QueenslandEnvironmentalProtectionAct1994Current as at [Not
applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates allproposedamendmentstotheActincludedintheMineralandEnergyResources
(Financial Provisioning) Bill 2018. This indicative reprint
hasbeen prepared for information only—it is
not an authorised reprint of theAct.AmendmentstothisActarealsoincludedintheNatureConservation(Special Wildlife
Reserves) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018.These
proposed amendments are not included in this indicative
reprint.The point-in-time date for this indicative
reprint is the introduction date forthe Mineral and
Energy Resources (Financial Provisioning) Bill 2018—15February 2018.DetailedinformationaboutindicativereprintsisavailableontheInformationpage of the
Queensland legislation website.
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 1]Environmental Protection Act 1994An Act
about the protection of Queensland’s environmentNotauthorised—indicativeonlyChapter 1PreliminaryPart 1Introductory provisions1Short
titleThis Act may be cited as theEnvironmentalProtectionAct1994.Part
2Object and achievement of Act3ObjectThe object of
this Act is to protect Queensland’s environmentwhile allowing
for development that improves the total qualityof life, both
now and in the future, in a way that maintains theecologicalprocessesonwhichlifedepends(ecologicallysustainable
development).4How object of Act
is to be achieved(1)The protection of Queensland’s
environment is to be achievedby an integrated
management program that is consistent withecologically
sustainable development.(2)The program is
cyclical and involves the following phases—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 43
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 4]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)phase
1—establishing the state of the environment anddefining
environmental objectives;(b)phase
2—developing effective environmental strategies;(c)phase3—implementingenvironmentalstrategiesandintegrating them into efficient resource
relationship between each of the phases is shown in thefigure appearing at the end of this
Act.(4)Phase 1 is achieved by—(a)researchingthestateoftheenvironment,includingessential ecological processes; and(b)decidingenvironmentalvaluestobeprotectedorachievedbyconsultingindustry,governmentdepartments and
the community.(5)Phase 2 is achieved by—(a)developingenvironmentalprotectionpoliciesthat,among other
things—(i)decide environmental indicators;
and(ii)establishambientandemissionstandardsforcontaminants; and(iii)requirewastemanagement,includingwasteprevention and
minimisation; and(iv)advise on
management practices; and(b)promotingenvironmentalresponsibilityandinvolvement within the community.(6)Phase 3 is achieved by—(a)integrating environmental values into
land use planningand management of natural resources;
and(b)ensuringallreasonableandpracticablemeasuresaretaken to protect environmental values
from all sourcesof environmental harm; andPage
44Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 5](c)monitoringtheimpactofthereleaseofcontaminantsinto the
environment; and(d)requiring persons who cause
environmental harm to paycosts and penalties for the
harm.(7)Phase 4 is achieved by—(a)reviewingtheresultsofhumanactivitiesontheenvironment; and(b)evaluatingtheefficiencyandeffectivenessofenvironmental strategies; and(c)reporting publicly on the state of the
environment.5Obligations of persons to achieve
object of ActIf,underthisAct,afunctionorpowerisconferredonaperson, the person must perform the
function or exercise thepower in the way that best achieves
the object of this Act.6Community
involvement in administration of ActThisActistobeadministered,asfaraspracticable,inconsultation with, and having regard to the
views and interestsof,industry,AboriginesandTorresStraitIslandersunderAboriginal tradition and Island custom,
interested groups andpersons and the community
generally.Part 3InterpretationDivision 1Dictionary7Definitions—dictionaryThe dictionary
in schedule 4 defines particular words used inthis Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 8]Division 2Key
conceptsSubdivision 1The environment
and its values8EnvironmentEnvironmentincludes—(a)ecosystems and their constituent
parts, including peopleand communities; and(b)all natural and physical resources;
and(c)the qualities and characteristics of
locations, places andareas,howeverlargeorsmall,thatcontributetotheirbiological
diversity and integrity, intrinsic or attributedscientific value or interest, amenity,
harmony and senseof community; and(d)thesocial,economic,aestheticandculturalconditionsthataffect,orareaffectedby,thingsmentionedinparagraphs (a) to (c).9Environmental valueEnvironmental valueis—(a)a quality or physical characteristic
of the environmentthat is conducive to ecological health or
public amenityor safety; or(b)anotherqualityoftheenvironmentidentifiedanddeclaredtobeanenvironmentalvalueunderanenvironmental protection policy or
regulation.Page 46Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 2Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 10]Environmental contamination10ContaminationContaminationof the
environment is the release (whether byact or omission)
of a contaminant into the environment.11ContaminantAcontaminantcan be—(a)a gas, liquid or solid; or(b)an odour; or(c)an
organism (whether alive or dead), including a virus;or(d)energy,includingnoise,heat,radioactivityandelectromagnetic radiation; or(e)a combination of contaminants.12NoiseNoiseincludesvibrationofanyfrequency,whetheremittedthrough air or
another medium.13Waste(1)Wasteincludes any
thing, other than an end of waste resource,that is—(a)left over, or an unwanted by-product,
from an industrial,commercial, domestic or other activity;
or(b)surplus to the industrial, commercial,
domestic or otheractivity generating the waste.Example of paragraph (a)—Abandoned or discarded material from an
activity is left over, oran unwanted by-product, from the
activity.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 14](2)Wastecan be a gas,
liquid, solid or energy, or a combinationof any of
them.(3)A thing can be waste whether or not it
is of value.(4)Despitesubsection
(1),anendofwasteresourcebecomeswaste—(a)when it is disposed of at a waste
disposal site; or(b)if it is deposited at a place in a way
that would, apartfrom its use under an end of waste code or
end of wasteapproval,constituteacontraventionofthegenerallitteringprovisionortheillegaldumpingofwasteprovision under
that Act—when the depositing starts.(5)In
this section—end of waste approvalsee the Waste
Reduction Act, section156.end of waste
codesee the Waste Reduction Act, section
156.endofwasteresourcemeansaresourceundertheWasteReduction Act,
section 156.waste disposal sitesee the Waste
Reduction Act, section 8A.WasteReductionActmeanstheWasteReductionandRecycling Act 2011.Subdivision 3Environmental
harm and nuisance14Environmental harm(1)Environmentalharmisanyadverseeffect,orpotentialadverseeffect(whethertemporaryorpermanentandofwhatevermagnitude,durationorfrequency)onanenvironmental value, and includes
environmental nuisance.(2)Environmental
harmmay be caused by an activity—(a)whethertheharmisadirectorindirectresultoftheactivity;
orPage 48Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 15](b)whether the harm results from the
activity alone or fromthe combined effects of the activity
and other activitiesor factors.15Environmental nuisanceEnvironmentalnuisanceisunreasonableinterferenceorlikely interference with an environmental
value caused by—(a)aerosols, fumes, light, noise, odour,
particles or smoke;or(b)an unhealthy,
offensive or unsightly condition becauseof
contamination; or(c)another way prescribed by
regulation.16Material environmental harm(1)Material environmental harmis
environmental harm (otherthan environmental nuisance)—(a)thatisnottrivialornegligibleinnature,extentorcontext; or(b)thatcausesactualorpotentiallossordamagetopropertyofanamountof,oramountstotalling,morethan
the threshold amount but less than the maximumamount;
or(c)that results in costs of more than the
threshold amountbutlessthanthemaximumamountbeingincurredintaking appropriate action to—(i)prevent or minimise the harm;
and(ii)rehabilitateorrestoretheenvironmenttoitscondition before the harm.(2)In this section—maximumamountmeansthethresholdamountforseriousenvironmental
harm.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 17]thresholdamountmeans$5,000or,ifagreateramountisprescribed by regulation, the greater
amount.17Serious environmental harm(1)Seriousenvironmentalharmisenvironmentalharm(otherthan
environmental nuisance)—(a)that is
irreversible, of a high impact or widespread; or(b)caused to—(i)an
area of high conservation value; or(ii)an
area of special significance, such as the GreatBarrier Reef
World Heritage Area; or(c)thatcausesactualorpotentiallossordamagetopropertyofanamountof,oramountstotalling,morethan
the threshold amount; or(d)that results in
costs of more than the threshold amountbeing incurred
in taking appropriate action to—(i)prevent or minimise the harm; and(ii)rehabilitateorrestoretheenvironmenttoitscondition before the harm.(2)In this section—threshold
amountmeans $50,000 or, if a greater amount
isprescribed by regulation, the greater
amount.17AExclusionsDespite sections
14 and 15, a thing stated in schedule 1, part 2is not
environmental harm or environmental nuisance.Page 50Current as at [Not applicable]
Subdivision 4Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 18]Environmentally relevant activitiesNotauthorised—indicativeonly18Meaning ofenvironmentally
relevant activityEachofthefollowingisanenvironmentallyrelevantactivity—(a)an agricultural ERA as defined under
section 75;(b)a resource activity as defined under
section 107;(c)anactivityprescribedundersection 19asanenvironmentally relevant
activity.19Environmentally relevant activity may
be prescribed(1)A regulation may prescribe an activity
as an environmentallyrelevant activity if the Governor in
Council is satisfied—(a)acontaminantwillormaybereleasedintotheenvironment when the activity is
carried out; and(b)thereleaseofthecontaminantwillormaycauseenvironmental harm.(2)To
remove any doubt, a regulation made under subsection (1)maynotmodifythedefinitionofanagriculturalERAoraresource
activity.19AInteraction between prescribed ERAs
and resourceactivities(1)This
section applies in relation to an environmental authorityfor
a resource activity if 1 or more activities (each anancillaryactivity)
carried out under the authority as part of a resourceactivity is also a prescribed ERA.(2)The resource activity is taken to be
comprised of—(a)the ancillary activities; and(b)the other activities carried out under
the authority as aresource activity.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 51
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 21](3)The ancillary activities are taken to
be resource activities forthe purpose of applications for an
environmental authority.(4)However,theancillaryactivitiesaretakentobeprescribedERAs for the
purpose of the following—(a)thepowertoimposeconditionsontheenvironmentalauthority under
chapter 5, part 5, division 6;(b)the
fees that apply to the environmental authority underthis
Act.Subdivision 5Environmental
management21Best practice environmental
management(1)Thebest practice
environmental managementof an activityisthemanagementoftheactivitytoachieveanongoingminimisationoftheactivity’senvironmentalharmthroughcost-effectivemeasuresassessedagainstthemeasurescurrently used
nationally and internationally for the activity.(2)In deciding thebest practice
environmental managementofan activity,
regard must be had to the following measures—(a)strategicplanningbythepersoncarryingout,orproposing to carry out, the
activity;(b)administrativesystemsputintoeffectbytheperson,including staff training and monitoring and
review of thesystems;(c)public consultation carried out by the
person;(d)product and process design;(e)waste prevention, treatment and
disposal.(3)Subsection (2)doesnotlimitthemeasurestowhichregardmaybehadindecidingthebestpracticeenvironmentalmanagementof an
activity.Page 52Current as at
[Not applicable]
Subdivision 6Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 21A]Prescribed conditionsNotauthorised—indicativeonly21AMeaning ofprescribed
condition, for a small scale mining activity, is
acondition prescribed under a regulation for
the carrying out ofthe activity.Example of a
prescribed condition—a condition about rehabilitating
land(2)It is also aprescribed
conditionfor carrying out a small scalemining activity that the holder of the
mining tenure (asmallscale mining
tenure)fortheactivitymustnotcarryout,orallowthecarryingoutof,theactivityunlesstheholderhasgiven a surety—(a)of
the amount prescribed by regulation; and(b)in
the form approved by the scheme manager under theMineral and Energy Resources (Financial
Provisioning)Act 2018, section 56.(3)However, subsection (2) does not apply if
the holder’s smallscale mining tenure is a prospecting
permit.Part 4Operation of
Act22Act binds all personsThis
Act binds all persons, including the State, and, as far asthelegislativepoweroftheParliamentpermits,theCommonwealth and the other
States.23Relationship with other Acts(1)This Act is in addition to, and does
not limit, any other Act.(2)If this Act
conflicts with an Act as follows, that Act prevails,but
only to the extent of the conflict—•Ambulance Service Act 1991Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 24]•Biosecurity Act 2014•Disaster Management Act 2003•Fire and Emergency Services Act
1990•Public Safety Preservation Act
1986, part 3•Radiation Safety Act 1999•Transport Operations (Marine
Pollution) Act 1995.24Effect of Act on
other rights, civil remedies etc.(1)This
Act does not limit any civil right or remedy that existsapart from this Act, whether at common law
or otherwise.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),compliancewiththisActdoes
not necessarily show that an obligation that exists apartfrom
this Act has been satisfied or has not been breached.(3)In addition, a breach of the general
environmental duty doesnot, of itself, give rise to a civil
right or remedy.25Extra-territorial application of
ActA person commits an offence against this Act
if—(a)the person causes environmental harm
within the Stateby conduct engaged in outside the State;
and(b)the conduct would constitute the
offence against this Actif it were engaged in by the person
within the State.Page 54Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyChapter 2Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 2 Environmental protection
policies[s 26]Environmental
protectionpolicies26Minister may make policiesThe
Minister may make environmental protection policies toenhance or protect Queensland’s
environment.27Scope of policies(1)An
environmental protection policy may be made about theenvironmentoranythingthataffectsormayaffecttheenvironment.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), an
environmental protectionpolicy may be made about any of the
substance;(b)an industry or activity;(c)a technology or process;(d)an environmental value;(e)waste management;(f)contamination control practice;(g)land, air or water quality;(h)noise;(i)litter.28Contents of policies(1)An
environmental protection policy must—(a)state that the policy applies to the
environment generallyor to an aspect or part of the
environment specified inthe policy; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 55
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 2 Environmental protection
policies[s 28](b)identifytheenvironmentalvaluestobeenhancedorprotected under the policy.(2)An environmental protection policy
may—(a)state the objectives to be achieved
and maintained underthe policy; or(b)state indicators, parameters, factors or
criteria to be usedin measuring or deciding any quality or
condition of theenvironment; or(c)establish a program by which the stated
objectives are tobe achieved and maintained, including, for
example, thefollowing—(i)quantifying ambient conditions;(ii)thequalitiesandmaximumquantitiesofanycontaminantpermittedtobereleasedintotheenvironment;(iii)the
minimum standards to be complied with in theinstallationoroperationofvehicles,plantorequipment for the control of
contaminants or wastefrom stated sources or places;(iv)measuresdesignedtoprotecttheenvironmentorminimise the possibility of environmental
harm; or(d)provideforaprogramperformanceassessmentprocedure.(3)Anenvironmentalprotectionpolicymaymakeprovisionabout anything about which a regulation may
be made underthis Act, and, in particular—(a)prescribingoffencesforcontraventionsofthepolicy;and(b)fixing a maximum penalty of a fine of
not more than 40penalty units for the contravention.Page
56Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 33]33Policies are subordinate legislationAn
environmental protection policy is subordinate legislationand
does not have effect until it is approved by the Governorin
Council.34Giving effect to policiesOnapprovalofanenvironmentalprotectionpolicy,theadministering authority must give
effect to the policy.Chapter 3Environmental
impactstatementsPart 1EIS
processDivision 1PreliminarySubdivision
EIS process applies(1)Thispartappliesforaproject,otherthanacoordinatedproject,
if—(a)anEISrequirementisinforceinrelationtoanapplication for an environmental
authority for a miningactivity that is, or is part of, the
project; or(b)anEISrequirementisinforceinrelationtoanapplication for an environmental
authority for a resourceactivity, other than a mining
activity; or(c)an EIS has been required for the
project under an Act asfollows for which it has, under the
Act, been decided orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 37]required that
this part applies to the preparation of theEIS—(i)the Commonwealth Environment
Act;(ii)the State
Development Act;Note—See the State
Development Act, part 4, division 2 anddivision 3,
subdivision 1.(iii)another State
Act or another Commonwealth Act;or(d)the voluntary preparation of an EIS
for the project hasbeen approved under part 2; or(e)the project is of a type prescribed
under a regulation forwhich approval by a Commonwealth or
State authorityis required.(2)However, an EIS under this Act can not be
used for making adecisionunderthePlanningAct,otherthanadecisioninrelation to a project mentioned in
subsection (1)(a) or (b).(3)In this
section—authority,fortheCommonwealth,includestheMinisteroftheCommonwealthforthetimebeingadministeringtheCommonwealth Environment Act.EISincludes a statement, however called,
that is similar to anEIS.projectincludes—(a)a
development or proposed development; and(b)an
action or proposed action; and(c)a
plan or policy.Page 58Current as at
[Not applicable]
Subdivision 2Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 38]Definitions for
part 1Notauthorised—indicativeonly38Who is anaffected
personfor a project(1)A
person is anaffected personfor a project if
the person is—(a)a person mentioned in subsection (2)
for the operationalland or any land joining it; or(b)anyofthefollowingundertheNativeTitleAct1993(Cwlth)fortheoperationallandorforanareathatincludes any of the land—(i)a registered native title body
corporate;(ii)a registered
native title claimant;(iii)arepresentativeAboriginal/TorresStraitIslanderbody; or(c)a relevant local government for the
operational land.(2)For subsection (1)(a), the persons are
as follows—(a)for freehold land—a registered
proprietor;(b)forlandthatisheldfromtheStateforanestateorinterest less than fee simple and for which
the interest isrecorded in a register mentioned in
theLand Act 1994(LandAct),section 276—apersonrecordedintheregister as the registered holder of
the interest;(c)for land subject to a mining claim,
mineral developmentlicence or mining lease—a holder of, or an
applicant for,the mining tenure;(d)for
land subject to a relevant tenure for an environmentalauthorityforaresourceactivity,otherthanaminingactivity—the
holder of the tenure;(e)for land under
the Land Act or theNature ConservationAct 1992(NCA) for which
there are trustees—a trusteeof the
land;(f)for Aboriginal land under theAboriginal Land Act 1991(ALA)thatistakentobeareservebecauseofCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 39]section 202(2)
or (4)(b) of that Act—the trustee of theland;(g)forDOGITlandundertheALAortheTorresStraitIslander Land Act 1991—a trustee for
the land;(i)forTorresStraitIslanderlandundertheTorresStraitIslanderLandAct1991thatistakentobeareservebecause of section 151(2) of that Act—the
trustee of theland;(j)forlandthat,undertheAboriginalandTorresStraitIslander Land Holding Act 2013, is
lease land for a 1985ActgrantedleaseoranewActgrantedlease—thelessee;(k)for
land that is any of the following, the State—(i)unallocated State land;(ii)a
reserve under the Land Act for which there is notrustee;(iii)a
national park (scientific), national park, nationalpark
(Aboriginal land), national park (Torres StraitIslander land)
or forest reserve under the NCA;(iv)a
conservation park or resources reserve under theNCA
for which there are no trustees;(v)a
State forest or timber reserve under theForestryAct
Act 1994;(vii) a fish habitat area under
theFisheries Act 1994;(l)another person prescribed under a
regulation.39Other definitionsIn this
part—comment period, for an EIS,
means the comment period forthe EIS under
section 42(2)(e) and (3) or section 68(3)(b)(i).Page
60Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 40]drafttermsofreference,foranEIS,meansdrafttermsofreference submitted under section 41.environmental management planmeans—(a)an
environmental management document; or(b)anotherdocument,howevercalled,thatproposesmechanismstomanagethepotentialenvironmentalimpact of the
project.final terms of reference, for an EIS,
means the final terms ofreference for the EIS published under
section 46.interested personmeans an
interested person proposed by theproponent under
section 41(3)(b).operational landmeans the land
on which the project is to becarried
out.personincludes a body
of persons, whether incorporated orunincorporated.properly made
submissionsee section 55(2).proponentmeansthepersonwhoproposestheprojecttowhich this part applies.submission
period, for an EIS, means—(a)the
submission period for the EIS under section 52(1)(e)and
(2); or(b)if section 68 applies—any new
submission period fixedunder section 68(3)(b)(ii).Subdivision 3Purposes of EIS
and EIS process40PurposesThe purposes of
an EIS and the EIS process are as follows—(a)to
assess—(i)the potential adverse and beneficial
environmental,economic and social impacts of the project;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 40](ii)management,monitoring,planningandothermeasuresproposedtominimiseanyadverseenvironmental
impacts of the project;(b)toconsiderfeasiblealternativewaystocarryouttheproject;(c)to
give enough information about the matters mentionedinparagraphs(a)and(b)totheproponent,Commonwealth and
State authorities and the public;(d)toprepareorproposeanenvironmentalmanagementplan for the
project;(e)tohelptheadministeringauthoritydecideanenvironmental authority application for
which the EIS isrequired;(f)to
give information to other Commonwealth and Stateauthorities to help them make informed
decisions;(g)to meet any assessment requirements
under—(i)the Commonwealth Environment Act for a
projectthat is, or includes, a controlled action
under thatAct; or(ii)a
bilateral agreement;Note—ForwhatisacontrolledactionundertheCommonwealthEnvironment Act,
see section 67 (What is acontrolled action?)of
that Act.Forassessmentrequirementsofcontrolledactions,seetheCommonwealth
Environment Act, chapter 4, part 8 (Assessingimpacts of
controlled actions).For bilateral agreements, see the
Commonwealth EnvironmentAct, chapter 3 (Bilateral
agreements).(h)toallowtheStatetomeetitsobligationsunderabilateral agreement.Page
62Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 41]Terms of
reference stageSubdivision 1Draft terms of
proponent must submit to the chief executive draft termsof
reference for the EIS that allow the purposes of the EIS tobe
achieved for the project.(2)The submitted
draft must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)beaccompaniedbythefeeprescribedunderaregulation; and(c)include any matter prescribed under a
regulation.(3)Also, if an approval has not been
given under part 2 for theproject,thesubmitteddraftmustbeaccompaniedbythefollowing—(a)a
written description of the project and the operationalland;(b)a
list stating the name and address of each person theproponentproposesasaninterestedpersonfortheproject;Example of persons who may be proposed as an
interested person—anunincorporatedcommunityorenvironmentalbodywithafinancial or non-financial interest in the
local government areathat the operational land is in(c)astatementofhowtheproponentproposestoconsultwith the
interested persons;(d)a list of the names and addresses of
the affected personsfor the project.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 63
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 42]Subdivision
2Public notification of draft terms ofreference42Preparation of TOR notice(1)The chief executive must, within 15
business days after thedrafttermsofreferencearesubmitted,givetheproponentwrittennoticeaboutthedraft(theTORnotice)forpublicnotification.(2)The
notice must state the following—(a)a
description of the project and the operational land;(b)that the proponent has prepared draft
terms of referencefor the EIS;(c)where or how the draft may be
obtained;Note—Seesection 65(Publicaccesstodrafttermsofreferenceorsubmitted EIS).(d)thatanyonemaymakewrittencommentstothechiefexecutive about
the draft;(e)a period decided by the chief
executive (thecommentperiod)
during which comments may be made;(f)another matter prescribed under a
regulation.(3)Thecommentperiodmustnotendbefore30businessdaysafter the notice is published.43Public notification(1)ThechiefexecutivemustpublishtheTORnoticewithin5business days after giving it to the
proponent.Note—See section 558
(Publication of decision or document by administeringauthority).Page 64Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 44](2)The
proponent must, if asked by the chief executive, pay thechief executive’s reasonable costs incurred
in publishing thenotice.(3)The
proponent must, within the 5 business days, give a copyof
the notice to—(a)each affected person for the project;
and(b)each interested person; and(c)any other person decided by the chief
executive.(4)Thechiefexecutivemaydecideanotherpersonforsubsection (3)(c) only by giving the
proponent an informationnotice about the decision before the
notice is published.44Proponent to be given commentsThe
chief executive must, within 10 business days after thecommentperiodends,givetheproponentacopyofallcomments received by the chief
executive within the period.45Advice to chief executiveTheproponentmust,withintheperiodprescribedunderaregulation, give the chief
executive—(a)a written summary of the comments;
and(c)anyamendmentsofthedrafttermsofreferencetheproponent proposes because of the
comments.Subdivision 3Final terms of
reference46Finalising terms of reference(1)The chief executive must, within the
period prescribed under aregulation, do the following—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 47](a)consider the documents mentioned in section
45;(b)prepare the final terms of
reference;(c)give the proponent a copy of the final
terms of reference;(d)publish the final terms of
reference.(2)The proponent must, if asked by the
chief executive, pay thechief executive’s reasonable costs
incurred in publishing thefinal terms of reference.Division 3Submission
stage47When EIS may be submitted(1)The proponent may submit the EIS to
the chief executive onlywithin—(a)2
years after the final terms of reference are given to theproponent; or(b)any
longer period decided by the chief executive beforethe
2 years ends.(2)The submitted EIS must be accompanied
by the fee prescribedunder a regulation.(3)If an EIS is not submitted under
subsection (1)—(a)the final terms of reference cease to
have effect; and(b)division 2 must be complied with again
before the EISmay be submitted.48Chief
executive may require copies of EIS(1)The
chief executive may, at any time before the submissionperiod ends, by written notice require the
proponent to givethe chief executive a stated number of
copies of the submittedEIS that the chief executive
reasonably requires.(2)The notice may
require—Page 66Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 49](a)the
copies to be in hard copy form or in an electronicform
or forms; and(b)a stated part of the stated number to
be given in hardcopy form and a stated part of the number to
be given inan electronic form or forms.49Decision on whether EIS may
proceed(1)ThechiefexecutivemustconsiderthesubmittedEISanddecide whether to allow it to proceed
under division 4 within20businessdaysaftertheEISissubmitted(thedecisionperiod).(2)The decision
period may be extended if, at any time before thedecisionismade,theproponentagreesinwritingtotheextension.(3)The
chief executive may allow the EIS to proceed only if thechiefexecutiveconsidersitaddressesthefinaltermsofreference in an acceptable
form.(4)IfthedecisionistoallowtheEIStoproceed,thechiefexecutive may
also fix a minimum period for the making ofsubmissions
about the EIS.(5)However, the period fixed must be at
least 30 business daysand must end at least 30 business days
after the EIS notice ispublished.(6)The
chief executive must, within 10 business days after thedecisionismade,givetheproponentwrittennoticeofthedecision and of any submission period
fixed.(7)If the decision is to refuse to allow
the EIS to proceed, thenotice must also state—(a)the reasons for the decision;
and(b)that the proponent may, under section
50, apply to theMinister to review the decision; and(c)how to apply for a review; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 49A](d)that
the proponent may, under section 49A, resubmit theEIS.49AProponent may
resubmit EIS(1)Thissectionappliesifthechiefexecutivedecides,undersection 49,torefusetoallowtheEIStoproceedandtheproponent—(a)doesnotapply,undersection 50,totheMinistertoreview the decision; or(b)applies, under section 50, to the Minister
to review thedecision and the Minister confirms the
decision.(2)Theproponentmayresubmit,withchanges,theEIStothechief executive within—(a)3
months after the day notice of the decision is given tothe
proponent under section 49(6); or(b)if
the chief executive and the proponent have, within the3months,agreedtoadifferentperiod—thedifferentperiod.(3)TheproponentmayresubmittheEISundersubsection
(2)only once.(4)TheresubmittedEISmustbeaccompaniedbythefeeprescribed by
regulation.(5)The following provisions apply to the
resubmitted EIS as if areference in the provision to an EIS
or submitted EIS were areference to the resubmitted
EIS—(a)section 48;(b)section 49, other than section
49(7)(d);(c)section 50.Page 68Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 50]50Ministerial review of refusal to allow to
proceed(1)IfthechiefexecutivedecidestorefusetoallowtheEIStoproceed, the
proponent may, by written notice, apply to theMinister to
review the decision.(2)The notice
must—(a)statewhytheproponentconsiderstheEISshouldbeallowed to proceed; and(b)begivenwithin10businessdaysaftertheproponentreceives a
notice under section 49(6) about the decision.(3)However, the Minister may, at any time,
extend the time forgiving the notice.(4)In
reviewing the decision, the Minister—(a)has
the same powers as the chief executive; and(b)may
confirm the chief executive’s decision or decide toallow the EIS to proceed under division
4.(5)The Minister’s decision on the review
is taken for this part,other than section 49(7), to be the
chief executive’s decision.(6)The
chief executive must give the proponent written notice oftheMinister’sdecisionwithin10businessdaysafteritismade.(7)If
the Minister’s decision is to confirm the chief executive’sdecision,thenoticemuststatereasonsfortheMinister’sdecision.Division 4Notification
stageSubdivision 1Public notice
requirements51Public notification(1)Thissectionappliesifthechiefexecutivehasgiventheproponentanotice,undersection 49(6),thattheEISmayproceed under this division.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 51](2)Within20businessdaysafterthegivingofthenotice,theproponent must—(a)give
written notice about the EIS (theEIS
notice) to—(i)each
affected person for the project; and(ii)each
interested person; and(iii)anyotherpersondecidedbythechiefexecutive;and(b)after giving the EIS notice under
paragraph (a), publishthe EIS notice—(i)atleastonceinanewspapercirculatinginthelocality of the operational land;
and(ii)inanotherwayprescribedunderaregulationordecided by the chief executive; and(c)makeacopyofthesubmittedEISavailableonawebsite.(3)Thechiefexecutivemaydecideanotherpersonforsubsection (2)(a)(iii)oranotherwayofpublishingtheEISnotice for subsection (2)(b)(ii) only
by giving the proponentan information notice about the
decision before the notice ispublished.(4)Theproponentmustkeeptheinformationmentionedinsubsection (2)(c) available on a
website from the start of thesubmission
period until—(a)if the proponent is given notice by
the chief executiveundersection
56A(5)thatthesubmittedEISmaynotproceedandtheproponentdoesnotapplytotheMinister to review the decision—the
day the notice isgiven; or(b)if
the proponent is given notice by the chief executiveunder section 50(6), as applied by section
56B(2), thatthe submitted EIS may not proceed—the day
the noticeis given; orPage 70Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 52](c)if
paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply—the day that is 1year
after the chief executive gives the proponent an EISassessment report under section
57(2).(5)This section is subject to section
68.52Required content of EIS notice(1)The EIS notice must be in the
approvedformandstate thefollowing—(a)a
description of the project and the operational land;(b)where the submitted EIS may be
be obtained;(d)thatanyonemaymakeasubmissiontothechiefexecutive about
the submitted EIS;(e)theperiod(thesubmissionperiod)duringwhichsubmissions may be made;(f)how
to make a properly made submission;(g)another matter prescribed under a
regulation.Note—For paragraphs
(b) and (c), see sections 65 (Public access to draft termsof
reference or submitted EIS), 540A (Registers to be kept by
chiefexecutive) and 542 (Inspection of
register).(2)The submission period must be at least
30 business days andmust end after the later of the
following to end—(a)anyminimumperiodforthemakingofsubmissionsabouttheEISfixedbythechiefexecutiveundersection 49(4)beforethenoticeispublishedundersection 51(2)(b);(b)20
business days after the publication.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 71
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 53]53Declaration of compliance(1)Theproponentmust,within10businessdaysaftertheEISnoticeispublished,givethechiefexecutiveastatutorydeclaration
declaring—(a)whetherornottheproponenthascompliedwiththenotice requirements under sections 51
and 52; and(b)the name and address of each person to
whom the EISnotice was given under section 51.(2)A copy of the EIS notice must be
attached to the declaration.(3)Theproponentistakentohavecompliedwiththerequirements if—(a)a
declaration is given under this section; and(b)the
declaration states the proponent has complied withthe
notice requirements.Note—For what happens
if the declaration states the requirements havenot been
complied with, see section 68 (Substantial compliancewith
notice requirements may be accepted).Subdivision
to make submissionApersonmay,withinthesubmissionperiod,makeasubmission to the chief executive about the
submitted EIS.55Acceptance of submissions(1)The chief executive must accept a
submission if it—(a)is written; and(b)is
signed by or for each person (signatory)
who madethe submission; and(c)states the name and address of each
signatory; andPage 72Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 56](d)is
made to the chief executive; and(e)is
received on or before the last day of the submissionperiod.(2)Asubmissionthatcomplieswithsubsection (1)iscalledaproperly made submission.(3)The chief executive may accept a
written submission even if itis not a
properly made submission.56Response to
submissions(1)The chief executive must, within 10
business days after thesubmissionperiodends,givetheproponentacopyofallsubmissions accepted by the chief
executive.(2)The proponent must, within the
relevant period, consider thesubmissions and
give the chief executive—(a)a summary of the
submissions; and(b)astatementoftheproponent’sresponsetothesubmissions;
and(c)anyamendmentsofthesubmittedEISbecauseofthesubmissions,togetherwithanEISamendmentnoticeunder section 66 for the amendments.(3)In this section—relevant
periodmeans—(a)generally—20 business days after the
proponent is givenacopyofallsubmissionsacceptedbythechiefexecutive; or(b)if
the chief executive and the proponent have, within the20businessdays,agreedtoadifferentperiod—thedifferent
period.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 56A]56AAssessment of adequacy of response to
submission andsubmitted EIS(1)Thissectionappliesonlyif,undersection
55,asubmissionhas been
accepted by the chief executive.(2)The
chief executive must, within 20 business days after therelevant period under section 56—(a)considerthesubmittedEISandthedocumentsgivenunder section
56(2); and(b)decide whether to allow the submitted
EIS to proceedunder divisions 5 and 6.(3)The
period may be extended if, at any time before the decisionis
made, the proponent has agreed in writing to the extension.(4)The chief executive may allow the
submitted EIS to proceedonly if the chief executive
considers—(a)the proponent’s response to the
submission is adequate;and(b)the
proponent has made all appropriate amendments tothe
submitted EIS because of the submission.(5)The
chief executive must, within 10 business days after thedecisionismade,givetheproponentwrittennoticeofthedecision.(6)IfthedecisionistorefusetoallowthesubmittedEIStoproceed, the notice must also
state—(a)the reasons for the decision;
and(b)that the proponent may, under section
56B, apply to theMinister to review the decision; and(c)how to apply for a review; and(d)that the proponent may, under section
56AA, resubmittheEISandtheproponent’sresponsetothesubmissions.Page 74Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 56AA]56AAProponent may resubmit EIS(1)Thissectionappliesifthechiefexecutivedecides,undersection 56A,torefusetoallowtheEIStoproceedandtheproponent—(a)doesnotapply,undersection 56B,totheMinistertoreview the decision; or(b)applies, under section 56B, to the Minister
to review thedecision and the Minister confirms the
decision.(2)The proponent may resubmit, with
changes, the submitted EISand the proponent’s response to the
submissions to the chiefexecutive within—(a)20
business days after notice of the decision is given tothe
proponent under section 56A(5); or(b)if
the chief executive and the proponent have, within the20businessdays,agreedtoadifferentperiod—thedifferent
period.(3)The proponent may resubmit under
subsection (2) only once.(4)A resubmitted
EIS must be accompanied by the fee prescribedby
regulation.(5)ThefollowingprovisionsapplytotheresubmittedEISandresponse to submissions as if a
reference in the provision to asubmitted EIS or
the proponent’s response to the submissionswereareferencetotheresubmittedEISorproponent’sresponse to the
submissions—(a)section 56A, other than section
56A(6)(d);(b)section 56B.56BMinisterial review of refusal to allow
submitted EIS toproceed(1)If,
under section 56A, the chief executive decides to refuse toallow the submitted EIS to proceed, the
proponent may, bywritten notice, apply to the Minister to
review the decision.(2)Section 50
applies to the notice and the review as if—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 75
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 57](a)they
were a notice and review under that section; and(b)thereferencetodivision4insection 50(4)(b)wereareference to divisions 5 and 6;
and(c)the reference to section 49(6) in
section 50(2)(b) were areference to section 56A(5).Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 5EIS assessment
report57EIS assessment report(1)This section applies only if the chief
executive has given theproponentanoticeundersection 56A(5),orunder50(6)asappliedbysection 56B(2),ofadecisionthatthesubmittedEIS may proceed
under this division and division 6.(2)The
chief executive must give the proponent a report (anEISassessmentreport)aboutthesubmittedEISwithin30business days after—(a)if,attheendofthesubmissionperiod,thechiefexecutivehasacceptedanysubmissions—thedaythenotice mentioned in subsection (1) was
given; or(b)if,undersection 56A,thechiefexecutiveoriginallydecided to
refuse to allow the submitted EIS to proceedbut, under
section 56B, the Minister decided to allow itto proceed—the
giving to the proponent of notice of theMinister’s
decision; or(c)otherwise—the end of the submission
period.Note—For public
inspection of the EIS assessment report, see sections 540A(Registerstobekeptbychiefexecutive)and542(Inspectionofregister).58Criteria for preparing reportInpreparinganEISassessmentreport,thechiefexecutivemust
consider the following—Page 76Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 59](a)the
final terms of reference for the EIS;(b)the
submitted EIS;(c)allproperlymadesubmissionsandanyothersubmissions
accepted by the chief executive;(d)the
standard criteria;(e)another matter prescribed under a
regulation.59Required content of reportAn
EIS assessment report must—(a)address the adequacy of the EIS in
addressing the finalterms of reference; and(b)address the adequacy of any
environmental managementplan for the project; and(c)makerecommendationsaboutthesuitabilityoftheproject; and(d)recommendanyconditionsonwhichanyapprovalrequired for the
project may be given; and(e)contain another
matter prescribed under a regulation.Division 6Completion of process60When
process is completed(1)The process
under this part is completed for an EIS when theproponent is given an EIS assessment report
for the EIS.(2)The process is taken to have been
completed for a coordinatedproject if the
Coordinator-General’s report for the EIS or IARfor the project
has been given to the project’s proponent.(3)Theprocessistakentohavebeencompletedforanotherproject
if—(a)an EIS or a similar statement, however
called, for theproject has been—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 77
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 61](i)finalisedundertheCommonwealthEnvironmentAct, section
104(1); or(ii)completed under
another Commonwealth Act or aState Act;
and(b)the chief executive decides the
process under this parthas been complied with, or
substantially complied with,for the EIS or
statement.Division 7Miscellaneous
provisionsSubdivision 1Inquiries by
chief executive61Application of sdiv 1This
subdivision applies during—(a)any
stage under divisions 2 to 6; and(b)the
taking of a step or the making of a decision withinany
stage under divisions 2 to 6.Example of when
subdivision applies—1when the chief
executive is preparing the final terms of reference2when the proponent is preparing the
EIS3when the administering authority is
preparing an EIS assessmentreport62Chief executive may seek advice,
comment orinformation(1)The
chief executive may seek and consider relevant advice,commentorinformationfromtheproponentoranotherperson.(2)The request may be by public
notice.(3)If the request is made of the
proponent, it must be written, andmuststateareasonableperiod
forthegivingoftheadvice,comment or
information sought.Page 78Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 63]63Disclosure of relevant documents or
informationThechiefexecutivemaygiveanyoneadocumentorinformation if it—(a)is
mentioned in this part; or(b)is required to
be given to the chief executive under thispart; or(c)relates to the project or the process
under this part.64Making of inquiry does not of itself
alter EIS processAskingforandreceiving,orgiving,adocumentoradvice,comment or
information under this subdivision does not—(a)replace any public notice or other stage or
step requiredunder divisions 2 to 6; or(b)extendorreducetheperiodrequiredtotakeastepormake
a decision under divisions 2 to 6; or(c)affect or limit a provision of divisions 2
to 6 that allowsthe chief executive and the proponent to
agree about theperiod for the taking of a step under the
EIS process.Subdivision 2Public
inspection65Public access to draft terms of
reference or submittedEISIf a person asks
the proponent for a copy of the draft terms ofreference for an
EIS or the submitted EIS, the proponent must,on payment of
the appropriate fee to the proponent, give theperson the
copy.Note—See also
sections 540A (Registers to be kept by chief executive) and542
(Inspection of register).For the appropriate fee, see section
543 (Appropriate fee for copies).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 79
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 66]Subdivision
3Amending EISNotauthorised—indicativeonly66Amending
EIS(1)The proponent may amend or replace the
submitted EIS (theoriginal EIS) at any time
before the EIS assessment report isgiven to the
proponent.(2)However, the submitted EIS can not be
amended during thesubmission period for the EIS.(3)Also, an amendment may be made only by
giving the chiefexecutivewrittennoticeoftheamendment(anEISamendment notice).(4)An EIS amendment notice must be
accompanied by the feeprescribed under a regulation.(5)The submitted EIS is taken to be the
original EIS, as amendedfrom time to time by an EIS amendment
notice given for theoriginal EIS.Subdivision
4Effects of noncompliance withprocess67Process is suspended(1)This
section applies if the proponent—(a)doesnotcomplywitharequirementundertheEISprocess for an
EIS; or(b)becomes entitled to take the next step
under the processand has not taken the step.(2)Thefollowingaresuspendeduntiltherequirementiscomplied with or the step is taken—(a)the EIS process for the EIS;(b)any obligations of the chief executive
under this part forthe EIS.Page 80Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 68](3)Theproponent’sdrafttermsofreferenceorsubmittedEISlapse on the later of the following days if
the requirement hasnot been complied with or the step has not
been taken—(a)the first anniversary of the
suspension;(b)if the chief executive and the
proponent have, before thefirst anniversary, agreed to a later
day—the later day.(4)This section is subject to sections 47
and 68.68Substantial compliance with notice
requirements may beaccepted(1)Iftheproponenthasnotcompliedwiththenoticerequirementsunderdivision2,subdivision2ordivision4,subdivision1,thechiefexecutivemustdecidewhethertoallowtheEIStoproceedunderthispartasifthenoncompliance
had not happened.(2)The chief executive may decide to
allow the EIS to proceedonlyifthechiefexecutiveissatisfiedtherehasbeensubstantial
compliance with the requirements.(3)If
the chief executive decides not to allow the EIS to proceed,thechiefexecutivemust,within10businessdaysafterthedecision is made—(a)fix
a new period for compliance with the requirements(thenew notice
period); and(b)either fix—(i)ifthenoncompliancewaswithdivision2,subdivision 2—a new comment period;
or(ii)ifthenoncompliancewaswithdivision4,subdivision 1—a new submission period;
and(c)givetheproponentaninformationnoticeaboutthedecision not to allow the EIS to proceed and
the decisionabout the new notice period.(4)The information notice must state the
new notice period andthe new comment or submission
period.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 69](5)The
new notice period applies despite the period for giving thenotice under section 43(3) or 51(2).Part
2Voluntary preparation of EIS69Purpose of pt 2(1)The
purpose of this part is to allow the proponent for a projectto
voluntarily prepare an EIS for the project by using the EISprocess, if it is appropriate to do
so.(2)The purpose is achieved by providing
for an approval processfor the voluntary preparation of an
EIS.70Projects that may be approved for
EIS(1)The proponent for a project may apply
to the chief executivefor approval to prepare an EIS for a
project.(2)However, an application can not be
made for a project if—(a)an EIS
requirement is in force for an application underthis
Act relating to the project; or(b)theCommonwealthEnvironmentActrequirestheproject to be assessed under chapter 4, part
8 of that ActandtheEISprocesshasnotbeendecidedasanaccreditedprocessundertheCommonwealthEnvironment Act;
orNote—SeetheCommonwealthEnvironmentAct,sections 47(Agreementmaydeclareclassesofactionsdonotneedassessment)and87(Ministermustdecideonapproachforassessment).(c)anEISorsimilarstatement,howevercalled,mustbeprepared for the project under another
State Act and thatAct does not allow the EIS or statement to
be preparedunder the EIS process.Page 82Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 3 Environmental impact
statements[s 71]71Requirements for applicationAn
approval application must be—(a)in
the approved form; and(b)supportedbyenoughinformationtoallowthechiefexecutive to
decide whether an EIS is appropriate for theproject;
and(c)supportedbyenoughdocumentsorinformationtoestablish that the applicant may enter land
to which theproject relates to carry out any necessary
studies for theEIS; and(d)accompanied by—(i)thedocumentsthat,undersection
41(3),mustaccompany a
submitted draft terms of reference foran EIS;
and(ii)the fee
prescribed under a regulation.72Deciding application(1)The
chief executive must consider the application and decideeither to grant or refuse the
approval.(2)However, the chief executive may grant
the approval only ifthechiefexecutiveconsidersanEISisappropriatefortheproject.(3)The
chief executive must, within 10 business days after thedecision is made, give the proponent a
written notice statingthe decision, and the reasons for
it.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 74]Chapter 4AGreat
Barrier Reefprotection measuresNotauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 1Preliminary74Purpose of ch 4AThe purpose of
this chapter is to—(a)reduce the impact of agricultural
activities on the qualityof water entering the reef; and(b)contribute to achieving the targets
about water qualityimprovement for the reef under agreements
between theState and the Commonwealth from time to
time.Note—At the
commencement of this section the current agreement wasthe‘ReefWaterQualityProtectionPlan:Forcatchmentsadjacent to the
Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area October2003’.75What is anagricultural
ERA(1)An activity is anagricultural
ERAif—(a)it is—(i)commercial sugar cane growing;
or(ii)cattlegrazingcarriedoutonanagriculturalproperty of more
than 2,000ha; andNote—For part 3, see
also section 87A (Extended meaning ofagricultural ERA
for pt 3).(b)it is carried out on an agricultural
property in 1 or moreofthefollowingcatchments(eachaprioritycatchment)—(i)the Wet Tropics
catchment;Page 84Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 76](ii)the
Mackay–Whitsunday catchment;(iii)the
Burdekin dry tropics catchment.(2)However, if only part of the agricultural
property is in 1 ormoreoftheprioritycatchments,theactivityisonlyanagricultural ERA if—(a)more
than 75% of the lot on which it is carried out is in1 or
more of the priority catchments; or(b)thepartofthelotwithin1ormoreoftheprioritycatchments is more than 20,000ha.(3)For subsection (1)(b), the priority
catchments—(a)are identified on the map held by the
department called‘Map of Great Barrier Reef Catchments
covered by theQueenslandGovernmentReefProtectionPackage’,Map
No. g090514-01; but(b)alsoincludeanyotherlandprescribedunderaregulation.(4)A
regulation may be made under subsection (3)(b) only if—(a)the other land forms part of an
agricultural property thatis only partly within any of the
catchments identified onthe map; and(b)eachprioritycatchmentwill,afterthemakingoftheregulation, be a contiguous parcel of
land.(5)In this section—lotmeans—(a)a
lot under theLand Title Act 1994; or(b)a separate, distinct parcel of land
for which an interest isrecorded in a register under
theLand Act 1994.76Whocarries
outan agricultural ERAA personcarries outan agricultural
ERA only if the person—(a)carries it out
personally; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 77](b)employs or engages someone else to carry it
out on theperson’s behalf.77Other
definitions for ch 4AIn this chapter—accredited, for an ERMP,
means accredited under part 3.agricultural
chemicalsmeans agricultural chemical products,asdefinedundertheAgvetCodeofQueenslandapplyingundertheAgriculturalandVeterinaryChemicals(Queensland) Act 1994.agricultural ERA recordsee section
83(1)(a).agriculturalpropertymeansaparcelorparcelsofland,managed as one
unit to carry out an agricultural activity.cattlemeans beef cattle of all ages.ERMPmeans
environmental risk management plan.ERMP
directionsee section 88(b).optimumamount,fortheapplicationofnitrogenandphosphorustosoilonanagriculturalproperty,meansthehighestamountofnitrogenandphosphorusthatcanbeapplied without
over-fertilising the property.over-fertilisation,ofanagriculturalproperty,meansthatfertiliser has been applied to soil on the
property at above theneeds of the plants being or to be
fertilised.priority catchmentsee section
75(1)(b).production requirementsee section
85(1).reefmeans the Great
Barrier Reef.relevant agricultural propertyfor—(a)aprovisionaboutanagriculturalERA—meanstheagricultural property on which the
agricultural ERA iscarried out; orPage 86Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 78](b)aprovisionaboutanERMP—meanstheagriculturalproperty on
which the agricultural ERA the subject ofthe ERMP is
carried out.relevant primary documents,
for an agricultural ERA record,see section
84(2).sugar cane growingmeans a system
for growing sugar cane,whether or not it includes the
rotation of other crops.Part 2Requirements for
carrying outagricultural ERAsDivision 1Fertiliser application requirementsSubdivision 1Offence78Offence about fertiliser
applicationA person who carries out an agricultural ERA
must not applynitrogenorphosphorustosoilontherelevantagriculturalproperty
unless—(a)alloftheconditionsundersubdivision2havebeencomplied with; or(b)the
person has an accredited ERMP for the agriculturalERA
and the ERMP—(i)providesforanalternativeproceduretopreventover-fertilisation of the property;
and(ii)statesthattheprocedureisanalternativetocompliance with the conditions.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.Note—Noncompliance
with an accredited ERMP is not, in itself, an offence.However, the noncompliance may be the
subject of a direction notice.See section
363B.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 79]Subdivision
2Conditions to preventover-fertilisationNotauthorised—indicativeonly79Application of
sdiv 2Thissubdivisionappliestoapersoncarryingoutanagricultural ERA.80Working out optimum amount(1)The person must work out the optimum
amount of nitrogenandphosphorusthatcanbeappliedtosoilontherelevantagricultural
property.(2)Theworkingoutmustusetheresultsofsoiltestsrequiredunder section
optimum amount.(4)Ifaprescribedmethodologyappliesfortheapplicationofnitrogen or phosphorus to soil on the
property, the optimumamount must be worked out under the
methodology.81Soil testing(1)The
person must cause—(a)soiltestsoftherelevantagriculturalpropertytobecarried out to
test the characteristics of the soil to allowthe optimum
amount to be worked out; and(b)reports to be prepared for each of the tests
that shows itsresults.(2)The
tests and the reports must be carried out or prepared by aperson with appropriate experience or
qualifications.(3)A regulation may prescribe—(a)the intervals at which the tests must
be carried out; and(b)a methodology for carrying out the
tests.Page 88Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 82](4)The
carrying out of the tests must comply with the regulation.Notauthorised—indicativeonly82Restriction on application of
fertiliserFertilisercontainingnitrogenorphosphorusmustnotbeapplied to soil
on the relevant agricultural property if doing somay
result in more than the optimum amount of nitrogen orphosphorus being applied to the soil.Division 2Document
requirementsSubdivision 1Documents that
must be kept83Required record(1)A
person who carries out an agricultural ERA must unless theperson has a reasonable excuse—(a)make or cause to be made within the
required period arecord(anagriculturalERArecord)intheapprovedform
about the matters mentioned in subsection (2); and(b)keep the record for at least 5
years.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)For subsection (1)(a) the matters are
all of the following—(a)any of the
following applied on the relevant agriculturalproperty—(i)agricultural chemicals;(ii)fertilisers;(iii)soil
conditioners;(b)soil test reports prepared under
section 81;(c)optimum amounts worked out under
section 80;(d)any other matter prescribed under a
regulation.(3)In this section—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 89
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 84]required
periodmeans 10 business days after the
happeningof the event mentioned in subsection (2) for
which the recordmust be made.Notauthorised—indicativeonly84Obligation to
keep relevant primary documents(1)A
person who makes an agricultural ERA record must keepallrelevantprimary
documents fortherecordforatleast5yearsaftermakingitunlessthepersonhasareasonableexcuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Therelevantprimarydocuments,foranagriculturalERArecord, are—(a)documents relating to the carrying out of
the agriculturalERA the subject of the record from which
informationin the record was obtained; andExample—invoices for the
purchase of fertiliser(b)soil test
reports mentioned in the record.Subdivision
2Production of documents85Power
to require production of documents(1)Anauthorisedpersonmay,bywrittennotice,require(aproduction requirement) a person
carrying out an agriculturalERA (theoperator) to produce to
the authorised person forinspection within 10 business
days—(a)the operator’s current agricultural
ERA records; or(b)the relevant primary documents for the
records.(2)A production requirement may be
for—(a)all of the operator’s current
agricultural ERA records; or(b)theoperator’scurrentagriculturalERArecordsforastated period; orPage 90Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 86](c)a
stated current agricultural ERA record of the operator.(3)Iftherecordordocumentproducedisahardcopy,theauthorised person—(a)maykeeptherecordordocumenttotakeanextractfrom, or make a
copy of, it; but(b)must return it to the operator as soon
as practicable aftertaking the extract or making the
copy.(4)This section does not limit section
466.(5)In this section—currentagriculturalERArecords,fortheoperator,meansany of the
operator’s agricultural ERA records that are stillsubject to the requirement under section
83(1)(b).86Offence not to comply with production
requirementA person of whom a production requirement
has been mademustcomplywiththerequirementunlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.87Derivative use
immunity for production(1)Itisnotadefencetoaproceedingforanoffenceagainstsection 86thattherelevantdocumentcontainsinformationthat might tend
to incriminate the defendant.(2)However,ifthedefendantisanindividual,incriminatingevidence is not
admissible in evidence against the defendantin a civil or
criminal proceeding.(3)Subsection (2)
does not apply to a proceeding for an offenceforwhichthefalsityormisleadingnatureoftherelevantdocument is relevant.(4)In
this section—incriminatingevidencemeansevidenceof,orevidencedirectlyorindirectlyderivedfromarelevantdocumentorCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 87A]informationitcontainsthatmighttendtoincriminatethedefendant.relevantdocumentmeansarecord,orarelevantprimarydocument for a record, the subject of the
relevant documentproduction requirement.Part 3Environmental riskmanagement
plansDivision 1AAPreliminary87AExtended meaning ofagricultural
ERAfor pt 3(1)Thissectionappliestocattlegrazingcarriedoutonanagricultural
property carrying more than 100 standard cattleunits.(2)Forthispart,thecattlegrazingisanagriculturalERAif,disregarding the size of the property,
the cattle grazing wouldbe an agricultural ERA under section
75.(3)This section does not limit what is an
agricultural ERA undersection 75 for this part.(4)In this section—standard cattle
unitsmeans units of measurement based onthe
live weight of cattle as follows—Live weight of
head (kg)up to 350more than 350 to
400more than 400 to 450more than 450 to
500Number ofstandardcattle units0.670.740.810.87Page 92Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 88]Live weight of
head (kg)more than 500 to 550more than 550 to
600more than 600 to 650more than 650 to
700more than 700Number ofstandardcattle
units0.941. 1General matters88When
an accredited ERMP is requiredA person who
carries out an agricultural ERA must have anaccredited ERMP
for the agricultural ERA if—(a)it
consists of—(i)sugar cane growing on more than 70ha
in the WetTropics catchment under section 75;
or(ii)cattlegrazingonmorethan2,000haintheBurdekin dry tropics catchment under
section 75;orNote—Seehoweversection
657(DeferralofautomaticERMPrequirement for existing agricultural
ERAs).(b)the person is the recipient of a
direction given under thisdivision (anERMP
direction).Note—An ERMP may also
be voluntarily submitted for accreditation. Seesection
97.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 89]89When
ERMP direction may be givenThe Minister may
give a person carrying out an agriculturalERA an ERMP
direction only if—(a)theMinisterconsidersanERMPisnecessaryordesirable—(i)to
improve the quality of water being released fromthe
relevant agricultural property; or(ii)becausetheagriculturalERAiscausingormaycause unlawful environmental harm;
and(b)the direction complies with section
90; and(c)if it has more than 1
recipient—section 91 is compliedwith.90Form of ERMP direction and what it may
require(1)An ERMP direction must—(a)be written; and(b)identify the recipient; and(c)state each of the following—(i)theagriculturalERAforwhichanERMPisrequired;(ii)the
relevant agricultural property;(iii)the
recipient’s obligations under section 92;(iv)that
it is an offence for the recipient not to complywiththeobligationsundersection 92unlesstherecipient has a reasonable
excuse;(v)the maximum penalty for the offence;
and(d)beaccompaniedbyorincludeaninformationnoticeabout the decision to give the
direction.(2)Despite section 92, an ERMP direction
may provide that theERMPneednotincludethemattersmentionedinsection 94(d).Page 94Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 91](3)An
ERMP direction may require the recipient to include in theERMPanymatterthattheMinisterreasonablyconsidersisnecessary or desirable to reduce the
impact of the agriculturalERA on the quality of water entering
the reef.91Public notice of ERMP directions with
multiple recipients(1)ThissectionappliesifanERMPdirectionhasmorethan1recipient.(2)As
well as giving the ERMP direction to each of the recipientsindividually, the Minister must also publish
it in a modifiedform—(a)in a
newspaper circulating generally in the State; and(b)in another newspaper published
generally in the relevantpriority catchment.(3)The modified form—(a)must
not include any of the recipient’s names; but(b)must
include enough detail about the area or a type ofagricultural ERA to which the ERMP direction
appliestoalloweachrecipienttobeawarethatitappliestothem.92Obligations if accredited ERMP
requiredIf, under section 88, a person must have an
accredited ERMP,the person must unless the person has a
reasonable excuse—(a)prepare,fortheperson’sagriculturalERA,anERMPthatcomplieswiththerequirementsunderdivision2(theERMP content
requirements); and(b)within 3 months submit it to the
administering authorityfor accreditation.Maximum
penalty—300 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 93]93Unaccredited ERMP has no effectOtherthanforthepurposeofsubmissiontoseekaccreditation,anERMPhasnoeffectunlessithasbeenaccredited.Division 2ERMP
content requirements94General content requirementsAn
ERMP must—(a)state each of the following—(i)the person who prepared it;(ii)the agricultural
ERA the subject of the ERMP;(iii)the
person carrying out the agricultural ERA;(iv)a
description of the relevant agricultural property;(v)the period for which the ERMP applies;
and(b)identify any hazards of the property
that may cause therelease of contaminants into water entering
the reef; andExamples of things that may be a
hazard—•the application of fertiliser or
agricultural chemicals•erosion
zones•low levels of ground cover(c)include measurable targets and
performance indicatorsforimprovingthequalityofwaterbeingdischargedfrom the
property; and(d)subject to sections 90(2) and 95,
include a managementplanfortheagriculturalERAthatprovidesforthemanagement
applied to soil on the property; andPage 96Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 95](iii)sedimentlossfromtheproperty,includingthemanagement of ground cover and erosion
zones toprevent sediment loss; and(e)if an ERMP direction has been
given—provide for anymatter that, under section 90(3), must
be included in theERMP; and(f)provideforanymatterthatisreasonablynecessarytoreduce the impact of the agricultural
ERA on the qualityof water entering the reef; and(g)anyothermatterprescribedunderanenvironmentalprotection
policy or a regulation.95Exceptions for
management plan requirement(1)Section 94(d)(i) does not apply if the
person carrying out theagricultural ERA has been certified as
an organic operator bythe Australian Quarantine Inspection
Service.(2)IftheagriculturalERAthesubjectoftheERMPiscattlegrazing,section 94(d)(ii)onlyappliesforpasturesontherelevant agricultural property that
are to be fertilised.96Documents that
may make up ERMP(1)TheERMPcontentrequirementsmaybecompliedwithinany number of documents or by
incorporating the provisionsof other
documents into the ERMP.(2)Thedocumentsmaybedocumentspreparedforanotherpurpose.(3)AnERMPneednotbecalledanenvironmentalriskmanagement plan.Example for
section 96—A person carrying out an agricultural ERA
will comply with the ERMPcontent requirements if—(a)for good business practice, the person
prepares a document called a‘farmmanagementsystem’thatincludesanenvironmentalmanagement
component; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 97](b)the
component consists of a land management agreement under theLand
Act 1994and other documents; and(c)theagreementandtheotherdocuments,whenreadtogether,comply with the ERMP content requirements,
but they are notidentified as an ERMP; and(d)the person submits the component for
accreditation as an ERMP.Division 3Accreditation of
ERMPs97Application of div 3This
division applies if a person has submitted an ERMP tothe
administering authority for accreditation, whether or notthe
person was required to do so under section 92.98Request for further informationThe
administering authority may, by written notice, ask theperson to give the authority further
information or documentsabout the ERMP content requirements by
the reasonable datestated in the notice.99Deciding whether to accredit(1)The administering authority must
decide to accredit or refuseto accredit the
ERMP—(a)ifadditionalinformationisnotrequired—within60business days after receiving the ERMP;
or(b)ifadditionalinformationisrequired—within60business days after the information is
received or shouldhave been given, whichever is
earlier.(2)The administering authority may decide
to accredit the ERMPonly if the authority is satisfied it
complies with the ERMPcontent requirements.Page
98Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 100]100Notice of decisionWithin10businessdaysaftermakingthedecision,theadministering authority must give the
person—(a)ifthedecisionistoaccredit—awrittennoticeofthedecision; or(b)if
the decision is to refuse to accredit—an informationnotice about the decision.101Amended ERMP required if accreditation
refused(1)If the decision is to refuse to
accredit, the person must—(a)amendtheERMPtoaddressthereasonsforthedecision; and(b)within20businessdaysafterreceivingnoticeofthedecision or of any extended period
under subsection (2),give the administering authority the
amended ERMP.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymayextendtheperiodof20business days mentioned in subsection
(1).(3)This division applies to the amended
ERMP—(a)as if a reference to the ERMP were a
reference to theamended ERMP; and(b)with
other necessary changes.Division 4Amendment of
accredited ERMPs102Application of div 4This
division applies to a person carrying out an agriculturalERA
for which there is an accredited ERMP.103Voluntary amendment(1)The
person may at any time—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 4A Great Barrier Reef protection
measures[s 104](a)amend the ERMP; and(b)submitittotheadministeringauthorityforaccreditation.(2)Division 3 applies to the amended
ERMP—(a)as if a reference to the ERMP were a
reference to theamended ERMP; and(b)asifareferencetoaccreditationofanERMPwereareference to accreditation of the
amended ERMP; and(c)with other necessary changes.104Direction to amend(1)This
section applies if the administering authority considers itis
necessary or desirable to amend the ERMP—(a)becauseitnolongercomplieswithERMPcontentrequirements;
or(b)to improve the quality of water being
discharged fromthe relevant agricultural property;
or(c)because the agricultural ERA the
subject of the ERMPis causing or may cause unlawful
environmental harm.(2)The administering authority may give
the person carrying outthe agricultural ERA a written
direction to—(a)amend the ERMP in a stated way so as
to comply withERMP content requirements; and(b)within 3 months submit it to the
administering authorityfor accreditation.(3)Divisions 1 to 3 apply—(a)as
if the direction were an ERMP direction; and(b)asifareferencetoanERMPwereareferencetotheamended ERMP; and(c)asifareferencetoaccreditationofanERMPwereareference to accreditation of the
amended ERMP; andPage 100Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 105](d)with other necessary changes.Division 5Annual
reporting105Annual reporting requirement(1)This section applies to a person
carrying out an agriculturalERA for which
there is an accredited ERMP.(2)Thepersonmust,within2monthsaftertheendofeachfinancialyear,givetheadministeringauthorityanannualreport in the
approved form about the implementation of theERMP unless the
person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Chapter 5Environmental
authorities,PRC plans andenvironmentally
relevantactivitiesPart 1PreliminaryDivision 1Key
definitions for chapter 5106What is aprescribed ERAAprescribedERAisanenvironmentallyrelevantactivityprescribed under
section 19.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 107]107What is aresource
activityAresource activityis an activity
that involves—(a)a geothermal activity; or(b)a GHG storage activity; or(c)a mining activity; or(d)a petroleum activity.108What is ageothermal
activityAgeothermalactivityisanactivitythat,undertheGeothermalAct,isanauthorisedactivityforageothermaltenure.109What is aGHG storage
activityAGHGstorageactivityisanactivitythat,undertheGHGstorageAct,isanauthorisedactivityforaGHGauthorityunder that
Act.110What is amining
activityAmining activityis—(a)anactivitythatisanauthorisedactivityforaminingtenement under the Mineral Resources Act;
or(b)anotheractivitythatisauthorisedunderanapprovalunder the
Mineral Resources Act that grants rights overland.111What is apetroleum
activityApetroleum activityis—(a)anactivitythat,underthePetroleumAct1923,isanauthorisedactivityfora1923Actpetroleumtenureunder that Act; orPage 102Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 111A](b)anactivitythat,undertheP&GAct,isanauthorisedactivity for a
petroleum authority under that Act; or(c)exploringfor,exploitingorconveyingpetroleumresourcesunderalicence,permit,pipelinelicence,primarylicence,secondarylicenceorspecialprospectingauthoritygrantedunderthePetroleum(Submerged
Lands) Act 1982.111AMeaning of
stable conditionLand is in astable
conditionif—(a)the land is safe
and structurally stable; and(b)thereisnoenvironmentalharmbeingcausedbyanything on or in the land; and(c)the land can sustain a post-mining
land use.112Other key definitions for ch 5In
this chapter—application stage, for an
application, means the stage of theassessment
process carried out for the application under part2.decisionstage,foranapplication,meansthestageoftheassessment process carried out for the
application under part5.eligibilitycriteria,foranenvironmentallyrelevantactivity,meanseligibilitycriteriathatareineffectfortheactivityunder—(a)an ERA standard; or(b)section 707A or 707B.eligible ERAmeans an
environmentally relevant activity thatcomplies with
the eligibility criteria in effect for the activity.ERA
projectmeans a prescribed ERA project or a
resourceproject.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 103
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 112]ineligibleERAmeansanenvironmentallyrelevantactivitythat is not an
eligible ERA.information stage, for an
application, means the stage of theassessment
process carried out for the application under part3.managementmilestone,foranon-usemanagementarea,means each significant event or step
necessary to—(a)achieve best practice management of
the area; and(b)minimise risks to the
environment.non-use management areameans an area of
land the subjectofaPRCplanthatcannotberehabilitatedtoastablecondition after
all relevant activities for the PRC plan carriedout
on the land have ended.notification stage, for an
application, means the stage of theassessment
process carried out for the application under part4.post-mininglanduse,forlandthesubjectofaPRCplan,meansthepurposeforwhichthelandwillbeusedafterallrelevantactivitiesforthePRCplancarriedoutonthelandhave
ended.PRCplan,forlandthesubjectofamininglease,meansaprogressive rehabilitation and closure plan
for the land thatconsists of—(a)the
rehabilitation planning part of the plan; and(b)thePRCPschedulefortheplan,includinganyconditions imposed on the schedule.PRCP
schedule, for a PRC plan, means a schedule of the
planthat—(a)complies with section 126D; and(b)is approved under chapter 5, part 5,
division 2, with orwithout conditions.Page 104Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 113]prescribedERAprojectmeansallprescribedERAscarriedout,orproposedtobecarriedout,asasingleintegratedoperation.rehabilitation
milestone, for the rehabilitation of land,
to a stable condition.rehabilitationplanningpart,ofaPRCplan,seesection126C(2).resourceprojectmeansresourceactivitiescarriedout,orproposed to be carried out, under 1 or more
resource tenures,in any combination, as a single integrated
operation.stable condition, for land, see
section 111A.underground water rightsmeans any of the
following—(a)undergroundwaterrightswithinthemeaningoftheMineral Resources Act 1989;(b)undergroundwaterrightswithinthemeaningofthePetroleum and Gas (Production and
Safety) Act 2004;(c)undergroundwaterrightswithinthemeaningofthePetroleum Act 1923, section
87(3).Division 2Single
integrated operations113Single integrated
operationsEnvironmentally relevant activities are
carried out as a singleintegrated operation if—(a)theactivitiesarecarriedoutundertheday-to-daymanagementofasingleresponsibleindividual,forexample, a site or operations manager;
and(b)the activities are operationally
interrelated; and(c)theactivitiesare,orwillbe,carriedoutat1ormoreplaces;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 114](d)theplaceswheretheactivitiesarecarriedoutareseparated by distances short enough to
make feasible theintegrated day-to-day management of the
activities.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 3Stages and
application ofassessment process114Stages of assessment process(1)Theassessmentprocessforapplicationsforenvironmentalauthorities
involve the following possible stages—•application stage•information stage•notification stage•decision stage.(2)Not
all stages, or all parts of a stage, apply to all
applications.114AApplication of assessment process for
proposed PRCplans(1)This
section applies if, under section 125(1)(n), a site-specificapplication is required to be accompanied by
a proposed PRCplan.(2)Parts 3 to 5 apply to the proposed PRC plan,
as if the planwere a part of the application.(3)Unless otherwise provided, a reference
in parts 3 to 5 to anapplication includes a reference to
the proposed PRC plan.Division 4Relationship
with the Planning Act115Development
application taken to be application forenvironmental
authority in particular circumstances(1)This
section applies if—Page 106Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 116](a)adevelopmentapplicationismadeforadevelopmentpermit for a
material change of use of premises underthe Planning
Act; and(b)the material change of use of
premises—(i)is for a prescribed ERA; and(ii)iscategorisedasassessabledevelopmentunderaregulation made under the Planning
Act.(2)The development application is taken
to also be an applicationfor an environmental authority for the
prescribed ERA.(3)However, parts 2, other than division
2, to 4 do not apply tothe application for the environmental
authority.(4)A properly made submission under the
Planning Act about thedevelopmentapplicationis,totheextentitrelatestotheprescribedERA,takentobeaproperlymadesubmissionabout the
application for the environmental authority.(5)IfthedevelopmentapplicationlapsesorischangedorwithdrawnunderthePlanningAct,theapplicationforanenvironmental authority for the
prescribed ERA is also takento have lapsed
or been changed or withdrawn.Part 2Application stageDivision 1Preliminary116Who
may apply for an environmental authority(1)An
entity may apply for an environmental authority to carryout
1 or more environmentally relevant activities.Note—See
also section 426 (Environmental authority required for
particularenvironmentally relevant activities).(2)An application under subsection (1)
may also be made jointlyby 2 or more entities.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 117](3)This section is subject to sections
117 to 120.117Restriction for applications for
resource activitiesAnentitymayapplyforanenvironmentalauthorityforaresourceactivityonlyiftheentityistheapplicantforarelevant tenure
for the resource activity.118Single
application required for ERA projects(1)Thissectionappliesifanentityproposestocarryoutenvironmentally relevant activities as an
ERA project.(2)Theentitymayonlymakeasingleapplicationforasingleenvironmental
authority for all relevant activities that form theproject.119Single environmental authority required for
ERA projects(1)Thissectionappliesifanenvironmentalauthorityhasbeenissued for an
ERA project.(2)Theholderoftheauthoritycannotapplyforaseparateenvironmental authority for additional
activities proposed tobe carried out as part of the
project.(3)Subsection (2) applies whether or not
the additional activity isaresourceactivitythatisproposedtobecarriedoutunderanother relevant
tenure as part of the project.(4)Thissectiondoesnotpreventtheholderfromapplyingtoamend or transfer the environmental
authority, or amalgamatethe authority with another authority
of the holder.120Application for environmental
authority can not be madein particular circumstances(1)An application for an environmental
authority for a prescribedERA can not be made if, under the
Planning Act—Page 108Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 120]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)adevelopmentpermitforamaterialchangeofuseofpremises
relating to the activity is necessary under thePlanning Act for
the carrying out of the activity; and(b)neither of the following applications has
been made—(i)adevelopmentapplicationforadevelopmentpermit mentioned
in paragraph (a);(ii)achangeapplicationtochangeadevelopmentpermittoauthoriseamaterialchangeofuseofpremises relating to the activity, if the
permit doesnot already authorise the material change of
use.(2)Also, an application for an
environmental authority can not bemade if—(a)it is for a prescribed ERA that is an
extractive activity;and(b)it
relates to the North Stradbroke Island Region; and(c)itinvolvesdredgingorextractingmorethan10,000tonnes of material a year.(3)Also,anapplicationforanenvironmentalauthorityforaprescribed ERA
can not be made if—(a)the activity is to be carried out on a
parcel of land withina State development area; and(b)theapproveddevelopmentschemeundertheStateDevelopment Act
for the State development area statesthatthedevelopmentoftheparceloflandfortheprescribed ERA is SDA assessable
development underthat Act; and(c)either of the following apply—(i)the applicant has not applied for an
SDA approvalfor the development under the State
DevelopmentAct, section 84D;(ii)the
SDA approval for the development under theStateDevelopmentActhaslapsedundersection 84H of that Act.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 109
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 121](4)In this section—extractiveactivitymeansanactivityprescribedunderaregulation as an extractive
Protection and Sustainability Act 2011, section
5.StatedevelopmentareaseetheStateDevelopmentAct,schedule 2.Division 2Types of applications121Types
of applicationsThe types of applications for an
environmental authority are—(a)standard applications; and(b)variation applications; and(c)site-specific applications.122What is astandard
application(1)An application for an environmental
authority is astandardapplicationif—(a)theenvironmentalauthorityistobesubjecttothestandardconditionsfortheauthorityortheenvironmentally relevant activity for
the authority; and(b)all proposed environmentally relevant
activities for theenvironmental authority are eligible
ERAs.(2)Anapplicationforanenvironmentalauthority,foranenvironmentally relevant activity that
is carried out as part of acoordinated
project, is also astandard applicationif—(a)there are Coordinator-General’s
conditions—(i)thatrelatetotheactivitythesubjectoftheapplication; andPage 110Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 123](ii)that are the
same as the standard conditions for theauthority or the
activity; and(b)all proposed environmentally relevant
activities for theauthority are eligible ERAs.123What is avariation
application(1)An application for an environmental
authority is avariationapplicationif—(a)the application seeks to change the
standard conditionsfor the environmental authority or the
environmentallyrelevant activity for the authority;
and(b)all proposed environmentally relevant
activities for theenvironmental authority are eligible
ERAs.(2)Anapplicationforanenvironmentalauthority,foranenvironmentally relevant activity that
is carried out as part of acoordinated
project, is also avariation applicationif—(a)there are Coordinator-General’s
conditions—(i)thatrelatetotheactivitythesubjectoftheapplication; and(ii)that
are not the same as the standard conditions forthe authority or
the activity; and(b)all proposed environmentally relevant
activities for theenvironmental authority are eligible
ERAs.124What is asite-specific
applicationAnapplicationforanenvironmentalauthorityisasite-specificapplicationifanyoftheproposedenvironmentallyrelevantactivitiesfortheauthorityareineligible ERAs.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 111
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 125]Division 3Applying for
environmentalauthorities and requirements forPRC
plansNotauthorised—indicativeonly125Requirements for
applications generally(1)An application
for an environmental authority must—(a)be
made to the administering authority; and(b)be
made in the approved form; and(c)describeallenvironmentallyrelevantactivitiesfortheapplication; and(d)describe the land on which each activity
will be carriedout; and(e)beaccompaniedbythefeeprescribedunderaregulation; and(f)if 2
or more entities (joint applicants) jointly make
theapplication—nominate 1 joint applicant as
the principalapplicant; and(g)state whether the application is—(i)a standard application; or(ii)a variation
application; or(iii)a site-specific
application; and(h)statewhethertheapplicantisaregisteredsuitableoperator; and(i)if a
development permit under the Planning Act, or anSDAapprovalundertheStateDevelopmentAct,isrequired under either of those Acts
for carrying out theenvironmentally relevant activities
for the application—describe the permit or approval;
and(j)if the application is a standard or
variation application—include a declaration that each
relevant activity complieswith the eligibility criteria;
and(k)if the application is a variation
application—Page 112Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 125]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(i)for a variation application under
section 123(1)—statethestandardconditionsfortheactivityorauthority the applicant seeks to change;
or(ii)for a variation
application under section 123(2)—state the
standard conditions that are not the sameas the
Coordinator-General’s conditions; and(l)iftheapplicationisavariationorsite-specificapplication—(i)include an assessment of the likely impact
of eachrelevantactivityontheenvironmentalvalues,including—(A)adescriptionoftheenvironmentalvalueslikelytobeaffectedbyeachrelevantactivity; and(B)details of any emissions or releases likely
tobe generated by each relevant activity;
and(C)a description of the risk and likely
magnitudeof impacts on the environmental values;
and(D)detailsofthemanagementpracticesproposedtobeimplementedtopreventorminimise adverse impacts; and(E)ifparagraph(n)doesnotapply—detailsofhowthelandthesubjectoftheapplicationwillberehabilitatedaftereachrelevantactivity ceases; and(ii)include a description of the proposed
measures forminimising and managing waste generated by
eachrelevant activity; and(iii)includedetailsofanysitemanagementplanthatrelatestothelandthesubjectoftheapplication;and(m)iftheapplicationisforaprescribedERA—statewhethertheapplicantwantsanyenvironmentalauthority
granted for the application to take effect on aday nominated by
the applicant; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 126](n)iftheapplicationisasite-specificapplicationforaminingactivityrelatingtoamininglease—beaccompaniedbyaproposedPRCplanthatcomplieswith this
division; and(o)include any other document relating to
the applicationprescribed under a regulation.(2)Despitesubsection(1)(l),iftheapplicationisavariationapplicationundersection123(1),itneedonlyincludethematters mentioned in that subsection to the
extent it seeks tochange the standard conditions for the
activity or authority.(3)Subsection
(1)(l) does not apply for an application if—(a)either—(i)theEISprocessforanEISforeachrelevantactivitythesubjectoftheapplicationhasbeencompleted;
Coordinator-General has evaluated an EIS foreach relevant
activity the subject of the applicationandthereareCoordinator-General’sconditionsthat relate to
each relevant activity; and(b)anassessmentoftheenvironmentalrisksofeachrelevant
activity would be the same as the assessment inthe EIS
mentioned in paragraph (a)(i), or the evaluationmentioned in paragraph (a)(ii), if
under section 123(2) if the application seeks onlyto
apply the Coordinator-General’s conditions.126Requirements for site-specific
site-specific application for a CSG activity must also statethe
following—(a)thequantityofCSGwatertheapplicantreasonablyexpectswillbegeneratedinconnectionwithcarryingout each
relevant CSG activity;Page 114Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 126]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)the flow rate at which the applicant
reasonably expectsthe water will be generated;(c)the quality of the water, including
changes in the waterqualitytheapplicantreasonablyexpectswillhappenwhile each relevant CSG activity is carried
out;(d)theproposedmanagementofthewaterincluding,forexample, the use, treatment, storage or
disposal of thewater;(e)themeasurablecriteria(themanagementcriteria)against which the applicant will
monitor and assess theeffectiveness of the management of the
water, including,for example, criteria for each of the
following—(i)the quantity and quality of the water
used, treated,stored or disposed of;(ii)protection of the environmental values
affected byeach relevant CSG activity;(iii)the disposal of
waste, including, for example, salt,generated from
the management of the water;(f)theactionproposedtobetakenifanyofthemanagementcriteriaarenotcompliedwith,toensurethecriteriawillbeabletobecompliedwithinthefuture.(2)The proposed management of the water
can not provide forusing a CSG evaporation dam in connection
with carrying outa relevant CSG activity unless—(a)the application includes an evaluation
of—(i)bestpracticeenvironmentalmanagementformanaging the CSG water; and(ii)alternative ways
for managing the water; and(b)the
evaluation shows there is no feasible alternative to aCSG
evaporation dam for managing the water.(3)This
section does not apply for a site-specific application for aCSG
activity if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 126A](a)theCoordinator-GeneralhasevaluatedanEISfortheCSG
activity under the State Development Act; and(b)thereareCoordinator-General’sconditionsforeachrelevant
activity the subject of the application; and(c)an
assessment of the environmental risks of the activitywouldbethesameastheevaluationmentionedinparagraph (a), if completed.126ARequirements for site-specific
applications—particularresource projects and resource
exercise of underground water rights, for—(a)a
resource project that includes a resource tenure that isamineraldevelopmentlicence,miningleaseorpetroleum lease; or(b)aresourceactivityforwhichtherelevanttenureisamineral
development licence, mining lease or petroleumlease.(2)The application must also state the
following—(a)anyproposedexerciseofundergroundwaterrightsduringtheperiodinwhichresourceactivitieswillbecarried out under the relevant
tenure;(b)theareasinwhichundergroundwaterrightsareproposed to be exercised;(c)for each aquifer affected, or likely
to be affected, by theexercise of underground water
rights—(i)a description of the aquifer;
and(ii)an analysis of
the movement of underground waterto and from the
aquifer, including how the aquiferinteracts with
other aquifers and surface water; and(iii)a
description of the area of the aquifer where thewater level is predicted to decline because
of theexercise of underground water rights;
andPage 116Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 126B](iv)thepredictedquantitiesofwatertobetakenorinterferedwithbecauseoftheexerciseofundergroundwaterrightsduringtheperiodinwhich resource activities are carried
out;(d)the environmental values that will, or
may, be affectedbytheexerciseofundergroundwaterrightsandthenature and extent of the impacts on
the environmentalvalues;(e)any
impacts on the quality of groundwater that will, ormay,happenbecauseoftheexerciseofundergroundwater rights
during or after the period in which resourceactivities are
carried out;(f)strategiesforavoiding,mitigatingormanagingthepredicted impacts on the environmental
values stated forparagraph(d)ortheimpactsonthequalityofgroundwater mentioned in paragraph
(e).126BMain purpose of PRC planThe
main purposes of a PRC plan are to—(a)require the holder of an environmental
authority issuedforanapplicationmentionedinsection125(1)(n)toplanforhowandwhereenvironmentallyrelevantactivitieswillbecarriedoutonlandinawaythatmaximises the progressive rehabilitation of
the land to astable condition; and(b)providefortheconditiontowhichtheholdermustrehabilitatethelandbeforetheauthoritymaybesurrendered.126CRequirements for PRC plan(1)A proposed PRC plan must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)describe the following—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 126C]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 118(i)eachresourcetenure,includingtheareaofeachtenure, to which
the application relates;(ii)therelevantactivitiestowhichtheapplicationrelates;(iii)the likely
duration of the relevant activities; and(c)include—(i)aproposedPRCPschedulethatcomplieswithsection 126D; and(ii)a
detailed description, including maps, of how andwhere the relevant activities are to be
carried out;and(iii)detailsoftheconsultationundertakenbytheapplicantindevelopingtheproposedPRCplan;and(iv)detailsofhowtheapplicantwillundertakeongoingconsultationinrelationtotherehabilitation to be carried out under
the plan; and(d)statetheextenttowhicheachproposedpost-mininglanduseforland,ornon-usemanagementarea,identified in the proposed PRCP schedule for
the plan isconsistent with—(i)the
outcome of consultation with the community indeveloping the
plan; and(ii)anystrategiesorplansforthelandofalocalgovernment, the
State or the Commonwealth; and(e)for
each proposed post-mining land use for land, statetheapplicant’sproposedmethodsortechniquesforrehabilitatingthelandtoastableconditioninawaythatsupportstherehabilitationmilestonesundertheproposed PRCP schedule; and(f)identifytherisksofastableconditionforlandmentionedinparagraph(e)notbeingachieved,andhowtheapplicantintendstomanageorminimisetherisks; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 126D](g)for each proposed non-use management
area, state thereasonstheapplicantconsiderstheareacannotberehabilitated to
a stable condition because of a mattermentioned in
section 126D(2); and(h)foreachmattermentionedinparagraph(g),includecopiesofreportsorotherevidencereliedonbytheapplicant for
each proposed non-use management area;and(i)for each proposed non-use management
area, state theapplicant’sproposedmethodologyforachievingbestpracticemanagementoftheareatosupportthemanagementmilestonesundertheproposedPRCPschedule for the area; and(j)includetheotherinformationtheadministeringauthorityreasonablyconsidersnecessarytodecidewhether to
approve the plan.(2)Themattersmentionedinsubsection(1),otherthanthemattermentionedinsubsection(1)(c)(i),aretherehabilitation planning partof
the proposed PRC plan.126DRequirements for
proposed PRCP schedule(1)A proposed PRCP
schedule must—(a)fortheareaofeachresourcetenuredescribedinthePRC plan,
state—(i)the proposed post-mining land use for
the land; or(ii)thattheapplicantconsidersthelandtobeanon-use
management area; and(b)foreachproposedpost-mininglandusementionedinparagraph (a)(i), state—(i)each
rehabilitation milestone required to achieve astable condition
for the land; and(ii)wheneachrehabilitationmilestoneistobeachieved; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 119
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 126D](c)foreachnon-usemanagementareamentionedinparagraph (a)(ii), state—(i)each management milestone for the
area; and(ii)wheneachmanagementmilestoneistobeachieved; and(d)includemapsshowingthelandmentionedinparagraphs (a), (b) and (c).(2)ThePRCPschedulemaystatethatlandisanon-usemanagement area
only if—(a)carryingoutrehabilitationofthelandwouldcauseagreaterriskofenvironmentalharmthannotcarryingout the
rehabilitation; or(b)both of the following apply—(i)theriskofenvironmentalharmasaresultofnotcarrying out
rehabilitation of the land is confinedto the area of
the relevant resource tenure;(ii)failing to rehabilitate the land to a stable
activity being carried out.(3)Despitesubsection(2),iflandthesubjectoftheproposedPRCP schedule
will contain a void situated wholly or partlyin a flood
plain, the schedule must provide for rehabilitationof
the land to a stable condition.(4)For
subsection (1)(b)(ii), the PRCP schedule must provide foreachrehabilitationmilestonetobeachievedassoonaspracticableafterthelandtowhichitrelatesbecomesavailable for rehabilitation.(5)For subsection (4), land isavailable for rehabilitationif
theland is not being mined, unless—(a)thelandisbeingusedforoperatinginfrastructureormachinery for mining, including, for
example, a dam orwater storage facility; orPage
120Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 127](b)the land is identified in the proposed
PRCP schedule ortheapplicationforanenvironmentalauthorityforrelevantactivitiestowhichtheschedulerelatesascontaining a resource to be mined
within 10 years afterthelandwouldotherwisehavebecomeavailableforrehabilitation; or(c)the
land contains permanent infrastructure identified inthe
proposed PRCP schedule as remaining on the landfor a
post-mining land use.(6)In this
section—minedmeansminedwithinthemeaningoftheMineralResources Act,
section 6A.voidmeans an area of
land to be excavated in the carrying outof a mining
activity.127When application is aproperly made applicationAnapplicationforanenvironmentalauthorityundersection 116(1)
is aproperly made applicationif
it complieswith this division.Division 4Notices about not properly madeapplications128Notice about application that is not a
properly madeapplication(1)This
section applies if an application is not a properly madeapplication.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymust,within10businessdaysafterreceivingtheapplication,givetheapplicantanoticestating the
following—(a)it is not a properly made
application;(b)the reasons the administering
authority is satisfied it isnot a properly
made application;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 129](c)theactiontheadministeringauthorityissatisfiedtheapplicant must take for the application to
be a properlymade application;(d)the
period of at least 20 business days after the notice isgivenwithinwhichtheapplicantmustgivewrittennotice to the administering authority that
the action hasbeen taken;(e)that, if the applicant does not give the
notice mentionedin paragraph (d) within the stated period,
the applicationwill lapse under section 129.129When application lapses(1)This section applies if the applicant
is given a notice undersection 128(2).(2)Theapplicationlapsesiftheapplicantdoesnot,withinthestatedperiodorthefurtherperiodagreedbetweentheadministering authority and the
applicant—(a)take the action mentioned in section
128(2)(c); and(b)give the administering authority
written notice that theaction has been taken.Division 5Joint
applicants130Nomination of principal
applicant(1)This section applies if joint
applicants jointly apply for 1 ormore
environmental authorities.(2)Theentitynominatedintheapplicationastheprincipalapplicantfortheapplicationmay,forallapplicantsfortheapplication,givetotheadministeringauthorityanoticeorother document relating to the application
or a proposed PRCplan accompanying the application.(3)The administering authority
may—Page 122Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 131](a)giveanoticeorotherdocumentrelatingtotheapplication or a proposed PRC plan
accompanying theapplicationtoalltheapplicants,bygivingittotheprincipal
applicant nominated in the application; or(b)makearequirementunderthischapterrelatingtotheapplication or a proposed PRC plan
accompanying theapplicationofalltheapplicants,bymakingitoftheprincipal
applicant nominated in the application.Division 6Changing applicationsSubdivision
1Preliminary131Meaning ofminor
change, for an application or proposed PRC plan,
isany of the following changes to the
application or plan—(a)a change that
merely corrects a mistake about the nameor address of
the applicant;(b)a change of applicant;(c)a change that merely corrects a
spelling or grammaticalerror;(d)achangethattheadministeringauthorityissatisfiedwould not
adversely affect the ability of the authority toassess the changed application.(2)Forsubsection(1)(d),aminorchangedoesnotincludeachange that would have the effect that the
type of applicationis changed.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 123
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 132]Subdivision 2Procedure for
application or proposed PRC plan(1)BeforeanapplicationisdecidedoraproposedPRCPscheduleisapproved,theapplicantmaychangetheapplication or proposed PRC plan for the
schedule by givingthe administering authority—(a)written notice of the change;
and(b)the fee prescribed under a
regulation.(2)An applicant can not change an
application or proposed PRCplanifthechangewould,iftheapplicationwereremadeincludingthechange,resultintheapplicationnotbeingaproperly made application.(3)Subsection (2) does not apply to the
applicant if the applicanttakestheactionthatwouldbenecessarytomaketheapplication a properly made application if
it were remade.(4)If the change to the application is,
or includes, a change ofapplicant, the notice of the
change—(a)may be given to the administering
authority by the entityproposing to become the applicant;
3Changed applications—effect onassessment process133Effect on assessment process—minor changes
andagreed changes(1)Theassessmentprocessdoesnotstopforachangedapplication or
proposed PRC plan if—Page 124Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 134](a)the change is a minor change of the
application or plan;or(b)the
administering authority gives its written agreementto
the change.(2)ForthechangedapplicationorproposedPRCplan,thenotification stage does not again apply, and
is not required torestart, if—(a)the
notification stage applied to the original applicationor
plan; and(b)thechangewasmadeduringthenotificationstageorafter the notification stage
ended.134Effect on assessment process—other
changes(1)Subsection (2) applies to a changed
application or proposedPRC plan if—(a)the
change is not a minor change; and(b)theadministeringauthorityhasnotgivenitswrittenagreement to the
change.(2)Theassessmentprocessstopsonthedaythenoticeofthechange is received by the
administering authority and startsagain from the
end of the application stage.(3)Subsection (4) applies to a changed
application or proposedPRC plan if—(a)the
assessment process has stopped under subsection (2)for
the application or proposed PRC plan; and(b)the
notification stage applied to the original application;and(c)thechangewasmadeduringthenotificationstageorafter the notification stage
ended.(4)Thenotificationstagemustberepeatedunlesstheadministering authority is satisfied
the change would not belikely to attract a submission
objecting to the thing the subjectCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 125
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 135]of
the change, if the notification stage were to apply to thechange.Division 7Withdrawing applications135Withdrawing an applicationAt
any time before an environmental authority is issued, theapplicantmaywithdrawtheapplicationbygivingwrittennotice of the withdrawal to the
administering authority.Division 8End of
application stage136When does application stage endThe
application stage for an application ends—(a)if
the applicant is given a notice under section 128(2)—the
day the administering authority receives the noticementioned in section 128(2)(d); or(b)otherwise, the earlier of the
following—(i)iftheadministeringauthorityissatisfiedtherequirements under the application stage
have beencomplied with—when the administering
with;(ii)10 business days
after the administering authorityreceives the
application.Page 126Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 137]Part
3Information stageNotauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Preliminary137Purpose of information stageTheinformationstageforanapplicationgivestheadministeringauthoritytheopportunitytoasktheapplicantfor
further information needed to assess the application.138When information stage appliesSubject to section 139, the information
stage applies to—(a)variation applications; and(b)site-specific applications.139Information stage does not apply if
EIS process complete(1)This section
applies if—(a)either—(i)theEISprocessforanEISforeachrelevantactivitythesubjectoftheapplicationhasbeencompleted;
or(ii)in evaluating an
EIS under the State DevelopmentAct, the
Coordinator-General has stated conditionsmentionedinsection34D(3)(b)ofthatActthatrelatetoeachrelevantactivitythesubjectoftheapplication; and(b)sincetheEISmentionedinparagraph(a)(i)ortheevaluationmentionedinparagraph(a)(ii)wascompleted—(i)for
an environmental authority—the environmentalrisks of the
activity and the way the activity will becarried out have
not changed; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 140](ii)for a proposed
PRC plan—(A)apost-mininglanduseornon-usemanagement area has not changed; or(B)achieving a stable condition for land
has notchanged; or(C)thewayapost-mininglandusewillbeachieved,oranon-usemanagementareawill
be managed, has not changed in a waylikelytoresultinsignificantlydifferentimpactsonenvironmentalvaluescomparedto the impacts
on the values under the EIS;or(D)the day by which rehabilitation of
land to astableconditionwillbeachievedhasnotchanged.(2)The
information stage does not apply to the application.Division 2Information
requests140Information request to
applicant(1)The administering authority may ask
the applicant, by writtenrequest (aninformation
request), to give further informationneeded to assess the application.(2)Aninformationrequestmuststatethattheapplicationwilllapse unless the applicant gives the
administering authority aresponse under section 146.141Content of information request(1)Theadministeringauthoritymuststateinaninformationrequest the
period (theinformation response period)
withinwhich the applicant must give a response
under section 146.(2)The information response period must
be—Page 128Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 143](a)ifanEISisrequiredfortheapplicationundersection 143(2)—aperiodofatleast2yearsafterthefinal terms of reference are given to
the proponent undersection 46(1); or(b)otherwise—a period of at least 6 months
after the givingof the information request.143EIS may be required(1)Thissectionappliesforasite-specificapplicationforaresource activity if—(a)the application does not relate to a
coordinated project;and(b)anEISrelatingtotheactivityhasnotbeensubmittedunder chapter 3,
part 1.(2)Withoutlimitingsection 140(1),theadministeringauthoritymay
include in an information request a requirement that theapplicant provide an EIS for the
application.(3)In deciding whether an EIS is required
for an application, theadministering authority must consider
the standard criteria.(4)A requirement
under subsection (2) ceases to have effect if arelevant
activity or tenure for the application is, or is includedin,
a coordinated project.144When information
request must be madeAn information request must be
made—(a)forasite-specificapplication,withinthefollowingperiods (each
theinformation request period)—(i)iftheapplicationisaccompaniedbyaproposedPRCplan—30businessdaysafterthedaytheapplication stage ends for the
application;(ii)otherwise—20businessdaysafterthedaytheapplication stage ends for the application;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 145](b)foravariationapplication—within10businessdaysafterthedaytheapplicationstageendsfortheapplication (also theinformation request period).Notauthorised—indicativeonly145Extending information request
period(1)The administering authority may, by
written notice given totheapplicantandwithoutthe
information request period by not more than 10 businessdays.(2)Only1noticemaybegivenbytheadministeringauthorityunder subsection (1) for the application and
the notice mustbe given before the information request
period ends.(3)The information request period may be
further extended if theapplicant,atanytime,giveswrittenagreementtotheextension.Division 3Responding to information request146Applicant responds to any information
request(1)Iftheapplicantreceivesaninformationrequestfromtheadministering authority, the applicant must
respond by givingthe authority—(a)all
of the information requested; or(b)part
of the information requested together with a writtennoticeaskingtheauthoritytoproceedwiththeassessment of the application;
or(c)a written notice—(i)stating that the applicant does not intend
to supplyany of the information requested; and(ii)asking the
authority to proceed with the assessmentof the
application.(2)Despite subsection (1), if the
information request requires theapplicanttoprovideanEISfortheapplicationunderPage
130Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 147]section 143(2),theEISprocessunderchapter3mustbecompleted and the EIS provided.Notauthorised—indicativeonly147Lapsing of applications if no response
to informationrequest(1)An
application lapses if the applicant does not comply withsection 146 within—(a)theinformationresponseperiodstatedintheinformation
request; or(b)the further period agreed between the
applicant and theadministering authority.(2)If
the applicant asks the administering authority to agree toextend the information response period, the
request must bemadeatleast10businessdaysbeforethelastdayoftheinformation
response period.(3)The administering authority must,
within 5 business days afterreceiving the
request—(a)decide whether to agree to the
extension; and(b)give an information notice of the
decision.Division 4End of
information stage148When does information stage endThe
information stage ends when—(a)if
an information request has been made—the applicanthasfinishedrespondingtotherequestandtheadministering authority has received
the response; or(b)if an information request has not been
made, the earlierof the following—(i)whentheadministeringauthoritydecidesnottomake an information request;(ii)the information
request period has ended.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 149]Part
4Notification stageNotauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Preliminary149When
notification stage appliesSubjecttosection 150,thenotificationstageappliestoanapplication if—(a)anypartoftheapplicationisforaminingactivityrelating to a
mining lease; or(b)the application is a site-specific
application and any partoftheapplicationisforageothermalactivity,GHGstorage activity or petroleum
activity.150Notification stage does not apply to
section applies if—(a)foranEISunderthisAct—theEISforeachrelevantactivity the subject of the application was
notified undersection 51 before the application was made;
and(b)for an EIS under the State Development
Act—the EISfor each relevant activity the subject of
the applicationwasnotifiedundersection33ofthatActbeforetheapplication was made; and(c)for an application for an
environmental authority, sincetheEISmentionedinparagraph(a)or(b)wasnotified—(i)the
environmental risks of the relevant activity andthe
way it will be carried out have not changed; or(ii)if
the application proposes a change to the way therelevantactivitywillbecarriedout—theadministeringauthorityissatisfiedthechangewouldnotbelikelytoattractasubmissionobjecting to the
thing the subject of the change, ifPage 132Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 151]the
notification stage were to apply to the change;and(d)foraproposedPRCplan,sincetheEISmentionedinparagraph (a) or (b) was
notified—(i)apost-mininglanduseornon-usemanagementarea has not
changed; or(ii)the day by which
rehabilitation of land to a stablecondition will
be achieved has not changed.(2)The
notification stage does not apply to the application.(3)However, a properly made submission
about the EIS is takento be a properly made submission about
the application.(4)In this section—EISmeans an EIS under this Act or the State
DevelopmentAct.151When notification
stage can startThe applicant may start the notification
stage as soon as theapplication stage ends for the
application.Division 2Public
notice152Public notice of application(1)Theapplicantmustgiveandpublishanoticeabouttheapplication (theapplication
notice).(2)The application
notice must be given and published—(a)simultaneously or together with, and in the
same way as,anypublicnoticeforanapplicationunderresourcelegislation for
a relevant tenure for the application; or(b)ifpublicnoticeisnotrequiredtobegivenforanapplicationunderresourcelegislationforarelevanttenure for the
application—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 153](i)inanewspapercirculatinggenerallyintheareawhere the relevant resource activity is
proposed tobe carried out; and(ii)before the day that is 10 business days
after the endof the information stage for the
application; or(c)in another way prescribed under a
regulation.(3)Theadministeringauthoritymaydecideanadditionalorsubstituted way to give or publish the
application notice if itgives the applicant an information
notice about the decisionbefore the application notice is
given.(4)This section is subject to section
159.153Required content of application
notice(1)An application notice must be in the
approved form and statethe following—(a)a
description of each relevant resource activity;(b)the
land on which each activity is to be carried out;(c)for a standard or variation
application—where copies ofthestandardconditionsfortherelevantactivityorauthority may be obtained;(d)wheretheapplicationdocumentsmaybeinspectedoraccessed;(e)where copies of, or extracts from, the
application maybe obtained;(f)thatanyentitymaymakeasubmissiontotheadministering authority about the
application;(g)theperiod(thesubmissionperiod)duringwhichsubmissions may be given;(h)how to make a properly made
submission;(i)another matter prescribed under a
regulation.Page 134Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 154](2)Also, subsection (3) applies if the
process for an EIS, for arelevantactivitythesubjectoftheapplication,wasnotifiedbefore the
application was made.Note—However, see
section 150 if an EIS for all relevant activities the
subjectof the application was notified before the
application was made.(3)Theapplicationnoticemuststatewhere,intheapplicationdocuments
mentioned in subsection (1)(d), information aboutthefollowingchangesbetweentheEIS,sincetheEISwasnotified, and the properly made application,
are shown—(a)for an environmental authority—(i)theenvironmentalrisksoftheactivitythathavechanged as a result of the proposed changes
to theway the relevant activity is to be carried
out; and(ii)theproposedchangestothewaytherelevantactivity is to
be carried out;(b)for a proposed PRC plan—(i)the proposed change to a post-mining
land use ornon-use management area; and(ii)theproposedchangetothedaybywhichrehabilitation
of land to a stable condition will beachieved.(4)This section is subject to section
159.154Submission period for
application—mining activitiesThe submission
period for an application for a mining activitymust end
on—(a)if there is only 1 relevant mining
tenure application—the last objection day under the Mineral
Resources Actfor the application; or(b)ifthereismorethan1relevantminingtenureapplication—thelaterofthelastobjectiondaysunderthe Mineral
Resources Act for the applications.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 135
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 155]Note—ForthelastobjectiondayundertheMineralResourcesAct,seesection 252 of that Act.Notauthorised—indicativeonly155Submission period
for application—other resourceactivitiesThesubmissionperiodforanapplicationforaresourceactivity other
than a mining activity can not end before thelater of the
following—(a)a day or time fixed by the
administering authority beforethe notice is
published;(b)20 business days after the application
notice is publishedunder section 152.156Publication of application notice and
documents onwebsite(1)This
section applies for a site-specific application.(2)Theapplicantmustkeepcopiesofallthefollowingdocuments for the application available on a
website—(a)the application notice;(b)the application documents;(c)the response to any information
