QueenslandTaxationAdministrationAct2001Current as at [Not applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates allproposedamendmentstotheActincludedintheRevenueandOtherLegislation
Amendment Bill 2018. This indicative reprint has been
preparedfor information only—it is not an
authorised reprint of the Act.An
enacted but uncommenced amendment included in theBettingTaxAct2018No. 13 has also
been incorporated in this indicative reprint.The point-in-time
date for this indicative reprint is the introduction date
fortheRevenueandOtherLegislationAmendmentBill2018—22August2018.DetailedinformationaboutindicativereprintsisavailableontheInformationpage of the
Queensland legislation website.
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
1 Preliminary[s 1]Taxation
Administration Act 2001An Act about the administration and
enforcement of revenuelawsNotauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
1PreliminaryDivision 1Introductory provisions1Short
titleThisActmaybecitedastheTaxationAdministrationAct2001.2CommencementThis Act
commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation.Division 2Purpose and application of Act3Purposes of Act and relationship with
revenue laws(1)ThemainpurposeofthisActistomakegeneralprovisionabout the administration and enforcement of
revenue laws.(2)Nothing in this Act prevents a revenue
law making specificprovisionabouttheadministrationandenforcementofthatlaw.(3)Each revenue law must be read together
with this Act as ifthey together formed a single Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 1
Preliminary[s 4](4)Another purpose of this Act is to make
provision about theadministration and enforcement of recognised
laws.4Act binds all persons(1)This Act binds all persons, including
the State and, as far asthelegislativepoweroftheParliamentpermits,theCommonwealth and the other
States.(2)Nothing in this Act makes the State
liable to be prosecuted foran
offence.Division 3Interpretation5DefinitionsThe dictionary
in schedule 2 defines particular words used inthis Act.6Revenue laws(1)TheDuties Act 2001is a revenue law
on and from the day thissection commences.(2)ThePayroll Tax Act 1971is a
revenue law.(3)Subsection (2) is subject to
thePayroll Tax Act 1971, part 7,division 2.(4)TheLand Tax Act 2010is a revenue
law.(5)The Betting Tax Act 2018 is a revenue
law.Editor's note—Subsection (5)
is an uncommenced amendment—see 2018 Act No. 13 s77.Page 12Current as at
[Not applicable]
2Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
2 Commissioner of State Revenue[s 7]Commissioner of StateRevenue7Appointment of commissioner(1)There is to be a Commissioner of State
Revenue.(2)The Governor in Council must, by
gazette notice, appoint anappropriately qualified person to be
the commissioner.(3)It does not matter whether the
appointee is or is not already apublic service
officer.8Commissioner’s functions(1)Thecommissionerisresponsiblefortheadministrationandenforcement of the tax laws.(2)Also, the commissioner may perform the
functions of a Statetaxation officer under theTaxation Administration Act 1953(Cwlth), part IIIA.9Commissioner’s powers(1)The
commissioner has the powers given under the tax laws.(2)In addition, the commissioner has the
power to do all thingsnecessaryorconvenienttobedoneforperformingthecommissioner’s functions.(3)Withoutlimitingsubsection (2),thecommissionermayengagetheconsultantsandcontractorsthecommissionerconsidersnecessaryfortheperformanceofthecommissioner’s functions.10Delegations(1)The
commissioner may delegate the commissioner’s powersunder a tax law to an appropriatelyqualifiedpublic
serviceemployee.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 13
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part 3
Assessments of tax[s 11](2)A
delegation of a power may permit the subdelegation of thepower to an appropriately qualified public
service employee.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 3Assessments of
taxDivision 1Assessments made
by thecommissioner11When
commissioner makes an assessment(1)The
commissioner must make an assessment if—(a)the
commissioner is satisfied a taxpayer has a liabilityfor
tax; and(b)thetaxpayer’sliabilityisnotrequiredorpermitted,under a revenue
law, to be made by self assessment.(2)Also, the commissioner may make an
assessment—(a)if the taxpayer’s liability for tax is
required or permittedto be made by self assessment under
the revenue law; or(b)even if the taxpayer’s liability for
tax is nil.(3)Ifthecommissionerdoesnotmakeanassessmentundersubsection (2), the commissioner’s decision
not to make theassessment is a non-reviewable
decision.12Compromise assessments(1)This section applies if, in assessing
a taxpayer’s liability fortax,itisdifficultorimpracticableforthecommissionertoproperlydeterminetheamountofthetaxpayer’sliabilitybecause of a complexity or uncertainty or
for another reason.(2)The commissioner may make an
assessment of the taxpayer’sliabilityunderawrittenagreementwiththetaxpayer(acompromise assessment).(3)The compromise assessment is a
non-reviewable decision.Page 14Current as at
[Not applicable]
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
3 Assessments of tax[s 13](4)Nothinginthispartrequiresthecommissionertomakeacompromise assessment for a taxpayer.Notauthorised—indicativeonly13Default assessments(1)This section applies in each of the
following circumstances—(a)for—(i)a self assessment—the assessment is
not made; or(ii)anotherassessment—thetaxpayerdoesnotgiveinformationrequiredtobegivenunderaninformationrequirementorlodgeadocumentrequiredtobelodgedunderalodgementrequirement;(b)the
commissioner is not satisfied about the accuracy orcompletenessofadocumentlodged,orinformationgiven, for the
assessment of a taxpayer’s liability for taxunder a tax
law;(c)the commissioner does not have enough
information toproperly assess a taxpayer’s liability for
tax under a taxlaw,including,forexample,ifthecommissionerreasonably
believes—(i)it is necessary to make an immediate
assessment;and(ii)thetimeforcomplyingwithaninformationorlodgement requirement has not ended.Example for subsection (1)(c)—The
commissioner reasonably believes a taxpayer is going toleave the State before documents that will
disclose a liability fortax are required to be lodged.(2)The commissioner may make an
assessment under this section(adefaultassessment)fortheamountthecommissionerreasonably
believes to be the taxpayer’s liability.(3)If
this section applies because a lodgement requirement hasnotbeencompliedwith(whetherornotthetimeforcompliancehasended),thecommissionermaymaketheCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part 3
Assessments of tax[s 14]default
assessment as if the document were in existence and inthe
commissioner’s possession.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Self
assessments14Making self assessment by lodging
returnThe following provisions apply if, under a
revenue law, a selfassessor lodges a return—(a)anassessment(areturnselfassessment)istakentohavebeenmadefortheamountofeachtaxpayer’sliability for
tax stated in the return;(b)the assessment
under paragraph (a) is taken to have beenmade by the
commissioner;(c)the liability for tax for each
assessment is the amountstated in the return for the
notice for each assessment;(e)the
assessment notice is taken to have been given undersection 26 to the taxpayers for whom each
assessment ismade.14AMaking self assessment by lodging
transactionstatementThe following
provisions apply if, under a revenue law, a selfassessor lodges a transaction
statement—(a)an assessment (astandard self
assessment) is taken tohave been made
for the amount of a taxpayer’s liabilityfor tax stated
in the statement;(b)the assessment under paragraph (a) is
taken to have beenmade by the commissioner;(c)theliabilityfortaxfortheassessmentistheamountstated in the
statement for the liability;Page 16Current as at [Not applicable]
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
3 Assessments of tax[s 15](d)despitesection
notice for the assessment;(e)the assessment
notice is taken to have been given undersection 26 to
the taxpayer for whom the assessment ismade.Notauthorised—indicativeonly15Matters to which self assessor must
have regardFor assessing a taxpayer’s liability for
tax, a self assessor musthave regard to directions given by the
commissioner, whethergenerally or specifically for the
liability, about the assessmentof the
liability.16Effect of commissioner making an
assessment for selfassessor(1)This
section applies if—(a)underarevenuelaw,aselfassessorisrequiredorpermittedtomakeaselfassessmentofataxpayer’sliability for
tax under the law; and(b)undersection 11(2)(a),thecommissionerdecidestomake an assessment of the
liability.(2)Theassessmentmustbemadeasiftheliabilitywerenotrequired or permitted to be self
assessed.(3)This section does not apply for a
default assessment.Division 3Reassessments17Commissioner’s general power to make
reassessments(1)Subject to sections 21 and 22, the
commissioner may, at anytime, make a reassessment of a
taxpayer’s liability for tax.(2)However,thecommissionermaymakeareassessmentofataxpayer’s liability assessed under a
compromise assessmentonly—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 17
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 3
Assessments of tax[s 18](a)with
the taxpayer’s written agreement; or(b)ifthecommissionerreasonablybelievesthecompromise assessment was—(i)obtained by fraud; or(ii)madeonthebasisofafalseormisleadingstatementortherewasafailuretogivematerialinformation.(3)Thecommissionermaymakeareassessmentundersubsection (1) even if an objection or
appeal against, or reviewof, the assessment of the taxpayer’s
liability for tax has startedbut not yet been
decided.(4)Thecommissionercannotbecompelledtomakeareassessmentundersubsection (1)decreasingataxpayer’sliability for
tax.(5)The commissioner’s decision not to
make a reassessment of ataxpayer’s liability for tax is a
non-reviewable decision.18When commissioner
must make reassessment—generalSubject to
sections 21 and 22, the commissioner must make areassessmentofataxpayer’sliabilityfortaxifthecircumstances mentioned in—(a)section 59(3) or (4) apply to require
the reassessment; or(b)aprovisionofarevenuelawappliestorequirethereassessment.19When
commissioner must make reassessment—objections, court
decisions or QCAT decisions(1)Ifthecommissionerdecidestoallowanobjectiontoanassessmentinwholeorpart,oracourtorQCATmakesadecision about a taxpayer’s tax law
liability, the commissionermust make any
reassessment necessary to give effect to thedecision.Page
18Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
3 Assessments of tax[s 20](2)However,thecommissionerdoesnothavetomakeareassessment to give effect to a decision of
a court or QCATuntil—(a)the
end of the period allowed for an appeal against thedecision; or(b)if
an appeal is started against the decision—the appealends.20Legal
interpretations and practices applying to particularreassessments(1)Subjecttosubsections (2)and(5),areassessmentofataxpayer’s liability for tax must be
made in accordance withthe legal interpretations and
assessment practices applied bythecommissionerforassessingliabilityfortaxinsimilarcircumstances
when the original assessment of the taxpayer’sliability for
tax was made.(2)If any legislative change made after
an original assessment ismade affects the legal interpretations
and assessment practicesto be applied under subsection (1),
the reassessment must, tothe extent that the interpretations
and practices are changedbecause of the legislative change, be
made in accordance withthe changed interpretations and
practices.(3)Thecommissioner’sdecisionaboutwhatconstitutedthecommissioner’s legal interpretations and
assessment practicesis a non-reviewable decision.(4)Subsection (5) applies if—(a)acourtorQCATmakesadecision(theoriginaldecision)affectingthelegalinterpretationsappliedbythe commissioner for assessing a
taxpayer’s liability fortax; and(b)on
appeal, the original decision is changed in whole orpart.(5)For
any assessment made after the original decision but beforetheappealisdecided,thecommissionermaymakeaCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 3
Assessments of tax[s 21]reassessmenttoincreaseataxpayer’sliabilityfortaxinaccordance with the appeal decision.21Time for reassessment decreasing
liability for tax(1)A reassessment decreasing a taxpayer’s
liability for tax mustbe made in the limitation
period.(2)However, if, within the limitation
period, the taxpayer asks forareassessmenttodecreasethetaxpayer’sliability,thereassessment may be made after the
limitation period.22Time for reassessment increasing
liability for tax(1)A reassessment increasing a taxpayer’s
liability for tax mustbe made in the limitation
period.(2)Despite subsection (1), a reassessment
increasing a taxpayer’sliability for tax may be made at any
time—(a)if the commissioner reasonably
believes there has been adeliberate tax default; or(b)if,withinthelimitationperiod,thecommissionerhasgivenwrittennoticetothetaxpayerinformingthetaxpayer an investigation into the
taxpayer’s liability fortax has started under either or both
of the following—(i)part 7;(ii)a
recognised law.(3)For subsection (2)(a), a deliberate
tax default arises if—(a)there has been
fraud or evasion of tax; or(b)ataxpayerorpersonactingforataxpayerknowinglymisleads the
commissioner, or causes the commissionertobemisled,aboutthetaxpayer’sliabilityfortax,including, for
example, by giving, omitting or changinginformation or
documents.Page 20Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
3 Assessments of tax[s 23]23Limitation period does not apply to
particularreassessmentsDespite sections
21(1) and 22(1)—(a)ifanappealagainst,orreviewof,adecisiononanobjection to an assessment is started,
the commissionermay,undersection 17,makeareassessmentafterthelimitation period and before a
decision is made on theappeal or review if the taxpayer
agrees; and(b)the limitation period does not apply
to a reassessmentmade—(i)under section 18(a) or 19; or(ii)undersection 18(b)ifaprovisionoftherevenuelawforwhichthereassessmentismadedeclaresthe
limitation period does not apply.24Reassessment by self assessorsA
self assessor may make a reassessment only if required orpermitted under a revenue law.25Reassessment does not replace previous
assessmentA reassessment does not replace the previous
assessment butmerely varies it by—(a)decreasing or increasing the taxpayer’s
liability for tax;or(b)changing the
basis on which the taxpayer’s liability fortax is
assessed.Division 4Assessment
notices26Assessment notice to be given to
(anassessment notice) to the
taxpayer.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 3
Assessments of tax[s 27](2)The
assessment notice must state—(a)the
amount of the tax assessed; and(b)the
date by which the tax must be paid; and(c)the
taxpayer’s right to object to the assessment; and(d)the basis on which unpaid tax interest
may accrue; and(e)if assessed interest or penalty tax is
payable under thenotice—enoughinformationtoenablethetaxpayertoascertain the basis for the assessment of
the interest orpenalty tax; and(f)foracompromiseordefaultassessment—itisacompromise or default assessment;
and(g)for a reassessment—the amount of the
liability for taxunder the previous assessment.(3)For subsection (2)(c), the assessment
notice must state—(a)that the taxpayer may, within 60 days
after the notice isgiven, object to the assessment; and(b)how to object.(4)The
assessment notice may include information that does notformpartoftheassessment,including,forexample,information
about other amounts payable by the taxpayer.(5)More
than 1 assessment may be included in the assessmentnotice.Division 5Other provisions27Assessments made on available relevant
informationThe commissioner may make an assessment on
the availableinformation the commissioner considers
relevant.Page 22Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
4 Payments and refunds of tax and other amounts[s 28]28Taxpayer to advise commissioner if
liability for tax underassessed(1)Ataxpayermustadvisethecommissionerifthetaxpayerbecomes aware
that—(a)an assessment of the taxpayer’s
liability for tax was not,or is no longer, correct; and(b)thecorrectliabilityfortaxismorethantheamountstated in the
assessment.(2)The taxpayer must comply with
subsection (1) within 30 daysafterbecomingawareofthemattersmentionedinthesubsection.Part 4Payments and refunds of taxand
other amountsDivision 1Payments of tax
and other amounts29Methods of payment(1)Anamountpayableunderataxlawmustbepaidtothecommissioner—(a)by
cash or cheque; or(b)as prescribed under a
regulation.(2)This section applies subject to
section 29A.29ARequirement for electronic
payment(1)Thecommissionermaygiveawritten notice(anelectronicpayment
notice) to a person requiring the person to pay
anyamount,orastatedtypeofamount,payablebythepersonunder a tax law to the commissioner
by—(a)any prescribed electronic way;
or(b)a stated prescribed electronic
way.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 4
Payments and refunds of tax and other amounts[s 29B](2)Subject to subsection (3) and section
29B, a person given anelectronicpaymentnoticemust,whenpayinganamountpayable by the
person under a tax law to the commissioner,comply with the
notice from the day that is 30 days after beinggiven the
notice.(3)Subsection (2)doesnotapplyifthepersononaparticularoccasionisunabletocomplywiththenoticeduetocircumstances beyond the person’s
control.(4)In this section—prescribed
electronic waymeans an electronic way prescribedunder a regulation.29BApplication to withdraw electronic payment
notice(1)A person given an electronic payment
notice may apply to thecommissioner to withdraw the
notice.(2)The application must—(a)bemadewithin30daysafterthepersonisgiventhenotice; and(b)be
in the approved form.(3)Theapplicationmaybemadeonanyofthefollowinggrounds—(a)the standard of the technological
