QueenslandBailAct1980Current as at [Not
applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates allproposed
amendments to the Act included in the Justice Legislation
(Linksto Terrorist Activity) Amendment Bill 2018.
This indicative reprint has beenprepared for
information only—it is not an authorised reprint of the
Act.The point-in-time date for this
indicative reprint is the introduction date forthe Justice
Legislation (Links to Terrorist Activity) Amendment Bill
2018—13 November 2018.DetailedinformationaboutindicativereprintsisavailableontheInformationpage of the
Queensland legislation website.
Act 1980Bail Act 1980Part 1
Preliminary[s 1]An Act to
consolidate and amend the law relating to the releaseofdefendantschargedwithoffencesandforincidentalandother
purposesPart 1Preliminary1Short
titleThis Act may be cited as theBail
Act 1980.6DefinitionsIn this
postpone or reserve a question on a point oflaw.admitto bail includes
grant bail.appealincludes an
application for leave to appeal.approved
formsee section 36C.committal for
trialincludes a committal for sentence.Commonwealthcontrolordermeansacontrolorderasdefined in the Criminal Code (Cwlth),
section 100.1(1).community justice groupmeans—(a)thecommunityjusticegroupestablishedundertheAboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderCommunities(Justice,LandandOtherMatters)Act1984,part4,division 1, for the community of a defendant
who is anAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 1
Preliminary[s 6](b)a
group of persons within the community of a defendantwho
is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person,other than a department of government, that
is involvedin the provision of any of the
following—(i)information to a court about
Aboriginal or TorresStrait Islander defendants;(ii)diversionary,interventionistorrehabilitationactivitiesrelatingtoAboriginalorTorresStraitIslander defendants;(iii)other activities relating to local justice
issues; or(c)a group of persons made up of elders
or other respectedpersons of the defendant’s community.convictionincludes—(a)a finding of guilt;(b)afindingthatapersonisnotguiltybyreasonofunsoundness of mind;(c)a
conviction of an offence for which an order is made—(ii)requiring the
person to perform unpaid communityservice;
or(iii)discharging the
person absolutely or conditionally.courtincludes—(a)a
judge or justice, whether sitting in court or acting inanother way; and(b)a
court exercising appellate jurisdiction; and(c)ajusticeorjusticesconductinganexaminationofwitnesses in relation to an indictable
offence; and(d)a justice acting under section 15A or
conducting a bailproceeding by using video link facilities or
audio linkfacilities under theJustices Act
1886, part 6A.criminalproceedingincludesahearing,trialorappealinrelation to an offence.Page 6Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 1 Preliminary[s 6]defendantmeansapersonchargedwithorconvictedofanoffenceandincludessuchapersonwhoisapartytoanappeal.defendant’s community, in relation to
a defendant who is anAboriginalorTorresStraitIslanderperson,meansthedefendant’s Aboriginal or Torres Strait
Islander community,whether it is—(a)an
urban community; or(b)a rural community; or(c)acommunityonDOGITlandundertheAboriginalLandAct1991or theTorresStraitIslanderLandAct1991.deputydirectorofpublicprosecutionsmeans,wherethechargeoutofwhichaprosecutionarisesisachargeforanoffenceagainstthelawsoftheCommonwealth,thedeputydirector of
public prosecutions in Queensland.hearingmeans a proceeding before a court or judge
or beforeany justice or justices dealing summarily
with a charge of asimple offence or conducting an examination
of witnesses inrelationtoanindictableoffenceoraproceedingwhereinaperson is to be sentenced and includes
a proceeding wherein aperson is charged with an offence on
indictment whether ornotthepersonhasbeencalledupontopleadtothatindictment.judgeincludes a District Court judge.lawyermeansanAustralianlawyerwho,undertheLegalProfessionAct2007,mayengageinlegalpracticeinthisState.offenceincludes an
alleged offence.police establishmentmeans a police
establishment under thePolice Service Administration Act
1990.precincts, of a court,
means any land or building, or the part ofany land or
building, used for the purposes of the court.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 7
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 1
Preliminary[s 6]prisonincludesanyinstitutionorplaceatwhichachildisdetained pursuant to theYouth Justice
Act 1992and any otherplace where
persons may be detained in lawful custody.proper
officer, when used in relation to a court,
means—(a)in the case of the Supreme Court or
the District Court—the registrar or any sheriff or deputy
sheriff; or(b)inthecaseofaMagistratesCourt—theclerkofthecourt.simple
offencemeans an offence (whether or not
indictable)punishable on summary conviction before a
Magistrates Courtby fine, imprisonment or otherwise.SPERmeanstheStatePenaltiesEnforcementRegistryestablished under theState Penalties
Enforcement Act 1999.surrender into
custody, when used in relation to a
defendantwho is—(a)on
bail; or(b)permitted to go at large without
bail;means surrender into the custody of the
court at the time andplace for the time being appointed for
the defendant to do so.terrorism offencemeans—(a)a terrorism offence under the Crimes
Act 1914 (Cwlth);or(b)anoffenceagainsttherepealedCrimes(ForeignIncursions and
Recruitment) Act 1978 (Cwlth), sections6 to 9;
or(c)anoffenceagainsttheTerrorism(CommunityProtection) Act
2003 (Vic), section 4B; or(d)an offence
against the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), section310J; or(e)an offence against the Criminal Law
Consolidation Act1935 (SA), section 83CA; orPage
8Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 1 Preliminary[s 6A](f)anotheroffenceagainstaprovisionofalawoftheCommonwealth or another State if the
provision—(i)is prescribed by regulation;
and(ii)is in relation
to an activity that involves a terroristact,orispreparatorytothecarryingoutofanactivity that
involves a terrorist act.terrorist actseethePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000, section 211.trialmeans a proceeding wherein a person is
charged with anoffenceonindictmentandincludesaproceedingwhereinaperson is to be sentenced.undertakingmeans a promise
in writing with respect to bailsigned by a
defendant or by a defendant and the defendant’ssurety or
sureties that the defendant will appear at a hearing oranadjournedhearingoruponthedefendant’strialoranappeal and
surrender into custody and comply with such otherconditions as are imposed for the
defendant’s release on bail.vary,whenusedinrelationtobail,meansimposefurtherconditionsafterbailisgranted,alter,amendorrescindconditions or
alter the amount of bail.watch-house managermeans a watch-house manager underthePolice Powers and Responsibilities Act
2000.6ADelegation of
powers by proper officer(1)Aproperofficermaydelegatetheproperofficer’spowersunder this Act
to an officer of the public service (anofficer)mentioned in subsection (2) if the
officer is a justice.(2)If the proper
officer is—(a)the sheriff—the powers may be
delegated to an officeremployedinthesheriff’sofficeorMagistratesCourtregistry; or(b)the
registrar—the powers may be delegated to an officeremployedintheDistrictCourtregistryorMagistratesCourt registry;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and other
release[s 7](c)the
clerk of the court—the powers may be delegated toan
officer employed in the Magistrates Court registry.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 2Grant and
enlargement of bailand other release7Power
of police officer to grant bail(1)This
section applies if—(a)aperson,whohasbeenarrestedinconnectionwithacharge of an offence, or under a
warrant issued under thePenaltiesandSentencesAct1992,section33AC,isdelivered into the custody of a police
officer who is—(i)theofficer-in-chargeof apolicestationorpoliceestablishment;
or(ii)a watch-house
manager; and(b)the person is not detained under
thePolice Powers andResponsibilities
Act 2000, chapter 15, part 2; and(c)aprescribedpoliceofficerissatisfieditisnotpracticable to
bring the person before a court promptly.(2)The
prescribed police officer must investigate whether or notthe
person may be granted bail by the officer under this Act.Notes—1See
section 13 for when only particular courts may grant a
section 16 for when the prescribed police officer must refuse
togrant a person bail.(3)If
the prescribed police officer is satisfied the person may begranted bail by the officer under this Act,
the officer must—(a)grantbailtothepersonandreleasethepersonfromcustody; or(b)issueandserveonthepersonanoticetoappearandrelease the person from custody.Page
10Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 7](4)Apersongrantedbailandreleasedinaccordancewiththissection shall be
released—(a)pursuant to section 14; or(b)onconditionsfortheperson’sreleasemadebythepolice officer pursuant to section
11(2)requiringthepersontosurrendertheperson’s current passport, see section
11AA.(5)If the prescribed police officer
refuses to grant bail to a personunder this
section, the officer must write the officer’s reasonsfor
the refusal—(a)on the papers relating to the person;
or(b)on the warrant; or(c)in a
register or record of persons in custody.(6)Thekeepingofthepersonincustodyisnotunlawfulonlybecause of a failure to comply with
subsection (5).(7)A grant of bail to a person under this
section, the issuing andservingonapersonofanoticetoappearandtheperson’sreleasefromcustodythereondischargesthedutyoftakingthat person
before a justice to be dealt with according to law.(8)A court before which a person granted
bail pursuant to thissection appears may enlarge, vary or
revoke bail so granted.(9)This section
does not apply if the arrested person is a child.(10)In this
section—notice to appearsee thePolice Powers and ResponsibilitiesAct
2000, schedule 6.officer-in-charge, of a police
station or police establishment,includes a
police officer nominated by the officer-in-charge ofthepolicestationorpoliceestablishmentastheofficer-in-charge of the police
station or police establishmentduring the
officer-in-charge’s absence.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 11
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 2 Grant and
enlargement of bail and other release[s 8]prescribed police officer, in
relation to a person in custody,means—(a)if the person is in custody at a
police station or policeestablishment—theofficer-in-chargeofthepolicestation or
police establishment; or(b)if the person is
in custody at a watch-house—(i)the
watch-house manager; or(ii)anotherpoliceofficerwhosedutiesincludeperforming
functions at the watch-house in relationto persons in
custody.8Power of court as to bail(1)A court, subject to this Act—(a)may grant bail to a person held in
custody on a charge ofor in connection with an offence
if—(i)the person is awaiting a criminal
proceeding to beheld by that court in relation to that
offence; or(ia)the court is a
Magistrates Court and the person isawaitinganappealundertheJusticesAct1886,section 222 to be held in the District
Court; or(ii)the court has
adjourned the criminal proceeding; or(iii)the
court has committed or remanded the person inthecourseoforinconnectionwithacriminalproceeding to be
held by that court or another courtin relation to
that offence; and(b)may enlarge, vary or revoke bail so
the court is a Magistrates Court, see theJustices Act
1886, part6A, for
provisions about the use of video link facilities or audiolink
facilities for proceedings, including bail proceedings.2The provisions about the sexual
assault counselling privilege in theEvidence Act
1977, part 2, division 2A apply in relation to
bailproceedings.Page 12Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 9](2)A
person in custody on a charge of or in connection with anoffence who is not granted bail or released
under section 11Amust, unless the person has been sentenced
for that offence,be remanded in custody.(3)Save
where this Act or any other Act otherwise provides, anenlargement of bail may, if the court thinks
fit, be granted inthe absence of the defendant.(4)A person to whom bail is granted shall
not be released fromcustodywhilethepersonis,foranyothercause,beinglawfully held in custody.(5)The powers of the Court of Appeal with
respect to bail may beexercisedbyajudgeoftheSupremeCourtinthesamemanner as they may be exercised by the Court
of Appeal, but,ifthejudgerefusesanapplicationwithrespecttobail,thepersonmakingtheapplicationmayapplytotheCourtofAppealandthatcourtshallhearanddeterminetheapplication.9Duty
of court to grant bail in certain casesWhere a person
held in custody on a charge of an offence ofwhich the person
has not been convicted appears or is broughtbeforeacourtempoweredbysection 8tograntbailtotheperson in
relation to that offence, the court shall, subject tothisAct,grantbailtothatpersonorenlargeorvarybailalready granted to the person in relation to
that offence.10General powers as to bail(1)TheSupremeCourtorajudgethereofmay,subjecttothisAct, grant bail
to a person held in custody on a charge of anoffence,orinconnectionwithacriminalproceeding,orenlarge,varyorrevokebailgrantedtoapersoninorinconnectionwithacriminalproceedingwhetherornotthepersonhasappearedbeforetheSupremeCourtinorinconnection therewith.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 13
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 2 Grant and
enlargement of bail and other release[s 10A](2)Notwithstanding that a person has been
given in charge to thejury in connection with the person’s
trial commenced in theSupreme Court or the District Court
the trial judge may in thetrialjudge’sdiscretionexercisethepowersconferredonacourt by section
8(1) to grant bail to that person or to enlarge,vary
or revoke bail already granted to the person.(3)A
decision as to bail made in accordance with subsection (2)by a
trial judge shall be final and, notwithstanding this Act, adefendant in respect of whom such decision
has been madeshall not have the right to make a further
application for bailin relation to the custody in which
the defendant is then held.10ANo court fee
payable for making application to SupremeCourtNo
fee is payable to an office of the Supreme Court for themaking of an application for bail to the
Supreme Court or ajudge of the court.10BNo
costs order(1)A court may not make any order
concerning costs in a bailproceeding.(2)It
does not matter whether the bail proceeding started, or therelevantoffencewascommitted,beforeorafterthecommencement of this section.(3)In this section—bail
application under this Act; and(b)anapplicationtogrant,enlarge,varyorrevokebailunder another Act; and(c)an
appeal to the Court of Appeal from an order made onan
application mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b).Page 14Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 11]11Conditions of release on bail(1)A court or police officer authorised
by this Act to grant bailshall consider the conditions for the
release of a person on bailin the following
sequence—(a)thereleaseofthepersonontheperson’sownundertakingwithoutsuretiesandwithoutdepositofmoney or other security;(b)thereleaseofthepersonontheperson’sownundertaking with a deposit of money or
other security ofstated value;(c)thereleaseofthepersonontheperson’sownundertaking with a surety or sureties of
stated value;(d)thereleaseofthepersonontheperson’sownundertaking with a deposit of money or
other security ofstated value and a surety or sureties of
stated value;butshallnotmaketheconditionsforagrantofbailmoreonerous for the person than those that in
the opinion of thecourtorpoliceofficerarenecessaryhavingregardtothenature of the offence, the
circumstances of the defendant andthe public
interest.(2)WhereacourtorapoliceofficerauthorisedbythisActtogrant bail considers that the
