QueenslandAcquisitionofLandAct1967Current as at [Not applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates allproposedamendmentstotheActincludedintheRevenueandOtherLegislation
Amendment Bill 2018. This indicative reprint has been
preparedfor information only—it is not an
authorised reprint of the Act.Amendments to this Act are also included in
the Land, Explosives andOther Legislation Amendment Bill 2018.
These proposed amendments arenot included in
this indicative reprint.The point-in-time date for this
indicative reprint is the introduction date fortheRevenueandOtherLegislationAmendmentBill2018—22August2018.DetailedinformationaboutindicativereprintsisavailableontheInformationpage of the
Queensland legislation website.
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
1 Preliminary[s 1]AnActtoconsolidateandamendthelawrelatingtotheacquisition of land for public works
and other public purposes,and for other purposesPart
titleThis Act may be cited as theAcquisition of Land Act 1967.2DefinitionsThe dictionary
in schedule 2 defines particular words used inthis Act.3Meaning ofmulti-parcel
purpose(1)Land is taken under this Act for
amulti-parcel purposeif, tocarry out the particular purpose for which
the land is taken, itisnecessarytotake,underthisAct,morethan1parcelofland.Examples of
multi-parcel purposes—roads and railways for which it is
necessary to take, under this Act,more than 1
parcel of land(2)For subsection (1), it does not matter
whether—(a)theparcelsoflandareownedbythesamepersonordifferent persons; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 1
Preliminary[s 4](b)the
same person or different persons are entitled to claimcompensationunderthisActforthetakingoftheparcels of
land.(3)In this section—parcel, of
land, means—(a)a separate lot or parcel in a plan of
survey registered, ordeposited for registration, in the
land registry or given tothe chief executive (surveys);
or(b)an easement; or(c)other land that is described in a way that
is sufficient tosubstantially identify the land.4Relationship with other Acts(1)ThissectionappliesifanotherActprovidesforlandtobetakenunderthisAct,eventhoughthisActwouldnototherwise apply to the land.Example—TheNative Title (Queensland) Act 1993provides for native title rightsand
interests relating to land, for example, unallocated State land
undertheLand Act 1994, to be acquired
under this Act even though this Actwould not
otherwise apply to unallocated State land.(2)Despite the other Act, sections 9(7) and 15D
do not apply tothe taking of land if the land includes
Aboriginal or TorresStrait interests.(3)For
subsection (2), land includes Aboriginal or Torres StraitIslander interests if—(a)native title rights and interests exist for
the land; or(b)the land is Aboriginal land or
transferable land under theAboriginal Land
Act 1991; or(c)thelandisTorresStraitIslanderlandortransferableland under
theTorres Strait Islander Land Act 1991.Page 6Current as at
[Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
1 Preliminary[s 4A]Notauthorised—indicativeonly4ATaking non-native title right or
interest(1)This section applies to the taking of
a non-native title right orinterest
if—(a)the taking happens under a compulsory
acquisition Act;and(b)the taking under
the compulsory acquisition Act—(i)is
authorised under theNativeTitle(Queensland)Act 1993,
section 144(1)(b); or(ii)is authorised
under the compulsory acquisition Actbut happens at
the same time as the taking underthatActofnativetitlerightsandinterestsasauthorised under theNative Title
(Queensland) Act1993, section
144(1)(a).(2)ThecompulsoryacquisitionAct,includingtotheextentappropriatethisAct,mustbeappliedtothetakingofthenon-nativetitlerightorinteresttothegreatestpracticableextentasiftherightorinterestwerelandtowhichthecompulsory acquisition Act otherwise
applies.(3)However, when the taking has effect,
despite any compulsoryacquisition Act, including any other
provision of this Act, therightorinterestiscompletelyextinguishedtotheextentitrelates to land stated in the gazette
resumption notice for thetaking.(4)Without limiting subsection (1), taking that
happens under acompulsoryacquisitionActincludestakingunderacompulsory acquisition Act other than this
Act if either of thefollowing applies—(a)thecompulsoryacquisitionActauthorisesaconstructing authority to take land under
this Act;(b)thecompulsoryacquisitionActauthorisesaconstructingauthoritytotakelandunderthatActbutrequiresprovisionsofthisActtobeappliedtoanyaspect of the
taking.(5)In this section—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 7
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 1
Preliminary[s 4B]gazette
resumption notice, for the taking of a right or
interest,includes any instrument giving effect to the
taking.4BTaking non-native title right or
interest that is a resourceinterest(1)This
section applies to the taking of a non-native title right orinterest if—(a)it
is a taking to which section 4A applies; and(b)the
right or interest is a resource interest.(2)The
entity taking the resource interest must give the relevantchief executive for the resource interest a
written notice that—(a)states the
details of the extinguishment of the resourceinterest;
and(b)asksfortheextinguishmenttoberecordedintheappropriate register kept by the chief
executive; and(c)isaccompaniedbyacertifiedcopyofthegazetteresumption notice mentioned in section
4A(3).(3)CompensationtobepaidunderthecompulsoryacquisitionAct in relation
to the taking of the resource interest is limitedinthewayprovidedforintheresourcecompensationprovision for
the resource interest.Example—If the resource
interest is a mining tenement interest under theMineralResources Act
1989, on an application of section 10AAD of that
Act,allowance can not be made for the value of
minerals known or supposedto be on or below the surface of, or
mined from, the land the subject ofthe mining
tenement interest.(4)In this section—relevantchiefexecutive,foraresourceinterest,meansthechief executive of the department
administering the resourceinterest compensation provision for
the resource interest.Page 8Current as at
[Not applicable]
2Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
2 Taking of land[s 5]Taking of
landDivision 1General5Purposes for which land may be
taken(1)Land may be taken under and subject to
this Act—(a)where the constructing authority is
the Crown, for anypurpose set out in schedule 1; or(b)wheretheconstructingauthorityisalocalgovernment—(i)foranypurposesetoutinschedule 1whichthelocal government may lawfully carry
out; or(ii)foranypurpose,includinganyfunctionoflocalgovernment,whichthelocalgovernmentisauthorisedorrequiredbyaprovisionofanActother than this
Act to carry out; or(c)inthecaseofaconstructingauthorityotherthantheCrown or a local government—(i)foranypurposesetoutinschedule
1whichthatconstructing authority may lawfully carry
out; or(ii)for any purpose
which that constructing authorityis authorised or
required, by a provision of an Actother than this
Act, to carry out.(2)The power to take, under and subject
to this Act, land for apurpose (theprimary
purpose) includes power to take fromtime
to time as required land either for the primary purpose orfor
any purpose incidental to the carrying out of the primarypurpose.(3)A
part heading in schedule 1—(a)is
not, for this section, a purpose set out in schedule 1;andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part 2
Taking of land[s 6](b)indicates only the type of activity or other
thing to whicha purpose mentioned in the part ordinarily
relates; and(c)does not limit the matters to which a
purpose mentionedin the part may relate.Notauthorised—indicativeonly6Easements(1)When for any purpose it is not
necessary that the constructingauthority should
take the whole estate in any land, but it issufficientforsuchpurposetotakeaneasement,theconstructing authority may take such
easement only and forthat purpose the provisions of this
Act shall apply as if theeasement were land.(2)Uponapplicationinthatbehalf,paymentoftheprescribedfees,andtheproductiontothelandregistryofthegazettecopy
of the gazette resumption notice, whereby an easement istakenaffectinglandundertheLandTitleAct1994,theregistrar of titles shall register
such easement as prescribed bythatAct,notwithstandingthatsucheasementisnotbeingannexed to or used and enjoyed together with
any other land.(3)The taking of an easement over land
does not extinguish anyinterest in the land existing
immediately before the easementis taken.Division 2Taking other
than by agreement7Notice of intention to take
land(1)A constructing authority which
proposes to take any land shallserveasprescribedbythissectionthenotice(anoticeofintention to resume) prescribed by
this section.(2)A notice of intention to resume shall
be served upon any andeverypersonwhototheknowledgeoftheconstructingauthority—(a)will
be entitled to claim compensation under this Act inrespect of the taking of the land concerned;
orPage 10Current as at
[Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
2 Taking of land[s 7]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)is a mortgagee of the land.(2A)Despite
subsection (2), if the land the subject of a notice ofintention to resume is common property
within the meaningof,andshownonabuildingunitsplanunder,theBuildingUnitsandGroupTitlesAct1980, the
constructing authorityneed only serve the notice on—(a)thebodycorporateconstitutedunderthatActbytheproprietors of
the lots in the building units plan; and(b)each
entity, other than the body corporate or a proprietorof a
lot in the building units plan on which the commonpropertyisshown,whototheknowledgeoftheconstructingauthorityhasaninterestinthecommonproperty.(2B)Also
despite subsection (2), if the land the subject of a noticeof
intention to resume is common property for a communitytitlesschemeundertheBodyCorporateandCommunityManagementAct1997, the
constructing authority need onlyserve the notice
on—(a)thebodycorporateunderthatActforthecommunitytitles scheme; and(b)each
entity, other than the body corporate or an owner ofalotinthecommunitytitlesschemeforthecommonproperty,whototheknowledgeoftheconstructingauthority has an
interest in the common property.(2C)Subsection (2D) applies if the constructing
authority gives abody corporate mentioned in subsection (2A)
or (2B) a noticeofintentiontoresumeoranoticeamendinganoticeofintention to resume (each arelevant notice).(2D)The body
corporate must ensure a copy of the relevant noticeaccompanies the first notice of a general
meeting of the bodycorporategiventoeachofitsmembersafterreceivingtherelevant notice.(3)A
notice of intention to resume shall be in writing and shall—(a)statetheparticularpurposeforwhichthelandtobetaken is required; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part 2
Taking of land[s 7]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage
the land is described as a separate lot or parcel ina
plan of survey registered in the land registry ordepositedintheofficeofthechiefexecutive(surveys)—shall be that description;
or(ii)ifthelandisnotdescribedasmentionedinsubparagraph(i)—maybemadeinanymannersufficient to
substantially identify the land; and(c)inthecaseofaneasement—alsostatetherightsandobligationstobeconferredandimposedbytheeasement; and(d)state that the person to whom the notice is
directed may,on or before the date specified in the
notice (being a datenot less than 30 days after the date
of the notice), serveupon the constructing authority at the
address set out inthenoticeanobjectioninwritingtothetakingoftheland; and(e)inrelationtotheobjectionmentionedinparagraph(d)—set
out—(i)thattheobjectionmuststatethegroundsoftheobjection and the facts and
circumstances relied onby the objector in support of those
grounds; and(ii)thatanymatterpertainingtotheamountorpaymentofcompensationisnotagroundofobjection; and(iii)that
an objector who states in the objection that theobjectordesirestobeheardinsupportofthegrounds of the objection may appear
and be heardby the constructing authority or its
delegate at thetime and place specified in the notice;
and(ea)if the land the
subject of the notice is common propertywithin the
meaning of, and shown on a building unitsplanunder,theBuildingUnitsandGroupTitlesAct1980—Current as at [Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
2 Taking of land[s 7]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(i)statetheproprietorofalotinthebuildingunitsplan
may be entitled to compensation for damagesuffered by the
proprietor as a result of the takingofthecommonpropertyandtheeffectofthetaking on the
proprietor’s lot; and(ii)statetherequirementimposedonthebodycorporateforthecommonpropertyundersubsection (2D);