infrastructure servicingthe area in which the person would
ordinarily complywith the notice makes it impracticable for
the person tocomply with the notice;(b)the
number of payments the notice is likely to apply toin a
year is so small as not to justify the costs the personwould have to incur to install, or modify,
an informationsystem to enable compliance with the
notice;(c)a ground prescribed under a
regulation.(4)Thecommissionermustconsidertheapplicationandeithergrant, or refuse
to grant, the application.Page 24Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
4 Payments and refunds of tax and other amounts[s 29B](5)The person is not required to comply
with the notice pendingthe person being notified of the
commissioner’s decision onthe application under subsection (6)
or (8).(6)Ifthecommissionerdecidestogranttheapplication,thecommissionermustimmediatelygivethepersonwrittennotice of the decision.(7)Subsections (8) to (11) apply if the
commissioner decides torefuse to grant the
application.(8)The commissioner must immediately give
the person a writtennotice stating the following—(a)the decision;(b)the
reasons for the decision;(c)that the person
may apply, as provided under the QCATAct, to the
tribunal for a review of the decision within 14days after being
given the notice (thereview period);(d)how the person may apply for the
review.(9)Thepersonmayapplytothetribunalforareviewofthedecision during the review
period.(10)The person is
not required to comply with the notice—(a)during the review period; and(b)if the person applies for a review of
the decision—(i)pending the review being decided;
and(ii)if the person is
unsuccessful on the review—during14 days
immediately after the review is decided.(11)If
the person applies for a review of the decision—(a)apartytoaproceedingofthetribunalforthereviewmay be
represented by a lawyer; and(b)thegroundsforthereviewarelimitedtothegroundsstated in
subsection (3).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 4
Payments and refunds of tax and other amounts[s 30]30Time for payment of tax(1)Tax payable under a tax law must be
paid—(a)for a return self assessment—on the
date the return forthe self assessment is required to be
lodged; or(b)forastandardselfassessment—bythedatethatis14days after the
date the transaction statement for the selfassessment is
lodged; or(c)foradefaultassessmentmadebecauseofafailuretomakeaselfassessment—onthedatetheassessmentnoticeforthedefaultassessmentisgiventothetaxpayer; or(d)otherwise—by the date stated in the
assessment noticeas the date by which the tax must be
paid.(2)For subsection (1)(d), the stated date
must be at least 30 daysafter the assessment notice for the
tax is given to the taxpayer.31Time
for payment of late payment interestLate payment
interest is payable on the date it accrues.32Time
for payment of other amounts(1)This
section applies if—(a)anamount,otherthantaxorlatepaymentinterestispayable under a tax law; and(b)no time for payment is otherwise
stated in the tax law.(2)The amount must
be paid—(a)iftheamountrelatestotaxpayableunderadefaultassessment
mentioned in section 30(1)(c)—immediatelyafter the
assessment notice for the default assessment isgiven to the
taxpayer; or(b)otherwise—by the date stated in a
written notice givenby the commissioner to the taxpayer
for the amount.Page 26Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
4 Payments and refunds of tax and other amounts[s 33](3)For subsection (2)(b), the stated date
must be at least 30 daysafter the notice is given.33Earlier time for payment of tax and
other amounts(1)This section applies despite sections
30 and 32.(2)Thecommissionermay,inanassessmentnoticeornoticegivenunderthissection,stateanearlierdatethanthedatestatedinsection 30or32asthedatethetaxoramountispayableifthecommissionerreasonablybelievesthetaxoramount may not be recoverable if the date
for payment underthe section otherwise were to apply.(3)The date stated in the notice
mentioned in subsection (2) mustnot be a date
before the notice is given.34Payment
arrangements(1)If the commissioner is satisfied
payment of a taxpayer’s taxlawliabilitywouldcausethetaxpayersignificantfinancialhardship,thecommissionermay,onthetaxpayer’swrittenapplication, extend the time for paying an
amount under a taxlaw.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),thecommissionermayapproveanarrangementforpayingtheamountbywayofinstalments
(apayment arrangement).(3)Thepaymentarrangementmustbeinwritingandstatetheconditions applying to it.(4)The commissioner may, at any time, by
written notice given tothe taxpayer, terminate the
arrangement.(5)Ifthecommissionerterminatesthearrangement,amountsoutstanding under the arrangement are
immediately payableby the taxpayer to the commissioner.(6)Thecommissioner’sdecisionaboutextendingthetimeforpayingataxlawliabilityortoterminateapaymentarrangement is a
non-reviewable decision.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 4
Payments and refunds of tax and other amounts[s 35]35Payments by tax agentsIf a
tax agent receives an amount to pay a tax law liability forataxpayer,thetaxagentmustpaytheamounttothecommissioner—(a)for
a return self assessment—(i)when lodging the
return for the liability; or(ii)if
the amount is received after the return for the selfassessment is lodged—immediately after
receivingthe amount; or(b)for
a standard self assessment—(i)by
the due date for the self assessment; or(ii)if
the amount is received after the due date for theselfassessment—immediatelyafterreceivingtheamount.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Division 2Refunds of tax
and other amountsand particular payments totaxpayers36Refunds made only under this divisionA
person is not entitled to a refund of any amount paid, orpurportedlypaid,underataxlawotherthanunderthisdivision.37Commissioner to refund tax and other
amounts(1)An entitlement to a refund of an
amount paid under a tax lawarises
if—(a)underareassessment,ataxpayer’sliabilityfortaxisdecreased; orPage 28Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
4 Payments and refunds of tax and other amounts[s 38](b)the amount paid by a person is more
than the amountstated in any notice as payable by the
person under thetax law.(2)Subject to sections 38 and 39, the
commissioner must refundthe overpaid amount.(3)However,thecommissionermustnotmakearefundundersubsection (1)(b) more than 5 years after
the payment of theamount.38Applying amounts to current and future tax
liabilities(1)This section applies if a taxpayer is
entitled to a refund of anamount under section 37.(2)The commissioner may apply the whole
or part of the amount,and any section 61A interest payable
on the whole or part ofthe amount, as payment for—(a)any tax law liability of the taxpayer;
or(b)anytaxlawliabilityofthetaxpayerthatthecommissioner reasonably believes will
become payablewithin 60 days after the entitlement to the
refund arises.(3)If the commissioner does not apply all
of the amount, or anysection 61Ainterestpayableontheamount,heldundersubsection
(2)(b)toanytaxlawliabilityofthetaxpayerwithin the 60
day period, the commissioner must immediatelyrefund or pay to
the taxpayer the amount not applied.(4)This
section has effect subject to section 39.(5)In
this section—section 61Ainterest,forarefundofanamounttowhichataxpayer is entitled, means interest payable
on the amount bythe commissioner to the taxpayer under
section 61A.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 4
Payments and refunds of tax and other amounts[s 39]39General provision about refunds and
payments ofsection 61A interest(1)Thecommissionermayrefundanamountandpayanysection
61Ainterestfortheamounttoataxpayeror,undersection 38,
apply an amount and any section 61A interest fortheamountasapaymentforataxpayeronlyifthecommissioner is
satisfied—(a)the taxpayer has not received, and
will not receive, anamount as tax from another person for
all or part of thetax paid; or(b)ifthetaxpayerhasreceivedanamountastax(theamount
received) from another person for all or part
ofthe tax paid, the taxpayer will—(i)reimbursetheotherpersonfortheamountreceived; and(ii)ifsection 61Ainterestispayabletothetaxpayerfortheamount—paytheotherpersonthesection 61A interest for the amount
received.(2)AcourtorQCATmustnotmakeanorderrelatingtotherefund that is
inconsistent with subsection (1).(3)If
subsection (1)(b) applies, the taxpayer must—(a)within 90 days after receiving the refund
(therelevantperiod),reimbursetheotherpersonfortheamountreceived and pay the person any section 61A
interest forthe amount; and(b)within7daysaftertherelevantperiod,givethecommissionerwrittennoticethattheotherpersonhasbeen reimbursed for the amount
received and paid anysection 61A interest for the
amount.(4)Also, if subsection (1)(b) applies and
the taxpayer does not,within the relevant period, reimburse
the other person for theamount received or pay the person any
section 61A interestfortheamount,thetaxpayermust,within7daysaftertherelevant period—Page 30Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
4 Payments and refunds of tax and other amounts[s 40](a)givethecommissionerwrittennoticethattheotherperson was not
reimbursed for the amount received orpaid the
interest; and(b)pay the commissioner—(i)the amount received and any section
61A interestpaid by the commissioner to the taxpayer for
theamount received; and(ii)interest on the balance payable under
subparagraph(i) calculated on a daily basis at the
prescribed rate,fromthedatetherefundorsection 61Ainterestwas
paid by the commissioner to the taxpayer, tothe date the
amount payable under subparagraph (i)is paid to the
commissioner in full.Maximum penalty—100 penalty
units.(5)In this section—section 61A
interestsee section 38(5).taxmeanstaxpaid,orpurportedlypaid,underataxlaw,whether or not
under a mistake of law or fact.taxpayerincludesapersonwho,undersection
37(1)(b),isentitled to a refund.Division 3How payments for
tax and otheramounts are allocated and applied40When payments are received(1)A payment is taken to be received by
the commissioner—(a)ifthepaymentismadebycashorcheque—whenthepaymentismadetothecommissionerbyorforataxpayer for the taxpayer’s tax law
liability; or(b)if the payment is made as prescribed
under a regulationunder section 29(1)(b)—at the time
prescribed under theregulation; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 31
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 4
Payments and refunds of tax and other amounts[s 41](c)if an amount becomes available for
application by thecommissioner under section 38 for a
taxpayer’s tax lawliability—when the amount becomes
available.(2)However, if an amount is tendered to
the commissioner on aday that is not a business day, or
after 5p.m. on a business day,the payment of
the amount is taken to have been made on thefollowing
business day.(3)Subsection (2) does not apply to an
amount if—(a)aregulationmadeundersection29(1)(b)allowstheamount to be paid electronically;
and(b)payment of the amount is made
electronically.41Allocating payments if more than 1
assessment liability(1)If a taxpayer
has an assessment liability under more than 1assessment,thecommissionermustdecidetheassessmentliabilities to
which a payment received by the commissioner isto be applied
under section 42.(2)Inmakingthedecision,thecommissionermay,butisnotrequired to, have regard to a request by the
taxpayer for theallocation of the payment.42Application of payments to assessment
liabilityA payment received by the commissioner for
an assessmentliability must be applied in the following
order—(a)first, an amount payable under a tax
law, other than latepayment interest or tax;(b)second, another amount payable under a
tax law, otherthan primary tax;(c)last, primary tax.Page 32Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 4Taxation
Administration Act 2001Part 4 Payments and refunds of tax and
other amounts[s 43]Power to waive
or write off liabilityNotauthorised—indicativeonly43Waiver of tax law liability(1)The commissioner may waive payment of
a taxpayer’s tax lawliability up to the amount prescribed
under a regulation.(2)The liability to pay the amount waived
is extinguished.44Effect of writing off tax law
liabilityIfallorpartofataxpayer’staxlawliabilityiswrittenoffunder theFinancial
Accountability Act 2009, section 21, thewritingoffdoesnotextinguishthetaxpayer’sliabilityorprevent a later proceeding against the
taxpayer to recover theamount of the liability.Division 5Recovery of tax
and other amountsSubdivision 1Recovery from
taxpayers45Unpaid amount under tax law is
the whole or part of an amount payable under a tax law isnot
paid as required—(a)the unpaid amount is a debt payable to
the State; and(b)thecommissionermayrecovertheunpaidamountforthe State in a court of competent
jurisdiction.46Recovery proceedings not affected by
reassessmentA reassessment does not affect a proceeding
for the recoveryofanamountpayableunderataxlawbutanappropriateCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 33
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 4
Payments and refunds of tax and other amounts[s 47]adjustmentmustbemadetotheamountsoughttoberecovered in the
proceeding to accord with the reassessment.47Joint
and several liability(1)If 2 or more
taxpayers are liable under a tax law to pay anamount, the
commissioner may recover the whole or part ofthe amount from
any 1 or more of them.(2)Subsection (1)
does not affect the right of a taxpayer who paysanamounttorecoveracontributionfromanotherpersonjointly or severally liable for the whole or
part of the amount.Subdivision 1ARegistration and
release of charges47ADefinition for sdiv 1AIn
this subdivision—registrarmeans the
registrar of titles under theLand Title
Act1994or another
person responsible for keeping a register ofdealings in
land.47BRegistration of charge over
land(1)This section applies if, under a
revenue law, the commissionermay lodge a
request to register a charge over land under thisdivision.(2)Thecommissionermaylodgetherequest,intheapprovedform, with the
registrar.(3)Theregistrarmustregisterthechargeoverthelandonlodgement of—(a)the
request; and(b)a certificate of the commissioner
stating there is, under astated revenue law, a charge over the
land for a statedoutstanding amount of tax.Page
34Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
4 Payments and refunds of tax and other amounts[s 47C](4)The fee for registration of the charge
is payable by the ownerof the land.47CRelease of charge over land(1)This section applies if, in relation
to a registered charge—(a)the outstanding
amount of tax is paid; or(b)under a
reassessment, no tax is payable.(2)The
commissioner must, as soon as practicable after paymentof
the outstanding amount of tax or the reassessment, lodgewith
the registrar a request in the approved form to register therelease of the charge.(3)Theregistrarmustregisterthereleaseofthechargeonlodgement of the request.(4)Thissectiondoesnotpreventthecommissionerrequestingregistrationofthereleaseofthechargeinothercircumstances.(5)The
fee for registration of the release of the charge is payableby
the owner of the land.(6)In this
section—registered chargemeans a charge
registered—(a)beforethecommencementofthissection—underarevenue law; or(b)onorafterthecommencementofthissection—undersection
47B.47DRecovery of fees paid by
commissioner(1)This section applies if the
commissioner pays, to the registrar,a fee mentioned
in section 47B(4) or 47C(5).(2)The
commissioner may recover the amount of the fee from theperson or persons liable for payment of the
fee.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 4
Payments and refunds of tax and other amounts[s 48]Subdivision 2Obligations of
administrators andgarnishees48Particular administrators to notify
commissioner ofappointment(1)A
person who is appointed as administrator for the property ofataxpayerwhohasataxlawliabilitymust,beforetherequired date, give written notice to the
commissioner of theappointment.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(2)For subsection
(1), the required date is—(a)14daysaftertheadministratorbecomesaware,orshould reasonably have become aware, the
taxpayer hasa tax law liability even if the extent of
the liability is notthen ascertainable; or(b)the later date allowed by the
commissioner.(3)However,noticeisnotrequiredinthecircumstancesprescribed under
a regulation.49Administrator’s liability for payment
of tax(1)Thecommissionerhasthesamepowersandremediesinrelation to the administrator for the
property of a taxpayer asthe commissioner would have in
relation to the taxpayer.(2)However, an
administrator is liable for payment of a tax lawliability of a taxpayer only to the extent
of the realised valueof all property that—(a)the administrator has taken possession
as administrator;and(b)was, at any
time, available to the administrator for thepayment of the
tax.Page 36Current as at
[Not applicable]
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
4 Payments and refunds of tax and other amounts[s 50]Notauthorised—indicativeonly50Collection of amounts from a
garnishee(1)This section applies if—(a)under a tax law, a debt is payable by
a taxpayer; and(b)thecommissionerreasonablybelievesaperson(thegarnishee)—(i)holds or may receive an amount for or
on accountof the taxpayer; or(ii)is
liable or may become liable to pay an amount tothe taxpayer;
or(iii)has authority to
pay an amount to the taxpayer.(2)Subsection (1)(b)applieseventhoughthetaxpayer’sentitlementtotheamountmaybesubjecttounfulfilledconditions.(3)Thecommissionermay,bywrittennoticegiventothegarnishee (thegarnishee
notice), require the garnishee to paytothecommissionerbyastateddateastatedamount(thegarnishee
(3),thegarnisheenoticemayrequire the garnishee to pay to the
commissioner an amountout of each payment the garnishee is
or becomes liable, fromtime to time, to make to the
taxpayer.(5)However,if,onthedateforpaymentunderthegarnisheenotice, the
garnishee amount is not held for, or is not liable tobe