request.(3)Adocumentmentionedinsubsection (2)mustbekeptavailable on the
website from the day the document is given tothe
administering authority until the end of the access periodfor
the application.(4)In this section—access
periodsee section 157(2).157Public access to application(1)Theadministeringauthoritymust,foralloftheaccessperiod—Page
136Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 158](a)keep the application open for
inspection by members ofthe public during office hours on
business days at—(i)the authority’s head office; or(ii)theofficeoftheauthoritylocatednearesttotheland to which the application relates;
and(b)permit a person to take extracts from
the application or,on payment of the appropriate fee to the
authority, givethepersonacopyoftheapplication,orapartoftheapplication; and(c)keep
a copy of, or a link to, the application available onits
website.(2)In this section—access
periodmeans the period that—(a)startsthedayaftertheapplicationstagefortheapplication
ends; and(b)ends on the earlier of the
following—(i)the day the application lapses or is
withdrawn;(ii)if the
application is for a mining activity relating toa
mining lease and the application is referred to theLandCourtundersection
185—thedayafinaldecisionabouttheapplicationismadeundersection 194(2);(iii)if
the application is for a mining activity relating toa
mining lease and the application is not referred tothe
Land Court—20 business days after the noticeis given under
section 181;(iv)otherwise—the
review date.158Declaration of compliance(1)Theapplicantmustgivetheadministeringauthorityadeclaration about whether or not the
applicant has compliedCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 159]withthefollowingrequirements(thepublicnoticerequirements)—(a)the notice requirements under sections
152 and 153;(b)iftheapplicationisasite-specificapplication—therequirementtomakeacopyoftheapplicationnoticeandtheapplicationdocumentsavailableonawebsitefromthestartofthesubmissionperiodundersection
156(3).(2)The declaration must be given within 5
business days after thesubmission period ends.(3)Acopyoftheapplicationnoticemustbeattachedtothedeclaration.(4)The
applicant is taken to have complied with the public noticerequirements if—(a)adeclarationisgivenwithintheperiodmentionedinsubsection (2); and(b)thedeclarationstatestheapplicanthascompliedwiththe
requirements.159Substantial compliance may be
accepted(1)This section applies if the
applicant—(a)has not complied with the public
notice requirements; or(b)hasgivenadeclarationundersection 158(1),butnotwithin the period mentioned in section
158(2).(2)Theadministeringauthoritymust,within10businessdaysafterreceivingthedeclaration,decidewhethertoallowtheapplication to proceed under this part as if
the noncompliancehad not happened.(3)The
authority may decide to allow the application to proceedonlyifitissatisfiedtherehasbeensubstantialcompliancewith the public
notice requirements.Page 138Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 159](4)Ifthedecisionisthattheapplicationmayproceed,theauthority must, within 10 business days
after the decision ismade, give the applicant written
notice of the decision.(5)Iftheauthoritydecidesnottoallowtheapplicationtoproceed—(a)any
steps purportedly taken to comply with the publicnotice requirements are of no effect;
and(b)theauthoritymust,within10businessdaysafterthedecision is made—(i)fixasubstitutedwaytogiveorpublishtheapplicationnoticeandgivetheapplicantwrittennotice of the substituted way; and(ii)fix a new
submission period for the application andgive the
applicant written notice of the period; and(iii)give
the applicant an information notice about thedecision.(6)The stated substituted way to give or
publish the applicationnoticeappliesinsteadoftherequirementsforgivingorpublishing the notice under section
152.(7)If the administering authority states
a substituted way to giveorpublishtheapplicationnotice,section 158appliestotheapplicant as
if—(a)a reference to section 152 were a
reference to the noticegiven under subsection (5)(b)(i);
and(b)a reference to the submission period
were a reference tothe submission period fixed under subsection
(5)(a),iftheadministeringauthoritydecides not to allow the application to
proceed, any properlymade submissions for the application
continue to have effect.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 160]Division 3Submissions
about applicationsNotauthorised—indicativeonly160Right to make
submission(1)Anentitymay,withinthesubmissionperiod,makeasubmissiontotheadministeringauthorityabouttheapplication.(2)However, for an application to which section
153(3) applies,anentitymay,withinthesubmissionperiod,makeasubmissiontotheadministeringauthorityonlyaboutthefollowing matters relating to the
application—(a)for an environmental authority—(i)theenvironmentalrisksoftheactivitythathavechanged as a result of the proposed changes
to theway the relevant activity is to be carried
out; or(ii)theproposedchangestothewaytherelevantactivity is to
be carried out;(b)for a proposed PRC plan—(i)the post-mining land use or non-use
managementarea that has changed; or(ii)thechangetothedaybywhichrehabilitationofland
to a stable condition will be achieved.161Acceptance of submission(1)The
administering authority must accept a submission if it—(a)is written or made electronically;
and(b)states the name and address of each
submitter; and(c)is made to the administering
authority; and(d)is received on or before the last day
of the submissionperiod; and(e)states the grounds of the submission and the
facts andcircumstances relied on in support of the
grounds.Page 140Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 162](2)A submission that complies with
subsection (1) is aproperlymade
submission.(3)The authority
may accept a written submission even if it is nota
properly made submission.(4)Subsection (5)
applies for an application if the process for anEIS,
for a relevant activity the subject of the application, wasnotified before the application was
made.Note—However, see
section 150 if an EIS for all relevant activities the
subjectof the application was notified before the
application was made.(5)The authority
need not accept any part of the submission thattheauthorityreasonablyconsidersisnotrelevanttothematters
mentioned in section 160(2)(a) or (b).162Amendment of submission(1)If
the administering authority has accepted a submission, theentity that made the submission may, by
written notice, amendor replace the submission.(2)Anoticeundersubsection
(1)mustbegiventotheadministering authority before the
submission period ends.163Particular
submissions apply for later applications(1)This
section applies if—(a)an application is withdrawn;
and(b)within 1 year after the withdrawal,
the applicant makes alater application; and(c)eachrelevantactivityforthelaterapplicationisthesame,orsubstantiallythesame,asthewithdrawnapplication.(2)Anyproperlymadesubmissionaboutthewithdrawnapplication is
taken to be a properly made submission aboutthe later
application.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 164]Division 4End of
notification stageNotauthorised—indicativeonly164When does
notification stage endThenotificationstageforanapplicationtowhichthenotification stage applies ends—(a)if the applicant gives a declaration
under section 158(1)withintheperiodmentionedinsection 158(2)—whenthe
administering authority receives the declaration; or(b)ifparagraph(a)doesnotapplyandtheadministeringauthoritydecidesundersection 159(2)toallowtheapplication to proceed—when notice of the
decision isgiven under section 159(4).Part
5Decision stageDivision 1Preliminary165When
does decision stage start—general(1)Thedecisionstageforanapplicationstartswhenallotherstages applying
to the application have ended.(2)Thissectiononlyappliesforanapplicationifsections 166and 167 do not
apply to the application.166When does
decision stage start—application relating todevelopment
115,adevelopmentapplicationistakentoalsobeanapplicationforanenvironmental authority.(2)The decision stage for the application
for the environmentalauthority starts—(a)iftheadministeringauthorityortheplanningchiefexecutiveistheassessmentmanagerforthePage 142Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 167]developmentapplicationunderthePlanningAct—thedaythedecision-makingperiodforthedevelopmentapplication
starts; or(b)iftheadministeringauthorityortheplanningchiefexecutiveisareferralagencyforthedevelopmentapplication—thedaythereferralagency’sresponseperiod for the
application starts.167When does decision stage
start—site-specificapplication relating to coordinated
project(1)This section applies for a
site-specific application that relatesto a coordinated
project for which an EIS or IAR is requiredunder the State
Development Act.(2)The decision stage for the application
starts on the later of thefollowing days—(a)thedaytheCoordinator-General,undertheStateDevelopment Act,
gives the proponent a copy of—(i)ifanEISwaspreparedfortheproject—theCoordinator-General’s report for the EIS;
or(ii)ifanIARwaspreparedfortheproject—theCoordinator-General’s report for the
IAR;(b)the day after all other stages
applying to the applicationhave
ended.Division 2Deciding
applicationSubdivision 1Decision
period168When decision must be
made—generally(1)If section 169 does not apply, a
decision under subdivision 2must be made
within—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 169](a)iftheapplicationisaccompaniedbyaproposedPRCplan—30 business days after the day the
decision stagefor the application starts; or(b)otherwise—20 business days after the
day the decisionstage for the application starts.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymay,bywrittennoticegiventothe
applicant and without the applicant’s agreement, extendthe
period mentioned in subsection (1) by not more than thenumber of business days stated for making
the decision undersubsection (1).(3)Only1noticemaybegivenundersubsection (2)fortheapplication and it must be given
before the period ends.(4)However, the
period may be further extended if the applicant,atanytimebeforethedecisionismade,giveswrittenagreement to the
318Ftoberegisteredasasuitableoperatorforthecarryingoutoftheenvironmentally relevant activity—(a)the chief executive must not decide
the application fortheenvironmentalauthoritybeforedecidingtheapplication under section 318F;
and(b)for subsection (1), the decision stage
for the applicationfortheenvironmentalauthorityistakennottohavestarted until
the day the application under section 318Fis
decided.169When decision must be made—particular
115,adevelopmentapplicationistakentoalsobeanapplicationforanenvironmental authority.(2)If the administering authority or the
planning chief executiveistheassessmentmanagerforthedevelopmentapplicationunderthePlanningAct,theadministeringauthoritymustmakeadecisionundersubdivision2withinthePage
144Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 170]decision-makingperiodforthedevelopmentapplication,including any
extension of the period.(3)If the
administering authority or the planning chief executiveisareferralagencyforthedevelopmentapplication,theadministeringauthoritymustmakeadecisionundersubdivision 2 within the referral agency’s
response period forthe development application, including any
extension of theperiod.Subdivision
2Decision170Deciding standard application(1)This section applies for a standard
application.(2)The administering authority must
decide—(a)that the application be approved
subject to the standardconditions for the relevant activity
or authority; or(b)if the application is for a mining
activity relating to amining lease and a properly made
submission is madefortheapplication—thattheapplicantbeissuedanenvironmental authority on conditions that
are differentto the standard conditions for the activity
or authority.(3)However,theadministeringauthoritymayonlymakeadecisionundersubsection (2)(b)iftheproperlymadesubmission relates to the subject of the
standard condition tobe changed.171Deciding variation application(1)This section applies for a variation
application.(2)The administering authority must
decide—(a)thattheapplicationbeapprovedsubjecttoconditionsthataredifferenttothestandardconditionsfortheactivity or authority; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 172](b)that the applicant be issued an
environmental authoritysubjecttothestandardconditionsfortheactivityorauthority.Notauthorised—indicativeonly172Deciding
site-specific application and approving PRCPschedule(1)This section applies for a
site-specific application.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymustdecidethattheapplication—(a)be
approved subject to conditions; or(b)be
refused.(3)If the site-specific application is
accompanied by a proposedPRC plan, before making a decision
under subsection (2), theadministering authority must
decide—(a)toapprovetheproposedPRCPschedulefortheplan,with or without
conditions; or(b)to refuse the proposed PRCP
schedule.(4)IftheadministeringauthorityrefusestheproposedPRCPschedule,theadministeringauthoritymustalsorefusetheapplication under subsection (2).173When particular applications must be
refused(1)The administering authority must
refuse an application if theapplicant is not
a registered suitable operator.(2)Subsection (3) applies to a development
application if, undersection 115, the application is taken
to also be an applicationforanenvironmentalauthorityandeitherofthefollowingapplies—(a)the administering authority or
planning chief executiveis a referral agency for the
development application anddirects the
assessment manager for the application to—(i)refuse the application; orPage
146Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 175](ii)giveanydevelopmentapprovalonlyasapreliminary approval;(b)the administering authority or
planning chief executiveistheassessmentmanagerforthedevelopmentapplication and
decides to—(i)refuse the application; or(ii)giveapreliminaryapprovaleventhoughthedevelopmentapplicationsoughtadevelopmentpermit.(3)The administering authority must
refuse the application for anenvironmental
authority.(4)This section applies despite sections
170, 171 and 172.(5)In this section—preliminary
approvalmeans a preliminary approval under
thePlanning Act.175Criteria for decision—standard
application(1)This section applies for a standard
application for a miningactivityrelatingtoaminingleaseifaproperlymadesubmission is made for the
application.(2)Indecidingtheapplication,theadministeringauthoritymust—(a)comply with any relevant regulatory
requirement; and(b)subjecttoparagraph(a),haveregardtoeachofthefollowing—(i)the
application;(ii)the standard
conditions for the relevant activity orauthority;(iii)the
standard criteria.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 176]176Criteria for decision—variation or
section applies for a variation or site-specific
application.(2)Indecidingtheapplication,theadministeringauthoritymust—(a)comply with any relevant regulatory
requirement; and(b)subjecttoparagraph(a),haveregardtoeachofthefollowing—(i)the
application;(ii)any standard
conditions for the relevant activity orauthority;(iii)any
response given for an information request;(iv)the
standard criteria.(3)Despitesubsection
(2)(b),iftheapplicationisavariationapplication,themattersmentionedinsubsection (2)(b)mayonly
be considered to the extent they relate to the subject ofthe
condition to be changed.176ACriteria for
decision—proposed PRCP schedule(1)Thissectionappliesifasite-specificapplicationisaccompanied by a proposed PRC plan.(2)In deciding whether to approve the
proposed PRCP schedulefor the plan, the administering
authority must—(a)comply with any relevant regulatory
requirement; and(b)subjecttoparagraph(a),haveregardtoeachofthefollowing—(i)the
site-specific application;(ii)the proposed PRC
plan;(iii)any response
given for an information request forthe proposed PRC
plan;(iv)the standard
criteria;Page 148Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 177](v)the guidelines under section
550.177Automatic decision for standard
application in particularcircumstancesIftheadministeringauthoritydoesnotdecideastandardapplication
within the period required under subdivision 1 forthe
application—(a)the administering authority is taken
to have decided toapprove the application on the standard
conditions fortherelevantactivityorauthorityundersection 170(2)(a); and(b)the
decision is taken to have been made on the last dayof
the period.178Automatic decision for variation
application in particularcircumstancesIftheadministeringauthoritydoesnotdecideavariationapplication
within the period required under subdivision 1 forthe
application—(a)the administering authority is taken
to have decided toissue an environmental authority subject to
the standardconditionsfortheactivityorauthorityundersection 171(2)(b); and(b)the
decision is taken to have been made on the last dayof
the period.179Automatic decision for site-specific
application inparticular circumstancesIf the
administering authority does not decide a site-specificapplication within the period required under
subdivision 1 forthe application—(a)the
administering authority is taken to have refused theapplication under section 172(2)(b);
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 180](b)the decision is taken to have been
made on the last dayof the period.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 3Applications for
mining activitiesrelating to a mining leaseSubdivision 1Preliminary180Application of div 3This division
applies for an application for a mining activityrelating to a mining lease.Subdivision 2Notice of
decision181Notice of decision(1)Within 5 business days after making a
decision under division2,subdivision2,theadministeringauthoritymustgivetheapplicant and any submitters written
notice of the decision.(2)The notice
must—(a)state the decision and the reasons for
the decision; and(b)ifthedecisionistoapprovetheapplicationorisadecision under
section 170(2)(b)—(i)foranapplicationforanenvironmentalauthority—beaccompaniedbyadraftenvironmental
authority in the approved form; and(ii)foraproposedPRCplanaccompanyingtheapplicationfortheenvironmentalauthority—beaccompaniedbythedraftPRCPschedulefortheplan; and(iii)state that a submitter may, by written
notice giventotheadministeringauthority,askthatitsPage
150Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 182]submissionbetakentobeanobjectiontotheapplication or
proposed PRC plan; and(c)statetheapplicantmay,bywrittennoticegiventotheadministering authority, ask the
administering authoritytorefertheapplication,includinganaccompanyingproposed PRC
plan, to the Land Court.182Submitter may
give objection notice(1)This section
applies if the administering authority decides toapprovetheapplicationormakesadecisionundersection 170(2)(b).(2)A
submitter may, by written notice (theobjection
notice) totheadministeringauthority,requestthatitssubmissionbetaken to be an objection to the
application.(3)The objection notice must—(a)begiventotheadministeringauthoritywithin20businessdaysafterthenoticeundersection 181(1)isgiven; and(b)state the grounds for the objection.(4)Theobjectionnoticeceasestohaveeffectiftheobjectionnotice is withdrawn by giving written notice
to—(a)the administering authority;
and(b)the Land Court.183Applicant may request referral to Land
Court(1)Theapplicantmay,bywrittennoticetotheadministeringauthority,requestthattheadministeringauthorityrefertheapplication to the Land Court.(2)Therequestmustbegiventotheadministeringauthoritywithin 20 business days after the notice
under section 181(1)is given.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 151
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 184](3)Thissectiondoesnotapplyforadecisionmadebytheadministeringauthoritytorefuseanapplicationundersection 173(1).Subdivision
3Referrals to Land Court184Application of sdiv 3This subdivision
applies to an application for a mining activityrelating to a
mining lease if—(a)anobjectionnoticeforasubmissionabouttheapplication is given to the
administering authority undersection 182(2);
or(b)the applicant has requested under
section 183(1) that theapplication be referred to the Land
Court.185Referral to Land Court(1)The administering authority must refer
the application to theLandCourtforadecisionunderthissubdivision(theobjections decision), unless the
application is referred to theLand Court under
the Mineral Resources Act, section 265.(2)The
referral must be made within 10 business days after (butnot
before) the last day on which an objection notice for theapplication may be given to the
administering authority undersubdivision
2.(3)The referral must be made by filing
with the registrar of theLand Court—(a)a
notice, in the approved form, referring the applicationto
the Land Court; and(b)a copy of the application; and(c)a copy of any response to an
information request; and(d)a copy of any
submission for the application; andPage 152Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 186](e)acopyofthenoticegivenundersection 181(1),includinganydraftenvironmentalauthorityfortheapplication;
and(f)acopyofanyobjectionnoticegivenundersection 182(2);
and(g)a copy of any request for referral
made by the applicantunder section 183.(4)The
referral starts a proceeding before the Land Court for it tomake
the objections decision.186Parties to Land
Court proceedingsThe parties to the Land Court proceeding are
as follows—(a)the administering authority;(b)the applicant;(c)any
objector for the application;(d)anyone else decided by the Land
Court.187Notice of referralTheadministeringauthoritymust,within10businessdaysafter making the referral—(a)give the applicant a copy of—(i)the notice mentioned in section
185(3)(a); and(ii)ifanobjectionnoticewasgiven—theobjectionnotice and the submission to which the
objectionnotice relates; and(b)giveanyobjectoracopyofthenoticementionedinsection 185(3)(a).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 153
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 188]188Objections decision hearing(1)TheLandCourtmay,ofitsowninitiative,makeordersordirectionsitconsidersappropriateforahearingfortheobjections decision (theobjections decision hearing).(2)However, the
Land Court must make an order or direction thatthe objections
decision hearing happen at the same time as ahearing for an
application for the grant of a mining lease andany objections
to the grant under the Mineral Resources Act,section 268 for
the relevant mining tenure.188AStriking out
objection notices(1)This section applies to the extent an
objection notice is—(a)outside the
jurisdiction of the Land Court; or(b)frivolous or vexatious; or(c)otherwise an abuse of the process of
the Land Court.(2)Despite section 185(1), the Land Court
may, at any stage ofthe hearing, strike out all or part of
the objection notice.189Land Court
mediation of objections(1)At any time
before the objections decision is made, any partytotheproceedingmayasktheLandCourttoconductorprovide mediation for the objector’s
submission.(2)ThemediationmustbeconductedbytheLandCourtoramediator chosen
by the Land Court.190Requirements for objections
decision(1)Anobjectionsdecisionforanapplicationforanenvironmentalauthoritymustbearecommendationtotheadministering authority that—(a)ifadraftenvironmentalauthoritywasgivenfortheapplication—Page 154Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 191](i)theapplicationbeapprovedonthebasisofthedraft environmental authority for the
application;or(ii)theapplicationbeapproved,butonstatedconditions that
are different from the conditions inthe draft
environmental authority; or(iii)the
application be refused; or(b)if a draft
environmental authority was not given for theapplication—(i)the
application be approved subject to conditions;or(ii)the application
be refused.(2)AnobjectionsdecisionforaproposedPRCplanaccompanying the
application for the environmental authoritymust be a
recommendation to the administering authority thatthe
draft PRCP schedule for the plan—(a)be
approved, with or without stated conditions; or(b)be
refused.(3)However,ifarelevantminingleaseis,orisincludedin,acoordinatedproject,anystatedconditionsundersubsection(1)(a)(ii) or
(b)(i) or (2)(a)—(a)must include the Coordinator-General’s
conditions; and(b)can not be inconsistent with the
Coordinator-General’sconditions.191Matters to be considered for objections
Court must consider the following—(a)the
application;(b)any response given for an information
request;(c)anystandardconditionsfortherelevantactivityorauthority;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 155
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 192](d)anydraftenvironmentalauthorityordraftPRCPschedule for the application;(e)any objection notice for the
application;(f)any relevant regulatory
requirement;(g)the standard criteria;(h)thestatusofanyapplicationundertheMineralResources Act
for each relevant mining tenure.192Notice of objections decisionTheLandCourtmust,assoonaspracticableaftertheobjections decision is made, give a
copy of the decision to—(a)the MRA
Minister; and(b)ifarelevantminingleaseis,orisincludedin,acoordinated
project—the State Development Minister.193Advice from MRA and State Development
Ministers aboutobjections decision(1)ThissectionappliesiftheMRAMinisterorStateDevelopmentMinisterisgivenacopyoftheobjectionsdecision under
section 192.(2)TheMRAMinisterorStateDevelopmentMinistermustadvise the
administering authority about any matter the MRAMinister or State Development Minister
considers may helptheadministeringauthoritytomakeadecisionundersubdivision 4 about the application.(3)The advice must be given within the
period ending at the laterof the following—(a)10businessdaysafterthecopyofthedecisionisreceived;(b)if
the relevant Minister and the administering authorityhave,withinthe10businessdays,agreedtoalongerperiod—the longer period.Page
156Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 194](4)In giving the advice, the MRA Minister
or State DevelopmentMinister may seek advice from any
entity.(5)A contravention of this section does
not invalidate—(a)a decision made about an application
under subdivision4; or(b)an
environmental authority issued under division 4 forthe
application.Subdivision 4Final decision
on application194When administering authority must make
final decisionon application(1)The
administering authority must make a final decision undersection 194A for an application if—(a)theadministeringauthorityreferredtheapplicationtotheLandCourtundersection185andanobjectionsdecision is made
about the application; or(b)theadministeringauthorityreferredtheapplicationtotheLandCourtundersection185becauseofanobjectionnoticebut,beforeanobjectionsdecisionismade about the application, all
objection notices for theapplication are struck out or
withdrawn.(2)The final decision must be
made—(a)iftheMRAMinisterorStateDevelopmentMinisterisgivenacopyoftheobjectionsdecisionundersection192—(i)iftheapplicationisaccompaniedbyaproposedPRC plan—within
20 business days after the end ofthelongerperiodwithinwhicheitherMinistermust
give advice relating to the application undersection 193;
10 business days after the end ofthelongerperiodwithinwhicheitherMinisterCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 194A]must
give advice relating to the application undersection 193;
or(b)if paragraph (a) does not
apply—(i)iftheapplicationisaccompaniedbyaproposedPRC plan—within
20 business days after receipt bythe
administering authority of notice under section182(4) that the
last remaining objection notice forthe application
is withdrawn; or(ii)otherwise—within
10 business days after receipt bythe
administering authority of notice under section182(4) that the
last remaining objection notice forthe application
is withdrawn.194AFinal decision on application(1)The administering authority’s final
decision on an applicationfor an environmental authority must
be—(a)ifadraftenvironmentalauthoritywasgivenfortheapplication—(i)theapplicationbeapprovedonthebasisofthedraft environmental authority for the
application;or(ii)theapplicationbeapproved,butonstatedconditions that
are different from the conditions inthe draft
environmental authority; or(iii)the
application be refused; or(b)if a draft
environmental authority was not given for theapplication—(i)the
application be approved subject to conditions;or(ii)the application
be refused.(2)Theadministeringauthority’sfinaldecisiononaproposedPRCplanaccompanyingtheapplicationfortheenvironmental authority must
be—Page 158Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 194B](a)the draft PRCP schedule for the plan
be approved, withor without conditions; or(b)the draft PRCP schedule be
refused.(3)If the administering authority refuses
to approve a draft PRCPscheduleforaproposedPRCplanaccompanyinganapplication for an environmental authority,
the administeringauthoritymustalsorefusetheapplicationfortheenvironmental authority.194BMatters to be considered in making
final decision(1)Inmakingafinaldecisiononanapplicationundersection194A, the
administering authority must—(a)have
regard to—(i)any objections decision for the
application; and(ii)advicegivenbytheMRAMinisterorStateDevelopmentMinistertotheadministeringauthority under
section 193; and(iii)if a draft
environmental authority was given for theapplication, or
conditions were stated for the draftPRCPschedulefortheproposedPRCplanaccompanyingtheapplication—thedraftenvironmental authority or conditions;
and(b)if a draft environmental authority was
not given for theapplication, or conditions were not stated
for the draftPRCP schedule—(i)comply with relevant regulatory
requirements; and(ii)subjecttosubparagraph(i),haveregardtoeachmatter mentioned
in subsection (2).(2)For subsection (1)(b)(ii), the matters
are—(a)the application; and(b)if the application is for an
environmental authority—thestandardconditionsfortherelevantactivityorauthority; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 159
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 195](c)aresponsegiventoaninformationrequestfortheapplication;
and(d)the standard criteria.(3)The administering authority must not
approve a draft PRCPschedule unless the administering
authority is satisfied—(a)the schedule
provides for all land the subject of the PRCplan to be
either—(i)rehabilitatedtoastableconditionforapost-mining land
use; or(ii)maintainedasanon-usemanagementareainaway that
complies with best practice standards forthe management
of non-use management areas andminimises risks
to the environment; and(b)eachproposednon-usemanagementareahasbeenproperly
identified as a non-use management area.Division 4Steps after deciding application195Issuing environmental authority or
PRCP schedule(1)This section applies if the
administering authority—(a)decides to
approve an application for an environmentalauthority;
or(b)decidestoapproveadraftPRCPscheduleforaproposed PRC plan; or(c)makes a decision under section
170(2)(b) or 171(2)(b).(2)The
administering authority must, within the period stated insection 196—(a)foradecisionmentionedinsubsection(1)(a)or(c)—issue an
environmental authority to the applicant; or(b)foradecisionmentionedinsubsection(1)(b)—issueaPRCP
schedule to the applicant.Page 160Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 196]Notauthorised—indicativeonly196Requirements for issuing environmental
authority orPRCP scheduleFor section
195(2), the period within which an environmentalauthority or PRCP schedule must be issued
is—(a)iftheapplicationisreferredtotheLandCourtundersection185—within5businessdaysafterafinaldecision for the
application and schedule is made undersection 194;
or(b)if notice of the decision is given
under section 181 andthe application is not referred to the
Land Court undersection 185—within 25 business days after
the notice isgiven under section 181; or(c)foranapplicationforadevelopmentapprovalthat,under section
115, is taken to be an application for anenvironmental
authority—(i)iftheadministeringauthorityistheassessmentmanagerforthedevelopmentapplication—whenthe decision
notice is given under the Planning Actfor the
development application; or(ii)if
the administering authority is a referral agencyforthedevelopmentapplication—whentheadministering authority gives its referral
agency’sresponse under the PlanningActtotheapplicantfor the
development application; or(iii)if
the planning chief executive is a referral agencyfor
the development application—within 5 businessdaysaftertheplanningchiefexecutivegivesitsreferral agency’s response under the
Planning Acttotheapplicantforthedevelopmentapplication;or(iv)iftheplanningchiefexecutiveistheassessmentmanagerforthedevelopmentapplication—within5 business days
after the planning chief executivegivestheapplicantadecisionnoticeunderthePlanning Act for the development
application;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 197](d)otherwise—within5businessdaysafterthedecisionmentioned in
section 194(2) is made.197Including
environmental authorities and PRC plans inregisterAfter an environmental authority or PRCP
schedule is issued,theadministeringauthoritymustincludeacopyoftheenvironmental authority or PRC plan
for the PRCP schedulein the relevant register.198Information notice about particular
decisions(1)Subsection (2) applies if the
administering authority—(a)decides to
refuse an application; or(b)decidestoimposeaconditiononanenvironmentalauthority and
the applicant has not agreed in writing tothe condition or
a condition to the same effect.(2)The
authority must give the applicant an information noticeabout the decision.(3)The
information notice must be given—(a)foradecisionmentionedinsubsection (1)(a)—within10 business days
after the decision is made; or(b)for
a decision mentioned in subsection (1)(b)—when theenvironmental authority is issued to the
applicant.(4)Iftheadministeringauthoritydecidestoapproveanapplication, it must, within 10 business
days after the decisionis made, give any submitter for the
application an informationnotice about the decision.(5)This section does not apply for a
decision about an applicationfor a mining
activity relating to a mining lease.Page 162Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 199]Division 5Environmental
authoritiesNotauthorised—indicativeonly199Requirements for environmental
authorityAn environmental authority must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)contain all conditions imposed on the
authority; and(c)identify any conditions that are
standard conditions.200When environmental authority takes
effect(1)An environmental authority has
effect—(a)if the authority is for a prescribed
ERA and it states thatit takes effect on the day nominated
by the holder of theauthority in a written notice given to
the administeringauthority—on the nominated day; or(b)iftheauthoritystatesadayoraneventforittotakeeffect—onthestateddayorwhenthestatedeventhappens; or(c)otherwise—on the day the authority is
issued.Note—Seesection297forconditionsaboutwhentheholderofanenvironmental authority for a resource
activity must not carry out, orallow the
carrying out, of the activity under the authority.(2)However, the day an environmental
authority takes effect maynot be before—(a)ifthe authorityisfora resourceactivity—thedaytherelevant tenure is granted to the
applicant; or(b)if a development permit for a material
change of use ofpremisesisnecessaryunderthePlanningActforcarrying out an activity that relates
to the authority—theday the development permit takes
effect; or(c)if an SDA approval under the State
Development Act isnecessary under that Act for carrying out an
activity thatCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 201]relatestotheauthority—thedaytheapprovaltakeseffect.201Term
of environmental authority(1)An environmental
authority continues in force until theearlier of the
following to happen—(a)iftheenvironmentalauthoritystatesitwilllapseafter a stated period—the end of the stated
period;(b)theauthorityiscancelled,surrenderedorsuspended under this chapter.(2)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatanenvironmental authority continues in
force in relation toan ERA carried out on land identified
by reference to aresource tenure even if the resource tenure
expires or iscancelled.202Environmental authority includes
conditionsAnenvironmentalauthorityincludestheconditionsoftheauthority.Note—TheEnvironmental Offsets Act 2014,
part 6, states further conditionsthat apply to an
environmental authority and those further conditionsare
called deemed conditions. A breach of a deemed condition may
bedealt with under this Act.Division 5APRCP
schedules202ARequirements for PRCP scheduleA
PRCP schedule must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)contain all conditions imposed on the
schedule.Page 164Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 202B]202BWhen PRCP schedule takes effectAPRCPschedulehaseffectonthedaytheenvironmentalauthority for
carrying out relevant activities on land to whichthe
schedule relates takes effect.202CTerm
of PRCP schedule(1)A PRCP schedule continues in force
until the environmentalauthorityfortherelevantactivitiestowhichthePRCPschedule relates
is cancelled or surrendered.(2)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthataPRCPschedulecontinues in force—(a)inrelationtoarelevantactivitycarriedoutonlandidentified by
reference to a resource tenure, even if theresource tenure
expires or is cancelled; and(b)eveniftheenvironmentalauthorityforcarryingoutarelevantactivityonlandtowhichthePRCPschedulerelates is suspended under part 11 or
11A.202DPRCP schedule includes
conditionsAPRCPscheduleincludestheconditionsimposedontheschedule.202EEnvironmental authority overrides PRCP
scheduleIfthereisaninconsistencybetweenanenvironmentalauthority and a
PRCP schedule, the environmental authorityprevails to the
extent of the inconsistency.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 165
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 203]Division 6Conditions203Conditions generally(1)The
administering authority may only impose a condition onanenvironmentalauthority,draftenvironmentalauthority,PRCP schedule or
draft PRCP schedule if—(a)it considers the
condition is necessary or desirable; and(b)if
the authority is for an application to which section 115applies—the condition relates to the
carrying out of therelevant prescribed ERA.(2)Despitesubsection
(1),ifaregulatoryrequirementrequirestheadministeringauthoritytoimposeacondition,theadministering authority must impose the
condition.(3)Subsection (1)onlyappliesforaproposedconditionforanenvironmental
authority given for a standard application if—(a)the
application relates to a mining lease; and(b)aproperlymadesubmissionwasmadefortheapplication; and(c)the
condition is not a standard condition for the relevantactivity or authority.204Conditions that must be imposed for standard
orvariation applications(1)Subsection (2) applies for an environmental
authority or draftenvironmentalauthoritygivenforastandardorvariationapplication.(2)The
administering authority must impose on the authority aconditionrequiringtheholderoftheauthoritytotakeallreasonable steps to ensure the relevant
activity complies withthe eligibility criteria for the
activity.(3)Aconditionimposedundersubsection (2)istakentobeastandard
condition imposed on the authority.Page 166Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 205]205Conditions that must be imposed if
application relates tocoordinated project(1)This section applies for an
application if—(a)theadministeringauthoritydecidestoapprovetheapplication,oraPRCPscheduleforaproposedPRCplanaccompanyingtheapplication,subjecttoconditions; and(b)the
application relates to a coordinated project.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymustimposeontheenvironmental
authority, draft environmental authority, PRCPscheduleordraftPRCPscheduleanyconditionsfortheauthorityorschedulestatedintheCoordinator-General’sreport for the
EIS or IAR for the project as conditions for therelevant activity (Coordinator-General’s conditions).Note—InevaluatinganEISundertheStateDevelopmentAct,theCoordinator-Generalmaystateconditionsmentionedinsection34D(3)(b) of
that Act.(3)Any other condition imposed on the
authority or schedule cannot be inconsistent with a
Coordinator-General’s condition.206Environmental authority for particular
resource activitiesincludes condition prohibiting use of
restrictedstimulation fluids(1)This
section applies for an environmental authority issued fora
resource activity other than a mining activity.(2)The
environmental authority is taken to include a conditionprohibiting the use of restricted
stimulation fluids.Example for subsection (2)—the
use of hydrocarbon chemicals to stimulate the fracturing of
coalseams(3)Theconditionmentionedinsubsection (2)istakentobeastandard
condition imposed on the environmental authority.(4)In this section—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 167
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 206A]restrictedstimulationfluidsmeansfluidsusedforthepurpose of stimulation, including
fracturing, that contain thefollowingchemicalsinmorethanthemaximumamountprescribed under a regulation—(a)petroleumhydrocarbonscontainingbenzene,ethylbenzene, toluene or xylene;(b)chemicalsthatproduce,orarelikelytoproduce,benzene,ethylbenzene,tolueneorxyleneasthechemical breaks down in the
environment.206AConditions for PRCP schedules(1)It is a condition of a PRCP schedule
that, in carrying out arelevant activity under the schedule,
the holder must complywitharequirementstatedintheenvironmentalauthorityrelevant to carrying out the
activity.(2)Also, it is a condition of a PRCP
schedule that the holder mustcomply with the
following matters stated in the schedule—(a)eachrehabilitationmilestoneandmanagementmilestone;(b)wheneachrehabilitationmilestoneandmanagementmilestone is to
be achieved.(3)WithoutlimitingtheconditionsthatmaybeimposedonaPRCP schedule or
proposed PRCP schedule, a condition mayrequiretheholderofthescheduletogivetheadministeringauthority
written notice (astatement of compliance) about adocument or work relating to a relevant
activity.(4)Theconditionmentionedinsubsection(1)appliesforarequirement stated in the
environmental authority even if theenvironmental
authority is suspended.207Conditions that
may be imposed on environmentalauthority(1)A condition imposed on an
environmental authority or draftenvironmental
authority may—Page 168Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 208](a)be a standard condition for the
authority or the relevantactivity; or(b)requiretheholderoftheauthoritytogivetheadministering authority a written notice
(astatement ofcompliance)aboutadocumentorworkrelatingtoarelevant
activity; or(c)requireorotherwiserelatetoanenvironmentaloffset(anenvironmental offset condition);
or(d)relate to access to land on which the
relevant activity forthe authority is being carried out;
or(e)relatetorehabilitatingorremediatingenvironmentalharmbecauseofarelevantactivity,otherthanarelevant activity to which a PRCP
schedule applies; or(f)relatetoactiontakentopreventenvironmentalharmbecause of a relevant activity; or(g)relate to the exercise of underground
water rights.Note—ForconditionsaboutERCdecisionsandfinancialassurance,seesections 297 and 308.(2)Subsection (1)doesnotlimittheconditionsthatmaybeimposed on an
authority.(3)Aconditionimposedonanauthoritymaystatethatthecondition continues to apply after the
authority has ended orceased to have effect.(4)Also,aconditionimposedonanauthoritymayrestrict,orimposerequirementson,thecarryingoutoftherelevantactivity.208Condition requiring statement of
compliance(1)Thissectionappliesifaconditionofanenvironmentalauthority,draftenvironmentalauthority,PRCPscheduleorproposedPRCPschedulerequirestheholdertogivetheadministeringauthorityastatementofcomplianceaboutadocument or work relating to a
relevant activity.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 209](2)The condition must also state—(a)thecriteria(thecompliancecriteria)thedocumentorwork must comply with; and(b)that the statement of compliance must
state whether thedocumentorworkcomplieswiththecompliancecriteria;
and(c)the information (thesupporting information) that
mustbeprovidedtotheadministeringauthoritytodemonstratecompliancewiththecompliancecriteria;and(d)whenthestatementofcomplianceandsupportinginformationmustbegiventotheadministeringauthority.209Environmental offset conditions(1)Anenvironmentaloffsetconditionmayrequireanenvironmentaloffsettobecarriedoutonlandonwhicharelevant activity for the environmental
authority is carried outor on other land in the State.(3)Iftheenvironmentalauthorityholderhasenteredintoanagreement about an environmental
offset for this section, anenvironmentaloffsetconditionmayrequiretheholdertocomply with the agreement.(4)Theenvironmentalauthorityholdermayenterintoanagreement with the administering
authority or another entityto establish the
obligations, or secure the performance, of aparty to the
agreement about a condition.(5)Areferenceinsubsection (3)or(4)totheholderofanenvironmental authority entering into
an agreement includestheholderenteringintoanagreementbeforetheenvironmental authority is
issued.(6)An agreement entered into under
subsection (3) or (4) is notan environmental
offset agreement under theEnvironmentalOffsets Act
2014.Page 170Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 210]210Inconsistencies between particular
conditions ofenvironmental authorities(1)This section applies if—(a)anenvironmentalauthoritycontainsconditionsidentifiedintheauthorityasstandardconditionsandother conditions (thenon-standard
conditions); and(b)thereisanyinconsistencybetweenthestandardconditions and
the non-standard conditions.(2)Thenon-standardconditionsprevailtotheextentoftheinconsistency.Part 6Amendments by administeringauthorityDivision 1Amendments211CorrectionsTheadministeringauthoritymayamendanenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPscheduletocorrectaclericalorformalerror if—(a)the amendment does not adversely
affect the interests ofthe holder or anyone else; and(b)theholderhasbeengivenwrittennoticeoftheamendment.212Amendment to reflect NNTT conditions(1)This section applies for an
environmental authority or PRCPschedule for a
mining or petroleum activity.(2)TheadministeringauthoritymayamendtheenvironmentalauthorityorimposeconditionsonthePRCPscheduletoensurecompliancewithconditionsincludedinaCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 171
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 212A]determinationmadebytheNNTTundertheCommonwealthNative Title
Act, section 38(1)(c).(3)Theadministeringauthoritymustgivewrittennoticeoftheamendment or
conditions to the holder of the environmentalauthority or
PRCP schedule.Notauthorised—indicativeonly212AAmendment to
reflect regional interests developmentapproval
conditions(1)ThissectionappliesifanenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPscheduleforaresourceactivityorregulatedactivityisinconsistentwitharegionalinterestsdevelopmentapprovalfortheactivityundertheRegionalPlanningInterestsAct2014.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymayamendtheenvironmentalauthority or
PRCP schedule to ensure it is consistent with theregional interests development
approval.(3)TheadministeringauthoritymustgivewrittennoticeoftheamendmenttotheholderoftheenvironmentalauthorityorPRCP schedule.(4)Areferenceinthissectiontoanenvironmentalauthority,PRCP schedule or
a regional interests development approvalincludes a
reference to a condition of the authority, scheduleor
approval.(5)In this section—regulatedactivityseetheRegionalPlanningInterestsAct2014, section
17.213Amendment of environmental authorities
to reflect newstandard conditions(1)This
section applies if—(a)anenvironmentalauthority(theexistingauthority)issubjecttoconditionsidentifiedintheauthorityasstandardconditions(theexistingstandardconditions)for
the activity or authority; andPage 172Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 215](b)after the existing authority is
issued, the chief executivemakesanERAstandardprovidingforstandardconditions for
the activity; and(c)theERAstandardstatesthatthestandardconditionsapply to
existing authorities that are subject to standardconditions for the activity; and(d)the new standard conditions are
different to the existingstandard conditions.(2)The administering authority may amend
the existing authoritytoreplacetheexistingstandardconditionswiththenewstandard
conditions.(3)Theadministeringauthoritymustgivewrittennoticeoftheamendment to the
environmental authority holder.(4)The
amendment of the environmental authority does not takeeffect until 1 year after the administering
authority gives theholder notice under subsection (3).215Other amendments(1)Theadministeringauthoritymayamendanenvironmentalauthority or
PRCP schedule at any time if—(a)itconsiderstheamendmentisnecessaryordesirablebecause of a
matter mentioned in subsection (2) and theprocedure under
division 2 is followed; or(b)theholderoftheauthorityorschedulehasagreedinwriting to the amendment.(2)For subsection (1)(a), the matters are
the following—(a)a contravention of this Act or an
environmental offencecommitted by the holder;(b)foranenvironmentalauthorityissuedforastandardapplicationorvariationapplication—therelevantactivity does not comply with the
eligibility criteria forthe activity;(c)for
an environmental authority—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 173
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 215]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 174(i)another entity becomesa holder of the
authority;or(ii)anotherentitybecomesaholdingcompanyofaholder of the
or declaration, made either orally or inwriting;(e)foranenvironmentalauthority—theauthoritywasissued on the basis of a
miscalculation of—(i)theenvironmentalvaluesaffectedorlikelytobeaffected by the relevant activity;
or(ii)the quantity or
quality of contaminant permitted tobe released into
the environment; or(iii)the effects of
the release of a quantity or quality ofcontaminantpermittedtobereleasedintotheenvironment;(f)the
issue of a temporary emissions licence;(g)theapprovalofanenvironmentalprotectionpolicyortheapprovalofanamendmentofanenvironmentalprotection
policy;(h)for a PRCP schedule—an audit report
for the schedulegiven to the administering authority under
part 12;(i)anenvironmentalaudit,investigationorreportunderchapter 7, part 2;(j)theamendmentorwithdrawalofanenvironmentalprotection
order;(k)a compliance statement given under
this chapter;(l)a report made by or for, or approved
by, a recognisedentity if the report—(i)isrelevanttotheauthorityorschedule,orarelevant activity carried out under
the authority orschedule; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 215](ii)iftheadministeringauthorityisnotthechiefexecutive—hasbeenacceptedbythechiefexecutive;(m)an
annual return required under part 15, division 1;(n)a significant change in the way in
which, or the extent towhich, the activity is being carried
out;Example of significant change for paragraph
(n)—Theconditionsofanenvironmentalauthorityforaminingactivity authorised under a mining lease
were imposed on thebasis that a particular method for removing
contaminants from awaste stream for a relevant mining activity
would be used. Theminingleaseistransferredandthetransfereechangesthemethod.(o)for
an environmental authority or PRCP schedule for aresource activity—a relevant tenure
(theold tenure) fortheauthorityorscheduleisreplacedwithanewresource tenure
of the same type for all or part of the oldtenure’s area
under the resource legislation;(p)for
an environmental authority—a surrender applicationunder part 10 is approved for a partial
surrender of theauthority;(q)for
an environmental authority for a resource activity—anundergroundwaterimpactreportundertheWaterAct2000,chapter3,identifiesimpacts,orpotentialimpacts, on an
environmental value;(r)another
circumstance prescribed by regulation.(3)An
amendment because of a matter mentioned in subsection(2)(c)mayonlybetoimpose aconditionundersection308requiring the holder of the
environmental authority to give theadministering
authority financial assurance.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 175
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 216]Division 2Procedure for
particularamendments216Application of div 2This division
applies if the administering authority proposestoamendanenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPschedule,other than—(a)to
make an amendment under section 211, 212 or 213;or(b)withthewrittenagreementoftheholderoftheenvironmental
authority or PRCP schedule.217Notice of
proposed amendment(1)TheadministeringauthoritymustgivetheholderoftheenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPscheduleawrittennotice(theproposed
amendment notice) stating the following—(a)theamendment(theproposedamendment)theadministering
authority proposes to make;(b)the
grounds for the proposed amendment;(c)thefactsandcircumstancesthatarethebasisforthegrounds;(d)that the holder may, within a stated
period, make writtenrepresentations to show why the
proposed amendmentshould not be made.(2)The
stated period must end at least 20 business days after theholder is given the proposed amendment
notice.(3)TheproposedamendmentnoticemustbeaccompaniedbyacopyoftheenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPscheduleshowing the changes.Page 176Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 218]218Considering representationsTheadministeringauthoritymustconsideranywrittenrepresentation
made within the period stated in the proposedamendmentnoticebytheholderoftheenvironmentalauthority or
PRCP schedule.Notauthorised—indicativeonly219Decision on proposed amendment(1)If,aftercomplyingwithsection 218,theadministeringauthority still
believes a ground exists to make the proposedamendment, it
may make the amendment.(2)The decision
under subsection (1) is theamendment
decision.(3)If the
administering authority at any time decides not to maketheproposedamendment,itmustpromptlygivetheholderwritten notice
of the decision.220Notice of amendment decisionTheadministeringauthoritymust,within10businessdaysafter the amendment decision is made, give
the holder of theenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPscheduleaninformationnotice about the
decision.Division 3Steps for
amendments221Steps for amendment(1)Subsection (2) applies if the
administering authority amendsan environmental
authority or PRCP schedule under this part.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymust,withintherelevantperiod—(a)amend the environmental authority or
PRCP schedule togive effect to the amendment; and(b)issuetheamendedenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPschedule to the
holder; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 222](c)include a copy of the amended
environmental authorityor PRCP schedule in the relevant
register.(3)In this section—relevant
periodmeans—(a)iftheadministeringauthoritygivesanoticeundersection 211,212(3)or213(3)—10businessdaysafterthe
notice is given; or(b)if the administering authority amends
the environmentalauthorityorPRCPschedulewiththeholder’sagreement—10businessdaysaftertheagreementisgiven; or(c)iftheadministeringauthoritygivesnoticeofanamendmentdecisionundersection 220—10businessdays
after the notice is given.Part 7Amendment by
applicationDivision 1Preliminary222Exclusions from amendment under pt 7The
requirements of this part do not apply for—(a)apartialsurrenderofanenvironmentalauthorityallowed under section 261; or(b)anamendmentunderwhichtheholderof2ormoreenvironmentalauthoritiesseeksanamalgamatedenvironmentalauthorityforallactivitiesfortheauthorities; or(c)a
transfer by the holder of all or part of an environmentalauthority to an entity.Page 178Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 223]223Definitions for partIn
this part—condition conversion, for an
environmental authority, meansan amendment
replacing all of the conditions of the authoritywith
the standard conditions for the environmentally relevantactivity to which the authority
relates.major amendment, for an
environmental authority or PRCPschedule,meansanamendmentthatisnotaminoramendment.minor
amendment, for an environmental authority or
PRCPschedule, means an amendment that is—(a)for an environmental authority—(i)a condition conversion; or(ii)a minor
amendment (threshold); or(b)foraPRCPschedule—aminoramendment(PRCPthreshold).minor amendment
(PRCP threshold), for a PRCP schedule,means an
amendment that—(a)doesnotchangeapost-mininglanduseornon-usemanagement area; or(b)doesnotaffectwhetherastableconditionwillbeachieved for land under the schedule;
or(c)does not change the way a post-mining
land use will beachieved,oranon-usemanagementareawillbemanaged,inawaylikelytoresultinsignificantlydifferent
impacts on environmental values compared tothe impacts on
the values under the schedule before thechange;
or(d)does not relate to a new mining tenure
for the schedule;or(e)doesnotchangewhenarehabilitationmilestoneormanagement milestone will be achieved
by more than 5Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 223]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 180years after the
time stated in the schedule when it wasfirst approved;
or(f)does not extend the day by which
rehabilitation of landto a stable condition will be
achieved.minoramendment(threshold),foranenvironmentalauthority, means
an amendment that—(a)is not a change to a condition
identified in the authorityas a standard
condition, other than—(i)a change that is
a condition conversion; or(ii)a change that is
not a condition conversion but thatreplaces a
standard condition of the authority withastandardconditionfortheenvironmentallyrelevant
activity to which the authority relates; and(b)doesnotsignificantlyincreasethelevelofenvironmental harm caused by the relevant
activity; and(c)does not change any rehabilitation
objectives stated intheauthorityinawaylikelytoresultinsignificantlydifferentimpactsonenvironmentalvaluesthantheimpacts previously permitted under the
authority; and(d)does not significantly increase the
scale or intensity ofthe relevant activity; and(e)does not relate to a new relevant
resource tenure for theauthority that is—(i)a
new mining lease; or(ii)a new petroleum
lease; or(iii)anewgeothermalleaseundertheGeothermalEnergy Act;
or(iv)a new GHG
injection and storage lease under theGHG storage Act;
and(f)involves an addition to the surface
area for the relevantactivity of no more than 10% of the
existing area; and(g)foranenvironmentalauthorityforapetroleumactivity—Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 224](i)involves constructing a new pipeline
that does notexceed 150km; or(ii)involves extending an existing pipeline so
that theextensiondoesnotexceed10%oftheexistinglength of the pipeline; and(h)iftheamendmentrelatestoanewrelevantresourcetenure for the authority that is an
exploration permit orGHGpermit—seeks,intheamendmentapplicationunder section
224, an amended environmental authoritythat is subject
to the standard conditions for the relevantactivity or
authority, to the extent it relates to the permit.Division 2Making amendment
application224Who may applyThe holder of an
environmental authority or PRCP schedulemay,atanytime,applytotheadministeringauthoritytoamendtheenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPschedule(anamendment application).Examplesofwhentheholdermaywishtomakeanamendmentapplication—•an
environmental authority or PRCP schedule has been issued fora
resource project and the holder proposes to carry out
additionalresource activities as part of the
project•to complement an application under the
P&G Act, chapter 4, part 6to amend a
relevant pipeline licence225Amendment
application can not be made in particularcircumstancesDespitesection 224,anamendmentapplicationforanenvironmentalauthorityforaprescribedERAcannotbemade
if—(a)theproposedamendmentinvolveschangestotherelevant activity; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 226](b)adevelopmentpermitforamaterialchangeofuseofpremisesisnecessaryunderthePlanningActforthecarrying out of
the changed activity; and(c)neitherofthefollowingapplicationshasbeenmadeunder the Planning Act—(i)adevelopmentapplicationforadevelopmentpermit mentioned
in paragraph (b);(ii)achangeapplicationtochangeadevelopmentpermittoauthoriseamaterialchangeofuseofpremises in relation to the changed
activity.226Requirements for amendment
applications generally(1)An amendment
application must—(a)be made to the administering
authority; and(b)be in the approved form; and(c)beaccompaniedbythefeeprescribedbyregulation;and(d)describe the proposed amendment;
and(e)describe the land that will be
affected by the proposedamendment; and(f)include any other document relating to the
applicationprescribed by regulation.(2)However,subsection(1)(d)and(e)doesnotapplytoanapplication for a condition
conversion.226ARequirements for amendment
applications forenvironmental authorities(1)Iftheamendmentapplicationisfortheamendmentofanenvironmental
authority, the application must also—(a)describeanydevelopmentpermitsineffectunderthePlanningActforcarryingouttherelevantactivityforthe authority; andPage 182Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 226A]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)statewhethereachrelevantactivitywill,iftheamendment is
made, comply with the eligibility criteriafor the
activity; and(c)if the application states that each
relevant activity will,iftheamendmentismade,complywiththeeligibilitycriteria for the
activity—include a declaration that thestatement is
correct; and(d)statewhethertheapplicationseekstochangeaconditionidentifiedintheauthorityasastandardcondition;
and(e)iftheapplicationrelatestoanewrelevantresourcetenure for the authority that is an
exploration permit orGHGpermit—statewhethertheapplicantseeksanamended environmental authority that
is subject to thestandardconditionsfortherelevantactivityorauthority, to the extent it relates to
the permit; and(f)includeanassessmentofthelikelyimpactoftheproposedamendmentontheenvironmentalvalues,including—(i)a
description of the environmental values likely tobe
affected by the proposed amendment; and(ii)detailsofemissionsorreleaseslikelytobegenerated by the
proposed amendment; and(iii)adescriptionoftheriskandlikelymagnitudeofimpacts on the environmental values;
and(iv)details of the
management practices proposed to beimplementedtopreventorminimiseadverseimpacts; and(v)ifaPRCPscheduledoesnotapplyforeachrelevantactivity—detailsofhowthelandthesubjectoftheapplicationwillberehabilitatedafter each
relevant activity ends; and(g)includeadescriptionoftheproposedmeasuresforminimisingandmanagingwastegeneratedbyamendments to the relevant activity;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 226B](h)includedetailsofanysitemanagementplanorenvironmental protection order that
relates to the landthe subject of the application.(2)Subsection (1)(f)doesnotapplyforanamendmentapplication for
an environmental authority if—(a)the
process under chapter 3 for an EIS for the proposedamendment has been completed; and(b)an assessment of the environmental
risk of the proposedamendment would be the same as the
assessment in theEIS.(3)Also, subsection (1)(a), (d), (e), (f), (g)
and (h) does not applyto an application for a condition
conversion.226BRequirements for amendment
applications for PRCPschedulesAnamendmentapplicationforaPRCPschedulemustbeaccompanied by an amended rehabilitation
planning part fortheholder’sPRCplanthatcomplieswithsection126Cinrelation to the proposed
amendment.227Requirements for amendment
section applies for an amendment application if—(a)the application relates to an
environmental authority fora CSG activity;
and(b)the proposed amendment would result in
changes to themanagement of CSG water; and(c)the CSG activity is an ineligible
ERA.(2)The application must also—(a)state the matters mentioned in section
126(1); and(b)comply with section 126(2).Page
184Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 227AA]227AA
Requirements for amendment applications—underground water
rights(1)This section applies for an amendment
application if—(a)theapplicationrelatestoasite-specificenvironmentalauthority
for—(i)a resource project that includes a
resource tenurethat is a mineral development licence,
mining leaseor petroleum lease; or(ii)a
resource activity for which the relevant tenure isamineraldevelopmentlicence,miningleaseorpetroleum lease; and(b)theproposedamendmentinvolveschangestotheexercise of underground water
rights.(2)Theapplicationmustalsostatethemattersmentionedinsection 126A(2).(3)In
this section—site-specificenvironmentalauthoritymeansanenvironmentalauthoritythatincludes1ormoreineligibleERAs.Division 2AProvision for
particular amendmentapplications227AEarly
refusal of particular amendment applications andrequirement to replace environmental
authority(1)Thissectionappliestoanamendmentapplicationiftheproposedamendmentwouldchangeaconditionimposedunder section 204 on the environmental
authority to which theapplication relates.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymay,within10businessdaysafterreceivingtheamendmentapplication,refusetheapplication under this section.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 227B](3)Also,iftheadministeringauthorityrefusestheapplication,theauthoritymayrequiretheholderoftheenvironmentalauthoritytomakeasite-specificapplicationforanewenvironmentalauthorityunderpart2toreplacetheenvironmental authority.(4)However, section 316P(3) to (7)
applies to the requirement asifareferencetotheholderoftheenvironmentalauthoritywere
a reference to the applicant.(5)Theadministeringauthoritymustgivetheapplicantwrittennotice of any refusal under subsection
(2).(6)Divisions 3 to 5 do not apply to the
amendment application ifthe administering authority refuses
the application under thissection.Division 3Assessment level decisions227BAmendment applications to which div 3
does not applyThis division does not apply to an amendment
application fora condition conversion.228Assessment level decision for amendment
application(1)Theadministeringauthoritymust,within10businessdaysafter receiving the amendment application,
decide whether theproposed amendment is a major or minor
amendment.(2)Despitesection223,definitionminoramendment(PRCPthreshold), paragraphs (e) and (f), the
administering authoritymay decide under subsection (1) that a
proposed amendmentchangingtheorderofatleast2ofthedayswhenrehabilitation
of land to a stable condition will be achieved isaminoramendmentiftheadministeringauthorityissatisfied—(a)theapplicanthasundertakenadequateconsultationwiththecommunityinrelationtotheproposedamendment;
andPage 186Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 229](b)the proposed amendment would not be
likely to attract asubmissionobjectingtothethingthesubjectoftheamendment, if the notification stage
were to apply to theamendment application.(3)Thedecisionundersubsection
(1)istheassessmentleveldecisionfor the
application.(4)Iftheassessmentleveldecisionisthattheamendmentisamajor amendment, the applicant must
pay an assessment feeprescribed by regulation.229Notice of assessment level
decision(1)Theadministeringauthoritymust,within10businessdaysafter the assessment level decision is made,
give the applicanta written notice stating—(a)the assessment level decision;
amendment—the reasons for the decision.(2)Also, if the assessment level decision is
that the amendment isa major amendment, the written notice
must also state that—(a)the applicant
must pay an assessment fee prescribed byregulation;
and(b)an assessment of the application under
division 4 willnotproceeduntiltheassessmentfeementionedinparagraph (a) is paid.230Administering authority may require public
notificationfor particular amendment applications(1)This section applies if—(a)anamendmentapplicationisforanenvironmentalauthority for a
resource activity; and(b)the assessment
level decision is that the amendment is amajor
amendment.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 231](2)Thenoticegivenundersection 229maystatethatpart4appliestotheamendmentapplicationiftheadministeringauthority is
satisfied that—(a)there is likely to be a substantial
increase in the risk ofenvironmental harm under the amended
environmentalauthority; and(b)the
risk is the result of a substantial change in—(i)the
quantity or quality of contaminant permitted tobe released into
the environment; or(ii)the results of
the release of a quantity or quality ofcontaminantpermittedtobereleasedintotheenvironment.(3)Withoutlimitingsubsection (2)(b),eachofthefollowingistaken to be a substantial
change—(a)anincreaseof10%ormoreinthequantityofacontaminant to be released into the
environment;(b)iftheamendmentapplicationisforanenvironmentalauthority for a
resource project, an amendment to add anineligible ERA
for the authority.(4)If a notice given under section 229
includes a statement undersubsection (2), the notice must also
state the reasons for thedecision.Division 4Process if proposed amendment isa
major amendment231Application of div 4This
division applies if the assessment level decision for anamendment application is that the proposed
amendment is amajor amendment.Page 188Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 232]Notauthorised—indicativeonly232Relevant application process
applies(1)Parts 3 to 5 apply to the amendment
application—(a)if the amendment application is for a
PRCP schedule—asiftheamendmentapplicationandamendedrehabilitationpartfortheholder’sPRCplanwereaproposedPRCplanaccompanyingasite-specificapplication;
or(b)otherwise—as if it were a
site-specific application.(2)Despitesubsection(1),part4appliestoanamendmentapplicationforanenvironmentalauthorityforaresourceactivityonlyif,undersection230,thenoticegivenundersection 229
states part 4 applies.Note—Part 4 applies
in all cases for an amendment application for a majoramendment of a PRCP schedule.(3)The provisions applied under this
section apply—(a)as if a reference in sections 144 and
151 to the end of theapplication stage were a reference to
the day notice ofthe assessment level decision is given;
and(b)with any other necessary changes;
and(c)subject to subsection (4) and sections
234 and 235.(3A)Also, if the
assessment level decision is that the amendment isa
major amendment, an assessment of the application underdivision 4 may not proceed until the
prescribed assessment feeis paid.(4)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that a submission madeunder section 160, as applied under
subsection (1)—(a)maybemadeaboutanexistingprovisionoftheenvironmental
authority or PRCP schedule only to theextenttheprovisionisproposedtobeamendedunderthe
amendment application; and(b)can not be made
about activities carried out under theenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPschedulebeforethedeciding of the amendment
application.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 233]233Public notice of amendment
application233AOrders and approvals under Health
Act234Submission period(1)Despite sections 153(1)(g) and 154, the
submission period fortheapplicationistheperiodfixedbytheadministeringauthority by
written notice to the applicant.(2)However,theperiodmustbeatleast20businessdaysandmust end at least 20 business days
after the publication of theapplication
notice.235Criteria for deciding amendment
applicationDespite section 176(2)(b) or 176A, the
matters mentioned insection 176(2)(b)or176Amayonlybeconsideredtotheextent they relate to the proposed
amendment.236Changing amendment applicationBeforetheamendmentapplicationisdecided,theapplicantmaychangetheapplicationbygivingtheadministeringauthority—(a)written notice of the change; and(b)the fee prescribed under a
regulation.236APostponement of requirement for
environmentalauthorities to carry out certain existing
environmentallyrelevant activitiesPage 190Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 237]237Effect on assessment of amendment
application—minorchange(1)Theassessmentofachangedamendmentapplicationunderparts3to5,asappliedundersection 232(1),doesnotstopif—(a)the change is a minor change of the
application; or(b)the administering authority gives its
written agreementto the change.(2)Forthechangedapplication,thenotificationstagedoesnotagain apply, and is not required to restart,
if—(a)the notification stage applied to the
original amendmentapplication; and(b)thechangewasmadeduringthenotificationstageorafter the notification stage
ended.238Effect on assessment of amendment
application—otherchanges(1)Subsections (2)to(5)applytoachangedamendmentapplication if—(a)the
change is not a minor change; and(b)theadministeringauthorityhasnotgivenitswrittenagreement to the
change.(2)Theassessmentoftheapplicationunderparts3to5,asapplied under section 232(1), stops on the
day notice of thechange is received.(3)If
the information stage applies to the changed application—(a)theadministeringauthoritymay,within10businessdaysafternoticeofthechangeisreceived,asktheapplicanttogivefurtherinformationneededtoassessthe application;
and(b)arequestunderparagraph(a)istakentobeaninformation request under section 140, as
applied undersection 232; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 191
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 239](c)if no information request is made
under paragraph (a)—theinformationstageforthechangedapplicationistaken to have ended; and(d)ifthenotificationstagealsoappliestothechangedapplication—theapplicantmaystartthenotificationstage the day
notice of the change is given.(4)Iftheinformationstagedoesnotapplytothechangedapplication, but
the notification stage applies, the assessmentof the
application restarts from section 152.(5)Ifneithertheinformationstagenorthenotificationstageapplytothechangedapplication,theassessmentoftheapplication restarts from the start of
the decision stage.(6)Subsection (7) applies to a changed
application if—(a)theassessmentoftheapplicationhasstoppedundersubsection (2); and(b)the
notification stage applied to the original application;and(c)thechangewasmadeduringthenotificationstageorafter the notification stage
ended.(7)Thenotificationstagemustberepeatedunlesstheadministering authority is satisfied
the change would not belikely to attract a submission
objecting to the thing the subjectof the change,
if the notification stage were to apply to thechange.Division 5Process if
proposed amendment isminor amendment239Application of div 5This division
applies if the assessment level decision for anamendment
application is that the proposed amendment is aminor
amendment.Page 192Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 240]240Deciding amendment application(1)The administering authority must
decide either to approve orrefuse the
application—(a)iftheapplicationisforaconditionconversionforanenvironmental authority—within 10
business days afterthe application is received; or(b)otherwise—within 10 business days
after notice of theassessment level decision is given to the
applicant.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymayapprovetheamendmentapplicationifitissatisfiedtheproposedamendmentisnecessary or desirable.(3)Iftheadministeringauthoritydecidestoapprovetheapplication,itmayalsomakeanyotheramendmentstotheconditions of the environmental
authority or PRCP schedule itconsiders—(a)relate to the subject matter of the proposed
amendment;and(b)are necessary or
desirable.241Criteria for deciding amendment
applicationIndecidingtheapplication,otherthananapplicationforacondition conversion, the
administering authority must—(a)comply with any relevant regulatory
requirement; and(b)subjecttoparagraph(a),haveregardtoeachofthefollowing—(i)the
amendment application;(ii)theexistingenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPschedule;(iii)the standard
criteria.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 242]Division 6Steps after
deciding amendmentapplicationNotauthorised—indicativeonly242Steps after
deciding amendment application(1)Iftheadministeringauthoritydecidestoapprovetheamendment application, it must, within 5
business days afterthe decision is made—(a)amend the environmental authority or PRCP
schedule togive effect to the amendment; and(b)issuetheamendedenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPschedule to the
applicant; and(c)include a copy of the amended
environmental authorityor PRCP schedule in the relevant
register.(2)Subsection (3) applies if the
administering authority decidesto—(a)refuse the application; or(b)make an amendment, other than an
amendment agreedto by the applicant.(3)The
administering authority must, within 5 business days afterthe
decision is made, give the applicant an information noticeabout the decision.Part 8Amalgamating andde-amalgamatingenvironmental
authorities andPRCP schedulesDivision 1Preliminary243Definitions for pt 8In this
part—Page 194Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 244]amalgamatedcorporateauthoritymeansanamalgamatedenvironmentalauthoritythatisnotanamalgamatedlocalgovernment authority or an amalgamated
project authority.amalgamated environmental authoritysee
section 245(1).amalgamatedlocalgovernmentauthoritymeansanamalgamated environmental authority for
which the holder isa local government.amalgamatedprojectauthoritymeansanamalgamatedenvironmental
authority for which the relevant activities arecarried out as a
single integrated operation.amalgamationapplicationmeansanapplicationundersection 245.de-amalgamationapplicationmeansanapplicationmadeunder section 250A.existingenvironmentalauthoritymeansanenvironmentalauthority the
subject of an amalgamation application.transfer
tenuresee section 250A(1)(b)(iii).244Types of amalgamated environmental
authoritiesThe types of amalgamated environmental
authorities are—(a)amalgamated corporate authorities;
and(b)amalgamated local government
authorities; and(c)amalgamated project
authorities.Division 1AAmalgamating
may apply(1)The holder of 2 or more environmental
authorities may, at anytime,applytotheadministeringauthorityforanewenvironmentalauthority(anamalgamatedenvironmentalauthority)
for all activities for the authorities.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 195
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 246](2)However, if an environmental authority
is held jointly by 2 ormoreentities,theenvironmentalauthoritycannotbethesubjectofanamalgamationapplicationunlessalloftheenvironmental authorities, the subject of
the application, areheld jointly by the same
entities.Notauthorised—indicativeonly246Requirements for
amalgamation applicationAn amalgamation application
must—(a)be made in the approved form;
and(b)state whether the application is
for—(i)an amalgamated corporate authority;
or(ii)an amalgamated
local government authority; or(iii)an
amalgamated project authority; and(c)besupportedbyenoughinformationtoallowtheadministering authority to decide the
application; and(d)ifPRCplansrelatingtotheenvironmentallyrelevantactivities for the environmental authorities
will requireamalgamationiftheapplicationisapproved—beaccompanied by a
proposed amalgamated PRC plan forthe activities;
and(e)be accompanied by the fee prescribed
by regulation.Division 2Deciding
amalgamation application247Deciding
amalgamation application(1)Subject to
subsections (2) and (3), the administering authoritymust, within 20 business days after the day
the amalgamationapplication is received, decide to—(a)approve the application; or(b)iftheapplicationisforanamalgamatedlocalgovernmentauthorityoramalgamatedprojectauthority—refuse the application.Page
196Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 248](2)The administering authority may only
approve an applicationfor an amalgamated local government
authority if—(a)the applicant is a local government;
and(b)therelevantactivitiesfortheexistingenvironmentalauthoritiesdonotconstituteasignificantbusinessactivity; and(c)theadministeringauthorityissatisfiedthereisanappropriate
degree of integration between the activities.(3)The
administering authority may only approve an applicationforanamalgamatedprojectauthorityifitissatisfiedtherelevantactivitiesfortheexistingenvironmentalauthoritiesare being
carried out as a single integrated operation.(4)If
the administering authority approves an application for anamalgamated project authority for
environmental authoritiesfor which PRCP schedules also apply,
each of the schedulesmust also be amalgamated.(5)In this section—significantbusinessactivityhasthemeaninggivenbytheLocal Government
Act 2009, section 43.Division 3Miscellaneous provisions foramalgamation applications248Steps after deciding amalgamation
applicationIftheadministeringauthoritydecidestoapproveanamalgamationapplication,itmust,within5businessdaysafter the decision is made—(a)amalgamatetheexistingenvironmentalauthoritiestogive
effect to the amalgamation; and(b)issue to the applicant—(i)if
the application is for an amalgamated corporateauthority—an
amalgamated corporate authority; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 197
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 249](ii)iftheapplicationisforanamalgamatedlocalgovernmentauthority—anamalgamatedlocalgovernment authority; or(iii)iftheapplicationisforanamalgamatedprojectauthority—an amalgamated project authority;
and(c)ifPRCPschedulesforexistingenvironmentalauthorities are
amalgamated—give the applicant a copyof the
amalgamated PRCP schedule; and(d)includeacopyoftheamalgamatedenvironmentalauthority and
PRC plan in the relevant register.249Information notice about particular
decisionsTheadministeringauthoritymust,within10businessdaysafter refusing an amalgamation application,
give the applicantan information notice about the
decision.250Relationship between amendment
application andamalgamation application(1)Thissectionappliesif,beforeanamalgamationapplicationfor an
environmental authority is decided—(a)anamendmentapplicationfortheenvironmentalauthority is
made but not decided; or(b)anamendmentapplicationforaPRCPscheduleforrelevant activities to which the
environmental authorityapplies is made but not
decided.(2)If the amalgamation application is
approved, the amendmentapplication is taken to be—(a)for an environmental authority
mentioned in subsection(1)(a)—an amendment application for
the amalgamatedenvironmental authority; or(b)for a PRCP schedule mentioned in
subsection (1)(b)—an amendment application for the amalgamated
PRCPschedule.Page 198Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 250A]Division 4De-amalgamating
may apply for de-amalgamation(1)The
holder of a relevant authority may make an application totheadministeringauthorityforthede-amalgamationoftheauthority if—(a)the
authority is not for a resource project; or(b)the
authority is for a resource project and—(i)theprojectisnolongerbeingcarriedoutasasingle
integrated operation; or(ii)the existing
holder is proposing to no longer carryout the project
as a single integrated operation; or(iii)theexistingholderisproposingtotransfertoanotherpersonaresourcetenure(atransfertenure) to
which the authority relates.(2)In
this section—relevant authoritymeans—(a)an amalgamated environmental
authority; or(b)an environmental authority issued for
an ERA project.250BRequirements for de-amalgamation
applicationA de-amalgamation application must—(a)be made in the approved form;
and(b)iftheapplicationrelatestoaresourceproject—beaccompanied by a
declaration by the applicant that—(i)theprojectisnolongerbeingcarriedoutasasingle
integrated operation; or(ii)the existing
holder is proposing to no longer carryout the project
as a single integrated operation; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 199
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 250C](iii)theexistingholderisproposingtotransfertoanotherpersonaresourcetenuretowhichtheauthority relates; and(c)if a
PRCP schedule relating to environmentally relevantactivities for the authority will require
de-amalgamationiftheapplicationisapproved—beaccompaniedbyproposed de-amalgamated PRC plans for the
activities;and(d)be accompanied
by the fee prescribed by regulation.250CDe-amalgamation(1)Within15businessdaysafterreceivingade-amalgamationapplicationthatcomplieswithsection250B,theadministering authority must—(a)de-amalgamatetheenvironmentalauthoritytogiveeffect to the
de-amalgamation; and(b)for
de-amalgamation of an environmental authority forrelevant activities to which a PRCP schedule
relates—de-amalgamate the schedule to the extent
necessary togive effect to the de-amalgamation of the
authority; and(c)issue the de-amalgamated environmental
authorities tothe applicant; and(d)give
the applicant a copy of any de-amalgamated PRCPschedules;
and(e)includeacopyofeachenvironmentalauthorityissuedunderparagraph(c),andeachde-amalgamatedPRCplan, in the relevant register.(2)IfaPRCPscheduleisde-amalgamatedundersubsection(1)(b), the
holder of each de-amalgamated schedule must bethe holder of
the de-amalgamated environmental authority.250DWhen
de-amalgamation takes effectThede-amalgamationofanenvironmentalauthoritytakeseffect—Page
200Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 251](a)ifitrelatestoatransfertenure—whenthetransfertenure is
transferred; or(b)if it relates to a relevant authority
for a resource projectfor which the existing holder proposes
to no longer carryout the project as a single integrated
integrated operation; or(c)otherwise—when
the administering authority issues 2 ormoreenvironmentalauthoritiestotheapplicantundersection 250C(1)(c).Part 9Transferring environmentalauthorities for prescribed ERAs251Application of pt 9Thispartappliesforanenvironmentalauthorityforaprescribed
ERA.252Who may apply for transferTheholder(theexistingholder)oftheenvironmentalauthority may
make an application (atransfer application)
totransfer all or part of the authority to an
entity.Examples of when a transfer application may
be made—•An environmental authority is held by
3 joint holders. The jointholders may make a transfer
application to transfer the authority to2 only of the
joint holders. Alternatively, the joint holders may seekto
transfer the authority to another entity, so that the authority
willbe held by 4 joint holders.•It is proposed that a new entity will
carry out part of the relevantactivity for an
environmental authority. The holder of the authoritymay
make a transfer application to transfer to the new entity
thatpart of the authority that relates to the
activity to be carried out bythe new
entity.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 253]253Requirements for transfer
applicationA transfer application must—(a)be made to the administering authority
in the approvedform; and(b)include the name and address of the proposed
holder oftheenvironmentalauthorityoreachpartoftheenvironmental
authority; and(c)besignedbytheexistingholderandtheproposedholder;
and(d)state whether the proposed holder is a
registered suitableoperator; and(e)iftheproposedholderisnotaregisteredsuitableoperator—beaccompaniedbyanapplicationforregistration as a suitable operator under
chapter 5A, part4, division 1; and(f)beaccompaniedbythefeeprescribedunderaregulation.254Deciding transfer application(1)Theadministeringauthoritymustconsidereachtransferapplication and decide to—(a)approve the transfer; or(b)refuse the transfer.(2)Despitesubsection
proposed holder is a registered suitable operator.(3)The decision under subsection (1) must
be made—(a)if the proposed holder is a registered
suitable operator—within 10 business days after the transfer
application isreceived; or(b)iftheproposedholderisnotaregisteredsuitableoperator—whenanapplicationforregistrationasasuitableoperatorisdecidedunderchapter5A,part4,division 1.Page 202Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 255]255Steps after deciding transfer
under section 254(1)(a), it must, within 5 businessdays
after the decision is made—(a)amendtherelevantenvironmentalauthoritytogiveeffect to the
transfer; andExample for paragraph (a)—For
a transfer application for an environmental authority that
isan amalgamated corporate authority, the
proposed holders maybe the existing holder for part of the
authority and a new holderforpartoftheauthority.Theadministeringauthoritymustamendtheexistingauthoritybydividingitinto2newauthorities.(b)issuetheamendedenvironmentalauthority(thetransferredenvironmentalauthority)toeachholder;and(c)includeacopyofthetransferredenvironmentalauthority in the
relevant register.(2)Iftheadministeringauthoritydecidestorefuseatransferapplication, it
must, within 10 business days after the decisionismade,givetheexistingholderandtheproposedholderwritten notice
of the decision.256Notice to owners of transfer(1)This section applies if—(a)an entity is issued a transferred
environmental authorityunder section 255(1)(b); and(b)theentityisnottheownerofthelandtowhichtheauthority relates.(2)The
entity must, within 10 business days after receiving theauthority, give each owner of the land to
which the authorityrelates written notice it has been issued
the authority.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 257]Part
10Surrender of environmentalauthoritiesDivision 1Preliminary257Who
may apply for surrender(1)Theholderofanenvironmentalauthoritymayapplytotheadministeringauthoritytosurrendertheenvironmentalauthority
(asurrender application).(2)Subsection (3) applies if—(a)the environmental authority relates to
a mining activity;and(b)undertheMineralResourcesAct,theholderoftheenvironmentalauthorityhassoughtaconditionalsurrender of all
or part of a relevant mining tenure.(3)A
surrender application may only be made for the part of theenvironmentalauthorityrelatingtolandtowhichanewminingtenurewillnotapplyiftheconditionalsurrenderisapproved.(4)Subsection (5)appliesifarelevanttenurefortheenvironmental authority is to be
surrendered under resourcelegislation.(5)A
surrender application for the authority may only be made ifan
application to surrender the relevant tenure is also madeunder resource legislation.(6)Subsections (3) and (5) apply despite
subsection (1).(7)In this section—conditional
surrender, of a mining tenure, means a
surrenderin relation to the tenure of a type
mentioned in the MineralResources Act, section 107(7), 161(4),
210(13) or 309(12).Page 204Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 258]258Notice by administering authority to
make surrenderapplication(1)This
section applies for an environmental authority for—(a)a mining activity; or(b)a petroleum activity; or(c)a geothermal activity.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymay,bywrittennotice(asurrendernotice),requiretheholderoftheenvironmentalauthority to
make a surrender application if—(a)a
relevant tenure for the authority is cancelled; or(b)arelevanttenurefortheauthorityis,accordingtoitsprovisions, to end other than by
cancellation; or(c)if the authority is for a petroleum
activity—the area of arelevanttenurefortheauthorityisreducedunderarequirementofnoncomplianceactiontakenunderresource legislation; or(d)part
of the area of a relevant tenure for the authority isrelinquished,otherthanunderarequirementofnoncompliance action taken under resource
legislation;or(e)part of the area
of a relevant tenure for the authority issurrendered.(3)The
surrender notice must—(a)state the period
of at least 30 business days within whichthe surrender
application must be made; and(b)beaccompaniedby,orinclude,aninformationnoticeabout the authority’s decisions to require
the surrenderapplication and to fix the stated
period.(4)A surrender application under
subsection (2) must be for theenvironmental
authority to the extent it relates to the relevanttenurecancelled,expiredoraffectedbyarelinquishment,reduction in
area or partial surrender.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 259]259When surrender notice ceases to have
effectA surrender notice ceases to have effect if,
within the periodstated in the notice—(a)the
relevant tenure is, under resource legislation—(i)renewed or continued in force; or(ii)consolidated
with another relevant tenure; or(b)if
the relevant tenure is a mining tenure—the tenure isreplaced with a new tenure of the same type
in respect ofall or part of the land included in the
relevant tenure; or(c)a replacement environmental authority
is issued to theholder, and the replacement environmental
authority hastaken effect.Note—Forwhenanenvironmentalauthoritytakeseffect,seesection 200.260Failure to comply with surrender
noticeThe holder of an environmental authority to
whom a surrendernotice has been given must comply with the
notice unless theholder has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.261Surrender may be partial(1)This section applies for an
environmental authority for—(a)a
mining activity; or(b)a petroleum activity; or(c)a geothermal activity.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymayapproveasurrenderapplication for
a part of the environmental authority.Examples for
subsection (2)—1An environmental authority relates to
a mining claim and a mininglease. Under the
Mineral Resources Act, the holder of the authorityPage
206Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 262]seeks to surrender the mining lease. The
holder may, under thispart, seek to surrender that part of
the authority that relates to themining
lease.2An environmental authority relates to
1 mining tenure. Under theMineralResourcesAct,theholderofthetenuremayseektosurrender part of the tenure. The holder of
the authority may, underthis part, seek to surrender that part
of the authority that relates tothe part of the
resource tenure to be surrendered.Division 2Surrender applications262Requirements for surrender
application(1)A surrender application must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)besupportedbyenoughinformationtoallowtheadministering authority to decide the
application; and(c)iftherelevantactivitywasnotcarriedout—beaccompaniedbyadeclarationstatingthattheactivitywas not carried
out; and(d)if the relevant activity was carried
out—be accompaniedby—(i)if the
environmental authority contains conditionsaboutrehabilitationandaPRCPscheduledoesnotapplyfortherelevantactivity—afinalrehabilitationreportfortheauthoritythatcomplies with
section 264; and(ii)ifaPRCPscheduleappliesfortherelevantactivity—a
post-mining management report undersection 264A;
and(iii)acompliancestatementfortheenvironmentalauthority and,
if a PRCP schedule applies for therelevantactivity,thePRCPscheduleandtheconditions
imposed on the schedule; and(iv)the
fee prescribed by regulation.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 207
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 263](2)The compliance statement must—(a)be made by or for the environmental
authority holder;and(b)state the
following—(i)the extent to which relevant
activities carried outundertheenvironmentalauthorityhavecompliedwith
the conditions of the authority;(ii)ifafinalrehabilitationreportisrequiredfortheapplication—theextenttowhichthereportisaccurate; and(c)if a
PRCP schedule applies for the relevant activities—state the following—(i)whethertherehabilitationmilestonesandmanagementmilestonesundertheschedulehavebeen
met;(ii)theextenttowhichconditionsimposedontheschedule have
been complied with;(iii)theextenttowhichthepost-miningmanagementreport is
accurate and complies with section 264A.263Amending surrender application(1)Theapplicantmay,atanytimebeforetheadministeringauthoritydecidesthesurrenderapplication,amendtheapplication.(2)However,theamendmentmaybemadeonlybygivingtheadministeringauthorityawrittennoticestatingtheamendment.(3)The
notice must be accompanied by the fee prescribed under aregulation.(4)If
an application is amended under this section, the process
265.Page 208Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 264]Division 3Final
rehabilitation reports andpost-mining management reportsNotauthorised—indicativeonly264Requirements for final rehabilitation
report(1)A final rehabilitation report
must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)include enough information to allow
the administeringauthority to decide whether—(i)the conditions of the environmental
authority havebeen complied with; and(ii)thelandonwhicheachrelevantactivityfortheenvironmentalauthorityhasbeencarriedouthasbeen
satisfactorily rehabilitated; and(c)describe any ongoing environmental
management needsfor the land; and(d)for
an environmental authority for a resource activity—(i)state details of—(A)themonitoringprogramandtheresultsofmonitoring rehabilitation indicators
authority; and(ii)state an
environmental risk assessment of the land;and(iii)proposetheresidualrisksassociatedwiththerehabilitationoftheland,workedoutunderaguidelineorotherdocumentpubliclyavailablefrom
the administering authority; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 209
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 264A]Examples of proposed residual risks—•the present value of the future costs
of likely repairs•necessary monitoring and maintenance
costs•ongoing management costs(e)include another matter prescribed
under a regulation.(2)The environmental risk assessment
and(b)show any part of the land that is
likely to change or failtotheextentthatmonitoring,maintenance,reconstructionorotherremedialactionmaybenecessary.264ARequirements for post-mining management
reportA post-mining management report for land
must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)statetherequirementsforongoingmanagementoftheland; and(c)proposetheresidualrisksassociatedwiththerehabilitationofthelandmentionedinsection264(1)(d)(iii);
and(d)includeanenvironmentalriskassessmentforthelandthat complies
with section 264(2); and(e)include the
matters prescribed by regulation.Division 4Requests for information265Administering authority may request further
information(1)The administering authority may ask
the applicant, by writtenrequest,togivefurtherinformationneededtoassessthesurrender application.Page 210Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 266](2)The request must be made within 10
business days after theapplication is received.Division 5Deciding
surrender applications266Deciding
surrender application(1)The
administering authority must decide to—(a)approve the surrender application; or(b)refuse the surrender
application.(2)Of the following periods that apply to
a surrender application,a decision under subsection (1) about
the application must bemade within the later of the periods
to end—(a)iftheadministeringauthorityrequestsfurtherinformationundersection 265(1)—40businessdaysafter the
further information is received by the authority;(b)iftheadministeringauthoritydoesnotrequestfurtherinformationundersection 265(1)—40businessdaysafter the
application is made;(c)if the
environmental authority is for a resource activityandtherelevanttenureisanexplorationpermitormineraldevelopmentlicence—60businessdaysafterthe
relevant tenure ends;(d)if the
environmental authority is for a resource activityand
the relevant tenure is a mining lease or petroleumlease—90 business days after the relevant
tenure ends.267Advice from MRA chief executive about
administering authority may, before it makes a decision torefuse a surrender application for an
environmental authorityfor a mining activity, seek advice
from the chief executive ofthe MRA
department.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 268](2)Theadvicemaybesoughtinthewaytheadministeringauthority
considers appropriate.(3)Iftheadviceisgiven,itmustbegivenwithintheperiodrequired under
section 266(2) for the administering authorityto make the
decision.268Criteria for decision generallyIndecidingasurrenderapplication,theadministeringauthority
must—(a)comply with any relevant regulatory
requirement; and(b)subjecttoparagraph(a),considereachofthefollowing—(i)the
application;(ii)any monitoring
results relating to the rehabilitatedarea the subject
of the application;(iii)the final
rehabilitation report for the environmentalauthorityand,ifaPRCPscheduleappliesforcarrying out a relevant activity under the
authority,the post-mining management report under
section264A for the schedule;;(iv)thecompliancestatementfortheenvironmentalauthority or the
part of the environmental authoritythesubjectoftheapplication,andanyPRCPschedule for
carrying out a relevant activity underthe
authority;(v)anyadvicegivenbythechiefexecutiveoftheMRA department
under section 267;(vi)another matter
prescribed under an environmentalprotection
policy or a regulation; and(c)ifaprogressivecertificationhasbeengivenforarelevant tenure
for the environmental authority—Page 212Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 268A](i)confirm that the certified
rehabilitated area for therelevanttenurestillmeetsthecriteriaundersection 318ZI against which it was
certified; and(ii)if the
confirmation is made—give full effect to thecertification;
and(d)if the environmental authority relates
to land for whichparticularsareorwererecordedintheenvironmentalmanagement
register—consider whether or not the landhas been removed
from the environmental managementregister or the
land has a site management plan approvedfor it.268ACriteria for decision—prescribed
resource activities inoverlapping area(1)This
section applies if—(a)the environmental authority the
subject of the surrenderapplication—(i)is
for a prescribed resource activity; and(ii)relates to land in an overlapping area;
resource activity) is being, or is proposed tobe,
carried out in the overlapping area.(2)Indecidingthesurrenderapplication,theadministeringauthority must
also consider—(a)theextenttowhichcompliancewitharehabilitationconditionoftheenvironmentalauthority,oraPRCPschedule,isimpossibleorimpracticalduetothecarryingoutoftheoverlappingprescribedresourceactivity; and(b)whether an environmental authority or PRCP
amended to include a condition equivalent to therehabilitation condition of the
environmental authorityto be surrendered.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 213
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 269]Notauthorised—indicativeonly269Restrictions on
giving approval(1)Theadministeringauthoritymayonlyapproveasurrenderapplication
if—(a)theauthorityissatisfiedtheconditionsoftheenvironmental authority have been
complied with; and(b)iftheenvironmentalauthorityissubjecttoconditionsrequiring
rehabilitation, and a PRCP schedule does notapplyforarelevantactivityundertheenvironmentalauthority—(i)theauthorityissatisfiedthelandonwhicheachrelevantactivityfortheenvironmentalauthorityhasbeencarriedouthasbeensatisfactorilyrehabilitated;
program and it is satisfied the landwillbesatisfactorilyrehabilitatedundertheprogram; and(c)if a
PRCP schedule applies for carrying out a relevantactivityundertheenvironmentalauthority—theadministeringauthorityissatisfiedtherehabilitationmilestonesandmanagementmilestonesundertheschedule have been met; and(d)if a regulation has prescribed another
circumstance forthis section—the administering authority is
satisfied ofthe circumstance.(2)Despitesubsection(1)(b),theadministeringauthoritymayapproveasurrenderapplicationforanenvironmentalauthority that
relates to land in an overlapping area if—(a)the
administering authority is satisfied compliance witharehabilitationconditionoftheenvironmentalauthority,oraPRCPschedule,isimpossibleorimpracticalduetothecarryingoutofanoverlappingprescribed
resource activity in the area; and(b)anenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPschedulefortheoverlappingprescribedresourceactivityhasbeenPage 214Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 269A]amendedtoincludeaconditionequivalenttotherehabilitation condition of the
environmental authorityto be surrendered.Notauthorised—indicativeonly269AEffect of approval of surrender
application on PRCPschedule(1)This
section applies if—(a)theadministeringauthorityapprovesasurrenderapplication,otherthanasurrenderapplicationforapart of an environmental authority;
and(b)aPRCPscheduleappliesforcarryingoutrelevantactivities under
the environmental authority as in forcebefore the
surrender.(2)Ontheapprovalofthesurrenderapplication,thePRCPschedule ceases
to have effect.270When application may be refused(1)This section applies if—(a)asurrenderapplicationforapartialsurrenderofanenvironmentalauthorityforanERAprojectismade;and(b)iftheapplicationwasapproved,theenvironmentalauthoritywouldnotapplytoallremainingareasthatform the
project.(2)Without limiting sections 266(1) and
268, the administeringauthority may refuse the surrender
application.Division 6Residual risk
requirements271Payment may be required for residual
risks ofrehabilitation(1)Thissectionappliesforasurrenderapplicationforanenvironmental authority for a resource
activity.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 272](2)Theadministeringauthoritymay,bywrittennotice,requiretheapplicanttopayitastatedamountwithinastatedreasonable
period for the residual risks of the area the subjectof
the environmental authority (therelevant
area).(3)Arequirementundersubsection (2)isaresidualrisksrequirement.(4)If a progressive certification has
previously been given for arelevanttenurefortheenvironmentalauthority,theadministeringauthoritymust,indecidingtorequirethepayment—(a)confirmthattheareastillmeetsthecriteriaundersection 318ZI against which it was
certified; and(b)takeintoaccountanypreviouspaymentfortheprogressive
activities), part 6 (Progressive rehabilitation), division 2(Payment for residual risks of
rehabilitation).272Criteria for decision to make residual
risks requirementTheadministeringauthoritymaymakearesidualrisksrequirement for the surrender application
only if it is satisfiedthe requirement is justified having
regard to—(a)thedegreeofriskofenvironmentalharmlikelytohappeniftherelevantareaismanagedundertherelevant requirements of this Act and
instruments madeunder it; and(b)the
likelihood of action being needed to—(i)reinstate rehabilitation that fails to
establish a safe,stable and self-sustaining ecosystem;
or(ii)maintainenvironmentalmanagementprocessesneeded to protect the environment; orPage
216Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 273]Example of an action for subparagraph
(ii)—plugging a GHG well that is found to be
leaking GHG intoan overlying aquifer(iii)restore the environment because of
environmentalharm resulting from relevant resource
activities forthe environmental authority; andExample of an action for subparagraph
(iii)—pumping contaminated water to the surface
for treatment(c)the cost of likely action in
comparison with the cost ofbest practice
environmental management of the similaruse of land that
has not previously been affected by theactivities.273Amount and form of payment(1)The administering authority must
decide the amount and formof the payment required.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymaydecidetheamountbyreference to a guideline or other publicly
available document.(3)Despitesubsections
not require a payment of an amount more than the amountthat,intheauthority’sopinion,representsthelikelyrehabilitation
costs.(4)In this section—likely
rehabilitation costsmeans all likely costs and
expensesthat may be incurred in taking action to
rehabilitate or restoreand protect the environment because of
environmental harmthat may be caused by the residual risks of
the relevant area.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 274]Division 7Directions about
rehabilitation274Directions to carry out rehabilitation
may be given ifsurrender refused(1)This
section applies if the administering authority decides torefuse a surrender application for an
environmental authorityfor a resource activity.(2)The administering authority may give
the applicant a writtendirection(therehabilitationdirection)tocarryoutfurtherstated
rehabilitation within a stated reasonable period.(3)The direction must be given to the
applicant with the notice ofthe refusal of
the application required under section 275(b).(4)The
notice of refusal must also include an information noticeabout the decision to give the
direction.(5)In this section—rehabilitationincludes
environmental management.Division 8Miscellaneous
provisions275Steps after deciding surrender
applicationTheadministeringauthoritymust,within10businessdaysafter deciding a surrender
application—(a)if the decision is to approve the
surrender—(i)record the surrender in the relevant
register; and(ii)give the
applicant—(A)written notice of the decision;
and(B)aninformationnoticeaboutanydecisionunder section
271 for the application; and(iii)givewrittennoticeofthedecisiontotheschememanager;
orPage 218Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 275A](b)ifthedecisionistorefusethesurrender—givetheapplicant an information notice about the
decision.Notauthorised—indicativeonly275AAdministering authority may amend PRCP
schedule(1)This section applies if—(a)asurrenderapplicationforpartofanenvironmentalauthority is
approved; and(b)aPRCPscheduleappliesforcarryingoutarelevantactivityundertheenvironmentalauthorityasinforcebefore the surrender; and(c)because of the approval of the
surrender application, theholderisnolongerrequiredtocomplywitharequirementunderthePRCPscheduleoraconditionimposed on the schedule.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymust,withintherelevantperiod—(a)amendthePRCPscheduleoraconditionimposedonthe
schedule to remove the requirement; and(b)giveacopyoftheamendedPRCPscheduletotheholder; and(c)includeacopyoftheamendedPRCPscheduleintherelevant register; and(d)givetheholderaninformationnoticeabouttheamendment.(3)In
this section—relevantperiodmeans10businessdaysaftertheadministering authority decides the
surrender application.276Restriction on
surrender taking effect if payment requiredfor residual
271,been required to pay an amount for residual
risks of the areathe subject of a surrender
application.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 277](2)Despite section 275, a decision to
approve the surrender doesnot take effect until the requirement
has been complied with.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
11Cancellation or suspension ofenvironmental authorities byadministering authorityDivision 1Preliminary277Automatic cancellation if replacement
environmentalauthority given(1)Anenvironmentalauthorityiscancelledifareplacementenvironmental
authority for the authority has taken effect.(2)The
administering authority must, as soon as practicable afterthe
replacement environmental authority takes effect, recordparticulars of the cancellation in the
relevant register.277ACancellation of particular
environmental authority onholder’s request(1)This
section applies to an environmental authority that—(a)is in effect on the commencement of
the section; and(b)is for a mining activity that—(i)is an eligible ERA; and(ii)is a small scale
mining activity; and(iii)iscarriedoutunderaminingclaimoranexploration
permit, including a mining claim that,under the
Mineral Resources Act, section 816, hasbeen converted
from a mining lease.(2)The holder of
the environmental authority may give the chiefexecutiveanoticeintheapprovedformaskingthechiefexecutive to
cancel the authority.Page 220Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 278](3)On receiving a notice under this
section, the chief executivemust cancel the
environmental authority.(4)If the chief
executive cancels an environmental authority, thechief executive must—(a)give
the holder notice of the cancellation; and(b)record the cancellation in the relevant
register.(5)Divisions2and3donotapplytoacancellationofanenvironmental authority under this
section.(6)No amount of any annual fee paid by
the holder is refundableto the holder because of a
cancellation under this section.278Cancellation or suspension by administering
authority(1)Theadministeringauthoritymaycancelorsuspendanenvironmentalauthorityifaneventmentionedinsubsection (2) has happened and the
procedure under division2 is followed.(2)For
subsection (1), the events are as follows—(a)theenvironmentalauthoritywasissuedbecauseofamaterially false
or misleading certificate, declaration orrepresentation,
made either orally or in writing;(b)financialassurancerequiredunderaconditionoftheenvironmentalauthorityhasnotbeengivenintheamount or in the form required under
the notice givenunder section 311;(baa) anapplicationbytheenvironmentalauthorityholdermadeundersection312toincreasetheamountoffinancialassurancegivenfortheauthorityhasbeenapproved but the
amount of the increase of the financialassurance has
not been given;(ba)theadministeringauthorityhas,undersection315,requiredtheholderoftheenvironmentalauthoritytochangetheamountoffinancialassuranceandtheholder has not
complied with the requirement;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 221
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 278](c)theadministeringauthorityhas,undersection316(2)(b),directedtheholdertoreplenishfinancialassurancefortheenvironmentalauthorityandtheholder has not
complied with the direction;(ca)theholderhasfailedtocomplywitharequirementtopayacontributionorgiveasuretytotheschememanagerundertheMineralandEnergyResources(Financial Provisioning) Act 2018;(cb)ifaPRCPscheduleappliesforcarryingoutrelevantactivities under
the environmental authority—the holderhas failed to
comply with the schedule;(d)the
environmental authority holder is, after the giving oftheenvironmentalauthority,convictedofanenvironmental
offence;(e)theenvironmentalauthorityholder’sregistrationasasuitableoperatoriscancelledorsuspended,orisproposedtobecancelledorsuspended,underchapter5A, part 4,
division 2;(f)the holder has been given an audit
notice or surrendernotice and the notice has not been complied
with;(g)if an SDA approval under the State
Development Act isnecessaryunderthatActforcarryingoutanenvironmentally relevant activity for
the authority—theapprovallapsesorotherwiseends,ortheCoordinator-General refuses to give the
approval;(h)if the authority is for a prescribed
ERA—a developmentapplication for any necessary development
permit for amaterialchangeofuseofpremisesrelatingtotheprescribed ERA
lapses or is refused or withdrawn;(i)iftheauthorityisforaresourceactivity—arelevanttenurefortheauthorityhasnotbeengrantedunderresource
legislation.Page 222Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 278A]278AEffect of cancellation or suspension
of environmentalauthority on PRCP schedule(1)If a PRCP schedule applies for
carrying out a relevant activitytowhichasuspendedenvironmentalauthorityrelates,theschedule—(a)continues in force for the relevant
activity; and(b)is not affected by the
suspension.(2)If a PRCP schedule applies for
carrying out a relevant activityunderanenvironmentalauthoritythatiscancelled,theschedule ceases to have effect on the
cancellation.Division 2Procedure for
cancellation orsuspension by administeringauthority279Application of div 2This division
applies if the administering authority proposesto cancel or
suspend an environmental authority.280Notice of proposed action(1)Theadministeringauthoritymustgivetheenvironmentalauthorityholderawrittennoticestatingeachofthefollowing—(a)theaction(theproposedaction)theadministeringauthority
proposes taking under this division;(b)the
grounds for the proposed action;(c)thefactsandcircumstancesthatarethebasisforthegrounds;(d)if the proposed action is to suspend
the environmentalauthority—the proposed suspension
period;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 281](e)that the holder may, within a stated
period, make writtenrepresentations to show why the
proposed action shouldnot be taken.(2)The
stated period must end at least 20 business days after theholder is given the notice under subsection
(1).(3)For subsection (1)(d), the proposed
suspension period may befixed by reference to a stated
event.Example for subsection (3)—If a
ground on which the proposed action is to be taken is that