and(eb)if the land the
subject of the notice is common propertyforacommunitytitlesschemeundertheBodyCorporate and
Community Management Act 1997—(i)statetheownerofalotintheschememaybeentitledtocompensationfordamagesufferedbythe owner as a result of the taking of
the commonproperty and the effect of the taking on the
owner’slot; and(ii)statetherequirementimposedonthebodycorporateforthecommonpropertyundersubsection (2D);
and(f)statethattheconstructingauthorityiswillingtonegotiate to acquire by agreement or,
failing agreement,totreatastothecompensationtobepaidandallconsequential matters; and(g)include details of—(i)the period within which a claim for
compensationunder this Act must be served on the
constructingauthority; and(ii)the
claimant’s right to apply to the Land Court toserve a claim
after the end of the period mentionedin subparagraph
(i); andNote—For the matters
mentioned in paragraph (g), see section 19(3) to(6).(h)include information about how, under section
20(2A), acontract,licence,agreementorotherarrangementCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 13
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part 2
Taking of land[s 7]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyenteredintoinrelationtothelandafterthenoticeofintentiontoresumeisservedmaybedealtwithinassessing compensation to be paid
under this Act.Note—See also—(a)theGeothermal
Energy Act 2010, section 350A(8) for additionalrequirementsifgeothermalinterestsunderthatActaretobewholly or partially extinguished;
and(b)theGreenhouseGasStorageAct2009,section 369A(8)foradditional requirements if GHG interests
under that Act are to bewholly or partially extinguished;
Resources Act 1989, section 10AAA(8) for additionalrequirements if mining tenement interests
under that Act are to bewholly or partially extinguished;
and(d)thePetroleumAct1923,section 124A(8)foradditionalrequirements if
1923 Act petroleum interests under that Act are tobe
wholly or partially extinguished; and(e)thePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety)Act2004,section 30AA(8) for additional requirements
if petroleum interestsunder that Act are to be partially or
wholly extinguished.(4)Where a notice
of intention to resume relates to land under theLandTitleAct1994,theconstructingauthorityshallfileacopy of the notice with the land
registry.(4AA)Theconstructingauthoritymay,bywrittennoticegiventoeachentitytowhomthenoticeofintentiontoresumeisserved under subsection (2), (2A) or (2B),
amend the notice ofintention to resume.(4AB)If
the constructing authority amends the notice of intention toresume, the period within which an entity
may serve on theconstructing authority an objection to the
taking of the landstarts again from the day the notice of the
amendment is givento the entity.Note—Fortheperiodwithinwhichanentitymayserveanobjection,seesubsection (3)(d).(4A)If
the constructing authority amends the notice of intention toresume or discontinues the resumption it
shall forthwith filePage 14Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part
2 Taking of land[s 8]withthelandregistryanoticeoftheamendmentordiscontinuance.(4B)Forthepurposeofsubsection (4A),notwithstandingthataconstructing authority has not served
notice under section 16,itshallbedeemedtodiscontinuearesumptioniftheapplicationprescribedbysection 9(3)hasnotbeenmadewithin the time prescribed by section
9(4).(5)Thefailurebytheconstructingauthoritytoserveupontheowner a notice of intention to resume,
where such failure isdue to circumstances beyond the
control of the constructingauthority, or
the failure of the constructing authority to serveupon
any person other than the owner a notice of intention toresume, or the failure of the constructing
authority to observesubsection (4),shallnotprejudiceanygazetteresumptionnotice made
under this Act, with respect to any land, and anyland
included in the notice shall be taken in terms of the noticenotwithstandinganysuchfailure,andthefailurebytheconstructingauthoritytoserveuponanypersonentitledtheretoanynoticeasprescribedbythisActshallnotinvalidatethecontinuanceordiscontinuanceofanyresumption.(6)In
subsection (5)—ownermeans,inthecaseoflandundertheLandTitleAct1994, the person
registered as the proprietor in fee simple atthe date of the
notice of intention to resume.8Dealing with objections(1)A
person entitled to be served with a notice of intention toresume land who has objected as prescribed
to the taking (theobjector) shall not be
entitled to be heard in support of thegroundsoftheobjectionunlessthepersonstatedintheobjection that
the person desired to be so heard and appears,inpersonorbycounsel,solicitororagent,atthetimeandplace specified in the notice.(2)Theconstructingauthorityshallconsiderthegroundsofobjection to the taking of any land
and—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 2
Taking of land[s 9](a)iftheobjectorhasbeenheardbytheconstructingauthority—themattersputforwardbytheobjectorinsupport of such grounds; or(b)iftheobjectorhasbeenheardbythedelegateoftheconstructingauthority—thereportthereonofsuchdelegate.(2A)Ifuponsuchconsideration,theconstructingauthorityisofopinion that the
resumption should be discontinued or that thenoticeofintentiontoresumeshouldbeamended,theconstructingauthoritymaydiscontinuetheresumptionoramend the notice of intention to
resume.(2B)However, a
notice of intention to resume shall not be amendedso
as to include therein land additional to the land the
the constructing authority amends the notice of intention toresume, the objector can not again object to
the taking of theland as provided for under the amended
notice if the owner ofthe land (whether or not the owner is
the objector) agrees tothe amendment.9Ways
in which land is to be taken(1)If
within the time stated in the notice of intention to resume
noobjectionismadeorif,afterdueconsiderationofallobjections,theconstructingauthorityisofopinionthatthelandinquestionisrequiredforthepurposeforwhichitisproposed to be taken, the constructing
authority may apply tothe relevant Minister that the land be
taken as prescribed bythis section.(2)Suchapplicationshallbemadewithin12monthsafterthedate of the notice of intention to
resume and not thereafter.(3)Such application
shall contain or be accompanied by each ofthe
following—(a)a copy of the relevant notice of
intention to resume andof any further notice amending the
same served undersection 7;Page 16Current as at [Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
2 Taking of land[s 9]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)where the land is not described in the
notice of intentionto resume as mentioned in section
7(3)(b)(i)—a copy ofa plan of survey of the land certified
as accurate by acadastralsurveyororaplansufficienttosubstantiallyidentify the
land;(c)alistofthenamesandaddresseslastknowntotheconstructingauthorityofallpersonswhototheknowledgeoftheconstructingauthorityareentitledpursuant to
section 18 to claim compensation;(d)astatementastothoseofthepersonsmentionedinparagraph (c) who have not been served
with the noticeof intention to resume and, a further
statement settingout in relation to every such person, the
manner in whichsuch service was attempted and the reasons
for failure toeffect it;(e)a
statement whether or not any person objected in termsof
the notice of intention to resume and, in the case ofsuch
an objection or objections, the name or names ofthe
objector or objectors, a copy of every objection, anda
report by the constructing authority thereon.(4)The
relevant Minister may require any constructing authorityto
furnish, within a time specified by the relevant Minister,suchfurtherparticularsandinformationastherelevantMinister deems
fit with respect to an application under thissection.(5)The relevant Minister must consider
every application madeunder this section, including all
statements and documents, orcopies of
documents, accompanying the application to ensurethat—(a)the
land to be taken may be taken and should be takenfor
the purpose for which it is proposed to be taken; and(b)the constructing authority has taken
reasonable steps tocomply with sections 7 and 8; and(c)if the notice of intention to resume
has not been servedon the owner as defined in section 7(6),
that the failureCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 2
Taking of land[s 11]to do so was due
to circumstances beyond the control ofthe constructing
authority.(6)The Governor in Council may, by
gazette notice, declare thatthe land
particularised in the notice is taken for the purposementioned in the notice.(7)Without limiting subsection (6), the
relevant Minister may, bygazette notice, declare that the land
particularised in the noticeis taken for the
purpose mentioned in the notice if—(a)the
objection period for the notice of intention to resumethe
land has ended and no objections were received inresponse to the notice; and(b)if the land is being taken for a
multi-parcel purpose—every other parcel of land required to
be taken to carryout the multi-parcel purpose—(i)has been taken under this Act;
or(ii)isthesubjectofaresumptionagreemententeredinto by the
constructing authority; or(iii)is the subject
of a notice of intention to resume forwhichtheobjectionperiodhasendedandnoobjections were received.(8)The taking is effective on the day of
publication of the notice.11Amending of
gazette resumption notice(1)Section 24AA of
theActs Interpretation Act 1954applies tothe amendment of
a gazette resumption notice.Notes—1ActsInterpretationAct1954,section 24AA(Powertomakeinstrument or
decision includes power to amend or repeal)2See
section 17 for the power to revoke a gazette resumption
notice is exercised to correctly describe the landtaken by the notice or to correct another
error, the power is notsubject to sections 7 to 9 or division
3.Page 18Current as at
[Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
2 Taking of land[s 11]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(3)Also, a gazetting authority may, by
gazette notice, amend agazette resumption notice made by the
Governor in Council tochange the description or area of land
taken under the gazetteresumption notice, but only if—(a)thedescriptionorareawasdescribedinthegazetteresumptionnoticeotherthaninaplanofsurveyregistered in
the land registry; and(b)thedescriptionorareaisdescribedintheamendinggazette notice
in a plan of survey that—(i)complieswiththeSurveyandMappingInfrastructure
Act 2003; and(ii)iscertifiedasaccuratebyacadastralsurveyorwithin the meaning of theSurveyors Act 2003; and(c)thechangeismadesolelytoaccuratelystatethedescription or area of land
taken.(4)However—(a)nopersonshallbeprejudicedinrespectofanymortgage,charge,claim,estate,orinterestexistinginrespect of the land, by reason of the
person having, inconsequenceofthegazetteresumptionnoticeoramendment of the gazette notice, done
or omitted to doanyactorthing,orfailedtoenforceoractuponanyright,ortocomplywithanyobligationinrespectofsuch
mortgage, charge, claim, estate or interest; and(b)no person shall have any right of
action or claim againstthe constructing authority for
anything bona fide doneunderthegazetteresumptionnoticeoranamendedgazette notice; and(c)nothing in this section contained shall
limit the power ofthe constructing authority to take at any
subsequent timethe whole or any part of the land mentioned
or describedin any gazette resumption notice so amended;
and(d)any amendment of the gazette
resumption notice shallnotprejudiceoraffectthepoweroftheconstructingauthority to
take any land which has been excluded fromCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 19
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 2
Taking of land[s 12]thegazetteresumptionnoticebyreasonoftheamendment; and(e)if
the constructing authority again takes land which hasbeenexcludedfromthegazetteresumptionnoticebyreasonoftheamendment,compensationshallnotbepayableinrespectofthevalueofanyworksorimprovements which have been made or
effected on theland by the constructing authority
subsequent to the dateof publication in the gazette of the
gazette resumptionnotice.12Effect of gazette resumption notice(1)Subject to subsection (4), land taken
by a gazette resumptionnotice—(a)shallvest,accordingasthenoticeprescribes,intheCrownorintheconstructingauthoritywhichrequiresthe
land on and from the date of the publication in thegazette of the notice; or(b)if it is taken by the Crown on behalf
of a corporationrepresentingtheCrowninrightoftheStateorconstitutedbyanyActshallvestinthecorporationrequiring the
land if the notice so prescribes and in suchcase,wherethecorporationisnotaconstructingauthority, the
provisions of section 41 shall apply as ifthe corporation
