QueenslandPayrollTaxAct1971Current as at [Not applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates allproposedamendmentstotheActincludedintheRevenueandOtherLegislation
Amendment Bill 2018. This indicative reprint has been
preparedfor information only—it is not an
authorised reprint of the Act.The
point-in-time date for this indicative reprint is the introduction
date fortheRevenueandOtherLegislationAmendmentBill2018—22August2018.DetailedinformationaboutindicativereprintsisavailableontheInformationpage of the
Queensland legislation website.
9192939495969797APart 7Division 198Division 299100101102103104105106Division 3107Division 4108109110Division 5111112113Payroll Tax Act 1971ContentsPeriod for keeping particular records
relating to fringe benefits tax138Application of Act to trustees . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138Avoiding taxation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139Notice of change of address for
service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139Cents to be disregarded for
calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140Approval of forms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140Regulation-making power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140Application of
particular amendments .
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. .141Savings and transitional provisions for
Payroll Tax
AdministrationAmendment Act
2004PreliminaryDefinitions for
pt 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .142Application of amended Act and
Administration ActApplication of amended Act in relation to
liabilities etc. arising on or aftercommencement
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. .144Registration under s 54 of person required
to register beforecommencement
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. .144Application of
amended ss
for previous return
periods. .145Assessment
under amended s 81 in relation to
particular pre-commencement liabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145Application
of amended
s 95
to calculations made
under previousprovisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146This Act as a revenue law for the Administration
Act. . . . . . . . .146Application of
Administration Act, s 38. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148Second or subsequent offences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148Application of previous provisionsApplication
of previous
provisions to particular
liabilities etc.. . .148Provisions about
periodic liability after
commencementFixed periodic
deduction for periodic
return periods aftercommencement—existing
determination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149Fixed periodic deduction for periodic
return periods aftercommencement—existing nomination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149Application of fixed periodic
deduction to particular
employersafter commencement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150Provisions for
annual liability for
transitional yearPurpose
of div
5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150Basic principles for working
out employer’s annual liability
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.150Employer who was not a group member
for a prescribed period duringthe transitional
year .
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. .151Page 7Notauthorised—indicativeonly
Payroll Tax Act 1971ContentsNotauthorised—indicativeonly114Division 6115116117Division 7118119120121122123124125126127128129Part 8131132133134Part 9Division 1135Division 2136137138Page 8Employer who is a DGE on 30 June in the
transitional year . . . .152Provisions for
final liability for transitional final periodPurpose of div
6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153When
transitional final period starts. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .153Employer who is a DGE on the last day of a
transitional final period 154Miscellaneous
provisionsCommissioner assessment—employer
who becomes
in atransitional year before commencement . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155Commissioner assessment—employer who ceases
to be a DGE in atransitional year before commencement
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.157Delegations under previous
s 4A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158Employers
registered under previous s 12 immediately
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. .158Notices given by commissioner under
previous s
13. . . . . . . . .158Continuing effect of exemptions
given by
commissioner under previouss14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158Continuing use of particular
forms .
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.159Application of ss 83 and 84 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159Application of s 88 notification requirement
in relation to a transitionalyear . . . . .
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. .159Application of
s 89
to particular liquidators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160Application of s 94 to particular
employers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160References in amended Act. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160Transitional provisions for Payroll
Tax (Harmonisation)Amendment Act
of amended provisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .161Application of amended Act . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162Application of avoidance provision for
employment agency contracts162Continuation of
orders excluding person
from group. . . . . . . . .162Transitional provisions for Revenue and
Other LegislationAmendment Act
2010InterpretationDefinitions for
pt 9
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. .163Application of amended Act and
Administration ActApplication of amended Act . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164Exemption
of penalty
under s
90 .
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. .164Remission of
unpaid tax
interest and penalty
tax under
the AdministrationAct . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .164
Notauthorised—indicativeonly139140Part 10141142Part 11143Part 12144Part
13145Part 14146SchedulePayroll Tax Act
1971ContentsExemption for
offences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .165Reassessment—final return included
excluded wages . . . . . . . .165Transitional provisions for Revenue and
Other LegislationAmendment Act 2011Assessment and
payment of payroll tax for shares and options .166Application of pt 2, div 1C for granting of
particular shares or options167Transitional provision for
Revenue Amendment and
Trade andInvestment
Queensland Act 2013Exemption
under s
14A .
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.167Transitional provision for
Payroll Tax
Rebate, Revenue and
Amendment Act 2015Application
of s
13B .
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. .168Transitional
provision for Revenue
Legislation Amendment Act2018Retrospective application of
increased rebate under
ss 27A,
35A and43A. .
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. .168Transitional
provision for Revenue
and Other
Act 2018Retrospective operation of
amended s
13Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169Dictionary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170Page
Payroll Tax Act 1971Payroll Tax Act
1971Part 1 Preliminary[s 1]An Act
to impose a tax upon employers in respect of certainwagesNotauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
titleThis Act may be cited as thePayroll Tax Act 1971.2DictionaryThe dictionary
in the schedule defines particular words usedin this
Act.3Meaning ofsuperannuation
contribution(1)Asuperannuationcontributionisamonetaryornon-monetarycontributionpaidorpayablebyanemployerforanemployee,orbyacompanyforadirectorofthecompany—(a)asasuperannuationguaranteechargeundertheSuperannuation Guarantee Act;
(Supervision) Act 1993(Cwlth); or(c)toanotherformofsuperannuation,providentorretirement fund or scheme, including,
for example, thefollowing—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 11
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 1
Preliminary[s 3A](i)a
retirement savings account under theRetirementSavings Accounts
Act 1997(Cwlth);(ii)a
wholly or partly unfunded fund or scheme.Examples of
non-monetary contribution—1marketable
securities2real property(2)In
this section—SuperannuationGuaranteeActmeanstheSuperannuationGuarantee
(Administration) Act 1992(Cwlth).superannuationguaranteechargedoesnotincludethefollowing—(a)anadditionalsuperannuationguaranteechargeundersection 49orpart7oftheSuperannuationGuaranteeAct;(b)the
part of a superannuation guarantee charge equal to asuperannuationcontributionmentionedinsubsection (1)(b)or(c)thatispayable,andforwhichpayrolltaxhasbeenpaidtothecommissioner,totheextentthecontributionwouldhaveresultedinareduction in the
charge percentage under section 23 oftheSuperannuationGuaranteeActifthecontributionhad been
paid.unfunded, for a
superannuation, provident or retirement fundor scheme, means
the extent that an amount paid or payablebyanemployerforanemployee,orbyacompanyforadirector of the
company, covered by the fund or scheme is notpaidorpayablewhiletheemployeeisemployedbytheemployer,orthedirectorisappointedasadirectorofthecompany.3AMeaning oftermination
paymentis—Page 12Current as at
[Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 1
Preliminary[s 3A]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)anyofthefollowingpaymentsmadebecauseoftheretirementfrom,orterminationof,anyofficeoremployment of an employee—(i)an unused annual leave payment under
theIncomeTax Assessment
Act 1997(Cwlth), section 83-10;(ii)anunusedlongserviceleavepaymentundertheIncomeTaxAssessmentAct1997(Cwlth),section 83-75;(iii)somuchofanemploymentterminationpaymentpaid
or payable by an employer, whether paid orpayable to the
employee or to another entity, thatwould be
included in the assessable income of theemployeeundertheIncomeTaxAssessmentAct1997(Cwlth),chapter2,part2-40ifthewholeemployment termination payment had been paid
tothe employee; or(b)afollowingamount,iftheamountwouldbeanemploymentterminationpaymenthaditbeenpaidorpayable because of termination of
employment—(i)an amount paid or payable by a company
becauseoftheterminationoftheservicesorofficeofadirector of the company, whether paid
or payableto the director or another entity;(ii)an amount paid
or payable by a relevant contractemployer because
of the termination of the supplyoftheservicesofanemployeeunderarelevantcontract,
whether paid or payable to the employeeor another
entity.(2)In this section—employment
termination paymentmeans—(a)an
employment termination payment under theIncomeTax
Assessment Act 1997(Cwlth), section 82-130; or(b)apaymentthatisnotanemploymentterminationpaymentundertheIncomeTaxAssessmentAct1997(Cwlth), section
82-130 only because it is received laterCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 13
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 1
Preliminary[s 4]than12monthsaftertheterminationofaperson’semployment;
or(c)a transitional termination payment
under theIncome Tax(TransitionalProvisions)Act1997(Cwlth),section 82-10.4Other
provisions about meaning ofwages—superannuation contributions and
2, divisions 1A to 1D contain other provisions that apply for
paid or payable by an employer for an employeeon or after 1
January 2000 is taken to be for the employee’sservices
performed or rendered on or after 1 January 2000.(3)However,ifthecommissionerissatisfiedanypartofasuperannuation contribution mentioned
in subsection (2) is foranemployee’sservicesperformedorrenderedbefore1January 2000, the part is not
wages.(4)Also, for paragraph (g) of the
definition—(a)asuperannuationcontributionpaidorpayablebyanemployertoasuperannuation,providentorretirementfund or scheme
and not attributed by the employer aspaid or payable
for a particular employee or particularemployeesistakentobepaidorpayablefortheemployee or employees decided by the
services to be performed or rendered on orafter 1 January
2000 is taken to be paid on 1 January2000.Page
14Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 1
Preliminary[s 5](5)For
this Act, the amount or value of wages paid or payable toapersonmustbereducedbytherelevantproportionoftheamountofanyGSTpaidorpayablebythepersononthesupply to which the wages
relate.(6)In this section—relevant
proportion, for GST paid or payable on a supply
towhich wages relate, means the proportion
that the amount orvalue of the wages bears to the
consideration for the supply towhich the wages
relate.5Meaning ofchange of
status(1)Achange of
statushappens for a person who is an
employerif, during a financial year—(a)the person ceases to be an employer
and does not intendtoresumebeinganemployerduringtheremainderofthe
year or the next financial year; orExample for
paragraph (a)—There is no change of status for a fruit
grower who ceases to paywages after the fruit picking season
but intends to resume payingwages later in
the financial year or in the next financial year.(b)for a person who pays, or is liable to
pay, taxable wagesand who is not a group member—the person
becomes agroup member; or(c)for
a person who pays, or is liable to pay, wages and is anon-DGE group member—(i)the
person starts paying, or becomes liable to pay,taxable wages
other than as a group member; or(ii)the
person becomes the DGE for a group; or(d)the
person ceases to be the DGE for a group; or(e)anadministratorisappointedforthepropertyoftheperson; or(f)theappointmentofanadministratorfortheperson’sproperty ceases
to have effect.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 1
Preliminary[s 5](2)A
change of status happens—(a)ifsubsection (1)(a)applies—onthefirstdaytheperson—(i)does
not pay, and is not liable to pay, wages; and(ii)doesnotintendtoresumepayingwagesfortheremainder of the year or the next
financial year; or(b)if subsection (1)(b) applies—on the
first day the personis a group member; or(c)ifsubsection
(1)(c)(i)applies—onthefirstdaytheperson pays, or is liable to pay,
taxable wages other thanas a group member; or(d)ifsubsection
(1)(c)(ii)applies—onthefirstdayoftheperiodic return
period in which the person becomes theDGE for the
group; orNote—See also section
75(1) and (2).(e)if subsection (1)(d) applies—(i)if all the group members cease to pay,
or be liableto pay, wages as members of the group during
therelevant periodic return period on or before
the daythe person ceases to be the DGE for the
group—onthefirstdaythepersonisnottheDGEforthegroup; or(ii)otherwise—on the
first day of the relevant periodicreturn period;
orNote—See also section
(1)(e)applies—onthedaytheadministrator is
appointed; or(g)ifsubsection
(1)(f)applies—onthedayaftertheappointment ceases to have effect.Page
16Current as at [Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 1
Preliminary[s 6](3)For
subsection (2)(e), the relevant periodic return period is
for the group.Note—An employer who
changes status is required to lodge a final return, andpay
payroll tax, for the final period.Notauthorised—indicativeonly6Meaning offinal
periodThefinalperiod,forachangeofstatusofaperson(therelevant change of status)
happening during a financial year,means the
period—(a)starting on the latest of the
following days in the year—(i)1
July;(ii)thefirstdayonwhichthepersonisrequiredtoregister as an employer under part 3,
division 1;(iii)if an earlier
change of status has happened for theperson during
the year—the day of the change ofstatushappeningimmediatelybeforetherelevantchange of
status; and(b)ending on the day before the relevant
change of statushappens.Example—An
employer who is a group member from 1 July in a financial
yearceases to be a group member on 1 September.
The final period for thechange of status is 1 July to 31
August.If the employer then ceases to pay, or be
liable to pay, wages from 1June, the final
period for the second change of status is 1 September to31
May.6AReference to periodic return period or
return periodDespitesection
59(1A),areferenceinthisAct,otherthansection 59(1), to a periodic return period
or return period inrelation to an employer is taken to include
the last periodicreturn period of a financial year for the
employer.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 1
Preliminary[s 7]7Notes in
textA note in the text of this Act is part of
the Act.8Relationship of Act with
Administration Act(1)This Act does not contain all the
provisions about payroll tax.(2)TheAdministrationActcontainsprovisionsdealingwith,among other
things, each of the following—(a)assessments of tax;(b)payments and refunds of tax;(c)imposition of interest and penalty
tax;(d)objectionsandappealsagainst,orreviewsof,assessments of tax;(e)record keeping obligations of
taxpayers;(f)investigativepowers,offences,legalproceedingsandevidentiary matters;(g)service of documents;(h)registration of charitable
institutions.Note—Under the
Administration Act, section 3, that Act and this Act must beread
together as if they together formed a single Act.Page
18Current as at [Not applicable]
2Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 8A]Liability to
taxationNotauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Imposition of
liabilitySubdivision 1Wages liable to
payroll tax8AApplication of sdiv 1(1)Thissubdivisionappliesforworkingoutthewagespaidorpayable by an employer for services
performed or rendered bya person that are liable to payroll
tax under this Act.(2)Ifwagesarepaidorpayableforapersonotherthananemployee,areferencetoanemployeeinthissubdivisionincludes a
reference to the person.9Wages liable to
payroll tax—nexus with Queensland(1)Wages are liable to payroll tax under this
Act if—(a)the wages are paid or payable by an
employer in relationtoservicesperformedorrenderedbyanemployeeentirely in
Queensland; or(b)the wages are paid or payable by an
employer in relationto services performed or rendered by
an employee in 2or more States, or partly in at least 1
State and partlyoutside all States, and—(i)the
employee is based in Queensland; or(ii)iftheemployeeisnotbasedinaState—theemployer is based in Queensland; or(iii)ifboththeemployeeandtheemployerarenotbased in a State—the wages are paid or
payable inQueensland; or(iv)ifboththeemployeeandtheemployerarenotbasedinaStateandthewagesarenotpaidorpayable in a State—the wages are paid or
payableCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 9]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyforservicesperformedorrenderedmainlyinQueensland; or(c)the
wages are paid or payable by an employer in relationtoservicesperformedorrenderedbyanemployeeentirelyoutsideallStatesandarepaidorpayableinQueensland.Note—Section 15Aprovidesanexemptionforwagespaidorpayableforservices performed entirely in another
country for a continuous periodof more than 6
months.(2)Subjecttosubsections (4)and(5),thequestionofwhetherwages are liable
to payroll tax under this Act must be decidedby reference
only to the services performed or rendered by theemployeefortheemployerduringthemonthinwhichthewages are paid or payable.(3)Wages paid or payable by an employer
for an employee in aparticular month are taken to be paid
or payable in relation tothe services performed or rendered by
the employee for theemployer during the month.Example—Ifwagespaidinamontharepaidtoanemployeeforservicesperformed or
rendered over several months, the question of whether thewagesareliabletopayrolltaxunderthisActmustbedecidedbyreference only to the services performed or
rendered by the employee inthe month the
wages are paid. The services performed or rendered inprevious months are disregarded. However,
the services performed orrendered in previous months are
relevant to the question of whetherwages paid in
the previous months are liable to payroll tax under thisAct.(4)If
no services are performed or rendered by an employee foranemployerduringthemonthinwhichwagesarepaidorpayable in relation to the employee—(a)the question of whether the wages are
liable to payrolltax under this Act must be decided by
reference only tothe services performed or rendered by the
employee fortheemployerduringthemostrecentearliermonthinwhich the employee performed or
rendered services forthe employer; andPage 20Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 9A](b)the
wages are taken to be paid or payable in relation tothe
services performed or rendered by the employee forthe
employer in that most recent earlier month.(5)If
no services were performed or rendered by an employee foranemployerduringthemonthinwhichwagesarepaidorpayable in relation to the employee or in
any earlier month—(a)the wages are taken to be paid or
payable in relation toservices performed or rendered by the
employee in themonth in which the wages are paid or
payable; and(b)theservicesaretakentohavebeenperformedorrendered at a place where it may reasonably
be expectedthat the services of the employee for the
employer willfirst be performed.(6)All
amounts of wages paid or payable in the same month bythe
same employer for the same employee must be aggregatedfor
deciding whether the wages are liable to payroll tax underthis
Act.Example—If 1 amount of
wages is paid by an employer in a particular month inrelation to services performed or rendered
in Queensland, and anotheramount of wages is paid by the same
employer in the same month inrelation to
services performed or rendered by the same employee inanother State, the wages paid must be
aggregated as if they were paid orpayableinrelationtoallservicesperformedorrenderedbytheemployee in that month. Subsection
(1)(b) would be applied to decidewhether the
wages are liable to payroll tax under this Act.(7)Ifwagesarepaidinadifferentmonthfromthemonthinwhich they are payable, the question of
whether the wages areliabletopayrolltaxunderthisActmustbedecidedbyreference to the earlier of the relevant
months.9AState in which employee is
based(1)For this Act, the State in which an
employee is based is theState in which the employee’s
principal place of residence islocated.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 9B](2)The
State in which an employee is based must be decided byreference to the state of affairs existing
during the month inwhich the relevant wages are paid or
payable.(3)If more than 1 State would qualify as
the State in which anemployeeisbasedduringamonth,theStateinwhichtheemployee is based must be decided by
reference to the state ofaffairs existing on the last day of
that month.(4)An employee who does not have a
principal place of residenceis taken, for
this Act, to be an employee who is not based in aState.(5)Ifwagesarepaidorpayabletoacorporateemployee,theStateinwhichthecorporateemployeeisbasedmustbeworkedoutundersection
9Binstead ofthissection,asifareference in
section 9B to an employer were a reference to theemployee.(6)In
this section—corporate employeemeans a
company—(a)taken to be an employee under section
13D or 13I; or(b)to whom a payment is made that is
taken to be wagesunder section 13L or 50.9BState
in which employer is based(1)For this Act,
the State in which an employer is based is—(a)iftheemployerhasanABN—theStateinwhichtheemployer’s registered business address is
located; or(b)otherwise—the State in which the
employer’s principalplace of business is located.(2)Ifwagesarepaidorpayableinconnectionwithabusinesscarriedonbyanemployerunderatrust,theemployer’sregistered
business address is—(a)if the trust has
an ABN—the registered business addressof the trust;
orPage 22Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 9C](b)otherwise—the registered business address of
the trusteeof the trust.(3)Ifanemployerhas2ormore
registeredbusinessaddresseslocated in different States at the same
time, the State in whichthe employer is based at that time is
the State in which theemployer’s principal place of business
is located.(4)The State in which an employer is
based must be decided byreference to the state of affairs
existing during the month inwhich the
relevant wages are paid or payable.(5)If
more than 1 State would qualify as the State in which anemployer is based in a month, the State in
which the employeris based must be decided by reference to the
state of affairsexisting on the last day of that
month.(6)Anemployerwhohasneitheraregisteredbusinessaddressnor a principal
place of business is taken, for this Act, to be anemployer who is not based in a State.(7)In this section—ABNmeans an ABN (Australian Business Number)
under theANewTaxSystem(AustralianBusinessNumber)Act1999(Cwlth).registered business addressmeans an address for service ofnoticesundertheANewTaxSystem(AustralianBusinessNumber)Act1999(Cwlth)asshownintheAustralianBusiness
Register kept under that Act.9CPlace
and day of payment of wages(1)For
this Act, wages are taken to have been paid at a place if,for
the payment of the wages—(a)aninstrumentissentorgivenoranamountistransferredbyanemployertoapersonoraperson’sagent at the
place; or(b)an instruction is given by an employer
for the creditingof an amount to the account of a person or a
person’sagent at the place.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 23
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 9C](2)Thewagesaretakentohavebeenpaidonthedaytheinstrument was sent or given, the amount was
transferred, orthe account was credited.(3)Subject to subsection (4), wages are
taken to be payable at theplace they are paid.(4)Wages that are not paid by the end of
the month in which theyare payable are taken to be payable
at—(a)the place where wages were last paid
by the employerfor the employee; or(b)if
wages have not previously been paid by the employerfortheemployee—theplacewheretheemployeelastperformed or rendered services for the
employer beforethe wages became payable.(5)Ifwagespaidorpayableinthesamemonthbythesameemployer for the same employee are paid or
payable in morethan 1 State, the wages paid or payable in
that month are takentobepaidorpayableintheStateinwhichthehighestproportion of
the wages are paid or payable.Note—Section 9 requires all wages paid or payable
in the same month by thesame employer for the same employee to
be aggregated for decidingwhetherthewagesareliabletopayrolltaxunderthisAct.Subsection (5)
ensures only 1 State can be considered to be the State inwhich the wages are paid or payable.(6)This section is subject to section
13W.(7)In this section—instrumentincludesacheque,billofexchange,promissorynote, money
order, postal order issued by a post office or anyother instrument.Page 24Current as at [Not applicable]
Subdivision 2Payroll Tax Act
1971Part 2 Liability to taxation[s
10]Other provisions about imposingliability for payroll taxNotauthorised—indicativeonly10Imposition of payroll tax on taxable
wagesSubject to, and in accordance with, the
provisions of this Act,thereshallbecharged,leviedandpaidfortheuseofHerMajesty on all taxable wages payroll
tax at the following rateof the wages—(a)for
wages paid or payable in the financial year ending 30June
2002—4.8%;(b)forwagespaidorpayableinalaterfinancialyear—4.75%.11When liability for payroll tax
arisesA liability for payroll tax imposed on
taxable wages arises onthe return date for lodgement by an
employer of a return.12Employer to pay
payroll taxPayroll tax shall be paid by the employer by
whom the taxablewages are paid or payable.13Value of taxable wages(1)The value of taxable wages that are
paid or payable in kind(otherthanfringebenefitsundertheFringeBenefitsAssessment Act) is the value under the
regulations.(2)The employer must give evidence of the
value of the taxablewages to the commissioner if asked by
the commissioner.(3)If the commissioner is not satisfied
with the evidence given bythe employer, the commissioner may
appoint a person to valuethe taxable wages.(4)Ifthevaluestatedbythepersonappointedundersubsection (3)
is more than the value stated by the employer,Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 25
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13A]the commissioner
may claim all or part of the valuation costsfrom the
employer.(5)The value of taxable wages comprising
a fringe benefit undertheFringeBenefitsAssessmentActis,unlessotherwiseprescribedbyregulation,thevalueworkedoutusingthefollowing formula—V=TVx1/(1–FBTrate)where—FBT ratemeans the rate of fringe benefits tax
imposed undertheFringeBenefitsAssessmentActthatapplieswhentheemployer’sliabilityforpayrolltaxonthetaxablewagesarises.TVmeans—(a)if
paragraph (b) does not apply—the value that would bethe
taxable value of the taxable wages as a fringe benefitfor
the Fringe Benefits Assessment Act; or(b)if
the fringe benefit is an amortised fringe benefit underthe
Fringe Benefits Assessment Act, section 65CA—theamortisedamountofthebenefitcalculatedunderthatsection.Vmeans the value of the taxable
wages.(6)This section does not apply to taxable
wages comprising thegrant of a share or option to which
division 1C applies.Note—See section 13U
(Value of taxable wages).Division 1AContractor
provisions13ADefinitions for div 1AIn
this division—contractincludes an
agreement, arrangement or undertaking,whether formal
or informal and whether express or implied.Page 26Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13B]relevant
contract employeesee section 13D(2).re-supply,inrelationtogoodsacquiredfromaperson,includes—(a)supply to the person, or, if the
person is a member of agroup, to another group member, the
acquired goods inan altered form or condition; and(b)supply to the person, or, if the
person is a member of agroup, to another group member, other
goods in whichthe acquired goods have been
results, whether goods or services, of workperformed.supplyincludes—(a)supplybywayofsale,exchange,lease,hire,orhirepurchase;
and(b)in relation to services, includes the
providing, grantingor conferring of services.13BMeaning ofrelevant
contractis a contract under which a person
(thedesignated person), in the course
of a business carried on bythe designated
person—(a)suppliestoanotherpersonservicesinrelationtotheperformance of work; or(b)hassuppliedtothedesignatedpersontheservicesofpersons in relation to the performance of
work; or(c)gives goods to individuals for work to
be performed bythoseindividualsinrespectofthegoodsandforthegoods to be
re-supplied.(2)However, arelevant
contractdoes not include a contract ofserviceoracontractunderwhichaperson(thedesignatedperson),inthecourseofabusinesscarriedonbythedesignated person—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 27
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13B]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 28(a)is
supplied with services in relation to the performanceof
work, if the services are ancillary to—(i)thesupplyofgoodsunderthecontractbytheperson by whom the services are
supplied; or(ii)the use of goods
that are the property of the personby whom the
services are supplied; or(b)is supplied with
services in relation to the performanceof work,
if—(i)the services are of a kind not
ordinarily required bythedesignatedpersonandareperformedorrendered by a person who ordinarily
performs orrendersservicesofthatkindtothepublicgenerally; or(ii)the
services are of a kind ordinarily required by thedesignatedpersonforlessthan180daysinafinancial year; or(iii)the
services are provided for a period that does notexceed90daysorforperiodsthat,intheaggregate,donotexceed90daysintherelevantfinancial year
and are not services—(A)providedbyapersonbywhomsimilarservicesareprovidedtothedesignatedperson;
or(B)in relation to the performance of work
whereanyofthepersonswhoperformtheworkalso perform
similar work for the designatedperson;for
periods that, in the aggregate, exceed 90 days inthe
relevant financial year; or(iv)the
services are supplied under a contract to whichsubparagraphs(i)to(iii)donotapplyandthecommissionerissatisfiedtheservicesareperformed or rendered by a person who
ordinarilyperformsorrendersservicesofthatkindtothepublic generally