paid to, the taxpayer by the garnishee, the notice has
effectas if the date for payment were immediately
after the date theamount is held for, or is liable to be paid
to, the taxpayer bythe garnishee.(6)The
garnishee amount must not be more than the taxpayer’sdebt.(7)The
garnishee must comply with the garnishee notice unlessthe
garnishee has a reasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(8)The commissioner
must give to the taxpayer—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 4
Payments and refunds of tax and other amounts[s 51](a)a copy of the garnishee notice;
and(b)detailsinwritingofthetaxpayer’sdebttowhichthenotice relates.51Duration of garnishee noticeThe
garnishee notice has effect until the garnishee amount ispaidorthecommissioner,bywrittennoticegiventothegarnishee, withdraws the
notice.52Effect of discharge of debt on
garnishee notice(1)This section applies if—(a)the taxpayer’s debt to which the
garnishee notice relatesis discharged, whether completely or
partly, before thedate for payment of the garnishee amount;
and(b)the discharge affects the amount to be
recovered fromthe garnishee.(2)The
commissioner must give written notice to the garnisheeand
the taxpayer—(a)informingthemoftheextentofthedischargeofthedebt; and(b)stating the amount payable under the
garnishee notice isreduced accordingly; and(c)if
the taxpayer’s debt is fully discharged—withdrawingthe
garnishee notice.53Effect of payment by garnisheeIf
the garnishee pays an amount to the commissioner under agarnishee notice, the garnishee—(a)is taken to have acted under the
authority of the taxpayerand all other persons concerned;
andPage 38Current as at
[Not applicable]
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
5 Interest and penalty tax[s 54](b)if
the garnishee is under an obligation to pay an amounttothetaxpayer—istobetakentohavesatisfiedtheobligation to the extent of the
5Interest and penalty taxDivision 1Interest payable to commissionerand
penalty taxSubdivision 1Interest54Unpaid tax interest(1)Ataxpayermustpayinterest(unpaidtaxinterest)ontheamountofprimarytaxpayablebythetaxpayerandunpaidfrom time to
time (unpaid primary tax).(2)Unpaid tax interest, other than late
payment interest, accruesdaily at the prescribed rate on the
unpaid primary tax for theperiodstartingonthestartdateandendingonthedatetheprimary tax is paid in full, both dates
inclusive.(2A)Latepaymentinterestaccruesattheprescribedrateontheunpaid primary
tax—(a)onthedayoftheweekprescribedunderaregulationfirst happening
after the start date; and(b)weekly after the
first accrual under paragraph (a).(3)Any
unpaid tax interest that has accrued when an assessmentismade(assessedinterest)mustbeincludedintheassessment.(4)Forsubsections (2)and(2A)(a),thestartdateisthedayafter—(a)forareturnselfassessment—thedatethereturnisrequired to be lodged under the revenue law
for the selfassessment; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 39
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part 5
Interest and penalty tax[s 54]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 40(aa)for
a standard self assessment—(i)the
due date for the self assessment; or(ii)if
the self assessor has not complied with one ormorelodgementrequirementsfortheselfassessment—thedatethat
isthesamenumberofdays before the due date for the self
assessment asthenumberofdaysintheperiodsofnoncompliancewiththelodgementrequirements;or(iii)if the liable
party has not complied with theDutiesAct
2001, section 471E—the date that is the
samenumberofdaysbeforetheduedatefortheselfassessment as the number of days in the
period ofnoncompliancewiththeDutiesAct2001,section 471E; or(iv)if
subparagraphs (ii) and (iii) both apply—the datethat
is the same number of days before the due datefor the self
assessment as the total number of daysof
noncompliance; or(b)for a default assessment of a
taxpayer’s liability for taxrequired or
permitted to be made by a self assessment—the date the
return or transaction statement is required tobe lodged under
the revenue law for the self assessment;or(c)for another original
assessment—(i)the due date for the assessment;
isthesamenumberofdays before the due date for the
assessment as thenumberofdaysintheperiodsofnoncompliancewiththeinformationorlodgementrequirements;or(d)forareassessmentofaselfassessment—thedatementioned in paragraph (a) or (aa) for the
assessment; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
5 Interest and penalty tax[s 54]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(e)for a reassessment of another original
assessment—thedatementionedinparagraph(b)or(c)fortheassessment.Example for
subsection (4)(c)(ii)—If a taxpayer who is required to
comply with a lodgement requirementby 10 March does
not comply with the requirement until 15 March, theperiod of noncompliance under subsection (5)
is 5 days. If the due datefor the assessment made is 17 April,
the start date is 13 April.(5)For
subsection (4)(aa)(ii), (iii) and (iv) or (c)(ii)—(a)aperiodofnoncomplianceendsonthedatethecommissionerissuesadefaultassessmentforthenoncompliance; and(b)the
date on which the requirement is complied with isincluded in calculating a period of
noncompliance.(6)For a reassessment—(a)the unpaid primary tax is the amount
of the reassessedprimary tax that is unpaid; and(b)anyassessedinterestincludedinthereassessmentreplaces any
previously accrued unpaid tax interest.Example for
subsection (6)—The assessment for the example for
subsection (4)(c)(ii) is issued for$10,000primarytaxandbeforeanypaymentundertheoriginalassessment is
made. A reassessment is issued on 24 April for $12,000primary tax.If the
prescribed rate for late payment interest is 10% per year, the
latepaymentinterestthathasaccruedonthe$10,000whenthereassessment is made (namely on and
from 13 April to and including 24April) is
$32.87. When the reassessment is made, assessed interest iscalculated on the $12,000 unpaid reassessed
primary tax on and from13 April to and including 24 April.
This replaces the $32.87 interestpreviously
accrued.If a payment of $10,000 is made on 12 April,
the assessed interest forthe reassessment would be calculated
on the unpaid reassessed primarytax of $2,000 on
and from 13 April to and including 24 April.(7)In
this section—liable partysee theDuties Act 2001, section
471A.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 5
Interest and penalty tax[s 55]totalnumberofdaysofnoncompliancemeansthetotalnumber of days
worked out by adding the number of days intheperiodofnoncomplianceinsubsection (4)(aa)(ii)tothenumberofdaysintheperiodofnoncomplianceinsubsection (4)(aa)(iii).55When
particular taxpayers liable for unpaid tax interestA
taxpayer to whom a regulation under section 147(2) appliesis
liable for unpaid tax interestinrelationtoanassessmentonly from the
due date in the assessment notice given to thetaxpayer.56Unpaid tax interest unaffected by
extensions of time(1)The making of a payment arrangement
must be disregardedfordetermininglatepaymentinterestaccruingundersection 54.(2)Anyextensionoftimeallowedbythecommissionerforcomplyingwithaninformationorlodgementrequirementmustbedisregardedindeterminingthestartdateundersection
54(4).57Application of payments for unpaid tax
interest(1)Theorderofapplicationofapaymentundersection 42appliestodeterminetheamountofunpaidprimarytaxonwhich unpaid tax
interest accrues.(2)For a reassessment, subsection (1)
applies as if there had beenno previous
application of payments.Subdivision 2Penalty
tax58Liability for penalty tax(1)A taxpayer is liable for an amount
(penalty tax) if—Page
42Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
5 Interest and penalty tax[s 58](a)thecommissionermakesadefaultassessmentundersection 13(1)(a) or (b); or(b)the commissioner makes a reassessment
and the originalassessmentwasadefaultassessmentundersection 13(1)(a) or (b); or(c)the primary tax assessed on a
reassessment, other thanunderareassessmentmentionedinparagraph(b),ismorethantheprimarytaxassessedontheoriginalassessment or an
earlier reassessment.(2)Penalty tax must
be assessed as follows—(a)if subsection
(1)(a) applies—an amount equal to 75% ofthe primary tax
assessed;(b)if subsection (1)(b) applies—an amount
equal to 75% ofthe reassessed primary tax;(c)if subsection (1)(c) applies and the
primary tax assessedonthelastreassessmentismorethantheprimarytaxassessed on the original assessment—an
amount equalto 75% of the difference between the 2
amounts;(d)if subsection (1)(c) applies and the
primary tax assessedonthelastreassessmentislessthantheprimarytaxassessed on the original assessment but more
than theprimarytaxassessedonanearlierreassessment—anamountequalto75%ofthedifferencebetweentheprimarytaxassessedonthelastreassessmentandthelowest primary tax assessed on an
earlier reassessment.(3)The commissioner
may increase the amount of the penalty taxby not more than
20% of the penalty tax under subsection (2)if the
commissioner is satisfied the taxpayer—(a)has
not complied with section 28; or(b)hashinderedorpreventedthecommissionerfrombecomingawareofthenatureandextentofthetaxpayer’s liability for tax.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 5
Interest and penalty tax[s 59]59Penalty tax not payable if proceeding for
offence started(1)This section applies if a taxpayer is
liable to pay penalty taxbecause of an act or omission of the
person.(2)If a proceeding is started against the
taxpayer for an offenceagainst a tax law that is constituted
by the act or omission andthepenaltytaxhasnotbeenpaidtothecommissioner,thepenalty tax is payable only if the
commissioner withdraws theproceeding.(3)If
the penalty tax has been paid to the commissioner, but aproceeding is started against the person for
an offence againstataxlawthatisconstitutedbytheactoromission,thecommissionermustmakeareassessmentremittingtheamount of penalty tax to nil.Note—Seesection 18(Whencommissionermustmakereassessment—general).(4)Despitesubsection
this section—penalty taxincludes an
amount declared under a revenue lawto be a penalty
tax for this section.Division 2Remission of
interest and penaltytax60When
commissioner may remit unpaid tax interest andpenalty
tax(1)The commissioner may remit the whole
or part of unpaid taxinterest or penalty tax.(2)Theremissionofassessedinterestorpenaltytaxmustbemade
by assessment.Page 44Current as at
[Not applicable]
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
5 Interest and penalty tax[s 61](3)Despitesection
26(1),thecommissionerisnotrequiredtogiveanassessmentnoticefortheassessmentif,aftertheremissionandtheapplicationofpaymentsreceivedbythecommissionerforthetaxpayer’sassessmentliability,thetaxpayer has no assessment liability.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 3Interest payable
by commissioner61Interest on particular overpayments
following court’s orQCAT’s decision(1)This
section applies if a taxpayer is entitled to a refund of taxor
late payment interest (theoverpaid amount) because
of—(a)areassessmentgivingeffecttoadecisionoftheSupreme Court under section 70C on an
appeal by thetaxpayer; or(b)an
order of the Supreme Court on an application, undertheJudicialReviewAct1991,bythetaxpayerforadecision under a
tax law; or(c)a reassessment giving effect to a
decision of QCAT onanapplicationforreviewmadebythetaxpayerundersection
69.(2)ThecourtorQCATmayorderthecommissionertopayinterest on the overpaid
amount.(3)Theinterestmustbecalculatedonadailybasisattheprescribed rate
from the date the overpaid amount was paid tothecommissionertothedatetherefundismadebythecommissioner.61AInterest on particular overpayments
followingcommissioner’s decision(1)This
section applies if a taxpayer is entitled to a refund of taxor
late payment interest (theoverpaid amount) because of
areassessment giving effect to a decision of
the commissionerunder section 67(1).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 45
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part 6
Objections, reviews and appeals against assessments[s
62](2)The commissioner must pay interest on
the overpaid amount.(3)Theinterestmustbecalculatedonadailybasisattheprescribed rate
from the date the overpaid amount was paid tothecommissionertothedatetherefundismadebythecommissioner.Notauthorised—indicativeonly62Interest only
payable under this divisionApersonisnotentitledtointerestonanyamountthecommissioner is required to refund to the
person other thanunder this division.Note—See
section 36 (Refunds made only under this division).Part
6Objections, reviews andappeals against
assessmentsDivision 1Objections63Right
to object(1)Ataxpayerwhoisdissatisfiedwithanoriginalassessment,otherthanacompromiseassessment,mayobjecttotheassessment.(2)Also,ataxpayerwhoisdissatisfiedwithareassessmentincreasingataxpayer’sliabilityfortax,orareassessmentunder section
18(b) decreasing a taxpayer’s liability for tax,may
object to the reassessment.(3)However, the right of objection to the
reassessment is limitedtothechangesfortheparticularmattersforwhichthereassessment is made.(4)Adecisionorconductleadinguptoorformingpartoftheprocess of
making an assessment is subject to objection onlyas
part of an objection to the assessment.Page 46Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
6 Objections, reviews and appeals against assessments[s
64]64Grounds of objection(1)Anobjectionagainstanassessmentmaybemadeonanygrounds.(2)However, for an objection to a decision to
which this part isdeclaredtoapplyunderaprovisionofarevenuelaw,thegroundsofobjectionarelimitedtowhethertheparticularcircumstances
apply for the instrument or transaction to whichthe
decision relates.Note—See theDuties Act 2001, section 500
(Application of AdministrationAct, pt 6, to
particular decisions).65Making
objection(1)An objection must—(a)be
in writing; and(b)stateindetailthegroundsonwhichtheobjectionismade; and(c)beaccompaniedbycopiesofallmaterialrelevanttodecide the objection; and(d)be lodged within 60 days after the
assessment notice forthe assessment to which the objection
relates is given tothe taxpayer.(2)Thecommissionermayextendthetimeforlodginganobjectionifthecommissionerissatisfieditwouldbeunreasonable in particular circumstances for
the objection tobe lodged within the 60 days.(3)The commissioner’s decision to refuse
to extend the time forlodging an objection is a
non-reviewable decision.66Onus of proof on
objectionThe objector has the onus of proving the
objector’s case.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 6
Objections, reviews and appeals against assessments[s
67]67Deciding objection(1)Thecommissionermustallowtheobjectioncompletelyorpartly or disallow it.(2)If
the assessment to which the objection relates was made by adelegate of the commissioner, the delegate
must not decide theobjection.68Notice of decision(1)The
commissioner must give written notice to the objector ofthe
commissioner’s decision on the objection.(2)Iftheobjectionisallowedinpartordisallowed,thenoticemust state the
following—(a)the decision;(b)the
reasons for the decision;(c)the taxpayer has
a right to—(i)appeal to the Supreme Court; or(ii)apply, as
provided under the QCAT Act, to QCATfor a review of
the commissioner’s decision;(d)how,andtheperiodwithinwhich,thetaxpayermayappeal or apply for the review.Division 2Appeals and
reviewsSubdivision 1Right of appeal
or review69Right of appeal or review(1)This section applies to a taxpayer
if—(a)thetaxpayerisdissatisfiedwiththecommissioner’sdecision on the
taxpayer’s objection; andPage 48Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
6 Objections, reviews and appeals against assessments[s
69A](b)the taxpayer has paid the whole of the
amount of the taxand late payment interest payable under the
assessmentto which the decision relates.(2)The taxpayer may, within 60 days after
notice is given to thetaxpayer of the commissioner’s
decision on the objection—(a)appeal to the
Supreme Court; or(b)apply, as provided under the QCAT Act,
to QCAT for areview of the commissioner’s
decision.(3)QCAT may not, under the QCAT Act,
section 61(1)(a), extendtheperiodundersubsection
(2)withinwhichthetaxpayermay apply to
QCAT for the review.69AEffect of making reassessment after
appeal or reviewstarted(1)This
section applies if—(a)a taxpayer—(i)appeals to the Supreme Court against the
decisionofthecommissionerrelatingtoanobjectionagainst an assessment of the taxpayer’s
liability fortax; or(ii)applies to QCAT for a review of the decision
of thecommissionerrelatingtoanobjectionagainstanassessment of the taxpayer’s liability for
tax (theQCAT review); and(b)thecommissionermakesareassessmentofthetaxpayer’s liability for tax after the
appeal or review hasstarted but before the appeal or
review has been decided.(2)On receiving the
assessment notice for the reassessment, thetaxpayer
may—(a)continue or withdraw—(i)the existing appeal; or(ii)the taxpayer’s
application for review; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 6
Objections, reviews and appeals against assessments[s
70](b)insteadofobjectingtothereassessment,changethegrounds of the appeal or review, by
filing notice of thechange with—(i)for
an appeal—the registrar of the Supreme Court;or(ii)for a review—the
registrar of QCAT.(3)However, the taxpayer may change the
grounds of the appealor review only to the extent that the
taxpayer would have aright of objection to the
reassessment.Subdivision 2Appeals to the
Supreme Court70How to start appeal to the Supreme
Court(1)An appeal to the Supreme Court is
started by giving writtennotice of the appeal to the
commissioner within 7 days afterthe notice of
appeal is filed.(2)The notice of appeal must be filed
within 60 days after noticeis given to the
taxpayer of the commissioner’s decision on theobjection.(3)TheSupremeCourtmustnotextendthetimeforfilingthenotice.(4)The
notice of appeal must state fully the grounds of the appealand
the facts relied on.(5)The grounds of
an appeal to the Supreme Court are limited tothe grounds of