imposition of special conditions isnecessary to
secure that a person—(a)appearsinaccordancewiththeperson’sbailandsurrenders into custody; or(b)while released on bail does
not—(i)commit an offence; or(ii)endanger the
safety or welfare of members of thepublic;
or(iii)interfere with
witnesses or otherwise obstruct thecourse of
justice whether in relation to the personor another
person;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and other
release[s 11]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyExamples of special conditions for
paragraph (b)(ii)—•a special condition that prohibits a
person from associatingwith a stated person or a person of a
stated class•a special condition that prohibits a
person from entering orbeing in the vicinity of a stated
place or a place of a statedclassthat
court or police officer shall impose such conditions as thecourtorpoliceofficerthinksfitforanyorallofsuchpurposes.(3)Withoutlimitingsubsection (2),aspecialconditionmayprohibit a person from doing, or
attempting to do, any of thefollowing while
the person is released on bail—(a)enteringorremaininginstatedlicensedpremisesorastated class of licensed
premises;(b)enteringorremainingin,duringstatedhours,astatedarea that is
designated by its distance from, or locationin relation to,
the stated licensed premises or stated classoflicensedpremisesmentionedinaspecialconditionimposed under paragraph (a);Examples of special conditions for paragraph
(b)—•a special condition that prohibits a
person from entering orremaining in, between the hours of
10p.m. and 6a.m., anareathatiswithin10mofstatedlicensedpremisesmentioned in a
special condition imposed under paragraph(a)•a special condition that prohibits a
person from entering orremainingin,betweenthe hoursof11p.m.and5a.m., astated street,
or an area abutting several stated streets, that islocated near stated licensed premises
mentioned in a specialcondition imposed under paragraph
(a)•a special condition that prohibits a
person from entering orremaining in, between the hours of
11p.m. and 5a.m., thesafe night precinct under theLiquor Act 1992in which
thestated licensed premises mentioned in a
special conditionimposed under paragraph (a) are
located(c)attending or remaining at a stated
event, to be held in apublicplace,atwhichliquorwillbesoldforconsumption.Page 16Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 11]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(4)A court or a police officer authorised
by this Act to grant bailfor the release of a person must
consider the imposition of aspecial
condition mentioned in subsection (3) if—(a)the
alleged offence to which the bail relates involved theuse,threateneduseorattempteduseofunlawfulviolence to
another person or property; and(b)having regard to the evidence available to
the court orthepoliceofficer,thecourtorthepoliceofficerissatisfiedthattheallegedoffencewascommittedinlicensed premises or in a public place in
the vicinity oflicensed premises.(4AA)If
bail for a person is subject to a special condition
mentionedin subsection (3)—(a)forbailthatisgrantedbyapoliceofficeratapolicestation,watch-houseorpoliceestablishment(eacharelevantplace)—apoliceofficermaydetainandphotographthepersonattherelevantplaceforthepurposes of
thePolice Powers and Responsibilities
Act2000, chapter 19,
part 5B; or(b)otherwise—thecourtmayimposeaconditionthatrequires the person to report to a police
station within 48hours after bail is granted to be
photographed under thePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000,chapter19, part
5B.(4A)A court or a
police officer authorised by this Act to grant bailfor
the release of a person who is not an Australian citizen orpermanent resident must consider the
imposition of a specialcondition under subsection (2)—(a)requiringthepersontosurrendertheperson’scurrentpassport; and(b)prohibiting the person from applying for a
passport.(5)Conditionsimposedpursuanttosubsection (2)shallnotbemore onerous for
the person than those that in the opinion ofthe court or
police officer are necessary having regard to thenature of the offence, the circumstances of
the defendant andthe public interest.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 17
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and other
release[s 11]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(6)If a court that
grants bail on an adjournment of a hearing orwhile the
defendant is awaiting trial considers an investigationoughttobemadeintothedefendant’sphysicalormentalcondition, the
bail may be made subject to a condition that thedefendant undergo medical
examination—(a)by a doctor at a specified institution
or place other than ahigh security unit under theMental Health Act 2016; or(b)by a specified doctor.(7)However,bailmaybemadesubjecttoaconditionthatthedefendantundergoamedicalexaminationonlyiftheproposed
examination is an examination the defendant couldlawfully be required to undergo if the
defendant remained incustody.(8)If
bail is subject to a condition mentioned in subsection (6),thecourtmustarrangeforastatementcontainingthefollowingmatterstobegiventotheinstitution,placeordoctor—(a)the
reasons for the investigation;(b)the
information before the court about the defendant’sphysical or mental condition.(9)Without limiting a court’s power to
impose a condition on bailunder another provision of this
section, a Magistrates Courtmayimposeonthebailaconditionthatthedefendantparticipate in a
rehabilitation, treatment or other interventionprogram or
course, after having regard to—(a)the
nature of the offence; and(b)thecircumstancesofthedefendant,includinganybenefit the defendant may derive by
participating in theprogram or course; and(c)the public interest.Notes—1The
defendant does not commit an offence against section 29 bybreaking the condition. See section
29(2)(c).2Section 30 sets out the procedures for
varying the defendant’s bailif the condition
is broken or is likely to be broken.Page 18Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 11](9A)Section 11ABalsoprovidesforaconditionrequiringcompletionofaDrugandAlcoholAssessmentReferralcourse that may be imposed on a person’s
release on bail inparticular circumstances.(9B)Without limiting
a court’s power to impose a condition on bailunder another
provision of this section, a court may impose onthe
bail a condition that the defendant wear a tracking devicewhile the defendant is released on
bail.(9C)Ifbailforapersonissubjecttoaconditionmentionedinsubsection (9B), the court may impose
any other condition thecourtconsidersnecessarytofacilitatetheoperationofthetracking device.Examples of
conditions a court may consider necessary to facilitate theoperation of a tracking device required to
be worn by a defendant—•a condition that
requires the defendant to attend at a stated place tobe
fitted with the tracking device•a
condition that requires the defendant to take stated and
otherreasonable steps to ensure the tracking
device and any equipmentnecessary for the operation of the
tracking device are, or remain, ingood working
order•a condition that requires the
defendant to permit a police officer toenterstatedpremisestoinstallequipmentnecessaryfortheoperation of the tracking
device•a condition that requires the
defendant to permit a police officer totake stated and
other reasonable steps to ensure the tracking deviceandanyequipmentnecessaryfortheoperationofthetrackingdevice are, or
remain, in good working order•a
condition that requires the defendant to comply with a
directiongivenbyapoliceofficerthatisreasonablynecessaryfortheoperation of the
tracking device(10)In this
section—AustraliancitizenseetheAustralianCitizenshipAct2007(Cwlth), section
4.permanent residentmeans—(a)the holder of a permanent visa within
the meaning of theMigration Act 1958(Cwlth), section
30(1); orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 2 Grant and
enlargement of bail and other release[s 11AA](b)aNewZealandcitizenwhoistheholderofaspecialcategory visa
within the meaning of theMigration Act1958(Cwlth), section 32.tracking
devicemeans an electronic device capable of
beingworn,andnotremoved,byapersonforthepurposeoftheQueenslandpoliceservice,orthechiefexecutiveofthedepartmentinwhichtheCorrectiveServicesAct2006isadministered, finding or monitoring the
geographical locationof the person.11AARelease of a person only after surrender of
passport(1)This section applies if a court or a
police officer authorised bythisActtograntbailimposesaspecialconditionundersection
passport.(2)If the condition is imposed by a
court, the court must orderthatthepersonbedetainedincustodyuntilthepassportissurrendered.(3)If
the condition is imposed by a police officer, the person
mustbe detained in custody until the passport is
surrendered.11ABCondition requiring completion of DAAR
course(1)This section applies to a court
authorised by this Act to grantbail for the
release of a person.(2)IfthepersonconsentstocompletingaDAARcourse,thecourt may impose a condition for the
person’s release that theperson complete a DAAR course by a
stated day.Notes—1Thepersondoesnotcommitanoffenceagainstsection29bybreaking the condition. See section
29(2)(c).2Section 30 sets out the procedures for
varying the person’s bail ifthe condition is
broken or is likely to be broken.(3)In
deciding whether to impose the condition, the court musthave
regard to the following—Page 20Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 11A](a)thenatureoftheoffenceinrelationtowhichbailisproposed to be granted;(b)theperson’scircumstances,includinganybenefittheperson may derive by completing a DAAR
course;(c)the public interest.(4)However, subsection (2) does not apply
if—(a)the person has completed 2 DAAR
courses within theprevious 5 years; or(b)the
person is under 18 years; or(c)section 11A applies.(5)Thissectiondoesnotlimittheconditionsthecourtmayimpose under section 11.(6)In
this section—approvedprovidermeansanentityapprovedbythechiefexecutive (health) by gazette notice to
provide DAAR courses.chiefexecutive(health)meansthechiefexecutiveofthedepartment in
which theHealth Act 1937is
administered.DAARstands for Drug
and Alcohol Assessment Referral.DAARcoursemeansacourseprovidedtoapersonbyanapproved
provider in which—(a)the person’s drug or alcohol use is
assessed; and(b)thepersonisgiveninformationaboutappropriateoptions for
treatment and may be offered counselling oreducation.11ARelease of a person with an impairment of
the mind(1)This section applies if a police
officer or court authorised bythisActortheYouthJusticeAct1992tograntbailconsiders—(a)a
person held in custody on a charge of or in connectionwith
an offence is, or appears to be, a person with animpairment of the mind; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 2 Grant and
enlargement of bail and other release[s 11A](b)the person does not, or appears not
to, understand thenature and effect of entering into an
undertaking undersection 20; and(c)if
the person understood the nature and effect of enteringinto
the undertaking, the person would be released onbail.(2)The
police officer or court may release the person without bailby—(a)releasing the
person into the care of another person whoordinarily has
the care of the person or with whom theperson resides;
or(b)permitting the person to go at
large.(3)A person’s release is on condition the
person will surrender, atthe time and place stated in the
notice under section 11B, intothe custody of
the court stated in the notice.(4)If
the person surrenders into the custody of the court stated
(2).(5)A court authorised by this Act or
theYouth Justice Act 1992togrant bail may revoke a release.(6)A person’s release by a police officer
discharges any duty totake the person before a justice to be
dealt with according tolaw.(7)In
this section—person with an impairment of the mindmeans a person whohas a disability
that—(a)is attributable to an intellectual,
psychiatric, cognitive orneurological impairment or a
combination of these; and(b)results
in—(i)a substantial reduction of the
person’s capacity forcommunication, social interaction or
learning; and(ii)the person
needing support.Page 22Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 11B]11BRelease notice(1)This
section applies if a person is released under section 11A,whether for the first time or because of
section 11A(4).(2)The police officer or court releasing
the person must give theperson a notice in the approved form
stating—(a)the person’s name and place of
residence; and(b)the charge on which or the offence in
connection withwhich the person was in custody; and(c)if the person is released into the
care of another person,the other person’s name and place of
residence; and(d)the court into whose custody the
person is required tosurrender as a condition of release;
placethepersonisrequiredtosurrenderinto the court’s
custody.(3)The notice must also include a warning
that a warrant will beissued for the person’s arrest if the
person fails to surrenderinto the court’s custody at the time
and place stated.(4)If the person is released into the
care of another person, thepolice officer
or court must also give the other person a copyof the
notice.12Restriction on publication of
information, evidence andthe like given in bail
application(1)Where the complainant or prosecutor or
a person appearing onbehalf of the Crown opposes a
defendant’s release under thispart or
theYouthJusticeAct1992, part 5, the
court, at anytime during the hearing of the application
for bail, may makeanorderdirectingthattheevidencetaken,theinformationfurnished, the
representations made by or on behalf of eitherparty or the
reasons given by the court for the grant or refusalof
bail or release under section 11A or any part thereof or anyof
them shall not be published by any means—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 23
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 2 Grant and
enlargement of bail and other release[s 13](a)ifanexaminationofwitnessesinrelationtoanindictableoffenceisheld—beforethedefendantisdischarged; or(b)if
the defendant is tried or committed for trial—beforethe
trial is ended.(2)A person who fails without lawful
excuse, the proof of whichliesupontheperson,tocomplywithanordermadeundersubsection (1)
commits an offence against this Act.Maximumpenalty—10penaltyunitsorimprisonmentfor6months.13When
only particular courts may grant bail(1)Only
the Supreme Court or a judge of the Supreme Court maygrantbailtoapersonchargedwithanoffenceundertheCriminalCodeif,onconviction,thesentencingcourtwillhave to decide
which of the following sentences to impose onthe
person—(a)imprisonmentforlife,whichcannotbemitigatedorvaried under the Criminal Code or any other
law;(b)an indefinite sentence under
thePenalties and SentencesAct 1992,
part 10.(2)Only a court may grant bail to a
person who—(a)has previously been convicted of a
terrorism offence; or(b)is or has been
the subject of a Commonwealth controlorder.(3)For subsection (2)—convicted, of an offence,
means found guilty of the offence byacourt,onapleaofguiltyorotherwise,whetherornotaconviction is recorded.courtdoes
not include a justice or justices.Page 24Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 14]Notauthorised—indicativeonly14Release of persons apprehended on
making deposit ofmoney as security for appearance(1)This section applies if—(a)aperson,whohasbeenarrestedinconnectionwithacharge of an offence, other than an
indictable offence oran offence mentioned in the schedule,
is delivered intothe custody of a police officer who
is—(i)theofficer-in-chargeof apolicestationorpoliceestablishment;
or(ii)a watch-house
manager; and(b)thepersonhasnotfirstappearedbeforeajusticeinrelation to the offence; and(c)the police officer is satisfied the
person can not be takenpromptly before a court.(1A)If the police
officer considers it appropriate, the police officermaygrantbailtothepersonandreleasethepersonfromcustody on the person making a deposit of