in the relevant financial year; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13B]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(c)is supplied by a person (thecontractor) with services
inrelation to the performance of work under a
contract towhich paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply,
if the work towhich the services relate is
performed—(i)by 2 or more persons employed by, or
who provideservicesfor,thecontractorinthecourseofabusiness carried on by the contractor;
or(ii)ifthecontractorisapartnershipof2ormoreindividuals—by 1 or more of the members of
thepartnership and 1 or more persons employed
by, orwhoprovideservicesfor,thecontractorinthecourse of a business carried on by the
contractor;or(iii)if the
contractor is an individual—by the contractorand1ormorepersonsemployedby,orwhoprovide services for, the contractor in the
course ofa business carried on by the contractor;
or(d)is supplied with—(i)services solely for or ancillary to the
conveyance ofgoodsbymeansofavehicleprovidedbytheperson conveying
them; or(ii)servicessolelyinrelationtotheprocurementofpersonsdesiringtobeinsuredbythedesignatedperson;
designated person.(3)Forsubsection
(2)(b),relevantfinancialyearmeansthefinancial year during which the
designated person is suppliedwith the
(2)(a), (b), (c) or (d) does not apply to a contractunderwhichanyadditionalservicesorworkofakindnotcovered by the relevant subsection is
supplied or performed.(4)Subsection (2)
does not apply if the commissioner is satisfiedthecontractorarrangementunderwhichtheservicesareCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13C]supplied was
entered into with an intention either directly orindirectly of avoiding the payment of tax by
any person.(5)Anemploymentagencycontractunderwhichservicesaresuppliedbyanemploymentagent,oraserviceproviderisprocured by an employment agent, is not a
relevant contract.13CPersons taken to be employers(1)For this Act, a person is taken to be
an employer if, under arelevant contract—(a)the
person supplies services to another person; or(b)the
services of other persons are supplied to the personin
relation to the performance of work; or(c)the
person gives goods to individuals.(2)However,ifacontractisarelevantcontractunderbothsection 13B(1)(a) and (b)—(a)the person to whom, under the
contract, the services ofpersonsaresuppliedinrelationtotheperformanceofwork
is taken to be an employer; and(b)despitesubsection
(1)(a),thepersonwho,underthecontract,suppliestheservicesisnottakentobeanemployer.(3)Apersontakentobeanemployerunderthissectionisarelevant contract employer.13DPersons taken to
be employees(1)For this Act, a person is taken to be
an employee if, under arelevant contract—(a)the
person performs work in relation to which servicesare
supplied to another person; or(b)the
person is an individual who re-supplies goods to anemployer.Page 30Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13E](2)Apersontakentobeanemployeeunderthissectionisarelevant
contract employee.13EAmounts taken to
be wages(1)ForthisAct,thefollowingamountspaidorpayablebyarelevant contract employer under a
relevant contract are takento be
wages—(a)amountsinrelationtotheperformanceofworkforwhichservicesaresuppliedonorafter1July2008under a relevant contract;(b)amounts in relation to the performance
of work relatingtothere-supplyofgoodsbyarelevantcontractemployeeunderarelevantcontractonorafter1July2008.Note—Under section
132, this section applies only in relation to wages paid orpayable on or after 1 July 2008.(2)Subsection (1)(a)istakentoincludethefollowing,totheextent the following do not otherwise
comprise wages underthis Act—(a)a
payment—(i)made by the relevant contract employer
in relationto a relevant contract employee; and(ii)thatwouldbeasuperannuationcontributionifitwere made in relation to a person in
the capacity ofan employee;(b)the
value of a share or option—(i)grantedorliabletobegrantedbyarelevantcontract
employer in relation to a relevant contractemployee;
and(ii)thatwouldcomprisewagesunderthisActiftheshare or option
were granted in relation to a personin the capacity
of an employee.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13F](3)For
subsection (1), an amount paid or payable on or after 1July2008fortheperformanceofworkunderarelevantcontractistakentobeforservicessupplied,orgoodsre-supplied, on
or after 1 July 2008.(4)However,ifthecommissionerissatisfiedanypartofanamount mentioned in subsection (3) is
for services supplied,orgoodsre-supplied,before1July2008,thepartisnotwages.(5)Ifanamountmentionedinsubsection (1)isincludedinalargeramountpaidorpayablebytherelevantcontractemployerundertherelevantcontract,thepartofthelargeramountthatisnotattributabletotheperformanceofworkmentioned in
subsection (1)(a) or (b) is the part decided by thecommissioner.13FLiability for payroll tax for payments taken
to be wages(1)Ifarelevantcontractemployerpayspayrolltaxonwagescomprisingapayment(theprimarypayment)inrelationtothe performance of work—(a)no other person is liable for payroll
tax on the primarypayment; and(b)another person who is liable to pay wages
comprising apayment (asecondary
payment) in relation to the workis
not liable for payroll tax on the secondary payment.(2)Subsection (1)(b)doesnotapplyifthecommissionerissatisfied either the secondary payment or
the primary paymentismadewithanintentioneitherdirectlyorindirectlyofavoiding the payment of tax by the relevant
contract employeror another person.Page 32Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 1BPayroll Tax Act
1971Part 2 Liability to taxation[s
13G]Employment agentsNotauthorised—indicativeonly13GMeaning ofemployment
agency contract(1)Anemployment
agency contractis a contract under which aperson(anemploymentagent)procurestheservicesofanotherperson(aserviceprovider)foraclientoftheemployment agent.(2)However, a contract is not an employment
agency contract if itis,orresultsinthecreationof,acontractofemploymentbetween the
service provider and the client.(3)Subsection (1)appliestoacontractwhetheritisformalorinformal, express or implied.(4)For this section—contractincludes agreement, arrangement and
undertaking.13HPersons taken to be employersForthisAct,theemploymentagentunderanemploymentagency contract
is taken to be an employer.13IPersons taken to
be employeesForthisAct,thepersonwhoperformsworkinrelationtowhich services are supplied to the client
under an employmentagency contract is taken to be an employee
of the employmentagent under the contract.13JAmounts taken to be wages(1)ForthisAct,thefollowingaretakentobewagespaidorpayablebytheemploymentagentunderanemploymentagency
contract—(a)anamountpaidorpayableinrelationtotheserviceproviderinrespectoftheprovisionofservicesinconnection with the contract;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13K](b)thevalueofabenefitprovidedinrelationtotheprovision of services in connection
with the contract thatwould be a fringe benefit if provided
to a person in thecapacity of an employee;(c)a
payment made in relation to the service provider thatwouldbeasuperannuationcontributionifmadeinrelation to a person in the capacity of an
employee.(2)However, subsection (1) does not apply
to an amount, benefitor payment mentioned in the subsection
if—(a)the amount, benefit or payment would
be exempt frompayroll tax under division 2, other than
section 14(2)(j),(k) or (l) or 14A, if it had been paid or
provided by theclient in relation to the service provider
as an employee;and(b)the client has
given the employment agent a declaration,in the approved
form, that subsection (1) does not applyto the amount,
benefit or payment.13KLiability for payroll tax for payments
taken to be wages(1)This section applies if an employment
agent—(a)underanemploymentagencycontract,procurestheservices of a service provider for a
client of the agent;and(b)payspayrolltaxonanamount,benefitorpaymentmentioned in
section 13J(1) that is paid or payable bythe employment
agent in connection with that contract.(2)No
other person, including another person engaged to procuretheservicesoftheserviceproviderfortheemploymentagent’sclient,isliableforpayrolltaxonwagespaidorpayable for the procurement or
performance of services by theservice provider
for the client.(3)This section applies subject to
sections 13L and 13LA.Page 34Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13L]13LEmployment agency contract reducing or
avoidingliability to payroll tax(1)If
the effect of an employment agency contract is to reduce oravoid the liability of a party to the
contract to the assessment,impositionorpaymentofpayrolltax,thecommissionermay—(a)disregard the contract; and(b)determine that any party to the
contract is taken to be anemployer for this Act; and(c)determinethatanypaymentmadeinrespectofthecontract is taken to be wages for this
Act.(2)Ifthecommissionermakesadeterminationundersubsection (1), the commissioner must give
written notice ofthe determination to the person taken to be
an employer forthe purposes of this Act.(3)Thenoticemuststatethefactsonwhichthecommissionerrelies and the
reasons for making the determination.13LAParticular avoidance arrangements
involvingemployment agents(1)This
section applies if—(a)anavoidancearrangementexistsinrelationtoanemployment agency in a return period;
and(b)the assumed non-adjusted tax for the
period is less thanthe assumed adjusted tax for the
period.(2)If this section applies in a return
period, for the period—(a)if the avoidance
arrangement involves an employmentagentactingastrusteeforaclientoftheemploymentagent under a
trust or acting as agent for a client of theemploymentagentunderanemploymentagencycontract—section 92(1) does not apply to the
trustee oragent, or in relation to the trust or
employment agencycontract; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 35
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13LA]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)iftheavoidancearrangementinvolvesaclientofanemploymentagentacquiring,orclientsofanemploymentagentjointlyacquiring,acontrollinginterestinthebusinessoftheemploymentagentreferable to the client or clients—the
client or clients isor are taken not to have the
controlling interest; and(c)theemploymentagent,oreachemploymentagent,involved in the employment agency is
answerable as anemployerfordoingeverythingrequiredtobedoneunderthisActforthepaymentofwagesbytheemployment agent that are subject to
payroll tax underthis Act (including the giving of returns
and payment ofpayroll tax); and(d)iftheemploymentagencyinvolvesmorethan1employment agent—the employment agents
constitute agroup.(3)Forthissection,aclienthas,orclientshave,acontrollinginterest in a
business if the client has, or the clients have, acontrolling interest in the business under
section 71.(4)In subsection (1)—(a)a
reference to the assumed non-adjusted tax for a returnperiod is a reference to the total amount of
payroll taxthatwouldbepayablebytheemploymentagentoragentsinvolvedintheemploymentagencyfortheperiod if the
amount were calculated without applyingany resultant
provision; and(b)areferencetotheassumedadjustedtaxforareturnperiod is a reference to the total amount of
payroll taxthatwouldbepayablebytheemploymentagentoragentsinvolvedintheemploymentagencyfortheperiodiftheamountwerecalculatedapplyingeachrelevant
resultant provision.(5)Toremoveanydoubtabouttheapplicationofsubsection (4)(b), it is declared that if an
employment agencyis involved in more than 1 avoidance
arrangement in a returnperiod,subsection
36Current as at [Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13LA]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyarrangementandthencalculatingthetotalamountforthesubsection.(6)In
this section—avoidance arrangementmeans an
arrangement involving anemployment agency if the arrangement
involves 1 or more ofthe following—(a)an
employment agent acting as trustee for a client of theemployment agent under a trust;(b)an employment agent acting as agent
for a client of theemploymentagentunderanemploymentagencycontract;(c)a
client of an employment agent acquiring, or clients ofanemploymentagentjointlyacquiring,acontrollinginterestinthebusinessoftheemploymentagentreferable to the client or clients.clientincludes an
individual or company that—(a)undertheDutiesAct2001,section 164,isarelatedperson of the
client; or(b)is related to the client in another
way prescribed under aregulation.employment
agencymeans a business enterprise
involving—(a)the business of an employment agent;
or(b)the businesses of 2 or more employment
agents.employment agency contractsee
the definitionemploymentagentfor
this section.employmentagentmeansapersonwho,byacontract,agreement,arrangementorundertaking(theemploymentagency
contract), procures the services of another person
(theworker) for a client
of the agent, if the employment agencycontractisnot,anddoesnotresultinthecreationof,acontract of employment between the
worker and the client.resultant provisionmeans subsection (2), paragraph (a),
(b),(c) or (d).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 37
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13M]return
periodmeans—(a)foranemploymentagentwhoisrequiredtolodgeperiodicreturns—aperiodicreturnperiodorfinancialyear; or(b)foranemploymentagentwhoisexemptundersection
62fromlodgingperiodicreturns—afinancialyear.Division 1CShares and
options13MApplication of div 1CThisdivisionappliesforparagraphs(j)and(k)ofthedefinition ofwagesin
the schedule.13NDefinitions for div 1CIn
this division—director, of a company,
includes—(a)a person who, under a contract or
other arrangement, isto be appointed as a director of the
company; and(b)a former director of the
company.granted, in relation to
a share or option, see section 13O.grantee, in
relation to a grant of a share or option comprisingwages for this Act, means the employee or
director to whomthe share or option is granted.grantor, in relation to
a grant of a share or option comprisingwages for this
Act, means the employer or company by whomthe share or
option is granted.relevant daysee section
13Q(2).vesting daysee section
13R(2).Page 38Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13O]13OWhen
share or option isgranted(1)A
share isgrantedto a person
if—(a)another person transfers the share to
the person, otherthan by issuing the share to the person;
or(b)another person allots the share to the
person; or(c)therequirementsforthegrantofashareprescribedunder a
regulation are satisfied.(2)An option
isgrantedto a person
if—(a)another person transfers the right to
the share to whichthe option relates to the person; or(b)another person creates the right to
the share to which theoption relates in the person;
or(c)therequirementsforthegrantofanoptionprescribedunder a
regulation are satisfied.(3)Also, a share or
an option isgrantedto a person
if—(a)the person acquires a legal interest
in the share or rightfrom another person other than in a
way mentioned insubsection (1) or (2); or(b)the person acquires a beneficial
interest in the share oroption from another person.13PGrant of share because of exercise of
optionDespite paragraphs (j) and (k) of the
definition ofwagesin theschedule, the grant of a share by a grantor
does not comprisewages if—(a)thegrantorisrequiredtograntthesharebecauseaperson has exercised an option;
and(b)either—(i)thegrantoftheoptiontothepersoncompriseswages for this Act; or(ii)the
option was granted to the person before 1 July2008.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13Q]13QDay
on which wages are paid or payable(1)Wages comprising the grant of a share or
option are taken tobe paid or payable on the relevant
day.(2)Therelevantdayisthedaythegrantorelectsunderthisdivision to
treat as the day on which the wages comprising thegrant of the share or option are paid or
payable.Notauthorised—indicativeonly13RElection by
grantor of relevant day(1)A grantor may
elect to treat either of the following as the dayon
which wages comprising the grant of a share or option arepaid
or payable—(a)the day the share or option is granted
to the grantee;(b)the vesting day for the share or
day—(a)for a share—is
the first of the following days—(i)the
day the share vests in the grantee;(ii)thedaythatis7yearsafterthedaytheshareisgranted to the grantee; or(b)for an option—is the first of the
following days—(i)thedaythesharetowhichtheoptionrelatesisgranted to the grantee;(ii)thedaythegranteeexercisesarightundertheoptiontohavethesharetowhichitrelatestransferred or
allotted to, or vest in, the grantee;(iii)the
day that is 7 years after the day the option isgranted to the
grantee.(3)For subsection (2), a sharevestsin the grantee
when—(a)any conditions applying to the grant
of the share havebeen met; and(b)the
grantee’s legal or beneficial interest in the share cannot
be rescinded.Page 40Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13S]13SAutomatic election of relevant day(1)This section applies if a grantor
grants a share or option to agrantee and any
of the following applies—(a)thevalueofthegrantoftheshareoroptionisnotincludedinthetaxablewagespaidorpayablebythegrantorforareturnperiodduringwhichtheshareoroption is granted;(b)the
value of the taxable wages comprising the grant ofthe
share or option is nil;(c)if the grantor
were to elect to treat the day the share oroption is
granted as the relevant day, the wages wouldnot be liable to
payroll tax.(2)Ifsubsection
(1)(a)applies,thegrantoristakentohaveelected to treat
the vesting day for the share or option as theday on which the
wages comprising the grant of the share oroption are paid
or payable.(3)If subsection (1)(b) or (c) applies,
the grantor is taken to haveelected to treat
the day the share or option is granted as theday on which the
wages comprising the grant of the share oroption are paid
or payable.(4)This section applies despite section
13R.13TEffect of rescission or cancellation
of share or option(1)If,beforethevestingday,thegrantofashareoroptioniswithdrawn,cancelledorexchangedforconsiderationotherthan
the grant of other shares or options—(a)the
date of the withdrawal, cancellation or exchange istaken to be the vesting day for the share or
option; and(b)despite section 13U(1)(a), the market
value of the shareor option on the vesting day is taken to be
the amount ofthe consideration.(2)Agrantormustreduce,bytherelevantamount,thetaxablewages paid or
payable by the grantor for a financial year orfinal period,
if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13U](a)the
grantor included the value of a grant of a share oroptioninthetaxablewagespaidorpayablebythegrantorforaperiodicreturnperiodfallinginthefinancial year
or final period; and(b)the grant is
rescinded, during the financial year or finalperiod, because
the conditions of the grant were not met.(3)The
commissioner must make a reassessment of a grantor’sliability for payroll tax for a financial
year or final period, toreducethetaxablewagesofthegrantorbytherelevantamount, if—(a)the
grantor included the value of a grant of a share oroptioninthetaxablewagespaidorpayablebythegrantor for the financial year or
final period; and(b)the grant is rescinded, after the end
of the financial yearor final period, because the
conditions of the grant werenot met.(4)For subsections (2) and (3),
therelevant amountis the
valueof the grant of a share or optionpreviouslyincludedinthetaxable wages of
the grantor under subsection (2)(a) or (3)(a).(5)Subsections (2) and (3) do not apply only
because the granteefails to exercise an option or otherwise
exercise the grantee’srights in relation to a share or
option.13UValue of taxable wages(1)The value of taxable wages comprising
the grant of a share oroption is taken to be the amount equal
to—(a)the value, in Australian currency, of
the share or optionon the relevant day; less(b)any consideration paid or given by the
grantee for theshare or option, other than consideration in
the form ofservices performed.(2)For
subsection (1)(a), thevalueof a share or
option is—Page 42Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13V](a)theamountworkedoutundertheregulationsmadeundertheIncomeTaxAssessmentAct1997(Cwlth),section 83A-315, as applied by subsection
(3); orNote—SeetheIncomeTaxAssessmentRegulations1997(Cwlth),division
83A.(b)if paragraph (a) does not apply—the
market value of theshare or option.(3)Forworkingoutthevalueofashareoroptionundersubsection (2)(a), the regulations mentioned
in that subsectionapply with the following changes—(a)the value of an option is worked out
as if it were a rightto acquire a beneficial interest in a
share;(b)a reference to the acquisition of a
beneficial interest in ashare or right is taken to be a
reference to the grant of ashare or
option;(c)with any other necessary
changes.(4)In working out the market value of a
share or option, anythingthat would prevent or restrict
conversion of the share or optionto money must be
disregarded.(5)An employer must give evidence of the
value of a share oroption to the commissioner if asked by the
commissioner.(6)If the commissioner is not satisfied
with the evidence given bytheemployerundersubsection
(5),thecommissionermayappoint a person to value the share or
option.(7)Ifthevaluestatedbythepersonappointedundersubsection (6) is more than the value stated
by the employer,the commissioner may claim all or part of
the valuation costsfrom the employer.13VWhen
services are performed(1)Wages comprising
the grant of a share or option by a companyto a director of
the company by way of remuneration for theappointment of
the director, but not for services performed,Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 43
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13W]aretakentobepaidorpayableforservicesperformedorrendered during the month in which the
relevant day falls.(2)Wagescomprisingthegrantofashareoroptiontowhichsubsection (1)
does not apply are taken to be paid or payablefor services
performed or rendered during the month in whichthe relevant day
falls.13WPlace where wages are paid or
payable(1)Wages comprising the grant of a share
or option are taken tobe paid or payable in Queensland
if—(a)for a share—the share is in a local
company; or(b)for an option—the option is an option
to acquire a sharein a local company.(2)If
subsection (1) does not apply, wages comprising the grantof a
share or option are taken to be paid or payable elsewherethan
in Queensland.(3)Subsection (4)appliestowagescomprisingthegrantofashare or option by a company to a
director of the company byway of remuneration for the
appointment of the director, butnot for services
performed or rendered.(4)Thewagesaretakentobepaidorpayableforservicesperformedorrenderedintheplaceorplaceswhereitmayreasonablybeexpectedtheservicesofthedirectorforthecompany will be performed or
rendered.(5)In this section—local
company that is—(i)registeredortakentoberegisteredundertheCorporations Act; and(ii)taken to be
registered in Queensland for that Act;or(b)another body corporate incorporated
under an Act.Page 44Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1DAllowancesPayroll Tax Act
1971Part 2 Liability to taxation[s
13X]Subdivision 1Motor vehicle
allowances13XDefinitions for sdiv 1In
this subdivision—averagingmethodmeansthemethoddescribedinsection 13ZB.averaging
periodsee section 13ZD(1).business
journeymeans—(a)ajourneyundertakeninamotorvehiclebyaperson,other than for applying the vehicle for a
use that—(i)is a private use; and(ii)if the person is
paid a motor vehicle allowance fortheuse—resultsinafringebenefitundertheFringe Benefits Assessment Act being
provided bythe employer; or(b)a
journey undertaken in a motor vehicle by a person inthe
course of producing assessable income of the personunder theIncome Tax
Assessment Act 1936(Cwlth).businessvehicle,ofanemployee,meansamotorvehicleprovidedormaintainedbytheemployeeforundertakingbusiness
journeys.continuous recording methodmeans the method described insection 13ZA.number of exempt
kilometressee section 13Y(4), definitionK.relevant
percentagesee section 13ZB(4).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 45
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13Y]13YExempt component of motor vehicle
allowance(1)ForthisAct,areferencetowages,inrelationtoareturnperiod, does not
include a reference to the exempt componentof a motor
vehicle allowance paid or payable to an employeefor
the period.(2)Ifthetotalmotorvehicleallowancepaidorpayabletoanemployeeforareturnperiodisnotmorethantheexemptcomponent of the
allowance, the allowance does not comprisewages for this
Act.(3)Ifthetotalmotorvehicleallowancepaidorpayabletoanemployeeforareturnperiodismorethantheexemptcomponent for
the allowance, if any, only the amount of theallowance
exceeding the exempt component comprises wagesfor this
componentof a motor vehicle allowance paid orpayabletoanemployeeforabusinessvehicleforareturnperiodistheamountworkedoutusingthefollowingformula—E=KxRwhere—Emeans the exempt component.Kmeansthenumberofexemptkilometrestravelledbythevehicleduringthereturnperiod,workedoutundersection 13Z
(thenumber of exempt kilometres).Rmeans—(a)theratedeterminedundertheIncomeTaxAssessmentAct1997(Cwlth),section28-25(4)forcalculatingadeductionforcarexpensesusingthe‘centsperkilometre’methodforthefinancialyearimmediatelypreceding the
financial year in which the allowance ispaid or payable;
or(b)ifthereisnorateunderparagraph(a)—therateprescribed by regulation.Page
46Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13Z]13ZWorking out the number of exempt
kilometres(1)For section 13Y(4), the number of
exempt kilometres must beworkedoutusingeitherofthefollowingchosenbytheemployer—(a)the
continuous recording method;(b)the
averaging method.Note—See section 13ZG
(Switching between continuous recording andaveraging
methods) for requirements about switching betweenthe
continuous recording and averaging methods.(2)However, if the commissioner gives a written
approval for theemployer to use another method for working
out the numberof exempt kilometres, the number of exempt
kilometres mustbe worked out using the approved
method.Example of another method—using an estimate(3)An
approval mentioned in subsection (2)—(a)may
be given by the commissioner if the commissionerissatisfieduseoftheothermethodwouldbemoreappropriate in
particular circumstances; and(b)may
apply to—(i)the employer; or(ii)a
class of employers that includes the employer.(4)Assoonaspracticableaftergivinganapprovalundersubsection (2),thecommissionermustgiveacopyoftheapproval to the employer or, if the
approval applies to a classof employers,
each employer to whom it applies.13ZAContinuous recording method(1)This section applies if, under section
13Z(1)(a), the employeruses the continuous recording method
to work out the numberof exempt kilometres for a business
vehicle.(2)The employer must keep a record of the
following details—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13ZB](a)the
odometer readings at the beginning and end of eachbusiness journey undertaken by the employee
during thereturn period by means of the
distance travelled.Note—See the
Administration Act, section 118 (Period for keeping
records).(3)Thenumberofexemptkilometresisthedistanceofallbusiness journeys mentioned in
subsection (2)(a), worked outusing the
odometer readings mentioned in the subsection.13ZBAveraging method—how it works(1)This section applies if, under section
13Z(1)(b), the employeruses the averaging method to work out
the number of exemptkilometres for a business
vehicle.(2)Theemployermustkeeptherecordsmentionedinsection 13ZC.Note—See
the Administration Act, section 118 (Period for keeping
records).(3)The number of exempt kilometres is the
number worked outusing the following formula—K=DxRPwhere—Dmeans the total distance travelled by
the business vehicleduringthereturnperiod,workedoutusingtheodometerreadings
mentioned in section 13ZC(3)(a).Kmeans the number of exempt
kilometres.RPmeans the relevant percentage for the
worked out using the following formula—RP=B/Tx100Page 48Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13ZC]where—Bmeans the distance travelled by the
employee in the courseofbusinessjourneysundertakenbymeansofthevehicleduring the
averaging period for the vehicle, worked out usingthe
odometer readings mentioned in section 13ZC(2)(a).RPmeans the relevant percentage.Tmeans the total distance travelled by
the vehicle during theaveragingperiodforthevehicle,workedoutusingtheodometer readings mentioned in section
13ZC(2)(d).(5)If a relevant percentage for the
business vehicle is worked outon the basis of
an averaging period for the vehicle, the numberofexemptkilometresforthevehicleforareturnperiodmentionedinsubsection (6)mustbeworkedoutusingthatrelevant percentage.(6)For
subsection (5), the return periods are—(a)any
return period falling in or comprising the financialyearinwhichtheaveragingperiodfallsor,iftheaveragingperiodfallsin2financialyears,thesecondfinancialyearinwhichtheperiodfalls,otherthanareturn period ending before the
averaging period ends;and(b)thereturnperiodsfallinginorcomprisinganyofthesucceeding4financialyearsafterthefinancialyearmentioned in paragraph (a).(7)Subsection (5) applies subject to
section 13ZE.13ZCAveraging method—records to be kept by
employer(1)Anemployerwho,undersection 13Z(1)(b),worksoutthenumber of exempt
kilometres for a business vehicle using theaveraging method
must keep a record of the details stated inthis
section.(2)In relation to the averaging period
for the business vehicle, thedetails are each
of the following—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13ZC]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)the odometer
readings at the beginning and end of eachbusiness journey
undertaken by the employee during theaveraging period
by means of the vehicle;(b)thespecificpurposeforwhicheachbusinessjourneymentioned in paragraph (a) was
undertaken;(c)thedistancetravelledbytheemployeeduringtheaveraging period in the course of all
business journeysmentionedinparagraph(a),workedoutusingtheodometer readings mentioned in the
paragraph;(d)the odometer readings at the beginning
and end of theaveraging period;(e)thedistancetravelledbythevehicleduringtheaveragingperiod,workedoutusingtheodometerreadings
mentioned in paragraph (d);(f)the
relevant percentage for the vehicle.Note—Under section 13ZB(5), the relevant
percentage worked out on the basisof an averaging
period must be used for the return periods mentioned insection 13ZB(6). While the employer is using
that relevant percentage,the employer is not required to work
out the relevant percentage again,or to make a new
record of the details mentioned in subsection (2).(3)In relation to the return period to
which the number of exemptkilometres relates, the details are
each of the following—(a)thebusinessvehicle’sodometerreadingsatthebeginning and
end of the return period;(b)thedistancetravelledbythevehicleduringthereturnperiod,workedoutusingtheodometerreadingsmentioned in paragraph (a);(c)the number of exempt kilometres for
the vehicle for thereturn period.(4)Iftheodometerofthebusinessvehicleisreplacedorrecalibrated during a return period for
which its readings arerelevant for using the averaging
method, the employer mustkeeparecordoftheodometerreadingsimmediatelybeforeand
immediately after the replacement or recalibration.Page
50Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13ZD]13ZDAveraging method—what is theaveraging period(1)Theaveraging period, for a business
vehicle of an employee,means a continuous period of at least
12 weeks, chosen by theemployer,throughoutwhichthevehicleisprovidedormaintained by the employee.(2)Theaveragingperiodmayoverlapthestartorendofafinancial year.Note—Seealsosection
worked out on the basis of an averaging period that falls in
2financial years.(3)Iftheaveragingmethodisusedformorethan1businessvehicleofanemployeeforthesamereturnperiod,theaveraging period for the vehicles must
be the same.(4)This section applies subject to
section 13ZE.13ZEAveraging method—recalculation of
relevant percentage(1)Thissectionappliestoanemployerwho,undersection