objection unless the court otherwise orders.70AOnus
on appealOntheappeal,theappellanthastheonusofprovingtheappellant’s case.70BAdmissibility of new evidence(1)Subsection (2) applies if—Page
50Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
6 Objections, reviews and appeals against assessments[s
70C](a)the Supreme Court is satisfied
evidence material to theobjectionwasnotbeforethecommissionerwhentheobjection was decided; and(b)subject to section 70(5), the court
admits the evidence.(2)The court
must—(a)adjourn the hearing of the appeal;
and(b)directthecommissionertoreconsidertheobjectionhavingregardtotheevidenceandanyotherevidenceobtained by the commissioner.(3)However, subsection (2) does not apply
if the commissionerasksthecourttocontinuethehearingwithoutthecommissioner reconsidering the
objection.(4)For reconsidering the objection, the
commissioner has all thepowers conferred under this
Act.70CDeciding appealTheSupremeCourtmustallowtheappealcompletelyorpartly or disallow it.Subdivision
3Reviews by QCAT71QCAT
to decide review on evidence before thecommissioner(1)This
section applies to a proceeding for a review by QCAT ofa
decision of the commissioner on an objection.(2)The
grounds on which the application for review is made arelimited to the grounds of the relevant
objection, unless QCATotherwise orders.(3)QCAT
must—(a)hear and decide the review of the
decision by way of areconsideration of the evidence before
the commissionerwhen the decision was made, unless QCAT
considers itCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 6
Objections, reviews and appeals against assessments[s
72]necessaryintheinterestsofjusticetoallownewevidence; and(b)decide the review of the decision in
accordance with thesamelawthatappliedtothemakingoftheoriginaldecision.(4)If
QCAT decides, under the QCAT Act, section 139, that theproceeding should be reopened, the issues in
the proceedingthat are reheard must be—(a)heardanddecidedbywayofareconsiderationoftheevidence given in the proceeding for
the review of thedecision; and(b)decided in accordance with the same law that
applied tothe making of the original decision.(5)In this section—newevidencemeansevidencethatwasnotbeforethecommissioner when the decision on the
objection was made.original decisionmeans the
assessment or reassessment thatwas the subject
of the relevant objection.relevant objectionmeans the
objection to which the decisionof the
commissioner relates.72Representation of
parties before QCAT(1)This section applies to a party in a
proceeding before QCATrelating to an application under
section 69(2)(b).(2)The party may be represented by a
lawyer.73Onus on reviewOnthereview,theapplicanthastheonusofprovingtheapplicant’s case.Page 52Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 3Taxation
Administration Act 2001Part 6 Objections, reviews and appeals
against assessments[s 75]Decisions and
determinations notsubject to objection, appeal orreviewNotauthorised—indicativeonly75What is anon-reviewable
decision.(2)In this section—decisionincludesadecisionorconductleadinguptoorformingpartoftheprocessofmakingadecisionordetermination.76Effect of non-reviewable decisionsA
non-reviewable decision—(a)is final and
conclusive; and(b)is not subject to objection, appeal or
review under thispart; and(c)cannotbechallenged,appealedagainst,reviewed,quashed, set aside, or called in question in
another way,undertheJudicialReviewAct1991orotherwise(whether by the
Supreme Court, another court, a tribunalor another
entity); and(d)is not subject to any writ or order of
the Supreme Court,another court, a tribunal or another entity
on any ground.77Application of Judicial Review
ActTheJudicial Review Act 1991,
parts 3 and 5, does not applyto—(a)an assessment; or(b)a
decision or conduct leading up to or forming part ofthe
process of making an assessment; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 53
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 7
Investigations[s 78](c)a
decision disallowing, in whole or in part, an objectionagainst an assessment; or(d)thegivingofanelectronicpaymentnoticeundersection 29A(1); or(e)the
giving of an electronic communication notice undersection 143A(1); or(f)adecision,undersection 29B,torefusetograntanapplication for the withdrawal of an
electronic paymentnotice; or(g)adecision,undersection 143B,torefusetograntanapplicationforthewithdrawalofanelectroniccommunication
notice.Part 7InvestigationsDivision 1Preliminary78Declaration of recognised law and
correspondingcommissioner(1)AregulationmaydeclarealawoftheCommonwealthoranother State that provides for any of the
following to be arecognised law for this Act—(a)thelevyingorcollectionofatax,fee,dutyorotherimpost;(b)the payment of a subsidy for
goods.(2)However, a law may be declared to be a
recognised law only ifthe law or another law of the relevant
jurisdiction provides orwill provide for the conduct of
investigations for a tax law oranotherlawadministeredbythecommissionerthatcorresponds to a recognised law.(3)The regulation must declare a person
to be the correspondingcommissioner for the recognised
law.Page 54Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
7 Investigations[s 79]79Exercise of powers only for tax law or
recognised lawA power conferred under this part may be
exercised only forthe administration or enforcement of a tax
law or recognisedlaw.Note—For
reciprocal investigations, see section 110 (Application of Act
toreciprocal investigations).Division 2Investigations
under tax lawsSubdivision 1Investigators80Appointment(1)The
commissioner may appoint a public service employee asan
investigator.(2)Thecommissionermayappointapersonasaninvestigatoronly if the
commissioner is satisfied the person is qualified forappointment because the person has the
necessary expertise orexperience.81Appointment conditions and limit on
powers(1)An investigator holds office on any
conditions stated in—(a)the
investigator’s instrument of appointment; or(b)a
signed notice given to the investigator; or(c)a
regulation.(2)The instrument of appointment, a
signed notice given to theinvestigator or a regulation may limit
the investigator’s powersunder this Act.(3)In
this section—signed noticemeans a notice
signed by the commissioner.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 55
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 7
Investigations[s 82]82Issue
of identity card(1)Thecommissionermustissueanidentitycardtoeachinvestigator.(2)The
identity card must—(a)contain a recent photo of the
investigator; and(b)contain a copy of the investigator’s
signature; and(c)identify the person as an investigator
under this Act; and(d)state an expiry date for the
to a person for this Act and other purposes.83Production of identity card(1)In exercising a power under
subdivision 3 or 4 in relation to aperson, an
investigator must—(a)firstproducehisorheridentitycardfortheperson’sinspection before exercising the power;
or(b)have the identity card displayed so it
is clearly visible tothe person when exercising the
power.(2)However, if it is not practicable to
comply with subsection (1),the investigator
must produce the identity card for the person’sinspection at
the first reasonable opportunity.(3)For
subsection (1), an investigator does not exercise a powerinrelationtoapersononlybecausetheinvestigatorhasentered a place as mentioned in section
90(1)(b) or (2).84When investigator ceases to hold
office(1)An investigator ceases to hold office
if any of the followinghappens—(a)the
term of office stated in a condition of office ends;(b)under another condition of office, the
investigator ceasesto hold office;Page 56Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
7 Investigations[s 85](c)theinvestigator’sresignationundersection 85takeseffect.(2)Subsection (1)doesnotlimitthewaysaninvestigatormaycease to hold office.(3)In
this section—conditionofofficemeansaconditiononwhichtheinvestigator holds office.85Resignation(1)Aninvestigatormayresignbysignednoticegiventothecommissioner.(2)However, if holding office as an
investigator is a condition ofthe investigator
holding another office, the investigator maynot resign as an
investigator without resigning from the otheroffice.86Return of identity cardApersonwhoceasestobeaninvestigatormustreturntheperson’sidentitycardtothecommissionerwithin21daysafterceasingtobeaninvestigatorunlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.Subdivision 2Provisions about
requiringinformation, documents andattendance87Power
to require information or documentsThe commissioner
or an investigator may, by written noticegiven to a
person, require the person to—(a)give
to the commissioner or an investigator, either orallyorinwriting,informationintheperson’sknowledgeCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 7
Investigations[s 88]about a stated
matter within a stated reasonable time andin a stated
reasonable way; or(b)give to the commissioner or an
investigator a documentaboutastatedmatterintheperson’spossessionorcontrol within a stated reasonable time and
in a statedreasonable way.Note—For
the offence of failing to comply with an information or
lodgementrequirement, see section 121.88Power to require attendance(1)The commissioner or an investigator
may, by written noticegiventoaperson,requirethepersontoattendbeforethecommissioneroraninvestigatortodoeitherorbothofthefollowing—(a)give
to the commissioner or investigator, either orally orin
writing, information in the person’s knowledge abouta
stated matter; or(b)givetothecommissionerorinvestigator,adocumentaboutastatedmatterintheperson’spossessionorcontrol.(2)Thenoticemuststateareasonabletimeandplacefortheperson’s attendance.(3)The commissioner or an investigator
may require—(a)information to be given on oath;
or(b)informationoradocumentgiventobeverifiedbystatutory declaration.(4)Whenmakingarequirementunderthissection,thecommissionerorinvestigatormustwarnthepersonitisanoffencetofailtocomplywiththerequirement,unlesstheperson has a reasonable excuse.(5)For subsection (3)(a), the
commissioner or investigator mayadminister an
oath.(6)The person must not fail, without
reasonable excuse, to—Page 58Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
7 Investigations[s 89](a)attend as required by the notice; or(b)give information the person is
required to give by thecommissioner or an investigator in the
way required; or(c)give a document the person is required
to give by thenotice; or(d)comply with a requirement under subsection
(3).Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(7)Aperson,otherthanataxpayerorthetaxpayer’srepresentative,whoisrequiredunderanoticeunderthissection to
attend a place is entitled to be paid the expensesprescribed under a regulation.89Power to record giving of
information(1)This section applies if a person is
giving information to thecommissioneroraninvestigatorunderarequirementundersection 88.(2)With
the person’s knowledge, a recording may be made, in theway
the commissioner or investigator considers appropriate,of
questions asked by the commissioner or investigator andinformation given by the person.(3)Ifaskedtodosobytheperson,thecommissionerorinvestigator must give the person a copy of
the recording.Subdivision 3Entry of
places90Investigator’s power to enter places
for investigations(1)An investigator may enter a place
if—(a)its occupier consents to the entry;
or(b)it is a public place and the entry is
made when it is opento the public; or(c)it
is a place used for conducting an enterprise and theentry is made when—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 59
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 7
Investigations[s 91](i)the
enterprise is being conducted; or(ii)the
place is otherwise open for entry; or(d)the
entry is authorised by warrant.(2)For
the purpose of asking the occupier of a place for consentto
enter, an investigator may, without the occupier’s consent
ora warrant—(a)enter land around premises at the place to
an extent thatis reasonable to contact the occupier;
members of the public ordinarily are allowedto enter when
they wish to contact the occupier.(3)Forsubsection (1)(c),aplaceusedforconductinganenterprise does not include a part of the
place where a personresides.91Entry
with consent(1)Thissectionappliesifaninvestigatorintendstoaskanoccupier of a place to consent to the
investigator or anotherinvestigator entering the place under
section 90(1)(a).(2)Before asking for the consent, the
investigator must tell theoccupier—(a)the
purpose of the entry; and(b)that the
occupier is not required to consent.(3)If
the consent is given, the investigator may ask the occupierto
sign an acknowledgement of the consent.(4)The
acknowledgement must state—(a)the
occupier has been told—(i)the purpose of
the entry; and(ii)that the
occupier is not required to consent; and(b)the
purpose of the entry; andPage 60Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
7 Investigations[s 92](c)the
occupier gives the investigator consent to enter theplace and exercise powers under this
division; and(d)the time and date the consent was
given.(5)Iftheoccupiersignstheacknowledgement,theinvestigatormust immediately
give a copy to the occupier.(6)If—(a)anissuearisesinaproceedingaboutwhethertheoccupier consented to the entry; and(b)an acknowledgement complying with
subsection (4) forthe entry is not produced in
evidence;the onus of proof is on the person relying
on the lawfulness ofthe entry to prove the occupier
consented.92Application for warrant(1)An investigator may apply to a
magistrate for a warrant for aplace.(2)The application must be sworn and
state the grounds on whichthe warrant is sought.(3)The magistrate may refuse to consider
the application until theinvestigatorgivesthemagistratealltheinformationthemagistraterequiresabouttheapplicationinthewaythemagistrate requires.Example for
subsection (3)—Themagistratemayrequireadditionalinformationsupportingtheapplication to be given by statutory
declaration.93Issue of warrant(1)The
magistrate may issue a warrant only if the magistrate issatisfied—(a)there are reasonable grounds for
suspecting—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 7
Investigations[s 94](i)there is a particular thing or activity
may provide evidence of a contravention of atax law;
and(ii)the evidence is
at the place, or within the next 7days, may be at
the place; or(b)the warrant is needed to allow an
investigator to enterthe place for monitoring or enforcing
compliance with atax law.(2)The
warrant must state the following—(a)that
an investigator may, with necessary and reasonablehelp
and force—(i)enter the place and any other place
necessary forentry; and(ii)exercise the investigator’s powers under
this part;(b)thehoursofthedayornightwhentheplacemaybeentered;(c)thedate,within14daysafterthewarrant’sissue,thewarrant ends;(d)the
purpose for which the warrant is issued.94Special warrants(1)An
investigator may apply for a warrant (aspecial
warrant)by phone, fax, radio or another form
of communication if theinvestigator considers it necessary
because of—(a)urgent circumstances; or(b)other special circumstances,
including, for example, theinvestigator’s
remote location.(2)Before applying for the special
warrant, the investigator mustprepareanapplicationstatingthegroundsonwhichthewarrant is sought.(3)Theinvestigatormayapplyforthewarrantbeforetheapplication is sworn.Page
62Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
7 Investigations[s 94](4)Afterissuingthespecialwarrant,themagistratemustimmediately fax a copy to the investigator
if it is reasonablypracticable to fax the copy.(5)Ifitisnotreasonablypracticabletofaxacopytotheinvestigator—(a)the
magistrate must tell the investigator—(i)what
the terms of the warrant are; and(ii)the
date and time the warrant is issued; and(b)theinvestigatormustcompleteaformofwarrant(awarrant form) and write on
it—(i)the magistrate’s name; and(ii)the date and
time the magistrate issued the warrant;and(iii)the terms of the
special warrant.(6)Thefacsimilewarrant,orthewarrantformproperlycompletedbytheinvestigator,authorisestheentryandtheexercise of the other powers stated in
the warrant issued by themagistrate.(7)The
investigator must, at the first reasonable opportunity, sendto
the magistrate—(a)the sworn application; and(b)iftheinvestigatorcompletedawarrantform—thecompleted warrant form.(8)On
receiving the documents, the magistrate must attach themto
the warrant.(9)If—(a)anissuearisesinaproceedingaboutwhetheranexercise of a power was authorised by a
special warrant;and(b)the warrant is
not produced in evidence;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part 7
Investigations[s 95]the onus of
proof is on the person relying on the lawfulness ofthe
exercise of the power to prove a special warrant authorisedthe
exercise of the power.Notauthorised—indicativeonly95Warrants—procedure before entry(1)Thissectionappliesifaninvestigatornamedinawarrantissued under this subdivision for a place is
intending to enterthe place under the warrant.(2)Before entering the place, the
investigator must do or make areasonable
attempt to do the following things—(a)identify himself or herself, and anyone else
helping theinvestigator, to a person present at the
place who is anoccupieroftheplacebyproducingtheinvestigator’sidentity
card;(b)give the person a copy of the warrant
or, if the entry isauthorisedbyafacsimilewarrantorwarrantformmentionedinsection 94(6),acopyofthefacsimilewarrant or
warrant form;(c)tellthepersontheinvestigatorispermittedbythewarrant to enter the place;(d)give the person an opportunity to
allow the investigatorimmediate entry to the place without
using force.(3)However,theinvestigatorneednotcomplywithsubsection (2)iftheinvestigatorbelievesonreasonablegrounds that
immediate entry to the place is required to ensurethe
effective execution of the warrant is not frustrated.Subdivision 4General powers
of investigators onentry to places96General powers for places(1)An investigator who enters a place