money as securityfor the person’s appearance before a court
on the day and atthe time and place notified to the person
under this section.Notes—1See
also section 13 for when only particular courts may grant aperson bail.2See
also section 16 for when a police officer must refuse to
grantbail.(1B)Ifeitherofthefollowinghappens,thepoliceofficermayrelease the person without
bail—(a)a person charged with being drunk in a
public place isreleasedintothecareofapersonataplaceofsafetyunder thePolice Powers and Responsibilities Act
2000,section 378;(b)a
person charged with a minor drugs offence within themeaning of thePolice Powers
and Responsibilities Act2000,schedule 6signsanagreementtoattendadrugdiversion
assessment program under section 379 of thatAct.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and other
release[s 14]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(2)Thepoliceofficerwhoacceptsadepositofmoneyfromaperson and grants bail to the person
under subsection (1A) ortheYouth Justice
Act 1992, part 5—(a)shall cause a bench charge sheet to be
completed withthefollowingparticularsandkeptatthepoliceestablishment or
watch-house—(i)the name, place of residence and
occupation of theperson;(ii)a
short statement of the offence;(iii)the
amount of the deposit of money;(iv)the
day, time and place appointed for the person’sappearance
before the court or justice and the courtorjusticebeforewhichorwhomthepersonisrequired to appear; and(b)must
give the person a notice in the approved form thatincludes the particulars required under a
regulation.(3)Thepoliceofficerwhoacceptsadepositofmoneyfromaperson and grants bail to the person
at a place other than aplace for holding Magistrates Courts
and thereupon releasesthe person from custody shall cause
the bench charge sheetreferred to in subsection (2)(a) to be
forwarded to the clerk ofthe court at the place where that
person is required to appear.(4)Without limiting subsection (3), the bench
charge sheet maybe forwarded by electronic
communication.(5)Whereapersongrantedbailandreleasedfromcustodypursuant to this
section fails to appear before a court or justicein
accordance with the bail, the court or justice shall,
subjectto subsections (7) and (9), order the
forfeiture of the deposit ofmoney made by
the person in connection with the bail.Note—If
an order is made under this subsection, an order may also be
madeunder theJusticesAct1886, section 150A
to end the complaint inrelation to the matter for which the
person was granted bail.(6)WhereapersongrantedbailandreleasedfromcustodypursuanttothissectionappearsbeforeacourtorjusticeinPage
26Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 14]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyaccordance with the bail, the court or
justice shall order thattheamountofthedepositofmoneypaidbythepersonberefunded to the person unless the
court or justice orders thatthe amount or a
part thereof be applied in or towards paymentof any penalty
or costs imposed or awarded or unless, wherethe hearing is
adjourned and the person is permitted to go atlarge without
bail, the court or justice orders that the amountorapartthereofbeappliedassecurityfortheperson’sappearanceatthetimeandplacetowhichthehearingisadjourned or to be determined (which the
court or justice ishereby empowered to do) whereupon, in the
latter case, if thepersonfailstoappearatthetimeandplacetowhichthehearing is adjourned or that has been
determined the court orjusticeshalldealwiththedepositofmoneyinaccordancewith subsection
(5) and that subsection shall apply and extendaccordingly.(7)Whereapersongrantedbailandreleasedfromcustodypursuant to this
section does not appear in accordance with thebail but the
person’s lawyer applies to the court or justice foran
adjournment of the hearing and the court or justice grantsthe
adjournment, the court or justice may, in lieu of orderingthe
amount of the deposit of money to be forfeited, order thattheamountorapartthereofbeappliedassecurityfortheperson’s appearance at the time and
place to which the hearingis adjourned or to be determined or
permit the person to go atlarge without bail.(7A)If the person
fails to appear at the time and place appointed ordetermined for the continuation of the
hearing in accordancewith the bail the court or justice
shall deal with the deposit ofmoney in
accordance with subsection (5) and that subsectionshall apply and extend accordingly.(8)Subsections (6) to (7A) apply in
relation to the proceedingsbefore a court
or justice at all times and places to which thehearing is, from
time to time, adjourned.(9)Whereapersonhasbeengrantedbailandreleasedthereonafter making a deposit of money as security
for the person’sappearanceandthehearingisadjournedpursuanttosubsection (7) to a time and place to
be determined and thatCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 2 Grant and
enlargement of bail and other release[s 14A]person does not appear at the time and place
so determined,steps shall not be taken to forfeit such
deposit of money unlessthe court or justice is satisfied that
reasonable notice of thetime and place so determined has been
given to the person.(10)This section
does not prejudice or in any way affect—(a)thepowersofacourtorjusticewithrespecttoadjournments or the issue of warrants of
apprehension;or(b)the operation of
any Act relating to the forfeiture of bail.14AMagistrates Courts may grant cash bail or
permit to go atlarge(1)Where a Magistrates Court adjourns the
hearing of a charge ofanoffenceotherthananindictableoffenceoranoffencespecifiedintheschedule,thecourt(whetherornotthedefendant is already on bail) may—(a)grant bail to the defendant and, in
lieu of ordering thedefendanttoenterintoanundertaking,orderthatthedefendant be released from custody on making
a depositof money with the clerk of the court as
security that thedefendant will surrender into custody;
or(b)permit the defendant to go at large
without bail on thecondition that the defendant will surrender
into custody.Notes—1See
also sections 16 and 16A for when a court must refuse to
also the Youth Justice Act 1992, sections 48 and 48A for
whena child must not be released from
custody.(1A)However, the
Magistrates Court must not permit the defendantto go at large
without bail under subsection (1)(b) if bail mustbe
refused under section 16A.Note—See also the
Youth Justice Act 1992, sections 48 and 48A for when achild must not be released from
custody.(2)Where—Page 28Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 14A]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)a person accepts a deposit of money
from a defendantpursuant to subsection (1)(a), that person;
or(b)a Magistrates Court permits a
defendant to go at largepursuant to subsection (1)(b), the
clerk of the court;mustgivethedefendantanoticeintheapprovedformthatincludes the
particulars required under a regulation.(3)Where a defendant granted bail pursuant to
this section andreleased from custody fails to surrender
into custody, the courtshall, subject to subsections (5) and
(7), order the forfeiture ofthedepositofmoneymadebythedefendantinconnectionwith the
bail.(4)Where a defendant granted bail
pursuant to this section andreleased from
custody surrenders into custody, the court shallorderthattheamountofthedepositofmoneypaidbythedefendant be
refunded to the defendant unless—(a)it
orders that the amount or a part thereof be applied inor
towards payment of any penalty or costs imposed orawarded; or(b)wherethehearingisadjournedandthedefendantispermittedtogoatlargewithoutbail,thecourtordersthat
the amount or a part thereof be applied as securitythat
the defendant will surrender into custody.(4A)In
the case specified in subsection (4)(b), if the defendant
failsto surrender into custody the court shall
deal with the depositofmoneyinaccordancewithsubsection (3)andthatsubsection shall
apply and extend accordingly.(5)Where a defendant granted bail pursuant to
this section andreleased from custody fails to surrender
into custody but thedefendant’s lawyer applies to the
court for an adjournment ofthehearingandthecourtgrantstheadjournment,thecourtmay—(a)in lieu of ordering the amount of the
deposit of money tobe forfeited, order that the amount or a
part thereof beapplied as security that the defendant will
surrender intocustody; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 29
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 2 Grant and
enlargement of bail and other release[s 15](b)permit the defendant to go at large
without bail on thecondition that the defendant will surrender
into custody.(5A)Whereanorderismadeundersubsection (5)(a)andthedefendant fails to surrender into
custody the court shall dealwith the deposit
of money in accordance with subsection (3)and that
subsection shall apply and extend accordingly.(6)Subsections (4)to(5A)applyinrelationtoproceedingsbefore a
Magistrates Court at all times and places to which thehearing is adjourned.(7)Where a defendant has been granted bail and
released thereonafter making a deposit of money as security
that the defendantwillsurrenderintocustodyandthehearingisadjournedpursuanttosubsection (5)toatimeandplacetobedetermined and the defendant fails to
surrender into custodythecourtshallnotmakeanorderforfeitingthedepositofmoney unless it is satisfied that reasonable
notice of the timeand place so determined has been given to
the defendant.15Procedure upon application for
bail(1)In a proceeding about the release of a
person under this part ortheYouth Justice
Act 1992, part 5—(a)thecourtmay,subjecttoparagraph(b),makesuchinvestigationsonoathorotherwiseofandconcerningthe defendant as
the court thinks fit; and(b)the defendant
shall not be examined or cross-examinedby the court or
any other person as to the offence withwhich the
defendant is charged and no inquiry shall bemade of the
defendant as to that offence; and(c)the
complainant or prosecutor or any person appearingon
behalf of the Crown may submit, in addition to otherrelevant evidence, evidence by affidavit or
otherwise—(i)to prove that the defendant—(A)hasbeenconvictedpreviouslyofanindictable offence; andPage
30Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 15]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(B)has been charged with and is awaiting
trialon an indictable offence; and(C)has failed previously to appear in
accordancewiththedefendant’sundertakingandsurrender into custody; or(ii)toshowthecircumstancesoftheoffenceparticularlyastheyrelatetotheprobabilityofconviction of the defendant; and(d)thecourtshalltakeintoconsiderationsuchrelevantmattersasareagreeduponbythecomplainantorprosecutor and the defendant or the
defendant’s lawyer;and(e)the court may
receive and take into account evidence ofany kind that it
considers credible or trustworthy in thecircumstances;
and(f)if the defendant is an Aboriginal or
Torres Strait Islanderperson—the court may receive and take
into account anysubmissions made by a representative of the
communityjustice group in the defendant’s community,
including,for example, about—(i)thedefendant’srelationshiptothedefendant’scommunity;
or(ii)any cultural
considerations; or(iii)anyconsiderationsrelatingtoprogramsandservicesinwhichthecommunityjusticegroupparticipates.(2)If
required by a court for subsection (1)(f), a representative
advise the court whether—(a)anymemberofthecommunityjusticegroupthatisresponsibleforthesubmissionisrelatedtothedefendant or the victim; or(b)there are any circumstances that give
rise to a conflict ofinterest between any member of the
community justiceCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and other
release[s 15A]groupthatisresponsibleforthesubmissionandthedefendant or victim.Notauthorised—indicativeonly15AConduct of
proceeding by Magistrates Court outsidedistrict or
division(1)This section applies if—(a)a Magistrates Court (theoriginal court) has
jurisdictionunder this Act or another Act to hear a bail
proceeding;and(b)apracticedirectionmadebytheChiefMagistrateprovidesforabailproceedingtobeheardbyanalternative court under this
section.(2)ThebailproceedingmaybeheardbythealternativecourtunderanActmentionedinsubsection (1)(a)asifthealternative
court—(a)had jurisdiction to hear the bail
proceeding; and(b)were the original court for the
purpose of that Act.(3)In hearing the
bail proceeding, the alternative court may makeany order for
the disposition of the charge the court considersnecessary.(4)In
this section—alternative courtmeans a
Magistrates Court for a district ordivisionoutsidethedistrictordivisioninwhichthebailproceeding would
otherwise be required to be heard.16Refusal of bail generally(1)Notwithstanding this Act, a court or
police officer authorisedbythisActtograntbailshallrefusetograntbailtoadefendant if the
court or police officer is satisfied—(a)that
there is an unacceptable risk that the defendant ifreleased on bail—(i)would fail to appear and surrender into
custody; orPage 32Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 16]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(ii)would while
released on bail—(A)commit an offence; or(B)endangerthesafetyorwelfareofapersonwho is claimed
to be a victim of the offencewithwhichthedefendantischargedoranyone else’s safety or welfare; or(C)interferewithwitnessesorotherwiseobstruct the
course of justice, whether for thedefendant or
anyone else; or(b)thatthedefendantshouldremainincustodyforthedefendant’s own protection.(1A)Whereithasnotbeenpracticabletoobtainsufficientinformationforthepurposeofmakingadecisioninconnection with any matter specified in
subsection (1) due tolackoftimesincetheinstitutionofproceedingsagainstadefendant the court before which the
defendant appears or isbrought shall remand the defendant in
custody with a view tohaving further information obtained
for that purpose.(2)In assessing whether there is an
unacceptable risk with respectto any event
specified in subsection (1)(a) the court or policeofficer shall have regard to all matters
appearing to be relevantand in particular, without in any way
limiting the generality ofthisprovision,tosuchofthefollowingconsiderationsasappear to be relevant—(a)the
nature and seriousness of the offence;(b)thecharacter,antecedents,associations,homeenvironment,employmentandbackgroundofthedefendant;(c)thehistoryofanypreviousgrantsofbailtothedefendant;(d)the
strength of the evidence against the defendant;(e)if
the defendant is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanderperson—anysubmissionsmadebyarepresentativeofthecommunityjusticegroupinthedefendant’scommunity,
including, for example, about—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 33
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and other
release[s 16]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(i)thedefendant’srelationshiptothedefendant’scommunity;
or(ii)any cultural
considerations; or(iii)anyconsiderationsrelatingtoprogramsandservicesinwhichthecommunityjusticegroupparticipates;(f)ifthedefendantischargedwithadomesticviolenceoffence or an offence against theDomestic and FamilyViolence
Protection Act 2012, section 177(2)—the riskoffurtherdomesticviolenceorassociateddomesticviolence,undertheDomesticandFamilyViolenceProtection Act 2012, being
committed by the defendant;Note—See
section 15(1)(e) for the power of a court to receive and
takeinto account evidence relating to the risk
of further domesticviolence or associated domestic
violence.(g)any promotion by the defendant of
terrorism;(h)any association the defendant has or
has had with—(i)a terrorist organisation within the
meaning of theCriminal Code (Cwlth), section 102.1(1);
or(ii)a person who has
promoted terrorism.(2A)However, in
assessing whether there is an unacceptable riskwith respect to
any event specified in subsection (1)(a) a courtmust
not have regard to the effect on the risk of imposing acondition under section 11(9B).(2B)Forsubsection(2)(g)and(h)(ii),apersonhaspromotedterrorism if the
