Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act
QueenslandMineral and Energy
Resources(CommonProvisions)Act2014Current as at [Not applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates all proposedamendmentstotheActincludedintheMineral,WaterandOtherLegislationAmendment Bill
2018. This indicative reprint has been prepared for information
only—it is not an authorised reprint of the
Act.An enacted but uncommenced amendment
included in theLand Access OmbudsmanAct 2017No.
34 has also been incorporated in this indicative reprint.Amendments to this Act are also included in
the Land, Explosives and Other LegislationAmendment Bill
2018 and the Mineral and Energy Resources (Financial
Provisioning)Bill 2018. These proposed amendments are not
included in this indicative reprint.The point-in-time
date for this indicative reprint is the introduction date for the
Mineral,Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill
2018—15 February 2018.DetailedinformationaboutindicativereprintsisavailableontheInformationpage of the
Queensland legislation website.
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 1 Preliminary[s
1]Mineral and Energy Resources (CommonProvisions) Act 2014AnActtoprovideforthefirststepincreatingasimplifiedcommon framework
for managing resource authorities in orderto optimise
development and use of Queensland’s mineral andenergyresourcesandtomanageoverlappingcoalandpetroleum resource authorities for coal
seam gasChapter 1PreliminaryPart 1Introduction1Short
titleThis Act may be cited as theMineral and Energy Resources(Common Provisions) Act 2014.2CommencementThis Act
commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation.Part 2Purposes and application ofAct3Main
purposesThe main purposes of this Act are—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 1 Preliminary[s
4](a)to consolidate particular provisions
common to each ofthe Resource Acts; and(b)to
provide for particular common processes that apply toresource authorities; and(c)tomanageoverlappingcoalandpetroleumresourceauthorities for coal seam gas; and(d)toassistinachievingthepurposesofeachoftheResource Acts.4How
main purposes are achieved(1)Themainpurposesareachievedbyprovidingforthefollowing matters mainly in this Act,
rather than in each of theResource Acts—(a)dealings, caveats and associated
agreements;(b)land access;(c)the
new framework for overlapping coal and petroleumresource authorities for coal seam
gas;(d)the resource authority
register;(e)other miscellaneous matters.(2)It is the intention of Parliament that
this Act be the first steptowardsthereplacementoftheResourceActswithasimplified common framework that will apply
to all resourceauthorities.5Act
binds all persons(1)This Act binds all persons, including
the State and as far asthelegislativepoweroftheParliamentpermits,theCommonwealth and the other
States.(2)Nothing in this Act makes the State,
the Commonwealth oranotherStateliabletobeprosecutedforanoffenceagainstthis
Act.Page 14Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 1 Preliminary[s
6]6Relationship with Resource Acts(1)This Act is to be read and construed
with, and as if it formedpart of, each Resource Act.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),thefollowingprinciplesapply—(a)this Act is not intended toexclude,limit orotherwiseaffect the
operation of a Resource Act unless this Actotherwise
expressly provides;(b)a reference to ‘this Act’ in a
provision of a Resource Actrelatingtoanyofthefollowingmattersincludesareference to this Act—(i)thefunctionsorpowersofanauthorisedofficerunder a Resource Act, including, for
example, thepower to give a compliance direction;(ii)thefunctionsorpowersofaMinisterunderaResource Act, including, for example,
the power totake noncompliance action;(iii)proceedings for
an offence against a provision of aResource
Act;(c)ifthecontextpermits,areferenceto‘thisAct’inaprovisionofaResourceAct,otherthanaprovisionmentioned in
paragraph (b), includes a reference to thisAct.(3)Without limiting subsection (2)(a),
this Act is not intended toexclude, limit
or otherwise affect the following unless this Actotherwise expressly provides—(a)thepowerunderaResourceActtograntaresourceauthority;(b)the
carrying out of authorised activities for a resourceauthority;(c)theduties,obligations,requirementsorrestrictionsimposed on a
resource authority holder.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 1 Preliminary[s
7](4)Despite subsections (2)(a) and (3), if
this Act is inconsistentwithaResourceAct,thisActprevailstotheextentoftheinconsistency.(5)Without limiting subsection (1), (2), (3) or
(4)—(a)if a provision of this Act deals with
a particular matterand a provision of a Resource Act deals with
the samematteranditisimpossibletocomplywithbothprovisions, a
person must comply with the provision ofthisActandisexcusedfromcomplyingwiththeprovision of the Resource Act, to the
extent that it cannot be complied with; and(b)if a provision of this Act deals with
a particular matterand a provision of a Resource Act deals with
the samematter and it is possible to comply with
both provisions,a person must comply with both
provisions.7Reference to a Resource Act includes
reference to thisActIf the context permits, a reference in
another Act or documentto a Resource Act is taken to include
a reference to this Act.Part 3InterpretationDivision 1Dictionary8DefinitionsThe dictionary
in schedule 2 defines particular words used inthis Act.Page
16Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Mineral and
Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 1
Preliminary[s 9]Key
definitions9What is aResource
ActEach of the following is aResource Act—(a)the Mineral Resources Act;(b)the P&G Act;(c)the
1923 Act;(d)the Geothermal Act;(e)the Greenhouse Gas Act.10What is aresource
authorityEach of the following is aresource authority—(a)any of the following under the Mineral
Resources Act—•a prospecting permit;•a mining claim;•an
exploration permit;•a mineral development licence;•a mining lease;•a
water monitoring authority;(b)any
of the following under the P&G Act—•an
authority to prospect;•a petroleum
lease;•a data acquisition authority;•a water monitoring authority;•a survey licence;•a
pipeline licence;•a petroleum facility licence;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 1 Preliminary[s
11](c)any of the following under the 1923
Act—•an authority to prospect;•a lease;•a
water monitoring authority;(d)any
of the following under the Geothermal Act—•a
geothermal exploration permit;•a
geothermal production lease;(e)any
of the following under the Greenhouse Gas Act—•a
GHG exploration permit;•a GHG injection
and storage lease;•aGHGinjectionandstoragedataacquisitionauthority.11What
is theauthorised areaTheauthorised area, for a resource
authority, means the areato which the resource authority
relates.12Who is anownerof
land and other things(1)Anowner, of land, means
each person as stated in schedule 1for the
land.(2)Also, a mortgagee of land is
theownerof land
if—(a)the mortgagee is acting as mortgagee
in possession ofthe land and has the exclusive management
and controlof the land; or(b)the
mortgagee, or a person appointed by the mortgagee,isinpossessionofthelandandhastheexclusivemanagement and control of the land.(3)If land or another thing has more than
1 owner, a reference inthis Act to the owner of the land or
thing is a reference to eachof its
owners.Page 18Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 1 Preliminary[s
13]13What isprivate
land(1)Private landis—(a)freehold land; or(b)aninterestinlandlessthanfeesimpleheldfromtheState under another Act.(2)However, land is not private land to the
extent of an interest inany of the following relating to the
land—(a)a mining interest under the Mineral
Resources Act;(b)a petroleum authority under the
P&G Act or 1923 Actpetroleum tenure under the 1923
Act;(c)a geothermal tenure under the
Geothermal Act;(d)a GHG authority under the Greenhouse
Gas Act;(e)an occupation right under a permit
under theLand Act1994.(3)Also,landownedbyapubliclandauthorityisnotprivateland.14What
ispublic land(1)Public landis any land
other than—(a)private land; or(b)to
the extent an interest in any of the following relates tothe
land—(i)a mining interest under the Mineral
Resources Act;(ii)a petroleum
authority under the P&G Act or 1923Act petroleum
tenure under the 1923 Act;(iii)a GHG authority
under the Greenhouse Gas Act;(iv)a
geothermal tenure under the Geothermal Act;(v)an
occupation right under a permit under theLandAct
landincludes a public road.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 19
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 2 Dealings, caveats and
associated agreements[s 15]15What
is apublic roadApublic roadis an area of
land that—(a)is open to or used by the public;
and(b)is developed for or has as 1 of its
main uses—(i)the driving or riding of motor
vehicles; or(ii)pedestrian
traffic; and(c)is controlled by a public road
authority.Examples of an area of land that may be
included in a road—•a bridge, culvert, ford, tunnel or
viaduct•a pedestrian or bicycle pathChapter 2Dealings,
caveats andassociated agreementsPart 1Dealings16What
is adealingAdealing, in relation to
a resource authority, is—(a)any transaction
or arrangement that causes the creation,variation,
transfer or extinguishment of an interest in theresource authority; or(b)anothertransactionorarrangement,prescribedbyregulation, that affects the resource
authority.17Prescribed dealings require
registration(1)Aregulationmayprescribethedealingswitharesourceauthority (each
aprescribed dealing) that must be
registeredunder this part to have effect.Page
20Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 2 Dealings, caveats and
associated agreements[s 18](2)AprescribeddealingmustnotberegisteredwithouttheMinister’s approval.(3)Aprescribeddealinghasnoeffectunless,anduntil,itisregistered under this part.18Prohibited dealings have no
effect(1)Thefollowingdealingswitharesourceauthorityareprohibited—(a)adealingwitharesourceauthoritythattransfersadividedpartoftheauthorisedareafortheresourceauthority, unless the dealing is—(i)a sublease of a resource authority
that is a lease; or(ii)a transfer of a
sublease mentioned in subparagraph(i) or of a
share in the sublease;(b)adealingwitharesourceauthorityprescribedbyregulation as prohibited.(2)Adealingwitharesourceauthorityprohibitedundersubsection (1) must not be registered under
this part and hasno effect.19Application for Minister’s approval to
register dealing(1)Theordinary
ruleis that the following entities may apply
tothe Minister for approval to register a
prescribed dealing—(a)the affected resource authority
consent.(2)However, if a prescribed dealing is
required to be executedbecause of the operation of a law, a
regulation may change theordinary rule by prescribing the
following—(a)who may or must make the
application;(b)the period within which the
application must be made.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 2 Dealings, caveats and
associated agreements[s 20]Example of
dealing required to be executed because of the operation of
alaw—the transfer of
an interest in a resource authority because of the death ofthe
resource authority holder(3)Chapter 5, part
1 applies for processing the application, andthe Minister
must decide to either refuse to give the approvalor
give the approval with or without conditions.Note—See
section 23 if the approval relates to a prescribed dealing for
whichan indicative approval has been given under
that section.(4)In this section—affected
resource authority holdermeans—(a)foraprescribeddealingaffectingthewholeofaresource authority—the holder of the
resource authority;or(b)for a prescribed
dealing affecting a share in a resourceauthority—the
holder of the share.20Unpaid royalties prevent transfer of
resource authority(1)This section applies if a prescribed
dealing is a transfer of aresource authority or of a share in a
resource authority.(2)However, this section does not apply
if—(a)the share in the resource authority is
being transferred toapersonwhoalreadyholdsashareintheresourceauthority;
and(b)thepersontransferringthesharecontinues,afterthetransfer, to hold a share in the
resource authority.(3)TheMinistermustnotgiveanapprovalundersection 19whileanyroyaltypayablebytheholderoftheresourceauthority remains unpaid.Page
22Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 2 Dealings, caveats and
associated agreements[s 21]21Security may be required(1)This
section applies if a prescribed dealing is a transfer of aresource authority or of a share in a
resource authority.(2)Asaconditionofdecidingtogiveanapprovalundersection 19, the Minister may require the
proposed transfereeto give the State security for the resource
authority.(3)TheprovisionsoftherelevantResourceActforgivingsecurity for the type of resource authority
are taken to apply tothe proposed transferee and the
security as if the security weregiven under
those provisions.Examples of the provisions of the relevant
Resource Act—•For the Geothermal Act, see chapter 6,
part 4.•For the Greenhouse Gas Act, see
chapter 5, part 6.•For the Mineral Resources Act, see
sections 83, 144, 190 and 277.•For
the 1923 Act, see part 6G.•For the P&G
Act, see chapter 5, part 1.22Effect of
registration and Minister’s approvalTheregistrationofaprescribeddealing,ortheMinister’sapproval to
register the dealing under section 19, allows thedealing to have effect according to its
terms but does not ofitself give the dealing any more
effect or validity than it wouldotherwise
have.23Indication of Minister’s approval to
register(1)This section applies for a proposed
prescribed dealing.(2)The prescribed applicant for the
proposed prescribed dealingmay apply to the
Minister for an indication of (anindicativeapproval)—(a)whether the
Minister is likely to give approval to registerthe proposed
prescribed dealing; and(b)what, if any,
conditions are likely to be imposed by theMinister.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 2 Dealings, caveats and
associated agreements[s 23]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(3)Chapter 5, part 1 applies for
processing the application, andthe Minister
must decide to either refuse to give the indicativeapprovalorgivetheindicativeapprovalwithorwithoutconditions.(4)Subsection (5) applies if—(a)the indicative approval indicates the
Minister will giveapprovaltoregistertheproposedprescribeddealing;and(b)withintheprescribedperiod,theprescribedapplicantapplies to the Minister under section 19 for
approval toregister the proposed prescribed
dealing.(5)The Minister must grant the approval
in accordance with theindicative approval unless—(a)theproposedprescribeddealingisatransferoftheresourceauthorityandtheproposedtransfereeisnoteligible to be a resource authority
holder under this Actor the relevant Resource Act;
or(b)theapplicationfortheindicativeapprovalcontainedincorrectmaterialinformationoromittedmaterialinformationand,hadtheMinisterbeenawareofthediscrepancy,theMinisterwouldnothavegiventheindicative approval; or(c)preconditions for the indicative
approval have not beencomplied with.(6)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatgrantingoftheapproval is subject to sections 20 and
21.(7)In this section—preconditions,foranindicativeapproval,meansconditionsimposedontheapprovalunderthissectionthatmustbecompliedwithbeforearelatedapplicationismadeforapproval under section 19.prescribedapplicant,foraproposedprescribeddealing,means the entity that may, under section
19(1) or (2), applyfor approval to register the dealing.Page
24Current as at [Not applicable]
2Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 2 Dealings, caveats and
associated agreements[s 24]Caveats24Definition for pt 2In
this part—affected resource authority,
for a caveat, means the resourceauthority over
which the caveat is lodged.25Lodging of
caveat(1)Apersonclaiminganinterestinaresourceauthoritymaylodge a caveat over the resource
authority if the caveat—(a)complies with
the prescribed requirements for it; and(b)is
not a prohibited caveat; and(c)is
accompanied by the fee prescribed by regulation.(2)On receipt of the caveat, the chief
executive must—(a)record its existence in the register;
and(b)notify each holder of the affected
resource authority ofthe receipt of the caveat; and(c)notify all other persons who have a
registered interest inthe resource authority, and any
subsisting prior caveator,of the receipt of the caveat.(3)A caveat has no effect for this Act
if—(a)it does not comply with the prescribed
requirements forit; or(b)it
is a prohibited caveat.(4)In this
section—prohibitedcaveatmeansacaveatofatype,prescribedbyregulation, that can not be lodged.registered interest, in a resource
authority, means an interestin the resource
authority recorded in the register.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 25
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 2 Dealings, caveats and
associated agreements[s 26]26Effect of lodging caveat(1)Until a caveat lapses, is withdrawn or is
removed, the caveatpreventsregistrationofadealinginrelationtotheaffectedresourceauthorityfromthedateandtimeendorsedbythechief executive
on the caveat as the caveat’s date and time oflodgement.(2)However—(a)lodgement of a caveat does not prevent
registration of aninstrument of a type prescribed by
regulation; and(b)ifacaveatislodgedoveronlyashareinaresourceauthority,lodgementofthecaveatdoesnotpreventregistration of
a dealing in relation to the other shares inthe resource
authority.(3)A caveat does not create an interest
in the affected resourceauthority.27Lapsing of caveat(1)A
caveat lapses—(a)foracaveatforwhichtherewasconsent—attheexpiration of the term, if any, stated in
the caveat; or(b)for a caveat for which there was no
consent—(i)if an order of the Land Court is in
force in relationto the caveat—at the expiration of the
order; or(ii)otherwise—at the
expiration of 3 months after thedate of
lodgement of the caveat or a shorter termstated in the
caveat.(2)If there was consent to a caveat and
the caveat does not state atermforwhichitcontinues,thecaveatcontinuesuntilitiswithdrawn or removed.(3)There is consent to a caveat only if
each holder of the affectedresourceauthorityhasconsentedtothelodgementofthecaveat and the consent is lodged
together with the caveat.Page 26Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 2 Dealings, caveats and
associated agreements[s 28]28Withdrawal or removal of caveat(1)Thecaveatorforacaveatmaywithdrawthecaveatbynotifying the chief executive in
writing.(2)Either of the following persons may
apply to the Land Courtfor an order that a caveat be
removed—(a)apersonwhohasarightorinterest(presentorprospective) in the affected resource
theLand Court Rules 2000for how to make
an application to theLand Court.(3)The
Land Court may make the order—(a)whetherornotthecaveatorhasbeenservedwiththeapplication; and(b)on
the terms it considers appropriate.29Recording of lapsing, withdrawal or removal
of caveatAs soon as practicable after a caveat
lapses, is withdrawn or isorderedtoberemoved,thechiefexecutive
mustrecordthelapse, withdrawal or removal in the
register.30Further caveat not available to same
person(1)This section applies if a caveat
(theoriginal caveat) is
lodgedover an interest in an affected resource
authority.(2)Afurthercaveatwiththesamecaveatorcannotbelodgedovertheinterestonthesame,orsubstantiallythesame,grounds as those
stated in the original caveat unless—(a)theconsentofeachholderoftheaffectedresourceauthority is
lodged with the caveat; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 2 Dealings, caveats and
associated agreements[s 31](b)leave of a court of competent jurisdiction
to lodge thefurther caveat is granted.Notauthorised—indicativeonly31Compensation for lodging caveat
without reasonablecauseThecaveatorforacaveatlodgedoveraresourceauthoritywithout reasonable cause is liable to
compensate anyone elsewho suffers loss or damage because of
the caveat.Part 3Associated
agreements32What is anassociated
agreement, for a resource authority, means anagreement relating to the resource
authority.(2)However, neither of the following
agreements is anassociatedagreement—(a)a prescribed
dealing;(b)another agreement prescribed by
regulation.33Recording associated agreements(1)Theholderofaresourceauthoritytowhichanassociatedagreement
relates may apply to the chief executive to have theagreementrecordedintheregisteragainsttheresourceauthority.(2)The
application may include the date on which the associatedagreement expires and it is to be removed
from the register.(3)Chapter 5, part 1 applies for
processing the application.(4)Afterlodgementofavalidapplication,thechiefexecutivemust
record the associated agreement in the register againstthe
resource authority to which the agreement relates.(5)Thechiefexecutiveisnotrequiredtoexamine,ortodetermine the validity of, an
associated agreement.Page 28Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
34]34Effect of recording associated
agreementsThe recording of an associated agreement in
the register doesnot of itself—(a)give
the agreement any more effect or validity than itwould otherwise have; or(b)create an interest in the resource authority
against whichit is recorded.35Removing associated agreements from
relates may apply to the chief executive to have theagreement removed from the register.(2)Chapter 5, part 1 applies for
processing the application.(3)Afterlodgementofavalidapplication,thechiefexecutivemust
remove the associated agreement from the register.Chapter 3Land
accessPart 1Land access
codes36Making of land access codesA
regulation may make 1 or more codes for all Resource Acts(each aland access
code) that—(a)statesbestpracticeguidelinesforcommunicationbetween the
holders of resource authorities and ownersand occupiers of
land, public land authorities and publicroad
authorities; and(b)imposesonresourceauthoritiesmandatoryconditionsconcerning the
conduct of authorised activities on land.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 29
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
37]Part 2Private
landNotauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Application of
pt 237Application of pt 2This
part does not apply in relation to the following resourceauthorities under the Mineral Resources
Act—(a)a prospecting permit;(b)a mining claim;(c)a
mining lease.Division 2Entry for
authorised activities andaccess requires entry notice38Application of div 2Thisdivisionappliestoanentrytoprivatelandforthepurpose
of—(a)carryingoutanauthorisedactivityforaresourceauthority; or(b)crossing access land for the resource
authority; or(c)gaining entry to access land for the
resource authority.39Obligation to give entry notice to
owners and occupiers(1)A person must
not enter private land for a purpose mentionedinsection 38unlesstheresourceauthorityholderhasgiveneach owner and
occupier of the land an entry notice about theentry.Maximum penalty—500 penalty units.(2)An entry notice is invalid if—Page
30Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
40](a)it does not comply with the prescribed
requirements forthe notice; or(b)itstatesaperiodforentrythatislongerthanthemaximum period for entry; or(c)itisnotgiventoanowneroroccupieratleast10business days before the entry.(3)However, an entry notice is not
invalid if—(a)given to an owner or occupier less
than 10 business daysbefore the entry; and(b)theowneroroccupierhasagreedinwritingtotheshorter period.(4)In
this section—giveincludes to give
by publication if the resource authorityholder has been
given an approval to do so under section 41and complies
with the approval.maximumperiodforentrymeansthemaximumperiod,prescribed by regulation, that access to
land is to be allowedfor a particular entry to the
land.40Exemptions from obligations under div
2(1)An obligation under this division to
give an entry notice aboutan entry to private land for a purpose
mentioned in section 38does not apply if—(a)the
resource authority holder owns the land; or(b)the
resource authority holder has an independent legalright to enter the land for the purpose;
or(c)the entry is to preserve life or
property or because of anemergency that exists or may exist;
or(d)the entry is authorised under the
relevant Resource Actfor the resource authority; or(e)the entry is of a type prescribed by
regulation.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
41](2)An obligation under this division to
give an entry notice aboutan entry to private land for a purpose
mentioned in section 38also does not apply if the resource
authority holder has 1 ofthe following with each owner and
occupier of the land—(a)a waiver of
entry notice for the entry that is in effect;Note—An
owner or occupier of land may give a waiver of entry noticefor
an entry to the land. See section 42.(b)aconductandcompensationagreementforthelandand—(i)the
agreement provides for alternative obligationsfor the entry;
and(ii)the holder
complies with the alternative obligationsfor the
entry;(c)an opt-out agreement.(3)In this section—independent
legal right, to enter land, means a right to
enterthelandthatisenforceableunderanylaw,includingacommon law right, but does not include
a right to enter theland under this Act or a Resource
Act.Example of an independent legal right to
enter land—acontractualarrangementallowingapartytothecontracttoenterparticular
land41Approval to give entry notices by
publication(1)A resource authority holder may apply
to the chief executivefor approval to give an entry notice
by publishing it in a statedway.(2)The application may relate to more
than 1 entry notice or aparticular type of entry.(3)The chief executive may give the
approval only if satisfied—(a)thepublicationwillhappenatleast20businessdaysbefore the entry; andPage 32Current as at [Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
42](b)foranowneroroccupierwhoisanindividual—itisimpracticable to give the owner or occupier
the noticepersonally.(4)Chapter 5, part 1 applies for processing the
application, andthechiefexecutivemustdecidetoeitherrefusetogivetheapproval or give the approval with or
without conditions.Notauthorised—indicativeonly42Right to give waiver of entry
notice(1)Anowneroroccupieroflandmaygiveawaiverofentrynotice for an
entry made to the land for a purpose mentionedin section
38.(2)A waiver of an entry notice—(a)isinvalidifitdoesnotcomplywiththeprescribedrequirements for
the notice; and(b)can not be withdrawn during the
notified period; and(c)ceases to have
effect at the end of the notified period.(3)In
this section—notified period, for a waiver
of entry notice, means the periodstated in the
notice as the period during which the land may beentered.Division 3Entry for advanced activitiesrequires agreement43Carrying out advanced activities on private
land requiresagreement(1)A
person must not enter private land to carry out an advancedactivityforaresourceauthorityunlesseachownerandoccupier of the land—(a)isapartytoaconductandcompensationagreementabout the advanced activity and its effects;
or(b)is a party to a deferral agreement;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
44](c)has elected to opt out from entering
into a conduct andcompensationagreementordeferralagreementundersection 45;
or(d)is a party to—(i)an
arbitration under part 7, division 2, subdivision3A;
or(ii)an application
to the Land Court under section 96.Maximum
penalty—500 penalty units.(2)Thissectiondoesnotapplyforanentrytoprivatelandtocarry out an advanced activity for a
resource authority if—(a)the resource
authority holder owns the land; or(b)the
resource authority holder has an independent legalright to enter the land to carry out the
activity; or(c)the entry is to preserve life or
property or because of anemergency that exists or may exist;
or(d)the entry is authorised under the
relevant Resource Actfor the resource authority; or(e)the entry is of a type prescribed by
regulation.(3)This section does not limit the
requirement under section 39for a person to
give an entry notice about the entry to privateland for a
purpose mentioned in section 38.(4)In
this section—independent legal right, to enter land,
means a right to enterthelandthatisenforceableunderanylaw,includingacommon law right, but does not include
a right to enter theland under this Act or a Resource
Act.44Deferral agreements(1)An owner or occupier of land may enter
into an agreement (adeferralagreement)witharesourceauthorityholderthataconduct and compensation agreement can
be entered into afterentry to the land.Page 34Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
45](2)A deferral agreement is invalid if it
does not comply with theprescribed requirements for the
agreement.45Right to elect to opt out(1)An owner or occupier of land may elect
to opt out of enteringintoaconductandcompensationagreementoradeferralagreement with a resource authority
holder.(2)The election to opt out is anopt-out agreementand is
invalidif it does not comply with the prescribed
requirements for theagreement.(3)Despite any term of the opt-out agreement,
either party to theagreement may, by giving written notice to
the other parties tothe agreement, unilaterally terminate
the agreement within 10business days of a signed copy of the
agreement being givento the owner or occupier of
land.(4)An opt-out agreement for land
