QueenslandCrossRiverRailDeliveryAuthorityAct2016Current as at [Not
applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates allproposedamendmentstotheActincludedintheRevenueandOtherLegislation
Amendment Bill 2018. This indicative reprint has been
preparedfor information only—itisnotanauthorisedreprintoftheAct.The point-in-time date for this
indicative reprint is the introduction date fortheRevenueandOtherLegislationAmendmentBill2018—22August2018.DetailedinformationaboutindicativereprintsisavailableontheInformationpage of the
Queensland legislation website.
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 1
Preliminary[s 1]Cross River Rail
Delivery Authority Act 2016An Act to establish the Cross River
Rail Delivery AuthorityNotauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
1PreliminaryDivision 1Introduction1Short
titleThisActmaybecitedastheCrossRiverRailDeliveryAuthority Act
Act commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation.(2)However, if no day has been fixed by 1
July 2017, the Actcommences on that day.(3)TheActsInterpretationAct1954,section15DAdoesnotapply to this Act.3Purpose(1)The
purpose of this Act is to establish the Cross River RailDelivery Authority—(a)toplan,carryout,promoteorcoordinateactivitiestofacilitate economic development, and
development forcommunity purposes, in a cross river rail
PDA; and(b)to facilitate the efficient delivery
of the cross river railproject and transport-related
projects.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCross River Rail Delivery Authority Act
2016Part 1 Preliminary[s 4](2)It is the intention of Parliament that
the authority continue inexistenceonlyuntilthecrossriverrailprojectandanytransport-related projects are
completed.4Act binds all persons(1)This Act binds all persons, including
the State.(2)However,theStatecannotbeprosecutedforanoffenceagainst this
Act.Division 2Interpretation5DefinitionsThe dictionary
in schedule 1 defines particular words used inthis Act.6Meaning ofcrossriverrailproject(1)Thecross river rail projectis
the project known as the crossriver rail
project described in—(a)the
Coordinator-General’s report for the environmentalimpact statement for the project, dated
December 2012,undertheStateDevelopmentandPublicWorksOrganisation Act 1971; and(b)any Coordinator-General’s change
report for the projectunder that Act.(2)Thecross river rail projectalso
includes the carrying out of—(a)development,otherthandevelopmentprescribedbyregulation, in a cross river rail PDA;
development prescribed by regulation,for a cross
river rail PDA.(3)In this section—Page 6Current as at [Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 2 Cross
River Rail Delivery Authority[s 7]PDA-associated developmentsee
theEconomic DevelopmentAct 2012,
schedule 1.Notauthorised—indicativeonly7Meaning oftransport-relatedproject(1)Atransport-relatedprojectisaprojectprescribedbyregulation—(a)that
involves providing transport infrastructure in SouthEast
Queensland, other than on land that is—(i)in a
cross river rail PDA; or(ii)PDA-associatedlandforacrossriverrailPDA;and(b)thattheMinister,afterconsultingtheTransportMinister,issatisfiedrelatestotheoperationofrailtransport
infrastructure provided, or to be provided, as aresult of the cross river rail
project.(2)In this section—PDA-associated
land, for a priority development area, see
theEconomic Development Act 2012,
schedule 1.rail transport infrastructuresee
theTransport InfrastructureAct 1994,
schedule 6.TransportMinistermeanstheMinisteradministeringtheTransport Infrastructure Act 1994.Part 2Cross River Rail
DeliveryAuthorityDivision 1Establishment8EstablishmentTheCrossRiverRailDeliveryAuthority(theauthority)isestablished.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 7
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 2 Cross River
Rail Delivery Authority[s 9]9Legal
statusThe authority—(a)is a
body corporate; and(b)may sue and be sued in its corporate
represents the State(1)The authority
represents the State.(2)Without limiting
subsection (1), the authority has the status,privileges and
immunities of the State.11Application of
other Acts(1)The authority is—(a)aunitofpublicadministrationundertheCrimeandCorruption Act 2001; and(b)a statutory body under—(i)theFinancial
Accountability Act 2009; and(ii)theStatutoryBodiesFinancialArrangementsAct1982.(2)TheStatutory Bodies
Financial Arrangements Act 1982, part2B
sets out the way that Act affects the authority’s powers.Division 2Functions and
authority’s main functions are—(a)toplan,carryout,promoteorcoordinateactivitiestofacilitate economic development, and
development forcommunity purposes, in a cross river rail
PDA; and(b)to facilitate the efficient delivery
of the cross river railproject and transport-related
projects.Page 8Current as at
[Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 2 Cross
River Rail Delivery Authority[s 12](2)Withoutlimitingsubsection(1)(a),theauthorityhasthefollowing functions—(a)toidentifyopportunitiesandoptionsforfacilitatingeconomicdevelopment,anddevelopmentforcommunity purposes, in a cross river rail
PDA;(b)toidentify,andconsultwithrelevantentitiesabout,optionsforfundingdevelopmentmentionedinparagraph (a);(c)togiveadviceandrecommendationsaboutamattermentioned in
paragraph (a) or (b) to—(i)the Minister;
and(ii)if appropriate,
a relevant entity.(3)Withoutlimitingsubsection(1)(b),theauthorityhasthefollowing functions in relation to the
cross river rail project ora
transport-related project—(a)to carry out
planning for the project, including—(i)inviting and evaluating proposals for the
deliveryof the project; and(ii)facilitatingtheprocurementandsupplyofinfrastructure and services for the
project;(b)to ensure that any approvals or
authorities required forthe project under other laws are
obtained;(c)toenterintoandmanagecontractualandotherarrangements for
the delivery of the project, including,for
example—(i)negotiatingandenteringintoagreementsaboutfunding for the project; and(ii)ensuringcontractsandagreementsareperformedin accordance
with their terms;(d)toconsult,orfacilitateconsultation,withrelevantentities about
funding and delivery of the project;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 9
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 2 Cross River
Rail Delivery Authority[s 12]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(e)toprovide,ensuretheprovisionof,ormanageinfrastructureandotherservicesandfacilitiesfor,orrelating to, the project;(f)to promote the project through, for
example, advertisingand encouraging investment;(g)to give advice and recommendations
about options forfunding and delivering the project
to—(i)the Minister; and(ii)if
appropriate, a relevant entity.(4)In
carrying out its functions under this section, the authoritymust
have regard to—(a)for a function relating to the cross
river rail project—aninterimlanduseplanoradevelopmentschemeforacross river rail