were a constructing authority.(2A)Where land taken vests in a constructing
authority or, if thegazetteresumptionnoticesoprescribes,inacorporationitshallsovestandbeheldbytheconstructingauthorityorcorporation for the estate or interest
therein of which the landtakenconsistsand,wheretheestateorinterestissuchthatprovisionismadebytheLandTitleAct1994foritsregistration, upon application by the
constructing authority orcorporation and production of agazette copy of the gazetteresumptionnoticeandpaymentoftheprescribedfees,theregistraroftitlesshallregistertheconstructingauthorityorcorporation accordingly.Page
20Current as at [Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
2 Taking of land[s 12]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(2B)Where such
application is in respect of the whole estate in feesimple—(a)in
land not under theLand Title Act 1994it shall
containa request for the issue of a certificate of
title for the land;(b)in land under theLand Title Act
1994it may contain arequest for the
issue of a certificate of title for the land;and upon payment
of the prescribed fees the registrar of titlesshallissuetotheconstructingauthorityorcorporationacertificate of title accordingly.(3)Where the land taken is part of land
subject to a building unitsplan registered
under theBuilding Units and Group Titles Act1980theregistraroftitlesshall,uponpaymentoftheprescribedfees,doandexecuteallsuchacts,mattersandthings as the registrar of titles considers
necessary to amendthe building units plan, and may make all
such recordings astheregistraroftitlesconsidersnecessaryintheappropriateregister.(3A)If land taken is
scheme land for a community titles schemeunder theBody
Corporate and Community Management Act1997,
the registrar of titles must, on payment of the prescribedfee,
take the necessary action—(a)toregisteraplanofsurveyidentifyingtheremainingscheme land;
and(b)torecordthetakingofthelandinthefreeholdlandregister; and(c)to
record a new community management statement forthe
scheme.(4)Land granted by the Crown upon trust
for a public purpose, orland comprised in a lease held under
theLand Act 1994, shallupon
and by virtue of the taking thereof become unallocatedState land.(4A)Land
mentioned in subsection (4) may, having regard to thepurpose for which it was taken—(a)bededicated,undertheLandAct1994,asareserveunder the trusteeship of the constructing
authority; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 2
Taking of land[s 12](b)be
dedicated, under theLand Act 1994or this Act, as
aroad; or(c)be
granted or leased, under theLandAct1994, to theconstructing authority; or(d)be dealt with under another
Act.(4B)Theconstructingauthoritythattakesthelandmentionedinsubsection (4) may also deal with the
land for the purpose forwhich it is taken on and from the day
it is taken, even thoughthe land is yet to be dedicated,
granted, leased or otherwisedealt with under
subsection (4A).(5)Onandfromthedateofthepublicationofthegazetteresumptionnoticethelandtherebytakenshallbevestedorbecome unallocated State land as provided by
the foregoingprovisionsofthissectionabsolutelyfreedanddischargedfromalltrusts,obligations,mortgages,charges,rates,contracts,
claims, estates, or interest of what kind soever, or ifan
easement only is taken, such easement shall be vested intheconstructingauthorityor,wherethegazetteresumptionnotice
prescribes, in the corporation requiring the easement,andtheestateandinterestofeverypersonentitledtothewhole or any part of the land shall
thereby be converted into aright to claim
compensation under this Act and every personwhose estate and
interest in the land is injuriously affected bythe easement
shall have a right to claim compensation underthis Act.Note—See,
however—(a)theGeothermalEnergyAct2010,sections 350Aand350Binrelation to geothermal interests under that
Act; and(b)theGreenhouse Gas
Storage Act 2009, sections 369A and 369B inrelation to GHG interests under that Act;
Resources Act 1989, sections 10AAA and 10AAB inrelation to mining tenement interests under
that Act; and(d)thePetroleumAct1923, sections 124A
and 124B in relation to1923 Act petroleum interests under
that Act; andPage 22Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part
2 Taking of land[s 12](e)thePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety)Act2004,sections 30AA and 30AB in relation to
petroleum interests underthat Act.(5A)Theamountofsuchcompensationmaybeagreeduponbetween the constructing authority and the
claimant subject,however, to the consent of any mortgagee of
the land taken.(5B)Failingsuchagreementeverysuchclaimmaybeenforcedagainst the
constructing authority concerned under, subject toandinaccordancewiththisActandthatconstructingauthority shall
be liable accordingly.(5C)Despitesubsection (5),apersondoesnotobtainarighttoclaim compensation under this Act in
relation to an interest inland that is an interest under a
services contract for the land.(6)Subjecttosection 11,publicationofagazetteresumptionnoticeisevidencethatthefollowingprovisionshavebeencomplied
with—(a)forlandtakenunderdivision3inaccordancewitharesumption agreement—that
division;(b)otherwise—sections 7, 8 and 9.(7)Forthwithafterthepublicationofthegazetteresumptionnoticetakinganylandorofagazettenoticeamendingthesame, the constructing authority shall
serve upon every personwhotoitsknowledgeisentitledpursuanttosection 18toclaim compensation or is a mortgagee of the
land a copy ofthe notice.(8)The
omission to serve upon any person such a copy shall notprejudice or affect in any way the operation
and effect of thenotice in question.(9)In
this section—services contract, for land,
means a contract merely for theprovision of
services on, to, or in relation to, the land, but doesnotincludeacontractfortheprovisionofservicesunderwhich a person has a right to reside on any
part of the land.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part 2
Taking of land[s 12A]Example of a
services contract—a contract for the provision of a cleaning
or maintenance service onpremisesNotauthorised—indicativeonly12AConstructing
authority must lodge new plan of survey forparticular
land(1)This section applies if—(a)land taken under this Act is part
of—(i)landsubjecttoabuildingunitsplanregisteredundertheBuildingUnitsandGroupTitlesAct1980; or(ii)scheme land for
a community titles scheme undertheBody
Corporate and Community ManagementAct 1997;
and(b)the taking of the land affects the
integrity of a boundaryof a lot or common property shown on a
plan registeredundertheBuildingUnitsandGroupTitlesAct1980,Land
Title Act 1994or another Act for the land.(2)The constructing authority for the
acquisition must lodge withthe registrar of
titles a plan of survey showing a new boundaryfor the lot or
common property.12BParticular land may be dedicated as
road(1)ThissectionappliesiflandistakenunderthisActforthepurpose of
roads.(2)The land may be dedicated as a road by
recording a dedicationnotice for the land in the appropriate
register under theLandAct 1994or
theLand Title Act 1994.(3)Iftheregistraroftitlesreceivesadedicationnoticefortheland, the
registrar must register the notice.(4)Theregistrationofthededicationnotice,withoutanythingfurther, opens the road for theLand
Act 1994.(5)In this
section—Page 24Current as at
[Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
2 Taking of land[s 13]dedicationnotice,forland,seetheLandAct1994,schedule 6.Notauthorised—indicativeonly13Provision for taking particular
additional land(1)If—(a)a
constructing authority proposes to take, or has taken,part
of any land; and(b)the taking of the part (theprimary part) will leave,
orhas left, a parcel of land (theadditional land) that
theconstructingauthorityandtheownerofthelandrequired to be taken or that was taken agree
in writing isof no practical use or value to the
owner;the constructing authority also must take
the additional land.(1A)The taking of
the additional land mentioned in subsection (1)is taken to be
for a purpose incidental to the carrying out ofthe purpose for
which the primary part is to be, or was, taken.(2)If,
by reason of the fact that a boundary of land proposed to betaken(theprimaryland)willsevertheprincipalbuildingerectedonthelandfromwhichtheprimarylandwillbesevered and of the circumstances of the case
relevant thereto,it appears to the Governor in Council that
it is desirable thattheconstructingauthorityshouldtakeadditionallandapprovedbytheGovernorinCouncil(alsotheadditionalland)beingthewholeorpartofthelandfromwhichtheprimary land will be severed the additional
land may be takenas prescribed by this Act and the taking of
the additional landshall be deemed to be for a purpose
incidental to the carryingout of the purpose for which the
primary land is taken.(2A)Theconstructingauthoritymaytaketheadditionallandmentioned in subsection (2) when the
constructing authoritytakestheprimarylandoraftertheprimarylandhasbeentaken.(3)Aconstructingauthoritymaysellorotherwisedealwithadditional land
taken by it under this section in such mannerasitthinksfitand
thepower hereby conferred shall not beCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 2
Taking of land[s 14]subject to the
provisions of any other Act which purport torestrict or
regulate the exercise by the constructing authorityofitspowertosellorotherwisedealwithlandortotheprovisions of section 41.14Dealing with title to land affected by
resumption(1)Theregistraroftitlesmay,bynoticeinwriting,requireaperson who has in his or her
possession, custody or controlany instrument
evidencing the title to the land taken by theconstructing
authority named in such notice, to deliver up tothe
land registry, within the time specified in such notice, theinstrument in question.(2)A
person thereunto required by a notice under subsection (1),whofailstodeliveruptothelandregistrytheinstrumentspecified in the
notice within the time therein specified shallbe guilty of an
offence and liable to a penalty of 2 penaltyunits.(2A)Notwithstandingthatsuchpersonhasnotbeenproceededagainstforsuchoffence,unlesssuchfailureisduetocircumstancesbeyondtheperson’scontrol,thepersonshallnotbeentitledtoreceivecompensationortobepaidanyadvanceor,inthecaseofamortgagee,tobemadeanypaymentunderthisActuntiltheinstrumentinquestionisdelivered to the land registry.(3)The costs and expenses in connection
with the recording orregistration of documents rendered
necessary by the taking ofthe land shall be borne by the
constructing authority.(4)Such costs and
expenses may be taxed by the proper officer ofthe Supreme
Court under the rules of that court.Page 26Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 3Acquisition of
Land Act 1967Part 2 Taking of land[s 15]Taking by agreementNotauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 1Resumption
agreements15Meaning ofresumption
agreement(1)Aresumptionagreementisanagreement,complyingwithsubsection (3),
for a constructing authority to take land underthisActentered intobytheauthorityand1ormoreoftheaffected persons
for the land.(2)Anaffectedperson,forlandthesubjectofaresumptionagreement, is
each person who, to the constructing authority’sknowledge—(a)will
be entitled to claim compensation under this Act inrespect of the taking of the land; or(b)is a mortgagee of the land.(3)A resumption agreement must—(a)be written; and(b)be
signed by each affected person who is a party to theagreement; and(c)state—(i)theparticularpurposeforwhichthelandtobetaken is to be taken; and(ii)a description of
the land in the way mentioned insection 7(3)(b);
resumption agreement may, in relation to the compensationfor
the taking of the land to be taken, for each affected personprovide—(a)for
the compensation to the person; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 27
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part 2
Taking of land[s 15A](b)that
the amount of the compensation is to be fixed underpart
(4)(a),thecompensationmayincludethebenefit of an easement or another interest
in land granted bythe constructing authority over any land
under the authority’scontrol.Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 2Process for
taking15AApplication of sdiv 2Thissubdivisionappliesifaconstructingauthorityhasentered into a resumption agreement
for particular land.15BLimit on taking under sdiv 2Thelandmaybetakenunderthissubdivisiononlyif,forevery affected
person for the land—(a)the
person—(i)is a party to the resumption
agreement; or(ii)isapartytoanotherresumptionagreementforaparticular
interest in the land; or(iii)has given
written consent to the land being taken inaccordance with
the resumption agreement; or(b)the
person’s interest in the land—(i)has
been taken under this Act; or(ii)istakenundersection 9immediatelybefore,orwhen, the land is taken under this
