—chapter 8 reviewable decision,
about a person, means—(a)adecisionofthechiefexecutiveastowhetherornotthere is an
exceptional case for the person if, because ofthe decision,
the chief executive—(i)issued the
person a negative notice; or(ii)refusedtocancelanegativenoticeissuedtotheperson; or(b)a
decision of the chief executive that the person has beencharged with a disqualifying offence
if—(i)because of the decision, the person’s
working withchildrenauthoritywassuspendedundersection 296; and(ii)the
person claims he or she has not been chargedwith the
disqualifying offence; and(iii)the person has
applied under section 300(1)(b) forthe chief
executive to decide whether to cancel theperson’ssuspendedworkingwithchildrenauthority and that application has been
refused; or(c)adecisionofthechiefexecutivethattheperson’sregistration
under theEducation (Queensland College ofTeachers)Act2005hasbeensuspendedundersection 49 of
that Act if—(i)because of the decision, the person’s
working withchildrenauthoritywassuspendedundersection 296; andPage 134Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 353]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(ii)the person
claims he or she is not the person whoseregistrationundertheEducation(QueenslandCollege of
Teachers) Act 2005has been suspendedunder section 49
of that Act; and(iii)the person has
applied under section 300(1)(b) forthe chief
executive to decide whether to cancel theperson’ssuspendedworkingwithchildrenauthority and that application has been
refused; or(d)a relevant disqualified person
decision about the personif—(i)because of the decision, the chief executive
issueda negative notice to the person; and(ii)the person
claims he or she is not the person thesubject of the
conviction, reporting obligations ororder in
relation to which the decision was made;and(iii)the person has
applied under section 304G for thechiefexecutivetocancelthenegativenoticeandthat application has been
refused.prescribedperiod,forareviewofachapter 8reviewabledecisionaboutaperson,means28daysafterthepersonisgiven notice of the following—(a)forachapter 8reviewabledecisionmentionedindefinitionchapter 8reviewabledecision,paragraph (a)—the decision;(b)forachapter 8reviewabledecisionmentionedindefinition chapter 8 reviewable decision,
paragraph (b)or(c)—thedecisionontheapplicationmentionedinsection 300(1)(b) about the
suspension;(c)forachapter 8reviewabledecisionmentionedindefinitionchapter 8reviewabledecision,paragraph (d)—thedecisionontheapplicationundersection 304G about the negative
notice.relevant disqualified person decision,
for a person, means—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks
and authorities[s 354](a)a
decision of the chief executive that the person has beenor
is convicted of a disqualifying offence for which animprisonment order was or is imposed;
or(b)adecisionofthechiefexecutivethatthepersonissubject to—(i)offender reporting obligations; or(ii)a final offender
prohibition order; or(iii)a
disqualification order; or(iv)a final sexual
offender order; or(c)adecisionofthechiefexecutivethattheperson istherespondent to an application for an offender
prohibitionorder under the Offender Reporting
Act.354Person may apply for review of chapter
8 reviewabledecision(1)A
person who is not a disqualified person may apply, withintheprescribedperiodandasotherwiseprovidedundertheQCAT Act, to QCAT for a review of a
chapter 8 reviewabledecision.(2)If a
person applies under subsection (1) to have a chapter 8reviewable decision reviewed, QCAT may
not—(a)stay the operation of the decision;
or(b)grant an injunction in the proceeding
for the review.(3)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that there is no review orappealunderthisActinrelationtoadecisionofthechiefexecutive to
issue a negative notice to a person, or refuse tocancelaperson’snegativenotice,otherthanbecauseofachapter 8
reviewable decision.Note—There is also no
review or appeal in relation to a decision of the chiefexecutive to refuse an eligibility
application (see section 180(7)).(4)This
section does not limit section 307.Page 136Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 354A]354AStay
of operation of particular decisions on applicationfor
review(1)This section applies to a decision of
QCAT, on an applicationforareviewofachapter 8reviewabledecisionundersection 354, to
set aside an exceptional case decision.(2)QCAT’s decision does not take effect
until—(a)theendoftheperiodwithinwhichanappealagainstQCAT’s decision may be started; or(b)ifanappealagainstQCAT’sdecisionisstarted—theappeal is
decided or withdrawn.(3)This section
applies despite the QCAT Act, sections 145 and152.(4)In this section—exceptionalcasedecisionmeansadecisionofthechiefexecutive as to
whether or not there is an exceptional case fora person if,
because of the decision, the chief executive—(a)issued a negative notice to the person;
or(b)refused to cancel the person’s
negative notice.355Effect of applicant for a review
becoming a disqualifiedperson(1)Thissectionappliesifadisqualifiedpersonmadeanapplicationundersection 354beforethepersonbecameadisqualified person.(2)Theapplicationandanyproceedinginrelationtotheapplication must be dismissed—(a)if a proceeding in relation to the
application is before acourt—by the court; or(b)otherwise—byQCAT,evenifthedismissalwouldbecontrary to a direction of the Court
of Appeal.(3)Any appeal by the person from a
decision of QCAT on theapplication must be dismissed.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 356]Division 4Other miscellaneous provisionsNotauthorised—indicativeonly356Compliance with
requirement to end, or not start, aperson’s
regulated employment(1)Thissectionappliesifitwouldbeacontraventionofaprovisionofchapter7orthischapterforaperson(theemployer) to
employ, or continue to employ, another person(theemployee) in regulated
employment.(2)The employer must comply with the
provision despite anotherAct or law or any industrial award or
agreement.(3)Theemployerdoesnotincuranyliabilitybecause,incompliance with the provision, the
employer does not employ,orcontinuetoemploy,theemployeeinregulatedemployment.(4)A
person whose working with children authority is suspendedunder section 296 may be employed in
employment that is notregulated employment.357Disqualification order(1)This section applies if a person is
convicted of—(a)a disqualifying offence and the court
that convicts theperson does not impose an imprisonment order
for theoffence; or(b)anotherseriousoffencecommittedinrelationto,orotherwise involving, a child.(2)The court may, on application by the
prosecutor or on its owninitiative, make an order (adisqualification order) in
relationto the person stating that—(a)thepersonmaynotholdaworkingwithchildrenauthority,ormakeaworkingwithchildrencheckapplication, for a stated period; or(b)thepersonmayneverholdaworkingwithchildrenauthorityormakeaworkingwithchildrencheckapplication.Page 138Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8 Working with children checks and
authorities[s 357](3)However, the court may make a
disqualification order undersubsection
(2)(a)or(b)onlyifthecourtconsidersitwouldnotbeintheinterestsofchildrenforthechiefexecutivetoissue a working with children
authority to the person.(4)The person
against whom the disqualification order is mademay appeal
against the court’s decision under subsection (2)in
the same way the person may appeal against the conviction.(5)In this section—Crown
Attorney-General; and(b)the director of
public prosecutions; and(c)another person,
other than a police officer, appearing forthe
State.prosecutormeans—(a)in the context of a proceeding before,
or an applicationto, a Magistrates Court or a Childrens
Court—(i)a police officer; or(ii)aservicelegalofficerwithinthemeaningofthePoliceServiceAdministrationAct1990,section 10.24; or(iii)a
Crown prosecutor; or(b)otherwise—a
Crown prosecutor.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8A Register of regulated persons who
provide home-based care services[s 357A]Chapter 8ARegister of
regulatedpersons who providehome-based care
servicesNotauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 1Preliminary357ADefinitions for chapterIn this
chapter—associated adult, of a regulated
person for a home-based careservice, see
section 357D.authorised usersee section
357E.foster or kinship caresee section
357B(a).home-based care servicesee section
357B.home-based family day care servicesee
section 357B(b).home-based stand-alone care servicesee
section 357B(c).registermeans the
register kept under section 357F.regulated
personsee section 357C.357BMeaning of home-based care serviceEach
of the following services is ahome-based care
service—(a)care provided to
a child by an approved foster carer, orapproved kinship
carer, under the Child Protection Act1999 (foster or kinship care);(b)careprovidedtoachildaspartofafamilydaycareserviceprovidedinafamilydaycareresidence(home-based family day care
service);(c)a stand-alone
service provided to a child in the home ofacarerinrelationtotheservice(home-basedstand-alone care
service).Page 140Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8A Register of regulated persons who
provide home-based care services[s 357C]357CMeaning of regulated personA
person is aregulated personfor a home-based
care serviceif the person is—(a)for
foster or kinship care—the approved foster carer, orapproved kinship carer, under the Child
Protection Act1999 who provides the care; or(b)for a home-based family day care
service—a family daycareeducator,orfamilydaycareeducatorassistant,undertheEducationandCareServicesNationalLaw(Queensland) who provides the service;
or(c)for a home-based stand-alone care
service—the carer,or a staff member, in relation to the
service.357DMeaning of associated adult of a
regulated personAperson isanassociated adultofaregulatedpersonforahome-based care
service if the person is—(a)for a regulated
person who is an approved foster carerorapprovedkinshipcarerundertheChildProtectionAct1999—anadultmemberofthecarer’shouseholdunder that Act; or(b)for
a regulated person who is a family day care educatororfamilydaycareeducatorassistantundertheEducationandCareServicesNationalLaw(Queensland)forahome-basedfamilydaycareservice—anadultoccupantofthefamilydaycareresidence from
which the service is provided; or(c)for
a regulated person who is a carer or staff memberforahome-basedstand-alonecareservice—anadultoccupantofthehomefromwhichtheserviceisprovided.357EWho
is an authorised userEach of the following is anauthorised user—(a)the chief executive (child
safety);Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8A Register of regulated persons
who provide home-based care services[s 357F](b)the chief executive (education and
care);(c)the police commissioner;(d)a police officer;(e)thepublicguardianunderthePublicGuardianAct2014;(f)apersonappointedunderthePublicGuardianAct2014, section 109 as—(i)a community visitor (child); or(ii)both a community
visitor (adult) and a communityvisitor (child);
or(iii)a child advocacy
officer;(g)anappropriatelyqualifiedpublicserviceemployeeauthorised to
access the register by the chief executiveor a person
mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (e);(h)anappropriatelyqualifiedstaffmemberunderthePoliceServiceAdministrationAct1990authorisedtoaccess the register by the police
commissioner.Part 2Register357FRegister of regulated persons who
provide home-basedcare service to children(1)Thechiefexecutivemustkeepanup-to-dateregisterofregulated persons who provide a
home-based care service.(2)The purpose of
the register is to promote the safety of childrenby
enabling authorised users to access up-to-date informationabout—(a)aregulatedpersonwhoprovidesahome-basedcareservice; and(b)each
person who is an associated adult of the regulatedperson for the home-based care
service.Page 142Current as at
[Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8A Register of regulated persons who
provide home-based care services[s 357G](3)The chief executive may keep the
register in the form the chiefexecutive
considers appropriate.Notauthorised—indicativeonly357GContents of the register(1)Theregistermustcontainthefollowinginformation,totheextent the information is known by the
chief executive, abouteach regulated person for a home-based
care service—(a)the information that is reasonably
necessary to identifyand contact the person, including, for
example—(i)full name and any former names or
aliases; and(ii)contact details;
and(iii)date and place
of birth;(b)the type of each home-based care
service for which theperson is, or has been, a regulated
person;(c)informationaboutaworkingwithchildrencheckapplication made by the person;(d)information about a working with
children authority theperson holds or previously
held;(e)informationaboutanassociatedadultoftheperson,including the information mentioned in
paragraphs (a),(c) and (d) about the adult;(f)other information prescribed by
regulation about—(i)the person; or(ii)a
home-based care service for which the person is,or
has been, a regulated person; or(iii)an
associated adult of the person for a home-basedcare service
mentioned in subparagraph (ii).(2)The
register may also contain—(a)information
mentioned in subsection (1) about a personwho was, but is
no longer—(i)a regulated person for a home-based
care service;orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 8A Register of regulated persons
who provide home-based care services[s 357H](ii)anassociatedadultofaregulatedpersonforahome-based care service; and(b)otherinformationthechiefexecutiveconsidersappropriate—(i)toensuretheregisterisaccurate,comprehensiveand usable;
or(ii)fortheeffectiveandefficientoperationoftheregister.357HAccess to registerThechiefexecutivemayallowanauthorisedusertoaccessinformation in
the register.357IUse, disclosure and giving of access
to confidentialinformation(1)This
section applies to a person—(a)whois,orhasbeen,anauthoriseduserand,inthatcapacitywasgiven,orgivenaccessto,confidentialinformation in
the register; or(b)whoisgiven,orgivenaccessto,confidentialinformationintheregisterbyapersonmentionedinparagraph (a).(2)The
person must not use the information, or disclose or giveaccesstotheinformationtoanyoneelse,unlesstheuse,disclosure or
giving of access is allowed under subsection (3).Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)Thepersonmayusetheinformation,ordiscloseorgiveaccesstotheinformationtoanotherperson,iftheuse,disclosure or giving of access—(a)is to identify, assess or monitor a
risk, or potential risk,to the safety or welfare of a child
being provided carethrough a home-based care service; or(b)is to establish whether or not a
regulated person—Page 144Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 9 Provisions about QCAT
proceedings[s 358](i)hasmadeaworkingwithchildrencheckapplication; or(ii)holds a working with children authority;
or(c)is to assess a person’s suitability to
be—(i)a regulated person for a home-based
care service;or(ii)anassociatedadultofaregulatedpersonforahome-based care service; or(d)is reasonably required to discharge a
function under alaw; or(e)is
required for a proceeding in a court or tribunal; or(f)is authorised under a regulation or
another law; or(g)is related to the operation of the
register, including, forexample,auditingaccesstotheinformationintheregister.Chapter 9Provisions about QCATproceedingsPart 1QCAT
proceedings aboutchild-related employmentreview358Definitions for pt 1In
this part—child-relatedemploymentdecisionmeansachapter 8reviewable
constituting it for the proceeding concerned.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 145
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 9 Provisions about QCAT
proceedings[s 359]QCAT
child-related employment reviewmeans a review
byQCAT of a child-related employment
decision.QCAT presidentmeans the
president of QCAT.359Application of pt 1This
part applies for a child-related employment review.Note—The QCAT Act
also applies for the review.360Principle for reviewing child-related
employmentdecisionA child-related
employment decision is to be reviewed underthe principle
that the welfare and best interests of a child areparamount.361Proceeding must always be held in
review must be held in private.(2)However,thefollowingareentitledtobepresentattheproceeding—(a)each
party to the proceeding;(b)if, under an
Act, a party is entitled to be represented bysomeoneelseattheproceeding,theparty’srepresentative;(c)a
witness while giving evidence;(d)a
person allowed to be present to support a party;(e)apersonallowedtobepresenttosupportawitness,while the
witness is giving evidence;(f)a
person allowed to be present by QCAT.(3)This
section is subject to the QCAT Act, section 220.Page
146Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 9 Provisions about QCAT
proceedings[s 362]Editor’s
note—QCAT Act, section 220 (Tribunal may exclude
person)Notauthorised—indicativeonly362Applications on behalf of
children(1)An application for a child-related
employment review may bemadeonbehalfofachildonlywiththepermissionoftheQCAT president.(2)TheQCATpresidentmaygivepermissiononlyifthepresident
considers—(a)the person is not, on the person’s own
behalf, entitled toapply for the child-related employment
review; and(b)it is in the child’s best interests
that the application bemade; and(c)it
would be inappropriate for, or unreasonable to require,the
child to make the application himself or herself.363Withdrawal of application for
review(1)An applicant may withdraw an
application made on behalf ofachildundersection 362onlywithleaveoftheQCATpresident or QCAT.(2)TheQCATpresidentorQCATmaygiveleaveundersubsection (1)
only if the president or QCAT considers that,having regard to
the child’s views or wishes, if any, it is in thechild’s best interests that the application
be withdrawn.364Children must not be compelled to give
evidence(1)Achildmustnotbecompelledtogiveevidenceinaproceeding for a
QCAT child-related employment review.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),QCATmaynotrequireachild to do the either of the
following under the QCAT Act,section
97(1)—(a)attend a hearing of a proceeding to
give evidence;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 9 Provisions about QCAT
proceedings[s 365](b)produce a stated document or other thing to
QCAT.(3)Before a child gives evidence in a
proceeding, QCAT mustsatisfy itself that the child is
willing to give the evidence.Notauthorised—indicativeonly365Children giving
employment review—(a)a child is giving evidence; and(b)section 367 does not apply.(2)Onlythefollowingpersonsmaybepresentwhilethechildgives
evidence—(a)the constituting members;(b)thechild’ssupportpersonifthechildhasasupportperson and agrees to that person’s
presence.366Questioning of children(1)Thissectionappliesif,inaproceedingforaQCATchild-related
employment review—(a)a child is giving evidence; and(b)section 367 does not apply.(2)The child must not be
cross-examined.(3)Also, only the constituting members
may ask questions of thechild.367Provisions for QCAT child-related employment
reviews(1)This section applies if—(a)achildappliestoQCATforreviewofachild-relatedemployment
decision or a person makes the applicationon the child’s
behalf; and(b)in a proceeding for the review, the
child elects to giveevidence.Page 148Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 9 Provisions about QCAT
proceedings[s 368](2)Beforethechildgivesevidence,QCATmusttellthechildthat—(a)he or she may be cross-examined by
QCAT or a party tothe proceeding; and(b)he
or she may, at any time while the cross-examinationis
continuing, refuse to be further cross-examined; and(c)if he or she acts under paragraph (b),
the application istaken to have been withdrawn and the review
(2)(b),theapplicationistaken to have been withdrawn and the review
stops.Part 2QCAT to give
statisticalinformation to chief executive368QCAT’s principal registrar to give
statistical informationto chief executive(1)QCAT’s principal registrar must, from time
to time, give thechief executive statistical information
about—(a)thenumberandtypesofchild-relatedemploymentdecisionsforwhichapplicationsweremadetoQCATfor review;
and(b)QCAT’s decisions on the
applications.(2)The information must not identify the
parties (other than thedecision-maker) to, or other persons
taking part in, a reviewby QCAT.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 149
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 10 General[s 371]Chapter 10GeneralPart
2When chief executive may givenotice other than in writing371Application of pt 2Thispartappliesif,underthisAct,thechiefexecutiveisrequired to give written notice to a
person about a decisionmade or action taken by the chief
executive.372Person asks for notice other than in
writing(1)This section applies if the person
asks the chief executive notto notify the
person by written notice but to use another wayof
communication.(2)The chief executive must communicate
with the person in therequestedway,totheextentitisreasonableforthechiefexecutive to do
so, instead of giving the written notice.373Written notice inappropriate(1)This section applies if the chief
executive considers—(a)if the written
notice is given—(i)the rights, interests or wellbeing of
a child may beadversely affected; or(ii)the
health or safety of the person, or of someoneelse, may be put
at risk; or(iii)aninvestigationbythechiefexecutivewillbeprejudiced; or(b)for
another reason, it would not be appropriate to givethe
written notice in the circumstances.Page 150Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 10 General[s 374](2)The chief executive may communicate
with the person in awaythechiefexecutiveconsidersappropriateinsteadofgiving the written notice.(3)If the person asks the chief executive
to give the written noticeto the person’s lawyer or other
nominated representative, thechief executive
must do so.374Chief executive must keep
recordIf, under this part, the chief executive
does not give the writtennotice, the chief executive must keep
a written record of—(a)the reasons for
not giving the written notice; and(b)thewaythechiefexecutivetoldthepersonaboutthedecision or action; and(c)whenthechiefexecutivetoldthepersonaboutthedecision or action; and(d)the substance of the
communication.Part 3Evidence and
legalproceedings375Working with children card is evidence of
authority(1)A working with children card issued to
a person other than apolice officer or registered teacher
is evidence that the personholds a working
with children clearance.(2)Aworkingwithchildrencardissuedtoapoliceofficerorregistered teacher is evidence that
the police officer or teacherholds a working
with children authority.376Evidentiary
provisions(1)This section applies to a proceeding
under or in relation to thisAct.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 10 General[s 377](2)Asignaturepurportingtobethesignatureofthechiefexecutive is evidence of the signature it
purports to be.(3)A certificate purporting to be signed
by the chief executivestatinganyofthefollowingmattersisevidenceofthematter—(a)a
stated document is a copy of a notice given or issuedunder this Act;(b)on a
stated day, a stated person was given a stated noticeunder this Act.377Indictable and summary offences(1)AnoffenceagainstthisActisanindictableoffence,andacrime, if the
maximum penalty for the offence is—(a)500
penalty units or more; or(b)5 years
imprisonment or more.(3)Otherwise, an
offence against this Act is a summary offence.378Proceedings for indictable offences(1)A proceeding for an indictable offence
against this Act maybe taken, at the election of the
prosecution—(a)by way of summary proceedings under
theJustices Act1886;
or(b)on indictment.(2)A
magistrate must not hear an indictable offence summarilyif—(a)themagistrateissatisfied,atanystageofthehearingandafterhearinganysubmissionsbytheprosecutionand defence,
that because of the nature or seriousness oftheoffenceoranyotherrelevantconsiderationthedefendant, if convicted, may not be
adequately punishedon summary conviction; orPage
152Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 10 General[s 379](b)themagistrateissatisfied,onanapplicationmadebythe defence, that because of
exceptional circumstancesthe offence should not be heard and
decided summarily.(3)If subsection (2) applies—(a)the magistrate must proceed by way of
an examinationof witnesses for an indictable offence;
and(b)apleaofthepersonchargedatthestartoftheproceeding must be disregarded;
and(c)evidencebroughtintheproceedingbeforethemagistrate decided to act under
subsection (2) is takento be evidence in the proceeding for
the committal of theperson for trial or sentence;
and(d)before committing the person for trial
or sentence, themagistratemustmakeastatementtothepersonasrequired by theJustices Act
1886, section 104(2)(b).(4)The
maximum penalty that may be summarily imposed for anindictableoffenceis100penaltyunitsor3yearsimprisonment.379Limitation on who may summarily hear
indictable offenceproceedings(1)Aproceedingmustbebeforeamagistrateifitisaproceeding—(a)for
the summary conviction of a person on a charge foran
indictable offence; or(b)foranexaminationofwitnessesforachargeforanindictable offence.(2)However, if a proceeding for an
indictable offence is broughtbefore a justice
who is not a magistrate, jurisdiction is limitedto
taking or making a procedural action or order within themeaning of theJustices of the
Peace and Commissioners forDeclarations Act
1991.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 10 General[s 380]380Proceeding for offencesA
proceeding for an offence against this Act, other than anindictable offence, must be taken in a
summary way under theJustices Act 1886.381When proceeding may startA
proceeding for an offence against this Act may be startedwithin—(a)1
year after the offence is committed; or(b)1yearaftertheoffencecomestothecomplainant’sknowledge,butwithin2yearsaftertheoffenceiscommitted.Part 4Confidentiality384Confidentiality of police, disciplinary and
mental healthinformation(1)This
section applies to a person who—(a)isorhasbeenapublicserviceemployeeemployedinthe department; and(b)inthatcapacity,wasgiven,orgivenaccessto,adocument
information about another person; or(iii)information about another person’s mental
health,including,forexample,informationaboutaproceedingintheMentalHealthCourtortheMental Health Review Tribunal about
the person.(2)Also, this section applies to a person
who is or has been—Page 154Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 10 General[s 385](a)theMinisterand,inthatcapacity,receivedareportunder section
395 that contains information mentionedin subsection
(1)(b); or(b)a member of the Minister’s staff and,
in that capacity,was given, or given access to, a report or
informationmentioned in paragraph (a).(3)The person must not use the
information, or disclose or giveaccesstotheinformationtoanyoneelse,unlesstheuse,disclosureorgivingoraccessisallowedundersubsection (4).Maximumpenalty—100penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(4)Thepersonmayusetheinformation,ordiscloseorgiveaccesstotheinformationtoanotherpersoniftheuse,disclosure or giving of access—(a)is for the purpose of an
employment-screening decision;or(b)isforthepurposeofobtainingadvicefor,orgivingadvice to the
Minister, in relation to the information; or(c)happenswiththeconsentofthepersontowhomtheinformation relates; or(d)is
permitted under section 395; or(e)is
otherwise required under a law.385Confidentiality of other information(1)Thissectionappliestoconfidentialinformationotherthaninformation
mentioned in section 384(1)(b) or (2).(2)IfapersongainsconfidentialinformationthroughinvolvementinthisAct’sadministration,thepersonmustnot—(a)makearecordoftheinformationorintentionallydisclosetheinformationtoanyone,otherthanundersubsection (4); orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 155
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 10 General[s 385]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)recklessly
disclose the information to anyone.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(3)A person gains
information through involvement in this Act’sadministration
if the person gains the information because ofbeing, or an
opportunity given by being—(a)the
Minister or a member of the Minister’s staff; or(b)the commissioner or assistant
commissioner; or(c)a member of the commission’s staff;
or(d)a public service employee employed in
the department;or(e)a person
consulted or employed by the commissioner orassistantcommissionerforaninvestigationofacomplaint; or(f)a
member of an advisory committee.(4)A
person may make a record of confidential information ordisclose it to someone else—(a)for this Act; or(b)to
discharge a function under another law; or(c)for
a proceeding in a court or tribunal; or(d)if
authorised under a regulation or another law; or(e)if—(i)the
person is authorised in writing by the person towhom
the information relates; and(ii)the
person to whom the information relates is anadult when the
authorisation is given; and(iii)the
information does not identify, and is unlikely toleadtotheidentificationof,apersonasachildwho has been the
subject of a complaint under thisAct; or(f)for a purpose directly related to a
child’s protection orwelfare.Page 156Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 10 General[s 390](5)Without limiting subsection (4)(a), a
person makes a record ofconfidentialinformationordisclosesittosomeoneelseforthis Act in the following
circumstances—(a)ifthepersonistheMinister—theMinistermakestherecord, or discloses the information to a
public serviceemployee employed in the department or a
member oftheMinister’sstaff,(therelevantperson)forthepurpose of
obtaining advice relating to a report given tothe Minister
under section 395;(b)if the person is a relevant person—the
person makes therecord, or discloses the information to the
Minister oranotherrelevantperson,forthepurposeofprovidingadvice to the
Minister relating to the report.(6)In
this section—advisory committeemeans an
advisory committee establishedunder this Act
before the commencement of this definition.assistantcommissionermeanstheassistantcommissionerunder this Act
before the commencement of this definition.commissionmeans the
Commission for Children and YoungPeopleandChildGuardianunderthisActbeforethecommencement of this definition.commissionermeanstheCommissionerforChildrenandYoung People and Child Guardian under this
Act before thecommencement of this definition.Part
6Miscellaneous390Meaning ofparent(1)Aparentof a
child is the child’s mother, father or someoneelse, other than
the chief executive (child safety), having orexercising
parental responsibility for the child.(2)However, a person standing in the place of a
parent of a childon a temporary basis is not a parent of the
child.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 10 General[s 393](3)A parent of an Aboriginal child
includes a person who, underAboriginal
tradition, is regarded as a parent of the child.(4)A parent of a Torres Strait Islander
child includes a personwho, under Island custom, is regarded
as a parent of the child.Notauthorised—indicativeonly393Protection from liability(1)Anofficialdoesnotincurcivilliabilityforanactdone,oromissionmade,honestlyandwithoutnegligenceunderthisAct.(2)Ifsubsection
(1)preventsacivilliabilityattachingtoanofficial, the liability attaches
instead to the State.(3)In this
section—officialmeans—(a)the Minister or a member of the
Minister’s staff; or(b)a public service
employee employed in the department.395Reports by chief executive(1)The chief executive may provide the
Minister with a reportrelatingtotheadministrationofthisAct,includingtheperformance and exercise of the chief
executive’s functionsand powers under this Act.(2)The chief executive must provide the
Minister with a report ofa type mentioned in subsection (1) if
the Minister asks for it.(3)A report under
this section—(a)may relate to matters generally or to
a particular matter;or(b)mayincludeconfidentialinformationaboutapersonobtainedunderchapter 8includingconfidentialinformation to
which section 345 or 385 applies or thatis mentioned in
section 384(1)(b).(4)Thechiefexecutivemustensurethedepartment’sannualreportundertheFinancialAccountabilityAct2009foraPage 158Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 10 General[s 397]financial year includes information about
the number of timesthe Minister asked the chief executive for a
report under thissection during the year.397Chief
executive may enter into arrangement about givingand
receiving information with police commissioner(1)This
section applies only to the extent that another provisionunder this Act allows the chief executive to
give informationto the police commissioner or the police
commissioner to giveinformation to the chief
executive.(2)The chief executive and the police
commissioner may enterinto a written arrangement by which
the information is givenor received.(3)Without limiting subsection (2), the
arrangement may providefor the electronic transfer of
information, including on a dailybasis.(4)However, if information is to be
electronically transferred and,under this Act,
there is a limitation on who may access theinformation or
the purposes for which the information may beused, the
arrangement must provide for the limitation.398Chief
executive may enter into arrangement with chiefexecutive (child
safety)(1)The chief executive and the chief
executive (child safety) mayenter into a
written arrangement about the administration ofchapter 8 in
relation to—(a)a person who is or is likely to be
engaged in regulatedemployment mentioned in schedule 1,
section 14; or(b)aregulatedbusinessmentionedinschedule 1,section
24.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the
arrangement may providefor the electronic transfer of
information, including on a dailybasis, held by
the chief executive about the person or business.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 10 General[s 398A](3)However, if information is to be
electronically transferred and,under this Act,
there is a limitation on who may access theinformation or
the purposes for which the information may beused, the
arrangement must provide for the limitation.398AChief executive may arrange for use of
electronic communications between the chiefexecutive and
another person; or(b)generatingadecisionofthechiefexecutive,otherthan—(i)adecisionaboutwhetherornotthereisanexceptional case for a person;
or(ii)another decision
prescribed by regulation.(2)The chief
executive must take all reasonable steps to ensurethat
a decision generated by an information system is correct.(3)A decision generated by an information
system is taken to be adecision made by the chief
executive.(4)The chief executive may make a
decision in substitution for adecisionthechiefexecutiveistakentohavemadeundersubsection
(3)ifthechiefexecutiveissatisfiedthatthedecision generated by the information
system is incorrect.399Delegation by chief executive(1)Thechiefexecutivemaydelegatethechiefexecutive’sfunctions under
this or another Act to—(a)anappropriatelyqualifiedpublicserviceemployeeemployed in the
department; orPage 160Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 400](b)another individual who the chief executive
considers isanappropriatelyqualifiedpersontoexercisethefunctions delegated to the person.(2)In this section—functionsincludes powers.400Approved formsThe chief
executive may approve forms for use under this Act.401Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.(2)A regulation may be made about fees,
including refunding orwaiving fees, for this Act.(3)Without limiting subsection (2), a
regulation may prescribe afeeforthechiefexecutivegivinginformationundertheEducation(QueenslandCollegeofTeachers)Act2005,section 15D.Chapter 11Transitional and otherprovisionsNote—ThisAct,includingthischapter,wasrenumberedbytheCriminalHistory
Screening Legislation Amendment Act 2010.