person has—(a)carried out an activity to support the
carrying out of aterrorist act; or(b)madeastatementinsupportofthecarryingoutofaterrorist act;
or(c)carried out an activity, or made a
statement, to advocatethecarryingoutofaterroristactorsupportforthecarrying out of a terrorist
act.Page 34Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 16]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(2C)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatareferenceinsubsection (2B) to a terrorist act—(a)includes a terrorist act that has not
happened; and(b)is not limited to a specific terrorist
act.(3)Where the defendant is charged—(a)with an indictable offence that is
alleged to have beencommittedwhilethedefendantwasatlargewithorwithoutbailbetweenthedateofthedefendant’sapprehension and
the date of the defendant’s committalfortrialorwhileawaitingtrialforanotherindictableoffence;
or(b)with an offence to which section 13(1)
applies; or(c)with an indictable offence in the
course of committingwhichthedefendantisallegedtohaveusedorthreatenedtouseafirearm,offensiveweaponorexplosive substance; or(d)with an offence against this Act;
orNote—Forthisparagraph,apersonproceededagainstundersection 33(3) is taken to be charged with an
offence against thisAct—see section 33(6).(e)with an offence against thePenalties and Sentences Act1992, section 161ZI
or thePeace and Good BehaviourAct 1982,
section 32; or(f)with an offence against the Criminal
Code, section 359withacircumstanceofaggravationmentionedinsection 359(2); or(g)with
a relevant offence;the court or police officer shall refuse to
grant bail unless thedefendantshowscausewhythedefendant’sdetentionincustody is not justified and, if bail
is granted or the defendantisreleasedundersection 11A,mustincludeintheorderastatementofthereasonsforgrantingbailorreleasingthedefendant.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 35
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and other
release[s 16]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyNote—See also section
16A(6).(4)In granting bail in accordance with
subsection (3)—(a)acourtmayimposeconditionsundersection11or11AB; or(b)a
police officer may impose conditions under section 11.(5)This section does not apply if the
defendant is a child.(6)If required by a
court or police officer for subsection (2)(e), arepresentativeofthecommunityjusticegroupinthedefendant’s community must advise the
court or police officerwhether—(a)anymemberofthecommunityjusticegroupthatisresponsibleforthesubmissionisrelatedtothedefendant or the victim; or(b)there are any circumstances that give
rise to a conflict ofinterest between any member of the
community justicegroupthatisresponsibleforthesubmissionandthedefendant or victim.(7)In this section—domestic
violence offencesee the Criminal Code, section 1.relevant offencemeans—(a)an offence against the Criminal Code,
section 315A; or(b)an offence punishable by a maximum
penalty of at least7 years imprisonment if the offence is also
a domesticviolence offence; or(c)an
offence against the Criminal Code, section 75, 328A,355,359Eor468iftheoffenceisalsoadomesticviolence
offence; or(d)anoffenceagainsttheDomesticandFamilyViolenceProtection Act 2012, section 177(2)
if—(i)theoffenceinvolvedtheuse,threateneduseorattempteduseofunlawfulviolencetopersonorproperty; orPage 36Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 16A](ii)thedefendant,within5yearsbeforethecommissionoftheoffence,wasconvictedofanother offence involving the use,
threatened useor attempted use of unlawful violence to
person orproperty; or(iii)thedefendant,within2yearsbeforethecommissionoftheoffence,wasconvictedofanother offence against theDomesticandFamilyViolence
Protection Act 2012, section 177(2).16ARefusal of bail for defendants convicted of
terrorismoffences or subject to Commonwealth control
orders(1)This section applies in relation to a
defendant if—(a)the defendant—(i)haspreviouslybeenconvictedofaterrorismoffence;
or(ii)isorhasbeenthesubjectofaCommonwealthcontrol order;
and(b)the defendant is an adult.(2)Despite any other provision of this
Act, a court must refuse tograntbailtothedefendantunlessthecourtissatisfiedexceptional
circumstances exist to justify granting bail.(3)Inconsideringwhetherexceptionalcircumstancesexisttojustifygrantingbailtothedefendant,thecourtmayhaveregard to any
relevant matter.(4)Ifthecourtgrantsbailtothedefendant,theordergrantingbail
must state the reasons for the decision.(5)This
section does not affect the operation of section 16(1).(6)Ifthedefendantischargedwithanoffencementionedinsection16(3)(a)to(g),section16(3)doesnotapplyinrelation to the defendant.(7)In this section—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 37
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and other
release[s 17]convicted, of
an offence, means found guilty of the offence byacourt,onapleaofguiltyorotherwise,whetherornotaconviction is recorded.Notauthorised—indicativeonly17Enlargement of
undertaking(1)Anundertakingmay,withtheconsentofanypersonorpersons offering to be surety or sureties,
contain a provisionfor its enlargement without the further
consent of the surety orsureties upon such adjournments of the
criminal proceeding asare from time to time directed.(1A)Subsection
(1)doesnotprejudiceinanywaytherightofaperson offering to be surety to elect
to be bound with respectto an undertaking that may be enlarged
only with the person’sconsentgivenatthetimeoftheenlargementandthecourtshall not refuse
to grant bail to a person by reason only that aperson offering
to be surety has so elected.(2)Whereacriminalproceedingisadjourned,thecourtmayenlarge the undertaking of the defendant if
the defendant isthen on bail and, where there is a surety or
are sureties to theundertaking, the court shall, unless the
undertaking otherwiseprovides, obtain the consent of the
surety or sureties to suchenlargementandthereuponthedefendantshallbeboundtoattend the court at the time and place or
sittings to which thecriminal proceeding has been adjourned
and be bound by allother conditions imposed by the original
undertaking withoutenteringintoafreshundertakingandthesuretyorsuretiesshall be bound
accordingly.(3)Anenlargementpursuanttosubsection (2)mayincludeacondition that the defendant surrender into
custody at the date,time and place fixed for the trial or
(2),thecourtmaymakesuchorder as to bail and as to the commitment of
the defendant toprison until bail is forthcoming as the
court thinks fit.(5)An undertaking may be enlarged
pursuant to subsection (2) ifanyconditionoftheundertakingremainstobefulfilledPage
38Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 18]notwithstandingthatthedefendanthassurrenderedintocustody in compliance with the
undertaking.(6)An endorsement on the papers relating
to the defendant to theeffect that the defendant’s
undertaking has been enlarged inaccordancewithsubsection (2)andspecifyingthetimeandplace or sittings at which the defendant is
bound to attend thecourtandpurportingtobesignedbythejudgeorjusticesconstitutingthecourtortheproperofficerthereofshallbeevidenceand,intheabsenceofevidencetothecontrary,conclusive
evidence that the bail was so enlarged.(7)Also,anyrecordofanorderofthecourtrelatingtothedefendant,
whether or not the record is signed, is evidence thatthe
defendant’s bail was enlarged if—(a)anindictmentrelatingtothedefendanthasbeenpresented to the
court; and(b)the record is to the effect
that—(i)thedefendant’sundertakinghasbeenenlargedunder subsection (2); and(ii)the defendant’s
trial has been adjourned to a latersittings of a
court to be held at a particular place.18Endorsement of decision as to bail or
release on papersand warrantA court that
grants or refuses bail to a defendant or releases adefendantundersection 11Ashallendorseorcausetobeendorsed on the papers relating to the
defendant and on thewarrantofremand,committalor,asthecasemaybe,commitment (if any) its decision as to
bail or release and thecourt or the proper officer thereof
shall certify—(a)where bail is granted—(i)consent to the defendant’s release on
bail; and(ii)the amount of
money or other security (if any) tobe deposited;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 2 Grant and
enlargement of bail and other release[s 19](iii)the amount of
any surety or sureties to be required;and(iv)thespecialconditions(ifany)applicabletothedefendant’s release on bail; or(b)where the defendant is released under
section 11A—(i)consent to the defendant’s release
without bail; and(ii)whether the
defendant is released into the care ofanother person
or permitted to go at large; and(iii)if
the defendant is released into the care of anotherperson, the person’s name; and(iv)thecourtintowhosecustodythedefendantisrequired to surrender as a condition of
release; and(v)thetimeandplacethedefendantisrequiredtosurrender into the court’s custody;
or(c)where bail is refused—(i)the refusal of bail; and(ii)the grounds for
such refusal.19Application re refusal or conditions
of bail(1)A defendant held in custody in
relation to an offence who hasbeen refused
bail or having been granted bail feels aggrievedbytheamountfixedoranyconditionimposedforthedefendant’s
release from custody may make application to acourt empowered
by section 8 to grant bail to the defendantfor an order
granting or varying bail.(2)On the hearing
of the application, the court may, subject tothisAct,grantbailtothedefendant,varythebailalreadygranted or refuse the application.19AConsideration of unrecorded
convictions(1)This section applies to a person in
custody in connection witha charge of an offence if the person
has previously been foundPage 40Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 19B]guiltyofanoffence,asachild,withoutaconvictionbeingrecorded.(2)Acourtorpoliceofficerdecidingwhethertoreleasetheperson or keep the person in custody may
have regard to thefinding.Notauthorised—indicativeonly19BReview of particular decisions(1)This section does not apply to the
following decisions aboutrelease under this part—(a)a decision by the Supreme
Court;(b)a decision under section 10(2);(c)a decision by a magistrate acting as a
reviewing courtunder this section.(2)If a
decision has been made about release under this part ortheYouthJusticeAct1992,part5,foradefendant,thedefendant,complainantorprosecutororapersonappearingon
behalf of the Crown may apply to the reviewing court for areview of the decision.(3)The
reviewing court is—(a)for a decision by a police officer or
justice who is not amagistrate—aMagistratesCourtconstitutedbyamagistrate; or(b)for
any other decision—the Supreme Court constitutedby a
single judge.(4)A complainant, prosecutor or a person
appearing on behalf oftheCrownwhomakesanapplicationundersubsection (2)must take
reasonable steps to inform the defendant of the timeand
place for the hearing of the application.(5)The
hearing may proceed in the defendant’s absence, if thereviewing court is satisfied the steps were
taken.(6)Onthereview,additionalorsubstituteevidenceorinformation may be given and the
reviewing court may makeany order it considers
appropriate.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 2 Grant and
enlargement of bail and other release[s 19C](7)However, the orders that may be made
under subsection (6)arelimitedbysections13,16,16Aand17(1A)and,ifthedefendant is a
child, the Youth Justice Act 1992, sections 48and 48A.(8)The person or court that made the
decision under review mustgivethereviewingcourtanydocumentsintheperson’sorcourt’s possession that may be relevant to
the review.(9)Thereviewingcourtmustdecideanapplicationunderthissection as soon
as is reasonably practicable.19CReview by Supreme Court of magistrate’s
decision on areview(1)If a
decision is made by a magistrate on a review of a decisionabout release under this part or theYouthJusticeAct1992,part
5, the defendant, complainant or prosecutor or a personappearing on behalf of the Crown may apply
to the SupremeCourtasconstitutedbyasinglejudgeforareviewofthemagistrate’s
decision.(2)A complainant, prosecutor or a person
appearing on behalf oftheCrownwhomakesanapplicationundersubsection (1)must take
reasonable steps to inform the defendant of the timeand
place for the hearing of the application.(3)The
hearing may proceed in the defendant’s absence, if thereviewing court is satisfied the steps were
taken.(4)The decision may be reviewed only with
the court’s leave.(5)Onthereview,additionalorsubstituteevidenceorinformation may be given and the court
may make any order itconsiders appropriate.(6)However, the orders that may be made
under subsection (5)arelimitedbysections16,16Aand17(1A)and,ifthedefendant is a child, the Youth
Justice Act 1992, sections 48and 48A.Page
42Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 2 Grant and enlargement of bail and
other release[s 19CA]19CAStay
of release decision relating to relevant domesticviolence offence(1)This
section applies if—(a)a decision has been made about release
under this partortheYouthJusticeAct1992,part5,foradefendantcharged with a relevant domestic violence
offence; and(b)theprosecutororotherpersonappearingonbehalfofthe
Crown applies to the reviewing court for a review ofthe
decision.(2)Thedecisionaboutreleaseisstayeduntiltheearlierofthefollowing—(a)thereviewingcourtmakesanorderundersection19B(6) or
19C(5);(b)theapplicationforthereviewofthedecisionisdiscontinued;(c)4p.m. on the day that is 3 business days
after the day onwhich the decision about release was
made.(3)Adecisionaboutreleasedoesnotentitleapersontobeatliberty while
the decision is stayed.19DWarrants in aid
of orders under section 19B or 19C orstay under
section 19CA(1)A reviewing court that makes an order
under section 19B or19C may, for the purpose of giving
effect to the order, issue awarrant for the
apprehension of the defendant directing thatthe defendant be
brought before a stated court.(2)Also, a reviewing court may, for giving
effect to a stay undersection19CA,issueawarrantfortheapprehensionofthedefendantdirectingthatthedefendantbebroughtbeforeastated court.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 43
Act 1980Part 3 Undertakings and sureties[s
19E]19EReview provisions do not affect other
powersSections 19B to 19D do not affect a power of
the SupremeCourt under section 10, or any other power
of a court to grant,enlarge, vary or revoke bail under
other provisions of this orany other
Act.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 3Undertakings and
sureties20Undertaking as to bail(1)A defendant to whom bail is granted in
or in connection with acriminal proceeding (other than a
defendant to whom bail isgranted under section 14 or 14A)
shall, before being releasedfrom custody,
enter into an undertaking in the approved form.(2)A
defendant—(a)who is committed for trial; or(b)whohasbeenconvictedandhasappealedagainsttheconviction or sentence imposed
thereon;and to whom bail is granted shall provide
and the undertakingshallcontainthedefendant’sresidentialaddressandanaddress for
service of notices.(2A)Forsubsection (2),thedefendant’saddressforserviceofnoticesmaybethesameasthedefendant’sresidentialaddress.(3)Inthecaseofbailgrantedtoadefendantrequiringthedefendant’s appearance before a Magistrates
Court, ChildrensCourt or, as the case may be, any justice or
justices conductinganexaminationofwitnessesinrelationtoanindictableoffence the
undertaking shall be subject to—(a)the
following conditions—(i)that the
defendant must surrender into custody asrequired;(ii)that the
defendant must not depart from the courtunless the bail
is enlarged;Page 44Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 3 Undertakings and sureties[s
defendant must obey the directions of the courtin relation to
any further appearance, whether thedirections are
given to the defendant personally orto the
defendant’s lawyer; and(b)such further
conditions—(i)as are imposed under section 11(2),
