QueenslandCoalMiningSafetyandHealthAct1999Current as at [Not applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates allproposedamendmentstotheActincludedintheMinesLegislation(Resources Safety)
Amendment Bill 2018. This indicative reprint has beenprepared for information only—it is
not an authorised reprint of the Act.Amendments to this Act are also included in
the Mineral, Water and OtherLegislation
Amendment Bill 2018. These proposed amendments are notincluded in this indicative reprint.The
point-in-time date for this indicative reprint is the introduction
date forthe Mines Legislation (Resources Safety)
Amendment Bill 2018—20 March2018.DetailedinformationaboutindicativereprintsisavailableontheInformationpage of the
Queensland legislation website.
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 1
Preliminary[s 1]Coal Mining
Safety and Health Act 1999An Act to regulate the operation of
coal mines, to protect thesafety and health of persons at coal
mines and persons whomaybeaffectedbycoalminingoperations,andforotherpurposesPart
1PreliminaryDivision 1Introduction1Short
titleThis Act may be cited as theCoal
Mining Safety and HealthAct 1999.2CommencementThis Act
commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation.Division 2Operation of Act3Act
binds all persons(1)This Act binds all persons, including
the State and, so far asthelegislativepoweroftheParliamentpermits,theCommonwealth and all the other
States.(2)Nothing in this Act makes the State
liable to be prosecuted foran
offence.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 1 Preliminary[s 4]4What does this Act apply toThis
Act applies to coal mines and coal mining operations.5Who does this Act apply toThis
Act applies to—(a)everyone who may affect the safety or
health of personswhile the persons are at a coal mine;
and(b)everyone who may affect the safety or
health of personsas a result of coal mining operations;
and(c)a person whose safety or health may be
affected while ata coal mine or as a result of coal mining
operations.5ARelationship with Rail Safety National
Law (Queensland)(1)This section applies if—(a)this Act, in the absence of this
section, would apply to amining railway; and(b)the Rail Safety National Law
(Queensland) also appliesto the mining railway.(2)This Act does not apply to the mining
railway to the extentthat the Rail Safety National Law
(Queensland) applies.(3)In this
section—mining railwaymeans a railway
that is in a mine other than arailwaymentionedintheRailSafetyNationalLaw(Queensland), section 7(1)(a).Division 3Objects of
Act6Objects of ActThe objects of
this Act are—Page 18Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 1
Preliminary[s 7](a)to
protect the safety and health of persons at coal minesandpersonswhomaybeaffectedbycoalminingoperations; and(b)to
require that the risk of injury or illness to any personresultingfromcoalminingoperationsbeatanacceptable
level; and(c)toprovideawayofmonitoringtheeffectivenessandadministration of provisions relating to
safety and healthunder this Act and other mining
legislation.7How objects are to be achievedThe
objects of this Act are to be achieved by—(a)imposing safety and health obligations on
persons whooperatecoalminesorwhomayaffectthesafetyorhealth of others at coal mines; and(b)providing for safety and health
management systems atcoal mines to manage risk effectively;
and(c)makingregulationsandrecognisedstandardsforthecoalminingindustrytorequireandpromoteriskmanagement and control; and(d)establishing a safety and health
advisory committee toallowthecoalminingindustrytoparticipateindevelopingstrategiesforimprovingsafetyandhealth;and(e)providingforsafetyandhealthrepresentativestorepresentthesafetyandhealthinterestsofcoalmineworkers; and(f)providingforinspectorsandotherofficerstomonitorthe
effectiveness of risk management and control at coalmines, and to take appropriate action to
ensure adequaterisk management; and(g)providing a way for the competencies of
persons at coalmines to be assessed and recognised;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 1 Preliminary[s 8](h)requiringmanagementstructuressothatpersonsmaycompetently supervise the safe
operation of coal mines;and(i)providingforanappropriatecoalminesrescuecapability; and(j)providingforasatisfactorylevelofpreparednessforemergencies at coal mines; and(k)providingforthehealthassessmentandhealthsurveillanceofpersonswhoare,willbeorhavebeencoal mine
workers; and(l)establishing the office of
Commissioner for Mine Safetyand
Health.Division 4Interpretation8DictionaryThe dictionary
in schedule 3 defines particular words used inthis Act.9Meaning ofcoal mine(1)Acoal mineis
any of the following places—(a)aplacewhereon-siteactivitiesarecarriedon,continuously or from time to time, within
the boundariesof land the subject of a mining
tenure;(b)aplacewhereon-siteactivitiesarecarriedon,continuouslyorfromtimetotime,onlandadjoining,adjacent to, or
contiguous with, the boundaries of landthesubjectofaminingtenureandwithinwhichisaplace mentioned
in paragraph (a);(c)aplacewhereon-siteactivitiesarecarriedon,continuously or from time to time,
unlawfully becauseland at the place is not the subject of a
mining tenure;Page 20Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 1
Preliminary[s 10](d)a
place that was a coal mine while works are done tosecure it after its abandonment;(e)a place where tourism, education or
research related tocoal mining happens that is declared under a
regulationto be a coal mine;(f)aplacethatwasacoalmine,orpartofacoalmine,while—(i)on-siteactivitiesarecarriedon,continuouslyorfrom
time to time; and(ii)anauthorisationtoenterlandundertheMineralResources Act
1989, section 344A(3) is in force forthe
place.(2)Acoalmineincludesbuildingsforadministration,accommodationandassociatedfacilitieswithintheboundariesoflandthesubjectoftheminingtenureforthemine or on land
adjoining, adjacent to, or contiguous with theboundaries of
the land the subject of the mining tenure.(3)Despite subsection (1)(d), a place that was
a coal mine is not acoalmineafteritsabandonmentmerelybecauseworkisbeing done at the place by or for the
State—(a)to ensure public safety; or(b)to rehabilitate it; or(c)to secure it.10Meaning ofon-site
activities(1)On-site activitiesare activities
carried on principally for, or inconnection with,
exploring for or winning coal and include thefollowing—(a)constructing—(i)thingsrequiredorpermittedtobeconstructedunder an
exploration permit, mineral developmentlicence or
mining lease; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 1 Preliminary[s 11](ii)foraplacementionedinsection 9(1)(c)—thingsthatarerequiredorpermittedtobeconstructedunder an
exploration permit, mineral developmentlicence or
mining lease;(b)treating coal and disposing of waste
substances;(c)rehabilitating of a place after coal
mining operations;(d)maintaining and testing plant,
equipment or machinery.(2)On-site
activitiesdo not include the following—(a)airborne geophysical surveys;(b)transporting product from a coal mine
on public roads orpublic railways or on any other
railway;(c)constructing and installing surface
railways;(d)air transport to and from a coal
mine;(e)pastoral activities;(f)undergroundgasificationactivitiesonlandthesubjectof—(i)amineraldevelopmentlicenceoraminingleasefor activities
relating to mineral (f); or(ii)anexplorationpermitifthechiefinspectorhasmade
a declaration under section 52A;(g)an
activity declared not to be an on-site activity under aregulation.11Meaning ofsafety and
healthA person’ssafety and
healthis the person’s safety or health,to
the extent it is or may be affected by coal mining
operationsor other activities at a coal mine.Page
22Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 1
Preliminary[s 12]12Meaning ofcompetenceCompetencefor a task at a
coal mine is the demonstrated skillandknowledgerequiredtocarryoutthetasktoastandardnecessary for
the safety and health of persons.Notauthorised—indicativeonly13Meaning ofconsultationConsultationwith coal mine
workers is discussion betweenthe site senior
executive or supervisors and affected coal mineworkers about a
matter with the aim of reaching agreementabout the
matter.14Meaning ofstandard
operating procedureAstandardoperatingprocedureatacoalmineisadocumented way
of working, or an arrangement of facilities,atthecoalminetoachieveanacceptablelevelofrisk,developed after
consultation with coal mine workers.15Meaning ofaccidentAnaccidentat a coal mine
is an event, or a series of events, atthe coal mine
causing injury to a person.16Meaning ofserious accidentAserious accidentat a coal mine
is an accident at a coal minethat
causes—(a)the death of a person; or(b)a person to be admitted to a hospital
as an in-patient fortreatment for the injury.17Meaning ofhigh potential
incidentAhighpotentialincidentatacoalmineisanevent,oraseriesofevents,thatcausesorhasthepotentialtocauseasignificant adverse effect on the safety or
health of a person.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 1
Preliminary[s 18]18Meaning ofrisk(1)Riskmeans the risk
of injury or illness to a person arising outof a
hazard.(2)Risk is measured in terms of
consequences and likelihood.Notauthorised—indicativeonly19Meaning ofhazardAhazardis a thing or a
situation with potential to cause injuryor illness to a
person.20Meaning ofprincipal
hazardAprincipal hazardat a coal mine
is a hazard at the coal minewith the
potential to cause multiple fatalities.21Meaning ofcoal mine
operator(1)Acoal mine
operatorfor a coal mine is—(a)the
holder; or(b)if another person has been appointed
as the coal mineoperatorundersection 53andtheappointmentisnotified to the chief inspector under
section 49, the otherperson.(2)If—(a)anotherpersonmentionedinsubsection (1)(b)isappointed as the coal mine operator for a
separate partof a surface mine; and(b)the
appointment is notified to the chief inspector undersection 49;the person’s
responsibilities and safety and health obligationsunderthisActasacoalmineoperatorforacoalminearelimited to the separate part of the
surface mine.(3)If—(a)1 or
more persons are appointed as coal mine operatorsfor
separate parts of a surface mine; andPage 24Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 1
Preliminary[s 22](b)theappointmentsarenotifiedtothechiefinspectorunder section 49;the holder’s
responsibilities and safety and health obligationsunder this Act as a coal mine operator for
the coal mine arelimited to the part of the mine to which the
appointments donot apply.(4)Forthissection,apartofasurfacemineistakentobeaseparate part of
a surface mineonly if—(a)the
part is geographically separated from the rest of themine; and(b)thereisnophysicaloverlappingofcoalminingoperationsbetweenthepartandtheoperationsinanother part of the mine; and(c)the coal mine operator for the part is
in control of—(i)the coal mining operations carried out
in the part ofthe mine; and(ii)the
resources associated with the operations.(5)A
person may be appointed coal mine operator for more than1
mine or separate part of a surface mine.22Meaning ofgeographically
separated(1)For section 21(4), a part of a surface
mine isgeographicallyseparatedfrom
the rest of the mine if there is a clear boundarybetween the part of the surface mine and the
rest of the mine.(2)Examples of a part of a surface mine
that is geographicallyseparated from the rest of the mine
include the following—(a)a treatment
plant that has all of its own facilities;(b)asurfacemineexcavationthathasitsownfacilities,including haul
roads not shared with persons involved inoperations in
another part of the mine;(c)aplacewhereexplorationactivitiesarecarriedoutifpersons carrying out the activities do
not share facilitiesCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 1 Preliminary[s 23]withpersonsinvolvedincoalminingoperationsinanother part of the mine.23Meaning ofphysical
overlapping of coal miningoperations(1)Forsection 21(4),physicaloverlappingofcoalminingoperationsfor a surface
mine includes the common use withpersons involved
in coal mining operations in another part ofthe mine
of—(a)haul roads; and(b)stockpiles,ifvehiclesassociatedwithcoalminingoperationsinanotherpartoftheminetravelontothestockpiles; and(c)mine
workshops, stores and stores systems, hard standsand
amenities.(2)However, the following are notphysical overlapping of coalmining operationsfor a surface
mine—(a)vehicles from 1 part of the mine
dumping into a receivalhopper in another part of the mine if
the vehicles do nottravel into the other part of the
mine;(b)a conveyor system in 1 part of the
mine discharging intoabinorontoastockpilecontrolledbypersonsinanother part of the mine;(c)a workshop in 1 part of the mine
servicing vehicles fromanother part of the mine;(d)a laboratory in 1 part of the mine
providing a service toanother part of the mine.24When is a coal mine operator not in
controlForsection 21(4),acoalmineoperatorisnotincontrolofcoal mining operations and associated
resources for part of asurface mine if—Page 26Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 1
Preliminary[s 25](a)apersoninvolvedwithcoalminingoperationsinthepart of the mine can transfer
resources to another part ofthe mine;
or(b)apersoninvolvedwithcoalminingoperationsinthepart of the mine has the general
management of anotherpart of the mine; or(c)a person involved in coal mining in
the part of the minecan control the supply of services,
including supervisionand safety inspections, to another
part of the mine.25Meaning ofsite senior
executive(1)Thesite senior
executivefor a coal mine is the most seniorofficeremployedorotherwiseengagedbythecoalmineoperator for the
coal mine who—(a)is located at or near the coal mine;
and(b)has responsibility for the coal
mine.(2)Subsection (1)(a)doesnotrequireanofficerwithresponsibility for exploration activities
under an explorationpermit or mineral development licence
to be located at or nearthe coal mine.(3)If
the officer only has responsibility for a separate part of asurfacemine,theofficer’sresponsibilitiesandsafetyandhealth obligations under this Act as a site
senior executive fora coal mine are limited to the
separate part of the surface minefor which the
officer has responsibility.26Meaning ofsupervisorAsupervisoratacoalmineisacoalmineworkerwhoisauthorisedbythesite seniorexecutivetogivedirectionstoothercoalmineworkersinaccordancewiththesafetyandhealth management system.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 2 The control and management of risk and
other basic concepts[s 27]27Meaning ofindustry safety
and health representativeAnindustry safety
and health representativeis a person whoisappointedundersection 109(1)torepresentcoalmineworkers on
safety and health matters and who performs thefunctions and
exercises the powers of an industry safety andhealth
representative mentioned in part 8, division 2.28Meaning ofsite safety and
health representativeAsite safety and
health representativefor a coal mine is acoalmineworkerelectedundersection
93bycoalmineworkers at the coal mine to exercise the
powers and performthefunctionsofasitesafetyandhealthrepresentativementioned in
part 7 division 2.Part 2The control and
managementof risk and other basicconceptsDivision 1Control and
management of risk29What is an acceptable level of
risk(1)For risk to a person from coal mining
operations to be at anacceptable level, the operations
must be carried out so that thelevel of risk
from the operations is—(a)within
acceptable limits; and(b)as low as
reasonably achievable.(2)To decide
whether risk is within acceptable limits and as lowas
reasonably achievable regard must be had to—(a)the
likelihood of injury or illness to a person arising outof
the risk; and(b)the severity of the injury or
illness.Page 28Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 2 The
control and management of risk and other basic concepts[s
30]30How is an acceptable level of risk
achieved(1)To achieve an acceptable level of
risk, this Act requires thatmanagement and
operating systems must be put in place foreach coal
mine.(2)ThisActprovidesthatthesystemsmustincorporateriskmanagement elements and practices
appropriate for each coalmine to—(a)identify, analyse, and assess risk;
and(b)avoid or remove unacceptable risk;
and(c)monitor levels of risk and the adverse
consequences ofretained residual risk; and(d)investigate and analyse the causes of
serious accidentsand high potential incidents with a view to
preventingtheir recurrence; and(e)reviewtheeffectivenessofriskcontrolmeasures,andtake
appropriate corrective and preventive action; and(f)mitigatethepotentialadverseeffectsarisingfromresidual
risk.(3)Also, the way an acceptable level of
risk of injury or illnessmay be achieved may be prescribed
under a regulation.31What happens if the level of risk is
unacceptable(1)If there is an unacceptable level of
risk to persons at a coalmine, this Act requires that—(a)persons be evacuated to a safe
location; and(b)action be taken to reduce the risk to
an acceptable level.(2)Action to reduce
the risk to an acceptable level may includestopping the use
of specified plant or substances.(3)Theactionmaybetakenbythecoalmineoperatorforthemine, the site senior executive for
the mine, industry safetyandhealthrepresentatives,sitesafetyandhealthrepresentatives,coalmineworkers,inspectorsorinspectionofficers.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 3 Safety and
health obligations[s 32]Division 2CooperationNotauthorised—indicativeonly32Cooperation to
achieve objects of Act(1)This Act seeks
to achieve cooperation between coal operators,site senior
executives and coal workers to achieve the objectsof
the Act.(2)Cooperation is an important strategy
in achieving the objectsof the Act and is achieved—(a)at an industry level by—(i)theestablishmentofthecoalminingsafetyandhealth advisory committee under part 6;
under part 8; and(b)at coal mine level by—(i)theelectionofsitesafetyandhealthrepresentatives
under part 7; and(ii)the process of
involving coal mine workers in themanagement of
risk.Part 3Safety and
health obligationsDivision 1Preliminary33Obligations for safety and health(1)Coal mine workers or other persons at
coal mines or personswho may affect safety and health at
coal mines or as a resultof coal mining operations, have
obligations under division 2(safety and health obligations).(2)The following
persons have obligations under division 3 (alsosafety and
health obligations)—(a)a holder;Page
30Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 3 Safety and
health obligations[s 34](b)a
coal mine operator;(c)a site senior executive;(d)a contractor;(e)a
designer, manufacturer, importer or supplier of plantfor
use at a coal mine;(f)an erector or installer of plant at a
coal mine;(g)a manufacturer, importer or supplier
of substances foruse at a coal mine;(h)a
person who supplies a service at a coal mine.(3)If a
corporation has an obligation under this Act, an officer ofthe
corporation has obligations under division 3A (alsosafetyand health
obligations).34Discharge of
obligationsA person on whom a safety and health
obligation is imposedmust discharge the obligation.Maximum penalty—(a)if
the contravention caused multiple deaths—(i)for
an offence committed by a corporation—30,000penalty units;
an offence committed by a corporation—15,000penalty units;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 3 Safety and health obligations[s
or(c)if the contravention caused bodily
harm—(i)for an offence committed by a
corporation—7,500penalty units; or(ii)foranoffencecommittedbyanofficerofacorporation—1,500penaltyunitsor1year’simprisonment;
or(d)ifthecontraventioninvolvedexposuretoasubstancethat is likely
to cause death or grievous bodily harm—(i)for
an offence committed by a corporation—7,500penalty units;
an offence committed by a corporation—5,000penalty units;
or(iii)otherwise—500penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.35Person may owe obligations in more than 1
capacityA person on whom a safety and health
obligation is imposedmay be subject to more than 1 safety
and health obligation.Page 32Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 3 Safety and
health obligations[s 36]Example—A
person may be a coal mine operator, contractor and supplier of
plantat the same time for a single coal mine and
be subject to obligations ineach of the
capacities.Notauthorised—indicativeonly36Person not relieved of
obligationsTo remove doubt, it is declared that nothing
in this Act thatimposesasafety andhealthobligationonapersonrelievesanother person of the person’s safety and
health obligationsunder this Act.37How
obligation can be discharged if regulation orrecognised
standard made(1)Ifaregulationprescribesawayofachievinganacceptablelevel of risk, a
person may discharge the person’s safety andhealth
obligation in relation to the risk only by following theprescribed way.(2)Ifaregulationprohibitsexposuretoarisk,apersonmaydischarge the person’s safety and health
obligation in relationto the risk only by ensuring the
prohibition is not contravened.(3)Subjecttosubsections (1)and(2),ifarecognisedstandardstates a way or ways of achieving an
acceptable level of risk, aperson
discharges the person’s safety and health obligation inrelation to the risk only by—(a)adopting and following a stated way;
or(b)adoptingandfollowinganotherwaythatachievesalevel of risk that is equal to or
better than the acceptablelevel.38How
obligations can be discharged if no regulation orrecognised standard made(1)Thissectionappliesifthereisnoregulationorrecognisedstandard
prescribing or stating a way to discharge the person’ssafety and health obligation in relation to
a risk.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 3 Safety and
health obligations[s 39](2)The
person may choose an appropriate way to discharge theperson’s safety and health obligation in
relation to the risk.(3)However, the
person discharges the person’s safety and healthobligationinrelationtotheriskonlyifthepersontakesreasonableprecautions,andexercisesproperdiligence,toensure the obligation is discharged.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Generally
applicable safety andhealth obligations of persons39Obligations of persons
generally(1)A coal mine worker or other person at
a coal mine or a personwho may affect the safety and health
of others at a coal mineorasaresultofcoalminingoperationshasthefollowingobligations—(a)to
comply with this Act and procedures applying to theworkerorpersonthatarepartofasafetyandhealthmanagement
system for the mine;(b)if the coal mine
worker or other person has informationthatotherpersonsneedtoknowtofulfiltheirobligationsordutiesunderthisAct,ortoprotectthemselves from the risk of injury or
illness, to give theinformation to the other
level of risk.(2)A coal mine worker or other person at
a coal mine has thefollowing additional obligations—(a)to work or carry out the worker’s or
person’s activities inawaythatdoesnotexposetheworkerorpersonorsomeone else to an unacceptable level of
risk;(b)to ensure, to the extent of the
responsibilities and dutiesallocatedtotheworkerorperson,thattheworkandactivitiesundertheworker’sorperson’scontrol,Page
34Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 3 Safety and
health obligations[s 40]supervision,orleadershipisconductedinawaythatdoes
not expose the worker or person or someone else toan
unacceptable level of risk;(c)to
the extent of the worker’s or person’s involvement, toparticipateinandconformtotheriskmanagementpractices of the
mine;(d)to comply with instructions given for
safety and healthofpersonsbythecoalmineoperatororsiteseniorexecutive for the mine or a supervisor at
the mine;(e)to work at the coal mine only if the
worker or person isin a fit condition to carry out the work
without affectingthe safety and health of others;(f)nottodoanythingwilfullyorrecklesslythatmightadversely affect
the safety and health of someone else atthe mine.Division 3Obligations of
holders, coal mineoperators, site senior executivesand
others40Obligations of holders(1)This section applies if the holder for
a coal mine proposes toappointundersection53anotherpersonascoalmineoperator for the mine.(2)The
holder must—(a)inform the proposed coal mine
operator, by notice, of allrelevantinformationavailabletotheholderthatmayhelp
the proposed coal mine operator—(i)ensure the site senior executive for the
coal minedevelopsandimplementsasafetyandhealthmanagement
system for the mine; and(ii)prepareandimplementprincipalhazardmanagement plans
for the mine; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 3 Safety and health obligations[s
41](b)include in the contract appointing the
coal mine operatoran obligation on the operator—(i)toestablishasafetyandhealthmanagementsystem for the
mine; and(ii)otherthanforexplorationactivitiesunderanexplorationpermitormineraldevelopmentlicence—tobeapartytoaminesrescueagreement.41Obligations of coal mine operators(1)Acoalmineoperatorforacoalminehasthefollowingobligations—(a)toensuretherisktocoalmineworkerswhileattheoperator’s mine
is at an acceptable level, including, forexample, by
providing and maintaining a place of workand plant in a
safe state;(b)to ensure the operator’s own safety
and health and thesafety and health of others is not affected
by the way theoperator conducts coal mining
operations;(c)not to carry out an activity at the
coal mine that creates arisk to a person on an adjacent or
overlapping petroleumauthority if the risk is higher than
an acceptable level ofrisk;(d)to
appoint a site senior executive for the mine;(e)to
ensure the site senior executive for the mine—(i)developsandimplementsasafetyandhealthmanagement
system for the mine; and(ii)develops,implementsandmaintainsamanagementstructurefortheminethathelpsensure the safety and health of persons at
the mine;(f)toauditandreviewtheeffectivenessandimplementationofthesafetyandhealthmanagementsystem to ensure
the risk to persons from coal miningoperations is at
an acceptable level;Page 36Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 3 Safety and
health obligations[s 42](g)to
provide adequate resources to ensure the effectivenessandimplementationofthesafetyandhealthmanagement
system.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the
coal mine operator has anobligation not to operate the coal
mine without a safety andhealth management system for the
mine.(3)In this section—adjacentoroverlappingpetroleumauthoritymeansanyofthe following
under an Act as follows if, under that Act, itsarea is adjacent
to, or overlaps with, the land the subject of themining tenure under which the coal mine is
operated—(a)a 1923 Act petroleum tenure under
thePetroleumAct1923;(b)apetroleumtenureunderthePetroleumandGas(Production and Safety) Act
2004.42Obligations of
site senior executive for coal mineAsiteseniorexecutiveforacoalminehasthefollowingobligations in relation to the safety and
health of persons whomay be affected by coal mining
operations—(a)toensuretherisktopersonsfromcoalminingoperations is at an acceptable level;(b)to ensure the risk to persons from any
plant or substanceprovidedbythesiteseniorexecutivefortheperformance of work is at an
acceptable level;(c)todevelopandimplementasafetyandhealthmanagementsystemforallpersonsatthemine,including contractors and service
providers;(d)to give a contractor at the mine
information in the siteseniorexecutive’spossessionaboutallrelevantcomponents of
the mine’s safety and health managementsystem, required
by the contractor to—(i)identify risks
arising in relation to any work to beundertaken by
the contractor at the mine; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 37
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 3 Safety and
health obligations[s 42]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 38(ii)comply with section 43(1)(d);(e)to give a service provider at the mine
information in thesiteseniorexecutive’spossessionaboutallrelevantcomponents of
the mine’s safety and health managementsystem, required
by the service provider to—(i)identifyrisksarisingin
relationtoanyservicetobeprovidedbytheserviceprovideratthemine;and(ii)comply with
section 47(1)(f);(f)toreviewsafetyandhealthmanagementplansofcontractors and service providers
within the meaning ofsection 43 or 47 and, if necessary,
require changes to bemade to those plans to enable them to
be integrated withthe mine’s safety and health management
system;(g)todevelop,implementandmaintainamanagementstructure for
the mine that helps ensure the safety andhealth of
persons at the mine;(h)to ensure no
work is undertaken by a coal mine workerat the mine
until the worker—(i)has been inducted in the mine’s safety
and healthmanagementsystemtotheextentitrelatestothework to be undertaken by the worker;
mine to the extent they relate to the work to beundertaken by the worker; and(iii)has received
training so the worker is competent toperform the
worker’s duties;(i)to provide for—(i)adequateplanning,organisation,leadershipandcontrol of coal mining operations;
and(ii)the carrying out
of critical work at the mine thatrequires
particular technical competencies; and(iii)adequatesupervisionandcontrolofcoalminingoperations on each shift at the mine;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 3 Safety and
health obligations[s 43](iv)regular monitoring and assessment of the
workingenvironment,workprocedures,equipment,andinstallations at the mine; and(v)appropriateinspectionofeachworkplaceatthemineincluding,wherenecessary,pre-shiftinspections; and(vi)adequatesupervisionandmonitoringofcontractors and service providers at the
mine.43Obligations of contractors(1)A contractor at a coal mine has the
following obligations—(a)toensurethecontractorcomplieswiththisActtotheextentitrelatestotheworkundertakenbythecontractor;(b)to
ensure the contractor complies with the mine’s safetyand
health management system to the extent it relates tothe
work undertaken by the contractor;(c)toensurethecontractor’sownsafetyandhealth,andthe
safety and health of others, is not adversely affectedby
the way the contractor undertakes work at the mine;(d)to ensure no work is undertaken by the
contractor untilthe contractor—(i)has
given the site senior executive for the mine asafety and
health management plan; and(ii)has
made all changes to the contractor’s safety andhealth
management plan required by the site seniorexecutive to
enable the plan to be integrated withthe mine’s
safety and health management system;(e)to
ensure no work is undertaken by the contractor at themineuntilthecontractorandeachcoalmineworkerengaged by the contractor—(i)has been inducted in the mine’s safety
and healthmanagementsystemtotheextentitrelatestotheCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 3 Safety and health obligations[s
44]worktobeundertakenbythecontractororworker; and(ii)hasreceivedtrainingabouthazardsandrisksatthe
mine to the extent they relate to the work to beundertaken by the contractor or
worker.(2)In this section—safety and
health management plan, of a contractor, means aplan
that—(a)identifies the work to be undertaken
by the contractor;and(b)stateshowthecontractorintendstocomplywiththecontractor’s obligations under this
section.44Obligations of designers,
manufacturers, importers andsuppliers of
plant etc. for use at coal mines(1)A
designer or importer of plant for use at a coal mine has anobligation to ensure the plant is designed
so that, when usedproperly, the risk to persons from the use
of the plant is at anacceptable level.(2)A
manufacturer or importer of plant for use at a coal mine hasan
obligation to ensure the plant is constructed so that, whenused
properly, the risk to persons from the use of the plant isat
an acceptable level.(3)A designer,
manufacturer or importer of plant for use at a coalminehasanobligationtoensuretheplantundergoesappropriatelevelsoftestingandexaminationtoensurecompliance with
the obligation imposed by subsection (1) or(2).(4)Also, a designer, manufacturer,
importer or supplier of plantfor use at a
coal mine has the following obligations—(a)totakeallreasonablestepstoensureappropriateinformation
about the safe use of the plant is available,including
information about the maintenance necessaryfor the safe use
of the plant;Page 40Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 3 Safety and
health obligations[s 44](b)ifthedesigner,manufacturer,importerorsupplierbecomes aware of
a hazard or defect associated with theplantthatmaycreateanunacceptablelevelofrisktousers of the plant, to inform the chief
inspector of—(i)thenatureofthehazardordefectanditssignificance; and(ii)anymodificationsorcontrolsofwhichthedesigner,manufacturer,importerorsupplierisawarethathavebeendevelopedtoeliminateorcorrectthehazardordefectormanagetherisk;and(iii)the name of each
coal mine operator, contractor orserviceproviderthedesigner,manufacturer,importer or
supplier has supplied the plant to; and(iv)thestepstakentonotifythecoalmineoperators,contractorsandserviceprovidersaboutthematters mentioned in subparagraphs (i) and
(ii);(c)to take the action the chief inspector
reasonably requiresto prevent the use of unsafe plant
anywhere.Example of subsection (4)(c)—Thechiefinspectormayrequireadesigner,manufacturer,importer or
supplier of plant to recall the plant to prevent its use.(5)Forsubsection
(4)(a),informationisappropriateiftheinformation states—(a)the use for which the plant has been
designed and tested;and(b)any
conditions that must be followed if the plant is to beusedsafelysothatrisktopersonsisatanacceptablelevel.(6)Ifasupplierofplantbecomesawareofahazardordefectassociated with
the plant the supplier has supplied to a coalmine operator
for a coal mine or to a contractor or serviceproviderforuseatacoalmine,thatmaycreateanunacceptable level ofrisktousersoftheplant,thesupplierCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 41
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 3 Safety and health obligations[s
mine operator, contractor or service provider—(a)of
the nature of the hazard or defect and its significance;and(b)anymodificationsorcontrolsthesupplierisawareofthathavebeendevelopedtoeliminateorcorrectthehazard or defect or manage the risk.45Obligations of erectors and installers
of plantAnerectororinstallerofplantatacoalminehasanobligation—(a)to
erect or install the plant in a way that is safe and doesnot