under subdivision 3 mayexercise any of the following
powers—Page 64Current as at
[Not applicable]
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
7 Investigations[s 96]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)search any part of the place;(b)inspect,examine,photographorfilmanythingintheplace;(c)take extracts from, and make copies
of, any document inthe place;(d)secureathing,orrequiretheoccupieroftheplacetosecureathing,forareasonabletime,attheplacetopreventitsconcealment,interference,lossordestruction;(e)access, electronically or in another way, a
system used atthe place;(f)take
into the place any persons, equipment and materialstheinvestigatorreasonablyrequiresforexercisingapower under this division or for performing
a functionunder a tax law;(g)requireapersonintheplacetogivetheinvestigatorreasonable
information or help and provide reasonablefacilities to
exercise the powers mentioned in paragraphs(a) to
(f).Examples for paragraph (g)—1giving information about how to access
electronic systemsat the place2provision of a photocopier for copying a
document(2)If an investigator secures a thing, a
person must not tamper, orattempttotamper,withthething,orsomethingrestrictingaccess to the
thing, without the investigator’s approval.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(3)When making a
requirement mentioned in subsection (1)(g),the investigator
must warn the person it is an offence to fail tocomplywiththerequirement,unlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse.(4)Thepersonmustnotfail,withoutreasonableexcuse,tocomply with the requirement.Maximum penalty for subsection (4)—100
penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 7
Investigations[s 97]Subdivision
5Provisions about seizing andretaining things97Power
to seize and retain things(1)This section
applies if—(a)under section 87(b) or 88(1)(b), a
document is given tothe commissioner or an investigator;
or(b)under subdivision 3, an investigator
enters a place.(2)The commissioner or investigator may
retain the document orthe investigator may seize and retain
a thing—(a)with the consent of the person who
gave the document,or the owner, or person who appears to be in
possessionor control, of the thing; or(b)toinspectorcopythedocumentorthingifthecommissioner or the investigator
reasonably believes itisnotreasonablypracticabletoinspectorcopythedocument or thing when or where it is given
or seized;or(c)ifthecommissionerorinvestigatorreasonablybelieves—(i)thedocumentorthingisevidenceofacontravention of a tax law; or(ii)itisnecessarytopreventthedocumentorthingbeing concealed,
interfered with, lost or destroyed;or(d)if the commissioner or investigator
reasonably believesitisnecessarytoproduceawrittendocumentintheEnglish language
stating the information or content ofthe document or
thing.(3)Nothing in this section affects a lien
or other security over theretained document or thing (theretained thing).Page
66Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
7 Investigations[s 98]98Receipt for retained thing(1)Thecommissionerorinvestigatormust,assoonaspracticable, give a receipt for the retained
thing to the personfrom whom it was received or seized.(2)However, if, under section 97(2), the
retained thing is seizedby the investigator and for any reason
it is not practicable forthe investigator to comply with
subsection (1), the investigatormust leave the
receipt at the place of seizure in a conspicuousposition and in a reasonably secure
way.(3)A receipt must—(a)statethedatethethingisgivento,orseizedby,thecommissioner or investigator;
and(b)describegenerallythethinggivenorseizedanditscondition.(4)Thissectiondoesnotapplytoaretainedthingifitisimpracticableorwouldbeunreasonabletogivethereceiptbecause of the
thing’s nature, condition or value.99Return of retained thing(1)The
commissioner must ensure the retained thing is returnedto
its owner—(a)attheendof6monthsafterthedatementionedinsection 98(3)(a); or(b)if a proceeding under a tax law
involving the thing isstartedwithinthe6months—attheendoftheproceeding and any appeal from the
proceeding.(2)However, the commissioner may retain a
document for whichtax is payable under a tax law until the tax
is paid in full.100Access to retained thing(1)Untiltheretainedthingisforfeitedorreturned,thecommissioner must allow the owner of the
retained thing, or aperson who would be entitled to
inspect it if it were not in theCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 67
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 7
Investigations[s 101]commissioner’s
possession, at any reasonable time to inspectit and, if it is
a document, to copy it.(2)Subsection (1)
does not apply if it is impracticable or wouldbe unreasonable
to allow the inspection or copying.101Forfeiture of retained thing(1)A retained thing is forfeited to the
State if the commissioner—(a)cannotfinditsowner,aftermakingreasonableinquiries;
or(b)can not return it to its owner, after
making reasonableefforts.(2)In
applying subsection (1)—(a)subsection
(1)(a) does not require the commissioner tomakeinquiriesifitwouldbeunreasonabletomakeinquiries to
find the owner; and(b)subsection (1)(b) does not require the
commissioner tomake efforts if it would be unreasonable to
make effortsto return the thing to its owner.Example for paragraph (b)—The
owner of the thing has migrated to a foreign country.(3)Regard must be had to a thing’s
nature, condition and value indeciding—(a)whether it is reasonable to make
inquiries or efforts; and(b)if making
inquiries or efforts—what inquiries or efforts,includingtheperiodoverwhichtheyaremade,arereasonable.102Dealing with forfeited thing(1)On the forfeiture of a retained thing
to the State, it becomestheState’spropertyandmaybedealtwithbythecommissioner as the commissioner
considers appropriate.Page 68Current as at
[Not applicable]
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
7 Investigations[s 103](2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),thecommissionermaydestroy or dispose of the thing.Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 6Miscellaneous
provisions103Investigators may use help and force
in exercise ofpowers(1)An
investigator may exercise a power under this division withthe
help that is reasonable in the circumstances.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),apersonengagedbythecommissionermayhelptheinvestigatorexercisepowersunder this
division.Examples of persons who may help an
investigator—1locksmith2computer technician(3)Also, an investigator may exercise a power
under this divisionusing the force that is reasonable in the
circumstances.104Access to public records without
feeThe commissioner or an investigator is not
required to pay anyfee for inspecting or taking copies of a
record that ordinarily isopen to inspection by members of the
public.105Notice of damage(1)This
section applies if—(a)aninvestigatordamagespropertywhenexercisingorpurporting to exercise a power under this
division; or(b)a person (theother
person) acting under the direction ofan
investigator damages property.(2)Theinvestigatormustpromptlygivewrittennoticeofparticularsofthedamagetothepersonwhoappearstotheinvestigator to be the owner of the
property.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 7
Investigations[s 106](3)If
the investigator believes the damage was caused by a latentdefect in the property or circumstances
beyond the control ofthe investigator or other person, the
investigator may state it inthe
notice.(4)If, for any reason, it is
impracticable to give the notice to thepersonmentionedinsubsection (2),theinvestigatormustleave the notice in a conspicuous position
and in a reasonablysecure way where the damage happened.(5)Thissectiondoesnotapplytodamagetheinvestigatorreasonably
believes is trivial.(6)In this
section—owner,ofproperty,includesthepersoninpossessionorcontrol of it.106Compensation(1)Apersonmayclaimfromthecommissionerthecostofrepairingorreplacingpropertydamagedbecauseoftheexercise or
purported exercise of a power under this division.(2)Thecostmaybeclaimedandorderedtobepaidinaproceeding—(a)brought in a court with jurisdiction for the
recovery ofthe amount claimed; or(b)foranoffenceagainstthisActbroughtagainsttheperson claiming the amount.(3)A court may order an amount be paid
only if it is satisfied it isjust to make the
order in the circumstances of the particularcase.(4)Aregulationmayprescribemattersthatmay,ormust,betaken into account by the court when
considering whether it isjust to make the order.Page
70Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 3Taxation
Administration Act 2001Part 7 Investigations[s
107]Investigations for recognised lawsNotauthorised—indicativeonly107Commissioner may make reciprocal
investigationarrangement(1)Thecommissionermaymakeanarrangementwithacorresponding commissioner for a
recognised law to conductan investigation under this part into
any matter connected withthe administration or enforcement of
the recognised law.(2)Thecommissionermaymakethearrangementonlyonthewritten
application of the corresponding commissioner.(3)The
application must state the reasons for the investigation.(4)The arrangement must—(a)be in writing; and(b)statetheconditionsapplyingtotheconductoftheinvestigation
and the application of this part to it; and(c)state whether the investigation is to be
conducted by aninvestigator,reciprocalinvestigatororaninvestigatorand reciprocal
investigator; and(d)iftheinvestigationistobeconductedbyareciprocalinvestigator—identify the reciprocal
investigator.108Conduct of particular reciprocal
investigations subject tocommissionerIf a reciprocal
investigation is to be conducted by a reciprocalinvestigator—(a)theinvestigationissubjecttothesupervisionanddirection of the commissioner; and(b)thereciprocalinvestigatormustreporttothecommissioner on the
investigation—(i)whenrequiredbythecommissionerduringtheinvestigation; and(ii)at
the end of the investigation.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 71
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 7
Investigations[s 109]109Identity certificates for reciprocal
investigatorsIf a reciprocal investigation is to be
conducted by a reciprocalinvestigator, the commissioner must
issue to the investigator acertificate
stating the investigator is a reciprocal investigatorauthorised to exercise powers under this
part for conductingthe investigation.110Application of Act to reciprocal
investigations(1)This section prescribes changes for
the application of this Act,otherthanthisdivision,forconductingareciprocalinvestigation.(2)Forareciprocalinvestigatorconductingareciprocalinvestigation—(a)a
reference to an investigator is taken to be a reference tothe
reciprocal investigator; and(b)a
reference to an investigator’s identity card is taken tobeareferencetotheidentitycardissuedundertherelevant recognised law identifying the
investigator as areciprocalinvestigator,andincludestheidentificationcertificateissuedtotheinvestigatorbythecommissioner.(3)However,subsection
(2)(a)doesnotapplytosections 80to82,
84 to 86 and 150.(4)A reference to a tax law, or a tax law
liability, is taken to be areference to the
relevant recognised law or a liability under therelevant recognised law.Page 72Current as at [Not applicable]
8Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
8 Confidentiality and collection of information[s 111]Confidentiality and collectionof
informationNotauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Confidentiality111Disclosure of confidential
information(1)Anofficialmustnotdiscloseconfidentialinformationacquired by the
official in the official’s capacity to anyone elseother than under this part.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Thecommissionermaydisclosepersonalconfidentialinformation—(a)tothepersontowhomtheinformationrelatesor,ifeither of the
following apply, to someone else—(i)with
the consent, express or implied, of the personto whom the
information relates;(ii)the commissioner
reasonably believes is acting forthe person to
whom the information relates; or(b)if
the disclosure is expressly permitted or required underanother Act; or(c)to
the extent necessary to perform the commissioner’sfunctionsunderorinrelationtotheadministrationorenforcement of a tax law or another law
administered bythe commissioner; or(d)to a
person for the administration or enforcement of—(i)arecognisedlaworanotherlawabouttaxationrevenue; or(ii)a
royalty law; or(e)in relation to any legal proceeding
under a tax law; or(f)to the Treasurer or an officer of the
department for—(i)developing or monitoring taxation
policies; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 8
Confidentiality and collection of information[s 112](ii)administeringtheFinancialAccountabilityAct2009, section 21;
or(g)tothechiefexecutiveofadepartmentoralocalgovernmentforkeepingarecordrelatingtotheownership, sale
or value of interests in property; or(h)totheregistraroftheStatePenaltiesEnforcementRegistry,appointedundertheStatePenaltiesEnforcementAct1999,fortheadministrationorenforcement of that Act.(3)Also, if the commissioner becomes aware,
from informationobtainedorheldbythecommissionerinthecourseofadministeringthisAct,ofaparticularoffenceorsuspectedoffence(whetheragainstthisActoranotherlaw),thecommissionermaydiscloseconfidentialinformationabouttheoffenceorsuspectedoffencetoamemberoftheQueenslandPoliceServiceortheAustralianFederalPolicefor an
investigation or proceeding (including for starting aninvestigation or proceeding).(4)Also,thecommissionermaydiscloseotherconfidentialinformationtoanyperson,orforanypurpose,thecommissioner is satisfied is
appropriate in the circumstances.(5)Thecommissioner’sdecisionnottodiscloseconfidentialinformation is a
non-reviewable decision.(6)This section
does not create a right in any person to be givenconfidential information.(7)In this section—royaltylawmeansanActadministeredbytheMinisterproviding for
payment of a royalty.112Other obligations
about disclosure and use ofconfidential information(1)If—(a)apersonknowinglyacquiresconfidentialinformationwithout lawful
authority; orPage 74Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
8 Confidentiality and collection of information[s 113](b)apersonreceivesconfidentialinformationthatthepersonknows,oroughtreasonablytoknow,isconfidential information;the
person must not disclose the information to anyone elseunless the disclosure is permitted under
this part.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.Example for subsection (1)(a)—A
person employed by a contractor engaged by the State to clean
thedepartment’s offices reads a document in the
commissioner’s officecontaining confidential
information.Examples for subsection (1)(b)—1A person, other than the addressee of
a fax, receives the fax thatstates the
information in it is confidential and is intended for theaddressee’s purposes only.2Under section 111 a reciprocal
investigator is given confidentialinformation for
conducting a reciprocal investigation.Note—This
provision is an executive liability provision—see section
140.(2)If, under section 111, the
commissioner discloses confidentialinformationtoaperson,thepersonmaydisclosetheinformation—(a)to
the extent necessary to enable the person to exercise apowerorperformafunctionconferredonthepersonunder a law for the administration or
enforcement of thelaw; or(b)forthepurposeforwhichitwasdisclosedunderthesection; or(c)toanyoneelseorforanypurposeiftheinformationrelates to the
person.113Refusal of disclosure of particular
information(1)A person engaged in the administration
or enforcement of atax law can not be compelled to disclose to
a court or QCATin a proceeding, or to a party to the
proceeding—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 8
Confidentiality and collection of information[s 113A](a)confidential information; or(b)whetherornotthepersonhasreceivedparticularconfidential
information; or(c)theidentityofthesourceofparticularconfidentialinformation.(2)Subsection (1)doesnotapplytoaproceedingfortheadministration or enforcement of a tax
law.Division 2Collection of
information fordisclosure to Commonwealth113ADefinitions for divisionIn
this division—commissioneroftaxationmeansthecommissioneroftaxation under theTaxation
Administration Act 1953(Cwlth),section
4.reportable informationmeans
information about the transferof a freehold or
leasehold interest in real property situated inQueensland that
is reportable by the State to the commissioneroftaxationundertheTaxationAdministrationAct1953(Cwlth),schedule1,chapter5,part5-25,division396,subdivision 396-B.113BRelationship with other laws(1)This division applies despite any
other provision of this Act oranother Act or
law.(2)Thisdivisiondoesnotlimittheextenttowhichreportableinformationmaybecollectedordisclosedunderanotherprovision of
this Act or another Act or law.(3)Informationmaybecollectedanddisclosedunderthisdivision even
if—Page 76Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
9 Record keeping[s 113C](a)theinformationiscollectedonlyforthepurposeofdisclosuretothecommissioneroftaxationandnotcollectedunderorinrelationtotheadministrationofany
law of the State (other than this division); and(b)the information is not disclosed in
connection with theadministrationorexecutionofanylawoftheState(other than this
division).113CCommissioner may collect and disclose
reportableinformationThecommissionermaycollectreportableinformationanddisclose it to the commissioner of
taxation.113DHow reportable information may be
information.Note—The requirement
under this section is an information requirement forwhich a failure to comply is an offence
under section 121.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the
commissioner may requirereportable information to be given
with an instrument or ELNtransaction document lodged, or an
application made, undera tax law.(3)Thissectiondoesnotlimitthecircumstancesinwhichthecommissioner may collect reportable
information.Part 9Record