ends—(a)according to its terms; or(b)if the resource authority ends;
or(c)if it is terminated by a party under
subsection (3); or(d)ifthepartiesenterintoanyofthefollowingagreements—(i)a
deferral agreement;(ii)a conduct and
compensation agreement:(iii)another opt-out
agreement for the land.Note—An opt-out
agreement does not negate a resource authority holder’sliability to compensate an eligible
claimant. See section 81.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
46]Division 4Access to
private land outsideauthorised areaNotauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 1Application46Application of div 4Thisdivisiondoesnotapplyinrelationtomineraldevelopment
licences under the Mineral Resources Act.Subdivision
2Access rights and accessagreements47Limited access to private land outside
authorised area(1)A resource authority holder may
exercise an access right overaccess land
if—(a)thefollowinghaveagreedorallyorinwritingtotheexercise of the rights—(i)ifexercisingtherightsislikelytohaveapermanent impact on access land—each owner
andoccupier of the land;(ii)ifexercisingtherightsisunlikelytohaveapermanent impact on access land—each
occupierof the land; or(b)the
exercise of the rights is needed to preserve life orproperty or because of an emergency that
exists or mayexist.(2)An
agreement about the exercise of the rights mentioned insubsection (1)(a) is anaccess
agreement.(3)In this
section—access land, for a resource
authority, means land, outside theauthorised area
for the resource authority, that it is reasonablyPage
36Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
48]necessarytoallowtheholdertocrossinordertoentertheauthorised area.Note—See
section 49 for the criteria for deciding whether access is
reasonable.access rights, over access
land for a resource authority, meansthe right
to—(a)crosstheaccesslandifitisreasonablynecessarytoallow the holder to enter the
authorised area; and(b)carry out
activities on the access land that are reasonablynecessary to allow the crossing of the
land.Example for paragraph (b)—opening a gate or fencepermanent
impact, on land, means a continuing effect on
theland or its use or a permanent or long-term
adverse effect onits current lawful use by an occupier of the
land.Example of an exercise of access rights that
is likely to have a permanentimpact—building a roadExampleofanexerciseofaccessrightsthatisunlikelytohaveapermanent impact—opening or
closing a gate48Owner or occupier must not
unreasonably refuse to makeaccess agreement(1)An
owner or occupier of access land must not, if asked by aresourceauthorityholder,unreasonablyrefusetomakeanaccess agreement with the holder.(2)Forsubsection
(1),theowneroroccupierdoesnotunreasonably refuse only because the
owner or occupier asksfortheagreementtobesubjecttoreasonableandrelevantconditions
offered by the owner or occupier.(3)Ifanowneroroccupierhasnotmadeanaccessagreementwithin20businessdaysafterbeingaskedtomaketheCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
49]agreementbyaresourceauthorityholder,theowneroroccupier is taken to have refused to make
the agreement.Note—Either party may
refer a refusal under subsection (1) or (3) to the LandCourt to decide whether the refusal is
unreasonable. See section 52.49Criteria for deciding whether access is
reasonable(1)This section provides for matters to
be considered in decidingwhether—(a)it
is reasonably necessary for a resource authority holdertocrossaccesslandtoallowtheholdertoentertheauthorised area for the resource authority;
or(b)it is reasonably necessary for a
resource authority holdertocarryoutactivitiesonaccesslandtoallowthecrossing of the land; or(c)an
owner or occupier of access land has unreasonablyrefused to make an access agreement.(2)The resource authority holder must
first show it is not possibleor reasonable to
exercise the access rights by using a formedroad.(3)After subsection (2) has been
satisfied, the following must beconsidered—(a)the
nature and extent of any impact the exercise of theaccess rights will have on access land and
the owner oroccupier’s use and enjoyment of it;(b)how, when and where, and the period
during which, theresource authority holder proposes to
exercise the accessrights.(4)In
this section—formed roadmeans any
existing road or track on private landorpubliclandused,orthatmayreasonablybecapableofbeing used, to drive or ride motor
vehicles.Page 38Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
50]50Additional topics for access
agreements(1)Thissectionappliesifaresourceauthorityholderandanowner or occupier of access land make
an access agreementfor the exercise of access rights over the
access land.(2)The access agreement may provide for
alternative obligations,forentrytotheaccessland,totheentrynoticeobligationsunder section
39.(3)If the access agreement is in writing,
it may include a conductandcompensationagreementfortheexerciseorfutureexercise of
access rights by the resource authority holder.51Other
rights to grant entry not affectedThis subdivision
does not limit or otherwise affect the abilityof an owner or
occupier to grant a resource authority holder aright of access
to land, including, for example, by the grant ofan
easement.Subdivision 3Land Court
resolution52Power of Land Court to decide access
agreement(1)If a dispute arises between a resource
authority holder and anowneroroccupierofland(theparties)aboutamattermentionedinsection 49(1),eitherpartymayapplytotheLand Court for it to decide the
matter.(2)In deciding the matter, the Land
Court—(a)must have regard to section 49(2) and
(3); and(b)may impose conditions it considers
appropriate for theexercise of the access rights.(3)Conditions imposed under subsection
(2)(b) are taken to be—(a)ifthereisalreadyanaccessagreementbetweentheparties—conditions of that agreement;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
53](b)if there is no access agreement
between the parties—anaccess agreement between the
parties.53Power of Land Court to vary access
agreement(1)A resource authority holder, or an
owner or occupier of land,mayapplytotheLandCourttovaryanaccessagreementbetween them.(2)In
deciding the application, the Land Court must have regardto
section 49(2) and (3).(3)TheLandCourtmayvarytheaccessagreementonlyifitconsidersthechangeisappropriatebecauseofamaterialchange in circumstances.(4)This
section does not prevent the owner or occupier and theresourceauthorityholderfromagreeingtovarytheaccessagreement.(5)The
power of the Land Court to vary an access agreement isnot
limited by part 6.Division 5Periodic report
after entry of land54Report to owners and occupiers(1)This section applies if—(a)privatelandhasbeenenteredtocarryoutauthorisedactivities for a
resource authority; or(b)access land for
a resource authority has been entered inthe exercise of
the access rights over the land.(2)Theholderoftheresourceauthoritymust,withintheprescribed period, give each owner and
occupier of the land areport about the entry.(3)The report must comply with the
prescribed requirements forthe
report.Page 40Current as at
[Not applicable]
Division 6Mineral and
Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land
access[s 55]Access to carry
out rehabilitationand environmental managementNotauthorised—indicativeonly55Right of access for authorised
activities includes accessfor rehabilitation and environmental
management(1)This section applies if, under this
part, the holder of a resourceauthorityhastherighttoenterprivatelandtocarryoutauthorised activities for the resource
Environmental Protection Act.Part 3Public landDivision 1Entry to public lands and particularuses
of public roads56Application of div 1(1)This division applies for—(a)an entry to public land; and(b)the use of a public road, other than a
notifiable road use.Note—For the
obligations of a resource authority holder for a notifiable
roaduse, see division 2.(2)However,thisdivisiondoesnotapplyinrelationtothefollowingresourceauthoritiesundertheMineralResourcesAct—(a)a
prospecting permit;(b)a mining claim;(c)a
mining lease.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
57]57What is aperiodic entry
notice(1)Aperiodic entry
noticeis the first notice about an entry,
orseriesofentries,topubliclandtocarryoutanauthorisedactivity for a
resource authority.(2)A periodic entry notice must—(a)state the period (theentry period) for which the
and(b)begiventothepubliclandauthoritynolessthantheprescribedperiodbeforethestartoftheentryperiod;and(c)otherwise comply
with the prescribed requirements forthe
notice.(3)An entry period can not be longer than
the prescribed periodapplying for the entry unless the
public land authority agreesin writing to a
longer period.(4)A periodic entry notice that does not
comply with this sectionis invalid.58Entry
to public land to carry out authorised activity isconditional(1)A
person must not enter public land to carry out an authorisedactivity for a resource authority
unless—(a)the activity is an activity that may
be carried out by amemberofthepublicwithoutrequiringspecificapproval of the public land authority for
the land; orExample—travelling on a
public road in the area of the resource authority(b)the public land authority for the land
has given a waiverof entry notice for the entry; or(c)the entry is made in compliance with a
periodic entrynoticegivenbytheresourceauthorityholdertothepublic land
authority for the land under section 57; orPage 42Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
59](d)theentryisneededtopreservelifeorpropertyorbecause of an emergency that exists, or may
exist.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Apersonmaycomplywithsubsection (1)(b)or(c)despitemerelybeinganapplicantfortheresourceauthorityatthetime of giving
the notice.59Conditions public land authority may
impose(1)Thissectionappliesifaresourceauthorityholdergivesapublic land authority a periodic entry
notice about an entry topublic land to carry out an authorised
activity for the resourceauthority.(2)The
public land authority may, for the entry period stated inthe
notice, impose reasonable and relevant conditions on theresource authority holder about the entry to
the public land orthe carrying out of the authorised
activity.(3)The conditions may, for example, be
about—(a)givingthepubliclandauthority,atstatedintervals,noticeofparticularactivitiesbeingcarriedoutontheland by or for
the holder; or(b)affecting other owners and occupiers
of the public land.(4)However,ifthepubliclandauthorityimposesaconditionabout giving the
authority further notice of subsequent entriesmade during the
entry period, the condition must require thenotice be
given—(a)generally—at least 2 business days
before the entry; or(b)if the holder
and the public land authority have agreed toa longer or
shorter period for giving the notice—withinthe agreed
period.(5)Thepubliclandauthoritycannotimposeaconditionforaresource authority or its relevant
environmental authority thatis—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
or(b)substantially the same as a condition
already applying tothe authority; or(c)inconsistentwithaconditionalreadyapplyingtotheauthority.(6)However, if the public land authority is the
chief executive ofthe department in which theNature Conservation Act 1992isadministered,thatchiefexecutivemayimposeaconditionmore stringent
than the environmental authority’s conditions.(7)The
public land authority may vary any condition it imposes iftheconditionwouldotherwisebeinconsistentwiththerequirements under subsection
(5).(8)If the public land authority
decides—(a)to impose a condition, other than a
condition agreed toor requested by the resource authority
holder; or(b)to vary a condition, other than a
variation agreed to orrequested by the resource authority
holder;itmustgivetheholderaninformationnoticeaboutthedecision.(9)Theresourceauthorityholdermustcomplywiththeconditions imposed by the public land
authority.Maximum penalty for subsection (9)—100
penalty units.(10)In this
section—entry period, for a periodic
entry notice, see section 57(2).60Right
to give waiver of entry notice(1)A
public land authority for land may give a waiver of entrynotice for an entry made to the land to
carry out an authorisedactivity for a resource
authority.(2)A waiver of an entry notice—Page
44Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
61](a)isinvalidifitdoesnotcomplywiththeprescribedrequirements for
the notice; and(b)can not be withdrawn during the
notified period; and(c)ceases to have
effect at the end of the notified period.(3)In
this section—notified period, for a waiver
of entry notice, means the periodstated in the
notice as the period during which the land may beentered.Division 2Notifiable road use61Application of div 2This division
applies to the use of a public road if the use is anotifiable road use.62What
is anotifiable road useAnotifiable road use, of a public
road, is the use of the roadas prescribed by
regulation.63Use of public roads for notifiable
road use(1)A resource authority holder must not
use a public road for anotifiable road use unless—(a)theholderhasgiventhepublicroadauthorityfortheroadanotice,complyingwiththeprescribedrequirements,
that the holder proposes to carry out theuse; and(b)1 of the following applies—(i)theholderandtherelevantpublicroadauthorityhave signed a
compensation agreement for the use;(ii)the
public road authority has given written consentto the carrying
out of the use;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
64](iii)an application
has been made under section 100 todecidetheholder’scompensationliabilitytothepublic road
authority relating to the road.(2)Arequirementofaresourceauthorityholderundersubsection (1)istakentobeaconditionoftheresourceauthority.Notauthorised—indicativeonly64Directions about notifiable road
use(1)The public road authority for a public
road may, by writtennotice, give a resource authority
holder a reasonable direction(aroad
use direction) about the way the holder may use
theroad for a notifiable road use.Examples of what a direction may be
about—•when the road may be used•the route for the movement of heavy
vehicles•safety precautions the holder must
take(2)The road use direction may also
require the holder to—(a)carryoutanassessmentoftheimpactslikelytoarisefrom a
notifiable road use the subject of the notice; and(b)consult with the public road authority
in carrying out theassessment.(3)However—(a)an
assessment can not be required if the notifiable roaduse
is transport relating to a seismic survey or drillingactivity; and(b)the
public road authority can not require an assessmentof
an impact to the extent it has already been assessedunder an EIS under the Environmental
Protection Act ora similar document under another Act.(4)A road use direction is
invalid—(a)totheextentitisaboutmorethanthefollowingmatters—(i)preserving the condition of the
road;Page 46Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
65](ii)the safety of
road users or the public; and(b)ifitisnotaccompaniedby,ordoesnotinclude,aninformationnoticeaboutthedecisiontogivethedirection.(5)Compliancewitharoadusedirectiongiventoaresourceauthorityholderistakentobeaconditionoftheresourceauthority.65Exemptions from div 2(1)Aresourceauthorityoraprojectmaybeprescribedbyregulation as being exempt from some or all
of the provisionsof this division.(2)Anexemptionprescribedundersubsection (1)mayincludeconditions that
must be complied with for the exemption toapply.Part
4Restricted landDivision 1PreliminarySubdivision
1Application66Application of pt 4This part is
additional to, and does not limit, parts 2 and 3.Subdivision 2Interpretation67Definitions for pt 4In this
part—prescribed activity, for a resource
authority—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
48(a)means an authorised activity for the
resource authoritythat is carried out—(i)on
the surface of land; or(ii)below the
surface of land in a way that is likely tocauseanimpactonthesurfaceoftheland,including, for
example, subsidence of the land; and(b)does
not include—(i)the installation of an underground
pipeline or cableif the installation, including the placing
of backfill,is completed within 30 days after the start
of theinstallation; or(ii)the
operation, maintenance or decommissioning ofan underground
pipeline or cable; or(iii)anactivitythatmaybecarriedoutonlandbyamemberofthepublicwithoutrequiringspecificapproval of an
entity; orExample—travelling on a
public road in the area of a resource authority(iv)crossinglandinordertoentertheareaoftheresource authority if the only entry
to the area isthrough the land and—(A)eachownerandoccupierofthelandhasagreedinwritingtotheresourceauthorityholder crossing the land; or(B)ifanowneroroccupierofthelandhasrefusedtoagreetotheresourceauthorityholdercrossingtheland—therefusalisunreasonablehavingregardtothemattersmentioned in
section 49(2) and (3); or(v)an activity
prescribed by regulation.relevant owner or occupier,
for restricted land for a resourceauthority, see
section 69.restricted land, for a resource
authority, see section 68.Current as at [Not
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
68]68What isrestricted
land(1)Restrictedland,foraproductionresourceauthorityorexploration resource authority,
means—(a)land within 200m laterally of any of
the following—(i)a permanent building used for any of
the followingpurposes—(A)a
residence;(B)a childcare centre, hospital or
library;(C)acommunity,sportingorrecreationalpurpose or as a
place of worship;(D)a business;(ii)an
area used for any of the following purposes—(A)a
school;(B)a prescribed ERA, under the
EnvironmentalProtection Act, that is aquaculture,
intensiveanimalfeedlotting,pigkeepingorpoultryfarming;(iii)anarea,buildingorstructureprescribedbyregulation; or(b)land
within 50m laterally of any of the following—(i)an
area used for any of the following purposes—(A)an
artesian well, bore, dam or water storagefacility;(B)a principal stockyard;(C)a cemetery or burial place;(ii)anarea,buildingorstructureprescribedbyregulation.(2)Restrictedland,foraresourceauthorityotherthanaproductionresourceauthorityorexplorationresourceauthority,meanslandwithin50mlaterallyofanyarea,building or
structure mentioned in subsection (1).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 49
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
68]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(3)However, despite subsection (1), land
is only restricted landforaproductionresourceauthorityiftheuseofthearea,buildingorstructurementionedinthesubsectionstartedbefore the application for the resource
authority was made.(4)In this section—explorationresourceauthoritymeansaresourceauthoritythat
is—(a)anexplorationpermitormineraldevelopmentlicenceunder the Mineral Resources Act; or(b)an authority to prospect under the
P&G Act; or(c)an authority to prospect under the
1923 Act; or(d)a geothermal exploration permit under
the GeothermalAct; or(e)aGHGexplorationpermitundertheGreenhouseGasAct.place of
worshipmeans a place used for the public
is—(a)any of the following under the Mineral
Resources Act—•a mining claim;•a
mining lease; or(b)any of the following under the P&G
Act—•a petroleum lease;•a
pipeline licence;•a petroleum facility licence;
or(c)a lease under the 1923 Act; or(d)ageothermalproductionleaseundertheGeothermalAct; orPage
50Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
69](e)aGHGinjectionandstorageleaseundertheGreenhouse Gas Act.water storage
facility—(a)means an
artificially constructed water storage facilitythat is
connected to a water supply; and(b)does
not include an interconnecting water pipeline.69Who
is arelevant owner or occupierArelevantowneroroccupier,forrestrictedlandforaresource
authority, is—(a)for restricted land mentioned in
section 68(1)(a)(i)—anowner or occupier of the permanent
building; or(b)for restricted land mentioned in
section 68(1)(a)(ii)—anowner or occupier of the area;
or(c)forrestrictedlandmentionedinsection68(1)(a)(iii),(1)(b) or (2)—an
owner or occupier of the area, buildingor
structure.Division 2Entry for
particular authorisedactivities requires consent70Consent required for entry on
restricted land(1)Apersonmustnotenterrestrictedlandforaresourceauthority, to carry out a prescribed
activity for the resourceauthority,unlesseachrelevantowneroroccupierfortherestrictedlandhasgivenwrittenconsenttotheresourceauthority holder
to carry out the activity.(2)The consent may
be given on conditions.(3)The conditions
of the consent are taken to be conditions of theresource authority.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 51
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Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
72](4)The consent can not be withdrawn
during the period stated inthe consent as
the period during which the holder may enterthe land.(5)Thissectiondoesnotapplytorestrictedlandforaminingclaim or mining lease under the Mineral
Resources Act.Division 3Land court
declarations72Application to Land Court for
declaration(1)A prescribed person may apply to the
Land Court for an orderdeclaring the following—(a)whether particular land is restricted
land for a resourceauthorityortheMineralResourcesAct,schedule1,section 2;(b)whether a particular activity is a
prescribed activity for aresource authority.(2)The Land Court must—(a)if an application is made under
subsection (1)(a)—makean order declaring whether the land is
restricted land fortheresourceauthorityortheMineralResourcesAct,schedule 1, section 2; or(b)if an application is made under
subsection (1)(b)—makean order declaring whether the
activity is a prescribedactivity.(3)TheCourtmaymaketheotherorderstheCourtconsidersappropriate.(4)In
this section—prescribed person, for land,
means—(a)an owner or occupier of the land;
or(b)a holder of a resource authority for
an area including theland; orPage 52Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
73](c)apersoncarryingout,orintendingtocarryout,anactivity on the land under the Mineral
Resources Act,section 386V.Part 5Other resource authorities’authorised areas73Application of pt 5(1)This
part applies for a resource authority (thefirst
resourceauthority) in relation to
entry to land that is—(a)outside its
authorised area; and(b)in the
authorised area of another resource authority (thesecond resource authority).(2)However,thispartdoesnotapplyifthefirstresourceauthority is any of the following resource
authorities under theMineral Resources Act—(a)a prospecting permit;(b)a mining claim;(c)a
mining lease.(3)Ifthelandisalsoprivatelandorpublicland(includingrestricted
land), this part applies in addition to any obligationsunder part 2, 3 or 4.74Definitions for pt 5In this
part—firstresourceauthority,forchapter3part5,seesection 73(1).secondresourceauthority,forchapter3,part5,seesection 73(1)(b).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 53
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
75]75Access if second resource authority is
a leaseIf the second resource authority is a lease,
the first resourceauthorityholdermayenterthelandonlyifthesecondresourceauthorityholderhasconsentedinwritingtotheentry.Notauthorised—indicativeonly76Access if second resource authority is
not a lease(1)Ifthesecondresourceauthorityisnotalease,thefirstresourceauthorityholdermaydothefollowingwithoutthesecond resource authority holder’s
consent—(a)cross the land if it is reasonably
necessary to allow thefirst resource authority holder to
enter the first resourceauthority’s authorised area;(b)carryoutactivitiesonthelandthatarereasonablynecessary to
allow the crossing of the land.(2)However, a right under subsection (1) may be
exercised onlyif its exercise does not adversely affect
the carrying out of anauthorised activity for the second
resource authority.(3)Subsection (2) applies whether or not
the authorised activityhas already started.Part
6Enduring effect of particularagreements, notices andwaivers77Access agreements, entry notices and
waivers notaffected by dealingA dealing in
relation to a resource authority does not affectany
of the following—(a)anaccessagreementmadeinrelationtotheresourceauthority;(b)an
entry notice given for the resource authority;Page 54Current as at [Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
78](c)a waiver of entry notice made for the
resource authority.Notauthorised—indicativeonly78Entry notice and waivers not affected
by change inownership or occupancy(1)If,afterthegivingofanentrynoticeundersection
39,theownershiporoccupancyoftheaffectedlandchanges,theresource authority holder for which the
entry notice was givenistakentohavegiventhatnoticetoeachnewowneroroccupier of the land.(2)If,
after the giving of a waiver of entry notice, the ownershipor
occupancy of the affected land changes, each new owner oroccupier of the land is taken to have given
that waiver of entrynotice.(3)However, subsections (1) and (2) cease to
apply for an entrynoticeorwaiverofentrynoticeiftheresourceauthorityholderbecomesawareofanewowneroroccupierfortheaffected land and the holder does not
give the new owner oroccupieracopyofthenoticeorwaiverwithin15businessdays.79Written access agreement binds
successors and assignsAwrittenaccessagreementbindsthepartiestotheagreement, and each of their
successors and assigns.Part 7Compensation and
negotiatedaccessDivision 1Compensation relating to privateand
public land80Application of div 1Thisdivisiondoesnotapplyinrelationtothefollowingresource
authorities under the Mineral Resources Act—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 55
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
81](a)a prospecting permit;(b)a mining claim;(c)a
mining lease.Notauthorised—indicativeonly81General liability to compensate(1)Aresourceauthorityholderisliabletocompensatethefollowingpersons(eachaneligibleclaimant)foreachcompensatable effect suffered by the
eligible claimant becauseof the holder—(a)an
owner or occupier of private land that is—(i)in
the authorised area of the resource authority; or(ii)access land for
the resource authority;(b)an owner or
occupier of public land that is—(i)in
the authorised area of the resource authority; or(ii)access land for
the resource authority.(2)Theresourceauthorityholder’sliabilitytocompensateaneligibleclaimantundersubsection(1)istheresourceauthorityholder’scompensationliabilitytotheeligibleclaimant.(3)This
section does not apply to a public road authority for anotifiable road use.(4)In
this section—compensatableeffect,sufferedbyaneligibleclaimantbecause of a resource authority holder,
means—(a)any of the following caused by the
holder, or a personauthorisedbytheholder,carryingoutauthorisedactivities on
the eligible claimant’s land—(i)deprivation of possession of the land’s
surface;(ii)diminution of
the land’s value;(iii)diminution of
the use made, or that may be made,of the land or
any improvement on it;Page 56Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
82](iv)severance of any
part of the land from other partsofthelandorfromotherlandthattheeligibleclaimant
owns;(v)any cost, damage or loss arising from
the carryingout of activities under the resource
authority on theland; and(b)consequentiallossincurredbytheeligibleclaimantarising out of a matter mentioned in
paragraph (a).Division 2Conduct and
1Application of division82Application of div 2Thisdivisiondoesnotapplyinrelationtothefollowingresource
authorities under the Mineral Resources Act—(a)a
prospecting permit;(b)a mining claim;(c)a
mining lease.Subdivision 2Making of
conduct andcompensation agreement83Conduct and compensation agreement(1)Aneligibleclaimantandaresourceauthorityholdermayenterintoanagreement(aconductandcompensationagreement)
about—(a)how and when the holder may enter the
land for whichthe eligible claimant is an eligible
claimant; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
83A](b)how authorised activities, to the
extent they relate to theeligible claimant, must be carried
out; and(c)theholder’scompensationliabilitytotheclaimantoranyfuturecompensationliabilitythattheholdermayhave
to the claimant.(2)However, a conduct and compensation
agreement can not beinconsistentwiththisAct,therelevantResourceAct,acondition of the resource authority or a
mandatory provisionof the relevant land access code, and is
unenforceable to theextent of the inconsistency.(3)A conduct and compensation
agreement—(a)may relate to all or part of the
liability or future liability;and(b)may be incorporated into another
agreement.Example for paragraph (b)—an
easement(4)A conduct and compensation agreement
is invalid if it doesnotcomplywiththeprescribedrequirementsfortheagreement.Subdivision
2AConferences with an authorisedofficer83AParty may request conference(1)Thissectionappliesifadisputearisesaboutamattermentioned in
section 83(1)(a), (b) or (c).(2)Eithertheresourceauthorityholderoreligibleclaimant(eachaparty)maygiveanotice(aconferenceelectionnotice)totheotherpartyrequestingtheotherpartytoparticipate in a conference conducted
by an authorised officerto seek to negotiate a resolution of
the dispute.(3)The conference election notice must
state—(a)details of the matters the subject of
the dispute; andPage 58Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
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83B](b)any other information prescribed by
regulation.(4)However, a conference election notice
may not be given undersubsection(1)ifanADRelectionnoticeorarbitrationelection notice