PDA; or(b)forafunctionrelatingtoatransport-relatedproject—anyplanninginstrumentthatappliestothelandonwhichdevelopmentfortheprojectisproposedtobecarried out.(5)The
authority also has—(a)the functions given to it under this
Act or another Act;and(b)any other
function, relating to its main functions undersubsection (1),
prescribed by regulation.(6)In this
section—development scheme, for a priority
development area, see theEconomic Development Act 2012,
schedule 1.interim land use plan, for a priority
development area, see theEconomic Development Act 2012,
schedule 1.planning instrumentmeans—(a)a development scheme for a priority
development area;or(b)a planning
instrument under the Planning Act.Page 10Current as at [Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 2 Cross
River Rail Delivery Authority[s 13]relevant entitymeans—(a)the Commonwealth; or(b)another State; or(c)any
other entity the authority considers is, or may be,involved in or affected by—(i)the cross river rail project;
transport-related project.13Functions to be
carried out commercially(1)Theauthoritymust,totheextentpracticable,carryoutitsfunctions as a
commercial enterprise.(2)However,
subsection (1) does not apply to the authority to theextent it is performing its community
service obligations.14Powers(1)The
authority has all the powers of an individual and may, forexample—(a)enter into contracts or agreements;
and(b)deal in land or other property;
and(c)appoint agents and attorneys;
and(d)engage consultants or contractors;
and(e)establishfundsandaccountswithanyfinancialinstitution in
Australia; and(f)chargeagovernmentagencyafeeforservicesorfacilities it supplies; and(g)do anything else necessary or
convenient to be done inperforming its functions or exercising
its powers.(2)The authority also has the powers
given to it under this Act oranother
Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 2 Cross River
Rail Delivery Authority[s 15]15Performing functions and exercising powers
inside andoutside QueenslandTheauthoritymayperformitsfunctions,orexerciseitspowers, inside or outside Queensland.Notauthorised—indicativeonly16Ministerial
direction(1)TheMinistermaygiveawrittendirectiontotheauthorityabout the performance of its functions or
the exercise of itspowers.(2)However,adirectionmustnotbeaboutthecontentofanyadvice or recommendation given by the
authority.(3)The authority must—(a)comply with a direction given under
subsection (1); and(b)publishacopyofthedirectionontheauthority’swebsite.17Authentication of documents(1)Adocumentmadebytheauthority,otherthanadocumentrequired to be
sealed, is sufficiently made if it is signed by thechief executive officer, the chairperson of
the board or anotherperson authorised by the board.(2)Adocumentmadebytheauthoritythatisrequiredtobesealed is sufficiently made if it is
sealed in the way authorisedbytheboardandsignedbythechiefexecutiveofficer,thechairperson of the board or another person
authorised by theboard.Division 3Dealing in land or other property18What power to deal in land or other
property includes(1)ForthisAct,theauthority’spowertodealinlandorotherpropertyincludesapowertodealinaninterestinlandorother property.Page 12Current as at [Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 2 Cross
River Rail Delivery Authority[s 19](2)Also,forthisAct,theauthority’spowertodealinlandincludes a power
to deal in land and improvements on land.Notauthorised—indicativeonly19Dealing in land or other property
purposes (each across river rail purpose)—(a)performing its functions under section
12(1);(b)providing or improving facilities or
services for users oftheinfrastructureandfacilitiesprovidedasaresultofthe cross river rail project or a
transport-related project;(c)addressing
adverse environmental impacts that arise as aresult of the
delivery of the cross river rail project or atransport-related project;(d)building or moving ancillary works and
encroachments,or a public utility plant, for the delivery
of the cross riverrail project or a transport-related
project.(2)This section does not limit section
14(1)(b).(3)In this section—ancillaryworksandencroachmentsseetheTransportInfrastructure
Act 1994, schedule 6.public utility
plantsee theTransport
Infrastructure Act 1994,schedule
6.20Power to take land(1)The
authority may, as provided under this section, take land ifthe
land is required for a cross river rail purpose in relationto—(a)the cross river
rail project; or(b)a transport-related project prescribed
by regulation forthis section.(2)Theauthority’spowertotakelandundersubsection(1)includes—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 13
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 2 Cross River
Rail Delivery Authority[s 20]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)power to take
land or an easement, or another interest inlandaboveorbeneaththesurface,withoutacquiringrights in the
surface; and(b)power to take a lease of State land or
another interest inState land that is less than
freehold.(3)Subsection(2)appliestothetakingofaneasementeventhough the easement—(a)is
not attached to, or used and enjoyed with, a dominanttenement; or(b)must
not be used and enjoyed in common with any otherperson.(4)For
the taking of land under this section—(a)theauthorityisaconstructingauthorityundertheAcquisition of Land Act 1967;
and(b)theAcquisitionofLandAct1967appliesasifareference in that Act to land includes a
reference to alease of State land or another interest in
State land that isless than freehold.(5)Land
taken by the authority under this section—(a)maybedescribedinthe instrumenttakingthelandinany
way sufficient to identify the land; and(b)vests in the authority.(6)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that land may be takenunder this section for a cross river rail
purpose even if, at thetime the land is taken, it is not
known when the land will berequired for the
purpose.(7)The authority’s power to take land
under this section does notlimittheauthority’spowerstotakeland,asaconstructingauthority, under
theAcquisition of Land Act 1967.(8)In this section—easementincludes a transport easement for support as
definedundertheTransportPlanningandCoordinationAct1994,section 28AC(1).Page 14Current as at [Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 2 Cross
River Rail Delivery Authority[s 21]21Taking additional land(1)This section applies if—(a)the authority, under section 20,
proposes to take, or hastaken, part of any land (theacquisition land); and(b)the taking of the acquisition land
will leave, or has left, 1or more parcels of land (theadditional land) owned
bythe person who owns or owned the acquisition
land.(2)The authority may, with the Minister’s
approval, take all orpart of the additional land.(3)Section 20 applies to the taking of
all or part of the additionalland—(a)as if the land were land that may be
taken under section20; and(b)as