(3), (6) or (9)or 11AB or theYouth Justice
Act 1992, section 52;and(ii)as the court
thinks fit to impose.(3AA)Despite
subsection (3), the defendant need not surrender intocustody or appear personally if the
defendant is representedby the defendant’s lawyer
unless—(a)the court directs otherwise; or(b)a charge is being heard and
determined, an examinationofawitnessisbeingconductedorapenaltyisbeingimposed.(3A)Inthecaseofbailgrantedtoadefendantfollowingthedefendant’scommittalfortrialtheundertakingshallbesubject to—(a)conditions that the defendant—(i)shall appear or be represented by the
defendant’slawyer before the court to which the
defendant iscommittedfortrialatthetimestatedin,andinaccordancewith,thenoticegivenpursuanttosection 27; and(ii)ifthenoticestatesthatitisintendedtoaskthecourt to proceed with the trial at the time
stated inthenotice—shallsurrenderintocustodyandnotdepart from the
court unless the bail is enlarged;and(iii)shallobeythedirectionsofthecourt,whethergiventothedefendantpersonallyortothedefendant’slawyer,withrespecttoanyfurtherappearanceand,ifdirectedtoappearpersonally,Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 45
Act 1980Part 3 Undertakings and sureties[s
20]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyshallsurrenderintocustodyandnotdepartfromthe court unless
the bail is enlarged; and(iv)shall notify the
director of public prosecutions or,asthecasemaybe,deputydirectorofpublicprosecutions in
writing forthwith of any change ofaddress for
service of notices or residential addressotherthanthatarisingfromthedefendant’ssurrender into
custody; and(b)such further conditions—(i)as are imposed under section 11(2),
(3), (6) or (9)or 11AB or theYouth Justice
Act 1992, section 52;and(ii)as the court
thinks fit to impose.(3B)In the case of
bail granted to a defendant under section 13(1)atatimepriortothecommencementoforduringtheexamination of witnesses in relation to the
indictable offencein respect of which the defendant has been
so granted bail theundertakingmaybesubjecttotheconditionthatifthedefendant is
committed for trial the bail shall be enlarged, inwhich case the undertaking shall be subject
to the conditionsset out in subsection (3A)(a).(3C)In the case of
bail granted to a defendant in circumstances notprovided for in subsection (3), (3A) or (3B)
the undertakingshall be subject to—(a)theconditionthatthedefendantnotifythedirectorofpublicprosecutionsor,asthecasemaybe,deputydirectorofpublicprosecutionsinwritingforthwithofanychangeofaddressforserviceofnoticesorresidentialaddressotherthanthatarisingfromthedefendant’s surrender into custody;
bail.(3D)In the case of
bail granted to a defendant subject to a passportsurrender condition, the undertaking must
include a statementthatthedefendanthassurrenderedthedefendant’scurrentpassport.Page 46Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 3 Undertakings and sureties[s
20]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(4)A defendant who is taken into custody
upon charges for 2 ormore offences and who has been granted
bail may be releasedfromcustodyuponentering,togetherwiththedefendant’ssuretyorsureties(ifany)into1undertakingforthedefendant’s appearance at a specified
court, time and place orsittings upon all or any 2 or more of
the charges.(5)Thejustice,policeofficer,chiefexecutive(correctiveservices) or his
or her delegate, or officer of the department inwhich theYouth Justice
Act 1992is administered authorisedbysubsection (6)beforewhomadefendantandthedefendant’s surety or sureties (if
any) sign an undertaking—(a)shall satisfy
himself or herself that the defendant and thesurety or
sureties understand the nature and extent of theobligations of the defendant under the
conditions of thebail and the consequences of the defendant’s
failure tocomply with them; and(b)shall give to the defendant and the
defendant’s surety orsuretiesanoticeoftheundertakingintheapprovedform.(6)An undertaking in respect of which the
conditions have beenfixed may be entered into
before—(a)a justice; or(b)apoliceofficerauthorisedbythisActortheYouthJustice Act 1992to grant bail;
or(c)where a party to the
undertaking—(i)isinprison,thechiefexecutive(correctiveservices) or his
or her delegate; or(ii)is a child
detained in a place established under theYouthJusticeAct1992,part8—apersonforthetime being in charge of the
place.(7)Apersonreferredtoinsubsection (6)beforewhomanundertaking is entered into shall, forthwith
after it is enteredinto, forward the undertaking to the proper
officer of the courtthat granted the bail referred to in
the undertaking.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 3
Undertakings and sureties[s 21](8)A
reference in subsection (3)(a)(iii)and(3AA) to a lawyer,forthementionofamatterinaMagistratesCourtortheChildrensCourtrelatingtoadefendantreleasedonbailinwhich there is no issue about the bail,
includes a person whois undertaking practical legal
(8),thereisnoissueaboutbailifthecomplainant or prosecutor or person
appearing on behalf ofthe Crown does not oppose the
defendant continuing on bailand there is no
application to vary, as opposed to enlarge, bail.(10)In this
passport.practical legal trainingmeans practical
legal training underthesupervisionofalawyerunderrulesmadeundertheSupreme Court of Queensland Act 1991,
section 85(1)(b).21Sureties(1)Every surety to an undertaking must be a
person who—(a)has attained the age of 18 years;
and(b)has not been convicted of an
indictable offence; and(c)is not—(i)an involuntary patient under
theMental Health Act2016whois,orisliabletobe,detainedinanauthorised mental health service under
that Act; or(ii)aforensicdisabilityclientwithinthemeaningoftheForensic Disability Act 2011;
or(iii)a person for
whom a guardian or administrator hasbeenappointedundertheGuardianshipandAdministration Act 2000; and(d)is not an insolvent under
administration; and(e)has not been, and is not likely to be,
charged; andPage 48Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 3 Undertakings and sureties[s
21]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(f)isworthnotlessthantheamountofbailinrealorpersonal property.(2)A
person who enters into an undertaking as a surety becomesbound, upon its forfeiture, to pay to Her
Majesty the sum ofmoney set forth in the undertaking with
respect to that surety.(3)Whereadefendantisrequiredtoprovideanysuretyorsureties, regard shall be had in considering
the suitability of aperson as a surety, in addition to
other relevant matters, to thefollowing—(a)the
person’s financial resources;(b)the
person’s character and antecedents;(c)theperson’sproximitytothedefendant(whetherbykinship, place of residence or
otherwise).(4)Before accepting a person as a surety,
a justice shall satisfyhimselforherselfastothesufficiencyofthemeansoftheperson and shall require that person
to make before the justicean affidavit of justification in the
approved form.(5)A justice before whom an affidavit of
justification is swornshall ask the proposed surety all
questions that are required byany Act or law
to be asked in the circumstances or that appearto the justice
to be necessary.(6)Asurety,inordertosatisfythesufficiencyofhisorhermeans, may deposit in the office of the
proper officer of thecourt that granted bail to the
defendant or of some other courtor with the
chief executive (corrective services) the amount ofhisorhersuretyinmoneyandwheretheundertakingissubsequentlyforfeited,thecourtshallapplytheamountsodeposited towards satisfaction of the
surety’s obligation withrespect thereto.(6A)Where a surety, in order to satisfy the
sufficiency of his or hermeans, produces to a justice before
whom the surety makes anaffidavit of justification—(a)any property; or(b)any
document to satisfy the justice that the surety ownsor
has an interest in any real or personal property;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 3
Undertakings and sureties[s 22]the justice
shall record on the affidavit details of the propertyordocumentandreturnthepropertyordocumenttothesurety.(7)A
court to which it is made to appear that a surety required
tobeprovidedbyanundertakinghasswornanaffidavitofjustification that is false in a material
particular may revokethebailandissueawarrantfortheapprehensionofthedefendant concerned.(8)A person shall not be accepted as a
surety if it appears to thejusticebeforewhomtheaffidavitofjustificationofthatperson is sworn
that it would be ruinous or injurious to thepersonortheperson’sfamilyiftheundertakingwereforfeited.22Procedure where sureties do not attend
prison(1)Where a certificate as to bail is
endorsed on papers or warrantpursuanttosection 18anditisnotconvenientfortheproposed surety or sureties to attend
at the prison in which thedefendantisdetainedtosigntheundertaking,theproperofficer of the
court that made the endorsement may make aduplicate of the
certificate endorsed on the papers or warrant.(1A)A
justice, upon production to the justice of that duplicate
andthe undertaking, may obtain the signature
or, as the case maybe,signaturesoftheproposedsuretyorsuretiesontheundertaking in conformity with the
certificate and witness thatsignature or
those signatures.(1B)Where the
undertaking as so signed is transmitted to the chiefexecutive(correctiveservices)andproducedtoapersonauthorisedbysection 20(6)togetherwiththepapersorwarrant with the certificate endorsed
thereon and the duplicatecertificate, that person may thereupon
obtain the signature ofthe defendant on the undertaking,
witness that signature andorder the release from custody of the
defendant and the chiefexecutive(correctiveservices)shall,ifthedefendantisdetainedfornootherlawfulpurpose,forthwithobeysuchorder.Page 50Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 3 Undertakings and sureties[s
23](2)Where a defendant is detained in a
prison at 1 place and theproposed surety or sureties is or are
resident at another placetoofarremovedtoenabletheprocedurelaiddowninsubsections (1) to (1B) to be carried out
immediately, it shallbe sufficient compliance with the
subsections if the followingprocedure is
adopted—(a)uponrequestmadeinthatbehalfthechiefexecutive(correctiveservices)shalladvisetheproperofficerofthe court in the district in which the
surety or suretiesareresidentthatacertificateofbailhasbeengrantedand
of the terms and conditions of that bail;(b)theproperofficermaythereuponarrangetohavethesuretyor,asthecaserequires,suretiesexecuteaseparateundertakingbindingthesuretyorsuretiesinconformitywiththecertificateastobail,advisethechief executive (corrective services)
that this has beendoneandgivetheundertakingtothechiefexecutive(corrective services);(c)apersonauthorisedbysection 20(6)uponbeingsatisfied that
the undertaking referred to in paragraph (b)has been
executed and production to the person of thepapers or
warrant with the certificate as to bail endorsedthereonmaythereuponobtainthesignatureofthedefendantonaseparateundertakingandwitnessthatsignatureandthereupontheprovisionsofsubsections (1) to (1B) as to the release of
the defendantfrom custody apply.23Application to court by surety for
discharge(1)Asuretyfortheappearanceofadefendantwhohasbeenreleasedonbailmaymakeapplicationtothecourtbeforewhich the defendant is required to appear in
accordance withhis or her undertaking or the court that
granted bail at any timebeforeaconditionoftheundertakingisbroken,orthedefendantisarrestedbyapoliceofficerunderthePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000,section 367,fortheCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 3
Undertakings and sureties[s 24]dischargeofthesuretyfromliabilitywithrespecttotheundertaking.(2)The
court may make such orders as it thinks fit including anorder that the surety be discharged from
liability with respectto the undertaking.(3)Thecourt,whereitdischargesasuretyinaccordancewithsubsection (2),mayissueawarrantfortheapprehensionofthedefendantdirectingthatthedefendantbecommittedtoprison and that the chief executive
(corrective services) keepthe defendant until such time
as—(a)a further surety or other security is
furnished; or(b)the defendant is bound by a condition
of the undertakingto appear before the court specified in the
undertaking,in which case the chief executive
(corrective services)shallcausethedefendanttosoappearinaccordancewith that
condition.24Apprehension of defendant by
surety(1)Where a defendant has been released on
bail to appear beforeacourt,asuretyforthebailmay,atanytimebeforethedefendant is required to appear and
surrender into custody inaccordance with this Act, apprehend
the defendant and bringthe defendant before the court before
which the defendant isrequired to appear or a
justice.(1A)A police officer
shall, if required by the surety to do so, assistthe
surety in the apprehension.(2)Thecourtorjusticemay,upontheappearanceofthedefendant before the court or justice,
order that the liability ofthe surety be
discharged and may call upon the defendant tofurnishanothersuretyinthesameamountand,ifthedefendant fails
to do so, may commit the defendant to prison.(3)Adefendantcommittedtoprisonfollowingthedefendant’sappearance
pursuant to subsection (2) may apply to the courtbeforewhichthedefendantwasrequiredtoappearoranyother court to be granted bail again
and the court—Page 52Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 3 Undertakings and sureties[s
25](a)may refuse the application; or(b)maygranttheapplicationandmakesuchorderwithrespect to the number of sureties (if any)
and the amountandconditionsofbailasitthinksproperinthecircumstances.25Effect of death of surety(1)The estate of a surety who dies before
an undertaking enteredinto by a defendant is forfeited shall
not be subject to liabilityin respect of
that undertaking.(2)Where a surety has died, the defendant
may be required by thecourt to furnish another surety to act
in the stead of the suretywho has died.26Offence of indemnifying surety(1)Whereapersonindemnifiesanotherpersonoragreeswithanotherpersontoindemnifythatotherpersonagainstanyliability that that other person may incur
as a surety to securetheappearanceinanswertobailandthesurrenderintocustodyofadefendantthefirstmentionedpersonandthatother person
commit an offence against this Act.Maximumpenalty—17penaltyunitsorimprisonmentfor1year.(2)Itisimmaterial,inrelationtoanoffencedefinedinsubsection (1)—(a)whethertheagreementismadebeforeoraftertheperson to be indemnified becomes a surety;
or(b)whether or not the person becomes a
surety; or(c)whethertheagreementcontemplatescompensationinmoney or money’s worth.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 53
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 27]Part
4General provisionsNotauthorised—indicativeonly27Notice of
trial(1)Where a defendant who has been
committed for trial is on bailto appear at the
trial and it is intended to present an indictmentagainst the defendant the director of public
prosecutions or, asthe case may be, deputy director of public
prosecutions or aperson duly authorised by the director or
deputy director inwriting in that behalf, either generally or
in a particular case,shallcausenoticetobegiventothedefendantorthedefendant’s solicitor and to each of
the defendant’s sureties (ifany)advisingofthetimewhenandtheplacewheretheindictment will be presented.(2)The notice shall be given a reasonable
time before the datefixed for the presentation of the
indictment having regard toall the
circumstances and it may be oral or written save whenit
is given to a defendant in which case it shall be written.(3)The notice shall state whether it is
intended to ask the court toproceed with the
trial upon the presentation of the indictmentor adjourn the
trial.(4)Wherethetrialistobeadjournedthedefendantneednotappearpersonallybeforethecourtwhenanindictmentispresentedagainstthedefendantprovidedthedefendantisrepresented by the defendant’s
lawyer.27AWarrant for apprehension of defendant
for failing to enterinto undertaking etc. before leaving