Cross-referencestoprovisionsofthisActappearinginthischapterhavenotbeenupdated except
to change references to ‘division’ or ‘div’ in a part ofthis
chapter to ‘part’ or ‘pt’. The remaining cross-references remain
asthey were immediately before the
renumbering.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 402]Part 1Repeal402Repeal of Children’s Commissioner and
Children’sServices Appeals Tribunals Act 1996TheChildren’sCommissionerandChildren’sServicesAppeals Tribunals Act 1996 is
repealed.Part 2Transitional
provisions onrepeal of Children’sCommissioner and
Children’sServices Appeals Tribunals Act1996403Meaning ofcommencing dayIn this
part—commencing daymeans the day
section 168 commences.404Commissioner(1)Thissectionappliestothepersonwho,immediatelybeforethe
commencing day, was the Children’s Commissioner underthe
repealed Act.(2)Subject to sections 26 and 27, the
person continues in office asthecommissionerunderthisActuntiltheendofthetermstated in the
person’s appointment under the repealed Act.(3)Theremuneration,allowancesandtermsofappointmentdecided for the
person under section 12 of the repealed Actare taken to
have been decided under section 23.Page 162Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 405]405Continuation of commission and staff(1)TheChildren’sCommissionestablishedundertherepealedActiscontinuedinexistenceasthecommissionunderthisAct.(2)The staff of the Children’s Commission
established under therepealedActcontinueasthestaffofthecommissionunderthis
Act.406Continuation of certain
complaints(1)This section applies to a complaint
made under part 3 of therepealed Act that—(a)immediately before the commencing day, had
not beenfinally dealt with under the repealed Act;
and(b)if this Act had commenced at the
relevant time, couldhave been made under this Act.(2)The commissioner must continue to deal
with the complaintas if it had been made under this
Act.407Official visitors(1)A
person who, immediately before the commencing day, heldoffice as an official visitor under the
repealed Act continues tohold office as a community visitor, on
the conditions applyingto the person immediately before the
commencing day, untilthe end of the term stated in the
person’s appointment.(2)Subsection (1)
applies subject to section 82(2) and (3).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 163
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 408]Part 3Transitional provisions foramendment of Juvenile JusticeAct
visitors(1)A person who, immediately before the
commencement, heldofficeasanofficialvisitorundertheJuvenileJusticeAct1992—(a)continues to hold office as a
community visitor until theend of the term
stated in the person’s appointment; and(b)whilethepersoncontinuestoholdofficeunderparagraph
(a),continuestobeentitledtotheremuneration and allowances to which
the person wasentitled immediately before the
commencement.(2)Subsection (1) applies subject to
section 82(2) and (3).(3)In this
section—commencementmeansthecommencementofschedule 3,amendments of
theJuvenile Justice Act 1992.Part 4Transitional
provisions forChild Care Act 2002409Meaning ofcommencement
dayIn this part—commencement
daymeans the day this section commences.410Carrying on licensed child care
service(1)This section applies to a person who,
immediately before thecommencement day, was carrying on a
business mentioned inschedule 1, section 10, under a
licence under theChild CareAct 1991.Page 164Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 411](2)The
person does not commit an offence against section 109 bycontinuing to carry on the business without
a current positivenotice—(a)until the day the licence is next due to
expire; and(b)if the person applies for a
suitability notice before thelicence is next
due to expire and does not withdraw theapplication,
until the application is decided.411Carrying on other regulated child care
business(1)This section applies to a person who,
immediately before thecommencement day, was carrying on a
business mentioned inschedule 1,section
10,otherthanunderalicenceundertheChild Care Act 1991.(2)The person does
not commit an offence against section 109 bycontinuing to
carry on the business without a current positivenotice—(a)until the day that is 6 months after the
commencementday; and(b)ifthepersonappliesforasuitabilitynoticewithin6monthsafterthecommencementdayanddoesnotwithdrawtheapplication,untiltheapplicationisdecided.412Employment in child care(1)This
section applies to a person who, immediately before thecommencement day, was employed in employment
mentionedin schedule 1, section 3A.(2)Section 127 does not apply to the
employment of the person.(3)Iftheemploymentisinalicensedchildcareservice,sections 105 and
106 do not apply to the employment until theday the licence
is renewed or the day that is 6 months after thecommencement day, whichever is later.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 413](4)Iftheemploymentisnotinalicensedchildcareservice,sections 105 and 106 do not apply to the
employment until theday that is 6 months after the
commencement day.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 5Transitional
provisions forEducation and OtherLegislation
(StudentProtection) Amendment Act2003413Definitions for
pt 5In this part—amendingActmeanstheEducationandOtherLegislation(Student
Protection) Amendment Act 2003.commencementmeans
commencement of this section.414Outstanding applications for suitability
noticeIfanapplicationforasuitabilitynoticewasmade,butnotdecided, before the commencement, the
application must bedecidedasiftheapplicationhadbeenmadeafterthecommencement.415Employment mentioned in sch 1, s 6A(1)This section applies if a person
immediatelybefore the commencement, was employed by
another person(theemployer)inemploymentmentionedinschedule 1,section
6A.(2)Section 127(1)doesnotapplytotheemploymentoftheemployee.(3)Subject to subsections (4) and (5), section
105 does not applytothecontinuedemploymentoftheemployeebythePage 166Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 416]employerduringtheperiodending3monthsafterthecommencement (the3 months
(5)appliesiftheemployer,whilecontinuingtoemploy the employee, applies for a
suitability notice about theemployee during
the 3 months period.(5)Section 105 does
not apply to the continued employment ofthe employee by
the employer until—(a)iftheapplicationiswithdrawn—thedayofthewithdrawal;
or(b)the day the employer receives a
suitability notice aboutthe employee, after the application is
decided.416Carrying on business mentioned in sch
1, s 11(1)This section applies to a person who,
immediately before thecommencement,wascarryingonabusinessmentionedinschedule 1, section 11.(2)Subject to subsections (3) and (4),
the person does not commitan offence against section 109 by
continuing to carry on thebusiness without a current positive
notice during the periodending3monthsafterthecommencement(the3monthsperiod).(3)Subsection (4)
applies if the person, while continuing to carryonthebusiness,appliesforasuitabilitynoticeabouttheperson during the 3 months period.(4)The person does not commit an offence
against section 109 bycontinuing to carry on the business
without a current positivenotice until—(a)iftheapplicationiswithdrawn—thedayofthewithdrawal;
or(b)the day the person receives a
suitability notice, after theapplication is
decided.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 417]Part 6Transitional provisions forChild Safety LegislationAmendment Act
2004Notauthorised—indicativeonly417Commissioner(1)SubjecttothisAct,thecurrentcommissionercontinuesinoffice under this Act as the
Commissioner for Children andYoung People and
Child Guardian until the end of the termstated in the
person’s appointment.(2)Unlessthecontextotherwiserequires,areferenceinadocumenttotheCommissionerforChildrenandYoungPeopleistakentobeareferencetotheCommissionerforChildren and Young People and Child
Guardian.(3)In this section—commencementdaymeansthedaytheChildSafetyLegislation
Amendment Act 2004, section 39 commences.currentcommissionermeansthepersonwho,immediatelybeforethecommencementday,wastheCommissionerforChildren and Young People.418Commission(1)ThecurrentcommissioncontinuesastheCommissionforChildren and Young People and Child
Guardian.(2)Unlessthecontextotherwiserequires,areferenceinadocument to the Commission for
Children and Young Peopleis taken to be a reference to the
Commission for Children andYoung People and
Child Guardian.(3)In this section—commencementdaymeansthedaytheChildSafetyLegislation
Amendment Act 2004, section 39 commences.currentcommissionmeanstheofficethat,immediatelybeforethecommencementday,wastheCommissionforChildren and Young People.Page
168Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 419]419Child
deaths(1)As far as is practicable, the
commissioner must include, in theregister under
section 89ZC, a record of the child deaths thathappenedbeforethecommencementdayandonorafter1January 2001.(2)The
first report prepared under section 89ZF(1) is due by 31October2005andmustincludethemattersstatedinsection 89ZF(1) for the period from
the commencement dayto 1 July 2005.(3)In
this section—commencementdaymeansthedaytheChildSafetyLegislation
Amendment Act 2004, section 80 commences.420References to child safety departmentIf
theChild Protection Act 1999is
administered only in a partofadepartment,areferenceinthisActtothechildsafetydepartment is a
reference only to that part.421First
report under s 89ZAThefirstreportpreparedundersection 89ZAisdueby31October 2005 and must relate to the period
starting on the daythat section commences and ending on 30 June
2005.Part 7Transitional
provisions for theCommission for Children andYoung People and ChildGuardian
Amendment Act 2004422Volunteers(1)Thissectionappliestoapersontowhomsection
104Bapplies.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 169
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 423](2)Section 104B applies to the person even
though the agreementabout carrying out work, that is
regulated employment, wasentered into before the commencement
of this section.(3)However if, before the commencement,
the employee undersection 104Bstartedcarryingoutworkandtherelevantemployerunderthesectionappliedforaprescribednoticeabout the employee—(a)theemployeemaycontinuetobeemployedbytherelevant employer until the earlier of
the following—(i)1 year after the commencement;(ii)the employee is
issued with a negative notice bythe commissioner
or the application is withdrawn;and(b)theemployermaycontinuetoemploytheemployeeuntil the
earlier of the following—(i)1 year after the
commencement;(ii)the employer is
given notice by the commissionerthatanegativenoticehasbeenissuedtotheemployee or the
application is withdrawn.423Application of
amendment of sch 1 to particularemployment(1)This section applies to a person who,
immediately before thecommencementofthissection,wasemployedorwascontinuingtobeemployedinemploymentthat,afterthecommencement,isregulatedemploymentmentionedinschedule 1, part 1, section 3, 6C, 6E
or 6F.(2)To the extent that, under section
127(1), part 6 does not applyto the
employment of a person mentioned in subsection (1),section 127(1)nolongerapplies,ordoesnotapply,totheemploymentofthepersonandpart
6appliestotheemployment of the person.Page
170Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 424](3)However,despitepart
6applyingtotheemployment,sections 105 and
106 do not apply to the employment of theperson until the
earliest of the following—(a)1 year after the
commencement;(b)if an application for a prescribed
notice about the personis made within that year and is not
withdrawn—the daya prescribed notice is issued to the
person;(c)if an application for a prescribed
notice about the personis made within that year and is
withdrawn—the day ofthe withdrawal.(4)In
this section—employmentincludes
continuing employment.424Employment that
becomes regulated employment otherthan employment
mentioned in s 189(1)(1)This section
applies to employment of a person that—(a)was
not regulated employment immediately before thecommencement of
section 189; and(b)is regulated employment after that
commencement.(2)Section 127(1) applies to the
employment of the person unlesstheemploymentisregulatedemploymentunderschedule 1,part 1, section
3, 6C, 6E or 6F.(3)In this section—employmentincludes
continuing employment.425Carrying on
regulated business(1)This section applies to a person who,
immediately before thecommencementofthissection,wascarryingonabusinessmentioned in
schedule 1, part 2, section 12, 13, 14 or 15.(2)Sections 109 and 113 do not apply to the
carrying on of thebusiness until the earliest of the
following—(a)1 year after the commencement of the
section;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 426](b)if
the person applies for a prescribed notice within thatyear
and does not withdraw the application—the day aprescribed
notice is issued to the person;(c)if
the person applies for a prescribed notice within thatyearbutwithdrawstheapplication—thedayofthewithdrawal.Notauthorised—indicativeonly426Provision because
of the definitionserious offence(1)This
section applies to a decision made under this Act beforethecommencementofthissectionthatinvolvedaseriousoffence as that
term was defined before the commencement.(2)It
is declared that the change to the definition does not
affectthe decision made under this Act before the
commencement.(3)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that a person to whom anegativenoticewasissuedbecauseofthedecisioncannotmakeanapplicationtocancelthenotice,asmentionedinsection 118(3) or 119(3), before the end of
2 years after theissue of the notice.427Issue
of positive notice blue card before commencement(1)Thissectionappliesif,beforethecommencementofthissection, the
commissioner issued—(a)adocument(howeverdescribed)that,immediatelybeforethecommencement,wasacurrentsuitabilitynotice;
and(b)a document purporting to be a positive
notice blue card(thepurportedbluecard)andthedatestatedonthedocument as its
expiry date has not happened.(2)The
purported blue card is a positive notice blue card for thisAct.(3)If
the expiry date stated on the purported blue card was a daylater than the expiry day for the relevant
suitability notice, thepurported blue card and suitability
notice remain current untilthe date stated
in the purported blue card.Page 172Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 428](4)Subsection (3) applies despite section
104.Notauthorised—indicativeonly428Charge for excluding offence not to
apply to particularholders of positive notices(1)This section applies to a person who,
immediately before thecommencement of this section—(a)was the holder of a current positive
notice; and(b)had been charged with an offence that
has not been dealtwith.(2)If,immediatelyafterthecommencement,theoffenceisanexcluding offence, section 119C does
not apply to the person.(3)However if,
after the commencement, the person is convictedof the excluding
offence with which the person was chargedbeforethecommencement,oranotherexcludingoffence,acourt may make a disqualification order
under section 126Cand section 119A or 119B may apply to the
person.429References to suitability
noticeIn an Act or document, a reference to a
suitability notice may,ifthecontextpermits,betakentobeareferencetoaprescribed
notice.Part 8Further
transitional provisionsfor the Commission forChildren and Young People andChild Guardian AmendmentAct 2004430Definitions for pt 8In
this part—commencementmeans
commencement of this section.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 173
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 431]post-amendedActmeanstheCommissionforChildrenandYoung People and Child Guardian Act
2000as in force fromtimetotimeonandafter17January2005andbeforethecommencement.pre-amendedActmeanstheCommissionforChildrenandYoungPeopleandChildGuardianAct2000asinforceimmediately
before 17 January 2005.relevant applicant, in relation to
a relevant application, meansthepersoninrelationtowhomtherelevantapplicationismade.relevant
applicationmeans an application under section
100or101ofthepre-amendedActthatwasreceivedbythecommissioner before 17 January
2005.suitabilitynoticemeansasuitabilitynoticeunderthepre-amended Act.431Main
purpose of pt 8The main purpose of this part is to clarify
and declare the lawapplying, in particular circumstances, to
relevant applicationsand to suitability notices.432Circumstances, after commencement, in
whichpre-amended Act applies to outstanding
section applies to a relevant application and the relevantapplicant if—(a)a
decision under section 102(1) of the pre-amended Actabout the relevant application had not been
made before17 January 2005; and(b)beforethecommencement,thecommissionerhadnotissued a prescribed notice to the
relevant applicant; and(c)on or after 17
January 2005, no police information andno disciplinary
information about the relevant applicantwas received by
the commissioner.Page 174Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 433](2)The
pre-amended Act applies to the relevant application andtherelevantapplicantforthepurposeofmakingadecisionabout the
relevant application.(3)Ifthedecision,byapplicationofthepre-amendedAct,involvesdeclaringtherelevantapplicanttobeasuitableperson for
child-related employment, the relevant applicant istobeissued,undersection
102(2)(a)ofthisAct,withapositive notice.(4)Ifthedecision,byapplicationofthepre-amendedAct,involves declaring the relevant applicant to
be an unsuitableperson for child-related employment, the
relevant applicant istobeissued,undersection 102(2)(b)ofthisAct,withanegative notice.(5)Ontheissuingofapositivenoticeasmentionedinsubsection (3),oranegativenoticeasmentionedinsubsection (4), this Act, and not the
pre-amended Act, applies.(6)Despite
subsection (5), if a negative notice is issued—(a)the
relevant applicant may only apply under section 121ofthepre-amendedActforareviewofthedecisionunder section 102 of the pre-amended Act;
and(b)thepre-amendedActappliestotheapplicationforreview,thereviewandanyappealrelatingtothedecision on
review.433Circumstances, after commencement, in
which this Actapplies to outstanding relevant
applicationThis Act, and not the pre-amended Act,
applies to all mattersrelating to a relevant application,
and any decision relating tothe relevant
application, if—(a)a decision under section 102(1) of the
pre-amended Actabout the relevant application had not been
made before17 January 2005; and(b)beforethecommencement,thecommissionerhadnotissued a prescribed notice to the
relevant applicant; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 434](c)onorafter17January2005,policeinformationordisciplinaryinformationabouttherelevantapplicantwas
received by the commissioner.Notauthorised—indicativeonly434Relevant
applications dealt with before commencement(1)This
section applies to a relevant application if a decision inrelation to the relevant application was
made on or after 17January 2005 and before the
commencement.(2)Ifthecommissionerdealtwiththerelevantapplicationbyapplying the pre-amended Act, it is declared
that—(a)the relevant application has been
validly dealt with byapplying the pre-amended Act;
and(b)a decision of the commissioner in
relation to the relevantapplicationisnotinvalidonlybecausethedecisioninvolved the
application of the pre-amended Act; and(c)thisAct,andnotthepre-amendedAct,appliestoallmattersrelatingtothedecisionafterthedecisionismade.(3)Despite subsection (2)(c), if the decision
is to issue a negativenotice—(a)the
relevant applicant may only apply under section 121ofthepre-amendedActforareviewofthedecisionunder section 102 of the pre-amended Act;
and(b)thepre-amendedActappliestotheapplicationforreview,thereviewandanyappealrelatingtothedecision on
review.(4)Ifthecommissionerdealtwiththerelevantapplicationbyapplying the post-amended Act, it is
declared that—(a)the relevant application has been
validly dealt with byapplying the post-amended Act;
and(b)a decision of the commissioner in
relation to the relevantapplicationisnotinvalidonlybecausethedecisioninvolved the
application of the post-amended Act; andPage 176Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 435](c)thisAct,andnotthepre-amendedAct,appliestoallmatters relating to the
decision.Notauthorised—indicativeonly435Application of ss 122 and 122A in
particularcircumstances(1)Fortheapplicationofsections 122and122Atoarelevantapplication and
the relevant applicant, the relevant applicationis
taken to be an application for a prescribed notice that hasnot
been withdrawn and the relevant applicant is taken not tohave
withdrawn his or her consent to employment screeningunder part 6.(2)Subsection (1)doesnotpreventarelevantapplicationfrombeingwithdrawnbeforethecommissionerdecidestherelevant application.436Circumstances, after commencement,
relating to ss 118and 119 of pre-amended Act(1)This section applies if—(a)before 17 January 2005, the
commissioner—(i)had received an application under
section 118(2) ofthe pre-amended Act to cancel a negative
notice (aprevious section 118 application);
or(ii)hadreceivedorotherwisebecomeawareofinformationthatmayhaveallowedthecommissioner to exercise a power as
mentioned insection 119(1) or (1A) of the pre-amended
Act (theprevioussection
119power)inrelationtoasuitability notice; and(b)beforethecommencement,thecommissionerhadnotdecided whether or not to grant the
previous section 118applicationortoexercisetheprevioussection
119powerand,subjecttosubsection (6),theCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 437]commissionermaygrantorrefusetheprevioussection
118applicationorexerciseornotexercisetheprevioussection 119
power.(3)Afteradecisionismadeaboutwhetherornottogranttheprevious section 118 application, or
to exercise the previoussection 119power,thisAct,andnotthepre-amendedAct,applies.(4)However, if the decision under subsection
(2) is a decision toissue a negative notice to a person,
or a decision refusing aperson’s application to cancel a
negative notice—(a)thepersonmayonlyapplyundersection
121ofthepre-amended Act
for a review of the decision; and(b)thepre-amendedActappliestotheapplicationforreview,thereviewandanyappealrelatingtothedecision on
review.(5)Despite subsections (1) to (4),
subsection (6) applies if, on orafter 17 January
2005, the commissioner received or receivesinformationthatallowedorallowsthecommissionertoexercise a power as mentioned in section
119(1) or (2) of thisAct in relation to a suitability
notice—(a)that is the subject of a previous
section 118 application;or(b)towhichaprevioussection
Act, and not the pre-amended Act, applies to all mattersrelating to the suitability notice mentioned
in subsection (5).437Circumstances, before commencement,
relating toss 118 and 119 of pre-amended Act(1)If, on or after 17 January 2005 and
before the commencement,the commissioner cancelled or refused
to cancel a suitabilitynotice, whether under section 118 or
119 of the pre-amendedActorpost-amendedAct,thecancellationorrefusalisdeclaredtohavebeenvalidlydealtwithbyapplyingthepre-amended Act or post-amended Act.Page
178Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 438](2)If
the cancellation or refusal has been dealt with by applyingthe
pre-amended Act, the cancellation or refusal may only bereviewed on an application for review under
section 121 of thepre-amendedActandthepre-amendedActappliestotheapplication for review, the review and
any appeal relating tothe decision on review.(3)Subject to subsection (2), this Act,
and not the pre-amendedAct,appliestoallmattersrelatingtothecancellationorrefusal.438Circumstances where pre-amended Act applies
toapplication for review made before
commencement(1)If, before the commencement, there was
no final decision inrelation to a previous application for
review, the pre-amendedAct applies to the previous
application for review, the reviewand any appeal
relating to the decision on review.(2)If,
before the commencement, the tribunal had started to hearapreviousapplicationforreviewbuthadnotmadeafinaldecision, the
tribunal may, for the purposes of subsection (1),exercise its powers under theChildren Services Tribunal Act2000andissuedirectionsinrelationtothepreviousapplication for
review and the hearing.(3)If, before the
commencement, a final decision in relation to apreviousapplicationforreviewhadbeenmade,thepre-amended Act applies to the
following—(a)if,undertheChildrenServicesTribunalAct2000,section 38(1)(c),thetribunalhadsetasidethecommissioner’sdecisionthatwasthesubjectofthepreviousapplicationforreviewandreturnedittothecommissioner for
reconsideration—the reconsideration;(b)otherwise—any appeal relating to the final
decision.(4)In this section—finaldecisionmeansadecisionofthetribunalundertheChildren Services Tribunal Act
2000, section 38.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 179
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 439]previous
application for reviewmeans an application to thetribunalforareviewofadecisionmadebefore17January2005toissueanegativenoticeortorefusetocancelanegative notice.tribunalmeans the Children Services Tribunal.439Circumstances where this Act applies
to notices issuedbefore the commencement(1)This
section applies to each of the following notices—(a)asuitabilitynoticeissuedunderthepre-amendedActand
in force immediately before 17 January 2005;(b)a
prescribed notice issued on or after 17 January 2005and
before the commencement.(2)ItisdeclaredthatthisActappliesinrelationtothenoticeunless—(a)a provision of this part provides that
the pre-amendedAct applies; or(b)part
7 otherwise provides.440References to
prescribed noticeItisdeclaredthatinanActordocument,areferencetoaprescribednoticemay,ifthecontextpermits,betakentoinclude a reference to a suitability
notice.Part 9Transitional
provisions forChild Safety (Carers)Amendment Act
2006441Definition for pt 9In
this part—Page 180Current as at
[Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 442]commencementmeansthedayonwhichtheprovisioninwhich the term is used commences.Notauthorised—indicativeonly442Regulated employment—volunteers(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement—(a)aperson(theemployee)wasemployedorwascontinuingtobeemployedbyanotherperson(theemployer)inemploymentthat,afterthecommencement, is regulated employment
mentioned inschedule 1, section 6G(1) or (2); and(b)the person does not have a positive
notice.(2)Section 127(2)doesnotapplytotheemploymentoftheemployee.(3)Despitesubsection
(2),theemployeemaycontinueintheregulatedemploymentandtheemployermaycontinuetoemploy the employee in the regulated
employment until—(a)if an application for a prescribed
notice about the personis made within 6 months after the
commencement and isnot withdrawn—the day a prescribed notice is
issued tothe person; or(b)if
an application for a prescribed notice about the personis
made within 6 months after the commencement and iswithdrawn—the day the application is
withdrawn; or(c)if an application for a prescribed
notice about the personis not made within 6 months after the
commencement—6 months after the commencement.(4)Also, despite subsection (2), section
112 does not apply to theperson until the first application for
a prescribed notice aboutthe person is made after the
commencement.443Regulated employment—other
persons(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelycommencement—Current as at
[Not applicable]beforethePage
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 444](a)aperson(theemployee)wasemployedorwascontinuingtobeemployedbyanotherperson(theemployer)inemploymentthat,afterthecommencement, is regulated employment
mentioned inschedule 1, section 6G(3); and(b)the person does not have a positive
notice.(2)Section 127(2)doesnotapplytotheemploymentoftheemployee.(3)Despitesubsection
(2),theemployeemaycontinueintheregulatedemployment,andtheemployermaycontinuetoemploy the employee in the regulated
employment until—(a)if an application for a prescribed
notice about the personis made within 6 months after the
commencement and isnot withdrawn—the day a prescribed notice is
issued tothe person; or(b)if
an application for a prescribed notice about the personis
made within 6 months after the commencement and iswithdrawn—the day the application is
withdrawn; or(c)if an application for a prescribed
notice about the personis not made within 6 months after the
commencement—6 months after the commencement.(4)Also, despite subsection (2), section
112 does not apply to theperson until the first application for
a prescribed notice aboutthe person is made after the
commencement.444Carrying on regulated business(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement—(a)apersonwascarryingonabusinessthat,afterthecommencement,isaregulatedbusinessmentionedinschedule 1, section 16; and(b)the person does not have a positive
notice.(2)Section 109 does not apply to the
carrying on of the businessuntil—Page
182Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 445](a)ifthepersonappliesforaprescribednoticewithin6months after the commencement and does not
withdrawthe application—the day a prescribed notice
is issued tothe person; or(b)ifthepersonappliesforaprescribednoticewithin6monthsafterthecommencementandwithdrawstheapplication—the day of the withdrawal;
or(c)ifthepersondoesnotapplyforaprescribednoticewithin6monthsafterthecommencement—6monthsafter the commencement.(3)Section 113 does not apply to the person
until the person firstapplies for a prescribed notice after
the commencement.445Particular certificates of approval
under Child ProtectionAct 1999(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,apersonhasappliedforacertificate of approval and the
application has not beendecided; and(b)after the commencement, the person is issued
with thecertificate of approval.(2)Despite section 104B, a relevant person may
be employed inregulated employment mentioned in schedule
1, section 6G(1)or (2) until—(a)if
an application for a prescribed notice about the personis
made within 6 months after the commencement and isnot
withdrawn—the day a prescribed notice is issued tothe
person; or(b)if an application for a prescribed
notice about the personis made within 6 months after the
commencement and iswithdrawn—the day the application is
withdrawn; or(c)if an application for a prescribed
notice about the personis not made within 6 months after the
commencement—6 months after the commencement.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 446](3)Also, section 112 does not apply to a
relevant person until thefirstapplicationforaprescribednoticeaboutthepersonismade
after the commencement.(4)In this
section—certificate of approvalmeans a
certificate of approval undertheChild Protection Act 1999.relevantpersonmeans each of the following persons if
theperson does not have a positive
notice—(a)the applicant for the certificate of
approval;(b)apersonwhoisanadultmemberoftheapplicant’shousehold when
the certificate of approval is issued.446Particular licences under Child Protection
Act 1999(1)This section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,apersonhasappliedforalicenceundertheChildProtectionAct1999andtheapplication has not been decided;
and(b)after the commencement, the person is
issued with thelicence.(2)Section 109 does not apply to a relevant
person until—(a)ifthepersonappliesforaprescribednoticewithin6months after the commencement and does not
withdrawthe application—the day a prescribed notice
is issued tothe person; or(b)ifthepersonappliesforaprescribednoticewithin6monthsafterthecommencementandwithdrawstheapplication—the day of the withdrawal;