financialassurance required under a condition of the
environmental authority hasnot been given,
the proposed suspension period may be stated as theperiod ending when the financial assurance
is given.281Considering representationsTheadministeringauthoritymustconsideranywrittenrepresentationmadewithinthestatedperiodbytheenvironmental
authority holder.282Decision on proposed action(1)If,aftercomplyingwithsection 281,theadministeringauthoritystillbelievesagroundexiststotaketheproposedaction, it
may—(a)suspend the environmental authority
for no longer thanthe proposed suspension period; or(b)if the proposed action was to cancel
the environmentalauthority—either cancel the environmental
authority orsuspend it for a fixed period.(2)Thedecisionundersubsection
(1)istheproposedactiondecision.(3)If the
administering authority at any time decides not to takethe
proposed action, it must promptly give the environmentalauthority holder written notice of the
decision.Page 224Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 283]283Notice of proposed action
administering the resource legislation.(3)The
decision takes effect on the later of the following—(a)the day the notice is given to the
holder;(b)a later day of effect stated in the
notice.(4)However,ifthedecisionwastocancelorsuspendtheenvironmentalauthoritybecauseoftheconvictionoftheholder for an offence, the
cancellation or suspension—(a)does
not take effect until—(i)theperiodtoappealagainsttheconvictionends;and(ii)if the appeal is
made against the conviction—theappeal is
finally decided or is otherwise ended; and(b)has
no effect if the conviction is quashed on appeal.Division 3Steps after
making decision284Steps for cancellation or
suspension(1)This section applies if the proposed
action decision is to takeaction and the decision has taken
effect.(2)The administering authority must, as
soon as practicable—(a)take the action;
and(b)record the action in the relevant
register.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 284A](3)Also, if the action is suspension of
an environmental authority,the
administering authority must record when the suspensionperiod starts and ends in the relevant
register.(4)A suspension of an environmental
authority ends at the end ofthedayrecordedintherelevantregisterastheendofthesuspension
period.Part 11ASuspension of
environmentalauthorities by applicationDivision 1Preliminary284AWho
may applyThe holder of an environmental authority
may, at any time,applytotheadministeringauthoritytosuspendtheenvironmental authority (asuspension application).Division 2Suspension
applications284BRequirements for suspension
application(1)A suspension application must—(a)be made to the administering
authority; and(b)be made in the approved form;
and(c)beaccompaniedbythefeeprescribedunderaregulation; and(d)nominate the period of the proposed
suspension.(2)The nominated period of the proposed
suspension must be for1,2or3yearsfromthenextanniversarydayfortheenvironmental
authority.Page 226Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 284C]Division 3Deciding
suspension applications284CDeciding
suspension applicationTheadministeringauthoritymust,within20businessdaysafterreceivingthesuspensionapplication,decidewhetherto—(a)approve the application; or(b)refuse the application.284DCriteria for deciding suspension
applicationIn deciding the application, the
administering authority mustconsider—(a)thedegreeofriskofenvironmentalharmthathasalreadybeencausedbytherelevantactivity,orthatmight reasonably
be expected to be caused during thesuspension of
the relevant activity; and(b)the likelihood
of action being required to rehabilitate orrestoreandprotecttheenvironmentbecauseofenvironmental harm being caused during
the suspensionof the relevant activity; and(c)the environmental record of the
holder.284ERestrictions on giving approvalThe
administering authority may approve the application onlyif—(a)the
environmental authority is not subject to conditionsrequiring rehabilitation; or(b)aPRCPscheduledoesnotapplyforcarryingoutrelevant activities under the environmental
authority.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 284F]284FSteps after deciding suspension
application(1)The administering authority must,
within 5 business days afterdeciding a
suspension application—(a)ifthedecisionistoapprovethesuspensionoftheenvironmental authority—(i)recordthesuspensionintheappropriateregister,includingwhenthesuspensionperiodstartsandends; and(ii)givetheholderoftheenvironmentalauthoritywritten notice of the decision; or(b)ifthedecisionistorefusethesuspension—givetheholder an information notice about the
decision.(2)The environmental authority is
suspended for the period statedin the decision
notice, unless the holder of the environmentalauthorityterminatesthesuspensionbeforetheendofthesuspension period.Division 4Termination of suspension284GTermination of suspension(1)Theholderofanenvironmentalauthoritythathasbeensuspendedunderthispartmay,bynoticegiventotheadministeringauthority,terminatethesuspensionoftheenvironmental authority.(2)The notice—(a)may
be given—(i)before the suspension takes effect;
or(ii)during the
suspension period; and(b)mustbeaccompaniedbythefeeprescribedunderaregulation.Page 228Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 285]Part
12Auditing PRCP schedulesNotauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Requirements for
audit285PRCP schedule must be audited(1)The holder of a PRCP schedule must
commission an audit oftheschedulebyarehabilitationauditorforthefollowingperiods (each anaudit
period)—(a)the 3-year
period starting on the day the schedule takeseffect;(b)each 3-year period starting on the day
after the previousaudit period ended.(2)The
holder must, within 4 months after the end of each auditperiod, give the administering
authority—(a)therehabilitationauditor’sreport(anauditreport)about the audit that complies with
section 286; and(b)a declaration for the audit report
stating the holder—(i)hasnotknowinglygivenfalseormisleadinginformation to
the rehabilitation auditor; and(ii)hasgivenallrelevantinformationtotherehabilitation auditor.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)Thedeclarationmentionedinsubsection(2)(b)mustbemade—(a)if
the holder is an individual—by the holder; or(b)if
the holder is a corporation—by an executive officer ofthe
corporation.286Requirements for report about PRCP
schedule auditAn audit report for a PRCP schedule must be
in the approvedform, and include the following—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 287](a)a statement about whether the holder
has complied withthe schedule during the audit period,
including—(i)details of actions the holder has
taken, or failed totake,inrelationtotherehabilitationmilestonesandmanagementmilestonesundertheschedule;and(ii)whethertheholderhascomplied,orfailedtocomply, with conditions imposed on the
schedule;and(iii)whetherinformationgiventotheadministeringauthorityunderthisActaboutrehabilitationcarried out
under the schedule is accurate;(b)an
assessment of whether the post-mining land use forland
the subject of the schedule is likely to be achieved,having regard to the rehabilitation that has
been and isto be carried out under the schedule;(c)recommendations about actions the
holder should taketoensurerehabilitationmilestonesandmanagementmilestonesareachievedorconditionsofthescheduleare complied
with;(d)theotherinformationtheadministeringauthorityreasonablyconsidersnecessarytodecidewhethertotake action to amend the schedule
under part 6.Division 2Steps after
receiving audit reportand rehabilitation auditors287Administering authority may request
further information(1)AfterreceivinganauditreportforaPRCPschedule,theadministeringauthoritymay,bywrittennoticegiventotheholderoftheschedule,asktheholdertogivefurtherinformation the authority requires to decide
whether to takeaction to amend the schedule under part
6.(2)The request must—Page 230Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 288](a)bemadewithin10businessdaysafterthereportisreceived; and(b)state a period of at least 20 business days
within whichthe holder must give the information.Notauthorised—indicativeonly288Rehabilitation auditors(1)ApersonmaybecommissionedtocarryoutanauditofaPRCPscheduleonlyifthepersonmeetstherequirementsdecided by the
chief executive.(2)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that chapter 12, part 3Adoes not apply in relation to
rehabilitation auditors.Part 13Plan of
operations289Definition for partIn
this part—plan of operations, for a
petroleum lease, includes a plan ofoperations given
to the administering authority for a proposedlease
substantially the same as the petroleum lease.290Application of partThis part
applies in relation to an environmental authority fora
petroleum activity authorised under a petroleum lease, if
thepetroleum activity is an ineligible
ERA.291Plan of operations required before
acting underpetroleum leaseThe holder of
the environmental authority must not carry out,orallowthecarryingoutof,apetroleumactivityunderthepetroleum lease unless—(a)the holder has given the administering
authority a planof operations for the petroleum activities;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 292](b)at least 20 business days, or a
shorter period agreed inwritingbytheadministeringauthorityandtheholder,have
passed since the plan was submitted; and(c)the
plan complies with section 292.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Note—Seesection297forconditionsaboutwhentheholderofanenvironmental authority for a resource
activity must not carry out, orallow the
carrying out, of the resource activity under the authority.292Requirements for plan of
operations(1)A plan of operations must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)describe the following—(i)eachpetroleumleasefortheenvironmentalauthority;(ii)the
land to which each petroleum lease relates;(iii)the
land to which the plan applies; and(c)statetheperiodtowhichtheplanapplies(theplanperiod); and(d)include the following—(i)a map showing where all petroleum
activities areto be carried out on the land;(ii)anactionprogramforcomplyingwiththeconditions of the environmental
authority;(iii)a program for
the rehabilitation of land disturbedor proposed to
be disturbed under each petroleumlease;(iv)themattersprescribedunderanenvironmentalprotection
policy or by regulation; and(e)be
accompanied by a compliance statement for the plan;andPage 232Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 293](f)be accompanied by the fee prescribed
by regulation.(2)A compliance statement under
subsection (1)(e) must—(a)statetheextenttowhichtheplancomplieswiththeconditions of the environmental authority;
and(b)be made—(i)if
the holder is an individual—by the holder; or(ii)iftheholderisacorporation—byanexecutiveofficer of the
corporation.(3)The plan period can not be longer than
5 years.(4)Aproposedplanofoperationsmayrelateto1ormorepetroleum leases.293Amending or replacing plan(1)This section applies if—(a)the holder of the environmental
authority has given theadministeringauthorityaplanofoperations(theoriginal plan); and(b)the plan period for the plan has not
ended.(2)Theholdermayamendorreplacetheoriginalplanatanytime before the
plan period ends by giving the administeringauthority a
written notice that—(a)states—(i)the amendment of the original plan;
or(ii)that the
original plan is replaced; and(b)is
accompanied by—(i)for a replacement—the replacement
plan; and(ii)acompliancestatementfortheoriginalplan,asamended, or for the replacement plan;
and(iii)the fee
prescribed by regulation.(3)The compliance
statement must comply with section 292(2).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 233
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 294](4)Theholder’splanofoperationsistakentobetheoriginalplan, as amended from time to time by any
amendment underthis section.(5)However, an amendment can not extend the
plan period.(6)The original plan ceases to apply if
it is replaced.(7)A replacement plan may apply for a
period of no more than 5years after the day the notice of the
replacement plan is givenunder this section.294Failure to comply with plan of
operationsThe environmental authority holder must,
when carrying out apetroleum activity under the petroleum
lease, comply with theplan of operations.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.295Environmental authority overrides
plan(1)Thissectionappliesifthereisaninconsistencybetweenanenvironmental authority and a plan of
operations.(2)Theenvironmentalauthorityprevailstotheextentoftheinconsistency.(3)Theholderoftheenvironmentalauthoritymust,within15businessdaysaftertheholderbecomesawareoftheinconsistency, amend the plan to
remove the inconsistency.Maximum penalty—100 penalty
units.Page 234Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 296]Part
14Matters relating to costs ofrehabilitationDivision 1Estimated rehabilitation costs forresource activities and ERCdecisions296Definitions for divisionIn this
division—ERC decisionmeans a decision
of the administering authorityunder section
300 about the estimated rehabilitation cost for aresource activity.ERCperiod,fortheestimatedrehabilitationcostforaresource
activity, means—(a)if a PRCP schedule applies for the
activity—the periodof between 1 and 5 years stated in the
application for anERC decision under section 298(2)(b);
or(b)if the activity is a petroleum
activity that is an ineligibleERA, other than
a petroleum activity to which a plan ofoperations
applies, or the activity relates to a 1923 ActpetroleumtenuregrantedunderthePetroleumAct1923—the period of between 1 and 5 years
stated in theERC decision about the estimated
rehabilitation cost; or(c)ifaplanofoperationsappliesfortheactivities—theplan period for
the plan of operations; or(d)otherwise—thetotalperiodduringwhichtheresourceactivityislikelytobecarriedoutundertheenvironmental authority for the
activity.estimatedrehabilitationcost,foraresourceactivity,seesection 300(2).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 235
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 297]297Condition about ERC decisionIt
is a condition of an environmental authority for a resourceactivitythattheholdermustnotcarryout,orallowthecarryingoutof,aresourceactivityundertheauthorityunless—(a)anERCdecisionisineffectfortheresourceactivitywhen
the activity is carried out; and(b)the
holder has paid a contribution to the scheme fund orgiven a surety for the authority under the
Mineral andEnergyResources(FinancialProvisioning)Act2018;and(c)the holder has complied with the
requirements under theMineral and Energy Resources
(Financial Provisioning)Act 2018 for paying a contribution to
the scheme fund,orgivingasuretyfortheauthority,asrequiredfromtime
to time.298Applying for ERC decision(1)Theholderofanenvironmentalauthorityforaresourceactivity may apply to the administering
authority for an ERCdecision for the resource
activity.(2)The application must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)statetheERCperiodtowhich the application relates;and(c)state the amount
the holder considers to be an estimateofthetotalcost,fortheERCperiod,ofthefollowing,worked out in
compliance with the methodology decidedby the chief
executive—(i)rehabilitatingthelandonwhichtheresourceactivity is
carried out;(ii)preventing or
minimising environmental harm, orrehabilitatingorrestoringtheenvironment,inrelation to the resource activity;
andPage 236Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 299](d)includetheotherinformationtheadministeringauthorityreasonablyconsidersnecessarytomaketheERC
decision; and(e)includeacompliancestatementmadebyorfortheholderstatingtheamountmentionedinparagraph(c)for
the ERC period—(i)is worked out in compliance with the
methodologymentioned in that paragraph; and(ii)if a PRCP
schedule or plan of operations appliesfortheresourceactivities—isconsistentwiththeschedule or plan.299Administering authority may require
additionalinformation(1)Theadministeringauthoritymay,within10businessdaysafterreceivingtheapplication,givetheholderawrittennoticeaskingtheholdertoprovidefurtherinformationtheauthority reasonably requires to make the
ERC decision.(2)Thenoticemuststateaperiodofatleast10businessdayswithin which the information must be
given.(3)Iftheholderdoesnotcomplywiththenotice,theadministering authority may make the ERC
decision withoutthe further information.300Making ERC decision(1)Afterreceivingtheapplication,theadministeringauthoritymust
decide, for the ERC period, the amount of the estimatedcost
of—(a)rehabilitating the land on which the
resource activity iscarried out; and(b)preventingorminimisingenvironmentalharm,orrehabilitating or restoring the
environment, in relationto the resource activity.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 301](2)The amount of the estimated cost
decided under subsection (1)iscalledtheestimatedrehabilitationcostfortheresourceactivity.(3)The
decision must be made within—(a)the
later of—(i)15 business days after the application
is received;or(ii)if a notice
under section 299 is given to the holderoftheenvironmentalauthority—10businessdaysafter the day
the further information is received orthe holder fails
to comply with the notice; or(b)if
the holder agrees to a longer period of no more than20
business days—the longer period.(4)In
making the decision, the administering authority must haveregard to—(a)whethertheestimateofthetotalcostmentionedinsection298(2)(c)hasbeenworkedout,fortheERCperiod, as
mentioned in that paragraph; and(b)the
guidelines under section 550.(5)The
ERC decision—(a)takes effect on the day the decision
is made; and(b)subject to section 305, remains in
effect until the day theERC period to which the decision
relates ends.301Notice of decision(1)The
administering authority must, within 5 business days aftermaking the ERC decision, give an information
notice for thedecision to—(a)the
holder of the environmental authority; and(b)the
scheme manager.(2)The notice must state—Page
238Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 302](a)theestimatedrehabilitationcostfortheresourceactivity; and(b)the
period for which the ERC decision is in force.Notauthorised—indicativeonly302Application for new ERC decision
before expiry(1)Thissectionappliestotheholderofanenvironmentalauthority for a
resource activity for which an ERC decision isin force.(2)Theholdermustapply,undersection298,foranewERCdecision—(a)for
an environmental authority for a petroleum activityto
which a plan of operations applies—(i)ifthedaytheholdergivestheadministeringauthority a plan
of operations to replace the planof operations
that applies to the activity is at least20 business days
before the ERC period to whichthe decision
relates ends—on that day; or(ii)otherwise—atleast20businessdaysbeforetheERC
period to which the decision relates ends; or(b)otherwise—at least 3 months before the ERC
period towhich the decision relates ends.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.303Administering authority may direct
holder to re-apply forERC decision(1)This
section applies if the administering authority—(a)becomes aware of a change relating to the
carrying outof a resource activity by a holder of an
environmentalauthority that may result in an increase in
the estimatedrehabilitation cost for the activity;
or(b)approvesanapplicationtoamalgamateanenvironmentalauthoritywithanotherenvironmentalauthority under
section 247; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 304](c)de-amalgamatesanenvironmentalauthorityundersection
environmental authority, each of the holders,a written notice
directing the holder to re-apply, under section298, for an ERC
decision for the resource activity.(3)Thenoticemuststateareasonableperiodwithinwhichtheholder must comply with the
direction.(4)The holder must comply with the
direction.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.304When holder must re-apply for ERC
decision(1)Thissectionappliesinrelationtotheholderofanenvironmental authority for a resource
activity if—(a)thereisanincreaseinthelikelymaximumamountofdisturbance to the environment as a result
of the holdercarrying out the resource activity;
or(b)thereisachangerelatingtothecarryingoutoftheresourceactivitythatmayresultinanincreaseintheestimated rehabilitation cost for the
activity; or(c)theholder’sannualreturngivenundersection316Istates there has been a change to the
carrying out of theactivity that may affect the estimated
rehabilitation cost;or(d)the
administering authority approves an application toamalgamatetheenvironmentalauthoritywithanotherenvironmental authority under section 247;
or(e)theadministeringauthorityde-amalgamatestheenvironmental authority under section
250C.(2)Theholdermustre-apply,undersection298,foranERCdecision for the
resource activity—Page 240Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 305](a)ifsubsection(1)(a)or(b)applies—within10businessdays after the
holder becomes aware of the increase orchange;
authority; or(c)ifsubsection(1)(d)applies—within10businessdaysaftertheadministeringauthorityamalgamatestheenvironmental authorities under section 248;
penalty—100 penalty units.305Effect of
re-application on ERC decision(1)If
an application for an ERC decision is made in compliancewith
section 302, 303 or 304, and the application has not beendecided before the ERC period for the
current decision ends,thecurrentdecisionremainsineffectuntilthedaytheapplication is decided.(2)The
current decision stops having effect for this Act when theERC
decision on the re-application is made.(3)In
this section—currentdecision,fortheholderofanenvironmentalauthority, means
the ERC decision in effect when the holderapplies for a
decision under section 302, 303 or 304.306Effect of amalgamation or de-amalgamation
ofenvironmental authority on ERC
decision(1)This section applies if—(a)an ERC decision is in force for a
resource activity; and(b)the
administering authority—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 306]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(i)approvesanapplicationtoamalgamatetheenvironmentalauthorityfortheresourceactivitywithanotherenvironmentalauthorityundersection 247;
or(ii)de-amalgamatestheenvironmentalauthorityunder section 250C.(2)For
an application mentioned in subsection (1)(b)(i), on theday
the application is approved—(a)the
ERC decision (theprevious ERC decision) for
eachoftheenvironmentalauthoritiesapprovedforamalgamation is no longer in force;
and(b)theadministeringauthorityistakentohavemadeanERC decision under section 300 for the
environmentalauthority issued because of the
amalgamation; and(c)theestimatedrehabilitationcostfortheERCdecisionmentioned in
paragraph (b) is taken to be the total of theestimatedrehabilitationcostsunderthepreviousERCdecisions; and(d)a
contribution to the scheme fund paid, or surety given,undertheMineralandEnergyResources(FinancialProvisioning)Act2018foreachoftheenvironmentalauthorities
approved for amalgamation is taken to be acontributiontotheschemefundpaid,orsuretygiven,underthatAct,fortheenvironmentalauthorityissuedbecause of the
amalgamation.(3)For a de-amalgamated environmental
authority mentioned insubsection(1)(b)(ii),onthedaytheauthorityisde-amalgamated—(a)the
ERC decision (also theprevious ERC decision)
forthede-amalgamatedenvironmentalauthorityisnolonger in force;
and(b)theadministeringauthorityistakentohavemadeanERCdecisionundersection300foreachoftheenvironmentalauthoritiesissuedbecauseofthede-amalgamation; andPage
242Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 307](c)the estimated rehabilitation cost for
each ERC decisionmentioned in paragraph (b) is taken to be
the estimatedrehabilitationcostunderthepreviousERCdecisiondividedbythenumberofenvironmentalauthoritiesissued because
of the de-amalgamation; and(d)a
contribution to the scheme fund paid, or surety given,undertheMineralandEnergyResources(FinancialProvisioning)Act2018forthede-amalgamatedenvironmental
authority is taken to be a contribution totheschemefundpaid,orsuretygiven,underthatAct,for the
environmental authorities issued because of thede-amalgamation.(4)AnERCdecisionmentionedinsubsection(2)(b)or(3)(b)remainsinforceforarelevantactivityuntilthedayanewERC
decision is made for the activity.(5)The
Mineral and Energy Resources (Financial Provisioning)Act2018,section26doesnotapplytoanERCdecisionmentioned in subsection (2)(b) or
(3)(b).Division 2Financial
assurance for prescribedERAs307Application of divisionThis division
applies in relation to an environmental authorityfor
a prescribed ERA.308Requirement to give financial
assurance forenvironmental authority(1)Theadministeringauthoritymayimposeaconditiononanenvironmental authority that the
holder must not carry out, orallowthecarryingoutof,arelevantactivityundertheauthority unless the holder has paid a
financial assurance tothe administering authority under this
division.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 309](2)The condition may require the
financial assurance to be givenas security
for—(a)compliance with the environmental
authority; and(b)costsandexpenses,orlikelycostsandexpenses,mentioned in
section 316C.(3)However,theadministeringauthoritymayimposethecondition only if it is satisfied the
condition is justified havingregard
to—(a)the degree of risk of environmental
harm being caused,or that might reasonably beexpected to be caused, bythe
relevant activity; and(b)the likelihood
of action being required to rehabilitate orrestoreandprotecttheenvironmentbecauseofenvironmental harm being caused by the
activity; and(c)the environmental record of the
holder.(4)Theadministeringauthoritymayrequireafinancialassurancetoremaininforceuntilitissatisfiednoclaimislikely to be made on the assurance.309Application for decision about amount
and form offinancial assurance(1)This
section applies if a condition requiring a holder to give afinancial assurance is imposed on an
environmental authority.(2)Theholdermayapplytotheadministeringauthorityforadecision about
the amount and form of financial assurance.(3)The
application must—(a)be in the approved from; and(b)includetheinformationtheadministeringauthorityreasonablyconsidersnecessarytodecidetheapplication.Page 244Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 310]310Deciding amount and form of financial
assurance(1)The administering authority must
decide the amount and formoffinancialassurancerequiredunderaconditionofanenvironmental authority.(2)The decision must be made
within—(a)10businessdaysaftertheapplicationmadeundersection 309 is
received by the administering authority;or(b)if a longer period is agreed to by the
holder—the longerperiod.(3)In
making the decision, the administering authority must haveregard to the financial assurance
not require financial assurance of an amount that exceedstheamountrepresentingthetotallikelycostsandexpensesthat may be
incurred in carrying out rehabilitation of, or torestore and protect, the environment because
of environmentalharm that may be caused by the prescribed
ERA.(5)In this section—costsandexpensesincludescostsandexpensesformonitoring and maintenance.311Notice of decisionThe
administering authority must, within 5 business days aftermakingadecisionundersection310,giveaninformationnotice about the
decision to the holder of the environmentalauthority.312Application to amend or discharge financial
assurance(1)The holder of an environmental
authority for which financialassurancehasbeengivenmayapplytotheadministeringauthority
to—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 313](a)amendtheamount(bydecreasingorincreasingtheamount) or form of the financial assurance;
or(b)discharge the financial
assurance.(2)The application must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)state whether the application relates
or(ii)discharging the
financial assurance; and(c)iftheapplicationrelatestoamendingtheamountorformoffinancialassurance—includedetailsoftheproposed
amendment; and(d)includetheinformationtheadministeringauthorityreasonablyconsidersnecessarytodecidetheapplication.313Administering authority may require
section applies to an application under section 312.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymay,bywrittennoticegiventothe
applicant, require the applicant to give the administeringauthority a compliance statement for the
financial assurancebefore deciding the application.(3)The compliance statement must—(a)be made by or for the applicant;
and(b)state the extent to which activities
carried out under theenvironmental authority to which the
application relateshave complied with the conditions of the
environmentalauthority; and(c)statewhetherornottheamountofthefinancialassurancehasbeencalculatedhavingregardtothefinancial assurance guideline.Page
246Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 314]314Deciding application(1)Theadministeringauthoritymust,withintherelevantperiod—(a)approve or refuse an application under
section 312; and(b)givetheapplicantaninformationnoticeaboutthedecision.(2)If
the application relates to amending the amount or form offinancialassurance,theauthoritymusthaveregardtothefinancial
assurance guideline in deciding the application.(3)Despitesubsection(1),theadministeringauthoritymayapproveanapplicationtodischargeafinancialassuranceonly
if the authority is satisfied no claim is likely to be madeon
the assurance.(4)Subsection (5) applies if the
and(b)theapplicationwasmadebecauseofatransferapplicationfortheenvironmentalauthorityforwhichthe financial
assurance was given.(5)Despitesubsection(1),theadministeringauthoritymaywithhold making a decision under that
subsection until—(a)the transfer application has been
approved; and(b)any financial assurance for the
environmental authorityrequired to be given by the new holder
has been given;and(c)the transfer has
taken effect.(6)In this section—relevant
periodmeans—(a)iftheapplicantisrequiredtogiveacompliancestatement under
section 313—20 business days after thestatement is
received by the administering authority; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 247
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 315](b)otherwise—20businessdaysaftertheapplicationisreceived.315Power to require a change to financial
assurance(1)Theadministeringauthoritymay,atanytime,requiretheholderofanenvironmentalauthorityforwhichfinancialassurancehasbeengiventochangetheamountofthefinancial assurance.(2)Beforemakingtherequirement,theadministeringauthoritymust
give written notice to the holder.(3)The
notice must—(a)state the details of the proposed
requirement; and(b)invite the holder to make written
representations abouttheproposedrequirementwithinastatedperiodofatleast 20
business days after the day the holder is giventhe
notice.(4)The administering authority must,
before deciding to make therequirement,
consider the representations made by the holderwithin the
stated period.(5)The requirement does not take effect
until—(a)the day the holder is given an
information notice for thedecision; or(b)iftheinformationnoticestatesalaterday—thelaterday.(6)In this section—change,
financial assurance, includes to decrease or increasethe
amount of the financial assurance.financial
assuranceincludes financial assurance given by
aholder that has changed because of a
requirement previouslymade under this section.Page
248Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 316]316Replenishment of financial
assurance(1)This section applies if—(a)under this division, all or part of
the financial assurancefor an environmental authority has
been realised; and(b)the environmental authority is still
in force.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymustgivetheholderoftheenvironmental authority a
notice—(a)statinghowmuchofthefinancialassurancehasbeenused; and(b)directing the holder to, within 20
business days after thegiving of the notice, replenish the
financial assurance tothe amount that was held by the
administering authoritybefore the financial assurance started
to be realised.(3)It is a condition of the environmental
authority that the holdermust comply with the direction.Division 3Claiming316ADefinitions for divisionIn
this division—environmental authorityincludes a
cancelled or surrenderedenvironmental authority.EPA
assurancemeans a financial assurance given under
assurancemeans a contribution paid to the
(Financial Provisioning) Act 2018.316BReferences to EPA assurance or suretyA
reference in this division to making a claim on or realisingan
EPA assurance or a surety includes a reference to making aclaim on or realising a part of the EPA
assurance or surety.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 316C]316CApplication of divisionThis
division applies if the administering authority incurs, ormightreasonablyincur,costsandexpensesintakingactionto—(a)prevent or
minimise environmental harm, or rehabilitateorrestoretheenvironment,inrelationtothecarryingout of an
activity for which an EPA assurance or schemeassurance has
been given; or(b)securecompliancewithanenvironmentalauthorityorprescribedconditionforasmallscaleminingactivityfor which an EPA
assurance or scheme assurance hasbeen
given.316DAdministering authority may claim or
realise EPAassurance or ask scheme manager for
payment(1)If an entity has given an EPA
assurance for an activity, theadministering
authority may recover the reasonable costs andexpenses of
taking an action under section 316C by making aclaim on or
realising the financial assurance.(2)If
an entity has given a scheme assurance, the administeringauthority may ask the scheme manager
for—(a)paymentofthecostsandexpensesfromtheschemefund; or(b)ifasuretyhasbeengiven—paymentofthecostsandexpenses by the scheme manager making a
claim on orrealising the surety.316ENotice about claiming or realising EPA
assurance orasking scheme manager for payment(1)Before making a claim on or realising
an EPA assurance, theadministering authority must give
written notice to the entitywho gave the EPA
250Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 316F]administering authority must give written
notice to the entitywho paid the surety.(3)The notice must—(a)statedetailsoftheactiontheadministeringauthorityproposes to take; and(b)state the amount of the EPA assurance to be
claimed orrealised,oramounttoberequestedfromtheschememanager;
and(c)for making a claim on or realising an
EPA assurance orasuretyundertheMineralandEnergyResources(Financial Provisioning) Act 2018—invite the
entity tomakewrittenrepresentationstotheadministeringauthority about
why the assurance or surety should notbe claimed or
realised as proposed; and(d)statetheperiodwithinwhichtherepresentationsmustbe
made.(4)The stated period must end at least 20
business days after theentity is given the notice.316FConsidering representationsTheadministeringauthoritymustconsideranywrittenrepresentations
made within the stated period by the entity.316GDecision(1)Theadministeringauthoritymust,within10businessdaysafter the end of the stated period, decide
whether to make aclaim on, or realise, the EPA assurance, or
to ask for paymentof the costs and expenses mentioned in
section 316D(2)(b).(2)If the administering authority decides
to act as mentioned insubsection(1),itmust,within5businessdaysaftermakingthe
decision, give the entity an information notice about thedecision.(3)Iftheadministeringauthority
decidestoaskforpaymentofthecostsandexpensesmentionedinsection316D(2)(a),itCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 316H]must, within 5 business days after asking
for the payment, givethe entity an information notice about
the decision.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 15General
provisionsDivision 1Requirement for
holders of PRCplan316HObligation to give amended rehabilitation
planning partto administering authority(1)This section applies if a PRCP
schedule is amended under thischapter.(2)Within the relevant period, the holder
must—(a)reviewtherehabilitationplanningpartoftheholder’sPRCplanandmakethenecessaryorappropriateamendments as a
result of the amendment of the PRCPschedule;
and(b)give a copy of the amended
rehabilitation planning partto the
administering authority.Maximum penalty—100 penalty
units.(3)Theadministeringauthoritymustincludetheamendedrehabilitationplanningpartoftheplanontherelevantregister.(4)In this section—relevantperiod,foranamendmentofaPRCPschedule,means—(a)10 business days after the holder
receives—(i)foranamendmentundersection211—awrittennotice of the
amendment under section 211(b); or(ii)foranotheramendment—acopyoftheamendedPRCP
schedule; orPage 252Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 316I](b)iftheadministeringauthorityagreestoalongerperiod—the
longer period.Division 2Annual fees and
returns316IAnnual return for environmental
authorities(1)Thissectionappliestotheholderofanenvironmentalauthority for
which an annual fee is prescribed by regulation.(2)Theholdermustgivetheadministeringauthorityanannualreturn that
complies with this division.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.(3)The annual
return must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)be accompanied by the annual fee;
and(c)for an environmental authority for a
resource activity—state whether there has been a change to the
cost for the activity.(4)Theannualreturnmustbegiventotheadministeringauthority before
each anniversary day for the environmentalauthority.(5)If
the holder does not pay theannualfee,theadministeringauthority may
recover the annual fee as a debt.316JParticular requirement for annual return if
PRCPschedule applies(1)ThissectionappliestotheholderofanenvironmentalauthorityforarelevantactivitytowhichaPRCPscheduleapplies.(2)Theannualreturnmustincludeanevaluationoftheeffectiveness of the schedule,
including the effectiveness of theCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 253
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 316K]environmentalmanagementcarriedoutundertheschedule,for the year to
which the annual report relates.(3)Without limiting subsection (2), the
evaluation must state—(a)whetheranyrehabilitationmilestonesormanagementmilestonestobecompletedunderthePRCPscheduleduring the year have been met; and(b)whethertheholderhascompliedwiththeconditionsimposed on the
PRCP schedule.316KParticular requirement for annual
return for CSGenvironmental authority(1)ThissectionappliestotheholderofanenvironmentalauthorityforaCSGactivityiftheactivityisanineligibleERA.(2)TheannualreturnmustincludeanevaluationoftheeffectivenessofthemanagementofCSGwaterunderthecriteria mentioned in section
126(1)(e) for carrying out eachrelevant CSG
activity.(3)Without limiting subsection (2), the
evaluation must state—(a)whethertheCSGwaterhasbeeneffectivelymanagedhaving regard to the criteria; and(b)if the water has not been effectively
managed—(i)theactionthatwillbetakentoensurethewaterwillinthefuturebeeffectivelymanagedhavingregard to the
criteria; and(ii)when the action
will be taken.Division 3Changing
anniversary day316LChanging anniversary day(1)The administering authority may change
the anniversary day,foranenvironmentalauthorityforwhichanannualfeeisPage 254Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 316M]prescribed by regulation, to another day
(thenew day) if theholder of the environmental
authority—(a)agrees in writing to the change;
or(b)appliestotheadministeringauthoritytochangetheanniversary day to a new day.(2)Theapplicationmustbeintheapprovedformandbeaccompanied by
the fee prescribed by regulation.316MDeciding applicationTheadministeringauthoritymust,within20businessdaysaftertheapplicationismade,decidewhethertochangetheanniversary day to the new day.316NNotice of decisionTheadministeringauthoritymust,within10businessdaysafter the decision is made, give the
holder—(a)if the decision is to change the
day—written notice of thedecision; or(b)if
the decision is not to change the day—an informationnotice for the decision.316OWhen
decision takes effectA decision to change the anniversary
day takes effect on thelater of the following days—(a)the day the holder is given notice of
the decision;(b)a later day of effect stated in the
notice.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC plans
and environmentally relevant activities[s 316P]Division 4Non-compliance
with eligibilitycriteriaNotauthorised—indicativeonly316PRequirement to
replace environmental authority ifnon-compliance
with eligibility criteria(1)This section
applies if—(a)an environmental authority is issued
for a standard orvariation application under part 5;
and(b)therelevantactivityfortheauthoritydoesnotcomplywith the
eligibility criteria for the activity.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymayrequiretheholderoftheenvironmental authority to—(a)make a site-specific application for a
new environmentalauthorityunderpart2toreplacetheenvironmentalauthority;
or(b)make an amendment application for the
environmentalauthority under part 7.(3)Beforemakingarequirementundersubsection (2),theadministeringauthoritymustgivewrittennoticeoftheproposedrequirementtotheholderoftheenvironmentalauthority.(4)The
notice must state the following—(a)the
grounds for the requirement;(b)thefactsandcircumstancesthatarethebasisforthegrounds;(c)that the holder may, within a stated
period of at least 20businessdays,makewrittenrepresentationstoshowwhy the
requirement should not be made.(5)The
administering authority must, before deciding to make therequirement, consider the representations
made by the holderwithin the stated period.(6)The requirement does not take effect
until—Page 256Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5 Environmental authorities, PRC
plans and environmentally relevant activities[s 316Q](a)theholderisgivenaninformationnoticeaboutthedecision; or(b)iftheinformationnoticestatesalaterdaytherequirement takes effect—the later
day.(7)The holder of the authority must
comply with a requirementunder subsection (2).Maximum penalty for subsection (7)—4,500
penalty units.Division 5Miscellaneous
provisions316QAdministering authority may seek
advice, comment orinformation about application(1)Theadministeringauthoritymayaskanyentityforadvice,comment or
information about an application, or a proposedPRCplanaccompanyingtheapplication,madeunderthischapter at any time.(2)Thereisnoparticularwaytheadvice,commentorinformationmaybeaskedforandreceivedandtherequestmay be by public
notice.316RDecision criteria are not
exhaustive(1)This section applies if—(a)anentityisdeciding,orisrequiredtodecide,anapplication under this chapter; and(b)a provision of this chapter requires
the entity, in makingthe decision, to consider stated
criteria or matters.(2)Thestatedcriteriaormattersdonotlimitthecriteriaormatters the entity may consider in making
the decision.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 317]Chapter 5AGeneral
provisions aboutenvironmentally relevantactivitiesPart
1ERA standards317Definitions for pt 1In this
part—consultationperiod,foranERAstandard,seesection 318A(1)(b)(ii).ERA
standardmeans a standard made under section
318.relevant existing authority,
for an ERA standard, means anenvironmental
authority—(a)issued before the ERA standard is
made; and(b)subjecttoconditionsidentifiedintheauthorityasstandardconditionsfortheenvironmentallyrelevantactivity to which the ERA standard
relates.318Chief executive may make ERA
standard(1)The chief executive may make a
standard for—(a)theeligibilitycriteriaforanenvironmentallyrelevantactivity; and(b)the
standard conditions for an environmentally relevantactivity.(2)An
ERA standard mentioned in subsection (1) may state thatthe
standard conditions apply to relevant existing authorities.Page
258Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318A]318ANotice of proposed ERA
standards(1)Before the chief executive makes an
ERA standard, the chiefexecutivemustpublishthefollowingonthedepartment’swebsite—(a)a copy of the proposed ERA
standard;(b)a notice stating—(i)that
a person may make a submission to the chiefexecutive about
the proposed ERA standard; and(ii)theperiod,ofatleast30businessdays,(theconsultationperiod)duringwhichasubmissionmay be made;
and(iii)how to make a
submission; and(iv)ifstandardconditionsprovidedforundertheproposedERAstandardwillapplytorelevantexistingauthorities—thatthestandardconditionsprovided for
under the proposed ERA standard willapply to
relevant existing authorities.(2)The
chief executive must ensure the documents mentioned insubsection (1)arepublishedonthedepartment’swebsitethroughout the consultation period.(3)Subsections (4) and (5) apply if
standard conditions providedfor under the
proposed ERA standard will apply to relevantexisting
administering authority may amend a relevant existing authority
toreflectnewstandardconditionsinparticularcircumstances.Seesection 213.(4)Thechiefexecutivemustgivewrittennoticeabouttheproposed ERA standard to each holder of a
relevant existingauthority that is in effect immediately
before the consultationperiod starts under subsection (1) and
for which the proposedstandard conditions in the ERA
standard will apply.(5)A notice under
subsection (4) must state—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318B](a)thatthechiefexecutiveproposestomakeanERAstandard that will apply to the
holder’s relevant existingauthority; and(b)details of the department’s website address;
and(c)thattheholdermaymakeasubmissiontothechiefexecutive about
the proposed ERA standard during theconsultation
period.318BConsideration of submissionsThechiefexecutivemustconsiderallsubmissionsmadeduringtheconsultationperiodbeforedecidingwhethertomake
an ERA standard.318CPublication of ERA standardThechiefexecutivemustpublishacopyofeachERAstandardmadebythechiefexecutiveonthedepartment’swebsite.318DApproval of ERA standard by
regulationAnERAstandardtakeseffectwhenitisapprovedbyaregulation.318DA Minor
amendment of ERA standard(1)The chief
executive may make a minor amendment of an ERAstandard by
publishing a copy of the amended ERA standardon the
department’s website.(2)The amended ERA
standard takes effect when it is approvedby a
regulation.(3)In this section—minoramendment,ofanERAstandard,meansanamendment of the standard—(a)to change a title or department name;
orPage 260Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318E](b)to correct a spelling or grammatical
error; or(c)tochangeterminologythathasnoeffectontheoperation of the
standard; or(d)to make another change the chief
executive is satisfied isnot a change of substance.Note—An amendment of
an ERA standard other than a minor amendment ismade by the
making of a new ERA standard.Part 3Codes of practice318ECodes
of practice(1)The Minister may, by gazette notice,
make codes of practicestatingwaysofachievingcompliancewiththegeneralenvironmental
duty for an activity that causes, or is likely tocause, environmental harm.(2)Inmakingacodeofpracticeundersubsection (1),theMinistermusthaveregardtothemattersmentionedinsection 319(2).(3)The
department must keep a copy of a code of practice madeunder subsection (1) available on its
website.(4)Acodeofpracticehaseffect for7years afterthedayitismade, unless it is earlier repealed.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318F]Part
4Registration of suitableoperatorsDivision 1Applications for
registration318FApplication for registration(1)An entity may apply to be registered
as a suitable operator forthe carrying out of an environmentally
relevant activity.(2)The application must—(a)be made to the chief executive in the
approved form; and(b)beaccompaniedbythefeeprescribedunderaregulation.(3)Theapplicantmaywithdrawtheapplicationatanytimebefore it is
decided.318GDeciding applicationThechiefexecutivemustdecidetorefuseorapprovetheapplication within—(a)if
the chief executive obtains a suitability report abouttheapplicantundersection 318R—20businessdaysafter receiving
the application; or(b)otherwise—10businessdaysafterreceivingtheapplication.318HGrounds for refusing application for
registrationThechiefexecutivemayrefusetheapplicationifsatisfiedthat—(a)the applicant is not suitable to be
registered as a suitableoperator having regard to the
applicant’s environmentalrecord; orPage 262Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318I](b)foranapplicantthatisnotacorporation—adisqualifyingeventhashappenedinrelationtotheapplicant or another person of whom
the applicant is apartner; or(c)foranapplicantthatisacorporation—adisqualifyingevent has
happened in relation to—(i)any of the
corporation’s executive officers; or(ii)anothercorporationofwhichanyofthecorporation’s
executive officers are, or have been,an executive
officer.318ISteps after deciding application for
registration(1)If the chief executive decides to
approve the application, thechief executive
must, within 5 business days after deciding theapplication—(a)givetheapplicantwrittennoticestatingthattheapplication is approved; and(b)include the applicant’s name and
address in the registerof suitable operators.(2)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidestorefusetheapplication,thechief executive must give the applicant an
information noticeabout the decision within 5 business days
after deciding theapplication.(3)Subsection (4) applies if—(a)the application was made together with
an applicationfor an environmental authority under chapter
5; and(b)the administering authority for the
application is not thechief executive.(4)The
chief executive must also give the administering authoritynotice of the decision.318JTerm
of registration(1)A registered suitable operator’s
registration—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318K](a)has effect from the day the operator’s
name and addressis included in the register of suitable
operators; and(b)continues in force until it ends under
subsection (2) or iscancelled or suspended under division
2.(2)Aregisteredsuitableoperator’sregistrationendsatthecompletion of a
period of 5 years for which the operator wasnot the holder
of an environmental authority.Division 2Cancelling or suspendingregistration318KCancellation or suspension of
registrationThechiefexecutivemaycancelorsuspendaregistrationunder this part
if—(a)a disqualifying event has happened
for—(i)the registered suitable operator or
another personof whom the operator is partner; or(ii)if the operator
is a corporation—(A)any of the corporation’s executive
officers; or(B)anothercorporationofwhichanyofthecorporation’s
executive officers are, or havebeen, an
executive officer; or(b)thechiefexecutiveissatisfiedtheoperatorisnotsuitabletoberegisteredasasuitableoperatorhavingregard to the
applicant’s environmental record.318LNotice of proposed action(1)Ifthechiefexecutiveproposestocancelorsuspendaregistration,thechiefexecutivemustgivetheregisteredsuitable
operator a written notice stating—(a)theaction(theproposedaction)thechiefexecutiveproposes taking
under this division; andPage 264Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318M](b)the grounds for the proposed action;
and(d)if the proposed action is to suspend
the registration—theproposed suspension period; and(e)thattheoperatormaymake,withinastatedperiod,written representations to show why the
proposed actionshould not be taken.(2)The
stated period must end at least 20 business days after theoperator is given the written notice.(3)For subsection (1)(d), the proposed
suspension period may befixed by reference to a stated
event.318MConsidering representationsThe
chief executive must consider any written representationsmadebytheregisteredsuitableoperatorwithinthestatedperiod.318NDecision on proposed action(1)After complying with section 318M, the
chief executive mustdecide to—(a)if
the proposed action was to suspend the registration fora
stated period—suspend the registration for no longerthan
the stated period; or(b)if the proposed
action was to cancel the registration—(i)cancel the registration; or(ii)suspend it for a
fixed period; or(c)take no further action.(2)Thedecisionundersubsection
(1)istheproposedactiondecision.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318O]318ONotice of proposed action
decision(1)Iftheproposedactiondecisionistocancelorsuspendtheregistration, the chief executive
must—(a)givetheregisteredsuitableoperatoraninformationnotice about the
decision within 10 business days afterthe decision is
made; and(b)iftheoperatoristheholderof,orisactingunder,anenvironmentalauthorityforaresourceactivity—givewrittennoticeofthedecisiontothechiefexecutiveadministering the resource
legislation.(2)If the proposed action decision is to
take no further action, thechiefexecutivemust,within10businessdaysafterthedecision is made, give the registered
suitable operator writtennotice of the decision.318PWhen decision takes effect(1)Iftheproposedactiondecisionistocancelorsuspendtheregistration,thedecisiontakeseffectonthelaterofthefollowing—(a)the
day the information notice is given to the operatorunder section 318O(1)(a);(b)a later day of effect stated in the
notice.(2)However,ifthedecisionwastocancelorsuspendtheregistration because of the conviction of
the operator for anoffence, the cancellation or
suspension—(a)does not take effect until—(i)theperiodtoappealagainsttheconvictionends;and(ii)if the appeal is
made against the conviction—theappeal is
finally decided or is otherwise ended; and(b)has
no effect if the conviction is quashed on appeal.Page
266Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318Q]318QSteps for cancelling or suspending
registration(1)Thissectionappliesiftheproposedactiondecisionistocancel or suspend the registration and
the decision has takeneffect.(2)The
chief executive must, within 10 business days—(a)take
the action; and(b)record particulars of the action in
the relevant register.(3)If the action is
suspension of the registration—(a)theparticularsmuststatewhenthesuspensionperiodstarts and ends; and(b)thesuspensionendswhenthesuspensionperiodisstated to end.Division 3Investigating suitability318RInvestigation of applicant suitability
or disqualifyingevents(1)The
chief executive may investigate a person or another entityto
help decide whether—(a)anapplicantissuitabletobearegisteredsuitableoperator; or(b)adisqualifyingeventhashappenedinrelationtotheperson or another person.(2)The chief executive may obtain a
report on the person from anadministeringauthorityofanotherStateunderacorrespondinglawaboutamattermentionedinsubsection (1).(3)The
commissioner of the police service must, if asked by thechief executive, give the chief executive a
written report aboutanyconvictions,otherthanspentconvictions,forenvironmental offences recorded against the
person obtainedfrom—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 267
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318S](a)information in the commissioner’s
possession; and(b)information the commissioner can
reasonably obtain byaskingofficialsadministeringpoliceservicesinotherAustralian
jurisdictions.(4)In this section—spent
convictionmeans a conviction—(a)for
which the rehabilitation period under theCriminalLaw
(Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986has
expiredunder that Act; and(b)thatisnotrevivedasprescribedbysection 11ofthatAct.318SUse of information in suitability
report(1)Thissectionappliesifthechiefexecutiveisconsideringinformationcontainedinareportaboutapersonobtainedunder section 318R (asuitability
report).(2)The information
must not be used for any purpose other thanto make the
decision for which the report was obtained.(3)In
making the decision, the chief executive must have regardtothefollowingmattersrelatingtoinformationaboutthecommission of an offence by the
person—(a)when the offence was committed;(b)thenatureoftheoffenceanditsrelevancetothedecision.318TNotice of use of information in
suitability reportBefore using information contained in a
suitability report toassessamattermentionedinsection 318R(1),thechiefexecutive
must—(a)disclosetheinformationtothepersontowhomthereport relates; andPage 268Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318U](b)allowthepersonareasonableopportunitytomakerepresentationstothechiefexecutiveabouttheinformation.Notauthorised—indicativeonly318UConfidentiality of suitability
reports(1)This section applies to a person
who—(a)is, or has been, a public service
employee; and(b)has,inthatcapacityacquiredinformation,orgainedaccesstoasuitabilityreportaboutsomeoneelse(thesecond person).(2)The person must not disclose the
information, or give accessto the report,
to anyone else.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)However, subsection (2) does not apply
if the disclosure of theinformation, or giving of access to
the report, is—(a)with the second person’s written
consent; or(b)toanotherpublicserviceemployeeformakingthedecision for which the report was obtained;
or(c)to the Land Court or the Court;
or(d)to a person carrying out functions for
the Land Court,Court or chief executive; or(e)to a person employed or engaged to
give advice to theLand Court, Court or chief executive in the
carrying outof its functions; or(f)under a direction or order made in a
proceeding; or(g)expressly permitted or required under
another Act.318VDestruction of suitability
reports(1)Thissectionappliesifthechiefexecutivehasobtainedasuitability report and made the decision for
which the reportwas obtained.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 269
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318W](2)Thechiefexecutivemustdestroythereportassoonaspracticable after the later of the
following—(a)if the report wholly or partly relates
to a conviction foran environmental offence—(i)ifanappealismadeagainsttheconviction—thedecidingorotherendingoftheappealandanyappeal from that
appeal; or(ii)otherwise—the
end of the period to appeal againstthe
conviction;(b)the end of the period under this Act
to appeal against, orapply for a review of, the
decision;(c)thedecidingorotherendingofanappealorreviewmentionedinparagraph(b)andanyappealfromthatappeal or review.Part 5Work
diary requirements forparticular registered suitableoperators318WApplication of pt 5(1)This
part applies to a registered suitable operator carrying outaprescribedERAthatisamobileandtemporaryenvironmentallyrelevantactivity,unlesstheactivityisregulated waste transport.(2)In this section—regulatedwastetransportmeansaprescribedERAprescribed under a regulation for this
section, relating to thetransport of waste.Page
270Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318X]318XRequirement to keep work diary(1)A registered suitable operator must
keep a work diary in theapproved form for a mobile and
temporary environmentallyrelevant activity carried out by the
operator.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Theapprovedformmustprovidefortheinclusionofthefollowing—(a)detailsofeachlocationatwhichthemobileandtemporaryenvironmentallyrelevantactivityiscarriedout by the
registered suitable operator;(b)thedaysonwhichtheactivityiscarriedoutbytheoperator.(3)The registered suitable operator must
record the informationrequired under the approved form
within 1 day after the daytheoperatorvacateseachlocationatwhichthemobileandtemporaryenvironmentallyrelevantactivityiscarriedout,unless the operator has a reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(4)The registered suitable operator must
keep the work diary for2 years after the day on which the
operator vacates the lastlocation at which the mobile and
temporary environmentallyrelevantactivityiscarriedout,unlesstheoperatorhasareasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.318YRequirement to
notify chief executive if work diary lost orstolen(1)Aregisteredsuitableoperatorwhobecomesawarethattheoperator’s work diary has been lost or
stolen must, within 7business days, give the chief
executive written notice that thediaryhasbeenlostorstolen,unlesstheoperatorhasareasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—50 penalty units.(2)In this
section—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318Z]work
diary, of a registered suitable operator, means
the workdiary the operator keeps under section
318X.Part 6Progressive
rehabilitationDivision 1Certification of
progressiverehabilitation for resource projectsSubdivision 1Preliminary318ZWhat
isprogressive certification(1)The administering authority may, under
this division, certifythat a particular area within a
relevant tenure for a resourceproject has been
rehabilitated under all relevant requirementsof—(a)this Act; and(b)theenvironmentalauthorityunderwhichtheresourceproject is
authorised; and(c)a PRCP schedule applying to the
activities carried outunder the environmental authority;
and(d)a relevant guideline or other document
made under thisAct.(2)The
certification is aprogressive certificationfor
the relevanttenure.(3)Theareathesubjectoftheprogressivecertificationisacertified rehabilitated areafor
the relevant tenure.318ZA Effect of progressive
certification(1)Ifprogressivecertificationhasbeengivenforarelevanttenure,therequirementsmentionedinsection 318Z(1)arePage
272Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318ZB]takentohavebeencompliedwithforthecertifiedrehabilitated area for the tenure.(2)Subsection (1) applies despite another
provision of this Act orany change in the requirements.(3)However, this section is subject to
section 318ZB.Notauthorised—indicativeonly318ZB
Continuing responsibility of holder relating to certifiedrehabilitated area(1)This
section applies if progressive certification has been givenfor
a relevant tenure.(2)Theholderoftheenvironmentalauthoritytowhichtherelevanttenurerelatesmustmaintainthecertifiedrehabilitated
area for the relevant tenure under the conditionsof
the authority, or rehabilitation milestones or managementmilestonesunderaPRCPschedule,inforcewhenthecertification was given (theexisting conditions).(3)Any change to the conditions of the
environmental authority,or rehabilitation milestones or
management milestones underthe schedule, is
of no effect to the extent it purports to imposea
more stringent obligation for the certified rehabilitated
areathan an obligation applying under the
existing conditions ormilestones.Example of a
change to impose a more stringent requirement—A change to an
existing condition to require rehabilitation to alter agradient to a lower slope is more stringent
because of the necessarilyincreased costs of recontouring the
gradient.(4)Theobligationundersubsection (2)endsonthelastofthefollowing to
happen—(a)the surrender under resource
legislation of the relevanttenure, or part
of the relevant tenure;(b)the
environmental authority or PRCP schedule ends orceases to have effect;(c)if
the existing conditions include a condition requiringcompliance with an obligation after the
authority endsor ceases to have effect—compliance with the
condition.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318ZC]Subdivision 2Applying for
progressivecertificationNotauthorised—indicativeonly318ZC Who may apply for progressive
certificationTheholderofanenvironmentalauthorityforaresourceprojectmayapplyforprogressivecertification(theprogressive certification application)
for a relevant tenure forthe environmental authority.318ZD
Requirements for progressive certification application(1)The application must be—(a)in the approved form; and(b)supportedbyenoughinformationtoenabletheadministering authority to decide the
application; and(c)accompanied by—(i)aprogressiverehabilitationreportfortheenvironmental
authority, and any PRCP schedulerelatingtotheenvironmentalauthority,thatcomplies with section 318ZF; and(ii)a compliance
statement for the report; and(iii)the
fee prescribed under a regulation.(2)The
compliance statement must—(a)be made for the
environmental authority holder; and(b)state—(i)the
extent to which activities carried out under theenvironmentalauthorityrelatingtotheproposedcertified
rehabilitated area for the relevant tenurehavecompliedwiththeconditionsoftheenvironmentalauthorityandanyPRCPschedulerelating to the
authority; and(ii)theextenttowhichtheprogressiverehabilitationreport is
accurate.Page 274Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318ZE]318ZE
Amending progressive certification application(1)Theapplicantmay,atanytimebeforetheadministeringauthoritydecidestheprogressivecertificationapplication,amend the
notice must be accompanied by the fee prescribed under aregulation.(4)If
an application is amended under this section, the process
318ZG.Subdivision 3Progressive
rehabilitation report318ZF Requirements for progressive
rehabilitation report(1)The progressive
rehabilitation report must—(a)containtheinformationrequiredundereachofthefollowingsections,asifareferenceinthesectiontolandwereareferencetotheproposedcertifiedrehabilitated area—(i)ifaPRCPscheduleappliesfortherelevantactivitiescarriedoutintheproposedcertifiedrehabilitated area—section 264A;(ii)otherwise—section 264; and(b)include—(i)amapofanappropriatescalethatshowstheproposed certified rehabilitated area;
rehabilitated area, including, for example,GPS information
or a survey; and(iii)an environmental
risk assessment for the proposedcertified
rehabilitated area; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318ZG](c)if progressive certification has
previously been given fora relevant tenure for the
environmental authority—(i)state when the
certification was given; and(ii)identify the certified rehabilitated area
the subjectof the certification.(2)The
environmental risk assessment must—(a)complywithamethodologypublishedbytheadministering
authority; and(b)identifyallcrediblerisksfortheproposedcertifiedrehabilitated
area; and(c)evaluate the likelihood and effects of
events that reach athreshold of significance published by the
4Requests for information318ZG
Administering authority may request further information(1)The administering authority may ask
the applicant, by writtenrequest,togivefurtherinformationneededtoassesstheprogressive certification
application.(2)The request must be made within 10
business days after theapplication is received.Subdivision 5Deciding
progressive certificationapplication318ZH Deciding
progressive certification applicationThe
administering authority must decide to give or refuse theprogressive certification—(a)iftheadministeringauthorityrequestsfurtherinformationundersection 318ZG(1)—within40Page
276Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318ZI]businessdaysafterthefurtherinformationisreceivedby the
authority; or(b)otherwise—within 40 business days
after the applicationis received.Notauthorised—indicativeonly318ZICriteria for decision(1)Indecidingtheprogressivecertificationapplication,theadministering authority must—(a)comply with any relevant regulatory
requirement; and(b)subject to paragraph (a), consider the
following—(i)the standard criteria;(ii)the progressive
rehabilitation report;(iii)the compliance
statement for the report;(iv)ifaPRCPscheduleappliesfortheproposedcertified
rehabilitated area—the PRC plan;(v)furtherinformationreceivedinresponsetoarequest under section 318ZG(1);(vi)themattersprescribedunderanenvironmentalprotection
policy or by regulation.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymaygivetheprogressivecertification
only if it is satisfied with the environmental riskassessmentincludedintheprogressiverehabilitationreport,and—(a)itissatisfiedtheconditionsoftheenvironmentalauthorityhavebeencompliedwithfortheproposedcertified rehabilitated area; or(b)it is satisfied the land on which each
relevant resourceproject has been carried out in relation to
the proposedcertifiedrehabilitatedareahasbeensatisfactorilyrehabilitated;
or(c)ifaPRCPscheduleappliesfortheproposedcertifiedrehabilitated area—it is satisfied the
schedule has beencomplied with in relation to the area;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318ZJ](d)if a regulation has prescribed another
circumstance forthissection—theadministeringauthorityissatisfiedwith the
circumstance.Notauthorised—indicativeonly318ZJSteps after
making decision(1)Iftheadministeringauthoritydecidestheprogressivecertification
application, it must, within 10 business days afterthe
decision is made—(a)ifthedecisionwastogivetheprogressivecertification—(i)recordparticularsofthecertificationintherelevantregisterfortheenvironmentalauthority;and(ii)if a PRCP
schedule applies for relevant activitiescarriedoutinthecertifiedrehabilitatedarea—recordparticularsofthecertificationintherelevant register for the schedule;
and(iii)give written
notice of the decision to the applicant;or(b)ifthedecisionwastorefusetheprogressivecertification—givetheapplicantaninformationnoticeabout the decision.(2)However, if, under section 318ZL, a residual
risk payment hasbeen required for the proposed certified
rehabilitated area, theadministeringauthorityneed
(1)(a)until the requirement has been complied
with.318ZJA Administering authority may amend PRCP
schedule(1)This section applies if—(a)theadministeringauthoritydecidestogivetheprogressive certification; and(b)a PRCP schedule applies for relevant
activities carriedout on the certified rehabilitation area;
andPage 278Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318ZK](c)an amendment of the schedule is
required because of theprogressive certification.(2)The administering authoritymayamendthePRCPscheduletotheextentnecessarybecauseoftheprogressivecertification.(3)The
administering authority must—(a)giveacopyoftheamendedPRCPscheduletotheholder; and(b)give
an information notice about the amendment to theholder; and(c)record the amendment in the relevant
register.Division 2Payment for
residual risks ofrehabilitation318ZK Application
of div 2This division applies if a progressive
certification applicationhasbeenmadeforarelevanttenureforanenvironmentalauthority for a
resource project.318ZL Payment may be required for residual
risks(1)Subjecttosections 318ZMand318ZN,theadministeringauthority may
require the applicant to pay it a stated amountfortheresidualrisksoftheproposedcertifiedrehabilitatedarea for the
relevant tenure.(2)The requirement must be included in,
or be accompanied by,aninformationnoticeaboutthedecisiontomaketherequirement.(3)The
amount may be included in the financial assurance for theenvironmentalauthorityuntilthesurrender,underresourcelegislation, of
the relevant tenure.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 5A General provisions about
environmentally relevant activities[s 318ZM]318ZM
Criteria for decision to make requirementThe
administering authority may require the payment only ifit
is satisfied it is justified having regard to—(a)thedegreeofriskofenvironmentalharmlikelytohappeniftheproposedcertifiedrehabilitatedareaismanaged under the relevant
requirements of this Act andinstruments made
under it; and(b)the likelihood of action being needed
to—(i)reinstate rehabilitation that fails to
establish a safe,stable and self-sustaining ecosystem;
or(ii)restore the
environment because of environmentalharmresultingfromtheresourceproject,despitethe
rehabilitation; orExample of environmental harm—surface accumulation of contaminants(iii)maintainenvironmentalmanagementprocessesneeded to protect the environment;
andExamples of things that may be used for an
environmentalmanagement process—fences, pumps
and water polishing wetlands(c)the
cost of likely action in comparison with the cost ofbest
practice environmental management of the similaruseoflandthathasnotpreviouslybeenaffectedbyresource activities.318ZN Amount and
form of payment(1)The administering authority must
decide the amount and formof the payment.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymaydecidetheamountbyreference to a guideline or other publicly
available document.(3)Despitesubsections
not require a payment of an amount more than the amountthat,intheauthority’sopinion,representsthelikelyrehabilitation
costs.Page 280Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
319](4)In this section—likely
rehabilitation costsmeans all likely costs and
expensesthat may be incurred in taking action to
rehabilitate or restoreand protect the environment because of
environmental harmthatmaybecausedbytheresidualrisksoftheproposedcertified rehabilitated area.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyChapter 7Environmental
managementPart 1Environmental
dutiesDivision 1Duty to prevent
and minimiseenvironmental harm319General environmental duty(1)Apersonmustnotcarryoutanyactivitythatcauses,orislikely to cause, environmental harm
unless the person takes allreasonable and
practicable measures to prevent or minimisethe harm
(thegeneral environmental duty).Note—See section
24(3) (Effect of Act on other rights, civil remedies etc.).(2)Indecidingthemeasuresrequiredtobetakenundersubsection (1),
regard must be had to, for example—(a)the
nature of the harm or potential harm; and(b)the
sensitivity of the receiving environment; and(c)the
current state of technical knowledge for the activity;and(d)the likelihood
of successful application of the differentmeasures that
might be taken; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
320](e)thefinancialimplicationsofthedifferentmeasuresasthey would relate to the type of
activity.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Duty to notify
of environmentalharmSubdivision
1Preliminary320Definitions for div 2In this
division—affectedlandmeanslandonwhichaneventhascausedorthreatens serious or material environmental
harm.employersee section
320B(1).occupier, of affected
land, means a person who lives or workson the affected
land.primary activitysee section
320A(1).publicnoticemeansanoticegiveninthewayprescribedunder a
regulation.Example—a radio or
television broadcastregistered owner, of affected
land, means—(a)the registered owner of the land under
theLand Title Act1994;
or(b)the lessee of the land under
theLand Act 1994.320AApplication of div 2(1)This division applies if a
person—(a)whilecarryingoutanactivity(theprimaryactivity),becomes aware that an event has happened
that causesorthreatensseriousormaterialenvironmentalharmbecauseoftheperson’sorsomeoneelse’sactorPage 282Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
320A]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyomission in carrying out the primary
activity or anotheractivity being carried out in association
with the primaryactivity; or(b)whilecarryingoutaresourceactivity,otherthanaminingactivity(alsotheprimaryactivity),becomesawareofthehappeningof1orbothofthefollowingevents—(i)theactivityhasnegativelyaffected,orisreasonablylikelytonegativelyaffect,thewaterquality of an
aquifer;(ii)the activity has
caused the connection of 2 or moreaquifers.(2)Also, this division applies to a
person who—(a)is—(i)the
owner or occupier of contaminated land; or(ii)anauditorperforminganauditor’sfunctionmentioned in section 568(b); or(iii)arehabilitationauditorconductinganauditofaPRCP schedule under chapter 5, part
12; and(b)becomes aware of—(i)thehappeningofaneventinvolvingahazardouscontaminant on
the contaminated land; or(ii)a change in the
condition of the contaminated land;or(iii)anotifiableactivityhavingbeencarriedout,orbeing carried out, on the contaminated
land;that is causing, or is reasonably likely to
cause, seriousor material environmental harm.Note—Seesubdivision3Aaboutthedutyofapersonmentionedinsubsection (2).(3)Thisdivisionappliestoalocalgovernmentthatbecomesaware—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
320A](a)that a notifiable activity has been,
or is being, carried outon land in the local government area;
or(b)of—(i)thehappeningofaneventinvolvingahazardouscontaminant in
the local government area; or(ii)a
change in the condition of contaminated land inthe local
government area;that is causing, or is reasonably likely to
cause, seriousor material environmental harm.Note—See subdivision
3B for the duty of a local government mentioned insubsection (3).(4)However,thisdivisiondoesnotapplyiftheeventisauthorised to be caused under—(a)an environmental protection policy;
or(b)a transitional environmental program;
or(c)an environmental protection order;
or(d)an environmental authority; or(e)a PRCP schedule; or(f)a development condition of a
development approval; or(g)aprescribedconditionforcarryingoutasmallscalemining activity; or(h)an
emergency direction; or(i)an accredited
ERMP.Page 284Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 2Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
320B]Duty of person carrying out anactivity320BDuty
of particular employees to notify employer(1)This
section applies if the person is carrying out the primaryactivity during the person’s employment or
engagement by, oras the agent of, someone else (theemployer).(2)However, this section does not apply
if the person is carryingout the primary activity as a
rehabilitation auditor performingfunctionsforanauditofaPRCPscheduleoranauditorperforming
auditor’s functions mentioned in section 568.(3)The
person must, no later than 24 hours after becoming awareof
the event and unless the person has a reasonable excuse—(a)notifytheemployeroftheevent,itsnatureandthecircumstances in which it happened;
or(b)iftheemployercannotbecontacted—givetheadministering authority written notice of
the event, itsnature and the circumstances in which it
happened.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.320CDuty of other persons to notify
particular owners andoccupiers(1)Thissectionappliesifthepersonisnotcarryingouttheprimaryactivityduringtheperson’semploymentorengagement by, or as the agent of, someone
else.(2)The person must, no later than 24
hours after becoming awareof the event and unless the person has
a reasonable excuse,give the administering authority
written notice of the event, itsnature and the
circumstances in which it happened.Maximum
penalty—(a)foraneventmentionedinsection 320A(1)(a)—500penalty units; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 285
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
320D](b)foraneventmentionedinsection 320A(1)(b)—100penalty units.(3)Thepersonmust,assoonasreasonablypracticableafterbecomingawareoftheeventandunlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse, give—(a)writtennoticeoftheevent,itsnatureandthecircumstances in which it happened
to—(i)any occupier of the affected land;
or(ii)any registered
owner of the affected land; or(b)publicnoticeoftheevent,itsnatureandthecircumstancesinwhichithappenedtopersonsontheaffected land.Maximum
penalty—(a)foraneventmentionedinsection 320A(1)(a)—500penalty units; and(b)foraneventmentionedinsection 320A(1)(b)—100penalty
units.Subdivision 3Duty of
employer320DDuty of employer to notify particular
owners andoccupiers(1)This
section applies if the employer has been notified undersection 320B(3) of the event.(2)Theemployermust,nolaterthan24hoursafterbecomingaware of the
event and unless the employer has a reasonableexcuse, give the
administering authority written notice of theevent, its
nature and the circumstances in which it happened.Maximum penalty—(a)foraneventmentionedinsection 320A(1)(a)—500penalty units;
andPage 286Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
320DA](b)foraneventmentionedinsection 320A(1)(b)—100penalty units.(3)Theemployermust,assoonasreasonablypracticableafterbecomingawareoftheeventandunlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse, give—(a)writtennoticeoftheevent,itsnatureandthecircumstances in which it happened
to—(i)any occupier of the affected land;
or(ii)any registered
owner of the affected land; or(b)publicnoticeoftheevent,itsnatureandthecircumstancesinwhichithappenedtopersonsontheaffected land.Maximum
penalty—(a)foraneventmentionedinsection 320A(1)(a)—500penalty units; and(b)foraneventmentionedinsection 320A(1)(b)—100penalty
units.Subdivision 3ADuty of owner,
occupier or auditor320DA Duty of owner, occupier or auditor to
notify administeringauthority(1)Apersonmentionedinsection 320A(2)(a)must,within24hours after becoming aware of the event or
change mentionedinsection 320A(2)(b)(i)or(ii),givetheadministeringauthority
written notice of the matters stated in subsection (2),unless the person has a reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—500 penalty units.(2)The notice must state—(a)the nature of the event or change in
condition; and(b)thecircumstancesinwhichtheeventorchangehappened.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
320DB](3)Apersonmentionedinsection 320A(2)(a)must,within20business days after becoming aware of an
activity mentionedinsection 320A(2)(b)(iii),givetheadministeringauthoritywrittennoticeoftheactivity,unlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—500 penalty units.Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 3BDuty of local
government320DB Duty of local government to notify
administeringauthority(1)Alocalgovernmentmentionedinsection 320(3)(a)must,within 20 business days after becoming aware
that the activityhas been, or is being, carried out on land
in its area, give theadministering authority written notice
of the activity.(2)Alocalgovernmentmentionedinsection 320(3)(b)must,within24hoursafterbecomingawareoftheeventorthechangeinconditionoftheland,givetheadministeringauthority
written notice of—(a)the nature of the event or change in
the condition; and(b)thecircumstancesinwhichtheeventorchangehappened or is
happening.Subdivision 4Miscellaneous320ENotice to occupiers of affected land(1)Without limiting the ways in which a
person or employer maygive written notice to an occupier of
affected land under thisdivision, a person or employer is
taken to have given writtennotice under
this division to an occupier of affected land if thenotice is—(a)left
with someone who is apparently an adult living orworking on the affected land; orPage
288Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
320F](b)if there is no-one on the affected
land or the person hasbeendeniedaccesstotheaffectedland—leftontheaffected land in
a position where it is reasonably likelyto come to the
occupier’s attention; or(c)posted to the
affected land.(2)Written notice that is posted to, or
left at, affected land may beaddressed to
‘The Occupier’.320FDefences and excuses for div 2(1)Inaproceedingforanoffenceagainstaprovisionofthisdivision, it is
a defence for a person or employer to prove that,despitefailingtocomplywiththeprovision,thepersonoremployer made reasonable efforts to identify
the affected landand give written notice to each registered
owner or occupier ofthe affected land.(2)It
is not a reasonable excuse for a person or employer to fail
tocomply with an obligation under this
division on the groundthatthewrittennotice,orthegivingofthewrittennotice,might tend to
incriminate the person or employer.320GUse
of notice in legal proceedings(1)Awrittennoticegivenbyapersonoremployerunderthisdivision is not
admissible in evidence against the person oremployer in a
prosecution for an offence against this Act thatisconstitutedbytheactoromissionthatcausedtheeventunder the
notice.(2)This section does not prevent other
evidence obtained becauseof the written notice, or the giving
of the written notice, beingadmittedinanylegalproceedingagainstthepersonoremployer.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 289
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
321]Part 2Environmental
evaluationsDivision 1Preliminary321What
is an environmental evaluation(1)An
environmental evaluation is an evaluation of an activity orevent to decide—(a)the
source, cause or extent of environmental harm beingcaused, or the extent of environmental harm
likely to becaused, by the activity or event; and(b)theneedforatransitionalenvironmentalprogramforthe activity or event.(2)Also,anenvironmentalevaluationisanevaluationofcontaminated land to decide—(a)the source, cause or extent of
contamination of the landbeing caused, or likely to be caused;
and(b)the need for—(i)a
site management plan for the land; or(ii)the
land to be remediated; and(c)the source,
cause or extent of any contamination to thesurrounding
land, or to the environment, being caused,or likely to be
caused, by the contamination of the land;and(d)anyenvironmentalharmbeingcaused,orlikelytobecaused, by the contamination of the
land.Page 290Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
322]Environmental auditsSubdivision
1Audit requirements322Administering authority may require
environmental auditabout environmental authority or PRCP
schedule(1)The administering authority may, by
written notice (anauditnotice)requiretheholderofanenvironmentalauthorityorPRCP schedule to—(a)commission an audit (anenvironmental
audit) about astated matter
concerning a relevant activity; andExamples of
matters for paragraph (a)—1whether the
conditions of the environmental authority havebeen complied
with2theenvironmentalharmarelevantactivityiscausingcompared with
the environmental harm authorised under theenvironmental
authority3whether a plan of operations for an
environmental authoritycomplies with the conditions of the
environmental authority4the accuracy of
afinalrehabilitationreportgiven totheadministering authority by the holder(b)give the administering authority an
environmental reportabout the audit.(2)However, an audit notice may be given under
subsection (1)only if the administering authority is
reasonably satisfied theaudit is necessary or
desirable.323Administering authority may require
environmental auditabout other matters(1)Subsection (2)appliesiftheadministeringauthorityissatisfied that—(a)a
person is, or has been, contravening a regulation, anenvironmentalprotectionpolicy,atransitionalCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 291
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
324]environmental program or an enforceable
provisions—(i)section 363E;(ii)section 440Q;(iii)section 440ZG;(iv)a
provision of chapter 8, part 3E or 3F.(2)The
administering authority may, by written notice (also anaudit notice), require the
person to—(a)commissionanaudit(alsoanenvironmentalaudit)about the matter; and(b)give the administering authority an
environmental reportabout the audit.324Content of audit notice(1)An
audit notice must state the following—(a)the
name of the recipient;(b)ifthenoticeisgivenundersection 322—theenvironmental
authority or PRCP schedule;(c)the
matter for which the environmental audit is required;(d)thattherecipientmust,withinastatedreasonableperiod—(i)commission the environmental audit;
and(ii)give the
administering authority an environmentalreport about the
audit.(2)Also, an audit notice must be
accompanied by or include aninformation
notice about the decision to give the notice and tofix
the stated period.Page 292Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
325]325Failure to comply with audit
noticeApersontowhomanauditnoticehasbeengivenmustcomplywiththenoticeunlessthepersonhasareasonableexcuse.Note—See also section
574A (Who may perform auditor’s functions).Maximum
penalty—300 penalty units.Subdivision 2Audits by
administering authority326Administering
authority may conduct environmentalaudit for
resource activities(1)The administering authority may decide
to—(a)conduct or commission an environmental
audit about astated matter concerning an environmental
authority orPRCP schedule for a resource activity;
or(b)prepare an environmental report about
the audit.(2)However,theauthoritymaymakeadecisionundersubsection (1)onlyifitisreasonablysatisfiedtheauditorreport is necessary or desirable.(3)If the authority makes a decision
under subsection (1), it mustgive the
environmental authority holder an information noticeabout the decision.(4)The
authority must, within 10 business days after preparing anenvironmental report about the audit, give
the environmentalauthority holder a copy of it.326AAdministering authority’s costs of
environmental audit orreport(1)This
section applies if the administering authority has, undersection 326,incurredcostsinconductingorcommissioningan environmental
audit or preparing an environmental reportabout the
audit.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
326B](2)The holder of the relevant
environmental authority or PRCPschedule must
pay the amount of the costs if—(a)thecostswereappropriatelyandreasonablyincurred;and(b)the
administering authority has asked the holder to paythe
amount.(3)Theadministeringauthoritymayrecovertheamountasadebt.Division 3Environmental investigations326BWhen environmental investigation
required—environmental harm(1)This
section applies if the administering authority is satisfiedon
reasonable grounds that—(a)aneventhashappenedcausingenvironmentalharmwhile an activity was being carried out;
or(b)an activity or proposed activity is
causing, or is likely tocause environmental harm.(2)The authority may, by written notice
(aninvestigation notice),require the person who has carried out, is
carrying out or isproposing to carry out the activity
to—(a)conductorcommissionaninvestigation(anenvironmentalinvestigation)abouttheeventoractivity; and(b)submit an environmental report about the
investigationto the authority.(3)Thissectiondoesnotapplyiftheadministeringauthorityrequires an environmental audit for the
event or activity.(4)In this section—activityincludes rehabilitation or remediation
work.Page 294Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
326BA]326BA When environmental investigation
required—contamination of land(1)This
section applies if the administering authority is satisfiedthat
all of the following apply to land—(a)particulars of the land are recorded in the
environmentalmanagement register or contaminated land
register;(b)the hazardous contaminant
contaminating the land is inaconcentrationthathasthepotentialtocauseseriousenvironmental harm or material environmental
harm;(c)a person, animal or another part of
the environment maybeexposedtothehazardouscontaminant,whetheronthe land or not.(2)The
administering authority may, by written notice (also aninvestigation notice), require a
prescribed responsible personfor the land
to—(a)conductorcommissionaninvestigation(alsoanenvironmentalinvestigation)aboutthecontaminationor potential
contamination of the land; and(b)givetheadministeringauthorityasiteinvestigationreport for the
land in accordance with sections 389 and390.(3)Theadministeringauthoritymustnotrequireanenvironmental investigation to be conducted
or commissionedif—(a)thelandissubjecttoasitemanagementplanforthecontamination;
and(b)the conditions of the plan are being
complied with.326CContent of investigation notice(1)An investigation notice given under
section 326B or 326BAmust state the following—(a)the name of the person to whom the
notice is given;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
326D](b)the matter for which the environmental
investigation isrequired;(c)for
a notice given under section 326B—that the personmust, within a stated reasonable
and(ii)give the
administering authority an environmentalreport about the
investigation;(d)for a notice given under section
326BA—that the personmust, within a stated reasonable
and(ii)give the
administering authority a site investigationreport for the
land in accordance with sections 389and 390.(2)An investigation notice given under
section 326B or 326BAmustbeaccompaniedbyorincludeaninformationnoticeaboutthedecisiontogivethenoticeandtofixthestatedperiod.326DFailure to comply with investigation
noticeA person to whom an investigation notice has
been given mustcomplywiththenoticeunlessthepersonhasareasonableexcuse.Maximum penalty—300 penalty units.326DA
Procedure to be followed if recipient is not owner(1)This section applies if the person
(therecipient) to whom
aninvestigation notice is given is not the
land’s owner.(2)Therecipient,orapersonconductingtheenvironmentalinvestigation
for the recipient (theinvestigator), may enter
theland to conduct the investigation
only—Page 296Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
326E](a)with the consent of the owner and
occupier of the land;or(b)iftherecipientorinvestigatorhasgivenatleast5business days
written notice to the owner and occupier.(3)The
notice must inform the owner and occupier of—(a)the
intention to enter the land; and(b)the
purpose of the entry; and(c)the days and
times when the land is to be entered.(4)Nothing in this section authorises the
recipient or investigatorto enter a building used for
residential purposes.(5)Whenconductingtheenvironmentalinvestigation,therecipientorinvestigatormusttakeallreasonablestepstoensuretherecipientorinvestigatorcausesaslittleinconvenience,
and does as little damage, as is practicable inthe
investigation, the person is entitled to be paidbytherecipientorinvestigatorreasonablecompensationbecause of the
loss or damage—(a)as agreed between the recipient or
investigator and theperson; or(b)ifanagreementcannotbereached—asdecidedbyacourt of
competent jurisdiction.(7)Thecourtmaymaketheorderaboutcoststhatthecourtconsiders
just.Division 4Requirement for
declarations326EDeclarations to accompany
report(1)Anenvironmentalreportsubmittedtotheadministeringauthority must
be accompanied by a declaration stating thatthe
recipient—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
326F](a)has not knowingly given false or
misleading informationtothepersonwhocarriedouttheenvironmentalevaluation;
and(b)hasgivenallrelevantinformationtothepersonwhocarried out the environmental
evaluation.(2)The declaration must be made—(a)if the recipient is an individual—by
the recipient; or(b)if the recipient is a corporation—by
an executive officerof the corporation.(3)In this section—recipient,
for an environmental report, means the person whoreceived a notice under section 323(2),
326B(2) or 326BA(2)requiringthepersontogivetheadministeringauthoritythereport.Division 5Steps after receiving environmentalreports326FAdministering authority may request further
information(1)Thissectionappliesforanenvironmentalreportaboutanenvironmental investigation.(2)The administering authoritymay,
by written notice, ask therecipient to give further information
needed to decide whetherto approve the environmental
report.(3)The request must be made within 10
business days after thereport is received.(4)In this section—recipient,
for an environmental report about an environmentalinvestigation, means the person required to
submit the reporttotheadministeringauthorityundersection
326B(2)or326BA(2).Page 298Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
326G]326GDecision about environmental
report(1)Subsection (2) applies if an
environmental report is about anenvironmental
audit.(2)The administering authority must
accept the report.Note—Anenvironmentalreportaboutanenvironmentalauditmustbeprepared by an auditor. See section
574A.(3)Subsection (4) applies if an
environmental report is about anenvironmental
investigation.(4)The administering authority must
decide to—(a)accept the report; or(b)refuse to accept the report.(5)The administering authority may only
make a decision undersubsection (4)(b)ifthe
investigation to which the report relates.(6)A
decision under subsection (4) must be made—(a)ifarequestforfurtherinformationwasmadeundersection 326F—within 20 business days after
the furtherinformation is received; or(b)otherwise—within20businessdaysaftertheenvironmental report is received.(7)The administering authority may extend
the period mentionedin subsection (6) for making the
decision if—(a)the authority is satisfied there are
special circumstancesfor extending the time; and(b)before the extension starts, it gives
an information noticeabout the decision to extend to the
recipient.(8)Theadministeringauthoritymustgivetherecipientwrittennotice of the decision within 5 business
days after making thedecision.(9)In
this section—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
326H]recipient, for an
environmental report about an environmentalinvestigation,
means the person required to submit the reporttotheadministeringauthorityundersection
326B(2)or326BA(2).Notauthorised—indicativeonly326HAction following
acceptance of report(1)If the
administering authority accepts an environmental reportunder section 326G, the administering
authority may do 1 ormore of the following—(a)for a report other than a report for
an activity to which aPRCPscheduleapplies—requiretherecipienttoprepareandsubmitatransitionalenvironmentalprogram to
authority or PRCP schedule;(c)serveanenvironmentalprotectionorderontherecipient;(d)take
any other action it considers appropriate.(2)In
this section—recipient, for an
environmental report, means the person whoreceived a
notice under section 323(2), 326B(2) or 326BA(2)requiringthepersontogivetheadministeringauthoritythereport.326IAction following refusal of report(1)Subsection (2) applies if the
administering authority decidestorefusetoacceptanenvironmentalreportundersection
326G(4)(b).(2)Theadministeringauthoritymayrequiretherecipienttoconductorcommissionanotherenvironmentalinvestigationand submit a
report on the investigation to it.(3)A
requirement under subsection (2) must be made by writtennotice given to the recipient.Page
300Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
327](4)The notice must state—(a)the relevant matters for the
evaluation required; and(b)a reasonable
period after the notice is given by whichthe report must
be given to the administering authority.(5)Anoticeundersubsection (2)mustbeaccompaniedbyorinclude an information notice about
the decision to give thenotice and to fix the stated
period.(6)Apersongivenanoticeaboutarequirementundersubsection (2) must comply with the
requirement within theperiod stated in the notice.Maximum penalty for subsection (6)—300
penalty units.(7)In this section—recipient,
for an environmental report about an environmentalinvestigation, means the person required to
submit the reportabouttheinvestigationtotheadministeringauthorityundersection 326B(2)
or 326BA(2).Division 6Miscellaneous327Costs
of environmental evaluation and reportThe recipient
must meet the following costs—(a)thecostsofconductingorcommissioninganenvironmental evaluation and report;(b)the costs of giving additional
relevant information aboutthe report required by the
administering authority.329Failure to make
decision on environmental report takento be
refusalIf the administering authority fails to make
a decision undersection 326G(4) within the period stated in
section 326G(6)—(a)the administering authority is taken
to have decided torefuse to accept the report; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
330](b)the decision is taken to have been
made on the last dayof the period stated in section
326G(6).Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 3Transitional
environmentalprogramsDivision 1Preliminary330What
is a transitional environmental program(1)Atransitional environmental
programis a specific programthat, when
complied with, achieves compliance with this Actfor
the activity to which it relates by doing 1 or more of thefollowing—(a)reducing environmental harm caused by the
activity;(b)detailingthetransitionoftheactivitytoanenvironmental standard;(c)detailing the transition of the
activity to comply with—(i)a condition of
an environmental authority for theactivity;
or(ii)a development
condition; or(iii)aprescribedconditionforcarryingoutasmallscale mining
activity.(2)However, a transitional environmental
program must not beused to achieve compliance with—(a)an enforceable undertaking; or(b)a PRCP schedule.331Content of programA transitional
environmental program must be in the approvedform and, for
the activity to which it relates—Page 302Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
331](a)state the objectives to be achieved
and maintained underthe program for the activity;
and(b)statetheparticularactionsrequiredtoachievetheobjectives, and the day by which each action
must becarried out, taking into account—(i)thebestpracticeenvironmentalmanagementforthe
activity; and(ii)the risks of
environmental harm being caused bythe activity;
and(c)state how any environmental harm that
may be causedby the activity will be prevented or
minimised, includingany interim measures that are to be
implemented; and(d)iftheactivityistotransitiontoanenvironmentalstandard,
state—(i)details of the standard; and(ii)howtheactivityistotransitiontothestandardbefore the
program ends; and(e)if the activity is to transition to
comply with a conditionof an environmental authority, a
development conditionor a prescribed condition for carrying
out a small scalemining activity, state—(i)details of the condition and how the
activity doesnot comply with it; and(ii)howcompliancewiththeconditionwillbeachieved before the program ends;
and(f)state the period over which the
program is to be carriedout; and(g)state appropriate performance indicators at
intervals ofnot more than 6 months; and(h)provideformonitoringandreportingoncompliancewith the
program.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
332]Division 2Submission and
approval oftransitional environmentalprogramsNotauthorised—indicativeonly332Administering
authority may require draft program(1)Theadministeringauthoritymayrequireapersonorpublicauthoritytoprepareandsubmittoitforapprovaladrafttransitionalenvironmentalprogramasaconditionofanenvironmental
authority.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymayalsorequireapersonorpublicauthoritytoprepareandsubmittoitforapprovaladraft transitional environmental
program if it is satisfied—(a)an
activity carried out, or proposed to be carried out, bythepersonorauthorityiscausing,ormaycause,unlawful
environmental harm; or(b)it is not
practicable for the person or public authority tocomplywithanenvironmentalprotectionpolicyorregulation on its commencement;
or(c)that a condition of an environmental
authority held bythepersonorpublicauthorityis,orhasbeen,contravened;
or(ca)that a
prescribed condition for carrying out a small scaleminingactivityis,orhasbeen,contravenedbytheperson or public authority carrying
out the activity; or(d)a development
condition of a development approval is,orhasbeen,contravenedandthepersonorpublicauthority
is—(i)anownerofthelandforwhichtheapprovalisgranted; or(ii)another person in whom the benefit of the
approvalvests; or(e)an
environmental protection order issued to the personor
public authority has been amended or withdrawn.Page 304Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
333](3)A requirement under subsection (1) or
(2) must be made bywritten notice given to the person or public
authority.(4)The notice must state—(a)the grounds on which the requirement
is made; and(b)the matters to be addressed by the
program; and(c)the period over which the program is
to be carried out;and(d)the day (at
least a reasonable period after the notice isgiven)bywhichtheprogrammustbepreparedandsubmitted to the administering authority;
and(e)the review or appeal details.(5)A person of whom a requirement under
subsection (1) or (2)has been made must comply with the
requirement unless theperson has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty for subsection (5)—100
penalty units.333Voluntary submission of draft
program(1)Apersonorpublicauthoritymay,atanytime,submitforapprovaladrafttransitionalenvironmentalprogramtotheadministeringauthorityforanactivitythepersonorpublicauthority is
carrying out or proposes to carry out.(2)A
person or public authority may submit a document undersubsection (1)ifitcontainsorprovidesforthemattersmentioned in
section 331, even though the document was notoriginally
prepared for this Act.(3)The document is
taken to be a draft transitional environmentalprogram.334Fee for consideration of draft
programA person or public authority that submits a
draft transitionalenvironmentalprogramtoanadministeringauthorityforapprovalmustpaytheauthoritythefeeprescribedbyregulation.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 305
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
334A]334AAdministering authority may request
further information(1)The administering authoritymay,
by written notice, ask theperson or public authority that
submitted the draft transitionalenvironmental
program to give further information needed todecide whether
to approve the draft program.(2)The
request must be made within 10 business days after thedraft program is received.335Public notice of submission for
approval of certain draftprograms(1)This
section applies if a person or public authority submits forapproval a draft transitional environmental
program that statesa period longer than 3 years over which the
program is to becarried out.(2)The
person or public authority must give public notice of thesubmission by—(a)advertisementpublishedinanewspapercirculatinggenerally in the
area in which the activity to which thedraftprogramrelatesis,orisproposedtobe,carriedout; and(b)if the program relates to
premises—(i)placing a notice on the premises;
and(ii)servinganotice ontheoccupiersofallpremisesadjoining the
premises.(3)The public notice under subsection (2)
must be given—(a)iffurtherinformationisrequestedundersection 334A(1)—within2businessdaysafteraresponse to the request is given; or(b)otherwise—within12businessdaysafterthedraftprogram is
received by the administering authority.(4)The
notice must—(a)be in the approved form; andPage
306Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
persons and members of the public; and(c)state the day (at least 10 business days
after compliancewithsubsection
(2))nominatedbytheadministeringauthority as the
day by which submissions may be madeto the
authority.336Authority may call conference(1)The administering authority may invite
the person or publicauthority that has submitted a draft
transitional environmentalprogramandanotherpersonwhohasmadeasubmissionunder section
335 about the program, to a conference to helpit in deciding
whether or not to approve the program.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymustgivewrittennoticetoallpersons invited
to attend the conference of when and wherethe conference
is to be held.(3)However,iftheadministeringauthorityconsidersitisimpracticable to give notice to all
persons invited to attend theconference, the
authority may give notice of the conference bypublishing a
notice in the newspapers the authority decides.(4)Theadministeringauthoritymustendeavourtoappointanindependent person to mediate the
conference.336AAdministering authority may seek
advice, comment orinformation about submission(1)The administering authority may ask
any person for advice,comment or information about a
submission for approval of atransitional
environmental program at any time.(2)Thereisnoparticularwayadvice,commentorinformationmaybeaskedforandreceivedandtherequestmaybebypublic
notice.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
337]337Administering authority to consider
draft programs(1)The administering authority must
decide whether to approve adrafttransitionalenvironmentalprogramsubmittedtoitwithin 20 business days after—(a)if public notice is required under
section 335—the daystatedinthenoticeasthedaybywhichsubmissionsmay be made to
the administering authority; or(b)if
public notice is not required and further information isnot
requested under section 334A(1)—the day the draftprogram is received by the administering
authority; or(c)if public notice is not required and
further information isrequested under section 334A(1)—the
day a response tothe request for further information is
received.(2)The administering authority may extend
the period mentionedinsubsection
(1)formakingthedecisionif,beforetheextensionstarts,itgivesaninformationnoticeaboutthedecision to extend to—(a)thepersonorpublicauthoritythatsubmittedtheprogram; and(b)any
submitters.(3)If public notice is required to be
given of the submission ofthedraftprogram,theadministeringauthoritymustbesatisfied public notice has been properly
given before makinga decision.338Criteria for deciding draft program(1)In deciding whether to approve or
refuse to approve the draftprogramortheconditions(ifany)oftheapproval,theadministering authority—(a)must
comply with any relevant regulatory requirement;and(b)subjecttoparagraph(a),mustalsoconsiderthefollowing—(i)the
standard criteria;Page 308Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
information given in relation to the draftprogram;(iii)the views
expressed at a conference held in relationto the draft
program.(2)Subsection (1)(b)doesnotlimitthecriteriaormatterstheadministeringauthoritymayconsiderinmakingadecisionunder section
339.339Decision about draft program(1)The administering authority
may—(a)approve a draft transitional
environmental program—(i)as submitted;
or(ii)as amended at
the request, or with the agreement,of the
administering authority; or(b)refusetoapproveadrafttransitionalenvironmentalprogram.(2)The administering authority may impose
on an approval of adraft transitional environmental
program—(a)anyconditionstheauthoritymustimposeunderaregulatory requirement; and(b)a condition requiring the holder of
the approval to giveanamountoffinancialassuranceassecurityforcompliance with the transitional
environmental programand any conditions of the program;
and(c)anyotherconditionstheadministeringauthorityconsiders appropriate.(3)Ifthe drafttransitionalenvironmentalprogramisapproved,theapprovalremainsinforcefortheperiodstatedinthenotice of the
approval given under section 340.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 309
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
340]340Notice of decision(1)The
administering authority must, within 8 business days aftermakingadecisionundersection 339,givethepersonorpublic authority that submitted the program
a written noticeabout the decision.(2)Iftheadministeringauthorityapprovestheprogram,thenotice must—(a)identifythedocumentsformingtheapprovedtransitional
program, including any amendments undersection
339(1)(a)(ii); and(b)stateanyconditionsimposedontheapprovalbytheadministering
authority; and(c)state the day the approval
ends.(3)If the administering authority refuses
to approve the programor approves the program with
conditions, the notice must bean information
notice.341Content of approved programAn
approved transitional environmental program consists ofthe
following—(a)the draft of the program submitted
under section 332 or333, as amended at the request, or
with the agreement,of the administering authority;(b)anyconditionsimposedontheprogrambytheadministering
authority.342Substantial compliance with Act may be
accepted ascompliance(1)Thissectionappliesif,underthisAct,apersonorpublicauthority is
required to give public notice of the submission ofatransitionalenvironmentalprogramandtheadministeringauthorityisnotsatisfiedpublicnoticehasbeenproperlygiven.Page 310Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
343](2)The administering authority may
consider and decide whetherto approve the
draft program if it is satisfied there has beensubstantial
compliance with this Act.343Failure to
approve draft program taken to be refusalIftheadministeringauthorityfailstodecidewhethertoapprove or refuse a transitional
environmental program withinthe time it is
required to make a decision on the program, thefailure is taken
to be a decision by the authority to refuse toapprove the
program at the end of the time.343ANotation of approval of transitional
environmentalprogram on particular environmental
authorities(1)Thissectionappliesforadrafttransitionalenvironmentalprogram relating
to an environmental authority.(2)Ifthe drafttransitionalenvironmentalprogramisapproved,the
administering authority must—(a)includeanoteintheenvironmentalauthoritywhichstates—(i)details of the approved transitional
environmentalprogram; and(ii)that
it is an offence to contravene a requirement oftheprogramoraconditionofanapprovalofatransitional environmental program;
and(b)give the holder of the environmental
authority a copy ofthe environmental authority including the
note.(3)The note is not an amendment to the
environmental authority.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
344]Division 3Amendment of
approval fortransitional environmentalprograms344Application(1)Division2(otherthansection 335(1))applies,withallnecessarychanges,toasubmissionbytheholderofanapprovalforatransitionalenvironmentalprogramforanenvironmentally
relevant activity to amend the approval.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),iftheholdersubmitsforapprovalanamendmentoftheapprovalthatextendstheperiod over which the program is to be
carried out to longerthan 5 years, section 335(2) and (3)
applies to the submissionasifthesubmissionwerefortheapprovalofadrafttransitional environmental program.(3)Also,theadministeringauthoritymayapprovetheamendment only if it is reasonably satisfied
it will not result inincreased environmental harm being
caused by the carryingoutoftheactivityundertheamendedapprovalthantheenvironmental harm that would be caused by
carrying out theactivity if the approval were not
granted.(4)Without limiting the matters to be
considered in deciding theapplication, the administering
authority must have regard to—(a)the
period under the original approval; and(b)the
period that remains under the original approval; and(c)anychangetotheperiodundertheoriginalapproval;and(d)thenatureoftheriskofenvironmentalharmbeingcaused by the
activity.Page 312Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 3AEnvironmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
344A]Financial assurances344AAdministering authority may claim or realise
section applies if the administering authority incurs, ormight reasonably incur, costs or expenses in
taking action tosecure compliance with a transitional
environmental program,oranyconditionsoftheprogram,forwhichfinancialassurance has been given.(2)The administering authority may
recover the reasonable costsorexpensesoftakingtheactionbymakingaclaimonorrealising the financial assurance or
part of it.(3)Beforemakingtheclaimonorrealisingthefinancialassurance or
part of it, the administering authority must givewritten notice to the person who gave the
financial assurance.(4)The notice
must—(a)state details of the action proposed
to be taken; and(b)state the amount of the financial
assurance to be claimedor realised; and(c)invite the person to make written
representations to theadministeringauthoritytoshowwhythefinancialassurance should
not be claimed or realised as proposed;and(d)state the period within which the
representations may bemade.(5)The
stated period must end at least 20 business days after theperson is given the notice.344BConsidering representationsTheadministeringauthoritymustconsideranywrittenrepresentations
made within the stated period by the personwho gave the
financial assurance.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
344C]344CDecision(1)Theadministeringauthoritymust,within10businessdaysafter the end of the stated period, decide
whether to make aclaim on or realise the financial
assurance.(2)If the administering authority decides
to make a claim on orrealise the financial assurance, it
must, within 5 business daysaftermakingthedecision,givethepersonaninformationnotice about the
decision.344DDischarging financial assurance(1)This section applies if a transitional
environmental programapproval is subject to a condition
that financial assurance begiven.(2)At the end of the period over which
the program is carried out,theadministeringauthoritymustdischargethefinancialassurance.Division
3BCancellation of approval fortransitional environmentalprograms344ECancelling approval(1)Theadministeringauthoritymaycanceltheapprovalforatransitional environmental program for
any of the followingreasons—(a)the
approval holder—(i)agrees in writing to the cancellation;
or(ii)givestheadministeringauthorityanoticeundersection 347(6)ofthedisposaloftheplaceorbusiness to which the program relates;
or(iii)givestheadministeringauthorityanoticeundersection 348ofceasingtheactivitytowhichtheprogram relates;Page 314Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