keeping114Requirement to keep proper
records(1)Apersonmustkeeptherecordsnecessarytoenabletheperson’s tax law liability to be
ascertained.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part 9
Record keeping[s 115](2)For
subsection (1), the commissioner may, by written noticegiventoaperson,requirethepersontokeepaparticularrecord stated in
the notice for a stated revenue law.(3)Thepersonmustnotfail,withoutreasonableexcuse,tocomply with the notice.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(4)A person who, under a notice given
under a revenue law, isrequiredtokeepastatedrecordmustcomplywiththerequirement.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.115Accessibility of
recordsA person who is required under a tax law to
keep a recordmustkeeptherecordinawaythatitisabletobereadilyproducedtothecommissionerifrequiredbythecommissioner.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.116Form of
recordsA person who is required under a tax law to
keep a recordmust keep the record—(a)intheformofadocumentwritteninEnglishwithinformationaboutamountsexpressedinAustraliancurrency;
or(b)in a form that can be readily
converted or translated intothe form
mentioned in paragraph (a).Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.117Commissioner may
require translation or conversion ofdocument or
information(1)The commissioner may, by written
notice given to a person,requirethepersontotranslateorconvertintoawrittenPage 78Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
9 Record keeping[s 118]documentintheEnglishlanguageandAustraliancurrencyanydocumentorinformationthecommissionerreasonablybelieves is
relevant to the administration or enforcement of atax
law.(2)The notice must state the reasonable
time for compliance withthe requirement.(3)Thepersonmustnotfail,withoutreasonableexcuse,tocomply with the requirement.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(4)Ifthepersondoesnotcomplywiththerequirement,thecommissionermayhavethedocumentorinformationtranslated or
(4)areadebt payable to
the State by the person and may be recoveredbythecommissionerbyactioninacourtofcompetentjurisdiction.118Period for keeping recordsA
person who is required under a tax law to keep a recordmust
keep it until the later of the following—(a)5
years has elapsed after it was made or obtained;(b)5yearshaselapsedafterthecompletionofthetransaction or matter to which it
relates;(c)if the person’s liability under a
revenue law depends onthecontinuedsatisfactionofconditionsforaperiodstatedintherevenuelawafterthemakingofanassessmenttowhichtherecordrelates—2yearshaselapsed after the end of the period.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.119Wilfully damaging records(1)A person must not wilfully damage a
record that is required tobe kept under a tax law.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
10 Enforcement and legal proceedings[s 120]Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.Note—This provision
is an executive liability provision—see section 140.(2)In this section—damageincludes destroy.Part 10Enforcement and legalproceedingsDivision 1Offences and related provisions120Failure to give noticeIf,underataxlaw,apersonisrequiredtogivetothecommissioneranoticeaboutamatter,thepersonmustnotfail,withoutreasonableexcuse,tocomplywiththerequirement.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.121Failure to comply
with information or lodgementrequirementA person must
not fail, without reasonable excuse, to complywith an
information or lodgement requirement.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.122False or
misleading documents(1)A person must
not give to the commissioner or an investigatora document
containing information that the person knows, orshould reasonably know, is false or
misleading in a materialparticular.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Page 80Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
10 Enforcement and legal proceedings[s 123]Note—This provision
is an executive liability provision—see section 140.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a
person who, when givingthe document—(a)tellsthecommissionerorinvestigatoroftheextenttowhich the document is false or misleading;
and(b)to the extent the person has, or can
reasonably get, thecorrectinformation—givesthecorrectinformationtothe
commissioner or investigator.(3)It
is enough for a complaint against a person for an offenceagainstsubsection
which, ‘false or misleading’.123False
or misleading information(1)A person must
not state anything to the commissioner or aninvestigator
that the person knows is false or misleading in amaterial particular.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Note—This provision
is an executive liability provision—see section 140.(2)Itisenoughforacomplaintforanoffenceagainstsubsection (1),tostatethestatementmadewas‘falseormisleading’totheperson’sknowledge,withoutspecifyingwhich.124Self-incrimination not a reasonable
excuse for failure tocomply with particular information or
section applies if, under a tax law, a person is required bywritten notice given to the person
to—(a)give information or a document to the
commissioner oran investigator; or(b)lodge a document.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 81
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
10 Enforcement and legal proceedings[s 125](2)It is not a reasonable excuse for the
person to fail to complywith the requirement because complying
with the requirementmight tend to incriminate the
person.(3)However,evidenceof,orevidencedirectlyorindirectlyderived from,
information or a document given or lodged incompliancewiththerequirement,bythepersonthatmighttend to
incriminate the person is not admissible in evidenceagainstthepersoninacriminalproceeding,otherthanaproceedinginwhichthefalsityormisleadingnatureoftheinformation or
document is relevant.125Use in legal
proceedings of document or informationobtained under a
recognised law(1)This section applies if, under a
recognised law—(a)a person is required to give
information or a documentin relation to a matter under a tax
law; and(b)the information or document given in
compliance withthe requirement might tend to incriminate
the person.(2)Evidence of, or evidence directly or
indirectly derived from,theinformationordocumentthatmighttendtoincriminatethe person is
not admissible in evidence against the person ina
criminal proceeding, other than a proceeding in which thefalsity or misleading nature of the
information or document isrelevant.126Obstruction of person exercising power under
tax lawA person must not, without reasonable
excuse, obstruct—(a)the commissioner or an investigator
exercising a powerunder a tax law; or(b)apersonproperlyhelpingthecommissioneroraninvestigator exercising a power under
a tax law.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.Page
82Current as at [Not applicable]
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
10 Enforcement and legal proceedings[s 127]127Impersonation of investigatorA
person must not pretend to be an investigator.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Evidence128Application of div 2This
division applies to a proceeding under or in relation to atax
law.129Commissioner’s office and
signature(1)Judicial notice must be taken of the
name and signature of aperson who is or was the
commissioner.(2)A document is taken to be signed by
the commissioner if itbears the written, printed or stamped
signature or name of thecommissioner instead of the
commissioner’s signature.(3)Subsection
(2)doesnotapplyifthenameofthecommissionerwaswritten,printedorstampedonthedocument without the commissioner’s
authority.(4)A document bearing the written,
printed or stamped name ofthecommissionerispresumedtohavebeenmadewiththecommissioner’s authority unless the
contrary is proved.130Statement in complaintA
statement made by or for the commissioner in a complaintstarting a proceeding is evidence of the
matter stated.131Evidentiary certificatesAcertificatepurportingtobesignedbythecommissionerstatinganyofthefollowingmattersisevidenceofthematter—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 83
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
10 Enforcement and legal proceedings[s 132](a)on a stated date—(i)a
stated person was liable to pay, or paid, a statedamount; or(ii)a
stated notice was published in a stated way; or(iii)astatedpersonmade,gaveorexecutedastateddocument;
or(iv)anassessmentwasmadeandthedetailsoftheassessment; or(v)a
stated document was given to a stated person in astated way; or(vi)a
stated document or information was not receivedby a stated
person; or(vii) a stated person had or had not done a
stated thingrequired to be done under a tax law;
or(viii) astatedpersonwasorwasnotregisteredorapproved under a tax law; or(ix)a stated person
was an investigator;(b)astatedpersonisauthorisedtoconductastatedproceeding for
the commissioner;(c)astateddocumentisacopyof,orpartof,anotherdocument.132Evidentiary provisions for
assessments(1)Productionofadocumentsignedbythecommissionerpurporting to be
a copy of an assessment notice—(a)isconclusiveevidenceofthepropermakingoftheassessment; and(b)for—(i)a
proceeding on an appeal against, or review of, adecisiononanobjection—isevidencethattheamountandallparticularsoftheassessmentarecorrect; orPage 84Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
10 Enforcement and legal proceedings[s 133](ii)anotherproceeding—isconclusiveevidencethatthe amount and
all particulars of the assessment arecorrect.(2)The validity of an assessment is not
affected merely because aprovision of a tax law has not been
complied with.133Production of copies of
documentsA copy of a document made or issued by the
commissioner orin the commissioner’s possession—(a)is admissible in the same way as the
original document;and(b)has the same
evidentiary value as the original document.Division 3Legal proceedings134Conducting proceeding for
commissioner(1)The commissioner may, by signed
writing, authorise a personto
conduct—(a)a proceeding in the commissioner’s
name for—(i)therecoveryoftaxoranotheramountpayableunder a tax law;
or(ii)an offence
against a tax law; or(b)anotherproceedingunderataxlawtowhichthecommissioner is a party.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the
person—(a)mayappearforthecommissionerbeforeanycourtortribunal in which the proceeding is
conducted; and(b)represents the commissioner in the
proceeding; and(c)is entitled to give evidence in the
proceeding.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
10 Enforcement and legal proceedings[s 135]135Summary proceedings for
offencesA proceeding for an offence against a tax
law must be taken ina summary way under theJustices Act 1886.Notauthorised—indicativeonly136When proceeding
must startAproceedingforanoffenceagainstataxlawmuststartwithin 5 years after the commission of the
offence.137Court may order compliance or
payment(1)If a person is convicted of an offence
against a provision of atax law, the court may order the
person to comply with theprovision.(2)Subsection (1) applies even if the time for
complying with theprovision has passed.(3)If a
court makes an order under subsection (1), the order muststate a place where and a time or period by
or within whichthe order is to be complied with.(4)The person must comply with the
order.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(5)Also, if a person is convicted of an
offence against a provisionofataxlaw,thecourtmayorderthepersonpaythecommissioner the amounts payable by
the person under thetax law that are outstanding on the
conviction.(6)In addition, if the court is satisfied
the purpose of the act oromissionconstitutingtheoffencewastoavoidataxlawliability, the
court may order the person pay twice the amountof the
liability.(7)Thissectiondoesnotlimitthecourt’spowersunderthePenalties and Sentences Act 1992or
any other law.138Second or subsequent offence(1)This section applies if—Page
86Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
10 Enforcement and legal proceedings[s 139](a)a person is convicted of an offence
against a provision ofa tax law; and(b)within5yearsaftertheconviction,thepersonisconvicted of a further offence against the
provision.(2)Themaximumpenaltyforthefurtheroffenceistwicethemaximum penalty fixed in the tax law for the
offence.139Responsibility for acts or omissions
of representative(1)This section applies in a proceeding
for an offence against atax law.(2)Ifitisrelevanttoproveaperson’sstateofmindaboutaparticular act or omission, it is
enough to show—(a)theactwasdoneoromittedtobedonebyarepresentativeofthepersonwithinthescopeoftherepresentative’s actual or apparent
authority; and(b)the representative had the state of
mind.(3)Anactdoneoromittedtobedoneforapersonbyarepresentativeofthepersonwithinthescopeoftherepresentative’s actual or apparent
authority is taken to havebeen done or omitted to be done also
by the person, unless thepersonprovesthepersoncouldnot,bytheexerciseofreasonable diligence, have prevented the act
or omission.(4)In this section—representativemeans—(a)ofacorporation—anexecutiveofficer,employeeoragent of the corporation; or(b)ofapartnership—apartner,employeeoragentofthepartnership; or(c)of
an unincorporated body—a member of the body, oran employee or
agent of the body; or(d)ofanindividual—anemployeeoragentoftheindividual.state of
mindof a person includes—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 87
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
10 Enforcement and legal proceedings[s 140](a)theperson’sknowledge,intention,opinion,belieforpurpose; and(b)the
person’s reasons for the intention, opinion, belief orpurpose.140Liability of executive officer—particular
offencescommitted by corporation(1)An
executive officer of a corporation commits an offence if—(a)the corporation commits an offence
against an executiveliability provision; and(b)the officer did not take all
reasonable steps to ensure thecorporation did
not engage in the conduct constitutingthe
offence.Maximumpenalty—thepenaltyforacontraventionoftheexecutive liability provision by an
individual.(2)In deciding whether things done or
omitted to be done by theexecutiveofficerconstitutereasonablestepsforsubsection (1)(b), a court must have
regard to—(a)whether the officer knew, or ought
reasonably to haveknown,ofthecorporation’sconductconstitutingtheoffence against the executive liability
provision; and(b)whethertheofficerwasinapositiontoinfluencethecorporation’s conduct in relation to the
offence againstthe executive liability provision;
and(c)any other relevant matter.(3)Theexecutiveofficermaybeproceededagainstfor,andconvicted of, an offence against subsection
(1) whether or notthe corporation has been proceeded against
for, or convictedof, the offence against the executive
liability provision.(4)This section
does not affect either—(a)the liability of
the corporation for the offence against theexecutive
liability provision; orPage 88Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
10 Enforcement and legal proceedings[s 141](b)the liability, under the Criminal
Code, chapter 2, of anyperson, whether or not the person is
an executive officerof the corporation, for the offence
against the executiveliability provision.(5)In this section—executiveliabilityprovisionmeansanyofthefollowingprovisions—•section 112(1)•section 119(1)•section 122(1)•section 123(1)•theDuties Act 2001, section
471G(1)•theDuties Act
2001, section 471H(1)•theDuties Act 2001, section
480(1)•theDuties Act
2001, section 480(2)•theDuties Act 2001, section
480A(1)•theDuties Act
2001, section 480A(2)•theDuties Act 2001, section
481•theDuties Act
2001, section 481A(2)•thePayroll Tax Act 1971,
section 93.141Treatment of partnerships and
unincorporated bodies(1)Subject to this
section, the tax laws apply to a partnership orunincorporated
body as if the partnership or unincorporatedbody were a
person.(2)Anobligationorliabilitythat,apartfromthissubsection,wouldbeimposedbyataxlawonapersonthatisapartnershiporunincorporatedbody,isimposedoneachpartnerormanagementmemberofthebody,butmaybedischarged by any of the partners or
management members.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
11 Giving and lodging documents[s 142](3)An amount that, apart from this
subsection, would be payableunderataxlawbyapersonthatisapartnershiporunincorporated body is jointly andseverallypayablebythepartners or
management members of the body.(4)If,becauseoftheoperationofsubsection (1),anoffenceagainstaprovisionofataxlawistakentohavebeencommittedbyapartnershiporunincorporatedbody,theoffenceistakentohavebeencommittedbyeachofthepartners or management members of the
body.(5)However, it is a defence for a partner
or management memberto prove—(a)if
the partner or management member was in a positionto
influence the conduct of the partnership or body inrelationtotheoffence—thepartnerormanagementmemberexercisedreasonablediligencetoensurethepartnership or body complied with the
provision; or(b)thepartnerormanagementmemberwasnotinaposition to influence the conduct of
the partnership orbody in relation to the offence.Part
11Giving and lodging documentsDivision 1Preliminary142Application of pt 11This part
applies if a tax law requires or permits a document tobe
given to a person, whether the expression ‘deliver’, ‘give’,‘lodge’,‘notify’,‘send’or‘serve’oranotherexpressionhaving a similar
meaning is used.Page 90Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Taxation
Administration Act 2001Part 11 Giving and lodging
documents[s 143]Documents given
to thecommissioner143Ways
of giving document to commissioner(1)A
document is given to the commissioner only if—(a)itisleftatthecommissioner’sofficewiththecommissioner or a public service employee
engaged inthe administration of the tax laws;
or(b)it is sent by post or facsimile to the
commissioner at thecommissioner’s office; or(c)itisgiventothecommissionerundertheElectronicTransactions