if the reference in section 20(2) to subsection (1) ofsection20wereareferencetosubsection(2)ofthissection;
and(c)with any other necessary
changes.(4)For theAcquisition of
Land Act 1967, the taking of all or partof
the additional land is taken to be for a purpose incidental
tothe carrying out of the purpose for which
the acquisition landis to be, or was, taken.22Taking an interest in State
land(1)This section applies if the authority
gives or amends a noticeofintentiontoresumeinrelationtothetaking,underthisdivision, of a
lease of State land or another interest in Stateland
that is less than freehold.(2)The
authority must give the registrar notice, in the appropriateform, of the giving or amendment of the
notice of intention toresume.(3)Iftheregistrarisgivenanoticeundersubsection(2),theregistrarmustrecordinthelandregistrythatthenoticeofintention to resume has been given or
amended.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCross River Rail Delivery Authority Act
2016Part 2 Cross River Rail Delivery
Authority[s 23](4)Subsection (5) applies if—(a)the lease or other interest is taken
by the authority; or(b)the taking of
the lease or other interest is discontinued.(5)The
authority must give the registrar notice of the fact in theappropriate form.(6)Iftheregistrarisgivenanoticeundersubsection(5),theregistrar must remove the particulars
of the notice of intentionto resume from the land
registry.(7)In this section—appropriate
formsee theLand Act
1994, schedule 6.landregistrymeansthelandregistryundertheLandAct1994, section
275.registrarmeansthechiefexecutiveofthedepartmentinwhich theLand Act
1994is administered.23Changing requirement for land taken(1)This section applies in relation to
land taken under section 20for a particular
cross river rail purpose.(2)The Minister
may, by gazette notice, declare that the land isrequired for another stated cross river rail
purpose.(3)The land is taken to have been
acquired for the other statedcrossriverrailpurposefromthedaythedeclarationispublished in the gazette.(4)TheAcquisition of
Land Act 1967, section 41 does not applyto
the land because of the change of purpose.(5)Thissectiondoesnotaffectanyrightofapersontocompensation because of the taking of the
land.(6)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that a declaration undersubsection (2)—(a)is
not an acquisition of the land; and(b)does
not give a right to compensation.Page 16Current as at [Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 2 Cross
River Rail Delivery Authority[s 24]24Matters affecting compensation
payable(1)Forassessing,undertheAcquisitionofLandAct1967,thecompensation to be paid to a person
for land taken under thisdivision, regard must not be
had—(a)to the value of any works carried out
on the land after—(i)a notice of intention to resume the
land is given toa person entitled under theAcquisition of Land Act1967to
compensation for the land; or(ii)aresumptionagreementforthelandisenteredinto; or(b)toanychangeinthevalueofthelandrelatingtoadeclaration of a
cross river rail PDA under theEconomicDevelopment Act 2012, including, for
example, a changein the value of the land because of—(i)aninterimlanduseplanunderthatActforthecross river rail
PDA; or(ii)a development
scheme under that Act for the crossriver rail
PDA.(2)This section applies despite
theAcquisition of Land Act 1967,section 20(2).(3)In
this section—resumption agreementsee theAcquisition of Land Act 1967,section 15(1).25Power
to use, lease or dispose of land(1)The
authority may, to give effect to a cross river rail purpose,do
any of the following—(a)lease,oragreetolease,toanypersonlandtaken,orproposed to be taken, under this
division;(b)signanagreementwithanypersontocarryout,own,operate or
maintain any works or development on landtaken, or
proposed to be taken, under this division;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 17
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCross River Rail Delivery Authority Act
2016Part 2 Cross River Rail Delivery
Authority[s 26](c)sign
an agreement with any person in relation to worksor
development for land taken, or proposed to be taken,under this division;(d)selllandtaken,oragreetoselllandproposedtobetaken, under this division.(2)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatthepoweroftheauthoritytoacquireland,includingthepowertotakelandunder this division, applies even if the
acquisition is carriedout with the intention of disposing of
the land, or entering intoan agreement, under subsection
(1).(3)Subsection (2) does not limit the
power to take land under thisdivision.(4)This section applies despite
theAcquisition of Land Act 1967,section 41.26Notice of intention to dispose of land that
is not required(1)Thissectionappliesinrelationtolandtakenunderthisdivision and held by the authority if,
within 7 years after theday the land is taken—(a)the land is no longer required by the
authority; and(b)the authority intends to dispose of
the land.(2)The authority must, by notice, advise
the former owner of theland that the authority intends to
offer the land to the formerowner.(3)The notice must state—(a)thattheformerownermust,within28daysafterthenotice is given, give notice to the
authority (theresponsenotice)statingwhetherornottheformerownerisinterested in buying the land;
if—(i)the authority does not receive the
response noticeunder paragraph (a); orPage 18Current as at [Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 2 Cross
River Rail Delivery Authority[s 27](ii)the response
notice states that the former owner isnot interested
in buying the land; and(c)if the authority
has taken an easement under subsection(4)—the nature
and terms of the easement.(4)Before giving a
notice under subsection (2), the authority maytakeaneasementoverallorpartofthelandtoensurethestructuralandoperationalintegrityofanytransportinfrastructure on the land.(5)This section applies despite
theAcquisition of Land Act 1967,section 41.27Power
to dispose of land that is not required(1)Subsection (2) applies if the former owner
of land taken underthis division gives the authority a response
notice for the landstating that the former owner is interested
in buying the land.(2)The authority must, by notice, offer
the land, subject to anyeasement over the land, for sale to
the former owner at a pricedecided by the
authority.(3)Subsection (4) applies if the former
owner of land taken underthis division—(a)does
not give a response notice for the land; or(b)gives a response notice stating that the
former owner isnot interested in buying the land; or(c)does not accept an offer for the sale
of the land made bythe authority.(4)Theauthoritymaydisposeoftheland,subjecttoanyeasement over
the land.(5)In deciding the price for which the
land may be sold undersubsection (2) or (4), the authority
must consider—(a)avaluationbyavaluerregisteredundertheValuersRegistration Act
1992; and(b)thepoliciesandsystemsforthemanagementofgovernment assets; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 19