has already been given about the matters thesubject of the
dispute.Notauthorised—indicativeonly83BConduct of conference(1)Thissectionappliesifaconferenceelectionnoticeisgivenunder section
authorised officer conducting the conference must take allreasonablestepstoholdtheconferencewithin20businessdays after the
conference election notice is given (theusualperiod).(4)A party may, within the usual period,
ask the other party for alongerperiodbecauseofstatedreasonableorunforeseencircumstances.(5)Ifthepartiesagreetoalongerperiod,andtheauthorisedofficerconsentstothelongerperiod,thelongerperiodapplies instead of the usual period.(6)IfapartygivestheotherpartyanADRelectionnotice,orarbitrationelectionnotice,aboutamattermentionedinsection 83A(3)(a), the conference
ends.(7)Nothingsaidbyapersonattheconferenceisadmissibleinevidence in a proceeding without the
person’s consent.Subdivision 3Negotiation and
ADR84Notice of intent to negotiate(1)A resource authority holder may give
an eligible claimant towhomtheholderhasacompensationliabilityanotice(thenegotiationnotice)thattheholderwishestonegotiateaCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
85]conduct and compensation agreement or a
deferral agreementwith the eligible claimant.(2)The negotiation notice is invalid if
it does not comply with theprescribed
requirements for the notice.85Negotiations(1)On
the giving of the negotiation notice, the resource authorityholderandtheeligibleclaimant(theparties)mustuseallreasonableendeavourstonegotiateaconductandcompensation agreement or a deferral
agreement.(2)The period of the negotiations—(a)must be at least for the prescribed
period (theminimumnegotiation
period); and(b)maycontinueforalongerperiodagreedtobytheparties.(3)If the parties agree to a longer
period, the agreed longer periodis the minimum
negotiation period.(4)The negotiations under this
subdivision end if the parties enterinto an opt-out
agreement.86No entry to land during minimum
negotiation period(1)If, during the minimum negotiation
period, the parties enterintoaconductandcompensationagreementoradeferralagreement,theresourceauthorityholdercannotentertherelevant land to carry out advanced
activities for the resourceauthority until
the period ends.(2)Subsection (1) applies despite the
terms of the agreement.87Cooling-off
during minimum negotiation period(1)Thissectionappliesifthepartiesenterintoaconductandcompensationagreementoradeferral
agreement during theminimum negotiation period.Page
60Current as at [Not applicable]
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Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
88](2)Eitherpartymay,withintheminimumnegotiationperiod,terminate the agreement by giving notice to
the other party.(3)On the giving of a notice under
subsection (2), the terminatedagreement is
taken never to have had any effect.(4)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that subsection (3) doesnot
change the time when the negotiation notice was given.88Party may seek ADR(1)This
section applies if, at the end of the minimum negotiationperiod,thepartieshavenotenteredintoaconductandcompensation agreement relating to a dispute
about a mattermentioned in section 83(1).(2)Either party may give a notice
(anADR election notice) to theotherpartyrequiringtheotherpartytoparticipateinanon-binding alternative dispute
resolution process (anADR)to
seek to negotiate a resolution of the dispute.(3)TheADRmaybeanon-bindingprocessofanytype,including,forexample,acaseappraisal,conciliation,mediation or
negotiation.(4)The ADR election notice must
state—(a)details of the matters the subject of
the dispute; and(b)the type of ADR proposed; and(c)the name of an ADR facilitator, who is
independent ofboth parties, proposed to conduct the ADR;
and(d)that the resource authority holder is
liable for the costsof the ADR facilitator; and(e)any other information prescribed by
regulation.(5)A party given an ADR election notice
must, within 10 businessdaysafterthenoticeisgiven,acceptorrefusethetypeofADR,
and the ADR facilitator, proposed in the notice.(6)IfthepartygivenanADRelectionnoticedoesnotaccept,undersubsection(5),thetypeofADRorADRfacilitatorproposed in the
notice, the party giving the notice may makeCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 61
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Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
89]another proposal, or obtain a decision from
the Land Court ora prescribed ADR institute, about the matter
not accepted.(7)Ifapartyobtainsadecisionundersubsection(6)fromtheLand
Court or a prescribed ADR institute, the party must givethe
other party notice of the decision.(8)The
Civil Proceedings Act 2011, part 6, division 5 applies toan
ADR conducted by an ADR facilitator as if—(a)a
reference to an ADR process included a reference tothe
ADR; and(b)a reference to an ADR convenor
included a reference tothe ADR facilitator.89Conduct of ADR(1)This
section applies if an ADR election notice is given undersection 88.(2)The
parties must use all reasonable endeavours to negotiate aresolutionofthedisputebyenteringintoaconductandcompensationagreementwithin30businessdaysaftertheADR
facilitator is appointed (theusual
period).(3)A party may,
within the usual period, ask the other party for alongerperiodbecauseofstatedreasonableorunforeseencircumstances.(4)If
the parties agree to a longer period, and the ADR
facilitatorconsentstothelongerperiod,thelongerperiodappliesinstead of the
usual period.(5)Nothing said by a person at the ADR is
admissible in evidencein a proceeding without the person’s
consent.(6)TheresourceauthorityholderisliableforthecostsoftheADR facilitator.90Non-attendance at ADR(1)This
section applies if—Page 62Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
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party) does not attend the ADR; and(b)another party (theattending
party) attends the ADR.(2)The
non-attending party is liable to pay the attending party’sreasonable costs of attending.(3)The attending party may apply to the
Land Court for an orderrequiring the payment of the
costs.(4)The Land Court may order the payment
of the costs only if thecourtissatisfiedthenon-attendingpartydidnothaveareasonable excuse for not
attending.91Recovery of negotiation and
preparation costs(1)Thissectionappliesifaneligibleclaimantnecessarilyandreasonablyincursnegotiationandpreparationcostsinentering or seeking to enter into a
conduct and compensationagreementordeferralagreementwitharesourceauthorityholder.(2)The
resource authority holder is liable to pay to the eligibleclaimantthenegotiationandpreparationcostsnecessarilyand reasonably
incurred.Subdivision 3AArbitration91AParty may request arbitration(1)This section applies if—(a)a party has given a negotiation notice
to another partyseekingtonegotiatetheresolutionofadisputeandatthe end of the minimum negotiation
period, the partieshavenotnegotiatedaconductandcompensationagreement or
deferral agreement; or(b)apartyhasgivenanADRelectionnoticetoanotherparty seeking to
negotiate the resolution of a dispute andat the end of
the period applying under section 89(2) orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 63
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
91A]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(4),thepartieshavenotenteredintoaconductandcompensation agreement.(2)Either party may give a notice (anarbitration election notice)to the other party requesting the
other party to participate inan arbitration
to decide the dispute.(3)The arbitration
election notice must state—(a)details of the matters the subject of the
dispute; and(b)thenameofanarbitrator,whoisindependentofbothparties,
proposed to conduct the arbitration; and(c)that,iftherequestforarbitrationisaccepted,anapplicationtotheLandCourtundersection96foradecision about the dispute can not be made;
and(d)thatthecostsofthearbitrationarepayablebytheparties as mentioned in section 91E;
and(e)that the parties may be represented by
a lawyer only inthe circumstances mentioned in section 91C;
and(f)any other information prescribed by
regulation.(4)Apartygivenanarbitrationelectionnoticemust,within15businessdaysafterthenoticeisgiven,acceptorrefusetherequest for arbitration.(5)If
the request for arbitration is accepted under subsection
(4),the parties may, within 10 business days
after the acceptance,jointlyappointthearbitratorproposedundersubsection(3)(b), or
another arbitrator, to conduct the arbitration.(6)If
the parties do not, under subsection (5), jointly appoint anarbitrator,thepartygivingthearbitrationelectionnoticemust require a
prescribed arbitration institute to appoint anarbitrator, who
is independent of both parties, to conduct thearbitration.(7)Aprescribedarbitrationinstitutedoesnotincuranycivilmonetary
liability for an act or omission in the performance,or
purported performance, of a function under subsection (6)unlesstheactoromissionisdoneormadeinbadfaithorthrough negligence.Page 64Current as at [Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
91B](8)In this section—prescribedarbitrationinstitutemeansanentityforappointing arbitrators that is prescribed by
regulation.Notauthorised—indicativeonly91BArbitrator’s functions(1)Thearbitratorhasauthoritytodecidethedisputebytheissuance of an award.(2)However, the arbitrator may decide a
matter the subject of thedisputeonlytotheextentitisnotsubjecttoaconductandcompensation agreement between the
parties.(3)Theawardmustbemadewithin6monthsaftertheappointment of the arbitrator.91CLegal representationA
party can not be represented by a lawyer in the arbitrationunless—(a)both
parties agree to the party being represented; or(b)the arbitrator consents to the party
being represented.91DApplication of Commercial Arbitration
Act 2013TheCommercialArbitrationAct2013appliestothearbitrationtotheextentitisnotinconsistentwiththissubdivision.91ECosts of arbitration(1)If,
before the appointment of the arbitrator, the parties havenotparticipatedinanADRaboutthedispute,theresourceauthority holder
is liable to pay the fees and expenses of thearbitrator.(2)If,
before the appointment of the arbitrator, the parties haveparticipatedinanADRaboutthedispute,thepartiesareliable to pay the fees and expenses of the
arbitrator in equalCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
91F]sharesunlessthepartiesagree,orthearbitratordecides,otherwise.(3)Other than as provided under subsection (1)
or (2), each partytoanarbitrationmustbeartheparty’sowncostsforthearbitration unless the parties agree,
or the arbitrator decides,otherwise.91FEffect of arbitrator’s decision(1)The arbitrator’s decision is
final.(2)The parties may not apply for review
of, or appeal against, thedecision.(3)The
arbitrator’s decision does not limit or otherwise affect apoweroftheSupremeCourttodecideadecisionofthearbitrator is affected by
jurisdictional error.(4)The arbitrator’s
decision has the same effect as if the partieshad entered into
a binding and enforceable agreement to thesame effect as
the decision.Subdivision 4Recording
particular agreements92Particular
agreements to be recorded on titles(1)Aresourceauthorityholderthatisapartytoeitherofthefollowing agreements must, within 28
days after entering intothe agreement, give the registrar
notice of the agreement in theappropriate
form—(a)a conduct and compensation
agreement;(b)an opt-out agreement.(2)Ifgivenanoticeundersubsection (1),theregistrarmustrecord in the relevant register the
existence of the agreement.(3)Subsection (4) applies if—(a)the agreement ends; orPage
66Current as at [Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
92]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)the land the subject of the agreement
is subdivided, inwhole or part, and the agreement does not
apply to landwithinanewlotthatiscreatedasaresultofthesubdivision.(4)The
resource authority holder that is a party to the agreementmust
give the registrar notice of the matter in the appropriateform
within 28 days after—(a)if subsection
(3)(a) applies—the agreement ends; or(b)ifsubsection (3)(b)applies—thedaytheresourceauthorityholderbecomesawarethelandhasbeensubdivided.(5)Iftheregistrarisgivenanoticeundersubsection (4)inrelation to an agreement that has ended, the
registrar must, ifsatisfied the agreement has ended or is no
longer relevant fortheland,removetheparticularsoftheagreementfromtherelevant register.(6)Iftheregistrarisgivenanoticeundersubsection (4)inrelationtothesubdivisionofland,theregistrarmust,ifsatisfied the agreement is not
relevant for a new lot created bythe subdivision,
remove the particulars of the agreement fromthe relevant
register to the extent it relates to the new lot.(7)Theregistrarmustalsoremovetheparticularsoftheagreement from the relevant register
if—(a)requested to do so, in the appropriate
form, by a party tothe agreement; and(b)the
registrar is satisfied the agreement has ended or is nolonger relevant for the land.(8)A resource authority holder complying
with subsection (1) or(4)isliableforthecostsofrecordingtheagreementin,orremoving the agreement from, the
relevant register.(9)Anoticegivenunderthissectionisinvalidifitdoesnotcomply with the prescribed requirements for
the notice.(10)Arequirementofaresourceauthorityholderundersubsection (1) or (4) is a condition of the
resource authority.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
93](11)In this
section—appropriate form—(a)if the agreement relates to land to
which theLand TitleAct 1994applies—see schedule 2 of that Act;(b)if the agreement relates to land to
which theLand Act1994applies—see schedule 6 of that Act.party,toaconductandcompensationagreementoropt-outagreement,includesthesuccessorsandassignsofthepartythatareboundbytheagreementunderchapter3,part7,division 5.registrarmeans—(a)for
freehold land—the registrar under theLand Title
Act1994; or(b)for any other land—the chief executive
under theLandAct 1994.relevant registermeans—(a)for freehold land—the freehold land
register; or(b)for any other land—the registry under
section 275 of theLand Act 1994.Division 3Compensation for
notifiable roaduses93Liability to
compensate public road authority(1)A
resource authority holder is liable to compensate the publicroad
authority for a public road for any cost, damage or lossthe
authority incurs or will incur that is or will be caused bynotifiable road uses carried out by the
holder that relate to theroad.Examples of a
possible cost for subsection (1)—•repair costs to rectify damage to the road
caused or that will becaused by any of the usesPage
68Current as at [Not applicable]
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Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
94]•capital costs for unplanned upgrades
of the road incurred or thatwill be incurred
because of any of the uses•bring-forwardcosts,includinginterestcharges,foraplannedupgrade of the
road that because of any of the uses is or will berequired earlier than planned(2)The resource authority holder’s
liability under subsection (1)istheholder’scompensationliabilitytothepublicroadauthority.(3)The
compensation liability—(a)applies whether
or not the holder has given notice of theuse; and(b)is in addition to and does not limit
or otherwise affectthe holder’s liability under another
provision of this Actabout compensating the public road
authority or anyoneelse.94Road
compensation agreement(1)A resource
authority holder and the public road authority for apublicroadmayenterintoanagreement(aroadcompensationagreement)abouttheholder’scompensationliability to the
public road authority.(2)Aroadcompensationagreementisinvalidifitdoesnotcomply with the prescribed requirements for
the agreement.Division 4Land Court
jurisdictionSubdivision 1Conduct and
compensation96Party may apply to Land Court(1)This section applies if—(a)apartyhasgivenanADRelectionnoticetoanotherpartyseekingtonegotiatetheresolutionofadispute;andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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96A](b)at the end of the period applying
under section 89(2) or(4)fornegotiatingaresolutionofthedispute,thepartieshavenotenteredintoaconductandcompensation agreement; and(c)an arbitration election notice about
the dispute has notbeengiven,orarequestforarbitrationaboutthedispute has not been accepted under
section 91A(4), bythe parties.(2)EitherpartymayapplytotheLandCourttodecidethedispute.(3)However,theLandCourtmaydecidetheliabilityorfutureliability only
to the extent it is not subject to a conduct andcompensation agreement between the
parties.96AApplications may be heard
together(1)Thissectionappliesifaneligibleclaimanthasbroughtaproceeding in the Land Court for the payment
by a resourceauthorityholderofcompensationundertheEnvironmentalProtection
Act.(2)TheLandCourtmayheartogethertheapplicationandanapplicationundersection96bytheeligibleclaimantorresourceauthorityholderiftheLandCourtconsidersitdesirable in the interests of
justice.96BNegotiation and preparation
costs(1)A party may apply to the Land Court
for—(a)a declaration that all or part of
stated costs are payableunder section 91; or(b)if the party is an eligible
claimant—an order requiringthe payment of
negotiation and preparation costs undersection
91.(2)The Land Court may, in a proceeding
mentioned in subsection(1)oraproceedingbroughtundersection96,makeaPage
70Current as at [Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
97]declaration about, or an order for the
payment of, negotiationand preparation costs under section
91.(3)However, if the costs are the costs of
an agronomist, the LandCourt can not make an order or
declaration in relation to thecostsunlesstheagronomistisappropriatelyqualifiedtoperform the function for which the
costs are incurred.Notauthorised—indicativeonly97Orders Land Court may make(1)The Land Court may make any order it
considers appropriateto enable or enforce its decision on
an application under thispart.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the Land
Court may order—(a)non-monetarycompensationaswellasmonetarycompensation;
or(b)that a party not engage in particular
conduct; or(c)that the parties engage in further
ADR.(3)Inconsideringwhethertomakeanorderundersubsection(2)(c), the Land
Court may have regard to the behaviour ofthe parties in
the process leading to the application.Subdivision
2Additional jurisdiction98Additional jurisdiction for compensation,
conduct andrelated matters(1)Thissectionappliestoaresourceauthorityholderandaneligible claimant (theparties) if any of the
following apply—(a)the holder has carried out a
preliminary activity;(b)thereisaconductandcompensationagreementordeferral agreement between the
parties.(2)The Land Court may do all or any of
the following—(a)assessallorpartoftherelevantresourceauthorityholder’s
compensation liability to the eligible claimant;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
99](b)decide a matter related to the
compensation liability;(c)declare whether
or not a proposed authorised activity fortherelevantresourceauthoritywould,ifcarriedout,interfere with the carrying out of lawful
activities by theeligible claimant;(d)make
any order it considers necessary or desirable for amatter mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or
(c).Example—The Land Court
declares that a particular proposed authorisedactivity
interferes with the carrying out of lawful activities by theeligible claimant. It may also order that a
stated modification of,or reduction in, the activity would
remove the interference.99Jurisdiction to
impose or vary conditions(1)Indecidingamattermentionedinsection 98(2),theLandCourt
may—(a)imposeanyconditionitconsidersappropriatefortheexercise of the parties’ rights;
or(b)vary any existing condition under an
agreement betweenthe parties.(2)ThevariationmaybemadeonanygroundtheLandCourtconsiders appropriate.(3)The
imposed or varied condition is taken to be—(a)ifthereisanagreementbetweentheparties—acondition of the
agreement; or(b)ifthereisnoagreementbetweentheparties—anagreement
between the parties.(4)In this
section—agreementmeans a conduct
and compensation agreement.conditionmeansaconditionoforforaconductandcompensation agreement.Page 72Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
99A]99AJurisdiction to decide alleged breach
of conduct andcompensation agreement(1)Subsection(2)appliesifapartytoaconductandcompensationagreementbelievestheotherpartyhasbreached a condition of the
agreement.(2)The party may apply to the Land Court
for an order about thealleged breach.(3)An
application may be made during the term, or after the end,of
the agreement.(4)The Land Court may make any order it
considers appropriateon an application under this
section.(5)In this section—conduct and
compensation agreementmeans a conduct andcompensation agreement for which the minimum
negotiationperiod has ended.party, to
a conduct and compensation agreement, means—(a)the
following persons who entered into the agreement—(i)the resource authority holder;(ii)the owner or
occupier of private land; or(b)thesuccessorsandassignsofapartymentionedinparagraph(a)thatareboundbytheagreementundersection 79.Editor’s
note—Insertion of new s 99A is an uncommenced
amendment—see 2017 No.34 s 75.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 73
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
100]Subdivision 3Compensation for
notifiable roaduseNotauthorised—indicativeonly100Deciding compensation by Land
Court(1)Either of the following entities may
apply to the Land CourtfortheCourttodecidearesourceauthorityholder’scompensation
liability to a public road authority—(a)the
public road authority;(b)the resource
authority holder.(2)However,theLandCourtmaydecidethecompensationliabilityonlytotheextentitisnotsubjecttoaroadcompensation agreement.(3)In
making the decision, the Land Court may have regard to—(a)allprescribedcriteriarelatingtothepublicroadauthority, resource authority and notifiable
road use; and(b)whethertheapplicanthasattemptedtomediateornegotiate the compensation liability;
and(c)any other matter the Court considers
relevant to makingthe decision.Subdivision
4Later review of compensation byLand
Court101Review of compensation by Land
Court(1)This section applies if—(a)thecompensationliabilityorfuturecompensationliability of a
resource authority holder to either of thefollowinghasbeenagreedtounderacompensationagreement or
decided by the Land Court (theoriginalcompensation)—(i)an eligible claimant;Page
74Current as at [Not applicable]
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Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
101](ii)a public road
authority; and(b)there has been a material change in
circumstances (thechange) since the
agreement or decision.(2)The following
may apply to the Land Court for a review of theoriginal
compensation—(a)the resource authority holder;(b)the eligible claimant;(c)the public road authority.(3)Incarryingoutthereview,theLandCourtmayreviewtheoriginal compensation only to the extent it
is affected by thechange.(4)If
the Land Court considers the original compensation is notaffected by the change, it must not carry
out or continue withthe review.(5)The
Land Court may, after carrying out the review, decide toconfirm the original compensation or amend
it in a way theCourt considers appropriate.(6)In making the decision, the Land Court
must have regard to—(a)allcriteriaprescribedbyregulationapplyingforthecompensation;
and(b)whethertheapplicanthasattemptedtomediateornegotiate the compensation liability;
and(c)any other matter the Court considers
relevant to makingthe decision.(7)Ifthedecisionistoamendtheoriginalcompensation,theoriginal compensation as amended under the
decision is, forthis Act, taken to be the original
compensation.(8)In this section—compensation
conduct and compensation agreement; or(b)a
road compensation agreement.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 75
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Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 3 Land access[s
101A]Division 5Successors and
assigns101AAgreement binding on successors and
assigns(1)This section applies to each of the
following agreements—(a)a conduct and
compensation agreement;(b)an opt-out
agreement;(c)a road compensation agreement.(2)The agreement binds the parties to the
agreement, and each oftheir successors and assigns.101BLand Court decision binding on
successors and assigns(1)ThissectionappliestoadecisionoftheLandCourtunderdivision 4.(2)The
decision binds the parties in the proceeding that led to thedecision, and each of their successors and
assigns.101CArbitrator’s decision binding on
successors and assigns(1)Thissectionappliestoadecisionofanarbitratorunderdivision 2, subdivision 3A.(2)The decision binds the parties to the
arbitration that led to thedecision, and
each of their successors and assigns.Page 76Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyChapter 4Mineral and
Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4
Overlapping coal and petroleum resource authorities[s
102]Overlapping coal andpetroleum
resourceauthoritiesPart 1PreliminaryDivision 1Purposes of chapter102Main
purposes of ch 4(1)The main purposes of this chapter are
to—(a)facilitatetheco-existenceoftheState’scoalandcoalseam gas
industries; and(b)ensurethatparticipantsineachoftheindustriesco-operate to
optimise the development and use of theState’scoalandcoalseamgasresourcestomaximisethe benefit for
all Queenslanders; and(c)establishastatutoryframeworkthatappliesiftheparticipants do
not otherwise agree.(2)The main
purposes are achieved by—(a)removing
barriers to the grant of resource authorities forcoal
and coal seam gas production; and(b)allowing a right of way for coal production
subject tonotice and compensation requirements;
and(c)imposing ongoing obligations on
participants in each ofthe industries to exchange relevant
information; and(d)providingforparticipantsineachoftheindustriestonegotiatearrangementsasanalternativetoparticularlegislative
requirements.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 103]Division 2InterpretationNotauthorised—indicativeonly103Definitions for ch 4In
this chapter—18 months notice, for an ML
(coal), see section 122.abandonment datesee section
129(2)(b).acceleration noticesee section
128(2).advance notice, for an ML
(coal), see section 121.agreed joint development planmeans—(a)an
agreed joint development plan for which a notice hasbeen
given to the chief executive under section 130 or142;
or(b)if an agreed joint development plan is
amended by theresourceauthorityholdersundersection 133or146—the agreed joint
development plan as amended; or(c)ifanagreedjointdevelopmentplanisrequiredtobeamended by the Minister under section
158—the agreedjoint development plan as required to be
amended by theMinister; or(d)if
an agreed joint development plan is arbitrated as anagreed joint development plan under part 6,
division 4—the agreed joint development plan as
arbitrated.arbitration,ofadispute,meansarbitrationofthedisputeunder part 6,
division 4.areameans—(a)ofacoalresourceauthority—theareaofthecoalresource authority under the Mineral
Resources Act; or(b)ofapetroleumresourceauthority—theareaofthepetroleum
resource authority under the P&G Act.ATPmeans authority to prospect (csg).ATP
major gas infrastructure, for an ATP, see section 166.Page
78Current as at [Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 103]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyauthoritytoprospect(csg)meansanauthoritytoprospectgranted under
the P&G Act, if the intention of the holder is toexplore and test for coal seam gas.coal
minesee theCoal Mining
Safety and Health Act 1999.coalminingoperationsseetheCoalMiningSafetyandHealth Act 1999.coal
resource authoritymeans—(a)an
exploration permit (coal); or(b)a
mineral development licence (coal); or(c)a
mining lease (coal).coal seam gasis a substance
(in any state) occurring naturallyinassociationwithcoal,orwithstrataassociatedwithcoalmining, if the
substance is petroleum under the P&G Act.column 1
resource authoritymeans a coal resource authorityor
petroleum resource authority listed in column 1 of a table
inthis chapter.column 2
resource authoritymeans a coal resource authorityor
petroleum resource authority listed in column 2 of a table
inthis chapter.compensation
liability—(a)ofanML(coal)holdertoaPLholder—seesection 167(3);
168(3).concurrent noticesee section
149(2).confirmation notice, for an ML
(coal), see section 123.corresponding column 1 resource
authority, for a column 2resourceauthority,meansthecolumn1resourceauthorityoppositethecolumn2resourceauthorityinatableinthischapter.corresponding column 2 resource
authority, for a column 1resourceauthority,meansacolumn2resourceauthorityCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 103]oppositethecolumn1resourceauthorityinatableinthischapter.diluted incidental coal seam gassee
section 136.EP (coal), for part 3,
see section 139.exceptional circumstances noticesee
section 127.explorationpermit(coal)meansanexplorationpermitforcoal granted under the Mineral
Resources Act.FMAsee section 110.future mining
areasee section 110.holder,ofacoalresourceauthorityorpetroleumresourceauthority, means—(a)foracoalresourceauthority—thepersonwhoistheholderoftheresourceauthorityundertheMineralResources Act;
or(b)for a petroleum resource authority—the