or(c)ifthepersondoesnotapplyforaprescribednoticewithin6monthsafterthecommencement—6monthsafter the commencement.(3)Section 113doesnotapplytoarelevantpersonuntilthepersonfirstappliesforaprescribednoticeafterthecommencement.Page 184Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 447](4)In
this section—relevantpersonmeanseachofthefollowingpersonsif,immediately before the commencement, the
person does nothave a positive notice—(a)the
nominee for the licence under theChild
ProtectionAct 1999;(b)an executive officer of the
licensee.Part 10Transitional and
validationprovisions for Commission forChildren and Young People andChild Guardian AmendmentAct 2007447Definitions for pt 10In
this part—commencing daymeans the day
this section commences.revised regulated business, in
relation to a person, means abusiness carried
on by the person that—(a)wasnotaregulatedbusinessunderschedule 1,part 2,section 8,asinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencing day; and(b)isaregulatedbusinessunderschedule
1,part 2,section 8, as in
force on the commencing day.revised
regulated employment, in relation to a person,
meansemployment of the person that—(a)was not regulated employment under
schedule 1, part 1,section 5,asinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencing day; and(b)isregulatedemploymentunderschedule 1,part 1,section 5, as in force on the commencing
day.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 448]transition
periodmeans the period, including a period
beforethe commencing day, ending 3 months after
the commencingday.448Continuing
employment in health, counselling or supportservices(1)This section applies if a person whose
employment is revisedregulated employment does not hold a
positive notice.(2)Anemployerofthepersondoesnotcommitanoffenceagainstapenaltyprovisionbycontinuingtoemploytheperson—(a)if
an application for a prescribed notice about the personhasbeenmadewithinthetransitionperiod,andtheapplicationisnotwithdrawnbeforethecommencingday—until the
day a prescribed notice is issued to theperson;
or(b)if an application for a prescribed
notice about the personhasbeenmadewithinthetransitionperiod,andtheapplicationiswithdrawnonorafterthecommencingday—until the
day the application is withdrawn; or(c)if
an application for a prescribed notice about the personis
not made within 3 months after the commencing dayand
paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply—until 3 monthsafter the commencing day.(3)Subsection (2) does not apply to an
employer who—(a)is aware, or becomes aware, that a
negative notice hasbeen issued to the person and is current;
119C(5)or126B(2)(b)that the
person’s positive notice is suspended.(4)In
this section—penalty provisionmeans section
104B or 105(2).Page 186Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 449]449Carrying on regulated business providing
health,counselling or support services(1)This section applies to a person
who—(a)carries on a business that is a
revised regulated business;and(b)does not hold a prescribed
notice.(2)The person does not commit an offence
against section 109 bycontinuing to carry on the business
without a positive notice—(a)if an
application for a prescribed notice for the personhasbeenmadewithinthetransitionperiod,andtheapplicationisnotwithdrawnbeforethecommencingday—until the
day a prescribed notice is issued to theperson;
or(b)if an application for a prescribed
notice for the personhasbeenmadewithinthetransitionperiod,andtheapplicationiswithdrawnonorafterthecommencingday—until the
day the application is withdrawn; or(c)if
an application for a prescribed notice about the personis
not made within 3 months after the commencing dayand
paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply—until 3 monthsafter the commencing day.(3)This section does not limit section
119C(3).450Applications and decisions made before
the commencingday relating to health, counselling or
support services(1)This section applies to the
following—(a)an application for a prescribed notice
made under thisAct before the commencing day relating to
employmentthat is revised regulated employment, or
carrying on abusiness that is a revised regulated
business, in relationto a person;(b)allmattersrelatingtoanapplicationmentionedinparagraph (a),including,forexample,decisionsaboutCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 187
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 451]an application
made before the commencing day by thecommissioner or
the Children Services Tribunal.(2)The
application and matters are not invalid merely because theapplication and matters related to
employment that is revisedregulatedemployment,orcarryingonabusinessthatisarevised
regulated business.(3)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatif,beforethecommencingday,anapplicationwasmadetotheChildrenServices
Tribunal to review a reviewable decision in relationtoanapplicationmentionedinsubsection (1)(a),theapplication must continue to be dealt with
on the basis that thedecision is not invalid as mentioned
in subsection (2).Part 11Transitional
provisions forCommission for Children andYoung People and ChildGuardian and
Another ActAmendment Act 2008451Definition for pt 11In this
part—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.452Applications by disqualified persons who are
not relevantdisqualified persons(1)Thissectionappliesinrelationtoapersonwhoisadisqualifiedpersonbutwhoisnotarelevantdisqualifiedperson.(2)If—(a)an
application for a prescribed notice about the personwas
made before the commencement; andPage 188Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 453](b)theapplicationhadnotbeendecidedbeforethecommencement; and(c)at
the time of the application, the person did not hold apositivenotice,includingapositivenoticethatissuspended under section 119C;the
application is taken to have been withdrawn.(3)If—(a)an application
for a prescribed notice about the personwas made before
the commencement; and(b)theapplicationhadnotbeendecidedbeforethecommencement; and(c)at
the time of the application, the person held a positivenotice that was not suspended under section
119C;thepersonistakentohavebeenissuedwithaneligibilitydeclaration and
the commissioner must decide the applicationunder this
Act.(4)Fordecidingtheapplicationmentionedinsubsection (3),section
102(3)(e) does not apply.(5)If, before the
commencement—(a)thepersonmadeanapplicationforcancellationofanegative notice or for cancellation of
a suspension of apositive notice; and(b)the
application had not been decided;the commissioner
must decide the application under this Act.453Applications by relevant disqualified
persons(1)This section applies in relation to a
person who is a relevantdisqualified person.(2)If—(a)an
application for a prescribed notice about the personwas
made before the commencement; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 189
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 454](b)theapplicationhadnotbeendecidedbeforethecommencement; and(c)at
the time of the application, the person did not hold apositivenotice,includingapositivenoticethatissuspended under section 119C;the
application is taken to have been withdrawn.(3)If—(a)an application
for a prescribed notice about the personwas made before
the commencement; and(b)theapplicationhadnotbeendecidedbeforethecommencement; and(c)at
the time of the application, the person held a positivenoticeincludingapositivenoticethatissuspendedunder section
119C;theapplicationistakentohavebeenwithdrawnandthepositive notice is taken to have been
cancelled.(4)If, before the commencement—(a)thepersonmadeanapplicationforcancellationofanegative notice; and(b)the application had not been
decided;the application is taken to have been
refused.(5)If, before the commencement—(a)thepersonmadeanapplicationforcancellationofasuspension of a positive notice;
and(b)the application had not been
decided;theapplicationistakentohavebeenwithdrawnandthepositive notice is taken to have been
cancelled.454Applications by persons who are not
section applies in relation to a person—Page 190Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 455](a)who
is not a disqualified person; and(b)forwhomanapplicationforaprescribednotice,forcancellation of a negative notice or
for cancellation of asuspensionofapositivenotice,wasmadebeforethecommencement.Editor’s
note—An application may have been made under
section 100, 101, 118, 119or 119D.(2)ThisActappliestotheapplicationand,iftheapplicationcompliedwiththisActbeforethecommencement,theapplication is not invalid only because it
does not comply withthis Act on the commencement.455Existing applications for review or
appeal(1)Thissectionappliestoapersonwho,beforethecommencement, made—(a)an
application for a review under section 121; or(b)inrelationtoadecisionoftheChildrenServicesTribunal—an appeal to a court.(2)If the application or appeal has not
been decided before thecommencement, the tribunal or court
must—(a)ifthepersonisadisqualifiedperson—onitsowninitiative or on
application by the commissioner, dismissthe application
or appeal; or(b)otherwise—apply this Act in relation
to the matter of theapplication or appeal.456Positive notices held by disqualified
persons who are notrelevant disqualified persons(1)Thissectionappliesinrelationtoapersonwhoisadisqualified
person but who is not—(a)a relevant
disqualified person; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 457](b)a
person in relation to whom the commissioner started,beforethecommencement,toexerciseapowerundersection 119; or(c)apersonwhoistakentohavebeenissuedwithaneligibility declaration under section
218(3).(2)If,onthecommencement,thepersonistheholderofapositive notice—(a)that
is not suspended under section 119C, the person istaken to have been issued with an
eligibility declaration;or(b)that
is suspended under section 119C, this Act applies tothe
positive notice.Note—See section
119D(2).(3)If—(a)after the commencement, the commissioner is
to make adecision about an application under section
100 or 101foraprescribednoticeaboutapersonmentionedinsubsection (2)(a); and(b)itisthefirsttimeafterthecommencementthatthecommissioner is to make a decision
under section 102about the person;section
102(3)(e)doesnotapplytothecommissionerfordeciding the application.457Positive notices held by relevant
disqualified persons(1)This section
applies if, on the commencement, a person—(a)is a
relevant disqualified person; and(b)istheholderofapositivenotice,whetherornotthepositive notice is suspended under section
119C; and(c)is not a person mentioned in section
219(3).(2)The positive notice is
cancelled.Page 192Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 458]458Continuation if commissioner acting on own
initiativeIf, before the commencement, the
commissioner had startedon the commissioner’s own initiative
to exercise a power inrelationtoapersonoraprescribednoticeandthecommissionermay,onthecommencement,exercisethepowerunderthisAct,thecommissionermaycontinuetoexercise the power under this Act in
relation to the person orprescribed notice.459Notice by commissioner of withdrawal of
applicationunder this part(1)This
section applies if an application for a prescribed noticeabout a person, for cancellation of a
person’s negative noticeorforcancellationofasuspensionofaperson’spositivenotice is taken to have been withdrawn under
section 218 or219.(2)Thecommissionermustgivewrittennoticetothepersonabout the
withdrawal of the applicationandmust
otherwisegive notice as mentioned in section
123A(2).(3)A notice under subsection (2) is taken
to be a notice about awithdrawal as mentioned in section
123(3B).460Notice by commissioner of cancellation
of positive noticeunder this part(1)This
section applies if a person’s positive notice is taken tohave
been cancelled under section 219 or 223.(2)Thecommissionermustgivewrittennoticetothepersonaboutthecancellationandmustotherwisegivenoticeasmentioned in section 123A(2) as if a
negative notice had beenissued to the person.(3)Awrittennoticementionedinsubsection (2)istaken,forsections 107 and 108, to be a notice that a
negative notice hasbeen issued.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 193
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 461]Note—Apersonwhosepositivenoticeiscancelledmustcomplywithsection 117.Notauthorised—indicativeonly461Application of ss
120B, 120C and 120DFor sections 120B, 120C(1)(a) and 120D, it
is immaterial astowhentheoffencementionedintheprovisionwascommitted or when the person to whom
the provision applieswas convicted.Example—An
offence may have been committed, and the person convicted of
theoffence, before the commencement.462Application of s 120E(1)This section applies in relation to a
person who—(a)is a disqualified person; and(b)atthecommencement,isemployedinregulatedemployment;
and(c)is not a person in relation to whom
section 218, 219 or222 applies.(2)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthat,onthecommencement,
section 120E(1)(c) applies to the person evenif it is not an
offence for a person to employ the disqualifiedperson in
regulated employment.463No retrospective
criminal liability(1)A provision of this Act as amended by
the amending part isnoteffectivetoimposecriminalliabilityonapersonretrospectively.(2)In
this section—amendingpartmeanstheCommissionforChildrenandYoungPeopleandChildGuardianandAnotherActAmendment Act 2008, part 2.Page
194Current as at [Not applicable]
12Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 464]Transitional
provision forCriminal Code and Other ActsAmendment Act 2008Notauthorised—indicativeonly464References in schs 2 and 4 to Criminal
Code offenceSchedules 2and4applyasifareferencetotheCriminalCode, section 208 included a reference to
the Criminal Code,section 209asinforceatanytimebeforeitsrepealbytheCriminal Code and Other Acts Amendment
Act 2008.Part 13Transitional
provisions forCriminal History ScreeningLegislation Amendment Act2010Division 1Preliminary465Definitions for pt 13In this
Amendment Act 2010.commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.disability
services regulated businessmeans a business
that isaregulatedbusinessbecausetheusualactivitiesofthebusiness include, or are likely to
include, the provision of aserviceatachild-relatedserviceoutletofafundednon-government
service provider.disability services regulated
employmentmeans employmentthat is
regulated employment because—(a)theemployerisafundednon-governmentserviceprovider; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 195
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 465]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 196(b)1 or
more of the usual functions of the employment arecarriedout,orarelikelytobecarriedout,atachild-relatedserviceoutletofthefundednon-government
service student regulated businessmeans a business that is aregulated business because the usual
activities of the businessinclude, or are likely to include, a
health student providing aservice to a child in the health
student’s capacity as a healthstudent.healthstudentregulatedemploymentmeansemploymentthat is
regulated employment because the usual functions oftheemploymentinclude,orarelikelytoinclude,ahealthstudent
providing a service to a child in the health student’scapacity as a health
disqualified personmeans a person who is a disqualifiedperson only because—(a)thepersonhasbeenorisconvictedofanewdisqualifying
offence; or(b)the person is subject to a sexual
offender order; or(c)both of paragraphs (a) and (b) apply
to the person.newdisqualifyingoffencemeansanoffencethatisadisqualifyingoffenceunderthisActbutwasnotadisqualifying
offence under this Act immediately before local
government regulated businessmeans a
businessthat is a regulated business under section
156 but was not aregulated business under previous section
97, and is carried onby a local government.newlocalgovernmentregulatedemploymentmeansemployment that is regulated employment
under section 156but was not regulated employment under
previous section 97,if the employer is a local
disqualified person only because—Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 465](a)thepersonhasbeenorisconvictedofanewdisqualifying
offence for which an imprisonment orderwas or is
imposed; or(b)the person is subject to a sexual
offender order; or(c)both of paragraphs (a) and (b) apply
to the person.othernewregulatedbusinessmeansabusinessthatisaregulated
business under section 156 but was not a regulatedbusinessunderprevioussection
disability services regulated business;(b)a
health student regulated business;(c)a
new local government regulated business.other new
regulated employmentmeans employment that isregulatedemploymentundersection 156butwasnotregulated
employment under previous section 97, and is notany
of the following—(a)disability services regulated
employment;(b)health student regulated
employment;(c)new local government regulated
employment.prescribedpoliceinformationmeansareportorotherinformationmentionedinsection 136(2)oftheunamendedAct.previous section 97means section 97
of this Act as in forceimmediately before the
Act.unamended Actmeans this Act
as in force from time to timebefore the
commencement.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 466]Division 2Transitional provisions relating tochapter 8Notauthorised—indicativeonly466Existing
applications for prescribed notice aboutemployment that
is no longer regulated employment(1)This
section applies to an application for a prescribed noticemade
under section 100 of the unamended Act that—(a)hasnotbeendecidedorwithdrawnatthecommencement; and(b)relatestotheemploymentofapersoninformerregulated
employment.(2)The application is taken to have been
withdrawn.(3)The commissioner must—(a)give written notice of the withdrawal
to—(i)the person; and(ii)each
notifiable person for the person; and(b)refund any fee paid for the
application.(4)In this section—former regulated
employmentmeans employment that is notregulatedemploymentundersection 156butwasregulatedemployment under
previous section 97.467Existing applications for prescribed
notice about abusiness that is no longer a regulated
business(1)This section applies to an application
for a prescribed noticemade under section 101 of the
unamended Act that—(a)hasnotbeendecidedorwithdrawnatthecommencement; and(b)relates to carrying on a former regulated
business.(2)The application is taken to have been
withdrawn.(3)The commissioner must—Page
198Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 468](a)give
written notice of the withdrawal to—(i)the
person; and(ii)each notifiable
person for the person; and(b)refund any fee
paid for the application.(4)In this
156butwasaregulatedbusiness under
previous section 97.468Existing applications for prescribed
notice about personconvicted of new disqualifying
offence(1)This section applies to an application
for a prescribed noticemade under section 100 or 101 of the
unamended Act that—(a)hasnotbeendecidedorwithdrawnatthecommencement; and(b)relates to a person who has been or is
convicted of a newdisqualifyingoffencebutwhoisnotanewrelevantdisqualified
person.(2)If,atthetimeoftheapplication,thepersondidnotholdapositive notice or held a positive notice
that was suspendedunder section 119C of the unamended
Act—(a)the application is taken to have been
withdrawn; and(b)thecommissionermustgivewrittennoticeofthewithdrawal to—(i)the
person; and(ii)each notifiable
person for the person.(3)If, at the time
of the application, the person held a positivenoticethatwasnotsuspendedundersection 119Coftheunamended Act—(a)thepersonistakentohavebeenissuedwithaneligibilitydeclarationotherthanforsection 223(1)(b);andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 469](b)the
commissioner must decide the application under thisAct.469Existing
applications for prescribed notice about newrelevant
disqualified person(1)This section applies to an application
for a prescribed noticemade under section 100 or 101 of the
unamended Act that—(a)hasnotbeendecidedorwithdrawnatthecommencement; and(b)relatestoapersonwhoisanewrelevantdisqualifiedperson.(2)The application is taken to have been
withdrawn.(3)The commissioner must give written
notice of the withdrawalto—(a)the
person; and(b)each notifiable person for the
person.470Other existing applications for
prescribed notice(1)This section applies to an application
for a prescribed notice(existing
application) that—(a)was
made under section 100 or 101 of the unamendedAct; and(b)hasnotbeendecidedorwithdrawnatthecommencement; and(c)is
not an application to which section 466, 467, 468 or469
applies.(2)The application is taken to be a
prescribed notice applicationundertherelevantprovision(chapter 8application)and,subjecttosubsection (5),chapter
8,part 4appliestotheapplication.Page 200Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 471](3)Subject to subsection (4), anything done or
existing in relationtotheexistingapplicationistakentohavebeendoneorexisting in relation to the chapter 8
application.Examples for subsection (3)—1The commissioner has given the person
about whom the existingapplicationismadeanoticeaskingforstatedinformation,including by way
of a submission. The notice is taken to have beengiven in relation to the chapter 8
application.2Thecommissionerhasrequestedpoliceinformationaboutthepersonaboutwhomtheexistingapplicationismadefromthepolice commissioner. The request is
taken to have been made inrelation to the chapter 8
application.(4)Subsection (3) applies only to the
extent the thing can be doneor in existence
in relation to the chapter 8 application.(5)Despite section 231(2), a prescribed notice
issued under thissection remains current for 2 years after it
is issued, unless itis earlier cancelled under chapter 8,
part 4, division 11.(6)In this
section—relevant provisionmeans—(a)for an application under section 100
of the unamendedAct—section 199; or(b)for
an application under section 101 of the unamendedAct—section 211.471Existing positive notices held by new
relevantdisqualified person because of interim
order(1)Thissectionappliesinrelationtoapositivenoticeissuedundersection 102(2)(a)oftheunamendedAct(includingapositive notice that, immediately before the
commencement,is suspended under section 119C of the
unamended Act) to aperson who is a new relevant disqualified
person only becausethe person is subject to an interim sexual
offender order.(2)If the positive notice is not
suspended under section 119C ofthe unamended
Act immediately before the commencement,the commissioner
must, by written notice given to the person,suspend the
person’s positive notice.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 472](3)Thewrittennoticemuststatethemattersmentionedinsection 240(3).(4)If
the positive notice is suspended under section 119C of theunamended Act immediately before the
commencement andthesuspensionhasnotendedatthecommencement,thesuspension continues subject to subsection
(5).(5)Sections 240 and 241 apply to the
suspended positive noticeas if the notice were suspended under
section 240(2).472Existing positive notices held by
other new relevantdisqualified persons(1)Thissectionappliesinrelationtoapositivenoticeissuedundersection 102(2)(a)oftheunamendedAct(includingapositive notice that, immediately before the
commencement,is suspended under section 119C of the
unamended Act) to aperson who is a new relevant disqualified
person other than aperson mentioned in section 471(1).(2)The positive notice is
cancelled.(3)If, immediately before the
commencement, the positive noticeis suspended
under section 119C of the unamended Act, anyapplicationforthecancellationofthesuspensionundersection 119D of the unamended Act that has
not been decidedorwithdrawnatthecommencementistakentohavebeenwithdrawn.(4)The
commissioner must give notice of the cancellation of thepositive notice to—(a)the
person; and(b)each notifiable person for the
person.(5)A notice mentioned in subsection
(4)—(a)must state that the positive notice is
cancelled and thedate the positive notice is cancelled;
and(b)istaken,forsections 194,195,256and257,tobeanoticethatanegativenoticehasbeenissuedtotheperson on the
date the positive notice is cancelled.Page 202Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 473]473Other
existing positive notices and positive notice bluecards(1)Thissectionappliesinrelationtoapositivenoticeissuedunder section
102(2)(a) of the unamended Act that is currentunder this Act
immediately before the commencement, otherthan a positive
notice to which section 471 or 472 applies.(2)The
positive notice—(a)istakentobeapositivenoticeissuedundersection 220(a); and(b)remainscurrentfor2yearsafteritwasissuedundersection 102(2)(a)oftheunamendedAct,unlessitisearlier cancelled under chapter 8,
part 4, division 11.(3)Any positive
notice blue card issued under the unamended Actfor the positive
notice—(a)continues to be a positive notice blue
card relating to thepositive notice; and(b)remainscurrentforthesameperiodasthepositivenotice.(4)If the holder of the positive notice
is a new disqualified person(butnotanewrelevantdisqualifiedperson),thepersonistakentohavebeenissuedwithaneligibilitydeclaration,subject to
subsection (5).(5)If,afterthecommencement,thecommissioneristomake,under chapter 8,
part 4, division 9 (including as applied underother provisions
of chapter 8), a decision about the holder of apositive notice
who is a new disqualified person, and it is thefirst time the
commissioner is to make a decision under thatdivisionaboutthepersonafterthecommencement,section
223(1)(b) does not apply to the commissioner makingthe
decision.474Existing negative notices(1)Anegativenoticeissuedundersection
102(2)(b)oftheunamendedActthatiscurrentundertheunamendedActCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 475]immediatelybeforethecommencementistakentobeanegative notice
issued under section 220(b).(2)Forsubsection (1),the2yearperiodmentionedinsection 236(3)runsfromthedatethenegativenoticewasissued under section 102(2)(b) of the
unamended Act.Notauthorised—indicativeonly475Application of ch
8 to police officers and registeredteachers(1)Section 173andchapter 8,part 5donottakeeffectuntil3monthsafterthecommencement(theexemptionnoticeregime commencement date).(2)Chapter 8,part 4appliesinrelationtoapoliceofficerorregisteredteacheruntiltheexemptionnoticeregimecommencement
date—(a)with any necessary changes; and(b)subject to this part.(3)Aprescribednoticeapplicationaboutapoliceofficerorregistered teacher that has not been
decided or withdrawn attheexemptionnoticeregimecommencementdatemustbedecided under chapter 8, part 4 despite
section 173.(4)Aneligibilityapplicationmadebyapoliceofficerorregistered teacher that has not been decided
or withdrawn atthe exemption notice regime commencement
date is taken tohave been withdrawn, and the commissioner
must give writtennoticeofthewithdrawaltothepoliceofficerorregisteredteacher.(5)A current positive notice or current
negative notice held by apoliceofficerorregisteredteacherattheexemptionnoticeregimecommencementdate,orissuedunderthispart,continuesineffectdespitesection 173,andsection 247applies in
relation to the notice.(6)Without limiting
subsection (2)(a), until the exemption noticeregime
commencement date, sections 36 and 243 apply as ifthey
provided for the issue of a prescribed notice, instead ofPage
204Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 476]an exemption
notice, to a personwhoisapoliceofficerorregistered teacher.476Application of ch 8 to disability
services regulatedemployment(1)Chapter 8 does not apply to the employment
of a person indisability services regulated employment
until 3 months afterthe commencement (disability
services commencement date).(2)Subsection (3)appliestoapersonwho,atthedisabilityservices
commencement date—(a)isemployedindisabilityservicesregulatedemployment;
and(b)does not have a current positive
notice; and(c)either—(i)hasacurrentpositivenoticeundertheDisabilityServices Act
2006(DSA positive notice);
or(ii)has an
application for a prescribed notice under theDisabilityServicesAct2006thathasnotbeendecided or withdrawn (DSA
application).(3)The relevant
regulatory provisions do not apply in relation tothe
employment of the person until—(a)for
a person who has a DSA positive notice—the earlierof
the following—(i)theexpiryorcancellationoftheperson’sDSApositivenoticeundertheDisabilityServicesAct2006;(ii)12monthsafterthedisabilityservicescommencement date; or(b)for
a person who has a DSA application—(i)ifthepersonisissuedwithaDSApositivenotice—12monthsafterthedisabilityservicescommencement date; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 205
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 477](ii)if
the person is issued with a negative notice undertheDisabilityServicesAct2006—thedaythenegative notice
is issued; or(iii)iftheperson’sDSAapplicationiswithdrawnbefore it is
decided—the day the DSA applicationis
withdrawn.Note—See, however,
sections 194 to 196 and 256 to 258.(4)Section 323doesnotapplytoapersonmentionedinsubsection (2) until the first
prescribed notice application orexemption notice
application about the person is made afterthe disability
services commencement date.(5)In
this section—relevant regulatory provisionsmeans—(a)forapersonwhoisnotapoliceofficerorregisteredteacher and is
employed in disability services regulatedemployment as a
volunteer—section 188; or(b)forapersonwhoisnotapoliceofficerorregisteredteacher and is
employed in disability services regulatedemployment other
than as a volunteer—sections 191 to193; or(c)for a police officer or registered
teacher—sections 251and 253 to 255.477Application of ch 8 to disability services
regulatedbusinesses(1)Chapter 8doesnotapplytothecarryingonofadisabilityservicesregulatedbusinessuntil3monthsafterthecommencement (disability
services commencement date).(2)Subsection (3)appliestoapersonwho,atthedisabilityservices
commencement date—(a)iscarrying
onadisabilityservicesregulatedbusiness;andPage 206Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 477](b)doesnothaveacurrentpositivenoticeorcurrentnegative notice;
and(c)either—(i)hasacurrentpositivenoticeundertheDisabilityServices Act
2006(DSA positive notice);
or(ii)has an
application for a prescribed notice under theDisabilityServicesAct2006thathasnotbeendecided or withdrawn (DSA
application).(3)Sections 197 and
259 do not apply to the person carrying onthe disability
services regulated business until—(a)if
the person holds a DSA positive notice—the earlier ofthe
following—(i)theexpiryorcancellationoftheperson’sDSApositivenoticeundertheDisabilityServicesAct2006;(ii)12monthsafterthedisabilityservicescommencement date; or(b)for
a person who has a DSA application—(i)ifthepersonisissuedwithaDSApositivenotice—12monthsafterthedisabilityservicescommencement date; or(ii)if
the person is issued with a negative notice undertheDisabilityServicesAct2006—thedaythenegative notice
is issued; or(iii)iftheperson’sDSAapplicationiswithdrawnbefore it is
decided—the day the DSA applicationis
withdrawn.(4)Section 323doesnotapplytoapersonmentionedinsubsection (2) until the first
prescribed notice application orexemption notice
application about the person is made afterthe disability
services commencement date.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 207
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 478]Notauthorised—indicativeonly478Application of ch
8 to new local government regulatedemployment(1)Chapter 8 does not apply to the
employment of a person innew local government regulated