13Z(1)(b), works out the number of exempt kilometresfor
a business vehicle using the averaging method.(2)The
employer must recalculate the relevant percentage for thebusiness vehicle if—(a)the
commissioner gives the employer a written notice,beforethestartofareturnperiod,directingtheemployer to recalculate the relevant
percentage for thevehicleonthebasisofanaveragingperiodthatfallswholly or partly during the return period;
or(b)the employer wishes to start using the
averaging methodfor1ormoreotherbusinessvehiclesusedbytheemployee.Note—See
also section 13ZD(3).(3)Also, the
employer must recalculate the relevant percentagefor
the business vehicle if the employer—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 51
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13ZF](a)has
used a relevant percentage worked out on the basisof
an averaging period for the vehicle for the succeeding4financialyears
afterthefinancialyearmentionedinsection 13ZB(6)(a); and(b)intends to continue using the averaging
method to workout the number of exempt kilometres for the
vehicle.Note—If the employer
recalculates the relevant percentage on the basis of anewaveragingperiod,thenewaveragingperiodappliesforthepurposesofsection 13ZB(5)andtheemployermustusethenewrelevantpercentageforthereturnperiodsmentionedinsection 13ZB(6).(4)In
this section—recalculatetherelevantpercentageforabusinessvehiclemeans—(a)record the details mentioned in section
13ZC(2)(a) to (e)in relation to a new averaging period for
the vehicle; and(b)work out a new relevant percentage for
the vehicle usingthe details mentioned in paragraph
(a).13ZFAveraging method—replacing a business
vehicle(1)Anemployerusingtheaveragingmethodmaynominate1businessvehicle(thereplacementvehicle)tobethereplacementofanotherbusinessvehicle(theoriginalvehicle).(2)The employer
must record the nomination in writing—(a)during the financial year in which the
nomination takeseffect; or(b)if
the commissioner allows the employer to record thenomination at a later time—at the later time
allowed bythe commissioner.(3)The
nomination takes effect on the day stated in it.Page
52Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 13ZG](4)After the nomination takes effect, for the
employer’s use ofthe averaging method the replacement vehicle
is taken to bethe original vehicle.(5)Theemployerneednotrepeat,forthereplacementvehicle,the
steps already taken under this subdivision for the originalvehicle.Example—The
employer is not required to recalculate the relevant
percentageworked out for the original vehicle.(6)The employer must keep a record
of—(a)theodometerreadingoftheoriginalvehicleimmediately before the nomination takes
effect; and(b)theodometerreadingofthereplacementvehicleimmediately after the nomination takes
effect.13ZGSwitching between continuous recording
and averagingmethods(1)An
employer may change from using a recording method tousingtheotherrecordingmethodwitheffectfromthebeginning of a financial year.Note—See section
13ZA(2) or 13ZC for the record keeping requirements withwhichtheemployermustcomplyforthefinancialyearforthecontinuous
recording method or averaging method.(2)In
this section—recording methodmeans the
averaging method or continuousrecording
method.Subdivision 2Accommodation
allowances13ZHExempt rate for accommodation
allowance(1)For this Act, a reference to wages
does not include a referenceto an
accommodation allowance—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 14](a)paidorpayabletoanemployeeforanight’sabsencefrom
the employee’s usual place of residence; and(b)that
is not more than the exempt rate.(2)Ifanaccommodationallowancepaidorpayabletoanemployeeforanight’sabsencefromtheemployee’susualplace of residence is more than the exempt
rate, the allowancecomprises wages for this Act only to the
extent it is more thanthe exempt rate.(3)Theexempt rate, for a
financial year, is—(a)thetotalreasonableamount
fordailytravelallowanceexpensesusingthelowestcapitalcityforthelowestsalary band for
the year decided by the Commissioner ofTaxationoftheCommonwealthfortheIncomeTaxAssessment Act 1997(Cwlth), section
900-50; or(b)if no decision mentioned in paragraph
(a) is in force—the rate prescribed under a
regulation.Division 2Exemptions14Exemption from payroll tax(2)The wages liable to payroll tax under
this Act do not includewages paid or payable—(a)by the Governor of a State; or(b)byapublichospitaltoapersonduringaperiodinrespectofwhichthepersonisengagedexclusivelyinwork
of the hospital of a kind ordinarily performed inconnection with the conduct of public
hospitals; or(c)byacharitableinstitutioninrespectofacharitableinstitutiontoapersonduringaperiodinrespectofwhich the person is engaged
exclusively—(i)intheworkofthesecondmentionedcharitableinstitution for
a qualifying exempt purpose; orPage 54Current as at [Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 14]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(ii)where that
second mentioned charitable institutionis—(A)a hospital, in the work of that
hospital of akind ordinarily performed in connection
withthe conduct of a hospital; or(B)a non-tertiary educational
institution, in thework of that institution of a kind
ordinarilyperformed in connection with the conduct
ofanon-tertiaryeducationalinstitutionoftherelevant kind; or(d)by a
teachers’ training college (that is not a college ofadvanced education) declared under a
regulation madeforthepurposesofthisparagraph,inrespectofsuchperiod(whethercommencingbeforeorafterthecommencement of thePayroll Tax Act
Amendment Act1985, section 6) as
is specified under a regulation unlesswithinanyperiodsospecifiedthecollegebecomesacollegeofadvancededucationwhereupontheexemption shall cease to apply; or(da)by the following
entities—(i)a department, except to the extent
those wages arepaid or payable by a commercialised business
unit;(ii)aHospitalandHealthServiceestablishedforQueensland under theHospital and
Health BoardsAct 2011, section 17;
or(e)by a local government, except to the
extent that thosewages are paid or payable—(i)for or in connection with; or(ii)for or in
connection with the construction of anybuildings or the
construction of any works or theinstallationofplant,machineryorequipmentforuse
in or in connection with;electricitygeneration,distributionorsupply,watersupply,sewerage,theconductoftransportservices(includingferries),ofabattoirs,ofpublicmarkets,ofCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 14]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 56parkingstations,ofquarries,ofcemeteries,ofpicturetheatres,ofmilksupply,ofhostels,ofhotelsorofbakeriesorofanyotheractivitythatisaprescribedactivity;
or(f)to members of his or her official
staff by—(i)aconsularorotherrepresentative(otherthanadiplomaticrepresentative)inAustraliaofthegovernmentofanyotherpartofHerMajesty’sdominions or of any other country; or(ii)a trade
commissioner representing in Australia anyother part of
Her Majesty’s dominions; or(g)by
the Commonwealth War Graves Commission; or(h)by
the Australian-American Educational Foundation; or(i)to a person who is a member of the
defence force of theCommonwealth or of the armed force of
any part of HerMajesty’s dominions, beingwages paid or payable byreasonofthepersonbeingsuchamemberbytheemployerfromwhoseemploymentthepersonisonleave; or(j)subject to subsections (3) to (7), to a
person who is anapprentice or trainee under theFurtherEducationandTraining Act 2014, as the
apprentice or trainee, for theperiod of the
person’s apprenticeship or traineeship; or(k)subjecttosubsection (8),toanemployeeforaperiodwhen the
employee is—(i)takingpartinfirefightingorfirepreventionactivities,orassociatedactivities,asavolunteermember of a
rural fire brigade under theFire andEmergency Services Act 1990;
functions as a volunteer member of theState Emergency
Service or an emergency serviceunitundertheFireandEmergencyServicesAct1990; or(iii)performingfunctionsasanhonoraryambulanceofficer under
theAmbulance Service Act 1991;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 14]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(l)to a person who is an Aboriginal
person or Torres StraitIslander employed under an employment
project undertheCommunityDevelopmentEmploymentProjectfundedbytheDepartmentofEmploymentandWorkplaceRelations(Cwlth)ortheTorresStraitRegional Authority.(3)Theexemptiongiveninsubsection (2)(j)doesnotapplytowages paid or payable to a trainee under a
traineeship startedwith the trainee’s employer after the
commencement of thissubsection(thecurrenttraineeship)if,immediatelybeforethe
current traineeship starts, the trainee had been employedby
the employer for a continuous period of at least—(a)for a full-time employee—3 months;
or(b)for a part-time or casual employee—12
(3),theexemptiongiveninsubsection (2)(j)appliestowagespaidorpayabletothetrainee under the current traineeship
if—(a)afterthecommencementofsubsection (3),thetraineestarted,withtheemployer,acertificateIItraineeshipand subsection
(2)(j) applied to wages paid or payable tothe trainee
under the certificate II traineeship; and(b)the
current traineeship is a certificate III traineeship inthesametrainingpackageasthecertificateIItraineeship; and(c)thetraineestartsthecurrenttraineeshipwithin1yearafter obtaining
the certificate II qualification.(6)For
subsection (3), the trainee is taken to have been employedby
the employer for a continuous period if, in the period, 1 ofthefollowingeventsiseffectedforthesoleordominantpurpose of
obtaining the benefit of Commonwealth or Statefunding, or an
exemption under subsection (2)(j), in relationto the
trainee’s employer changes.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 57
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 14]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(7)Forsubsection (5)(a),areferencetothetrainee’semployerincludes a reference to the formerownerofthebusinessinwhich the trainee is employed if—(a)ownership of the business changes
after the trainee startsthe certificate II traineeship;
and(b)the certificate III traineeship is
with the new owner.(8)Theexemptiongiveninsubsection (2)(k)doesnotapplytowagespaidorpayableasannualleave,longserviceleave,recreation leave
or sick leave.(9)In this section—Australian
Qualifications Frameworkhas the meaning givenundertheHigherEducationSupportAct2003(Cwlth),schedule 1.certificateIItraineeshipmeansatraineeshipleadingtoacertificate II
qualification under the Australian QualificationsFramework.certificateIIItraineeshipmeansatraineeshipleadingtoacertificateIIItraineeshipqualificationundertheAustralianQualifications
Administration Act, part 11A, other than a university oruniversity college.commercialisedbusinessunitmeansadivision,branchorotherpartofadepartmentcarryingonabusinessactivityincludedinthelistpublishedundertheQueenslandProductivity
Commission Act 2015, section 33(1).departmentmeansadepartmentundertheFinancialAccountability
Act 2009, section 8.non-tertiary
educational institutionmeans an institution, notcarried on by or on behalf of the State, the
principal object andpursuit of which is—(a)theeducationofstudentsinprimaryorsecondaryschools, or
both; or(b)the conduct of a rural training
school; orPage 58Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 14A](c)the
conduct of a kindergarten or preschool; or(d)any
2 or more of those objects and pursuits.qualifying
exempt purposemeans each of the following—(a)activities of a religious
nature;(b)public benevolent purposes;(c)educational purposes;(d)conducting a kindergarten;(e)thecareofsick,aged,infirm,afflictedorincorrigiblepeople;(f)the relief of poverty;(g)the care of children by—(i)being responsible for them on a
full-time basis; and(ii)providingthemwithallnecessaryfood,clothingand shelter;
and(iii)providingfortheirgeneralwellbeingandprotection;(h)anothercharitablepurposeorpromotionofthepublicgood;(i)providingaresidencetoaminister,ormembersofareligious order, who is orare
engaged in an object orpursuit of a kind mentioned in any of
paragraphs (a) to(h).14AExemption for
parental, adoption or surrogacy leave(1)The
wages liable to payroll tax under this Act do not includewagespaidorpayabletoanemployeeforparentalleave,adoption leave or surrogacy leave.(2)It is immaterial whether—(a)the parental leave is taken during or
after the pregnancy;orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 59
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 14A]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)the adoption
leave is taken before or after the adoption;or(c)the surrogacy leave is taken before or
after a child startsresidingwiththeemployeeunderasurrogacyarrangement.(3)The
exemption under subsection (1) is limited to wages paidor
payable for—(a)notmorethan14weeks’maternityleaveforany1pregnancy;
arrangement.(4)A reference in subsection (3) to 14
weeks’ leave is a referenceto—(a)for a full-time employee who takes
leave on less thanfull pay—a period equivalent to 14 weeks’
leave on fullpay; or(b)for
a part-time employee—(i)iftheemployeetakesleaveontheemployee’spart-time rate
of pay—a period of 14 weeks’ leaveon that rate of
pay; or(ii)if the employee
takes leave on a rate of pay that isless than the
employee’s part-time rate of pay—aperiodequivalentto14weeks’leaveontheemployee’s
part-time rate of pay.(5)An employer who
claims an exemption under subsection (1)must obtain and
keep as a record—(a)forwagespaidorpayableformaternityleave—amedical certificate for, or statutory
declaration by, theemployee stating—Page 60Current as at [Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 14A]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(i)the employee is or was pregnant;
or(ii)the employee has
given birth and the date of birth;or(b)forwagespaidorpayableforpaternityleave—astatutory declaration by the employee
stating—(i)a female is or was pregnant with his
unborn child;or(ii)his child has
been born and the date of birth; or(c)forwagespaidorpayableforadoptionleave—astatutory declaration by the employee
stating—(i)achildhasbeenplacedinthecustodyoftheemployeependingthemakingofanadoptionorder; or(ii)that an adoption
order has been made or recognisedin favour of the
employee; or(d)forwagespaidorpayableforsurrogacyleave—astatutory declaration by the employee
stating a child hasstartedresidingwiththeemployeeunderasurrogacyarrangement.Note—Under theAdministration
Act, section 118, these records must be
keptfor at least 5 years.(6)The
exemption under subsection (1) does not apply to wagescomprisingafringebenefitundertheFringeBenefitsAssessment Act.(7)In
this section—adoptionleavemeansleavegiventoanemployeeinconnectionwiththeadoptionofachildbytheemployee,other than
annual leave, recreation leave, sick leave or similarleave.maternity
leavemeans leave given to a female employee
inconnection with her pregnancy or the birth
of her child, otherthan annual leave, recreation leave, sick
leave or similar leave.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 15]parental
leavemeans maternity leave or paternity
leave.paternityleavemeansleavegiventoamaleemployeeinconnectionwiththepregnancyofafemalecarryinghisunborn child or the birth of his
child, other than annual leave,recreation
leave, sick leave or similar leave.surrogacyarrangementhasthemeaninggivenbytheSurrogacy Act
2010.surrogacyleavemeansleavegiventoanemployeeinconnection with a child residing with the
employee under asurrogacyarrangement,otherthanannualleave,recreationleave, sick
leave or similar leave.15Exemption from
payroll tax—certain CWA wages(1)CWA
is not required to lodge a return.(2)Divisions 3 to 5 apply to CWA as if—(a)a reference in section 20 to
theperiodic deductionwereareferencetothetaxablewagespaidorpayablebyCWA
during the periodic return period; and(b)a
reference in section 29 to theannual
deductionwere areference to the
taxable wages paid or payable by CWAduring the
financial year; and(c)a reference in section 37 to
areference to the taxable wages paid or
payable by CWAduring the final period.(3)However,CWAisrequiredtolodgeareturnandsubsection (2) does not apply if—(a)wagesarepaidorpayablebyCWAincarryingonabusiness
activity predominantly on a commercial basis(CWA’s commercial wages); or(b)CWA is a member of a group.(4)Ifonlysubsection (3)(a)applies,taxpayableistheamountbearing the same
proportion to tax payable on CWA’s taxablePage 62Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 15A]wagesasCWA’scommercialwagesbeartotaxablewagesbefore deducting the prescribed
amount.(5)If subsection (3)(b) applies, the
annual amount of tax payableby the members
of the group must be reduced by an amountbearingthesameproportiontothetaxpayableasCWA’staxable wages
(other than CWA’s commercial wages) bear tothetaxablewagespaidorpayablebythemembersofthegroup.(6)For
this section, a business activity by CWA is taken to beconducted on a commercial basis if it is
conducted in a similarway to similar business activities
conducted by anyone else ona commercial
basis.(7)For this section, a business activity
does not include—(a)the conduct of a student hostel;
and(b)theconductofahostelsubsidisedundertheAgedorDisabled Persons Care Act 1954(Cwlth); and(c)an
activity of a type prescribed under a regulation.(8)In this section—CWAmeans Queensland Country Women’s
Association.15AExemption for services performed or
rendered entirely inanother countryThe wages liable
to payroll tax under this Act do not includewages paid or
payable by an employer for an employee forservices
performed or rendered entirely in another country fora
continuous period of more than 6 months after wages werefirst paid for the employee for the
services.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 16]Division 3Periodic liabilitySubdivision
1Employer other than the DGE for agroup16Application of sdiv 1This subdivision
applies to an employer who—(a)isrequiredundersection 59tolodgeperiodicreturns;and(b)is not the DGE for a group.17Definitions for sdiv 1In
this subdivision—actualperiodicdeduction,fortheemployerforaperiodicreturnperiod,meansthegreaterofzeroandtheamountworked out using
the following formula—where—APDmeans the actual periodic deduction in
dollars.E(maximum deduction per month) means
91,666.Fmeansthenumberofdaysintheperiodforwhichtheemployer pays, or is liable to pay, taxable
wages.Gmeans the total number of days in the
period.Mmeans the number of months in the
period.TWmeans the amount of taxable wages paid
or payable in theperiod.fixedperiodicdeduction,fortheemployerforaperiodicreturn period,
means—Page 64Current as at
[Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 18](a)the
amount of the employer’s deduction for the perioddetermined by the commissioner under section
21; or(b)if paragraph (a) does not apply—the
greater of zero andthe amount worked out on the most recent
calculationday using the following formula—Notauthorised—indicativeonlywhere—AWmeansthetotalamountoftaxablewagesandinterstatewagesestimatedbytheemployertobepayable by the employer for the
financial year in whichthe period falls.Emeans 91,666.FPDmeans the fixed periodic deduction in
dollars.Mmeans the number of months in the
period.QWmeans the total amount of taxable
wages estimatedby the employer to be payable by the
employer for thefinancial year in which the period
falls.18Meaning ofcalculation
dayFor working out the employer’s fixed
periodic deduction for aperiodicreturnperiodinafinancialyear,eachofthefollowing days in the year is acalculation day—(a)1 July;(b)the
day the employer is first registered, or required toregister, as an employer under part 3,
division 1;(c)the first day of a periodic return
period during which theemployer pays, or is liable to pay,
interstate wages, if theemployer’speriodicdeductionfortheprecedingperiodicreturnperiodwas,undersection 20(2),theactualperiodicdeductionfortheemployerfortheperiod;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 65
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 19](d)the
last day of a periodic return period during which asignificant wage change happens for the
21ceases to have effect, if the commissioner
does not makea further determination of the
deduction;(f)thedayachangetotheemployer’speriodicreturnperiod takes
effect under section 60.19Meaning ofsignificant wage change(1)Asignificant wage changehappens during a periodic returnperiod for an employer if—(a)theemployer’sdeductionfortheperiodis,undersection 20(2),
the fixed periodic deduction; and(b)the
previous estimated wages would differ by more than30%
from the current estimated wages.(2)In
this section—current estimated wagesmeans the total
amount of taxablewagesandinterstatewages,orthetotalamountoftaxablewages, for the
financial year estimated by the employer at theend of the
periodic return period mentioned in subsection (1).previous estimated wagesmeans the
estimated total amountof taxable wages and interstate wages,
or the estimated totalamountoftaxablewages,usedforworkingoutthefixedperiodic
deduction.20Amount of periodic liability(1)The employer’s liability (periodic liability) for payroll
tax fora periodic return period is the amount
worked out by applyingthe appropriate rate of payroll tax
to—(a)for a non-DGE group member—the total
taxable wagespaid or payable by the employer during the
period; orPage 66Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 20](b)foranotheremployer—thegreaterofzeroandtheamount equal to the total taxable
wages paid or payablebytheemployerduringtheperiodlesstheperiodicdeduction.(2)For
subsection (1)(b), the periodic deduction is—(a)if
the employer pays, or is liable to pay interstate wagesduringtheperiod—theemployer’sfixedperiodicdeduction for
the period; or(b)if the employer does not pay, and is
not liable to pay,interstate wages during the period and the
employer is apreviousinterstatewagepayer—theemployer’sfixedperiodic deduction for the period; or(c)if the employer does not pay, and is
not liable to pay,interstatewagesduringtheperiodandparagraph(b)doesnotapply—theemployer’sactualperiodicdeduction for
the period.(2A)Subsection
(1)doesnotapplyforthelastperiodicreturnperiod of a
financial year for the employer.(3)In
this section—previous interstate wage payermeans an employer who—(a)paid, or was liable to pay, interstate wages
at any timeduring—(i)the
financial year (thecurrent year) in which
theperiodic return period falls; or(ii)the most
recently ended financial year; and(b)intendstoresumepaying,orbeingliabletopay,interstatewagesduringthecurrentyearorthenextfinancial year.Note 1—Undersection
30(1)(a)oftheAdministrationAct,anemployer’sliability for
payroll tax for a periodic return period must be paid on thedate
the employer is required to lodge a periodic return for the
period.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 21]Note 2—An
employer may be required, under the Administration Act, to
includeassessed interest or penalty tax in an
assessment of periodic liability.21Determination by commissioner of fixed
periodicdeduction(1)Thecommissionermay,bywrittennoticegiventotheemployer,determinetheamountoftheemployer’sfixedperiodicdeductionforaperiodicreturnperiod,iftheemployer—(a)either—(i)pays,orisliabletopay,taxablewagesandinterstate wages for the period; or(ii)isapreviousinterstatewagepayerwithinthemeaning of section 20; and(b)is not a group member.(1A)Subsection
(1)doesnotapplyforthelastperiodicreturnperiod of a
financial year for the employer.(2)Thedeterminationmuststatetheperiodicreturnperiodstowhich it applies.(3)Thedeterminationmayapplyforaperiodicreturnperiodstarting before
or after, or the periodic return period in which,the
determination is made.(4)The commissioner
may, at any time by written notice given totheemployer,revokeadeterminationmadeundersubsection
(1)witheffectfromthefirstdayoftheperiodicreturn period stated in the notice.(5)Theperiodicreturnperiodstatedinanoticeundersubsection (4)maybebeforeorafter,orthesameperiodicreturn period as, the periodic return period
in which the noticeis given but may not be before the date of
the determinationbeing revoked.Page 68Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 2DGE for a
groupPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 22]22Application of sdiv 2This subdivision
applies to the DGE for a group.23Definition for sdiv 2In this
subdivision—fixed periodic deduction, for the DGE
for a periodic returnperiod, means—(a)theamountoftheDGE’sdeductionfortheperioddetermined by the commissioner under section
27; or(b)if paragraph (a) does not apply—the
greater of zero andthe amount worked out on the most recent
calculationday using the following formula—where—AWmeansthetotalamountoftaxablewagesandinterstate wages estimated by the
members of the groupto be payable by the members for the
financial year inwhich the period falls.Emeans 91,666.FPDmeans the fixed periodic deduction in
dollars.Mmeans the number of months in the
period.QWmeans the total amount of taxable
wages estimatedbythemembersofthegrouptobepayablebythemembers for the
financial year in which the period falls.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 69
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 24]24Meaning ofcalculation
dayForworkingouttheDGE’sfixedperiodicdeductionforaperiodicreturnperiodinafinancialyear,eachofthefollowing days
in the year is acalculation day—(a)1 July;(b)the
day the DGE first becomes the DGE for the group;(c)the last day of a periodic return
period during which asignificant wage change happens for
the group;(d)thedayadeterminationbythecommissioneroftheDGE’speriodicdeductionundersection 27ceasestohave effect, if the commissioner does
not make a furtherdetermination of the deduction;(e)thedayachangeintheDGE’speriodicreturnperiodtakes effect under section 60.25Meaning ofsignificant wage
change(1)Asignificant wage
changehappens during a periodic returnperiodforagroupifthepreviousestimatedwageswoulddiffer by more than 30% from the current
estimated wages.(2)In this section—current
estimated wagesmeans the total amount of taxablewagesandinterstatewages,orthetotalamountoftaxablewages, for the
financial year estimated by the members of thegroup at the end
of the periodic return period mentioned insubsection
(1).previous estimated wagesmeans the
estimated total amountof taxable wages and interstate wages,
or the estimated totalamount of taxable wages, of the
members of the group usedfor working out the fixed periodic
deduction for the DGE for aperiodic return
period.Page 70Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 26]26Amount of periodic liability(1)The DGE’s liability (periodic liability) for payroll
tax for aperiodic return period is the amount worked
out by applyingthe appropriate rate of payroll tax to the
greater of zero andthe amount equal to the total taxable wages
paid or payable bytheDGEduringtheperiodlesstheDGE’sfixedperiodicdeduction for
the period.Note 1—Under section
30(1)(a) of the Administration Act, a DGE’s liability forpayroll tax for a periodic return period
must be paid on the date theDGE is required
to lodge a periodic return for the period.Note 2—A
DGE may be required, under the Administration Act, to
includeassessed interest or penalty tax in an
assessment of periodic liability.(2)Subsection (1)doesnotapplyforthelastperiodicreturnperiod of a
financial year for the DGE.27Determination by
commissioner of fixed periodicdeduction(1)The commissioner may, by written
notice given to the DGE,determine the amount of the DGE’s
fixed periodic deductionfor a periodic return period.(1A)Subsection
(1)doesnotapplyforthelastperiodicreturnperiod of a
financial year for the DGE.(2)Thedeterminationmuststatetheperiodicreturnperiodstowhich it applies.(3)Thedeterminationmayapplyforaperiodicreturnperiodstarting before
or after, or the periodic return period in which,the
determination is made.(4)The commissioner
may, at any time by written notice given tothe DGE, revoke
a determination made under subsection (1)witheffectfromthefirstdayoftheperiodicreturnperiodstated in the notice.(5)Theperiodicreturnperiodstatedinanoticeundersubsection
(4)maybebeforeorafter,orthesameperiodicCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 27A]return period
as, the periodic return period in which the noticeis
given but may not be before the date of the determinationbeing revoked.(6)Thecommissionermaymakeadetermination,orrevokeadetermination, under this section in
relation to the deductionamount for a non-DGE group
member.(7)Ifthecommissionermakesadeterminationmentionedinsubsection (6), the group member is,
on the first day of thefirst periodic return period to which
the determination applies,taken to have been designated under
section 75(1) or (2) as theDGE for the
group.Subdivision 3Rebate27ARebate for periodic liability(1)This section applies if—(a)wagesarepaidorpayableduringaperiodicreturnperiod in an eligible year by an employer,
or a DGE foragroup,toapersonwhoisanapprenticeortraineeunder theFurther Education and Training Act
2014; and(b)the
wages are not taxable wages under section 14(2)(j).(2)The employer’s, or DGE’s, periodic
liability for payroll taxfor each periodic return period is
reduced by the amount of therebate for the
period.(3)In this section—rebate,
for a periodic return period, means the lesser of thefollowing amounts—(a)the
amount worked out using the following formula—T×W-R----where—Page
72Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 28]Rmeans—(a)if
the periodic return period is in an eligible yearending on 30 June 2017, 2018 or 2019—2;
or(b)otherwise—4.Tmeanstheappropriaterateofpayrolltaxfortheperiodic return
period.Wmeans the amount of wages mentioned in
subsection(1) for the periodic return period;(b)the employer’s, or DGE’s, periodic
liability for payrolltax for the periodic return
period.Division 4Annual
liabilitySubdivision 1Employer other
than the DGE for agroup28Application of sdiv 1This subdivision
applies to an employer who—(a)is
required, under section 63, to lodge an annual returnfor
a financial year; and(b)is not the DGE
for a group on 30 June in the year.Note—For
provisions about a DGE’s annual liability, see subdivision
2.29Definitions for sdiv 1(1)In this subdivision—annual adjustment amount, for the
employer for a financialyear, means the difference
between—(a)the employer’s annual payroll tax
amount for the year;andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 73
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 29](b)theemployer’speriodicliabilityforperiodicreturnperiods in the year.annualdeduction,fortheemployerforafinancialyear,means the
greater of zero and the amount worked out usingthe following
formula—Notauthorised—indicativeonlywhere—Ameans the number of days in the part of the
year starting on1 July and ending on 31 December for which
the employerpays, or is liable to pay, wages, other than
foreign wages.ADmeans the annual deduction in
dollars.AWmeans the employer’s annual wages for
the year.Bmeans the number of days in the part
of the year starting on1 January and ending on 30 June for
which the employer pays,or is liable to pay, wages, other than
foreign wages.Cmeans the number of days in the
year.IWmeans the amount of interstate wages
paid or payable inthe year.Kmeans 1,100,000.annual payroll
tax amount, for the employer for a financialyear, means—(a)if
the employer is not a group member on 30 June in theyear
and the employer’s annual deduction for the year isgreater than the employer’s annual wages for
the year—zero; or(b)if
the employer is not a group member on 30 June in theyearandparagraph(a)doesnotapply—theamountworked out by applying the appropriate rate
of payrolltax to the employer’s annual wages for the
year less theemployer’s annual deduction for the year;
orPage 74Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 30](c)iftheemployerisagroupmemberon30Juneintheyear—theamountworkedoutbyapplyingtheappropriate rate of payroll tax to the
employer’s annualwages for the year.annual
wages, for the employer for a financial year,
meansthetotaltaxablewagespaidorpayablebytheemployerduring the
(1),definitionannualdeduction,ifapersonwhodidnotpayandwasnotliabletopaytaxablewagesorinterstatewagesforanypartofafinancialyearsatisfies the