person who isthe holder of the resource authority under
the P&G Act.IMAsee section 109.incidentalcoalseamgasmeanscoalseamgasabletobemined by an ML (coal) holder under the
Mineral ResourcesAct.initial mining
areasee section 109.joint
development planmeans a proposed joint developmentplan
or an agreed joint development plan.jointoccupancy,ofaSOZforanIMAorRMA,seesection 114.lost
productionsee section 162.MDL
(coal), for part 3, see section 139.mineraldevelopmentlicence(coal)meansamineraldevelopmentlicenceforcoalgrantedundertheMineralResources
Act.Page 80Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 103]miningcommencementdate,foranIMAorRMA,seesection 115.mininglease(coal)meansaminingleaseforcoalgrantedunder the Mineral Resources Act.mining safety legislationmeans—(a)theCoal Mining Safety and Health Act
1999; or(b)theMining and Quarrying Safety and Health
Act 1999;or(c)the
P&G Act; or(d)theMineral
Resources Regulation 2013, chapter 2, part4, division
4.ML (coal)—(a)generally—means a mining lease (coal);
or(b)for part 3—see section 139.ML
(coal) holder—(a)generally—see
section 105; or(b)for part 3—see section 139.overlapping areasee section
104.petroleumsee the P&G
Act.petroleum lease (csg)means a
petroleum lease granted undertheP&GActifcoalseamgasisproposedtobeproducedunder the lease.petroleum
production noticesee section 141(1).petroleum
resource authority—(a)generally,
means—(i)an authority to prospect (csg);
or(ii)a petroleum
lease (csg); or(b)for part 2, see section 118.petroleum wellhas the meaning
given by the P&G Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 103]PL—(a)generally—means
a petroleum lease (csg); or(b)for
part 3—see section 139.PL connecting infrastructure,
for a PL, see section 165.PL holder—(a)generally—see section 106; or(b)for part 3—see section 139.PL
major gas infrastructure, for a PL, see section 163.PL
minor gas infrastructure, for a PL, see section 164.prescribed arbitration institutesee
section 176.proposed joint development planmeans—(a)for
part 2, division 2—a proposed plan for developmentofanoverlappingareathatincludesthemattersmentioned in
section 130(3); or(b)forpart3—aproposedplanfordevelopmentofanoverlapping area that includes the
matters mentioned insection 142(3).reconciliation
paymentsee section 172(2)(a) and (c)(i).relevantmattermeansthesize,orlocationwithinanoverlapping area, of an IMA, an RMA or
a SOZ.replace, for part 6,
division 3, see section 161.replacement
gassee section 172(2)(b) and (c)(ii).resourceauthoritymeansacoalresourceauthorityorapetroleum resource authority.RMAsee section 111.RMA
notice, for an ML (coal), see section 125.rolling mining areasee section
111.simultaneousoperationszone,foranIMAorRMA,seesection 112.Page 82Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 104]siteseniorexecutive, foracoalmine,seetheCoalMiningSafety and
Health Act 1999.sole occupancy, of an IMA or
RMA, see section 113.SOZsee section
112.surfacemineseetheCoalMiningSafetyandHealthAct1999.undergroundmineseetheCoalMiningSafetyandHealthAct 1999.undiluted incidental coal seam
gassee section 136.104What
is anoverlapping area(1)Anoverlappingareaislandthatisthesubjectofbothacolumn1resourceauthorityandacorrespondingcolumn2resource authority for the column 1
resource authority.(2)However, land is anoverlapping areaonly if the
column 1resourceauthoritywasgrantedafterthecorrespondingcolumn 2
resource authority was granted.(3)Areferencetoanoverlappingareaincludes,ifthecircumstances permit, an area that
will become an overlappingarea when a column 1 resource
authority that has been appliedfor is
granted.(4)Even if subsections (1) to (3) do not
apply to make land anoverlappingarea,landisanoverlappingareaifitisthesubjectofbothacoalresourceauthorityandapetroleumresource
authority.105What is anML (coal)
holder(1)AnML (coal)
holderis the holder of an ML (coal).(2)AreferencetoanML(coal)holderincludes,ifthecircumstancespermit,anEP(coal)holderorMDL(coal)holder who is an
applicant for an ML (coal).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 83
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 106]106What
is aPL holder(1)APL holderis the holder of
a PL.(2)AreferencetoaPLholderincludes,ifthecircumstancespermit, an
applicant for a PL.Notauthorised—indicativeonly107Extended meaning of ML (coal) and
PLFor this chapter, a reference to an ML
(coal) or a PL includes,if the circumstances permit, a
reference to an ML (coal) or PLthat has been
applied for but has not been granted.Division 3Other key provisions108Purpose of div 3Thisdivisioncontainsdefinitionsandotherprovisionsrelevant to the
operation of this chapter.109What is aninitial mining areaorIMA(1)Aninitial mining area, orIMA, is an area in an overlappingarea,identifiedbyanML(coal)holder,forwhichtheML(coal) holder requires sole occupancy
to carry out authorisedactivities for the ML (coal).(2)ThetotalareathatmaybeidentifiedasanIMAistheminimum area that is reasonably
considered to be required for10 years of safe
mining.(3)An IMA may be a single area, or a
number of separate areas,each of which is an IMA.110What is afuture mining
areaorFMA(1)Afuture mining area, orFMA, is an area in an overlappingarea,identifiedbyanML(coal)holder,inwhichtheML(coal) holder intends to carry out
authorised activities for theML (coal) as
mining operations advance outside the IMA.Page 84Current as at [Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 111](2)An FMA must be contiguous with an
IMA.Notauthorised—indicativeonly111What is arolling mining
areaorRMA(1)Arolling mining area,
orRMA, is an area in an overlappingarea,identifiedbyanML(coal)holder,forwhichtheML(coal) holder requires sole occupancy
to carry out authorisedactivities for the ML (coal).(2)ThetotalareathatmaybeidentifiedasanRMAistheminimum area that is reasonably
considered to be required for1 year of safe
mining.(3)An RMA must be within an FMA.(4)Each RMA must be considered on a
sequential, year by yearbasis.(5)An
RMA for a particular year must not be more than 10% ofthetotaloftheareasthatareanIMAorFMAintheoverlapping area.112What
is asimultaneous operations zoneorSOZThesimultaneous operations zone,
orSOZ, for an IMA orRMA, is an area
in an overlapping area, contiguous with anIMAorRMA,inrelationtowhichsafetyandhealtharrangementsfortheco-existenceofanML(coal)andapetroleum
resource authority are reasonably considered to berequired.113What
issole occupancy(1)IfanML(coal)holderhassoleoccupancyofanIMAorRMA, to the extent the ML (coal) is
for a surface mine—(a)theML(coal)holdermaycarryoutanyauthorisedactivity for the
ML (coal) in the IMA or RMA; and(b)theholderofacorrespondingcolumn2resourceauthorityfortheML(coal)maynotcarryoutanyauthorised activity for the authority
in the IMA or RMA.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 114](2)IfanML(coal)holderhassoleoccupancyofanIMAorRMA,totheextenttheML(coal)isforanundergroundmine—(a)theML(coal)holdermaycarryoutanyauthorisedactivity for the
ML (coal) in the IMA or RMA; and(b)theholderofacorrespondingcolumn2resourceauthority for
the ML (coal) may carry out an authorisedactivity for the
authority in the IMA or RMA unless thesite senior
executive for the underground mine directsthe holder not
to carry out the authorised activity for thepurposeoffacilitatingsafetyandhealtharrangementsfortheco-existenceofanML(coal)andapetroleumresource authority that are reasonably
considered to berequired.(3)The
ML (coal) holder’s sole occupancy of an IMA or RMAdoesnotlimittherightofthecorrespondingcolumn2resource authority holder to carry out
authorised activities forthe authority within the overlapping
area but outside the IMAor RMA.(4)If
the corresponding column 2 resource authority is a PL, andit
is necessary for PL major gas infrastructure for the PL on
anIMA or RMA to be replaced, the PL holder is
not required toabandontheuseoftheinfrastructureontheIMAorRMAuntilreplacementPLmajorgasinfrastructurehasbeenconstructed and
commissioned, and is in operation.114What
isjoint occupancyIfanML(coal)holderandtheholderofacorrespondingcolumn2resourceauthorityfortheML(coal)havejointoccupancyof a
SOZ for an IMA or RMA—(a)the ML (coal)
holder may carry out authorised activitiesfor the ML
(coal) in the SOZ subject to any safety andhealtharrangementsfortheco-existenceofanML(coal)andapetroleumresourceauthoritythatarereasonably considered to be required;
andPage 86Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 115](b)theholderofthecorrespondingcolumn2resourceauthorityfortheML(coal)maycarryoutauthorisedactivitiesfortheauthoritysubjecttoanysafetyandhealtharrangementsfortheco-existenceofanML(coal)andapetroleumresourceauthoritythatarereasonably considered to be required.Notauthorised—indicativeonly115What is themining
commencement date(1)Themining
commencement date, for an IMA or RMA in anoverlapping area, is—(a)the
date, identified by a coal resource authority holderfortheoverlappingarea,forstartingtocarryoutauthorisedactivitiesforthecoalresourceauthorityinthe
IMA or RMA; or(b)if the resource authority holders for
the overlapping areaagreeinwritingtochangethedatementionedinparagraph(a)foranIMAorRMA—thenewagreeddate; or(c)if the date mentioned in paragraph (a)
or (b) for an IMAor RMA is changed under section 127, 128,
142A, 241Aor by arbitration—the new changed
date.(2)Forsubsection(1)(a),thedateidentifiedbyanML(coal)holder for an IMA must be—(a)if the corresponding column 2 resource
authority for theML (coal) is an ATP—at least 18 months after
the dateon which the advance notice for the ML
(coal) is given;or(b)if the
corresponding column 2 resource authority for theML
(coal) is a PL—at least 11 years after the date onwhich the advance notice for the ML (coal)
is given.(3)Forsubsection(1)(a),thedateidentifiedbyanML(coal)holder for an RMA must be—(a)forthe firstRMAinanoverlappingarea—atleast10years after the mining commencement date for
the IMAto which the RMA is contiguous; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 117](b)for
each subsequent RMA in the overlapping area—atleast 1 year
after the mining commencement date for theimmediately
preceding RMA.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 4Mandatory
requirements117Mandatory requirements for
participants(1)The following provisions apply for all
overlapping areas—(a)section 121;(b)section 127(8)(b);(c)part
2, division 3;(d)parts 3 and 4;(e)part
5, other than section 153;(f)part 6,
divisions 1 and 2.(2)The resource authority holders for an
overlapping area mayagree that provisions of this chapter,
other than the provisionsmentioned in subsection (1), do not
apply for the overlappingarea.Part 2Right of way for coalDivision 1Preliminary118Definitions for pt 2In this
part—petroleum resource authoritymeans a corresponding column2resourceauthority,foracolumn1resourceauthority,mentioned in the
table for part 2.petroleum resource authority holdermeans the holder of apetroleum
resource authority.Page 88Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 119]119Table for pt 2The following
table applies for this part—Column 1mining lease (coal)Column 2either of the following—(a)authority to prospect (csg);(b)petroleum lease (csg)Division 2Sole
occupancy120Sole occupancy of IMA(1)An ML (coal) holder has sole occupancy
of an IMA for anoverlapping area the subject of the ML
(coal) from the miningcommencement date for the IMA, but
only if the ML (coal)holder has given each petroleum
resource authority holder thenotices
mentioned in subsection (2) or (3) as required underthis
division.(2)IfthepetroleumresourceauthorityisanATP,thenoticesare—(a)an advance notice for the ML (coal);
and(b)an 18 months notice for the ML
(coal).(3)If the petroleum resource authority is
a PL, the notices are—(a)an advance
notice for the ML (coal); and(b)a
confirmation notice for the ML (coal).121Advance notice(1)Anadvance notice, for an ML
(coal), is a notice that—(a)states that the
ML (coal) holder has applied for the grantof the ML
(coal); andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 122](b)includesacopyoftheapplicationfortheML(coal),otherthananystatementdetailingtheapplicant’sfinancial and
technical resources; and(c)ifthepetroleumresourceauthorityisanATP—identifies any
IMA or RMA in the overlapping area, andthe mining
commencement date for the IMA or RMA;and(d)if the petroleum resource authority is
a PL—includes ajointdevelopmentplanfortheoverlappingareathesubject of the ML (coal); and(e)includes any other information
prescribed by regulation.(2)Anadvancenoticemustbegiventoapetroleumresourceauthority holder within 10 business days
after the day the ML(coal) holder applies for the grant of
the ML (coal).12218 months notice(1)An18 months notice, for an ML
(coal), is a notice that—(a)states that the
ML (coal) holder has applied for the grantoftheML(coal)andintendstostartcarryingoutauthorised activities for the ML
(coal) in an IMA in anoverlapping area the subject of the ML
(coal); and(b)states the mining commencement date
for the IMA; and(c)includes any other information
prescribed by regulation.(2)An 18 months
notice must be given to an ATP holder at least18monthsbeforetheminingcommencementdatefortheIMA.(3)Subject to subsection (2)—(a)an 18 months notice may be given at
the same time as anadvance notice; or(b)an18monthsnoticeandanadvancenoticemaybegiven as a
combined notice.Page 90Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 123]123Confirmation notice(1)Aconfirmation
notice, for an ML (coal), is a notice that—(a)states that the ML (coal) holder
intends to start carryingout authorised activities for the ML
(coal) in an IMA inan overlapping area the subject of the ML
(coal); and(b)states the mining commencement date
for the IMA; and(c)confirmstheML(coal)holderwillstartcoalminingoperationsintheIMAonthedatestatedunderparagraph (b)
for the IMA; and(d)includes any other information
prescribed by regulation.(2)A confirmation
notice must be given to a PL holder at least 18months, but no
more than 2 years, before the date stated undersubsection
(1)(b) for the IMA.124Sole occupancy of RMAAn
ML (coal) holder has sole occupancy of each RMA for anoverlapping area the subject of the ML
(coal) from the miningcommencement date for the RMA, but
only if the ML (coal)holder has given each petroleum
resource authority holder anRMA notice for
the ML (coal) as required under this division.125RMA
notice, for an ML (coal), is a notice that—(a)states that the ML (coal) holder
intends to start carryingout authorised activities for the ML
(coal) in an RMA inan overlapping area the subject of the ML
(coal); and(b)states the mining commencement date
for the RMA; and(c)confirmstheML(coal)holderwillstartcoalminingoperationsintheRMAonthedatestatedunderparagraph (b)
for the RMA; and(d)includes any other information
prescribed by regulation.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 126](2)AnRMAnoticemustbegiventoapetroleumresourceauthorityholderatleast18monthsbeforethedatestatedunder subsection (1)(b) for the RMA.126Joint occupancy of SOZAnML(coal)holderandapetroleumresourceauthorityholder
havejoint occupancyof a SOZ for an
IMA or RMAfor an overlapping area from the mining
commencement datefor the IMA or RMA.127Exceptional circumstances notice may be
given bypetroleum resource authority holder(1)This section applies if—(a)a petroleum resource authority
holder—(i)has received an advance notice for an
ML (coal); or(ii)has received a
proposal, under section 133 or 146,toamendanagreedjointdevelopmentplantochangethesizeorlocationof,ortheminingcommencement date for, an IMA or RMA, but
hasnot yet agreed to the proposal; and(b)theholderconsidersanextensionoftheperiod(therelevant period) before the ML
(coal) holder may carryout authorised activities for the ML
(coal) in the IMA orRMA is justified because of the
following exceptionalcircumstances—(i)there are high performing petroleum wells or
fieldsin the IMA or RMA;(ii)therelevantperiodisnotsufficienttoallowforproduction of petroleum from the high
performingwells or fields at the prescribed
threshold.(2)ThepetroleumresourceauthorityholdermaygivetheML(coal) holder a notice (anexceptional circumstances notice)stating—Page 92Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 127](a)theexceptionalcircumstancesjustifyingtheextensionmentioned in
subsection (1)(b); and(b)thepetroleumresourceauthorityholder’spreferredminingcommencementdate,whichmustnotbemorethan5yearsaftertheminingcommencementdateforthe IMA or RMA; and(c)any other information prescribed by
regulation.(3)However,ifsubsection (1)(a)(i)applies,theexceptionalcircumstances
notice must be given within 3 months after thepetroleumresourceauthorityholderreceivestheadvancenotice.(4)Theexceptionalcircumstancesnoticemustbeaccompaniedbytechnicaldata,including,forexample,dataaboutproductionmodelling,justifyingthepreferredminingcommencement date.(5)The
ML (coal) holder must, within 3 months after receivingtheexceptionalcircumstancesnotice,givethepetroleumresourceauthorityholderanoticestatingwhethertheML(coal)holderacceptsthepetroleumresourceauthorityholder’s
preferred mining commencement date.(6)IftheML(coal)holderdoesnotacceptthepetroleumresource
authority holder’s preferred mining commencementdateundersubsection (5),orclaimsthatexceptionalcircumstancesjustifyingtheextensiondonotexist,thepetroleum resource authority holder may
apply for arbitrationof the dispute.(7)Despitesubsection
(6),thepetroleumresourceauthorityholderandtheML(coal)holdermayjointlyapplyforarbitration of the dispute at any
time.(8)IfanML(coal)holderacceptsanATPholder’spreferredminingcommencementdateforanIMAorRMAundersubsection(5)(thenewdate),oranewminingcommencementdateforanIMAorRMAisestablishedbyarbitration (also thenew date)—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 128](a)the
new date applies as the mining commencement datefortheIMAorRMA,includingifaPLisgrantedinrelation to the ATP; and(b)within 20 business days after the new date
is accepted orestablished,theML(coal)holdermustgivethechiefexecutive a
written notice stating—(i)thatexceptionalcircumstancesjustifyinganewminingcommencementdatehavebeenacceptedbytheML(coal)holderorestablishedbyarbitration; and(ii)the
new mining commencement date; and(iii)any
other information prescribed by regulation.(9)In
this section—prescribedthresholdmeansthethresholdforproductionofpetroleum that is prescribed by
regulation.128Acceleration notice may be given by ML
(coal) holder(1)This section applies if an ML (coal)
holder considers a miningcommencement date for an IMA or RMA
should be an earlierdate.(2)TheML(coal)holdermaygivethePLholderanotice(anacceleration notice) that—(a)states the earlier date; and(b)includes any other information
prescribed by regulation.(3)The acceleration
notice may be given only in the period—(a)starting on the day an advance notice is
given to the PLholder; and(b)ending on the day that is 18 months before
the miningcommencement date for the IMA or RMA.(4)The ML (coal) holder must amend any
joint development planthat applies to the ML (coal) holder
to ensure it is consistentwith the acceleration notice.Page
94Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 129](5)Theaccelerationnoticehaseffecttochangeaminingcommencement
date whether or not the PL holder agrees tothe
change.Note—See section
167(1)(a) for the liability of an ML (coal) holder who givesan
acceleration notice to a PL holder to compensate the PL
holder.129Abandonment of sole occupancy of IMA
or RMA(1)This section applies if an ML (coal)
holder no longer requiressole occupancy of the whole or a part
of an IMA or RMA foran overlapping area.(2)TheML(coal)holdermustgiveeachpetroleumresourceauthorityholderfortheoverlappingareaanotice(anabandonment notice) that—(a)identifies the area of the IMA or RMA
for which the ML(coal) holder proposes to abandon sole
occupancy; and(b)statesthedate(theabandonmentdate)onwhichtheML (coal) holder proposes to abandon
sole occupancy;and(c)includes any
other information prescribed by regulation.(3)The
site senior executive for the coal mine must facilitate thepetroleumresourceauthorityholder’saccesstotheareamentioned in
subsection (2)(a) from the abandonment date.(4)An
abandonment of sole occupancy does not limit—(a)anyobligationoftheML(coal)holdertocarryoutrehabilitation or environmental management
required ofthe holder under the Environmental
Protection Act; or(b)the ML (coal) holder’s right to occupy
the IMA or RMAtocomplywithanobligationmentionedinparagraph(a).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 130]Division 3Joint development plan130Requirement for agreed joint development
plan(1)This section applies if an ML (coal)
holder gives an advancenotice to a PL holder.(2)The ML (coal) holder must
ensure—(a)within 12 months after giving the
advance notice to thePL holder or, if an application for
arbitration of a disputeismadeundersection131(2)or(3),within9monthsaftertheappointmentofthearbitrator—thereisinplace—(i)a
joint development plan that has been agreed withthe
PL holder; or(ii)an agreed joint
development plan as arbitrated; and(b)within20businessdaysaftertheagreedjointdevelopment plan is in place—written notice
is given tothe chief executive stating the
following—(i)that the plan is in place;(ii)the period for
which the plan has effect;(iii)other
information prescribed by regulation.(3)The
agreed joint development plan must—(a)identify the ML (coal) holder and PL holder
under theplan; and(b)setoutanoverviewoftheactivitiesproposedtobecarriedoutintheoverlappingareabytheML(coal)holder,
including the location of the activities and whenthey
will start; and(c)setoutanoverviewoftheactivitiesproposedtobecarriedoutintheoverlappingareabythePLholder,includingthelocationoftheactivitiesandwhentheywill
start; andPage 96Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 131](d)identifyanyIMAandRMAfortheoverlappingarea,andanySOZproposedforanyIMAorRMAfortheoverlapping area; and(e)statetheminingcommencementdateforanyIMAorRMA; and(f)state how the activities mentioned in
paragraphs (b) and(c) optimise the development and use of the
State’s coaland coal seam gas resources; and(g)state the period for which the agreed
joint developmentplan is to have effect; and(h)include any other information
prescribed by regulation.(4)For 2 or more
overlapping areas in the area the subject of theML
(coal)—(a)to the extent practicable, there may
be in place a singleagreedjointdevelopmentplanfor2ormoreoftheoverlapping areas; and(b)if there are 2 or more agreed joint
development plans inplacefortheoverlappingareas,theML(coal)holdermaygivethechiefexecutiveasinglenoticeasmentioned in subsection (2)(b) for all
the agreed jointdevelopment plans.131Negotiation of agreed joint development
plan(1)A PL holder who receives an advance
notice must negotiate ingood faith with the ML (coal) holder
to enable the ML (coal)holder to give a notice under section
130(2)(b).(2)If a PL holder and the ML (coal)
holder can not agree on ajointdevelopmentplantotheextentitrelatestoarelevantmatterwithin6monthsafterthePLholderreceivestheadvancenotice,theML(coal)holdermustapplyforarbitration of the dispute.(3)Despitesubsection
(2),thePLholderandtheML(coal)holder may
jointly apply for arbitration of the dispute, to theextent it relates to a relevant matter, at
any time.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 132]132Consistency with development plans(1)TheML(coal)holdermustensureanydevelopmentplanundertheMineralResourcesActfortheML(coal)isconsistent to the greatest practicable
extent with each agreedjoint development plan that applies to
the ML (coal) holder.(2)The PL holder
must ensure any development plan under theP&G Act for
the PL is consistent to the greatest practicableextent with each agreed joint development
plan that applies tothe PL holder.(3)This
section applies even if any of the following takes placefor
the ML (coal) or the PL—(a)a
renewal;(b)a transfer;(c)a
complete or partial subletting.133Amendment of agreed joint development
plan(1)Anagreedjointdevelopmentplanmaybeamendedbyagreement at any time.(2)Aresourceauthorityholdermentionedinthisdivisionwhoreceivesaproposalforanamendmentofanagreedjointdevelopmentplanmustnegotiateingoodfaithabouttheamendment.(3)Aresourceauthorityholderwhocannotobtainaproposedamendmentofanagreedjointdevelopmentplanunderthissection may apply for arbitration of the
dispute to the extent itrelates to a relevant matter.(4)Subsection(5)appliesifanamendmentofanagreedjointdevelopment plan, whether by agreement under
this section orbyarbitration,providesforacessation,orsignificantreduction or
increase, of—(a)mining under the ML (coal); or(b)production under the PL.Page
98Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 134](5)Within20businessdaysaftermakingtheamendment,theresourceauthorityholdersmustjointlygivethechiefexecutive a
written notice that—(a)statestheagreedjointdevelopmentplanhasbeenamended;
and(b)ifthereisacessationorsignificantreductionofanauthorisedactivityforaresourceauthority—includes,or is
accompanied by, a statement about—(i)whether the cessation or reduction is
reasonable inthe circumstances; and(ii)whether the resource authority holders have
takenallreasonablestepstopreventthecessationorreduction.134Authorised activities allowed only if
consistent withagreed joint development plan(1)Thissectionappliesifanagreedjointdevelopmentplanapplies to an ML (coal) holder and a PL
holder.(2)The ML (coal) holder may carry out an
authorised activity forthe ML (coal) in an overlapping area
the subject of the ML(coal) only if carrying out the
activity is consistent with theagreed joint
development plan.(3)The PL holder may carry out an
authorised activity for the PLin an
overlapping area the subject of the PL only if carryingout
the activity is consistent with the agreed joint developmentplan.(4)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that if an ML (coal) holderhas
given an advance notice to a PL holder and there is noagreed joint development plan that applies
to the ML (coal)holderandthePLholder,thePLholdermaycarryoutanauthorisedactivityforthePLintheoverlappingareathesubject of the PL and ML (coal) if
carrying out the activity isconsistentwitheachdevelopmentplanundertheP&GActthat
applies to the PL holder.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 135]135Condition of authoritiesIt is a
condition of both an ML (coal) and a PL that the holdermustcomplywitheachagreedjointdevelopmentplanthatapplies to the
holder.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 4Incidental coal
seam gas136Definitions for div 4In
this division—diluted incidental coal seam gasmeans incidental coal seamgas
that is subject to air contamination.Note—Dilutedincidentalcoalseamgaswillgenerallyresultfromusingunderground
in-seam and goaf drainage techniques for gas production.undilutedincidentalcoalseamgasmeansincidentalcoalseam
gas that is free of air contamination.Note—Undiluted incidental coal seam gas will
generally result from usingsurface to
in-seam techniques for gas production.137Resource optimisationAn ML (coal)
holder must, in relation to incidental coal seamgas
in an overlapping area that is subject to the ML (coal), usereasonable endeavours to—(a)minimise unnecessary contamination or
dilution of theincidental coal seam gas; and(b)maximise production of undiluted
incidental coal seamgas.138Right
of first refusal(1)AnML(coal)holdermustoffertosupply,onreasonableterms, any
incidental coal seam gas in an overlapping area thatPage
100Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 138]is
subject to the ML (coal), to which the ML (coal) holder isotherwiseentitledundertheMineralResourcesAct,section
overlapping area.(2)TheML(coal)holdermustmaketheofferbygivingthepetroleumresourceauthorityholderwrittennoticeoftheoffer—(a)for undiluted incidental coal seam gas
in an IMA in theoverlapping area—as early as practicable;
area—when the ML (coal) holder gives thepetroleum
resource authority holder—(i)ifthepetroleumresourceauthorityisaPLholder—a
confirmation notice; or(ii)ifthepetroleumresourceauthorityisanATPholder—an 18
months notice; or(c)for undiluted or diluted incidental
coal seam gas in anRMAintheoverlappingarea—whentheML(coal)holder gives the petroleum resource
authority holder theRMA notice.(3)Thepetroleumresourceauthorityholdermayaccepttheoffer—(a)for
an offer made under subsection (2)(a) or (b)—within12
months after receiving the notice, or a later periodagreed to by the ML (coal) holder; or(b)foranoffermadeundersubsection
(2)(c)—within3monthsafterreceivingthenotice,oralaterperiodagreed to by the ML (coal) holder.(4)If the petroleum resource authority
holder accepts the offer,the petroleum resource authority
holder must—(a)enterintoacontractwiththeML(coal)holderfordelivery of the gas; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 101
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 138](b)take
supply of the gas within 2 years after accepting theoffer,oralaterperiodagreedtobytheML(coal)holder;
and(c)pay the ML (coal) holder the amount of
royalty that ispayableforthegasundertheMineralResourcesAct,section
320.(5)Acontractmentionedinsubsection (4)(a)mustincludethematters prescribed by regulation.(6)If the petroleum resource authority
holder does not accept theofferundersubsection (3),ortakesupplyofthegasundersubsection (4),
the ML (coal) holder may use the gas underthe Mineral
Resources Act, section 318CN.(7)However, if the ML (coal) holder has not,