precincts of court(1)This section applies if a court grants
bail to a defendant andthe defendant leaves the precincts of
the court—(a)if the defendant is required to enter
into an undertakingundersection
20—withoutenteringintotheundertaking; or(b)ifthereareconditionsofthebailthedefendantmustcomply with before leaving the precincts of
the court—without fulfilling the conditions.Page
54Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 27B](2)Thecourtmayissueawarrantfortheapprehensionofthedefendant.(3)The
warrant must—(a)name the defendant against whom it is
issued; and(b)statethereason,undersubsection (1)(a)or(b),foritsissue; and(c)order all police officers to apprehend the
defendant andbringthedefendantbeforethecourttobedealtwithaccording to law.27BWarrant for apprehension of defendant—bail
grantedusing video link facilities or audio link
facilities underJustices Act 1886, pt 6A(1)This
section applies if—(a)amagistrategrantsbailtoadefendantandtheproceedingisconductedusingvideolinkfacilitiesoraudio link facilities under theJustices Act 1886, part
6A;and(b)thedefendantleavestheprecinctsoftheassociatedplace—(i)ifthedefendantisrequiredtoenterintoanundertakingundersection 20—withoutenteringinto
the undertaking; or(ii)if there are
conditions of the bail with which thedefendantmustcomplybeforeleavingtheprecinctsoftheassociatedplace—withoutfulfilling the
conditions.(2)A Magistrates Court may issue a
warrant for the apprehensionof the
defendant.(3)The warrant must—(a)name
the defendant against whom it is issued; and(b)state the reason, under subsection (1)(b)(i)
or (ii), for itsissue; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 55
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 4 General
provisions[s 28](c)order all police officers to apprehend the
defendant andbringthedefendantbeforethecourttobedealtwithaccording to law.(4)In
this section—associated placesee theJustices Act 1886, section
178B.audio link facilitiessee theJustices Act 1886, section
4.precincts,ofanassociatedplace,meansthepartoftheassociated place used for the bail
proceeding.video link facilitiessee theJustices Act 1886, section
4.28Warrant for apprehension of defendant
by Supreme orDistrict Court(1)Whereadefendantwhohasenteredintoanundertakingconditioned that
the defendant will appear before the SupremeCourtortheDistrictCourtbreaksaconditionofthedefendant’sundertaking,orifthecourtissatisfiedthatthedefendantislikelytobreakanysuchcondition,thecourtbeforewhichthedefendantisrequiredtoappear,onapplication made by the director of public
prosecutions or, asthe case may be, deputy director of public
prosecutions or aperson duly authorised by the director or
deputy director inwriting in that behalf, either generally or
in a particular case—(a)after notice of
the intention to make the application hasbeen given to
the defendant; or(b)withoutgivingnoticepursuanttoparagraph(a)ifthedefendant cannot
be found, has absconded or is likely toabscond;may
issue a warrant for the apprehension of the defendant.(2)Whereadefendantforwhoseapprehensionawarranthasbeen
issued under subsection (1) for failing to surrender intocustody in accordance with the defendant’s
undertaking—(a)surrenders into the custody of the
court that issued thewarrant as soon as is practicable
after the time for thetime being appointed for the defendant
to do so; andPage 56Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 28A](b)satisfiesthecourtthatthefailuretosurrenderintocustody was due to reasonable cause;the
court may withdraw and cancel the warrant.(2A)Whereadefendantforwhoseapprehensionawarranthasbeenissuedundersubsection
(1)onthegroundthatthedefendanthasbrokenaconditionofthedefendant’sundertaking(otherthantheconditionthatthedefendantsurrender into
custody) prior to the execution of the warrantsatisfies the
court that issued the warrant that breaking of theconditionwasduetoreasonablecausethecourtmaywithdraw and cancel the warrant.(2B)Whereadefendantforwhoseapprehensionawarranthasbeenissuedundersubsection
(1)onthegroundthatthedefendantislikelytobreakaconditionofthedefendant’sundertaking(includingtheconditionthatthedefendantsurrender into
custody) prior to the execution of the warrantsatisfies the
court that issued the warrant that the defendant isnot
likely to break that condition the court may withdraw andcancel the warrant.(3)A
warrant issued under this section—(a)shall name or otherwise describe the
defendant againstwhom it is issued; and(b)shall set out the reasons for the issue
thereof; and(c)shall order the police officers to
whom it is directed toapprehend the defendant against whom
it is issued andcause the defendant to be brought before a
MagistratesCourt or, as the case may be, Childrens
Court to be dealtwith according to law.28AOther
warrants for apprehension of defendant(1)Acourtthatadefendantisrequiredtoappearbeforemayissueawarrantforthedefendant’sapprehensionifthedefendant fails to surrender into
custody after being—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 4 General
provisions[s 28A](a)released on bail by the Supreme Court or
District CourtonconditionthatthedefendantwillappearbeforeaMagistrates Court; or(b)released on bail by a Magistrates
Court or the ChildrensCourt,orbyanyjusticeorjusticesconductingacommittal proceeding, on the defendant
entering into anundertaking; or(c)released on bail under section 7(3)(a);
or(d)released on bail on the defendant
making a deposit ofmoney under section 14A; or(e)releasedonbailthathasbeencontinuedundersection 34A(2),
34B(2), 34BA(2) or 34BB(2); or(ea)released, on bail or without bail, under
theYouth JusticeAct 1992,
part 5; or(f)permitted to go at large without
issued under subsection (1)—(a)surrenders into the custody of the court
that issued thewarrant as soon as is practicable after the
time for thetime being appointed for the defendant to do
so; and(b)satisfiesthecourtthatthefailuretosurrenderintocustody was due to reasonable cause;the
court may withdraw and cancel the warrant.(3)A
warrant issued under this section—(a)shall name or otherwise describe the
defendant againstwhom it is issued; and(b)shallsetoutthecourtintothecustodyofwhichthedefendant failed to surrender and the time
and place ofthat failure; and(c)shall order the police officers to whom it
is directed toapprehend the defendant against whom it is
issued andcause the defendant to be brought before a
MagistratesPage 58Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 28B]Court or, as the case may be, Childrens
Court to be dealtwith according to law.Note—A
defendant may be granted bail before being brought before
thecourt under paragraph (c) if the defendant
shows cause undersection 16(3) why the defendant’s detention
in custody is notjustified.(4)A
court shall not issue a warrant under subsection (1)—(a)where the defendant was released on
bail or permitted togo at large without bail to appear at
a time and place tobe determined; or(b)wherethehearingwasadjournedinthedefendant’sabsenceandthedefendantwasnotrepresentedbyalawyer;unless it is
satisfied that—(c)thedefendantcannotbefound,hasabscondedorislikely to abscond; or(d)reasonable notice of the time and
place so determinedor, as the case may be, the time to which
the hearing wasadjourned has been given to the
defendant.28BWarrant authority to apprehend
defendant on otherchargesA warrant issued
under section 28 or 28A(1)(a), (b), (c) or (e)toapprehendadefendantforthereasonthatthedefendantfailed to
surrender into custody shall be sufficient authorityfor
a police officer to whom it is directed to apprehend thedefendantuponanyotherchargeinrespectofwhichthedefendant failed to surrender into custody
at the same court,timeandplaceorsittingsasthedefendantwasrequiredtosurrender into custody on the charge in
respect of which thewarrant was issued.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 4 General
provisions[s 28C]28CWarrant for apprehension of person released
undersection 11A(1)Ifapersonisreleasedundersection 11Aonconditiontheperson will surrender into the custody of a
particular court atthe time and place stated in the notice
under section 11B andthepersonfailstosurrenderintothecourt’scustodyatthetime and
place—(a)the court may issue a warrant for the
apprehension of theperson directing that the person be brought
before thecourt; and(b)thepersonisnotliabletoanyotherpenaltyforthefailure to
surrender.(2)The warrant must—(a)name
or describe the person; and(b)state the name of the court; and(c)statethetimeandplacestatedinthenoticeundersection
11Batwhichthepersonwasrequiredtosurrender into the court’s custody;
and(d)statethepersonfailedtosurrenderintothecourt’scustody at the
stated time and place; and(e)orderthepoliceofficerstowhomitisdirectedtoapprehend the person and cause the person to
be broughtbefore the court to be dealt with according
to law.(3)The court may withdraw and cancel the
warrant if—(a)the person surrenders into the court’s
custody as soon asis practicable after the stated time;
and(b)the court is given a satisfactory
explanation as to whythe person failed to surrender into
custody as required.29Offence to breach conditions of
bail(1)A defendant must not break any
condition of the undertakingonwhichthedefendantwasgrantedbailrequiringthedefendant’s appearance before a
court.Page 60Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 29A]Maximumpenalty—40penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to—(a)a defendant who is a child; or(b)a condition that the defendant
surrender into custody; orNote—For defendants
who fail to surrender into custody, see section 33.(c)aconditionofthedefendant’sundertakingimposedunder section 11(9) or 11AB.29AProcedure in respect of defendants
apprehended under s21(7) or the Police Powers and
Responsibilities Act 2000(1)A defendant
apprehended—(a)under a warrant issued under section
21(7); or(b)under thePolice Powers
and Responsibilities Act 2000,section 367;shall—(c)subject to paragraph (d), be brought
forthwith before aMagistratesCourtor,asthecasemaybe,ChildrensCourt to be
dealt with according to law; or(d)wherethedefendantisapprehendedwithin24hoursbeforethetimeatwhichthedefendantisboundbyaconditionofthedefendant’sundertakingtoappearbeforeacourt—bekeptincustodyandthepersoninwhosecustodythedefendantisshallcausethedefendant to surrender into the
custody of the court atthe time and place for the time being
appointed for thedefendant to do so.(2)Thecourtbeforewhichadefendantisbroughtpursuanttosubsection (1)—(a)if
it is satisfied that the defendant has broken, or is likelytobreak,aconditionofthedefendant’sundertakingmay—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 4 General
provisions[s 30](i)revoke the bail and commit the defendant to
prisonwith a direction to the chief executive
(correctiveservices)tokeepthedefendantandcausethedefendant to surrender into the custody of
the courtspecified in the undertaking at the time and
placefor the time being appointed for the
defendant todo so; or(ii)releasethedefendantonthedefendant’soriginalundertaking or vary the defendant’s bail;
or(b)if it is not satisfied that the
defendant has broken, or islikelytobreak,aconditionofthedefendant’sundertaking,mayreleasethedefendantonthedefendant’s original undertaking or
vary the defendant’sbail.(3)This
section does not apply if under subsection (1)(b) the onlycondition the defendant has broken, or is
likely to break, is aconditionofthedefendant’sundertakingimposedundersection 11(9) or
11AB.30Apprehension on variation or
revocation of bail(1)Bail granted to a defendant on an
undertaking may be variedor revoked, on the application of a
complainant, prosecutor orperson appearing on behalf of the
Crown, by—(a)the court that granted the bail;
or(c)the Supreme Court;if the court is
of the opinion that it is necessary or desirable inthe
interests of justice to do so.(1A)Also,bailgrantedtoadefendantonanundertakingbyapolice officer authorised by this Act
or theYouth Justice Act1992tograntbailmaybevariedorrevoked,ontheapplication of a complainant,
prosecutor or person appearingon behalf of the
Crown, by—Page 62Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 30]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)ifthedefendantisrequiredtoappearbeforetheChildrens Court—the Childrens Court;
or(b)a Magistrates Court;if
the court is of the opinion that it is necessary or desirable
inthe interests of justice to do so.(2)An application under this section may
be made ex parte—(a)after notice of intention to make the
application has beengiventothedefendantandthedefendant’ssuretyorsureties; or(b)withoutgivingnoticepursuanttoparagraph(a)ifthedefendant—(i)has
absconded or if the court is satisfied that thedefendant is
likely to abscond; or(ii)hasbroken,orifthecourtissatisfiedthatthedefendantislikelytobreak,aconditionofthedefendant’s undertaking.(3)Ifanapplicationunderthissectionismadeinthemannerpermitted by
subsection (2)(b), the court may—(a)orderthatnoticeoftheapplicationbegiventothedefendantandthedefendant’ssuretyorsuretiesnotifyingthatifthedefendantfailstosurrenderintocustodyinaccordancewiththenoticeawarrantmayissue for the apprehension of the defendant;
or(b)forthwithissueawarranttoapprehendthedefendantand bring the
defendant before the court to show causewhythedefendant’sbailshouldnotbevariedorrevoked.(4)If
on the date and at the time and place specified in a noticegiven pursuant to subsection (2)(a) or
(3)(a) the defendant—(a)failstosurrenderintocustody,thecourtmayissueawarrant for the defendant’s apprehension;
or(b)surrenders into custody and fails to
satisfy the court thatit is not necessary or desirable in
the interests of justiceCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 4 General
provisions[s 31]that the
defendant’s bail be varied or revoked the courtmay—(i)vary the bail in such manner as it
thinks fit; or(ii)revoke the bail;
or(c)surrenders into custody and satisfies
the court that it isnot necessary or desirable in the
interests of justice thatthe defendant’s bail be varied or
revoked the court mayorder that the defendant be released
from custody on thedefendant’s original undertaking.(5)Asuretyorsuretiestowhomnoticeisgivenundersubsection (2)(a)or(3)(a)shallbeentitledtoappearatthehearingoftheapplicationandgiveevidenceandthecourtmay
if it thinks fit adjourn the hearing to enable the surety orsureties to do so.(6)Iftheonlygroundformakinganapplicationunderthissection is that
the defendant has broken, or is likely to break, aconditionofthedefendant’sundertakingimposedundersection
11(9)or11AB,thecourtmayvarythedefendant’sbail,includingbyrescindingtheconditionimposedundersection 11(9) or
11AB, but may not revoke the bail.(7)This
section does not limit the powers of a police officer underthePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000,section 367(3) to arrest a defendant who is
a child.31Forfeiture of undertaking(1)Whereadefendantwhohasbeenreleasedonbailfailstoappearbeforethecourtinaccordancewiththedefendant’sundertakingandsurrenderintocustodythecourtmayforthwith declare the undertaking to be
forfeited.(2)The court that forfeits an
respects in which the undertaking has not beencomplied with;
andPage 64Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 32](ii)the declaration
of forfeiture and particulars of anyorder made by
the court; and(b)shalltransmittotheproperofficerofthecourttheundertaking so endorsed.32Forfeiture of deposit or other
security(1)Whereanundertakingthathasbeendeclaredforfeitedbecause of the
failure of the person released on bail to appearin
accordance with the undertaking contains as a condition ofbail
the making of a deposit of money or other security, thecourt that declares the forfeiture may order
that the deposit orother security so made be forfeited and paid
to Her Majesty.(2)Thecourtshallendorseorcausetobeendorsedontheundertaking particulars of every order
made pursuant to thissection.32AOrder
for payment of amount under forfeited undertaking(1)A court that orders the payment of a