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCross River Rail Delivery Authority Act
2016Part 2 Cross River Rail Delivery
Authority[s 28](c)the
existence of any easement over the land.(6)A
person contracting or otherwise dealing with the authorityin
relation to land does not have to ask whether section 26 orthis
section has been complied with.(7)The
title of any person to land acquired from the authority isnotaffectedbyafailuretocomplywithsection26orthissection.(8)This section applies despite
theAcquisition of Land Act 1967,section 41.28Holding land or other property obtained as
security(1)Thissectionappliesiftheauthorityacquiresorotherwisebecomes entitled
to land or other property as security for, or insatisfaction, liquidation or discharge of, a
debt owing to theauthority.(2)The
authority may hold the land or property until it can beadvantageously disposed of.Division 4Community
service obligations29Community service obligations to be
stated inoperational plan(1)Theauthority’soperationalplanforafinancialyearmuststate—(a)the
obligations (thecommunity service obligations)
thatthe Minister—(i)issatisfiedarenotintheauthority’scommercialinterests to
perform; and(ii)hasdirectedtheauthoritytoperforminthefinancial year; and(b)thecostingsof,fundingfor,orotherarrangementstomake
adjustments relating to, the authority’s communityPage
20Current as at [Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 3 Cross
River Rail Delivery Board[s 30]serviceobligationsforthefinancialyear,asagreedbetween the
Minister and the authority.(2)The
authority’s operational plan is conclusive, as between thegovernment and the authority, of—(a)thenatureandextentoftheauthority’scommunityservice obligations; and(b)the
ways in which, and the extent to which, the authorityis
to be compensated by the government for performingits
community service obligations.(3)In
this section—operationalplan,oftheauthority,meanstheauthority’soperational plan
under theFinancial Accountability Act 2009.Part 3Cross River Rail
Delivery BoardDivision 1Establishment,
functions andpowers30EstablishmentTheauthorityhasaboardofmanagement(theCrossRiverRail
Delivery Board).31FunctionsThe
functions of the board are—(a)to
ensure the proper, efficient and effective performanceof
the authority’s functions; and(b)todecidetheobjectives,strategiesandpoliciestobefollowed by the authority; and(c)to ensure that the authority complies
with its strategicplan,andoperationalplan,undertheFinancialAccountability
Act 2009for a financial year; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 3 Cross River
Rail Delivery Board[s 32](d)to
report to the Minister about the performance of theauthority’s functions; and(e)another function given to the board
under this Act.Notauthorised—indicativeonly32Powers(1)Theboardhasthepowertodoanythingnecessaryorconvenient to be done in performing its
functions.(2)The board may give a written direction
to the chief executiveofficer about the performance of the
officer’s responsibilities.(3)Anythingdoneinthenameof,orfor,theauthoritybytheboard, or with the authority of the
board, is taken to have beendone by the
authority.Division 2Membership33Membership of board(1)Theboardconsistsofthefollowingpersons(eachaboardmember)—(a)thechiefexecutiveofthedepartmentinwhichtheAuditor-GeneralAct2009is administered,
ora seniorexecutive
nominated by that chief executive;(b)thechiefexecutiveofthedepartmentinwhichtheFinancial Accountability Act 2009is
administered, or asenior executive nominated by that chief
executive;(c)the chief executive of the department
in which the RailSafetyNationalLaw(Queensland)Act2017isadministered,oraseniorexecutivenominatedbythatchief
executive;(d)the chief executive of the department
in which this Actis administered, or a senior executive
nominated by thechief executive;(e)not
more than 6 other members.Page 22Current as at
[Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 3 Cross
River Rail Delivery Board[s 34](2)A
board member mentioned in subsection (1)(a), (b), (c) or (d)is
apermanent board member.(3)Aboardmembermentionedinsubsection(1)(e)isanappointed board
member.(4)Appointed board
members are appointed by the Governor inCouncil on the
recommendation of the Minister.(5)InrecommendingapersontotheGovernorinCouncilforappointment to the board, the Minister must
be satisfied theperson has qualifications or experience in a
field relevant to afunction of the authority.(6)An appointed board member may be
appointed on a full-timeor part-time basis.(7)An appointed board member is appointed
under this Act andnot thePublic Service
Act 2008.(8)Aseniorexecutivenominatedbyachiefexecutiveundersubsection(1)(a),(b),(c)or(d)isaboardmemberfortheperiod decided
by that chief executive.34Chairperson and
deputy chairperson(1)The Governor in Council may
appoint—(a)a board member to be the chairperson
of the board; and(b)another board member to be the deputy
chairperson ofthe board.(2)Aboardmembermaybeappointedasthechairpersonordeputy chairperson at the same time the
person is appointed asa board member.(3)The
chairperson and deputy chairperson may be appointed ona
full-time or part-time basis.(4)Thechairpersonordeputychairpersonholdsofficefortheterm, ending not later than the
person’s term of appointmentasaboardmember,statedintheperson’sappointmentaschairperson or deputy chairperson.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCross River Rail Delivery Authority Act
2016Part 3 Cross River Rail Delivery Board[s
35](5)However,aperson’sappointmentaschairpersonordeputychairpersonendsif,duringthetermofappointment,theperson stops being a board member.(6)The deputy chairperson must act as
chairperson—(a)during a vacancy in the office of
chairperson; and(b)during all periods when the
chairperson is absent fromduty or for another reason can not
perform the duties ofthe office.35Disqualification as appointed board
memberA person is disqualified from becoming, or
continuing as, anappointed board member if the person—(a)has a conviction, other than a spent
conviction, for anindictable offence; or(b)is
an insolvent under administration; or(c)is
disqualified from managing corporations because ofthe
Corporations Act, part 2D.6; or(d)is a
member of the authority’s staff or a contractor of theauthority.36Term
of appointment(1)Anappointedboardmemberholdsofficefortheterm,notlongerthan3years,statedinthemember’sinstrumentofappointment.(2)Subsection (1) does not prevent an appointed
board memberbeing reappointed.37Conditions of appointment(1)An appointed board member is to be
paid the remunerationand allowances decided by the Governor
in Council.Page 24Current as at
[Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 3 Cross
River Rail Delivery Board[s 38](2)Anappointedboardmemberholdsofficeonthetermsandconditions,notprovidedforbythisAct,decidedbytheGovernor in Council.Notauthorised—indicativeonly38Vacancy in officeAn appointed