under the MineralResourcesAct,section 318CN,usedgasofferedtoapetroleumresourceauthorityholderundersubsection
(2)(a)within 12 months after becoming entitled to
use the gas undersubsection (6),theML(coal)holdermustnotusethegasunder the Mineral Resources Act, section
318CN until—(a)the ML (coal) holder re-offers to
supply the gas to thepetroleum resource authority holder;
petroleum resource authority holder rejects there-offer;
or(ii)3 months, or a
longer period agreed to by the ML(coal)holder,elapsesafterthere-offerismadewithoutthepetroleumresourceauthorityholderaccepting the re-offer.(8)A
notice of offer under subsection (2), or a notice of
re-offerunder subsection (7), must include the
matters prescribed byregulation.(9)This
section does not limit or otherwise affect the obligationsimposed on a petroleum resource authority
holder under theP&G Act.Page 102Current as at [Not applicable]
3Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 139]Subsequent petroleumproduction139Definitions for pt 3In this
part—EP (coal)means a
corresponding column 2 resource authorityforaPL,mentionedinthetableforthispart,thatisanexploration permit (coal).EP
(coal) holdermeans the holder of an EP (coal).MDL(coal)meansacorrespondingcolumn2resourceauthority for a
PL, mentioned in the table for this part, that isan
MDL (coal).MDL (coal) holdermeans the holder
of an MDL (coal).ML(coal)meansacorrespondingcolumn2resourceauthority for a
PL, mentioned in the table for this part, that is amining lease (coal).ML (coal)
holdermeans the holder of an ML (coal).PLmeansacolumn1resourceauthority,mentionedinthetable for this
part, that is a petroleum lease (csg).PL holdermeans the holder of a PL.Note—The PL holder
may or may not hold an ATP for the overlapping areathat
is the subject of the PL.140Table for pt
3The following table applies for this
part—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 141]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyColumn
1petroleum lease (csg)Column 2any
of the following—(a)exploration permit (coal);(b)mineral development licence(coal);(c)mining lease (coal)141Petroleum production notice(1)APLholdermustgiveacoalresourceauthorityholderanotice (apetroleum
production notice) that—(a)states that the PL holder has applied for
the grant of thePL; and(b)includes a copy of the application for the
PL, other thananystatementdetailingtheapplicant’sfinancialandtechnical resources; and(c)if the coal resource authority is an
ML (coal)—includesa proposed joint development plan;
and(d)includes any other information
prescribed by regulation.(2)Apetroleumproductionnoticemustbegiventoacoalresourceauthorityholderwithin10businessdaysaftertheday
the PL holder applies for the grant of the PL.142Requirement for agreed joint development
notice to an ML (coal) holder.(2)The
PL holder must ensure—(a)within 12 months
after giving the petroleum productionnotice to the ML
(coal) holder or, if an application forarbitration of a
dispute is made under section 144(2) or(3),within9monthsaftertheappointmentofthearbitrator—there is in place—Page
104Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 142A](i)a joint development plan that has been
agreed withthe ML (coal) holder; or(ii)an
agreed joint development plan as arbitrated; and(b)within20businessdaysaftertheagreedjointdevelopment plan is in place—written notice
is given tothe chief executive stating the
following—(i)that the plan is in place;(ii)the period for
which the plan has effect;(iii)other
information prescribed by regulation.(3)The
agreed joint development plan must—(a)identify the ML (coal) holder and PL holder
under theplan; and(b)setoutanoverviewoftheactivitiesproposedtobecarriedoutintheoverlappingareabytheML(coal)holderandPLholder,includingthelocationoftheactivities and when they will start;
any SOZ for any IMA or RMA for the overlappingarea; and(d)statetheminingcommencementdateforanyIMAorRMA; and(e)statehowtheactivitiesmentionedinparagraph(b)optimise the development and use of the
State’s coal andcoal seam gas resources; and(f)state the period for which the agreed
joint developmentplan is to have effect; and(g)include any other information
prescribed by regulation.142APetroleum
production notice given more than 6 monthsafter advance
notice(1)This section applies if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 144](a)anEP(coal)holderorMDL(coal)holdergaveanadvance notice for an ML (coal) to an ATP
holder underpart 2 in relation to an overlapping area;
and(b)apetroleumproductionnoticeinrelationtotheoverlapping area was given under this
part more than 6months after the giving of the advance
notice; and(c)the PL is granted, but the ML (coal)
has not yet beengranted.(2)TheminingcommencementdateforanIMAintheoverlapping area
must be taken to be the date that is the earlierof
the following—(a)the end of 9 years after the giving of
the advance notice;(b)theendof11yearsafterthegivingoftheadvancenotice, less the
period between the giving of the advancenoticeandthegivingofthepetroleumproductionnotice.(3)This section does not limit—(a)the changing of the mining
commencement date for theIMA in the way mentioned in section
115(1)(b) or (c);or(b)the power of the
petroleum resource authority holder togive an
exceptional circumstances notice under section127; or(c)thepoweroftheML(coal)holdertogiveanacceleration notice under section
128.144Negotiation of agreed joint
development plan(1)AnML(coal)holderwhoreceivesapetroleumproductionnotice that
includes a proposed joint development plan mustnegotiate in
good faith with the PL holder to enable the PLholder to give a
notice under section 142(2)(b).(2)If
an ML (coal) holder and the PL holder can not agree on ajointdevelopmentplantotheextentitrelatestoarelevantmatter within 6
months after the ML (coal) holder receives thePage 106Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 145]petroleumproductionnotice,thePLholdermustapplyforarbitration of the dispute.(3)Despitesubsection
(2),theML(coal)holderandthePLholder may
jointly apply for arbitration of the dispute, to theextent it relates to a relevant matter, at
any time.145Consistency of development
plans(1)This section applies if the PL holder
is granted a PL for theoverlapping area.(2)The
PL holder must ensure any development plan under theP&G Act for the PL is consistent to the
greatest practicableextent with each agreed joint
development plan that applies tothe PL
holder.(3)TheML(coal)holdermustensureanydevelopmentplanundertheMineralResourcesActfortheML(coal)isconsistent to the greatest practicable
extent with each agreedjoint development plan that applies to
the ML (coal) holder.(4)This section
applies even if any of the following takes placefor
the PL or the ML (coal)—(a)a
renewal;(b)a transfer;(c)a
complete or partial subletting.146Amendment of agreed joint development
plan(1)Anagreedjointdevelopmentplanmaybeamendedbyagreement at any time.(2)Aresourceauthorityholdermentionedinthispartwhoreceivesaproposalforanamendmentofanagreedjointdevelopmentplanmustnegotiateingoodfaithabouttheamendment.(3)AresourceauthorityholderwhocannotobtainaproposedamendmentofanagreedjointdevelopmentplanunderthisCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 147]section may
apply for arbitration of the dispute to the extent itrelates to a relevant matter.(4)Subsection(5)appliesifanamendmentofanagreedjointdevelopment plan, whether by agreement under
this section orbyarbitration,providesforacessation,orsignificantreduction or
increase, of—(a)mining under the ML (coal); or(b)production under the PL.(5)Within20businessdaysaftermakingtheamendment,theresourceauthorityholdersmustjointlygivethechiefexecutive a
written notice that—(a)statesthatthejointdevelopmentplanhasbeenamended;
and(b)if there is a cessation or significant
reduction of miningundertheML(coal)orproductionunderthePL—includes, or is
accompanied by, a statement about—(i)whether the cessation or reduction is
reasonable inthe circumstances; and(ii)whether the resource authority holders have
takenallreasonablestepstopreventthecessationorreduction.147Authorised activities allowed only if
consistent withagreed joint development plan(1)Thissectionappliesifanagreedjointdevelopmentplanapplies to a PL holder and an ML (coal)
holder.(2)The PL holder may carry out an
authorised activity for the PLin an
overlapping area the subject of the PL only if carryingout
the activity is consistent with the agreed joint developmentplan.(3)The
ML (coal) holder may carry out an authorised activity forthe
ML (coal) in an overlapping area the subject of the ML(coal) only if carrying out the activity is
consistent with theagreed joint development plan.Page
108Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 148](4)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that if a PL holder hasgiven a petroleum production notice to
an ML (coal) holderand there is no agreed joint development
plan that applies tothe PL holder and the ML (coal)
holder, the ML (coal) holdermay carry out an
authorised activity for the ML (coal) in theoverlappingareathesubjectoftheML(coal)andPLifcarrying out the activity is consistent with
each developmentplan under the Mineral Resources Act that
applies to the ML(coal) holder.148Condition of authoritiesIt is a
condition of both a PL and an ML (coal) that the holdermustcomplywitheachagreedjointdevelopmentplanthatapplies to the
holder.148AModification of particular provisions
if preferred tendererappointed(1)This
section applies if—(a)the Minister publishes a call for
tenders for a petroleumlease under the P&G Act, section
127; and(b)the Minister appoints a preferred
tenderer on the tendersmade in response to the call.(2)For applying the requirements under
this chapter—(a)theonlyPLholderrequiredtogiveapetroleumproductionnoticetoacoalresourceauthorityholderunder section
141(1) is the PL holder appointed underthe P&G Act,
chapter 2, part 2, division 3, subdivision 3as the preferred
tenderer; and(b)despite section 141(1)(c), a petroleum
production noticegiven by a PL holder mentioned in paragraph
(a) is notrequired to include a proposed joint
development plan;and(c)a PL holder
mentioned in paragraph (a) complies withsection141(2)ifthePLholdergivesthepetroleumproduction
notice to the coal resource authority holderCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 109
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 148A]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage
110within 10 business days after the PL holder
is appointedas preferred tenderer; and(d)a PL holder mentioned in paragraph (a)
is not requiredto comply with section 142; and(e)thecoalresourceauthorityholdergivenapetroleumproductionnoticebyaPLholderunderparagraph(c)complieswithsection121(2)ifthecoalresourceauthorityholdergivesanadvancenoticetothePLholderwithin30businessdaysafterthepetroleumproduction
notice is given to the coal resource authorityholder;
and(f)an advance notice mentioned in
paragraph (e) complieswith section 121(1) if the
notice—(i)states that the ML (coal) holder has
applied for thegrant of the ML (coal); and(ii)includesacopyoftheapplicationfortheML(coal),otherthananystatementdetailingtheapplicant’s financial and technical
resources; and(iii)includes a
proposed joint development plan for theoverlapping area
the subject of the ML (coal); and(g)ifaproposedjointdevelopmentplanmentionedinparagraph (f)(iii) identifies an IMA for the
overlappingarea, the mining commencement date for the
identifiedIMA must be at least 11 years after the date
on whichtheML(coal)holderappliedforthegrantoftheML(coal); and(h)a PL
holder mentioned in paragraph (a) complies withsection
154(3)(a) if the PL holder gives the informationrequiredtobegivenundersection154within20businessdaysafterthePLholdergivesthepetroleumproduction
notice to the coal resource authority holder;and(i)acoalresourceauthorityholdergivenapetroleumproductionnoticeunderparagraph(c)complieswithsection154(3)(a)ifthecoalresourceauthorityholdergives the
information required to be given under sectionCurrent as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 149]154within20businessdaysafterthecoalresourceauthorityholderisgiventhepetroleumproductionnotice.(3)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that—(a)this section does not limit the
changing of the miningcommencementdatefortheIMAmentionedinsubsection(2)(g)inthewaymentionedinsection115(1)(b) or
(c); and(b)section 156 applies in relation to
information—(i)given by a PL holder mentioned in this
section to acoalresourceauthorityholdermentionedinthissection;
or(ii)givenbyacoalresourceauthorityholdermentioned in
this section to a PL holder mentionedin this
section.(4)This section applies whether the
preferred tenderer mentionedinsubsection(1)(b)wasappointedbeforeorafterthecommencement of this section.Part
4Concurrent applications149Concurrent notice may be given by ATP
holder(1)This section applies if an ATP
holder—(a)receives an advance notice under part
2 in relation to anoverlappingareafromtheholderofanEP(coal)orMDL (coal) that includes the
overlapping area; andNote—Under part 2, an
advance notice for an ML (coal) is given by theapplicant for
the ML (coal).(b)intendstoapplyforaPL,thatwillincludetheoverlapping area, within 6 months
after the ATP holderreceives the advance notice.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 150](2)The
ATP holder may give the holder of the EP (coal) or MDL(coal)awrittennotice(aconcurrentnotice)statingtheinformation mentioned in subsection
(1)(b).(3)The concurrent notice must be given
within 3 months after theATP holder receives the advance
notice.(4)If the concurrent notice is given and
the application for the PLis made within the 6 months mentioned
in subsection (1)(b),this chapter must, to the greatest
practicable extent, be appliedasiftheATPholderwasalreadyaPLholderwhentheadvance notice was given to the ATP
holder.(5)Without limiting subsection
area, for the purposes of the advance notice,is taken to be
at least 11 years after the date on whichthe advance
notice was given; and(b)theminingcommencementdatefortheIMAmaybechanged in the
way mentioned in section 115(1)(b) or(c); and(c)the ATP holder may give an exceptional
circumstancesnotice under section 127, including at the
same time asthe concurrent notice is given.(6)However, despite subsection (4), the
ML (coal) holder mustensure the agreed joint development
plan mentioned in section130(2) is in place within 12 months
after receiving from theATP holder a petroleum production
notice or, if an applicationfor arbitration
of a dispute is made under section 131(2) or(3), within 9
months after the appointment of the arbitrator,instead of
within the period mentioned in section 130(2).150Requirements for holder of EP (coal) or MDL
(coal) ifconcurrent PL application(1)ThissectionappliesiftheholderofanEP(coal)orMDL(coal)—Page
112Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 151](a)receives a petroleum production notice
under part 3 inrelationtoanoverlappingareafromtheholderofanATP that includes the overlapping
area; and(b)lodges an application for an ML (coal)
before the PL thesubject of the petroleum production notice
is granted.Note—Under part 3, a
petroleum production notice is given by the applicantfor
a PL.(2)The holder of the EP (coal) or MDL
(coal) must give the ATPholder an advance notice as required
under part 2.(3)TheminingcommencementdateforanIMAintheoverlapping
area, for the purposes of the advance notice, mustbe
at least 11 years after the date on which the advance noticeis
given.(4)Without otherwise limiting the
application of part 2—(a)therequirementundersection130(2)(a)foranagreedjoint development plan to be in place within
the periodmentioned in section 130(2)(a) applies;
and(b)theminingcommencementdatefortheIMAmaybechanged in the
way mentioned in section 115(1)(b) or(c).Part
5Adverse effects test151Table
for pt 5The following table applies for this
part—Column 1exploration
permit (coal)Column 2either of the
following—(a)authority to prospect (csg);(b)petroleum lease (csg)Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 152]Column 1Column 2mineral
development licence (coal)either of the following—(a)authority to prospect (csg);(b)petroleum lease (csg)authority to prospect (csg)any
of the following—(a)exploration permit (coal);(b)mineral development licence(coal);(c)mining lease (coal)152Authorised activities allowed only if no
adverse effectsAn authorised activity for a column 1
resource authority maybecarriedoutinanoverlappingareathesubjectoftheresource authority only if—(a)itdoesnotadverselyaffectcarryingoutintheoverlapping area
an activity that is an authorised activityfor a
corresponding column 2 resource authority for thecolumn 1 resource authority; and(b)carryingouttheauthorisedactivityforthecorresponding
column 2 resource authority has alreadystarted in the
overlapping area.153Expedited land access for petroleum
resource authorityholders(1)This
section applies if—(a)apetroleumresourceauthorityholdergivesanML(coal) holder a
negotiation notice under section 84; and(b)the
petroleum resource authority holder and ML (coal)holder have not entered into any of the
following beforethe end of the minimum negotiation
period—(i)a conduct and compensation
agreement;Page 114Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 154](ii)a deferral
agreement;(iii)an opt-out
agreement.(2)Despite a requirement under chapter 3
to give an entry notice,thepetroleumresourceauthorityholdermayenteranoverlappingareathesubjectofthepetroleumresourceauthority, other than an IMA or SOZ in the
overlapping area,to carry out an authorised activity for the
authority if—(a)thepetroleumresourceauthorityholdergivestheML(coal) holder an
expedited entry notice; and(b)thefirstdaythepetroleumresourceauthorityholderenters the overlapping area is at least 10
business daysafterthedaythepetroleumresourceauthorityholdergives the ML
(coal) holder the expedited entry notice.(3)Nothing in this section limits any other
provision of chapter 3,including,forexample,aprovisionrequiringthepetroleumresource
authority holder and the ML (coal) holder to enterinto
an agreement mentioned in subsection (1)(b).(4)In
this section—expedited entry noticemeans a notice
that—(a)states the petroleum resource
authority holder intends toenter an
overlapping area on a stated date; and(b)includes any other information prescribed by
regulation.ML (coal) holdermeans the holder
of an ML (coal).Part 6General
provisionsDivision 1Information
exchange154Resource authority holders must
exchange information(1)The resource
authority holders for an overlapping area mustgive each other
all information reasonably necessary to allowCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 115
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 155]them to optimise
the development and use of coal and coalseam gas
resources in the overlapping area.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the
information that must begiven includes the following—(a)operational and development
plans;(b)location of gas and mining
infrastructure;(c)development and production
goals;(d)scheduling of authorised
activities;(e)rehabilitation and environmental
management;(f)safety and health arrangements;(g)informationaboutanyapplicationrelatingtotheoverlapping area
made by the resource authority holderunder a Resource
Act;(h)any amendment of a mine plan required
to be kept bythe resource authority holder under a
Resource Act;(i)any other information prescribed by
regulation.(3)The information must be given—(a)within20businessdaysaftertheoverlappingareacomes into existence; and(b)atleastonceduringeachyearthattheresourceauthorities for
the overlapping area are in force.(4)Subsections (1) to (3) do not require the
giving of informationthat is only in the form of a
draft.(5)In this section—draftincludes a preliminary or working
draft.155Annual meetings(1)The
resource authority holders for an overlapping area mustconveneatleast1meetingduringeachyeartheresourceauthorities are
in force.Page 116Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 156](2)The purpose of the meeting is to
facilitate compliance withsection 154.Notauthorised—indicativeonly156Confidentiality(1)Thissectionappliesifaresourceauthorityholder(theinformation-giver)givesanotherresourceauthorityholder(therecipient)informationthatthischapterrequiresorpermits the information-giver to give to the
unless—(a)the information is publicly available;
or(b)the disclosure is—(i)toaperson(asecondaryrecipient)whomtherecipienthasauthorisedtocarryoutauthorisedactivities for
the recipient’s resource authority; or(ii)made
with the information-giver’s consent; or(iii)expresslypermittedorrequiredunderthisoranother Act; or(iv)to
the Minister.(3)Subjecttosubsection (2),therecipientmustnotusetheinformation for a purpose other than for
which it is given.(4)If the recipient does not comply with
subsection (2) or (3), therecipient is liable to pay the
information-giver—(a)compensation for any loss the
information-giver incursbecauseofthefailuretocomplywiththesubsection;and(b)the amount of any commercial gain the
recipient makesbecause of the failure to comply with the
subsection.(5)Asecondaryrecipientmustnotusetheinformationforapurpose other than for which it is
given.(6)If a secondary recipient does not
comply with subsection (5),thesecondaryrecipientisliabletopaytheinformation-giver—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 117
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 157](a)compensation for any loss the
information-giver incursbecauseofthefailuretocomplywiththesubsection;and(b)theamountofanycommercialgainthesecondaryrecipient makes
because of the failure to comply withthe
subsection.Division 2Ministerial
powers157Requirement to give copy of agreed
joint developmentplan(1)TheMinistermay,bywrittennotice,requirearesourceauthority holder
to give the Minister a copy of an agreed jointdevelopment
plan.(2)TheresourceauthorityholdermustgivethecopytotheMinisterwithin30businessdaysafterthenoticeisgivenunder subsection
(1).(3)This section does not apply if the
agreed joint developmentplan has ceased to have effect.158Amendment of agreed joint development
plan(1)TheMinistermay,bywrittennotice,requirearesourceauthority holder
to amend an agreed joint development plan.(2)The
matters the Minister must consider in deciding whether torequire an amendment include each of the
following—(a)the potential of each of the resource
authority holders towhichtheplanappliesto
developcoalandcoalseamgasresourcestooptimisethedevelopmentanduseofthe State’s coal
and coal seam gas resources;(b)theextenttowhicheachoftheresourceauthorityholders have
complied with the plan;Page 118Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 159](c)whether, if the amendment was made,
compliance withtheplanwouldcontinuetobecommerciallyandtechnically feasible for the resource
authority holders;(d)thecontentofanydevelopmentplanforeachoftheresource authorities.(3)Anoticegivenundersubsection (1)mustincludeaninformation notice about the Minister’s
decision to require theamendment.159Request for informationThe Minister
may, by written notice, ask a resource authorityholdertogivetheMinisteranyinformationtheMinisterconsiders
appropriate to—(a)optimise the development and use of
the State’s coal andcoal seam gas resources; or(b)ensure safe mining in an overlapping
area the subject ofthe resource authority.160Right
of appeal(1)ThissectionappliesiftheMinisterdecidestoexerciseapower under section 158(1).(2)TheP&GAct,chapter12,part2applies,withnecessarychanges, to the
decision as if—(a)thedecisionwerementionedintheP&GAct,schedule 1,
table 2; and(b)the P&G Act, schedule 1, table 2
stated the Land Courtas the appeal body for the decision;
and(c)areferenceintheP&GAct,chapter12,part2toaninformationnoticeincludedareferencetoaninformation notice under section
158(3).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 161]Division 3CompensationNotauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 1Preliminary161Definitions for div 3In this
division—ATP major gas infrastructure,
for an ATP, see section 166.lost
productionsee section 162.PL connecting
infrastructuresee section 165.PL major gas
infrastructure, for a PL, see section 163.PL
minor gas infrastructure, for a PL, see section 164.reconciliation paymentsee section
172(2)(a) and (c)(i).replacement gassee section
172(2)(b) and (c)(ii).replaceincludes remove
and relocate.162What islost
production(1)Lost productionmeans coal seam
gas production foregone bya PL holder.(2)Lost
production must be calculated in the way, and consistentwith
the principles, prescribed by regulation.163What
isPL major gas infrastructure(1)PL major gas infrastructure,
for a PL, means a gas facilityfor the PL that
is—(a)a pipeline within the meaning of the
P&G Act; or(b)a petroleum facility within the
meaning of the P&G Act;or(c)a water observation bore within the
meaning of the P&GAct; orPage 120Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 164](d)significantinfrastructurenecessarilyassociatedwithagasfacilitymentionedinparagraph(a),(b)or(c),including,forexample,accommodationcamps,majorroads,
communication facilities, workshops, stores andoffices;
or(e)equipment or facilities used by the PL
holder to carry ortransmitgas,waterorothersubstances,telecommunications or electricity, other
than gatheringlines upstream of field or nodal compressor
stations; or(f)another gas facility prescribed by
regulation.(2)The cost of replacement of PL major
gas infrastructure mustbeassessedintheway,andconsistentwiththeprinciples,prescribed by
regulation.(3)In this section—gasfacility,foraPL,meansequipmentandothermajorfacilities included in infrastructure
established or used by thePL holder, its contractors or other
persons authorised by thePL holder to carry out an authorised
activity under the PL.164What isPL
minor gas infrastructure(1)PL minor gas
infrastructure, for a PL, means a field asset forthe
PL, other than PL major gas infrastructure for the PL, thatis—(a)a pilot or
producing petroleum well; or(b)a
sub-nodal collection network; or(c)a
minor access road or track; or(d)minorfacilitiesandinfrastructureassociatedwith,orservicing,anythingmentionedinparagraph(a),(b)or(c); or(e)minorfacilitiesassociatedwith,andservicing,majorgasinfrastructure,ifthemajorgasinfrastructuredoesnot
need to be relocated; or(f)another field
asset prescribed by regulation.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 121
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 165](2)The
cost of replacement of PL minor gas infrastructure mustbeassessedintheway,andconsistentwiththeprinciples,prescribed by
regulation.(3)In this section—fieldasset,foraPL,meansequipmentandotherminorfacilities included in infrastructure
established or used by thePL holder, its contractors or other
persons authorised by thePL holder to carry out an authorised
activity under the PL.165What isPL
connecting infrastructure(1)PL connecting
infrastructure, for a PL, means infrastructurethatconnectsPLmajorgasinfrastructureforthePLtoapetroleum well in an overlapping area
the subject of the PL.(2)The cost of
replacement of PL connecting infrastructure mustbeassessedintheway,andconsistentwiththeprinciples,prescribed by
regulation.166What isATP major gas
infrastructure(1)ATP major gas infrastructure,
for an ATP, means—(a)a pilot well for the ATP, if—(i)the pilot well was drilled or
constructed under theauthority of the ATP; and(ii)whentheATPholderwasgivenan18monthsnotice by an ML
(coal) holder from whom the ATPholder seeks
compensation under this division, thepilot
and(B)was not planned to be abandoned;
and(b)other infrastructure prescribed by
regulation.(2)ThecostofabandonmentofATPmajorgasinfrastructuremustbeassessedintheway,andconsistentwiththeprinciples, prescribed by
regulation.Page 122Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 167](3)In this section—pilot
wellincludes any item of infrastructure
associated with apilot well.Subdivision
2Liability to compensate167Liability of ML (coal) holder to compensate
PL holder(1)This section applies if—(a)an ML (coal) holder gives an
acceleration notice to a PLholderand,becauseofthe accelerationnotice,thePLholder—(i)suffers, or will suffer, lost
production; or(ii)is,orwillbe,requiredtoreplacePLminorgasinfrastructure for the PL; or(b)anML(coal)holdercarriesout,orproposestocarryout,authorisedactivitiesinanIMAorRMAforanoverlappingareaand,becauseoftheauthorisedactivities—(i)PL
connecting infrastructure for a PL is or will bephysically severed and the PL holder is or
will berequiredtoreplacethePLconnectinginfrastructure;
or(ii)the PL holder is
or will be required to replace PLmajor gas
infrastructure for the PL.(2)The ML (coal)
holder is liable to compensate the PL holderfor—(a)if subsection (1)(a)(i) applies—the
lost production; or(b)if subsection (1)(a)(ii) applies—the
cost of replacementof the PL minor gas infrastructure;
or(c)if subsection (1)(b)(i) applies—the
cost of replacementof the PL connecting infrastructure;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 168](d)if
subsection (1)(b)(ii) applies—the cost of replacementof
the PL major gas infrastructure; or(e)ifsubsection(1)(a)applies,buttheminingcommencement
date for an IMA or RMA identified intheaccelerationnoticeischangedbytheML(coal)holder to a later date—additional costs