(Queensland) Act 2001; or(d)itisgiventothecommissionerinanotherwayprescribed under a regulation.(2)This section applies subject to
section 143A.143ARequirement for electronic
communication(1)Thecommissionermaygiveawritten notice(anelectroniccommunication
notice) to a person requiring the person,
incomplying with a stated lodgement
requirement, to give anydocument or a stated type of document
to the commissionerbyanelectroniccommunicationusinganapprovedinformation
system.(2)Subject to subsection (3) and section
143B, a person given anelectroniccommunicationnoticemust,incomplyingwithalodgementrequirementtowhichthenoticerelates,complywith the notice
from the day that is 30 days after being giventhe
notice.(3)Subsection (2)doesnotapplyifthepersononaparticularoccasionisunabletocomplywiththenoticeduetocircumstances beyond the person’s
control.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
11 Giving and lodging documents[s 143B]Notauthorised—indicativeonly143BApplication to
withdraw electronic communication notice(1)Apersongivenanelectroniccommunicationnoticemayapply to the commissioner to withdraw
the notice.(2)The application must—(a)bemadewithin30daysafterthepersonisgiventhenotice; and(b)be
in the approved form.(3)Theapplicationmaybemadeonanyofthefollowinggrounds—(a)the standard of the technological
infrastructure servicingthe area in which the person would
ordinarily complywith the notice makes it impracticable for
the person tocomply with the notice;(b)thenumberoftimesthepersonislikelytohavetocomplywiththelodgementrequirementtowhichthenotice relates during a year is so small as
not to justifythe costs the person would have to incur to
install, ormodify,aninformationsystemtoenablecompliancewith the
notice;(c)a ground prescribed under a
regulation.(4)Thecommissionermustconsidertheapplicationandeithergrant, or refuse
to grant, the application.(5)The person is
not required to comply with the notice pendingthe person being
notified of the commissioner’s decision onthe application
under subsection (6) or (8).(6)Ifthecommissionerdecidestogranttheapplication,thecommissionermustimmediatelygivethepersonwrittennotice of the decision.(7)Subsections (8) to (11) apply if the
commissioner decides torefuse to grant the
application.(8)The commissioner must immediately give
the person a writtennotice stating the following—(a)the decision;Page 92Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
11 Giving and lodging documents[s 144](b)the reasons for the decision;(c)that the person may apply, as provided
under the QCATAct, to the tribunal for a review of the
decision within 14days after being given the notice
(thereview period);(d)how the person may apply for the
review.(9)Thepersonmayapplytothetribunalforareviewofthedecision during the review
period.(10)The person is
not required to comply with the notice—(a)during the review period; and(b)if the person applies for a review of
the decision—(i)pending the review being decided;
and(ii)if the person is
unsuccessful on the review—during14 days
immediately after the review is decided.(11)If
the person applies for a review of the decision—(a)apartytoaproceedingofthetribunalforthereviewmay be
represented by a lawyer; and(b)thegroundsforthereviewarelimitedtothegroundsstated in
subsection (3).144When document given to
commissioner(1)A document is taken to be given to the
commissioner—(a)if it is given to the commissioner in
the way mentionedinsection 143(a)—whenitisactuallyreceivedbythecommissioner or employee with whom it
is left; or(b)if it is sent by fax—the date the fax
is sent; or(c)if it is given to the commissioner
under theElectronicTransactions(Queensland)Act2001—atthetimeofreceipt determined under that Act; or(d)if it is given to the commissioner in
the way mentionedinsection 143(d)—atthetimeprescribedunderaregulation; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 93
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
11 Giving and lodging documents[s 145](e)ifitisgivenbyanelectroniccommunicationtothecommissionerincompliancewithanelectroniccommunication
notice—at the time the communicationenters an
approved information system.Note—For
the time of giving a document by post, see theActs
InterpretationAct 1954, section
39A(1)(b).(2)However, if the document is given to
the commissioner on aday that is not a business day, or
after 5p.m. on a business day,the document is
taken to be given to the commissioner on thefollowing
business day.(3)Subsection (2) does not apply to a
document given in the waymentioned in subsection (1)(e).145When lodgement requirement complied
withA lodgement requirement is complied with
only if—(a)all documents required to be lodged or
given under therequirement have been lodged or given by the
date forcomplying with the requirement; and(b)if,undertherequirement,adocumentrequiredtobelodged or given
is an approved form—the form containsenoughinformationforthepurposeforwhichitislodged or given.Division 3Documents given by thecommissioner146Giving document to agents of taxpayers,
members ofpartnerships and unincorporated
bodies(1)Adocumentistakentobegivenbythecommissionertoataxpayer if it is given to an agent of
the taxpayer with apparentauthority to be given the
document.Page 94Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
11 Giving and lodging documents[s 147](2)A document to be given by the
commissioner to a partnershipis taken to have
been given to all members of the partnershipif it is given
to any member of the partnership.(3)Adocumenttobegivenbythecommissionertoanunincorporatedbodyistakentohavebeengiventoallmembersofthebodyifitisgiventoanymemberofthecommittee of
management of the body.147Giving document
if more than 1 taxpayer liable(1)Adocumentistakentobegiventoalltaxpayerswhoareliable to pay tax for an instrument,
transaction or matter, if itis given to 1 of
the taxpayers who is liable to pay the tax.(2)However,aregulationmaydeclarethatsubsection (1)doesnot
apply to a taxpayer in stated circumstances.(3)A
regulation may be made only if—(a)under a tax law, more than 1 taxpayer is
liable to pay taxfor an instrument, transaction or matter;
and(b)inparticularcircumstances,itisnotreasonableorpracticable for the document to be taken to
be given to ataxpayer.(4)Subsections (2) and (3) do not prevent the
commissioner fromgiving the document to the taxpayer to whom
the regulationapplies.148Ways
document given by commissionerA document to be
given under a tax law to a person by thecommissioner is
properly given if it is—(a)givenasprovidedundertheActsInterpretationAct1954, part 10;
or(b)left for collection by the person in a
collection box keptat the commissioner’s office for the person;
or(c)addressed to the person and left in
the person’s exchangebox at a document exchange; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
11A Registration of charitable institutions[s 149](d)sent by email to the person’s email
address as given tothe commissioner by the person; or(e)madeavailabletothepersonusinganapprovedinformation
system in the circumstances prescribed byregulation;
or(f)given in another way prescribed under
a regulation.149When document given by
it is sent by fax—the date the fax is sent; or(b)if
it is left in a collection or exchange box—the date it isleft
in the box; or(c)if it is sent by email—the date the
email is sent; or(d)ifitismadeavailableusinganapprovedinformationsystemorgiveninawayprescribedunderaregulation—the date prescribed under
the regulation.Note—For the time of
giving a document by post, see theActs
InterpretationAct 1954, section
39A(1)(b).(2)However, if under subsection (1), the
document is given after5p.m. on a particular day, the
document is taken to be given tothe person on
the following business day.Part 11ARegistration of charitableinstitutions149AApplication for registration(1)Apersonauthorisedbyaninstitutionmayapplytothecommissioner for registration of the
institution under this part.(2)The
application must—Page 96Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
11A Registration of charitable institutions[s 149B](a)be in the approved form; and(b)besupportedbyenoughinformationtoenablethecommissionertodecidetheapplication,includingthefollowing—(i)a
copy of its constitution, however described;(ii)a
certificate of its incorporation, if applicable;(iii)details of its
current or proposed activities;(iv)details of fees charged for its
activities.(3)In this section—constitutionsee section
149C(6).149BDecision on applicationThe
commissioner must approve or refuse the application.149CRestrictions on registration(1)The commissioner may register the
institution only if it is aninstitution
mentioned in subsections (2) to (4).(2)Each
of the following may be registered—(a)a
religious body or a body—(i)that is
controlled by, or associated with, a religiousbody; and(ii)whose principal
object and pursuit is the conductof activities of
a religious nature;(b)a public benevolent
institution;(c)a university or university
college;(d)a primary or secondary school;(e)a kindergarten;(f)aninstitutionwhoseprincipalobjectorpursuitisthecareofthesick,aged,infirm,afflictedorincorrigiblepersons;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
11A Registration of charitable institutions[s 149C](g)aninstitutionwhoseprincipalobjectorpursuitistherelief of poverty;(h)aninstitutionwhoseprincipalobjectorpursuitisthecare of children by—(i)being responsible for them on a
full-time basis; and(ii)providingthemwithallnecessaryfood,clothingand shelter;
and(iii)providingfortheirgeneralwellbeingandprotection.(3)Also, an institution may be registered if
its principal object orpursuit—(a)is
fulfilling a charitable object or promoting the publicgood; and(b)is
not a leisure, recreational, social or sporting object orpursuit.(4)Inaddition,thetrusteesofaninstitutionmentionedinsubsection (2)or(3),otherthanauniversityoruniversitycollege, may be
registered.(5)However, an institution, other than an
institution or trustee ofan institution mentioned in subsection
(2)(a) or (c), must notberegisteredunlessitsconstitution,howeverdescribed,expressly
provides that—(a)its income and property are used
solely for promoting itsobjects; and(b)nopartofitsincomeorpropertyistobedistributed,paid or
transferred by way of bonus, dividend or othersimilar payment
to its members; and(c)on its dissolution, the assets
remaining after satisfyingall debts and liabilities must be
transferred—(i)toaninstitutionthat,underthissection,mayberegistered; orPage 98Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
11A Registration of charitable institutions[s 149D](ii)to an
institution the commissioner is satisfied has aprincipalobjectorpursuitmentionedinsubsection (3)(a); or(iii)forapurposethecommissionerissatisfiedischaritable or for the promotion of the
public good.(6)In this section—constitution, of an
institution, includes a law, deed or otherinstrumentthatconstitutestheinstitutionandgovernstheactivities of the institution or its
members.149DApproval of applicationIfthecommissionerapprovestheapplication,thecommissioner must register the
institution.149ERefusal of applicationIf
the commissioner refuses the application, the commissionermust
give notice of the decision to the institution.Note—If,
because of the decision, the commissioner makes an assessment
onthe basis that the institution is not an
exempt institution, the institutionmay object to
the decision as part of an objection to the assessment. Seepart
6 for provisions about objections and appeals against, and
reviewsof, assessments.149FLater
registration(1)If the commissioner refuses the
application, the commissionermay state in the
notice of the decision a later date when thecommissioner
will reconsider the application on the facts andcircumstances known at the later
date.(2)If at the later date the commissioner
is satisfied the institutionis entitled to
be registered, the commissioner must approve theapplication and register the
institution.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
11A Registration of charitable institutions[s 149G](3)The date of registration must be the
date that the institutionwould have been registered had the
commissioner approvedthe application in the first
instance.149GNotice of registration(1)On registration of an institution, the
commissioner must givenotice to the institution of its
registration.(2)The notice—(a)must
state the date of registration; and(b)mayincludeanyotherinformationabouttheregistration.(3)Thedateofregistrationmaybebeforethedateoftheapplication or notice.149HNotice of ceasing to be entitled to be
registeredWithin28daysafteracharitableinstitutionstopsbeingentitledtoberegisteredundersection 149C,itmustgivewritten notice to the commissioner.Note—Failure to give
the notice is an offence under the Administration Act,section 120.149ICancellation of registration(1)Thecommissionermaycancelacharitableinstitution’sregistration if
the commissioner is satisfied the institution—(a)has
ceased to exist; or(b)is no longer entitled to be registered
under this part; or(c)wasregisteredbecauseofamateriallyfalseormisleading representation or
declaration.(2)If the commissioner cancels the
institution’s registration undersubsection
(1)(b) or (c), the commissioner must give notice toPage
100Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
12 Miscellaneous provisions[s 150]the
institution that its registration is cancelled effective
fromthe date stated in the notice.(3)The stated date may be before the date
of the notice.Note—If the
commissioner makes an assessment on the basis of the decision
tocancel the institution’s registration, the
institution may object to thedecision as part
of an objection to the assessment. For objections andappeals against assessments, see part
6.Part 12Miscellaneous
provisions150Protection from liability(1)An official is not civilly liable for
an act done, or omissionmade, honestly and without negligence
under a tax law.(2)Ifsubsection
(1)preventsacivilliabilityattachingtoanofficial, the liability attaches
instead to the State.(3)In this
section—officialmeans—(a)the commissioner; or(b)an investigator; or(c)apublicserviceemployeetowhomthecommissionerhas delegated a
power under a tax law; or(d)a person acting
under the direction of the commissioneror an
investigator.150AWhen information requirement complied
given by the date for complying with the requirement.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
12 Miscellaneous provisions[s 151]151Extension of date for complying with
information orlodgement requirementIf, in
particular circumstances, the commissioner considers itwouldbeunreasonabletorequirecompliancewithaninformationorlodgementrequirementbythedateforcomplyingwiththerequirement,thecommissionermayextend the date for compliance.152Rounding downThe commissioner
may round down an amount required to bepaid under a tax
law to the nearest 5c.153Approved
forms(1)The commissioner may approve forms for
use under this Act.(2)AformmaybeapprovedforuseunderthisActthatiscombined with, or is to be used together
with, an approvedform under another Act.153AApproved information systemThe
commissioner may approve an information system for atax
law.153BCommissioner may arrange for use of an
approvedinformation system to make particular
decisions(1)Thecommissionermayarrangefortheuseofanapprovedinformationsystemforanypurposesforwhichthecommissioner may make a relevant decision
under a tax law.(2)Arelevantdecisionmadebytheoperationofanapprovedinformationsystemunderanarrangementmadeundersubsection
this section—Page 102Current as at
[Not applicable]
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
12 Miscellaneous provisions[s 153C]relevant decisionmeans a decision
that does not involve theexercise of the commissioner’s
discretion.Notauthorised—indicativeonly153CCommissioner may require payment of
penalty(1)This section applies if a
person—(a)doesnotcomplywithanelectronicpaymentnoticeunder section
29A(2); or(b)doesnotcomplywithanelectroniccommunicationnotice under
section 143A(2).(2)The commissioner may, by written
notice given to the person,require the
person to pay a penalty (thepenalty
amount) of$100.(3)The notice must state the
following—(a)the date for payment of the penalty
amount, being a daythatisatleast30daysafterthepersonreceivesthenotice;(b)the
reasons for the decision to require payment of thepenalty amount;(c)that
the person may apply, as provided under the QCATAct,
to the tribunal for a review of the decision within 14days
after being given the notice (thereview
period);(d)how the person
may apply for the review.(4)Toremovedoubt,itisdeclaredthatanoticemaybegivenunder subsection
(2) each time a person does not comply withanelectronicpaymentnoticeorelectroniccommunicationnotice.(5)The commissioner may remit the whole
or part of the penaltyamount.(6)Thepersonmayapplytothetribunalforareviewofthedecision during the review
period.(7)If the person applies for a review of
the decision—(a)thepersonisnotrequiredtopaythepenaltyamountpending the review being decided; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
13 Repeal, savings and transitional provisions[s 154](b)apartytoaproceedingofthetribunalforthereviewmay be
represented by a lawyer.154Regulation-making
power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.(2)A regulation may provide for a maximum
penalty of not morethan 20 penalty units for a contravention of
a regulation.Part 13Repeal, savings
andtransitional provisionsDivision 1Repeal of Revenue Laws(Reciprocal
Powers) Act 1988155Act repealedThe Revenue Laws
(Reciprocal Powers) Act 1988 is repealed.Division 2Savings and transitional provisionsfor
repealed Stamp ActSubdivision 1Preliminary156Definitions for div 2In this
division—commencement daymeans the day
section 155 commences.repealed Stamp Actmeans the
repealedStamp Act 1894as inforce immediately before its repeal.Page
104Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 2Taxation