employment until 3 monthsafter the commencement (local government commencementdate).(2)Subsections (3)to(5)applytoapersonwho,atthelocalgovernment commencement date—(a)isemployedinnewlocalgovernmentregulatedemployment; and(b)does
not have a current positive notice.(3)If
the person is not a police officer or registered teacher and
isemployed in the new local government
regulated employmentas a volunteer, section 188 does not
apply in relation to theemployment of the person until—(a)ifaprescribednoticeapplicationaboutthepersonismade
before or during the transitional period and is notwithdrawn—the day a prescribed notice is
issued to theemployee; or(b)ifaprescribednoticeapplicationaboutthepersonismadebeforeorduringthetransitionalperiodandiswithdrawn—the
day the application is withdrawn; or(c)if a
prescribed notice application about the person is notmadebeforeorduringthetransitionalperiod—thetransitional
period ends.Note—See, however,
sections 195 and 196.(4)If the person is
not a police officer or registered teacher and isemployed in the new local government
regulated employmentotherthanasavolunteerandthepersondoesnothaveacurrentpositivenotice,sections
191to193donotapplyinrelation to the employment of the person
until the transitionalperiod ends.Note—See,
however, sections 194 to 196.Page 208Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 479](5)Ifthepersonisapoliceofficerorregisteredteacher,sections 251and253to 255donotapplyinrelationtotheemployment of the person until the
transitional period ends.Note—See, however,
sections 256 to 258.(6)Section
323doesnotapplytoapersonmentionedinsubsection (2) until the first
prescribed notice application orexemption notice
application about the person is made afterthe
commencement.(7)In this section—transitional
periodmeans the period—(a)starting on the local government
commencement date;and(b)ending12monthsafterthelocalgovernmentcommencement
date.479Application of ch 8 to new local
government regulatedbusiness(1)Chapter 8doesnotapplytothecarryingonofanewlocalgovernmentregulatedbusinessuntil3monthsafterthecommencement (local government
commencement date).(2)Subsections
commencement date—(a)iscarryingonanewlocalgovernmentregulatedbusiness; and(b)doesnothaveacurrentpositivenoticeorcurrentnegative
notice.(3)Ifthepersonisnotapoliceofficerorregisteredteacher,section 197 does not apply to the person
carrying on the localgovernment regulated business
until—(a)ifthepersonappliesforaprescribednoticebeforeorduring the transitional period and does not
withdraw theapplication—the day a prescribed notice is
issued to theperson; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 209
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 480](b)ifthepersonappliesforaprescribednoticebeforeorduringthetransitionalperiodandwithdrawstheapplication—the day of the withdrawal;
or(c)ifthepersondoesnotapplyforaprescribednoticebefore or during the transitional period—the
transitionalperiod ends.(4)Ifthepersonisapoliceofficerorregisteredteacher,section 259 does not apply to the person
carrying on the localgovernmentregulatedbusinessuntilthetransitionalperiodends.(5)Section 323doesnotapplytoapersonmentionedinsubsection (2) until the first
prescribed notice application orexemption notice
application about the person is made afterthe
commencement.(6)In this section—transitional
periodmeans the period—(a)starting on the local government
commencement date;and(b)ending12monthsafterthelocalgovernmentcommencement
date.480Employing persons in other new
regulated employment(1)Subsections
(2)and(3)applyif,immediatelybeforethecommencement—(a)aperson(theemployee)wasemployedorwascontinuingtobeemployedbyanotherperson(theemployer)inothernewregulatedemploymentasavolunteer; and(b)atthecommencement,thepersondoesnothaveacurrent positive notice.(2)If
the employee is not a police officer or registered teacher,section 188 does not apply in relation to
the employment ofthe employee until—Page 210Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 480]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)ifaprescribednoticeapplicationaboutthepersonismade
before or during the transitional period and is notwithdrawn—the day a prescribed notice is
issued to theemployee; or(b)ifaprescribednoticeapplicationaboutthepersonismadebeforeorduringthetransitionalperiodandiswithdrawn—the
day the application is withdrawn; or(c)if a
prescribed notice application about the person is notmadebeforeorduringthetransitionalperiod—thetransitional
period ends.Note—See, however,
sections 195 and 196.(3)Iftheemployeeisapoliceofficerorregisteredteacher,section 251 does not apply in relation to
the employment ofthe employee until the transitional period
ends.Note—See, however,
sections 257 and 258.(4)Subsections
as a volunteer; and(b)atthecommencement,thepersondoesnothaveacurrent positive notice.(5)If
the employee is not a police officer or registered teacher,sections 191to193donotapplyinrelationtotheemploymentoftheemployeeuntilthetransitionalperiodends.Note—See,
however, sections 194 to 196.(6)Iftheemployeeisapoliceofficerorregisteredteacher,sections 253to255donotapplyinrelationtotheemploymentoftheemployeeuntilthetransitionalperiodends.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 211
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 481]Note—See,
however, sections 256 to 258.(7)Section 323doesnotapplytoanemployeementionedinsubsection (1)or(4)untilthefirstprescribednoticeapplication or exemption notice application
about the personis made after the commencement.(8)In this section—transitional
the employer for the other new regulated employmentisagovernmententity—theperiodstartingatthecommencementandending12monthsafterthecommencement; or(b)otherwise—theperiodstartingatthecommencementand ending 6
months after the commencement.481Carrying on other new regulated
and(b)atthecommencement,thepersondoesnothaveacurrent positive notice or current negative
notice.(2)Ifthepersonisnotapoliceofficerorregisteredteacher,section 197 does not apply to the person
carrying on the othernew regulated business until—(a)ifthepersonappliesforaprescribednoticebeforeorduring the transitional period and does not
withdraw theapplication—the day a prescribed notice is
issued to theperson; or(b)ifthepersonappliesforaprescribednoticebeforeorduringthetransitionalperiodandwithdrawstheapplication—the day of the withdrawal;
orPage 212Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 482](c)ifthepersondoesnotapplyforaprescribednoticebefore or during the transitional period—the
transitionalperiod ends.(3)Ifthepersonisapoliceofficerorregisteredteacher,section 259 does not apply to the person
carrying on the othernew regulated business until the
transitional period ends.(4)Section
323doesnotapplytoapersonmentionedinsubsection (1) until the first
prescribed notice application orexemption notice
application about the person is made afterthe
commencement.(5)In this section—transitional
periodmeans—(a)ifthepersoncarryingontheothernewregulatedbusiness is a
government entity—the period starting atthecommencementandending12monthsafterthecommencement; or(b)otherwise—theperiodstartingatthecommencementand ending 6
months after the commencement.482Effect of conviction for serious
offence(1)Thissectionappliesinrelationtoapersonwithapositivenoticewhoisconvictedofaseriousoffencebeforethecommencement if, at the commencement,
the person has notbeenissuedafurtherprescribednoticeasmentionedinsection 111 of the unamended Act.(2)Section 322appliestothepersonasiftheconvictionhappened
immediately after the commencement.(3)Forsubsection (2),ifthepersonhasgiventheperson’spositivenoticetothecommissionerundersection 117(2)oftheunamendedAct,thepersonistakentohavegiventhepositive notice to the commissioner
under section 322(2).(4)In this
section—serious offencemeans serious
offence as defined under theunamended
Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 483]483Existing applications to cancel negative
notice(1)This section applies if—(a)a person has applied for a
cancellation of the person’snegativenoticeundersection 118oftheunamendedAct; and(b)the application has not been decided
or withdrawn at thecommencement.(2)Iftheapplicationwasmadebyanewrelevantdisqualifiedperson—(a)the application is taken to have been
withdrawn; and(b)thecommissionermustgivewrittennoticeofthewithdrawal to the person.(3)Iftheapplicationismadebyapersonotherthananewrelevant disqualified person, the
application is taken to havebeen made under
section 236, and must be decided under thatsection.484Existing suspensions of positive
notice(1)This section applies if—(a)the commissioner has given a notice
under section 119Cof the unamended Act (suspension
notice) suspending aperson’s
positive notice; and(b)the suspension
has not ended at the commencement.(2)The
person’s positive notice is taken to have been suspendedundersection
240(2)andsections 240and241applytothesuspended positive notice.(3)If the person has applied for the
positive notice to be cancelledand a further
positive notice or negative notice to be issued tothepersonundersection 119DoftheunamendedAct,theapplication is taken to have been made
under section 241 andthecommissionermustdecidetheapplicationunderthatsection.(4)This section is subject to sections
471 and 472.Page 214Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 485]485Continuation if commissioner acting on own
initiative(1)This section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,thecommissionerhadstarted on the commissioner’s own initiative
to exercisea power in relation to a person or a
prescribed notice;and(b)thecommissionermay,immediatelyafterthecommencement, exercise the power under
chapter 8.(2)The commissioner may continue to
exercise the power underchapter 8 in relation to the person or
prescribed notice.(3)Subsection (2)appliesevenifthematterstowhichthecommissionermayormusthaveregardinexercisingthepower,oranyotherpowersthatthecommissionermayexercise in relation to exercising the
power, are different underchapter 8.486Effect of conviction or charge for new
169(1)(a)or170(a)inrelationtoapersonconvictedofanewdisqualifyingoffence,itisimmaterial as to
when the offence was committed or when theperson was
convicted of the offence.Example—A new
disqualifying offence may have been committed, and the
personconvicted of the offence, before the
commencement.(2)Section 240 applies in relation to a
person who holds a currentpositivenoticewhoischargedwithanewdisqualifyingoffenceevenifthecharge,ortheactsoromissionsconstitutingtheallegedoffence,happenedbeforethecommencement.487Replacement of positive notice or positive
notice bluecard(1)This
section applies if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 488](a)aperson’scurrentpositivenoticeorcurrentpositivenotice blue card is lost or stolen 14 days
or less beforethe commencement; and(b)at
the commencement, the person has not applied for areplacement notice or card as required under
section 120of the unamended Act.(2)Section 120oftheunamendedActdoesnotapplytotheperson.(3)Section 347 applies to the person as if the
reference to 14 daysafterthelossortheftwereareferencetothelaterofthefollowing—(a)14
days after the loss or theft;(b)7
days after the commencement.488Existing eligibility application by new
relevantdisqualified person(1)Thissectionappliestoanapplicationforaneligibilitydeclaration
that—(a)was made under section 120F of the
unamended Act bya new relevant disqualified person;
application is taken to have been withdrawn.(3)The
commissioner must give written notice of the withdrawalto
the person.489Other existing eligibility
(existing application) that—(a)was made under section 120F of the
unamended Act bya person other than a new relevant
disqualified person;andPage 216Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 490](b)hasnotbeendecidedorwithdrawnatthecommencement.(2)Theexistingapplicationistakentobeaneligibilityapplicationundersection 178(section 178application)andchapter 8, part 4, division 2 applies
to the application.(3)Anythingdoneorexistinginrelationtotheexistingapplication is
taken to have been done or existing in relation tothe
section 178 application.Examples for subsection (3)—1Thecommissionerhasgiventheapplicantanoticeaskingforstated information, including by way
of a submission. The notice istaken to have
been given in relation to the section 178 application.2Thecommissionerhasrequestedpoliceinformationabouttheapplicant from the police
commissioner. The request is taken tohave been made
in relation to the section 178 application.(4)Subsection (3) applies only to the extent
the thing can be doneor in existence in relation to the
section 178 application underchapter 8, part
4, division 2.490Existing decisions on eligibility
120HoftheunamendedActtoapersonotherthananewrelevantdisqualifiedpersonistakentobeaneligibilitydeclarationissued under
section 180.(3)Thereferencetoarefusalofaneligibilityapplicationinsection 178(2) is taken to include a
reference to a refusal of aneligibility
application under section 120H of the unamendedAct.(4)Section 186appliestoarefusalundersection
120Hoftheunamended Act of
an eligibility application made by a personother than a new
relevant disqualified person.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 217
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 491]491Existing reviews and appeals by new
disqualified person(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement, a
person—(i)appliedforareviewofadecisionofthecommissioner under section 121 of the
unamendedAct; or(ii)appealed under the QCAT Act against a
decision ofQCATrelatingtoareviewofadecisionundersection 121 of
the unamended Act; and(b)therevieworappealhasnotbeendecidedatthecommencement;
and(c)the person is a new disqualified
person.(2)Theentityhearingtherevieworappeal,oranyproceedingrelating to the
review or appeal, must dismiss the review orappeal or the
proceeding.492Other existing reviews and
appeals(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement, a
person—(i)appliedforareviewofadecisionofthecommissioner under section 121 of the
unamendedAct; or(ii)appealed under the QCAT Act against a
decision ofQCATrelatingtoareviewofadecisionundersection 121 of
the unamended Act; and(b)therevieworappealhasnotbeendecidedatthecommencement;
and(c)section 491 does not apply to the
review or appeal.(2)The entity hearing the review or
appeal must apply this Act inrelation to the
matter the subject of the review or appeal.(3)Withoutlimitingsubsection (2),theentitymayexerciseapowerofthecommissionerunderchapter 8,part 6,Page
218Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 493]divisions 6 and
7 for deciding a review of or appeal against adecision of the
commissioner as to whether or not there is anexceptional case
for a person.(4)Subsection (5) applies if a
disqualified person applied for thereview or the
review to whichthe appeal relates before theperson became a disqualified person.(5)The entity hearing the review or
appeal, or any proceeding inrelation to the
review or appeal, must dismiss the review orappeal,ortheproceeding,onitsowninitiativeoronapplication by the
commissioner.493Person may apply for a review of a
decision(1)This section applies to a decision of
the commissioner madebefore the commencement if—(a)immediately before the commencement, a
person couldhave, but has not, applied for a review of
the decisionunder section 121 of the unamended Act;
and(b)the period within which the person
could have appliedfor the review (thereview
period) has not passed; and(c)the
person is not a disqualified person.(2)Thepersonmayapplyforareviewofthedecisionundersection 354 within the review period.(3)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that section 355 applies inrelation to the
application for the review.494Police
commissioner’s decision that information isinvestigative
information(1)Thissectionappliesinrelationtoanoffence(newinvestigative information
offence) that—(a)is a
schedule 6 offence; but(b)was not an
offence mentioned in section 121A(1)(a) ofthe unamended
Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 495](2)Section 305appliesinrelationtoapositivenoticeholder’sacts or
omissions constituting a new investigative informationoffenceeveniftheactswere
before the commencement.Notauthorised—indicativeonly495Appeals against police commissioner’s
decision thatinformation is investigative
information(1)Sections 121Cto121EoftheunamendedActcontinuetoapply in relation to a decision of the
police commissioner thatinformation about a person is
investigative information madebeforethecommencementasiftheamendingActhadnotbeen
enacted.(2)Anappealagainstadecisionmentionedinsubsection (1)must be decided
under the unamended Act.496Notice about
withdrawal of application or negative notice(1)This
section applies if—(a)undersection
123AoftheunamendedAct,thecommissionerwasrequiredtogivesomeonewrittennotice about the
withdrawal of an application or that aparticular
person has a current negative notice; and(b)at
the commencement, the notice has not been given.(2)The commissioner must give the notice
under section 123A oftheunamendedActasiftheamendingActhadnotbeenenacted.497Dealing with information(1)Information obtained by the commissioner
under part 6 of theunamendedActistakentohavebeenobtainedunderchapter 8.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),section
345appliestotheinformation as if the reference to
using the information underchapter 8inthesectionincludedareferencetousingtheinformation under part 6 of the unamended
Act.Page 220Current as at
[Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 498]498Disqualification orders for acts done or
omissions madebefore commencementA court may make
a disqualification order under section 357inrelationtoapersonconvictedofanoffenceafterthecommencement arising out of an act done or
omission madebefore the commencement.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 3Transitional
provisions relating toprevious part 7499Notice about change in criminal history not
given at thecommencement(1)This
section applies if—(a)before the commencement, there is a
change in a staffmember’s criminal history; and(b)atthecommencement,thestaffmemberhasnotdisclosed the
details of the change to the commissioneras required by
section 133 of the unamended Act.(2)Despite section 133 of the unamended Act,
the person is nolonger required to give the details.500Request for prescribed police
information not compliedwith at the commencement(1)This section applies if—(a)thecommissionerhas,undersection
136oftheunamendedAct,askedthepolicecommissionerforprescribed police information about a
person; and(b)at the commencement, the police
commissioner has notgiventheprescribedpoliceinformationtothecommissioner.(2)Despitesection
136(3)oftheunamendedAct,thepolicecommissionerisnolongerrequiredtocomplywiththecommissioner’s request.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 501]501Particular prescribed police information
obtained but notused before commencement(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,thepolicecommissionergavethecommissioneraperson’sprescribedpoliceinformationundersection 136oftheunamendedAct;and(b)atthecommencement,thecommissionerhasnot,inrelationtotheprescribedpoliceinformation,madeanassessmentabouttheperson’ssuitabilitytobe,orcontinue to be,
a staff member under section 138 of theunamended
Act.(2)The commissioner must
immediately—(a)destroy the prescribed police
information; and(b)stop making the assessment.502Notice not given by prosecuting
authority at thecommencement(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,astaffmemberischargedwith an
indictable offence; and(b)atthecommencement,thepolicecommissionerordirectorofpublicprosecutions(aprosecutingauthority)
has not given information about the charge tothecommissionerasrequiredbysection 137oftheunamended Act.(2)Despitesection
137oftheunamendedAct,theprosecutingauthority is no
longer required to give the information.503Use
of particular information obtained beforecommencementSection
138(2)oftheunamendedActcontinuestoapplyinrelationtoinformationaboutapersonreceivedbythePage 222Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 504]commissionerunderpart
7oftheunamendedActasiftheamending Act had not been
enacted.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 4Other
transitional provision504References to
Youth Justice Act 1992(1)ThissectionappliestoareferencetotheYouthJusticeAct1992in a provision
of this Act if the provision commencesbefore the JJA
short title amendment commences.(2)Until the JJA short title amendment
commences, the referenceis taken to be a reference to
theJuvenile Justice Act 1992.(3)In this
section—JJAshorttitleamendmentmeanstheJuvenileJusticeandOther Acts Amendment Act 2009,
section 9.Part 14Transitional
provisions forChild Protection and OtherActs
Amendment Act 2010505Application of s 349(1)This section applies if, before the
349happenedinrelationtotheholderofapositive notice or positive exemption
notice that was notsuspended; and(b)the
commissioner had not cancelled the previously heldpositivenotice,positivenoticebluecardorpositiveexemption notice
under previous section 349.(2)Previoussection
349continuestoapplyinrelationtotherelevantchangeasiftheChildProtectionandOtherActsAmendment Act 2010had not been
enacted.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 506](3)In
this section—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.previous section
349means section 349 as in force before
thecommencement.Notauthorised—indicativeonly506Application of s
350(1)This section applies if, before the
350happenedinrelationtotheholderofapositive notice that was not
suspended; and(b)the commissioner had not cancelled the
previously heldpositivenoticeorpositivenoticebluecardunderprevious section
350continuestoapplyinrelationtotherelevantchangeasiftheChildProtectionandOtherActsAmendment Act 2010had not been
enacted.(3)In this section—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.previous section
350means section 350 as in force before
not payable under s 350 if a fee previously paidSection 350(7)doesnotapplytotheholderofapositivenotice if the
holder has paid a prescribed application fee inrelationtothepositivenoticeundersection 350asinforcebefore the
commencement.508Persons being considered for
engagement by thecommission at the commencement(1)Chapter 8Aappliesinrelationtoapersonwho,atthecommencement,isbeingconsideredforengagementbythecommission or is engaged by the
commission.Page 224Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 509](2)Forsubsection (1),apersonisbeingconsideredforengagement by the commission at the
commencement if—(a)the person applied or otherwise
expressed an interest inbeingengagedbythecommissionbeforethecommencement; and(b)atthecommencement,thecommissionerhasnotfinishedmakinganassessmentoftheperson’ssuitability for
the engagement.(3)In this section—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.Part 15Provision for HealthPractitioner
Registration andOther Legislation AmendmentAct
2013509Application of ch 8 to former
registered healthpractitioners(1)Schedule 1,part 3,section 28continuestoapplytotheemploymentorthecarryingonofabusinessofaformerregistered health practitioner to the extent
mentioned in thatsection for a period of 3 months after the
commencement ofthis section.(2)In
this section—formerregisteredhealthpractitionermeansapersonwho,immediatelybeforethecommencementofthissection,wasregistered under the repealedSpeech Pathologists RegistrationAct
2001.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 510]Part 16Transitional provisions forCriminal Law (ChildExploitation and
DangerousDrugs) Amendment Act 2013Division 1Interpretation510Definitions for pt 16In this
part—amended Actmeans this Act
as amended by theCriminal Law(ChildExploitationandDangerousDrugs)AmendmentAct2013.commencementmeans the
commencement of this disqualified
personmeans a person who is a disqualifiedpersononlybecausethepersonhasbeenconvictedorisconvicted of a
new disqualifying offence.newdisqualifyingoffencemeansanoffencethatisadisqualifyingoffenceunderthisActbutwasnotadisqualifying
offence under this Act immediately before thecommencement.newrelevantdisqualifiedpersonmeansapersonwhoisarelevant
disqualified person only because the person has beenconvicted or is convicted of a new
disqualifying offence forwhich an imprisonment order has been
or is serious offencemeans an offence
that is a serious offenceunder this Act but was not a serious
offence under this Actimmediately before the
commencement.Page 226Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Working with
Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 511]Eligibility
applications and eligibilitydeclarations511Existing eligibility application(1)This section applies if—(a)beforethecommencementapersonhadmadeaneligibilityapplicationtothecommissionerundersection 178; and(b)immediatelybeforethecommencementtheperson’seligibilityapplicationhadnotbeendecidedorwithdrawn.(2)Atthecommencementthecommissionermustdecidetheapplication under the amended Act.Note—The commissioner
may issue an eligibility declaration to a person if thepersonhasbeenconvictedofadisqualifyingoffenceandisnotarelevant disqualified person. See
section 180(1).512Current eligibility declaration for
new relevantdisqualified person(1)This
section applies to a person if—(a)before the commencement the commissioner had
declaration had not expired; and(c)atthecommencementthepersonisanewrelevantdisqualified person.(2)At
the commencement the person’s eligibility declaration istaken to have expired.Note—If
the person also holds a positive notice, see section 519.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 513]513Current eligibility declaration for person
charged withnew disqualifying offence or convicted of
new seriousoffence(1)This
section applies to a person if—(a)before the commencement the commissioner had
declaration had not expired; and(c)the
person—(i)was convicted of a new serious offence
before thecommencement; or(ii)is
charged with a new disqualifying offence at thecommencement.(2)At
the commencement—(a)theamendedActappliestotheperson’seligibilitydeclaration;
and(b)the person’s eligibility declaration
is taken to have beenissued on the commencement.(3)If,afterthecommencementthecommissioneristomakeadecision under chapter 8, part 4, division 9
about the person,and it is the first time the commissioner is
to make a decisionunderthatdivisionafterthecommencement,section
223(1)(b) does not apply to the commissioner makingthe
decision.514Other eligibility declarations(1)This section applies to a person
if—(a)before the commencement the
commissioner had issued,orwastakentohaveissued,thepersonaneligibilitydeclaration;
declaration had not expired; andPage 228Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 515](c)at
the commencement section 512 or 513 does not apply.(2)AtthecommencementtheamendedActappliestotheperson’s eligibility
declaration.Notauthorised—indicativeonly515Existing application for reversal of
decision refusing aneligibility declaration(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencementapersonhadmadeanapplicationundersection 186(2)tothecommissioner;and(b)immediately before the commencement
the applicationhad not been decided.(2)AtthecommencementtheamendedActappliesandthecommissioner may decide the
application under the amendedAct.Division 3Prescribed
notice applications andprescribed notices516Existing prescribed notice application by
new relevantdisqualified person(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencementaprescribednoticeapplication had been made about a person;
and(b)immediately before the commencement
the applicationhad not been decided or withdrawn;
and(c)atthecommencementthepersonisanewrelevantdisqualified person.(2)The
person’s application is taken to be withdrawn.(3)Thecommissionermustgivewrittennoticeaboutthewithdrawal of the application
to—(a)the person; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 229
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 517](b)each
notifiable person for the person; and(c)ifthepersonisthedirectorofaschool’sgoverningboard—the
accreditation board.Notauthorised—indicativeonly517Existing
prescribed notice application if person chargedwith new
disqualifying offence or is new disqualifiedperson but not
new relevant disqualified person(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencementaprescribednoticeapplication had been made about a person;
and(b)immediately before the commencement
the applicationhad not been decided or withdrawn;
and(c)at the commencement the person—(i)is charged with a new disqualifying
offence; or(ii)is a new
disqualified person but not a new relevantdisqualified
person.Note—If a person
holds a positive notice, see also sections 520 and 521.(2)Subsection (3) applies if—(a)at the commencement the person is
charged with a newdisqualifying offence; or(b)at the commencement the person is a
new disqualifiedperson but not a new relevant disqualified
person and, atthe time of making the application—(i)was not issued, or not taken to have
been issued, aneligibility declaration; and(ii)did not hold a
positive notice.(3)At the commencement—(a)the application is taken to be
withdrawn; and(b)thecommissionermustgivewrittennoticeaboutthewithdrawal of the application
to—Page 230Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 518](i)the
person; and(ii)each notifiable
person for the person; and(iii)if the person is
the director of a school’s governingboard—the
accreditation board.Note—Ifapersonchargedwithanewdisqualifyingoffencealsoholdsapositive notice, see also sections 521
and 240.(4)Subsection (5)appliesifthepersonisanewdisqualifiedperson but not a
new relevant disqualified person and at thetime of making
the application the person—(a)wasnotissued,ornottakentohavebeenissued,aneligibility declaration; and(b)held a positive notice that was not
suspended.(5)At the commencement—(a)thepersonistakentohavebeenissuedaneligibilitydeclaration
other than for section 223(1)(b); and(b)the
commissioner must decide the application under theamended Act.(6)Ifthepersonisanewdisqualifiedpersonbutnotanewrelevant disqualified person and, at
the time of the applicationthepersonwasissuedaneligibilitydeclaration,atthecommencement the commissioner must
decide the applicationunder the amended Act but section
223(1)(b) does not applyto the commissioner making the
decision.(7)For subsections (3) and (6), if before
the commencement thecommissionerhadundersection
223(1)(a) does not apply to the commissioner makingthe
decision.518Other existing prescribed notice
applications(1)This section applies if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 519](a)beforethecommencementaprescribednoticeapplication had been made about a person;
and(b)immediately before the commencement
the applicationhad not been decided or withdrawn;
and(c)section 516 or 517 does not
apply.(2)Atthecommencementthecommissionermustdecidetheapplication under the amended Act.519Current positive notice for new
relevant disqualifiedperson(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencementapersonheldapositivenotice;
and(b)immediately before the commencement
the notice wascurrent; and(c)atthecommencementthepersonisanewrelevantdisqualified person.(2)AtthecommencementtheamendedActappliesandthecommissionermustcanceltheperson’spositivenoticeandsubstitute a negative notice under section
239.Note—Under section
246, a person must return their cancelled positive noticeand
any positive notice blue card relating to the positive notice to
thecommissioner.(3)Also, if the positive notice is suspended