board member’soffice becomes vacant if themember—(a)completes a term of office and is not
reappointed; or(b)resigns office by signed notice given
to the Minister; or(c)becomes disqualified under section 35
from continuingas an appointed board member.39Leave of absence(1)The
Minister may—(a)approve a leave of absence for the
chairperson or deputychairperson; and(b)appoint someone else to act in the office of
the deputychairpersonwhilethedeputychairpersonisabsentonleave.(2)The
chairperson may—(a)approvealeaveofabsenceforanappointedboardmember,otherthanthechairpersonordeputychairperson;
and(b)appointsomeoneelsetoactintheofficeoftheappointed board member while the
member is absent onleave.40Register of interests(1)The
authority must keep a register of each board member’specuniary interests.(2)Eachappointedboardmembermust,assoonaspracticableafterthemember’sappointmenttotheboard,givetheCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCross River Rail Delivery Authority Act
2016Part 3 Cross River Rail Delivery Board[s
41]Minister and integrity commissioner a
written summary of themember’specuniaryinterestsatthetimeofthemember’sappointment.(3)Eachpermanentboardmembermust,beforeactingintheofficeofboardmember,givetheMinisterandintegritycommissioner a
written summary of the member’s pecuniaryinterests.(4)Each
board member must, within 30 days after any substantialchange in the member’s pecuniary interests,
give the Ministerandintegritycommissionernoticeofthechangeandanupdatedwrittensummaryofthemember’specuniaryinterests.(5)The
register kept under subsection (1) must be updated at leastonceduringeach12-monthperiodoftheboardmember’sterm
of office.(6)In this section—integritycommissionermeanstheQueenslandIntegrityCommissioner under theIntegrity Act
2009.Division 3Board
meetings41Conduct of businessSubject to this division, the board may
conduct its business,includingitsboardmeetings,inthewayitconsidersappropriate.42Board
meetings(1)The chairperson may convene a meeting
of board members (aboard meeting).(2)The chairperson must convene a board
meeting—(a)at least 3 times each year; and(b)if requested in writing by—Page
26Current as at [Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 3 Cross
River Rail Delivery Board[s 43](i)3 or
more other board members; or(ii)the
Minister.43Presiding at board meetings(1)The chairperson is to preside at all
board meetings at whichthe chairperson is present.(2)If the chairperson is absent from a
board meeting, the deputychairperson is to preside.(3)If neither the chairperson nor deputy
chairperson is present ataboardmeeting,theboardmemberchosenbytheboardmembers present
is to preside.44Quorum at board meetings(1)Aquorumforaboardmeetingisamajorityoftheboard’smembers for the
time being.(2)However, if at a board meeting a board
member present at themeetingisrequiredunderthisActnotto bepresentduringdeliberations,
or not to take part in any decision, of the boardfor
a particular matter, the remaining board members presentat
the meeting constitute a quorum for the meeting.(3)Despitesubsections(1)and(2),thereisnoquorumforaboard meeting if
the majority of board members purportedlyforming the
quorum are permanent board members.45Voting at board meetings(1)A
question at a board meeting is decided by a majority of thevotes of the board members present at the
meeting and able tovote on the question.(2)If
the votes are equal, the board member presiding at the boardmeeting also has a casting vote.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCross River Rail Delivery Authority Act
2016Part 3 Cross River Rail Delivery Board[s
46]46Disclosure of interests at board
meetings(1)This section applies to a board member
if—(a)amatterisbeingconsidered,orisabouttobeconsidered, at a board meeting;
and(c)thematerialpersonalinterestcouldconflictwiththeproper performance of the member’s duties in
relation tothe consideration of the matter.(2)Aboardmemberhasamaterialpersonalinterestinthematter if any of the following persons
or entities stands to gaina benefit or suffer a loss (either
directly or indirectly) becauseof the outcome
of the consideration of the matter—(a)the
board member;(b)a spouse of the board member;(c)a parent, child or sibling of the
board member;(d)a partner of the board member;(e)anemployer,otherthanagovernmentagency,oftheboard
member;(f)an entity, other than a government
agency, of which theboard member is an office
holder.(3)Assoonaspracticableaftertherelevantfactscometotheboardmember’sknowledge,themembermustdisclosethenatureofthematerialpersonalinteresttotheotherboardmembers at the meeting.(4)The
board member may further participate in the meeting onlyif a
majority of the other board members at the meeting votein
favour of the member’s further participation.(5)However, the board member can not
participate in any vote onthe matter at the meeting.(6)Adisclosureundersubsection(3)mustberecordedintheminutes of the board meeting.Page
28Current as at [Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 4 Chief
executive officer[s 47](7)A
failure to make a disclosure under subsection (3) does not,of
itself, invalidate a decision of the board.Notauthorised—indicativeonly47MinutesThe board must
keep minutes of its board meetings.48Decisions of the board without board
of decision, can be made without a board meeting;and(b)a majority of
the board members entitled to vote on theproposed
decision indicate agreement with the decision,in the way
previously approved by the board; and(c)allboardmemberswereinformedoftheproposeddecision, or reasonable efforts were made to
inform allboard members of the proposed
decision.(2)For subsection (1)(b), a board member
is not entitled to voteon a proposed decision if the member
would not be entitled tovoteonthedecisionifithadbeenconsideredataboardmeeting.(3)The board must keep a record of
decisions made under thissection.Part 4Chief executive officer49Appointment(1)The
board must, in consultation with the Minister, appoint achief executive officer.(2)The
chief executive officer—(a)is an employee
of the authority; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCross River Rail Delivery Authority Act
2016Part 4 Chief executive officer[s
50](b)is appointed under this Act and not
thePublic ServiceAct 2008.(3)If there is a
vacancy in the office of the chief executive officerorthechiefexecutiveofficerisforanyreasonunabletoperform the functions of the office,
the board may appoint aperson to act as the chief executive
officer for a period of notmore than 6
months.(4)Subsection(3)doesnotlimitthepoweroftheboard,inconsultation with the Minister, to appoint a
person under theActsInterpretationAct1954,section25(1)(b)toactasthechief executive officer.(5)Despite subsection (2), if a person
appointed (whether undersubsection (3) or by a power mentioned
in subsection (4)) toact as the chief executive officer is