commissioner that, by reason of the nature of theperson’stradeorbusiness,thetaxablewagesandinterstatewages (if any)
paid or payable by the person fluctuate withdifferent
periods of the financial year, the commissioner maytreat the person—(a)ifthepersonhasconductedthattradeorbusinessinAustralia during the whole of the financial
year—as anemployer throughout the financial year;
or(b)ifthepersonhasconductedthattradeorbusinessinAustralia during part only of the financial
year—as anemployer during that lastmentioned part of
the financialyear.(3)However,ifthepersonlodged,orwasrequiredundersection 64 to
lodge, 1 or more final returns during the year,subsection (2)
can apply in relation to the person only if theperson did not
pay, and was not liable to pay, taxable wages orinterstate wages for a part of the year
after the end of the lastfinal period.(4)Also,thecommissionermaytreattheperson,undersubsection (2), as an employer only during
the part of the yearafter the end of the last final
period.30Amount of annual liability(1)The employer’s liability (annual liability) for payroll
tax for afinancial year is—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 75
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 30]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)the employer’s
annual adjustment amount for the year,if—(i)theemployerlodged,orwasrequiredundersection 59tolodge,aperiodicreturnduringtheyear; and(ii)the
employer’s annual payroll tax amount for theyearisgreaterthantheemployer’speriodicliability for periodic return periods in the
year; or(b)the employer’s annual payroll tax
amount for the year, ifthe employer was not required under
section 59 to lodgea periodic return during the year.Example for paragraph (b)—Theamountofanemployer’sannualliabilitywouldbetheannual payroll
tax amount if the employer was exempt, under acertificate
issued by the commissioner under section 62, fromlodging periodic returns during the
financial year.(2)However,iftheemployerlodged,orwasrequiredundersection
64tolodge,1ormorefinalreturnsduringthefinancialyear,forworkingouttheemployer’sannualliability—(a)taxable wages and interstate wages (final return wages)paid
or payable by the employer for a final period duringthe
year are not included in the employer’s wages for theyear; and(b)the
periodic liability amount for the employer for a finalperiodduringtheyear(finalreturnliability)isnotincluded in the
employer’s periodic liability for periodicreturn periods
in the year; and(c)theemployer’sannualdeductionmustbeworkedoutwithouthavingregardtothedaysinafinalperiodduring the year.(3)Subsection (2)doesnotapplyinrelationtoafinalperiodduring the year if—(a)the
commissioner makes an original assessment of theemployer’sannualliability,otherthanundertheAdministration Act, section 14(a);
andPage 76Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 31](b)the
employer is not a group member on 30 June in theyear; and(c)the
employer was not a group member during the finalperiod; and(d)the
employer’s annual liability would be greater if thefinal return wages and final return
liability for the finalperiod were not included.Note—Seealsosection
78(Reassessment—annualliabilityofnon-group employer who has lodged a
final return).(4)Ifthecommissionerincludesfinalreturnwagesandfinalreturnliabilityundersubsection (3)forworkingouttheemployer’sannualliability,theannualdeductionfortheemployerforthefinancialyear
mustbeworkedouthavingregardtothedaysinafinalperiodmentionedinsubsection (3).Note 1—Under section 30(1)(a) of the Administration
Act, an employer’s annualliability for a financial year must be
paid on the date the employer isrequired to
lodge an annual return for the financial year.Note 2—An
employer may be required, under the Administration Act, to
includeassessed interest or penalty tax in an
assessment of annual liability.31Entitlement to annual refund amount(1)Thissectionappliesiftheemployer’speriodicliabilityforperiodic return periods in a financial year
is greater than theemployer’s annual payroll tax amount for the
year.(2)Theemployerisentitledtoarefundoftheamount(theannualrefundamount)ofthedifferencebetweentheperiodic liability and the annual
payroll tax amount.(3)Subsection (2) is subject to section
83.(4)However,theemployerisnotentitledtoarefundoftheamount more than 5 years after the
making of the assessmentof the employer’s annual liability for
the year.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 32](5)This
section does not apply in relation to a reassessment of theemployer’s annual liability.Note—EntitlementtorefundsonreassessmentsisprovidedforintheAdministration
Act, part 4, division 2.Subdivision 2DGE for a
group32Application of sdiv 2This
subdivision applies to an employer who, on 30 June in afinancial year, is the DGE for a
group.33Definitions for sdiv 2In
this subdivision—annual adjustment amount, for the DGE
for a financial year,means the difference between—(a)the DGE’s annual payroll tax amount
for the year; and(b)the DGE’s periodic liability for
periodic return periodsin the designated period for the DGE
in the year.annual deduction, for the DGE
for a financial year, means thegreater of zero
and the amount worked out using the followingformula—where—Ameans the number of days in the designated
period for theDGE—(a)thatareinthepartoftheyearstartingon1Julyandending on 31 December, whether or not wholly
or partlyconcurrent; andPage 78Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 33](b)for
which 1 or more relevant group employers pay, orare
liable to pay, as members of the group taxable wagesorinterstatewagesortaxablewagesandinterstatewages.ADmeans the annual deduction in
dollars.Bmeans the number of days in the
designated period—(a)that are in the part of the year
starting on 1 January andendingon30June,whetherornotwhollyorpartlyconcurrent;
and(b)for which 1 or more relevant group
employers pay, orare liable to pay, as members of the group
taxable wagesorinterstatewagesortaxablewagesandinterstatewages.Cmeans the number of days in the
year.IWmeans the amount of interstate wages
paid or payable forthe designated period by each relevant group
employer as amember of the group.Kmeans 1,100,000.TWmeans the amount of taxable wages paid or
payable forthe designated period by each relevant group
employer as amember of the group.annual payroll
tax amountfor the DGE for a financial year,means—(a)iftheDGE’sannualdeductionfortheyearisgreaterthan the DGE’s
annual wages for the year—zero; or(b)if
paragraph (a) does not apply—the amount worked outbyapplyingtheappropriaterateofpayrolltaxtotheDGE’s annual
wages for the year less the DGE’s annualdeduction for
the year.annual wages, for the DGE
for a financial year, means thetotal taxable
wages paid or payable by the DGE during thedesignated
period for the DGE in the year.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 79
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 34]relevantgroupemployer,forthedesignatedperiodfortheDGEinafinancialyear,meansanemployerwhowasamember of the
group for all or part of the period.34Amount of DGE’s annual liability(1)TheDGE’sliability(annualliability)forpayrolltaxforafinancial year is—(a)the
DGE’s annual adjustment amount for the year, if—(i)the DGE lodged, or was required under
section 59tolodge,aperiodicreturnduringthedesignatedperiod for the
DGE in the year; and(ii)the DGE’s annual
payroll tax amount for the yearisgreaterthantheDGE’speriodicliabilityforperiodic return periods in the designated
period; or(b)the DGE’s annual payroll tax amount
for the year, if theDGEwasnotrequiredundersection 59tolodgeaperiodicreturnduringthedesignatedperiodfortheDGE in the
year.Example—A group member
is the DGE from 1 January to 30 June in a financialyear. The DGE’s annual liability for the
year would be worked outwithout having regard to the part of
the financial year before 1 January.(2)If
the DGE does not pay the DGE’s annual liability for thefinancial year on the return date for
lodgement of the DGE’sannualreturn,everyrelevantgroupemployerforthedesignatedperiodisliablejointlyandseverallytopaytheamount of the
liability.Note 1—Undersection 30(1)(a)oftheAdministrationAct,aDGE’sannualliabilityforafinancialyearmustbepaidonthedatetheDGEisrequired to
lodge an annual return for the financial year.Note 2—A
DGE may be required, under the Administration Act, to
includeassessed interest or penalty tax in an
assessment of annual liability.Page 80Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 35]35Entitlement to annual refund amount(1)ThissectionappliesiftheDGE’speriodicliabilityforperiodic return periods in the designated
period for the DGEin a financial year is greater than the
DGE’s annual payroll taxamount for the year.(2)The DGE is entitled to a refund of the
amount (theannualrefundamount)ofthedifferencebetweentheperiodicliability and
the annual payroll tax amount.(3)Subsection (2) is subject to section
83.(4)However, the DGE is not entitled to a
refund of the amountmore than 5 years after the making of
the assessment of theDGE’s annual liability for the
year.(5)This section does not apply in
relation to a reassessment of theDGE’s annual
Act, part 4, division 2.Subdivision 3Rebate35ARebate for annual payroll tax
amount(1)This section applies if—(a)wages are paid or payable during an
eligible year by anemployer, or a DGE for a group, to a person
who is anapprentice or trainee under theFurtherEducationandTraining Act 2014; and(b)the wages are not taxable wages under
section 14(2)(j).(2)The employer’s, or DGE’s, annual
payroll tax amount for theeligible year is reduced by the amount
of the rebate for theeligible year.(3)However, if the employer or DGE lodged under
section 64, orwasrequiredunderthatsection
tolodge,oneormorefinalreturnsduringtheeligibleyear,theamountofthewagesCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 81
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 36]mentioned in
subsection (1) paid or payable for a final periodduringtheyeararenottobeincludedinworkingouttheamount of the rebate.(4)In this section—rebate,
for an eligible year, means the lesser of the followingamounts—(a)the
amount worked out using the following formula—T×-WR----where—Rmeans—(a)if
the eligible year ends on 30 June 2017, 2018 or2019—2;
year.Wmeans the amount of wages mentioned in
subsection(1) for the eligible year;(b)the employer’s, or DGE’s, annual
payroll tax amount forthe eligible year.Division 5Final liabilitySubdivision
1Employer other than the DGE for agroup36Application of sdiv 1This subdivision
applies to an employer who—(a)is
required under section 64 to lodge a final return for afinal period; andPage 82Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 37](b)is
not the DGE for a group on the last day of the finalperiod.Note—For
provisions about a DGE’s final liability, see subdivision 2.37Definitions for sdiv 1In
this subdivision—final adjustment amount, for the
employer for a final period,means the
difference between—(a)the employer’s final payroll tax
amount for the period;and(b)theemployer’speriodicliabilityamountforthefinalperiod.final
deduction, for the employer for a final period, means
thegreater of zero and the amount worked out
using the followingformula—where—Ameans the number of days inthe
part of the final periodstarting on 1 July and ending on 31
December for which theemployer pays, or is liable to pay,
wages.Bmeans the number of days inthe
part of the final periodstartingon1Januaryandendingon30Juneforwhichtheemployer pays, or is liable to pay,
the final period is within a financial year that includes29
February—366; or(b)otherwise—365.FDmeans the final deduction in dollars.FWmeans the employer’s final wages for
the period.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 38]IWmeans the amount of interstate wages paid or
payable inthe period.Kmeans 1,100,000.final payroll
tax amount, for the employer for a final
the employer is not a group member on the last day oftheperiodandtheemployer’sfinaldeductionfortheperiod is greater than the employer’s
final wages for theperiod—zero; or(b)if
the employer is not a group member on the last day oftheperiodandparagraph(a)doesnotapply—theamount worked
out by applying the appropriate rate ofpayroll tax to
the employer’s final wages for the periodless the
employer’s final deduction for the period; or(c)if
the employer is a group member on the last day of theperiod—theamountworkedoutbyapplyingtheappropriaterateofpayrolltaxtotheemployer’sfinalwages for the period.finalwages,fortheemployerforafinalperiod,meansthetotal taxable wages paid or payable by
the employer duringthe period.wagesdoes
not include foreign wages.38Amount of final
liability(1)The employer’s liability (final liability) for payroll
tax for afinal period is—(a)the
employer’s final adjustment amount for the period,if—(i)either—(A)the employer lodged, or was required
undersection 59 to lodge, a periodic return
duringthe period; orPage 84Current as at [Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 38]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(B)afterthelastdayofthefinalperiod,theemployerwillberequiredundersection 59tolodgeaperiodicreturnforaperiodicreturn period that is wholly or partly
withinthe final period; and(ii)theemployer’sfinalpayrolltaxamountfortheperiodisgreaterthantheemployer’speriodicliability amount for the final period;
or(b)the employer’s final payroll tax
amount for the period,if—(i)the
employer was not required under section 59 tolodge a periodic
return during the period; and(ii)paragraph (a) does not apply.Example for paragraph (b)—The
amount of an employer’s final liability would be the finalpayrolltaxamountiftheemployerwasexempt,underacertificate issued by the commissioner
under section 62, fromlodging periodic returns during the
final period.(2)However, subsection (3) applies
if—(a)theemployerdidnotpayandwasnotliabletopaytaxablewagesorinterstatewagesforanypartofthefinal period;
and(b)the employer satisfies the
commissioner that, because ofthenatureoftheemployer’stradeorbusiness,thetaxablewagesandinterstatewages,ifany,paidorpayable by the employer fluctuate with
different periodsof the financial year.(3)If
this subsection applies, for working out the employer’s
finalliability for the final period, the
commissioner may treat theemployer—(a)if
the employer has conducted the employer’s trade orbusinessinAustraliaduringthewholeofthefinalperiod—as an
employer throughout the final period; or(b)if
the employer has conducted the employer’s trade orbusinessinAustraliaduringpartonlyofthefinalCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 39]period—asanemployerduringthatpartofthefinalperiod.Note 1—Under section 30(1)(a) of the Administration
Act, an employer’s finalliability for a final period must be
paid on the date the employer isrequired to
lodge a final return for the final period.Note 2—An
employer may be required, under the Administration Act, to
includeassessed interest or penalty tax in an
assessment of final liability.39Entitlement to final refund amount(1)Thissectionappliesiftheemployer’speriodicliabilityamount for a
final period is greater than the employer’s finalpayroll tax amount for the period.(2)The employer is entitled to a refund
of the amount (thefinalrefundamount)ofthedifferencebetweentheperiodicliability amount
and the final payroll tax amount.(3)Subsection (2) is subject to section
83.(4)However,theemployerisnotentitledtoarefundoftheamount more than 5 years after the
making of the assessmentof the employer’s final liability for
the period.(5)This section does not apply in
relation to a reassessment of theemployer’s final
Act, part 4, division 2.Subdivision 2DGE for a
group40Application of sdiv 2This
subdivision applies to an employer who is the DGE for agroup on the last day of a final
period.Page 86Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 41]41Definitions for sdiv 2In this
subdivision—finaladjustmentamount,fortheDGEforafinalperiod,means the difference between—(a)the DGE’s final payroll tax amount for
the period; and(b)the DGE’s periodic liability amount
for the final period.finaldeduction,fortheDGEforafinalperiod,meansthegreater of zero and the amount worked out
using the followingformula—where—Ameans the number of days—(a)that are in the part of the final
period starting on 1 Julyand ending on 31 December; and(b)for which 1 or more relevant group
employers pay, orare liable to pay, as members of the group
taxable wagesorinterstatewagesortaxablewagesandinterstatewages.Bmeans the number of days—(a)thatareinthepartofthefinalperiodstartingon1January and
ending on 30 June; and(b)for which 1 or
more relevant group employers pay, orare liable to
pay, as members of the group taxable wagesorinterstatewagesortaxablewagesandinterstatewages.Cmeans—(a)if
the final period is within a financial year that includes29
February—366; or(b)otherwise—365.FDmeans the final deduction in dollars.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 42]IWmeans the amount of interstate wages paid or
payable forthe final period by each relevant group
employer as a memberof the group.Kmeans 1,100,000.TWmeans the amount of taxable wages paid or
payable forthe final period by each relevant group
employer as a memberof the group.finalpayrolltaxamount,fortheDGEforafinalperiod,means—(a)iftheDGE’sfinaldeductionfortheperiodisgreaterthan the DGE’s
final wages for the period—zero; or(b)if
paragraph (a) does not apply—the amount worked outbyapplyingtheappropriaterateofpayrolltaxtotheDGE’s final
wages for the period less the DGE’s finaldeduction for
the period.final wages, for the DGE
for a final period, means the totaltaxable wages
paid or payable by the DGE during the period.relevantgroupemployer,forafinalperiodfortheDGE,means an employer who was a member of the
group for all orpart of the period.42Amount of DGE’s final liability(1)The DGE’s liability (final liability) for payroll
tax for a finalperiod is—(a)the
DGE’s final adjustment amount for the period, if—(i)either—(A)theDGElodged,orwasrequiredundersection 59 to
lodge, a periodic return duringthe period;
or(B)after the last day of the final
period, the DGEwill be required under section 59 to lodge
88Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 43]thatiswhollyorpartlywithinthefinalperiod;
and(ii)the DGE’s final
payroll tax amount for the periodis greater than
the DGE’s periodic liability amountfor the period;
or(b)the DGE’s final payroll tax amount for
the period, if—(i)theDGEwasnotrequiredundersection
59tolodge a periodic return during the
period; and(ii)paragraph (a)
does not apply.(2)IftheDGEdoesnotpaytheDGE’sfinalliabilityfortheperiodonthereturndateforlodgementoftheDGE’sfinalreturn, every relevant group employer for
the period is liablejointly and severally to pay the
amount of the liability.Note 1—Undersection 30(1)(a)oftheAdministrationAct,aDGE’sfinalliability for a final period must be paid on
the date the DGE is requiredto lodge a final
return for the final period.Note 2—A
DGE may be required, under the Administration Act, to
includeassessed interest or penalty tax in an
assessment of final liability.43Entitlement to final refund amount(1)This section applies if the DGE’s
periodic liability amount forafinalperiodisgreaterthantheDGE’sfinalpayrolltaxamount for the period.(2)TheDGEisentitledtoarefundoftheamount(thefinalrefundamount)ofthedifferencebetweentheperiodicliability amount
and the final payroll tax amount.(3)Subsection (2) is subject to section
83.(4)However, the DGE is not entitled to a
refund of the amountmore than 5 years after the making of
the assessment of theDGE’s final liability for the
period.(5)This section does not apply in
relation to a reassessment of theDGE’s final
liability.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 43A]Note—EntitlementtorefundsonreassessmentsisprovidedforintheAdministration
Act, part 4, division 2.Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 3Rebate43ARebate for final payroll tax
amount(1)This section applies if—(a)wagesarepaidorpayableduringafinalperiodinaneligible year by
an employer, or a DGE for a group, to aperson who is an
apprentice or trainee under theFurtherEducation and Training Act 2014;
and(b)the wages are not taxable wages under
section 14(2)(j).(2)The employer’s, or DGE’s, final
payroll tax amount for thefinalperiodisreducedbytheamountoftherebatefortheperiod.(3)In
this section—rebate, for a final
period, means the lesser of the followingamounts—(a)the amount worked out using the
following formula—T×W-R----where—Rmeans—(a)if
the final period is in an eligible year ending on30
June 2017, 2018 or 2019—2; or(b)otherwise—4.Tmeans the appropriate rate of payroll tax
for the finalperiod.Wmeans the amount of wages mentioned in
subsection(1) for the final period;Page
90Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 44](b)the
employer’s, or DGE’s, final payroll tax amount forthe
final period.Division 6Sharing of
excess deduction bygroup members44Definitions for div 6In this
division—entitledgroupmember,foranexcessdeduction,meansanon-DGE group member who—(a)isnominatedbytheDGEforthegroupundersection
46,ordeterminedbythecommissionerundersection 47,asagroupmembertoshareintheexcessdeduction;
and(b)if the excess deduction is shared by
the entitled groupmembers at the end of the relevant financial
year undersection 48—is a member of the group on 30
June in theyear and has an annual liability for the
year.order of entitled group membersmeans the order in whichentitled group
members are to share in an excess deductionunderanominationmadebytheDGEforthegroupundersection
46,oradeterminationmadebythecommissionerundersection 47,fortheassessmentoftheDGE’sannualliability or final liability.relevant financial year, for an excess
deduction, means—(a)iftheexcessdeductionrelatestoanassessmentofannual liability of the DGE for the
group—the financialyear to which the assessment relates;
or(b)if the excess deduction relates to an
assessment of finalliabilityoftheDGEforthegroup—thefinancialyearthatincludesthefinalperiodtowhichtheassessmentrelates.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 45]45Meaning ofexcess
deduction(1)Subsection (2) applies—(a)for an assessment of the annual
liability of the DGE fora group, if the DGE’s annual deduction
for the financialyearisgreaterthantheDGE’sannualwagesfortheyear; or(b)for
an assessment of the final liability of the DGE for agroup, if the DGE’s final deduction for the
final periodis greater than the DGE’s final wages for
the period.(2)The amount of the difference is
theexcess deductionfor theassessment.(3)In
this section—annual deductionsee section
33.annual wagessee section
33.final deductionsee section
41.final wagessee section
41.46Nomination by DGE of group members to
share in excessdeductionThe DGE for a
group may nominate, in an annual return orfinal
return—(a)1ormoregroupmemberstoshareinanyexcessdeductionfortheassessmentoftheDGE’sannualliability or final liability; and(b)theorderinwhichthemembersaretoshareintheexcess deduction.47Determination by commissioner of group
members toshare in excess deduction(1)This section applies, for an
assessment of annual liability orfinal liability
of the DGE for a group, if—Page 92Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 48](a)the
DGE does not make a nomination under section 46;and(b)there is an
excess deduction.(2)The commissioner may make a
determination of—(a)1ormorenon-DGEgroupmemberstoshareintheexcess deduction; and(b)theorderinwhichthemembersaretoshareintheexcess deduction.(3)The
determination may apply in relation to an assessment oftheDGE’sannualliabilityorfinalliabilitymadebeforeorafter the determination is
made.48Sharing of excess deduction by
entitled group membersat end of financial year(1)This section applies if—(a)thereisanexcessdeductionforanassessmentoftheannual liability or final liability of
the DGE for a group;and(b)iftheexcessdeductionisforanassessmentoftheDGE’s final liability—at least 1
member of the groupcontinues to pay, or be liable to pay, wages
as a memberof the group for the period—(i)startingonthedaytheDGE’schangeofstatushappens;
and(ii)ending on 30
June in the relevant financial year.(2)An
entitled group member for the excess deduction is, afterthe
end of the relevant financial year, entitled to the
followingshare of the excess deduction—(a)ifthememberisfirstintheorderofentitledgroupmembers—the lesser of the following
amounts—(i)the excess deduction;(ii)the member’s
annual wages for the year;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 49](b)foranotherentitledgroupmember,thelesserofthefollowing amounts—(i)somuchoftheexcessdeductionremainingafterthe
preceding entitled group member in the orderofentitledgroupmembershasreceivedthepreceding member’s share;(ii)the member’s
annual wages for the year.(3)The commissioner
must make an assessment or reassessmentof an entitled
group member’s annual liability for the year.(4)Anassessmentorreassessmentmentionedinsubsection (3)mustbemadeonthebasisthat,forpart2,division4,subdivision 1, the member’sannual payroll tax amountforthe year is the amount worked out by
applying the appropriaterate of payroll tax to the member’s
annual wages for the yearlessthemember’sshareoftheexcessdeductionundersubsection (2).(5)In
this section—annual wagessee section
29(1).49Sharing of excess deduction by
entitled group memberson group ceasing to exist(1)This section applies if—(a)there is an excess deduction for an
assessment of finalliability of the DGE for a group; and(b)all members of the group cease to pay,
or be liable topay, wages as members of the group before 30
June inthe relevant financial year.(2)An entitled group member for the
excess deduction is, after allgroup members
have ceased to pay, or be liable to pay, wagesas members of
the group, entitled to the following share of theexcess deduction—(a)ifthememberisfirstintheorderofentitledgroupmembers—the lesser of the following
amounts—(i)the excess deduction;Page
94Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 49A](ii)themember’sfinalwagesfortherelevantfinalperiod; or(b)foranotherentitledgroupmember,thelesserofthefollowing amounts—(i)somuchoftheexcessdeductionremainingafterthe
preceding entitled group member in the orderofentitledgroupmembershasreceivedthepreceding member’s share;(ii)themember’sfinalwagesfortherelevantfinalperiod.(3)The
commissioner must make an assessment or reassessmentof
an entitled group member’s final liability for the relevantfinal period.(4)Anassessmentorreassessmentmentionedinsubsection (3)mustbemadeonthebasisthat,forpart2,division5,subdivision 1, the member’sfinal payroll tax amountfor therelevant final period is the amount worked
out by applying theappropriate rate of payroll tax to the
member’s final wages fortheperiodlessthemember’sshareoftheexcessdeductionunder subsection
(2).(5)In this section—final
wagessee section 37.relevantfinalperiod,foranentitledgroupmember,meansthefinalperiodforthechangeofstatusofthememberhappening at the
time the member ceases to pay, or be liableto pay, wages as
a member of the group.Division 6ASharing of
excess rebate by groupmembers49ADefinitions for div 6AIn this
division—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 49B]entitled group
member, for an excess rebate, means a groupmember who—(a)isnominatedbytheDGEforthegroupundersection 49C, or determined by the
commissioner undersection 49D, as a group member to share in
the excessrebate; and(b)iftheexcessrebateissharedbytheentitledgroupmembers at the end of the relevant financial
year undersection 49E—is a member of the group on 30
June inthe year and has an annual liability for the
year.order of entitled group membersmeans the order in whichentitled group
members are to share in an excess rebate underanominationmadebytheDGEforthegroupundersection
49C,oradeterminationmadebythecommissionerunder section
49D, for an assessment of the annual liability orfinalliabilityrelatingtotherelevantfinancialyearofamember of the group.relevant financial year, for an excess
rebate, means—(a)if the excess rebate relates to an
assessment of annualliability—theeligibleyeartowhichtheassessmentrelates;
eligible year that includes the final period.49BMeaning ofexcess
rebate(1)Subsection (2) applies—(a)for an assessment of the annual
liability relating to therelevant financial year of a non-DGE
group member, ifthe relevant annual amount for the member
for the yearis greater than the member’s annual payroll
tax amountfor the year; or(b)for
an assessment of the annual liability relating to therelevant financial year of a DGE, if the
relevant annualamountfortheDGEfortheyearisgreaterthantheDGE’s annual payroll tax amount for
the year; orPage 96Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 49C](c)foranassessmentofthefinalliabilityrelatingtotherelevant financial year of a non-DGE
group member, ifthe relevant final amount for the member for
the finalperiodisgreaterthanthemember’sfinalpayrolltaxamount; or(d)foranassessmentofthefinalliabilityrelatingtotherelevantfinancialyearofaDGE,iftherelevantfinalamount for the DGE for the final period is
greater thanthe DGE’s final payroll tax amount.(2)Theamountofthedifferenceistheexcessrebatefortheassessment.(3)In
this section—annual payroll tax amount,
for a DGE, see section 33.annual payroll tax amount,
for a non-DGE group member,see section
29(1).final payroll tax amount, for a DGE, see
section 41.final payroll tax amount, for a non-DGE
group member, seesection 37.relevant annual
amountmeans the amount worked out undersection 35A(4), definitionrebate, paragraph
(a).relevant final amountmeans the amount
worked out undersection 43A(3), definitionrebate, paragraph
(a).49CNomination by DGE of group members to
share in excessrebateThe DGE for a
group may nominate, in an annual return orfinal
return—(a)1 or more group members, including the
DGE, to shareinanyexcessrebatefortheassessmentofagroupmember’s annual
liability or final liability relating to therelevant
financial year; and(b)theorderinwhichthemembersaretoshareintheexcess rebate.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 97
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 49D]49DDetermination by commissioner of group
members toshare in excess rebate(1)This
section applies, for an assessment of annual liability orfinal liability relating to the relevant
financial year of a groupmember (thefirst
member), if—(a)theDGEforthegroupdoesnotmakeanominationunder section
49C; and(b)there is an excess rebate.(2)The commissioner may make a
determination of—(a)1 or more group members to share in
the excess rebate;and(b)theorderinwhichthemembersaretoshareintheexcess rebate.(3)The
determination may apply in relation to an assessment ofthe
first member’s annual liability or final liability relating
totherelevantfinancialyearmadebeforeorafterthedetermination is made.49ESharing of excess rebate by entitled group
members atend of relevant financial year(1)This section applies if—(a)there is an excess rebate for an
assessment of the annualliability or final liability relating
to the relevant financialyear of a group member; and(b)if the excess rebate is for an
assessment of the member’sfinal liability—at least one other
member of the groupcontinues to pay, or be liable to pay, wages
as a groupmember for the period—(i)starting on the day the member’s change of
statushappens; and(ii)ending on 30 June in the relevant financial
year.Page 98Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 49F](2)An
entitled group member for the excess rebate is, after theendoftherelevantfinancialyear,entitledtothefollowingshare of the excess rebate—(a)ifthememberisfirstintheorderofentitledgroupmembers, the lesser of the following
amounts—(i)the excess rebate;(ii)the
member’s annual payroll tax amount relating tothe relevant
financial year;(b)foranotherentitledgroupmember,thelesserofthefollowing amounts—(i)so
much of the excess rebate remaining after theprecedingentitledgroupmemberintheorderofentitled group members has received the
precedingmember’s share;(ii)the
member’s annual payroll tax amount relating tothe relevant