subdivision.15CTaking by Governor in Council(1)The constructing authority may apply
to the relevant Ministerfor the land to be taken under this
section.(2)The application must be—Page
28Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part
2 Taking of land[s 15D](a)madewithin1yearafterthedateoftheresumptionagreement;
and(b)accompanied by—(i)a
copy of the resumption agreement; and(ii)ifthelandisnotidentifiedintheresumptionagreementinthewaymentionedinsection 7(3)(b)(i)—acopyofaplanofsurveyofthe
land certified by a cadastral surveyor as beingaccurate or a
plan that is sufficient to substantiallyidentify the
period.(4)The relevant Minister must consider
the application and anyinformation given under subsection (3)
to ensure the land—(a)may be taken; and(b)should be taken for the purpose for which it
is proposedto be taken.(5)The
Governor in Council may, by gazette notice, declare thatthe
land is taken for the purpose stated in the notice.15DTaking by constructing
authority(1)The constructing authority may, by
gazette notice, declare thatthe land is
taken for the purpose stated in the notice, withoutmaking any application under section
15C.(2)However, the constructing authority
may take the land for amulti-parcelpurposeonlyifeveryotherparceloflandrequired to be
taken to carry out the multi-parcel purpose—(a)has
been taken under this Act; or(b)is
the subject of a resumption agreement entered into bythe
constructing authority; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 2
Taking of land[s 15E](c)isthesubjectofanoticeofintentiontoresumeforwhich the objection period has ended and no
objectionshave been received.(3)Also, the constructing authority may act
under subsection (1)to take the land only if the authority
is satisfied the land—(a)may be taken;
and(b)should be taken for the purpose for
which it is proposedto be taken.Subdivision
taking is effectiveA taking under this division is effective on
the day the gazetteresumption notice is published.15FNon-application of sections 7 to
9Sections 7 to 9 do not apply to the taking
of land under thisdivision.15GWhen
constructing authority is taken to havediscontinued
resumptionIf a constructing authority has not made an
application undersection 15Cortakenlandundersection
15Dwithin1yearafterthedateofaresumptionagreementtowhichtheauthority is a party—(a)theauthorityistakentohavediscontinuedtheresumption of the land the subject of the
agreement; and(b)section 16 applies as if the authority
had served each oftheaffectedpersonsforthelandwithanoticeofintention to resume.Page 30Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part
3 Discontinuance of taking of land[s 15H]15HNo limit on other acquisition of
landThisdivisiondoesnotlimitthepowerofaconstructingauthoritytoacquirelandinanotherway,including,forexample, by purchasing it.Part
3Discontinuance of taking ofland16Discontinuance of
resumption before publication ofgazette
resumption notice(1)Aconstructingauthoritymayatanytimebeforethepublication of the gazette resumption
notice, serve upon everypersonwhohasbeenservedwithanoticeofintentiontoresume a further notice stating that the
constructing authorityis discontinuing the resumption of the
land concerned.(1A)Service of the
further notice shall discontinue the resumptionconcernedandnopersonshallhaveanyclaimforcompensation or other right or remedy
whatsoever against theconstructing authority for any loss or
damage alleged to havebeen occasioned (directly or
indirectly) by the service of thenoticeofintentiontoresumeorthediscontinuanceoftheresumptionexceptaclaimforcompensationforcostsandexpensesincurredbythepersonwhowasservedwiththenotice and any actual damage done to the
land concerned bythe constructing authority.(1B)The constructing
authority and the claimant may agree upontheamountofthecompensationtobepaidundersubsection (1A) or, upon the reference of
either of them, suchamount may be determined by the Land
Court.(1C)However, the
constructing authority may have such costs andexpensestaxedbytheproperofficeroftheSupremeCourtundertherulesofthatcourtandthatnopersonshallbeentitled to compensation in excess of
the value of his or herestate or interest in the land.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part 3
Discontinuance of taking of land[s 17](2)For the purposes of this section,
notwithstanding that noticeunderthissectionhasnotbeenserved,theconstructingauthority shall
be deemed to discontinue a resumption if theapplicationprescribedbysection 9(3)hasnotbeenmadewithin the time prescribed by section
9(4).Notauthorised—indicativeonly17Revocation before
determination of compensation(1)If,
at any time after the publication of the gazette resumptionnotice and before the amount of compensation
to be paid inrespect of the taking thereof is determined
by the Land Courtorthepaymentofcompensationinrespectofthetakingissooner made, it is found that the land or
any part thereof is notrequired for the purpose for which it
was taken, the GovernorinCounciloragazettingauthority,bygazettenotice(therevoking gazette
notice), may revoke the gazette resumptionnotice, in whole or in part.(1A)However,therevokinggazettenoticeshallnotbemadeorpublished in the gazette unless the
person entitled as owner tocompensationinrespectofthetakingofthelandhaspreviously agreed in writing to the
revesting as provided bythis section of the land or part to
which that notice relates.(2)Upontherevocationwhollyorotherwisebyarevokinggazette notice
of any gazette resumption notice—(a)thegazetteresumptionnoticeshalltotheextenttowhich so revoked be deemed to be absolutely
void asfrom the making thereof as if it had not
been made; and(b)without prejudice to the provisions of
paragraph (a), theland or part thereof, as the case may be, to
which therevoking gazette notice relates shall revest
in the personin whom the same vested immediately prior to
the daywhen it was taken by the constructing
authority underthegazetteresumptionnoticetakingthelandand,subject as hereinafter in this section
provided, shall sorevest for the person’s then estate or
interest therein; and(c)the constructing
authority shall cause a gazette copy ofthe revoking
gazette notice to be lodged with the landPage 32Current as at [Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
3 Discontinuance of taking of land[s 17]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyregistry, and the registrar of titles must
as soon as maybe thereafter, at the cost and expense of
the constructingauthority,doandexecuteallsuchacts,matters,andthings as the registrar of titles shall
consider necessaryto give effect to this subsection.(2A)Subject to
subsection (2)(a), for subsection (2)(b) the land orpartshallsorevestsubjecttoalltrusts,obligations,mortgages,encumbrances,charges,rates,contracts,claims,estates and interests of what kind soever
subsisting therein orthereover immediately prior to the
taking thereof, but so thatno person shall
be prejudiced by reason of the person having,inconsequenceofthegazetteresumptionnoticetakingtheland
in question and in the meantime, done or omitted to doany
act or thing or failed to exercise any right in respect of
anysuchtrust,obligation,mortgage,encumbrance,charge,rate,contract,claim,estate,orinterestand,withoutlimitingthegenerality of the aforegoing, so that
the time allowed underanysuchtrust,obligation,mortgage,encumbrance,charge,rate, contract, claim, estate, or interest
for the doing of any actortheexercisingofanyrightshallbedeemednottobeshortenedbytheperiodcommencingonandincludingthedateonwhichthelandwastakenandendingwithandincluding the day immediately
preceding the date on whichthe land or part
was revested.(3)Withoutlimitingthegeneralityoftheprovisionsofsubsection (2)(c),theregistraroftitlesmaymakesuchendorsements upon the deed of grant or
certificate of title forany lot or parcel of such revested
land or part, or issued suchnewcertificatesoftitlethereforwithsuchendorsementsthereon (if any)
as the registrar of titles may deem requisite inthe
circumstances.(4)Any person entitled to claim
compensation under this Act inrespect of the
taking of any land may, upon the revesting ofsuch land or
part thereof pursuant to this section, claim fromtheconstructingauthoritycompensationforthelossordamage and (if any) costs or expenses
incurred by the personinconsequenceofthetakingofthelandandpriortoitsrevesting.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 33
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 4
Compensation[s 18](5)The
constructing authority and the claimant may agree upontheamountofthecompensationtobepaidundersubsection (4),ortheymayagreethatsuchamountbedeterminedbytheLandCourt,inwhichcasesuchamountshall, upon the reference of either of them,
be determined bythe Land Court as if the land had been taken
and not revestedand the claim were limited to the
compensation payable underthat subsection.Part 4Compensation18By
whom compensation may be claimed(1)Subjecttosubsections (2),(3),(4A)and(5)compensationwhereto a right
is had under section 12 may be claimed fromthe constructing
authority under, subject to and in accordancewith the
provisions of this part.(2)In the case of
the inability or incapacity of any person entitledtoclaim,theclaimmaybe
madebytheperson’sguardian,trusteeorcommitteeor,ifthereisnoguardian,trusteeorcommittee, the Public Trustee of
Queensland.(3)Compensationshallnotbeclaimablebyorpayabletoaperson who is
lessee, tenant or licensee of any land taken ifthe constructing
authority upon written application allows theperson’s estate
or interest to continue uninterrupted.(3A)Ifaperson’sinvestmentpropertyistakenunderthisAct,compensationforcostsmentionedinthedefinitioncostsattributabletodisturbance,paragraphs(a)and(b),undersection 20(5) is claimable by, and payable
to, the person forthe purchase of land by the person to
replace the investmentproperty.(4)Subsection (4A) applies to land under
theLand Title Act 1994.(4A)Where,inrespectofanestateorinterestinthelandtakenwhich is not duly registered or notified in
the land registry, aclaimant makes a claim for
compensation subsequent to thepayment to
another claimant of compensation in respect of aPage
34Current as at [Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
4 Compensation[s 18]Notauthorised—indicativeonlygreater estate or interest in the land taken
which included theunregisteredorunnotifiedestateorinterestpursuanttoaclaim made by
such other claimant in or in connection withwhich the first
mentioned claimant did not disclose in writingsuch
unregistered or unnotified estate or interest, the claimantfirst mentioned in this subsection shall not
be entitled to anycompensation whatever from the constructing
authority.(5)The claim for compensation of a
trustee or trustees of any landin respect of
the taking thereof shall be limited to the amountof
actual damage caused to the trust by reason of the taking,andnosuchtrusteeshallhaveanyotherright,remedy,orclaim whatsoever in respect of such taking
against the Crownor any other person whomsoever and this Act
and every otherrelevantActorlaworrule,practice,orprocessoflaw,orjudgment of any court of competent
jurisdiction, shall be read,construed and
applied subject to this subsection.(6)ForthepurposesofaclaimforcompensationinrespectofcommonpropertyunderandwithinthemeaningoftheBuilding Units and Group Titles Act
1980, the body corporateconstitutedunderthatActbytheproprietorswithinthemeaning thereof of the units comprised
in the building unitsplanconcernedshallbedeemedtobetheownerofsuchcommon
property.(7)Except by unanimous resolution of all
proprietors such bodycorporate shall not agree upon the
amount of compensation.(8)Unlessotherwiseagreedbyunanimousresolutionofallproprietors, the amount of
compensation shall be distributedamongtheproprietorsinsharesproportionaltotheunitentitlements of
their respective units.(9)Foraclaimforcompensationforcommonpropertyforacommunity titles
scheme, the body corporate for the schemeis taken to be
the owner of the common property.(10)However—(a)thebodycorporatemayagreeontheamountofcompensation only by resolution without
dissent; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 4
Compensation[s 19](b)unless the body corporate agrees by
resolution withoutdissent to a different distribution of the
compensation, itmust be distributed among the owners of lots
in sharesproportionatetotherespectiveinterestschedulelotentitlements of their lots.(11)Insubsections (9)and(10),thefollowingwordshavethemeaningsgivenbytheBodyCorporateandCommunityManagement Act
corporate•common property•community titles scheme•interest schedule lot entitlement•lot•owner•resolution without dissent.(12)Subsection (13)