incurred by thePLholderbecauseofthedelayintheminingcommencementdate,otherthantotheextenttheliability to compensate is reduced
under subsection (4).(3)TheML(coal)holder’sliabilityundersubsection (2)tocompensatethePLholderistheML(coal)holder’scompensation
liabilityto the PL holder.(4)TheML(coal)holder’scompensationliabilityforthePLholder’s additional costs as mentioned in
subsection (2)(e) isreduced to the extent the delay is
caused by any event beyondthe control of the ML (coal) holder,
but only if the ML (coal)holder—(a)assoonaspracticablegiveswrittennoticetothePLholder of—(i)the
event; and(ii)the details of
any cause of the event; and(b)takes all reasonable steps to minimise the
effect of theevent on the mining commencement
date.168Liability of ML (coal) holder to
compensate ATP holder(1)This section
applies if—(a)anML(coal)holdercarriesout,orproposestocarryout, authorised
activities in an IMA or RMA; and(b)because of the authorised activities, an ATP
holder is orwillberequiredtoabandonATPmajorgasinfrastructure.(2)The
ML (coal) holder is liable to compensate the ATP holderforthecostofabandonmentoftheATPmajorgasinfrastructure.Page 124Current as at [Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 169](3)TheML(coal)holder’sliabilityundersubsection (2)tocompensatetheATPholderistheML(coal)holder’scompensation
liabilityto the ATP holder.Notauthorised—indicativeonly169Meeting compensation liability(1)Unlessotherwiseagreed,apetroleumresourceauthorityholder is
entitled to receive an amount to meet a compensationliability only if the petroleum resource
authority holder is abletogiveinformationthatshowsthevalueofanylostproduction,replacementcostsorcostofabandonmentforwhich compensation is claimed.(2)Apetroleumresourceauthorityholderisnotentitledtoreceiveanamountofcompensationonmorethanoneoccasion to meet any compensation
liability that may at anytime apply to a particular IMA or
RMA.(3)An ML (coal) holder is not required to
pay an amount to meetacompensationliabilityarisingfromlostproductionuntilwhen
the production would otherwise have happened.170Minimising compensation liability(1)AnML(coal)holderandapetroleumresourceauthorityholdermustbothtakeallreasonablestepstominimisecompensationliabilityintheway,andconsistentwiththeprinciples, prescribed by
regulation.(2)If, after complying with subsection
(1), the ML (coal) holdercontinuestohaveacompensationliabilitytothepetroleumresource authority holder, the ML (coal)
holder must, to theextentreasonable,offerthepetroleumresourceauthorityholder an amount
of natural gas that is equal to the amount ofthe compensation
liability.(3)If, after complying with subsection
(2), the ML (coal) holdercontinuestohaveacompensationliabilitytothepetroleumresource authority holder, the ML (coal)
holder must give thepetroleumresourceauthorityholderapaymentequaltotheamount of the
compensation liability.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 171]171Offsetting of compensation liability(1)An ML (coal) holder’s compensation
liability to a petroleumresource authority holder is reduced
to the extent of the valueof the following—(a)incidentalcoalseamgassuppliedtothepetroleumresource
authority holder on the acceptance of an offermade under
section 138;(b)undilutedincidentalcoalseamgasofferedtothepetroleumresourceauthorityholderundersection
138butnotsuppliedtothepetroleumresourceauthorityholder because the offer is not
accepted.(2)However, subsection (1)(b) applies
only to the extent it wasreasonablypracticableforthepetroleumresourceauthorityholder to take
supply of the undiluted incidental coal seam gaswhen
the offer was made under section 138.(3)Thevalueoftheincidentalcoalseamgasmentionedinsubsection (1) must be calculated in the
way, and consistentwith the principles, prescribed by
regulation.172Reconciliation payments and
replacement gas(1)This section applies if—(a)under this division, a PL holder
receives a payment or anamount of natural gas from an ML
(coal) holder to meeta compensation liability for lost
production; and(b)the PL holder subsequently recovers
coal seam gas thatwas the subject of the compensation
liability.(2)The PL holder is liable to give the ML
(coal) holder—(a)a payment (areconciliation
payment) for the coal seamgas recovered;
or(b)an amount of natural gas (replacement gas) that is
equalto the amount of coal seam gas recovered;
or(c)both of the following—Page
126Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 173](i)a payment (also areconciliation
payment) for partof the coal seam
gas recovered;(ii)anamountofnaturalgas(alsoreplacementgas)thatisequaltotheamountofcoalseamgasrecoveredthatisnotthesubjectofthereconciliation payment under
subparagraph (i).(3)The amount of a reconciliation
payment—(a)must be calculated in the way, and
consistent with theprinciples, prescribed by regulation;
and(b)must not be more than the amount
received to meet thecompensation liability.173Claiming compensation(1)IfapetroleumresourceauthorityholderconsidersanML(coal)holderhasacompensationliabilitytothepetroleumresourceauthorityholder,thepetroleumresourceauthorityholder
must—(a)advise the ML (coal) holder of the
liability as soon asreasonably practicable; and(b)includewiththeadviceawrittenproposalforcalculating the amount of compensation
payable.(2)The ML (coal) holder may
either—(a)accept the proposal; or(b)respond with a written counter
proposal.174Availability of dispute
resolution(1)This section applies if—(a)either of the following
applies—(i)a petroleum resource authority holder
is entitled toreceiveapaymentofanamounttomeetacompensation liability;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 127
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 175](ii)anML(coal)holderisentitledtoreceiveareconciliation payment or replacement gas;
and(b)the petroleum resource authority
holder and ML (coal)holder can not agree on 1 or more of
the following—(i)theamountofthepaymenttomeetthecompensationliabilitythepetroleumresourceauthority holder is entitled to
receive;(ii)whenthepaymentoftheamounttomeetthecompensation liability must be made;(iii)the amount of
the reconciliation payment the ML(coal) holder is
entitled to receive;(iv)when the
reconciliation payment must be made;(v)theamountofreplacementgastheML(coal)holder is entitled to receive;(vi)when the
replacement gas must be given.(2)ThepetroleumresourceauthorityholderortheML(coal)holder may apply
for arbitration of the dispute.Division 4Dispute resolution175Application of div 4Thisdivisionappliestothefollowingdisputesbetweenpersons (each aparty)—(a)a dispute
mentioned in section 127 about an exceptionalcircumstances
notice;(b)adisputementionedinsection 131,133,144or146about a joint development plan to the extent
it relates toa relevant matter;(c)a
dispute mentioned in section 174;(d)adisputementionedintheCoalMiningSafetyandHealth Act 1999, section 64E(3)
or (4) or 64H(7);Page 128Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 176](e)a dispute mentioned in the P&G
Act, section 705B(3) or(4) or 705CB(7);(f)adisputementionedintheMineralResourcesRegulation
2013, section 25(3) or (4) or 28(7).Notauthorised—indicativeonly176Definitions for div 4In
this division—partysee section
175.prescribedarbitrationinstitutemeansanentityfornominating arbitrators that is prescribed by
regulation.177Nomination of arbitrator(1)A party applies, or parties jointly
apply, for arbitration of thedisputebyaskingaprescribedarbitrationinstitutetonominate an arbitrator.(2)Theprescribedarbitrationinstitutemustnominateanarbitrator to decide the
liability for an act or omission in the performance,or
purported performance, of a function under subsection (2)unlesstheactoromissionisdoneormadeinbadfaithorthrough negligence.178Arbitrator’s functions(1)Thearbitratorhasauthoritytodecidethedisputebytheissuance of an award.(2)The award must be consistent
with—(a)optimising the development and use of
the State’s coaland coal seam gas resources; and(b)safetyandhealthrequirementsunderminingsafetylegislation.(3)The
award must be made—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and petroleum
resource authorities[s 179](a)within 6 months after the appointment of the
arbitrator;or(b)ifthearbitratordecides—within9monthsaftertheappointment of the arbitrator.(4)Aregulationmayprescribemattersanarbitratormustconsider in deciding an award.(5)Aregulationmadeundersubsection
(4)doesnotlimitthematters an arbitrator may consider.179Expert appointed by arbitrator(1)The arbitrator—(a)must
appoint at least 1 qualified person with expertise incoalmining,and1qualifiedpersonwithexpertiseincoalseamgasexplorationandproduction(eachanappointedexpert),toreporttoitonspecificissuesdecided by the arbitrator; and(b)may appoint another qualified person
(also anappointedexpert) to
report to it on specific issues decided by thearbitrator;
and(c)mayrequireapartytothearbitrationtogiveanappointedexpertanyrelevantinformationortoproduce,ortoprovideaccessto,anyrelevantdocuments or other property for the
appointed expert’sinspection.(2)Ifapartytothearbitrationrequests,orifthearbitratorconsidersitnecessary,theappointedexpertmust,afterdeliveryoftheappointedexpert’swrittenororalreport,participate in a hearing where the parties
to the arbitrationhave the opportunity to put questions to the
appointed expertand present persons with relevant expertise
to give evidenceon the points at issue.(3)In
this section—qualifiedpersonmeansapersonwiththeexperienceorqualifications prescribed by
regulation.Page 130Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 4 Overlapping coal and
petroleum resource authorities[s 180]180Application of Commercial Arbitration
Act 2013TheCommercialArbitrationAct2013appliestothearbitration to
the extent it is not inconsistent with this chapter.181Costs of arbitration(1)The parties to the arbitration are
liable to pay the costs of thearbitrationinequalshares,unlessthearbitratordecidesotherwise.(2)In
this section—costs, of the
arbitration, includes the fees and expenses of thearbitrator.182Effect of arbitrator’s decision(1)The arbitrator’s decision is
final.(2)The parties to the arbitration may not
apply for review of, orappeal against, the decision.(3)The arbitrator’s decision does not
limit or otherwise affect—(a)a power of the
Minister under part 6, division 2; or(b)a
power of an inspector under mining safety legislation;or(c)a power of the
Supreme Court to decide a decision of thearbitrator is
affected by jurisdictional error.(4)The
arbitrator’s decision on a matter in dispute between theparties to the arbitration has the same
effect as if the partieshad entered into a binding and
enforceable agreement to thesame effect as
the decision.183Copy of award and reasons for
awardThe parties to the arbitration must give the
chief executive acopyoftheawardandthearbitrator’sreasonsfortheissuance of the
award.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 5 Applications and other
documents[s 186]Chapter 5Applications and otherdocumentsNotauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
1Processing applicationsDivision 1Preliminary186Definitions for pt 1In this
part—applicationmeans an
application to which this part applies.authorising
provision, for an application, means the
provisionof this Act that authorises the making of
the application.deciding authority, for an
application—(a)means the entity that is to decide the
application underthe authorising provision for the
application; and(b)includesanentitytowhichthepowertodecidetheapplication has been delegated.invalid applicationsee section
189(2).187Application of pt 1Thispartappliesforprocessinganapplicationmadeunderthis Act if, and
to the extent, the authorising provision for theapplication applies this part to the
application.Division 2Making, amending
and withdrawingapplications188Requirements for applications(1)An application must—Page
132Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 5 Applications and other
documents[s 189](a)complywithallrequirementsstatedforitintheauthorising provision for the
application; and(b)comply with all prescribed
requirements for it; and(c)be accompanied
by all fees, information or other thingsprescribed by
regulation for it; and(d)if a practice
manual applies to the application, complywiththemanualtotheextentitappliestotheapplication.(2)Also,ifthereisanapprovedformfortheapplication,theapplication must be made in the approved
form.189Invalid applications(1)An application has no effect
if—(a)it does not comply with section 188;
or(b)it is of a type prescribed by
regulation as an applicationthat can not be
made.(2)Anapplicationthathasnoeffectisaninvalidapplicationunless the
deciding authority allows the application to proceedunder section 190.(3)The
deciding authority must ensure each of following happensin
relation to an invalid application—(a)theapplicationisreturnedtotheentitythatlodgedittogether with a written notice about why the
applicationis being returned;(b)any
fee accompanying the application is refunded to theperson who paid the fee.(4)A
person responsible for accepting applications for lodgementmay
refuse to accept an application if it is incomplete or is
notaccompaniedbythefees,informationorotherthingsasmentioned in section 188(1)(c).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 5 Applications and other
documents[s 190]190Substantial complianceThe deciding
authority may give effect to an application thatdoes
not comply with section 188 and allow it to proceed ifreasonably satisfied—(a)theapplicationcomplieswiththerequirementsstatedfor
it in its authorising provision; and(b)theapplicationsubstantiallycomplieswiththerequirements mentioned in section 188(1)(b)
to (d); and(c)the application is accompanied by all
fees prescribed byregulation for it.191Amending applicationsAnapplicantmayamendtheapplicationoradocumentaccompanying the
application only if—(a)the application
has not been decided; and(b)theapplicanthascompliedwiththeprescribedrequirements for
amending the application.192Withdrawing
applications(1)Anapplicantmaylodgeawrittennoticewithdrawingtheapplication at any time before a decision
about the applicationtakes effect.(2)Aregulationmayprescribethewayinwhichthewrittennotice must be
lodged.(3)The withdrawal takes effect when the
written notice is lodged.(4)Ifanapplicationiswithdrawn,thedecidingauthoritymayrefund all or part of any fee paid for
the application.Page 134Current as at
[Not applicable]
Division 3Mineral and
Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 5
Applications and other documents[s 193]Directions about applicationsNotauthorised—indicativeonly193Deciding authority may make directions
aboutapplications(1)Thedecidingauthoritymay,bywrittennotice,directanapplicanttodoalloranyofthefollowingwithinastatedperiod—(a)complete or correct the application if
it appears to thedecidingauthoritytobeincorrect,incompleteordefective;(b)do
any thing required of the applicant under this Act oranother Act to allow the application to be
decided;(c)givethedecidingauthorityoranotherstatedentityadditionalinformationabout,orrelevantto,theapplication;(d)givethedecidingauthorityoranotherstatedentityanindependentreport,statementorstatutorydeclarationverifying all or
any of the following—(i)any information
included in the application;(ii)anyadditionalinformationrequiredunderparagraph
(c);(iii)that the
applicant meets any eligibility or capabilitycriteria
relevant for the application.(2)The
deciding authority may—(a)requiretheindependentreport,statementorstatutorydeclaration
required by the direction—(i)tobemadebyanappropriatelyqualifiedindependent person or by the applicant;
or(b)actunderthissectionmorethanonceinrelationtoaparticular application; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 5 Applications and other
documents[s 194](c)extend the period for complying with the
direction.(3)A regulation may prescribe—(a)examples of additional information
about, or relevant to,an application; and(b)the minimum period for the stated
period mentioned insubsection (1).(4)The
applicant must bear the costs incurred in complying withthe
direction.(5)The applicant is taken to have
withdrawn the application if theapplicant does
not comply with the direction within the statedperiod in the
direction.(6)In this section—executiveofficer,ofacorporation,meansapersonwhoisconcerned with or takes part in its
management, whether ornot the person is a director or the
person’s position is given thename of
executive officer.informationincludes a
document.Division 4Deciding
applications194Criteria for considering
applications(1)Indecidinganapplication,thedecidingauthoritymustconsiderthecriteriaprescribedbyregulationfortheauthorising provision for the
application.(2)Unless the authorising provision for
an application states thecriteriaareexhaustive,thedecidingauthoritymayalsoconsideranyothercriteria or
matter the authority considersrelevant to
deciding the application.195Notice of
decisions(1)This section applies if a deciding
authority makes a decisionabout an application.Page
136Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 5 Applications and other
documents[s 196](2)If
the decision is the decision sought under the application,
thedeciding authority must give the applicant
written notice ofthe decision.(3)Ifthedecisionisnotthedecisionsoughtundertheapplication, or the decision includes
conditions, the decidingauthority must give the applicant an
information notice aboutthe decision.(4)A
regulation may prescribe other entities a deciding authorityis
required to notify of its decision.(5)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that a lawful refusal toacceptaninvalidapplicationisnotadecisionabouttheapplication.Part 2Lodging documents196Lodging documents(1)This
section applies if an entity is to give a document to any ofthe
following authorities under this Act—(a)the
Minister;(b)the chief executive;(c)another entity prescribed by
regulation.(2)A regulation may prescribe—(a)theplacesatwhichthedocumentmay,ormust,belodged; and(b)the
way in which the document may, or must, be lodged.(3)Ifthedocumentisanapplication,anobligationprescribedunder subsection
(2) for the document is taken to be part ofthe prescribed
requirements for the document.Note—Failure to comply with the prescribed
requirements for a document mayresult in the
document having no effect. See section 189.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 137
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 6 Miscellaneous[s
197]Chapter 6MiscellaneousNotauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
1Resource authority register197Register to be kept(1)The chief executive must keep a
register of details about—(a)resource
authorities; and(b)applicationsforthegrantofresourceauthoritiesotherthan
an excluded application; and(c)dealings with resource authorities;
and(d)application transfers under the
Mineral Resources Act,chapter 7; and(e)caveats; and(f)acquired land; and(g)triggerthresholdsinrelationtothemakegoodobligationfor1923Actpetroleumtenuresunderthe1923
Act; and(h)coordination arrangements under the
P&G Act and 1923Act; and(i)geothermalcoordinationarrangementsundertheGeothermal Act; and(j)GHG coordination arrangements under
the GreenhouseGas Act; and(k)any
other relevant matters prescribed by regulation.(2)The chief executive may decide the
form in which the registeris kept.(3)The
chief executive may also keep in the register informationthatthechiefexecutiveconsidersappropriateaboutmattersrelating to this
Act or another Act.(4)In this section—Page 138Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 6 Miscellaneous[s
198]excluded applicationmeans an
application for the grant of anexplorationpermitforanEPtenderundertheMineralResources
Act.makegoodobligationhasthemeaningofmakegoodobligationunderthe1923Act,section 2asinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencementoftheWaterandOther Legislation Amendment Act 2010.trigger thresholdhas the meaning
of trigger threshold underthe1923Act,section 2asinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencementoftheWaterandOtherLegislationAmendment Act
2010.198Access to
register(1)The chief executive must—(a)keeptheregisteropenforinspectionbythepublicduring office
hours on business days at the places thechief executive
considers appropriate; and(b)allowaperson,onpaymentofthefeeprescribedbyregulation, to search and take extracts from
the register;and(c)give a person
who asks for it a copy of all or part of anotice, document
or information held in the register onpayment of the
fee prescribed by regulation.(2)Subsection (1) is subject to section
199.199Arrangements with other departments
for copies fromregister(1)Thechiefexecutivemayenterintoanarrangementwithanother department allowing it to carry out
a search of, takeextracts from or obtain a copy of,
particulars recorded in theregister,withoutpaymentofthefeesprescribedundersection 198.(2)However, the chief executive may enter into
an arrangementunder subsection (1) only if the chief
executive is reasonablyCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 6 Miscellaneous[s
200]satisfied the information obtained from the
search, extract orcopy will not be—(a)used
for a commercial purpose, including, for example,themarketingorsaleoftheinformationorotherinformation;
or(b)includedinanotherdatabaseofinformation,inanyform, other than with the chief
executive’s approval.200Supply of
statistical data from register(1)Thechiefexecutivemayenterintoanagreementtosupplystatistical data
derived from instruments or information keptin the
(1)—(a)the fees and charges applying for the
supply of the dataare the fees and charges provided for in the
agreement;and(b)without limiting
paragraph (a), the agreement may alsostate—(i)how the fees and charges are to be
calculated; and(ii)how payment of
the fees and charges is to be made.(3)Without limiting subsection (1), an
agreement for the supplyof statistical data may limit the use
to which the data suppliedmay be put.(4)An
agreement for the supply of statistical data must include—(a)aprovisionallowingthechiefexecutivetoexcludeparticularsfromdatasuppliedundertheagreement,ifthe
chief executive is satisfied, on reasonable grounds,thatinclusionoftheparticularsmayresultintheparticulars being inappropriately
disclosed or used; and(b)aprovisionallowingthechiefexecutivetoprohibitdisclosure,ortolimitdistributionoruse,ofdatasupplied under
the agreement.Page 140Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 6 Miscellaneous[s
198.(6)Thechiefexecutivemustexcluderesourceauthorityparticulars and
personal information from data supplied underthe
agreement.(7)Subsection (6) applies despite
anything in the agreement.(8)In this
section—personal informationmeans a
particular from any instrumentor information
kept by the chief executive that may allow apersontoidentifyapersontowhomtheinstrumentorinformation relates.resourceauthorityparticularsmeansparticularsfromanyinstrument or information kept by the
chief executive that mayallow a person to identify a resource
authority to which theinstrument or information
relates.201Chief executive may correct
register(1)The chief executive may correct the
register if satisfied—(a)the register is
incorrect; and(b)the correction will not prejudice any
rights recorded inthe register of a resource authority holder,
a person whoholds an interest in a resource authority, a
person whohaslodgedacaveat,orapartytoacoordinationarrangement.(2)The
power to correct includes power to correct information inthe
register or a document forming part of the register.(3)If the register is corrected, the
chief executive must record init—(a)the state of the register before the
correction; and(b)the time, date and circumstances of
the correction.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 6 Miscellaneous[s
202](4)A correction under this section has
the same effect as if therelevant error had not been
made.(5)For subsection (1)(b), a right is not
prejudiced if the relevantpersonacquiredorhasdealtwiththerightwithactualorconstructiveknowledgethattheregisterwasincorrectandhow
it was incorrect.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
2Other provisions202Practice manual(1)The
chief executive may keep, in the way the chief executiveconsidersappropriate,amanual(howevercalled)aboutresource authority administration practice
to guide and informpersons dealing with the department.(2)The manual may include—(a)directions about—(i)whatinformation,documentsorinstruments(material) a person must
or may give in responseto a requirement or permission under
this Act or aResource Act; and(ii)how
or when the material must or may be given;and(iii)the format of
the material; and(b)practices to ensure there is
consistency and efficiency inresource
authority administration processes; and(c)guidelines about ways to define the boundary
of the areaofaminingtenementorproposedminingtenementunder the
Mineral Resources Act.(3)If—(a)a person is required or permitted to
give the Minister orthechiefexecutive(theofficial)informationforaparticular purpose relating to this
Act or a Resource Act;andPage 142Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 6 Miscellaneous[s
203](b)the person gives the
information—(i)as required or permitted under the
manual; or(ii)aswouldberequiredorpermittedtobegivenunderaregulationiftheinformationwereadocument;the person is
taken to have given the official the informationfor
the purpose.(4)The chief executive must—(a)keep a copy of the manual and a record
(however called)ofeachpartofthemanual,includingthedateswheneach
part was published or superseded; and(b)make
the manual and the record available to the publicin
the way the chief executive considers appropriate.(5)Withoutlimitingsubsection (4),thechiefexecutivemustensure an
up-to-date copy of the manual and the record areavailable to be read free of charge—(a)on the department’s website;
and(b)if information relates to a particular
application—at thedepartment’s office where the application
was made.203Fees—payment methods(1)A regulation may fix the methods to be
used for the paymentof fees payable under this Act.(2)A method to be used for the payment of
fees fixed by either ofthe following is anapproved payment methodfor the
fee—(a)a regulation under subsection
207(2).(3)However, if a regulation and the chief
executive inconsistentlyfixthemethodstobeusedforthepaymentofafee,theapproved payment method for the fee is the
method fixed bythe regulation.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 143
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 6 Miscellaneous[s
204]204Fees—evidence and timing of
payment(1)This section applies if—(a)a document must be accompanied by a
fee when lodgedunder this Act; and(b)an
approved payment method is used to pay the fee; and(c)the fee is received by the entity to
which the fee must bepaid within the prescribed period for
receiving the feeusing the approved payment method.(2)The fee is taken to accompany the
document if the documentis accompanied by evidence of the
payment of the fee usingthe approved payment method.Example—a receipt for an
electronic funds transfer(3)If the document
is accompanied by evidence of the fee havingbeenpaidusingtheapprovedpaymentmethod,thefeeistakentohavebeenpaidatthetimethepersonlodgedthedocument under this Act.205Chief executive may require particular
information(1)The chief executive may require a
relevant entity to give thechiefexecutive,withintheprescribedperiod,acopyofanoticeorconsentgivenbyortotherelevantentityunderchapter
3.(2)In this section—relevant
resource authority holder; or(b)an
owner or occupier of land; or(c)a
public land authority; or(d)a public road
authority.Page 144Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 6 Miscellaneous[s
206]206References to right to enterA
right under this Act to enter a place includes the right to—(a)leave and re-enter the place from time
to time; and(b)remain on the place for the time
necessary to achieve thepurpose of the entry; and(c)take on the place equipment,
materials, vehicles or otherthings
reasonably necessary to exercise a power underthis Act.207Delegation of functions or
powers(1)The Minister may delegate the
Minister’s functions or powersunderthisActtoanappropriatelyqualifiedpublicserviceemployee.(2)Thechiefexecutivemaydelegatethechiefexecutive’sfunctionsorpowersunderthisActtoanappropriatelyqualified public
service employee.208Functions or powers carried out
through agents(1)This section applies to the following
persons—(a)the Minister;(b)the
chief executive;(c)apersondelegatedafunctionorpowerundersection 207.(2)Unless this Act requires the person to carry
out a function orpower personally, the person may act through
a public serviceemployee, as agent, to carry out the
function or power.(3)This section does not limit theActs
Interpretation Act 1954,section
27A.209Approved forms(1)The
chief executive may approve forms for use under this Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 210](2)The chief executive may fix in an
approved form a method tobe used for the payment of a fee under
this Act.210Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.(2)A regulation may—(a)prescribe fees payable under the Act;
or(b)provide for a maximum penalty of 20
penalty units for acontravention of a regulation.Chapter 7Savings and
transitionalprovisions for Act No. 47 of2014Part 1Preliminary212Definitions for ch 7In this