financial year.(3)The commissioner must make an
assessment or reassessmentof an entitled group member’s annual
liability for the year.(4)Anassessmentorreassessmentmentionedinsubsection (3)mustbemadeonthebasisthat,forpart2,division4,subdivision 1 or 2, the member’s annual
payroll tax amountfortheyearistheamountworkedoutbyapplyingtheappropriate rate of payroll tax to the
member’s annual wagesfor the year less the member’s share
of the excess rebate undersubsection (2).(5)In
this section—annual wagessee section
29(1) or 33.49FSharing of excess rebate by entitled
group members ongroup ceasing to exist(1)This
section applies if—(a)thereisanexcessrebateforanassessmentoffinalliability
relating to the relevant financial year of a groupmember; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 99
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 49F]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)all members of
the group cease to pay, or be liable topay, wages as
members of the group before 30 June inthe relevant
financial year.(2)An entitled group member for the
excess rebate is, after allgroup members
have ceased to pay, or be liable to pay, wagesas members of
the group, entitled to the following share of theexcess rebate—(a)ifthememberisfirstintheorderofentitledgroupmembers, the lesser of the following
amounts—(i)the excess rebate;(ii)themember’sfinalpayrolltaxamountfortherelevantfinalperiodrelatingtotherelevantfinancial year; or(b)foranotherentitledgroupmember,thelesserofthefollowing amounts—(i)so
much of the excess rebate remaining after theprecedingentitledgroupmemberintheorderofentitled group members has received the
precedingmember’s share;(ii)themember’sfinalpayrolltaxamountfortherelevantfinalperiodrelatingtotherelevantfinancial year.(3)The
commissioner must make an assessment or reassessmentof
an entitled group member’s final liability for the relevantfinal period.(4)Anassessmentorreassessmentmentionedinsubsection (3)mustbemadeonthebasisthat,forpart2,division5,subdivision 1 or 2, the member’s final
payroll tax amount forthe relevant final period is the
amount worked out by applyingthe appropriate
rate of payroll tax to the member’s final wagesfortheperiodlessthemember’s shareoftheexcessrebateunder subsection (2).(5)In
this section—final wagessee section 37
or 41.Page 100Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 50]relevantfinalperiod,foranentitledgroupmember,meansthefinalperiodforthechangeofstatusofthememberhappening at the
time the member ceases to pay, or be liableto pay, wages as
a member of the group.Division 7Avoidance
arrangements50Arrangements for avoidance of tax may
be disregarded(1)Where any person enters into any
agreement, transaction, orarrangement,whetherinwritingorotherwise,wherebyanatural person performs or renders,
for or on behalf of anotherperson, services
in respect of which any payment is made tosome other
person related or connected to the natural personperformingorrenderingtheservicesandtheeffectofsuchagreement,
transaction or arrangement is to reduce or avoidtheliabilityofanypersontotheassessment,impositionorpayment of payroll tax, the commissioner
may—(a)disregard such agreement, transaction,
or arrangement;and(b)determine that
any party to such agreement, transactionor arrangement
shall be deemed to be an employer forthe purposes of
this Act; and(c)determinethatanypaymentmadeinrespectofsuchagreement,
transaction or arrangement shall be deemedto be wages for
the purposes of this Act.(2)Wherethecommissionermakesadeterminationundersubsection (1), the commissioner shall serve
a notice to thateffectonthepersondeemedtobeanemployerforthepurposes of this Act and shall set out
in the notice the facts onwhichthecommissionerreliesandthecommissioner’sreasons for
making the determination.Note—Seealsosections
13Land13LAforparticularprovisionsaboutavoidance arrangements relating to
employment agency contracts.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 101
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 2 Liability
to taxation[s 51]Division 8Miscellaneous provisionsNotauthorised—indicativeonly51Wages paid by or
to third parties(1)Subsection (2) applies if money or
other consideration—(a)foranemployee’sservicesasanemployeeofanemployer, is
paid or given or to be paid or given—(i)totheemployee,byapersonotherthantheemployer; or(ii)toapersonotherthantheemployee,bytheemployer; or(iii)to a
person other than the employee, by a personother than the
employer; and(b)had it been paid or given, or to be
paid or given, directlyby the employer to the employee, would
be wages paidor payable by the employer to the employee
for this Act.Example of other consideration—the
grant of a share or option(2)The money or
other consideration is taken to be wages paid orpayable by the employer to the
employee.(3)Subsection (4) applies if money or
other consideration—(a)by way of
remuneration for the appointment or servicesof a director of
a company to the company, is paid orgiven or to be
paid or given—(i)to the director by a person other than
the company;or(ii)to a person
other than the director by the company;or(iii)toapersonotherthanthedirectorbyapersonother than the
company; and(b)had it been paid or given, or to be
paid or given, directlyby the company to the director, would
comprise wagespaid or payable by the company for this
Act.Page 102Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 3
Registration and returns[s 51A]Example of other
consideration—the grant of a share or option(4)The money or other consideration is
taken to be wages paid orpayable by the company to the
director.(5)In this section—directorof a
company includes—(a)a person who, under a contract or
other arrangement, isto be appointed as a director of the
company; and(b)a former director of the
company.51AJoint and several liability of group
members(1)This section applies if a member of a
group fails to pay anamountthememberisrequiredtopayunderthisActinrespect of a
period.(2)Every member of the group is liable
jointly and severally topay the amount, whether or not the
member was an employerduring the period to which the amount
relates.(3)This section is subject to sections
34(2) and 42(2).Part 3Registration and
returnsDivision 1Registration52Meaning ofcriteria for
registrationFor this division, thecriteria for
registrationare that, during amonth, an
employer pays, or is liable to pay, taxable wagesand
the employer—(a)pays, or is liable to pay, wages
anywhere of more than$21,153 a week; or(b)is a
group member.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 3
Registration and returns[s 53]53Application for registration(1)Anemployerwhoisnotalreadyregisteredasanemployerunder this
division and who meets the criteria for registrationmust, within 7 days after the end of the
month during whichtheemployermeetsthecriteria,givethecommissioneranapplication for registration as an
employer.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)The application must be made in the
approved form.(3)If—(a)the
commissioner cancels the registration of a person asan
employer in a financial year; and(b)the
person subsequently pays or is liable to pay taxablewages (otherwise than as a member of a
group) duringthe financial year;the person may
give the commissioner an application, in theapproved form,
for registration as an employer, even thoughthepersonisnotrequiredundersubsection (1)toapplyforregistration as an employer.(4)Ifanemployerappliesundersubsection
(1)or(3)forregistration as an employer, the
commissioner must registerthe employer.54Registration of employer without
applicationThe commissioner may, by written notice
given to a personwho meets the criteria for registration,
register the person asan employer.55Notice of registration(1)On
registration of a person as an employer, the commissionermust
give written notice to the person of the registration.(2)The notice must state each of the
following—(a)the date of registration;Page
104Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 3
Registration and returns[s 56](b)the
types of reassessments the employer is required orpermitted to make;(c)whether the employer is permitted to remit
the whole orpart of unpaid tax interest or penalty
tax.56Amendment of registration(1)The commissioner may amend an
employer’s registration bywritten notice given to the
employer.(2)The notice must state the particulars
of the employer’s noticeof registration that are
amended.57Cancellation of registration(1)The commissioner must cancel the
registration of a person asan employer
if—(a)the person has—(i)ceased to be an employer; and(ii)lodgedafinalreturnandpaidtheperson’sfinalliability, if any, for the final period;
or(b)each of the following applies—(i)the person is not a group
member;(ii)the person has
lodged an annual return and paid theperson’s annual
liability, if any, for a financial year;(iii)before lodging the annual return, the person
ceasedto be an employer paying, or being liable to
pay,wages mentioned in section 52(a);(iv)thecommissionerissatisfiedthepersonwillnotpay,orbeliabletopay,wagesmentionedinsection 52(a) during the next financial
year.(2)If the commissioner cancels the
registration of a person as anemployer, the
commissioner must give written notice of thecancellation to
the person.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 3
Registration and returns[s 58]Division 2ReturnsNotauthorised—indicativeonly58Definition for
div 2In this division—relevant
employermeans an employer who is—(a)registered as an employer under
division 1; or(b)required to apply for registration as
an employer underdivision 1.59Periodic returns(1)A
relevant employer must, not later than 7 days after the lastday
of each periodic return period for all or part of which theemployerisarelevantemployer,lodgeareturnfortaxablewages paid or
payable by the employer for the period.Note—Failure to lodge a periodic return is an
offence under section 121 of theAdministration
(1)doesnotapplyforthelastperiodicreturnperiod of a
financial year for the employer.(2)However, if the commissioner considers it
would be undulyoneroustorequiretheemployertolodgeperiodicreturnswithinthe7-dayperiodrequiredundersubsection (1),thecommissionermay,bywrittennotice,varythetimewithinwhichtheemployerisrequiredtolodgereturnsunderthissection.(3)Thecommissionermayrevokeanoticegivenundersubsection (2)
at any time by written notice.(4)The
return must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)statetheemployer’speriodicliabilityfortheperiodicreturn
period.(5)This section is subject to sections 60
to 62.Page 106Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 3
Registration and returns[s 60]Note—Lodgement of an annual return or final
return does not, of itself, affect arelevant
employer’s obligation to lodge periodic returns.60Duration of periodic return
period(1)Subjecttosubsection (2),aperiodicreturnperiodistheperiod—(a)starting on the first day of a month;
and(b)ending on the last day of the
month.(2)However, if the commissioner considers
it would be undulyonerous to require the employer to lodge
periodic returns foreachmonth,thecommissionermay,bywrittennotice,authorisetheemployertolodgeperiodicreturnsfortheperiods stated in the notice.(3)A period stated in the notice must be
less than 1 year.(4)Thecommissionermayrevokeanoticegivenundersubsection (2)
at any time by written notice.61Deemed lodgement of periodic return—payment
byelectronic transfer of funds(1)This section applies if—(a)an amount of payroll tax may be or is
required to be,under the Administration Act, section 29 or
29A, paidby the electronic transfer of funds;
and(b)an employer makes a payment of
periodic liability for aperiodic return period by an
electronic transfer of fundsas required
under that Act; and(c)usinganapprovedinformationsystem,theemployergivesthecommissionerabreakdownofthepaymentbetween primary
tax and assessed interest.(2)The employer is
taken to have lodged a periodic return for theperiodic return
period to which the payment relates.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 107
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 3
Registration and returns[s 62](3)Theamountofthepaymentis,fortheAdministrationAct,section 14(a),takentobetheamountoftheemployer’speriodic
liability stated in the return.(4)However, if the employer makes more than 1
payment for aperiodicreturnperiodbytheelectronictransferoffunds,subsections (2)
and (3) apply only to the first payment madeby the employer
for the period.(5)In this section—primary
taxsee the Administration Act, schedule
2.62Exemption from requirement to lodge
periodic returns(1)If the commissioner considers that no
tax will be payable by arelevantemployeror,ifpaid,wouldberefunded,thecommissionermayissueacertificatetotheemployerexemptingtheemployerfromtherequirementundersection 59 to lodge periodic returns.(2)Anemployertowhomacertificateisissuedundersubsection (1) is not required to lodge
periodic returns.Note—An employer who
is not required to lodge periodic returns is subject toa
notification requirement under section 87 and is not exempt from
therequirement to lodge an annual return or
final return.(3)Acertificateissuedundersubsection
(1)maybeeitherunconditional or subject to such conditions
as are prescribedor as the commissioner thinks fit.(4)Thecommissionermay,atanytimebynoticeinwriting,revoke any
certificate issued under subsection (1).(5)Theissueofacertificateundersubsection (1)shallnotexemptanemployerfromthepaymentofanypayrolltax,notwithstanding that it may have the effect
of postponing thetime for payment of any payroll tax.Page
108Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 3
Registration and returns[s 63]63Annual return(1)Thissectionappliestoanemployerwhoisarelevantemployer on 30 June in a financial
year.(2)The employer must, not later than 21
July immediately afterthe end of the year, lodge a return
for taxable wages paid orpayable by the employer for the
year.Note—Failure to lodge
an annual return is an offence under section 121 of theAdministration Act.(3)The
return must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)state—(i)if
the employer is the DGE for a group—the wagesthatwerepaidorpayableduringthedesignatedperiod for the
DGE in the year, as a member of thegroup, by each
employer who was a member of thegroup for all or
part of the designated period; or(ii)for
another employer, the wages that were paid orpayableduringtheyearbytheemployer,otherthanwagesthatwereincluded,orrequiredtobeincluded, in a final return for a
final period for theemployer during the year; and(c)statetheemployer’sannualliabilityorannualrefundamount for the year.(4)Despite subsection (2), an employer is not
required to lodgean annual return for a financial year if the
employer—(a)lodged,orwasrequiredundersection 64tolodge,afinal return during the year; and(b)didnotpay,andwasnotliabletopay,taxablewagesduring the
financial year after the last day of the finalperiod for which
the final return was lodged or requiredto be
lodged.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 3
Registration and returns[s 64]Note—Lodgementofafinalreturndoesnot,ofitself,affectarelevantemployer’s
obligation to lodge an annual return.64Final
return(1)Thissectionapplies if, during a financialyear, a change ofstatus happens
for a relevant employer.(2)The employer
must, not later than 21 days after the change ofstatushappens,lodgeareturnfortaxablewagespaidorpayable by the employer for the final period
for the change ofstatus.Note—Failure to lodge a final return is an
offence under section 121 of theAdministration
Act.(3)The return must—(a)be
in the approved form; and(b)state—(i)if the employer is the DGE for a
group—the wagesthat were paid or payable during the period,
as amember of the group, by each employer who
was amember of the group for all or part of the
period;or(ii)for another
employer, the wages that were paid orpayable during
the period by the employer; and(c)state the employer’s final liability or
final refund amountfor the period.65Further returnsThe commissioner
may, by notice in writing, call upon anyemployer or
person to lodge, within the time specified in thenotice,suchreturnorsuchfurtherorfullerreturn,asthecommissioner
requires, whether on the employer’s or person’sown behalf or as
an agent or a trustee.Page 110Current as at
[Not applicable]
4Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 4 Grouping
provisions[s 66]Grouping
provisionsDivision 1Interpretation66Definitions for pt 4In this
part—businessincludes any of
the following, whether carried on by1 person or 2 or
more persons together—(a)a profession or
trade;(b)any other activity carried on for fee,
gain or reward;(c)theactivityofemploying1ormorepersonswhoperform duties in connection with
another business;(d)the carrying on of a trust, including
a dormant trust;(e)theactivityofholdingmoneyorpropertyusedinconnection with another
business.related body corporatesee the
Corporations Act, section 9.67Grouping provisions to operate
independentlyThe fact that a person is not a member of a
group constitutedunderaprovisionofthispartdoesnotpreventthepersonbeingamemberofagroupconstitutedunderanotherprovision of
this part.Division 2Business
groups68Constitution of groupsA
group is constituted by all the persons forming a group thatis
not part of a larger group.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 111
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 4 Grouping
provisions[s 69]69Groups of corporationsCorporationsconstituteagroupiftheyarerelatedbodiescorporate.Notauthorised—indicativeonly70Groups arising
from the use of common employees(1)If1ormoreemployeesofanemployerperformdutiesinconnectionwith1ormorebusinessescarriedonbytheemployer and 1 or more other persons, the
employer and eachof those other persons constitute a
group.(2)If 1 or more employees of an employer
are employed solely ormainlytoperformdutiesinconnectionwith1ormorebusinessescarriedonby1ormoreotherpersons,theemployer and each of those other persons
constitute a group.(3)If 1 or more employees of an employer
perform duties—(a)in connection with 1 or more
businesses carried on by 1or more other persons; and(b)inconnectionwith,orinfulfilmentoftheemployer’sobligation
under, a relevant agreement;theemployerandeachofthoseotherpersonsconstituteagroup.(4)In
this section—relevantagreementmeansanagreement,arrangementorundertaking for services to be provided to 1
or more of theotherpersonsinconnectionwiththebusinessorthosebusinesses
carried on by the other person or persons—(a)whethertheagreement,arrangementorundertakingisformal or informal, express or implied;
and(b)whetherornottheagreement,arrangementorundertaking provides for duties to be
performed by theemployees or states the duties to be
performed by them.Note—Section
74allowsthecommissionertoexclude,forpayrolltaxpurposes, persons from a group constituted
under this section in somecircumstances.Page 112Current as at [Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 4 Grouping
provisions[s 71]Notauthorised—indicativeonly71Groups of commonly controlled
businesses(1)If a person or set of persons has a
controlling interest in eachof2businesses,thepersonswhocarryonthosebusinessesconstitute a
74allowsthecommissionertoexclude,forpayrolltaxpurposes, persons from a group constituted
under this section in somecircumstances.(2)For
this section, a person or set of persons has acontrollinginterestin a
business if any of the following applies—(a)for1person—thepersonisthesoleownerofthebusiness, whether or not as
trustee;(b)for a set of persons—together the
persons are the soleowners of the business as
trustees;(c)for a business carried on by a
corporation—(i)the person or each person in the set
of persons is adirector of the corporation, and the person
or set ofpersonsisentitledtoexercisemorethan50%ofthe voting power at meetings of the
directors of thecorporation; or(ii)a
director or set of directors of the corporation thatis
entitled to exercise more than 50% of the votingpoweratmeetingsofthedirectorsofthecorporation is under an obligation,
whether formalor informal, to act in accordance with the
direction,instructionorwishesofthepersonorsetofpersons;(d)forabusinesscarriedonbyabodycorporateorunincorporate—thepersonorsetofpersonsconstitutemorethan50%of,orcontrolthecompositionof,theboard of management, by whatever name
called, of thebody;(e)for
a business carried on by a corporation with a sharecapital—thepersonorsetofpersonscan,directlyorindirectly,exercise,controltheexerciseof,orsubstantially influence the exercise
of, more than 50%Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 4 Grouping
provisions[s 71]of the voting
power attached to the voting shares, or aclass of voting
shares, issued by the corporation;(f)for
a business carried on by a partnership—the person orset
of persons—(i)own, whether beneficially or not, more
than 50%of the capital of the partnership; or(ii)isentitled,whetherbeneficiallyornot,tomorethan 50% of the
profits of the partnership;(g)for
a business carried on under a trust—the person or setof
persons, whether or not as the trustee or beneficiaryofanothertrust,isthebeneficiaryinrespectofmorethan 50% of the
value of the interests in the trust underwhich the
business is carried on.(3)If—(a)2 corporations are related bodies
corporate; and(b)1ofthecorporationshasacontrollinginterestinabusiness;the
other corporation has a controlling interest in the
person or set of persons has a controlling interest in abusiness; and(b)a
person or set of persons who carry on the business hasa
controlling interest in another business;the person or
set of persons mentioned in paragraph (a) has acontrolling
interest in the other business.(5)If—(a)a person or set
of persons is the beneficiary of a trust inrespect of more
than 50% of the value of the interests inthe trust;
and(b)the trustee of the trust, whether
alone or together withanother trustee or trustees, has a
controlling interest inthe business of another trust;Page
114Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 4 Grouping
provisions[s 72]the person or
set of persons has a controlling interest in thebusiness.(6)Apersonwhomaybenefitfromadiscretionarytrustasaresultofthetrusteeoranotherperson,orthetrusteeandanotherperson,exercisingorfailingtoexerciseapowerordiscretion, is taken for this part to be a
beneficiary of the trustin respect of more than 50% of the
value of the interests in thetrust.(7)If—(a)a
person or set of persons has a controlling interest inthe
business of a trust; and(b)the trustee of
the trust, whether alone or together withanother trustee
or trustees, has a controlling interest inthe business of
a corporation;the person or set of persons has a
controlling interest in thebusiness of the
person or set of persons has a controlling interest inthe
business of a trust; and(b)the trustee of
the trust, whether alone or together with 1or more other
trustees, has a controlling interest in thebusiness of a
partnership;the person or set of persons has a
controlling interest in thebusiness of the
partnership.72Groups arising from tracing of
interests in corporations(1)A relevant
entity and a corporation constitute a group if theentity has a controlling interest in the
74allowsthecommissionertoexclude,forpayrolltaxpurposes, persons from a group constituted
under this section in somecircumstances.(2)For
this section, a relevant entity has acontrolling
interestina corporation if—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 115
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 4 Grouping
provisions[s 73](a)the
corporation has share capital; and(b)the
entity has an interest in the corporation; and(c)the
value of the interest is more than 50%.(3)In
this section—interestmeans a direct
interest, indirect interest or aggregateinterest under
section 74B.relevant entitysee section
74B.73Smaller groups subsumed into larger
groups(1)If a person is a member of 2 or more
groups, the members ofall the groups together constitute a
group.(2)If 2 or more members of a group have
together a controllinginterest in a business within the
meaning of section 71, all themembers of the
group and the person or persons who carry onthe business
together constitute a group.Note 1—Section 74allowsthecommissionertoexclude,forpayrolltaxpurposes, persons from a group constituted
under this section in somecircumstances.Note 2—See
also section 68.74Exclusion of persons from
exclude a person from a group.(2)The
commissioner may make an exclusion order only if thecommissioner is satisfied a business carried
on by the personis carried on independently of, and is not
connected with thecarrying on of, a business carried on by any
other member ofthe group.(3)Fordecidingwhethertomakeanexclusionorder,thecommissioner must have regard
to—Page 116Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 4 Grouping
provisions[s 74A](a)the
nature and degree of ownership and control of thebusinessescarriedonbythepersonandtheothermembers of the
group; and(b)the nature of the businesses;
and(c)any other matters the commissioner
considers relevant.(4)Despitesubsection
(1),thecommissionercannotmakeanexclusion order if the person and another
body corporate thatis a member of the group are related bodies
corporate.(5)Thecommissionermay,byorderinwriting,revokeanexclusionorderifthecommissionerissatisfiedthecircumstances in which an exclusion order
may be made donot apply to the person.(6)An
exclusion order or order revoking an exclusion order takeseffect on the date stated in it, which may
be a date earlier thanthe date of the exclusion
order.Division 2ABusiness
groups—interpretationprovisions for tracing of interests
incorporations74AApplication of div 2AThis division
applies for interpreting section 72.74BDefinitions for div 2AIn this
division—aggregate interestsee section
74G(1).associated personssee section
74C.direct interestsee section
74E.indirect interestsee section
74F.privatecompanymeansacompanythatisnotlimitedbyshares, or whose shares are not quoted
on the Australian StockCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 4 Grouping
provisions[s 74C]ExchangeoranyexchangeoftheWorldFederationofExchanges.related
personssee section 74D.relevant
person; or(b)2 or more associated persons.74CWho areassociated
personsPersonsareassociatedpersonsiftheyareanyofthefollowing—(a)related persons;(b)individuals who are partners in a
partnership;(c)private companies in which common
shareholders havea majority interest;(d)trustees of trusts, other than public unit
trust schemes, ofwhich there is a common beneficiary;(e)a private company and a trustee of a
trust, other than apublic unit trust scheme, if a related body
corporate ofthe company is a beneficiary of the
trust.74DWho arerelated
persons(1)Persons arerelated
personsif they are any of the following—(a)individuals, if—(i)1 is
the spouse of the other; or(ii)the
relationship between them is that of parent andchild, brothers,
sisters, or brother and sister;(b)private companies that are related bodies
corporate;(c)an individual and a private company,
if the individual isa majority shareholder or director
of—(i)the company; orPage 118Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 4 Grouping
provisions[s 74E](ii)anotherprivatecompanythatisarelatedbodycorporate of the
company;(d)an individual and a trustee of a
trust, other than a publicunittrustscheme,ofwhichtheindividualisabeneficiary;(e)a
private company and a trustee of a trust, other than apublic unit trust scheme, if the company, or
a majorityshareholder or director of the company, is a
beneficiaryof the trust.(2)In
this section—defactopartnermeans1of2personswhoisadefactopartnerwithinthemeaningoftheActsInterpretationAct1954, section 32DA,
if—(a)the persons are living, and for at
least 2 years have lived,together as a couple on a genuine
domestic basis withinthemeaningoftheActsInterpretationAct1954,section 32DA; or(b)the
persons are not living, but for at least 2 years wereliving, together as a couple on a genuine
domestic basiswithin the meaning of theActs
Interpretation Act 1954,section
32DA.spouseincludes a de
facto partner and a civil partner.74EDirect interest(1)A
relevant entity has adirect interestin a corporation
if—(a)forarelevantentitythatisaperson—thepersoncan,directly or
indirectly, exercise the voting power attachedto any voting
shares issued by the corporation; or(b)forarelevantentitythatis2ormoreassociatedpersons—each of
the associated persons can, directly orindirectly,exercisethevotingpowerattachedtoanyvoting shares issued by the
corporation.(2)Thevalueoftherelevantentity’sdirectinterestinthecorporation is the percentage
equivalent to the proportion ofCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 119
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 4 Grouping
provisions[s 74F]the voting power
of all voting shares issued by the corporationthat—(a)forarelevantentitythatisaperson—thepersoncan,directly or
indirectly, exercise; or(b)forarelevantentitythatis2ormoreassociatedpersons—the
associated persons can, if acting together,directly or
indirectly exercise.(3)In this
section—exercise, in relation to
voting power attached to voting sharesissued by a
corporation, includes control the exercise of, orsubstantially influence the exercise of, the
voting power.74FIndirect interest(1)A
relevant entity has anindirect interestin a corporation
if thecorporationislinkedtoanothercorporation(thedirectlycontrolledcorporation)inwhichtheentityhasadirectinterest.Note—It is possible
for a relevant entity to have more than 1 indirect interest
ina corporation. In that case, the relevant
entity has an aggregate interestin the
corporation under section 74G(1)(b).Examples—1The relevant entity has a direct
interest in corporations A andB.BothcorporationsAandBhaveadirectinterestincorporation C.2TherelevantentityhasadirectinterestincorporationA.Corporation A is linked to another
corporation through morethan 1 chain of corporations.(2)A corporation is linked to the
directly controlled corporationif the
corporation is part of a chain of corporations—(a)that
starts with the directly controlled corporation; and(b)in which a link is formed if a
corporation has a directinterest in the next corporation in
the chain.Page 120Current as at
[Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 4 Grouping
provisions[s 74F]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyExamples—1A
relevant entity has a direct interest in corporation A (the
directlycontrolledcorporation).CorporationAhasadirectinterestincorporation B. Corporations A and B are
linked and form part of achain of corporations. Therefore, the
relevant entity has a directinterest in
corporation A, and an indirect interest in corporation B.2CorporationBalsohasadirectinterestincorporationC.Corporations B and C are linked to
corporation A, and corporationsA, B and C form
part of a chain of corporations. The relevant entityhas
a direct interest in corporation A, and an indirect interest
incorporations B and C.3Corporation B also has a direct interest in
corporation D. There arenow 2 chains of corporations, 1
consisting of corporations A, BandCandtheotherconsistingofcorporationsA,BandD.CorporationsB,CandDarealllinkedtocorporationA.Therelevant entity has a direct interest
in corporation A, and an indirectinterest in
corporations B, C and D. However, if a relevant entityhad
a direct interest in corporation C only, the entity would
nothave an indirect interest in corporation D
because corporation D isnot linked to corporation C.(3)Thevalueofarelevantentity’sindirectinterestinacorporation(theindirectlycontrolledcorporation)thatislinkedtoadirectlycontrolledcorporation
isthepercentageworked out by
multiplying the following amounts—(a)thevalueoftherelevantentity’sdirectinterestinthedirectly
controlled corporation;(b)the value of
each direct interest that forms a link in thechain of
corporations by which the indirectly controlledcorporationislinkedtothedirectlycontrolledcorporation.Examples—1A relevant entity has a direct
interest (with a value of 80%) incorporation A.