expose persons at the mine to an unacceptable levelof
risk; and(b)to ensure nothing about the way the
plant was erected orinstalled makes it unsafe or likely to
expose persons attheminetoanunacceptablelevelofriskwhenusedproperly.45AObligations of designers, constructors
and erectors ofearthworks(1)A
designer of earthworks at a coal mine has an obligation toensuretheearthworksaredesignedsothat,whenusedproperly, the
risk to persons from the use of the earthworks isat
an acceptable level.Examples of earthworks—tailings dam, berm(2)A
constructor or erector of earthworks at a coal mine has anobligation—(a)to
construct or erect the earthworks in a way that is safeand
does not expose persons to an unacceptable level ofrisk; and(b)toensurenothingaboutthewaytheearthworksareconstructed or erected makes the earthworks
unsafe orPage 42Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 3 Safety and
health obligations[s 46]likely to expose
persons to an unacceptable level of riskwhen used
properly.Notauthorised—indicativeonly46Obligations of manufacturers,
importers and suppliers ofsubstances for use at coal
mines(1)A manufacturer or importer of a
substance for use at a coalmine has the
following obligations—(a)toensurethesubstanceissafesothat,whenusedproperly,therisktopersonsfromtheuseofthesubstance is at an acceptable
level;(b)to ensure the substance undergoes
appropriate levels oftesting and examination to ensure
compliance with theobligation imposed by paragraph (a).(2)Also, a manufacturer, importer or
supplier of a substance foruse at a coal
mine has the following obligations—(a)toensureappropriateinformationaboutthesafeuse,storage and disposal of the substance is
provided withthe substance;(b)if
the manufacturer, importer or supplier becomes awareof a
hazard or defect associated with the substance thatmay
create an unacceptable level of risk to users of thesubstance, to inform the chief inspector
of—(i)thenatureofthehazardordefectanditssignificance; and(ii)anymodificationsorcontrolsofwhichthemanufacturer,importerorsupplierisawarethathavebeendevelopedtoeliminateorcorrectthehazard or defect or manage the risk;
and(iii)the name of each
coal mine operator, contractor orserviceproviderthemanufacturer,importerorsupplier has supplied the substance
to; and(iv)thestepstakentonotifythecoalmineoperators,contractorsandserviceprovidersaboutthematters mentioned in subparagraphs (i) and
(ii);Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 3 Safety and health obligations[s
47](c)to take the action the chief inspector
reasonably requiresto prevent the use of an unsafe substance at
a coal mine.Example of subsection (2)(c)—Thechiefinspectormayrequire amanufacturer,importerorsupplier of a substance to recall the
substance to prevent its use.(3)Forsubsection (2)(a),informationisappropriateiftheinformation clearly identifies the
substance and states—(a)theprecautions,ifany,tobetakenforthesafeuse,storage or disposal of the substance;
and(b)therisks,ifany,associatedwiththeuse,storageordisposal of the substance.(4)If a supplier of a substance for use
at a coal mine becomesaware of a hazard or defect associated
with the substance thatmaycreateanunacceptablelevelofrisktousersofthesubstance,thesupplierhasanobligationtotakeallreasonablestepstoinformeachcoalmineoperator,contractororserviceprovidertowhomthesupplierhassupplied the substance of—(a)the nature of the hazard or defect and
its significance;and(b)anymodificationsorcontrolsthesupplierisawareofthathavebeendevelopedtoeliminateorcorrectthehazard or defect or manage the risk.47Obligations of service
providers(1)A person who provides a service
(aservice provider) at a
coalmine has the following obligations—(a)to ensure the service provider
complies with this Act tothe extent it relates to the service
provided;(b)to ensure the service provider
complies with the mine’ssafetyandhealthmanagementsystemtotheextentitrelates to the service
provided;Page 44Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 3 Safety and
health obligations[s 47]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(c)to ensure the safety and health of
coal mine workers orotherpersonsisnotadverselyaffectedbytheserviceprovided;(d)iftheserviceproviderispresentatthecoalmine—toensuretheserviceprovider’sownsafetyandhealthisnot
adversely affected by the service provided;(e)to
ensure the fitness for use of plant at the coal mine isnot
adversely affected by the service provided;(f)toensuretheserviceisnotprovideduntiltheserviceprovider—(i)has given the site senior executive
for the mine asafety and health management plan;
and(ii)hasmadeallchangestotheserviceprovider’ssafety and
health management plan required by thesiteseniorexecutivetoenabletheplantobeintegratedwiththemine’ssafetyandhealthmanagement
system;(g)toensuretheserviceisnotprovideduntiltheserviceproviderandeachcoalmineworkerengagedbytheservice provider—(i)has
been inducted in the mine’s safety and healthmanagementsystemtotheextentitrelatestotheservicetobeprovidedbytheserviceproviderorworker; and(ii)hasreceivedtrainingabouthazardsandrisksatthe
mine to the extent they relate to the service tobe
provided by the service provider or worker.(2)In
this section—safety and health management plan,ofaserviceprovider,means a plan that—(a)identifiestheservicetobeprovidedbytheserviceprovider;
and(b)states how the service provider
intends to comply withthe service provider’s obligations
under this section.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 3 Safety and health obligations[s
47A]Division 3AObligations of
officers ofcorporations47AObligation of officers of
corporations(1)If a corporation has an obligation
under this Act, an officer ofthecorporationmustexerciseduediligencetoensurethecorporation complies with the
obligation.(2)An officer of a corporation may be
convicted or found guiltyofanoffenceunderthisActrelatingto anobligationoftheofficer whether or not the corporation
has been convicted orfoundguiltyofanoffenceunderthisActrelatingtoanobligation of the corporation.(3)Inthissection,duediligenceincludestakingreasonablesteps—(a)to acquire and keep up-to-date
knowledge of mine safetyand health matters; and(b)togainanunderstandingofthenatureofcoalminingoperations at a coal mine and generally of
the hazardsand risks associated with those operations;
and(c)toensurethecorporationhasavailableforuse,anduses, appropriate resources and processes to
eliminateor minimise risks to safety and health from
work carriedout as part of coal mining operations;
and(d)to ensure the corporation has
appropriate processes forreceivingandconsideringinformationregardingincidents, hazards and risks and responding
in a timelyway to that information; and(e)toensurethecorporationhas,andimplements,processesforcomplyingwithanyobligationofthecorporation under this Act; and(f)toverifytheprovisionanduseoftheresourcesandprocesses mentioned in paragraphs (c) to
(e).Page 46Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 3 Safety and
health obligations[s 48]Example for
paragraph (f)—If the corporation is a coal mine operator,
verifying the provisionand use of the resources and processes
to ensure the operatorcomplies with the requirement under
section 41(1)(f) (including,for example,
having regard to each report given by the operatorin
relation to an audit of the effectiveness and implementation
ofthe mine’s safety and health management
system).(4)In this section—officer, of
a corporation, does not include a person appointedas,
or whose position reports directly or indirectly to, the
sitesenior executive for a coal mine.Division 4Defences48Defences for div 2, 3 or 3A(1)Itisadefenceinaproceedingagainstapersonforacontravention of an obligation imposed
on the person underdivision2,3or3Ainrelationtoariskforthepersontoprove—(a)if a
regulation has been made about the way to achievean
acceptable level of risk—the person followed the wayprescribed in the regulation to prevent the
contravention;or(b)subjecttoparagraph(a),ifarecognisedstandardhasbeenmadestatingawayorwaystoachieveanacceptable level of a risk—(i)that the person adopted and followed a
stated wayto prevent the contravention; or(ii)that the person
adopted and followed another waythat achieved a
level of risk that is equal to or betterthantheacceptableleveltopreventthecontravention; or(c)ifnoregulationorrecognisedstandardprescribesorstates a way to discharge the person’s
safety and healthobligation in relation to the risk—that the
person tookCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 4 Provisions about the operation of coal
mines[s 49]reasonable
precautions and exercised proper diligence toprevent the
contravention.(2)Also, it is a defence in a proceeding
against a person for anoffenceagainstsection 34forthepersontoprovethatthecommission of the offence was due to
causes over which theperson had no control.(3)TheCriminalCode,sections
23and24,donotapplyinrelation to a contravention of section
34.(4)Inthissection,areferencetoarecognisedstandardisareference to the
recognised standard in force at the time of thecontravention.Part 4Provisions about the operationof
coal minesDivision 1Notices about
coal mines49Notices by holder(1)Beforecoalminingoperationsstartatacoalmineoraseparate part of a surface mine, the
holder for the mine mustgive the inspector located in the
region in which the mine issituated notice
of—(a)the name and address of the coal mine
operator for themine or part; and(b)the
name of, and a description of the land (including itsboundary) comprising, the mine or part;
and(c)the date on which operations are to
start at the mine orpart.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(2)Subsection
(1)(b) and (c) do not apply to exploration activitiesunder an exploration permit or mineral
development licence.Page 48Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 4 Provisions
about the operation of coal mines[s 50](3)Theholdermustnotchangethefollowingforacoalminewithoutfirstgivingtheinspectorlocatedintheregioninwhich the mine is situated
notice—(a)the coal mine operator;(b)the name of the mine.Maximum penalty for subsection (3)—40
penalty units.50Notices by coal mine operator(1)Before coal mining operations start at
a coal mine, the coalmine operator must give the inspector
for the region in whichthe coal mine is situated notice of
the name and address of thesite senior
executive for the mine.Maximum penalty—40 penalty
appointments including the name and address of theperson appointed—(a)the
appointment of a new site senior executive;(b)an
appointment under section 57.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(3)When land is
added to or omitted from a coal mine, the coalmineoperatormust,within1monthaftertheadditionoromission, give to the inspector located in
the region in whichthe mine is situated written particulars of
the land (includingits boundary) added or omitted.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.51Notice of management structureBeforecoalminingoperationsstartatacoalmine,thesiteseniorexecutivemustgiveacopyofthemanagementstructurethesiteseniorexecutivemustdocumentundersection 55 to the inspector for the region
in which the mine issituated.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 49
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 4 Provisions
about the operation of coal mines[s 52]Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.Notauthorised—indicativeonly52Notice about
exploration activitiesIf exploration activities are to be
carried out on land under anexploration
permit or mineral development licence, the coalmine operator
must give the inspector for the region in whichthelandsubjecttotheexplorationpermitormineraldevelopmentlicenceissituatednoticeofthenatureoftheintended
activity and the planned start date and duration of theactivity.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.52ANotice about
underground gasification activities(1)This
section applies if the site senior executive for a coal minegivesthechiefinspectornoticethatparticularexplorationactivitiesatthecoalmineunderanexplorationpermitareunderground gasification
activities.(2)The chief inspector may by notice
declare the activities to beunderground
gasification activities, with the agreement of thechief inspector, petroleum and gas.(3)The chief inspector must give the site
senior executive a copyof the notice.(4)In
this section—chief inspector, petroleum and gasmeans the chief inspectorunderthePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety)Act2004.Division 2Management of
coal mines53Appointment of coal mine
operator(1)The holder for a coal mine may, by
written contract, appoint aperson as the
coal mine operator for the mine or, if mine is orincludes a separate part of a surface mine,
the separate part.Page 50Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 4 Provisions
about the operation of coal mines[s 54](2)An appointment of a person as coal
mine operator for a part ofacoalminethatisnotaseparatepartofasurfacemineisineffective.Notauthorised—indicativeonly54Appointment of site senior
executive(1)A coal mine operator for a coal mine
or for a separate part of asurfaceminemustnotappointmorethan1siteseniorexecutive for the mine or for the part for
which the person iscoal mine operator.Maximum
penalty—500 penalty units.(2)Acoalmineoperatormustnotappointapersontobesitesenior executive
for more than 1 coal mine.Maximum penalty—500 penalty
units.(3)However,apersonmaybeappointedtobesiteseniorexecutive for more than 1 coal mine
if—(a)the mines are part of a mining
project; or(b)the mines consist only of exploration
activities under anexplorationpermit,mineraldevelopmentlicenceormining lease; or(c)the
mines are adjacent and on-site activities for winningcoal
are carried on at only 1 of the mines; or(d)theminescompriseminesformingpartofaminingprojectandadjacentmines,andtheadjacentminesconsistonlyofexplorationactivitiesunderanexplorationpermit,mineraldevelopmentlicenceormining lease.(4)Acoalmineoperatormustnotappointapersontobesiteseniorexecutiveforacoalmineoraseparatepartofasurface mine unless the person holds a
site senior executivenotice.Maximum
penalty—500 penalty units.(5)In this
section—appointincludes employ
and purport to appoint.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 4 Provisions about the operation of coal
mines[s 55]55Management structure for safe operations at
coal mines(1)The site senior executive for a coal
mine must—(a)developandmaintainamanagementstructureforthecoalmineinawaythatallowsdevelopmentandimplementationofthesafetyandhealthmanagementsystem;
and(b)document the management
structure.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(2)The document must state—(a)the responsibilities of the site
senior executive; and(b)the
responsibilities and competencies required for seniorpositions in the structure; and(c)thenamesofthepersonsholdingtheseniorpositionsand
their competencies; and(ca)thenameofthepersonwhoisresponsibleforestablishingandimplementingasystemformanagingcontractors and
service providers at the coal mine; and(d)the
competencies required, and the responsibilities, foreach
other supervisory position at the mine.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(3)For subsection
(2)(b), an inspector may by notice given to thesite senior
executive declare a position to be a senior position.(4)For each supervisory position
mentioned in subsection (2)(d),the site senior
executive must also keep a record of the namesand competencies
of each person authorised to carry out theresponsibilities
of the position.56Competencies of supervisorsAsiteseniorexecutivemustnotassignthetasksofasupervisor to a person unless the
person—(a)is competent to perform the task
assigned; andPage 52Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 4 Provisions
about the operation of coal mines[s 57](b)ifthereisasafetyandhealthcompetencyforsupervisorsrecognisedbythecommittee,hastherelevant competency.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.Notauthorised—indicativeonly57Appointment of another site senior
executive duringtemporary absence(1)Ifthesiteseniorexecutiveforacoalmineistemporarilyabsentfromdutyformorethan14days,thecoalmineoperator for the mine must appoint, in
writing, a person to actas the site senior executive during
the absence.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)The person acting as the site senior
executive is subject to allof the
obligations of a site senior executive.58Other
appointments during absences(1)This
section applies if a person—(a)ismentionedinthemanagementstructureforacoalmine
documented under section 55; and(b)actively supervises coal mine workers where
there is arisk to the workers; and(c)is
temporarily absent from duty.(2)Thesiteseniorexecutiveforthecoalminemustappointanother competent person to perform the
person’s duties whilethe person is absent.Maximum penalty for subsection (2)—40
penalty units.59Additional requirements for management
of surfaceminesA site senior
executive must appoint a person holding an opencutexaminer’scertificateofcompetencytocarryouttheresponsibilities and duties prescribed
under a regulation in 1or more surface mine
excavations.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 4 Provisions
about the operation of coal mines[s 60]Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.Notauthorised—indicativeonly60Additional
requirements for management of undergroundmines(1)This section applies to an underground
mine.(2)Thesiteseniorexecutivemustappointapersontobeunderground mine manager to control
and manage the mine.Maximum penalty—400 penalty
units.(3)However,thesiteseniorexecutivemaybeappointedunderground mine
manager by the coal mine operator for themine.(4)Thesiteseniorexecutivemustappointanalternateunderground mine
manager if the mine is to be managed inaccordance with
a commute system.Maximum penalty—400 penalty units.(5)Thecoalmineoperatororsiteseniorexecutivemustnotappoint a person as an underground
mine manager unless thepersonhasafirstclasscertificateofcompetencyforanunderground coal mine.Maximum penalty—400 penalty units.(6)A person must not give a direction to
the underground minemanageraboutatechnicalmatterinrelationtotheunderground mine unless the person
giving the direction is theholderofafirstclasscertificateofcompetencyforanunderground coal mine.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(7)A person must not give a direction to
the underground minemanagerthatmayadverselyaffectsafetyandhealthattheunderground mine.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(8)Theundergroundminemanagermustappointapersonholding a first
or second class certificate of competency or adeputy’s
certificate of competency to be responsible for thePage
54Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 4 Provisions
about the operation of coal mines[s 61]control and management of underground
activities when themanager is not in attendance at the
mine.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(9)Theundergroundminemanagermustappointapersonholding a first
or second class certificate of competency or adeputy’s
certificate of competency to have control of activitiesin 1
or more explosion risk zones.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(10)Theundergroundminemanagermustappointapersonorpersons with appropriate competencies to
control and managethemechanicalandelectricalengineeringactivitiesofthemine.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(11)A coal mine
operator or site senior executive may appoint aperson as
underground mine manager for more than 1 mine atthesametimeonlywiththewrittenapprovalofthechiefinspector.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.61Appointment of
ventilation officer(1)This section applies to an underground
mine.(2)Theundergroundminemanagerfortheminemustappointanother person
as the ventilation officer for the mine.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(3)However, the
underground mine manager must not appoint apersonundersubsection(2)unlessthepersonholdsaventilation officer’s certificate of
competency.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(4)Subject to the direction and control
of the underground minemanager,theventilationofficerforthemineisresponsiblefor—(a)the implementation of the mine’s
ventilation system; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 4 Provisions about the operation of coal
mines[s 61A](b)theestablishmentofeffectivestandardsofventilationfor the
mine.(5)The underground mine manager must not
appoint a person asventilation officer at more than 1 mine at
the same time unlessthechiefinspectorgivesthemanagernoticethatthechiefinspector is
satisfied the person can effectively carry out theduties of the ventilation officer at the
mines.Maximum penalty for subsection (5)—200
penalty units.(6)Theundergroundminemanagermayappointmorethan1person as the ventilation officer under this
section to assumethe duties of the officer at different
times.61AAbsence of ventilation officer(1)This section applies if—(a)a ventilation officer appointed under
section 61 for anunderground mine is temporarily absent from
duty; and(b)thereisnootherpersonappointedunderthatsectionwhocanassumetheventilationofficer’sdutiesduringthe
absence.(2)The underground mine manager may
assume the duties of theventilation officer during the absence
if—(a)the absence is for not longer than 7
days; and(b)themanagerholdsaventilationofficer’scertificateofcompetency.(3)If
the underground mine manager does not assume the dutiesoftheventilationofficerundersubsection(2),themanagermust appoint
another person to act as the ventilation officerduring the absence.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(4)However, the
underground mine manager must not appoint apersonundersubsection(3)unlessthepersonholdsaventilation officer’s certificate of
competency.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.Page
56Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 3Coal Mining
Safety and Health Act 1999Part 4 Provisions about the operation
of coal mines[s 62]Safety and
health managementsystemsNotauthorised—indicativeonly62Safety and health management
system(1)The safety and health management
system, for a coal mine, isa single system
that incorporates risk management elementsand practices
that ensure the safety and health of persons whomay
be affected by coal mining operations.(2)The
safety and health management system must be a single,auditable documented system that—(a)forms part of an overall management
system; and(b)includesorganisationalstructure,planningactivities,responsibilities, practices, procedures and
resources fordeveloping, implementing, maintaining and
reviewing asafety and health policy.(3)Thesafetyandhealthmanagementsystemmustprovideasingle,comprehensiveandintegratedsystemforthemanagementofallaspectsofriskstosafetyandhealthinrelation to the operation of the coal
mine.(4)Thesafetyandhealthmanagementsystemforacoalminemustbeinplacebeforecoalminingoperationsstartatthemine.(5)The safety and health management
system must be adequateand effective to achieve an acceptable
level of risk by—(a)definingthecoalmineoperator’ssafetyandhealthpolicy;
and(b)containing a plan to implement the
coal mine operator’ssafety and health policy; and(c)stating how the coal mine operator
intends to developthecapabilitiesandsupportmechanismsnecessarytoachieve the policy; and(d)includingprincipalhazardmanagementplansandstandard operating procedures;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 4 Provisions about the operation of coal
mines[s 62A](e)containing a way of—(i)measuring,monitoringandevaluatingtheperformance of the safety and health
managementsystem; and(ii)takingtheactionnecessarytopreventorcorrectmattersthatdonotconformwiththesafetyandhealth management system; and(f)containingaplantoregularlyreviewandcontinuallyimprovethesafetyandhealthmanagementsystemsothat risk to persons at the coal mine
is at an acceptablelevel; and(g)ifthereisasignificantchangetothecoalminingoperationsofthecoalmine—containingaplantoimmediately review the safety and health
managementsystem so that risk to persons is at an
acceptable level.(6)The site senior executive must make
available for inspection,by coal mine workers employed at the
coal mine, a copy of thesafety and health management
system.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(7)Thesiteseniorexecutivemustgiveacopyofaprincipalhazard
management plan to a coal mine worker whose work atthe
coal mine is affected by the requirements of the plan andwho
requests a copy of the hazard management plan.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.62AAdditional
requirement for coal mining operation forincidental coal
seam gas(1)This section applies if coal mining
operations at a coal mineinclude activities related to mining
incidental coal seam gas.(2)The safety and
health management system must include a plantoachieveanacceptablelevelofriskinrelationtotheactivities.(3)In
deciding whether the safety and health management systemforthecoalmineisadequateandeffectivetoachieveanPage
58Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 4 Provisions
about the operation of coal mines[s 63]acceptable level of risk for section 62(5),
regard must be hadto the requirements for a safety management
system under thePetroleum and Gas (Production and Safety)
Act 2004.Notes—1See
thePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety)Act2004,sections 675 and 705C.2FormineralhydrocarbonminingleasesasdefinedundertheMineral Resources Act 1989,
chapter 15, part 2, division 6, seesection 747 of
that Act and thePetroleum and Gas (Production andSafety) Act 2004, section
671.63Principal hazard management
plan(1)A principal hazard management plan
must—(a)identify,analyseandassessriskassociatedwithprincipal hazards; and(b)includestandardoperatingproceduresandothermeasures to
control risk.(2)Thesiteseniorexecutivemustgiveacopyoftheprincipalhazard
management plan to a person that employs persons atthecoalminewhoseworkisaffectedbytheplan’srequirements.Maximum penalty
for subsection (2)—200 penalty units.64Review of principal hazard management plans
andstandard operating procedures(1)This section applies if—(a)asafetyandhealthmanagementsystemhasbeendeveloped for a
new coal mine; or(b)it is proposed to change a safety and
health managementsystem at an existing coal mine.(2)Thesiteseniorexecutivemustreviewtheprincipalhazardmanagementplansandstandardoperatingproceduresinconsultation with coal mine workers affected
by the plans andoperating procedures.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 59
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 4 Provisions about the operation of coal
mines[s 64C]Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(3)The review under
subsection (2) must take place—(a)foranewcoalmine—assoonaspracticableafterthestart of coal mining operations;
or(b)forachangeatanexistingcoalmine—beforethechange happens.Division
3AJoint interaction management plansfor
overlapping resource authorities64CApplication of div 3A(1)This
division applies to a coal mine if coal mining operationsat
the coal mine are carried out, or are to be carried out, in
anoverlapping area.(2)Thisdivisiondoesnotapplytoacoalmineifcoalminingoperations at the coal mine are carried out,
or are to be carriedout, under a coal mining lease to
which theMineral ResourcesRegulation
2013, chapter 2, part 4, division 4
applies.64DDefinitions for div 3AIn
this division—arbitration,ofadispute,meansarbitrationofthedisputeunder the Common
Provisions Act, chapter 4, part 6, division4.authorisedactivitiesoperatingplantmeansanoperatingplant under
thePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety)Act 2004,
section 670(6).joint interaction management plansee
section 64E(1)(a).operating plantsee thePetroleum and Gas (Production andSafety) Act 2004, section
670.operator, of an
operating plant, see thePetroleumandGas(Production and Safety) Act
2004, section 673.Page 60Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 4 Provisions
about the operation of coal mines[s 64E]Notauthorised—indicativeonly64ERequirement for joint interaction
management plan(1)The site senior executive for the coal
mine must—(a)beforecarryingoutcoalminingoperationsintheoverlapping area, make a plan for the
mine that complieswithsection64F(ajointinteractionmanagementplan);
and(b)before making the plan—(i)makereasonableattemptstoconsultwiththeoperatorofeachauthorisedactivitiesoperatingplantintheoverlappingareatojointlyidentify,analyseandassessrisksandhazardsintheoverlapping area; and(ii)haveregardtoanyreasonableprovisionsfortheplan, relating to the management of
the risks andhazards, that are proposed by the operators
within20daysafterreceivingacopyoftheproposedplan; and(iii)either—(A)reachagreementwiththeoperatorofeachauthorisedactivitiesoperatingplantintheoverlappingareaaboutthecontentoftheproposed plan; or(B)applyforarbitrationofthedisputeundersubsection (3) or (4); and(c)comply with the plan.Maximum penalty—500 penalty units.(2)For subsection (1)(b)(i), the site
senior executive is taken tohave made
reasonable attempts to consult with the operator ofan
authorised activities operating plant if—(a)the
site senior executive gives the operator a copy of theproposed plan; and(b)the
operator has not, within 20 days after being given thecopy,madeanyproposaltothesiteseniorexecutiveabout the
provisions for the plan.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 4 Provisions about the operation of coal
mines[s 64F](3)If
the site senior executive and the operator of an authorisedactivitiesoperatingplantcannotagreeonthecontentofaproposed plan within 3 months after
the operator receives acopyoftheproposedplan,thesiteseniorexecutivemustapply for arbitration of the dispute.(4)Despite subsection (3), either party
may apply for arbitrationof the dispute at any time.64FContent of joint interaction
management plan(1)A joint interaction management plan
must—(a)bestoredorkepttogetherwiththeotherpartsofthesafety and
health management system for the coal mine;and(b)identify,ifany,eachIMA,RMAandSOZintheoverlapping area; and(c)identify the hazards and assess the
risks to be controlledthat—(i)are,ormaybe,createdbythecoalminingoperations or
petroleum activities carried out in theoverlapping
area; and(ii)affect,ormaybelikelytoaffect,thesafetyandhealth of persons in the overlapping area;
and(d)for each risk—identify the triggers or
material changes,or likely triggers or material changes,
that—(i)must be monitored to ensure the safety
and healthof persons in the overlapping area;
and(ii)will require the
plan to be reviewed; and(e)foreachtriggerormaterialchangeidentifiedunderparagraph (d)—(i)state the response procedures and times;
and(ii)state the type
of action required for the response;andPage
62Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 4 Provisions
about the operation of coal mines[s 64F]Examples of action that may be
required—1a risk analysis2notice to the operator of an operating plant
intheoverlapping area of—(a)a drop in hydrostatic pressure that
may show apotentialhazardtopersonscarryingoutauthorised activities under a
petroleum lease; or(b)achangeinwaterlevelthatmayindicatedifferencesinfluidinterconnectionswithanadjacent petroleum lease(iii)state the
reporting procedures; and(f)if there is
proposed, or there is likely to be, interactionwith other
persons in the overlapping area—(i)describetheproposedorlikelyinteractionsandhow
they will be managed; and(ii)identify the
specific risks that may arise as a resultof the proposed
or likely interactions and how therisks will be
controlled; and(iii)identify the
safety responsibilities of each person;and(iv)state the name
of the operator and any other personresponsibleunderthePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety)Act2004foreachoperating plant;
and(g)describe the way in which the plan
will be reviewed andrevised, including ongoing
consultation with the personsmentioned in
paragraph (f); and(h)describe the way in which details of
any new site seniorexecutive,orotherseniorpersoninthemanagementstructure,willbecommunicatedtoalloperatorsofoperating plants in the overlapping area;
and(i)include any other information
prescribed by regulation.(2)A regulation may
prescribe a guide of potential hazards thatmaybecreatedbycoalminingoperationsinrelationtoCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 4 Provisions about the operation of coal
mines[s 64G]exploring for or
producing coal seam gas or petroleum (thepotential hazard
guide).(3)Thepotentialhazardguidemustbereferredtoforhelpinidentifying the hazards and assessing the
risks mentioned insubsection (1)(c) but is not intended to be
exhaustive.(4)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatajointinteractionmanagement plan
may apply to more than 1 overlapping area.64GNotification of making of joint interaction
managementplanAssoonaspracticableaftermakingajointinteractionmanagementplan,andbeforecarryingoutcoalminingoperations in the overlapping area, the site
senior executivefor the coal mine must notify the chief
inspector that the planhas been made.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.64HReview(1)This section applies if—(a)it is proposed to change a joint
interaction managementplan; or(b)achangeatthecoalmineislikelytogiverisetoanadditionalrisktosafetyorhealthintheoverlappingarea; or(c)any of the following circumstances
exist—(i)anadditionalrisktosafetyorhealthintheoverlapping area is identified;(ii)consultationwithcoalmineworkersindicatesareview is necessary;(iii)ariskcontrolmeasuredidnotcontroltheriskitwas
intended to control to an acceptable level.(2)For
subsection (1)(b), a change at the coal mine includes—Page
64Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 4 Provisions
about the operation of coal mines[s 64I](a)achangetothemineitselforanyaspectofthemineenvironment;
and(b)a change to a system of work, process
or procedure atthe mine.(3)The
site senior executive for the coal mine must review and, ifnecessary, revise the joint interaction
management plan.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(4)The review must take place in
consultation with the operatorof each
authorised activities operating plant in the overlappingarea