an officer or employee of agovernmentagency,theauthorityandthechiefexecutiveofthat agency may agree to treat the
appointment as if it were analternative
staffing arrangement under section 58.50Chief
executive officer’s responsibilities(1)The
chief executive officer is responsible for the day-to-dayadministration of the authority,
including—(a)employing persons under section 57(1);
and(b)arranging for the services of officers
or employees of agovernment agency under section 58(1);
and(c)engaging contractors of the
authority.(2)In carrying out the chief executive
officer’s responsibilities,thechiefexecutiveofficermustactincompliancewiththewritten policies and directions of the
board.(3)The chief executive officer is
accountable to the board.51Disqualification
as chief executive officerA person is disqualified from
becoming, or continuing as, thechief executive
officer if the person—Page 30Current as at
[Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 4 Chief
executive officer[s 52](a)has
a conviction, other than a spent conviction, for anindictable offence; or(b)is
an insolvent under administration; or(c)is
disqualified from managing corporations because ofthe
Corporations Act, part 2D.6; or(d)is a
contractor of the authority; or(e)contravenes section 55 or 56.52Term of appointment(1)Thechiefexecutiveofficerisappointedfortheterm,notlongerthan5years,statedintheofficer’sinstrumentofappointment.(2)Subsection(1)doesnotpreventapersonfrombeingreappointed as
chief executive officer.53Conditions of
appointment(1)The chief executive officer is to be
paid the remuneration andallowances decided by the
board.(2)For matters not provided for under
this Act or stated in thechief executive officer’s instrument
of appointment, the chiefexecutiveofficerholdsofficeonthetermsandconditionsdecided by the
board.54Vacancy in officeThe office of
the chief executive officer becomes vacant if thechief executive officer—(a)completes a term of office and is not
reappointed; or(b)resigns office by signed notice given
to the board; or(c)becomes disqualified under section 51
from continuingas chief executive officer.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCross River Rail Delivery Authority Act
2016Part 5 Other staff[s 55]55Chief executive officer not to engage
in other paidemploymentThe chief
executive officer must not, without the board’s priorwritten approval—(a)engage in paid employment outside the
responsibilitiesof the office of the chief executive
officer; or(b)actively take part in the activities
of a business, or in themanagement of a corporation carrying
on a business.56Conflicts of interestIf
the chief executive officer has an interest that conflicts,
ormayconflict,withthedischargeoftheofficer’sresponsibilities, the officer—(a)must disclose the nature of the
interest and conflict tothe board as soon as practicable after
the relevant factscome to the officer’s knowledge; and(b)mustnottakeactionorfurtheractionconcerningamatter that is, or may be, affected by the
conflict unlessauthorised by the board.Part 5Other staff57Authority staff(1)The
authority may employ other staff it considers appropriateto
perform its functions.(2)ThestaffareappointedunderthisActandnotthePublicService Act
staffing arrangements(1)The authority
may, with the agreement of the chief executiveof a government
agency, arrange for the services of officers oremployees of the
agency to be made available to the authority.Page 32Current as at [Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 6 Cross
River Rail Delivery Fund[s 59](2)Anofficeroremployeewhoseservicesaremadeavailableunder subsection (1)—(a)continuestobeanofficeroremployeeofthegovernment agency; and(b)continues to be employed or otherwise
engaged by thegovernmentagencyonthesametermsandconditionsapplying to the
officer or employee immediately beforethe services
were made available; and(c)is, for the
period the services are made available and forthe performance
of the authority’s functions, taken to bea member of the
authority’s staff.(3)Nothinginsubsection(1)requiresthechiefexecutiveofagovernment
agency to enter into an arrangement mentioned inthat
subsection.Part 6Cross River Rail
Delivery Fund59Establishment(1)The
Cross River Rail Delivery Fund is established.(2)The
fund is to be administered by the authority.(3)The
fund does not form part of the consolidated fund.60Payments of amounts into fundThe
following amounts are payable into the fund—(a)amounts received by the authority for a
dealing in landor other property under this Act;(b)amounts received by the authority for
a borrowing undertheStatutory Bodies Financial
Arrangements Act 1982,part 5;(c)amountsreceivedbytheauthorityforaninvestmentunder theStatutory Bodies Financial Arrangements
Act1982, part 6;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCross River Rail Delivery Authority Act
2016Part 6 Cross River Rail Delivery Fund[s
61](d)amountsreceivedbytheauthorityforcarryingoutafunction or exercising a power as a
delegate of MEDQundertheEconomicDevelopmentAct2012thatthedelegation provides may be retained by
the authority;(e)any other amounts received by the
authority in carryingout its functions or exercising its
powers under this Act,including, for example, interest
received in relation to afund or bank account kept under this
Act;(f)any amount appropriated by Parliament
for the purposesof the fund;(g)any
amount paid into the fund at the direction of or withthe
approval of the Minister and the Treasurer.61Payments of amounts from fundA
payment of an amount from the fund may be made for anyof
the following purposes—(a)paying expenses
incurred by the authority for—(i)a
dealing in land or other property under this Act;or(ii)theprovisionofinfrastructureorotheractivities,facilities or
services under this Act; or(iii)the
administration or enforcement of this Act; or(iv)performing another function, or exercising
anotherpower, under this Act;(b)payingfeesorexpensesrelatedtoadministeringthefundoranotherfundorbankaccountkeptunderthisAct;(c)paying an amount the Minister and the
Treasurer directtheauthority,inwriting,topayintotheconsolidatedfund.Page
34Current as at [Not applicable]
7Cross River Rail Delivery Authority Act
2016Part 7 Offences and legal proceedings[s
62]Offences and legal proceedingsDivision 1Offences62Duty to act honestly(1)This section applies to a person who
is—(a)a board member; or(b)the
chief executive officer; or(c)a
member of the authority’s staff; or(d)a
contractor of the authority.(2)The
person must at all times act honestly in the performanceoftheperson’sfunctionsandtheexerciseoftheperson’spowers under
this Act.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.63New convictions must be
person must, unless the person has a reasonable excuse,immediately give notice of the conviction to
the Minister.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)The notice must include the following
information—(a)the existence of the