344F](b)theadministeringauthorityisotherwisesatisfiedtheapproval holder has—(i)disposedoftheplaceorbusinesstowhichtheprogram relates; or(ii)ceased the activity to which the program
relates.(2)If the administering authority decides
to cancel an approval,the administering authority
must—(a)give a notice that states the details
of the cancellation tothe approval holder; or(b)ifaftermakingreasonableenquiriestheadministeringauthoritycannotlocatetheapprovalholder—recorddetails of the
cancellation in the register of transitionalenvironmental
programs.(3)The cancellation takes effect on the
date stated in the notice orrecord.(4)Theadministeringauthoritymustensurethedatestatedforcancellation is—(a)atleast20businessdaysaftertheadministeringauthority gives
the notice or makes the record; and(b)iftheapprovalisbeingcancelledundersubsection
(1)(a)(ii)—not before the day when the placeor business is
disposed of.(5)In this section—details of the
the approval is cancelled; and(b)the
reason for the cancellation; and(c)the
date on which the cancellation takes effect.344FCancelling without approval holder’s
agreement(1)Thissectionappliesiftheadministeringauthoritygivesanoticeormakesarecordaboutthecancellation,underCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
344G]section 344E(1)(b),oftheapprovalforatransitionalenvironmental
program.(2)If the administering authority stops
being satisfied of a matterin section
344E(1)(b) before the cancellation takes effect, theauthority must immediately—(a)withdraw the notice by another written
notice; or(b)remove the record.(3)Ifthenoticeiswithdrawnortherecordisremoved,theproposed cancellation has no effect.344GCancelled approval noted under s
343A(1)This section applies if—(a)the approval for a transitional
environmental program iscancelled; and(b)anoteabouttheprogramwasincludedinanenvironmental authority under section
343A; and(c)the environmental authority is still
in force.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymustgivetheholderoftheenvironmental authority a copy of the
authority that does notinclude the note.Division 4Miscellaneous345Annual returnTheholderofanapprovalofatransitionalenvironmentalprogram must,
within 22 business days after each anniversaryofthedayofapprovaloftheprogram,givetotheadministering
authority an annual return in the approved form.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.Page
316Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
346]346Effect of compliance with
program(1)This section applies if an approved
transitional environmentalprogram authorises the holder to do,
or not to do, somethingunder the program.(2)The
holder, or a person acting under the approval may do, ornot
do, the thing under the program despite anything in—(a)a regulation; or(b)an
environmental protection policy; or(c)an
environmental authority held by the holder; or(d)a
development condition of a development approval; or(e)aprescribedconditionforcarryingoutasmallscalemining activity; or(f)an
accredited ERMP.(3)Without limiting subsection (2), the
doing, or not doing, of thething under the
program is not a contravention of—(a)a
regulation; or(b)an environmental protection policy;
or(c)aconditionofanenvironmentalauthorityheldbytheholder; or(d)a
development condition of a development approval; or(e)aprescribedconditionforcarryingoutasmallscalemining activity; or(f)an
accredited ERMP.347Notice of disposal by holder of
program approval(1)Thissectionappliesiftheholderofanapprovalofaprescribedtransitionalenvironmentalprogramproposestodispose of the place or business to which
the program relatesto someone else (thebuyer).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
348](2)Before agreeing to dispose of the
place or business, the holdermust give
written notice to the buyer of the existence of theprogram.Maximum
penalty—50 penalty units.(3)If the holder
does not comply with subsection (2), the buyermayrescindtheagreementbywrittennoticegiventotheholder before the completion of the
agreement or possessionunder the agreement, whichever is the
earlier.(4)On rescission of the agreement under
subsection (3)—(a)a person who was paid amounts by the
buyer under theagreement must refund the amounts to the
buyer; and(b)the buyer must return to the holder
any documents aboutthedisposal(otherthanthebuyer’scopyoftheagreement).(5)Subsections (3) and (4) have effect despite
any other Act oranything to the contrary in the
agreement.(6)Within 10 business days after agreeing
to dispose of the placeor business, the holder must give
written notice of the disposalto the
administering authority.Maximum penalty for subsection (6)—50
penalty units.(7)In this section—prescribedtransitionalenvironmentalprogrammeansatransitional environmental program that does
not relate to anenvironmental authority.348Notice of ceasing activity by holder of
program approvalWithin 10 business days after ceasing to
carry out the activitytowhichatransitionalenvironmentalprogramrelates,theholderoftheapprovalfortheprogrammustgivewrittennotice of ceasing the activity to the
administering authority.Maximum penalty—50 penalty
units.Page 318Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
349]349Compliance with Act at completion of
programTheholderofanapprovalforatransitionalenvironmentalprogram must
achieve full compliance with this Act for thematters dealt
with by the program at the end of the period overwhich the program is carried out.Part
4Special provisions aboutvoluntary
submission oftransitional environmentalprograms350Program notice(1)A
person may give the administering authority a notice (theprogram notice) about an act
or omission (therelevant event)that—(a)hascausedorthreatenedenvironmentalharminthecarrying out of
an activity by the person; and(b)is
lawful apart from this Act.(2)The
notice must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)give full details of the relevant
event; and(c)declare the person’s intention to
prepare, and submit totheauthorityatransitionalenvironmentalprogramforthe activity; and(d)state the other information prescribed by
regulation.(3)Thepersonmaysubmitwiththenoticeanyreport,ortheresultsofanyanalysis,monitoringprogram,testorexamination, carried out by or for the
person for the relevantevent.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 319
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
351]351Program notice privileged(1)If the relevant event stated in the
program notice constitutesan offence against this Act
(theoriginal offence), the
givingof the program notice, the program notice
and any documentssubmitted with it are not admissible in
evidence against theperson in a prosecution for the
original offence.(2)Subsection (1)doesnotpreventotherevidenceobtainedbecauseofthegivingoftheprogramnotice,theprogramnotice or any
documents submitted with it being admitted inany legal
proceeding against the person.352Authority to act on notice(1)Within 10 business days after
receiving the program notice,theadministeringauthoritymustgivewrittennoticetotheperson
of—(a)its receiving the notice; and(b)thedaybywhichadrafttransitionalenvironmentalprogram dealing
with the activity must be submitted to itfor
approval.(2)The day mentioned in subsection (1)(b)
must not be more than3monthsaftertheadministeringauthorityreceivestheprogram notice.(3)This
section has effect subject to section 355.353Effect of program notice(1)Onreceiptoftheprogramnoticebytheadministeringauthority, the
person giving the notice must not be prosecutedfor a
continuation of the original offence that happens afterthe
authority receives the notice.(2)Subsection (1)haseffectonlyuntilwhicheverofthefollowing
happens first—(a)the person receives from the
administering authority anapproval of a transitional
environmental program for theactivity;Page
320Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
354](b)the person receives from the
administering authority anoticeofrefusaltoapproveadrafttransitionalenvironmental
program for the activity;(c)ifthepersondoesnotsubmitadrafttransitionalenvironmentalprogramfortheactivitytotheadministering
authority by the day stated in the noticegiven to the
person under section 352(1)—the end of thestated
day.(3)Thepersonmaybeprosecutedforacontinuationoftheoriginal offence under the program
notice that happens aftertheauthorityreceivedthenoticeifsubsection (1)ceasestoapply to the person under—(a)subsection (2)(b) if the administering
authority states inthe notice of refusal to approve the draft
program—(i)itissatisfiedinthecircumstancesthatsubsection (1) should not apply to the
person; and(ii)the reasons for
the decision; and(iii)the review or
appeal details; or(b)subsection (2)(c).(4)Subsection (3) applies even if the
continuation of the originaloffence happened
while subsection (1) applied.354Effect of failure to comply with
programIf the holder of an approval for a
transitional environmentalprogramforanactivityunderaprogramnoticedoesnotcomply with the program, section 353(1)
ceases to apply tothe person.355Authority may apply to Court for order
setting asideimmunity from prosecution(1)If the administering authority
receives a program notice froma person, the
authority may apply to the Court for an orderthatsection 353(1)doesnotapplytothepersonforanycontinuation of the original
offence.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
356](2)The application must be made—(a)within 20 business days after the
administering authorityreceivestheprogramnoticeorthelongerperiodtheCourt in special circumstances allows;
and(b)byfilingwrittennoticeoftheapplicationwiththeregistraroftheCourtandservingacopyoftheapplication on the person; and(c)bycomplyingwithrulesofcourtapplicabletotheapplication.(3)The
making of the application does not stay the operation ofsection 353(1).(4)The
procedure for the application is to be in accordance withtherulesofcourtapplicabletoitor,iftherulesmakenoprovisionorinsufficientprovision,inaccordancewithdirections of the judge.356Court
to decide application(1)The Court may
grant an application under section 355 if theCourt is
satisfied—(a)therelevanteventwaswilfullydoneoromittedtobedonewiththeintentionofrelyingonthegivingofaprogram notice as an excuse; or(b)itisnotappropriateforsection 353(1)toapplytothepersonwhogavetheprogramnoticebecauseofthenature and extent of the environmental
harm caused orthreatened by the continuation of the
original offence.(2)In deciding the application, the Court
may have regard to thefollowing—(a)the
circumstances in which the relevant event happened;(b)the nature and extent of the
environmental harm causedor threatened by a continuation of the
original offenceunder the program notice;(c)the resilience of the receiving
environment;Page 322Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
357](d)the environmental record of the
person;(e)whetheratransitionalenvironmentalprogramorprotection order is in force for the
activity.(3)If the Court grants the application,
the Court must make anorder that section 353(1) does not
apply to the person for acontinuation of the original offence
under the program notice(whetherthecontinuationhappenedbeforeorafterthereceiving of the program notice).357Power of Court to make order pending
decision onapplication(1)This
section applies if the administering authority has madeanapplicationtotheCourt under section 355 but the
Courthas not decided the application.(2)On the application of the
administering authority, the Courtmay make any
order the Court considers appropriate pendinga decision on
the application.(3)Withoutlimitingsubsection (2),anordermaydirectthepersonwhogavetheprogramnoticetodo,orstopdoing,anything specified in the order to prevent a
continuation of theoriginal offence under the notice.(4)The Court’s power under this section
is in addition to its otherpowers.(5)Apersonwhocontravenesanordercommitsanoffenceagainst this
Act.Maximum penalty for subsection (5)—(a)iftheoffenceiscommittedwilfully—6,250penaltyunits or 5 years imprisonment; or(b)otherwise—4,500 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
357AAA]Part 4ATemporary
emissions licencesNotauthorised—indicativeonly357AAA Definition for pt 4AIn
this part—applicable eventsee section
357A.357AWhat is anapplicable
eventAnapplicableeventisanevent,orseriesofevents,eithernatural or caused by sabotage, that—(a)was not foreseen; or(b)wasforeseenbut,becauseofalowprobabilityofoccurring, it was not considered reasonable
to impose aconditionontheauthoritytodealwiththeeventorseries of events;when particular
conditions were imposed on an environmentalauthority,whenatransitionalenvironmentalprogramwasapproved,orwhenamendmentstoanapprovedtransitionalenvironmental
program were approved.357BWho may apply for
temporary emissions licence(1)Apersonmayapplyforalicence(atemporaryemissionslicence) that permits
the temporary relaxation or modificationof—(a)particular conditions of an
environmental authority; or(b)particularrequirementsorconditionsofatransitionalenvironmental
program;that relate to the release of a contaminant
into the environmentin response to an applicable
event.(2)A person may apply for a temporary
emissions licence only ifthe person is the holder of—(a)an environmental authority; orPage
324Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
357C](b)a transitional environmental
program.(3)The application may be made—(a)in anticipation of an applicable
event; or(b)in response to an applicable
event.Example of application in anticipation of an
applicable event—application to release a contaminant into
water when flood waters aredue to reach the
site of an activity within hours or daysExample of
application in response to an applicable event—application to
allow a waste transfer station to change its operatinghours, or the types of material it receives,
as part of a flood responseafter flood
waters have receded(4)The application must—(a)be made—(i)in
person to an authorised person; or(ii)byemailorfacsimiletotheadministeringauthority;
and(b)besupportedbyenoughinformationtoenabletheadministering authority to decide the
application.(5)The applicant must pay the
administering authority the fee forthe application
prescribed under a regulation.(6)If
the applicant does not pay the fee within the period of atleast20daysstatedforpaymentinanoticegiventotheapplicantbytheadministeringauthority,theadministeringauthority may
recover it as a debt.357CDeciding
as practicable, but no later than 24 hours after receivingit.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
357D]357DCriteria for decisionIn
deciding the application, the administering authority musthave
regard to the following—(a)the
application;(b)the extent and impact of the
applicable event, includingthepotentialeconomicimpactofgrantingornotgranting the licence;(c)if the application is for a licence in
anticipation of anapplicable event—(i)thelikelihoodoftheapplicableeventhappening;and(ii)when the
applicable event is likely to happen; and(iii)what
circumstances need to exist before the licencetakes
likelihood of environmental harm and any measuresnecessary to minimise the harm;(f)the likelihood that the release will
adversely impact thehealth, safety or wellbeing of another
person;Example of a release that adversely impacts
another person—areleaseofanemissionthatcouldaffectthequalityofdownstream drinking water(g)thecumulativeimpactsofallreleasesauthorisedordirected under this Act, including releases
under othertemporary emissions licences that have been
issued orapplied for;(h)the
public interest.357EDecision about temporary emissions
licence(1)The administering authority
may—Page 326Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
submitted; or(ii)on different
terms than have been requested in theapplication;
orExample for subparagraph (ii)—the
administering authority may grant a licence for lesstime
or for fewer releases or on stricter conditions than isrequested in the application(b)refuse to grant the application for a
temporary emissionslicence.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymayimposeconditionsonthetemporaryemissionslicenceitconsidersarenecessaryordesirable.357FInformation noticeTheadministeringauthoritymustgivetheapplicantaninformation notice about the decision if the
decision is to—(a)grant the application on different
terms than have beenrequested in the application;
or(b)refuse the application.357GTemporary emissions licence(1)A temporary emissions licence must
state the following—(a)the period for
which the licence is issued;(b)the
timing, duration, volume and location of the releasespermitted by the licence;(c)foranenvironmentalauthority—theconditionsoftheenvironmental authority that the
licence overrides;(d)foratransitionalenvironmentalprogram—therequirementsorconditionsofthetransitionalenvironmental
program that the licence overrides;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 327
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
357H](e)conditionstomonitorthereleasestoensurethattheexpectedimpactofthereleasesonthereceivingenvironment is not exceeded.(2)While the licence is in effect, the
licence authorises the holderofthelicencetodo,ornottodo,anact,ortomakeanomission, approved by the licence
despite—(a)a condition of an environmental
authority; or(b)a transitional environmental program
or a condition of atransitional environmental program.357HNo transfer of licenceAtemporaryemissionslicencecannotbetransferredtoanother person.357IFailure to comply with conditions of
penalty—(a)iftheoffenceiscommittedwilfully—6,250penaltyunits or 5 years imprisonment; or(b)otherwise—4,500 penalty units.357JAmendment, cancellation or suspension
of temporaryemissions licenceThe
administering authority may amend, cancel or suspend atemporary emissions licence if—(a)after granting the licence—(i)the authority receives information
that the effectsof the release of a contaminant into the
receivingenvironment will be greater than was
envisaged bythe authority when the licence was issued;
orPage 328Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
358](ii)otherapplicationsfortemporaryemissionslicences are made that would, if granted,
affect thesame environmental values as the issued
licence; or(b)for the amendment of a temporary
emissions licence—the holder of the licence gives written
agreement to theamendment; or(c)for
the cancellation of a temporary emissions licence—(i)theholderofthelicenceagreesinwritingto thecancellation; or(ii)theholderofthelicencegivestheadministeringauthority notice
of ceasing the activity to which thelicence
relates.Part 5Environmental
protectionordersDivision 1General358When
order may be issuedTheadministeringauthoritymayissueanorder(anenvironmental protection order) to
a person—(a)ifthepersondoesnotcomplywitharequirementtoconduct or commission an environmental
evaluation andsubmit it to the authority; or(b)ifthepersondoesnotcomplywitharequirementtoprepareatransitionalenvironmentalprogramandsubmit it to the authority; or(c)if the authority is satisfied, because
of an environmentalevaluationconductedorcommissionedbytheperson,unlawful
environmental harm is being, or is likely to be,caused; or(d)to
secure compliance by the person with—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 329
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
359](i)the general environmental duty;
or(ii)an environmental
protection policy; or(iii)a condition of
an environmental authority; or(iv)adevelopmentconditionofadevelopmentapproval;
or(v)aprescribedconditionforcarryingoutasmallscale mining
activity; or(vi)a condition of a
site management plan; or(vii)a PRCP schedule;
or(viii) an audit notice; or(ix)a surrender
notice; or(x)a rehabilitation direction; or(xi)a regulation;
or(xii) an accredited ERMP; or(e)ifthepersonis,orhasbeen,contraveninganyofthefollowing
provisions—(i)section 363E;(ii)section 440Q;(iii)section 440ZG;(iv)a
provision of chapter 8, part 3E or 3F; or(f)in
the circumstances stated in division 2.359Standard criteria to be considered before
issue of orderBeforedecidingtoissuean
environmentalprotectionorder,theadministeringauthoritymustconsiderthestandardcriteria.360Form and content of order(1)An environmental protection
order—Page 330Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
361](a)must be in the form of a written
notice; and(b)must specify the person to whom it is
issued; and(c)mayimposeareasonablerequirementrelevanttoamatter or thing
mentioned in section 358; and(d)must
state the review or appeal details; and(e)must
be served on the recipient.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1)(c),anenvironmentalprotection order
may—(a)require the recipient to not start, or
stop, a stated activityindefinitely,forastatedperiodoruntilfurthernoticefrom the
administering authority; or(b)require the recipient to carry out a stated
activity onlyduring stated times or subject to stated
conditions; or(c)require the recipient to take stated
action within a statedperiod.361Offence not to comply with order(1)The recipient must not wilfully
contravene an environmentalprotection
order.Maximum penalty—4,500 penalty units.(3)In a proceeding for an offence against
subsection (1), if thecourtisnotsatisfiedthedefendantisguiltyoftheoffencecharged but is
satisfied the defendant is guilty of an offenceagainst
subsection (2), the court may find the defendant guiltyof
the offence against subsection (2).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 331
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
362]362Notice of disposal by recipient(1)Thissectionappliesiftherecipientofanenvironmentalprotection order
proposes to dispose of the place or businessto which the
order relates to someone else (thebuyer).(2)Beforeagreeingtodisposeoftheplaceorbusiness,therecipient must give written notice to the
buyer of the existenceof the order.Maximum
penalty—50 penalty units.(3)If the recipient
does not comply with subsection (2), the buyermayrescindtheagreementbywrittennoticegiventotherecipientbeforethecompletionoftheagreementorpossession under the agreement, whichever is
the earlier.(4)On rescission of the agreement under
subsection (3)—(a)a person who was paid amounts by the
buyer under theagreement must refund the amounts to the
buyer; and(b)thebuyermustreturntotherecipientanydocumentsabout the
disposal (other than the buyer’s copy of theagreement).(5)Subsections (3)and(4)haveeffectdespiteanythingtothecontrary in the
agreement.(6)Within 10 business days after agreeing
to dispose of the placeorbusiness,therecipientmustgivewrittennoticeofthedisposal to the administering
authority.Maximum penalty for subsection (6)—50
penalty units.363Notice of ceasing to carry out
activityWithin 10 business days after ceasing to
carry out the activitytowhichanenvironmentalprotectionorderrelates,therecipient must give written notice of the
ceasing to carry outthe activity to the administering
authority.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.Page
332Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 2Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363AA]Issue of orders to related persons ofcompaniesNotauthorised—indicativeonly363AADefinitions for divisionIn
this division—associated entityhas the meaning
given by the CorporationsAct, section 50AAA.financial interest, in a company,
means a direct orindirectinterest
in—(a)shares in the company; or(b)amortgage,chargeorothersecuritygivenbythecompany; or(c)income or revenue of the company.high
risk companymeans—(a)acompanythatisanexternally-administeredbodycorporate within the meaning given by the
CorporationsAct, section 9; or(b)acompanythatisanassociatedentityofacompanymentioned in paragraph (a).interestmeans a legal or
equitable interest.related personsee section
363AB.relevantactivity,inrelationtoacompany,meansanenvironmentally relevant activity—(a)that was, or is being, carried out by
the company underan environmental authority; or(b)that was, or is being, carried out by
the company and hascaused, or is causing or likely to cause,
is arelated personof a
company(1)A person is arelated
personof a company if—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 333
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363AB]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)the person is a
holding company of the company; or(b)the
person owns land on which the company carries out,orhascarriedout,arelevantactivityotherthanaresource activity; or(c)the person—(i)is
an associated entity of the company; and(ii)ownslandonwhichthecompanycarriesout,orhas
carried out, a relevant activity that is a resourceactivity; or(d)theadministeringauthoritydecidesunderthissectionthe
person has a relevant connection with the company.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymaydecideapersonhasarelevant connection with a company if
satisfied—(a)thepersoniscapableofsignificantlybenefitingfinancially,orhassignificantlybenefitedfinancially,fromthecarryingoutofarelevantactivitybythecompany; or(b)thepersonis,orhasbeenatanytimeduringtheprevious2years,inapositiontoinfluencethecompany’s conduct in relation to the way in
which, orextenttowhich,thecompanycomplieswithitsobligations under this Act.(3)A reference in subsection (2)(b) to a
person being in a positionto influence a company’s conduct
includes a person being inthat position—(a)whether alone or jointly with an associated
entity of thecompany; and(b)whetherbygivingadirectionorapproval,bymakingfunding
available or in another way.(4)In
deciding for subsection (2) whether a person has a relevantconnection with a company (thefirst company), the
extent of the person’s control of the first company;Page
334Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363AB]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)whether the person is an executive
officer of—(i)the first company; or(ii)aholdingcompanyorothercompanywithafinancial interest in the first
company;(c)the extent of the person’s financial
interest in the firstcompany;(d)the
extent to which a legally recognisable structure orarrangementmakesorhasmadeitpossiblefortheperson to receive a financial benefit
from the carryingout of a relevant activity by the first
company, including(butnotlimitedto)astructureorarrangementunderwhich—(i)thepersonisnotentitledtorequireafinancialbenefit;
but(ii)it is possible
for the person to receive a financialbenefit because
of a decision by someone else orthe exercise of
a discretion by someone else;(e)any
agreements or other transactions the person entersintowith acompanymentioned
inparagraph (b)(i)or(ii);(f)the
extent to which dealings between the person and acompany mentioned in paragraph (b)(i) or
(ii) are—(i)at arm’s length; or(ii)on an
independent, commercial footing; or(iii)forthepurposeofprovidingprofessionaladvice;or(iv)for the purpose
of providing finance, including thetaking of a
security;(g)the extent of the person’s compliance
with a requirementunder section 451 for information relevant
to the makingof a decision under this section.(5)The matters mentioned in subsection
(4) may be considered asat the time the administering
authority is making the decisionCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 335
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363AB]under subsection (2) or as at an earlier
time relevant to thedecision.(6)In
deciding for subsection (2) whether a person, other than anassociated entity of a company, has a
relevant connection withthe company, it is irrelevant if the
person—(a)is capable of significantly benefiting
financially, or hassignificantly benefited financially—(i)under an agreement or obligation
relating to nativetitle,AboriginalculturalheritageorTorresStraitIslander cultural heritage; or(ii)under a conduct
and compensation agreement, orfromcompensationpaidorpayable,underresource legislation; or(iii)underamakegoodagreementforawaterboreunder theWater Act
2000; or(b)is
or has been in a position to influence the company’sconductbecauseofanagreementorobligationmentioned in
paragraph (a).(7)Inmakingadecisionunderthissection,theadministeringauthority must
have regard to any relevant guidelines in forceunder section
548A.(8)In this section—controlhasthemeaninggivenbytheCorporationsAct,section 50AA.financialbenefit,receivedbyaperson,includesprofit,income, revenue,
a dividend, a distribution, money’s worth, anadvantage,
priority or preference, whether direct or indirect,thatisreceived,obtained,preferredonorenjoyedbytheperson.owner,ofland,doesnotincludeapersonmentionedinschedule 4, definitionowner, paragraph 1(d)
to (f).Page 336Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363ABA]363ABA Decision whether to issue an
orderIndecidingwhethertoissueanenvironmentalprotectionorder to a
related person of a company under section 363ACor 363AD, the
administering authority—(a)musthaveregardtoanyrelevantguidelinesinforceunder section
548A; and(b)mayconsiderwhethertherelatedpersontookallreasonable steps, having regard to the
extent to whichthe person was in a position to influence
the company’sconduct, to ensure the company—(i)complied with its obligations under
this Act; and(ii)made adequate
provision to fund the rehabilitationandrestorationofthelandbecauseofenvironmentalharmfromarelevantactivitycarried out by the company.363ACOrder may be issued to related
person(1)When issuing an environmental
protection order to a companyunderdivision1,orifanenvironmentalprotectionorderissuedtoacompanyunderdivision1isinforce,theadministeringauthoritymayalsoissueanenvironmentalprotectionorderunderdivision1toarelatedpersonofthecompany.(2)The order may impose any requirement
on the related personthat is being, or has been, imposed on
the company, as if therelated person were the
company.363ADOrder may be issued to related person
of high riskcompany(1)Theadministeringauthoritymayissueanenvironmentalprotection order
under division 1 to a related person of a highriskcompany,whetherornotanenvironmentalprotectionorderisbeingissued,orhasbeenissued,tothehighriskcompany.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 337
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363AE](2)The order may impose any requirement
on the related personthatcouldbeimposedonthehighriskcompanyunderdivision 1, as if the related person were
the high risk company.(3)Ifthehighriskcompanyhasstoppedholdinganenvironmentalauthority,theordermayincludeanyrequirements that could be imposed if the
company still heldthe environmental authority.Example—Theordermayincludearequirementtosecurecompliancewithacondition of an environmental
authority that the high risk company nolonger
holds.(4)Also, the order may require the
related person to—(a)take action to prevent or minimise the
risk of unlawfulserious or material environmental
harm—(i)from a relevant activity; or(ii)from
contaminants on land on which the high riskcompany carries
out, or has carried out, a relevantactivity(whetherornotthecontaminantsaretheresult of a relevant activity);
or(b)takeactiontorehabilitateorrestorelandbecauseofenvironmental harm—(i)from
a relevant activity; or(ii)from
contaminants on land on which the high riskcompany carries
out, or has carried out, a relevantactivity(whetherornotthecontaminantsaretheresult of a relevant activity);
or(c)givetheadministeringauthorityabankguaranteeorother security for the related
person’s compliance withthe order.363AEOrder
may provide for joint and several liabilityIfarequirementismadeof2ormorerelatedpersonsofacompany, the
environmental protection order or orders issuedto them may
provide that the related persons are jointly andPage
338Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363AF]severally liable for complying with the
requirement, includingfor the costs of compliance.Notauthorised—indicativeonly363AFProcedure if related person is not the
owner of land onwhich action is required(1)Thissectionappliesifanenvironmentalprotectionorderissued to a related person (therecipient) requires the
recipientto take action on land the recipient does
not own.(2)The recipient, or person taking the
action for the recipient (thecontractor), may enter the
land to take the action only—(a)with
the consent of the owner and occupier of the land;or(b)if the recipient
or contractor has given at least 2 businessdays written
notice to the owner and occupier.(3)The
notice under subsection (2)(b) must inform the owner andoccupier of—(a)the
intention to enter the land; and(b)the
purpose of the entry; and(c)the days and
times when the entry is to be made.(4)In
taking the action, the recipient or contractor must take allreasonable steps to ensure the recipient or
contractor causes aslittleinconvenience,anddoesaslittledamage,asispracticable in
the circumstances.(5)Nothing in this section authorises the
recipient or contractor toenter a building used for residential
purposes.(6)If a person incurs loss or damage
because of action taken bythe recipient or contractor, the
person is entitled to be paid bytherecipientorcontractorthereasonablecompensationbecauseofthelossordamagethatisagreedbetweentherecipient or contractor and the person
or, failing agreement,decidedbyacourthavingjurisdictionfortherecoveryofamounts up to the amount of compensation
claimed.(7)Subsection (6) does not apply to loss
or damage incurred bythe company of whom the recipient is a
related person.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363AG](8)The court may make an order about
costs it considers just.363AG Taking action in place of related
person(1)This section applies if—(a)an environmental protection order is
issued to a relatedperson (therecipient);
and(b)either—(i)therecipientfailstocomplywithitwithintheperiod stated in the order; or(ii)the operation of
the decision to issue the order isstayed under
section 522 or 535.(2)An authorised person, or person acting
under the direction ofanauthorisedperson(thecontractor),maytakeanyoftheactions stated
in the environmental protection order.(3)Forsubsection(2),theauthorisedpersonorcontractormayenter land on which the actions are required
to be taken—(a)with the consent of the owner and
occupier of the land;or(b)if
the authorised person or contractor has given at least 2businessdayswrittennotice,complyingwithsection363AF(3), to the
owner and occupier.(4)Iftheauthorisedpersonorcontractorenterslandundersubsection(3),section363AF(4)to(7)appliesasifareference in the provisions to the recipient
or contractor werea reference to the authorised person or
contractor.(5)Subsections (3) and (4) do not limit
another provision of thisAct under which an authorised person
may enter land.Note—See also
sections 452 and 458 in relation to the power to enter a place
totake the actions.Page 340Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363AH]363AHObstruction of recipient complying
with notice(1)A person must not obstruct the
recipient of an environmentalprotectionorderinthetakingofactiontocomplywithanenvironmentalprotectionorderunlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—165 penalty units.(2)In this
section—recipient, of an
environmental protection order, means—(a)a
related person to whom the order is issued; or(b)a
person acting for a related person to whom the order isissued.363AIAdministering authority may issue cost
recovery notice(1)This section applies if theadministering authority issues anenvironmentalprotectionordertoarelatedperson(therecipient).(2)The administering authority may issue
a written notice (acostrecovery
notice) to the recipient if—(a)therecipientfailstocomplywiththeenvironmentalprotection order
and an authorised person or contractoracts under
section 363AG; or(b)the following happens—(i)theoperationofthedecisiontoissuetheenvironmentalprotectionorderisstayedundersection 522 or 535;(ii)during the period of the stay, an authorised
personor contractor acts under section
363AG;(iii)the appeal ends
and—(A)there is no appeal decision under
section 530or 539; or(B)theeffectoftheappealdecisionundersection 530 or
539 is to confirm the decisionCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 341
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
the extent the order required the recipientto take an
action that was ultimately taken bytheauthorisedpersonorcontractorundersection 363AG; or(C)theeffectoftheappealdecisionundersection530or539istoissueanenvironmental protection order
requiring therecipient to take action for the same
purposeas the action that was ultimately taken by
theauthorised person or contractor under
cost recovery notice may claim a stated amount for costs orexpenses reasonably incurred in—(a)taking an action stated in the
environmental protectionorder; or(b)monitoring compliance by the recipient with
the order.(4)Subsection (5) applies if—(a)theenvironmentalprotectionorderissuedbytheadministering authority (theoriginal order) required
therecipient to take action for a particular
purpose; and(b)anenvironmentalprotectionorderisissuedunderanappealdecisionmentionedinsubsection(2)(b)(iii)(C)(theappeal order) requiring the
recipient to take actionfor the same purpose.(5)The amount claimed for costs and
expenses incurred in takingthe action
stated in the original order may not be more thanthe
costs and expenses that would be reasonably incurred intaking the action for the same purpose under
the appeal order.(6)A cost recovery notice must state the
following matters—(a)the name of the recipient;(b)the amount claimed;(c)adescriptionofcostsandexpensesgivingrisetotheclaimed amount;Page 342Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363AJ](d)that,iftherecipientdoesnotpaytheamounttotheadministering authority within 30 days
after the day thenotice is issued, the administering
authority may claimthe amount from the recipient as a
authority;(f)the review or appeal details.(7)If the recipient does not pay the
amount to the administeringauthority within
30 days after the day the notice is issued, theadministeringauthoritymayclaimtheamountfromtherecipient as a debt.(8)If a cost recovery notice is issued to
2 or more recipients—(a)a copy of the
notice must be given to each recipient; and(b)theamountclaimedinthenoticeispayablebytherecipients jointly and
severally.(9)A reference in this section to an
authorised person includes aperson acting
under the direction of an authorised person.(10)In
this section—costsandexpensesincludeslabour,equipmentandadministrative costs and
expenses.363AJ Review of operation of division(1)The Minister must, within 2 years
after the commencement,reviewtheoperationofthisdivisiontodecidewhethertheprovisions of the division remain
appropriate.(2)The Minister must, as soon as
practicable after finishing thereview,tableareportaboutitsoutcomeintheLegislativeAssembly.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363A]Part 5ADirection
notices363APrescribed provisions(1)Thispartprovidesforadirectionnoticetobeissuedforacontraventionofanyofthefollowing(eachofwhichisaprescribed provision)—(a)section 426,
440, 440Q or 440ZG;(b)a provision of an accredited ERMP for
an agriculturalERA.(2)However, a provision of the accredited ERMP
is a prescribedprovision only if the person contravening
the provision is theperson carrying out the agricultural
ERA.Note—If there is a
transitional environmental program for the activity, seesection 346 (Effect of compliance with
program).363BAuthorised person may issue a
direction notice(1)Thissectionappliesifanauthorisedpersonissatisfiedonreasonable grounds that—(a)a
person—(i)is contravening a prescribed
provision; or(ii)hascontravenedaprescribedprovisionincircumstances that make it likely the
contraventionwill continue or be repeated; and(b)a matter relating to the contravention
can be remedied;and(c)itisappropriatetogivethepersonanopportunitytoremedy the matter.(2)The
authorised person may issue a written notice (adirectionnotice)tothepersonrequiringthepersontoremedythecontravention.Page 344Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363C](3)If, for any reason, it is not
practicable to make a requirementtoremedythecontraventionbywrittennotice,therequirement may be made orally and
confirmed by a directionnotice as soon as practicable.Note—Whether an oral
requirement is made before issuing a direction noticeis
relevant to the time by which the person may be required to
remedythe contravention. See section
363D(2)(c).363CMatters to consider before issuing a
direction noticerelating to particular emissions(1)Thissectionappliestoacontraventionofsection 440involving an
emission of aerosols, fumes, light, noise, odour,particles or smoke.(2)Before deciding to issue a direction notice
in relation to thecontravention, the authorised person
must—(a)considerthegeneralemissioncriteriastatedinsubsection (3); and(b)if the emission is of noise, consider
the noise emissioncriteria stated in subsection (4);
and(c)havingregardtothosecriteria,considerwhetheritwould be appropriate to issue the
direction notice or tofirst try to resolve the matter in
another way.(3)The general emission criteria, for a
particular emission, are asfollows—(a)the emission’s characteristics or
qualities;(b)the emission’s amount or rate;(c)the duration and time of the
emission;(d)whether the emission is continuous or
including the types of emissions that couldreasonably be
expected in the receiving environment;(f)the
emission’s impact on the receiving environment;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 345
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363C](g)in relation to each affected person
for the emission—(i)anyviewsoftheaffectedpersonabouttheemission of which the authorised
person is aware,includingviewsaboutthedegreeofinterferencecaused, or
likely to be caused, by the emission tolawfulactivitiesattheplaceoccupiedbytheaffected person;
and(ii)the order of
occupancy between the person causingthe emission and
the affected person; and(iii)for the period
during which the person causing theemissionhasoccupiedtheplacefromwhichtheemission is generated and the affected
person hasoccupied the place affected by the
emission—(A)anystructuralorotherchangestoeitherofthose places; and(B)anychangetotheactivitiesconductedateither of those places by the person
causingthe emission or affected person;(h)any mitigating measures that have been
taken or couldreasonably have been taken by the person
causing theemission.(4)The
noise emission criteria are as follows—(a)if
the authorised person has measured a sound pressurelevel for the noise—that level;(b)the audibility of the noise;(c)whetherthenoiseiscontinuousatasteadylevelorwhetherithasafluctuating,intermittent,tonalorimpulsive nature;(d)whether the noise has vibration
components.(5)In this section—affectedperson,foranemission,meansapersonwhotheauthorised person knows to be affected
by the emission.Page 346Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363D]363DRequirements of direction
notices(1)A direction notice must state the
following—(a)that the authorised person believes
the person—(i)is contravening a prescribed
provision; or(ii)hascontravenedaprescribedprovisionincircumstances that make it likely the
contraventionwill continue or be repeated;(b)the particular prescribed provision
the authorised personbelieves is being, or has been,
contravened;(c)briefly,howitisbelievedtheprescribedprovisionisbeing, or has been,
it is an offence to fail to comply with the directionnotice unless the person has a reasonable
excuse;(f)themaximumpenaltyforfailingtocomplywiththedirection notice;(g)the
review or appeal details.(2)The time under
subsection (1)(d) must be reasonable havingregard
to—(a)the action required to remedy the
contravention; and(b)the risk to human health or the
natural environment, orriskoflossordamagetoproperty,posedbythecontravention;
and(c)howlongthepersonhasbeenawareofthecontravention,forexample,becauseanauthorisedperson has
previously made an oral requirement that thecontravention be
remedied.(3)The notice may also state the
reasonable steps the authorisedpersonconsidersnecessarytoremedythecontravention,oravoid further contravention, of the
prescribed provision.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363E]363EOffence not to comply with a direction
noticeA person who is issued with a direction
notice must complywith it unless the person has a reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—(a)iftheoffenceiscommittedwilfully—1,665penaltyunits; or(b)otherwise—600 penalty units.Part
5BClean-up notices363FDefinitions for pt 5BIn this
part—contamination incidentmeans—(a)an incident involving contamination of
the environmentthat the administering authority is
satisfied has caused orislikelytocauseseriousormaterialenvironmentalharm; or(b)the carrying out of an activity on
contaminated land, thehappeningofaneventoncontaminatedland,orachangeintheconditionofcontaminatedlandthattheadministeringauthorityissatisfiedhascausedorislikelytocausethelandoranyotherlandtobecomecontaminated
land; or(c)a combination of matters mentioned in
paragraph (a) or(b).placemeans premises, another place on land or a
vehicle.363GWho are theprescribed
personsfor a contaminationincidentForthispart,eachofthefollowingpersonsisaprescribedpersonfor
a contamination incident—Page 348Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363H](a)apersoncausingorpermitting,orwhocausedorpermitted, the incident to happen;(b)a person who, at the time of the
incident, is or was—(i)theoccupierofaplaceatorfromwhichtheincident is happening or happened;
or(ii)the owner, or
person in control, of a contaminantinvolved in the
incident;(ba)for a
contamination incident mentioned in section 363F,definitioncontaminationincident,paragraph(b)—aprescribed responsible person for the land
to which theincident relates;(c)if a
clean-up notice is issued to a corporation (thefirstcorporation)inrelationtotheincidentanditfailstocomply with the notice—(i)a
parent corporation of the first corporation; and(ii)an executive
officer of the first corporation.363HAdministering authority may issue clean-up
reasonably believes to be a prescribed person for acontaminationincident,requiringthepersontotakestatedaction to do all or any of the
following—(a)prevent or minimise
contamination;Example—action to
contain, remove, disperse or destroy the contaminants(b)rehabilitateorrestoretheenvironmentbecauseoftheincident,
including by taking steps to mitigate or remedythe effects of
the incident;(c)assess the nature and extent of the
environmental harm,ortheriskoffurtherenvironmentalharm,fromtheincident, including by inspecting, sampling,
recording,measuring, calculating, testing or
analysing;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363H]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(d)keeptheadministeringauthorityinformedabouttheincident or the actions taken under
the notice, includingby giving to the administering
authority stated reports,plans, drawings or other
documents.(2)The clean-up notice must state the
following matters—(a)the name of the recipient;(b)a description of the contamination
incident;(c)the place at or from which the
administering authority issatisfied the incident is happening or
has happened;(d)the actions the recipient must
take;(e)for each action, the time by which it
must be taken;(f)that it is an offence for the
recipient not to comply withthe notice
unless the recipient has a reasonable excuse;(g)the
maximum penalty for the offence;(h)that, if the recipient does not comply with
the notice, anauthorised person may take any of the
actions stated inthe notice and the administering authority
may recoverfromtherecipientthecostsincurredintakingtheactions;(i)thename,addressandcontactdetailsoftheadministering
authority;(j)the review or appeal details.(3)The time under subsection (2)(e) must
be reasonable in all thecircumstances, having regard to the
actions the recipient musttake and the risk of harm or further
harm from the incident.(4)Thenoticemayincludeanyotherinformationtheadministering authority considers
appropriate.Example—Thenoticemaystatehowtheadministeringauthorityproposestomonitor compliance with the notice,
including by exercising powersunder chapter
9.(5)If the notice is issued to 2 or more
recipients, a copy must begiven to each recipient.Page
350Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363I](6)To the extent that the recipient
complies with the notice butdid not cause or
permit the contamination incident to happen,the recipient
may recover as a debt, from another person whocaused or
permitted the contamination incident to happen, theamountoflossorexpenseincurredbytherecipientincomplying with the notice.(7)Areferenceinthissectiontotakingactionsincludesachieving
outcomes.Example—A clean-up
notice may state, as an action that must be taken, that therecipient must ensure contaminated water
does not reach the aquifer.363IOffence not to
comply with clean-up notice(1)Therecipientofaclean-upnoticemustcomplywiththenotice unless the recipient has a reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—(a)iftheoffenceiscommittedwilfully—6,250penaltyunits or 5 years imprisonment; or(b)otherwise—4,500 penalty units.(2)Iftherecipientisanindividualandthenoticeincludesarequirement to give information or
produce a document, it is areasonable
excuse for the individual to fail to comply with therequirement if complying with the
requirement might tend toincriminate the individual.(3)Inproceedingsforanoffenceagainstsubsection (1),itisadefence for the
recipient to show—(a)that the recipient is not a prescribed
person; or(b)that—(i)the
relevant contamination incident was caused bya natural
disaster; and(ii)therecipienthadtakenallmeasuresitwouldbereasonablefortherecipienttohavetakentopreventtheincident,havingregardtoalltheCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 351
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363J]circumstances including the inherent nature
of therisk and the probability of the natural
disaster; or(c)that—(i)the
relevant contamination incident was caused bya terrorist act
or other deliberate act of sabotage bysomeone other
than the recipient; and(ii)therecipienthadtakenallmeasuresitwouldbereasonablefortherecipienttohavetakentopreventtheincident,havingregardtoallthecircumstances
including the inherent nature of theriskandthenatureoftherecipient’sconnectionwith the
incident; or(d)iftherecipientisaprescribedpersonmentionedinsection 363G(c)(i),thatittookallreasonablestepstoensurethefirstcorporationcompliedwiththenoticeserved on the
first corporation; or(e)iftherecipientisaprescribedpersonmentionedinsection 363G(c)(ii), that—(i)the person took all reasonable steps
to ensure thefirstcorporationcompliedwiththenoticeservedon
the first corporation; or(ii)thepersonwasnotina
this section—first corporationsee section
363G(c).leaseincludesaresidentialtenancyagreementundertheResidential Tenancies Act 1994.363JProcedure if
recipient is not the owner of land on whichaction is
required(1)This section applies if a clean-up
notice requires the recipientto take action
on land that the recipient does not own.Page 352Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363K](2)The recipient, or person taking the
action for the recipient (thecontractor), may enter the
land to take the action only—(a)with
the consent of the owner and occupier of the land;or(b)if the recipient
or contractor has given at least 5 businessdays written
notice to the owner and occupier.(3)The
notice under subsection (2)(b) must inform the owner andoccupier of—(a)the
intention to enter the land; and(b)the
purpose of the entry; and(c)the days and
times when the entry is to be made.(4)In
taking the action, the recipient or contractor must take allreasonable steps to ensure the recipient or
contractor causes aslittleinconvenience,anddoesaslittledamage,asispracticable in
the circumstances.(5)Nothing in this section authorises the
recipient or contractor toenter a building used for residential
purposes.(6)If a person incurs loss or damage
because of action taken bythe recipient or contractor, the
person is entitled to be paid bytherecipientorcontractorthereasonablecompensationbecauseofthelossordamagethatisagreedbetweentherecipient or contractor and the person
or, failing agreement,decidedbyacourthavingjurisdictionfortherecoveryofamounts up to the amount of compensation
claimed.(7)The court may make an order about
costs it considers just.363KTaking action in
place of recipient(1)This section applies if—(a)the recipient of a clean-up notice
fails to comply with itwithin the period stated in the
notice; or(b)the operation of the decision to issue
a clean-up notice isstayed under section 535.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363L](2)An authorised person, or person acting
under the direction ofanauthorisedperson(thecontractor),maytakeanyoftheactions stated
in the clean-up notice.(3)Forsubsection (2),theauthorisedpersonorcontractormayenter land on which the actions are required
to be taken—(a)with the consent of the owner and
occupier of the land;or(b)if
the authorised person or contractor has given at least 5businessdayswrittennotice,complyingwithsection 363J(3), to the owner and
occupier.(4)Iftheauthorisedpersonorcontractorenterslandundersubsection (3), section 363J(4) to (7)
applies as if a referenceintheprovisionstotherecipientorcontractorwereareference to the authorised person or
contractor.(5)Subsections (3) and (4) do not limit
another provision of thisAct under which an authorised person
may enter land.Note—See also
sections 452 and 458 in relation to the power to enter a place
totake the actions.363LObstruction of recipient complying with
notice(1)A person must not obstruct the
recipient of a clean-up noticeinthetakingofactiontocomplywithaclean-upnotice,unless the person has a reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—165 penalty units.(2)In this section—recipient, of
a clean-up notice, includes a person acting for therecipient of a clean-up notice.Page
354Current as at [Not applicable]
5CEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363M]Cost recovery noticesNotauthorised—indicativeonly363MWho are theprescribed
personsfor a contaminationincidentForthispart,eachofthefollowingpersonsisaprescribedpersonfor
a contamination incident—(a)apersoncausingorpermitting,orwhocausedorpermitted, the incident to happen;(b)a person who, at the time of the
incident, is or was—(i)theoccupierofaplaceatorfromwhichtheincident is happening or happened;
or(ii)the owner, or
person in control, of a contaminantinvolved in the
incident;(ba)for a
contamination incident mentioned in section 363F,definitioncontaminationincident,paragraph(b)—aprescribed responsible person for the land
to which theincident relates;(c)if a
cost recovery notice is issued to a corporation (thefirst corporation) in relation to
the incident and it failsto pay the amount claimed under the
notice—(i)a parent corporation of the first
corporation; and(ii)an executive
officer of the first corporation.363NAdministering authority may issue cost
recovery notice(1)The administering authority may issue
a written notice (acostrecovery
notice)—(a)to the recipient
of a clean-up notice, if—(i)therecipientfailstocomplywiththeclean-upnotice;
and(ii)anauthorisedpersonorcontractoractsundersection 363K;
or(b)to the recipient of a clean-up notice,
if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363N]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(i)theoperationofthedecisiontoissueaclean-upnotice is stayed
under section 535; and(ii)during the
period of the stay, an authorised personor contractor
acts under section 363K; and(iii)either—(A)theappealendswithoutanappealdecisionunder section 539; or(B)theeffectoftheappealdecisionundersection
539istoconfirmthedecisiontoissuetheclean-upnoticetotheextentthenoticerequiredtherecipienttotaketheactionthatwasultimatelytakenbytheauthorisedpersonorcontractorundersection 363K; or(c)toapersonwhomtheadministeringauthorityreasonablybelievestobeaprescribedpersonforacontaminationincident,ifanauthorisedperson,orpersonauthorisedundersection 467(1)(b),actsundersection 467 in
relation to environmental harm caused orlikely to be
caused by the incident.(2)A cost recovery
notice may claim a stated amount for costs orexpenses
reasonably incurred in—(a)for a notice
issued under subsection (1)(a) or (b)—(i)taking an action stated in the clean-up
notice; or(ii)monitoringcompliancebytherecipientwiththeclean-up notice; or(b)for a notice issued under subsection
(1)(c)—taking theaction under section 467.(3)A cost recovery notice must state the
following matters—(a)the name of the recipient;(b)a description of the contamination
incident;(c)the place at or from which the
administering authority issatisfied the incident
happened;Page 356Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363N]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(d)the amount claimed;(e)adescriptionofcostsandexpensesgivingrisetotheclaimed amount;(f)that,iftherecipientdoesnotpaytheamounttotheadministering authority within 30 days
after the day thenotice is issued, the administering
authority may claimthe amount from the recipient as a
authority;(h)the review or appeal details.(4)Subjecttosubsection (5),iftherecipientdoesnotpaytheamount to the administering authority within
30 days after thedaythenoticeisissued,theadministeringauthoritymayclaim the amount from the recipient as
a debt.(5)The amount is not payable—(a)if the recipient is not a prescribed
person; or(b)if—(i)the
contamination incident was caused by a naturaldisaster;
including the inherent nature of therisk and the
probability of the natural disaster; or(c)if—(i)thecontaminationincidentwascausedbyaterrorist act or other deliberate act
of sabotage bysomeone other than the recipient; and(ii)therecipienthadtakenallmeasuresitwouldbereasonablefortherecipienttohavetakentopreventtheincident,havingregardtoallthecircumstances
including the inherent nature of theriskandthenatureoftherecipient’sconnectionwith the
incident; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
363O](d)for a recipient who is a prescribed
person mentioned insection 363M(c)(i),iftherecipienttookallreasonablestepstoensurethefirstcorporationpaidtheamountclaimed under
the notice served on the first corporation;or(e)for a recipient who is a prescribed
person mentioned insection 363M(c)(ii), if—(i)the
recipient took all reasonable steps to ensure thefirst corporation paid the amount claimed
under thenotice served on the first corporation;
or(ii)the recipient
was not in a position to influence theconductofthefirstcorporationinrelationtoitspaying the amount claimed under the
notice servedon the first corporation.(6)To the extent that the recipient pays
an amount in compliancewith the notice but did not cause or
permit the contaminationincident to happen, the recipient may
recover the amount as adebtfromanotherpersonwhocausedorpermittedthecontamination incident to happen.(7)Areferenceinthissectiontoanauthorisedpersonactingincludes a
person acting under the direction of an authorisedperson.(8)In
this section—costsandexpensesincludeslabour,equipmentandadministrative costs and
expenses.first corporationsee section
363M(c).363OSeveral recipients of a cost recovery
noticeIf a cost recovery notice is issued to 2 or
more recipients—(a)a copy of the notice must be given to
each recipient; and(b)theamountclaimedinthenoticeispayablebytherecipients jointly and
severally.Page 358Current as at
[Not applicable]
8Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
370]Contaminated landDivision 1Interpretation370Definitions for pt 8In this
part—relevant landmeans land for
which particulars are recorded ina relevant land
register.relevant land registermeans the
environmental managementregister or contaminated land
register.siteinvestigationreport,forrelevantland,meansareportaboutaninvestigationofthelandtoscientificallyassesswhether the land is contaminated
land.sitemanagementplan,forrelevantland,meansaplanformanaging the environmental harm that may be
caused by thehazardouscontaminantcontaminatingthelandbyapplyingconditions to
the use or development of, or activities carriedout
on, the land.site suitability statementsee
section 389(2)(a).validationreport,forrelevantland,meansareportaboutwork
carried out to remediate the land.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 359
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
371]Division 2Including land
in relevant landregisterNotauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 1Preliminary371Grounds for including land in
environmentalmanagement registerThe
administering authority may record particulars of land intheenvironmentalmanagementregisteratanytimeiftheauthority is
satisfied—(a)a notifiable activity has been, or is
being, carried out onthe land; or(b)the
land is contaminated land.372Grounds for
including land in contaminated land register(1)Thissectionappliestolandifparticularsofthelandarerecorded in the environmental management
register.(2)The administering authority may record
particulars of the landin the contaminated land register at
any time if the authority issatisfied—(a)the
land is contaminated land; and(b)itisnecessarytotakeactiontoremediatethelandtoprevent serious environmental harm.Subdivision 2Process for
including land inrelevant land register373Application of sdiv 2Thissubdivisionappliesiftheadministeringauthorityproposestorecordparticularsoflandinarelevantlandregister.Page 360Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
374]374Process for including land in relevant
land registerParticulars of land may be included in a
relevant land registeronly if the process in this division
is followed.375Show cause notice to be given to owner
of land(1)Theadministeringauthoritymustgivetheland’sownerwrittennotice(ashowcausenotice)abouttheproposaltoinclude particulars of the land in a
relevant land register.(2)The show cause
notice must state the following—(a)that
the administering authority believes grounds existfor
including particulars of the land in a relevant landregister;(b)thefactsandcircumstancesreliedontosupportthegrounds;(c)thattheownermaymakeawrittensubmissiontotheauthority about why particulars of the
land should not beincluded in the relevant register;(d)the day by which the owner may make
the submission;(e)that the submission must be
accompanied by a writtendeclaration by the owner that the
owner—(i)hasnotknowinglyincludedanyfalseormisleading information in the submission;
and(ii)has given all
relevant information to the authority.(3)Forsubsection (2)(d),thedaymustbeatleast20businessdays after the
show cause notice is given to the owner.(4)Also, if an investigation of the land has
been conducted andthe administering authority holds a copy of
a report preparedabouttheinvestigation,theshowcausenoticemustbeaccompanied by a copy of the
report.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
376]376Making and considering
submission(1)Theland’sownermaymakeawrittensubmissiontotheadministering authority by the day
stated in the show causenotice.(2)The
submission must be accompanied by—(a)the
declaration mentioned in section 375(2)(e); and(b)ifaninvestigationofthelandhasbeenconducted—acopyofthereportpreparedabouttheinvestigationmentioned in
section 375(4).(3)The administering authority must
consider a submission madeby the owner under this
section.377Decision about including land in
relevant land registeretc.(1)If,afterconsideringthesubmission,theadministeringauthority still
believes grounds exist to record particulars ofthe land in the
relevant land register, the authority must recordthe
particulars in the register.(2)If
the administering authority records particulars of the land
inthecontaminatedlandregister,theadministeringauthoritymustremovetheparticularsofthelandfromtheenvironmental management
register.378Notice of decision about including
land in relevant landregisterThe
administering authority must, within 5 business days afterdeciding whether to include particulars in
the register, give aninformation notice about the decision
to—(a)the land’s owner; and(b)the relevant local government;
and(c)if the decision is to record
particulars of the land in thecontaminatedlandregister—anyregisteredmortgageeof
the land.Page 362Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
379]379Notice to registrar of titles about
including land incontaminated land registerThe
administering authority must, within 5 business days afterrecording particulars of land in the
contaminated land register,give written
notice that the particulars have been recorded tothe
registrar of titles.Subdivision 3Amending or
removing particularsin relevant land register380Amending or removing particulars of
landTheadministeringauthoritymayamendparticularsoflandrecorded in a
relevant land register, or remove particulars ofland
from a relevant land register, only under this subdivision.381Site investigation report or
validation report(1)This section applies if the
administering authority receives asite
investigation report or validation report for the land thatcomplies with division 3, subdivision
2.(2)The administering authority
report or validation report states the land isnotcontaminatedlandandissuitableforanyuse—removeparticularsofthelandfromtherelevantlandregister; or(b)otherwise—amendtheparticularsofthelandintherelevant land register to record the
uses for which thelandissuitableinaccordancewiththesitesuitabilitystatement.383Site
management plan(1)This section applies if the
administering authority—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
384](a)approvesadraftsitemanagementplanforthelandunder division 3, subdivision 4; or(b)prepares a draft site management plan
for the land underdivision 3, subdivision 5; or(c)amendsorapprovesanamendmentofadraftsitemanagement plan for the land.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymustincludethedetailsofthesite management plan with the
particulars of the land recordedin the relevant
land register.384Minor amendmentTheadministeringauthoritymay,ontheauthority’sowninitiative,amendparticularsofthelandrecordedintherelevantlandregisteriftheamendmentisachangethatcorrects
only—(a)a clerical mistake in the particulars
of the land; or(b)a spelling or grammatical
error.385Notice to be given if particulars of
land amended in orremoved from register(1)Thissectionappliesiftheadministeringauthoritydecidesto—(a)amend particulars of land in a
relevant land register; or(b)remove
particulars of land from a relevant land register.(2)The administering authority must,
within 5 business days aftermakingthedecision,giveaninformationnoticeforthedecision to each
of the following persons—(a)the land’s
owner;(b)if a person other than the land’s
owner submitted a siteinvestigationreport,validationreportordraftsitemanagement plan for the land—the other
person;Page 364Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
386](c)if the decision is to remove
particulars of the land fromtherelevantlandregister—therelevantlocalgovernment.(3)If
section 381 applies, the notice must be accompanied by acopy
of the site suitability statement that accompanied the siteinvestigation report or validation report
for the land.Notauthorised—indicativeonly386Notice to registrar of titles if
particulars of land amendedin or removed from contaminated land
register(1)Thissectionappliesiftheadministeringauthoritydecidesto—(a)amendparticularsoflandinthecontaminatedlandregister; or(b)remove particulars of land from the
contaminated landregister.(2)The
administering authority must, within 5 business days aftermaking the decision, give written notice of
the decision to theregistrar of titles.Division 3Contaminated land investigationdocumentsSubdivision
1Preliminary387Definition for div 3In this
division—contaminated land investigation
document, for relevant land,means any of the
following for the land—(a)a site
investigation report;(b)a validation
report;(c)a draft site management plan.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
388]Subdivision 2Content and
submission ofcontaminated land investigationdocumentsNotauthorised—indicativeonly388Application of
sdiv 2(1)This subdivision applies if—(a)a site investigation report for
relevant land is required tobe prepared
under an investigation notice for the land; or(b)avalidationreportforrelevantlandisrequiredtobeprepared under a clean-up notice for
the land; or(c)a draft site management plan is
required to be preparedunder section 391; or(d)a contaminated land investigation
document is requiredto be prepared under a notice given or
order made underthis Act.Note—Seesection 565aboutwhomayprepareacontaminatedlandinvestigation document.(2)Also,thissubdivisionappliesifaperson,atanytime,voluntarily gives the administering
authority a contaminatedland investigation document for
relevant land.389Content of contaminated land
investigation document(1)A contaminated
land investigation document for relevant landmust include the
following information about the land—(a)the
reasons particulars of the land have been recorded ina
relevant land register;(b)a description of
all surface and subsurface infrastructureon the land,
including details of the location, size andtype of the
infrastructure;(c)adescriptionofthesurroundingareaoftheland,including a description of each of the
following in thesurrounding area—Page 366Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
389](i)all environmentally sensitive
location of all stormwater drainage;(iv)all
uses of the land, including uses that may affectthesafetyoftherelevantlandorcauseenvironmental
harm;(v)all activities carried out that may
affect the safetyof the relevant land or cause environmental
harm;(d)for waste disposed of or stored on the
land that contains,or may potentially contain, hazardous
contaminants—(i)detailsofthelocation,volumeandtypeofthewaste; and(ii)details of any potential contamination of
the landcaused by disposing of or storing the waste
on theland;(e)adescriptionofthegeologyandhydrogeologyoftheland;(f)detailsofanyenvironmentallyrelevantactivitiesornotifiable activities carried out on the
land, including thematerials used and waste produced during the
carryingout of the activities;(g)detailsofanyearthworkscarriedoutontheland,including the
materials used and waste produced duringthe
earthworks;(h)if work has been carried out on the
land to remediate thecontaminationoftheland—thecontaminationlevelsrecordedonthelandbeforeandaftertheworkwascarried out;(i)for
a draft site management plan—(i)theproposedobjectivestobeachievedandmaintained under the plan; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
389]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(ii)theproposedmethodsforachievingandmaintaining the objectives; and(iii)the proposed
monitoring and reporting compliancemeasures for the
land.(2)Also,acontaminatedlandinvestigationdocumentmustinclude—(a)a statement (asite suitability
statement) of the uses oractivities for
which the land is suitable; and(b)a
statement of the following matters—(i)whether the land is prescribed contaminated
land;(ii)ifthelandiscontaminated—theextenttowhichthe land is
contaminated;(iii)foradraftsitemanagementplan—whethertheproposed objectives, methods and measures
statedin the plan under subsection (1)(i) are
appropriate;(iv)the extent to
which the assessment of the land is inaccordance with
the contaminated land NEPM.(3)Acontaminatedlandinvestigationdocumentmustbeaccompaniedbyawrittencertification(anauditor’scertification)byanauditorverifyingthatthedocumentcomplies with
subsections (1) and (2).(4)In this
section—contaminated land NEPMmeans the
National EnvironmentProtection(AssessmentofSiteContamination)Measure,made
by the National Environment Protection Council undertheNationalEnvironmentProtectionCouncilAct1994(Cwlth).environmentally sensitive areameans an area prescribed byregulation as an environmentally sensitive
area.prescribed contaminated landmeans land contaminated in away
that is a risk of causing environmental harm to—(a)land other than the relevant land;
or(b)human health; orPage 368Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
390](c)another part of the
environment.waterhas the meaning
given under theWater Act 2000.390Requirements for submission of
contaminated landinvestigation document(1)Thissectionappliesifapersongivestheadministeringauthority a
contaminated land investigation document.(2)The
document must be accompanied by a declaration, madeby
the relevant person, that the person—(a)hasnotknowinglygivenanyfalseormisleadinginformation to
the auditor who certified the document;and(b)has given all relevant information to
the auditor; and(c)if the person is not the land’s
owner—has given a copyof the document to the owner.(3)Therelevant
personis—(a)if the
contaminated land investigation document is givento
the administering authority in order to comply with anoticegiventoapersonbytheauthorityunderthisAct—the person to whom the notice was given;
givesthe documenttotheadministering authority.(4)However, if the person mentioned in
subsection (3)(a) or (b) isa corporation,
an executive officer of the corporation is takento
be the relevant person.(5)The contaminated
land investigation document must also beaccompanied
by—(a)for a draft site management plan
prepared by a personother than the land’s owner—a
statement by the land’sowner agreeing to the draft plan;
and(b)the fee prescribed by
regulation.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
391]Subdivision 3Preparation of
draft sitemanagement plan391Show
cause notice(1)This section applies to relevant land
only if the administeringauthority reasonably believes—(a)the land is contaminated land;
and(b)thecontaminationmaybemanagedbyapplyingconditionstotheuseordevelopmentof,oractivitiescarried out on,
the land.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymayrequireaprescribedresponsiblepersonforthelandtoprepareorcommissionadraft site management plan for the land and
submit the draftplan to the authority, in accordance with
subdivision 2.(3)Also,theadministeringauthoritymayprepareasitemanagement plan
for the relevant land.(4)Beforetakingactionundersubsection
(2)or(3),theadministering authority must give the
prescribed responsibleperson a notice (ashow cause
notice) inviting the person toshow cause why
the action should not be taken.(5)Ashowcausenoticemustbeinwritingandstatethefollowing—(a)that
the administering authority proposes to—(i)requiretheprescribedresponsiblepersontoprepareorcommissionadraftsitemanagementplan for the
relevant land; or(ii)prepareasitemanagementplanfortherelevantland;(b)thefactsandcircumstancesformingthebasisfortheadministering authority’s belief
that—(i)the land is contaminated land;
andPage 370Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
392](ii)thecontaminationmaybemanagedbyapplyingconditionstotheuseordevelopmentof,oractivities carried out on, the
land;(c)thatrepresentationsmaybemadeabouttheproposedaction;(d)how the representations may be
subsection (5)(e), the period must end at least 20 businessdaysafterthedaytheshowcausenoticeisgiventotheprescribed responsible person.392Making and consideration of
submission(1)Theprescribedresponsiblepersonmay,withintheperiodstated in the
show cause notice, make a written submission totheadministeringauthorityaboutwhytheaction(theproposed action) stated in the
show cause notice should notbe taken.(2)The administering authority must
consider a submission madeby the prescribed responsible person
under subsection (1).393Decision about
taking actionIf,aftercomplyingwithsection
392(2),theadministeringauthority still
believes it is appropriate to take the proposedaction, the
authority may decide to take the action.394Notice of decision(1)This
section applies if the administering authority decides torequiretheprescribedresponsiblepersonforthelandtoprepare or commission a draft site
management plan for theland.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymustgivetheprescribedresponsible
person a written notice that requires the person toCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
395]prepare or commission a draft site
management plan for therelevantland,andgivethedraftplantotheadministeringauthority, in
accordance with subdivision 2.(3)The
notice must state—(a)the grounds on which the notice is
given; and(b)the matters to be addressed by the
draft site managementplan for the land; and(c)the day (at least a reasonable period
after the notice isgiven)bywhichthedraftplanmustbepreparedandgiven to the administering authority;
and(d)the review or appeal details.(4)If the prescribed responsible person
is not the land’s owner,the administering authority must also
give a copy of the noticeto the owner.Note—See
section 565 about who may prepare a draft site management
plan.(5)Aprescribedresponsiblepersonforrelevantlandwhoreceivesanoticeunderthissectionmustcomplywiththenotice.Maximum penalty
for subsection (5)—300 penalty units.395Procedure to be followed if recipient is not
owner(1)This section applies if the prescribed
responsible person whoreceives a notice under section 394 in
relation to relevant landis not the land’s owner.(2)The prescribed responsible person, or
a person (aconsultant)preparing the draft site management plan for
the prescribedresponsibleperson,mayenterthelandtopreparethedraftplan—(a)with the consent of the owner and
occupier of the land;or(b)iftheprescribedresponsiblepersonorconsultanthasgiven the owner and occupier at least 5
business daysPage 372Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
396]written notice of the person’s or
consultant’s intention toenter the land.(3)The
notice must state—(a)the intention to enter the land;
and(b)the purpose of the entry; and(c)the days and times when the land is to
be entered.(4)Nothing in this section authorises the
prescribed responsibleperson or consultant to enter a
building used for residentialpurposes.(5)Whenpreparingthedraftsitemanagementplan,theprescribedresponsiblepersonorconsultantmusttakeallreasonable steps to ensure the person or
consultant causes aslittleinconvenience,anddoesaslittledamage,asispracticable in
the circumstances.(6)Ifaperson(theaffectedperson)incurslossordamagebecause of the
entry of the land by the prescribed responsibleperson or
consultant to prepare a draft site management plan,theaffectedpersonisentitledtobepaidbytheprescribedresponsiblepersonorconsultantreasonablecompensationbecause of the
loss or damage—(a)that is agreed between the prescribed
responsible personor consultant and the affected person;
or(b)ifanagreementcannotbereached—asdecidedbyacourt of
competent jurisdiction.(7)Forsubsection (6)(b),thecourtmaymaketheorderaboutcosts that the court considers just.Subdivision 4Consideration of
draft sitemanagement plans396Application of sdiv 4This subdivision
applies if a draft site management plan forrelevant land is
given to the administering authority.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 373
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
397]397Requiring another site management plan
or additionalinformation(1)Thissectionappliesiftheadministeringauthorityissatisfied—(a)adraftsitemanagementplandoesnotadequatelyaddress the
matters stated in section 389; or(b)the
person (thesubmitter) who gave the
draft plan to theauthority did not comply with section 390;
or(c)the draft plan was not prepared by a
suitably qualifiedperson, as required by section 565.(2)The administering authority may
require the submitter to—(a)amend the draft
site management plan; or(b)prepareorcommissionanotherdraftsitemanagementplan for the
relevant land.(3)Also,theadministeringauthoritymayrequirethesubmitterto—(a)givetheauthoritystatedadditionalinformationaboutthe
draft site management plan; or(b)verify, by statutory declaration—(i)statedinformationinthedraftsitemanagementplan; or(ii)additionalinformationrequiredunderparagraph(a).(4)If
the administering authority makes a requirement under thissection, the authority must give the
submitter an informationnotice about the decision to make the
requirement.398Deciding whether to approve draft site
management plan(1)If section 397(2) does not apply, the
administering authoritymust,within20businessdaysafterreceivingadraftsitemanagement plan, decide whether to approve
the draft plan.Page 374Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
399](2)The administering authority may decide
to extend the periodmentioned in subsection (1) if the
authority—(a)has made a requirement under section
397(3); or(b)issatisfiedspecialcircumstancesexistthatjustifyextending the period.(3)The
administering authority must give an information noticefor
the decision to—(a)the submitter; and(b)if
the submitter is not the land’s owner—the owner.(4)Theinformationnoticemustbegivenbeforetheendofwhichever of the following happens
last—(a)the period mentioned in subsection
(1); or(b)iftheperiodisextendedundersubsection (2)—theextended
period.(5)Iftheadministeringauthorityfailstodecidewhethertoapproveadraftsitemanagementplanwithintheperiodrequiredunderthissection,theauthorityistakentohaverefused to
approve the draft plan at the end of the period.399Approval of draft site management
plan(1)This section applies if the
administering authority decides toapprove a draft
site management plan for relevant land.(2)The
administering authority must, within 5 business days aftermaking the decision—(a)record the details of the plan in the
relevant land registerin which particulars of the land are
recorded; and(b)givethesubmitterandtherelevantlocalgovernment,and, if the
submitter is not the land’s owner, the owner—(i)a
certificate of approval for the plan; and(ii)written notice of the approval; and(iii)a copy of the
site suitability statement for the landthat accompanied
the plan.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
400]400Refusal to approve draft site
management plan(1)This section applies if the
administering authority refuses toapprove a draft
site management plan for relevant land.(2)The
administering authority must, within 5 business days aftermakingthedecision,giveaninformationnoticeforthedecision
to—(a)the submitter; and(b)if
the submitter is not the land’s owner—the owner.Subdivision 5Preparation of
site managementplan by administering authority401Procedure if administering authority
prepares sitemanagement plan(1)This
section applies if the administering authority prepares asite
management plan for relevant land under section 391(3).(2)The administering authority must,
within 5 business days afterpreparing the
site management plan—(a)record the
details of the plan in the relevant land registerin
which particulars of the land are recorded; and(b)givetheland’sownerandtherelevantlocalgovernment—(i)written notice that the plan has been
prepared; and(ii)a copy of the
site management plan, including thesitesuitabilitystatementthataccompaniestheplan.(3)The
notice must state—(a)thereasonswhytheadministeringauthoritypreparedthe site
management plan; and(b)the review or
appeal details.Page 376Current as at
[Not applicable]
Subdivision 6Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
402]Amendment of site managementplanNotauthorised—indicativeonly402Voluntary amendment of site management
plan.(2)Subdivisions 2 to 4 apply—(a)asifareferenceinthosesubdivisionstoadraftsitemanagementplanwereareferencetoadraftamendment of a
site management plan; and(b)with any other
necessary changes.403Amendment of site management plan with
administering authority may, at any time, amend a sitemanagement plan for relevant land with the
written agreementof—(a)the land’s
owner; and(b)iftheownerisnottheoccupieroftheland—theoccupier of the land.404Amending or requiring amendment of site
managementplan(1)Iftheadministeringauthorityconsidersitnecessaryordesirable, the administering authority
may—(a)prepare an amendment of a site
management plan; or(b)require a draft amendment of a site
management plan tobe prepared and given to the administering
authority forapproval by—(i)thepersonwhoreleasedthecontaminantcontaminating
the land if the person is known andcan be located;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
405](ii)the relevant
local government; or(iii)the land’s
owner.(2)Subdivisions 2 to 5 apply for
subsection (1)—(a)asifareferenceinthosesubdivisionstoasitemanagement plan
or draft site management plan were areference to an
amendment, or a draft amendment, of asite management
plan; and(b)with any other necessary
changes.Division 4Miscellaneous
provisions405Registrar of titles to maintain
records aboutcontaminated land(1)This
section applies if theadministering authority gives
theregistrar of titles written notice under
section 379 or 386.(2)Theregistraroftitlesmustmaintainrecordsthatshowparticulars of the land stated in the notice
are recorded in thecontaminated land register.(3)The registrar of titles must maintain
the records in a way that asearch of the
register maintained by the registrar under anyAct relating to
the land will show that particulars of the landare recorded in
the contaminated land register.(4)The
registrar of titles must, on receiving the notice—(a)ifthenoticeisabouttheremovaloflandfromthecontaminatedlandregister—removetheparticularsofthe
land from the registrar’s records; or(b)if
the notice is about a change to a record about land inthecontaminatedlandregister—maketheappropriatechange to the
registrar’s records.Page 378Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
406]406Local government must not allow
contravention of sitemanagement planAlocalgovernmentmustnot,underanapprovalorotherauthoritygrantedunderthePlanningActoranyotherAct,allow the use or
development of, or an activity to be carriedout on, land in
a way that contravenes a site management planfor the land the
details of which are recorded in a relevant landregister.407Owner
to give notice to occupant or proposed occupant(1)This
section applies if particulars of land are recorded in thecontaminated land register.(2)Ifaleaseisineffectinrelationtothelandwhentheparticulars are recorded, the owner
must, within 20 businessdays after the particulars are
recorded, give the lessee noticethat particulars
of the land have been recorded in the register.Maximum
penalty—50 penalty units.(3)If,aftertheparticularsarerecorded,theland’sownerproposes to enter into a lease with another
person, the ownermust give notice about the recording of the
particulars to theperson before entering into the
lease.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.(4)Iftheownerdoesnotgivenoticeasrequiredundersubsection (2) or (3), the lessee or other
person may terminatethe lease by written notice given to
the owner within 10 daysafterthepersonbecomesawareoftherecordingoftheparticulars.(5)Subsection (4) applies despite anything to
the contrary in thelease.(6)In
this section—leasemeansanagreementbetweentheland’sownerandanother person about occupancy of the
land.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
408]Notauthorised—indicativeonly408Owner to give
notice to proposed purchaser(1)This
section applies to the owner of land if—(a)particularsofthelandarerecordedinarelevantlandregister; or(b)the
land is the subject of—(i)a show cause
notice under section 375; or(ii)anenvironmentalevaluationthatincludesarequirementtoconductorcommissionasiteinvestigation;
or(iii)aclean-upnoticethatincludesarequirementtoprovide a validation report; or(iv)a notice under
section 394; or(v)a notice under section 401; or(c)the land is the subject of an order
under section 458.(2)Theownermust,beforeagreeingtodisposeofthelandtosomeoneelse(thebuyer),givewrittennoticetothebuyerstating—(a)ifsubsection
(1)(a)applies—that the particulars of theland
have been recorded in a relevant land register and,ifdetailsofasitemanagementplanforthelandarerecorded in the register, details of
the plan; or(b)ifsubsection
(1)(b)applies—thattheownerhasbeengivenanoticementionedinthesubsectionandparticulars of the notice; or(c)if subsection (1)(c) applies—that the
land is the subjectof the order and particulars of the
order.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.(3)If the owner does not comply with
subsection (2), the buyermay rescind the agreement by giving
the owner written noticebefore whichever of the following
happens first—(a)the completion of the
agreement;(b)possession under the agreement.Page
380Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 7 Environmental management[s
408](4)Whenthebuyerrescindstheagreementundersubsection (3)—(a)apersonwhohasbeenpaidanamountbythebuyerundertheagreementmustrefundtheamounttothebuyer; and(b)the
buyer must return to the owner any documents aboutthedisposal,otherthanthebuyer’scopyoftheagreement.(5)However, if the owner does not comply with
subsection (2),theownermaygivethewrittennoticeafteragreeingtodispose of the land if the notice also
states—(a)the matters mentioned in subsections
(3) and (4); and(b)thatthebuyermayactwithin21businessdaysafterreceiving the
notice.(6)If the buyer does not rescind the
agreement within 21 businessdaysafterreceivingthenotice,thebuyeristakentohavewaived their
right to rescind the agreement.(7)Subsections (3) to (6) apply despite
anything to the contrary inthe
agreement.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 426]Chapter 8General environmentaloffencesNotauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 1Offences
relating toenvironmentally relevantactivitiesDivision 1Offences426Environmental authority required for
particularenvironmentally relevant activities(1)Apersonmustnotcarryoutanenvironmentallyrelevantactivityunlessthepersonholds,orisactingunder,anenvironmental authority for the
activity.Maximum penalty—4,500 penalty units.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a
person carrying out—(a)an agricultural
ERA; or(b)a small scale mining activity;
or(c)ageothermalactivitythat,undertheGeothermalAct,is—(i)geothermalexplorationforexemptheatpumpproduction or to
evaluate the feasibility of exemptheat pump
production; or(ii)exempt heat pump
production; or(iii)othergeothermalproductionthat,undertheGeothermal Act, is not of a large-scale;
or(d)aremediationactivityunderthePetroleumandGas(Production and Safety) Act
2004, section 294B.(3)Also,subsection
382Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 429]theCoordinator-General,inperformingthefunctionsorexercising the powers of the
Coordinator-General under theState
Development Act.Division 2Exemptions429Special provisions for interstate
transporters ofcontrolled waste(1)Ifapersoniscarryingouttheinterstatetransportationofcontrolled waste, section 426 does not apply
to the person if—(a)the person holds, or is acting under,
an interstate licence;and(b)the
licence authorises the transportation; and(c)the
conditions of the licence are, to the extent they arerelevant to the transportation, complied
with; and(d)aconsignmentauthorisationornumberforthetransportation has been issued under
the law of the Stateinto which the waste is to be
transported; andNote—FortransportationintoQueensland,seetheEnvironmentalProtection(WasteManagement)Regulation2000,section 38(Consignment
numbers for waste transported into Queensland).(e)thefollowingdocuments,orcopiesofthefollowingdocuments,arecarriedinthevehicletransportingthewastewhilethewasteisbeingtransportedinQueensland—(i)the
interstate licence;(ii)theconsignmentauthorisationoradocumentcontaining the
consignment number.(2)However, while the waste is being
transported in Queensland,this Act applies, with necessary
changes, to the person and thetransportation
as if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 429](a)areferenceinthisActtoanenvironmentalauthorityincludesareferencetotheinterstatelicenceandanyconditions of
the licence; and(b)the interstate licence and the
consignment authorisationordocumentcontainingtheconsignmentnumberaredocuments required to be held or kept
under this Act;and(c)thetransportationwereanenvironmentallyrelevantactivity to which the licence relates;
and(d)the vehicle is a place to which the
licence relates.(3)In this section—controlledwastehasthemeaninggiveninthecontrolledwaste
Territories) Measure, made by the National EnvironmentProtectionCouncilundertheNationalEnvironmentProtection
Council Act 1994(Cwlth).interstate
licencemeans an authority, instrument, licence
orpermit,howevercalled,thatissimilartoanenvironmentalauthority issued
under a corresponding law.interstatetransportation,ofcontrolledwaste,meansthetransportation of controlled waste
from—(a)a place in Queensland to a place in
another State; or(b)a place in another State to a place in
Queensland; or(c)a place in another State through
Queensland to a placein another State.Page 384Current as at [Not applicable]
2Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 430]Offences
relating toenvironmental requirementsDivision 1Environmental
authorities430Contravention of condition of
environmental authority(1)Thissectionappliestoapersonwhoistheholderof,orisacting under, an
environmental authority.(2)Thepersonmustnotwilfullycontraveneaconditionoftheauthority.Maximumpenalty—6,250penaltyunitsor5yearsimprisonment.(3)The
person must not contravene a condition of the authority.Maximum penalty—4,500 penalty units.(4)In a proceeding for an offence against
subsection (2), if thecourtisnotsatisfiedthedefendantisguiltyoftheoffencecharged but is
satisfied the defendant is guilty of an offenceagainst
subsection (3), the court may find the defendant guiltyof
the offence against subsection (3).431Environmental authority holder responsible
for ensuringconditions complied with(1)Theholderofanenvironmentalauthoritymustensureeveryoneactingundertheauthoritycomplieswiththeconditions of the authority.(2)Ifanotherpersonactingundertheauthoritycommitsanoffenceagainstsection 430,theholderalsocommitsanoffence,namely,theoffenceoffailingtoensuretheotherperson complies
with the conditions.Maximumpenalty—thepenaltyundersection
430(2)or(3)for the
contravention of the conditions.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 385
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 431A](3)Evidencethattheotherpersonhasbeenconvictedofanoffence against
section 430 while acting under the authority isevidence that
the holder committed the offence of failing toensure the other
person complies with the conditions.(4)However, it is a defence for the holder to
prove—(a)theholderissuedappropriateinstructionsandusedallreasonableprecautionstoensurecompliancewiththeconditions; and(b)theoffencewascommittedwithouttheholder’sknowledge;
and(c)theholdercouldnotbytheexerciseofreasonablediligence have
stopped the commission of the offence.Division
1APRC plans431APRCP
schedule required for particular environmentallyrelevant activitiesTheholderofanenvironmentalauthorityissuedforasite-specificapplicationforminingactivitiesrelatingtoamining lease
must not carry out, or allow the carrying out of,anenvironmentallyrelevantactivityundertheauthorityunless there is
a PRCP schedule for the activity.Maximum
penalty—4,500 penalty units.431BContravention of condition of PRCP
schedule(1)Thissectionappliestoapersonwhoistheholderof,orisacting under, a PRCP schedule.(2)ThepersonmustnotwilfullycontraveneaconditionofthePRCP schedule.Maximumpenalty—6,250penaltyunitsor5yearsimprisonment.(3)ThepersonmustnotcontraveneaconditionofthePRCPschedule.Page
386Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 431C]Maximum
penalty—4,500 penalty units.(4)In a
proceeding for an offence against subsection (2), if thecourtisnotsatisfiedthedefendantisguiltyoftheoffencecharged but is
satisfied the defendant is guilty of an offenceagainst
subsection (3), the court may find the defendant guiltyof
the offence against subsection (3).431CHolder of PRCP schedule responsible for
ensuringconditions of PRCP schedule complied
with(1)The holder of a PRCP schedule must
ensure everyone actingundertheschedulecomplieswiththeconditionsoftheschedule.(2)Ifanotherpersonactingundertheschedulecommitsanoffenceagainstsection431B,theholderalsocommitsanoffence,namely,theoffenceoffailingtoensuretheotherperson complies
with the conditions.Maximum penalty—the penalty under
section 431B(2) or (3)for the contravention of the
conditions.(3)Evidencethattheotherpersonhasbeenconvictedofanoffence against
section 431B(2) or (3) while acting under theschedule is
evidence that the holder committed the offence offailing to ensure the other person complies
with the conditionsof the schedule.(4)However, it is a defence for the holder to
prove—(a)the holder issued appropriate
instructions and used allreasonableprecautionstoensurecompliancewiththeconditions of the schedule; and(b)theoffencewascommittedwithouttheholder’sknowledge;
and(c)theholdercouldnotbytheexerciseofreasonablediligence have
stopped the commission of the offence.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 387
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 432]Division 2Transitional environmentalprograms432Contravention of requirement of
program(1)Theholderofanapprovalofatransitionalenvironmentalprogram, or a
person acting under a transitional environmentalprogram, must not wilfully contravene a
requirement of theprogram.Maximumpenalty—6,250penaltyunitsor5yearsimprisonment.(2)Theholderofanapprovalofatransitionalenvironmentalprogram, or a
person acting under a transitional environmentalprogram, must not contravene a requirement
of the program.Maximum penalty—4,500 penalty units.(3)In a proceeding for an offence against
subsection (1), if thecourtisnotsatisfiedthedefendantisguiltyoftheoffencecharged but is
satisfied the defendant is guilty of an offenceagainst
subsection (2), the court may find the defendant guiltyof
the offence against subsection (2).432AContravention of condition of
approvalA person must not, without reasonable
excuse, contravene aconditionofanapprovalofatransitionalenvironmentalprogram.Maximum penalty—(a)ifthecontraventionisdonewilfully—6,250penaltyunits or 5 years imprisonment; or(b)otherwise—4,500 penalty units.Page
388Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 433]433Approval holder responsible for ensuring
programcomplied with(1)Theholderofanapprovalofatransitionalenvironmentalprogrammustensureeveryoneactingundertheprogramcomplies with
the program.(2)Ifanotherpersonactingundertheprogramcommitsanoffenceagainstsection 432,theholderalsocommitsanoffence,namely,theoffenceoffailingtoensuretheotherperson complies
with the program.Maximumpenalty—thepenaltyundersection
432(1)or(2)for the
contravention of the program.(3)Evidencethattheotherpersonhasbeenconvictedofanoffence against
section 432 while acting under the program isevidence that
the holder committed the offence of failing toensure the other
person complies with the program.(4)However, it is a defence for the holder to
prove—(a)theholderissuedappropriateinstructionsandusedallreasonableprecautionstoensurecompliancewiththeprogram; and(b)theoffencewascommittedwithouttheholder’sknowledge;
and(c)theholdercouldnotbytheexerciseofreasonablediligence have
stopped the commission of the offence.Division 3Site
management plans434Contravention of plan(1)Apersonmustnotwilfullycontraveneasitemanagementplan.Maximumpenalty—6,250penaltyunitsor5yearsimprisonment.(2)A
person must not contravene a site management plan.Maximum penalty—4,500 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 435A](3)In a
proceeding for an offence against subsection (1), if thecourtisnotsatisfiedthedefendantisguiltyoftheoffencecharged but is
satisfied the defendant is guilty of an offenceagainst
subsection (2), the court may find the defendant guiltyof
the offence against subsection (2).Part 2AOffences relating to conditions435AOffence to contravene prescribed
conditions forparticular activities(1)This
section applies if—(a)a person is carrying out a small scale
mining activity;and(b)prescribed
conditions are in effect for the carrying out ofthe
person must not contravene the prescribed conditions.Maximum penalty—4,500 penalty units.(4)In a proceeding for an offence against
subsection (2), if thecourtisnotsatisfiedthedefendantisguiltyoftheoffencecharged but is
satisfied the defendant is guilty of an offenceagainst
subsection (3), the court may find the defendant guiltyof
the offence against subsection (3).Page 390Current as at [Not applicable]
3Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 437]Offences
relating toenvironmental harmNotauthorised—indicativeonly437Offences of causing serious
environmental harm(1)Apersonmustnotwilfullyandunlawfullycauseseriousenvironmental
harm.Maximumpenalty—6,250penaltyunitsor5yearsimprisonment.(2)Apersonmustnotunlawfullycauseseriousenvironmentalharm.Maximum penalty—4,500 penalty units.(3)In a proceeding for an offence against
subsection (1), if thecourtisnotsatisfiedthedefendantisguiltyoftheoffencecharged but is
satisfied the defendant is guilty of an offenceagainst
subsection (2), the court may find the defendant guiltyof
the offence against subsection (2).Note—Seesection 493A(Whenenvironmentalharmorrelatedactsareunlawful).438Offences of causing material environmental
person must not unlawfully cause material environmentalharm.Maximum
penalty—1,665 penalty units.(3)In a
proceeding for an offence against subsection (1), if thecourtisnotsatisfiedthedefendantisguiltyoftheoffencecharged but is
satisfied the defendant is guilty of an offenceagainst
subsection (2), the court may find the defendant guiltyof
the offence against subsection (2).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 391
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 439]Note—Seesection 493A(Whenenvironmentalharmorrelatedactsareunlawful).439Court
may find defendant guilty of causing materialenvironmental
harm if charged with causing seriousenvironmental
harmIn a proceeding for an offence against
section 437, if the courtis not satisfied the defendant is
guilty of the offence chargedbut is satisfied
the defendant is guilty of an offence againstsection 438(1)
or (2), the court may find the defendant guiltyof the offence
against section 438(1) or (2).440Offence of causing environmental
nuisance(1)Apersonmustnotwilfullyandunlawfullycauseanenvironmental nuisance.Maximum penalty—1,665 penalty units.(2)Apersonmustnotunlawfullycauseanenvironmentalnuisance.Maximum penalty—600 penalty units.(3)Thissectiondoesnotapplytoanenvironmentalnuisancementioned in schedule 1, part 1.(4)In a proceeding for an offence against
subsection (1), if thecourtisnotsatisfiedthedefendantisguiltyoftheoffencecharged but is
satisfied the defendant is guilty of an offenceagainst
subsection (2), the court may find the defendant guiltyof
the offence against subsection (2).Note—Seesection 493A(Whenenvironmentalharmorrelatedactsareunlawful).Page 392Current as at [Not applicable]
3BEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440K]Offences
relating to noisestandardsDivision 1Preliminary440KDefinitions for pt 3BIn this
part—affected building, for
noise—(a)means a building at which the noise
can be heard; and(b)ifthenoiseismadefromabuilding,includesthatbuilding.at,aplaceorpremises,includesinorontheplaceorpremises.audible
noisesee section 440L.backgroundlevelmeansthebackgroundA-weightedsoundpressurelevelundertheprescribedstandardmeasuredasLA90, T.building workmeans any of the
following—(a)building, repairing, altering,
underpinning (whether byverticalorlateralsupport),movingordemolishingabuilding;(b)providingairconditioning,drainage,heating,lighting,sewerage, ventilation or water supply for a
building;(c)excavating or filling—(i)for, or that is incidental to, an
activity mentioned inparagraph (a) or (b); or(ii)that may
adversely affect the stability of a building,whether the
excavating or filling is happening onthelandonwhichthebuildingissituatedoronadjoining land;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 393
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440K](d)supporting (whether vertically or laterally)
land for anactivity mentioned in paragraph (a) or
(b);(e)installing or removing
scaffolding.educational institutionmeans—(a)aStateeducationalinstitutionundertheEducation(General
Provisions) Act 2006; or(b)an
accredited school under theEducation
(Accreditationof Non-State Schools) Act 2017;
or(d)TAFEQueenslandundertheTAFEQueenslandAct2013; or(e)a university.indoor
venuemeans a building used for musical, sporting
orother entertainment or for cultural or
religious activities, butdoes not include—(a)licensed premises; or(b)a
building being used for an open-air event.Examples of uses
of a building for definition indoor venue—tenpin bowling,
concerts, indoor cricket, religious worship, squashLA90, Tmeans the
A-weighted sound pressure level obtainedusingtimeweighting‘F’thatisexceededfor90%ofthemeasuring period (T).licensed
premisesmeans licensed premises under theLiquorAct 1992.noise standardmeans a local
law or section in division 3 thatapplies as a
noise standard under section 440O(3) or 440P.nominated
sectionsee section 440O(2)(b).open-aireventmeansanopen-aircompetition,concert,display, race or other activity.peakparticlevelocitymeansthemaximuminstantaneousparticlevelocityatapointduringagiventimeintervalmeasured in
millimetres per second.Page 394Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440L]Notes—1Peak particle velocity is a measure of
ground vibration magnitude.2Peak
particle velocity may be taken as the vector sum of the 3component particle velocities in mutually
perpendicular directions.power boatmeans a
power-driven watercraft and includes ajet ski or other
power-driven personal watercraft.ZPeakmeansthepeaktime-weightingcharacteristicofasound level meter specified in the
prescribed standard set tothe linear Z frequency rating.Z
Peak Holdmeans the peak time-weighting characteristic
ofa sound level meter specified in the
prescribed standard set tothe linear Z frequency rating and
fitted with a hold feature.440LMeaning ofaudible noise(1)Audiblenoisemeansnoisethatcanbeclearlyheardbyanindividual who
is an occupier of an affected building.(2)For
subsection (1), an individual is taken to be able to clearlyhear
a noise if he or she can hear the noise from the part of thebuilding occupied by the individual that is
most exposed to thenoise.440MReference to making a noiseA
reference in this part to making a noise includes causing anoise to be made.440NNoise
levels measured at an affected buildingA reference in
this part to a noise of a level that is a statednumber of decibels, or a stated number of
decibels above thebackground level, is a reference to a noise
of that level whenmeasured at an affected building.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440O]Division 2Application of noise standardsNotauthorised—indicativeonly440OLocal law may
prescribe noise standards(1)This section
applies in relation to a local government area ifthelocalgovernmentforthelocalgovernmentareaistheadministering
authority for this part.(2)Aprovisionofalocallawmadebythelocalgovernmentunder theLocal Government Act 1993may
prescribe a noisestandard by—(a)prohibiting the making of a stated noise
(for example,byreferencetotheactivitymakingthenoiseandthetime at which the noise is made);
and(b)stating a section in division 3
(thenominated section)for
which the local law provision is prescribing a noisestandard.(3)If a
provision of a local law is in force for which a section indivision3isthenominatedsection,thelocallawprovisionapplies as a
noise standard.440PDefault noise standards under div
3A section in division 3 applies as a noise
standard in relationto a local government area if and only
if—(a)thelocalgovernmentforthelocalgovernmentareaisnot the administering authority for
this part; or(b)thelocalgovernmentforthelocalgovernmentareaisthe administering authority for this
part but there is noprovision of a local law in force for
which the section isthe nominated section.440QOffence of contravening a noise
standard(1)A person must not unlawfully
contravene a noise standard.Maximum
penalty—Page 396Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440R](a)ifthecontraventionisdonewilfully—1,665penaltyunits; or(b)otherwise—600 penalty units.Note—Seesection 493A(Whenenvironmentalharmorrelatedactsareunlawful).(2)A
person does not contravene a noise standard by causing anenvironmental nuisance mentioned in schedule
1, part 1.Division 3Default noise
standards440RBuilding work(1)Apersonmustnotcarryoutbuildingworkinawaythatmakes an audible
noise—(a)on a business day or Saturday, before
6.30a.m. or after6.30p.m; or(b)on
any other day, at any time.(2)Thereferenceinsubsection (1)toapersoncarryingoutbuilding work—(a)includes a person carrying out building work
under anowner-builder permit; and(b)otherwisedoesnotincludeapersoncarryingoutbuilding work at premises used by the
person only forresidential purposes.440SRegulated devices(1)This
section applies to—(a)apersoncarryingoutanactivityotherthanbuildingwork; and(b)a
person carrying out building work, at premises used bythepersononlyforresidentialpurposes,otherthanunder an owner-builder permit.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440S](2)A
person must not operate a regulated device in a way thatmakes an audible noise—(a)on a
business day or Saturday, before 7.00a.m. or after7.00p.m; or(b)on
any other day, before 8.00a.m. or after 7.00p.m.(3)Subsection (2)doesnotapplytoapersonoperatingagrass-cutter or leaf-blower at a place
that is a State-controlledroad or a railway under an authority
from the occupier of theplace.(4)Subsection (2)(a)doesnotapplytoapersonoperatingaregulateddeviceatamanualartsfacilityataneducationalinstitution
between 7.00p.m. and 10.00p.m.(5)In
this section—grass-cuttermeansanelectricalormechanicaldeviceafunction of which is to cut
edge cutter, lawnmower, ride-on mower, string trimmerleaf-blowermeansanelectricalormechanicaldeviceafunction of which is to blow
leaves.regulated devicemeans any of the
following—(a)a compressor;(b)a
ducted vacuuming system;(c)a
generator;(d)a grass-cutter;(e)an
impacting tool;(f)a leaf-blower;(g)a
mulcher;(h)an oxyacetylene burner;(i)an electrical, mechanical or pneumatic
power tool.Page 398Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440T]Examples of a
power tool—chainsaw, drill, electric grinder or sander,
electric welder, nailgun440TPumps(1)Thissectionappliestopremisesatorforwhichthereisapump.(2)An
occupier of the premises must not use, or permit the useof,
the pump on any day—(a)before 7a.m, if
it makes an audible noise; or(b)from7a.m.to7p.m,ifitmakesanoiseofmorethan5dB(A) above the background level; or(c)from 7p.m. to 10p.m, if it makes a
noise of more than3dB(A) above the background level; or(d)after 10p.m, if it makes an audible
noise.(3)Subsection (2)(a), (c) and (d) do not
apply to a noise made atan educational institution, that is
not more than 5dB(A) abovethe background level.(4)In this section—pump—(a)meansanelectrical,mechanicalorpneumaticpump;andExamples—liquid pump, air
pump, heat pump(b)includes a swimming pool pump and a
spa blower.440UAir-conditioning equipment(1)Thissectionappliestopremisesatorforwhichthereisair-conditioning equipment.(2)An occupier of the premises must not
use, or permit the useof, the equipment on any day—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440V](a)before 7a.m, if it makes a noise of more
than 3dB(A)above the background level; or(b)from 7a.m. to 10p.m, if it makes a
noise of more than5dB(A) above the background level; or(c)after10p.m,ifitmakesanoiseofmorethan3dB(A)above the
background level.440VRefrigeration equipment(1)This section applies to a person who
is—(a)an occupier of premises at or for
which there is plant orequipmentforrefrigeration(refrigerationequipment);or(b)an
owner of refrigeration equipment that is on or in avehicle,otherthanavehicleusedortobeusedonarailway.(2)The
person must not use, or permit the use of, the refrigerationequipment on any day—(a)before 7a.m, if it makes a noise of more
than 3dB(A)above the background level; or(b)from 7a.m. to 10p.m, if it makes a
noise of more than5dB(A) above the background level; or(c)after10p.m,ifitmakesanoiseofmorethan3dB(A)above the
background level.(3)In this section—vehicleincludes a trailer.440WIndoor venues(1)An
occupier of a building must not use, or permit the use of,the
building as an indoor venue on any day—(a)before 7a.m, if the use makes an audible
noise; or(b)from 7a.m. to 10p.m, if the use makes
a noise of morethan 5dB(A) above the background level;
orPage 400Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440X](c)from10p.m.tomidnight,iftheusemakesanoiseofmore
than 3dB(A) above the background level.(2)However, subsection (1)(b) does not apply
if—(a)the building is, or is part of, an
educational institution;and(b)the
use of the building as an indoor venue is organisedby
or for the educational institution for non-commercialpurposes of the institution.440XOpen-air events(1)An
occupier of premises must not use, or permit the use of,the
premises for an open-air event on any day—(a)before 7a.m, if the use causes audible
noise; or(b)from7a.m.to10p.m,iftheusecausesnoiseofmorethan 70dB(A);
or(c)from 10p.m. to midnight, if the use
causes noise of morethan the lesser of the
following—(i)50dB(A);(ii)10dB(A) above the background level.(2)However, subsection (1) does not apply
to licensed premises.(3)Also, subsection
(1)(b) does not apply if—(a)the premises is,
or is part of, an educational institution;and(b)theuseofthepremisesforanopen-aireventisorganisedbyorfortheeducationalinstitutionfornon-commercial purposes of the
institution.440YAmplifier devices other than at indoor
venue or open-airevent(1)Thissectionappliestoapersonwhooperatesanamplifierdevice other
than at an indoor venue or open-air event.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 401
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440Z](2)The
person must not operate the device in a way that makesaudible noise—(a)on a
business day, before 7a.m. or after 10p.m; or(b)on
any other day, before 8a.m. or after 6p.m.(3)Atatimewhenthepersonmayoperatethedeviceundersubsection (2),thepersonmustnotoperatethedeviceinawaythatmakesnoiseofmorethan10dB(A)abovethebackground level.(4)However,subsection
(3)doesnotapplyifthepersonisoperating the device at an educational
institution.(5)In this section—amplifier
devicemeans any of the following—(a)a loudhailer;(b)a
megaphone;(c)a public address system, other than
for a railway;(d)a remote telephone bell;(e)a telephone repeater bell.440ZPower boat sports in waterway(1)A person must not use a power boat, or
permit the use of apower boat, in a waterway for a power boat
sport if the usemakes audible noise for the same affected
building for morethan a continuous period of 2
minutes—(a)onabusinessdayorSaturday,before7a.m.orafter7p.m; or(b)on any other day, before 8a.m. or
after 6.30p.m.(2)In this section—power boat
sport in which a person is towed by a line attached to apowerboat,including,forexample,apersonwaterskiing or riding on a toboggan or tube;
orPage 402Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440ZA](b)operatingajetskiorotherpower-drivenpersonalwatercraft, other than for fishing.waterwaymeans any of the
following—(a)a creek, river, stream or
watercourse;(b)an inlet of the sea into which a
creek, river, stream orwatercourse flows;(c)a
dam or weir.440ZA Operating power boat engine at
premises(1)A person must not operate, or permit
the operation of, a powerboat engine at premises in a way that
makes audible noise—(a)onabusinessdayorSaturday,before7a.m.orafter7p.m; or(b)on any other day, before 8a.m. or
after 6.30p.m.(2)In this section—operate, a
power boat engine, includes flushing the engine.440ZB
BlastingA person must not conduct blasting
if—(a)the airblast overpressure is more than
115dB Z Peak for4 out of any 5 consecutive blasts; or(b)the airblast overpressure is more than
120dB Z Peak forany blast; or(c)the
ground vibration is—(i)forvibrationsofmorethan35Hz—morethan25mmasecondgroundvibration,peakparticlevelocity;
or(ii)for vibrations
of no more than 35Hz—more than10mmasecondgroundvibration,peakparticlevelocity.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440ZC]440ZC Outdoor
shooting ranges(1)Apersonmustnotoperate,orpermittheoperationof,anoutdoor shooting range, between 6a.m.