and coal mine workers to the extent they are affected bythe
matters under review.Maximum penalty—200 penalty
units.(5)The review must take place—(a)forsubsection(1)(a)or(b)—beforethechangetothejoint interaction management plan is
made; or(b)forsubsection(1)(c)—assoonaspossibleafterthecircumstance exists.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(6)A revision of the plan under
subsection (3) must be recordedon the
plan.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(7)If the site senior executive and the
operator for an authorisedactivities operating plant in the
overlapping area can not agreeon the content
of a revision of the plan, either party may applyfor
arbitration of the dispute.64IAvailability of
joint interaction management plan(1)Thesiteseniorexecutiveforthecoalminemustmakeavailable for inspection, by persons in the
overlapping area, acopy of the joint interaction management
plan.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 4 Provisions about the operation of coal
mines[s 65](2)The
site senior executive for the coal mine must give a copy ofthe
joint interaction management plan to a person whose workin
the overlapping area is affected by the requirements of theplan
and who requests a copy of it.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(3)The site senior
executive for the coal mine must give a copy ofthejointinteractionmanagementplantoapersonwhoemploys persons at the coal mine whose
work is affected bythe plan’s requirements.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.Division 4Records and
reporting65Changes in management structure to be
reported to aninspectorThe site senior
executive for a coal mine must give notice ofanychangeinthemanagementstructureattheminetotheinspector for
the region in which the mine is situated within14 days after
the change happens.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.66Management structure to be recorded in
the mine record(1)Thesiteseniorexecutiveforacoalminemustenterinthemine record details of—(a)themanagementstructureandofthepersonsholdingpositions in the structure at the mine;
and(b)changes to the management
structure.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.(2)Thedetailsmustbeenteredwithin7daysaftertheestablishment of, or changes to, the
management structure.Page 66Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 4 Provisions
about the operation of coal mines[s 67]Notauthorised—indicativeonly67Plans of coal mine workings(1)Asiteseniorexecutiveforacoalminemustkeepatthemine—(a)plans showing, as far as practicable—(i)theextentofthemineworkingsandthecurrentposition of any
part of the mine workings; and(ii)foranundergroundmine,thesignificanttopographicalfeaturesonthesurfaceabovethemine; and(b)plansshowingtheextentofminingundertakenatornear the mine; and(c)information likely to be required to
evaluate the effect ofthe mine on—(i)the
safety of adjoining coal mines; and(ii)any
potential uncontrolled flow of material into themine
workings; and(d)information likely to be required to
evaluate the effect ofany adjoining mine on the safety of
the mine; and(e)ifpart4,division3Aapplies—plansshowingeachofthe
following for the overlapping area if identified in anagreed joint development plan—(i)the IMA;(ii)the
RMA;(iii)the FMA;(iv)the SOZ.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)A site senior executive for a coal
mine must produce to thechief inspector, before 31 December
each year, plans showingthe extent of the mine
workings.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)Also, a site senior executive for a
coal mine, if asked by aninspector,inspectionofficerorindustrysafetyandhealthCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 67
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 4 Provisions
about the operation of coal mines[s 67]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyrepresentative,mustproducetotheinspector,officerorrepresentative plans showing the
extent of the mine workingsor the current
position of any part of the mine workings andthe information
mentioned in subsection (1)(c) and (d).Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(4)If a coal mine
is abandoned, the person who was the coal mineoperatorforthemineimmediatelybeforetheabandonmentmust,within14daysaftertheabandonment,givethechiefinspectorplansshowingtheextentofminingundertakenatthe
mine.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(5)A site senior executive of a mine
must, as soon as reasonablypracticable,provideinformationmentionedinsubsection (1)(c)or(d)tothesiteseniorexecutiveofanadjoining mine—(a)ifaskedbythesiteseniorexecutiveoftheadjoiningmine; or(b)iftheinformationisrelevanttothesafetyoftheadjoining mine.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(6)The accuracy of
the plans mentioned in this section must becertified
by—(a)for a surface mine—(i)a person registered, under theSurveyors Act 2003,asasurveyorwitharegistrationendorsementof‘mining (A)’ or ‘mining (O)’; or(ii)apersonwithothercompetenciesforsurfaceminingsurveyingthecommitteeconsidersisatleast equivalent
to the competencies mentioned insubparagraph
(i); or(b)for an underground mine—(i)a person registered, under theSurveyors Act 2003,asasurveyorwitharegistrationendorsementof‘mining (A)’; orPage 68Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 4 Provisions
about the operation of coal mines[s 68](ii)a person with
other competencies for undergroundminingsurveyingthecommitteeconsidersisatleast equivalent
to the competencies mentioned insubparagraph
(i).(7)A reference in this section to plans
is a reference to plans ascertified under subsection (6).(8)In this section—agreed joint
development plansee the Common ProvisionsAct,
section 103.68Mine record(1)A
coal mine operator for a coal mine must keep a mine recordthat
includes—(a)allreportsof,andfindingsandrecommendationsresultingfrominspections,investigationsandauditscarried out at
the mine under this Act; and(b)alldirectivesissuedunderthisActtothecoalmineoperatorandtheoperator’sagentsorrepresentatives;and(c)arecordofallremedialactionstakenasaresultofdirectives issued under this Act;
and(d)a record of and reports about all
serious accidents andhigh potential incidents that have
happened at the mine;and(e)all
other reports or information that may be prescribedunder a regulation for this section.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(2)For subsection (1), a matter must be
kept in the mine recordfor 7 years after the matter is
included in the record.(3)Subsection (2)
applies whether the matter was included underthis Act or the
repealedCoal Mining Act 1925.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 4 Provisions about the operation of coal
mines[s 69](4)The
coal mine operator must ensure the mine record, relatingto
at least the previous 6 months, is available at all
reasonabletimes for inspection by each of the
following—(a)coal mine workers employed at the
mine;(b)the site senior executive.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(5)Ifaperson(theformeroperator)whoisthecoalmineoperatorforamineisreplacedbyanotherperson(thenewoperator) as the coal
mine operator for the mine, the formeroperator must
give the new operator the mine record for themine as soon as
practicable after being replaced.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(6)A person must
not destroy, deface or alter the mine record sothat it is no
longer a correct and complete record.Maximum
penalty—400 penalty units.69Display of
reports and directivesThe site senior executive for a coal
mine must display a copyof current directives and reports of
inspections carried out atthe mine under this Act in 1 or more
conspicuous positions atthe mine in a way likely to come to
the attention of coal mineworkers at the mine affected by the
directive or report.Maximum penalty—100 penalty
units.69ATraining and assessment record
check(1)This section applies if—(a)a site senior executive employs a coal
mine worker at acoal mine; and(b)the
coal mine worker has previously been employed atanother coal mine.(2)The
site senior executive may ask the coal mine operator forthe
other coal mine to give the site senior executive a copy ofPage
70Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 4 Provisions
about the operation of coal mines[s 70]thatpartoftheothercoalmine’ssafetyandhealthmanagementsystemrelatingtorecordsoftrainingandassessment given to, and undertaken by, the
coal mine worker.(3)The coal mine operator for the other
coal mine must complywith the request within 30
days.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.Division 5Protection of
abandoned coal mines70Responsibility for protecting
abandoned coal mines(1)If a coal mine
is abandoned, the person who was the coal mineoperatorforthemineimmediatelybeforetheabandonmentmust ensure at
the time of abandonment that the abandonedcoal mine is
safe and made secure.Maximum penalty—800 penalty
units.(2)If the coal mine operator does not
comply with subsection (1),the holder for
the coal mine must ensure the abandoned coalmine is safe and
made secure.Maximum penalty—800 penalty units.(3)Without limiting subsection (1) or
(2), while the holder is theholder for the
coal mine the holder must ensure the mine issafe and made
secure.Maximum penalty—800 penalty units.(4)If an abandoned coal mine is not safe
and made secure, thechief executive may make it safe and
secure and recover thecostofmakingitsafeandsecurefromthepersonwiththeobligation to ensure the mine is safe
and made secure.(5)A conviction under this section, with
or without penalty, doesnot affect the chief executive’s
ability to recover the cost ofmaking the mine
safe and secure.(6)In this section—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 71
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 5 Recognised standards[s
71]environmentalauthorityseetheEnvironmentalProtectionAct 1994,
schedule 4.holder,foracoalmine,includestheholderofanenvironmental authority to carry out
on-site activities for landon which the
coal mine is located.Part 5Recognised
standards71Purpose of recognised standardsA
standard may be made for safety and health (arecognisedstandard)
stating ways to achieve an acceptable level of riskto
persons arising out of coal mining operations.72Recognised standards(1)The
Minister may make recognised standards.(2)The
Minister must notify the making of a recognised standardby
gazette notice.(3)Thechiefexecutivemustkeepacopyofeachrecognisedstandard and any
document applied, adopted or incorporatedbythestandardavailableforinspection,withoutcharge,duringnormalbusinesshoursateachdepartmentofficedealing with safety and health.(4)The chief executive, on payment by a
person of a reasonablefeedecidedbythechiefexecutive,mustgiveacopyofarecognised standard to the
person.73Use of recognised standards in
proceedingsArecognisedstandardisadmissibleinevidenceinaproceeding under this Act if—(a)the proceeding relates to a
contravention of a safety andhealth
obligation imposed on a person under part 3; andPage
72Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 5A
Commissioner for Mine Safety and Health[s 73A](b)it is claimed that the person
contravened the obligationby failing to achieve an acceptable
level of risk; and(c)the recognised standard is about
achieving an acceptablelevel of risk.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
5ACommissioner for Mine Safetyand
HealthDivision 1Establishment
and appointment ofcommissioner73AAppointment of commissioner(1)There is to be a Commissioner for Mine
Safety and Health.(2)ThecommissioneristobeappointedbytheGovernorinCouncil by gazette notice.(3)DespitethePublicServiceAct2008,section 8,thecommissioner is a public service officer
employed under thePublic Service Act 2008, and not under
this Act.(4)Apersonmayholdtheofficeofcommissioneraswellasanother position under thePublic Service Act 2008.73BQualifications for appointmentTo
be appointed as commissioner, a person must have—(a)ascienceorengineeringqualificationrelevanttotheminingindustry,andprofessionalexperienceinminesafety;
or(b)a qualification in law, and
professional experience in thelaw relating to
mine safety; or(c)atleast10yearsprofessionalexperienceinseniorpositionsrelatingtooperationalminesafetymanagement.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 73
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 5A
Commissioner for Mine Safety and Health[s 73BA]Example of a senior position for paragraph
(c)—a site senior executive at an underground
commissioner(1)The chief executive may appoint a
person who is eligible forappointmentascommissionertoactintheofficeofcommissioner during any period or all
periods when—(a)the office is vacant; or(b)the person holding the office is
absent from duty or is,for another reason, unable to perform
the functions ofthe office.(2)Theappointmentisfortheterm,andontheconditions,decided by the
chief executive.(3)The chief executive’s power to appoint
a person to act in theofficeofthecommissionerdoesnotlimittheGovernorinCouncil’spowersundertheActsInterpretationAct1954,section 25(1)(b)(ii), (iv) or (v).73CCommissioner’s functionsThe
functions of the commissioner are—(a)to
advise the Minister on mine safety and health mattersgenerally; and(b)tofulfiltherolesofchairpersonofthecoalminingsafety and health advisory committee and
chairperson ofthe mining safety and health advisory
committee undertheMining and Quarrying Safety and Health
Act 1999;and(c)to
monitor and report to the Minister and to Parliamentontheadministrationofprovisionsaboutsafetyandhealth under this Act and other mining
legislation; and(d)toperformthefunctionsgiventothecommissionerundertheprovisionsofthisActandothermininglegislation.Page 74Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 6 Industry
consultative arrangements[s 73D]73DCommissioner’s powersThe commissioner
has the powers necessary or convenient toperform the
commissioner’s functions.Division 2Report by
commissioner73EAnnual report(1)As
soon as practicable, but within 4 months, after the end ofeach
financial year, the commissioner must prepare and giveto
the Minister a report on the performance of the departmentin
regulating mine safety.(2)The Minister
must table a copy of the report in the LegislativeAssembly within 14 sitting days after
receiving it.Part 6Industry
consultativearrangementsDivision 1Purposes of part74Purposes of pt 6Themainpurposesofthispartaretoprovidefortheestablishmentofacoalminingsafetyandhealthadvisorycommittee and to state its functions.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 6 Industry consultative
arrangements[s 75]Division 2Coal
mining safety and healthadvisory committee and itsfunctions75Coal
mining safety and health advisory committeeThecoalminingsafetyandhealthadvisorycommittee(thecommittee) is
established.76Functions of committee(1)The primary function of the committee
is to give advice andmake recommendations to the Minister
about promoting andprotecting the safety and health of persons
at coal mines.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),thecommitteemustdischarge its primary function by
periodically reviewing—(a)the
effectiveness of this Act, regulations and recognisedstandards; and(b)theeffectivenessofthecontrolofrisktoanypersonfrom coal mining
operations.(3)Thecommitteealsohasthefunctionofrecognising,establishing and
publishing—(a)the competencies accepted by it as
qualifying a personto perform the tasks prescribed under a
regulation; or(b)the safety and health competencies
required to performthe duties of a person under this
Act.(4)In periodically reviewing
effectiveness under subsection (2),the committee
must have regard to the following—(a)theriskmanagementperformanceofthecoalminingindustry;(b)the
appropriateness of recognised standards;(c)education, training, and standards of
competency withinthe coal mining industry;Page
76Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 6 Industry
consultative arrangements[s 77](d)theimplementationofrecommendationsfrominspectors’ investigations, coroners’
inquests, boards ofinquiry, and other sources;(e)the promotion of community knowledge
and awarenessof safety and health in the coal mining
industry;(f)any other matter referred to it by the
Minister.77Annual report(1)As
soon as practicable, but within 4 months, after the end ofeach
financial year, the commissioner, as chairperson of thecommittee, must prepare and give to the
Minister a report onthe committee’s operations for the
year.(2)The Minister must table a copy of the
report in the LegislativeAssembly within 14 sitting days after
receiving it.Division 3Membership and
conduct ofcommittee proceedings78Membership of committee(1)The
committee is to consist of 10 members, 1 of whom is thechairperson.(2)The
chairperson of the committee is the commissioner.79Organisations to submit names to
Minister(1)The following organisations, within 1
month of being asked todosobytheMinister,maysubmitapanelofnamesofindividualsexperiencedincoalminingoperationstheorganisations nominate to be members of the
committee—(a)organisations representing coal mine
operators;(b)industrial organisations representing
coal mine workers.(2)Only1panelmaybesubmittedbyallorganisationsrepresenting
coal mine operators.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 6 Industry consultative
arrangements[s 80](3)Only
1 panel may be submitted by all industrial organisationsrepresenting coal mine workers.(4)Each panel must include 6 or more
names.80Appointment of members(1)The Minister must appoint 3 persons
from each panel to bemembers of the committee.(2)Oneofthepersonsappointedfromthepanelsubmittedbyindustrial organisations representing
coal mine workers mustbe a member of the industrial
organisation that represents themajority of the
coal mine workers in Queensland.(3)The
chief inspector is to be a member of the committee.(3A)The Minister
must appoint 2 other inspectors to be membersof the
committee.(4)The Minister may appoint a person
under subsection (1) onlyif the person is experienced in coal
mining operations.(5)Inselectingapersonforappointmentundersubsection (1),the Minister
must also consider the following in relation to theperson—(a)breadth of experience in the coal mining
industry;(b)demonstratedcommitmenttopromotingsafetyandhealth standards in the coal mining
industry;(c)practical knowledge of the coal mining
industry and ofrelevant legislation.(6)If a
panel of names is not submitted to the Minister within thestated time, the Minister may appoint 3
persons the Ministerconsiders appropriate to be members of
the committee.(7)The members who are not inspectors
must be appointed underthis Act and not under thePublic Service Act 2008.Page
78Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 6 Industry
consultative arrangements[s 81]81Duration of appointmentAmemberofthecommitteemaybeappointed,orre-appointed, by the Minister under section
80(1) for a term ofnot more than 3 years.Notauthorised—indicativeonly82Conditions of appointment(1)Amemberofthecommitteeisnotentitledtoanyremuneration,otherthanthereimbursementofreasonableexpenses and
travel allowance.(2)A member holds office on the
conditions not provided by thisAct that are
decided by the Governor in Council.83Member ceasing as memberThe office of a
member of the committee becomes vacant ifthe
member—(a)finishes a term of office and is not
reappointed; or(b)resigns by notice of resignation given
to the Minister; or(c)is absent from 3 consecutive meetings
of the committeewithout leave of the committee and without
reasonableexcuse; or(d)is
removed from office by the Minister for any reason ornone.83ASubstitute members(1)TheMinistermayappoint2persons(substitutemembers)from each panel submitted under
section 79(1), in addition tothepersonsappointedundersection
appointed from the same panel.(2)Oneofthepersonsappointedfromthepanelsubmittedbyindustrial organisations representing
coal mine workers mustbe a member of the industrial
organisation that represents themajority of the
coal mine workers in Queensland.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 79
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 6 Industry consultative
arrangements[s 84](3)Whenappointingasubstitutemember,theMinistermustconsiderthemattersmentionedinsection 80(5)(a),(b)and(c).(4)A
substitute member may be appointed, or re-appointed, for aterm
of not more than 3 years.(5)A person stops
being a substitute member if, for any reason ornone, the
Minister gives the person written notification thatthe
person is no longer a substitute member.(6)While taking part in a meeting in place of
an original member,a substitute member is a member of the
committee and—(a)isnotentitledtoanyremuneration,otherthanthereimbursementofreasonableexpensesandtravelallowance;
and(b)is subject to the conditions,
mentioned in section 82(2)and applying to the original member,
that are capable ofapplying to the substitute member.84Times and places of committee
meetings(1)The committee may hold its meetings at
the times and placesit decides.(2)However, the committee must meet at least
twice a year.(3)The chairperson—(a)may
call a meeting of the committee at any time; and(b)must call a meeting if asked by at
least 4 members.(4)Also, the Minister may call a meeting
of the committee at anytime.85Presiding at meetings of the
committee(1)The chairperson must preside at all
meetings of the committeeat which the chairperson is
present.(2)In the absence of the chairperson, an
inspector nominated bythe chairperson presides.Page
80Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 6 Industry
consultative arrangements[s 86]86Quorum and voting at meetings of the
committee(1)At a meeting of the committee—(a)4 members constitute a quorum;
and(b)a question must be decided by a
majority of the votes ofthe members present and voting;
and(c)each member present has a vote on each
question to bedecidedand,ifthevotesareequal,thememberpresiding also
has a casting vote.(2)A quorum must include—(a)a member who represents coal mine
operators; and(b)a member who represents coal mine
workers; and(c)a member who represents
inspectors.87Recommendation to Minister if vote not
unanimous(1)If the committee gives advice or makes
a recommendation totheMinisteraboutamatter,thecommitteemustadvisetheMinister whether the committee’s decision
about the matterwas unanimous.(2)If
the decision was not unanimous, the committee must advisethe
Minister of the views of the minority.88Taking part in meetings by telephone
members.(2)A member who takes part in a meeting
of the committee undera permission under subsection (1) is
taken to be present at themeeting.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 81
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 6 Industry consultative
arrangements[s 89]89Resolutions without meetings(1)Ifatleast6membersofthecommitteesignadocumentcontaining a
statement that they are in favour of a resolutionstated in the document, the resolution is
taken to have beenpassed at a meeting of the committee held on
the day when thelast of the members signing the document
signs the document.(2)However, the 6 members must
include—(a)a member who represents coal mine
operators; and(b)a member who represents coal mine
workers; and(c)a member who represents
(1),takentohavebeenpassed at a committee meeting, each member
must be advisedimmediately of the matter and be given a
copy of the terms ofthe resolution.(4)For
subsection (1), 2 or more separate documents containing astatement in identical terms, each of which
is signed by 1 ormore members, are taken to be a single
document.90Minutes by the committeeThe
committee must keep minutes of its proceedings.91SubcommitteesThecommitteemayappointsubcommitteestoadviseitonparticular issues.Page 82Current as at [Not applicable]
7Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part
7 Site safety and health representatives[s 92]Site
safety and healthrepresentativesDivision 1Purposes of part92Purposes of pt 7The main
purposes of this part are to provide for the electionofsitesafetyandhealthrepresentativesandtostatetheirfunctions and powers.Division 2Site
safety and healthrepresentatives93Election of site safety and health
representatives(1)The coal mine workers at a coal mine
may elect up to 2 oftheir number to be site safety and
health representatives forthe mine for the term decided by the
coal mine workers.(2)If there is more than 1 site senior
executive at a coal mine, thecoal mine
workers in each part of the mine for which a siteseniorexecutivehasresponsibilitymayelect2coalmineworkers to be site safety and health
representatives for eachpart for the term decided by the coal
mine workers.(3)A person elected under subsection (1)
or (2), becomes a sitesafety and health representative only
if the person holds theappropriatesafetyandhealthcompetenciesacceptedbythecommittee for a
site safety health representative.(4)When
performing functions or exercising powers under thispart,asitesafetyandhealthrepresentativeistakentobeperformingpartofthecoalmineworker’sdutiesasacoalmine
worker.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 7 Site safety and health
representatives[s 94]94Further election if site safety and health
representativenot available(1)If a
site safety and health representative is not available whena
coal mine operation is considered unsafe by affected coalmine
workers, coal mine workers at the mine or part of themine
may elect 2 coal mine workers who are practical minersto
inspect the coal mining operation.(2)Apersonelectedundersubsection
(1)istakentobeasitesafety and health representative for the
period—(a)a site safety and health
representative is not available;and(b)thecoalminingoperationisconsideredunsafebyaffected coal mine workers.95Person must be qualified to act as
site safety and healthrepresentative(1)A
person must not act as a site safety and health
representativeunlessthepersonholdsthecompetenciesmentionedinsection 93(3).Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(2)Subsection
94.(3)Asitesafetyandhealthrepresentativemustperformthefunctions and exercise the powers of a site
safety and healthrepresentative under this Act for safety and
health purposesand for no other purpose.Maximum penalty for subsection (3)—40
penalty units.96Ceasing to be a site safety and health
if the worker—(a)tells the site senior executive that
the worker resigns assite safety and health representative;
orPage 84Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 7 Site
safety and health representatives[s 97](b)stops being a worker at the mine;
or(c)is removed from office by a vote of
coal mine workers.97Removal from office by Minister(1)TheMinistermayremoveasitesafetyandhealthrepresentative
from office by notice if the Minister considerstherepresentativeisnotperformingtherepresentative’sfunctions
satisfactorily.(2)The notice must contain the Minister’s
reasons for removingthe site safety and health
representative from office.98Election after
removal from office(1)IfasitesafetyandhealthrepresentativeisremovedfromofficebytheMinister,anothersitesafetyandhealthrepresentative
may be elected under this division.(2)However,anotherpersonmustnotbeelectedtobeasitesafety and
health representative until after—(a)the
time for filing an appeal under part 14, division 1 hasended; or(b)ifanappealagainsttheMinister’sdecisionhasbeenfiled—anIndustrialMagistratesCourthasconfirmedtheMinister’sdecisiontoremovethesitesafetyandhealth representative.(3)The provisions of this division apply
to the election.99Functions of site safety and health
representatives(1)A site safety and health
representative for a coal mine has thefollowing
functions—(a)to inspect the coal mine to assess
whether the level ofrisk to coal mine workers is at an
acceptable level;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 7 Site safety
and health representatives[s 99]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)to review
procedures in place at the coal mine to controltherisktocoalmineworkerssothatitisatanacceptable level;(c)todetectunsafepracticesandconditionsatthecoalmine and to take
action to ensure the risk to coal mineworkers is at an
acceptable level;(d)to investigate complaints from coal
mine workers at themine regarding safety or health.(2)Thesiteseniorexecutiveandsupervisorsatthecoalminemustgivereasonablehelptoasitesafetyandhealthrepresentative
in carrying out the representative’s functions.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(3)Thesiteseniorexecutiveorthesiteseniorexecutive’srepresentativemayaccompanythesitesafetyandhealthrepresentative
during an inspection.(4)Asitesafetyandhealthrepresentativewhomakesaninspection of the coal mine must—(a)make a written report on the
inspection; and(b)give a copy of the report to the site
senior executive; and(c)iftheinspectionindicatestheexistenceorpossibleexistence of
danger, immediately—(i)notify the site
senior executive or the responsiblesupervisor;
and(ii)send a copy of
the report to an inspector.(5)If a
site safety and health representative believes a safety andhealthmanagementsystemisinadequateorineffective,therepresentative must inform the site senior
executive.(6)If the site safety and health
representative is not satisfied thesite senior
executive is taking the action necessary to make thesafety and health management system adequate
and effective,the representative must advise an
inspector.(7)Theinspectormustinvestigatethematterandreporttheresults of the investigation in the mine
record.Page 86Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 7 Site
safety and health representatives[s 100]100Powers of site safety and health
representativeA site safety and health representative for
a coal mine has thefollowing powers—(a)to
enter any area of the coal mine at any time to carryoutthefunctionsofthesitesafetyandhealthrepresentative,
if reasonable notice is given to the siteseniorexecutiveorthesiteseniorexecutive’srepresentative;(b)to
examine any documents relevant to safety and healthheld
by the site senior executive under this Act, if thesitesafetyandhealthrepresentativehasreasontobelieve the documents contain information
required toassess whether procedures are in place at
the coal mineto achieve an acceptable level of risk to
the coal mineworkers.101Stopping of operations by site safety and
section applies if a site safety and health representativereasonably believes a danger to the safety
or health of coalmine workers exists because of coal mining
operations.(2)The safety and health representative
may, by written report tothesiteseniorexecutivestatingthereasonsfortherepresentative’sbelief,orderthesuspensionofcoalminingoperations.(3)If
the site safety and health representative reasonably
believesthereisimmediatedangertothesafetyandhealthofcoalmine workers
from coal mining operations, the representativemay—(a)stoptheoperationsandimmediatelyadvisethesupervisor in charge of the
operations; or(b)require the supervisor in charge of
the operations to stopthe operations.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 87
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 7 Site safety and health
representatives[s 102](4)The
site safety and health representative must give a writtenreport to the site senior executive about
the action taken undersubsection (3) and the reasons for the
action.102Effect of reportIfthesiteseniorexecutivereceivesareportundersection 101(2),thesiteseniorexecutivemuststopthecoalmining
operations mentioned in the report.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.103Site senior
executive not to restart operations until risk atan
acceptable levelThesiteseniorexecutivemustensurethatthecoalminingoperationsstoppedundersection
level.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.104Site safety and health representative
not to unnecessarilyimpede productionA site safety
and health representative must not unnecessarilyimpedeproductionatacoalminewhenexercisingtherepresentative’spowersorperformingtherepresentative’sfunctions.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.105Protection of
site safety and health representativesperforming
functionsA coal mine operator, site senior executive,
contractor or othersupervisor must not—(a)preventorattempttopreventasitesafetyandhealthrepresentative
from performing his or her functions; orPage 88Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 7 Site
safety and health representatives[s 106](b)penaliseasafetyandhealthrepresentativeforperforming his or her functions.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.106Site senior executive to tell site
safety and healthrepresentatives about certain things(1)A site senior executive for a coal
mine must tell a site safetyandhealthrepresentativeatthemineaboutthefollowingthings—(a)aninjuryorillnesstoapersonfromcoalminingoperationsthatcausesanabsencefromworkoftheperson;(b)a
high potential incident happening at the coal mine;(c)anyproposedchangestothecoalmine,orplantorsubstancesusedatthecoalmine,thataffect,ormayaffect, the safety and health of
persons at the mine;(d)the presence of
an inspector or inspection officer at thecoal mine if the
representative is at the mine;(e)a
directive given by an inspector, inspection officer orindustry safety and health representative
about a matter.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(2)Forsubsection
(1),thesiteseniorexecutivemusttelleachrepresentative as soon as practicable after
the thing comes tothe site senior executive’s
knowledge.107Site senior executive to display
identity of site safety andhealth representatives(1)A site senior executive for a coal
mine must display a noticeas required by subsections (2) and (3)
advising the identity ofeach site safety and health
representative for the mine.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 8 Industry safety and health
representatives[s 108](2)The
site senior executive must display the notice within 5 daysafter the site senior executive is notified
of the representative’selection.(3)The
site senior executive must display the notice in 1 or moreconspicuous positions at the mine in a way
likely to come tothe attention of workers at the mine.Part
8Industry safety and healthrepresentativesDivision 1Purposes of part108Purposes of pt 8Themainpurposesofthispartaretoprovidefortheappointment of