chapter—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.new
registermeans the register kept under this
Act.Part 2Provisions for
dealings213Incomplete registration of
dealings(1)This section applies if, before the
commencement—Page 146Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 213](a)apersongavethechiefexecutivenoticeofadealingunder a Resource
Act with the intention of registeringthe dealing but,
at the commencement, the dealing hadnot been
registered; or(b)a person applied to the Minister under
a Resource Actfor an indication of whether the Minister
would approveanassessabletransferunderthatActbut,atthecommencement, the application had not
been decided;or(c)a person applied
to the Minister under a Resource Actfor approval of
an assessable transfer under that Act but,atthecommencement,theapplicationhadnotbeendecided.(2)The provisions of the Resource Act
relating to the notice orapplication (theformer
provisions) continue to apply for thenotice or application despite any repeal of
the provisions bythis Act.(3)However, a reference to a register in the
former provisions istaken to be a reference to the new
register.(4)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that the dealing mentionedinsubsection
(1)(a)mayberegisteredifitisabletoberegistered under
the former provisions.(5)In this
section—assessable transfer, under a
Resource Act—(a)meansanassessabletransferasdefinedundertheResourceActimmediately beforethecommencement;but(b)doesnotincludeanapplicationtransferundertheMineral Resources Act.dealing,underaResourceAct,meansadealingasdefinedundertheResourceActimmediatelybeforethecommencement.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 147
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 214]214Continuing effect of indicative
approval(1)Thissectionappliesif,underaResourceAct,theMinistergave a resource
authority holder an indicative approval thatthe Minister was
likely to approve an assessable transfer underthat Act and the
indicative approval was given—(a)before the commencement; or(b)after the commencement under section
213.(2)TheindicativeapprovalremainsbindingontheMinisterinrelationtoregisteringthetransferoftheresourceauthorityunder this Act if, under the former
provisions of the relevantResourceActfortheresourceauthority,theapprovaltoregister the transfer would be taken to have
been given.Example—For a resource
authority under thePetroleum and Gas (Production andSafety) Act 2004, see sections
573C and 573D as in force before repealunder this
Act.(3)In this section—assessable
transfer, under a Resource Act—(a)meansanassessabletransferasdefinedundertheResourceActimmediately beforethecommencement;but(b)doesnotincludeanapplicationtransferundertheMineral Resources Act.former
provisions, of a Resource Act, means the provisions
oftheResourceActthat,immediatelybeforethecommencement, related to the Minister
deciding whether ornot to give an approval of an assessable
transfer.215Unrecorded associated
agreements(1)This section applies if, before the
commencement, notice ofan associated agreement had been given
to the chief executivein accordance with a Resource Act but
the agreement had notbeen recorded before the
commencement.Page 148Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 216](2)The associated agreement may be
included in the new registerif the agreement
would have been recorded in a register undertheResourceActasinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement.216Transfer of matters to new register(1)A matter recorded in a register under
a Resource Act is to berecorded in the new register.(2)A caveat(apreviouscaveat)
recorded in a register under aResource Act
continues in effect in relation to the new registerto
the extent it would have effect under the relevant
provisionsof the Resource Act despite any repeal of
the provisions bythis Act.(3)However, a previous caveat has no effect,
and is taken to neverhavehadeffect,topreventachangeofnameofanentityholding an
interest in a resource authority.(4)Acaveatlodged,butnotrecordedinaregister,underaResource Act before the commencement must be
registered inthenewregisterifitwouldhavebeenregisteredundertherelevant provisions of the Resource
Act.(5)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that a caveat registered inthe new register
under this section is taken to be an originalcaveat for
section 30.Part 3Provisions for
land access217Definitions for pt 3In
this part—new restricted land entry provisionsmeans chapter 3, part 4.pre-amended,inrelationtoaResourceAct,meanstheResourceActasinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 149
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 218]218Existing land access codeThe
land access code made under the pre-amended P&G Act,section24Acontinuesinforce,despitetherepealofthatsection, until a
new land access code is made under section36.219Existing conduct and compensation
agreementrequirements—carrying out authorised
activity within600m of school or occupied residence(1)This section applies if—(a)aresourceauthoritywasappliedforbeforethecommencement,whethertheresourceauthoritywasgranted before or after the
commencement; and(b)at the date of the application for the
resource authority,if the authority were granted on that date,
a conduct andcompensationagreementrequirementwouldapplytothe
entry to private land in the resource authority’s areaforthepurposeofcarryingoutanauthorisedactivitywithin 600m of a school or an occupied
residence.(2)Theauthorisedactivitymentionedinsubsection(1)(b)istaken to be an advanced activity for
the resource authority forthe application of the new land access
provisions in relation tothe entry to the private land.(3)In this section—conduct and
compensation agreement requirementmeans arequirement under—(a)the
Mineral Resources Act, schedule 1, section 10(1); or(b)the P&G Act, section 500(1);
or(c)the 1923 Act, section 78Q(1);
or(d)the Geothermal Act, section 216(1);
or(e)the Greenhouse Gas Act, section
283(1).new land access provisionsmeans chapter 3, parts 1, 2 and 7.Page
150Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 220]220Existing entry notices(1)Thissectionappliestoanentrynoticegivenunderapre-amended Resource Act to an owner
or occupier of land ora public land authority, and in force
immediately before thecommencement.(2)The
notice continues in force after the commencement and istaken to be—(a)if
the notice is given in relation to entry to private land—an
entry notice given under section 39; or(b)if
the notice is given in relation to entry to public land—a
periodic entry notice given under section 57.(3)The
notice is valid even if the notice does not comply withsection 39(2) or 57(2).221Existing waiver of entry notices(1)Thissectionappliestoawaiverofentrynoticegiventoaresource authority holder under a
pre-amended Resource Actand in force immediately before the
commencement.(2)The notice continues in force after
the commencement and istaken to be—(a)if
the notice is given in relation to entry to private land—a
waiver of entry notice given under section 42; or(b)if the notice is given in relation to
entry to public land—a waiver of entry notice given under
section 60.(3)The notice is valid even if the notice
does not comply with aprescribed requirement under section
42(2)(a) or 60(2)(a).222Existing deferral
agreements(1)This section applies to a deferral
agreement entered into undera pre-amended
Resource Act and in force immediately beforethe
commencement.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 223](2)Theagreementcontinuesinforceafterthecommencementandistakentobeadeferralagreemententeredintoundersection 44(1).(3)The
agreement is valid even if the agreement does not complywith
a prescribed requirement under section 44(2).223Existing access agreements(1)This section applies to an access
agreement entered into undera pre-amended
Resource Act and in force immediately beforethe
commencement.(2)Theagreementcontinuesinforceafterthecommencementandistakentobeanaccessagreemententeredintoundersection 47(1)(a).223AExisting consent given by reserve owner to
explorationpermit holder or mineral development licence
holder(1)This section applies if—(a)theownerofanypartoftheareaofanexplorationpermit that is
the surface area of a reserve (thereserveowner)hasgivenconsent,underthepre-amendedMineralResourcesAct,section129(1)(a)(ii),totheholder of an exploration permit or any
person who actsfor the purpose of carrying out any activity
or(b)theownerofanypartoftheareaofamineraldevelopment licence that is the surface area
of a reserve(alsothereserveowner)hasgivenconsent,underthepre-amendedMineralResourcesAct,section181(4)(b)(ii),totheholderofamineraldevelopmentlicenceoranypersonwhoactsforthepurposeofcarrying out any activity authorised by the
licence (alsotheresource authority holder).Page 152Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 224](2)Forsection58(1),theresourceauthorityholderistakentohavegiventhereserveowner,asapubliclandauthority,aperiodic entry notice under section
57.(3)Subsection (2) applies even if the
consent, as a periodic entrynotice, does not
comply with section 57.(4)For the purpose
of dealing with the consent as a periodic entrynotice, the
entry period under section 57(2)(a) is taken to bethe
period for entry under the consent.(5)Subsection (4) applies even if the period
for entry under theconsent, as an entry period, does not comply
with section 57.(6)Anyconditionsoftheconsentaretakentobeconditionsimposedbythereserveowner,asapubliclandauthority,under section
59(2).(7)However, section 59(8)(a) does not
apply to a condition of theconsent.(8)In this section—exploration
permitsee the Mineral Resources Act,
schedule2.mineral development licencemeans a mineral developmentlicence under the Mineral Resources Act,
chapter 5, part 1 or2.reservesee
the Mineral Resources Act, schedule 2.224Existing conditions imposed by public land
authority forentry to public land(1)This
section applies if—(a)apubliclandauthority,inresponsetoaresourceauthorityholder’sentrynoticeunderapre-amendedResource Act
about entering public land, imposed underthepre-amendedResourceActaconditionrelatingtothe
entry or the carrying out of an authorised activity;and(b)theconditionisinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 153
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 224A](2)The condition continues in force after
the commencement andis taken to be a condition imposed
under section 59(2) by thepublic land authority.(3)However, the public land authority is
not required to complywith section 59(8) in relation to
imposing the condition.Notauthorised—indicativeonly224AContinuing notifiable road use(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement, a resource
authority holderused a road for a notifiable road use within
the meaningofaResourceAct,asinforcebeforethecommencement; and(b)after the commencement, the resource
authority holdercontinues to use the road for the same
use.(2)If,beforethecommencement,theresourceauthorityholdergave notice of
the notifiable road use to a road authority forthe road under
the provisions of a Resource Act that applied tothe
notice at that time—(a)the resource
authority holder is taken to have given thepublic road
authority for the road a notice about the useunder section
63(1)(a); and(b)thenoticehaseffectforsection63(1)(a)evenifthenoticedoesnotcomplywiththeprescribedrequirements for
it under section 63(1)(a).(3)A written
consent to carry out the use of the road given beforethecommencementtotheresourceauthorityholderbytheroadauthorityistakentobewrittenconsentgiventotheresource authority holder by the
public road authority for theroad under
section 63(1)(b)(ii).(4)If, before the
commencement—(a)the road authority applied under a
Resource Act to theLandCourtfortheCourttodecidetheresourceauthorityholder’scompensationliabilitytotheroadauthority for the road; andPage
154Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 225](b)theapplicationhadnotlapsed,beendecided,beenwithdrawn or been otherwise finally dealt
with;the application is taken to be an
application to the Land CourtfortheCourttodecidetheresourceauthorityholder’scompensation
liability to the public road authority for the roadunder section 100(1).(5)In
this section—commencementmeans the
commencement of chapter 3.road authoritymeans—(a)aroadauthorityunderthepre-amendedMineralResources Act, section 318EN; or(b)apublicroadauthorityunderanyofthefollowingprovisionsasinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement—•the
P&G Act, schedule 2•the 1923 Act,
section 2•the Geothermal Act, schedule 2•the Greenhouse Gas Act, schedule
2.225Existing road use directions(1)This section applies if—(a)a public land authority, under a
pre-amended ResourceAct,gavearoadusedirectiontoaresourceauthorityholder; and(b)thedirectionisinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement.(2)The
direction continues in force after the commencement andis
taken to be a road use direction given under section 64(1)
bythe authority.(3)The
direction is valid even if the direction does not complywith
section 64(4)(b).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 226]226Existing written consent to enter land
given by secondresource authority holder(1)This section applies if—(a)a second resource authority holder
under a pre-amendedResourceActhasgivenwrittenconsenttoafirstresourceauthorityholderunderapre-amendedResource Act to
enter land; and(b)theconsentisinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement.(2)Thewrittenconsentcontinuesinforceandistakentobewritten consentto enterland
given under section 75 by thesecond resource
authority holder to the first resource authorityholder.(3)In
this section—written consentmeans—(a)for the pre-amended P&G
Act—written consent givenunder the pre-amended P&G Act,
section 529; or(b)forthepre-amended1923Act—writtenconsentgivenunder the
pre-amended 1923 Act, section 79N; or(c)for
the pre-amended Geothermal Act—written consentgiven under the
pre-amendedGeothermalAct,section244; or(d)forthepre-amendedGreenhouseGasAct—writtenconsent given
under the pre-amended Greenhouse GasAct, section
317.227Existing conduct and compensation
agreements(1)This section applies to a conduct and
compensation agreemententered into under a pre-amended
Resource Act and in forceimmediately before the
commencement.(2)Theagreementcontinuesinforceafterthecommencementandistakentobeaconductandcompensationagreemententered into under section 83(1).Page
156Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 228](3)The agreement is valid even if the
agreement does not complywith a prescribed requirement under
section 83(4).(4)However—(a)a
resource authority holder that is a party to a conductand
compensation agreement must comply with section92(1) in
relation to the agreement within 6 months afterthecommencement,insteadofwithin28daysasmentioned in that section; and(b)aspecialagreementcannotbethesubjectofanapplicationundersection101totheLandCourtforareview of the original
compensation.(5)A requirement of a resource authority
holder under subsection(4)(a) is a condition of the resource
authority.(6)In this section—specialagreementmeansacompensationagreementunderthe P&G Act,
section 923.228Existing negotiations for conduct and
compensationagreement or deferral agreement(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement, a resource
authority holdergave an eligible claimant a negotiation
notice, under theoldlandaccessprovisions,thattheholderwishedtonegotiateaconductandcompensationagreementoradeferral
agreement with the claimant; and(b)the
resource authority holder and the eligible claimanthadnotenteredintoaconductandcompensationagreementordeferralagreementbeforethecommencement.(2)The
negotiations for the conduct and compensation agreementor
the deferral agreement are to continue under the old landaccess provisions that, before the
commencement, applied inrelation to the negotiation
notice.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 228A](3)Subsection (2) applies despite the
repeal of the old land accessprovisions.(4)If
the negotiations under the old land access provisions resultin
the making of a conduct and compensation agreement afterthe
commencement, the agreement is taken to be a conductand
compensation agreement entered into under section 83(1).(5)If the negotiations under the old land
access provisions resultinthemakingofadeferralagreementafterthecommencement,theagreementistakentobeadeferralagreement entered into under section
44(2).(6)If the negotiations under the old land
access provisions resultinadecisionoftheLandCourtundertheoldlandaccessprovisions, the decision is taken to be a
decision of the LandCourt under the new land access
provisions.(7)In this section—new land access
provisionsmeans chapter 3.old land access
Mineral Resources Act, schedule 1; or(b)the
P&G Act, chapter 5, parts 2 and 5; or(c)the
1923 Act, parts 6H and 6K; or(d)the
Geothermal Act, chapter 5, parts 5 and 8; or(e)the
Greenhouse Gas Act, chapter 5, parts 7 and 10.228AExisting road compensation agreements(1)Thissectionappliestoaroadcompensationagreemententered into under a pre-amended Resource
Act and in forceimmediately before the commencement.(2)Theagreementcontinuesinforceafterthecommencementand is taken to
be a road compensation agreement entered intounder section
94(1).(3)The agreement is valid even if the
agreement does not complywith a prescribed requirement under
section 94(2).Page 158Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 228B]228BExisting requirements under Mineral
Resources Act toobtain written consent of owner to enter
restricted land(1)This section applies if, before the
commencement—(a)aprospectingpermitholderunderthepre-amendedMineralResourcesActwaspermitted,underthepre-amended Mineral Resources Act,
section 19(4), toenter restricted land only with the written
consent of theownerofthelandwheretherelevantpermanentbuilding, or relevant feature, was situated;
or(b)anexplorationpermitholderunderthepre-amendedMineralResourcesActwaspermitted,underthepre-amended Mineral Resources Act,
section 129(3), toenter the surface of restricted land only
with the writtenconsentoftheownerofthelandwheretherelevantpermanent
building, or relevant feature, was situated; or(c)amineraldevelopmentlicenceholderunderthepre-amendedMineralResourcesActwaspermitted,under the
pre-amended Mineral Resources Act, section181(8), to enter
the surface of restricted land only withthe written
consent of the owner of the land where therelevantpermanentbuilding,orrelevantfeature,wassituated.(2)The
pre-amended Mineral Resources Act continues to applyin
relation to entry to the restricted land as if—(a)thenewrestrictedlandentryprovisionshadnotcommenced; and(b)theMineralResourcesAct,sections19,20,129and181,andschedule2,definitionsrestrictedland,restrictedland(categoryA)andrestrictedland(category B)had not been
repealed.228CExisting requirements under Geothermal
Act to obtainwritten consent of owner to carry out
authorisedactivities on particular land(1)This section applies if, before the
commencement—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 228D](a)anauthorisedactivityforageothermaltenurewaspermitted,underthepre-amendedGeothermalAct,section 358(2), to be carried out on land
within 300mlaterallyofapermanentbuildingmentionedinthepre-amended Geothermal Act, section
358(2) only withthewrittenconsentoftheowneroroccupierofthebuilding; or(b)anauthorisedactivityforageothermaltenurewaspermitted,underthepre-amendedGeothermalAct,section358(3),tobecarriedoutonlandwithin50mlaterallyofathingmentionedinthepre-amendedGeothermalAct,section358(3)onlywiththewrittenconsent of the
owner or occupier of the thing.(2)Thepre-amendedGeothermalActcontinuestoapplyinrelation to entry to the land as if—(a)thenewrestrictedlandentryprovisionshadnotcommenced; and(b)the
Geothermal Act, section 358 had not been repealed.228DLand access requirements for
particular applicationsunder Mineral Resources Act not
decided beforecommencement(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,apersonappliedforaprospectingpermit,explorationpermitormineraldevelopmentlicenceunderthepre-amendedMineralResources Act; and(b)theprospectingpermit,explorationpermitormineraldevelopmentlicenceisgrantedafterthecommencement; and(c)ifthepermitorlicencehadbeengrantedunderthepre-amended Mineral Resources Act—the holder
of thepermitorlicencewouldhavebeenpermittedundersection 19(4), 129(3) or 181(8) of that Act
to enter, orenter the surface of, restricted land only
with the writtenPage 160Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 228E]consentoftheownerofthelandwheretherelevantpermanent
building, or relevant feature, was situated.(2)The
pre-amended Mineral Resources Act continues to applyin
relation to entry to the restricted land as if—(a)thenewrestrictedlandentryprovisionshadnotcommenced; and(b)theMineralResourcesAct,sections19,20,129and181,andschedule2,definitionsrestrictedland,restrictedland(categoryA)andrestrictedland(category B)had not been
replaced or repealed.(3)In this
section—commencementmeans the
commencement of chapter 3.228ELand access
requirements for particular applicationsunder Geothermal
Act not decided beforecommencement(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,apersonappliedforageothermaltenureunderthepre-amendedGeothermalAct; and(b)thegeothermaltenureisgrantedafterthecommencement; and(c)ifthegeothermaltenurehadbeengrantedunderthepre-amended Geothermal Act, an authorised
activity forthe geothermal tenure—(i)would have been permitted, under the
pre-amendedGeothermal Act, section 358(2), to be
carried outonlandwithin300mlaterallyofapermanentbuildingmentionedinsection358(2)ofthatActonlywiththewrittenconsentoftheowneroroccupier of the building; or(ii)would have been
permitted, under the pre-amendedGeothermal Act,
section 358(3), to be carried outon land within
50m laterally of a thing mentionedCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 161
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 228F]in
section 358(3) of that Act only with the writtenconsent of the owner or occupier of the
thing.(2)Thepre-amendedGeothermalActcontinuestoapplyinrelation to entry to the land as if—(a)thenewrestrictedlandentryprovisionshadnotcommenced; and(b)the
Geothermal Act, section 358 had not been repealed.(3)In this section—commencementmeans the
commencement of chapter 3.228FLand access
requirements for relevant resourceauthorities
applied for before commencement(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,apersonappliedforarelevant
resource authority; and(b)therelevantresourceauthoritywasgrantedbeforethecommencement or is granted after the
commencement.(2)Thenewrestrictedlandentryprovisionsdonotapplyinrelation to the relevant resource
authority.(3)In this section—commencementmeans the
commencement of chapter 3.relevant resource authoritymeans—(a)aminingclaimoraminingleaseundertheMineralResources Act;
or(b)a resource authority under the P&G
Act; or(c)a lease under the 1923 Act; or(d)a resource authority under the
Greenhouse Gas Act.Page 162Current as at
[Not applicable]
4Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 229]Provisions for overlapping coaland
petroleum resourceauthoritiesNotauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Preliminary229Definitions for pt 4In this
part—commencementmeans the
commencement of this part.Common Provisions Actmeans this Act.new overlap
provisionsmeans chapter 4 of this Act.overlapsee section
231.pre-amendedMineralResourcesActmeanstheMineralResourcesActasinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement.pre-amendedP&GActmeanstheP&GActasinforceimmediately before the commencement.230Ch 4 definitionsUnless the
context otherwise requires, an expression definedin
chapter 4 has the same meaning in this part.231Overlapping resource authoritiesA
resource authorityoverlapsanother resource
authority if theauthorities’ areas contain the same
overlapping area.231AExisting agreement between resource
holders(1)This section applies if—(a)a non-mandatory provision applies to
resource authorityholders for an overlapping area; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 231B](b)the non-mandatory provision is
inconsistent with a termof an existing agreement between the
resource authorityholders.(2)The
resource authority holders are taken to have agreed, undersection117(2),thatthenon-mandatoryprovisiondoesnotapply for the overlapping area.(3)Subsection (2) does not apply if,
after the commencement, theresourceauthorityholdersagreethatthenon-mandatoryprovision does
apply for the overlapping area.(4)In
this section—existingagreementmeansawrittenlegallybindingagreement in
force immediately before the commencement.non-mandatory
provisionmeans a provision, or a part of aprovision, of chapter 4 other than a
provision, or a part of aprovision, mentioned in section
117(1).Division 1AOverlapping
exploration resourceauthorities231BExploration resource authorities(1)The following table applies for this
section—Column 1Column 2exploration permit (coal)authority to
prospect (csg)mineral development licence (coal)authority to prospect (csg)authority to prospect (csg)either of the following—(a)exploration permit (coal);(b)mineraldevelopmentlicence(coal)(2)Thissectionappliestoacolumn1explorationresourceauthority if—Page 164Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 232](a)the exploration resource
authority—(i)was granted before the commencement;
or(ii)was applied for
before the commencement and isgranted after
the commencement; and(b)theexplorationresourceauthorityoverlapsacorresponding column 2 exploration
resource authoritythat—(i)was
granted before the commencement; or(ii)was
applied for before the commencement and isgranted after
the commencement.(3)The new overlap provisions apply to
the circumstance of thecolumn1explorationresourceauthorityoverlappingthecorresponding column 2 exploration resource
authority.(4)Forapplyingthenewoverlapprovisionstoanoverlappingarea for a
column 1 exploration resource authority (whenevergranted) and a corresponding column 2
exploration resourceauthority granted before the
commencement, the overlappingarea is taken to
come into existence on the commencement.(5)In
this section—column1explorationresourceauthoritymeansaresourceauthority listed
in column 1 of the table for this section.corresponding
column 2 exploration resource authority, fora
column 1 exploration resource authority, means the resourceauthoritylistedincolumn2ofthetableforthissectionopposite the column 1 exploration resource
authority.Division 2Resource
authorities granted overexisting production resourceauthorities232Coal
resource authority granted over existing PL(1)If a
coal resource authority, whenever granted, overlaps a PLthatwasgrantedbeforethecommencement,theMineralCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 165
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 233]Resources Act applies to the circumstance of
the coal resourceauthority overlapping the PL as if the
Common Provisions Acthad not been enacted.(2)Despite subsection (1), the new
overlap provisions apply tothecircumstanceofacoalresourceauthorityoverlappingaPL
if—(a)thecoalresourceauthorityholderandthePLholderagree that the new overlap provisions apply;
and(b)the coal resource authority holder and
PL holder jointlygivewrittennoticetothechiefexecutiveoftheagreement.233Petroleum resource authority granted over
existing ML(coal)(1)If a
petroleum resource authority, whenever granted, overlapsan
ML (coal) that was granted before the commencement, theP&GActappliestothecircumstanceofthepetroleumresourceauthorityoverlappingtheML(coal)asiftheCommon
Provisions Act had not been enacted.(2)Despite subsection (1), the new overlap
provisions apply tothecircumstanceofapetroleumresourceauthorityoverlapping an
ML (coal) if—(a)thepetroleumresourceauthorityholderandtheML(coal)holderagreethatthenewoverlapprovisionsapply;
and(b)the petroleum resource authority
holder and ML (coal)holder jointly give written notice to
the chief executiveof the agreement.Page 166Current as at [Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 233A]Division 2AExisting
applications under MineralResources Act, chapter 6Notauthorised—indicativeonly233AApplication for ML (coal) over land in
area of existing ATP(1)This section
applies if—(a)apersonmadeanapplication,underthepre-amendedMineralResourcesAct,chapter6,forthegrantofanML (coal);
and(b)theapplicationwasmadebutnotdecidedbeforethecommencement; and(c)the
ML (coal) overlaps an ATP that was applied for afterthe
date of the application for the ML (coal) but grantedbefore the commencement.(2)The
new overlap provisions apply to the circumstance of theML
(coal) overlapping the ATP.(3)For
applying the new overlap provisions—(a)the
overlapping area for the ML (coal) and ATP is takento
come into existence on the commencement; and(b)despite sections 115(2) and 120, the ML
(coal) holderhas sole occupancy of the IMA for the
overlapping areafrom the date stated under subsection (4)(b)
by the ML(coal) holder, but only if the ML (coal)
holder has giventheATPholderanoticeasrequiredundersubsection(4); and(c)the date stated under subsection
(4)(b) by the ML (coal)holder is taken to be the mining
commencement date;and(d)despitesection127,theATPholdermaynotgiveanexceptionalcircumstancesnoticetotheML(coal)holder;