Corporation A has a direct interest (with a value of70%)
in corporation B. The value of the relevant entity’s
indirectinterest in corporation B is 80% x 70% =
56%. For section 72, therelevant entity has a controlling
interest in corporation B.2Corporation B
also has a direct interest (with a value of 40%) incorporation C. The value of the relevant
entity’s indirect interest incorporation C is
80% x 70% x 40% = 22.4%. For section 72, therelevant entity
does not have a controlling interest in corporation C.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 4 Grouping
provisions[s 74G]74GAggregate interest(1)A
relevant entity has anaggregate interestin a
corporationif—(a)theentityhasadirectinterestand1ormoreindirectinterests in the corporation; or(b)theentityhasmorethan1indirectinterestinthecorporation.(2)Thevalueofarelevantentity’saggregateinterestinacorporation is
the sum of the following amounts—(a)the
value of the direct interest, if any, of the entity in thecorporation;(b)thevalueofeachindirectinterestoftheentityinthecorporation.Example—Arelevantentityhasadirectinterest(withavalueof40%)incorporation B. The relevant entity also has
a direct interest (with a valueof 25%) in
corporation A. Corporation A has a direct interest (with avalue of 60%) in corporation B. Accordingly,
the relevant entity alsohas an indirect interest in
corporation B with a value of 15% (25% x60%).Thevalueoftherelevantentity’saggregateinterestincorporation B is 40% + 15% = 55%. For
section 72, the relevant entityhas a
controlling interest in corporation B.Division 3Designated group employer75Designation of group member as
DGE(1)The members of a group may, by an
instrument in writing inthe approved form executed by or on
behalf of each memberof the group and served on the
commissioner, designate 1 ofitsmemberstobetheDGEinrespectofthegroupforthepurposes of this Act.(2)Ifthemembersofagroupdonotinaccordancewithsubsection (1) designate 1 of the members of
the group to bethe DGE in respect of the group for the
purposes of this Act,thecommissionermayexerciseinrespectofthegroupthePage
122Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 4 Grouping
provisions[s 75]powers of
designation conferred on members of the group bythatsubsectionandforthepurposesofthisActsuchadesignationbythecommissionershallbebyinstrumentinwriting served on the member of the group
designated as theDGE and shall have the same effect and give
rise to the sameconsequences as if validly made by the
members of the group.(3)Subjecttosubsection (4),theDGEinrespectofagroupceases to be the DGE in respect of that
group on and from thefirstdayoftheperiodicreturnperiodrelatingtotheDGEduring
which—(a)the composition of the group alters;
or(b)the members of the group, by an
instrument in writing inthe approved form executed by or on
behalf of each ofthem who is known to the commissioner to be
a memberof the group and served on the commissioner,
revoke thedesignation;whichever occurs
the earlier.(4)The members of a group may exercise
the power of revoking adesignationconferredbysubsection (3)onlywiththepriorwritten consent
of the commissioner or, if at the same time asrevokingthedesignation,themembersmakeafurtherdesignationof1oftheirmemberstobetheDGEinsubstitution for the member whose
designation is revoked.(5)Where the
commissioner has exercised the powers conferredonthecommissionerbysubsection (2),thecommissionermay, by
instrument in writing served on the member of thegroupdesignatedastheDGE,revokethecommissioner’sdesignation of
that member asthe DGE and thereafter mayfurther exercise the powers conferred on the
commissioner bythat subsection.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 123
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 5 Provisions
about assessments[s 76]Part 5Provisions about assessmentsDivision 1Reassessments76When
registered employer may make reassessment(1)An
employer who is registered as an employer under part 3,division1maymakeareassessmentoftheemployer’speriodic
liability, annual liability or final liability only if—(a)theemployerisrequiredorpermittedundertheemployer’s notice of registration;
and(c)thecommissionerhasnotmadeanassessmentoftheliability,otherthanundertheAdministrationAct,section 14(a).Note—See,also,section 24(Reassessmentbyselfassessors)oftheAdministration Act.(2)A registered employer must not make a
self assessment of areassessment made by the
commissioner.77Reassessment—determination of periodic
deduction(1)This section applies if—(a)the commissioner—(i)makesadeterminationundersection 21(1)or27(1) of the amount of an employer’s
deduction fora periodic return period; or(ii)revokesadeterminationmentionedinsubparagraph (i); and(b)the making or revocation of the
determination—Page 124Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 5 Provisions
about assessments[s 78](i)relatestoaperiodicreturnperiodforwhichanassessment of the employer’s periodic
liability hasbeen made; and(ii)wouldchangetheamountoftheemployer’speriodic
liability for the period.(2)Areassessmentoftheemployer’speriodicliabilityfortheperiodicreturnperiodmustbemadetogiveeffecttothemaking or
revocation of the determination.(3)If a
reassessment required under subsection (2) would changethe
amount of the employer’s annual liability for a financialyear,orfinalliabilityforafinalperiod,forwhichanassessment has been made, a reassessment of
the employer’sannualliabilityorfinalliabilitymustbemadetotakeintoaccount the making or revocation of the
determination.78Reassessment—annual liability of
non-group employerwho has lodged a final return(1)This section applies if—(a)anemployerisnotagroupmemberon30Juneinafinancial year;
and(b)the employer lodged, or was required
under section 64to lodge, a final return for a final period
during the yearand the employer was not a group member
during thefinal period; and(c)theoriginalassessmentoftheemployer’sannualliability for the year—(i)was
not made by the commissioner; and(ii)was
made as required under section 30(2); and(d)the
employer’s annual liability for the year worked outas
required under section 30(2) is greater than it wouldbe
if the final return wages and final return liability for afinal period mentioned in paragraph (b) were
includedfor working out the liability.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 5 Provisions
about assessments[s 79](2)Despitesection
30(2),thecommissionermustmakeareassessment of the employer’s annual
liability for the year toincludethefinalreturnwagesandfinalreturnliabilitymentioned in
subsection (1)(d) for working out the liability.(3)Ifthecommissionerincludesfinalreturnwagesandfinalreturnliabilityundersubsection (2)forworkingouttheemployer’s annual liability, the
employer’s annual deductionfor the
financial year must be worked out having regard to thedays
in a final period mentioned in subsection (1)(b).(4)In this section—final return
liabilitymeans the employer’s periodic
liabilityamount for a final period mentioned in
subsection (1)(b).final return wagesmeans taxable
wages paid or payable bytheemployerforafinalperiodmentionedinsubsection (1)(b).79Reassessment—change of DGE(1)This section applies for an employer
who is a group memberif—(a)the
DGE for the group changes; andNote—See
section 75 (Designation of group member as DGE).(b)the change of DGE—(i)relatestoaperiodicreturnperiodforwhichanassessment of the employer’s periodic
liability hasbeen made; and(ii)wouldchangetheamountoftheemployer’speriodic
liability for the period.(2)Areassessmentoftheemployer’speriodicliabilityfortheperiodicreturnperiodmustbemadetogiveeffecttothechange of
DGE.(3)If a reassessment required under
subsection (2) would changethe amount of
the employer’s annual liability for a financialPage 126Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 5 Provisions
about assessments[s 80]year,orfinalliabilityforafinalperiod,forwhichanassessment has been made, a reassessment of
the employer’sannualliabilityorfinalliabilitymustbemadetotakeintoaccount the change of DGE.80Reassessment—making or revocation of
order excludinga person from a group(1)This
section applies if—(a)the commissioner—(i)makesanorderundersection 74excludingaperson from a group; or(ii)revokesanordermentionedinsubparagraph(i);and(b)the making or
revocation of the order—(i)relatestoaperiodicreturnperiodforwhichanassessmentoftheperson’speriodicliabilityhasbeen
made; and(ii)would change the
amount of the person’s periodicliability for
the period.(2)Areassessmentoftheperson’speriodicliabilityfortheperiodicreturnperiodmustbemadetogiveeffecttothemaking or
revocation of the order.(3)If a
reassessment required under subsection (2) would changethe
amount of the person’s annual liability for a financial
year,or final liability for a final period, for
which an assessment hasbeen made, a reassessment of the
person’s annual liability orfinal liability
must be made to take into account the making orrevocation of
the order.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 5 Provisions
about assessments[s 81]Division 2Provisions about particularassessments made by thecommissionerNotauthorised—indicativeonly81Provision about
assessments made by commissioner—employer who is
required to lodge periodic returns(1)Subsection (2) applies if an employer
lodged, or was requiredunder section 59 to lodge, a periodic
return during all or partof a financial year (therelevant period).(2)In making an assessment or
reassessment of the employer’sannual liability
for the year, the commissioner may treat theemployerasiftheemployerhadbeenexemptundersection 62 from
lodging periodic returns during all or part ofthe relevant
period.(3)Subsection (4) applies if an employer
lodged, or was requiredunder section 59 to lodge, a periodic
return during all or partof a final period (also therelevant period).(4)In making an assessment or
reassessment of the employer’sfinal liability
for the final period, the commissioner may treattheemployerasiftheemployerhadbeenexemptundersection 62 from
lodging periodic returns during all or part ofthe relevant
period.(5)If subsection (2) or (4)
liability, and had been exempt under section 62fromlodgingperiodicreturns,forperiodicreturnperiods during all or part of the relevant
period; and(b)any assessment of periodic liability
for a periodic returnperiod mentioned in paragraph (a) is
taken not to havebeen made; and(c)the
commissioner may apply, in the order required underthe
Administration Act, section 42, the whole or part ofan
amount paid or payable by the employer for periodicliabilityforaperiodicreturnperiodmentionedinPage 128Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 5 Provisions
about assessments[s 82]paragraph(a)aspaymentforaprescribedpayrolltaxliability of the employer; and(d)thecommissionerisnotpreventedfrommakingasubsequentreassessmentoftheemployer’speriodicliability,annualliabilityorfinalliabilityundersection
82.(6)For this section, the circumstances in
which an employer wasrequired under section 59 to lodge a
periodic return during therelevantperiodincludeanassessmentorreassessmentmentionedinsection 82(2)or(4)beingmadebythecommissioner in
relation to the period.82Provision about
assessments made by commissioner—employer who is
exempt from lodging periodic returns(1)Subsection (2) applies if—(a)an employer was exempt under section
62 from lodgingaperiodicreturnduringallorpartofafinancialyear(theexemption
period); or(b)thecommissionerauthorisedtheemployer,undersection 60,tolodgeperiodicreturnsforperiodsotherthan
a month during all or part of a financial year (alsotheexemption period).(2)In making an assessment or
reassessment of the employer’speriodicliabilityforaperiodicreturnperiodduringtheexemption period, and the employer’s
annual liability for theyear,thecommissionermaytreattheemployerasiftheemployerhadbeenrequiredundersection
59tolodgeaperiodicreturnforeachmonthduringallorpartoftheexemption period.(3)Subsection (4) applies if—(a)an employer was exempt under section
62 from lodginga periodic return during all or part of a
final period (alsotheexemption period); or(b)thecommissionerauthorisedtheemployer,undersection 60,tolodgeperiodicreturnsforperiodsotherCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 5 Provisions
about assessments[s 82]Notauthorised—indicativeonlythan a month during all or part of a
final period (also theexemption period).(4)In making an assessment or
reassessment of the employer’speriodicliabilityforaperiodicreturnperiodduringtheexemptionperiod,andtheemployer’sfinalliabilityforthefinal period, the commissioner may
treat the employer as ifthe employer had been required under
section 59 to lodge aperiodicreturnforeachmonthduringallorpartoftheexemption period.(5)The
commissioner may make an assessment or reassessmentmentioned in subsection (2) or (4) only
if—(a)the employer contravenes section 87 or
87A during theexemption period; or(b)the
employer gave the commissioner false or misleadinginformation in contravention of the
Administration Act,section 122 or 123, and the commissioner
relied on theinformation in—(i)granting an exemption under section 62;
or(ii)authorisingtheemployer,undersection 60,tolodgeperiodicreturnsforperiodsotherthanamonth; or(c)thecommissionerhasmadeanassessmentorreassessmentmentionedinsection 81(2)or(4)inrelation to the
exemption period.(6)Ifthecommissionermakesanassessmentorreassessmentmentioned in
subsection (2) or (4)—(a)theemployermustbetreatedforthisActandtheAdministration
Act, other than the Administration Act,section 121, as
if the employer had been required undersection 59 to
lodge, on the return date, a periodic returnforeachmonthduringallorpartoftheexemptionperiod;
and(b)thecommissionerisnotpreventedfrommakingasubsequentreassessmentoftheemployer’sannualliability or final liability under section
81.Page 130Current as at
[Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 6
Miscellaneous[s 83](7)For
this section, the circumstances in which an employer wasexempt under section 62 from lodging a
periodic return duringthe exemption period include an
assessment or reassessmentmentionedinsection 81(2)or(4)beingmadebythecommissioner in
relation to the period.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
6MiscellaneousDivision 1Refund provisions83Application of annual refund amount or final
refundamount(1)Thissectionappliesifanemployerisentitledtoanannualrefundamountorfinalrefundamountonanoriginalassessment of
the employer’s annual liability or final liability.Note—See the
Administration Act, part 4, division 2, for provisions aboutentitlementtorefundsonareassessmentofanemployer’sannualliability or final liability.(2)The commissioner may apply the amount
wholly or partly aspayment for—(a)a
tax law liability of the employer; or(b)iftheemployerisagroupmember—aprescribedpayroll tax
liability of another member of the group; or(c)aliabilitymentionedinparagraph(a)or(b)thatthecommissioner reasonably believes will
become payablewithin 60 days after the entitlement to the
refund arises.(3)If the commissioner does not apply any
part of the amount aspayment for a liability mentioned in
subsection (2) within the60dayperiodmentionedinsubsection (2)(c),thecommissioner must refund immediately to the
employer theamount not applied.(4)ThissectionappliesdespitetheAdministrationAct,section 36.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 131
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 6
Miscellaneous[s 84](5)The
Administration Act, section 39, applies to a refund of anamounttotheemployer,oranapplicationofanamountaspayment for an employer, under this
(5),areferencetoataxpayerintheAdministration Act, section 39,
includes a reference to—(a)the employer;
and(b)if the employer is a group
member—another member ofthe group.84Provision for refunds under Administration
Act to groupmembers(1)This
section applies if a group member is entitled to a refund,under the Administration Act, section 37, of
an amount paidby the group member under this Act or the
Administration Actin relation to payroll tax.(2)Thecommissionermayapplyallorpartoftheamountaspayment for—(a)a
prescribed payroll tax liability of another member ofthe
group; or(b)aliabilitymentionedinparagraph(a)thatthecommissioner reasonably believes will become
payablewithin 60 days after the entitlement to the
refund arises.(3)Subsection (2) applies in addition to
the Administration Act,section 38(2).(4)If
the commissioner applies any part of the amount held to aliability mentioned in subsection (2) within
the 60 day periodmentioned in subsection (2)(b)—(a)theAdministrationAct,section 38(3)doesnotapply;and(b)thecommissionermustrefundimmediatelytotheemployeranypartoftheamountnotappliedundersubsection (2) or the Administration Act,
section 38(2).(5)ThissectionhaseffectsubjecttotheAdministrationAct,section 39.Page 132Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 6
Miscellaneous[s 85](6)For
subsection (5)—(a)the Administration Act, section 39
applies to an amountapplied under subsection (2) as a
payment for a groupmember; and(b)areferencetoataxpayerintheAdministrationAct,section 39, includes a reference to a group
member.85Entitlement to a refund of payroll
taxAnemployerisnotentitledtoarefundofanamountofpayroll tax paid, or purportedly paid, by
the employer otherthan under—(a)section 31, 35, 39 or 43; or(b)the Administration Act, part 4,
division 2.Division 2Notification
requirements87Notification requirement—employers
exempt fromlodging periodic returns(1)This
section applies if—(a)anemployerisexemptundersection 62fromlodgingperiodic
returns; and(b)the total taxable wages paid or
payable by the employerforamonthisgreaterthan$91,666ineachof3consecutive months.(2)Within 28 days of the last day of the
third month mentioned insubsection (1)(b), the employer must
give written notice to thecommissionerstatingthattheeventmentionedinthesubsection has
happened.Note—Failure to give
the notice is an offence under the Administration Act,section 120.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 133
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 6
Miscellaneous[s 87A]87ANotification requirement—employers
authorised to lodgeperiodic returns for periods other than a
month(1)This section applies if—(a)thecommissionerauthorisedanemployer,undersection 60(2), to lodge periodic returns for
periods otherthan a month during all or part of a
financial year; and(b)there has been a relevant wage change
during a periodicreturn period for the employer.(2)For subsection (1)(b), arelevant wage changehappens
duringaperiodicreturnperiodfortheemployeriftheemployer’scurrentestimatedwagesismorethan30%morethantheemployer’s previous annual
wages.(3)Within 28 days after the last day of
the periodic return period,theemployermustgivewrittennoticetothecommissionerstating that a
relevant wage change has happened during theperiod for the
employer.Note—Failure to give
the notice is an offence under the Administration Act,section 120.(4)In
this section—currentestimatedwages,oftheemployer,meansthetotalamountoftaxablewagesandinterstatewages,orthetotalamount of taxable wages, for the financial
year estimated bythe employer at the end of the periodic
return period.previousannualwages,oftheemployer,meansthetotalamountoftaxablewagesandinterstatewages,orthetotalamountoftaxablewages,paidorpayablebytheemployerduring the
previous financial year.88Notification
requirement—particular group members(1)This
section applies to an employer who is a non-DGE groupmember—Page 134Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 6
Miscellaneous[s 88](a)atanytimeduringthedesignatedperiodfortheemployer who is
the DGE for the group on 30 June in afinancial year;
or(b)atanytimeduringafinalperiodfortheDGEforthegroup.(2)The employer must, within 7 days after
the last day, notify theDGE of the taxable wages and
interstate wages that were paidorpayablebytheemployer,asamemberofthegroup,during—(a)ifsubsection
(1)(a)applies—thedesignatedperiodforthe DGE in the year; or(b)ifsubsection
88notificationrequirement in
relation to a transitional year).Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(3)In this
section—last daymeans—(a)if subsection (1)(a) applies—(i)if the employer is not a member of the
group on 30June in the year—the last day of the final
periodfor the employer ending on the day the
employerceasestopay,orbeliabletopay,wagesasamember of the
group; or(ii)otherwise—30
June in the year; or(b)if subsection
(1)(b) applies—(i)if the employer is not a member of the
group on thelast day of the final period for the DGE—the
lastday of the final period for the employer
ending onthe day the employer ceases to pay, or be
liable topay, wages as a member of the group;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 6
Miscellaneous[s 89](ii)otherwise—the last day of the final period
for theDGE.89Notification
requirement—liquidators and otheradministrators(1)This
section applies to a person who—(a)becomes the liquidator of a company that
is—(i)being wound up; and(ii)anemployerregistered,orrequiredtoberegistered, as an employer under part
3, division 1;or(b)isappointedasadministratorforthepropertyofaperson who is registered, or required
to be registered, asan employer under part 3, division
1.(2)The person must, within 14 days of
becoming the liquidator orbeing appointed as the administrator,
give written notice to thecommissioner stating the person has
become the liquidator orbeen appointed as the
administrator.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(3)TheAdministrationAct,section 48,doesnotapplytotheperson.(4)In
this section—administratordoes not include
a liquidator.Division 3Other
provisions90Commissioner may require payment of
penalty(1)This section applies if an
employer—(a)does not lodge a periodic return,
annual return or finalreturn in contravention of this Act;
orPage 136Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 6
Miscellaneous[s 90](b)does
not pay, in contravention of this Act, an amount ofthe
employer’s liability for payroll tax in relation to areturn; or(c)givesthecommissionerareturncontainingfalseormisleadinginformationincontraventionoftheAdministration Act, section 122 or
123.(2)Thecommissionermay,bywrittennoticegiventotheemployer, require the employer to pay
a penalty (thepenaltyamount) of
the greater of the following—(a)notmorethan75%oftheamountoftheemployer’sliability for
payroll tax in relation to the return;(b)$100.(3)The
notice must state—(a)the date for payment of the penalty
amount, being a daythat is at least 30 days after the employer
receives thenotice; and(b)the
reasons for the decision to require payment of thepenalty amount.(4)The
commissioner may enter into an arrangement for paymentof
the penalty amount by instalments.(5)Thearrangementmayincludeprovisionforthepaymentofinterestcalculatedattherateforunpaidtax
interestfortheperiodstartingonthestartdayandendingonthedaythepenalty amount is paid in full, both days
inclusive.(6)For this section—startdaymeansthedayafterthefailureorcontraventionmentioned in
subsection (1).Note—The penalty
amount is a debt payable to the commissioner and may berecovered in a court of competent
jurisdiction, see the AdministrationAct, section
45.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 6
Miscellaneous[s 91]91Period for keeping particular records
relating to fringebenefits tax(1)Thissectionappliestoanemployerwhoelectsunderaregulation to include in returns
estimated value amounts forfringe
benefits.(2)The employer must keep a record of the
fringe benefits paid orpayable by the employer during the
financial year in whichthe election is made.(3)Thepersonmustkeeptherecorduntil5yearshaselapsedafter the
earlier of the following—(a)the employer
lodges a final return;(b)theemployerelectsunderaregulationtoincludeinreturns actual value amounts for fringe
benefits.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(4)TheAdministrationAct,section 118,doesnotapplytothekeeping of the record.92Application of Act to trustees(1)If an employer pays, or is liable to
pay, wages as trustee of atrust—(a)the
employer must lodge returns, and pay payroll tax, asrequiredunderthisActintheemployer’scapacityastrustee; and(b)except as otherwise provided under this Act,
each returnmentioned in paragraph (a) must be separate
and distinctfrom any return lodged by the employer for
wages paidor payable—(i)other than as trustee; or(ii)as trustee of
another trust; and(c)theemployermustdoallotherthingsrequiredunderthis
Act in relation to wages paid by the employer.Page 138Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 6
Miscellaneous[s 93]Example—An
employer, Company X, pays wages in its personal capacity and
alsoas a trustee of Trust Y and Trust Z. The
company and trusts are notmembers of a group and all are
registered or required to register asemployers under
part 3, division 1. The employer must lodge 3 separatereturns: for Company X in its personal
capacity, as trustee of Trust Yand as trustee
of Trust Z.(2)Subsection (1) does not exclude, limit
or otherwise affect theoperation of part 4 to the extent the
part applies to—(a)a trustee; or(b)2 or
more persons, 1 or more of whom is a trustee.93Avoiding taxationAny person who,
by any wilful act, default or neglect, or byany fraud, art
or contrivance whatever, avoids or attempts toavoid payroll
tax chargeable under this Act, shall be guilty ofan
offence.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units and treble
the amount ofpayroll tax avoided or attempted to be
avoided.Note—This provision
is an executive liability provision under theTaxationAdministration Act 2001, section
140.94Notice of change of address for
service(1)An employer who is registered as an
employer under part 3,division1mustgivethecommissionerwrittennoticeofachange of the employer’s address for
service within 1 monthafter each change.Note—Failure to give the notice is an offence
under the Administration Act,section
120.(2)In this section—address for
service, for an employer, means—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 6
Miscellaneous[s 95](a)theemployer’saddressforserviceshowninthelastreturn lodged by the employer; or(b)iftheemployerhasgiventhecommissioneranoticeunder this
section, the address stated in the last noticegiven.95Cents to be disregarded for
calculations(1)This section applies if—(a)for this Act, it is necessary to do
any of the following—(i)reduceanamountbyafixedsumforeachotherfixedsumbywhichanotheramountexceedsanother amount or a certain proportion of a
thirdamount;(ii)calculatetheproportionthat1amountbearstoanother amount;(iii)calculate an amount using a formula;
and(b)if subsection (2) did not apply, 1 or
more of the amountsmentioned in paragraph (a), or an amount
included in aformula, would be amounts of dollars and
cents.(2)The cents must be disregarded.96Approval of formsThe commissioner
may approve forms for use under this Act.97Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.(2)Regulations may be made with respect
to—(a)the way of making an application to
the commissionerunder this Act; andPage 140Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 6
Miscellaneous[s 97A](b)theevidencethecommissionermayrequiretodecidewhether or