industry safety and health representatives andto state their
functions and powers.Division 2Industry safety
and healthrepresentatives109Appointment of industry safety and
union may, after a ballot of its members, appoint up to 3persons to be industry safety and health
appointment must be for 4 years.Page 90Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 8 Industry
safety and health representatives[s 110]110Industry safety and health
representative to workfull-timeAnindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentativemustworkfull-timeinthatcapacityperformingthefunctionsofanindustry safety and health
representative.Notauthorised—indicativeonly111Funding of industry safety and health
for the representative’s term as industry safetyand
health representative.112Termination of
appointment(1)The Minister may end the appointment
of an industry safetyand health representative by notice if
the Minister considerstherepresentativeisnotperformingtherepresentative’sfunctions
satisfactorily.(2)The notice must contain the Minister’s
reasons for ending theappointment of the industry safety and
health representative.113Appointment after
is ended by the Minister, the union may appointanother person
to be industry safety and health representative.(2)However, the union must not appoint
another person to be anindustry safety and health
representative unless—(a)the time for
filing an appeal under part 14, division 1 hasended; or(b)ifanappealagainsttheMinister’sdecisionhasbeenfiled, an
Industrial Magistrates Court has confirmed theMinister’sdecisiontoendtheappointmentoftheindustry safety and health
representative.(3)The provisions of this division about
appointment apply to theappointment.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 91
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 8 Industry safety and health
representatives[s 114]114Filling of temporary vacancy(1)If a person is temporarily unable to
perform the functions ofanindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentative,theunionmayappointasubstitutefortheperiodthepersonisunabletoperform the functions.(2)The
provisions of this division about appointment apply to theappointment.115Vacancy generallyThepositionofindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentativebecomes vacant
if the representative—(a)finishes a term
and is not reappointed; or(b)resigns by
notice of resignation given to the Minister; or(c)has
the representative’s appointment terminated by theMinister.116Persons not to pretend to be industry safety
and healthrepresentatives if not appointedApersonnotappointedasanindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentative
must not pretend to be an industry safety andhealth
representative.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.117Industry safety and health
representative restricted tosafety and health
purposesAn industry safety and health representative
must not performa function or exercise a power of an
industry safety and healthrepresentative under this Act for a
purpose other than a safetyand health
purpose.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.Page
92Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 8 Industry
safety and health representatives[s 118]118Functions of industry safety and
health representatives(1)An industry
safety and health representative has the followingfunctions—(a)to
inspect coal mines to assess whether the level of riskto
the safety and health of coal mine workers is at anacceptable level;(b)to
review procedures in place at coal mines to controlthe
risk to safety and health of coal mine workers so thatit
is at an acceptable level;(c)to detect unsafe
practices and conditions at coal minesand to take
action to ensure the risk to the safety andhealth of coal
mine workers is at an acceptable level;(d)to
participate in investigations into serious accidents andhighpotentialincidentsandothermattersrelatedtosafety or health at coal mines;(e)toinvestigatecomplaintsfromcoalmineworkersregarding safety
or health at coal mines;(f)tohelpinrelationtoinitiativestoimprovesafetyorhealth at coal mines.(2)Thefollowingpersonsmayaccompanytheindustrysafetyand
health representative during an inspection—(a)the
site senior executive or a person representing the sitesenior executive;(b)asitesafetyandhealthrepresentativeorapersonrepresenting the
site safety and health representative.119Powers of industry safety and health
representatives(1)An industry safety and health
representative has the followingpowers—(a)tomakeinquiriesabouttheoperationsofcoalminesrelevant to the safety or health of coal
mine workers;(b)to enter any part of a coal mine at
any time to carry outthe representative’s functions, if
reasonable notice of theCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 8 Industry safety and health
representatives[s 120]proposed entry
is given to the site senior executive or thesite senior
executive’s representative;(c)to
examine any documents relevant to safety and healthheld
by persons with obligations under this Act, if therepresentativehasreasontobelievethedocumentscontaininformationrequiredtoassesswhetherproceduresareinplaceatacoalminetoachieveanacceptable level of risk to coal mine
workers;(d)tocopysafetyandhealthmanagementsystemdocuments,includingprincipalhazardmanagementplans,standardoperatingproceduresandtrainingrecords;(e)to require the person in control or
temporarily in controlof a coal mine to give the
representative reasonable helpin the exercise
of a power under paragraphs (a) to (d);(f)to
issue a directive under section 167.(2)A
person in control or temporarily in control of a coal minerequired to help the industry safety and
health representativeundersubsection
(1)(e)mustcomplywiththerequirement,unless the
person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(3)If the industry
safety and health representative requires accesstodocumentsforsubsection (1)(c),apersonwithanobligation under the Act with access
to the documents mustproducethemassoonasreasonablypracticableafterbeingasked, unless
the person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.120Industry safety
and health representative not tounnecessarily
impede productionAnindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentativemustnotunnecessarilyimpedeproductionatacoalminewhenexercisingtherepresentative’spowersorperformingtherepresentative’s functions.Page
94Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 8 Industry
safety and health representatives[s 121]Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.121Inadequate or ineffective safety and
health managementsystems(1)Ifanindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentativebelievesasafetyandhealthmanagementsystemisinadequateorineffective,therepresentativemustadvisethesiteseniorexecutive stating the reasons for the
representative’s belief.(2)If the industry
safety and health representative is not satisfiedthe
site senior executive is taking the action necessary to makethesafetyandhealthmanagementsystemadequateandeffective, the representative must advise an
inspector.(3)Theinspectormustinvestigatethematterandreporttheresults of the investigation in the mine
record.122Identity cards(1)The
chief executive must give each industry safety and healthrepresentative an identity card.(2)The identity card must—(a)contain a recent photograph of the
representative; and(b)be signed by the representative;
under this Act.123Failure to return identity cardApersonwhoceasestobeanindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentativemustreturntheperson’sidentitycardtothechiefexecutiveassoonaspracticable,butwithin21days,afterceasingtobeanindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentative,
unless the person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty points.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers and
directives[s 124]124Production or display of identity
card(1)An industry safety and health
representative may exercise apowerinrelationtoanotherpersononlyiftherepresentative—(a)first produces the representative’s identity
card for theother person’s inspection; or(b)has the identity card displayed so it
is clearly visible tothe other person.(2)However, if for any reason it is not
practicable to comply withsubsection (1) before exercising the
power, the industry safetyand health representative must produce
the identity card fortheotherperson’sinspectionatthefirstreasonableopportunity.Part 9Inspectors and other officersand
directivesDivision 1Inspectors and
inspection officers125Appointments(1)The
chief executive must appoint officers or employees of thepublic service as inspectors or inspection
officers.(2)Thechiefexecutivemustappointaninspectortobechiefinspector of
coal mines.126Qualifications for appointment as
inspectorThe chief executive may appoint a person as
an inspector onlyifthechiefexecutiveconsidersthepersonhasappropriatecompetencies and
adequate experience to effectively performan inspector’s
functions under this Act.Page 96Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 127]127Qualifications for appointment as
inspection officerThechiefexecutivemayappointapersonasaninspectionofficeronlyifthechiefexecutiveconsidersthepersonhasappropriatecompetencies,orotheradequateexperience,toeffectively perform an inspection officer’s
functions under thisAct.Notauthorised—indicativeonly127AAppointment conditions and limit on
powers(1)Apersonwhoisappointedasaninspectororinspectionofficer holds
office on any conditions stated in—(a)the
person’s instrument of appointment; or(b)asignednoticegiventothepersonbythechiefexecutive.(2)The
instrument of appointment, a notice given to the personby
the chief executive or a regulation may limit the person’sfunctions or powers under this Act for the
office.128Functions of inspectors and inspection
enforce this Act;(b)to monitor safety and health
performance at coal mines;(c)to inspect and
audit coal mines to assess whether risk topersons is at an
acceptable level;(d)to help persons to achieve the
purposes of this Act byproviding advice and information on
how the purposesare to be achieved;(e)to
check that safety and health management systems andproceduresareinplacetocontrolrisktopersonsaffected by coal
mining operations;(f)to provide the advice and help that
may be required fromtime to time during emergencies at
coal mines that mayaffect the safety or health of
persons;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers and
directives[s 129](g)ifunsafepracticesorconditionsatcoalminesaredetected, to ensure timely corrective
or remedial actionis being taken and, if not, require it to be
taken;(h)toinvestigateseriousaccidentsandhighpotentialincidents at coal mines;(i)toinvestigatemattersatcoalminesthataffectthesuccessful management of risk to
persons;(j)to investigate complaints about
matters relating to safetyor health resulting from coal mining
operations.129Further functions of inspectorsInspectors have the following additional
functions—(a)to advise the chief inspector on
safety and health at coalmines;(b)tomakerecommendationstothecommissioneraboutprosecutions under this Act.Division 2Authorised
chief executive may appoint officers or employees of thepublic service as authorised
officers.(2)However, the chief executive may only
appoint a person as anauthorisedofficerifthepersonhasqualificationsorexperience relevant to at least 1 of the
following areas—(a)occupational hygiene;(b)ergonomics;(c)investigating a matter under an Act.Page
98Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 129B]129BQualifications for appointment as
authorised officer(1)Thechiefexecutivemayonlyappointapersonasanauthorised officer after deciding the
functions the person mayperformunderthisActhavingregardtotheperson’scompetencies and experience.(2)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidesthatthefunctionsthepersonmay perform as
an authorised officer are limited because oftheperson’scompetenciesandexperience,thechiefexecutive,whenappointingthepersonasanauthorisedofficer,mustcorrespondinglylimittheextenttowhichtheperson may perform functions or exercise
powers as providedunder section 129C.129CAppointment conditions and limit on
functions andpowers(1)Apersonwhoisappointedasanauthorisedofficerholdsoffice on any
conditions stated in—(a)the person’s
instrument of appointment; or(b)asignednoticegiventothepersonbythechiefexecutive.(2)The
instrument of appointment, a notice given to the personby
the chief executive or a regulation may limit the person’sfunctions or powers under this Act for the
office.(3)An authorised officer is also subject
to the directions of thechief inspector in performing the
functions or exercising thepowers.(4)This section applies despite any other
provision of this Act.129DFunctions of
authorised officersSubject to sections 129B and 129C,
authorised officers havethe following functions—(a)to monitor safety and health
performance at coal mines;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers and
directives[s 129E](b)to
inspect and audit coal mines to assess whether risk isat
an acceptable level;(c)to help persons
to achieve the purposes of this Act byproviding advice
and information on how the purposesare to be
achieved;(d)to check that safety and health
management systems andproceduresareinplacetocontrolrisktopersonsaffected by coal
mining operations;(e)toinvestigateseriousaccidentsandhighpotentialincidents at coal mines;(f)toinvestigatemattersatcoalminesthataffectthesuccessful management of risk to
persons;(g)to investigate complaints about
matters relating to safetyor health resulting from coal mining
operations;(h)toinvestigatewhetherpersonsrequiredtoprovideinformation to
the chief executive under this Act haveprovided the
information and whether the information iscorrect.129EInformation about functions and
powers(1)Thissectionappliesifbeforeexercisingapowerorfurtherexercisingapowerinrelationtoaperson,anauthorisedofficerisaskedbythepersonforinformationabouttheauthorised officer’s functions or
powers under the Act.(2)The authorised
officer may exercise, or continue to exercise,thepowerinrelationtothepersononlyiftheauthorisedofficer first
produces for the person’s inspection a list of theauthorised officer’s functions and powers
under the Act.Page 100Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 3Coal Mining
Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers
and directives[s 130]Identity cards
for inspectors,inspection officers and authorisedofficers130Identity cards(1)Thechiefexecutivemustgiveeachinspector,inspectionofficer and
authorised officer an identity card.(2)The
identity card must—(a)contain a recent photograph of the
inspector, inspectionofficer or authorised officer;
and(b)besignedbytheinspector,inspectionofficerorauthorised officer; and(c)identify the person as an inspector,
inspection officer orauthorised officer under this
Act.131Failure to return identity cardA
person who ceases to be an inspector, inspection officer orauthorised officer must return the person’s
identity card to thechiefexecutiveassoonaspracticable,butwithin21days,afterceasingtobeaninspector,inspectionofficerorauthorised officer, unless the person
has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—40 penalty
points.132Production or display of identity
card(1)Aninspector,inspectionofficerorauthorisedofficermayexerciseapowerinrelationtoanotherpersononlyiftheinspector, inspection officer or
authorised officer—(a)first produces the inspector’s or
officer’s identity cardfor the other person’s; or(b)has the identity card displayed so it
is clearly visible tothe other person.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 101
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers and
directives[s 132A](2)However, if for any reason it is not
practicable to comply withsubsection (1)beforeexercisingthepower,theinspector,inspectionofficerorauthorisedofficermustproducetheidentitycardfortheotherperson’sinspectionatthefirstreasonable
opportunity.Division 4Powers of
inspectors, inspectionofficers and authorised
officersSubdivision 1Preliminary132ADefinition for div 4In this
officer.Subdivision 2Power to enter
places133Entry to places(1)An
officer may enter a place if—(a)its
occupier consents to the entry; or(b)it
is a public place and the entry is made when it is opento
the public; or(c)the entry is authorised by a warrant;
or(d)it is a coal mine; or(e)itis,ortheofficerreasonablysuspectsitis,aworkplace.(2)For
subsection (1)(a), for the purpose of asking the occupierofaplaceforconsenttoenter,anofficermay,withouttheoccupier’s consent or a warrant—Page
102Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 134](a)enter land around premises at the
place to an extent thatis reasonable to contact the occupier;
or(b)enter part of the place the officer
reasonably considersmembersofthepublicordinarilyareallowedtoenterwhen they wish
to contact the occupier.(3)For subsection
(1)(e), an entry may be made with, or without,the consent of
the person with management or control of theworkplace.(4)Anofficerwhoentersacoalmineorworkplacemustnotunnecessarily impede
production.Subdivision 3Procedure for
entry134Consent to entry(1)This
section applies if an officer intends to ask an occupier ofa
place to consent to the officer or another officer entering
purpose of the entry; and(b)that the
occupier is not required to consent.(3)If
the consent is given, the officer may ask the occupier to
signan acknowledgement of the consent.(4)The acknowledgement must state—(a)the occupier has been told—(i)the purpose of the entry; and(ii)that the
occupier is not required to consent; and(b)the
purpose of the entry; and(c)the occupier
gives the officer or other officer consent toenter the place
and exercise powers under this part; and(d)the
time and date the consent was given.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 103
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers and
directives[s 135](5)Iftheoccupiersignsanacknowledgement,theofficermustimmediately give a copy to the
occupier.(6)A court must find the occupier did not
consent to an officerentering the place under this part
if—(a)an issue arises in a proceeding before
the court whetherthe occupier of a place consented to the
entry; and(b)an acknowledgement is not produced in
evidence for theentry; and(c)it
is not proved by the person relying on the lawfulnessof
the entry that the occupier consented to the entry.135Application for warrant(1)Aninspectormayapplytoamagistrateforawarrantforaplace.(2)The
application must be sworn and state the grounds on whichthe
warrant is sought.(3)The magistrate may refuse to consider
the application until theinspectorgivesthemagistratealltheinformationthemagistraterequiresabouttheapplicationinthewaythemagistrate requires.Example—Themagistratemayrequireadditionalinformationsupportingtheapplication to be given by statutory
declaration.136Issue of warrant(1)The
magistrate may issue a warrant only if the magistrate issatisfied there are reasonable grounds for
suspecting—(a)there is a particular thing or
activity (theevidence) thatmay
provide evidence of an offence against this Act; and(b)theevidenceisattheplace,ormaybeattheplace,within the next
7 days.(2)The warrant must state—Page
104Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 137](a)thatastatedinspectormay,withnecessaryandreasonable help and force—(i)enter the place and any other place
necessary forentry; and(ii)exercise the inspector’s powers under this
part; and(b)the offence for which the warrant is
sought; and(c)the evidence that may be seized under
the warrant; and(d)thehoursofthedayornightwhentheplacemaybeentered; and(e)thedate,within14daysafterthewarrant’sissue,thewarrant ends.137Special warrants(1)An
inspector may apply for a warrant (aspecial
warrant) byphone,fax,radiooranotherformofcommunicationiftheinspector considers it necessary
because of—(a)urgent circumstances; or(b)other special circumstances,
including, for example, theinspector’s
remote location.(2)Before applying for the warrant, the
inspector must prepare anapplicationstatingthegroundsonwhichthewarrantissought.(3)Theinspectormayapplyforthewarrantbeforetheapplication is sworn.(4)Afterissuingthewarrant,themagistratemustimmediatelyfaxacopy(facsimilewarrant)totheinspectorifitisreasonably
practicable to fax the copy.(5)Ifitisnotreasonablypracticabletofaxacopytotheinspector—(a)the
magistrate must tell the inspector—(i)what
the terms of the warrant are; and(ii)the
date and time the warrant was issued; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 105
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers and
directives[s 138](b)theinspectormustcompleteaformofwarrant(awarrant form) and write on
it—(i)the magistrate’s name; and(ii)the date and
time the magistrate issued the warrant;and(iii)the terms of the
warrant.(6)Thefacsimilewarrant,orthewarrantformproperlycompletedbytheinspector,authorisestheentryandtheexercise of the other powers stated in
the warrant issued by themagistrate.(7)The
inspector must, at the first reasonable opportunity, send tothe
magistrate—(a)the sworn application; and(b)iftheinspectorcompletedawarrantform—thecompleted warrant form.(8)On
receiving the documents, the magistrate must attach themto
the warrant.(9)A court must find the exercise of the
power by an inspectorwas not authorised by a special
warrant if—(a)an issue arises in a proceeding before
the court whethertheexerciseofthepowerwasauthorisedbyaspecialwarrant;
and(b)the warrant is not produced in
evidence; and(c)it is not proved by the person relying
on the lawfulnessof the entry that the inspector obtained the
warrant.138Warrants—procedure before entry(1)This section applies if an inspector
named in a warrant issuedunder this part for a place is
intending to enter the place underthe
warrant.(2)Beforeenteringtheplace,theinspectormustdoormakeareasonable attempt to do the following
things—Page 106Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 138A](a)identifyhimselforherselftoapersonpresentattheplacewhoisanoccupieroftheplacebyproducingacopy
of the inspector’s notice of appointment or otherdocument evidencing the appointment;(b)give the person a copy of the warrant
or if the entry isauthorisedbyafacsimilewarrantorwarrantformmentionedinsection 137(6),acopyofthefacsimilewarrant or
warrant form;(c)tell the person the inspector is
permitted by the warrantto enter the place;(d)givethepersonanopportunitytoallowtheinspectorimmediate entry
to the place without using force.(3)However, the inspector need not comply with
subsection (2) ifthe inspector believes on reasonable grounds
that immediateentry to the place is required to ensure the
effective executionof the warrant is not frustrated.138AEntry to residential premisesDespite anything else in this division, the
powers of an officerunderthisdivisioninrelationtoenteringaplacearenotexercisable in relation to any part of
a place that is used forresidential purposes other
than—(a)with the consent of the person with
the management orcontrol of the place; or(b)under the authority conferred by a search
warrant; or(c)forthepurposeonlyofgainingaccesstoasuspectedworkplace, but only—(i)iftheofficerreasonablybelievesnoreasonablealternative
access is available; and(ii)at a reasonable
time having regard to the times atwhich the
officer believes work is being carried outat the place to
which access is sought; or(d)if the place is
a coal mine.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 139]Subdivision 4General
powersNotauthorised—indicativeonly139General powers
after entering coal mine or other places(1)This
section applies to an officer who enters a coal mine orother place.(2)However,ifanofficerentersaplacetogettheoccupier’sconsent to enter
premises, this section applies to the officeronlyiftheconsentisgivenortheentryisotherwiseauthorised.(3)For
monitoring and enforcing compliance with this Act, or forconducting an investigation under this Act,
the officer may—(a)search any part of the coal mine or
other place; or(b)inspect, measure, test, photograph or
film any part of thecoal mine or other place or anything
at the coal mine orother place; or(c)take
a thing, or a sample of or from a thing, at the coalmine
or other place for analysis or testing; or(d)copy
a document at the coal mine or other place; or(e)takeintoorontothecoalmineorotherplaceanypersons, equipment and materials the
officer reasonablyrequires for exercising a power under this
division; or(f)require a person at the coal mine or
other place, to givetheofficerreasonablehelptoexercisetheofficer’spowers under
paragraphs (a) to (e); or(g)requireapersonatthecoalmineorotherplace,toanswerquestionsbytheofficertohelptheofficerascertain
whether this Act is being or has been compliedwith, or for the
purpose of conducting an investigationunder this
Act.(4)When making a requirement mentioned in
subsection (3)(f) or(g), the officer must warn the person
it is an offence to fail tocomplywiththerequirement,unlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse.Page 108Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 140]140Failure to help officerApersonrequiredtogivereasonablehelpundersection
person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Notauthorised—indicativeonly141Failure to answer questions(1)Apersonofwhomarequirementismadeundersection 139(3)(g) must not, unless the
person has a reasonableexcuse,failtocomplywitharequirementtoansweraquestion.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(2)It is a
reasonable excuse for an individual not to comply withthe
requirement if complying with the requirement might tendto
incriminate the individual or make the individual liable to
(2)doesnotapplyiftherequirementrelates to a
serious accident or high potential incident.142Site
senior executive must help officer(1)Anofficermayrequireasiteseniorexecutivetohelptheofficer in the performance of the officer’s
functions.(2)Asiteseniorexecutiverequiredtohelpanofficermustcomply with the requirement, unless the site
senior executivehas a reasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Subdivision 5Power to seize
evidence143Seizing evidence at coal mine or other
placeAn officer who enters a coal mine or other
place under thispart may seize a thing at the coal mine or
other place if theCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers and
directives[s 144]officer
reasonably believes the thing is evidence of an offenceagainst this Act.144Securing things after seizureHaving seized a thing, an officer
may—(a)move the thing from the place where it
was seized (theplace of seizure); or(b)leavethethingattheplaceofseizure,buttakereasonable
action to restrict access to it.Examples of
restricting access to a thing—1sealingathingandmarkingittoshowaccesstoitisrestricted2sealing the entrance to a room where the
thing is situatedand marking it to show access to it is
restricted145Tampering with things subject to
seizureIf an officer restricts access to a thing
seized, a person mustnot tamper, or attempt to tamper, with
the thing, or somethingrestricting access to the thing,
without an officer’s approval.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.146Powers to support
seizure(1)Toenableathingtobeseized,anofficermayrequiretheperson in control of it—(a)totakeittoastatedreasonableplacebyastatedreasonable time; and(b)if
necessary, to remain in control of it at the stated placefor
a reasonable time.(2)The requirement—(a)must
be made by notice; orPage 110Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 147](b)if for any reason it is not
practicable to give notice, maybemadeorallyandconfirmedbynoticeassoonaspracticable.(3)A
person of whom the requirement is made must comply withthe
requirement, at the person’s expense, unless the person hasa
reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(4)A further requirement may be made
under this section aboutthe same thing if it is necessary and
reasonable to make thefurther requirement.147Receipts to be given on seizure(1)Assoonaspracticableafteranofficerseizesathing,theofficer must give a receipt for it to the
person from whom itwas seized.(2)However, if for any reason it is not
practicable to comply withsubsection (1), the officer must leave
the receipt at the placeofseizureinaconspicuouspositionandinareasonablysecure
way.(3)The receipt must describe generally
each thing seized and itscondition.(4)This
section does not apply to a thing if it is impracticable orwould be unreasonable to give the receipt,
given the thing’snature, condition and value.148Forfeiture(1)A
thing that has been seized under this subdivision is
forfeitedto the State if the officer who seized the
or(b)can not return it to its owner, after
making reasonableefforts.(2)In
applying subsection (1)—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers and
directives[s 149](a)subsection (1)(a)doesnotrequiretheofficertomakeinquiriesifitwouldbeunreasonableintheparticularcircumstances to
make inquiries to find the owner; and(b)subsection (1)(b)doesnotrequiretheofficertomakeeffortsifitwouldbeunreasonableintheparticularcircumstances to
make efforts to return the thing to itsowner.(3)Regard must be had to a thing’s
nature, condition and value indeciding—(a)whether it is reasonable to make
inquiries or efforts; and(b)if making
inquiries or efforts—what inquiries or efforts,includingtheperiodoverwhichtheyaremade,arereasonable.149Return of seized things(1)This
section applies if a seized thing has some intrinsic valueand
is not forfeited.(2)If the thing is not returned to its
owner within 1 year after itwas seized, the
owner may apply to the chief inspector for itsreturn.(3)Within30daysafterreceivingtheapplication,thechiefinspector
must—(a)ifthechiefinspectorissatisfiedtherearereasonablegrounds for
retaining the thing and decides to retain it—give the owner
written notice of the decision, includingthe grounds for
retaining the thing; or(b)otherwise—return
the thing to the owner.(4)If, at any time
after the thing was seized, the chief inspectorstopsbeingsatisfiedtherearereasonablegroundsforretaining it, the chief inspector must
return it to its owner.(5)Without limiting
subsections (3) and (4), there are reasonablegrounds for
retaining the thing if—(a)the thing is
being, or is likely to be, examined; orPage 112Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 150](b)the thing is needed, or may be needed,
for the purposesof—(i)aninvestigation,boardofinquiry,coroner’sinquestorproceedingforanoffenceagainstthisAct that is
likely to be started; or(ii)aninvestigation,boardofinquiry,coroner’sinquestorproceedingforanoffenceagainstthisAct that has
been started but not completed; or(iii)an
appeal from a decision in a proceeding for anoffence against
this Act; or(c)it is not lawful for the owner to
possess the thing.(6)In this section—examineincludes analyse, test, measure, weigh,
grade, gaugeand identify.owner,ofaseizedthing,includesapersonwhowouldbeentitled to possession of the thing had it
not been seized.150Access to things that have been
seized(1)Until a thing that has been seized is
forfeited or returned, anofficermustallowitsownertoinspectitand,ifitisadocument, to copy it.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply if it is
impracticable or wouldbe unreasonable to allow the
inspection or copying.(3)For this
section, if an officer has required a person to take athingtoastatedplacebyastatedreasonabletimeundersection
146theofficermayrequirethepersontoreturnthething to the place from which it was
taken.(4)The person must return the thing at
the person’s expense.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 151]Subdivision 6Power to stop
and secure plant andequipmentNotauthorised—indicativeonly151Officer may stop
and secure plant and equipment(1)Ifanofficerbelievesplantorequipmentatacoalmineislikely to cause serious bodily injury
or create an immediatethreat to health, the officer may stop
the operation of the plantor equipment and prevent it from being
further operated.(2)If an officer has taken action under
subsection (1), the officermust confirm the
action by entry in the mine record.(3)Thesiteseniorexecutivemustensurethattheplantorequipment is not returned to operation until
the risk to personsfrom the plant or equipment is at an
acceptable level.Maximum penalty for subsection (3)—200
penalty units.Subdivision 7Power to obtain
information152Power to require name and
address(1)This section applies if—(a)an officer finds a person committing
an offence againstthis Act; or(b)an
officer finds a person in circumstances that lead, orhasinformationthatleads,theofficerreasonablytosuspect the person has just committed an
offence againstthis Act.(2)The
officer may require the person to state the person’s nameand
residential address.(3)Whenmakingtherequirement,theofficermustwarntheperson it is an offence to fail to state the
person’s name orresidential address, unless the person has a
reasonable excuse.(4)The officer may require the person to
give the officer evidenceof the correctness of the stated name
or residential address ifPage 114Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 153]the
officer reasonably suspects the stated name or address tobe
false.(5)Arequirementundersubsection (2)or(4)isapersonaldetails
requirement.Notauthorised—indicativeonly153Failure to give name or address(1)Apersonofwhomapersonaldetailsrequirementismademustcomplywiththerequirement,unlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(2)A person does
not commit an offence against subsection (1)if—(a)the person was required to state the
person’s name andresidentialaddressbyanofficerwhosuspectedtheperson had committed an offence against this
Act; and(b)the person is not proved to have
committed the offence.154Power to require
production of documents(1)An officer may
require a person who has a safety and healthobligation under
this Act to make available, or produce, forinspectionbytheofficeratareasonabletimeandplacenominated by the
officer, a document to which the person hasaccessthatrelatesorisrelatedtotheperson’sobligationsunder this
Act.(2)The officer may keep the document to
copy it.(3)Iftheofficercopiesthedocument,oranentryinthedocument, the officer may require the