and(e)despitesection138(2)(b),theML(coal)holdermustmake the offer
mentioned in section 138(2) as early aspracticable
after the overlapping area is taken to comeinto
existence.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 234](4)The notice must—(a)state that the ML (coal) holder intends to
start carryingout authorised activities for the ML (coal)
in the IMA inthe overlapping area; and(b)state the date on which the ML (coal)
holder will takesole occupancy of the IMA; and(c)include any other information
prescribed by regulation;and(d)be
given at least 3 months before the date mentioned inparagraph(b),orwithintheperiodotherwiseagreedbetween the ML
(coal) holder and ATP holder.Division 3Existing applications under MineralResources Act, chapter 8234Application for ML (coal) over land in area
of ATP (withoutconsent)(1)This
section applies if—(a)apersonmentionedinthepre-amendedMineralResources Act, section 318AO made an
application forthe grant of an ML (coal) that included the
additionalrequirementsmentionedinthepre-amendedMineralResources Act, section 318AP; and(b)theapplicationwasmadebutnotdecidedbeforethecommencement.(2)The
new overlap provisions apply to the circumstance of theML
(coal) overlapping an ATP.(3)Forapplyingtherequirementunderthenewoverlapprovisions to give an advance notice for the
ML (coal), theapplicationforthegrantoftheML(coal)istakentohavebeen made on the
commencement.(4)If the applicant for the grant of the
ML (coal) has given theATP holder a copy of the application,
as required under thePage 168Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 235]pre-amendedMineralResourcesAct,section 318AT(1)(a),theminingcommencementdateforanIMA,despitesection
115(2)(a) of the new overlap provisions, may be a datethat—(a)is
agreed between the applicant and the ATP holder; or(b)is at least—(i)18
months after the date on which the applicant forthegrantoftheML(coal)hasgiventheATPholderacopyoftheapplicationunderthepre-amendedMineralResourcesAct,section 318AT(1)(a); and(ii)3
months after the commencement.(5)In
this section—ATPmeansanauthoritytoprospectmentionedinthepre-amended
Mineral Resources Act, section 318AO(1), if theintention of the
holder is to explore and test for coal seam gas.235Application for ML (coal) over land in
area of ATP (withconsent)(1)This
section applies if—(a)apersonmentionedinthepre-amendedMineralResources Act, section 318BO made an
application forthe grant of an ML (coal) that included the
additionalrequirementsmentionedinthepre-amendedMineralResources Act, section 318BP; and(b)theapplicationwasmadebutnotdecidedbeforethecommencement.(2)The
new overlap provisions apply to the circumstance of theML
(coal) overlapping an ATP.(3)Forapplyingtherequirementunderthenewoverlapprovisions to give an advance notice for the
ML (coal), theapplicationforthegrantoftheML(coal)istakentohavebeen made on the
commencement.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 236](4)TheminingcommencementdateforanIMA,despitesection
115(2)(a) of the new overlap provisions, may be a datethat
is agreed by the ML (coal) holder and the ATP holder.(5)In this section—ATPmeans an authority to prospect to which the
318BO(1)(a)applies,iftheintention of the holder is to explore
and test for coal seam gas.236Application for
ML (coal) over land in area of PL (withoutconsent)(1)This section applies if—(a)apersonmentionedinthepre-amendedMineralResources Act, section 318BW made an
application forthe grant of an ML (coal) that included the
additionalrequirementsmentionedinthepre-amendedMineralResources Act, section 318BX; and(b)theapplicationwasmadebutnotdecidedbeforethecommencement.(2)The
Mineral Resources Act applies to the circumstance of theML
(coal) overlapping a PL as if the Common Provisions Acthad
not been enacted.(3)Despitesubsection
(2),thenewoverlapprovisionsapplytothe circumstance of the ML (coal)
overlapping a PL if—(a)the ML (coal)
holder and the PL holder agree that thenew overlap
provisions apply; and(b)the ML (coal)
holder and PL holder jointly give writtennotice to the
chief executive of the agreement.(4)In
this section—PLmeansapetroleumleasetowhichthepre-amendedMineralResourcesAct,section 318BWapplies,ifthepetroleum lease
authorises the production of coal seam gas.Page 170Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 237]237Application for ML (coal) over land in
area of PL (withconsent)(1)This
section applies if—(a)apersonmentionedinthepre-amendedMineralResources Act, section 318CC made an
application forthe grant of an ML (coal) that included the
additionalrequirementsmentionedinthepre-amendedMineralResources Act, section 318CD; and(b)theapplicationwasmadebutnotdecidedbeforethecommencement.(2)The
Mineral Resources Act applies to the circumstance of theML
(coal) overlapping a PL as if the Common Provisions Acthad
not been enacted.(3)Despitesubsection
(2),thenewoverlapprovisionsapplytothe circumstance of the ML (coal)
overlapping a PL if—(a)the ML (coal)
holder and the PL holder agree that thenew overlap
provisions apply; and(b)the ML (coal)
holder and PL holder jointly give writtennotice to the
chief executive of the agreement.(4)In
this section—PLmeansapetroleumleasetowhichthepre-amendedMineralResourcesAct,section 318CCapplies,ifthepetroleum lease
authorises the production of coal seam gas.Division 4Existing applications under P&GAct,
chapter 3238Application for PL over land in area
of coal explorationauthority(1)This
section applies if—(a)apersonmentionedinthepre-amendedP&GAct,section 304 or
331 made an application for the grant of aPL; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 240](b)theapplicationwasmadebutnotdecidedbeforethecommencement.(2)The
new overlap provisions apply to the circumstance of thePL
overlapping a coal exploration authority.(3)Forapplyingtherequirementunderthenewoverlapprovisionstogiveapetroleumproductionnotice,theapplication for grant of the PL is
taken to have been made onthe commencement.(4)In
this section—coal exploration authoritymeans an exploration permit, or amineral development licence, granted for
coal, to which thepre-amended P&G Act, section 304 or 331
applies.240Application for PL over land in area
of ML (coal)(1)This section applies if—(a)apersonmentionedinthepre-amendedP&GAct,section 344 or
351 made an application for the grant of aPL; and(b)theapplicationwasmadebutnotdecidedbeforethecommencement.(2)TheP&GActappliestothecircumstanceofthePLoverlapping an
ML (coal) as if the Common Provisions Acthad not been
enacted.(3)Despite subsection (2), the new
overlap provisions apply tothe circumstance
of the PL overlapping an ML (coal) if—(a)the
PL holder and the ML (coal) holder agree that thenew
overlap provisions apply; and(b)the
PL holder and ML (coal) holder jointly give writtennotice to the chief executive of the
agreement.(4)In this section—ML (coal)means a mining lease granted for coal, to
which thepre-amended P&G Act, section 344 or 351
applies.Page 172Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 241A]Division 4AUndecided ML
(coal) and PLapplicationsNotauthorised—indicativeonly241AApplication for ML (coal) and
application for PL bothundecided before commencement(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement—(i)anapplicationwasmadeunderthepre-amendedMineralResourcesActforthegrantofanML(coal); and(ii)anapplicationwasmadeunderthepre-amendedP&G Act for
the grant of a PL; and(b)each application
was made over some or all of the areaover which the
other application was made; and(c)neitherapplicationwasdecidedbeforethecommencement.(2)Forthissection,itdoesnotmatterinwhichordertheapplications for the ML (coal) and the
PL were made beforethe commencement.(3)Thefollowingprovisionsapplytothecircumstancesoftheapplications—(a)iftheapplicantsarepartiestoacoordinationarrangement—the
pre-amended Mineral Resources Actandpre-amendedP&GAct,whichapplyasiftheCommon
Provisions Act had not been enacted;(b)otherwise—the new overlap provisions.(4)Despite subsection (3)(a), the new
overlap provisions apply tothe
circumstances of the applications if—(a)theapplicantsagreethatthenewoverlapprovisionsapply;
and(b)theapplicantsjointlygivewrittennoticetothechiefexecutive of the
agreement.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 241A]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(5)Forapplyingtherequirementsunderthenewoverlapprovisions to give an advance notice for the
ML (coal)—(a)ifthenewoverlapprovisionsapplyundersubsection(3)(b) to the
circumstances of the applications—the ML(coal)holdercomplieswithsection121(2)iftheML(coal) holder
gives the advance notice to the PL holderwithin10businessdaysafterthecommencementofchapter 7; or(b)if
the new overlap provisions apply under subsection (4)to
the circumstances of the applications—the ML (coal)holdercomplieswithsection121(2)iftheML(coal)holder gives the advance notice to the PL
holder within10businessdaysafterthenoticeisgiventothechiefexecutive under
subsection (4)(b).(6)Despite section 115(2)(a), the mining
commencement date foran IMA to be included in the advance
notice must be at least 6years after the commencement.(7)If neither the ML (coal) nor the PL
are granted within 6 yearsafter the commencement, the mining
commencement date foran IMA must be—(a)if
the ML (coal) application is the first application to begranted after the 6 years have ended—at
least 3 monthsafter the grant of the ML (coal), unless the
ML (coal)holderandthepetroleumresourceauthorityholderotherwise agree; or(b)if
the PL application is the first application to be grantedafter the 6 years have ended—at least 5
years after the 6yearshaveended,unlessthePLholderandthecoalresource authority holder otherwise
agree.(8)This section applies despite divisions
3 and 4.(9)In this section—coordination
arrangementmeans an arrangement that was—(a)made under the pre-amended P&G
Act, section 234(1)to (4) before 27 September 2016; andPage
174Current as at [Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 7 Savings and transitional
provisions for Act No. 47 of 2014[s 242](b)approved by the Minister under the
pre-amended P&GAct, section 236(1) before 27 September
2016, whetheror not the approval has taken effect under
the P&G Act.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 5Modification of
particularprovisions of Common ProvisionsAct
for Surat Basin area242Application of div 5(1)This division applies to the giving of
an advance notice or anacceleration notice if—(a)a person holds a petroleum lease (csg)
granted after thecommencementbutnotlaterthan31December2016;and(b)anotherpersonappliesforanML(coal)afterthecommencement but before 1 July 2020;
and(c)there is an overlapping area that is
the subject of boththe petroleum lease (csg) and the ML (coal);
and(d)someoralloftheoverlappingareaislocatedintheSurat Basin Transitional Area.(2)In this section—Surat Basin
Transitional Areameans the area prescribed byregulation.243Requirements for advance notice and
acceleration notice(1)Despite sections 115 and 121, the
advance notice given by theapplicantfortheML(coal)mustnotstateaminingcommencement
date for an IMA or RMA for the overlappingareathatisbefore1July2030,unlesstheholderofthepetroleum lease (csg) agrees to an
earlier date.(2)Despite section 128, if the ML (coal)
holder gives the holderof the petroleum lease (csg) an
acceleration notice, the miningcommencement
date stated in the notice must not be earlierCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 175
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 8 Further transitional
provisions[s 244]than1July2020,unlesstheholderofthepetroleumlease(csg) agrees to an earlier date.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyChapter 8Further
transitionalprovisionsPart 1Transitional provision for LandAccess Ombudsman Act 2017244Provision inserted into Act prevails
over provision oftransitional regulationIf there is an
inconsistency between a provision inserted intothisActbytheLandAccessOmbudsmanAct2017,andaprovisionoftheMineralandEnergyResources(CommonProvisions)TransitionalRegulation2016,theprovisioninsertedintotheActprevailstotheextentoftheinconsistency.Part 2Transitional provisions forMineral, Water and OtherLegislation
Amendment Act2018245Election notice(1)This
section applies if, before the commencement—(a)apartygave,undersection88asinforcebeforethecommencement, another party an
election notice—Page 176Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 8 Further transitional
provisions[s 246](i)askingforanauthorisedofficertocallaconferencetonegotiateaconductandcompensation agreement; or(ii)callinguponthepartytoagreetoanADRtonegotiate a conduct and compensation
agreement;and(b)the conference
was not finished under section 89 as inforcebeforethecommencement,ortheADRwasnotfinishedundersection90asinforcebeforethecommencement.(2)TheAct,asinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement,continues to
apply in relation to—(a)the conference
or ADR; and(b)anyproceedingintheLandCourt,whetherstartedbeforeorafterthecommencement,thatrelatestotheconcerns the subject of the conference
or ADR.(3)The new arbitration provisions do not
apply in relation to theconcerns the subject of the conference
or ADR.(4)In this section—new arbitration
provisionsmeans the provisions inserted intochapter3undertheMineral,WaterandOtherLegislationAmendment Act
2018.246Recovery of particular negotiation and
preparation costs(1)Thissectionappliesifnegotiationandpreparationcostsincurred by an eligible claimant under
section 91(1) includethe costs of an agronomist.(2)The resource authority holder is
liable to pay to the eligibleclaimant, under
section 91(2), the costs of the agronomist onlyifthecostswereincurredbytheeligibleclaimantafterthecommencement.(3)The
Land Court may, under section 96B, make a declarationor
order in relation to the costs of the agronomist only if theCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Chapter 8 Further transitional
provisions[s 246]costswereincurredbytheeligibleclaimantafterthecommencement.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage
178Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySchedule 1Mineral and
Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014Schedule 1Owners of landsection
121Freehold landTheownerof freehold land
is the registered owner of the land.2Deed
of grantTheowneroflandforwhichapersonis,orwillonperformingconditions,beentitledtoadeedofgrantinfeesimple, is that person.3Fee simple being purchased from
StateTheowneroflandthatisanestateinfeesimplebeingpurchased from
the State is the purchaser.4Public
roadsTheownerof a public road
is the public road authority for theroad.5Busways, railways and other land used
to transport(1)Theowneroflandthatisbuswayland,lightrailland,railcorridor land or a cane railway or other
railway is the publicland authority for the land.(2)Theownerof
land required under theTransport InfrastructureAct
1994, section 436 is the chief executive of the
departmentin which that Act is administered.(3)TheowneroftransportlandundertheTransportPlanningandCoordinationAct1994isthechiefexecutiveofthedepartment in
which that Act is administered.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 179
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Schedule 16Forests and quarry materials(1)Theownerof
any of the following land is the chief executiveofthedepartmentinwhichtheForestryAct1959isadministered—(a)landthatisaforestentitlementarea,Stateforestortimber reserve under theForestry Act 1959;(b)landwithinaforestmanagementunitincludedinthespatial data prescribed by
regulation;(c)land that is a quarry material
management unit includedin the spatial data prescribed by
land, that is a licence area under theForestryAct
1959, is the plantation licensee for the licence
area underthat Act.7Parks
and reserves under theNature Conservation Act1992(1)Theowneroflandthatisaconservationparkorresourcesreserve under
theNatureConservationAct1992(theNCA)is—(a)if,undertheNCA,theparkorreservehastrusteeswhose powers are
not restricted—the trustees; or(b)otherwise—thechiefexecutiveofthedepartmentinwhich the NCA is administered.(2)Theownerof
land that is any of the following land under theNatureConservationAct1992isthechiefexecutiveofthedepartment in
which the NCA is administered—(a)a
national park (scientific);(b)a
national park;(c)a national park (Aboriginal
land);(d)a national park (Cape York Aboriginal
Land);(e)a national park (Torres Strait
Islander land);(f)a forest reserve.Page 180Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Schedule 18Wet
land, that is in the wet tropics area, is the WetTropics Management Authority.(2)In this section—Wet Tropics
Management Authoritymeans the Wet TropicsManagementAuthorityestablishedundertheWetTropicsWorldHeritageProtectionandManagementAct1993,section 6.wettropicsareameansthewettropicsareawithinthemeaning of theWetTropicsWorldHeritageProtectionandManagement Act 1993.9Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
land that is DOGIT land under theAboriginalLand Act
1991or theTorres Strait
Islander Land Act 1991is atrustee for the
land.(2)TheowneroflandthatisheldunderaleaseundertheAurukun and Mornington Shire Leases
Act 1978, section 3 isthe relevant
local government.(3)Theownerof
Aboriginal land under theAboriginal Land Act1991that is taken to
be a reserve because of section 202(2) or202(4)(b) of
that Act is the trustee of the land.(4)TheownerofTorresStraitIslanderlandundertheTorresStraitIslanderLandAct1991thatistakentobeareservebecause of section 151(2) of that Act is the
trustee of the land.(5)Theownerof land that is
lease land for a 1985 Act grantedlease or a new
Act granted lease, under theAboriginalandTorres Strait Islander Land Holding Act
2013, is the lessee.10Trustee landTheownerof land for
which there are trustees under theLandAct
1994is the trustee.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 181
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Schedule 111Educational institutionsTheownerof land vested
in the Minister administering theEducation(GeneralProvisions)Act2006isthechiefexecutive of the
department in which that Act is administered.12Public buildingsTheowneroflandvestedintheQueenslandHousingCommissionoranotherMinisterorachiefexecutiveresponsibleforconstructingpublicbuildingsisthechiefexecutive
administering the relevant Act.13Other
public landsTheowneroflandheldfromtheStateunderanotherActunder an interest less than fee simple
(other than occupationrights under a permit under theLand
Act 1994) is the personwho holds the
interest.Page 182Current as at
[Not applicable]
Schedule 2Mineral and
Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014Schedule 2DictionaryNotauthorised—indicativeonlysection 818 months
notice, for chapter 4, see section 122.1923
Actmeans thePetroleum Act
1923.abandonment date, for chapter 4,
see section 129(2)(b).acceleration notice,
for chapter 4, see section 128(2).access
agreementsee section 47(2).access
land, for a resource authority, see section
47(3).access rightssee section
47(3).ADRsee section 88(2).ADR election
noticesee section 88(2).ADR
facilitatormeans a person who facilitates an
ADR.advanced activity, for a resource
authority, has the meaninggiven by the particular Resource Act
under which the resourceauthority is granted.Example—For the meaning
of the advanced activity when used in a provision inrelation to a geothermal exploration permit,
see the Geothermal Act,schedule 2.advance
notice, for chapter 4, see section 121.affected resource authority,
for a caveat, for chapter 2, part 2,see section
24.agreed joint development plan,
for chapter 4, see section 103.application, for chapter 5,
part 1, see section 186.approved payment method,
for a fee, see section 203(2).arbitration, for chapter 4,
see section 103.arbitration election noticesee
section 91A(2).area, for chapter 4,
see section 103.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Schedule 2associated
agreement, for a resource authority, for chapter
2,part 3, see section 32.ATP,
for chapter 4, see section 103.ATP major gas
infrastructure, for chapter 4, see section 166.authorised activity, for a resource
authority, has the meaninggiven by the particular Resource Act
under which the resourceauthority is granted.Example—For the meaning
of the authorised activity when used in a provision inrelation to a GHG authority, see the
Greenhouse Gas Act, section 22.authorised
area, for a resource authority, see section
11.authorised officer, in relation to
a resource authority, has themeaning given by
the particular Resource Act under which theresource
authority is granted.authorising provision,
for an application, for chapter 5, part1, see section
186.authority to prospect (csg),
for chapter 4, see section 103.coal mine,
for chapter 4, see section 103.coal mining
operations, for chapter 4, see section 103.coal
resource authority, for chapter 4, see section 103.coal
seam gas, for chapter 4, see section 103.column 1 resource authority,
for chapter 4, see section 103.column 2
resource authority, for chapter 4, see section 103.compensation liability—(a)for chapter 3—(i)to
an eligible claimant, see section 81(2); or(ii)to a
public road authority, see section 93(2); or(b)for
chapter 4—(i)ofanML(coal)holdertoaPLholder,seesection 167(3); orPage 184Current as at [Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonly(ii)ofanML(coal)holdertoanATPholder,seesection 168(3).concurrent
notice, for chapter 4, see section 149(2).conduct and compensation agreementsee
section 83(1).conference election noticesee
section 83A(2).confirmation notice, for chapter 4,
see section 123.correspondingcolumn1resourceauthority,forchapter4,see section 103.correspondingcolumn2resourceauthority,forchapter4,see section 103.dealing, in
relation to a resource authority, see section 16.deciding authority, for an
application, for chapter 5, part 1,see section
186.deferral agreementsee section
136.eligible claimant, for
compensation, see section 81(1).EnvironmentalProtectionActmeanstheEnvironmentalProtection Act
1994.EP (coal), for chapter 4,
part 3, see section 139.exceptionalcircumstancesnotice,forchapter4,seesection
127.exploration permit (coal),
for chapter 4, see section 103.firstresourceauthority,forchapter3part5,seesection 73(1).FMA,
for chapter 4, see section 110.future mining
area, for chapter 4, see section 110.Geothermal Actmeans theGeothermal Energy Act 2010.Greenhouse Gas Actmeans theGreenhouse Gas Storage Act2009.holder, for chapter 4,
see section 103.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Schedule 2IMA,
for chapter 4, see section 109.incidental coal
seam gas, for chapter 4, see section 103.information notice, for a
decision, means a notice stating thefollowing—(a)the
decision and the reasons for it;(b)the
rights of appeal under this Act or another Act;(c)the
period in which an appeal must be started;(d)how
the rights of appeal are to be exercised;(e)whether a stay of the decision may be
applied for underthis Act or another Act.initial mining
area, for chapter 4, see section 109.invalid application, for chapter 5,
part 1, see section 189(2).joint
development plan, for chapter 4, see section 103.joint occupancy, for chapter 4,
see section 114.land access codesee section
36.lodgement, of an
application, means—(a)the deciding authority for the
application has acceptedthe application; or(b)theapplicanthascompliedwithanyrequirementsforlodging the application with the deciding
authority.lost production, for chapter 4,
see section 162.MDL (coal), for chapter 4,
part 3, see section 139.mineraldevelopmentlicence(coal),forchapter4,seesection 103.MineralResourcesActmeanstheMineralResourcesAct1989.minimum negotiation periodsee
section 85(2)(a) and (3).miningcommencementdate,forchapter4,seesection115(1).mining lease
(coal), for chapter 4, see section 103.Page
186Current as at [Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonlymining safety legislation,
for chapter 4, see section 103.ML (coal)—(a)for chapter 4,
generally, see section 103; or(b)for
chapter 4, part 3, see section 139.ML (coal)
holder—(a)for chapter 4,
generally, see section 105; or(b)for
chapter 4, part 3, see section 139.negotiation and
preparation costs—(a)means—(i)accounting costs; or(ii)legal costs;
or(iii)valuation costs;
or(iv)the costs of an
agronomist; and(b)does not include—(i)the
costs of an ADR facilitator; or(ii)thecostsofobtaining,undersection88(6),adecisionfromaprescribedADRinstituteortheregistrar of the Land Court.negotiationnotice,forchapter3,part7,division2,subdivision 3, see section 84(1).noncompliance action, in relation to
a resource authority, hasthe meaning given by the particular
Resource Act under whichthe resource authority is
granted.Example—For the meaning
of noncompliance action when used in a provision inrelation to a petroleum lease, see the
P&G Act, section 790.notifiable road use, of
a public road, see section 62.occupier, of
a place, means—(a)a person who, under an Act or a lease
registered undertheLand Title Act 1994,
has a right to occupy the placeother than under
a resource authority; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Schedule 2(b)a
person who has been given a right to occupy the placeby
an owner of the place or another person mentioned inparagraph (a).opt-out
agreementsee section 45(2).overlapping
area, for chapter 4, see section 104.owner, of land, see
section 12.party, for chapter 4,
part 6, division 4, see section 175.P&GActmeansthePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety) Act 2004.periodicentrynotice,forchapter3,part3,division1,seesection 57(1).petroleum,
for chapter 4, see section 103.petroleum lease
(csg), for chapter 4, see section 103.petroleumproductionnotice,forchapter4,seesection
141(1).petroleum resource authority—(a)for chapter 4,
generally, see section 103; or(b)for
chapter 4, part 2, see section 118.petroleum
well, for chapter 4, see section 103.PL—(a)for
chapter 4, generally, see section 103; or(b)for
chapter 4, part 3, see section 139.PL connecting
infrastructure, for chapter 4, see section 165.PL
holder—(a)for chapter 4,
generally, see section 103; or(b)for
chapter 4, part 3, see section 139.PL major gas
infrastructure, for chapter 4, see section 163.PL
minor gas infrastructure, for chapter 4, see section
164.Page 188Current as at
[Not applicable]
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Schedule 2Notauthorised—indicativeonlypreliminary activity, for a resource
authority, has the meaninggiven by the particular Resource Act
under which the resourceauthority is granted.Example—For the meaning
of the preliminary activity when used in a provision inrelation to a petroleum authority, see the
P&G Act, schedule 2.prescribed activity,
for chapter 3, part 4, see section 67.prescribed ADR
institutemeans an entity for deciding a typeof
ADR to be conducted, or an ADR facilitator to conduct anADR,
prescribed by regulation.prescribedarbitrationinstitute,forchapter4,seesection
176.prescribed dealingsee section
17(1).prescribed period, for a matter,
means the period prescribedby regulation
for the matter.prescribedrequirements,foramatter,meanstherequirements prescribed by regulation for
the matter.private landsee section
103.public landsee section
14.public land authoritymeans—(a)if a local government or other
authority is, under an Act,chargedwiththecontroloftheland—thelocalgovernment or other authority; or(b)otherwise—thechiefexecutiveofthedepartmentadministering
the Act under which entry to the land isadministered.public
roadsee section 15.public road
authority, for a public road, means—(a)for a State-controlled road—the chief
executive of thedepartmentinwhichtheTransportInfrastructureAct1994is administered;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Schedule 2(b)foranotherpublicroad—thelocalgovernmenthavingthe
control of the road.reconciliation paymentsee
section 172(2)(b) and (c)(i).registermeanstheregisterthechiefexecutivekeepsundersection 197.relevant
matter, for chapter 4, see section 103.relevantowneroroccupier,forchapter3,part4,seesection 69.relevantResourceAct,foraresourceauthority,meanstheparticular Resource Act under which
the resource authority isgranted.replace,
for chapter 4, part 6, division 3, see section 161.replacement gassee section
172(2)(b) and (c)(ii).Resource Actsee section
9.resource authority—(a)generally—see section 10; or(b)for chapter 4—see section 103.restricted land, for chapter 3,
part 4, see section 68.RMA, for chapter 4,
see section 111.RMA notice, for chapter 4,
see section 125.road compensation agreementsee
section 94(1).road use directionsee section
64(1).rolling mining area, for chapter 4,
see section 111.secondresourceauthority,forchapter3,part5,seesection 73(1)(b).simultaneous
operations zone, for chapter 4, see section 112.site
senior executive, for chapter 4, see section 103.sole
occupancy, for chapter 4, see section 113.SOZ, for chapter 4, see section
112.successorincludes a
personal representative.Page 190Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyMineral and Energy Resources (Common
Provisions) Act 2014Schedule 2surface
mine, for chapter 4, see section 103.underground mine, for chapter 4,
see section 103.undilutedincidentalcoalseamgas,forchapter4,seesection
136.valid applicationmeans an
application that either—(a)complies with
section 188; or(b)is allowed to proceed under section
190.Current as at [Not applicable]Page