under section 240 or242atthecommencement,anyapplicationforthecancellation of the suspension under
section 241 or 243 thathas not been decided or withdrawn at
the commencement istaken to have been withdrawn.520Current positive notice for new
disqualified person otherthan new relevant disqualified
person(1)This section applies if—Page
232Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 521](a)beforethecommencementapersonheldapositivenotice;
and(b)immediately before the commencement
the notice wascurrent; and(c)at
the commencement the person is a new disqualifiedperson but not a new relevant disqualified
person.(2)If,atthecommencement,theperson’spositivenoticeissuspended under section 240 or 242, the
amended Act appliesin relation to the positive notice.(3)If, at the commencement, the person is
not issued, or not takento have been issued, an eligibility
declaration and the person’spositive notice
is not suspended under section 240 or 242—(a)thepersonistakentohavebeenissuedaneligibilitydeclaration
under section 180; and(b)theamendedActappliesinrelationtothepositivenotice.(4)If,atthecommencement,thepersonisissued,ortakentohave
been issued, an eligibility declaration and the person’spositive notice is not suspended under
section 240 or 242, theamendedActappliesinrelationtotheperson’spositivenotice.(5)If,afterthecommencementthecommissioneristomakeadecision under chapter 8, part 4, division 9
about a person towhomthissectionapplies,anditisthefirsttimethecommissioner is to make a decision
under that division afterthecommencement,section
223(1)(b)doesnotapplytothecommissioner making the
decision.521Other current positive notices(1)This section applies if—(a)beforethecommencementapersonheldapositivenotice;
and(b)immediatelybeforethecommencementthepositivenotice was
current; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 522](c)section 519 or 520 does not apply.(2)The amended Act applies to the
person’s positive notice.Division 4Exemption notice
applications andexemption notices522Existing exemption notice application by new
relevantdisqualified person(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencementanexemptionnoticeapplication was made about a person;
and(b)immediately before the commencement
the applicationhad not been decided or withdrawn;
and(c)atthecommencementthepersonisanewrelevantdisqualified person.(2)Thecommissionermustdecidetheapplicationundertheamended Act.Note—See
sections 285 and 224.523Existing
exemption notice application if person chargedwith new
disqualifying offence or is new disqualifiedperson but not
new relevant disqualified person(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencementanexemptionnoticeapplication was made about a person;
and(b)immediately before the commencement
the applicationhad not been decided or withdrawn;
and(c)at the commencement the person—(i)is charged with a new disqualifying
offence; orPage 234Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 524](ii)is a
new disqualified person but not a new relevantdisqualified
person.(2)Atthecommencementthecommissionermustdecidetheapplication under the amended Act.(3)However, if before the commencement
the commissioner hadundersection
294cancelledanegativeexemptionnoticeissued to the
person, on the commencement section 223(1)(a)does not apply
to the commissioner making the decision.(4)Also,thecommissionermayonlyactundersection
283or284 if the commissioner has acted
under section 286 or 287after the commencement.524Other existing exemption notice
applications(1)This section applies if—(a)beforethecommencementanexemptionnoticeapplication was made about a person;
and(b)immediately before the commencement
the applicationhad not been decided or withdrawn;
and(c)section 522 or 523 does not
apply.(2)Atthecommencementthecommissionermustdecidetheapplication under the amended Act.(3)Also,thecommissionermayonlyactundersection
283or284 if the commissioner has acted
under section 286 or 287after the commencement.525Current positive exemption notice for
new relevantdisqualified person(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencementapersonheldapositiveexemption
notice; and(b)immediately before the commencement
the notice wascurrent; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 235
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 526](c)atthecommencementthepersonisanewrelevantdisqualified person.(2)AtthecommencementtheamendedActappliesandthecommissionermustcanceltheperson’spositiveexemptionnoticeandsubstituteanegativeexemptionnoticeundersection 297.Note—Undersection
304,apersonmustreturntheircancelledpositiveexemption notice to the commissioner.(3)Also,ifthepositiveexemptionnoticeissuspendedundersection 298atthecommencement,anyapplicationforthecancellation of the suspension under
section 299 that has notbeen decided or withdrawn at the
commencement is taken tohave been withdrawn.526Current positive exemption notice for
person other thannew relevant disqualified person(1)This section applies if—(a)beforethecommencementapersonheldapositiveexemption
notice; and(b)immediately before the commencement
the notice wascurrent; and(c)at
the commencement the person is not a new relevantdisqualified person.(2)AtthecommencementtheamendedActappliestothepositive exemption notice.Page
236Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 5Working with
Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 527]Existing
applications forcancellation or ending suspensionof
prescribed notices andexemption noticesNotauthorised—indicativeonly527Existing application to cancel
negative notice(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement a person had
applied to thecommissionertocanceltheperson’snegativenoticeunder section
236; and(b)immediately before the commencement,
the applicationhad not been decided.(2)At
the commencement—(a)if the person is a new relevant
disqualified person—(i)the application
is taken to be withdrawn; and(ii)thecommissionermustgivewrittennoticeaboutthe
withdrawal of the application to the person; or(b)if
the person is not a new relevant disqualified person—the
commissioner must decide the application under theamended Act.528Existing application to cancel negative
exemption notice(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement a person had
applied to thecommissioner to cancel the person’s negative
exemptionnotice under section 294; and(b)immediately before the commencement,
the applicationhad not been decided.(2)At
the commencement—(a)if the person is a new relevant
disqualified person—(i)the application
is taken to be withdrawn; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 237
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 529](ii)thecommissionermustgivewrittennoticeaboutthe
withdrawal of the application to the person; or(b)if
the person is not a new relevant disqualified person—the
commissioner must decide the application under theamended Act.529Existing application to end suspension of
positive noticefor person other than new relevant
disqualified person(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement a person had
applied to thecommissioner to cancel the person’s
suspended positivenotice under section 241 or 243; and(b)immediately before the commencement
the applicationhad not been decided; and(c)at the commencement the person is not
a new relevantdisqualified person.(2)Atthecommencementthecommissionermustdecidetheapplication under the amended Act.530Existing application to end suspension
of positiveexemption notice for person other than new
relevantdisqualified person(1)This
section applies if—(a)before the commencement a person had
applied to thecommissioner to cancel the person’s
suspended positiveexemption notice under section 299;
and(b)immediately before the commencement
the applicationhad not been decided; and(c)at the commencement the person is not
a new relevantdisqualified person.(2)Atthecommencementthecommissionermustdecidetheapplication under the amended Act.Page
238Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 6Working with
Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 531]Reviews and
appealsNotauthorised—indicativeonly531Undecided reviews and appeals by new
section applies if—(a)before the commencement, a
person—(i)applied,undersection 354,forareviewofachapter 8 reviewable decision;
or(ii)appealed, under
the QCAT Act, against a decisionofQCATrelatingtoachapter 8reviewabledecision;
and(b)at the commencement—(i)the application or appeal has not been
decided; and(ii)the person is a
new disqualified person.(2)The application
or appeal, and any proceeding in relation tothe application
or appeal, must be dismissed—(a)if a
proceeding in relation to the application or appeal isbefore a court—by the court; or(b)otherwise—byQCAT,evenifthedismissalwouldbecontrary to a direction of the Court
of Appeal.532Review of chapter 8 reviewable
decision about newdisqualified person(1)This
section applies if—(a)before the commencement—(i)thecommissionermakesachapter 8reviewabledecision about a
person; and(ii)thepersonhasnotappliedforareviewofthedecision under section 354; and(b)thepersonisanewdisqualifiedpersonatthecommencement.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 239
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 533](2)At
the commencement, the amended Act applies.Note—Under section 354, only a person who is not
a disqualified person mayapply for a review of a chapter 8
reviewable decision.Notauthorised—indicativeonly533Appeal by new
disqualified person against decision ofQCAT on review of
chapter 8 reviewable decision(1)This
section applies if—(a)before the commencement, a person may
appeal underthe QCAT Act against a decision of QCAT
relating to achapter 8 reviewable decision; and(b)at the commencement—(i)the time within which the person may
appeal underthe QCAT Act has not passed; and(ii)the person is a
new disqualified person.(2)Anyappealbythepersonagainstthedecisionmustbedismissed—(a)ifaproceedinginrelationtotheappealisbeforeacourt—by the court; or(b)otherwise—byQCAT,evenifthedismissalwouldbecontrary to a direction of the Court
of Appeal.534Existing appeal by commissioner
against decision ofQCAT on review of chapter 8 reviewable
decision(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement, the
commissioner appealed,undertheQCATAct,againstadecisionofQCATrelatingtoachapter 8reviewabledecisionaboutaperson; and(b)at
the commencement—(i)the appeal has not been decided;
and(ii)the person is a
new disqualified person.Page 240Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 535](2)The
entity hearing the appeal must apply the amended Act inrelation to the matter the subject of the
appeal.535Appeal by commissioner against
decision of QCAT onreview of chapter 8 reviewable
decision(1)This section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,thecommissionermayappeal under the QCAT Act against a decision
of QCATrelatingtoachapter 8reviewabledecisionaboutaperson; and(b)at
the commencement—(i)thetimewithinwhichthecommissionermayappealundertheQCATAct(theappealperiod)has
not passed; and(ii)the person is a
new disqualified person.(2)The commissioner
may appeal against the decision within theappeal period
and the entity hearing the appeal must apply theamendedActinrelationtothematterthesubjectoftheappeal.536Existing reviews and appeals against chapter
8reviewable decisions by persons other than
newdisqualified persons(1)This
section applies if—(a)before the commencement—(i)a person applied, under section 354,
for a review ofa chapter 8 reviewable decision; or(ii)thecommissioneroranotherpersonappealed,under the QCAT
Act, against a decision of QCATrelating to a
chapter 8 reviewable decision; and(b)at
the commencement—(i)the review or appeal has not been
decided; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 537](ii)thepersonaboutwhomthechapter 8reviewabledecisionwasmadeisnotanewdisqualifiedperson.(2)Theentityhearingtherevieworappealmustapplytheamended Act in relation to the matter the
subject of the reviewor appeal.(3)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that section 355 applies inrelation to the application for the
review.537Review of chapter 8 reviewable
decision about personother than new disqualified
person(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement—(i)thecommissionermakesachapter 8reviewabledecision about a
person; and(ii)thepersonhasnotappliedforareviewofthedecision under section 354; and(b)at the commencement—(i)theperiodwithinwhichthepersoncouldhaveappliedforareviewofthedecisionundersection 354
(thereview period) has not
passed; and(ii)the person is
not a new disqualified person.(2)Thepersonmayapplyforareviewofthedecisionundersection 354 within the review period.Division 7Miscellaneous538Commissioner acting on own initiative(1)This section applies if—(a)beforethecommencementthecommissionerhadstarted, on the commissioner’s own
initiative, to exercisea power in relation to the
following—Page 242Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 539](i)a
person;(ii)an eligibility
application;(iii)a prescribed
notice;(iv)an exemption
notice; and(b)on the commencement the commissioner
may exercisethepowerundertheamendedActinrelationtotheperson, application or notice.(2)The commissioner may exercise the
power under the amendedAct in relation to the person,
application or notice.539Disqualification
orders for acts done or omissions madebefore
commencementA court may make a disqualification order
under section 357inrelationtoapersonconvictedofanoffenceafterthecommencement arising out of an act done or
omission madebefore the commencement.540Effect of conviction or charge for new
disqualifyingoffence or new serious offence(1)Forapplyingsection 169(1)(a)or170(a)inrelationtoapersonconvictedofanewdisqualifyingoffence,itisimmaterialwhentheoffencewascommittedorwhentheperson was convicted of the offence.(2)Section 240 applies in relation to a
person holding a currentpositivenoticewhoischargedwithanewdisqualifyingoffenceevenifthecharge,ortheactsoromissionsconstitutingtheallegedoffence,happenedbeforethecommencement.(3)Section 298 applies in relation to a person
holding a currentpositiveexemptionnoticewhoischargedwithanewdisqualifyingoffenceevenifthecharge,ortheactsoromissionsconstitutingtheallegedoffence,happenedbeforethe
commencement.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 541](4)Without limiting this division, in applying
the amended Acton and from the commencement, it is
immaterial—(a)whenanewdisqualifyingoffenceornewseriousoffence was committed; or(b)whenapersonwasconvictedofanewdisqualifyingoffence or new
serious offence; or(c)when a charge for a new disqualifying
offence, or theactsoromissionsconstitutingtheallegedoffence,happened.Example—An
offence may have been committed, and the person convicted of
theoffence, before the commencement.Part
17Transitional provisions forChild Protection ReformAmendment Act
2014541Definitions for pt 17In
this part—commencementmeansthetimeofcommencementoftheprovision in which the term
appears.currentsee section
542.former, in relation to
a provision of this Act, means as in forcebefore the
under this Act before the commencement.former
commissionmeans the Commission for Children andYoung People and Child Guardian under this
Act before thecommencement.former
commissionermeans the Commissioner for Childrenand
Young People and Child Guardian under this Act beforethe
commencement.Page 244Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 542]542Meaning ofcurrentForthispart,athingiscurrentif,immediatelybeforethecommencement—(a)for
an application—it had not been finally dealt with; or(b)for a notice or other document or a
decision—it was inforce or had effect; or(c)for
a requirement or request—it had not been compliedwith.543Office holders and entities under former
provisions(1)On the commencement—(a)the former commission is abolished;
and(b)a person holding office as the former
commissioner orformer assistant commissioner goes out of
office; and(c)the Child Death Case Review Committee
under formerchapter 6 is abolished and its members go
out of office;and(d)eachadvisorycommitteeunderformerchapter 7isabolished.(2)Alegalproceedingthat,immediatelybeforethecommencement, was being taken or may
have been taken byor against a former entity may be continued
or taken by oragainst the State.(3)If,immediatelybeforethecommencement,aformerentitywas
a party to a current contract, then the State is taken to be
aparty to the contract in place of the former
entity.(4)A regulation may prescribe an entity
to be the party acting fortheStateforalegalproceedingorcontracttowhichsubsection (2)
or (3) applies.(5)In this section—formerentitymeanstheformercommission,formercommissioner or former assistant
commissioner.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 544]544Complaints under former ch 4TheOmbudsmanAct2001,part
12,division 3includesprovisionaboutparticularcomplaintsmadetotheformercommissioner under former chapter 4.545Child death case reviews under former
ch 6TheChildProtectionAct1999,chapter 9,part 9includesprovisionaboutparticularchilddeathcasereviewsunderformer chapter 6.546Screening under ch 8 or 8A(1)Unless the context otherwise requires,
anything done by or inrelation to the former commissioner
under former chapter 8 or8A before the commencement is taken to
have been done byor in relation to the chief
executive.(2)Without limiting subsection
(1)—(a)a current application made to the
former commissionerunder former chapter 8 or 8A is taken to
have been madeto the chief executive; and(b)acurrentdecisionoftheformercommissionerunderformer chapter 8 or 8A is taken to be a
decision of thechief executive; and(c)a
current notice or other document issued or given to apersonbytheformercommissionerunderformerchapter 8 or 8A
is taken to have been issued or given tothe person by
the chief executive; and(d)a current notice
or other document given by a person tothe former
commissioner under former chapter 8 or 8Ais taken to have
been given by the person to the chiefexecutive;
and(e)a current requirement or request under
former chapter 8or 8A for a person to give information or a
document orother thing to the former commissioner is
taken to be aPage 246Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 547]requirementorrequesttogivetheinformation,document or
thing to the chief executive; and(f)a
current requirement under former chapter 8 or 8A fortheformercommissionertogiveadocumentorotherthingtoapersonistakentobearequirementforthechiefexecutivetogivethedocumentorthingtotheperson.547Current proceedings relating to ch 8 or
8A(1)This section applies to a legal
proceeding about anything doneunderchapter 8or8Athat,immediatelybeforethecommencement, was being taken or may
have been taken byor against the former commissioner.(2)On the commencement, the proceeding
may be continued ortaken by or against the chief
executive.Part 18Transitional
provision forPublic Safety Business Agencyand
Other LegislationAmendment Act 2016548Applications and notices(1)AnapplicationmadetothePSBAchiefexecutiveofficerbefore the
commencement that is not decided or withdrawnbefore the
commencement is taken to have been made to thechief
executive.(2)A notice issued by the PSBA chief
executive officer before thecommencement
that is still in force on the commencement istaken to have
been issued by the chief executive.(3)In
this section—PSBAchiefexecutiveofficermeansthechiefexecutiveofficer under thePublic Safety
Business Agency Act 2014, asin force
immediately before the commencement.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 247
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 549]Part 19Transitional provisions forWorking with Children (RiskManagement and Screening)and
Other LegislationAmendment Act 2018Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Preliminary549Definitions for partIn this
part—amendedActmeansthisActasinforceafterthecommencement of the section in which
the term is used.amendmentActmeanstheWorkingwithChildren(RiskManagementandScreening)andOtherLegislationAmendment Act
2018.Division 2Application of
particular provisionsbefore changes to employmentscreening550Particular references in ch 8A during
transition periodFromthecommencementofthissectionuntilthecommencement of the amendment Act, section
28—(a)areferenceinchapter 8Atoaworkingwithchildrencheck
application is taken to—(i)be a reference
to a prescribed notice application oran exemption
notice application; and(ii)include a
reference to an application mentioned insubparagraph
(i)thatwasdecided,withdrawnortakentohavebeenwithdrawnbeforethecommencement; andPage 248Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 551](b)areferenceinchapter 8Atoaworkingwithchildrenauthority is
taken to be a reference to a positive noticeor a positive
exemption notice.551Stay of operation of particular
decisions of QCAT(1)Section 354A applies to a decision of
QCAT mentioned in thatsection made after the commencement,
even if the proceedingfor the review started before the
commencement.(2)Areferenceinsection 354Atoanegativenoticeistakentoinclude a reference to a negative exemption
notice.552New regulated employment(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement—(a)apersonwasemployedinemployment,orwascontinuinginemployment,mentionedinschedule 1,section 4(2);
and(b)the employee does not have a current
positive notice orpositive exemption notice.(2)Sections 188 and 251 do not apply in
relation to the personuntil—(a)3
months after the commencement; or(b)ifaprescribednoticeapplicationorexemptionnoticeapplication is made about the person within
the periodmentioned in paragraph (a)—the application
is decidedor withdrawn.552AEffect of pre-commencement charge for
serious offenceFor applying this Act in relation to a
person the subject of acharge for a serious offence that has
not been dealt with onthe commencement, the person is taken
to have been chargedwith the offence on the
commencement.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 552B]552BApplicant in paid employment convicted of
section applies if—(a)before the commencement of the
amendment Act, section28,aprescribednoticeapplicationwasmadeaboutaperson under section 199; and(b)theapplicationrelatestotheperson’semployment,orproposedemployment,inregulatedemploymentotherthan
as a volunteer; and(c)the application has not been decided
or withdrawn; and(d)the chief executive becomes aware that
the person wasconvicted of a serious offence—(i)ifthepersonheldapositivenoticewhentheapplicationwasmade—aftertheapplicationwasmade; or(ii)ifthepersonheldapositivenoticethatexpiredbeforetheapplicationwasmade—aftertheperson’s notice expired; or(iii)otherwise—beforeoraftertheapplicationwasmade.(2)The
chief executive must give the person a written notice thatstates—(a)thepersonisnotallowedtoperformworkthatisregulated employment before the person’s
application isdecided; and(b)itisanoffenceforthepersontoperformworkthatisregulatedemployment,ortostartinregulatedemployment,unlessthepersonisissuedapositivenotice.(3)Ifthechiefexecutivegivesthepersonanoticeundersubsection(2),thepersonmustnot,unlessthepersonisissued a positive notice—Page
250Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 552B](a)iftheemployeeisemployedinregulatedemploymentwhengiventhenoticeundersubsection(2)—performwork that is
regulated employment; or(b)otherwise—start
in regulated employment.Maximumpenalty—500penaltyunitsor5yearsimprisonment.(4)Ifthechiefexecutivegivesthepersonanoticeundersubsection(2),thechiefexecutivemustalsogiveeachnotifiable person for the person a written
notice that states—(a)thepersonisnotallowedtoperformworkthatisregulated employment before the person’s
application isdecided; and(b)it
is an offence for an employer to allow the person tostartorcontinuetoperformworkthatisregulatedemploymentunlessthepersonisissuedapositivenotice.(5)Ifthechiefexecutivegivesaperson (anemployer)anoticeabout another person (theemployee) under
subsection (4), theemployer must not allow the employee to
start or continue toperformworkthatisregulatedemploymentunlesstheemployee is issued a positive
employer may not dismiss the employee solely or mainlybecause the employer is given a notice under
subsection (4).(7)Section356appliesinrelationtotheemployerasifareference in
that section to this chapter includes a reference tothis
section.(8)This section applies despite chapter
8, part 4, division 4.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 553]Division 3New
serious offences anddisqualifying offences553Definitions for divisionIn
this division—new disqualified personmeans a person
who is a disqualifiedperson only because—(a)thepersonhasaconvictionforanewdisqualifyingoffence;
or(b)thepersonistherespondenttoanapplicationforanoffender prohibition order under the
disqualifying offencemeans an offence that—(a)is a disqualifying offence; but(b)was not a disqualifying offence
immediately before thecommencement.newrelevantdisqualifiedpersonmeansapersonwhoisarelevant
disqualified person only because—(a)thepersonhasaconvictionforanewdisqualifyingoffence for
which an imprisonment order was imposed;or(b)thepersonistherespondenttoanapplicationforanoffender prohibition order under the
Offender serious
offencemeans an offence that—(a)is a
serious offence; but(b)wasnotaseriousoffenceimmediatelybeforethecommencement.Page 252Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 553A]553AEffect of conviction or charge for new
serious offence(1)For applying this Act in relation to a
person convicted of anewseriousoffence,itisimmaterialastowhentheoffencewascommittedorwhenthepersonwasconvictedoftheoffence.(2)This
Act applies in relation to a person who is charged with anewseriousoffenceevenifthecharge,ortheactsoromissionsconstitutingtheallegedoffence,happenedbeforethe
commencement.(3)For applying this Act to a current
positive notice or currentpositive exemption notice held by a
person immediately beforethe commencement—(a)a
person convicted of a new serious offence before thecommencementistakentohavebeenconvictedoftheoffence on the commencement;
and(b)apersonthesubjectofachargeforanewseriousoffencethathasnotbeendealtwithonthecommencement is
taken to have been charged with theoffence on the
commencement.554Effect of conviction or charge for new
169(1)(a)or170(a)inrelationtoapersonconvictedofanewdisqualifyingoffence,itisimmaterial as to
when the offence was committed or when theperson was
convicted of the offence.(2)This Act applies
in relation to a person who is charged with anewdisqualifyingoffenceevenifthecharge,ortheactsoromissionsconstitutingtheallegedoffence,happenedbeforethe
commencement.(3)For applying this Act to a current
positive notice or currentpositive exemption notice held by a
person immediately beforethe commencement, a person the subject
of a charge for a newdisqualifyingoffencethathasnotbeendealtwithontheCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 554A]commencement is
taken to have been charged with the offenceon the
commencement.Notauthorised—indicativeonly554AEffect of
conviction for new disqualifying offence onexisting
positive notice or positive exemption notice(1)This
section applies if—(a)apersonheldacurrentpositivenoticeorcurrentpositiveexemptionnoticeimmediatelybeforethecommencement; and(b)the
person was convicted of a new disqualifying offencebefore the commencement.(2)ForapplyingthisActtotheperson’spositivenoticeorpositiveexemptionnotice,theoffenceistakentobe,ortocontinue to be, a serious offence despite
the enactment of theamending Act.(3)Withoutlimitingsubsection(2),ifthepersonappliesforanother positive notice or positive
exemption notice after thecommencement, or section 557 or 558
applies in relation tothe person—(a)the
person’s conviction for the offence is taken to be, orto
continue to be, a conviction for a serious offence; and(b)thepersonistakennottobeadisqualifiedpersonorrelevant disqualified person in
relation to the person’sconviction for the offence.555Existing eligibility
application(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement—(a)aneligibilityapplicationhadnotbeendecidedorwithdrawn; or(b)an
application mentioned in section 186(2) had not beendecided.(2)The
application must be decided under the amended Act.Page
254Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 556]556Expiry of eligibility declaration for new
disqualifyingoffenceAneligibilitydeclarationinforceforapersonimmediatelybefore the
commencement ends if, on the commencement—(a)the
person is a new disqualified person, whether or notthe
person is also a new relevant disqualified person; or(b)thepersonisthesubjectofachargeforanewdisqualifying offence that has not been
dealt with.557Existing prescribed notice
applications and exemptionnotice applications(1)This section applies if—(a)immediatelybeforethecommencement,aprescribednoticeapplicationoranexemptionnoticeapplicationmadeaboutapersonhadnotbeendecidedorwithdrawn; and(b)on
the commencement, either—(i)the person is a
new disqualified person, whether ornot the person
is also a new relevant disqualifiedperson;
offence that has not been dealt with.(2)The
person’s application is taken to be withdrawn.(3)Thechiefexecutivemustgiveawrittennoticeaboutthewithdrawal to—(a)the
person; and(b)each notifiable person for the person;
and(c)ifthepersonisthedirectorofaschool’sgoverningbody—the accreditation board.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 558]558Existing positive notice or positive
exemption notice heldby person convicted of new serious
offence or newdisqualifying offence(1)This
section applies if—(a)immediately before the commencement, a
person held acurrentpositivenoticeorcurrentpositiveexemptionnotice;
and(b)beforethecommencement,thepersonwasconvictedof—(i)a new serious offence; or(ii)anewdisqualifyingoffencethatistakentobeaserious offence
under section 554A(2).(1A)Section322doesnotapplytothepersoninrelationtotheperson’s conviction for the
offence.(1B)The chief
executive must—(a)considerwhetheritisappropriatetocanceltheperson’spositivenoticeorpositiveexemptionnoticeunder this
section because of the person’s conviction forthe offence;
and(b)givetheperson,andeachnotifiablepersonfortheperson, a notice
stating that, because of the enactmentof the amending
Act, the chief executive is consideringunder this
section whether the person should continue tohold the
person’s positive notice or positive exemptionnotice.(2)Thechiefexecutivemaycanceltheperson’spositivenoticeandsubstituteanegativenoticeifthechiefexecutiveissatisfiedthat,ifthechiefexecutiveweretodecideanewprescribednoticeapplicationaboutthepersonundertheamended Act, the chief executive would
issue a negative noticeto the person.(3)Section 237(2)to(6)appliestoadecisionundersubsection (2).Page 256Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 559](4)Thechiefexecutivemaycanceltheperson’spositiveexemption notice and substitute a negative
exemption notice ifthe chief executive is satisfied that, if
the chief executive wereto decide a new exemption notice
application about the personundertheamendedAct,thechiefexecutivewouldissueanegative exemption notice to the
person.(5)Section 295(2)to(6)appliestoadecisionundersubsection (4).(6)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidesnottocanceltheperson’spositive notice
or positive exemption notice under this section,the
chief executive must give the person, and each notifiableperson for the person, a notice stating that
the chief executiveis satisfied, having considered the
enactment of the amendingAct, the person should continue to
hold the person’s positivenotice or positive exemption