person responsible forkeeping the document to certify the
copy as a true copy of thedocument or entry.(4)The
officer must return the document to the person as soon aspracticable after copying it.(5)However,ifarequirement(documentcertificationrequirement)ismadeofapersonundersubsection (3),theCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers and
directives[s 155]officer may keep
the document until the person complies withthe
requirement.(6)Also, the officer may keep the
document if the officer believesit is required
for the investigation of a serious accident or highpotential incident.(6A)Ifanofficerkeepsadocumentundersubsection (6),theofficermustgiveacopyofthedocumenttothepersonresponsible for
keeping the document.(7)A requirement
under subsection (1) is adocument productionrequirement.(8)Whenmakingadocumentproductionrequirementordocument certification requirement, an
officer must warn theperson of whom the requirement is made
that it is an offenceto fail to comply with the requirement
unless the person has areasonable excuse.155Failure to produce document(1)Apersonofwhomadocumentproductionrequirementismademustcomplywiththerequirement,unlessthepersonhas a reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(2)It is not a reasonable excuse to fail
to produce the documentthat producing the document might
incriminate the person ormake the person liable to a
penalty.156Failure to certify copy of
documentApersonofwhomadocumentcertificationrequirementismademustcomplywiththerequirement,unlessthepersonhas a reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.Page
116Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 157]157Power to require attendance of persons
before an officerto answer questions(1)An
officer may require a person to attend before the officerand
to answer questions—(a)relevanttothedischargeoftheperson’ssafetyandhealth obligations under this Act; or(b)onsafetyandhealthmattersrelevanttocoalminingoperations; or(c)to
ascertain whether this Act is being complied with; or(d)relevant to any action carried out by
the officer underthis Act.(2)A
requirement made of a person under this section to attendbefore an officer must—(a)be
made by notice given to the person; and(b)stateareasonabletimeandplacefortheperson’sattendance.(3)Whenmakingarequirementunderthissection,theofficermust warn the
person it is an offence to fail to comply with therequirement, unless the person has a
reasonable excuse.158Failure to comply with requirement
about attendance(1)A person of whom a requirement is made
under section 157must not, unless the person has a reasonable
excuse—(a)failtoattendbeforetheofficeratthetimeandplacestated in the
relevant notice; or(b)when attending before the officer fail
to comply with arequirement to answer a question.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(2)It is a reasonable excuse for an
individual not to comply witharequirementtoansweraquestionifcomplyingwiththerequirement might tend to incriminate
the individual or makethe individual liable to a
penalty.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 159](3)However,subsection
(2)doesnotapplyiftherequirementrelates to a
serious accident or high potential incident.Notauthorised—indicativeonly159Use of particular
evidence in proceedings(1)Subsection (2)
applies in relation to any answer given by anindividualinresponsetoarequirementundersection 139(3)(g) or 157(1).(2)Neithertheanswernoranyinformation,documentorotherthing obtained
as a direct or indirect result of the answer isadmissibleinanyproceedingagainsttheindividual,otherthan
a proceeding in which the falsity or misleading nature ofthe
answer is relevant.(3)Ifadocument,producedunderadocumentproductionrequirement,isthepersonalpropertyofanindividualofwhomtherequirementismadeandthedocumentmightincriminate the individual or make the
individual liable to apenalty—(a)the
document is admissible in a proceeding against theindividual for an offence under this Act;
but(b)neither the document nor anything
obtained as a directorindirectresultoftheindividualproducingthedocument is admissible in any other
proceeding againstthe individual for an offence.Subdivision 8Additional
powers of chief inspector160Additional powers
of chief inspectorThechiefinspectorhasthepowersofaninspectorandthefollowing
additional powers—(a)to give a directive under section
172;(b)toreview,andconfirm,varyorsetaside,directivesgivenbyinspectors,inspectionofficersorindustrysafety and
health representatives.Page 118Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 5Coal Mining
Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers
and directives[s 161]Directives by
inspectors, inspectionofficers and industry safety
andhealth representativesSubdivision
1Power to give and way of givingdirectives161Directive may be givenAdirectivemaybegivenbyaperson,andforamatter,mentioned in subdivision 2.162How directive is given(1)Other than for sections 166, 167 and
170, the directive mustbe given in writing to the coal mine
operator for the coal mineto which the directive relates.(2)Thepersongivingthedirectivemustgiveacopyofthedirective to the site senior executive
for the mine.(3)Failuretocomplywithsubsection (2)doesnotaffectthevalidity of the directive.163How directive is given for ss 166, 167
and 170For sections 166, 167 and 170, a directive
is to be given in theway stated in the sections.Subdivision 2Matters for
which directives may begiven164Directive to ensure coal mine worker
competentIf an inspector believes that a particular
task at a coal mineshouldbeperformedonlybypersonswithaparticularCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 119
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 165]competency, the inspector may give a
directive that the task beperformed only by a person with the
competency.Notauthorised—indicativeonly165Directive to
carry out testIf an inspector reasonably suspects a risk
from coal miningoperations is not at an acceptable level,
the inspector may givea directive to carry out stated tests
to decide whether the levelof risk is at an
acceptable level.166Directive to reduce risk(1)If an inspector or inspection officer
reasonably believes a riskfrom coal mining operations may reach
an unacceptable level,the inspector or officer may give a
directive to any person totake stated corrective or preventative
action to prevent the riskreaching an unacceptable level.(2)The directive may be given orally or
by notice.(3)If the directive is given orally, the
person giving the directivemust confirm the
directive by notice to the person in control ofthe mine or part
of the mine affected by the directive and tothe relevant
site senior executive.(4)Failuretocomplywithsubsection (3)doesnotaffectthevalidity of the directive.167Directive to suspend operations for
unacceptable level ofrisk(1)If
an inspector, inspection officer or industry safety and
healthrepresentative believes risk from coal
mining operations is notat an acceptable level, the inspector,
officer or representativemay give a directive to any person to
suspend operations in allor part of the mine.(2)The directive may be given orally or
by notice.(3)If the directive is given orally, the
person giving the directivemust confirm the
directive by notice to the person in control ofPage 120Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 168]the
mine or part of the mine affected by the directive and tothe
relevant site senior executive.(4)Failuretocomplywithsubsection (3)doesnotaffectthevalidity of the directive.168Directive to review safety and health
managementsystem and principal hazard management
plansIfaninspectorbelievesthesafetyandhealthmanagementsystem or a
principal hazard management plan for a coal mineis
ineffective, the inspector may give a directive to review
thesafety and health management system or the
principal hazardmanagement plan and make it
effective.169Directive to suspend operations for
ineffective safety andhealth management systemIfaninspectorbelievesthereisnotaneffectivesafetyandhealth management system for a coal
mine or part of a coalmine,theinspectormaygiveadirectivesuspendingoperations in
all or part of the mine.170Directive to
isolate site(1)If an inspector believes it is
necessary to preserve evidenceafteraseriousaccidentorhighpotentialincident,theinspectormaygiveadirectivetoanypersontoisolateandprotect the accident or incident
site.(2)The directive may be given orally or
by notice.(3)If the directive is given orally, the
inspector must confirm thedirective by notice to the person in
control of the mine or partof the mine
affected by the directive and to the relevant sitesenior executive.(4)Failuretocomplywithsubsection (3)doesnotaffectthevalidity of the directive.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers and
directives[s 171]171Directive about separate part of the
mine(1)Thissectionappliesifpartofasurfaceminetakentobeaseparate part of
a surface mine under section 21(4) is operatedin a way so that
it is no longer a separate part of a surfacemine under
section 21(4).(2)An inspector may give a directive to a
person to operate thepart of the surface mine so that it is
a separate part of a mineunder section 21(4).(3)If the directive is not complied with,
an inspector may give afurtherdirectivesuspendingoperationsinthepartofthesurface mine.172Directive to provide independent engineering
study(1)Thechiefinspectormaygiveadirectivetoprovideanindependent engineering study about—(a)risks arising out of coal mining
operations; or(b)the safety of part or all of any
plant, building or structureat the mine;
or(c)a serious accident or high potential
incident at the mine.(2)The directive
must state—(a)the reasons for and objectives of the
study; and(b)thatthepersonwhoundertakesthestudymustbeaperson approved
by the chief inspector.(3)Forsubsection (2)(b),thechiefinspectormayapproveaperson only if the person—(a)has relevant professional
qualifications and experiencefor the study;
and(b)isnotanemployeeofthecoalmineoperatorforthemine or of a contractor at the
mine.Page 122Current as at
[Not applicable]
Subdivision 3Coal Mining
Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers
and directives[s 173]Recording of
directives and othermattersNotauthorised—indicativeonly173Records must be kept(1)An inspector, inspection officer or
industry safety and healthrepresentative must keep an accurate
record of all reports anddirectivesgivenbytheinspector,officerorrepresentativeunder this
Act.(1A)Anauthorisedofficermustkeepanaccuraterecordofallreports given by
the authorised officer under this Act.(2)An
inspector, inspection officer, authorised officer or
industrysafety and health representative must make a
written report ofevery inspection of a coal mine made by the
inspector, officeror representative under this Act.(3)An inspector, inspection officer,
authorised officer or industrysafetyandhealthrepresentativemustgivethecoalmineoperator and the site senior executive of
the mine a copy of thereport as soon as practicable after
making it.174Directives(1)Ifaninspector,inspectionofficer,orindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentativehasgivenadirective,theinspector,officer or
representative—(a)must enter it in the mine record as
soon as reasonablypracticable after giving it; and(b)must state the reason for the
directive in the mine record.(2)A
person to whom a directive is given must comply with thedirective as soon as reasonably
site senior executive must enterinthe
mine record theactiontakentocomplywiththedirectiveassoonaspracticable after the action is
taken.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers and
directives[s 175]Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(4)Thesiteseniorexecutivemustmakecopiesofdirectivesavailable for
inspection by coal mine workers.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(5)A directive
remains effective until—(a)foradirectivebyanindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentative—itiswithdrawninwritingbytherepresentative or an inspector;
or(b)for a directive by the chief
inspector—it is withdrawn inwriting by the
chief inspector; or(c)foradirectivebyaninspectorotherthanthechiefinspector—it is
withdrawn in writing by the inspector oranother
inspector; or(d)for a directive of an inspection
officer—it is withdrawnin writing by the inspection officer
or an inspector; or(e)foradirectivebyanindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentative,
an inspection officer or an inspector andnot otherwise
withdrawn—the chief inspector varies orsetsasidethedirectiveafterreviewingitundersubdivision 4;
4Review of directives175Application for reviewApersonwhoisgivenadirective fromaninspector(otherthan
the chief inspector), inspection officer or industry safetyand
health representative may apply under this division for thedirective to be reviewed.Page
124Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors
and other officers and directives[s 176]176Procedure for review(1)The application must—(a)be made in writing to the chief
inspector; and(b)be supported by enough information to
allow the chiefinspector to decide the application.(2)The application must be made to the
chief inspector within—(a)7 days after the
day on which the person received thedirective;
or(b)thelongerperiod,within2monthsaftertheday,thechief inspector in special circumstances
allows.(3)Thechiefinspectormustconsidertheapplicationwithin7days after receiving it and
immediately advise the applicant inwriting whether
the chief inspector considers the applicant hascomplied with
subsection (1).(4)Ifthechiefinspectordoesnotconsidertheapplicationissupported by enough information to allow the
chief inspectorto decide the application, the chief
inspector must advise theapplicantwhatfurtherinformationthechiefinspectorrequires.(5)Whenthechiefinspectorissatisfiedtheapplicanthascompliedwithsubsection (1),thechiefinspectormustimmediately
advise the applicant in writing of that fact.177Review of directive(1)Thechiefinspectormust,within14daysaftergivingtheadvice mentioned in section 176(5), review
the directive andmake a decision (thereview
decision)—(a)to confirm the
directive appealed against; or(b)to
vary or set aside the directive appealed against.(2)The chief inspector may give a
directive in substitution for adirective the
chief inspector decides to set aside.(3)Within7daysaftermakingthereviewdecision,thechiefinspector must
give notice of the decision to the applicant.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 125
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers and
directives[s 178](4)The
notice must—(a)include the reasons for the review
decision; and(b)ifthenoticedoesnotsetasidethedirective,telltheapplicant of the applicant’s right of
appeal against thedecision.(5)If
the chief inspector does not—(a)reviewthedirectivewithinthetimeallowedundersubsection (1);
(3);the applicant may appeal against the
directive under part 14.178Stay of operation
of directive(1)Ifapersonappliesunderthisdivisionforadirectivetobereviewed, the person may immediately
apply to the IndustrialCourt for a stay of the
directive.(2)The court may stay the directive to
secure the effectiveness ofthe review and
any later appeal to the court.(3)A
stay—(a)maybegivenonconditionsthecourtconsidersappropriate; and(b)operates for the period fixed by the court;
and(c)may be revoked or amended by the
court.(4)The period of a stay must not extend
past the time when thechief inspector reviews the directive
and any later period thecourt allows the person to enable the
person to appeal againstthe decision.(5)Anapplicationmadeforareviewofadirectiveaffectsthedirective,orthecarryingoutofthedirective,onlyifthedirective is
stayed.(6)However, a directive under section 167
must not be stayed.Page 126Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 6Coal Mining
Safety and Health Act 1999Part 9 Inspectors and other officers
and directives[s 179]General
enforcement offences179False or misleading statements(1)A person must not state anything to an
inspector, inspectionofficer,authorisedofficerorindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentativethepersonknowsisfalseormisleadinginamaterial particular.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Itisenoughforacomplaintforanoffenceagainstsubsection (1) to allege and prove that the
statement made was‘falseormisleading’totheperson’sknowledge,withoutspecifying which.180False
or misleading documents(1)Apersonmustnotgiveaninspector,inspectionofficer,authorised officer or industry safety and
health representativea document containing information the
person knows is falseor misleading in a material
particular.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a
person if the person, whengiving the document—(a)tells the inspector, inspection
officer, authorised officeror industry
safety and health representative, to the bestof the person’s
ability, how it is false or misleading; and(b)if
the person has, or can reasonably obtain, the correctinformation—gives the correct
information.(3)Also, a person must not make an entry
in a document requiredor permitted to be made or kept under
this Act knowing theentry to be false or misleading in a
material particular.Maximum penalty—100 penalty
units.(4)Itisenoughforacomplaintforanoffenceagainstsubsection (1) or (3) to allege and prove
that the document orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 10 Board of examiners[s 181]entrywas‘falseormisleading’totheperson’sknowledge,without
specifying which.181Obstructing inspectors, officers or
industry safety andhealth representatives(1)Apersonmustnotobstructaninspector,inspectionofficer,authorised officer or industry safety and
health representativein the exercise of a power, unless the
person has a reasonableexcuse.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Ifapersonhasobstructedaninspector,inspectionofficer,authorised officer or industry safety and
health representativeand the inspector, officer or
representative decides to proceedwiththeexerciseofthepower,theinspector,officerorrepresentative must warn the person
and(b)theinspector,officerorrepresentativeconsiderstheperson’s conduct an
obstruction.Part 10Board of
examinersDivision 1Purposes of
part182Purposes of pt 10The main
purposes of this part are to provide for a board ofexaminers and to state its functions.Page
128Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 2Coal Mining
Safety and Health Act 1999Part 10 Board of examiners[s
183]Board of examiners and itsfunctionsNotauthorised—indicativeonly183Inspector for pt 10In
this part—inspectorincludesaninspectorappointedundertheMiningand Quarrying
Safety and Health Act 1999.184Board
of examinersThe board of examiners is
established.185Functions of board of examinersThe
board of examiners has the following functions—(a)todecidethecompetenciesnecessaryforholdersofcertificates of competency;(b)toassessapplicants,orhaveapplicantsassessed,forcertificates of competency;(c)to grant certificates of competency to
persons who havedemonstrated to the board’s satisfaction the
appropriatecompetencies necessary to hold the
certificates;(d)to ensure the competencies under this
Act are consistentwith the competencies required by other
States for theholders of certificates of
competency;(e)toissuenotices(siteseniorexecutivenotices)topersonswhohavedemonstratedtotheboard’ssatisfactionthesafetyandhealthcompetencies,recognised by
the committee under section 76, requiredto perform the
duties of a site senior executive for a coalmine;(f)to perform other functions given to
the board under thisAct or theMining and
Quarrying Safety and Health Act1999.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 10 Board of examiners[s 186]186Membership and conduct of board
proceedings(1)The board of examiners is to consist
of a chairperson and atleast 6 other members.(2)An inspector is to be
chairperson.(3)Each member must—(a)have
at least 10 years practical experience in the miningindustry; and(b)hold
a certificate of competency under this Act or theMining and Quarrying Safety and Health Act
chief inspector;(b)thechiefinspectorofminesundertheMiningandQuarrying Safety and Health Act 1999.(4)In addition to the members mentioned
in subsection (3A)—(a)at least 1 member must be an inspector
who holds a firstclass certificate of competency for an
underground coalmine; and(b)at
least 1 member must be an inspector who holds a firstclass certificate of competency for an
underground mineunder the Mining and Quarrying Safety and
Health Act1999.(5)At
least 6 of the members must be currently engaged in themining industry, of whom—(a)at least 1 must—(i)be
employed by a coal mine operator; and(ii)hold
a first class certificate of competency for anunderground coal
mine; and(b)at least 1 must—(i)be
employed by an operator under theMining
andQuarrying Safety and Health Act 1999;
andPage 130Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 10 Board of
examiners[s 187](ii)hold
a first class certificate of competency for anunderground mine
under that Act.(6)Forsubsection
(5),thefollowingpersonsaretakentobecurrently engaged in the mining
industry—(a)inspectors;(b)industry safety and health
representatives;(c)district workers’ representatives
under theMiningandQuarrying Safety and Health Act 1999.(7)A member, other
than a member mentioned in subsection (3A),may be appointed
for a term of not more than 5 years.187Board
of examiners to appoint secretaryThe board of
examiners must appoint a person to be secretaryto the
board.188Appointment of board of
examiners(1)Themembersoftheboardofexaminers,otherthanthemembers mentioned in section 186(3A), are to
be appointedby the Governor in Council by gazette
notice.(2)The members who are not inspectors are
appointed under thisAct and not thePublic Service
Act 2008.189Quorum and voting
at meetings of the boardAt a meeting of the board of
examiners—(a)aquorumconsistsofhalfthenumberofmembersappointed to the
board or, if that number is not a wholenumber, the next
higher whole number; and(b)a question must
be decided by a majority of the votes ofthe members
present and voting; and(c)each member
present has a vote on each question to bedecidedand,ifthevotesareequal,thememberpresiding also
has a casting vote.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 10 Board of examiners[s 190]190Presiding at meetings of the board of
examiners(1)The chairperson must preside at all
meetings of the board ofexaminers at which the chairperson is
present.(2)In the absence of the chairperson, an
inspector nominated bythe chairperson presides.(3)The inspector nominated must be a
member of the board.191Conditions of appointment(1)A member of the board of examiners,
other than a memberwhoisaninspector,isentitledtobepaidthefeesandallowances decided by the Governor in
Council.(2)A member holds office on conditions
not provided by this Actthat are decided by the
Minister.192Proceedings of the board of
examiners(1)The way the board of examiners is to
conduct its proceedingsmay be prescribed under a
regulation.(2)Ifthewaytheboardistoconductitsproceedingsisnotprescribed, the board may conduct its
proceedings in the wayit considers appropriate.193SubcommitteesTheboardmayappointsubcommitteestoadviseitonparticular issues.Division 3General193ARegister to be kept by board of
examiners(1)The board of examiners must keep a
register of—(a)certificates of competency granted by
the board; and(b)site senior executive notices issued
by the board; andPage 132Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 10 Board of
examiners[s 194](c)noticesofregistrationgivenbytheboardunderamutual recognition Act.(2)The
register must include the following information—(a)for a certificate of competency or
site senior executivenotice—(i)thenameandcontactdetailsoftheholderofthecertificate or
notice; and(ii)details of the
certificate or notice; and(iii)the status of
the certificate or notice, including, if ithasbeensuspended,cancelledorsurrenderedunderthisAct,detailsofthesuspension,cancellation or
contact details of the person to whom the notice wasgiven;(c)any
other information prescribed by regulation.(3)Theboardofexaminersmaydiscloseinformationintheregister, other than the contact
details of an individual, to anyperson or
agency.(4)In this section—mutual
recognition Actmeans—(a)the
Mutual Recognition Act 1992 (Cwlth); or(b)theTrans-TasmanMutualRecognitionAct1997(Cwlth).194Examiners to be qualifiedApersonmustnotassessanapplicantforacertificateofcompetency unless the person has appropriate
qualificationsand experience to assess the
applicant.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 10 Board of examiners[s 194A]194ABoard of examiners may consider
previous suspension,cancellation or surrender of
certificate of competency orsite senior
executive notice(1)This section applies if—(a)apersonhasappliedforthegrantofacertificateofcompetency or site senior executive notice;
and(b)acertificateofcompetencyorsiteseniorexecutivenoticepreviouslyheldbythepersonwassuspended,cancelled or
surrendered under this Act.(2)Theboardofexaminersmayhaveregardtotheprevioussuspension,cancellationorsurrenderindecidingtheapplication.(3)Subsection (2) does not limit the matters to
which the board ofexaminers may have regard in deciding the
application.195Obtaining certificates of competency
or site seniorexecutive notices by fraud(1)A person must not become, or attempt
to become, the holderof a certificate of competency or site
senior executive noticeby giving false information to the
board of examiners.Maximum penalty—400 penalty units.(2)Theboardofexaminersmaycancelacertificateofcompetencyorsiteseniorexecutivenoticebynoticetotheholderiftheboardissatisfiedthattheholderobtainedthecertificateofcompetencyorsiteseniorexecutivenoticebygiving false information to the
board.(3)Iftheboardofexaminersdecidestocancelacertificateofcompetencyorsiteseniorexecutivenotice,theboardmustgivenoticeofthedecisiontothefollowingpersons,totheextent the persons are known to the
board—(a)for a decision relating to a
certificate of competency—the site senior executive for each
coal mine at which theholder works;Page 134Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 10 Board of
examiners[s 196](b)for
a decision relating to a site senior executive notice—the
coal mine operator for each coal mine at which theholder works.196Return of certificate of competency or site
seniorexecutive noticeTheholderofacertificateofcompetencyorsiteseniorexecutivenoticemust,unlesstheholderhasareasonableexcuse,immediatelyreturnthecertificateornoticetotheboard of examiners if—(a)theboardhasgiventheholdernoticeundersection 195(2);
or(b)anindustrialmagistratesuspendsorcancelsthecertificate or notice under section 258;
or(c)the chief executive suspends or
cancels the certificate ornotice under part 10A; or(d)the holder surrenders the certificate
or notice.Maximum penalty—400 penalty units.196AEffect on particular appointments of
suspension,cancellation or surrender of certificate of
competency orsite senior executive notice(1)This section applies if—(a)acertificateofcompetencyorsiteseniorexecutivenoticeheldbyapersonissuspended,cancelledorsurrendered under this Act; and(b)immediatelybeforethesuspension,cancellationorsurrendertookeffect,thepersonheldanappointmentunder this Act;
and(c)thisActrequiresapersontoholdthecertificateofcompetencyorsiteseniorexecutivenoticetobeappointed to the
position.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 10A
Suspension and cancellation of certificates of competency and site
seniorexecutive notices by chief executive[s
197](2)Theperson’sappointmenttothepositionendsonthesuspension,cancellationorsurrenderoftheperson’scertificate of
competency or site senior executive notice.Notauthorised—indicativeonly197Annual
report(1)As soon as practicable, but within 4
months, after the end ofeach financial year, the board of
examiners must prepare andgive to the Minister a report on the
board’s operations for theyear.(2)The
Minister must table a copy of the report in the LegislativeAssembly within 14 sitting days after
receiving it.Part 10ASuspension and
cancellation ofcertificates of competency andsite
senior executive notices bychief
executive197AGrounds for suspension or
cancellation(1)Each of the following is a ground for
suspending or cancellinga person’s certificate of competency
under this part—(a)thepersonhascontravenedasafetyandhealthobligation;(b)thepersonhascommittedanoffenceagainstalawofQueenslandoranotherState(acorrespondinglaw)relating to mining safety;(c)a certificate, equivalent to a
certificate of competency,that was issued to the person under a
corresponding lawof another State has been suspended or
cancelled.(2)Each of the following is a ground for
suspending or cancellinga person’s site senior executive
notice under this part—(a)thepersonhascontravenedasafetyandhealthobligation;Page 136Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 10A
Suspension and cancellation of certificates of competency and site
seniorexecutive notices by chief executive[s
197B](b)thepersonhascommittedanoffenceagainstacorresponding law.Notauthorised—indicativeonly197BNotice of proposed action(1)This section applies if the chief
executive considers there is agroundtosuspendorcancelaperson’scertificateofcompetencyorsiteseniorexecutivenotice(theproposedaction).(2)Beforetakingtheproposedaction,thechiefexecutivemustgivethepersonanotice(aproposedactionnotice)statingeach of the
following matters—(a)the proposed action;(b)the ground for the proposed
action;(c)anoutlineofthefactsandcircumstancesformingthebasis for the ground;(d)iftheproposedactionistosuspendthecertificateofcompetencyorsiteseniorexecutivenotice—theproposed period
of the suspension;(e)thatthepersonmaymakeawrittensubmissiontothechiefexecutive,withinastatedperiodofatleast28days,toshowwhytheproposedactionshouldnotbetaken.197CSubmission against taking of proposed
actionThepersonmay,withintheperiodstatedintheproposedactionnoticeundersection197B(2)(e),makeawrittensubmissiontothechiefexecutivetoshowwhytheproposedaction should
not be taken.197DDecision to take proposed
action(1)This section applies if—(a)theperiodstatedintheproposedactionnoticeundersection 197B(2)(e) has ended; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 10A Suspension and cancellation of
certificates of competency and site seniorexecutive notices
by chief executive[s 197D](b)thechiefexecutivehasconsideredanywrittensubmission made
by the person under section 197C; and(c)the
chief executive still considers a ground exists to takethe
proposed action.(2)The chief executive may decide—(a)if the proposed action was to suspend
the certificate ofcompetency or site senior executive
notice—to suspendthe certificate or notice for no longer than
the proposedperiodofthesuspensionstated intheproposedactionnotice; or(b)iftheproposedactionwastocancelthecertificateofcompetencyorsiteseniorexecutivenotice—tocancelthe certificate
or notice or suspend it for a period.(3)Thechiefexecutivemustgivethepersonnoticeofthedecision.(4)The notice must state each of the
following matters—(a)the chief executive’s decision;(b)the reasons for the decision;(c)that the person may appeal against the
decision within28 days;(d)how
the person may appeal;(e)that the person
may apply for a stay of the decision if theperson appeals
against it.(5)The decision takes effect on the day
the notice is given to theperson.(6)The
chief executive must give notice of the decision to—(a)thefollowingpersons,totheextentthepersonsareknown to the chief executive—(i)foradecisionrelatingtoacertificateofcompetency—thesiteseniorexecutiveforeachcoal mine at
which the person works;Page 138Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 11 Accidents
and incidents[s 198](ii)foradecisionrelatingtoasiteseniorexecutivenotice—the coal
mine operator for each coal mineat which the
person works; and(b)the board of examiners.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
11Accidents and incidentsDivision 1Notification, information andinspections198Notice of accidents, incidents, deaths or
diseases(1)Subject to subsections (2) and (3), as
soon as practicable afterbecoming aware of a serious accident,
high potential incidentor a death at a coal mine, the site
senior executive for the coalminemustnotifyaninspectorandanindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentativeabouttheaccident,incidentordeatheither orally or
by notice.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(2)Subsection (3) applies to—(a)a serious accident at a coal mine
resulting in a personreceiving—(i)a
bodily injury endangering, or likely to endanger,the
person’s life; or(ii)an injury
causing, or likely to cause, a permanentinjury to the
person’s health; or(b)ahighpotentialincidentatacoalmineofatypeprescribed under
a regulation; or(c)adeathatacoalmine,whetherornotcausedbyanaccident at the
coal mine.(3)Thesiteseniorexecutivemust,assoonaspossibleafterbecoming aware of the accident, incident or
death, by noticeor orally notify an inspector and an
industry safety and healthCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 11 Accidents and incidents[s
198]representative about the accident, incident
or death in termsthat include the information (theprimary information) statedin
subsection (3A).Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(3A)Forsubsection (3),theprimaryinformationisallofthefollowing—(a)thepreciselocationwheretheaccident,incidentordeath happened;(b)when
the accident, incident or death happened;(c)the
number of persons involved in the accident, incidentor
death;(d)if the notification is about a death,
whether or not causedby an accident—the name of the person
who died;(e)ifthenotificationisaboutaseriousaccidentorhighpotential
incident—(i)the name of any person who saw the
accident orincident, or who was present when the
accident orincident happened; and(ii)the
name of any person who was injured as a resultof the accident
or incident;(f)ifnoonewaspresentwhenthepersonmentionedinparagraph (d) died or the person
mentioned in paragraph(e)(ii) was injured—the name of the
person who foundthe deceased or injured person;(g)a brief description of how the
accident, incident or deathhappened.Examplesoftypesofdescriptionsthatmaybegivenunderparagraph
(g)—•‘Alightvehiclefellintothepitafterthelightvehiclecollided with a truck on a ramp leading into