conviction;(b)when the offence was committed;(c)sufficient details to identify the
offence;(d)the sentence imposed on the
person.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCross River Rail Delivery Authority Act
2016Part 7 Offences and legal proceedings[s
64]64Use of confidential information(1)This section applies to a person
who—(a)is,orhasbeen,aboardmember,thechiefexecutiveofficer, a member of the authority’s staff
or a contractorof the authority; and(b)obtainsconfidentialinformationinadministering,orperforming a function under, this
Act.(2)The person must not, whether directly
or indirectly, disclosethe confidential information unless
the disclosure is—(a)in the performance of a function or
exercise of a powerunder this Act; or(b)with
the consent of the person to whom the informationrelates; or(c)otherwise required or permitted by
law.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.Division 2Evidentiary
provisions65Offences against this Act(1)An offence against this Act is a
summary offence.(2)A proceeding for the offence must
start within whichever isthe longer of the following—(a)1 year after the commission of the
offence;(b)6 months after the offence comes to
the complainant’sknowledge, but within 2 years after the
commission ofthe offence.66Appointments and authorityInaproceeding,thefollowingmustbepresumedunlessaparty to the proceeding, by reasonable
notice, requires proofof it—Page 36Current as at [Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 8 Other
matters[s 67](a)theappointmentunderthisActofanappointedboardmember or the
chief executive officer;(b)theauthorityofaboardmember,thechiefexecutiveofficer, a member of the authority’s staff,
or a contractorof the authority, to do anything under this
Act.Notauthorised—indicativeonly67SignaturesA signature
purporting to be the signature of a board memberor
the chief executive officer is evidence of the signature itpurports to be.68Other
evidentiary aids(1)Inaproceeding,acertificatepurportingtobethatofthechairperson stating any of the
following matters is evidence ofthe
stated document is a document made by, or given to,the
authority;(c)a stated document is a copy of a
document mentioned inparagraph (a) or (b).(2)A statement in a complaint for an
offence against this Act thatthematterofthecomplaintcametothecomplainant’sknowledge on a
stated day is evidence the matter came to thecomplainant’s
knowledge on that day.Part 8Other
matters69Relationship with Queensland Heritage
Act 1992(1)Thissectionappliestoproposeddevelopmentforthecrossriverrailproject,oratransport-relatedproject,ifthedevelopment is
to be carried out in relation to a Queenslandheritage place
under theQueensland Heritage Act 1992.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCross River Rail Delivery Authority Act
2016Part 8 Other matters[s 70](2)FortheQueenslandHeritageAct1992,section71,thedevelopmentistakentobedevelopmentproposedtobecarried out by
the State.(3)TheQueensland
Heritage Act 1992, section 71 applies to theproposed development—(a)as
if the reference in the section to the chief executive ofthedepartmentoragencyproposingthedevelopmentwere a reference
to the chief executive officer; and(b)as
if a reference in the section to the Minister proposingthe
development were a reference to the authority; and(c)with any other necessary
changes.70Criminal history report(1)Todecideifapersonisdisqualifiedfrombecomingorcontinuing as the chief executive officer or
an appointed boardmember, the Minister may ask the
commissioner of the policeservice for—(a)a
written report about the criminal history of the person;and(b)a brief
description of the circumstances of a convictionmentioned in the criminal history.(2)However,theMinistermaymaketherequestonlyiftheperson has given
the Minister written consent for the request.(3)The
commissioner of the police service must comply with therequest.(4)However, the duty to comply applies only to
information inthe commissioner’s possession or to which
the commissionerhas access.(5)The
Minister must ensure the report is destroyed as soon aspracticableafteritisnolongerneededforthepurposeforwhich it was requested.(6)In this section—Page 38Current as at [Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 8 Other
matters[s 71]criminalhistory,foraperson,meanstheperson’scriminalhistory as defined under theCriminal Law (Rehabilitation ofOffenders) Act 1986, other than
spent convictions.Notauthorised—indicativeonly71Annual budgets and financial
management policies(1)Each year—(a)the
authority must prepare a budget—(i)ofestimatedcostsoftheauthorityforthenextfinancial year; and(ii)consistentwiththestrategicprioritiesoftheauthority; and(b)theboardmembersmustapprovethebudgetandtheauthority’s financial management
policies; and(c)theauthoritymustgivetheapprovedbudgetandfinancial management policies to the
Minister.(2)The Minister must approve, or refuse
to approve, the budgetandfinancialmanagementpoliciesbeforetheendofthefinancial year.(3)However, a failure by the Minister to act
under subsection (2)doesnotpreventtheMinisterapproving,orrefusingtoapprove, a budget or financial management
policy at a latertime.(4)A
budget or financial management policy has no effect until ithas
been approved by the Minister.(5)Duringafinancialyear,theauthoritymayprepareamendments to
the budget for that year.(6)Anamendmenttoabudgethasnoeffectuntilithasbeenapproved by—(a)foraminoramendment—thechairpersoninconsultation with the other board members;
or(b)otherwise—the Minister on the
recommendation of thechairpersoninconsultationwiththeotherboardmembers.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 39
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCross River Rail Delivery Authority Act
2016Part 8 Other matters[s 72](7)If the chairperson and the other board
members differ aboutwhat should be recommended to the
Minister for an approvalunder this section, the Minister may
still give the approval.(8)In this
section—financialmanagementpoliciesmeansthepoliciestobeobservedinfinancialandperformancemanagementbytheauthority.Note—Under theFinancial
Accountability Act 2009, section 57, the authoritymust
comply with a provision of a financial and performance
standardthat applies to the authority as a statutory
body.minoramendment,ofabudget,meansanamendmentofaminor nature that does not change the
total of the estimatedcosts mentioned in the budget.72Annual report(1)The
authority must include in its annual report prepared undertheFinancial Accountability Act
2009, section 63—(a)detailsofthefunctionsperformedbytheauthorityduring the year; and(b)informationabouthowefficientlyandeffectivelytheauthorityhasperformeditsfunctions,includingidentifyingkeyachievementsandfinancialandnon-financial performance; and(c)details of—(i)each
direction given by the Minister under section16(1) during the
financial year to which the reportrelates;
details mentioned in subsection (1) may include statistics.(3)The board must approve the report