deposit of money or othersecurity(theamount)undersection
32forwhichthereisasurety must also
order—(a)that the surety pay the amount to the
proper officer ofthecourtimmediatelyorwithinthetimeorbytheinstalments
stated in the order; or(b)thattheproperofficerofthecourtistogivetheprescribedparticularsoftheamounttoSPERforregistration under theStatePenaltiesEnforcementAct1999, section
34.(2)If the court makes an order under
subsection (1)(a), the courtmay also order
that the surety be imprisoned for the term, ofnot more than 2
years, stated in the order if the surety defaultsin
paying the amount.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 32B]Notauthorised—indicativeonly32BVariation or
revocation of order forfeiting bailundertaking(1)Ifacourtordersadefendantorasuretytopayanamountundersection
32or32A,thedefendantorthesuretymayapply in the approved form to the court that
made the order or,for a Magistrates Court, any magistrate, for
an order revokingor varying the order.(2)The
application—(a)may only be made on the ground that,
having regard toall the circumstances, it would be against
the interests ofjustice to require the person to pay the
amount orderedto be paid; and(b)mustbemadewithin28daysaftertherelevantundertakingisforfeitedorthelongertimethecourtallows for
payment of the amount; and(c)must briefly
state the circumstances relied on; and(d)mustbefiledwiththeproperofficerofthecourtandserved,atleast14daysbeforethedatesetforthehearing of the
application, on the complainant or, for anundertakingenteredintoafteranindictmentispresented, whoever of the following is
relevant—(i)the State crown solicitor;(ii)for an offence
against a law of the Commonwealth,theAustralianGovernmentSolicitorinQueensland.(3)Despite subsection (2)(b), if the
undertaking was forfeited intheabsenceofthedefendant,anapplicationmaybemadewithin28daysaftertheordercomestothenoticeoftheapplicant.(4)At
any time after the application is filed, the applicant mayapplytothecourtforastayofproceedingstowhichtheapplication relates.(5)The
court may grant the stay and do any of the following—(a)direct the return of any unenforced
warrant;Page 66Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 33](b)postpone the issue of a
warrant;(c)stay the enforcement of any warrant
until the applicationis decided.(6)Also, the court may hear the application
earlier than 14 daysafterserviceoftheapplicationifthepartiesconsenttotheearlier
hearing.(7)The court must decide the application
and may—(a)vary the order; or(b)revoke the order; or(c)refuse the application.33Failure to appear in accordance with
undertaking(1)A defendant who—(a)failstosurrenderintocustodyinaccordancewiththedefendant’s undertaking; and(b)isapprehendedunderawarrantissuedpursuanttosection 28 or 28A(1)(a), (b), (c) or
(e);commits an offence against this Act.(2)It is a defence to an offence defined
in subsection (1) if thedefendant satisfies the court that the
defendant had reasonablecause—(a)for
failing to surrender into custody in accordance withthe
defendant’s undertaking; and(b)forfailingtoappearbeforethecourtspecifiedinthedefendant’sundertakingand
surrenderintocustodyassoon after the time for the time being
appointed for thedefendant to do so as is reasonably
practicable.(3)Proceedings for an offence against
this section—(a)shallbeinstitutedandtaken,withoutthelayingofacomplaint;(b)shallbetakeninaccordancewiththefollowingprocedures—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 67
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 33]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(i)production to
the court before which a defendantapprehendedunderawarrantissuedundersection 28 or
28A(1)(a), (b), (c) or (e) is brought ofthat warrant
shall be evidence and, in the absenceof evidence to
the contrary, conclusive evidence ofthe undertaking
and of the failure to surrender intocustody and that
the issue of the warrant was dulyauthorised by
the decision or order of the court thatissued the
warrant;(ii)judicial notice
shall be taken of the signature of thepersonwhoissuedthewarrantreferredtoinsubparagraph(i)andthatthatpersonwasdulyauthorised to
issue the warrant.(3A)Uponproductiontothecourtofthewarrantthecourtshallthenandtherecallonthedefendanttoprovewhythedefendant should not be convicted of
an offence against thissection.(4)Where a court in making an order under this
section directsthatatermofimprisonment(thefirstmentionedtermofimprisonment) be imposed
(whether in the first instance or indefaultpaymentofafine)uponadefendantthen,notwithstandinganyAct,laworpractice,thefollowingapplies—(a)thefirstmentionedtermofimprisonmentshalltakeeffect from the
expiration of the deprivation of liberty ofthe defendant
pursuant to a term of imprisonment—(i)imposeduponthedefendantpursuanttothissection or a law
of the Commonwealth or the Stateatthesametimeasthefirstmentionedtermofimprisonment is imposed; or(ii)whichthedefendantisservingpursuanttothissection or a law
of the Commonwealth or the Stateatthetimethefirstmentionedtermofimprisonment is imposed;(b)ifduringthetimethedefendantisservingthefirstmentionedtermofimprisonmentafurthertermofimprisonment is imposed upon the
defendant pursuantPage 68Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 33A]to a
law of the Commonwealth or the State, the furthertermofimprisonmentshalltakeeffectfromtheexpiration of the deprivation of liberty of
the defendantpursuant to the first mentioned term of
imprisonment;(c)ifbeforethedefendantcommencestoservethefirstmentionedtermofimprisonmentafurthertermofimprisonment is imposed upon the
defendant pursuanttoalawoftheCommonwealthortheState,thefirstmentioned term
of imprisonment shall take effect fromtheexpirationofthedeprivationoflibertyofthedefendant pursuant to the further term
of imprisonment.(5)Subsection (4)doesnotapplyifthedefendantwasachildwhenthedefendantcommittedtheoffencementionedinsubsection (1).(6)Despitesubsection
(3)(a),adefendantmentionedinsubsection (1)(b) is taken to be
charged with an offence undersubsection (1)
for the purpose of—(a)applying for bail under any provision
of this Act; and(b)section 16(3)(d).33ACertain offences may be dealt withWhere—(a)a
defendant has been dealt with by a Magistrates Courtor,asthecasemaybe,ChildrensCourtundersection 33;
and(b)the court is informed that the
defendant consents to thecourt dealing with—(i)the offence in respect of which the
defendant failedto surrender into custody; or(ii)anyotheroffencewithwhichthedefendanthasbeen
charged and not dealt with; and(c)theoffencereferredtoinparagraph(b)isanoffencewhich may be
heard and determined by the court; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 69
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 4 General
provisions[s 33B](d)the
court is satisfied from material produced before it byevidence on oath or otherwise that the
defendant has notbeen dealt with for the offence referred to
in paragraph(b); and(e)the
defendant pleads guilty to the offence referred to inparagraph (b);thecourtshallthenandthereproceedtodealwiththedefendant for the offence referred to
in paragraph (b).33BCommittal or remand of certain
defendants(1)Where a defendant appears before a
Magistrates Court or, asthe case may be, Childrens Court
(thefirst mentioned court)chargedwithanoffenceagainstsection 33,thefirstmentioned court,
whether or not it convicts the defendant ofthatoffence,withoutfurtherinquiryorexamination,shallcommit the defendant to be dealt with
according to law by thecourt that issued the warrant referred
to in section 33(1)(b) fortheoffenceinrespectofwhichthedefendantfailedtosurrender into custody unless the
first mentioned court dealswith the
defendant under section 33A for the offence.(2)Acourtinexercisingthejurisdictionconferredbysubsection (1)maygrantbailtothedefendantorbyitswarrant commit the defendant to prison with
a direction to thechief executive (corrective services) to
cause the defendant tosurrender into the custody of the
court that issued the warrantreferredtoinsection
33(1)(b)inaccordancewiththedefendant’sundertakingatthetimeandplaceforthetimebeing appointed
for the defendant to do so.33CJurisdiction(1)Thepowersconferredbysections 33and33Amaybeexercised by a Magistrates Court or
Childrens Court at a placeappointed for the holding of
Magistrates Courts in any districtappointedforthepurposeofMagistratesCourtsundertheJusticesAct1886orinanydivisiondeemedtobesuchadistrict, regardless of where the offence
was committed.Page 70Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 33D](2)Theexerciseofjurisdictionconferredbysection 33Binrespect of a defendant brought before a
Magistrates Court orChildrensCourtshallbeinadditiontotheexerciseofjurisdiction conferred by theJustices Act 1886, section
101.33DPostponing issue or enforcement of a
warrant(1)This section applies if an application
is made to the court for awarrantfortheapprehensionofapersonwhohasfailedtoappear before the court.(2)Thecourtmaypostponetheissueorenforcementofthewarranttoallowthepersonafurtheropportunitytoappearbefore the
court.34Effect of apprehension on another
charge of defendanton bail(1)The
apprehension of a defendant who has been released onbail
to appear before a court on another charge shall not vacatethe
undertaking to which the bail relates and that undertakingshall continue to bind the defendant and the
defendant’s suretyorsureties(ifany)untilthedefendantisdischargedorsentenced in respect of the offence to which
the bail relates.(2)Notwithstandingsubsection
(1),thecourtmaycommittoprison a defendant on bail who is arrested
on another chargeor may grant bail to the defendant.(3)Where a defendant who has been
released on bail to appearfor trial is committed to prison
pursuant to subsection (2), thesureties (if
any) for the defendant’s appearance are, withoutother authority than this subsection,
discharged from liabilityin respect of the bail while the
defendant remains in prison.34AVarying bail if summary charge transmitted
from court ofsummary jurisdiction to another court(1)This section applies if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 4 General
provisions[s 34B](a)a
person charged with a summary offence before a courtofsummaryjurisdictionisgrantedbail(thesummarybail) by the court
to appear before it on the charge; and(b)the
clerk of the court of summary jurisdiction transmitsthe
complaint or bench charge sheet or a copy of it to theregistrar of another court (thereceiving court) under
theCriminal Code, section 652(4).(2)Thesummarybailiscontinuedandistakentohavebeengranted by the receiving court on the
conditions imposed bythe court of summary
jurisdiction.(3)However, the summary bail is taken to
be varied to require thedefendant to appear before the
receiving court for the hearingof the summary
offence on the day the receiving court has setfor the hearing
of the charge on indictment before it.34BVarying bail if summary charge transmitted
fromreceiving court back to court of summary
jurisdiction(1)This section applies if—(a)section 34A applies; and(b)under the Criminal Code, section
653(2), the receivingcourt—(i)directsthatthechargebeheardbyacourtexercising
summary jurisdiction; and(ii)orders the court
registrar to send the relevant courtrecord to the
clerk of the court exercising summaryjurisdiction.(2)The
summary bail is taken to have been granted by the courtexercising summary jurisdiction on the
conditions that appliedto it under section 34A.(3)However, the summary bail is taken to
be varied to require thedefendant to appear before the court
of summary jurisdictionfor the hearing of the summary charge
on the day set by thereceiving court on the day it gives
the direction and makes theorder.Page
72Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 34BA](4)The day set by the receiving court
must be not earlier than 1month after the day it gives the
direction and makes the order.(5)In
this section—receiving courthas the meaning
given by section 34A(1)(b).summary
bailhas the meaning given by section
34A(1)(a).34BAVarying bail on registry
committal(1)This section applies if—(a)under a registry committal under
theJustices Act 1886,theclerkofthecourtataplaceordersadefendantcharged with an
indictable offence to be committed tobe tried or
sentenced for the offence; and(b)immediatelybeforetheregistrycommittal,thedefendant is on bail.(2)Thebailapplyingtothedefendantimmediatelybeforetheregistrycommittal(thesummarybail)iscontinued,andistaken to have been granted by the
court (thereceiving court)to
which the defendant is committed for trial or sentence onthesameconditionsthatappliedimmediatelybeforetheregistry committal.(3)However, the summary bail is taken to
be varied to require thedefendant to appear before the
receiving court as required bythe receiving
court.(4)Also, if the clerk of the court amends
the charges under theJustices Act 1886, section
115(6), the summary bail is taken tobegrantedforthechargesonwhichthedefendantiscommitted for trial or sentence under the
registry committal.(5)An undertaking given for the purposes
of the summary bail,including any promise of a surety, is,
for the continuance ofthe summary bail, taken to have been
given to the receivingcourt, and, to the greatest
practicable extent, the provisions ofthis Act
relating to undertakings continue to apply.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 73
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 34BB]Example for subsection (5)—Theentitlementofasuretytoapplytothereceivingcourtforadischargeundersection
23(Applicationtocourtbysuretyfordischarge) continues to apply.Notauthorised—indicativeonly34BBVarying bail for
charge for indictable offence referred toclerk of the
court under Justices Act 1886(1)Thissectionappliesifachargeforanindictableoffenceisreferred to the clerk of the court at
a place under theJusticesAct 1886,
section 23EB.(2)The bail applying to the defendant in
relation to the charge(thesummary
bail) is continued, and is taken to have
beengrantedbythecourt(thereceivingcourt)inwhichtherelevant indictment has been or is to
be presented, on the sameconditions that applied immediately
before the referral of thecharge to the clerk of the
court.(3)However, the summary bail is taken to
be varied to require thedefendant to appear before the
receiving court as required bythe receiving
court.(4)An undertaking given for the purposes
of the summary bail,including any promise of a surety, is,
for the continuance ofthe summary bail, taken to have been
given to the receivingcourt, and, to the greatest
practicable extent, the provisions ofthis Act
relating to undertakings continue to apply.Example for
subsection (4)—Theentitlementofasuretytoapplytothereceivingcourtforadischargeundersection
23(Applicationtocourtbysuretyfordischarge) continues to apply.(5)Iftheclerkofthecourt,undertheJusticesAct1886,section 23EB(3)(a)(ii),refersthechargebacktotheMagistrates
Court, and the relevant indictment has not beenpresented,thebailistakentobevariedtorequirethedefendanttoappearatthetimeandplaceadvisedtotheparties by the
clerk of the court under theJustices Act
1886,section 23EB(6).(6)In
this section—Page 74Current as at
[Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 34C]relevantindictmentmeanstheindictmentmentionedintheJustices Act
1886, section 23EB(2)(b)(i) or (ii).Notauthorised—indicativeonly34CAccess to court files by
representative of communityjustice group in defendant’s
community(1)This section applies if a defendant is
an Aboriginal or TorresStrait Islander person.(2)Arepresentativeofthecommunityjusticegroupinthedefendant’scommunitymayinspectacourtfile,oradocument in a
court file, or obtain a copy of information fromacourtfileordocument,thatmayberelevanttomakingasubmissionaboutthedefendantundersection 15(1)(f)or16(2)(e).(3)However, subsection (2) applies only if the