and 6p.m. on any day,if the noise from the operation is
more than—(a)forarangethatisnormallyusedatleast5daysaweek—95dB Z Peak Hold; or(b)for a range that is normally used 4
days a week—100dBZ Peak Hold; or(c)for
a range that is normally used no more than 3 days aweek—105dB Z Peak Hold.(2)Apersonmustnotoperate,orpermittheoperationof,anoutdoorshootingrange,between6p.m.and10p.m.onanyday, if the noise from the operation
is more than—(a)for a range that is normally used at
least 5 evenings aweek—85dB Z Peak Hold; or(b)for a range that is normally used 4
evenings a week—90dB Z Peak Hold; or(c)forarangethatisnormallyusednomorethan3evenings a week—95dB Z Peak
Hold.(3)Forthissection,noisefromanoutdoorshootingrangeismeasured by working out the arithmetic
average of the noiselevels of whichever of the following
happens first during themeasurement period—(a)at least 40 individual
gunshots;(b)at least 20 individual gunshots in any
30-minute period.(4)In this section—usedmeans used for an activity that includes
shooting.Examples of a range being used—1a shooting match conducted at the
range2a defence personnel or police officer
training session, that includesshooting,
conducted at the rangePage 404Current as at
[Not applicable]
3CEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440ZD]Offences
relating to watercontamination440ZD Definitions
for pt 3CIn this part—depositssee
section 440ZE.earthmeans sand,
soil, silt or mud.prescribed water contaminantmeans—(a)earth; or(b)a
contaminant prescribed under section 440ZF.stormwater
drainagemeans a drain, channel, pipe,
chamber,structure, outfall or other work used to
receive, store, transportor treat stormwater.440ZE
Meaning ofdepositsfor pt 3C(1)A persondepositsa
contaminant in waters or at another placeif the
person—(a)drops, places or throws the
contaminant in the waters oronto the place;
or(b)releases the contaminant, or otherwise
causes it to move,into the waters or onto the place.(2)A persondepositsa
contaminant at a place if—(a)the person is an
occupier of the place or the contaminantis under the
person’s control; and(b)someone deposits
the contaminant at the place in a waymentioned in
subsection (1); and(c)thepersondoesnotremovethecontaminantfromtheplacewithinareasonabletimeafterbecomingawarethat the
contaminant has been deposited at the place.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 405
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440ZF](3)Apersondepositsearthataplaceifthepersoncarriesonearthworksoranotheractivitythatexposestheearthattheplace.(4)A
persondepositsearth at a place
if—(a)the person is an occupier of the
place; and(b)someonedepositstheearthattheplaceinawaymentioned in
subsection (3); and(c)the person does not stop the earth
being exposed at theplacewithinareasonabletimeafterbecomingawarethat the earth
has been exposed at the place.(5)Areferenceinsubsections (2)to(4)toaplacedoesnotinclude waters.(6)For
subsections (1) to (4), none of the subsections limits anyof
the other subsections.440ZF Prescribed water
contaminants(1)A regulation may prescribe a
contaminant for this part.(2)The Minister
must not recommend to the Governor in Councilthemakingofaregulationundersubsection (1)unlesstheMinisterissatisfiedthecontaminantislikelytocauseenvironmental
harm if it enters waters.440ZG Depositing prescribed water
contaminants in waters andrelated mattersA person must
not—(a)unlawfully deposit a prescribed water
contaminant—(i)in waters; or(ii)in a
roadside gutter or stormwater drainage; or(iii)atanotherplace,andinaway,sothatthecontaminant could reasonably be expected to
wash,blow,fallorotherwisemoveintowaters,aroadside gutter or stormwater
drainage; orPage 406Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440ZL]Example of a
place for subparagraph (iii)—a building site
where soil may be washed into an adjacentroadside
gutter(b)unlawfullyreleasestormwaterrun-offintowaters,aroadside gutter or stormwater drainage
that results in thebuild-upofearthinwaters,aroadsidegutterorstormwater drainage.Maximum penalty—(a)if
the deposit or release is done wilfully—1,665 penaltyunits; or(b)otherwise—600 penalty units.Note—Seesection 493A(Whenenvironmentalharmorrelatedactsareunlawful).Part 3EOffences relating to aircontamination440ZL Sale of
solid fuel-burning equipment for use in residentialpremises and related matters(1)A person must not sell solid
fuel-burning equipment for use inresidential
premises unless—(a)acertificate(acertificateofcompliance)hasbeenissuedbyanaccreditedentityfortheequipmentstating—(i)the
entity has tested equipment that is the same astheequipmentmentionedinthecertificateunderthetestproceduressetoutintheprescribedstandard;
and(ii)theequipmenthadaparticlereleasefactornotmorethantheallowableappliancereleasefactorstated in the prescribed standard;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440ZL](b)aplateorplateshavebeenattachedtotheequipmentunder the prescribed standard.(2)If an accredited entity issues a
certificate of compliance forsolidfuel-burningequipment,themanufactureroftheequipmentmustattachaplateorplatestotheequipmentundertheprescribedstandardbeforesellingorotherwisetransferring the
equipment to another person.(3)A
person must not use, or transfer to another person,
certifiedequipment if the person knows—(a)a plate attached to the equipment
under the prescribedstandardhasbeendefacedorremoved,ortheinformation on the plate has been
altered; or(b)there has been a material modification
or alteration of—(i)the structure, exhaust system or inlet
air system ofthe equipment; or(ii)apartoftheequipmentthatisinvolvedinthecombustion process.(4)However,subsection
(3)(b)doesnotapplytomodifiedoraltered equipment—(a)issued with a certificate of compliance by
an accreditedentity; or(b)subjecttoaretestingexemptionundertheprescribedstandard;
or(c)if the specifications of the
replacement components areequivalent or superior to those used
in the equipment forwhichacertificateofcomplianceissuedbyanaccredited
entity applies.(5)A person who contravenes this section
commits an offence.Maximum penalty—(a)ifthecontraventionisdonewilfully—1,665penaltyunits; or(b)otherwise—600 penalty units.Page
408Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440ZM](6)The
chief executive may, by gazette notice, declare an entityto
be an accredited entity for this section if the chief
executiveis satisfied the entity is—(a)arecognisedserviceproviderintheindustryforsolidfuel-burning
equipment; and(b)notamanufacturerorimporterofsolidfuel-burningequipment.(7)In
this section—accredited entitymeans—(a)the Australian Home Heating
Association Inc; or(b)anentitydeclaredtobeanaccreditedentityundersubsection
(6).Note—See also section
646 in relation to the Energy Information Centre inSouth Australia.certifiedequipmentmeanssolidfuel-burningequipmenttowhichaplateorplateshavebeenattachedundertheprescribed standard.solid
fuel-burning equipmentmeans fuel-burning equipmentto
which the prescribed standard applies.440ZM Permitted
concentration of sulfur in liquid fuel for use instationary fuel-burning equipment(1)A person must not knowingly use, in
stationary fuel-burningequipment,liquidfuelcontainingmorethanthepermittedconcentration of
sulfur.Maximum penalty—600 penalty units.(2)Aperson(thedistributor)mustnotdistributeorsellliquidfuelcontainingmorethanthepermittedconcentrationofsulfur to another person (thepurchaser) unless—(a)the purchaser is authorised under a
relevant authority touse the liquid fuel; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440ZM](b)the
concentration of sulfur in the liquid fuel is not morethan
the amount stated in the relevant authority; and(c)at the time of distributing or selling
the liquid fuel, thedistributorgivesareportabouttheliquidfueltothepurchaser in the
approved form.Maximum penalty—(a)iftheoffenceiscommittedwilfully—1,665penaltyunits; or(b)otherwise—600 penalty units.(3)For this section, the concentration of
sulfur in liquid fuel is tobe worked out
under a protocol.(4)In this section—permitted
concentration of sulfur, for liquid fuel for use instationary fuel-burning equipment, means a
concentration ofsulfur or a sulfur compound of not more than
3% by weight.relevantauthoritymeansathingmentionedinsection 493A(2)(a) to (g).stationary fuel-burning equipment—(a)meansamachine,furnace,boiler,oven,fireplace,chimney or other
thing, the operation of which involvesburning fuel or
other combustible material; and(b)does
not include a vehicle.Page 410Current as at
[Not applicable]
3FEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440ZN]Offences
relating to fuelstandardsNotauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Preliminary440ZN Purpose of
pt 3FThe purpose of this part is to provide for
quality standards forfuel to reduce emission of
contaminants into Queensland’s airenvironment.440ZO Definitions
for pt 3FIn this part—ASTMmeans an American Society for Testing and
Materialsstandard.Commonwealthfuelstandarddeterminationmeansadetermination in force under
theFuel Quality Standards Act2000(Cwlth), section
21.fuelmeans any of the
following—(a)petrol;(b)automotive diesel;(c)liquefied petroleum gas;(d)liquefied natural gas;(e)compressed natural gas;(f)diesohol(thatis,ablendprimarilycomprisingdieseland
an alcohol);(g)biodiesel (that is, a diesel fuel
obtained by esterificationof oil derived from plants or
animals);(h)ethanol;(i)anysubstancethatisusedasasubstituteforafuelmentioned in
paragraphs (a) to (h);Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440ZO](j)any
substance that is supplied or represented as—(i)a
fuel mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (h); or(ii)a
substitute substance under paragraph (i).importmeans bring into the State (whether from
another StateorfromoutsideAustralia)forsupplyorforuseinmanufacturing fuel.lowvolatilityzonemeanstheareaconsistingofthelocalgovernment areas
of the following local governments—•Brisbane City Council•Gold
Coast City Council•Ipswich City Council•Lockyer Valley Regional Council•Logan City Council•Moreton Bay Regional Council•Redland City Council•Somerset Regional Council•Sunshine Coast Regional Council•Toowoomba Regional Council.manufacture, for fuel,
includes produce, blend, treat and addadditives to the
fuel.Reid vapour pressure, of fuel, means
the fuel’s volatility at37.8ºC measured using—(a)the testing method under ASTM
D323-99a; or(b)anothermethodthatmeasuresvolatilityatleastasaccurately as the method mentioned in
paragraph (a).summer monthmeans any of the
following periods—•the period from 15 November to 14
December inclusive•the period from 15 December to 14
January inclusive•the period from 15 January to 14
February inclusivePage 412Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440ZP]•the
period from 15 February to 15 March inclusive.summer
periodmeans the period from 15 November in a
yearto 15 March in the following year
inclusive.supplymeanssupply(includingre-supply)bywayofsale,exchange or gift.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Offences440ZP
Non-application of div 2This division does not apply to a
person to the extent providedby an exemption
in force under division 3.440ZQ Supply of fuel that does not
comply with Commonwealthfuel standard determinations(1)A person who manufactures or imports
fuel must not supplythefuelintheStateifthefueldoesnotcomplywithaCommonwealth fuel standard
determination.Maximum penalty—165 penalty units.(2)This section does not apply to the
supply of fuel for use in amotor vehicle
used only for motor racing on a racing circuit ortrack under an environmental authority for
the activity.440ZR Permitted Reid vapour pressure—fuel
with particularethanol content(1)This
section applies in relation to fuel with an ethanol contentof
more than 9% but not more than 10% by volume.(2)A
person who manufactures or imports fuel must not supplythe
fuel in the low volatility zone in the summer period if theReid
vapour pressure of the fuel is more than 76kPa.Maximum
penalty—165 penalty units.(3)A person who
manufactures or imports fuel must ensure that,for each summer
month, the volumetric monthly average ReidCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 413
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440ZS]vapour pressure
of the fuel supplied by the person in the lowvolatility zone
is not more than 74kPa.Maximum penalty—165 penalty
units.(4)For working out the volumetric monthly
average Reid vapourpressure of fuel mentioned in subsection
(3), fuel with a Reidvapourpressureoflessthan72kPaistakentohaveaReidvapour pressure
of 72kPa.440ZS Permitted Reid vapour pressure—other
fuel(1)This section applies in relation to
fuel other than fuel to whichsection 440ZR
applies.(2)A person who manufactures or imports
fuel must not supplythe fuel in the low volatility zone in
the summer period if theReid vapour pressure of the fuel is
more than 69kPa.Maximum penalty—165 penalty units.(3)A person who manufactures or imports
fuel must ensure that,for each summer month, the volumetric
monthly average Reidvapour pressure of the fuel supplied
by the person in the lowvolatility zone is not more than
67kPa.Maximum penalty—165 penalty units.(4)For working out the volumetric monthly
average Reid vapourpressure of fuel mentioned in subsection
(3), fuel with a Reidvapourpressureoflessthan65kPaistakentohaveaReidvapour pressure
of 65kPa.Division 3Exemptions440ZT Making
applications(1)Apersonmayapplytothechiefexecutivetoexempttheperson from complying with a provision of
division 2.(2)Theapplicationmustcontaintheinformationnecessarytoenable the chief executive to decide
the application.Page 414Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440ZU]440ZU Request for
further information(1)The chief executive may, by written
notice, ask the applicantto give the chief executive further
reasonable information ordocuments about the application by the
reasonable date statedin the notice.(2)Thenoticemustbeaccompaniedby,orinclude,aninformationnoticeaboutthechiefexecutive’sdecisiontomake the request.(3)The
chief executive may refuse the application if the applicantdoes
not give the chief executive the further information ordocuments by the stated day, without
reasonable excuse.440ZV Deciding applications(1)The chief executive must consider the
application and eithergive the exemption, with or without
conditions, or refuse theapplication.(2)The
chief executive may give an exemption only if satisfied—(a)the exemption is necessary—(i)to prevent a significant disruption to
the supply offuel in the State or a part of the State;
or(ii)to allow the
applicant to supply fuel in the State ora part of the
State; and(b)the applicant has no reasonable way of
complying withthe provision; and(c)the
exemption is in the public interest.(3)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),aconditionmaybeabouthowtheapplicantmustpreventorminimiseenvironmentalharm that may be
caused if the exemption is given.440ZW Giving
exemptions(1)If the chief executive decides to give
the exemption, the chiefexecutive must give the applicant a
written notice stating—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 440ZX](a)the
person to whom the exemption is given; and(b)the
provision from which the person is exempted; and(c)the term for which the exemption is
given; and(d)any conditions on which the exemption
is given.(2)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidestoimposeconditionsontheexemption, the notice must be
accompanied by, or include, aninformationnoticeaboutthedecisiontoimposetheconditions.(3)Anexemptiongivenonconditionsoperatesonlyiftheconditions are complied with.440ZX
Refusing applicationsIfthechiefexecutivedecidestorefusetheapplicationthechief executive must, within 7 days after
making the decision,give the applicant an information
notice about the decision.Division 4Record
keeping440ZY Record keeping requirements(1)This section applies in relation to
fuel supplied in the State, bya person who
manufactures or imports the fuel, if—(a)a
Commonwealth fuel standard determination applies tothe
fuel; and(b)the person is not required to keep a
record for the supplyof the fuel under theFuel
Quality Standards Act 2000(Cwlth), section 66.(2)The person must keep the records
relating to the fuel that areprescribed under
a regulation.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.(3)Arequirementundersubsection (2)tokeeparecordisarequirement to keep a record for 2
years after the supply of thefuel.Page
416Current as at [Not applicable]
4Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 8 General environmental
offences[s 442]Other
offencesNotauthorised—indicativeonly442Offence of releasing prescribed
contaminant(1)Apersonmustnotrelease,orcausetobereleased,aprescribed contaminant into the environment
other than underan authorised person’s emergency
direction.Maximum penalty—(a)iftheoffenceiscommittedwilfully—1,665penaltyunits; or(b)otherwise—600 penalty units.(2)In this section—prescribed
contaminantmeans a contaminant prescribed byanenvironmentalprotectionpolicyoraregulationforthissection.443Offence to place contaminant where
serious or materialenvironmental harm may be causedA
person must not cause or allow a contaminant to be placedin a
position where it could reasonably be expected to causeserious or material environmental
harm.Maximum penalty—(a)iftheoffenceiscommittedwilfully—4,500penaltyunits or 2 years imprisonment; or(b)otherwise—1655 penalty units.443AOffence to place contaminant where
environmentalnuisance may be causedA person must
not cause or allow a contaminant to be placedin a position
where it could reasonably be expected to causeenvironmental
nuisance.Maximum penalty—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 417
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
444](a)iftheoffenceiscommittedwilfully—1,655penaltyunits; or(b)otherwise—600 penalty units.444Offence of interfering with monitoring
equipmentA person must not interfere with any
monitoring equipmentusedunderthisActoradevelopmentconditionofadevelopment
approval.Maximum penalty—165 penalty units.Chapter 9Investigation
andenforcementPart 1Administration generally445Appointment of authorised persons(1)The chief executive may appoint any of
the following personsto be an authorised person—(a)an appropriately qualified public
service officer;(b)an employee of the department;(c)apersonincludedinaclassofpersonsdeclaredbyregulationtobeanapprovedclassofpersonsforthissection.(2)If the administration and enforcement
of a matter is devolvedto a local government, the local
government’s chief executiveofficer may
appoint an employee of the local government tobe an authorised
person.(3)A person may be appointed to be an
authorised person only if,intheopinionofthechiefexecutiveorlocalgovernment’sPage 418Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 446]chief executive
officer, the person has the necessary expertiseor experience to
be an authorised person.446Terms of
appointment of authorised persons(1)An
authorised person holds office on the conditions stated inthe
instrument of appointment.(2)An authorised
person appointed under section 445(1)(c)—(a)isappointedforthetermstatedintheinstrumentofappointment; and(b)may
resign by signed notice given to the chief executive.(3)An authorised person ceases to hold
office—(a)iftheauthorisedpersonwasappointedundersection 445(1)(a)—if the authorised person
ceases to bean appropriately qualified public service
officer; or(b)iftheauthorisedpersonwasappointedundersection 445(1)(b)—if the authorised person
ceases to bean employee of the department; or(c)iftheauthorisedpersonwasappointedundersection 445(1)(c)—if the authorised person
ceases to bea member of the relevant class of persons;
or(d)iftheauthorisedpersonwasappointedundersection 445(2)—if the authorised person
ceases to be anemployee of the local government.447Powers of authorised persons(1)Anauthorisedpersonhasthepowersgivenunderthisoranother Act.(2)Subsection (1) has effect subject to any
limitations—(a)statedintheauthorisedperson’sinstrumentofappointment; or(b)prescribed by regulation.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
448](3)Anauthorisedpersonappointedundersection 445(2)mayexercise powers only for the administration
and enforcementofthematterthesubjectofadevolutiontothelocalgovernment of
which the authorised person is an employee.448Issue
of identity cards(1)Theadministeringexecutivemustissueanidentitycardtoeach authorised person.(2)The identity card must—(a)containarecentphotographoftheauthorisedperson;and(b)be signed by the
authorised person; and(c)identify the
person as an authorised person; and(d)include an expiry date.(3)Nothing in this section prevents the issue
of a single identitycard to a person for this Act and
other Acts.449Production of identity card(1)Anauthorisedpersonmayexerciseapowerinrelationtosomeone else only if the authorised
person—(a)first produces his or her identity
card for the person’sinspection; or(b)has
his or her identity card displayed so that it is clearlyvisible to the person.(2)If,foranyreason,itisnotpracticabletocomplywithsubsection (1),theauthorisedpersonmustproducetheidentitycardforinspectionbythepersonatthefirstreasonable
opportunity.450Protection from liability(1)In this section—Page 420Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 451]officialmeans—(a)an
authorised person; or(b)apersonactingunderthedirectionofanauthorisedperson.(2)Anofficialdoesnotincurcivilliabilityforanactdone,oromissionmade,honestlyandwithoutnegligenceunderthisAct.(3)Ifsubsection
(2)preventsacivilliabilityattachingtoanofficial, the liability attaches
instead to—(a)if the official is, or is acting under
the direction of, anauthorisedpersonappointedbythechiefexecutiveofficer of a local government—the local
government; or(b)if paragraph (a) does not apply—the
State.(4)This section does not apply to an
official if the official is aState employee
within the meaning of thePublic Service Act2008,
section 26B(4).451Administering authority may require
relevant information(1)Theadministeringauthoritymaygiveanoticeunderthissection to a
person requiring the person to give it informationrelevant to the administration or
enforcement of this Act.(2)Thenoticemayonlybegiventoapersontheauthoritysuspects on
reasonable grounds has knowledge of a matter, orhas
possession or control of a document dealing with a matter,for
which the information is required.(3)The
notice must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)state the person to whom it is issued;
and(c)state the information required;
and(d)statethetimewithinwhichtheinformationistobegiven to the
authority; and(e)state why the information is required;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
452](f)state the review or appeal details;
and(g)be given to the person.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 2Powers of
authorised personsfor places and vehicles452Entry
of place—general(1)An authorised person may enter a place
if—(a)its occupier consents to the entry
and, if the entry is forexercisingapowerunderchapter7,part5Bor8,itsowner consents; or(b)it
is a public place and the entry is made when the placeis
open to the public; or(c)it is a place to
which an environmental authority relatesand the entry is
made when—(i)the activity to which the authority
relates is beingcarried out; or(ii)the
place is open for conduct of business; or(iii)the
place is otherwise open for entry; or(d)itisaplacetowhichanenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPschedulerelatesandanauthorisedpersonhasgivenatleast5businessdayswrittennoticetotheowner and
occupier of the place stating—(i)an
authorised person intends to enter the place; and(ii)the purpose of
the entry; and(iii)the day and time
when the entry is to be made; or(e)it
is a place to which an agricultural ERA relates and theentry is made when—(i)the
activity is being carried out; or(ii)the
place is open for conduct of business; orPage 422Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 452](iii)the
place is otherwise open for entry; or(f)it
is a place to which a prescribed condition for a smallscaleminingactivityrelatesandtheentryismadewhen—(i)the activity to which the condition
relates is beingcarried out; or(ii)the
place is open for conduct of business; or(iii)the
place is otherwise open for entry; or(g)it
is a place to which an enforceable undertaking relatesand
the entry is made when—(i)theactivitytowhichtheundertakingrelatesisbeing carried out; or(ii)the place is
open for conduct of business; or(iii)the
place is otherwise open for entry; or(h)it
is a place where an industry is conducted and the entryis
made when—(i)the place is open for conduct of
business; or(ii)is otherwise
open for entry; or(i)the entry is authorised by a warrant;
or(j)for land mentioned in chapter 7, part
5B or 8—the entryis authorised by an order under section 458;
or(k)theauthorisedpersonmayentertheplaceundersection 453, 454 or 455.(2)An
authorised person may enter a place if—(a)it
was a place to which an environmental authority orPRCP
schedule related but the environmental authorityorPRCPschedulenolongeroperatesattheplacebyoperation of a law other than this
Act; and(b)the place is not used for residential
purposes; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
453](c)an authorised person has given at
least 2 business dayswrittennoticetotheownerandoccupieroftheplacestating—(i)an authorised person intends to enter
the place; and(ii)the purpose of
the entry; and(iii)the day and time
when the entry is to be made.(3)For
the purpose of asking the occupier of a place for consenttoenter,anauthorisedpersonmay,withouttheoccupier’sconsent or a
warrant—(a)enter land around premises at the
place to an extent thatis reasonable to contact the occupier;
or(b)enter part of the place the authorised
person reasonablyconsiders members of the public ordinarily
are allowedto enter when they wish to contact the
occupier.(4)Unless the entry is made under the
authority of a warrant ororder, the entry must be made at a
reasonable time.453Entry of land—search, test, sample
etc. for release ofcontaminant(1)Thissectionappliesifanauthorisedpersonbelievesonreasonablegroundsthatunlawfulenvironmentalharmhasbeencausedbythereleaseofacontaminantintotheenvironment.(2)Theauthorisedpersonmayenterlandforthepurposeoffindingoutorconfirmingthesourceofthereleaseofthecontaminant.(3)Theauthorisedpersonmayexercisepowersundersubsection (2),
at the time, with the help, and using the force,that
is necessary and reasonable in the circumstances.(4)In this section—landmeans a parcel of land other than any part
on which abuilding is erected.Page 424Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 454]454Entry
of land—preliminary investigation(1)This
section applies if the administering authority believes onreasonable grounds land is contaminated
administering authority may, as a result of investigations
conductedin an area, become aware contaminated fill
has been used in the area. Inthecircumstances,theadministeringauthoritymaybelieveonreasonable grounds individual lots of land
in the area are contaminatedland.(2)An authorised person may, under this
section, enter the land toconduct a preliminary
investigation.(3)A power under subsection (2) may be
exercised only—(a)withtheagreementoftheownerandoccupieroftheland; or(b)iftheadministeringauthorityhasgivenatleast5business days written notice to the owner
and occupier.(4)The notice must inform the owner and
occupier—(a)the administering authority reasonably
believes the landis contaminated land; and(b)an authorised person intends to enter
the land; and(c)the purpose of the entry; and(d)the days and times when the entry is
to be made.(5)Inexercisingapowerundersubsection (2),theauthorisedpersonmusttakeallreasonablestepstoensurethepersoncauses as little
inconvenience, and does as little damage, as ispracticable in
the circumstances.(6)Nothinginthissectionauthorisestheauthorisedpersontoenter a building used for residential
purposes.455Entry of land for access(1)This section applies if—(a)an authorised person may enter land
(theprimary land)under section 452, 453 or 454; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
455](b)itisnecessaryordesirabletocrossotherland(theaccess land) to enter the
primary land.(2)The authorised person may enter the
access land and take intooroveritanythingthepersonreasonablyrequiresforexercisingapowerundersection 460inrelationtotheprimary land—(a)if
the person obtains the consent of the occupier of theaccess land; or(b)if
the person gives at least 5 business days written noticeto
the occupier before the entry; or(c)without the consent of, or notice to, the
occupier, if theperson—(i)believesonreasonablegroundsthereisanimminent risk of environmental harm
being causedto or from the primary land; and(ii)has told, or has
made a reasonable attempt to tell,the occupier
that the person is permitted to enterthe access land
under this paragraph.(3)A notice under
subsection (2)(b) must—(a)describe the
primary land and the access land; and(b)state—(i)thattheauthorisedpersonintendstoentertheaccess land for entry to the primary land;
and(ii)the day and time
the access land will be entered;and(iii)that an owner or
occupier of the access land mayclaim
compensation under section 487 for loss ordamage caused by
the entry to the access land.(4)In
exercising a power under this section, the authorised personmust
take all reasonable steps to ensure the person causes aslittleinconvenience,anddoesaslittledamage,asispracticable.Page 426Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 456](5)Nothinginthissectionauthorisestheauthorisedpersontoenter a building used for residential
purposes.(6)This section does not limit section
452, 453 or 454.456Warrants(1)An
authorised person may apply to a magistrate for a warrantfor
a place.(2)An application must be sworn and state
the grounds on whichthe warrant is sought.(3)The magistrate may refuse to consider
the application until theauthorised person gives the magistrate
all the information themagistraterequiresabouttheapplicationinthewaythemagistrate requires.Example—Themagistratemayrequireadditionalinformationsupportingtheapplication to be given by statutory
declaration.(4)The magistrate may issue a warrant
only if the magistrate issatisfied there are reasonable grounds
for suspecting—(a)there is a particular thing or
activity (theevidence) thatmay
provide evidence of the commission of an offenceagainst this Act; and(b)the
evidence is, or may be within the next 7 days, at theplace.(5)The
warrant must state—(a)that any authorised person or a stated
authorised personmay,withnecessaryandreasonablehelpandforce,entertheplaceandexercisetheauthorisedperson’spowers under this Act; and(b)the evidence for which the warrant is
issued; and(c)the hours of the day when entry may be
made; and(d)the day (within 14 days after the
warrant’s issue) whenthe warrant ends.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 427
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
457](6)Themagistratemustrecordthereasonsforissuingthewarrant.Notauthorised—indicativeonly457Warrants—applications made otherwise than in
person(1)An authorised person may apply for a
warrant by phone, fax,radiooranotherformofcommunicationiftheauthorisedperson considers
it necessary because of—(a)urgent
circumstances; or(b)other special circumstances,
including, for example, theauthorised
person’s remote location.(2)Before applying
for the warrant, the authorised person mustprepareanapplicationstatingthegroundsonwhichthewarrant is sought.(3)The
authorised person may apply for the warrant before theapplication is sworn.(4)Afterissuingthewarrant,themagistratemustimmediatelyfaxacopytotheauthorisedpersonifitisreasonablypracticable to
fax the copy.(5)If it is not reasonably practicable to
fax a copy of the warrantto the authorised person—(a)the magistrate must—(i)telltheauthorisedpersonwhatthetermsofthewarrant are; and(ii)telltheauthorisedpersonthedateandtimethewarrant was signed; and(iii)recordonthewarrantthereasonsforissuingthewarrant; and(b)the
authorised person must write on a form of warrant(warrant form)—(i)the magistrate’s name; and(ii)thedateandtimethemagistratesignedthewarrant; andPage 428Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 458](iii)the
warrant’s terms.(6)Thefacsimilewarrant,orthewarrantformproperlycompleted by the
authorised person, authorises the entry andtheexerciseoftheotherpowersauthorisedbythewarrantissued by the
send to the magistrate—(a)the sworn
application; and(b)ifawarrantformwascompletedbytheauthorisedperson—the
completed warrant form.(8)On receiving the
documents, the magistrate must attach themto the
warrant.(9)Unlessthecontraryisproved,acourtmustpresumethatapower exercised by an authorised
person was not authorisedby a warrant issued under this section
if—(a)aquestionarises,inaproceedingbeforethecourt,whethertheexerciseofpowerwasauthorisedbyawarrant; and(b)the
warrant is not produced in evidence.458Order
to enter land to conduct investigation or conductwork(1)An
authorised person may apply to a magistrate for an orderto
enter land—(a)to carry out work on the land
program or site management plan;or(ii)remediate land
managed under a site managementplan; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
compliance with—(A)anaccreditedERMP,environmentalauthority,PRCPschedule,transitionalenvironmentalprogram,sitemanagementplanoranyconditionsoftheauthority,schedule,
program or plan; or(B)developmentconditionsofadevelopmentapproval;
or(C)aprescribedconditionforcarryingoutasmall scale mining activity; or(b)if the land is land to which a
clean-up notice applies andthe recipient of
the notice has failed to comply with thenotice—to take
the actions required under the notice; or(c)ifthelandiscontaminatedland—toconductasiteinvestigation of
the land; or(d)forlandparticularsofwhicharerecordedinthecontaminatedlandregister—toconductworktoremediate the land.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymustgivewrittennoticeoftheapplication
to—(a)the owner of the land; and(b)iftheownerisnottheoccupieroftheland—theoccupier; and(c)iftheapplicationisforanordertocarryoutworkmentioned in
subsection (1)(a)—(i)the environmental authority holder;
or(ii)the holder of
the PRCP schedule; or(iii)thetransitionalenvironmentalprogramapprovalholder;
and(d)if the application is for an order to
take actions requiredunder a clean-up notice—the recipient
of the notice.(3)Theapplicationfortheordermustbeswornandstatethegrounds on which it is made.Page
430Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 458](4)The
magistrate may refuse to consider the application until thepersongivesthemagistrateallinformationthemagistraterequiresabouttheapplicationinthewaythemagistraterequires.Example—Themagistratemayrequireadditionalinformationsupportingtheapplication to be given by statutory
declaration.(5)The magistrate may make an order under
this section only ifthe magistrate is satisfied—(a)foranordertocarryoutworkmentionedinsubsection (1)(a),theentrysoughtisreasonableandnecessary to carry out the work; or(b)foranordertotakeactionsrequiredunderaclean-upnotice, the
entry sought is reasonable and necessary totake the
actions; or(c)foranordertoenterthelandandcarryoutasiteinvestigation—(i)the
land is listed in the environmental managementregister because
it is contaminated land; and(ii)the
hazardous contaminant contaminating the landis in a
concentration that has the potential to causeserious
environmental harm; and(iii)a person, animal
or another part of the environmentmay be exposed
to the hazardous contaminant; and(iv)theentrysoughtisreasonableandnecessarytoconduct a site investigation of the land;
or(d)for an order to enter and conduct work
to remediate theland—themagistrateissatisfiedthelandiscontaminatedandtheentrysoughtisreasonableandnecessary to conduct work to remediate the
land.(6)The order must state—(a)thatanauthorisedpersonmay,withnecessaryandreasonablehelpandforce,enterthelandandconductCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 431
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
459]the actions, investigation or work to
remediate the land;and(b)the hours of the
day when the entry may be made; and(c)the
day when the order ends.(7)The magistrate
must record the reasons for making the order.(8)In
this section—landincludes a place
to which a clean-up notice applies.459Entry
or boarding of vehicles(1)Anauthorisedpersonmayenterorboardavehicleiftheauthorised person has reasonable
grounds for suspecting—(a)the vehicle is
being, or has been, used in the commissionof an offence
against this Act; or(b)the vehicle, or
a thing in or on the vehicle, may provideevidence of the
commission of an offence against thisAct; or(c)the vehicle is of a type prescribed by
regulation and isbeingusedtotransportwasteofatypeprescribedbyregulation; or(d)ifthevehicleisatrain—thetrainisbeingusedtotransport waste of a type prescribed
by regulation.(2)Ifthevehicleismovingorabouttomove,theauthorisedperson may
signal the person in control of the vehicle to stopthe
vehicle or not to move it.(3)To enable the
vehicle to be entered or boarded, the authorisedperson may—(a)act
with necessary and reasonable help and force; and(b)requirethepersonincontrolofthevehicletogivereasonable help
to the authorised person.Page 432Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 460]Notauthorised—indicativeonly460General powers for places and
vehicles(1)An authorised person who enters a
place, or enters or boards avehicle, under
this chapter may—(a)search any part of the place or
vehicle; or(b)inspect, examine, test, measure,
photograph or film theplaceorvehicleoranythinginorontheplaceorvehicle; or(c)take
samples of any contaminant, substance or thing inor
on the place or vehicle; or(d)record,measure,testoranalysethereleaseofcontaminantsintotheenvironmentfromtheplaceorvehicle; or(e)take
extracts from, or make copies of, any documents inor
on the place or vehicle; or(f)takeintoorontotheplaceorvehicleanypersons,equipmentandmaterialstheauthorisedpersonreasonablyrequiresforthepurposeofexercisinganypowers in relation to the place or vehicle;
or(g)install or maintain any equipment and
materials in or ontheplaceorvehicletheauthorisedpersonreasonablyrequiresforthepurposeofconductingamonitoringprogramforthereleaseofcontaminantsintotheenvironment from the place or vehicle;
or(h)require the occupier of the place, or
any person in or ontheplaceorvehicle,togivetotheauthorisedpersonreasonablehelpfortheexerciseofthepowersmentioned in paragraphs (a) to (g);
or(i)if the authorised person enters or
boards a vehicle—bywrittennoticegiventothepersonincontrolofthevehicle, require the person—(i)to take the vehicle to a stated
reasonable place by astated reasonable time; and(ii)if necessary, to
remain in control of the vehicle atthe place for a
reasonable time;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
461]to enable the authorised person to exercise
the powersmentioned in paragraphs (a) to (g).(2)However,subsection
(1)(e)doesnotapplytoanauthorisedperson who
enters land to conduct a preliminary investigationor
site investigation.(3)If, for any reason, it is not
practicable to make a requirementunder subsection
(1)(i) by written notice, the requirement maybemadeorallyandconfirmedbywrittennoticeassoonaspracticable.(4)Nothing in this section prevents an
authorised person makingafurtherrequirementundersubsection (1)(i)ofthesameperson or
another person in relation to the same vehicle if it isnecessary and reasonable to make the further
requirement.(5)An authorised person may not enter a
part of a vehicle usedonlyasalivingarea,orexerciseapowerundersubsection (1)(a)to(g)inrelationtothatpart,unlesstheauthorised person is accompanied by the
person in control ofthe vehicle.(6)Subsection (5) does not apply if the person
in control of thevehicleisunavailableorunwillingtoaccompanytheauthorisedpersonortheauthorisedpersonisunableforanother reason to comply with the
subsection.(7)Thissectiondoesnotapplytoanauthorisedpersonwhoenters a place to get the occupier’s
consent unless the consentis given or the entry is otherwise
authorised.(8)Thissectiondoesnotlimitanypowerthatanauthorisedperson has apart
from this section.461Power to seize evidence(1)An authorised person who enters a
place under this chapterwith a warrant may seize the evidence
for which the warrantwas issued.(2)An
authorised person who enters a place under this chapterwith
the occupier’s consent may seize the particular thing forwhich the entry was made if the authorised
person believes onPage 434Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 462]reasonablegroundsthatthethingisevidenceofanoffenceagainst this
Act.(3)An authorised person who enters a
place under this chapterwith a warrant or with the occupier’s
consent may also seizeanother thing if the authorised person
believes on reasonablegrounds—(a)the
thing is evidence of an offence against this Act; and(b)the seizure is necessary to prevent
the thing being—(i)concealed, lost or destroyed;
or(ii)used to commit,
continue or repeat the offence.(4)An
authorised person who enters a place under this chapterother than with a warrant or with the
occupier’s consent, orwhoentersorboardsavehicle,mayseizeathingiftheauthorised person believes on
reasonable grounds—(a)the thing is evidence of an offence
against this Act; and(b)the seizure is
necessary to prevent the thing being—(i)concealed, lost or destroyed; or(ii)used to commit,
continue or repeat the offence.462Procedure after seizure of evidence(1)As soon as practicable after a thing
is seized by an authorisedperson under this chapter, the
authorised person must give areceipt for it
to the person from whom it was seized.(2)The
receipt must describe generally each thing seized and itscondition.(3)If,foranyreason,itisnotpracticabletocomplywithsubsection (1), the authorised person
must—(a)leave the receipt at the place of
seizure; and(b)ensure the receipt is left in a
reasonably secure way andin a conspicuous position.(4)TheauthorisedpersonmustallowapersonwhowouldbeentitledtotheseizedthingifitwerenotintheauthorisedCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 435
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
463]person’s possession to inspect it and, if it
is a document, totake extracts from it or make copies of
it.(5)Theauthorisedpersonmustreturntheseizedthingtoitsowner at the end
of—(a)1 year; or(b)ifaprosecutionforanoffenceinvolvingitisstartedwithin the 1 year—the prosecution for the
offence andany appeal from the prosecution.(6)Despite subsection (5), the authorised
person must return theseized thing to its owner immediately
the authorised personstops being satisfied its retention as
evidence is necessary.(7)However, the
authorised person may keep the seized thing iftheauthorisedpersonbelieves,onreasonablegrounds,itisnecessarytocontinuetokeepittopreventitsuseincommitting an
offence.463Forfeiture of seized thing on
462,iftheowneroftheseizedthingisconvicted of an offence for which the thing
was retained asevidence, the court may order its forfeiture
to—(a)if the authorised person exercised the
power of seizureintheenforcementofamatterdevolvedtoalocalgovernment—the local government; or(b)if paragraph (a) does not apply—the
State.(2)Theforfeitedthingbecomesthepropertyofthelocalgovernment or
State and may be destroyed or disposed of asdirected by the
administering executive.(3)Thissectiondoesnotlimitthecourt’spowersunderthePenalties and Sentences Act 1992or
any other law.Page 436Current as at
[Not applicable]
3Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 464]Other
enforcement powers ofauthorised personsNotauthorised—indicativeonly464Power to require name and
address(1)Anauthorisedpersonmayrequireapersontostatetheperson’s name and address if the authorised
person—(a)finds the person committing an offence
against this Act;or(b)findsthepersonincircumstancesthatlead,orhasinformation that leads, the authorised
person to suspecton reasonable grounds that the person has
committed anoffence against this Act.(2)Whenmakingtherequirement,theauthorisedpersonmustwarn the person
that it is an offence against this Act to fail tostate the person’s name and address, unless
the person has areasonable excuse.(3)Theauthorisedpersonmayrequirethepersontogiveevidence of the
correctness of the person’s name or address ifthe authorised
person suspects on reasonable grounds that thename or address
given is false.465Power to require answers to
questions(1)Thissectionappliesifanauthorisedpersonsuspects,onreasonable grounds, that—(a)an offence against this Act has
happened; and(b)apersonmaybeabletogiveinformationabouttheoffence.(2)The
authorised person may—(a)requirethepersontoansweraquestionaboutthesuspected offence; or(b)by written notice given to the person,
require the personto attend a stated reasonable place at a
stated reasonabletime, to answer questions about the
suspected offence.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
466](3)Whenmakingtherequirement,theauthorisedpersonmustwarnthepersonitisanoffencetofailtocomplywiththerequirement, unless the person has a
reasonable excuse.(4)A notice given under subsection (2)(b)
must—(a)identify the suspected offence;
and(b)state that the authorised person
believes the person maybe able to give information about the
suspected offence;and(c)includethewarningrequiredtobegivenundersubsection
(3).466Power to require production of
documents(1)An authorised person may require a
person to produce to theauthorisedpersonforinspectionadocumentrequiredtobeheld or kept
under this Act or a development condition of adevelopment
approval.(2)The authorised person may keep a
produced document to takean extract from, or make a copy of,
the document.(3)The authorised person must return the
document to the personas soon as practicable after taking
the extract or making thecopy.Part 4Emergency powers ofauthorised
persons466AApplication of pt 4Thispartappliesifanauthorisedpersonissatisfiedonreasonable grounds that an emergency
exists.466BWhat is anemergencyAnemergencyexists
if—Page 438Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 467](a)either—(i)human health or safety is threatened;
or(ii)serious or
material environmental harm has been oris likely to be
caused; and(b)urgent action is necessary to—(i)protect the health or safety of
persons; or(ii)prevent or
minimise the harm; or(iii)rehabilitate or
restore the environment because ofthe harm.467Authorised person may take or direct
someone to takestated action(1)To
deal with the emergency, the authorised person may—(a)give a direction (anemergency direction) to a person
totake stated reasonable action within a
stated reasonabletime,includingtoreleaseacontaminantintotheenvironment; or(b)take
the action, or authorise another person to take theaction.(2)The
authorised person may impose reasonable conditions onthe
direction.(3)The direction may be given orally or
by written notice.(4)However, if the direction is given
orally, the authorised personmust, as soon as
practicable, confirm the direction by writtennotice given to
the person.(5)Iftheauthorisedpersondecidestotaketheaction,theauthorised person may—(a)without a warrant, enter any place (other
than premises,orthepartofpremises,usedonlyforresidentialpurposes) and
take the action; and(b)in taking the
action, exercise any of the powers underthis chapter;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
467](c)if,intakingtheaction,theauthorisedpersonfindsathing that may provide evidence of the
commission ofanoffenceagainstthisAct—sections
461(1)and462applytothethingasifthethingweretheevidencementionedintheprovisionsandawarranthadbeenissuedtotheauthorisedpersonauthorisingtheauthorised person to seize it.(6)The authorised person may exercise the
powers mentioned insubsection (5) (emergency
powers) at the time, with the help,andusingtheforce,thatisnecessaryand
reasonableinthecircumstances.(7)If a
person or thing is obstructing or preventing entry to, oraction being taken at, any place by an
authorised person whileexercisingorattemptingtoexerciseemergencypowers,apolice officer may, if asked by the
authorised person, using theforce that is
necessary and reasonable—(a)remove the
person or thing from the place; and(b)takeallreasonablemeasurestoensurethepersonorthing does not again obstruct or prevent the
action beingtaken.(8)In
exercising or attempting to exercise emergency powers, anauthorised person must take all reasonable
steps to ensure theauthorised person causes as little
inconvenience, and does aslittle damage, as is practicable in
the circumstances.(9)This section does not limit any power
an authorised personhas apart from this section.(10)Ifanauthorisedpersonauthorisesapersontotakeactionunder subsection (1)(b)—(a)thepersonmayexercisethepowersmentionedinsubsection (5)(a); and(b)the authorised person must inform the
person—(i)of the action the person is authorised
to take; and(ii)of the person’s
powers under this section; andPage 440Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 469](iii)in
general terms, of the provisions of section 486;and(c)subsections (6),
(7) and (8) (so far as they relate to thepowermentionedinsubsection (5)(a))applytotheperson as if the
person were the authorised person.(11)Apersonwhotakesanactionincompliancewithanemergency direction does not commit an
offence against thisAct merely because the person takes
the action.Part 5Offences469Failure of authorised person to return
identity cardA person who ceases to be an authorised
person must returnthe person’s identity card to the
administering executive whoissueditassoonaspracticableafterceasingtobeanauthorised
person, unless the person has a reasonable excusefor
not returning it.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.470Failure to give information to
administering authority(1)Thissectionappliesifapersonisgivenanoticeundersection 451.(2)The
person must comply with the notice unless the person hasa
reasonable excuse for not complying with it.Maximum
penalty—50 penalty units.(3)It is a
reasonable excuse for the individual to fail to complywith
the notice if complying with it might tend to incriminatethe
individual.(4)The person does not commit an offence
against this section ifthe information sought by the
administering authority is not infact relevant to
the administration or enforcement of this Act.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 441
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
471]471Failure to comply with signal(1)A person must obey a signal under
section 459(2) to stop ornottomoveavehicle,unlessthepersonhasareasonableexcuse for not
obeying the signal.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.(2)It is a reasonable excuse for the
person to fail to stop or tomove the vehicle
if—(a)to obey immediately the signal would
have endangeredthe person or another person; and(b)the person obeys the signal as soon as
it is practicable toobey the signal.472Failure to comply with requirements about
vehicles(1)In this section—required
actionfor a vehicle, means—(a)to
bring the vehicle to a place; and(b)toremainincontrolofthevehicleataplaceforareasonable time.(2)Apersonwhoisrequiredbyanauthorisedpersonundersection
459(3)(b)togivereasonablehelptotheauthorisedperson to enable
the entering or boarding of a vehicle mustcomplywiththerequirement,unlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse for not complying
with it.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.(3)Apersonwhoisrequiredbyanauthorisedpersonundersection
460(1)(i)totakerequiredactioninrelationtoavehicle must comply with the
requirement, unless the personhas a reasonable
excuse for not complying with it.Maximum
penalty—50 penalty units.473Failure to help
authorised person—emergency(1)This
section applies if—Page 442Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 473]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)in an emergency, an authorised person
is exercising orattempting to exercise emergency powers;
and(b)for dealing with the emergency, the
authorised personrequiresapersonundersection 460(1)(h)togivereasonable help
to the authorised person in relation tothe exercise of
a power.(2)Thepersonmustcomplywiththerequirement,unlesstheperson has a reasonable excuse for not
complying with it.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)Ifthehelprequiredistheansweringofaquestionorproducingofadocumentbyanindividual(otherthanadocument required to be held or kept by the
individual underthisActoradevelopmentconditionofadevelopmentapproval), it is
not a reasonable excuse for the individual tofail to answer
the question, or produce the document, on thegroundthatcomplyingwiththerequirementmighttendtoincriminate the individual.(4)When making a requirement mentioned in
subsection (3), theauthorisedpersonmustinformtheindividualofthefollowing—(a)theindividualisobligedtoanswerthequestionorproduce the document despite the rule of law
relating toprivilege against self-incrimination;(b)the individual may answer the question
or produce thedocument subject to the objection that
complying withtherequirementmighttendtoincriminatetheindividual;(c)if
the individual makes an objection—the answer or theproducingofthedocumentmaynotbeadmittedinevidence against the individual in a
prosecution for anoffenceagainstthisAct,otherthananoffence(constituted by
the giving of the answer or producing ofthe document)
against any of the following sections—•section 480•section 480ACurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 443
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
474]•section 481.(5)If,
before giving the answer or producing the document, theindividual makes an objection, the answer or
producing of thedocument is not admissible in evidence
against the individualin a prosecution for an offence
against this Act, other than anoffence
(constituted by the giving of the answer or producingof
the document) against any of the following sections—•section 480•section 480A•section 481.474Failure to help authorised person—other
cases(1)This section applies if—(a)anauthorisedpersonrequiresapersonundersection 460(1)(h)togivereasonablehelptotheauthorised
person in relation to the exercise of a power;but(b)section 473 does not apply.(2)Thepersonmustcomplywiththerequirement,unlesstheperson has a reasonable excuse for not
complying with it.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.(3)Ifthehelprequiredistheansweringofaquestionorproducing of a document (other than a
document required tobeheldorkeptbytheindividualunderthisActoradevelopmentconditionofadevelopmentapproval),itisareasonableexcusefortheindividualtofailtoanswerthequestion,orproducethedocument,ifcomplyingwiththerequirement might tend to incriminate
the individual.475Failure to give name and address
444Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 476]complywiththerequirement,unlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse for not complying
with it.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.(2)Apersonwhoisrequiredbyanauthorisedpersonundersection 464(3)
to give evidence of the correctness of a nameoraddressmustgivetheevidence,unlessthepersonhasareasonable excuse for not complying
with it.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.(3)The person does not commit an offence
against this sectionif—(a)theauthorisedpersonrequiredthepersontostatetheperson’s name and address on suspicion of
the personhaving committed an offence against this
Act; and(b)the person is not proved to have
committed the offence.476Failure to attend
or answer questions(1)This section applies if—(a)anauthorisedpersonrequiresapersonundersection 465 to—(i)answer a question; or(ii)attendastatedreasonableplaceatastatedreasonable time, to answer questions;
but(b)section 473 does not apply.(2)Thepersonmustcomplywiththerequirement,unlesstheperson has a reasonable excuse for not
complying with it.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.(3)Forsubsection(2),itisnotareasonableexcuseforanindividual to
fail to answer a question that complying with therequirement might tend to incriminate the
individual.(4)However,incriminatingevidenceforanindividualwhoanswers a question is not admissible in
evidence against theindividualinacivilorcriminalproceeding,otherthanaCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
477]proceeding for an offence for which the
falsity or misleadingnature of the answer is
relevant.(5)The person does not commit an offence
against this section ifthe information sought by the
authorised person is not in factrelevant to the
offence.(6)In this section—incriminatingevidence,foranindividualwhoanswersaquestion, means evidence of, or directly or
indirectly derivedfrom, the answer that might tend to
incriminate the individual.477Failure to
produce documentApersonwhoisrequiredundersection 466toproduceadocumentmustcomplywiththerequirement,unlesstheperson has a reasonable excuse for not
complying with it.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.478Failure to comply with authorised
person’s direction inemergencyA person to whom
an emergency direction is given must—(a)comply with the direction (including a
condition of thedirection), unless the person has a
reasonable excuse fornot complying with it; and(b)takeallreasonableandpracticableprecautionstoprevent or minimise—(i)environmental harm being caused; and(ii)the risk of
death or injury to humans and animals;and(iii)loss or damage
to property.Maximum penalty—(a)iftheoffenceiscommittedwilfully—6,250penaltyunits or 5 years imprisonment; or(b)otherwise—4,500 penalty units.Page
446Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 480]480False
or misleading documents(1)A person must
not give to the administering authority or anauthorised
person a document containing information that thepersonknows,oroughtreasonablytoknow,isfalseormisleading in a material particular.Maximumpenalty—4,500penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a person
who, when givingthe document—(a)informs the administering authority or
authorised personoftheextenttowhichthedocumentisfalseormisleading; and(b)givesthecorrectinformationtotheadministeringauthority or
authorised person if the person has, or canreasonably
obtain, the correct information.(3)Itisenoughforacomplaintforanoffenceagainstsubsection (1)
to state the person knew, or ought reasonably tohave
known, the document was false or misleading, withoutspecifying which of the following
applies—(a)the person knew it was false;(b)the person knew it was
misleading;(c)the person ought reasonably to have
known it was false;(d)thepersonoughtreasonablytohaveknownitwasmisleading.480AIncomplete documents(1)This
section applies to a person who is required under this Acttogiveadocumenttotheadministeringauthorityoranauthorised
person.(2)Thepersonmustnotgivetotheadministeringauthorityorauthorisedpersonadocumentthepersonknows,oroughtreasonablytoknow,containsincompleteinformationinamaterial particular.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
481]Maximumpenalty—4,500penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(3)Subsection (2) does not apply to a person
who, when givingthe document—(a)informs the administering authority or
authorised personof the extent to which the document is
incomplete; and(b)givesthecompleteinformationtotheadministeringauthority or
authorised person if the person has, or canreasonably
obtain, the information.(4)Itisenoughforacomplaintforanoffenceagainstsubsection (2) to state the person knew, or
ought reasonably tohaveknown,thedocumentwasincomplete,withoutspecifyingwhetherthepersonknewitwasincompleteorwhetherthepersonoughtreasonablytohaveknownitwasincomplete.481False
or misleading information(1)A person must
not—(a)stateanythingtoanauthorisedpersonthatthepersonknows is false
or misleading in a material particular; or(b)omitfromastatementmadetoanauthorisedpersonanything without which the statement is, to
the person’sknowledge, misleading in a material
particular.Maximumpenalty—4,500penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)Acomplaintagainstapersonforanoffenceagainstsubsection (1)(a)or(b)issufficientifitstatesthatthestatementmadewasfalseormisleadingtotheperson’sknowledge.482Obstruction of authorised persons(1)Apersonmustnotobstructanauthorisedpersonintheexercise of a
power under this chapter, unless the person has areasonable excuse for obstructing the
authorised person.Page 448Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 483]Maximum
penalty—165 penalty units.(2)In this
section—authorised personincludes a
person who is—(a)actingunderanauthorisedperson’sdirectionundersection 363K; or(b)authorised by an authorised person to take
action undersection 467(1)(b); or(c)helping an authorised person under this
chapter.483Impersonation of authorised
personA person must not pretend to be an
authorised person.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.484Attempts to commit offences(1)A person who attempts to commit an
offence against this Actcommits an offence.Maximumpenalty—halfthemaximumpenaltyforcommitting the offence.(2)The Criminal Code, section 4, applies
to subsection (1).Part 6General485Consent to entry(1)This
section applies if an authorised person intends to seek theconsentofanoccupierofaplacetoanauthorisedpersonentering the place under this
chapter.(2)Beforeseekingtheconsent,theauthorisedpersonmustinform the
occupier—(a)of the purpose of the entry;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
486](b)that anything found and seized may be
used in evidencein court; and(c)that
the occupier is not required to consent.(3)Iftheconsentisgiven,theauthorisedpersonmayasktheoccupier to sign an acknowledgement of the
consent.(4)The acknowledgement must—(a)state the occupier was
informed—(i)of the purpose of the entry;
and(ii)thatanythingfoundandseizedmaybeusedinevidence in court; and(iii)that
the occupier was not required to consent; and(b)statetheoccupiergavetheauthorisedpersonconsentunder this
chapter to enter the place and exercise powersunder this
chapter.(5)Iftheoccupiersignsanacknowledgementofconsent,theauthorisedpersonmustimmediatelygiveacopytotheoccupier.486Authorised person to give notice of seizure
or damage(1)This section applies if—(a)an authorised person seizes or damages
anything in theexercise of a power under this chapter;
or(b)a person acting under an authorised
person’s directionunder section 363K damages anything in the
exercise ofa power under that section; or(c)apersonwhoisauthorisedbyanauthorisedpersonunder section 467(1)(b) to take action
damages anythingin the exercise of a power under section
467.(2)The authorised person must immediately
give written noticeof the particulars of the seizure or
damage.(3)The notice must be given to—Page
450Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and
enforcement[s 487](a)if
anything is seized—the person from whom the thingwas
seized; or(b)if anything is damaged—the person who
appears to theauthorised person to be the owner of the
thing.(4)If,foranyreason,itisnotpracticabletocomplywithsubsection (2), the authorised person
must—(a)leave the notice at the place where
the seizure or damagehappened; and(b)ensure it is left—(i)in a
reasonably secure way; and(ii)in a conspicuous
person may claim compensation if the person incurs loss orexpensebecauseoftheexerciseorpurportedexerciseofapowerunderthischapter,including,forexample,incomplying with a requirement made of the
person under thischapter.(2)Subsection (1)doesnotapplytoaprescribedpersonforacontamination
incident in relation to the exercise of a powerrelating to the
incident.(3)The compensation must be claimed
from—(a)if the power or requirement that gives
rise to the claimwasexercisedormadebyanauthorisedpersonappointedbythechiefexecutiveofficerofalocalgovernment,orapersonauthorisedbysuchanauthorised person under section 458 or
467(1)(b) to takeaction—the local government; or(b)if paragraph (a) does not apply—the
State.(4)Payment of compensation may be claimed
and ordered in aproceeding for—(a)compensationbroughtinacourtofcompetentjurisdiction;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 9 Investigation and enforcement[s
488](b)an offence against this Act brought
against the personmaking the claim for compensation.(5)A court may order the payment of
compensation for the lossor expense only if it is satisfied it
is just to make the order inthe
circumstances of the particular case.488Administering authority to reimburse costs
and expensesincurred(1)Ifapersonincurscostsandexpensesincomplyingwithadirection under section 467(1)(a), the
administering authoritymust reimburse the person’s reasonable
costs and expenses.(2)Subsection (1)doesnotapplytothepersonwhocausedorallowed the relevant emergency to happen or,
in the case of acontamination incident, a prescribed person
for the incident.489Costs of investigation or remediation
to be paid byrecipient(1)Theamountproperlyandreasonablyincurredbytheadministering
authority in conducting a site investigation, orremediatingland,isadebtpayabletotheadministeringauthoritybytherecipientofthenoticetoconductorcommission the investigation or remediate
the land.(2)If more than 1 person failed to
perform the work, the amountincurred is
payable by the persons jointly and severally.(3)However, subsection (1) does not apply if
the requirement forthe recipient to conduct or commission the
investigation, orcarryouttheremediationhasbeenwaivedbytheadministering
authority.Page 452Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyChapter 10Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
490]Legal proceedingsPart 1Evidence490Evidentiary provisions(1)This
section applies to a proceeding under or in relation to thisAct.(2)Unless a party, by reasonable notice,
requires proof of—(a)the appointment of an authorised
person under this Act;or(b)the
authority of an authorised person to do an act underthis
Act;the appointment or authority must be
presumed.(3)A signature purporting to be the
signature of the administeringexecutive or an
authorised person is evidence of the signatureit purports to
be.(4)A certificate purporting to be signed
by the Minister statingthat a stated person is or was the
administering authority oradministering executive at a time, or
during a stated period, isevidence of the matter stated in the
stating any of the following matters is evidence ofthe
matter—(a)a stated document is a copy of a
document issued, given,receivedorkeptbytheadministeringauthorityunderthis Act;(b)on a stated day, or during a stated
period, a stated personwasorwasnottheholderofanenvironmentalrequirement,permitorotherauthorityissuedorgivenunder this
Act;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
490]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(c)anaccreditedERMP,environmentalrequirementorotherauthorityorpermitissuedorgivenunderthisAct—(i)was or was not issued or given for a
stated term; or(ii)was or was not
in force on a stated day or during astated period;
or(iii)was or was not
subject to a stated condition;(d)onastatedday,anenvironmentalauthorityorregistrationwassuspendedforastatedperiodorcancelled;(e)onastatedday,astatedpersonwasgivenastatednotice,
direction, or order under this Act;(f)a
stated document is a copy of a part of, or an extractfrom, a register kept under this Act;(g)astatedamountispayableunderthisActbyastatedperson and has not been paid;(h)thatastatedsubstanceisacontaminantoranozonedepleting
substance;(i)that a stated method of storage,
preservation, handlingor transportation of a sample taken
under this Act hasnot materially affected the attributes of
the sample;(j)another matter prescribed by
regulation.(6)Inacomplaintstartingaproceeding,astatementthatthematter of the complaint came to the
complainant’s knowledgeon a stated day is evidence of the
matter.(7)The production by the prosecutor of a
certificate purporting tobe signed by an appropriately
qualified person (theanalyst)and
stating—(a)theanalystreceivedfromastatedpersonthesamplementioned in the
certificate; and(b)the analyst analysed the sample on a
stated day and at astated place; and(c)the
results of the analysis;Page 454Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
491]is evidence of the matter stated in the
certificate.(8)Anyinstrument,equipmentorinstallationprescribedbyregulation that is used by an authorised
person or analyst inaccordancewiththeconditions(ifany)prescribedbytheregulation is taken to be accurate and
precise in the absence ofevidence to the contrary.(9)In a proceeding in which the
administering authority appliesto recover the
costs and expenses incurred by it, a certificatebytheadministeringexecutivestatingthatstatedcostsandexpenses were incurred and the way and
purpose for whichthey were incurred is evidence of the
matters stated.491Special evidentiary
provision—particular emissions(1)Thissectionappliestoaproceedingforanoffenceagainstsection 440or440Qinwhichitisclaimedthedefendantcausedenvironmentalnuisanceorcontravenedanoisestandard by an
emission made from a person, place or thing(thealleged source).Editor’s note—section
440(Offenceofcausingenvironmentalnuisance)or440Q(Offence of
contravening a noise standard)(2)An
authorised person may give evidence, without any need tocallfurtheropinionevidence,thattheauthorisedpersonformedtheopinionbasedontheauthorisedperson’sownsenses that—(a)theemissionwasmadefromtheallegedsourceandtravelled to another place; and(b)for an offence against section 440—the
level, nature orextentoftheemissionwithintheotherplacewasanunreasonable
interference with an environmental value.(3)Evidence may be given under subsection (2)
whether or notanother emission was made to the other place
from a person,place or thing other than the alleged
source.(4)In this section—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 455
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
491A]emissionmeans an
emission of aerosols, fumes, light, noise,odour, particles
or smoke.Notauthorised—indicativeonly491AFurther special
evidentiary provisions for noise(1)This
section applies if, in a proceeding for an offence againstthis
Act, it is claimed audible noise was made.(2)If
it is claimed the noise was made from a particular person,place or thing (thealleged
source)—(a)an individual
(theoccupier) who was, when
the noisewas made (therelevant
time), an occupier of a buildingmay
give evidence that—(i)theoccupiercould,attherelevanttime,hearthenoise at the building; and(ii)theoccupierformedtheopinion,basedontheoccupier’sownsenses,thatthenoisewasmadefromtheallegedsourceandtravelledtothebuilding; and(b)anauthorisedpersonwho,attherelevanttime,waspresent at the building with the
occupier and could hearthe noise at the building may give
evidence—(i)thattheauthorisedpersoncould,attherelevanttime, hear the
noise at the building; and(ii)thattheauthorisedpersonformedtheopinion,basedontheperson’sownsenses,thatthenoisewas made from
the alleged source and travelled tothe
building.(3)Evidence may be given under subsection
(2)(b)—(a)without any need to call the occupier;
and(b)whetherornototheraudiblenoisewasmadetothebuildingfromaperson,placeorthingotherthanthealleged source.(4)Opinionevidencementionedinthissectionmaybegivenwithout any need to call further opinion
evidence.Page 456Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
492](5)Evidence mentioned in this section may
be given without anyrequirement for the noise to have been
measured.(6)Ifthenoiseisestablishedasaudiblenoise,therateofitsaudibility is not required to be
established.(7)Thenoisemaybemeasuredinawayprescribedunderaregulation.492Responsibility for acts or omissions of
representatives(1)If, in a proceeding for an offence
against this Act, it is relevanttoproveaperson’sstateofmindaboutaparticularactoromission, it is enough to show—(a)the act or omission was done or
omitted to be done by arepresentativeofthepersonwithinthescopeoftherepresentative’s actual or apparent
authority; and(b)the representative had the state of
mind.(2)An act or omission done or omitted to
be done for a person byarepresentativeofthepersonwithinthescopeoftherepresentative’sactualorapparentauthorityistaken,inaproceeding for an offence against this
Act, to have been doneor omitted to be done also by the
person, unless the personproves the person took all reasonable
steps to prevent the actsor omissions.(3)If—(a)an individual is
convicted of an offence against this Act;and(b)theindividualwouldnothavebeenconvictedoftheoffence if subsections (1) and (2) had
not been enacted;the individual is not liable to be punished
by imprisonment forthe offence.(4)In
this section—representative, of a person,
means—(a)if the person is a corporation—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
493](i)anexecutiveofficer,employeeoragentofthecorporation; and(ii)if,
under the Corporations Act, the corporation (theparentcorporation)controlsanothercorporationor another
corporation is a subsidiary of the parentcorporation—(A)thecontrolledcorporationorthesubsidiarycorporation;
or(b)if the person is an individual—an
employee or agent ofthe individual.Part 2Executive officer liability493Executive officers must ensure
corporation complieswith Act(1)The
executive officers of a corporation must ensure that thecorporation complies with this Act.(2)If a corporation commits an offence
against a provision of thisAct,eachoftheexecutiveofficersofthecorporationalsocommits an offence, namely, the offence of
failing to ensurethe corporation complies with this
Act.Maximum penalty—the penalty for the
contravention of theprovision by an individual.(3)Evidence that the corporation
committed an offence againstthisActisevidencethateachoftheexecutiveofficerscommitted the
offence of failing to ensure that the corporationcomplies with this Act.(4)However, it is a defence for an executive
officer to prove—(a)if the officer was in a position to
influence the conductof the corporation in relation to the
offence—the officerPage 458Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
493A]tookallreasonablestepstoensurethecorporationcomplied with
the provision; or(b)the officer was not in a position to
influence the conductof the corporation in relation to the
offence.Part 2AUnlawfulness of
particular acts493AWhen environmental harm or related
acts are unlawful(1)This section applies in relation to
any of the following acts(relevant
acts)—(a)anactthatcausesseriousormaterialenvironmentalharm or an
environmental nuisance;(b)an act that
contravenes a noise standard;(c)adepositofacontaminant,orreleaseofstormwaterrun-off,
mentioned in section 440ZG.Note—Seechapter8,part3(Offencesrelatingtoenvironmentalharm),section 440Q(Offenceofcontraveninganoisestandard)andsection 440ZG(Depositingprescribedwatercontaminantsinwatersand related
matters).(2)A relevant act is unlawful unless it
is authorised to be doneunder—(a)an
environmental protection policy; or(b)a
transitional environmental program; or(c)an
environmental protection order; or(d)an
environmental authority or PRCP schedule; or(e)a
development condition of a development approval; or(f)a prescribed condition for a small
scale mining activity;or(g)an
emergency direction; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
493A](h)anauthorisationunderthePetroleumandGas(Production and Safety) Act
2004, section 294B and theauthorisationrelatestoaboreorwellmentionedinsection 294B(1)(a) or (c) of that
Act.(3)However,itisadefencetoachargeofunlawfullydoingarelevant act to prove—(a)the relevant act was done while
carrying out an activitythat is lawful apart from this Act;
and(b)the defendant complied with the
general environmentalduty.(4)Thedefendantistakentohavecompliedwiththegeneralenvironmental
duty if the defendant proves—(a)an
accredited ERMP applied to the doing of the relevantact;
and(b)to the extent it is relevant, the
defendant complied withthe ERMP.(5)The
defendant is also taken to have complied with the generalenvironmental duty if the defendant
proves—(a)a code of practice applied to the
doing of the relevantact; and(b)to
the extent it is relevant, the defendant complied withthe
code; and(c)no accredited ERMP applied to the
doing of the relevantact.(6)A
reference in this section to an act includes an omission anda
reference to doing an act includes making an omission.Note—Seealsosection
508forcircumstancesaffectingproceedingsforacontravention for which an enforceable
undertaking has been given.Page 460Current as at [Not applicable]
3Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
494]Legal proceedings494Indictable and summary offences(1)An offence against this Act for which
the maximum penaltyof imprisonment is 2 years or more is an
indictable offence.(1A)An indictable
offence against this Act is—(a)foranoffenceforwhichthemaximumpenaltyofimprisonment is 5 or more years—a
crime; or(b)otherwise—a misdemeanour.(2)Any other offence against this Act is
a summary offence.495Proceedings for indictable
offences(1)A proceeding for an indictable offence
against this Act maybe taken, at the election of the
prosecution—(a)by way of summary proceedings under
theJustices Act1886;
or(b)on indictment.(2)A
magistrate must not hear an indictable offence summarilyif—(a)thedefendantasksatthestartofthehearingthatthecharge be prosecuted on indictment;
or(b)themagistrateconsidersthatthechargeshouldbeprosecuted on indictment.(3)If subsection (2) applies—(a)the magistrate must proceed by way of
an examinationof witnesses for an indictable offence;
and(b)apleaofthepersonchargedatthestartoftheproceeding must be disregarded;
and(c)evidencebroughtintheproceedingbeforethemagistrate decided to act under
subsection (2) is takenCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
496]to be evidence in the proceeding for the
committal of theperson for trial or sentence; and(d)before committing the person for trial
or sentence, themagistratemustmakeastatementtothepersonasrequired by theJustices Act
1886, section 104(2)(b).(4)Themaximumpenaltyofimprisonmentthatmaybesummarilyimposedforanindictableoffenceis1year’simprisonment.496Limitation on who may summarily hear
indictable offenceproceedings(1)Aproceedingmustbebeforeamagistrateifitisaproceeding—(a)for
the summary conviction of a person on a charge foran
indictable offence; or(b)foranexaminationofwitnessesforachargeforanindictable offence.(2)However, if a proceeding for an
indictable offence is broughtbefore a justice
who is not a magistrate, jurisdiction is limitedto
taking or making a procedural action or order within themeaning of theJustices of the
Peace and Commissioners forDeclarations Act
1991.497Limitation on
time for starting summary proceedingsAproceedingforanoffenceagainstthisActbywayofsummary proceeding under theJustices Act 1886must
start—(a)within 1 year after the commission of
the offence; or(b)within1yearaftertheoffencecomestothecomplainant’s
knowledge, but within 2 years after thecommission of
the offence; or(c)if an enforceable undertaking has been
made in relationto the offence—within 1 year after—(i)the enforceable undertaking is
contravened; orPage 462Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
498](ii)thecomplainantbecomesawarethattheenforceable undertaking has been
contravened; or(iii)theadministeringauthorityhasagreedundersection 509tothewithdrawaloftheenforceableundertaking.498Notice of defence(1)Ifapersonintendstorely
onadefenceunderchapter8orsection 493A(3),thepersonmustgivewrittennoticeoftheintention to the prosecutor—(a)forachargebeingprosecutedbywayofsummaryproceedingundertheJusticesAct1886—atleast10business days before the charge is heard;
or(b)for a charge being prosecuted on
indictment—at least 5business days before the charge is set
down for hearing.(2)Ifthepersonhasnotgiventhewrittennoticeundersubsection
(1),thecourtmay,ontheapplicationoftheprosecution, make either or both of
the following orders—(a)an order to
adjourn the hearing;(b)anorderthattheperson paytheprosecutionthecostsincurred by the
prosecution because of the applicationfor the
adjournment.499Proof of authorityIf a provision
for an offence against this Act refers to a personunlawfully doing an act or making an
omission, theJusticesAct 1886,
section 76, applies as if the doing of the act or themaking of the omission with an environmental
authority werean exemption contained in the
provision.500Fines payable to local
government(1)This section applies if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
501](a)the administration and enforcement of
a matter has beendevolved or delegated to a local government;
and(b)a proceeding for an offence about the
matter is taken;and(c)a court imposes
a fine for the offence.(2)The fine must be
paid to the local government.(3)Ifapersonotherthanthelocalgovernmentprosecutestheoffence, subsection (2) does not apply to
any part of the finethe court orders be paid to the
party.501Recovery of costs of rehabilitation or
restoration etc.(1)This section applies if, in a
proceeding for an offence againstthis Act—(a)the court finds the defendant has
caused environmentalharm by a contravention of this Act
that constitutes anoffence; and(b)thecourtfindstheadministeringauthorityhasreasonably incurred costs and
expenses—(i)in taking action to prevent or
minimise the harm orto rehabilitate or restore the
environment becauseof the contravention; or(ii)reimbursing costs and expenses under section
488;and(c)theadministeringauthorityappliestothecourtforanorder against the defendant for the
payment of the costsand expenses.(2)The
court must order the defendant to pay the administeringauthority’sreasonablecostsandexpensestotheauthorityunless it is
satisfied it would not be just to make the order inthe
circumstances of the particular case.(3)Thissectiondoesnotlimitthecourt’spowersunderthePenalties and Sentences Act 1992or
any other law.Page 464Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
502]502Court may make particular
orders(1)This section applies if, in a
proceeding for an offence againstthis Act—(a)the court finds the defendant has
caused environmentalharm by a contravention of this Act
that constitutes anoffence; or(b)the
court finds the defendant has committed an offenceagainst any of the following—(i)section 426;(ii)section 430;(iii)section 435A;(iv)section 440ZG.(2)The
court may, on application by the prosecution, make 1 ormore
of the following orders against the defendant—(a)a
rehabilitation or restoration order;(b)a
public benefit order;(c)an education
order;(d)a monetary benefit order;(e)a notification order.(3)Subsection (4) applies if the court
finds that, because of theact or omission constituting the
offence, another person has—(a)suffered loss of income; or(b)sufferedareductioninthevalueof,ordamageto,property; or(c)incurredcostsorexpensesinreplacingorrepairingproperty, or in
preventing or minimising, or attemptingtopreventorminimise,aloss,reductionordamagementioned in
paragraph (a) or (b).(4)In addition to
any order the court makes under subsection (2),thecourtmay,onapplicationbytheprosecution,orderthedefendant to do either or both of the
following—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
502](a)pay to the other person an amount of
compensation thecourtconsidersappropriatefortheloss,reductionordamage suffered, or costs or expenses
order under this section must state the time within whichthe
order must be complied with.(6)Thissectiondoesnotlimitthecourt’spowersunderthePenalties and Sentences Act 1992or
any other law.(7)In this section—education
ordermeans an order requiring the person
againstwhom it is made to conduct a stated
advertising or educationcampaign to promote compliance with
this Act.monetary benefit ordermeans an order
requiring the personagainst whom it is made to pay an
amount representing anyfinancial or other benefit the person
has received because oftheactoromissionconstitutingtheoffenceinrelationtowhich the order is made.Example of a
monetary benefit order—If a defendant is found to have
carried out an environmentally relevantactivity without
an environmental authority, the court may order thedefendant to pay the administering authority
an amount equal to theannual fees for the period for which
the activity was carried out withoutan environmental
authority.notification ordermeans an order
requiring the person againstwhom it is made
to notify in a stated way a person, or class ofpersons,
of—(a)the act or omission constituting the
offence in relation towhich the order is made; and(b)other stated information about the act
or omission.Examplesofwaysthenotificationmayberequiredtobegiventoparticular persons—•by
publishing the notification in the person’s annual report•by giving the notification to persons
affected by the act or omissionPage 466Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
502A]publicbenefitordermeansanorderrequiringthepersonagainst whom it
is made to carry out a stated project to restoreor
enhance the environment in a public place or for the publicbenefit.rehabilitation
or restoration ordermeans an order requiringthe
person against whom it is made to take stated action torehabilitateorrestoretheenvironmentthatwasadverselyaffectedbecauseoftheactoromissionconstitutingtheoffence in relation to which the order is
made.502AAdministering authority may take
action and recovercosts(1)This
section applies if an order is made against a person undersection 502,andthepersonfailstocomplywiththeorderwithin the time
stated in the order.(2)The
administering authority may carry out work or take anyother action reasonably necessary to fulfil
the requirements ofthe order.(3)The
costs reasonably incurred by the administering authorityincarryingoutworkortakingotheractionundersubsection (2)areadebtpayablebythepersontotheadministering
authority.503Recovery of costs of
investigation(1)This section applies if—(a)a person is convicted of an offence
against this Act; and(b)the court finds
the prosecution has reasonably incurredcosts and
expenses in investigating the offence; and(c)the
prosecution applies for an order against the personfor
the payment of the costs and expenses.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1)(b),costsandexpensesininvestigating the offence may include costs
and expenses oftakinganysampleorconductinganyinspection,test,measurement or analysis during the
investigation.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
504](3)The court may order the person to pay
to the prosecution thereasonable costs and expenses incurred
by the prosecution if itissatisfieditwouldbejusttomaketheorderinthecircumstances of the particular
case.(4)Thissectiondoesnotlimitthecourt’spowersunderthePenalties and Sentences Act 1992or
any other law.Notauthorised—indicativeonly504Offences relating
to Great Barrier Reef World HeritageArea(1)This section applies if—(a)a person is convicted of an offence
against this Act; and(b)the commission
of the offence caused, or was likely tocause,environmentalharmtotheGreatBarrierReefWorld Heritage Area.(2)Insentencingthepersonfortheoffence,thecourtmustconsidertheenvironmentalharmcaused,orlikelytohavebeen caused, to
the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.Part 4Restraint orders505Restraint of contraventions of Act
etc.(1)AproceedingmaybebroughtintheCourtforanordertoremedy or restrain an offence against this
Act, or a threatenedor anticipated offence against this
Act, by—(a)the Minister; or(b)the
administering authority; or(c)someonewhoseinterestsareaffectedbythesubjectmatter of the
proceeding; or(d)someone else with the leave of the
Court (even thoughthepersondoesnothaveaproprietary,material,financial or special interest in the subject
matter of theproceeding).Page 468Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
505]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(2)In deciding whether or not to grant
leave to a person undersubsection (1)(d), the Court—(a)must be satisfied—(i)environmentalharmhasbeenorislikelytobecaused; and(ii)theproceedingwouldnotbeanabuseoftheprocess of the Court; and(iii)thereisarealorsignificantlikelihoodthattherequirements for the making of an
order under thissection would be satisfied; and(iv)itisinthepublicinterestthattheproceedingshould be
brought; and(v)the person has given written notice to
the Ministeror,iftheadministeringauthorityisalocalgovernment,theadministeringexecutive,askingtheMinisterorauthoritytobringaproceedingunder this
section and the Minister or executive hasfailed to act
within a time that is a reasonable timein the
circumstances; and(vi)thepersonisabletoadequatelyrepresentthepublicinterestintheconductoftheproceeding;and(b)mayhaveregardtoothermatterstheCourtconsidersrelevant to the person’s standing to bring
and maintainthe proceeding.(3)However,theCourtmustnotrefusetograntleavemerelybecausetheperson’sinterestinthesubjectmatteroftheproceeding is no different from
someone else’s interest in thesubject
matter.(4)The Court may grant leave subject to
conditions, including,for example—(a)a
condition requiring the person to give security for thepayment of costs of the proceeding that may
be awardedagainst the person; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 469
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
505]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)a condition
requiring the person to give an undertakingabout
damages.(5)If the Court is satisfied—(a)an offence against this Act has been
committed (whetheror not it has been prosecuted); or(b)anoffenceagainstthisActwillbecommittedunlessrestrained;theCourtmaymaketheordersitconsidersappropriatetoremedy or restrain the offence.(6)An order—(a)may
direct the defendant—(i)to stop an
activity that is or will be a contraventionof this Act;
or(ii)to do anything
required to comply with, or to ceasea contravention
of, this Act; and(b)may be in the terms the Court
considers appropriate tosecure compliance with this Act;
and(c)mustspecifythetimebywhichtheorderistobecomplied with;
and(d)may include an order for the defendant
to pay the costsreasonablyincurredbytheadministeringauthorityinmonitoringthedefendant’sactionsinrelationtotheoffence.(7)The
Court’s power to make an order to stop an activity may beexercised whether or not—(a)itappearstotheCourtthepersonagainstwhomtheorderismadeintendstoengage,ortocontinuetoengage, in the activity; or(b)the person has previously engaged in
an activity of thatkind; or(c)there is danger of substantial damage to the
environmentifthepersonengages,orcontinuestoengage,intheactivity.Page 470Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
506](8)The Court’s power to make an order to
do anything may beexercised whether or not—(a)itappearstotheCourtthepersonagainstwhomtheorder is made intends to fail, or to
continue to fail, to dothe thing; or(b)thepersonhaspreviouslyfailedtodoathingofthatkind; or(c)there is danger of substantial damage
to the environmentif the person fails, or continues to fail,
to do the thing.(9)Without limiting the powers of the
Court, the Court may makean order—(a)restraining the use of plant or equipment or
a place; or(b)requiringthedemolitionorremovalofplantorequipment, a structure or another thing;
Court must order a plaintiff to pay costs if the Court issatisfied the proceeding was brought for
obstruction or delay.(11)The Court’s
power under this section is in addition to its otherpowers.(12)Apersonwhocontravenesanordercommitsanoffenceagainst this
Act.Maximum penalty for subsection (12)—3,000
penalty units or2 years imprisonment.506Power
of Court to make order pending determination ofproceeding(1)Thissectionappliesifaproceedinghasbeenbroughtbyaperson in the
Court under section 505 and the Court has notdetermined the
proceeding.(2)On the person’s application, the Court
may make an order of akind mentioned in section 505 pending
determination of theCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
Court’s power to make an order to stop an activity may beexercised whether or not—(a)itappearstotheCourtthepersonagainstwhomtheorderismadeintendstoengage,ortocontinuetoengage, in the activity; or(b)the person has previously engaged in
an activity of thatkind; or(c)there is an imminent danger of substantial
damage to theenvironmentifthepersonengages,orcontinuestoengage, in the activity.(4)The
Court’s power to make an order to do anything may beexercised whether or not—(a)itappearstotheCourtthepersonagainstwhomtheorder is made intends to fail, or to
continue to fail, to dothe thing; or(b)thepersonhaspreviouslyfailedtodoathingofthatkind; or(c)there is an imminent danger of
substantial damage to theenvironment if the person fails, or
continues to fail, todo the thing.(5)The
Court’s power under this section is in addition to its otherpowers.(6)Apersonwhocontravenesanordercommitsanoffenceagainst this
Act.Maximum penalty for subsection (6)—3,000
penalty units or2 years imprisonment.Page 472Current as at [Not applicable]
5Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
507]Enforceable undertakingsNotauthorised—indicativeonly507Administering authority may accept
administering authority may accept a written undertaking(anenforceable undertaking)
made by a person in relation toa contravention
or alleged contravention by the person of thisAct, other than
an indictable offence.(2)An enforceable
undertaking must be—(a)in the approved
form; and(b)accompanied by the fee prescribed by
regulation.(3)Theadministeringauthoritymustgivethepersonwrittennotice of—(a)the
administering authority’s decision to accept or rejectthe
enforceable undertaking; and(b)the
reasons for the decision.(4)The
administering authority must not accept the enforceableundertakingunlesstheadministeringauthorityreasonablybelieves that
the undertaking will—(a)secure
compliance with the Act; and(b)enhance the protection of the
website.(6)Theadministeringauthoritymayacceptanenforceableundertakinginrelationtoacontraventionorallegedcontravention at
any time before any proceedings in relationto the
contravention end.(7)Iftheadministeringauthorityacceptsanenforceableundertaking
after proceedings in relation to the contraventionhavestarted,theadministeringauthoritymusttakeallCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
508]reasonable steps to have the proceedings
discontinued as soonas practicable.508Effect of enforceable undertaking(1)Anenforceableundertakingtakeseffectwhentheadministeringauthoritygivesthepersonwhomadetheundertaking notice of the decision to accept
the undertaking.(2)No proceedings for a contravention or
alleged contraventionof this Act may be taken against the
person in relation to thecontraventionthatisthesubjectoftheundertakingiftheperson is complying, or has complied,
with the undertaking.(3)The making of an
enforceable undertaking does not constitutean admission of
guilt by the person making the undertaking.509Withdrawal or variation of enforceable
undertaking(1)A person who has made an enforceable
undertaking may atanytime,withthewrittenagreementoftheadministeringauthority—(a)withdraw the undertaking; or(b)vary the undertaking.(2)However, the provisions of the
undertaking may not be variedto provide for a
different alleged contravention of the Act.(3)Theadministeringauthoritymustpublishnoticeofthewithdrawal or variation of an
enforceable undertaking on theadministering
authority’s website.510Amending enforceable undertaking—with
agreementTheadministeringauthoritymayamendanenforceableundertakingwiththewrittenagreementofthepersonwhomade the undertaking.Page
474Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
511]511Amending enforceable
undertaking—clerical or formalerrorsTheadministeringauthoritymayamendanenforceableundertaking to
correct a clerical or formal error if—(a)the
amendment does not adversely affect the interests ofthepersonwhomadetheundertakingoranyoneelse;and(b)thepersonhasbeengivenwrittennoticeoftheamendment.512Amending or suspending enforceable
undertaking—aftershow cause process(1)Theadministeringauthoritymayamendorsuspendanenforceableundertakingiftheadministeringauthorityissatisfied—(a)theundertakingwasacceptedrelyingonarepresentationordeclaration,madeeitherorallyorinwriting,thatwasfalseormisleadinginamaterialparticular;
or(b)theundertakingwasacceptedonthebasisofamiscalculation of—(i)theenvironmentalvaluesaffectedorlikelytobeaffected by the relevant activity;
or(ii)the quantity or
quality of contaminant permitted tobe released into
the environment; or(iii)the effects of
the release of a quantity or the qualityofcontaminantpermittedtobereleasedintotheenvironment; or(c)the
amendment or suspension is necessary or desirablebecauseofanenvironmentalaudit,investigationorreport under chapter7, part 2; or(d)the amendment or suspension is
necessary or desirablebecause of a significant change in the
way in which, orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
512]the extent to which, the relevant activity
is being carriedout that affects the likelihood of the
undertaking—(i)securing compliance with this Act;
or(ii)enhancing the
protection of the environment.(2)The
administering authority must give the person who madethe
undertaking a notice that states—(a)the
action that the administering authority proposes totake; and(b)if
the action is an amendment of the undertaking—theamendment; and(c)iftheactionisasuspensionoftheundertaking—theperiod of the
suspension; and(d)the grounds for taking the action;
why the action should not be taken; and(g)the
period, of at least 20 business days after the person isgiven the notice, within which the person
may make therepresentations.(3)Iftheadministeringauthorityproposestoamendtheenforceable undertaking, the notice must be
accompanied by acopy of the undertaking that shows the
the person makes within the period stated in thenotice.(5)If
the administering authority still believes a ground exists
totake the action, the authority may decide to
take the action.(6)Within10businessdaysaftermakingthatdecision,theadministering authority must give the
person an informationnotice about the decision.Page
476Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 10 Legal proceedings[s
513](7)If the administering authority, at any
time, decides not to takethe action, the administering
authority must promptly give theperson written
notice of the decision.513Contravention of
enforceable undertaking(1)Apersonmustnotcontraveneanenforceableundertakingmade by that
person that is in effect.Maximum penalty—(a)iftheoffenceiscommittedwilfully—6,250penaltyunits or 5 years imprisonment; or(b)otherwise—4,500 penalty units.(2)Regardless of whether the person is
prosecuted for an offenceagainst subsection (1), the
administering authority may applyto a Magistrates
Court for an order if the person contravenesthe enforceable
undertaking.(3)Ifthecourtissatisfiedthatthepersoncontravenedtheundertaking, the court, in addition to
imposing any penalty,may make 1 or both of the following
order discharging the undertaking.(4)Also,thecourtmaymakeanyotherorderthatthecourtconsiders
appropriate in the circumstances, including an orderdirecting the person to pay to the
administering authority—(a)the costs of the
proceedings; and(b)thereasonablecostsoftheadministeringauthorityinmonitoringcompliancewiththeenforceableundertaking in
the future.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 514]Chapter 11AdministrationNotauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 1Devolutions514Devolution of powers(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmay,byregulation,devolvetoalocal government
the administration and enforcement of—(a)the
whole or part of an environmental protection policy;or(b)the issue of
environmental authorities; or(c)another matter under this Act (other than
chapter 2 orchapter 7, part 8).(2)The
administration and enforcement of this Act for a matterrelating to an area below the high or low
water mark formingthe boundary of a local government’s area
may be devolved tothe local government.(3)On
the commencement of the regulation—(a)thelocalgovernmentbecomestheadministeringauthority for
the devolved matter; and(b)the local
government’s chief executive officer becomesthe
administering executive for the devolved matter; and(c)theadministrationandenforcementofthedevolvedmatter is a
function of local government to be performedby the local
government for its area.(4)Ifthedevolvedmatterrelatestoamattermentionedinsubsection (2),thelocalgovernment’sareais,forsubsection
(3)(c), taken to include the area to which the matterrelates.(5)To
remove any doubt, the local government may—(a)make
a resolution or local law (not inconsistent with thisAct)
about the fees payable to it for the devolved matter;andPage 478Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 515](b)make a local law (not inconsistent
with this Act) aboutanymatterforwhichitisnecessaryorconvenienttomake
provision for carrying out or giving effect to thedevolved matter.(6)Despitesubsection
(5)(a),alocalgovernmentmaymakearesolutionorlocallawprescribingadifferentfee,whetherhigher or lower,
for something for which a fee is prescribedunder a
regulation.(6A)Despitesubsection (5)(b),alocalgovernmentmaymakealocallaw,forcarryingoutorgivingeffecttothedevolvedmatter, that is inconsistent with a
regulation if the local lawimposes
requirements in relation to environmental nuisance.(7)Ifthechiefexecutiveissatisfiedthelocalgovernmenthasfailed to do anything in the administration
or enforcement ofthe devolved matter—(a)the
chief executive may do the thing; and(b)the
reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the chiefexecutive are a debt payable by the local
government tothe State.Part 2Delegations515Delegation by MinisterThe Minister may
delegate the Minister’s powers under thisAct to an
appropriately qualified public service officer.516Delegation by chief executive(1)Thechiefexecutivemaydelegatetheexecutive’spowersunder this Act as the chief executive
to—(a)an appropriately qualified—(i)authorised person; or(ii)public service
officer; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 517](b)a local government.(2)Adelegationofachiefexecutive’spowertoalocalgovernment may permit the subdelegation of
the power to anappropriately qualified entity.Notauthorised—indicativeonly517Delegation by
administering executive or localgovernment chief
executive officer(1)Thechiefexecutive’spowersunderthisActastheadministering executive may be delegated or
subdelegated inthesamewayasthechiefexecutive’spowersmaybedelegated or
subdelegated under section 516.(2)A
local government’s chief executive officer may delegate theofficer’s powers under this Act, as the
administering executiveorotherwise,toanappropriatelyqualifiedemployeeofthelocal government.(3)Adelegationundersubsection (2)ofapowerofalocalgovernment’s