not—(i)anemployerwasanemployerforpartonlyofafinancial year;
or(ii)a person was a
member of a group; or(iii)anoticeundersection 59(2)or60(2)oracertificate under section 62(1) should
be given; and(c)providing that a return, application,
notice, statement orform signed on behalf of an employer
is taken to havebeen signed by the employer; and(d)in relation to fringe benefits, what
is to be included in areturn as the value of fringe benefits
paid or payable byan employer; and(e)anyothermatterfortheapplicationofthisActtoafringe
benefit.(3)Aregulationmayimposeapenaltyofnotmorethan20penalty units for a contravention of
the regulation.97AApplication of particular
amendmentsThis Act, as amended by theTreasury(CostofLiving)andOtherLegislationAmendmentAct2012,part6appliesforpayrolltaxleviedontaxablewagespaidorpayableinthefinancial year starting on 1 July 2012
and each later financialyear.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 141
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 7 Savings and
transitional provisions for Payroll Tax Administration Amendment
Act2004[s 98]Part 7Savings and transitionalprovisions for
Payroll TaxAdministration Amendment Act2004Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Preliminary98Definitions for pt 7In this
part—amended, for a
provision of this Act, means the provision asamended or
inserted by the amending Act.amendedActmeansthisActasamendedbytheamendingAct.amendingActmeansthePayrollTaxAdministrationAmendment Act
2004.commencementmeansthecommencementofsection 38ofthe
amending Act.post-commencement liabilitymeans a liability for payroll taxarising on or after the commencement, other
than a liabilityrelating to a transitional return
period.Example—The commencement
is on 1 March 2005.For an employer who is required under
previous section 13 to lodgereturns for
quarterly periods starting on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January
and1 April, the employer’s liability for
payroll tax for the return periodending on 30
June 2005 would be a post-commencement liability.An
employer’s liability for payroll tax for the 2004/2005 financial
yearwould be a post-commencement
liability.pre-commencement act or omissionmeans an act or omissiondoneoromittedtobedoneforthisActbeforethecommencement.pre-commencement
liabilitymeans a liability for payroll taxarising before the commencement.Page
142Current as at [Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971Part 7 Savings and
transitional provisions for Payroll Tax Administration Amendment
Act2004[s 98]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyExample—The commencement
is on 1 March 2005.For an employer who is required under
previous section 13 to lodgereturns for each
month, the employer’s liability for payroll tax for thepreviousreturnperiodendingon28February2005wouldbeapre-commencement
liability.For an employer who is required under
previous section 13 to lodgereturns for
quarterly periods starting on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January
and1 April, the employer’s liability for
payroll tax for the previous returnperiod ending on
31 December 2004 would be a pre-commencementliability.prescribed
periodmeans a prescribed period under
previoussection 11C or 16L.previous,
for a provision of this Act, means the provision as inforce before the commencement.previousreturnperiodmeansareturnperiodwithinthemeaningofprevioussection
final periodmeans the final period for the firstchangeofstatushappeningforanemployeronorafterthecommencement during a transitional
year.transitional return periodmeans a return period within themeaningofprevioussection
3(1)thathasstartedbutnotended before the commencement.Example—Thecommencementison1March2005.Foranemployerwhoisrequiredunderprevioussection
13tolodgereturnsforquarterlyperiods starting
on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January and 1 April, the returnperiod ending on 31 March 2005 would be a
transitional return period.However, for an
employer required to lodge monthly returns, therewould not be a transitional return
period.transitional yearmeans the
financial year during which thecommencement
falls, except if the commencement is on thefirst day of the
year.Example—The commencement
is on 1 March 2005. The 2004/2005 financial yearwould be a transitional year.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 7 Savings and
transitional provisions for Payroll Tax Administration Amendment
Act2004[s 99]Thecommencementison1July2005.Therewouldnotbeatransitional
year.Division 2Application of
amended Act andAdministration Act99Application of amended Act in relation to
liabilities etc.arising on or after commencement(1)The amended Act applies in relation
to—(a)a post-commencement liability;
and(b)an act or omission done or omitted to
be done for thisAct on or after the commencement.Example for subsection (1)(b)—Thecommencementison1March2005.Afterthecommencement, it is discovered that a
person was required toapply for registration as an employer
from 1 July 2004. After 1March 2005, the continuing failure to
apply for registration is,although it may also relate to a
pre-commencement liability, anact or omission
done or omitted to be done for this Act after thecommencement.(2)Subsection (1) has effect subject to
division 4.100Registration under s 54 of person
required to registerbefore commencement(1)Thissectionappliesifapersonwasrequiredtoapplyforregistration as an employer under previous
section 12 but didnot do so before the commencement.(2)The commissioner may register the
person under section 54.(3)If the
commissioner registers the person under section 54, areference in the previous provisions of this
Act to an employerregistered under section 12 is taken to
include a reference tothe person.Page 144Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 7 Savings and
transitional provisions for Payroll Tax Administration Amendment
Act2004[s 101]101Application of amended ss 58–62 for previous
13or14tofurnishareturnforapreviousreturn period
but did not do so before the commencement.(2)Amended sections 58 to 62 apply in relation
to the employerfor the previous return period.(3)Forsubsection
(2),theemployeristakentobearelevantemployer for the return period.(4)Previous sections 13 and 14 do not
apply to the employer forthe previous return period.(5)However,subsection
(4)doesnotaffecttheemployer’sliability for
contravening previous section 13 or 14 before thecommencement.102Assessment under amended s 81 in relation to
particularpre-commencement liabilities(1)Thecommissionermaymakeanassessmentundersection 81(2) in relation to an employer’s
liability for payrolltax for a financial year ending before
the commencement.(2)Forsubsection
(1),areferenceinsection 81(5)(c)toaprescribed payroll tax liability of
the employer is taken to be areferencetotax,withinthemeaningofprevioussection
3,payable by the employer.(3)Section 81(5)(d) does not apply if the
commissioner makes anassessment mentioned in subsection
(1).(4)This section applies subject to
section 104.(5)In this section—assessmentmeans an
assessment under previous part 5.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 145
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 7 Savings and
transitional provisions for Payroll Tax Administration Amendment
Act2004[s 103]103Application of amended s 95 to calculations
made underprevious provisions(1)Amended section 95 applies for a calculation
made under theprevious provisions of this Act.(2)Previous section 3(3) does not apply
for the calculation.104This Act as a revenue law for the
Administration Act(1)This section provides for how the
Administration Act appliestothisAct,inrelationtoparticularliabilities,actsandomissions, as a revenue law under the
Administration Act.Note—The
Administration Act applies to this Act, as a revenue law, except
tothe extent its application is limited or
modified under this section orsection 105 or
106.Editor’s note—The
Administration Act, section 6 (Revenue laws), declares this Act
tobe a revenue law.(2)TheprovisionsoftheAdministrationActmentionedinsubsection (3) do not apply in relation
to—(a)a pre-commencement liability;
or(b)a liability for payroll tax for a
transitional return period.(3)For
subsection (2), the provisions of the Administration Actthat
do not apply are each of the following—(a)part
3 (Assessments of tax);(b)part 4 (Payments
and refunds of tax and other amounts),other than
sections 29, 34, 40(1)(a) and (b) and (2), 41and42,division4,division5,subdivision1andsections 49 to 53;(c)part
5 (Interest and penalty tax);(d)sections 124, 125 and 132.(4)To remove doubt, it is declared that
the Administration Actapplies in relation to an act or
omission done or omitted to bePage 146Current as at [Not applicable]
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Act2004[s 104]doneonorafterthecommencement,eveniftheactoromission relates to a liability
mentioned in subsection (2).Example—The
commencement is on 1 March 2005. During an audit in July
2005in relation to the 2003/2004 financial year,
a taxpayer fails to providewage details for
the financial year as required under the AdministrationAct,
part 7. Failure to provide the information would be an
omissionafterthecommencement,eventhoughitrelatestoapre-commencement liability.(5)However, the Administration Act,
sections 124, 125 and 132do not apply in relation to an act or
omission mentioned insubsection (4)iftheactoromissionrelatestoaliabilitymentioned in subsection (2).(6)For applying the Administration Act,
part 4, in relation to aliability, act or omission mentioned
in subsection (2) or (4)—(a)a liability
mentioned in subsection (2)(a) or (b) is takento be an
assessment liability for the Administration Act,sections 41 and 42; and(b)penal tax and additional tax are not primary
tax for theAdministration Act, section 42; and(c)anassessmentoffurthertaxunderpreviouspart5istaken to be a reassessment for the
Administration Act,section 46.(7)Subsection (4) applies subject to subsection
(8).(8)However, to the extent this Act
applies to an act or omissionmentionedinsubsection (4),theapplicationoftheAdministrationAct,section 136issubjecttoprevioussection
38.(9)If, under this section, a provision of
the Administration Actrelating to a particular matter
applies to this Act and this Actcontains
provision about the same matter, this Act does notapply to the matter.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 147
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Act2004[s 105]105Application of Administration Act, s
38An amount relating to a post-commencement
liability may beapplied under the Administration Act,
section 38, as paymentfor a pre-commencement liability or a
liability for payroll taxfor a transitional return
period.Notauthorised—indicativeonly106Second or
subsequent offences(1)For applying the Administration Act,
section 138 to this Act,the reference in subsection (1)(b) of
that section to a furtheroffence is a reference to an offence
committed on or after thecommencement.(2)IftheAdministrationAct,section 138(1)(a),appliesforanoffenceagainstapreviousprovisionofthisActthatisrepealedbytheamendingAct,thereferenceinsubsection (1)(b) of that section to a
further offence againsttheprovisionincludesareferencetoanoffenceagainstaprovision of the amended Act or the
Administration Act thatcorresponds to the previous
provision.Division 3Application of
previous provisions107Application of previous provisions to
particular liabilitiesetc.(1)Despite their amendment or repeal by the
amending Act, theprevious provisions of this Act continue to
apply in relationto—(a)a
pre-commencement liability; and(b)aliabilityforpayrolltaxinrelationtoatransitionalreturn period;
and(c)a pre-commencement act or
omission.(2)However, previous section 16L(5) does
not apply.(3)Also,subsection
(1)haseffectsubjecttosections 100,101,103
and 104(9).Page 148Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Act2004[s 108]Division 4Provisions about periodic liabilityafter commencementNotauthorised—indicativeonly108Fixed periodic deduction for periodic
return periods aftercommencement—existing determination(1)This section applies if—(a)there is a transitional year;
and(b)a determination by the commissioner of
the amount ofan employer’s deduction for a return period,
made underprevious section 9(7) or 16I(4), is in
effect immediatelybefore the commencement.(2)Theamountdeterminedis,forpart2,division3,theemployer’s fixed periodic deduction
for each periodic returnperiod in the transitional
year.(3)However,ifthecommissionerdeterminestheemployer’sfixed periodic
deduction under amended section 21 or 27 onor after the
commencement during the transitional year, theamount
determined under the section is the employer’s fixedperiodic deduction.109Fixed
periodic deduction for periodic return periods aftercommencement—existing nomination(1)This section applies if—(a)there is a transitional year;
and(b)immediately before the
commencement—(i)a nomination made by an employer under
previoussection 9(5) is in effect; or(ii)a nomination
made by the members of a group orthe commissioner
under previous section 16I(1) or(1A) of the
amount of the DGE’s deduction is ineffect.(2)Theamountnominatedis,forpart2,division3,theemployer’s fixed periodic deduction
for each periodic returnCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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Act2004[s 110]periodinthetransitionalyearuntiltheearlierofthefollowing—(a)there is a calculation day;(b)thecommissionerdeterminestheemployer’sfixedperiodic deduction under amended section 21
or 27.(3)Subsection (2) applies subject to
section 110.110Application of fixed periodic
deduction to particularnon-group employers after
commencement(1)This section applies to an
employer—(a)who is not a member of a group on the
commencement;and(b)whosedeductionforthelastpreviousreturnperiodendingbeforethecommencementwasanamountworked out under
previous section 9(3).(2)For section 20,
the employer can not be a previous interstatewage payer for a
periodic return period unless the employerhas paid, or
been liable to pay, interstate wages on or after thecommencement.Division 5Provisions for annual liability fortransitional year111Purpose of div 5This division
provides for working out an employer’s annualliability for a
transitional year.112Basic principles for working out
employer’s annualliability(1)This
section applies if therewas a prescribed period duringthe
year for—(a)the employer; orPage 150Current as at [Not applicable]
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Act2004[s 113](b)iftheemployerwasamemberofagroupduringtheyear—the group.(2)Forworkingouttheemployer’sannualliabilityforthetransitional year—(a)taxable wages paid or payable by the
employer for theprescribedperiodarenotincludedintheemployer’sannual wages for
the year; and(b)payrolltaxpaidorpayablebytheemployerfortheprescribedperiodisnotincludedintheemployer’speriodicliabilityforperiodicreturnsduringtheyear;and(c)theemployer’sannualdeductionmustbeworkedoutwithouthavingregardtothedaysintheprescribedperiod.(3)This section applies subject to
sections 113, 114, 118 and 119.113Employer who was not a group member for a
prescribedperiod during the transitional year(1)This section applies if—(a)the employer is not a member of a
group on 30 June inthe transitional year; and(b)there was a prescribed period for the
employer duringthe year; and(c)theemployerwasnotamemberofagroupfortheprescribed
period; and(d)the employer’s annual liability for
the transitional yearworked out as required under section
112(2) is greaterthanitwouldbeifthesectiondidnotapplytotheemployer.(2)Ifthecommissionermakesanoriginalassessmentoftheemployer’s annual liability for the
year, other than under theAdministrationAct,section 14(a),section
112(2)doesnotapply to the employer.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 151
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Act2004[s 114](3)If
the original assessment of the employer’s annual liabilityfortheyearwasmadebythecommissionerundertheAdministrationAct,section 14(a),thecommissionermustmakeareassessmentoftheliabilityonthebasisthatsection 112(2) does not apply to the
employer.114Employer who is a DGE on 30 June in
the transitionalyear(1)This
section applies if—(a)the employer became the DGE for a
group—(i)during the transitional year;
and(ii)before the
commencement; and(b)theemployeristheDGEforthegroupcontinuouslyuntil 30 June in
the year; and(c)immediatelybeforebecomingtheDGEforthegroup,the employer was
a member of the group.(2)Forworkingouttheemployer’sannualliabilityforthetransitional year—(a)taxable wages paid or payable by the
employer for theperiod(thegroupmemberperiod)intheyearduringwhich the
employer was a member of the group must beincluded in the
employer’s annual wages for the year;and(b)payrolltaxpaidorpayablebytheemployerforthegroupmemberperiodmustbeincludedintheemployer’s periodic liability for
periodic return periodsduring the designated period;
and(c)theemployer’sannualdeductionmustbeworkedouthaving regard to each of the
following—(i)the days in the year on which any
employer paid,orwasliabletopay,wagesasamemberofthegroup,evenifthedaysarenotincludedinthedesignated period for the DGE for the
year; andPage 152Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Act2004[s 115](ii)thetaxablewagesandinterstatewagespaidorpayablebyanyemployer,asamemberofthegroup, on the days mentioned in
subparagraph (i);and(d)even if section
34(1)(a) does not apply, the employer’sliability is the
annual adjustment amount if the employerwas required,
under previous part 3, to furnish a returnduring the year
when the employer was a member of thegroup.(3)Theemployer’sannualreturnforthetransitionalyearmuststate the wages
that were paid or payable, as a member of thegroup, by an
employer—(a)during the designated period for the
DGE in the year;and(b)onthedaysintheyearmentionedinsubsection (2)(c)(i).(4)Subsection (3) applies despite section
63(3)(b).Division 6Provisions for
final liability fortransitional final period115Purpose of div 6Thisdivisionprovidesforworkingoutanemployer’sfinalliability for a transitional final
period.116When transitional final period
starts(1)A transitional final period starts on
the latest of the followingdays in the
transitional year—(a)1 July;(b)the
first day on which the person is required to registeras
an employer under previous part 4;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 153
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Act2004[s 117](c)if
there was a prescribed period for the employer duringthe
transitional year—the day after the last day of thelatestprescribedperiodfortheemployerduringtheyear.(2)This
section applies despite section 6(a).Example—The
commencement is on 1 March 2005. An employer who has been amember of a group from 1 July 2004 becomes
the DGE for the groupon 1 May 2005. This is the first
change of status for the employer on orafter the
commencement. The final period for the change of status is atransitional final period starting on 1 July
2004.117Employer who is a DGE on the last day
of a transitionalfinal period(1)This
section applies if—(a)the employer became the DGE for a
group—(i)during a transitional year; and(ii)before the
commencement; and(b)theemployeristheDGEforthegroupcontinuouslyuntil the last
day of the transitional final period; and(c)immediatelybeforebecomingtheDGEforthegroup,the employer was
a member of the group.(2)Forworkingouttheemployer’sfinalliabilityforthetransitional final period—(a)taxable wages paid or payable by the
employer for theperiod(thegroupmemberperiod)intheyearduringwhich the
employer was a member of the group must beincludedintheemployer’sfinalwagesforthefinalperiod;
and(b)payrolltaxpaidorpayablebytheemployerforthegroupmemberperiodmustbeincludedintheemployer’s periodic liability amount
for the final period;andPage 154Current as at [Not applicable]
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Act2004[s 118](c)theemployer’sfinaldeductionmustbeworkedouthaving regard to each of the
following—(i)the days in the year before the final
period starts onwhichanyemployerpaid,orwasliabletopay,wagesasamemberofthegroup,eveniftheemployer to whom this section applies
was not amember of the group on those days;(ii)thetaxablewagesandinterstatewagespaidorpayablebyanyemployer,asamemberofthegroup, on the days mentioned in
subparagraph (i);and(d)even if section
42(1)(a) does not apply, the employer’sliability is the
final adjustment amount if the employerwas required,
under previous part 3, to furnish a returnduring the year
when the employer was a member of thegroup.(3)Theemployer’sfinalreturnforthetransitionalfinalperiodmust state the
wages that were paid or payable, as a memberof the group, by
an employer—(a)during the final period; and(b)onthedaysinthetransitionalyearmentionedinsubsection (2)(c)(i).(4)Subsection (3) applies despite section
64(3)(b).Division 7Miscellaneous
provisions118Commissioner assessment—employer who
becomes aDGE in a transitional year before
commencement(1)This section applies in relation to an
employer if—(a)the employer becomes the DGE for a
group—(i)during a transitional year; and(ii)before the
commencement; and(b)either—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 155
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Act2004[s 118]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(i)the
employer—(A)lodges,orisrequiredundersection 64tolodge,afinalreturnforachangeofstatushappeninginthetransitionalyearafterthecommencement; and(B)is
the DGE for the group on the last day ofthe final
period; or(ii)if subparagraph
(i) does not apply, the employer—(A)lodges,orisrequiredundersection 63tolodge,anannualreturnforthetransitionalyear; and(B)is the DGE for the group on 30 June in
theyear.(2)Thecommissionermustmakeareassessmentoftheemployer’s final liability or annual
liability, as applicable, toreducetherelevantdeductionbythetotalamountofthedeductions claimed during the year
under previous section 16Iby any earlier DGE for the
group.(3)Also, in making an original assessment
of the employer’s finalliabilityorannualliability,asapplicable,thecommissionermust reduce the
relevant deduction by the total amount of thedeductions
claimed during the year under previous section 16Iby
any earlier DGE for the group.(4)In
this section—earlier DGE, for the group,
means an employer who was theDGEforthegroupatanytimeduringthetransitionalyearbefore the employer to whom this section
applies becomes theDGE for the group.relevant
an employer to whom subsection (1)(b)(i) applies—the
employer’s final deduction for the final period; or(b)for an employer to whom subsection
(1)(b)(ii) applies—theemployer’sannualdeductionforthetransitionalyear.Page
156Current as at [Not applicable]
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Act2004[s 119]119Commissioner assessment—employer who ceases
to bea DGE in a transitional year before
commencement(1)This section applies in relation to an
employer who—(a)ceases to be the DGE for a
group—(i)during a transitional year; and(ii)before the
commencement; and(b)either—(i)theemployerlodges,orisrequiredundersection 64 to
lodge, a final return for a change ofstatus happening
in the transitional year after thecommencement;
or(ii)ifsubparagraph(i)doesnotapply—lodges,orisrequiredundersection 63tolodge,anannualreturn for the
transitional year.(2)Thecommissionermustmakeareassessmentoftheemployer’s final liability or annual
liability, as applicable, toreducetherelevantwagesbythetotalamountofthedeductionsclaimedbytheemployerunderprevioussection 16I during the year.(3)Also, in making an original assessment
of the employer’s finalliabilityorannualliability,asapplicable,thecommissionermustreducetherelevantwagesbythetotalamountofthedeductionsclaimedbytheemployerunderprevioussection 16I during the year.(4)In this section—relevant
an employer to whom subsection (1)(b)(i) applies—the
employer’s final wages for the final period; or(b)for
an employer to whom subsection (1)(b)(ii) applies—the
employer’s annual wages for the transitional year.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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Act2004[s 120]120Delegations under previous s 4AA
delegation under previous section 4A in force immediatelybefore the commencement continues in
force.121Employers registered under previous s
12 immediatelybefore commencementAn employer who
is registered as an employer under previoussection 12
immediately before the commencement is, on andfrom the
commencement, taken to be registered under part 3,division 1.122Notices given by commissioner under previous
s 13(1)Anoticegivenbythecommissionerunderprevioussection
13(2)(a)andinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement is, on and from the
commencement, taken tobe a notice given under section
13(2)(b)andinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement is, on and from the
commencement, taken tobe a notice given under section
60(2).123Continuing effect of exemptions given
by commissionerunder previous s14(1)This
section applies if—(a)thecommissionerissuedacertificate(anexistingexemption),underprevioussection 14,exemptinganemployer from lodging monthly returns;
and(b)the existing exemption was in force
immediately beforethe commencement.(2)The
existing exemption is, on the commencement, taken to beacertificateexemptingtheemployerfromtherequirementunder section 59
to lodge periodic returns.Page 158Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Act2004[s 124](3)To
remove doubt, it is declared that the employer is requiredto
lodge annual returns under section 63 even if the existingexemption states the employer is not
required to lodge returnsfor each financial year.124Continuing use of particular
formsAformapprovedbeforethecommencementrelatingtoaprovisionofthisActrepealedbytheamendingActmaycontinue to be used after the
commencement to facilitate theoperation of
this part.125Application of ss 83 and 84Arefundtowhichsection
83or84appliesmaybeappliedunderthesectionaspaymentforaliabilitymentionedinsection 83(2) or 84(2), as applicable,
even if the liability—(a)arose before the
commencement; or(b)is for a transitional return
period.126Application of s 88 notification
requirement in relation toa transitional year(1)This section applies to an employer
who is a non-DGE groupmember—(a)at
any time during a transitional year, if the employerwho
is the DGE for the group on 30 June in the yearbecame the DGE
before the commencement; or(b)if
there is a transitional final period for the DGE for thegroup—at any time in the transitional year
on or beforethe last day of the final period.(2)Ifsubsection
(1)(a)applies,thewagestheemployermustnotify to the DGE under section 88(2) are
the taxable wagesandinterstatewagespaidorpayablebytheemployer,asamember of the group, during the
transitional year.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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Act2004[s 127](3)Ifsubsection (1)(b)applies,thewagestheemployermustnotify to the DGE under section 88(2) are