Administration Act 2001Part 13 Repeal, savings and
transitional provisions[s 157]Application of
this Act and repealedStamp Act157Repealed Stamp Act is revenue law for
particularprovisions(1)Despiteitsrepeal,therepealedStampActistakentobearevenue law under section 6.Note—Also, see
theDuties Act 2001, section
512.(2)However,thefollowingprovisionsdonotapplytotherepealed Stamp Act as a revenue
law—•part 3 (Assessments of tax)•part 4 (Payments and refunds of tax
and other amounts),other than sections 29, 34 and 40 and part
4, divisions 4and 5•part
5 (Interest and penalty tax)•part
9 (Record keeping), other than sections 117 and 119•part 10 (Enforcement and legal
proceedings), other thansections 122,123,126and134to138andpart10,division 2.(3)ForapplyingaprovisionofthisActtotherepealedStampAct, the
provision applies with all necessary changes to ensurethe
repealed Stamp Act can be read together with this Act as ifthey
together formed a single Act.Example for
subsection (3)—Areferencetoareassessmentistakentobeareferencetoanassessment
amended under the repealed Stamp Act.Note—See
the repealed Stamp Act, section 80 (Amendment of
assessments).(4)If,underthissection,aprovisionofthisActrelatingtoaparticularmatterappliestotherepealedStampActandtherepealedStampActcontainsaprovisionaboutthesameCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 105
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
13 Repeal, savings and transitional provisions[s 158]matter, the provision in the repealed Stamp
Act does not applyto the matter.(5)This
section has effect subject to sections 159 and 160.158Confidential informationTo
remove any doubt, it is declared that part 8 applies to—(a)confidentialinformationacquiredbyanofficialperformingfunctionsunderorinrelationtotheadministrationorenforcementoftherepealedStampAct;
and(b)confidential information acquired or
received by anotherperson before the commencement day.159Application of s 48 to particular
administratorsSection 48appliestoanadministratorappointedbeforethecommencement day as if the required date
under the sectionwere the later of the following—(a)14 days after the commencement day;
or(b)the required date under the
section.160Second or subsequent offences(1)Forapplyingsection 138totherepealedStampAct,thereferenceinsubsection (1)(b)ofthatsectiontoafurtheroffence is a reference to an offence
committed on or after thecommencement day.(2)If
section 138(1)(a) applies for an offence against a provisionof
the repealed Stamp Act, the reference in subsection (1)(b)ofthatsectiontoafurtheroffenceagainsttheprovisionincludes a
reference to an offence against a provision of a taxlaw
that corresponds to the provision of the repealed StampAct.Page 106Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
14 Transitional provision for Queensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal (JurisdictionProvisions) Amendment Act 2009[s
161]Subdivision 3Miscellaneous
provisions161Office of commissionerThe
person who, immediately before the commencement day,heldtheofficeofcommissionerofstampdutiesundertherepealed Stamp Act, becomes the commissioner
on that day.162Reference in Act or document to
particular officersIn an Act or document—(a)a
reference to the commissioner of stamp duties underthe
repealed Stamp Act is, if the context permits, takento
be a reference to the commissioner; and(b)a
reference to an investigating officer under the repealedStampActis,ifthecontextpermits,takentobeareference to an
investigator.Part 14Transitional
provision forQueensland Civil andAdministrative
Tribunal(Jurisdiction Provisions)Amendment Act 2009165Transfer of appeals from Supreme Court only
withconsent(1)DespitetheQCATAct,section 268(4)thecourtmaynottransferaproceedingtoQCATwithouttheconsentoftheapplicant for the proceeding.(2)TheQCATAct,section
268(7)doesnotapplytoafinaldecisionofthecourtinaproceedingrelatingtoanappealagainst a decision of the commissioner on an
objection.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
15 Transitional provisions for Land Tax Act 2010[s
166]Part 15Transitional
provisions forLand Tax Act 2010Notauthorised—indicativeonly166Definition for pt
15In this part—repealedLandTaxActmeanstherepealedLandTaxAct1915.167Repealed Land Tax Act is revenue
law(1)Despite its repeal, the repealed Land
Tax Act is taken to be arevenue law under section 6.Note—Also, see
theLand Tax Act 2010, section
89.(2)Despite their repeal, sections 72 to
75 of the repealed LandTax Act continue to apply in relation
to how this Act appliesto the repealed Land Tax Act.(3)Subsection (2) does not limit
theActs Interpretation Act 1954,section 20A.168Existing exempt institutions taken to be
registered(1)This section applies to an institution
under theDuties Act 2001; or(b)before 30 June 2010—(i)received an exemption from payroll tax
under thePayrollTaxAct1971becauseitwasanexemptcharitable
institution under that Act; or(ii)receivedanexemptionfromlandtaxundertherepealed Land Tax Act because it was an
exemptcharitableinstitutionundersection 13AofthatAct.Page
108Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
16 Savings provision for repealed Tobacco Products (Licensing) Act
1988[s 169](2)The
institution is taken to be registered under part 11A.(3)Theinstitution’sdateofregistrationistakentobe30June2010.(4)Thecommissionerisnotrequiredtogiveanoticeofregistration to the institution under
section 149G.Part 16Savings
provision for repealedTobacco Products (Licensing)Act
1988169Continuation of Tobacco Products Act,
s 43(1)Despiteitsrepeal,section
43oftheTobaccoProductsActcontinuestoapplyforinformationandrecordsobtainedinconnection with the administration of
that Act before it wasrepealedbytheRevenueandOtherLegislationAmendmentAct
2011, section 121.(2)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that a proceeding may bestarted against a person for a contravention
of section 43(1) or(3) of the Tobacco Products Act as if that
Act had not beenrepealed.(3)Wordsusedinsection 43oftheTobaccoProductsAct,ascontinued under this section, have the same
meanings as theyhad under that Act before it was
repealed.(4)In this section—Tobacco Products
Actmeans the repealedTobacco
Products(Licensing) Act 1988.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
17 Savings, transitional and related provisions for repeal of
Community AmbulanceCover Act 2003[s 170]Part
17Savings, transitional andrelated provisions for repeal ofCommunity Ambulance CoverAct
2003Notauthorised—indicativeonly170Definitions for
pt 17In this part—repealedActmeanstherepealedCommunityAmbulanceCover Act
2003.171Repealed Act continues as revenue
law(1)Despite its repeal, the repealed Act
is taken to continue to be arevenue law
under section 6.Note—SeealsotheCommunityAmbulanceCoverLevyRepealAct2011,section 6 and part 2, division 2,
subdivision 2.(2)Despite its repeal, section 141 of the
repealed Act continues toapply in relation to how this Act
applies to the repealed Act.(3)Subsection (2) does not limit theActs
Interpretation Act 1954,section
20A.172Community Ambulance Cover Levy Repeal
Act is revenuelawTheCommunityAmbulanceCoverLevyRepealAct2011istaken to be a revenue law under section
6.173Delegations(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybefore1July2011,adelegationofanyofthecommissioner’spowersundertherepealed Act was in force.(2)The delegation continues for the
purpose of the administrationoftherepealedActascontinuedundertheCommunityPage 110Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Part
18 Transitional provision for Revenue Amendment and Trade and
InvestmentQueensland Act 2013[s 174]AmbulanceCoverLevyRepealAct2011part 2,
divisions 1and 2 until the delegation is ended under
this Act.(3)If the delegation had permitted the
subdelegation of the powerand a subdelegation of the power was
in force immediatelybefore1July2011,thesubdelegationalsocontinuesundersubsection (2) until it is ended under this
Act.174Confidential informationTo
remove any doubt, it is declared that part 8 applies to—(a)confidentialinformationacquiredbyanofficialperformingfunctionsunderorinrelationtotheadministration or enforcement of the
repealed Act; and(b)confidential information acquired or
received by anotherperson under the repealed Act.Part
18Transitional provision forRevenue Amendment andTrade and
InvestmentQueensland Act 2013175Application of s 22 for existing
reassessmentsSection 22(2)(b) applies in relation to an
investigation into ataxpayer’sliabilityfortaxunderarecognisedlawstartedbeforethecommencementofthissectionasiftheinvestigation had started after the
commencement.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
19 Transitional provision for Revenue Legislation Amendment Act
2014[s 176]Part 19Transitional provision forRevenue LegislationAmendment Act
2014Notauthorised—indicativeonly176Application of s
7Section 7, as in force on the day this
section commences, istaken to have had effect on and from
19 February 2014.Part 20Transitional
provision forPayroll Tax Rebate, Revenueand
Other LegislationAmendment Act 2015177Application of s 61ASection 61A
applies in relation to a reassessment giving effectto a
decision by the commissioner under section 67(1) if thedecision is made on or after the
commencement.Part 21Transitional
provision forRevenue and Other LegislationAmendment Act 2018178Application of s 149C to currently
registered entities(1)This section applies to an institution
that, immediately beforethe commencement, was registered under
part 11A.(2)DespitetheRevenueandOtherLegislationAmendmentAct2018, the unamended section continues
to apply in relation tothe institution until the day that
is—(a)if the institution’s constitution is a
law—18 months afterthe commencement; orPage 112Current as at [Not applicable]
Taxation Administration Act 2001Part
21 Transitional provision for Revenue and Other Legislation
Amendment Act 2018[s 178](b)otherwise—6 months after the
commencement.(3)In this section—unamendedsectionmeanssection149Casinforceimmediately before the commencement.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Taxation Administration Act 2001Schedule 2Schedule 2DictionaryNotauthorised—indicativeonlysection 5Page 114administrator, for a
taxpayer’s property, means a person whois—(a)a receiver or receiver and manager of
the whole or partof the taxpayer’s property; or(b)for a taxpayer that is a corporation—a
liquidator; or(c)for a taxpayer who is an
individual—(i)the taxpayer’s trustee in bankruptcy;
or(ii)the taxpayer’s
personal representative.appropriatelyqualified,forapublicserviceemployeetowhomapowerunderataxlawmaybedelegated,includeshaving the qualifications, experience or
standing appropriateto exercise the power.Example of standing—an employee’s
classification level in the public serviceapproved
formmeans—(a)forarequestunderpart4,division5—theformapproved by the
registrar for the request; or(b)otherwise—(i)a
form approved under section 153; or(ii)aformapprovedbythecommissionerunderarevenue law.approvedinformationsystemmeansaninformationsystemapproved by the commissioner under section
153A.assessed interestsee section
liability for tax for which an assessment notice isgiven, and includes a reassessment.Current as at [Not applicable]
Taxation Administration Act 2001Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonlyassessmentliabilitymeansallamountspayableunderanassessment, and includes amounts that have
not been assessedbut are payable in relation to the
assessment.assessment noticesee section
26(1).commissionermeanstheCommissionerofStateRevenueappointed under section 7(2).commissioner of taxation, for part 8,
division 2, see section113A.compromise
assessmentsee section 12(2).confidentialinformationmeansinformationdisclosedto,obtainedby,orotherwiseheldby,anofficialunderorinrelation to a tax law.convictionincludes a
finding of guilt, and the acceptance of apleaofguilty,byacourt,whetherornotaconvictionisrecorded.corresponding
commissioner, for a recognised law, means aperson declared under section 78(3) to be
the correspondingcommissioner for the recognised law.default assessmentsee section
13.documentincludes an ELN
transaction document.duedate,foranassessment,meansthedatebywhichtaxunder the assessment must be paid.due
date, for a standard self assessment, means the
date bywhichtaxundertheselfassessmentmustbepaidundersection 30(1)(b).electronic
communication of information in the form of data, textorimagesbyguidedorunguidedelectromagneticenergy;
or(b)a communication of information in the
form of sound byguided or unguided electromagnetic energy,
if the soundisprocessedatitsdestinationbyanautomatedvoicerecognition system.electronic
communication noticesee section 143A(1).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Schedule 2electronic
payment noticesee section 29A(1).ELNtransactiondocumentseetheDutiesAct2001,section
156D.executiveofficer,ofacorporation,meansapersonwhoisconcernedin,ortakespartin,themanagementofthecorporation,regardlessoftheperson’sdesignationandwhether or not the person is a director of
the corporation.false or misleadingincludes false
or misleading because ofthe omission of a statement.garnisheesee section
50(1)(b).garnishee amountsee section
50(3).garnishee noticesee section
systemmeans a system for generating,
sending,receiving,storingorotherwiseprocessingelectroniccommunications.investigatormeansapersonappointedasaninvestigatorunder section
80.latepaymentinterestmeansthepartofunpaidtaxinterestthat is not
assessed interest.limitation period, for a
reassessment, means 5 years after theassessment
notice for the original assessment was given.lodgemeans lodge with the commissioner.lodgement requirementmeans a
requirement under a tax lawto—(a)lodge a document; or(b)give a document to the commissioner or
an investigator.management member, of an
unincorporated body, means—(a)ifthebodyhasamanagementcommittee—eachmember of the
management committee; orPage 116Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Schedule 2(b)otherwise—eachmemberwhoisconcernedwith,ortakes part in, the body’s management,
whatever name isgiven to the member’s position in the
body.non-reviewable decisionsee section
75(1).objection, for an
assessment, means an objection under part 6.obstructincludes hinder, resist and attempt to
obstruct.occupier, of a place,
includes the person apparently in chargeof the
place.officialmeans a person
who is, or has been, a public serviceemployee or
other person, performing functions under or inrelation to the
administration or enforcement of a tax law.originalassessmentmeansthefirstassessmentofataxpayer’sliabilityfortaxforaninstrument,transactionorother matter.owner, of
a retained thing, includes a person who would beentitledtopossessionofthethinghaditnotbeenretainedunder section
97(2).payment arrangementsee section
34(2).penalty taxsee section
information that—(a)identifies, or is likely to identify,
the person; or(b)discloses matters about the person’s
affairs.placeincludes the
following—(a)land;(b)premises.premisesincludes the following—(a)a
building or structure, or part of a building or structure,of
any kind;(b)an aircraft;(c)a
boat;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Schedule 2(d)a
caravan;(e)a vehicle.prescribed
rate, for interest, means the rate prescribed
under aregulation.primarytaxmeansatax,levyordutyimposedunderarevenue law.public
placemeans a place the public is entitled to use
or isopen to, or used by, the public (whether or
not on payment ofan admission fee).reasonablybelievesmeansbelievesongroundsthatarereasonable in the
circumstances.reassessmentmeansadetermination,underpart3,ofavariationofataxpayer’sliabilityfortaxforwhichanassessment notice is given.reciprocal investigationmeans an
investigation into a matterconnectedwiththeadministrationorenforcementofarecognisedlawthatisconductedunderareciprocalinvestigation
arrangement.reciprocal investigation arrangementmeans an arrangementmadeundersection
107foraninvestigationintoamatterconnectedwiththeadministrationorenforcementofarecognised law.reciprocalinvestigatormeansthecorrespondingcommissioner or
other person engaged in the administrationor enforcement
of a recognised law.recognised lawmeans a law
declared under section 78(1) tobe a recognised
law.registrar,forpart4,division5,subdivision1A,seesection 47A.repealed Land
Tax Act, for part 15, see section 166.reportableinformation,forpart8,division2,seesection113A.retained thingsee section
97(3).Page 118Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTaxation Administration Act 2001Schedule 2returnmeans a form of return approved under a
revenue lawfor a lodgement requirement.return self assessmentsee section
14(a).revenuelawmeansalawdeclaredundersection 6tobearevenue
assessment.selfassessormeansataxpayerortaxagentrequiredorpermitted under a revenue law to lodge
a return or transactionstatement.standard self
assessmentsee section 14A(a).taxmeans primary tax, assessed interest or
penalty tax.taxagentmeansapersonwho,asagentforataxpayer,isrequired or permitted under a revenue law to
lodge a return ortransaction statement.Example of tax
agent—a self assessor registered under theDuties Act 2001, chapter 12,
part 3tax lawmeans a revenue
law or this Act.tax law liabilitymeans a
liability under a tax law for tax oranotheramount,andforsections 34,38,40,43and44,includes a liability to pay costs
ordered by a court or QCAT.Note—For
provision about assessed costs, see theUniform Civil
ProcedureRules 1999, chapter
17A.taxpayermeans a person
who, under a tax law—(a)has or had a tax
law liability; or(b)may have a tax law liability.thingincludes a
document.transaction statementmeans a form of
transaction statementapproved under a revenue law for a
lodgement requirement.tribunalmeans
QCAT.unpaid primary taxsee section
54(1).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Taxation Administration Act 2001Schedule 2unpaid tax
interestsee section 54(1).Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 120Current as at
[Not applicable]