applies to the proprietor of a lot in a buildingunitsplanundertheBuildingUnitsandGroupTitlesAct1980, or the owner
of a lot in a community titles scheme undertheBody
Corporate and Community Management Act 1997,inrelationtowhichaclaimforcompensationforcommonproperty
mentioned in subsection (6) or (9) is made.(13)The
making of the claim for compensation for the commonproperty does not stop the proprietor or
owner making a claimforcompensationfordamagesufferedbytheproprietororowner as a result of the taking of the
common property andthe effect of the taking on the proprietor’s
or owner’s lot.(14)In subsection
(3A)—investment property, of a person,
means any land held by theperson for investment purposes.19Claim for compensation(1)A claim for compensation shall be in
writing, shall be servedupontheconstructingauthority,shallstateinfullthenamePage 36Current as at [Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
4 Compensation[s 19]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyand
address of the claimant, shall be signed by the claimant,andshallcontainorbeaccompaniedbyeachofthefollowing—(a)adescriptionofthelandtakenandastatementofthearea
thereof;(b)astatementofthenatureandparticularsoftheclaimant’s estate or interest in the
land taken;(c)a statement (which, in the case of the
owner, shall beverifiedbystatutorydeclaration)astowhetherornottheclaimant’sestateorinterestinthelandtakenissubjecttoanytrust,obligation,mortgage,lease,agreement to
lease, charge, rate, contract, claim or otherestate or
interest whatsoever and, if so, the nature andparticulars of
those of the aforesaid to which the estateor interest is
subject;(d)an itemised statement of the claim,
showing the natureand particulars of each item and the amount
claimed inrespect thereof;(e)the
total amount of compensation claimed.(2)Where the estate or interest of the claimant
is not registered ornotified in the land registry, the
claim shall be accompaniedby proof of title to the estate or
interest claimed, which proofshall include
copies of or abstracts from all documents (if any)necessary to establish in law the estate or
interest.(3)A claim for compensation may be served
on the constructingauthority only within 3 years after the day
the land was taken.(4)Despite subsection (3), the
constructing authority may accept,anddealwith,aclaimforcompensationservedbytheclaimant more
than 3 years after the day the land was taken ifthe
constructing authority is satisfied it is reasonable in all
thecircumstances to do so.(5)If
the constructing authority does not accept a claim served bytheclaimantmorethan3yearsafterthedaythelandwastaken,theclaimantmayapplytotheLandCourttodecidewhetheritisreasonableinallthecircumstancesfortheconstructing authority to accept the
claim.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 4
Compensation[s 20](6)IftheLandCourtdecidesitisreasonableinallthecircumstancesfortheconstructingauthoritytoaccepttheclaim, the constructing authority must
accept, and deal with,the claim under this Act.(7)If the constructing authority accepts
and deals with a claim forcompensation served by the claimant
more than 3 years afterthedaythelandwastaken,theLandCourtmusttakeintoaccount the late
service of the claim in deciding any amountof interest
payable under section 28 in relation to the claim.20Assessment of compensation(1)In assessing the compensation to be
paid, regard shall in everycase be had not
only to the value of land taken but also—(a)to
the damage, if any, caused by any of the following—(i)the severing of the land taken from
other land ofthe claimant;(ii)theexerciseofanystatutorypowersbytheconstructingauthorityotherwiseinjuriouslyaffectingtheclaimant’sotherlandmentionedinsubparagraph (i); and(b)to the claimant’s costs attributable
to disturbance.Note—See,
however—(a)theGeothermalEnergyAct2010,section 350Dinrelationtogeothermal interests under that Act;
and(b)theGreenhouse Gas
Storage Act 2009, section 369D in relation toGHG
interests under that Act; and(c)theMineralResourcesAct1989,section 10AADinrelationtomining tenement interests under that Act;
and(d)thePetroleumAct1923,section 124Cinrelationto1923Actpetroleum interests under that Act;
and(e)thePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety)Act2004,section 30AD in relation to petroleum
interests under that Act.Page 38Current as at
[Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
4 Compensation[s 20]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(2)Compensation shall be assessed
according to the value of theestate or
interest of the claimant in the land taken on the datewhen
it was taken.(2A)However, in
assessing the compensation, a contract, licence,agreementorotherarrangement(arelevantinstrument)entered into in relation to the land after
the notice of intentionto resume was served on the claimant
must not be taken intoconsideration if the relevant
instrument was entered into forthesoleordominantpurposeofenablingtheclaimantoranother person to obtain compensation for an
interest in theland created under the instrument.(3)In assessing the compensation to be
paid, there shall be takenintoconsideration,bywayofset-offorabatement,anyenhancement of the value of the interest of
the claimant in anylandadjoiningthelandtakenorseveredtherefrombythecarryingoutoftheworksorpurposeforwhichthelandistaken.(4)But
in no case shall subsection (3) operate so as to require anypayment to be made by the claimant in
consideration of suchenhancement of value.(5)In this section—costs
attributable to disturbance, in relation to
the taking ofland, means all or any of the
following costs relating to the purchase of land by aclaimant to replace the land taken—(i)stampdutyreasonablyincurredorthatmightreasonablybeincurredbytheclaimant,butnotmore than the amount of stamp duty
that would beincurredforthepurchaseoflandofequivalentvalue to the
land taken;(ii)financialcostsreasonablyincurredorthatmightreasonably be incurred by the claimant in
relationCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 4
Compensation[s 21]to the discharge
of a mortgage and the execution ofa new mortgage,
but not more than the amount thatwould be
incurred if the new mortgage secured therepayment of the
balance owing in relation to thedischarged
mortgage;(iii)legal costs
reasonably incurred by the claimant;(iv)otherfinancialcosts,otherthananytaxationliability,
reasonably incurred by the claimant;(c)removalandstoragecostsreasonablyincurredbytheclaimant in
relocating from the land taken;(d)costs reasonably incurred by the claimant to
connect toanyservicesorutilitiesonrelocatingfromthelandtaken;(e)other financial costs that are
reasonably incurred or thatmight reasonably
be incurred by the claimant, relating totheuseofthelandtaken,asadirectandnaturalconsequence of
the taking of the land;(f)anamountreasonablyattributedtothelossofprofitsresultingfrominterruptiontotheclaimant’sbusinessthat
is a direct and natural consequence of the taking ofthe
land;(g)other economic losses and costs
reasonably incurred bythe claimant that are a direct and
natural consequence ofthe taking of the land.Example of costs for paragraph (g)—cost
of school uniforms for children enrolled in a new schoolbecause of relocation from the land
taken21Grant of easement etc. or transfer of
land in satisfactionof compensation(1)Theconstructingauthorityandtheclaimantmayagreethattheconstructingauthoritywillgranttheclaimant,insatisfactionwhollyorpartlyoftheclaimant’sclaimforcompensation, any easement, right of
way, lease or other rightof occupation, or any other right,
privilege or concession in,Page 40Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part
4 Compensation[s 22]upon,overorunderthelandtakenoranyotherlandtheproperty of the constructing
authority.(1A)Also, the
constructing authority and the claimant may agreethat
the constructing authority will transfer land held in feesimplebytheconstructingauthoritytotheclaimantinsatisfactionwhollyorpartlyoftheclaimant’sclaimforcompensation.(2)In
such cases the parties may agree that the extent to whichthe
grant or transfer shall satisfy the claim for compensationshall be determined by the Land Court, and
the jurisdiction ofthe Land Court to determine the compensation
shall includejurisdiction to determine the extent of such
satisfaction.22Crown grant in satisfaction of
compensation(1)WheretheCrownistheconstructingauthority,andtheclaimantagrees,theGovernorinCouncilmaygrantinfeesimpleordemiseforanylesserestateorinteresttotheclaimant,insatisfactionwhollyorpartlyoftheclaimforcompensation, any unallocated State
land.(2)For the purposes of subsection (1),
the relevant Minister, otherthan the State
Development Minister, may close a road thattraversesoradjoinslandownedbytheclaimant,andtheGovernorinCouncilmaygrantthelandintheroadtotheclaimant.23Advance against compensation(1)A claimant for compensation may at any
time after the date onwhich the claimant delivered to the
constructing authority hisorherclaimforcompensationinaccordancewiththerequirements of section 19, apply to
the constructing authorityto make to the claimant an advance not
exceeding the amountprescribedbysubsection (3)inrespectofthecompensationclaimable by the
claimant.(2)Subject to being satisfied that the
applicant is entitled to claimcompensation and
to subsection (3) the constructing authorityCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 41
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 4
Compensation[s 23]shallmaketotheapplicanttheadvanceappliedforbytheapplicantinrespectofthecompensationclaimedbytheapplicant.(3)Theamountofanadvanceunderthissectionshallnotexceed—(a)wheretheconstructingauthorityhasmadetotheclaimantanofferinwritingofanamountofcompensationinsettlementoftheclaimant’sclaim—that
amount; or(b)where the constructing authority has
not made the offermentionedinparagraph(a)—anamountequaltoitsestimate of the
amount of compensation payable to theclaimant.(4)Subject to subsections (5) and (6),
any amount payable to aclaimant under this section which is
not paid within 90 daysafter the claimant applied for the
payment shall be recoverableby the claimant
as a debt due and unpaid to the claimant bythe constructing
authority.(5)Beforepayingtheadvancetheconstructingauthoritymayrequiretheclaimanttosatisfyitregardingtaxes,ratesandother moneys which, if unpaid, would be a
charge upon theland,andmayreducetheadvancebyanysumwhich,inrespect of any thereof, is unpaid or,
as respects any period oftime prior to the date when the land
was taken, will becomepayable.(6)Where the land concerned is subject to a
mortgage at the datewhenitistakentheconstructingauthoritymayreducetheadvance by the sum due to the
mortgagee.(7)TheconstructingauthoritymaypaytotheCrownortothelocal government
concerned or to the mortgagee any sum bywhich the
advance has been reduced under subsection (5) or(6).Page 42Current as at [Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
4 Compensation[s 24]Notauthorised—indicativeonly24Reference of claim for compensation to
Land Court(1)Subject to this section either the
constructing authority or theclaimantmayrefertotheLandCourtforhearinganddetermination the matter of the amount of
the compensation.(2)If the amount of the compensation has
not been sooner agreedupon, the claimant may so refer that
matter at any time afterthe date upon which the claimant
delivered to the constructingauthorityaclaimforcompensationinaccordancewiththerequirements of section 19.(2A)The claimant
shall make the reference by filing in the office ofthe
registrar of the Land Court copies of the claim deliveredby
the claimant to the constructing authority and of the noticeofintentiontoresumeandagazettecopyofthegazetteresumption notice taking the land.(3)The claimant shall not amend the claim
filed by the claimantin the office of the registrar of the
Land Court except uponleave granted by that court (which
leave the court may grantupon such terms as it deems just,
including terms with respectto the payment
of costs).(4)Upon the application of the
constructing authority, the LandCourtmayordertheclaimanttofileintheofficeoftheregistrar of the Land Court such
further or other particularswith respect to
the claim for compensation as, having regardto the
provisions of section 19, the court deems fit.(4A)A
claimant who fails to comply with such an order within thetime
specified therein shall be deemed not to have referred tothe
Land Court the claim in question.(5)If
the amount of the compensation has not been sooner agreedupon
and—(a)if the claimant has not sooner
delivered to it a claim forcompensationsubstantiallyinaccordancewiththerequirementsofsection 19,theconstructingauthoritymay
so refer the matter at any time after the expirationof