notice.559Existing application to cancel
negative notice or negativeexemption
notice(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement—(a)anapplicationundersection 236tocancelaperson’snegative notice
had not been decided or withdrawn; or(b)anapplicationundersection 294tocancelaperson’snegativeexemptionnoticehadnotbeendecidedorwithdrawn.(2)If
the person is a new relevant disqualified person—(a)the application is taken to be
withdrawn; and(b)the chief executive must give a
written notice about thewithdrawal to the person.(3)Ifthepersonisnotanewrelevantdisqualifiedperson,theamended Act applies for deciding the
application.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 560]560Existing application to cancel suspended
positive noticeor positive exemption notice(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement—(a)anapplicationundersection 241or243tocancelaperson’s suspended positive notice had
not been decidedor withdrawn; or(b)anapplicationundersection 299tocancelaperson’ssuspendedpositiveexemptionnoticehadnotbeendecided or
withdrawn.(2)The amended Act applies for deciding
the application.561Undecided reviews and appeals by new
section applies if—(a)a person is a new disqualified person;
and(b)immediately before the
commencement—(i)anapplication,madebythepersonundersection 354, for
a review of a chapter 8 reviewabledecision had not
been decided or withdrawn; or(ii)an
appeal, started by the person under the QCATAct,againstadecisionofQCATrelatingtoachapter 8reviewabledecisionhadnotbeendecided or withdrawn.(2)The
application or appeal, and any proceeding in relation tothe
application or appeal, must be dismissed.(3)Subsection (2)appliestoaproceedingbeforeQCATeven ifthe
dismissal would be contrary to a direction of the Court ofAppeal.562Review of chapter 8 reviewable decision
about newdisqualified person(1)This
section applies if—Page 258Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 563](a)a
person is a new disqualified person; and(b)before the commencement—(i)thechiefexecutivemadeachapter 8reviewabledecision about
the person; and(ii)thepersonhadnotappliedforareviewofthedecision under section 354.(2)TheamendedActappliesforthechapter 8reviewabledecision.Note—Adisqualifiedpersonmaynotapplyforareviewofachapter 8reviewable decision. See section
354(1).563Appeal by new disqualified person
against QCATdecision(1)This
section applies if—(a)a person is a new disqualified person;
relating to a chapter 8 reviewable decision aboutthe
person; and(c)onthecommencement,thetimeforstartinganappealhad not
ended.(2)Any appeal started by the person
against the decision must bedismissed.(3)IfaproceedinginrelationtotheappealisbeforeQCAT,subsection (2) applies even if the dismissal
would be contraryto a direction of the Court of
Appeal.564Existing appeal by chief executive
against QCAT decision(1)This section
applies if—(a)a person is a new disqualified person;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 565](b)immediatelybeforethecommencement,anappealagainstadecisionofQCATrelatingtoachapter 8reviewabledecisionaboutthepersonstartedbythechiefexecutiveundertheQCATActhadnotbeendecided or withdrawn.(2)Thecourtortribunalhearingtheappealmustapplytheamended Act in relation to the subject
matter of the appeal.(3)Indecidingtheappeal,thecourtortribunalmustconsiderthat,ifthepersonwasadisqualifiedpersonwhenthechiefexecutive made
the chapter 8 reviewable decision, the personwouldnothavebeenpermittedtoapplyforareviewofthechapter 8 reviewable decision.565Existing right of appeal by chief
executive against QCATdecision(1)This
section applies if—(a)a person is a new disqualified person;
and(b)beforethecommencement,thechiefexecutivehadaright to appeal,
under the QCAT Act, against a decisionofQCATrelatingtoachapter 8reviewabledecisionabout the person; and(c)on
the commencement, the time for starting the appealhad
not ended.(2)ThechiefexecutivemaystartanappealundertheamendedAct even though
the person is a disqualified person.(3)Thecourtortribunalhearinganappealstartedundersubsection (2)
must apply the amended Act in relation to thesubject matter
of the appeal.(4)Indecidingtheappeal,thecourtortribunalmustconsiderthat,ifthepersonwasadisqualifiedpersonwhenthechiefexecutive made
the chapter 8 reviewable decision, the personwouldnothavebeenpermittedtoapplyforareviewofthechapter 8 reviewable decision.Page
260Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 4Working with
Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 566]Changes to
employment screeningNotauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 1Preliminary566Definitions for divisionIn this
division—amended, for a
provision of this Act, means as in force afterthecommencementofthesectioninwhichtheprovisionismentioned.current—(a)for a prescribed
notice—means current under previoussection 231;
or(b)for an exemption notice—means current
under previoussection 289.exemptioncard,foraperson’spositiveexemptionnotice,means a card
issued to thepersonbythechiefexecutiveasevidence of the person’s positive
exemption notice.exemptionnoticeseepreviousschedule
7,definition exemption notice
application.negative exemption noticesee
previous schedule 7, definitionnegative
exemption notice.negativeprescribednoticemeansanegativenoticeissuedunder previous
section 220(b).positive exemption noticesee
previous schedule 7, definitionpositive
exemption notice.positivenoticeseepreviousschedule
7,definitionpositivenotice.positive notice
blue cardseepreviousschedule
7,definitionpositive notice
blue card.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 567]prescribednoticeseepreviousschedule
7,definition prescribed notice
application.previous, for a
provision of this Act, means as in force beforethe commencement
of the provision in which the term is used.Subdivision
2Existing eligibility declarations,prescribed notices, exemptionnotices and related applications567Existing eligibility application or
eligibility declaration(1)TheamendedActappliesfordecidinganeligibilityapplication
that, immediately before the commencement, hadnot been decided
or withdrawn.(2)Aneligibilitydeclarationthat,immediatelybeforethecommencement, was in force for a
person continues in effectsubject to amended section 185.568Existing prescribed notice
application(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement, a prescribed notice
application for a personhad been made but not decided,
withdrawn or taken to havebeen withdrawn.(2)The
application is taken to be a working with children check(general) application.(3)The
amended Act applies for deciding the application.(4)Subsection (5) applies if—(a)the person is not a police officer or
registered teacher;and(b)immediately
before the commencement, the person wasemployedinregulatedemploymentunderpreviousPage 262Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 568A]chapter
8,part 4onthebasistheprescribednoticeapplication had been made but not decided,
withdrawnor taken to have been withdrawn; and(c)the person does not hold a negative
notice or negativeexemption notice.(5)Despitechapter
person may continue to be employed in the regulatedemployment; and(b)for
that purpose, sections 175 and 176A do not apply inrelation to the employment.(6)Subsection (7) applies if—(a)the person is not a police officer or
registered teacher;and(b)immediately
before the commencement, the person wascarryingonaregulatedbusinessunderprevioussection
197(1)(b)onthebasistheprescribednoticeapplication had been made but not decided,
withdrawnor taken to have been withdrawn; and(c)the person does not hold a negative
notice or negativeexemption notice.(7)Despitechapter
and(b)for that purpose, section 176B does
not apply in relationto the regulated business.568ATransitioning to issuing working with
children card forclearance that includes holder’s
photograph(1)Thissectionappliesifthechiefexecutiveapprovesanapplication for a person to which section
568 applies.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 569](2)Thechiefexecutivemaycomplywithsection232Afortheperson’sworkingwithchildrenclearancebyissuingthepersonapositivenoticebluecardthatthechiefexecutivewould have issued before the commencement to
a person whoholds a positive notice.(3)Thedocumentmentionedinsubsection(2)istakentobeaworking with
children card issued to the person under section232A
for the person’s working with children clearance.(4)Despite schedule 7, definition working
with children card, itdoes not matter that a document issued
under subsection (2)does not include a photograph of the
person.569Existing positive notice and positive
notice blue card(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement, a person holds a current
positive notice.(2)Thepositivenoticeistakentobeaworkingwithchildrenclearanceissuedtothepersonunderamendedchapter 8,part 4, division
9.(3)If, immediately before the
commencement, the positive noticewas suspended
under previous section 240 or 242—(a)theperson’sworkingwithchildrenclearanceundersubsection (2)istakentohavebeensuspendedunderamended section 296; and(b)thesuspensionmaybedealtwithundertheamendedAct.(4)A current positive notice blue card
issued to the person for theperson’s
positive notice is taken to be a working with childrencard
issued to the person under section 232A for the person’sworking with children clearance under
subsection (2).(5)Despiteschedule
7,definitionworkingwithchildrencard,paragraph (b),
it does not matter that the positive notice bluecard
does not include a photograph of the person.Page 264Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 570]570Existing negative prescribed notice(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement, a person holds a current
negative prescribednotice.(2)The
negative prescribed notice is taken to be a negative noticeissuedtothepersonunderamendedchapter
8,part 4,division
9.571Existing exemption notice
application(1)This section applies to an exemption
notice application that,immediately before the commencement,
had not been decided,withdrawn or taken to have been
withdrawn.(2)The application is taken to be a
working with children check(exemption)
application.(3)The amended Act applies for deciding
the application.571ATransitioning to issuing working with
children card forexemption that includes holder’s
photograph(1)Thissectionappliesif,within6monthsafterthecommencement,thechiefexecutiveapprovesanapplicationfor a person to
which section 571 applies.(2)Despitesection289,aworkingwithchildrenexemptionisissued to the person for the term that
ends 3 years after thecommencement.(3)Thechiefexecutivemaycomplywithsection290Afortheperson’sworkingwithchildrenexemptionbyissuingtheperson an exemption card that the chief
executive would haveissuedbeforethecommencementtoapersonwhoholdsapositive exemption notice.(4)Thedocumentmentionedinsubsection(3)istakentobeaworking with
children card issued to the person under section290A
for the person’s working with children exemption.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 572](5)Despite schedule 7, definition working with
children card, itdoes not matter that a document issued under
subsection (3)does not include—(a)a
photograph of the person; or(b)theexpirydateoftheperson’sworkingwithchildrenexemption.572Existing positive exemption notice and
positiveexemption notice card(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement, a person holds a current
positive exemptionnotice.(2)The
positive exemption notice is taken to be a working withchildren exemption issued—(a)tothepersonunderamendedchapter
8,part 5,division 8;
and(b)for the term that ends 3 years after
the commencement.(3)If,immediatelybeforethecommencement,thepositiveexemption notice
was suspended under previous section 298—(a)theperson’sworkingwithchildrenexemptionundersubsection (2)istakentohavebeensuspendedunderamended section 296; and(b)thesuspensionmaybedealtwithundertheamendedAct.(4)Anexemptioncardissuedtothepersonfortheperson’spositiveexemptionnoticeistakentobeaworkingwithchildren card
issued to the person under section 290A for theperson’sworkingwithchildrenexemptionundersubsection
7,definitionworkingwithchildrencard,paragraph (b),
it does not matter that the exemption card doesnot
include—(a)a photograph of the person; orPage
266Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 573](b)theexpirydateoftheperson’sworkingwithchildrenexemption.573Expiry of transitioned positive exemption
notice(1)This section applies in relation to a
current positive exemptionnotice that is taken to be a working
with children exemptionunder section 572 (thetransitioned exemption) if—(a)the term mentioned in section
572(2)(b) ends; and(b)either—(i)theholderofthetransitionedexemptiondidnotmakeaworkingwithchildrencheckapplicationbefore the term
ended; or(ii)theholderofthetransitionedexemptionmadeaworking with children check application
before thetermendedandtheapplicationwaswithdrawnbefore it was
decided.(2)The chief executive must give a notice
to the person who heldthe transitioned exemption that
states—(a)the transitioned exemption has
expired; and(b)thepersonmustreturntheperson’sworkingwithchildren card to
the chief executive within 14 days afterthe notice is
given, unless the person has a reasonableexcuse.(3)Thepersonmustreturntheperson’sworkingwithchildrencard
to the chief executive within 14 days after the notice isgiven, unless the person has a reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.574Existing negative exemption
notice(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement, a person holds a current
negative exemptionnotice.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 267
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 575](2)The
negative exemption notice is taken to be a negative noticeissuedtothepersonunderamendedchapter
8,part 5,division
application to cancel positive notice or positiveexemption notice(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement—(a)anapplicationunderprevioussection
244tocancelaperson’spositivenoticehadnotbeendecidedorwithdrawn; or(b)anapplicationunderprevioussection
302tocancelaperson’s positive exemption notice had not
been decidedor withdrawn.(2)Theapplicationistakentohavebeenmadeundersection 304D in relation to the person’s
working with childrenclearanceundersection 569(2)orworkingwithchildrenexemption under
section 572(2).(3)The amended Act applies for deciding
the application.576Existing application to cancel
negative notice or negativeexemption
236tocancelaperson’snegativeprescribednoticehadnotbeendecided or withdrawn; or(b)anapplicationunderprevioussection
294tocancelaperson’snegativeexemptionnoticehadnotbeendecided or withdrawn.(2)Theapplicationistakentohavebeenmadeundersection 304G in relation to the person’s
negative notice undersection 570(2) or 574(2).(3)The amended Act applies for deciding
the application.Page 268Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 577]577Existing application to cancel suspended
positive noticeor positive exemption notice(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement—(a)anapplicationunderprevioussection
241or243tocancelaperson’ssuspendedpositivenoticehadnotbeen decided or
withdrawn; or(b)anapplicationunderprevioussection
299tocancelaperson’ssuspendedpositiveexemptionnoticehadnotbeen decided or withdrawn.(2)Theapplicationistakentohavebeenmadeundersection300(1)(b)inrelationtotheperson’sworkingwithchildrenclearanceundersection 569(2)orworkingwithchildrenexemption under
section 572(2).(3)The amended Act applies for deciding
the application.Subdivision 3Reviews and
appeals578Reviews not started on
commencement(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement—(i)thechiefexecutivemadeachapter 8reviewabledecision about a
person; and(ii)thepersonhadnotappliedforareviewofthedecision under section 354; and(b)on the commencement, the time for
starting a review ofthe decision had not ended.(2)The person may apply for a review of
the decision.(3)QCAT must apply the amended Act in
relation to the subjectmatter of the review.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 579]579Appeals not started on commencement(1)This section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,thechiefexecutiveoranother person had a right to appeal,
under the QCATAct, against a decision of QCAT relating to
a chapter 8reviewable decision; and(b)onthecommencement,thetimeforstartinganappealhad not
ended.(2)The entity hearing the appeal must
apply the amended Act inrelation to the subject matter of the
appeal.580Undecided reviews and appeals(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement—(a)an
application, made by a person under section 354, fora
review of a chapter 8 reviewable decision had not beendecided or withdrawn; or(b)anappealagainstadecisionofQCATrelatingtoachapter 8reviewabledecision,startedbyapersonundertheQCATAct,hadnotbeendecidedorwithdrawn.(2)Theentityhearingtherevieworappealmustapplytheamended Act in relation to the subject
matter of the review orappeal.Subdivision
4Other transitional provisions581Definitions for subdivisionIn
this subdivision—transitioned applicationmeans—(a)for an eligibility application—an
eligibility applicationunder section 567; orPage
270Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 582](b)foraprescribednoticeapplication—aworkingwithchildren check
application under section 568; or(c)foranexemptionnoticeapplication—aworkingwithchildrencheck(exemption)applicationundersection 571.transitioned
an eligibility declaration—an eligibility declarationunder section 567; or(b)for
a positive notice—a working with children clearanceunder section 569; or(c)foranegativeprescribednotice—anegativenoticeunder section 570; or(d)forapositiveexemptionnotice—aworkingwithchildren exemption under section 572;
or(e)foranegativeexemptionnotice—anegativenoticeunder section
574.582Things done before commencement in
relation toeligibility declaration, prescribed notice
or exemptionnotice(1)ThissectionappliesinrelationtoathingdonebythechiefexecutiveoranotherpersonunderthisActbeforethecommencement in relation to—(a)an eligibility application, prescribed
notice applicationor exemption notice application; or(b)aneligibilitydeclaration,prescribednoticeorexemption notice.(2)The
thing is taken to have been done under the amended Actin
relation to—(a)for a thing done in relation to an
eligibility application,prescribednoticeapplicationorexemptionnoticeapplication—thetransitionedapplicationfortheapplication; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 271
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 583](b)for
a thing done in relation to an eligibility declaration,prescribed notice or exemption notice—the
transitionedauthority for the declaration or
notice.(3)TheamendedActappliesforthepurposeofsubsection (2)with necessary
changes.(4)This section does not limit another
provision of this division.583Obligations or powers arising before
commencement inrelation to eligibility declaration,
prescribed notice orexemption notice(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,thechiefexecutiveoranother person was required or
permitted under this Actto do, but did not do, something in
relation to—(i)aneligibilityapplication,prescribednoticeapplication or exemption notice application;
or(ii)aneligibilitydeclaration,prescribednoticeorexemption notice; and(b)on the commencement, the period within
which the chiefexecutive or other person was required or
permitted todo the thing has not passed.(2)The chief executive or other person
must or may do the thingunder the amended Act in relation
to—(a)for a thing required or permitted to
be done in relationtoaneligibilityapplication,prescribednoticeapplicationorexemptionnoticeapplication—thetransitioned
application for the application; or(b)for
a thing required or permitted to be done in relationtoaneligibilitydeclaration,prescribednoticeorexemptionnotice—thetransitionedauthorityforthedeclaration or
notice.(3)TheamendedActappliesforthepurposeofsubsection (2)with necessary
changes.(4)This section does not limit another
provision of this division.Page 272Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 584]584Existing employer notices about employment
orproposed employment of a person(1)A person, as the employer of another
person, is taken to havegiventhechiefexecutiveanoticementionedinsection 175(1)(b) about employing the
other person if, beforethe commencement, the person—(a)gave the chief executive a
notification about employingtheotherpersonunderprevioussection 188(1)(a),192(2)(a) or
193(2)(a); or(b)applied for a prescribed notice about
the other person.(2)Aperson,astheemployerofapoliceofficerorregisteredteacher,istakentohavegiventhechiefexecutiveanoticementioned in
section 176C(1)(b)aboutemployingthepoliceofficer or
teacher if, before the commencement, the person—(a)gave the chief executive a
notification about employingthepoliceofficerorteacherunderprevioussection 251(a),
254(2)(a) or 255(2)(a) or (b); or(b)applied for an exemption notice about the
police officeror teacher.585Existing orders under s 357This
Act applies in relation to a disqualification order madeunder section 357 before the commencement as
if—(a)areferencetoapositivenoticewereareferencetoaworking with children clearance;
and(b)areferencetoapositiveexemptionnoticewereareference to a working with children
exemption; and(c)a reference to applying for a
prescribed notice were areferencetomakingaworkingwithchildrencheck(general) application; and(d)a reference to applying for an
exemption notice were areferencetomakingaworkingwithchildrencheck(exemption) application.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 273
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 586]586Particular references in Act or
documentIn an Act or a document, to the extent the
context permits—(a)a reference to a working with children
check (general)application includes a reference to an
application for aprescribednoticeunderpreviouschapter 8,part 4,division 6 or 7; and(b)areferencetoaworkingwithchildrencheck(exemption)applicationincludesareferencetoanapplicationforanexemptionnoticeunderpreviouschapter 8, part 5, division 7 or 8;
and(c)areferencetoaworkingwithchildrenclearanceincludes a
reference to a positive notice under previoussection 220(a);
and(d)areferencetoaworkingwithchildrenexemptionincludesareferencetoapositiveexemptionnoticeunder previous
section 282(a); and(e)areferencetoaworkingwithchildrenauthorityincludes a
reference to—(i)apositivenoticeunderprevioussection
220(a);and(ii)apositiveexemptionnoticeunderprevioussection 282(a);
and(f)a reference to a negative notice
includes a reference to—(i)anegativenoticeunderprevioussection 220(b);and(ii)anegativeexemptionnoticeunderprevioussection
282(b).587Application withdrawn or taken to have
been withdrawnbefore commencement(1)If,
before the commencement, a person withdrew a prescribednotice application or exemption notice
application the personmade about another person—Page
274Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 588](a)the
application is taken to have been withdrawn undersection 196; and(b)anoticegivenbythechiefexecutiveaboutthewithdrawalistakentohavebeengivenundersection 195 because section 196
applies.(2)Anoticeaboutthewithdrawalofaprescribednoticeapplication about a person given under
previous section 203,204 or 214, or about the withdrawal of
an exemption noticeapplication about a person given under
previous section 263,264or275,istakentobeawithdrawalnoticegivenundersection 195 because section 196
applies.(3)Anoticeaboutthewithdrawalofaprescribednoticeapplication about a person given under
previous section 208or217,oraboutthewithdrawalofanexemptionnoticeapplication about a person given under
previous section 269or279,istakentobeawithdrawalnoticegivenundersection 195 because section 199
applies.588Continuing obligation of
confidentiality(1)This section applies if—(a)immediatelybeforethecommencement,previoussection 384 applied to a person in relation
to particularinformation; and(b)on
the commencement, section 384 does not apply to theperson in relation to the
384continuestoapplytothepersoninrelation to the information as if the
amendment Act had notbeen enacted.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 275
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Chapter 11 Transitional and other
provisions[s 589]Division 5Transitional regulation-makingpower589Transitional regulation-making power(1)A regulation (atransitional
regulation) may make provisionabout a
matter—(a)for which it is necessary to make
provision to allow orfacilitatethedoingofanythingtoachievethetransition—(i)from
the operation of this Act as in force before thecommencement of a relevant amendment;
and(ii)totheoperationofthisActasinforceafterthecommencement of the relevant amendment;
and(b)forwhichthisActdoesnotprovideorsufficientlyprovide.(2)A transitional regulation may have
retrospective operation toadaynotearlierthanthedaytherelevantamendmentcommenced.(3)Atransitionalregulationmustdeclareitisatransitionalregulation.(4)This
section and any transitional regulation expire 18 monthsafter the day this section commenced.(5)In this section—relevant
amendmentmeans an amendment of this Act by theamendment Act.Page 276Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 1Schedule 1Regulated employment andbusinesses for
employmentscreeningNotauthorised—indicativeonlysection 156Part 1Regulated employment1Residential facilities(1)Employmentisregulatedemploymentifanyoftheusualfunctions of the
employment is carried out, or is likely to becarried out,
inside—(a)a residential facility; or(b)another place, other than a
residential facility, at which achild
accommodation service is provided under fundingprovided by the
Commonwealth or by the department inwhich theEducation (General Provisions) Act
2006isadministered.(2)However,employmentmentionedinsubsection (1)isnotregulated employment if the employment
is part of a licensedcare service.2Schools—boarding facilitiesEmployment is regulated employment
if—(a)any of the usual functions of the
employment is carriedout,orislikelytobecarriedout,insideaboardingfacility at a
school; and(b)the employee is not an approved
teacher.3Schools—employees other than teachers
and parents(1)Employment is regulated employment if
the usual functionsof the employment include or are likely to
include—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 1(a)providing services at a school that are
directed mainlytowards children; or(b)conductingactivitiesataschoolthatmainlyinvolvechildren.(2)However,employmentmentionedinsubsection (1)isnotregulated employment if the employee
is—(a)an approved teacher; or(b)avolunteerwhoisaparentofachildattendingtheschool.4Education and care services and similar
employment(1)Employment is regulated employment
if—(a)itisemploymentasaneducatororcarerin,orstaffmemberof,aneducationandcareserviceoraQECservice; or(b)any
of the usual functions of the employment are carriedout,
or are likely to be carried out at education and careservicepremisesorQECservicepremiseswhilechildrenarebeingeducatedandcaredforatthepremises;
or(c)theusualfunctionsoftheemploymentinclude,orarelikelytoinclude,providingeducationandcaretochildreninthecourseofacommercialserviceotherthan an
education and care service or a QEC service.(2)If
an adult is an occupant of a home in which a home-basedstand-alonecareservicethatisemploymentmentionedinsubsection (1) is provided—(a)the adult is taken to be a volunteer
who is employed inregulated employment; and(b)thecarerwhoprovidestheserviceistakentobethepersonwhoemploystheadultintheregulatedemployment.(3)If
an adult is an occupant of a family day care residence inwhich employment mentioned in subsection (1)
is provided—Page 278Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 1(a)the
adult is taken to be a volunteer who is employed inregulated employment; and(b)theapprovedproviderundertheEducationandCareServicesNationalLaw(Queensland)ofthefamilydaycare
service provided in the residence is taken to be thepersonwhoemploystheadultintheregulatedemployment.(4)Employmentmentionedinsubsection (1)isnotregulatedemployment if
the employee is a volunteer who is a parent of achild to whom education and care is
regularly provided—(a)in the course of the service;
or(b)at the premises.4AChild care and similar employment(1)Employmentisregulatedemploymentifanyoftheusualfunctions of the
employment includeorarelikelytoincludeproviding child
care in the course of a commercial service.Examples—•a babysitting service•a nanny service•a
service conducted by a hotel or resort to provide child care
tochildren who are short-term guests(2)However,employmentmentionedinsubsection (1)isnotregulated employment if the employee
is a volunteer who is aparent of a child to whom child care
is regularly provided inthe course of the service.5Churches, clubs and associations
involving children(1)Employment is regulated employment
if—(a)theusualfunctionsoftheemploymentinclude,orarelikely to
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 1Notauthorised—indicativeonly(ii)conductingactivitiesmainlyinvolvingchildren;and(b)the services are
provided, or the activities are conducted,by or within a
church, club, association or similar entity.(2)However,employmentmentionedinsubsection (1)isnotregulated employment if—(a)the employment is unpaid; and(b)the employee is a parent of a child
(1)(a)(i)applies—receivestheservicestowhichtheemploymentrelatesorsimilar services provided by someone
else withinthe church, club, association or other
entity; or(ii)if subsection
(1)(a)(ii) applies—participates in theactivitiestowhichtheemploymentrelatesorsimilaractivitiesconductedbysomeoneelsewithin the church, club, association or
other entity.Examples—1A
sporting club has teams for adults and children of various
ages.A person is employed by the club, as a
volunteer, to coach one ofthe children’s teams. The person does
not have any children. Undersubsection (1),
the coaching is regulated employment.2Same
facts as in example 1, except that the person has a child onthe
team that the person is coaching. Under subsection (2), thecoachingisnotregulatedemploymentbecausethechildisparticipatinginthesportingactivitiesconductedattheclubtowhich the coaching relates.3Same facts as in example 1, except
that the person has a child onanother of the
club’s teams, which is coached by another employeeof
theclub.Undersubsection (2),the person’s
coaching is notregulated employment because the child is
participating in sportingactivities, conducted by someone else
at the club, that are similar tothe activities
to which the person’s coaching relates.4Same
facts as in example 1, except that the person has a child
whoreceives child-minding services provided by
another employee oftheclub.Inthiscase,thecoachingisregulatedemployment.Subsection (2)
does not apply because the services the child isreceiving (child-minding) are not similar to
the activities to whichthe coaching relates.Page
280Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 1Notauthorised—indicativeonly6Health, counselling and support
services(1)Employment is regulated employment if
the usual functionsoftheemploymentinclude,orarelikelytoinclude,anemployee providing 1 or more of the
following—(a)a health service to a child at a
health facility—(i)ifservicesprovidedatthefacilityareprovidedonly or mainly
to children; orExamples of health facilities for
subparagraph (i)—a children’s hospital, a child health
clinic(ii)if the
employee’s employment involves providingservices only or
mainly to children;Examples for subparagraph (ii)—•a person whose employment involves