court directs thattheinformationbemadeavailableorgiventotherepresentative.(4)Thecourtmaymakethedirectionwhetherornottherepresentativehasmadeanapplicationtothecourtforthedirection.(5)Indecidingwhethertodirectthatinformationbemadeavailable or
given to the representative, the court may haveregard to the
following—(a)whether the representative would
otherwise have accessto the information;(b)whether the defendant consents to the
information beingmade available or given to the
representative.(6)Subsection (5) does not limit the
matters to which the courtmay have regard.34DConfidentiality(1)A
person who is a member of a community justice group mustnot—(a)record or use information the person, or
another personwho is a member of the community justice
group, gainsCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 4 General
provisions[s 34E]throughperformingafunctionunderthisAct,orintentionallydiscloseittoanyone,otherthanundersubsection (2);
or(b)recklessly disclose the information to
anyone.Maximumpenalty—100penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)Apersonwhoisamemberofacommunityjusticegroupmay—(a)record, use or disclose the information if
the recording,use or disclosure—(i)is
done as part of making submissions to—(A)the
court under section 15(1)(f); or(B)thecourtorapoliceofficerundersection
16(2)(e); or(ii)is otherwise
required or permitted by law; or(b)disclosetheinformationtoanothermemberofthecommunity
justice group.(3)In this section—discloseinformation to someone else means—(a)orally disclose the information to the
other person; or(b)producetotheotherperson,orgivetheotherpersonaccess to, a document containing the
information; or(c)disclose the information to the other
person in anotherway.34EProtection from
liability(1)This section applies to a person
who—(a)isamemberofthecommunityjusticegroupinadefendant’s community; and(b)is responsible for the making of a
submission about thedefendant to—Page 76Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 34F](i)a court under section 15(1)(f);
or(ii)a court or a
police officer under section 16(2)(e).(2)For
subsection (1)(b), it does not matter that the person didnot
personally make the submission to the court or the policeofficer.(3)The
person is not civilly liable for an act done, or an omissionmade,honestlyandwithoutnegligenceinrelationtothemaking of the submission.34FCommissioner may give information
about specialcondition of bail to particular
mentioned in section 11(3) to—(a)thelicenseeofanylicensedpremisesstatedinthespecial condition; or(b)the licensee of any licensed premises
within a class oflicensed premises stated in the special
condition; or(c)the holder of a licence or permit to
sell liquor at an eventstated in the special condition;
or(d)an approved manager working at the
licensed premisesmentionedinparagraph(a)or(b)ortheeventmentioned in
paragraph (c); or(e)theCommissionerforLiquorandGamingundertheGaming Machine Act 1991;
or(f)anapprovedoperatorundertheLiquorAct1992,section 173EE.(2)In
this section—approved managermeans a person
holding an approval as anapproved manager under theLiquor Act 1992.commissionermeansthecommissioneroftheQueenslandPoliceServiceunderthePoliceServiceAdministrationAct1990.licencesee theLiquor Act 1992, section
4.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 35]licensed premisessee theLiquor Act 1992, section
4.licenseesee theLiquor Act 1992, section
4.permitsee theLiquor Act 1992, section
4.Notauthorised—indicativeonly35Proceedings for
offences(1)A prosecution for an offence against
this Act shall be taken bywayofsummaryproceedingsinaccordancewiththeprovisionsoftheJusticesAct1886(subjecttosuchmodifications to
those provisions as are made by sections 33and 33A), and
may be taken notwithstanding that more than 1year has elapsed
since commission of the offence.(2)A
person who commits an offence against this Act shall beliable to a penalty of 40 penalty units or
to imprisonment for 2years.36Evidentiary provisionsIn a proceeding
for the purposes of this Act—(a)a
certificate purporting to be signed by the director ofpublicprosecutionsor,asthecasemaybe,deputydirectorofpublicprosecutionsorpersondulyauthorisedbythedirectorordeputydirectorsettingforth—(i)that a notice has been given to a
specified person ata specified address and the contents of such
notice;or(ii)that a notice
has or has not been received by thedirector of
public prosecutions or, as the case maybe,deputydirectorofpublicprosecutionsor,where the director of public prosecutions
or, as thecasemaybe,deputydirectorofpublicprosecutions has
authorised another person to signacertificate,thatotherpersonfromaspecifiedpersonand,wherethecertificaterelatestothereceipt of the
notice, the contents of such notice;Page 78Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 36]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyshall be evidence and, in the absence of
evidence to thecontrary, conclusive evidence of the matters
containedtherein; and(b)a
document purporting to be or to be a copy of—(i)an
undertaking; or(ii)a declaration of
forfeiture made by a court of anundertaking;
or(iii)anordermadebyacourtinconsequenceofaforfeiturebythatcourtofanundertakingwithrespect to a surety, deposit of money or
security; or(iv)a certificate
containing particulars of the respectsinwhichanundertakinghasnotbeencompliedwith; or(v)an
enlargement or variation of an undertaking;in any case
purporting to be certified by an officer of thecourt having
custody of the document to be or relate totheundertakingwithwhichitisallegedintheproceeding the defendant has failed to
comply shall beevidence and, in the absence of evidence to
the contrary,conclusiveevidenceofthematterscontainedtherein;and(ba)where an officer
of the court does not have knowledgeoftherespectsinwhichadefendanthasfailedtocomply with his or her undertaking—an
affidavit, or adocument purporting to be a copy of an
affidavit, swornbyapersonhavingthatknowledgeshallbeevidence,andintheabsenceofevidencetothecontrary,conclusiveevidenceofthematterscontainedtherein;and(c)itshallnotbenecessarytoprovetheappointmentorsignature of the director of public
prosecutions or, as thecase may be, deputy director of public
prosecutions orother authorised person; and(d)abenchchargesheetpurportingtobeabenchchargesheet referred
to in section 14(2) and (3) shall, upon itsCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 79
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 36A]production in that proceeding, be evidence
and, in theabsence of evidence to the contrary,
conclusive evidenceofallmattersrecorded thereinthatarerelevanttotheproceeding.Notauthorised—indicativeonly36AService of
noticesA written notice required to be given under
this Act shall betakentohavebeendulygiventothepersontowhomitisdirected if it is served on the person
personally or—(a)inthecaseofadefendant—ifitisdeliveredtothedefendant’saddressforserviceofnoticesorsentbyprepaid post to the defendant at that
address; or(b)in the case of a defendant’s
solicitor—it is delivered tothe solicitor’s
place of business or sent by prepaid postto the solicitor
at that address; or(c)inthecaseofasurety—itisdeliveredtothesurety’saddress given
with respect to his or her undertaking orsent by prepaid
post to the surety at that address.36BWhen
bail ceases to have effectWhere the director of public
prosecutions or, as the case maybe,deputydirectorofpublicprosecutionsorapersondulyauthorised by the director or deputy
director in writing in thatbehalf,eithergenerallyorinaparticularcase,advisesthecourt to which a defendant has been
committed for trial thatthedirectorordeputydirectorwillnotbepresentinganindictmentagainstthedefendantthedefendantistherebydischarged from
complying with the conditions specified inthe defendant’s
undertaking and to which the undertaking issubjectpursuanttothisActandthereupontheundertakingshall cease to
have effect.36BAReview of domestic violence
80Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 4 General provisions[s 36C]thedaythatis2yearsafterthecommencementoftheprovisions.(2)Thereviewmustincludeareviewofwhetherthedomesticviolence
provisions—(a)have been effective in protecting
people from domesticviolence; and(b)havehadsufficientregardtorightsandlibertiesofdefendants; and(c)remain appropriate.(3)The
Minister must, as soon as practicable after the review isfinished,tableintheLegislativeAssemblyareportontheoutcome of the review.(4)In this section—domesticviolenceprovisionsmeanssections19CAand19D(2).36CApproval of forms(1)The
chief executive may approve forms for—(a)anythingforwhichthisActrequiresorpermitsanapproved form to be used; or(b)another use under this Act.(2)Subsection (1)(b)doesnotapplytoformsforcourtproceedings.37Regulation-making powerTheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Act 1980Part 5 Transitional provisions[s
38]Part 5Transitional
provisions for State Penalties EnforcementAct 1999(1)This section applies if, on the
commencement of this section,asuretyhasnotpaidanamountunderanorderundertheCrown Proceedings Act 1980,
section 14 (therepealed law).(2)Despitetherepealoftherepealedlaw,thefollowingprovisions have
effect—(a)the order continues to have effect as
if it were an ordermade under section 32A of this Act;(b)anyamountthathasnotbeenpaidundertheordercontinuestobepayableuntilitispaidorotherwisesatisfied;(c)despite the repeal of theCrown Proceedings Act 1980,section 15,anapplicationmaybemadeundersection 32B as if the order forfeiting the
recognisance ormadeagainstthesuretywereanorderundersection 32A;(d)any
warrant that has not been enforced may be enforcedaccording to its terms as if the repealed
law had not beenrepealed;(e)anyproceedingcommencedbeforetherepealforanorder under the repealed law may be
continued as if itwere a proceeding for an order under section
32A.39Provision concerning references to s
28A(1)(a)(1)Itisdeclaredthat,duringtherelevantperiod,theActsInterpretationAct1954,section 14Happliedsothatthereferencetosection 28A(1)(a)insections 28Band33included a reference to section
28A(1)(b), (c) and (e).(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection
subsections (3) and (4) apply.Page 82Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 5 Transitional provisions[s
40](3)Section 28B is taken to have applied
in relation to the affectedwarrant as if
the reference in section 28B to a warrant issuedunder section 28A(1)(a) included a reference
to the affectedwarrant.(4)Ifthedefendantwasconvictedofanoffenceagainstsection 33, section 33 is taken to have
applied, in relation tothedefendantandtheproceedingsfortheoffenceagainstsection 33,asifthereferencesinsection 33toawarrantissuedundersection
28A(1)(a)includedareferencetotheaffected warrant.(5)In
this section—affectedwarrantmeansawarrantissuedbeforethecommencementdateunderoldsection 28A(1)(a)(ii),(iii)or(iv) or during the relevant period
under section 28A(1)(b), (c)or (e).commencementdatemeansthedatetheCriminalLawAmendment Act 2002, the schedule,
amendments of theBailAct 1980commenced.old, in
relation to a provision, means the provision as in forcefrom
time to time before the commencement date.relevantperiodmeanstheperiodbeginningonthecommencementdateandendingimmediatelybeforethecommencement of this section.40Provisions concerning bail decisions
under s 7(1)It is declared that a bail decision
made under section 7 duringtherelevantperiodisnotinvalidonlybecausethepoliceofficer making
the decision lacked the capacity to make it.(2)In
this section—baildecisionmeansadecisiontogrant,orrefusetogrant,bail.relevant periodmeans the period
starting on 1 July 2000 andending
immediately before the commencement of this section.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 5
Transitional provisions[s 41]41Transitional provision for Liquor and Other
LegislationAmendment Act 2010(1)Section 11(3)and(4),asinsertedbytheLiquorandOtherLegislation
Amendment Act 2010, section 8 applies in relationtothereleaseofapersononbailforanoffenceonlyifproceedingsfortheoffencewerestartedafterthecommencement of this section.(2)For subsection (1), it is irrelevant
whether the act or omissionconstitutingtheoffencehappenedbeforeorafterthecommencement.42Transitional provision for Criminal Law
(CriminalOrganisations Disruption) and Other
LegislationAmendment Act 2013(1)Sections 6 and 15A as amended or inserted by
the amendingActapplytoabailproceedingheardonorafterthecommencement.(2)Section 16(3A) as in force on 17 October
2013 applies and istaken to have always applied to a bail
application hearing onor after that date but before the
commencement.(3)Section 16(3A) as in force on the
commencement applies to abail application hearing on or after
the commencement.(4)For subsections (1) to (3), it is
irrelevant whether the act oromissionconstitutingtheoffencethesubjectoftheproceeding happened before or
after—(a)for subsections (1) and (3)—the
commencement; or(b)for subsection (2)—17 October
2013.(5)In this section—amendingActmeanstheCriminalLaw(CriminalOrganisations
Disruption) and Other Legislation AmendmentAct 2013.commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.Page 84Current as at [Not applicable]
Act 1980Part 5 Transitional provisions[s
43]43Transitional provision for Criminal
Law Amendment Act2014(1)Sections 11(4A), 11AA and 20(3D) apply in
relation to therelease of a person on bail on or after the
commencement ofthis section.(2)For
subsection (1), it is irrelevant whether the act or omissionconstitutingtheoffenceinrelationtowhichthepersonisreleased on bail happened before or after
the commencementof this section.44Transitional provision for Safe Night Out
LegislationAmendment Act 2014(1)Section 11AB applies in relation to the
release of a person onbail on or after the commencement of
this section.(2)For subsection (1), it is irrelevant
whether the act or omissionconstitutingtheoffenceinrelationtowhichthepersonisreleasedonbailhappened,orproceedingsfortheoffencestarted, before
or after the commencement of this section.45Transitional provision for Tackling
Alcohol-FuelledViolence Legislation Amendment Act
subsection (1), it is irrelevant whether the act or omissionconstitutingtheoffenceinrelationtowhichthepersonisreleased on bail happened, or the proceeding
for the offencewas started, before or after the
commencement.(3)Forsection29(2)(c),asinsertedbytheamendingAct,areference to a condition imposed under
section 11(9) or 11ABincludesaconditionimposedundereitherofthosesectionsbefore the commencement.(4)In
this section—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyBail Act 1980Part 5
Transitional provisions[s 46]amending
Actmeans theTackling
Alcohol-Fuelled ViolenceLegislation Amendment Act 2016.46Transitional
provision for Bail (Domestic Violence)Amendment Act
2017(1)Sections 11 and 16, as amended by the
amending Act, applyin relation to the release of a person on
bail on or after thecommencement.(2)For
subsection (1), it is irrelevant whether the alleged offencein
relation to which the person is released on bail happened,
orthe proceeding for the offence was started,
before or after thecommencement.(3)In
this section—amendingActmeanstheBail(DomesticViolence)Amendment Act
provision for Justice Legislation (Links toTerrorist
Activity) Amendment Act 2018(1)ThisAct,asamendedbytheJusticeLegislation(LinkstoTerrorist Activity) Amendment Act
2018, applies in relation toa decision made
by a court or police officer on or after thecommencementaboutwhethertograntbailtoapersonorotherwise release the person from
custody.(2)Forsubsection(1),itisirrelevantwhethertheoffenceinrelationtowhichthedecisionismadehappened,ortheproceedingfortheoffencewasstarted,beforeorafterthecommencement.Page 86Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyScheduleBail Act
1980ScheduleOffences for
which bail mustnot be granted under section14
or 14Asections 14 and 14AOffences defined
in—•Racing Integrity Act 2016,
sections 221, 223 and 225•TransportOperations(RoadUseManagement)Act1995,section 79.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 87