the period of 3 months next following the date of thegazette containing the gazette resumption
notice takingthe land; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 43
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 4
Compensation[s 25](b)iftheclaimanthasdeliveredtotheconstructingauthorityaclaimforcompensation,theconstructingauthority may so
refer that matter at any time after theexpiration of
the period of 3 months next following thedateofthegazettecontainingthegazetteresumptionnoticetakingtheland,unlessthereferencehasbeensooner made by
the claimant.(6)Theconstructingauthorityshallmakethereferenceinthemannerprescribedbysubsection (2A)savethatiftheclaimanthasnotdeliveredtotheconstructingauthorityaclaimforcompensationsubstantiallyinaccordancewithsection 19,theninthesteadofacopyoftheclaimtheconstructingauthorityshallfileadocumentcontainingoraccompanied by all of the particulars
required to be containedin or to accompany the claim so far as
those particulars areknown to it but, in relation to
paragraphs (d) and (e), statingamounts which it
is willing to pay.25Reference to Land Court by
constructing authority(1)Wheretheconstructingauthoritymakesareferencementioned in
section 24, the Land Court upon application inthat behalf made
by the constructing authority, shall order thatthe claimant may
enter an appearance on the reference on orbefore the date
fixed by the order.(2)A claimant may appear on the reference
by filing in the officeof the registrar of the Land Court, on
or before the date fixedby the order, a claim for compensation
in accordance with therequirements of section 19, and
thereupon section 24(3) and(4) shall apply
and the matter of the amount of compensationshallbeheardanddeterminedasifthereferencehadbeenmade in the
first instance by the claimant.(2A)However, an order as provided for by section
24(4) may bemade in respect of such appearance and, if
the claimant failsto comply with such order within the time
therein specified,theclaimantshallbedeemedtohavefailedtoenteranappearance on the reference.Page
44Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part
4 Compensation[s 26](3)A
claimant who fails to enter an appearance on a referencemadebytheconstructingauthorityshallnotbeentitledtoappear or to be heard by the Land Court upon
the hearing ofthereferencesavebyleaveofsuchcourt(whichleavethecourt may grant upon such terms as it
deems just, includingterms with respect to the payment of
costs).(4)In the case of a reference made by the
constructing authority,theLandCourtmayhearanddeterminethematteroftheamount of compensation in the absence
of the claimant wherethe claimant fails to enter an
appearance on or before the datefixedbyorderofthecourtorwhere,havingsoenteredanappearanceorhavingleavetoappear,theclaimantfailstoappear at the hearing.(5)Where the reference has been made by
the claimant in the firstinstance, the Land Court may hear and
determine the matterof compensation in the absence of the
claimant if the claimantfails to appear at the hearing.26Jurisdiction relating to
compensation(1)TheLandCourthasjurisdictiontohearanddetermineallmatters relating to compensation under this
Act.(3)Thedecision(whetheroftheLandCourtconstitutedbyasingle member or, as the case may be,
the Land Appeal Court)shall be in writing and the registrar
of the Land Court shalltransmitthe
decisiontothe registraroftheSupremeCourt,who
shall cause the same to be filed in the registry of the
and(b)unless the amount shall have been paid
into the SupremeCourtpursuanttosection 29,shallbefinalforallpurposesandhavetheeffectofajudgmentoftheSupreme Court and may be enforced
accordingly.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part 4
Compensation[s 26A](5)Where,pursuanttosection 29,theamountofcompensationawarded is paid
into the Supreme Court the decision shall notbe final as
regards the right or title of the claimant or any otherpersonwhomsoevertobepaidthatamountoranypartthereof.Notauthorised—indicativeonly26AJurisdiction
about recovery of advance againstcompensation(1)This
section applies if, in relation to land taken—(a)aconstructingauthorityadvancesanamounttoaclaimant under section 23; and(b)the Land Court later decides an amount
of compensationpayabletotheclaimantthatislessthantheamountmentioned in
paragraph (a).(2)The amount (theoutstanding
amount) that is the differencebetweenthefollowingamountsisanamountowingtotheconstructing authority by the
claimant—(a)the amount mentioned in subsection
(1)(a);(b)the total of the amount of
compensation decided by theLand Court and
any interest payable on that amount tothe
claimant.(3)TheLandCourthasjurisdictiontomakeanorderthattheoutstandingamountbepaidbytheclaimanttotheconstructing authority.(4)The Land Court may make an order under
subsection (3) atany time after it decides the amount of
compensation.(5)The Land Court may order the claimant
to pay interest on theoutstanding amount for all or any part
of the period—(a)startingonthedaytheamountmentionedinsubsection (1)(a) was advanced to the
claimant; and(b)ending at the beginning of the day the
claimant pays theoutstanding amount to the constructing
authority.(6)Interestmentionedinsubsection (5)ispayablebytheclaimant—Page 46Current as at [Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
4 Compensation[s 27](a)attheratestatedintheorderthattheLandCourtconsiders appropriate; and(b)when the outstanding amount is
payable.(7)An order under subsection (3) may be
enforced as if it were anorder made by the Supreme
Court.Notauthorised—indicativeonly27Costs(1)Subjecttothissection,thecostsofandincidentaltothehearing and determination by the Land
Court of a claim forcompensation under this Act shall be
in the discretion of thatcourt.(2)If
the amount of compensation as determined is the amountfinally claimed by the claimant in the
proceedings or is nearerto that amount than to the amount of
the valuation finally putin evidence by the constructing
authority, costs (if any) shallbe awarded to
the claimant, otherwise costs (if any) shall beawarded to the
constructing authority.(3)Subsection (2)
does not apply to any appeal in respect of thedecision of the
Land Court or to costs awarded pursuant tosection 24(3) or
section 25(3).28Interest(1)Subject to subsection (2), in respect of the
period or any partof the period commenced on and including the
date on andfrom which any land is taken and ending on
and including thedayimmediatelyprecedingthedateonwhichpaymentofcompensationismadetheLandCourtor,uponappeal,theLand Appeal Court may order that
interest be paid upon theamount of compensation determined by
it.(1A)Such interest
shall be at such rate per centum per annum as theLand
Court or, upon appeal, the Land Appeal Court, deemingreasonable, fixes by the order.(1B)Interest so
ordered to be paid shall be payable as if it were partofthecompensationinquestionandshallbeaddedtotheCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 4
Compensation[s 29]amount thereof
and be payable by the constructing authorityaccordingly.(2)Interestshallnotbepayableinrespectofanyamountofcompensation advanced under section
23.29Where right to compensation is
questioned(1)Where the title by reason whereof
compensation is claimedunder this Act comes in
question—(a)intheLandCourtor,uponappeal,theLandAppealCourt during the hearing and determination
of the claimfor compensation; or(b)during negotiations between the constructing
authorityand the claimant;nevertheless the
said court shall have power to determine or,asthecasemaybe,theconstructingauthorityandtheclaimant may
agree upon the amount of the compensation tobe paid.(1A)In such case the
constructing authority shall pay the amount ofcompensationdeterminedoragreeduponintotheSupremeCourt.(2)Where subsequent to the date when
compensation has beendeterminedoragreedupon,butbeforetheconstructingauthority has
paid the compensation to the claimant, the titleby
reason whereof the compensation was claimed under thisAct
comes in question to the knowledge of the constructingauthority, it shall pay the amount of the
compensation into theSupreme Court.(3)A
constructing authority may pay into the Supreme Court theamount of any compensation under this Act
where—(a)thepersontowhomtheamountispayablefailsorrefuses to accept payment thereof;
or(b)theconstructingauthorityisunableforanyreasonwhatsoevertomaketotheclaimantpaymentofthePage 48Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part
4 Compensation[s 30]amountortoobtainfromtheclaimantagoodandsufficient discharge for such
payment.(4)ThepaymentpursuanttoaprovisionofthissectionofanyamountofcompensationintotheSupremeCourtshalldischarge in
full the liability of the constructing authority topay
that amount pursuant to the determination or agreementby
virtue whereof it became payable.(5)Upon
application in that behalf the Supreme Court or a judgethereofmayorderthatanymoneypaidintothatcourtpursuant to a
provision of this section or part thereof shall bepaid
to or applied for the benefit of such person as the saidcourt or judge finds to be entitled
thereto.(6)The said court or judge may subject
such order to such termsand conditions as the court or judge
deems just and may, at thecourt’s or judge’s discretion, order
any party to the applicationtopaytoanyotherpartytheretosuchcostsasthecourtorjudge deems just.30Limited interests(1)Where compensation is determined or agreed
to be paid to anyclaimant in respect of a partial or
qualified interest held by theclaimant in the
land taken and such person is not entitled tosell or dispose
of such interest—(a)theconstructingauthorityshallpaytheamountofthecompensation into the Supreme Court;
and(b)the Supreme Court or a judge may upon
application inthatbehalforderthattheamountonanypartthereofshallbeappliedtoany1ormoreofthefollowingpurposes, that
is to say—(i)the discharge of any debt or
encumbrance affectingthe land, or affecting any land
settled therewith, orto the same or like uses, trusts, or
purposes;(ii)the purchase of
other land to be conveyed, limited,andsettleduponorforthelikeuses,trusts,orpurposes;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 49
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 4
Compensation[s 31](iii)removing or replacing any buildings on the
land, orsubstituting others in their stead;(iv)thepurchaseofsuchsecuritiesastheSupremeCourt or judge
may direct, to be settled in the samemanner as the
land;(v)inpaymenttoanypartiesbecomingabsolutelyentitledthereto,or,incaseoftheirdisabilityorincapacity, to their respective guardians,
trustees,or committees (or if there is no guardian,
trustee orcommittee, to the Public Trustee of
Queensland),as the case may be.(2)ThecostsofandincidentaltoanyapplicationunderthissectionshallbeinthediscretionoftheSupremeCourtorjudge.(3)Nothing in this section shall be deemed to
prevent any personwho has a partial or other qualified
interest in land to whichinterestthepersonissolelyentitled,andwhichthepersonmayabsolutelysellordisposeof,fromreceivinganycompensationawardedtothepersoninrespectofsuchinterest, or
which has been agreed to be paid to the person.31Powers of Supreme Court in respect of
building unitsWherethewholeofthelandcomprisedinabuildingunitsplan registered
under theBuilding Units and Group Titles Act1980,istakenunderthisAct,theSupremeCourtofQueenslandshallhaveandmayexerciseinrelationtothebuilding shown in such building units
plan such jurisdictionunder that Act as it would have were
such building destroyedfor the purpose of that Act on and by
such taking.31APowers of District Court for community
titles scheme(1)This section applies if—(a)thewholeoftheschemelandforacommunitytitlesschemeundertheBodyCorporateandCommunityManagement Act
1997is taken under this Act; andPage
50Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part
4 Compensation[s 32](b)the
scheme land includes at least 1 lot that is, under theLand
Title Act 1994—(i)a lot on a
building format plan of subdivision; or(ii)a
lot on a volumetric format plan of subdivision,and wholly
contained within a building.(2)The
District Court may exercise, in relation to any buildingforming part of the scheme land, the
jurisdiction it would haveunder theBody Corporate
and Community Management Act1997on
the destruction of the building.32Mortgages(1)Where the land taken is subject to a
mortgage at the date whenit is taken, upon application by the
mortgagee—(a)the Land Court or, upon appeal, the
Land Appeal Courtshall order that payment be made to the
mortgagee of; or(b)ifthecompensationisagreedupon,theconstructingauthority shall
pay to the mortgagee;somuchoftheamountofthecompensationasdoesnotexceed the sum due to the mortgagee.(2)Paymentshallnotbemadetoamortgageeunderthissection—(a)inprioritytoanyotherclaimant,savethemortgagor,unless the