only or mainlyproviding a health service in the paediatric
section ofa hospital•a
person whose employment involves only or mainlyoperatingchildhealthscreeningatacommunityhealth
facility(b)ahealthservicetoachildotherthanatahealthfacility—(i)that,byitsnature,requiresphysicalcontactwiththe child;
orExample for subparagraph (i)—a
person providing massage services to children(ii)if
the employee is physically present with the childwhile no-one else is present;(c)a counselling service to a
child—(i)if the employee is physically present
with the childwhile no-one else is present; or(ii)if the employee
is not physically present with thechild;Example for subparagraph (ii)—a
counselling service that involves an internet or telephonehelp
line service that provides help to children to resolvepersonal problems or difficultiesCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 1(d)a
support service to a child—(i)if
the employee is physically present with the childwhile no-one else is present; or(ii)if the employee
is not physically present with thechild.Example for paragraph (d)—a
support service providing emotional support for child
victimsor witnesses in connection with court or
other legal proceedings(2)Also, employment
is regulated employment if—(a)theemployerisafundednon-governmentserviceprovider or an NDIS non-government service
provider;and(b)any of the usual
functions of the employment are carriedout,orarelikelytobecarriedout,atachild-relatedservice outlet
of the service provider.(3)However,employmentmentionedinsubsection (1)isnotregulated employment if—(a)theemployeeisanapprovedteacherandtheemploymentispartoftheemployee’sdutiesfortheschool that
employs the employee; or(b)theemployeeisprovidingtheserviceaspartoftheemployee’s employment with a licensed
care service; or(c)the employee is—(i)aconsumeratachild-relatedserviceoutletofafundednon-governmentserviceprovideroranNDIS non-government service provider,
even if theconsumer carries out work at the outlet;
or(ii)a volunteer
who—(A)is a relative of a person with a
disability whoisreceivingdisabilityservicesatachild-relatedserviceoutletofafundednon-governmentserviceprovideroranNDIS non-government service provider;
andPage 282Current as at
[Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 1Notauthorised—indicativeonly(B)is at the service outlet only to help
with thecare of the person.(4)In
this section—consumer,inrelationtoachild-relatedserviceoutletofafundednon-governmentserviceprovideroranNDISnon-governmentserviceprovider,meansapersonwithadisabilitywhoisprovidedwithdisabilityservicesattheoutlet.counselling servicemeans a service
that provides or purportstoprovide,onaprofessionalbasis,helporguidancetopersons to resolve personal, social or
emotional problems
servicemeans any of the following—(a)a service for maintaining, improving,
restoring or caringforaperson’shealthorwellbeing,including,forexample, the following—(i)a
service providing personal care to a person whois ill, injured
or otherwise infirm;Examples of providing personal
care—•help with personal hygiene•help with dressing•servicesprovidedbyanassistantinawardofahospital,includingliftingandturningbedriddenpatients and moving patients from a place to
service providing respite care;(iii)aserviceprovidedbyapractitionerofhypnosis,naturopathy,acupunctureoranotherformofnatural or alternative health
care;(iv)a massage
service, including a massage service forrelaxation;(v)aserviceprovidedbyahealthstudentinthestudent’s capacity as a health
student;(b)aserviceprescribedunderaregulationtobeahealthservice.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 283
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 1supportservicemeansaservicethatprovidesemotionalsupport,mentoringorpastoralcare,butdoesnotincludealegal advice or legal advocacy
service.Notauthorised—indicativeonly7Private teaching,
coaching or tutoring(1)Employment is
regulated employment if the usual functionsof the
employment include or are likely to include prescribedteaching.(2)However,employmentmentionedinsubsection (1)isnotregulatedemploymentiftheemployerisaneducationprovider.(3)In this section—prescribed
teachingmeans teaching, coaching or tutoring
1child, or more than 1 child at the same
time, on a commercialbasis.8Education programs conducted outside of
school(1)Employment is regulated employment if
the usual functionsof the employment include, or are likely to
include, providingservices or conducting activities
for—(a)aneducationalprogramundertheEducation(GeneralProvisions) Act 2006, section 284,
294, 301, 304 or 310;or(b)aprogram,providedbyanentity,underarrangementsapproved under
theEducation (General Provisions) Act2006, section 182 or
183.(2)However,employmentmentionedinsubsection (1)isnotregulated employment if the employer
is a provider under theEducation (General Provisions) Act
2006, section 232.9Child
accommodation services including home stays(1)Employment is regulated employment if the
usual functionsof the employment include, or are likely to
include, a childaccommodation service.Page 284Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 1(2)If
accommodation constituting a child accommodation serviceis
provided, or is to be provided, by a person in the person’shome(ahomestayprovider),eachadultresidinginthathome,otherthanthehomestayprovider,istakentobeavolunteer who is
engaged in regulated employment.(3)However, employment mentioned in subsection
(1) or (2) isnotregulatedemploymentifthehomestayproviderisarelativeofthechildwhoreceivesthechildaccommodationservice to which
the employment relates.(4)In this
section—home,ofaperson,includestheperson’sprincipalplaceofresidence and any holiday home of the
person.10Religious representativesEmployment is regulated employment
if—(a)the employee is a religious
representative; and(b)theusualfunctionsoftheemploymentinclude,orarelikely to
include—(i)providingservices,asareligiousrepresentative,directed mainly
towards children; or(ii)conducting
activities, as a religious representative,mainly involving
children.11Sport and active recreation(1)Employment is regulated employment
if—(a)theusualfunctionsoftheemploymentinclude,orarelikely to
or(ii)conductingactivitiesmainlyinvolvingchildren;and(b)the services are
provided, or the activities are conducted,as part of sport
or active recreation.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 1(2)However,employmentmentionedinsubsection (1)isnotregulated employment if—(a)the employment takes place at an
amusement park; or(b)the employee is a volunteer who is a
parent of a child towhom the services are provided, or in
relation to whomthe activities are conducted, as part of the
sport or activerecreation; or(c)the
services are provided, or the activities are conducted,by
or within a church, club, association or similar entity,as
mentioned in section 5(1)(b) of this schedule.12Emergency services cadet program(1)Employment is regulated employment if
the usual functionsof the employment include or are likely to
include—(a)undertakingtheroleofanadultmemberinthecadetprogrammanagedbythedepartmentresponsibleforemergency services; and(b)prescribed teaching.(2)In
this section—prescribed teachingmeans teaching,
coaching or tutoring 1child, or more than 1 child at the
same time.13School crossing supervisorsEmployment is regulated employment if the
usual functionsof the employment include, or are likely to
include, providingservicesasacrossingsupervisorwithinthemeaningoftheTransportOperations(RoadUseManagement)Act1995,section 122A(1)(b).14Care
of children under Child Protection Act 1999(1)Employment is regulated employment if the
usual functionsof the employment include, or are likely to
include, providingcareforachildasanapprovedcarer,otherthanaprovisionally approved carer.Page
286Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 1(2)If a
person provides, or is likely to provide, care for a child
household is taken to be a volunteer who is engagedin
regulated employment.(3)Employment is
regulated employment if—(a)any of the usual
functions of the employment is carriedout,orislikelytobecarriedout,insidealicensedresidential
facility; or(b)the employee is employed by a licensed
care service andany of the usual functions of the employment
includesor is likely to include providing support
for an approvedcarer.(4)Without limiting subsection (3), each of the
following personsistakentobeengagedinregulatedemploymentunderthesubsection—(a)apersonwhoisresponsiblefordirectlymanagingalicensed care service;(b)a person who is engaged in relation to
the provision ofcare to a child by a licensed care
service.15Regulation about usual functions of
employment(1)For this part, a regulation may make
provision about whethera function of employment is a usual
function.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), a
regulation may—(a)state the employment, or type of
employment, to whichthe regulation applies; and(b)declare that a stated function of the
employment is, or isnot, a usual function of the
employment.(3)Aregulationunderthissectionmaydescribeafunctionofemploymentbyreferencetothefrequencywithwhichitiscarried out, or in another way.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 1Part 2Regulated businessesNotauthorised—indicativeonly16Health,
counselling and support services(1)A
business is a regulated business if the usual activities of
thebusiness include, or are likely to include,
a person providing 1or more of the following—(a)a health service to a child—(i)that,byitsnature,requiresphysicalcontactwiththe child;
or(ii)ifthepersonisphysicallypresentwiththechildwhile no-one
else is present;(b)a counselling service to a
child—(i)ifthepersonisphysicallypresentwiththechildwhile no-one
else is present; or(ii)ifthepersonisnotphysicallypresentwiththechild;(c)a
support service to a child—(i)ifthepersonisphysicallypresentwiththechildwhile no-one
else is present; or(ii)ifthepersonisnotphysicallypresentwiththechild;(d)aserviceatachild-relatedserviceoutletofafundednon-governmentserviceprovideroranNDISnon-government
service provider.(2)However,abusinessmentionedinsubsection (1)isnotaregulated
business if the business is a licensed care service.(3)In this section—counselling
servicemeans a service that provides or
purportstoprovide,onaprofessionalbasis,helporguidancetopersons to resolve personal, social or
emotional problems
servicemeans any of the following—Page
288Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 1(a)a
service for maintaining, improving, restoring or caringforaperson’shealthorwellbeing,including,forexample, the following—(i)a
service providing personal care to a person whois ill, injured
or otherwise infirm;Examples of providing personal
care—•help with personal hygiene•help with dressing•servicesprovidedbyanassistantinawardofahospital,includingliftingandturningbedriddenpatients and moving patients from a place to
service providing respite care;(iii)aserviceprovidedbyapractitionerofhypnosis,naturopathy,acupunctureoranotherformofnatural or alternative health
care;(iv)a massage
service, including a massage service forrelaxation;(v)aserviceprovidedbyahealthstudentinthestudent’s capacity as a health
student;(b)aserviceprescribedunderaregulationtobeahealthservice.supportservicemeansaservicethatprovidesemotionalsupport,mentoringorpastoralcare,butdoesnotincludealegal advice or legal advocacy
service.17Private teaching, coaching or
tutoring(1)A business is a regulated business if
the usual activities of thebusiness
include, or are likely to include, teaching, coachingor
tutoring 1 child, or more than 1 child at the same time, on
acommercial basis.(2)However,abusinessmentionedinsubsection (1)isnotaregulatedbusinessifthebusinessisconductedbyaneducation provider.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 118Education and care services and similar
businessesA business is a regulated business if the
usual activities of thebusiness include, or are likely to
include—(a)operating an education and care
service, a QEC serviceoranothercommercialservicethatincludesprovidingeducation and
care to children; or(b)carrying out
activities in premises or a vehicle in whichthere are
children to whom education and care is beingprovided.18AChild care services and similar
businessesA business is a regulated business if the
usual activities of thebusiness include, or are likely to
include—(a)conducting a commercial service that
includes providingchild care; or(b)carrying out activities in premises or a
vehicle in whichthere are children to whom child care is
being provided.19Educational programs conducted outside
of schoolA business is a regulated business
if—(a)the usual activities of the business
include, or are likelytoinclude,providingservicesorconductingactivitiesfor—(i)aneducationalprogramundertheEducation(General
Provisions) Act 2006, section 286(2), 291or
304; or(ii)a program
provided, by the entity carrying on thebusiness, under
arrangements approved under theEducation(GeneralProvisions)Act2006,section 182 or 183; and(b)theentitycarryingonthebusinessisnotaproviderundertheEducation(GeneralProvisions)Act2006,section 232.Page 290Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 120Religious representativesA
business is a regulated business if the usual activities of
thebusinessinclude,orarelikelytoinclude,areligiousrepresentative—(a)providing services, as a religious
representative, directedmainly towards or involving children;
or(b)conductingactivities,asareligiousrepresentative,directed mainly
towards or involving children.21Child
accommodation services including home stays(1)A
business is a regulated business if the usual activities of
service and—(a)thepersonwhocarriesonthebusinessprovidestheaccommodationthatconstitutesthechildaccommodation
service in the person’s home; or(b)thepersonwhocarriesonthebusinessprovidesthechildaccommodationserviceunderanarrangementorganised by a
government entity or a local government.(2)However,abusinessmentionedinsubsection (1)isnotaregulated
business if the business is conducted at a boardingfacility,residentialfacilityoranotherplaceofthetypementioned in section 1(1)(b) of this
schedule.(3)In this section—home,ofaperson,includestheperson’sprincipalplaceofresidence and any holiday home of the
person.22Sport and active recreation(1)A business is a regulated business if
the usual activities of thebusinessinclude,orarelikelytoinclude,sportoractiverecreationactivitiesdirectedmainlytowardsorinvolvingchildren.(2)However,abusinessmentionedinsubsection (1)isnotaregulated
business if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 1(a)the
business takes place at an amusement park; or(b)the
activities are conducted by or within a church, club,associationorsimilarentity,asmentionedinsection 5(1)(b) of this schedule.23Hostel for children other than
residential facilityA business is a regulated business if
the usual activities of thebusiness
include, or are likely to include, operating a place,otherthanaresidentialfacility,atwhichachildaccommodationserviceisprovidedunderfundingprovidedbytheCommonwealthorbythedepartmentinwhichtheEducation (General Provisions) Act
2006is administered.24Businesses relating to licensed care service
under ChildProtection Act 1999A business is a
regulated business if—(a)the usual
activities of the business include, or are likelyto
include, a licensed care service; or(b)the
usual activities of the business include, or are likelyto
include, carrying out activities or providing servicesinside a licensed residential
facility.25Non-State schools—directors of
governing bodies andauthorised personsApersonistakentobeapersoncarryingonaregulatedbusiness by
being—(a)a director of the governing body of an
accredited schoolundertheEducation(AccreditationofNon-StateSchools) Act
2017; or(b)an
authorised person under theEducation
(Accreditationof Non-State Schools) Act 2017.Page 292Current as at
[Not applicable]
3Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 1Employment, or
carrying on ofa business, to which chapter 7of
this Act does not apply26Person engaged in
employment for the police serviceChapter 7 of
this Act does not apply to the employment of apersonwho,withinthemeaningofthePoliceServiceAdministration Act 1990, section 5AA.3, is a
person engagedbytheservice,totheextentthepersonisperformingafunctionmentionedinthePoliceServiceAdministrationAct1990, section 2.3.27Employment of relevant person under
theCorrectiveServices Act
2006Chapter 7 of this Act does not apply to the
employment of aperson who is a person mentioned in the
Corrective ServicesAct 2006, section 327, definition relevant
person, to the extenttheemploymentrelatestotheperson’sfunctionsunderthatAct.28Registered health practitionersChapter 7ofthisActdoesnotapplytotheemploymentorcarryingonofabusinessofapersonwhoisaregisteredhealthpractitionertotheextenttheactivitiesperformedorservicesprovidedrelatetotheperson’sfunctionsasaregistered
health practitioner.28AEmployment of
lawyersChapter 7 of this Act does not apply to the
employment of aperson who is an Australian lawyer who may
engage in legalpractice in this State under the Legal
Profession Act 2007, tothe extent the person is engaging in
legal practice.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 129Person providing only help or guidance to
child employee(1)Chapter 7 of this Act does not apply
to the employment of aperson only because the person gives
help or guidance to achild as part of the child’s
employment.(2)However, chapter 7 of this Act does
apply to the employmentofthepersoniftheemploymentisotherwiseregulatedemployment under part 1 of this
schedule.30Ambulance officersChapter 7 of
this Act does not apply to the employment of aperson as an
ambulance officer under the Ambulance ServiceAct1991,section
13or14totheextenttheemploymentrelates to the
person’s functions under that Act.Page 294Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 2Schedule 2Current serious offencessection15Notauthorised—indicativeonly1Classification of Computer Games and
Images Act 1995ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct23Demonstration ofan
objectionablecomputer gamebefore a
game27(3) andMaking(4)objectionablecomputer
game28Obtaining minorfor
objectionablecomputer game2Classification of Films Act 1991ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct41(3)Possession ofobjectionable
film42(3) andMaking(4)objectionable film43Procurement ofminor forobjectionable filmCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 295
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 23Classification of Publications Act
etc. ofprohibitedpublicationonly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned in section
12,penalty, paragraph (c)13Possession ofonly if an
offender was or could haveprohibitedbeen liable as
mentioned in section 13,publicationpenalty,
paragraph (c)14Possession of childabuse publication15Exhibition ordisplay
ofprohibitedpublication16Leaving prohibitedonly if an
offender was or could havepublication in or onbeen
liable as mentioned in section 16,public
placepenalty, paragraph (c)17(1)Producingprohibitedpublicationonly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned in section
17(1),penalty, paragraph (c)17(2)Producingprohibitedpublicationonly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned in section
17(2),penalty, paragraph (c)17(3) andProducing(4)prohibitedpublication18Procurement ofminor for
RCpublication20Leaving prohibitedonly if an
offender was or could havepublication in or onbeen
liable as mentioned in section 20,private
premisespenalty, paragraph (c)Page 296Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 24Criminal CodeProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct210Indecent treatmentof children
under16211Bestiality213Owner etc.permitting abuse
ofchildren onpremises215Carnal knowledgewith or of
childrenunder 16216Abuse of personswith an
impairmentof the mind217Procuring youngperson etc.
forcarnal knowledge218Procuring sexualacts by
coercionetc.218AUsing internet procure
childrenunder 16218BGrooming childrenunder 16219Taking child forimmoral
purposes221Conspiracy todefile222IncestCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 297
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonly228228A228B228C228D228DA228DB228DC229B229G229HObscenepublications andexhibitionsonly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned insection 228(2) or (3)Involving child
inmaking childexploitationmaterialMaking childexploitationmaterialDistributing childexploitationmaterialPossessing childexploitationmaterialAdministeringchild
exploitationmaterial websiteEncouraging use
ofchild exploitationmaterial
aboutavoiding detectionMaintaining
asexual relationshipwith a
inprostitutiononly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned insection 229G(2)Knowinglyparticipating inprovision
ofprostitutiononly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned insection 229H(2)Page 298Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonly229I229L300306309313315315A316317320A322323APersons found inplaces
reasonablysuspected of beingused forprostitution etc.only if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned insection 229I(2)Permitting
youngperson etc. to be atplace used
homicideAttempt to murderConspiring
unbornchildDisabling in
orderto commitindictable
orstrangulation in adomestic
settingStupefying in orderto commitindictable offenceActs intended
tocause grievousbodily harm
andother malicious actsTortureAdministeringonly if an
offender was or could havepoison with intentbeen liable for
a penalty as mentioned into harmsection 322,
penalty, paragraph (a)Female genitalmutilationCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 299
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 2323B324326349350351352354354A363363A364409419427Removal of
childfrom State forfemale
genitalmutilationFailure to
supplynecessariesEndangering life
ofchildren byexposureRapeAttempt to
commitrapeAssault with
intentto commit rapeSexual
forransomChild-stealingAbduction of
childunder 16Cruelty to
childrenunder 16Definition
ofrobberyonly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned insection 411(2)Burglaryonly
if an offender was or could havebeen liable as
mentioned insection 419(3)(b)(i) or (ii)Unlawful entry ofvehicle
offenceonly if an offender was or could havebeen
liable as mentioned insection 427(2)(b)(i) or (ii)Page
300Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 25Drugs Misuse Act 1986ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct5Trafficking indangerous
drugs6Supplyingonly if the
offence is one of aggravateddangerous
drugssupply as mentioned in section 6(2)8Producingonly if an
offender was or could havedangerous drugsbeen liable for
a penalty as mentioned insection 8, penalty, paragraph (a) or
(b)9DTrafficking inrelevant
substancesor things6Criminal Code (Cwlth)ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct270.5Servitude offences270.7Deceptiverecruiting
forsexual servicesonly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned in section
oftrafficking inchildren271.7Offence of
domestictrafficking inchildren272.8Sexual
intercoursewith child outsideAustraliaCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonly272.9272.10272.11272.12272.13272.14272.15Sexual
activity(other than sexualintercourse)
withchild outsideAustraliaAggravatedoffence—child
withmental impairmentor under
care,supervision orauthority
sexualabuse of childoutside
AustraliaSexual intercoursewith young
personoutside Australia—defendant
inposition of trust orauthoritySexual activity(other than
sexualintercourse) withyoung
personoutside Australia—defendant
inposition of trust orauthorityProcuring child toengage in
sexualactivity outsideAustralia“Grooming” childto engage in
sexualactivity outsideAustraliaPage
302Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 2272.18272.19272.20273.5273.6273.7471.16Benefiting fromoffence against
thisDivisionEncouragingoffence against
thisDivisionPreparing for
orplanning offenceagainst
orobtaining childpornographymaterial
orobtaining childabuse
materialoutside AustraliaAggravatedoffence—offenceinvolving
conducton 3 or moreoccasions and 2
ormore peopleUsing a postal
orsimilar service forchild
pornographymaterialCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 303
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 2471.17471.19471.20471.22471.24471.25Possessing,controlling,producing,supplying
orobtaining childpornographymaterial for
usethrough a postal orsimilar
serviceUsing a postal orsimilar service
forchild abuse materialPossessing,controlling,producing,supplying
orobtaining childabuse material
foruse through a postalor similar
conducton 3 or moreoccasions and 2
ormore peopleUsing a postal
orsimilar service toprocure
personsunder 16Using a postal
orsimilar service to“groom”
personsunder 16Page 304Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 2471.26474.19474.20474.22474.23474.24AUsing a postal
orsimilar service tosend
indecentmaterial to personunder 16Using a carriageservice for
orobtaining childpornographymaterial for
usethrough a carriageserviceUsing a carriageservice for
childabuse materialPossessing,controlling,producing,supplying
orobtaining childabuse material
foruse through acarriage
conducton 3 or moreoccasions and 2
ormore peopleCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 305
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 2474.25A474.25B474.26474.27474.27AUsing a carriageservice for
sexualactivity with personunder 16 years
withmental impairmentor under
care,supervision orauthority
ofdefendantUsing a
carriageservice to procurepersons under
16years of ageUsing a
carriageservice to “groom”persons under
16years of ageUsing a
carriageservice to transmitindecentcommunication toperson under
16years of age7Customs Act 1901(Cwlth)ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct233BABSpecial offencerelating to tier
2goodsif the offence
involved child pornographyor child abuse materialPage
306Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 3Schedule 3Repealed or expired seriousoffencessection15Notauthorised—indicativeonly1Criminal CodeProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct208Unlawful sodomyas the provision
was in force from time totime before its repeal by theHealth andOther
Legislation Amendment Act 2016212Defilement of Girlsas the provision
was in force from time tounder Twelvetime before its
repeal by theCriminalCode, Evidence
Act and Other ActsAmendment Act 1989214Attempt to Abuseas the provision
was in force from time toGirls under Tentime before its
repeal by theCriminalCode, Evidence
Act and Other ActsAmendment Act 1989218AUsing internet the provision
was in force from time toto procure childrentime
before its repeal by theCriminalunder 16Law
(Child Exploitation and DangerousDrugs) Amendment
Act 2013220Unlawful Detentionas the provision
was in force from time towith Intent totime before its
repeal by theCriminalDefile or in
aCode, Evidence Act and Other ActsBrothelAmendment Act
1989223Incest by adultas the provision
was in force from time tofemaletime before its
repeal by theCriminalLaw Amendment
Act 1997325Endangering life oras
the provision was in force from time tohealth oftime
before its repeal by theTraining andapprentices
orEmployment Act 2000servantsCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 3344Aggravated assaultsas the provision
was in force from 20December 1946 to 30 June 1997 if
thecircumstance of aggravation was that
theunlawful assault was an offence of asexual nature as defined in theCriminalLaw Amendment
Act 1945, section 2A12Crimes Act 1914(Cwlth)ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct50BASexual intercourseas the provision
was in force from time towith child under 16time
before its repeal by theCrimesLegislation
Amendment (Sexual OffencesAgainst Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)50BBInducing childas the provision
was in force from time tounder 16 to engagetime before its
repeal by theCrimesin sexualLegislation Amendment (Sexual
Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)50BCSexual conductinvolving
childunder 16as the provision
was in force from time totime before its repeal by theCrimesLegislation
Amendment (Sexual OffencesAgainst Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)50BDInducing childunder 16 to
beinvolved in sexualconductas
the provision was in force from time totime before its
repeal by theCrimesLegislation
Amendment (Sexual OffencesAgainst Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)50DABenefiting fromas the provision
was in force from time tooffence against thistime
before its repeal by theCrimesPartLegislation Amendment (Sexual
OffencesAgainst Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)50DBEncouragingas the provision
was in force from time tooffence against thistime
before its repeal by theCrimesPartLegislation Amendment (Sexual
OffencesAgainst Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)Page 308Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 33Criminal Code (Cwlth)ProvisionRelevant headingQualification
relating to the provision ofof Actthe
totimebeforetheirrepealbytheCrimesLegislationAmendment(Slavery,Slavery-likeConditionsandPeople Trafficking) Act 2013 (Cwlth)1Criminal Law Amendment Act 1945,
section 2A was inserted into theCriminal Law
Amendment Act 1945by theCriminal
LawAmendment Act 1946.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 4Schedule 4Current disqualifying offencessection16Notauthorised—indicativeonly1Classification
of Computer Games and Images Act 1995ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct23Demonstration ofan
objectionablecomputer gamebefore a
game27(3) andMaking(4)objectionablecomputer
game28Obtaining minorfor
objectionablecomputer game2Classification of Films Act 1991ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct41(3)Possession ofobjectionable
film42(3) andMaking(4)objectionable film43Procurement ofminor forobjectionable filmPage 310Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 43Classification of Publications Act
etc. ofprohibitedpublicationonly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned in section
12,penalty, paragraph (c)13Possession ofonly if an
offender was or could haveprohibitedbeen liable as
mentioned in section 13,publicationpenalty,
paragraph (c)14Possession of childabuse publication15Exhibition oronly if an
offender was or could havedisplay ofbeen liable as
mentioned in section 15,prohibitedpenalty,
paragraph (c)publication16Leaving prohibitedonly if an
offender was or could havepublication in or onbeen
liable as mentioned in section 16,public
placepenalty, paragraph (c)17(1)Producingprohibitedpublicationonly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned in section
17(1),penalty, paragraph (c)17(2)Producingprohibitedpublicationonly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned in section
17(2),penalty, paragraph (c)17(3) andProducing(4)prohibitedpublication18Procurement ofminor for
RCpublication20Leaving prohibitedonly if an
offender was or could havepublication in or onbeen
liable as mentioned in section 20,private
premisespenalty, paragraph (c)Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 311
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonly4Criminal
CodeProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct210Indecent treatmentof children
under16211Bestiality213Owner etc.permitting abuse
ofchildren onpremises215Carnal knowledgewith or of
childrenunder 16216Abuse of personswith an
impairmentof the mind217Procuring youngperson etc.