before it is given to theMinister.Page 40Current as at [Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Part 8 Other
matters[s 73](4)Thereportmustnotbepreparedinawaythatdisclosesconfidential information.73Delegations(1)The
authority may delegate its functions under this Act to aboard member or the chief executive
officer.(2)The board may delegate its functions
under this Act to a boardmember or the chief executive
officer.(3)The chief executive officer may
delegate any of the officer’sresponsibilitiestoanappropriatelyqualifiedmemberoftheauthority’s staff.(4)A
board member may subdelegate a function delegated to theboardmemberundersubsection(1)or(2)tothechiefexecutive
officer or an appropriately qualified member of theauthority’s staff.(5)Thechiefexecutiveofficermaysubdelegateafunctiondelegatedtotheofficerundersubsection(1)or(2)toanappropriately qualified member of the
authority’s staff.(6)In this section—functionincludes power.74Regulation-making powerTheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Schedule 1Schedule 1DictionaryNotauthorised—indicativeonlysection 5Page 42appointed board membersee section
33(3).authoritysee section
8.boardmeans the Cross
River Rail Delivery Board.board meetingsee section
42(1).board membersee section
33(1).chairpersonmeans the person
appointed as chairperson undersection
34(1)(a).chief executive officermeans the person
appointed as chiefexecutive officer under section
49(1).community service obligations, of
the authority, see section29(1)(a).confidential
information—(a)means any
information that—(i)could identify an individual;
or(ii)isaboutaperson’scurrentfinancialpositionorfinancial background; or(iii)wouldbelikelytodamagethecommercialactivitiesofapersontowhomtheinformationrelates;
but(b)does not include—(i)information that is publicly available;
or(ii)statisticalorotherinformationthatcouldnotreasonablybeexpectedtoresultintheidentification of the individual to
whom it relates.contractor,oftheauthority,meansaperson,otherthanamember of the authority’s staff, who
performs services for theauthority—Current as at
[Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Schedule 1Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)under a contract between the person
and the authority;or(b)under an
arrangement between the authority and anotherperson.convictionmeans a finding
of guilt or acceptance of a plea ofguilty by a
court, whether or not a conviction is recorded.Cross River Rail
Delivery Boardsee section 30.crossriverrailPDAmeansaprioritydevelopmentareadeclaredundertheEconomicDevelopmentAct2012forproposed development for the cross river
rail project or a partof the project.cross river rail
projectsee section 6.cross river rail
purposesee section 19(1).deal,inlandorotherproperty,includesacquire,develop,disposeof,hold,lease,licensetheuseoroccupationof,manage,subleaseorotherwisedealinorwiththelandorother property, or interests in the land or
other property.delivery, of the cross
river rail project or a transport-relatedproject,
includes—(a)carrying out development for the
project; and(b)thecommissioningandoperationofinfrastructure,provided as a
result of the project, for its intended use.deputychairpersonmeansthepersonappointedasdeputychairperson
under section 34(1)(b).development, other than in
sections 3 and 12—(a)generally means development within the
meaning of thePlanning Act, section 7; and(b)for a priority development area,
includes developmentwithin the meaning of theEconomicDevelopmentAct2012, section
33(2).former owner, of land taken
under part 2, division 3, means—(a)if,
immediately before the land was taken, only 1 personhad
an interest in the land and that person is still alive or,Current as at [Not applicable]Page
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Schedule 1Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 44in the case of a
corporation, in existence—that person;or(b)otherwise—anypersonthattheauthorityconsiders,havingregardtotheinterestthatexistedinthelandimmediately
before it was taken, is fairly entitled to thebenefit of
section 26(2).fundmeans the Cross
River Rail Delivery Fund establishedunder section
59(1).government agency—(a)means—(i)adepartmentoranadministrativeunitwithinadepartment; or(ii)a
government owned corporation or a subsidiary ofthe corporation;
or(iii)anentitythatisestablishedunderanActandrepresents the State; or(iv)an
entity that is established under an Act, does notrepresent the State and is prescribed by
Queensland established under theMajorSports Facilities Act 2001,
section 5; or(vi)theQueenslandRailTransitAuthorityorasubsidiary of
the Authority; or(vii) theQueenslandBulkWaterSupplyAuthorityestablishedundertheSouthEastQueenslandWater
(Restructuring) Act 2007, section 6; or(viii)adepartment,oranadministrativeunitwithinadepartment,ofthegovernmentoftheCommonwealth; or(ix)a
statutory body representing the Commonwealth;or(x)the Brisbane City Council; or(xi)a corporation
owned by the Brisbane City Council;orCurrent as at [Not applicable]
River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016Schedule 1(xii) anentitythatconductsabeneficialenterpriseorbusiness activity, within the meaning of
theCity ofBrisbane Act
2010, in participation with or for theBrisbane City Council; but(b)does not include an entity mentioned
in paragraph (a)(i),(ii),(iii),(viii),(ix),(xi)or(xii)prescribedbyregulation.insolventunderadministrationseetheCorporationsAct,section 9.noticemeans written notice.notice of
intention to resumesee theAcquisition of
Land Act1967, section
7(1).permanent board membersee section
33(2).Planning Actmeans theSustainable Planning Act 2009.priority development areasee
theEconomic Development Act2012,
schedule 1.QueenslandRailTransitAuthoritymeanstheQueenslandRail Transit
Authority established under theQueensland
RailTransit Authority Act 2013,
section 6.response noticesee section
26(3)(a).spent convictionmeans a
conviction—(a)for which the rehabilitation period
under theCriminalLaw
(Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986has
expiredunder that Act; and(b)thatisnotrevivedasprescribedbysection11ofthatAct.State landmeans all land
in Queensland that is not freeholdland, as defined
under theLand Act 1994, schedule
6.subsidiary—(a)of a government owned corporation,
means a subsidiaryunder theGovernmentOwnedCorporationsAct1993;orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCross River Rail Delivery Authority Act
2016Schedule 1(b)of
the Queensland Rail Transit Authority, means a bodycorporatethatwouldbeasubsidiaryoftheAuthorityunder the
Corporations Act, part 1.2, division 6 if theAuthority were a
body corporate within the meaning ofthat Act.transport infrastructuresee theTransport Infrastructure Act1994, schedule
6.transport-related projectsee
section 7(1).Page 46Current as at
[Not applicable]
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