mortgagee would, if the land had been sold onthe date when it
was taken, have been entitled to suchpriority;
or(b)in priority to any taxes, rates or
other moneys chargedupon the land taken in favour of the
Crown or any localgovernment.(3)For
the purposes of this section the sum due to the mortgageeincludes interest payable under the mortgage
up to the date ofpaymentorthelastdayofanyperiodinrespectwhereofinterest upon the amount of compensation has
been ordered tobe paid pursuant to section 28, whichever is
the earlier.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 4
Compensation[s 33]33Rent-charge or annuity(1)If
the land in respect of which compensation is determined orhasbeenagreedtobepaidissubjecttoarent-chargeorannuity,theLandCourtor,uponappeal,theLandAppealCourt shall, upon application by the person
entitled to suchrent-chargeorannuity,determinewhatpartofsuchcompensationshallbepaidtothepersonsoentitledinredemption thereof.(2)If
the land is part of land subject to a rent-charge or
annuity,the Land Court or, upon appeal, the Land
Appeal Court uponthelikeapplicationshalldeterminewhatpartofsuchrent-chargeorannuityshallberedeemed,andwhatpartofsuch compensation shall be paid in the
redemption thereof, sothat the remaining part of the land
subject to the rent-charge orannuity shall be
as good security as theretofore for the partthereof
remaining unredeemed.34Where part only
of land subject to rent is takenIf the land in
respect of which compensation is determined orhas been agreed
to be paid is part of land in respect of whichany rent is
payable, the Land Court or, upon appeal, the LandAppeal Court shall, upon application by the
person liable topay rent, determine what part of such rent
shall cease to bepayable, so that the rent ceasing to be
payable shall bear thesame proportion to the whole rent as
the value of the land inrespect of which compensation is
determined or agreed to bepaid bears to the value of the whole
of the land.35Taxes, rates and chargesAny
amount due and unpaid as at the date of the taking of theland
of any taxes, rates or other moneys charged upon the landtaken in favour of the Crown or any local
government shall bea charge upon the compensation payable under
this Act to aclaimantwhoislegallyliableforpaymentthereof,andtheconstructingauthoritymaydeductfromsuchcompensationPage 52Current as at [Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
5 General[s 36]and pay to the
Crown or local government concerned any suchamount.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
5General36Powers of entry etc.(1)For
the purposes of this Act any member, officer, employee,contractor or agent of the constructing
authority or any personauthorisedbyitinthatbehalfmayexerciseanyofthefollowing
powers—(a)enteruponanyland,forthepurposeofmakinganyinspection, valuation, survey or taking
levels;(b)affix or set up thereon
trigonometrical stations, surveypegs,marks,orpoles,andfromtimetotimealter,remove, inspect, reinstate and repair the
same;(c)dig and bore into the land so as to
ascertain the nature ofthe soil, and set out the lines of any
works thereon;(d)do all things necessary for the
purposes aforesaid.(2)The power to enter upon any land
includes power to—(a)re-enter from time to time; and(b)remain upon that land for such time as
is necessary toachieve the purpose of the entry; and(c)takesuchassistants,vehicles,materials,equipmentorthingsasarenecessarytoachievethepurposeoftheentry.(3)When
practicable, not less than 7 days notice in writing shallbe
given to the occupier or, if there is no occupier, the ownerof
the land of the intention to enter thereon, and the
authorityunder which the person entering claims to
enter or has enteredshall, if required by such owner or
occupier, be produced andshown.(4)Every person who—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 53
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 5
General[s 36A](a)without due authority, destroys, mutilates,
defaces, takesaway,oraltersthepositionofanytrigonometricalstation, survey
peg, mark, or pole fixed or set up by anyperson under the
authority of this section; or(b)wilfullyobstructsorattemptstoobstructanypersonacting under the
authority of this section;shall be guilty of an offence against
this Act and liable to apenalty not exceeding 4 penalty
units.(5)Theconstructingauthorityshallbeliableforcompensationfor the actual
damage (if any), done to the land by reason ofthe exercise of
any power conferred by this section.(6)Subsection (5) applies subject to section
37(4).(7)Compensation pursuant to subsection
(5) may be claimed andagreed upon or determined as
prescribed by section 37(3) and(5).36AMinister may act for Crown as
constructing authorityTheMinisterisauthorisedandrequiredtoexercisesuchpowers,performsuchfunctionsandtakesuchstepsasarepermittedorrequiredbythisActforthepurposeoftakingland on behalf
of the Crown as a constructing authority.36BDelegation by Minister(1)The
Minister may delegate the Minister’s functions under thisAct
to an appropriately qualified officer or employee of thedepartment.(2)However,theMinistercannotdelegatetheMinister’sfunctions under
section 9 in relation to an application for thetaking of land
if an objection was received in response to anotice of
intention to resume for the land.(3)A
delegation of a function may permit the subdelegation ofthe
function to an appropriately qualified officer or employeeof
the department.(4)In this section—Page 54Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part
5 General[s 37]appropriatelyqualified,forafunction,meanshavingthequalifications, experience or standing to
perform the function.Example of standing for an officer of
a department—the officer’s classification or level in the
departmentdepartment,foradelegationoftheMinister’sfunctions,means the
department administered by the Minister.functionsincludes powers.MinisterincludesarelevantMinister,otherthantheStateDevelopment
Minister.37Temporary occupation of land(1)The constructing authority may
temporarily occupy and useanylandforthepurposeofconstructing,maintainingorrepairing any works, and may exercise any of
the followingpowers—(a)take
therefrom stone, gravel, earth, and other material;(b)deposit thereon any material;(c)form and use temporary roads
thereon;(d)manufacture bricks or other materials
thereon;(e)erectworkshops,sheds,andotherbuildingsofatemporary nature
thereon.(2)The constructing authority or the
person having the charge ofthe works shall,
before occupying or using any land as hereinprovided,andexceptinthecaseofaccidentrequiringimmediaterepair,givetotheoccupieror,ifthereisnooccupier,theownerthereofnotlessthan7daysnoticeinwriting, and shall state in such
notice the use proposed to bemadeofthelandandanapproximateperiodduringwhichsuch
use is expected to continue.(3)The
owner of the land or any other person having any estate orinterest in the land may, at any time during
such occupation orwithin3monthsthereafter,givenoticeinwritingtotheconstructingauthoritythattheownerclaimscompensation,Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 55
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 5
General[s 38]and, subject to
giving such notice, if the land is not taken theowner and all such other persons may recover
under this Actcompensation for all damage done, but not in
the case of theowner or any such other person exceeding the
compensationwhich would have been payable to him or her
had the landbeen taken.(4)No
compensation shall be payable for any act or thing doneunder this section, the right or authority
to exercise which isreserved by any Act, or by any
regulation, Crown grant, orotherinstrument,excepttotheextentthereinmentioned,notwithstandingthatthetermsandconditionsimposedbysuchAct,regulation,grant,orinstrumenthavenotbeenperformed.(5)The
constructing authority and the claimant may agree uponthe
amount of compensation to be paid under this section orthey
may agree that such amount be determined by the LandCourt, in which case such amount shall, upon
the reference ofeither of them, be determined by the Land
Court as if the landhadbeentakenandtheclaimwerelimitedtothecompensation recoverable under this
section.38Refusal to give up land(1)If the owner or occupier of any land
taken or occupied underthis Act, or any other person, refuses
to give up possessionthereof, or obstructs the constructing
authority or any personappointedinwritingbyit,theconstructingauthoritymayissueitswarranttothesherifftodeliverpossessionofthesametothepersonappointedinthewarranttoreceivepossession,andonreceiptofthewarrantthesheriffshalldeliver possession of such land
accordingly.(2)Thecostsoftheissueandexecutionofthewarrant,tobesettled by the sheriff, shall be paid
by the person in default,and may be deducted from any
compensation payable to theperson, or the
same or any balance may be levied by distressand sale of the
goods and chattels of such person.Page 56Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part
5 General[s 39]39Service of documents(1)AnynoticeorotherdocumentrequiredbythisActtobeservedonanypersonmaybeservedonsuchpersonpersonally or by post.(1A)If
such person is absent from the State the document may beserved on the person’s agent in like
manner.(1B)IfsuchpersonisnotknownorhasnoknownagentintheState, the
document shall be served by the publication of thesame,oratrueabstractthereof,inthegazetteandinsomenewspaper
circulating generally in the locality where the landaffected is situated.(2)A
document may be served on the constructing authority bybeing sent by post to the constructing
authority at its office ortotheofficeofsuchpersonastheconstructingauthorityauthorises by public notice to receive
documents on its behalf.40OffencesAlloffencesagainstthisActortheregulationsmaybeprosecuted in a summary way under
theJustices Act 1886.41Disposal of land(1)Notwithstanding any provision of any other
Act, where landhas been taken either pursuant to an
agreement under part 2,division3orbycompulsoryprocessunderthisActand,within7yearsafterthedateoftaking,theconstructingauthoritynolongerrequirestheland,thentheconstructingauthority shall
offer the land for sale to the former owner at apricedeterminedbythevaluer-generalundertheLandValuation Act
2010.(1A)Unless sooner
accepted by the former owner the offer shalllapse at the
expiration of 28 days after it is made.(2)In
this section—MinisterincludesarelevantMinister,otherthantheStateDevelopment
Minister.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 5
General[s 42]the former
ownerin relation to land means—(a)where only 1 person had an interest in
the land at thedate of acquisition and that person is still
alive or, in thecase of a corporation, in existence—that
person; or(b)in any other case—such person or
persons (if any) as theMinister,intheMinister’sabsolutediscretion,havingregard to the interest that existed in the
land at the dateofacquisition,considerstobefairlyentitledtothebenefit of this section.(3)Apersoncontractingorotherwisedealingwiththeconstructing authority is not concerned to
inquire whether therequirements of this section have been
complied with, and thetitle of such a person to land
acquired from the constructingauthority is not
affected by any failure to comply with thoserequirements.42Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmayfromtimetotimemakeregulations not inconsistent with this Act
providing for all orany purposes, whether general or to
meet particular cases, thatmay be necessary
or convenient for the administration of thisAct or for
carrying out the objects and purposes of this Act.(2)Aregulationmaybemadeprescribingapenalty,butnotexceeding in any case 1 penalty unit,
for any contravention ofor failure to comply with that or any
other regulation.(3)A regulation may be made about fees
payable under this Act.43Publication of
noticesEvery notice given under this Act takes
effect from the day ofits publication.Page 58Current as at [Not applicable]
6Acquisition of Land Act 1967Part
6 Transitional and other provisions[s 44]Transitional and otherprovisionsNotauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Provision for
Acquisition of LandAmendment Act 199944Validating and transitional provisions for
the Acquisitionof Land Amendment Act 1999(1)This section applies if—(a)for the taking of land, a constructing
authority made anapplication for the taking of the land under
section 9(4)orsection 15(3A)beforethecommencementofthissection;
and(b)the application was not accompanied by
a copy of a planof survey mentioned in section 9(4)(b) or
section 15(3B)butwasaccompaniedbyaplansufficienttosubstantially identify the land; and(c)the land was taken.(2)Theconstructingauthorityistakentohavecompliedwithsection 9(4)(b)