the taxable wagesandinterstatewagespaidorpayablebytheemployer,asamember of the group, at any time in
the transitional year on orbefore the last
day of the DGE’s transitional final period.(4)Subsections (2) and (3) apply despite
section 88(2)(a) and (b).127Application of s
89 to particular liquidators(1)This
section applies to a person who—(a)becomesaliquidatorwithin14daysbeforethecommencement; and(b)doesnotgivenoticeofthematterunderprevioussection 25 before the commencement.(2)Section 89 applies to the liquidator
as if the time within whichthe person is
required to give notice under section 89(2) were14
days after the commencement.128Application of s 94 to particular
employers(1)This section applies to an
employer—(a)whoseaddressforservicechangeswithin1monthbefore the
commencement; and(b)who does not give notice of the change
under thePayrollTaxRegulation1999,section 26,beforethecommencement.(2)Section 94 applies to the employer as if the
time within whichthe person is required to give notice under
section 94 were 1month after the commencement.129References in amended ActFortheapplicationofthispart,ifthecontextpermits,areference in the amended Act—Page
160Current as at [Not applicable]
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Act 2008[s 131](a)to
periodic liability includes a reference to liability forpayroll tax under previous part 3;
and(b)toaperiodicreturnincludesareferencetoareturnunder previous
section 13; and(c)toaperiodicreturnperiodincludesareferencetoapreviousreturnperiodoratransitionalreturnperiod;and(d)to a return date includes a reference
to the date by whichareturnisrequiredtobefurnishedunderprevioussection 13;
59tolodgeaperiodicreturnincludesareferencetoanemployerrequired under
previous section 13 to furnish a return;and(f)toanemployerauthorisedundersection 60tolodgeperiodic returns
for periods other than a month includesareferencetoanemployerauthorisedunderprevioussection 13(2)(b)
to furnish returns for periods other thana month;
and(g)to unpaid tax interest includes a
reference to penal taxunder previous section 22; and(h)topenaltytaxincludesareferencetoadditionaltaxunder previous section 18.Part
8Transitional provisions forPayroll Tax (Harmonisation)Amendment Act 2008131Interpretation of amended provisions(1)TheamendmentsmadetothisActbythePayrollTax(Harmonisation)AmendmentAct2008areintendedtoenhance the consistency of this Act with
thePayroll Tax Act2007(NSW) and thePayroll Tax Act
2007(Vic).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 161
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Act 2008[s 132]Note—Minor variations in language used in some of
the amended provisionsarenotintendedtoaltertheirmeaningfromthecorrespondingprovisions in
the New South Wales and Victorian Acts. For example—•the phrase “in relation to” used in
sections 13B to 13D, 13E(1),13F,13Iand13J(1)and(2)(a),isintendedtohavethesamemeaning as the
phrase “for or in relation to”, or “to or in relationto”,
used in the corresponding provisions; and•the
phrase “in connection with” used in sections 66 and 70(1),
(2)and (3)(a) is intended to have the same
meaning as the phrase “foror in connection with” used in the
corresponding provisions.(2)However, this
section does not apply to the extent—(a)thePayroll Tax (Harmonisation) Amendment
Act 2008inserted section 14(2)(k)(iii) of this Act;
or(b)section 14A,asinsertedbythePayrollTax(Harmonisation)AmendmentAct2008,section 11,applies to
paternity leave.132Application of amended ActThisAct,asamendedbythePayrollTax(Harmonisation)AmendmentAct2008,appliesinrelationtowagespaidorpayable on or after 1 July
2008.133Application of avoidance provision for
employmentagency contractsSection
13Lappliestoemploymentagencycontractsmadebefore, on or after the commencement of this
section.134Continuation of orders excluding
person from group(1)This section applies if—(a)an order excluding a person from a
group, made by thecommissioner under section 68, 69, 70 or 71,
as it wasinforcebefore1July2008,isineffectimmediatelybefore 1 July
2008; andPage 162Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Transitional provisions for Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment
Act 2010[s 135](b)the
composition of the group is not changed, other thanthe
order mentioned in paragraph (a) no longer havingeffect, because of the commencement of
thePayroll Tax(Harmonisation)
Amendment Act 2008.(2)Theordermentionedinparagraph(a)istakentobeanexclusionordermadebythecommissionerundersection 74(1).Part 9Transitional provisions forRevenue and Other LegislationAmendment Act 2010Division 1Interpretation135Definitions for pt 9In this
part—amendedActmeansthisActasamendedbytheamendingAct.amendingActmeanstheRevenueandOtherLegislationAmendment Act
2010, part 8, other than section 97.pre-amended Actmeans this Act
as it was in force from timeto time before
the commencement of this section.relevantemployermeansanemployerbywhomrelevantwages are paid or payable and who—(a)if the employer lodged a final return
before 1 July 2010and paid, in compliance with the pre-amended
Act, theemployer’sliabilityforpayrolltaxinrelationtothereturn—notifiesthecommissionerinwritingoftheamount of the relevant wages no later
than 21 July 2010;or(b)otherwise—includestherelevantwagesinareturnlodged no later than 21 July 2010.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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Act 2010[s 136]relevant
wagesmeans wages—(a)paid
or payable by an employer on or after 1 July 2009but
before 1 July 2010; and(b)that are not
taxable wages under the pre-amended Actand are taxable
wages under the amended Act.Division 2Application of amended Act andAdministration Act136Application of amended ActTheamendedActapplies,andistakenonandfrom1July2009 to have
applied, to wages paid or payable on or after 1July
2009.137Exemption of penalty under s 90Section 90(2)doesnotapplyinrelationtoarelevantemployer’s
liability for payroll tax under the amended Act forrelevant wages.138Remission of unpaid tax interest and penalty
tax underthe Administration ActThecommissionermustremitthewholeofanyunpaidtaxinterest and penalty tax in relation to a
relevant employer’sliabilityforpayrolltaxundertheamendedActforrelevantwages.Note—For the
commissioner’s power to remit unpaid tax interest and
penaltytax, see the Administration Act, section
60.Page 164Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Act 2010[s 139]139Exemption for offences(1)This
section applies if a relevant person does not comply witharequirementunderthisActortheAdministrationActinrelation to relevant wages.(2)The relevant person does not commit an
offence against thisAct or the Administration Act
if—(a)for a relevant person who lodged a
final return before 1July 2010 and paid, in compliance with
the pre-amendedAct,therelevantperson’sliabilityforpayrolltaxinrelationtothereturn—the relevantpersonnotifiesthecommissioner in writing of the amount
of the relevantwages no later than 21 July 2010; or(b)otherwise—therelevantpersonincludestherelevantwages in a
return lodged no later than 21 July 2010.(3)In
this section—relevant personmeans—(a)anemployerbywhomrelevantwageswerepaidorpayable; or(b)anadministratorforanemployermentionedinparagraph (a).140Reassessment—final return included excluded
wages(1)This section applies if—(a)excluded wages are paid or payable by
an employer; and(b)before 21 July 2010, the employer
lodges a final returnincluding all taxable wages under the
pre-amended Actpaid or payable by the employer for the
final period.(2)Theemployermaylodgeawrittenapplicationforareassessment.(3)Iftheemployerlodgesanapplicationundersubsection (2),thecommissionermustmakeareassessmentoftheemployer’s final liability
disregarding the excluded wages forworking out the
liability.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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Act 2011[s 141]Note—The
Administration Act, sections 18 and 21 and part 4, division 2
this section—excluded wagesmeans
wages—(a)paid or payable by an employer on or
after 1 July 2009but before 1 July 2010; and(b)that are taxable wages under the
pre-amended Act andare not taxable wages under the amended
Act.Part 10Transitional
provisions forRevenue and Other LegislationAmendment Act 2011141Assessment and payment of payroll tax for
shares andoptions(1)This
section applies to an act or omission of an employer if—(a)the act or omission relates to the
assessment or paymentof payroll tax for wages paid or
payable by the employeron or after 1 July 2009 but before 1
July 2011; and(b)theactoromissionwouldhavebeenvalidifthefollowing provisions as in force on
the commencementof this section applied to the act or
omission—(i)section 13;(ii)part
2, division 1C;(iii)schedule,
definitionwages, other than
paragraph 2.(2)The act or omission is taken to have
been valid.Page 166Current as at
[Not applicable]
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Transitional provision for Revenue Amendment and Trade and
InvestmentQueensland Act 2013[s 142]142Application of pt 2, div 1C for
granting of particularshares or options(1)This
section applies if—(a)a share or option was granted under
section 13O before1 July 2011; and(b)the
relevant day under section 13Q for the grant of theshare or option was not before 1 July 2011;
and(c)thegrantconstitutedwagesundertheformerAct,schedule, definitionwages,
paragraph (j), whether or notthegrantconstituteswagesundertheamendedAct,schedule, definitionwages,
paragraph (j) or (k).(2)Sections 13R and
13U, as in force on the commencement ofthis section,
apply for the share or option.(3)In
this section—amended Actmeans this Act
as amended by theRevenue andOther
Legislation Amendment Act 2011.formerActmeansthisActasinforcebeforethecommencement of this section.Part
11Transitional provision forRevenue Amendment andTrade and
InvestmentQueensland Act 2013143Exemption under s 14ASection
Trade and Investment Queensland Act 2013, is taken
tohave had effect on and from 16 April
2011.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 12
Transitional provision for Payroll Tax Rebate, Revenue and Other
LegislationAmendment Act 2015[s 144]Part
12Transitional provision forPayroll Tax Rebate, Revenueand
Other LegislationAmendment Act 2015144Application of s 13B(1)Section 13B, as amended by the Payroll Tax
Rebate, RevenueandOtherLegislationAmendmentAct2015,appliesinrespectofworkperformedonorafterthecommencement,regardless of
when amounts are paid or become payable forthe performance
of the work.(2)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatsection 13Basinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencementcontinuestoapplyinrespectofworkperformedbeforethecommencement,regardlessofwhenamountsarepaidorbecome payable for the performance of the
work.Part 13Transitional
provision forRevenue LegislationAmendment Act
2018145Retrospective application of increased
rebate under ss27A, 35A and 43ASections27A,35Aand43AasamendedbytheRevenueLegislation
Amendment Act 2018—(a)apply, and are
taken to have applied from 1 July 2016, inrelation to
wages paid or payable in the financial yearending on 30
June 2017; and(b)apply, and are taken to have applied
from 1 July 2017, inrelation to wages paid or payable in
the financial yearending on 30 June 2018.Page 168Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Part 14
Transitional provision for Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment
Act 2018[s 146]Part 14Transitional provision forRevenue and Other LegislationAmendment Act 2018146Retrospective operation of amended s
Amendment Act 2018, is taken to have had effectsince 1 July
2016.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Payroll Tax Act 1971ScheduleScheduleDictionaryNotauthorised—indicativeonlysection 2actual periodic
deduction, for part 2, division 3, subdivision1,
see section 17.AdministrationActmeanstheTaxationAdministrationAct2001.administratorsee the
Administration Act, schedule 2.aggregate
interest, for part 4, division 2A, see section
74B.amended, for part 7,
see section 98.amended Act—(a)for part 7, see section 98; and(b)for part 9, see section 135.amending Act—(a)for part 7, see section 98; and(b)for part 9, see section 135.annual adjustment amount—(a)for part 2, division 4, subdivision 1,
see section 29(1);and(b)for part 2,
division 4, subdivision 2, see section 33.annual
deduction—(a)for part 2,
division 4, subdivision 1, see section 29(1);and(b)for part 2, division 4, subdivision 2,
see section 33.annual liability—(a)for an employer other than the DGE for
a group—seesection 30(1); and(b)for
the DGE for a group—see section 34(1).Page 170Current as at [Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971ScheduleNotauthorised—indicativeonlyannual payroll tax amount—(a)for part 2,
division 4, subdivision 1, see sections 29(1)and 48(4);
and(b)for part 2, division 4, subdivision 2,
see section 33.annual refund amount—(a)for an employer other than the DGE for
a group—seesection 31(2); or(b)for
the DGE for a group—see section 35(2).annual
returnmeans a return mentioned in section
63.annual wages—(a)for part 2, division 4, subdivision 1,
see section 29(1);and(b)for part 2,
division 4, subdivision 2, see section 33.approved
formsee section 96.approvedinformationsystemseetheAdministrationAct,schedule 2.assessed
interest, see the Administration Act, section
54(3).assessmentsee the
Administration Act, schedule 2.associated
persons, for part 4, division 2A, see section
74B.Australiameans the
States.averaging method, for part 2,
division 1D, subdivision 1, seesection
13X.averaging period, for part 2,
division 1D, subdivision 1, seesection
13X.business, for part 4,
see section 66.business journey, for part 2,
division 1D, subdivision 1, seesection
13X.business vehicle, for part 2,
division 1D, subdivision 1, seesection
13X.calculation day—(a)for part 2, division 3, subdivision 1,
see section 18; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Payroll Tax Act 1971ScheduleNotauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 172(b)for
part 2, division 3, subdivision 2, see section 24.change of statussee section
5(1).commencement, for part 7,
see section 98.commissionermeanstheCommissionerofStateRevenueappointed under the Administration
Act.companyincludes all
bodies and associations (corporate andunincorporate)
and partnerships.continuousrecordingmethod,forpart2,division1D,subdivision 1, see section 13X.contract, for part 2,
division 1A, see section 13A.corporationsee the
Corporations Act.corresponding lawmeans—(a)in relation to Queensland—a law in
force in Queenslandimposing on employers a tax on wages paid or
payableby them and the assessment and collection of
the tax,but does not include this Act; and(b)in relation to another State—means a
law in force in theStateimposingonemployersataxonwagespaidorpayable by them and the assessment and
collection ofthe tax.criteria for
registration, for part 3, division 1, see section
52.designated group employer, in
relation to a group, means thememberofthatgroupwhoundersection
75isforthetimebeing the
designated group employer in respect of that group.designatedperiod,foranemployerwhoistheDGEforagroup on 30 June
in a financial year—(a)means the part
of the year for which the employer wasthe DGE for the
group; but(b)does not include a part of the year
for which the DGElodged,orwasrequiredundersection 64tolodge,afinal return.DGEmeans designated group employer.direct interest, for part 4,
division 2A, see section 74B.Current as at
[Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971ScheduleNotauthorised—indicativeonlydirector—(a)of a company, includes a member of the
governing bodyof the company; and(b)for
part 2, division 1C, see section 13N.eligibleyearmeansafinancialyearending30June2010,2011, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018 or 2019.employermeans any person
who pays or is liable to pay anywagesandincludestheCrowninrightoftheStateofQueenslandandanypersontakentobeanemployerunderanother provision of this Act.Note—For provisions
under which persons are taken to be employers, see, forexample,sections
13C(relevantcontractemployers)and13H(employment agents under employment
agency contracts).employment agency contractsee
section 13G(1).employmentagent,underanemploymentagencycontract,see section
13G(1).entitled group member, for part 2,
division 6, see section 44.excess
deduction, for part 2, division 6, see section
45(2).false or misleadingincludes false
or misleading because ofthe omission of a statement.final adjustment amount—(a)for part 2, division 5, subdivision 1,
see section 37; and(b)for part 2, division 5, subdivision 2,
see section 41.final deduction—(a)for part 2, division 5, subdivision 1,
see section 37; and(b)for part 2, division 5, subdivision 2,
see section 41.final liability—(a)for an employer other than the DGE for
a group—seesection 38(1); and(b)for
the DGE for a group—see section 42(1).final payroll
tax amount—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Payroll Tax Act 1971ScheduleNotauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 174(a)for
part 2, division 5, subdivision 1, see sections 37 and49(4); and(b)for
part 2, division 5, subdivision 2, see section 41.final periodsee section
6.final refund amount—(a)for an employer other than the DGE for
a group—seesection 39(2); or(b)for
the DGE for a group—see section 43(2).final
returnmeans a return mentioned in section
64.final wages—(a)for part 2, division 5, subdivision 1,
see section 37; and(b)for part 2, division 5, subdivision 2,
see section 41.fixed periodic deduction—(a)for part 2, division 3, subdivision 1,
see section 17; and(b)for part 2, division 3, subdivision 2,
see section 23.foreign wagesmeans wages that
arenot taxable wages andare not
interstate wages.fringe benefitmeans—(a)a benefit that, in relation to an
employee, or an employerofanemployee,isafringebenefitundertheFringeBenefits
Assessment Act; or(b)anything prescribed by regulation to
be a fringe benefit;but does not include—(c)a car parking fringe benefit within
the meaning of thatAct; or(d)anythingprescribedbyregulationnottobeafringebenefit.FringeBenefitsAssessmentActmeanstheFringeBenefitsTax
Assessment Act 1986(Cwlth).granted,
for part 2, division 1C, see section 13N.grantee,
for part 2, division 1C, see section 13N.Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Schedulegrantor, for part 2,
division 1C, see section 13N.groupmeans a group constituted under part
4.group membermeans a person
who is a member of a group.indirect
interest, for part 4, division 2A, see section
74B.interstate wagesmeans wages that
are taxable wages withinthe meaning of a corresponding
law.liquidatormeans the person
who, whether or not appointed asliquidator,isthepersonrequiredbylawtocarryoutthewinding-up of a company.non-DGE group membermeans a group
member, other thanthe DGE for the group.numberofexemptkilometres,forpart2,division1D,subdivision 1, see section 13X.optionmeans an option
or right, whether actual, prospectiveor contingent,
of a person to—(a)acquire a share; or(b)have a share transferred or allotted
to the person.order of entitled group members,
for part 2, division 6, seesection
44.original assessmentsee the
Administration Act, schedule 2.paid or
payable, in relation to wages that are fringe
benefits,means—(a)paid;(b)ifanothermeaningisprescribedbyregulation—thatmeaning.partialamount,foraperiodicreturnperiod,meanstheamount worked out using the following
formula—where—PAmeans the partial amount in dollars.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971SchedulePLmeans the employer’s periodic
liability for the period.Xmeans the number
of days in the period that are in the finalperiod.Ymeans the total number of days in the
period.pay, in relation to wages, includes
provide, confer and assign.payroll
taxmeans payroll tax chargeable under section
10.penalty taxsee the
Administration Act, section 58(1).periodic
liability—(a)foranemployerotherthantheDGEforagroup,seesection 20(1); or(b)for
the DGE for a group, see section 26.periodic
liability amount, for an employer for a final period,means the sum of—(a)theemployer’speriodicliabilityforaperiodicreturnperiod wholly within the final period, even
if the returndateforlodgingtheperiodicreturnisafterthereturndate for lodging
the final return; and(b)for a day in the
final period not included in a periodicreturnperiodmentionedinparagraph(a)—thepartialamount for the
periodic return period that includes theday,evenifthereturndateforlodgingtheperiodicreturn is after
the return date for lodging the final return.periodic
returnmeans a return mentioned in section
59.periodic return period, for lodgement
of periodic returns byan employer, means the period under
section 60 for which theemployer is required to lodge periodic
returns.post-commencement liability,
for part 7, see section 98.pre-amended
Act, for part 9, see section 135.pre-commencementactoromission,forpart7,seesection 98.pre-commencement
liability, for part 7, see section 98.Page
176Current as at [Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971ScheduleNotauthorised—indicativeonlyprescribed payroll tax liabilitymeans a liability for any of thefollowing—(a)payroll tax;(b)unpaidtaxinterestinrelationtoanassessmentofliability for payroll tax;(c)penalty tax in relation to an
assessment of liability forpayroll
tax;(d)anyotheramountpayableunderthisActortheAdministration Act, or a liability to pay
costs ordered bya court or QCAT, in relation to payroll
tax.prescribed period, for part 7,
see section 98.previous, for part 7,
see section 98.previous return period, for part 7,
see section 98.private company, for part 4,
division 2A, see section 74B.reasonably
believessee the Administration Act, schedule
2.reassessmentsee the
Administration Act, schedule 2.related body
corporate, for part 4, see section 66.related persons, for part 4,
division 2A, see section 74B.relevant
contractsee section 13B.relevant
contract employeesee section 13A.relevant
contract employersee section 13C(3).relevant
day, for part 2, division 1C, see section
13N.relevant employer—(a)for part 3, division 2, see section
58; and(b)for part 9, see section 135.relevant entity, for part 4,
division 2A, see section 74B.relevant
financial yearmeans—(a)for
part 2, division 6, see section 44; or(b)for
part 2, division 6A, see section 49A.relevant group
employer—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Schedule(a)for part 2, division 4, subdivision 2,
see section 33; and(b)for part 2, division 5, subdivision 2,
see section 41.relevantpercentage,forpart2,division1D,subdivision1,see
section 13X.relevant wages, for part 9,
see section 135.re-supply, for part 2,
division 1A, see section 13A.returnmeans a form approved for lodgement by an
employer.return date, for lodgement
of a periodic return, annual returnor final return
by an employer, means the date by which theemployerisrequiredunderpart3,division2tolodgethereturn and pay tax.return
period, in relation to an employer, means each of
thefollowing periods for which the employer is
required underthis Act to lodge a return—(a)a periodic return period;(b)a financial year;(c)a
final period.self assessmentsee the
Administration Act, schedule 2.serviceprovider,inrelationtoanemploymentagencycontract, see section 13G(1).services, for part 2,
division 1A, see section 13A.sharemeansashareinacompanyandincludesastapledsecurity.significant wage change—(a)for part 2, division 3, subdivision 1,
see section 19; and(b)for part 2, division 3, subdivision 2,
see section 25.Stateincludes a
Territory.superannuation contributionsee
section 3.supply, for part 2,
division 1A, see section 13A.taxsee
the Administration Act, schedule 2.Page 178Current as at [Not applicable]
Payroll Tax Act 1971ScheduleNotauthorised—indicativeonlytaxable wagesmeans wages
that, under section 9, are liable topayroll
tax.tax law liabilitysee the
Administration Act, schedule 2.termination
paymentsee section 3A.transitional
final period, for part 7, see section 98.transitional return period,
for part 7, see section 98.transitional
year, for part 7, see section 98.trustee, in addition to
every person appointed or constitutedtrustee by act
of parties, by order or declaration of a court orby
operation of law, includes—(a)anexecutororadministrator,guardian,committee,receiver or
liquidator; and(b)every person having or taking upon
himself or herselftheadministrationorcontrolofanyrealorpersonalpropertyaffectedbyanyexpressorimpliedtrust,oractinginanyfiduciarycapacity,orhavingthepossession,controlormanagementofanyrealorpersonal property of a person under any
legal or otherdisability.unpaid tax
interestsee the Administration Act, section
54(1).vesting day, for part 2,
division 1C, see section 13N.voting
sharesee the Corporations Act, part 1.2, section
9.wages, for part 2,
division 5, subdivision 1, see section 37.wages—1meansanywages,remuneration,salary,commission,bonusesorallowancespaidorpayable(whetheratpieceworkratesorotherwiseandwhetherpaidorpayableincashorinkind)toanemployeeasanemployee,and,withoutlimitingthegeneralityoftheforegoing, includes—(a)anyamountpaidorpayablebywayofremuneration to
a person holding office under theCrown in right
of the State of Queensland or in theCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 179
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971ScheduleserviceoftheCrowninrightoftheStateofQueensland; and(b)any
amount paid or payable under any prescribedclassesofcontractstotheextenttowhichthatpayment is attributable to labour;
and(c)any amount paid or payable by a
company by wayof remuneration to a director of that
company; and(d)any amount paid or payable by way of
commissiontoaninsuranceortimepaymentcanvasserorcollector; and(e)theprovisionbytheemployerofmealsorsustenanceortheuseofpremisesorquartersasconsiderationorpartconsiderationfortheemployee’s services; and(f)fringe benefits; and(g)asuperannuationcontribution,otherthanasuperannuation contribution—(i)paid or payable by a company for a
directorof the company before 1 July 2008; or(ii)forservicesperformedorrenderedbyanemployee before 1 January 2000;
and(h)a termination payment; and(i)anamounttakentobewagesunderanotherprovision of
this Act; andNote—See, for
example, sections 13E (amounts paid or payable under arelevantcontract),13J(amountspaidorpayableunderanemployment agency contract) and 51
(amounts paid or payableby or to third parties).(j)ashareoroptiongrantedbyanemployertoanemployeeinrelationtoservicesperformedorrenderedbytheemployee,iftheshareoroptionis—Page
180Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPayroll Tax Act 1971Schedule(i)anESSinterestundertheIncomeTaxAssessmentAct1997(Cwlth),section 83A-10; and(ii)granted to the employee under an
andNote—Seepart2,division1Cforprovisionsthatapplyforinterpreting this paragraph.(k)ashareoroptiongrantedbyacompanytoadirectorofthecompanybywayofremunerationfor the
appointment or services of the director.Note—Seepart2,division1Cforprovisionsthatapplyforinterpreting this paragraph.2However,wagesdoesnotincludeabenefitthatisanexemptbenefitundertheFringeBenefitsAssessmentAct.Current as at [Not applicable]Page