chief executive officer to an employee of a localgovernmentmaypermitthesubdelegationofthepowertoanotherappropriatelyqualifiedemployeeofthelocalgovernment.518Delegation by administering authority(1)An administering authority may—(a)iftheauthorityisthechiefexecutive—delegatetheauthority’s powers under this Act to—(i)an authorised person or public service
officer; or(ii)a local
government; or(b)iftheauthorityisalocalgovernment—byresolution,delegatetheauthority’spowersunderthisActtoanappropriately qualified entity.(2)Adelegationofapowerasfollowsmaypermitthesubdelegationofthepowertoanappropriatelyqualifiedentity—Page 480Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 519](a)apowerofthechiefexecutive,astheadministeringauthority,
delegated to a local government;(b)apowerofalocalgovernmentastheadministeringauthority.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
3Review of decisions andappealsDivision 1Interpretation519Original decisions(1)A
decision mentioned in schedule 2 is anoriginal
decision.(2)Adecisionunderanenvironmentalprotectionpolicyorregulationthatthepolicyorregulationdeclarestobeadecision to which this part applies is also
anoriginal decision.520Dissatisfied person(1)Adissatisfied
person, for an original or review decision,
is—(a)if the decision is about an EIS or the
EIS process for anEIS—the relevant proponent under chapter 3,
part 1, forthe project to which the EIS relates;
or(b)ifthedecisionistorefusetoaccreditanERMP—theperson who
submitted it; or(c)ifthedecisionisaboutanapplicationforanenvironmentalauthorityorproposedPRCplanaccompanying the
application—the applicant; or(d)ifthedecisionisaboutanenvironmentalauthority,includingfinancialassurancefortheenvironmentalauthority,oraPRCPschedule—theholderoftheauthority or
schedule; or(e)if the decision is about an
application for registration ofa person as a
suitable operator—the applicant; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 481
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 520]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 482(f)if
the decision is about a registered suitable operator—the
operator; or(fa)if the decision
is about taking action after receiving anauditreportforanauditofaPRCPschedule—theholder of the
schedule; or(g)ifthedecisionistogiveanauditnoticeundersection 322 or
323—the recipient; or(h)if the decision
is to conduct an environmental audit orprepareanenvironmentalreportforanauditundersection
326—therelevantenvironmentalauthorityholder; or(i)ifthedecisionisaboutanERMPdirection,environmental
investigation or environmental protectionorder—the
recipient; or(j)ifthedecisionisaboutatransitionalenvironmentalprogram—the
holder of an approval for the program orperson or public
authority that is required to submit, orsubmits, the
program; or(ja)if the decision
is about a temporary emissions licence—(i)the
applicant for the licence; or(ii)the
holder of the licence; or(k)ifthedecisionistoissueadirectionnotice,clean-upnotice or cost
recovery notice—the recipient; or(l)if
the decision is about recording particulars of land in,or
removing particulars of land from, the environmentalmanagement register or contaminated land
register—theland’s owner; or(o)ifthedecisionisaboutasitemanagementplanforcontaminated land—(i)therecipientforthenoticetoprepareorcommission the site management plan, other
thanfor a decision under section 399; and(ii)the land’s
owner; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 520](iii)ifanotherpersonpreparesorcommissionstheplan—theotherperson,otherthanforadecisionunder section
399; or(p)if the decision is about erecting
signs on contaminatedland—the land’s owner; or(q)if the decision is about a disposal
permit—the applicantfor the permit; or(r)if
the decision is about an exemption under chapter 8,part
3F, division 3—the person applying for, or given,the
exemption; or(s)if the decision is to give a notice
under section 451(1)—the person to whom the notice is
given; or(t)if the decision is about an
application for approval as anauditorunderchapter12,part3A,division2—theapplicant; or(u)if
the decision is about an auditor—the auditor; or(v)ifthedecisionisaboutacomplaintunderchapter12,part3A,division5—thepersonwhomadethecomplaint; or(w)if
the decision is about a conversion application undersection 695—the applicant; or(x)ifthedecisionisadecisionunderanenvironmentalprotectionpolicyoraregulationthatthepolicyorregulation declares to be a decision to
which this partapplies—thepersondeclaredunderthepolicyorregulation to be a dissatisfied person for
the decision.(2)A submitter for an application is also
adissatisfied personifthe
decision is about—(a)a site-specific application for an
environmental authorityfor a petroleum activity; or(b)an amendment application under chapter
5, part 7 for anenvironmentalauthorityforaresourceactivity,otherthan
a mining activity; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 521](c)the submission of a transitional
environmental programto which section 335 applies.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Internal review
of decisions521Procedure for review(1)A dissatisfied person may apply for a
review of an originaldecision.(2)The
application must—(a)bemadeintheapprovedformtotheadministeringauthority
within—(i)10 business days after the day on
which the personreceivesnoticeoftheoriginaldecisionortheadministering authority is taken to
have made thedecision (thereview
date); or(ii)thelongerperiodtheauthorityinspecialcircumstances
allows; and(b)besupportedbyenoughinformationtoenabletheauthority to decide the application.(3)On or before making the application,
the applicant must sendthe following documents to the other
persons who were givennotice of the original
decision—(a)notice of the application (thereview notice);(b)a copy of the application and
supporting documents.(4)The review
notice must inform the recipient that submissionson
the application may be made to the administering authoritywithin5businessdays(thesubmissionperiod)aftertheapplication is made to the authority.(5)Iftheadministeringauthorityissatisfiedtheapplicanthascompliedwithsubsections (2)and(3),theauthoritymust,within the decision period—(a)review the original decision;
andPage 484Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 521]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)consider any submissions properly made
by a recipientof the review notice; and(c)make a decision (thereview decision) to—(i)confirm or revoke the original
decision; or(ii)varytheoriginaldecisioninawaytheadministering authority considers
appropriate.(6)The application does not stay the
original decision.(7)The application must not be dealt with
by—(a)the person who made the original
decision; or(b)apersoninalessseniorofficethanthepersonwhomade
the original decision.(8)Within 10
business days after making the review decision, theadministeringauthoritymustgivewrittennoticeofthedecision to the
applicant and persons who were given noticeof the original
decision.(9)The notice must—(a)include the reasons for the review decision;
and(b)inform the persons of their right of
appeal against thedecision.(10)Iftheadministeringauthoritydoesnotcomplywithsubsection (5)or(8),theauthorityistakentohavemadeadecision confirming the original
(7)appliesdespitetheActsInterpretationAct1954, section
27A.(12)This section
does not apply to an original decision made by—(a)foramatter,theadministrationandenforcementofwhichhasbeendevolvedtoalocalgovernment—thelocal government
itself or the chief executive officer ofthe local
government personally; or(b)for another
matter—the chief executive personally.(13)Also,thissectiondoesnotapplytoanoriginaldecisiontoissue a clean-up notice.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 522](14)In this
section—decision periodmeans—(a)ifasubmissionisreceivedwithinthesubmissionperiod—15businessdaysaftertheadministeringauthority
receives the application; or(b)ifnosubmissionsarereceivedwithinthesubmissionperiod—10businessdaysaftertheadministeringauthority
receives the application.522Stay of operation
of particular original decisions(1)If
an application is made for review of an original decisionmentionedinschedule 2,part1or2,theapplicantmayimmediately apply for a stay of the decision
to—(a)foranoriginaldecisionmentionedinschedule 2,part1—the Land Court; or(b)foranoriginaldecisionmentionedinschedule 2,part2—the Court.(2)The
Land Court or the Court may stay the decision to securetheeffectivenessofthereviewandanylaterappealtotheLand Court or
the Court.(3)AstaymaybegivenonconditionstheLandCourtortheCourtconsidersappropriateandhaseffectfortheperiodstated by the
Land Court or the Court.(4)The period of a
stay must not extend past the time when theadministeringauthorityreviewsthedecisionandanylaterperiodtheLandCourtortheCourtallowstheapplicanttoenable the applicant to appeal against the
review decision.(5)This section applies subject to
sections 522A and 522B.522AStay of decision
about financial assurance(1)This section
applies to an application under section 522 for astayofadecisionabouttheamountoffinancialassurancerequired under a condition of an
environmental authority.Page 486Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 522B](2)Thedecisionmaynotbestayedunlesstheadministeringauthorityhasbeengivensecurityforatleast75%oftheamountoffinancialassurancethatwasdecidedbytheadministering authority.522BStay of particular decisions if
unacceptable risk ofenvironmental harm(1)This
section applies to an application under section 522 for astay
of a decision—(a)to ask the scheme manager for a
payment of costs andexpenses under section 316G; or(b)to make a claim on or realise an EPA
assurance undersection 316G; or(c)to
issue an environmental protection order under section358;
or(2)TheLandCourtortheCourtmustrefusetheapplicationifsatisfiedtherewouldbeanunacceptableriskofseriousormaterial environmental harm if the stay were
granted.522CEffect of stay of ERC decision(1)This section applies if an ERC
decision is stayed.(2)Despite the stay the decision remains
in effect for section 297andtheMineralandEnergyResources(FinancialProvisioning)
Act 2018.(3)However,iftheholderoftheenvironmentalauthorityinrelation to which the ERC decision has
been made is requiredtogiveasuretyundertheMineralandEnergyResources(FinancialProvisioning)Act2018,theholderisonlyrequired, during
the period of the stay, to give a surety of 75%of the amount
required.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 523]Division 3AppealsSubdivision 1Appeals to Land
Court523Review decisions subject to Land Court
appealThis subdivision applies if the
administering authority makesareviewdecisionforanoriginaldecisionmentionedinschedule 2, part 1.524Right of appealAdissatisfiedpersonwhoisdissatisfiedwiththereviewdecision may
appeal against the decision to the Land Court.525Appeal period(1)The
appeal must be started within 22 business days after theappellant receives notice of the review
decision.(2)However, the Land Court may at any
time extend the time forstarting the appeal.526Land Court mediation(1)Any party to the appeal may, at any
time before the appeal isdecided, ask the Land Court to conduct
or provide mediationfor the appeal.(2)ThemediationmustbeconductedbytheLandCourtoramediator chosen
by the Land Court.527Nature of appealThe appeal is by
way of rehearing, unaffected by the reviewdecision.Page
488Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 528]528Land Court’s powers for appealIn
deciding the appeal, the Land Court has the same powers asthe
administering authority.Notauthorised—indicativeonly529Effect of stay on particular
decisionsIf a review decision relating to an ERC
decision is stayed, thedecision remains in effect for section
297.530Decision for appeals(1)In deciding the appeal, the Land Court
may—(a)confirm the review decision; or(b)set aside the decision and substitute
another decision; or(c)setasidethedecisionandreturnthemattertotheadministeringauthoritywhomadethedecision,withdirections the Land Court considers
appropriate.(2)In setting aside or substituting the
decision, the Land Courthasthesamepowersastheauthorityunlessotherwiseexpressly stated.(3)However, this part does not apply to a power
exercised undersubsection (2).(4)If
the Land Court substitutes another decision, the substituteddecision is taken for this Act, other than
this subdivision, to bethe authority’s decision.Subdivision 2Appeals to
Court531Who may appeal(1)Adissatisfiedpersonwhoisdissatisfiedwithareviewdecision may
appeal against the decision to the Court.(2)However, the following review decisions can
not be appealedagainst to the Court—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 489
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 532](a)a review decision to which subdivision
1 applies;(b)areviewdecisionthatrelatestoanoriginaldecisionmentioned in schedule 2, part 3.(3)The chief executive may appeal against
another administeringauthority’s decision (whether an
original or review decision)to the
521doesnotapplymayappealagainst the
decision to the Court.532How to start
appeal(1)An appeal is started by—(a)filing written notice of appeal with
the registrar of theCourt; and(b)complying with rules of court applicable to
the appeal.(2)The notice of appeal must be
filed—(a)iftheappellantisthechiefexecutive—within33business days after the decision is made or
taken to havebeen made; or(b)iftheappellantisnotthechiefexecutive—within22business days after the day the appellant
receives noticeofthedecisionorthedecisionistakentohavebeenmade.(3)TheCourtmayatanytime
extendtheperiodforfilingthenotice of appeal.(4)The
notice of appeal must state fully the grounds of the appealand
the facts relied on.533Appellant to give notice of appeal to
other parties(1)Within 8 business days after filing
the notice of appeal, theappellant must serve notice of the
appeal on—Page 490Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 534](a)if the appellant is the chief
executive—all persons whowere given notice of the original
decision; or(b)iftheappellantisnotthechiefexecutive—theotherpersons who were given notice of the
original decision.(2)The notice must inform the persons
that, within 10 businessdays after service of the notice of
appeal, they may elect tobecomearespondenttotheappealbyfilingintheCourtanotice of election under rules of
court.534Persons may elect to become
respondents to appealA person who properly files in the
Court a notice of electionbecomes a respondent to the
appeal.535Stay of operation of decisions(1)The Court may grant a stay of a
decision appealed against tosecure the
effectiveness of the appeal.(2)AstaymaybegrantedonconditionstheCourtconsidersappropriate and has effect for the period
stated by the Court.(3)The period of a
stay must not extend past the time when theCourt decides
the appeal.(4)An appeal against a decision does not
affect the operation orcarrying out of the decision unless
the decision is stayed.(5)This section
applies subject to sections 535A to 535C.535AStay
of decision to issue a clean-up notice(1)This
section applies to an application under section 535 for astay
of a decision to issue a clean-up notice.(2)In
deciding the application, the Court must have regard to—(a)thequantityandqualityofcontaminationoftheenvironmentthatislikelytobecausedifthestayisgranted; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 491
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 535B](b)theproximityoftheplaceatorfromwhichthecontaminationincidentishappeningorhappenedtoaplace with environmental values that
may be adverselyaffected by the contamination.535BStay of decision about financial
assurance(1)This section applies to an application
under section 535 for astayofadecisionabouttheamountoffinancialassurancerequired under a condition of an
environmental authority.(2)Thedecisionmaynotbestayedunlesstheadministeringauthorityhasbeengivensecurityforatleast75%oftheamountoffinancialassurancethatwasdecidedbytheadministering authority.535CStay of decision to issue
environmental protection order(1)This
section applies to an application under section 535 for astay
of a decision to issue an environmental protection order.(2)The Court must refuse the application
if satisfied there wouldbe an unacceptable risk of serious or
material environmentalharm if the stay were granted.536Hearing procedures(1)The
procedure for an appeal is to be in accordance with therules of court applicable to the appeal or,
if the rules make noprovisionorinsufficientprovision,inaccordancewithdirections of the judge.(2)Anappealisbywayofrehearing,unaffectedbytheadministering authority’s
decision.537AssessorsIf the judge
hearing an appeal is satisfied the appeal involves aquestionofspecialknowledgeandskill,thejudgemayPage
492Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 538]appoint 1 or more assessors to help the
judge in deciding theappeal.538Appeals may be heard with planning
appeals(1)This section applies if—(a)apersonappealsagainstanadministeringauthority’sdecision
(whether an original or review decision)—(i)to
refuse to accredit an ERMP; or(ii)aboutanapplicationforanenvironmentalauthority for a
prescribed ERA; and(b)apersonappealsagainsttheassessmentmanager’sdecisionunderthePlanningActaboutaplanningordevelopmentmatterforthepremisestowhichtheERMP
or the application for the authority relates.(2)The
Court may order—(a)the appeals to be heard together or 1
immediately afterthe other; or(b)1
appeal to be stayed until the other has been decided.(3)Thissectionapplieseventhoughtheparties,oralloftheparties, to the appeals are not the
same.539Powers of Court on appeal(1)In deciding an appeal, the Court
may—(a)confirm the decision appealed against;
or(b)vary the decision appealed against;
or(c)setasidethedecisionappealedagainstandmakeadecision in substitution for the decision
set aside.(2)If on appeal the Court acts under
subsection (1)(b) or (c), thedecision is
taken, for this Act (other than this part), to be thatof
the administering authority.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 493
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 540]Part
4GeneralNotauthorised—indicativeonly540Registers to be
kept by administering authority(1)The
administering authority must, for its administration underthis
Act, keep a register of the following—(a)for
chapter 5, the following—(i)environmental
environmental authorities;(iii)suspended or
cancelled environmental authorities;(iv)PRC
plans;(v)audit reports of PRCP
schedules;(vi)PRCPschedulesthatarenolongerineffectbecausetheenvironmentalauthorityforcarryingout activities
on land to which the schedule relateshas been
cancelled or surrendered;(vii)submitted plans
of operations;(viii) ERC decisions for environmental
authorities;(ix)annual returns
required under section 316I(2) andanyevaluationrequiredundersection316Jor316K;(x)informationnoticesgivenundersection311,314(1) or 315(5);(aa)applicationdocumentsforanapplicationforanenvironmentalauthorityoramendmentofanenvironmental authority, including
information requestsand responses to information
documents for a proposed PRC plan or anamendment of a
PRCP schedule, including informationrequests and
responses to information requests;(b)forchapter7,part2—environmentalevaluationsandenvironmental reports;Page 494Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 540A](c)monitoring programs carried out
under—(i)this Act; or(ii)adevelopmentconditionofadevelopmentapproval;(d)theresultsofmonitoringprogramsmentionedinparagraph (c);(e)transitional environmental programs;(ea)temporary
emissions licences;(eb)documents
required to be given under—(i)a
condition of an environmental authority; or(ii)atransitionalenvironmentalprogramoracondition of a
transitional environmental program;or(iii)a condition of a
temporary emissions licence;(f)environmental protection orders;(g)direction notices;(h)clean-up notices;(i)cost
recovery notices;(j)authorised persons;(ja)accepted
enforceable undertakings;(k)otherdocumentsorinformationprescribedunderregulation.(2)Areferencetoadocumentinsubsection (1)includesareference to any amendment of the
document made under thisAct.540ARegisters to be kept by chief
executive(1)The chief executive must keep a
register of the following—(a)for chapter 3,
the following—(i)submitted draft terms of reference for
EISs;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 540A](ii)written
summaries of comments given to the chiefexecutive about
draft terms of reference for EISs;(iii)finaltermsofreferencepublishedbythechiefexecutive;(iv)submitted EISs;(v)EIS
assessment reports;(b)for chapter 4A—(i)ERMP
directions; and(ii)accredited
ERMPs;(c)for chapter 5A, the following—(i)eligibilitycriteriaforenvironmentallyrelevantactivities;(ii)standard conditions;(iii)codes of practice;(iv)suitable operators;(v)suspended or cancelled registrations;(d)for chapter 7, part 8—(i)an environmental management register;
and(ii)a contaminated
land register;(e)for chapter 12, part 1—(i)guidelines made by the Minister;
and(ii)guidelines made
by the chief executive;(f)for chapter 12,
part 3A—auditors;(g)otherdocumentsorinformationprescribedunderregulation.(2)Areferencetoadocumentinsubsection (1)includesareference to any amendment of the
document made under thisAct.Page 496Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 541]541Keeping of registers(1)Thissectionappliesifthechiefexecutiveoradministeringauthority(therelevantentity)isrequiredtokeeparegisterunder section
540 or 540A.(2)If the relevant entity considers it
impracticable to include adocument in a register, it may include
details of the documentin the register instead of the
document.(3)However, if the register only includes
details of a document—(a)therelevantentitymustkeepthedocumentopenforpublic inspection in the way required
of a register undersection 542; and(b)section 542appliestothedocumentasifitwereincluded in a
register.(4)If particulars of any land are
recorded in the environmentalmanagement
register or contaminated land register, they mustinclude the real property description of the
land.(5)Subject to subsections (2) to (4), the
relevant entity may keepa register in the way it considers
appropriate, including, forexample, on a
website.542Inspection of register(1)Therelevantentitymust,foraregistermentionedinsection 540(1)or540A(1),otherthantheenvironmentalmanagement
register or contaminated land register—(a)keep
the register open for inspection by members of thepublicduringofficehoursonbusinessdaysattheentity’s
relevant office for the administration of this Act;and(b)permit a person
to take extracts from the register or, onpaymentoftheappropriatefeebyaperson,givetheperson a copy of the register, or part of
it.(2)The fee for a copy of the register or
part of it is the amountthat—(a)the
relevant entity considers to be reasonable; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 497
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 543](b)is not more than the reasonable cost
of making the copy.(3)The chief executive must, on payment
of the fee prescribedunderaregulation,permitmembersofthepublictoobtainextractsfromtheenvironmentalmanagementregisterorcontaminated land register.Notauthorised—indicativeonly543Appropriate fee
for copies(1)Thissectionappliesif,underthisAct,theadministeringauthority or
other entity must, on payment of the appropriatefee
to the entity, give a person a copy of a document, or a partof a
document.(2)Thefeeforthecopyofthedocumentorpartofitistheamount that is the lesser of the
following—(a)for the chief executive—the amount the
chief executivedecides is reasonable;(b)otherwise—theamounttheadministeringauthoritydecides is reasonable;(c)theamountthatisnomorethanthereasonablecostincurred by the authority or other entity in
making thecopy and giving it to the person.(3)Despite subsection (2) or any other
provision of this Act, theauthority or other entity may give the
document without thepayment.(4)In
this section—documentdoesnotincludethefollowingregistersoranextract from the
registers—(a)the environmental management
register;(b)the contaminated land register.544Approved forms(1)The
administering executive may approve forms for use underthis
Act.Page 498Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 545](2)AformmaybeapprovedforuseunderthisActthatiscombined with, or is to be used together
with, an approvedform under another Act.Notauthorised—indicativeonly545Advisory committees(1)The Minister may establish as many
advisory committees astheMinisterconsidersappropriatefortheadministrationofthis
Act.(2)AnadvisorycommitteehasthefunctionstheMinisterdecides.(3)A member of an advisory committee is
entitled to be paid thefees and allowances decided by the
Governor in Council.546Chief executive may require
administering authority toreport(1)Thechiefexecutivemay,bywrittennotice,requireanadministering authority to give to the chief
executive a reporton its administration of this Act.(2)Subsection (1)doesnotapplyifthechiefexecutiveistheadministering
authority.(3)The written notice must state—(a)the information to be included in the
report; and(b)when the report is to be given to the
chief executive.(4)Ifanadministeringauthorityisgivenanoticeundersubsection (1), the authority must comply
with the notice.546AChief executive to provide annual
report(1)Within 4 months after the end of each
financial year, the chiefexecutivemustgivetotheMinisterareportontheadministration of this Act for the
year.(2)The chief executive’s report must
include a statement aboutrequestsreceivedbytheMinistertoprepareenvironmentalCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 499
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 11 Administration[s 547]protectionpoliciesandabriefstatementofthereasonsforrefusing any request.(3)Anadministeringauthority’sreportgiventothechiefexecutive under
section 546 for the preceding financial yearmust be attached
to the chief executive’s report.(4)The
Minister must table a copy of the chief executive’s reportintheLegislativeAssemblywithin14sittingdaysafterreceiving
it.547State of environment report(1)At least every 4 years, the chief
executive must prepare andpublish a report on the state of
Queensland’s environment.(2)The report
must—(a)include an assessment of the condition
of Queensland’smajor environmental resources; and(b)identify significant trends in
environmental values; and(c)review
significant programs, activities and achievementsof
persons and public authorities about the protection,restorationorenhancementofQueensland’senvironment;
and(d)evaluatetheefficiencyandeffectivenessofenvironmentalstrategiesimplementedtoachievetheobject of this Act.(3)The
Minister must table a copy of the report in the LegislativeAssembly within 14 sitting days after
receiving it.Page 500Current as at
[Not applicable]
Chapter 12Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 548]MiscellaneousNotauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
executive may make guidelines for administeringauthorities(1)The
chief executive may make guidelines about—(a)howanadministeringauthoritycomplieswitharegulatory requirement; or(b)when an administering authority may
accept enforceableundertakings.(2)The
administering authority must follow any guidelines madeby
the chief executive.(3)Before making a
guideline, the chief executive must consultwiththepersonsorentitiesthechiefexecutiveconsidersappropriate.(4)Ifaguidelineismade,thechiefexecutivemustnotifythemaking of the guideline in the
gazette.548AGuidelines about issuing particular
environmentalprotection orders(1)The
chief executive may make guidelines about—(a)howtheadministeringauthoritydecidesundersection363AB whether a
person has a relevant connection witha company;
and(b)inrelationtoacompanytowhichsection363ACor363ADapplies,howtheadministeringauthoritydecides—(i)whethertoissueanyenvironmentalprotectionorders to
related persons of the company; and(ii)if
so, which of the related persons of the companyto issue with an
order.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 549](2)A guideline under this section takes
effect when it is approvedby regulation.549Chief
executive may make guidelines to inform persons(1)The
chief executive may make guidelines to inform personsabout—(a)matters to be addressed in a draft terms of
reference foran EIS submitted under section 41; or(b)matters to be considered in making
standard conditionsunder chapter 5A, part 2; or(c)the qualifications and experience that
may be relevant tosuitablyqualifiedpersonsperformingregulatoryfunctions;
or(d)another matter the chief executive
considers appropriatefor the administration of this
Act.(2)Before making a guideline, the chief
executive must consultwiththepersonsorentitiesthechiefexecutiveconsidersappropriate.(3)Ifaguidelineismade,thechiefexecutivemustnotifythemaking of the guideline in the
gazette.550Chief executive may make guidelines
for particularmatters under ch 5(1)The
chief executive may make guidelines to provide guidanceto
persons about matters relating to—(a)theinformationrequiredundersection126C(1)(j),286(d),
298(2)(d), 309(3)(b) or 312(2)(d); or(b)the
methodology mentioned in section 298(2)(c).(2)Theguidelinesmaybeamendedorreplacedbyalaterguideline made
under this section.Page 502Current as at
[Not applicable]
2Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 552]General provisions aboutapplications and
submissionsNotauthorised—indicativeonly552When documents are served(1)DespitetheActsInterpretationAct1954,section 39A(1),ifthis
Act requires or permits a document to be served by post,service—(a)may
be effected by properly addressing, prepaying andposting the document as a letter; and(b)is taken to have been effected at the
time at which theletter is posted.(2)Subsection (1)applieswhethertheexpression‘deliver’,‘give’,‘notify’,‘send’or‘serve’oranotherexpressionisused.553Electronic applications and
submissions(1)This section applies if—(a)thisActrequiresanapplicationorsubmissiontobemade in an approved form; and(b)theformprovidesthattheapplicationorsubmissionmay be made at a
stated email address.(2)The application
or submission may be made by electronicallytransmitting to
the email address the information required bytheapprovedforminaformatsubstantiallysimilartotheapproved
form.554Electronic notices about applications
and submissions(1)This section applies if an application
or submission has beenmade in an approved form, whether or
not it has been madeunder section 553.(2)AnoticefromtheapplicanttotheadministeringauthorityabouttheapplicationorsubmissionmaybegivenbyCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 558]electronically transmitting it to any email
address for servicefor the authority stated in the approved
form.(3)Anoticefromtheauthorityoranyoneelsetotheapplicantabouttheapplicationorsubmissionmaybegivenbyelectronically transmitting it to any email
address for servicefor the applicant stated in the
application.(4)In this section—applicant,
for a TEP submission, means the person or publicauthority that made the submission.TEP
submissionmeans a submission for approval of, or
anapprovalofanamendmentto,atransitionalenvironmentalprogram.558Publication of decision or document by
administeringauthority(1)ThissectionappliesifaprovisionofthisActrequirestheadministering authority to publish a
decision or document.(2)The publication
may be made by placing a link to a record orregister of the
decision or to the document on the authority’swebsite on the
internet.(3)However, if a regulation requires the
decision or document tobe published in another way, it must
be published in that way.(4)The decision or
document may also be published in any otherway decided by
the chief executive.(5)In this
register.Page 504Current as at
[Not applicable]
3Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 564]Suitably qualified personsNotauthorised—indicativeonly564Definitions for pt 3In
this part—regulatory functionmeans—(a)conducting a site investigation under
chapter 7, part 8;or(b)preparing a
validation report under chapter 7, part 8; or(c)preparingadraftsitemanagementplanordraftamendment of a
site management plan under chapter 7,part 8;
or(d)another function prescribed under a
regulation.suitablyqualifiedperson,forperformingaregulatoryfunction, means
a person who—(a)has qualifications and experience
relevant to performingthe function; and(b)ifaregulationprescribesanorganisationforthisparagraph—is a
member of the organisation.565Only suitably
qualified person can perform regulatoryfunctionsA
regulatory function may only be performed by a suitablyqualified person.Note—Under section 549(1)(c), the chief executive
may make guidelines toinform persons about the
qualifications and experience that may berelevant to
suitably qualified person performing a regulatory function.566Declaration to accompany
document(1)This section applies if a document
about a regulatory functionis prepared by a
suitably qualified person and submitted to theadministering
authority.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 567](2)The document must be accompanied by a
declaration by theperson stating all of the following—(a)the person’s qualifications and
experience relevant to thefunction;(b)thatthepersonhasnotknowinglyincludedfalse,misleading or
incomplete information in the document;(c)that
the person has not knowingly failed to reveal anyrelevant information or document to the
administeringauthority;(d)thedocumentaddressestherelevantmattersforthefunction and is
factually correct;(e)the opinions expressed in the document
are honestly andreasonably held.Part 3AAuditorsDivision 1Preliminary567Who
is anauditorAn individual is
anauditorif the
individual is approved as anauditor under
division 2.568Auditor’s functionsAnauditormay,subjecttothetermsofanapprovalunderdivision 2—(a)conductenvironmentalauditsandprepareenvironmental
reports about audits under chapter 7, part2, division 2;
investigation document under chapter 7, part 8; andPage
506Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 569](c)auditorevaluateanothermatterorthingprescribedunderaregulationandprepareareportorwrittencertification
about the audit or evaluation.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Obtaining
approval as auditor569Who may applyAn individual
may apply to the chief executive for approval asan
auditor.570Requirements for applicationAn
application for approval as an auditor must—(a)be
made in the approved form; and(b)statethefunctionsproposedtobeperformedbytheapplicant;
and(c)be accompanied by the prescribed fee;
and(d)state whether the applicant holds
professional indemnityinsurance; and(e)statewhethertheapplicanthasbeenconvictedofanoffence under
this Act; and(f)include other information required to
be included in theapplication under a guideline—(i)made by the chief executive;
and(ii)prescribed under
a regulation.571Deciding application(1)Thechiefexecutivemust,within30businessdaysafterreceiving the
application, decide to—(a)approve the
application; or(b)approve the application subject to
conditions; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 572](c)refuse the application.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1)(b),anapprovalmaybesubject to a condition that limits the
functions the auditor mayperform to a stated type of
function.Notauthorised—indicativeonly572Criteria for
decisionIndecidingtheapplication,thechiefexecutivemustconsider—(a)the application; and(b)whether the applicant—(i)hasqualificationsandexperiencerelevanttoperforming the functions of an
auditor; and(ii)is a member of
an organisation prescribed under aregulation;
and(iii)has demonstrated
knowledge of—(A)the Act; and(B)another Act the chief executive considers
isrelevanttoperformingthefunctionsofanauditor; and(iv)has
professional indemnity insurance; and(v)has
committed an offence under this Act; and(vi)hascommittedanoffenceunderanotherActinvolving misleading or fraudulent conduct;
and(vii) has been appointed or approved as an
auditor undera corresponding law.573Notice of decision(1)The
chief executive must, within 10 business days after thedecisionismade,givetheapplicantwrittennoticeofthedecision.(2)The
notice must—Page 508Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 574](a)ifthedecisionistoapprovetheapplication—beaccompanied by a
certificate of approval; and(b)ifthedecisionistorefusetheapplication—statethereasons for the decision.574Term of approvalAnapprovalremainsinforceforthetermstatedintheapproval, unless
it is earlier cancelled or suspended.Division 3Performance of auditor’s functions574AWho may perform auditor’s
functions(1)A function mentioned in section 568
may be performed onlyby—(a)the
administering authority; or(b)an
auditor whose approval under division 2 allows theauditor to perform the function.(2)However, an auditor must not perform a
function mentionedin section 568 if the auditor has a direct
or indirect financialinterestinamatterorthingrelevanttotheexerciseofthefunction, other
than any fee paid to the auditor for performingthe
function.Maximum penalty for subsection (2)—100
penalty units.574BAuditor must comply with
approvalAn auditor must comply with the conditions
of any approvalgivenundersection 571(1)(b),unlesstheauditorhasareasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 574BA]574BA
Administering authority may recover costs or expenses(1)Thissectionappliesifapersonaskstheadministeringauthoritytoperformanauditor’sfunctionmentionedinsection 568.(2)The
administering authority may recover from the person theauthority’sreasonablecostsorexpensesinperformingthefunction.574CReport and declaration to accompany
document(1)This section applies if—(a)anauditorpreparesareportorcertificationaboutanaudit or evaluation; and(b)adocumentabouttheauditorevaluationmustbesubmitted to the administering
authority.(2)The document must be accompanied by a
copy of the report orcertificationandadeclarationbytheauditorstatingthefollowing—(a)the
person’s qualifications and experience relevant to theaudit or evaluation;(b)thatthepersonhasnotknowinglyincludedfalse,misleadingorincompleteinformationinthereportorcertification;(c)that
the person has not knowingly failed to reveal anyrelevant information or document to the
declaration must also state that—(a)the
report or certification addresses the relevant mattersfor
the audit or evaluation and is factually correct; and(b)the opinions expressed in it are
honestly and reasonablyheld.Page 510Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 4Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 574D]Suspension or cancellation ofapproval574DGrounds for suspension or
cancellationEach of the following is a ground for
suspending or cancellingan auditor’s approval—(a)the auditor has contravened a
condition of the approval;(b)the auditor has
not complied with a code of conduct forauditorsmadebythechiefexecutiveandprescribedunder a
regulation;(c)the auditor has been convicted of an
offence under thisAct;(d)theauditorhasbeenconvictedofanoffenceunderanother Act
involving misleading or fraudulent conduct;(e)theauditordoesnothavethenecessaryexpertiseorexperience to perform the auditor’s
honestly, fairly or diligently.574EShow
cause notice(1)If the chief executive believes a
ground exists to suspend orcancel the
approval, the chief executive must give the auditora
written notice under this section (ashow cause
notice).(2)The show cause
notice must state the following—(a)the
action the chief executive proposes taking under thisdivision (theproposed
action);(b)the grounds for
the proposed action;(c)anoutlineofthefactsandcircumstancesformingthebasis for the grounds;(d)if the proposed action is suspension
of the approval—the proposed suspension period;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 574F](e)that the auditor may, within a stated
period (theshowcause
period), make written representations to the
chiefexecutive to show why the proposed action
should notbe taken.(3)Theshowcauseperiodmustendatleast15businessdaysafter the auditor is given the show cause
notice.574FRepresentations about show cause
notice(1)The auditor may make written
representations about the showcause notice to
the chief executive in the show cause period.(2)Thechiefexecutivemustconsiderallrepresentationsmadeunder subsection (1).574GSuspension or cancellation(1)Afterconsideringanyrepresentations,thechiefexecutivemay—(a)iftheproposedactionwastosuspendtheapproval—suspend the
approval for not longer than the proposedsuspension
period; or(b)iftheproposedactionwastocanceltheapproval—cancel the
approval or suspend it for a period.(2)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidestotakeactionundersubsection (1),
the chief executive must give an informationnotice about the
decision to the auditor.(3)The decision
takes effect on the later of the following—(a)the
day the information notice is given to the auditor;(b)the day stated in the information
notice for that purpose.Page 512Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 5ComplaintsEnvironmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 574H]574HWho may make a complaint(1)A person may make a complaint to the
chief executive that agroundexistsundersection
574Dforsuspendingorcancelling an auditor’s approval.(2)Thecomplaintmustbewrittenandstatetheparticularsonwhich it is based.574IWhat
happens after a complaint is made(1)Assoonaspracticableafterthechiefexecutivereceivesacomplaint, the chief executive must consider
and investigatethe complaint.(2)Afterconsideringandinvestigatingthe
complaint,the chiefexecutive must
decide—(a)to accept the complaint for action
under division 4; or(b)to not take
action on the complaint under division 4.574JNotice of decision(1)Within10businessdaysaftermakingadecisionundersection 574I(2), the chief executive must
give written noticeof the decision to the complainant.(2)If the decision is not to take action
under division 4, the noticegiventothecomplainantmuststatethereasonsforthedecision.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 513
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 574K]Division 6MiscellaneousNotauthorised—indicativeonly574KObligation to
keep certificate of approvalApersongivenacertificateofapprovalundersection 573(2)(a) must keep the certificate
for the term of theapproval, unless the person has a reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.574LImpersonation of auditorA
person must not pretend to be an auditor.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.574MFalse or
misleading information about reports orcertification(1)Anauditormustnot,inperformingtheauditor’sfunctions,make a report or
provide a certification that the auditor knowsis false or
misleading in a material particular.Maximumpenalty—4,500penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)Itisenoughforacomplaintforanoffenceagainstsubsection (1)
to state the report or certification was ‘false ormisleading’totheauditor’sknowledge,withoutspecifyingwhich.Part
4Entry to land to comply withenvironmental requirement575Entry orders(1)This
section applies if an environmental requirement requiresapersontoconductworkinrelationtolandtowhichtherequirement relates (theprimary
land).Page 514Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 575](2)The person may apply to a Magistrates
Court for an order (anentry order) to
enter—(a)the primary land; or(b)other land (access
land) that is necessary or desirable tocross to enter the primary land.(3)Theapplicationmuststatefullythegroundsonwhichtheentry order is sought.(4)The
applicant must serve a copy of the application on—(a)the owner of the primary land and any
access land; and(b)if the owner of the primary land or
any access land is notthe occupier of that land—the
occupier.(5)The court may make an entry order only
if it is satisfied it isnecessary and reasonable to comply
with the environmentalrequirement.(6)However,thecourtmustnotmakeanentryorderthatauthorises entry
to a building used for residential purposes.(7)Unless the court otherwise orders, an entry
order remains inforce until the environmental requirement is
complied with.(8)An entry order must state each of the
following—(a)thattheapplicantmay,withnecessaryandreasonablehelp—(i)enter the primary land to conduct work
to complywith a stated environmental requirement;
and(ii)crossanyaccesslandtoentertheprimarylandunder subparagraph (i);(b)the
hours of the day when an entry under paragraph (a)may
be made;(c)thenatureoftheworkthatmaybeconductedontheprimary land;(d)ifthecourthasmadeanorderundersubsection (7)—when the entry
order ends;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 576](e)ifthecourthasnotmadeanorderundersubsection (7)—thattheentryorderremainsinforceuntil the
environmental requirement has been compliedwith.(9)An entry order may be made with other
conditions.(10)Without limiting
subsection (9), a condition may—(a)requiresecuritytobegivenforthebenefitofanyonewho might suffer
a cost, damage or loss because of theexercise or
purported exercise of a power under an entryorder;
and(b)provide for how and when the security
may be releasedor used.576Procedure for entry under entry order(1)This section applies if—(a)a person (theentering
person) is intending to enter landunder an entry order; and(b)an occupier is present on the
land.(2)Before entering the land, the entering
person must do or makea reasonable attempt to—(a)identify himself or herself to the
occupier; and(b)give the occupier a copy of the entry
order; and(c)tell the occupier that the entering
person is permitted bythe entry order to enter the
land.577Duty to avoid damageIn
exercising a power under an entry order, a person must takeallreasonablestepstoensurethepersoncausesaslittleinconvenience,
and does as little damage, as is practicable.Page 516Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 578]578Notice of damage(1)If a
person who enters land under an entry order damages theland
or something on the land, the person must, as soon aspracticable, give written notice of the
damage to—(a)the owner of the land; and(b)iftheownerisnottheoccupieroftheland—theoccupier; and(c)the
administering authority.(2)However, if for
any reason it is not practicable to comply withsubsection (1),
the person must—(a)leavethenoticeattheplacewherethedamagehappened;
and(b)ensureitisleftinaconspicuouspositionandinareasonably secure way.(3)The
notice must state—(a)particulars of the damage; and(b)thatthepersonwhosufferedthedamagemayclaimcompensationundersection 579fromthepersonwhoobtained the entry order.579Compensation(1)This
section applies if a person (theresponsible
person) who,underthisAct,mustcomplywithanenvironmentalrequirement,
enters, or authorises someone else to enter, landtowhichtherequirementrelatestocomplywiththerequirement.(2)Compensation is payable from the responsible
person to anyowner or occupier of the land for any
compensatable effect theowner or occupier suffers because
of—(a)the entry; or(b)workconductedinrelationtothelandtocomply,orpurport to comply, with the environmental
requirement.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 579](3)However,compensationisnotpayableundersubsection (2)(b) if the work was conducted
by someone otherthan the responsible person and the
responsible person did notauthorise the other person to conduct
the work.(3A)If the land is a
licence area under theForestry Act 1959—(a)theplantationlicenseeorplantationsublicensee,asdefinedunderthatAct,forthelicenceareaisanoccupier of the land for the purposes
of this section; and(b)compensation is
payable as provided under this sectiontotheplantationlicenseeorplantationsublicenseeasoccupier of the licence area and the State
as owner of theState forest of which the licence area forms
part in theproportionsdecidedbyacourtofcompetentjurisdiction.(4)Thecompensationmaybeclaimedandorderedinaproceedingbroughtinacourtofcompetentjurisdiction,including,forexample,inanapplicationunderanyofthefollowing provisions to which the
responsible person and theowner or occupier are parties—(a)the Mineral Resources Act, section 281
or 283B;(b)thePetroleum Act
1923, section 79R;(c)the
P&G Act, section 533;(d)the GHG storage
Act, section 321;(e)the Geothermal Act, section
256.(5)A court may order the payment of the
compensation only if itis satisfied it is just to make the
order in the circumstances ofthe particular
case.(6)In this section—compensatableeffectmeansalloranyofthefollowinginrelation to the land—(a)deprivation of possession of its
surface;(b)diminution of its value;Page
518Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 579](c)diminution of the use made, or that
may be made, of theland or any improvement on it;(d)severance of any part of the land from
other parts of theland or from other land that the owner or
occupier owns;(e)any other cost or loss arising from
the work.enterincludesanentrywiththeconsentoftheowneroroccupier.ownerincludes—(a)forlandundertheLandAct1994forwhichtherearetrustees—the trustees; or(c)forlandthat,undertheAboriginalandTorresStraitIslander Land Holding Act 2013, is
lease land for a 1985ActgrantedleaseoranewActgrantedlease—thelessee; or(d)for
a conservation park or resources reserve under theNatureConservationAct1992(theNCA)forwhichthere are
trustees—(i)if, under the NCA, the park or reserve
has trusteeswhose powers are not restricted—the
trustees; or(ii)otherwise—the
chief executive of the departmentin which the NCA
is administered; or(e)the State, for land that is any of the
following—(i)unallocated State land;(ii)a reserve under
theLand Act 1994for which
thereis no trustee;(iii)a
national park (scientific), national park, nationalpark
(Aboriginal land), national park (Torres StraitIslander land)
or forest reserve under the NCA;(iv)a
State forest or timber reserve under theForestryAct
Act 1994.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 579A]Part
4AValidationNotauthorised—indicativeonly579AValidation of
amendment of environmental authorityMIM800098402(1)This
section applies to the amendment application made on 6April 2005 for environmental authority
(mining lease) numberMIM800098402.(2)The
Minister’s decision made on 8 March 2007 to grant theapplication is taken to have been validly
made under chapter5.(3)The
environmental authority as amended under the decision istaken to have been issued under chapter 5 on
22 March 2007.Part 4BProtocols and
standards579BProtocols(1)Aprotocolis a procedure
to be followed in—(a)developing or carrying out a
monitoring program; or(b)taking samples;
or(c)making tests or measurements;
or(d)preserving or storing samples;
or(e)performing analyses on samples;
or(f)performing statistical analysis of the
results of sampleanalyses and interpreting the results of the
analyses; or(g)reporting the results and
interpretation of the analyses;or(h)developing or applying a predictive
model; or(i)carrying out a risk assessment to
predict or estimate theriskofadverseeffectsofcontaminationonhumanhealth or
another part of the environment; orPage 520Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 579C](j)assessingthetoxiccharacteristicsofanelement,compound or
combination of compounds.(2)If this Act
provides that, in a particular case, a thing is to bedoneunderaprotocol,withoutidentifyingaparticularprotocol, then
the thing must be done under—(a)aprotocolofthedepartmentthatthedepartmentpublishesandmakesavailableforinspectionbymembers of the public; or(b)if there is no protocol mentioned in
paragraph (a) thatappliestothecase—aprotocolissued,beforethecommencementofthissection,bytheAustralianandNew
Zealand Environment Conservation Council; or(c)if
there is no protocol mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b)that
applies to the case—a protocol under an AustralianStandardorjointStandardsAustraliaandStandardsNew Zealand
standard; or(d)if there is no protocol mentioned in
paragraphs (a) to (c)thatappliestothecase—aprotocolissuedbyaMinisterialCouncilestablishedbytheCouncilofAustralian Governments; or(e)if there is no protocol mentioned in
paragraphs (a) to (d)thatappliestothecase—aprotocolofanentityotherthan
the department that the department publishes andmakesavailableforinspectionbymembersofthepublic.579CPrescribed standardsA reference in a
provision of this Act to aprescribed standardisareferencetoanAustralianStandard,orjointStandardsAustraliaandStandardsNewZealandstandard,prescribedunder a
regulation for the provision.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 521
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 580]Part
5Regulations580Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),aregulationmaybemadeabout any of the
following matters—(a)the matters for which fees are payable
under this Act,the amounts of the fees, the persons who are
liable topayfees,whenthefeesarepayable,therecoveryofunpaid amount of fees, and the exemption
from paymentof fees or the waiver of fees;(b)the records to be kept and returns to
be made by personsand the inspection of the records;(c)thetypesoftestsandmonitoringprogramstobeconducted by
holders of environmental authorities;(d)thetypesofplantorequipmentthatmaybeusedforenvironmentally relevant activities
and the way in whichthe plant or equipment is to be
installed, operated andmaintained;(e)help, access and facilities to be provided
to authorisedpersons by persons for inspections,
examinations, testsand measurements for this Act;(f)the taking, preserving and
transporting of samples andthemakingofinspections,examinations,tests,measurements and analyses for this Act, and
the proofof them;(g)settingstandards,controlsorproceduresforthemanufacture,generation,sale,use,transportation,storage,treatmentordisposalofacontaminant,including
waste;(h)theremoval,collection,transport,deposit,storageordisposal of waste;Page 522Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 580]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(i)thequalificationsorlicencerequiredbyapersonengagedincarryingoutanenvironmentallyrelevantactivity, and the approval of training
courses to providethe qualifications or licence;(j)environmentalimpactassessments,reports,statementsor
studies;(k)requirements for EISs or the EIS
process to allow—(i)theprocesstobeaccreditedundertheCommonwealth Environment Act;
or(ii)the making of a
bilateral agreement; or(iii)the State to
meet its obligations under a bilateralagreement;(l)litter;(m)the
keeping of the environmental management registerand
contaminated land register, including, for example,the
information to be included in the registers and madeavailable to persons searching the
registers;(n)the carrying out of environmental
audits;(o)requirements for environmental audit
reports;(p)audit statements;(q)financial assurance;(r)a
matter relating to an environmental value, other than amatter mentioned in this Act, that must be
considered todecideanapplicationrelatingtoanactivitythatadverselyaffects,ormayadverselyaffect,theenvironmental value;(s)protecting an environmental value by
requirements forlabelling particular products.(3)Without limiting subsection (2)(a), a
regulation may prescribefees by reference to—(a)factorsrelatedtothequantityorqualityofcontaminationcausedorlikelytobecausedbythepersons liable to pay the fees, or a
score, assigned by theCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 12 Miscellaneous[s 581]regulationtoanactivitytowhichthefeesrelate,thatreflects the
factors; or(b)other factors.(4)Also, a regulation may prescribe the
following—(a)assessmentbenchmarksforthePlanningActfortheassessmentofaprescribed ERA under that Act,
the Planning Act, the matters a referral agency otherthan
the planning chief executive—(i)must
or may assess a development application for aprescribed ERA
against; or(ii)must or may
assess a development application for aprescribed ERA
having regard to.(5)Aregulationmaybemadetogiveeffectto,andenforcecompliance with, a national environment
protection measuremade under the national scheme laws.(6)A regulation may be made—(a)creating offences against the
regulation; and(b)fixing a maximum penalty of a fine of
165 penalty unitsfor an offence against the
regulation.581Integrated development approval system
regulations andguidelines(1)This
section applies ifthe administering authority delegatesthe
authority’s powers under this Act to a local government.(2)Aregulationmaymakeprovisionabout,orempowertheadministering authority to make guidelines
about—(a)thepolicyobjectivesandcriteriatowhichthelocalgovernment must
have regard; and(b)the way in which the local government
must exercise adelegated power, including, for example,
time limits forthe making of decisions; andPage
524Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 582](c)appeals from the local government’s
decisions; and(d)thecasesinvolvingtheexerciseofadelegatedpowerthat
must be referred to the administering authority orsomeone else for decision, including the
criteria to beappliedindecidingwhetheraparticularcasemustbereferred; and(e)theconditionstowhichanauthorityissuedbythedelegate must be
subject; and(f)the consequences of contravention of
the regulation orguidelines.(3)This
section does not limit theActs Interpretation Act 1954,section 27A.Chapter 13Savings, transitional andrelated provisionsPart 1Transitional provisions forEnvironmental Protection andOther Legislation AmendmentAct
1997582Transfer of certain land on
contaminated sites register toenvironmental
management register(1)Thissectionappliestolandthat,immediatelybeforethecommencementofthissection,wasrecordedinthecontaminated sites register under
theContaminated Land Act1991as
being classified as a probable site or restricted site.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymust,onorbeforethecommencement,recordparticularsofthelandintheenvironmental management
register.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 583](3)Anyconditionsontheuseormanagementofthelandrecorded in the
contaminated sites register continue to applytothelandasiftheconditionswerecontainedinasitemanagement plan
prepared for the land under this Act.(4)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that the owner of land towhichthissectionappliesdoesnothavearightofreviewunder section
521, or appeal under section 531, in relation tothe
recording of particulars of the land in the environmentalmanagement register.583Transfer of certain land on contaminated
sites register tocontaminated land register(1)Thissectionappliestolandthat,immediatelybeforethecommencementofthissection,wasrecordedinthecontaminated sites register under
theContaminated Land Act1991as
being classified as a confirmed site.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymust,onorbeforethecommencement,recordparticularsofthelandinthecontaminated land register.(3)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that the owner of land towhichthissectionappliesdoesnothavearightofreviewunder section
521 or appeal under section 531 in relation totherecordingofparticularsofthelandin thecontaminatedland
register.Page 526Current as at
[Not applicable]
2Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 584]Transitional
provisions forEnvironmental Protection andOther Legislation AmendmentAct
2000Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Preliminary584Definitions for pt 2In this
part—additional conditionssee section
603(3).amending Actmeans theEnvironmental Protection and OtherLegislation Amendment Act 2000.amendment noticesee section
606(2)(a).commencement daymeans the day
this section commences.condition,ofaminingtenement,fordivision2,seesection 585.conversion
applicationsee section 603(2).environmental
document requirementmeans a requirementunder section 608.existingActmeansthisActasitwasinforceimmediatelybefore chapter 5
commenced.existing mining activity, under a mining
tenement, means anactivitycarriedoutunderthetenementon,oratanytimebefore, the
commencement day.reminder noticesee section
596(2).special agreement Actmeans any of the
following Acts andany agreement or lease under or mentioned in
the Acts—(a)Alcan Queensland Pty. Limited
Agreement Act 1965;(b)CentralQueenslandCoalAssociatesAgreementAct1968;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 585](c)CentralQueenslandCoalAssociatesAgreementandQueensland Coal Trust Act 1984;(d)CentralQueenslandCoalAssociatesAgreement(Amendment) Act 1986;(e)CentralQueenslandCoalAssociatesAgreementAmendment Act 1989;(f)CommonwealthAluminiumCorporationPty.LimitedAgreement Act
1957;(g)Mount Isa Mines
Limited Agreement Act 1985;(h)Queensland Nickel Agreement Act 1970;(i)Queensland
Nickel Agreement Act 1988;(j)Thiess Peabody Coal Pty. Ltd. Agreement Act
1962;(k)ThiessPeabodyMitsuiCoalPty.Ltd.AgreementsAct1965.transitional authority, for division
4, see section 592.transitional periodmeans the period
from the commencementday to 5 years after the commencement
day.Division 2Existing
environmental authoritiesand mining activitiesSubdivision 1Preliminary585What
is aconditionof a mining
tenement for div 2(1)For this division, aconditionof a mining
tenement means anyof the following—(a)a
condition of the mining tenement determined, imposedor
prescribed under the Mineral Resources Act;(b)a
condition of, or stated in, the mining tenement;Page
528Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 585]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(c)acommitment,obligation,requirementorundertakingunder, or stated
in, the most recent version of a planningdocument for the
mining tenement.(2)For subsection (1)(c), the most recent
version of a planningdocumentistakentobetheoriginalplanningdocumentadopted by the MRA department, as amended
from time totimebyanyamendmentorpurportedamendmentofthedocument adopted
by that department.(3)For subsection (2), a document or
amendment is taken to havebeen adopted by the MRA department
or(b)the MRA department, or an officer of
that department,hasacceptedorapproved,orpurportedtoacceptorapprove,thedocumentoramendment,whetherornottheacceptanceorapprovalwasrequiredby,orcouldlawfully have
been made under, the Mineral ResourcesAct.(4)In this section—Mineral
Resources Actmeans that Act as in force from timeto
time before the commencement day.MRAdepartmentmeansthedepartmentthroughwhichtheMineral Resources Act is
administered.planning document, for a mining
tenement, means—(a)if the mining tenement is a mining
claim—the outlineundertheMineralResourcesAct,section
61(1)(j)(iv)for the mining claim; or(b)iftheminingtenementisanexplorationpermit—thestatementundertheMineralResourcesAct,section
133(f)(i) specifying a description of the programof
work for the permit; or(c)iftheminingtenementisamineraldevelopmentlicence—thestatementundertheMineralResourcesCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 586]Act,section 183(1)(m)containingproposalsforthelicence
mentioned in that paragraph; or(d)if
the mining tenement is a mining lease—(i)any
environmental management overview strategyfor the lease;
and(ii)either—(A)any plan of operations for the lease
under theMineral Resources Act, part 7; or(B)if there is no plan of operations in
force fortheleaseimmediatelybeforethecommencementday—themostrecentexpired plan of operations for the lease
underthe Mineral Resources Act, part 7.Subdivision 2Existing
authorities for miningactivities586Existing authority becomes an environmental
authority(mining activities)(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement day—(a)an
environmental authority is in force; and(b)the
authority was for, or included, a mining activity.(2)On the commencement day, the
authority, is taken to be anenvironmental
authority (mining activities).(3)Chapter 5 applies to the authority, subject
to division 4.586AExisting authority becomes an
environmental authority(mining activities)(1)This section applies if, on 1 January
2001—(a)an environmental authority had been
issued; andPage 530Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 587](b)the
authority was for, or included, a mining activity; and(c)theauthoritycouldnottakeeffectuntilaminingtenement was
granted.(2)From the day the tenement was or is
granted, the authority istaken to be an environmental authority
(mining activities).(3)Chapter 5
applies to the authority, subject to division 4.587Conditions of environmental
authority(1)Theconditionsofanenvironmentalauthoritythat,undersection 586 or 586A, is taken to be an
environmental authority(mining activities) are as
follows—(a)the conditions of the authority
immediately before thecommencement day;(b)each
condition of a relevant mining tenement that, hadanenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities)beengrantedfortherelevantminingactivityonthecommencementday,wouldreasonablybeexpectedtobeaconditionoftheenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities);(c)anyfinancialassuranceconditionimposedontheauthority under
section 598;(d)another condition prescribed under a
regulation.(2)Ifundersubsection (1)(b)aconditionofarelevantminingtenementbecomesaconditionoftheauthority,itceasestohave
effect as a condition of the tenement.(3)Subsection (2) applies despite the Mineral
Resources Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 588]Subdivision
3Existing mining activities withoutenvironmental authorityNotauthorised—indicativeonly588New environmental
authority (mining activities) forexisting
activities(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement day—(a)a
person holds a mining tenement; and(b)thereisnoenvironmentalauthorityinforceforanymining activity authorised under the
mining tenement.(2)Onthecommencementday,theperson,istakentoholdasingleenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities)forallexistingminingactivitiesundertheminingtenementthat,immediatelybeforethecommencementday,werelevel2environmentally relevant
activities.(3)However, if the mining tenement was
part of a mining project,the person is taken to hold a single
environmental authority(mining activities) for all existing
mining activities under themining tenements
that form the project.(4)Chapter 5
applies to the authority, subject to division 4.589Conditions of environmental
under section 588 are—(a)each condition
of a relevant mining tenement that wouldreasonablybeexpectedtobeaconditionoftheauthority;
and(b)anyfinancialassuranceconditionimposedontheauthority under section 598;
and(c)another condition prescribed under a
regulation.(2)If, under subsection (1)(a), a
condition of a relevant miningtenementbecomesaconditionoftheauthority,itceasestohave
effect as a condition of the tenement.Page 532Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 590](3)Subsection (2) applies despite the Mineral
Resources Act.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 3Unfinished
applications590Procedure if certificate of
application issued andconditions decided(1)TheexistingActappliestoanenvironmentalauthorityapplication if, before the commencement
authority in relation to the tenement; and(b)acertificateofapplicationfortheminingtenementapplication was endorsed by the mining
registrar; and(c)theadministeringauthorityhasdecidedconditionsforthe
environmental authority; and(d)theminingtenementhasnotbeengrantedandtheenvironmental authority has not been
after it is issued.(3)However,despiteanyprovisionoftheexistingAct,theconditions of the environmental
authority must only be—(a)the decided
conditions; and(b)any condition that—(i)under the Mineral Resources Act, would
have beenimposedonarelevantminingtenementhadtheamending Act not been enacted;
and(ii)had an
environmental authority (mining activities)been granted for
each relevant mining activity onthecommencementday,wouldreasonablybeexpectedtobeaconditionoftheenvironmentalauthority
(mining activities); and(c)anyfinancialassuranceconditionimposedontheauthority under
section 598.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 591](4)Chapter 5 applies to the authority, subject
to division 4.(5)In this section—certificateofapplicationmeansacertificateofapplicationundertheMineralResourcesAct,section
64or252,asinforce immediately before the
commencement day.591Procedure for other unfinished
applications(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement day, a person
applied for amining tenement; and(b)the
mining tenement has not been granted; and(c)an
environmental authority application in relation to themining tenement is not an application to
which, undersection 590(1), the existing Act
applies.(2)The environmental authority
application is taken to have beenmade on the
commencement day.(3)Chapter 5 applies to the
application.(4)However, the following do not
authority to—(i)make an assessment level decision;
or(ii)take a step for
deciding the application; or(iii)decide the application or make a decision
about theapplication;(b)sections 169 and 182.Page 534Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 4Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 592]Transitional
authorities for miningactivitiesSubdivision
1Preliminary592Meaning oftransitional
authorityfor div 4(1)For
this division, atransitional authoritymeans—(a)anexistingenvironmentalauthoritythat,undersection 586or586A,istakentobeanenvironmentalauthority
(mining activities); or(b)a new
environmental authority (mining activities) that,under section 588, is taken to be held by a
person; or(c)an environmental authority (mining
activities) if, undersection 590(1),theexistingActappliedtotheapplication for the authority.(2)However, a transitional authority
under subsection (1) ceasesto be a
transitional authority if it is—(a)amended under subdivision 3; or(b)transferred.Note—See
also subdivision 3 (Amendment and consolidation of
transitionalauthorities).(3)Subsection (2) does not affect the authority
continuing to bean environmental authority (mining
activities) after it ceasesto be a
transitional authority.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 593]Subdivision
2Special provisions for transitionalauthorities593Transitional authority taken to be non-code
compliantA transitional authority is taken to be a
non-code compliantauthority under chapter 5, issued for a
level 1 mining project.594Limited
application of s 426 for transitional authority(1)Section 426doesnotapplytoapersoncarryingoutanexisting mining
activity under a mining tenement that is notauthorisedunderatransitionalauthorityiftheholderofatransitional
authority has—(a)madearelevantamendmentapplicationandtheapplication has not been decided;
or(b)given the administering authority
notice of the activity(activity
notice) and no more than 30 days have
passedsince the notice was given.(2)However,anactivitynoticecannotbegivenifanactivitynoticehasalreadybeengivenfortheactivityoranotheractivity that is
substantially the same as the activity.(3)An
activity notice must state—(a)the
mining tenement under which the existing activity isbeing carried out; and(b)the
nature of the activity; and(c)that
the activity is not authorised under the conditions ofthe
transitional authority.(4)To remove any
doubt, it is declared that this section does notlimittheapplicationofsections 430and431tothetransitional authority.(5)In
this section—Page 536Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 595]relevantamendmentapplicationmeansanapplicationtoamend the transitional authority that, if
granted, would allowthe carrying out of the activity under
the authority.Notauthorised—indicativeonly595Requirement to apply to amend,
surrender or transfertransitional authority(1)Theholderofatransitionalauthoritymust,withintherequired period, make in relation to
the authority—(a)a conversion application; or(b)an amendment, surrender or transfer
application underchapter 5.(2)Also,iftheholderdoesnotalsoholdarelevantminingtenement, the holder must, on the happening
of the earlier ofthe following, make a surrender application
or an applicationunder section 607 for the authority—(a)thereplacementoramendment,undersection 235,ofany
plan of operations for the authority;(b)90
days before the transitional period ends.(3)In
this section—required periodmeans—(a)ifthepersonis,undersection
588,takentoholdtheauthority—6 months after the commencement
day; or(b)otherwise—the transitional
period.596Notice by administering authority to
amend, surrender ortransfer transitional authority(1)Thissectionappliesiftheholderofatransitionalauthoritydoes
not make an application required under section 595.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymay,bywrittennotice(areminder notice), require the
holder to make the applicationwithin a fixed
period of at least 10 business days.(3)The
reminder notice must state the following—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 537
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 597](a)theapplicationtheholderisrequiredtomakeundersection 595;(b)the
period fixed for making the application;(c)reasons for the decisions to make the
requirement and tofix the period;(d)the
review or appeal details for the decisions.597Consequences of failure to comply with
reminder notice(1)Apersontowhomaremindernoticehasbeengivenmustcomplywiththenoticeunlessthepersonhasareasonableexcuse.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Thefailuretocomplywiththeremindernoticeis,forapplying chapter
5, part 12 to the transitional authority, takento be an event
mentioned in section 293(2).598Financial assurance for transitional
authority(1)Thissectionappliesif,undertheMineralResourcesAct,securityhasbeendepositedorrequiredinrelationtoarelevant mining tenement for a
transitional authority.(2)A condition is
taken to have been imposed, under section 364,ontheauthoritythattheauthorityholdermustgivetheadministering authority financial
assurance for each relevantmining
tenement.(3)IfthesecurityhasbeendepositedundertheMineralResourcesActforarelevantminingtenement,therequirementundertheconditiontogivethefinancialassuranceistakentohavebeencompliedwithforthetenement.(4)The financial assurance required under
the condition is takento be security for the matters
mentioned in section 364(1)(a)and (b) in
relation to the transitional authority.Page 538Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 599](5)Subsection (4) applies despite the Mineral
Resources Act orthetermsofaninstrumentgrantingthesecurityorotherdocument,
including, for example, a term that the security orits
benefit is not transferable.(6)Forsection 364(1),theformofthefinancialassuranceforeach relevant mining tenement is taken
to have been requiredin the same form as each security
given or required for thetenement.(7)However, the financial assurance is taken to
have been givenforvaluableconsiderationandanyinstrumentgrantingitistaken to have
been executed as a deed under seal by each partyto
the instrument.(8)The amount of financial assurance for
each relevant miningtenement is taken to have been decided
under section 364(3)as the lesser of the following—(a)theamountofsecuritygivenorrequiredforeachrelevant mining
tenement;(b)any amount the administering authority
decides wouldhavebeentheamountundersection 364(3)forthefinancial assurance had the amount
been decided on thecommencement day.(9)Section 365 and chapter 11, part 3 do not
apply to financialassuranceunderthissectionortoadecisionundersubsection (8)(b).599Effect of financial assurance on
598onlyaffects a
security to the extent provided under that section.(2)Without limiting subsection (1),
section 598 does not affect orchange—(a)the security as a security under the
Mineral ResourcesAct; or(b)the
matters for which the security was given under thatAct;
orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 600](c)theenforcementofthesecurityunderthatAct,asamended by the amending Act.(3)Section 598, or any thing done under
it, does not—(a)discharge a security; or(b)discharge or release a surety or other
obligee, wholly orpartly, from an obligation; or(c)fulfilaconditionallowingapersontoterminateaninstrumentorbereleased,whollyorpartly,fromanobligationormodifytheoperationoreffectofaninstrument or obligation.(4)If the advice or consent of, or giving
notice to, a person wouldbenecessarytogiveeffecttothegivingofthefinancialassurance—(a)the
advice is taken to have been obtained; and(b)the
consent or notice is taken to have been given.600Plan
of operations(1)Thissectionappliesifatransitionalauthorityisanenvironmental
authority (mining lease).(2)If a plan of
operations for a relevant mining lease is in forceundertheMineralResourcesActimmediatelybeforethecommencement day, the plan—(a)is taken to be the plan of operations
for the transitionalauthority submitted under section 233;
but(b)continuesinforceonlyuntiltheearlierofthefollowing—(i)theendoftheperiodthattheplanwould,otherthanfortheamendingAct,havebeeninforceunder the
Mineral Resources Act;(ii)the plan is
replaced under section 235.(3)If
there is no plan of operations in force for a relevant
miningleaseimmediatelybeforethecommencementday,themostPage 540Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 601]recent expired
plan of operations under the Mineral ResourcesAct for the
lease—(a)is taken to be the plan of operations
for the transitionalauthority submitted under section 233;
but(b)continuesinforceonlyuntil6monthsafterthecommencement day.(4)Section 540(1)(e)(iv) does not apply to a
plan of operationsthat, under this section, is taken to be the
plan of operationsfor an authority.601Annual fee and return for first year of
transitional period(1)This section applies to the holder of
a transitional authority,insteadofsection 316,forthefirstyearofthetransitionalperiod.(2)The holder must, unless the holder has
a reasonable excuse,do the following on or before the end
of the first year—(a)pay the administering authority the
appropriate annualfee,otherthaninacircumstanceprescribedunderaregulation for this paragraph;
and(b)give the authority an annual return in
the approved form.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)Theadministeringauthoritymayrecover,asadebt,afeerequired to be paid under this section
that has not been paid.(4)This section
does not affect the application of section 316 fortheholderorthetransitionalauthorityforanyperiodotherthan the first
year of the authority.602Anniversary day
for certain transitional authorities(1)Theanniversarydayforatransitionalauthorityisthecommencement day
588,apersonistakentoholdtheauthority; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 541
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 603](b)the
authority was a level 2 approval under the existingAct.Note—For
other transitional authorities, see schedule 4, definitionanniversaryday.(2)If a
transitional authority ceases to be a transitional
authority,but becomes another type of environmental
authority (miningactivities), the anniversary day for the
environmental authority(mining activities) is taken to be the
day the authority ceasedto be a transitional authority.Subdivision 3Amendment and
consolidation oftransitional authorities603Application to convert transitional
authority toenvironmental authority for a level 2 mining
project(1)This section applies despite chapter
5, part 8.(2)Atransitionalauthorityholderwhoholdseachrelevantmining tenement
may apply (aconversion application) to theadministering authority to convert the
transitional authority toeither of the following under chapter
5—(a)a code compliant authority;(b)anon-codecompliantauthorityforalevel2miningproject.(3)If the application is for a non-code
compliant authority for alevel2miningproject,itmayalsorequestthatconditions(additionalconditions)otherthantherelevantstandardenvironmental conditions be imposed on the
authority.603ARequirements for conversion
applicationA conversion application must—(a)be in the approved form; andPage
542Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 603B](b)statethetypeofenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities)
under section 603(2) to which the transitionalauthority is
proposed to be converted; and(c)iftheapplicationisforacodecompliantauthority—certify that all
mining activities proposed to be carriedoutunderitcomplywiththecriteriaprescribedundersection 151(2)(a)forthestatedtypeofenvironmentalauthority to be
a code compliant authority under chapter5; and(d)if the application is for a non-code
compliant authorityfor a level 2 mining project—certify that
the applicantcan, in carrying out the relevant mining
activities for theconverted authority, comply with—(i)the relevant standard environmental
conditions forthe stated type of environmental authority;
or(ii)the relevant
standard environmental conditions andany additional
conditions requested; and(e)beaccompaniedbythefeeprescribedunderaregulation.603BAutomatic conversion for particular
applications(1)This section applies on the making of
a conversion applicationif it complies with section
603A.(2)Iftheapplicationisforacodecompliantauthority,therelevanttransitionalauthoritybecomesacodecompliantauthority under chapter 5.(3)If the application is for a non-code
compliant authority for alevel2miningprojectandnoadditionalconditionsarerequested in the application, the relevant
transitional authoritybecomes a non-code compliant authority
for a level 2 miningproject.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 543
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 603C]603CDeciding application if additional
conditions requested(1)Thissectionappliesiftheconversionapplicationisforanon-code
compliant authority for a level 2 mining project andadditional conditions are requested in the
application.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymust,within10businessdaysafter it receives the application, decide
whether—(a)to grant the application; and(b)ifitdecidestogrant—toimposetheadditionalconditions.(3)However, an additional condition may be
imposed only if theadministering authority considers—(a)the condition is necessary or
desirable; and(b)that, if the condition is imposed, the
proposed non-codecompliant authority would still be for a
level 2 miningproject.(4)Inmakingthedecisions,theadministeringauthoritymustconsider the
criteria mentioned in section 173(2).(5)On,
the granting of the application, the relevant transitionalauthority is taken to be a non-code
compliant authority for alevel 2 mining project.(6)Ifadditionalconditionsareimposedonthenon-codecompliant
authority, the administering authority must, within10
business days after the granting of the application—(a)amend the non-code compliant authority
to include theconditions; and(b)record particulars of the amendment in the
appropriateregister; and(c)givetheapplicantacopyoftheamendednon-codecompliant authority.604Other
amendment applications(1)This section
applies if an application, other than a conversionapplication, is made to amend a transitional
authority.Page 544Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 605](2)Chapter 5, part 8, applies to the
application.(3)However, chapter 5, part 6, division
6, does not apply to theapplication if—(a)theactivitiesauthorisedundereachrelevantminingtenementhavenotchangedsincethecommencementday; and(b)noapplicationhasbeenmadetochangetheactivitiesauthorised under
any relevant mining tenement.605Additional grounds for amendment by
292foratransitionalauthority,thefollowinggroundsapply,aswellasthegroundsundersection 292(2)—(a)the
ending of the transitional period;(b)theadministeringauthoritycannot,byapplyingsection
587or589,workouttheconditionsofthetransitional authority;(c)aconditionofthetransitionalauthorityundersection
587or589createsarightorimposesanobligation that the administering authority
considers isuncertain or not reasonably
enforceable;(d)if the transitional authority is an
environmental authority(mining lease)—the authority holder
submits or amendsa plan of operations for the
authority;(e)theamendmentisnecessarytopreventenvironmentalharmnotalreadyauthorisedundertheenvironmentalauthority.606Ministerial power to amend(1)Thissectionappliestoanenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities) that
is, or has been, a transitional authority.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 545
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 607](2)DuringthetransitionalperiodtheMinistermayamendtheauthority if the Minister—(a)gives the environmental authority
holder a written notice(anamendment
notice) stating—(i)the
proposed amendment; and(ii)the Minister’s
reasons for the amendment; and(iii)thattheholdermay,withinastatedperiodofatleast10businessdays,makewrittenrepresentationstoshowwhytheamendmentshould not be
made; and(b)considersanywrittenrepresentationsmadebytheholder within
the stated period.(3)Theadministeringauthoritymust,within10businessdaysaftertheMinisterdecidestoamendtheenvironmentalauthority—(a)make
the amendment; and(b)givetheholderacopyoftheamendedenvironmentalauthority;
and(c)record particulars of the amendment in
the appropriateregister.(4)If
the Minister gave an amendment notice, but decided not tomaketheproposedamendment,theadministeringauthoritymust, within 10 business days after the
decision is made, givethe holder a written notice of the
decision.607Consolidation of conditions for same
mining project(1)This section applies—(a)if more than 1 person holds a
transitional authority forthe same mining project; and(b)despite chapter 5.(2)Apersonwhoholdsatransitionalauthorityfortheproject,may
apply to the administering authority to—Page 546Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 607](a)amend any environmental authority (mining
activities)held by a stated holder of a relevant mining
tenement toincludetheconditionsoftheapplicant’stransitionalauthority;
and(b)surrender the applicant’s transitional
authority.(3)The application must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)ifthestatedminingtenementholderisnottheapplicant—beaccompaniedbythetenementholder’swritten consent.(4)Theadministeringauthoritymust,within10businessdaysafter it receives the application, decide
either to grant or refuseit.(5)If
the authority decides to grant the application, it must
within10 business days after the decision is
made—(a)amendthestatedminingtenementholder’senvironmental authority (mining activities)
to give effectto the amendment; and(b)record the surrender in the appropriate
register; and(c)give the mining tenement holder a copy
of the amendedauthority.(6)The
amendment takes effect on the day of the amendment or alater day stated in the amended
authority.(7)Iftheauthoritydecidestorefusetheapplication,itmustwithin 10
business days after the decision is made, give eachapplicant an information notice about the
decision.(8)This section does not limit the
authority’s power to amend anenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities)underchapter5,part
12 or section 605.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 608]Subdivision
4Environmental management planrequirementsNotauthorised—indicativeonly608Environmental
management plan may be required(1)This
section applies if a transitional authority is—(a)an
environmental authority (exploration); or(b)an
environmental authority (mineral development); or(c)an environmental authority (mining
require the holder of the transitional authority to submitan
environmental management plan to it.(3)However, the requirement may be given to the
holder only bya written notice—(a)stating the following—(i)the
holder’s name;(ii)the transitional
requirement;(iv)areasonableperiodofatleast28daysfortherequirement to be complied with;
and(b)thatisaccompaniedby,orincludes,aninformationnotice about the
decision to make the requirement.(4)AnenvironmentalmanagementplansubmittedunderthissectionistakentobethesubmittedEMplanforthetransitional authority.609Consequence of failure to comply with
requirement(1)If a person fails to comply with an
environmental documentrequirementforatransitionalauthority,section
293appliesfor the
transitional authority as if—(a)thefailurewasaneventmentionedinsection 293(2);andPage
548Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 610](b)thereferencetocancellationorsuspensioninsection 293(1) is a reference only to
suspension.(2)Subsection (1)doesnotpreventtheadministeringauthoritydeciding to amend the transitional authority
under chapter 5,part 12.Division 5Transitional provisions other thanfor
mining activities610Application of div 5Thisdivisionappliesforanenvironmentalauthority,oranapplication for an environmental
authority, under the existingAct, other than
for a mining activity.611Unfinished
applications under existing Act(1)Anapplicationforalicenceunderchapter3,part4,oftheexisting Act
that, immediately before the commencement day,has not been
decided is taken on the commencement day to bean application
for a licence (without development approval)under chapter 4,
part 3, division 2, subdivision 1.(2)An
application for a level 1 approval under chapter 3, part 4,oftheexistingActthat,immediatelybeforethecommencementday,hasnotbeendecidedistakenonthecommencementdaytobeaconversionapplicationunderchapter 4, part 4.(3)An
application for a licence under chapter 3, part 4A, of theexisting Act that, immediately before the
commencement day,has not been decided is taken on the
commencement day to beanapplicationforalicence(withdevelopmentapproval)under chapter 4, part 3, division 1.(4)An application for a level 1 approval
under chapter 3, part 4A,oftheexistingActthat,immediatelybeforethecommencementday,hasnotbeendecidedistakenontheCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 612]commencementdaytobeaconversionapplicationunderchapter 4, part 4.(5)An
application for a development approval under chapter 3,part4B,oftheexistingActthat,immediatelybeforethecommencementday,hasnotbeendecidedistakenonthecommencement day to be an application
to which chapter 4,part 2 applies.(6)An
application under chapter 3 of the existing Act to amendanenvironmentalauthoritythat,immediatelybeforethecommencementday,hasnotbeendecidedistakenonthecommencementdaytobeanamendmentapplicationunderchapter 4, part 5.(7)An
application under chapter 3 of the existing Act to transferanenvironmentalauthoritythat,immediatelybeforethecommencementday,hasnotbeendecidedistakenonthecommencement day to be a transfer
application under chapter4, part 6.612Environmental authorities under existing
Act(1)A provisional licence in force under
section 47 of the existingAct is taken on the commencement day
to be a provisionallicenceissuedonthesamedayasthedaytheprovisionallicence under
section 47 was issued.(2)AlicenceinforceundertheexistingActistakenonthecommencement day to be a licence under
this Act as amendedby the amending Act.(3)A
level 1 approval in force under the existing Act is taken onthe
commencement day to be a level 1 approval under this Actas
amended by the amending Act.(4)A
level 2 approval in force under the existing Act is taken onthe
commencement day to be a level 2 approval under this Actas
amended by the amending Act.(5)ThissectiondoesnotlimittheEnvironmentalProtectionRegulation
1998, section 73.Page 550Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 6Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 614]Original
provisions about specialagreement ActsNotauthorised—indicativeonly614Existing Act continues to apply for
special agreementActs until div 7 commences(1)TheexistingActcontinuestoapplyforanactivity,circumstance,ormatterprovidedforunder,ortowhich,aspecial agreement Act applies as if the
amending Act, otherthan for the insertion of section 584 and
this section, had notbeen enacted.(2)Subsection (1) ceases to apply when division
7 commences.(3)Subsection (2) does not limit section
616D or 616K(2B).Division 7Provisions about
special agreementActs inserted under EnvironmentalProtection and Other LegislationAmendment Act 2008Subdivision
1Preliminary615Definitions for div 7In this
division—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.condition,
under a special agreement Act, see section 616.current
Actmeans this Act as in force from time to
time.new authority applicationsee
section 616N.pre-amended MRAmeans the
Mineral Resources Act—(a)as it was in
force immediately before 1 January 2001;and(b)as it has applied under section 735 of
that Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616]relevant
transitional authoritysee section 616N.SAAenvironmentalauthority(mining)meansanenvironmental authority for an SAA
mining activity under theexisting Act as it has applied under
section 614(1).SAAminingactivitymeansaminingactivityprovidedforunderaspecialagreementAct,ortowhichaspecialagreement Act
applies.transitional authority (SAA)see
section 616B(3).616What is aconditionunder
a special agreement Act(1)For this
division, aconditionunder a special
agreement Actmeans any of the following—(a)a condition of a mining lease or
special lease providedforunderthespecialagreementActanddetermined,imposed or
prescribed under the pre-amended MRA orthe
repealedLand Act 1962;Note—For special
leases, see theLand Act 1994, section 476
(Existingleases continue).(b)a
condition of, or stated in, a mining lease, special leaseor
agreement provided for under the special agreementAct;(c)arequirementunder,orstatedin,themostrecentversionofthefollowingplanningdocumentsforaminingleaseorspecialleaseprovidedforunderthespecial agreement Act—(i)foraminingleaseprovidedforundertheMountIsaMinesLimitedAgreementAct1985—therelevantprovisionsofaminingplanapprovedunder part 2 of
the agreement defined under thatAct relating to
the lease;(ii)for a lease
mentioned in this subsection, other thana lease
mentioned in subparagraph (i), each of thefollowing—Page 552Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616A](A)anenvironmentalmanagementoverviewstrategy, however called, for the
lease;(B)a plan of operations for the lease
under part 7of the pre-amended MRA or, if there is
before the commencement, themost recently
expired plan of operations fortheleaseunderpart7ofthepre-amendedMRA.(2)For deciding, under subsection (1)(c),
the most recent versionofaplanningdocumentmentionedinsubsection (1)(c)(ii),section 585(2)
and (3) applies as if—(a)areferencetotheMineralResourcesActwereareference to the pre-amended MRA; and(b)a reference to the MRA department were
a reference tothedepartmentthroughwhichthepre-amendedMRAwas
administered.(3)In this section—requirementincludesacommitment,obligationorundertaking.616AEPA
provisions prevail(1)Subsection (2) applies if there is an
inconsistency between—(a)a provision of
the current Act (anEPA provision); and(b)a provision of a special agreement
Act.(2)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that the EPA provisionprevails to the extent of the
inconsistency.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616B]Subdivision
2Conversion of SAA environmentalauthorities (mining)Notauthorised—indicativeonly616BConversion to
transitional authority (SAA)(1)ThissectionappliestoanSAAenvironmentalauthority(mining)thatwasinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement.(2)Onthecommencement,theSAAenvironmentalauthority(mining)istakentobeanenvironmentalauthority(mininglease).(3)An SAA environmental authority
(mining) that is taken to beanenvironmentalauthority(mininglease)undersubsection (2)
is atransitional authority (SAA).(4)Chapter5andsection
316applytoatransitionalauthority(SAA), subject to subdivisions 4 to
7.616CConditions of transitional authority
(SAA)The conditions of a transitional authority
(SAA) for an SAAmining activity are all of the
following—(a)the conditions of the authority
immediately before thecommencement;(b)each
condition under the special agreement Act that, hadanenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities)beengrantedfortheSAAminingactivityonthecommencement, would reasonably be
expected to havebeen a condition of the environmental
authority (miningactivities), having regard to the conditions
210,mayormustbeincludedinadraft environmental authority;
or(ii)undersection 305,maybeimposedonanenvironmental authority (mining
activities);(c)the condition about financial
assurance imposed undersection 616I.Page 554Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616D]616DChanging conditions of transitional
authority (SAA)(1)Subsection (2)appliesforchangingaconditionofatransitional authority (SAA).(2)Subject to subsection (3), the special
agreement Act to whichthe transitional authority (SAA)
relates and the existing Actcontinue to
apply for changing the condition of the authorityasiftheamendingAct,otherthanfortheinsertionofsection 584, had not been
enacted.Note—See also the
Mineral Resources Act, section 735(3) and (4).(3)Subsection (2)—(a)doesnotapplyformakingordecidinganapplicationunder section
616H(1)(b) to amend the authority; and(b)does
not limit subdivision 6; and(c)stopsapplyingiftheauthorityisamendedundersubdivision6andtheamendedauthorityhastakeneffect under the
current Act.Subdivision 3Unfinished
applications616EProcedure for unfinished
applications(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement, a person
applied under theexisting Act for, or in relation to, an SAA
environmentalauthority (mining) for a mining lease
provided for undera special agreement Act; and(b)the application has not been
decided.(2)Subject to subsections (3) to
(7)—(a)theapplicationistakentohavebeenmadeonthecommencement; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 555
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616E](b)chapter5appliestotheapplication,withnecessarychanges, as if
it were a non-code compliant applicationfor a level 1
mining project.(3)Iftheapplicationwasaccompaniedbyanenvironmentalmanagement
overview strategy under the pre-amended MRA,section
245,thestrategyistakentobeanenvironmentalmanagementplansubmittedbytheapplicantundersection 201.(4)Ifacertificateofapplicationfortheminingleasewasendorsedbytheminingregistrarunderthepre-amendedMRA,section 252,thepersonistakentohavegivenandpublishedanapplicationnoticeundersection
the person gave an environmental impact statement underthe
pre-amended MRA, section 264, the EIS process is takento
have been completed under section 60.(6)If
an objection was lodged with the mining registrar under thepre-amended MRA, section 260, and not heard
by the tribunalunder that Act, the objection is taken to be
a properly madeobjection under section 217.(7)If the tribunal made a recommendation
under section 269 ofthe pre-amended MRA relating to an
environmental matter, anobjections decision on the same terms
as the recommendationis taken to have been made under
section 222.Editor’s notes—1pre-amended MRA, sections 252 (Certificate
of application etc.),245(Applicationforgrantof mininglease),260(Objection toapplication for
grant of mining lease), 264 (What happens afterenvironmental
impact statement is prepared?) and 269 (Tribunal’srecommendation on hearing)2sections 60(Whenprocessiscompleted),201(Environmentalmanagement plan
required), 211 (Public notice of application), 217(Acceptance of objections) and 222 (Nature
of objections decision)of the ActPage 556Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 4Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616F]Special
provisions for transitionalauthorities
(SAA)616FTransitional authority (SAA) taken to
be non-codecompliantAtransitionalauthority(SAA)istakentobeanon-codecompliantauthorityunderchapter5,issuedforminingactivities for a
level 1 mining project.616GLimited
application of s 426 for transitional authority(SAA)(1)Section 426 does not apply to a person
carrying out an SAAminingactivitythatisnotauthorisedunderatransitionalauthority (SAA)
if—(a)thepersonwascarryingouttheactivityimmediatelybefore the
commencement; and(b)either—(i)theholderoftheauthorityhasmadearelevantamendmentapplicationorarelevantnewapplicationabouttheactivityundertheauthorityand the
application has not been decided; or(ii)theholderoftheauthorityhasgiventheadministeringauthoritynoticeoftheactivity(anactivitynotice)andnomorethan30dayshavepassed since the notice was given.(2)However,anactivitynoticecannotbegivenifanactivitynoticehasalreadybeengivenfortheactivityoranotheractivity that is
substantially the same as the activity.(3)An
activity notice must state—(a)the
mining lease or agreement under which the activityis
being carried out; and(b)the nature of
the activity; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616H](c)that
the activity is not authorised under the conditions ofthe
authority.(4)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that this section does notlimit the application of sections 430
and 431 to the holder ofthe authority.(5)In
this section—relevantamendmentapplication,aboutanSAAminingactivityunderatransitionalauthority(SAA),meansanapplicationtoamendtheauthoritythat,ifgranted,wouldallowthecarryingoutoftheactivityunderthetransitionalauthority
(SAA).relevantnewapplication,aboutanSAAminingactivityunderatransitionalauthority(SAA),meansanapplicationunder the
current Act for an environmental authority (miningactivities) for a level 1 mining project,
that, if granted, wouldallow the carrying out of the activity
under the environmentalauthority (mining activities).616HRequirement to apply for new authority
or amend etc.transitional authority (SAA)(1)The holder of a transitional authority
(SAA) must, within 3years after the commencement, apply
under the current Actfor—(a)an
environmental authority (mining activities) for a level1
mining project; or(b)anamendmentofthetransitionalauthority(SAA)forconvertingittoanenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities) for
a level 1 mining project; or(c)the
surrender of the transitional authority (SAA); or(d)thetransferofthetransitionalauthority(SAA)toanentityotherthanawholly-ownedsubsidiaryoftheholderoftheauthoritywithinthemeaningoftheCorporations Act.Page 558Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616I]Note—If
subsection (1) is not complied with, the transitional authority
(SAA)ends. See section 616M.(2)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatthetransferofatransitional authority (SAA) to a
wholly-owned subsidiary oftheholderoftheauthoritywithinthemeaningoftheCorporationsActdoesnotconstitutecompliancewiththeobligation under subsection
(1).616IFinancial assurance for transitional
authority (SAA)(1)This section applies if, under the
Mineral Resources Act or aspecial agreement Act, security has
been deposited, lodged orrequired in relation to a relevant
mining lease for a transitionalauthority
(SAA).(2)A condition is taken to have been
imposed, under section 364,ontheauthoritythattheauthorityholdermustgivetheadministering authority financial
assurance for each relevantmining
lease.(3)IfthesecurityhasbeendepositedundertheMineralResourcesActoraspecialagreementActforarelevantmining lease,
the requirement under the condition to give thefinancial
assurance is taken to have been complied with forthe
lease—(a)from the time the whole amount of the
security has beendeposited; and(b)until the plan of operations for the lease
is amended orreplaced under section 235.(4)The financial assurance required under
the condition is takento be security for the matters