the pit.’•‘A worker fell from the top of a
storage bin into the washplant.’Page 140Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 11 Accidents
and incidents[s 198]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(3B)Ifthesiteseniorexecutivedoesnotknowtheprimaryinformationatthetimethenotificationismadeundersubsection (3), the site senior executive
must—(a)takeallreasonablestepstofindouttheprimaryinformation as
soon as possible; and(b)assoonaspossibleaftertheprimaryinformationbecomesknowntothesiteseniorexecutive,givetheprimary information to the inspector
and representative.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(3C)Itisnotadefenceinaproceedingundersubsection (3)or(3B)
that the giving of the primary information might tend toincriminate the site senior
executive.(3D)The primary
information is not admissible in evidence againstthe
site senior executive in any criminal proceeding.(3E)Subsection
(3D)doesnotpreventtheprimaryinformationbeing admitted
in evidence in criminal proceedings about thefalsity or
misleading nature of the primary information.(4)Ifthesiteseniorexecutivemakesanoralreportundersubsection (1)
or (3), the executive must confirm the report bynotice within 48 hours.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(5)However, if the
oral report relates to a death, the site seniorexecutivemustconfirmtheoralreportbynoticewithin24hours.Maximum
penalty—80 penalty units.(6)As soon as
practicable after receiving a report of a reportabledisease, the site senior executive must give
an inspector andan industry safety and health representative
notice about thedisease.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(7)A person
prescribed by regulation who becomes aware that acoalmineworkerhasbeendiagnosedwithareportabledisease must
give notice of the diagnosis to the chief inspector.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 11 Accidents and incidents[s
198A]Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(8)In this section—reportable
diseasemeans a disease prescribed by
regulationto be a disease that must be reported under
this section.198ARequirement to give primary
information(1)For conducting an investigation into a
serious accident, highpotentialincidentordeathatacoalmine,anofficermayrequireapersontogivetheofficeranyofthefollowinginformation(primaryinformation)abouttheaccident,incident or
death—(a)thepreciselocationwheretheaccident,incidentordeath happened;(b)when
the accident, incident or death happened;(c)the
number of persons involved in the accident, incidentor
death;(d)if the notification is about a death,
whether or not causedby an accident—the name of the person
who died;(e)ifthenotificationisaboutaseriousaccidentorhighpotential
incident—(i)the name of any person who saw the
accident orincident, or who was present when the
accident orincident happened; and(ii)the
name of any person who was injured as a resultof the accident
or incident;(f)ifnoonewaspresentwhenthepersonmentionedinparagraph (d) died or the person
mentioned in paragraph(e)(ii) was injured—the name of the
person who foundthe deceased or injured person;(g)a brief description of how the
accident, incident or deathhappened.Page
142Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 11 Accidents
and incidents[s 198A]Examplesoftypesofdescriptionsthatmaybegivenunderparagraph
(g)—•‘Alightvehiclefellintothepitafterthelightvehiclecollided with a truck on a ramp leading into
the pit.’•‘A worker fell from the top of a
storage bin into the washplant.’(2)When
making a requirement mentioned in subsection (1), theofficer must warn the person it is an
offence to fail to complywith the requirement.(3)Apersonrequiredtogiveprimaryinformationundersubsection (1) must comply with the
requirement.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(4)If the officer requires the person to
give the officer primaryinformation,itisnotadefenceinaproceedingundersubsection (3)thatthegivingoftheprimaryinformationmight tend to
incriminate the person, unless, in relation to anaccident or incident—(a)the
person is an involved person; and(b)the
primary information is the information mentioned insubsection (1)(g).(5)Primaryinformationgivenundersubsection
(1)isnotadmissibleinevidenceagainstthepersoninanycriminalproceeding.(6)Subsection (5) does not prevent the primary
information beingadmitted in evidence in criminal proceedings
about the falsityor misleading nature of the primary
information.(7)In this section—involvedperson,foranaccidentorincident,meansanindividualwhowasdirectlyinvolvedintheaccidentorincident.Exampleofanindividualwhoisdirectlyinvolvedinanaccidentorincident—•a
member of the crew of the deceased or injured person, who
waspresent at the accident or incidentCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 11 Accidents and incidents[s
199]•an individual who was operating plant
involved in the accident orincidentofficermeans an
inspector, inspection officer or an authorisedofficer.199Place of accident must be
inspectedAssoonaspracticableafterreceivingareportofaseriousaccidentcausingdeathatacoalmine,aninspectormustinspect the place of the accident,
investigate the accident todetermine its
nature and cause, and report the findings of theinvestigation to the chief inspector.Division 2Site of accident
or incident200Site not to be interfered with without
permission(1)A person must not interfere with a
place at a coal mine that isthe site of a
serious accident or high potential incident of atypeprescribedbyregulation,withoutthepermissionofaninspector.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(2)Permissionundersubsection (1)mustnotbeunreasonablywithheld.(3)For this division, action taken to
save life or prevent furtherinjury at a
place is not interference with the place.201Action to be taken in relation to site of
accident orincident(1)If
there is a serious accident or high potential incident, the
sitesenior executive must—(a)carryoutaninvestigationtodecidethecausesoftheaccident or incident; andPage
144Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 11 Accidents
and incidents[s 201](b)prepareareportabouttheaccidentorincidentthatincludesrecommendationstopreventtheaccidentorincident happening again; and(c)iftheaccidentorincidentisatypeprescribedbyregulation—forward the report to an
inspector within 1month after the accident or incident.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Thesiteseniorexecutivemustensurethattheplaceoftheaccident or incident is not interfered
with until—(a)all relevant details about the
accident or incident havebeen recorded and, if possible,
photographed; and(b)sufficientmeasurementshavebeentakentoallowthedevelopment of an accurate plan of the site;
and(c)a list of witnesses to the accident or
incident has beencompiled.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(3)It is not a
defence to a proceeding under subsection (1) thatthe
carrying out of an investigation, preparation of a report orforwardingofthereportmighttendtoincriminatethesitesenior executive
or make the executive liable to a penalty.(4)A
report prepared or forwarded by the site senior executiveunder subsection (1) is not admissible in
evidence against thesiteseniorexecutive,oranyothercoalmineworkermentioned in the report, in any criminal
proceeding other thanproceedingsaboutthefalsityormisleadingnatureofthereport.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 12 Boards of
inquiry[s 202]Part 12Boards of inquiryNotauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1General202Minister may establish boards of
inquiry(1)The Minister may establish a board of
inquiry about a seriousaccident or high potential incident by
gazette notice.(2)Thenotice,oralatergazettenotice,mayspecifyissuesrelevanttotheinquiryincluding,forexample,themembership of the board, who is the
chairperson of the board,and its terms of reference.(3)TheMinistermayexercisepowersunderthissectionforaserious accident or high potential
incident—(a)whetherornottheaccidentorincidenthasbeeninvestigated by
an inspector; and(b)whetherornotaboardofinquiryhadpreviouslyinquired into
the accident or incident.203Role of board of
inquiry(1)The board of inquiry must—(a)inquireintothecircumstancesandprobablecausesofthe relevant serious accident or high
potential incident;and(b)give the
Minister a written report of the board’s findings.(2)Thereportmaycontaintherecommendationstheboardconsiders
appropriate and other relevant matters.(3)The
Minister must table a copy of the report in the LegislativeAssembly within 14 days after receiving the
report.(4)However, if the board gives the
Minister a separate report ofissues that the
board considers should not be made public, theMinister need
not table the separate report in the LegislativeAssembly.Page 146Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 12 Boards of
inquiry[s 204]204Conditions of appointment(1)A member of the board of inquiry is
entitled to be paid theremunerationandallowancesdecidedbytheGovernorinCouncil.(2)A
member holds office on conditions not provided by this Actthat
are decided by the Minister.205Chief
executive to arrange for services of staff andfinancial matters
for board of inquiryAssoonaspracticableaftertheboardofinquiryisestablished,thechiefexecutivemustconsultwiththechairperson of the board and arrange—(a)fortheservicesofofficersandemployeesofthedepartmentandotherpersonstobemadeavailabletothe
board for the conduct of the inquiry; and(b)for
financial matters relevant to the board.Division 2Conduct of inquiry206Procedure(1)When
conducting its inquiry, the board of inquiry—(a)must
observe natural justice; and(b)mustactasquickly,andwithaslittleformalityandtechnicality,asisconsistentwithafairandproperconsideration of
the issues.(2)In conducting the inquiry, the
board—(a)is not bound by the rules of evidence;
and(b)may inform itself in any way it
considers appropriate,including by holding hearings;
and(c)maydecidetheprocedurestobefollowedfortheinquiry; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 147
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 12 Boards of inquiry[s 207](d)must give a person involved in the
serious accident orhigh potential incident the opportunity of
defending allclaims made against the person.(3)However, the board must comply with
this division and anyprocedural rules prescribed under a
regulation.(4)The chairperson of the board presides
at the inquiry.207Notice of inquiryThe chairperson
of the board of inquiry must give at least 14days notice of
the time and place of the inquiry to—(a)any
person the chairperson considers may be concernedintheseriousaccidentorhighpotentialincidentthesubject of the inquiry; and(b)anyotherpersonthechairpersonreasonablybelievesshould be given the opportunity to appear at
the inquiry.208Inquiry to be held in public except in
inquiry must be held in public.(2)However,theboardmay,ofitsowninitiativeorontheapplication of a
person represented at the inquiry, direct thatthe inquiry, or
a part of the inquiry, be held in private, and givedirections about the persons who may be
present.(3)The board may give a direction under
subsection (2) only if itissatisfieditispropertomakethedirectioninthespecialcircumstances of
the case.209Protection of members, legal
representatives andwitnesses(1)A
member of the board of inquiry has, in the performance ofthe
member’s duties, the same protection and immunity as aSupreme Court judge performing the functions
of a judge.Page 148Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 12 Boards of
inquiry[s 210](2)Alawyerorotherpersonappearingbeforetheinquiryforsomeone has the same protection and immunity
as a lawyerappearing for a party in a proceeding in the
Supreme Court.(3)A person summoned to attend or
appearing before the inquiryasawitnesshasthesameprotectionasawitnessinaproceeding in the Supreme
Court.210Record of proceedings to be
keptThe board of inquiry must keep a record of
its proceedings.211RepresentationA person may be
represented before the inquiry by a lawyer oragent.212Board’s powers on inquiry(1)In conducting the inquiry, the board
may—(a)act in the absence of any person who
has been given anoticeundersection 207orsomeotherreasonablenotice;
and(b)receive evidence on oath or by
statutory declaration; and(c)adjourn the
inquiry; and(d)disregard any defect, error, omission
or insufficiency ina document.(2)A
member of the board may administer an oath to a personappearing as a witness before the
inquiry.213Notice to witness(1)Thechairpersonoftheboardofinquirymay,bynotice(attendance notice) given to a
person, require the person toattend at the
inquiry at a stated time and place to give evidenceor
produce stated documents or things.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 149
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 12 Boards of inquiry[s 214](2)A person required to appear as a
witness before the inquiry isentitled to the
witness fees prescribed under a regulation or, ifnowitnessfeesareprescribed,thereasonablewitnessfeesdecided by the
chairperson.214Inspection of documents or
things(1)If a document or thing is produced to
the board at the inquiry,the board may—(a)inspect the document or thing; and(b)copyorphotographthedocumentorthingifitisrelevant to the
inquiry.(2)The board may also take possession of
the document or thing,and keep it while it is necessary for
the inquiry.(3)While it keeps a document or thing,
the board must permit aperson otherwise entitled to
possession of it to inspect, copyor photograph
the document or thing at a reasonable place andtime the board
decides.215Inquiry may continue despite court
proceedings unlessotherwise orderedTheinquirymaystartorcontinue,andareportmaybeprepared or given, despite a
proceeding before any court ortribunal,unlessacourtortribunalwiththenecessaryjurisdiction
orders otherwise.216Offences by witnesses(1)Apersongivenanattendancenoticemustnotfail,withoutreasonable excuse to—(a)attend as required by the notice; or(b)continue to attend as required by the
chairperson of theboard of inquiry until excused from further
attendance.Maximum penalty—30 penalty units.Page
150Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 12 Boards of
inquiry[s 217](2)A
person appearing as a witness at the inquiry must take anoath
when required by the chairperson of the board.Maximum
penalty—30 penalty units.(3)Also, a person
appearing as a witness at the inquiry must notfail, without
reasonable excuse—(a)to answer a question the person is
required to answer bya member of the board; or(b)to produce a document or thing the
person is required toproduce under an attendance
notice.Maximum penalty—30 penalty units.(4)It is a reasonable excuse for an
individual to refuse to answera question or
produce a document or thing on the ground thatthe answer or
production of the document or thing might tendto incriminate
the individual or make the individual liable to apenalty.217Contempt of boardA person must
not—(a)deliberately interrupt a board of
inquiry; or(b)create or continue, or join in
creating or continuing, adisturbanceinornearaplacewheretheboardisconducting its inquiry; or(c)do anything that would be contempt of
court if the boardwere a judge acting judicially.Maximum penalty—30 penalty units.218Change of membership of boardThe
inquiry of a board of inquiry is not affected by a changein
its membership.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 13 Mines
rescue[s 219]Part 13Mines rescueNotauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Preliminary219Purposes of pt 13The main
purposes of this part are to—(a)ensure each coal mine operator of an
underground coalmine provides a mines rescue capability for
the mine;and(b)provideforaccreditationofcorporationstohelpcoalmineoperatorsofundergroundcoalminesprovideamines rescue capability; and(c)provideforperformancecriteriaforaccreditedcorporations;
and(d)ensure accredited corporations—(i)provide mines rescue services;
and(ii)meet the
performance criteria; and(iii)havesufficientfundingtomeettheperformancecriteria.220Definitions for pt 13In
this part—coal mine operatordoes not include
the coal mine operator ofa mine at which no person is employed
and no work is beingundertaken by a contractor.minedoes not include
a mine—(a)that has been abandoned; or(b)at which no person is employed and no
work is beingundertaken by a contractor; or(c)if it consists only of exploration
activities under—Page 152Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 13 Mines
rescue[s 221](i)an
exploration permit; or(ii)amineraldevelopmentlicencewherethesizeofthe
excavation is less than 50 cubic metres.221Meaning ofmines rescue
capabilityMinesrescuecapabilityistheabilitytoprovideasuitablenumber of
trained persons and maintained equipment to allowcontinuousrescueoperationstotakeplaceandtohelptheescape or safe recovery of anyone from
a mine if it has, ormay have, an irrespirable
atmosphere.222Meaning ofmines rescue
agreement(1)Amines rescue
agreement, for a coal mine operator, is—(a)a written agreement that—(i)hasbeenenteredintobetweenthecoalmineoperator and an accredited corporation;
and(ii)if the coal mine
operator is the coal mine operatorofanundergroundmine—providesforthecorporation to help the coal mine
operator providea mines rescue capability for the mine;
and(iii)remains in
force; or(b)if the coal mine operator is a member
of an accreditedcorporation that is a company limited by
guarantee, nothaving a capital divided into shares—the
person is apartyto a mines
rescue agreement if the personis—(a)a party to an agreement mentioned in
subsection (1)(a);or(b)amemberofanaccreditedcorporationmentionedinsubsection (1)(b).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 153
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 13 Mines rescue[s 223]Division 2Obligations of
coal mine operatorsand usersSubdivision
1All coal mine operators223Coal
mine operator must be a party to a mines rescueagreementAcoalmineoperatormustbeapartytoaminesrescueagreement for
the coal mine operator’s mine.Maximum
penalty—1,000 penalty units.224Coal
mine operator must contribute(1)An
accredited corporation may—(a)require contributions from each coal mine
operator whoisapartytoaminesrescueagreementwiththecorporationtoallowthecorporationtoprovideminesrescue services; and(b)fixdifferentcontributionsfromdifferentcoalmineoperators—(i)who
own the same class of mine; or(ii)who
own different classes of mine.Examples of
different classes of mine—1underground
mines2surface mines3bord
and pillar underground mines4longwall underground mines5high-wall mines(2)Subsection (1) does not limit any other
obligation a coal mineoperator has to pay an amount to the
corporation.Page 154Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 13 Mines
rescue[s 225](3)A
coal mine operator must pay all contributions the coal mineoperator is required to pay under subsection
(1) at the timesfixed by the corporation.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.Subdivision 2Further
obligation of coal mineoperators of underground mines225Provision of a mines rescue
capability(1)A coal mine operator for an
underground mine must provide amines rescue
capability for the mine.Maximum penalty—1,000 penalty
units.(2)The obligation under subsection (1) is
in addition to any otherobligation the coal mine operator has
under any law.(3)The coal mine operator discharges the
obligation by—(a)complyingwithanyrequirementaboutminesrescuecapabilityimposedonthecoalmineoperatorunderaregulation; and(b)ensuring the site senior executive of the
mine complieswithanyrequirementaboutminesrescuecapabilityimposed on the
site senior executive under a regulation.(4)Thecoalmineoperatorcommitsanoffenceagainstsubsection (1)oneachoccasionthatthecoalmineoperatorcontravenes
subsection (3).Subdivision 3Mine
users226Mine not to be used if ss 223–225
contravenedA person must not use a mine for mining
while the coal mineoperator for the mine is contravening
section 223, 224 or 225in relation to the mine.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 13 Mines rescue[s 227]Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.Division 3Accredited
corporationsSubdivision 1Accreditation227Accreditation(1)AcorporationmayapplytotheMinisterforagrantofaccreditation to provide mines rescue
services.(2)The Minister may grant or refuse the
accreditation.(3)However, before granting an
accreditation, the Minister mustbe
satisfied—(a)the corporation is able—(i)toprovideminesrescueservicesforeveryunderground
mine; and(ii)to comply with
the performance criteria; and(b)the
Minister is able to audit or monitor the mines rescueservices provided by the corporation and its
compliancewith the performance criteria; and(c)if the corporation fails to provide
mines rescue servicesorcomplywiththeperformancecriteria—ithasmadesuitable
provision for the Minister to remedy the failureby—(i)managing the
corporation’s mines rescue services;and(ii)requiringcontributionsforthecorporationundersection 224(1) to allow the Minister to
manage itsmines rescue services.Page 156Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 13 Mines
rescue[s 228]228Accreditation conditions(1)The
Minister may accredit a corporation on the conditions theMinister considers appropriate.(2)A condition may provide for the
following—(a)security for the provision of mines
rescue services foreveryundergroundmineandcompliancewiththeperformance criteria;(b)enforcement of the security, even if
there is a penalty orliability under this part;(c)payment of any reasonable costs of
remedying a failureby the corporation to provide mines rescue
services orcomply with the performance criteria.(3)Subsection (2) does not limit the
conditions the Minister mayimpose.(4)In subsection (2)—securityincludes mortgage, bond, insurance and
surety.229Refusal to accreditIf
the Minister refuses to accredit a corporation, the Ministermustgivetheapplicantanoticewithin14daysstatingthefollowing—(a)the
decision;(b)the reasons for the decision;(c)that the applicant may appeal against
the decision to anIndustrial Magistrates Court within 28
days;(d)how the applicant may start an
appeal.230Amending, suspending or cancelling
accreditations—groundsEach of the
following is a ground for amending, suspending orcancelling a corporation’s
accreditation—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 13 Mines rescue[s 231](a)theaccreditationwasobtainedbecauseofincorrectormisleading information;(b)the
corporation has not provided a mines rescue service;(c)thecorporationcannotprovideminesrescueservicesfor
every underground mine;(d)the corporation
has contravened the performance criteriaor a condition
of the accreditation;(e)the corporation
has not reported to the Minister on itscompliance with
the performance criteria;(f)thecorporationhascommittedanoffenceagainstthisAct.231Amending, suspending or cancelling
the Minister considers a ground exists to amend, suspend orcancelanaccreditation(theproposedaction),theMinistermustgivetheaccreditedcorporationnoticestatingthefollowing—(a)the
proposed action;(b)the ground for the proposed
action;(c)anoutlineofthefactsandcircumstancesformingthebasis for the ground;(d)iftheproposedactionistoamendtheaccreditation,including a
condition of the accreditation—the proposedamendment;(e)if
the proposed action is to suspend the accreditation—the
proposed suspension period;(f)that
the corporation may show, within a stated time of atleast28days,whytheproposedactionshouldnotbetaken.(2)If,afterconsideringallwrittenrepresentationsmadewithinthe stated time,
the Minister still considers a ground exists totake the
proposed action, the Minister may—Page 158Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 13 Mines
rescue[s 231](a)if
the proposed action was to amend the accreditation—amend the accreditation; or(b)iftheproposedactionwastosuspendtheaccreditation—suspendtheaccreditationfornolongerthan the period
stated in the notice; or(c)if the proposed
action was to cancel the accreditation—amend the
accreditation, suspend the accreditation for aperiod or cancel
it.(3)The Minister must inform the
corporation of the decision bynotice.(4)IftheMinisterdecidestoamend,suspendorcanceltheaccreditation, the notice must state the
following—(a)the decision;(b)the
reasons for the decision;(c)that the
corporation may apply within 28 days for thedecision to be
reviewed;(d)how the corporation may apply for the
review;(e)that the corporation may apply for a
stay of the decisionif the corporation applies for a
review.(5)The decision takes effect on the later
of the following—(a)the day the notice is given to the
corporation;(b)the day stated in the notice.(6)Subsections (1) to (5) do not
apply—(a)iftheMinisterproposestoamendtheaccreditationonly—(i)for a formal or clerical reason;
or(ii)in another way
that does not adversely affect thecorporation’s
interests; or(b)ifthecorporationaskstheMinistertoamendtheaccreditation and the Minister proposes to
give effect tothe request.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 159
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 13 Mines rescue[s 232](7)TheMinistermayamendanaccreditationundersubsection (6) by notice given to the
corporation.Subdivision 2Functions and
performance232FunctionsAn accredited
corporation has the following functions—(a)providingthefollowingservices(minesrescueservices)—(i)helpingeachcoalmineoperatorforanunderground mine who is a party to a
mines rescueagreement with the corporation to provide a
minesrescue capability;(ii)providingundergroundminesrescuetrainingprograms;(iii)providingstaffandequipmenttocomplywithsubparagraphs(i)and(ii)andtheperformancecriteria;(b)complying with the performance
criteria;(c)reportingtotheMinisterundersection 234onitscompliance with the performance
criteria.233Performance criteria(1)Theminesrescueperformancecriteriafortheprovisionofmines rescue services for underground
mines by an accreditedcorporation are that the
corporation—(a)providesappropriateminesrescuetrainingprograms;and(b)providesequipmentandresourcestoperformitsobligations under mines rescue agreements;
andPage 160Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 13 Mines
rescue[s 234](c)ensuresminesrescueequipmentismaintained,testedandcertifiedtoanyspecificationbyitsmanufacturer;and(d)effectivelyperformsauditsorotherexercisestoshowthecorporation’sabilitytorespondtoanemergency;and(e)provides an effective procedure for
coal mine operatorsto help each other in an emergency;
and(f)does anything else prescribed under a
regulation.(2)In subsection (1)—minesrescueequipmentmeansequipmentforuseinanemergency by the corporation or a coal
mine operator for anunderground mine who is party to a
mines rescue agreementwith the corporation.234Reporting to Minister(1)Within1monthaftertheendofeachfinancialyear,eachaccredited corporation must give the
Minister a written reportabout whether it complied with the
performance criteria in theyear.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Also,theMinistermay,bynotice,askanaccreditedcorporationtogivetheMinister,withinastatedtimeofatleast 7 days,
stated documents or information about—(a)the
corporation; or(b)the mines rescue services provided by
the corporation.(3)The corporation must comply with the
request, unless it has areasonable excuse for not
complying.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(4)An accredited corporation must not
give the Minister a report,requireddocumentsorinformationitknowsisfalseormisleading in a material particular.Maximum penalty—500 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 14
Appeals[s 235](5)Acomplaintagainstacorporationforanoffenceagainstsubsection (4)issufficientifitstatesthereport,requireddocumentsorinformationwas‘falseormisleading’inamaterial particular without specifying
which.Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 3Miscellaneous235Accredited corporation must keep
records(1)An accredited corporation must keep a
record of the coal mineoperators who are party to a mines
rescue agreement with thecorporation.(2)Ifacoalmineoperatorwhoisapartytoaminesrescueagreementwiththecorporationasks,thecorporationmustgive
the coal mine operator a certificate stating—(a)that
the coal mine operator is a party to a mines rescueagreement with the corporation; and(b)whetherthecoalmineoperatorhaspaidallcontributionsrequiredbythecorporationundersection 224(1).(3)A
certificate under subsection (2) signed by an officer of thecorporation is evidence of the matters
stated in it.Part 14AppealsDivision 1Appeals against
particulardecisions of Minister, chiefexecutive or board of examiners236Appeals against Minister’s
Court under this division—Page 162Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 14
Appeals[s 236A](a)a
person who is removed from office as site safety andhealth representative—section 97;(b)apersonwhoseappointmentasindustrysafetyandhealth representative has been
terminated—section 112;(c)the applicant
for accreditation—sections 227 and 228;(d)the
accredited corporation—section 231.236AAppeals against chief executive’s
decisionsThefollowingpersonsmayappealagainstthechiefexecutive’sdecisionunderthefollowingprovisionstoanIndustrial Magistrates Court under
this division—(a)a person whose certificate of
competency or site seniorexecutive notice is suspended or
cancelled by the chiefexecutive—section 197D;(b)acorporationonwhichacivilpenaltyisimposed—section
267I.237Appeals against board of examiners’
decisionApersonwhosecertificateiscancelledbytheboardofexaminers under section 195 may appeal
against the board’sdecision to an Industrial Magistrates Court
under this division.238How to start appeal(1)An appeal is started by the
appellant—(a)filing a notice of appeal with an
Industrial MagistratesCourt; and(b)serving a copy of the notice on—(i)if the appeal is against the
Minister’s decision—theMinister; or(ii)iftheappealisagainstthechiefexecutive’sdecision—the
chief executive; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 14 Appeals[s 239](iii)iftheappealisagainsttheboardofexaminers’decision—the
board of examiners.(2)The notice of appeal must be filed
within 28 days after theappellant receives notice of the
decision appealed against.(3)Thecourtmayatanytimeextendtheperiodforfilingthenotice of appeal.(4)The
notice of appeal must state the grounds of the appeal.239Stay of operation of decisions(1)An Industrial Magistrates Court may
stay a decision appealedagainst to secure the effectiveness of
the appeal.(2)A stay—(a)maybegivenonconditionsthecourtconsidersappropriate; and(b)has
effect for the period stated by the court; and(c)may
be revoked or amended by the court.(3)The
period of a stay given by the court must not extend pastthe
time when the court decides the appeal.(4)An
appeal against a decision does not affect the operation orcarrying out of the decision unless the
decision is stayed.240Hearing procedures(1)Unlessthisdivisionotherwiseprovides,thepracticeandprocedure for the appeal are to be in
accordance with the rulesofcourtor,iftherulesmakenoprovisionorinsufficientprovision, in
accordance with the directions of the court.(2)Anappealmustbebywayofrehearing,unaffectedbytheoriginal decision-maker’s
decision.(3)However,fordecidinganappealagainstadecisionofthechief executive under section 267I to
impose a civil penalty ona corporation, information that was
not available to the chiefPage 164Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 14
Appeals[s 241]executiveinmakingthedecisionmustnotbetakenintoaccount.(4)In deciding an appeal, an Industrial
Magistrates Court—(a)is not bound by the rules of evidence;
and(b)must observe natural justice.(5)In this section—original
decision-makermeans the Minister, chief executiveor
the board of examiners.241Powers of court
on appeal(1)In deciding an appeal, an Industrial
Magistrates Court may—(a)confirm the
decision appealed against; or(b)set
aside the decision and substitute another decision; or(c)setasidethedecisionandreturnthemattertotheoriginaldecision-makerwithdirectionsthatthecourtconsiders
appropriate.(2)Insubstitutinganotherdecision,thecourthasthesamepowers as the
original decision-maker.Example—In an appeal
against the Minister’s decision to cancel an accreditation,thecourtmaydecidetocanceltheaccreditationortoamendtheaccreditation by imposing conditions.(3)Ifthecourtsubstitutesanotherdecision,thesubstituteddecisionistakentobethedecisionoftheoriginaldecision-maker.(4)Thecourtmaymakeanorderforcostsitconsidersappropriate.242Appeal to District Court on questions of law
only(1)An appellant may appeal against the
decision of an IndustrialMagistrates Court to the District
Court, but only on a questionof law.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 14
Appeals[s 243](2)On
hearing the appeal, the court may make any order for costsit
considers appropriate.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Appeals against
chief inspector’sdirectives and particular decisions243Who may appealA person whose
interests are affected by the following mayappeal to the
Industrial Court—(a)a decision of the chief inspector
under section 149(3)(a)to retain a seized thing;(b)a directive given by the chief
inspector;(c)areviewdecisionofthechiefinspectorunderpart9,division 5, subdivision 4.244How to start appeal(1)An appeal is started by—(a)filing notice of appeal with the
registrar of the IndustrialCourt;
and(b)complyingwithanyrulesofcourtapplyingtotheappeal.(2)The notice of appeal must be filed
within 28 days after—(a)if the appeal is
from a decision under section 149(3)(a)to retain a
seized thing—the day the appellant receivesthe notice of
the decision; or(b)if the appeal is from a directive—the
day the appellantreceives the directive; or(c)iftheappealisfromareviewdecision—thedaytheappellant receives reasons for the
review decision.(3)Thecourtmayatanytimeextendtheperiodforfilingthenotice of appeal.Page 166Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 14
Appeals[s 245](4)The
notice of appeal must state fully the grounds of the appealand
the facts relied on.245Stay of operation of directive or
review decision(1)The Industrial Court may grant a stay
of a directive or reviewdecisionappealedagainsttosecuretheeffectivenessoftheappeal.(2)A
stay—(a)maybegivenontheconditionsthecourtconsidersappropriate; and(b)operates for the period fixed by the court;