forcarnal knowledge218Procuring sexualif the offence
was committed against aacts by coercionchildetc.218AUsing internet etcto procure
childrenunder 16218BGrooming childrenunder 16219Taking child forimmoral
purposes221Conspiracy toif the offence
was committed against adefilechild222Incestif the offence
was committed against achildPage 312Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonly228228A228B228C228D228DA228DB228DC229B229G229HObscenepublications
andexhibitionsonly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned insection 228(2) or (3)Involving child
inmaking childexploitationmaterialMaking childexploitationmaterialDistributing childexploitationmaterialPossessing childexploitationmaterialAdministeringchild
exploitationmaterial websiteEncouraging use
ofchild exploitationmaterial
websiteDistributinginformationaboutavoiding detectionMaintaining
asexual relationshipwith a
inprostitutiononly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned insection 229G(2)Knowinglyparticipating inprovision
ofprostitutiononly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned insection 229H(2)Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 313
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonly229I229L300306309315A320A349350351352354354A363Persons found inplaces
reasonablysuspected of beingused forprostitution etc.only if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned insection 229I(2)Permitting
youngperson etc. to be atplace used
homicideonly if the unlawful killing is
murderunder section 302Attempt to
murderConspiring tomurderChoking,suffocation
orstrangulation in adomestic
settingTortureif the offence
was committed against achildRapeAttempt to commitrapeAssault with intentto commit
rapeSexual assaultsif the offence
was committed against achildKidnappingiftheoffencewascommittedagainstachild and the context in which the
offencewas committed was not familialKidnapping forransomiftheoffencewascommittedagainstachildChild-stealingifthecontextinwhichtheoffencewascommitted was not familialPage
314Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonly363A364Working with
Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 4Abduction of
childifthecontextinwhichtheoffencewasunder 16committed was
not familialCruelty to childrenunder 165Criminal Code (Cwlth)ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct270.5Servitude offencesiftheoffencewascommittedagainstachild270.7Deceptiverecruiting
forsexual servicesonly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned in section
oftrafficking inchildren271.7Offence of
domestictrafficking inchildren272.8Sexual
intercoursewith child outsideAustralia272.9Sexual
activity(other than sexualintercourse)
withchild outsideAustralia272.10Aggravatedoffence—child
withmental impairmentor under
care,supervision orauthority
ofdefendantCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 315
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 4272.11272.12272.13272.14272.15272.18272.19272.20Persistent
sexualabuse of childoutside
AustraliaSexual intercoursewith young
personoutside Australia—defendant
inposition of trust orauthoritySexual activity(other than
sexualintercourse) withyoung
personoutside Australia—defendant
inposition of trust orauthorityProcuring child toengage in
sexualactivity outsideAustralia“Grooming” childto engage in
sexualactivity outsideAustraliaBenefiting fromoffence against
thisDivisionEncouragingoffence against
thisDivisionPreparing for
orplanning offenceagainst
thisDivisionPage 316Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 4273.5273.6273.7471.16471.17471.19Possessing,controlling,producing,distributing
orobtaining childpornographymaterial
orobtaining childabuse
materialoutside AustraliaAggravatedoffence—offenceinvolving
conducton 3 or moreoccasions and 2
ormore peopleUsing a postal
orsimilar service forchild
orobtaining childpornographymaterial for
usethrough a postal orsimilar
serviceUsing a postal orsimilar service
forchild abuse materialCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 317
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 4471.20471.22471.24471.25471.26474.19Possessing,controlling,producing,supplying
orobtaining childabuse material
foruse through a postalor similar
conducton 3 or moreoccasions and 2
ormore peopleUsing a postal
orsimilar service toprocure
personsunder 16Using a postal
orsimilar service to“groom”
personsunder 16Using a postal
orsimilar service tosend
indecentmaterial to personunder 16Using a carriageservice for
318Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonly474.20474.22474.23474.24A474.25A474.25BPossessing,controlling,producing,supplying
orobtaining childpornographymaterial for
usethrough a carriageserviceUsing a carriageservice for
childabuse materialPossessing,controlling,producing,supplying
orobtaining childabuse material
foruse through acarriage
conducton 3 or moreoccasions and 2
ormore peopleUsing a
carriageservice for sexualactivity with
personunder 16 years ofageAggravatedoffence—child
withmental impairmentor under
care,supervision orauthority
ofdefendantCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 319
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 4474.26474.27474.27AUsing a carriageservice to
procurepersons under 16years of
ageUsing a carriageservice to
“groom”persons under 16years of
ageUsing a carriageservice to
toperson under 16years of
age6Customs Act 1901(Cwlth)ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct233BABSpecial offencerelating to tier
2goodsif the offence
involved child pornographyor child abuse materialPage
320Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 5Schedule 5Repealed or expireddisqualifying
offencessection16Notauthorised—indicativeonly1Criminal CodeProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct208Unlawful sodomyas the provision
was in force from time totime before its repeal by theHealth andOther
Legislation Amendment Act 2016for an offence
committed before 1 July1997, only if committed against a
childor a person with an impairment of themind212Defilement of Girlsas the provision
was in force from time tounder Twelvetime before its
repeal by theCriminalCode, Evidence
Act and Other ActsAmendment Act 1989214Attempt to Abuseas the provision
was in force from time toGirls under Tentime before its
repeal by theCriminalCode, Evidence
Act and Other ActsAmendment Act 1989218AUsing internet the provision
was in force from time toto procure childrentime
before its repeal by theCriminalunder 16Law
(Child Exploitation and DangerousDrugs) Amendment
Act 2013220Unlawful Detentionas the provision
was in force from time towith Intent totime before its
repeal by theCriminalDefile or in
aCode, Evidence Act and Other ActsBrothelAmendment Act
1989only if, at the timeof the offence,
the person in relation towhom the offence was committed was
achildCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 321
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 5223Incest by adultas the provision
was in force from time tofemaletime before its
repeal by theCriminalLaw Amendment
Act 1997only if, at thetime of the
offence, the person in relationto whom the
offence was committed wasa child344Aggravated assaultsas the provision
was in force from 20December 1946 to 30 June 1997
if—(a)the circumstance of aggravation
wasthat the unlawful assault was anoffence of a sexual nature as definedin
theCriminal Law Amendment Act1945, section 2A;
and(b)at the time of the offence, the
personin relation to whom the offence wascommitted was a child2Crimes Act 1914(Cwlth)ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct50BASexual intercourseas the provision
was in force from time towith child under 16time
before its repeal by theCrimesLegislation
Amendment (Sexual OffencesAgainst Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)50BBInducing childas the provision
was in force from time tounder 16 to engagetime before its
repeal by theCrimesin sexualLegislation Amendment (Sexual
Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)50BCSexual conductinvolving
childunder 16as the provision
was in force from time totime before its repeal by theCrimesLegislation
Amendment (Sexual OffencesAgainst Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)50BDInducing childunder 16 to
beinvolved in sexualconductas
the provision was in force from time totime before its
repeal by theCrimesLegislation
Amendment (Sexual OffencesAgainst Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)Page 322Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 550DA50DBBenefiting fromas the provision
was in force from time tooffence against thistime
before its repeal by theCrimesPartLegislation Amendment (Sexual
OffencesAgainst Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)Encouragingas the provision
was in force from time tooffence against thistime
before its repeal by theCrimesPartLegislation Amendment (Sexual
OffencesAgainst Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)3Criminal Code (Cwlth)ProvisionRelevant headingof Act270.6Sexual
relating to the provision ofthe Actonlyifanoffenderwasorcouldhavebeenliableasmentionedinsection270.8,astheprovisionswereinforcefromtime
totimebeforetheirrepealbytheCrimesLegislationAmendment(Slavery,Slavery-likeConditionsandPeople Trafficking) Act 2013 (Cwlth)Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 6Schedule 6Offences that may form basisof
investigative informationsection 305(3) and (4)Notauthorised—indicativeonly1Classification
of Computer Games and Images Act 1995ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct23Demonstration ofan
objectionablecomputer gamebefore a
minor28Obtaining minorfor
objectionablecomputer game2Classification of Films Act 1991ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct43Procurement ofminor forobjectionable film3Classification of Publications Act
1991ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct18Procurement ofminor for
RCpublication4Criminal CodePage 324Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 6ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct210Indecent treatmentof children
etc.permitting abuse ofchildren
onpremises215Carnal knowledgewith or of
childrenunder 16216Abuse of personswith an
impairmentof the mind217Procuring youngperson etc.
forcarnal knowledge218Procuring sexualif the offence
was committed against aacts by coercionchild or a
person with a disabilityetc.218BGrooming childrenunder 16219Taking child forimmoral
purposes221Conspiracy toif the offence
was committed against adefilechild or a
person with a disability222Incestif
the offence was committed against achild or a
person with a disability228AInvolving child
inmaking childexploitationmaterialCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 6229B229G229H229L300349350351352Maintaining
asexual relationshipwith a
inprostitutiononly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned insection 229G(2)Knowinglyparticipating inprovision
ofprostitutiononly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned insection 229H(2)Permitting
youngperson etc. to be atplace used
homicideonly if the unlawful killing is
murderunder section 302 and was committedagainst a child or a person with adisabilityRapeif
the offence was committed against achild or person
with a disabilityAttempt to commitif the offence
was committed against arapechild or a
person with a disabilityAssault with intentif
the offence was committed against ato commit
rapechild or a person with a disabilitySexual assaultsif the offence
was committed against achild or a person with a
disability5Criminal Code (Cwlth)ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct270.6Sexual servitudeoffencesonly
if an offender was or could havebeen liable as
mentioned in section 270.8or if the offence is committed against
aperson with a disabilityPage 326Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 6270.7272.8272.9272.10272.11272.12272.13Deceptiverecruiting
forsexual servicesonly if an
offender was or could havebeen liable as mentioned in section
270.8or if the offence is committed against
aperson with a disabilitySexual
intercoursewith child outsideAustraliaSexual activity(other than
sexualintercourse) withchild
withmental impairmentor under
care,supervision orauthority
sexualabuse of childoutside
AustraliaSexual intercoursewith young
personoutside Australia—defendant
inposition of trust orauthoritySexual activity(other than
sexualintercourse) withyoung
personoutside Australia—defendant
inposition of trust orauthorityCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 6272.14272.15Procuring child
toengage in sexualactivity
childto engage in sexualactivity
outsideAustraliaPage 328Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 6ASchedule
6ARepealed or expired offencesthat
may form basis ofinvestigative informationsection 305(3) and (4)Crimes Act
1914(Cwlth)ProvisionRelevantheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofActoftheAct50BASexual intercourseas the provision
was in force from time towith child under 16time
before its repeal by theCrimesLegislation
Amendment (Sexual OffencesAgainst Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)50BBInducing childas the provision
was in force from time tounder 16 to engagetime before its
repeal by theCrimesin sexualLegislation Amendment (Sexual
Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)50BCSexual conductinvolving
childunder 16as the provision
was in force from time totime before its repeal by theCrimesLegislation
Amendment (Sexual OffencesAgainst Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)50BDInducing childunder 16 to
beinvolved in sexualconductas
the provision was in force from time totime before its
repeal by theCrimesLegislation
Amendment (Sexual OffencesAgainst Children) Act 2010(Cwlth)Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 329
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 6ACriminal
CodeheadingQualificationrelatingtotheprovisionofthe Act208Unlawful sodomyas the provision
was in force from time totime before its repeal by theHealth andOther
Legislation Amendment Act 2016for an offence
committed before 1 July1997, only if committed against a
child ora person with an impairment of the
mindPage 330Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7Schedule 7Dictionarysection9accreditationboardmeanstheNon-StateSchoolsAccreditationBoardcontinuedinexistenceundertheEducation(AccreditationofNon-StateSchools)Act2017,section 97(1).activerecreation,forschedule 1,meansaformofphysicalexertion or
activity engaged in for the purpose of relaxation orenjoyment, that is not based on formal
1,includesaparkthatispermanent or temporary but does not
include an amusementarcade.applicant,
for a working with children check application, seesection 187.approvedcarermeansanapprovedcarerundertheChildProtection Act
1999.approved formmeans a form
approved under section 400.approved
under theEducation (Queensland College ofTeachers) Act 2005; or(b)apersonwhoholdsapermissiontoteachundertheEducation (Queensland College of
Teachers) Act 2005.approved way, for making an
application or giving a notice,means a way for
making the application, or giving the notice,approved by the
chief executive and notified on a QueenslandGovernment
website.associated adult, of a regulated
person for a home-based careservice, for
chapter 8A, see section 357D.authorised
user, for chapter 8A, see section 357E.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 332businessincludes a business or organisation in which
profit isnottheprimarypurposeoftheactivityconstitutingthebusiness.carer, in
relation to a stand-alone service, means a person—(a)who is engaged to provide education
and care of a childin the course of a stand-alone service;
or(b)who is conducting the stand-alone
service and providingeducationandcareofchildreninthecourseoftheservice.chapter 8
reviewable decisionsee section 353.charge, of
an offence, means a charge in any form, including,for
example, the following—(a)a charge on an
arrest;(b)a notice to appear served under
thePolice Powers andResponsibilities
Act 2000, section 382;(c)a
complaint under theJustices Act 1886;(d)achargebyacourtundertheJusticesAct1886,section 42(1A), or another provision of an
Act;(e)an indictment.chief executive
(child care)means the chief executive of thedepartmentinwhichtheEducationandCareServicesNational Law (Queensland) is
administered.chief executive (child safety)means the chief executive of thedepartmentinwhichtheChildProtectionAct1999isadministered.chief executive
(disability services)means the chief executiveof
the department in which theDisability
Services Act 2006isadministered.chiefexecutive(educationandcare)meansthechiefexecutive of the
department in which the Education and CareServices
National Law (Queensland) is administered.child
accommodation servicemeans a service for which themain
purpose is to provide accommodation for children butdoes
not include—Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7(a)thecareofchildrenbyanapprovedcarerundertheChild Protection Act 1999acting in that capacity; or(b)theprovisionofaccommodationtochildrenunderresidentialtenancyagreementsundertheResidentialTenancies and
Rooming Accommodation Act 2008.child caremeans care of a
child provided—(a)bysomeoneotherthanarelativeorguardianofthechild; and(b)for
reward; and(c)in the course of a service for
regularly providing care ofchildren.child-related employment decisionsee
section 358.child-related service outletmeans a place at which disabilityservices are provided to children.collegeofteachersmeanstheQueenslandCollegeofTeachersestablishedundertheEducation(QueenslandCollege of
Teachers) Act 2005, section 229.commercialservicemeansaserviceoperatedonacommercial
basis.confidentialinformationincludesinformationaboutaperson’s affairs but does not
include—(a)informationalreadypubliclydisclosedunlessfurtherdisclosure of the information is prohibited
by law; or(b)statistical or other information that
could not reasonablybe expected to result in the
identification of the personto whom the
information relates.constituting members,
for chapter 9, part 1, see section 358.convictionmeansafindingofguiltbyacourt,ortheacceptanceofapleaofguiltybyacourt,whetherornotaconviction is recorded.criminal
history, of a person, means—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 333
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7(a)everyconvictionofthepersonforanoffence,inQueenslandorelsewhere,andwhetherbeforeorafterthe commencement
of this Act; and(b)every charge made against the person
for an offence, inQueenslandorelsewhere,andwhetherbeforeorafterthe commencement
of this Act.dealt with, in relation to
a charge of an offence, means any ofthe
following—(a)the person who is charged is convicted
or acquitted ofthe charge;(b)thepersonwhoischargedisconvictedofanotheroffence in
relation to which the acts or omissions weresubstantiallythesameastheactsoromissionsofthecharge of the offence;(c)the charge has been withdrawn or
dismissed;(d)a nolle prosequi or no true bill is
presented in relation tothe charge.director,ofaschool’sgoverningbody,seetheEducation(Accreditation
of Non-State Schools) Act 2017, schedule
1.disabilityservicesseetheDisabilityServicesAct2006,section 12.disciplinary
informationmeans information received by thechief executive—(a)under the repealedChild Care Act
2002, section 50A or107A; or(aa)undertheEducationandCareServicesAct2013,section 91 or 200; or(b)undertheEducationandCareServicesNationalLaw(Queensland) Act 2011, section 20 or
21; or(c)undertheEducationandCareServicesNationalLaw(Queensland), section 271; or(d)under theChild Protection
Act 1999, section 140A; orPage 334Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7(e)under theEducation
(Queensland College of Teachers)Act2005,section 285,ortherepealedEducation(Teacher Registration) Act 1988,
section 71B; or(f)under theEducation
(Queensland College of Teachers)Act2005,section 285Ainrelationtoamattermentioned in
subsection (1)(a)(ii) to (iv) of that section;or(g)under theEducation
(Queensland College of Teachers)Act 2005,
section 285AA; or(h)undertherepealedHealthPractitioners(DisciplinaryProceedings) Act
1999, section 384A.disqualification
order under section 357; or(b)an
offender prohibition disqualification order.disqualified
personsee section 17.disqualifying
offencesee section 16.educationandcareserviceseetheEducationandCareServices
National Law (Queensland), section 5(1).education and
care service premisessee the Education andCare
Services National Law (Queensland), section 5(1).education providermeans—(a)a registered higher education provider
under theTertiaryEducationQualityandStandardsAgencyAct2011(Cwlth);
Education and Training Regulator Act 2011(Cwlth).educator—(a)for education and care provided under
the Education andCareServicesNationalLaw(Queensland)—meansaneducator under that Law; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7(b)forregulatededucationandcareprovidedundertheEducationandCareServicesAct2013—meansaneducator under that Act.eligibility applicationsee section
178.eligibility declarationsee section
177.employment—(a)in relation to a trainee student—see
sections 10 and 11;or(b)inrelationtoregulatedemploymentmentionedinschedule 1, section 4(2) or
(3)—includes employment bythepersonmentionedinthatsectioninthecircumstances
mentioned in the section; or(c)inrelationtoregulatedemploymentmentionedinschedule 1,section
14(1)or(2)—includesemploymentbytheStateinthecircumstancesmentionedinsection 12; or(d)otherwise—see section 10.employment-screeningdecision,inrelationtoaperson,means a decision about—(a)whether a working with children authority or
negativenotice should be issued to the person;
or(b)whether a person’s working with
children authority ornegative notice should be cancelled;
or(c)whether an eligibility declaration
should be issued to aperson.exceptionalcasemeansexceptionalcaseasmentionedinsection 221(2), 222(2), 223(4) or
225(2).executiveofficer,ofacorporation,meansanyperson,bywhatevernamecalledandwhetherornotthepersonisadirector of the
corporation, who is concerned or takes part inthe management
of the corporation.familydaycareresidenceseetheEducationandCareServices
National Law (Queensland), section 5(1).Page 336Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7Notauthorised—indicativeonlyfamily day care servicesee the
Education and Care ServicesNational Law
(Queensland), section 5(1).final offender
prohibition ordermeans a final order under theOffender Reporting Act.finalsexualoffenderordermeansadivision 3orderundertheDangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act
2003.foster or kinship care,
for chapter 8A, see section 357B(a).fundednon-governmentserviceproviderseetheDisabilityServices Act
2006, section 16.governmententitymeansagovernmententityunderthePublic Service Act 2008, section 24,
and includes the policeservice to the extent it is not a
government entity under, of a child,
means any of the following persons—(a)apersonwhoisrecognisedinlawashavingalltheduties, powers,
responsibilities and authority relating tothechildthat,bylaw,parentshaverelatingtotheirchildren;Editor’s note—SeetheFamilyLawAct1975(Cwlth),partVII(Children),division 2
(Parental responsibility).(b)a person in
whose favour a parenting order is in forceunder theFamily Law Act 1975(Cwlth);(c)a carer of the child under theChild Protection Act 1999;(d)a person who is
entitled to the custody of the child undertheAdoption Act,ofapersonwithadisability,meansaguardianappointedforthepersonundertheGuardianshipandAdministration Act 2000.harmhas the meaning
given in theChild Protection Act 1999,section 9.Editor’s
note—Child Protection Act 1999,
section 9—9What isharmCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7(1)Harm, to a child, is
any detrimental effect of a significantnatureonthechild’sphysical,psychologicaloremotionalwellbeing.(2)It
is immaterial how the harm is caused.(3)Harm
can be caused by—(a)physical, psychological or emotional
abuse or neglect; or(b)sexual abuse or
exploitation.(4)Harm can be caused by—(a)a single act, omission or
circumstance; or(b)aseriesorcombinationofacts,
facility—(a)meansahospital,nursinghome,communityhealthfacility or
another similar place; and(b)includes a place
that is used as a hospital, nursing homeor community
health facility on a temporary
registered health practitioner; or(b)a
health care worker; or(c)an assistant to
a health practitioner.Examples for paragraph (c)—dental assistant, nurses aidehealth studentmeans a person
to whom education or trainingisbeingprovidedatahealthfacilityiftheeducationortraining enables the person to whom it is
provided—(a)toobtainthenecessaryeducationorqualificationtobecome a health professional; or(b)to obtain the necessary registration,
enrolment or otherauthorisation(howevercalled)topractiseasahealthprofessional;
or(c)to complete a course of study for
paragraph (b).home-based care service, for chapter
8A, see section 357B.Page 338Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7home-basedfamilydaycareservice,forchapter
8A,seesection 357B(b).home-based
stand-alone care servicesee section 357B(c).hospitalmeans a public
sector hospital under theHospital andHealth Boards
Act 2011or a private health facility under
thePrivate Health Facilities Act 1999.imprisonment order—(a)means either of the following
orders—(i)anorderofacourtthatconvictsapersonforanoffence,iftheorderincludesapenaltythatincludesimprisonmentfortheoffence,whetherwholly or partially suspended;(ii)anintensivecorrectionorderunderthePenaltiesandSentencesAct1992oranorderofanotherjurisdictionthatsubstantiallycorrespondstoanintensive correction order; but(b)doesnotincludeanorderofimprisonmentthatisimposed as a consequence of a breach
of a communityservice order or probation order within the
meaning ofthePenalties and Sentences Act
(Sexual Offenders) Act 2003.issue—(a)a negative notice to a person includes
issue a negativenoticetothepersonwhentheperson’sworkingwithchildren
authority is cancelled; and(b)a
working with children authority to a person includesissueaworkingwithchildrenauthoritytothepersonwhen
the person’s negative notice is cancelled.investigative
informationsee section 305.jurisdiction, other than in
relation to this jurisdiction, meansthe
Commonwealth, a State or a foreign jurisdiction.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7licensed care
servicemeans a licensed care service under
theChild Protection Act 1999.licensedresidentialfacilitymeansalicensedresidentialfacility under
theChild Protection Act 1999.member, of a person’s
household, see theChild Protection Act1999,
schedule 3.NDISnon-governmentserviceproviderseetheDisabilityServices Act
2006, section 16A.negative
noticemeans—(a)inrelationtoapersonotherthanapoliceofficerorregistered teacher—a notice under
section 220(3); or(b)in relation to a police officer or a
registered teacher—anotice under section 220(3) or
282(3).notifiable person, for a
person—(a)means—(i)ifthechiefexecutiveisawarethepersonhasapplied for, started or is continuing in,
or(ia)ifthechiefexecutiveisawarethepersonisemployed at a State school within the
meaning ofthe Education (General Provisions) Act
2006—(A)the principal of the State school;
and(B)thechiefexecutiveofthedepartmentinwhichtheEducation(GeneralProvisions)Act 2006 is
administered; or(ii)ifthechiefexecutiveisawarethepersonisatraineestudentofaneducationprovider—theeducation
provider; or(iii)if the chief
executive is aware that the person is anapprovedproviderorstaffmemberforaQECservice, or a volunteer who works in or as
part of aQECservice,undertheEducationandCarePage 340Current as at [Not applicable]
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7Notauthorised—indicativeonlyServices Act 2013—the chief executive
(educationand care); or(iv)if
the chief executive is aware that the person is anadult occupant of a home in which a
home-basedstand-alonecareserviceisprovided—thechiefexecutive (child care); or(v)if the chief executive is aware that
the person is anapprovedproviderorstaffmemberinrelationtoan
education and care service under the EducationandCareServicesNationalLaw(Queensland)—the chief
executive (education and care); or(vi)ifthechiefexecutiveisawarethepersonisaanadult occupant
of a family day care residence—thechief executive
(education and care); or(vii) ifthechiefexecutiveisawarethatthepersoniscarryingonaregulatedbusinessasareligiousrepresentative—anentitywithintherelevantorganisedorrecognisedreligiousgroupthatthechiefexecutivereasonablyconsidershasresponsibilityforsupervisingordiscipliningtheperson; or(viii) if the
chief executive is aware that the person is thenominee for, or
an executive officer of an applicantfororholderof,alicenceundertheChildProtectionAct1999—thechiefexecutive(childsafety);
and(b)includes—(i)ifthepersonisapoliceofficer—thepolicecommissioner; or(ii)if
the person is a registered teacher—the college ofteachers.occupant—(a)of a home in
which a home-based stand-alone service isprovided,seetheEducationandCareServicesAct2013, schedule 1; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7(b)ofafamilydaycareresidence,seetheEducationandCareServicesNationalLaw(Queensland)Act2011,section
section 13T.offenderprohibitionordermeansanoffenderprohibitionorder under the
Offender Reporting Act.OffenderReportingActmeanstheChildProtection(OffenderReportingandOffenderProhibitionOrder)Act2004.offenderreportingobligationsmeansreportingobligationsunder the
Offender Reporting Act.parentsee section
390.personwithadisabilitymeansapersonwithadisabilitywithinthemeaningoftheDisabilityServicesAct2006,section 11.policecommissionermeansthecommissionerofthepoliceservice.police information, about a
person, means the following—(a)the
person’s criminal history;(b)investigative
information about the person;(c)information as to whether the person is or
has been—(i)a relevant disqualified person;
or(ii)the subject of
an application for a disqualificationorder; or(iii)named as the
respondent to an application for anoffender
prohibition order.police servicemeans the
Queensland Police Service.potential employer, of a person,
means a person who—(a)thechiefexecutivereasonablybelievesemploys,orproposes to employ, the person; andPage
342Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7(b)is
not a notifiable person for the person.prescribed
department responsible for the care and protection ofchildren; or(b)the
department responsible for community services; or(c)the department responsible for
disability services; or(d)the department
responsible for mental health.prescribed
feemeans fee prescribed under a
8,part 7,division
3,seesection 353.provisionally
approved carermeans a provisionally approvedcarer under theChild Protection
Act 1999.QCAT child-related employment
review, for chapter 9, part 1,see section
358.QCAT president, for chapter 9,
part 1, see section 358.QEC servicemeans a
Queensland education and care service.QECservicepremisesmeanseachplaceatwhichaQECservice operates or is to
Care Services Act 2013, section 8.QueenslandGovernmentwebsitemeansawebsitewithaURLthatcontains‘’,otherthanthewebsiteofalocal government.register,
for chapter 8A, see section 357A.registeredhealthpractitionermeansapersonregisteredunder the Health
Practitioner Regulation National Law, otherthan as a
student.registered teachermeans a person
who holds full registrationor provisional
registration under theEducation(QueenslandCollege of
Teachers) Act 2005and whose full or provisionalregistrationisnotsuspendedundersection 48or49ofthatAct.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 343
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7regulated
businesssee section 157.regulated
employmentsee section 156.regulated
person, for chapter 8A, see section 357C.relative, of a
person—(a)meanstheperson’sparent,grandparent,greatgrandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt,
niece, nephewor first cousin; and(b)for
an Aboriginal person—includes a person who, underAboriginal tradition, is regarded as a
relative mentionedin paragraph (a); and(c)foraTorresStraitIslander—includesapersonwho,under Island custom, is regarded as a
relative mentionedin paragraph (a); and(d)for
a person with a parent who is not a natural parent—includes anyone who would be a relative
mentioned inparagraph (a) if the parent were a natural
parent.Example for paragraph (d)—The
daughter of a person’s step-parent is a relative of the
person.relevant disqualified personsee
section 18.relevantdisqualifiedpersondecision,forchapter 8,part 7,division 3, see section 353.relevant review and appeal
information, for a decision abouta person, means
the following information—(a)ifthereasonsforthedecisiondonotincludeinvestigativeinformation—thecircumstancesinwhichthepersonmayapplytoQCATforareviewofthedecision under chapter 8, part 7,
division 3; and(b)ifthereasonsforthedecisionincludeinvestigativeinformation—(i)the
right of the person to appeal, under section 307,toaMagistratesCourtaboutthepolicecommissioner’sdecisionthattheinformationisinvestigative information; andPage
344Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7(ii)the
circumstances in which the person may applytoQCATforareviewofthedecisionundersection 309(3);(c)the
period within which the person must apply to QCATfor
the review or appeal to a Magistrates Court;(d)how
the person may apply for the review to QCAT orappeal to a
Magistrates Court;(e)there is no review or appeal under
this Act in relation tothe decision other than as mentioned
in paragraph (a) or(b).religious
representativemeans a person—(a)who
is a member of—(i)an organised religion; or(ii)a religious
group even if the group is not part of, ordoes not
consider itself to be part of, an organisedreligion;
and(b)who,becauseofthewaytheorganisedreligionorreligious group operates—(i)holdsapositioninthereligionorgroupthatissupportedbythereligionorgroup,includingfinancial support, in a way that allows the
person—(A)to devote himself or herself to
promoting thereligion’s or group’s objects or values;
of the religion or group; or(ii)istrainingtoholdapositionmentionedinsubparagraph (i).repealedActmeanstheChildren’sCommissionerandChildren’s Services Appeals Tribunals Act
1996.restricted employmentsee
section 176H.restrictedperson,forchapter
7,part 4,division
4,seesection 176H.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 345
Working with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 346residentialfacilitymeansaplaceatwhichachildaccommodation
service is provided—(a)by a prescribed
department; or(b)under funding provided by a prescribed
department; or(c)underfundingprovidedbytheCommonwealthandadministered by a prescribed department;
or(d)under a licence under theChild Protection Act 1999;
or(e)tochildrenwhoare,undertheChildProtectionAct1999,inthecustodyorguardianshipofthechiefexecutiveofthedepartmentinwhichthatActisadministered,iftheplaceisprescribedunderaregulation made for this
Provisions) Act 2006; or(b)an
accredited school under theEducation
(Accreditationof Non-State Schools) Act 2017.section 93AtranscripthasthemeaningithasundertheEvidence Act 1977, section
93AA.serious offencesee section
15.sexualoffenderordermeansadivision 3order,interimdetentionorderorinterimsupervisionorderundertheDangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act
2003.sportmeans a form of
human activity capable of achieving aresultrequiringphysicalexertionorphysicalskillthat,becauseofitsnatureororganisation,iscompetitiveandisgenerally recognised as sport.staff member—(a)in relation to an education and care
service—means anindividual employed, appointed or engaged to
work inor as part of the service, whether as a
family day careco-ordinator,educatororotherwise,andincludesthenominated supervisor and a person employed,
appointedor engaged as a volunteer; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management and
Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7(b)in
relation to a QEC service, see theEducation and
CareServices Act 2013, schedule
1.stand-alone servicesee theEducation and Care Services Act2013, section
College of Teachers) Act 2005.temporaryoffenderprohibitionordermeansatemporaryorder under the
Offender Reporting Act.traineestudent,ofaneducationprovider,meansapersonundertaking a
course of study with the education provider.volunteersee
section 13.withdrawal noticesee section
195.workincludes the
provision of a service, or the conduct of anactivity—(a)as part of providing a child
accommodation service; or(b)in the course of
a religious vocation.working with children authoritymeans—(a)a
working with children clearance; or(b)a
working with children exemption.working with
children cardmeans a document, in the form ofa
card, that—(a)evidencesthataworkingwithchildrenauthorityhasbeen issued to a person; and(b)includes a photograph of the person
and the followinginformation—(i)the
person’s name;(ii)a registration
number for the person;(iii)the expiry date
of the person’s authority.working with children check
working with children check (general) application; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyWorking with Children (Risk Management
and Screening) Act 2000Schedule 7(b)a
working with children check (exemption) application.working with children check (exemption)
applicationmeansanapplicationforaworkingforchildrencheckforanexemption made
under section 187(2).working with children check (general)
applicationmeans anapplicationforaworkingforchildrencheckmadeundersection 187(1).working with
children clearancesee section 220(2).working with
children exemptionsee section 282(2).Page 348Current as at [Not applicable]