mentioned in section 364(1)(a)and (b) in
relation to the authority.(5)Subsection (4)
applies despite the Mineral Resources Act orthetermsofaninstrumentgrantingthesecurityorotherdocument,
including, for example, a term that the security orits
benefit is not transferable.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 559
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616J](6)The
form of each security given or required to be given for arelevant mining lease is taken to be the
form of the financialassurance for the lease decided under
section 364(3).(7)However, the financial assurance for
the relevant mining leaseis taken to have been given for
valuable consideration and anyinstrument
granting it is taken to have been executed as a deedunder seal by each party to the
instrument.(8)The amount of financial assurance for
each relevant mininglease is taken to have been decided
under section 364(3) as thelesser of the
following—(a)theamountofsecuritygivenorrequiredforeachrelevant mining
lease;(b)any amount the administering authority
decides wouldhavebeentheamountundersection 364(3)forthefinancial assurance had the amount
been decided on thecommencement.(9)Section 365 and chapter 11, part 3 do not
apply to financialassuranceunderthissectionortoadecisionundersubsection (8)(b).616JEffect of financial assurance on
616Ionlyaffects a
security to the extent provided under that section.(2)Without limiting subsection (1),
section 616I does not affector
change—(a)the security as a security under the
Mineral ResourcesAct or a special agreement Act; or(b)the matters for which the security was
given under theMineral Resources Act or special agreement
Act; or(c)theenforcementofthesecurityundertheMineralResources Act or
special agreement Act.(3)Section 616I, or
any thing done under it, does not—(a)discharge a security; orPage 560Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616K](b)discharge or release a surety or other
obligee, wholly orpartly, from an obligation; or(c)fulfilaconditionallowingapersontoterminateaninstrumentorbereleased,whollyorpartly,fromanobligationormodifytheoperationoreffectofaninstrument or obligation.(4)If the advice or consent of, or giving
notice to, a person wouldbenecessarytogiveeffecttothegivingofthefinancialassurance—(a)the
advice is taken to have been obtained; and(b)the
consent or notice is taken to have been given.616KPlan
of operations(1)Thissectionappliesifaplanofoperationsforarelevantmining lease for
a transitional authority (SAA) was in forceundertheMineralResourcesActimmediatelybeforethecommencement.(2)The
plan of operations—(a)istakentobetheplanofoperationsfortheauthoritysubmitted under
section 233; and(b)continuesinforceonlyuntiltheearlierofthefollowing—(i)the
end of the period, stated in the plan, to whichthe plan
applies;(ii)the plan is
replaced under section 235.(2A)Subsection (2)(a)issubjecttosubsection (2B)andtheMineral Resources Act, section
735(4A).(2B)The special
agreement Act to which the authority relates andthe
existing Act continue to apply for amending the plan ofoperations as if the amending Act, other
than for the insertionof section 584, had not been
enacted.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616L](3)Section 540(1)(e)(vi) does not apply to a
plan of operationsthat, under this section, is taken to be the
plan of operationsfor a transitional authority (SAA).(4)Forthissection,therelevantprovisionsofaminingplanapprovedunderpart2oftheagreementdefinedundertheMount Isa Mines Limited Agreement Act
1985are taken to beaplanofoperationsforeachminingleasetowhichtheyrelate.616LFirst
anniversary day for transitional authority (SAA)Thefirstanniversarydayforatransitionalauthority(SAA)is—(a)iftheSAAenvironmentalauthority(mining)formingthebasisforthetransitionalauthority(SAA)wasalicenceundertheexistingAct—thenextoccurringanniversary of the anniversary day of the
authority underthe existing Act; or(b)otherwise—1 year after the
commencement.616MEnd of transitional authority
(SAA)(1)A transitional authority (SAA) ends
if—(a)theholderoftheauthoritydoesnotcomplywithsection 616H(1); or(b)theauthorityisamendedundersubdivision6andtheamendedauthorityhastakeneffectunderthecurrentAct; or(c)the authority is transferred under
chapter 5, part 9 andthe transfer has taken effect under
the current Act; or(d)thesurrenderoftheauthorityisapprovedunderthecurrent Act; or(e)anenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities)fortheSAAminingactivitythesubjectofthetransitionalauthority (SAA)
is issued and has taken effect under thecurrent
Act.Page 562Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616N](2)However, despite subsection (1)(c), if a
transitional authority(SAA)istransferredunderchapter5,part9toawholly-owned
subsidiary of the holder of the authority withinthe
meaning of the Corporations Act, the authority does notend.(3)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that subsection (1) doesnot
limit chapter 5, part 12.Subdivision 5Applications for
new authorities616NApplication of sdiv 5Thissubdivisionappliesiftheholderofatransitionalauthority (SAA)
(therelevant transitional authority)
makesanapplicationundersection 616H(1)(a)(thenewauthorityapplication)foranenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities)foralevel1miningprojectofwhichtheSAAminingactivitythesubjectoftherelevanttransitionalauthority is a
part.616OApplication of current Act to new
authority applicationChapter 5, parts 2 and 6 apply to the
making and deciding ofthenewauthorityapplication,subjecttosections 616Pand616Q.616PNo
public notice or EIS requirement for particular newauthority application(1)Thissectionappliesforprocessingthenewauthorityapplicationifeachminingactivitythatformstheminingproject to which
the application relates is authorised under theconditions of
the relevant transitional authority.(2)Sections211to215,216(1)(a),217(1)(c),219(4)(c)and219(5)(a) do not apply for the
application.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616Q](3)Forapplyingsections
216(1),217(1)(b)and218(1)areference to an entity, each entity or the
entity is taken to be areference to the applicant.(4)For applying section 219(5)(b), the
reference to each objectoris taken to be a reference to the
applicant.(5)The objection period for the
application starts on the day theadministeringauthoritygivestheapplicantadraftenvironmental
authority and ends 20 business days after thatday.(6)Subsections (7) and (8) apply for
processing the applicationif—(a)no
part of the application relates to a wild river area; and(b)anEISisnotrequiredfortheapplicationundersection 162(3A).(7)Theadministeringauthorityistakentohavedecidedundersection 162(1)
that no EIS is required for the application.(8)Section 163 does not apply for the
application.616QReference to State government
agreement includesparticular rights(1)Subsection (2)appliestotheadministeringauthorityforconsidering the standard criteria in
making a decision undersection 207 to refuse the new
authority application or allow itto
proceed.(1A)Ifthereisacurrentobjectionrelatingtothenewauthorityapplication, subsection (2) also applies to
the Land Court forconsidering the standard criteria under
section 223 in makingthe objections decision for the
application.(2)The reference to a state government
agreement in schedule 4,definitionstandardcriteria,paragraph(c)includesareference to—(a)anagreementunder,ormentionedin,aspecialagreement Act;
andPage 564Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616R](b)therightsgrantedunderanagreementmentionedinparagraph (a).Subdivision
6Amendment of transitionalauthorities (SAA) for conversion tonew
authorities616RApplication of sdiv 6Thissubdivisionappliesifanapplicationismadeundersection 616H(1)(b)toamendatransitionalauthority(SAA)forconvertingittoanenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities) for
a level 1 mining project.616SApplication of
current Act to amendment applicationChapter 5, part
8 applies to the making and deciding of theamendment
application for the transitional authority (SAA),subject to sections 616T and 616U.616TNo public notice or EIS requirement
for particularamendment applications(1)This
section applies for processing the amendment applicationfor
the transitional authority (SAA) if each mining activity towhichtheapplicationrelatesisauthorisedundertheconditions of the authority.(2)Chapter 5, part 6, division 6, and
section 254 do not apply forthe
application.(3)Subsection (4) applies if the
assessment level decision for theapplication
under section 246(1)(a) or 247(3) is that the levelof
environmental harm is likely to be significantly increased.(4)The EIS decision for the application
is taken to be that an EISis not required for the proposed
amendment.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616U]616UReference to State government agreement
includesparticular rights(1)Thissectionappliestotheadministeringauthorityforconsidering the standard criteria in
making a decision undersection 257 to grant or refuse the
amendment application forthe transitional authority
(SAA).(2)The reference to a state government
agreement in schedule 4,definitionstandardcriteria,paragraph(c)includesareference to—(a)anagreementunder,ormentionedin,aspecialagreement Act;
and(b)therightsgrantedunderanagreementmentionedinparagraph (a).616VConsolidation of conditions for same mining
projectSection 607 applies for consolidating
conditions for the samemining project as if—(a)a reference to a transitional
authority were a reference toa transitional
authority (SAA); and(b)thereferencetosection 605wereareferencetosection 616W.Subdivision
7Amendment of transitionalauthorities (SAA) other than byapplication616WAdditional grounds for amendment by
administeringauthorityFor applying
section 292 for a transitional authority (SAA),thefollowinggroundsapply,aswellasthegroundsundersection 292(2)—(a)theadministeringauthoritycannot,byapplyingsection 616C,
work out the conditions of the authority;Page 566Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616X](b)a
condition of the authority under section 616C creates arightorimposesanobligationthattheadministeringauthorityconsidersisuncertainornotreasonablyenforceable;(c)the
holder of the authority submits or amends a plan ofoperations for the authority;(d)theamendmentofthetransitionalauthority(SAA)isnecessarytopreventenvironmentalharmnotalreadyauthorised under
the authority.616XMinisterial power to amend(1)The Minister may amend a transitional
authority (SAA) if theMinister—(a)givestheauthorityholderanamendmentnoticeproposing the amendment; and(b)considersthewrittenrepresentations,ifany,madebythe holder within the stated period in
the notice.(2)IftheMinisterdecidestoamendtheauthorityundersubsection (1),theadministeringauthoritymust,within10business days after the
decision—(a)make the amendment proposed in the
notice; and(b)givetheauthorityholderacopyoftheamendedauthority;
and(c)record particulars of the amendment in
the appropriateregister.(3)IftheMinistergivesanamendmentnoticeundersubsection
(1)anddecidesnottomaketheamendmentproposedinthenotice,theadministeringauthoritymust,within 10
business days after the decision is made, give theholder a written notice of the
decision.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616Y]Subdivision
8Provisions for chapter 4 activitiesNotauthorised—indicativeonly616YApplication of
sdiv 8(1)This subdivision applies if—(a)immediatelybeforethecommencement,anenvironmental authority was in force under
the existingAct as it applied under section 614(1);
and(b)the authority is for a chapter 4
activity to which a specialagreement Act
applies.(2)Subsection (3) applies to an activity
that—(a)is carried out under a sublease of a
mining lease; and(b)would be a chapter 4 activity if it
were not carried outunder a sublease of a mining
lease.(3)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthattheactivityisachapter 4 activity.616ZContinuing effect of environmental
authority as aregistration certificate and development
approval(1)From the commencement—(a)theenvironmentalauthorityhaseffectasifitwerearegistration certificate for the
activity; and(b)the environmental authority has effect
as if the holder oftheauthorityweretheregisteredoperatorfortheactivity;
and(c)the environmental authority has effect
as if it were—(i)if the activity would, after the
commencement, be amobileandtemporaryactivity—adevelopmentapprovalforamaterialchangeofuseundertherepealedIntegrated
Planning Act 1997, schedule 8,part 1, table 5,
item 3; or(ii)in any other
case—a development approval for amaterialchangeofuseundertherepealedPage 568Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616ZA]IntegratedPlanningAct1997, schedule 8,
part 1,table 2, item 1; and(d)any
condition of the environmental authority has effectas
if it were a development condition of the developmentapproval.(2)Theconditionsoftheenvironmentalauthorityaretakentoincludeanyconditionthattheadministeringauthorityis,under section 73B(2), required to
impose under a regulatoryrequirement had it been deciding a
development applicationfor the chapter 4 activity at the
under section 616ZB.616ZA Additional ground for changing or
cancellingdevelopment conditions(1)The
administering authority may change or cancel a conditionof
the environmental authority if—(a)thechangeorcancellationisnecessarybecausetheconditionisnolongerappropriateasadevelopmentcondition of a
development approval for the activity; or(b)the
condition needs to be changed or cancelled so thattheadministeringauthority,inapplyingsection
616Z,can accurately and reliably identify the
conditions of thedevelopment approval; or(c)theconditionsareotherwiseunclear,uncertainorcontradictory.(2)However,theadministeringauthoritymustnotactundersubsection (1)
if the change or cancellation adversely affectsthe interests of
the registered operator for the activity.(3)Iftheconditionischangeditmustinsubstancereflecttheintentoftheconditionasincludedintheenvironmentalauthority as it
existed before the commencement.(4)If
the administering authority changes or cancels a condition,it
must within 10 business days—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 569
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616ZB](a)recordtheparticularsofthechangeorcancellationinthe
appropriate register; and(b)give the
registered operator—(i)a copy of the
development conditions as applyingafter the change
or cancellation; and(ii)a registration
certificate.(5)In this section—condition,oftheenvironmentalauthority,doesnotincludeany condition
taken to be included under section 616Z(2).616ZB End of
environmental authorityAn environmental authority for a
chapter 4 activity under thissubdivision ends
if any of the following happens—(a)the
person carrying out the activity changes;(b)thereisamaterialchangeofuseofpremisesfortheactivity, as defined under the
Planning Act, schedule 2,definitionmaterial change
of use, paragraph (a) or (b);(c)if
the activity is carried out under a sublease of a mininglease—thesubleaseexpiresoriscancelledorsurrendered;(d)a
development approval for the activity takes effect.616ZC
Administering authority may issue replacementdocuments(1)The administering authority may give
to the person carryingout the chapter 4 activity—(a)iftheactivitywascarriedoutat1location—adevelopment
approval for the location; or(b)if
the activity was carried out at more than 1 locationandisnotamobileandtemporaryenvironmentallyrelevantactivity—adevelopmentapprovalforeachlocation;
orPage 570Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616ZCA](c)iftheactivityisamobileandtemporaryenvironmentallyrelevantactivity—adevelopmentapprovalforamobileandtemporaryenvironmentallyrelevant
activity.(2)Ifthepersoncarryingouttheactivitydoesnothavearegistrationcertificatefortheactivity,theadministeringauthority may
also give the person a registration certificate forthe
activity.(3)Thedevelopmentapprovalmustcontainthesamedetailsabout the activity and conditions for
carrying out the activityaswerecontainedintheauthorityorincludedinitundersection
616Z(2).(4)Iftheadministeringauthorityactsundersubsection (1)orsubsections (1) and (2), the administering
authority must givethepersoncarryingouttheactivityaninformationnoticeabouttheadministeringauthority’sdecisiontogivetheapproval or approval and certificate.(5)The approval or approval and
certificate have effect and theenvironmental
authority ends—(a)ifthereisnoappealagainsttheadministeringauthority’s
decision under subsection (4)—from the dayafter the appeal
period expires; or(b)if there is an appeal against the
administering authority’sdecisionundersubsection (4)—fromthedayaftertheappeal is finally decided or is otherwise
ended.Subdivision 9Other
matters616ZCA Continuing effect of particular
section applies to an environmental authority that—(a)is for a chapter 4 activity to which a
special agreementAct applies; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 571
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 616ZCB](b)was
a constituent part of an integrated authority underthe
pre-2005 Act; and(c)was in force immediately before the
commencement.(2)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that sections 619 to 621apply,andhavealwaysapplied,totheenvironmentalauthority.(3)In
this section—pre-2005 Actmeans this Act
as it was in force immediatelybefore 1 January
2005.616ZCB Validation of particular development
approvals andregistration certificates(1)Thissectionappliesif,beforethecommencement,adevelopment approval was issued or a
registration certificatewasgrantedforachapter4activitytowhichaspecialagreement Act
applies.(2)Thedevelopmentapprovalorregistrationcertificateis,andalwayshasbeen,asvalidasitwouldhavebeenifsection 614(1) had not been enacted.Division 8Miscellaneous
provision616ZD Requirement to seek advice from MRA
chief executiveThe requirement under section 302 applies
for a decision bytheMinisterortheadministeringauthoritytoamendanenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities)underthispart,unlesstheauthorityholderhasagreedinwritingtotheamendment.Page 572Current as at [Not applicable]
3Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 617]Validation
provision forEnvironmental Protection andAnother Act Amendment Act2002617Validation of
particular environmental authorities(1)This
section applies to an environmental authority issued orpurporting to have been issued—(a)on or after 1 July 1998 and before the
commencement ofthis section; and(b)for—(i)a
mining activity as defined in this Act when theauthoritywasissuedorpurportedtohavebeenissued; or(ii)a
petroleum activity.(2)The environmental authority is taken
to be, and to always havebeen, valid.Part 4Transitional provision forEnvironmental Protection andOther Legislation AmendmentAct
2002618Section 318A does not apply for
transitional authority(1)The anniversary
day for an environmental authority (miningactivities)that,undersection
not be changed under section 318A.(2)Subsection (1) ceases to apply if the
authority ceases to be atransitional authority under section
592(2).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 619]Part 5Transitional provisions forEnvironmental ProtectionLegislation
Amendment Act2003Notauthorised—indicativeonly619Continuing effect of particular
environmental authorities(1)Subsection
(2)appliesforanenvironmentalauthorityforachapter4activity(otherthananapprovalmentionedinsection 624(1)(b)), if—(a)theauthorityisinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement of this section;
and(b)there is no development approval for
the activity.(2)From the commencement—(a)theauthorityhaseffectasifitwerearegistrationcertificate for
the activity; and(b)the authority has effect as if the
holder of the authoritywere the registered operator for the
activity; and(c)the authority has effect as if it
were—(i)if the activity would, after the
commencement, be amobileandtemporaryactivity—adevelopmentapprovalforamaterialchangeofuseundertherepealedIntegrated
Planning Act 1997, schedule 8,part 1, table 5,
item 3; or(ii)in any other
case—a development approval for amaterialchangeofuseundertherepealedIntegratedPlanningAct1997, schedule 8,
part 1,table 2, item 1; and(d)any
condition of the authority has effect as if it were adevelopmentconditionofthedevelopmentapproval;and(e)if the authority
is a provisional licence, or is for a level2,chapter4activityandwasgrantedforastatedperiod—theauthority(includingasithaseffectasaPage 574Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 620]registration
certificate and as a development approval)has effect only
until the end of the period for which theauthoritywouldhavehadeffectiftheEnvironmentalProtectionLegislationAmendmentAct2003hadnotbeen enacted.(3)Subsection (4)appliesforanenvironmentalauthorityforachapter4activity(otherthananapprovalmentionedinsection 624(1)(b)), if—(a)theauthorityisinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement of this section;
and(b)there is a development approval for
the activity.(4)From the commencement—(a)the development approval continues to
have effect; and(b)theauthorityhaseffectasifitwerearegistrationcertificate for
the activity; and(c)the authority has effect as if the
holder of the authoritywere the registered operator for the
activity; and(d)any condition of the authority has
effect as if it were adevelopment condition of the
development approval.620Additional ground
for changing or cancellingdevelopment conditions(1)Thissectionappliestoaconditionofanenvironmentalauthoritygivencontinuingeffectundersection
change or cancel the condition if—(a)thechangeorcancellationisnecessarybecausetheconditionisnolongerappropriateasadevelopmentcondition of a
development approval for the activity; or(b)the
condition needs to be changed or cancelled so thatthe
administering authority, in applying section 619, canaccuratelyandreliablyidentifytheconditionsofthedevelopment approval; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 621](c)theconditionsareotherwiseunclear,uncertainorcontradictory.(3)However, the administering must not act
under subsection (2)ifthechangetoorcancellationoftheconditionadverselyaffects the interests of the registered
operator for the activity.(4)Iftheconditionischangeditmustinsubstancereflecttheintentoftheconditionasincludedintheenvironmentalauthority as it
existed before section 619 commenced.(5)If
the administering authority changes or cancels a condition,it
must within 10 business days—(a)recordtheparticularsofthechangeorcancellationinthe
appropriate register; and(b)give the
registered operator—(i)a copy of the
development conditions as applyingafter the change
or cancellation; and(ii)a registration
certificate.621Administering authority may issue
administering authority may, for an activity being carriedoutunderanenvironmentalauthoritymentionedinsection 619(1), give to the person carrying
out the activity—(a)iftheactivitywascarriedoutat1location—adevelopment
approval for the location; or(b)if
the activity was carried out at more than 1 locationandisnotamobileandtemporaryenvironmentallyrelevantactivity—adevelopmentapprovalforeachlocation;
activity.(2)Ifthepersoncarryingouttheactivitydoesnothavearegistrationcertificatefortheactivity,theadministeringPage 576Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 623]authority may
also give the person a registration certificate forthe
activity.(3)Thedevelopmentapprovalmustcontainthesamedetailsabout the activity and conditions for
carrying out the activityas were contained in the
authority.(4)Iftheadministeringauthorityactsundersubsection (1)orsubsections (1) and (2), the administering
authority must givethepersoncarryingouttheactivityaninformationnoticeabouttheadministeringauthority’sdecisiontogivetheapproval or approval and certificate.(5)The approval or approval and
certificate have effect and theenvironmental
authority is cancelled—(a)ifthereisnoappealagainsttheadministeringauthority’s
decision under subsection (4)—from the dayafter the appeal
period expires; or(b)if there is an appeal against the
administering authority’sdecisionundersubsection (4)—fromthedayaftertheappeal is finally decided or is otherwise
ended.623Effect of commencement on level 1
approvals forparticular environmentally relevant
activities(1)Subsection (2)appliestoalevel1approvalforalevel1chapter4activitythat,undersection
certificate.(2)Section 316doesnotapplytotheregistrationcertificateunlesstheadministeringauthoritygivestheregisteredoperatoranoticestatingtheadministeringauthorityissatisfied the risk of environmental
harm from carrying out theactivity is no longer
insignificant.(3)In this section—level 1
approvalmeans a level 1 approval immediately
Amendment Act 2003.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 624]Notauthorised—indicativeonly624Effect of
commencement on particular approvals(1)This
section applies for a person who immediately before thecommencement of this section was the
operator of, and wascarrying out, a level 2 chapter 4
activity under—(a)a development approval in force
immediately before thecommencement; or(b)an
approval that—(i)is mentioned in—(A)therepealedEnvironmentalProtection(Interim)Regulation1995,(therepealedregulation)asinforceon1March1995,section 63 or
65; or(B)therepealedregulation,asinforceon28June 1996, section 65; and(ii)wasinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement.(1A)However,thissectiondoesnotapplyiftheactivityisauthorisedunderanenvironmentalauthoritytowhichsection 619
applies.(2)From the commencement, the person is,
for 1 year after thecommencement,takentobetheregisteredoperatorfortheactivity,
and—(a)foranapprovalmentionedinsubsection (1)(a)—theapproval, and any conditions of the
approval, continueto have effect; or(b)foranapprovalmentionedinsubsection (1)(b)—theapprovalceasestohaveeffectonthefirstofthefollowing to
happen—(i)the person carrying out the activity
changes;(ii)there is a
material change of use of premises for theactivity,asdefinedunderthePlanningAct,schedule2,definitionmaterialchangeofuse,paragraph (a) or
(b);Page 578Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 625](iii)adevelopmentapprovalfortheactivitytakeseffect.(3)The person must, within 1 year of the
commencement, givethe administering authority the same details
the person wouldhavetogivetheadministeringauthorityifthepersonwereapplying for a
registration certificate.(4)If the person
complies with subsection (3), the administeringauthority must
give the person a registration certificate.(5)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthattheregistrationcertificate does
not limit or otherwise affect subsection (2)(a)or (b).625Effect of commencement on applications
fordevelopment approvals for level 2
environmentallyrelevant activities(1)Subsection (2)appliesforanapplicationforadevelopmentapproval for a
level 2 chapter 4 activity that had not lapsedimmediately
before the commencement of this section.(2)Beforecarryingouttheactivityunderthedevelopmentapproval,thepersonwhoproposestocarryouttheactivitymust obtain a
registration certificate.626Effect of
commencement on particular applications inprogress(1)This section applies to—(a)anapplicationforanenvironmentalauthorityforachapter 4
activity not decided before the commencementofthissection,includinganapplicationmentionedinsection 611; or(b)anapplicationtoamend,surrenderortransferanenvironmentalauthorityforachapter4activitynotdecided before the commencement of this
section.(2)From the commencement—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 627](a)processing of the application and all
matters incidentalto the processing must proceed as if
theEnvironmentalProtectionLegislationAmendmentAct2003hadnotbeen enacted; and(b)anyenvironmentalauthoritygranted,amendedortransferred is taken to be an
environmental authority towhich section 619 applies.(3)However, subsection (4) applies for an
application mentionedin subsection (1) if—(a)the administering authority, by
written notice, asks theapplicanttogivetheadministeringauthorityastateddocument or
information relevant to the application; and(b)the
applicant does not give the document or informationto
the administering authority within the time stated intherequestorsuchothertimetheadministeringauthority agrees
to in writing.(4)Theapplicationlapsesattheendofthetimestatedintherequest or agreed to.627Effect of commencement on development
approvalapplications in progress(1)Subsection (2)appliesifanapplicationforadevelopmentapproval, or for
an amendment of a development condition ofa development
approval, for a chapter 4 activity, has not beendecidedandhasnotlapsed,immediatelybeforethecommencement of this section.(2)From the commencement, processing of
the application andall matters incidental to the processing
must proceed as if theEnvironmentalProtectionLegislationAmendmentAct2003had not been
enacted.628Effect of commencement on particular
actions inprogress(1)This
section applies for an environmental authority mentionedin
section 619.Page 580Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 630](2)Subsection (3)appliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencementofthissection,allaction,thatcouldhavebeen
taken under this Act in relation to a notice given undersection 133or135abouttheamendment,suspensionorcancellationoftheenvironmentalauthority,hadnotbeentaken.(3)From the commencement, any action that
had not been takenbeforethecommencementmaybetakenunderthisAct,asamendedbytheEnvironmentalProtectionLegislationAmendment Act
2003, with necessary changes.(4)Subsection (5)appliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencementofthissection,theenvironmentalauthorityremained suspended.(5)From
the commencement, the environmental authority, takenundersection
619tobearegistrationcertificate,remainssuspended for the period the environmental
authority wouldhavebeensuspendedbutforthecommencementoftheEnvironmental Protection Legislation
Amendment Act 2003.630Continuing
operation of s 611 (Unfinished applicationsunder existing
Act)References to provisions of this Act in
section 611 continue tooperateasiftheEnvironmentalProtectionLegislationAmendment Act
2003had not been enacted.Part 6Transitional provisions forPetroleum and OtherLegislation
Amendment Act2004631Financial
assurance if security for related petroleumauthority is
monetary(1)This section applies to an
environmental authority if—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 581
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 632](a)under thePetroleum Act
1923or thePetroleum and
authority; and(b)thePetroleumAct1923,section 159orthePetroleumand Gas
(Production and Safety) Act 2004, section
920applies to security held for the petroleum
authority.(2)A condition is taken to have, under
section 364, been imposedon the environmental authority that
its holder must give theadministeringauthorityfinancialassurancefortheenvironmentalauthorityintheamountrequiredtobetransferredundereithersectionmentionedinsubsection (1)(b).(3)The
amount is taken to also be the financial assurance.(4)Thefinancialassuranceistakentobeforthemattersmentioned in
section 364(1) in relation to the environmentalauthority.(5)Onthemakingofthetransfer,therequirementunderthecondition to give the financial
assurance is taken to have beencomplied
with.632Financial assurance if security for
related petroleumauthority is non-monetary(1)This section applies to an
environmental authority if—(a)under thePetroleum Act
1923or thePetroleum and
authority; and(b)thePetroleumAct1923,section 160orthePetroleumand Gas
(Production and Safety) Act 2004, section
921applies to security held for the petroleum
authority.(2)A condition is taken to have, under
section 364, been imposedon the environmental authority that
its holder must give theadministeringauthorityfinancialassurancefortheenvironmental
authority.Page 582Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 633](3)Thesecuritymentionedineithersectionmentionedinsubsection (1)(b) is taken to also be the
financial assurance.(4)Thefinancialassuranceistakentobeforthemattersmentioned in
section 364(1) in relation to the environmentalauthority.(5)Subsections (3)and(4)applydespitethetermsofaninstrumentgrantingthesecurityoranyotherdocument,including, for example, a term that the
security or its benefit isnot transferable.(6)The
condition ends at the earlier of the following to happen—(a)the amendment, under section 634, of
the condition;(b)the end of 12 months after the 2004
Act start day underthePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety)Act2004.633Effect of financial assurance on the
security(1)A condition about financial assurance
imposed under this partonly affects a security to the extent
provided under this part.(2)Without limiting
subsection (1), section 632 does not affect orchange—(a)thesecuritymentionedinsection 632(1)asasecurityunder thePetroleum Act 1923or thePetroleum and Gas(Production and
Safety) Act 2004; or(b)the
matters for which the security was given under thatAct;
or(c)the enforcement of the security under
that Act.(3)Section 632, or any thing done under
it, does not—(a)discharge a security; or(b)discharge or release a surety or other
obligee, wholly orpartly, from an obligation; or(c)fulfilaconditionallowingapersontoterminateaninstrumentorbereleased,whollyorpartly,fromanCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 634]obligationormodifytheoperationoreffectofaninstrument or obligation.(4)If the advice or consent of, or giving
notice to, a person wouldbenecessarytogiveeffecttothegivingofthefinancialassurance—(a)the
advice is taken to have been obtained; and(b)the
consent or notice is taken to have been given.634Amendment of financial assurance condition
under thispart(1)Theadministeringauthoritymayamendaconditionaboutfinancialassuranceimposedunderthisparttorequirethegivingofreplacementfinancialassurance,inaformandamount decided by the authority.(2)Section 364 applies for the amendment
as if a reference in thesectiontotheimpositionofaconditionrequiringfinancialassurance were a
reference to the amendment.(3)Chapter 7, part 6, applies for the financial
assurance.Part 7Transitional
provisions forEnvironmental Protection andOther Legislation AmendmentAct
2004Division 1Original
provisionsSubdivision 1Preliminary635Definitions for div 1In this
division—Page 584Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 636]commencementmeansthecommencementoftheEnvironmental Protection and Other
Legislation AmendmentAct 2004, section
32.existing Actmeans this Act
as in force immediately before thecommencement.newchapter4Ameanschapter4Aimmediatelyafterthecommencement.old chapter
4Ameans chapter 4A under the existing
Act.Subdivision 2Provisions for
former integratedauthorities636Application of sdiv 2Thissubdivisionappliestotheconstituentpartsofanintegrated
authority that, under the existing Act, were in forceimmediately before the commencement.637Continuing status of each constituent
part as anenvironmental authority(1)This
section—(a)appliesdespitetherepealofformerchapter6,part1;and(b)is subject to
section 638.(2)Fromthecommencement,eachoftheconstituentpartscontinues to be an environmental authority
of the type statedin the integrated authority.(3)Therepealdoesnotchangetheanniversarydaysoftheenvironmental
authorities.(4)The relevant provisions of new chapter
4A or chapter 5 andchapter 6 apply to the environmental
authorities.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 638]638Re-issuing of environmental authorities if
they do notform a single mining or petroleum
project(1)Theadministeringauthoritymay,atanytimeafterthecommencement, decide whether the
constituent parts togetherform a single mining or petroleum
project.(2)If the administering authority decides
the constituent parts arefor different mining or petroleum
projects, it may—(a)canceltheconstituentpartsasenvironmentalauthorities;
and(b)issue to the former holder of the
cancelled constituentparts new environmental authorities
(mining activities)orenvironmentalauthorities(petroleumactivities)foreach
of the different mining or petroleum projects.(3)The
conditions of each of the new environmental authoritiesmust
be the conditions of the cancelled constituent parts thatapplied to the mining or petroleum project
the subject of thenewenvironmentalauthority,subjecttoanynecessarychanges.Subdivision
3Other provisions639Environmental authorities under old chapter
4A(1)A licence, other than a provisional
licence, under old chapter4A in force immediately before the
commencement is, on thecommencement, taken to be a non-code
compliant authorityunder new chapter 4A for a level 1 petroleum
activity.(2)Onthecommencement,aprovisionallicenceunderoldchapter 4A ceases to be an environmental
authority.(3)A level 2 approval under old chapter
4A in force immediatelybefore the commencement is, on the
commencement, taken tobe a non-code compliant authority
under new chapter 4A, fora level 2 petroleum activity.Page
586Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 640]640Applications in progress under old chapter
4A(1)An environmental authority application
under old chapter 4Athat,immediatelybeforethecommencement,hadnotbeendecided is taken
to be an application—(a)ifitisforalevel2petroleumactivity—undernewchapter 4A, part 2, division 3, subdivision
2; or(b)ifitisforalevel1petroleumactivity—undernewchapter 4A, part 2, division 4.(2)Anamendment,surrenderortransferapplicationunderoldchapter 4A that, immediately before
the commencement hadnot been decided is, on the
commencement, taken to be thecorresponding
type of application under new chapter 4A.641Existing environmental management
documentsThecurrentenvironmentalmanagementplanorcurrentEMOS under the
existing Act for, or for an application for, anenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities),isonthecommencementtakentobethesubmittedEMplanfortheenvironmental authority or
application.Note—See the existing
Act, sections 187 (Environmental management planrequired),201(EMOSrequired)and253(Previousenvironmentalmanagement
document may be amended).Division 2Provisions
inserted underEnvironmental Protection and OtherLegislation Amendment Act 2007641ADefinition for div 2In
this division—commencementmeansthecommencementoftheEnvironmental Protection and Other
Legislation AmendmentAct 2004, part 3.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 641B]641BNon-standard environmental authority taken
to beenvironmental authority for level 1 mining
project(1)This section applies to a non-standard
environmental authority(miningactivities)thatwasinforceundertheActimmediately before the commencement
and has remained inforce since the commencement.(2)Theauthorityistakentobeanenvironmentalauthority(mining activities) for a level 1 mining
project.641CStandard environmental authority taken
to beenvironmental authority for level 2 mining
project(1)Thissectionappliestoastandardenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities)thatwasinforceundertheActimmediately before the commencement
and has remained inforce since the commencement.(2)Theauthorityistakentobeanenvironmentalauthority(mining activities) for a level 2 mining
project.Part 8Transitional
provisions forEnvironmental Protection andOther Legislation AmendmentAct
2005642EISs currently undergoing EIS
41,submittedbeforethecommencementofsections 56Aand56B.643Transitional
provision for amended ss 619 and 624(1)Subsection (2)appliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement of this section, section
619 applied in relationPage 588Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 644]to an approval
mentioned in section 624(1)(b), as in force onthe commencement
of this section.(2)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatsection 619,asamendedbytheEnvironmentalProtectionandOtherLegislation
Amendment Act 2005, ceases to apply in relationto
the approval on the commencement of this section.Part
9Transitional provision forEnvironmental Protection andOther Legislation AmendmentAct
2007644References to environmental management
programs ordraft programs(1)A
reference to an environmental management program in anActordocumentistaken,ifthecontextpermits,tobeareference to a transitional environmental
program.(2)A reference to a draft environmental
management program inan Act or document is taken, if the
context permits, to be areference to a draft transitional
environmental program.Part 10Savings
provisions forEnvironmental Protection andOther Legislation AmendmentAct
(No. 2) 2008645Definition for pt 10In
this part—commencement daymeans the day of
commencement of theprovision in which the term appears.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 646]646Accrediting entity for s 440ZLAreferenceinsection 440ZLtoacertificateissuedbyanaccreditedentityincludesacertificateissued,beforethecommencementday,bytheEnergyInformationCentreinSouth Australia.Editor’s
note—section 440ZL(Saleofsolidfuel-burningequipmentforuseinresidential premises and related
matters)Part 11Transitional
provisions forGreenhouse Gas Storage Act2009Division 1Preliminary647Definitions for div 1assentmeans the date of assent of the GHG storage
Act.converted authoritiessee section
648(2)(b).documentincludesanapprovedform,anotice,anenvironmental authority and subordinate
legislation.former,foraprovisionmentionedinthispart,meanstheprovision to which the reference relates is
a provision of thisAct as in force before assent.Zerogenmeans Zerogen
Pty Ltd (ACN 118 696 932).Division 2Provisions for
Zerogen648New environmental authority for
Zerogen’s convertedGHG permits(1)Thissectionappliestotheenvironmentalauthorities(petroleum
activities) in force immediately before assent heldPage
590Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 649]by Zerogen
(theold authorities) relating to
its authorities toprospect under the P&G Act, numbered 830
and 835.Note—On the date of
assent of the GHG storage Act the authorities to prospectbecameGHGpermitsunderthatAct.SeetheGHGstorageAct,section 431.(2)On
assent, the old authorities—(a)ceasetobeenvironmentalauthoritiesforpetroleumactivities;
and(b)aretakentobeenvironmentalauthorities(chapter5Aactivities)forgreenhousegasstorageactivities(theconverted authorities).(3)The converted authorities are non-code
compliant, for a level2 chapter 5A activity.(4)Theconditionsoftheconvertedauthoritiesarealloftheconditionsoftheoldauthoritiesthatarerelevanttothecarryingoutofgreenhousegasstorageactivitiesundertheauthority to prospect to which the
converted authority relates.(5)Chapter 5A applies to the converted
authorities.649New environmental authority for
Zerogen’s new GHGpermit(1)This
section applies for the GHG permit that, under the GHGstorageAct,section 432,Zerogenistakentohavebeengranted on the date of assent of that
Act.(2)Onassent,Zerogenistakentohavebeengrantedanenvironmentalauthority(chapter5Aactivities)forallgreenhouse gas storage activities
authorised under the GHGpermit.(3)The
environmental authority is non-code compliant for a level2
chapter 5A activity.(4)The conditions
of the environmental authority are all of theconditionsoftheenvironmentalauthority(chapter5Aactivities) No. PEN 200040607, granted on 22
October 2007Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 650]as in force on
assent that are relevant to the carrying out ofgreenhouse gas
storage activities under the GHG permit.(5)Chapter 5A applies to the environmental
authority.Division 3Provisions for
replacement offormer chapter 4A with chapter 5A650References to former chapter 4A(1)A reference in an Act or a document to
former chapter 4A istaken to be a reference to chapter
5A.(2)A reference in an Act or a document to
a particular provisionof former chapter 4A (therepealed provision) is taken to be
areference to the provision of chapter 5A
that corresponds, orsubstantially corresponds, to the
repealed provision.651Environmental authorities (petroleum
activities) otherthan converted authorities(1)This section applies to an
environmental authority (petroleumactivities)inforceunderformerchapter4Aimmediatelybefore assent,
other than the converted authorities.(2)Onassenttheenvironmentalauthorityistakentobeanenvironmental
authority (chapter 5A activities) granted underchapter 5A that
is—(a)of the same level; and(b)for the same activities; and(c)subject to the same conditions.(3)Chapter 5A applies to the
environmental authority.Page 592Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 652]652References to environmental authorities
(petroleumactivities) and their levels(1)AreferenceinanActordocumenttoanenvironmentalauthority
(petroleum activities) is taken to be a reference to anenvironmental authority (chapter 5A
activities) for—(a)if the environmental authority is a
converted authority—greenhouse gas storage activities;
or(b)otherwise—petroleum activities.(2)AreferenceinanActordocumenttoalevel1petroleumactivity is
taken to be to a level 1 chapter 5A activity.(3)AreferenceinanActordocumenttoalevel2petroleumactivity is
taken to be to a level 2 chapter 5A activity.653Migration of undecided applicationsIf,
immediately before assent, an application has been madeunder former chapter 4A, but not decided,
the application istakentohavebeenmadeunderchapter5Aforthecorresponding
matter under that chapter.654Migration of
decisions and documents(1)Thissectionappliestoadecisionordocumentinforceimmediatelybeforeassentgivenunderformerchapter4Aabout a matter under that chapter.(2)Onassent,thedecisionordocumentistakentohavebeengiven under chapter 5A about the
corresponding matter underthat chapter.(3)However, subsection (2) does not change the
time at which thedecision or document was given.(4)In this section—given,foradecisionordocument,includesitsmakingorsubmission.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 593
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 655]655Migration of outstanding appealsIf,
immediately before assent, an appeal about a matter underformer chapter 4A had not been decided, on
assent the appealis taken to be an appeal about the
corresponding matter underchapter 5A.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 13Transitional
provisions forGreat Barrier Reef ProtectionAmendment Act 2009657Deferral of automatic ERMP requirement for
existingagricultural ERAsSection 88(a)
does not apply to an agricultural ERA carriedout before the
commencement of this section until 6 monthsafter the
commencement.658Provision for appeals for ch 4TheGreatBarrierReefProtectionAmendmentAct2009,section 19(2)istakentohavehadeffectfrom23February2009.Part
14Transitional provision forSustainable Planning Act 2009659Continuing application of ch 4, pt
1(1)This section applies to a
developmentapplication made butnot decided
under the repealedIntegrated Planning Act 1997before the commencement.(2)Chapter4,part1asinforcebeforethecommencementcontinuestoapplytothedevelopmentapplicationasiftheSustainable
Planning Act 2009had not commenced.(3)In
this section—Page 594Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 660]commencementmeans the day
this section commences.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
15Transitional provisions forSouth-East Queensland Water(Distribution and RetailRestructuring)
and OtherLegislation Amendment Act2010660Definitions for
pt 15In this part—commencement
daymeans the day this section commences.CSGamendment,toanexistingCSGauthority,meansanamendmentrelatingtomanagingcoalseamgaswatergeneratedinconnectionwithcarryingoutarelevantCSGactivity.existing CSG
authoritymeans a coal seam gas environmentalauthoritythatwasinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement day.661Temporary prohibition on constructing CSG
evaporationdams under existing CSG authority(1)While this section applies, an
existing CSG authority does notauthorisetheconstructionofaCSGevaporationdaminconnection with carrying out a
relevant CSG activity.Note—Seesection 426A(Environmentalauthorityrequiredforchapter5Aactivity).(2)However, subsection (1) does not apply if
the construction ofthedamhassubstantiallycommencedbeforethecommencement day.(3)This
section stops applying when—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 595
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 662](a)a
CSG amendment is made to the authority; or(b)theholderoftheauthoritygivestheadministeringauthority a
revised (CSG) EM plan for the authority andtheadministeringauthoritygivestheholderawrittennotice approving
construction of the dam.662Revised (CSG) EM
plan required for existing CSGauthority(1)The holder of an existing CSG
authority must within 1 yearafter the
commencement day give the administering authoritya
revised (CSG) EM plan for the existing CSG authority.(2)Even if the authority holder does not
give a revised (CSG) EMplan within 1 year after the
commencement day, the obligationunder subsection
(1) continues until—(a)theholdergivestheadministeringauthorityarevised(CSG) EM plan;
or(b)aCSGamendmentismadetotheexistingCSGauthority.Note—Under section 312E(1) the administering
authority may amendan environmental authority (chapter 5A
activities) if it considersthe amendment is
necessary or desirable because of a mattermentionedinsection 312E(2),including(undersection
312E(2)(a)) a contravention of this Act by the holder.663First annual return for existing CSG
authoritySection 316A does not apply to the first
annual return that theholder of an existing CSG authority is
required to lodge afterthecommencementdayunlesstheholderhasgiventheadministeringauthorityarevised(CSG)EMplanfortheexisting CSG authority.Page
596Current as at [Not applicable]
16Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 664]Transitional
provisions forGeothermal Energy Act 2010Notauthorised—indicativeonly664Deferral of requirement for
environmental authority forexisting authorised geothermal
activities(1)This section applies if—(a)immediately before the commencement of
this section, ageothermalactivitywasauthorisedtobecarriedoutundertherepealedGeothermalExplorationAct2004;and(b)apersonwascarryingouttheactivitybeforethecommencement.(2)Section 426 does not apply to the
person—(a)within 12 months after the
commencement; and(b)if,withinthe12months,thepersonappliesforanenvironmentalauthorityforthecarryingoutoftheactivity—until the application has been
decided.665Deferral of requirement for
environmental authority forBirdsville geothermal lease(1)This section applies for the
geothermal lease that, under theGeothermal Act,
section 389(1) Ergon Energy is taken to havebeen granted on
the date of assent of that Act.(2)Section 426 does not apply to Ergon Energy
or another personwho,undertheGeothermalAct,carriesoutanauthorisedactivity for the
and(b)if, within the 12 months, Ergon Energy
applies for anenvironmental authority for authorised
activities for thelease—until the application has been
decided.(3)In this section—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 597
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 666]ErgonEnergymeansErgonEnergyCorporationLimitedACN087646062oranyoneelsewhoholdstheleasementioned in
subsection (1).Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 17Transitional
provisions for theEnvironmental Protection andOther Legislation AmendmentAct
2011666Definitions for pt 17In
this part—amending Actmeans theEnvironmental Protection and OtherLegislation Amendment Act 2011.commencementmeans
commencement of this section.unamended
Actmeans this Act as in force from time to
timebefore the commencement.667Existing EISs(1)ThissectionappliestoanEISsubmittedundersection
47beforethedaythissectioncommences,forwhichthechiefexecutive has
not made a decision under section 49 on the daythis section
commences.(2)The EIS must be considered under this
Act even though a feehas not been paid as required under
section 47(2) as in forceimmediately after the day this section
commences.668Existing application for registration
to carry out chapter 4activity(1)This
section applies to an application under section 73D madebeforethecommencementthathasnotbeendecidedatthecommencement.(2)The
application must be decided under the unamended Act.Page
598Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 669](3)For
subsection (2), the unamended Act continues in effect asif
it had not been amended by the amending Act.669Registration to carry out chapter 4
activity(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement, the
administering authorityissued a registration certificate to a
person and, at thecommencement,thepersondoesnothaveadevelopment permit; or(b)theadministeringauthorityissuesaregistrationcertificatetoapersonundertheunamendedActasapplied by section 668, and the person
does not have adevelopment permit.(2)Section 73Gasinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencementappliesinrelationtotheregistrationcertificate.670Existing non-code compliant application for
a level 1mining project(1)Thissectionappliestoanenvironmentalauthority(mininglease)
application made before the commencement if—(a)itisanon-codecompliantapplicationforalevel1mining project; and(b)the
Land Court has, under section 222 of the unamendedAct,
given a recommendation to the MRA Minister; and(c)at
the commencement, the EPA Minister has not decidedthe
application.(2)Sections 224 and 225 of the unamended
Act continue to applyin relation to the application as if
the sections had not beenamended by the amending Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 671]671Existing draft transitional environmental
programs(1)Thissectionappliestoadrafttransitionalenvironmentprogramsubmittedundersection 332or333beforethecommencementif,atthecommencement,theadministeringauthority has
not decided whether to approve it.(2)Theadministeringauthoritymustconsider,orcontinuetoconsider,thedrafttransitionalenvironmentprogramanddecide whether to approve it under the
unamended Act.(3)For subsection (2), the unamended Act
continues in effect asif it had not been amended by the
amending Act.672Transitional environmental
programsAtransitionalenvironmentalprograminforceatthecommencement,orapprovedundertheunamendedActasapplied by section 671, continues in
effect even if it does notcomplywithsection 331asinforceimmediatelyafterthecommencement.673Existing application for disclosure
exemption(1)Thissectionappliestoanapplicationforadisclosureexemptionmadeundersection 564oftheunamendedActbeforethecommencementthathasnotbeendecidedatthecommencement.(2)At
the commencement, the application is taken to have beenwithdrawn.674Existing reviews and appeals about
disclosureexemptions(1)Subsection (2)appliestoanapplicationforareviewofanoriginal decision mentioned in
schedule 2, part 1, division 5 ofthe unamended
Act that—(a)was made under section 521 before the
commencement;and(b)has not been
decided at the commencement.Page 600Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 675](2)At
the commencement, the application is taken to have beenwithdrawn.(3)Subsection (4) applies to an appeal against
a review decisionforanoriginaldecisionmentionedinschedule 2,part1,division 5 of the unamended Act
that—(a)was made under section 524 before the
commencement;and(b)has not been
decided at the commencement.(4)At
the commencement—(a)the appeal is taken to have been
withdrawn; and(b)if the Land Court has started to hear
the appeal, the LandCourt must stop hearing the
appeal.675Existing disclosure exemptions(1)This section applies to a disclosure
exemption granted underthe unamended Act.(2)Chapter 12, part 3 of the unamended Act
continues to apply inrelation to the disclosure exemption
as if this Act had not beenamended by the
amending Act.Part 18Transitional
provisions forEnvironmental Protection(Greentape
Reduction) andOther Legislation AmendmentAct
2012Division 1Preliminary676Definitions for pt 18In this
part—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 676]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 602amendingActmeanstheEnvironmentalProtection(Greentape
Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Act2012.chapter4activitymeansachapter4activityundertheunamended Act, schedule 4.codeofenvironmentalcompliancemeansacodeofenvironmentalcomplianceundertheunamendedAct,schedule 4.commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.conversion
application—(a)for division
5—see section 695; or(b)for division
5A—see section 698B.environmentalauthority(chapter5Aactivities)meansanenvironmental authority (chapter 5A
activities) under formersection 309A(3).environmentalauthority(miningactivities)meansanenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities)underformersection
146(2).former,foraprovisionmentionedinthispart,meanstheprovision as in force immediately before the
amendment orrepeal of the provision under the amending
Act.former holdersee section
698A.non-transitional ERAsee section
676A(1).registration certificatemeans a
registration certificate underformer section
73F.standardenvironmentalconditionsmeansstandardenvironmentalconditionsundertheunamendedAct,schedule 4.surrendered
registration certificatesee section 698A.UDA development
approvalsee the ULDA Act, schedule.UDAdevelopmentconditionseetheULDAAct,section
55(4)(b).Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 676A]ULDA Actmeans theUrban Land
Development Authority Act2007.unamended Actmeans this Act
as in force from time to timebefore the
commencement.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Provisions for
chapter 4 activitiesSubdivision 1Non-transitional
ERAs676AEnvironmentally relevant activity may
be prescribed asnon-transitional ERA(1)Aregulationmayprescribeasection 19activityasanenvironmentally
relevant activity for which the developmentauthorityorregistrationcertificatefortheactivitydoesnottransitiontoanenvironmentalauthorityafterthecommencement (anon-transitional
ERA).(2)In this
section—section 19activitymeansanactivitythat,beforethecommencement,wasprescribedundersection 19asanenvironmentally relevant
activity.Subdivision 2Chapter 4
activities that are nottransitioned676BApplication of sdiv 2This subdivision
applies to a non-transitional ERA.676CContinuing effect of unamended Act for
non-transitionalERA(1)The unamended
Act continues to apply to a non-transitionalERA until a day
prescribed under a regulation.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 603
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 676D](2)However, the unamended Act, section 427 does
not apply to aperson who starts carrying out a chapter 4
activity after thecommencement.Subdivision
3Chapter 4 activities that aretransitioned676DApplication of sdiv 3This subdivision
does not apply to a non-transitional ERA.677Continuing effect of existing development
permit forchapter 4 activity as environmental
authority(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement, a development permit for
a chapter 4 activityis in effect.(2)From
the commencement—(a)ifthechapter4activitythesubjectofthepermitisamobileandtemporaryenvironmentallyrelevantactivity—(i)the
permit becomes an environmental authority fora prescribed
ERA; and(ii)the development
conditions of the permit becomeconditionsoftheenvironmentalauthority,asstandard conditions; and(b)if
the chapter 4 activity the subject of the permit is anactivityotherthanamobileandtemporaryenvironmentally
relevant activity—(i)the development conditions of the
permit becomean environmental authority for a prescribed
ERA;and(ii)the development
conditions of the permit becomeconditions of
the environmental authority; andPage 604Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 678](c)the
holder of the registration certificate for the activitythesubjectofthepermitbecomestheholderoftheenvironmental authority.(3)The environmental authority is taken
to have had effect on thedaythedevelopmentpermithadeffectunderthePlanningAct.(4)Theanniversarydayfortheenvironmentalauthorityisthesameastheanniversarydaythatappliedtotheregistrationcertificate
immediately before the commencement.678Existing development application for chapter
4 activity(1)Thissectionappliesforadevelopmentapplicationforachapter4activitymade,butnotdecided,beforethecommencement.(2)From
the commencement—(a)section 115 does not apply to the
application; and(b)formerchapter4,part1continuestoapplytotheapplication as if the amending Act had
not been enacted.678AApplication to convert particular
existing conditions intoenvironmental authority(1)Subsection (2) applies if—(a)immediately before the commencement, a
developmentpermitforachapter4activityisineffect,butnoregistration certificate for the
activity was issued; or(b)afterthecommencement,adevelopmentpermitforachapter 4
activity comes into effect under section 678.(2)Apersonmayapplytothechiefexecutivetoconvertthedevelopment conditions of the permit into an
environmentalauthority for a prescribed ERA.(3)Subsection (4) applies if—(a)immediately before the
commencement—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 678B](i)aUDAdevelopmentapprovalforachapter4activity is in effect; and(ii)UDAdevelopmentconditions(therelevantconditions)oftheUDAdevelopmentapprovalnominatetheadministeringauthoritytobethenominatedassessingauthorityfortheconditionsunder the ULDA
Act, section 58(a); and(iii)noregistrationcertificatefortheactivitywasissued; or(b)after the commencement—(i)aPDAdevelopmentapprovalforachapter4activity,appliedforbeforethecommencement,comes into
effect; and(ii)PDAdevelopmentconditions(alsotherelevantconditions)oftheUDAdevelopmentapprovalnominatetheadministeringauthoritytobethenominatedassessingauthorityfortheconditionsundertheEconomicDevelopmentAct2012,section 88(a); and(iii)no
registration certificate for the activity is issued.(4)Apersonmayapplytothechiefexecutivetoconverttherelevantconditionsintoanenvironmentalauthorityforaprescribed
ERA.(5)In this section—PDA development
approvalsee theEconomicDevelopmentAct 2012,
schedule 1.PDA development conditionsee
theEconomic DevelopmentAct 2012,
section 85(4)(b).678BRequirements for conversion
application(1)An application under section 678A
must—(a)be written; andPage 606Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 678C](b)describeallenvironmentallyrelevantactivitiesfortheapplication; and(c)describe the land on which each activity
will be carriedout; and(d)statewhethertheapplicantisaregisteredsuitableoperator for the carrying out of the
activity; and(e)if the applicant is not a registered
suitable operator forthe carrying out of the activity,
include an application,undersection
318F,forregistrationasasuitableoperator for the
carrying out of the activity; and(f)statewhethertheapplicantwantsanyenvironmentalauthority
granted for the application to take effect on aday nominated by
the applicant.(2)No fee is payable for an application
under section 678A.678CCriterion for decisionAn
application under section 678A may be granted only if theapplicant is a registered suitable operator
for the carrying outof the activity.678DGrant
of environmental authority for conversion(1)If
the chief executive decides to approve an application undersection 678A(2)—(a)thechiefexecutivemustgranttheapplicantanenvironmental authority for a prescribed
ERA; and(b)thedevelopmentconditionsofthepermitbecometheconditions of the environmental
authority.(2)If the chief executive decides to
approve an application undersection
678A(4)—(a)thechiefexecutivemustgranttheapplicantanenvironmental authority for a prescribed
ERA; and(b)therelevantconditionsundersection 678A(3)becomethe
conditions of the environmental authority.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 607
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 678E]678EWhen
environmental authority takes effectThe
environmental authority has effect—(a)iftheauthoritystatesthatittakeseffectonthedaynominatedbytheholderoftheauthorityinawrittennotice given to
the chief executive—on the nominatedday; or(b)otherwise—on the day the authority is
issued.678FNotice of decision(1)This
section applies if—(a)the chief executive decides to refuse
the application; and(b)the application
was made together with an application,undersection 318F,forregistrationasasuitableoperator for the
carrying out of the activity.(2)Thenoticethatthechiefexecutivemustgivetheapplicantunder section
318I(2) must include notice of the decision.679Continuing effect of existing UDA
development approvalfor chapter 4 activity as environmental
UDA development approval for a chapter 4 activity isin
effect; and(b)UDA development conditions (therelevant conditions)oftheUDAdevelopmentapprovalnominatetheadministeringauthoritytobethenominatedassessingauthorityfortheconditionsundertheULDAAct,section 58(a).Note—SeealsotheEconomicDevelopmentAct2012,section 205fortheapplication of this provision
following the commencement of that Act.(2)From
the commencement—Page 608Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 680](a)therelevantconditionsoftheUDAdevelopmentapproval—(i)becomeanenvironmentalauthorityforaprescribed ERA;
conditions of the environmental authority;and(b)the holder of the registration
certificate for the activitythe subject of
the UDA development approval becomesthe holder of
the environmental authority; and(c)thecarryingoutoftheprescribedERAundertheenvironmentalauthorityisnotaUDAdevelopmentoffence.(3)The environmental authority is taken
to have had effect on thedaytheUDAdevelopmentapprovalhadeffectundertheULDA Act.(4)Theanniversarydayfortheenvironmentalauthorityistheanniversary of
the day the UDA development approval wasgiven.(5)In this section—UDA development
offencesee the ULDA Act, schedule.680Continuing effect of existing
registration certificate asenvironmental authority(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement—(a)a
registration certificate is in effect; and(b)acodeofenvironmentalcomplianceappliedtothechapter 4
activity stated in the certificate.(2)From
the commencement—(a)theregistrationcertificatebecomesanenvironmentalauthority for a
prescribed ERA; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 681](b)thestandardenvironmentalconditionsofthecodeofenvironmentalcompliancebecomeconditionsoftheauthority, as standard conditions;
and(c)theregisteredoperatorfortheregistrationcertificatebecomes the
holder of the environmental authority.(3)The
environmental authority is taken to have had effect on theday
the registration certificate had effect under the unamendedAct.(4)Theanniversarydayfortheenvironmentalauthorityistheanniversary day
for the registration certificate.681Existing application for registration to
carry out chapter 4activity(1)This
section applies for an application for registration to carryout
a chapter 4 activity made, but not decided, under formerchapter 4, part 2 before the
commencement.(2)From the commencement, former chapter
4, part 2 continuesto apply to the application as if the
amending Act had not beenenacted.(3)Subsection (4) applies if—(a)a registration certificate is given
for the application; and(b)immediatelybeforethecommencement,acodeofenvironmentalcomplianceappliedtothechapter4activity stated in the
certificate.(4)Theregistrationcertificateistakentobeonetowhichsection 680
applies.(5)If subsection (4) does not apply and a
registration certificate isgiven for the
application, the registration certificate is taken tobe
one to which section 677 applies.Page 610Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 3Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 682]Provisions for
environmentalauthorities (mining activities)682Continuing effect of existing
environmental authority(mining activities) as environmental
authority(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement,anenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities) is
in effect.(2)Fromthecommencement,theenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities)becomesanenvironmentalauthorityformining activities.(3)The
environmental authority is taken to have had effect on theday
the environmental authority (mining activities) had effectunder the unamended Act.(4)Theanniversarydayfortheenvironmentalauthorityistheanniversarydayfortheenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities).683Effect of commencement on particular
applications(1)This section applies to the following
applications made, butnot decided, before the
commencement—(a)anapplicationforanenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities) made
under former chapter 5; and(b)anapplicationtoamend,surrenderortransferanenvironmental authority (mining
activities).(2)From the commencement—(a)processing of the application and all
matters incidentalto the processing must proceed as if the
amending Acthad not been enacted; and(b)anenvironmentalauthoritygranted,amendedortransferred is taken to be an
environmental authority towhich section 682 applies.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 684]Note—See,
however, section 749.Notauthorised—indicativeonly684Existing progressive
certification(1)This section applies if the
administering authority has, underformer chapter
5, part 9A given a progressive certification fora
particular area within a relevant mining tenement for a
level1 mining project.(2)From
the commencement—(a)the certification becomes a
progressive certification forthe mining
tenure for chapter 5A, part 6; and(b)the
area the subject of the progressive certification is acertifiedrehabilitatedareafortheminingtenureforchapter 5A, part 6.(3)In
this section—level 1 mining projectmeans a level 1
mining project underformer section 151(1).685Existing application for progressive
certification(1)Thissectionappliesifanapplicationforprogressivecertification is
made, but not decided, under former chapter 5,part 9A before
the commencement.(2)From the commencement—(a)theapplicationbecomesaprogressivecertificationapplication
under section 318ZC; and(b)chapter 5A, part
6 applies to the application.686Existing surrender notice(1)This section applies if the
administering authority has given asurrender notice
to the holder of an environmental authority(miningactivities)underformersection
271(2)beforethecommencement.Page 612Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 687](2)Fromthecommencement,thesurrendernoticebecomesasurrender notice under section 258.Notauthorised—indicativeonly687Existing audit notices(1)This section applies if the
administering authority has giventhe holder of an
environmental authority (mining activities) anauditnoticeunderformersection
the commencement, the audit notice becomes an auditnotice under section 322.688Existing appointment of auditor(1)This section applies if an individual
is appointed as an auditorunderformersection 285(1)beforethecommencementandthe
term of the appointment has not ended.(2)On
the commencement, the individual holds approval as anauditor under chapter 12, part 3A, division
2.689Existing notice of proposed amendment,
cancellation orsuspension of environmental authority(1)This section applies if the
administering authority has giventheholderofanenvironmentalauthority(miningactivities)noticeofaproposedactionunderformersection
295(1)before the commencement.(2)From
the commencement—(a)iftheproposedactionistoamendtheenvironmentalauthority—(i)thenoticebecomesanoticegivenundersection 217;
and(ii)chapter 5, part
6, divisions 2 and 3 apply for thenotice;
or(b)iftheproposedactionistosuspendorcanceltheenvironmental authority—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 613
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 690](i)thenoticebecomesanoticegivenundersection 280;
and(ii)chapter 5, part
11, divisions 2 and 3 apply for thenotice.Division 4Provisions for
other environmentalauthorities690Continuing effect of existing environmental
authority(chapter 5A activities) as environmental
authority(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement,anenvironmentalauthority(chapter5Aactivities) is in effect.(2)Fromthecommencement,theenvironmentalauthority(chapter5Aactivities)becomesanenvironmentalauthorityfor
a resource activity.(3)The
environmental authority is taken to have had effect on thedaytheenvironmentalauthority(chapter5Aactivities)hadeffect under the unamended Act.(4)Theanniversarydayfortheenvironmentalauthorityistheanniversary day
for the environmental authority (chapter 5Aactivities).691Existing application for environmental
authority (chapter5A activities))(1)This
section applies to the following applications made, butnot
decided, before the commencement—(a)anapplicationforanenvironmentalauthority(chapter5A activities)
made under former chapter 5A; and(b)anapplicationtoamend,surrenderortransferanenvironmental authority (chapter 5A
activities).(2)From the commencement—Page
614Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 692](a)processing of the application and all
matters incidentalto the processing must proceed as if the
amending Acthad not been enacted; and(b)anenvironmentalauthoritygranted,amendedortransferred is taken to be an
environmental authority towhich section 690 applies.692Existing surrender notice(1)This section applies if the
administering authority has given asurrender notice
to the holder of an environmental authority(chapter5Aactivities)underformersection
commencement.(2)Fromthecommencement,thesurrendernoticebecomesasurrender notice under section 258.693Existing notice of proposed amendment,
cancellation orsuspension of environmental authority(1)This section applies if the
administering authority has giventheholderofanenvironmentalauthority(chapter5Aactivities)noticeofaproposedactionunderformersection 312H(1)
before the commencement.(2)From the
commencement—(a)iftheproposedactionistoamendtheenvironmentalauthority—(i)thenoticebecomesanoticegivenundersection 217;
and(ii)chapter 5, part
6, divisions 2 and 3 apply for thenotice;
or(b)iftheproposedactionistosuspendorcanceltheenvironmental authority—(i)thenoticebecomesanoticegivenundersection 280;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 694](ii)chapter 5, part 11, divisions 2 and 3 apply
for thenotice.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 5Transitional
authorities forenvironmentally relevant activities694Definition for div 5In
this division—transitional authoritymeans—(a)anenvironmentalauthoritythat,undersection 682or690,istakentobeanenvironmentalauthorityunderchapter 5;
or(b)adevelopmentpermitordevelopmentconditionsofadevelopment permit that, under section
677, are taken tobe an environmental authority under chapter
5; or(c)UDAdevelopmentconditionsofaUDAdevelopmentapprovalthat,undersection 679,aretakentobeanenvironmental
authority under chapter 5; or(d)a
registration certificate that, under section 680, is takento
be an environmental authority under chapter 5.695Application to convert conditions of
transitional authorityto standard conditions(1)The holder of a transitional authority
may apply (aconversionapplication)totheadministeringauthoritytoconverttheconditionsofthetransitionalauthoritytothestandardconditions for the authority or relevant
activity.(2)Subsection (1) applies despite chapter
5, part 7.696Requirements for conversion
applicationA conversion application must be—(a)in the approved form; andPage
616Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 697](b)accompanied by the fee prescribed under a
regulation.697Deciding conversion application(1)Theadministeringauthoritymust,within10businessdaysafter receiving the application, decide
whether to—(a)approve the application; or(b)refuse the application.(2)In deciding the application, the
administering authority mustconsider the
criteria mentioned in section 175(2).(3)Despite subsection (1), the administering
authority may onlyapprove an application if—(a)eligibility criteria are in effect for
the relevant activityfor the authority; and(b)therelevantactivitycomplieswiththeeligibilitycriteria.698Steps after making decision(1)Iftheadministeringauthoritydecidestoapprovetheapplication, it must, within 10 business
days—(a)amend the environmental authority to
give effect to theconversion; and(b)recordparticularsoftheamendmentintherelevantregister;
and(c)issuetheamendedenvironmentalauthoritytotheapplicant.(2)Iftheadministeringauthoritydecidestorefusetheapplication, it must, within 10 business
days after the decisionismade,givetheapplicantaninformationnoticeaboutthedecision.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 617
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 698A]Division
5ASuspended activities698AApplication of div 5AThis division
applies if, before the commencement, a person(theformer holder)—(a)surrendered a registration certificate
for a developmentpermit (asurrendered
registration certificate) that, butfor the
surrender, would be taken under section 677 tobe an
environmental authority under chapter 5; or(b)surrendered a registration certificate (also
asurrenderedregistrationcertificate)that,butforthesurrender,wouldbetakenundersection 680tobeanenvironmental
authority under chapter 5.698BApplication to
convert surrender of registrationcertificate to
suspension of environmental authorityTheformerholdermay,within2yearsafterthecommencement,apply(aconversionapplication)totheadministering
authority to convert the surrendered registrationcertificatetoanenvironmentalauthoritythathasbeensuspended under
chapter 5, part 11A.698CApplication of ch 5, pt 11A, divs 2 to
4 to conversionapplicationChapter 5, part
11A, divisions 2 to 4 apply to the conversionapplication as
if the conversion application were a suspensionapplication.698DEffect of conversion(1)This
section applies if the conversion application is approved.(2)Fromthedayoftheconversion,theformerholderofthesurrendered
registration certificate becomes—Page 618Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 699](a)the
holder of an environmental authority that has beensuspended under chapter 5, part 11A;
and(b)a registered suitable operator.(3)From the day of the conversion—(a)forasurrenderedregistrationcertificatementionedinsection 698A(a)—thedevelopmentconditionsofthedevelopmentpermitbecomeconditionsofthesuspended environmental authority;
or(b)forasurrenderedregistrationcertificatementionedinsection 698A(b)—thestandardenvironmentalconditionsofthecodeofenvironmentalcompliancebecomeconditionsofthesuspendedenvironmentalauthority, as
standard conditions.(4)Theanniversarydayforthesuspendedenvironmentalauthority
is—(a)forasurrenderedregistrationcertificatementionedinsection 698A(a)—the same as the
anniversary day thatapplied to the registration
certificate immediately beforethe
commencement; or(b)forasurrenderedregistrationcertificatementionedinsection 698A(b)—theanniversarydayfortheregistration
certificate.Division 6Financial
assurance699Existing financial assurance
requirement(1)Thissectionappliesif,beforethecommencement,theadministering authority required—(a)thegivingoffinancialassuranceunderformersection 312O(2) or 312P(1)(a); or(b)achangetofinancialassuranceunderformersection 312P(1)(b).(2)From
the commencement, the requirement continues to apply.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 700](3)Theholderofanenvironmentalauthoritytowhicharequirementappliesmustnotcarryouttherelevantactivityundertheenvironmentalauthorityuntilthefinancialassurance is
given.Maximum penalty—4,500 penalty units.(4)Theadministeringauthoritymayamendtheenvironmentalauthoritytowhichtherequirementappliestoimposeacondition about the financial
assurance.(5)Theadministeringauthoritymustgivewrittennoticeoftheamendment to the
environmental authority holder.Division 7Provisions about codes of practice700Existing codes of practice(1)This section applies for a code of
practice (anexisting code ofpractice)approvedunderformersection
the commencement, the existing code of practice becomesa
code of practice under section 318E.(3)However, despite section 318E(4), an
existing code of practiceexpires 2 years after the
commencement.Division 8Provisions about
environmentalmanagement plans701Conditions about environmental management
plans forparticular environmental authorities(1)This section applies if—(a)an old authority becomes, under
section 682 or 690, anenvironmentalauthorityunderchapter5(thenewauthority); and(b)either—Page 620Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 701]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(i)theoldauthorityhadaconditionrequiringcompliancewithanenvironmentalmanagementplan; or(ii)anenvironmentalmanagementplanfortheoldauthoritystatesenvironmentalprotectioncommitmentsforrehabilitationofthelandtobedisturbed under each relevant resource
tenement.(2)The administering authority may amend
the new authority toimposeconditionsconsistentwiththeenvironmentalmanagement
plan.(3)However, the amendment may only be
made if—(a)theprocedureunderchapter5,part6,division2isfollowedortheholderoftheauthorityhasagreedinwriting to the amendment; and(b)the amendment is made within the later
of the followingperiods—(i)2
years after the commencement; or(ii)2yearsaftertheenvironmentalauthoritytakeseffect.(4)Section 221appliestotheamendmentasiftheamendmentwas made under
chapter 5, part 6.(5)Thissectiondoesnotapplyifaconversionapplicationismade
for the environmental authority under section 695.(6)In this section—environmentalmanagementplanmeansanenvironmentalmanagement plan
under the unamended Act, schedule 4.oldauthoritymeansanyofthefollowingundertheunamended Act—(a)an
environmental authority (exploration);(b)an
environmental authority (mineral development);(c)an
environmental authority (mining lease);(d)an
environmental authority (prospecting);Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 621
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 702](e)an
environmental authority (mining claim);(f)an
environmental authority (chapter 5A activities).Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 9Provisions about
plans ofoperations702Existing plan of operations(1)Thissectionappliesforaplanofoperationsforanenvironmental authority (mining lease)
submitted, or taken tohavebeensubmitted,totheadministeringauthorityunderformer section
233 before the commencement.(2)On
the commencement, the plan of operations becomes a planof
operations under section 287.(3)The
plan of operations is taken to have been submitted on theday
it was submitted under the unamended Act.703Plan
of operations for environmental authority forpetroleum
activity that relates to petroleum lease(1)Thissectionappliesforanenvironmentalauthorityforapetroleum
activity authorised under a petroleum lease if theauthority—(a)was
issued before the commencement; and(b)chapter 5, part 12, division 1 applies to
the authority.(2)The holder of the authority must,
within 6 months after thecommencement,givetheadministeringauthorityaplanofoperations for all relevant
activities.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)Section 287 does not apply to the
holder of the authority untilthe earlier of
the following—(a)the day a plan of operations is given
to the administeringauthority for all relevant
activities;(b)the day that is 6 months after the
commencement.Page 622Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 704](4)If a
plan of operations for the environmental authority is giventotheadministeringauthority,theadministeringauthoritymayamendtheenvironmentalauthoritytoremoveanyconditions that relate to matters included
in the plan.(5)However,anamendmentmentionedinsubsection (4)mayonly
be made if—(a)theprocedureunderchapter5,part6,division2isfollowedortheholderoftheauthorityhasagreedinwriting to the amendment; and(b)theamendmentismadewithin12monthsafterthecommencement.(6)Section 221appliestotheamendmentasiftheamendmentwas made under
chapter 5, part 6.Division 10Miscellaneous
provisions704Existing application to change
anniversary day(1)This section applies if—(a)anapplicationtochangetheanniversarydayforaregistrationcertificateorenvironmentalauthorityismade,butnotdecided,underformersection
318Abefore the commencement; and(b)under section 680, 682 or 690, the
registration certificateorenvironmentalauthoritybecomesanenvironmentalauthority.(2)From
the commencement—(a)theapplicationbecomesanapplicationundersection 310; and(b)chapter 5, part 12, division 3, subdivision
2 applies tothe application.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 623
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 705]705Particular persons taken to be registered
section applies to—(a)a person who holds a registration
certificate, given underformer section 73F before or after the
commencement,that has not been cancelled; or(b)theholderofanenvironmentalauthorityissuedunderformerchapter5or5Abeforeorafterthecommencement.(1A)However, this section does not apply to a
person who holds aregistration certificate for a
non-transitional ERA.(2)Onthecommencement,thepersonbecomesaregisteredsuitable
operator.(3)Subsection (4)appliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement,aregistrationcertificatementionedinsubsection (1)(a) was
suspended.(4)The suspension becomes a suspension of
the registration ofthe holder of the registration certificate
as a registered suitableoperator under section 318N.706Effect of proposed standard
environmental conditionsprepared before commencement of
amending Act(1)This section applies if—(a)a draft code of environmental
compliance (adraft code)waspreparedundertheunamendedActbeforethecommencement; and(b)the
draft code includes proposed standard environmentalconditions (theproposed
conditions); and(c)thedraftcodeisnotapprovedormadeundertheunamended Act before the
624Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 707]environmentalauthority,withoutcomplyingwithsection 318C if—(a)public consultation was carried out for the
draft code;and(b)the public
consultation was carried out in a way that issubstantiallysimilartotherequirementsundersection 318C.707Deferment of application of s 426 to newly
prescribedERAs(1)Thissectionappliestoapersoncarryingoutanactivityatpremises if—(a)theactivityisprescribedforthefirsttimeasanenvironmentally
relevant activity under section 19 (therelevant
change); and(b)the
activity was carried out at the premises before therelevant change; and(c)the
activity continues to be carried out at the premisesafter the relevant change.(2)Section 426 does not apply to the
person in carrying out theactivity at the premises until 1 year
after the relevant change.707AEligibility
criteria and standard conditions for particularenvironmentally
relevant activities(1)This section applies for an
environmentally relevant activityif, immediately
before the commencement, the activity wouldhave constituted
either of the following and would have beensubjecttoacodeofenvironmentalcomplianceundertheunamended Act—(a)a
chapter 4 activity, or aspects of a chapter 4 activity;(b)a mining activity.(2)From
the commencement—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 708](a)the
matters identified as eligibility criteria in the code ofenvironmental compliance are taken to be the
eligibility criteria for the activity take effect undersection 318(3); and(b)standardenvironmentalconditionsofthecodeofenvironmental compliance are taken to be the
standardconditions for the environmentally relevant
activity untilnewstandardconditionsfortheactivitytakeeffectunder section
318D(5).708References to chapter 4 activity,
development approval orregistration certificate(1)AreferenceinanActtoachapter4activitymay,ifthecontextpermits,betakentobeareferencetoaprescribedERA.(2)AreferenceinanActtoadevelopmentapprovalorregistration certificate that is in
effect for a chapter 4 activitymay, if the
context permits, be taken to be a reference to theenvironmental authority under section 677 or
680.709References to former chapters 5 and
5A(1)A reference in an Act or a document to
former chapter 5 or 5Amay,ifthecontextpermits,betakentobeareferencetochapter 5.(2)A
reference in an Act or a document to a particular provisionof
former chapter 5 or 5A (therepealed
provision) may, if thecontext permits,
be taken to be a reference to the provision ofchapter 5 that
corresponds, or substantially corresponds, to therepealed provision.710References to former terms(1)AreferenceinanActoradocumenttoatermoftheunamended Act
(theformer term) stated in
column 1 of thefollowing table may, if the context permits,
be taken to be aPage 626Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 710]referencetothetermstatedoppositetheformertermincolumn 2 of the table—Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTableColumn 1Column 21chapter 5A activityresource
activity other than amining activity2chapter 5A activity projectERA
project for a resourceactivity other than a miningactivity3coal
seam gas environmentalenvironmental authority for aauthorityCSG
activity4code compliant conditionsstandard conditions5code
compliant applicationstandard application6code compliant authorityenvironmental authority for aneligible ERA subject to thestandard conditions7environmental authority(chapter 5A
activities)environmental authority for aresource activity, other than amining activity8environmental authority(exploration)environmental
authority for amining activity relating to anexploration permit9environmental authority(mineral
development)environmental authority for amining activity relating to amineral development licence10environmental authority (miningenvironmental authority for aactivities)mining
activity11environmental authority (miningenvironmental authority for aclaim)mining activity
relating to amining claimCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 627
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 710]Column 1Column 212environmental authority (miningenvironmental authority for alease)mining activity
relating to amining lease13environmental authority(prospecting)prescribed
conditions for a smallscale mining activity14GHG residual risks requirementresidual risks requirement for aGHG
storage activity15non-code compliant applicationvariation application16non-code compliant authorityenvironmental authority for aneligible ERA subject to variedstandard conditions17mining projectresource project
for a miningactivity18level 1 mining projectresource project
for a miningactivity that is an ineligible ERA19level 1 chapter 5A activityresource activity, other than amining activity, that is anineligible ERA20level 2 mining projectresource project
for a miningactivity that is an eligible ERA21level 2 chapter 5A activityresource activity, other than amining activity, that is an eligibleERA22standard
conditions(2)In this section—eligible
ERAsee section 112.ineligible
ERAsee section 112.Page 628Current as at [Not applicable]
19Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 711]Transitional
provisions for theMining and Other LegislationAmendment Act 2013711Provision about cancellation of
environmental authority(1)Thissectionappliesif,onthecancellationofanenvironmentalauthorityundersection
277A,thereisnoprescribed condition requiring the
holder of the mining tenurefor carrying out
the small scale activity to which the authorityrelates—(a)to give the administering authority
financial assurance;or(b)to
rehabilitate land.(2)On the cancellation of the
environmental authority, a currentcondition of the
authority is taken to be a prescribed conditionfor carrying out
the small scale mining activity.(3)Subsection (2)appliesinrelationtothecarryingoutofthesmallscaleminingactivityuntilaregulationundersection 21A prescribes a condition requiring
the holder of theminingtenureforcarryingoutthesmallscaleminingactivity—(a)to give the administering authority
financial assurance;or(b)to
rehabilitate land.(4)In this section—currentcondition,ofanenvironmentalauthority,meansaconditionoftheauthorityrequiringtheholderoftheauthority—(a)to
give the administering authority financial assurance;or(b)to rehabilitate
land.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 712]712Provision about financial assurance(1)Thissectionappliestofinancialassuranceforanenvironmental
authority (EA financial assurance) if—(a)thefinancialassuranceisheldbytheadministeringauthority
immediately before the commencement of thesection;
and(b)theactivitycarriedoutundertheenvironmentalauthority is a
small scale mining activity; and(c)the
chief executive cancels the environmental authorityunder section 277A; and(d)a
prescribed condition requires the holder of a miningtenure for carrying out the small scale
mining activity togive the administering authority financial
assurance forthe tenure.(2)IftheamountoftheEAfinancialassuranceisequaltotheamount required under the prescribed
condition (therequiredamount),
the amount of the EA financial assurance is taken tobe
the financial assurance for the mining tenure.(3)If
the amount of the EA financial assurance is more than therequired amount—(a)the
amount of the EA financial assurance that is equal totherequiredamountistakentobethefinancialassurance for the mining tenure; and(b)the administering authority must
return to the holder theamount that is more than the required
amount.(4)If the amount of the EA financial
assurance is less than therequired amount—(a)the
amount of the EA financial assurance is taken to bepart
of the financial assurance for the mining tenure; and(b)theholdermust,tocomplywiththeprescribedcondition, give
the administering authority the amountthat is the
difference between the required amount andthe EA financial
assurance.Page 630Current as at
[Not applicable]
20Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 713]Transitional
provisions forEnvironmental Offsets Act 2014713Continued effect to make
payment(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencementofthissection,anenvironmentaloffsetcondition required a person to make a
monetary payment to anenvironmentaloffsettrustandthepaymenthadnotbeenmade.(2)Despitetherepealofsection 209(2)bytheEnvironmentalOffsetsAct2014,thepersonisstillrequiredtomakethepayment.(3)However,thepaymentistobemadetotheoffsetaccountunder that Act
instead of to an environmental offset trust.714Environmental offset conditions(1)This section applies if, on or after
the commencement of thissection,anenvironmentalauthorityordraftenvironmentalauthoritybecomes,underthisAct,subjecttoanenvironmental offset condition.(2)Totheextenttheenvironmentaloffsetconditionisinconsistent with a deemed condition, the
deemed conditionprevails.Note—SeetheEnvironmentalOffsetsAct2014,section 5(3).Underthatprovision,particularimposedconditionsprevailoverdeemedconditions.(3)In
this section—deemedconditionseetheEnvironmentalOffsetsAct2014,schedule 2.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 631
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 715A]Part 21Saving and transitionalprovisions for
StateDevelopment, Infrastructureand
Planning (Red TapeReduction) and OtherLegislation
Amendment Act2014715ADefinition for pt
21In this part—repealedWildRiversAct2005meanstheWildRiversAct2005as in force
immediately before its repeal.715DApplications for environmental authorities
andamendment applications for particular
resource activities(1)Thissectionappliestoanapplicationforanenvironmentalauthority and an
amendment application for an environmentalauthority(eachanexistingapplication)iftheexistingapplication—(a)was
made, but not decided, before the commencement;and(b)relates to a resource activity that
is, or is proposed to be,carried out on land that—(i)isinastrategicenvironmentalareaundertheRegional Planning Interests Act 2014;
and(ii)wasinawildriverareaundertherepealedWildRivers Act 2005immediately
before the repeal ofthat Act.(2)Forassessinganddecidingtheexistingapplication,thestandard criteria is taken to include any
relevant former wildriver declaration as if the
repealedWild Rivers Act 2005andthe
former wild river declaration were still in force.Page
632Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 717](3)In
this section—former wild river declarationmeans a wild river declarationin
force under the repealedWild Rivers Act 2005immediatelybefore its
repeal.Part 22Transitional
provisions forMineral and Energy Resources(Common Provisions) Act 2014717Contraventions of s 427 before its
repeal(1)This section applies if a person is
alleged to have committed,beforethecommencement,anoffenceagainstrepealedsection
427.(2)Proceedings for the offence may be
continued or started andthe Court may hear and decide the
proceedings, as if section427 had not been repealed.(3)This section applies despite the
Criminal Code, section 11.719Pre-amended Act
continues to apply for particular miningleases(1)This section applies if, after the
commencement, a native titleissues decision
is made in relation to a proposed mining lease.(2)Thepre-amendedActcontinuestoapplytotheproposedmining
lease.(3)In this section—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.nativetitleissuesdecisionhasthemeaninggivenbytheMineralResourcesAct,schedule 1A,section
669(1),immediately before the commencement.pre-amendedActmeansthisActasinforceimmediatelybefore the
commencement.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 720]Part 23Transitional provisions forEnvironmental Protection andOther Legislation AmendmentAct
2014Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 1Preliminary720Definitions for pt 23In this
part—amending Actmeans theEnvironmental Protection and OtherLegislation Amendment Act 2014.former, in relation to
a provision, means the provision as inforceimmediatelybeforetheamendmentoftheprovisionunder the
amending Act.Division 2Transitional
provisions foramendments commencing onassent721Submission of EIS(1)This
section applies if, before the commencement, final termsof
reference have been given to a proponent under section 46.(2)Former section 47 continues to apply
for the submission of anEIS by the proponent.722Decision on whether EIS may
proceed(1)This section applies if, before the
commencement—(a)a proponent has submitted an EIS;
and(b)thechiefexecutivehasnotmadeadecisionunderformer section 49.Page 634Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 723](2)Section 49 applies to the EIS
application.723Proponent may resubmit EIS(1)This section applies if—(a)before the commencement—(i)a proponent has submitted an EIS;
and(ii)the chief
executive has not made a decision underformer section
49; and(b)afterthecommencement,thechiefexecutivedecides,under section
49, to refuse to allow the EIS to proceedand the
proponent—(i)does not apply, under section 50, to
the Minister toreview the decision; or(ii)applies, under section 50, to the Minister
to reviewthedecisionandtheMinisterconfirmsthedecision.(2)TheproponentmayresubmittheEIS,withchanges,tothechief executive under section
49A.724Assessment of adequacy of response to
submission andsubmitted EIS(1)Subsection (2) applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,apersonmakesasubmission to the chief executive
about a submitted EIS;and(b)after the commencement, the chief executive
accepts thesubmission.(2)Section 56A applies to the EIS.(3)Subsection (4)appliesifthechiefexecutivedecides,undersection
56A,torefusetoallowtheEIStoproceedandtheproponent—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 635
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 725](a)doesnotapply,undersection 56B,totheMinistertoreview the decision; or(b)applies, under section 56B, to the Minister
to review thedecision and the Minister confirms the
decision.(4)Section 56AA applies in relation to
the submitted EIS.725Suspension application(1)This section applies to a suspension
application—(a)made, but not decided, before the
commencement; and(b)for which the nominated period is not
1, 2 or 3 years.(2)The nominated period of the proposed
suspension is taken tobethenextanniversarydayoftheenvironmentalauthorityoccurring after the nominated period.Example—If the nominated
period for the proposed suspension is 18 months thenominated period is taken to be 2
years.(3)Subsection (2)doesnotpreventtheholderoftheenvironmentalauthorityfromendingthesuspensionundersection 284G.726ERA
relevant activity and standard conditions ineffectundertheunamendedActimmediatelybeforethecommencement.(2)The
eligibility criteria and standard conditions are taken to bean
ERA standard made under section 318.(3)In
this section—unamendedActmeansthisActasinforceimmediatelybefore the
commencement.Page 636Current as at
[Not applicable]
Division 3Environmental
Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 727]Transitional
provisions foramendments commencing byproclamationNotauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 1General
amendments727Applicant may elect for particular
application to be dealtwith as standard application or
variation application(1)Thissectionappliestoanapplicationforanenvironmentalauthority—(a)that
relates to a coordinated project; and(b)made, but not decided, before the
commencement; and(c)that, if it had been made on or after
the commencement,would be—(i)a
standard application; or(ii)a variation
application.(2)Theapplicantmayelect,bywrittennoticegiventotheadministering authority—(a)tohaveanapplicationtowhichsubsection(1)(c)(i)applies treated as a standard application;
or(b)tohaveanapplicationtowhichsubsection(1)(c)(ii)applies treated
as a variation application.728Applicant may
elect for particular requirements to applyto particular
Coordinator-General has evaluated an EIS for eachrelevant activity the subject of the
application and thereare Coordinator-General’s conditions
that relate to eachrelevant activity; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 637
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 729](b)the
application has not been decided.(2)Theapplicantmayelect,bygivingwrittennoticetotheadministeringauthority,forsection125(3)toapplytotheapplication.Notauthorised—indicativeonly729Applicant may
elect for particular requirements to applyto site-specific
applications—CSG activities(1)Thissectionappliestoanapplicationforanenvironmentalauthoritythatrelatestoacoordinatedprojectif,beforethecommencement—(a)the
Coordinator-General has evaluated an EIS for eachrelevant activity the subject of the
application and thereare Coordinator-General’s conditions
that relate to eachrelevant activity; and(b)the
application has not been decided.(2)Theapplicantmayelect,bygivingwrittennoticetotheadministeringauthority,forsection126(3)toapplytotheapplication.730Conditions that must be imposed on
particularapplicationsSection205appliestothestandardapplicationorvariationapplication to
which section 729 applies.Subdivision 2Amendments
related toreplacement of former chapter 7,part
8731Definition for sdiv 2In
this subdivision—former chapter 7, part 8means chapter 7,
part 8 of the Act asin force immediately before the
amendment of the part underthe amending
Act.Page 638Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 732]732Continuing effect of registration of