or section 15(3B).(3)The taking of the land is and always
was valid whether or notthe action required of the Governor in
Council to consider theapplication under section 9(6) or
section 15 was followed.(4)In this Act a
reference to a gazette resumption notice includes,if
the context permits, a reference to—(a)for
a constructing authority—a proclamation publishedin
the gazette under section 9(6) or 15(6)(a); or(b)forBrisbaneCityCounciloranapprovedlocalgovernment—anotificationpublishedinthegazetteunder section 10(2) or 15(6)(b).(5)Areferencetoasectioninsubsections (2),(3)and(4)isareference to the section as it was
before the commencement oftheAcquisition of
Land Amendment Act 1999.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 59
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 6
Transitional and other provisions[s 45]Division 2Provision for
Transport and OtherLegislation Amendment Act 200545Transitional provision for taking of
land by Brisbane CityCouncil and other local
governments(1)This section applies if, before the
commencement, BrisbaneCity Council or another local
government had—(a)under section 7, served a notice of
intention to resumefor land on a person; but(b)a notification of resumption for the
land had not beenpublished in the gazette.(2)After the commencement—(a)BrisbaneCityCouncilortheotherlocalgovernmentmay continue to
take the land as if theTransportandOther Legislation Amendment Act 2005,
part 2 had notbeen enacted; and(b)thisActappliestothetakingofthelandasiftheTransport and
Other Legislation Amendment Act 2005,part
2 had not been enacted.(3)In this
section—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.notificationofresumptionmeansanoticepublishedinthegazetteundersection
10(2)asinforcebeforethecommencement.Page 60Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 3Acquisition of
Land Act 1967Part 6 Transitional and other
provisions[s 46]Provisions for
Acquisition of Landand Other Legislation AmendmentAct
2009Notauthorised—indicativeonly46Making claims for compensationSection 19(3) to (6) does not apply in
relation to a claim forcompensationforlandtakenbyaconstructingauthoritybefore the commencement of this
section.47Recovery of advance against
compensationSection 26Adoesnotapplyinrelationtolandtakenbyaconstructingauthoritybeforethecommencementofthissectionif,beforethecommencement,aproceedingfortherecovery of an amount of an advance
made under section 23for the land has started.Division 4Provisions for
Land, Water andOther Legislation Amendment Act201348Definitions for
div 4In this division—commencementmeans the
commencement of the provision inwhich the word
appears.previous, for a
provision of this Act, means the provision as inforce immediately before the
commencement.49Applications under previous section
9(2)(1)This section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,aconstructingauthorityappliedtotheMinisterforlandtobetakenunderprevious section 9(2); andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Part 6
Transitional and other provisions[s 50](b)onthecommencement,thelandthesubjectoftheapplication had not been taken under
this Act.(2)Section 9, as in force immediately
after the commencement,applies to the application.(3)In this section—Ministersee
previous section 9(1).50Agreements for
taking under previous section 15(1)(1)This
section applies if—(a)before the commencement, a
constructing authority hadenteredanagreementtotakelandunderprevioussection 15(1); and(b)onthecommencement,thelandthesubjectoftheagreement had not been taken under
this Act.(2)Part 2, division 3 applies to the
agreement.51Delegations by Minister(1)This section applies to a delegation
of a Minister made underapreviousdelegationprovisionandineffectimmediatelybefore the
commencement.(2)The delegation has effect from the
commencement as it were adelegation under section 36B.(3)In this section—previous
delegation provisionmeans section 11(5) or 36B asin
force immediately before the commencement.Page 62Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySchedule 1Acquisition of
Land Act 1967Schedule 1Purposes for
taking landsection 5Part 1Purposes relating totransportation•aviation and related purposes•beacons•bridges•docks•dockyards•ferries•harbours and harbour works•jetties•landing places•lighthouses•locks•parking of vehicles•railways and related purposes•roads•tramways•weighbridges•wharvesCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 63
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Schedule 1Part 2Purposes relating to theenvironment•management,protectionorcontroloftheenvironmentalvalues of areas
or places•protectedareaswithinthemeaningoftheNatureConservation Act
1992, part 4, division 2•soil
conservation•conservationofkoalasonlandina‘RuralLivingArea’or‘RegionalLandscapeandRuralProtectionArea’undertheregional plan for the SEQ region under
thePlanning Act 2016,if
the land is in the local government area of the Brisbane
CityCouncil,GoldCoastCityCouncil,IpswichCityCouncil,Logan City Council, Moreton Bay Regional
Council, NoosaShireCouncil,RedlandCityCouncilorSunshineCoastRegional Council•management, protection or control of the
seashore, estuariesand land adjoining the seashore and
estuaries, including forproviding access to beaches, and works
for the management,protectionorcontroloftheseashore,estuariesandlandadjoining the
seashore and estuariesPart 3Purposes
relating toeducational and culturalfacilities•colleges•kindergartens•libraries•museums•State educational institutions or other
schoolsPage 64Current as at
[Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Schedule 1•TAFEQueenslandestablishedundertheTAFEQueenslandAct 2013•universities or other higher education
institutions•other educational
4Purposes relating to healthservices•ambulance services•healthfacilities,includinghealthcentres,communityhealthcentres and health clinics•hospitals and services related to the
operation of hospitals•communityresidentialfacilities,includingboardinghouses,refuges,agedcarefacilitiesandfacilitiesforpeoplewithadisability, social disadvantage or
mental illnessPart 5Purposes
relating to naturalresources•gravel and sand pits•quarriesPart 6Purposes relating to recreation•beaches•botanical or other gardens•gymnasiums•markets•parksCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 65
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Schedule 1•public meetings•public music•racecourses•recreation grounds•showgrounds•swimming poolsPart 7Purposes relating to water•aqueducts•bore
drains•bores•canals•dams, weirs or other works for the
conservation or reticulationof water•drainage•flood gates or flood warnings•flood prevention or flood
mitigation•fords•pumps•quays•reservoirs•wellsPart 8Purposes relating to primaryproduction•experimental farmsPage 66Current as at [Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Schedule 1•forestry(includingafforestation,silviculture,protectionofforests and forest products, harvesting,
transporting, milling,preparing, treating or marketing
forest products, access to orforthepurposesofforests,acquisitionofforestsandforestproducts and
related purposes)Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
9Purposes relating to lawenforcement•corrective service facilities under
theCorrective Services Act2006•detentioncentresandotherplacesforthepurposesoftheYouth Justice
Act 1992•police•watch housesPart 10Purposes relating to urbanplanning•civic centres or squares•settingapart,subdividing,resubdividing,reclaiming,alienating,takingup,occupyingorleasinganyunallocatedState land, or
dealing with unallocated State land in any wayinwhichitmaybedealtwithundertheLandAct1994(whether in
carrying out thepurposes for which the land istaken, the land is dealt with separately or
in conjunction withany adjacent or other unallocated State
land)Part 11Purposes
relating to sanitation•septic
tanks•sewage farms and disposal works and
depotsCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Schedule 1•sewerage•sewers•waste management facilities, including
refuse tips and refusetransfer stationsPart 12Purposes relating to works,construction and facilities•buildings•caravan parks•cemeteries or crematories•departmental and official
purposes•electrical works•fire
stations•pounds•works for the conservation of hydraulic or
other power•worksforanypublicworks,orotherworkorpurposeofasimilar nature•works for the construction or erection of
any public or otherworks that the constructing authority is
authorised under anyAct or resolution of Parliament to
construct or erect, or for thepurposes of any
ActPart 13Purposes
relating to non-profitor not-for-profit organisations•non-profit or not-for-profit
organisations, including a charity,charitable
institution, public benevolent institution, charitablefund
and income tax exempt fundPage 68Current as at
[Not applicable]
14Acquisition of Land Act 1967Schedule 1Other
purposes•any purpose declared under a
regulation to be a purpose forwhich land may
be taken under this ActNotauthorised—indicativeonlyCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Schedule 2Schedule 2Dictionarysection 2affectedperson,forlandthesubjectofaresumptionagreement, see
section 15(2).cadastral surveyormeans a person
registered as a cadastralsurveyor under theSurveyors Act
2003.chief executivemeans the chief
executive of the department.chiefexecutive(surveys)meansthechiefexecutiveofthedepartment in
which theSurveyors Act 2003is
administered.compulsory acquisition Actsee
theNative Title (Queensland)Act
1993, section 144(4).constructing
State; or(b)a local government; or(c)apersonauthorisedbyanActtotakelandforanypurpose.gazette resumption noticemeans a gazette notice mentionedin
section 9(6) or (7), 15C(5) or 15D(1).gazetting
authority, for a gazette resumption notice,
means—(a)ifthegazetteresumptionnoticewasmadebytheGovernorinCouncil—therelevantMinistertowhomthe application
was made under section 9(1) or 15C(1)fortheland,thesubjectofthegazetteresumptionnotice, to be
taken; or(b)if the gazette resumption notice was
made by a relevantMinister under section 9(7)—the relevant
Minister; or(c)ifthegazetteresumptionnoticewasmadebyaconstructingauthorityundersection
15D(1)—theconstructing authority.Page 70Current as at [Not applicable]
Acquisition of Land Act 1967Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonlylandmeans land, or
any estate or interest in land, that is heldin fee simple,
including fee simple in trust under theLand Act1994, but does not
include a freeholding lease under that Act.multi-parcel
purposesee section 3(1).non-native title
right or interestmeans any right or interestincluded in non-native title rights and
interests.non-native title rights and interestshas
the same meaning asit has in theNative Title
(Queensland) Act 1993.notice of
intention to resumesee section 7(1).objection
period, for a notice of intention to resume,
meansthe period—(a)starting when the notice is served on the
person to whomit is directed; and(b)ending on the day specified in the notice as
the day bywhichanobjectiontothetakingofthelandmaybemade.relevant
Ministermeans—(a)forlandtobetakenforapurposeoftheStateDevelopment and
Public Works Organisation Act 1971,the
State Development Minister; and(b)forlandtobetakenforapurposeoftheTransportInfrastructure
Act 1994, the Minister administering thatAct;
that Act; and(c)iftheGovernorinCouncilhas,bygazettenotice,declared land to be taken for a purpose of
another Act—the Minister administering the other Act;
and(d)otherwise—the Minister administering
this Act.resource interestmeans—(a)a geothermal interest under theGeothermal Energy Act2010;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition of Land Act 1967Schedule 2(b)a
GHG interest under theGreenhouse Gas Storage Act2009; or(c)a mining tenement interest under
theMineral ResourcesAct 1989;
or(d)a 1923 Act petroleum interest under
thePetroleum Act1923;
or(e)apetroleuminterestunderthePetroleumandGas(Production and Safety) Act
means—(a)for a geothermal interest under
theGeothermal EnergyAct 2010—section 350D of that Act; or(b)for a GHG interest under theGreenhouse Gas StorageAct 2009—section 369D of that Act; or(c)foraminingtenementinterestundertheMineralResources Act
1989—section 10AAD of that Act; or(d)for a 1923 Act petroleum interest
under thePetroleumAct 1923—section 124C of that Act; or(e)forapetroleuminterestunderthePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety)Act2004—section
30ADofthat Act.resumption
agreementsee section 15(1).StateDevelopmentMinistermeanstheMinisteradministeringtheStateDevelopmentandPublicWorksOrganisation Act 1971.Page
72Current as at [Not applicable]