and(c)may be revoked or amended by the
court.(3)The period of a stay must not extend
past the time when thecourt decides the appeal.(4)An appeal against a directive or
review decision affects thedirective or
decision, or the carrying out of the directive ordecision, only if the directive or decision
is stayed.(5)However, the following must not be
stayed—(a)a directive by the chief inspector
under section 167;(b)areviewdecisionaboutadirectivegivenbyanotherperson under
section 167.246Hearing procedures(1)The
procedure for an appeal is to be in accordance with therules of court or, if the rules make no
provision or insufficientprovision,inaccordancewithdirectionsoftheIndustrialCourt.(2)Anappealisbywayofrehearing,unaffectedbythechiefinspector’s
review decision or a directive given.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 167
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 15 Legal
proceedings[s 247]247AssessorsIf the
Industrial Court is satisfied the appeal involves an issueofspecialknowledgeandskill,thecourtmayappoint1ormore assessors to help in deciding the
appeal.Notauthorised—indicativeonly248Powers of court
on appeal(1)In deciding an appeal, the Industrial
Court may—(a)confirm the directive or decision
appealed against; or(b)vary the
directive or decision appealed against; or(c)set
aside the directive or decision appealed against andmakeadirectiveordecisioninsubstitutionforthedirective or decision set aside;
or(d)set aside the directive or decision
appealed against andreturn the issue to the person who
gave the directive ortothemakerofthedecisionwithdirectionsthecourtconsiders
appropriate.(2)If on appeal the court acts under
subsection (1)(b) or (c), thedecision is
taken, for this Act (other than this part), to be thatof
the chief inspector or the person who gave the directive.(3)Thecourtmaymakeanorderforcostsitconsidersappropriate.Part 15Legal proceedingsDivision 1Evidence249Application of div 1This division
applies to a proceeding under this Act.250Proof
of appointments and authority unnecessary(1)It
is not necessary to prove—Page 168Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 15 Legal
proceedings[s 251](a)theappointmentofthecommissioner,thechiefexecutive,thechiefinspector,aninspector,aninspectionofficer,anauthorisedofficer,anindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentativeorasitesafetyandhealth representative; or(b)the authority of the commissioner, the
chief executive,the chief inspector, an inspector, an
inspection officer,anauthorisedofficer,anindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentative
or a site safety and health representativeto do anything
under this Act.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply if
reasonable notice is given tothepartyrelyingontheappointmentorauthoritythattheappointment or authority is to be
challenged.251Proof of signatures unnecessaryAsignaturepurportingtobethesignatureofthecommissioner,thechiefexecutive,thechiefinspector,aninspector,aninspectionofficer,anauthorisedofficer,anindustry safety and health
representative or a site safety andhealth
representative is evidence of the signature it purports tobe.252Evidentiary
aids(1)A certificate stating any of the
following matters is evidenceof the
matter—(a)a stated document is—(i)an appointment or a copy of an
appointment; or(ii)a directive or a
copy of a directive given under thisAct; or(iii)a decision, or a
copy of a decision, given or madeunder this Act;
or(iv)arecordordocument,acopyofarecordordocument,oranextractfromarecordordocument, kept under this Act;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 15 Legal proceedings[s 252](b)onastatedday,orduringastatedperiod,astatedcertificate,
notice, approval or appointment was, or wasnot, in force
for a stated person or thing;(c)onastatedday,orduringastatedperiod,astandardissuedorpublishedbyNationalOccupationalHealthandSafetyCommissionorStandardsAustraliaorsomething in the standard was, or was
not, in force;(d)onastateddayastatedpersonwasgivenastateddirective,direction,requirementornoticeunderthisAct;(e)astatedamountispayableunderthisActbyastatedperson and has not been paid;(f)a stated location is within the
boundaries of land that isthe subject of a stated mining
tenure.(2)AdocumentpurportingtobepublishedbyorundertheauthorityofNationalOccupationalHealthandSafetyCommissionorStandardsAustraliais,onitsproduction,evidence of its
contents.(3)Inacomplaintstartingaproceeding,astatementthatthematter of the complaint came to the
complainant’s knowledgeon a stated day is evidence of the
inspection officer, an authorised officer or analyst inaccordancewithanyconditionsprescribedunderarelevantdocument for its
use is taken to be accurate and precise in theabsence of
evidence to the contrary.(5)In this
section—certificatemeans a
certificate purporting to be signed by thecommissioner,thechiefexecutive,thechiefinspector,aninspector,aninspectionofficer,anauthorisedofficer,anindustry safety and health
representative or a site safety andhealth
representative.Page 170Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 15 Legal
proceedings[s 253]253Expert reports(1)An
expert report is admissible in evidence, whether or not thepersonmakingthereport(theexpert)attendstogiveoralevidence.(2)However, if the expert does not attend to
give oral evidence inthe proceeding, the report is
admissible only with the court’sleave.(3)In deciding whether to grant leave,
the court must have regardto the following—(a)the
contents of the report;(b)thereasonstheexpertisnotattendingtogiveoralevidence;(c)theriskthatitsadmissionorexclusionfromevidencewill result in
unfairness to a party, in particular havingregard to a
party’s ability to dispute the contents of thereport if the
expert does not give oral evidence;(d)any
other relevant circumstance.(4)Anexpertreportwhenadmittedisevidenceofanyfactoropinion of which the expert could have given
oral evidence.(5)In this section—expertreportmeansareportmadebyapersonthatdealsentirely or mainly with issues on which the
person is qualifiedtogiveexpertevidence,butdoesnotincludeananalyst’sreport.254Analyst’s certificate or reportThe
production by a party of a signed analyst’s report statingany
of the following is evidence of them—(a)the
analyst’s qualifications;(b)the analyst
took, or received from a stated person, thesample mentioned
in the report;(c)theanalystanalysedthesampleonastatedday,orduring a stated period, and at a
stated place;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 15 Legal
proceedings[s 255](d)the
results of the analysis.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Proceedings255Proceedings for offences(1)AprosecutionforanoffenceagainstthisActisbywayofsummary proceedings before an
industrial magistrate.(2)More than 1
contravention of a safety and health obligationunder section 34
may be charged as a single charge if the actsoromissionsgivingrisetotheclaimedcontraventionhappened within
the same period and in relation to the samecoal
mine.(3)Apersondissatisfiedwithadecisionofanindustrialmagistrate in
proceedings brought under subsection (1) whowants to appeal
must appeal to the Industrial Court.(4)TheIndustrialRelationsAct2016applies,withnecessarychanges,toaproceedingbeforeanindustrialmagistratebrought under
subsection (1) and to a proceeding on appealbefore the
Industrial Court brought under subsection (3).(5)AproceedingforanoffenceagainstthisActmayonlybetaken by—(a)the
commissioner; or(b)the chief executive; or(c)another appropriately qualified
person, with the writtenauthorisation of the chief executive,
either generally orin a particular case.(6)Anauthorisationundersubsection (5)(c)issufficientauthority to
continue proceedings in any case where the courtamends the charge, warrant or
summons.(7)In this section—person
dissatisfied with a decisionin a proceeding
means—(a)a party to the proceeding; orPage
172Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 15 Legal
proceedings[s 256](b)a
person bound by the decision.Notauthorised—indicativeonly256Recommendation to prosecute(1)The following persons may recommend to
the commissionerthat there be a prosecution for an offence
against this Act—(a)an inspector;(b)an
industry safety and health representative;(c)a
site senior executive.(2)Subsection
(1)doesnotlimitthecommissioner’spowertoprosecute.257Limitation on time for starting
proceedingsA proceeding for an offence against this Act
must start withinthe latest of the following periods to
end—(a)1 year after the commission of the
offence;(b)6 months after the offence comes to
the complainant’sknowledge but within 3 years after the
commission ofthe offence;(c)if
the offence involves a breach of an obligation causingdeath and the death is investigated by a
coroner undertheCoroners Act 2003—2 years after
the coroner makesa finding in relation to the death.258Court may order suspension or
cancellation of certificateor notice(1)Thissectionappliesifapersonconvictedofanoffenceagainst this Act is the holder of a
certificate of competency orsite senior
executive notice.(2)Anindustrialmagistrate,onapplicationbythecomplainantduring the
proceedings for the offence, may suspend or cancelthe
certificate of competency or site senior executive notice ofthe
person convicted.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 15 Legal proceedings[s 259](3)A person dissatisfied with the
industrial magistrate’s decisionto suspend or
cancel the person’s certificate of competency orsite
senior executive notice who wants to appeal against thedecision, must appeal to the Industrial
Court.(4)The industrial magistrate must give
notice of the decision tosuspendorcanceltheperson’scertificateofcompetencyorsite
senior executive notice to—(a)thefollowingpersons,totheextentthepersonsareknown to the industrial magistrate—(i)foradecisionrelatingtoacertificateofcompetency—thesiteseniorexecutiveforeachcoal mine at
which the person works;(ii)foradecisionrelatingtoasiteseniorexecutivenotice—the coal mine operator for each coal
mineat which the person works; and(b)the board of examiners.259Forfeiture on conviction(1)On conviction of a person for an
offence against this Act, anIndustrialMagistratesCourtmayordertheforfeituretotheState of—(a)anything used to commit the offence;
or(b)anything else the subject of the
offence.(2)The court may make the order—(a)whether or not the thing has been
seized; and(b)if the thing has been seized, whether
or not the thing hasbeen returned to its owner.(3)Thecourtmaymakeanyordertoenforcetheforfeitureitconsiders appropriate.(4)Thissectiondoesnotlimitthecourt’spowersunderthePenalties and Sentences Act 1992or
another law.Page 174Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 15 Legal
proceedings[s 260]260Dealing with forfeited things(1)On the forfeiture of a thing to the
State, the thing becomes theState’s property
and may be dealt with by the chief executiveas the chief
executive considers appropriate.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),thechiefexecutivemaydestroy the thing.261Responsibility for acts or omissions of
representatives(1)Subsections (2) and (3) apply in a
proceeding for an offenceagainst this Act.(2)Ifitisrelevanttoproveaperson’sstateofmindaboutaparticular act or omission, it is
enough to show—(a)theactwasdoneoromittedtobedonebyarepresentativeofthepersonwithinthescopeoftherepresentative’s actual or apparent
authority; and(b)the representative had the state of
mind.(3)Anactdoneoromittedtobedoneforapersonbyarepresentativeofthepersonwithinthescopeoftherepresentative’s actual or apparent
authority is taken to havebeen done or omitted to be done also
by the person, unless thepersonprovesthepersoncouldnot,bytheexerciseofreasonable precautions and proper diligence,
have preventedthe act or omission.(4)In
this section—representativemeans—(a)of a corporation—an officer, employee
or agent of thecorporation; or(b)ofanindividual—anemployeeoragentoftheindividual.state of
mindof a person includes—(a)theperson’sknowledge,intention,opinion,belieforpurpose; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 175
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 15 Legal proceedings[s 263](b)the person’s reasons for the
intention, opinion, belief orpurpose.263RepresentationA party to a
proceeding under this Act may be represented bythe party’s
lawyer or agent.264Costs of investigation(1)If a court convicts a person of an
offence against this Act, thecourt may order
the person to pay the department’s reasonablecosts of
investigating the offence, including reasonable costsof
preparing for the prosecution of the offence.(2)This
section does not limit the orders for costs the court maymake.265Recovery of fees(1)A
fee payable under this Act and not paid may be recoveredby
the chief executive—(a)in summary
proceedings under theJustices Act 1886; or(b)by action for a debt in a court of
competent jurisdiction.(2)A fee may also
be recovered in a proceeding for an offenceagainst this
Act.(3)An order made under subsection (2) is
enforceable under theJustices Act 1886as an order for
payment of money made by amagistrate under that Act.(4)If an order is made under subsection
(2)—(a)the order may be filed in the registry
of a MagistratesCourt; and(b)onbeingfiled,istakentobeanordermadebyaMagistrates Court and may be enforced
accordingly.Page 176Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 3Coal Mining
Safety and Health Act 1999Part 15 Legal proceedings[s
266]Evidentiary provisions266Service of documents(1)If a
document is required or permitted under this Act to begiven to a person, the document may be given
to the person byfacsimile transmission directed and sent
to—(a)the last transmission number given to
the giver of thedocumentbythepersonasthefacsimiletransmissionnumber for
service of documents on the person; or(b)the
facsimile transmission number operated—(i)at
the address of the person last known to the giverof
the document; or(ii)ifthepersonisacompany,atthecompany’sregistered
office.(2)A document given in accordance with
subsection (1) is takento have been given on the day the copy
is transmitted.(3)Thissectiondoesnotlimitanyothermeansofgivingdocumentsauthorisedorpermittedbylawincluding,forexample, under theActs
Interpretation Act 1954, part 10.267How
document to be given to coal mine operatorAdocumenttobegiventoa
coalmineoperatorforacoalmine, is taken to have been given to the
coal mine operator ifit is—(a)addressed to the coal mine operator;
and(b)given to the site senior executive at
the coal mine.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 15A Injunctions[s 267A]Part
15AInjunctions267AApplying for injunction(1)The
commissioner or chief inspector may apply to the DistrictCourt for an injunction under this
part.(2)An injunction under this part may be
granted by the DistrictCourt against a person at any
time.267BGrounds for injunctionTheDistrictCourtmaygrantaninjunctionifthecourtissatisfied a person has engaged, or is
proposing to engage, inconduct that constitutes or would
constitute—(a)a contravention of this Act; or(b)attempting to contravene this Act;
or(c)aiding,abetting,counsellingorprocuringapersontocontravene this Act; or(d)inducingorattemptingtoinduce,whetherbythreats,promises or
otherwise, a person to contravene this Act;or(e)beinginanyway,directlyorindirectly,knowinglyconcerned in, or party to, the contravention
of this Actby a person; or(f)conspiring with others to contravene this
Act.267CCourt’s powers for injunction(1)ThepoweroftheDistrictCourttograntaninjunctionrestrainingapersonfromengaginginconductmaybeexercised—(a)whetherornotitappearstothecourtthatthepersonintendstoengageagain,ortocontinuetoengage,inconduct of that kind; andPage
178Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 15B Civil
penalties[s 267D](b)whetherornotthepersonhaspreviouslyengagedinconduct of that kind.(2)Thepowerofthecourttograntaninjunctionrequiringaperson to do an act or thing may be
exercised—(a)whetherornotitappearstothecourtthatthepersonintends to fail
again, or to continue to fail, to do the actor thing;
and(b)whether or not the person has
previously failed to do theact or
thing.(3)An interim injunction may be granted
under this part until theapplication is finally decided.(4)The court may rescind or vary an
injunction at any time.267DTerms of
injunction(1)The District Court may grant an
injunction in the terms thecourt considers
(1),aninjunction may be granted restraining
a person from carryingon particular activities—(a)for a stated period; or(b)except on stated terms and
conditions.(3)Also, the court may grant an
injunction requiring a person totakestatedaction,includingactiontodiscloseorpublishinformation,toremedyanyadverseconsequencesoftheperson’s contravention of this
Act.Part 15BCivil
penalties267EDefinitions for partIn
this part—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 15B Civil penalties[s 267F]civil penalty obligationmeans a safety
and health obligation,or another obligation under this Act,
prescribed by regulationto be a civil penalty
obligation.correspondingoffence,inrelationtoacontraventionofacivilpenaltyobligation,meansanoffenceconstitutedbyconductthatissubstantiallythesameastheconductconstituting the
contravention.penalty noticesee section
267I(3).proposed penalty noticesee section
267G(2).relevantcorporationmeansacoalmineoperatororcontractor that is a corporation.267FLiability for civil penalties(1)A relevant corporation is liable to
pay the State a civil penaltyif—(a)therelevantcorporationcontravenesacivilpenaltyobligation; or(b)a
representative of the relevant corporation contravenesa
civil penalty obligation.(2)A civil penalty
may be imposed on the relevant corporation byapenaltynoticegiventothecorporationbythechiefexecutive.(3)The
amount of the penalty is—(a)ifthecivilpenaltyobligationisacategory1obligation—1,000 penalty units; or(b)ifthecivilpenaltyobligationisacategory2obligation—750 penalty units; or(c)ifthecivilpenaltyobligationisacategory3obligation—500 penalty units.(4)For subsection (3), the category of a
civil penalty obligation isthe category
prescribed by regulation for the obligation.(5)In
this section—Page 180Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 15B Civil
penalties[s 267G]representative,ofarelevantcorporation,meansanofficer,employee or
agent of the corporation.267GGiving of notice
proposing imposition of civil penalty(1)This
section applies if the chief executive reasonably believesa
relevant corporation is liable to pay a civil penalty on thegrounds of a contravention of a civil
penalty obligation.(2)Thechiefexecutivemaygivethecorporationanotice(aproposed penalty notice) proposing to
impose a civil penaltyon the corporation on the grounds of
the contravention.(3)The proposed penalty notice must state
each of the followingmatters—(a)thatthechiefexecutiveproposestoimposeacivilpenalty on the
corporation;(b)the grounds for imposing the
the corporation may make a written submission tothe
chief executive, within a stated period of at least 14days
after the corporation is given the notice, to showwhy
the civil penalty should not be imposed;(e)the
way in which the submission may be made.267HSubmission against proposed imposition of
civil penaltyThe relevant corporation may, within the
period stated in theproposed penalty notice under section
267G(3)(d) and in thewaystatedinthenotice,makeawrittensubmissiontothechiefexecutivetoshowwhythecivilpenaltyshouldnotbeimposed.267IGiving of penalty notice(1)This
section applies if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 15B Civil penalties[s 267I](a)the period stated in the proposed
penalty notice undersection 267G(3)(d) has ended;
and(b)the chief executive has considered any
submission madeunder section 267H; and(c)the
chief executive is satisfied—(i)thecivilpenaltyobligationmentionedintheproposedpenaltynoticehasbeencontravened;and(ii)the relevant
corporation is liable to a civil penaltyon the grounds
of the contravention.(2)The chief
executive may decide to impose a civil penalty onthe
corporation on the grounds of the contravention.(3)If the chief executive makes a
decision under subsection (2),thechiefexecutivemustgivethecorporationanotice(apenalty notice) stating each
of the following matters—(a)the chief
executive has decided to impose a civil penaltyon the
corporation;(b)the reasons for the decision;(c)the amount of the penalty and the day
by which it mustbe paid;(d)thatthecorporationmayappealtoanIndustrialMagistratesCourtagainstthedecisionwithin28daysafter the
corporation is given the penalty notice;(e)how
to appeal.(4)The day for payment stated under
subsection (3)(c) must notbelessthan28daysafterthepenaltynoticeisgiventothecorporation.(5)The
State may recover the penalty from the corporation as adebt.Page 182Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 16
Offences[s 267J]267JCivil penalty can not be imposed after
civil penalty must not be imposed on a relevant corporationon
the grounds of a contravention of a civil penalty obligationifthecorporationhasbeenconvictedorfoundguiltyofacorresponding
offence.(2)Subsection (3) applies if—(a)thechiefexecutivehasgivenarelevantcorporationaproposed penalty notice in relation to a
contravention ofa civil penalty obligation; and(b)beforethechiefexecutivemakesadecisionundersection267I,acriminalproceedingisstartedagainstthe
corporation for a corresponding offence.(3)A
civil penalty must not be imposed on the corporation on thegrounds of the contravention unless the
criminal proceedingends without the corporation being convicted
or found guiltyof a corresponding offence.(4)This section applies despite any other
provision of this part.267KCriminal
proceeding after civil penalty imposedAcriminalproceedingmaybestartedagainstarelevantcorporation for
a corresponding offence for a contraventionofacivilpenaltyobligationregardlessofwhetheracivilpenaltyhasbeenimposedonthecorporationforthecontravention.Part 16Offences268Person not to encourage refusal to answer
questions(1)Apersonmustnotencourageorinfluence,orattempttoencourageorinfluence,bygeneraldirection,promiseofadvantage,threatofdismissalorotherwise,acoalmineworkertorefusetoanswerquestionsputtothecoalmineCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 16 Offences[s 269]worker by an inspector, inspection officer,
authorised officeror industry safety and health
representative.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(2)Toremoveanydoubt,subsection
(1)doesnotapplytotheprovision of legal advice to a coal
mine worker by a lawyer.269Impersonating
inspectors, officers or representativesApersonmustnotpretendtobeaninspector,inspectionofficer,authorisedofficer,industrysafetyandhealthrepresentative
or site safety and health representative.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.270Protection for
officers(1)A person must not disadvantage an
officer for exercising theofficer’s powers under this
Act.Maximum penalty—500 penalty units.(2)In this section—officermeans—(a)an
inspector; or(b)an inspection officer; or(c)an authorised officer; or(d)an industry safety and health
representative; or(e)a site safety and health
representative.Page 184Current as at
[Not applicable]
17GeneralCoal Mining
Safety and Health Act 1999Part 17 General[s 271]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1General safety
matters271Contraband must not be taken into an
underground mine(1)An underground mine manager or a
person authorised by theundergroundminemanagermaysearchapersonatacoalminewhois,orwhomay begoing,undergroundtoensurethatthepersonhasnottakenordoesnottakecontrabandunderground.(2)Asearchundersubsection (1)mustbeconductedinaccordance with the relevant standard
operating procedure forthe coal mine.(3)However, a person must not be searched by a
person of theoppositesexandmustnotberequestedtoundressforthesearch.(4)A
search may be conducted at any time, whether or not thereisasuspicionthatthepersonmayhavepossessionofcontraband.(5)A
person may refuse to be searched.(6)If a
person refuses to be searched—(a)ifthepersonisunderground—thepersonmustimmediately
return to the surface; or(b)if the person is
at the surface—the person must not gounderground.Maximum penalty
for subsection (6)—100 penalty units.272Children under 16 not to be employed
undergroundThe site senior executive for a coal mine
must ensure that aperson under the age of 16 does not work as
an undergroundcoal mine worker at the mine.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 17
General[s 272A]272AChildren under 16 not to operate or maintain
plantThesiteseniorexecutiveforacoalminemustnotallowaperson under the age of 16 to operate or
maintain plant at thecoal mine.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Notauthorised—indicativeonly273Withdrawal of persons in case of
danger(1)If a coal mine is dangerous, all
persons exposed to the dangermust withdraw to
a place of safety.(2)If a coal mine worker is competent and
able to eliminate thedangerfromahazard,theworkermusttaketheactionnecessary to
eliminate the danger.Maximum penalty—100 penalty
units.(3)If the coal mine worker is not
competent or able to eliminatethe danger, the
worker must—(a)take measures to prevent immediate
danger to other coalmine workers that the worker is able
reasonably to take;and(b)immediatelyreportthesituationtothecoalmineworker’s supervisor.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(4)A competent
person must be appointed to assess the dangerfromthehazardorhazardsthathaveresultedinthewithdrawal of
persons to a place of safety.(5)Subject to subsection (6), a person must not
be readmitted intothe coal mine or part of the coal mine that
is dangerous untilthepersonsmentionedinsubsection (6)havedeclaredthatrisk
is at an acceptable level.(6)Theminimumnumberofcompetentpersonsnecessarytoreduce the risk to an acceptable level may
be readmitted to thecoal mine or part of the coal mine if
appropriate precautionsare taken so that the risk to those
persons is within acceptablelimits.Page
186Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 17
General[s 274](7)For
this section, a coal mine is taken to be dangerous if—(a)sealing operations are to commence;
or(b)the coal mine or part of the coal mine
has been sealed;or(c)the controls
detailed in a principal hazard managementplan have not
been implemented or maintained.(8)However,forthissection,acoalmineisnotconsidereddangerous
if—(a)sealingoperationsarebeingundertakeninanemergency and an inspector has been
notified; or(b)sealingoperationsarebeingundertakenfollowingwritten acknowledgement from an inspector
that sealingoperations comply with recognised standards
and goodmining practice; or(c)written consent has been received from an
inspector forpersons to be underground following a
sealing.(9)Assoonaspracticableafterbeingappointed,thepersonappointed under
subsection (4) must enter in the mine recordareportonthewithdrawalofpersonsandremedialactiontaken to eliminate the danger.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(10)Thesiteseniorexecutivemustnotifytheinspectorofanyaction taken under this section
immediately after the action istaken.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.274Where coal mine worker exposed to
immediate personaldanger(1)Subject to section 273(2) and (3), if a coal
mine worker (theoriginalworker)believesthatthereisimmediatepersonaldanger, the worker has the right—(a)to remove himself or herself to a
position of safety; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 17 General[s 275](b)to refuse to undertake a task
allocated to the worker thatmay place the
worker in immediate personal danger.(2)Thecoalmineoperatorforthecoalmineorthecoalmineoperator’s
representative must not disadvantage the coal mineworker for exercising the worker’s rights
under subsection (1).Maximum penalty—200 penalty
units.(3)Subsection (4)appliesifthecoalmineoperatorortheoperator’s
representative subsequently asks or directs anothercoal
mine worker (thesubsequent worker) to place
himself orherselfinthepositionfromwhichtheoriginalworkerhasremovedhimselforherself,ortoundertakeataskthattheoriginal worker has refused to
undertake.(4)The operator or the operator’s
representative must advise thesubsequentworkerthattheoriginalworkerexercisedrightsunder subsection (1) because the original
worker believed thatthere was a serious danger to the
original worker’s safety orhealth.Maximum penalty for subsection (4)—200
penalty units.275Representations about safety and
health matters(1)This section applies to a person who
is—(a)a coal mine worker; or(b)another person with obligations under
this Act; or(c)an employee of a person mentioned in
paragraph (b).(2)Thepersonmaymake,eitherpersonallyorbyarepresentative,
a representation to an inspector or inspectionofficer
about—(a)an alleged contravention of this Act;
or(b)a thing or practice at the coal mine
that is, or is likely tobe, dangerous.(3)The
inspector or inspection officer must investigate the matter.(4)A public service employee must not
disclose the name of theperson making the
representation—Page 188Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 17
General[s 275AA](a)except for a prosecution under subsection
(5); or(b)unless the person consents to the
disclosure.(5)The person must not make a false or
frivolous representation.Maximum penalty for subsection (5)—40
penalty units.275AA Protection from reprisal(1)Apersonmustnotcause,orattemptorconspiretocause,detriment to
another person because, or in the belief that, theother person—(a)has
made a complaint, or in any other way has raised, acoal
mine safety issue; or(b)has contacted or
given help to an official in relation to acoal mine safety
issue.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(2)An attempt to cause detriment includes
an attempt to induce aperson to cause detriment.(3)A contravention of subsection (1) is a
reprisal or the taking ofa reprisal.(4)Agroundmentionedinsubsection (1)asthegroundforareprisal is the unlawful ground for
the reprisal.(5)For the contravention to happen, it is
sufficient if the unlawfulground is a substantial ground for the
act or omission that isthereprisal,evenifthereisanothergroundfortheactoromission.(6)This
section does not limit or otherwise affect the operation ofthePublic Interest Disclosure Act
2010, chapter 4, part 1 inrelation to
reprisals.(7)In this section—coalminesafetyissuemeansanissueaboutthesafetyorhealth of a person or persons while at a
coal mine or as a resultof coal mining operations.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 17 General[s 275AB]275AB
Damages entitlement for reprisal(1)A
reprisal is a tort and a person who takes a reprisal is liable
indamages to anyone who suffers detriment as a
result.(2)Any appropriate remedy that may be
granted by a court for atort may be granted by a court for the
taking of a reprisal.(3)If the claim for
the damages goes to trial in the Supreme CourtortheDistrictCourt,itmustbedecidedbyajudgesittingwithout a jury.Division 2Miscellaneous275AC Public
statements(1)TheMinister,chiefexecutive,commissionerorchiefinspector may
make or issue a public statement identifying,and giving
information about, the following—(a)thecommissionofoffencesagainstthisActandthepersons who
commit the offences;(b)investigations
conducted under this Act about accidentsor high
potential incidents at a coal mine;(c)actiontakenbyinspectors,inspectionofficers,authorised officers or the chief executive
to enforce thisAct;(d)thecancellationorsuspensionofacertificateofcompetency or site senior executive notice
under section195(2) or part 10A;(e)anyincidentorothermatterthatmayberelevanttopersons seeking to comply with their safety
and healthobligations.(2)The
public statement may identify particular information andpersons.(3)TheMinister,chiefexecutive,commissionerorchiefinspector must
not issue a public statement under this sectionunless satisfied
that it is in the public interest to do so.Page 190Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 17
General[s 275A](4)Despite section 276(2), no liability is
incurred by the State forthe issue of, or for anything done for
the purpose of issuing, apublic statement under this section in
good faith.(5)Noliabilityisincurredbyapersonforpublishing,ingoodfaith,
information that has been included in a public statementunder this section.(6)In
this section—liabilityincludes
liability in defamation.275ADisclosure of
Act, unless the disclosure is made—(a)withtheconsentofthepersonfromwhomtheinformation was obtained; or(b)in the administration of this Act;
or(d)in a proceeding before a court in
which the informationis relevant to the issue before the
court; or(e)inapublicstatementmadeorissuedundersection 275AC.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(2)However, the
chief inspector may communicate anything thatcomes to the
chief inspector’s knowledge under this Act to anofficerorauthorityresponsibleforadministeringalawofQueensland, the
Commonwealth or another State about safetyand health in
mining.(3)Despite subsection (1), the chief
inspector or chief executivemaydisclosetotheRegulatororWorkCover,undertheWorkers’CompensationandRehabilitationAct2003,anyCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 18
Administration[s 276]informationthechiefinspectororchiefexecutivehasthatrelates to any
matter under that Act.(4)This section
does not limit theRight to Information Act 2009or
theInformation Privacy Act 2009,
chapter 3.Notauthorised—indicativeonly276Protection from
liability(1)Anofficialdoesnotincurcivilliabilityforanactdone,oromissionmade,honestlyandwithoutnegligenceunderthisAct.Example of an act done—giving
information or advice(2)Ifsubsection (1)preventsacivilliabilityattachingtoanofficial, the liability attaches
instead to the State.Part 18Administration277Delegations(1)TheMinisterorchiefexecutivemaydelegatehisorherpowersunderthisActtoanappropriatelyqualifiedpublicservice
qualified person for mines rescue services.(3)In
this section—appropriatelyqualifiedincludeshavingthequalifications,experience or
standing appropriate to exercise the power.Example of
standing—a person’s classification level in the
public service278Delegation of chief inspector’s
powers(1)The chief inspector may delegate any
of the chief inspector’spowers to an inspector.Page
192Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 18
Administration[s 279](2)However,thechiefinspectormaydelegateapowertoaninspector only if the chief inspector
is satisfied the inspectorhastheexpertiseandexperiencetoproperlyexercisethepower.(3)Also, the chief inspector must not delegate
to an inspector thepower to review an inspector’s directive
under part 9, division3.279Notices about coal industry statistics or
information(1)The chief executive may, by notice,
require a person to keepand give the chief executive
statistics or other information intheperson’scustody,possessionorpoweraboutthecoalmining
industry.Examples of matters the notice may
require—1the keeping and giving of records of
production, disposal, sales andemployment
including about attendance and absenteeism for workat
coal mines3that the records, statistics, returns
or other information must bekept in an
approved form(2)The chief executive may, by notice,
amend a notice.(3)Thepersonmustcomplywiththenotice,unlessthepersonhas a reasonable
excuse for not complying.Maximum penalty—40 penalty
units.(4)The chief executive may—(a)use the information to produce
statistics and other data;and(b)publishthestatisticsandotherdataproducedunderparagraph (a).280Chief
executive to keep records(1)Thechiefexecutivemustkeepandmaintainrecordsthatinclude—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 19 Regulations[s 281](a)a database of information
about—(i)hazards associated with coal mining
operations andmethods of controlling the hazards;
and(ii)lost time
injuries and high potential incidents; and(b)plansshowingtheextentofoperationsundertakenatabandoned mines; and(c)current recognised standards.(2)Information about lost time injuries
must include the numberof days the injured person was unable
to work, regardless ofthenumberofhoursthatwouldhavebeenworkedbytheperson each
day.(3)However, the number of days to be
recorded does not includethe day of the injury.(4)The chief executive, on payment by a
person of a reasonablefee decided by the chief executive,
must give a person accessto the records.(5)In
this section—losttimeinjuriesmeansaninjuryresultinginaninjuredperson being unable to work the next day or
a longer period,whether they are rostered to work or
not.281Approved formsThe chief
inspector may approve forms for use under this Act.Part
19Regulations282Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),aregulationmaybemadeabout any matter
mentioned in schedule 2.Page 194Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 19
Regulations[s 282](3)Without limiting subsection (1) or schedule
2, part 1, item 6, aregulationmaybemadeaboutassessing,chargingandrecovering fees payable to cover the
cost of the department’sactivities carried out for the
purposes of safety and health forcoal mining
operations.(4)Without limiting subsection (3), a
regulation may provide forany of the following—(a)the types of activities for which fees
may be charged andrecovered;(b)the
fees to be charged;(c)the way the fees are calculated
including, for the firsttime the fees are charged, prescribing
the way based oncriteriainplacebeforethecommencementoftheregulation;(d)who
must pay the fees;(e)how, when, where, and to whom, the
fees must be paid;(f)the calculation of interest payable on
unpaid fees;(g)theinformationthatmustbeprovidedtothechiefexecutive by the
persons who must pay the fees;(h)how,
when, where, and to whom, the information is tobe
provided;(i)investigations by authorised officers
to obtain and checkthe information.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 195
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 20 Repeal, transitional and validation
provisions[s 283]Part 20Repeal, transitional andvalidation
provisionsDivision 1Transitional and
repeal provisionsfor Act No. 39 of 1999Subdivision
1Definitions283Definitions for div 1In this
division—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.former
Actmeans theCoal Mining Act
1925.former entitymeans The
Queensland Coal Board establishedunder the former
Act.Subdivision 2Transitional
matters284Existing notices(1)A
notice mentioned in subsection (3) and in force under theformer Act immediately before the
commencement remains inforce as a notice for this Act.(2)The notice—(a)may
be amended or repealed by a regulation under thisAct;
and(b)istobereadwiththechangesnecessarytomakeitconsistentwiththisActandadaptitsoperationtotheprovisions of this Act.(3)The notices are—Page 196Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 20 Repeal,
transitional and validation provisions[s 285](a)notice of a second working extraction
under part 60 oftheCoalMining(UndergroundCoalMines)GeneralRule
1983; and(b)noticeofsealingunderpart3.1CoftheCoalMining(Underground
Coal Mines) General Rule 1983.285Existing certificates of
competencyIfacertificateofcompetencyissuedbytheboardofexaminersundertheformerActandinforceatthecommencement is
mentioned in this Act, it is taken to be acertificate of
competency granted under this Act.286Approvals by inspectorIfanapprovalofthechiefinspectororaninspectorforastateduseforstatedplantisinforceundertheformerActimmediately before the commencement, and a
certificate by anationally accredited testing station is
required under this Actforthestatedusefortheplant,theapprovalofthechiefinspector or
inspector is taken to be a certificate given underthis
Act.287Board of examiners(1)TheboardofexaminersestablishedundertheMinesRegulationAct1964istakentobetheboardofexaminersunder this Act
for 6 months after the commencement.(2)A
person who immediately before the commencement was amember of the board of examiners continues
to be a memberfor 6 months after the commencement.(3)Toremovedoubt,forthisAct,theboardofexaminershasonly
the functions and powers set out in this Act.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 197
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 20 Repeal,
transitional and validation provisions[s 288]288Mines rescue performance
criteriaMines rescue performance criteria fixed and
notified by theMinister under section 103O of the former
Act and in forceimmediately before the commencement are
taken to be minesrescue performance criteria fixed and
notified by the Ministerunder section 233 of this Act.Notauthorised—indicativeonly288AExisting
accreditation(1)Thissectionappliestoanaccreditation,toprovideminesrescueservices,inforceundertheformerActimmediatelybefore its
repeal.(2)The accreditation is taken to have
continued as if the formerAct had not been repealed, until the
accreditation is replacedwith accreditation under section 227
of this Act.289Existing chief inspector to be chief
inspectorA person who, immediately before the
commencement, wasthechiefinspectorofcoalminesundertheformerAct,istaken to be appointed as the chief
inspector under this Act.290Existing
inspector to be inspectorA person who, immediately before the
commencement, wasan inspector under the former Act is taken
to be appointed asan inspector under this Act.291Existing inspection officer to be
inspection officerA person who, immediately before the
commencement, wasaninspectionofficerundertheformerActistakentobeappointed as an inspection officer
under this Act.292Existing district union
inspectorsA person who, immediately before the
commencement, was adistrict union inspector under the former
Act is taken to bePage 198Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 20 Repeal,
transitional and validation provisions[s 293]appointedasanindustrysafetyandhealthrepresentativeunder this Act
until the day the person’s appointment underthe former Act
would have ended.Notauthorised—indicativeonly293Existing miners’ officer to be site
safety and healthrepresentativeA person who,
immediately before the commencement, was aminers’ officer
under the former Act is taken to be a site safetyand
health representative under this Act and may, subject tothis
Act, continue to be a site safety and health representativefor
6 months after the commencement.294Mine
record book taken to be mine recordThe record book
for a mine under the former Act is taken tobe the mine
record for the mine under this Act.295Notices about coal industry statistics or
informationAnoticeundersection 110oftheformerActandinforceimmediately before the commencement is taken
to be a noticeby the chief executive under section
279.296Coal Industry Employees’ Health
Scheme(1)TheCoalIndustryEmployees’HealthSchemeOrder1993undertheformerAct,asinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement, continues in force as a
regulation under thisAct and may be cited as aCoal
Mining (Industry Employees’Health Scheme)
Regulation 1993.(2)A reference in
the regulation to the former entity is taken to bea
reference to the chief executive.297Warden may finish inquiry into
accident(1)If a warden has started an inquiry
into an accident under theformerActandtheinquiryhasnotbeenfinishedattheCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 20 Repeal,
transitional and validation provisions[s 298]commencement, the warden may finish the
inquiry under theformer Act as if it had not been
repealed.(2)In this section—wardenmeansawardenundertheMineralResourcesAct1989.Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 3Repeals298RepealsThe following
Acts are repealed—(a)Coal Mining Act 1925;(b)Coal Mining Act
Amendment Act 1928.Division 2Transitional
provisions for Minesand Energy Legislation
AmendmentAct 2010299Definitions for div 2In this
division—commencementmeans the day
this section commences.coal mining safety and health advisory
committeemeans thecoalminingsafetyandhealthadvisorycommitteeundersection 75.coalminingsafetyandhealthadvisorycouncilmeansthecoalminingsafetyandhealthadvisorycouncilestablishedunder section 75
as in force before the commencement.300References to coal mining safety and health
advisorycouncilA reference in
an Act or document to the coal mining safetyand health
advisory council is, if the context permits, taken toPage
200Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 20 Repeal,
transitional and validation provisions[s 301]be a
reference to the coal mining safety and health advisorycommittee.301Continuation of coal mining safety and
health advisorycouncil and appointment of members(1)Onthecommencement,thecoalminingsafetyandhealthadvisorycouncilcontinuesasthecoalminingsafetyandhealth advisory committee.(2)Subsection (3)appliestoapersonwho,immediatelybeforethecommencement,isamemberofthecoalminingsafetyand health
advisory council.(3)On the commencement, the person is
taken to be a member ofthe coal mining safety and health
advisory committee.Division 3Transitional
provision for Mines andEnergy Legislation Amendment
Act2011302Application of
appeal costs provision to undecidedappeals(1)The appeal costs provision applies to
any appeal under part 14started,butnotdecided,beforethecommencementofthissection.(2)In this section—appealcostsprovisionmeanssection
248(3)asamendedundertheMinesandEnergyLegislationAmendmentAct2011.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 20 Repeal, transitional and validation
provisions[s 303]Division 4Transitional and validationprovisions for Water Reform andOther Legislation Amendment Act2014303Application of
joint interaction management planprovisions(1)ThejointinteractionmanagementplanprovisionsdonotapplytoacoalminingleasementionedintheMineralResources Regulation 2013,
section 23(1).Note—The holder of
the coal mining lease would continue to be subject to theMineral Resources Regulation 2013,
chapter 2, part 4, division 4 as inforce from time
to time.(2)Thejointinteractionmanagementplanprovisionsdonotapplyinrelationtothefollowingforaperiodof6monthsstarting on the
commencement—(a)coalminingoperationscarriedoutinanoverlappingarea the subject
of an exploration permit (coal), withinthemeaningoftheCommonProvisionsAct,ifanactivityunderanauthoritytoprospect(csg)orpetroleum lease (csg) within the
meaning of that Act isalso carried out in the overlapping
area;(b)coalminingoperationscarriedoutinanoverlappingarea the subject
of a mineral development licence (coal),within the
meaning of the Common Provisions Act, if anactivity for an
authority to prospect (csg) or petroleumlease (csg)
within the meaning of that Act is also carriedout in the
overlapping area.(3)In this section—joint
interaction management plan provisionsmeans part
4,division 3A.Page 202Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 20 Repeal,
transitional and validation provisions[s 303A]303ARequirement for joint interaction
management plan byparticular date(1)This
section applies if, on 27 September 2017 and despite theMineralandEnergyResources(CommonProvisions)Transitional
Regulation 2016, section 11—(a)a
joint interaction management plan has not been madeundersection64Einrelationtothecoalminingoperations—(i)mentioned in section 303(2); or(ii)carried out in
an overlapping area the subject of amining lease
(coal) if an activity for an authority toprospect (csg)
is also carried out in the overlappingarea; and(b)the reason a joint interaction
management plan has notbeenmadeundersection64Eisthatarbitrationofadisputeabouttheplanhasbeenappliedforundersection 64E(3)
or (4).(2)The overlapping safety plan applying
in relation to the coalminingoperationsistakentobeajointinteractionmanagement plan
for section 64E(1)(a).(3)Subsection(2)appliesuntilajointinteractionmanagementplanismadeundersection64Eforthecoalminingoperations.(4)In
this section—overlapping safety plan, applying in
relation to coal miningoperations,meansthepartofthesafetyandhealthmanagement
system under this Act applying in relation to thecoalminingoperationsthatdealswithhazardsandrisksrelating to
carrying out activities in an overlapping area.304Return of seized things(1)Newsection 149appliesinrelationtoathingseizedunderpart 9 before
the commencement that, on the commencement,is still
seized.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 20 Repeal, transitional and validation
provisions[s 305](2)If,
at any time before the commencement, a thing seized underpart
9 was not returned to its owner within the time requiredunder old section 149—(a)the
retention of the thing is taken to have been as lawfulasitwouldhavebeenapartfromthenon-compliancewith old section
149; and(b)the State is not liable to pay
compensation, and does notincur any other liability, for the
retention of the thing incontravention of old section
149.(3)Subsection (2)appliesforallpurposesincludingalegalproceeding
started before the commencement.(4)In
this section—newsection 149meanssection 149asinforcefromthecommencement.oldsection 149meanssection 149asinforcefromtimetotime
before the commencement.Division 5Validation
provision for Land andOther Legislation Amendment Act2017305Validation of
particular appointments(1)This section
applies if, before the commencement, an officeror employee of
the public service was purportedly appointedto any of the
following offices (each arelevant office)—(a)an inspector or inspection officer
under section 125(1);(b)foraninspector—thechiefinspectorofcoalminesunder section 125(2);(c)an
authorised officer under section 129A.(2)The
person is declared to always have been validly appointedto
the relevant office.Page 204Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Part 20 Repeal,
transitional and validation provisions[s 307](3)Anything done or omitted to be done by
the person that wouldhave been valid and lawful under this
Act had the person beenvalidlyappointedtotherelevantofficeistakentobe,andalways to have
been, valid and lawful.(4)Without limiting
subsection (3), it is declared that evidenceobtained by the
person in the purported exercise of a powerunderthisActistakentobe,andalwaystohavebeen,lawfully obtained.Division 7Transitional provisions for MinesLegislation (Resources Safety)Amendment Act 2018307Definitions for divisionIn this
Safety) Amendment Act 2018.transitionalperiodmeanstheperiodstartingonthecommencement of
sections 308and309andending3yearsafter the
commencement of those sections.308Appointment of, and acting as, ventilation
officers forunderground mines during transitional
period(1)Amendedsection61(3)or61A(4)doesnotapplytotheappointmentofaventilationofficer,oractingventilationofficer,foranundergroundmineduringthetransitionalperiod.(2)Amended section 61A(2)(b) does not
apply to an undergroundmine manager for an underground mine
assuming the dutiesof the ventilation officer for the mine
during the transitionalperiod.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 205
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Part 20 Repeal, transitional and validation
provisions[s 309]309Ventilation officers holding office when
transitionalperiod ends(1)Thissectionappliestoapersonwho,whenthetransitionalperiod ends, is
appointed as the ventilation officer, or actingventilation
officer, for an underground mine.(2)Theperson’sappointmentendsimmediatelyafterthetransitional period ends unless the
person holds a ventilationofficer’s certificate of
competency.(3)This section applies despite section
61.310Existing site senior executive
notices(1)Thissectionappliestoanoticeissuedbytheboardofexaminers to a person relating to the
person’s competency toperform the duties of a site senior
executive for a coal mine, ifthenoticewasinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement.(2)The
notice is taken to be a site senior executive notice.Page
206Current as at [Not applicable]
Schedule 2Coal Mining
Safety and Health Act 1999Schedule 2Subject matter
for regulationsNotauthorised—indicativeonlysection 282Part 1General1Theperformanceobjectivesusedtoachieveanacceptablelevel of
risk.Example of matters under item 1—prescribingthatproceduresmustbedevelopedandimplementedtocontrol exposure to noise at a coal
mine2Prohibiting anything or, prescribing
anything, to achieve anacceptable level of risk.Example of item 2—prescribing the
level of respirable dust that is acceptable at a coal mine3Mattersspecificallyrelatingtotheexploration,mining,management, disposal and use of coal seam
gas.4Matters relating to the drilling,
completion and abandonmentof boreholes and the reporting of
information relating to thematters.5Matters of an administrative
nature.Example—notice of an
accident at a coal mine6Fees payable
under this Act.7Creating offences and prescribing
penalties of not more than400 penalty units for offences against
the regulation.Part 2Matters about
safety and health1Coalminingoperationsandinstallationsandequipmentatcoalmines,includingtheoperationoftheworkingenvironment.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 207
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonly2Prescribingstandardoperatingproceduresandrequirementsfor coal mines,
including for emergencies at coal mines.3Waystoinvestigatefor,identifyandassesshazardsatcoalmines.4Prescribing the tasks for which the
committee is to establishand publish competencies.5Investigations and reports by coal
mine operators of accidentsand incidents at
coal mines.6Reports of diseases affecting coal
mine workers.7Prescribingactivitiesatcoalminesforwhichstandardoperatingproceduresaretobedevelopedandsituationsinwhich those procedures must be
developed.8Prescribing activities at coal mines
for which principal hazardmanagement plans must be
developed.9Recordstobekeptandreturnstobelodgedbycoalmineoperators and requirements as to inspection
of the records.10Notices to be given and the persons by
whom and to whomthe notices are to be given.11Minesrescuecapabilityortheprovisionofminesrescueservices under part 13.12Prohibiting the consumption or ingestion of
alcohol or anothersubstancethatcouldimpairtheabilityofpersonstoadequatelyandsafelycarryouttheirdutiesorthatmayendanger the life, safety or health of
anyone at a coal mine.13Prohibitingapersoncarryingoutactivitiesatacoalminewhile under the influence of alcohol or
another substance thatcould impair the ability of a person
to adequately and safelycarry out their duties or that may
endanger the life, safety orhealth of anyone
at a coal mine.14Theminerecord,itscustodyandcare,informationtobeenteredinitandpersonswhomayberequiredtomakeentries.15Materials or objects to be classified
as contraband.16Proceedings of the board of
examiners.Page 208Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonly17Proceedings of the committee.18Safetyandhealthdutiesofcoalmineworkers,includingreporting requirements.19Monitoring requirements to safeguard safety
and health.20Design requirements, monitoring,
testing and other safeguardsfor the use of
electrical equipment and electricity.21Design requirements, monitoring, testing and
other safeguardsfor the use of mechanical equipment and
appliances.22The equipment for which certificates
must be obtained fromnationally accredited testing
stations.23Requirements for the safe use of
debilitating disturbances that may affect health.25Protection barriers or otherprecautionsnecessary to
protectcoal mines from hazards that may engulf
workings.26Exits in underground mines from
workings to surface.27Survey plans,
including how often plans must be given to thechief
executive.28Specialrulesthatmayfromtimetotimeberequiredtoaddress health or safety problems at a
specified mine.29The health of persons who are, will be
or have been employedat a coal mine, including
about—(a)the appointment, qualifications and
removal of doctorsand other health practitioners for mines;
and(b)pre-employment and periodic medical
examinations andhealth assessments to decide a person’s
fitness for workatacoalmineandforthepurposeofhealthsurveillance;
and(d)reciprocalarrangementsbetweencoalminingoperationsfortheexchangeofinformationortheCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Schedule 2recognitionofmedicalexaminationsorhealthassessments.29A Requirements
for holders of certificates of competency or sitesenior executive notices to undertake
continuing professionaldevelopment decided by the board of
examiners.30Matters relating to common survey
standards.31The responsibilities and duties of
open-cut examiners.32Requirements,inadditiontotherequirementundersection 62A,forsafetyandhealthmanagementsystemstoidentify, assess, mitigate, remediate,
monitor and report on thepotentialoftheimpactsofcoalminingoperationsonthesafetyofadjacentoroverlappingpetroleumactivities,includingrequirementsforjointinteractionmanagementplans.32A
The responsibilities and obligations of site senior
executivesin an overlapping area including in relation
to joint interactionmanagement plans.33Requirements to identify, assess, mitigate,
remediate, monitorandreportonthepotentialofcoalseamgasextractionactivitiesonthefuturesafecarryingoutofcoalminingoperations,includingcoalseamgasexplorationandproduction activities at coal mines.34Thegrantingofexemptionsbythechiefinspectorfromcomplying with
all or part of the requirements of a regulationmadeunderpart1,item3or4,forastatedcoalminingoperation at a
coal mine or for a stated coal seam.35Withoutlimitingitems1to34,anothermatteraboutsafetyand
health.Page 210Current as at
[Not applicable]
Schedule 3Coal Mining
Safety and Health Act 1999Schedule 3DictionaryNotauthorised—indicativeonlysection 8acceptablelevelofrisktoapersonfromcoalminingoperations, see section 29.accidentsee section
15.accreditedcorporation,forpart13,meansacorporationaccredited under
section 227.arbitration, of a dispute,
for part 4, division 3A, see section64D.attendance noticesee section
213.authorised activities operating plant,
for part 4, division 3A,see section 64D.authorised
officermeans a person appointed as an
authorisedofficer under this Act.board of
examinerssee section 184.bodily
harmsee Criminal Code, section 1.certificate of competencymeans a certificate of competencygranted by the board of examiners under this
Act.chief executivemeans the chief
executive of the department inwhich this Act
is administered.Note—This is also the
law under theActs Interpretation Act 1954,
section 36but, because of the particular nature of
this Act, is included here toavoid confusion
with the chief executive of, for example, a miningcompany.chief
inspectormeans the chief inspector of coal
mines.civil penalty obligation, for part 15B,
see section 267E.coal mine—(a)generally, see section 9; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Schedule 3(b)for
a person who is in control of, has responsibility fororisappointedforaseparatepartofasurfacemine,meansthepartofthemineforwhichthepersonhascontrol, responsibility or is
appointed.coal mine operatorsee section
21.coal mine workermeans an
individual who carries out workatacoalmineandincludesthefollowingindividualswhocarry out work at a coal mine—(a)an employee of the coal mine
operator;(b)a contractor or employee of a
contractor;(c)a service provider or employee of a
service provider.coalminingoperationsmeansactivities,includingon-siteactivities,
carried out at a coal mine that are associated withthe
following in relation to coal or coal seam gas—(a)exploration;(b)extracting;(c)the
processing and treatment;(d)installingandmaintainingequipmentusedforextraction, processing and treatment.commissionermeans the
Commissioner for Mine Safety andHealth.committeesee section
(Common Provisions) Act 2014.commutesystemmeansaschedulespecifyingtheregularperiodswhenundergroundminemanagersandothersupervisors and
their alternates are to assume their duties at acoal
mine.competence, for a task at
a coal mine, see section 12.consultation, with coal mine
workers, see section 13.contrabandis material that
by its hazardous nature presentsan unacceptable
risk if taken underground.Page 212Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Schedule 3convictionincludes a plea
of guilty or a finding of guilt by acourt even
though a conviction is not recorded.correspondingoffence,inrelationtoacontraventionofacivil penalty obligation, for part
15B, see section 267E.document certification
requirementsee section 154(5).document
production requirementsee section 154(7).explorationpermitmeansanexplorationpermitgrantedunder theMineral Resources Act 1989.explosion risk zonemeans any part of a mine on the
returnside of a place where a methane level equal
to or greater thana level prescribed by regulation is likely
to be found.explosivehas the meaning
given in theExplosives Act 1999.FMAmeansthefutureminingareaasdefinedundertheCommon Provisions Act, section
110.geographically separatedsee section
22.grievous bodily harmsee Criminal
Code, section 1.hazardsee section
19.high potential incidentsee section
17.holder, for a coal
mine, means the holder under theMineralResourcesAct1989ofanexplorationpermit,mineraldevelopment
licence or mining lease for the coal mine.IMAmeanstheinitialminingareaasdefinedundertheCommon Provisions Act, section
109.incidental coal seam gas—1Incidentalcoalseamgasiscoalseamgasmined,orproposed to be mined, under theMineral Resources Act1989,
section 318CM, in the tenure area of the mininglease if the
mining is—(a)a necessary result of coal mining
carried out underthe lease; or(b)necessarytoensureasafemineworkingenvironment for
coal mining under the lease; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 213
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Schedule 3Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 214(c)necessarytominimisethefugitiveemissionofmethaneduringthecourseofcoalminingoperations.2Foritem1,coalseamgasmeansasubstance(inanystate)occurringnaturallyinassociationwithcoal,orstrata associated with coal, if the
substance is petroleumunder thePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety)Act 2004.industrialorganisationmeansanassociationofemployeesregisteredundertheIndustrialRelationsAct2016asanemployee organisation.industry safety and health
representativesee section 27.inspectionofficermeansapersonappointedaninspectionofficer under
this Act.inspector—(a)generally,meansapersonappointedasaninspectorunder this Act; and(b)for
part 10, see section 183.joint interaction management
plan, for part 4, division 3A,see
section 64E(1)(a).mine, for part 13,
see section 220.mineral development licencemeans a mineral developmentlicence granted under theMineral Resources Act 1989.mineral(f)seetheMineralResourcesAct1989,section 6(2)(f).mine
recordsee section 68.mines rescue
agreementsee section 222(1).mines rescue
capabilitysee section 221.mines rescue
servicessee section 232(a).mining
leasemeans a mining lease granted under
theMineralResources Act
1989.mining projectmeans coal
mining carried on under 2 or moremining leases as
a single integrated undertaking.Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Schedule 3Notauthorised—indicativeonlyminingtenuremeansanexplorationpermit,mineraldevelopmentlicenceorminingleasegrantedundertheMineral Resources Act 1989.noticemeans signed
written notice.obstructincludes hinder,
resist and attempt to obstruct.officer—(a)of a
corporation, means an officer within the meaning ofthe
Corporations Act, section 9, other than a partner ina
partnership; or(b)for part 9, division 4, see section
132A.officialmeans—(a)the Minister; or(b)the
chief executive; or(c)the commissioner; or(d)the chief inspector; or(e)an inspector; or(f)an
inspection officer; or(g)an authorised
officer; or(h)apersonactingunderthedirectionoforhelpinganinspector, inspection officer or authorised
officer; or(i)a member or a substitute member of the
committee; or(j)an industry safety and health
representative; or(k)a site safety and health
representative.on-site activitiessee section
10.operating plantfor part 4,
division 3A, see section 64D.operator, of
an operating plant, for part 4, division 3A, seesection 64D.other mining
legislationmeans the following—(a)Explosives Act 1999;(b)Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health
Act 1999;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Schedule 3(c)Petroleum Act 1923;(d)Petroleum and Gas (Production and
Safety) Act 2004.overlappingareaseetheCommonProvisionsAct,section104.party, to a mines
rescue agreement, see section 222(2).penalty
notice, for part 15B, see section 267I(3).performancecriteriameanstheperformancecriteriaundersection
233.personal details requirementsee
section 152(5).physicaloverlappingofcoalminingoperationsseesection 23.place of
seizuresee section 144(a).plantincludes—(a)machinery,equipment,appliance,pressurevessel,implement and
tool; and(b)personal protective equipment;
and(c)acomponentofplantandafitting,connection,accessory or
adjunct to plant.principal hazardsee section
20.principal hazard management plansee
section 63.productincludesasminedmaterial,wastematerial,treatedand semi treated
material.proposed action, for part 10A,
see section 197B(1).proposed action notice,
for part 10A, see section 197B(2).proposed penalty
notice, for part 15B, see section 267G(2).recognised standardsee section
71.regionmeansanadministrativeregionestablishedbythechief executive for the administration
of this Act.relevant corporation, for part 15B,
see section 267E.reprisalsee section
275AA.Page 216Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Schedule 3residual riskmeans the
remaining level of risk after measuresto control risk
have been taken under this Act.review
decisionsee section 177(1).risksee
section 18.RMAmeanstherollingminingareaasdefinedundertheCommon Provisions Act, section
111.safety and healthsee section
11.safety and health management systemmeans a single safetyand health
management system that complies with—(a)therequirementsforasafetyandhealthmanagementsystem under
section 62; and(b)ifsection62Aapplies—therequirementsforasafetymanagementsystemunderthePetroleumandGas(Production and Safety) Act
2004; and(c)ifpart4,division3A,ortheMineralResourcesRegulation
2013, chapter 2, part 4, division 4
applies—therequirementsforajointinteractionmanagementplan under that
division.safety and health obligationssee
section 33.separate part of a surface minesee
section 21(4).serious accidentsee section
16.service providersee section
47(1).site safety and health representativesee
section 28.site senior executive, for a coal
mine, see section 25.site senior executive noticessee
section 185(e).SOZmeansthesimultaneousoperationszoneasdefinedunder the Common
Provisions Act, section 112.standard
operating proceduresee section 14.substitute
membersee section 83A(1).supervisorsee section
26.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999Schedule 3supplier,ofplant,equipment,substancesorothergoods,means a person who contracts to supply the
plant, equipment,substances or other goods to a coal mine
operator, contractoror service provider.surface minemeans—(a)a coal mine other than an underground
coal mine; or(b)the surface operations of an
underground coal mine.Example of surface operations of an
underground mine—A coal mine consists of an underground coal
mine and relatedoverlayingsurfacefacilitiesforminingcoalseamgas.Thefacilities are surface operations for
the underground mine.surfacemineexcavationmeansanareawhereextractionoperations are
being conducted, and includes an area beyondthe main working
face—(a)in which shot holes are being charged;
or(b)being prepared for the extraction of
coal.treatmentmeans any
process carried out with the objective ofpreparing
material won in a coal mining operation for its endpurpose.unacceptablelevelofriskmeansriskthatisnotatanacceptable level.underground
gasification activitymeans an activity relatingto—(a)the exploration
for, and testing of, coal to be used for theproduction of
mineral (f); or(b)theproduction,processing,refining,storageortransportation of mineral (f).undergroundminemeansacoalminewherecoalmineworkers normally
work beneath the surface of the earth, andincludesstructures,apparatusandequipmentthatextendcontinuously
from the surface into an underground mine, butdoes not include
the surface operations of the mine.Page 218Current as at [Not applicable]
Mining Safety and Health Act 1999Schedule 3Example of surface operations of an
underground mine—Acoalmineconsistsofanundergroundcoalmineandrelatedoverlaying
surface facilities for mining coal seam gas. The facilities
aresurface operations for the underground
mine.unionmeanstheConstructionForestryMiningandEnergyUnion—MiningandEnergyDivisionQueenslandDistrictBranch.workplacemeans a workplace to which the Work Health
andSafety Act 2011 applies.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 219