land(1)Landthat,immediatelybeforethecommencement,wasrecordedintheenvironmentalmanagementregisterunderformerchapter7,part8continuestoberecordedintheenvironmentalmanagementregisterasifitwererecordedunder chapter 7, part 8.(2)Landthat,immediatelybeforethecommencement,wasrecordedinthecontaminatedlandregisterunderformerchapter 7, part
8 continues to be recorded in the contaminatedland register as
if it were recorded under chapter 7, part 8.(3)Any
conditions on the use or management of land recorded inthe
environmental management register or the contaminatedland
register under former chapter 7, part 8 continue to applyto
the land mentioned in subsections (1) and (2).733Provision for land recorded under repealed
Act(1)Thissectionappliestolandtheparticularsofwhichwererecorded under theContaminated
Land Act 1991, as in forceimmediatelybeforeitsrepeal,inthecontaminatedsitesregister under that Act as being a confirmed
site, restricted siteor probable site.(2)The
particulars of the land are taken to have been recorded inthe
environmental management register or contaminated landregister on the date that the particulars
were recorded in thecontaminated sites register.734Continuing effect of notices given
under former chapter7, part 8Anoticegivenunderformerchapter7,part8continuestohave
effect as if former chapter 7, part 8 was still in force.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 735]735Continuing effect of site management plan
made underformer chapter 7, part 8A site
management plan made under former chapter 7, part 8continues to have effect as if the plan were
a site managementplan under chapter 7, part 8.736Particular existing
applications(1)This section applies to any of the
following applications madeundertheunamendedActbutnotdecidedbeforethecommencement—(a)anapplicationtowaivearequirementtoconductorcommissionasiteinvestigationmadeunderformersection 378;(b)anapplicationtowaivearequirementtoremediatecontaminated
land made under former section 392;(c)anapplicationtowaivearequirementtoprepareorcommissionasitemanagementplanforcontaminatedland made under
former section 407.(2)On the commencement, the application
lapses.737Applications for approval of draft
site management plans(1)This section
applies to an application for approval of a draftsite
management plan made under former section 404 but notdecided before the commencement.(2)The administering authority must
decide the application as ifformer chapter
7, part 8 was still in force.738Notice to purchaser(1)This
section applies if, before the commencement—(a)theownerofland(theseller)towhichformersection 421applieshasenteredintoanagreementtodispose of the land to someone else
(thebuyer); andPage
640Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 739](b)the
seller has not given the buyer a notice under formersection 421(2).(2)The
seller may give a notice under section 408(5).(3)Section 408(6) and (7) apply to the buyer
and the seller.Notauthorised—indicativeonly739Disposal permitsSections424and425,asinforceimmediatelybeforethissection
commences, continue to apply until the day prescribedby
regulation.Part 24Transitional
provisions forPlanning (Consequential) andOther Legislation AmendmentAct
2016740Definitions for partIn
this part—amending Actmeans thePlanning (Consequential) and OtherLegislation Amendment Act 2016.former, in relation to
a provision, means the provision as inforceimmediatelybeforetheprovisionwasamendedorrepealed under the amending Act.pre-amendedActmeansthisActasinforceimmediatelybefore the
commencement.repealedPlanningActmeanstherepealedSustainablePlanning Act
development application relating to prescribedERA(1)Thissectionappliestoanexistingdevelopmentapplicationmentioned in
former section 115.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 742](2)Thepre-amendedActcontinuestoapplyinrelationtotheapplication as if the amending Act had
not been enacted.(3)In this section—existingdevelopmentapplicationmeansadevelopmentapplication made
under the repealed Planning Act, to whichthe Planning
Act, section 288 applies.742Compliance
permits given under repealed Planning Act(1)This
section applies to a compliance permit given under therepealedPlanningActbeforeorafterthecommencement,if—(a)an auditor gives the administering
authority a copy ofthe compliance permit; and(b)theadministeringauthorityhadnotcompliedwithformer section
382(2) for the compliance permit beforethe
commencement.(2)Formersection382(2)continuestoapplyinrelationtothecompliancepermitasiftheamendingActhadnotbeenenacted.743Existing development condition requiring a
transitionalenvironmental program(1)This
section applies to a development condition—(a)mentioned in former section 332(1)(b);
and(b)thatwasinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement.(2)Theconditioncontinuesinforce,andthepre-amendedActcontinuestoapplyinrelationtothecondition,asiftheamending Act had
not been enacted.Page 642Current as at
[Not applicable]
25Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 743A]Transitional
provisions forEnvironmental Protection(Chain of
Responsibility)Amendment Act 2016Notauthorised—indicativeonly743ADefinitions for partIn
this part—amending Actmeans theEnvironmental Protection (Chain ofResponsibility) Amendment Act 2016.introduction daymeans the day
the Bill for the amending Actwas introduced
into the Legislative Assembly.transitionalperiodmeanstheperiodfromthestartoftheintroduction day to the day the
amending Act commenced.744Amendment of
environmental authority because ofparticular
pre-commencement matter(1)The reference in
section 215(2)(c) to ‘becomes a holder of theauthority’ is
taken to include ‘became a holder of the authorityduring the transitional period’.(2)Thereferenceinsection215(2)(d)to‘becomesaholdingcompanyofaholderoftheauthority’istakentoinclude‘becameaholdingcompanyofaholderoftheauthorityduring the transitional period’.745Decision about related persons based
on particularpre-commencement matters(1)A
reference in section 363AB to a relevant activity carried
outby a company includes a relevant activity
carried out beforethe commencement.(2)In
making a decision under section 363AB about whether aperson has a relevant connection with a
company, the matterstheadministeringauthoritymayconsiderincludeacts,Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 643
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 746]omissionsandcircumstancesoccurringbeforethecommencement.746Extension of power to issue environmental
protectionorders to particular persons(1)Thepowerundersection363ACor363ADtoissueanenvironmentalprotectionordertoarelatedpersonofacompany includes power to issue an
order to a person who—(a)is not, at the
time the order is issued, a related person ofthe company;
but(b)was, during the transitional period, a
related person ofthe company.(2)Forthepurposeofdecidingifapersonwas,duringthetransitionalperiod,arelatedpersonofacompany,thisActappliesasiftheamendingActhadcommencedontheintroduction
day.747Requirements under environmental
protection ordersmay relate to past mattersAnenvironmentalprotectionorderissuedundersection363ACor363ADmayimposerequirementsrelatingtoarelevant
activity carried out, or environmental harm caused,before the commencement.Page 644Current as at [Not applicable]
26Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 748]Transitional
provisions forEnvironmental Protection(Underground
WaterManagement) and OtherLegislation
Amendment Act2016748Particular
applications made but not decided beforecommencement(1)This
section applies if—(a)an application of a type mentioned in
section 126A or227AA was made before the commencement;
and(b)immediately before the commencement,
the applicationhad not been decided.(2)TheapplicationmustbedealtwithanddecidedasiftheEnvironmental
Protection (Underground Water Management)andOtherLegislationAmendmentAct2016hadnotcommenced.749Administering authority to make decision on
s 683applications(1)This
section applies to an application of a type mentioned insection 683(1)(a) or (b) that was made, but
not decided, beforethe commencement of that section.(2)If,beforethecommencementofthissection,theEPAMinister had not
made a decision under former section 225and former
section 225 would have applied to the application,section683(2)continuestoapplytotheapplicationbuttheadministering authority and not the
EPA Minister must makethe decision under former section
225.(3)In this section—EPA
Ministermeans the Minister administering this
Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 750]former section
225means section 225 as in force
Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Act2012,
section 7.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart 27Transitional
provisions forMineral and Energy Resources(Financial Provisioning) Act2018750Definitions for partIn this
part—amendedActmeansthisActasinforceafterthecommencement.amendingActmeanstheMineralandEnergyResources(Financial Provisioning) Act 2018.environmental authorityincludes a
suspended environmentalauthority.mining EA
applicantmeansanapplicantforasite-specificapplication for
a mining activity relating to a mining lease, ifthe
application is made on or before the PRCP start date.mining EA holdermeans—(a)a person who, on the commencement, is
the holder of anenvironmental authority for a mining
activity relating toa mining lease, if a relevant activity
for the authority isan ineligible ERA; or(b)a person who becomes the holder of an
environmentalauthorityforaminingactivityauthorisedunderamining lease, if the holder was,
before the authority isissued, the mining EA applicant for
the authority.PRCP start datemeans the day,
prescribed by regulation forthis definition,
that is no later than 1 July 2019.Page 646Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 751]pre-amendedActmeansthisActasinforcebeforethecommencement.Notauthorised—indicativeonly751Pre-amended Act applies to mining EA
applicants(1)This section applies in relation to a
mining EA applicant.(2)The pre-amended
Act, chapter 5, parts 1 to 5, applies to theminingEAapplicant’ssite-specificapplicationasiftheamending Act had
not commenced.(3)IfanenvironmentalauthorityisissuedtotheminingEAapplicantfortheapplication,theamendedActappliesinrelation to the environmental authority on
and from the daythe authority is issued.(4)However,section431Adoesnotapplyinrelationtotheenvironmentalauthorityuntiltheearlierofthefollowingdays—(a)the day the applicant fails to comply
with a notice givento the applicant under section 754;(b)thedayaPRCPschedulefortheenvironmentalauthority is
approved.752Existing plan of operations for
petroleum lease(1)Thissectionappliestoaplanofoperationsforanenvironmental authority for petroleum
activities relating to apetroleumlease,iftheplanwasgiventotheadministeringauthority before
the commencement.(2)On the commencement, the plan of
operations continues as aplan of operations under section
291.(3)However, if the plan period stated in
the plan ends more than3 years after the commencement, the
plan period is taken toend on the day that is 3 years after
the commencement.753Plan of operations for mining
lease(1)This section applies if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 754](a)aminingEAholdergaveaplanofoperationstotheadministeringauthorityforaminingleaseunderthepre-amended Act; and(b)onthecommencement,theplanperiodfortheplanunderthepre-amendedAct,section288(1)(b)hasnotended.(2)Theplanofoperationscontinuesasaplanofoperationsunder section
291 until the earlier of the following days—(a)the
day the plan period for the plan of operations ends;(b)the day a PRCP schedule is approved
for the holder forthe mining lease.(3)If
the plan of operations ends before the day a PRCP scheduleis
approved for the holder’s mining lease, section 431A doesnotapplytotheholderuntiltheearlierofthefollowingdays—(a)the day the holder fails to give a
proposed PRC plan incompliancewithanoticegiventotheholderundersection
754;(b)the day a PRCP schedule is approved
for the holder.754Administering authority must give
notice requiring holderto apply for PRC plan(1)The administering authority must,
within the period stated insubsection (2),
give each mining EA holder a notice stating—(a)theholdermustgivetheadministeringauthorityaproposedPRCplanthatcomplieswithsections126Cand126Dfortherelevantactivitiesthesubjectoftheholder’s environmental authority;
and(b)the day by which the holder must give
the proposed PRCplan.(2)The
notice must be given within the period—(a)starting on the PRCP start date; andPage
648Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 755](b)ending on the day that is 3 years after the
PRCP startdate.755Administering authority must assess proposed
PRC plan(1)The administering authority must
assess a proposed PRC plangiven to the authority in compliance
with a notice given undersection 754.(2)The
assessment process under chapter 5, parts 2 to 5 of theamended Act apply in relation to the
proposed PRC plan as ifthePRCplanaccompaniedanapplicationforanenvironmentalauthorityforarelevantactivitymadeundersection
125(1)(n).(3)However,theadministeringauthoritymayexempttheproposedPRCplanfromarequirementundersection126C(1)(g)or(h)forlandiftheadministeringauthorityconsiderstherequirementhas,beforethecommencement,been adequately
addressed for the land under—(a)the
holder’s environmental authority; or(b)aplanofoperationsgivenbytheholdertotheadministering
authority; or(c)awrittenagreementbetweentheholderandtheadministering authority.(4)Also, the notification stage under
chapter 5, part 4 does notapply for the assessment process
if—(a)either—(i)theEISprocessforanEISforeachrelevantactivity the subject of the proposed PRC
plan hasbeen completed; or(ii)aproposedpost-mininglanduseforthelandthesubject of the proposed PRC plan is stated
in theholder’senvironmentalauthorityorplanofoperations; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 649
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 756](b)since the EIS process was completed or
environmentalauthority was issued, a post-mining land use
or non-usemanagement area for the land has not
authority for the assessment process.(6)InadditiontothematterstheadministeringauthoritymustconsiderindecidingwhethertoapprovetheproposedPRCplan
under section 194B, the authority must also have regardto—(a)theholder’senvironmentalauthorityfortherelevantactivities the subject of the proposed PRC
plan; and(b)totheextentpossible,thematterstheadministeringauthority would
have had regard to if the proposed PRCplanhadaccompaniedanapplicationfortheholder’senvironmental
authority.756Administering authority may amend
environmentalauthority(1)ThissectionappliesiftheadministeringauthorityapprovesthePRCPscheduleforaproposedPRCplanmentionedinsection 755.(2)Theauthoritymayamendtheholder’senvironmentalauthorityfortherelevantactivitiesthesubjectoftheschedule—(a)totheextentnecessarytoremovemattersrelatingtorehabilitation that are dealt with in the
schedule; and(b)to make any clerical or formal change
resulting from theapproval of the schedule.(3)Iftheadministeringauthorityamendstheenvironmentalauthorityunderthissection,theadministeringauthoritymust—(a)give
the holder written notice of the amendment; andPage 650Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 757](b)issuetheamendedenvironmentalauthoritytotheholder;
and(c)include a copy of the amended
environmental authorityin the relevant register.757Applications for decision about amount
and form offinancial assurance(1)This
section applies in relation to an environmental authorityforaresourceactivityif,beforethecommencement,theadministeringauthorityhadnotgiventheholderoftheenvironmental authority a notice under
the pre-amended Act,section 296 about the amount and form
of financial assurancerequired under a condition of the
environmental authority.(2)Thepre-amendedAct,chapter5,part12,division2,subdivision2continuestoapplyinrelationtotheenvironmentalauthorityasiftheamendingActhadnotcommenced.(3)Despite subsection (2), the administering
authority must—(a)transfer to the scheme manager any
financial assurancefortheresourceactivitythatisgivenincashtotheauthority after the commencement;
and(b)takeallnecessarystepstotransfertotheschememanageranyinstrumentsorotherformsoffinancialassuranceinrelationtotheresourceactivitythataregiven to the authority after the
commencement.758When existing condition requiring
financial assuranceends(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,theadministeringauthorityimposed a condition on an environmental
authority for aresourceactivityunderthepre-amendedAct,section292; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 759](b)on
the commencement, the environmental authority is inforce.(2)On
the day an ERC decision is, or is taken to have been, madefor
the environmental authority, the condition no longer haseffect.(3)However, if—(a)the
administering authority has given the holder of theenvironmental authority a notice under the
pre-amendedAct,section296aboutitsdecisioninrelationtotheamount and form of financial assurance
required undera condition of the environmental authority;
commencement;theconditioncontinuestohaveeffectuntilthefinancialassurance for
the environmental authority has been given tothe
administering authority in the amount and form requiredby
the notice.(4)Aftertheconditionstopshavingeffectforanenvironmentalauthorityundersubsection(2)or(3),theadministeringauthority
may—(a)amendtheenvironmentalauthoritytoremovethecondition; and(b)issuetheamendedenvironmentalauthoritytotheholder.759Claiming on or realising financial
assurance startedbefore the commencement(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,theadministeringauthoritygaveawrittennoticeunderthepre-amendedAct,section 299 to an entity who gave a
financial assurance;and(b)on
the commencement, the administering authority hasnot
decided whether to make a claim on or realise thePage
652Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 760]financial
assurance under the pre-amended Act, section301.(2)Ifthefinancialassurancewasgivenforanenvironmentalauthority for a
prescribed ERA, the pre-amended Act, chapter5,part12,division2,subdivision3continuestoapplyinrelation to the financial assurance, as if
the amending Act hadnot commenced.(3)If
the financial assurance was given for a small scale miningactivity or an environmental authority for a
resource activity,theamendedAct,chapter5,part14,division3appliesinrelation to the financial assurance as
if—(a)the notice were a notice given under
section 316E; and(b)awrittenrepresentationaboutthenoticegivenbytheentity before
the commencement were a representationgiven under
section 316E; and(c)the financial assurance were a scheme
assurance.760Existing applications to amend or
discharge financialassurance(1)This
section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,theholderofanenvironmental authority applied to
amend or dischargeafinancialassuranceunderthepre-amendedAct,section 302; and(b)onthecommencement,theapplicationhasnotbeendecided.(2)Thepre-amendedAct,chapter5,part12,division2,subdivision4continuestoapplyinrelationtothefinancialassurance.(3)Despite subsection (2), the administering
authority must—(a)transfer to the scheme manager any
financial assurancefor the environmental authority that is
given in cash tothe authority after the commencement;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 761](b)takeallnecessarystepstotransfertotheschememanageranyinstrumentsorotherformsoffinancialassuranceinrelationtotheresourceactivitythataregiven to the authority after the
commencement.Notauthorised—indicativeonly761ERC decisions
for environmental authorities for resourceactivities(1)This
section applies in relation to an environmental authorityfor
a resource activity in force on the commencement, if—(a)beforethecommencement,anoticeabouttheamountand form of
financial assurance was given to the holderof the authority
under the pre-amended Act, section 296;or(b)if section 757 applies to the
environmental authority—anotice about the amount and form of
financial assuranceisgiventotheholderoftheauthorityforaresourceactivity.(2)On the relevant day for the
environmental authority, an ERCdecision is
taken to have been made for the resource activityunder the amended Act, section 300.(3)For applying the amended Act, chapter
5, part 14—(a)the estimated rehabilitation cost
under the ERC decisionis taken to be the amount of the
financial assurance fortheenvironmentalauthoritydecidedbytheadministeringauthorityunderthepre-amendedAct,section 295; and(b)subjecttosubsection(5),theERCperiod
fortheERCdecisionistakentobetheperiodstartingontherelevant day for the environmental
authority, and endingon—(i)if
the resource activity relates to a mining lease—the
day the holder’s plan of operations, continuedunder section
753, ends; or(ii)iftheresourceactivityrelatestoapetroleumactivityforanineligibleERAora1923ActPage 654Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 762]petroleum tenure
granted under the Petroleum Act1923—thedaythatis3yearsaftertherelevantday; or(iii)otherwise—thedayallresourceactivitiescarriedout
under the environmental authority have ended.(4)The
administering authority must, as soon as practicable afterthe
relevant day for the environmental authority, comply withsection 301 in relation to the ERC
decision.(5)Ifthenoticegivenundersection301statesthattheERCperiod for the
ERC decision ends on a day that is later thanthe day
mentioned in subsection (3)(b) for the environmentalauthority, the ERC period ends on the day
stated in the notice.(6)TheamendedAct,section297appliesinrelationtotheenvironmental authority on and from
the relevant day for theauthority.(7)In
this section—relevant day, for an
environmental authority, means—(a)if,
before the commencement, a notice was given to theholderoftheauthorityabouttheamountandformoffinancial assurance under the pre-amended
Act, section296—the commencement; or(b)if
section 757 applies to the environmental authority—thedayanoticeofadecisionabouttheamountandform
of financial assurance is given to the holder of theauthority.762ERC
decisions for environmental authorities for resourceactivities if s 761 does not apply(1)Thissectionappliestoanenvironmentalauthorityforaresource
activity in force on the commencement if section 761does
not apply in relation to the authority.(2)On
the commencement, an ERC decision is taken to have beenmade
for the resource activity under the amended Act, section300.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 655
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 763](3)For
applying the amended Act, chapter 5, part 14—(a)the
estimated rehabilitation cost under the ERC decisionis
taken to be—(i)if, before the commencement, the
holder has givenfinancialassurancetotheadministeringauthority—theamountofthefinancialassurancegiven; or(ii)otherwise—nil;
and(b)theERCperiodfortheERCdecisionistakentobe3years starting
on the commencement.763Application of s
298 if initial ERC period ends before PRCplan is in
force(1)This section applies in relation to a
mining EA holder if, onthe day the holder applies for a new
ERC decision, a PRCPschedule is not yet in force for the
mining activities.(2)Despitesection296,definitionERCperiod,theholder’sapplicationmust,forsection298(2)(b),stateaperiodofbetween 1 and 5 years.764Application of s 21A of amended Act(1)Thissectionappliestoasmallscaleminingactivitybeingcarriedoutonthecommencement,otherthananactivitycarried out
under a prospecting permit.(2)On
the commencement, the prescribed condition mentioned intheamendedAct,section21A(2)appliesinrelationtocarrying out the activity.765Transfer of funds(1)On
the commencement, the administering authority must—(a)transfer to the scheme manager all
financial assurancesfor resource activities given under
the pre-amended Actin cash and held by the authority;
andPage 656Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Chapter 13 Savings, transitional and related
provisions[s 766](b)takeallnecessarystepstotransfertotheschememanageranyinstrumentsorotherformsoffinancialassurance held
by the authority.(2)In this section—financial
assuranceincludes a financial assurance given
bythe holder of a small scale mining tenure
under a prescribedcondition imposed under the pre-amended Act,
section 21A.766Transitional regulation-making
power(1)A regulation (atransitional
regulation) may make provisionof a saving or
transitional nature about any matter—(a)for
which it is necessary to make provision to allow or tofacilitate the doing of anything to achieve
the transitionfrom the pre-amended Act to the amended Act;
and(b)forwhichthisActdoesnotprovideorsufficientlyprovide.(2)A transitional regulation may have
retrospective operation toa day that is not earlier than the
commencement.(3)Atransitionalregulationmustdeclareitisatransitionalregulation.(4)Thissectionandanytransitionalregulationexpire2yearsafter the
commencement.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 1Schedule 1Exclusions relating toenvironmental
nuisance orenvironmental harmsections 17A, 440
and 440QPart 1Environmental
nuisanceexcluded from sections 440 and440Q1Safety and
transport noiseEnvironmental nuisance caused by any of the
following typesof noise—(a)noise from an audible traffic signal, at
pedestrian lightsundertheQueenslandRoadRules,thatcomplieswithAS
1742.10—1990 ‘Pedestrian control and protection’;Editor’s note—A copy of AS
1742.10 may be inspected, free of charge, at thedepartment’s office at level 3, 400 George
Street, Brisbane.(b)noise from a warning signal for a
railway crossing;(c)safety signal noise from a reversing
vehicle;(d)noise from operating a ship, including
noise from—(i)machinery and equipment; or(ii)shoreandshipbasedportoperationsforloadingonto a ship, or
unloading from a ship, items otherthan bulk goods;
or(iii)shiptoshorecommunicationsrelatingtosafeberthing and
cargo handling; or(iv)a ship’s
horn;(e)noise from aircraft movement;Page
658Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 1(f)noisefromtheordinaryuseofapublicroadorState-controlled road;(g)noise from the ordinary use of a busway,
light rail or railtransport infrastructure.Notauthorised—indicativeonly2Government activities and public
infrastructureEnvironmentalnuisancecausedinthecourseofanyofthefollowing activities—(a)maintaining a public road, State-controlled
road, railwayor other infrastructure for public
transport;(b)maintaining a public infrastructure
facility, including—(i)infrastructure
for a water or sewerage service; and(ii)afacilityforatelecommunicationorelectricitysystem;(c)performing a function under theDisaster ManagementAct 2003;(d)inthecaseoftheStateoralocalgovernment—preventing or
removing, or reducing the risk to publichealth from, a
public health risk under thePublic
HealthAct 2005.3Nuisance regulated by other
lawsEnvironmental nuisance caused by any of the
following—(a)an act or omission that is a
contravention of a local law;(b)an
act done, or omission made, under an authority givenunder a local law;(c)noise to which thePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct 2000,
chapter 19, part 3 applies;(d)an
emission of a contaminant at a workplace, within themeaning given by theWork Health and
Safety Act 2011,section 8, that does not extend beyond
the workplace;(e)apublichealthriskwithinthemeaninggivenbythePublic Health
Act 2005, section 11;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 659
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 1(f)developmentcarriedoutunderanapprovalunderthePlanningActthatauthorisestheenvironmentalnuisance;(g)the use, for a fireworks display, of
explosives within themeaning given by theExplosives Act 1999;(h)smoking within the meaning given by
theTobacco andOther Smoking
Products Act 1998;(i)noise from a
special event prescribed under a regulationfortheMajorSportsFacilitiesAct2001,section 30Athat complies
with any conditions prescribed under theregulation,fortheuseofthefacilitywheretheeventtakes place,
about noise levels for the event;(j)anactdoneoromissionmadeunderanapprovedcompliancemanagementplanundertheTransportInfrastructure
Act 1994, section 477G.Note—Also
see theMajor Events Act 2014, section 79 for
an exemption fromthis Act for light and noise.Part
2Exclusions from environmentalharm
and environmentalnuisance4Non-domestic animal noiseAnimal noise from a non-domestic
animal.5Particular cooking odoursA
cooking odour from cooking carried out on land on which aclass 1, 2 or 3 building under the Building
Code of Australiais constructed.Page 660Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySchedule 2Part 1Division 1Environmental
Protection Act 1994Schedule 2Original
decisionssections 519(1), 522 and 523Original decisions for LandCourt appealsDecisions under
chapter 3Section43(3)(c)51(2)(a)(iii)51(2)(b)(ii)68(1) and
(2)68(3)(a)68(3)(b)Description of decisiondecision about
giving TOR noticedecision about giving EIS noticedecision about way of publishing EIS
noticedecision not to allow EIS to proceedfixing of new notice periodfixing of new comment or submission
periodDivision 2Decisions under
chapter 4ASection8999Description of decisiondecision to give ERMP directiondecision to refuse to accredit ERMPCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 2Division 3Decisions under chapter 5Notauthorised—indicativeonlySectionDescription of
decision128(2)decision to give
notice stating that an application for anenvironmental
authority for a resource activity is not aproperly made
application147(3)decision to
refuse extension to the information responseperiod for an
application or amendment application foran environmental
authority for a resource activity, or aproposed PRC
plan152(3)decision to
require another way of giving or publishingapplication
submission period for an application oramendment
application for an environmental authorityfor a resource
activity, other than a mining activity159(2) and
(3)decision not to allow application or
amendmentapplication for an environmental authority
or proposedPRC plan to proceed159(5)(b)fixing substituted way to give or publish
applicationnotice and fixing new submission
period171(2)imposition of a
condition on an environmental authorityfor a resource
activity, other than a mining activityrelating to a
mining lease, if the condition is not thesame, or to the
same effect as, a condition agreed to bythe
applicant172(2)(a)decision to
approve site-specific application for anenvironmental
authority for a resource activity that is apetroleum
activity172(2)(a)imposition of a
condition on an environmental authorityfor a resource
activity, other than a mining activityrelating to a
mining lease, if the condition is not thesame, or to the
same effect as, a condition agreed to bythe
applicantPage 662Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 2SectionDescription of decision172(2)(b)decision to refuse site-specific application
oramendment application for an environmental
authorityfor a resource activity, other than a mining
activityrelating to a mining lease, if the decision
is not madeunder section 173(1)219(1)amendment decision for environmental
authority orPRCP schedule for a resource activity228(1)assessment level
decision for amendment application foran environmental
authority or PRCP schedule for aresource
activity, if the decision is that the proposedamendment is a
major amendment230(2)decision that
chapter 5, part 4 applies to amendmentapplication for
an environmental authority for a resourceactivity, other
than a mining activity233(2)(b)(ii)decision to
require another way of publishingapplication
submission period for amendment application foran environmental
authority or PRCP schedule for aresource
activity240(1)refusal of
amendment application for an environmentalauthority or
PRCP schedule for a resource activity240(1) and
(3)decision to approve amendment application
for anenvironmental authority or PRCP schedule for
aresource activity subject to other
amendments to theconditions of the authority or PRCP
schedule247(1)(b)refusal of
amalgamation application for environmentalauthorities for
resource activities258(2)decision to give
surrender notice258(3)(a)fixing of period
for making surrender application266(1)(b)refusal of surrender application for an
environmentalauthority for a resource activityCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 2Section271(2)274(2)275A282(1)284C300316N316G316P(2)318ZJADescription of decisionrequirement to
make residual risk paymentdecision to give rehabilitation
directiondecision to amend PRCP schedule for partial
surrenderof environmental authorityproposed action decision for an
environmental authorityfor a resource activityrefusal of suspension application for an
environmentalauthority for a resource activityERC
decision for a resource activitydecision not to
change anniversary day for anenvironmental
authority for a resource activitydecisiontomakeaclaimonorrealiseanEPAassurance or ask for a payment under
the Mineral andEnergy Resources (Financial Provisioning)
Act 2018decision to require holder of an
environmental authorityfor a resource activity to make a
site-specific applicationfor a new environmental authority or
an amendmentapplicationdecisiontoamendPRCPscheduleforcertifiedrehabilitated
areaDivision 4Decisions under
chapter 5ASection318ZH318ZL(1)Description of
decisionrefusal of progressive certificationrequirement to make residual risk
paymentPage 664Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 5Environmental
Protection Act 1994Schedule 2Decisions under
chapter 7Section322(1)324(1)(d)326(1)326B(2)326C(1)(d)326G(4)(b)326I(2)326I(4)(b)357E357E357JDescription of
decisiondecision to give audit notice for a resource
activityfixing of period for conducting or
commissioningenvironmental audit and giving environmental
report fora resource activitydecision to
conduct or commission environmental auditor prepare
environmental report for a resource activitydecision to give
investigation notice for a resourceactivityfixing of period for conducting or
commissioningenvironmental investigation and giving site
investigationreportdecision to
refuse to accept environmental report aboutan environmental
investigation for a resource activitydecision to
require another environmental investigationand report for a
resource activityfixing of period for conducting or
commissioningenvironmental investigation and giving
environmentalreport for a resource activityrefusal of application for temporary
emissions licencerelating to an environmental authority for a
resourceactivitygranting of
temporary emissions licence relating to anenvironmental
authority for a resource activity on termsdifferent from
applicationamending, cancelling or suspending
temporaryemissions licence relating to an
environmental authorityfor a resource activityCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 2Section363AB363AC or363AD363AI363AI(3)Description of
decisiondecision that a person is a related person
of a company,in relation to the issuing of a resource
activity EPO tothe persondecision to
issue a resource activity EPOdecision to
issue a cost recovery notice relating to aresource
activity EPOdecision about an amount of costs or
expenses claimedunder a cost recovery notice relating to a
resourceactivity EPODivision 6Decisions under chapter 13, part 18Section697(1)(b)Description of decisiondecision to
refuse conversion application for anenvironmental
authority for a resource activityPart 2Original decisions for courtappealsDivision 2Decisions under chapter 5Section128(2)Description of decisiondecision to give
notice stating that an application for anenvironmental
authority for a prescribed ERA is not aproperly made
applicationPage 666Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 2Section147(3)171(2)172(2)(a)172(2)(b)219(1)228(1)240(1)240(1) and
(3)247(1)(b)266(1)(b)282(1)Description of
decisiondecision to refuse extension to the
information responseperiod for an application or amendment
application foran environmental authority for a prescribed
ERAimposition of a condition on an
environmental authorityfor a prescribed ERA if the condition
is not the same, orto the same effect, as a condition agreed to
by theapplicantimposition of a
condition on an environmental authorityfor a prescribed
ERA if the condition is not the same, orto the same
effect, as a condition agreed to by theapplicantdecision to refuse site-specific application
oramendment application for an environmental
authorityfor a prescribed ERA, if the decision is not
made undersection 173(1)amendment
decision for an environmental authority fora prescribed
ERAassessment level decision for an amendment
applicationfor an environmental authority for a
prescribed ERA, ifthe decision is that the proposed amendment
is a majoramendmentrefusal of
amendment application for an environmentalauthority for a
prescribed ERAdecision to approve amendment application
for anenvironmental authority for a prescribed ERA
subject toother amendments to the conditions of the
authorityrefusal of amalgamation application for
environmentalauthorities for prescribed ERAsrefusal of surrender application for an
environmentalauthority for a prescribed ERAproposed action decision for an
environmental authorityfor a prescribed ERACurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 2Section284C310(1)314(1)315(1)316G316M316N(2)Description of
decisionrefusal of suspension application for an
environmentalauthority for a prescribed ERAdecision about amount and form of financial
assurancefor an environmental authority for a
prescribed ERArefusal of application to amend the amount
or form offinancial assurance or discharge financial
assurance,for an environmental authority for a
prescribed ERAdecision to require holder of an
environmental authorityfor a prescribed ERA to change the
amount of financialassurancedecision to make
claim on or realise EPA assurance foran environmental
authority for a prescribed ERAdecision not to
change anniversary day for anenvironmental
authority for a prescribed ERAdecision to
require holder of an environmental authorityfor a prescribed
ERA to make a site-specific applicationfor a new
environmental authority or an amendmentapplicationDivision 3Decisions under chapter 5ASection318G318N(1)Description of
decisionrefusal of application for registration as a
suitableoperatordecision to
cancel or suspend registrationPage 668Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 4Environmental
Protection Act 1994Schedule 2Decisions under
chapter 7Notauthorised—indicativeonlySection322(1)323(2)324(1)(d)326B(2)326BA(2)326C(1)(d)326G(4)(b)326G(7)326I(2)326I(4)(b)332(1) or
(2)337(2)339(1) or
344Description of decisiondecision to give
audit notice for a prescribed ERAdecision to give
audit noticefixing of period for conducting or
commissioningenvironmental audit and giving environmental
report fora prescribed ERAdecision to give
investigation notice for prescribed ERAdecision to give
investigation noticefixing of period for conducting or
commissioningenvironmental investigation and giving site
investigationreportdecision to
refuse to accept an environmental reportabout an
environmental investigation for a prescribedERAextension of time for decision about
environmentalreportdecision to
require another environmental investigationand report for a
prescribed ERAfixing of period for conducting or
commissioningenvironmental investigation and giving
environmentalreport for a prescribed ERArequirement for draft transitional
environmentalprogramextension of
time for decision about draft transitionalenvironmental
programdecision on whether to approve, or to
approve anamendment of an approval of, a draft
transitionalenvironmental programCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 669
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 2Section339(2)344C(1)344E(1)(b)353(3)(a)357E357E357J358363AB363AC or363AD363AI363AI(3)Description of
decisionimposition of conditions on a transitional
environmentalprogram approvaldecision to make
claim on, or realise, financialassurancecancelling approval for a transitional
environmentalprogramremoval of
immunity from prosecution for a personunder a refusal
to approve a draft transitionalenvironmental
programrefusal of application for temporary
emissions licencerelating to an environmental authority for a
prescribedERAgranting of temporary emissions
licence relating to anenvironmental authority for a
prescribed ERA on termsdifferent from applicationamending, cancelling or suspending
temporaryemissions licence relating to an
environmental authorityfor a prescribed ERAissue of environmental protection
orderdecision that a person is a related person
of a company,in relation to the issuing of an
environmental protectionorder other than a resource activity
EPO to the persondecision to issue an environmental
protection orderother than a resource activity EPOdecision to issue a cost recovery notice
relating to anenvironmental protection order other than a
resourceactivity EPOdecision about
an amount of costs or expenses claimedunder a cost
recovery notice relating to anenvironmental
protection order other than a resourceactivity
EPOPage 670Current as at
[Not applicable]
Protection Act 1994Schedule 2Description of
decisiondecision to issue direction noticedecision to issue clean-up noticedecision to issue cost recovery
noticedecision about amount of costs or expenses
claimeddecision to include particulars of land in
environmentalmanagement register or contaminated land
registerdecision to remove particulars of land in
environmentalmanagement register or contaminated land
registerdecision to amend particulars of land in
environmentalmanagement register or contaminated land
registerrequirement for preparation or commission of
draft sitemanagement plandecision to
prepare site management planrequirementforamendmentofdraftsitemanagementplanrequirementforpreparationorcommissionofanotherdraft site
management planextension of time for approval of draft site
managementplandecision to
prepare amendment of site management planrequirementtopreparedraftamendmentofsitemanagement
planCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 2Division
5ADecisions under chapter 8Section440ZU440ZV440ZVDescription of decisionrequest for
information or documents about anapplication for
an exemptionimposition of conditions on an
exemptionrefusal of application for an
exemptionDivision 6Decision under
chapter 9Section451(1)Description of decisionrequirement for
information relevant to theadministration
or enforcement of this Act, other than arequirement for
information relevant to the making of adecision under
section 363ABDivision 6ADecision under
chapter 10Section512(5)Description of decisiondecision to
amend or suspend an enforceableundertakingPage 672Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 7Environmental
Protection Act 1994Schedule 2Decisions under
chapter 12Section571(1)(b)571(1)(c)574G(1)574I(2)(b)Description of
decisiondecision to approve application for approval
as auditorsubject to conditionsdecision to
refuse application for approval as auditordecision to
cancel or suspend approval as an auditordecision not to
take action on complaintDivision 8Decisions under
chapter 13Section596(2)596(2)607(4)608(2)616ZC(4)
or621(4)623(2)697(1)(b)Description of
decisiondecision to give reminder noticefixing of period for compliance with
reminder noticedecision about consolidating transitional
authorities forsame mining projectdecision to make
environmental document requirementfor transitional
authoritydecision to give registration certificate
and developmentapprovaldecision to give
a notice that the risk of environmentalharm from
carrying out a chapter 4 activity under anenvironmental
authority is no longer insignificantdecision to
refuse conversion application for anenvironmental
authority for a prescribed ERACurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 673
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 2Part 3Original decisions for internalreview onlySectionDescription of decision140 and
143(2)requirement that the applicant provide an
EIS for anapplicationPage 674Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySchedule 3Environmental
Protection Act 1994Schedule 3Notifiable
activitiesschedule 4, dictionary, definitionnotifiableactivity1Abrasive blasting—carrying out
abrasive blast cleaning (otherthancleaningcarriedoutinfullyenclosedbooths)ordisposing of abrasive blasting
material.2Aerial spraying—operating premises
used for—(a)filling and washing out tanks used for
aerial spraying; or(b)washing aircraft used for aerial
spraying.3Asbestos manufacture or
disposal—(a)manufacturing asbestos products;
or(b)disposing of unbonded asbestos;
or(c)disposing of more than 5t of bonded
plant.5Batterymanufactureorrecycling—assembling,disassembling,manufacturingorrecyclingbatteries(otherthan storing
batteries for retail sale).6Chemicalmanufactureorformulation—manufacturing,blending, mixing or formulating chemicals
if—(a)the chemicals are designated dangerous
goods under thedangerous goods code; and(b)the facility used to manufacture,
blend, mix or formulatethe chemicals has a design production
capacity of morethan 1t per week.7Chemical storage (other than petroleum
products or oil underitem29)—storingmorethan10tofchemicals(otherthancompressedorliquefiedgases)thataredangerousgoodsunder the dangerous goods code.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 38Coalfiredpowerstation—operatingacoalfiredpowerstation.9Coal gas works—operating a coal gas
works.11Drumreconditioningorrecycling—reconditioningorrecycling of metal or plastic drums
including storage drums.12Dry
cleaning—operating a dry cleaning business where—(a)solvents are stored in underground
tanks; or(b)more than 500L of halogenated
hydrocarbon are stored.13Electricaltransformers—manufacturing,repairingordisposing of electrical transformers.14Enginereconditioningworks—carryingoutenginereconditioning
work at a place where more than 500L of anyof the following
are stored—(a)halogenated and non-halogenated
hydrocarbon solvents;(b)dangerous goods
in class 6.1 under the dangerous goodscode;(c)industrial degreasing
solutions.15Explosivesproductionorstorage—operatinganexplosivesfactory under
theExplosives Act 1999.16Fertilisermanufacture—manufacturingagriculturefertiliser(other than the
blending, formulation or mixing of fertiliser).17Foundryoperations—commercialproductionofmetalproductsbyinjectingorpouringmoltenmetalintomouldsand associated
activities in works having a design capacity ofmore than 10t
per year.18Gun,pistolorriflerange—operatingagun,pistolorriflerange.19Herbicideorpesticidemanufacture—commerciallymanufacturing,
blending, mixing or formulating herbicides orpesticides.20Landfill—disposingofwaste(excludinginertconstructionand demolition
waste).Page 676Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 3Notauthorised—indicativeonly21Lime burner—manufacturing cement or
lime from limestonematerialusingakilnandstoringwastesfromthemanufacturing process.22Livestock dip or spray race
operations—operating a livestockdip or spray
race facility.23Metaltreatmentorcoating—treatingorcoatingmetal,including,forexample,anodising,galvanising,pickling,electroplating, heat treatment using cyanide
compounds andspray painting using more than 5L of paint
per week (otherthan spray painting within a fully enclosed
booth).24Mine wastes—(a)storing hazardous mine or exploration
wastes, including,forexample,tailingsdams,overburdenorwasterockdumps containing hazardous contaminants;
hazardous contaminants.25Mineralprocessing—chemicallyorphysicallyextractingorprocessing metalliferous ores.26Paintmanufactureorformulation—manufacturingorformulating paint where the design
capacity of the plant usedtomanufactureorformulatethepaintismorethan10tperyear.27Pestcontrol—commerciallyoperatingpremises,otherthanpremises
operated for farming crops or stock, where—(a)more
than 200L of pesticide are stored; and(b)fillingorwashingoftanksusedinpestcontroloperations occurs.28Petroleum or petrochemical industries
including—(a)operating a petrol depot, terminal or
refinery; or(b)operatingafacilityfortherecovery,reprocessingorrecycling of petroleum-based
materials.29Petroleum product or oil
storage—storing petroleum productsor oil—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 3(a)in
underground tanks with more than 200L capacity; or(b)in above ground tanks with—(i)forpetroleumproductsoroilinclass3inpackaging groups
1 and 2 of the dangerous goodscode—more than
2,500L capacity; or(ii)forpetroleumproductsoroilinclass3inpackaging groups 3 of the dangerous
goods code—more than 5,000L capacity; or(iii)for petroleum
products that are combustible liquidsin class C1 or
C2 in Australian Standard AS 1940,‘Thestorageandhandlingofflammableandcombustibleliquids’publishedbyStandardsAustralia—more
than 25,000L capacity.30Pharmaceuticalmanufacture—commerciallymanufacturing,blending, mixing
or formulating pharmaceutics.31Printing—commercial printing using—(a)type metal alloys; or(b)printinginksorpigmentsoretchingsolutionscontaining metal; or(c)cast
lead drum plates; or(d)alinotypemachinewithagas-firedleadmeltingpotattached; or(e)morethan500Lofhalogenatedandnon-halogenatedhydrocarbon
yards, workshops and maintenance areas.33Scrapyards—operatingascrapyardincludingautomotivedismantling or
wrecking yard or scrap metal yard.34Service stations—operating a commercial
service station.35Smelting or refining—fusing or melting
metalliferous metalor refining the metal.Page 678Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 336Tannery, fellmongery or hide
curing—operating a tannery orfellmongery or
hide curing works or commercially finishingleather.37Wastestorage,treatmentordisposal—storing,treating,reprocessingordisposingofwasteprescribedunderaregulation to be regulated waste for
this item (other than at theplace it is
generated), including operating a nightsoil disposalsite
or sewage treatment plant where the site or plant has adesigncapacitythatismorethantheequivalentof50,000personshavingsludgedryingbedsoron-sitedisposalfacilities.38Woodtreatmentandpreservation—treatingtimberforitspreservation using chemicals,
including, for example, arsenic,borax, chromium,
copper or creosote.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Schedule 4Dictionarysection 7accredited, for an ERMP,
see section 77.administering authoritymeans—(a)foramatter,theadministrationandenforcementofwhich has been devolved to a local
government undersection 514—the local government; or(b)for another matter—the chief
executive.administering executivemeans—(a)foramatter,theadministrationandenforcementofwhich has been devolved to a local
government undersection 514—thelocalgovernment’schiefexecutiveofficer;
or(b)for another matter—the chief
executive.affected building, for chapter 8,
part 3B, see section 440K.affected person, for a project,
see section 38.agricultural chemicalssee section
77.agricultural ERAmeans—(a)generally—anagriculturalERAasdefinedundersection 75; and(b)for
chapter 4A, part 3—see also section 87A.agricultural ERA
recordsee section 83(1)(a).agricultural
propertysee section 77.aircraftmovementmeansalanding,departureorgroundmovementofaircraft,whetheronorfromland,water,abuilding or a vehicle.amalgamated environmental authority,
for chapter 5, part 8,see section 243.Page 680Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonlyamalgamated corporate authority,
for chapter 5, part 8, seesection 243.amalgamated
local government authority, for chapter 5, part8,
see section 243.amalgamatedprojectauthority,forchapter5,part8,seesection 243.amalgamationapplication,forchapter5,part8,seesection 243.amendmentapplication,foranenvironmentalauthorityorPRCP schedule, see section 224.amendment decision, for chapter 5,
part 6, see section 219(2).anniversary
day, for an environmental authority—1Generally,theanniversarydayforanenvironmentalauthority
means—(a)foranenvironmentalauthorityforaresourceactivity—each anniversary of the day the
relevanttenure is granted; or(b)foranenvironmentalauthorityforaprescribedERA—eachanniversaryofthedaytheenvironmental authority takes effect.Note—See, however,
sections 602, 677, 680, 682 and 690.2Also,iftheanniversarydayforanenvironmentalauthority is
changed under chapter 5, part 15, division3,theanniversarydayfortheauthorityisthedayaschanged.3The
anniversary day for an environmental authority doesnotchangemerelybecausetheauthorityisamended,amalgamated or
transferred.applicable event, for chapter 7,
part 4A, see section 357A.applicant, for chapter 5,
parts 2 to 5, means the applicant foran environmental
authority.application, for chapter 5,
parts 2 to 5, means an applicationfor an
environmental authority.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4applicationdocuments,foranapplicationforanenvironmentalauthority,includingaproposedPRCplan,means—(a)the properly made application;
activity; and(c)if the application relates to a
coordinated project—anyEISorIARpreparedfortheprojectundertheStateDevelopment Act,
part 4.application notice, for chapter 5,
part 4, see section 152(1).application
stage, for chapter 5, see section 112.appropriately qualified—1Appropriately qualified,
for an entity to whom a powerunderthisActmaybedelegatedorsubdelegated,includeshavingthequalifications,experienceorstanding appropriate to exercise the
power.Example of standing—a person’s
classification level in the public service2If
the power may be delegated or subdelegated by a localgovernment,thefollowingareappropriatelyqualifiedentities for the delegation or
subdelegation—(a)the local government’s mayor;(b)astandingcommitteeorachairpersonofastanding committee of the local
government;(c)the local government’s chief executive
officer;(d)an employee of the local government,
having thequalifications,experienceorstandingappropriateto exercise the
power.Example of standing for paragraph
(d)—the employee’s classification level in the
local governmentapproved formmeans a form
approved by the administeringexecutive.Page 682Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4assessment level
decision, for chapter 5, part 7, see section228(3).assessment
manager, for a development application,
meansthe person who is the assessment manager
under the PlanningAct for the application.assessmentprocessmeans,forassessinganddecidinganapplication,andassessingandapprovingaproposedPRCplan,foranenvironmentalauthorityunderchapter5,theprocess under
chapter 5, parts 2 to 5.associated entity, for chapter 7,
part 5, division 2, see section363AA.at, for chapter 8, part 3B, see section
440K.audible noise, for chapter 8,
part 3B, see section 440L.audit noticesee sections
322(1) and 323(2).auditorsee section
567.auditor’s certificationsee section
389.audit period, for a PRCP
schedule, see section 285(1).audit
report, for a PRCP schedule, see section
285(2)(a).authorisedpersonmeansapersonholdingofficeasanauthorised person under an appointment
under this Act by thechiefexecutiveorchiefexecutiveofficerofalocalgovernment.background
level, for chapter 8, part 3B, see section
440K.best practice environmental
management, for an activity, seesection
21.bilateralagreementmeansabilateralagreementasdefinedunder the
Commonwealth Environment Act to which the Stateis a
party.boatmeans a boat,
ship or other vessel of any size or kind, andincludes a
hovercraft.buildingincludes—(a)any kind of structure; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 684(b)part
of a building.building work, for chapter 8,
part 3B, see section 440K.businessdaysdoesnotincludeabusinessdaythatoccursduringtheperiodstartingon20Decemberinayearandending on 5 January in the following
year.buswaysee theTransport Infrastructure Act 1994,
schedule 6.carries out, an
agricultural ERA, see section 76.cattle,
for chapter 4A, see section 77.certifiedrehabilitatedarea,forarelevanttenure,seesection 318Z(3).changeapplicationmeansachangeapplicationunderthePlanning Act.clean-up
noticesee section 363H(1).coalseamgasmeanspetroleum,inanystate,occurringnaturallyinassociationwithcoaloroilshale,orinstrataassociated with
coal or oil shale mining.codeofpracticemeansacodeofpracticemadebytheMinister under
section 318E(1).commencement—(a)for chapter 13, part 17, see section
666; or(b)for chapter 13, part 18, see section
676.comment period, for chapter 3,
part 1, see section 39.CommonwealthEnvironmentActmeanstheEnvironmentProtection and
Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999(Cwlth).Commonwealth Native Title Actmeans theNative Title
Act1993(Cwlth).condition conversion, for chapter 5,
part 7, see section 223.conditions, for an
environmental authority or PRCP schedule,includesaconditionoftheauthorityorschedulethathasendedorceasedtohaveeffect,iftheconditionimposedanobligationthatcontinuestoapplyaftertheauthorityorschedule has ended or ceased to have
effect.Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4consultation
period, for chapter 5A, part 1, see section
317.contaminantsee section
11.contaminated landmeans land
contaminated by a hazardouscontaminant.contaminated
land investigation document, for relevant
land,for chapter 7, part 8, division 3, see
section 387.contaminatedlandregistermeanstheregisterkeptbytheadministering
authority under section 540A(1)(d)(ii).contaminationsee section
10.contamination incidentsee section
363F.continuation, for an
original offence under a program notice,includesthehappeningagainoftheoffencebecauseofarelevant event of the same type stated
in the notice.contravention, of a
prescribed provision, for chapter 7, part5A, includes, in
the context of a direction notice relating to thecontravention issued by an authorised
person, a reference to acontravention that the authorised
person believes is happeningor has
happened.conversion application—(a)for chapter 13, part 18, division
5—see section 695; or(b)for chapter 13,
part 18, division 5A—see section 698B.convictionincludes a plea
of guilty or a finding of guilt by acourt even
though a conviction is not recorded.coordinated
projectmeans a project declared under the
StateDevelopment Act, section 26, to be a
coordinated project.Coordinator-General’sconditions,forchapter5,seesection 205(2).Coordinator-General’sreport,foracoordinatedproject,meanstheCoordinator-General’sreportundertheStateDevelopment Act,
section 34D or 34L evaluating the EIS orIAR for the
project.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 686corresponding
lawmeans under a law of the Commonwealthor
another State that provides for the same or similar mattersas
this Act.cost recovery noticesee section
363N(1).Courtmeans the
Planning and Environment Court.CSG
activitymeans a petroleum activity involving
exploringfor or producing coal seam gas.CSG
evaporation dammeans an impoundment, enclosure orstructuredesignedtobeusedtoholdCSGwaterforevaporation.CSG watermeans underground water brought to the
surfaceoftheearthormovedundergroundinconnectionwithexploring for or producing coal seam
gas.dangerousgoodscodemeansthe‘AustralianCodefortheTransport of
Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail’ prepared bytheOfficeofFederalRoadSafetyandpublishedbytheCommonwealth.de-amalgamationapplication,forchapter5,part8,seesection 243.decision-makingperiod,foradevelopmentapplication,means the period
allowed under the development assessmentrules under the
Planning Act for the assessment manager todecide the
application.decision stage, for chapter 5,
see section 112.deposits, for chapter 8,
part 3C, see section 440ZE.designated
precinct, in a strategic environmental area, see
theRegionalPlanningInterestsRegulation2014,schedule 2,section
16(3).developmentsee the Planning
Act, schedule 2.developmentapplicationmeansanapplicationforadevelopment approval.developmentapprovalmeansdevelopmentapprovalasdefined under the Planning Act.development condition—Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonly1Developmentcondition,ofadevelopmentapproval,meansaconditionoftheapprovalimposedby,orbecause of a
requirement of—(a)theadministeringauthorityastheassessmentmanager or a
referral agency for the application forthe approval;
or(b)theplanningchiefexecutiveastheassessmentmanager or a
referral agency for the application fortheapproval,iftheplanningchiefexecutivenominatestheadministeringauthorityastheenforcement
authority under the Planning Act forthe development
to which the condition relates.2The
term includes a reference to a condition referred toin
the State Development Act, section 39(1).3To
remove any doubt, it is declared that if a conditionmentionedinparagraph1wasimposedonadevelopment approval because the
approval related to anenvironmentally relevant activity, the
condition does notstopbeingadevelopmentconditiononlybecausetheactivity stops being an
environmentally relevant activity.development
permitmeans a development permit as definedunder the Planning Act.direction
noticesee section 363B(2).disqualifying
conviction for an environmental offence; or(b)the
cancellation or suspension of—(i)an
environmental authority; or(ii)a
registration of a suitable operator under chapter5A,
part 4; or(iii)anauthority,instrument,licenceorpermit,howevercalled,similartoanenvironmentalauthorityoraregistrationofasuitableoperatorunder a corresponding law; or(c)aneventprescribedunderaregulationtobeadisqualifying
event.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 688dissatisfied
personsee section 520.draftenvironmentalauthority,foranapplicationforanenvironmentalauthority,meansthedraftenvironmentalauthoritypreparedbytheadministeringauthorityundersection
181(2)(b)(i).draft terms of reference, for an EIS,
see section 39.earth, for chapter 8,
part 3C, see section 440ZD.ecologically
sustainable developmentsee section 3.educationalinstitution,forchapter8,part3B,seesection 440K.EISmeans an environmental impact
statement.EIS amendment noticesee section
66(3).EIS assessment reportsee section
57(2).EIS noticesee section
51(2)(a).EIS process, for an EIS,
means the process under chapter 3,part 1.EIS
requirement, for an application, means that an EIS
hasbeen required under this Act for the
application.eligible ERA, for chapter 5,
see section 112.eligibilitycriteria,foranenvironmentallyrelevantactivity,see section
112.emergencysee section
466B.emergency directionsee section
467(1)(a).emergency powerssee section
467(6).enforceable undertakingsee section
507(1).engagingin conduct
includes failing to engage in conduct.enter, a
place, includes re-enter the place.entry
order, for chapter 12, part 4, see section
575(2).environmentsee section
8.environmentalaudit,forchapter7,part2,seesections 322(1)(a) and
323(2)(a).Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4environmental
authoritymeans—(a)generally—(i)anenvironmentalauthorityissuedundersection 195thatapprovesanenvironmentallyrelevant
activity applied for in an application; or(ii)if a
replacement environmental authority is issuedforanenvironmentalauthority—thereplacementenvironmental
authority; or(b)for chapter 5, part 14, division 3,
see section 316A.environmentalevaluationmeansanenvironmentalauditorinvestigation.environmental
harmsee section 14.environmentalinvestigationseesection 326B(2)(a)or326BA(2).environmentally
relevant activitysee section 18.environmental
management plan, for chapter 3, part 1, seesection 39.environmental
management registermeans the register keptby the
administering authority under section 540A(1)(d)(i).environmental nuisancesee section
15.environmental offencemeans—(a)an offence against any of the
following provisions—•section
260•section 295(3)•chapter 7, part 2•section 357(5)•section 361•chapter 8; or(b)anoffenceagainstacorrespondinglaw,iftheactoromissionthatconstitutestheoffencewould,ifitCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 689
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4happens in the
State, be an offence against a provisionmentioned in
paragraph (a).environmental offsetsee theEnvironmental Offsets Act 2014,schedule 2.environmental
offset condition, for chapter 5, part 5, division6,
see section 207(1)(c).environmental protection ordersee
section 358.environmentalprotectionpolicymeansanenvironmentalprotection
policy approved under chapter 2.environmentalrecord,ofaholderofanenvironmentalauthority, means
the holder’s record of complying with a lawof the
Commonwealth or the State about the protection of theenvironmentortheconservationandsustainableuseofnatural resources.environmentalreportmeansareportonanenvironmentalevaluation.environmental
environmental authority; or(b)a
transitional environmental program; or(c)a
clean-up notice; or(d)a site management plan; or(e)a PRCP schedule; or(f)aconditionofanenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPschedule that
has ended or ceased to have effect, if thecondition—(i)continues to apply after the authority or
schedulehas ended or ceased to have effect;
and(ii)has not been
complied with.Note—See section
207(3) and definition conditions.environmental
standardmeans—Page 690Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)an environmental standard (however
called) set out, orotherwise provided for, in a regulation
under this Act; or(b)an outcome or objective that is
directed at protecting orenhancingenvironmentalvaluessetoutinanenvironmental protection
policy.environmental valuesee section
9.EPA assurancesee section
316A.EPAMinistermeanstheMinisterforthetimebeingadministering this Act.ERA
projectsee section 112.ERA
standard, for chapter 5A, part 1, see section
317.ERC decisionsee section
296.ERC periodsee section
296.ERMPsee section
77.ERMP content requirementssee
section 92(a).ERMP directionsee section
88(b).estimatedrehabilitationcost,foraresourceactivity,seesection 300(2).executive
officer, of a corporation, means—(a)if the corporation is the Commonwealth
or a State—achiefexecutiveofadepartmentofgovernmentorapersonwhoisconcernedwith,ortakespartin,themanagement of a
department of government, whateverthe person’s
position is called; or(b)if the
corporation is a local government—(i)the
chief executive officer of the local government;or(ii)a person who is
concerned with, or takes part in,the local
government’s management, whatever theperson’s
position is called; or(c)if paragraphs
(a) and (b) do not apply—a person whois—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 692(i)amemberofthegoverningbodyofthecorporation;
or(ii)concerned with,
or takes part in, the corporation’smanagement;whatever the
person’s position is called and whether ornot the person
is a director of the corporation.existingenvironmentalauthority,forchapter5,part8,seesection 243.existing
holder, of an environmental authority, for chapter
5,part 9, see section 252.exploration
exploration permit under the Mineral Resources Act;or(b)aformerexplorationpermitundertheMineralResources Act
continued in effect under section 148 ofthat Act.feeincludes tax.final
rehabilitation reportmeans a final rehabilitation
reportprepared under chapter 5, part 10, division
3.final terms of reference, for chapter 3,
part 1, see section 39.financialassurance,foranenvironmentalauthorityforaprescribedERA,meansafinancialassurancegivenfortheauthority under chapter 5, part 14,
division 2.financial assurance guidelinemeans a guideline made by thechiefexecutiveundersection550(1)(a)aboutinformationmentioned in
section 309(3)(b) or 312(2)(d).financial
interest, for chapter 7, part 5, division 2, see
environmental dutysee section 319.Geothermal
Actmeans theGeothermal
Energy Act 2010.geothermal activitysee
section 108.geothermaltenuremeansanyofthefollowingundertheGeothermal Act—Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonly(a)a geothermal permit;(b)a geothermal lease;(c)anotherapprovalundertheGeothermalActwhichgrants rights
over land.GHGmeans greenhouse gas.GHGpermitmeansaGHGpermitundertheGHGstorageAct.GHGstorageActmeanstheGreenhouseGasStorageAct2009.GHG
storage activitysee section 109.GHG storage
tenuremeans any of the following under theGHG
storage Act—(a)a GHG exploration permit (also called
a GHG permit);(b)a GHG injection and storage lease
(also called a GHGlease);(c)a
GHG injection and storage data acquisition authority(also called a GHG data acquisition
authority);(d)anotherapprovalundertheGHGstorageActwhichgrants rights
over land.GHGwellmeansawellthatis,orhasbeen,aGHGwellunder the GHG
storage Act.GreatBarrierReefWorldHeritageAreameansthearealisted as the
Great Barrier Reef on the World Heritage ListkeptundertheConventionfortheProtectionoftheWorldCultural and
Natural Heritage done at Paris on 23 November1972, as amended
and in force for Australia from time to time.hazardous
contaminantmeans a contaminant, other than anitem
of explosive ordnance, that, if improperly treated, stored,disposed of or otherwise managed, is likely
to cause serious ormaterial environmental harm because
of—(a)its quantity, concentration, acute or
chronic toxic effects,carcinogenicity,teratogenicity,mutagenicity,corrosiveness,explosiveness,radioactivityorflammability; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 693
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 694(b)its
physical, chemical or infectious characteristics.highriskcompany,forchapter7,part5,division2,seesection 363AA.holder—1Theholderofanapprovalofatransitionalenvironmental
program is—(a)thepersonorpublicauthoritythatsubmittedthedrafttransitionalenvironmentalprogramtotheadministering
authority for approval; or(b)if the
transitional environmental program relates toanenvironmentalauthority—theholderoftheenvironmental
authority.2Theholderofanenvironmentalauthorityforaprescribed ERA
is—(a)thepersonwhomadeanapplicationfortheauthority; or(b)if a
transfer application for the authority has beenapprovedunderchapter5,part9—thepersontowhom
the transferred environmental authority hasbeen
issued.3The holder of an environmental
authority or PRC planforaresourceactivityistheholderoftherelevanttenure.4Theholderofaresourcetenureistheholderofthetenure under
resource legislation.4AHowever, if a
resource tenure for which a holder has anenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPscheduleends,theperson who was the holder of the tenure
under resourcelegislation immediately before it ended
continues to betheholderoftheenvironmentalauthorityorPRCPschedule.5Theholderofatemporaryemissionslicenceistheholderoftheenvironmentalauthoritytowhichthetemporary emissions licence relates.Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonly6However,ifaholderofanenvironmentalauthorityunderparagraph1or2dies,thatperson’spersonalrepresentative becomes the holder.holding companysee the
Corporations Act, section 9.hovercraftmeansavehicledesignedtobesupportedoncushion of air.IARmeans an IAR under the State Development
Act.identity card, of an
authorised person, means the identity cardissued to the
authorised person under section 448.indoor
venue, for chapter 8, part 3B, see section
440K.ineligible ERAsee section
112.information notice, about a
decision, means a written noticestating—(a)the decision; and(b)ifthedecisionisadecisionotherthantoimposeacondition on an environmental authority, the
reasons forthe decision; and(c)the
review or appeal details.information request,
for chapter 5, see section 140(1).information
request period, for chapter 5, see section 144.informationresponseperiod,forchapter5,seesection 141(1).information
stage, for chapter 5, see section 112.integratedenvironmentalmanagementsystem,foranenvironmentally relevant activity or
activities, means a systemforthemanagementoftheenvironmentalimpactsofthecarrying out of
the activity or activities.interest,
for chapter 7, part 5, division 2, see section 363AA.interested person, for chapter 3,
part 1, see section 39.IntergovernmentalAgreementontheEnvironmentmeanstheagreementmadeon1May1992betweentheCommonwealth, the States, the
Australian Capital Territory,Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 695
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4the Northern
Territory and the Australian Local GovernmentAssociation.Note—A
copy of the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment is
intheNational Environment Protection
Council (Queensland) Act 1994,schedule.investigation
noticesee section 326B(2) or 326BA(2).joint applicants, for chapter 5,
see section 125(1)(f).LA90, T,
for chapter 8, part 3B, see section 440K.landincludes—(a)the
airspace above land; and(b)land that is, or
is at any time, covered by waters; and(c)waters.licensed
premises, for chapter 8, part 3B, see section
440K.lightrailseetheTransportInfrastructureAct1994,schedule 6.major
amendment, for an environmental authority or
PRCPschedule, see section 223.management milestone, for chapter 5,
see section 112.material change of use,ofpremises,seethe
Planning Act,schedule 2.material
environmental harmsee section 16.mineral
development licencemeans—(a)amineraldevelopmentlicenceundertheMineralResources Act;
or(b)a former mineral development licence
under the MineralResources Act continued in effect under
section 215 ofthat Act.MineralResourcesActmeanstheMineralResourcesAct1989.mining activitysee section
110.Page 696Current as at
[Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonlyminingclaimmeansaminingclaimundertheMineralResources
Act.mining tenuremeans—(a)a prospecting permit; or(b)a mining claim; or(c)an
exploration permit; or(d)a mineral
development licence; or(e)a mining lease;
or(f)anotherapprovalundertheMineralResourcesActwhich grants rights over land.minor amendment, for an
environmental authority or PRCPschedule, see
section 223.minor amendment (PRCP threshold),
for a PRCP schedule,see section 223.minoramendment(threshold),foranenvironmentalauthority, see
section 223.minorchange,foranapplicationforanenvironmentalauthority, see
section 131.mobileandtemporaryenvironmentallyrelevantactivitymeansaprescribedERA,otherthananactivitythatisdredgingmaterial,extractingrockorothermaterial,ortheincinerating of
waste—(a)carried out at various locations using
transportable plantor equipment, including a vehicle;
and(b)thatdoesnotresultinthebuildingofanypermanentstructures or
any physical change of the landform at thelocations (other
than minor alterations solely necessaryforaccessandsetup,including,forexample,accessways, footings and temporary storage areas);
and(c)carried out at any one of the
locations—(i)for less than 28 days in a calendar
year; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 698(ii)for
28 or more days in a calendar year only if theactivityisnecessarilyassociatedwith,andisexclusively used
in, the construction or demolitionphase of a
project.MRA departmentmeans the
department in which the MineralResources Act is
administered.MRAMinistermeanstheMinisterforthetimebeingadministering the Mineral Resources
Act.national environmental protection
measuremeans a nationalenvironmentalprotectionmeasuremadeunderthenationalscheme
laws.national scheme lawsmeans—(a)theNational
Environment Protection Council Act 1994(Cwlth);
and(b)theNationalEnvironmentProtectionCouncil(Queensland) Act 1994.naturaldisasterdoesnotincludeaneventthatcanbeprevented by
human action.natural environment—(a)means living and non-living things
that occur naturallyat 1 or more places on Earth;
and(b)doesnotincludeamenityoraesthetic,cultural,economic or social conditions.newday,fortheanniversarydayforanenvironmentalauthority, see
section 316L(1).NNTTmeans the
National Native Title Tribunal establishedunder the
Commonwealth Native Title Act, part 6.noisesee
section 12.noise standard, for chapter 8,
part 3B, see section 440K.nominatedsection,forchapter8,part3B,division2,seesection 440O(2)(b).non-use management area, for chapter 5,
see section 112.notifiable activitymeans an
activity in schedule 3.Current as at [Not
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4notification
stage, for chapter 5, see section 112.objection notice, for chapter 5,
part 5, see section 182(2).objectionsdecision,forchapter5,part5,division3,seesection 185(1).objections
decision hearing, for chapter 5, part 5, division 3,see
section 188(1).objector, for an
application for an environmental authority orPRCP schedule,
means an entity—(a)that gave an objection notice under
section 182(2); and(b)whose objection notice is still
current.Note—Forwhenanobjectionnoticeceasestohaveeffect,seesection 182(4).obstructincludes hinder, delay, resist and attempt
to obstruct.occupier, of a place,
includes the person apparently in chargeof the
place.open-air event, for chapter 8,
part 3B, see section 440K.operational land, for chapter 3,
part 1, see section 39.optimumamount,fortheapplicationofnitrogenandphosphorus to soil on an agricultural
property, see section 77.original decisionsee section
519.original offence, for a program
notice, see section 351.over-fertilisation, of an
agricultural property, see section 77.overlapping
area, for chapter 5, part 10, see theMineral andEnergyResources(CommonProvisions)Act2014,section104.overlapping prescribed resource
activity, for chapter 5, part10, see section
land is—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4(a)forfreeholdland—thepersonrecordedinthefreehold land
register as the person entitled to thefee simple
interest in the land; or(b)for land held
under a lease, licence or permit underan Act—the
person who holds the lease, licence orpermit;
or(c)fortrustlandundertheLandAct1994—thetrustees of the land; or(d)for
Aboriginal land under theAboriginal Land Act1991—thepersonstowhomthelandhasbeentransferred or
granted; or(e)forTorresStraitIslanderlandundertheTorresStraitIslanderLandAct1991—thepersonstowhom
the land has been transferred or granted; or(f)forlandforwhichthereisanativetitleholderundertheNativeTitleAct1993(Cwlth)—eachregistered
native title party in relation to the land.2Also, a mortgagee of land is theownerof the land
if—(a)themortgageeisactingasamortgageeinpossessionofthelandandhastheexclusivemanagement and control of the land;
or(b)themortgagee,orapersonappointedbythemortgagee, is in
possession of the land and has theexclusive
management and control of the land.owner-builder
permitmeans an owner-builder permit undertheQueenslandBuildingandConstructionCommissionAct1991.ozone depleting substancemeans—(a)any
chlorofluorocarbon or halon; or(b)anothersubstanceprescribedbyregulationtobeanozone depleting
substance.P&GActmeansthePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety) Act 2004.Page
700Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4parentcorporation,ofanothercorporation,meansacorporationofwhichtheothercorporationisasubsidiaryunder the
Corporations Act.particlesincludes dust
and ash.peakparticlevelocity,forchapter8,part3B,seesection 440K.person—(a)for chapter 3,
part 1—see section 39; or(b)for an
application for an environmental authority underchapter5—includesabodyofpersons,whetherincorporated or unincorporated; or(c)for an application to be registered as
a suitable operatorunder chapter 5A, part 4—includes a body of
persons,whether incorporated or
unincorporated.person in control, of a vehicle,
includes—(a)the driver of the vehicle; and(b)the person in command of the vehicle;
and(c)the person who appears to be in
control or command ofthe vehicle.petroleum
activitysee section 111.petroleum
leasemeans a petroleum lease under the P&G
Act.petroleum tenuremeans—(a)a1923ActpetroleumtenuregrantedunderthePetroleum Act 1923; or(b)a petroleum authority granted under
the P&G Act; or(c)alicence,permit,pipelinelicence,primarylicence,secondarylicenceorspecialprospectingauthoritygrantedunderthePetroleum(SubmergedLands)Act1982; or(d)anotherapprovalunderthePetroleumAct1923,theP&G Act or thePetroleum
(Submerged Lands) Act 1982which grants rights over land.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4place,
for chapter 7, parts 5B and 5C, see section 363F.Planning Actmeans thePlanning Act 2016.planningchiefexecutivemeansthechiefexecutiveofthedepartment in
which the Planning Act is administered.plan of
operationssee section 289.plan
period, for a plan of operations, see section
292(1)(c).post-mining land usesee section
112.power boat, for chapter 8,
part 3B, see section 440K.PRC plansee section
112.PRCP schedulesee section
112.premisesincludes a
building and the land on which a buildingis
situated.prescribed conditionsee section
21A.prescribed ERAsee section
106.prescribed ERA projectsee section
112.prescribed person, for a
contamination incident—(a)for chapter 7,
part 5B, see section 363G; or(b)for
chapter 7, part 5C, see section 363M; or(c)forsections 487and488,hasthemeaninggivenbysection 363G.prescribedprovision,forchapter7,part5A,seesection 363A.prescribed
resource activity, for chapter 5, part 10, means aresource activity carried out under one of
the following—(a)anauthoritytoprospectundertheP&GAct,iftheintentionoftheholderistoexploreandtestforcoalseam gas;(b)an exploration permit for coal;(c)a mineral development licence for
coal;(d)a mining lease for coal;Page
702Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonly(e)apetroleumleaseauthorisingtheproductionofcoalseam gas.prescribed responsible person,
for chapter 7—1Eachofthefollowingpersonsisaprescribedresponsible
personfor land—(a)ifapersonreleasedahazardouscontaminantcontaminatingthelandandthepersonisknownand can be
located—the person;(b)the relevant local government;(c)ifsubparagraph(a)or(b)doesnotapply—theowner of the
land in relation to whom either of thefollowing
applies—(i)when the owner acquired the land
land register;(ii)thelandbecamecontaminatedaftertheowner acquired the land.2Despiteparagraph1(b),alocalgovernmentisaprescribed responsible person for land
only if—(a)the administering authority reasonably
believes—(i)thelandbecamecontaminatedbecausethelocal government gave approval for the
useof,oranactivitytobecarriedouton,theland; and(ii)in giving the
approval, the local governmentdid not comply
with the requirements underany Act in
relation to the approval; and(iii)thelocalgovernmentoughtreasonablytohave
known that giving the approval wouldresult in the
land becoming contaminated; or(b)both
of the following apply—(i)the local
government gave approval for theuse of, or an
activity on, the land inconsistentCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 703
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 704with the
particulars recorded for the land intheenvironmentalmanagementregisterorthe contaminated land register;(ii)the use or
activity has caused environmentalharm.3A mortgagee who is the owner of land
is not an ownerfor paragraph 1(c).prescribed
standardsee section 579C.prescribedwatercontaminant,forchapter8,part3C,seesection 440ZD.priority
catchmentsee section 75(1)(b).production
requirementsee section 85(1).program
noticesee section 350.progressive
certificationsee section 318Z(2).progressive
certification application, for chapter 5A, part 6,see
section 318ZC.progressiverehabilitationreportmeansareportcomplyingwith
section 318ZF.properly made application,
for chapter 5, see section 127.properly made
submission—(a)for chapter
3—see section 55(2); or(b)for chapter
5—see section 161(2).Note—Seealsosections
for chapter 3, part 1, see section 39.proposed
action—(a)for chapter 5,
part 11—see section 280(1)(a); or(b)forchapter5A,part4,division2—seesection 318L(1)(a); orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4(c)forchapter12,part3A,division4—seesection 574E(2)(a).proposed action
decision—(a)for chapter 5,
part 11—see section 282(2); or(b)for
chapter 5A, part 4, division 2—see section 318N(2).proposedamendment,foranenvironmentalauthorityorPRCP schedule, for chapter 5, part 6,
see section 217(1)(a).proposedamendmentnotice,forchapter5,part6,seesection 217(1).prospecting
prospecting permit under the Mineral Resources Act;or(b)aformerprospectingpermitundertheMineralResourcesActcontinuedineffectundersection 30ofthat
Act.protocolsee section
579B.public authorityincludes the
following—(a)an entity established under an
Act;(b)a government owned corporation;(c)Queensland Rail Limited ACN 132 181
090.public notice requirements,
for chapter 5, see section 158(1).publicpassengervehicleseetheTransportOperations(Passenger
Transport) Act 1994, schedule 3.public
placemeans any place the public is entitled to
use or isopen to, or used by, the public (whether or
not on payment ofan admission fee).public
roadmeans a road that is open to the public,
whetheror not on payment of money.rail
transport infrastructuresee theTransport
InfrastructureAct 1994, schedule
6.railwaymeans a private
or public railway or railway facility.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 705
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Examples of a
railway facility—railway bridge, railway communications
system, railway marshallingstation and
yard, railway track, works built for a railwayreceiving
environment, in relation to an activity that causes
ormaycauseenvironmentalharm,meansthepartoftheenvironment to which the harm is, or
may be, caused.recipientmeans—(a)for an environmental evaluation—the
person on whomthe requirement for the evaluation is made;
the order is issued; or(c)for an ERMP
direction, direction notice, clean-up noticeorcostrecoverynotice—thepersontowhomthedirection or notice is issued; or(d)foranoticetoconductorcommissionasiteinvestigation—the person to whom the notice
is given;or(f)for a notice to
prepare or commission a site investigationreport—the
person to whom the notice is given.recognised
entitymeans any of the following—(a)the administering authority;(b)the department in which theFisheries Act 1994orWaterAct 2000is
administered;(c)a local government;(d)a public authority;(e)anagency,howevercalled,establishedunderacorrespondinglawwithsimilarfunctionstothefunctions of the chief
executive;(f)aministerialcouncilestablishedbytheCouncilofAustralian Governments;(g)theCommonwealthScientificandIndustrialResearchOrganisation;Page 706Current as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonly(h)acooperativeresearchcentrecompletelyorpartlyfunded by the
Commonwealth;(i)an Australian university.reefsee section
77.referral agencysee the Planning
Act, section 54(2).referralagency’sresponseperiod,foradevelopmentapplication,meanstheperiodstatedinthedevelopmentassessment rules
for complying with the Planning Act, section56(4) for the
application.registermeans a register
kept under section 540 or 540A.registered
suitable operatormeans a person whose name andaddress is entered in the register of
suitable operators undersection 318I(1)(b).registraroftitlesmeanstheregistraroftitlesoranotherpersonresponsibleforkeepingaregisterinrelationtodealings in land.registration
Actsee theState Penalties
Enforcement Act 1999,schedule
2.regulatory function, for chapter
12, part 3, see section 564.regulatoryrequirementmeansarequirementunderanenvironmental protection policy or a
regulation for—(a)the administering authority to—(i)approve or refuse, or follow stated
procedures forevaluating, any of the following
schedule;(B)anamendmentapplicationorsurrenderapplicationforanenvironmentalauthorityoranamendmentapplicationforaPRCPschedule;(C)a progressive certification
application underchapter 5A, part 6;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 707
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 708(D)an
application for approval of a transitionalenvironmental
program; or(ii)impose or amend
a condition of an environmentalauthority,PRCPscheduleorapprovalofatransitional environmental program;
191.rehabilitationauditor,forchapter5,part12,division2,meansapersonwhomeetstherequirementsmentionedinsection 288(1).rehabilitationdirection,forchapter5,part10,seesection 274(2).rehabilitation
milestonesee section 112.rehabilitationplanningpart,ofaPRCplan,seesection126C(2).related person, for chapter 7,
part 5, division 2, see section363AB.release, of a
contaminant into the environment, includes—(a)to
deposit, discharge, emit or disturb the contaminant;and(b)tocauseorallowthecontaminanttobedeposited,discharged,
emitted or disturbed; and(c)to fail to
prevent the contaminant from being deposited,discharged,
emitted or disturbed; and(d)to allow the
contaminant to escape; and(e)to fail to
prevent the contaminant from escaping.relevant
activity—(a)foranenvironmentalauthority,meanstheenvironmentallyrelevantactivitythesubjectoftheauthority; or(b)foranapplicationforanenvironmentalauthority—means the
environmentally relevant activity the subjectof the
application; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4(c)foraproposedPRCplanorPRCplan—meanstherelevant activities to be carried out on
land the subjectof the plan; or(d)in
relation to a company, for chapter 7, part 5, division2,
see section 363AA.relevant agricultural propertysee
section 77.relevantarea,forchapter5,part10,division6—seesection 271(2).relevant
entityfor chapter 11, part 4, see section
541(1).relevant event, for a program
notice, see section 350(1).relevantexistingauthority,forchapter5A,part1,seesection 317.relevant
land, for chapter 7, part 8, see section
370.relevant land register, for chapter 7,
part 8, see section 370.relevantlocalgovernment,forland,meansthelocalgovernment for
the local government area where the land issituated.relevant matters, for an
environmental evaluation, means thematters to be
addressed by the evaluation.relevant mining
activity, for—(a)anenvironmentalauthorityforaminingactivity—means the mining
activity the subject of the authority; or(b)anapplicationforanenvironmentalauthorityforamining
activity—means the mining activity the subjectof the
application; or(c)a proposed PRC plan or PRC plan—means
the miningactivity to be carried out on land the
subject of the plan.relevantmininglease,foranenvironmentalauthority,anapplication for an environmental authority,
a proposed PRCplan or PRC plan for a mining activity,
means a mining lease,or proposed mining lease, to which a
relevant mining activityrelates.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 709
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 710relevantminingtenure,foranenvironmentalauthority,anapplication for an environmental authority,
a proposed PRCplanorPRCplanforaminingactivity,meansaminingtenure, or
proposed mining tenure, to which a relevant miningactivity relates.relevant primary
documents, for an agricultural ERA record,see
section 84(2).relevant resource activity,
for—(a)anenvironmentalauthorityforaresourceactivity—means a resource
activity the subject of the authority; or(b)anapplicationforanenvironmentalauthorityforaresource
activity—means a resource activity the subjectof the
application; or(c)a proposed PRC plan or PRC plan—means
the relevantactivitiestobecarriedoutonlandthesubjectoftheplan.relevanttenure,foranenvironmentalauthority,anapplication for an environmental authority,
a proposed PRCplan or PRC plan for a resource activity,
means—(a)a resource tenure to which a relevant
resource activityrelates; or(b)a
proposed resource tenure to which a relevant resourceactivity relates.remediate,
contaminated land, means—(a)rehabilitate the
land; or(b)restore the land; or(c)takeotheractiontopreventorminimiseseriousenvironmentalharmbeingcausedbythehazardouscontaminant contaminating the land.replacement environmental authority,
for an environmentalauthority, means—(a)ifanewenvironmentalauthorityisissuedfortheenvironmentallyrelevantactivitythesubjectoftheauthority—the new environmental
authority; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)iftheauthorityisamended—theamendedenvironmental authority issued under section
242(1)(b);or(c)if a transfer
application for the authority is approved—thetransferredenvironmentalauthorityissuedundersection 255(1)(b); or(d)ifanamalgamationapplicationfortheauthorityisapproved—theamalgamatedenvironmentalauthorityissued under section 248(b).residual risks, of an area
within a resource tenure or land towhich a site
management plan relates, means all or any of thefollowing—(a)the
risk that, although the rehabilitation appeared to besatisfactorywhentheareawasassessedforaprogressivecertificationapplication,surrenderapplication or site management plan—(i)it will, in the foreseeable future,
fail to perform aspredictedinarelevantprogressiverehabilitationreport, a
relevant final rehabilitation report or thesite management
plan; and(ii)thefailurewillresultintheneedforrepair,replacement or
maintenance work for the area;(b)the
risk that the area will need ongoing management;Examples of ongoing management—•maintenance of fences to ensure the
safety of steep slopes orto prevent access to contaminated
areas•providing a pump-back system to manage
the discharge ofcontaminants•continuation of a monitoring and
verification plan under theGHGstorageActfortherelevantareatoensureGHGstream storage under that Act is taking
place as predicted(c)the risk of contaminants being
released from the area byanimals,waterorwindandpotentiallycausingenvironmentalharmthatmayrequireaprogramtomonitorwhatmanagementactionshouldbetakenforthe
release.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 712residualrisksrequirement,forchapter5,part10,division6—see section
271(3).resource activitysee section
107.resourceactivityEPOmeansanenvironmentalprotectionorder that
imposes a requirement related to the carrying out ofa
resource activity.resource legislationmeans any of the
following Acts—(a)the Geothermal Act;(b)the GHG storage Act;(c)the Mineral Resources Act;(d)thePetroleum Act
1923;(e)the P&G
(Submerged Lands) Act 1982.resource
projectsee section 112.resource
geothermal tenure; or(b)a GHG storage
tenure; or(c)a mining tenure; or(d)a petroleum tenure.review datesee section
521(2)(a)(i).review decisionsee section
521(5)(c).revieworappealdetails,foranoticeororder,meansastatement in the notice or order as
follows—(a)that a person as follows may apply for
a review of, orappeal against, the decision to which the
notice or orderrelates—(i)the
person given the notice or order;(ii)another dissatisfied person for the original
decisionto which the notice or order relates;(b)about whether the person may apply for
a review or mayappeal against the decision;Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4(c)abouttheperiodortimeallowedformakingtheapplication for a review or for starting an
appeal;(d)ifthepersonmayapplyforareview—abouthowtoapply for a review;(e)if the person may appeal—about how to
start an appeal.riverineareadoesnotincludelandoutsidethefloodflowchannel of a watercourse.sanitaryconveniencemeansaurinal,watercloset,earthcloset, cesspit, cesspool or other
receptacle for human waste.schemeassurance,forchapter5,part14,division3,seesection 316A.schemefundmeanstheschemefundestablishedundertheMineral and Energy Resources
(Financial Provisioning) Act2018, section
24.schememanagermeanstheschememanagerundertheMineral and Energy Resources (Financial
Provisioning) Act2018.securityincludesbond,depositofanamountassecurity,guarantee,
indemnity or other surety, insurance, mortgage andundertaking.serious
environmental harmsee section 17.show cause
notice—(a)forchapter7,part8,division2,subdivision2—seesection 375(1); or(b)forchapter7,part8,division2,subdivision2—seesection 391; or(c)for
chapter 12, part 3A, division 4, see section 574E(1).site
investigation report, for relevant land, for chapter 7,
part8, see section 370.site management
plan, for relevant land, for chapter 7, part
8,see section 370.site-specific
application, for chapter 5, see section 124.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 714site suitability
statement, for relevant land, for chapter 7,
part8, see section 389(2)(a).small scale mining activitymeans a mining activity that—(a)iscarriedoutunderaminingclaim,forcorundum,gemstones or
other precious stones, the area of which isnot more than
20ha, and that—(i)does not, or will not, at any time
cause more than5ha of land to be significantly disturbed;
and(ii)is not, or will
not be, carried out in a designatedprecinct in a
strategic environmental area; and(iii)is
not, or will not be, carried out in a watercourseor
riverine area; and(iv)is not, or will
not be, carried out in or within 1kmof an area that,
under a regulation, is a category Aenvironmentally
sensitive area; and(v)is not, or will not be, carried out in
or within 500mof an area that, under a regulation, is a
category Benvironmentally sensitive area; and(vi)isnot,orwillnotbe,carriedoutinanareaprescribedunderaregulationasadesignatedenvironmental
area for this definition; and(vii) isnot,orwillnotbe,carriedoutaspartofapetroleum activity or a prescribed ERA
for whichthereisanaggregateenvironmentalscoreprescribed under a regulation; and(viii) is not, or will not be, carried out
by more than 20persons at any one time; and(ix)does not, or
will not, at any time cause more than5,000m2of land to be disturbed at a camp
site; or(b)is carried out under an exploration
permit, for mineralsotherthancoal,theareaofwhichisnotmorethan4sub-blocks and that—(i)is not, or will not be, carried out in
a designatedprecinct in a strategic environmental area;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]
Environmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4Notauthorised—indicativeonly(ii)is not, or will
not be, carried out in a watercourseor riverine
area; and(iii)is not, or will
not be, carried out in or within 1kmof an area that,
under a regulation, is a category Aenvironmentally
sensitive area; and(iv)is not, or will
not be, carried out in or within 500mof an area that,
under a regulation, is a category Benvironmentally
sensitive area; and(v)isnot,orwillnotbe,carriedoutinanareaprescribedunderaregulationasadesignatedenvironmental
area for this definition; and(vi)isnot,orwillnotbe,carriedoutaspartofapetroleum activity or a prescribed ERA
for whichthereisanaggregateenvironmentalscoreprescribed under a regulation; and(vii) does not, or will not, at any time
cause more than1,000m2of
land to be disturbed; or(c)is carried out
under a prospecting permit.small scale
mining tenuresee section 21A(2).stable
conditionsee section 111A.standard
application, for chapter 5, see section 122.standard conditions—(a)foranenvironmentalauthority—meansthestandardconditions to
which the authority is subject; or(b)foranapplicationforanenvironmentalauthority—meansthestandardconditionsineffectfortheenvironmentallyrelevantactivitytowhichtheapplication relates.standard
following principles of environmental policy as setoutintheIntergovernmentalAgreementontheEnvironment—(i)the
precautionary principle;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4(ii)intergenerational equity;(iii)conservation of
biological diversity and ecologicalintegrity;
and(d)any relevant environmental impact
study, assessment orreport; and(e)thecharacter,resilienceandvaluesofthereceivingenvironment;
and(f)all submissions made by the applicant
and submitters;and(g)thebestpracticeenvironmentalmanagementforactivitiesunderanyrelevantinstrument,orproposedinstrument, as
follows—(i)an environmental authority;(ii)a transitional
environmental program;(iii)an environmental
protection order;(iv)a disposal
permit;(v)a development approval; and(h)the financial implications of the
requirements under aninstrument,orproposedinstrument,mentionedinparagraph (g) as they would relate to
the type of activityorindustrycarriedout,orproposedtobecarriedout,under the instrument; and(i)the public interest; and(j)any relevant site management plan;
system; and(l)any other matter prescribed under a
regulation.Page 716Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4State-controlled
roadmeans a road or route, or part of a
roadorroute,declaredundertheTransportInfrastructureAct1994, section 24 to
be a State-controlled road.StateDevelopmentActmeanstheStateDevelopmentandPublic Works Organisation Act 1971.State Development Ministermeans the Minister for the timebeing administering the State Development
Act.statement of compliance—(a)foranenvironmentalauthorityordraftenvironmentalauthority—see
section 207(1)(b); or(b)for a PRCP
schedule or proposed PRCP schedule—seesection
206A(3).state of mind, of a person,
includes—(a)theperson’sknowledge,intention,opinion,belieforpurpose; and(b)the
person’s reasons for the intention, opinion, belief orpurpose.stormwaterincludes a
run-off of rainwater from an urban orrural
source.stormwaterdrainage,forchapter8,part3C,seesection 440ZD.strategic
environmental areameans a strategic environmentalarea
under theRegional Planning Interests Act 2014.submission period—(a)for chapter 3, part 1—see section 39;
or(b)for chapter 5, part 4—see section
153(1)(g).submitter—(a)foranapplicationorproposedPRCplan,meansanentity who makes a properly made
submission about theapplication or plan; or(b)forchapter7,part8,division3,subdivision4,seesection 397.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 717
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4sugar cane
growingsee section 77.suitability
reportsee section 318S(1).suitabilitystatement,forland,meansastatementabouttheuses and activities for which the land
is suitable.suitablyqualifiedperson,forchapter12,part3,seesection 564.surrenderapplication,foranenvironmentalauthority,seesection 257(1).surrendernotice,foranenvironmentalauthority,seesection 258(2).suspensionapplication,foranenvironmentalauthority,seesection 284A.temporary
emissions licencesee section 357B(1).TOR
noticesee section 42(1).transferapplication,foranenvironmentalauthority,seesection 252.transferredenvironmentalauthority,forchapter5,part9,see
section 255(1)(b).transfer tenure, for chapter 5,
part 8, see section 243.transitionalenvironmentalprogrammeansatransitionalenvironmental
program approved under chapter 7, part 3.UDAdevelopmentapproval,forchapter13,part18,seesection 676.UDAdevelopmentcondition,forchapter13,part18,seesection 676.ULDA Act,
for chapter 13, part 18, see section 676.unamended
Act—(a)for chapter 13,
part 17, see section 666; or(b)for
chapter 13, part 18, see section 676.unlawfulenvironmentalharmmeansenvironmentalharmthat
is unlawful under section 493A.Page 718Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyEnvironmental Protection Act 1994Schedule 4validation
report, for chapter 7, part 8, see section
370.variation application, for chapter 5,
see section 123.vehicleincludes a
train, boat and an aircraft.wastesee
section 13.watercourse—1Watercoursemeansariver,creekorstreaminwhichwater flows
permanently or intermittently—(a)in a
natural channel, whether artificially improvedor not;
or(b)in an artificial channel that has
changed the courseof the watercourse.2Watercourseincludes the bed
and banks and any otherelementofariver,creekorstreamconfiningorcontaining water.watersmeans Queensland waters.wilfullymeans—(a)intentionally; or(b)recklessly; or(c)with
gross negligence.Z Peak, for chapter 8,
part 3B, see section 440K.Z Peak Hold, for chapter 8,
part 3B, see section 440K.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Environmental Protection Act 1994FigureFiguresection 4(3)Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 720Current as at
[Not applicable]